#she has found that almost all of them were leaving money on the table
kajmasterclass · 11 months
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eddiethebrave · 25 days
secret admirer part seventeen
688 words
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen
Eddie wouldn’t go as far as to say that he needs the stupid notes to want to go to school.
He does kind of miss them. 
They were the highlights of those eight days before he knew where they were coming from. It gave him something to look forward to. Aside from Hellfire - which only officially meets once a week on Friday - there’s not much for him at school. 
Admittedly, Eddie has read the notes a couple of times since they’ve stopped appearing. Right now is one of those times - he needs a boost to actually make it to class instead of walking right out the front door to his van and getting out of this hellhole. 
When the notes stopped, Eddie was confused. Like, sure, he hadn’t been all that subtle in showing that he knows who H is, but it’s not like Tommy’s made it known that he knows that Eddie knows - besides not leaving notes anymore.
After lunch, he’s standing with his head practically shoved in his locker as he flips through them. As he’s carefully reading through the one he received on his birthday, it hits him. 
The ring. The fucking ring. 
It says it right there. 
if you want me to stop just don’t wear the ring and i’ll back off
How could he be so dense? Eddie rummages through the war-zone that is his locker. Honestly, it takes far longer than it should for him to emerge with the piece of jewelry. 
He isn’t sure if he wants the notes to continue. Well, he does, but he doesn’t want to lead Hagan on, no matter how much of an asshole he is. He kind of wishes he never found out about it. Curse Gareth for being considerate enough to let him know that known asshole Tommy Hagan slipped something in his locker. 
Eddie keeps the ring safely in his pocket while he’s anywhere that the boy could possibly catch sight of the thing (the halls, lunchroom, bathroom, etc.). In class, though, he can’t help but take it out. 
It really is beautiful - something he would’ve gotten for himself if saw it and had the money. 
In art, Buckley moves from the back of the room to their table. She’s partnered with Carol for the project, but the change in seating still catches Eddie as strange - they’re not even working on the portraits today, but whatever.  
Speaking of project partners, Steve’s been shifting in his heat quite a lot for the last couple of minutes. Eddie tries to ignore it, he does - God knows he’s never sitting still - but it really is hard to focus. 
Eddie turns him. “You good, man?” he whispers, not wanting to interrupt whatever the teacher is saying. Steve jumps in his seat and Eddie flinches back in surprise. “Woah, easy.” 
Steve doesn’t make eye contact, which is odd because usually he’s really…insistent on it. His gaze is instead focused somewhere on the table. “I’m- I’m okay, Munson,” he says, barely audible.
Eddie scrutinizes him a moment longer before shrugging it off. If he wants to keep it to himself then Eddie is in no position to question him. 
The last thing he ever expected - aside from receiving freaking love notes from Tommy Hagen of all people - was being (even somewhat) on friendly terms with Steve Harrington. He isn’t what Eddie had expected at all, though. 
Eddie’s always preferred him to his best friend, but that’s not really saying much. Eddie actually likes Steve. Almost too much. 
No, it’s definitely too much. 
The guy would never be as sweet to him - because that’s what he is, sweet - if he knew the thoughts running through Eddie’s whenever he is around.
Like, Eddie didn’t die or anything when Steve confiscated his pencil and gave him the holy grail but it was a near thing. 
When the bell sounds through the room, Eddie slips the ring back in his pocket and leaves.
At the end of the next period, he tries not to overthink it as he puts the ring on and keeps it there for the rest of the day.
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sorry if i missed anyone!!
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shallyouobeyme · 11 months
From the Outside
Part 1 (you're here) | Part 2 (Coming soon)
Platonic!Yandere Batfam x Neglected Batsib!reader (GN)
Summary: You were living your life as a stranger in the house you were supposed to call home, an outsider in a group of people who were supposed to be your family. So you do your best to keep yourself distracted from your situation and go on with your life. But just how long will you be able to keep on with that?
! Minors Do Not Interact !
Requested by @sol565
TW: Not much in this one, neglect (obviously), loss of relatives, car crash (mentioned), cancer (mentioned), swearing, coming up to Yandereness in the next chapters. I'll try to proofread and edit once I finish the whole thing.
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Last night you dreamed of your family again. It was a pleasant dream, one that had you wishing to keep on dreaming even after you were woken up by your alarm. All of you were sitting at the dinner table, enjoying Alfred’s excellent cooking. The room was filled with happiness and joy, the kind of atmosphere that has you reminiscing about that day for ages. In your dream you felt so weightless, Damian was sitting opposite you as he listened to you talk about your day, an anecdote of you leading to laughter filling the room. Your mother ruffled your hair from where she was sitting beside you and as you smiled up to her you felt filled with love. Around the table, the Waynes were actively interested in the conversation and Bruce was asking you a question leading to a cheeky comment from your left side. You knew what was said, but you couldn’t understand the voice. Confused you looked to where your father should be sitting but only a distorted shadow figure looked back at you. 
It opened whatever would be most akin to a mouth and a blaring sound echoed out of it. Your eyes flew open as you slapped your bedside table to grab your phone. 7 A.M, time to get up. This dream had been haunting you for a few weeks now, the idyllic family dinner turning into an unpleasant reminder of your situation. At first, you had woken up in a cold sweat and slightly fearful from the end, but by now you had grown very accustomed to it. Just another part of your day to get through. 
You accepted to pay the mental price for the opportunity to see your mother again, if only during the nights. 
Another look at your phone to check the notifications and you got up and got dressed. Given the time you knew that you still had enough time to join your adopted siblings for breakfast, but even Alfred's amazing pancakes and french toast could to move you into the kitchen. Deciding to just nap something from your friends during lunch break at school, you grabbed your bag and jacket before quickly making your way through the manor. Like almost every morning you silently prayed that you wouldn’t come across anyone on your way to the front door. Eighty per cent of the time you were lucky, fifteen per cent you were just ignored and the other five per cent you found yourself stuck in painfully awkward small talk with the people who lived on the same floor as you. People who were supposed to be your closest friends and confidants. People who weren’t that. People who were more akin to strangers.
Today you were in luck as you managed to slip out of the giant house you hated to call home without having to talk to anyone. Getting onto your scooter, you made your way to the school, enjoying the air in your face through the helmet and the feeling of freedom that only came to you on rare occasions. 
The school was still fairly empty when you arrived - as was expected - so you had the honour of walking through the empty halls like you owned the place. A sentiment that some of your schoolmates even believed. You wanted to tell them that you had no need for your Guardians money, no interest in his family’s name or his family’s reputation. Bitter thoughts filled your mind, leaving a taste of anger, of disappointment, of anguish on your tongue. They weren’t helped by what you saw when you stopped in front of the trophy showcase. There were pictures of some of the best former student-athletes that had attended the school, and the most recognizable was a picture that was proudly displayed right on eyesight. It was at a sporting event that had happened some twenty to thirty years earlier, one that was still held bi-annually. The winners of different disciplines were smiling proudly into the camera, arms around each other. 
Taking the spotlight was a man that every proud Gothamite would recognize as a young Bruce Wayne on one side, a different boy who people tended to overlook based on his less noticeable features and the lack of fame he had, and in the middle of both of them stood Bruce’s former best friend. Your mother. Your late mother. 
She had been a beautiful, stunning, talented woman. Everyone who had ever known her told you that. You tried to take some solace in the fact that they told you how alike the two of you were, both in looks and in personality. It did nothing to quell the underlying pain though, the pain still boiling inside you, pain that over the years had turned into anger. You weren’t angry with your mother, of course, you knew that she had not chosen to fall sick, that she had not chosen to succumb to cancer. She had loved you with all her heart and only ever wanted you to be happy. This is why, when your grandparents died in a shooting shortly after her diagnosis, she put it in her will that after her passing you were to be taken care of by her lifelong friend Bruce Wayne. After all, he already had kids and he was rich, just like she and her parents had been - money and estates that now waited on you to turn 18 to take charge of - and he’d be surely able to give you the life and the love she always wanted you to have. 
Sadly, your mother had not known Bruce quite as well as she had believed she did. She had no idea that he spent his nights as the infamous Batman, or that the kids he adopted had been turned into fighting machines - sometimes even killers. She had no idea that he was not the amazing, loving and attentive father figure she had wanted you to have. Not even close. 
You suppose he had tried at one point. When you were a young child, grieving the loss of your entire family and everything that you had known, he had taken you in like one of his own and assured you that from then on he’d protect you. Back then you had believed him. After all, your mother had told you so many great things about him, why should she lie. And with elder brothers and sisters, a Butler who made sure you had your favourite foods whenever you felt sad and a man who tried his best to be the father you never had. They did lots of work to spend time with you and to pay attention to you which would ensure you wouldn’t notice their weird habits and absences. But of course that couldn’t work forever. After a few months, you found out about their best (and somehow at the same time worst) kept secret and as you walked through the Batcave by Bruce’s side everything changed. He didn’t directly offer to train you, but he did insinuate that it was an option, though you declined. You couldn’t see yourself hurting others. You wanted to help like your mom had helped, by volunteering, bettering the world peacefully. Bruce had assured you that that was a completely acceptable decision and that it wouldn’t change anything. But he had lied. Perhaps knowingly, perhaps not. Maybe some of both. 
Once you were aware of their second life, they didn’t put in the effort to pay enough attention to you to make you unaware of their secret. At first, they still spent time with you, but over time it seemed like you were blending into obscurity like a special bottle of champagne that was planned to be open on a special occasion only. Just that the bottle was usually remembered after the occasion had passed in annoyance. You weren’t. And as you phased out of their minds and into oblivion, you made peace with your place in the family. An outsider, a stranger inside their house, just waiting until the time had come for you to finally live your own life. 
Of course, you knew you could have it worse. You had enough money to fulfil every wish you had as long as it was material, always had something to wear, something to eat, and somewhere to sleep. The only thing you didn’t have was love. But especially in Gotham you knew that you got away rather luckily with that, so while you were deeply angry towards the people who had promised to treat you like family, to love you, you also tried to just get on with your life. 
It would have been easier if it wasn’t just so hard to look at your so-called siblings as if you didn’t resent them for the way they treated you, compared to one another. Somehow showing any interest in you or attempting to spend any time with you was a chore, but somehow Jason and Cass could have a little book club, Jason and Dick could go out for lunch at a cat-cafe, Steph, Cass and Tim could have Spa-days and all of them could have an occasional movie night together. It wasn’t explicitly stated that you weren’t welcome, but you had seen how they acted when you were with them compared to how they acted when you were hiding behind the door listening in. They seemed so much happier without you. As if your mere presence ruined the mood. So you started rejecting their invitations to join and it only took one of two attempts of them to stop asking completely. 
You might have been able to cope better with the obvious dismissal of your existence if it had been because you hadn’t been part of the family when they had forged their close bond, but somehow, even when Damian joined, acting like a complete asshole to everyone around him, they managed to include him and when he warmed up to them he joined their close group. 
So your newness surely could not have been that big of an issue right? Even Damian, completely new to the family and surely aggressive towards all of his pseudo siblings, seemed to know you were less than the others since he didn’t even bother to insult you, instead opting to ignore you. Completely. A glance spared, looking you up and down, and he had decided you were not worth it and his opinion seemingly still hadn’t changed. Sure by now you had talked with him a few times, but you could say the same about the fucking mayor of Gotham so you were sure that did not really count. 
Sometimes, you lay in your bed at night, wide awake, wondering just why you were worth so much less in their eyes. What you had done wrong. Two answers usually presented themselves before you. Either it was because you weren’t a vigilante, something that you might even have been willing to accept, or it was… you. Just you. And for some reason, that was the answer that seemed more plausible to you. Maybe you were just unpleasant to be around, not fitting enough for their family. Not interesting enough, not Wayne enough. 
And so you were cursed to live your life like a ghost in what is supposed to be your home. Going in and out every day, just waiting for the day to come when you could move into the penthouse your grandparents had bought you before they died, which would become your legal property in just a few years. You’d start anew. Maybe one day, after a long time and probably a lot of therapy, you’ll be able to start your own family. One that you’d promise not to fuck up like Bruce had. Until then though, you’d go on like always, spend as little time in that Manor as possible and try to distract yourself from your reality. 
You really did spend very little time at the manor. For one, no one in that house cared when you left or when you came back except maybe Alfred, but even he either knew that you could properly use the freedom or he was too busy to care. Probably a mix of both. And along with that, you had started a very active life outside of your family. You had a lot of friends, though you were not ready to call any of them close friends, always knowing about how many of them were after the publicity of your actual and current family name and the money and fame connected to it. But they were nice enough and they distracted you so you didn’t mind. Especially because you used said popularity to help the people in town. You managed to get a lot of your friends to volunteer alongside you in different homeless shelters, though a lot of them tended to post dozens of pictures which made you feel a bit icky about them trying to profit from helping others, but you knew you couldn’t complain because it did help the shelters. The shelters told you so themselves. 
Most of your ‘pocket money’ was donated and the rest of the time was spent doing different activities, be it arts, sports, parties or just wasting the day away. You did your best to cram as much into your day-to-day life as you could to keep you from thinking too much. To stop you from thinking too much about how messed up you were now, how you couldn’t even confide in any of your friends, how you didn’t even really manage to call them your friends, because you couldn’t allow yourself to let anyone close to you anymore, because you knew you weren’t worth it, because you knew you’d be disappointed and hurt again. 
These dark thoughts were kept inside, slowly eating at you like termites, while on the outside you kept on being the happy-go-lucky Gotham personality that people loved to follow. Though you didn’t post a lot on your own social media, your friends and people around you did, which the public loved for some reason. And so you kept up the act, because what else could you do? Let people know you’re hurting? So they could ridicule you for your rich people's problems? Or keep out of the public eye? And have to face the lonely darkness that was your life? No, you’d rather keep on pretending like you had been for years now. Even if it meant being a piece of entertainment for other people who could turn on you at any second. 
The day at school was mostly uneventful, only a short moment of passing by Damian ruined your mood as your classmates did their usual shtick of asking if that wasn’t your brother and you trying to shrug them off, after all, how do you explain that your brother treated you like air not worth breathing? So you changed the topic by announcing that you’d go help out at a local shelter after school and asked if anyone wanted to join. Some excused themselves but a few agreed, which led to a group of five of you coming into the shelter a few hours later after some mandatory selfies so keep your friends placated. There was a bit more traffic inside than usual - a few people definitely not in need of help - which was probably because one of your friends posted your plans on their socials. That was something that you had to begrudgingly accept. You couldn’t afford their anger, so you made a compromise with them that they could post stuff like that, but that they couldn’t post the exact location (which in your opinion was just common sense, but it seemed not a lot of people shared that).
Ignoring the people only there to see you or be near a Wayne, you focused on helping those who needed your help, though aware of the effect you could have on the shelter business, you helped out in the kitchen where people couldn’t see you. You didn’t mind, you liked cooking and you and the fellow kitchen staff had a sort of harmonized rhythm. It even helped you get lost in thoughts that didn’t make you wanna cry, so when you got interrupted in your flow, you almost jumped in shock. One of the organizers had tapped on your shoulder. 
“Y/N, there’s a man outside that wants to talk to you,” Marcus told you and nodded towards the door to the front.
“They still haven’t left? I’m really sorry Marc, if you think it’s better if I leave, then I will,” you sighed, annoyed by the turn of events. 
“No, it’s not a fan. At least I think, he’s- well, he claims to have something really important to talk to you about. He gave me this to show to you, said it’ll show you he’s serious,” Marcus shrugged and held a picture out to you. It was an old Polaroid of a young couple smiling into the camera. Your breath hitched. 
“Is he the guy in the picture?” you asked with a newly found seriousness.
“Yes, at least he looks like it. Is the woman-”
“Yeah, could we use the office? Only if you’re okay with it, of course.”
“Sure, no problem, go ahead, I’ll bring him to you in a minute.”
“Thank you,” you earnestly smiled at Marcus as you made your way to the door that led to the office. You were used to being nervous, but not quite as nervous as you were then. This could change a lot of things, everything if it was what you imagined it to be. You looked at the picture in your hand again before sitting down behind the desk and putting it down on the desk. There were steps behind the door coming closer, so you took a deep breath as you wiped your hands on your pant legs. The door opened and in came a man who looked just like the guy from the Polaroid. He seemed familiar, not just from that snapshot of the past, but something in his face rang a bell in your memories. You mustered him, trying to keep a stern exterior as you didn’t know if this was going to be what you thought it would be. 
Marcus gestured the man to sit down on the other side of the desk, before giving you an encouraging nod and closing the door as he left. 
“Hello,” you greeted the man, hands intertwined before you on the desk.
“Hello,” he responded alike and you could feel his curiosity burning through you. Had you misinterpreted this? Was this just another weird fan?
“This picture,” you looked at it again before sliding it towards him, “how do you know my mom?”
A/N: So, what do y'all think? Let me know in the comments or in my inbox ❤️ Also, I'd appreciate feedback on the title as well, not sure if I should change it or keep it.
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k-germsworld · 2 months
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Yuju x M! Reader
2.4k words
"WHAT !!! Rejected again." Yuju looked at the rejection letter in her hand and sighed. She sent her resume to many companies but was rejected without exception. "Damn it, is it that hard to find a job now?" She was fired from her last company two months ago. 
"Ring.....ring...." Her phone rings. She answers the phone and realises that it is her mom.
Mom: "Yuna ya, I heard from others that you were fired?" 
Yuju: "No, never. Mom, I'm very busy right now. I'll call you later." 
Yuju quickly hung up the phone. She didn't want her family to know that she was fired from her previous company, so she had to hang up the phone quickly. She also received many letters from banks telling her how much money she owed and that she had to repay it within certain time frames or face legal action. All these factors made her feel very stressed. She checked the time and realized it was lunchtime. Even with all the stress, she still had to fill her stomach to continue looking for the next job. So she headed to the nearby cafe. On the way, she passed by a notice board and saw a job hiring on it. That job hiring post is from a top company. It says that they are hiring a female secretary, and you only need to know a little paperwork, as long as you are willing to learn and do it. Salaries are up to 6 million won per month.  
Yuju was attracted by the job posting and quickly emailed her resume to this company. While she was having lunch, she received a reply from the company and they already arranged an interview for tomorrow.  She felt so happy that she almost cheered loudly. When she got home, she began to learn about the company so that she could be fully prepared for the interview tomorrow. 
The next day, she was well-prepared and headed to that company. When she arrived, she found that so many people were waiting for their interviews. Yuju looked like the last one to arrive, so she had to wait until everyone else was done. "Next, please." After waiting for almost an hour, it was finally her turn. After she tidied herself up, she confidently walked into the interview room. She saw three people sitting and waiting for her. The person who interviewed Yuju was not anyone else, but the boss of this company. 
"Good morning, my name is Choi Yuna. You can call me Yuju. I'm here to apply for the boss's secretary position." Yuju makes a simple greeting to them. 
"Have your seat please." The boss said. 
The three of them holding the resume emailed by Yuju. "Choi Yuna, 26 years old. The reason why you were fired from your last company was because you leaked company information, causing your company to miss out on a large investment. For this reason alone, our company should not hire you." The interviewer sitting next to the boss said.  
Yuju was shocked to hear this, they knew that the person who leaked the company information was her. She knew that this company was her last chance because other companies were afraid to hire her because of her previous company, so this top company was her last chance. "I can swear I won't make the same mistake again." 
"Why should we trust a guy who has no credibility?" The interviewer told her in a more stern tone. 
"I can do anything, as long as you give me this chance." Yuju please them.
"I'm sorry, miss.  We can't give you this job, please leave." The interviewer motioned Yuju to leave. 
"Ahem...." The boss's cough made them stop arguing. "Are you willing to do anything as long as you can do this job?" Yuju nodded her head. After seeing her answer, the boss looked at the other two interviewers and asked them to leave the room. After making sure the two interviewers had left, the boss stood up from his chair. Yuju is very curious about what kind of test the boss will give her. The boss stood in front of the table and took a look at her resume. "Yuju ssi, let me confirm with you once again that you can do anything just to get this job?" She nodded firmly and continuously. "Yeah, that's right. I'd do anything to get this job." The boss smirked. “Stand up!” She stood up according to the boss' instructions. He walked over to where Yuju was and looked her over. "Such a beautiful and sexy woman." The boss said in his mind. He lifted her face with his fingers. She shyly avoided the boss's eyes. "Yes, boss? So what can I do now?" However, the boss still didn't give her an answer yet. He walked up behind her and sniffed her hair vigorously. "Ah...ah. It smells so good." The boss spoke out what was on his mind, leaving Yuju speechless. "What is he doing?" She said in her mind. She was curious about what the boss was observing her for.  
The boss hugged Yuju from behind, scaring her. She tried to break free from him but the boss was too strong. “Hey, let me go.” His hands moved from her waist to her tits. His hands began to grope her tits. “This is what you need to do if you need this job. I am hiring a secretary just to please me and help me release my stress." Yuju finally understood why the wages were so high. “No, I wouldn't do this shit if I had to sacrifice my body." After hearing this, the boss let go of his hands. She was also confused at once. "Okay, you can leave now. Wait for our call." The boss pretended that he had not done anything to Yuju. She had no choice but to leave according to the instructions. Just as she took a step to leave, the boss suddenly said something to her. “I know you need this job, but no one in this industry will hire you if you dare to step out from this office. And everyone knows how you were fired from your last company.” This made her very angry, but she did not dare to contradict the boss because he was telling the truth. He went on to say, "And if you listen to me, I guarantee you'll get this salary easily. And you don't need to do much."  He knew that although these words were frivolous, they were a great temptation to Yuju. She gradually felt that what her boss said made sense. She really needed a job and money to pay off her debts, and she didn't need to worry about her mother.  "So as long as I listen to you, I can get a fixed salary of 6 million won every month?" She couldn't resist this temptation, so she thought about it for a while before leaving the office and said to her boss. The boss knew he had succeeded. "Yes, it's not a big workload. As long as you are willing to please me and help me relieve stress when I need it, you can easily get this salary." He went towards Yuju’s direction and removed her clothes. She didn't resist and let the boss do whatever he wanted. He touched her tits again. Yuju's tits were just the right size for the boss. He didn't like big tits so he did everything he could to keep her.
"Before you become my official secretary, I still need to test you." He glares at his pants, and seems like he wants to ask Yuju to help him to take off his pants. She understood what he meant, so she knelt on the ground and took off his pants. She didn't pull off his panty at once but she can see a bulge on his panty. Even though she hadn't seen the real thing yet, she was already surprised by the size of the bulge. "Continue!" The boss saw that she seemed dazed, so he reminded her. Yuju continued to pull his underwear down. This time she finally saw his cock. His cock was not as big as she thought it was, but thicker, so it looked bigger in his underwear. She slowly stroked on his cock. She felt very strange but had no choice but to continue in order to get the job. She used both of her hands to stroke his cock. Her hands were just big enough to completely encompass the length of his cock. So she began to stroke his cock up and down. While she was stroking, she also looked at the boss. He seemed dissatisfied with her performance and did not seem to enjoy it at all. 
Yuju knew that if she wanted to make a guy cum she had to use her mouth, but she really didn't want to put a dick in her mouth. “You‘re so sucks at pleasing me. If you want me to cum, you need more than just a hand job.” She continued to stroke her cock with her hand and ignored her boss’s mood. As she continued to stroke his cock with her hand, she began to get horny. She looked at his glans and suddenly felt like putting the cock in her mouth. Since she only wanted to use her hands, the boss was getting less and less interested in her, so he wanted to stop her. When he wanted to stop her, he found that she already slightly extended her tongue to lick his glans. She began to lick his glans with her tongue. She also began to slowly lick around his cock. "Yes, that's it. That's what you need to do to make me cum." It seemed that because of the praise, Yuju became more and more skilled at licking without realising it. She was able to take her boss's cock in her mouth and spit it out, while her hands played with his balls. She also took her balls into her mouth while her hand continued to stroke his cock. “Yes, you're a fucking genius in this.” She was very happy to hear these compliments. He saw her horny face, which made him pat his dick on her face. She lets her boss pat his saliva-covered cock on her face and she seems really turned on.
