#she just reads as super aroace to me
gutsfics · 2 years
wait..... yall dont see Holly as ace/aro???
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aroaessidhe · 3 months
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2024 reads / storygraph
The Queens of Innis Lear
slow-moving political fantasy, retelling of the shakespeare tragedy king lear
set in a dying island kingdom, where the prophesy-obsessed king (having neglected the wild magic of the land) must pass on the crown to his three daughters
the elder two hate their father and have been planning their rule for years, and the youngest loves her father and does not want the crown- but does care for the magic of the land
but when the king makes an unforeseen decision, and other kingdoms and spies circle, vying for land and power of their own
earth magic, fate and duty, complicated sister relationships
#The Queens of Innis Lear#aroaessidhe 2024 reads#I thought this was pretty decent. It’s very long though. by the end i was starting to feel the length of it lmao#I don’t really have any familiarity with the original play so I was more approaching it just as any other fantasy book.#It definitely did feel very shakespearean in the plot and how the characters acted though!#I thought the love-and-hate relationship between the sisters was really interesting!#I liked ban in the beginning but by the end he was so annoying. Elia too a bit. didn’t really care about whatever was going on between them#I liked Aefa (the fool’s daughter….also just the inclusion of fools in medieval-esque fantasy)#I did pick this up because I’d heard there was an aroace character. She is one of the 7 or so POV characters#Definitely one of the most interesting characters to me; definitely also plays into some stereotypes.#(cold; brutal; a ‘heart of iron’ - there are other reasons for this; and she’s certainly not a one-dimensional character#(also. i want this kind of aroace character sometimes) but still something to note.#Like I did really like her but also wouldn't necessarily rec people read this for the aroace character (partly just bc of the large cast)#That plus with the fact that she’s described as the darkest skinned (often in tandem with those other descriptors; being brutal; masculine)#is.....hm. a bit uneasy#I’m not sure how well the story handled the Black characters in general tbh but i can’t really make a judgement on that i guess#(I’m hesitant to read books by white authors with Black/biracial MCs regardless; wasn’t aware of this before I started it)#there are couple other bi characters but it’s not SUPER queer otherwise.
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idontknowanametouse · 3 months
The straw hats are just. So queer guys
Luffy is aroace and nonbinary and just uses any pronouns because. Just look at him, please. He wouldn't know what's gender or romantic or sexual attraction even if they slapped him in the face. He also is the definition of the whole "people perceive me as male in the same way they perceive something non-human as just a little guy"
Zoro? Trans (he walks with his tits off, for gods' sake) and super gay. He is, like, 100% gay. No discussions. (and also dating Sanji, and yes, partners with conflicting labels are still their labels, stfu exclusionists)
Nami is, as quoted by a person whose username I forgot (I'm sorry if you read this just tell me it's you and I'll add your url): the lesbianest of lesbians in the story of lesbianism for lesbians by lesbians. And she obviously has her princess girlfriend, Vivi.
Usopp seems to be straight, but, in fact, they only felt attraction towards Kaya and also are 100% nonbinary, just like Luffy. Very he/they vibes.
Sanji is bisexualest person alive. And also transfem bigender, no, I accept no criticism, the absolute she/he.
Chopper does not know what is gender, because, for gods' sake, he's a reindeer. Obviously he doesn't care which pronouns you use to him.
Robin? Bisexual and trans queen. Look at her. Look at her backstory. She is so queer coded, guys, you don't know. She is also dating Franky, they are the absolute t4t couple.
Franky is straight with the biggest ever love for Robin and also trans, he modified his body to be a super-man like.
Brook is way too nonbinary for me to say it. Just look at them. Your they/them lovely grandpa.
Jinbei is, too, super aroace and I don't take criticism. Just look at him, he's got the vibes.
Vivi is, as before stated, a lesbian. That is pretty obvious, though.
Yamato is canonically trans, bitches (affectionate). And also very Gay. Definitely in some sort of relationship with Ace.
Bonney is transfem demigirl, trust me, Oda told me himself, and she came out first to her dad.
Law is transmasc nonbinary, the absolute they/he, they just got that vibe. And also very aroace, wouldn't know what the fuck is attraction even if it slapped him in the face (just like Luffy, that's why they are BFFs)
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radioisntdead · 5 months
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Maybe one day I could learn to love you..
Alastor x reader, Human au!
Alastor and reader are put in an arranged marriage and, one of them falls and the other doesn't know where he stands.
Murder, death, inaccurate portrayal of the 1920's??, OOC, this was edited but there are probably misspellings around, not beta read [How do I acquire a beta reader??] Me projecting my Aroace vibes onto the reader and Alastor, reader is implied to be afab (is that the right term?) because 1920's but GN, also reader is put in a wedding dress.
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You and Alastor didn't know each other super well, you knew each other well enough to be friends but not super close, the only way the two of you even met was because his mother was a close friend of yours,
The two of you were "getting up there in age." and "should marry soon."
Frankly neither of you wanted to get married but you couldn't exactly express that to your folks, and Alastor couldn't bare to see his mother sad that she wouldn't be able to see her only child start a family.
There was only so many times you could use the "haven't met the right person'' excuse before they decided to set you and Alastor up.
You and Alastor sat at a café to see how things play out and long story short agreed that it would be beneficial for the two of you to wed, a marriage of convenience.
His mother would be satisfied in thinking her son wouldn't be alone when she was gone, and your parents wouldn't nag at you, saying you'd become a spinster.
You sat in a dressing room, in a beautiful white dress, your mother was right outside along with a few family members, you could barely make out their voices saying how excited they were.
You looked into the mirror, your makeup was beautifully done, hair done up like a princess's
Anxiety filled you, you wondered if you would feel like this if you were marrying someone you had romantic feelings for?
You shook your head and took a deep breath, standing up you opened the door, being greeted by smiling faces.
Can we become we,
You walked down the aisle, a painted smile plastered on your face.
No longer known as just you and me
Alastor continually smiled, not breaking it as the two of you exchanged vows.
he gently took your hand and slid the ring onto your finger, taking a moment to lift your hand and kiss it,
You could hear a few folks in attendance cooing at the action, you could already hear the on-coming whispers of how 'in love' the two of you seemed.
Two separate lives now in unity
"You may now kiss the bride."
It was quick, a small peck before turning around to face your loved ones and others that were invited.
Stuck here together but
Unease filled you as the reception came to an end, after the concerning amount of dancing and drinking, it was time for them to bid the two of you farewell for your honeymoon, you hugged your parents goodbye, he did the same with his mother and the two of you stepped into the car and there you went.
Will this always be just an arrangement
You were uneasy as you got ready for bed, silently praying that you wouldn't have to do anything, but preparing yourself for the possibly that you would just have to grin and bare it, lay back and disassociate.
Thankfully nothing happened, Alastor bid you a goodnight and promptly passed out.
And neither of you brought it up, consummating your marriage was never a topic between you, and for that the two of you were secretly relieved.
