#so I just went with him being 19 during that and give them a 5 year gap
skymagpieart · 4 months
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Making super niche content catering only to me, but I decided to draw the Old Hillsbrad Foothills - Renault Mograine and Sally Whitemane interaction - however put them closer to the ages they have during the same event in "Ashbringer" where I assume Renault is ~15 and so is she. Also baby Darion who is a kid and he was present for the creation of The Ashbringer.
Yes, my math is probably off, I just assume Renault would be a teen here and if not, yeah this is just super self indulgent stuff. I wanted to draw 15-16 year old Renault and Sally and also a baby Darion.
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on-the-clear-blue · 4 days
The idea warms are hitting extremely hard today, so outside of my usual DPxDC I give you, Spider-Man in Gotham...Not MCU Peter edition!
Give me a Peter Parker that is 18 going on onto 19, he has been Spider-Man for like, 5 almost 6 years, getting his bite very early, and dealing with all the things that happen to him younger.
And give me a Year One Batman. Who is still trying to figure out what the hell he is doing, and toting along a 9 year old Robin
Peter, falling out of a portal, and doing his standard check of surroundings, spotting Batman staring at him in clunky armor and a brightly colored child: Waves slowly
Bruce, who heard some freaky shit was happening with a cult near by and went to investigate: blinking at the blue and red being that got summoned
Dickie, who is trying (and failing) to do the Bat glare: still waves back.
And like, just the idea of this 19 year old Spider-Man taking a much older vigilante under his wing, teaching him the ins and outs of it all.
Bruce, Storming through a bag guys base gets suddenly pulled back by a web to his cape.
Peter, giving him a "bitch you dumb" look under his mask: Traps! LOOK FOR TRAPS?? AND LOOK UP? PEOPLE HID THINGS UP?
Bonus, Spider-Man bending himself into a human pretzels and Dick "I have no bones" Grayson is gleefully testing to see if he could do it too.
Jump cut, years later, Peter beats emotional intelligence into Bruce with Dick.
All the Bat kids grow up with Uncle Peter, (either Peter can't get back or has been told specifically that he can't by a higher being or something) and like...
Peter is the only one that catches Tiny Tim following them during patrol, he shows him all the places to get the best angles, even poses a few times for him.
Either is there when Jason dies and saves him, or is there mourning with Bruce
(Gotham lives in fear of the memory, Batman at his most brutal and Black Suit Spider-Man)
Teaches Jason how to control his pit rage after he comes back, what is Spider-Man if not control?
Stephanie is his bestie in puns and white girl music tastes.
Tim finds a partner in constantly staying up far to late as well as someone who likes to invent,( because I hc that Peter has pretty much worked with every scientist in New York, cus like since this is a blend of canons, he has worked with the Lizard, Doc Oct, Reed Richards, the only one he said no to an internship was Stark)
Duke gets a meta mentor that can help him with his powers, Spidey has been on more than one team with someone that had some form of light powers.
Plus I think Spider-man is Gothams daytime hero before Signal joins him, they are the daytime duo
Cass is his favorite (don't tell anyone because they already know) she can see him and he can see her in a spider sense, they do the point meme whenever they sense each other.
Little stabby Damian finds out that this person with his father has been trained by many an assassin (Wade, Daredevil, Natasha, Shield in general)
And Wade...Deadpool pops up occasionally, even he doesn't understand why or how lBruce gets a strange feeling he should punch the Flash in the face the next time he sees him)
Bruce having to deal with Deadpool is terrible for him and I sadly love it.
(Also on the point of Black suit spidey in Gotham...ESPECIALLY after Jason is murdered? Oh Peter is killing the Joker, or his arm privileges forfeit. I feel like Peter would try not to kill him but wouldn't try too hard.)
Spider-man being a founding members of the Justice League, them having to deal with Peter crawling on the ceiling, and scuttering through air vents!
Peter making Parker Industries, pointing inventions from other heros/villains from his world, he isn't above pettiness, and that's how the DC world gets some of Reed Richard's old designs he gave to Peter "Because they are practically useless" they arnt they save millions of lives. Not to mention Arc Reactors, Peter grinned the whole time claiming it was his idea.
Hope you enjoy my ADHD rambling brought to you be sleep deprivation
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Hey Raven, hope your doing well. I was rewatching book 5 and something struck me. Crowly stills does his thing to get yuu/mc to host the NRC tribe at Ramshackle. But compare to previous chapters hes seems a little nicer, i guess? He offering renovations and upgrades ( a positive), instead of just threatening to cut yuu's food budget or something (a negative).
Where im going with this is, do you think Crowley may have felt a tiny tinge for his (in) action in book 4? Or atleast, realized he actually screwed up. He did give Yuu in case of an emergency.... and promptly ignored it (or just turned it off) when he went on break. He likely had to have heard what happened over the break...an likely saw his missed calls and put 2 and 2 together. Sure he may not feel bad enough to apologize (at least openly), but he does seem to make himself scarce early in b5. That could just be him being, well, the headmage. Maybe he's just not sure how to deal with MC or how they'd react to seeing him? So instead of threatening Yuu, he offers them something instead? Idk, maybe im reaching. Crowley relationship with Yuu is complicated. I do like to believe he has some empathy or regret (or maybe he just has more respect for yuu by b5?) After everything up to that point
Like i said, i may be reaching here. Wanted to get your input. Sorry for the long ask. Have a good one :)
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In many fandom depictions of Crowley, he often serves as Yuu's guardian who is incompetent but well-meaning. I'm also guilty of doing this, Crowley is considered my OC's father figure (even if my OC isn't a Yuu). That's how we choose to engage with the characters and the world that we love! However, I don't believe that Crowley has that sort of tenderness for Yuu in canon, whether at the start or as their relationship develops over the course of the main story. Now, that's not to say that I think Crowley is cold or hateful towards Yuu. Far from it! He does care for them, but in the same way that a teacher might care about nurturing their students and preparing them for the world beyond graduation. Crowley demonstrates a similar attitude towards other NRC students, with one very clear example being in his Raven Jacket vignettes. In those stories, he likens his students to apple trees that he raises and nurtures, hoping that one day they might bear fruit. He does not particularly grant Yuu special treatment unless it's a scenario where he wants them to do a favor for him. (Though here I would also argue he does the same for other students when he wants them to resolve an issue in his place, which happens frequently in event stories; in Fairy Gala, he warns the boys they'll be held back if classes cannot proceed due to the wacky weather. In Ghost Marriage, Crowley shames the boys for not expressing interest in rescuing Idia, etc.)
I also want to set the record straight regarding how exactly Crowley gets Yuu to comply with his requests. Reviewing all avaliable books in the main story, Crowley rarely outright threatens Yuu if they refuse to help him:
Prologue — Crowley does not initially ask anything of Yuu, but he does provide them a temporary home and food until they can sort something out. During Yuu's stay, they are meant to do handiwork to earn their keep. However, Crowley tries to expel them after their involvement in breaking what is considered a precious chandelier. In this case, his anger is somewhat justified but it's still the one major example of Crowley leveraging something to force Yuu to act in a way that he desires. The thing is, it's revealed in chapter 19 that Crowley did not believe Yuu could acquire the magestone he asked for and was all set to finalize the expulsion papers. So really, he wasn't serious at all in giving Yuu a chance to redeem themselves and was going to expel Yuu anyway (until they happened to prove their "usefulness"). Whether this counts as an example of Crowley "threatening" Yuu, then, is up to individual interpretation.
