#nutritional balancing program
hairanalysis · 2 years
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lesbiten · 1 year
honestly starting to believe that people who think vets are being sponsored by pet food companies to sell you kibble and "know that kibble is actually terrible for your pet!11!!1!" but "care more about money than proper nutrition" shouldn't own pets
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metabolicbalance · 6 months
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Metabolic Balance offers a personalized weight management program tailored to individual needs, focusing on nutrition and lifestyle adjustments for sustainable weight loss and overall well-being.
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fitfusebox · 1 year
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Lean for Good: Embrace Lasting Health and Well-being
GET Lean For Good -------> CLICK HERE <-----
Lean for Good is a program designed to help individuals embrace lasting health and well-being by adopting a lean lifestyle. This program focuses on sustainable weight management, improved fitness, and overall wellness. By following the principles of balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and positive lifestyle choices, participants can achieve a leaner physique while cultivating long-term habits for optimal health.
This description highlights the program's emphasis on sustainable results and the importance of adopting a holistic approach to well-being. It encourages participants to make mindful choices, maintain a balanced and nutritious diet, engage in regular physical activity, and prioritize self-care. By embracing the Lean for Good program, individuals can establish a foundation for a healthier, leaner, and more vibrant life.
Join Lean for Good today and embark on a transformative journey towards lasting health and well-being. Together, we will embrace a lean lifestyle, support one another, and experience the joy and benefits of living a balanced and fulfilling life.
TO GET Lean For Good -------> CLICK HERE <-----
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atozhealth · 2 years
Nathan Fillion weight loss has been the topic of much discussion. He began answering fans’ questions about how he lost weight in Hollywood.
Nathan believes that natural treatments are the best. He exercises regularly and maintains a balanced diet. While he was ready to move forward with his weight-loss journey, he did not forget to seek advice from his doctors and trainers. His trainer recommended a vegan, ketogenic, raw, and blood diet. He also used different workout sessions along with this defined diet plan.
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adviceformefromme · 2 months
1] I had to delete social media. Exclusively Instagram. IG was consuming my life, the constant posting, the energy I was receiving was not in anyway positive. I knew my time was being wasted on the app and I couldn’t seem to help myself. It was an addiction. I first started deleting the app each day and reinstalling each time I wanted to check it. When got sick and had to have an emergency surgery last summer I knew in order to heal and stay mentally sane I HAD to delete the app. I have not gone back since. This singlehandedly removed so much toxicity out of my life. 
2] I quit watching the news / reading the news. Those nightmares, those fearful thoughts, all programmed into my subconscious day-by-day by the repeated messages of fear and worry. And while my heart breaks for what is going on in the world, it was bringing me down - without any purpose. So I removed myself. 
3] I got real serious about my connection with God. This transformed me. From someone who struggled with saying the word ‘God’ to Now knowing the love and guidance is something I receive daily, the transformation has been real. This looked like working with a spiritual coach, daily prayers, listening with intent during mediation to any messages. I started 1 hour mediations listening to God and although mostly silent the wisdom would pour in always from above. 
4] I changed my diet. I quit carbs. This single handedly changed my life. No more extreme hunger even though I just ate 2 hours ago, no more carb crashes. I removed all the carbs and started a protein and veg diet with some fruits. I invested in a juicer, I started studying nutrition. I also quit alcohol. Learning about balancing my hormones through removing glucose (carbs, starches, sugars) has impacted me in ways I never knew possible. 
5] I started running. As someone who works from home, it was very easy for me to be completely stagnant all day, and believe my dog walks were equivalent to exercise. In order to keep a healthy flow of blood, and maintain heart health, I needed to give my heart some work. This meant running. I started running down the road and back with many breaks in-between. I now run on the treadmill in the gym 3-4 times per week along with a little resistance training. When you start to show your body love, your confidence grows, you sleep better, your energy is replenished. It’s a win win. 
With every one of these five steps. It took a while. I didn’t just stop eating carbs. I quit and I went back and realised going back to the old way wasn’t working. My relationship with God took time, I would skip my meditations and then realise how much I benefited from them. I had to delete and re-install instagram multiple times a day. The point being, sometimes you got to slip-up. But make sure you’re falling forward. 