You were glad you married Alastor out of all people. [Said no one ever]
Can we become more
As time went on you and Alastor became closer, and feelings began to consume you, sneaking in slowly, it started with you noting how Alastor preferred more bitter or savory foods as opposed to sweets, or how he preferred black coffee to tea.
It was the 1920's, you didn't have a term for what you were back then, and so you thought you were just not meant to be in love, that maybe something was wrong with you? Why weren't you wired like your peers were? You thought that maybe you were too young for feelings like that but you realized that wasn't the case as you grew
You remember talking with your friends, and while they were more prone to crushes or saying what they would do to someone based off their appearance, you always felt a little odd, you were reassured by them saying maybe you just had higher standards, or just hadn't met the right person yet,
But that didn't really explain the fact that you didn't look at a person and think that you wanted to bed them
Than half of a union we’re chosen for?
Alastor had a similar experience, although he had been different in other ways, after all he did killed people so that probably had an effect on it (it probably did but not in this case)
His dear mama just told him he hadn't met the right person yet, and he didn't have a reason not to believe his mother.
On his side he was going to avoid it as long as he could, and he did until he was matched up with you, and wedded.
It not only gave him a cover, you were a perfect alibi, it gave his mama peace of mind.
You were a good companion as well, you weren't overly touchy, you were smart and had your wits about, you could keep up with him,
You became a good friend who he just so happened to wed.
Where I am your best half
The romantic feelings you felt you clung onto desperately, afraid that if you let them go you'd never be able to feel them again, after all where would you find someone like Alastor? [In a Prison probably]
Not to mention the two of you were already married so that was already a done deal, this is the best situation to be in, right? Falling in love with a person you were already married to?
And I am yours
Your affections became more obvious by the day, lingering touches, acts of service becoming more frequent, spending more time together.
For Alastor it was becoming harder to hide the Blood stains that would get on his shirts from you.
Stuck here forever and hopefully not ending in estrangement
Alastor's mother absolutely adored you, you were a decent person, loving and caring to her son, not to mention you were such a sweetheart to her, helping her in the kitchen, helping her move around as it got harder to do in her old age.
It’s the step of faith, We have to take sometimes
His Ma sat him down one day while you were out running errands, telling him to cherish you more,
Not wanting to disappoint his ma, he slowly but surely began to return your affections a bit more, not by much but a little bit more.
If I’m, with you, I can take it
The two of you would go dancing at the speakeasy Mimzy worked at, cook together, he'd murder people behind your back, the two of you would spend time together doing projects like puzzles.
But if we are one, What happens to you and I
Alastor's mother started getting sick.
It started with a cough, which she dismissed to you and Alastor as just a cold, that didn't stop the two of you from making her meals and making her rest but it got worse, the cough turned into hacking late at night and struggling to breathe.
If I’m, with you, I will make it
The doctors couldn't do much, only suggesting medicines that would give her relief.
Will this always be just an arrangement? We’ll find out in time if we don’t break it
You were there with her, at one side while Alastor was at her other, Alastor held her hand as she breathed her last breath.
Can mine become yours, combining our dreams
Alastor was a complete and utter mess, after all that was his mother, the person closest to him besides you, gone.
He would never see her again, he would move to call her and tell her good news,
She wasn't there,
He went to call her at noon like he did every day?
She wasn't there, he had to train himself to not automatically go to the phone, if he found himself dialing her telephone he'd hear the phone operator ask who he's trying to call, and he'd have a moment to remember that the person he was trying to call was no longer with them.
Without keeping score
You were a shoulder to cry on, helping him keep sane, the two of you grieved for his mother together, you helped plan a great funeral, sparing no expense she was practically a second mother to you after all.
Always together, but never bored, No choice in the matter but
The world didn't end when his mother died, he was lucky enough to get a few weeks off but Radio waits for no one, and he was needed back.
This will never work without each other
He went to work, you'd listen in on the radio while doing whatever you did, working, vibing, I don't know what you did for a living.
Can we become we, start a new line on this family tree
Things healed, they would never be the same, obviously you can't bring back the dead, but things were okay, the two of you had each other especially after the stock market crash and everything that followed,
Two hearts connected by one beat
You had a special place in Alastor's twisted murdery heart, it was likely that Alastor wouldn't return your affections, but that was alright, you were content staying near him.
Your hand in mine and
The two of you were dancing, he held your hand as he twirled you around, looking into his eyes with your own lovesick ones you smiled
"I could never choose to love another"
It slipped out, it took the two of you a moment to process it, Alastor let out a sigh, a twinge of guilt? Or something else flashed in his eyes
"Maybe one day I can learn to love you, too."
One day would never come through, for your life was cut short before Alastor's, a bad flu had taken you out, folks often forget how deadly the flu can be.
Alastor was by your side as you breathed your last.
The world didn't stop spinning because you died, but he didn't handle it well, first his Ma and now you, two of the most important people in his life gone just like that, both taken out by some type of sickness, was this punishment for murdering people? The two innocent people he cherished perishing?
Alastor would more then likely never see you or his mother again because when he fell below you were safe and sound above.
While Alastor was clawing for power below you were living your best afterlife above, doing whatever hobbies your heart desired, moving forward with new friends, family that included Alastor's mother, and maybe a paramour? Or maybe not, you were okay with or without one.
Unfortunately for Alastor you were embedded in his memory, every once in awhile you would pop in late at night when he was trying to sleep or do something productive, plaguing his mind with what ifs.
On the other side you were blessed with ignorance, after all he couldn't haunt your memories, he couldn't pop into your mind with what ifs, and you couldn't miss Alastor if you didn't remember him.
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Good evening folks! I need to quit killing the reader off, sorry this was delayed!
I was going to go a completely different direction with this but that would've had a happy ending
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green-enby · 1 year
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Heyo! Have you watched Koisenu Futari (恋せぬふたり, Two people who can't fall in love) yet? It's a great series, just 8 episodes long! I binged it in one day :) [smiley]
It focuses on two aromantic asexual people living together. This is a little appreciation post, containing some thoughts that it evoked in me as an aroace.
If you don't want spoilers, please don't read!
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It's so relatable how Sakuko keeps blaming herself all throughout the show… Insecurity stemming from societal expectations that dictate romance is for everyone, and that people who don't date are somehow "failing" in life; I think this affects allos as well.
When I broke off my romantic relationship, I too felt like it had been my fault, for not having been a good enough partner, for not being able to love them in the same way they loved me.
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To finally learn that you are not "defective", that there's other people like you…! I love how the two MCs don't grieve their lack of attraction; Sakuko is perfectly happy discovering she's aroace. She and Takahashi are living their "best life" together.
Sure, many aroaces do wish they were allo, and that needs to be represented too, but this series to me really shined a light over why they want that: it's because amatonormativity is rampant in the world, not because lacking attraction is inherently sad. The main conflicts in the series stem from the clash between allo society and the aroace experience, after all. I think that's neat! It gave me a good dose of aroace joy—while still showing the hurts that come with it, realistically—and I really needed it.
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I didn't expect her to come out to her family so soon, but whoa, that was intense. Her mother's negative reaction is what all people who exclude a-spec people from the LGBTQIA+ community should see, to understand that we face the same issues they do.