Yuju couldn't wait to take his cock in her mouth again. So she opened her mouth and waited. The boss saw this and stuffed his dick into her mouth. But this time it wasn't Yuju who took the initiative, it was the boss. The boss's thick cock kept entering her mouth, causing her mouth to be constantly enlarged by the thick cock. Although the length was not long, it could at least deep down her throat. The boss couldn't help it, he grabbed her head and started facefucking her. “OH fuck Yuju, your mouth is so hot and good on taking my dick.” She couldn't answer the boss because she could only make the gag sound. Her mouth was drooling but she enjoyed being facefucked by her boss. The boss stopped when he hit the deep of her throat. He enjoyed the moment when her throat was tightened and wrapped his dick tightly. She patted his legs when she almost ran out of breath. The boss realised and pulled his dick out. Yuju was panting so hard when he pulled out his cock. He is watching his dick is dripping with her saliva. He also saw that her chin was full of saliva, he went over and licked clean all the saliva on her face. They have a passionate kiss. She grabbed his face and didn't want to let him go, and put her tongue into his mouth. The boss also put his tongue into her mouth. He held her waist and slowly moved her to the table. He laid her on the table but never stopped kissing her. 
The boss took her bra off and ate her nipples. She was so aroused that she couldn't bear it any longer. “Just fuck me already, boss. Stop teasing me.” After hearing that, the boss couldn't wait to take off her panties and stuffed his cock into her already wet pussy. "You are so perfect, Yuju. Your pussy's shape is so perfect for my cock. I promise to make you happy every day if you become my secretary." After that, he continued to swing his hips and thrust into her. Before Yuju could even get used to her thickness, he was already pumping rapidly, and it didn't take long for her to squirt. He felt that she was about to squirt, so he pulled out his dick, and at that moment, Yuju squirted a lot. After squirting, she lay on the table and twitched. Her juices spurted all over the table and the floor. But the boss did not blame her. Instead, he looked at her glistening pussy that had just squirted and prepared for the second insertion. 
Before she could rest, the boss had already inserted his dick into her. This time the insertion was easier than before because she had just squirted and her pussy was wet and warm. "Oh, boss. You fuck me so deep. I can't......" She couldn't even finish her words because of the boss's skillful thrusting. "Ah... you suck me so tight, it feels so good." The boss hasn't had sex with a girl who feels so good for a long time, and he feels like he's about to cum. He grabbed Yuju's waist and increased the speed of his thrusts. "Yes.... boss. Fuck me like this. Ruined me with your dick please." “Fuck… Yuju… I am about to cum.” Along with the boss's moan, he also shot his semen into her body. He took out his cock and watched his semen flow out of her pussy. “It’s so hot inside me.” Yuju felt his warm cum in her pussy. The boss didn't want to cum inside Yuju, but she made him feel so good that he accidentally cummed inside her. 
She picked up some of the semen with her fingers, took a look at it, and then lay on the table, gasping for breath. "Is my performance okay?" He smiled and said: "You're hired, Yuju ssi." "Thank you, boss." He approached Yuju again and aimed his dick at her pussy. “This is your orientation party.” He smirked and inserted his dick in her pussy again. Yuju didn't stop him and they both had sex until both of them were tired.
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n30nwrites · 2 months
Run Away Boy (Ghost One-Shot)
TW - Angst, cheating, abandonment??, Inner homophobia
Reader: He/Him
Note; this was a vent ngl, inspired by a snippet of Chappell Roans song Subway. I would apologize for the angst but I’m broke so I need to eat those apologies.
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You always found it easy to leave.
Attachments were formed but you were quick to drop them. You didn’t care necessarily about the destination or the problems that arise, you could leave at the drop of a hat, and no one would notice for a while.
It wasn’t the first time you left, and it wouldn’t be the last.
The first time was just after you had graduated college. With no plan and direction, in the middle of the night you packed some of your things and drove off. You didn’t come back for 2 months, and while your parents were worried sick and had gone to the cops, you didn’t care.
It’s easy to leave.
So walking in on Simon with someone else, the choice was obvious.
Leave before he notices, leave before he cares and leave before he attempts to make you stay.
He won’t catch you, no one will. Your parents loved him, you waited a year and a half before introducing them to him, you always waited in case something happened. Now something has happened, and he knows them and they know him and nothing can be separated.
You’ll be gone before Monday. You wait for them to finish up, you just drive and buy some trash bags for when you pack and some water. He texts you asking when you’ll be home and you respond ‘in about 10 minutes or so’ and you assume he starts to rush.
He’s probably running away too, just doing it differently.
The house smells of watermelon febreeze when you get inside, the sheets are in the washer, as are some towels and his work clothes, the room is more organized than this morning and he smiles.
Your mother and you used to look at men like him and glare, you would swear up and down that you would ruin any man who did that to you, and she told you it would be different when it actually happened.
But it wasn’t. You didn’t depend on Simon, sure he made more money than you and your name wasn’t on the lease so he had what looks like control but that couldn’t be more wrong.
You had money, you saved, and you didn’t care to sleep in a car.
You’ll get away.
That night you act like it’s normal, before collecting his phone for evidence. It’s not hard, he’s texted the girl a multitude of times before, saying that it’s the last time and that it’s over but he always crawls back. You find out through his texts that Johnny knew too, that Simon couldn’t really understand his feelings for you (a form of inner homophobia you weren’t sticking around for) and that Johnny tried comforting him as well.
You don’t care.
You’ll get away.
Simon wakes you up in the morning, he kisses you on the forehead and it takes a moment for you to remember everything. But you do, and it won’t go back to the way it was. Simon has work early, but he still makes you both breakfast and you eat at the table, he talks about his day and how he’s thinking of buying a new chair, you nod your head and fiddle with your phone, staring at the screenshots you sent yourself.
Simon leaves to the base and talks about you the entire time to Price, Kyle and John. “He’s got a way.” He almost gushes, it’s out of character of him but you weren’t typical of him. Simon never did relationships, he wasn’t one to see someone and stay attached, until he met you. He got jealous easily, he even considered stopping Price from talking to you because you complimented his hat. But he saw it for the best, you would be perfect for him if you were a girl.
But he still fell for you.
You got a way.
His phone background is a picture of you. His home not his lock, he doesn’t want anyone possibly coming across you in case someone tries to get into his phone. You go by a code name at work, they call you Doll.
You’re packing, you won’t be back when he gets home.
Simon trains all day, Soap is stuck training new recruits and at one point he comes by to tease Soap for being stuck with a shitty job, but the day wasn’t eventful. Price mentions a mission in the future so he prepares to tell you that he’s about to leave for god knows where with little to no communication.
Your clothes were packed, anything worth decent money was shoved in the passenger seat or under the seats of your 5 seated vehicle. You grabbed snack food, anything that could last a while like canned goods or chips. You avoid Simons MRE’s and actually you avoid everything that has an attachment to him. Any gifts he’s given you stays with him, clothes, jewelry, and little tchotchkes. They all remain there.
Simon is on the way home, he texts you that he’s on the way, which means it’ll be a 30 minute drive.
The house is empty, anything you couldn’t take you put on the curb. You ripped out a pack of his notebook and wrote in a sharpie which you left by his side. Next to the note is your old phone, completely erased.
He arrives home and it’s almost empty. He’s worried immediately and calls out your name. You don’t respond.
But he finds the note.
‘Enjoy her’ and his phone starts ringing. A timed post shows up on your account, and he’s tagged. Screenshot after screenshot of his affair. People are commenting on your post. And his messages are starting to fill.
You got away.
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Willing to take any criticism, I want to get better. It’s short cause it’s 5 a.m and I’ll cry if I write more.
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satellitespinner · 6 months
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✼ mommy issues .. (two)
a/n: PLEASE READ CONTENT WARNINGS ! holy gyat i just ate good chilli and it made me wanna get pregnant ANYWAYS.. i was gonna add spice but i found out the girl i like had a crush on a dude so you get more angst:) enjoy
content warnings: ANGST readers child is described to have curly hair, reader is of spanish speaking descent. (or atleast speaks it.) we on some white people shit lowk… ellie is good with kids😍😍😍😍😍 reader works in a hospital! you kids lowk an ass.. ellie has another panic attack. ellie still sad. CANADA MENTIONED RAAAHHHHHHHH cat brought up!!!! we almost get a kith…. this bitch is not proofread
wc: 4.4k
taglist @flowersforvi @ellslvr @saturnsdrafts @3lli3l0v3r @williamssgirl @liasxeatt @adelaide013 @a-little-bit-of-everybody @elliessweetheart @pedropascalsbbg @ellies2missingfingers @nelzooo @r3starttt @jaeminpookie @onlinelesbo @tphmnv @p4ison1vy @pascals-doll @snowy-vee @diddiqueen @littlegingerperson5 @ellieslob @elliessluutt @macaroni676
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a few days later ellie finds herself sitting in a booth at her work with her two colleagues. tonight was the first time she was going to babysit your son, and she was terrified
she found that in this moment was the first time her thoughts weren’t plagued of joel since he died.
“i swear! not even light years could dim such a woman.” ellie describes you as if you were a goddess. well, to her you were.
“can you shut the fuck up with that weird space shit and talk like a normal person?”
jesse scolds jokingly. he winces in pain as dina’s foot meets his shin under the table.
“whatever, dude. it’s true.” the girl sulks.
“hey! speaking of space nerd shit. how’s school going, el?” dina asks with a smile on her face.
little did she know the mere mention of school caused gut plummeting anxiety for ellie.
“uhh, it’s good. it’s- school, you know?.” ellie mutters, there isn’t much to say. besides the fact that she’s gonna fail if she doesn’t scrape together a thousand dollars for fucking textbooks.
sometimes ellie wondered if dina struggled with money. she works this shitty waitressing job for twenty bucks an hour, and she has a son. but then again, she didn’t have the burden of school on top of all her other responsibilities.
the table goes quiet after ellie’s response. she’s not one to open up about her personal life. she only told dina about joel dying a few weeks ago.
joel. joel.
ellies mind clouds over. like a switch that clicked, making her go from happy to sad in a matter of seconds. she was always like that.
“ellie?” she hears a feminine voice break her out of her trance. a sympathetic expression on dina’s face when ellie looks up at her.
“sorry. what did you say?” she throws in a fake smile to distract from the fact that she was on the brink of another panic attack.
the last time she had a panic attack at work she was so embarrassed she didn’t come in for a week.
“i asked if you needed a ride tonight. y’know cause of the baby sitting.” dina offers, again.
ellie thinks about arguing with the girl, but she decides against it. knowing she’ll just end up in dina’s passenger seat anyway.
“yeah that would be awesome. thanks.” ellie couldn’t help but feel even more guilty every time dina offered. she felt like she was taking advantage of her. even though she knew she wasn’t.
ellie huffs out of her cheeks before standing up from the booth. “time to get back to work.” she jokingly frowns. causing jesse to laugh.
“it was time to get back to work 10 minutes ago.” he corrects in a ‘told you so’ tone as they start walking back to their designated areas.
“fuck off.” she peers, stopping so dina can catch up to them. she sticks her tongue out at jesse when dina places a hand on her shoulder.
“what a gentlewoman, she’s gonna love you.” she whispers and shoots ellie a wink. leaving ellie flustered yet rolling her eyes.
you had to be at work in an hour and your son was not cooperating.
“felix!” you shriek, the child was running around with a cheeto you gave him 3 hours ago. you fight the urge to laugh at his un styled curls and grimey face, but your stern mom facade over rode.
“¡vuelve aquí niño sucio!”
(“come back here dirty boy”)
he continued to run wild like a chicken with no head. you start to get sick of his behavior and put your foot down.
“felix. now.”
he stops in his tracks at your stern tone. he sulks as he makes his way to you. you smile at his obedience.
you take his gross cheeto and toss it into the trash. he pouts at your action which causes you to scoff. “put that lip away, chiquito.” you tease him.
he lightens up fast. his sad attitude being replaced with a toothy smile. it was infectious. whenever he was happy, you were happy.
“there we go!” you laugh as you zip up his sweater. he scrambles away before you could wipe the dirt off of his face. you sigh.
you picked your battles with him.
you decided to shoot ellie a quick text, hoping to prepare her for your crazy kid.
ellie’s running around the house in hopes to baby-proof the place when she gets a text from you.
sexy neighbor: hey ellie! he’s almost ready, and please excuse the dirt on his face. i promise i’m not a bad mom lol.
she smiles and begins to type back.
ellie: all good haha, is there any specific allergies or things you need done tonight?
she shuts off her phone and continues to clean up, moving the whiskey on the counter into the high parts of her cupboard.
she runs to her room and changes into a pair of gray sweats and a clean hoodie.
sexy neighbor: nope no allergies! could you make him dinner? if it’s to big of an ask i can totally send something! just say the word.
ellie: oh absolutely. i already planned to make him dinner anyway.
sexy neighbor: oh wow thank you so much, you’re going to be a great babysitter i’m sure 😉
ellie’s cheeks heat up at the text. you were such a mom. she thought to herself. she was just going to like the message when another comes through.
sexy neighbor: he is insisting to bring his coloring supplies. i hope that’s okay..?
ellie: oh wow were going to get along well. that’s totally fine :)
sexy neighbor: thanks sweetheart
a few minutes ellie’s front door is being knocked on by a small hand. when she opens the door she’s met with a backpack clad felix and you. in scrubs.
“hi!” she exclaimed as soon as she opened the door, her words mostly directed at the young boy.
“hello!” your son replies quickly. “i brought toys for us to play with!” she tells her, like he’s known her forever.
“oh thank god.” she puts a hand over her heart as she crouches down to his level.
“toys r’ scarce around here..” she warns. felix looks at her confused, but you laugh.
ellie stands up and puts out her hand for the boy to take, which he does. you smile at the interaction before crouching down to him.
“te amo, cariño” you gently whispered into his ear as you give him a small peck.
you stand up quickly and pull ellie in for a quick hug as well.
“thank you, again.” you sighed into the hug as you expressed your gratitude. ellie smiled at you. she really wanted to kiss you right now.
“don’t sweat it, now get going mom. you’re gonna be late!” she jokes as she looks down at your son.
“you’re right. i should go.” you make your way to the car and get in. you roll down your window and blew kisses at your son, who was now in ellie’s arms. you shoot ellie a wink before taking off.
ellie puts your son down, keeping his hand interlocked with hers as she takes him inside.
“hey kid, does your mom speak spanish?”
you found yourself immediately trusting ellie when you first met her. her green eyes reminded you of your own sons.
you saw yourself in her quite a bit, you could tell she was hurting. when she opened up to you that night in your kitchen about her father you could tell.
she told you she had grown up without a mother and all you could think about was nurturing and comforting her like she deserved.
you also saw the way she looked at you.
ellie found great comfort in your sons presence. he distracted her from her usual routine, which wasn’t the healthiest..
currently, felix had ellie drawing each one of his toy cars.
“like this?” she asks, flipping the paper to show him her drawing of a red car.
“no!” he denies before showing his own. a paper full of scribbles with his name poorly printed at the top.
“ohhh.. i see.” she says before flipping the paper back to herself and scribbling atop her original drawing.
“like this?” she asks once again.
“yes!” he confirms. ellie laughs at his childish antics.
the boy had requested a grilled cheese sandwich for dinner around 8:30.
“yeah i could go for a grilled cheese right now.” ellie agrees as she pats his head.
ellie had mastered the art of cooking before she was 14. when joel started fostering her the first thing she asked him was if she could use the kitchen.
although she would do anything to do that for her career, in this economy there was no chance. so she settled on astrophysics. and boy was it expensive.
she just hoped that everything would work out and she could make joel proud.
your shift was fucking exhausting. first, some random psych patient spit in your face. then, you spilt coffee all over yourself not even halfway through the night.
you were ready to go home and see your baby.
you had texted ellie a few times throughout the night for updates and she replied with something positive every time.
ellie next door: yeah he’s fine don’t worry! hes coloring right now.
you: awh that’s my boy. i hope he’s not being to much.
ellie next door: nope not too much at all
ellie next door: *one attachment*
he says hi mama !
you: oh my god aweeeeeee you two are so cute.
you smiled and saved the image to your camera roll without hesitation. it was a picture of your son at ellie’s kitchen table, markers and paper littered her table.
the reflection of her on the black television caught her smiling widely as he waved at the camera.
you: did he eat anything yet?
ellie next door: yep! he requested a grilled cheese. he also had some snacks earlier.
you: perfectttt you’re a life saver!
ellie contemplates how she should respond to your message. she could start flirting or she could img fucking chill and be normal.
she chose the latter.
ellie next door: haha! it’s really no problem :)
ellie had put your son to bed in her bedroom rather than the couch. the kid had toddled in there before ellie could reach him.
she tried to chase him down but his curiosity made him fast and sneaky.
“get back here lil’ man!” she giggles as his tiny feet smack against the hardwood floors.
he giggles as he ran away from her, running into the first open door he sees, that being ellie’s room.
he was awestruck by the many comic book posters and the guitar in the corner of the room was where he was headed.
before ellie grabbed him, that is.
“i don’t think so.” she laughs as she picks him up with ease. gently tossing him onto the bed.
“you have a boys room. but you’re a girl.” the boy points out, not in a bad way. ellie could tell he was just stating what he saw.
“yeah thanks for telling me i didn’t know.”
by the time you arrived home the sun was about to come up, and you were fucking exhausted. you contemplated asking ellie to keep him the rest of the night, but you didn’t.
your kid, your responsibility. you reminded yourself. as you knocked on ellie’s door.
pajama clad ellie opens the door with a smile, welcoming you in immediately.
“hey ellie, how was it?” you ask with a yawn. she guides you over to her kitchen island. her house layout almost identical to yours.
ellie smiles and describes her night with your son in great detail. your heart melts at the way her face lights up during certain points of her story. she recalls how she chased him around after dinner and he insisted on sleeping in her room.
your reach into your purse and searched your wallet, you spoke as your hands fumbled in your bag.
“i really cannot thank you enough,” you begin, finally pulling out your wallet and pulling out a few twenties for ellie. she looks confused as you try to pass them to her, putting her hands out to decline.
“you already paid me, remember?” you nod - urging her to take the extra cash.
“i just wanted to give you a little extra.” you smile and ellie almost cries. she held it together though, she probably told you thank you about forty times before you laughed and told her it wasnt a problem.
ellie lead you to her bedroom to retrieve your son, who was dead asleep underneath her planet print bedsheets. ellies cheeks turned pink when you giggled and said; “nice sheets, el.”
you tried to gently wake your son but he wasn't having it. you grabbed his arm to pull him out of the bed. he groans and slides himself underneath the covers. you are fully on your knees at this point. “i swear, if you embarrass me.” you threaten in a whisper so ellie didn't hear, she still did.
ellie chuckled lowly. “he can sleep here, its pretty late anyways.” she smiled.
you slightly bit your lip. “are you sure?” it wasn't ellie that you didn't trust, it was your kid. ellie wasn't hearing it.
sleepovers at ellies became a recurring thing after that. your son was so excited everytime she babysat and it made your heart so full.
this time in particular your son was extra excited. ellie had promised him ice cream for not putting up a fight to leave the previous time.
usually she greeted you at the door with a smile and a hug. but this time she didn’t answer at all..
“mama where’s ellie?” your son asked. “i don’t know baby.” you reply with a raise of your eyebrow.
you saw her arrive home, you two even spoke briefly before she went in to unwind. she seemed dull today.
you knew something wasn’t right so you decided to go in. your son followed you close behind. you sat him on the couch and advised him not to move.
the house was dark. you slowly stepped down the hallway.
“ellie? honey?” you called out, to your surprise there was no reply. a shiver crept up your spine.
you walked until you were faced with her bedroom door. it was slightly open. so you knocked before you stepped inside.
the door cracked open as you entered. you didn’t know what to expect but it definitely wasn’t that.
ellie was laying in her bed, fetal position. sobbing her brains out. you were surprised you didn’t hear her when you were walking down the hall.
she gasped for air as you rushed to her. you sit down and sit her up so her back is against the headboard.
“shh, you’re okay. i’m here.” those words, although comforting triggered even more tears to fall. she didn’t know what she was doing.
the girl screamed in your arms for what felt like forever and you just sat there and held her. you whispered sweet words into her ears and rubbed circles on her back.
eventually your son had run through the door. a little gasp leaving his lips at the sight of ellie.
“ellie are you okay!?” he practically screamed in her face. you took your free hand and tried to shove him out the door.
ellie’s loud cries turned into soft sniffles as he wouldn’t leave. your son practically jumped onto her to try and make her feel better. your heart drops but ellie just laughs and pulls him into a deep hug.
ellie looks to you as your son babbles absolute nonsense into her shoulder.
“i’m really sorr-“ she starts, but you instantly cut her off.
“absolutely none of that.” you say, in your mom voice. her eyes widen at your tone.
“can you stay with els while i make a quick phone call?” you ask your son. he stands up tall. “yes!” he nods as if he were superman. you and ellie both laugh.
ellie knew exactly what put her in that position. her entire day was fucked from the beginning.
she should've called out of work when she woke up from a dream nightmare about joel.
she couldn’t stop thinking about the dream while doing her morning routine, or skating to work. which ended with her on the ground and her board in half.
if that wasn’t enough, while she was on her shift her ex walks in.
“you’ve got to be kidding me.” she whisper-yells as she watches the black haired, tattoo ridden girl takes a seat. with a new girl.
there was no way in hell she was going to serve them. she couldn’t ask dina, her table kept sending back the food. ellie was ready to go over there and rip them a new one. she refrained.
jesse couldn’t, obviously. she wasn’t going to ask sam. she looked like she was also on the verge of tears. i guess everyone’s having a shitty day. she thought to herself as she walked over to cats table. except you.
“ellie! hey!” cat smiled, she wasn’t happy to see ellie, it was an evil smile. she was happy to terrorize ellie.
“i forgot you worked here!” she continues, earning an eye roll from ellie. sure you did, bitch.
ellie keeps it short and sweet. oh how badly she wanted to ask if this was her new girlfriend. but she didn’t.
“what can i get for you?” she asks, she didn’t even bother plastering a fake smile on her face.
cat and her whatever she is tell ellie there orders and she’s out of there. she doesn’t even give out her scripted response of.
“great choices! that’ll be right out for you!”
she just leaves.
when ellie returns with the two plates the pair look to be in deep conversation.
perfect ellie thought. she could just put down the food and get the fuck out of there-
“so how’s joel?!” cat asks, her lips pursed and her hands intertwined underneath her chin. ellie takes a deep breath. she should’ve docked cat in the face. she didn’t.
the fucking nerve that this bitch has.
ellie doesn’t reply. she turns around and speed walks back to the kitchen where she breaks down for the first time that day. dina ended up finding her and bringing her home early.
to top off her picture perfect fucking day. ellie gets home and finds a new email from her prof. she quickly skims through. as soon as she read the words “cost” and a four digit number, she was done.
her wobbly legs about to give out underneath her as she lays down on her bed. she takes a few deep breaths but it doesn’t help.
she didn’t even hear you come in. but soon enough you were rubbing her back and telling her that it was going to be okay.
she couldn’t help but cry more because the last person to comfort her like that was him.
eventually you calmed her down. you left for a few minutes and came back with a glass of water and a few pain killers.
“take these, your head must be killing you.” you sit down next to her and rub her back as she throws the pills back.
god. ellie felt like such a child.
“good girl.” you whisper as she takes a few more deep breaths. eventually calming completely. the comment didn’t pass hee though. her cheeks (among other things.) were suddenly hot and sticky from tears.
she turned to make eye contact with you, her eyes blood shot. you wondered how long she had been crying for.
the first words that left ellie’s mouth were simple. “did you still want that ice cream, lil man?” your son jumped up and down before grabbing her hand and pulling her off into the kitchen.
ellie had sat him down with a kind portion of chocolate ice cream before she walked up to you.
“hes more than welcome to sleep here tonight. if you don’t feel like picking him up.” she clarifies. her hands on her hips.
“oh ellie, i called out of work. we’re both staying.” ellie’s jaw drops. she instantly starts shaking her head in denial.
“no no you didn’t need to do that trust me, i’m really fine-” you pull her in for a hug to shut her up. you hold her tightly as she sighs into your shoulder.
“i’m sorry.” she whispers. you could only imagine how embarrassed she must’ve been.
“don’t be. you’re human.” you reassure her. you wanted to cry now too. you knew she was going through a bit of money trouble but how broken was this girl?
that night after your son went to bed you listened to ellie rant about her life for hours.
for the most part she held back tears but when she brought up joel you could tell it was hard.
you didn’t pry, or ask questions. you just listened. you listened to the good and the bad.
you two laughed when she told you about when she kissed her best friend riley, and then cried when she told you that riley had moved to canada and that they haven’t talked since.
you had told ellie about how you discovered you were a lesbian during your marriage.
you were bruh shocked to find your now ex-husband very cool with it.
she found out that you guys shared custody and he owned a house in a different part of the city. ellie was a bit envious of your seemingly normal life. you didn’t have to worry about money. atleast, not as much as she did.
you were nodding along as ellie told you about joel. joel had fostered ellie since she was twelve, he adopted her officially when she was sixteen.
she told you how he taught her the guitar, and let her get a tattoo before she turned eighteen.
ellie and joel’s relationship was rocky before he passed. ellie was going through that age where she needed a mother when she started acting out.
