#sleeping pills natural supplement
wellsailor · 7 months
Revive Daily GH is marketed as a comprehensive sleep support supplement designed to help individuals achieve a more profound and rejuvenating sleep experience. The formula addresses common issues such as difficulty falling asleep, frequent wake-ups during the night, and a lack of overall sleep satisfaction.
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pharmazon · 1 year
Your Health, Your Way: Exploring Pharmazondirect's Range of Products
In today's fast-paced world, taking care of your health has never been more important. Thankfully, with the advent of online pharmacies like Pharmazondirect in the UK, access to a wide range of health supplements and products is now more convenient than ever. In this blog post, we'll dive into the world of online health shopping, exploring some of the best offerings from Pharmazondirect, including men's health supplements, mouth care products, sleeping aids, natural stimulants, and top-notch vitamin supplements.Vitamins and supplements
Men's Health Supplements UK: A Boost for Wellness
Men's health supplements are designed to address a variety of needs, from improving physical performance to supporting mental well-being. At Pharmazondirect, you'll find a comprehensive selection of men's health supplements uk, including vitamins, minerals, and herbal remedies that cater to different aspects of men's health. Whether you're looking to enhance energy levels, support prostate health, or improve workout performance, these supplements are tailored to meet your unique requirements.
Mouth Care Products in UK: Nurturing Oral Health
Your smile is one of your most valuable assets, and taking care of your oral health is essential. Pharmazondirect offers a wide range of mouth care products in uk, including toothpaste, mouthwash, and dental accessories. Whether you're seeking products for teeth whitening, sensitive gums, or simply maintaining good oral hygiene, you'll discover a variety of options to keep your mouth healthy and your smile radiant.
Best Sleeping Pills Online in UK: Rest Easy with Pharmazondirect
Quality sleep is the foundation of good health and well-being. If you're struggling with insomnia or sleep disturbances, Pharmazondirect provides access to some of the best sleeping pills online in UK. From over-the-counter solutions to natural sleep remedies, you can choose the one that suits your preferences and needs. These products are designed to help you relax, fall asleep faster, and enjoy restful nights.
Natural Stimulants: A Healthier Way to Energize
Sometimes, we all need an energy boost to get through a busy day. Instead of relying on sugary drinks or excessive caffeine, consider exploring natural stimulants available at Pharmazondirect. These products provide sustained energy without the jitters and crashes associated with artificial stimulants. From herbal teas to supplements, you can find a variety of options to help you stay alert and focused.
Best Vitamin Supplements: Nourishing Your Body
Vitamins are essential for overall health and well-being. Pharmazondirect offers a wide selection of high-quality or Best vitamin supplement to support various aspects of your health. Whether you need vitamin D for bone health, vitamin C for immune support, or a comprehensive multivitamin, you can trust that the products available are of the highest quality and sourced from reputable manufacturers.
In conclusion, your health is a precious asset that deserves the best care possible. Pharmazondirect, with its extensive range of men's health supplements, mouth care products, sleeping aids, natural stimulants, and vitamin supplements, is your one-stop destination for all your health and wellness needs. Shopping for health products online has never been easier, and with Pharmazondirect, you can prioritize your well-being conveniently and confidently. Remember, a healthier you is just a click away.
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curaehealth · 2 years
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priyalpandeyy · 2 years
Insomnia Cure - Natural Sleep Remedy At Home | Meltonin Tablets | Wellbeing Nutrition
Insomnia Cure - Natural Sleep Aid At Home with Wellbeing Nutrition are supplements that contain plant-based melatonin, valerian root, I-theanine that help in insomnia relief.
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joannechocolat · 2 years
On Power, and on Powering Through, and Why They’re Really Not the Same
I don’t pay much attention to personal attacks in reviews. It comes as the flipside of success; an attempt by the critic to puncture what they see as too much success. But I still remember one review, just after the film of Chocolat, when two of my novels happened to be in the Top 5 at the same time, in which a (male) newspaper critic referred to me dismissively as a premenopausal woman writer. I was a little taken aback. Clearly, it was meant to disparage, but I was only 35, ten years away from the perimenopause. What exactly did he mean? It wasn’t a comment about the book (which I doubt he had even read). The obvious misogyny aside, it seemed to express resentment, not of my books, but of me, myself, my right to take up space in his world. That word – premenopausal – was at the same time a comment on my age, my looks, my value, and a strong suggestion that someone like me shouldn’t be this successful, shouldn’t be writing bestsellers, shouldn’t be so – visible.
I don’t recall the name of the man, or the paper for which he was writing. He was far from being the only journalist who felt I didn’t deserve success. I shrugged off the unpleasant comment, but he’d meant it to hurt, and it did. I still wonder why he – and his editor - thought that was appropriate. I also wonder why, 20 years on, women are still dealing with this kind of thing. It’s still not enough for a woman to be successful in her chosen field. Whatever her achievements, you can be pretty sure that at some point, some man in his 50s or 60s – maybe an Oxbridge graduate, author of an unpublished novel or two - will offer his opinion on her desirability, either in the national Press, or most likely nowadays, by means of social media. The subtext is clear: women who don’t conform to societal values of what a woman should be are asking for this kind of treatment; especially those who dare to achieve more than their detractors.