I haven't come out to my parents as aroace yet, and watching this made me realize how awful it actually feels to be in the closet. I somehow hadn't realized I am. I've always felt safe coming out to them as other things, as bisexual back in the day, and as trans non-binary.
It might be because my confidence disappeared when they reacted badly both times, but this coming out feels almost impossible.
Comparing it to coming out as bi, it's really not that different: if you're bi, you're promiscuous and date too many people; if you're aroace, you're a prude and cold-hearted. If you break away from the status quo, you're wrong either way.
But at least, most people do eventually understand the bi experience, if they understand same-gender attraction, and fuse it with straightness, even though it's a flawed method.
With aros and aces, instead, it's such an alien concept for an allo, which makes it way harder to come out and have to explain to them how to deconstruct allo-amatonormativity. It's exhausting. Thankfully, there's people like Kazu who are actually willing to learn about us. That gives me hope.
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I feel like it's super eye-opening to find out the concept of romance didn't even exist in the past. Pretty sure that in Europe, it originated during the Middle Ages from the ideal of chivalry. So it's really just a social construct, and opting out of it shouldn't be so controversial!
It's just a set of pointless, annoying rules like having to kiss eachother, having to say "I love you", and doing it all a set amount of times, otherwise it's not good enough. What if we don't want to? What if it doesn't come natural to us? If it's just a social construct, fuck it, I'm not adhering to that! We do whatever makes us happy!
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Even in the series itself, Sakuko too goes through a heartbreak, even if it's not the romantic kind: she valued her friendship and future cohabitation with Chizuru above all else, but Chizuru abandoned her, because of romantic love. It's not true that aroaces have it easy.
Like our MC, we have to deal with fear that we'll come off flirty when we're just being friendly, confusion over concepts that we feel we should understand, shame over the fact that we're different, fear of loneliness, frustration and pain that we'll always come second to our friends' romantic partners, or even trauma from a relationship or sexual encounter that we didn't really want. I could go on and on.
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These last scenes really got to me. Especially the second one… I admit that I cried, when she had to turn her down, and it seemed like her aromanticism had ruined their relationship. It hurts that the way I am could seriously harm someone I care about. It hurts that most people work differently and that they can't help it, and that we can't help it either. I don't like being put in that position, to cause someone a heartbreak. I have with my ex, and had to watch them spiral down… It was horrible.
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Still, I wouldn't change my orientation for the world. I'm confident in my identity, I love being aroace.
In the end, we can all reach our full potential, reach a point where we feel fulfilled and that we're living our best life, find ourselves a family if it's what we want, have our dream job and house. Being aroace doesn't condemn us to a life of unhappiness. That's what this series left me with by the end; it gave me so much hope for my future.
(I'm aware I'm coming off as a bit toxically positive here haha, sorry if I'm striking a bad chord; I'm just in a really good period right now, and riding this wave for as long as I can! Hopefully I can rub it off someone else as well.)
That said, I really loved this j-drama, it was funny and relatable and emotional, I wished it had lasted longer! It seems like the author isn't even aroace herself, so I'm amazed at how good the representation was! So much thought and research has gone into it, and it shows; the result is amazing.
Thanks for reading my scattered thoughts about this! 🧡💛🤍🩵💙
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omegalomania · 7 months
What are some of your favorite aro-/ace-coded fob lyrics?
oh fuck yes a little bowl of seeds just for me
boycott love from disloyal order of water buffaloes is a personal favorite of mine. its a lyric i really really want tattooed at some point. that's not the only lyric i latch onto from an aro perspective but it's probably the biggest one
basically the entirety of it's hard to say "i do" when i don't but a special mention goes to you are appealing to emotions that i simply do not have as well as the only ring i want buried with me are the ones around my eyes
it's true romance is dead / i shot it in the chest and in the head from the music or the misery is also a favorite of mine, also just that whole song in general
i thought i loved you but it was just how you looked in the light in hum hallelujah resonates with a lot of queer folks i've found, and it's no different for me
same goes for it's a strange way of saying that i know i'm supposed to love you from g.i.n.a.s.f.s.
i'm outside the door, invite me in / so we can go back and play pretend from alone together brings me back to when i was trying to perform heteronormativity/amatonormativity even if it was making me miserable
i also hold to a very similar vibe with she said "i love you 'till i don't" / i am just playing house, no idea what i'm doing now from sunshine riptide and also most of burna boy's verse, frankly. i fell in love but i didn't fall down and feel like i'm bulletproof, baby in particular
american beauty/american psycho, particularly the first verse. i think i fell in love again / maybe i just took too much cough medicine
golden is a big one for queer folks in general i've found. the chorus especially hits hard from an aro and/or ace reading. and i saw god cry in the reflection of my enemies / and all the lovers with no time for me
i've got a dark alley and a bad idea that says you should shut your mouth is a heavy song no matter how you slice it. but that chorus gets to me in particular: we can fake it for the airwaves / force our smiles, baby, half-dead / from comparing myself to everyone else around me
the kids aren't alright reads to me as one big anthem for platonic love above anything romantic, which resonates super hard with me. the second verse has a lot of good lines that i latch onto from an aroace lens too. your love is anemic and i can't believe / that you couldn't see it coming from me
pretty much the whole chorus of HOLD ME TIGHT OR DON'T does it for me, and those verses have got some good aroallo vibes too! i never really feel a thing... confidants but never friends...
the whole of fake out is a gimme. that chorus rings real true. starts with love is in the air, i just gotta find a window to break out and finishing with but it was all a fake-out
i've got all this ringing in my ears and none on my fingers is one that has another highly applicable title but the whole refrain of the truth hurts worse / than anything i could bring myself to do to you paired with the one-two punch of that second verse REALLY gets under my skin
and of course, the culminating one: you are what you love, not who loves you from save rock and roll. obviously there are a LOT of ways to read that line
there are a couple other songs i latch onto - wilson (expensive mistakes); a little less "sixteen candles", a little more "touch me"; the (after) life of the party to name a few - but the ones listed above are the big lyrics that resonate with me on a personal level
just in general i have a shitton of fob over on my aro playlist (which doubles as a general aroace/queer playlist but has a lot of emphasis on aromanticism) in case i forgot to mention anything but like i said those are the big ones
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silly-lil-scribbles · 6 months
Introduction post!!
status: oh so eepy sleepy
current chance of a response if you dm me*: 0%
* does not apply to mousie cuz its my emotional support friend
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- My name is Finn! You can also call me scribbles, soup, or really any dumb nickname will do. it/he <3
woah look at that.. its me.. on another website!! slight flash warning for spacehey btw ^^
if you havent read this in a while, i would suggest reading again cuz i update it a lot <3
- im oriented aroace! and graysexual (i think? idk man i just work here.)
- im boyflux but also im just a creechur
- I MADE A JAIL ACCOUNT SO IF IM JAILED I MIGHT BE OVER THERE ‼️ @soup-has-been-imprisoned-noooooo
- I post about the magnus archives/protocol and my chem frequently, though I also just reblog a ton of random shit. may be nsfw but never anything explicit. Also I forget to tag for spoilers a lot so just know that there are magpod spoilers in general on my blog.
