#no strings attached part 4
writers-potion · 1 month
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Writing Weapons (4): Clubs, Maces, Axes, Slings and Arrows
Clubs & Maces
Maces are refined versions of clubs, usually made from steel and flanged or spiked.
Perfect for smashing and plate armour and for crushing skulls.
When used on horseback, the rider uses continuous swining motion and leans to the side to hit.
Type of Fight Scene: gritty, historical fiction, smashing armour
Typical user: brawny male with broad shoulders nad bulging biceps
Mostly used in: historical fiction - Stone Age to Middle Ages
Main Action: smash, crush, bludgeon, batter
Main motion: downwards
Typical injury: crushed bones, crushed skull
Strategy for lethal fight: crush skull
Disadvantages: heavy, need to get closer to the opponent
Batle Axes
Used by a peasant or lumberjack
Special battle axes are bigger and heavier, with longer handles
A weapons for attack rather than defence, good at cleaving through armour
Can break through enemy shields and kill a charging horse.
They require intense training, so users are highly skilled elite soldiers, often aristocrats.
Types of Fight Scene: gritty, brutal, battles, attack, historical fiction, fantasy fiction, cutting through armour
Typical User: tall brawny male with broad shoulders and bulging biceps, courageous, elite soldier, Viking, Saxon
Mostly Used In: European Dark Ages to Middle Ages
Main Action: cleave, hack, chop, cut, split
Main Motion: downwards
Typical Injury: severed large limbs, split skulls, cleaved torsos
Strategy for Lethal Fight: severe the arm which holds the sword or the shield, or cleave torso from top to bottom, or cut off a lef then split the skull
Disadvantages: big and heavy
Bows and Arrows
They are weapons of mass use. Hundred of arrows are shot at the enemy to inflict as mcuh damagne as possible from a distance.
In the middle of the battle and for close combat, they're useless.
Castles were designed for the use of bows and arrows, with narrow windows called 'archer slits'. The top of the outer walls were desgined so archers could shoot while remaining under cover.
Arrows are relateively cheap and quickly to produce. Tips an be metal or sharpened stone, wood, bone, glass splinters, etc.
Pieces of feather at the end help the arrows fly better, but knowing which part of the feather to attach how and where is much -treasured knowledge.
Characters can learn the basics of archery can be done quickly at an emergency. However, to be really good it takes years of practice.
Most important skill is to be able to shoot many arrows in quick succession.
Stone Slings
Stone slings are cheap to make - it only takes a piece of leather, string and ammunition are simply pebbls lying around.
This makes it good for low-tech historical periods and for characters of all ages and physical capacities.
Doesn't require great physical strength, but a lot of practice is required to achieve accuracy.
Different cultures have different techniques for holding and releasing, none of which includes the continuous frantic whirling around beloved by moview makers. Rotatin is usually done once or twice, or not at all.
(1) the slinger hooks the end of the sling over her fingers (2) holds the hand above the shoulder so the sling's bag with the stone in it hangs down behind her shoulder. (3) flings it straight forward.
Blunders to Avoid
Depicting an axeman as an unkilled brute who chops blindly.
Battles where the archers shoot when sword fighters are already engaged in close fighting
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San Myshuno Conservatory
Okay so this was a lot i made for fun im not really a builder but this greenhouse set by @lilis-palace was right up my alley n i wanted something a bit fantastical 2 get my sims out of the house! I made it to be placed in the central park lot in San My, inside I put a lot of King palms and a little section for macaws to sit n perch. At night the rose fountain lights up with fireflies and trellises in back are lit with strings of light attached to the ivy. It's so magical I love taking pcitures of my sims here. I included what I could of the cc i used, the elephant statue is a bit high poly so fair warning!
I did my best to respect everyone's T.O.U but if i made a mistake please dm me to fix it. Thank you to all the cc-creators who made this build possible <3
Lilis-Palace's GREENHOUSE set
Felixandre BERLIN Part 2 set
Felixandre CHATEAU Part 1 & 2
Felixandre COLONIAL Set 1 & 3
Felixandre VERSAILLES (specifically for the schwerin chandeliers)
Felixandre GROVE Part 1 & 4
Pierisims Domaine Du Clos Part 1
TheJim07 Versailles Trellis Set & Tree Box Set
TheJim07 Statue's 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
TheJim07 Pedestals- 1 - 2 - 3
TheJim07 Shrubs, Topiary, & Hedges - 1 - 2
( PS. I use softerhaze's sunblind lighting and amoebae's Drift Preset to take pics)
2K notes · View notes
gurugirl · 3 months
ex-boyfriend's dad!harry part 4
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Summary: You and Harry are both missing each other and despite Tyler's sudden interest in talking to you, Harry's determined to finish what you both started.
A/N: This is the final part! I have more blurbs and extras up on Patreon if you'd like to see more of them! xoxo
Word Count: 10k+
Series Warnings: explicit content, smut (including anal, rough blow jobs), age gap, angst, daddy kink, dom/sub dynamics, spanking, choking, slight degradation, use of small implements (collar and leash, anal plug)
Part 4 Warnings: 18+ only, smut (including anal sex), daddy kink, angst, age gap, sub/dom dynamics, uncomfortable confrontation, fluff!
ex-boyfriend's dad!harry masterlist
. . .
Harry didn’t want to push. He knew that you two were treading a delicate line. You were so much younger than he was and you were his son’s ex-girlfriend. This wasn’t an easy thing to navigate emotionally. He was having fun, but he hadn’t anticipated you suddenly feeling whatever it was you were.
He thought maybe he’d done something wrong at first. He thought maybe he moved the scene along too quickly because he had been eager to get to the good part. He couldn’t wait to press his cock into your other hole. You wanted it so bad and he really wanted it too.
But of course, he wanted it. He was a man who loved the female form. A man who enjoyed sex. Kinky sex. A man who adored anal sex as long as the receiver adored it just as much. So maybe that’s what it was. Perhaps he rushed you along too quickly.
So if you needed space to think about what had happened, he’d give it to you. But what he wouldn’t do was pretend nothing had ever happened between you. That would be too easy. To have a fun little thing with a beautiful younger woman and then suddenly back up and cool off and then – poof – strangers.
He could let you ghost him. He could move on and chalk up the time you spent together as just a little fun fling. No one would ever need to know. That would certainly be tidier. And he’d be able to maintain the relationship with his son as it was before you’d come along. It could just be a fun little secret that he looked back on fondly as he moved on with his life.
He could do that. But he wasn’t going to do that.
Why? Because somewhere along the way he accidentally started to let his big, heavy emotions come alive with you. It was an accident. But he couldn’t help it. Harry’d always been a lover. Someone who enjoyed sex, sure… but he was also someone who enjoyed the relationship that went with sex just as much.
And it wasn’t like he hadn’t had easy flings before; One-night stands and no strings attached relationships. But that wasn’t always possible with him. It wasn’t possible to feel nothing with you. It was quite the opposite.
He started imagining your smile and the way you made him laugh while he was doing mundane things like laundry or typing up an email at work. He began to imagine you waking up in his bed every morning with your croaky little voice and sleep lines on your face smelling like warm sheets and that unique scent that was just… you. He would be in the middle of watching something on television and feel the need to text you so you could turn it on and watch it too because he knew you’d love it.
So yeah. He started to really like you. As more than he should. It stung him a little to know you needed space to figure out whatever it was that went wrong. But he wasn’t going to stay away forever. He’d let you process but he had things he needed you to know and he’d never forgive himself if he didn’t at least tell you what those things were. You’d probably reject it all. You’d probably tell him that wasn’t what this was at all. You’d probably end it right then and there and that would be okay. If you didn’t feel the way he did that would be fair enough, Harry figured. But he wasn’t going to let things fade away and fizzle out. He was going to make you hear him out and if you didn’t like it then he’d step back and respect your wishes.
“Think I’m gonna call Y/n,” Tyler spoke as he walked into the kitchen behind Harry.
He turned to look at his son with confusion, “Why?”
He shrugged, “I feel like breaking up was a mistake. She probably regrets it too. I’ve been thinking a lot and I feel like I kind of just threw away everything because I was too scared to try stuff with her. I don’t know if I’ll ever find someone like her again. I was talking to Jay about it and he told me I was an idiot for letting her go like that. He said that a lot of girls don’t even really enjoy sex that much and if I had to pick between someone that’s into all kinds of weird things and someone that’s not into anything…” Tyler sat down at the kitchen table as he looked at Harry, “… that I might be better off with someone like Y/n. Because she loved sex. That’s for sure.”
Harry sighed and shook his head as he looked out the window over his sink. His son was still so stuck on the wrong reasons for your breakup. You didn’t just break up with him because you were sexually incompatible. You broke up with him because he was kind of a dick to you. Jealous all the time, manipulative. But of course, Tyler didn’t know his dad knew some of those details. You had told those things to Harry.
“She was a great girl, Ty. Do you think that’ll be enough for her to see you again?” Harry swallowed. He hated this. Hated that his son still had feelings for you. Hated that he missed you so bad and it’d only been two days. Hated that you hadn’t called or texted.
“I hope so. I miss her, ya know? Tried seeing this one girl a couple of weeks ago but there was just no comparison. Kept thinking of the way Y/n did certain things a lot better. I still love her too. I have to at least give it a shot.”
“You seemed so upset by her when she broke up with you. Kind of surprised by this a little.”
He really didn’t want Tyler calling you and mucking things up. It was selfish of Harry to think the way he was but if Tyler was still in love with you and tried reaching out that could be it for Harry. That would just complicate things further. But what could he do really?
“I was mad at first but I think the time apart helped me a little. And maybe her too. Maybe she’s missed me just as much, ya know? And she’ll want to compromise a little? Like we were together for 2 years. Almost two years. It would have been two years tomorrow actually so I was thinking about just giving it a shot. I’ll see if she wants to meet up tomorrow or something.” Tyler looked at Harry, “Should I get her flowers? Maybe make some grand gesture to show her how I feel about her? Jewelry even?”
Harry sat down at the table, his brows stitched together as he swallowed down the lump he felt in his throat., “Don’t buy her jewelry. What if she’s not interested in anything anymore? Don’t make any rash decisions, Ty. Okay? Just…” he sighed as he was about to give his son actual advice, against his better judgment, “Take it slow with her. Call her and see if she wants to meet up first. Flowers could be nice if she does. But don’t expect anything. Don’t push her.”
“Okay. So flowers might be good. Yeah. Okay,” he stood up from the table and pulled his phone out, “Would a text work? Or should I call? I should call shouldn’t I?”
Harry watched his son pace in the kitchen with his phone in his hand. Tyler was looking for advice from the wrong person but Harry wasn’t going to tell him that.
He couldn’t stop Tyler from reaching out to you and he couldn’t stop you from agreeing to meet up with him if that’s what you chose. But that didn’t mean Harry wouldn’t do something rash. Something he might regret in the long run. But sometimes those heavy and deep feelings you get for someone can make you do crazy things.
. . .
You were shocked to see the text from Tyler. And a missed call with a voicemail. You’d been busy with work all day so when you were finally seated in your car and the quiet of the day could sink in you hadn’t expected to see anything from him. He hadn’t been on your mind at all.
Please call me back. I’d like to talk about how things ended. I miss you.
You sighed and put your phone down into your cup holder. Tyler was not the man you wanted to hear from. Not anymore. Now all you could think about was Harry. It’d only been a couple of days since you’d seen him. You figured if you could hold out seeing or hearing from Harry for a little longer, your feelings would start to evaporate and then you could move on. You didn’t want to get your heart broken by your ex’s dad. And you were sure that’s where things were headed with you two.
You imagined scenarios where you told Harry how you were developing feelings for him and it would go one of two ways.
The first more likely scenario had Harry gently letting you down. Telling you that you were amazing (because he was so sweet like that) and that you had your whole life ahead of you but that you were too young and deserved to be with someone you could share your life with in a healthy way. That he never intended for feelings to get involved. Plus he would remind you that you dated his son and he couldn’t very well get into some kind of serious thing with you. Ever.
The second very unlikely scenario had Harry admitting his own feelings to you and telling you that you two could make it work despite the age gap and despite the fact that you dated his son for almost two years. He would hold you close and tell you all those sweet things you wanted to hear and he’d make love to you after, full of promises and he’d tell you not to worry about Tyler.
So to see that you’d gotten a text from his son and not him was disheartening. You were absolutely no longer interested in Tyler. In no way was there any love left for him. His father, however? You were dipping your toes into those messy feelings of attachment that started to ebb on the L word. You weren’t ready to face that thought quite yet though.
You decided to listen to his voicemail. Mostly so you could just clear the notice from your phone and get it over with.
“Y/n, hey, it’s Ty. I’m sure you’re busy with whatever right now but I just needed to call you and tell you a few things. I miss you a lot. I realize that I kind of fucked up. I think we can still work things out if you want to try and compromise on a few things. Ya know? And… Oh! Guess what tomorrow is? It would be our two-year anniversary. I don’t know if you even care or not but I still do. I was hoping to meet up with you. Just so we could we could talk. No pressure. But I think we owe it to ourselves to just give it one more shot or at least hear me out in person. Call me back, please. I miss you, Y/n.”
You rolled your eyes and leaned your head back into the seat of your car. You didn’t want to see Tyler at all. You thought it was interesting that he assumed there was anything left to salvage after the way you broke up with him. And you’d forgotten about the 2-year mark. Harry had basically taken over your thoughts. You wondered what Tyler would think about you then. You laughed to yourself at the idea of you telling Tyler the kinds of things his dad had done to you. Surely then he’d despise you and move on.
But you’d never tell him those things because Harry wouldn’t like that. And you never wanted to do anything to disappoint Harry in any way.
On your drive home, as you felt the stress of your day begin to fade you wondered if it would be a good idea to see Tyler. Perhaps you could just meet him somewhere public, let him talk, and then set the record straight once and for all. You had zero intentions of getting back with him. That was just no longer an option. Not after Harry. Not after anything actually.
And when you heard your phone ping with a text you groaned. God was he persistent. You just needed some time to think first.
You didn’t owe him anything. You could just ignore it and move on but you were one of those people who felt like others deserved to be heard out whether they deserved it or not. You had dated the guy for almost two years after all. And maybe the smallest part of you hoped he’d tell Harry he was meeting with you. You weren’t sure why you hoped he’d tell his dad. You didn’t know what that would achieve. Just the notion of contact even if indirect perhaps.
But when you pulled your phone out of your cup holder you were surprised to see that the new text wasn’t from Tyler. It was from Harry.
H: I know you’re just getting off work right now. Hope you’re okay and that this isn’t overstepping but I miss you and would like to see you so we can talk. There’s a lot I need to tell you. Whenever you’re free.
Your heart leaped and your breaths grew shallow as you read his words twice more. You hadn’t expected him to reach out to you. It felt like such odd timing but you quickly text him back as you sat in the parking lot at your apartment.
You: Hi. I’m okay and you’re not overstepping at all. I was thinking of texting you soon. What are you doing tomorrow night?
You felt shaky as you stepped out of your car and made your way up to your front door, all the while checking your phone to watch the screen and see that he was typing a response. You were giddy. Beyond excited.
H: No plans tomorrow night. What’s on deck?
You let out a puff of breath as you entered your apartment with a cheesy grin.
You: I’m going to Bet’s Bar with a few friends at 8. Just super casual. But maybe you can meet me there and we can get away to talk a bit? I’d like to see you too.
This was one of those nights out that you’d been dreading. Your friend invited you with two of her friends who you didn’t know all that well. So it was already going to be awkward. But if you had the opportunity to scoot off somewhere and cozy up at the little table with Harry that could make the night so much better. Especially if you could leave with him after.
H: Yes. Okay. I can meet you there. Would you like me to come at 8 or do you want to spend time with your friends first?
You typed your response quickly.
You: Come at 8 if you want. I’ll tell my friends you’re going to be there too. They won’t care if we get a different table to talk.
Your heart was pounding in your chest. But that’s how it always was when you made plans with Harry. But this time felt different.
H: Great. I’ll see you at 8. I’m looking forward to seeing you.
You grinned and peeked into the kitchen to see your roommate cooking something.
“Hi Goose! What are you making? Smells good.” You leaned over the pot she was stirring.
“Marinara. For pasta. Thought we could stuff our faces on starch tonight if you want.”
“Oh that sounds fabulous,” you grinned at her and looked down at your cell phone. “I’m gonna go changed and then I’ll be right here to help you eat this,” you laughed as you walked to your room.
Somehow texting with Harry and knowing you were going to see him tomorrow made you feel more confident in calling Tyler back. You needed to get it over with.
The phone rang twice before he answered, “Y/n! Hi! How are you?”
“I’m good. Got your message and figured it would be nice to talk. Like you said.” He already sounded too keyed up which meant he had false confidence and probably thought this meant more than it really did.
“Where are you? Can I meet you somewhere?” Yup. You called it.
You pinched the bridge of your nose in annoyance as you shook your head, “Not today, Ty. I just got off work and–“
“Okay. Tomorrow then?”
God was he pushy. And he was crazy for thinking you’d spend a moment of your precious Saturday with him.
“I’m busy tomorrow. Uh… how about lunch on Monday? I can take an hour and we can grab a bite somewhere.”
“Monday? Well, what about Sunday? I feel like I deserve more than an hour, Y/n.”
You laughed, “I don’t agree. Monday at lunch is doable for me. Sunday I’ll probably be nursing a hangover. I’m going out with friends tomorrow night and I won’t be in the headspace to talk to you on Sunday.”
“What friends?” He sounded exasperated.
You rolled your eyes, “Does Monday work or not?”
You could hear him mumbling something. Probably about how rude you were or inconsiderate because he always thought he was owed more than he actually was.
“Sure. Monday lunch. So like, 12? Where should we meet?”
“Yeah. 12 works. You choose the spot. Okay?”
“Okay. Y/n, look… I feel like you and I can start thinking about what we can do to make this work–“
“Tyler, I just got off work. Can we talk about this on Monday?” You hated cutting him off. Even though he was an ass it made you feel bad for being so short with him.
A heavy sigh came through the receiver, “Fine. I’ll see you Monday.”
You tossed your phone to the bed and changed into comfy sweats before joining Goose in the kitchen.
“Was it loverboy?” Goose teased as she sat the wooden spoon down and looked at you.
“The man that’s been coming over. I have no idea what he looks like or what his name is,” she laughed, “But I know you call him Daddy.”
Your eyes widened and you balked a laugh, “Oh my god. You heard that?” You put your hands over your eyes and groaned, “I’m so sorry…”
“Don’t be sorry. I don’t care. You’re usually pretty quiet but sometimes I can hear things. I’ve definitely heard you call him Daddy, though.”
You couldn’t believe that your roommate had heard you. You realized that sometimes you could tend to make more noise than you meant to because you couldn’t help it with the way Harry fucked you or played with you.
“Still. So inappropriate. We try to be quiet. But… we’re sort of taking a break right now.”
“Really? I’m sorry. Sometimes a break is good, though, yeah? Plus you just got out of that relationship with Tyler. Which, good for you by the way. I never liked that guy.”
You laughed and pulled down a couple of pasta bowls, “Yeah… Tyler was good at first but it got to be too much for me to deal with.”
You and Goose (her real name was Oris) sat and ate pasta and chatted about your love lives. It felt good to talk about what was going on, even if you didn’t give her all the sordid details about Harry, just talking about it helped give you a different perspective on things. A good venting session was exactly what you needed. It was time to be honest with Harry. If you didn’t do something or tell Harry what you felt you’d most definitely lose him. And tomorrow you’d get that chance to come clean to him. At least it would be you being honest and true to yourself. And Harry deserved your honesty at the very least.
. . .
You kind of went overboard. Dressing yourself in your favorite dress that showed off your assets, shoes that flattered your feet and ankles, a little gold necklace with a heart charm, your special going-out perfume, and makeup just so… Everything looked good. You were smooth and moisturized, smelled great, and to be honest you felt great too. You were hopeful. The more you read over the texts from Harry the more confident you were that he’d be going back to your room that night. Or maybe you’d go to his. Didn’t matter to you. As long as the night ended with Harry wrapping his arms around you and telling you he wanted you just as much as you wanted him. That was really all you wanted out of this.
H: Really excited to see you tonight, baby. I hope you know that.
That text from Harry before you were about to leave had you jumping up and down in your bedroom with a hot face and a pounding heart. And he called you baby? You were ridiculous but who could blame you? It also had you feeling a bit extra cheeky suddenly so you added one more little accessory to round it all off. You weren’t sure Harry would encounter the little thing but you sure hoped he would.
Bet’s Bar was one of those spots that was kind of classy based on the décor and the drink menu but the reality was that the place was more of a dive under the façade. The tables and floors were usually sticky, the drinks were watered down, the music that crackled over the old speakers was loud so you had to shout to be heard, and they had crappy bar food that you imagined was bought frozen and then heated up in some cheap toaster oven that had one side heating up more than the other before being served as “gourmet”.
“Oh shit, Y/n! You look hot!” Your friend spotted you as you walked into the bar. You were looking all around for Harry but didn’t see him yet.
“Thanks,” you grinned shyly; Acting as if it were by complete accident that you were perfectly put together.
“Let’s get a photo before we all get wasted. We’ll do a before and after,” she laughed as she stood in the middle with her phone out, you on one side and her two friends on the other.
Everyone took turns looking at the picture to make sure it was worth of being posted on Instagram before she posted it.
Your first drink was a seltzer with lime. You did not want to get drunk. If you and Harry were going to talk you needed to be clear-headed. He also had a rule which was established when you first started seeing him, that if you had too much to drink, sex was off the table. So, a drink or two at most for you. You were more interested in where the conversation would go with Harry than getting drunk anyway.
“So where’s this guy?” One of the girls asked.
You tapped your cellphone to see that it was 8:15, “He should be here soon.”
Though you were a little nervous that he wasn’t right on time. You hoped everything was going to go as you imagined. But of course, when did that ever happen in life?
And at 8:30, just as you were tempted to text him to see if he was okay, you saw him walking in through the front doors, looking like sex on legs. The man was just stunning. Dark curls swept up, a button-up shirt not buttoned all the way so you could glimpse the sparrows and top of his pecs with that light scattering of masculine hair, his white gold necklace with the cross dangling between to remind you of what you were missing. The shirt was tucked into dark trousers that accentuated his thighs and glutes and of course, the unmistakable natural bulge he sported at the front.
You gulped as you waved at him to get his attention. You couldn’t hide the pleased grin on your face or the relief you suddenly felt at his arrival.
Turning on your stool to face him he sauntered up to you with deep dimples scored into his cheeks next to his gorgeous smile and he leaned down to hug you, his cologne making your eyes roll into the back of your head.
“Missed you, baby.” He whispered against your ear before standing up and taking you in with his starlit green eyes. You gently grasped onto his fingertips looking up at him, “Missed you too.”
You both kept your gazes pinned for a minute until your friend broke the moment, “No wonder you dressed like you’re going for a model shoot,” her cackle had you rolling your eyes but you turned to smile at her.
“This is Harry,” you gestured at him and then pointed at each girl, “And Harry this is Seleh, Quinn, and Lirica.”
The girls all waved and grinned before you hopped off your stool and grabbed your seltzer telling them you’d be back in a bit and that you and Harry needed to talk privately.
He followed you to a small high-top table with two stools at the edge of the room and pointed at your drink, “What are you drinking?”
You looked down at your glass and back up to Harry who hadn’t yet sat down, “Oh it’s just a seltzer. I didn’t want to have too much. Haven’t had a real drink yet.”
Harry’s pink lips curved up into a smile as he nodded, “Okay. Well, I think I’m gonna go up and order a beer. Would you like me to get you something?”
You pursed your lips in thought. You didn’t want to have anything that would get you drunk fast, “A beer for me too. Maybe like a Guinness?”
“I’ll be right back.”
You could tell right away that Harry was there because he really did want to see you. He seemed excited too, which gave you more hope than was probably a good thing. It was always a bad idea to get your hopes up but it was hard to not imagine this night going very well already.
Harry walked back to your little table and sat your Guinness down in front of you and moved his stool next to yours, “Okay if I sit a little closer?”
You nodded, “Of course it’s okay.”
Harry settled himself on his stool and his knee brushed into yours, “I know I said I’d be here at 8 but thought I’d give you at least a little time with your friends before I came in and took you away.”
“Oh, it’s fine. Really. I’m just glad you’re here.”
Harry watched you take a sip of your beer and took a gulp of his own, “So, how have you been? I know it’s only been a few days but felt more like a few weeks if I’m honest.”
Your eyes softened as you shook your head, “I guess I’m… well I missed you. I felt like I needed to think about how I was feeling about everything but I have clarity now and…” you laughed, “I agree. It felt more like a few weeks than just a few days. Too long to not see you.”
Harry’s gaze wandered over your face, “It was too long. Didn’t like it at all. You wanna talk to me about what happened?”
