#one of those levels is burger
unshrinkingviolets · 8 months
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you should play coquette dragoon
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samuraisharkie · 1 year
If you’re putting off loud ass firework tonight in the suburbs around other houses, let it be known I hate you. nearly kills my dog every year.
#first day of disability month is flooded with panic inducing noise. fuck America#could you losers drive out to open country that’s flat to let out fucking industrial level fireworks.#I don’t mean the small driveway ones or even just one or two smaller ones#I mean the ones that fucking send a shockwave through the whole house like a bomb is dropping.#nothing BUT those it sounds like a war zone out here#I hope you people set ur house on fire#killing birds bats and bugs and more#y’all aren’t even celebrating veterans like you think you are. every vet I’ve ever talked to or heard of HATES it.#putting people in danger to blow out ur eardrums setting off massive fireworks at close range.#y’all are fucking annoying#I wish there was like. etiquette for fireworks this time of year.#where you could put a sign out like ‘this neighborhood as a very anxious senior dog’ or ‘this house is sensitive to loud noises’#’this house as someone w PTSD’ etc. but no everyone is supposed to get over it and shut the fuck up#and if we don’t like it we’re joyless funkillers#and if the sign is out then you have to find somewhere else away from that house to set off your fireworks.#and if you can’t find a spot without signs then you fucking get over it and have ur burger without ear shattering noise#or you know. go watch PROFESSIONALS set off fireworks instead of risking yourselves your neighbors and everything around you#I’m sorry if ur 4th of July is ruined bc you could set off industrial professional level fireworks then you genuinely need psychiatric help#if you set off a few. this isn’t about you. if you’re putting on a fucking show stopping finale this in fact is#every Fourth of July is a borderline extinction event for wildlife too. animals can die just from the sound.#they DO die. there’s a massive amount of dead animals found every year after nationwide firework events like this#y’all are killing the wildlife and then scratching ur dumbass heads going ‘huh I wonder where the fireflies went’#you know what’s prettier than polluting the air with pyrotechnics? fireflies! where are they? you killed them!#i LIKE fireworks too. I just don’t like them in my neighborhood by my novice neighbors surrounding me on all sides.#not every single house needs to set off fireworks. fucking stop it
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harmonysanreads · 4 months
Yan Sunday’s darling looking him straight in the eye and biting into the halovian burger.
It is a threat.
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“Sunday, look here for a second.” the Oak Family Head nearly failed to win the wrestle against the maelstrom of noises clamoring around the Golden Hour and distinguish your call from them. It was not his honed senses that provided the sole aid this time, rather, it was the syrupy lilt that dripped from your words and rendered him momentarily off-guard.
That is a weakness he'd like to believe he no longer surrenders to, while it is true he unquestionably would have if one was to focus on an earlier point of his life, Sunday would prefer to believe his tastes have since matured and his restraint has hardened. Indeed, Sunday is no more defeated by sugary pastries and cream-filled buns — where he crumbles to incorrigible pieces inside are moments like this, before a different species of sweetness. That, is another discovery altogether.
While he's left to collect and fix the bits back into rational human behavior, you revel in his predicament, as you do every time he lets slip an extra scrap of leniency. You don't hesitate to praise him for his cruelty, but he's always suspected you to be the sadist. A devil, a siren, an apparition that'll curse him to smithereens — there's no end to your list of virtues. It's not that he complains, that would be hypocritical as he's both the causation and correlation to your spirited schemes.
It's one of those burgers, but Sunday has always cherished a belief of it being the failed offspring between a donut and a burger instead. He's seen them his whole life (not that he's ever indulged in one of them) which is why the apparent normalcy of its appearance didn't ring any alarm bells in his head initially. One look into your pointed stare tells him that you have a purpose, but his attention is instead riveted to the movements of your lips.
You start by taking a bite out of the bread coated in cream, smearing your lips with the delicacy in the process before clumsily licking the cream with a swipe of your tongue ; Sunday stands frozen, thoroughly perplexed. Then, you lean towards the middle section occupied by two wing-like shapes, checking once to confirm that he was still watching before sinking your teeth into one of them.
... Oh.
It takes every atom of his body and every bit of his soul to continue playing statue, to not let anything more than a strangled breath escape and allow your face to be painted in the colors of smug satisfaction for months to come. Knowing you, he doubts you're ignorant to the fact that this time you've really hit a spot. So he stands there like a sculpture of disbelief, watching you finish the cursed burger for five whole minutes as vehicles fly past and by-standers cast questioning looks at the mute spectacle. By the time you're sated, he feels as though he's aged ten years.
“Mr. Sunday will pay for it, thank you!” you chirp at the confused shop keeper.
Just when he thinks his misery is over, you pull your ace ; licking clean the residual taste of the burger from your fingers, knowing painstakingly well how much he dislikes it. This level of audacity short-circuits Sunday's brain and he's unable to do anything but replay the image of a stray sprinkle still clinging to one corner of your lips as you skip away in search of more ways to torture him senseless.
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ninibeingdelulu · 3 months
Silence ✧
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Plot: You, one of the nurse of the Task Force 141, take care of his injury.
A/N: Guys— I know I said I’m gonna take a break but this have been in my mind and I wanted to share it with y’all😭 so my final post until exams is gonna be abt kaiser!!
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It's been another one of those brutal ops that left the boys of Task Force 141 pretty banged up as usual.
Holed up back at the safe house, you're the only nurse on duty tonight handling their medical needs post-mission.
The door to the makeshift triage bay suddenly kicks open with Lieutenant Ghost himself stalking inside with that icy unreadable vibe he always gives off.
Like he's some sorta apex predator assessing any potential prey in his vicinity even among allies.
With his usual skull baclava, he head toward a chair without a word. Then he just calmly lifts his bloodstained shirt exposing that frighteningly huge, scarred torso built like some kinda walking brick shithouse.
You can't help the nervous gulp escaping as those piercing steel-black eyes bore straight through you standing there frozen.
Sizing you up like some helpless little rabbit ready to be ripped apart by those massive bear-paw mitts clenching fistfuls of shredded fatigues.
Until your medical training finally clicks into autopilot gear catching sight of the nasty bullet graze scorched across his lower abdominal slabs.
Gnarly enough to require patching up judging by the steady trickle still seeping out between those ridges.
You give the subtlest shake snapping out of it then retrieve the first aid kit heading over.
Carefully avoiding those glacial irises still tracking you as you silently kneel before the seated Lieutenant without uttering a word.
Once situated between those tree-trunk thighs you get to work cleaning and disinfecting the jagged wound with the antiseptic wipes.
Ghost barely even flinches when the alcohol solution hits that raw patch of burger meat - dude's an absolute stoic savant when it comes to playing through pain.
At least until you hear the faintest hiss slipping past those clenched jaws when you apply slightly too much pressure against the tender injury.
Instantly you freeze then murmur a hushed apology, letting your touch turn gossamer light yet still effectively cleaning the gash while he stays utterly motionless.
Something about the close proximity between you both suddenly amplifies, like both your heartbeats are syncing up while you focus on meticulously wrapping those sterile bandages around Ghost's midsection.
Even through all that scar-tissue cratering his abdomen you can feel the searing warmth radiating off in pulsating waves.
Against your better judgment you chance a glance upwards to check if everything's still good on his end.
But the second your gaze meets that utterly primal smokey-black stare piercing straight through you, it's like every nerve ending in your body ignites simultaneously.
Those razor-sharp raptor eyes hungrily drink in every subtle shift and flex of your form positioned so vulnerably below him.
Heart thundering against your ribcage now as realization dawns about just how terrifyingly easy it would be for those titanic arms to completely overpower and snap you like a damn twig.
Yet a deeper core-level current also hums between the charged particles gathering unbearably thick in the air around you both too.
Stoking thrills of a different sort pulsing through your veins beyond just the mortal peril his presence typically broadcasts.
By the time you finish securing the gauze wrappings and carefully rise back upright, your throat's gone bone dry.
Forcing you to swallow hard glancing away while reminding him not to overexert. To diligently rest and hydrate sufficiently over the next few recovery days so you don't hafta come redress this all over again.
But the second your back's turned gathering those scattered supplies, you audibly inhale feeling Ghost's furnace-like proximity crowding up against you from behind.
Not overtly threatening yet - rather merely an intoxicatingly heady presence amplifying that strange tension crackling across your hypersensitive nerve endings exquisitely.
Those steel-cable forearms extending across both sides bracketing you in while his ragged whisper ghosts up the nape of your neck with a scorching caress.
"Much obliged, then...for always patching us up good as new, Doc..."
The words alone already skated the boundaries of impropriety.
But coupled with that dangerously carnal subtext rumbling just beneath the surface instantly flash-fried your higher cognitive processes into vapor.
You remained utterly petrified in place absorbing the infinitesimal sensations of his titanium frame pressing so tantalizingly close yet not fully against you while Ghost silently withdrew.
Leaving your entire body combusting from the inside out without another word spoken between you both...
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spicycinnabun · 3 months
They were in the middle of a conversation about Eddie’s new job at the music center. Eddie was gesticulating wildly as he talked about one of his students—apparently, the boy was going to be the next Kirk Hammett—when Steve noticed a familiar shade of red on Eddie’s index finger.
Steve grabbed Eddie’s hand without thinking and lifted it to eye level. There was a gash, bleeding sluggishly. “You’re hurt,” he said, frowning. “Paper cut?”
Eddie laughed, surprised. “Oh, shit. Didn’t even feel that. Must be.”
Steve tutted. His paternal instincts immediately kicked in as he fished a bandaid out of his jacket pocket.
He carried those around daily now, along with Kleenex and hand sanitizer. Kids got dirty or hurt almost every hour of the day. It was ridiculous.
Steve tore the wrapper off and carefully applied the Band-Aid. It was pink. Hello Kitty.
Eddie twitched in his hold, but he didn’t pull away. “Stevie—” he started, just as Steve, still on autopilot, brought Eddie’s bandaged finger to his lips and kissed it.
Eddie made a noise, and Steve froze when he realized what he’d done.
“Uh,” Steve said eloquently. He dropped Eddie’s hand like it was on fire and stepped back, blushing profusely. “Sorry, I’m so used to doing that for Jackie, I wasn’t even thinki—”
“Hey,” Eddie interrupted him. He sounded incredibly amused.
Steve wanted to die. He could hear the smirk in Eddie’s voice, knew it was as wide as ever, and he couldn’t look up and face it.
“It’s okay. Thank you. My booboo feels better.”
“Oh, fuck off,” Steve said, laughing and hiding his face behind his palms. “Oh my god.”
Eddie gently grabbed his wrists and pulled them away, ducking his head to meet Steve’s eyes. “Afraid I can’t do that. You’ve treated my wound. We’re bonded now, and I must repay you for your kindness.”
“I hate you.”
Eddie’s eyes twinkled. He tilted his head. “Can I take you out for a milkshake?”
“Yeah.” Steve zipped up his jacket. Straightened it. Tried to scrape up a single ounce of the coolness he still possessed. “I want a burger, too. And curly fries. And we can't be too long because I have to pick Jackie up at six. She’s on a playdate.”
Eddie’s grin softened. “Of course. Your wish is my command, sweetheart. If I may?”
Steve nodded, slightly confused, until Eddie snagged his hand and held onto it as they started to walk. It didn’t help chill Steve out, especially when Eddie squeezed, and he felt the Band-Aid flirt along the skin of his pinky knuckle.
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mactiir · 1 year
ranking baldur's gate characters by how i think they smell
#9) Minthara. Because she’s a corpse, next question.
#8) Lae'zel. You know this woman has never bathed. Washing is for the weak, is'tik. She says this is because needs her musk to attract mates but mostly it's cuz Gith education doesn't exactly make time for personal hygiene. Once it got so bad that Tav dragged the whole party through a chest-deep stream and stood there for 20 minutes to take a "breather" while Laezel stared daggers at them the whole time.
#7) Karlach. I want Karlach to smell nice so badly, and Karlach probably wants Karlach to smell nice too, but you know this woman smells like brimstone and engine exhaust and sweat. On good days she smells like the fine char you get on burgers on a summer day. On bad days she smells like a truck stop at peak hours, and the truck stop is also on fire. She's not happy about this either.
#6) Gale. Gale tries to keep himself groomed, he really does. But he looks like he is perpetually just a tiny bit smelly. Like he hyperfocused on a book slightly too hard for slightly too long and as a result he forgot to shower for a week. He acts like he bedded Mystra because of his towering intellect but really it's cuz gods don't have human senses of smell. His nightshirt looks velvet, too, and you KNOW it can't be easy to get smells out of that shit without a washer. He is one of those poor guys who is cursed to always stink a little bit no matter how much he showers. When Tav confronts him about this he decides, on the spot, that deodorant is for anti-intellectuals, actually, which he wouldn't have expected Tav to know but it's okay, we can't all be enlightened.
#5) Minsc. He doesn't reek exactly, but you know he's 100% man musk, hamster bedding, and butt-kicking
Tied for #5) Jaheira. You know 100 years of living in forests and adventuring with Minsc has endowed her with exactly the same level of manly perfume as Minsc (except with notes of cedarwood).
#4) Wyll. He used to be the best-smelling until Mizora pulled him through every level of hell in rapid succession, and now he smells a little bit like brimstone all the time. He sometimes rubs fragrant herbs on his horns to counteract it, which doesn't get rid of the smell, really, but it gives his smell an interesting dimension. Otherwise, he has enough experience with adventuring, and is well-bred enough, that him and his things are usually well-groomed (and also because his dad was a freak about it).