- Music artists I like: Cavetown, MCR, Mother Mother, Lemon Demon, Will Wood, Dazey and the Scouts, FOB, Nova Twins, p!atd, Noahfinnce, qbomb, Gum Disease, Sparkbird, Mischief Brew, Poppy, Be Your Own Pet, Pierce the Veil, Chloe moriondo, Faetooth, IDKHOW, the mechs, rabbitology, madalyn mei, scene queen, MARINA, she/her/hers, femtanyl, leathermouth, baby queen, pansy division, the spook school, specimen, egg, the crane wives, and of monsters and men
- Shows/Podcasts/Other Media that I like! DANGER DAYSS, Malevolent, The Magnus Archives, Stranger Things, Welcome to Nightvale (though I haven’t finished it yet), the Osemanverse, Nimona, Adventure Time, Gravity Falls, ATLA, LOK, It, Hilda, Camp Here and There, Radio Rental, warrior cats,,,, there’s probably more but my memory is shit
- my blog is super messy so all of my art is under the tag #scribbles draws a thing and my original text posts (not the short personal ones typically, just the one i actually want people to see) are under #scribbles says shit.
- my body hates me very much (probably fibromyalgia but like doctors suck so undiagnosed)
- surprise, my brain also hates me very much! And yes also undiagnosed!
- tone tags are appreciated <3
boundaries n stuff:
- not ok with sexual or romantic comments
- platonic flirting is ok if we’re moots
- sex averse, feelings on romance fluctuate a lot but usually indifferent
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- my feeling are really fucking wonky so 80% of the time i dont/barely feel emotions. please be patient and if i sound like i dont mean what im saying, i promise you that i do. but since i know how i would feel if i could, but i still cant feel anything, im trying my best to react accordingly so it may seem like its not genuine but it is. like. imagine youre writing. youre writing your characters reactions to everything, despite not actually being able to feel it. but since you know your character, you can judge hiw they feel in the situation you make them react accordingly even though you arent actually experiencing it yourself. now replace the character with you, thats kinda how i feel. sorry i know that probably didnt make sense but trying my best here lol
- i have a tmagp fic i just starting writing! If you wanna know more, posts related to that are under #electric desires have unraveled all my wires :(
- I have 4 cats and a dog, also a gecko
- i have a queerplatonic partner!! hes awesome and swaggy and writes so much. so. much writing. wow. not saying wow in a bad way im just genuinely impressed. chou if ur reading this i love you <3
- i also have a lovely best friend named zero whos super fun and cool and pathetic /vpos. my favorite excitable soggy cardboard box ilysm <3
- coyotekin therian !!
- My favorite colors are purple, cyan, neon green, and red
- I love interacting with mutuals and getting asks! plspls send me random shit in asks im begging
- I’m creating an animated series called Catlantis (still in progress)
- I have a love hate relationship with writing but i do it anyways so oh well
- Frogs.
other tags i use a lot are:
#soup poorly draws gay people out of obligation; my series of promised dyhard drawings.
#soup gets pathetic abouut friendship; me when im a sappy bitch about my friends or partner
#objectives list; save file for when i say im gonna do something so i dont forget about it
#catlantis save; hoarding info for catlantis
#insomnia induced rambles; i cant sleep and im making it your problem
#our lady of sorrows; not the song, my mcr inspired goddess i made up for my dnd character to worship
#scribbles asks; asks
#info save; good to know
#scribbles liveblogging tmagp; exactly what it sounds like
#art save; resources for doing art
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Okay, if you were asked who are in Merlin BBC that you can see based on canon that are gay/bi/pan/demi, which characters are they? Why?
I’m just gonna note that I’m not attached to any sexuality headcanon because people are going to have different opinions and it seems daft to lose more than half the fan content (art, fics, etc) just because of a headcanon. I’ll read more or less anything, I play around with queer themes in my writing fairly regularly and multiship everyone in the show, sometimes with characters from other fandoms too, but these are the sexualities I’ve written most of for each character otherwise this would be way too long.
And I know I’m assigning modern understandings of sexuality to medieval characters, but it’s a show with dragons and magic, also capes, a French castle, and whatever the hell that chainmail was so I think I can be excused for my historical inaccuracy.
Merlin: either gay or bi with a a preference for men. I could never get myself to really like Freya in the show, she wasn’t bad and I didn’t hate her, I usually just forget about her because it was one episode so I didn’t have enough time to get attached. She deserved more screen time and I love what the fandom has done with her character, but I usually see her where Merlin’s shipped with someone else so I honestly forget their romance exists most of the time. Other than that, I usually see him shipped with knights or Arthur or if he’s shipped with another woman, it’s someone who didn’t get enough screen time to get attached, or a mergwenthur (is that their ship name?) poly relationship.
Arthur: bi and demi. He needs time to like someone, canonically only started wearing a shirt after he got married but he walked around his chambers naked when it was just Merlin/no sexual implications in a servant of two masters. I’ve done deep dive character analysis into that and what it says for their trust of one another if anyone’s interested. It goes into them being platonic but acting like a couple and why meant so much for me to see as a kid and also why I think that proves their relationship is more than words can fully encapsulate. Also he’s had crushes on men and women so bi just fits.
Gwen: bi with a preference for men, she and Morgana had chemistry and I ship them pre season 3 but after that, not so much. Also had crushes on Lancelot, Merlin and married Arthur. They’re an adorable couple, honestly I love them. I don’t really have much else to say.
Morgana: aroace lesbian. Just my favourite headcanon, I like that she never had a canon relationship but she definitely had chemistry with Gwen. They’re just sweet together. I don’t know, mostly just vibes and my desire for more aroace rep.
Lancelot: bi with a preference for women. Gwen and Merlin. Yeah, that’s pretty much all I have to say. I just love that he’s such a great guy, I don’t think there’s anything more to it than two crushes in canon and vibes. I’ve written him as unlabelled or queer a fair amount, it really just depends.
Leon: Romance and sex averse aroace. Again, I just want representation and think he’s cool. I’ve seen him shipped with others, but I tend to default to aroace Leon in my own works more than anything else. Occasionally I’ll give him a qpr but it just depends on what I’m writing.
Gwaine: aromatic pansexual, he likes flirting but I think the idea of a permanent long term relationship would be “the one to tie him down” and it never entirely fits right. I’ve seen him shipped with Percival, I love that but usually if I’m writing it, I’ll have them in a qpr. I think he definitely feels low levels of romantic attraction but not enough to want a romantic relationship with someone, he loves so much, just not in the traditional ways and writing aroallo Gwaine is always super fun.
Elyan: I headcanon Elyan as trans masc but I don’t think I’ve got any specific headcanons for his sexuality. I’ve probably written him straight slightly more than anything else, but it’s a close tie between writing him straight and bi. It never usually comes up, so maybe just unlabelled or queer. I don’t know, he’s just Elyan. That’s all really.
