#sorry i didnt add steph :(
a-deck-of-cards · 1 year
real things said in the wayne manor - pt. 3 ( a normal morning in the wayne manor )
previous : pt. 2
[ 4.57 AM ]
Jason: *climbing into the kitchen of the Wayne Manor through the window*
Jason: Sup Tim, how’s the essay.
*open lights to Tim writing an essay with coffee in hand*
Tim: Working. How’s patrol.
Jason: Patrolling.
*opens cupboard to cass eating cereal in it*
Jason: Hi Cass.
Cass: *fist bump*
Dick: *bursts in* GOOOOD MORNING, how were your nights!
Tim: *covers ears* Too loud, Dick.
Damian: Alfred the Cat requires his daily nutrients.
Duke, who just wanted a snack: . . .
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secretlythatsme · 7 months
also i feel like "adoption bait" jokes are like,, only funny maybe once, and the reality of bruce is actually trying to Not bring in more kids but everyone after jason forced themselves into the family is Way more interesting for dpxdc fics. especially in bad fenton parents aus?
the thing is, bruce has a lot of hesitance with bringing new people in, especially kids because 1. they will not be safe even if they don't become vigilantes 2. they can't be trusted 3. it's a lot harder for everyone to hide who they are if they bring a civilian in and 4. bruce now feels responsible for the life of Another kid. like,, i get why people make the adoption jokes, but i think the angst potential is so much more interesting than "bruce and co immediately want to adopt danny".
like can you imagine an au with bad fenton parents and danny is still a teen and he's heard about how bruce/batman brings in sad cases. maybe, just maybe this guy could actually help him? give him a safe home? or maybe danny doesn't want to be adopted right away but slowly bonds with the family and eventually wants to be included. the heartache knowing that bruce doesn't want that to happen. like?? hello!!!
there's sooo much you could do with bruce not wanting more kids in the family!!! so much!!!
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etherealstar-writes · 8 months
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pairings: lionesses x reader
summary: in which you're accidentally added to a random group chat, not knowing they're all actually famous footballers, and obliviously end up having many of them competing for your love and attention.
part: twelve
part one here
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stairway still cannot believe this tho y/n 😔
neev neither 😔
willybum the betrayal 😔
the REAL karate kid y/n just so you know, we are not okay 😔
lotte 😔
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ so um ....
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ he never showed up got stood up 😔
elton oh
stairway that is so sad
willybum that truly is terrible to hear
the REAL karate kid very sad
neev that really sucks
meado you idiots! atleast be nice and pretend to actually feel bad! ignore them y/n i'm really sorry to hear that he didn't deserve you at all
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ thank you beffy 🥺 it's fine gonna thrive in my single life forever i guess 😔✊
stairway well y/n i'm free tonight 👀
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ so am i 👀
willybum absolutely not we have our semis tomorrow you're not going anywhere
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ that is very unfortunate georgia 😔 maybe one day
stairway 😔
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ you know now that i'm getting better at my woso knowledge do a few of your teammates just not like messaging? bcuz there's a few not on this chat
neev hold on a sec you're right! chloe, esme, kirby, turner and zelem aren't even in the chat
staiway you forgot to add them ??
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ and you guys just realised 😭😭
elton shhhhh i'll add them now
elton added ona batlle
elton oh nuggets
the REAL karate kid HELP
elton i am walking and eating a donut and i accidentally clicked on the wrong person
willybum added katie
willybum do not trust ella to add people to this chat anymore
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ omg hey ona!
kie oh my days
ona batlle hello! :) i am not on the england team?
earpsy you qualify to be here anyway don't ya worry
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ ona, may i just say you are very peng
stairway Y/N.
neev peng 😭😭
ona batlle i am not sure what that means but i can only assume that it is good so thank you!