#3) Shadowheart. This woman puts on tragic makeup every morning and changes her hair to reflect her religion. Appearances are EVERYTHING (especially when it comes to keeping secrets). Shadowheart smells exactly like she thinks she needs to smell to be religiously pleasing to her goddess and/or coMplEtE thE mIsSioN. She does get anxious sweats though, which are very distinctive if it's been a long day of adventuring. She never admits this, though. Ever.
#2) Astarion. Okay, so, sometimes, he smells just the teensiest, tiniest bit like dried blood. But mostly, he smells like baby powder and potpourri. It is a waste of good fashion sense and his pretty face to go about stinking like a beggar. (He does go through a brief 'Cazador can't tell ME what to do' phase where he stops bathing for a day, but he grosses himself out so much that he resumes his normal routime before anyone notices.)
#1) Halsin. You'd expect him to stink, with his whole smelly-hippy free-love vibe, but nah. The man smells heavenly. He spends all his time frolicking through fragrant herbs and lounging in scented hot springs with whomever strikes his fancy. He probably has a whole ass medicine cabinet full of stuff he uses to freshen up. His breath probably smells like mint and his hair like cedar. He probably puts coconut oil or smth in his hair. He knows how to smell good as literally any animal in the realms. Wanna know why? Dogs have a sense of smell several thousand times better than people. I bet bears do, too. You do Not Fuck As A Bear without understanding not only how to WASH your ass, but also perfume it. Halsin also knows: thou shalt not give yeast infections. And if you got bear dick, that means HYGIENE. It's a point of pride for him, actually.
BONUS: WITHERS. Withers smells like nothing. Like, freakishly, unsettlingly like nothing. Like, you expect him to smell like dust or pitch or smth. Nope. He's a black hole of smell. You come near him and if you ask, he resets your entire hygiene routine for 100 gold and leaves you smelling like roses.
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fandomtherapy44 · 2 months
Behind the roadhouse Dean x reader
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Summary: Y/n has a bit of a crush on Dean but there's kind of a problem. He's a Winchester
paring: Dean x reader
Warnings: Language, SMUT
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Monsters- Vampires, werewolves,ghouls and those aren't even the scary parts of my life. Try to deal with creepy men while working at a bar. Not just any bar, a hunter's bar, my family's bar. My mom Ellen Harville is one of the most badass women you'll ever meet and one of the toughest people but a loving mom. My little half-sister Jo is the other most important person in my life. Well, she’s twenty four so not so little but she will always be to me. My Mom had me with a random hookup she had when she was younger, told him and he took off so when I met Bill I was hesitant but then he became the best father that I ever got and I got a little sister out of the deal too. But then he died in a hunter accident so my mom forbade Jo and I not to hunt but then two sons walked into the bar and a particular Winchester got me not just enthralled with helping people from monsters but in him.
I was wiping down the bar when two tall handsome strangers walked in. “Hey there, welcome to the roadhouse. What can I do for you to get information, a drink, or both?” I finished with a smile mainly focusing on the blonde one. What can I say? I'm a sucker for green eyes. He gives me a flashing smile. “Hey there…” “Y/n” “Y/n, we’re looking for Ellen Harville do you know her?” “I better she’s my mom I’ll be right back.” They both look at each other in confusion. I walk back to the little kitchen. “Hey Mom, two guys are here looking for you.” She gets up and follows me back to them. “Hey there fellows I heard you're looking for me.”
“Uh yeah we’re John Winchester's sons and we got your call.” And the rest flew by so quickly. Ash helped Sam to look up information on the case and while that happened Dean and I had a talk. I poured him a drink and slid it to him. “What’s this for?” I shrugged while sipping a coke. “For your Dad, I'm sorry for your loss.” He took it and shot it back like it was water. “Thanks, you sound like you know the pain.” “My dad passed when I was thirteen so I know how it feels.” My heart panged with pain a little like it did every time I thought of my Dad. “Oh well, I'm sorry for you too, cheers to our dad’s.” We raise our glasses and I'm left with a thought that Dean Winchester doesn't seem like a bad guy.
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After that, Sam and Dean would visit us whenever they could and when they needed info. Dean’s and I’s relationship just grew and grew with every late-night talk, pool game, and drink. And it was scaring the shit out of me. I was closing up the bar and Dean and I were having another one of our talks. “Burger or hotdog?” he asks me. “Uh hotdog, is there any other choice.” I playfully responded. “What do you mean hotdog crazy lady?” “So I'm assuming your burger.” I leaned down to his level and he gave me his signature smirk. “Of course.”
With that, he swiped his tongue over his lips while he was staring at me. We both had the same idea we leaned in and to be this close was intoxicating, his breath hot and our noses were touching but my mom did not like our idea. “Dean we are closing for the day.” my mom said from the doorway and we quickly pulled away. “Uh right sorry I'll see you guys later.” He grabbed his jacket and gave me one more look before he walked out. “Mom! What the hell!” “You can not be with that Man!” “Why?” She looked down thinking about something but decided against it. “Just please be careful with those boys.” She turned away before I could ask any more questions.
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Dean and Sam had not been back since night. I mean they're busy but it felt personal to me. I tried to forget those butterflies that I got every time I got around Dean but for some reason I couldn't. Every guy that I had been with wasn’t really serious and I was fine with that but then I met Dean and in my locked trunk of hopes in my heart that maybe he was different. And he was. 
It was early in the morning and I was waiting at the table for Jo. She sneakily walks in going to the fridge. I flip on the light. “Late-night snacks sis?” She jumped at me. “Jezze Y/n I thought you were Mom.” I get up and go to the fridge to get a beer. Yes, I did need it to deal with my little sister’s attitude. “No, I'm worse. Mom would go easy on you compared to me.” “Y/n please let me go, I can do this!” I sign and sit down. “Sit down Jo.” she does. “Jo look, the reason I'm like this is because I couldn't bear if anything happened to you like… Dad and mom would agree.”
She looks down at her fiddling hands. “N/n I'm doing this because of Dad you got more time with him all I remember are the short times he came back from hunting. If I can do this I won't feel like I barely know him.” She was right. I couldn't take that away from her if this was her way of feeling closer to our Father then I would have to let her, even if that meant hunting. I sigh deeply, standing up and taking out my knife and handed it to her. “What is this?” “It was Dad’s” She looked up at me like I had given her gold.
“But he gave this to you.” “He did but it was his hunting knife and it's just been sitting in my pocket not doing much hunting so it seems right that you take it.” She jumps up and hugs me tight. “Thank you, thank you.” I pull back to look at her. “You can thank me by sending me the case and the location and call me everyday to make sure you're safe.” She nods her head. “Okay, that’s fair.” We let go. “Okay get out of here before Mom gets up.” She smiles excitedly grabs her bag and practically skips out the door.
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She had Ash set up a paper trail of casinos down the state line so Mom wouldn't really know where she was. Mom did not like it but had accepted it. It was about two days in and she finally called me. “Hey, I thought we said every day.” “Sorry, I got distracted.” “By what?” I asked a little confused. “Sam and Dean.” “They're there!” “Yeah I guess we picked up on the same story.” “So you have help good good.” All that was running through my head was Dean. “N/n you okay?” She asked, hearing my pause. “Yes, I am, well call to update me. Love you.” “Love you too sis.” She hung up and I just sat there for a second and the next one I decided what I was going to do.
I walk to the apartment door and knock on it. The door opened and there was Dean. My heart quickens but I play it off cool. “Hey, Dean.” “Hey, Y/n.” He steps aside and I come in. “Y/n what are you doing here?” Jo questioned. “Uh, I wanted to get in and gank this ghost.” “Why didn’t you just come with me in the first place.” That’s a good question and now for a good lie. “I was scared but I fought off the nerves.” That was a shit lie. “Okay well I'll catch you up.” I walk over to the map but not before looking at Dean and he looked back.
We had determined that the ghost was H.H Holmes I know it does sound insane and it is. I was mostly worried about Jo seeing she was exactly Holmes type. We were going to split off in pairs to search but not before I talked to Dean. “Hey” I stepped up to him.”Hey, you ready.” “as I'll ever be.” “Good well I'll be one phone call away.” “I know and if anything happens to Jo-” He put his arm on my shoulder. “It won't.” His eyes are so trusting. “And Dean.” “Mhh.” “You be careful too.” “I will.”
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Sam and I were checking upstairs while Jo and Dean went downstairs. “So… did you really want to come.” He asked casually looking around. “Of course, I did for my sister.” He stopped to look at me. “Really that’s what you're going with I mean why not go in the first place and you're scared Y/n I've seen you punch a man square in the face for trying to take your tip.” To be honest I didn't even know myself. “I-” We were rounding the corner and straight into Dean. “Dean Dean!” He kept on walking. “Where’s Jo!” He stopped dead in his tracks and spun to face me. “She was taken.” He keeps on going and I'm frozen.
We were back in the apartment and I kept walking back and forth. We are looking in the blueprints to see where she could be hidden while Dean’s phone rings. It was my Mom. Fear got stricken through my body how would my Mom even look at me? How would I?” “She's gonna have to call you back, she's taking care of, uh, feminine business.” Dean responded back and I thought my lie from before was shit. “Look, we'll get her back.” My heart was thumping.
“The spirit we're hunting, it took her.” I could hear from where I was how worried she was. “She'll be okay, I promise.” “You promise. That is not the first time I've heard that from a Winchester.” What the fuck does that mean. Dean had the same response. he lowers the phone and hands it to me. “She wants to talk to you.” I shakily take it. “Mom I-” “Dont even how could you let her!” The tears started to fall from my eyes and my face turned red from burning anxiety. “I'm sorry I just wanted her to feel closer to Dad.” “Well, she may be closer than you wanted now!” “You're her big sister!... Im so disapiontted in you.” She hangs up the phone with nothing else. I drop the phone on the bed. “I'll be right back.” I sobily say and run out.
I go out to the alleyway and kick the trashcan out of anger. “AHHH! Fuck!” I punched the wall and in my anger, and I had forgotten it was made out of brick. My knuckles started trickling blood and I slumped down the wall just feeling defeated. A pair of boots showed up in front of me. “Hey” I looked up and it was Dean. “Hey,” I respond softly my voice feeling raw. He sat down next to me. “We're going to find her N/n” I wipe my eyes.
“I shouldn't have let her go she was so desperate to feel something to our dad that I let her go… I'm so stupid.” I put my head in my crossed arms against my knees. “You are not stupid, you're a good sister.”  I dryly chuckle at myself. “I'm a sister who let her only sibling go hunting when I knew the danger.”  He sighs. “When I was sixteen and Sam was twelve we were hunting and I let him go look on by himself a ghost almost killed him.” I turn my head at him.
“Uh, no offense Dean but pep talk sucked.” “I not done the reason he didn't die is because he remembered what I had taught him and he had his tools not just weapons but knowledge and he was ready so is Jo she fine she has an amazing sister looking for her.” I wipe my tears and throw myself in his arms and he catches me. He pets my head in comfort I whisper. “Thank you.” We split apart really close. He leans forward pur noses touching. Then Sam comes running towards. “UH guys I think I know where she is.”
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She and the other missing girl had been in a storm drain. When had trapped H.H. ghost and Jo and I got topside. She threw her arms around me. “Are you ok!?” I put my hands on her face. “No no I'm fine just some scratches.” She took out Dad's pocketknife. “This protected me. So thank you.” “Anytime sis.” The boys get out of the drain. Sam and Jo go off to talk and that leaves Dean and I alone. “So….” He starts. I Bear hug him. “Thank you for helping save my sister.” “Of course.” This time I'm going do it. I grab his face and he accepts it, “Ah am.” I look behind him and it's my mom I'm so tried of people fucking cock blocking me.
The ride home let's just say that Christmas with a stepmom twenty years old is more comfortable. We get to the roadhouse and Mom practically drags us in. “Ellen? This is my fault. Okay? I lied to you and I'm sorry. But Jo and Y/n did good out there, I think their dad would be proud.” Dean tried to reason. “Don't you dare say that. Not you. I need a moment with my daughters. Alone.” The boys leave. “You're angry. I understand.” Jo started.
“Angry? Angry doesn't begin to touch it.” I mean I know why she’s angry with me but Sam and Dean? “Is this about me hunting, or something else?” I tried “Mom they were right there, backing us up the whole time.” “Like father, like sons.” “Mom what the fuck is that suppose to mean.” “I’m sorry I shouldn't have said anything.” Both Jo and I look at each other. “Mom what are you not telling us.” 
I went on a little walk after I learned what happened I guess Jo talked to them about it but my emotions were all over the place. Jo and I had a talk which ended in crying and a hug. I didn't know how to feel especially now with Dean.
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I was taking the trash out behind the roadhouse when I turned it was Dean. “Ahh Fuck! Dean, I almost threw this trash bag full of dirty napkins at you.” “Yeah shaking in my boots.” We just had a silent silence. “Look I just wanted to say sorry.” I was puzzled. “Why are you sorry?” “Because of my dad.” “Dean that wasn't your… fault.” He steps closer. “I know, but my dad's not here and I am so I'm sorry that Will is not here because of him.” I drop the trash and I kiss him. I didn't care at that moment that my clothes were covered in grease stains and a mix between blood and beer I had to. His lips were a little chapped but still were soft as a cloud. Our lips separated slowly. “I'm sorry I just..” His hands were on my hips now. “Had to.” He finished. 
18+ SMUT……
“I have about thirty minutes before my mom comes looking for me so do you wanna do this ?” He grabbed me and backed me to the wall. “Oh, I wanna do this I've been wanting to do this since I first saw you.” “Dean you-” I didn't get to finish my sentence before he kissed me again. And yes it was heaven. His tongue starts to prod my lips and I let him in. “Mhh Dean.” “You like that.” “Yes,” I said practically moaning. “How about this.” he goes down my neck slowly sucking on my sweet spots. “You are too good at that Dean.”
