#so she tried to get him a ‘better life’ as well as the funds for her end of life care
criesinauthor · 2 years
we as a fandom do not entertain the possibility that mischa was child trafficked nearly as often as we should
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suzukiblu · 11 months
Day nine of fic NaNoWriMo; obligatory sugar daddy Tim/sugar baby Kon.
Tim's nucleus of an idea requires some careful math, some even more careful bank fraud, and a lot of planning. Less planning than the supervillain timeline, at least, but still a lot of planning. He has to time it very carefully to make Kon won't have forgotten about the museum heist and the idiot civilian he saved from it, but so there won't be anything suspicious about said idiot civilian having managed to track him down. Admittedly, Kon isn't very hard to track down, but normal high schoolers aren't very good at tracking people down.
Well, not unless they're stalking a celebrity they have a crush on or doxxing a YouTuber who's mildly annoyed them or something.
. . . okay, Tim's probably being too paranoid here. If Kon asks how he found him, all he has to say is he follows him on Twitter or something.
He does actually follow Kon with one of his undercover IDs, because Caroline Hill needed a few social media accounts to round out her existence and giving her ones that she just focused on following celebrities with saved him from having to rig up a bunch of bots and other accounts to be her "friends". It's way easier to just keep up lurker accounts for her and occasionally like a few interesting photos and generally inoffensive comments about current events.
He didn't even deliberately go find Kon's account; Twitter recommended it to him after he followed the Titans and he decided if Bruce asked he could just sell it as a way to keep tabs on a new ally and teammate in a way they wouldn't notice. Caroline Hill also follows Arrowette's official account, even though Tim knows Cissie's mom is the one who actually runs it, plus the Titans' and a couple of other more public-facing heroes'.
So as long as Bruce doesn't notice just how many thirst-trap selfies Kon has posted in wet swimsuits or post-fight ripped-up costumes or with that stupid flirty smirk on, Tim might actually be able to get away with that excuse.
Heteronormativity might protect him, if nothing else.
Look, there's a reason it's Caroline and not Alvin following Kon's account.
Tim works on his idea and his plan and the bank fraud that'll let him crack into his trust fund early without his dad noticing, because while his allowance is frankly appalling and he has a lot more in savings than anyone under the age of twenty probably should, it's not actually enough to fund an entire new life for his stupid sexy teammate, and unfortunately Robin-duties kind of put a crimp in the idea of getting an after-school job, so bank fraud it is.
Just a little touch of supervillain practice, he figures.
Tim works out some reasonable timing and a few different possible approaches to take with Kon, and he tries to stay logical and patient about the whole process even though literally every day this takes is another day that Kon is stuck in a shitty lab that tried to mind-control him and is still actively taking advantage of him, under new management or not. Even Superman doesn't trust Cadmus–understandably–but apparently having an inside man in with them is more important to him than protecting Kon from them? Somehow?
Which is much, much less understandable, to Tim. It's not like Kon volunteered for that. Superman only came to him about it after he took the job for lack of other options. And also he asked him to do it while offering him a real name tied to his family, and while Kon doesn't even know his real name exists.
So yeah, Tim really needs to get a personal kryptonite supply going. Just so much of a personal kryptonite supply. A full rainbow of one, just in case. Like, carefully lead-sealed and code-labeled so Kon will know to avoid it just in case he stumbles across it, but still.
Fuck, Superman better be being mind-controlled right now or something. Or impersonated. Or just somehow compromised.
If he's not, there is not enough Kryptonite in the world for Tim's needs.
So Tim works out his plan, and then he goes back to Metropolis. Specifically, he goes back to Metropolis after Kon updates his Twitter with a selfie that has the Metropolis skyline in the background and a caption about a local café he's about to hit up, which hopefully will give Tim an hour or so to get there before Kon swans off to some random beach or goes back underground with Cadmus or whatever, and also hopefully won't be swarmed with fans or supervillains when he does.
Actually walking up to Cadmus's front door and asking Superboy to come out and play is not in any way in the plan, though if it takes long enough to "find" Kon somewhere plausibly deniably findable for a high school student to manage, Tim's open to the possibility. Fuck knows he's done stupider and weirder and still made it work.
Tim gets to Metropolis in forty-five minutes because of judicious abuse of the Batplane and Bruce being busy on the Watchtower for the day. He'll be telling him he went to see Superboy, since obviously Bruce isn't going to miss the missing jet fuel and Alfred has no reason to keep his mouth shut about it either, but be lying about why he went to see him. As far as Bruce knows, this is business.
Technically, Tim could spin this as business if he had to.
He gets to the café and there aren't any supervillains but there is a small handful of preteen girls on the sidewalk outside giggling over their collection of newly-gained autographs, which means the local supervillains are either behind the times and not properly tuned into social media or just don't have beef with specifically Superboy. Which . . . quite possibly they don't, Tim is realizing. The locals would know how little investment Superman has in Kon, after all, and Kon spends more time either underground with Cadmus or running around with Young Justice than he does actually in the city proper, so it's not like he's had time to collect many personal grudges. Those are probably all back in Hawaii. In Metropolis, he's mostly just been reported as covering petty crimes that'd slipped through the cracks while Superman was busy handling Brainiac or Parasite or having another cold war with Lex Luthor.
It's Kon, of course, so eventually he'll piss off Toyman or accidentally trip over Mxyzptlk or something, but right now, Metropolis mostly just remembers him as that slightly too eager kid who stopped a bomb from killing them all that one time and helped Superman stop Engine City from happening to them. Kind of like Superman has a very enthusiastic but well-intentioned super-powered fanboy kicking around downtown, as opposed to an actual sidekick or any kind of partner that he regularly works with and supports. Steel gets a lot more Metropolis street cred and appreciation, for obvious reasons, but Kon just hasn't been around the city that often since his initial debut. He's a little bit like a tertiary mascot character.
Tim thinks Metropolis is full of idiots, but their standards for vigilantism were set by a man who can bench-press a planet, so he supposes it makes sense that they see a teen idol telekinetic as a charming little side character and not really anyone too impressive in his own right.
No wonder Kon ran off to Hawaii the first chance he got after Superman came back to life, though.
Though in retrospect, why did Superman let him?
Tim walks into the café in civilian clothes and immediately spots Kon at a table in the back and gets a very sharply assessing eye from the woman behind the counter. He doesn't patronize her by pretending to be here to order anything and just heads straight for Kon.
She watches him, and so do a couple of assorted patrons that might be regulars. Tim wonders if Kon's a regular himself, or if Metropolis is just more protective of its Supers than he'd previously realized. Kon isn't here often enough for him to have really looked too closely into it.
Kon doesn't look up from his phone or his mostly-empty plate and mug; it looks like he's playing a cell phone game or something similar. Tim debates the best way to introduce himself, since he doubts Kon will immediately recognize him, but before he can–
"This better be worth ditching out on the refill I just ordered," Kon says distractedly without even glancing up.
"Sorry?" Tim says, a little bemused, and then Kon does look up and startles a little, looking surprised.
"Shit, sorry, thought you were somebody else," he says. "Blame the coat."
"You weren't looking at my coat," Tim says, looking down at it himself in vague mystification anyway. It's just a coat. It's long and dark and on the heavy side, but that's literally the only notable things about it.
"I don't think you understand how TTK works," Kon says, lowering his phone with a wry smirk. "I don't have to look at you to see you, man."
. . . well, that's definitely an application of tactile telekinesis that Tim wasn't previously aware of.
He's just going to try not to think too hard about any implications of Kon's telekinetic field potentially being in constant passive contact with literally everything and everyone around. Especially not him.
If he's lucky, he'll be able to forget that new bit of knowledge as anything but an unfortunate new angle to his occasional sex dreams and just leave it at that.
"Oh," Tim says, feeling vaguely faint and still trying very hard not to think too hard about this new bit of knowledge. "Uh, that's . . . cool. Um. Can I talk to you? Er–please?"
"Need another museum un-robbed?" Kon asks, and Tim is genuinely surprised to be so immediately recognized. It's been over a week, Kon saves people's lives every day, and they'd barely even spoken.
"Not so much," he says. "I just wanted to thank you again. Um. Properly, I mean."
Kon tilts his head, a brief flicker of curiosity flashing through his eyes, then grins up at him.
"I told you, man, it's no big," he says. "It's just what I do, you know?"
"I know, yeah," Tim says. "But I still appreciate it. Can I cover your lunch for you?"
He figures that's a subtle little nudge towards what he wants out of this conversation. Get a foot in the door and all; set some expectations. Or at least try to work up to it.
"I don't know, can you?" Kon says with another brief flash of curiosity, though his grin doesn't change.
"I mean, you're a superhero so I assume you could stop me if you wanted, but otherwise I'm not really seeing any obstacles there," Tim replies reasonably. Kon laughs a lot more brightly than Tim usually gets to see him laugh, which is incredibly distracting, but the people glaring bloody murder at his back finally start letting up.
"I dunno, you're pretty cool under pressure," Kon says with a sly smirk. "Maybe I couldn't."
Tim hates his useless brain and all the totally inappropriate thoughts it immediately conjures up about various options for getting one over on Kon, because of course all of said options are sexy options. Kon's smirking at him all sly and teasing and Tim just made him laugh; there is literally no possible way they could not be.
God, he's going to be thinking about this for their entire next training session, isn't he. That's gonna be mortifying as fuck.
"I think you're underestimating yourself," he says. "You handled those assholes at the museum like they were nothing."
"Well, they weren't exactly Intergang," Kon says wryly.
"Still," Tim says. "The only casualty of an armed robbery and hostage situation was a vase."
"Apparently a very important vase, according to the papers," Kon says, making a face. "Superman told me I need to be more careful next time."
"Over a vase?" Tim says incredulously. He doesn't care how important the stupid vase was, Kon was busy protecting his skull from bullets. The vase's untimely demise is mildly unfortunate at best.
"Well, he wouldn't have broken it," Kon says with a shrug, picking up his mug to knock back the last of his drink. It looks like hot chocolate, not coffee.
"Neither did you," Tim points out. "You're not the one who freaked out and dropped their gun."
"Tell that to Superman," Kon snorts, briefly eyeing his empty mug before setting it back down. Then he shrugs again and grins again too, leaning forward a bit towards Tim. "It's whatever, man, no big deal. Wanna sit?"