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Book 1 — Crowley makes no specific request to Yuu. He shows up late in the book and suggests to the frustrated Adeuce that they fight Riddle to claim his seat as dorm leader, but does not tell Yuu to do anything in this situation. Recall that it was Ace that marched up to Ramshackle's front door and demanded that he be allowed to stay overnight; Crowley had no part in that.
Book 2 — In 2-7, Crowley asks Yuu to investigate the strange string of accidents that has befallen the students set to play in the upcoming inter-dorm magift/spelldrive tournament. There is a part where Crowley says he "never promised to cover living expenses". You, as Yuu, have the option to ask him "Is that a threat...?" to which Crowley never properly responds. Interpret that how you wish. He then offers Grim and Yuu a chance to participate in said tournament if they succeed, seeing as they lacked the 7 players needed to form a team. Crowley even says he will find 5 other players to fill in their missing team seats for them.
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Book 3 — Here in 3-6, Crowley never actually threatens to cut off food. Instead, he is trying to earn pity from Yuu by guilt tripping them and emphasizing that he, the headmaster, is so busy with his tasks (like finding Yuu a way home) and will provide them with the funds they need regardless because he is so very kind. He's trying to tug at their heartstrings by pointing out the things he selflessly does for them, so they feel obligated to do something for him in return. Once Yuu agrees to help, he lavishes them with praise and says it is "expected" of someone he personally chose.
But!! I want to add that in the Episode of Octavinelle manga, this same scene is depicted as Crowley threatening to cut their food budget. I'm not sure if this is just a different interpretation (since Yuuta seems to prepare more food than is usually implied in the game; this would explain why their food costs go up significantly) or if Crowley truly was also threatening to cut the budget in the game.
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Book 4 — Crowley makes a reasonable request in 4-2; he asks Yuu and Grim to tend to the fire fairies over winter break since it's a task no one else will be present to handle. In exchange, he says he will give them a banquet of tasty foods (which is not an empty promise; in 4-39, the Ramshackle Ghosts tell Yuu and Grim that the headmaster has left them with a ton of food as thanks.
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Book 5 — Crowley appears in 5-21 asking that Yuu allow the NRC Tribe to stay at Ramshackle for their month-long training camp. He explains that Vil and Rook are willing to give up their share of the prize money if Yuu agrees to these terms. It is then that Crowley adds that he will help with renovation too, most likely to sweeten the deal with his word.
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Book 6 — Crowley does not ask anything of Yuu. He does, however, call in STYX in 6-2 because he becomes concerned about the threat that Grim poses after consuming multiple crystallized blots. After Grim is taken, Crowley instructs Yuu in 6-4 to wait until Grim has recovered and been evaluated by a third party to speak with him again.
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Book 7 — Crowley makes no specific requests to Yuu.
You can see in almost all instances that Crowley uses a variety of tactics to get his students to do what he wants them to. He bribes, shames/guilts them, points out very real consequences if the problem at hand is not resolved, and, yes, occasionally makes what can be interpreted as a vague threat. Despite this, the fact remains that he was always nice, not just post-book 4 (in fact, Crowley was also nice during book 4). I don't see the circumstances as "anything before or during book 4 is him being negative and threatening to punish Yuu and anything after book 4 is him being kind and positive to Yuu". In most cases with Yuu, he is offering them something they would want. His go-to strategy isn't threats, it tends to be the promise of a reward.
I wouldn't tie any of Crowley's actions to feeling a sense of remorse or guilt on his own part. While it's true we don't really get to see inside of his head, from what we see of him... this man is utterly shameless. He's willing to resort to emotional manipulation to convince literal children to solve problems that he, the powerful mage and adult, should be dealing with. What's more, he praises himself for Yuu's competence and willingness to step up. That's him placing a lot of faith in his students, and I don't think he feels any guilt in doing this. Why else would he send them into dangerous situations over and over again? He must, to some extent, believe they can already handle themselves just fine, otherwise he's creating tons of legal liabilities for himself by purposefully throwing children of tons of affluent families into the line of fire. Besides, he's a highly skilled mage himself--if any true, TRUE danger were to befall them, surely he could save the day himself. My thought is that he has sort of a "tough love" approach where he tosses his students into the fires and sees how they get out of it in one piece, but it's just presented in a "devil-may-care" way because of his lackadaisical attitude.
Regarding book 4, I personally see Crowley giving his cell phone number as just a means to provide reassurance to Grim and Yuu, since they (especially Grim) are protesting about him seemingly leaving on vacation. It's an empty gesture so he can have his getaway without much of a fuss; I totally believe that Crowley did not ever intend to answer his phone. When he returns in book 5, he's already asking another favor of Yuu, so I get the sense he isn't really bothered by what happened. I would even say that Crowley still has several major appearances in book 5, not that he has made himself scarcer. He appears to ask the favor, appears again to evaluate their performance, and then a third time at the cultural festival to speak with the headmaster of RSA. Crowley gets plenty of screen time here, much more then in books 6 and 7. If he truly felt bad or actively wanted to avoid Yuu, he could easily just tell other students (ie Vil) or even school staff (ghosts, teachers, etc.) to relay the deal for him.
Again, I want to be clear: THIS IS NOT CROWLEY BASHING. The only thing I am expressing in this post is that while I do love this bird-brained goober and think he cares for his students, I don't believe it's done in the conventional sense you're thinking of. Crowley can be selfish and callous and throw his students into danger, and that's okay! Sometimes we want to love a useless man who's trying his best, even if his best is pretty lousy/j
Whew, that was a lot of brain dumping! I hope I properly responded to all your thoughts and that you found this read semi-entertaining~
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cressthebest · 5 months
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 28
chapter 47:
1. 😟😶 no one even got to say goodbye. i- WHAT THE HELL??? FUCKING RIDDLE
2. i’m at least happy that remus, james, and pandora can all take care of each other during the games.
3. im actually highly worried about regulus being a death eater. too worried, actually
4. “Regulus realizes it as he sits there, never moving or doing anything at all, just breathing; he isn't scared this time. Not even a bit.”
reg not being scared makes ME scared
5. “He had planned to kiss Remus' mask one last time, and kiss Remus, too.”
of COURSE it’s ALWAYS wolfstar that tips the tears over. why does THAT make me sob???
6. oh shit. it’s a maze
7. “”Come now, surely you wouldn't harm me and little Draco, would you?"
"I'm going to give you one chance to run," Sirius tells her, holding still, "and take little Draco with you."”
LMAOO they both know she’s lying out her ass
8. “It's Mavis and Velvet; they'd done exactly as they promised they would. They found weapons, found each other, and they died together. Their bodies are splayed out on the ground right beside one another, curled close in death like the lovers they were in life.”
oh shit oh shit oh shit i’m starting to cry again. i feel so bad for them, but don’t blame them in the slightest. it’s what i would have done
9. “and there's just this quiet, momentary mourning and respect for two people who loved each other and decided, together, that they would not participate in a game as cruel and sadistic as this one. They went out together, in complete control of their own fate, and they never deserved anything other than a long life full of love.”
crying HARDER. this would be the turning point in the games for me. i shit you not, i’d start teaming up and trying to break out the fucking arena
10. “And then, unprompted, Regulus' voice rings out, nearly snarling. He's addressing the sky, the audience, the Hallows in a low hiss of derision when he declares, "When you take them, you take them together, and know that it's your fault."”
i know i’m quoting this whole little section, but it’s IMPORTANT and it HURTS and everyone in that arena is being human right now instead of trying to survive. they’re all united on the front that they’re human and understand what it meant to love
11. i’m not surprised that the “first” kill of the arena was made by sirius. especially since it was to save regulus
12. WAIT YALL ARE GONNA LAUGH AT ME FOR THIS!!! sirius killed twelve people in the arena the first time. just like how he was blamed for twelve deaths in canon. i. it took me too long to make that connection yall
13. oh CHRIST i forgot that they planned to kill marlene’s parents in front of her right before she went in the arena. i’m so sorry. i want to comfort her
14. “Someday, Riddle is going to fuck with the wrong person, and they're going to slaughter him, and on that day, the whole world is going to shine just a little brighter” 👀 side eye
15. sirius has too much trust in regulus and i understand why and i see that, but BABES you’re so wrong
16. “In fact, they're all eyeing him like they're considering just killing him now so they won't have to deal with the headache he is sure to be. He's so ridiculously fond of each of them, truly.” 😶😑😶 blink blink. my dear. you need therapy
17. i- eli got in the arena and took a GODDAMN NAP- no fucking way. that’s wild y’all
18. regulus hating the rain is so me. and i’m not even exaggerating. reg hates the rain and refuses to go in it. if i get wet from the rain, the second i get indoors, i start having severe panic attacks over getting wet. i don’t blame him in the slightest.