A sigh fell from your lips as you looked down at your pint glass, “I’m worried that if I tell you then you’re not gonna like it and that’ll be it. No more of this,” you looked at him as you gestured with your finger between yourself and Harry.
“Okay. So you had a few days to think about whatever it was and you said now you have clarity. Yeah?”
You nodded.
“Well, that sounds like a positive thing overall. Do you want to tell me what that thing is? I’d really like to know.”
The music was obnoxious and it was hard for your brain to keep your thoughts in a straight line, or perhaps it was from the way Harry was looking at you. He always observed you in this way that had you heating up and wanting to crawl inside of his heart and stay for eternity.
“I started to have feelings for you that you probably don’t return. I was worried I was getting too attached.”
Harry nodded shallowly as he kept his eyes on yours but you noticed his shoulders relax a touch. As if he might have anticipated you telling him something different. “I see. Why would you think I wouldn’t also start getting attached?”
“I don’t know. I mean… I guess I can’t read your mind so–“ You shrugged your shoulders.
“Exactly. You would have no way of knowing unless we talked. And now we’re talking. So this is good.”
You smiled and felt Harry’s thigh nudge into yours and you could tell he did it on purpose when his grin stretched wider over his face.
“See, when you told me to leave that night, I thought I’d done something wrong. Thought I moved things along with you too fast. So it wasn’t that at all?”
Your eyes widened at that realization and you shook your head, “Oh god, no. No, absolutely not. It was me being overly emotional and feeling things that I wasn’t sure were good or not. I didn’t, and still don’t know, whether or not we’re just kind of having some fun or if there could be, you know, more?”
Harry raised his brows at you and took your hand in his, “More?”
You looked down at where his thumb was tracing over your knuckles, “Yeah.”
It was silent for a moment. You didn’t know if you’d totally turned him off by that idea or not. But you knew it had to be said. It had to be out there because you’d drive yourself mad if you didn’t say something. And the longer it was silent the more you felt that awkward embarrassing heat cover your thighs and boil in your tummy.
Until you looked up at him and his expression was kind and gentle and you knew you had nothing to be embarrassed about with him.
“So you’re saying that you don’t want this to just be casual anymore. You want something a little deeper because you’re developing feelings?”
You nodded as you worried your bottom lip between your teeth.
“Baby,” Harry’s deep voice came out like silk as he moved his free hand up to cup your face, “That makes me so happy to hear. I didn’t want to overstep and make you uncomfortable but I tried to show you how I was feeling. I thought it was too much for you and that’s why you wanted me out. That I was coming on too strong.”
Shaking your head you pressed yourself into his palm at your cheek, “No. I thought I was just making things up in my head. That the way you were with me, the way you looked at me and everything… that I was crazy to think it meant more than what we were doing.”
His smile softened as he cocked his head, “And what is it that we were doing?”
You laughed, “Well it started out as just having some fun I guess…”
He nodded, “Yeah. But then what happened? Hmm?” He ran a thumb over your jaw, “We started to get to know one another. Things got more intimate between us. Isn’t that right?”
You felt so relieved that you were having this conversation with him in this way. That he was touching you and looking at you in that way you loved, “Yeah, that’s right. I was worried it was one-sided, though. Didn’t want to assume you felt it too.”
Harry tutted at you, “Should have talked to me. You’d have learned I wanted more as well. But now you know. Now we both know it wasn’t one-sided.”
You nodded as your smile widened, “Now we both know.”
You let a sigh out through your nose as you turned yourself into him and felt your heart thudding in your chest. Harry leaned in, pushing his nose into yours, “I want you, Y/n. I want to be with you,” he spoke against your lips before he dotted a gentle kiss to your mouth.
Your hands found his shoulders, “I want you too. I only want you, Harry.”
Those final words spoken were like a breaker switch that illuminated the space around you and lit up streets and parks miles away. His lips began to move with meaning as he opened his mouth and ran his tongue against the split of your lips and you parted for him, lapping your own tongue against his.
You were breathless and dizzy and overjoyed. Harry felt the same way and all you had to do was tell him that night. You’d wasted so much time in turmoil over false thoughts. Ideas you’d made up in your head about him. But this was real. He was here and he was yours.
But the moment came to an abrupt end when Harry’s body was jolted, his warmth removed from you and you heard an umph! fall from his lungs when his stool scraped on the floor.
You gasped when you saw Tyler with rage in his eyes as he stood with Harry’s collar grasped in his hands, “What the fuck is this? I came here to surprise you Y/n. Saw you tagged in an Instagram post and was gonna make some romantic gesture, but looks like my old man beat me to it.” He looked between you and Harry as he spoke.
Harry was standing up in front of Tyler and you quickly scrambled off your stool to help. You weren’t sure what you were going to do to help but you’d think of something.
“Tyler stop!” You spoke loudly and as forcefully as you could muster.
“What do you mean stop? You and my dad are making out in public when you knew I wanted to see you,” he turned to look at his dad, “You know how I still feel about her. You knew we spoke on the phone yesterday!”
“Calm down, Ty. We’re not doing this here,” Harry warned. He kept his arms to his sides not wanting to hurt his son. Not yet anyway.
“Oh come on! This can’t be for real,” Tyler let go of Harry’s shirt and gestured at you and his dad.
“It is real. This happened. I’m sorry but it did, and I don’t regret it,” you watched Harry as he said it. The admission of what had been going on behind Tyler’s back, all out in the open for everyone to see now.
Tyler looked at you in confusion as he shook his head, “Tell me you haven’t been fucking my dad.”
You shrugged and pursed your lips together as you looked back up at Harry again. He stepped back from Tyler, tucking you in to his side protectively, “I’m sorry you found out this way. It was only a matter of time.”
“Only a matter of time,” he shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair, and then pointed at you, “Is this the chick you’ve been fucking? I’ve been overhearing you two in your bedroom, and it’s been her all along?”
You closed your eyes and looked down. That was embarrassing. You figured he might have overhead a thing or two but now that he knew who it was… And to be fair, you’d only slept over at Harry’s a few times simply because you didn’t want Tyler hearing it or recognizing your voice.
“Tyler, you need to go. You’re making a scene and you’re embarrassing yourself,” Harry spoke.
“Yeah. I’m embarrassing myself?” he balked sarcastically, “You’re here with my girlfriend under your arm acting like you know her better than I do–“
“She’s not your girlfriend anymore, Ty. Go home.”
A woman walked by the table and looked at the three of you as she passed, breaking the strange tension and making Tyler’s stance loosen as he took a step back, “This is insane. You two,” he pointed at you and Harry, “Have you fucking lost your minds? I’m done.” He looked at you, “You and I are done, Y/n.”
“That’s exactly right,” Harry said calmly, “Now you need to go, Tyler.”
“Fuck you, Y/n. You’re trash, you know that? There’s no way he can give you what I did,” he spat.
“Stop! Enough!” Harry’s voice raised at Tyler’s insult of you.
You were used to insults from him but it didn’t stop your face was boiling and feeling that anger and frustration that you used to feel so often with him as it started to crawl up your spinal column and spread over your shoulder blades.
“Is it enough, dad!? You’re fucking the girl I’m in love with. What kind of father are you? Garbage, both of you,” Tyler stepped in closer but Harry tightened his grip around you and angled you away from Tyler’s reach.
“If you get any closer to her I’ll have you flat on the floor in under two seconds. Back the fuck off and get out of here! We’ll talk about this later.”
You’d never heard Harry’s voice so full of fury. The furrow in his brow and the look in his eyes would have been scary if they were aimed at you.
“You know what? Fine. This was a waste of my time.” He looked at you and pointed, “You were a waste of my time. Two-fucking years and this is how you repay me? I regret everything that happened between us. I’m out of here.”
Tyler turned and walked away, his middle finger shining under the dim overhead lights of the bar until he made his way out of the door.
Harry pulled you in front of him as he looked down at you, “Are you okay, Y/n?”
You nodded up at him, “I’m fine. I can’t believe that just happened.”
Harry shook his head, “I should have figured he might do this. I’m sorry, baby.”
You could have purred at the baby. It was like Harry could erase all the stress and anger and turmoil you’d felt at once. His green eyes and soothing voice had you feeling comforted.
“Let’s go. I wanna leave,” you spoke as you smoothed your palms up his cotton shirt, “Will you come home with me?”
Harry nodded and took your wrists in his hands before kissing your lips softly in answer.
You left your unfinished beers and told your friends you were leaving. There were two guys at their table already and none seemed too upset that you were ditching them. Which you figured would be the case anyway.
It felt like you had seltzer in your veins as you climbed into Harry’s car with him. He kept his hand over your bare thigh as drove the short distance to your apartment.
“You sure you’re okay?” He asked you with a quick glance before training his eyes safely back on the road.
“I’m fine, Harry. You make me feel really safe.”
You watched as his dimples appeared from the big smile he had on his face. Biting your lip, you thought about him finding your secret other accessory. It was hard not to think about it every time you sat down. And the bucket seats in his car had you sitting in a way that you were pressing into it and it was already doing things to your brain and your body.
The moment you entered your apartment and closed the door behind you his lips were on yours again. His big hands pulled you into his body, squeezing at your bum as you slid your arms over his shoulders and moaned. But he was moaning too.
Three days. It had only been three days and this was the result. But maybe it wasn’t just that it had been three days without him. Because you’d gone longer between seeing him. You knew it was because it was three days of uncertainty. For you and for him. You both were in a state of limbo during that time and it had been your fault.
“Um, hey…” The sudden voice of your roommate startled both you and Harry. You’d forgotten all about Goose to be honest.
You laughed and Harry pulled your hand into his, “This is Harry. Um…” You looked up at him as you spoke.
“Oh, this is Harry. Okay…” she grinned.
You nodded, “Yeah. He’s uh… And, oh! This is Goose, or Oris, but she goes by Goose,” you looked from your roommate to Harry.
He reached a hand out toward her with a smile, “Nice to finally meet you.”
“Likewise. Now I have a face to go with… well I mean now I know what you look like,” she laughed, “But um… I’m just leaving. I’m going to stay over at a friend’s tonight so,” Goose looked at you, “Enjoy.”
“You don’t have to go,” you spoke as you watched her head toward the door.
“I think I do, actually. No offense but, I don’t know if I’m in the mood to listen to you both going at it all night. But seriously, it’s fine. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She walked around you and closed the door behind her, leaving you and Harry alone.
You looked up at him with a knowing smile, blinking your eyes at him, and stood to your toes to continue kissing him.
You weren’t sure what had crashed to the ground as you and Harry began to claw at one another and bumped into your coffee table when he walked you to your room with his mouth on yours. Everything was frantic and began to move on fast forward.
You hardly remembered pulling at his shirt and attempting to push it up so you could feel his warm skin and kiss him properly all over. You didn’t even realize that you’d pushed him down so that you were straddling him and attacking his pecs and his abs with your mouth and your tongue.
But when he laughed deeply, the sound vibrating from his chest as you began to unhook his belt, you opened your eyes and looked at him and realized what was going on, “Sorry!” You laughed in a panted breath.
Harry’s smile told you that he was not offended, “Sorry for what? Baby you can have me however you want. I was just a little surprised when you pushed me down is all.”
You laughed as you looked down at him. You were excited. For everything. That he felt the way you did, that you didn’t have to hide now that Tyler knew, that he was there with you in your apartment, in your bed…
“I think I should apologize for all of this. For what happened,” you cupped his jaw, “Because this could have all been avoided had I just said something to you like a grown-up. We were both on the same page but I made things worse by keeping it in and freaking out.”
It shouldn’t have come as a surprise to Harry when you began to move down his legs and take his pants with you. He watched you climb between his bare legs and then palm over his bulge as you looked into his eyes, “Gonna make it up to you. I’ll never do that again. I promise I’ll always talk to you.”
Harry grinned and put his hands behind his back to cradle his head, “What are you planning to do to make it up to me, then?” He had a pretty good idea based on the way you were rubbing over him and slowly making him hard in his underwear as you licked your lips.
“Anything you want. Figured I’d start here,” you dipped your fingers into the band of his underwear and raised your brows, “Is it okay?”
Harry’s laugh had you grinning wide, “Yes, baby. You can get me naked if you want. You have permission to do anything you’d like.”
You loved the way he looked. His strong core muscles flexed as he lifted his hips to help you remove his underwear. You dragged your palms up his strong thighs and toward his cock before you cupped a hand under his balls and lowered yourself to him, jutting your tongue out and softly licking the skin on his sac. You reached up a hand upward, wrapped your fingers around his shaft, and began to stroke him from tip to base and back again as you moved your lips over his balls.
Harry enjoyed having his balls licked and so that meant you liked it too. He’d wiggle the slightest and work to keep his thighs spread so you could really get in there and wet every inch of him and then suck them into your mouth gently.
“Y/n… baby…” he breathed out and you looked up at your gorgeous man enjoying the things your mouth did to him.
Licking upward, from his balls all the way up his long shaft to his tip he put his eyes on yours as you dotted hot kisses over his velvety skin. You kept your fist around his base as you swirled your tongue over his frenulum and dipped it into his slit just enough to get that reaction from him you loved.
He bucked his hips softly and gasped before you wrapped your mouth around him and lowered down his cock, finally getting to smooth your tongue up and down his length until his tip pressed into the back of your throat.
You were able to maintain eye contact at first. He kept his hands behind his head as he watched you suck him off with his lips parted.
But when you pulled off of him and you were getting that dizzy, pliable feeling you always got when you needed him to start taking over Harry could tell it was time to assist you.
“Want me to help, baby?”
You nodded, saliva coating your chin, “Please, Daddy.”
So he helped because he was a gentleman of course. With his hand cupping the back of your head holding you down and his hips thrusting up into your mouth he groaned as you gagged and sputtered around him.
You felt the brush of his pubic hair on your nose every time he worked his cock down your throat, making you wretch and gurgle. But the sounds of pleasure falling from his chest, growing more and more intense had you only opening wider, wanting more.
When he lifted you off of him you could hardly see with the glaze of tears in your eyes. Harry’s voice was soft as he helped you out of your dress and you clung to him to hold steady with each piece of fabric that was discarded.
“Such a pretty dress, baby. Wore It for me?”
You nodded and chuckled softly, “Just for you, Daddy. Hoped you’d like it.”
“Oh, I love it. Knew the minute I saw you it was for me. But this is better,” he cupped your tits in his palm as he moved you down to the bed on your back before licking at your nipples and then kissing his way up your neck.
He planted soft, wet pecks to your skin and over your lips before he worked his way down your body slowly until he’d gotten between your thighs and nudged your legs apart.
But he stopped his fluid movements and the brushing of his hands when you looked down at him with a teasing grin, knowing what he just found. Your secret accessory. A pink jewel anal plug.
His chest was rising and falling heavily as he pressed over the pink jewel that was sticking out from your ass and then looked up at you, “Also for me?”
You nodded, “Always only for you.”
Harry’s brows pinched together as he looked back between your legs and smeared his thumb up your labia, glistening with arousal. He dipped down and ran his tongue between your pussylips and up to your clit, smacking it into his mouth and making you moan loudly at the sudden sensation.
His mouth kissed and pressed and his tongue laved and circled every sensitive bit of your vulva. But it was the repeated lapping at your clit and the soft but greedy suckle that had you jerking your hips up and whining.
“Want you, Daddy… Please… Your cock…” You babbled out your words and Harry sat back, his thumb still circling your clit.
“Yeah? Want me inside of you, baby? Can’t handle anymore of this?”
“I want to feel you close to me…” You panted.
Harry ran his hands up your skin and over your neck, one hand wrapping around the front of your throat and the other groping your tit as he kissed your lips and he ran his solid cock through your slippery folds.
“How do you want me, baby? Like this? Maybe you want to be on top this time?”
Part of you wanted him to just fuck your ass. But you did want to feel him in your pussy first. Needed to feel that intimate connection, that stretch…
“On my tummy. With you on me and holding me close.” 
Harry groaned and sat up as he pushed you to your tummy and crawled over your back, making you spread your legs as he ran his cock against your pussy before slowly pushing his wide crown through your slick muscle, expanding your entrance and spreading your vagina with every inch he pushed in until you were whimpering at the depth of him.
He pushed the front of his thighs into the back of yours, “Like this, baby,” speaking lowly into your ear as he pressed his chest into your back and tucked a hand under your hip so he could finger your clit as he began to roll into you, pushing in and in, his solid girth splitting you in two and making you tremble, “Yes, Daddy!”
Harry didn’t fuck into you hard. He didn’t rail the life out of you as he did so many times before. No, this time his movements were slow and languid. Meaningful. Powerful.
“You’re such a good girl, Y/n. Made just for me, baby… Fuck…” he spoke into your ear as he pressed in, your anal plug being nudged into with every rock of his hips.
“I need you, Daddy… I need you…” you didn’t know exactly what you meant when you moaned your words but they were the truth. You did need him. Never wanted to be without him again. Never wanted to go through the torture of not knowing what was going on again.
“Yes, baby. Daddy needs you too, honey. I need you so much… every part of you…” you could hear the strain in his voice, “You’re mine, Y/n. You know that right?”
You could have died right then. That was all you needed in life. Self-actualization realized.
“Yes, Daddy… ohhh ffuuuuu! I’m yours. All yours…” his harsh thrust had your mouth dropping wide and your limbs quivering as he smoothed his fingers over your clit. You couldn’t stop it. Could help the ridiculously loud gurgled moan that fell from your mouth as you began to spasm around him.
“Just like that… Daddy’s cock feels so good doesn’t it baby… Oooh shit, little girl… Yes, there you go…” he coaxed you through your orgasm with soft words as you felt like you could vanish into thin air. He brought his free hand around to the front of your neck as he continued nudging deep into your tummy and panting in your ear.
His hips were pasted to your ass as he ground in, making your plug shift inside of you and you gasped. You wanted more. He had his hand around your throat, just there – not squeezing, and the feel of your plug…
“Daddy…” you panted, “Will you fuck my ass? I want it so bad.”
Harry puffed a laugh against your neck and kissed your jaw, “You sure, honey? You’re not too tired after that?”
You turned yourself to look at him, “Please.”
And how could he say no to you when you looked at him like that? When you called him Daddy and rounded your eyes and squeezed your cunt around his thick shaft.
He licked his lips as he slowly pulled his throbbing cock out of your pussy. He was so close to coming just then. So close to his release he was thankful for the moment it would take to remove your plug.
“This is so pretty, baby,” he spoke as he twisted and began to pull at it to remove it from you. “Gonna look even prettier with my cock in there. Sure you’re ready?”
You groaned and nodded, keeping your body twisted to look at him behind you, “I’m ready. So ready for it.”
Harry poured a very healthy amount of lube over your anus and smeared it all around your tight hole and then dipped his fingers inside to press the slick liquid as deep as his fingers could push it.
“Already nice and relaxed…” Harry commented as he pulled his fingers out. You were ready. You were sure of it. Harry might be a bit bigger than your anal dildo but you knew you were going to love it.
Harry pulled at your hips to angle you up for his access as he softly caressed your bum with one hand and used his other to grip his twitching cock. He smudged his tip to your hole and delicately pressed in, keeping an eye on your reaction as you arched your back and moaned, “More…”
You heard him chuckle as his tip finally breached the space into your anus, opening you up and making the breath catch in your throat at the initial burn and achy stretch.
“Color?” He spoke in a panted breath, already fucking out of his mind at the view he had.
“Green, so green,” you choked out.
He continued to press in until the burn you felt disappeared and that familiar fullness that you loved from your dildo began to take over.
“Ahhhhh!” Your voice was guttural as Harry slid back and then pushed in again.
He got into a very gentle pace, in and back, in and back, until your toes were curling and you were starting to see stars, “Fuck! Daddy!”
Harry stayed silent behind you as he worked himself in, rolling gentle, easy, and cautious thrusts as his face twisted up in ecstasy. He didn’t want to hurt you. He would allow himself to fuck you harder after a few tries, but this first time he was going to be a gentleman with your tight hole.
You reached between your legs and began to toggle at your nub and you choked out a gasp as you whined, “It feels so fucking good…”
Harry could hear the way your words came out shaky, like you were crying but he was quite in tune with your movements and you were very obviously enjoying every thrust he issued. Not to mention how you were already rubbing your clit and your legs were starting to shake. All good signs.
Harry’s groans were timed with his thrusts and they grew deeper and louder as he got nearer to his release. He was already throbbing and twitching and he was positive he was smearing precome inside of you as his balls tightened.
But then suddenly you howled as your muscles tensed and tears fell from your eyes. You could hardly maintain control of your limbs as you shook and convulsed.
Harry stopped his movements as he watched you fall apart and it was one of the prettiest things he’d ever seen. Watching you lose it as you rubbed your clit and cried, his cock lodged into your ass, your thighs quivering… But he gulped down his instinct to pump his come into you. He wasn’t sure if you were okay with that or not. He was sure you wouldn’t mind but it hadn’t been discussed prior so he’d hold off til you gave him permission. Coming inside of your bum would be a bit of a different experience than it was in your pussy.
He closed his eyes and tilted his head back. He had to will away his strong urge as you slowly calmed and moved your hand away from your bundle of nerves. But the moment he could tell you were good, he pulled out and pumped his cock in his hand, spurting come on your ass and your back as he coughed out a loud moan that filled the room.
You turned to watch him in his orgasm as you felt his warm cum spray over your skin. His chest was flushed and his strong biceps and triceps were flexing as he stroked his long shaft. Beautiful in every way.
When he opened his eyes and looked at you he was flushed and panting and as sexy as anything you’d ever seen. You pushed yourself up to your knees and turned to him, pulling him down to your mouth.
You were still a little shaky as you clung to the back of his neck and he puffed a laugh against your lips when he rubbed his hands up your sides and then down to your ass when he dredged his fingers through his come.
You laughed with him but he continued kissing you anyway, despite the mess he’d made and the sticky come all over his fingers and your back. The kiss was hot and soft all at the same time.
Those deep and viscous feelings were coming to the surface again. Your heart pounded heavy in your chest as your brain swirled with thoughts of only Harry. Of him being yours and you being his. Of sweet things and real emotions you could finally express freely. Because you knew he felt it too.
“Well, that was fun. Don’t think I expected this day to turn out so perfectly,” he grinned as he parted from the kiss.
You smoothed your hands to his jaw and looked at him dreamily, “Better than I imagined. So much better. I’m so glad you’re here.”
Harry’s nose poked into yours, “Baby, I’m glad I’m here too. I do have one thing I need to say, though.”
Your heart dropped for a half second as you pulled away and looked into his eyes, unsure of what he needed to say.
“Be my girlfriend?”
You sputtered out a laugh of disbelief, “Of course. Figured that was already established.”
The right side of Harry’s lip quirked up, “Well it certainly is now. Plus now I can tell everyone you’re my girlfriend if we make it official.”
You ran your hands over his strong pecs and nodded, “Yeah? You wanna tell everyone?” You took one of his hands and brought it up to your mouth as you proceeded to lick his come from his fingers.
Harry let out a shallow laugh before he groaned as he watched you, “I am definitely telling everyone you’re my girlfriend.”
You smiled as you ran your tongue over his knuckles and looked up at him, “I like the sound of that, Daddy.”
A/N: Hope you enjoyed the series! 💕 xoxo
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stvolanis · 5 months
toxic!farleigh start PLEASE I BEG OF YOU😫😫
I hear you, I hear you! love me some toxic men…angst with smut!!! kinda fluff at the end if you squint.
FWB Farleigh Start! who you’ve been having sex with since he began attending Oxford, but he was gracious enough to extend an invitation to stay with him in saltburn; but no strings attached, obviously.
FWB Farleigh Start! Who fucks you into oblivion nearly every night, not bothering to pull out since he put you on the pill. He’ll mutter the sweetest things to you while he pounds into your sore, overused pussy. “Love you s’much, baby. Love this fuckin’ pussy.” He’d say in your ear, his voice husky before kissing your shoulder. Almost as if you were lovers.
FWB Farleigh Start! Who when he’s done rutting his cum in all of your holes, cleans you up and leaves a kiss on your head; sparing you one last glance before he leaves you alone for the night to go to his room. Your heart broke each and every time he walked out of the room.
FWB Farleigh Start! Who won’t make whatever it is you have official, but won’t let you see anyone else besides him and throws bitch fits when he sees you talking to Felix, and god forbid, Oliver. It sparks arguments and harsh words, yet it just ends up with make-up sex.
FWB Farleigh Start! Who loves you more than he loves himself, yet he can’t bring himself to be in a relationship with you in fear of him hurting you. But, he doesn’t wanna see you with anyone else, so while you’re asleep he unlocks your phone and goes through your contacts, deleting the ones he feels like he has to worry about.
FWB Farleigh Start! Who smirks to himself as he watches your brows furrow in confusion when messages you swore were there, are suddenly gone.
FWB Farleigh Start! Who you see dancing with a redhead dressed in a slutty nurse costume at one of the parties at Saltburn. He could see the hurt dance across your face, the tears well up in your eyes. How badly he wanted to just go up to you, look you in your pretty little eyes and tell you that he’s only ever wanted you.
