#quality lifestyle apartment
1980ssunflower · 2 years
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I'm so fucking in love w them I swear to god it makes me lightheaded gdhfsjk
#ot3: ❤rhyme💛easy💙#tape entry circa 1980#ngl im feeling fucking SAD abt not being w them#i want to be home w them in the 80s away from modern day and the internet and just be making music and living a free lifestyle#theyre so damn beautiful its insane... idk how its even possible for them to be so perfect... or for me to love them so much......#theyre definitely far from being perfect but they are to ME#i love every single thing abt them including their faults and aggravating qualities ghdfjsk#THEYRE JUST!!!!!! MY BEST FUCKING FRIENDS WHO HAVE KNOWN ME MY WHOLE LIFE!!!!! WE KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT EACHOTHER!!!#KNOW EACHOTHER BETTER THAN ANYTHING ELSE! NO ONE ELSE WILL EVER BE ABLE TO KNOW US LIKE EACHOTHER#AND WE'RE IN LOVE W EACHOTHER!!WE'RE EACHOTHERS TRUE SOULMATES!!!! NO ONE COULD EVER COME CLOSE TO WHAT WE HAVE#all i want is to hold them close and kiss them and compliment them every single second of the day#i want to hold them close and comfort them as they cry and reassure them of every little thing theyre insecure abt#and tell them over and over that i will love them for all eternity and im never going anywhere... i would lay down my life for them#i would do anything as long as it guaranteed their happiness#IDK HOW TO ACTUALLY EXPRESS THE EXTENT OF MY LOVE FOR THEM CAUSE ITS SO MUCH MORE THAN THE THINGS I SAY#IT FEELS LIKE MY CHEST IS GOING TO BURST I JUST LOVE THEM SO MUCH ITS LIKE I CANT BREATH#i just need to admire them... every little feature of their beautiful faces... and their bodies...#i want to admire them in the softest and most loving way possible as if they would fall apart if i touched them w any slight pressure#i want to lay together w them and for us to just hum songs together softly and start giggling over dumb things#and id love to just work on our latest album together in the studio figuring out the mixing and such#just the mix of music and love and friendship and adventure and fun that is our lives... makes me so happy
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Relaxing with family Feels More Comfortable.
RamPriya Service Apartment Providing you Higher quality of living and the atmosphere is always fresh forever original, Supreme RamPriya Service Apartment for a modern lifestyle .
visit us www.rampriyacelebration.com . . . .
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honeytonedhottie · 14 days
cultivating a high maintenance lifestyle⋆.ೃ࿔*:・👛🐩
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the definition of investment is an act of devoting time, effort, or energy to a particular undertaking with the expectation of a worthwhile result. some ways that u can invest in urself include ->
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♡ making sure that u sleep on time -> and wake up early
♡ investing time into ur education and taking advantage of resources
♡ paying for courses or classes on things that you're passionate about in order to gain more knowledge
take a look at the people that u surround urself with. are they making efforts to better themselves and their futures? are they good people? make sure that u surround urself with people that u can learn from and people that u wanna be like.
if no one has told you this, you are allowed to be picky and selective with who u choose to invite into your life and your circle. its YOUR life so use ur good judgement to make decisions about who you want to be present for your life, and who u want to have access to ur energy and ur time and you in general.
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invest in quality clothes because quality is better than quantity. that way u can build a wardrobe thats timeless and that u can continuously wear, as opposed to having a lot of clothes that are cheap and fall apart when u put them to wash. things to take note of when shopping for quality clothes are ->
♡ the material/texture
♡ the brand
ask yourself before u buy something, how many ways can i wear this piece? you should be able to style the piece in multiple different ways unless it's a statement piece. and even then. actually visualize urself wearing it and how you would wear it before u commit to it and actually purchase it…💬🎀
take yourself out on dates! coffee shop dates, take yourself shopping, book appointments at the spa/salon, read good books, learn to cook your favorite dishes. ROMANTICIZE ur life and learn to appreciate spending time with yourself. literally become ur own favorite person. treat urself to nice things on a daily basis. it doesn't even have to break the bank. some nice things that u can do for urself on a daily basis include ->
♡ making your favorite breakfast food and treating urself to breakfast in bed
♡ buy yourself your favorite bouquet of flowers
♡ buy yourself some nice lingerie
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♡ book weekends at a nice spa
♡ groomed, manicured nails (FRENCH TIPS)
♡ silk and satin robes
♡ fresh flowers and bouquets weekly
♡ form fitting dresses
go to restaurants and cultivate ur tastebuds. try new foods. go to art gallery's and try to educate urself on various forms of art to just enrich yourself. read LOTS of books. literally anything u can do to make urself more refined DO IT.
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The Spiders Sister - Chapter 1
Summary: Reader gets caught hiding out in the avengers tower. In the end it turns out for the best.
TW: non-sexual nudity, illness, fainting, swearing
Words: 4.1K
A/n: Super long first chapter
маленький паук – Little Spider
It defiantly wasn’t part of your life plan to be living with your bother again in your adulthood.
You had spent an excellent few months on your own having finally moved out of May Parker’s apartment, it had been perfect. Well … as perfect as life could be for a parker.
Then … you guessed it … parker luck struck again. There was a huge fight, one you had been itching to join but your brother, peter parker, had it covered. And since nobody knew that you sometimes wore the spider-man suit when peter wasn’t able to, it would all be over if two Spider-Man’s ended up fighting some of the weird aliens that had invaded New York.
You see, you and your brother had more in common than most siblings did. Peter parker had been bitten by a radioactive spider on a school trip as was known to a few people. But, at the same time, you had been eighteen and chaperoning the field trip.
When peter had snuck off to the side you had gone after him. When he was bitten, so were you.
But for now, you had decided to try and stay away from the superhero lifestyle. But when the itch came, peter lent you his suit so you could scratch it.
You had helped him refine his web-fluid and had your own web shooters as well as one of his old suits just in case. May knew about you and peter after finding out a while ago. However, peter and you had kept everything about your existence from the avengers so you could live a semi-normal life. At least for now.
But the day the avengers were fighting off the aliens, New York had taken some heavy damage. You had been running a small illustration business out of your apartment in queens. Your apartment … which was now levelled in the fight was gone. Along with your business.
Since you had moved out young, May only had one spare bedroom in her apartment which peter was occupying. Leaving the Parker’s with one option.
As peter had a room in the avenger's tower, you could stay there or with aunt may. Peter being Peter didn’t want to ask tony if he could stay in the tower for the unforeseeable future without arousing questions. So, you had been secretly living in the tower for about three days now.
Peter brought you food and had bribed Jarvis to keep your existence a secret. You had his old suit if you wanted to leave the tower, you could swing away instead of walking through the building and getting caught.
It was a pretty solid plan and it had been working pretty well. Until the day you got sick.
Peters' bedroom in the tower was on the floor with the other avengers, meaning you had to be somewhat quiet so Natasha, clint or the others didn’t find you. But it had begun to get colder out, and Peters old suit didn’t have a heater. It had been made before tony had found out spiders, including peter and yourself, can't thermoregulate. And swinging around New York without a heater in the nippy winter air had left you with a pretty nasty cold.
Unlike peter your powers didn’t give you super healing. In fact, your powers differed from peters in more ways than one. For one thing you had small fangs which you could retract, they didn’t do much, but they were cool, and peter was mildly jealous. Another thing was you had taken on aspects of jumping spiders as you could jump higher due to your super strength and some weird spider quality peter lacked.
Like peter the bit had given your excellent eyesight, increased metabolism, a lack of thermoregulation, the weird sticky thing, the spider sense and super strength and the allergy to peppermint. But due to sharing the suit anytime you went out as “Spider-Man” you had to refrain from using your own unique powers, so you didn’t give anything away.
The thermoregulating thing may have finally come back to bite you now that you were in peters old suit. After taking one of his patrols for him so he could finish his assignment and you could get out of his room in the tower, the cold had made you sick. Heres the thing about having a high metabolism when you don’t have an increased healing factor. It went one of two ways. Either you had flash colds which were taken care of quickly and at a much faster rate than the average human, or if it was stronger than your immune system, it was quickly made into a bigger problem than it should have been due to your body processing things faster and speeding up its strength.
Anytime this had happened in the past, due to not being able to go to a regular hospital, you had thanked the gods for May choosing a career in nursing. Though she had been able to treat you superficially with regular medicine and not anything made for super soldiers or spiders as that was a Bruce banner specialty that was unique to the tower's med bay. So, you often just had to ride it out and if things got really bad, peter would try and smuggle you some of his medicine out of the tower for you.
So, this is where you ended up. Curled up in Peters bed in the tower, stifling rough sounding coughs into his pillow and making a mental note to wash his sheets soon. You were doing your best to remain quiet and not alert either of the super spies to your presence or any of the other avengers. You thanked Thor that only you and peter had super hearing which meant you could usually tell if someone was in the halls.
Feeling miserable you buried yourself further into the sheets and shivered, it was so cold but in reality, you probably had a high fever. Your lungs let out a wheezing noise whenever you exhaled, and you were beginning to think maybe your asthma was back. Unlike peter you had not been so lucky as to have had it cured by the bite.
Your asthma puffer was one of the few things that survived your apartment being destroyed. As you laid in bed feeling awful you thought back to that day.
You thanked the gods you had been out at the time. You had gone to a coffee shop downtown with your sketchbook, laptop and usual things you took out, including a range of art supplies and of course your emergency puffer which peter had managed to smuggle out which had doses that worked with your metabolism.
You were broken from your daydreams as another harsh coughing fit wracked your body. From what you could hear nobody was in the halls, but you did your best to keep quiet regardless. The wheezing that trailed after each breath was getting worse and your lungs were feeling tight.
You had been trying to use the puffer sparingly so it didn’t run out because you didn’t know if and or when peter could get you another. But as drawing breath grew harder you made the executive call to use it. You rolled over in the bed and threw an arm down to fish around for your red backpack. Finding it you fiddled with the zip before your fingers wrapped around the cool plastic of the device. Tony being tony had insisted it have a Spiderman case thinking it was peters which ended up being rather ironic as it was fitting for you too.
You tried fruitlessly one last time to draw breath before achieving nothing but a crackling wheeze. Screw it. You uncapped the red lid and held it to your lips, propping yourself up on an elbow in an attempt to sit u straight to take it.
You exhaled and inhaled repeating it once more before drawing in a lungful of the super-medicine. Almost straight away you began to feel better. Your fast metabolism speeding up the medicines process.
Feeling like you could breathe again you replaced the cap and put it on the nightstand before curling up in the sheets again feeling cold still but also slightly damp from the thin layer of sweat that had been forming all morning.