“i was always angry.” she confessed. “i would say the cruelest things to him and he would just,” she paused, looking for the right word. “he just took it.”
you frowned at this.
if you had known about any of this you would have never thrown your kid at her for half the week.
among the bad, you also learned a few interesting things about ellie.
she really liked to cook, and she was fucking good at it. you discovered that when she pulled out leftover pasta and served it to you like you were a member of the royal family.
eventually it was your turn to talk her ear off. however, there wasn’t much to tell, you thought.
“uhm- my favorite movie is tangled.” you laughed. ellie blew a raspberry.
“oh c’mon mama, you didn’t have like - a crazy childhood?” she asked. mama, huh?
you shrugged and spoke “not much to tell.” ellie rolls her eyes.
“alrighty then.” she ponders for a moment before speaking “you wanna watch a movie?” she asked, smiling like a fox. you felt your core tighten.
you accepted her offer and she reached out and helped you off her bar stool.
“what a gentle woman.”
“so i’ve been told.”
you and ellie didn’t settle on a movie. she sat you down and told you that you were watching tangled.
you put your hands up in defense. “if you insist.”
“i do insist.” she lays a soft pink blanket over the two of you as the movie begins.
“didn't picture you as much of a pink girl.” you state, covering your arms up with the blanket.
“m’ not, it’s just for you.” she says, her eyes only leaving the television to meet your own.
“just for me?” you ask, putting a hand over your chest in flattery.
“mhm” she replies with a wink and turns her focus back to the tv. it was your turn to feel flustered at her actions. she was quite the flirt apparently.
rapunzel was currently interrogating eugene when you turned to ellie.
“this is also his favorite movie.” ellie smiled at the fact. “is it really?” she laughed. not a condescending laugh, but more of a ‘that’s the cutest thing i’ve ever heard’ laugh.
“it is! he loves it so much, it’s adorable.” you tell her.
“you’re adorable” ellie accidentally admits. her face flushing when she’s noticed what she said.
she’s about to profusely apologize and possibly crawl in a hole and die when you giggle.
“i could say the same about you.” you whisper, shifting your body a little closer to her own. you were already close, but now your thighs were touching.
you tuck a piece of hair behind her ear, her eyes still on the screen. you burn holes in the side of her face. she doesn’t budge.
“ellie?” you whisper, you see her swallow before turning to look at you.
“y-yeah?” her pupils had dilated just a bit and you swore her freckles were more prominent. maybe you were a bit too close-
“you’re very pretty.” you tell her, your eyes darting from her eyes to her lips. then back to her eyes again.
ellie didn’t respond, instead she smirked and licked her lips. “yeah, you think so?” she asks, mostly rhetorically but you answer anyway. “i know so.”
ellie’s lips are dangerously close to your own when she slips her hand under your chin.
“i think you’re the prettiest.” she whispers. you almost didn’t hear her.
you're closing the gap between you two when you hear your sons sleepy voice come out of nowhere. you and ellie both quickly pull away from each other and she clears her throat.
“‘punzel!” he cheers, one of his pant legs riding up his leg, his hair all frizzled. you both light-heartedly laugh at the boys appearance.
“c’mere, baby.” you bring your arms out from underneath the blanket. open for him to crawl into. he obliged and crakes into your lap. you couldn’t even be mad at him for being up so late at this point.
ellie reached up and strokes his hair gently.
fucking cockblock
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missrosiesworld · 1 month
Hi! I really like your crush fics from zzz! I was wondering if you could do one for either Nicole or Anby? Whoever you prefer. That would be amazing! Totally understandable if you’d rather not tho! No pressure :)
Hi~ 👋🏼 Thank you for the ask 😊 I sure can do Nicole! Here are some cute headcanons about Nicole when she has a crush:
Subtle Generosity: Nicole, known for being stingy, suddenly starts treating her crush to little things, like snacks or small trinkets, using the excuse of "leftovers" or "extra stock." It’s her way of showing affection without being obvious.
Nicole: "Hey, I had some extra snacks lying around, thought you might like them." She casually tosses a small bag of treats onto the table, trying to act indifferent.
Crush: "Thanks, Nicole! This is really thoughtful of you."
Nicole: "Yeah, well… Don't get used to it." She shrugs, but a faint smile tugs at the corner of her lips.
Clumsy Cunning: Normally sharp and quick-witted, Nicole finds herself stumbling over her words or making silly mistakes when her crush is around. She’ll try to play it off with her usual cunning, but it’s clear she’s off her game.
Nicole: "So, uh, I… I was thinking… maybe we could… I mean, if you’re not busy—" She suddenly drops her pen, cursing under her breath as she scrambles to pick it up.
Crush: "Sure, I’d love to. What were you thinking?"
Nicole: "Oh, um, just… you know, a quick… discussion. About work." She finally retrieves the pen, her cheeks slightly flushed.
Extra Protective: Nicole’s protective instincts kick into high gear. She’ll casually inquire about her crush’s safety and well-being, and if they’re ever in trouble, she’ll drop everything to help, though she’ll insist it’s just business.
Nicole: "I heard there’s been some trouble in that part of town. You’re not planning on going there alone, are you?" Her voice is firm, almost commanding.
Crush: "I was, but I can handle it."
Nicole: "No way. I’ll come with you. Just… to make sure nothing goes wrong." She crosses her arms, leaving no room for argument.
Doodles in the Ledger: Her agency’s ledger, normally filled with serious notes and financial records, starts to have little doodles in the margins—hasty sketches of her crush, hearts, or the two of them together. She’d be mortified if anyone found out.
Nicole: "Where did I put that… Oh, here it is!" She quickly flips the ledger closed, but not before a small sketch of her crush catches their eye.
Crush: "What was that?"
Nicole: "Nothing! Just… just some random doodles. Nothing important." She tries to change the subject, her heart racing.
Awkward Invitations: Nicole awkwardly tries to invite her crush to hang out, often under the guise of "business meetings". She’ll overcompensate by being overly professional, even though it’s clear she just wants to spend time with them.
Nicole: "So, I was thinking… maybe we should, uh, discuss our next job… over dinner?" She fiddles with her nails, trying to sound nonchalant.
Crush: "Dinner sounds great. Are you thinking somewhere specific?"
Nicole: "Yeah, I mean, no… I mean, we could go wherever. It’s just business, after all." She forces a casual shrug, though her pulse quickens.
Uncharacteristic Generosity: Despite her usual financial struggles, Nicole doesn’t hesitate to spend what little money she has on things that might impress or help her crush.
Nicole: "I noticed you were looking at this the other day, so… here." She hands over a small, but expensive, item, avoiding eye contact.
Crush: "Nicole, this is… I don’t know what to say. Thank you."
Nicole: "Don’t mention it. Just… take care of it, okay?" She brushes it off with a wave, but her heart swells with pride.
Eager to Impress: Nicole goes out of her way to show off her skills and knowledge around her crush, whether it’s her street smarts, negotiation tactics, or even her (admittedly lacking) financial acumen. She wants to make sure they see her at her best.
Nicole: "You know, I managed to negotiate that deal down by 30%. Not bad, right?" She leans against the doorframe, a confident smirk on her face.
Crush: "That’s really impressive, Nicole. You’re a natural."
Nicole: "Well, I’ve been doing this for years. You pick up a thing or two." She tries to sound humble, but the compliment makes her beam inside.
Overthinking Everything: Normally decisive, Nicole starts overthinking every interaction with her crush. She’ll replay conversations in her head, analyzing every word and gesture, trying to figure out if her crush feels the same way.
Nicole: "So when you said you liked working with me, did you mean… you know, like in general, or like… specifically?" She tries to sound casual, but there’s a hint of nervousness in her voice.
Crush: "I meant it in every way. You’re great to work with, Nicole."
Nicole: "Oh, okay. Cool. That’s… good to know." She nods, biting her lip as she mentally replays the conversation for the tenth time.
Secretive Smiles: Nicole, who usually keeps a cunning smirk, starts smiling more often when thinking about or interacting with her crush. These smiles are softer and more genuine, something she’s not used to showing.
Crush: "Nicole, did you hear what I said?"
Nicole: "Huh? Oh, yeah, I heard you." She quickly snaps out of her thoughts, a soft smile lingering on her lips. "I was just thinking about how things have been going lately."
Crush: "Good thoughts, I hope?" They raise an eyebrow, curious about the smile.
Nicole: "Yeah, surprisingly good." She glances at them with a warm, almost shy smile before focusing back on the task at hand, the smile still tugging at her lips.
Unexpected Sweetness: Known for her sharp tongue, Nicole starts slipping in unexpected compliments or sweet comments directed at her crush. It catches even her off guard, and she quickly tries to cover it up with a joke or a change of subject.
Crush: "I’m not sure if I did this right. Can you check it for me, Nicole?"
Nicole: "You doubt yourself too much," she says, her voice unusually gentle as she looks over their work. "You're more capable than you give yourself credit for."
Crush: "Thanks, Nicole. That means a lot coming from you."
Nicole: "Don't let it go to your head," she quips, though there’s a softness in her eyes. "But yeah, you did great." She quickly looks away, trying to hide the hint of sweetness that slipped into her tone.
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ironstrange1991 · 9 months
Just As Good As I knew It Would Be
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Pairing: Defender!Strange x SexWorker!Reader
Synopsis: It was supposed to be just another night with a new client, but Defender Strange was unlike any other and he definitely had other plans.
Word Count: 10k
Warnings: Descriptions of sex work, one or two use of the word 'whore', hickeys and lovebites, oral sex with male and female receiving, protected p n v sex.
A/N: This was planned to be a one shot, but I can easily see this story continuing, so it's up to you guys. Also, I was literary falling asleep over my laptop when I posted this so any typos or grammar errors I will fix tomorrow.
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When the weight of his body left you and rolled to the side on the bed, you sighed in relief and also turned to the side, taking a cigarette from the package on the bedside table, lighting it and taking a long drag. It was still one o'clock in the morning and you had a client scheduled for 2:30 and before that you needed a long shower to get rid of all the sweat stuck to your skin.
He was a nice guy, plenty of money to spend since he paid for an hour with you almost every week. He was lonely and with the sweat problem you could understand why. You just couldn't remember his name. Andrew? No, Andrew was the one from last night. Nice guy, a little clingy but nice. Would it then be William? Fuck, it didn't matter anyway, you never called them by their names for that very reason.
Madam Elise always said that there was no other way to permanently lose a client than to call them by the wrong name. It's easier to call them all by the same pet name, she always says, and that's what you do. They were all Baby, for you. And they liked it very much.
"I would like you to stay the night with me." He murmured stroking your arm. "I like to think I'm more than just a client to you."
And didn't all of them like to think that way? You had to stop yourself from rolling your eyes and took another drag from your cigarette.
"You're too good for this job. I can give you the stability you need..."
"Okay, baby, let's get one thing straight once and for all." You interrupted him, putting out your cigarette in the ashtray and getting up. "I'm not interested in a relationship. Certainly not with one of my clients. And I don't need a man to save me from the life I live because, surprise! I like this life.”
He remained silent, watching as you got dressed and when you finished putting on your shoes he stood up, took out his wallet and took out a few hundred bills.
"Baby, I don't deal with money. I thought you had paid at the club."
He nodded "I did. This is extra."
You smirked, taking the money and putting it inside your bag. "You spoil me."
He smiled. "You deserve it, Y/n. When will we see each other again?"
"Madam Elise takes care of my schedule. But from what I know, it's full until next weekend."
He seemed extremely disappointed.
"But I'm sure she can fit you in some night for an extra fee."
"Money is not a problem." He stated cupping your cheek and threatening to kiss you, but you were quick to pull away from him.
"Then I'll see you next week. Take care."
"My driver will take you back to the club." He informed.
"Thanks, baby. Have a good night."
Madam Elise was busy taking care of the Absinthe's accounting after the doors closed. It was already past 3am and the girls were leaving. The night had been very profitable, everything had gone normally, without any mishaps and the girls seemed happy.
Throughout her life, Madam Elise worked at night and with her own effort founded the Absinthe Nightclub, which today has the status of the largest and most renowned nightclub in New York City. No less than 25 girls, 12 dancers, 3 singers, and an entire band worked for her, not counting the waiters, bartenders, security guards, secretaries, suppliers and everything else. It was a big business that she commanded with mastery and love.
However, that night, she was tired and could hardly wait to finally leave the place and go home. She was closing the register when Aline, her personal secretary who helps her take care of the girls' schedules, came to her excitedly.
"You won't believe who called asking for Y/n."
"Whoever it is, her schedule is full until the end of next week." Madam Elise answered nonchalantly, but Aline didn't seem any less excited and handed over a sheet of paper with a name and telephone number written on it.
"That's what I told him, but he didn't seem to mind waiting. He asked us to come back with an all-night date."
"A whole night?" Madam Elise asked surprised. "Does he know her price?"
"He mentioned that money is not a problem." Aline responded, smiling as if just talking to the man had already turned her his biggest fan.
"Why Y/n? Did he ask for her specifically or did you recommend her?"
Aline shook her head "He asked for her and only her. It must have been someone else’s recommendation."
"I highly doubt it." That was all Madam Elise responded to Aline's speculation. "Call him tomorrow, schedule him for the night."
Aline looked at her as if she had said the most absurd thing. "Should I reschedule everyone else? They won't be happy."
"No, but they will accept it. Y/n has already captivated them for life. Now a new client like this one..." She stared at the name scribbled on the sheet of paper. "This is a customer we still need to captivate."
Aline nodded, but continued standing there as if she wanted to ask or say something.
"What is it?" Madam Elise asked impatiently.
"Does madam think he will come here?"
"Don't be silly, of course not. A man like him has an image to maintain. She will go to him."
When you woke up the next day, the sun was coming in from behind the gaps in the heavy curtains in your room and it was already past 2PM. The routine of sleeping when it was almost dawn and waking up in the middle of the afternoon was the least rewarding part of the job, but it was something you had to get used to.
You had a very chaotic routine, but you couldn't think of another way to live. Your work has provided you with a beautiful apartment and all the luxury you could have dreamed of, and most importantly, freedom.
You didn't depend on anyone but yourself and contrary to what many might think, you didn't feel used. In fact most of the time you felt like a pop star, with men lining up to have a special appointment with you.
After taking a shower and spending a long time on skin care, you went down to have breakfast - which was actually always afternoon coffee - and took the opportunity to take a look at your schedule. There were two new customers you were excited to meet. One of them was a jazz singer, the other was a politician. A deputy, if you weren't mistaken.
"More coffee, ma'am?" Karen, your maid asked gently.
"Yes please."
Karen had been working for you for a little over a year. It was actually Madam Elise's idea for you to have someone to take care of the house and you, but you suspected that Karen also did a second job: spying on you for her. You would be eternally grateful for everything Madam Elise did for you, but sometimes the woman was too controlling and a little scary. Not that you cared, it wasn't like you had anything to hide.
"Karen, remind me again how you met Madame Elise." You asked, still looking through the names on your cell phone’s notepad and taking a bite of your toast.
"It's been so long, dear, I don't even remember exactly, but I think it was a few years a go when I worked at the nightclub" The old woman responded evasively.
"Hmm" You were sure the last time you asked she said they met each other at a job interview and not once she mentioned she worked at the Absinthe.
"Oh, I almost forgot it! Madam Elise called and asked you to call back as soon as you woke up. She said there were changes in your schedule for the night."
"No, come on! I was looking forward to meeting the deputy." You murmured, finishing your coffee and already calling her.
When you arrived at the Absinthe to get ready, it was already past 6PM and you still didn't know who the special client was that made Madam Elise cancel and reschedule everyone else. She refused to speak on the phone and emphasized that you should spend some extra time taking care of yourself because this client deserved the best.
So you took a bubble bath with some special bath salts, were extra careful with your skin care, using your best oils and creams. Your hair, which you had decided to leave loose and straight, you ended up wrapping in curlers and clips so that you could finish it when you arrived at the nightclub, as well as your makeup, which Madam Elise made a point of saying on the phone that she would do herself.
"I don't know why so much suspense." You said as she finished preparing your skin with foundation.
"You'll understand when you get there." She answered.
"How about this one?" Sofia, one of the new girls who worked with you asked, holding a hanger with a very short strapless red dress.
"No. Too much." Madam Elise replied.
"How about this other one?" Sofia asked showing off a long black dress with an extravagant slit.
"Too much, Sofia. What part of elegant and discreet don't you understand?" Madam Elise responded sharply.
"It would help if you say who the client is." Sofia complained.
"That's what I'm trying to find out." You said taking advantage of Sofia's complaint. "Oh, I got it, He is a rockstar, isn’t he? Don't tell me it's Bono!"
Sofia stared at Madam Elise, waiting for an answer.
“It's not Bono. And he's not a rockstar. He's better than that."
"How about this one?" Sofia showed off a rose midi dress that looked like something Kate Middleton would wear to one of her official events.
"Perfect!" Madame Elise exclaimed, finishing applying the third layer of mascara to your eyelashes.
"Please don't say it's the president. He's too old." You whimpered.
"Don't be silly, Y/n." That's all she replied.
"Older men make the best clients." Sofia reflected as she hung the dress on the chair next to you. "They are kind and don't usually last long. Not to mention they pay extras."
"Girl, You're learning fast!" You praised.
"Learning from the best." Sofia said giving you a wink and you two giggled.
"Perfect. Now let's let this hair down." Madam Elise said as she took the clips out of your hair and used a comb to straighten your curls. She finished with a setting spray and only then let you look in the mirror. The whole thing seemed too much to you, but you didnt say anything.
"Now finish getting dressed. A car is waiting for you outside. The driver knows where to drop you off."
"Yes ma'am."
Surprising you, Madam Elise leaned over and gave you a small kiss on the cheek in a rare display of affection.
"Good luck, my darling."
When the driver stopped in front of the old building, you couldn't help but think he had gotten the address wrong.
"Are you sure we're in the right place?"
"177A Bleecker Street. That's the exact address Madam Elise gave me. Do you want me to call her to check?"
You shook your head "No. It's okay. Thank you." You said, opening the door and getting out of the car.
"Should I pick you up in an hour?" He asked.
"No. He paid for the night." You informed, closing the door.
You walked up the steps slowly, somewhat intimidated by the oppressiveness of the place and trying to convince yourself that this was really happening, but when you approached the door, it opened on its own and you were overcome with the realization that you were about to spend the night with none other than Defender Strange himself.
As soon as you entered, the door closed behind you and you stood in the empty entrance hall somewhat disconcerted and not knowing what to do next. It took what seemed like an eternity until you were greeted by a baritone voice.
"Hello. I'm sorry, I was sure the woman I talked to this morning told me you would arrive at 9pm" He said going down the stairs and coming towards you. He was dressed exactly as you had seen him on TV or in the newspapers. Black and red robes, boots and hair tied in a ponytail, but gosh, the TV and newspapers didn't do justice to his beauty. Defined jaw, sharp cheekbones, plump lips and beautiful blue eyes. The man was gorgeous.
"I'm sure Madam Elise wouldn't get confused with my schedule. You must have spoken to Aline, her personal secretary." You said, feeling your cheeks turning red from the strange situation and also from the way he glared at you.
"Well, I have no reason to complain if her mistake gave me more time with you." He smirked, extending his hand for you to hold and bringing it to his lips. You knew that if it was any other man doing that you would roll your eyes at how cliché and ridiculous the gesture was, but with him all you could think about was how elegant and gentle he was. He just seemed so calm and kind.
"I'm sure you already know me, but let me formally introduce myself. Doctor Stephen Strange, or how my friends call me, Defender Strange, but you can call me Stephen."
You smiled "It's a pleasure to meet you, Stephen. I'm Y/n, but of course you already know that."
His smile widened "It's a pleasure to meet you in person, Y/n." He kept your hand in his. "Come, this is my house." He said gesturing ahead and taking you to the lounge and you found yourself analyzing every detail. The place was beautiful. It definitely wasn't to your taste, but it had a certain charm. Everything looked ancient, from the extravagant chandeliers to the reddish wooden furniture, everything seemed to have been there for many, many years.
"It's very nice." You said, still dazzled by every detail that was visible to you. The place was huge. "Do you live alone here?"
"Yes. I am the master of this Sanctum and therefore I live here. It is old and makes strange noises at night, but you learn to like it over time." He seemed to analyze your expressions carefully.
"But it must be lonely living alone in such a big place." You insisted, still amazed by the size of the place and you had only seen the foyer and the lounge.
Stephen smirked "It's rarely empty and work takes up most of my days, so I don't have time to feel lonely."
"Please, sit. May I offer you something to drink?"
"Sure." You said, sitting on the beautiful victorian sofa.
"Wine? Maybe something stronger?"
"Wine is great."
He nodded. "Make yourself comfortable. I'll be back in a moment."
You did as he asked and as soon as he left, he returned with two glasses and a bottle of red wine which he opened and poured.
"I'm curious" You said, taking the glass he handed to you. "How do you know me? I mean, Madam Elise told me you asked for me specifically."
He smiled and took a long sip of wine.
"It's a long story. The short version is that a friend of mine told me about you."
"Is he a client?"
He chuckled, "I don't really know. I'm just glad he lead me to meet you."
You sipped the wine slowly, savoring the sweet on your tongue as much as you were savoring the enigmatic company of the man in front of you. However he downed the last of his wine and stood up.
"If you allow me, I need to finish a few things before I can dedicate myself entirely to you. Please, make yourself at home. Choose something for us to listen to, if you like music. I have a large collection. I'm sure something will please you."
With that he walked away, disappearing from sight and leaving you alone in the huge lounge.
You did what he suggested. You refilled your glass and ventured into the huge shelf of music in front of you, which to your surprise were not CDs but LPs. You got distracted reading the titles. He had a little bit of everything, from classical to pop music, including R&B and Hip Hop, classic rock and industrial metal and other things you didn't even know.
You opted for Bon Jovi and left it playing at a pleasant ambient volume and distracted yourself by scrolling through your Instagram feed for what seemed like a long time.
When he returned, he was no longer dressed in his sorcerer robes, but rather in dark jeans and a gray shirt. His hair, however, was still tied up in a ponytail and you found yourself thinking that any man in the world would look ridiculous with that hair, but not him.
"Bon Jovi. Good choice."
"A little cheesy, but I like it." You confessed. "I don't think I've ever met anyone who had so much physical music in the days of streaming services."
He chuckled. "Let's just say I'm old-fashioned. I'm not given to technology."
"No, just magic, I presume." You teased, getting up and approaching him, deciding to take the initiative. Men usually liked you to take the initiative, but with him you weren't too sure, but you had already waited too long and to be quite honest, you were eager to finally start the night.
"Are you going to show me some tonight?" You asked in your most seductive voice, and he let you snuggle into his arms and leaned his face against your hand when you touched him and finally, finally, he kissed you. A soft kiss, as if he was tasting a forbidden fruit, but you were eager to deepen the kiss, eager to finally claim him as one of your most valuable conquests.
His lips were thick and soft, his tongue tasted like wine and something else you couldn't identify and the touch of his beard on your face was delicious.
You couldn’t remember the last time you were this turned on by a kiss, but you could feel the slick between your legs. However, he pulled away gently when your hands threatened to unbutton his shirt.
"I can show you one or two things, but I'd like us to have dinner first." He said. "We don't need to rush, we have the whole night ahead of us."
But you had no intention of stopping now, not when your lips were finally on his mouth, down his chin and then his neck, nibbling his ear lobe. "I'm not hungry. Not for food at least." You whispered in his ear and watched him swallow thickly, but he grabbed your hand and pulled you away gently.
"I must insist."
You nodded a little confused, but let yourself be pulled into what soon turned out to be the dining room. The table was set and the food smelled wonderful. You hadn't really noticed that you were hungry until now, but it shouldn't have been a surprise since you had barely eaten all day.
He pulled out the chair for you to sit down and confessed. "I bought the food from my favorite Italian restaurant. I hope you don't mind. I would have cooked, but I didn't have time."
But he knew how to cook. Noted.
You smiled reassuringly, "It's great. It's more than I expected to be honest. Men don't usually serve me dinner. It's usually the other way around, you know?" You chuckled.
He poured your glass and his and then sat down too. "Men rarely know how to value what they have."