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“Yeah, hopefully I'm good at this too.” He unbuttons my shirt slowly and kisses down my stomach. To my pants. “This okay.” He was on his knees his hands on my pants band. “Yes.” He pulled down my pants. Grabbed my panties with my teeth to easily pull down. He starts to kiss my inside thigh. “Oh my gosh.” I throw my hand to the wall to steady myself. He kitten licks my slit. “Ahh” He then puts his tongue in me. “Ohh Fuck Dean!” He goes fully in and eats me out like a madman. I am so close. I grab onto his shoulder and grip it tightly. “Just let go honey.” I did and he lapped it up.
“Oh my gosh did you go to school for that.” I breathily let out. “Yeah, I majored in it.” I chuckle and my hand goes to his pants. “Do you want me to return the favor?” He takes my hand. “I would love that but we have about ten minutes left and I want to show you why I graduated at the top of my class.” I nod and he unbuckles his pants and drops them. I look down and his shaft is standing proud. He pulled down his underwear and it was bigger than I expected. “You ready sweetness.”
“Always.” He gently grabs my head kisses me again and starts grinding against me. He then slips in. “Ahh Dean!” “Tell me when I can move,” It feels a little burning but then it turns into pleasure. “Dean you can move.” He goes in and out moving slowly. “Y/n you feel so good.” He grabs onto my hips to pull me up onto around his hips. He thrusts in and out faster and faster. He breaths into my neck and I wrap my arms around his neck.
“I'm almost there are you Y/n” “Yes!” “Let's do it together!” He moves down to rub my clit. “Ahh fuck!” “Ok, one two three!” And we did. He pulled out his cock dripping with our fluids together. I then realized the time. “Dean I loved that but you have to go.” he grabs me one more time to leave a sweet kiss. “I'll call you.” “You better Dean Winchester.” He gathers himself and leaves. I didn't know where that left us but at least we would always have behind the roadhouse.
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wroteclassicaly · 7 months
There was something about today. Whether it was the traded looks you had exchanged all morning with Steve Harrington, or one of his trademark, side quirked smirks that accompanied his Ray Bans resting on the defined bridge of his perfect nose. Or maybe it was how the soil was damp with a light, faded rain, left over from sunrise, people now flocking outside to get started on mowing their lawns as temperatures brimmed the air with an enriching, yet delicate scent of light florals and winter’s last particles. But then, maybe it was that ice cold Coca Cola with two straws and those double cheeseburgers Steve treated you to on your favorite overlook spot in your neighborhood — quiet, rarely driven on street of middle class homes and your apartment building. He’d laid his coat out for you to sit on, watching cars go by on streets down the small embankment, a simple tree rooted into the hill to give shade, but still enough for you to watch the sun highlight how his biceps flexed beneath his white t-shirt when his arms propped behind his head, ankles crossing over the other, jeans tightening (if that’s even possible) against his toned thighs, his silver chain tucked into his collar, shades still resting comfortably on his eyes.
Your breath had hitched, his beautiful skin already starting to tan. He knew it too, raising, pushing those signature glasses back through vastly overgrown tresses, his nose’s crook finding your cheekbone as he rested. You both inhaled at the same time, Steve smelling of burger grease, sweat, and apple cedarwood, your orbs also privy to observing how his pupils dilated to the sunlight, which gave you the perfect spotlight to the glittering beads of sweat littering the freckles and moles on his jaw. A beautiful amber, layered with the deepest, most intense green you’d ever seen - stare back at you.
He’d taken you home not long after your lips had met. Your apartment on the same street, one story up and stolen kisses on the stairwell. You immediately went to open your bedroom window and light that candle Steve had purchased for you recently. Spiced Pumpkin Patchouli; rich pumpkin, warm, crisp layers of that patchouli, and touches of cinnamon sugar. The very same one Steve kept in his own place. God were you two pathetic, always smelling like one another or each other’s humble abodes.
No one could tell the difference anymore.
Through thick lashes, his gaze didn’t waver, not even after you offered him a drink and he downed it slowly, your eyes roaming over his throat bobbing with every swallow. It took a few minutes and you were coming apart, scattering to the breeze that flooded your apartment.
“Hmm?” Though it sounded muffled as he nursed his beer from your holographic wine glass, condensation-soaked fingertips tapping against the crystal, and oh how it looks as if it’s going to shatter in his massive palm, given a stark comparison.
“Don’t look at me that way…”
“Oh? I’m lookin’ at you, honey. What on earth are you gonna do to me now?” He was cocky, that small pudge of his stomach pressed slightly a top his belt buckle, his shirt rucked up.
You had unknowingly gravitated closer towards him, his new curls tickling your forehead, draped through your fingers as they found purchase in his locks, tugging.
“Yeah, s’ what I need. Good girl, honey. You want me, right?”
You’d whimpered into his mouth, practically pleading, eagerly confirming. He’d left his command clear, lips grazing yours as he panted the words across your mouth, “Let’s go to bed, baby.”
Your clothing came off quickly, rushed to get in the bed beneath your open window, but slow once Steve got you laid down beneath him. Chain tickling your chest, breasts smashed into the tufts of curls scattered to the winds across his sternum. You clung tightly, one hand leveling his backside into pushing him impossibly deeper, the other trading blows between grabbing at his back, his hand, or cradling his face and neck. The fresh Spring air, apple cedarwood, your candle, the coolness of your open window causing goosebumps to erupt over your sex-slick, bare flesh, combined with a panting Steve Harrington and your mattress squeaking as he works to get you both there, it tangles in with Steve as he finds your gaze once more, one tiny pearl of sweat between pinched brows, his focus, tongue licking at the roof of his mouth, his thumb pad caressing your jaw, to giving backhanded knuckle drags across the bone, his tone damp, hooked on rasp with his praises for you, and the way he’s looking at you as if you’re some priceless, explicit art exhibit. And then he’s saying these things;
“You know how wet you are? You know how hard it is to stay inside without slipping out again?”
“Could do this all day until it hurts you to walk.”
“Just let me refer to the list of things I wanna do to you.”
“Tell me it’s alright if I cum. I need you to say I can do it inside of you.”
“The way I always have to feed it to you slowly, so you don’t tap out on me. Fuck.”
“This is home to me, honey.”
Yeah, that’s probably when. There was definitely something about today.
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kingdomoftyto · 1 year
I'm crying laughing, the DVDs are even worse than I remember... Season 1's menus are silent with a single static jpg of the same key character art they use for everything else, and the episodes on the Season 2 discs don't even match what's listed on the box! Absolutely stunning lack of shits given. Truly unparalleled. But I really shouldn't be surprised given... well... everything about how this series has been treated since the very beginning.
Time for a quick ~✨PHANDOM HISTORY LESSON✨~ to give newer/less hyperfixated folks more context for why the graphic novel being as great as it is is such a HUGE deal:
Danny Phantom was one of Nickelodeon's MAIN cartoons, in its time. It was a central pillar. One of the top three or four of their lineup, which is saying something when the competition includes the cultural juggernaut that is Spongebob.
Despite this, and despite its superhero theming making it perfectly marketable, it got basically ZERO official merch.
What little we did get was often ugly and very, very cheap. The dedication at the start of the graphic novel that jokes about collecting the Burger King toys? That's because it was some of the most notable merch the franchise EVER had. (I sadly do not have any of it. There was no BK in my hometown. Here's a pic from the internet, though, to give you an idea.)
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If you think I'm exaggerating about that being the most significant physical merch to come out of the series, consider that the first video game had an entire menu option specifically for the Burger King promotional tie-in:
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That video game, by the way, was one of only two ever based on the show. The first was an adaptation of "The Ultimate Enemy" in the style of a short sidescrolling beat-em-up, and the second was themed around "Urban Jungle" and (as far as I can tell--I've only played the first couple levels) was an arcade-style scrolling shooter. Both were for the Gameboy Advance, and both are...... fine, as far as cash-grabby video game tie-ins to kids' shows go. This was pretty normal for the time, so I suppose we did okay in that department, actually. They're not GOOD, but they're playable and have at least a bit of effort put into them.
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But besides those two video games (plus a handful of simple, long-defunct Flash games on nick.com)? In the decade and a half since the show ended?
No books, no games, no comics, no web shorts--unless you count mega-crossovers with every other Nicktoon (a la Nicktoons Unite), or soulless promotional material like "Fairly Odd Phantom" (which, trust me, despite being the first new DP animation in over 10 years was not even worth the effort of watching).
...I think there was a limited edition FunkoPop once?
So yeah.
A Glitch in Time is not just the first cool, well-made thing we've seen from the franchise in a while. It's the first THING we've seen since the show. PERIOD. And arguably the first worthwhile supplementary material to EVER come out of the show, depending on how you feel about those GBA games and the Nicktoons crossovers.
This franchise is widely beloved even now, almost 20 years after it first aired, and it feels like that fact is now, finally, FINALLY getting some official recognition.
PLEASE read A Glitch in Time. Tell other people about it. The series--no, the fans--deserve this (and more of this, if the folks in charge see enough of a response and decide to grace us with any followup). It's LONG overdue, but better late than never.
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yeyinde · 3 months
thank you for tagging me @ivymarquis ! i debated between this, the regency fic (fleshed out), or one of the other Price fics i'm working on (home from college for the summer and seducing hot older neighbour Price whomst you had a crush on since sixteen (aka daddy issues, the playbook), DomPrice, etc), but i think the Soap fic will probably be finished before all of those. so, here is the baby trap piece with Soap.
nothing smutty but this def captures their odd, imbalanced dynamic perfectly, i think:
“And you have no cellphone? No satellite phone?”
“Ye can check it—” he makes a flippant motion toward the glove box in front of you. “Deader than ever.”
You hesitate only briefly. Long enough to level him with a searching look that yields no results (every expression hidden behind a thick, unruly forest of overgrown hair jutting out to his Adam's apple) before you reach for the compartment, gingerly pulling it open, and—
Sometimes, things get overlooked by their surroundings. Swallowed in the vacuum. Blending seamlessly into the muddle, the commotion. Or hidden. Can you spot the mountain lion in this tumble of rock and bush?
This isn't like that. 
It sits on top of a manila folder. Sleek black and cold silver. You're not terribly well-versed in guns—the extent of your knowledge stemming mostly from formulaic crime shows aired late at night; CSI, NCIS, Criminal Minds—but you recognise this one instantly. Some sort of handgun. Police issued, you think. It's bigger than you'd expected. Looks heavier, too. 
Your heart stutters. The air galloping out of your lungs in a stammering rush. 
He makes a noise, soft and nonchalant, as if keeping handguns in the glove box of his old, burnt umbre truck is perfectly normal. 
“Fer protection,” he mumbles. You catch the jerk of his chin in your periphery. “Forgot I had it in here. Been usin’ the rifle for huntin’ mostly. Or the shotgun.”
Three guns. You swallow. “Why—” your voice comes out in a brittle whisper. You clear your throat. Pretend it helps, that you don't feel as vulnerable as you sound right now. “Why, um, why do you need three?”
“Not fae around ‘ere, are ye?” He echoes your words from earlier with a wry twist of his mouth, eyes slanting in the sunlight. “Tha’,” he takes his hand off your thigh to jab his finger at the handgun. “Is fer wolverines.” His index finger falls, his thumb juts out. He jerks it over his shoulder. “Tha’ is fer huntin’. The shotgun back home is fer bears.” 
You try to move out of the way when his hand falls back to your thigh, but the pain radiating up your leg immobilizes you. There's not much you can do in this situation but endure.
Military. Wounded in action. Three guns. Touchy. 
You're not sure what to think. It would be easier if you couldn't. 
“What do you hunt?” You ask instead, glancing out the window to the barren landscape rolling out around you. There doesn't seem to be much in the jagged hills, towering mountains. 
“Gettin’ hungry? Donnae worry, doe. Go’ tha’ pesky hare I was tryin’ tae shoot on the ledge fer dinner tonight.” 
It's not much of a comfort. The idea of being injured—by accident, he claims—to such an extent over a rabbit makes you feel a little sick. 
“That's it?” 
“I can make a mean steak outta anythin’. Stews fer tougher meat. Fish, too—whitefish, arctic grayling, and lake trout. Learned how tae make a nasty fishfry from the locals in Nahanni Butte. Bannock, too. Got berries ‘round ma cabin. Caribou, Moose. Taste better in tacos or burgers. Mountain goat, Dall’s sheep. Been eatin’ better ‘ere than ah did at home.” 
“And you're—just allowed to hunt them?” The website advised of a permit through some special outfit needed to hunt when you requested your pass into the park. Said that only aboriginals were allowed to do so. “You're not—”
“Aye,” he cuts you off with a small nod. “No huntin’ in the park. But. We're not in the park anymore.”
“Where are we?” You ask again, firmer this time. 
“I told ye. Nearly home.”
“And where is home?” 
The way he sucks his teeth makes you recoil slightly. Wet. Irritated. As if he's tired of this conversation already. 
You don't let his flat tone deter you. “Are we—are we still in the Northwest Territories?”
It's not an answer. It doesn't reassure you in the slightest. 
You open your mouth to say so, words curling on your tongue when he jerks his chin toward the handgun, brow furrowed. 
“Thought ye wanted tae check on the satellite phone.”
His tone is severe. A growl curdling the ends, pitching it down, down. Displeasure, irritation, blooms in the gnarled petals of witch hazel when he narrows them into slits. 
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writer-kermit · 1 year
“Thank you for the meal.”
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❥ WORD COUNT: 1.04k
ঞ SUMMARY: After a small argument about food. You decide to give Barou the cold shoulder. That didn't work out well for you (or maybe it did?).