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ahmed25646 · 2 years
Dietary supplements contain medicinal plants
Dietary supplements contain medicinal plants
Some herbal food supplements have effects similar to drugs without being as well supervised, alarms the Academy of Pharmacy, stressing the dangerousness of those containing aloe juice or rhubarb roots, used for their effect. laxative. “There are plants authorized in food supplements which have never been used in food, but for pharmacological purposes, that is to say in medicines”, lamented…
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bloomzone · 6 months
(with idea)
- inspired by Korean idols !
By: ★﹕byeolgιrᥣ﹒
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"Take care of yourself, That's the priority, You can only recieve love if you love yourself, I hope you think of yourself as a priority, Then people around you will love you"
- Jang Wonyoung
1. Overnight oats with almond milk, chia seeds, sliced banana, and a drizzle of honey.
2. Whole grain cereal with skim milk, topped with mixed berries and a sprinkle of flaxseeds.
3. Veggie omelette made with bell peppers, onions, and mushrooms, served with whole grain toast.
4. Smoothie bowl with blended spinach, frozen mixed berries, Greek yogurt, and a handful of granola.
Mid-Morning Snack:
1. Sliced cucumber and cherry tomatoes with hummus.
2. Rice cakes with avocado mash and a sprinkle of black pepper.
3. Cottage cheese with sliced strawberries and a drizzle of balsamic glaze.
4. Whole grain crackers with tuna salad (made with Greek yogurt instead of mayo) and cucumber slices.
1. Quinoa salad with diced mango, black beans, diced bell peppers, and a lime vinaigrette dressing.
2. Whole wheat wrap filled with grilled chicken, lettuce, tomato, avocado, and mustard.
3. Lentil soup with a side of mixed greens salad and a whole grain roll.
4. Brown rice bowl with stir-fried tofu, broccoli, carrots, and a teriyaki sauce.
Afternoon Snack:
1. Sliced apple with a spread of almond butter and a sprinkle of cinnamon.
2. Edamame beans sprinkled with sea salt.
3. Greek yogurt parfait with layers of granola, mixed berries, and a drizzle of honey.
4. Air-popped popcorn seasoned with nutritional yeast and smoked paprika.
1. Grilled shrimp skewers with quinoa pilaf and roasted Brussels sprouts.
2. Baked cod fillet with roasted sweet potatoes and steamed green beans.
3. Turkey chili served over baked sweet potatoes and topped with diced avocado.
4. Whole wheat pasta with marinara sauce, lean ground turkey, and sautéed spinach.
Evening Snack (optional):
1. Sliced pear with a sprinkle of cinnamon and a few squares of dark chocolate.
2. Celery sticks filled with almond butter and topped with raisins.
3. A small handful of mixed nuts (such as almonds, cashews, and pistachios).
4. Herbal tea with a squeeze of lemon and a small piece of cheese.
These meal ideas offer a variety of nutrients while keeping the overall calorie intake in check for a healthy and balanced diet.
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As multiple work stoppages continued across the United States, Democratic Sen. John Fetterman of Pennsylvania on Thursday introduced legislation that would enable striking workers to qualify for federal food aid.
Called the Food Secure Strikers Act of 2023, Fetterman's bill would amend the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 to ensure that striking workers aren't excluded from receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits. In addition, the bill would preserve food stamp eligibility for public sector workers who are fired for striking and clarify that any income-eligible household is entitled to SNAP benefits even if a member of that household is on strike.
"Every union worker who is walking the picket line this summer needs to know that we have their back here in Washington," Fetterman said in a statement. "The union way of life is sacred. It's what built Pennsylvania and this nation. It is critical for us to protect workers' right to organize, and that includes making sure they and their families have the resources to support themselves while on strike."
"As chair of the Nutrition Subcommittee and an advocate for the union way of life, this bill is just plain common sense," he added. "I'm proud to introduce this bill that will eliminate the need for workers to choose between fighting for fair working conditions and putting food on the table for their families."
Workers typically forgo pay when they exercise their right to walk off the job in pursuit of higher wages and better conditions. Although union strike funds sometimes provide workers on the picket line with a stipend, it is less than their regular income.