Percival: I know in canon he had a wife and kids, I write him as being gay more than anything else, but my main headcanon tends to be that he’s bi or pan. Purely based on vibes but if it’s not relevant to the plot, I won’t bother mentioning it.
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clangenrising · 19 days
everyone seems to read Flood as aroace and im here reading him as closeted gay/bisexual who doesnt quite *get* why he feels like that with Luna and why Sparrow acts like the moment they are alone, they are going to have at least 736567 litters. not bc he doesnt understand romance or sexuality, but bc it feels super heteronormative but Flood doesnt exactly know how to express it since there arent.. many het couples around (and the one that kind of was there was Russet/Mystique and we know how that went). and the only wlw one is Golden/Scorch and even that one is a whole can of weird worms that poor dude couldnt even try to comprehend on more than surface level of 'two women sharing a bed.. maybe.. idk Scorch is weird'.
like. his dad is trans and he knows it and he is cool with it. but its different than Flood feeling potentially awkward with m/f attraction or 'cats expect me to be attracted to this she-cat and have kits, and i dont understand why i dont feel like it' closeted gay thinking.
That's definitely a possibility! As part of their training, the apprentices did get a comprehensive sex ed course that included things like attraction and sexual preference but you're right that’s very different from actually being in that situation and feeling those feelings.
I think the others are assuming he and Luna will get together less because he's a boy and she's a girl but because she will NOT stop flirting with him and, up until they were alone together, he seemed pretty receptive to it. As well, Sparrowsway does have some assumptions that when presented with a choice, Floodstrike will take the irresponsible option which doesn't help haha.
And Floodstrike IS attracted to Luna. He just suddenly wasn't comfortable and he doesn't even know why. None of this is to shoot you down, by the way, I just think some context is missing, probably because I didn't find a way to work it into the text yet so totally not your fault haha
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nerdyenby · 2 months
My mutual aspec coming out experiences (I think they’re funny)
14 year old me who was very religious and very unaware he was queer in a beginner-level art class in an american public school: “Hey, can you stop talking about sex? It’s making me uncomfortable” this super senior with the dirtiest mouth you’ve ever heard: “dude it’s not that serious, I’m literally asexual” me, having literally never heard that word before: “oh okay… me too”
I was walking with a friend (tho at that point she was just a classmate who I thought was cool and wanted to hang out with) and she was telling a story before abruptly cutting herself off “have you heard of asexuality?” “… I’m literally ace” “oh cool, me too”
The friend from the previous one? There was another girl in that class I wanted to befriend so like a week later the three of us were walking and I said something about being aroace and she was like “really? Me too!” and then the three of us stood there like the spidermen-pointing-at-each-other meme
A couple weeks after I came out to a separate college friend group, one of the token cis dudes sent me a meme
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Alt text: a screenshot of a discord exchange with pfps and user names blacked out
He sent an gif of a power rangers (?) villain multiplying with text reading “they/them mfs when someone makes fun of their pronouns” followed by him saying “they/them folk are powerful”
I responded “multiply at will”
Him: “mitosis but rapid”
Me: “what people think when I say I’m asexual”
he replied “same”
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hadesisonlyalad · 8 months
yk i dont post a lot on tumblr but we all saw that red flags post so im gonna take a moment of ur time to say something on each merc and the red flags listed for them. im doing a read more incase u havent seen the “mercs red flags” headcanon post and it does not flood ur page
both the medic and engie things with “not wanting to spend time with you/wont make time for you” is SUCH bullshit if that was the case they wouldnt even date you. and then ur telling me engie tf2, DELL CONAGHER, would NEVER want to take you on a date? like ever??? u are INSANE. And then sorry to tackle medic and engie in the same paragraph but they had a lot of common “””””red flags””””” that were listed. why would he yell at you. he hardly even yells in general (based off comics and voice lines) if anything hes just kinda a loud person 💀 AND YOU BRINGING UP ONE THING WONT MAKE HIM SUDDENLY IGNORE YOU FOR DAYS LIKE?? he KNOWS hes committing medical malpractice btw. he would not leave you for bringing that up he is WELL AWARE of what hes doing. and we see him CANONICALLY DISCIPLINE ARCHIMEDES IN MEET THE MEDIC, WHY WOULD HE TOLERATE HIS BIRDS ATTACKING YOU????
also why are we listing an addiction as a “red flag” what the fuck is wrong with you. i get not wanting to date someone with an addiction, its a valid concern, but thats SO much more serious than a “red flag” or “ick”??? LIKE ARE YOU OKAYYYY???????
i’m fine with the miss pauling ones, at least two of them, because yeah, it’s canon that she doesn’t have the most time and i imagine if ur not a merc or work in that area a relationship might be a bit hard? but shes an honest person, i don’t think she’s gonna lie to you. idk im very neutral about the pauling ones, if anything theyre the most in character of this shithole list.
all i have to say for pyro is like. yk those people who hc pyro as aroace except theyre super weird about it? like theyre either infantilizing them or have weird ableist feelings about pyro? yeah thats the vibes im getting. actually wait where did u pull codependent pyro from actually wtf
i think the “tryna live like hes 20” thing for spy is really fucking funny 💀 like go girl go live through that middle age crisis!!/j no but seriously. hes dating you hes gonna think you’re a 10, and even then YOU’RE SAYING IF YOU AGE AT ALL HE’LL LEAVE YOU??? CANON MILF LOVER SPY. “OFF TO VISIT YOUR MOTHER!” SPY TF2. WILL LEAVE YOU IF YOU GET OLD AND AGE AT ALL…? HE LIKES HIS WOMEN LIKE HE LIKES HIS WINE MOTHERFUCKER: AGED. sorry bad joke lets keep going uh- i think the other hcs are garbage too i just really hate specifically this spy hc. just this one specifically.
im not a sniper connoisseur, my friend will is way better versed in sniper’s characterization, but even i know this isnt sniper. “thinks if he argues long enough he’ll win”…? “cannot support you in anything”?!!?! “IF YOU’RE HIS FRIEND AND YOU TWO GET INTO A BAD ARGUMENT PREPARE TO NEVER SEE HIM AGAIN” IM GENUINELY AT A LOSS FOR WORDS. I JUST. I DONT..? WHAT DO I EVEN SAY. I DONT K N O W WHAT TO SAY. BUT IF I DID KNOW WHAT TO SAY I’D BE SAYING VERY BAD THINGS.
i dont think scout is misogynistic- i see why people think that but me personally i just think he has no game and people mistake it as violent misogyny for some reason. but. listen we know scout is a dick we do okay but he loves women. why would he cheat on you.? bro he’d be glad u picked him 😭 AND THEN THE PERIOD THING?? he was raised by a SINGLE MOM do you REALLY think shes gonna raise him and let him think that way about a natural body function. im speaking entirely from the single mom experience and the answer is NO!!!! also how is loving your mother a red flag. being the youngest child is also a red flag, i guess. and having issues with his dad. (/s) also, second verse same as the first: IF HES DATING YOU HE THINKS YOU’RE A 10 WHAT IS SO HARD TO FUCKING GET ABOUT THISHXWHBVWBWBXvqvsbs?1?2!2’wndjwke
uhhh soldier wasnt. here for some reason. so nothing to say about him.
anyway leave ur opinions below. i rly dont wanna get into any tumblr drama or internet drama at all bc it scares me dearly and im always self conscious about leaving a bad digital footprint especially over something as petty as tf2 drama but i cannot stand for this slander I CANNOT‼️‼️‼️‼️ sorry if u also think im mischaracterizing anyone here i only put hours of studying into my fav mercs and thats. abt it,, listen im silly okay
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togethernow · 3 months
Get ready for an extra special edition of Headcannons!