You felt your cheeks blushing and disguised it by taking a sip of wine.
"Well, they pay two thousand dollars for the hour." You said finally trying the food. "Wow, this is delicious."
He smiled satisfied and only them allowed himself to start eating too. "I'm not talking about money. For me, having the company of a woman, whether I paid for her or not, is always a privilege.
You stared at him and then gave in to your curiosity. "I wonder why a man like you needs to pay for a woman."
He didn't seem surprised or bothered by the question. He chewed slowly and swallowed, wiped his lips on his napkin and took a sip of his wine and then said simply. "I don't have to pay for women. But I had to pay to have the woman I wanted."
You felt your stomach fluttering at those words and something about the way he glanced at you and said it made you blush, and you smiled shyly. "I hope I'm worth it."
After dinner you convinced him to take you on a small tour of the house and your admiration for the place only increased with each new room that was presented to you.
"This is the library." He said, opening the two wooden doors and indicating for you to enter. He entered right behind you and waited in silence while you swept the place with your eyes.
 It was ancient and beautiful, like you expected the library of an old castle or something to be like. So many shelves of books that went from floor to ceiling and small ladders supported on the shelves so that people could get books from higher places. There were also small desks scattered around the place and a larger one in the left corner with a large wooden and leather chair. Some books, paper and pen and a pair of reading glasses on top of it.
"It's my second favorite place in the house." He reported proudly, "It's also where I spend most of my time when I'm not on a mission."
You nodded, walking slowly down one of the corridors and trying to read the titles of the books. Most of them were written in other languages. "Which is the first?"
He smiled getting closer and when he spoke again his voice sounded dangerously close to your ear "I'll show you."
You felt your skin prickle and that didn't go unnoticed by him. He held your shoulders and got close enough for you to feel his body pressed against yours. His fingers slowly pulled the strap of your dress and only then did you notice a tremor in his hands, but before you could ask yourself what had happened to them, he started to place little kisses on your shoulder and little by little he raised them to your neck and you completely forgot what you were thinking.
The little kisses went up to your ear and he nibbled your earlobe and exhaled heavily as if he had been holding his breath for a long time and your body trembled with the sensation of his warm breath.
Without holding back, you turned to face him and pulled him into a kiss and your lips collided with a passion that surprised you. His tongue invaded your mouth and dominated yours easily and your fingers were quick to unbutton the buttons of his shirt, while his fingers unzipped your dress and the two of you desperately undressed without your mouths separating for even a second. Suddenly the idea of ​​being apart from him seemed absurd and you were surprised by the overwhelming passion that took over you. It was as if the two of you were live wires that had finally touched and were now joined by an electric current of passion and lust.
When your dress was lying on the floor and your hands managed to free him from his pants and finally free his cock from his boxers, you pumped him a few times reveling in the realization that he was as big as you needed him to be. He rested his forehead on yours, closing his eyes and indulging in the touch of your hand and you cupped his face and pulled him back to your lips.
"I've waited for this for so long." He rasped in your lips, wrapping his arms around your waist and lifting you off the floor. You locked your legs around his waist, and he carried you to the largest desk and quickly finished undressing you, but made a point of keeping your high heels on.
He kicked his shoes away and did the same with his pants and boxers, leaving him gloriously naked for you and you watched in fascination as he moved his fingers and a condom materialized in thin air. He opened it quickly with his teeth and put it in with a certain desperation and finally entered you.
You both moaned at the sensation and you held yourself on to the edge of the desk as he thrusted against you with a certain desperation that was surprising and at the same time delicious. The sound of your bodies slamming against each other mixed with your moans and echoed through the empty library.
Your head fell back and he took the opportunity to bury his face between your breasts and took one nipple in his mouth and then another.
"Fuck..." You cursed out and then bit your lips to contain your moans, but they kept escaping as he fucked you so good and with so much passion and you suddenly noticed that you weren't forcing a positive reaction to please him. If anything, you were surprised with yourself, at how he was making you feel.
Your hand grabbed his hair and pulled him back to your lips and he kissed you passionately, thrusting his tongue into your mouth with the same desperation with which he thrusted his cock inside you. Fast, intense and delicious.
He broke the kiss only to run his lips down your neck and pushed you gently so that you lay down on the desk and pulled your hips closer to the edge and with a hand flat on your lower belly he returned to thrust into you and the variation of the position made him hit your g spot with calculous precision and your mouth went agape.
Men didn't usually find your g spot and didn't even bother trying, always desperate to achieve their own pleasure, but he was different, somehow he was different from everyone else.
"Stephen... You're going to make me cum."
You confessed surprise at how the knot seemed to tighten in your stomach. "Do you want me to cum, baby?"
He didn't respond, too involved in his own pleasure, but he put a hand between you touching your clit and rubbing his fingers there in slow circles and that was enough of an answer for you and your body responded to the stimulation quickly pulling you to the edge.
You came hard and he came soon after.
When he finished, he pulled you to meet his lips and something about the sweetness of that kiss made your heart flutter in your chest in a way you hadn't felt in a long time, but you were too caught up in all the sensations to pay attention to what they meant.
It was you who broke the kiss to breathe and he gently pulled out and quickly got rid of the dirty condom with a flick of his fingers and ran his hand through his hair, tucking the strands that came loose from the ponytail behind his ear and then smiled seeming a little embarrassed.
"This wasn't how I imagined." He said and upon noticing how that sentence could be interpreted in a wrong way he ran to explain "I thought I could get to the room. Give you a little comfort at least."
You stood up and approached him, cupping his cheek gently. "Believe me, you gave me something much better." You said letting out a small chuckle and pulling him back to your lips and something between his little moan and how his hand hold you closer to him made you feel like he was melting for you.
"Now will you show me your favorite place in the house?" You asked giving him your cutest smile and he nodded smiling.
"Anything you want."
The two of you got dressed in silence, but the silence wasn't awkward, in fact it was full of smiles and glances, and you found yourself thinking that you didn't remember the last time you felt like that, like you were on a real date rather than being with a client.
Either way, you pushed those thoughts to the back of your mind, remembering very well Madam Elise's words: No matter how incredible a client is, never forget they are just that: a client. Because they will never forget that you are a whore.
You sighed, letting the silly smile on your lips slowly die.
Stephen led you up the stairs and you walked behind him down a long hallway until you stopped in front of a large door, but before he opened it he turned to you and gently informed, "Many of the artifacts you will see in this room are magical and their value is immeasurable. I must ask you not to touch anything."
"Geez, I'm not that clumsy, Stephen." You defended yourself giving him your best smile.
"Please" He insisted.
"Okay, no touching." You promised, showing your hands to him and holding them behind your back dramatically. He smirked and then nodded opening the door and the two of you slowly entered. He snapped his fingers and the lights came on so you could actually look at the place.
It was a large and spacious room full of pedestals with vases and other objects on top, some were protected by glass, others were not. Everything seemed so old, from the heavy amber curtains and the gold and burgundy carpets to the cabinets and book shelves, the paintings on the walls and the ostentatious chandelier in the center of the ceiling. There was a fireplace surrounded by two loveseats and a fluffy dark brown rug. On the floor, next to the rug, there were some books and a forgotten tea cup.
But all of this was nothing compared to the beautiful round window that gave a beautiful view of Greenwich Village. "Wow, this is beautiful."
You approached the window to take a look outside where cars were rushing past. You had already seen that window from the outside, not to mention they sold postcards of the city with the front of the Sanctum Sanctorum printed on them, but being inside, observing the outside through that window was something else entirely.
"I usually come here when I need to think or just disconnect from my sorcerer problems." He explained, approaching you from behind and wrapping his arms around your waist. "This window is special, it allows me to see more of what is in front of me."
You raised an eyebrow "Is this some wizard code for something?"
He chuckled in your ear making your body tingle and then pointed to the window "This pattern is the seal of Vishanti, I don't expect you to know what it means, but it is very important and protects the Sanctum from various types of threats."
You nodded, looking at the intricate symbol in the window, but more precisely looking at him, so serious when he was talking about his work and so beautiful with that long hair, the gray strands just made him even more attractive and the beard, those cheekbones and the eyes...
"The window of worlds allows me to see other realities and dimensions. Some are pleasant to look at, benevolent so to speak, so you can easily get lost while watching them, others are dark and frightening, but it is my job to observe them and assure that everything remains in its natural state, without interference in our real world."
You smiled shyly admitting, "It's hard to combine the things you're explaining with the term real world. I live in the real world, this is… something else."
He let out a small laugh and then buried his nose in your hair and inhaled deeply, "You weren't real to me until tonight."
You turned to look at him "You talk about me like you know me."
He sighed, closing his eyes when your hand cupped his cheek, but before you could ask anything he pulled you to his lips and you felt your entire body shaking with that kiss, your heart pounding in your head as you gave in to the certainty that there was more than just sex involved tonight, even though you knew it was crazy, you couldn't help but feel that way. He was different, special and it wasn't because of who he was or the things he could do - magically speaking - but rather because of the way he could turn you into a puddle of goo with a look, a smile, a touch of his trembling hands and that kiss.
He was the one who broke the kiss first and before he could pull away, you pulled him to your lips again kissing him one more time. He smiled satisfied pulling away, but made sure to keep holding your hand and gently directed you to the rug next to the fireplace.
You watched him get rid of his shoes and did the same, letting your sore feet be caressed by the softness of the rug.
"I usually meditate here." He said, picking up the cup from the floor and disposing of it with a movement of his hand. "And I read. It helps keep me grounded. It's where I can have privacy, besides my room, of course."
You nodded, sitting on the carpet and reaching out to pick up one of the books, but he quickly took them out of your reach and returned them to the bookshelf.
"I'm surprised I can touch you, since everything here is sacred." You teased watching as he sat next to you, his hands automatically pulled you close and his fingers played with the strap of your dress pulling it down and placing little kisses on your shoulder. With his other hand he started to unzip your dress on your back and you felt your skin prickling.
"I am not sacred." He explained, searching for your lips and kissing you hungrily "Actually, I'm very human..." He continued kissing you, but his hands helped you get rid of the straps of your dress, letting it fall to your waist and undressing your breasts to him as he held one of them in his hand, pinching a nipple "...with human needs that I want you to satisfy."
You intertwined your fingers in his hair when his lips went down to your neck and he began to suck on your throat. He stopped and admired his work and then continued making sure the mark stayed.
"Y-you... can't..." You tried to warn him in vain when you finally noticed what he was doing, but he covered your lips with his index finger and continued until he was satisfied.
"What can't I do?" He asked with a cute smirk on his lips once he was satisfied with his work.
You swallow thickly feeling drunk, even though all you had drank that night was three glasses of wine.
"Mark me." You finally managed to say and his smirk turned into a grin.
"Too late for that, baby. Skin is very nice and soft, can't help it." And as if to prove what he was saying, he lightly bit the spot just below your ear and then sucked on the skin, eliciting a moan from your lips.
You couldn't tell what he had, but he managed to mess with you in a way that you couldn't understand, you could either think straight or formulate a coherent sentence while he had his lips on you. He made you melt, all your self-confidence and control seemed to melt before him.
"What's going on inside this pretty head of yours?" He asked, biting your chin and sticking his tongue in your mouth in another breathtaking kiss.
You hummed into his lips and tried to formulate a response when he finally broke the kiss.
"You. Right now, there is only you."
He smiled proudly, "Yeah? But there's another place I'd rather be at the moment."
You bit your bottom lip and waited for him to tell you.
"With my face between your legs." He rasped in your ear "Would you like that?"
God yes, please. But you just nodded letting yourself be manhandled as he laid you down on the fluffy rug and finished taking off your dress and panties. Your legs hung to the sides and he didn't wait to dive between them, lapping his tongue into your folds to make you even wetter than you already were.
He used his fingers to open your folds and licked your clit lightly with the tip of his tongue making your entire body tremble, your hands searched for something to grab and stopped in his hair, grabbing his ponytail, but you policed ​​yourself to don't pull.
"Oh fuck... oh yes, yes..."
He hummed approvingly at your reaction and the vibration made your body shake. Without waiting any longer, he took your clit between his lips and began to suck slowly and then increasing the pressure and you saw stars.
You loved oral sex, but the men you had sex with never cared enough to waste time pleasuring you like this, after all they were paying a lot of money, it was understandable they preferred to receive rather than give, but Defender Strange was different from all of your other clients, he was actually taking pleasure in giving pleasure to you and he was wonderful. You couldn't remember the last time you had your clit sucked with such dexterity, if anyone had ever managed to reach that level of excellence, that is, and your clit suckers could only do so much and were nothing compared to the real thing and Stephen, oh god, Stephen was even better than the real thing. He was perfect.
You could feel the knot inside you threatening to break, your legs shaking under the grip of his hands and the next thing you knew you were tugging at his hair, the hair tie came loose in your hand and you finished getting rid of it letting his soft locks fall like a curtain of dark brown and gray.
Of course he could feel you were close, your body was shaking, your breathing was faster, your wet, neglected hole was clenching around nothing and your moans were getting louder and louder, but then he stopped, brought his hand down to his hair moving them away from his face and stared at you with those blue eyes and a satisfied smile on his lips that somehow took your breath away.
"Please... don't..." You could barely speak.
"I don't want you to cum yet." He confessed and then crawled on top of you "You're so delicious, you know that, right?"
You pulled him to your lips instead of responding. The taste of your cunt in his mouth was so obscene and so delicious that you couldn't control a moan. He chuckled between your lips letting you control the kiss for the first time that night. Your fingers tangled in his hair and you couldn't resist, you pulled just a little to see his reaction and to your surprise and delight he moaned, a loud and unmistakable moan.
When your lips parted, he glanced at you and you took the opportunity to caress his face, tracing the outline of his beard with your finger.
"You're so beautiful." You confessed "You're even more beautiful in person than on TV."
He let out a little giggle and you could see a light shade of pink fill his cheeks and you thought it was adorable.
He kissed your lips softly and held your chin between his thumb and forefinger "You're beautiful. You have the most beautiful pair of eyes I've ever seen and your smile... it does things to me."
You smiled shyly with the way he was glancing at you and then watched as he seemed to go somewhere else in his mind for a second but soon after he smiled back. "Where have you been all this time?" He asked.
You weren't sure what to say, so you just pulled him to your lips again and kissed him, feeling a strange sensation in your stomach. His lips moved down your chin and he touched your lips with his thumb, gently forcing them apart. You took his digit in your mouth and sucked on it, teasing him to which he smirked.
"I want your mouth now." He asked, taking his finger out of your mouth and replacing it with his tongue and kissed you hard.
You cupped his cheek and asked, "Tell me how you like it."
There were many things you could do with a man's cock in your mouth and you mastered that art masterfully, but with him you were insecure, you couldn't read him and while that was frustrating, it was also what made it all the most exciting.
"Do you ask this of all your clients?" He asked, looking genuinely curious.
You shook your head "No. Usually I know what they like right away, but you... you're different."
He seemed to like your answer. He rolled onto his side and lay on his back on the carpet. "You can start by undressing me and then you can take good care of me."
You sat down next to him and let your fingers run down his chest, playing with the buttons on his shirt.
"Do you like being taken care of?" You checked.
"Very much."
You unbuttoned his shirt, pulling the fabric aside and placing kisses on his chest, lowered your hand to his belt and bit your lip, noticing his hard on contained inside his pants. It twitched with the lightest of touches from your fingers and you couldn't help the proud smile on your lips. You moved to straddle his legs and unbuckled his belt and pants and with both hands you pulled down his pants and boxers, moving to take them off completely and throwing them in a pile on the floor.
You went back to straddling his legs and finally laid your eyes on his cock. You had felt him in your hands and felt him impaling you, but it was the first time you were looking directly at him and god, it was beautiful. The curvature that let it lean towards his stomach and the veins bulging around it combined with the fat, pink head made your mouth water. He was pulsing and leaking from the head and without holding back you bent down and licked the slit to collect the precum and it tasted so good. Salt and sweet at the same time.
"I can take care of you." You purred. "Just tell me exactly how you like it."
He bit his bottom lip to hold back a moan when you finally took him in your hand, holding him tight.
"Slowly. There's no need to gag on it, just take as much as you can. And I will love if you suck my balls, lightly, I'm very sensitive there."
You listened carefully. All you wanted was to please him.
"Can I make you cum in my mouth?"
"Fuck, yes" He replied and his cock twitched in your hand.
"But there will be another round for me, right?" You confirmed, smiling mischievously.
"As many as you want." He promised.
Your mouth was salivating to have him, but you started slowly, just giving little cat licks on the head and running your tongue down his entire length while your eyes remained fixed on his. If there was one thing that was certain about all men, it's that they love it when you suck their dicks while looking at them with big dull eyes. Defender Strange was no exception. He bit his lip to try to suppress a groan and his hands grabbed the fur on the rug.
You contained a giggle watching his reaction and continued with your work, lowering your tongue to the base and then taking one of his heavy balls in your mouth. You sucked slowly and then took the other one and repeated the same process while your hand moved up and down, slowly pumping him.
"Oh fuck, it's so good." He praised you and you felt that strange feeling in your stomach again, quickly realizing that you liked hearing him praising you and trying your best to have more of that.
You moved your lips up, placing small wet kisses along his entire length and stopped at his frenulum, licking it lightly with the tip of your tongue. For most men, the frenulum was the most sensitive part of their cocks and gave them the most pleasure when stimulated, however it used to be neglected most of the time by women, but you weren't like all women, you knew how to pleasure a man and there was nothing you wanted more than to pleasure Stephen. Not only that, you wanted to be the best he ever had.
You alternated the licks with light sucks on the delicate area and he began to writhe beneath you, moans began to escape his lips and you noticed how his baritone was even sexier in that context.
"Oh, right there, f-feels so good. J-just keep doing what you're doing with your tongue." He asked and you hummed satisfied, flicking your tongue in his frenulum and with one of your hands you began to massage his balls, giving them a light squeeze. With the other hand you continued pumping him at the base and he started to pulse in your hand and you knew that if you didn't reduce the stimulation he would cum before you even put him in your mouth, but you didn't care, you wanted to see him cumming like that, you wanted to prove to him that you were that good, so you increased the stimulation on his frenulum, changing the light licks for a more efficient suction while still using your tongue, but now not quickly, but like a kiss, slowly and with more passion.
"You're going to make me cum if you keep this up." He rasped bringing his hands to your head, but he didn't push or pull, he just grabbed your hair in a ponytail to move it away from your face and allow him to have a good view of what you were doing. Men were visual creatures.
"Do you want me to stop?" You asked, stopping to make sure, but he shook his head vehemently.
"Please, don't stop. Just keep working your tongue like that."
You did as he asked, but stopped pumping him and let his cock fall heavily onto his stomach, using only your mouth to stimulate him and your hand on his balls.
You licked, sucked, kissed his frenulum and started all over again until his grip on your hair got stronger, pulling at the roots and with a loud moan he came on his stomach.
"F-fuck yes. Oh shit... oh baby..."
You couldn't contain the smile on your lips when you saw him in that state, you were so proud of yourself, and you hadn’t even put him in your mouth. The man was so sensitive to touch, you wanted to ravish him so much.
You crawled on top of him and he cupped your cheek, still panting, but there was a wide smile on his lips.
"How did you do that?"
"I barely did anything. You are very sensitive."
He smirked, "Or maybe you're just too good with that tongue. No woman has ever made me cum like this." He confessed.
You felt your cheeks blushing and that was also an effect of him over you. You weren't shy, but when he looked at you like that and talked to you like that you felt yourself melting. Instead of saying anything, you kissed him softly, but then went down your lips to his neck, licking, biting, sucking on his pulse point and continued moving your lips down to his chest, taking one of his nipples in your mouth and sucking and pinching the other. He moaned softly and you felt him twitching in your stomach, his cum running down his sides, making your skin and his stick together and making a mess, but you couldn't care less.
He was soft now, but not completely and as soon as the stimulation on his nipples intensified he began to harden again for you. The man had a lot of stamina and you could only be grateful for that because you couldn’t wait to have him inside you again.
"R-ride me." His voice sounded shaky above your head. You brushed your hair away from your face to look at him and he cupped your face with both hands "Ride me, baby. Use me. Wanna see you getting off on my cock." He asked and you felt your heart pounding on your chest. You nodded and kissed him.
"Condom?" You asked, trying hard to reason. He moved his fingers and a condom materialized between his index finger and his middle finger and he handed it to you. With another movement of his fingers his shirt disappeared, and he was completely bare for you.
Opening the package, you took his lips in a hungry kiss and your hands went down to meet his cock, pumping him slowly, but with a firm grip on your hands, making him moan on your lips.
You dedicated yourself to putting the condom on him, but first you bent down to put him whole in your mouth. His hands automatically grabbed your hair as he hardened until it was rock hard in your mouth as you bobbed your head on his length, finally giving him the oral he deserved.
"S-such a delicious mouth. So f-fucking perfect... I knew you'd be so fucking good to me..."
You couldn't shake the thought that he spoke to you as if he knew you and that it wasn't just because a friend had recommended you to him, it seemed to be something more, but at the same time you also knew that something in him was awakening a different type of attraction and that you were probably only seeing things where nothing existed because you were too involved, so you tried hard to push away those thoughts and dedicated yourself to giving him the best blowjob, using your tongue the entire time, swirling it along his entire length while taking turns going up and down and using a little suction on his head. You knew it was going well because he continued praising you between moans that grew louder and louder, however he held your chin and gently took his cock out of your mouth.
"As incredible as this is, I really want to cum with my cock inside you this time." He explained. "And not before you."
You smiled nodding and finally – reluctantly - put on the condom. Part of you wanted to fuck him raw, but in your profession, that was never an option.
Moving to straddle him, you directed his cock at your entrance which was dripping wet and let yourself sink into him feeling him stretch you deliciously.
You had seen dicks of all sizes and learned to get the best out of each one, but you couldn't be a hypocrite or lie and say that size doesn't matter. Yes, it matters a lot, and you were so grateful that Defender Strange was this big, providing you with the perfect amount of stretch and with that perfect curvature that found your g spot with surprising ease. All you had to do was lean forward a little, resting both hands on his chest and that was it.
"Oh y-yes baby... right there."
Stephen groaned in satisfaction, both of his hands grabbed and squeezed the fat of your waist, his eyes fixed on yours the entire time.
"Hit that sweet special spot uh? I can feel it. Feels so good, so fucking warm and wet... shit... squeezing me so tight."
You bit your lip, moving your hips up and down, turning it sensually every time you went down, letting his pelvic bone and hair massage your clit, providing shocks of pleasure that felt like electric currents running through your entire body.
"I love seeing you riding me like this, so fucking gorgeous" He purred "Come on, baby, need more, fuck me harder."
You increased the pace until you were both panting, the sensuality giving way to the tireless search for your release that you knew wasn't too far away. You couldn't help it, he was so perfect, everything about him exuded sex, the looks, the moans, the dirty words of submission taking you to the limit and at the same time making you hold on to the edge because you didn't want it to end, you wanted to let that continue forever.
However, he seemed to understand that you were stalling because he wrapped his arm around your waist and sat down leaving the two of you in a lotus position and began to move you faster on top of him, thrusting his hips against you to increase the intensity of the thrusts.
Getting carried away by all the sensations and feeling the knot threatening to break, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and grabbed a handful of his hair tugging at it with more force than you should have while the movements of your hips on top of him became faster and more desperate.
"Do it again." He urged in your ear, his baritone little more than a whisper.
You pulled his hair again, even harder this time and his head fell back and you felt his cock throb inside you. A part of you loved that and without him asking you did it again and again and took advantage of the fact that his neck was on display for you and started sucking it hard, biting it and sucking again until it left a purple mark. Satisfied, you grabbed his chin and pulled him to your lips, sticking your tongue in his mouth and being surprised by the way he let himself be dominated and when he let out a sweet moan in your mouth and his dick throbbed again Inside you, you knew he had reached his limit.
You sunk your teeth into his shoulder, feeling the wave of pleasure and euphoria wash over you as the knot broke and you came hard on his cock and with a loud, animalistic groan he came soon after, his cock pulsing and spilling into the condom. God, how you wish it were your walls that he was painting white.
That thought alone should have been enough for you to question your sudden involvement with that man, but at that moment you didn't want to reason, you just wanted to feel.
You were still lying on the rug, staring at the ceiling in silence and immersed in your own thoughts. Although your head was still spinning, your breathing had finally returned to normal, and the reason seemed to be coming back to you because you were suddenly too self-aware of everything that had happened that night.