FWB Farleigh Start! Who can’t accept his feelings for you, so fearful of the unknown. He’s never felt the way he feels about you for anyone else, and it scares him. So, he lets the red headed tramp lead him up the stairs to a spare bedroom.
FWB Farleigh Start! Who freezes when the red head perches herself on his lap. Knowing she isn’t you, he pushes her off and swings the door open, storming down the stairs, looking desperately around for you.
FWB Farleigh Start! Who finally finds you, yet you’re in the arms of the person he despises the most with tears running down your cheeks. Something Oliver says makes you laugh through your tears, and Farleigh swears he felt a pang in his chest.
FWB Farleigh Start! Who, on impulse, drags you away from Oliver; obviously not before throwing profanities at him.
FWB Farleigh Start! Who throws you onto your bed, both of your wrists held above your head by just one of his large hands, his fingers adorned with pretty rings. His other hand making quick work of shimmying off your shorts and white panties.
FWB Farleigh Start! Who fucks you with 3 of his fingers while whispering the dirtiest things to you. “Such a slut, hm? Fuck anyone who’ll give you attention?” He taunted. “No one can make you feel this good with just their fingers, honey.” He said as he licked his lips, watching the way your pussy soaked his fingers, the sound echoing in the air.
FWB Farleigh Start! Who makes you cum at least 4 times with just his fingers till he feels like you’ve learned your lesson. “You’re mine. Get that through your pretty fuckin’ head.” He said through gritted teeth. You nodded your head, a babbling, whimpering mess under him.
FWB Farleigh Start! Who sleeps next to you that night for the first time and whispers sweet nothings to you as his hands trace little stars on your back. Maybe things would change. Just maybe.
don’t be shy, ask to be a part of the tag list and request things!!
tag list: @elvisalltheway101 @epthedream69 @claire-elvisgirl @elvisrealgf @littlehoneyposts @ireallydontcareanymorebrooo @luxuriouslokistan-3 @foxevxid @salepso
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trashogram · 4 months
He Chose You (P. 5)
Lucifer/Reader — Lucifer wants you to be the mother of his child. Rated E for the smut. FINALLY
(Hope none of y’all were planning to actually get off though).
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13
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“You want a… baby?” 
Lucifer looked as stunned as you felt. He reminded you of a spooked deer — frozen and wide-eyed as he waited for imminent death. Or more aptly a dying fish as his mouth opened and closed soundlessly. 
“… To hang out with?”
Lucifer found himself in your apartment for the second time, milling about beside your coffee table. He internally scolded himself for fidgeting and shifting from one foot to the other, but it was either that or burn a hole in your head with his hopeful gaze.
“No!” He let out a pathetic laugh. “Well, yes, b-but obviously not just that! I know there’s more to it than just ‘hanging out’.”  
“I'm not stupid.” He chortled again before glancing at you. “… I’m not that stupid.” 
The King had the uneasy feeling that you might see right through him now; find that inkling of excitement still germinating in his breast, and change your mind. Or worse, you’d withdraw even more and he’d have to feel that dreadful, terrible, no good shame. 
He had practically skipped through the halls of his castle (unbeknownst to you) with the contract held tightly between his claws.  But as soon as he entered your fireplace, the excitement had curdled like milk. It was replaced by that shame when he looked at you and saw your ashen face. 
“Obviously you wouldn’t be doing this for free!” Lucifer gesticulated wildly. “You, you said you wanted to travel right? Right! If you agree, you’d get to travel wherever you want, whenever you want, no strings attached!”
“A-and also! No more costs, period! All your bills and expenses paid forever, in perpetuity, beyond the grave! Capitalism is a bitch? No, capitalism WAS a bitch!”
“No, no! Capitalism will be YOUR BITCH!” 
Your resigned countenance combined with the memory of his pitch made Lucifer flinch. 
You were never very good in a crisis. Or under a severe amount of pressure… or a moderate amount, in all sincerity. 
But you’d have thought, even with the prospect of homelessness looming over your head, that you’d have drawn the line at making a Deal with the Devil to avoid it. 
Or at least you would’ve taken more than the time it took to draw up a legal contract to accept your fate.
That time maxed out to 6 days. 
The scroll unfurled before you. It radiated an ethereal golden light, and lined with a litany of official statements occasionally broken up by blank spaces meant for a (second) signature. 
         Lucifer Morningstar was signed here and there, in the same glittery calligraphy as was on his business card.
‘This contract must be interpreted by the Governances of Heaven [Heofon, Himmel, Kem, ἄκμων, آسمان, अश्मन्] and any litigations associated with Hell [Hel, Hallju, Kel]…’
‘… By this contract, Party A agrees to carry the Seed of Party B, hereafter known as “Father”, to the extent of natural gestation as governed by the Law of Nature…’ 
‘… This union shall be recognized only within the parameters listed and not heretofore or after…’
The legal jargon was giving you a headache. You scrubbed a hand down your face, determined to at least read through it all and, if you couldn’t pick out tiny discrepancies, at least find any giant red flags. 
(Even if you’d already reserved the excuse that it was easy to be tricked by the Devil when the Devil was insanely good at presenting himself as a theatrical little man who wore his heart on his suit sleeve).
           Then again, would it not just be easier to sign away your life without regard to the consequences?
Lucifer twitched when you groaned on your seat at the table. “Problem?” 
You rose slowly from your hunched position to make eye contact. “… My pen isn’t working.” 
You demonstrated by scribbling randomly on the sticky notepad beside his scroll. Lucifer responded instantly, left hand flexing in the air and, with a flashy poof, snatching a fancy pen out of thin air. 
“You can keep it” He said, grinning as you accepted it with a sour look. 
“Thanks… show-off.” You began scribbling your name in half-assed cursive on every blank line in sight.
The grin on Lucifer’s face became borderline manic as soon as you’d crossed your ‘t’s and dotted your ‘i’s. His teeth glinted in the light from your cheap-ass lamp and it made you wince as you handed the rolled up document back to him. 
“Um, can we maybe skip the kissing stuff?” You asked. “I don’t really want to cut my tongue open.” 
His wounded expression tugged rather annoyingly at your heart. 
The smile he gave your mumbled apology was strained at best. “No, no I understand. The fangs were daunting to me when I first got them, too.” 
You cocked your head, thoughts materializing like the web of a spider. 
“That’s actually something we should talk about.” You voiced your thoughts. “Are we compatible? Down there?” 
“What do you mean?” 
“I mean — you don’t have teeth down there, too… right?” You asked. “Or some kind of eldritch horror miasma that I can’t touch lest I fall into a coma from ecstasy? Or a tentacle?” 
“No!” Lucifer looked mortified. “Wh-what is wrong with you humans?!” 
“I’m sorry! I’m just asking!” You cried. 
You continued when his expression stayed stagnant. “Look, I’m sorry if I offended you but I’m about to become intimately acquainted with… it, and I think I should be prepared!”
Your hellish companion stood, eyes closed, hands folded over his mouth as if in prayer. He breathed in slowly, then out. 
“You’re right, you’re right. I’m sorry it’s… it’s been a while since I’ve been with a human.” He reasoned. “It’s good to ask questions. It’s—that’s a good one. Do you have any more?” 
That made you pause. There were millions of things you could ask the King of Hell and yet not one thing could properly formulate in your brain. 
“Um, I need a second to think about it.” You muttered. “What about you? My setup is pretty basic? I guess? I have a womb. At least I did, at my last physical a year and a half ago.” 
Lucifer’s lips twitched upward in a half-smile and there was an answering flutter from your stomach. “I know.”
Your eyebrows shot up and he immediately started babbling. “I mean! I know because the contract went through! The ink would’ve turned red… or disappeared… To be honest, I don't know. I haven’t made a deal in a long time, ha ha. But I remember something happens when there’s a technical issue!” 
“Ah,” You felt better with that explanation. 
Kind of. 
“I thought of a question, actually. Sorry.” You shrugged sheepishly. “It’s probably in the contract but…”
You swallowed down your trepidation. “… I won’t die, right?”
Suddenly unable to look him in the eye, you faced the floor and missed the way Lucifer’s face fell. 
“Barring the normal risks that come with being pregnant, nothing else is gonna happen, right? Or if it does, it won’t be agonizing?” You asked quietly. 
A moment of silence passed before the ex-Angel’s fingers curled under your chin. Your head rose and you saw Lucifer's eyes soften from something sharper and more determined. 
“I will do everything in my power to protect you and the baby.” He said firmly. “Nothing terrible will happen to either of you. I swear.” 
It was strange, the effect his words had on you. The jittery feeling in your chest slowly disappeared, and the tears forming in your eyes didn’t fall. 
“Okay.” You nodded with a barely there, watery smile. 
“I’m gonna turn off the lights, ok?” You said over your shoulder. 
Lucifer was undoing the last of the buttons of his dress shirt, vest and overcoat already laid neatly over your desk. He met your gaze, eyes bright. 
“Of course.” His close-lipped smile struck you, but you flipped the light switch before you could think on it. 
A lack of light did very little to suppress Lucifer. He seemed to glow like the star of his namesake, flourishing in the dark and hard to miss. You simply hoped, as you pulled at your sleeves, his shine wouldn’t illuminate the terrain of your body. 
Cold air hit your skin, goosebumps rose along your bare arms and shoulders, but you persisted. When everything was shucked save for your underwear, you moved to your bed and realized Lucifer was still standing at the baseboard. 
With arms crossed, you assumed the same position at the side of the bed. “Um?”
“Ladies first!” He chimed, as if reading your mind. 
You sighed, then slowly climbed onto the mattress and awkwardly pulled the comforter from under your butt. You settled and patted a spot in front of you. 
Hesitantly, Lucifer accepted the invitation, and he was sitting next to you before you could blink. 
No going back now. 
You shifted in your spot uneasily. Fuck, it had been a long time since you had sex. 
How did you start this shit again? 
No kissing — per your own request. You had half a mind to take it back while you sat there floundering, trying not to let the tangible awkwardness break your resolve entirely. 
You could do this. For a lifetime of no work, no bills, no cares. 
You could do this.
A bit of movement in the dark caught your eye. You glanced down and realized that Lucifer was twiddling his thumbs waiting for you. 
The laugh came bubbling from your throat before you could stop it. Reaching out, you grabbed one of his hands and tugged him forward.
You could see his throat constrict as he swallowed and smiled questioningly. “What?”
Lucifer yelped when you laid back, taking him with you. 
“Ah! F-fu — Slow down!” You scolded, words muffled as you were repeatedly pushed down into the pillows. 
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry, you just,” Every word was punctuated by a sharp snap of his hips against the flesh of your ass. “Feel. So. Fucking. Good.” 
Lucifer moaned loudly as he continued to lose himself in the sensation. You could only groan, irritation building as your partner refused to give you even the most basic attention. The frustration peaked quickly, then unraveled as his pleasured moans and squeaks caused your stomach to somersault over and over again. 
You clenched around his cock when he whined, thrusting into you so deeply you felt the base of him stretching your hole that much wider. 
Well, fuck you for finding the sound of a masculine voice cracking the hottest thing in all of creation. 
But it was actually getting you there, so what were you complaining for?
          Eyes closed, you focused on the feeling, trying to jump off that precipice with only penetration. It reminded you of when you were a teen, awkwardly feeling around down there. Of trying to find the appeal in your fingers inside of somewhere so sensitive against the fear of hurting yourself. All while you worked yourself up with your own imagination. 
In a perfect world, you would’ve moved on from that stage of life with no repeat performances. Hopefully, it could still be salvag—
You gripped the pillows that hadn’t tumbled off the juddering mattress when Lucifer’s claws dug into your hips. He pulled you as close as humanly possible with a strangled yelp, shivering, shuddering, stammering incoherence as warmth flooded your insides. 
Fuck’s sake.
You were disappointed, but not surprised. All you could do after the fact was bury yourself in the covers and watch Lucifer catch his breath beside you. 
Not finishing aside, exhaustion from the entire ordeal made you indolent and your thoughts hazy. You studied your partner as he calmed down, clearly trying not to be too close to you now that the deed was done. 
Lucifer’s hair was in disarray, the space between his eyes and across his cheeks rosy like the blots parallel to his smile. 
Lucifer looked at you innocently, waiting. You could physically feel your walls crumbling down despite yourself. 
“Come here.” You murmured, hand sliding beneath the covers to touch that poreless skin. 
Damn you and your soft heart. 
‘Actually…’ You had Lucifer in your arms, his body still warm. Once he was in your grasp, the King melted against you. 
He looked a little afraid as you tilted him up by the chin to look at you. The Devil had surprisingly soulful eyes, questioning whatever you had in store. 
The tiny thought that he was being way too vulnerable drew a taut, uncomfortable feeling your chest. 
“Kiss me.” 
Lucifer blinked in rapid succession — surprise, wonder, confusion and hope bloom all at once on his unusual face. 
It made you laugh in the quiet, comfortable darkness of your room before you yourself leaned in and met his lips with your own. The line of Lucifer’s mouth trembled, but he reciprocated with only minor hesitation. 
* Tag List: @crescent-z, @for-hearthand-home, @undertale-is-sansational, @loslox, @navierkalani, @yaimlight, @ivoryviness, @crystalplays28, @flowerempress, @wally-darling-hyperfixation, @altruisticradiodemon, @moonlight-readings, @halparkebitch, @charliecharlie65, @sockgoblin, @cocomollo, @caniseethefourthsword, @squeegeeclean, @crow-twink, @an-emovision, @marydragneell, @lafy-taffy, @fandom-imagines1,
Please let me know I missed tagging you!
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xoxomoonlightxoxo · 6 months
Don't Get Attached | Masterlist
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➪ Pairing: ex-boyfriend jungkook x y/n
➪ Synopsis: Entangled in Jungkook’s lies the so-called love you share is nothing but toxic. Every push is followed by a needy pull, but it’s not all his fault, is it? Naive to the signs, your desires fuel this cycle of destruction. What if the person you want the most is the one you’ll be better without? Baby, there’s no breaking up, he whispers in your ear, as his grip on your waist tightens.
➪ Genre: toxic relationship, cheating, attachment issues, possessiveness, angst, smut
➪ Warning: 18+
➪ W/c: 6.8k
➪ Playlist (Spotify)
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Part 1: Sex, sex, sex
Part 2: No Strings Attached
Part 3: I Can Beg For You
Part 4: Do You Miss This?
Part 5: Remind Me Why We're Taking a Break
Drabbles Masterlist (unhinged headcanons)
➪ "Y/n, how can you do this to me while sleeping?"
➪ "Please y/n, I've been so good,"
➪ "I'd rip anything off you,"
➪ "Every inch of her is mine,"
➪ "We're still on a break, got it?"
➪ "I don't do that sharing shit,"
➪ "Her first time, huh?"
➪ "Closer to you is all I want to be,"
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styxwanderer · 1 month
The Wrong Fake Identity | Twisted Wonderland [pt.6]
part 1 Part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 <part 6>
[A for Abduction, B for Bribery]
˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙·̩̩̥͙**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙˚*
Word of you secured in the dragon’s and his herds arms spread wide. Some were brought to despair, some are brought to joy, some are brought to anger, some are even more determined.
“Of course the final boss would be the dragon, but there is nothing me a genius can’t do hehe..”
“Silver! How do i look!” You enthusiastically walked up to him, now dressed in the black and green uniform. 
“..it.. it looks good on you, y/n.” The precious boy stammered. His unique orb staring at you.
You had no idea why, but you felt yourself wanting to hug the silver haired boy, or maybe sleep on top of him. You just need to get him to lie down first.
“Come, we should show father and malleus!” 
You intertwined your hand with his as you cling to him. Silver was shocked out of his mind from your boldness, even more so when you started purring in his hold, but he wouldn’t mind it either, it’s just a matter of keeping his heart steady that he mind. He could bow hear his heart beating in his ears, he just hope his complexion is not as obvious as his heart is.
“We are back father, Malleus.” 
“Oo welcome back—“ the both of them stood shock at your close proximity with silver, even so when you start to rub your cheeks against his biceps. 
“Aaa~ it seems this little kitty is very attached to you silver, after all you had been very good with animals.” Lilia can’t decide if he should be proud of his son or be jealous that he is favored by you. He had agreed to share you, but that doesn’t mean you can have favorites amongst them. 
Malleus was jealous, he had known you longer than silver but why must you choose silver? That’s alright, he would just prove to you that he is much kore deserving of your favour than the silver haired boy. 
“Child of man…” sitting in his throne, he called to get your attention, trying to get you to come to him. 
You ignored him, silence filled the room making silver sweat a drop, not wanting to offend his Leige. This makes malleus hurt.
“Come kitty, you can’t act so spoiled. When your king called you, you need to acknowledge him.” Lilia pried you off his son, sensing the jealousy that bubbles up the dragon fae.
“Malleus hold this.” Lilia throw a mouse toy connected to a string. This caught your attention, you begun to approach the dragon.
“Oh?! You wanted to approach me now that i have this? Interesting indeed.” Malleus swish the stick back and forth. Your head, of course follow. 
You leap to the toy trying to catch it, but Malleus had retracted the toy to his hand holding it. Your eyes remain slitted as you readied yourself.
You pounced to his lap shocking the trio. In a reflective movement, malleus had stretched the hand to the air, and accidentally dropped it. 
“Oh no-“
You being a spoiled naughty cat you are deciding the best course of action is to jump over malleus, your feet stepping on top of his head, between his horn and leaped behind him to catch your prized mouse.
“Nyaa~” you meowed amused with your catch. The room once again become silent, 
“Ahahahahahha, how brazen this cat is, i have never had anybody even dared to think of stepping my head. Me, the heir to the briar valley. How amusing~”
“Hahahha.. if sebek is here he will either foam in his mouth, or have a mental breakdown, maybe both.” Lilia laugh
Silver too joined in, finding your boldness endearing and adorable, he wouldn't mind  if you had stepped on his head too. 
you returned to Malleus lap, finding it comfortable enough, this had made Malleus ecstatic tho he tried his best to hide it. you finding your foot print to be dirty and half guilty over your action decided you need to clean your mistake, you licked the top of his head grooming his hair back to its proper state. 
a prince can't have a messy hair! 
"oh my! your bravery is very admirable! The soldier in briar valley ought to learn a thing ir two from you." lilia mused
"how long does it take to plan a wedding.”
“Ohh my! Well it might take a year or two. But with a skillful fae it could take a day or two.”
“Malleus, is it not too early? We are still at school.” Silver chirped in.
“Doesn’t matter, they had accepted me as hers.”
Malleus haul you up and spins you around. The blushing fae is spinning the room with you, still confused of the situation and more preoccupied with the toy in your hand:
“We shall be wed And have a kid or two. Our wedding would be the most magical! What a dream come true~”
Even though silver and lilia are a bit jealous that Malleus are abled to gain the title your husband, they wouldn’t mind at all since a king’s job would be plenty, and of course there should be somebody looking over you while your beloved husband is away. 
With Malleus preoccupied to plan the wedding he have silver and lilia to look over you, your over energetic drive have driven both lilia and silver out of their energy. 
“Oh no..” silver said mid playing as he felt himself getting drowsy and drowsier. Then  silver passed out on the floor.
“Noo.. you can’t leave me Silver, haaa-“ 
Lilia looked back at you thinking he have to continue to play with you alone but to his surprise you just walked toward silver before curling up on top of his abs and enjoying the boy’s warmth.
“ i guess the whole cat mouse game had also tire you out.” 
A rumble in your stomach became a bell to lilia.
“Oh! You are hungry too? What a demanding kitty, what can i do? I shall make you a grand fiest.” 
You were about to protest but all is too late since lilia bolted out of the room.
“I should just topple the plate over once he comes back for bow i shall enjoy this nice pillow” you thought.
There is a voice again, you looked around to find the source. A hand then came out of the big door.
“Come here kitty kitty kitty~~~” it whispered 
“What is this smell?” You thought 
“It smell, so… so very..”
You bolted towards the door to find the source of such delectable smell.
“Idia?? Nice to see you here! Also.. heyy~ what’s that sticking all over you? It smells so good~” 
You grow closer and closer to the guy sniffing him up and down. Idia is standing nervously, he had somehow managed to stick a lot of catnip all around his clothes hair and body, stuffing as much as he can inside under his jacket of course.
“It..it doesn’t matter, the smell, its just something special for you..” his voice getting lower towards the end.
“Ohh! Idia you are the best!” You hugged the now pink flame haired boy. 
“Eh uhm not really.. haha.. so you would want to come with me righht? Ill give you lots of these if you come with me.” The nerveous boy had somehow snapped his personality to a cocky bastard. 
“Yess! YES! Where should we go?” 
“Just follow me!” 
You are latching yourself to Idia as you give his occasional rub on his neck, his arm, his chest, sniffing the delectable smell. 
You had been successfully stolen by the timid boy. 
Once malleus and lilia came back and finding the passed out silver and not a single strand of your hair in sight, a thunder roars through diasomnia. This snaps Silver out of his dream. 
“FIND HER, and punish those who dare to steal from me!” 
“Yes, malleus.”
“What is this smell?” 
Meanwhile in Ignihyde,
“Awhh whose the good kitty?” 
“Me! Me!” 
You had a brad new collar, a blue triangle patterned collar with a beautiful silver charm, which engraved “ property of Idia, please return” on the back side of it. You are given a comfortable ignihyde uniform. You are nuzzling Idia in his room, enjoying the comfort of his body and the addictive smell. 
You hug him close rubbing yourself everywhere around his body, sniffing him close. You can never get enough of his smell. 
“I am the best, i am a genius. Not even the final boss can win against my brilliance” Idia thought, patting himself on the back for his brilliant idea. No body could rival his brilliance he manically laugh inside. 
He decided to play his  game in his bed as you latch to his torso, sitting in his lap. The both of you comfortable with each other. A peck of pink flame always colouring Idia’s hair. 
“Ignihyde dorm leader had taken y/n away from him.” The news spread. 
“That guy?!!” Ace half-shouted shock.
“Well he is quite a cat lover, Still we have to get y/n back!” Grim grumbled
“We hafta to et em back! “
“Uhmm.. to get them away from my brother.. is going to be quite hard..” Ortho ponders.
“A! Its because you are on his side isn’t it!” Ace accused.
“Not its not!! Its just the fact that Idia manage to steal them away from the final boss means that he also come prepared, like a final boss.”
“What ever would make them go with that guy.” Deuce ponders. 
“Delivery for Idia shroud.”
The five of them glanced back at the rabbit delivery courier. 
“Oh! Deuce! Nice to see you here.”
“Nice to see you too, can we help you with something.”
“Ah its just, do you know where to find idia shroud.”
“Oh yes he is my brother.”
“Is that so, well i got a package, I don’t know where to drop it off, he said he is going to meet me but i guess he lost track of time.”
“Geez typical of my brother.”
“Right i will just leave the package to you, please sign here.”
“And here is your package.”
“Uwaaaaa!” Ortho almost tumble down as he try to hoist the package up. 
“What is this? Why is it so heavy!!”
The courier had already left probably in a hurry.
“ hey.. that’s idia’s right?” Grim said.
“The  he must’ve building something that capture y/n or some defense! If we get to know what he is building then we can defeat the final boss eaze peaze right?” Grim smirked
“Oh! Nice thinking! Now open the package!” Epel enthusiasticly said. 
“Wait! No! If brother know you went through his stuff! He will be mad!!!” 
“What he doesn’t know wont bother him!” Ace smirked closing in on ortho who is trying to protect his brother’s package.
“Im sorry ortho but this is for the best.” 
Jack hauled the box out of Ortho’s grasp as he open it. 
“Eugh this smell. Ah!” Jack had accidentally thrown the box down. Letting it’s content to spill.
“Hey! Computer program is very delicate ya know!”
“It isn’t computer program.” Jack answered.
“AAAAHHH!!!” A collective gasp were heard.
“THAT BASTARD Is bribing my henchhuman!” Grim fumed. Even though, it smelled good, if you aren’t there to serve him he rather not have it. 
“That’s rude! My brother is not that low! He must’ve used this … for other reasons… probably..” 
“WHATEVER! Now this is ours we can used it however we liked, even to lure a certain cat!” Epel smirked.
“Nice thinking! Human!” Sebek.
“Oh what’s with the commotion here?”
“AAAHH!! Its Riddle, Trey, and Carter!!” 
“It is certainly noisy around here.” Azul and the tweek appeared 
“ stop yapping already, and what is this smell?” Leona said wincing his nose. Ruggie walking aside, hand behind his head. 
“Ohhh!! Is there something going on here?” The scarabia duo come in. 
“ what a troublesome thing, epel i expected you to be more reserved around these miscreant. “ vil and room has also joined them.
“Oya oya? Is there some sort of meeting we are not invited into?” The diasomnia trio appeared. 
“Ah look its the traitor group.” Leona taunted.
“Whatever shall we do to a grouo of traitor.” Azul joined in.
“A beheaded sure is filling for the crimes of betrayal is it not.”