You were dressed in spider-man pjs which had a thin t-shirt and long pants. You had considered getting up to grab one of peters hoodies to get warm or another blanket but the idea of standing up made your head spin.
You nestled back into the sheets and let your eyes fall shut despite it being almost midday. The curtains were drawn and so it didn’t bother you too much. You began to drift off into a semi-peaceful sleep broken by harsh coughing fits which were becoming harder to stifle in your half asleep and fevered state.
Meanwhile the avengers had just finished their morning training session, one which Peter had joined for once. Peter being Peter had barely broken a sweat and as a result had opted to hang out on the communal floor while everyone went o freshen up.
Stark had designed the tower well. With Peter’s bedroom being on the same floor as Natasha’s who was rather protective of her younger spider counterpart as well as Wanda’s, Yelena’s, Kate’s and a few spares. The rest of the avengers were a floor above.
At first peter had been a bit miffed about being on a floor of just girls but he ended up liking it a lot. And he had a second bedroom in the master suite with tony and Pepper which he proffered anyway. The one on the avenger's floor was more for if Tony and Pepper were away, and he wanted to be around the others.
Natasha was headed for her room after waving goodbye to peter who had settled down to watch more star-wars, when she paused in the hallway.
Retracing her steps she found herself stood outside peters bedroom door. Frowning she pressed an ear to the door and froze. Someone was inside and coughing. Knowing it wasn’t peter, nat carefully twisted the door handle.
Peter being peter had prepared for almost anything. As soon as Natasha had set foot inside peters room Jarvis had alerted peter of her presence.
Meanwhile Natasha peered into the dimly lit room. The lump in the bed was wriggling around and coughing. Nat was on high alert by now. She realised this person was ill but how had they managed to get in without Jarvis knowing? And why were they in peters bed?
She crossed the threshold and walked over to the bed. Taking note of the backpack on the floor and puffer on the bedside table as well as your spider-man pjs which had been a gag gift from Peter last Christmas.
Nat stood and observed for a second. Looking down at your flushed face which was burning with fever and the harsh coughs that were wracking your weak form.
Nat watched helplessly for a second unsure of how to deal with a sick intruder.
She hesitated before extending a hand to your forehead and feeling a very high fever. She sucked a breath. Despite being an intruder she had some ideas as to why you may have been here. Your likeness to peter wasn’t hard to spot. Yet. She was unsure.
Peeling of the blankets to get a better look at you, as she did you made a small noise of discontent and curled into a shaking ball still fever addled and half asleep.
Before she could continue the door opened and peter looked in.
“Uhh M-Ms Romanoff…” Peter said looking guilty as he stepped in and closed the door again.
“Peter, do you know who this is?” Natasha asked getting straight to the point. Peter hesitated and rubbed the back of his neck.
“Y-yes.” He said looking at your sick form with a frown.
“Peter.” She said crossing her arms. “Care to share whats going on?” Nat said as she headed for Peter’s bathroom.
“Um… She … she’s,, my sister.” Peter said unsurely. Natasha returned after a second and nodded. Now holding the first aid kit from peters bathroom in her arms.
“Anything else i should know?” She asked walking over to the bed and sitting down to rifle through the first aid kit.
“Petey?” You mumbled hearing his voice.
Peter seemed to break out of his trance and came to your side. “I’m here Y/n.” He said.
“‘S cold.” You mumbled making peter frown.
“Actually, I think she has a fever.” Nat said as she found what she was looking for, pulling out a thermometer from the kit.
Nat gently placed the thermometer under your tongue and turned to look at peter.
“Pete, you’re not in trouble but i need some more information.” Natasha said.
“This is Y/n. She’s, my sister. Her apartment was levelled in the last attack and so she’s been staying here ever since. She’s not a threat I promise.” Peter said almost tripping over his words in order to explain.
Before Nat could respond the thermometer beeped and she removed it to look at the small screen, drawing another round of coughs from you. Natasha rubbed your back with one hand while frowning at the screen.
“Peter… she should be dead. This says 106. There’s more isn’t there.” Nat said with some urgency as she began peeling the rest of the blankets off you in an attempt to cool you down.
“Ahh … yes. She had powers. Like mine. She … she wears the suit sometimes.” Peter said standing nearby and watching with a worried expression.
“Ok. So, she has spider powers? High metabolism, super strength, etc.” Nat said and Peter nodded. “Why hasn’t her healing fixed this?” Nat said feeling your forehead again.
“She doesn’t have it. Her powers differ slightly.” Peter explained as Nat cursed softly in Russian.
“Her fever’s still rising.” Nat said making a decision. “We need to cool her down fast before she gets too hot for her own good. Jarvis?” Natasha said and peter looked panicked for a second worried about more people finding out about you.
“Ms Romanoff-“ he started.
“Pete, we need to cool her down stat. I need some help.” She said and peter nodded still looking nervous. “Jarvis call wanda to Peter’s bedroom.” Nat said and peter relaxed slightly. Wanda was ok. She would be good for the situation.
“What are you going to do?” Peter asked.
“She needs a bath and I doubt you want to do that.” She said with a small smirk and Peter flushed for a second.
“Defiantly not.” He said shaking his head.
“Is there someone we can call? Someone who she’d be ok with dressing her once we cool her down. She may be sick but i don’t want to invade her privacy.” Nat said as she scooped you up from the bed and into her lap while they waited for wanda to arrive. You cough harshly again and wheezed making nat frown and look to peter.
“Asthma.” He said.
“Runs in the family huh?” She joked reaching over for the puffer on the bedside table.
“Uh… about that.” Peter said looking guilty. “Mine was cured by the bite. I need the puffers for her.” He said looking sheepish. Expecting Nat to be mad she grinned.
“You’re a good brother.” She said as she uncapped the device and pressed it to your lips.
“Exhale.” She instructed and by some small miracle you complied. When you went to inhale, she administered the medicine and told you to hold.
Recapping the device, she rubbed a hand up and down your arm. “Good job sweetie.” She said and felt you relax into her arms some more as you let out a breath.
The two sat in silence for another second before the door opened again and wanda slipped inside.
She was freshly showered, her hair damp and she smelt like jasmine and honey. She was dressed in a simple faded black t-shirt and grey track pants.
“Whats-“ she began before pausing, her eyes caught on you laid in Natashas lap half asleep.
“Wanda,” Nat said. “Meet Y/n. Peter’s older sister.” She said.
“Okay…” Wanda said looking lost before her expression morphed to concern as you coughed. “Is she ok?” Wanda asked.
“No. That’s why you’re here. Long story short, peter smuggled her into the tower, and she has spider powers and her fever is really high. We need to cool her down.” Nat said and wanda swallowed and nodded. “Peter?” Nat said turning to the younger parker.
“Yes?” He said looking up from where he had been studying his shoes closely.
“You never answered my question. Is there someone we can call to come and get her dressed after wanda and i bathe her?” Nat asked and peter blushed again and nodded.
“I can call May. It’s her day off.” He said and Nat nodded.
“You do that. Wanda and I will look after Y/n. We promise not to go further than her outer clothes.” She said and scooped you up into her arms. She headed for Peter’s bathroom with wanda trailing behind. You remained limp in her arms snuggled into her chest in an unconscious need for companionship.
Once the two redheads had you in the bathroom wanda looked at nat. “Now what?” She asked and Natasha smirked.
“Now we take her clothes off.” She said and gently she lifted your arms from where you were laid on the floor in her lap and pulled the spider-man t-shirt off over your head. Wanda blushed slightly at the sight of your red sports bra despite having seen Nat and herself train in about the same if not less clothes.
“You wanna help?” Nat asked with a grin that only served to make Wanda’s blush deepen. You squirmed slighting in Nat’s lap but stopped when she gently rubbed your arm after you buried your warm face into her stomach.
Wanda rolled her eyes in an attempt to feign nonchalance despite being way past that point.
She lifted her hands, and the familiar red glow of magic surrounded her hands. Her magic lifted your hips so Nat could slide off your pants. Wanda blushed again at the sight of your Black Widow boxers. Natasha however grinned at them finding it both adorable and very cute.
After a beat Wanda met Nat’s eyes again. “Now what?”
“We get her in the bath. She needs to be cooled down Asap.” Nat said hoisting you into her arms again as you wriggled, turning and grumbling into her chest.
“Not gonna lie she’s pretty cute.” Nat said and Wanda avoided her eyes as she used her magic to fill the bath with tepid water.
Natasha gently lowered you into the tub ignoring your whining protests and running her hands through your hair which seemed to calm you down as you relaxed again.
“So … now we wait?” Wanda guessed and Natasha nodded.
“Yep. Unless you really want to steal May’s job of getting her dressed again.” Nat teased making Wanda splutter slightly. “Im kidding.” Nat said. “I know what hot women do to your brain.” She winked and wanda slouched slightly.
After a second you grumbled and blearily opened your eyes, squinting at the two women.
“Peter is so dead.” You mumbled before letting your eyes drift shut again. There was a pause before wanda and nat both started laughing.
You groaned. “Peter!” You yelled before coughing again making Wanda and Nat frown. But before they could do anything the door opened to show a beat red peter with his hands covering his eyes.
“Yes?” He said in a small voice.
“When I get out of here, you’re dead.” You mumbled with a foggy glare sent in his direction.
“Hey. Peter did the right thing.” Another voice said from behind Peter.
“May?” You called. “Oh, wtf is going on right now.” You mumbled.
“Whats going on kiddo is that, once again, you failed to ask for help which landed you here.” May said entering the bathroom with a change of clothes.
“Nice to see you Ms Parker.” Nat said and wanda echoed.
“Please. Call me May. And thank you for looking after her.” May said and you groaned.
“I hate all of you.” You said hiding your face in your hands.
“Uh huh. Sure, you do.” May teased.
“It was no problem. Ms- May.” Wanda said. “We’ll wait in peters bedroom while you… yeah.” Wanda said before making a hasty retreat. Nat laughed and followed her out.
May gave you a disappointed frown once she had shut the door and turned back to you with a sigh.
“Honey.” She said.
“I know… I know.” You said still feeling like death but slightly less so. “Did the black widow and scarlet witch just really see me in my underpants?” You asked.
“Yes, and I serves you right for hiding illness … again!” She said as she came over, rolling up her sleeves and helping you out, practically holding all your weight for you as your head spun.
May frowned and guided you over to the covered toilet seat to dress you again.
Gently she began to towel you off and change you into fresh clothes.
“I can do it myself.” You whined but May shot you a look and you knew better than to challenge the angry Parker and you and peter had called her as kids when she was upset at you for something.