Tim isn't actually sure what to do with that offer, but it would be helpful for making his pitch, so . . .
Though he doesn't know why Kon's making it, to be honest.
Still, no time to be looking the gift horse in the mouth, so Tim takes him up on it and sits down across from him. Kon looks weirdly pleased about it, for some reason. Tim still doesn't know why, but isn't gonna question it.
"Thanks," he tries.
"Pleasure's all mine," Kon says, flashing him a grin as he rests his chin in a hand. Tim remains mystified as to why he seems so pleased and why he even remembers him at all, but . . . okay, sure. This might as well happen. "What's your name, anyway?"
"Tim Drake," Tim says, feeling increasingly mystified.
"Nice to meet you, Tim," Kon says. "You know, without any weird magic goats or guns to anyone's head being involved."
Honestly, the magic goat and the gun to his head were both less weird in Tim's personal frame of reference than Kon's apparent interest in chatting him up in this trendy Metropolis café is, but whatever. It's useful, so he's gonna make full use of it.
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Stephanie's reluctant rival:
Spoiler patrols around Gotham, alone when she hears a familiar irritating voice.
Kite-Man: Hey! Hey Spoiler! It's me, Kite-man!
Spoiler glances to see Kite-Man on top of a building, having spotted her. She walks off quickly.
Spoiler: Nope, nope, I saw nothing. Nobody.
Kite-Man uses his kite suit to fly down and follows Spoiler.
Spoiler: I'm not Spoiler, I'm a cosplayer!
Spoiler runs.
Kite-Man: Come back, I wanted you to meet my fiance.
Spoiler stops running and turns around.
Spoiler (shocked): She said yes?!
Kite-Man: I know right? I'm even surprised. Glider, you can come down.
Golden Glider glides to the ground with her ice skates.
Glider: Hi.
Spoiler (amazed at the woman's beauty): That's her?!
Glider: Oh my gosh, I'm basically aren't I? A lot of people are surprised when they see us. He can do better than me, but he gave me a shot.
Spoiler: Oh my God, she's the humble one. Focus, you swore you wouldn't rob any more banks when you got engaged!
Kite-Man: It was only the last two, I was trying to cash a check I got from a friend, but no bank would cash it and you know how tough it can be with people judging you.
Spoiler: I can't... I have literally never been through your situation!
Barbara (on the communication device): Well.
Spoiler: Oracle, I swear to Christ, stay out of this!
GG: She's using her bluetooth?
Kite-Man: Yeah... babe you remembered? This is why I love you.
Spoiler: Oh God Almighty you're cute together.
Spoiler hits her fist on her forehead.
Spoiler: You're trying to convince me that you only robbed two banks out of five?!
Kite-Man, innocently: Yes.
Glider: He's telling the truth, honestly at the third one we were just trying to add funds to our shared bank account. We have one now. The Lord has blessed us with many great things.
Spoiler: Oh Christ you're Uber religious too.
Glider: Yes, Lord is my first man, but Kite-Man is my second. I hope to one day grace the world with our children.
Spoiler: That seems like a mistake. Um, continue on.
Glider: Well we even tried going in civilian clothes, but my stud likes to wear his kite-man outfit.
Kite-Man: And I couldn't deprive my future wife of not rocking her golden attire.
Spoiler: Oh jeez... look I want to arrest you. I should arrest you, honestly Batman will be pissed if I don't, but and I don't mean to fully insult you, you're not dangerous enough at this time. I'm sorry, why am I apologizing?!
Glider: He's warming up to you, he says he loves being your rival.
Spoiler: Maybe I should've stayed with my dad. Not that insane... there's also the factor that the banks you went to have been robbed... every other week. Like Bane has robbed the second one. So, um, while it pains me to do this... just go off on your honeymoon. I'm giving you a... pardon. This time.
Kite-Man: Rival, good looking out.
Kite-man hits his chest, to show his appreciation.
Spoiler: I regret my life at this point. Please leave.
Kite man and Glider: Kite man and Gliider out! Peace!
Spoiler facepalms, wondering how she got dealt the weirdest villain as a rival, then presses her communication device button.
Spoiler: Oracle, how much did he hear? I just want to get an idea of how fricked I am.
Oracle: I let him hear the entire thing. He's not mad, disappointed, but not mad.
Spoiler groans and kicks a trash can in her anger. She immediately picks up the trash reasoning she was already in enough trouble.
Spoiler: Isn't there a villain he lets walk free?
Jason (chiming into the comm conversation): Fucking yes!
Spoiler: Oh, yeah the Joker.
Barbara cackles this time at Batman.
Barbara: Now he says he's mad.
Spoiler: Mad and hypocritical. I don't like the guy, he's not my freaking rival, but he's happy. I'm doing a good deed that I may or may not regret down the road.
Barbara agrees as she claps.
Spoiler: Thank you. I'm going home for the night. I'm too annoyed to do anything else.
Story so far: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
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disillusioneddanny · 9 months
You Are in Love Jazz/Cass
Jasmine Fenton let out a sigh as she followed behind her boss as they made their way across the large ballroom. It was the annual Wayne Charity Gala for Criminal Justice Reform and as a public defender at Gotham County Courthouse, Jazz was unfortunately obligated to be there rubbing elbows with rich, pretentious assholes. It was for a wonderful cause, and all of the money went to local nonprofit organizations that helped give people the life-saving resources that would keep them from reoffending or resorting to working for the Goonion as Jazz had heard it called.
When she had first graduated from Harvard Law, she hadn’t known what exactly she wanted to do. What kind of law she wanted to practice, who she wanted to help. And then Danny had told her about how bad Gotham was. After he had started working with Constantine and the rest of the Justice League Dark on the more magical problems, he had started to tell Jazz about all of the horrors of Gotham from when the bats called him there for assistance.
It was then that Jazz finally realized what it was that she was wanting to do. She wanted to help reform the horrible justice system that was the Gotham City justice system and help with the major crime that was going on there. So she had put in an application to be a public defender in Gotham County to help the most disenfranchised people of Gotham and she found her way to New Jersey of all places.
Four years later and the public defender’s office had been completely redone under the watchful eye of Jasmine Fenton and she had managed to make it work like a well oiled machine. She had helped partner with a few nonprofits who helped them work on their basic needs while the PD’s office focused more on helping them keep from going to prison or worse–Arkham.
It wasn’t a perfect system but it was getting better. So here she was, prepared to schmooze with the best of them to get more funding for all of the different organizations that were helping them reduce Gotham recidivism. For the first time in her life, Jazz found herself thankful for the lessons that she had received from Vlad when it came to trying to get people to give her money. Not that she would ever admit that to her godfather.
She plastered her most pleasant smile on her face as she floated through the ballroom, trying to not be self conscious of the fact that she was in a long, green ball gown that had already caused a few people to make comments about the fact that combined with her red hair was reminiscent of Poison Ivy. It was a little embarrassing but her girlfriend had told her multiple times that she looked good in it and that had her feeling a bit better. If her girlfriend thought it looked good, then it had to be.
She would never lie to Jazz.
Jazz was slightly suspicious that her girlfriend didn’t even know how to lie.
Teal eyes roved through the city as she eyed the other gala guests, looking for her next target. She really needed to find someone to chat with or else she was going to start looking a bit too awkward.
Then, her eyes landed on the most beautiful woman in the room and Jazz felt her stomach flutter a bit in anticipation as she made her way to Jazz.
Jasmine Fenton was a ruthless, cutthroat defense attorney. She scared Harvey Dent. Yet her girlfriend seemed to make her weak at the knees every time she so much as looked Jazz’s way.
Cassandra Wayne was the only daughter of Brucie Wayne, the playboy billionaire and host of their lovely gala for the night. Jazz had met her for the first time just two years prior when she had been forced to attend her first gala. The woman had been following Brucie around like a shadow, a pleasant, if not forced smile plastered onto her face as she followed the man around the room, sneaking glasses of champagne from her overly intoxicated father’s hand whenever she thought he had been drinking too much, or glaring menacingly at women who tried to approach the older man in attempts to get him to bring them home.
Then her eyes had landed on Jazz and she had given her the most genuine, beautiful smile that the redhead had ever seen. Jazz had found herself compelled to go over and talk to both Brucie and his daughter and it was probably the best decision she had ever made in her life. Bruce had managed to convince Cass to drift off with Jazz while he got into a long conversation with one of the DA’s who was also at attendance at that gala.
Which was fine with Jazz. The two ladies had found themselves chatting the rest of the night, trading stories, people watching, commiserating over the fact that they were forced to even be at a gala in the first place. And then as the night had come to an end, Cassandra had slipped Jazz a napkin with a phone number and a smiley face before she gave Jazz another one of those breathtaking smiles that had her swooning where she stood.
And really, the rest was history. The women had found themselves talking more and more, seeking one another out whenever they had the chance. Jazz had gone to see Cass’s ballet shows and Cass started to make weekly trips to the courthouse to make sure that the red head was eating properly and taking care of herself.
Somehow they had found themselves here. In a happy, comfortable relationship, living together in a nice brownstone in Upper Gotham and attending fancy galas together. Cass still followed her father like a shadow and Jazz still had to unfortunately kiss ass to a bunch of rich billionaires but sometime during the night they would find one another and get just a little too wrapped up in one another to even notice anyone else.
“Fancy seeing you here, beautiful,” a soft, polite voice said, as strong, calloused hands twined with Jazz’s dainty soft ones. Jazz looked down at her gorgeous, amazing, beautiful girlfriend and felt her cheeks go red like it was that first night all over again.
“I know, it’s almost like your father is hosting the charity ball,” Jazz said with a soft snort. Cass gave her that soft, secretive smile that always seemed to draw the older woman in.
Her kohl lined eyes rolled once as she glanced over at where Bruce was laughing loudly, throwing his arm over Oliver Queen’s shoulder as he laughed raucously, causing others to look over at him in thinly veiled disdain.
“Yes, he does enjoy coming to these,” Cass said, her nose crinkled ever so slightly. Jazz just gave her girlfriend a small smile.