“Truly it is, afterall  a dog that bites the hand that feeds them needs to be punished.”
“Hahaha, don’t be too cruel now you two, now that item, it’s idia’s is ot not?”Azul chuckle 
“Ooo? He is building something to building a project?” Malleus questioned
“My brother’s business is none of your business!!”
“Plus it’s finder’s keepers so HANDS OFF!”
“Oh still dare to bark?”
“Ohh look at all those catnip.” Lilia suddenly show behind them.
“Malleus could this possibly the smell from before?”
“Hmm.. It Is! Haaa unexpected of shroud, he dared to enter the dragon’s territory and claim his bride/groom? How terrible.”
“Ha? Whose bride/groom?” Leona retorted.
“Of course they should be mine, None of you know how to take care of them properly!” Vil joined.
The seven of them tried to escape but were soon caught by the tall huge juniors.
“Where are you going noww? I havent squeeze you all yet~”
“Hahaha, that’s true, floyd needs his fill for today.”
“Stop this little pups..” 
The potionlogy came with Crowley who was tied and forced to go whereever he is, Sam, Vargas, and also Trein. 
“Stop fighting against each other for once we have greater problem.”
“What is it?”
The first year could only sigh and surrender to  whatever fate is to come.
After the explanation the second and third year felt like hunting and mauling the crow. 
“Eekh! I told you im sorry already! It’s not my fault —“
“Its your fault ya kno..” Sam interrupted.
Vargas is trying to calm the boiling crewel.
“Ha, we need to catch them before the inspector comes and give them the antidote to their potion.” Trein concluded.
“This package, idia’s package might’ve proven to be useful to us.” Crewel said
“we need to come up with a plan.”
“Haaa, im sorry brother.” 
[ Words 2505]
>> to be continued<<
.·:*¨༺ ❈ ༻¨*:·.
[ maybe i should add tw: druging LOL]
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jinxedmuse · 2 months
best friend - lee sohee, 이소희
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in which: your best friend sohee offers a "no strings attached" relief from the stress of your relationship but finds himself falling in too deep.
an: don't know if you guys have listened to sohee's playlist but he has a lot of romantic songs on there, mainly best friends to lovers centric or heartbroken ones and it made me want him even more..
warnings: cheating, accidental overstimulation, rough sub!sohee, multiple orgasms, lots of whining and begging from sohee, lowk manipulative, degradation, pet names, oral, sohee is older than reader by like 4 months, reader's bf is eunseok...
playlist: sex eden, get up newjeans, like you do joji, to. ex taeyeon, i feel it coming wknd
wc: 2.1k... been going feral over sohee the last couple of days, had to get it out my system, consider this my comeback?
movie nights at your place on friday were a mandatory tradition you've had with your best friend, lee sohee for over five years.
this year, due to a recent (almost a year) addition to your life (a boyfriend) the sense of freedom that came with this night significantly decreased. what was supposed to be a night to catch up with your best friend, free of stress from external sources had turned into check-ins with your boyfriend every hour or so and an uncomfortable amount of distance between you and sohee, physically as well.
this wasn't necessarily because your boyfriend saw sohee as a threat, i mean, he looked like a mini duck you win at a fair or something. sohee is shy but humorous, mischievous but respectful. yet your boyfriend always felt like something was (in his words) "off" about how sohee always stuck at your side sometimes s little too literally and close for comfort.
you dismissed it, insisting your close relationship had stemmed from a bond built off being relentlessly teased together since high school. that, "sohee isn't like that. we're just best friends is all. trust me" you'd say, fully believing yourself as well, because how could your relationship ever change after 5 years?
you were currently sending your boyfriend his 3rd "update" within the past hour. you hear a loud sigh coming from sohee's side of the couch. you finish sending your text before looking up.
"i know, i know. sorry, you know how he is, just overprotective is all" you say in defense, already knowing what your best friend was about to complain about.
sohee doesn't face you, instead, laser-focused on the movie you both were barely even watching. trying to ignore the heavy change in dynamic ever since you got into a relationship.
"i know" he starts whining, twisting the hem of the throw cover that was over his lower half, a heavy feeling in his heart. "it's just that we hardly get to hang out together as it is, and when we do you're glued to your phone."
you weighed on his words while looking at him. his voice was soft and shaky but showed no signs of tears in his eyes. his beauty marks scattered all around his face, some trailing in his collarbones and ears. fueled by a sudden pang of guilt you toss your phone onto the table in front of you and crawl over to shoes side of the couch. earning a sly smile from the smaller-framed boy.
"this close? how scandalous" he jokes, opening up the throw cover so you can get underneath it with him. safe distance, of course. you sling an arm around him immediately earning a groaned laugh as he tries to push you off. you tussle his hair until his grip gurns into more of a pained restrict with one hand and he lands you onto your back.
sohee is now on top of you, both his legs at each of your sides, his necklace, part of the set the two of you had although you haven't been wearing yours recently hanging in front of your face. his oversized shit that was a little too big for him leaving a gap between the collar and his neck, chest slightly exposes.
you were too engulfed in his scent, clean laundry, one you've always found comforting, to realize he was full-on staring at your lips. a hard-on slowly forming and straining against his cargo pants.
"why do you keep forgetting i'm older than you, huh?" he teases. the truth is sohee is older than you by 4 months. however, when you first met (since you were already in the same grade) you were so adamant about dropping honorifics. insisting that technically you were "same-age friends."
once you realize he's staring at your lips your mouth suddenly goes dry, and you push out a forced laugh. trying to ignore the heat coming from between your legs, suddenly realizing how heavy he feels on top of you. You couldn't bring yourself to push sohee off despite how wrong it was. this was still innocent, right?
"i didn't forget," you say, your own eyes now stuck on his pink lips "i just don't care." you tease back, trying to overturn the situation but his grip remains steady, not letting you get up. just feeble squirms now and then.
do you not see me as a man? he asked, it was a whimper the way it came out so whiny. you giggle at this, not taking the boy on top of you seriously.
he tilts his head, sizing you up and down. eyes stopping right at your boobs, your nipples hard and visible through your thin shirt. he shifts his weight so that now he's sitting directly on top of you. his bulge that was now rock hard right over your heat. "don't you want things to go back to the way they were?" he asked innocently.
you feel like a spell had been cast on you, his slight pressure on your cunt caused it to flex around nothing, aching to be touched but you couldn't do that to your boyfriend. you shake your head in disagreement. "what do you mean sohee, and why are you still on me idiot" you ask jokingly, trying to lighten the tension in the room now. the movie was long forgotten.
"oh cmon' he starts again, "don't you ever get bored of" he gets interrupted by your phone ringing, a special tone you had set for only your boyfriend. it was starting to piss sohee off.
why was his precious time with you always getting interrupted by your insolent waste of a boyfriend? "of that" he grunted out, dipping so that his member was now grinding down on you. you hold back your moans, throwing your head back. ashamed at the amount of pleasure you felt.
this isn't right, you tried to reason with yourself. you have a boyfriend, sohee is your best friend, but fuck, does it feel good the way he was messily rutting himself against you. practically dry humpin' you.
"sohee." you managed to choke out through moans "this isn't right" you object, fighting your hands from going up and pulling him closer to you.
"it's not cheating if you don't do anything back, just let me make you feel good please, huh princess? don't you remember how good i was? don't you want to know how much i improved" he asks, leaving slopping kisses down your neck, his slim hands roaming all over your body, tugging at your clothes.
he was currently referring to back what happened on a hot summer day during freshmen year up in your old tree house that barely fit the growing bodies of two best friends. you can still remember how hot it was, sweat sticking to your bodies before you had even started anything.
your frames uncomfortable in the one-size-too-small tree house, it was awkward, but it felt so sexy back then, and yet as soon as he was done, the reality of what you had done hit you and you couldn't look at each other for a week once school started.
once you got over it, you vowed to never do something as reckless to your friendship as that again.
2 years later during senior year, you fucked. you were each other's first, and you both wanted to "get it out the way" as college was right at your doorsteps. the nerve-wracking idea of losing it to some stranger didn't make sense, right? i mean what better way to lose it than in the back of your first car, during the first snow of winter, with your best friend, for your first time?
you had both pushed it aside. vowing it was just to not be behind your college peers and to never speak of it again. not wanting to add to the statics of why "men and women can't be friends", whatever that meant. sohee entered and left a few relationships after that. always breaking them off because he got bored after a certain point. he was single right now, opposite to you who was in a relationship.
this was wrong. every fiber of your being knew it was wrong but it was the first time you and sohee were alone together in a while. His eyes were full of lust, everything about him currently oozed sex appeal and you wanted him badly. there was no denying that with the way your cunt kept clamming around nothing, begging for attention.
sohee takes one of his hands and brings it down to your cunt, the heat he feels coming from it is almost instant. "look at you, acting like you don’t want it but you’re so fucking turned on right now" he says as he rubs his hand onto your clothed cunt.
you bite your lip, holding back a moan at his vulgar words. "it's a normal bodily reaction if you’re practically humping me, i have a boyfriend." you beg, eyes leading yet your body betraying you every time he gently rubs your pussy.
"who do love more?" he asks getting closer, “my boyfriend" you pathetically strain out at a last attempt to redeem yourself for doing this. he licks your ear lov slowly, biting the too which earns a moan from you before trailing back down to your neck with small wet pecks. his hand was still on your cunt and you were now grinding onto it.
"who makes you feel better huh? me?" he asks when he gets to your breast, he removes his hand from your cunt earning a desperate mewl from you, immediately missing his touch on you.
"look at you, rutting your desperate little pussy to get some relief from your best friend, but you expect me to believe you love your boyfriend? huh, whore?" he growls in between sloppy kisses and sucks to your nipple, twisting them every time you shook your head to try and tried to deny his (very true) allegations.
he watches as your back arches from the sofa a bit, his aching cock begging to be freed but he isn't satisfied yet. he takes the other hand that was holding both of yours up and brings it down to your cunt, slipping into your extremely short shorts and going over your delicate panties
you were already wet, his fingers slipping against your puffy lips way too easily. “look at you~~~~" he says in a mocking tone, "all wet for me, baby? beg and i’ll make you feel good" he taunts unto your ear. you nod your head immediately "please sohee, f-fuck i need you to touch me"
"i’m sorry slut, what was that?"
you chase his fingers, eyes teary at his teasing "please, hee fuck me" you cry in desperation, nails digging into his shirt, pulling him closer.
at this point, you were too horny to care about how desperate you seemed, becoming an incoherent mess full of whining and begging.
sohee falls completely apart, drooling at your blubbering mess, he likes two of his slim digits, pointer, and middle finger, and thrust them into your throbbing cunt, curling them slightly,
your back arches almost completely off the couch, both your hands gripping his forearms in pure bliss, eyes shut in concentration on how good it all feels.
his slim digits entering and exiting you with such precision and a bit of roughness, curling up in all the right spots had you panting excessively, beads of sweat already forming on your forehead.
the faster and harsher he went, occasionally bringing his yup to play with your budded clit, you clam harder around him. suffocating his fingers, they dragged out of you in a way that made you see stars when you were dizzy.
"fuck-fuck, hee i think, nghnnn, i'm about to, fuck, come" you wring it, spit at the side of your mouth from it being slack open as you moaned underneath him, chest heaving up and down
your pathetic state doesn't take away from sohee's own though; he's as much of a whining, moaning mess as you are. his head all foggy from how pretty you looked underneath him, sweat coating your soft skin as your puffy lips were wrapped around his fingers. his member was practically budging out of his pants, beads forming on his forehead in concentration but last minute he got an idea.
he pulls out his fingers with a swiftness that makes you practically cry. your eyes snap open, a pout as you look at him. confused at this sudden action. "let me stuff myself inside you and then taste your cum, huh? what do you think about that princess~~" he asks in his usual teasing voice. moments like this when he was giving you brain fog you remembered he was your best friend.
but that didn't matter right now, you needed to be fucked dumb. so you just nod your head like a pathetic bitch in heat and he smiles, quickly unzipping his pants and pulling down his boxers.
his dick is now free and you almost faint at the sight. he was clean-shaven, with balls the perfect size for you to cup in your hand. he wasn't huge or even too thick but he was long, long, and veiny, his dick was a light hue of pink while his tip was beaming red. streams of pre cum endlessly flowing out. you moaned at the sight, looking at it with begging eyes.
he's satisfied with your reaction, knowing you hadn't seen it since that night two years ago during senior year in the back seat of your car. he suddenly felt like he was on top of the world, an ego boost surging through him as he watched how you looked at his member longingly.
he gives his dick a few pumps over your cunt, his cum leaking onto you, "you want me to stuff you baby? all bare while you have a man waiting for your call?"
his questions bring heat to your cheeks, God you were such an asshole for this but you needed sohee so desperately you felt like you were going to cry if you didn't have him inside you. you watch the way his cum leaks into you as he's pumping himself above you and you find yourself subconsciously bringing up your lower body so your cunt could meet up.
he pushes you back down, a smirk on his face
"be patient, it's the least a whore could do" with one last painful squeeze he takes both your legs and put them onto his shoulders, he aligns himself with your core and spit on his hand, slapping your cunt one last time before inserting his tip into.
you let out an animalistic mewl at how much pleasure that simple act gave you but you barely have any time to adjust yourself before he slams himself fully into you
you try to pull back away, but the pressure was too much, you looked down and felt like you could see his cock slamming in and out of you. it was so slim and long that it hit all the right places on the first try. your chest was heaving up and down the same way it did after you ran a marathon or chased after your bus. the amount of pleasure you were experiencing was driving you crazy, he pulled you back in by your waist, eyebrows furrowed.
you felt so full like you were about to pee. "I can't; fuck i'm-close can't take it" you cry out trying out again to back up but he takes both his hands and cozily and pushes himself deeper into you, he hit the spot that makes you cum and as if on the command you do exactly that. a mix of squirting and creamy come going all over his balls and coating his base, even getting on his toned stomach. fuck he was in love
the sight of you coming and moaning all because of him has him doing the same, he holds your waist in position and cums in you, not pulling out until you were full of every last drop of his seed. you felt yourself practically getting filled up as if you had just eaten. the feeling was pure ecstasy, your boyfriend always pulled out even when you begged.
you stare at each other for a moment, what was once lust got replaced by something else which stirred a desire in the pits of your stomach. you get interrupted by the rining if that special tone once more, you start to reach f for it but sohee grabs your hand and slams it down next to you.
"don't," he says sternly. it was supposed to sound like a command but it almost sounded like he was begging, pleading for your attention to stay on him. you nodded with starry eyes, still coming down from the incredible high he had just given you.
he crouches down and you sit up halfway on your elbows sorta confused, suddenly he pulls your in and hurridly barries his face into your cunt. it started a lot romantic as if he were making out with your cunt. delicate kisses to your inter thigh, slower pulling on your lips, and tender licks on your clit. you sigh in bliss, but you lose your balance when he strikes his tongue into your core, a finger at your clit playing with it in a circular motion that has you moaning profanities.
his tongue would occasionally go flat to slurp up the combination of both your juices, your cum mixed was now coated on his tongue and around his offy pink lips, he ate you out like he was a starved animal. his grip on your hip grew firmer the more you moaned his name. his dick was now slightly hard again and he found himself pathetically rutting against the couch as he ate you out to offer himself some form of relief.
you come again, this time in his mouth and he doesn't waste a second licking up all your wetness, moaning at how good you taste, drowning you in praises for coming for him twice. your leg was shaking, toes curled at the overstimulation when suddenly siri starts reading out loud a recent message sent 1 minute ago:
"eunseokie says: 'why haven't you been answering? i'm outside, i'm coming up now.' one minute ago. Would you like to reply?"
"NO", you yell out in a rush, sitting up and suddenly too aware of your current state sohee lifts his head, he sees the look on your face and knows his fun with you is over.
sohee purposely drags his tongue out of you at a slow, painful pace that ears one last moan out from you before he sits up, throwing his head back onto the couch while pulling up his boxers and pants, stuffing his still aching cos into them.
you get off the couch and look around for your panties but they are still in sohee's pants, you bend down and reach for them from his pocket but even with his eyes closed he gets a grip on your wrist and shakes his head. "don't even bother"
you let out an exasperated huff, legs still far too weak to be arguing right now. you calculated in your head and realized your boyfriend, eunseok should be coming up in approximately two minutes. you take a crumbled-up napkin from your table and use it to wipe anything off yourself before moving sohee out of the way you were down the couch before tossing it in the bin.
you then grab the throw blanket you were wearing and throw it into the washer, tossing in a random detergent before starting it.
"c'mon, sohee don't do this to me you have to go before he gets her-" your sentence is cut off by the sound of keys jiggling.
sohee gets up, and he looks at you in a way that makes your heart hurt. he runs a hand through his hair before he leans in to kiss you, catching you completely off guard. you don't let yourself enjoy the kiss, backing up before wiping your lips with the back of your hand, eyes almost popping out of your sockets.
you hear the door open and sohee smirks, smiling as he makes his way to the from. you follow loosely behind him.
sohee and eunseok met right at the door as sohee was bending down to finish tying up his shoes.
"ah, hyung nice to see you again," sohee says as he pulls together his most polite smile, even sticking out his hand for a handshake. eunseok looks down at it and shakes it, giving a curt smile as he enters.
"are we close enough for you to call me hyung" he asked, you'd be lying if you said he didn't look good. jet black hair parted to the side, a cocky and passive-aggressive smile plastered on his face. sohee noticed the way you looked at eunseok and felt bitterness grow in his heart, and that was the one thing he had never been.
you clear your throat and approach your boyfriend, slightly limping before wrapping your arms around his neck, eunseok drops sohee's hands and pulls you into an embrace by your waist. it hurts slightly because sohee was just gripping them but you plaster your fake smile, holding back a whimper of pain. sohee looks at you both before he heads out the door.
with you still at his side, eunseok holds the door handle, watching the younger boy in front of him with daggers.
"ah, there's something on your lip, over here" eunseok points out to the younger boy, pointing a finger to his top lip to point out where the "thing" is.
soheee brings his finger up to where it is and looks at his hand after, it was your wetness, still on his face, in front of your fucking boyfriend. you mentally face-palm yourself and pray to the universe your boyfriend is too fired to guess what that is.
sohee drags it into his mouth, strategically sucking on his finger with an innocent smile. "thanks hyung, reader gave me a nice, warm, toaster struddle earlier. i'm a bit of a messy eater tho" he says with a slightly narcissistic laugh as he shoves his hands into his pocket, you can see in one pocket he's fumbling with something, your panties to be exact.
yeah, time to wrap this up, you thought to yourself before tugging in eunseok's long-sleeved leather jacket, you pulled him back before giving sohee a curt nod and apologetic smile that only the two of you knew.
sohee's heart felt heavy, and you couldn't put it into words but yours did too. he gave a nod back as if all was fine as if he understood but you could tell by the look on his face that his heart was breaking right in front of you and you were the cause, you slowly shut the door but your boyfriend locks it before you could even register the situation you almost got caught in and the heavy feeling in your chest.
eunseok pulls you away from the door, sighing as he walks and leads you to your living room, the living room where you just came twice.
you look up once you hear eunseok cough a bit and let go of your hand, plopping down on your couch.
"by the way, why is the washing machine on so late?'
an: hey! muse here, how'd you enjoy this short nonsense i whipped up after almost 6 months(?) of ghosting you all, haha.. but really, if i told you guys everything that happened to me since what i last dropped, you wouldn't even believe me. i'm still quite busy but i missed you guys, and i missed writing. i'm not going to make any promises on how frequently i'll update but for now, fuck it, why not say i'm back lol. i hope you guys enjoyed :)
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urhoneycombwitch · 2 months
lulu idk how to properly explain it but “is that how you usually get out of these situations? by fucking your way out of them?” rly screams reader teasing steve when they’re hooking up post- or mid-s4. something very goofy but also a little angsty abt it… because you both know he shouldn’t have gotten out of these situations but he somehow has. this while they’re having passionate rushed life affirming sex 🫶🏻if that makes any sense hehe xox han
foreword: Han I can’t tell u how perfect this is for the drabble I’ve been planning in my head for days now. paying homage to S4 Steve with this one!!! (4 u my beloved @stevenose )
wc: 1.4k
cw: hurt/comfort, oral (R receiving), description of injuries, lightly unresolved angst
Something’s different, this time.
You can feel it in the way Steve touches you, a bit rougher around the edges, crowding you back against your bedroom wall, stealing the breath from your lungs with the force of his kisses.
He’s adhering to the routine, still, can’t really fault him for his hunger- it’s been two weeks since he’s been by; you figured he was busy with trying to find a new job after the mall fire and plus, Steve’s not the calling type. Not with you, at least.
Which is fine. It’s been a cordial friends-with-benefits, emphasis on the benefits, since your collective senior years. After Nancy Wheeler dumped the King of Hawkins High, you were the one to pick up the pieces. It’s been a mutually beneficial arrangement for the last few years, a familiar fling to expend pent-up energy with no strings attached.
Steve’s always been a really attentive sexual partner (has you to thank for that, really- you fucked him when he was still spoilt high school royalty, all bravado but none of the skills to back it up until he was taught), but the way he’s looking at you now, like he’s hungry, has you squirming.
“What?” he asks, between kisses with tongue that part past the seam of your lips. “What’s up, hm?”
Steve’s hands are splayed on the wall at either side of your head, his eyes lust-blown, black nearly overtaking amber irises. You shift against the steady weight of his body against yours, slipping your hand up up up to cup the side of his face.
“This new?” Your thumb catches the white-lined split of his lower lip.
Steve kisses your fingertip, dismissive. “Doesn’t hurt any more. Don’t worry about it.”
“That’s not an answer,” you start, but Steve sighs so piteously and with such conviction that you kiss him again.
It’s not like he hasn’t shown up with minor injuries, before- there was a month straight where he had a new bruise every few day. He was squirrely about their origins and then they faded and you forgot all about them.
You’re finding it hard to hold on to any strand of coherency now as Steve takes the skin of your neck between his teeth, denim-clad knee slotting at the apex of your bare thighs; He’s still fully dressed, while you’re down to just undies and bra.
Half a bra, now, as Steve slips one of the straps from your shoulder to release a breast, dipping down to suck your nipple into his mouth.
You hiss when there’s a flash of teeth, hands shooting to grip Steve by the long strands of his auburn hair. He moans in response, vibrations sending shockwaves to your core, hips bucking to grind into his waiting thigh.
Steve kisses across your chest, hands sliding up your back to undo the bra clasp. He drops it to the floor, then latches on to your other nipple, cheeks hollowing out with the force of his suction.
You can feel the ridge of his split lip. When you tug at his hair, hard enough to tip his head back, he comes off your nipple with a wet pop.
“What?” He whines it, this time, petulant, pawing at your lower back to take more of your weight onto his knee. “Honey, what? Jus’ lemme take care of you, for chrissake.”
Steve buries his grumbling into your clavicle as you pet through his hair, caution in your tone as you say, “Heard about the mall fire last week.”
“Yeah. Crazy news for a small town, huh.” Steve doesn’t even pretend to sound interested, instead sinking to his knees and pressing your hips flat to the wall with his big hands.
“Thought maybe you’d tell me-” sentence bisected by a brief gasp as Steve noses into your clothed pussy, stuttering out the end- “-a-about it.”
“Nothin’ to tell, angel,” Steve says, pulling your underwear down and off your legs before sliding a hand under your knee and slotting it over his shoulder.
He leans in, nose bumping into your aching clit, tongue wet and warm at your entrance.
Any argument that you’d been leading up to is erased from your mind the second he starts sliding his tongue in and out of you, strong and quick, wetness gushing out to greet him.
He places a hand over your stomach, thumb deftly finding the pulse of your clit and rubbing in tight circles, and you’re gone- thighs trembling around his ears, stomach muscles rippling under his palm as your orgasm curls you inwards.
Steve coaxes you through it with his mouth and fingers, wringing out every last bit of pleasure. He leaves a trail of wet kisses as he ascends your body, a sharp-sweet tang of you as he licks into your mouth again.
“On the bed,” he says, voice low. Half-lidded eyes watch you obey.
In the few seconds that it takes Steve to close the distance, some of the fog clears from your mind, hand at the middle of Steve’s chest before you get flattened on the mattress and really lose all sense of decency. “Hold on. You’re not even gonna take off your shirt?”
He grins, all charm, leaning some weight into your hand- “Could be kinda kinky. See if you can make me cream my jeans. It’s your favorite pastime, after all.”
Your resolve is nearly gone as you pull him in by a fistful of shirt to keep kissing him- but when your other hand trails up his ribs and Steve flinches away, your blood runs cold.
“Steve.” It comes out more authoritative than you mean it, but you figure firmness over fear is preferable right now, so you don’t soften. “Take off your shirt. Now.”
He straightens with an eye roll, but when he sees that you’re not fucking around, he sighs and reaches behind his neck for the collar of his shirt. “Fine. But I’m not too pretty after boxing, last week, you should just know th-”
Steve’s cut off by your sharp intake of breath, your eyes roving over his bare torso for the first time that night.
