#opinions are valid
jillyb2004 · 2 months
Even Though You Hate Kiki, What Ships Can You Think About For Kiki Without Joe Or Peanut??
Hmmm… That’s A Good Question
Let’s just go through my list of…
The Potential Relationships That Kiki Could Be With Instead Of Golden Joe and/or Peanut Cop in 12 Oz Mouse
#1. I could ship her with Professor Wilx, but she was last scene arguing with him ended up murdering Wilx in cold blood. Thank God Industry Man brought him back from the dead just to become his sidekick. Speaking of which…
#2. I could ship her with Industry Man since they’re both SO EVIL! But that would make me want to strangle her with a coat hanger cause HE’S MY MAN, GET BACK!!!and the fact that she fucking killed him in the end, that makes me even more furious because WHY WOULD SHE DO THAT TO MY POOR LITTLE SWEETHEART?!!
#3. Some people in The 12 Oz Mouse Fandom actually ship Kiki with Woman Mouse and I don’t understand why that is. first of all she’s Mouse Fitzgerald’s wife so that’s kinda fucked up that she would steal another mouse’s lover and daughter away from him, and 2 I have a theory that she might’ve died on the day of Fitz’s Birthday according to the flashbacks in episode 6.
#4. I could ship her with Aria since they’re both manipulative cunning sons of bitches, but Aria wouldn’t give 2 fucks about her due to how heartless and “Independent” she is.
#5. I could ship her with Green Sweatered Woman since they’re both annoying pieces of shit, but I’m afraid that Kiki would overpower her with the blabbering and murder her to which would make No one except Producer Man Cry… Damn…
#6. I would ship her with Man/Woman, but she would be independent enough to call her out on her bs and dump her right away since good for her cause I wouldn’t wanna date that bitch-ass hoe either.
#7. I would also ship her with an Oc, and that oc is Benson who is Golden Joe’s Younger Brother. Since I created him, they would be perfect for each other. The only problem is that I haven’t come up with a character design for him but if I have the motivation and time to do so I will definitely release it to both instagram and tumblr so don’t you worry.
In conclusion, Kiki doesn’t deserve love from anyone else outside of an Oc since you can make the perfect boyfriend/girlfriend for her just by doing some research about Kiki’s personality and creating it with your own brain. Don’t even bother shipping her with the canon characters because trust me, it’ll end up in disaster!
Anyways, I hope you understand that this is all opinion based and it was highly requested so don’t take this too personally
Thank you and Goodnight
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garbean · 3 months
I love dunmeshi for the like.. built in horror of consumption. Like they eat to survive, they eat to honor their prey, they eat to possibly mourn someone. Laios eats monsters because he wants to learn more about the things he loves, Senshi eats monsters to feel included in the ecosystem because he didn't fit in with the outside and with most creatures in general, Chilchuck DOESN'T eat as much as he could because eating too much could kill all the party members, Marcille eats monsters and hates it but she still does it because she'll die before she could save Falin.
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paracosmicessence · 9 months
okay so personally i don’t like the immortal-falls-in-love-with-mortal-even-tho-they-know-they’re-gonna-die trope bc it’s too angsty for me and makes me really sad so whenever im reading a sonadow fanfic or something and it gets mentioned my brain automatically just
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morganbritton132 · 7 months
Eddie, posting to Tiktok: Of course, we watch Leverage. I think Eliot is hot and Steve is a criminal.
Steve: I love her *pointing to Sophie Devereaux* I’d let her rob me blind.
Steve: *realizing what Eddie said*
Steve: Stop telling people I’m a criminal!
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spiritofwhitefire · 7 months
I do think it’s strange that Maedhros of all people is a character that gets woobified so hard because the MOST compelling thing about him isn’t his heroism, it’s the fact that he was heroic and the BECAME A VILLAIN. I’m not even going to say became an anti hero because I don’t think that’s accurate, I mean he became a straight up villain. Destroying what was basically a refugee camp, attacking the army fighting against morgoth when half of his identity post thangorodrim was once based around fighting Morgoth. I’m not the first person to mention the irony of the fact that maedhros is the only person to ever escape Angband without being in thrall to Morgoth, and then years later his actions are absolutely aiding morgoths cause rather than the cause of the remaining Noldor.
And that is what sets this character apart. His downfall. Part of that downfall is his earlier heroism but what makes this character so well written in the first place is that the seeds of that downfall start early at Alqualonde. It’s tragic but it isn’t surprising.