They're in no particular order btw
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The Paddlers and the Cosmic Paddlers (and I guess the space and cosmic dancers too) are agender!
Yeah their whole general species is agender. They also reproduce asexually (as in paddler babies just pop up out of nowhere)
Oh yeah... on the topic of people from space...
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Cosmic girl is trans! (A trans girl to be more specific)
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DJ Yellow and DJ Blue are both gay
And dating!
Aheehee they're so so so SO cute
I think DJ Blue always had a crush on Yellow, and since Yellow is always was a physical affection sort of guy even towards friends, Blue always felt super flustered Yellow would hug him or something.
For Yellow, it took a while, but I think he fell in love with Blue after about 2-3 years.
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Student Rocker/Deshi/Cecil/whatever you call them is non binary!
They go by they/them
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JJ's demi aroace!
He's pretty standoffish and I feel like if he did fall in love with someone, he would still act all cold and distant. (There will be signs though!)
hehehehe flustered JJ...
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Wandering Samurai's aroace!
Literally cause while they were out dating n stuff he was here studying the blade
Also I thought it would be funny cause a bunch of ladies like him
I mean he's still flustered cause you would be too if a lady just up and lunged at you, right?
He's more interested in keeping the peace instead of saving the damsels though
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And it's allllll you guy's fault TwT/hj
They are the epitome of banger date idea: fight another couple
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Adore is pan!
Heh heh fun fact she actually has a pretty big crush on Assistant (you guys didn't hear that from me btw)
Oh yeah, speaking of Assistant...
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She likes girls :3
Does she like Adore back? Idk maybe ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
(and yes I'm getting these from rhwiki.net, the superior rhythm heaven wiki)
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Ann Glerr is aroace and agender!
In terms of everything in life, it really said "Nah, I'd fish."
She goes by she/it btw
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Squirrel dude's also aroace!
(Gee, so many aroace people today...)
(Totally no bias here >:3)
Also because I thought it would be funny
I feel like for Squirrel especially, he legitimately does NOT understand what romance is, despite how long he's been with his colleagues for
Like he just thinks it's like friendship+, which it kinda is? But not at the same time?
Idk Squirrel man, keep studying the science of love and one day, you might get it
And last but not least...
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Ok gotta explain them
Skip this next section if you don't want to read a MASSIVE MASSIVE LORE DUMP
Uhhhh so basically in high school Pitcher was uhhh...
not doing too good
For reasons I'll probably explain in the future, (idk how far into the future), she was hit with the dysphoria™ and had this whole like mysterious/tough kid persona
I'll be referring to Pitcher as he in this next segment, as that was how he wanted to be called back then
He was part of the school's coed baseball team, and would wear his baseball uniform all the time, avoiding classes and hiding out in the boy's bathroom or the roof for most of the day.
He had very little friends, like Julia/Senpai/His Crush/whatever you call her since they were childhood friends, They weren't that close, though, since Senpai was very busy with studying or student council meetings or whatever (she was, in fact, the Ultimate Senpai!). Pitcher had A Boy/Romeo/Kouhai as his main friend for a while, due to their troubles in making friends with others (Pitcher cause of his standoffish-ness and Kouhai because of his social anxiety).
But there was also...
Oh sweet, chipper, who shines just like the sun Reporter. Reporter was a popular girl who got along with just about anyone you could think of. That made her job of being the reporter for the school newspaper very easy. That, in turn, made her appear at many schools events, like school dances, tournaments, and... baseball games.
Reporter was supposed to interview players for a segment in the newspaper the next week and she noticed a person she never saw in the school before.
Pitcher saw her approaching and hid somewhere before she could interview him. 'Damn, it's that annoying ass girl' he probably thought. From behind the bleachers, Pitcher watched her interview his other teammates, making sure that she wouldn't come her way. However, as he looked at her, he realized something.
'Ghghghhh... She's so damn cute!'
I mean like, Pitcher VERY WELL knew he was attracted to girls, even in like middle school, but most of those girls were like, beautiful celebrities on tv n such. Reporter was different, though. The way she was always so chip n cheerful, the way she always added meaningful comments in conversations no matter what, Pitcher felt something deep inside him. Like he wanted to squeeze the life out of her, but not in a malicious way or anything.'
'Damn, no wonder why everyone wants to talk to her...'
His hand covered his burning cheeks. Was he really getting this flustered over Reporter of all people??? He growled and scampered home, not wanting to think of it any longer.
Meanwhile, the event was winding down, and Reporter realized that she still didn't get to talk to the infamous, elusive pitcher. She looked and asked everywhere, but she couldn't find him no matter what. Eventually, she reluctantly went home herself.
On the way, her mind exploded with various scenarios on how a conversation with the pitcher would go. What would it be like to sit down face to face with him and talk about whatever? What would the inner thoughts of someone like that be like? Why did she never see him until today? Before she knew it, her heart was racing, and not just because she really wanted to talk to him. That day, she vowed
"I'm gonna talk to him no matter what!!!"
Annnnnnd ramble over
If you made it to the end, you're a real one. Thanks for sticking along. Happy pride month to you all!!
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katiekatdragon27 · 5 months
Guuuyyyyyyys? Can we all just agree that this is canon noowwwwwww?
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These two have been eating at my brain all night it’s chronic.
Every fandom I'm in has that one straight-passing ship that I make my personality for a couple weeks lol. This is that straight-passing ship for Rayman lol.
A buncha ideas and progress below cut:
Teensy Ray Thoughts:
Teensy Ray (who's name is probably Raymond I haven't decided yet) is the kind and soft-spoken leader of the Rayman Fan-Club. He is the go-to person for all things Rayman, and has basically turned his house into a makeshift shrine museum for the guy.
He DIYed his entire cosplay of Rayman. He cut up his cloak and altered it to look more like a "hoodie", even wrapping his arms with bandages to represent Rayman's "limbless-ness." The thing he struggled with most was the hair.
Speaking of the hair, the "implant" that Polokus talks about in Origins was actually a little bird creature he found one day. Its tail feathers stick up like Rayman's two hair strands and can whirl around in a haircopter style.
The creature is also a kind-of wing man for TR. It can read how he feels and will move its tail accordingly.
The reason why TR started the Rayman Fan-Club and dresses as him a ton was because way back in the day, he was directly saved by Rayman (like Rayman hauled his ass out of danger manually kinda saving). He feels like the club is the least he could do to repay his hero
Also he and Ray are pen-pals lol (but Rayman takes decades to respond)
Teensy Ray is a hopeless romantic. Any sort of romantic gesture, no matter how small, sweeps him off his feet.