Even in the soft light of your bedside lamp, it’s bad. The left side of his ribs are mottled with bruising, some areas wine-purple, yellows and greens wisping around his waist.
You shove at his shoulder, and he half-acquiesces, letting you catch sight of a bootprint in the tender flesh of his lower back before knocking your hand away, gently- “Hey- they’re fine now, okay? I’m not hurting any more. Took some Tylenol before this, so I-”
“That is so not the point.” On your feet now, arms crossed over your chest, tears springing to your eyes- “Bullshit you got all that from boxing. These are like- like hospital-grade injuries, Steve.”
He pinches the bridge of his nose, sits on the edge of your bed, still in his jeans- “I know, sweetheart. I got checked out by the paramedics, at the mall- they said there’s nothing to do but wait it out.”
You step closer, until you’re between his parted knees, his hands coming to rest on your bare hips again as you say, quiet and hurt- “You weren’t gonna even tell me? About being in the fire?”
His thumbs stroke hypnotic across your skin. “Didn’t wanna upset you.”
Your head hinges back, eye-roll of your own as you scoff to the ceiling, then back to him, trying to wall in your teary emotions with forced stolidness- “Look, I probably don’t have any right to say this to you, seeing as we’re just fooling around and I’m not your mother, but… I’m worried about you, Steve. You keep showing up on my doorstep more fucked-up than last time and I just…”
Steve pulls you in again, hugging around your middle, side of his face pressed warm to your bare stomach; you continue.
“I don’t want you to just fuck your way out of these situations, any more.”
He kisses just above your navel. “Okay. Deal. From now on… not including tonight.”
You’re going to protest, you really mean to, but then Steve’s kissing his way down again- and your argument melts away with the rest of your night.
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ladykailitha · 4 months
The Harrington Pattern Part 6
Yay! Another History Nerd Steve!! And I got a shit ton of awesome writing done yesterday so I was able to catch up to omegaverse. But it's looking like this one will finish first. As I think I have one or two more chapters to go on this one (as in past my backlog not past this chapter specifically).
In this chapter we get Eddie being a good dad, Mike getting introspective and Will getting some perspective of his own. And a little bit of Eddie keeping Mike humble for funsies.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @emly03
Eddie gathered Mike and El up and took them outside of Will’s hearing.
“Hey,” he said gently, “I’m not mad at you, okay? But I have to explain something to you both.”
Mike and El looked at each other in confusion. “About what?” El asked.
“About offering to help Will buy the staff,” Eddie said. “It showed that you are kind and generous people who only want to help their friend, but Will does not see it that way.”
“He doesn’t?” El asked.
“When you grow up poor,” Eddie said fiercely, “it is drilled into you that any help at all is charity and should be avoided at all cost.”
Mike and El looked at each other again, their confusion even greater than before.
“But why?” El asked.
“Because supposed ‘well meaning’ people,” Eddie put air quotes around well meaning, “think that when you are poor you don’t deserve good things and gifts like that always come with strings attached.”
“So Will thinks that if we help buy the staff we’re going to ask him to do something that he might not want to do but will feel he has to because we bought him the staff?” El asked in one great big rush.
“Unfortunately, yes,” Eddie said. “Do I think you’d hold it against him? No. But...”
“But when it’s all you know it’s hard to see there is a problem,” Mike muttered looking at his shoes, remembering what had happened only hours before.
Eddie’s expression softened. “The very like.” He gave them a group hug. “Besides Steve’s got it covered.”
Mike and El stepped back, confusion back on their faces.
“What do you mean?”
Eddie huffed out a laugh. “If the staff is still there on Saturday, Steve going to suddenly have ten extra dollars from Joyce that she gave him for Will’s meals that he didn’t end up spending because Will eats like a bird.”
El frowned. “But that would be a lie and friends don’t lie.”
Eddie shrugged. “Is it a lie or is it Steve stretching the truth a little to help a friend. After all your friends have lied for you. Lying to you to make you feel better is something that isn’t going to hurt anything in the long run.”
“I don’t understand,” El said, tilting her head.
“It’s like you could tell Mike he looks hideous in yellow,” Eddie pointed out. “But he wears it because it’s your favorite color. Him wearing yellow isn’t hurting anyone and it’s sweet he’s wearing it for you. So if he asked how the yellow hat looks on him you would say what? That it looks awful or that you love it because you understand the intentions behind it?”
El blinked. “You’re right. Thank you!”
Eddie smiled and began walking back to the table.
Mike started hurrying after him. “But I don’t look hideous in yellow, right? Right, Eddie?”
Eddie just kept walking with his smile turning into a feral grin.
Steve smiled at Eddie when he sat back down next to him. He bumped him with his shoulder. “If I’m the mom, you’re their dad.”
Eddie turned bright red and shoved his hair in front of his face. “Shut it.”
Steve bumped their shoulders together. “I think between the two of us we form one half-way decent parental figure.”
Eddie smiled that closed lipped dimpled smile that Steve loved so damn much and he couldn’t help but smile back.
Holy shit was this crush getting wildly out of hand. He just wanted kiss those dimples so, so much.
Across from them Mike raised an eyebrow. He looked between the two older boys and after a moment he made the connection. He thought about it for a moment and decided it wasn’t any of his business as long Steve didn’t take over their DnD time.
And considering how well Steve respected that time as friends with Eddie, he really didn’t think dating would change all that much. Just the level of PDA they would show would change.
Mike continued to watch them to see if they were a couple and hiding it or if they hadn’t gotten there yet.
His consensus? Hell if he knew, to be honest.
But better Eddie than Nancy at this point was all he was going to say on the matter.
They finally were all done with their food and they all split off again. He watched Steve and Eddie go off together and shook his head.
Will tilted his head. “What’s up?”
Mike knew what Will was. Had done for ages now. He just smiled at his best friend. “I haven’t held much stock in there being one person for you in all the world, but you know sometimes you see two people together and just think ‘yeah, I couldn’t see them with anyone else,’ you know?”
Will looked in the direction Steve and Eddie were walking away and nodded. “Yeah, I think I do.”
While there wasn’t much to do the kids still came home that night filled with tales of wonder and amazement.
But later that night Will came and knocked on Jonathan’s door.
Jonathan pulled off his headphones and motioned him in.
“Hey, what’s up?” he asked as Will hesitantly stepped into the room.
Will sat gingerly on the bed. “How well do you know Steve?”
Jonathan sighed. “Probably not as well as I should. He was around in the outside of my circle and then we’d only really see each other when the world was ending. Why? What’s up?”
Will twisted his fingers nervously. “What would you say the possibility was of him liking guys?
That brought up Jonathan short. Sure there was a chance that Will was just projecting his hopes for Mike onto the older boy, but this was Will and his little brother was far too perceptive for his own good.
So he gave it some real thought. All the times he saw Steve in high school and around town. All the times they interacted to help save the world. And he was starting get a picture.
Jonathan shrugged. “I suppose it’s possible. It’s hard to tell admiring glances from signs of attraction.”
Will cocked his head to the side. “I don’t know what that means.”
“Would you say Max or Robin were pretty?” Jonathan asked scooting over on the bed to sit next to Will.
Will shrugged back. “I mean, I guess. My friends are attracted to them so they must be.”
“Right,” Jonathan agreed. “Is Mike good looking?”
Will snorted. “Not really, maybe when he’s gotten past the awkward giraffe stage. Steve though...” He ducked his head and blushed.
Jonathan laughed. “Fair enough. I’m not attracted to guys and even I know that Steve is hot.”
“So attraction is more than looks?” Will asked. “Like you can find someone of the opposite that you’re attracted to good looking, but you wouldn’t want to date them or have sex with them?”
Jonathan nodded. “So while it’s possible Steve could be attracted to guys, I really couldn’t be the judge of that. Why do you ask?”
“I think even Mike picked up on Steve and Eddie’s flirting today,” Will muttered.
Jonathan’s eyebrows really did shoot up on that one. If Mike picked up that Steve was flirting with Eddie...
But then again... actually.
“That makes more sense then you realize,” he told Will slowly.
Will straightened up. “What do you mean?” He was really getting tired of asking that phrase at the moment.
“Who would know more about what Steve’s flirting looks like from the outside,” Jonathan said, “then someone who witnessed it with his own sister.”
“Oh. Nancy. Yeah, you’re right that does make sense.” Will blinked away his confusion.
Jonathan smiled. “So did you get the answer you were looking for?”
Will thought for a moment. “I think so. I mean Robin and Eddie have come out to us, but Steve hasn’t.” He paused for a moment. “Though, I think that Steve may have hinted it to me earlier. I told him that I thought Eddie might like him back, but I don’t know if that was enough, you know? For him to come out, I mean.”
“It could be that Steve hasn’t figured it out fully himself,” Jonathan said with a huff of laughter. “Like he might know he has feelings for Eddie, but not what those feelings mean.”
Will nodded. “Thanks, Jonathan. I’ll let you get back to your music.”
“Oh shit!” Jonathan scrambled to stop the tape. He sighed when he realized it was near the end of it. He hit rewind and looked back at Will shaking his head fondly.
“I think you need to lay off the weed, dude,” Will said, getting to his feet.
“Never!” Jonathan shouted after him, but Will had already slammed the door behind him.
Mike was lying on his bed looking up at the ceiling. Unlike what he knew was happening in friends houses’, the near constant talking about how awesome their day was, Mike had made an excuse that he was just tired, that he did have fun and couldn’t wait for tomorrow.
In the dark comfort of his own room, he knew they weren’t lies. Not really. He was all three of those things, but he also had a lot on his mind.
Racism and homophobia. He remembered all the awful things he had thrown at Will. All the things he said to Lucas.
He knew his parents were conservative. Whatever the hell that really meant. But they weren’t bad people. His mom had never tried to tell him not to be friends with Lucas or that gay people were evil.
But all the little things were starting to add up. Gay men deserved to die because the disease didn’t affect anyone else and they just weren’t the effort.
But he thought about Will and Eddie. And yeah, maybe Steve, too. Did they really deserve to die just because of how they had sex? That didn’t sit well with Mike. It made his stomach turn uneasily.
Dustin had been right about the Vulcans, they were of different colors, too. So why couldn’t elves? Why were the Drow evil? Was that racism, too? Plus did it even matter?
Almost all the campaigns Mike had been in were what the game makers called home-brew.
Yes, they used the game as the framework, but then colored outside of the lines all the time.
After all, Vecna was just a lore character where only the dude’s hand and eye were left out in the world. But Eddie had taken that lore and turned it into an amazing story.
He got ready for bed and laid back down. He stared up at his ceiling again. He had been a bad friend for years. Ever since El came into their lives, she was his only focus. It was a god damn miracle that they hadn’t thrown him off before now.
There must be something that they still liked. He would just have to figure out what it was and lean into that.
And with that, Mike drifted off to sleep as tried to figure out ways to keep his friends.
Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @chaoticlovingdreamer @customization @danili666 @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @vecnuthy @irregular-child @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @anne-bennett-cosplayer @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @dragonmama76 @scheodingers-muppet @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @thespaceantwhowrites @paintgonewrong @mogami13 @beelze-the-bubkiss @croatoan-like-its-hot @retro-vagabond @sani-86 @pansexuality-activated @y4r3luv @dauntlessdiva @vampire-eddie-brain-rot
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eternalxvenus · 3 months
⇢ ˗ˏˋ broken promises pt. 5 ࿐ྂ
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summary: Rafe promised to take you out and spend your birthday with you, but you don’t hear from him all day and then suddenly he shows up at your door trying to explain.
cw: smut 18+
wc: 1.8k
notes: this is so bittersweet the last chapter... thank you guys for all the support for this little mini series! i hope you enjoyed it and that this last part lives up to your expectations :) feel free to leave comments/requests on what i should write next!
previous chapters: part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 |
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Rafe closed the small distance between your lips and his, kissing you softly. "Belated birthday sex huh? That's something I can do," he smirks before flipping you over onto your back. Without wasting time, his lips were on your neck, kissing, biting, sucking, leaving marks that would show tomorrow. You let out a soft moan when he sucked on your sweet spot, and it made his cock ache to hear your pretty noises.
"Take off everything except for your underwear, then spread your legs and hands above your head." Rafe's voice was so commanding— so dominant— you had no choice but to listen. He leaned off the bed, shuffling through your dresser before pulling out your wand vibrator. 
"Rafe..." you almost whimpered, knowing he definitely planned on teasing you. "No talkin' sweetheart. All I wanna hear from you are those pretty moans, got it?" You nod your head, but that wasn't enough for him. "I said, got it?"
You had to keep yourself from pressing your thighs together, loving it when he got like this. "Yes, sir..."
"Good girl." Suddenly the sound of buzzing filled the air as he switched the vibrator onto the first setting. Your breaths were quick and shallow, waiting to see what he'd do.
The moment the wand came in contact with your nipple, you jolted, your body unsure as to push closer or lean away. More wetness pooled in your underwear at the feeling. "You're always so fucking responsive, I love it," Rafe groaned, readjusting himself in his boxers. He moved the wand to your other nipple giving it the same attention before trailing it down just above your pussy. 
Your hips bucked slightly, trying to get him to go just a little lower, but he pinned them down on the bed. "Please, Rafe-" Immediately, he gave you a pointed look that shut you up.
"My beautiful girl, always so impatient and needy for me," he mumbled more to himself.
A bratty comeback was on the tip of your tongue, but you didn't want to risk making him delay your pleasure any longer than he was already doing so. By the look on his face, he knew that's what you were thinking.
Leaning down, Rafe attached his mouth to your nipple while placing the wand on your covered clit and the same time, making you moan. His teeth grazed your sensitive nipple, and your hands grasped the pillow above you
Now that his hand was no longer holding your hips, you started grinding up against the wand, trying to get more friction, and Rafe didn't stop you.
A string of moans and gasps slipped out as you felt your orgasm approaching rapidly. But before it could take over, Rafe pulled away completely, making you whine.
He rolled his eyes while lowering himself between your thighs. "Calm down, I wanna taste you." Pulling your underwear down, Rafe licked his lips, seeing a string of your arousal follow suit. "You dripping baby... who got you this wet?" he questioned, and you shivered, feeling his warm breath so close to your heat.
An idea popped into your head. You wanted to fuck with Rafe just a little bit. "Mmm... Topper did," you moaned out.
All his movements froze as he looked up at you with a dark expression, and the smile you were holding back faded instantly. "Topper? You think you're so funny, don't you?"
Before you could respond or try and calm him, he started to eat you out like he had everything in the world to prove. He sucked on your clit while his fingers pistoned and scissored in and out of your hole.
You were hit with your orgasm, but his pace didn't falter. He kept going until he pulled another one out of you, and by this point, your legs started to shake, and you tried pushing his head away.
Moving from between your thighs, he removed his boxers and lined his leaking tip with your entrance after hitting your clit a few times. "You're gonna regret saying his name,`" he snarked before thrusting into you and bottoming out. He threw his head back with a moan as he felt your walls practically suffocate his cock.
Your hands immediately move to wrap around his neck, but he stops you with a shake of his head. "Nuhuh, hands above your head."
You pout, wanting to feel his skin underneath your palms. He looks at you with the silent question of if you're ready for him to move and you smile at his priority of your comfort before nodding.
Rafe wasted no time, your eyes widening and your mouth falling into an O shape as he unexpectantly brought the wand to your clit before thrusting into you roughly. His pace was harsh and unforgiving as he made sure to hit that special spot inside you over and over with each thrust.
"Fuck! Rafe... ohmygod-" you practically screamed from the overstimulation as your hands instinctively shot down to try and move the wand.
"Move your fuckin' hands," he said and smacked your hands away, not relenting in the slightest. "This tight pussy just keeps squeezing me baby, she must've missed me too."
Broken moans, whimpers, and the sound of skin slapping skin was all your brain was registering as you tried to take in all the pleasure. "Rafe, I'm gonna cum!"
"You won't cum until I say so," Rafe grunted as he picked up the pace. "Has Topper ever made you feel this good?"
"N-no, Rafe... only you!"
"That's right, and who's pussy is this?" 
"It's yours!" you whined, not sure how long you'll be able to hold in your orgasm.
"Say it again."
"This pussy is yours, Rafe, all yours and no one else's! No one makes me feel this good, please!" 
"Good girl, now cum all over my dick," he moaned before turning the wand onto the highest setting. 
"Holy sh- Rafe!" Your vision went white, and all you could hear was what seemed like a ringing in your ears as your orgasm took over you completely.
Your orgasm triggered Rafe's as he gave one last thrust, whimpering while he came deep inside you. When you finally started to come down from your high, you faintly registered the wetness on your face and on the sheets beneath you.
"Look at that baby you squirted everywhere," he groaned feeling his cock twitch at the sight before he looked up from where your bodies were still connected, seeing your fucked out and teary expression. "Aw, it just felt too good, huh? Made you cry without even meaning to, but you still did so good for me," he leaned down to kiss you and wiped your tears away while you tried to give a small nod.
You winced slightly when he finally pulled out of you and looked down as he watched his cum seep out of you. "Beautiful, like a work of art," he smirked.
Rafe ran you a bath and changed all of the sheets to fresh dry ones so you could both lay down comfortably. You felt completely exhausted and didn't even bother with pajamas. As soon as your head hit the pillow, you fell asleep embraced in Rafe's arms.
The bed felt oddly cold when you stirred awake the next morning. You reached over to the other side of the bed and realized it was empty. Sitting up, you slipped on some shorts and one of Rafe's button-down shirts that you've 'borrowed' during your relationship, then went to look for him. You heard his voice coming from downstairs and made your way in that direction. 
Once you were down the stairs and in his sight, he thanked who he was on the phone with and walked towards you. "Good morning, sweetheart. How'd you sleep?"
You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. "Like a rock. You took everything out of me last night," you giggled.
"You asked for it," he said, rolling his eyes with a smile.
"Whatever. Who were you talking to?" you questioned, making your way to the kitchen to pour yourself some juice.
"No one important, just some business stuff I needed to take care of."
You nodded and then saw plates on the table with waffles, bacon, eggs, and a bowl of fruit, making you look back at Rafe with a smile.
"Ah yeah, I decided to make you breakfast. I know it isn't a fancy brunch, but It's something," he mumbled, scratching the back of his neck.
You kissed his cheek hastily, realizing how hungry you actually were. "Thank you, Rafe, this is perfect."
Before you could sit down, Rafe stopped you. "Before we eat, I just wanted to tell you that I love you so much, and today is all about you. I know money doesn't fix everything, but I'll take you shopping, out to eat, to see a movie, anything you want. I know your birthday wasn't the best because of me, so I want to take the time to make it up to you. And I thought this would be a good start. Well, besides the sex and breakfast at least." He came over with a small pink box wrapped in a bow, handing it to you.
You unwrapped the bow and took the top off slowly. Inside there was a keychain that had a yours and Rafe's first initial with a heart. But your heart felt like it was in your stomach when you saw the car key attached to it. "Rafe... you're lying."
With one of the biggest grins, he walked you to the front door and opened it. There in your driveway was a brand-new Audi with a bow on the hood. Your dream car. "Oh my fucking god! Rafe, you did not!" You practically shoved him before jumping into his arms for a hug. "How much did you pay for this?"
He shrugged, kissing your forehead. "Don't worry about it, your heart would probably stop if I told you anyway," he said making your eyes widen. "Besides, I was tired of seeing you trudge around on that bike all the time."
"Hey, that's old reliable. Don't talk about her like that," you laughed. "But seriously, Rafe, thank you. This is the nicest thing ever. You didn't have to do this."
"Of course, baby, anything for you. And I mean that. Now let's go eat, then you can take it for a test drive, yeah?" He laughed as you nodded, then practically ran to the table piling food onto your plate. 
He watched and listened as you laughed and talked about every random thing under the sun. Mainly focusing on how you would decorate the inside of your new car. He gave you one more long and loving kiss before sitting across from you, wondering how on earth he got so damn lucky.
The End
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likes, comments, and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
taglist: @readingsmuts @1aarii1 @bingbongbum @stargirlsturniololover @babygirl229 @poisonedsultana @rafescamshoe @devils-blackrose @spiderflunk @quicksilversg1rl @emmalandry @trevorspengler69 @carolb111 @fals3-g0d @monkichixo @rafes-girl @tellynojelly @f4ll-for-you @rrosiitas
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badgerbl00d · 1 year
what are we?
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☆ characters: trafalgar law
☆ part ii: what are we? ft. zoro
☆ summary: you drunkenly hook up with your captain one night. it happens again, and then again. but can you both truly continue with no strings attached?
☆ a/n: part one of a series focused on being in a situationship with different one piece boys! requests are open so feel free to suggest ideas! currently working on some yummy zoro stuff... >:3
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3.8k words
law’s standards are straightforward
he has to know what goes where, when things happen, and how to deal with them
he’s a surgeon, after all.. procedure is his main priority, order is necessary
so when the two of you are alone and buzzed, and law acts on impulse… his entire world is turned upside down
You two were the only people awake on board. 
A combined total of 4 beers and 3 drinks of whiskey between the two of you was creating a palpable tension in the room. 
You and Law were playing a card game, laughing and giggling as you made up rules along the way. 
You sat next to each other, and your chairs had gotten progressively closer with each empty beer bottle. 
Your knees were touching now, and you looked up at Law, admiring the rare smile that sat on his face.
“This your card?” he asked, flipping it over to show you a four of clubs. 
“Mmm.. I don’t remember. Probably not,” you giggled. 
Law laughed with you, and placed it back in the deck. 
“Let’s try again,” he said, shuffling through the cards, “Alright, I learned this one when I was a kid. Choose a card without showing it to me, then put it back in the deck.”
He held the cards out to you. 
You followed instructions and placed the queen of spades back into the deck. 
“Ok, now you shuffle ‘em.”
You scoffed, “No way, Law, that isn’t possible.”
He giggled, “It is! I swear.” He held his hand up. 
You took the cards from him and shuffled, handing them back to him when you finished. 
He flipped through the cards, and stopped near the end, pulling one out.
“This! This is your card!”
He turned the card to show you a jack of clubs.
You laughed out loud, holding your stomach.
Your eyes were closed and the sound of your laughter was like music. 
Law’s gentle smile grew even larger, and he placed the cards on the table. Tucking the queen of spades, your actual card, into his back pocket.
Maybe he was drunk, or stupid. Or both.
But he grabbed your hand and pulled you forward, crashing his lips against yours.
He kissed you with a completely unexpected passion, it was full of fire and want. 
Like he’d been waiting for years to do it. 
His mind suddenly cleared and he quickly pulled away. 
Fuck, fuck, fuck. His mind was racing. His heart was pounding inside his chest. 
That was a terrible idea.
Your eyes were wide when he pulled away. But you leant forward and brought your lips to his, placing sloppy kisses against them. 
“Y/n, wait- wait,” Law breathed, gently placing a hand on your chest to push you away. 
You pulled back, a concerned look on your face, “Sorry, sorry. We probably shouldn’t.”
Your cheeks were pink and your lips plush. 
You sat back onto your chair, neither of you making eye contact. 
Law nodded, agreeing. 
“Probably not.”
It was quiet again. The room felt stuffy and packed with tension. 
You got up, still wobbly on your feet. 
“I’ll see you in the morning, Captain.”
Law suddenly reached out to grab your wrist, you stopped mid-step.
You turned to look at him, and he stood up, unsure of what was going to come out of his mouth.
“Maybe,” he started, hesitantly, trying his best to think this through before it took a turn for the worse, “Maybe just for tonight.”
You pulled him toward you and the two of you kissed like it was the most important thing in the world. 
Stumbling over and onto each other you made it to your room reaching for the door in between kisses and touches. 
There was no break in your contact.
Even when entering the room Law kept his hand firmly around yours. 
He pressed hot kisses against your neck as he pushed you up against your bedroom door. 
His hands wandered up and down your body, indulging in every curve and soft spot on your body. You moaned into the kiss, pressing your chest against him, running a hand up through his hair. 
His breath caught in his throat at the sensation, your minds blurred by the taste of beer and whiskey on the other’s lips.
He reached behind you and locked the door.
You pulled away from the kiss for air, and as though time had completely frozen over, you both stopped and smiled at each other. 
your late night ‘hang outs’ became more frequent
this scared you to no end- you knew your captain
you’d go to bed with him and wake up alone the next day
when you were around each other it was awkward and law refused to acknowledge anything about the night before, was he embarrassed? ashamed?
you didn’t know how much longer you’d be able to take this push and pull from him
what was he to you? your captain and friend? or your lover? and what did you want to be for him?
Law woke up about two hours after he’d fallen asleep, your warm body cuddled into his chest, your ass fit snugly against his pelvis. 
He stayed still for a moment, mindlessly indulging in how your breathing was syncopated. You inhaled as he exhaled, and breathed out and he breathed in. It created a comforting rhythm that nearly lulled him back to sleep. 