ᰔ KERMIT'S NOTE: Wow. Um 😀 - Sorry for being dead for like a few months now. Here's this fic to cheer y'all up. If you want commissions, DM me or visit my Ko-Fi. If you want, I'm also drawing commissions too! Thanks for the support!
ʚ WARNING: NSFW, Sensual biting, Teasing, Overstimulation, Orgasms, Slight Degradation MINORS!! PLEASE GO AWAY.
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“Oi,” Barou Shoei called out to you. “Mind telling me why there’s no good food in this house?” “What do you mean?” You asked, “There are leftovers and reheated meals I saved just for you.” “Those so–called leftovers have been in the fridge for three days,” Barou scoffed. “You think I'm gonna eat something like that?” “Well, if you weren’t so high maintenance and picky, then there wouldn’t be so many leftovers.” You explained.
“Whatever, I’ll just order takeout.” Barou took his phone from his pocket and secretly dialed your favorite burger place. “Shoei! What the hell do you-” Barou interrupted you by placing his hand in front of you. As he was busy on the phone, you threw a roll of paper towel at him. Unfortunately, he caught the roll with ease and placed it on the dining table. Defeated, you stormed to the master bedroom and slammed the door behind you.
A few minutes later, you heard the door click open. “Enjoyed your little tantrum?” Barou asked you. You responded with a faint grunt. He chuckled warmly at your little fit. “What? You still mad at me or something?” God, you couldn’t tell if he was joking or oblivious. Either way, you kept your ground and ignored him. Barou shrugged off your behavior and went to the bathroom. Good, that meant you have more time to yourself. You got out your phone and scrolled through your social media.
You heard the door open once again. Your eyes peered at Barou, drying out his hair with a towel and wearing nothing but sweatpants. Despite your craving for him, you continued to resist him. You felt the bed creak as Barou lay next to you. “What are you watching?” He whispered in your ear. That was your queue to get up and leave. But before you could get up, Barou pulled you into a close embrace. “Leaving so soon? Why is that?”
“What I'm watching is none of your concern.” You spoke. “Now, let go of me. I want to go to the living room.”
“And what if I don’t?”
You didn’t respond, but Barou still let you go. “Are you still upset with me?” He asked you. “What do you think?! Every time something doesn’t go your way, you act like a brat! You're just so spoiled!” Barou cocked an eyebrow at your frustration. “Really? Cause I wasn’t the one who threw a roll of paper towel at my boyfriend and threw a hissy fit.”
“Sho, that’s not the point!” You yelled at him. “You know, it couldn’t hurt for you to be more surface level.” Barou stayed quiet, but soon shrugged and embraced you lazily. “Fine, fine. I’m sorry. Happy now?” He murmured. “Augh! Absolutely not!” You puffed. “That was an awful apology!” “Huh? Then what’s the fucking point of apologizing if you’re still mad at me?” “That’s not my problem.”
Silence waved across the room once again. Barou then grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him. “You know,” he started, “I'm getting sick of this attitude you’re giving me.” “Oh yeah? I wonder whose fault is that?” You said, still provoking your lover. “Hmm, I wonder.” Barou rested his chin against your shoulder. “Something tells me you’re acting like this on purpose.”
“Whatever do you mean, king?” You spat. “Still giving me attitude?” Barou growled. You kept quiet and smirked at him. “That’s fine, I'll get rid of it one way or another.” He then forced you into a rough kiss, leaving you surprised. You squeezed your eyes shut as you felt Barou’s growls and hum vibrate inside your mouth. Your breath hitched as Barou’s hands went under your shirt. His bristled fingers caressing your horribly sensitive skin. Barou watched you with amusement as you tried to find your breath.
“What a cute face you have sweetheart,” he cooed. “Want to give me more of that?” “Haah... Y-you wish...!” You hushed out. “Mm? We’ll see about that.” Barou plopped you onto the bed and lifted your shirt, revealing your chest. His tongue laved around your nipples, occasionally sucking and grazing them with his teeth. You bit your lip hard as you tried to resist Barou’s addictive lust. Barou quickly noticed and smiled impishly.
“The more you try to hide, the more I want to devour you...” He sang in your ear.
And he kept his word. He took his time making sure every patch of your skin was left untouched. His lips traveled down to your stomach, stopping briefly to lick your navel.
“Shou...” You whimpered, pressing your legs together. Barou chuckled darkly as he gazed at your state, he leaned forward and kissed your swollen lips.
“God you’re so fucking adorable.” He grunted. “Do you have any clue of how much I want to fuck you right now?” He kissed you again, only this time, the both of you became more sex–derived. You became more touch starved as your sex began to ache, waiting to be touched. You hate to admit it, but only Barou can tend to your ache. You guided his arm to your lower stomach, his fingers barely touching your clothed sex.
“Oh?” Barou hummed, “Want me to touch you here?” His fingers slowly teased around your sex, causing you to jolt and arch your back. “Sh-Sho! Sho p-please...” You whined, stretching your arms out to Barou’s. “Hm? What is it baby? You can use your words, right?” “Please Shou... Please don’t stop...” Barou only smirks as he slid his hands down your clothes, his calloused and devious fingers rubbing against your sex.
You threw your head back as you moaned out Barou’s name. “That’s it baby... Say my name. Say it...” Barou rasped. “Ahhn.. Oh my god.. Cumming... I’m cumming...!” You shrilled loudly as you came inside Barou’s fingers. You couldn’t help but sob silently from embarrassment. “There it is,” Barou cooed, hugging you tightly. “There’s my adorable baby...” He peppered tiny kisses across your face to soothe you.
“If it makes you feel better, I ordered food for you too.” Your eyes lit up at his response. “Actually?” You hiccupped. “You think I let you starve?” Barou laughed. You planned to respond, but instead, you sighed.
“Thank you for the meal, Shoei.” You smiled.
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spidernuggets · 6 months
What about reader was a street kid that somehow ended up under hanks wing, she thinks of hank as a big brother, she ends up going to titans tower with hank and dawn, Jason thinks shes so cool and really likes her but idiot titans jason decides the best way to go about his feelings is to be a bit of a douchebag and to show off, Hank picks up what he's doing and literally lifts him off the ground with one hand and is like leave my sister alone, and then Jason's like oh shit your sister!? Basically just something silly and fun and also I bloody love hank and dawn so I had to include them ♡
Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
"Leave my sister alone, Todd."
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Hank was walking through an alley, a shortcut on the way to a fast food place to meet up with Dawn, when he heard something hit the dumpsters. His fists clench, ready to fight whatever may cause harm.
What he didn't expect was a teenage girl with a pipe in her hands.
Without thinking, Hank took a couple steps closer. "Hey, I'm not gonna hurt- OW, what the fuck!" He yelled, grabbing his head that you hit harshly with the pipe.
"Oh, my god, I'm sorry!" You exclaimed, not giving him the chance to finish his sentence, stating that he meant no danger to you. "I thought you were gonna stab me or something!" You jog up to him, supporting him by the shoulders, checking for any blood.
"No, no, my fault. Some big, scary, man stranger walking through an alley in the middle of the night isn't the most safest thing to walk across." He groans. He inseocts you for a few seconds, noticing the dirt and filth all over your clothes, and scratch marks around your face.
"Hey, kid, you live around here? Why are you even out so late?" Hank asks, regaining his posture.
"It's Y/n, firstly, not kid. And restaurants throw out some good food at the end of the day. I was just dumpster diving," you say casually, as if it was the norm. "And, yes and no? I live around here, but.. uhh, no permanent house."
Hank mentally groans. The last thing he wanted was to become like Dick, and taking in "strays" was one of Dick's main attributes. But you didn't have shelter, and you were eating food out of the dumpster.
"Hey, listen, I know I'm still big, scary man stranger, but I'm meeting up with my girlfriend at BatBurgers. How about we get you something to eat that doesn't have the possibility of getting you any diseases?" He offers.
You think for a moment. You had nothing to lose. Sure, this man might actually kidnap you, OR you might get a fresh, hot meal for the first time in a long while.
"Lead the way, mister," you say.
"You can call me Hank, kid," he smiles, walking the rest of the way to the diner.
"Oh, and who's this?" Dawn asks, crouching slightly to meet you at eye level.
"This is Y/n. She'll be joining us," Hank states as he opens the door. "Go on in," he says to you, nodding his head in.
The way you bounced in excitement had Hank smiling. "New friend?" Dawn asks, mirroring his grin.
"You can say so."
Hank and Dawn's talking was half tuned out, stuffing your face with a burger and fries. The couple had no judgement, acknowledging that it could've been a minute since you've eaten properly.
"I'll go to the bathroom," Dawn whispers to Hank as she shuffles out of the booth.
"She's the girlfriend?" You whisper, leaning forward to Hank, who was sat in front of you.
"Yeah, she is. She's Dawn." Hank replies
You nod, taking another bite of the burger. "She's pretty," you claim, voice muffled through the meat and cheese stuffed in your mouth.
"Alright, listen, real talk." Hank begins, gaining your attention. "You obviously weren't listening. So... Me and Dawn were thinking... how about you come stay with us. You clearly need a place to stay, a shower, food. We got what you need."
"Are you guys those Hawk and Dove people?" You ignore his new offer as his eyes widen.
"Wha-" He clears his throat. "No, no, no. We're not." He stammers, looking around the empty diner, seeing if anyone had heard you.
"We're not what?" Dawn asks, returning from the toilet.
"Dawn, tell her we are NOT Hawk and Dove," Hank says through gritted teeth.
Dawn turns to you. "Where'd you get that idea?" She says out of impressed curiosity.
You shrugged, sipping on your cola. "Hank and Dawn. Hawk and Dove. Sounds real similar. Plus he's not great at hiding the fact," you state nonchalantly while pointing at Hank.
"Plus, you guys are offering me a home. Better knowing you guys are superheroes rather than junkies trying to sell me through the black market, right?"
Hank and Dawn share a known look. "Alright, kid. We're only admitting this so you have a place to stay without any second thoughts in regard to your safety." Hank says, pointing back at you.
You shrug once more. "Then I guess I'm staying with you two. A shelter and supes to protect me? Double win," you crack a smile.
So, Hank and Dawn welcomed you into their home and into their lives. Though it was mostly Hank taking the wheel in this newfound relationship. Exceot for clothes shopping. That was Dawn's expertise.
But since you already knew both their secret identities, Hank wanted to train you in combat and stealth, wanting you to be able to protect yourself when you're home alone while the couple was out.
The longer you stayed with Hank, though, the more you saw him as family. As an older brother. And he can't lie, even though he hasn't known you for long, he likes to think of you as a little sister.
"Hey, kid, listen," Hank chimes, walking into the living room and taking a seat next to you on the couch while Dawn is perched on the arm rest beside him. It's almost been a year since you've stayed with Hank and Dawn, and you don't think life could get any better. "Me and Dawn have been thinking-"
"Uh oh, that's never a good sign," you joke with a snarky smirk.
"Hush, anyways. You've been getting so good at your training. We think that you would be a great contribution to... the Titans?" Hank says unsurely, not knowing how you'd react. "I called up Dick, telling him that we got a badass girl under our wing. Asked him to give you a shot. What do you think?"
After a few seconds of disbelief and processing, you spring up from the couch. "HOLY SHIT!" You exclaim. "A slot in the Titans, are you serious?!" A wide grin stretches along your face, hurting your cheeks.
"You can even get your own room there so you're never alone when me and Hank are out," Dawn smiles.
You pause. "But I like staying with the two of you."
Your little confession makes the couple's heart melt.
"Sis, we're still gonna be there with you around the tower. It's just gonna be a different change of scenery," Hank assures.
You take a breath. "So, when do we go?"
Upon arrival, you're close behind Hank, lightly grabbing onto his shirt while he leads the way. "What if they think I'm lame?" You ask nervously.
Hank laughs and looks down behind him. "They won't. Everyone's nice. Well.. except for that asshole, Jason."
"Hank," Dawn calls out, giving him a look that tells him to drop the attitude.
Before you can ask more about this apparent asshole, the elevator doors open, and you hide directly behind Hank's large frame. Everyone was already waiting for your arrival.
"Guy, this is Y/n- Y/n, would you get-" Hank grabs your shoulder, pushing you in front of him.
"Hi.." You queitly say while awkwardly waving towards the group.
"Hey, I'm Jason," a boy with loose and wild curls with a grin comes walking out to you, holding his hand out.
You completely forget about Hank's previous statement, already enchanted by the boy while shaking his hand.
"Nope." Hank says, lightly pushing Jason's shoulder, backing him away from you.
"Aw, come on, Hank, you know I'm not so bad." Jason smiles, feigning innocence.
Hank pushes you, determined for you to meet the rest of the group who isn't Jason.
Dick and Hank show you to your new room. While Dick returns to the others, Hank helps you unpack your little belongings.
Suddenly, you couldn't help but go up to Hank and give him a tight hug, taking him by surprise.
"Wow, okay, what's this, kid?" Hank says, an arm around your shoulders and hand protectively placed on your head.
"Just a thanks. For everything. You and Dawn did a lot for me. You're a great brother," you admit. Hank smiles, rubbing your back, telling you it's not a big deal.
Dick leads you to the training room, where Gar, Rachel,and Jason were already at. The three of them were sparring blindfolded, which shook you a lot, knowing that you were probably nowhere near that level of training yet. Sure, Hank has taught you the importance of losing senses while fighting and taught you how to fight without those senses, but still. When you see others doing it, you begin to rethink your training.
But Jason caught your eye once more. He seemed so flawless at this. Like he was born,with that kind of talent and skill.
"Alright, guys, wrap it up," Dick says.
"Aw, man, I was just about to beat these two losers!" Jason says, immediately shutting up after he sees you once he takes his blindfold off.