Stephen had left you for a few minutes and you could hear him cleaning himself in the bathroom. You should also get up and get dressed, but your legs felt like jelly and you couldn't find the will within you to do so.
When he came back and laid back down next to you he was dressed in gray sweatpants and his hair had been pulled back into a ponytail.
"Don't you think sex is a weird thing?" You said, verbalizing the confused thoughts in your head. "I mean, you say things you would never say if you weren't aroused, you do things you can't imagine doing under any other circumstances."
He smiled thinking for a second. "I think it's called intimacy."
"Yes and no. Personally, I think intimacy is different. It's when you feel free to continue talking after sex is over and how you feel about it."
"Like now?" He asked.
You didn't respond, instead you sat down and faced the fireplace.
"I have a list of things I don't do or don't let people do to me." You admitted it.
"What for example?"
"Hickeys" You replied holding back a smile "As you can imagine it's not smart of me to arrive at the appointment with my client marked by the previous client."
"And why do I think you weren't reluctant enough when you realized what I was doing?"
"Because I wasn't." You sighed. "I also don't usually kiss my clients. I mean, it's not a rule, but I avoid it if possible. It makes me uncomfortable."
He sat down, seeming to watch you closely, but didn't say anything.
"Talking about personal things, like I'm doing now, is also on my list." You hugged your legs and rested your chin on your knee giving him an apologetic smile. "You left me disconcerted."
He smiled touching your knee and with his other hand he tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear and then caressed your cheek.
"I'm not usually like this with other women. Although I enjoy it, I rarely let myself be in a position where I'm not in control. I think it's safe to say that we both did things tonight that we don't usually do, and I don't know about you, but I really liked it and I really hope you liked it."
You sighed, feeling that strange feeling in your stomach again. "That's the problem, Stephen. You shouldn't care what I like or don't like."
"But I care." He replied chuckling dryly. "Is it really that bad that I care?"
You shook your head trying to think straight. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have started this conversation."
"You can tell me whatever you want." He said moving to kiss you, but then stopped and decided to confirm, "Is it okay to keep kissing you?"
"I don't know." You admitted with a sigh, but surrendered and threw yourself into his arms anyway.
He let out a small giggle when your lips collided, but then he took control of the kiss, kissing you like that was the only thing that mattered to him and god, he was such a good kisser. One of the reasons you hated kissing your clients was because they were terrible kissers and also because you thought it was too intimate. But with Defender Strange neither of those things applied.
When he finally got tired of your lips, he stood up and held out his hand for you to do the same. "Come on, let's go to bed."
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Reblog please! Leave a comment if you liked it. Interact! I will love to read all of your comments and opinions. It inspires me to keep writing!
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yrluvjane · 1 year
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏 𝒈𝒐𝒍𝒅
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[old money] James x fem!reader
《 Summary - After a coincidental encounter, James takes interest in one of his employees. 》
𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭
Who didn't know the Potters, especially when they owned everything. From banks, houses, and yachts to mansions, planes, and private islands. The family was known for its wealth and power. Almost ten generations have come since their fortune was assigned and now they’ve reached the point in being one of the richest and influential families in Europe. 
And it wasn’t every day James Potter, the only living heir, walked into a diner where he would only be served greasy fries and pizza. His perfectly tailored designer clothes made him stick out like a sore thumb no matter where he sat.
Sat on a table at the far end of the room, with a relaxing book in his hands and a steaming cup of black coffee on the table; James Potter’s eyes wandered from word to word and line to line, finding peace in between the letters. His eyes would raise temporarily every time the hanging door bells jingled to check if his company had arrived.
Despite the loud noise of chatter, the diner was mostly empty, only six tables were taken. The sudden and loud laughs of a group of women disrupted his reading, and James involuntarily swung his head towards them, confusion and curiosity swirling in his eyes. 
There, by the booths, sat a group of five girls all cheering loudly for their friend. James guessed that the woman they were cheering for was engaged, his eyes slightly squinted at the lady as she displayed her hand on the table for everyone to see.
It's not long before he realizes he’s not the only one looking at them; an elderly couple next to him, smiled fondly at the ladies and laughed together after a few short-whispered words. 
“Mr. Potter,” He blinked, refocusing his attention on the voice. He raised his head and found himself facing a young man in a wrinkled suit and skewed slim tie who was staring at him with a disturbingly wide smile. “An honor to have you here, truly.”
 “Thank you.” James responded blankly hoping to return to his book as quickly as possible without attracting unwanted attention from other diners, but it seemed as though the man did not comprehend James’ annoyance and instead decided to invite himself at James’ table. 
“My name is also James,”
The Potter one sent the man a tight-lipped smile. “I own this place, it’s actually my dad’s but I managed to sway him into giving it to me. So, yeah.” At that, the man had finally stopped talking and stared at James as though he was expecting the man to hand him an award and at James awkwardly silent response, the man threw his head back and laughed loudly. 
James narrowed his gaze at the man from behind his glasses and levelled him with a silent look of judgement. Though James did not speak any words his eyes expressed his feelings towards the man perfectly. And this time the man was able to clearly make out James' unpleasant impression of him.  "Not a man of many words, got it.”
“I’ll leave you to it then!” The other James said hesitantly, “If you need anything, and I mean anything I am right here!” The manager stood up and winked at him as he left.  
James sighed tiredly as the man’s voice faded and had finally vanished from his view. It was not that James was rude, it was the fact he did not appreciate people trying to sway him while he was having one of his very rare moments of peace.
His life has always been open to the public, from press conferences and social events to having people stalk him to his home. And though James would have seemed rude he didn’t think the twenty-something year old boy would have anything to say that was worth listening to.
James would rather have this limited time to hear his own thinking without having everyone train their eyes on him and bug him with their opinions of his every thought.
And not a few minutes later, the door swung open once more, ringing the bells and allowing a cold breeze to flow in. James’ eyes followed the jingles as he raised his cup of coffee to his lips and when his eyes trained on the silhouette he was met with a surprising feeling of familiarity. 
His hold on his book loosened, and he gently put the cup back on the saucer. He leaned back on his chair and narrowed his eyes at the woman, trying to make out where he could’ve seen her. By the style and quality of her clothes, he doubted they had worked together. And even if she wore something less normal, there weren’t many acquaintances he knew that would step into anything like this diner.
He let his eyes follow the lady’s figure all the way to the celebrating group of women, all of whom started beckoning her over once they saw her. The closer she was to them the clearer she became. Under the small restaurant’s soft yellow glow, he could finally notice her blue jumper and black trousers. She waved to her friends and walked to them, a black coat hanging from her arm.
Once she took a seat, she scanned the place; freezing once she laid eyes on him. Her eyes widened, blinking owlishly, staring at him with parted lips. She recognized him, yet he still couldn't make sense of who she was. A reporter? An ex? Maybe an assistant? An employee? His mind raced with possibilities and theories trying to guess or at least sense where he’d met her.
As time passes at the speed of a turtle, he can feel the young woman’s gaze at him from afar. Every few minutes or so she turns to him as though she’s expecting something to happen; he doesn’t dare look back but he does catch her eye once. He turns to his side, slightly annoyed and faces her, staring unashamedly. 
Her face of curiosity morphs into one of embarrassment, and James finds himself breaking their little contest when the door swings back open again and his friend walks in, waving at James from across the room. He shoots the girl one last look but this time, it’s her back that’s facing him.
A week later, James is sitting on a lounge chair by the pool, hoping to get some work done. The sun shone brightly above him, and despite there being cool winds breezing by, James’ clothes still stuck to his skin through a layer of sweat.
“Mr. Potter,” Anders, the Potter's head butler, calls. James faces him, scrunching his face against the sun's rays and smiles.
“Yes, Anders?” 
“I have Miss Page on the phone.” He states with a sympathetic smile, handing him the black land phone. James sighed, getting up and taking the phone, he sighs one more time, this time at his assistant’s name on the small screen. “Margret?”
“James! I called six times!” She exclaims, and he can hear the distracting background noises of ringing phones, chattering and pointy heels undoubtedly belonging to the woman on the phone. ”My phone isn’t with me.” James says after shuffling some papers and looking for it. “Why? Why would you not have your phone around you at all times? I mean, what if an emergency happens? Do I have to wait for Anders to pick up the phone after four rings?” 
“Marge? I’m kind of busy here, too.” He says into the phone, stretching his legs by pacing around the large pool. The sun shines on the water so brightly that James has to have on his sunglasses just to not be blinded by the reflecting sparkles of light.
“Well you should thank me. I had the meeting on Tuesday postponed to Thursday, just like you asked. Then, I have Patrick bothering me about Jackson Mills. Things are heavy James, especially now with election season so close.”
“I’ll call Jackson today—”
“Great!” She cuts him off before he can even finish his sentence.
James chuckles softly as she moves on to the next thing on her list. Margret was a wonder truly, but don't be fooled she was direct and pointed as her heels.
“You have dinner at 6:30 on Wednesday with Delilah’s parents,” and for the next few moments the line is silent, “I can always tell them you got into a car crash, if you’d like?” She suggests, her voice much clearer now as the background noises fade out. “No, no, my parents have been pestering me about this for weeks, I might as well get it over with. Marge, the report for the new expansion project is on my desk, have Carter send them to me, please.”
There's a sound of shuffling papers before Margaret's voice appears once more, "It will be with you in 30 minutes."
As she continues, James looks down at his shoes in weariness, sighing, before raising his head up once more; movements by the bushes catch his eyes. He walks over to the end at the end of the pool, where he suspects the gardeners are working, his brows furrowing as he gets closer. 
And when he finally reaches the fence, his lips parted in amusement and chuckles at the scene in front of him. 
“Sorry, Marge, you were saying,” James says, barely listening. His arms are leaned over the black fence that separates the pool from the gardens. There, on the ground, sat the woman from the restaurant. Her uniform was all muddy and stained with dirt and grass, her hair was pushed up in a messy up-do that was somehow being held up with a fork. 
James laughs.
“Marge, I’ll call you later.” He says, cutting her off as he ends the call and stares at the woman. At the sound of his amusement, the young lady faced him with a perplexed expression. “Mr. Potter,” She addresses, eyes wide and strands of hair falling over her face. She huffs and fails to push them back with her arm. ”I’m so sorry for bothering you.” She said, “I can leave if you’d like. I’m done anyway.”
“No, no, there’s no need to leave.” He states, his eyes focus on her uniform, a question forming in his head. “May just ask, why are you working in the gardens if you're supposed to be working in the kitchens?” He asked, and he watched her squint her eyes and shade her view with with her arm. 
“Tony, the usual gardener, his daughter, got in an accident. And since I’m done with my work, l told him I could take over while he went to see her in the hospital. I do hope you don’t mind.”
“No, no. But why not just call another one of the gardeners?”
“I…didn’t think of that.” She said, biting her lips and narrowing her eyes. “Mmmh,” James hummed, “So what is it you're doing exactly?”
“Oh I’m just potting these!” She said, pointing towards a bush of pinkish flowers. “Looks great.” He commented blankly.
“Think so? I’ve never done this before.” She pointed, getting on the ground once more.
“In the end of the day it’s them being judged, not your…limited knowledge in gardening.” He said and studied the woman as she laughed. “Oh you should see the Gardenia’s they've put by the gates! They’re gorgeous!”
“Do you like Gardenia’s?” He asks and takes off his shades as the clouds begin to cage the sun. He runs his fingers through his hair, pushing back loose curls. “They are very pretty.” She notes, and James foresees the incoming 'but'.
“– But not enough to be your favorite?” He finishes and she looks at him and shakes her head smiling. “I can’t pick at all. They’re all so beautiful.”
“You seem to know a lot about flowers but so little of gardening?”
“When I was younger, my neighbor gave me a flower book. It had the names of the flowers and when they bloomed, and where they bloomed. That's all it said. ” She shares, "I didn't really have much to do as a child, so I took on reading. I enjoyed it for a while."
James squinted his eyes at her. Curiosity blooming in his chest. Taking a step back from the fence, he pointed towards his pool with his thumb. "What would you put here?" He asked.
"I'm sorry?" She asked, confused.
"The pool seems kind of bland, doesn't it? It's all plain and boring. We can do better."
"Oh," she asks and stands back up to look onto his side of the fence. James took the opportunity to clearly look at the woman as she dusted her knees and skirt of grass. She was pretty, that was quite clear. But it didn’t make that much of a difference to James; after all he’s had his share of beautiful women every now and then. 
She walked forward and leaned on the fence, the smell of jasmine reaching his nose. It was a lot more welcoming and relaxing than the smell of chlorine the pool gave off.
His studied her face, her focused eyes, her bitten lips, and even the small hairs failing to be held up. "....You could go for the classics and pick some roses?"
He arched a brow at her, and she pursed her lips in response before facing the pool once more. "Angel's Trumpet?"
"Aren't they poisonous to the touch?" He asked, leaning back on the fence and giving her his most charming smile. "Right, I forgot about that." She mutters, biting the inside of her cheek, James smiles at her embarrassed expression.
She shifts from one foot to the other. James catches her fidgeting fingers and instantly feels bad for making her uncomfortable. He stands up straight as a frown takes on his face. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have put this on you. It's not your job,"
"Oh no, it's fine, really. I... Oh! What about Daylilies?" She asked. James looked at her in thought, "What flower would be on all your top favorites lists?" She tilted her head in thought, her arms falling to lean on the fence as she fixed her gaze on the pool. 
"Jasmine's." She stated as she looked at him. Suddenly aware of how their elbows are touching and how small the space between them is, James's smile turned to a light smirk.
It seemed that she noticed cause soon enough she coughed and took a step back, apologizing. "It's fine." James replied. His eyes wandered over her figure one last time before putting a hand out. "James."
She stared at his hand as though she believed it might bite her. She looked at him, then his hand, and took a step forward, pushing her hand out and introducing herself. “An honor.”
“The honor is all mine.” James says, holding her hand in care as he raised it to his lips and placed a gentle kiss on her knuckles. He watched her face break into a smile before she bit the inside of her cheek and faced James with a raised brow. James only smiled in return.
He wasn’t sure why but this woman had definitely caught his attention. “I should probably get going.” She said and leaned down to grab the leftover equipment and gave a hesitant wave.
“Good Bye” James said, waving back and watched as she disappeared behind the greenery of the gardens.
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The next day you woke up with a striking headache and the usual urge to fall right back into bed. It took at least 10 minutes to finally convince the rest of your body that it would be for the best to get up.
And you eventually did, after having a nice warm shower to soothe your back and warm you against the coldness of your bathroom, you dressed in your everyday clothes and quickly made your way to the local farmer’s market, in hopes of getting there early.
The most distinctive smell was that of Olive oil, it filled the air and the closer you got the easier it was to make out the strong scent of spices. It was 9:15, the farmers were set up and there was a respectful amount of families and people buying fresh groceries. It didn’t take long for you to grab your things, as you’ve been coming here for years you were practically a usual so most of your orders were pre-ordered and all you had to do is pick them up.
By 10 you were outside the large black gates to the estate, a golf car awaited your arrival as to drive to the main doors, you never really understood why there was around a mile from the gates to the Manor. “Thanks, Robert!” You said, grabbing the bags and running up the steps to the front doors of the service enterance. Anders swung the door open just as you reached the last step.
“Morning, Anders.” You greeted me with a smile.
“Good Morning, Miss —” He was cut off with four men entering the large foyer. You trailed your eyes over their uniform, a dirt-stained grey jumpsuit with a green flower logo on their chest. ‘Gardens?’ You mouthed at the older man, he nodded back. “Yes, Mr. Fretman, if you will follow me, please.”
You snickered at Anders' tone of exasperation as he guided the men out. You managed to side-stepped all the priceless furniture that was in your way to the kitchens and it was no easy task. It was more like an obstacle course, especially with your sense of sight being blocked off by overly filled brown paper bags. 
Potter Estate was the definition of over the top. 
The Manor consisted of 16 guestrooms, 24 bathrooms, 2 kitchens, an indoor pool, an indoor sauna and jacuzzi, a music room, 2 library’s, the theatre room, a sewing room, 4 offices, a wine cellar and an attic, with lord knows what in it. 
The outside was even grander, there was the stables, the shooting range, the lake yards of grass and fancy gardens, the greenhouse (Which no one really sat in except Mrs. Potter whenever she visited), the outdoor pool, the garage and lastly the old stable house (Which, according to Anders, was turned into a "bat cave" by Mr. Potter Sr. for his son and his friends when they were younger.)
You made your way to the end of the west wing, pushing the large oak door open with your feet and sliding in. The evident silence came as a surprise, you would’ve expected to hear shouting, yelling, arguing, the sounds of slamming cupboards and chopping knives, something. But it was completely silent.
You placed the paper bags on the large kitchen island, which was three times the size of your bed and began sorting the fruits, vegetables and cheeses into the fridge and anything else in a cupboard. Once done, you threw the brown bags into a trash bin before washing your hands.
Your mind wandered away, wondering what might have happened to the rest of the crew. You huffed and wondered if you should look for them or not. Maybe they all got sick? But they were all fine yesterday. They were called somewhere else? Anders would have told you to join them. You took a look around and pushed your hair back with a headband and slipped on a hair net. You took one hesitant look around hoping someone would walk in but after a long and silent minute of you leaning on the marble table, gazing at the overly decorated door, you turned your gaze away from the entrance.
You shuffled from one cupboard, pulling all sorts of ingredients; flour, egg, sugar, vanilla , everything you needed to make a batch of cinnamon buns. And in a few moments you had already begun the first step, humming as you kneaded the dough, gently folding it between your hands and letting it rest for a while after you had declared it ready. You moved to preset the oven and a small red bulb lit up as you twisted the knob, signaling it was on.  
You yawned and your vision blurred as your eyes teared up from sleepiness, you really needed to get a better sleep schedule. Brushing the tears away with your arms, you pushed yourself up, putting aside your weariness and walked back to your cooking station.
It was almost half an hour later, when the doors to the kitchen swung open and you smiled up at Anders as he walked over to you. You were practically done, he had walked in on you smearing the icing on the buns. “They’re fresh out of the oven! Try one!” You offered, cutting him a piece and plating it. “Here, you can top it with whatever you like.” You pointed towards the spread of different sauces and toppings on the table.
“Thank you very much, Miss L/n. And I do appreciate this but sadly I did not come here by my own means.” He says with a soft smile and you unconsciously wipe your hand on a cloth before facing the man with confusion. “Has something happened? Is that why everyone is absent? Does it have something to do with Tony’s daughter? Is she—”
“No, no, no. Mr. Willfard’s daughter is being treated for a broken arm and bruised sides, it’s been confirmed that she will make a full recovery.” He says and you smile gratefully, the worry inside of you lessening, still there but much more eased.
“And about the others, they were given a day off by Mr Potter.” He says and you freeze on the spot. “Oh.”
“Yes, ‘oh.’  and since we are on the topic. Mr. Potter has sent me to inform you that he is expecting you by the pool.” 
Your eyes widened and so did your mouth, silent movements of your lips were targeted at Anders out of shock. “Mr. Potter, Mr. Potter? As in James Potter?”
“Are you acquainted with any other ‘James Potter’s?”
“No.” You answered hastily as you your mind racked to why he would want to speak with you and at the top of your head, and like a blaring siren, yesterday’s events shone. “Was he happy when he asked you to call me? Did he ask it in a ‘I just want to talk’ way  or more of a ‘I’m going to fire you’ tone.” You asked and you instantly felt smaller under the blank and unimpressed expression Anders gave you.
“If you will follow me – What are you doing?” Anders asks, his brows furrowing and lips frowning. “Plating these! They must be served warm or else they’re not as delicious.” You whisper, rushing around just as quick the thoughts in your head.
He sighs and leans his hands on the table, watching as you took your time to gently pick each roll and delicately place them on a large plate.
Once you're done you move the dirty trays to the sink and wonder if you could buy yourself some time as you scrubbed the pans and dishes.
“Leave those and follow me. I’ll assign someone to do them later.” Anders says and you can’t help but butt in, “But everyone took the day off! Except me.” You mutter the last part in a harsh whisper and sigh, accepting defeat. You grabbed one of the pastry-filled tray and angrily hand it to the butler before grabbing the others. 
It almost feels like forever as you followed Anders, your fingers were nervously tapping the silver platter. You took deep breaths and purposely slowed your pace. Anders didn’t even bother to look at you as he led you. You looked around you trying to make out where he’s taking you too. It came as a surprise when you had passed James' office but now you were completely out of the Manor.
“Anders, where are we going?” You asked, Anders didn’t turn to you but did slow down. “To the pool grounds.”
He was going to fire you. You admitted mentally. Should've kept your mouth shut! It is a known, unspoken rule that you should never share your opinions with rich people.
You should treat them like kids, don’t talk to them, don’t get in their squabbles and don’t tell them the truth cause it will make them pissed and emotional and then you will be forced to deal with their tantrums.
However you completely ignored that rule yesterday, when you shared your opinions with Potter of all people. Before you even reach the pool, you hear loud noises and shouts coming from its direction. One very distinctive voice was that of James Potter.
“Miss L/n.” Anders addressed and motioned for you to step ahead of him. You sighed and masked your face before climbing the short stair in quick steps.
The first person you were met with was James. He stood towering over a large group of men that were scattered across the pool yard. James’ is dressed in similar attire to yesterday’s clothing and you almost smile back when he turns to you with a grin. “Mr. Potter.” You greet with a strained tone, placing the tray of buns on a nearby table with harsh clack. 
“Oh, how lovely. Anders, please pass them to the workers, will you? And please call me James. How’ve you been?” He asks, still smiling and you're not so sure of what to make of the man. 
Anders agrees in his usual formal tone and you watch him with the corner of your eye as he picks up your tray and walks down over to the working men.
“I’m fine?” You reply hesitantly and thankfully he doesn’t notice your questioning tone.
“Well I’m glad. I’m sorry to strip you of your day off, I assure you, you can have tomorrow for yourself.”
Your brows furrowed as you stared at the man, you're quite confused and to add to it you almost feel ridiculous while speaking to him with his sunglasses on. “Take off the shades.” You order in a blank tone and you see James’ posture change as he takes a step back and pulls the accessory off. Before he can get the chance to speak, you cut in, “Are you going to fire me?” You ask, the smile completely wiped off your face. You narrow your eyes at the man and watch as he speaks to you in genuine surprise. “Why would I fire you?”
“Then why am I here?” You asked, your confidence slipping. “I’m not here to fire you,” he laughs, “I just wanted to show you this,” He explains motioning towards the pool. “...I’ve seen the pool before.” You say, this time your confusion is clearly plastered on your face. “I mean this.” He says and he guides to the side of the pool, where three men are potting some Jasmine’s. “You picked Jasmine’s?”
“You said it was one of your favorites, right?” He asked, and you faced him with a look of surprise. “You picked Jasmine’s cause they were one of my favorites?” The older man blushed and he faced you with wide eyes, “No! Yes, but not directly, I just picked them because I guessed they’d have to have been really nice flowers if they were on your favorites list.”
“Okay.” You said, still confused but you sighed and brushed it all away. James watched your face soften as you took a step closer to them. “They are beautiful, aren’t they?” You ask, your eyes trained on the small, delicate, white petals of the flower. “Yeah…and they smell nice too.” You laugh, turning to face him as you lightly throw your head back. “Yeah, that too.” You agree watching a soft smile adorn his face.
“Here,” James says as he walks over behind a table, you watch lean down to grab something and your lips part in awe as he walks over to you with a pot of Jasmine’s. “Mr. Potter, I–” You’re in shock and happiness. They’re is a small sickening feeling in your stomach and you do your best to try and avoid it.
“A thank you,” He says. “And as I said earlier, it’s just James.”
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Tagging: @sssstarstruck @cloudroomblog @ietss
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whois-jess · 10 months
Sugar mami
Rhea Ripley x Fem!Reader
•Mafia AU with Rhea as your sugar mami•
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I was sat at home watching some show i found waiting around for Rhea. Since i don't work because Rhea said i am too pretty to work for some other man or woman, i get bored quickly and i have watched so many movies already plus i try to clean but the cleaner Rhea hired does it mostly.
I had Rheas dogs cuddling me as i watch Hangover 1,2 and 3, i pet Barrys head as his eyes shut Luna already asleep and Ryuk asleep on a bed somewhere when the door swings open i knew it was Rhea.
"Hey baby!" I smile getting up to hug her but i stop when i see blood "oh" was all i said and she smiled "bad man didn't pay Mami in time" she smirked taking her shirt off then i hug her "i do hate you killing babe" i frown looking up at her "i know baby its nasty business but its what Mami has to do to stay on top and as you know" she smile waiting for me to finish "Mamis always on top" i smile as she kissed my forehead "i got you something" she says waking to her blazer grabbing a small box handing it to me.
