#queer prayer
alex-shmalex · 2 years
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Hi Tumblr ~
I co-curated a queer prayer book for an exhibition with the talented Boston & New Delhi based artist, Anukriti. 
This self-published publication– The Book of Being– features the work of 13 LGBTQ+ creatives, curated from a digital open call to writers from the Americas & South Asian diaspora. The poetry and writings in this prayer book honor the transcendental power of queer spirituality, while offering perspectives from a diverse range of religious and cultural backgrounds. 
Here’s a peek at the inside! If you’d like a copy for yourself, please check it out at this link: https://www.blurb.com/b/11277794-the-book-of-being 
All proceeds will directly support stipends for the project’s contributors <3 
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hey so like does everyone know that Like A Prayer is most definitely a song about going down on someone?? like is the younger generation aware? did you guys know that Wade and Logan’s two pivotal scenes were set to a song about how blowing someone can be a religious experience?????? because this is Very Important information
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commiepinkofag · 9 months
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LGBTQ Muslims Call for Permanent Ceasefire in Front of Stonewall
One-hundred LGBTQ Muslims gathered for a jummah prayer for Palestine in front of the Stonewall National Monument on Friday to demonstrate that there is “no pride in genocide.” “Queer Muslim New Yorkers are rising up in solidarity with Palestinians, and through a queer Muslim-led interfaith prayer, they will stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people who are facing genocide, starvation, and ethnic cleansing at the hands of the Israeli government backed by the United States,” organizers said in a statement. “Queer communities face historical discrimination, prejudice, violence, criminalization, lack of proper healthcare and/or gender affirming care, and more — and here in the U.S. queer activists have been rising up against increased LGBTQ+ attacks, yet their struggles are being exploited in a dangerous narrative war to suggest that there would be no place for queer people in Palestine,”
[ 📷 Stonewall Park, NYC, Dec 15, 2023. © Graham MacIndoe ]
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Y’ALL!!!! IT’S HERE!!!!
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The Trans Halakha Project seeks to curate existing and developing resources that have been created for trans Jews, by trans Jews and engage trans & non-binary people in the creation of specific rituals and blessings. This work is expressed below in Tefillat Trans: Blessings and Rituals for Trans Lives.
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possumcollege · 1 month
New Crittertongue Strip:
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Buch Femme pt.2
(THOTS & Prayers)
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thurifer-at-heart · 11 months
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A morning prayer that was shared on r/Episcopalian which I loved, from the Book of Common Prayer (1979). It's from the Ministration to the Sick (under "Prayers for use by a Sick Person"), but I hope it'll be helpful for anyone facing a difficult day. I prayed it this morning; I'll certainly need it often.
This is another day, O Lord. I know not what it will bring forth, but make me ready, Lord, for whatever it may be. If I am to stand up, help me to stand bravely. If I am to sit still, help me to sit quietly. If I am to lie low, help me to do it patiently. And if I am to do nothing, let me do it gallantly. Make these words more than words, and give me the Spirit of Jesus. Amen.
—The Book of Common Prayer (1979), p.461.
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Prayer to queer people who died in violence
I initially intended to post this during Anthesteria, but then had to kind of sit and think about it for a little. Obviously this is a semi-Hellenic polytheist prayer, but anyone can use it if it resonates <3
May my voice stretch down to the peaceful depths of the Underworld, Where roots embrace the sleeping and soft meadows stretch out, Where Lethe brings forgetfulness and asphodel brings sleep. O beloved queer dead, your eyes were closed too soon, The years that once stretched out before you now stretch out behind. We will never forget you, Nor your lives, nor your dreams. Go and take your well-deserved rests, Far away from danger and hatred. Rest is for the dead, fighting is for the living - We with heartbeats still in our chest will take up our own arms, Thyrsi, kick-lines, bricks, art, voices, And like those restless Furies who seek vengeance, We will go and give chase until the hatred that led to your end is pushed to the end of the earth. In your names do we fight.