10 years after that nasty review, I finally began the journey into perimenopause. No-one told me it was happening. No-one in the media was talking about it at the time. Even my doctor never thought to mention that my symptoms – the insomnia, headaches, mood swings, anxiety, depression, sleep paralysis, hair loss, brown patches on my skin – might have a single origin. I began to feel I was losing my mind: as if I were starting to disappear. I started to doubt my own senses. I blamed it all on the stress from my job. My mother had powered through menopause – or so she led me to believe – and made no secret of her contempt for modern women who complained, or treated the symptoms as anything more than a minor inconvenience.
And so I did the same. I powered through; and when at last I began to experience the classic symptoms of menopause - irregular bleeding, hot flushes, exhaustion, night sweats so bad that I would awake in sheets that were wringing wet – it did not occur to me to seek help. After over a year of this, I finally went to my doctor, who took a few tests, cheerfully announced I was menopausal, and when I inquired after HRT, advised me to power through – that phrase again - and let Mother Nature take her course. The internet was slightly more helpful. I took up running, lost weight, cut down on alcohol, downed supplements and sleeping pills and vitamin D, and felt a little better. Then, breast cancer came to call, and by the time my treatment was done, the symptoms had more or less disappeared, or at least had been superseded by the symptoms of chemo. I congratulated myself at having powered through cancer as well as surviving menopause.
But two years later, I feel old. I look that way, too. I’ve aged ten years. Some of that’s the cancer, of course. I was quite open about my treatment when I was powering through it – partly in order to pre-empt any questions about my hair loss or any of the all-too visible effects of three courses of chemo. Not that it stopped the comments, though. Even at my lowest ebb, a sector of social media made it clear that my only concern should be to look young and feminine to anonymous men on Twitter.
Right now, I don’t feel either. My hair has gone grey and very thin. My skin, too, seems thinner; both physically and mentally. At a recent publishing event, several acquaintances failed to recognize me; others just looked through me as if I had become invisible. Invisibility would be a relief; I find myself dressing for camouflage. I tend to wear baggy black outfits. I got my OBE last week. Photographs in the Press show me talking to Prince William. I’m wearing a boxy black trouser suit, flat shoes and a red fedora. I think I look nice. Not glamorous, but comfortable; quirky; unpretentious.
On a thread of largely supportive messages, one Twitter user pops up to say: Jesus, who’d accept an honour looking like that middle-aged disaster? @Joannechocolat thought she’d make an impact? She needs a stylist. If you look in the dictionary for the definition of “dowdy”, it features this photo.
It’s not the same man who belittled me over 20 years ago. But the sentiment hasn’t changed. Regardless of your achievements, as a woman, you’ll always be judged on your age and fuckability. I ought to be used to this by now. But somehow, that comment got to me. Going through menopause isn’t just a series of physical symptoms. It’s how other people make you feel; old, unattractive, and strangely ashamed.
I think of the Glass Delusion, a mental disorder common between the 14th and 17th centuries, characterized by the belief that the sufferer was made of glass. King Charles VI of France famously suffered from this delusion, and so did Princess Alexandra Amélie, daughter of Ludwig 1st of Bavaria. The condition affected mostly high-profile individuals; writers, royals, intellectuals. The physician to Philip II of Spain writes of an unnamed royal who believed he was a glass vase, which made him terribly fragile, and able to disappear at will. It seems to have been a reaction to feelings of social anxiety, fear of change and the unknown, a feeling both of vulnerability and invisibility.
I can relate. Since the menopause, I’ve felt increasingly broken. I don’t believe I’m a glass vase, and yet I know what it feels like to want to be wrapped in a protective duvet all day. I’ve started buying cushions. I feel both transparent, and under the lens, as if the light might consume me. On social media, I’ve learnt to block the people who make mean comments. To make myself invisible. To hide myself in plain sight. I power through, but sometimes I think: why do women power through? And who told them that powering through meant suffering in silence?
Fortunately, some things have changed since I went through the menopause. Over the past few years, we’ve seen more people talking about their experiences. Menopause is likely to affect half the population. We should be talking about it. If men experienced half these symptoms, you bet they’d be discussing it. Because power isn’t silence. You’d think that, as writer, I would have worked that out sooner. Words are power. Sharing is strength. Communication breaks down barriers. And sometimes, power means speaking up for those less able to speak for themselves.
I look at myself in the mirror. I see my mother’s mouth; my father’s eyes. I see the woman I used to be; the woman I will one day become. I see the woman my husband loves, a woman he still finds attractive. A woman with a grown-up child who makes her proud every single day. A menopausal woman. A cancer survivor. A woman who writes books that make other people sit up and think. A woman who doesn’t need the approval of some man she’s never met to be happy. She can be happy now. I can. And finally, I understand.  Powering through isn’t about learning to be invisible. It isn’t about acceptance, or shame, or letting Nature take its course, or lying about feeling broken. It’s looking beyond your reflection. It’s seeing yourself, not through the lens of other people’s expectations, but as yourself. The sum of everything you’ve been; of everyone who loves you. Of claiming your right to be more than glass, or your reflection in it. The right to be valued. The right to shine, regardless of age or reproductive status. Men seldom question their own right to these things. But women have to fight for them. That’s why it’s so exhausting.