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ do you think i'm peng?
ona batlle yes sure! of course!
stairway 😐😐
katie ur ugly
elton hey katie! nice to see you too
katie i was talking to you
elton that is not nice
katie neither is being friends with you
elton i am not sure where this attitude has come from
willybum i love this new zelem
katie i hope you fall in the shower
willybum i take that back
katie HAH WILLYBUM THESE NAMES 😭😭 and i'm not katie zelem
meado i cannot believe how you guys keep doing this you added katie mccabe not zelem
rusty metal you literally added ona earlier ...
willybum changed the name katie to mccard
mccard was that name really necessary? really?
willybum yes.
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ OMG THE KATIE MCCABE ILY
mccard hello y/n ❤️
willybum absolutely not stay away from our y/n mccabe
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ OMG CAN WE ADD STEPH CATLEY TOO I LOVE HER
the REAL karate kid HUH
stairway hey hey hey you're supposed to be the lionesses' biggest fan what is this betrayal
neev yeah 😔😔
mccard added steph
meado STEPHYY hey girl!
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ OMG OMG NO ONE MOVE
steph katie did you add me here to get attacked bcuz i'm aussie? and heyy beffy!
mccard not this time :)
steph national diving time?! help 😭😭
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ omg hi!! ily you're amazing
steph aww thank you y/n!!
stairway look toone what have you done everyone's stealing y/n away from us now
elton how is any of this my fault?!!
the REAL karate kid it is
neev it is
lotte it is
willybum it is
earpsy it is
brightness it is
daily it is
stairway it is
rusty metal it is
meado it is
mccard it is
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i hate you all so much
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
part thirteen here
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audiovisualrecall · 3 months
Yesterday I was trying to find out from our older sister if she was still cool with the plan to grill for dinner, and also I wanted to ask if our parents were interested in coming or not/if they had other plans for dinner (we already ate 2 dinners at their place, so). So I sent a group text. And our sister didn't reply. But our parents did, and firstly I had a typo so they were confused, and so we said oh we were thinking of grilling. So then ma called steph and basically they were interested. But none of us ever typed that out in the group chat or thought to try calling our older sister, who was out fishing.... well me and steph and her hubby (and then just us 2 after his sunburn started to be an issue again) went and did our own things and we went and started painting - we were figuring we would eventually hear from oldest sister and discuss who was going to go food shop or whatever...yes we should have called, idk I don't usually think to call people, and I thought the group chat had the info but idk it just. Anyway we had a failure to communicate, obviously, and that is really my fault, bc I'm the one who invited our parents and I should have thought oh oldest sister didn't reply to the text, let's call her. But we were kind of annoyed at the lack of reply? I guess or at least steph was annoyed/assumed that oldest sister just doesnt like her and thats why there was no reply, and I allowed that to color my choices and also allowed adhd brain to forget about like, the passage of time and that I should act on my own planning? And well, she was fishing, so she didnt see the texts till later. And when they were done fishing my dad called her and was like hey so we're coming for dinner right? And she was confused like uhhhh okayyy... and idk what else happened but I guess she decided they would go do the food shopping since they were out, and she texted us hey what do you want to add to the grocery list? And steph was irritated that she didn't call us or something before heading to buy stuff... but we didn't call her... idk. Anyway steph's hubby was like ooh we could roast marshmallows? So steph suggested that.... obviously we did not do that, and maybe that request was also part of what annoyed oldest sister's husband??? idk. I'm just... anyway, so we moved into the kitchen to paint because it was getting cold outside, so we had taken over the kitchen table when they came back with the groceries, and steph was like '(oh shit), sorry yeah we took over haha' and we were about to clean up so we could start working on unpacking groceries and prepping to cook, when bro in law walks in and calls steph a moron. Possibly a fucking moron, idk. And she whips around and says in a 'I'm trying not to react' voice 'why am I a moron?' And I think he said something about it being the kitchen or something implying that his issue was that we had taken over the kitchen table. So I got mad, and on steph's defense, bc you don't walk in and insult somebody in front of me and get away with it. I yelled bc I do, that we had a right to take over the kitchen (after all, his videogames and my nephew's stuff had taken over the other 2 places we could have painted!) And I definitely also said I would bite him. I defend people I love with my teeth, sorry? (Tbh if someone else had said something shitty to HIM I would also threaten to bite that person. But I'm mad at him!)