I changing this character around so that somehow his later actions are excusable or against his will or that deep down he has actually been a hero this whole time is very strange because if that’s the case then how is he any different than fingon or turgon or thingol? In fact if that’s the case then he’s more boring than these characters because he’s not nearly as outwardly noble.
He becomes a villain and as the shadows of that villainy were apparent early on, the shadow of his heroism is still apparent later on as well and that’s the tragedy. He could have turned around at any point, he could have still saved himself. But he doesn’t and it’s horribly tragic and as a story, it’s absolutely brilliant character work.
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shiraishi--kanade · 5 months
"It's so embarrassing to admit I only create art for validation" did paleolithic humans not paint for other humans to see. Does a child making their first drawing to show their parents makes it any less valuable. Do gardens arranged for the visitors' eyes make the roses any less beautiful. Do love poems written for one person alone to hear make your heart ache less. You're fine
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amaloaf · 1 year
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dynamics shift
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casscainmainly · 1 month
Cassandra Cain and Asian Stereotypes
So I've seen people debating whether Cass is a racist character or not because she falls into certain Asian stereotypes. While this discussion is valid and important, a lot of the conversation (on this website and beyond) is steered by White/non-Asian people, or people who haven't read a lot of Cass' stuff. This is my take on Cass and Asian stereotypes as a Chinese Cass fan. I do not speak for all Asians, or even all Chinese people, who are absolutely free to disagree with any of these arguments.
Stereotypes I will cover here: Silent Asian, Model Minority, and Hypersexuality.
The Silent Asian Stereotype
The most obvious stereotype Cass runs into is the Silent Asian. I would recommend reading the linked article for more information. Silent Asian characters are Asians who are part of a core cast, but rarely speak. Kimiko Miyashiro in The Boys, Lilly in Pitch Perfect, and Katana in Suicide Squad are all examples of this. The article also mentions Ben from Umbrella Academy, who can only communicate with one character, thus limiting his dialogue.
Why does this happen? Removing Asian characters' dialogue reflects the Western conception of Asians as demure, rule-following, and meek, never speaking up or acting out. It also means writers don't have to spend as much time writing these Asian characters, who are secondary to White protagonists.
The problem with the Silent Asian, then, is not the silence itself, but the consequences of silence. Mute Asians exist, as do Asians who don't speak much; in media, Silent Asians are harmful because they indicate an unwillingness to focus on the Asian character.
This is why Cass, even before she learns to speak longer sentences, is not a Silent Asian. While her conception undoubtedly has unfortunate echoes of this trope, she defies it by being the protagonist of the story. A protagonist cannot be a Silent Asian, because a requirement of the trope is being a secondary character. Cass' feelings and actions are the center of Batgirl (2000), so allegations of this stereotype don't actually make sense.
Furthermore, the trope is about passivity and acquiescence to a White authority. From her introduction, Cass is neither passive nor acquiescent - her origin story is literally about defying David Cain, a White male authority figure. Beyond her not speaking much, she ticks none of the boxes for this stereotype. I think it's time for people to stop mentioning this stereotype in conjunction with Cass, who in every possible way subverts it.
The Model Minority Stereotype
The model minority myth is the belief that Asians are more successful and talented than others, particularly other minoritised groups. Like the Silent Asian, the model minority myth paints Asians as obedient and submissive. This is, in many ways, more insidious than the Silent Asian - there are still people who believe this stereotype (and jokes like 'of course you're good at math, you're Asian') is somehow not racist.
Though this myth seems positive, make no mistake that White people invented this tale for two reasons: to put down Black and Brown communities, and to prevent Asians from ever fully assimilating into White culture.
Cass plays on this myth very interestingly. I've discussed in this post how David Cain and Bruce's assertion that she's 'perfect' is a blatant reference to the model minority myth - by describing her as 'perfect' to them, they are centering their own desires, erasing Cass' individuality.
This is partially why I don't like 'Cass is Bruce's favourite' and 'Cass is an angel who can do no wrong' interpretations when people are just saying it without context. Cass being Bruce's favourite, or Bruce seeing her as an angel, is not a good thing - it is a representation of his biased attitude towards her. He is unable to accept her being a murderer because he is trapped within the model minority mindset. This is not saying Bruce is a full-on racist, but that his actions and perspectives are coloured by his Whiteness.