Gar lightly hits Jason with his wooden sword playfully while Jason just smiles.
"Gar," Dick calls out. "Spar with Y/n for a bit. We need to see what we're working with."
"Why can't I train with her?" Jason asks, a little annoyed as he wanted to get to know you better.
"Because Dick knows you'll cry about it if she beats you," Rachel mutters, Jason flipping her off.
"Gar knows when to hold back, Jason. Sit down," Hanks says, crossing his arms. "Let them do it blindfolded," he suggests as you and Dick look at him with furrowed eyebrows.
You chuckle awkwardly. "Aha.. no, no. No, no. That's not necessary. I will suck ass if I-"
"Blindfolded," Hank interrupts. He knows that you're underestimating yourself and that you're more capable than you realise.
"Blindfolded it is," Dick mutters, handing you a blindfold.
You take a breath, you and Gar getting into a stance, preparing yourselves. There were no weapons for this. Which is fine by you. You were always good at talking with your fists.
"Go!" Dick yells.
Gar charged forward, ready to attack. But you stayed where you were.
Listen, then go. You thought to yourself. With every step, every breath, every breeze that moved with his body, you can hear Gar's movement. Just as he was about to go in for a punch, you block him. You grab his arm, twisted it, then threw him over your shoulder.
Gar groaned on the floor, removing his blindfold. You removed yours slowly, staring at the green hair boy below you.
You turn to the others who were surprised at the sudden turn, except Hank, who had a cocky grin on his face. "Did... I do it right?" You quietly ask.
A small smile slowly formed across Dick's face. "Welcome to the Titans."
Dick had to pull Hank out of the training room, telling him that you're in good hands with the other three. But Hank didn't trust Jason. So Dick promised they'll just be in the other room. If things go south, he'll be quick to come to your safety.
"So, you wanna train with me?" Jason immediately asks you once Hank leaves the room. Gar and Rachel give each other a look, knowing that Jason is already down bad for you.
You take a step back, feeling a tad bit intimidated, especially after seeing how skilled he was. "I.. I don't know. I think you're too advanced for me."
Saying that this made Jason's ego sky rocket is an understatement.
"Ah, come on, babe. I'll go easy, trust me. I'll even teach ya how to improve," he offers, his hands resting on his hips.
Your face slightly flushed at the sudden nickname. You cleared your throat. "Yeah, okay."
Jason stretches his arms out, pointing to his chest. "Alright, go on, take a jab at me."
Going in for the punch, Jason steps to the side, avoiding the strike, grabbing your arm, pinning you to the ground, and holding your arm behind your back.
"Alright, alright. So you actually need to- hey, what the fuck! Put me down!" Just as Jason explains where you went wrong, his feet were dangling a few centimetres off the ground.
"Leave my sister alone, Todd," Hank growls, holding Jason in the air by his collar.
"Hank!" You yell, sitting up.
"Shit, that's your sister?" Jason asks, looking back and forth from you and Hank while Rachel takes her phone out to take a pic of the moment. "She single?" He boldly asks while your face heats up as he sends you a wink.
Hank was about to waste no time punching Jason in the face, when Dick walks in, telling him to put Jason down. It takes Hank a few moments and a couple of glares to comply.
"Stay away from her," he threatens one last time before taling you by the arm, pulling you out of the room.
But that was a before you sent Jason a smile and a wave goodbye, and he returned the smile and a nod of his head.
The two of you know that Jason is definitely not going to leave you alone during your stay.
soz, anon, there's less jason interaction than i anticipated 💔💔 still, hope you enjoy it 🥳🥳
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incorrectbatfam · 1 year
He~llo! I hope you are doing well (^・ω・^)ノ"
*just having a good time, pretending to sound like a formal nobleperson* Can I request a good helping of Super Sons content from the lovely @incorrectbatfam, please? A mixture of fluff and angst shall do it.
Annoying middle school Super Sons my beloved
Jon refused to eat meat for a week after Damian told him the ghosts of all the dead animals were going to haunt him. Damian is no longer allowed to convert people to veganism
The Kents thought there were snakes in the backyard. Turns out it was just Damian hiding in the grass, hissing
Instead of windows, Jon enters the Manor through the chimney. Imagine being Jason, reading a book by the fireplace, when suddenly FWOOMP
Jon asked him what's it like to die. Damian lied and said it didn't hurt at all
They played pretend as Batman and Superman. Damian was "Superman but smarter" and Jon was "Batman but cool." Bruce and Clark just watched like: …
They're at that wonderful age where if Alfred or Lois take them shopping, they'll grab a pack of tampons and shout across the aisles, "HEY, WHAT ARE THESE?"
They also make Tim and Kon feel old by asking what flip phones are
They get into a debate about whether Jason's resurrection resets his age and if he's technically 8 rather than 23
Damian teaches Jon how to curse. Clark hears it from miles away and flies over just to ground Jon
After that, to see if their parents are listening to them, they'll pretend to plan something blatantly stupid and reckless then wait for a phone call
Damian also teaches Jon how to gnash his teeth. Cue Kent family dinner where Jon grinds through a burger like a garbage disposal
Jon also teaches Damian how to carefully scoop up bees. Damian uses this newfound knowledge against his siblings
Separating Damian and Jon is officially considered cruel and unusual punishment by the Justice League
Also Diana totally fawns over them. Jason is jealous
They get lectured by different people depending on how much trouble they're in. If it's something really small, then it's Selina or Dick. If it's mid-level, then Clark. If it's bigger, then Lois. If it's major, then Bruce. They haven't gotten one from Alfred yet and neither of them wanna test those waters
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thesirensims · 5 months
The Bikini Bottom Legacy
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Hi Guys! Oooooo🎙️🎶🎵🎼🧜🏽‍♀️! My name is SirenSims & I have been thinking for a long while about a legacy challenge that I could create that was a bit different from the other challenges I have been seeing. So I thought about the personalities of the Spongebob Squarepants Characters, and so The Bikini Bottom Legacy was formed! There are a ton of personalities to play with in the Sims 3. So this Legacy will help you discover those and have some juicy Storylines to keep it engaging! It was hard to pick just 10 archetypes, and some of these features I’ve never used before so I’m excited to try this out! 
If you decide to do this, tag me thesirensims or bikinibottomlegacy so I can see! And feel free to let me know what you think. This is my first challenge so if there are things I could do differently/better let me know!
Important! - This Challenge is not Basegame only, if you find a way to convert it to Basegame or to the Sims 2, Please tag me! I would love to see that! Also, This Challenge is Story Driven to help it not get boring fast. So try to stick to the required storylines as needed. And please do not use the money or needs Cheats in this challenge if you can manage ( Makes it more fun IMO) <3
And without further ado, the challenge.
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Generation 1 - SpongeBob Squarepants
You have a heart of gold and just want to make others happy with your Cooking! Your Family raised you to be positive, helpful & friendly (even to your detriment!). Moving into a new town you bring light, laughter, and good food. You bought a two-story tiny house for you and your feline friend (Cat with any G name you want). You made two best friends, one Grumpy and one Lazy ( Make them in CAS or find sims with those traits in town). By the time you reach level 6 or 7 seven of your Culinary Career, you feel like spreading your love by extending your family. So you adopt a kid-aged sim ( Easily Impressed & Couch Potatoe Trait required). At this point you know everyone in town & go out whenever you are invited (despite the inconvenience). You have a lot of experiences on your belt and you boast a jellyfish you caught yourself and a few different Butterfly Species you collected on days off (atleast 3 types). You end your life as a wise Chef that people can't help but love!
Traits Needed - (You can use This mod to add more traits if you want, or just choose 5. Natural cook and childish being required.) Natural Cook, Childish, Cat Person, Easily Impressed, Good, Workaholic, Neat, Lucky.
Lifetime Wish - Celebrated Five Star Chef
Career Needed - Culinary (Specifically a Dinner, not the Bistro)
Recommended Town - Any European World You like or Monte Vista.
Aesthetic Color - Yellow (Pastel, Golden, Sunshine, etc...)
Create A Sim Addons - Freckles and or Moles. Bunny or Buck Teeth (Using Sliders and Teeth CC). Blonde hair with any race of sim. Blue Eyes. Uniform for Everyday Outfit (Colored in red, white, and khaki brown). Sim's name must start with Sv or Sp (Otherwise call them a Variant of Bob or Bobbie).
Favorite Food - Burgers (Obviously LOL)
Favorite Music - Island Life
Zodiac Sign - Sagittarius
Voice Pitch - High (Male or Female)
Charity - Give up to $5,000 to charity.
Starter Money - $1,500 (After Decorating or just struggling with bare necessities)
Romance - Meet a Mermaid or Scientist and marry them.
Pet Goal - Become Best Friends with Cat.
Heir - Adopt a sims of child age.
Get up to level 4 or up to 7 in Martial arts skill.
Max the Chef Skill and Charisma Skill.
Brighten 10 Sims day.
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Generation 2 - Patrick Star
You have a soft place in your heart for your parents. Especially the one that adopted you, because life was hard before you met them. You only moved out of their home after you became an adult since you were so comfy. You miss their cooking and how they accepted you for who you are. But since they passed, it's been hard to look at the walls of bright yellow memories. You move into a tiny house or apartment because you don't require a lot to live comfortably. People expect a lot from you, however, you don't have the same work ethic as your parents. You start off as a Day Spa attendant for the perks and to help others relax and have a good time. You go to clubs every weekend and get sloshed. You even have a one night-stand or three. As a hobby, you love to fish (Maybe you could do it for money one day). You just want to relax and live free. Can you survive on a reckless low-maintenance lifestyle?
Traits Needed - Couch Potatoe, Childish, Easily Impressed, Party-Animal, Slob, Absent-Minded, Heavy Sleeper or Angler.
Lifetime Wish - Master Romancer or Presenting the Perfect Private Aquarium.
Career Needed - You can either become a self-employed fisherman or Only work in Part-time Jobs (Specifically the Spa Career).
Recommended Town - Any Island or City World You Like, or Pleasant View
Aesthetic Color - Pink ( Pastel, Hot pink, Rose Gold, etc...)
Create A Sim Addons - Sim must have a few Moles and maybe even a scar. Give sim Pink Hair. Sim must have a fat or thick body type due to years of eating a lot. Beach style or Beach theme party outfit for Everyday wear. Have a piercing or two and tattoos once you become a teen/adult. Sim`s name must start with Pat (Can also be a variant of Patrick or Patricia).
Favorite Food - Tri Tip Steak
Favorite Music - Beach Party
Zodiac Sign - Aquarius
Romance - Have some one-night stands.
Heir - A baby you had because of a one night. (Must have the traits - Grumpy and Artistic)
Charity - Give up to $2,500 to charity in honor of Last Gen Founder.
Catch 3 different Types of Butterflies.
Throw at least 3 Successful Parties.
Visit Parents grave once a week to mourn.
Brighten 5 sims day.
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Generation 3 - Squidward Tentacles
Your Parent was definitely not strict, but they gave you so much freedom that you ended up resenting them and the rest of the town. Their lack of attentiveness caused you to fall off a slide and break your nose, as a preteen, so you had to get it fixed. However, a mishap occurred at the plastic surgeon that made your nose a little longer than normal. You had to move to the City where people are as rude and isolated as you are. One thing that you do thank your parents for is their overbearing but consistent support of your love for Painting and music. Once settled in the new City you make one friend who is so positive you don't see them very often (On Purpose!). You also make an enemy on the first day that infuriates and intrigues you at the same time. Your Dream is to be a composer for Movies, but you`ll be happy just making a living in the arts in general. You hate Butterflies and Jellyfish cause they remind you of your Parent, but you do get a pet and name it after your Parent. (Maybe you do miss them). Hopefully, a life of semi-solitude will fulfill you and help you live your dreams.
Traits Needed - Grumpy, Loner, Artistic, Dislikes Children, Hot Headed, Snob.
Lifetime Wish - Master of Arts or Rockstar
Career Need - Hit Movie Composer or Self-Employed Artist.
Recommended Town - Any City town you want or Bridgeport.
Aesthetic Color - Irish Green (Light green, Pastel, soft green hue, etc...)
Create A Sim Addons - Give Sim a longer Nose. Allow the sim to have a grunge aesthetic with brown and green colors. Sims' hair can also be colored or highlighted a shade of green. Sim can have a nose piercing and one to two tattoos.
Favorite Food - Philly Cheesesteak
Favorite Music - Classical
Zodiac Sign - Aries
Romance - Enemies to lovers (You can have a love child or get married and have a baby accidentally)
Heir - An accidental baby (Must have traits - Frugal and Mooch)
Max any instrument skill in the slowest time possible (Reach lvl 10 as an elder!)
Reach at least Lvl 6 in Cooking skill.
Join or start a band and host at least 1 SUCCESFUL performance (Getting over 100-300 Simoleans in tips)
Heckle at least 5 different sims.
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Generation 4 - Eugene H. Krabs
Even though your Parent did not plan for you, you still had an okay childhood. To make up for the distant Parenting you grew an attachment to the idea of Financial stability. Your parent loved their dream more than providing for the family. You plan to never make that mistake! You are brilliant at selling things and decided to move to an island. This was a strategic move to sell more modern things to natives who live in older comfort. You have a love for food like your grandparents that caused you to sell muffins and lemonade in your childhood. Now as an adult, you are considering being either a Restauranteer or Hotel Mogul. You will use anyone for a quick buck, causing you to sell out your best childhood friend, making them a lifelong nemesis. Despite your success, you feel lonely and have love hidden in your heart that you want to share. So you adopt a girl toddler that looks nothing like you. You shower her with love and even a bit of your money (Through kicking and screaming!). At the apex of your career and wealth, you feel a hole in your heart only a warm body could fill. You meet a sim that makes you feel romantic and alive, you spend some time wooing them. And although it didn't work out, you can look back on your life and say you loved every bit of it.