Under existing law, striking workers and their households are ineligible to receive SNAP benefits unless they already qualified for food stamps prior to withholding their labor. This gives employers significant leverage over employees who can only endure economic hardship for so long. By repealing the current restriction on striking workers securing SNAP benefits, Fetterman's bill would help restore some balance to the struggle between capital and labor.
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"It's good to see lawmakers attempting to correct the wrongs of the past by reinstating a benefit for striking workers that never should have been taken away in the first place," said International Brotherhood of Teamsters president Sean O'Brien. "Congress should never pass laws that punish American workers and hopefully this amendment is a repudiation of that practice."
O'Brien spent the past several weeks preparing 340,000 United Parcel Service (UPS) warehouse workers and delivery drivers for what would have been the second-largest work stoppage at a single employer in U.S. history, trailing only a 1970 strike of 400,000 General Motors workers. Although a UPS strike has likely been averted after the logistics giant and the Teamsters reached a tentative five-year contract agreement on Tuesday, Fetterman's proposal comes amid a nationwide wave of ongoing and potential labor actions.
"The United Auto Workers have mirrored the Teamsters' militant stance, blasting CEOs ahead of their own contract negotiations slated for later this year," The Intercept reported Thursday. "And the truckers union has staged trainings in dozens of cities for a strike that could shut down shipping from coast to coast. In California, meanwhile, thousands of hotel workers organized with Unite Here are already on strike, along with tens of thousands of Hollywood writers and actors belonging to the Writers Guild and SAG-AFTRA, respectively."
The walkout of 160,000 writers and actors, who are fighting for improved remuneration and attempting to safeguard unionized jobs threatened by artificial intelligence-induced automation, is perhaps the most well-known of the current strikes.
Earlier this month, an anonymous studio executive admitted to Deadline that "the endgame is to allow things to drag on until union members start losing their apartments and losing their houses," drawing widespread condemnation, including from star actor Ron Perlman.
The Food Secure Strikers Act is designed to counteract the delay tactics that bosses rely on to crush workers.
"Workers who make the difficult decision to go on strike are coming together to lift the standard of living and gain more respect for all working people," said Becky Pringle, president of the National Education Association (NEA). "They are prepared to make sacrifices—but going hungry should not be one of them. The Food Secure Strikers Act of 2023 will help ensure that when striking workers stand in solidarity for better working conditions and wages they can receive SNAP benefits so they don't put themselves and their families at risk."
The legislation is co-sponsored by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and 10 Senate Democrats, including Sherrod Brown (Ohio), Elizabeth Warren (Mass.), and Ron Wyden (Ore.). A companion bill was unveiled in the House by Democratic Reps. Alma Adams (N.C.) and Greg Casar (Texas).
It is also endorsed by numerous unions and anti-hunger organizations, including the Teamsters, NEA, the United Food and Commercial Workers, the Communications Workers of America, the Food Research Action Center, and Hunger-Free America.
"We need to get rid of the anti-union provisions in our code that starve striking workers," said Casar. "We're seeing workers exercise their rights across the country by going on strike to demand better wages and working conditions. That's why our bill, the Food Secure Strikers Act, is more important now than ever. We need to stop starving strikers, and ensure all working families are able to make ends meet."
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science-lover33 · 1 year
The Human Microbiome: Your Body's Little Ecosystem
Within each of us exists a fantastic and complex microscopic universe known as the human microbiome. This ecosystem of microorganisms that inhabits our body plays a fundamental role in health and homeostasis. Today, we will fully explore this fascinating microbial world and its influence on our physiology.
What is the Human Microbiome?
The human microbiome is a profoundly intricate biological system integral to our health and well-being. This term, "the human microbiome," encompasses a diverse consortium of microorganisms that have firmly established themselves within and upon our bodies. This assemblage comprises a wide array of microorganisms, encompassing bacteria, viruses, fungi, and various other microbes, each with their specialized ecological niches within our anatomy.
Upon a deeper examination of the human microbiome, we uncover a meticulously organized distribution of these microorganisms. They do not merely coexist haphazardly within us; instead, they strategically colonize specific regions of our body. For instance, they form robust communities within the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in the gut harboring a densely populated microcosm. Similarly, they stake their claim on our skin, and even the respiratory tract serves as a habitat for these microbial entities.