I open the box to a beautiful pair of earrings "oh my babe its beautiful" i smile at her as she smirks at me "had to get my princess something" she says tucking hair behind my ear "i wamt you to wear them tonight" she smiles at me "tonight?" I say confused "yes princess we have dinner with Damian, Dom, Finn and JD" she says and i remember her saying about it last week "oh my god i should get ready!" I says going to leave before turning back kissing Rheas cheek "thank you" i smile running to our room.
I run in our room which was bigger than most dashing to my walk in wardrobe Rhea got some people to install for me to put all my clothes in she made them build me my own room for jewelry and bags as well. I rush to fine something nice as this was a big dinner and Rhea liked when i dressed up, i found a black short dress and a necklace Rhea got me which was gold with our initials on it with diamonds i also put my rings on and bracelets.
"Ready!" I smile walking over in my black heels that match my dress "you look beautiful like normal, now car is ready" she smiles taking my hand kissing it while looking into my eyes "so do you" i smile looking at her sliver jewelry and suite, we walk to the car which had bodyguard car to drive beside us as Rhea was wanted and killing he for even me will put a man status even higher and people were power hungry.
We step into the car Rheas hand on my thigh as we drive through the night, i look at the pretty light and stars as we drive by streets almost empty. The car stop outside a fancy restaurant very busy looking "looks nice" i smile at Rhea as she helps me out "only for you princess" she smiles as we link our walking in her bodyguards following us in, we see a table with four men at "guys this is Y/n, Y/n this is Damian, Dom, Finn and JD" i smile at them "hi" i say and they l say hi back as Rhea helps me sit down and sits by me her hand once again on my thigh "get whatever you like princess" she whisper to me before talking to the guys about business and some threatening gangs when a man probably in his 30s walks over and Rhea attention is immediately on him "Mark" Rhea smiles at him and the man looks kind of scared "now Mark lets cut to the chase wheres my money huh Mark where is it my babys ring don't buy themselves" she says pulling me closer as i still look at this man who glaces at me "i don't have it.." Mark mumbles "Speak up i dont like mumbling" Rhea snaps "i don't have the money!" He says louder and Rhea chuckles and looks at Damian and Dom who get up and hold Mark "now now Mark this is the 4th week you know what i said" venom was dripping of every word "you can't say you have a family but i have my baby okay Mark. And your very late on payment" her glare never leaves this poor man "i just need one more week Miss Ripley i am close to enough" Rhea lets a breathy chuckle out "your lucky my princess is here or i would shoot you dead Mark but my baby doesn't like that stuff so thank her for you living another week." Mark lets out a breath he must of been holding in as she shows the gun she had on her "one more week Mark i can't being doing this forever" and with that Dom and Damian let Mark go and he rushes out the restaurant "baby he said he had a family" i say sad that kids could lose their dad "he has multiple baby, its his excuse he doesn't love them" She says her arms still around me and i feel less bad for him.
"So Y/n" Dom says "you want kids" he smiles at me and i see Rhea glaring at him "i do actually" i smile back "baby Rheas" he smirks and she kicks him under the table "i will still kill you Dom" she says and i look at her "a family would be nice" i smile and she smiles back "okay baby one day i will give you a family you want" she kisses my forehead before glaring at Dom who just smiles innocently "what drink babe" i look over the menu "blue lagoon" i smile and she takes my hand of course she says sending someone to get my drink "want your naiks done again baby" she says looking at them "yeah these are getting old" i admit "lets get them done together" she says as my drink come back and she gets a bodyguard to test it to make sure no poison was in it and was it got the clear i started to drink it "lets get some food" JD says and the rest agree "princess order first" Rhea says kissing my lips as i kiss back "we are here" Damian says and Rhea flips him off making me giggle.
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leggerefiore · 4 months
cw: loneliness, post ingo disappearance Emmet, comfort, Silver Fox Emmet
pairing: Emmet/Reader
Busy… Everyone felt so busy.
Busy schedules, no spare time, endless things to do…
You hated to complain. You hated to say a word. You bit your tongue. It was easier that way – Better than way. Everything always felt so fragile and ready to burst. Like the moment you vocalised your feels, a bubble would burst and leave you to true isolation. A social attack that would make someone finally officially drop you instead of slowly and subtly doing so.
Or, maybe, it was just you. A bitter form of jealousy that haunted your mind. Someone having what you did not. A friend with more friends and no time for you. It was childish. You swallowed your feelings. Bring an adult meant burying such thoughts and feelings to keep a status quo. A peaceful existence. Painful things would have to go ignored and unaddressed lest you unravel the whole fragile tie and undo everything. This was a foolish endeavour that lead you to feeling less like a person and more like an annoyance. A barrier of sorts. Maybe they all kept you around out of pity. You hated the self-doubt and loathing that would continue to plague you.
It was on a late-night train ride to head back to your apartment that you found someone like yourself. Another lonely soul who fought back the urge to ask for any attention. Someone who lurked within the obscurity of just being acknowledged yet scarcely sought out. An employee, you could tell, a senior one at that. He was definitely aged. A black hat sat heavy on his head, mismatched with the rest of his white uniform. Eyes has heavy bags under them and his lips were frozen in a neutral expression. His words were quick and impolite with most of those he spoke with. You did not know why you listened at first. Nothing about him would have otherwise piqued your interest. Something did, however.
When your gazes met, you felt strangely small. He basically ordered you to move the bag from the seat beside you, but almost phrased it like a question. His intention was clearly not to be rude, somehow. You nodded, but before he could go off, you called out to him. A quiet request to know who he was. The darkness of the subway tunnel shined with a monetary brightness. A Subway Boss… Emmet… It was unfamiliar, yet you clung onto it, repeating the name and title carefully. A small smile broke out across his face after you did so. You returned the expression back to him.
You did not think that you would ever see him again.
Yet, you did.
At a café, you spied the familiar man sitting alone with a black cup of coffee steaming across from him. An emptied plate of what may have previously been a dessert sat in front of him. You wondered if his conversation partner had slipped away for a few moments, but they never returned if they had. The coffee remained completely undisturbed. Why? You could only ponder the answer to that question. The man's gaze drifted to you as you sat nearby in your single seat table. He gave a polite smile again. A tip was left on the table as he got up to leave. The coffee left to cool down and be forgotten and not drunk.
The barista scoffed at the sight, but before she complained, an older employee shook her head to scoop up the drink. “… I know it seems a waste,” she explained, “But… But he said he's waiting on someone. They never show up. I doubt he likes wasting money on a drink like that. It seems awfully cruel to keep standing him up, doesn't it? You'd think he'd just give up.” The barista seemed less upset after hearing that, more empathetic. Your gaze stared out of the window into the busy Nimbasa streets.
Who was he waiting on? You agreed with the older woman's thoughts. Why did he keep trying?
You tried to pretend that you had not faced your own many similar situations. Desperation was the answer. Desperation for anyone.
The first time you properly spoke was when he encountered you. A friend had promised to meet you at the amusement park in Nimbasa yet they never showed. You sat on the bench, staring out in the crowd with empty eyes. Again. It happened again. They insisted they had tried to tell you earlier, but… You lowered your head. The laughs and happy conversations around you felt mocking. Was this some kind of cruel punishment for an action that you could not recall committing? Tears burned your eyes.
Yet, they did not have a chance to fall.
“Are you okay?” a voice called out. You assumed it was not to you. Then, someone sat beside you. You nearly jumped back. It was him, albeit in casual clothing. His eerie eyes stared into your own. “I am sorry,” he apologised, “I did not want to startle you.” The question was repeated. You felt lost. There was no way that you could dump that on a complete stranger. A hand came to rest on your shoulder. A genuine smile was on his face. “Ah! You rode the night train,” he realised, “I hope I did not come across as mean. My job is verrrry stressful, and I have to do it alone. My mood gets low towards the end of a shift.”
You nodded. He went silent. You wondered what this was.
Suddenly, you were not alone.
Not at all.
Emmet became an odd fixture in your life. He was a bad conversationalist, but he seemed to simply just enjoy being in your presence. Words were not needed – you both found peace in having consistent company. He was someone you easily scheduled things to do with whenever he was free. You felt that he was working hard to make even more time for you. It was nice. No more wishy-washy replies and schedules. There was someone you could rely on. Even if he was a bit older.
Your closeness with him slowly began to blossom into something more. Polite touches shifted into affectionate gestures until an outright declaration of feelings were made. A simple “we should date” from Emmet started a new page in your life. The desolate state that you had lingered in before was almost wholly gone. Moving in with him made everything even better. Sure, he might have sometimes had to work late, but he always tried to make it home if he could or send a message to let you know if he could not. You did not think that you had felt such contentment in a while.
You had even opened up about your situation, which had made Emmet huff. He chided you for not standing up for yourself and demanded that you spoke to your friends openly about the issue. Many felt mortified that they had done such a thing to you, apologising for how they had acted, but a few had behaved in a less than understanding manner. Needless to say, you did find who truly cared and who did not. Yet, you found yourself wondering about Emmet. Why had he been so lonely? He never seemed too eager to tall about his past. You barely knew much other than his hometown and that he had a brother.
It had not been until you encountered a certain model that you had been learnt more. Emmet was a twin… And that twin had suddenly gone missing. It all had been as messy affair. She claimed that she worried that Emmet may not ever recover from it, yet that he had seemed happier lately. Many thanks were lavished onto you for helping that. You had gently confronted Emmet about that later. He was mortified by your words. His bright smile fell into a fixed frown. There was a distance in his gaze. He shook his head and took off his black cap.
“My older brother was my other half,” he said simply, “We were two pieces of a whole. I am not whole without him. Yep.” The hat was clenched in his hands. You saw tears brimming in his eyes. Your arms came around him tightly as he began to cry. He shook pitifully, almost like a small child. You understood what Elesa had meant now. He almost did not seem like himself. His sobs were quiet, almost unnoticeable. “I miss him…” he mumbled, “I have done everything that I can to search for him! Oh, darling, what could have happened to him!?”
He hugged you tightly to himself, burying his face into your shoulder. You wished that you had an answer to his question. Your mind flashed back to how he and comforted you when you nearly began to cry. Your hand rubbed his back. His name left your lips a few times. Emmet only cried more. “... You are too nice,” his words startled you, “You should not waste your time on me. I am verrry old and gross.” You fought back the laugh that almost left you. Old and gross? You could not agree. Your thoughts were vocalised. He flinched.
“… Why?” he asked simply, “… Is it because I help get rid of your loneliness?” Was it? Maybe at first… But now, well, it was much more. His age was irrelevant, and so was his mental state. You pecked a kiss on his temple. Your love was proclaimed proudly. Emmet froze. “Oh, darling,” he mumbled again, “Darling… You could have anyone.” You wanted him. He closed his eyes. “… I… I love you, too,” he spoke truthfully as he stood up straight. His gaze met yours. He leaned down to nuzzle his nose against yours before giving you a kiss on your lips.
“Let's keep helping each other's loneliness,” a weak smile came across his lips, “… Ingo would have liked you. Yep, Ingo would be verrrry jealous that I have you all too myself.” He squeezed you tighter to himself.
Ingo… You hoped to meet him one day.
You were definitely going to scold him for leaving Emmet in such a state first, though.
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marsplastic13 · 4 months
Knock Knock - Part 2
Part 1
"You have to tell me how all of this thing between you and Kaz started" Jesper and Vik were sharing a cigarette on the roof of the Crow Club while the others were downstairs partying. Vik blow out the smoke "You know Kaz would be really disappointed if I share any of this" "Oh come on, I'm dying here all alone without anyone to talk about the biggest scandal of the Barrel" the girl reaised her eyebrows. "Please" said him in a really high pitched voice. "Fine" the girl sighed "I'll tell you how we met, but it's very less exiting than you expect" she turned to Jesper with a grin "The story of how we started dating is way better" "Oh I knew you had good gossip, I'm all ears". So Vik started talking.
Before she started working with the Dregs, she found a job as a dancer in a club. She would just dance on a little stage, sometimes she would be a server for the night and other times men could pay to make her sit on their laps while playing cards or doing business. Trying to have any kind of inappropriate contact with the girls was forbidden by the club's rules, the owners were very proud of not being a brothel. Vik managed to keep the job while going to University, the pay was good and making money from rich pathetic men made her feel a bit powerful. And that's were she met Kaz Brekker.
One night she was requested by one of her usuals to stay at his table while he talked business with other people. Nothing out of the ordinary, except for a really young boy sitting across from her. Usually that place was for older men, but as she discovered some time later, Kaz was trying to enter a few legit businesses, now the he was officially the leader of the Dregs. For hours she looked at him, while batting her eyes and complimenting her clients. He must have been around her age, really charming, knew exactly what he was doing, even if he was decades younger than the other men at the table, and, most important thing, he was doing everything in his power to not look at her.
Vik could also sense some kind of pain radiating from him, it was diffused in multiple regions of his body and she had a confermation when she noticed his cane. His leg was hurting like probably all of his side and the arm he used for the cane. A few drinks made her brave, she got up excusing herself and while passing Kaz she faked a little fall, using his shoulder to steady herself. "I'm so sorry, I should quit drinking for tonight" she said with a little giggle. He flinched at her touch, but before the usual sense of nausea that human contact gave him, he felt a wave of relief, all of his pain just vanished until she removed her hand. Kaz's head turned up from the table, locking eyes with the girl that smiled a bit. "Such a clumsy girl that you are, let's get you free for tonight" her client got up to accompany her back to the bar, but he was so starteled that his gaze kept following them until the others started to joke about the fact that he was cosumming her with his eyes.
He came back with the other businessmen a few other times to close various deals, and he showed more interest in the girl, leaving her tips, buying her drinks, but she was always hired from this other man, so he couldn't have a moment alone with her. And then one night, he came alone.
The boy choose a booth in the most private corners of the club and started working on his papers. That night Vik had a shift has a server, but her boss told her that someone paid a lot of cash to have her at his table, so she changed into her dancer outfit, grabbed two drinks and head to the client. "You" Finally. she said almost excited "What are you doing here all alone?" Kaz lifted his head slowly, looking her up and down. "I came to talk to you" she faked a surprised face "And what do you want to talk about?" "Drop the act, I know who you are" "And who am I, Kaz Brekker?" Of course Vik acquired as much information as possible as soon as a young, rich business man set foot in her Club. Bonus point that he was even hot and kind of mysterious.
She moved closer to him, almost whispering in his ear, letting him take in her vanilla scented bodywash. The sudden proximity and the fact that she revealed that she knew who he was made Kaz lost his focus for a moment and the papers that he was fiddling with scratched his finger. Previously he had to remove his gloves because that place was insanely hot, and know he was looking at a single drop of blood coming put of his finger. "I'll take care of that" "Don't-" in one swift movement she took his hand and licked his finger, the scratch was gone.
"A Healer, you're a Healer" he said snatching his hand from hers and putting back his gloves. "I know that you're studying to become a medik, the youngest one in Ketterdam if you keep those grades" "You checked my grades?" She said laying back on the chair, raising her eyebrows. "I read your essays" Kaz turned to look at her smirking. "I'm here to offer you a job-" "Oh I'm not a whore" Kaz had just started to feel better after her unexpected touch and now he was almost choking on his drink "WHAT?" She did everything in her power to keep a serious face "I said I don't have sex for money" the boy was completely red and Vik couldn't hold her laugh anymore "As a healer, a job as a healer, and medik for the Dregs" Kaz sounded rather annoyed, she took a sip of her drink, that offer was completely unexpected. "Does it pay as good as this?" "We can make a few arrengements" "Well I have to think about it" she shrugged "What do you want to do now, I'm yours for another hour" before he could think of an answer she was on her feet.
"I can dance for you" "Please don't start dancing" Kaz was trying to look everywhere except in her direction "My boss is going to think it's very weird if you just came here to talk to me. Come on you can look, if you don't I'll be forced to get another client" Vik started to move along with the music, just for the sake of making the famous Dirtyhands uncomfortable, in fact, no one would make her change clients, Kaz had already paid for her and he could do whatever he wanted in that time.
But her little plan worked and he reclutantly laid back in his chair and started to look at her, her exposed body, inhaling the sweet scent that filled his nostrils whenever she moved.
For someone who despised skin to skin contact as he did, this girl was really starting to test his boundaries, and his nerves. The fact that she was totally unbothered by who he was was weird for him, no one dared to play with him like she was. Kaz had to admit that the girl had something interesting, she made him curious. Why aren't you scared? 
After a while, he found himself thinking about the fact that he would have gladly gave away the rubys he had as shirt cufflinks to put his hands on her, to trace the lines of her tattoos with his fingers. Saints, these drinks are strong. Dirtyhands wanted to ask her if she had any idea of how dangerous he was. Another part of him that rarely came out was thriving for how careless Vik was. Careless gets you killed in the Barrel.
"Now you're looking at me like you want to eat me" before he could connect his brain, his mouth responded "Maybe I do" Vik was so surprised that she stopped her private show to look at him with her eyebrows so raised that he thought that must've hurt. He cleared his voice trying to regain his composure, cursing himself to have let that really weird thing slip out of his mouth. He got on his feet and moved away from her in a hurry while she called his name. "I'll pay for the rest of your shift, so go home and think of my proposal, if you say yes come tomorrow at eight bells at the Crow Club" he didn't even turned to look at her. Vik saw him talking to her boss, than he left some money on the counter and left the club without sparing her another glance.
"Saints he was that into you from the start" Jesper said when she finished her story. "I can be a very charming person when I want" she winked. He let out a laugh "Oh I have no doubt on that, if you charmed the bastard of the Barrel himself I can only imagine your effect on a common person". They kept smocking in silence for a while. "And so you went to the club and he hired you?" "Yes it basically went like that, I started to work that night. I believe you were my very first patient at the Slat" "That's such a sweet thing, and now I'm the first to know all your dirty secrets" "I guess you are". Jesper throw his arm around her shoulder, leaving a little kiss on her hair. "And then what happened between you two?" she chuckled "Well he tried to stay away from me as much as he could, even if I was healing him he just wouldn't talk, but one night I totally saved his life" "What?!" Vik took another cigarette a started another story.
Part 3
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lemonlover1110 · 2 years
Baby Steps
Satoru Gojo
[Chapter 15] Dinner
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Pairing: Satoru Gojo x f!Reader
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You get ready for dinner, putting on the prettiest dress that fits you. You begin to put on your makeup, trying your best to make it look effortless. For the first time in the past two days, you’re fine. For whatever reason, you’re ready to see what she has that you don’t. Ready to tell yourself that you’re so much better.
“Are you almost ready?” Kaya asks, barging into your room. She finds you putting on lipstick, and she smiles, realizing that at least you’re making the effort to get ready. However, her smile drops when she remembers why you’re getting ready. For a complete idiot. “Are you sure you want to go to dinner?”
“I want to see how they are together. She might eventually become my son’s stepmother.” You almost gag as the word stepmother leaves your lips. Kaya chuckles at your words.
“You really think that she’ll become a stepmother?” Kaya questions as you stand up and begin to look for your coat. You can’t waste too much time since you’re walking to a restaurant that’s at least a fifteen minute walk from your place. “I was upset about the fact that he was seeing someone, but Leiko of all women? If I were you I’d leave the country so you wouldn’t have to share the kid.”
“She’s not so awful. She was just a spoiled child, and she hasn’t grown out of it. Maybe Satoru will change her.” You respond as you put on your coat. You begin to walk to the living room. “Let’s change the topic…”
“Fine.” She rolls her eyes as she follows behind. She waits for you to finish getting ready, which feels like forever. But she doesn’t mind. She doesn’t want to spend too much time with your idiot baby daddy and his stupid girlfriend.
“Do you want to move in? I have an extra room. I could use an extra hand around.” You offer, and before she can accept or decline– Or tell you she has to think about it, you speak again, “You wouldn’t have to pay anything because Satoru pays for everything. And he swears he’ll send me money for groceries and whatnot.”
“Are you serious? I’d love to.” She answers. “I love it more because your stupid baby daddy is paying for everything.”
“I’m thinking about asking him for money so I can buy baby clothes. It’s his fault that I quit my job.” You share, and she smirks. She certainly loves that idea.
“You might as well ask him for more money so you can buy yourself a treat.” She suggests, causing you to smirk back at her.
“This is why you’re my soulmate.”
Kaya’s right by your side when you enter the restaurant. Your eyes immediately land on Satoru and Leiko, and the false confidence that you had instilled in yourself is gone. You want to cry when you look at how pretty Leiko looks with her navy blue dress.
You sigh, walking to the table, holding Kaya’s hand. You take a seat across from them in the booth, and Leiko grins. It’s almost wicked, but you tear your eyes away from her and look at Satoru. Satoru looks down at the menu, embarrassed. It’s rare to see him without his shades.
“Look at you, so round and big carrying our baby.” Leiko says, and it takes everything in Kaya not to break the woman’s nose. Satoru is visibly embarrassed, his cheeks pink as he hears that. There’s a lump in your throat, and you regret deciding to come here. “I’m so glad you decided to join us for dinner.”
“Me too.” You lie, clearing your throat. Five minutes then you’ll make up some excuse related to your pregnancy. Then you’ll go back home. Kaya looks back and forth between Satoru and Leiko.
“Satoru wasn’t too sure that you’d join us, but we’re glad that you’re here. I’ve been wanting to talk to you ever since I found out that you were carrying our baby.” Leiko continues, and Kaya takes a deep breath. You’re also taking deep breaths, trying not to burst into tears. 
“We’re not staying here for long. Just telling your little boyfriend to deposit money for baby clothes.” Kaya mentions, glaring at Satoru.
“Well… We were talking and we decided that maybe it’s time that you… Become more independent. Now you know that Satoru is in a relationship, and not all of his money can go–” Leiko begins, and Kaya is quick to interrupt her by pretending to reach for a napkin and accidentally spilling Leiko’s drink all over her. Leiko gasps, feeling the ice cold drink soak her dress.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” Kaya can’t help but laugh as she passes Leiko some napkins. “Going back to what you were saying… You do know that Satoru knocked her up, right? It’s his responsibility to pay for whatever she wants. You wouldn’t want his baby to crawl around with ugly cheap clothes?”
“Kaya…” You begin, seeing how she’s getting riled up, and the last thing you need is Kaya causing a scene and spending the rest of the night in a jail cell. 
“You know? Like the ones that you wear, Leiko. Satoru doesn’t spend much money on you from what I can tell…” Kaya tries to act innocent but it’s not working. Anyone can see right through it. You end up sighing, looking at Satoru who is too stunned to say anything. He simply doesn’t know what to say. Leiko ends up standing up, excusing herself to go to the bathroom.
“How much money do you need?” Satoru asks once Leiko is gone. You’re about to speak, tell him a small amount of money. But Kaya speaks for you, telling him an absurd amount of money that makes your eyes widen. “Alright, I’ll deposit it later tonight.”
“I guess we’ll be leaving then.” You stand up. Kaya stands up as well. “We’ll see you when the baby comes.”
“Huh?” Satoru questions. He blinks slowly, trying to process your words, “I still want to be involved–”
Well maybe not so involved. Suguru is still out there. Satoru’s best option is to separate himself from you and the baby, until he resolves the situation. “Nevermind. You’re right.”
“Good. Her boyfriend wouldn’t like her spending time with some ugly guy.” Kaya comments, side-eyeing Satoru. Your eyes widen and you have to take a deep breath. You should’ve known that she was about to spit out a lie to hurt him. You usually don’t mind it, but right now it’s one of those instances that you mind. Finding a man that will pretend to be your boyfriend isn’t the easiest task when you’re almost six months pregnant.
Satoru’s heart skips a beat when he hears this. He chews on the inside of his cheeks, trying to decide what to say. “So nice to hear that you found a boyfriend… Maybe I should meet him soon.”
“Uh… Yeah.” You respond. You awkwardly laugh before you and Kaya begin to walk away. You’re thinking about reprimanding her. When you’re out of the restaurant you speak up, “Are you out of your mind?”
“What? We’ll just find you a boyfriend. It’s not that hard.” She tells you, and you sigh.
“Kaya, every day I get bigger and bigger because I’m carrying another man’s child. You really think someone will want to date me right now?” You begin, and she can hear your voice breaking. You’re standing outside the restaurant. You want to begin walking home but your vision is clouded by tears. “The father of my child didn’t even want me, why would someone else?”