Traits Needed - Born Salesman, Frugal, Mooch, Ambitious, Natural Cook, Lucky
Lifetime Wish - Swimming in Cash or Resort Empire
Career Need - Self-Employed Resort Owner, or Own The Bistro & Diner
Recommended Town - Any Island World you Like or Isla Paradiso
Aesthetic Color - Green
Create A Sim Addons - Sim has a pudge due to eating well when they made meals. Sim must dye their hair red by Young Adulthood. Sim must wear a suit with blue colors.
Favorite Food - Waffles
Favorite Music - Electronica
Zodiac Sign - Libra
Romance - Fall for someone Older ( One Life State Above Yours - Adult or Elder)
Heir - An adopted Toddler (Must have Traits - Snob & Dramatic)
Mooch over 100 Simoleans from one sim.
Reach Cooking lvl 10.
Only shop with Coupons.
Never buy anything over 300 Simoleans.
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Generation 5 - Pearl Krabs
You loved your childhood and your Single parent. You love the life that you were afforded and you have no desire to give it up. You are a bit of a brat, but that's only because you're a star (Obviously). You plan to make it big in the movies and keep up the family legacy by keeping up the money. So of course you move back to the city of dreams your grandparents used to live in. However, that might be hard considering your eclectic taste in decore and cars. Hopefully, a high-paying profession will make up for your purchases. Despite your Big Features, you`re attractive to most sims around, and you take advantage of this by starting an affair with a wealthy celeb. Hey don't judge, we only mess with sims that impress us. Maybe we will settle down with that same sim one day, or maybe another (😉). During your 7th year as an actress (Level 7), you remember your Parent and what they did for you. So in a moment of passion, you adopted a smart kid and funded their dreams the way your Parent did for you.
Traits Needed - Snob, Dramatic, Schmoozer, Star Quality, Irresistible, Great Kisser
Lifetime Wish - Lifestyle of The Rich & Famous or Superstar Actor
Career Need - Actor or Socialite (Find Socialite Career Here)
Recommended Town - Any City World you Like or Anne Arbor
Aesthetic Color - Hot Pink
Create A Sim Addons - Sim must have Blonde hair despite race. Sim must have some big features and a shapely body type. Must wear Girly pink dresses. Sim must have blue eyes and bangs.
Favorite Food - Lobster Thermidor
Favorite Music - Pop
Zodiac Sign - Leo
Romance - Have an Affair with Married Celebrity. Marry a Celebrity (It can be the one you had an affair with if you like)
Heir - Adopt a child sim. (Must have Traits - Genius & Computer Whiz)
Befriend at least 4 Celebrity sims.
Have one Scandal.
Dance on table at the Club at least once.
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Generation 6 - Sandy Cheeks
You love your Mother for how she supported your dreams. It gave you a leg up in school and allowed you to have some fun while studying in University, You have a logical yet fun spirit that leads you to make the world better using science. You have the spirit of your great-greatx2 grandparent. This pushes you to help others and make advances to make others' lives easier. You have a love of your body that was shared with your mom. However, you take to a different place by learning Martial arts. You gain a high level in that skill during a trip to China. China is where you also find the love of your life (another martial artist) and bring them home with you after a small wedding ceremony in their community. As you advance in your Career as a scientist, you feel further fulfilled by teaching sims martial arts on the side. You cap off your life (aka level 7 of the science career) by making your own offspring. You have a plant-sim baby. This decision will change the lives of others down the line. Was this unnatural child a mistake?
Traits Needed - Handy, Eccentric, Disciplined, Genius, Computer Whiz, Green Thumb
Lifetime Wish - Scientific Specialist or Martial Arts Master
Career Need - Science
Recommended Town - Any Town World or Riverview
Aesthetic Color - Lilac
Create A Sim Addons - Sim must have light brown hair. Light brown eyes. Sim should have buck teeth (which can be simulated using sliders and bunny teeth cc). Sim if a woman must be slim thicc (Small waist, medium boobs, big butt). Sim can wear glasses if you want to show their intelligence that way.
Favorite Food - Grilled Cheese
Favorite Music - Geek Rock
Zodiac Sign - Virgo
Romance - A martial artist from China ( Have a whirlwind romance that ends in marriage before the trip ends).
Heir - Plant-Sim (Must have traits - Evil & Bot Fan)
Max the science skill.
Make your Imaginary friend real.
Have a collection of animals. (Turtles, and other small pets)
Max the Martial Arts Skill.
Max the Yoga & Meditation Skill (Here is the Yoga Mod)
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Generation 7 - Sheldon J. Plankton
You lived in a level of solitude, as your hero parents were not into your brand of social interaction (Klepto and Mean Spirited behavior). Even though you were pretty smart, you still felt the need to take things that weren`t yours. Despite all of this, you somehow managed to be a scientific prodigy like your mom. You had a childhood friend that you had a bad betrayal from, and that sim became your nemesis for life. This betrayal made it hard for you to make friends. You decided to go to University online to hone your skills. After you graduate, you leave home and find a new job to reinvent yourself. So you join the Criminal career so you can become The Emperor of Evil. There's always been an emptiness in your soul that you fill with machines so you won't be alone. In the end, you live life with a robot who loves you and start a makeshift family from that union.
Traits Needed - Kleptomaniac, Evil, Computer Whiz, Eccentric, Bot Fan
Lifetime Wish - Emperor of Evil or More Than A Machine
Career Need - Criminal
Recommended Town -Any Country Town or Lunar Lakes ( You do not have to move for this gen)
Aesthetic Color - Green
Create A Sim Addons - Sim must keep a lean or skinny physique. You can use plant-sim skin and detail replacements. This sim can wear glasses if you like. Sim can wear shades of grey with either a suit or overalls (You decide their aesthetic)
Favorite Food - Hamburger
Favorite Music - Digitunes
Zodiac Sign - Cancer
Romance - Fall in Love with the Sim Bot you plan to make Sentient. ( Call simbot Karen)
Heir - Baby you had with Karen. (Must have Traits - Neurotic & Handy)
Steal candy from a baby.
Burn down a home.
Steal from at least 2 Homes.
Build the Perfect Simbot.
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Generation 8 - Mrs. Puff
Growing up with an Evil parent and a stressed robotic mom didn't help the anxiety you were born with. You always had the uncomfortable feeling that something was going wrong. You helped yourself destress with food, which made you gain a plumb physique. To help you pass the time you gained an obsession with cars. Your evil parent was a mechanical genius and you learned to drive at a young age. You even knew how to fix vehicles as well. However, above all else, you have a knack for home decor and design. you became used to homes as you stayed inside often as a kid to avoid danger. It was your dream to become an interior designer. You find love unexpectedly with a younger wealthy sim. You have a love child by that sim. That boy was born brave and took care of you until you found inner strength.
Traits Needed - Neurotic, Unstable, Hopeless Romantic, Vehicle Enthusiastic, Handy, Frugal.
Lifetime Wish - Home Design Hotshot
Career Need - Interior Designer
Recommended Town - Any Comfy World You Like or Strawberry Acres (you do not have to move for this gen)
Aesthetic Color - Aqua
Create A Sim Addons - Sim must have a bigger body type (Not fit). Sim must have Platinum blonde Hair despite race. Sim must have Hazel eyes. Sim can wear an academia-style outfit with red blue and white color patterns.
Favorite Food - Cobbler
Favorite Music - Soul
Zodiac Sign - Capricorn
Romance - Get into a Relationship with a Wealthy Sim (Get pregnant from this relationship)
Heir - Baby Boy (Must have Traits - Brave & Loves to Swim)
Max the Handiness Skill.
Freak out on at least 2 Sims.
Build one Car.
Own 3 Cars apart from the one you built.
Make all appliances in your home unbreakable.
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Generation 9 - Larry The Lobster
You didn't have much of a childhood, since you spent most of your time protecting your worrying Mother. You were a nice kid who never made friends until you were a young adult. You are all about helping people with their fitness and helping them have safe fun at the beach. So your best path was becoming a lifeguard. One day you get abducted by an alien (Do you become pregnant? Do you keep it?). This experience causes you to take life more seriously and makes you want to protect people even more. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alternate Option; Instead of Alien pregnancy and a possible love story. You can find love with a mermaid sim.
Traits Needed - Athletic, Brave, Loves to Swim, Daredevil, Charisma, Good
Lifetime Wish - Perfect Mind/ Perfect Body or Seaside Savior
Career Need - Lifeguard
Recommended Town - Any Beach / Island World or Sunlit Tides
Aesthetic Color - Red
Create A Sim Addons - Sim must have Red hair and Green eyes. Sim must have an athletic build. Sim can have freckles. Sim can have a Scar or two. Sim must have Beach type of Attire for every day wear (For males an open shirt, for girls a crocheted top)
Favorite Food - Stu Surprise
Favorite Music - Hip Hop
Zodiac Sign - Scorpio
Romance - Fall in love with Alien or Mer Sim. (Have a half-alien or mermaid sim baby)
Heir - A Female Occult Sim (Preferably a mermaid, but it can be alien too). (Must have Traits - Adventurous and Shy)
Save at least 10 Sims (5 if you're trying to speed up the Challenge)
Break up with 2 Sims before Settling Down.
Host 3 Epic Parties. (Can be any type of Party)
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Generation 10 - Princess Mindy
You grew up in a warm and loving home with a great father who believed in you and protected you. He emboldened you to follow your dreams. Now you want to travel the world and document it with your trusty camera. You have always loved taking pictures and having new experiences, even though you are shy. You want to break out of your shell and become a brave explorer. You are also a good person who always gains bravery from being able to help people. Maybe you will find love during your adventures. And if not who cares!! You`re In love with The Journey Anyway!
Traits Needed - Adventurous, Lucky, Photographer`s Eye, Shy, Good
Lifetime Wish - Seasoned Traveler or Grand Explorer
Career Need - Self Employed Photographer or Monarch (Find Monarch Career Mod Here)
Recommended Town - Any World you Like or Sunset Valley
Aesthetic Color - Turquoise
Create A Sim Addons - Sim must wear glasses. Sim must have Short Black hair. Sim can wear a girly top and a long jeans skirt.
Favorite Food - Kelp
Favorite Music - Island Life
Zodiac Sign - Pisces
Romance - Do whatever feels right to Finish your story!
Max the Photography Skill.
Collect 3 Butterflies (2 must be RARE)
Befriend 1 rich Sim.
Reach at least to lvl 6 or 7 of Model Skill.
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mmkayokay · 4 months
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it's a book cover for my favourite muncle book (so far) because the original covers were a travesty!!!
more versions below & process stuff
the vampire is loosely based on christopher lee but i was tempted at one point to draw him as vincent price lol just the vibes
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also how ridiculous is this book? a scooby doo ass plot that had our boys shooketh and shooting at nothing. loved it 5/5 stars would eat here again
mcdaniels just understands napoleon and illya on such a deep level
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spent hours on those wolves only for them to be nothing burgers that look far too pettable rip also the two wolves at the back are just flipped twins we dont talk abt them
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but yay!!!!! i'm so happy with how this turned out and i def want to do another! maybe for the dagger affair because that was quite fun too!
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royallyprincesslilly · 10 months
Title: What We Did In The Dark {3}
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Lewis Hamilton x Reader
Warning: Language, 18+ Mature Content, Angst, Small Time Jumps, Preggo Talk, Pregnancy Trope, Talk of Pregnancy Termination
Words: 6.4k
Summary: Neither of you planned any of it. You’d met by chance, and everything that happened after had to have been predestined. Now back to your own life, you find you have a special souvenir from your time in Mauritius and you have a tough decision to make.
As always, thank you for reading. I appreciate it!
As you enjoyed this, please, LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG!!! ❤️❤️
***NOT Edited/Proofread***
What We Did In The Dark {1}**** | What We Did In The Dark {2}* |
Chapter Three: Better An Ooops….
“Take it easy!”
You groaned as you dropped face first onto your couch and let yourself spread out across the cool white leather. After 3 days in the hospital, tens of tests, and plenty of round-the-clock vitamin treatments to get your body up to standard for your condition you were finally released with prescriptions and doctor's orders to take it easy for a few days. You’d planned to come home and jump on your laptop to finish some things up, but Villie decided to bring you in and make sure you were settled. You knew she’d done it for a reason, and it was to make sure you didn’t do what you wanted to.
“So what do you feel like for dinner?”
“I’m not hungry.”
“Tough shit. You’re going to eat. Your doctors said you need to take it easy, eat 3 balanced meals a day, and keep your stress levels down. So they took care of breakfast and lunch, now we order dinner.”
Villie dropped a heavy hand across your ass making you shout into the cushions of the couch. You shifted onto your side and rolled into a ball.
“What about the Halal spot that is on Blauvelt?”
You groaned and at the thought of all that meat covered with white creamy sauce, your stomach churned like the agitator inside of a washing machine. It didn’t feel right at all. Because of it, a ball of nausea formed in your chest, but your stomach grumbled.
“See, you’re hungry,” Villie assumed.
However, that was not the case. The thought of Halal made your stomach swirl like the letter “S”.
“No Halal.”
“Burgers, Mexican, Caribbean?”
None of those sounded any better. Suddenly, Villie gasped.
“Oooh, what about that Cuban spot?”
You allowed that to simmer for a few moments and when your stomach didn’t react you slowly sat up. In your mind’s eye, you saw a towering plate of empanadas beside another plate filled with Cuban-style seafood paella and a bowl of black bean soup and tostones. You looked to Villie and found her smiling widely.