“Now, once you’re dressed you are going to thank those two for their kindness and your coming home with me.” May said.
“But-“ you began.
“No buts.” She said and helped you up, now fully dressed.
She helped you over to the door opening it despite still holding you up. The two of you shuffled into the room where Peter, Nat and Wanda were sat on Peter’s bed talking in hushed voices.
“Pete. I love you but I can hear everything you’re saying dumbass.” You said rolling your eyes and May lightly hit your arm.
“Right.” He said rubbing his neck. “Super hearing.” He nodded.
“I’ll add it to the list.” Nat grinned and you groaned before May jabbed you in the side and looked at the two girls.
You coughed at her actions making her frown but quickly got it under control for the sake of your already fragile image.
“Thank you, Wanda and Natasha, for helping me.” You said still leaning heavily on May. Now you had been standing for a bit the room began to spin. Your face went a shade paler making Natasha frown and stand. It was a split second before you stumbled, almost bringing May down with you in the process. Luckily strong arms wrapped around you, and you looked up into Nat’s pale green and worried eyes.
“Y/n?” You finally registered she was talking to you. “Y/n?” She asked again a little louder.
You let out a soft groan and she huffed. “Right. Up we go.” She said hoisting you into your arms and making the room spin again as you buried your face in her arm.
You felt her gently set you down on the bed and feel your forehead.
Distantly you heard May saying something along the lines of taking you home and the sound of Natasha arguing they were better equipped to help with your powers and sickness. May relented and you went back to dozing.
“What happened?” Peter asked from where he was stood by the door.
“Probably got too dizzy from standing up. Her body’s already trying to fight off sickness.” Natasha said and Wanda nodded.
“Peter? Don’t you have a super high metabolism?” Wanda asked.
“Yeah?” He said looking lost as May seemed to catch on.
“Y/n when did you last eat?” May asked and you groaned and buried your face in the pillow. “Well, that answers that.” May said rolling her eyes.
“Peter, do you have any of those energy bars that steve uses?” Wanda asked and peter nodded and headed for his bedside drawer.
He fished around and pulled out one of them and passed it to nat. She unwrapped it and shoved it into your hands.
“Eat.” She said and you made a groan of protest. “It’ll help.” She said in a softer tone.
“Fine.” You said sitting up against the headboard and nibbling on it slowly.
“Better.” Nat said and you frowned.
“You know you’re cute when you’re mad.” Wanda said looking surprised by her own words and blushing at Natasha’s knowing gaze.
“Get some rest маленький паук” Nat said once you had finished eating, and she begun to shepherd everyone out of the room.
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imfoive · 2 months
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⟢ my works are sfw unless stated otherwise. ⟢ interactions, feedback & likes/reblog are greatly appreciated! ⟢ next chapter, always linked at the bottom of previous* ⟢ all works somewhat proofread, notify me about any mistakes. ⟢ ask to be tagged! / removed ⊹ one-shot masterlist SERIES ──────────────────────────
⟢ Crystal Bird ── BANG CHAN ╱ on-going Genre: Royal au! Crown Prince! Chan, Angst, Romance, Historical, hidden identity, slow-burn Warnings: mentions of blood, war, death, cursing, more in chapters
The Crown Prince is saved by the Princess of a rival kingdom, and he swears his second life to his savior. A forbidden friendship no one knew of, grows deeper with every secret meeting. As the two are kept apart, memories of their sunset playdates by the serene river, begin blossoming into something beautiful. Cheeks blushed, stomach butterflies fluttered at the thought of each other. Years of yearning and imagining had only made them crave a sweeter reunion. And finally meeting at a Royal banquet, he could only stare at the now grown Princess, taken by her beauty, while she only watches as he gives his heart to the wrong princess.
Prologue / Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
⟢ The Youngest Son ── LEE MINHO ╱ complete Genre: non-idol au!, Suspense, Angst, Romance, Revenge, Mature Warnings: morally-gray Minho, mentions of drugs, cursing, death, suggestive, more in chapters
The youngest son of the Lee family was stubborn, he was arrogant, he was conniving. Hiding it all behind the mask of a calm and collected man, the youngest son was a master at mind games. Playing a dangerous game where trust is a luxury and betrayal lurks around every corner. He had sworn once, to not let family ties or any feelings hold him back. Yet, against all odds, she had him completely wrapped around her fingers, and he had no desire to break free.
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 / Chapter 8 / Chapter 9 / Chapter 10
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
⟢ Trophy Husband ── HWANG HYUNJIN ╱ coming soon Genre: Arrange Marriage au!, Romance, Opposites-Attract, Marriage of Convenience-ish, Frienemies-to-Lovers, NSFW (mdni), Angst Warnings: mentions of cursing, cheating, more in chapters
Two individuals with polar opposite lifestyles are thrown into an arranged marriage for the benefit of both their families, or so they claim. One is a frivolous playboy, living off familial wealth, while the other is an overly controlling workaholic. Navigating their marriage with a business-like approach, their relationship is marked by a whirlwind of bickering, banter, and societal pressures. Amid misunderstandings, they uncover layers of unexpected qualities, eventually discovering a sweet love neither saw coming.
Chapter 1
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more to come ──────────────────────── ⟢ Updated: 09/19/24
I don’t take requests (for now) but feel free to leave prompts/ideas/thoughts or messages in my inbox!
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lordofdestructionm · 8 months
Reading Mordecai Heller as a repressed gay man
The tragic attraction
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This is a full post based on my response to a great analysis by @sedgewick-gayble
Let me start by saying that if you read Mordecai as being totally asexual/aromantic and any affection he has for other characters to be entirely platonic that is entirely valid and I respect that
However as this response by Tracy makes clear on the topic of fans reading Mordecai as gay there is an intentional ambiguity about it. Being 28 at the time of the main story his "lifestyle is certainly asexual" up to this point, yet "being ace and being gay are not mutually exclusive things" and people sometimes "don't know themselves or understand their own motivations all that well"
This leaves the possibility open that Mordecai is actively repressing his natural desires and feelings
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Mordecai's early life didn't exactly provide much time or opportunity for "self discovery", even by the usual standards of the less than tolerant and understanding world of the early 20th century
Being born into an impoverished family and having his father die very early in his life leaving him and his Mother and two younger sisters in dire straits, Mordecai had to get to work and assume adult responsibilities pretty damn early.
As Tracy says "selling newspapers wasn't going to cut it" and so using his natural talent with numbers Mordecai starts bookkeeping for the mob. Is it any wonder someone with that background would develop such a serious and rigidly buttoned up demeanour?
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Since being forced to abandon his mother and two sisters at the start of the 1920s and flee New York, being picked up by Atlas's due to his habit of collecting useful strays, Mordecai had very few people he was close to in St Louis. With his generally anti-social personality and not only lack of interest but discomfort with any sort of flirting or romantic entanglements, that would be unlikely to change
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Side note: Probaby coincidence but
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There are only two people who seem to make it onto that exclusive list of people that "count" for Mordecai, who he cares about and are able to bring things to the surface he would normally keep hidden
Atlas to Mordecai is not just an employer, he is the man who saved his life, the man who moulded a desperate fearful shabby young stray into the sharp professional he is today, who took him under his wing and made him his protege. Filling the empty space his father left in his life. His grief and desperate hunt for those responsible for his death are his big motivation (the strain of which is slowly tearing him apart)
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That connection is undertsandable
Much more surprising on the surface is the bond with the partner Atlas teamed him up with soon after his arrival, Viktor Vasko.
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The assumption at the start would have been that while their skill sets might compliment each other in the field there would have been no warmth in their dynamic.
Certainly not on Mordecai's part as Viktor appears to be a sum total of many things Mordecai hates. Viktor is unshaven, relatively casual in his attire, speaks a broken English, and hates people chattering or “noise, noise, noise” as he calls it. Clashing hard with his obsession with good grooming, high quality tailoring, correct grammar etc. Indeed Mordecai doesn't hesitate to nag/criticize Viktor for these things
Yet at the same time Mordecai has far better chemistry with Viktor than with anyone else, able to banter and bicker with him in a way you rarely if ever see with others
Its why when he gets tailored clothes for the first time Viktor is the first person he wants to show off too. Its why the one time he is intoxicated Viktor (and his large physique) are his chosen topic of converation. Its why at Christmas/Hanuhhah he gives him the gift of a tie while claiming its just because of the big guys poor fashion sense and that its "embarassing to be seen with him" (even that justification makes him sound like a nagging girlfriend)
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A smaller detail is that during their iconic chess playing in the side content, set during their days staking out the remote town of Defiance, Viktor is shown very casually winning the game much to Mordecai's visible distress
This is hilarious but could also be taken as a metaphor for Viktor (possibly without even realizing it) breaking through his defensive emotional barriers
Something Mordecai doesn't know how to handle or respond to
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The animated short only adds fuel to the fire
During their dispute over strategy Mordecai moves his face so close to Viktors that he almost knocks his cap off his head. His eyes at one point even dart down towards his mouth
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Sharp eyed Vikdecai fans have also noted that Mordecai seems on some level to want the two of them to match
The tie being the same colour could simpy be Mordecai giving Viktor one of his own ties because its a joke gift and he just grabbed it on a whim to tease Viktor about his poor fashion choices
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But think about the matching suits at the New Years party for 1926
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I mean, seriously, not only is it the exact same style of suit in the same blue-grey colour distinct from everyone else, but they are standing in the perfect spots to be symmetrical to each other. Something that we all know means a lot to this compulsive man
Mordecai must have known there was going to be a big group photo ahead of time and then carefully planned this
Got matching suits made to his and Viktors measurements
Then most impressively convinced/nagged Viktor into cooperating (he may have taken off the tie and rolled up the sleeves but hey him playing along at all is quite a compromise from Viktor "I hate dressing up" Vasko)
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Mordecai is intent on making Viktor retire and get out of danger, and avoid a situation where he gets sent to kill him by Marigold because he knows he could NOT do it, and his cover and investigation into Atlas's death would be over
He is horrified that Viktor is still working at Lackadaisy (though he again has to hide how much he cares) and that he has gotten not only hurt again but hurt by Mordecai again (albeit this time indirectly by stealing the guns)
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Can this be read as simply platonic comradere? Absolutely
But there is something so *intense* in the fact he was willing to resort to kneecapping him. Its an extreme and desperate act that could only result from intense emotions, seemingly out of character for someone who tries very hard to appear logical and controlled.
While Vikdecai is a very fun ship when imagining them as an actual bickering married couple, I have often said that a tragic one-sided on Mordecai's part version of Vikdecai is the one that fits closest and surprisingly well into the canon.