Instead, he blinked his eyes open and gently moved his arm out from under you, careful to not wake you up. 
His chest ached but he knew it was best. 
These hookups were mistakes and if they continued the consequences would be unrelenting, the only thing worse than doing this again would be to wake up by your side in the morning. 
So he slipped on his shirt and made his way to the kitchen to grab you a few things before he started his day ready to make a half-assed attempt to forget the night before. 
He knew, from previous experience, that it would be impossible.
He grabbed a glass and filled it with water, leaning against the counter, still groggy with sleep.
What is this supposed to lead to? 
He concentrated on trying to visualize a future for the two of you but drew blanks. His mind was busy with getting across the Grand Line while keeping everyone alive- he had more important things to worry about that his crewmate he slept with when you both got too drunk. 
I guess we should put a permanent stop to it. I think it’s called a boundary.
He groaned internally at the thought of stopping. He was failing to control his thoughts. 
I don’t want to. 
I like her but it’s too messy- Everything could go wrong.
It’s my job as captain to stay professional.
Ugh, I miss her already. 
Last night was the last time. 
He was snapped out of his thoughts when a steady trickle of water that poured out of the overflowing sink dripped onto his socks. 
He turned off the water and drained the sink, making his way back to your room. 
He looked down at his hands before gently pushing the door open. 
Advil and water? What the hell am I- Her boyfriend?
He told himself it was because he was the doctor of the ship. This was his job and you’d dranken far too much. He didn’t want you to wake up with a headache- that’s the last thing anyone on watch needs.
But as he set down the glass of water and painkillers, and snuck a look at your sleeping face, he was reminded that he’d gone back to see you again. 
Beep. Beep. Beep. 
You slowly blinked your eyes open to shut off your alarm clock. 
4:00 A.M.
You rolled over, suddenly very awake when you felt the emptiness of the bed next to you.
You sat up and turned on the lamp that sat at your bedside, the covers were drawn back and you realized you’d woken up alone. Again.
A glass of cold water sat on your night stand, with two advil next to it on a yellow post it note.
Doctor’s orders, it read. 
You ignored both the water and the pills and made your way to the shower, ready to wash yourself of last night and get ready for the day. 
you both should’ve considered the emotional consequences but you’d jumped into it headfirst and here you were now
friends, occasional lovers, and crewmates
you knew better than to hope for affection or romance but every time you woke up alone you were left with a bitter aftertaste for the night before
law can feel himself falling for you more and more and he thinks it’s the worst thing in the world
he promises himself that every time will be the last, but all it takes is one look at you for his resolve to completely crumble
so he does the only thing he can- distance himself
You somehow knew before he even said anything. 
He wasn’t good at handling socially uncomfortable situations and with the way he shuffled into your room and refused to make any kind of eye contact with you, you figured you were in for one. 
“You okay?”
He held up a hand to stop you talking. 
You were admittedly taken aback- was he really… shushing you?
“Just- Don’t make this harder than it has to be,” Law said.
Great way to start, you thought, but you held your tongue and let him continue.
“We need to stop seeing each other. It’s a terrible idea to continue.”
You concealed your hurt by matching his tone, “Kinda hard to do considering we live together.”
“You know what I mean. The hooking up, the late nights, sleeping together- everything. It has to stop.”
You bit the inside of your cheek, feeling embarrassment start to heat your face up. 
That kind of raw pain that comes before crying started to spread throughout your throat. 
If this wasn’t heartbreak you didn’t know what was. 
You could feel a surge of heavy-hearted emotions building up in your chest, sadness, anger, frustration. 
But worst of all- understanding. 
You knew this was bound to happen sooner than later, and it would take a while to say out loud but this probably was for the best. 
“Okay,” you said, finally breaking the silence
Law looked up at you for the first time since he entered your room. 
He looked confused, and pissed.
“Okay? What, that’s it?”
Anger started to take over, you could cry later.
“Fuck off, Law. What do you want me to do? Beg that you stay?”
He didn’t say anything.
“Please!” you mocked, “Please don’t leave me! I’m so in love with someone I mistakenly slept with a few times! Is that what you want to hear?”
Yes, he thought to himself. Please, ask me to stay.
He stood up and brushed past you. 
He lingered by the door.
It has to stop because I’m falling in love with you. I would do anything for you. It scares me. I can’t lose you. Ask me to stay. Please. 
“I regret it,” you whispered, as he finally walked out.
“Glad that we finally agree on something.”
He slammed your door shut behind him. 
The next few weeks were agonizing, for everyone, really
It was obvious something had happened between the two of you and the tension aboard the submarine was suffocating
You sat in the lounge area with Shachi and Bepo, helping them build a lego set they’d been saving up for and finally managed to get their hands on at your last stop. 
“Ok, I’ll do the red part over here,” Shachi said, gathering the little plastic bricks into his hands. 
“Y/n, you do these outer parts since they go down first,” Bepo said, pushing a pile of bricks toward you, pointing to the reference image with his paw. 
The three of you built in silence for a while, listening to the playlist playing from Penguin’s speaker you’d ask to borrow while you built. 
Bepo was surprisingly good at it, but struggled to click the pieces off of each other because of his paws. Luckily, you had recently manicured nails and they proved to be perfect to unstick the peskier blocks. 
“Why do girls get their nails done all the time?” Bepo asked, “Won’t they get ruined?”
“It’s a woman thing, buddy,” Shachi said, “What I don’t get is how much it costs!”
You laughed, and held your nails out for them to look at.
They agreed that they liked the glitter, and asked if you would do blue next. 
You agreed.
The three of you got an impressive amount of the lego building done within the hour and were happily chatting until Law walked in.
Your back was to the door but based on the way your two companions tensed up, you knew who’d walked in. 
He was quiet and didn’t say anything. He just went to sit in the corner, and quietly flip through a book.
You felt how the attention in the room shifted toward you.
How were you going to react?
You sighed and continued to build your part of the legos.
You knew this was Law’s silent way of asking for peace, and decided it was best to accept.
After a few minutes the tension had dissipated and Law suddenly felt a very deep sadness pour into his body.
You’d accepted. 
You’d accepted that the two of you were over. 
He left after another few minutes, part of him hoping you might be angry with him again.
Law doesn’t know how to process jealousy, especially if it’s romantic or sexual
When he’s around you he feels it often
He knows he’s overreacting and curses himself for it, but he can’t help it when you’re just so pretty!
The few emotions he can process are limited to strictly professional relationships, so when he’s confronted with his own feelings toward you there’s no question that he’s left just as, if not more, confused than he was before
Like when the crew ran into an old friend of yours a few weeks after your argument…
You called out to the pirate proudly boasting a Whitebeard tattoo on his strong back, tossing the bags of supplies you were holding to Shachi, who just barely managed to catch them.
The boy turned around, and a beaming smile spread across his face as he ran toward you.
He picked you up and spun you around a few times, his arms wrapping around your waist, pressing your chest into his. 
Law had stopped in his tracks and was watching silently from where he stood. 
When Ace finally stood still you were dizzy and your hair fell messily around your face.
He looked up at you, still smiling, “How have you been? I haven’t seen you in ages!”
“Would you believe I’m a pirate now?”
He laughed, “You’ve always had the reflexes for it. And the morals.”
Penguin whistled at the two of you, “Ok, lovebirds.. We’ve still got a ship to load.”
Ace gently placed you down, “Let me help.”
Penguin and Shachi exchanged glances, not daring to say anything until Law did. 
“Sure,” Law said, barely loud enough to hear. 
Immediately the two were upon him, forming a noisy chorus of questions,
“Is Whitebeard as terrifying in real life?”
“What’s the coolest thing he’s ever done that you’ve seen first hand?”
“Are Marco’s flames really blue or did someone make that up?”
“How did you meet Whitebeard?”
“Do you think he’s the strongest?”
“How much does Whitebeard drink in a d-”
Law cleared his throat, interrupting the barrage of questions that had already started to fluster poor Ace. You finished loading the Polar Tang within the hour, and finally took a break to enjoy the drinks Bepo had set out for when you finished. 
You and Ace sat next to one another, talking and laughing. 
The others were buzzing with excitement at Fire Fist Ace, debating amongst themselves how to nonchalantly ask for an autograph. 
“So how do you two know each other?” Law asked, hoping he was coming across inconspicuously. 
(He wasn’t)
The rest of the crew quieted down to listen. 
Law felt his chest tighten and a nauseous feeling climb up his throat when Ace told the crew that, 
“Y/n and I used to be intimately acquainted,” 
and jokingly wriggled his eyebrows at you.
He tried to ignore how the feeling worsened when you blushed as you rolled your eyes at the pirate and hastily told the crew he was over exaggerating the nature of your relationship.
Law knew better than anyone that he had no right to feel any kind of possession toward you, yet the biting jealousy he felt as he watched you laugh and talk with the freckled boy was unrelenting.
“We met when she stole a very important relic from my that Pops had asked me to bring him,” Ace continued, “And she would’ve gotten away with it had she not-”
“Had you not decided to issue a reward for it.”
You stealing? 
Law’s brain scrambled to try and picture you doing any such thing but he was drawing blanks. 
“Well, long story short I exchanged the cash for the item, yada, yada, and everything was good.”
“And then a month later, I pickpocket the same freckled kid and he’s just as clueless about it. I feel kinda bad and in the hopes of getting another generous cash offering, I try to help him out.”
Ace smiled at you as you told the story, adding in, “Is it wrong to say I still feel flattered that you had a change in heart and decided to tell me you stole?”
You rolled your eyes again, and Law felt his heart sink even further as you failed to hold back a smile. 
“Anyway,” Ace finished, “She decided to help me become less susceptible to sticky fingered pickpockets and we became…. friends!”
He put an emphasis on the word that made Law’s stomach ache. 
Ace answered questions and signed posters, entertaining himself with the rest of your crew as you sat back and finished your beer. 
For the first time that day, you made eye contact with Law.
You seemed almost apologetic, and offered him a half-assed smile. 
He looked away and stood up, making his way toward his room. 
following this unexpected, and unwelcome, fit of jealousy, law reconsidered several things regarding your relationship (and probably cried himself to sleep)
he understood how dangerous it was to try and pursue something not just for the both of you, but for the crew
it wouldn’t be fair to create a situation that could possibly cause a huge rift within the crew, if something ever happened or you ever broke up
but was it a risk he was willing to take?
instead of taking time to think about it, law found himself headed toward you
A dim yellow light poured out from below the door to your room, gently illuminating the hallway floor in front of it. 
Two feet planted themselves in front of the door and nervously shuffled from side to side.
With a hand in the pocket of his sweats, Law reached up and gently opened the door. 
He figured the two of you were past knocking. 
You were sitting in bed, braiding your hair. 
“Mind if I come in?” he asked. 
“Of course, not,” you answered, patting the bed next to you. 
He sat down, stretching as he did so. 
His form fitting shirt lifted slightly at the hem, revealing the ink that covered his lower abs and upper pelvic area. 
A flurry of butterflies danced in your stomach. 
He settled himself onto your bed, a familiar and welcoming place of rest for him. 
You finished braiding your hair and turned to face him.
“Something you wanted to tell me?”
He lazily smiled at you. 
“Know me that well, huh?”
“Sort of.”
He sighed and sat up straighter, tugging at the collar of his shirt before he spoke. 
“I know I’ve been a complete ass, and I don’t expect this to make it right,” he started, the dull throbbing in his chest growing by the second, “But I care for you in a way that- that I don’t for anyone else.”
You wrapped your pinky around his, and looked down at where your hands touched on the bed between the two of you. 
Silence filled the room. 
“Every second I spend not knowing where you are or what you’re doing is completely agonizing. I think about you all the time and if I’m not doing that then I’m praying to god that you’re thinking about me.”
Heavy tears gathered on your waterline and you blinked up to look at him, shaking your head. 
“We both know how this ends, Law,” you said, “Tomorrow you’ll tell me you weren’t thinking straight. That you were out of line and we need to stay professional. And I agree.”
Law wrapped his fingers into yours, squeezing your palms together. 
“Maybe,” he said, “But this is how I feel right now. How I’ve felt for weeks. I can’t- I can’t sleep another night without you by my side.”
A tear fell down your cheek, and you let him drag a gentle thumb across your face to wipe it. 
“I love you,” you murmured. 
He pressed gentle kisses to your forehead and cheeks. 
“I love you too.”
Tomorrow was uncertain. 
If he didn’t wake up with his brain foggy with guilt and regret, then you would. 
But there was a chance you both held on to with all the strength you could manage. 
There was the possibility that you’d look past professionalism and worn out excuses. That you’d be able to hang up your pride and dive headfirst into uncharted waters.
Maybe if you could just focus on the feeling of your captain’s hands around your waist, the feeling of his chest breathing in and out against your back, the smell of him filling all your senses as you fell asleep in each others arms, limbs tangles and bodies pressed together- then just maybe it would work out this time. 
Sleep pulled down your eyelids and slowed your thoughts. 
You’d have to find out in the morning. 
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#emotionally stunted ass man
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starcurtain · 4 months
The Kinda Unhinged Ratiorine Fic I Want to Read
In an (admittedly very contrived) AU situation, Dr. Ratio finds out he's about to be cut out of his (mostly estranged) family's inheritance forever because of his complete lack of interest in continuing the family line. Which, all factors considered, does make perfectly logical sense. Investment of capital should go to the branch of the lineage most likely to benefit from it, and Cousin Tiberius has five sons and daughters already. Let the house and the trust fund go to them.
But the library.
There's absolutely no way Veritas could bear to be permanently parted from the staggering assemblage of paper volumes under his collected family's auspices. Not only would being separated from tomes so full of memories be heart-wrenching, but think of the devastating blow to his research! There are records in those archives that no other mortal eyes have ever gazed upon!
So there's only one solution for it: He needs to pass on his family name, immediately.
(Andddd the rest is under a read more because what is brevity?)
Problem 1: Veritas Ratio is very gay.
Problem 2: Statistically, single men have the lowest chance of being selected for adoption placement, and this Child Welfare Agent is looking at his alabaster head very, very strangely.
Think, Ratio, think. What is the most efficient way to solve such a tedious quandary?
The obvious first step is to increase his likelihood of being selected by the adoption agency, and the quickest way to do that is... Eureka! How elegant a design! He just needs to enter into a (temporary) committed and stable partnership to demonstrate a degree of domestic dedication and home-building prowess!
Problem 3: ...Where in the universe is he going to find a stable and committed man willing to marry him?
Ratio does not exactly possess the world's most endearing personality. He might... never have had any form of romantic relationship lasting past a one-night stand even, because it turns out most people don't like being scored a 2/10 on their technique during intercourse.
So he's probably not going to find a stable and committed man.
But... He might at least find someone willing--for the right price.
Enter Aventurine (stage left). He's as expensive as they come, the greatest reward saved for the highest bidder, but despite his festering ambitions, he's still trapped as nothing more than a high-class escort, owned by a company the IPC has on the books as selling everything but what they actually trade in: Avgin slaves.
Sigonians... The reputation--and sleazy men's curiosity--precedes him, and though he only has to get on his knees for the truly bold nowadays, he hasn't yet been able to make the ultimate gamble, pull the last string needed to finally gain his freedom: the freedom to live his life as he pleases--and to enact every ounce of vengeance he's been storing for decades like cards up his sleeves.
Until now.
Until an absolute madman shows up at the underground headquarters waving around an offer that no average person would possibly make: He wants to buy Aventurine and wed him.
(Because marrying a Sigonian thrall is a safe and sane thing that safe and sane people do.)
The offer is far too good to be trusted: A real marriage certificate but a perfectly fake marriage, a no-fault divorce once an adoption is finalized, and a guaranteed sponsor for his citizenship documents. A year or two of fake homemaking, this Veritas Ratio claims, and then Aventurine can walk away a completely free man, no strings--no chains--attached.
Well, Aventurine of the Myriad Stratagems has always held one skill dearer to his heart than any other: a crystal clear knowledge of when to fold--and when to go all in.
(...Problem 4: Amber Lord help him, Aventurine's new husband is the most irritating man in the entire universe.)
Alas, if only that was their biggest problem. Somewhere between learning to navigate the citizenship process, the adoption process, a truly unacceptable level of systemic racism, and also, increasingly, each other, Ratio and Aventurine discover that the circumstances of their lives might be far more entangled than they ever could have imagined from the beginning, and the same shadowy parties that profited off Aventurine's existence might have a vested interest in parting Ratio from valuable research secrets--permanently.
While struggling to maintain a charming and loving facade and struggling not to kill each other behind the scenes, Aventurine and Ratio also end up having to out-roll and out-plan a particularly dangerous enemy; something they can really only do together.
Or, tl;dr: Dr. Ratio chooses the most efficient but most unhinged method of finding a husband that intelligence could possibly contrive, only to determine that marrying a guy whose track record for unexplained deaths matches his track record for card counting really is the encyclopedic opposite of "committed and stable." Ridiculously enough, the trouble they get into is almost entirely Ratio's fault, the only one who is remotely convincing in front of the Child Welfare Agency is Aventurine, and sometimes it turns out the guy you married for the library ends up being the guy you married for life.
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Home. (ALT ENDING) || cbf!Simon "Ghost" Riley
Rating: M Words: 3K (this one got away from me, sorry) Pairing: cbf!Simonxafab!reader / teen!Simonxteen!Reader Summary: Teen Simon and his best friend often spend their nights away from their respective houses because they found a home in each other… CW: mentions of psychological issues, mentions of self-harm, mentions of therapy Tags: you/your pronouns, hurt/comfort, ANGST, forgiveness, catharsis. a/n: not proofread. THIS IS THE HAPPY ENDING. I'M STILL NOT HAPPY WITH IT, BUT IT IS WHAT IT IS.
Anyone would say that Simon Riley is good. 
Good company for going out drinking.
A good partner for duos in training.
A good shot.
A good soldier.
A good candidate.
A good recruit.
A good lad.
But Simon would say he’s a bad, bad man.
Even before he took this job.
Destined to rot from the inside out.
To become the things he’s promised himself to not ever become.
Finding a way out of home, out of the trauma, only works if some of it is not already inside of you.
Slowly eating you up.
That’s what Simon figured out in the last 15 years.
Antisocial tendencies.
Compartmentalization of emotions and trauma.
Tendencies for self-harm and self-sabotage.
Fear of vulnerability.
Trust issues.
An inclination for isolation.
A past muddled by juvenile delinquency and early drug and alcohol use.
An avoidant attachment style in any relationships he attempts to form due to an inability to truly connect with others.
An identity crisis stemming from low self-worth and a disturbed self-image.
The list goes on.
Simon would say he’s got it all under control.
But any Army-appointed psychiatrist would disagree.
And he’s too valuable of an asset to let go of…
Just the ‘depression’ diagnosis would land the average soldier on a watchlist and the ‘tendencies to self-harm’ would get anyone a medical discharge and interned into a psych ward.
Thank God Simon’s not the average soldier.
Price has been pulling strings to keep him around, calling in favors to people for his sake and getting people to turn a blind eye to the fact Simon Riley has not gone to a single routine psych check in the better part of a decade.
In exchange, however, that forced Simon to take a deal with Price and instead see an off-site psych expert. A friend of Price’s, a retired psychiatrist who has no way of getting him discharged.
As such, every time he goes on leave he drives some 4 or so hours from Hereford to a small village in Cumbria up north to see her. He always spends the first week of his leave there, in a chalet right smack in the middle of the Lake District National Park…  It’s peaceful and nice. Over those 5 to 7 days, he talks about anything and everything. 
At first he hated it, but with time, it did bring him clarity on a lot of his issues without any sort of danger or judgement. In her words, Dr. Armstrong had been dealing with John’s shit for “far too long”, and nothing Simon would tell her would make a dent on the appalling things she’s heard… And true to her word, Simon hadn’t spotted any shock or discomfort in her, even as he spoke of some utterly vile things.
She made him feel heard, understood, welcome… alive, even if more often than not he didn’t quite feel human. He always came in the door like the ghost of his moniker, a shadow, with steps too hard, body too stiff, breathing too tense, eyes too sharp… And left with an ease and lightness uncharacteristic to someone like him… Dr. Armstrong unraveled all the damage during those 5 to 7 grueling days… Only for him return to base and begin the process of hardening himself once again.
He’s thirty-three, you’re thirty-two today.
He dragged himself out of the comfortable bed in the guest house nearby to the chalet, and threw on a hoodie and some slides before he ventured out to the main house across the stepping stone walkway and into the house through the sliding glass doors.
Dr. Armstrong was already at the breakfast nook in the kitchen when he came in. She’s not quite gone gray, but she’s getting there. Her face is steadily getting more wrinkled compared to 10 years ago when this started. She’s wearing a light blue robe and a set of warm pajamas. Her hair cut into a pixie à la Judi Dench. “Good morning, Simon.”
Simon, meanwhile, is all disheveled, hair sticking up from having just woken up, face peppered with a 5 o’clock shadow, eyes still crusty and face unwashed. “Mornin’.” He grumbled as he poured himself a cup of tea and popped two slices of bread into the toaster.
“How did you sleep?” She asked him as she regarded him over her green-frame reading glasses, which adorned the tip of her nose. She took a sip of a black mug with a cat’s whiskers drawn in it in white.
“Same as usual…” He replied as he stirred some milk into his tea. He grabbed the plain toasted bread and plopped it into a plate and began to turn to join her at the table when she set down her tea mug and leaned her elbows on the table, giving him a pointed look with a cocked brow.
Holding back a groan akin to a moody teenage boy’s, he set down the plate and cuppa, and grabbed some butter and a knife, spreading it over the toasted bread. He was thankful that Dr. Armstrong forced him to take care of himself, he was… But it doesn’t mean he was happy about it. “How did you sleep?” He returned.
“Slept well, thank you.” She replied and kept a stern watch over him as he reached the fridge and grabbed a yogurt and a small box of raspberries. He poured the yogurt into a bowl, topped it with the fruit and a drizzle of honey from the bowl in the corner of the counter, and then took his slightly more nutritious meal to the table. 
She watched him closely as he began to eat his buttered toast, letting him have a moment of stewing in the ‘forced’ meal. She took off her glasses, folding them shut, and set them aside, along with her tablet, and stared at him.
In a way, Simon was more of a son than a patient to her, after so many years helping undo the damage the military and his childhood wracked on his head. He looked forward to the routine, needed it, so much that if he didn’t have these moments with her as often as he had grown accustomed to, he’d start acting a bit erratic. A bit more prone to violence, a bit harder to contain, a bit harder for John to keep a handle on. “What’s on your mind this morning?” She asked him with a cocked brow.
He finished his toasted and wiped his mouth. Then he started toying with the spoon resting on the edge of his yogurt bowl. “That it’s a bad week to be here.” He told her.
“And why is it a bad week, Simon?” She asked him as she leaned her head on her palm.
“There was this girl,” He began to say before he spooned some yogurt into his mouth. He had long stopped wearing a mask while staying over at Dr. Armstrong’s house. His scars were always on display for her to see. “who I grew up with. Her birthday is this week.”
The older woman nodded her head as she watched him closely. “I see. And… this ‘girl’... Was she a friend? A girlfriend?”
“I guess.” Simon said as he ate another spoon of yogurt, brown eyes lowered and focused on the red raspberries suspended atop the fatty yogurt. “We were like…” He trailed off. “She was… erm…” He stopped again and exhaled through his nose.
“I see.” The doctor said as she kept watching him. He kept eating quietly. “And… I assume you don’t talk to her anymore?” She asked.
“No.” Simon replied. “After I joined the Army, she moved away from Manchester and we lost contact.” He said softly.
“Do you still think about it?” She asked him. “About her?”
“Sometimes.” He admitted as he stirred his spoon in his bowl before sighing again and eating another spoonful. “A few times a year… Around her birthday, and mine. And Christmas… And the anniversary of the day we met…” He listed.
“And how does it feel…? Nice? Sad? Bittersweet?” She trailed off, knowing sometimes Simon needed help verbalizing his emotions.
“Sad.” He replied bluntly and ate a couple of spoonfuls of yogurt in a row before pushing the now empty bowl aside with the spoon resting inside of it. 
“And cruel.” The woman watched as he rolled his shoulders, a bit tense, and raised his irises to look at her, eyes softened. “It’s been 15 years since she left Manc, left me and I-” He trailed off. 
Looking away, he kept talking, and talking. “I still think about her. I think I’m okay, I think I’m doing good, doing better, and then those dates come and I’m reminded that she exists, that she’s out there, that she… that she went off and found herself a place and I’m here, and have nothing to show for it, just some stupid fucking medals pinned to the breast of my suit and blood on my hands that doesn’t wash off in the fucking sink.” He hissed bitterly, his eyes unfocused as he poured it all out.
“She was like me. We did everything together, were basically attached at the hip. She was my partner in crime, like a home away from home. Sure, dad beat me and mum, and scared us all and I’m much better now and I’ve grown up, but nothing feels okay. Nothing feels normal or good. It’s all just… just bullshit!” He hissed, his breathing beginning to grow faster. “I go through the motions but I don’t feel okay, I don’t feel safe.” He turned his head away from Doctor Armstrong.