You pulled out your phone and went to your food ordering app then found the restaurant she meant. You spent the following 5 or so minutes adding everything your stomach told you that you needed and had to have or else you’d die. By the time you’d checked out, your total and quantity were insane for just two people but as far as you were concerned everything was a necessity.
While Villie waited for the order, you took a quick shower. Or it was meant to be quick. Whenever you swiped your decadently soaped-up exfoliating gloves across your abdomen you paused up and your mind wandered. There was an actual baby inside of you right now—two to be accurate. You were carrying the babies of a man you’d only slept with once, well multiple times over the span of 5ish hours. You didn’t know him and you sure as hell hadn’t planned for this to be the outcome of your wanton night of pleasure.
There were so many things on your mind, so many worries to add to the ones you already had. According to Dr. Olumici, you had already reached the cut-off point to ethically terminate with her and most other providers. However, you could find other physicians who would perform an early 2nd-trimester termination. Through your research in the hospital, you educated yourself on why it was too unethical and brought so much controversy. Once you understood you couldn’t fathom doing it.
With that answer, you also couldn’t fathom yourself carrying these babies or giving them a life. You weren’t exactly stable in your life or career. You’d only just begun the path and had so many other things planned to accomplish before the whole adding to the population of the world thing. That meant you had a predicament on your hands that now only had one resolution—adoption. Even that didn’t sit right with you. Could you go on living your life knowing you had a life somewhere else in the world living, a being that came from you, a being you wouldn’t know in any way?
So you spent the entire shower going back and forth over your options but that only sent you into an endless circle with resolutions that weren’t real ones because they posed more problems and raised more questions. By the time you came out of the shower and returned to the living room, Villie was lost in her phone with the food spread out across your coffee table.
“That was longer than usual.”
“Yeah, I smelled like a hospital, I needed to smell like me.”
Villie nodded then grabbed the bottle that was in the center of the table, “Did you know you can get alcohol delivered off of Dash?”
You snorted. Leave it to her to try. You took a seat on the floor beside her ready to dig in but her phone resting on the table caught your eye. It was the picture of the man who’d showed up at the hospital, the one you’d rear-ended.
“You found him on socials already?”
Villie glanced at her phone then scoffed. “It wasn’t hard. Take a guess who he’s connected to.”
You thought about it for a second but the smells wafting from the containers took your attention. You went through pulling off the tops of the food containers and moaning as each new smell filled the room.
“Oh my god, I didn’t realize how hungry I was until now.”
Without another word, you dug into the food filling your plate with a lot of everything. Once you were satisfied with the bites you had taken you glanced back at Villie who was wide-eyed.
“Glad to see your appetite has come back.”
You nodded and continued stuffing your face. Over the last few days, though you hadn’t vomited, you felt small bouts of nausea that came and went and the look of most of the hospital food left you not wanting to eat much. You’d worried it was going to be a permanent thing, but those worries were put to rest now.
“So, guess who he’s connected to,” Villie broached again.
“I don’t know,” you said mouth full of food.
Villie grabbed her phone and slid across her screen then held it up to you. When you looked, Lewis Hamilton’s face filled her screen. You gasped forgetting your mouthful of food then immediately began choking from the few particles that went down the wrong pipe.
“Oh my god!”
Villie leaped to her knees, patted your back with one hand, and poured some of the dark liquid from the bottle into a glass before she handed it to you. As you brought it to your nose your stomach turned from the strong scent of alcohol. You put the glass back on the table and shook your head. Villie kissed her teeth and then hurried to the kitchen before she came back with a bottle of water. You took several gulps in between coughs trying your best to dislodge the food that was stuck in your windpipe.
After a few attempts, you took a deep breath and hung your head back.
“Are you all right?”
You nodded, wiping your eyes from the tears that had slipped out.
“Jesus. I know the man is fine, fine but get a grip,” Villie teased.
You scoffed then pressed your palms to your face.
“Wait. Eh-em, you’re telling me the man I ran into is connected to him?”
“Yep. His name is Miles Chamley-Watson. He is the BFF to Lewis Hamilton, like for real BFF shit. They go everywhere together.”
Your eyes were bugged as you pieced it together. How small was this fucking world? How was this even real? The more you thought about it you began to wonder if he was in Mauritius with him. If so, did he know who you were?
“Oh my god.”
“Right! Like we kind of hit it off. I’m not gonna say there was flirting but there was flirting.”
“So you’re interested in him?”
Villie smiled as she drank down the glass of rum she’d poured for you. “I might be. What do you think? Do you think I shouldn’t be?”
How were you supposed to answer that? If she pursued things and they ended up becoming a thing didn’t that mean eventually one way or another you and Lewis would interact with one another? If you did wouldn’t he find out about the babies? If he found out--. The thought paused as a bigger item zipped itself up the agenda. Would he even remember you? He was after all Lewis Hamilton. You were sure there was no shortage of women he spent his time with. Why would he remember you from one night and 5 hours?
“Uh—um, well--.”
You saw the hope in her eyes and knew you couldn’t minipulate this because of your situation. Sighing you took her hand. “Valenza, I saw something between y’all. I say go with it and enjoy yourself. Who knows this could be it.”
Villie screeched then began laughing like an erratic high schooler who’d just learned their crush liked them back. Smiling you went back to eating. As Villie talked about Miles for a few more minutes your mind was lost in its own world. This shit was getting even more complicated.
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4 Weeks Later
Your eyes never left the front door of 4057 Lake Drive Blvd. You’d been sitting in your car for the last 3 hours obsessively staring at the door with one hand on your steering wheel while the other rested on the door handle. You’d had every intention of getting out of your car and going inside 2 hours ago. However, that didn’t work out. Every time you tried to force your feet to move they didn’t. Instead, you sat outside the women’s health center as the time clicked closer and closer to your appointment until that same time clicked further and further away from your appointment time.
Now you were a whole 2 hours past your appointment time with no progress on getting out of the car. As you sat here you went over every single option over and over and over. You interjected every variable, every single con to every single choice. However, with every con, you found yourself seeing just as many pros. Now it was impossible to tell what the right decision was.
Never in your life had you thought you’d consider termination let alone a 2nd trimester one, but you were finding out that in most decisions no one knows what they would do until they are in it. You didn’t think you’d have unprotected sex with a stranger in your life but when the moment came you were one hundred percent DTF (down to fuck).
You closed your eyes for probably the hundredth time and took several deep, slow breaths. On the fifth one, you held it and allowed your heartbeat to steadily slow until it beat low and evenly. It was a trick you’d done most of your life to calm yourself and think clearly. When everything fell away, including the sounds of traffic, the sounds of the city you loved, and even the drum of your engine, you were left with your heartbeat and the rustling of the palm leaves. It was then that you felt the butterfly fluttering sensations again.
When you’d first felt them a week ago you hadn’t known what they were, and it took a few days to recognize what they were. Every Google search confirmed it—fetal movements. That was when it all became real and right now sitting in front of the health center where a doctor was waiting to perform your termination that you were now 2 hours late for because you were panicking and waiting for a sign to show you the right path to take, did it really become real.
Your hands left their current positions, the steering wheel and the door handle, and drifted to your belly which was now ever so slightly poked out. As if the minuscule beings inside of you knew your hands were there the fluttering intensified, crippling you with emotion. You dropped your head onto the steering wheel and allowed yourself to cry for the first time.
What could have been mistaken for sad tears weren’t. They were tears of resolution, tears of understanding, tears of acceptance—of fear. This was your sign, your answer, your path, and you were scared shitless. So your tears flowed down your cheeks and dripped all over you soaking your top. Even then you didn’t stop, you let it all out even turning up the music to drown out the sounds of your sobs.
From this moment forward, your life would never be the same and from this moment forward, you would face whatever came your way on this path with one thought in mind—what was best for your babies. When your tears finally subsided you wrapped your arms around your midsection, hugging yourself and the lives within you, and took a deep breath.
“Okay. I didn’t expect you and I surely didn’t plan you, but I won’t get rid of you. I hope you don’t regret choosing me because you’re stuck with me, and I promise I will do everything to protect you from today onward. Be gentle and patient with me and we’ll learn together.”
As if your words were heard, the flutters returned making you smile. pressing your head back on the headrest you sighed and tried to formulate a plan. That was when your phone rang sending audio caller ID off.
Villie calling. Villie calling. Villie calling.
You scoffed. Even the universe knew the plan was to tell Villie because she was good at coming up with a plan that ensured you were the primary benefiter. Truthfully, you should have told her weeks ago but since your release from the hospital she’d been spending a lot of time with Miles. Though he lived in the UK, they were always on Facetime dates, they’d now met up in London 3 times and you were sure she knew what Miles Jr looked like.
You hadn’t wanted to make things weird between them or add any stress given the truths of your situation. You really had wanted to keep things separate. Now with you deciding to keep the babies and raise them, there was no way you could keep everything from her anymore. She was your best friend after all. Tapping the answer button, you buckled yourself in.
“Hey V.”
“Hey. Where are you?”
“Umm--,” you stretched as you pulled out of the parking lot of the medical center and onto Berman Street.
“Getting on the highway, what’s up?”
“I feel like shopping. Are you down?”
“Yeah, tell me where to meet you.”
The drive through South Beach was unlike any drive you’d done before. Over the last few weeks, you’d been tense and stressed out to the max. It was evident in the way you gripped the steering wheel and sat in your seat. Now you felt differently. You were more relaxed, and more centered but also more cautious. You found yourself stopping and allowing more women and children cross even if they didn’t have the right of way, found yourself driving slightly below the speed limit and following every single traffic law that was in the driver’s manual that you’d neglected mere weeks before.
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By the time you parked and fed your meter, you were 10 minutes late and intensely craving a massive green smoothie. After getting not one but two, you found Villie already well into her shopping in one of the lingerie stores.
“What took you so long?”
“Traffic and I needed a smoothie. So for you, shopping starts with lingerie.”
“Of course.”
You chuckled then began going through the racks. There were tons of cute stuff, but you knew soon you wouldn’t fit any of it and you had no one to wear any of this for. With that thought you looked at Villie.
“Valenza Tamina Chord, are you stocking up for a particular event?”
She smiled widely then walked off.
“No, no. Don’t try to slip away. What’s going on?”
“Miles is coming to town in a few weeks for a week and--.”
“You plan on getting your back broke, throat bruised, and internal organs rearranged. Okay!”
Villie giggled as she took down a navy blue strappy number that would look great on her and examined it.
“Okay I don’t know about throat bruised but the rest of it yep.”
You snorted and shook your head. “First of all, get that, it’ll look phenomenal on you. Second, let’s see if you have a voice when he comes.”
“Oh my god, Y/N, he is so cool, such a good guy.”
“He seems like it. I’m glad you’re having fun you deserve it.”
Villie’s eyes landed on you and for a few moments she studied you. “I’m not the only one who deserves it, you do too.”
You nodded and walked away to another rack and idly went through the hangers.
“I mean it. You’ve been single for long enough don’t you think?”
“I have a lot going on Villie. I don’t need another thing to worry about.”
“I understand what you mean but sometimes if it’s the right thing it doesn’t become a worry but something to bring you happiness, and peace.”
You sighed the words at the tip of your tongue but with no way to come out. This wasn’t something you could blurt out and be done with. You knew Villie, she would want to dissect everything on top of wanting a play-by-play of your dick down. This conversation couldn’t be had in the middle of a lingerie store.
“When do we meet the creative director of the station?”
“Boo! Always changing the subject. Fine, whatever. Next week is the meeting. Their name is Sadie Walters and she sent over some ideas for her vision along with some papers to understand your vision. So you got some homework.”
“Okay. I’m excited to get this off the ground and get back to traveling.”
“Workaholic. One day you will regret working so much and pushing your personal life to the side.”
You turned your back and quietly scoffed. If she only knew how little time you would have for a personal life in the next few years she’d take that back. For the next several hours you dipped in and out of almost every store adding bags and bags of clothes, shoes, makeup, and body products until you both were exhausted. After you had dinner at a nearby steakhouse where again you ate nearly everything in sight. When you both split at the end of the night you attempted to get the words out but still you couldn’t. You weren’t quite ready, and you worried you would be really showing before you were ever ready.
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-2 Weeks Later-
The champagne bottle top flew across the room colliding into the wall, making everyone cheer and clap. After so many weeks of work with finishing up your catalog, the vacation wear line, and getting the behind-the-scenes stuff of your travel show down everything was signed, sealed, and done. Tomorrow was the release of your catalog and vacation wear line, and you were absolutely freaking out.
“Oh my god. Thank you everyone!”
You went around your office and hugged each and every one of the people who helped you get here. You wrapped your arms around Zavier and squeezed.
“Thank you Z, you made this catalog incredible. I cannot thank you enough!”
“Congratulations. You’re more than welcome.”
Next, you moved on to Sabrina and Chloe, the interns who’d been hired to maintain some of the back-end things. “Thank you beautiful souls.”
“You’re welcome!”
When you moved to Villie she rocked you side to side. That was when the waterworks started.
“Oh Villie, thank you, thank you!”
“Shut up. I don’t need thank yous. I am so happy for you. It’ll be no time now before you are bigger than Anthony Zimmerman.”
“Girl, we are not alike. He travels to eat everything; I travel to party.”
Everyone laughed at that. When Villie handed you a glass of champagne you froze.
“We have to drink to you and all that you’ve accomplished and to this amazing team of ours,” Villie said holding her glass up.
Everyone followed her and tapped their glasses together. You brought the glass to your lips, but you didn’t take a sip as they all did.
“Thank you guys so much for all your hard work and dedication to these projects. It means the world to me.”