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herdreamywasteland · 7 months
a letter to Nex Benedict
Dear Nex,
you were a child. and we failed you. our children are the future, and we couldn’t even give you a future. it has been 16 days since you died, one for each year of your life, and nothing has been done. This is a horrible injustice, but the worst injustice of all, is the loss of your life.
I am so sorry, and I pray that God has embraced you in his loving arms, and assured you that you were made in his perfect, holy, image. I am so sorry for what happened, and what didn’t happen.
I did not know you. I did not know your name, or what you were like. I did not know your favorite food, or television show, or book. I did not know if you liked coffee, or if you sat strangely in chairs. I did not know if you had ever been to a Dennys, or if your dinners were always homemade. I did not know your name until February 8th, 2024. I did not know you, and now I never will. But I do understand.
I understand what it is like to be hated. I understand what it is like to be told you are worthless. I know what it is like to have nothing done about an injustice.
and I know what it is like to feel scared.
I am so sorry. I cried for you last night. I cried for the beautiful person you were, and the beautiful adult you will never be.
I hope you are in heaven, or whatever afterlife you believed in. I hope that you are respected and loved, for eternity and beyond.
I am so sorry. You didn’t deserve this. It was not your fault.
I am praying for you. I am praying for your family, and your friend. I am praying that justice is served.
most of all, I am praying that you are finally safe.
I cried for you last night. I think about you a lot. 16 days, 16 years, an entire lifetime.
I hope you forgive those girls, though they don’t deserve it. Even if you don’t, you are still better than they ever will be.
I don’t know you. I never will get to. I think, in a different universe, at a different time and place, I would have been your friend.
I am so sorry.
I hope you are safe.
I hope you are happy.
I hope you know you are loved.
Nex Benedict, thank you. Thank you for teaching me something, for opening my eyes.
Nex Benedict, I pray that God gives you another chance, in a world better than this one.
Nex Benedict, I didn’t know you. But, in a way, I love you.
Another trans teenager
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sophsun1 · 1 month
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Queer as Folk – 2.09: Accentuate the Positive
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watcherintheweyr · 5 months
desperately need people to understand that alicent is a victim but she’s also an abuser and a perpetrator
that she actively makes choices to harm other women because of jealousy and envy and the greed deep in her bones because submitting to suffering didn’t get her what those women fight to grasp for themselves.
she is absolutely a victim, in show.
that doesn’t change that she abused rhaenyra and her children, her own son, most likely helaena given how she flinches every time her mother touches her, and is actively weaponizing the patriarchy of westeros against other women- rhaenyra primarily, but also mysaria and dyana.
she isn’t the moral, righteous force of good that even she thinks she is, she’s a wounded woman directing all of the rot, pain, and fury inside her at the wrong people and forces.
#anti team green stans#anti team green#anti alicent hightower stans#i don’t wanna say it’s anti alicent bc honestly it’s more ‘accept her for who she is bc she’s so much more complex and interesting when you#but i made this bc someone genuinely tried to say that the reason people hate her is that they don’t see her as a victim#most rational people know show!alicent is a victim#it’s the point that’s she’s an abuser as well#that makes them dislike her#that she’s a hypocrite and a traitor#i don’t even like young alicent bc i don’t at all think she was a good friend to rhaenyra#‘it’s not your place to question the plots of lords and men’ to the named heir#dismisses rhaenyra’s hopes and idealism entirely out of hand#is baffled that rhaenyra is more worried for her fathers happiness and mother’s wellbeing than her position#she knew as early as ep 3 that otto was conspiring against rhaenyra and never told anyone#condemns ‘targaryen customs’ only to wed her daughter to her son even younger than she was when otto dangled her before viserys#acts entitled to rhaenyras secrets whilst condemning and judgemental even though she did not give rhaenyra that same courtesy#made no attempt at apology for the insensitive comment of aegon’s birth#though rhaenyra DID try to apologize for the ‘imprisoned in a castle’ line and tried to comfort her#uses her power as queen to push past the space rhaenyra is trying to create because she feels heartbroken and betrayed#rhaenyra took part in alicent’s culture with prayer at alicent’s urging because she cared about alicent and alicent was trying to help her#alicent is never once shown to return that favor instead condemning it for ‘queerness’ and growing to later#erase and remove all targaryen and valyrian heraldry from the red keep to replace with her own#like alicent is a victim and i DO have empathy for her. but i don’t like her and never will#especially not after the way her stans behave#she deserved better than otto’s machinations and viserys’…. viserysness#but that can also be true whilst i condemn her actions and behaviors
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to-hypnos-we-dream · 4 months
Prayer to Hypnos for Gender Affirmation
"God Hypnos I call to you, Father who rest on a bed of feathers and gentle clouds, Hypnos who be alongside us when we sleep. He who brings us the dreams that push us onward or give us insight from the past. I request from you the euphoria that links the mind and body, may I be respected and loved for who I am. May you aid in the affirmation of my gender, whether it be the paradigm of others or the dreams I have when I rest. Thank you Hypnos for listening to my prayer."