“The last time I felt safe I was in her arms, looking into her eyes and telling her that I loved her for the first time and making all these promises for a future that didn’t happen. A future I stole from the two of us.” He grumbled. “And the worst part is that I used to blame her for leaving, for seeking out a better life, a better place! Maybe I still blame her… But it’s not her fault. It’s really not.” Simon’s eyes began to water in a way they never have before. 
“It’s all my fault. There’s no one to blame but me. The last conversation we had was a stupid fucking argument where I looked her in the eyes, the girl I loved, and told her to stop relying on me… She was looking to me for help, to get her out, to get us both somewhere safe…” He stopped and pressed his lips together to contain a sob. His eyes squeezed shut as tears rolled down his cheeks. 
“I was going to marry her.” He confessed and groaned. “I came back from Aghanistan and bought a ring, because while I was out there, with bullets whizzing past me and watching my brothers in arms fall like flies, all I wanted was to do was go back to her… And I was completely expecting her to be there… To be waiting for me…” He trailed off. “After I broke her heart and told her to leave… I… I somehow expected her to have been weak… to have stayed. And she was strong enough to leave.” He nodded as he pondered on it.
“And the worst part is that I want to know what happened to her. I want…” He trailed off. “I know it’s been so long and she probably doesn’t think about me and even if she did, she wouldn’t want to ever step foot anywhere near her and it’s not like I want to see her, or to meet with her or to… I don’t know, pick up where we left off?” He ranted more and more. “I just… I want to know she’s okay, I want to know she’s alive. I pray every year that she didn’t turn to hard drugs and die of an overdose on a street corner somewhere… I…” He trailed off. “I need her to be alive and healthy and safe and… happy.”
Doctor Armstrong’s eyes softened as a lightbulb went off in her head. She had finally found the genesis to most of Simon’s issues. The grief of the past, the depression, the antisocial tendencies, his propenture for isolation, his fear of vulnerability, his trust issues, his inability to truly connect with others, the avoidant attachment style to any relationships he does attempt to have…
It was because he was attached to her, whoever this girl he spoke of was. He grieved her, he missed her, he couldn’t pursue a meaningful relationship when he had lost such a deep one… A relationship, an attachment, formed through trauma, unhealthy, sure, but one that resulted in a bond. Any attempts of his to ‘move on’ felt wrong and soured quickly. And until now she couldn’t figure out why that was… thinking he just kept unhealthily self-sabotaging… until now.
That morning was a first in many ways. Simon was speaking unprompted, Simon was voicing his emotions, Simon was confronting his past, Simon was admitting to his mistakes, Simon was expressing his wants. He was not just opening up, but he was actively prioritizing his wants, his feelings… It was huge for someone whose sense of self was as skewed as Simon’s.
It only took ten years… But they were making progress.
‘You just have to write her a letter, Simon. Let her know you don’t mean to impose on her life, but that you simple hope she’s doing well, thank her for having been part of your life. Keep it simple, concise. You can do that.’
Dr. Armstrong severely underestimated Simon’s ability to follow her request. Granted, most of the time he follows them no problem… But when it comes to you? Yikes.
‘Simple, concise’ became 38 and a half pages. None of it proofread. He felt like he passed out and when he woke up he had 38 pages of straight up gibberish, half-baked thoughts and equally half-baked pages. He doesn’t even remember what the fuck he wrote (probably because he was drunk and high, his first time smoking in 15 years).
Trying to read it gave him a headache, so he just transfered it into a Word document, the only file in an all-black slide-out USB drive, and stuffed the USB and a note saying ‘From Simon Riley’ into an envelope. He didn’t even dare send it himself. He simply dropped it off in the mail-out box at base and and called it a day.
That was 3 months ago. 
As he lays in bed after dinner, he silently hopes to God that you’re ignoring him and tossed out the USB drive without even reading the mess of text in it… Or even that the address Laswell’s analysts found for you in Scotland was wrong. 
But he also can’t bear to imagine  someone else opening the envelope, checking the USB drive and finding that letter and-
A buzzing awakes him from his thoughts and he looks across the room to his phone which is charging on his desk in the corner. He moves across the room swiftly, finding a number he doesn’t recognize has sent him a text. 
It has to be you. He’s careful with his number, he doesn’t give it out willy-nilly. Only Price, Laswell and Nik have it. And you, since he included it in the document.
Taking a deep breath, he clicks the text on the screen, his brown eyes screwing shut as if it was about to explode. Or maybe it was just his heart racing that made him feel that.
He was afraid.
Simon Riley was afraid.
The Ghost wouldn’t protect him now.
Not from you.
Or, rather, not for the way Simon might react when it comes to you.
Deep breaths, Simon told himself. 
Deep breaths.
… and out.
Throwing open his eyes, he looked at the screen, finding one tiny little paragraph in the bright green chat bubble:
hi riley… read your letter a bunch of times… truth be told i didnt know how to answer it, been trying to find what to say for weeks on weeks now and coming up short. if ur free anytime soon can we just have a call over the phone? might be easier. if not then im glad to hear ur fine and that u found success x
Simon reads and rereads your text over and over and over…
And then something in him snaps. He clicks the phone button next to your unsaved contact and then stares at the screen, eyes wide and frantic, not even considering that you might not be ready, that you might be busy, that you asked for ‘one of these days’ and not ‘right now’...
The call connects.
Simon holds his breath.
And so do you, he can hear your little gasp.
The counter at the top of the screen ticks by.
Simon’s eyes begin to well up with tears, he can hear your breath on the other side, but he’s too much of a coward to say anything.
Thank God that you’re not.
You’ve always been stronger than him.
“Riley?” You whisper his name.
Taking a deep breath, he opens his mouth to speak… But all that escapes him is a stupid little “Hm?”
You pause again, your breath catching in your throat again… before you say it:
“I forgive you.”
His world nearly collapses at that moment and a sob escapes him, a sound so pathetic and weak that he wants to beat himself over it before Dr. Armstrong’s words ring in his head:
‘You can’t keep suppressing your emotions, it’s okay to cry.’
And so he does. He sobs, audibly so, big fat tears running down his face as he lets his back hit the wall and slide down it until he’s sat on the floor.
“Riley…” You whimper, and it sounds like you’re on the verge of crying as well.
He doesn’t want to make you cry. He really doesn’t… 
But he can’t stop…
For the first time in forever, he feels exactly the one thing Dr. Armstrong has told him he deserves to feel:
At peace.
TAGGING ANYONE WHO READ/COMMENTED THE FIC (there's only like... 10 of you total, I'm so sorry)
taglist: @iite-cool , @spicyspicyliving , @lyralein , @heavenlyrivers , @depressed-but-make-it-cute , @myhomeworksnotdone , @captainquake42 , @waiting-so-long , @erensonly , @pieckyghost
Thank you so much for reading this fic, to the people who've read it here and on AO3! Your support mean the world to me!
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sapphire-writes · 1 year
Our Last Summer (modern!HOTD)
part 4 of 10 || series masterlist || previous part || next
pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Reader
summary: Dresses, sails, and thunderstorms oh my! You and Aemond are forced to work together and tensions rise.
word count: 6.4k
rating: Mature
warnings below the cut!
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warnings: language, angst, p in v, oral (fem receiving), fingering, praise, kissing
note: hope you enjoy my loves!!
dividers by the lovely @firefly-graphics
as always, comments, reblogs & likes are appreciated but not expected
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You spent the days after you and Aemond’s conversation at the Wolf Den trying to avoid the Targaryen as much as possible. Which was much easier said than done. Both of you spent generous amounts of time helping Luke with Seasmoke, bickering with each other more than actually being helpful. 
“If you just let me do it-” you’d said, grabbing the paint roller from him.
Aemond had pursed his lips together in annoyance. “Like you could reach with those short legs-”
“Don’t talk about my legs!” you’d angrily hissed, “Don’t look at them, don’t think about them!”
“Believe me I’m not-”
“I find that very hard to believe.”
“You change your mind?” he’d asked, a sly grin on his face that caused your cheeks to burn with embarrassment.
“Get fucked,” you’d told him.
“Seems like you need it more than I do.”
Aemond had walked away from the interaction with paint splattered across his chest. 
Needless to say, the tension between you two was palpable. Even Baela had begun to notice it.
“You really hate him, huh?” she asks while holding up a dark blue dress and looking in the floor-length mirror.
You, Baela, and Helaena had traveled into the city for the day, shopping for dresses for the gala. Though Baela already has a dress picked out, she can’t stop eying the one she currently holds. You’ve been looking at dresses for the past half an hour, unsure of which you like best. 
Helaena’s the one who is truly enjoying herself, trying on various lengths, designs, and colors.
“Who?” you ask, picking out a gold dress. It’s nearly perfect, except for its ruffled collar with matching sleeves. You scrunch your nose with distaste, returning it to the hook.
“Aemond,” Baela says, dropping to an ottoman and pulling out her phone, “You seem to really bring out the worst in each other.”
“I don’t hate him,” you assure her, “He’s just….annoying.”
“Mhmm,” she says, scrolling through Instagram, “Can’t argue with that.”
You can feel your cheeks flush as you think back to your conversation with him at the Wolf Den. Was he seriously proposing a no-strings-attached situationship with you? And more importantly why? Though you can’t deny your curiosity. Floris Baratheon was clearly not happy that she wasn’t Aemond’s fuckbuddy anymore.
You’d run into her again a few days ago at the country club and the cheerful prom queen facade had been replaced with a much icier one. Clearly, she thought you and Aemond had something going on. Great. 
“Oh shit,” Baela says suddenly, eyes going wide.
“What?” you ask, still flicking through gowns.
“Nothing,” she says, pressing her phone against her chest. 
You tilt your head to the side as you turn to face her.
You reach for her phone, trying to wrestle it from her grip. Helaena rounds the corner, a dress in her hands before seeing the scuffle and turning quickly away. You grab Baela’s phone, even as she continues to insist you shouldn’t look.
It’s Will Tyrell’s Instagram, a group picture on a boat. He looks good; shirtless, wearing a captain’s hat with his arm slung around a pretty blonde.
Baela’s eyes are apologetic. “I didn’t know he was seeing-”
“Whatever,” you tell her, giving her phone back, “It's fine, it's cool.”
“Are you sure?” Baela says, chewing her lip nervously, “Cause you just-”
“Bae,” you tell her, laughing slightly, “I had one conversation with the guy. I don’t own him.”
“Still,” she says, eyebrows concaving together, “Will is a nice guy. Nice guys don’t give their number out and then run off with CeCe Lannister-”
“Wait, that’s Cece?” you ask, “Cece rosebush burning Lannister?”
Helaena has reappeared, dressed in the gown she was previously holding, and rolls her eyes.
“Why do I keep hearing her name?” she grumbles, “You know, you say it again and she’ll appear. Like Beetlejuice.”
Baela holds the phone out and Helaena raises an eyebrow. “Oh.”
“Yeah, oh,” Baela says shaking her head, “No one disses my girl like this!”
“Please, there’s no way they’re a thing,” Helaena says, smoothing her dress and turning toward the mirror to admire herself, “Tyrell and Lannister just don’t match.”
Helaena’s dress is beautiful; a strapless, silvery blue color that falls just below her knee. 
“Cute,” Helaena says to herself, turning to the side to admire the curve of her ass, “Seriously, Y/N, shoot him a text.”
“You think I should?” you ask as Helaena bends over. Baela reaches over giving her ass a slap that makes Helaena yelp.
You shrug taking out your phone and sending a message. You watch the screen as the read receipt appears, along with three gray dots. You can’t help but smile, nibbling on your lower lip. 
“He’s typing,” you tell them, happiness swooping through your belly.
Helaena smirks. “Told you!”
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Two hours. You’ve been left on read for two hours. 
God fucking dammit. 
Helaena’s smile is apologetic from the rearview mirror as she catches your eye. It’s the twelfth time you’ve checked. Those three little dots appeared and disappeared with no response from Will. 
“Guys are drama anyway,” Baela had said, “Who needs them.”
Easy for Baela to say. The girl hasn’t had a dry spell in years. But since your last one-night stand back at Honeyholt, you hadn’t hooked up with anyone else. And that was a while ago. Snow was on the ground. And you just couldn’t help but get your hopes up slightly with Will’s flirtation. No matter what the case, the rejection still stung. 
Baela could tell. She turns to you from the passenger side, peering over her sunglasses.
“Listen to me,” she begins, “You’re a bad bitch. If Will Tyrell can’t see that, then it's his loss.”
You roll your eyes.
“I know,” you tell her, “It’s fine, seriously. I barely know the guy.”
Baela goes to say something else when her phone begins to ring. She holds it up and you just make out the name Dad when she answers it.
“Yeah?” she says, her voice cold. You can hear the deep voice of Daemon Targaryen on the line as Baela removes her sunglasses, tossing them onto the dashboard. 
Helaena glances at Baela before turning the radio down. You’d been seriously vibing to Phoebe Bridgers. Baela brings a hand to her face, rubbing between her eyes. It’s a nervous habit of hers, one you often see when she’s got a big paper due or during finals season. 
“I don’t know, Dad,” she says with a sigh, “I’m…okay. Yes. I understand.” She bites her lip. “Of course I do. Yup. Yeah, bye.” You faintly hear Daemon’s voice say something along the lines of love you before Baela hangs up the phone. 
You don’t speak for a moment, driving in silence except for the low volume of Savior Complex humming through the speakers. 
“Everything okay?” you ask softly. 
“Yeah,” Baela says, running a hand through her curls, “Would you be cool grabbing dinner with Hel tonight while I go to Dragonstone?”
You reach out to touch her shoulder. “Of course.” 
“Ew no,” Helaena jokes, smiling at you through the rearview, “I actually can’t stand Y/N, you can’t leave me with her.”
“Hurtful!” you tell her, putting a hand on your chest in fake shock. Helaena snickers, but Baela barely cracks a smile.
“Rhaenyra wants dinner,” she tells you both, “With the whole family.”
A chill runs through you. While Baela had evaded dinner with her father due to the storm over a week ago, he clearly the kind of man who gets what he wants. 
“Well not the whole family,” Helaena argues playfully, “Cause that always goes oh so well.”
Baela groans, placing her feet on the seat, and holding her knees against her chest. 
“Trade places with me?” Baela begs her and Helaena shakes her head.
“Someone would notice cuz,” she says with an apologetic grimace, “Though maybe if I curled my hair?”
That earns a laugh from Baela, and she rubs her eyes. 
“This is gonna suck,” she moans.
“Probably,” Helaena agrees, and you smack her shoulder lightly, “But you’ll get through it. You always do Baela-boo.”
Baela drops her hands from her face, looking at Helaena. 
“Oh my god stop,” she says, though she’s smiling for real now.
“What?” Helaena asks innocently, “You don’t remember Baela-boo, and Rhaena-roo?”
“And don’t forget Helaena-hoo,” Baela says with a giggle, before turning to face you, “My mom…those were her nicknames for us. She thought she was so clever.”
“Which she was,” Helaena says, grinning, “Best nicknames ever. The boys were so jealous.”
“It was for the girls only,” Baela said, her smile full of emotion, “Laena-loo…Nyra-noo.” She clears her throat, looking down at her lap, “Silly.”
Baela Targaryen is one of the strongest people you know, in more ways than one. Your heart hurts watching how her lower lips wobbles as she plays with the rings on her fingers. 
“It’s adorable,” you tell her, smiling at your best friend fondly. Baela misses her mom so much, you can tell. 
“I think we can bring them back,” Helaena says with a nod, “Sure, we were nine when they were cool, but I think they hold up!”
Baela laughs and wipes a tear that’s fallen down her cheek. You squeeze her shoulder before giving her a hug, wrapping your arms around the passenger seat and her. It’s awkward, but Baela grabs your arm anyway, resting her chin on your forearm. 
“Oh, I love this song!” Helaena says, turning up the volume as the next song begins to play. 
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You swing by Helaena’s house to drop off your dresses. She insists Alicent will want them dry-cleaned before the gala. After that, you decide to head down to the docks to see how the gang has been doing with Seasmoke that day. 
You hadn’t expected they would get a lot to get done in your absence. Rhaena had been tasked with babysitting the littles on Dragonstone while Rhaenyra and Daemon saw Jace off. He was headed on a solo sailing trip to the Vale and would return in a few weeks, just in time for the regatta.  Daeron had made his departure for Oldtown a few days ago, and Luke was clearly lost without his friend. 
“Get anything good done?” Baela hollered up to the boys from the dock. 
It looked like they were tidying up for the day, but Luke seemed agitated. Aegon was first to exit the ship, flashing a cheeky grin as he passed. 
“Fuck, fuck!” Luke says, running a hand through his curls, as he walks down the ramp. Aemond follows close behind, an exasperated expression on his face. You’ve been here two minutes and are already annoyed with him.
“Jace ordered the sails from Iron Islands, but they arrived at Pyke and need to be checked out tonight before Greyjoy ships them here,” Luke tells you. 
“I’m not seeing the issue,” Helaena says, “Pyke’s a lot closer!”
Luke nods dramatically, tongue between his teeth. You think his right eye twitches.  
“I can’t go to Pyke because of the stupid dinner!” he says, face flushing, “Goddammit!”
“Hold up, calm down. It's okay, Aegon will go,” Helaena offers. 
Aegon frowns. “No, I won’t.”
“Why not?”
“Because I don’t want to,” he answers, walking down the dock. 
Luke holds his arms out in frustration and Helaena looks ready to chase her elder brother off the dock. It’s like Aegon senses her glare, burning into the back of his head because he quickens his pace.
“Okay, then I’ll go,” Helaena offers, but Luke winces, “What?”
“Umm, no offense Hel…but I want someone who…you know…” he trails off, muttering something about ‘knowing how sails work.’
Helaena rolls her eyes before letting them land on Aemond. He tenses, standing up straighter, sensing the direction this is headed. 
“No,” he says immediately.
“Yes,” Helaena counters. 
“Yes!” Helaena insists, “Aemond this is your fault, you fix it.” 
But Luke is shaking his head, eyes wide with panic.
“No way!” Luke argues, “He’ll sabotage me again, probably tear the-”
“Y/N will go with him!” Helaena offers, much to your surprise.
“What?” you and Aemond ask simultaneously. You shoot him an annoyed glare which he returns with one of his own.
“You’re unbiased, you’ll represent Luke and make sure Aemond’s not fucking around with anything,” Helaena says, “Come on it's perfect.”
Luke’s mouth twists into a frown, but he doesn’t disagree. You raise your eyebrows to your hairline. 
“Seriously?” you ask through clenched teeth. 
Helaena wets her lips nervously. “Look, Pyke isn’t that far. You can’t kill each other in that amount of time, I promise.”
“Oh, really? Can’t you come with us?” you beg, eyes wide. But Helaena shakes her head.
“Can’t, the bike only seats two,” she tells you with a shrug. 
Your heart drops into your stomach. “Bike?”
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“This is your ride?” you ask, as Aemond leads you into the garage.
Of course, stupid Aemond drives a stupid motorcycle. The bike is huge, shiny, and black, gleaming in the streams of sunlight that come through the garage doors. 
“No, I’m stealing it,” he deadpans, holding out a helmet for you. 
“So funny,” you tell him, snatching the helmet from his hand. He’s got big hands; while he could hold the helmet in one of his hands, it takes both of your own. 
Aemond puts his own helmet on, straddling the bike before looking back at you.
“You getting on or what?” he snaps, patting the seat behind him.
“I’m going!” you tell him, hurrying to clip the helmet on your head. Your hands fumble with nerves, and you keep missing the clasp. You’d never ridden on a motorcycle before. Straddling the back of Aemond Targaryen does not seem like the greatest idea for your first ride.  
Aemond groans, beckoning you forward with his hand. You scoot closer and he brings his hands to the clasps. You swallow, feeling his fingertips caress the skin under your chin as he secures the helmet. Your heart beats frantically in your chest as your eyes meet his. 
“You couldn’t figure that out?” Aemond insults and the spell is broken.
“Fuck off Targaryen,” you snap, getting on the back of the bike. 
The drive isn’t that long, but it scares the shit out of you. Aemond is a reckless driver. Though you wanted to remain cool, calm, and collected for the whole ordeal, you find yourself clinging to his back desperately, nails digging into his leather-clad pectorals as you press your face against him. He smells pretty good, an enticing mixture of cologne and the leather from his jacket. 
He weaves through traffic like a man who doesn’t fear death, going over the lines and in between cars. Several people honk at him, one man even leans out his car window to shout obscenities. By the time you reach Pyke you’re trembling like a leaf. 
Aemond turns off the bike, and you don’t release him. 
“Hello?” he asks, turning slightly.
“Don’t!” you squeak, eyes still shut, “Don’tdon’tdon’t-”
“We’ve stopped,” he assures you, “Don’t be a baby.”
You open your eyes slightly, and once you see that you’ve safely stopped, unwrap your arms from around him, standing on trembling legs. You unbuckle the helmet tossing it to the side, as Aemond gets off the bike, using his foot to flip the kickstand.
“You asshole!” you yell as he removes his helmet, running a hand through his hair. His grin is impish as he takes in your flustered expression.
“What?” he asks, placing the helmet on the seat of the bike.
“You’re insane!” you accuse, crossing your arms. 
“That’s unkind,” he muses, “You’ve hurt my feelings.”
“Do you even have feelings?” you quip and Aemond pokes his tongue against his cheek. You turn away from him, beginning to walk toward the small shop that lies next to a dock lined with sailboats. 
You can hear Aemond’s footsteps behind you. 
“Let’s get this over with,” you grumble and he chuckles behind you. 
Dalton Greyjoy greets you once you’re inside, the owner of Iron Sails in Pyke. A smaller location than Iron Islands. 
“The best in the west,” he boasts, grinning from ear to ear. His face is weathered from the sun and the sea. 
You and Aemond check over the sails three times, making sure everything is in order for them to be shipped to King’s Landing the following day. 
“Big beauty Seasmoke is,” Dalton muses, “You don’t see sails this size anymore.”
“Luke’s been working really hard,” you tell him, smiling politely, “He loves sailing.”
“That he does,” Dalton agrees, patting you on the hand. He pulls away, nervously glancing at Aemond. He’s been a little too friendly with you this afternoon, making the hair on the back of your neck stand up. 
You’re actually thankful Aemond is here with you. Dalton clearly thinks you’re together, which is why his advances haven’t gone much further. Scary boyfriend privileges without the boyfriend part. You hope Aemond doesn’t notice but of course, that isn’t the case. He points it out as you’re leaving.
“He was awfully friendly,” he comments, handing you your helmet. You place it on your head. 
“Whatever,” you tell him, but before you can reach for the clasp, Aemond’s hands are there already. He clicks the strap into place adjusting it under your chin. Your cheeks burn and you blink rapidly at the kind gesture.
Aemond breaks away from your gaze looking up at the sky. The wind has begun to pick up and the air has a sudden chill to it.
“We better get going,” he says softly, “Storm’s coming.”
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You barely make it back to King’s Landing when the rain begins to turn into a downpour. Aemond must have a remote control clicker for the five-car garage, because it opens automatically, sending warm light onto the driveway as you skid inside.
Even though the sky had just opened, you’re already soaked as Aemond shuts off the bike.
“Shit,” you curse, taking off the helmet.
The walkway is already flooding with water. Your eyes widen as lightning flashes through the sky, followed by a loud clap of thunder.
“There’s no way you’re making it to Driftmark,” Aemond muses, removing his own helmet.
Baela was supposed to swing by after dinner and grab you before returning to the island for the night. You reach for your phone, seeing a missed text from her and Helaena.
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“What is it?” Aemond asks, stripping off his leather jacket. 
“Um, just Baela spending the night on Dragonstone,” you tell him.
Aemond shakes his head, “I’m sure she’s thrilled.”
“And Hel’s at Sara’s,” you finish. You watch him, neither of you moving.
“Come on,” he says, motioning with his head towards the door to the house. The garage doors begin to close behind you as you follow him inside. 
The house is dark and Aemond turns on a light in the kitchen as you enter.
“Mom?” he calls, “Aegon?” There is no reply. 
Aemond checks his own phone before shaking his head. 
“They’re not here?” you ask.
“Aegon’s god knows where,” Aemond grumbles, sliding his phone into his back pocket, “Mum’s out. Just us.”
Just us.
You swallow the lump beginning to form in your throat. Aemond scratches the back of his neck, eyes falling to the floor. You glance around the room, eyes falling to the empty podium that once held the bust of Maegor Targaryen. 
Aemond moves to sit on the couch and you follow him. It’s large enough to fit several people and you sink into the cushions comfortably. Aemond leans back spreading his legs wide and placing his arms on the back of the couch. You can just spot his silver chain poking out from underneath his black t-shirt. He nearly catches you looking as he glances your way.
“Where’s your mom?” you ask, as he runs a hand through his hair.