You hoped they understood how much they meant to you though you couldn’t fully express it because if you did, you knew you would cry uncontrollably which would be weird. You were having a hard time keeping your emotions under control over the last two weeks as your pregnancy progressed. You saw a dandelion blow away from a hard gust of wind earlier and that made you cry for the poor dandelion that would never be seen again. With that, you knew your emotional state was highly unbalanced.
When the bottle of champagne disappeared, everyone started to file out to get on with their own days leaving you and Villie. You scrolled through the virtual catalog in complete awe. You couldn’t believe that after so many months it was over and would be out for the world to see. The pride you felt was indescribable. You’d accomplished this without using anyone's clout, or influence to elevate it. You didn’t have any major help, most of it was compiled by you using your skills and talents. It wasn’t until near the end had you brought on more expertise. This was your baby.
“I can’t believe this is done, V.”
She doesn’t reply. When you felt her approach, she pulled up a chair beside you then sighed. “I can’t believe you haven’t told me what’s been going on with you since you were released from the hospital.”
You paused and fought the rapid beating of your heart because you knew she would hear it in the quiet office. “Uh--.”
“I’ll give you a few moments to come up with what you are going to say to come clean with me but the words out of your mouth better be the truth. I’ve let you go for all this time but right now I’m getting offended and hurt that you don’t feel like you can talk to me.”
You spun to her and grabbed her hands. “No, no. Villie, that’s not it I swear!”
“No? Then what else could it be, Y/N?”
You sighed then found your words. Gripping her hands tighter you looked at her. “Okay look. I wanted to tell you, but I didn’t know how and honestly I didn’t know until a few weeks ago and since then I have been a mess trying to wrap my head around it and future my shit out. It’s a lot happening.”
“Are you sick? Please don’t tell me you have cancer.”
“What? No! I don’t. I’m not sick.”
Villie let out a relieved huff of breath then took a steadying one. “Then what? What is going on?”
Villie just stared at you with a blank expression. She didn’t move, she didn’t even look as if she were breathing. Leaning forward you studied her closer trying to gauge just what she was thinking. Biting your bottom lip you prepared yourself to repeat the words but just as you opened your mouth to, Villie sprang to her feet.
“What! P—pr—pregnant?”
She walked to the far side of the office. “I know you fucking lying.”
“No. It’s a lie. There is no way. How did you get pregnant? When?”
You understood her reaction. You hadn’t told her about your night with Lewis because you didn’t want to be one of those girls who bragged about spending the night with a celebrity and you honestly were kind of embarrassed by everything that happened that night. You’d turned into a completely different person and when the sun rose, and you’d found your limbs entangled with his and your very naked bodies still connected under the massive palm tree that was tucked out of sight you’d felt stupid and easy so you ran as fast as you could without looking back. As far as she knew you’d been in a sex drought for 2 years.
“Calm down. I should be the one freaking out. I’m the pregnant one.”
Villie’s eyes widened.
“I’m not lying. I am pregnant. I found out at the hospital after the accident and that’s what’s been going on for the last few weeks. I was trying to wrap my head around it all and figure out what I wanted to do about it. Because of everything that I have going on I didn’t think I could continue this, so it’s been a stressful few weeks,” you rushed out.
Ville was still standing across the room and now looking at you like you had two heads. “You’re not fucking with me?”
“I’m not fucking with you. I promise.”
Instantly Villie crossed the room to you taking you into her arms and hugging the life out of you. “Oh, honey.”
With your best friend comforting you, your tears began flowing. When she heard your sniffles she pulled back and pouted.  “You’re really pregnant?”
Nodding, you sniffled some more. Villie’s tear-filled eyes overflowed and the two of you hugged again and ugly cried together. Relief filled you as you relished the comfort of the one person who's had your back for over a decade. You weren’t alone with this anymore. You knew without a doubt that Villie would have your back the entire way.
When the two of you sat back down, you both wiped your tears and snot and laughed at each other for being so emotional about it.
“Oh my god, Y/N.”
“I know.”
“Oh my god,” Villie repeated.
“I know, I know. It’s huge.”
“Huge? This is—colossal. You’re pregnant.”
You nodded, “I am.”
“You’re pregnant with a baby, like a real baby.”
“Ha, try two babies. Two real babies.”
Villie shot to her feet again.
“Shut the fuck up!”
“Girl I nearly passed out when I found out.”
Villie screeched then and practically tackled you with another hug. “Twins! Aah, Y/N, how precious is that?!”
You snorted. Of course she would be the one to die over the cuteness of it all. Villie dropped back into the seat, then reached for your belly. When she realized it was not flat her eyes became the size of the moon.
“Holy fucking shit, Y/N. This feels so real.”
“Oh it’s real. It’s so real I have had to sideline 3 of my favorite pairs of jeans already and I’m not even halfway there yet.”
“So you’re keeping them, right? You better be keeping them.”
“I’m keeping them. I couldn’t do the procedure. It didn’t feel right in my heart.”
Villie nodded. “I get that. It’s different to hold my hand through mine than be the one in the stirrups getting your own. It’s a decision every woman has to make for herself.”
A few moments of silence stretched as both of you thought back to when Villie ended up pregnant barely one year into law school. Her then asshole boyfriend freaked and went as far as to transfer schools just to get away from the whole thing. After hours of tears, weeks of lamenting, and one in-depth heart to heart she decided it was best to terminate. So, you held her hand through the whole thing and per her request, the two of you never spoke of it again.
Squeezing her hand for comfort, you continued, “It was simply too late for me to have a clear conscious about it. Then I got a sign showing me what to do and—yeah, here we are.”
Villie squeezed your hand again. “Well, I am happy for you honey. You are going to be an amazing mom.”
You groaned. “Mom. V, this is insane. The show, the catalog, the line, all the traveling I’m going to be doing, the chaos of filming. I can’t do this, right?”
“Of course you can do this. You’re not going to be alone doing it either. I will be here. I will be with you for every single thing, ultrasounds, Lamaze, nursery planning, hospital bag packing, birth, and every day after. You’re not alone and you can do this,” she assured in her attorney voice.
Slowly you nodded as her words sank in filling you with confidence. Suddenly Villie gasped.
“Hold up. When did this happen? Who!?”
You let her hand go, stood, and grabbed your stuff.
“Let’s go to my place.”
Villie looked cautiously at you. “Oh god, is it Zavier?”
“What! Hell no.”
“What do you mean hell no? Zavier is fine as hell. You have seen his abs right and his tight ass?”
“Oh my god V, stop sexualizing Z.”
“I’m not. I’m just asking if you have seen his abs and his ass.”
“Yes, I have seen them and yes they are great.”
“Not to mention he is crushing so hard on you, has been for like a year now.”
“Shut up, he hasn’t.”
Villie rolled her eyes as she walked out the door first. “Oblivious fool. Can’t stand you bitches who don’t notice when you have men wrapped around your finger. until it's too late”
You snorted, “Who you calling a fool?”
The bickering continued as you made your way to your cars. When you separated to drive there separately, you made a quick stop at the Cuban spot near your house and once again picked up enough food for an army. When you got home Villie was already waiting for you. She helped you line out the food on the coffee table and get drinks ready, then you dug in. Halfway through eating Villie turned to you to press further.
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“I know you’ve been stalling. Spill it already. Is he some struggling cartel clown who thinks he's next in line but is still the errand boy?”
“God no.”
“One of these struggling Miami rappers who swear they got bars but really don't understand the meaning of the word?”
You chuckled. “No.”
“Oh, a struggling underwear model who--.”
“Why do they all have to be struggling?”
“Because you’re stalling which means you’re either embarrassed of him or you regret letting him hit and most likely it’s because you’re ashamed of who he is.”
“I’m not—embarrassed or ashamed of him per se.”
“Okay if not who, then tell me when. When did this happen?”
Her eyes widened again.
“Holy shit, did you Stella Got Her Groove Back on some hot barely legal island bway and brought back your very own Mauritian souvenirs.”
You busted out laughing sending food out of your mouth and onto the floor beside you.
“Wait, wait, wait. Barely legal isn’t my thing and since when have I been out of commission long enough to Stella Got Her Groove Back on anyone?!”
“It’s been 2 years, Y/N. You’re honeytrap was growing cobwebs.”
You laughed loudly again loving the feeling. It had been too long since you’d laughed like this.
“First of all. Fuck you!”
Villie laughed along with you.
“No, it’s who fucked you?”
You hugged her and rocked from side to side.
“Oh I love you Villie.”
“Love you too honey. That doesn’t mean I am letting this go. Tell me already.”
“Fine. Lewis Hamilton.”
Villie gave you a “yeah right” look then busted out laughing. She laughed so long that it gave you more time to keep eating. Slowly she realized you weren’t laughing with her and slowly she stopped.
“I didn’t mean lie to my face.”
“Who’s lying?”
Villie stared at you for a few moments then you watched every cell in her body light up until her face was bright and her eyes wide. That’s when it happened. She screamed. You nodded your head because it was either this reaction you’d expected or the complete disbelief. You’d gotten them both.
“No fucking way!”
“Oh yes fucking way.”
“You had sex with Lewis Hamilton in Mauritius? Oh ho ho, details. I need every single piece of information starting with who said the first word to whom, moving on to are his hands as big as they seem, then what he smells like, then can he kiss, then not skipping any minuscule detail like boxers or briefs, circumcised or not and finally how big and can he lay pipe.”
She screeched again, grabbed her bottle of beer, turned to you then cleared her throat. “Okay, begin.”
She was an absolute trip. You spent the few hours going over every detail of that night that you dared to with Villie. You even let her know how free you’d been with yourself and all the things you’d let him do to you, all the ways you’d let him have you and claim your body. With every piece of info, Villie looked like she was near an aneurysm. When you told her how you’d let him into your back door she lost her shit. She screamed so loud you were sure your neighbors would call the police thinking foul play was afoot.
By the time you finished, Villie was laid out on her back with a dazed look on her face staring at the ceiling as if she had been the one who’d gone through probably the best night of fucking ever recorded by man or woman. You gave her a few minutes to recover and let it all sink in and used the time to finish off the food.
“Oh my god, Y/N.”
Villie sat up panting, her hair a mess.
“Are you good?”
“Am I? Are you? All of that went down?”
“All of that went down. I got back to my hotel room and didn’t recognize myself in the mirror.”
“You a freak, freak, freak!”
Both of you laughed some more.
“I can’t believe you.”
“I know. Mauritian rum is no fucking joke.”
“No. I can’t believe you left him there naked in the sand. Why!?”
“What? Why? You’re joking. I couldn’t stay.”
“Because it was over, it was one night and—I—I,” you sighed. “I was embarrassed. I felt like a fool.”
“You were embarrassed to have slept with Lewis Hamilton?”
“Partly. You’ve heard the rumors about him, heard the stories of him having a harem and contractual relationships that center around sex and extravagance, and here I went and fell for him.”
“Wait, fell for him, fell for him?”
You sighed and thought back to your conversation and the vibe between you.
“I don’t know. I’d had a lot to drink that night and was on a high after that folk dance with the island’s natives and there was something when our eyes met through the flames of the fire. There was something that made me fall enough to let all that go down.”
“Do you like him?”
“I don’t know him. I don’t know I felt like I became this whole other person that I have never been before but it didn’t feel like a mask or me pretending and it makes me wonder why did it come out with him and not anyone else?”
Villie nodded. “So instead of finding out why by staying till he woke up, you ran away and brought back 2 souvenirs with his DNA that you now have to find a way to tell him about.”
“Tell him? Why would I tell him?”
Villie looked at you with incredulity. “You’re joking.” She stared at you longer then scoffed when she realized you weren’t. “No, Y/N, you have to tell him. Don’t you think he deserves to know he will have 2 children running around with his DNA?”
“Okay wait. I can see how you would say yes and well—maybe—yes. Fuck. How do I tell him this Villie? Do I just DM him on Insta and be like hey remember me? He probably won’t if the stories are true he’s had nights like this plenty of times. What do I say?”
“Who cares about the stories, the rumors, and any of that other noise. Right now you are pregnant and you’ve decided to keep the babies—his babies. You have to tell him and let him figure out if he remembers you, and decide what he plans on doing. Whatever he decides won’t affect you. If he decides to man up great then you figure it out. If he decides to deny, deny, deny then fine, move on.”
You heard her words. They made plenty of sense, but you were still apprehensive. You didn’t want to be perceived as that girl. The one who showed up with a pregnancy from one night or a situationship where terms were clear.
“This is messy, Villie.”
“It is but what isn't messy these days? Oh my god, Miles.”
You looked at her as she finally thought about her connection to all of this.
“He’s his bestie right, and now your boo thang.”
Villie smiled at those words then scoffed. “The world is so fucking small.”
“Tell me about it,” you replied.
The two of you sat quietly for a few moments both in your own heads about your situation.
“Well, you have an in to talk to him when you’re ready to tell him about the pregnancy.”
“What in? Miles?”
“Yeah. We’ll tell him and ask if he can get you a face-to-face.”
“Face to face? Villie.”
“Is this the kind of news you really want to send over socials, text messages, or word of mouth?”
You hated when she was right.
“Also from a legal standpoint, if you kept this from him now and he somehow found out years down the line, he could file a lawsuit against you and seek damages.”
“From little ol' me?”
“If he was feeling really butt hurt, that’s the minimum of what he could do legally,” Villie confirmed.
You sighed then dropped back onto the floor. Your hands instantly went to your stomach and you felt your slight bump. This shit was messy and had the potential to get even messier. Villie was right though, you did have to tell him, it was the right thing to do.
Looking at it from a different angle, it was better to say "Hi remember me, oops I’m pregnant" than not and wonder what if.
You closed your eyes and groaned. Your life had turned upside down in the span of a few months and once again it was all because of the things you’d done in the dark.
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