This morning, instead of putting on my usual baggy black sweatshirt, I chose a bright yellow pullover. I looked at myself in the mirror. It’s not a great colour on me now, but it feels like dressing in sunshine. My husband came into the bathroom. You look –
My husband rarely gives compliments. I can’t remember the last time he commented on how I was dressed. I wondered what he was going to say. Dowdy, perhaps? Inappropriate? Like a menopausal woman in dire need of a stylist?
At last, he said: When you smile like that, you look like a friendly assassin.
A friendly assassin. I’ll take that.  
Shining like the sun. That’s me.
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sunsetsands · 5 months
Reinvigoratize with this New Product™
Feel inadequate about your everything? Unable to satisfy the sexual partners you don’t have? Have problems in your life? This Product™ may be the thing for you!
I’ve used a fair share of health products like these over the years. Muscle enbiggeners, hairline unbaddifiers, virility virilinators, none of which ever worked as advertised. But this one is different, I promise!
See more info below!
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This New Product™ is made exclusively with certified Real ingredients, making its effects twice as effective and its side effects thrice as side effective. Work these into your routine, and guaranteed, you will feel the effects!
Improvifized Strongitude
Have other people ever called you weak? Puny, perhaps? Scrawny, if you will? Perchance even a tad toothpickulous? Well after taking The Product™, your days of powerlessness will be over! Your lung capacity will double, your max bench weight will quadruple, your running speed will octuple! The ground will ripple under your every step! Weaklings will simply crumble from your sheer vigor! No one can or will stand in your way!
Decreasened Ugliness
Feel insecure about your appearance? No? Well you should, because you don’t use The Product™! Only users of The Product™ are able to attain true beauty, as verified by our patented beauty quantifying technology! Just one week of use, and people’s heads will turn in your presence, forming lines to witness the result of your metamorphosis journey!
Enhancicated Bedroom Performance
With The Product™, every night will be the best night of you and your partner’s lives! Intimate activities? Your pleasure will be amplified by magnitudes! Doing roleplay? Guaranteed to be twice as immersive! Literally just sleeping? That’s right, you will wake up better rested than ever, and with little to no chance of bizarre, disturbing nightmares! Everyone stands to improve their lives with the power of The Product™!
But why just take my word for it? Here’s some of what our customers are saying:
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“This ain’t like any of those WOKE supplements I keep seein’ ads for. These pills WORK. Since I started takin’ these, I’ve never spent a night without AT LEAST ten ladies in my bed, something always nice for a STRAIGHT MALE such as myself. But I also for some reason am NEVER ATTRACTED TO THEM so I just LEAVE. So then I sleep in my TRUCK. And then the ladies find my lack of interest in them disturbin’ so they then ALSO LEAVE. And then there’s MORE ladies the next evenin’. And they do THE SAME THING as the last batch. I can’t imagine life without this product! It’s almost better than garlic toast!”
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“why my doodoo yellow”
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colebabey888 · 14 days
Building a Killer Confidence Routine | The IT GIRL DIARIES
Confidence isn’t something you’re born with—it’s built through consistent, intentional actions. Whether you want to feel more confident in your career, social life, or personal well-being, developing a routine to nurture your body and mind can transform your self-esteem into a superpower. Here’s how you can start building a killer confidence routine using simple daily habits and mindset shifts.
1. Prioritize Your Physical Health 💪🏽
Your physical health has a huge impact on your confidence. When you feel good in your body, you carry yourself with more poise and assurance. Regular exercise, even 30 minutes a day, helps you release tension, boost endorphins, and improve your posture—important signals of confidence.
Whether it’s indoor cycling, skipping, or stretching, moving your body three times a week will help you feel energized and strong. Pair that with a nutrient-dense diet that avoids processed foods and sugar, and you’ll notice a boost in both your mood and self-image.
2. Start Your Day with Hydration 💧
How you start your day sets the tone for how you feel and perform. Begin your morning with hot lemon water to hydrate and detoxify your system, then follow it up with a green juice packed with leafy greens, cucumber, ginger, and more to fuel your body with essential vitamins and minerals. By nourishing yourself early on, you’re telling yourself you deserve care and attention from the start.
3. Take Care of Your Skin and Hair 💇‍♀️
Confidence often begins with how you feel in your own skin. A consistent skincare routine can make a big difference in how you see yourself. Taking care of your skin through hydration, proper cleansing, and supplements like zinc gives you a healthy glow, which boosts your self-assurance. Clean your environment regularly, from pillowcases to hair tools, to maintain this glow.
4. Manage Stress and Improve Sleep 🧖🏽‍♀️
Stress can wreak havoc on your confidence, and poor sleep only makes it worse. Managing stress with daily habits like taking ashwagandha to lower cortisol levels or magnesium for better sleep ensures you’re rested and calm. Prioritizing your sleep means you’re equipped to handle challenges with grace and resilience, both key components of confidence.
5. Nurture a Healthy Gut for a Clear Mind 🥗
Gut health and confidence are deeply linked. If you’ve ever struggled with digestive issues or breakouts, you know how it can affect your mood. Keeping your gut healthy through a balanced diet, daily green juice, and supplements like cranberry pills for pH balance will keep your skin clear and your mind focused. Feeling clear and energized internally will reflect externally in your posture and self-expression.