The human microbiome's remarkable aspect lies in the intricate and dynamic interactions it maintains with our own organism. These microorganisms are not passive bystanders; they are active participants in the intricate orchestra of physiological processes. They exert influence over our digestion, bolster our immune system, and wield the potential to affect our mental and cognitive faculties. This complex web of symbiotic relationships between our human cells and these microorganisms constitutes an ever-evolving interplay that exerts a profound impact on our overall health.
The human microbiome is not a mere collection of microbes; it is an entire ecosystem nestled within us, a thriving and dynamic world with the potential to significantly modulate our health. Comprehending the intricacies and subtleties of this microscopic community represents an ongoing and critical pursuit in the realms of scientific and medical research, with profound implications for the fields of medicine and biology.
Solid Scientific Evidence
To support the importance of the human microbiome, here are three relevant scientific references:
Title: "The Human Microbiome: A Key Contributor to Health." Autores: Sender, R., Fuchs, S., & Milo, R. Revista: Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2016. Abstract: This article reviews the role of the human microbiome in health and disease, highlighting its influence on digestion, immunity, and nutrient synthesis. It also emphasizes its contribution to metabolic and autoimmune diseases.
Títle: "The Human Microbiome: Gut Microbiota and Health." Autores: Marchesi, J. R., Adams, D. H., Fava, F., Hermes, G. D., Hirschfield, G. M., Hold, G., ... & Rook, G. A. Revista: The Journal of Infection, 2016. Abstract: This study focuses on the intestinal microbiota and its relationship with human health. Explore how alterations in the microbiome can contribute to gastrointestinal, inflammatory, and metabolic disorders.
Títle"The Skin Microbiome: Impact of Modern Environments on Skin Ecology, Barrier Integrity, and Systemic Immune Programming." Autores: Kong, H. H., Andersson, B., & Clavel, T. Revista: World Allergy Organization Journal, 2016. Summary: This article examines the skin microbiome's influence on skin health and immune response. It highlights how modern environmental factors can upset the microbial balance and affect the skin's health.
Future perspectives
Studying the human microbiome is a constantly evolving field that promises new therapeutic strategies and a deeper understanding of human health. As we continue to investigate this small ecosystem, doors are opening to personalized interventions to promote health and prevent disease.
Would you like to learn more about this fascinating subject? Share your thoughts and questions in the comments!
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kp777 · 1 month
By Jake Johnson
Common Dreams
Aug 07, 2024
"Republicans would rather protect their billionaire friends at the expense of everyone else," said the chair of the Joint Economic Committee
Budget proposals released by congressional Republicans in recent months lay bare the party's desire to slash taxes for wealthy Americans and large corporations at the expense of key government programs and services, including nutrition assistance, environmental protection, and Medicaid.
That's according to an analysis released Wednesday by Democrats on the Joint Economic Committee (JEC), which examined budget plans the GOP has released as Congress works to craft and pass government funding bills for the coming fiscal year.
The JEC specifically cites a Fiscal Year 2025 budget proposal published in March by the Republican Study Committee, a panel comprised of three-quarters of the House GOP caucus.
The plan, the JEC Democrats noted Wednesday, "claims to balance the budget by cutting Medicare spending, raising the retirement age for Social Security, capping funding for Medicaid and CHIP, and cutting the rest of non-defense discretionary spending by 31% across the board."
"This would drive up health costs for American families by increasing premiums for [Affordable Care Act] healthcare plans and getting rid of protections for people with pre-existing conditions," the new analysis says. "It would also prohibit Medicare from negotiating down prescription drug costs."
A separate proposal from Republicans on the House Budget Committee claims it would finance "large tax cuts for the wealthy by both slashing key services and assuming that their tax giveaways lead to unrealistic levels of economic growth," the Democratic report says.
"Analyzing this budget with more reasonable economic assumptions instead shows that budget would likely require the government to eliminate most federal services within a decade," the report adds.
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Sen. Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.), the chair of the JEC, said in a statement Wednesday that "Republicans' extreme proposals are dangerous for America."
