#self nurturing
lifeonkylesfarm · 1 year
You tried your hardest. I love you. Let yourself rest.
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brilliantlybee · 8 months
Happy Bee-Day, Queen Bee!
Happy Bee-Day, Queen Bee! Keep buzzing with positivity, and may your year ahead bee filled with the sweetest nectar of success and happiness!
🐝 Happy Bee-Day, Queen Bee! 🐝 Wishing you a hive-load of joy on your special day as you continue to bee brilliantly authentic in all you do! 🎉 Just like a bee, you’ve shown incredible bravery in facing life’s challenges head-on, and your unique “bee-ing” radiates wellness in every way. 🌼 Remember, even when life stings a little, you’ve got the courage to buzz through it with a smile. Your…
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suzieb-fit · 10 months
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Part of my current Fiton programme is a weekly meditation.
So I grabbed my earphones and sat outside on this lovely evening.
This one had ten self-love affirmations that you repeat twice over.
I'm not really into that "hippy-dippy" stuff, but I can't deny that it did me some good.
Don't knock it til you've tried it, right?
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queenbeewinner · 2 years
Hello luvs!!
Sooo I made my searching (a pretty libra thingy), and discovered that there's something capable of satisfying your sweet cravings for when you feel like cheating on your meals 🥁 [drumroll]:
A drink called "Electrolit", it comes in different flavors and the strawberry is super yummy because it tastes good AND does even better for your body.
Stay hydrated, exercise as much as you can, and carefully take laxatives if you have lost balance on your low calorie diet.
Sending hugs, good luck luvs, remember you are capable of amazing things if you work daily to achieve them! 🤍🤞
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Now, this may only work for EVERYONE!
I was feeling super depressed about my confidence and my body tonight. So, I looked up body confidence on Tik Tok and just drowned myself in them. I watched one after another after another, even when I felt the content wasn't relevant to me, and when I felt like the tips being given wouldn't work for me.
Then, I picked a sexy song. (Like this-JoJo) and laid on top of my covers, revealing bits of my body I didn't like in the darkness. I listened to the song and just stretched out.
Next, I picked a second song (High Heels-JoJo) And went into the closest bathroom to me. I shut and locked the door and kept the lights off. This time... I stripped. I'm bare. I turn my phone so that it's facing up, so there's light but too little to really see myself. I stood and stretched again.
{When I say stretching, I don't mean like yoga or anything. I mean opening my body. I naturally ball up on a consistent basis, I decided to change that. Arms up, maybe putting my hair up, maybe hands on my hips, twisting, turning. Eventually it kinda seemed like I was dancing pfft. I wasn't trying to.}
Finally, I picked a final song. (Vibe-JoJo) ((I realize these songs kinda decrease in sexiness but I wanted to start strong))
I'll admit... I did have a tough time turning the lights on. But, I played the music and turned them on and began stretching again. I was immediately calling myself out on parts of me that I disliked. Not even looking at my own face because I personally felt so detached from my body. But general songs last around 3 to 5 minutes... that's a tiring amount of time to keep focusing on all the bad. So eventually, maybe I didn't see a model, but I didn't hate myself. There were parts of me that I found a veryveryvery tiny bit alluring. And parts of me that felt neutral. Plus I only had a certain amount of mirror to work with.
But I'm not depressed anymore.
(Maybe I will be tomorrow) ((and maybe I'll do this all over again too))
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mercuryinleoblog · 2 years
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Yes you love 👩🏽‍🍳🧑🏽‍🍳
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faecatgoddexx · 1 year
Self care check in
Have you had the water and food today?
If not go get some your health matters
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grungyhimonoonna · 1 year
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Screenshots from an article in “The good trade” blog I took years ago.
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lokiredd13-blog · 1 year
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I don’t not know who the original artist is but I stumbled upon this not long ago and it’s resonated with me ever since. Never forget to nurture and heal your inner little 🖤
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stuckinapril · 1 month
I genuinely think that any change in behavior starts w telling yourself that your worst days, worst performances, just worst moments in general aren’t who you “truly are.” It’s all about unlearning any thought process that essentially chalks up traits you aren’t proud of to “this is who I really am” “in reality I’m lazy” “in reality I’m just a bad person” bc not only is that never true, but it impedes your efforts to try to do better as well. Anything we struggle with has roots in things like childhood trauma, thoughts you’ve been fed before, your upbringing…. but never that you’re inherently a bad person. What I’m learning this year is that a lot of us doing better & being better & improving really comes down to self-talk—to disavowing the very notion that deep down we’re simply bad.
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zodiacts · 1 year
Ode to the Cancer Moon
Mood shift as Moon morphs into nurturing Cancer.
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lexapenndari · 1 year
This is the actual pace of the evaporation ☁️
(No speeding up this time)
I know how many times I got distracted while it transpired in front of me.
How many times did you get distracted while watching 👀 this?
Music: Music: Lovely Piano Song
Musician: Rafael Krux
Site: https://freepd.com/
License: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode
#Water #Vinegar #ElectricHeater #ExhaustFan #Patience #Healing
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brilliantlybee · 8 months
The one year mark from my hysterectomy experience and I am ready to talk about it. It's not a sunny story, so read with caution. There's a good ending though!
I went in for my hysterectomy on 9/21/22 at 8:30am. There was traffic that morning unusually so. We had Adleigh (3) along for the ride. They walked me into the hospital and up to 6th floor pre-op. They left when I was taken back to my room. I changed into my gown and waited. It was nearly noon before I had the IV placed and met with the anesthesia team, who was lovely. My surgeon burst in and…
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suzieb-fit · 11 months
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A nice, gentle day as planned.
This particular stage of my programme is all about self nurture.
Today's 24hr fast had already been planned before deciding to follow this protocol, otherwise it would have been my most usual 15hrs.
My macros are a little different to my previous targets. Little higher in carbs and lower in protein for the nurture phase. I'm not going to get too obsessive about that, whicj is why I've allowed a small "goal post" margin. So as long as I'm within that range, it's all good.
My first meal is a nice selection of fresh fruit and carrot with cinnamon and a small dollop of greek yoghurt. I'm having that with a creamy bulletproof decaff.
Utterly delicious!
I'm happy with my results for today ☺️
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queenbeewinner · 1 year
Green tea goodness!
I must add that green tea alone, makes me loose my appetite and therefore I don't eat that much.
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binalis · 1 year
When I give, it does not come with strings. I'm not keeping track of what you owe me. When I give, I choose to do so without ulterior motives. I give because I'm genuine. I give because I know what it's like to be without. To long for and be ignored. To speak and not be heard. To care for and have nothing returned. When I give it's because I get it. It's because I know the value in what I have in my heart and I refuse to let the world stop me from sharing that. But when things start being taken for granted. When you no longer appreciate my sincerity. I won't switch, I won't get angry, and I won't be spiteful. I'll just get smart and I'll change your role in my life. Because when I give, I'm all in. But when I'm done, there's no looking back.
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