6. Adopt a Positive Mindset 💭
Confidence is as much about mindset as it is about physical habits. Start each day by affirming your worth and setting intentions. Remind yourself that setbacks are part of the process, not an indication of failure. Celebrate small wins, like sticking to your workout or nourishing your body with healthy food.
By consistently implementing these habits and mindset shifts, you’ll find that confidence becomes second nature. You’ll stand taller, feel stronger, and face every day with an unwavering belief in your abilities. With a routine rooted in health, mindfulness, and self-care, you’re already on your way to making confidence your ultimate superpower.
xoxo, @colebabey888
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darklovecat · 1 year
Beauty tips?
Taking my vitamins and beauty supplements every day!
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I believe that beauty and health go hand in hand so I got a complete blood work-up to figure out what vitamins and minerals my body was lacking, and I make sure I'm taking my them daily. On top of that, I take various supplements such as Collagen, Fish oil etc but I swear by my 10-gram daily collagen regimen. I take its powdered form right before going to bed and have noticed its benefits within a short time - My knees used to sound like a bowl of Rice Krispies when I bent down, but after a few days of collagen, the crepitus is gone. Plus, my hair is growing faster and my skin is looking plumper. It's done wonders for my joints, giving me a healthy glow, and making me look way more refreshed.
Having perfect posture at all times!
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I think this is a very simple but overlooked beauty tip that truly elevates your appearance. It's like the secret weapon of beauty, it can transform not just the way you look, but also the way you feel. When you stand tall and hold yourself with grace and poise, you radiate confidence and elegance. Good posture also has numerous health benefits. It can help prevent back pain, improve your breathing, and even boost your mood and energy levels. Ever since I've started incorporating Pilates and Ballet into my routine to build strength and flexibility, my posture has improved greatly. The way you carry yourself says a lot about who you are and by standing tall and confident, you'll not only look beautiful but also feel empowered and ready to conquer the world.
Getting 6 hours of quality sleep every night!
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You know what's a major beauty tip that most people sleep on? Sleep!! Forget about slapping on expensive creams and doing a gazillion steps in your skincare routine. You gotta start with the basics, hun. Get your sleep game on point, eat right, and manage your stress. Now, I know we all have different needs when it comes to sleep, so I won't give you a specific number. But trust me, beauty sleep is not a myth, it's legit! I turn on Night Mode on my devices at 6:30, pop my sleeping pills at 9:30, and hit the hay an hour later. Oh, and I'm not afraid to take a nap during the day if I need to. Don't underestimate the power of a good night's sleep. It's the secret to looking and feeling amazing.
Growing out my eyelashes!
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I take pride in my long and voluminous lashes, they're one of my best features and one of my most complimented features. However, my natural lashes were not always this way, they became longer through regular lash serum usage. I do not really need wear mascara and after a lash lift, my lashes appear as if I'm wearing extensions. While Latisse has worked wonders for me, it's important to note that the product does come with potential side effects such as orbital fat loss and irritation. Thankfully, I did not experience any adverse effects. Another caveat is that the product only works as long as it is used consistently. Despite these considerations, I wholeheartedly recommend Latisse. To see the results for yourself, check out the Real Woman Gallery.
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221bluescarf · 8 months
Just a reminder to always check the labels of your food products.
A warning about medication and Marshmallow root.
I started drinking Olipop, a healthy soda pop alternative, and wow it's tasty! and good for you!
The problem is it contains marshmallow root. It supports digestive health and is apparently a natural remedy for gastrointestinal symptoms, but it coats your stomach and *prevents medications and supplements from being absorbed properly*. It's recommended to not take marshmallow root unless it's at least a few hours before or after taking meds.
I experienced this because I take magnesium with dinner to help me sleep. But after drinking Olipop around the same time I take those pills, I couldn't sleep at all.
It was just coincidence that I looked at the label saw marshmallow root and just got curious (looked it up because that's weird I've never heard of it). Then I realized what happened.
Fortunately I didn't drink it at night or early in the morning (when I take my prescription meds) so it didn't mess with any of my more important meds
Many people just think of alcohol being the only food product that can interact with medication. There's other things too, even some teas.
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ciaossu-imagines · 7 months
So, I used prompt 7, number 14 from Day 17 of the event for G. from Katekyo Hitman Reborn! I don’t often get to write about the Primo Generation characters, so this was fun!
Does the character take any sleeping aids (ex: pills, melatonin supplements, etc.)?
So, obviously there weren’t many sleep aids available during the Primo generation’s time period so we’re going to modernize this generation a little, just because sleeping aids are more plentiful and available now.
Now, overall, despite being a night owl by nature, I don’t see G. as having a really hard time sleeping. Most of the time, he sleeps pretty well. It takes him a bit to fall asleep but once he is asleep, he’s pretty dead to the world for at least a good four to five hours.
It’s why G. can’t really nap. Once he’s out, he’s solidly out for hours on end. He can’t just sleep for little amounts of time and honestly, the half-hour he meant to spend napping is just enough time for him to fall asleep.