“Helping with the auction stuff. She does a lot of volunteer work at the country club,” he tells you.
“That’s nice of her,” you tell him. 
“Mhmm,” he answers. 
It’s awkward, with nothing to bicker about. You find yourself wanting to fill the silence.
“Where do you go to school?” you ask, removing your shoes and tucking your feet up on the couch. 
“Citadel University,” he answers, to your surprise. Of course, he’s from CU, as all pretentious rich assholes are. 
“Figures,” you say with a snort, “You know what Honeyholt calls you?”
Aemond purses his lips, nodding for you to continue.
“Cunt university,” you snicker, even though it's not that clever. 
“I see why you go to Honeyholt,” he says smirking.
Your jaw drops.
“It’s a great school,” you argue.
“Sure,” he mockingly agrees, and your blood begins to boil.
“What are you studying anyway?” you ask, trying to change the subject.
“Double major. History and philosophy,” he quips, “And yourself?”
“I’m undecided,” you tell him. 
“You’ve got lots to figure out,” he says, holding your gaze. Your face warms, butterflies gathering in your belly. 
Aemond doesn’t look away. His hand outstretched on the back of the couch suddenly seems too close like he could reach out and touch your arm with his fingertips. 
“You’re so annoying,” you groan, laughing a little as you say it, “What’s your deal anyway?”
“What do you mean?” he asks, tilting his head.
“This whole, thing,” you hold your hand up, referring to him, “The dick-sona.”
“Dick-sona?” he asks, a smile curling at the corner of his lips.
“What’s got you so fucked up?” you ask, “There must be a reason you’re so…”
“Forward?” he finishes your sentence for you. You hold his gaze. 
He’s thinking of the other night too. You can feel it. His proposition weighs heavy between you.
“Yes,” you agree.
“I just know what I want,” he tells you, sucking his lower lip into his mouth.
You watch him, knowing there’s more to it that he’s not sharing. There’s a reason he’s being like this, keeping you and everyone else, at arm’s length. But you’re not going to push, no matter how curious you are. If Aemond Targaryen doesn’t want to share, that’s fine with you.
“Yeah,” you tell him, the back of your neck tingling, “So…”
“I can show you the guest room,” Aemond says suddenly, “I mean, who knows when the rain will let up. You’ll want to get some sleep if Baela’s coming for you in the morning.”
“Yeah,” you agree, nodding, “That sounds good.”
You follow Aemond up the winding grand staircase, listening to the sound of rain pounding down on the windows. He leads you down the hall, opening a door revealing a large queen bed with a white comforter and several decorative pillows. 
“Hold on,” he murmurs, heading further down the hall.
He disappears through another door, coming out with a black shirt in his hands. He holds it out to you. 
“Here,” he says, “If you want to be more comfortable.”
You take it from him. “Thank you.”
He hums in response and you back into the room.
“There’s a bathroom too if you want to shower,” Aemond tells you as you nod. 
“Um goodnight,” you tell him, pressing your lips tightly together as you close the door. 
Holy shit.
What the fuck are you supposed to do now? Stuck in King’s Landing. Alone. With Aemond. Your mind is racing, so you decide to take a long, cold shower to erase any dirty thoughts from your mind. 
It’s not like you can fuck him. Right? The guy doesn’t even like you. You check your phone once you’re done with your shower. Yup. You’re officially spending the night. And no text from Will. Left on read. AGAIN.
You slam your phone with a groan. Fuck it. Maybe sleeping with Aemond isn’t the worst idea. Maybe you do just need to get laid. Help each other out, as he said. You chew your lip nervously.
You hold the shirt up in front of your naked form. It’s huge, clearly his. You bring it to your nose, inhaling the scent of laundry detergent and his cologne. It’s the same scent you smelled as you rode on his motorcycle, cheek pressed to his back. Expensive. Musky. Notes of amber. Fuck. 
You slide it over your head, and it falls in the middle of your thighs. No panties though. You sleep without them anyway so what’s it matter? You hop over to the bed, sit on top of it, and cradle one of the soft feather pillows in your lap. You can’t help but nervously chew your lip, thinking of Aemond down the hall. 
Screw this. 
You get up, tossing your pillow behind you, and head toward the door. Throwing it open you’re shocked to see Aemond already standing in front of it, hand raised as though he was going to knock. You release a startled squeak, stumbling backward on the balls of your feet. 
Aemond’s eye runs over your wet hair and scantily clad form, causing warmth to gather on your cheeks. You can’t help but do the same, eyes roaming the form-fitting white t-shirt he wears, down to the grey sweatpants that hang low on his hips and back up to that fucking silver chain he wears. 
“Hey,” he says, wetting his lips, “I was just-”
You interrupt him with a chaste kiss on his lips. You pull away quickly, lips tingling. Aemond blinks as though he’s trying to process what just happened. Then, a smirk curls onto his handsome face, and he lets out a soft, breathy chuckle before reaching down, grabbing the back of your neck, and pulling you towards him. 
“I fucking knew it,” he growls.
He connects your lips, kissing you deeper this time; his tongue slipping through the seal of your lips with ease. Aemond’s hand remains firmly on the back of your neck, long fingers curling around your throat while the other reaches to slam the door shut as he backs you into the room. Then he’s on you, pawing at your waist, reaching down to cup the swell of your ass, and squeezing so hard you gasp into his mouth. 
He’s a good kisser, much to your disappointment (well not really, deep down). You had hoped he wouldn’t live up to the cocky attitude he wears like armor.
“You sure about this?” he murmurs, between kisses, his voice rough and seductive, sending a rush of warmth between your thighs. 
“Yes,” you breathe against his lips, feeling the sharp point of his nose press against your cheek.
“Super sure?” he breathes, lips ghosting against yours. He tastes like peppermint, like winter in the city.
“Yes,” you repeat, lips hungrily chasing his own in a desperate kiss, “I want you to fuck me, Aemond.”
He groans as you say it, pushing you back against the bed until your knees bend and your back hits the mattress. You lift your legs, wrapping them around his slim waist as he climbs on top of you, kissing you like his life depends on it. His lips are so soft and warm, you nearly whimper just from making out with him like it's your first time again. 
You can feel him smiling against you as you drag your hands underneath his shirt, feeling the hard muscles of his abdomen flex underneath your touch. He breaks away for a moment, holding himself above you with one hand, using the other to pull his t-shirt off his body, throwing it to a corner of the room. 
You move to remove your own shirt- well his shirt- tossing it in the same direction. Aemond eyes your breasts hungrily, wasting no time bringing his mouth to your taut right nipple, swirling his tongue over the bud and sucking. You can feel the cool metal of his chain dragging across your breast, the juxtaposition driving you crazy.
You moan, digging your nails into his shoulder, and dragging them down his back harshly. Aemond gasps slightly, releasing your nipple and moving to the other, beginning to palm at the abandoned breast. His hand travels lower, slender fingers dragging down your sternum, over your belly button, and down toward your wet center. You can feel how drenched you are already, the stickiness that has formed between your thighs. You lift your hips, desperate for some friction, anything. 
Aemond’s fingers part your slick folds, barely touching you, just enough to make you bite your lower lip in anticipation.
“Fuck,” he moans, jaw slacking, “You’re so wet.”
A sharp whine leaves your lips as you throw your head back against the pillows. Aemond smirks, sliding down your body to seat himself between your legs. 
“All talk,” he muses, pushing your legs back against the mattress.
You’re spread out for him like a feast. He curls his fingers into the meat of your thighs, before bringing his mouth to your left one. He presses an open-mouthed kiss to the smooth skin, sucking harshly. You’re tingling everywhere, from the top of your head all the way down to your toes as he moves to do the same to your opposite thigh. 
He kisses the delicate flesh where your thigh meets your hip, dragging his lower lip against it as he looks up at you. His violet eye is hooded, the pupil dilated with lust. Aemond grips your right thigh, pulling you toward his face with ease, his nose bumping against your clit, causing you to jolt. 
“Aemond,” you whimper, and he moans in response.
“Oh I like that,” he murmurs, letting his tongue dart out to taste between your folds, “Say it again.”
Your heart is beating erratically in your chest, fire erupting in your belly with every swipe of his tongue against your slick folds. 
“Aemond,” you whine once more, “Oh fuck.” He wraps his lips around your clit, suckling on the sensitive nub, tongue flicking out to caress it. His eye watches you the entire time, studying your way, the way you react to each gentle flutter of his tongue. 
Your toes curl and your legs tremble at his attention. Fuck. Holy shit this is good. His tongue dips lower, momentarily abandoning your clit to prod at your entrance. Aemond releases his grip on your thighs to bring his hands to cup under your ass. He lifts you off the bed slightly, angling your upwards and plunging his tongue inside you.
A strangled cry leaves your lips as he works the smooth, wet muscle against your clenching walls. He moans as you cry out, squeezing your asscheeks harshly as he moves his face up and down, grinding his nose against your clit as he fucks you with his tongue. You’re nearly there, legs tingling with your impending orgasm, when he lowers you to the bed.
He replaces his tongue with his fingers, easing one slender digit into your throbbing core. Aemond finds your G-spot with impressive precision, stroking the rough patch in tandem with the movements of his tongue on your clit.
“Oh Jesus fuck,” you squeak, abdominal muscles clenching as he slips a second finger into your tight, wet heat. He crooks his fingers, pulling his mouth away from your clit momentarily to watch them slide in and out. 
“You like that?” he asks roughly, chin glistening with your slick.
“Yes,” you answer, a broken cry, “Fuck just like that-”
“Just like this?” he teases, pressing his opposite palm on your lower abdomen as he taunts you, “Yeah, that’s good, huh?” 
The added stimulation on your g-spot makes your vision blur as he drops his head to mouth your clit once more. The noises leaving your mouth are uncontrollable at this point, and you can’t find it in yourself to feel embarrassed because it feels too fucking good for you to care.
Your legs shudder and you tangle your hands in his hair as your walls clench around his fingers and you cry out as your orgasm washes over you. You feel a rush of wetness as you finish, hear the squelching of Aemond’s fingers and the low, throaty moan he releases as he continues his ministrations with his fingers and tongue so you can ride out your orgasm. 
When your limbs have stilled, Aemond eases his fingers out of you, crawling on top of you once more, kissing you ferociously. You can feel his cock straining against his sweatpants and you move quickly, mind clouded by lust, fingers dipping below his waistline and freeing it. It's hot and heavy against your hand and you wrap your fingers around his thick length. You’re kissing him still, fuck you like kissing him, so you can’t see how his cock looks. 
But you feel it, as you stroke down the shaft. It just keeps going. 
You blink, pulling away from his lips, as he buries his face in the crook of your neck, sucking harshly in the smooth skin of your throat. You glance between you and him, eyes widening at the sight of his cock. Long, pale, and slightly curved upwards. Aemond Targaryen is well endowed. Aemond Targaryen has a perfect fucking cock.
This stupid bastard. 
You almost want to roll your eyes in frustration but then he sinks his teeth into your shoulder and any thought of annoyance with the man on top of you fades from your mind. 
“I have a condom,” he murmurs through a moan as you continue to stroke him. 
“Do you want me to…” you begin, wanting to return the favor.
“Not tonight,” he tells you, kissing your lips, “Let me be inside you.”
“Yes,” you agree, bucking your hips desperately, “Please-”
Aemond sits back on his haunches, reaching for his discarded sweatpants. He smirks while removing a condom from the pocket. He tears the foil with his teeth, sliding it on his length. 
“Please?” he teases, imitating you slightly, “You want my cock that bad?”
You’re breathing heavily, and nod. Aemond leans forward, his arms forming a cage around you. He guides his cock toward your center, dragging the tip through your slick folds. 
“Say it,” he demands, voice low and commanding.
“Please…I want your cock,” you whimper, cheeks aflame.
Aemond grins.
“Fuck that’s good,” he murmurs, rewarding you with a kiss as he presses into you.
The delicious stretch of his cock steals the breath from your lungs as you adjust to his size of him. Your walls spasm, pussy fluttering desperately as he sheathes himself completely in your tight, wet heat. And then he’s rolling his hips, dragging his cock out to the tip and slamming back into you and you lose your last thread of sanity. 
Aemond pounds into you with long, hard, even strokes. The bedframe shakes, and he reaches up, holding the headboard to support himself as he thrusts into you.
“So fucking good…” he moans, “Perfect fucking pussy…fuck I knew you’d be perfect..”
You moan at his words, lifting your hips to meet his thrusts. Aemond hooks his free arm under your lower back, lifting your lower body off the bed. He’s so deep inside of you, the curve of his cock sliding against your G-spot perfectly with each thrust. It’s hard and dirty and you’re living for every second of it, pleasurable tears leaking from the corners of your eyes. 
Aemond’s jaw is slacked, eyes glued to your tits bouncing with every harsh thrust he delivers. He slides his hand down from your back, releasing you down onto the bed and sliding your leg over his shoulder. The new angle has you spilling moans and whimpers with every thrust, causing an open-mouthed smile to appear on Aemond’s face.
Cocky bastard. And he was right. He is that fucking good. Especially as he brings his hand to play with your clit, the pads of his fingers working lazy circles around the sensitive button. 
“You gonna come on my cock?” he asks, his tone tantalizing, “You know you want to. Be my good little girl, yeah?”
“Fuck fuck!” you cry, thighs trembling, pussy clenching around his thick cock.
“That’s a good girl,” he praises as you fall apart for the second time with a cry, “Oh she’s a good girl after all, huh? Just needed to be fucked real good.”
“Oh shit!” you cry as he continues thrusting into you, the overstimulation making you see stars.
“Gods this perfect tight little pussy, fuck,” he moans, stuttering as he finishes into the condom. He kisses you as he cums, tangling his tongue with yours, dragging another moan from your throat.
Aemond stays inside you a moment, before unsheathing his cock. He rolls next to you, removing the condom and throwing it into the trashcan. He turns back over to you, pulling you against him. You’re dazed, blinking sleepily as his fingers stroke your upper arm. 
“You need to go to the bathroom,” he murmurs, “And have some water. Then we’ll lay.”
You turn your face to him.
“Didn’t think you’d be into aftercare,” you tell him.
“It’s important,” he answers immediately, “For the chemical balance in your brain.”
“Okay Bill Nye,” you tell him, rising from the bed and heading to the bathroom.
You return a few moments later, climbing back into bed with him. He’s gone under the covers and you snuggle up next to him. 
“This doesn’t mean we’re friends with benefits,” you tell him, cheek pressed against his chest. Aemond releases a hum, the vibrations moving through you.
“Why not?” Aemond asks, fingers playing with your hair.
“We’re not friends, for one,” you tell him, bringing your hand to the one of his that lays on his stomach. You stroke your pointer finger over the back of his hand, tracing the veins. “And you’re annoying and irritating.”
“So?” Aemond asks, as though the statement doesn’t bother him in the slightest, “I just fucked your brains out.”
You feel the heat returning to your cheeks.
“I assume you enjoy getting your brains fucked out?” he asks, moving his hand to lace his fingers through his.
It’s your turn to hum in response.
“Alright,” you tell him, sitting up, “But if we’re doing this, we need some ground rules.”
“Perfect,” he says sitting up, “I agree.”
But just then, your phone lights up on the nightstand. You frown, reaching for it. You can still hear the rain and thunder outside, so you assume it's not Baela or Helaena. Your eyes widen when you read it. 
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“Oh shit.”
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note: I just can't keep things uncomplicated can I?? its a curse
OLS Taglist: @talesofoldandnew, @diannnnsss, @aemondslefteyeball, @urmomsgirlfriend1, @castellomargot, @atherverybest, @high-on-darren-criss, @diosademuerte, @padfooteyes, @tempo-rary-fix, @amirawritespoorly, @chainsawsangel, @toodlesxcuddles, @tssf-imagines, @malfoytargaryen, @nina2697, @glame, @joliettes, @yentroucnagol
@grungegrrrl, @moonlightfoxx, @melsunshine, @helaenaluvr
@m1ndbrand, @sahvlren, @muthafuckingstargirl @herfantasyworldd, @sunna-fangirls, @carriellie, @elle4404, @fan-goddess, @jamespotterismydaddy
bold means tumblr would not let me tag!
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justanotherhh · 4 months
what does being aroace do for alastor's character?
thing about alastor being aroace is that there's so much juicy potential (cannibal joke) embedded in this concept that i don't know about going too far into, as it's still early days and who knows what the direction will be. but. some analysis. some predictions. some headcanons. mix and match with hedonistic abandon. and at the end a bunch of feelings
first and foremost and basically what all the subsequent points will be about in some way, is it's such a great flipping on its head of a tired idea that aspec-ness (in the vague way it's often discussed) is a way of depicting inhumanity -- characters who can't love are Other, characters who don't want sex are childlike, the way to become a Human Adult Person is to enter into these partnerships, to be fixed. in alastor, being aroace is very much the thing that brings him to humanity, grounds him in something beneath the constant mask he wears. to dig deeper...
just visually, i like how his mask literally slips when he's propositioned/involved in sexual comedy/when people discuss romance too much around him. he glitches, or becomes otherwise uncomfortable, or zones out. i like the crack hc that he avoids val at all costs, that val is actually vox' best weapon against alastor, just because his whole Essence is outside of alastor's ability or wish to process
2. the fact that he's caught off-guard by attachment. he's created an untouchable persona (emotionally and physically to an extent/with exceptions -- the distance of the radio to the listener is something i think about a lot), that with the aroace read comes off partly as protection, especially considering how hypersexual hell is, and how generally hyper-romantic earth would have been (hell is romantic with caveats... more in a sec), so when he realises he almost died to protect the hotel gang it sends him into a full-on meltdown
3. that being said, the way he interacts with women is full of charm and ease: mimzy and rosie first and foremost, then also charlie and niffty, and even to an extent vaggie and possibly carmilla, and maybe cherri in future. he's able to get closer to women, able to be respectful in a southern gentleman old-timey way. it reads as chivalry-with-a-demonic-twist. alastor may be unsettling and untrustworthy for other reasons, but not about crossing sexual or romantic boundaries, which makes him surprisingly safe to hang around. i wonder if this was the case whilst living (and if, ironically, it meant that women ended up crossing his boundaries)
4. i especially would be into this tying into his relationship with niffty, who feels like a woman scorned/wronged/hurt in some way in a 50s housewife-ish romantic way (i personally think her story will be incredibly messed up when it's finally shown), but is very happy hanging out with alastor. sidenote, i bet alastor is so proud of her for killing adam
5. the fact that "ace in the hole" is a comment directed at the idea of alastor-and-charlie is fun and spoken about in-depth, and i will wonder until we find out (if we do) how rosie figured it out, and what it says for their relationship that she hasn't told alastor. that they have limitations to their closeness, or that she knows he'll reject it, or that he needs time to get there. personally i think alastor is so detached from himself that he wouldn't know what to do with it at present, it'd be functionally useless until he's learnt to come into himself more -- aroaceness as the end of a journey of humanising a character, not the thing that needs to be gotten away from in order to be seen as human
6. romance! in hell! it's a little stickier there, with sex-with-no-strings seeming to be a more popular pastime, so i think that part was more of a concern whilst he was alive, but that being said, im interested in how this plays into the above relationships, how characters will react to this part once he starts being more openly on the side of/affectionate with the wider hotel gang, and in how this might come up in future, with regards to...
7. vox! voooox! oh i want vox to become. so creepy. currently we've got underlying creepiness to vox' pathetic obsession with alastor that's coded as having been partially romantic and sexual in nature at one point (if not still romantic and sexual...). there's something about it that speaks to the way that alastor is not aroace because of trauma, but there is trauma involved in being aroace
8. that is, constantly having ones boundaries overstepped, whilst not having the words to say how or why or assert them properly, being projected onto by vox and maybe others while he was alive and post-death, potentially when-alive having that framed as a form of inhumanity in and of itself (and how that ties to him being a serial killer, which im so into)
9. the idea of having been made to feel alien in his own skin due to amatonormativity and not knowing why he feels this way, and compensating by creating boundaries that are extreme, but they work as coping mechanisms, up until... perhaps they won't (hinted at in the finale of s1)
10. (i soooo want vox' creepiness to eventually lead to him actually beating alastor in some way, temporarily, and alastor having to face the mortifying ordeal of being saved by the hotel gang, knowing he's weak and needs to be taken care of by them, knowing that they know that vox won in some way, knowing that vox will take it as vindication and become more powerful from it, know all his walls weren't strong enough in the end -- like a part two to the finale, which ultimately the others didn't see (although vox did) and was already such a big deal for him. gimme some alastor angst!!!)
11. smthinsmthin when we have an aroace character whose whole Deal is being untouchable (emotionally and physically, barring Certain People) being pushed into a space where he has to allow himself to be cared for and through that engage with his own boundaries and which ones have become poisonous to him vs the ones which are actually Who He Is
12. i like to think that he and angel could have an unlikely friendship with a lot of shenanigans, because they both have narratives focused on (re)establishing a relationship with their own bodies, after being made to feel unable to inhabit them as who they are -- angel due to abuse, alastor due to being aroace/repulsed (angel learning to respect alastor's boundaries and being protective of them as an extension of his own journey)
13. alastor filtering through what parts of him are him and what parts are the walls/coping mechanisms -- it's been a lot of years, even before he died, of building them after all. who is the man beneath it all?
14. big fan of how this interacts with his past as a murderer too -- the metaphor is made into something much deeper when the character's aroaceness is a humanising factor in a story about people who have done/do bad things. this not to say he'll necessarily be redeemed (but who knows, vaggie has killed a lot of people and probably will be, or, she'll probably stay in hell with charlie, but the narrative will go "she's chill now." in fact it already pretty much has), but that it adds to all the grey areas of his character. he's not a pure, sad little soul who's always suffering, he's dealt in suffering himself, he enjoys the suffering of others, and he's in control all the time
15. it must have been incredibly humiliating not only to die so stupidly/randomly/without say, but to become a deer demon after that. again, prey, weak, lack of control. his whole Thing is control of the narrative, and his death was totally out of that control, and that in and of itself plays into aroaceness as the idea of "if you can't verbalise yourself, if you can't adequately create boundaries, then overcorrect. become the most inscrutable, untouchable, unsettling, disturbing version of yourself. make people not want to get close to you in the first place"
16. and yet despite all that, he can't help liking people, he can't help being charming and funny and smart and in some ways there's a mask in that too -- sharp wit to cut people down, when you're not... literally cutting people down, a cool, shallow friendliness that deliberately keeps a tension at the forefront, the smartness helping to control and shape and keep power. funnily enough, when he's ready to be aroace, oh the real power he'll have (whether he'll use it for good or bad, or a mix of both... who knows, but he'll be fully himself at last, and that's a happy ending)
17. on the flipside to angel, i think it would take charlie a hot second to deal with it -- she'd be supportive in word, but also she's a known boundary-crosser/someone who has her fixed ideas of how things ought to be and it takes a strong "no" to make her realise when she's got it all wrong. all this to say, she might get the ace part, but she could struggle with the aro, trying to twist it into a version of love so that she could humanise him on her terms, using the word "love", until someone steps up for alastor in some way (in my head, angel, but that's my angel and alastor unlikely friends agenda)
18. husk already knows in some way. also not with words, but he's like, yeah this guy. none of that. are y'all surprised????
19. i wonder if when alive he briefly thought he might be a homosexual, or if he knew from the start that he wasn't, especially considering that men are more disgusting to him overall than women
20. i wonder if mimzy knows or suspects, and also if she was in love with him during their lifetime
21. i like to think in life he's utilised the tactics of the song "the gentleman doesn't believe" and just gone "i hate kissing i mean and uh. dancing. and jazz. and uh... smoking. and walking. and everyting else!!!! (but mostly kissing)" as a way of getting out of someone suggesting a date
22. alastor as hot and charming and unfuckable and unromanceable and repulsed by the idea of it all, and who has the supremely aroace fantasy powers of a. "am not being perceived" and b. "am so terrifying you wish you couldn't perceive me" and whose relationships are dictated by his aroaceness, not despite it!
23. ultimately, this point is the main one for me, regardless of how the story actually gets there: aroaceness as the end of a journey of humanising a character, not the thing that needs to be gotten away from in order to become human
24. pal of mine @creepysora said: "they didnt let anyone walk so now he waltzes ready for murder" and yeah. jumped straight to complex character with big, wonderful flaws in a strange little universe, bypassing all the dull explanatory 1-0-1 that just isn't my cup of tea and into a way of writing aroaceness that can be complex and nuanced and based in character, story, theme, rather than education -- he's not implied, he's not one-note, he's not there to explain, he's not defined solely by his role in the story as the token so-and-so, he's not there to be fixed, he's not there to be dubbed as Other, he is
this character genuinely doesn't exist elsewhere, outside of the stories and ideas i see shared and share within my community. this kind of focus, it's... kind of heady to be honest. like you only ever tasted something sweet in crumbs, and then someone gives you a boatload of it all at once
and tbh. he deserves a little murder. as a treat. because fuck, being aroace is hard
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