“Baby, he’s a complete dumbass.” Kaya wraps her arms around you. “I’m sure many other men want you, Satoru just couldn’t handle all that you were giving him. I saw Leiko and all I could think was how much of a dumbass he is. On your worst days you manage to look way better than she does at the moment. Plus you’re smarter. Funnier. Kinder. He doesn’t deserve you.”
“I love you so much, Kaya.” You sob, hugging her back.
“I love you too.” 
You don’t feel the pairs of eyes that watch you through the restaurant’s window as the scene unfolds. Satoru sips on his water, hating himself because he doesn’t dare to stand up and comfort you. That he cares for you. 
He feels trapped. He’s trying to figure out what to do to protect you while trying to avoid the mortal choice of ending someone’s life. That would end everything though. Maybe Satoru isn’t mature enough to know what to do. At twenty-one years he can’t decide if he wants to kill an old friend for the sole purpose of being with the mother of his child.
“That stupid Kaya. Spilling my cocktail all over my dress. That stupid bitch doesn’t know how much this costs.” Leiko comes back to the table, ranting about the incident that just happened. She watches Satoru who stares at the window, still watching how you and Kaya hug. He’s almost on the verge of tears.
“Do you think they’re like… together?” Leiko questions, making Satoru sigh.
“Do you want something else from here?” His annoyance is clear through his voice, but Leiko chooses to ignore it. She shakes her head, but Satoru doesn’t bother to look. “Please use your words.”
“No, I’m ready to go.” She responds, making Satoru stand up. He grabs a couple of bills to cover the check, dropping them on the table before walking away.
When he exits, you’re gone from the spot that you stood at. He sees you walking with Kaya, and while he yearns to walk with you, he has to turn the other way.
He hasn’t known you for that long and he can’t picture his future without you in it. It hasn’t even been a week, and he misses you like a maniac. He dreads the feeling of loss that runs through his body. It intensifies at the thought of you having a boyfriend. He knows it’s a lie, but just the thought drives him mad– It’s not loss though but rather,
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🏷 @witchofoe @cactustattoo @kageyamaslittleroyal20 @mykyoon @sunjayist @fonkymonkeyfriday @lilith412426 @luvs-wrld @witchymermaid12 @fi106 @distractionforyourthoughts @dearsunaa @tamak00 @watyousayin @leiriswhore @q-the-rockaholic @shuxjodie @syynnaaah @kleeboomed @shrekmwa @bakugobiddies @blueeskies17 @arminsgfloll @obeythemasters @crispmarshmallow @levismainbabe
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raya-hunter01 · 7 months
Cruising Love Pt. 2.1
Two Shot Request
Jey Uso x Black Female OC! (Kayla)
Jimmy Uso x Trin
Roman x Black Female OC! (Robin)
Sefa x Black Female OC! (Cameron)
Montez Ford x Bianca Belair
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut,
Thank you for the request and for trusting me once again @royalkay23
Jey has planned a five-day cruise to the Bahamas and Puerto Rico for his girlfriend Kayla’s birthday. Jey is determined to make sure the trip goes smoothly as he’s enlisted his family and friends to help him plan the perfect wedding proposal.
His plans are in danger of going up in smoke as his toxic ex is also on the cruise and is desperate to rekindle their toxic burning flame.
Will Jey give in, or will he stand strong in his love and devotion to Kayla and leave the past in the past?
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Regen Seven Seas Cruise
Nassau, Bahamas
Middle Deck
Jey’s POV
“I don’t know what the fuck happened, I swear,” I said looking into the cold eyes of Joe as we ate lunch. “Kayla cried almost all night and that I have a problem with that. She didn’t deserve that,” he said, each word stabbing me in the chest.
“I know she didn’t, but I deserved everything I damn got last night,” I said as Jimmy laughed out loud.
“Damn right you deserved to get your shit rocked. What I can’t figure out is why you did it purposely,” Jimmy said as I frowned at him.
“What the hell you talking about? Are you still drunk from last night?” I asked as he chuckled.
“Oh, I’m sober and now that you are, when are you gon’ admit your ass was drunk and them demons was talking to your ass,” he said as it was my turn to chuckle.
“I ain’t got no demons twin, I’m good,” I said as Sefa raised his eyebrow at me. “I beg to differ; I think Jimmy on to something. Now spill it or we won’t help you fix this fuckin shit show',” Sefa said as I sighed dropping my fork.
“It ain’t nothing to tell. One minute she was actin’ nice and the next minute, it was the old Danielle trying to reel my ass back in. I just thought if I danced with her, I could get her off my back,” I said as Jimmy frowned at me.
“Yo ass shoulda’ walked away the minute she approached you. That’s why you in this mess now, always too afraid to hurt folks’ feelings even when they’ve treated you like shit,” he hissed as I felt my frustration building as he looked at me.
 Judging me for being human and trying to give people the benefit of the doubt.
“Stop looking at me like that, I knew it was wrong and I stopped it. I told her I loved Kay, and I couldn’t do that to her and wouldn’t. I just don’t can’t imagine how it looked to ya’ll though,” I said to Sefa as he seemed in deep thought.
“It looked real bad bro; I saw you before the girls did and I couldn’t believe you would put yourself out there like that.”
“So, ain’t no old feelings hiding inside you for Danielle?” Joe asked as I growled at the thought.
“Stop playin’ with me Joe, you know I love Kayla,” I said as he sipped on his beer almost questioning if I was lying or not.
“Your subconsciously insecure,” Jimmy blurted out as I looked at him like he was crazy.
“Subconsciously insecure...What the hell you talkin' bout?" I hissed as Sefa pointed at Jimmy and nodded. “That’s the word I was thinking too,” he said as I felt attacked.
“Ok, since ya’ll got a therapist degree? What am I insecure about what?” I asked as Joe looked at the three of us confused.
“Yourself and whether you feel someone will love you for you or have a motive,” Jimmy said sending chills down my spine.
 He called me out on it and I couldn’t say anything as he read me like a book.
 “Jey, you seem to forget Sefa stayed wit ya’ll before he bought his house. He’s seen a lot of shit, we all have,” Jimmy said as Sefa sighed putting his head down, avoiding my gaze as the table got quiet and my thoughts began to drift.
Man, that was a crazy time when Sefa moved in with me. Danielle and I were at the height of our craziness, and it was a month before I found out about the money she had stolen.
The fighting was almost nonstop at that point every word out of her mouth was something to try to rile me up. Then when I would explode, she would throw on the tears and I would give in because I loved her.
Yea, definitely toxic shit…..
One Month before breakup.
“Look, my brother is upstairs can you keep it down,” I hissed as Danielle whined. “Ugh, why did you tell him he could move in. He could have gone to your parents, he is their kid,” Danielle said as I chuckled.
“Because I said he could, but I see what this is about. Your pissed because I didn’t buy that diamond bracelet you wanted so now you trying to get me worked up and start an argument,” I said onto the bullshit.
“You should count your blessings that I am even here. No woman wants a man who’s gone all the time, you should be kissing me feet. I’m still here and you should have no problem giving me anything I want. No woman will ever want you, your life is too fuckin’ complicated, Jey.” Danielle said sipping out of her wine glass.
 “Well, you can leave anytime you like because I ain’t buying that bracelet. You just spent three grand yesterday on clothes and shoes. Hell, I don’t want another you, I’ll stay single and die first. You gettin’ more shit than me and it’s my money,” I countered as she scoffed pouring herself another glass of wine.
“Fine, I guess I can cut back on shopping a little. I need to remember you’re not going to go far with this wrestling thing.  You need to save your little coins for when the glory ride is over.”
“Are you really sayin’ this shit to me because I wouldn’t buy you a fuckin bracelet or is this how you really feel,” I hissed in anger.
“I mean ya’ll a good tag team, but I don’t see ya’ll splitting up and taking the world by storm as single competitors. The crowd will never rock with you like that,” she said laughing.
“Danielle, you can be such a bitch,” I whispered sipping on my glass of brandy.  “What? I’m just letting you know the real deal; you know that right?” she said casually as I put my glass down and went upstairs.
“Aww, did that hurt your feelings! I’m sorry baby,” she said laughing walking behind me. “Leave me alone Danielle, I ain’t doin’ this shit tonight,” I whispered slamming the door in her face as she began pounding on it.
“Come on, I’m just preparing you because I love you.” she said as I began packing her a bag.
“Tired of this shit, it’s like begging for punishment. This toxic shit ain’t normal,” I muttered slanging the bag over my shoulder, storming out of my room.
“What are you doing?” Danielle asked in shock, seeming to sober up as I walked down the stairs. “Getting you out of my house since its very obvious you don’t want to be here,” I said opening the door and throwing her bag outside.
“Josh, don’t do this baby, I’m so sorry,” she cried going outside to get her bag as I slammed the door.
“Don’t do this to me! You know I love you, don’t do this,” Danielle cried beating her hands against the door as I fought the angel and devil inside me as to let her back in or not.
I couldn’t stand to see her cry, not even after the hurtful shit she had just said. I loved her and she knew it.
“Don’t give up on us baby, you know nobody will ever love you like me. Open the door so we can talk, I love you,” she sobbed as I hit the door in frustration, wiping my tears. Damn, why couldn’t we just be normal!
I looked up and saw Sefa at the top of the stairs frozen. “Do I need to call the cops.”
“Nah, everything is alright, Uce. I’m sorry we woke you up with this shit,” I whispered as he frowned.
“Don’t let her keep doing this to you, Jey. She is using you and you need to open your eyes,” he said before going back to his room.
“Jey, please open the door!” Danielle cried as I unlocked the door and let her back in. “I’m so sorry! I don’t know what came over me,” Danielle whimpered, running into my arms.
After all the shit she said to me I’m comforting her, WTF is wrong with me.
“I’m sorry Jey, I just feel like sometimes I don’t belong, and I don’t want to lose you. So, I just say things I don’t mean,” she cried as I held her close.
 “You ain’t gon’ lose me Dani, I love you. If it will make you feel better, we can go get the bracelet tomorrow,” I said as she nodded.
“Thank you, baby, you’re the best,” she sniffed as I cringed. Damn, the tears sure stopped really quick. She had got me again….
Sitting in the midst of the silence and remembering the chaotic shit that I had pushed out of my brain was making me see things even clearer.
“I feel fucking sick,” I mumbled as Joe’s eyes softened.
“Let’s lay off ya’ll, he doesn’t look so good,” Joe said as I felt my stomach churning even more.
“I am subconsciously insecure, they right. Sometimes I don’t think I’m not worthy of Kayla," I said actually relieved that I finally admitted it to myself.
“I saw firsthand some of the shit you went through. So, I get it, we all get it,” Sefa said as Jimmy nodded in agreement.
“How much does Kayla know about Danielle?” he asked as I sighed.
“Only that we broke up about her stealing the money, I could tell she knew it was more to the story, but she never pushed me,” I said as Joe rubbed his beard.
“Uce, you need to tell her everything and I mean everything. She deserves to know,” Sefa said as I nodded in agreement.
I’mma tell her, I just hope she listens when I do tell her.”
“You know we got ya’ back and gonna help anyway we can,” Jimmy said as we got quiet seeing Montez heading our way.
“Sorry I missed ya’ll text, Bianca had to check on some stuff and needed my help.”
“Nah, you good, Uce, it gave us a chance to have a lil family chat,” I said wondering what Kayla was doing.
Top deck
Kayla’s POV
After a good cry I dusted myself off and got ready for the day. This evening was supposed to be my first pre-birthday dinner and I was miserable sitting at the table with my girls.
“Passengers enjoy your time here in the Bahamas. Enjoy your island experience and be safe. Announcements and corresponding messages will be sent out as we grow closer to our departure time,” the announcer said as I sighed playing over my food.
“I’mma need you to snap out of this, we in the damn Bahamas,” Trin said as I took a deep breath.
“I’m pissed and I can’t help it. I mean why would he ever go near her? Does he still love her?” I asked truly trying to figure out how the hell did she even end in his arms.”
“Look, I know you’re mad but don’t let this spoil your trip. Tonight is your first birthday dinner and we all helped Jey plan it,” Cameron said as I cracked a small smile.
“Ya’ll always helping us out. What would we do without ya’ll?” I asked as Robin shrugged her shoulders and snickered.
“Catch some cases because I just knew you were gon’ throw that girl overboard last night,” she said as the rest of the girls laughed.
“It’s not funny ya’ll,” I said trying to avoid looking at them, hiding my own smile.
She better stay outta my way, I can tell you that. I always believe that you check your man, but I wanted to beat her ass so bad I could taste it.”
“She ain’t crazy, I heard when you mushed dat big ass forehead she got the hell on,” Bianca said as I laughed in spite of how I was feeling on the inside.
“She was doing all that big talk and hauled ass too quick,” Trin said as I played with my bracelet on my wrist trying to not think about beating Danielle’s ass.
“Look, go get a nap and get yourself together because we gon’ party tonight,” Robin said sensing my discomfort.
“Ok, I’ll try,” I said getting up giving them each a hug before I took that long lonely walk back to our suite.
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Meliza Restaurant
Jey’s POV
“You think you slick putting that up under my girl post,” Bianca said looking at Kayla’s Instagram post and liking it.
“Look, I told no lies, she is mine,” I whispered as Kayla and Cameron walked ahead of us.
“You lucky she didn’t cuss yo’ ass out,” Sefa said as I smirked.
“She done told yo’ ass she is the visuals. You better get it together,” Montez said as we walked into the restaurant.
 “I am, ya’ll just stick to the plan to get us to sit by each other,” I said as Bianca snickered. “She gon’ cuss ya’ll asses out and I can’t wait,” she said walking away and shaking her head as I fixed my tie.
“Relax man, Joe is on it, that’s why he’s walking up there with Jimmy. They plannin’ to make sure ya’ll end up beside each other,” he said as I silently prayed that she’ll love the dinner and after this maybe we could talk.
Kayla’s POV
Reservation for Fatu,” Jey said as the host smiled. “We just got everything done Mr. Fatu, and we hope it’s to your satisfaction,” he said leading us to our table.
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“Oh, this is nice,” Robin whispered as I looked at Jey in disbelief everything was beautiful. No matter what was going on at the moment I was thankful.
 “Thank you, everything is really beautiful,” I whispered as he smiled at me making my heart race.
“You never have to thank me baby, I love you,” he said kissing my hand as I felt some of my anger resolving but not for long as I saw everyone rushing to a seat leaving only the two chairs in the middle.
 “Come on sit by me Kayla,” Cameron said as I scoffed. “Ya’ll ain’t slick, I’m not sitting by Jey tonight. Somebody gotta move,” I said as Jey sucked on his teeth.
 “Your being childish,” he said as I rolled my eyes. “And you were acting single last night so I decided it’s only right to oblige you,” I said as he growled.
“I can move Kayla, come on,” Joe said waving me over as Robin slyly slid over and Jey took her seat previous seat.
“Sit down Kayla,” Jey whispered as I stood looking at him like he was crazy.
“Can I sit by you Cameron?” I asked as she got up and switched seats with me. Hearing the snickers at the table I knew Jey wasn’t giving up.
 “Sefa, can we switch?” Jey asked as I raised an eyebrow at his antics.
“Fine, we can sit in the middle together. I don’t feel like playin’ musical chairs wit yo’ ass all night, but don’t talk to me Fatu,” I said going back to my original seat, wanting to knock the smile off his face.
“See how easy it is when you just cooperate,” Jey said sitting down beside me as I looked over at Bianca who silently told me to take a deep breath.
Yea, this was going to be a long ass night.
The food was excellent, and the girls did a good job in keeping me preoccupied on the dance floor. I ignored Jey but it didn’t seem to faze him. “We need to talk babe,” he whispered as I nodded knowing he was right, but I didn’t feel like it tonight.
“So, what is the plan for tomorrow?” Joe asked as I shrugged. “Maybe check out the shops and the beach,” I said Jey cleared his throat as I looked at him. “Maybe we could grab dinner on the beach and get some alone time.”
“Aww, I thought after last night you would be asking Danielle,” I said without missing a beat as he sighed. “Damn, that’s cold,” Jimmy whispered as Trin hit him on the shoulder.
“Stop making it worse,” she hissed at him as rubbed his shoulder.
Jey’s POV
“Look, we are talking after this dinner, and I mean it,” I hissed as Kayla sipped on her glass of wine with a frown.  I didn’t mean for it to come out so harsh, I’m just frustrated as hell.
Out the corner of my eye I see the waiter approaching us carrying a glass of wine and sitting it in front of Kayla who seems perplexed.
“Uh, nobody here ordered another glass of wine,” I said as the waiter smiled.
“Compliments of the gentleman at the bar,” the waiter said pointing to a man sitting at the bar with his glass raised towards Kayla.
“Who the fuck is that and why is he sending you drinks?” I asked, pulling the glass of wine in front of me wanting to get some answers.
“I don’t know who he is, but give me back my shit,” Kayla said reaching over and taking the glass back.
“Kayla who is that?” I asked trying to keep my cool. “I don’t know but it was a nice gesture,” she said lifting her glass into the air towards the stranger before taking a sip.
“Ah, shit,” I heard Joe whisper as I shot him a look before looking back at Kayla.
“So, some random motherfucka just wants to buy you a glass of wine, huh?” I asked as she shrugged her shoulders.
“I guess so,” she said casually sipping her wine enjoying my discomfort.
“Hey, that’s the cutie from the club last night that bought us that round of shots,” Cameron whispered to Bianca and Robin as I sneered.
I didn’t have time to let my thoughts run away for long as he stood up and began walking towards us.
“Aye, keep your cool, ain’t nobody trying to go to jail. We ain’t in the states,” Jimmy whispered as this motherfucker stood boldly in front of Kayla and me.
He literally is eying her up and down like she’s dessert.
“I heard it was your birthday, so I ordered you a glass of wine,” he said reaching down, taking Kayla’s hand in his and placing a kiss on her hand.
“What the fuck?” I hissed as Kayla seemed confused but smiled. “Uh, well, it’s not my birthday yet, but thank you for the kind gesture,” she said as I rolled my eyes. “You are very welcome, my name is Colton,” he said as I growled.
“Ok, you can move on now Colton, this is a family dinner and you ain’t invited,” I said as Sefa touched my shoulder. “Aye, just breathe man,” Joe whispered as unclenched my fist.
Who the fuck does he think he is? Kayla is my woman, how dare he even fucking look at her.
“Could I trouble you for a dance.”
“Nah, she’s good, move on,” I said as Kayla sipped on her wine. “Sure, I would love to Colton,” she said standing up.
“So, you just gon’ act like I ain’t sitting right here, Kayla?” I asked as she looked back at me.
 “Yep, just like how you acted like I wasn’t on the ship last night when you were dancing with Danielle,” she whispered as Robin and Joe cringed.
I flinched at her words but didn’t say anything, instead I watched them like a hawk as she followed him onto the dance floor.
 “Uce, you need to breathe,” Jimmy said as I ignored him and looked over at Joe who seemed like he was just waiting for me to say the word.
“Go get her Joe, before I kill this mothafucka,” I hissed as Joe got up without hesitation and went over to get Kayla.
“You trippin ‘Jey,” Robin said as I growled seeing Joe coming back over without her.
“Aye, you gon’ have to handle that, Uce,” he said sitting down clearing his throat.
“What did she say?” Bianca asked as Joe sighed. “She told me she loved me, but to take my ass back to my seat. Yea, and to tell you to fuck off,” he said pointing at me.
“How bout you take your ass over there and get your own woman,” Trin said as I sucked on my teeth.
“Jimmy and Sefa go get her,” I said my eyes focused on this clown’s hands resting on her lower back as they danced.
“I don’t see why she can’t dance with him? What they doin’ is a simple two step, barely even touching. What you had going on last night was a ho bumping and grindin’ up on you and trying to kiss you,” Robin said as Joe leaned over and whispered in her ear as she rolled her eyes at me.
“I agree, it ain’t the same,” Trin said as Jimmy looked at me and I gave him the signal tuning the girls out.
“A’ight let’s go Sefa, but I ain’t trying to get cussed out,” Jimmy said as Trin shook her head. “I hope she do cuss yo’ ass out because he needs to be takin’ his ass over there and not ya’ll,” Trin said as Bianca shook her head and looked over at Montez who he held his hands up.
 “I ain’t goin’ over there so don’t look at me like dat. I do got some sense,” he said as she seemed pleased with her answer.
Kayla’s POV
I want him to feel how I felt last night. If you feel how I felt last night, maybe you will think before you put yourself in these stupid positions.
“Ya’ man seemed very upset, I didn’t mean any harm,” Colton said as I nodded. “He’s really mad about something else, it has nothing to do with you. Plus, it’s just a harmless dance and I’m Kayla by the way,” I said as he smiled.
“Yes, it is, and I meant no disrespect. It’s just you looked like you could use a break and it’s nice to meet you Kayla,” he said as I smiled.
“It’s nice to meet you too,” I said as he looked over my shoulder.
“Here comes some more of your friends,” he whispered as I rolled my eyes. I knew it was Sefa and Jimmy
“Uh, sis, Jey wants to holla at you right quick,” Jimmy said gently touching my shoulder as Colton cleared his throat and stepped back.
“I don’t give a damn what he wants Jimmy.”
“Let’s get some air sis, tensions are high, and we just need to cool off. Uce, is feeling some type of way-” Sefa started as I interrupted him.
“Tell your brother I’m a grown ass woman and I don’t give a damn how he’s feeling. He can kiss my ass for all I care, now relay that message,” I whispered to him so Colton nor Jimmy could hear me.
Sefa nodded, rubbing his hand over his beard before walking back towards our table with Jimmy in tow.
The anger that flashed across Jey’s face as Sefa relayed the message didn’t frighten me at all as he stood up and began walking towards us.
“Look, Imma head out, my friends are back,” Colton said pointing at two guys standing by the entrance as they smiled and waved.
“I think it’s best,” I said waving back at them as Colton nodded. 
“Have a good rest of your trip, and Happy Birthday Kayla.”
“Thank you and the same to you,” I said as Jey casually tapped him on the shoulder before we could go our separate ways.
“Sorry to cut in, but it’s my turn,” Jey said grabbing my hand, pulling me to him before Colton could even respond.
Reading the room, Colton held his hands up in surrender. “She’s all yours big guy, I was just about to leave anyway,” he said as Jey smirked at him.
“I’m glad you realize that, now take yo’ ass on,” Jey said as I shook my head. “Bye Colton and thanks,” I said as he smiled and waved before walking back over to his friends as Jey wore a deep frown.
“That was rude,” I said as he scoffed. “Yea, it was rude and I don’t give a fuck. You really think I was gon’ let that shit ride, another man trying to push up on you, fuck you thought was gon’ happen.”
“Jey, I’m a grown ass woman,” I hissed as he licked his lips caressing my hips.
“Yea, you are and I’m a grown ass man. So, I don’t mind coming to get my woman,” Jey said as I smiled.
 “Oh, really, because I wasn’t aware I was your woman because you damn sure seemed to have a lapse of memory last night,” I said as he pulled me closer.
“Look, I get it, Kay. I hurt you, but when are you going to actually listen to me and let me explain,” he said as I pushed him away.
“When you actually understand how that shit made me feel and want to have a real conversation about why you even put yourself in that kind of position to begin with, especially with her, and speak of the devil, there she is.”
“What are you talking about?” he whispered as I pointed to the entrance and there stood Danielle with a smirk.
“Let’s just go Kayla, it ain’t worth it.”
“No, I ain’t going nowhere, this is my night. That bitch can leave,” I said as Danielle, and I stared each other down from across the room.
Sefa’ POV
“I know this isn’t happening,” I whispered seeing Danielle and hearing Cameron’s sharp intake of breath.
“I’mma beat this bitch ass,” Bianca said as Montez shushed her.
“Don’t shush me….I’m just sayin’ she got one time and she mine,” Bianca said as he tried to calm her down.
“All the places on this fuckin’ island and she’s here,” Robin said as Joe seemed speechless. “It’s the audacity for me,” Trin said as Jimmy nodded.
“Damn, she really just thinks she can do what she wants,” Jimmy said as Kayla and Jey came and sat back down.
“Boo, you ready to go?” Robin asked as Kayla laughed.
“Nah, I’m about to beat her ass and then we can leave.”
“Excuse me, what?” Jey asked as Kayla took off her earrings.
“You heard me, I’m bout to beat her motherfuckin’ ass, and then we can leave,” Kayla said louder as Bianca smirked.
“That’s my girl, whoop dat bitch ass. She been playin’ in your face like she ain’t got no sense.”
“Maybe we should just leave,” Joe said as Danielle walked in front of Jey and Kayla.