Like I said – getting to sleep is the hardest part for him. He lays down and tries to relax and go to sleep. However, there’s something about this relaxed state that really fires up his brain and he gets preoccupied with whatever’s in his brain and it takes him a while to sort out his head and shut his brain down enough to fall asleep.
The only time this doesn’t ring true is if he’s sick or physically just absolutely exhausted. If he’s sick, G.’s someone who needs a lot of sleep to heal up and feel better and after injury or spending a lot of time fighting or staying up, he’s out like a light when he finally does get the chance to sleep.
The only time G. really has serious sleep issues other than this is when he’s really stressed about something or really excited about something. He’s so impatient when it comes to things he’s looking forward to and he’s so eager to get to them that he finds it hard to unwind enough to sleep. And, of course, stress does the same thing for him, where his brain won’t shut down and his body is tense, and he can’t unwind.
It’s at those points where he really does have an almost impossible time falling to sleep, where it can take him two to three hours to even fall asleep and his body doesn’t actually conk out like he normally does.
At those points, I think G. would try to suffer through it rather than take sleeping aids. If it got really bad, he would rather use melatonin than an actual over the counter sleeping pill or a doctor prescribed one. He doesn’t want the risk of drowsiness or grogginess the next day because it could seriously impact his work.
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my current goals regarding levelling up 💓💓
I. oral hygiene. i have to put more effort into my dental cleaning routine. i have been slacking, so it’s time to revert my (almost) damages: electric toothbrush 2x a day, floss, whiten teeth
II. nutrition. i have not been eating well. not in a junk food kind of way. but i’ve just been letting it sit in a corner. my blood work wasn’t great, so i have to work on some deficiencies. in general i need to eat healthier throughout the day and not just to take meds. (another post in detail)
III. moving my body. again, i haven’t been feeling well and healthy the past few months. so, naturally, my workout routine has also been cramped into a corner. i have been continuously walking on the daily, so i’ll be building off of that.
—— more to come ——
already accomplished (before actually writing it down here)
✅ stop smoking/vaping (2 months ago)
✅ drinking water daily
✅ implementing supplements into diet (collagen, iron pills, vit d, vit c, zinc)
✅ working on sleeping schedule (still needs to be improved and worked on; but better than nothing
✅ started taking deep showers(?) with many steps (skin, hair, nails, etc)
✅ deleted tiktok + facebook
✅ learning more about how to properly keep up my space and have been cleaning sporadically (still working on it)
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himeprincessa · 9 months
Supplements and Vitamins to start your year RIGHT! 💖
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Warning: Make sure that the supplements you are taking do not counteract as this could lead them to be ineffective or even dangerous. Vitamins that interact tend to need to be space out by four hours.
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Iron: It is really common for young adults (especially those who are living on their own for the first time) to develop iron deficiency. Common symptoms are dizziness, a fast heart rate or brittle nails. If you have these symptoms check in with your doctor as taking too much iron can make you sick as well. If you are iron deficienct but don't have full blown anemia, you can take multivitamins that contain iron. These will help boost your levels and keep you full of energy.
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Allergy pills: TAKE ALLERGY MEDICINE!!! Especially if you live in an urban environment that contains a lot of trees that produce pollen. It is not normal to be sniffling, coughing and feeling fatigued just from natural air. Generic works just as well as name brand.
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Allergy Nasal Spray: If you are like me and your allergies are more extreme, I recommend a nasal spray. These can be prescribed by your doctor or bought over the counter.
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Multivitamins: If you take nothing else, make sure to take a multivitamin! They contain the majority of vitamins we need everyday to function. So if you're feeling tired even after sleeping a lot, it might be that you're not getting the essential nutrients you need. This can lead to acne, fatigue generally making your body weaker. Make sure to look at the label to see how much daily percentage the bottle you chose has.
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Probiotic: One of the most important parts of our body is our gut. It affects our mental health and functioning of our physical bodies. Probiotics help introduce good bacteria into our stomachs as it's needed to keep it healthy. Probiotics can also be found in drinks like kombucha.
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B-12: This vitamin helps so much with energy! I started taking 500 mcg but I felt it wasn't enough so now I'm taking 1,000. It's always good to start with a lower dose of any vitamin to see how you react to it.
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Biotin: We all know how beneficial biotin is for looking good. It helps strengthen your nails, hair and skin.
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Calcium: This vitamin helps strengthen your teeth and bones. It's typically considered a supplement you start taking as you're older but by then it's already too late in a sense. I also recommend taking the magnesium zinc version. On top of these two being good for you, they help the calcium absorb so much better.
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Fiber: OK I just ran out lol so here's a stock photo. Because most modern food is so processed we typically do not get enough fiber in our diet. Fiber is so important to keep our digestive system running. Adding 5 grams of fiber can make such a difference.
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Saw Palmetto: If you have issues from hair loss like me, anemia is so awful, this can help a lot. Depending on your body, it can either help stop the thinning or even help regrow it. However this is a herbal remedy that can affect your hormones. Thus, it can cause mental health reactions and should be used with caution if you struggle with it.
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Get Lit: This I bought on a whim from the Sephora sale! It is meant to help with both skin issues and your mood. It's the type of supplement where you dissolve it into water.