"While Democrats are fighting to invest in families, Republicans would rather protect their billionaire friends at the expense of everyone else," said Heinrich. "Kicking 42 million kids off of health insurance, gutting federal investments in public safety, denying veterans hospital care, and getting rid of [Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program] benefits that help people afford groceries is unconscionable. Americans deserve better."
The analysis from JEC Democrats comes as Republican nominee Donald Trump attempts to posture as an ally of the working class despite his history of assailing labor protections and backing tax cuts for the rich.
Trump has called for an extension of the tax cuts he signed into law in 2017—changes that overwhelmingly benefited wealthy Americans. An extension of the tax cuts would add $4.6 trillion to the deficit of the next decade, according to the Congressional Budget Office.
The former president's advisers have also reportedly discussed reducing the corporate tax rate from 21% to 15%, a change that would give the largest 100 U.S. companies a tax cut of $48 billion per year.
Trump has floated proposals that are ostensibly geared toward helping working-class Americans, including exempting tips from taxation—a proposal specifically aimed at hospitality workers—and eliminating taxes on Social Security benefits.
But earlier this week, UNITE HERE—a union that represents hospitality workers—endorsed Democratic nominee Kamala Harris over the Republican candidate, warning that "another Trump presidency would mean four chaotic years of defending against his attacks on unions, working people, immigrants, women, and others."
As for Trump's proposal to eliminate taxes on Social Security benefits, an analysis by the Tax Policy Center's Howard Gleckman found that the move would reduce "Social Security and Medicare hospital insurance (HI) revenues by $1.5 trillion over the next decade," harming the programs' finances while providing "little or no benefit" to lower-income households in 2025.
"Less than 1% of the lowest-income households (those making about $33,000 or less, would get any tax cut at all," Gleckman observed. "But about 28% of middle-income households would get a tax cut. Among the top 0.1 percent, about 20 percent of households would get a tax cut."
Gleckman found that "in dollar terms, the biggest winners would be those in the top 0.1% of income, who make nearly $5 million or more."
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metabolicbalance · 6 months
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Discover effective metabolic weight loss solutions with Metabolic Balance. Tailored nutrition plans promote optimal metabolism for sustainable weight management and improved well-being. Achieve your health goals today
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darkmaga-retard · 13 days
Photo by Victoriano Izquierdo on Unsplash
By Michael Long and Lara Gonçalves / The Conversation
The official U.S. food insecurity rate rose to 13.5% in 2023 from 12.8% in 2022, according to data the U.S. Department of Agriculture released on Sept. 4, 2024. That means more than 1 in 8 Americans – about 47 million people – couldn’t get enough food for themselves or their families at least some of the time.
This is a significant increase from a recent low of 10.2% in 2021. Food insecurity grew in the two years that followed due to a sharp decline in government benefits, including money for groceries from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and the program that pays for students to get lunch and breakfast for free at school.
Higher food prices, largely driven by rapid inflation, also played a big role, as did elevated housing costs.
We are sociologists who study food insecurity. We’re concerned about the growing scale of this problem, which can happen in many ways, in a country where there’s enough food for everyone living here – and about 40% of the food produced goes to waste.https://datawrapper.dwcdn.net/5isJB/5/
What’s food insecurity?
If you can’t afford to refill the fridge, find keeping a balanced diet too expensive, eat too-small portions, skip meals altogether, experience the physical sensation of hunger or lose weight solely due to lacking the money to put food on the table, you’re experiencing food insecurity.
It’s common for more than one of these factors to apply at the same time.
This trend may surprise you, given the attention the public, policymakers, politicians and the media paid to food insecurity at the height of the pandemic in the U.S. and around the world.
Once everything from public libraries to dentists’ offices shut down, there was a great deal of mobilization to help feed people during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown.
Public schools began to make free breakfasts and lunches available for pickup; the federal government gave every family three rounds of economic impact payments and expanded the child tax credit; and food banks and pantries overcame logistical obstacles to keep their doors open and accommodate new clients.
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cutie-chimera · 6 months
I should feel so proud of myself. Over the passed 8 weeks, I have helped 100 people.