Cass' abrasive personality, willingness to defy Bruce and David, and very real flaws (her inability to see grey areas, communication difficulties, etc.) make her avoid this stereotype. Additionally, her close relationships with Black characters like Onyx and Duke are essential to combating the anti-Blackness at the core of the model minority myth. Her character evokes the stereotype (perfect martial arts silent fighter), but ultimately defies it through being the star of her own story (and also not being good at math. The fact she doesn't have anything to do with tech is actually one of my favourite aspects of her character, because I am TIRED of tech Asian characters).
The Hypersexual Asian Woman Stereotype
Asian women are often exoticised and fetishised as the ideal sexual partner; think of the term 'yellow fever', which describes men lusting after Asian women. The hypersexualisation of Asian women in media once again goes hand-in-hand with Asians being submissive. They are seen as innocent and child-like, while simultaneously being seductive and sexually experienced.
This stereotype is genuinely perpetuated in Batgirl (2000), mainly by the art in Horrocks' run. Where in Puckett's run there is refreshingly little sexualisation of Cass, once you hit Horrocks' run you get a LOT more shots of her lying down, sexually suggestive covers, etc. People have discussed this already, probably to more effect than I will do here.
However, as I wrote in my Gender and Sexuality posts, the writing is actually fairly defiant of this trope. Cass is vocally uncomfortable with hypersexualisation, and neither of her male love interests stick around. The problem with the Hypersexual Asian Woman is the focus on White sexual interests, where the woman is objectified for the White male gaze. Simply because Cass is the protagonist, the writing focuses on her sexual interests, and in the end it's about gaining control of her gender presentation and sexuality.
Cassandra Cain Vs. Asian Stereotypes
The through-line that connects all these Asian stereotypes is a lack of agency. There's a reason passiveness is the main trait for all of these tropes- the Asian body must be weaker than their White counterparts, in order to be tools or weapons against other minoritised groups.
Cassandra Cain, a character born from a choice that defies White male authority, rises above this passiveness with flying colours. The details of her character certainly fall into some of the above tropes, and the way her character is handled later (evil Cass, New 52), is certainly racist. However, the reason she means so much to me is because at its core, her story is a story of Asian agency. And that in itself is unstereotypical.
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cyanide-sippy-cup · 2 months
So many depictions of the main DC Trinity have Clark be the tallest of the bunch. And while yes, he is a big ol' farm boy, I have to disagree and state why I think the opposite: Clark should appear to be the shortest.
Basically, Bruce and Clark are supposed to both be around the same height (6'3" or smth). However. Bruce also canonically pads his suit to look larger than he is for intimidation. You combine that with his cape which blankets around him and makes him look like a tall shadow, and he kinda just always looks like a hulking beast straight out of a fairy tale. He just feels much bigger than he is.
And Diana is like 7 feet tall. I'm not usually into the whole like "my opinion is the only correct one" but I am here. She's an Amazon AND the daughter of Zeus. She towers over everybody and I will not take criticisms on it.
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Artistic depiction.
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tickfleato · 17 days
okay i'm curious. because i know there's a big chunk of the post-downpour fandom that came from warrior cats and they tend to draw slugcats... a certain way (you know what i mean. like really emphasizing the "cat" part in slugcat.)
So here's a poll:
SAINT IS THE EXCEPTION! if you think most slugcats aren't fluffy, but saint is, just go with the 'non-furry' option
(feel free to elaborate on your headcannons in the tags!)
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aangarchy · 1 year
My little cousin (15) finished atla yesterday, y'all know the drill by now but here's her opinion of the characters after the s3 finale
Aang: "that's MY Avatar. The GOAT."
Katara: "amazing stunning wonderful beautiful powerful badass gorgeous talented-" this went on for a bit
Sokka: "the creators can't hide that he's bisexual."
Toph: "i couldn't get over the feral chihuahua energy i'm sorry"
Zuko: "... fine he's hot now happy?"
Azula: "i mean if my brother came in to ruin my coronation i would try to kill him and his little girlfriend too so"
Suki: "i wish i could kill people with a fan but alas i can only kill them the non cool way" Me: "the non cool way?" Her: "just stabbing."
Mai: "she deserves so much better than Zuko"
Ty Lee: "she joined the Kyoshi warriors, a group comprised of only women.... interesting."
Uncle Iroh: "i was really expecting the old man to bite it ngl i'm happy he stuck around tho"
Firelord Ozai: "we waited two seasons for his reveal and he's just some guy." Me: "yea that's kinda the point, that he's just a normal man" Her: "i could run him over with my bike."