His nagging and complaining about Viktor in that context take on a Tsundere aspect, both to protect himself from being found out and maybe even try and convince himself the uncomfortable alien feelings aren't there. He not only doesn't want others looking too hard at his feeling he doesn't want to examine them himself all that much
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There is a heartbreaking but appealing angst to the idea of this extremely repressed man having such feelings for the first time in his life for his straight best friend and NOT knowing how to handle that. Having to perform the balancing act of being around him so much as his partner but being painfully aware that he can't let anyone catch on, especially not Viktor himself, as it would likely destroy his bond with the only person in town other than Atlas he is close to.
Though tragically he did that anyway later via the kneecapping, which while about trying to keep Viktor safe, he may now looking back try and tell himself its actually somehow "better" for Viktor to hate him for that
Because the big guy now wrongly thinks the feeling is mutual and that Mordecai never really cared about him, which may be better than (what Mordecai assumes would be) disgust at his partners doomed more than platonic feelings
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Because he sees those feelings and his situation as a sad perfectly structured joke life has played on him
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aeth-eris · 11 months
Leo in Houses : What makes you proud?
1st House (Self-Image): Radiant Confidence
Leo in the 1st house illuminates your self-image with an irresistible charisma and a resolute sense of pride. You possess a magnetic aura that commands attention and admiration, effortlessly drawing others to your captivating presence. Your unique identity radiates with an unyielding confidence that captivates those around you, leaving an indelible mark of distinction and self-assurance. You take great pride in your natural leadership qualities and your innate ability to shine in any situation, fostering an environment where your individuality becomes an inspiration for others to follow.
2nd House (Material Wealth): Regal Abundance
With Leo gracing your 2nd house, you derive pride from your luxurious lifestyle and financial security. You take great joy in the opulence you've meticulously cultivated, displaying your prosperity to the world with a regal flair. Your indulgent tastes and penchant for the finer things in life reflect your inherent desire for comfort and extravagance, and you feel a deep sense of satisfaction in surrounding yourself with tangible symbols of your success. Your unwavering confidence in your ability to create and maintain wealth projects an image of abundance and prosperity that is not only tangible but also serves as a source of inspiration for those around you.
3rd House (Communication): Expressive Brilliance
With Leo gracing your 3rd house, you possess a unique and vibrant communication style that fills you with a sense of pride. Your eloquence and expressive nature captivate those around you, making you a compelling storyteller and an engaging conversationalist. You take immense delight in articulating your ideas with flair, infusing your words with passion and confidence, leaving a lasting impression on your listeners. Your intellectual prowess and persuasive charm allow you to effortlessly convey complex concepts in a way that is both enlightening and entertaining, establishing you as a magnetic force of expressive brilliance that effortlessly commands attention and respect.
4th House (Home and Family): Majestic Roots
Leo gracing your 4th house signifies your profound pride in your nurturing role within your family and the sense of warmth you instill in your home. You derive immense joy from creating a secure and loving environment, one that serves as the cornerstone of familial unity and love. Your regal demeanor and natural leadership qualities make you the pillar of strength, fostering closeness and admiration among your loved ones. Your dedication to providing a stable and affectionate space allows your family to thrive, with you at the helm, radiating a majestic aura of protection, love, and unwavering support that forms the very roots of your familial harmony and pride.
5th House (Creativity): Theatrical Inspiration
With Leo illuminating your 5th house, your creative passion ignites like a radiant stage spotlight. You find an immense sense of pride in your artistic talents, reveling in the opportunity to express yourself in grand and dramatic ways. Your creative pursuits take center stage, captivating your audience with a unique flair that demands attention and admiration. Your vibrant and expressive nature infuses your artistic endeavors with a theatrical inspiration that sets you apart, drawing the spotlight toward your dynamic and compelling expressions of creativity. You bask in the glow of your own artistic ingenuity, finding validation and fulfillment in the profound impact your creativity has on those who have the privilege of witnessing your imaginative brilliance.
6th House (Work Ethic): Mighty Efficiency
With Leo gracing your 6th house, you take immense pride in your strong work ethic and unwavering dedication to your responsibilities. Your reliability and competence shine brightly, earning you well-deserved recognition and admiration. You approach your tasks with a sense of majesty, infusing every duty with a regal touch that sets you apart as a paragon of efficiency and capability. You find deep satisfaction in the praise you receive for your diligence, reveling in the acknowledgment of your unyielding commitment to excellence. Your mighty presence in the realm of work and responsibility serves as a powerful inspiration for those around you, fostering an atmosphere of productivity and professionalism that reflects your stellar work ethic and steadfast determination.
7th House (Partnerships): Royal Allegiance
Leo gracing your 7th house infuses your partnerships with a sense of regal pride and unwavering commitment. You find immense joy in providing steadfast loyalty and unwavering support to your partner, valuing the sense of commitment and dedication that underpins your relationship. Your affectionate nature and generous spirit create an environment of mutual adoration and respect, fostering a connection that is built on a foundation of admiration and devotion. You expect your noble and affectionate gestures to be met with admiration and validation, seeking acknowledgment for your unwavering allegiance and the regal presence you bring to the sacred bond of partnership.
8th House (Challenges): Courageous Resilience
With Leo gracing your 8th house, you find pride in your unwavering ability to face and overcome life's challenges with a dignified and courageous spirit. Your unwavering emotional fortitude serves as a source of strength, enabling you to confront even the most daunting of adversities with grace and resilience. You take profound satisfaction in the admiration earned from your ability to navigate difficult situations, inspiring those around you with your unwavering resolve and regal composure. Your courageous approach to life's trials and tribulations serves as a powerful testament to your inner strength and fortitude, setting you apart as a beacon of hope and inspiration for those who witness your dignified journey through the darkest of storms.
9th House (Philosophy): Noble Wisdom
With Leo gracing your 9th house, you derive immense pride from your vast knowledge and profound philosophical insights. Your intellectual pursuits and expansive understanding of the world fill you with a sense of noble wisdom that is both enlightening and inspiring. You take great pleasure in sharing your wealth of knowledge with others, reveling in the profound impact your teachings have on those seeking guidance and enlightenment. Your regal approach to imparting wisdom and motivation serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration, uplifting those around you with your profound insights and your unwavering commitment to the pursuit of truth and enlightenment.
10th House (Career): Glorious Achievement
With Leo gracing your 10th house, you channel your ambitious drive for professional success and recognition with a regal grace. You take immense pride in your leadership qualities and your unwavering dedication to achieving greatness in your chosen field. Your unyielding pursuit of excellence and your authoritative presence demand acknowledgment and admiration from your peers and superiors. You approach your career with a resolute determination to leave a lasting impact, establishing yourself as a beacon of inspiration and influence. Your professional achievements stand as a testament to your regal stature, symbolizing the heights of success and recognition that are the hallmark of your illustrious career journey.
11th House (Friendships): Influential Magnetism
With Leo gracing your 11th house, you bask in the influential role you hold within your social circle. You take immense pride in your ability to lead and inspire others toward shared goals and aspirations, radiating a magnetic charisma that captivates and motivates those around you. Your unwavering confidence and regal presence make you a natural guiding force, and you derive deep satisfaction from the admiration earned through your charismatic guidance. You revel in the harmonious camaraderie and shared vision that flourishes within your friendships, symbolizing the profound impact and lasting legacy you create through your influential magnetism within your social network.
12th House (Spirituality): Majestic Resilience
With Leo gracing your 12th house, you find pride in your inner strength and profound resilience, which serve as your guiding light through personal struggles. You derive joy from conquering life's challenges with grace and courage, drawing upon your majestic resilience to overcome even the most daunting of obstacles. You seek validation and fulfillment in your profound emotional endurance and spiritual nobility, viewing each hardship as an opportunity for personal growth and spiritual enlightenment. Your regal approach to navigating the depths of your subconscious mind and spiritual journey serves as a testament to your unwavering strength and the noble grace with which you face the trials and tribulations that come your way.
763 notes · View notes
sscarletvenus · 3 months
GUN IN LOOKISM 506 ANALYSIS? WELL, SORT OF. mostly me yapping.
starting off with these Charles Choi lines said to Eugene...
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during Kenta's backstory montage in the second affiliate, we see Gun as a child has already attained UI stage. physically, he has from the start (an interesting narrative choice i believe) been set apart as someone who has ascended mortal thresholds. no one in the story until now has his degree of UI proficiency, and the stage itself remained unseen or unheard of until Daniel reaches it.
in some ways, there is something eerily non-human about this particular manifestation of his strength. his existence is forever a pariah in the realm of humanity.
aside from the morphological louche qualities, Gun's ideals and thoughts have never aligned with the either the minds of his successor candidates or friends.
everyone in this story follows or strives to achieve certain purpose. revenge, romance, family, friends, self-preservation, money, power... all of which can ultimately be rounded off to humane desires and needs.
not Gun. Never. what he does have is, a morbid obsession with death, a frantic fascination to kill or be killed.
human nature is typically averse to the idea of death, which most perceive as an end. we know little about Gun's actual discernment of death. maybe it is linked to his yakuza upbringing, where death is matter of inches, everyday lived on knife's edge. to be subjected to a lifestyle of abject horror as a child irreversibly changes your psyche, after you have become so familiar with death, you associate some sentimentality with it. death is the only constant. so maybe, just maybe, he seeks it as comfort. as relief.
for him to kill is the greatest sincerity, and he displays this same sincerity to his master, i.e., Kenta's father. it's not cruel for him, battle is simply a means of honoring someone he respects. it's too terrifying to be comprehend by the mortal mind (Kenta cannot), but humans have never known the minds of gods or devils.
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enacting violence is the most intimacy he can muster, as has been seen throughout the story. for all the atrocities he has inflicted upon the crewheads, he nurtures them because they show promise. he keeps them alive in hopes that someday they too can pay their respects to their master, kill him and reciprocate his outmost sincerity, show their devotion just like he has.
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he is enraged and disappointed because they have another primary purpose that makes killing him secondary, he is infuriated because they fail to be sincere in annihilating him.
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maybe this is why he's the way he is about UI Daniel, another inhumane creature of pure instinct who is not bound by man's fickleness towards death. hence the psychosexual infatuation.
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"Let's kill each other," is what Gun says, upon meeting someone cursed by the same fate of never being human, such as himself.
Gun is insepreable from the idea of death in comic. perhaps i will make a more coherent and comprehensible post on the same some other day.