He was originally Teensy Queen's "safe date." He was down for it, both because she was incredibly pretty and because she let him go on super long rambles about Rayman.
When she eventually fell for him, he fell for her almost instantly, and things have been going smoothly ever since lol.
The "How Did You Bag A Baddie?" audio.
Teensy Queen Thoughts:
Queen Teensy (honestly might name her Quincy lol) is the bad bitch teensy of the Glade. She has the heart of an adventurer, constantly running away from the boring royal duties to practice her magic and fighting skills.
She will run off, kick ass by halting a nightmare invasion of some rural town, then return just in time for her royal duties.
She loves fighting almost as much as she loves Rayman lol.
Queen had a mega crush on Rayman and was desperate to get with him. However, Rayman (the aroace king he is) took no interest in her whatsoever.
She decided to settle for TR as a sort of "substitute" for Rayman at first. She was constantly heckled by her family for never giving any man a chance, so she retaliated by grabbing the teensy who looked the most like Rayman and basically fake-dating him.
After a couple months or so of just being safe-date buddies, she started to gain actual feelings for TR, to which he reciprocated. She was in a lot of denial about it though for a while.
She be like "I don't date dorks!" then ends up with this mf.
Teensy Queen is Grand Romantic Gestures in teensy form. She will go out of her way to create large displays for the people she loves and cares about.
That's all I have rn. Expect more art of these guys cuz they're gonna be so everything to me for like two months lol.
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Thanks for indulging in my delusion lol. Have a lovely day :)
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Tried to think of some Miraculous Gaang names! You may want to Google a few of these, fair warning.
Ladybug!Sokka - Captain Harmonia/Harlequin/Beetle
Black Cat!Katara - Painted Jaguar
Turtle!Aang - Lion Turtle, Tortiseshell
Snake!Suki - Pythonic, Tealtime, Naga, Aspen, Tock Viper, Medusa/Stheno/Euryale, Teal Gorgan
Tiger!Toph - The Blind Tiger
Dragon!Zuko - Seiryu 
Fox!Azula - Inari, Kistune, Silver Reynard, Kuma Lisa, Blue Ren (“the tale of Miss Ren”)
Pig!Jin - Babirusa
Bee!Ty Lee - Bumblebee (there is literally a “Dance of the Bumblebee” music score), Honeycomb
Mouse!Mai - Rat Queen (based on the “Rat King” from the Nutcracker Ballet. Kind of as a slide parallel to her canon thing, here, Mai’s parents signed her up for ballet, where she met Ty Lee and Azula.)
Ox!Haru - Oxenfree (all I got right now)
Horse!Teo - got nothing but “Pegasus” which is taken
Rabbit!Yué - Luna Lapine, Luna Angora, Satin Moon, Velvet Moon
Monkey!Kuzon - a bit more explanation here. Mostly, I was trying to fill out the miraculous roster, cause AtLa only has a few “main” characters, I was trying to find some named characters the Gaang is shown being friends with who are roughly their age. I didn’t list Jet or his friends, cause, honestly, what exactly would their story be?? How do they integrate? Like, I’m sure you could do something, I just couldn’t really think of anything at the time. But also, I realized all the friends of the Gaang belong to Katara, Sokka, or Suki, later Zuko - Aang and Toph don’t really have any that are unconnected from them. In Toph’s case, she was raised super sheltered, and never got a chance to meet anyone, while Aang HAD friends, but they’re all mostly dead, except Bumi, because of the 100 years in ice thing. And we already have Bumi here being an old man. The only other friend Aang really mentions is Kuzon, the Fire Nation kid who … I think there’s a short story about the pair of them fighting off poachers? Anyway, I was basically imagining Kuzon as “Le Chien Kim, but Animal Lover and Environmentalist Advocate”. He would have grown up next door to Aang and Gyatso, and that’s how the pair are friends. As for names … I want to say Tarzan or Mowgli, but I feel like, even in universe, those would get him visits from lawyers.
so, Katara/Aang. Aang I see as non-binary - they don’t mind which pronouns you use, but mostly uses he/they when referring to himself. Katara believes she is straight, but is actually bi with a bigger attraction to males.
Sokka is poly-pansexual. His relationships start with Sokka/Yue, until Yué realizes she’s actually AroAce, and they break up. Then later Sokka/Suki, which morphs into Zuko/Sokka & Sokka/Suki, which changes to Zuko/Sokka/Suki. Suki’s bi, while Zuko is … Zuko (demi-pan, but never has the words for it till WAY later).
Toph is Aro, or at least grayromantic, as is Teo. Teo I also see as trans, but that might just be me.
Mai/Ty Lee eventually becomes Mai/Ty Lee/Azula. (Sexuality uncertain, but my cousin does call them the “Deadly Lesbians”.) There’s a brief Mai/Zuko, but only to get Mai’s parents to back off and leave her alone.
Haru is our only totally straight guy, congrats man, you are our cishet+!
Thoughts, Feelings, Opinions, New/Different Ideas?
(Also, side note. We still have Cabbage man, right?)
Loving the names! I think I’m gonna make a masterpost of the names here once I finalize them.
Totally get the thing on Kuzon. Like yeah I’m trying to think of other characters to fill out the Hero team and other than Jet’s group there aren’t a lot. There’s a reason I dragged Jin into this(other than the fact that I love her)
And yeah I’ve been turning Jet and co over in my head trying to think of what they’d be and I can’t think of anything for them because there’s so many changes to the base setup.
I have my ships I like and while I do take suggestions it’s my au and I get the nonsense!
Obvs the Aang/Katara stays.
I see the Zuko/Sokka/Suki and raise you adding Jin in there.
Swinging to Yue: I always have mixed feelings in some AUs because I love her and Sokka in Canon but most AUs they never really work out. And in this one idk why they wouldn’t exactly? Like nothing gets in the way. Maybe if I write Sokka starting the Suki relationship first and then while they’re poly they’re not at a ‘hey how do you think about another person?’ discussion stage when they meet Yue? And then by the time they are at that stage either they’ve moved on or Yue has her own partner?
That said. Yue/Azula. Any time I have the chance for them I take it. Like the equal opposite you see my vision.
I also have this weird soft spot for Toph/Ty Lee. Probably has something to do with that post of ‘Ty Lee teaches Toph to walk on her hands’ thing because as funny as that post is these two are menaces it’s great, the amount of trust involved in it!
Haru is def our token straight though.
My one original thought:
So like. The Gaang has a range of ages. And in atla that’s fine due to the circumstances. But here it’s kind of a question of ‘how do they all meet/become friends/etc if they never really meet’? so I’m gonna make shit up to squish them into the same grade in school. 
Aang and Toph skipped a grade. Homeschooling put them a bit ahead of their peers in public school so they just got placed ahead.