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theglitchywriterboi · 6 months
The Life And Times Of A Power Dealer
Issue Zero
AUTHORS NOTE: This is a really rough draft I wrote at like 7AM on no sleep & in a format I generally don't write in [first person kinda talking to the audience]. So apologies for any mistakes
I'm not a drug dealer per se… Yes, I do sell things that, to some, may be considered drugs due to the fact they do alter your physical &/or mental capabilities. And yes, the selling of these items may not technically be legal but… Okay, maybe I am a drug dealer.
But what I sell isn't traditional drugs. What I sell gives people… Abilities. Whatever power you want, I probably have on deck. & if I don't, for the right price, I can in a few days.
Superspeed? Obviously. Shape-shifting? You might as well ask if the supermarket has bottled water. Flying? Of course!
See, a few years ago - nine to be exact, about 6% of the population gained Superpowers. Some got only one, but were very powerful - like being so strong they’re able to fold a bus as if it were a piece of paper. Others got several, but were weak - like being able to blow bubbles & being able to float two inches off the floor. Not many people could do it sure [and given how rare powers were in general, may make people - especially kids, stunned], but not really useful, or flashy.
Of course there were others that varied. Some got one weak power - one guy I know can teleport. One inch at a time.
And before you think it’d somehow still be faster than walking, its not. Powers use energy - if you train enough its not super exerting, but when you teleport less than the average step, while simultaneously using up more energy than a step, it’s kinda pointless to train.
Then theres people with multiple strong powers. Super strength & being able to breathe fire. Or being able to control water & the ability to fly as high as you want.
Naturally, some non-powered individuals [and some with subpar powers] are upset they got the short end of the stick.
I can’t blame them to be fair.
So, thats where I come in.
I lucked out, having a few fairly overpowered abilities. The main two relevant for you to know right now though, are: Hyper intelligence, and being able to clone myself.
The government, both the new superpower branch & the normal branch, don’t like people having powers, so they try to keep it suppressed. Ironically, by hiring those with powers [because how can someone with no powers go up against someone who can turn your body inside out?
I make ability supplements. Any way you want them. Some want a patch, others want pills, the weird few want it to be powered - I really hope they’re making a “Super power drink” not snorting it, but once the sales done, it’s none of my business.
Cute story, one guy came in & he wanted a very specific order. Format was glitter, and you cant absorb the power through latex gloves, & once the glitter touches the ground [carpet or grass], it no longer has the power in it. He wanted two powers in it: The ability to fly about six feet off the ground & invincibility. Flying to last two hours & the invincibility to last two & a half hours. He got five doses to take home.
A few days later he comes back absolutely beaming. Turns out his kids [two daughters & a son] fell in love with the Peter Pan movie, so he & his husband dressed in their best Peter Pan outfits, and sprinkled the glitter - or Pixie dust as far as the kids know, on top of all their heads.
He showed me a video - while I wouldn’t recommend videoing yourself using my products [seeing as its a crime & you never know when a bootlicking superpowered motherfucker may somehow access your phone & see your video] it was very adorable. When he showed me he gave a big tip, which most usually don’t, especially after the fact.
Unfortunately, not all customers have such sweet intentions. But once again, after the sale is finalized, what they do is none of my business. Though since I’m still a small timer, there haven’t been any big crimes committed by the people who solicit my services. As far as I know at least.
Being able to clone yourself comes in all forms. Some have what I like to call “Instant spawn”. Basically, versions of themselves spawn near The Origin [the non-clone version] - surrounding a person they're going to attack, different parts of the room, whatever. Traditionally somewhere in proximity to The Origin, though it is incredibly rare for someone to make a clone in lets say Moscow while they're in Seattle. Possible, but again, rare.
Others have my favorite, “The walk out”. Basically the clones seemingly [or literally maybe] walk out of the The Origin. Generally those with that kind stand still while their clones walk out of The Origin but others like to be flashy, making their clones walk out as they walk/run.
The kind I have is… Okay. I call it the meditation method. I close my eyes, generally I sit crisscross or lay down, then my clones walk out of me. Similar to the previous method I suppose, but I have to have my eyes closed & if The Origin [myself in this case] is disturbed - whether I open my eyes voluntarily or I’m attacked, my clones snap out of existence.
I & most people who can clone themselves, retain all the information & memories that our clone went through.
Anyway, I should get onto telling the happenings of my life instead of rambling about powers [I will do more rambling, apologies in advance, but also… You read this & made an active choice to keep reading…].
It all started with an angry father. Different father than the cute story guy [and not his husband either].
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madamlaydebug · 3 months
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•{Lemon Water & Sea Salt}•
Many of us have morning routines that are wonderful health practices — a morning meditation, a few yoga poses, a brisk walk around the neighborhood, or a delicious fruit-infused smoothie. Daily routines are vital to health and happiness, and this is especially true at the start of the day.
How about a quick and simple glass of warm lemon water with Himalayan salt? This simple drink can boost your morning health and wellness regimen — and it’s so easy to make. There are a number of professional athletes and Olympians who start their morning with lemon and salt water, which may say something about its effectiveness.