We worked on balancing nutrition, how to make healthier choices, habit building, strength and conditioning, positive self image, kinder self talk, and stress management.
My program concluded today and I met with 100 happier, healthier, and more self fulfilled people. All of them smiling, more confident, and most importantly sharing how their relationship with food and themselves has begun to change.
I should feel so proud... but all I feel is crippling dysphoria and the urge to self harm.
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b4b3tte · 11 months
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꒰ ⊹ ˚ Summary — here are some bonding experiences that you and Ken have had, that include fitness!
Pairing — Ryan!Gosling!Ken x Gender!NeutralReader
Contains of — just pure fluff and moments of fitness and awe!
Babettes note — hopefully you enjoy this!! Sorry this took so long, I decided to take your request and turn it into head canons and make it fitness based if that’s okay!
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Ken like to think he has background as a certified personal trainer so he will occasionally help design customized workout programs for his partner. This is a way to add guidance and support to your workout and add a bit fun into your guys relationship
For working out and going out to the gym, he would want to wear matching gear for sure, he thinks it’s a cute way to look good at the gym but also lets people know that someone as impressive as you is with someone like him, not that he doesn’t mind his physique but he fully believes yours is more toned, healthier and better than his but your reassurance would make any negative thoughts go away
Considering your buff I’d guess you’d be passionate about nutrition. Well so is Ken! You guys would experiment with balanced meal plans, incorporating superfoods and a variety of cuisines to keep your diet exciting and healthy and set monthly fitness challenges for each other, ranging from mastering a new yoga pose to running a certain distance These challenges can bring a sense of adventure to both of your guys routine.
Whenever he sees you on equipment or lifting anything remotely Heavy he is like jaw dropped and impressed by the slightest, he would be like “ oh wow that’s cool! “ in general but knowing that it’s you and someone he deeply loves and someone he is dating he is off the charts impressed and wants you to do it again and again like its something he can watch you do for hours and as if its some type of entertainment
Definitely have organized your workout playlists by tempo, matching songs to different types of exercises for maximum motivation. High-energy tracks to help each other up for intense sets, while soothing melodies accompany yoga and stretching.
Some exercises you guys do are considered dates to him sometimes your short vacations like that often revolve around adventure and physical activity he will view as spending time together and on a date you guys have explored hiking trails in national parks, surfed in tropical destinations, and even tried bungee jumping.
During those moments he really takes in your physical appearance, he really is fond of your beauty and the best state of your body and how healthy it is and shows your dedication towards fitness and On tough mornings you’d guys would stay in bed until 11:30 just to talk about whatever is on your guys mind and just use this as a reset and motivational moment
He wants you to be happy and your body to be healthy as possible so he believes staying hydrated is essential which is but he takes it to the extreme sometimes ,he would challenge you daily to met a water intake amount. And will always make sure your taking water breaks within workouts and in general
Since he is new to the real life word which includes social media I feel like he would be in awe with Pinterest, and how there are pictures for everything so he has definitely created a visualization board with quotes, images, and mementos that motivate him and you to strive for your goals. This is something I think he does unintentionally but I think he would like to start each day with affirmations that boost your confidence and set positive intentions for the day.
Ken is definitely active participants in body positivity workshops and seminars, advocating for acceptance and self-love and especially helping you to keep knowing or making you know that your body is the best and despite what condition it is in, it will always be the best one in his eyes
On the social media topic again he would love experimenting with fitness technology, using apps and wearables to track progress and optimize his workouts and seeing the different ways that technology could help improve muscle, I feel like at night when you guys are bored you’d guys research workshops and seminars on fitness, health, and nutrition, and be constantly seeking to expand your guys knowledge and expertise.
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These detailed headcanons illustrate a dynamic,fun, fitness and passionate, and active lifestyle shared by Ken and you! Hope you enjoy! Thanks for reading besitos 💋
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healthy444 · 4 months
Can I build muscle and lose fat at the same time?
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Yes, it is possible to build muscle and lose fat simultaneously, though it can be challenging and typically requires a well-structured approach. This process is often referred to as “recomping” (short for recomposition). Here are some key strategies to achieve this:
1. Nutrition
Caloric Balance: Aim for a slight caloric deficit to lose fat while providing enough nutrients to support muscle growth. This typically means consuming slightly fewer calories than your body needs to maintain its current weight.