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asvterias · 6 months
𝖫𝖺𝗓𝗒 𝖣𝖺𝗒 & 𝖫𝗂𝗏𝖾 𝖲𝗍𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗆𝗌 ~ 𝖣𝗂𝗈𝗋 𝖦𝗈𝗈𝖽𝗃𝗈𝗁𝗇
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dior masterlist
warnings: none!!
pairings: dior goodjohn ✘ black!fem!reader
genres: reader is an excellent baker, dior calling reader mamas (OMFG- 😩) cocky!dior, reader is VERY squeamish around snakes, gym!dior (JUST BCS), just cute sweet fluff between reader & dior, dior’s fans LOVE the couple
summary: spending a lazy day with your actress girlfriend while sometimes being involved on an instagram live is your favorite way to bypass quality time. wanting to help soothe your girlfriend’s stress from the production of her first song, ‘Focus’, so you decided to bake dior’s favorite cookies.
word count: 4.5k+
tag list: @addil244 @onxlyficcharacter @wtafaidh @mymyapplesigh @444-polar @sinmalssimp @silent-phantom120 @glwmcres @f4riedimples @babyzzlove @lov3rgirllll
author’s note: kinda a self-indulgent fanfic ngl. also if dior says she doesn’t like fanfictions about her, then i will delete this. i don’t wanna overstep any boundaries and make her uncomfortable.
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Being bored in your house alone wasn’t as entertaining when you actually had the energy to make it enjoyable. Your parents and older brother had gone out for the day and your little sister, Leah spent the afternoon with her friends Walker and Aryan. Unfortunately, Dior was unable to keep you company as well, tending to her schedule. Since your girlfriend was occupied at the studio with the producers, practicing for her new hit single ‘Focus’, she couldn’t just ditch and be with you. She had her own life, consumed by other priorities that didn’t involve you.
Now, you weren’t an actress like your sister and girlfriend, yet you had a decent lifestyle despite Dior trying to spoil you endlessly with gifts from famous name brands.
Dior Goodjohn, there were so many words to describe her. Beloved multi-talented actress, who’s been a doting affectionate girlfriend of 2 years and overall a great girl in your life.
The car ride to your girlfriend’s apartment was a simple 30-minute drive and the entrance into her apartment was even easier. For your 1st anniversary gift, Dior gave you a spare house key, trusting you enough with that, telling you to come over whenever. She didn’t mind your presence beside her as she always admires your surprise visits.
It was her with the suggestion of you two living together, but neither of your parents ever allowed it, considering you’re still minors. Although you two were disappointed in their final decision, the couple made the extra effort and hosted as many sleepovers as possible.
Deciding upon doing an Instagram live whilst you waited for your girlfriend to arrive back home. Supposedly, she was busy with her first new single on the way called ‘Focus’ and you understood everything. The late nights returning back home, her exhausted state, all of it, you witnessed and supported her all the way. Whenever Dior needed you, you were there at her beck and call, helping her relax when the impending stress became too overwhelming.
An hour ago, she had sent a text, reassuring you that she’ll be home soon. By the time she’d reached home, it’d been almost nightfall, the evening disappearing.
Once you’ve started the live, you greet the fans with a quick wave and smile, observing the number of fans joining your live. At first, you didn’t keep the conversation short with them, updating them on your whereabouts.
Walking into the kitchen, you took the ingredients for chocolate chip cookies and grabbed the materials needed. Tending to the chocolate chip cookie dough as you silently read over the simple recipe placed on the counter.
Just in time, there was loud shuffling heard outside the front door and you squealed in excitement. Your beloved girlfriend had finally reached back home. Dior has been consumed at the studio, all with the anxious release of her first new single ‘Focus’. Sometimes your girlfriend invites you over to the studio to preview her song with her and honestly share some helpful insight on it.
When she walked into the apartment, her tensed shoulders relaxed and her droopy eyes lit up at the sight of you. There you were in all your glory; her beautiful girlfriend to the rescue, providing her that gorgeous smile and unlimited cuddles of comfort. She’ll always cherish her moments with you, no matter how long time will grant. Closing the door and locking it behind her, she sends you a cheery smile, discarding her bag on the floor.
Very tiredly, she staggered over to the kitchen where you were.
“Hey mamas,” She greets you, eagerly accepting your inviting hug, giving you a soft short kiss on the lips.
“My wifey is back home!” You grinned, shoving her presence in the camera, hugging her tightly.
“How was your day?” She asked.
“So boring until you arrived.”
“Hey guys,” she waved with phone in hand and her other hand still wrapped around your waist, keeping you secure in her grasp. You felt the beads of sweat on her forehead, cheeks flushed and her breathing seemed erratic. Her outfit was quite appealing to the eye, wearing a black Nike gym outfit and the kitchen light glared onto her toned stomach, causing you to be flustered.
Probably just redressed in her backup gym clothes and finished a late-night gym workout to help ease her worries. She always did so whenever her nerves got the better of her.
Often, she’d be gym buddies with Charlie but not tonight, looks like she wanted to be alone.
“Go take a shower,” you whispered in her ear, scrunching up your nose when she boops your nose, “You’re all sweaty and shit.”
“I was planning to.”
You nodded assuredly and released yourself from Dior’s hug, watching your girlfriend leave the kitchen, heading to her bathroom to take a nice shower. Staring at her figure until she disappeared behind the door, your back facing the camera and you redirected your attention back to the live.
For the time being, you comfortably sat on the kitchen counter, gaining a sudden sweet tooth, and munched down on the chocolate chips while answering the viewer’s questions. After you got a toothache from the sweetness of the chocolate chips, you balanced it out with warm water. Suddenly you gained the random urge to bake cookies, rather than continue your process of it. For some reason, you started creating the cookie dough, but ultimately got distracted and impatient…and also bored of doing so. As a matter of fact, you remembered snacking on the chocolate chips and answering questions on your live not even 30 minutes ago. You shake your head at the recent memory, amused by your own tactics, and now determined to surprise your exhausted girlfriend with a hot batch of delicious cookies downed with a fresh glass of milk.
Everything about this was the perfect timing. To help soothe your girlfriend and impress her fans with your amazing baking skills. Mostly, it was to help your stressed girlfriend.
You leaned forward, one hand still holding the mixing spoon, and squinted your eyes as you read a live comment, “Where is Dior right now?”
“Ummm….she’s in the shower because she just recently reached home.”
That statement sparked brand new questions for fans to ask:
‘Do you like Dior’s body build?’
‘Are you two gym buddies?’
‘Bet you absolutely love seeing Dior work out! 😉’
‘Where’s your little sister Leah??”
“Of course I do, everything involving Dior I’m obsessed with! Absolutely not, I can’t work out to save my life, and no I’m not my sister’s bodyguard!” You chuckle, applying the dry ingredients into the mixing bowl.
‘What are you making?’
You showed the camera the mixing bowl filled with raw cookie dough, which lacked the chocolate chips yet.
“Chocolate chip cookies, they’re Dior’s favorite,” You said, “She’s such a sweet tooth.”
@: ‘Aww, Y/N’s soo sweet.’
@: ‘Wish I had a gf to bake my favorite treats!’
“Good thing, Dior always has a spare chocolate chip bag around here.” You bite your lip, “Just need to get my hands on them.”
Deeply invested in your baking, you didn’t recognize how quickly time passed by when Dior appeared behind you, instantly going for your warm touch. She inhales your scent, hugs you from behind, and peppers your face and neck with innocent kisses, enjoying the erupting giggles from you.
“Never mind you guys, Dior’s here.”
Your head sashays with every movement making your braids tickle her skin lightly.
Paying no attention to her presence, you stirred the pot listening to her low humming while rocking you side to side. These were the days that Dior loved, a chance to catch a breather and soak in relaxation days with you.
Her eyes analyzed the Instagram live on your phone.
“Where did you hide the spare chocolate chip bag?”
“Like, I’d tell you,” she scoffs, “Last time I told you where I hid the chocolate chips, I heard you in the middle of the night, snacking on them. We had an unprepared visit to the dentist the following morning and we both know you hate going to the dentist.”
“That was an inconvenience!”
“No, No! That was karma, I warned you multiple times to not eat so many sweets at one time. You’re just a stubborn girl.”
“Yeah, and so what I’m your stubborn girl,” You leaned closer towards her, noses hovering over the other as you stared into each other’s eyes. “Which makes me your problem!”
“Oh, you’re a problem, alright.”
“Yeah, your prettiest problem too!”
She huffed as you consistently pestered about the other hidden bag of chocolate chips, finally being convinced by your whining. You beamed in excitement, gripping the fresh bag as you sauntered back over to the mixing bowl.
Another buzz feed of comments was spiraling your girlfriend’s way.
@: ‘The cutest couple to ever exist!!’
@: ‘Couple goals fr!’
@: ‘How long have you and Y/N been dating?’
Dior informs them, “We’ve been dating for 2 years, our anniversary is coming up soon.”
“What you gonna get me?”
“It’s a surprise, my love.”
“I do love surprises,”
“I know you do.”
“Just don’t pop up with no snake.” You said, your sweet tone disappears.
“Someone popped up with a snake thinking it’ll be funny.” You referred to Dior with an unimpressed look.
“Update it was.”
“Show up with a snake again, and I swear someone is getting punched.”
“You wouldn’t punch me, my face is too pretty for that kinda damage.”
“Well, I’m obviously not punching the snake!”
“You wouldn’t punch me.”
“If you bring a snake I just might,” Obviously, you were kidding. You’d never do that to your sweet beloved girlfriend.
She frowns slightly, rethinking her upcoming words.
“Last time it wasn’t funny! Everyone knows I don’t fuck with reptiles, especially snakes.”
“That just means she likes you!” Dior insisted.
“I don’t care, that goddamn yellow snake can like me at a safe distance behind a glass cage at the petting zoo!” You shout, “Either that or nothing!”
“You guys see what I have to deal with on a daily,” Dior points to you, sarcasm laced in her tone, “Such a drama queen.”
Nodding along to your girlfriend’s statement as you applied the chocolate chips to the batch of raw cookie dough.
“Yet, she loves this drama queen,” you retorted.
Dior scans some more of the fans’ comments.
“Sorry guys, I already said when Focus is getting released and unless you’re my girl, you don’t get a preview.” She confirms with the viewers, “Also it’s going really well.”
@: ‘Omg they’re so cute, it’s not even funny!’
@: ‘When will this happen to me??’
@: ‘How was the preview Y/N??’
“It was fucking awesome,” you answered the last commenter, “Like her voice is so beautiful, like I fell in love with her a million times over again, it’s completely outrageous.”
“We can’t wait for you guys to hear it!” Dior cheers.
“All of your ears will be certainly blessed after hearing her magnetic voice, I know I was.” You agreed.
“Aren’t you quite the flatterer.”
“I’m just being a supportive girlfriend who’s always honest with you.”