“Joe, I love you for trying to be the voice of reason, but she got this one coming,” Trin whispered as I saw Kayla shift in her seat wearing a smile.
Danielle had just walked into the lion’s den and didn’t even know it.
Kayla’s POV
“Aww, Jey you still going all out for special occasions I see,” Danielle said picking up a glass from off the table as I smirked at her, as Jey was livid.
“Leave Danielle-” Jey hissed as I interrupted him.
“Jey, don’t say another word, I got it. Danielle, let me holla at you on the terrace,” I said standing up with my glass a wine as everyone looked on almost scared to move.
“Oou, you in danger girl, and don’t even know it,” Trin whispered as I smiled, playing it cool.
“Sure, I see no reason as to why we can’t have a conversation like grown women,” she said heading towards the terrace as Jey stood up.
“Kayla, baby, I can-”
“Your not needed for this conversation,” I said as his eyes pleaded with me to not do anything crazy.
“I’m fine….It’s cool,” I said giving his hand a comforting squeeze before following her onto the terrace and closing the door behind me.
The waves crashing upon the shore represented my own anger that was raging inside me as we were finally standing face to face.
Her smugness pissing me off, but I couldn’t let it show. I needed answers first, and after that…..  Oh, I’mma  beat dat ass for the 9-9- and the 2000’s.
“I’m glad we could talk after last night,” Danielle said as I nodded.
“After last night, I was so crazy angry. I was wondering what I’d do if I saw you again.  I mean would I just lose control and beat yo’ ass on site.” I said as Danielle backed up slightly holding her hands up.
“Now, you said we were going to talk,” Danielle said as I smiled.
“You know I even dreamed about throwing your ass overboard last night,” I said casually taking a sip of my wine as she seemed nervous.
“So, are we going to talk, or are you going to keep threatening me.”
“We are talking Danielle, but let’s be real…..I don’t know you, but let me make it crystal clear.  Stay away from Jey, or we’re gonna have a problem,” I said as she smirked.
“Oh, so you speak for him now. Man, where did he find you, Ms. Perfect?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know, but it’s none of your business. Danielle, why did you show up here?” I asked truly curious.
“Well, you are the longest relationship he’s been in since we broke up four years ago. I’m trying to figure out what makes you so damn special,” she said as I shook my head, this bitch was asking for it.
  “I speak life into him and I’m actually there for him. Something, you didn’t do, apparently,” I said as she rolled her eyes.
“Look, Jey knew he couldn’t do better than me, so he was ok with it. Normally he realizes the error of his ways and then we fall right back into our routine within a month. It’s just takin’ us a little longer this time,” Danielle said as I looked at her like she was crazy.
“It’s been four years!” I shouted as she sneered at me. “Like you are delusional as fuck. Baby, it’s been over between you and Jey. It was over a year before I even came in the picture.”
“I’m not delusional, I’m speaking facts.”
The more she rambled, the more things started to make sense. She was a toxic ass narcissist, emotionally abusive, and God knows what else and in that moment of realization, I saw red.
“You made his life a living hell, didn’t you?” I whispered as she smiled.
 Yea, I’m done talking now. Without hesitation, I flicked my glass of wine in her face as she gasped in shock.
“That was for showing your fuckin’ face here,” I said as she tried to wipe her face off with her hands. “You fuckin’ bitch,” she said whispered through gritted teeth.
“Yea, that’s me, and don’t you forget it.” Rearing back, I punched her in the face, as she collapsed to the ground holding her jaw.
“That one was for Jey,” I said as she used the railing for support to pull herself up. “I’m going to kill you,” she whispered as I tackled her, our momentum causing us both to go over the railing, and onto the sand.
The force of our landing knocking the wind knocked out of both. “Shit!” I hissed, rubbing the back of my head momentarily, but regained my senses seeing Danielle trying to run away.
Shaking the cobwebs loose, I kicked off my heels and grabbed her by the leg “Nah, you been talkin’ all dat shit, what’s good!” I yelled slanging her back down onto the sand.
“Ah! Your crazy!” Danielle screamed as I climbed on top of her punching anywhere I could as she tried to block my fists with her arms.
“Bitch you gon’ learn today, this ain’t what you want!”
Jey’s POV
The loud crash was enough for us all to run onto the terrace to see what the hell was going on.
There was Kayla on top of Danielle in the sand unloading on her ass as Danielle was screaming trying to cover herself up.
“Uce, get her ass before they call the damn cops,” Sefa hissed as we both jumped over the rail running to separate the girls.
“Kay, come on that’s enough,” I said pulling her off of Danielle as she kept a tight grip on her hair.
“Let go! Let go!” Danielle screamed as Sefa pried Kayla’s hands out of her hair, but not before Kayla broke her other arm free from my grasp and punched Danielle a couple times on the back of the head.
“Damn! You can’t get her, Jey!” Joe yelled as Jimmy was helping him get ahold of Danielle.
“I got her! Ya’ll just get her ass outta here!” I yelled as Kayla tried to break free.
“You bitch! This ain’t over!” Danielle screamed as Jimmy and Joe were dragging her away.
“You damn right it ain’t, cause’ every time I see you, it’s on-site bitch!” Kayla yelled struggling against me as the girls came over to help calm her down.
“Calm down, Kayla, you got her, and it’s done,” Trin said as Kayla finally stopped fighting against me.  
“I got you, just calm down baby. It’s over, alright,” I whispered as Kayla turned and looked at me with tears in her eyes.
 “I’m sorry,” she whispered as the girls surrounded her, pushing me away in the process before I could respond.
“Ya’ll take her and get her cleaned up,” Sefa said as Montez picked up Kayla’s shoes up the ground and handed them to Cameron.
“I’ll go check on Joe and Jimmy,” Montez said as I nodded feeling a migraine coming on. All this was my fault….
“I’ll go pay so we can head back to the ship,” I said just feeling defeated watching the girls comforting Kayla when it should have been me.
Yep, night two official had gone to shit.
@reci24 @southerngirl41 @vebner37 @jeyusos-girl
@melaninsugababy @romanreignkisser @bebesobrielo
@arination99 @2-muchsauce @bakugoumarianawrites
@empressdede @alyyaanna @christinabae @anonandwannakeepitthatway @venusesworld @jeyusosgirl  @theninthwonder @mya2real  @justazzi @whatdoeseverybodywant @reignsboy19 wooahmiri alichesmi pytbgeezy
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atimeofyourlife · 1 year
She's Overdue For a Breakdown
Transfem Steve (Evie) has a breakdown surrounding everything after coming out post s4 (title from Silence is a Scary Sound by McFly) cw: gender dysphoria, implied cheating, implied neglectful parenting
It's a lot of little things that bring it on. Well, and a few big things too. But it's the little things that seemed worse.
Evie was just going to use the bathroom when she caught sight of herself in the mirror, and her eyes were instantly drawn to a tiny patch of stubble on her jawline that she had missed when shaving that morning. And it was what tipped her over the edge.
She grasped the sink as harsh sobs wracked through her body. She couldn't place what she was crying over, when it was everything. Having to shave her face every morning to avoid stubble when most girls, normal girls, didn't have to. Losing her adolescence to fighting interdimensional horrors. The clothing she wanted to wear never fitting right, because of too broad shoulders and firm muscle in place of soft curves. Never leaving the house unarmed in fear of what was lurking around the corner. Still having to live most of her life as Steve. The loss of who she once was. Her parents' indifference and knowing they'd never accept her true self.
She cried for a life of having to perform. As the perfect son, as the boy whose main interest was sport, as the popular 'King' of the school, as the desirable heartthrob who was kind and respectful to girls but also really good in bed, as the strong guy capable of taking the hits, as the decent young man from a good family that would make a good father and husband one day. Having to perform as Steve.
She cried for every time that she couldn't. For every time her father had told her 'Boys don't cry, Steven.' For every time she had to hold back tears to avoid being teased. For every time she had been told not to be so sensitive. For every time she had pushed away her own emotions to focus on someone else's. For every time she had to be strong for her found family while everything fell apart around them.
She cried for her insecurity surrounding relationships. For her father's infidelity causing so many issues at home. For the way her relationship with Nancy had torn itself apart, and Nancy's cruel words at the end. For all the girls that had only dated her for what they could get out of it, her status, her money, her reputation of being so good in bed. For her fear for future relationships. For the flirting she'd shared with Eddie, and how it hadn't changed when she came out. The fear that came with it, that Eddie still saw her as Steve, as a man, because he'd never spoken about liking girls.
She cried for the body that never fit right and felt more broken as time went on. Her vision and hearing deteriorating with every concussion. Her too-flat chest and too-narrow hips. The scars that increased in number with every round of the Upside Down. The fact that down there would never reflect her being a girl without surgery.
She cried for every time she felt alone, both when she was by herself or with other people. When sitting at the dinner table with her parents felt like there was more distance between them than when they were on a different continent. When time spent with Tommy and Carol turned her into a third wheel, or an accomplice in their cruelty. When she tried to fill her empty house with parties. When she was with girlfriends, Nancy and others, that were there physically but she knew that their mind was somewhere else. Finishing out her senior year without any friends her own age, at least none that understood.
A knock on the bathroom startled her from her spiraling thoughts, reminding her that she wasn't alone in the house.
"Evie?" Robin's voice sounded concerned. "Are you okay? You've been in there for ages."
Evie took a few deep breaths in an attempt to compose herself. "I'm fine, Rob." She winced at how thick her voice sounded, almost cracking on the word 'fine'.
"You don't sound fine," Robin spoke softly. "Can we come in?"
Evie hesitated. If she said no, they would leave her alone. But only until she was ready to leave the bathroom. If she let them in or not, she would still have to talk about it. She moved to the door, just enough to unlock it. She moved away again, before calling "It's open."
Robin was the first in, sweeping Evie into a hug. Eddie hung back in the doorway.
"What's going on?" Robin asked, pulling Evie down so they could sit on the floor together.
"I. It's nothing." Evie sniffed, trying to hold back the fresh wave of tears threatening to spill over. "I'm just being stupid."
"Evelyn Sue Harrington. What have we said about the 's' word?" Robin admonished her choice of words.
"Evie, you're not stupid for getting upset about something. You're the one that tells the rest of us that it's okay to feel things and be open when we need help." Eddie added, sitting down on Evie's other side. "But does this have to be done on the bathroom floor, or can we move somewhere more comfortable?"
"Get used to it, Munson. All of our big, important moments happen on bathroom floors." Robin replied, managing to drag a small smile out of Evie.
"Muppet." Evie agreed, getting a punch in the arm from Robin.
"C'mon Evie. You can talk to us. What's going on up there?" Robin tapped the side of Evie's head.
"It's just...Everything? I guess. It all feels too much." Evie stopped for a moment, before it all came spilling out. Everything that she'd been holding in, that she'd never told anyone about. Everything she'd kept from the ones she loved so she would be the one people could turn to for support instead of being the one who needed support. The tears returned as she spoke, varying from silently running down her face to accompanied by harsh sobs that punctuated her words. "And I just feel so lost. I don't know what to do with it. I just want to scream, and cry, and break things."
"It's okay to feel like that, Evie." Robin murmured, holding Evie closer to her.
"It. It's not though? I looked in the mirror and saw a few hairs I missed while shaving. And instead of having a normal reaction, I started crying about it. I wanted to punch the mirror and smash it into pieces as if it was to blame for how I look." She rubbed her face harshly. "God, I'm being too much."
"Evie, it's not too much. You're never too much. You've been holding this shit in for so long, you never talk about what you've been through, you never ask for help, but you're always there for us and let everyone unload on you. You're basically overdue a breakdown at this point." Eddie replied, pulling Evie's hands away from her face.
"We're here for you. Through everything. And screw your parents and anyone who thinks there's something wrong with you. There are so many people that love and adore you, that would be happy to listen and help you. Hell, if you wanted new parents, you'd just have to say the word and there's a bunch of parents that would fight over who gets to adopt you. You named yourself after two of them."
"You're exaggerating." Evie rolled her eyes.
"She's not. It's obvious that Hopper basically sees you as his daughter. He's referred to you and El together as his girls." Eddie added. "I'm pretty sure you could kill someone and he'd cover for you and help hide the body."
"Yeah, and you've got Mrs Henderson. She's already passing on her family recipes to you that she won't tell anyone else. And the Sinclairs. Ever since you defended Lucas from Billy, they've adored you and thought you could do no wrong. Even my parents, which is kinda weird because less than a year ago they were basically planning our wedding and thought that you'd be their perfect son-in-law and I'd have your babies, which I mean, gross. But now they talk about us as if we're sisters."
"And Uncle Wayne. He's always asking when I'm going to bring the Harrington girl around again. I think he just likes having someone to talk sports with. And he would do anything for your cooking." Eddie insisted.
"I-thanks." Evie was a little lost for words as she rubbed the last of her tears from her eyes. "I'm okay. I'll be okay."
"You don't have to always be okay, Evie. It's what we're here for. We're always here for you." Robin assured her.
"Whenever you're not okay, my shoulder's always open for a pretty girl to cry on." Eddie said, his tone light and joking.
Evie choked on a laugh as she relaxed into the group hug. "I love you guys."
I am planning on writing a short second part about how Evie chose her names, but I do not know when it will get posted! I have started it, though! Now with a companion piece on how Evie chose her name
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soufcakmistress · 1 year
new love on the near northside
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A/N: haters that ruin the fun will get blessed out and blocked! find someone else to play with, tysm :) this is for all the sydcarmy truthers like me who’ve been in a spiral for two years
Pairing: Sydney Adamu x Carmen Berzatto
“All right chefs, we need to fire four prime ribs, two lobster risottos, and four cream puffs!”
“Yes, Chef!”
“Marcus, 86 the mascarpone for the cherry tart on 20!”
“Heard, chef!”
“Okay I need to see hands!”
The waitstaff gingerly grab the plated dishes from the final station, while Carmy is gently yet firmly reminding them not to smudge the plates as they’re being taken to their respective tables. Dinner service is in an awesome groove right now and Syd is feeling confident tonight. She’s still riding on a high from the last food critic that visited from the Chicago Tribune, who raved over her braised short rib and orzo pasta. There are also other reasons for Syd’s good mood.
“Open your legs, Syd..”
Syd shudders, takes three deep breaths and continues to fire off orders from the expo. The Bear has been packed almost every single night for three weeks. They don’t have much of a waitlist yet, but word of mouth moves quickly in Chicago and the front of house are noticing some repeat customers already.
Carmy joined Syd at the expo, and she can still pick up the scent of his cologne even in the midst of garlic, heavy cream and raw seafood. If she even peeks at him, she’ll lose her train of thought, and that’s the last thing the team needs right now. After having to let go of Josh after his unfortunate episode, her sous Tina has been pulling double time, covering both stations like a champ. She makes a mental note to give her an unbelievable gift and some love this weekend. “How are we doing, Chef? We cool?”
His eyes are so crystal clear and she recollects how he stares through her when they….oh fuck. “Yes, Chef. Runners are getting everything out in a timely manner, and we are turning these tables around. You?”
“Carmy, Carmy, yes—oh!”
Carmy licks and bites his lips and smirks. “Yes Chef. You’re the captain of this ship.” He squeezes her shoulder and goes back to his station as their boucher, Daniela checks in with Carmy about the fat trimmings for their beef.
Fak, Richie and Sweeps were holding down the front since Nat is on maternity leave. Carmy keeps a wallet size photo of his brand new nephew at his station, looking occasionally with a smile. Forty five more minutes before dinner service is over and Syd can finally go puke out back. “Chefs, we’re almost in the clear! Let’s keep up the momentum and sense of urgency!”
“Yes, Chef!”
Every dish is gorgeous. So many painstaking hours reworking the menu. Chaos menu, thoughtful chaos menu, back to chaos menu again. Reviewing and poring over Carmy’s intricate drawings, all the late night sessions, so much money spent on ingredients—it was enough to make Syd’s head spin. Hence why, almost a month since The Bear opened she’s still subsisting on a diet of Tums and Pepto.
She’s eternally grateful for her partners. Nat and Cicero have saved all their asses more times than they can count. Cicero is a hard ass but he adores Carmy and Sugar and has grown to love Syd as well. And of course, the best chef she’s ever had the privilege of working beside is her executive chef, business partner, best friend and now lover.
“Look at you. You’re so wet baby. Fuck—”
They’ve managed to keep their love affair under wraps for this long. It’s a struggle not to be able to touch each other when they’re working. Tina and Marcus are too perceptive; they would be found out immediately. Still, Sydney feels like a giddy school girl whenever Carmy corners her in the office as they open the restaurant every morning—both of his hands by her sides keeping her close. He’s so incredibly sexy without even trying and she still gets shy sometimes. He has to pull her chin from her shoulder and make her look at him.
“Don’t run away from me. You know I won’t let you..” And those ocean blue eyes of his again….and his lips are feather light on top of hers. Her knees are ready to buckle and Carmy sensed as much, so he pulls her close to the hardness of his chest and stomach to keep her standing.
She loves how his stubble feels on her chin and cheeks, especially when he drags his mouth down her jaw and lightly sucks on her neck. “Carm, Carm, Carm, oh my god, don’t! If they see me with a hickey when I didn’t have one yesterday, how do I explain that?” Her face is hurting, she’s cheesing so hard.
One hand slides up her chef whites, slipping under her camisole and his agile fingers pinch her nipple while his tongue circles her earlobe. Syd’s learned that Carmy is insatiable. For someone to not be as experienced as he claims—his hands, lips, tongue…always seem to go exactly where she needs them to. “I can’t help it, Chef. You’re just so damn beautiful.”
Syd’s hands roam all over his thick biceps and eventually land in the bushy mess atop his head. Their tongues lave and suck on each other’s and their moans can’t be held back any longer. Carmy pulls her leg up to his hip while he grips her braids, until he hears Marcus and Sweeps come through the back door. They separate quickly and get themselves together. Lusty gazes linger between them and they’re both aching between their legs. Carmy is as red as a beet, and Syd’s lips are swollen from his kisses and nipping. “Right, thank you chef.” Syd walks out first awkwardly with wobbly legs that make Carmy chuckle.
Dinner service is over—the kitchen has been scrubbed down, trash taken out, perishables have been stocked away in the lowboys and walk-in, and the back of house staff has skated out. It’s just Carmen and Sydney, in their brand new restaurant. “I’m beat. You got all your stuff right?”
Syd has an overnight bag with everything she needs for a weekend with her babe. “Yes, I do! Are you..ready to go?” Carmy grabs the weekend bag along with her hand and they walk in tandem to his car.
Carmy has been seeing a therapist in addition to the Al-anon meetings and Sydney can tell a difference already. He’s slower to rant and rave and owns up to his mistakes. More eager to hear people out. She’s proud of him—he’s suffered through a lot to make it to this point. They eventually arrive to his apartment and a shower is the first order of business. Syd loves the water pressure at Carmy’s place and taking showers together has been great for their newfound intimacy. They undress each other, Syd pulls her braids up in a high bun, and they just hold each other under the steaming water. This is their time. Away from The Bear. Away from Chicago. Away from the many demands and decisions they’re forced to confront every single day.
Carmy washes her with her pink loofah that’s been made a permanent staple in his bathroom. This is all new to Syd; her heart blooms in her chest at these big feelings she’s experiencing. He’s gentle and doesn’t leave an inch of skin untouched. Syd washes his hair with his expensive shampoo and Carmy’s eyes close in ecstasy. They needed this tenderness. They deserved it.
All cleaned up and fresh, they mosey back to the kitchen for a late night meal. Habits are hard to break. “Spaghetti?” Carmy suggests.
“Yes oh my goodness. Butttt use bucatini instead. And all the cheese.” He smiles in agreement and pecks her on the lips and gets out all the ingredients they need. Julia Child is on in the background on a public access channel, as they converse about the restaurant and Carmy’s nephew and Sydney’s dad and Carmy’s dysfunctional family, the deep loss Syd still feels at the absence of her mom for most of her life. More tenderness.
Pasta is rolled out. Meat sauce is sautéed, seasoned and almost ready. The Shiraz is poured. Carmy can’t stop staring at her in his shirt and boxers. She’s so cute. The pasta boils and he watches her watching the program, fully enthralled. Everything is finally done; he plates everything in his unique Carmy way and Syd audibly orgasms at how the savory flavors meld together especially with the wine.
He grates more pecorino over the pasta and the lull in conversation is comfortable and warm. Not awkward and full of anxiety like with Donna….leaving him constantly overthinking and being afraid to speak. Sydney seemingly knows what he’s going to say before he does and that brings him comfort. They’re in crystal clear alignment on every way and he now knows a semblance of peace.
“Fuck. This is good.” Sydney is damn near scraping the plate, while Carmy is smiling the biggest she’d ever seen from him. They both love when the other eats their food. That sense of pride is undeniable.
“I’m glad you enjoyed, Chef. Anything for you.” He winks at her and she gets bashful and mumbled out that she’s going to take care of the dishes since he cooked. To his surprise, he’s a little more tipsy than he realized from the Shiraz. Carmy drains his glass and pours himself another, while checking Syd’s frame out. His boxers are screaming for relief and a little moan eeks out of him before he can stop it. Thankfully Syd isn’t aware of his moment of weakness.
Carmy swallows and wipes his lips and moseys behind his girlfriend. Kissing and nipping. “I’m almost done here, Carm..” Syd whines a bit at his ministrations and drops the plate into the soapy water.
“Yeah. Not fast enough for me..” Carmy turns her around and leaps with his tongue and mouth first. Her hands are dripping wet but she doesn’t waste a second grabbing his head of wild curls and taking what he has to give. Carmy grabs her legs to wrap them around his waist and Syd can periodically feel him thrust up into her mound, wailing for stimulation that only he can provide.
Their shared affection overpowers the television, and Carmy feels his way down the hallway with his baby in his arms. His love, that saved him in so many ways. He pulls his shirt off, she takes hers off. She takes his boxers off that she had on and she lays on his bed, naked as the day she was born. “Fuck me, Carmen.”
She held in her amusement because his entire neck and face was blood red with the pupils of his eyes blown out. Syd knows that he’s doing everything he can to stay contained, but he knows her better by now—she does what she wants. So she spreads her legs for him and twirls her clit in tandem with a brown nipple. Carmy’s about to explode.
He drops to his knees and explores her love below like it’s never been done before. “Sydney, why do you taste so good? Why do you do this to me..” She relishes in the fact that he’s potentially bruising her with the vice grip he has on her thighs, but yet she’s so afraid that she’s gonna squirt in his face if he keeps gently sucking her clit in and out of his lips like that. His manicured fingers enter her canal one after the other and prompt her to let go. “CARMYYYYYYY!”
His whole chest is drenched, and his eyes are shut tight, his deft fingers rubbing tight circles around her clit with a precision that only an executive chef named Carmen Anthony Berzatto could deliver. Sydney pushed his head away and she’s left trembling with watery eyes. “I-I—i didn’t know I could do that!”
Carmy just smirks and wipes his mouth and drops his pants. Syd still can’t get over him. He has even more tattoos that can’t be readily seen on a day to day basis, he is so cut and muscled and has a cock that should be cast in 24 karat gold. Don’t sleep on the short kings.
“Turn around.” His voice leaves no room for pushback, and she can barely raise up on her knees before he’s manhandling her. He’s learned that he loves doggy with Syd. With her ass high in the air, she is getting impatient as well and reaches behind her to line him up with her slit. Carmy catches his lip in his teeth as he pushes forward and they both groan out a “fuck” that only they could wholly grasp.
On the first stroke, he’s all the way in and Syd fees his sack grazing over her entrance. They’re both in a trance. Carmy has visions of Syd cooking, smiling, cumming, revolving in his mind as well as the score of the last White Sox home game so he doesn’t bust his load quick. Syd can’t get the thought of how intense and sweet he gazes at her. How he commands their team, how his talent speaks for itself, how fucking sexy his jawline is, how big his heart is. How lucky is she? To fall in love with her idol, mentor, boss….and to have him love her back.
The bed is beginning to bounce off the wall. Their volume increases as Syd can’t hold herself up anymore and they fall into collapsed doggy with their fingers interlocked. “I’m so glad you found me. I love you Syd, I love you, I fucking—fucking love you baby!” That set Sydney off for the most expansive and overwhelming orgasm of the night, taking her beau with her over the edge. Carmy’s sweaty forehead lays on Sydney’s right temple—both of them with tears in their eyes.
Carmy kissed every finger tip until their mouths met again, both letting their waterlogged eyes flow free. “I know. I love you too Carmy. We’re never alone.”
“We’re never alone.”
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