#show dad
mildelectrocution · 3 months
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Inspired by Darwyn Cooke's iconic Batman & Robin illustration, and the New Batman Adventures.
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daisywords · 11 months
One of my biggest nitpicks in fiction concerns the feeding of babies. Mothers dying during/shortly after childbirth or the baby being separated form the mother shortly after birth is pretty common in fiction. It is/was also common enough in real life, which is why I think a lot of writers/readers don't think too hard about this. however. Historically, the only reason the vast majority of babies survived being separated from their mother was because there was at least one other woman around to breastfeed them. Before modern formula, yes, people did use other substitutes, but they were rarely, if ever, nutritionally sufficient.
Newborns can't eat adult food. They can't really survive on animal milk. If your story takes place in a world before/without formula, a baby separated from its mother is going to either be nursed by someone else, or starve.
It doesn't have to be a huge plot point, but idk at least don't explicitly describe the situation as excluding the possibility of a wetnurse. "The father or the great grandmother or the neighbor man or the older sibling took and raised the baby completely alone in a cave for a year." Nope. That baby is dead I'm sorry. "The baby was kidnapped shortly after birth by a wizard and hidden away in a secret tower" um quick question was the wizard lactating? "The mother refused to see or touch her child after birth so the baby was left to the care of the ailing grandfather" the grandfather who made the necessary arrangements with women in the neighborhood, right? right? OR THAT GREAT OFFENDER "A newborn baby was left on the doorstep and they brought it in and took care of it no issues" What Are You Going to Feed That Baby. Hello?
Like. It's not impossible, but arrangements are going to have to be made. There are some logistics.
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bananonbinary · 7 months
for ages i thought i didnt like drag because of internalized homophobia but it turned out i just don't like bright lights and loud music and really visually complicated things
spd is homophobic i guess is what im saying
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novaneondream · 1 month
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Anyways what kind of music do you think Eri listens to
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starii-void · 3 months
going to chb must be crazy like imagine sharing a camp with
-one of the strongest demigods ever who's saved the world like at least 3 times, fought multiple gods & titans and WON (and is a tartarus survivor)
-the literal main architect of OLYMPUS who's also saved the world multiple times (also tartarus survivor)
-THE lord of the wild who's also close friends with the first two (and has helped save the world multiple times)
-an emo kid from the 1930s who again helped save the world and is also a tartarus survivor (TWICE)
-a son of apollo who survived tartarus with nothing but cargo shorts and sheer will (pun intended)
-the main designer and builder for the argo II, also the first hephaestus kid to have fire powers since hundreds of years ago (did i mention killed gaea? no? yeah he did that too)
-a girl who somehow charmspeak-ed gaea into falling back asleep (also side note daughter of super famous actor because why not)
-pretty much everybody is a two-time war veteran
-THE GOD APOLLO who just sometimes comes down to visit in the form of a teenage boy
-did i mention dionysus, god of wine madness and theatre
-also chiron, trainer of pretty much every greek hero ever
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What Vanessa was actually thinking during this FNAF scene
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mo-mode · 9 months
Zeus: this is COMPLETELY IMPERTINENT!!!! If that boy and his friends weren’t recovering my bolt, I would have already fried them!!
Poseidon and Hermes:
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oifaaa · 9 months
Annabeth is so much stronger then me I'm just saying if my mum got pissed and punished me for something my field trip partner did after i was nothing but the perfect child for the last 5 years meanwhile the guy who actually did the thing got nothing but praise from his dad yeah no Luke wouldn't even have time to ask me if I wanted to fight against the gods I'd already be starting my own revolution
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prettygalswag · 9 months
Percy: my dad's such a dick such a deadbeat I hate him
Poseidon: can you tell my kid I love him and I'm very sorry and also save his life
Poseidon: but don't tell him he can breathe underwater except very cryptically
Poseidon: yell at him to breathe a few times
Poseidon: that ought to work
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eternallovers65 · 9 months
Ngl if I had a child with Poseidon, the God of the Seas, and had to pay swimming lessons for my son because he was scared of water, I'd be cursing Poseidon forever like you don't show up, don't pay child support and now you can't even help your actual ocean spawn to swin????
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jayrockin · 5 months
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I finally (got help) slapping Wordpress into shape and Runaway to the Stars is now releasing as a public webcomic! Thank you so much for your support over the years, and sticking with me while I'm slowly chewing my way through this book. I'm very excited to share this story! It'll be updating every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday thanks to the massive Patreon backlog. Patreon will continue to update as I finish pages, which happens on a sporadic non-schedule.
If you experience bugs with the site report them to me. Some things may occasionally break, as coding problems tend to be a very "whack-a-mole" affair; and I'm still getting used to the interface.
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theredcuyo · 1 month
I forgot to tell this before but what if Bruce has redecorated many of the countless rooms in the manor to adjust to whatever thing his kids like
Dick got a training room for gyminastics, there are bars hanging from the roof, equipment Bruce doesn't even know what's for but that it surely entretains his son and the floor was totally replaced by mats
Jason? "Casually" his room has a secret room attached to it that you can only enter trhu a secret door behind a bookshelf in his bedroom, and "just by chance" it's also another library, that has "secret and censored" books for being controversial in their time, it also just happens to have a skylight and one of those one-way windows
Tim? Bruce made him a dark room, of course he did, that's attached to another room, the light is bare there, and it has two boards, one where you can use magnets and a marker and one for the old red string and tack's
Cass? A whole dance studio that she didn't ask for (none of them did, really) but she appreciates it, mostly because she can use it whenever she feels like it, even the middle of the night because its sound proof
Steph? Unnecesary, she appropiated one herself, later Bruce gave her money to do it whatever she felt like
Damian? One for him to paint, and it's clear he likes it because it's messy, Damian's own room isn't, but his one? Even the big window that lights the room is covered in paint and chalk here and there, the supplies might be ordered by color and size, but not a single one is ever totally cleaned
Duke was told he could choose but if it takes too long Bruce is choosing for him
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milkcioccolato · 3 months
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Coming out comic since it’s pride month yayyyyyyy
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theerurishipper · 4 months
One thing I appreciate in The Batman (2004) show is the way Dick is always helping people up.
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Like, my boy is always helping everyone out. It's such a Dick Grayson thing to do. I love that they put that little detail in there.
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Dead Dad or God?
It's been a handful of years and Ellie has joined the YJL
The YJL has the misunderstanding that her dad is dead
Which you know not exactly wrong but why do they think this?
Cuz Ellie and Danny are both little gremlin shits that found out they could speak to each other and hear each other no matter the distance or dimension,
So like I said little shits TM that they are decides to make it look like a prayer while speaking
So every time she says
"Oh yea let me just go tell my dad"
and then proceeds to put her hands together very obviously in a prayer.
This only somewhat stops when the heroes are in a rather tight spot and need some help, and Ellie goes "let me call my dad" in her usual prayer form and then the air beside her gets ripped open and this twink of a man who barely looks any older than her pops out like
" Yo I'm here to help!"
Now they think Ellie is a demi-human and Danny some sort of God.
" Oops? "
Just an Idea
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artbyramen · 5 months
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