19. y’all. people have really got to stop challenging regulus. he says that he’s gonna kill a person or stab them with a fork or brutally maim them if they kill/insult james or sirius. and every damn time, people still test him. and every time, he goes through with it. why do people not believe him?? he SAID he won’t hesitate
20. the authors notes are literally me on the previous point (19):
“regulus: i am telling you explicitly what i will physically do to you if you do This Thing
everyone else: *does it anyway and is immediately shocked when he follows through*
😭😭😭 me fr
remember to respect zar’s wishes and fanfic laws! do not buy fics! do not repost crimson rivers on other sites. please and thank you.
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simonnebethel · 9 months
Writeblr Introduction
Just learned what a writeblr intro is so I'm gonna make one before I go to bed lol
I've already done something like this a few days ago but that was when I had no clue what I was doing lmao, so might as well make a more in depth one
About me:
19, she/her, bi
I write mostly fantasy and urban fantasy, and honestly i dont think i've ever written a story that was non-fantasy lol
Started writing when I was 10, but it was mostly Warrior Cats fanfiction on Wattpad lol. I went through a writing slump for most of highschool but last year I decided to get back into it since I'm not doing anything else lol
I like to read fantasy and classic lit, also anything with vampires. I also have a soft spot for slowburn romances where the main characters dont kiss until, like, the 4th book heehee
In love with anything gothic, vampire, and wlw 👩‍❤‍💋‍👩
I think one of my more niche interests is any early 2000s fantasy/sci-fi movie with a nu-metal/rock/alternative soundtrack like Queen of the Damned and The Crow. They are just...*chefs kiss*
My current stories:
A Chant for Blood (Formerly known as Account of Calamity)
Account of Calamity is a gothic victorian fantasy about a Grand Marshal, Karliah Helisende, and a blood-drinking fiend, Yorick Gwynplaine, who work together to investigate the mysterious portals that spawn dangerous creatures into the city of Isarnan, all the while Karliah is being haunted by the mysterious ancient temple that watches over her every move.
I'm currently working on the second draft, and I may start looking for beta readers once I'm finished, although I know I'm not far from finished with this novel. I also plan to make it a 4 or 5 book series, and slowly add a slowburn romance.
12/30/24 - Second draft has been finished!!
Looking for beta readers! Look here!
Our Demonic Hearts - The Craven Pact Series #1
Our Demonic Hearts is a urban fantasy about a cambion woman, Ana Kravens, haunted by her past. Taking place in a small Mississippi town, a man she went through a traumatic incident with, Beau Motloe, shows up on her doorstep one day with a deal; help him find his missing mother, and he'll give back the memories she lost during the traumatic incident. Her father, a demonic creature of unknown origin, wants nothing more than the Motloes dead, claiming that they were the very reason his daughter was almost killed 6 years ago. Ana goes against her father's wishes and accepts Beau's deal, suspecting that her father isn't telling the whole truth about that fatal night.
It is completed and available on Wattpad and Royal Road!! It was just a small project I had done for Nanowrimo, and has been edited at least once before being published. However, I plan to make it a trilogy and maybe have some spin-offs. This story is fairly new, but most of the characters are at least 5 years old and I love them very much <3
What I plan for 2024:
Finish the second draft of Account of Calamity and look for beta readers(In the beta reader phase!)
Start the second novel of The Craven Pact Series
Write a short story/novella or two taking place within the Account of Calamity universe. My brain is currently exploding with ideas rn(2 are in the drafting process currently!)
Write a short story about Ana Kraven's mom and how she met Marchosias, Ana's father.
Plan something for Nano?? Idk where I'll be in November lol
I'm interested in following other writers and reading everybody's stories! I would also be interested in a beta read/beta swap ^^
Other sites I'm on:
Wattpad: LillithOfBees
Royal Road: SimonneBethel
Nanowrimo: BeeWitch
18+ Writing discord!!!
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aqueeracademic · 10 months
Gayest House Scenes:
Season 1:
Unfortunately, episodes 1-4 didn’t have quite the quality of gayness I was looking for. We begin at 5:
Season 1, Episode 5: “Damned if You Do”
W: Maybe I'll come to your place.
H: Your wife doesn’t mind being alone on Christmas?
W: I’m a doctor. She’s used to being alone.
H: …
W: I don’t wanna talk about it.
H: Neither do I.
Note: and then Wilson ACTUALLY FUCKING WENT TO HOUSE’S PLACE FOR CHRISTMAS. and House played the piano for him and they ate chinese food because neither of them celebrate christmas at all, actually; they just wanted to be together. They just wanted to be together during the season of love and family. I'm so sick. 
Season 1, Episode 6: “The Socratic Method”
Foreman: I thought he liked rationality.
Wilson: He likes puzzles.
H: You think I’m crazy. 
W: Well, yeah. But that’s not the problem.
Season 1, Episode 7: “Fidelity”
W: Oh. That’s what breasts look like.
H: You love everyone. That’s your pathology.
W: *watches House leave longingly”
Cameron: Did he just turn on the TV?
Wilson: He needs to think.
W: That’s all! I mean it. 
H: You always do. It’s part of your charm.
W: I love my wife. 
H: You love saying it.
Season 1, Episode 12: “Sports Medicine”
H: You thought I couldn’t handle this news?
W: …
H: You talk to her a lot?
W: No. It’s been a long time. Look, if you don’t want me to see her-
H: What is this, eighth grade? I’m fine.
W: It’s fine if you’re upset!
H: No! It’s- I have no right to be upset. You two are friends. You should see her.
Season 1, Episode 14: “Control”
W: Since when do I need the secret code to talk to you?
H: You value our friendship more than your ethical responsibilities?
W: Our friendship is an ethical responsibility.
Note: that asshole chairman figured out he couldn’t threaten House, so he threatened Wilson's job instead to keep House in line. I’m sick?
Season 1, Episode 17: “Role Model”
W: House, I believe you’re a Romantic.
Season 1, Episode 18: “Babes and Bathwater”
Note: Wilson didn’t vote House out. and the chairman was so offended he decided to fire Wilson instead. Wilson fr put his whole career on the line, knowingly, to make sure House could stay. I'm SO SICK.
W: I got sacked.
H: Did you make a pass at Cuddy? I told you, she only has thighs for me.
W: …I voted to keep you.
H: Is he gonna sack everyone who votes to keep me around?
W: Yes. Every one of us.
H: …Just you?
W: Yeah.