A 10-ounce glass of warm #lemon water with Himalayan salt in the morning can increase your immune function, decrease uric acid to fight inflammation, improve digestion, and balance your body. These benefits can be attributed to the vitamin C content of the lemon juice as well as the essential minerals contained in #Himalayansalt. This simple morning drink promotes vitality, health, and overall wellness, and may even improve your sex drive!
•Lemons are excellent for fighting inflammation. Lemons can help dissolve the uric acid in your joints, and also have been found to help build and repair tendons, ligaments, and bone. This anti-inflammatory property may be especially beneficial for people with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, according to an American College of Physicians study on osteoarthritis, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine (2000).
•Aids in proper food and water absorption. A daily glass of lemon water with Himalayan salt may provide a better overall mineral balance, which promotes proper food and water absorption in your body, allowing essential nutrients to get where they need to be.
•Balances your body’s acidity (pH). The alkalizing effects of lemon and natural salt are highly useful for managing your body’s delicate pH balance, which is crucial for optimal functioning of the body’s systems.
•Boosts immune function. One lemon serves up 139 percent of your daily value (DV) for vitamin C. Squeezing one lemon into your morning is a natural alternative to that vitamin C supplement you may be taking.
•It’s a detox for your cells. The all-natural Himalayan salt mixed with lemon juice and water helps to pull toxins from your cells, reducing cellular toxicity. This may reduce your risk for various chronic diseases, as well as make you feel generally awesome!
•Reduces problematic cellulite. Natural salts like Himalayan salt have been used for centuries for skin care. Interestingly, most spa treatments for cellulitis contain some form of salt and/or citrus blend. A few daily gulps of lemon and salt water in the morning may firm up a few of those unsightly areas.
•Clears up skin and adds a fresh glow.Using natural salt for skin problems, such as psoriasis and eczema, dates back to ancient Roman times. Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius’ doctor, Galen from Pergamum, used sea salt for skin diseases, according to Science Tribune (1999).
•Useful for allergy season. It has been suggested that the combination of lemon and salt, specifically mixed into warm water, acts as a natural antihistamine for allergies. It may be the perfect alternative to those pink pills that leave you feeling drowsy.
•Paves the way for better sleep. The natural hormone-balancing properties of lemon and Himalayan salt can be more than useful when it comes to bedtime. Getting the proper amount of sleep is essential for physical health, mental health, productivity, and much more. This hormone-balancing beverage can make an effective nightcap.
•Helps controls blood sugar. The fiber content of lemons helps to balance blood glucose levels, which is useful for type 2 diabetes patients and prediabetics alike, according to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (2000).
•Lemons may help detoxify your liver.Vitamin C is essential for producing glutathione, which plays a foundational role in detoxifying the liver. It also has antiseptic properties that are useful for liver function, as well.
•Freshens breath! Lemon and Himalayan salt may not be the first things that come to mind when you think of fresh breath. However, the lemon and salt in this simple morning drink help kill the bad breath bacteria that build up while you’re sleeping.
•May help you chill out. When you get stressed out, do not be so quick to reach for those prescription pills. You may be able to chill out and return to that state of Zen by boosting your vitamin C levels first thing in the morning.
•Useful for reducing blood pressure.Lemons are not all about vitamin C and fiber. They also boast potassium, which is vital for flushing excessive sodium from the body.
•Boost your libido! The vitamin C content and hormone-balancing properties of this morning beverage can help lift your mood. This might be all it takes to boost your libido, without the need for that little blue pill.
•Gets you hydrated right out of the gate. Many people forget how important hydration is, especially after a seven or eight-hour sleep period with no water. Start your morning off right and get hydrated. The water, salt and zesty lemon will get your day off to the perfect start.
•An antioxidant powerhouse vital for, well, everything! Lemon offers up a wealth of vitamins and minerals, while Himalayan salt boosts your mineral and trace mineral levels even more. The antioxidant and detoxifying properties of lemon saltwater pack a powerful, free radical knockout punch.
•May improve your heart health.Lemons and real salt are both exceptional for increasing heart health on their own. However, when you combine the two into one vibrant morning drink, you get even more vital heart-thumping health benefits.
Natural salt supports electrochemical reactions in the body, while negative ions assist in healthy heart rhythm. Lemons are rich in vitamin C, which is, “associated with lower endothelial dysfunction in men with no history of cardiovascular disease or diabetes,” according to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2006).
•Promotes digestive health. A glass of warm lemon water with Himalayan salt before breakfast, or any meal, helps signal your liver to produce the essential bile needed to clean out harmful gut bacteria. The fiber content and natural salt will also promote digestion.
Are you ready to commit to this simple and health-promoting morning drink? I have been drinking warm lemon water with a little bit of Himalayan salt every morning for months, and I absolutely love it. My energy levels are up, and I feel as cool as a cucumber throughout the day.
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battlekilt · 9 months
Vitamin C neutralizes ADHD meds and other medications.
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Food restrictions: All of the first line medications for the treatment of ADHD are moderately strong bases (pH of 12-13). If they are present in the small bowel at the same time as a weak organic acid (citric acid or ascorbic acid/Vitamin C) the medication forms an insoluble salt and can not be absorbed into the body. You may have swallowed your medication, but if you washed it down with orange juice or a soda, none of the medication actually gets into your bloodstream. Therefore, avoid the following foods for an hour before and after your dose. Once you feel the benefits of the medication, you may eat or drink anything you wish.