“He seems to be really hamming it up tonight,” Jazz said with a laugh as her girlfriend just let out a tired sigh and shook her head. That was one of the fun parts of getting to know Cass, Jazz started to learn a bit more about all of the family and their treasure trove of secrets. She learned that Bruce Wayne wasn’t nearly as ditzy and arrogant as he let people think and was much more level headed and open. She had gotten to know each of Cass’s siblings as well and learn a bit more of each of them.
And then she had gotten to learn the real secret about the Waynes after dating her girlfriend for a year. She had learned about their nightly activities and had been more than excited to learn as much as she could about them. Not only that but then she got to listen to them tell her fun stories about her baby brother. Apparently he worked rather closely with Cass’s younger brother, Tim and the two caused more chaos than Danny had ever let her know about.
It was fun, getting to know all of the secrets behind her girlfriend, to learn every facet of who she was and how she came to be. How there were days when words were just too much for the shorter women, when days were so hard and difficult that she couldn’t seem to get out of bed. Then there were the days when her laugh filled their apartment along with the pitter patter of her feet as she danced along the kitchen to music only she could hear.
And Jazz found herself able to talk to someone who understood what it was like to grow up with just plain insanity. She felt more comfortable telling Cass about her childhood, opening up about the fact that the reason she was interested in justice reform was because her own parents had been thrown in prison when she had been just twenty years old after what they had done to Danny. Not to mention the years of neglect that they had endured under her parents' care.
Cass never looked at her like she was insane when she mentioned times where she had to beat down turkeys with a baseball bat. They found solace in one another, a comfort that Jazz had never felt before in her life. She found acceptance in Cassandra Wayne and she was addicted to it. In love with the feeling of being in love.
Cass treated Jazz like she was fine china, a delicate thing that needed to be treasured and loved. And Jazz made sure that Cass felt the same way, that Cass knew that she was loved and valued. That the shorted, hardened woman knew that she was more than just a weapon for other’s to use. That she could be more than just Black Bat.
That she could be whatever she wanted to be. That she was Jazz’s tiny dancer that she adored endlessly.
“Would you like to dance?” Cass asked, the corners of her eyes crinkled slightly with her smile.
“You just like showing off,” Jazz said with a roll of her eyes before taking Cass’s hand, watching the way her yellow ball gown seemed to swish around her as she led the taller woman to the dance floor.
“I like showing you off, yes,” Cass said simply before she rested her hand on Jazz’s waist, the other holding Jazz’s hand carefully. “How is it?”
“It’s fine,” Jazz said with a huff as she looked around at the other party goers. “We’re raising a lot of money already and we haven’t even gotten to the silent auction yet. I just hate having to play nice with all of these people.”
“Better than me,” Cass said simply as she allowed Jazz to twirl her around a bit. Jazz gave her a small smile and shook her head in amusement.
“You just have to smile and you have everyone here vying for your attention. You’re the favorite out of Brucie’s kids, you know,” Jazz told her with a small grin.
“Whatever. Tim’s the favorite,” Cass pointed out. Jazz just shook her head and dipped Cass down before pulling her back and giving the woman a soft kiss.
“Whatever you say,” she murmured, lips a hair’s breadth from Cass’s. “If it’s any consolation, you’re my favorite.”
Cass let out a hum, her eyes fluttered closed for a moment as she relished in the attention from the red head. “Everyone is watching.”
“Let them,” Jazz said, running her nose along Cass’s jawline for a moment before they went back to spinning and swaying and sashaying through the dance floor. “Isn’t that what you always tell me? Let them watch?”
Cass hummed. “Makes you more interesting,” she murmured. “Sometimes you’re scary, dancing makes you more approachable. More open.”
Jazz scoffed. “I’m approachable.”
“Intimidating,” Cass told her, pinching her side lightly. “Powerful women scare people. You’re powerful. Scarry. Unapproachable.”
“It’s not my fault that people are cowards and are intimidated by me,” Jazz grumbled. Cass just smiled and shook her head.
“No, but dancing makes you seem more approachable. More,” Cass paused and thought for a moment. “More human,” she finally said.
“I’m human,” Jazz argued.
“No, liminal. Big difference,” she said with a laugh. “Sometimes you stand too still, your eyes glow too much. Too strong, a little too other,” she said, smiling up at Jazz.
Jazz rolled her eyes and just gave her girlfriend another kiss. “Well, I suppose we can prove to everyone that I’m a non intimidating, kind, fully human person.”
Cass let out an excited giggle and allowed Jazz to spin her across the ballroom. The attorney just grinned as they took over the dancefloor, her love for her girlfriend bloomed in her chest.
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jacks347 · 4 months
Exactly one person asked for this but that was exactly one person enough so here y'all go, enjoy the rest of the channels and their high school tropes
Caleb and Pack Mom - Childhood friends everyone assumes is already dating (They keep correcting people but secretly enjoy it cause they've been crushing on each other for years)
Connor and Lass - Club president and joined cause she liked him ("Come on, keep up! What are you staring at?" "You. I mean-!")
Deacon and Little One - Book smart introvert and street smart extrovert ("I've never failed a test in my life" "And I've knocked out a gang members tooth once. You tell me which one is more practical")
Chester and CM - Class clown and assigned tutor ("How do you put up with him?" "Remembering he's cute and a lot of caffeine")
Mitch and Lamb - Second generation rivals ("My dad said to tell you you won't win a second time" "Funny, my uncle said to expect it")
Beau and Chef - "Secret" admirer and knowing crush (Constantly leaves notes and gifts in her locker, she absolutely knows it's him but doesn't say anything even though she likes him back cause she thinks it's adorable)
Harlow and Captain - Frequently injured and assigned helper ("How'd you break your leg this time?" "Would you believe me if I said I fell off a roof?" "...goddammit")
Yargwynn and Paradise - Lead in the play and stage manager (Paradise is actually a really solid singer but has paralyzing stage fright so they just stay as stage crew)
Mak and Darling - Delinquent and "I can fix him" girl (Frank is Mak's attempted wingman, he tries so hard to get these two together)
Guardian and Zed - Foreign exchange student and guidance helper assigned to them (Even better if Guardian doesn't speak the language well so they just stare when Zed is talking which makes him nervous and he rambles more, Guardian thinks it's cute)
Albus and Faithful - School flirt and class president tutoring him (Don't lie, you're imagining it now)
Hipswitch and Partner - Reluctant student and quiet art kid project partners (Partner talks through notes ripped from the corners of his sketchbook)
Pandora - Principal's kid that everyone is kinda scared of (Is actually really nice with just a hint of overblown ego, blame football star Odin for that)
David and Angel - Quiet kid and popular girl fake dating (Angel dug herself in a hole and needs a fresh face to get out of it, David is only mildly reluctant cause he thinks Angel's pretty)
Asher and Babe - Football star and cheerleading captain (Don't ask, this is the one that inspired all the rest and now it's stuck here)
Milo and Sweetheart - Club presidents fighting for budgeting (SH runs the NHS chapter, Milo runs the drama club, both slightly resent each other because they need the funding)
Darlin and Sam - Frequently in detention and never in detention ("And just what has landed the school's goody goody in my neck of the woods?" "...I broke a guy's nose." "Hah, same.")
Vincent and Lovely - Superintendent's kid who ditches class and vigilant hall monitor ("Come on, can't you let it slide just this once~" "Do you want me to call your dad?" "No, no, I'll go back, please don't call him-")
Gavin and Freelancer - Academic rivals (FL actually takes it seriously, Gavin only pretends cause he loves to watch FL work)
I think I got all of them
I hope I got all of them
This is going to be a nightmare to tag-
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hrts4hanniehae · 7 months
clutch || ten
there are written parts :)
note that the timeline or educations may not add up but just ignore it because i don't have the brain power to sync up THIRTEEN + 1 's education schedules
a/n: sorry i was gone... but i'm back.
warnings: attempted assault, violence
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wonwoo had never in his life been so afraid. afraid of losing yn. yes. he had fallen for her. it only took weeks for her to break the hard shell he cast around his heart.
he couldn't bear to let her get hurt.
she was the first woman who had loved seollie with all her heart. she was the first woman her genuinely felt that he could confide in.
if comfort and security was a person, to him, it'd be yn.
and she was gone.
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yn barricaded herself in her art room. her sculpting tools would be of great use in this situation.
her stalker was jaeho. jaeho and e/n to be precise.
jaeho and e/n were in cahoots the whole time. the plan was to monopolise the 2 daughters of a rich family so that they could get money to fund their careers.
however, after jaeho successfully married chaeyoung, he realised she was going to ruin his reputation so he asked e/n to brutally leave yn so he cld be there to pick up the pieces and seduce yn.
after that, jaeho began to stalk yn o figure out her new place of residence. e/n, began to separately stalk her, in an attempt to get her back.
"yn. i told you that you were next. don't be scared. i won't do anything."
"jaeho, my parents hate me. what does attacking me do for you? you won't get ransom!"
"not from them. i'll get ransom from your precious boyfriend wonwoo."
"you aren't making any sense! if you want money, i'll just give it to you. please just get out!"
jaeho wanted to hurt her. he blamed her for his misfortune with chaeyoung.
"if you were better, i wouldn't have married chaeyoung."
"how is that my problem! what is wrong with you? i'm confused and scared and you don't make sense. pl-"
she was cut off by the sounds of crashing and something being slammed into a wall. she heard clatters of metal and shouting before she heard the comfort of a voice she knew so well.
"i'm here, yn. you're okay."
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synopsis: wonwoo is a popular streamer known for his incredible gaming skills and good looks. He turned heads. but he hates the attention. he just wants to play games and earn money. one day he receives a letter. his apartment’s rent has almost doubled. no warnings at all. his current paycheck from streaming can’t shoulder those bills. he has no choice but to rent out his spare room. to who? a fresh art university graduate who has… 1. a stable job ✅ 2. talent for art and sculpting ✅ 3. many friends ❌ 4. social anxiety ✅ 5. no filter ✅ when his iconic cat logo gets copystriked, she comes to the rescue with a new logo for him. when his apartment’s walls start peeling, she fixes it. whatever he used to struggle with… the empty space... was now filled by her. so what does he *last player standing* do when her ex *enemy spotted* tries to take her back? heh. *clutch* he clutches.
inspired by wonwoo's gam3bo1 streams, falling into your smile & gogo squid (has hints of valorant)
pairing: streamer!jeon wonwoo x fem!artist!reader (ft. jeongcheol, soonhoon, junhao, seoksoo, verkwan)
genre: fluff, comfort, slowburn, comfort, pining, bestfriend!minghao
warnings: stalker ex, toxic ex, mentions of abuse, guns (game), cursing, hate comments, panic attacks
started: 28.12.23
ended: ?