W: I have no kids. My marriage is all messed up. I only have two things that work for me: This job and this stupid, screwed up friendship. And neither mattered enough to you to give one lousy speech.
H: They matter. If I could do it all again…
W: You’d do the same thing.
H: Nice job protecting me! You saved my ass by sacking Wilson?
Note: House lets Wilson sit in his chair and doesn’t make him move. He makes everyone else move. He doesn’t make Wilson move.
Season 1, Episode 19: “Kids”
W: My advice is much more simple: stop being an ass. You always find some tiny little flaw to push people away.
H: Now it’s people? I thought we were talking about applicants.
W: You have a history of this.
Note: When Wilson tells house he’s “going to end up alone”, House just stares at him. i am WELL AWARE they were discussing women, but they were discussing why House always pushes women away. and then Wilson tells him he’s gonna be alone and House just stares at him???? like stares at him like he just said something both crazy and hurtful???? like he thought he would have Wilson in the end????
Season 1, Episode 20: “Love Hurts”
H: He peed on me. I’m not into that.
W: It’s apple juice! Now, go apologize.
Note: House immediately does what he’s told and finds the patient he yelled at.
W: I just want to make sure no one gets hurt.
Cameron: I’ll be fine. It’s not like I’m going out with Jack the Ripper.
W: Oh, it’s not… it’s not you I’m worried about. It’s been a long time since he opened up to someone, and I… you better be absolutely sure that you want this, because if he opens up again and gets hurt… I don’t think there’s gonna be a next time.
C: You’re worried I’m gonna break his heart?
W: …
H: This is a mistake. I don’t know how to have a casual conversation.
*Wilson rolls eyes*
Note: Why the literal hell would Wilson be at House’s place helping him get ready? Helping him with his tie? i’m sick.
Note: “What I am is what you need. I’m damaged.” HELLLLOOOOOO????????? i’m gonna eat my hands
Season 1, Episode 21: “Three Stories”
Note: “I’m not busy. But I’m not sure I want him to live.” HELLO IM GONNA JUMP OUT THE WINDOW??????????
Season 1, Episode 22: “Honeymoon”
Note: “Some part of me hopes that he’ll die. I’m just not sure if it’s because I want to be with her, or if it’s because I want her to suffer.” HELLLLOOOOOOO????????? This line just sniped me from behind.
Note: Stacey and I actually have SO MUCH beef. She better watch her back.
Note: “I thought you were too screwed up to love anyone. I was wrong. You just couldn’t love me.” As wack as I think Cameron’s relationship with House is, this line killed me.
Note: The audacity of Stacey to tell House she’s still in love with him and always will be just to tell him she won’t be with him?? Like what is actually wrong with you. Let my boy catch a BREAK.
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nikiniluna · 4 months
“Jax Situation is similar to the Stella Situation”… Does it?
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The short answer is “No”
I do understand that, to a newer fan’s eyes, it might seem like it’s the same thing. So, as a Helluva Boss fan who accompanied the show ever since its pilot, I’ll give some clarity on the Stella Situation.
Stella is a character that exists since the pilot, but her actual first appearance in the series was in the second episode of season one
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In her very first scene, Octavia - Stolas and Stella’s daughter - had a nightmare and called her parents, but only Stolas went to see Octavia. This scene itself can’t be used a evidence to say “Stella is terrible” because this type of scene is used to convey the challenges of taking care of a child while needing to tend for own needs. We already seen characters telling their partner it’s “their turn” before and none of it was a sign of terribleness, just of being tired.
The next scene is in the present and it’s about Stella arguing with Stolas about him cheating on her with an imp.
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During the argument, Stella made a huge emphasis on the fact that it’s was with an imp - the second lowest race in hell - than on the infidelity itself. This implies that she cares for her reputation as noble and Stolas was putting it at risk, being the reason of her anger.
Her next and last appearance in season 1 (Since in episode 7 it was just a visual representation of her) was by the end of episode 5, when it was revealed that Striker - the hitman who tried to kill Stolas during the Harvest Moon Festival – was actually sent by Stella.
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During her phone call with Striker, Stella called Stolas a “Cheating Prick” which means his infidelity it’s what motivated her to hire a hitman. Adding to the fact that she displayed care for her reputation in episode 2, hiring Striker indirectly implied that she wants Stolas dead so he can’t get the chance to confirm his affair ever happened and therefore keep Stella’s image intact.
Season One on its own gave the audience the impression that Stella was power-hungry villain who believed her biases were correct and would put a stop on anyone or anything that could potentially destroy her image - even her own husband.
DAMN! Even a YouTuber who is known for making videos about Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel did a video during that time theorising about a scene of the-soon-to-be-released episode 7!
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This one ☝️
The YouTuber theorised that Stella left and took Octavia with her so Stolas would be all alone and Striker could finally kill without anyone on his way!
That was how she was popularly seen…
…and by now you know those scenes were all mixed messages.
On July 30th of 2022, it was released the first episode of season 2 and it was revealed the reason why Stella acted that way.
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“I like tormenting you”
That’s it. There was no reputation in line, she was doing it ‘cause “why not?”
And you might be thinking “And why people got so displeased?”.
It’s simple.
While for new fans it took at least two hours to have the mixed messages cleared, for the older fans it was NINETEEN MONTHS!
19 months of being put on the impression she was villain who cared about her reputation only for her to be a one dimensional antagonist whose sole purpose is to make Stolas more palatable.
And I know Medrano and her crew didn’t do it on malice, it was just not the best of character management.
And now let’s go to Jax:
Ever since the pilot, Jax is shown to be a jerk.
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Even to point of leaving Ragatha and Pomni behind when Kaufmo abstracted WITHOUT even bothering to call Caine to help them!
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So, when episode 2 aired, he wasn’t acting Out of Character, it was just that his jerkness had more highlights.
Jax Situation and Stella Situation are a lot different. Stella Situation was more of a “Mixed messages messed with the audience’s experience” while Jax Situation was more of a “Part of the audience expected Jax’s jerkness to be palatable”
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kiribread · 5 months
Headcannon time?! >:)))
so uh since it's been a while since I've actually drawn edgeshot I thought I would do some general headcannons on him! I did a similar post to this when I had JUST started posting and may've done another one like it so if any of these sound familiar that's why.
Some slight manga spoilers ahead
I'm pretty sure it's obvious that's he's on the introvert side of things but I also feel like he's a huge people pleaser by nature.
Before he gave me a daddy issues now he just gives me general parent issues and undiagnosed autism
Emotionally absent mom perhaps?
He could be in a room for like 5 minuets with someone and can pretty accurately diagnose them with whatever mental/physical problem they have and encourage them to get treatment for it but he's one of those guys that refuses to get treated himself
a mom/therapist friend tm
I feel like he got really good grades in school (mainly for the academic validation) and even went to college
He went to college for some sort of medical training probably something like paramedics or ER doctor
While in high school him interning under Recovery girl gives me life <3333
During his 3rd year I could see him taking over for Recovery girl on occasion so she could have a well deserved break
Also, I don't know why but for some reason he gives me oopsy single dad vibes? Like a random baby that he knew nothing about showing up on his door step like" 🧍‍♂️ ok."
He loves that lil girl to death in back though <33333
He always knew he wanted kids in the future so he was pretty happy despite him thinking it was too early for him to be a dad (I'm thinking he was about 19-21 when this happened.)