Happy Pride Month!
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pumibii · 4 months
i have a dilemma. i’m wondering if some of y’all can help? i’m religious, i believe in God, the trinity, Jesus, the saints, and i believe that good deeds can get you into Heaven. i hold a very Catholic belief system but at the same time the church feels suffocating. i’m queer and non binary and i feel like i don’t have a place in the church because of my gender. i feel like i’ll never be fully welcomed in the church or by any Pope in my lifetime. am I still a Catholic if i don’t go to church and follow the pope?
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gentledeathsblog · 1 year
Words of the Morningstar
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Many are my names in your languages. And many my shapes.
Myriad stories you've written. Some to tarnish and befoul my name.
Words born of fear spoken in hushed tones; as if my very name conjures misfortune and tragedy. Theirs is ignorance passed down like a curse; a shadow of fear that pollutes everything they touch.
Your faiths have been created to ward me off. As if your prayers could destroy me. The mere thought of me makes you tremble.
Long before the first creature opened their eyes I have been. Long before the first nebula lit the void, I have been.
What are your superstitions to me?
I shall lay your deceptions of me bare. Your lies shall rot before me. My rays of truth shall pierce through your deceit. And your charlatanerie will be exposed.
Yet, you who'd walk beside me; You, who would seek my company. Plenty my gifts shall be. I demand no idols be erected in my name. And no prayers said. I shall have no sacred texts. Or prophets to claim to speak for me. Bow not your heads, for we are equals. Our light is one and the same.
My kin are the persecuted, the hunted And those who have fallen for speaking truths That have threatened tyrannical regimes. Scientists, philosophers and poets. Political activists and those who seek to make the world A better place.
Have yourselves no heroes or saints; but learn from one another. Make love and truth your highest goals. And stomp out lies and ignorance wherever you may find them.
Look within yourselves and there you shall find me.
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I published a prayer!!!
This is a prayer for trans Jews to recite at momentous moments of their transition; such as starting their first dose of hormones, or before a surgery, or before a name change; or whenever they feel like asking Hashem for extra strength and protection.
I hope this prayer serves you all well :)
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aprillikesthings · 11 months
There is something deeply funny to me about the fact that, of people who pray the rosary (at least in the United States); the Catholics tend to be super conservative, and the Episcopalians/Anglicans tend to be gay.
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saint-stanthony · 6 months
A Prayer to Joan of Arc🗡🖤
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Feel free to use this in your practice and to connect with Joan of Arc! She’s a wonderful saint, I love Joan a lot and hope that others may find this prayer helpful too. They’re a great spirit to go to when first starting to work with saints, as she can help with so many things. Joan is someone I regularly go to for protecting myself and others, they have such a powerful presence.
Blessed Joan of Arc
Filled with love and understanding for those who call on you,
you have compassion for those suffering through grief and desolation.
Dear brave and holy leader, help me to carry the weight of my battles,
I pray to you and ask you to keep me under your fierce protection, take my hand and guide me
Fearless Joan of Arc, ride alongside and fight with me
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