“Never said I didn’t like the compliments,”
“Baby, can you preheat the oven to 350 degrees for me?” You gently asked her.
Dior remained quiet, complying with your request, walking to the oven, and preheating it. She skipped back over to you, arms wrapped around your waist, continuing to hug you from behind, gazing at you. You started to ball the cookie dough, your tongue sticking out slightly in concentration as the silence in the atmosphere was turning palpable.
“Why are you so quiet?” Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, turning to the curly-haired girl, pausing your movements.
“Nothing…it’s just you’re so beautiful.” She murmured, taken away by your beauty. “Gimmie a kiss…” she puckered her lips, leaning into you.
Instead of giving in to her demands, you swipe a decent amount of remaining flour on your finger, smearing it across your girlfriend’s cheek.
“Did you just—?” her eyes widened in shock, glancing at the flour placed on her cheek.
“I did!” you giggled, applying another ounce of flour on her other cheek, “And I’m not even sorry,”
@: ‘You can’t tell me they aren’t in love, like just look at them!’
“You’re lucky you’re so cute and adorable,” she pouts, swiping an ounce of flour on your nose.
“Not the only reason you’re letting me off so easy,” you whine as she places her head into the crevice of your neck, still placing tiny kisses there.
Her voice was muffled. “We can always order in, you know that, princess.” you turned off the stove, leaving Dior’s fingers lingering on your stomach.
“I know,” you sigh, turning around to face your girlfriend and her hands immediately redirect on your waist. you tried to avoid eye contact, in hopes of getting your point across without being distracted but her hazel eyes remained on you. “I just wanted to do something special for you cause you deserve it and I wanted to help brighten your day.” Finally, you manage to gaze into Dior’s eyes only to find her already admiringly staring back.
You never took in her outfit, eyes slowly trailing down at her body. She wore a white Nike sports bra with gray shorts and her hair was still damp from the shower.
You didn’t realize you were checking her out until Dior pointed it out.
“Gorgeous, my eyes are up here.” She teases, chuckling slightly at your reaction towards her clothing.
“I don’t need a fresh pair of my favorite cookies to know that you love me. Just you being here brightens up my day and I want you to know that.” her fingers glide over your cocoa-brown skin, drinking in your skin tone with her delicate touch. “I appreciate every single thing that you have to offer, because, believe me, I’d be a damn fool if I ever let you go.”
You chuckle and caress her face, slightly stroking her cheek. “I love you so much, Dior.”
“I love you too, mi amor.” she leaned in for a kiss and you complied, making her hum and deepen the kiss. completely mesmerized by the passionate kiss, you didn’t react when you felt two arms lifting you by the thighs, throwing your body onto her shoulder like you weighed nothing. She patted your hips twice, turning to the phone and sending the viewers a wink before carrying you over to the couch.
“No!! Babe, Dior…put me down!!” you mercifully pleaded with your girlfriend but it was rendered useless when she finally dropped you out of her hands…and right onto the couch which was nearby. The Instagram live was able to see you two, only at a farther distance.
You end up lying upside down on the couch as your braids hang over the floor and your legs dangle in mid-air. Dior’s laughs fill the atmosphere and the butterflies flutter in your stomach, due to slight embarrassment and amusement.
“Alright jokes over, help me up now, Dior.” you held out your hand, eager for reliance.
“Oh no, that’s the oldest trick in the book. I’m not gonna fall for that one.”
You roll your eyes, pulling yourself up using your elbows as support, and hastily grab her shirt and pull her down with you. A shocked gasp left her lungs as she tumbled down beside you and once she’s recovered from her fall, she turned to look at you.
With your hand still gripping her shirt, and instead of another sudden ambush, you pulled her in for a soft kiss, gently pecking her lips and giving her the widest grin you could’ve displayed.
“Now we both know that you could do better than that.”
Your harsh grip on her sweatshirt loosened, and this time Dior leaned in and kissed you tenderly, highly content that you reciprocated the action back. The brunette pulled away, “Great, now can we order in? You know, you’re my girl and all, who I wholeheartedly adore, but I don’t want to be sick for the rest of the week.”
You feign shock, shoving her in the stomach as she dramatically acts being hurt, clutching onto her stomach, and falling on the floor. You were truly offended at your girlfriend’s words while she just laughed boisterously.
“I could so cook!” You argued.
“I love you gorgeous, but no you can’t.”
You throw the couch pillow, hurling the item towards her face. Much to your dismay, Dior’s reaction time was faster, stretching a hand out to block the flying pillow and catching it.
“Guess you’ll be on a kissing ban.” You cross your arms and twist your nose in the air.
“No, I won’t.”
She stood up menacingly, stalking closer towards you, making you look at her and unfurl your folded arms.
“Oh yes, you will,”
“You’re gonna seriously ban me from your kisses all because I said you’re a horrible cook.” Dior defends herself, “You’re an excellent baker now.”
“I’m petty as hell, don’t forget it.”
“I thought you meant pretty as hell,” Dior smirks.
“That too!”
“You bet your ass you are.” She pinches your thigh.
“Wow, thanks for the compliment, d,” You roll your eyes.
“No problem, princess.” she kissed your knuckles before trailing up your arms and halting at your collarbones, “You drown in my compliments, and I love to see it.”
“Yeah, yeah whatever,” you murmur, a fond smile tugging at the ends of your lip.
Her hot breath fanned over your ear. “Come on, babe.” she groans against your skin, pressing a chaste kiss behind your ear, missing the way you squirmed lightly from her ticklish lips. Her energetic eyes met yours once again as she spoke, “Let’s order takeout, Chipotle, your favorite, it’s all on me.”
“How can I say no to that?”
She shifted her weight from you, allowing some space since she was lying on top of you, making you escape much easier from her embrace.
Keeping you on her watchful gaze, you venture to the dining room table to retrieve the Chipotle menu.
“Or how can you see no to me?” She states when you returned back to the living room.
“Real smooth, Goodjohn.” your sentence rolls off your tongue with ease. You swore you witnessed Dior shudder at the sultry tone of your voice, mentioning her last name. The vulnerable sight of your cocky girlfriend made a smile widen across your face.
“Isn’t that how I’m dating you? You were swooned by my alluring charm?!” she questioned, staring at you, curious for the answer. “Or unless,” she gasps shockingly, causing you to resist the temptation of rolling your eyes, “You’re only with me for my body and popularity,”
“No no you were a sexy dumbass and I was your smart savior,” you reaffirmed her accusations. “You being an uprising celebrity is just one of the many advantages,”
“Whatever, you fell for me and my charms, regardless,”
You huff, crossing your arms as you avoid Dior’s gaze. “I like you because of you,”
“Damn right you did,” she pulled you in closer by the waist, “And I know you wouldn’t change me for anything.”
“I hate it when you’re right,” you scoff.
“Oh but I love it when I’m right,” Dior chuckles, bringing your lips onto yours, pouting slightly when you refuse the kiss. “Makes me feel like I’ve beaten you at something,”
Her mood brightens when you change your mind, settling for a quick peck on the lips.
Anything was better than nothing, Dior supposed, but then immediately disagreed. She grew irritated at the lack of your attention, at this point feeling it was better if you didn’t reward her with a kiss anyway. Snapping her eyes at you, sending a glare of irritation, observing the cocky grin on your face.
This sneaky little vixen, Dior thought as she maintained eye contact with you. Of course, you were fully aware of Dior’s total hatred towards light kisses, and to give her a peck was so wrong in many ways. Clearly, it meant you didn’t love her anymore and that peck was the first sign of you losing interest in her.
Dior shook her head, disposing of those thoughts, knowing she was being a dramatic queen right now.
“Keep this attitude up and you’ll be sleeping on the couch,” you snarled, hoping your demanding tone would encourage Dior to oblige. Oh, Dior loves your confidence, but not when it was used against her.
It was necessary to humble you, right then and there, or else you’ll never learn your lesson. After all, you were a very smart girl and not a stupid one, it wasn’t your tendency to make frequent mistakes like this.
Without saying a word, she squeezes your stomach, her hands slithering their way upwards against your chest and you release a tiny squeal of shock. Dior had her gaze locked down on you during the whole time. You refused to look your girlfriend in the eyes as you closed your eyes, internally cursing yourself for being so submissive to her actions. and rather, a very simple action at that too. God, you thought you had more pride than you let on.
Guessing it was Dior’s way of saying; don’t bite off more than you can chew.
“No, I won’t, and I know you won’t do that. You’ll miss me too much,” she admitted, grinning at the scowl appearing on your lips. your girlfriend shuffles slightly on you, keeping her warm hands underneath the hoodie you wore, “Baby, don’t scowl, it promotes ugly wrinkles.”
That comment earned Dior a flick to her forehead and you pushed her to the floor, giggling at her dejected groans of pain.
You looked at your phone, grabbed it, and flipped the camera, showing your girlfriend sprawled out on the floor. Her beautiful curls spread across the carpeted floor as she squints her eyes at you.
On Instagram live, comments and viewers flooded in alike, observing the sapphic couple.
“Look at this dumbass,” You stated, bringing the phone closer to her as you straddled her lap. Instinctively, her arms rest on your hips, lightly tracing imaginary patterns on the clothed flesh. Limbs tangled together, constant swooning with each other through quick stares, and the faint giggles erupting from both of you filled the quiet atmosphere.
“Not too close,” she warns, puckering her lips, “My lips are all yours.” Out of the camera, your girlfriend kisses your cheek and then
“Gimmie a kiss and a real one this time!” Dior demands, mumbling it to you.
You pressed her lips against yours softly, seemingly making the kiss sweet and innocent. Tugging one of Dior’s loose curls that dangled in her face, you pulled it behind her ear as your lips moved as one. You adored Dior’s hair, thick voluminous curls flowing down to her neck and you couldn’t resist playing it in when she was close.
She could kiss you a billion times, and that still wouldn’t suffice for you, Dior made sure you know that on numerous occasions, often being the one to overextend your kisses. You felt your girlfriend’s smile in the kiss as she deepened it, her grip on your waist tightening.
It was one of those slow and steady kisses that you cherished with her. There was no need to rush your makeout, a calm chaste kiss sealed the deal and got the point across. Dior was just drowning in your lips, never reluctant to refuse your kisses, moving on one accord.
She couldn’t go on with another minute without your loving kisses. Those kisses shared with you, your soft and sweet lips, were like nicotine to her, a special type of drug, stupidly yearning for your lips even more. You were Dior’s drug and she was your addiction. Insanely addicted to your lips making her act crazy, practically begging on her knees for an ounce of your attention, wondering if you saw her in the same light she perceived for you.