He does feel pretty guilty often since he can't spend as much time with her as he would like to due to work (this didn't mix well with being a workaholic)
The decision to become a hero was a last second decision on his part he originally wanted to be a full time doctor
What could've changed his mind could be that he either was or he saved someone and inspired him to at least give it a try
I also think he could've considered therapy as a possible option as well
while he was genuinely impressed with Kamui woods during that raid with it being one of the main reasons for the team up one of the other main reasons was that he was a little lonely and thought he be a cool friend <3333. The only reason anyone knows that is bc he got hit by some confession quirk on duty... Kamui cried.
Him and mt lady i feel like sass eachother a lot.
Also probably help straighten her out a bit more.
Was perfectly ok with leaving the media up to mt lady. (Neither him or kamui were particularly fond of doing so.)
Definitely a good cook
I could just be biased bc i like salmon but i feel like he makes some GOOD salmon dishes.
Also definitely eats very healthy.
Won't pass up a good pizza though.
Before I thought that he'd be a huge naruto fan but now I think it'd be hilarious if everyone assumes he is but in reality he never seen a single episode.
He was thinking of watching it but got spoiled on pretty much the entire plot so he decided against it.
He met jeanist when jeanist noticed Edgeshot patching up his jacket during lunch time.
It was jeanist's idea to start the textiles club and Edgeshot was just dragged right along with it.
Many shenanigans happen there.
Edgeshot overall is pretty artsy and likes to try a bit of everything.
He particular likes pen & ink, ceramics, and digital art.
Also enjoys trying other hobbies out like gardening and hiking.
Participated in gymnastics till he got to ua were he used it to train.
Was really good at it but didn't care for the competition part of it.
used to be super cuddly as a kid but has moved away from that and is now picky of who touches him.
People he is close to he does allow them to snuggle up with him.
Likes flattening himself like a blanket and cuddling with people then.
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bluehairedspidey · 1 year
long post about kombat kid ages
Ok doing some age canon/headcanon configuring for the kombat kids in MKX (this is just going off the games and not really the comics because I haven't read them ^^; )
Raiden, Sonya, and Johnny turned revenant Jax, Hanzo, and Kuai Liang back into humans 2 years after MK9 and 20 years before MKX. This means that MKX takes place 22 years after MK9.
Jax met and married Vera after he was turned back into a human. This means that Jacqui was born after that, making her no more than 20 years old. However, she is clearly an adult, as you have to be 18 to join the military without parental consent, which Jax obviously did not give. This means that in MKX Jacqui would be 18-20 years old.
Cassie does not seem to have been born before the revenants were turned back either, plus she is also in the military, and some dialogue implies she and Jacqui grew up/went to school together. She also appears to be an adult, however, unlike with Jacqui, it is more possible she may have been able to get parental permission to join the military at 17. This would put Cassie's age range in MKX at 17-20 years old (although personally I would lean towards her also being 18-20).
Takeda is the one kombat kid we do have a pretty exact age for. When he became chujin, he said that he was 8 years old when his mom died, and that Kenshi hadn't been in his life for 10 years, making him 18 at that time. That took place 5 years before MKX, which would mean that in MKX Takeda would be about 23 years old.
Kung Jin is the most ambiguous. We don't know when Kung Jin might have been born, who his parents are, or what they were doing during the events of MK9. The best clue we have is his attitude towards Kung Lao. His strong feelings about Kung Lao and his fate in MK9 seem to imply that he was alive long enough before MK9 to have memories of times before Kung Lao's death and transformation into a revenant. This would mean that he would definitely have been alive prior to MK9. Typically, adults are not able to recall memories from before the age of 2-4 years old, so he likely would not have been younger than that during MK9. However, in MKX he does seem to still be a young adult, and is almost certainly still in his 20s. By these estimations, Kung Jin would have been 2-7 years old in MK9, 19-24 years old when Raiden convinced him to join the Shaolin, and 24-29 years old in MKX (I would personally lean towards him being on the younger side).
My favorite thing about these age headcanons is the fact that it means that Kung Jin was having to take orders from someone who was anywhere from 4-12 years younger than him. No wonder he was so pissed off about it.
Also, since Liu Kang is 24 years old in MK9 and has a line in MKX about Kung Lao being like a younger brother to him, Kung Lao is probably close to the same age as Liu Kang, but slightly younger. Maybe about 22-24 years old in MK9. This would mean that in MK11 the Kung Lao brought from the past would be younger than Kung Jin, which is fun to think about.
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assassinschaoticcreed · 6 months
so um, how did everyone become friends?
so im gonna start off saying that these are the ages I HC the boys are modern time, per my noggin.
Desmond: 22
Ezio & Arno: 23
Connor: 24
Altaïr & Jacob (& Evie): 25
Edward: 27
don't ask me why, but its just my brain rot.
Ezio's family adopted Desmond into their family after he left the farm; so their relationship is like brothers (obviously) (Desmond was 16, Ezio was 17)
Arno met Ezio & Desmond through one of his mom's fashion show; Maria & Claudia are huge fans of her work and managed to snag tickets to one of her shows (those runway things). Maria and Marie (Arnos mom) talked about their sons and Marie was like "hey let's all get together over some nice wine, my husband owns a winery" cue Ezio, Desmond & Arno meeting. ironically when they first met Arno & Ezio couldn't stand each other because of how much alike they acted, Desmond was the peace maker. over time though Arno, Ezio and Desmond became inseparable. (Ezio & Arno were 20, Desmond was 19)
Edward and Connor met through Haytham, in my noggin Edward & Connor are actually cousins but there is a 3 year difference between the two. they also have a sibling like relationship due to Edward also not liking Haytham. (Ziio is alive and her and Haytham married, they are happy, although it was rocky before they officially married and Connor was 5 years old when they married.) Connor doesn't get along with Haytham not only cause of the Templar thing, but also Charles Lee & the other Templars judge Haytham for being with Ziio and Connor being his son. they belittled Connor hence his hatred for them, Haytham behind the scenes though threatened them to stop or else..
Edward, Jacob (and Connor) met Jacob this way; they met during a mission they were sent on. they had to meet Jacob at a pub to listen to a Templar meeting and after they got their info they all sat and had drinks and a meal (Connor didn't drink any alcohol, only Ed & Jacob). they all got along great, although Connor did NOT appreciate having to carry both the drunkards back to the hotel, and he just dumped the two of them on the bed and went to sleep in his.
Altaïr met Ezio, Desmond and Arno at one of the Creeda HQ centers. he was just transferred to their branch, and he was a complete dick. Arno had no hesitation and lit into Altaïr for his behavior and had one of those "catch me outside how bout that" Altaïr ACTUALLY had respect for Arno for standing up to him let alone make a threat. they became good acquaintances, that developed into a great friendship (he does wish to throw hands sometimes if Arno becomes too sassy). Altaïr was Top Annoyed with Ezio when first meeting him. *looks to Arno and points at Ezio* "does...does this thing ever shut the hell up?" cue Ezio *LE GASP* "ME? A THING? bastardo! how dare--" and Desmond pipes in "let's all just calm down and talk, yes?" they all sit down, Desmond & Ezio introduced themselves. Altaïr likes Desmond too, Ezio is a 50/50, he wanted to punch him in the face but he didn't hate him. they're now great friends too. (Altaïr: 23, Ezio & Arno: 21, Desmond 20)
Arno, Ezio, Desmond & Connor met at Arnos Cafe (the one he was gifted from his parents on his 20th birthday) Ziio recommended the Cafe for its bakery sweets and rich flavorful coffee, they also have great hot chocolate. (Connor got the hot chocolate and some macaroons) Desmond was the one who made the recommendation on the flavors of the macaroons while Arno recommended the "campfire hot chocolate". Connor heard campfire and was convinced it'd be the best thing ever, it's his go to whenever he's there now. Ezio was introduced to Connor by Desmond & Arno. they adopted Connor into the boys then and there. (yes I see Ezio being the one to give the friend group that name)
Connor introduced Edward & Jacob to the boys.