On the flipside, Zuko got held back a grade due to the whole ‘being kicked out and horrifically scarred’ thing. Like between the mental and physical care he’d need he missed a lot of class that year so just. Repeat the year.
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twomanyfandomshelp · 14 days
I’m rewatching Heartstopper because I literally cannot wait until October 3rd and I need more of this show pumped directly into my veins. It comes out two days after my seventeenth birthday, which is kinda exciting. But I digress.
I literally watched the whole first season today, which is quite impressive considering I actually did a lot of other things and didn’t start watching it until about two in the afternoon. And I finished it at like 10 pm, so it’s not like I stayed up super late to finish it either.
Rewatching this show I was giggling and kicking my feet and also yelling at the screen because sometimes the characters make kinda dumb choices and even though I already know how everything ends I still get way too invested. I just love this show so much, it’s such a comfort show for me.
My friend got me into the graphic novels right after season one released on Netflix, and after reading the whole series in two days (at the time there were four books, and soon after I found the WEBTOON and sped through that as well), I binged the entire show that day.
Heartstopper is such a pure show, and it just shows that representation is so important. I’ve heard so many stories of people realizing their sexuality (ME!) or finding the courage to come out to their parents or their friends or at school, and I think there’s just something so magical about this show.
Minor spoiler here, but Issac’s arc in season two was one of the things that kinda helped me realize that I was aroace because when I was watching the show and watching how he interacted with James and romance it made me think “huh, that’s kinda how I feel” and then I did some research (mostly comprised of scrolling the aromantic and asexual tags on tumblr, but a bit of googling as well) and realized that I’m aroace. So this show, that I already absolutely adored, suddenly became the catalyst for realizing my sexuality, and it just has such a special place in my heart. Whenever I’m sad I always rewatch the show or reread parts of the WEBTOON because it never fails to make me smile. To give me hope that there are others out there who are like me, even though all of my friends are straight and cis. And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that, I love my friends, and they were all very supportive when I came out to them, but they just don’t understand sometimes. They don’t really understand what it’s like to be a part of the LGBTQIA+ community. To be different. It’s not like I’m out publicly, only a few of my close friends know, but it’s still hard sometimes not having anyone to talk to about all this (besides all my wonderful aspec moots of course). My irl friends just don’t understand that sometimes I feel broken, or like there’s something wrong with me. Because, even though I’m very comfortable with my sexuality, I’m in high school, and romance and sex are such a big thing, and it can sometimes be a little overwhelming or isolating when you don’t feel those forms of attraction. Especially when two of your best friends have boyfriends. And I’m very happy for them, but sometimes it stings a little knowing that I can never have that. Obviously queer platonic relationships exist, and that’s definitely something that I want for myself in the future, but it’s just different.
My mom watched the first season with me after I wouldn’t shut up about it, and then again when season two came out we watched it together (it was like my third watch through both times lol). Once season three comes out, and we see more of Issac’s arc of self discovery and figuring out his sexuality, I might end up using it as a bit of a starting point to come out to her, but I don’t know. I know that she and my dad are very supportive of the LGBTQIA+ community, but it’s just so different and scary. Any advice?
P. S. I did not mean to write this much, if you read this whole post, thank you. Thanks for taking the time out of your day to read about my ramblings.
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dandelionflowery · 6 months
Intro post!
(breast cancer awareness post here/the legends of tumblr here, variations here and here , alt link for number 7/arch nemesis Cynthia here) [the two topics are wholly unrelated]
My name on the internet is Dandelion, but you can call me whatever you like honestly. It's so hard to find a good name around here, the fae keep stealing them
I use any pronouns, online people default to they/them, IRL people default to she/her, you can use whatever you feel like!
I'm aroace 🧡💛🤍🩵💙 and my gender is up to interpretation lol
I'm 16 and I live in France but I have both French and American citizenship (so i do speak both french and english)
I have both scoliosis (diagnosed, 45°) and probably dyslexia (not officially diagnosed but all the internet tests I did were screaming at me to go get an official diagnosis- as has life lol) and those two really hate each other who deCIDED SCOLISOIS SHOULD BE SPELLED THE WAY IT IS (if i spell it correctly be aware that either I copied it from somewhere, or i thought about it for WAY too long, or it was a monkeys on keyboards thing)
I created a blog just for reblogging shit (aptly named @dandelionflowery-reblogs) but even with that I can't promise to tag stuff correctly on either blog...
I'm not often super active on here, at least not regularly, mostly because I have way too many classes but sometimes I go absolutely insane and spend like an entire day on here (oops)
actually i'm most active on here I think now lol
I like:
- Harry Potter (Drarry, Deamus, Romione, Linny are my main ships but there's a decent chance you could get me to like a specific portrayal of just about any pairing lol) [also fuck jkr]
- The Marauders (WOLFSTARRR! Also Jily and aroace Peter and maybe Remadora. Same thing as before: open to other pairings [I know of and appreciate the ships with the girls but usually I'll lean towards the first ones mentioned actually I'll lean towards wolfstar with background Jily and aa battery Peter)
- Reading and books in general
- Fanfics, fanart!! (Both writing/drawing them and reading/simping for them)
Speaking of which, I have a side blog that's actually technically marauders themed! @mybrain-fanficedition
- Interactions on here!!
- there's probably some other stuff I like but I can't think of anything rn
I don't like:
- Following from above, I said I was open to pretty much any pairing, ... I lied lol
Idk what jegulus did to me but i just don't like it for some reason (jegulily? lovely. jily? fantastic. jegulus? less.)
- Also the usual list of if you're pro-genocide, homophobic transphobic uh racist, pedophile or just a generally mean person
I like talking to people even if you don't know what to say just say hi!
Also I have other social media, come find me if you want!
@/flowerydandelion, @/dandelionfloweryart and @/wands.swords.and.books on Instagram!
On Ao3 I'm like 90% sure it's DandelionFlowery and uh probably similar usernames on Discord and Reddit [though I'm not often active on there]
Wait if I link my ao3 that means i need to actually post my fics lol
Leave comments if you read my fics, I love feedback!! (or just leave kudos, it makes me irrationally happy lol)
tags about my current wips featuring really bad summaries:
#third time's the charm- Lily
(not going to be the actual title i think but first i have to write it, we'll worry about titles later)
Lily decides canon sucks and she's going to do something about it
#our broken hearts- an ode to wolfstar (this one is subject to change bc that title is way too sappy for me)
Sirius dated Peter. And Marlene. And Lily. And James. And then Remus?
totally normal link trust me :)
if you still trust me (and why shouldn't you?), here's the ULTIMATE PRIDE FLAG lol)
let's see how trustworthy you think i am
wanna see some stuff i wrote? (warning, a friend said it took them half an hour to read just the main bit lmao)
an apology 1 | 2
useful tumblr post about hobbies
side blogs: @x-lovegood @xenophilius-quibbler (Xenophilius Lovegood rp) @sybilances (Sybill Trelawney rp)
@antheia-anthousai (nymph oc)
@mybrain-fanficedition (as mentioned above)
@am-i-a-crab (crab army!!)
+ another gimmick blog but i'm not saying which one >:)
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