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jahayla-parker · 6 months
💭Headcanon: send in a character and a scenario or type of reader to get a bullet point list of thoughts on it.
okay okay, kaz brekker x sister!reader
Kaz Brekker's Sister Headcannons
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I feel like his sister would be the youngest (born after both Jordie and Kaz). 'Cause part of his trauma is being afraid to rely on someone older who he thought would take care of him.
Running with that thought, Kaz would take that ^^^ type of role towards his sister very seriously. He vowed he wouldn’t let her down the way Jordie let him down (don’t come for me! His internal thoughts mention this frustration in the books so it’s canon).
We know Kaz is obviously very protective over those he cares about, which would undoubtedly extend to his sister. But, his role as the older brother added to that. And his disappointment and anger towards Jordie’s role in what happened ask those years ago, added to that as well; he wasn’t going to do that to his sister.
Although, he knew it wasn’t something he could prevent. Since it already happened to her once; the same day it happened to him. Jordie was her older brother as well. But Kaz nevertheless vowed to never let her down.
Kaz vowed to never make her have to worry about or even question having a roof over her head, a warm room to sleep in, food , etc.
He kept a healer on hand should she get sick ever (even so much as a cold). He wasn’t taking any chances. While he refused to let healers touch him he required it for her wellbeing.
She never had to worry about her safety. He’d taught her how to defend herself, how to fight, kill, etc.
He kept her from having to experience the financial difficulties he was old enough to experience due to Jordie’s deal with Rollins and as they aged, he made sure it stayed that way now that she was old enough to be able to know if that was the case as he made sure they always had enough funds saved up and the means to get more some should it be needed.
Kaz would’ve been so upset when his sister became ill, to the point it inadvertently made himself much sicker from stress.
Kaz tried to do whatever he could to get her feeling better, giving any scraps of sustenance to her instead of taking his portion/share and using their only blanket to cover more of her body by not covering any of his.
It would only have driven his anger against Pekka even further because he not only lost his older brother, he almost lost his little sister and he watched her suffer the loss of jordie as well
Given she was so young (given the age gap between Jordie and Kaz at the time of incident, I’m assuming she’s roughly 7 ish), it was a lot to process and try to make sense of
And poor Kaz wasn’t much better at that; certainly not to the point he’d be able to be much help for her in this area
As such, he resorted to simply helping raise her as if this new life was simply how their lives had always been
Because he’d used the blanket on her and not himself, and had literally given her some of the clothing off his back to keep her from freezing to death, she’d managed to survive the night.
In fact, while her body was too hypothermic to wake up when the medics came through and took her brothers, she was fortunate enough to be just warm enough to not be considered dead the way Kaz was, and as such, wasn’t dumped in the harbor with Jordie.
As such, she didn't develop the trauma with touch like Kaz
But, it was her presence on land that truly drove Kaz’s survival.
His body was giving up and he wanted nothing more than to just give in
And he especially didn’t want to have to use his brother’s body as a flotation mechanism in order to survive
But his vengeance and his inherent need to protect his little sister drove him
We know Kaz is shit when it comes to being around sick people now (understandably) but the one exception would be his sister should she fall ill.
That’s not to say he wasn’t still horrible at handling it, or that he wouldn’t go into a full on panic spiral at the tiniest sign of her getting sick
But, he was also unable to pull himself from her side until she healed.
He refused to ever risk being away from her while she was ill ever again.
As far as his touch phobia, that undoubtedly extended to his sister as well, although he truly hated himself for it (more so than when it came to his touch phobia in general).
But, it was out of his control. Besides things got better with time.
It started rough and killed his spirit each time when his little 7yr old sister wanted to hold her surviving brother’s hand while walking through the “scary” streets of the Barrel or otherwise simply sought physical comfort from him.
Especially because he’d once been able to offer that to her and he knew she was old enough to remember that and he saw the clear proof of that in her sad eyes every time he pulled away
But by that point, he’d suffered the worst of it. So he knew they’d power through
The worst was when he made it back to her and he’d had to explain to her that jordie was not coming back. As if her sobs and screams weren’t painful enough for Kaz, she tried to cling onto him for support, only to find herself confused and more distraught when he scrambled away
With time, the two orphans inevitably took over the town.
At first Kaz wouldn’t let his sister get involved
Until he realized that was futile, especially if he wanted her to start safe
He had caught her defiantly trying to help on her own, so he eventually caved and taught her everything she needed to now how to do and brought her into the business
Inej and Kaz’s interaction about crows was actually similar to what happened with his sister years before and that’s what made him choose to name their new elite crewmembers and dare his sister say friends, his crows.
Kaz used his power in the Barrel to create a safety shield around his sister
He knew she was a vulnerability to him and in turn was at risk by association, so most people didn’t know she was his sister
She’d been hurt at first when he told her this was how they’d go about their new life, after all, she was so young and didn’t understand but he did it for her sake
And if people did find out about them being siblings, they’d assume that she and Kaz must not be as close as normal siblings because they saw the business relationship only and assumed that’s all there was between them even when finding out about the blood relation (it helped that Kaz always made a name for himself as someone who didn’t care about anyone else), which worked to keep people from using her as bait or something against Kaz. Which was what he’d masterminded of course.
She was 7 so she didn’t understand the need to change their last names and start fresh but she trusted Kaz fully
She is and was the only person he ever took flack from and or allowed/allows to yell or argue etc with him but only in private
Kaz knew his sister would be struggling with Jordie’s death, as he himself was and still is
But he knew he was not going to be much help
He did as much as he could, if she’d suffered anxiety or panic attacks, he was there to offer verbal assistance and support
And he helped her take part in getting revenge for what they went through
But he couldn’t talk about it. It was still too much and talking was no longer a strength of his.
He couldn’t talk to her when she was younger as he needed her to simply follow along with what he said and believe this was just the way things went all along
But as they got older he still found himself unable to talk to her about it
But that’s why he finally told Inej just enough for her to know that his sister would be having similar issues as him since she was so worried about his behaviors and in turn, he knew Inej would go to her and be able to offer the support he couldn’t
Again, I could go on and on, but I loved this idea!
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lulubelle814 · 3 months
A Marriage of Convenience - Part 1
Part 2
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“You will get married!  It’s time to settle down.”  Loki had dinner with his parents the night before, and Odin was relentless.  To make matters worse, Odin brought the sentiments on the matter into his work life at Valhalla Industries. His father ... .no, his adopted  father kept saying it’d look better for him in the company, heavily implying that he would not be considered to be in line to take over the company should he not.  Hela had fallen out of the line of succession when she told Odin to fuck off as she married the CEO of a rival company.  Thor had skipped out some time before, falling from grace when he married Jane against his father’s wishes.  That left Loki.  While Loki wanted to tell his adopted father where to go and how to get there, he was the only viable option.  After him was the idiot nephew Baulder.  While he hated Odin, he despised Baulder.  Everything was just handed to his idiot nephew.
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Two floors down, Eva Walmsley was in a pickle of her own.  She was soft spoken and lacked confidence.  While she was a tad taller than the average woman (5’11” at full height), no one in the office could tell as she tended to hunch over a bit as if to hide herself while dressing in clothes that were far from flattering, but they were all she could afford from the thrift shop.  On top of that, she’d been living in a shitty studio apartment and had just received a 30 day eviction notice.  Where was she going to find the time to look for a new place?  Where was she even going to get the funds?  Money had been tight.
While Odin paid his employees quite a bit, most of her earnings went to pay the many medical bills left when her brother passed two years ago.  Insurance wouldn’t cover most of his treatments as they were experimental, but that didn’t stop them from taking out loans so he could get into those trials.  He was her best friend, all she had left in the world and couldn’t find it in herself to regret a single penny borrowed from the bank even when the treatments stopped working because it meant that she knew they’d tried absolutely everything they could.  It was a few weeks after his passing that she got a job at Valhalla Industries as a glorified receptionist.  Mostly she would help with admin work in the office, but occasionally she would be sent to assist higher ups when they were drowning in paperwork.  Mostly, Odin had her assigned at random to Loki to try and use her as a spy, to see how his son was really doing.  He never seemed to accept her reports that Loki was doing well, but he kept sending her to him anyway as she was the only one Loki hadn’t sent away crying yet.
Loki was the only person she’d ever told about her brother.  They’d become unlikely friends, especially when she told him why Odin kept sending her specifically to help Loki.  No one befriends a receptionist, but he did.  Initially, he may have harbored some judgments towards her for her career choice, perceiving her as highly intelligent; however, as he got to know her better, his critiques softened and eventually vanished altogether.  Eva wanted so much more in life, but circumstances forbade it, and the thought of it made his heart break a little more each time.  
He’d often seen her wearing what even he considered to be an extremely beautiful and expensive ring.  When he finally asked about it, all she told him was “it was my mother’s,” never offering any other piece of information.
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That was until one day when he no longer saw her wearing it.  She’d never tell him, but Eva was short on the amount of money she needed for an unanticipated balloon payment to the bank and reluctantly sold it to a jeweler who paid quite a bit but not as much as she needed.  She could either cover rent or the balloon payment, but not both in their entirety.  So it surprised Loki to see her no longer coming in with it on her finger.  It seemed to be a permanent installation on her right hand.  He was further surprised at her ask for additional hours if they were available but wouldn’t say as to why.  It wasn’t hard to tell that she needed the money, and Loki knew she was too proud to just accept it as a gift.  Despite that, he tried to offer and was not surprised when she refused.  So instead, he had her help with some menial paperwork, paying her overtime out of his own pocket.
Loki had seen the light in her eyes fade, more so after the disappearance of her ring.  When he asked where it was, she gave excuses such as it was misplaced, it was being cleaned, or flat out ‘I didn’t feel like wearing it today.’  Something was definitely going on.
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Today was the worst state he’d seen her in since she started working at his father’s company.  Yet again, Eva refused to tell him why.  Loki pulled her into his office and closed the door to give them some privacy.