Arno & Desmond introduced Altaïr to the boys (Ezio was still salty with Altaïr so he didn't do the introductions).
the rest is history 👏
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luishies · 6 months
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fake it till you make it ༊*·˚part 1
summary:sungho and y/n are close friends due to them being in the same neighborhood and because their parents are high school friends. When they were in high school, both of them were in relationships. till senior year. They found out that their lovers were cheating on them. The both of them decided to "date" to make their ex jealous. little did y/n know..sungho wanted this fake dating to be real. trope: fake dating (?) authors note: this might have grammar mistakes and might be cringe. warning: angst,kissing,cheating
September 19, 2016
"hi! im sungho!"
"uhm..hi! im y/n"
ever since that day, he never left my side.
9 years later
march 28, 2024
"y/n!!!" i hear a shout from the corridors. When i looked back i saw sungho waving to me while his girlfriend gave me a annoyed face by waving. Sunghos girlfriend never liked me. They've been dating for 4 years now. "Moms inviting u and auntie too dinner." sungho said with a smile. "She said to bring aunties famous brownies!" "What time?" i asked sungho. "Hmm around 5?" he said with a nervous face while I could hear his girlfriend on the phone. " Oh my gosh stop it!!" I swear.. her voice is so irritating,But what can i do? Sungho brings her everywhere. "So you and auntie going?" sungho asked me. "Of course we will. since when did we miss a dinner with you guys." I said. We said bye to each other since it was dismissal already. while i was about to leave i felt someone hug me from behind. "you've been ignoring my messages.." I heard my boyfriend say while sulking. "sorry my phone died during biology class" "You should've just gone to me" i told him after giving him a kiss on the cheek. "I was supposed too but i saw u with that sungho..You promised me that your gonna ignore him." "You know that i get jealous when ur with him." he said with a mad tone but with a sad face. "I know.. but you know that sungho is my best friend." “I can't just ignore my best friend." I said to him hoping we won't argue. "He's just a best friend. Im your boyfriend Y/n!" "So he's more important than me?" "then just break up with me and date him for gosh sake y/n." he shouted at me. "Ba-" he cut me off by walking away. We've been fighting about the same thing. He gets jealous when im around sungho but it's okay if he's touchy with sunghos girlfriend.. sometimes i think that he's cheating but he says that they're just Friends. Just friends my ass.
When i arrived home, i told mom about the dinner with the Parks. We knocked on their door around 4:50. "Y/n!, auntie!!, come in." Sungho greeted us. When we went inside i smelled Ms. parks famous kimchi stew. "(your moms name)!!, y/n! ohhh youve grown so much y/n!" "You get prettier everytime i see you!" Ms. Park said while hugging me. "Thank you auntie!" is said with a smile. "Sungho, bring y/n to your room first! I'll call you both when dinner is ready!" Ms. Park said while cooking. Me and sungho went up to his room. "Sooo how are you and your boyfriend?" sungho said too break the awkward silence between us. "Oh uhm.. its okay." "what about u?" i asked to continue the convo. "Well __ has been busy on her group projects. Shes been going out so we dont really get to go out together." He said while pouting. "Huh.. __ also has been busy with group projects." i said. "Sungho.." i said while facing my entire body to him. "hm?" he siad whiel looking at me. "I know this seems rude but dont you think __ is cheating on you.." "I mean shes been busy with 'group projects' even tho she skips classes." "Shes also texting someone 24/7 and smiling while texting." He looked at me confused,sad and mad. "Look y/n.. its none of your business if my girlfriend is cheating on me or not. i appreciate your concern but she told me that shes been attending her classes and that the person shes texting is her mom." "i would appreciate it if you can mind your own business." he said with a serious face. I never heard him this serious. Maybe i did cross the line. "Sorry.. im just.. concerned." 
During dinner, Sungho didn't talk to me. I really did cross the line.. The next day was so quiet. Sungho didn't talk to me or even text me. After classes i decided to find sungho to apologize. I saw him packing his stuff at his locker, but he looked. Sad. “Hey sungho..sorry about yesterday.” “I really did cross a line there and I'm really sorry.”  I said to him while looking down. I was about to apologize again, but he cut me off. “Don't worry y/n..You were right.” “I was telling __ about what you said and she told me that you were telling the truth and that she wants to break up with me.” He said while on the verge of crying. “Also y/n..” “The guy she's dating is your boyfriend.”
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tua-five · 2 months
Okay, it has been just over 24 hours since I finished watching season 4, and while I still need to fully process things, and also rewatch it, I think I'm ready to discuss a major part. There's other I want to discuss too, but I need more time.
⚠️ Season 4 Spoilers!! ⚠️
The most striking part is Five and Lila. Everyone is pissed about it, upset, angry, confused, anything. I was, too. However, I've thought about it and read some articles and watched some interviews and I've come to understand it. Half of it, at least. That doesn't mean I like it, though.
Five was just 14. He went through puberty twice. He was alone with no romanticism except for with a mannequin. He's able to ignore that desire for love because he's with his family and the chaoticness of the many many apocalypses.
At the end of season 3, they go their separate ways, and Five is alone. He goes and works at the CIA. He focuses on work, not love, because that's all he's ever known.
Then he once again gets stuck. This time, in a subway station that leads to different timelines. Except he's not alone. There's another human being, and it's a girl. One he's gotten closer to. Called family. And he's stuck there for almost seven years. During that time, he can't ignore the desire for love. He was 19 at the beginning of the season, and after the 7 years, he's 26.
After all of that time being alone, not having and romantic love in his life, he finds it with Lila, who gets him. Because they are both stuck. He's coming of age, almost past that now, and his character needs love. Everyone does. And he's sick of being alone. So he has Lila.
And you do anything for love.
So yes, he did fall in love with Lila. Yes, he kept the notebook from her for 5 months. Because yes, he loves her.
Lila is going through it, too. She feels alone and desperate. She misses the love of her life. She misses being loved. She misses her husband. She misses her kids. To fill that hole, she has Five. But she never stops looking for a way back to her real family. She loves them dearly.
But when the time comes, she chooses Diego. Because he's the one she loves. Because of her children.
She cheated. Yes. That is unacceptable. Five got with his brothers wife. Yes. That is unacceptable. His raging hormones aren't enough to just forgive and forget. But we can understand.
For all of those saying that Five wouldn't do that, he would. Everyone feels like we know the characters better than the writers. Or that we really know the characters. But we really don't.
You know who does know the characters? The actors. The actors and the characters themselves.
I think he would do that because of everything in his life. All of the bad.
I think Lila would do that because of everything in her life. All of the bad.
I was mad at first, but I've come to understand. Not quite accept, but understand.
They are 11 years apart in age (physically). I do not like this. But at one moment, they only had each other.
Five had the audacity to say that Diego couldn't give Lila what she needed, but he was sad and angry, and he didn't want to be alone again. He's fucking done with the apocalypse. He's old and tired and wants love.
So he got it and he didn't want to let it go.
So yeah, he fought Diego. And yeah, he said he wanted to kill him. But he didn't mean it. We all say things we don't mean when we're angry. He's broken.
And yeah, he left the family to go back on the subway station and mope and cry. He's lost.
We don't have to forget. Or forgive. But at least understand.
Please don't come at me
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(And I think my point has been proven now. Five did, in fact, not get his hug).