FOODS TO AVOID WITHIN 1 HOUR BEFORE AND AFTER TAKING MEDICATIONS INCLUDE: (Two formulations are not affected by the food you eat… Vyvanse and the skin patch, Daytrana.)
Natural and artificial juices: Citrus fruit and juice (orange, grapefruit, lemon, lime, pineapple) Artificial juice products - Gatorade, Kool-Aid, Tang Other juices to which citric acid is added as a preservative - tomato juice, apple, grape, and cranberry juices.
Soft drinks (especially Mountain Dew), 7-Up, and Sprite. Only four soft drinks do not use citric acid - Classic Coke, regular and diet Dr. Pepper, and A&W brand root beer.
Poptarts, granola bars, Power Bars - anything that comes in a foil packet, can sit on your shelf for months without going stale and be eaten without cooking must have high levels of preservatives such as citric acid.
High vitamin cereals (Product 19, Total, Life, etc.). Most breakfast cereals contain some citric acid but not in amounts high enough to interfere with the absorption of ADHD medications.
Vitamins and nutritional supplements containing Vitamin C - most vitamins and minerals are best absorbed while you are sleeping, so take your vitamins at bedtime. High Doses of Vitamin C (1000 mg; EmergenC, Airborne) will completely remove amphetamine-based medications even once absorbed into the body. High doses of vitamin C act as an "off switch" with amphetamine medications. Humans can only use 60 mg of ascorbic acid, and any more just undermines your amphetamine medication.
Oral suspension medications and antibiotics are commonly used with children who have trouble swallowing pills.
Converted from image to text, and some grammar cleanup.
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aisuru-skinny · 1 month
Things from recovery that have made my relapse less miserable
But considering I'm currently in relapse and it's a mental disorder and I can't stop any of you, let alone myself, remember to take care of yourselves
🍒 Intuitive Eating - This is probably 85% responsible for my relapse because practicing intuitive eating, I ate every time I was hungry BUT I didn't allow myself to overeat either and I didn't keep eating if I felt like I had too much. I just wanted till I got hungry again. This was like some crazy proof that you can have self control and don't have to binge. If you felt like you messed up with one meal, don't just keep wrecking yourself. Choose that moment to reset IMMEDIATELY instead of telling yourself you'll do it later or if you can have 1 more binge. I used to go in cycles of ⭐vation and then binge for a day to a point where I knew I couldn't fill myself up more but kept going anyway. I haven't had what I would consider a full blown binge in almost 5 months because I know I have control (granted I have overeaten a few times but I don't let myself continue to spiral)
🍒Keto Diet - When we were trying to figure out why everything I eat makes me sick, a keto diet was also test trialed to see if I had a carbohydrate intolerance and the take away from this is that guYS FRUIT HAS SO MANY CARBS it's literally natural sugar that gets converted to carbs and you're weight can just pack back on. I'm not saying don't eat fruit, please do!!! But you have GOT to balance it out with protein and veggies. Having a more savory breakfast, if I eat that morning, makes me last through the day longer than something with fruit or just letting all my meals be fruit. If I do eat fruit, it's a small portion snack or like a little apple sauce pouch situation (there are these things I get called Gutzys and they're just fruit and greens purees with probiotics and 1 pouch is less than 100 cals and they're super filling. I also find if I eat them super quick it helps fill me up and feel a little sick so I don't keep eating after having one.)
🍒 Supplements - PLEASE. FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING. TAKE SUPPLEMENTS. I take hair, skin, and nails to maintain biotin levels as well as probiotics because my digestive system is clinically wrecked. And as much as y'all are gonna hate this one, I also drink fiber. It really helps keep things moving and can debloat you too by keeping movement. I've also heard magnesium can help with sleep and bloating but I personally didn't have a difference taking it. Every body reacts differently.
🍒Cycle Syncing - For those of us still on a menstrual cycle, there's something to be said about cycle syncing and remembering that our bodies do go through change every month (ugh). The closer I get to my period, the more bloating I deal with and also find my digestive system is more sensitive. Love Wellness Bye Bye Bloat pills actually really help with the hormonal bloating and I also find this time in my cycle is typically a good excuse for liquid fasting. Bone broths, miso, and diuretic/digestive teas (Dandelion Root/Ginger/Tumeric) are great. Magnesium levels can also drop a lot around this time and make us more susceptible to hunger and cravings, I find that making a low cal hot chocolate using ultra dark cocoa powder is the way to go. It can be slightly bitter to drink but babe get over it, you don't need added sugars. It helps replenish levels, can satisfy chocolate cravings, and the warm drink can help keep the digestive moving and reduce bloating.
🍒Spices - All I'll say, I got back into cooking and please guys. Use spices. Use salt, it has healthy minerals. I know we're not eating a lot but it doesn't have to taste like freaking cardboard. I never count calories in spices because it's slim to none anyways. If I didn't season my food, I'd probably be more wanting to cave and binge because the food is so bland I'm looking for something more tasteful to eat. Season your food, eat what little of it you want, you're satisfied and won't go looking for less boring food.
Remember to take care of yourselves 🩷
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