“Something is going on with you, and I’d like you to tell me what’s got you so downtrodden?”  Eva knew she couldn’t evade Loki’s questioning much longer and finally relented.  “You remember what I told you about the loan for the medical bills from my brother’s experimental treatments?”  Loki nodded.  “Well, there was a balloon payment I wasn’t aware of.  I didn’t have enough money to pay for it.  So I sold my mother’s ring.”
The mystery of the missing ring was finally solved.  “I sense that’s not the end of this story,” he said and encouraged her to continue when she shook her head.  “Even with the extra money from selling it, I couldn't cover both the balloon payment and rent.  The bank wouldn’t work with me on it.  So I paid the balloon payment and hoped my landlord would understand.”
Ah, the pieces were finally coming together.  “And I’m guessing he didn’t take it well?”  Once again, Eva shook her head.  “The only thing he gave me was an eviction notice unless I can figure out how to pay him for the next 3 months up front.”  This angered him.  The idiotic buffoon couldn’t see it in his heart to give her more time?  Suddenly, he had an idea.  Something that would solve both of their problems.
“I have a proposition for you.  I want you to hear me out before you say anything.”
He took a deep breath before continuing.  “My father has been hounding me to get married.”  Her eyes went wide, but he held his hand up in a silent request to allow him to continue.  “I am to take over the company; however, this can only occur should I take on a wife.  I understand you are in financial difficulty along with your horrid landlord evicting you.  So here’s what I propose.  We would marry, likely an elopement.  I’ll pay off any and all outstanding debts you have as well as fund you a new wardrobe.  I’m not saying you look bad.  It’s more that once we marry, you will be expected by my parents to dress to a certain standard.  You’ll also receive a monthly stipend as well as a bonus at the end of the contract in which we will divorce amicably.  I will even provide you with your own, fully paid for apartment which you can have furnished however you’d like, also paid for by me.”  
“You’re crazy, you know that?”  Loki knew she was right.  Who in their right mind would do this?  “I’m well aware of how insane this sounds, but it would solve both of our problems.”  There was no denying it.  
Loki wouldn’t tell her how much he’d leave in an account for her, but he would make sure it would be more than enough to cover tuition, books, and everything else she’d need covered should she wish to go back to university.  Or she could use the money to finally travel the world like she’d wanted.  Either way, it was up to her what to do with the money.
"As today is Tuesday, I suggest taking the next few days to carefully consider the matter and let me know your decision by the end of the week. Would that arrangement be acceptable to you?"  She nodded.  
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The next evening, the landlord poked her about the eviction notice, trying to get her out sooner rather than later and didn’t take it well when she told him to fuck off.  That next morning found her going directly to Loki’s office to accept his offer.  “The agreed period of time begins today.”  Before signing the paperwork he’d prepared in anticipation of her answer, they went over some key points.  “In public, we would act as a loving couple.  This will include hand holding, some kissing, and other forms of affection; however, I will not force you to do anything untowards.  If something makes you uncomfortable, I expect you to tell me so we may rectify it moving forward.  I may be an ass, but I am not a cad.”  They discussed if they would have a proper wedding or an elopement.  Whichever they chose, he said he would cover all the costs.  Twenty minutes later, they came to an agreement, and both signed the papers.  That evening, Loki arranged movers to help her pack and move into his place, giving her a bedroom of her own.
While the situation was not ideal, she would get to be married (at least on paper) to the man for whom she harbored a deep crush.
Dividers by @jiyascepter
Taglist: @vbecker10
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pigeonpeach · 8 months
Brains vs Brawn
Dehya vs Al haitham!
Fem reader
Summary: you, a new professor in the Akademiya is currently stuck between what might be scribe Haitham’s attempt at flirting and the Eremite Lady Dehya.
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Al haitham was a bit hard to understand at first. He was in fact, extremely blunt but also difficult to understand. He preferred to be alone mostly. Your experience studying when he was a student wasn’t notable. If anything he melted into the background minus when Kaveh, the most beautiful man you had ever seen, was talking to him. But now that you’ve become a professor he seems to… ‘bother you’. You aren’t certain but he critiques very often including your lenient grading requirements. But you aren’t irrational. You hear him out and stand your ground. Al haitham to you isn’t a bad person, he’s definitely not incapable of empathy or emotions. He is simply just stone faced and a very logical person. Logic and emotions don’t often coincide well together afterall. But you couldn’t really read him well. You knew he respected you but a crush? No you didn’t think that. Until he asked you out for lunch. Which was a surprise but still a nice free lunch.
The problem for Al haitham however isn’t that he’s too blunt or difficult to read, its that his rival is the complete opposite of him. Dehya, a eremite with not a unit completed or a term studied is his adversary and he knows she stands a greater chance of winning your heart. In fact he thinks she might’ve.
Dehya like Al Haitham is muscular but she’s also very socialable. She likes chatting with the ladies and when you started hiring her for expeditions regularly and paying her handsomely for such, she grew fond of you. Not because of your money but because you were a nice lady. She liked getting a glimpse of the life you had, she LOVED how you would open up about the scholars even airing dirty secrets to her in confidence, which she will keep. You two were unlikely friends. While your fellow professors believe Al haitham to be the better choice you just vibe well with her. Not to mention those muscles, oh eremites gals are truly a different breed. The muscles, the scars, the beautiful tan skin showing how hardworking she is.
But Al haitham wasn’t going to give up. He instead decided to read up on the subject of courting and romance a little more, finding it difficult but necessary. He went out of his comfort zone to ask his friends for advice. Which immediately made them think he was some impostor and also snoop around to discover it was you he was pursuing. Al Haitham made a effort to ask what you wanted to do or if you felt like you needed more funding, you were very talented at your profession and very humble though.
Al haitham doesn’t despise or even dislike Dehya, he understands that love is hardly ever a logical choice or thing, but that it is something he doesn’t fully grasp yet. But he also wants to understand it better with you. He likes the presence you bring and secretly adores how your annoyed or angry face looks when you argue with others. He doesn’t mind if you pick her though, in the end he trust’s you’ll pick who you like the most. He still will try and if he doesn’t succeed then he’ll just try again someday when he feels ready to.
Dehya meanwhile is actually confused but picks up that he’s pursuing you. She’s a bit feisty though so it just makes her all the more bold. But she isn’t going to try and sabotage him or ruin his life. She is confident that she could win your heart with her own tatics. And if she loses then well she tried. She’s an adult. She’ll handle her emotions accordingly. Probably can’t stand to see you with him but she’ll get over it.
Its truly a difficult choice as both of them have such nice physiques and are both strong and smart in their own way.
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ilguna · 1 year
☼ the other woman pt2 (Finnick Odair) ☼
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summary; a lot has changed these past six months, including the way you feel about Finnick.
warnings; swearing, it's cringy at the end lol
wc; 1.1k
notes; annie slander.
extra notes; kinda songfic, Should've Said No by Taylor Swift.
part one.
The filming process for the movie went on to last six months, and during that period of time, you were tortured for almost every second of it. In the beginning, it was difficult. Once the media heard about the break up and the cause behind it, that’s all they wanted to talk about for the longest time.
It was big news when you two started dating in the first place, because Finnick loved you, someone who didn’t fully understand the world he was living in. And now, it was making news again. After he said he liked being with you because you were on the outside, he had done a full one-eighty and claimed that it was easier for him to be with someone who was also famous.
With his relationship with Annie being out in the open, they could finally post pictures and be seen together. They no longer had to hide their identities, something they could’ve been doing for months until you finally caught on. You thought they would ease into it, but they didn’t care. 
They were all you were seeing for weeks.
You tried to hide, to go back to the life you were living before you’d started dating him. Except, the tabloids wouldn’t let you go. They wanted to hear your side of the story, what it was like during your time together. They wanted the messy details, the worse the better, so they could use you as a reason to smear his name and get more attention for it.
You couldn’t do it, you didn’t have the heart in you to. You could say a hundred nasty things about him, but half of them wouldn’t be true. In honesty, Finnick was one of the best boyfriends you’ve ever had. Up until it was revealed that he’d been cheating on you, of course.
You would’ve been in the right, you just didn’t want to start a fight. You let him go, and you were set on moving on from him.
Well, you tried to at least. Finnick had made a great impact on your life, whether you liked it or not. You made a lot of friends in his industry, most of them still talking to you. One of them is actually his best friend, Johanna Mason, a rock singer.
Johanna wasn’t your favorite friend of his by any means at the start, but as soon as you started talking to her more and got a hang of her personality, you hit it off. You opened up and began to talk to her the same way she joked with you. The two of you became attached at the hip overnight.
That’s why, when you wrote a song, the first person you went to was her. You felt silly, mostly because you’ve never written a song in your left. And you didn’t know what to do beyond that point. So, you pitched it to her, sang it to her, gave her the ideas of what you wanted in the background.
You told her that if she wanted it, she could have it. She then turned it back around on you, telling you that it wasn’t her genre, but she could definitely see you singing it. You tried to tell her that there was no way you were going to become anything more than a ghost writer, but she made you give it a try anyway. 
She wouldn’t let you invest a penny into the project. She funded the entire production, she helped you tweak the lyrics, she was there when you recorded the song. The only thing she couldn’t do is help you get a record company to pick it up. So, you uploaded it independently, thinking nothing would come of it.
However, with her promoting it on every social media site that she could, the streams started rolling in. The half of Finnick’s fan base that liked you, were the ones that streamed it the most. You were practically an overnight sensation.
It would only be a few weeks later, at the end of the six-month mark, when the announcement was made. To no one’s surprise, Annie Cresta—the actress known for serial dating her co stars—dumped your ex-boyfriend, Finnick Odair. It was less than twelve hours later, when all the pictures of the two of them were deleted off of her social media.
It was the best day of your life.
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Or that was until Finnick texted you a couple days ago, and it’s pretty obvious what he wants. He asked you to stay the night you confronted him, and he didn’t stop texting you until Johanna told him to leave you alone, two weeks later. He was making you upset.
It was weird, having his name pop up on your phone again. You couldn’t breathe for a second, but as soon as you read the message, the feeling was gone. Of course he’d come back to you once it was over. You told him this is what would happen, and now that he’s alone, he can’t live with it.
Well, you’re tired of being nice.