Protein Intake: Ensure a high protein intake (1.6 to 2.2 grams per kilogram of body weight) to support muscle repair and growth.
Macronutrient Balance: Balance your diet with a good mix of carbohydrates and fats to provide energy and support overall health.
2. Strength Training
Progressive Overload: Continuously challenge your muscles by increasing the weight, reps, or intensity of your workouts over time.
Compound Movements: Focus on compound exercises (squats, deadlifts, bench presses) that work multiple muscle groups simultaneously.
Consistency: Maintain a regular workout schedule, typically 3–5 times per week, to consistently stimulate muscle growth.
3. Cardio
Moderation: Incorporate moderate cardio to support fat loss without compromising muscle gains. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) can be particularly effective.
Timing: Consider doing cardio on non-lifting days or after strength training sessions to prioritize muscle preservation.
4. Recovery
Sleep: Ensure adequate sleep (7–9 hours per night) to allow your body to recover and grow.
Rest Days: Incorporate rest days to prevent overtraining and reduce the risk of injury.
5. Consistency and Patience
Long-Term Commitment: Body recomposition is a gradual process that requires consistent effort over time. Patience and persistence are crucial.
Monitor Progress: Track your progress with measurements, photos, and performance in the gym rather than just focusing on the scale.
6. Individual Factors
Starting Point: Beginners or individuals returning after a long break often see more dramatic changes in body composition.
Genetics: Genetic factors can influence how easily you gain muscle or lose fat.
7. Nutrient Timing
Pre-Workout Nutrition: Consume a meal or snack rich in protein and carbohydrates about 1–2 hours before your workout to fuel performance.
Post-Workout Nutrition: Have a post-workout meal or shake with protein and carbs within 30–60 minutes after your workout to aid recovery and muscle growth.
8. Hydration
Stay Hydrated: Adequate hydration is essential for overall health, performance, and recovery. Aim to drink plenty of water throughout the day, particularly before, during, and after workouts.
9. Supplementation
Protein Supplements: Whey or plant-based protein powders can help you meet your daily protein requirements.
Creatine: Creatine monohydrate is a well-researched supplement that can enhance strength, power, and muscle mass.
Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs): These can help reduce muscle soreness and promote muscle protein synthesis, particularly when training in a fasted state.
10. Mind-Muscle Connection
Focus on Form: Pay attention to proper form and technique to maximize muscle engagement and prevent injury.
Contraction: Emphasize the contraction of the target muscles during each exercise to improve muscle activation.
11. Variation in Training
Periodization: Incorporate different phases in your training program, such as strength, hypertrophy, and endurance phases, to continually challenge your muscles and prevent plateaus.
Exercise Variety: Regularly change your exercises, rep ranges, and workout routines to keep your muscles guessing and promote continuous adaptation.
12. Tracking and Adjustment
Regular Assessments: Keep track of your body composition, strength levels, and overall progress. Adjust your diet and training plan based on these assessments to ensure continued progress.
Listen to Your Body: Be mindful of signs of overtraining or injury. Adjust your training intensity and volume as needed to prevent burnout and maintain long-term progress.
13. Metabolic Rate and Muscle Mass
Muscle Increases Metabolism: Building muscle increases your resting metabolic rate (RMR), helping you burn more calories even at rest, which aids in fat loss.
14. Hormonal Balance
Manage Stress: High-stress levels can lead to elevated cortisol, which can negatively impact muscle growth and fat loss. Incorporate stress management techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises.
Hormonal Health: Ensure adequate intake of essential fats and micronutrients to support hormonal health, which is crucial for muscle growth and fat loss.
15. Support System
Accountability: Having a workout partner, or coach, or joining a fitness community can provide motivation, accountability, and support.
Education: Continuously educate yourself about nutrition, training, and recovery to make informed decisions and optimize your body recomposition efforts.
By paying attention to these important factors, you can further enhance your ability to build muscle and lose fat simultaneously. Remember, consistency, patience, and a holistic approach are key to achieving long-term success in body recomposition.
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