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coffee-in-that-nebula · 3 months
It's still pride month - some thoughts on my sexual orientation.
I’m 30 years old, and sometimes I feel bad for not having figured things out entirely when it comes to my sexual orientation. But, oh, I’ve come a long way.
I come from a homophobic country, and even worse, I live in a small town. In simple words, this means that people CAN’T be open about their sexuality because they won’t be accepted and treated as equals. We won’t be able to find jobs, socialize, and in many cases even walk safely outside. Things are better in big cities, but far from perfect.
So, it took me a while to accept that I’m not straight. I’m going to admit that when I was around 18, I hoped I was straight because it was just the easiest way. But I wasn’t, and unfortunately, I had to deal with relationships and partners that didn’t benefit me in any way, and in some cases, they weren’t even good for me - or I was too good for them.
When I started exploring my sexuality, around 19-21 years old, my flings and I were hiding. We could be open only in certain places and bars, and only among certain people - and that was in a city that I was living at the time, not even at my miserable hometown. Let’s not talk about the internalized shame, fear, and guilt - yes, they existed.
Anyway, for years I identified either as lesbian or as pansexual - during different periods of time - so my sexual orientantion was/is fluid. It usually didn’t bother me, because I used to not be a fan of labels anyway. I’d usually give a certain orientantion to myself only when someone would ask.
But nowadays, history has proven that I’m pansexual and my orientation has actually been fixed for a while.
After the major depressive episode I went through last year, in some ways (and maybe in most ways) I’m rebuilding myself, and I started liking ‘labels’ because they help me understand and accept myself better. So, yes, I’m pansexual, and I started talking openly about it to the people who are close to me. And I was so open maybe for the very first time in my life - yes, at fucking 30.
Then, I came out to my mother. My father passed away when I was about 23, so I didn’t have the chance to talk to him about it. I like to believe that he would have been supportive, although, in all honesty, I have no idea that this would have been the case. My mother wasn’t supportive, and I didn’t expect her to be. Actually, I didn’t even want to come out to her so I could be open about my love life - I’ve always been private with my family regarding this. I was just fed up with her homophobia, her constant bitching and our constant fighting that didn’t lead anywhere anyway.
So, it didn’t go well, and I couldn’t care less. I’m grateful that I did it at the perfect time for me - mentally, emotionally, and financially stable. Probably 5 years ago, I’d have cared more. I’d have been hurt, and I’d have wanted both her support and validation.
Now, I’m just moving out into my own place and I couldn’t be happier.
Anyway, it’s been an exciting and confusing journey. Just yesterday I was googling things like… “can I be pansexual and sapphic?” and “can I be pansexual and femme?” - just things I’m identifying with, and somehow I’d like to make sure that I’m valid for feeling this way. And yes, I’m valid, and for the first time in my life, I am able to rediscover and build myself around my sexual orientation. I’m not… actively hiding it anymore. Yes, I still live in the same country and in the same town (at least for the time being) but many people in my life know and whether they’ve accepted it or not, I can just go on feeling more relieved than I’ve felt in years.
But yes, it’s still a journey, and I expect journeys to have their ups and downs.
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darklinaforever · 7 months
I knew you would have brought that interview but do you understand that Ryan was talking about younger Rhaenyra? Cause guess what, Daemon has soft spot for younger women. That's the point! He went after Laena, after Rhaenyra when they were young, later he gets tired of them both, and go hunts a new young girl to groom. Nettles, and you can bet on it, this is how will go cause yall just need to accept that incest is not love but it's twisted pervy thing not fated to be the great love of life, Ryan know it and that's all that matter. Not your delusional chits chats
Once again, mix of the book and the series ! The Daemon in the book was in a relationship with an adult Mysaria and married a 22 year old Laena ! So this story of a sexual predator on young girls you can keep them. Second, I'm tired of having to explain the principle of historical context. At the time, women were suitable for marriage as soon as they had their period. Literally, men being interested in younger, marriageable women in this era is the norm whether you like it or not ! And that is not to be judged with a modern eye. In episode 4, Rhaenyra is literally 19 (so fully of age by our standards and old enough by Westeros standards for her arrival in marriage) and more than fit for marriage (she is literally looking for a fiancé and getting married by episode 5 !) and Laena, who is 15 / 16 during episode 5 is also suitable for marriage. Also, it was her who flirted with Daemon and literally half-heartedly offered to marry him, not the other way around. He didn't pursue or manipulate her into marrying her. But nice try. Then, once again, there is no evidence of Daemon allegedly having sex with Nettles. Also, Harwin who loved Rhaenyra so much in the show also has a big age difference with her and was an adult when she was a minor and often saw her and was around her in the court before giving her children (even fucking Criston spend more time with Rhaenyra than Daemon before sleep with her), but that, I guess It only bothers when it's Daemon ? Also, you can have fun twisting Condal's quote all you want, it's just written in black and white that he said Daemon love Rhaenyra (the big word is just there). Not that he was going after her because he has a fixation on his youth. But nice try too. Here, let's go over it again :
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Also... if you want to complain about the romanticization of incest, direct your attention to GRRM who literally wrote romantic Targaryen couples... Literally like Daemon & Viserys' parents.
Also, I highly recommend @horizon-verizon to educate you on all things historical context, daemyra + grooming bullshit, daemon being a predator of young women, with Daemon seemingly being a pure villain instead of the gray character he is, Daemon and his relationship with Nettles and much more.
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characcoon · 1 year
MORE discarded concepts!
On the 1st anniversary of "Change of Perspective", I asked you guys what you'd like too see as extra content, and you chose discarded concepts. And now on the 2nd anniversary, MORE discarded concepts, mostly from chapter 14 to 20.
So let's get right into it!
1. The Puppeteer phase 2
Most of the concept sketches I released prior to the chapter, had Mikey as the center piece. (Yes it's the same Mikey sketch shhhh)
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In the final chapter, he only got controlled Once. But the plan was for it to be much more important than one final horrifying blow. His fear at that moment, of being put against his brothers, would've been 100% thrown back at him at full force.
2. Leo VS Donnie
The resolution to That Whole Ordeal with Leo and Donnie, was going to be sort of like Raph planned in chapter 19.
It was going to be a Physical Fight. The first instance I thought of was during a sparring/training session that Leo, blind and lost in another hurricane of horrible thoughts, pulled Donnie aside, gave him a wooden sword, got another one for himself, and didnt even explain stuff before attacking him.
It was about the sword fighting specifically. Leo was in fear that he was losing his abilities, because of the muscle memory, and that he wasnt as good at it as he usually is. And the evil side of the thoughts were telling him that now Donnie was taking over his role completely in every way.
So he would fight Donnie, both with wooden swords, and Donnie would win, without even putting that much effort (because Leo was honestly too stressed to fight well). And Leo would not give up, would not stop, until he finally whacked Donnie in the hand and disarmed him, winning the fight. And once Leo won, the dam would break, and their talk would happen right there.
It would end well, as well, but it would be much uglier and raw than the final chapter. It would be less about Leo's effort to change being validated, and more about his fear of losing what makes him, him.
I think the reason I changed this approach was, the different tone it would set on the work. I think the final product has a much better message, and a much better resolution, than having the twins go at it in a fist fight, because Donnie's pain would be pushed aside in favor of that action show. Leo's acknowledge that, "hey, that guy wearing my face, the guy I'm cursing and yelling at? That's my brother and I am hurting him", is SO much better than "I am hurt and I'll make everyone know that."
It's not just about him, ya know.
3. Flare and Sparkles
One of these guys is not like the other.