You sit down in front of the camera, adjusting the guitar in your lap, plucking at the strings. You tune the guitar, looking up at your phone every now and then. The first song you wrote was about your feelings immediately after the break up. And now that phase of heartbreak is gone, you’re got more ideas.
“Hey, guys.” You murmur, “I know it’s been a minute. I promised that I’d try to keep up, but I’m still new to this.” You strum the guitar, “I have been working on some new ideas, but this is an old one that I recently picked up again.”
You begin to strum faster, “I’m going to sing you a part of it, and I promise, the rest of it is being worked on.” You stop for a second, long enough for them to hear you clearly. “This one is Should’ve Said No.
“It’s strange to think the songs we used to sing. The smiles, the flowers, everything is gone.” You sing. “Yesterday I found out about you. Even now just looking at you, feels wrong.”
You take a breath. “You say that you’d take it all back, given one chance. It was a moment of weakness and you said yes.” You shake your head. “You should’ve said no, you should’ve gone home. You should’ve thought twice ‘fore you let it all go.
“You should’ve known that word, ‘bout what you did with her’d get back to me.” You tilt your head to the side, glancing at the camera. “And I should’ve been there, in the back of your mind. I shouldn’t be asking myself why.”
You grin a little. “You shouldn’t be begging for forgiveness at my feet.” You can’t help the laugh that leaves you. “You should’ve said no, baby and you might still have me.”
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cinnamonest · 1 year
Ever since i saw your whiney darling stuff i fell in love! Please tell us more! Maybe like how some characters would react to a really mean bitchy darling who always fights them! Or a rlly whiney prissy girl, like one of those entitled brat darlings, maybe for kazuha or childe where she thinks their whole life style is too gross for her
Ohhhh noooo those two would be so awful, albeit for different reasons... also making note of a few others worth mentioning for this concept
Kazuha is a better fit initially, but becomes progressively more frightening, whereas Childe is just an absolute menace overall. Childe finds your brattiness cute, at least for a while. He goes out of his way to provoke you and mess with you, especially anything that gets squeals and panic out of you. For example, if you're grossed out by blood and keep complaining about his tendency to come home practically caked with it or freak out when he tries to touch you with it all over his hands, he makes sure to do so to a greater extent, just for you! He's basically just awful because he'll pick at the things you dislike and actively do anything he can to upset you because it's just so cute.
That being said, he himself is picky about your behaviors in the sense of timing. He wants you to be all pouty and upset, but only when he wants it. Like, he'll do something to mess with you and get your reaction one minute, but now he's done with that, moving on, and wants you to be all affectionate and... you're not. What do you mean, you're still upset about what he did 5 minutes ago? Now this is a problem, he's supposed to be able to just sort of shift your moods around like a light switch. He doesn't want you to be irked anymore, he wants you to be happy and nice now so why are you mad and not immediately conforming to what he wills you to feel like at any given second? Unbelievable.
Kazuha on the other hand... he manages very well, in terms of his own emotional regulation, and he's better at first than Childe because he's accommodating, tries his best to please you. He doesn't get outwardly angry or loud or volatile, no, he handles it the same way he does everything, with a soft smile on his face that's starting to seem a bit eerie the more you complain and the quieter and more twitchy he gets. He can actually take quite a bit of your abuse with a soft smile on his face, only trying to gently dissuade you. Hey, now, let's be reasonable..., or it's not so bad, see?, or don't worry, we can stop and rest soon, so on and so on... for a while. He has his limits.
Something you do eventually pushes him over the edge. His smile doesn't drop, but you'll just be whining and complaining and all of a sudden his hand is around your throat with a crushing, asphyxiating grip.
Hey... let's try to be more positive for a little bit, okay? Can you do that for me?
The intensity of your windpipe being crushed is so unmatched with his pleasant expression and soft tone that it leaves you reeling. But he's waiting on an answer, and you find yourself frantically nodding your head so he'll let go. Needless to say it keeps you quiet and well-behaved for a while. Until you inevitably act out again, leading him to another slow build-up of frustration until you get him to snap again, and next time might be a little more aggressive.
Also worth mentioning: there's another tier of being a bad fit, but in a different sort of way: Kaveh, Thoma, Chongyun and Bennett. All four poor things try so hard to bend to your every whim and are so desperate to make you happy that they'd wear themselves ragged trying to fix anything you whine about. Problem is that if that's just your nature, eventually it's going to reach a point where they get genuinely depressed and discouraged. At the very least, Thoma can probably accommodate your tastes a bit given that he's living on a very nice estate, and Chongyun can sometimes get a certain friend to donate some funds for him to use to make you happy, but the other two are screwed. Kaveh doesn't exactly have a lot of spending money, and even on the rare occasion Bennett finds a chest that has actual mora in it, something always goes wrong with trying to buy you something. So you'll just have to live with their frugal lifestyles... please, they'll get hurt if you're too mean about it, and can you really live with yourself knowing you've made them sad? Could you really look into those eyes and be mean?
Diluc is somewhere in the middle actually, but leaning more towards a good fit simply because he has the resources. He does have a disdain for snobbish behavior on your part, but to be honest, he quickly realizes that just giving you what you want is far easier than trying to reason with you, and he actually has the means to do so, so, he thus ends up admittedly often just giving in. Less whining that way, and frankly, whining irks him very quickly. Oh, and not to mention, he gives in easily because he still holds out hope that tending to and appeasing your pickiness will hopefully endear him to you, and he's desperate for anything that can accomplish that. One could argue this makes him both a good and bad fit for such an individual -- good in the sense that he can fulfill your desires, but bad because by doing so, he's just making your spoiled tendencies that much worse.
Xingqiu is primarily difficult because frankly, you having brat tendencies makes you two of a kind. As much as he tries to maintain his chivalrous humble aura, as always, that chivalry thing tends to suddenly dissipate when he starts not getting his way. And when that happens, you'll find he can be incredibly stubborn.  And when you're stubborn and picky and he's stubborn and picky you two are going to reach an impasse very quickly. Because he wants to do this, go here, eat this, get up and go to bed at this time and have you wear this and do this thing together, but what you want is totally different from everything he wants, and that's an issue. Obviously, logically the less important opinion (yours) should be the one that gets overridden, but you seem pretty reluctant to agree. Truly baffling.
He's pretty pushy about it, but with a smile and pleasant demeanor, trying to maintain the charismatic image of himself he likes to exude. After a while, though, you can whittle him down further and further to the point that he snaps and his spoiled rich child side comes out in full force, but only for a few seconds before he catches himself and corrects it. Only now, he's even more irritated at you for making him do that, treats it as if you actively committed some transgression against him.
And lastly, Albedo is also one that can't really be categorized as good or bad -- he's technically good at dealing with it, but in such a way that is very bad for your sake. He's definitely the most humiliating to deal with, and he nips the brat behavior in the bud very quickly. He doesn't get angry very easily, he stays calm and collected even if you throw tantrums and get furious. Eventually, after enough of him silently taking your complaining, he finally speaks.
Mm. Alright then.
You don't like the tone he uses, and it's ominous foreboding of what's to come.
Basically, he takes the route of malicious compliance. You complain about his presence, and you find yourself being dumped outside the front door in the freezing cold.
Well, you did say you didn't want to spend another second with me in the room, so I suppose you'll have to wait out here. Unless you'd like me to let you back in.
Complain about food? Alright, then you can just not eat. Complain about sleeping in the same bed? Have fun on the floor with no blankets, at least until you nicely ask to be allowed back in bed. Complain that he keeps staring at you when he's fucking you? You can be flipped onto your front side and get choked and railed from behind instead. Complain about the clothes he gives you? Okay, you can have none.
Basically he's a little bastard about it, but the most infuriating part is that it works, and very quickly too. You inevitably find yourself watching your tongue more often, and complaining less, and being more submissive. But if it gets to where you're a little bit too compliant, he might start going out of his way to do subtle little things to pull some more bratty outbursts out of you... after all, said outbursts are cute, so he doesn't want them to disappear completely, and your teary eyes and humiliation later on is even cuter.
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amostexcellentblog · 1 year
The Hangman's Guide to Winning Over Your Disapproving Admiral-In-Law
Step 3: Never, Ever, Let Him See You Cry
(Part 1 and Part 2)
Maverick: ...and the doctor says it's a miracle he survived at all. Jesus, it should've been me. The Darkstar was my project, I was the test pilot for all the earlier models, but I wanted him there with me, and I wanted to show that I trusted him.
Iceman: He chose this life, he knew the risks. We have to accept that Mav... But damnit it's easier said than done.
Hangman: *Shouts getting louder as he approaches* Rooster! ROOSTER! *Stops in the doorway, out of breath, still in a flight suit* Oh, Bradley... *Walks to his bedside* What.. Is he... Will he be okay?
Maverick: It's hard to say. The doctors say they've done all they can do, at this point it's largely psychological. If the spirit is willing he'll wake up within the next few days and he'll survive, get better and live out his life. But if he doesn't wake up then his body will start to shut down and eventually... They say the odds are 50/50, but I don't know.
Iceman: The thing is, even if he wakes up the doctors are sure he'll never walk again. Everything he's ever wanted, gone just like that, his career as a pilot, the navy, his engagement. How could he possibly want to wake up to all that?
Hangman: Engagement? What, you think he won't want me anymore just because he can't walk? Well tough luck Bradshaw because I ain't goin' nowhere! You tried to get out of this before during the uranium mission and I put a stop to it then too. You're never getting rid of me Bradshaw! Even if I have to steal your wheelchair and tie you to the bed! *Wipes the first tears from his eyes*
Hangman: Speaking of beds, remember we were looking at houses and I wanted that 5th floor walkup because you could see the ocean, but you wanted that 1-story bungalow because it had a yard? Well I guess you went and made that decision for me, you sneaky son of a bitch! But if you wake up, I'll forgive you. I'll even build you a ramp to the front door, and a deck out back so you can sit and enjoy that backyard you wanted so much. Course, I'll have to learn about carpentry and power tools first, but how hard can it be?