The Old Masters: "the Okra bus got lost in Ba Sing Se lol" (for context okra is a belgian seniors organisation, like for the elderly to go on trips and such)
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My harsh SJM opinions
-- I disappeared for a minute, but I'm back and ready to shit talk sjm books again. --
Rowan vs. Chaol: 
If you can forgive Rowan for punching Aelin and being vile towards her, you can forgive Chaol too.
Nesta's New Family: 
Hating Nesta for finding a family that understands her more than her biological family is weird. She hasn’t disowned her existing family; she’s added to it.
Valkyries and the Rite: 
Claiming the Valkyries shouldn't have won the Rite because it's unrealistic makes me laugh. THAT is where you draw the line? Really?
Character Behavior vs. Plot: 
SJM writes weird, shitty plots, but that doesn’t excuse the characters’ behavior. Rhys fingering Feyre in a place for SA victims was, yes, a weird plot written by SJM, and it still makes him WEIRD.
Rhys and Hypocrisy: 
If you claim Rhys couldn’t have sa’d Feyre because he was sa’d himself but then say Nesta’s abuse doesn’t excuse her ‘abuse’ towards Feyre, go sit in the corner and think about your hypocrisy.
Rhys in ACOSF: 
“Rhys only looked bad in ACOSF because it was in Nesta’s POV." Rhys looked better in Nesta’s POV than in Cassian’s. He is the problem.
Nesta and responsibility
Nesta did not neglect Feyre. You cannot neglect something that is not your responsibility.
Nesta antis
Nesta antis who bash her and bring her up in any circumstance are weird as hell (especially in vids talking about how ACOSF helped someone’s mental health).
Valkyrie Hate: 
Hating on the Valkyries is weird. Emerie and Gwyn are LITERALLY the least problematic characters in the entire SJM universe. 
If you don’t like Gwyn because you ship Elriel, try respecting women for more than their potential partners. And then going and fucking urself :)
Amren Sucks: 
Amren sucks as a character.
That’s it. That’s the opinion.
If I hear ‘girl’ one more time, I’m burning the book.
Feyre and SA: 
Saying Feyre wasn’t sa’d because it saved her life is WEIRD.
sa is sa regardless of the circumstance. Are we forgetting that Rhys admitted in ACOMAF that he kissed her because he was jealous, and in ACOTAR when he said the only reason he didn’t take advantage of her was so Tamlin wouldn’t kill him?
Minimizing SA so you can love on an attractive man is problematic and gross. Please don’t talk to me if you do that because, EW BRO UR GROSS.
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redysetdare · 6 months
Oh so when repulsed ppl or non-partnering ppl bring up their experiences it's suddenly "not all aros/aces! Don't generalize the community!" But a choir of assholes crying out "Aros and aces can still date!" In response to ppl pointing out the erasure of those who don't is not generalizing and totally fine? Yeah, uh huh ok.
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jakeperalta · 1 year
every day we inch closer to the inevitable release of taylor's "all the haters are throwing shade at my relationship but I don't care" music about matty and for that reason I live in fear
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myfairkatiecat · 3 months
Okay guys I was debating making a post about it but I’m just going to make a short one with just the root of the point
You’re allowed to criticize media you enjoy, especially the writing itself, but if there’s something about the content of the story being told that isn’t your thing, that’s not an objective issue with the author
If you’re reading KOTLC and you really dislike sokeefe, you can either keep reading for the other stuff in the story that you like, or you can stop reading because it really ruins it for you, but what you really shouldn’t do is act like Shannon’s done something wrong by writing sokeefe into the story she wants to tell, I mean that’s actually pretty disrespectful to the author. You don’t have to LIKE her story, but she’s not objectively doing something wrong just because it isn’t the choice you would have made
For example: if Shannon made sophitz canon that would definitely not be my thing. However I would keep reading kotlc for my enjoyment of the story she was telling. I would not come into tumblr and start picking out every issue with their relationship, calling it terribly unhealthy (unhealthy dynamics can be storytelling devices btw) and saying therefore Shannon has made an objectively wrong decision that ruins her own story. That would just be disrespectful, not just to other shippers but to Shannon herself!!
That’s all I’m gonna say unless someone miraculously misses the entire point of this post to a terrible degree
Have a great day
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yurious-george · 4 months
saw a post claiming mizu was a canonical trans man when mizu has 3 genders: man, woman, and unlovable monster, and unlovable monster always wins. like yeeeeessss mizu intentionally presents male for the freedom it affords him but was canonically 'happiest' as a woman. saying simply 'he's a trans man' is pretty reductive for a character who hates themselves so much they have no solid identity outside of 'monster,' and whose amorphous gender identity is a central aspect of the show
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