#mental health queue
When I was in grad school and reading journals, I read an article about bipolar disorder where they held support groups and asked people with bipolar what recovery meant to them. And they said that it isn't the absence of symptoms, it's learning how to handle them.
When I read this at 22-23, I wasn't ready to hear that. I was waiting on a world in which I was neurotypical, despite the fact that it would never happen.
But recently, after over a decade of medication trials, I'm ready to handle it. I was at my event recently and I had the struggles that I always have, the anxieties surrounding working the people and in stressful situations. But I handled it. I didn't let the anxiety ruin my day, I moved on and then I just wasn't anxious.
It's not a matter of will, I couldn't have done that then. But now I can, because I have tools. Medication, therapy, self-compassion work, self talk, self soothing, self care, all of it. These are my tools.
So the point of this is, if you're not ready to hear that recovery is learning to live with symptoms instead of no symptoms (if this is the reality of your mental health condition), know this: tools take years to find, but they are out there. Don't give up.
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healing-is-cool · 2 years
Hey, it's okay. You've been through a lot, your mind focusing on surviving, not leaving room for much else. You haven't lost yourself, not at all.
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kotatsudotme · 5 months
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Blinkies for Sites and Applications
Specifically ones that can be helpful with plurality!
f2u on your neocities, tumblr, or where ever! credit is not required, but greatly appreciated/encouraged. reblog if you use please!
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Take what you need
💐A hug 🌸A moment to breathe 🌹 Peace 🌺 Hope 🌻 Love 🌼 Inspiration 🌷Motivation 🍁Comfort 🍂Healing strength
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thevirgodoll · 1 year
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kinda ate myself up tbh
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hecho-a-mano · 11 months
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cakesexuality · 3 months
Please reblog for sample size
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jealousyblood · 1 month
they are back by unpopular demand
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autisticzenitsu · 5 months
Tanjiro: You're pretty. Zenitsu: Yeah, pretty depressed. Tanjiro: ... Zenitsu: ..You were flirting, weren't you? Tanjiro: I was, but now I'm wondering if you're okay.
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healing-is-cool · 2 years
I hope it gets easier for you to live in the now. To remember that you're here, in the present moment, that you're safe, even if your mind is thinking of the worst case scenario. You will overcome every obstacle when they arrive, but right now, you can rest.
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thebad-lydrawn-sanses · 8 months
Cross seems very serious, does he ever let up sometimes? Are there any moments of him being more bubbly?
Ps, can I get a hug from horror? I feel like he’d give the best bear hug EVER!!!
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Cross: I'm not serious. I'm numb. My universe's friends and family are dead. I don't know how to contact my old friend(s). Everything I ever knew is gone and it's been an absolute wreck trying to adjust to the new norm. Cross: …and now I can't even make a short walk, or shower, or stand for long- leaping and running is out of the question, something I used to be able to do like second nature. My whole right side hurts, and it randomly gets worse for no reasons. Cross: I can't even look at art supplies without flinching and feeling- bad? Like I'm- I don't know. It's stupid and frustrating. Cross: It was bad before, but it only used to be paint brushes and paints. Now it's paper and crayons and pencils and anything that can be used to draw. Cross: …i can't even get off this stupid floor. my leg hurts too much Cross: (..i don't want to go back to bandages everywhere, but it hurts.)
(Cross laughing a bit [amused] here)
(Cross being in a neutral mood [getting a gift] here)
(Cross in a happy/joking mood here)
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its-sir-actually · 2 days
Lando Norris being a disrespectful cunt, fork found in kitchen
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thevirgodoll · 1 year
people will always slander you for something you didn’t do, so you might as well keep living anyways. that’s the boldest thing you can do.
the fact that you’re that important to build a narrative off of is a sign to keep it pushing. people will make up the biggest lies about you in their head to cope with their own mediocrity. yeah it sucks, don’t get me wrong… but… rewriting the script for their melodramas is NOT your ministry!!!
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letgoofthatego · 28 days
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girl-that-writes · 2 months
Healing is not a linear graph, I do know that. But practicing self care isn't either. Some days you'll do every step of that one skin care routine that you saw on youtube months ago which makes you feel like you are glowing. On other days, maybe even looking at your toothbrush filled you with dread yet you still went and actually brushed your teeth. It is still self care too. It's is not an aesthetic standard that you need to meet every single time for it to be valid. It literally is just caring for your own self. Doing either once does not negate the importance of doing another at a much different time and during much different circumstances.
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