Hangman: Hmm... What else can I bribe you with? Ooh, if you wake up we'll have a fun new role playing opportunity. We can pretend we're in Coming Home and you'll be Jon Voight and I'll be Jane Fonda. Unless you wanted to try it the other way, but I don't know how well that will work... *Choked sob*
Hangman: I'm runnin' out of things to say here, Bradley. I guess the real reason you need to wake up is that I love you. I love those hick shirts you wear and the way you always have them buttoned wrong. Look like a giraffe, and I love you. I love how you can only play three songs on the piano, one of which is chopsticks, but whenever you see one you swagger over to it like you're Mozart, and I love the way you blush right up over your ears. I love you because you don't know how to kiss, always shoving your tongue down my throat like you have to map every inch of it because this might be your last chance. You jerk!
Hangman: I love you. Please wake up. I love the life we've had together, but I'm a selfish prick who wants more. Please wake up. I'll love the future life we'll make together and I promise I'll do everything I can to make you love it too... Please wake up Bradley... Please... I love you... Plea... *Breaks down in tears*
Iceman: Jake, my bubbe, when she was married back in Poland she wore a lace veil she'd commissioned from the finest lacemaker in Paris. When the war came and they had to sell everything they had to raise the funds to get out of the country, it was the only thing she kept from her old life. When her son got married, she gave it to my mother to wear as a welcome-to-the-family present. For our wedding, Maverick wore it wrapped around his arm. When you and Bradley get married, I'd like you to wear it.
Hangman: Thank you sir, I'd be honored.
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Inspired by one of maribat-menagerie's proposals
One of the big things that happen in almost every Maribat fic is Adrien getting stripped of his Miraculous so a batboy can be the Black Cat. But you could actually play with this idea of Adrien becoming Catwoman's apprentice/accomplice:
The story starts in stereotypical Maribat fashion with Marinette feeling unappreciated for her efforts and easily falling for whatever Batboy came into town to solve all her problems. Things progress as normal: Robin uncovers Gabriel, Lila gets sent packing and Adrien gets thrown to the wolves because he didn't do what the Batboy did- left to enjoy the association of being Hawkmoth's son while losing Plagg.
Because it turns out that Ladybug does actually believe in the idea that the holders of creation and destruction are soulmates, just not with him.
Anyhow normally this is where Adrien's story in a Maribat fic would end. He's condemned to a mundane life of public disgrace and suffering while Marinette goes to Gotham to live the superhero dream.
But not this time. Sure, Marinette leave with her Box and the Ring now fits on Robin's finger, but Adrien's not quite done. Sure it seems that way and as he retreats from public life under the heat of condemnation he falls into a deep depression. He's lost everything. His friends (can't be associated with Hawkmoth's son). His family (Nathalie is probably dead, Gabriel is in prison forever and The Gorilla needs employment after all). Even his home was seized by the The State- if not for a small trust fund Nathalie had had the foresight to set up for him he'd have nowhere to live at all.
The best he can do is live in an old house far in the countryside, hoping that people won't recognize him with his dyed black hair. At this point, all Adrien has to his name of his old life are his parents rings- one last gift snuck to him by Nathalie. Holding a secret within whose revelation robbed him of even his humanity.
It seems that after everything he did to try and make a life for himself outside of his gilded cage, he's doomed to spend his life in this new one. A cage made of crumbling old walls who were his only protection from a hostile world beyond them.
At least until one day, a certain Cat shows up. Not Plagg as Adrien dreamed of seeing again, or even the Robin who appeared in his nightmares to taunt him, but the infamous antihero Catwoman.
She' was surprised that he noticed her sneaking in, but Adrien's senses were still sharp from his time as Chat Noir. But it makes no real difference, one way or the other she's leaving with what she came for: The Graham de Vanily rings.
It turns out that his dear Auntie still wanted "her heirlooms" back, so she'd contracted Catwoman to go get them. Normally she wouldn't take such contracts, but with the Bats having ready access to magical jewellery her usual picking grounds were becoming harder to play in.
This breaks something in Adrien. After everything he's lost, after everyone had abandoned him in one way or the other, after neither Felix or Amelie could be bothered to help him in his time of need they still wouldn't let him have his soul?
Catwoman seems bemused by his spluttering, but she's intrigued enough to let him elaborate. Adrien knows from one look at her that he has no chance of beating her in a fight anyway, she'd get his rings one way or the other so he might as well tell her the truth. It's not like he owed anyone his silence and no one had actually cared about his side of the story since he'd lost Plagg.
So he spills. He takes the chance to rant about his situation, how he'd tried his best to be Ladybug's partner but he'd been pushed away, sidelined without cause. how his parents had had a magical slave collar on him since his creation. How his friends had abandoned him, how Ladybug who'd promised him "them against the world" had dropped him like garbage the second she'd gotten a "better model".
Selena listens, but she also happens to know Marinette herself- at least through others and knows the story on both sides now. So she bemusedly tries to correct him- only to find herself corrected:
Catwoman: You didn't exactly try to help her that much did you though?
Adrien: Ladybug pushed me away every time I tried. But I was always there for her. Every time she needed someone to fall on his sword for a plan. Every time she needed a shield I used myself. The one time I failed to show up, she stopped calling on me and started using an entire team instead.
Catwoman: Were you really that great a partner though? Robin picked up the ring and did a better job than you did even though you'd had it for months, plus all the training as a holder the old Guardian gave you that Robin didn't have while he was in France.
Adrien: What training? Fu never trained me. I didn't even know he trained Ladybug. As for Robin, maybe the fact that he's been trained by Batman for years before he even came to Paris might play a factor?
You know, I had martial arts and acrobatics before I put on the ring but I'll bet training under "the dark knight" might just be a bit above that. Oh, and Ladybug actually told Robin things. I didn't even know about the Grimoire until after the last battle.
Selena: But what about your friends? I've done my research you know? They said you were two-faced and cowardly, you knew about Lila and did nothing. You got your friend Marinette to take the high road and do the same.
Adrien: Did nothing? As far as I knew when I gave that advice Lila was just lying for attention and the first time I tried to get her to stop she got Akumatised on the spot. Marinette was freaking out and acting crazy, the only thing she was doing was making herself look worse in front of the class and risking Lila getting Akumatised again. It was the best advice I could give her until Hawkmoth was captured, or unless someone could prove she'd done something bad enough to get her sent out of Paris.
But I did what I could.
When Lila got Marinette expelled, I was the one who stepped up and helped her. No one else. I couldn't prove anything. I'm not a Robin trained by the Greatest Detective in the world. But I knew what Lila wanted and I used myself as collateral to get her to stop.
And two-faced? That's rich from my "friends". I've had time to think and realise what they were doing all those times they left me and Marinette together. Even before they left me out to dry they treated me more like some prize for Marinette to win instead of a friend, it was all some big game to them.
Now none of them speak to me now that I'm not a rich-boy celebrity anymore. It's like they all decided that I'm responsible for their mistakes with Lila.
And so the conversation continues. For the first time, Adrien finally gets to tell his side of the story, even if it's to someone who came to rob him of the one thing of value he had left. And Selena... is intrigued.
She looks carefully over the boy. He's a pretty thing, but he's also clearly strong. There's still lean muscle on him despite the year trapped in this miserable little house. It suddenly strikes her ironically just how much like one of Bruce's Robin's he is- especially with his hair dyed black.
An athletic, intelligent young man made from birth to be a perfect heir to an evil father? One whose socialization had come far, far too late to be healthy? An echo of Damian.
All around her were cheap, but well-read books on an eclectic range of subjects. Tim would find plenty of common interests with this one.
The spark wasn't there now, not in this broken shell of a boy. But when Chat Noir had been in his prime even Dick would have found a cat-themed mirror for his puns and the sheer joy he took in his freedom as a superhero.
Thankfully there's precious little of Jason in him and the similarities to the rest of the bat-family faded from there. But it was undeniable how well he fit the shape of a Robin, even down to the lack of a family with Gabriel Agreste apparently having no interest in his son even before his life sentence.
But he wasn't a Robin now was he? He was a cat.
And in this place, in this dead-end of a life: he had nothing to lose.
Selena asks him for his rings.
Adrien, exhausted from his rant, simply hands them over. What would be the point in fighting?
But to his surprise: Selene doesn't leave or mock him or anything else that he expected. But rather she raises the rings to her skilled eyes to make sure she had the real things and then asks him a question;
Answer me; was anything you just said a lie?
Adrien is compelled to confirm that it was the truth.
Selena considers him once more. Considers his performance as Chat Noir again. Considers what he'd achieved without the training he should have had.
There was potential here. Potential that had been discarded and left to rot. Potential with no loyalties left to his family, friends or anything else. With a new name, a new mask: this boy could become to her what Bruce's Robins were to him.
And really, the Vanily's money couldn't really compare to what she could do with a kitten of her own. One with a bit of resentment ready to be aimed at Bruce's new foundlings that were annoying her so badly.
Selena: So Adrien, you were a bit of a rulebreaker once upon a time. Do you still have that in you?
It turns out that Adrien very much did.
Wonderful prompt! A lot of salt fic stories don't tend to focus on what would come after the story ends, it just assumes that anyone that isn't Marinette just lives miserably ever after. Having Adrien make a comeback without a even having a miraculous sounds actually dope.
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nychthemeron-rants · 4 months
Single Mom AU pt 3
Laia’s (Laios’) Timeline
Pt. 1 (AU Summary) Pt.2 (Name Guide) Pt. 4 (Chilchuck's Timeline)
Age 13- tried to disguise herself as a boy and join the army to escape ridicule from both her father and the other kids at school. Was caught and returned home near immediately. This resulted in severe punishments from her parents and even more social isolation from her peers. Her close relationship with her little brother, Fanil, is what got her through this dark period in her life.
Age 14- Encouraged Fanil to go to the magic school their parents have been threatening to send him to. She knew that since Fanil was their only son they didn't want to actually send him and were hoping that the threat would be enough to get Fanil to “act normal” but Laia knew Fanil could use this as an opportunity to escape and make something better of his life than inheriting their father's position.
Age 16- Reached adulthood and was married off to Dimar, the 19 year old eldest son of a wealthy merchant from their village. Dimar's family only agreed to the marriage because of Laia’s status and the chief's daughter and eldest child. While Dimar had heard of Laia's peculiar ways, he also knew she was proficient in many of the skills a “good wife” needed to have, and he considered her good looking enough to be fine with the arrangement. Laia wasn't thrilled but was raised to expect an arranged marriage and was honestly relieved that her husband seemed kind and was of a similar age.