Sucking in a breath as the kiss intensified, one of Dior’s hands traveled to your lower back as the other remained on your hips, lightly squeezing the flesh there. You moaned in the kiss, spurring your girlfriend further on as she tugged at your lower lips, biting down gently, hardly enticing any discomfort from you.
Dior gave you time to adjust yourself again as she stared at you in contentment. Your hand teasingly runs down from the crevices of her breasts down to her toned abdomen and her breath hitched at this. However, she gains dominance as her hands grip the flesh of your thighs, squeezing down on them as you shuffle slightly.
Eventually leading up to the risk of getting insanely high, and resisting the temptation to become sober. Never take the risk of being sober if it means that she gets to be high off of you every day, obsessed by everything you achieved. Like hell was your girlfriend was gonna waste the chance of losing your touch once more, she’d be crazy enough to beat those allegations.
“I’m your….” Dior clarified, lips swollen from the intense making out. The camera frame caught onto her loose curls and barely the side of her face, “Sexy dumbass, you said so yourself,” She nods reassuringly, smiling slightly at your laughter.
“Think that’s it for today, we’ll see you later!” You concluded, and gave Dior your phone, displaying her presence on the live, “Say goodbye Dior!”
“Bye, you guys! Love ya!” Dior blows an air kiss at the phone screen. She ended the Instagram live and placed the phone on the coffee table as you both sat upright.
“Damn, baby,” she chuckles, wiping away the flour from her cheek. Her gaze never left you, peering at the flour mess on your face too. Your girlfriend smirks at you, “Looks like we’re gonna both take a shower sooner than expected.”
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© asvterias, 2024. please do not copy, repost, or translate any of my works onto any other platforms without my permission.
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adviceformefromme · 17 days
We are officially 16 weeks (110 days) until 2025. If you missed the post last week, go check it out as that was the warm up, setting the vision for the life you WILL be creating for your 16-Week Reinvention. 
This week is all about getting aligned with your values, so you can truly begin to that juicy life you dream of. Understanding and operating from your values is a huge step in your glow-up journey because much of the stress, anxiety, depression in your life is directly correlated to your daily choices, each time you go against your values. 
The guidance… 
You’re putting a MINIMUM of 30 mins to 3 hours aside for your self-growth-reflection-and-development each week. This is going to be your opportunity to light a candle, pull out your cute new journal and pen and actually pour into your dreams and future in this little self-growth session. 
Journal Exercise: You want to think about what you value in life, what type of lifestyle you value, what type of relationship you value, for example; maybe you’re more traditional so the 50/50 guy you’re dating is a complete waste of time because you don’t have aligned values. Maybe you absolutely hate being in offices as you’re naturally introverted and love being alone, so your chosen career in events management is not in line with your values because you actually know in your heart you value peace and working alone. Maybe you value your health, but the drinking and occasional dabble in drugs is making you feel icky in your soul, because you are not living in alignment with your truth. Just taking the time to reflect on this is going to set you ahead of the crowd, because you’re going to see clearly how you’ve chosen a life that lives in accordance with others values, not your own and this blocks your blessings! 
In each of these areas, think about what dynamics you value. Beware of the conditions set in place by society and family, and really lean into what is true to you. Think of VALUE. What do you VALUE in these areas? What resonates in your heart? 
My personal experience was that I created an entire lifestyle that was so far removed from the life I valued. Working from home in my shoebox prison apartment with a window facing a mouldy wall, day-in-day-out, when I truly valued nature, and being by the ocean and witnessing the sunrise and set. I valued high quality connections, but entertained friendships that added absolutely no value to my life. I ate at overpriced and poorly nourished restaurants when I value my money and also my health, but I would instead drink cocktails and nibble small plates spiking my hormones and feel completely drained the next day. And so I began to make shifts…it started with nourishing home cooked meals and hosting mini dinner parties over eating out. I decided to move overseas, and only live in an apartment that was ocean view, because I absolutely value seeing the sun rise and set each day. I deleted instagram because I value my time, and this was a time thief! I began investing more into my image, because I value looking and feeling my best....the list goes on but you get the picture. When you move your life towards what you value, you’ll start to feel a DEEP peace in your soul and this is NECESSARY for your glow-up, your re-invention. Yes it’s scary, yes some people might hate you, judge you and also the rest of it, but this is your movie. ~You get to create the life you dream of and it starts with you, choosing to live in alignment of your soul, and this is how things magically start coming together and falling into place because you are now in flow.
So once you are clear on what’s what. You are going to practise for this week the FUCK NO approach. And that is, unless it’s a fuck yes (you will feel this in your soul), the answer is FUCK NO. Start saying no. To people. To invites that you are not super excited about. To the book you are reading but actually cannot bare to read anymore. The iced latte that gives you the shakes. The situationship that is literally draining the life out of you. The exhausting phone calls from the relatives you feel obligated to speak to. And side note. There are no FUCKING OBLIGATIONS. You are not obligated to do anything that compromises your energy, your flow, your happiness, your joy. Cut, delete, block, ignore, reject. PROTECT YOUR ENERGY. 
To summarise. 110 days until 2025, (16-weeks) to glow-the-fuck-up-like-never-before. So no sleeping on yourself. Every single day counts. Reflect on your values, shift your life in the direction of your truth. Start saying no. 
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girlsdressingrooms · 7 months
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Iris Barrel Apfel, Decorator and Fashion Stylist
(August 29, 1921 – March 1, 2024) 
Ms. Apfel was one of the most vivacious personalities in the worlds of fashion, textiles, and interior design, she has cultivated a personal style that is both witty and exuberantly idiosyncratic.
Her originality was typically revealed in her mixing of high and low fashions—Dior haute couture with flea market finds, nineteenth-century ecclesiastical vestments with Dolce & Gabbana lizard trousers.
With remarkable panache and discernment, she combines colors, textures, and patterns without regard to period, provenance, and, ultimately, aesthetic conventions. Paradoxically, her richly layered combinations—even at their most extreme and baroque—project a boldly graphic modernity.
Iris Barrel was born on Aug. 29, 1921, in Astoria, Queens, the only child of Samuel Barrel, who owned a glass and mirror business, and his Russian-born wife, Sadye, who owned a fashion boutique.
She studied art history at New York University, then qualified to teach and did so briefly in Wisconsin before fleeing back to New York to work on Women's Wear Daily, and for interior designer Elinor Johnson, decorating apartments for resale and honing her talent for sourcing rare items before opening her own design firm. She was also an assistant to illustrator Robert Goodman.
As a distinguished collector and authority on antique fabrics, Iris Apfel has consulted on numerous restoration projects that include work at the White House that spanned nine presidencies from Harry Truman to Bill Clinton.
Along with her husband, Carl, she founded Old World Weavers, an international textile manufacturing company and ran it until they retired in 1992. The Apfels specialized in the reproduction of fabrics from the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, and traveled to Europe twice a year in search of textiles they could not source in the United States.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute assembled 82 ensembles and 300 accessories from her personal collection in 2005 in a show about her called “Rara Avis”.
Almost overnight, Ms. Apfel became an international celebrity of pop fashion.
Ms. Apfel was seen in a television commercial for the French car DS 3, became the face of the Australian fashion brand Blue Illusion, and began a collaboration with the start-up WiseWear. A year later, Mattel created a one-of-a-kind Barbie doll in her image. Last year, she appeared in a beauty campaign for makeup with Ciaté London.
Six years after the Met show she started her fashion line "Rara Avis" with the Home Shopping Network.
She was cover girl of Dazed and Confused, among many other publications, window display artist at Bergdorf Goodman, designer and design consultant, then signed to IMG in 2019 as a model at age 97.
Ms. Iris Apfel became a visiting professor at the University of Texas at Austin in its Division of Textiles and Apparel, teaching about imagination, craft and tangible pleasures in a world of images.
 In 2018, she published “Iris Apfel: Accidental Icon,” an autobiographical collection of musings, anecdotes and observations on life and style. 
Ms. Apfel’s apartments in New York and Palm Beach were full of furnishings and tchotchkes that might have come from a Luis Buñuel film: porcelain cats, plush toys, statuary, ornate vases, gilt mirrors, fake fruit, stuffed parrots, paintings by Velázquez and Jean-Baptiste Greuze, a mannequin on an ostrich.
The Museum of Lifestyle & Fashion History in Boynton Beach, Florida, is designing a building that will house a dedicated gallery of Ms. Apfel's clothes, accessories, and furnishings.
Ms. Apfel’s work had a universal quality, It’s was a trend.
Rest in Power !
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psychoticallytrans · 5 months
I wonder how much of what's called "lifestyle creep" is just wanting to not be miserable.
Having the money to buy a new item when you fumble and the old one breaks, instead of using the broken one as best as you can or giving up. To buy food that tastes a little nicer, instead of heading for the cheapest options you can. Buying more hobby materials, or better quality ones. Maybe even moving to an apartment that has a balcony, or better access to a bus line.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy the means to be happy. And when people have the money to do so, they tend to choose happiness.
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emeraldenha · 1 year
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pairing: idol bf!taesan x gn!reader | genre: idol au, established relationship, fluff, slight angst | w/c: +1k words | warnings: overworking, reader is a college student
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You always wished the two of your schedules would align better than this.
Not that you weren’t well aware of the hardships of dating an idol. It wasn’t designed to be easy. Rather, it was anything but easy.
Just when your boyfriend, Taesan, got the day off, it happened to be the day in which you were bombarded with due dates from all your college courses.
So here you were, slouched across your desk, fingers glued to your keyboard, while Taesan was sitting on the edge of your bed offhandedly brainstorming lyrics onto his notes app. You felt guilty for boring him and making him wait, but he insisted that anything was fine as long as the both of you were together. Even if that only entailed being in the same room.
“When do you think you’ll be done?”
It isn’t until then that you notice he’s no longer positioned by your bed and is instead standing directly behind you, hunching to the point where his chin ghosts over the top of your head.
“I’ll be done soon enough! I just have to power through it,” you promise.
Taesan rests his hands on the back of your chair and observes you for a moment as you continue working, gradually losing focus of the words jumbled on the screen before staring off into space.
“Hey, I love you and everything but I get a little self conscious when you’re peering over my shoulder like that. It makes it a little hard to concentrate,” you hesitantly comment, lips curled up slightly to signal that you weren’t really mad or annoyed. You just needed to get things turned in so you could spend actual quality time with your boyfriend.
“Sorry,” he quickly apologizes. He shuffles his feet until he’s leaning against the open door frame. “Do you need anything? Snacks, water…?”
“I’m okay,” you reply dismissively, already back to being immersed in your studies.