So, Flare is the fireball in Mikey's old weapon that went "I ain't dying yet chump" and hopped into Mikey when the Shredder destroyed their weapon vessel. We got that.
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Sparkles... wasn't supposed to exist. There is no demon in the Odachi. It makes no sense.
Y'see, I have another AU, "Sentient Ninpos", that has another Flare that is NOT the kusarifundo fireball. And uuuhhh I kinda mixed both of them. Sparkles was already a thing in the AU, and as I was in the initial stages of creating the AU at the same time I was writing that chapter of Leo meeting Flare, and then Sparkles.
I just mixed both concepts and put Sparkles in CoP by accident.
Awkward, I know, but hey, congrats on CoP Sparkles for being something completely new created by mistake that now I gotta think hard about to make it make sense.
4. Sparkles' name was going to be Sparky
Sparkles' name was going to be Sparky.
5. More of VS Puppeteer
That entire fight went through multiple reworks.
First, Donnie was going to be awake, and as said before, Mikey would be prominently controlled. DONNIE would be the one to "break the sky" and get Leo's ability to teleport for a while (which I'm sure would've worked wonders with what I had planned for Leo's self-worth issues /s). There would be no phase 3, they would've exploded the Puppeteer in a much more dramatic and tense way, and that would be it.
I wrote that phase 2 chapter practically in one sitting, so whatever happened there, it was due to the flow and being on the zone and letting the vibes drive the writing. It went that way, and I said well okay then I'm not rewriting 9k words of nonstop fighting and action scenes, and left it as that.
6. Ending of chapter 20
I had that chapter ready for a week or so. Now, if ya know me, I post stuff as soon as it's done, I dont keep things to wait to post. So that week of waiting I spent constantly poking around chapter 20, and I changed the entire ending of it one day before posting.
Donnie would make no deal to stop talking about personal issues and focus on the artifact. He would've bounced right the fuck out of there and go "I'm not processing that entire emotional show, I'm gonna go out and kick people in the face to avoid thinking about what just happened". And that would've gone as well as it sounds: horribly.
Leo and Mikey would have an extra segment of talk about Sparkles and Flare, Leo going "ok we dont know if my Odachi had a demon, but I can ask Magnus because he has the twin of the sword to make sure that there is really no demon" vine boom sound effect, Mikey goes HUH WHU PARDON ME WHAT and credits roll.
I am once again pushing Magnus reveal further and further away. No regrets, it's great to look at how they all know the same thing but they dont know the others know.
And that's... basically it! ONCE AGAIN, ty for all the support! Hope you enjoyed taking a glimpse at the inner workings of my brain, and how I think over stuff. It's fun over here.
See you guys next chapter!
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exhuastedpigeon · 7 months
Okay. Every single odd number on that list.
I reblogged that post last night and fell asleep almost immediately after 😂😂! Thanks for asking Tanis!!
1. Share a song that makes you think of [fic title] Afraid of Heights by boygenius always makes me think about it hurts to hope for more. I listened to that song on repeat while writing it that no whenever I heart it I think about that fic.
3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written? That's like asking me for my favourite child (not that I have kids). I'm sticking with buddie fics here since I have almost 150 fics on Ao3 and that's way too many to think about.
Honestly, there ain't no turning back might be my favourite even though it isn't fully published!
Or I really love gold when you see me too.
5. What’s a fic idea you’ve had that you will never write? Answered here :)
7. How many ideas for fics do you have right now? Uhhh too many?? I have 5 'active' wips (meaning I'm actually working on them a little bit) and like 20 other ideas. I tend to get an idea, work on it like my hair is on fire, and then when I lose the beans half the time the wip goes to collect dust.
9. Do you write every day? If you wrote today, share a sentence of what you’ve written! I try to write every day, even if it's just one sentence! Here's something I updated from the NHL AU today!
Buck’s much less self destructive now, thank you team mandated therapy and a bit of heartbreak, but he still has a big personality. He’s got the kind of personality that used to land him on Don Cherry’s shit list before he was finally kicked off Hockey Night in Canada for being a racist old fuck. But, that personality of his means he’s the kind of guy who the Kings marketing team loves because he’s down for basically anything they throw at him. 
11. Do you have specific playlists for writing fics? I tend to find a couple of songs that match the vibe I'm going for or that really inspire me and then listen to those on repeat.
13. How much planning do you do before writing? Answered here
15. How do you come up with titles for your fics/chapters? Usually song lyrics! Sometimes a title comes into my head out of nowhere, but usually I end up searching for a lyric that feels right.
17. What’s something you’ve learned about while doing research for a fic? I learned all about the best sunrise views at the southern rim of the Grand Canyon for there ain't no turning back! It made me really want to go to see the sunrise there, even more than I already wanted to before!
19. Give us a small teaser from one of your WIPs. This is from my NHL AU! In the fic Buck is Canadian and when they go to Canada on a road trip Buck has to scope out a Tim Hortons immediately.
It would be a lie to say that as soon as they landed in Ottawa Buck went to Tim Hortons, because they landed at 11:45, only a couple of hours after a win in Buffalo. It’s been a long and cold east coast trip - they’re on the road for almost 10 days for this one and Ottawa is the third to last stop.  It wouldn’t be a lie to say that the first thing Buck did when he woke up in their hotel was to jump out of bed, wake Eddie up in the bed next to him, and drag him to the Tim Hortons next to the hotel.  And listen, Buck knows that objectively Timmies is just fine. It isn’t bad, it’s just not actually good either. But he’s a Canadian boy, he grew up on Timbits after practice with Maddie and hanging out in the Tim Hortons parking lots during high school, at least for the couple years he was around before moving to Kitchner to play juniors. Tim Hortons will always have a special place in his heart.
21. Have you ever deleted an entire scene after spending hours laboring over it? If so, why? Yeah, it was a scene that I wrote really early in the writing process and by the time I finished the fic the scene just didn't fit the vibe. I ended up using bits of it in another fic though, so it wasn't all a waste!
23. How do you choose where to end a chapter (if you have multi-chapter works)? I try to find a natural stopping point, but typically I don't write chaptered fics. I think of my 149 on Ao3 only like 15 of them are chaptered, maybe less.
25. Have you ever upset yourself with your own writing? I've made myself WEEP while writing and weep again while rereading later.
27. Is there a fic you were nervous to post/share? Why? I was a little nervous to share it hurts to hope for more because it was a really important fic to me (and really personal to me in some ways). I didn't want people to hate it because it felt so close to my heart.
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.) I don't think I'll ever finish this fic so I'll share a bit here. When I saw on the fandom wiki that Eddie and Buck were actually probably the same age (1991/1992) I started a fic that's a snippet of each of their lives at the same time period. This is from the Eddie - 18 section.
There was a little plus sign on three separate pregnancy tests. Eddie rests his head on the bathroom counter, hunching over from where he’s sitting on the edge of the bathtub in Shannon’s bathroom. To her credit, Shannon looks like she’s holding it together more than he is. He was leaving for basic in a month and a half, she was supposed to be moving out of state for college in two.  Eddie took a deep breath, then another, before looking up at Shannon again. Her eyes were red rimmed, but otherwise she looked composed. He pushed down the fear that was threatening to crawl out of his chest, up his throat, and out of his mouth and instead said, “Whatever you want to do, I’ve got your back.” “I want to keep it,” Shannon said after a beat.  “Okay, then we keep it,” Eddie reached out and took her hand, squeezing it gently. “What do we do now?” “I have no fucking idea,” Shannon half laughed, half sobbed. Eddie stood up and wrapped her in a hug, holding her to his chest. 
Fan Fic Writer Asks
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