Age 17- Her daughter, Lind, was born. It was shortly after the birth of their daughter, that Dimar's feelings towards the marriage turned from passive contentedness to resentment, as the added responsibility of raising a child with a woman he did not love began to weigh on him. Laia noticed her husband growing distant but blamed it on the exhaustion of having a newborn (despite Dimar doing little to help with Lind). 
Age 19- Dimar's resentment towards Laia and, by extension, Lind, for supposedly holding him back and saddling him with responsibility at a young age and leaving him unfulfilled boils over. He divorces Laia suddenly, leaving their village without informing anyone where he’s gone. He even, vindictively, sold their home expecting her and Lind to simply move back in with her parents. 
Laia, instead, took this as an opportunity to finally leave her village and try to make a life for herself and her daughter thats better than what she's experienced thus far. Obviously her parents were strongly against this, but being an adult now they couldn't do anything about it.
She felt only mild irritation at Dimar's action as she also felt no satisfaction with her life as his wife, had never loved him, and again, saw this as a chance for a new life 
Age 19 cont. - Made it to the Magic academy to see Fanil before she picked where to settle. Besides, Fanil had never had the chance to actually meet his niece before, which Laia wanted to remedy ASAP. 
Fanil convinced her to settle in the town next to the school so they can see each other regularly, which she did, picking up odd-jobs to fund the small apartment she was renting.
Age 22 - Odd jobs stop paying as well and living expenses get dire. Fanil suggests they start adventuring while they ask the school to look after Lind while they're gone. Laia is hesitant at first, considering Lind is only 5, but relents when Fanil asks his best friend and teacher Marcel to help them find long term babysitters for  Lind for cheap. They then join the gold stripping party.
(Marcel is EXTREMELY against this idea as he doesn't want Fanil to leave the school so close to graduation, but relents because he knows Fanil is going to go regardless, and knows that Lind being at the school means he HAS to come back. Still low-key judges Laia, whom he has never met, for being so much of a hot mess she has to “kidnap” her little brother away from his education and dump her daughter on the school.)
Age 23- Leaves the gold stripping party and forms her own party with Fanil. 
Lind, now 7, is old enough to enroll in the Magic Academy, allowing Laia and Fanil to go on longer Adventures as they don't need to go back to the school quite as often. (Both still write Lind as often as possible and visit frequently, as well as Laia sending most of her money back to Lind)
Laia discovers that Chilchuck is also adventuring for the sake of her daughters as a single mother. This happens after Chil discovers Laia quietly crying over a letter from her daughter. In order to comfort her, she explains that she understands her feelings because she has kids to look after too. However, Chil doesn't specify her daughters’ ages and tells Laia to keep her family info quiet.
Age 24 - Marcel joins the party to look after Fanil and try to convince him to come back, after a year ensuring Lind is adjusting well to the school. Decides to stay for research and Fanil.
Age 26 - Plot begins. Fanil is swallowed by the red dragon and with the weight of having her (now 9 year old) daughter on the surface waiting for her safe return, she ventures back into the dungeon with no provision to save her brother.
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haitianempress · 15 days
Theory about the Garden of Eden Club
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So with this update we are finding out a lot about the club and I have several theories in mind surrounding it.
I feel like Mr. Kim is apart of making sure Idols get pressured into going to the club.
He claims he's mad at everyone in the group and wants better for them, but he doesn't address the fact that the idols have personal issues. If he were really mad, he would fire the idols immediately, especially Lin, who has been given many chances! Something is up.
He literally hired Dong-hyun, the son of a famous person with no degree in psychology, to give therapy sessions to his idols lmao.
He also hired Castiel, whose father is a successful CEO. Do you think he doesn't know anyone at the club who could threaten the idols?
He probably makes more money from these poor idols whose mental health is declining so badly that they would do anything to succeed. He seems like the type to take advantage. He’s suspicious, sorry.
Every single artist under the company is popular due to outside forces coming into play to help boost the Idols popularity.
Seo-yoon went to the club and got in contact with a benefactor who helped skyrocket the group's career. But with that came her failing health and eventual suicide.
After Seo-yoon's death, Mi-yeon suddenly surpasses the group in success and starts avoiding Luna. However, Mi-yeon was not feeling well in the days before her death, and she discovered the person who pushed Luna's sister into taking her life. She also commits suicide.
It's Castiel's father who is funding RK3, so he can get money back by helping cover up what happened to his son at the club. Without his support and money, they would have fallen off the charts and disbanded.
Dean literally admits that he's spying on everyone at the company for elite people. These people could include Mr. Kim or individuals associated with the Garden of Eden. He says he's a fox for a reason, and perhaps that helps him pay his bills and support X-EVO's success on the charts.
They are overworked so bad on purpose in order to make them vulnerable so they can get more Idols to go to the club and make deals.
You heard it from Luna they HAD to be pushed to exhaustion when working hard for their debut cause it's a lot of money to prepare Idols for the beginning of their careers.
After they flopped post-debut, they needed to repay that money somehow. Seo-yoon, afraid of seeing her sister and group members hit rock bottom, sought out desperate measures.
After the idols in the club were used and then discarded, they were pushed to commit suicide so that the club wouldn't appear guilty and wouldn't have to pay them back.
Seong-hwa may have this sweet, hardworking leader vibe, but Luna has seen him exhausted and trying to hide the bags under his eyes multiple times. He is the only one in X-EVO who is like this, which is concerning. What could be causing this?
Additionally, he knew Seo-yoon was going to the club based on a picture he had of her leaving in his camera roll. Maybe he didn't speak up not just because he wanted to protect Luna, as he claims, but also because he's scared to say anything since someone is probably watching.
I think many of the idols, when they go to the club, end up selling their bodies, selling drugs, and becoming recruiters who lure other idols to the club.
Castiel tried his hardest to save Seo-yoon from whatever was happening in the room she entered but was stopped by a man who literally tried to sexually assault him.
Idk if Dean or Castiel said this but one of them said something about watching your drinks so someone won't slip in something…
In notion, this implies that approaching strangers and drugging, groping, harassing, or even raping them is accepted there.
A lot of idols are roped in because they are caught in compromising situations where they could be exposed. The elites use this to their advantage and threaten to blackmail them if they don't go to the club.
Poor Castiel was sexually assaulted by a man, and to prevent the story from getting out, his father paid the man and the club for their silence. But that protection didn’t extend to Seo-yoon. His father is making him work hard and physically abusing him because he can’t make much money off RK3.
Luna is heading down a dangerous path, getting involved in investigations with both her 'therapist' and the group's songwriter. They both know people who have been to the club.
They are using her to do things cause they know grief is tearing her apart and she wants answers. Not to mention Minhyuk caught her outside the club,
She shouldn’t trust anyone, even if they know people hurt by the club. Minhyuk’s full intentions aren’t clear! LUNA IS IN DANGER!!
Lin is on the verge of making the same mistakes as the other girls, but he’s acting irrationally and angrily. They are trying to keep him in line and imposing tighter restrictions on him, and his group’s poor performance is pushing him to desperate measures. Like Seo-yoon, he may seek outside help to save his group because he feels guilty.
Luna discovered that Mi-yeon might be gay or bisexual based on her crush on Castiel and her relationship with Seo-yoon, as seen from the photos and texts. But what if someone else knew this and threatened to blackmail her by releasing the photos if she didn’t comply with their demands?
That's all! What do you guys think?
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shmowder · 1 month
This has been on my mind since I originally saw that meme but why is dankovsky canceling my credit card? And is it somehow related in anyway to my credit card having been stolen by someone else? I have to know the credit card lore! Better yet what if I stole his credit card? What’s he gonna do? Cancel it?
Also secondary question where would the patho women fall on the scale of credit card theft,being the credit card and canceling the card…wanna bet that Maria would be somewhere on the stealing credit card spectrum that seems like something she’d do
The last row is supposed to include people who hold the power to cancel your credit card without your knowledge or approval. So the town governor, the nation wide famous doctor and lastly the magical reality altering conscious plague. I would've added Georgiy in there wasn't it for him sadly not meeting the requirements of whoring enough.
But your version sounds fun ngl, the first row steals your credit card, the second row is your spare credit card in the meantime and the third takes it upon themselves to cancel it before the fraudulent charges come in.
If you stole Dankovsky credit card you'll return it soon enough because of the huge amount of bills and borrowed money he has on it. Funding an entire lab ain't cheap, he was going broke and running out of funds by the time the powers that be decided to get on his case, which is why he got desperate enough to travel to the town.
Why he wanted to "earn fame" so bad by creating the first ever vaccine to the sand plague. BECAUSE THAT'S THE ONLY SOURCE OF INCOME HE KNOWS. What could a doctor in thanatology ever help you with? who would even book consultations or appointments with him? Why do you think he also specialised in vaccines? Thanatica wasn't putting bread on the table, that's why.
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Maira: She only steals it because she tried to cancel it first but failed so this was her plan B
Anna: Old habits die hard... she might feel bad later if you're friends and pretend to have "found it" on the ground before returning it.
Aspity: no remorse.
Yulia: She worked for the inquisiton before and she is currently employed by the Olgimskays to sit around and do nothing. She is rich, in fact I think she was a trust fund kid, she just never flaunts her money around. She donates to Lara's shetler in P1 which shows she has large amounts of spare money.
Lara: She is in fact actually rich in canon! The only daughter to an army general, it makes sense. But she gave all of her money and belongings away once her father passed. Established a shelter and literally donated everything she owns, now she lives humbly.
Victoria: there weren't enough milf characters so we had to dig her up from the grave alongside Nina.
Aglaya: She more than has the power to cancel it. In fact, she can cancel your birth certificate and passport as well. She can even cancel your subscription to life with one order.
Katerina: She doesn't have the power, but her husband does. All she needs to do is go cry to him about it, and he'll immediately fold.
Nina: She has the mystical powers to cancel it. Your charges keep getting declined and your account is frozen. Your bank doesn't know what's wrong because everything is fine on paper.
Wasn't there space left for Eva but if I had included it her it would be in the "Babygirl x Steals your credit card" square. She does it by accident tbf, she is just used to people handing her money, food, expensive drinks, their credit cards and everything she could ever want. You leave it on the table and she assumes it's a gift for her.
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