Taesan leaves your bedroom to find where he left his bag in your apartment. Spotting it on the couch, he searches through the front compartment until he pulls out what he’s been meaning to give you for weeks now. Headphones, check. Cassette player, check. Mixtape #1, check. Carefully taking the mixtape out of its case and plopping it into the player, Taesan’s face heats up by the sheer embarrassment of gifting this to you. However, he knows that whatever he can do to make you happy will squander his embarrassment any day.
Getting caught up in his busy lifestyle, sometimes it takes him a bit longer to realize just how hard you have it too. You work yourself to the bone yet are so patient and understanding when it comes to him. He wants to be there for you, much more than he physically can be.
When he reenters the room, he sees your lips pursed, eyebrows stitched together by a needle of stress. It’s the kind of expression you make when you’re stuck.
Taesan isn’t sure if he should bother you again but decides that it’s a risk he’s willing to take.
Pressing play and setting the device aside, he tucks your hair behind your ears before placing the headphones right over them. His hands then linger to brush through the strands of your hair, as if your inability to hear has somehow obstructed your other senses too. You let him off the hook this time. The gesture is thankfully more calming than distracting.
“Ah, Oasis, right?” You instantly recognize the voice and melody of the song despite not being able to put your finger on it. “Which album is this again?”
Taesan loves sharing music with you, and it’s a passion of his that you’re glad he’s introduced you to, because it consumes such a big part of his life that you like being a part of as well. Though despite having his favorite songs and artists, he rarely ever shows you the same song twice. It’s always something new.
You also never miss out on supporting his own group’s releases, spending time on the phone just to let him point out the lyrics he wrote or any other insider facts from song to choreography to music video shooting. It’s like a whole other world from how he describes it.
But when he admittedly gets sick of hearing the same songs over and over again in the practice room, he’s listening to the thousands of other songs on his playlist for hours before he goes to sleep. He makes sure to send you one by the end of the night, and he plays it as soon as you’ve seen the text so it’s like you’re there listening to it with him. He also has a collection of vinyls—vinyls that’d be all worn out if he didn’t keep them in such pristine condition—stacked away in his dorm, and even a small bundle of slightly lesser used cassettes, which you’re assuming is what he brought for you today in his portable, faded blue cassette player.
“Oh, it’s not an album actually,” he answers, nervously blurting out the words before he can stumble over them. “It’s a mixtape.”
“For me?” You point to yourself, eyes wide in surprise.
He gives you a shy nod. “It’s nothing, really. Just some songs that remind me of you.”
Songs that remind him of you.
Trying not to reveal how flustered you are by the statement, you swivel your chair away from him and face down at the desk. “Thank you.”
He hums, even though he knows you can’t hear him over the blaring drums and guitars kicking in.
But despite that, you can still sense his gaze on you, so looking over your shoulder, you give him a soft smile and say, “I love you.”
As you turn back around, Taesan is finally able to take his eyes off you, letting himself lie back all the way on your bed with a peaceful sigh.
“Love you,” he whispers to the ceiling, because although you still can’t hear him, the words will always reach you anyway. Whether said or unsaid or sung in song, his love will always reach you.
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main masterlist
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csuitebitches · 2 years
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How To Build the Woman You Want to Be - 2
Please go through the first part before doing this. It’s imperative that you understand the basics.
Step Five:
We will use Pinterest to visualise your new life so that you can attain it faster. Create a new board “My Story” and start sourcing the following:
* 3 pictures of your ideal hair
* 3 pictures of your ideal body
* 5 pictures of ideal physical accessories (bags, shoes, nails, jewellery, sunglasses… whatever resonates with you)
* 5 ideal outfits you want to own (casual, underwear, red carpet, brunch, pyjamas)
* 3 ideal hobby pictures (ballet? Horses riding? Reading?
* 5 ideal life pictures (meditating, working out, attending events, getting make up/hair professionally done…. Your ideal lifestyle!)
* 5 free time pictures (how you and your friends would hang out; how you and your S/O would hang out; family, pets…)
* 7 ideal home pictures (what’s your aesthetic - minimal/ Woodsy, what would the bathrooms look like, house or apartment…)
* 3 work life pictures (if you want to work - where would you work, what position, etc)
* 5 pictures of your ideal partner (how they would look, where they would work, dress, etc)
* 3 pictures of how you would relax alone (go for a walk with your pet? Massages? Read alone? You get the gist)
* 7 pictures of your ideal vacation
* 4 pictures of your ideal meals (breakfast, lunch, snacks, dinner)
This is your visual diary. Whenever you feel down, not motivated, lazy, go through this board. This board visualises the best version of you. This is your best self (not was, or will be - this is your best self).
If you can print everything out and stick it on your wall - even better. Nothing like seeing exactly who you’re going to be everyday and claiming it!
Step 6:
It’s analysis time. This is probably going to be the most time-consuming part of the work that you have, but also the the first actual building block towards your Ideal Woman.
- Take a look at your New Story.
- As you read it, make a note (maybe write it on a piece of paper) of all the qualities that you see. Written them as keywords as bullet points. Qualities include all things belonging to your ideal personality (respected, kind, decisive…) and ideal skill set (strategic, creative….).
• respected
• kind
• strategic
- Then read the story again and start making a separate note (with bullet points and keywords) about your material life (body type, healthy lifestyle, being clean, attending events, brunches, travelling, your hobbies…)
• Toned body
• Clean space
• Reading
- Now read your two lists again. Put a tick mark next to the ones you think are realistic but attainable in at least 3 months. Put a heart next to the ones you feel will take more time and levelling up.
• respected ❤️
• kind ✔️
• strategic✔️
• toned body ✔️
• clean space ❤️
• reading ✔️
• attending events ✔️
- The tick marked list is the list you will start working on immediately. Choose any 2 qualities and 3 material life from the tick marked list. We won’t work on all of them at once because you need to build that habit.
• Kind
• Strategic
• Toned body
• Reading
• attending events
- For the next 3 months, you will actively work on your 5 to-dos. With your material life - let’s say for example, a certain body type - start working out from tomorrow itself. I don’t care whether it’s YouTube workouts or gym, you’re going to work on that first step. Or if it’s things like attending events - start by attending events and conferences in your industry or what interests you. Look up online for events happening in your city and go for at least one a month. Everything begins with baby steps.
- With your qualities, let’s say you want to be a good conversationalist. Start researching on the tactics of being a good conversationalist. Also search the opposite - how to recognise a bad conversationalist. Read articles, books, journals and scholarly articles. Practice on strangers when you go grocery shopping or at work. You need to put in the work.
- Not only will you work on your 5 to-dos, but you will set monthly goals for them. You will note down everything - in a journal or your notes app or maybe by taking pictures, however you feel comfortable- you need to quantify your progress.
This Month’s Goals:
• Kind - tell my friends that I love them and that they deserve all the love
• Strategic - play brain games like chess to improve myself - play at least 2 times a week online
• toned body- work out for 20 days this month
• attending events - go to 2 conferences this month that are happening in my city or online
• Reading - finish one book this month.
- Every month you will check yourself. Only when you’ve accomplished at least 85% of the tasks will you add a new item from the tick marked list or remove an existing item that you finished.
- Every three months you need to go back to the New Story and your Pinterest board with greater detail. How close are you to your goal? If you think you’ve achieved something, give yourself a pat on the back!
The last and final part of this series will be uploaded after two days.
Part 3
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etoiile · 11 months
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starring nagi seishiro!
synopsis: nagi has a nice life. its peaceful and he needn't work too hard, just like he likes it. sometimes, though, every once in a while, he sits around with his regrets thinking about what maybe could have been.
notes: i tried to write angst but it didnt rly work lolol
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nagi is, for the most part, pretty content with his life.
its kind of a no-think-just-do kind of thing, which he quite enjoys. he goes to his 9-5 office job, comes back, tends to choki, eats dinner, plays games for a few hours, and goes to bed. then, the cycle repeats. its basic, sure, but there's nothing wrong with that.
except that there's, well, everything wrong with that.
now, don't get him wrong. he's grateful for his relatively leisurely life and enjoys the slow pace. he's a lazy guy, after all. a life full of action and emotion just wouldnt be very him.
but still, every so often, nagi will find himself wondering, daydreaming, thinking, about what maybe could have been.
about what maybe could have been if he decided to go pro with isagi and reo and chigiri and them. maybe then, he could be rich and famous. his mind could be surpassing limits and soaring to new heights. he could be a renowned soccer player like that.. noel no.. something.. guy? the really good one on tv that chigiri was talking about. he could be an inspiration to millions!
nah, nagi doesnt need wealth nor fame. hes fine with the humble lifestyle he leads. plus, part of the reason he enjoys said lifestyle is because he doesnt need to do much thinking. his brain can just relax and be lazy. in some ways, its better this way. thinking is such a hassle!
but then, he thinks about what maybe could have been if he'd tried harder in school. he could be working a high-paying job and could be living in a house. choki could have a family and he'd be able to spend more freely. think of all the games he could buy that he cant afford on his corporate salary.
again, nah. he still did pretty well in school without much effort. a corporate job may not be fancy, but its good work. plus, what would he even be doing with a house? his apartment has all the space he needs, and choki's thriving on his own! he doesnt need cactus friends. plus, having to care for a house and more cactuses would be such a hassle. not to mention the work you have to put in for a higher-paying job.
but sometimes, he thinks about what maybe could have been if he kept in touch with his friends from blue lock. he could still have late-night talks with chigiri, and spend quality time at the park with isagi. then, he could actually hangout with people. reo's away pretty often, so they dont hang much.
once more, nah! nagi's plenty happy with choki, reo, and the coworkers that hes become friendly with. he's an introvert, after all. too many friends would become too exhausting, and it would zap the peacefulness out of his peaceful life. even being with reo is a hassle sometimes.
all of it is a hassle. he's fine with the way everything turned out, really.
but afterwards, once he's lying in his bed, trying to submit to slumber, he finds himself really, really thinking about what maybe could have been.
about what maybe could have been if he hadn't decided that you, too, were a hassle.
about what maybe, just maybe, could have been if he picked up your phone calls every time, even when he was gaming. about what maybe could have been if he took time out of his day for you and only you. about what maybe could have been if he said 'i love you' more, and comforted and reassured you. about what maybe could have been if he valued you. treasured you. treated you right.
about what maybe could've been if he'd done all of it right. then maybe, just maybe, he could be playing the match of his life right now, with you cheering him on in the sidelines, crying out his name, waiting to go home to a place you deserve to be with a whole choki family.
about what maybe could've been if he just didnt declare it all to be a hassle, and maybe he could've touched the stars.
but for now, nagi sleeps. he has to go to his 9-5 tomorrow, after all.
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