And then he stormed off upstairs to their room in the hotel house, and steph turned on our other sister like. You let your husband talk to your sister that way??? And like he needed to apologize, and we had no clue what we'd done wrong, and she was just if you have a problem its between you and him and that she wouldnt fight with her husband... which incensed steph. (Very different from how mom and dad are, for example if dad says something that upsets me, for example, ma will scold him like thats not helpful, or comfort me, or at least react in some way. Idk). and I was like getting upset and I was angry so i went up to my room first, and grabbed my phone (and key i think? Maybe i didnt) and I went okay, time for a walk. I heard steph yelling so I went down and tried to convince steph to come with especially when nephew decided to butt himself in while steph was venting to her husband, bc i figured it would be easier for her to vent and rant and cry Outside rather than in the same house??? Anyway she shrugged me off and I got frustrated with nephew being like 'the kitchen thing isn't why he said that' but he didn't know or didn't explain why he thought his dad said it, and obvs steph did too, and I was about to cry so i was like nope I'm out and went for my walk. Wherein I cried and then called ma and cried in her ear/vented to her about it. And eventually after I calmed down and also found a handful of cool rocks, I went back. And I helped prep some things and helped figure out the grill and stuff.... mostly I didn't do anything super helpful I guess. I put the veggies on skewers with my nephew, I helped find dishes and utensils and was another set of hands for figuring out how to light the grill.
Eventually our parents came over and steph came down from her room and we had dinner which bro in law didn't come down to. I hope he ate something later...
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thatgraysoncharm · 2 years
My absolute favorite thing to think about is if people in Gotham thought that Robin was an immortal cryptid child.
Like Batman? Obviously the same dude in a bat costume. Of course, he’s saving the city and very hypercompetent, but by now its very clear that despite that batman is most definitely human. Oh, when Bruce was first doing his “I am a myth” shtick people were like ?! but now the gig is up. With the JLA it got even more obvious. Batman is human, and Gotham loves him for it.
But Robin? Robin, the Boy Wonder? Robin, who despite being tiny and small has enough force to pack a punch hard enough to strike a grown man unconscious? Robin, whose bright colours scream “look at me!” but he never seems to get hit by bullets? Robin, who despite having debuted 20 years ago is still a kid, bright and furious and kind?
Yeah, Gotham is pretty sure Robin is a meta. Or an alien. Or something. Some people have even suggested a fae. 
Because, sure, sometimes Robin disappears, or is a different height, or even just updates his gear. But the heart of Robin? The hope that Gothamites feel when they see Robin’s bright colours, guiding them?
That stays constant, always. 
Besides, do people really think Batman managed to find several different talented kids who all look around the same and want to hang out with him? 
Please. Batman’s an emotionally constipated mess. Everyone knows that. He dresses in a bat costume to fight crime. 
And there’s no way he could ever convince that many kids to go fight crime with him.
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fandumb-thoughts · 5 years
Dick Grayson moves with a natural grace. From birth he was an acrobat, each movement ingrained so deeply it’s as easy as breathing. He walks on his hands like he’d walk on his feet, because he’d been doing both ever since he could. He vaults over the backs of chairs and cartwheels down the steps because he can, because each movement holds a special kind of joy transported from his parents and childhood role models to now, every time he does them.
Jason Todd moves with a built-in determination. He grew up hard, and lives harder. Each step is a declaration, each swing of the arm a threat, each movement a promise. He learned that everything in this world must be claimed, and unless he did the claiming someone else would reach in and snatch away.
Cassandra Cain moves with an indoctrinated fluidity. She was born and made to be a weapon, she knew no other way. Each movement is the product of years of muscle memory, muscles coiling tight in arms and legs and torso. She’s beautiful like a dancer, but dangerous as a viper.
Tim Drake moves with a trained elegance. It was what was expected from an old money heir. Anything less was unacceptable, even if it has to be forced into place. He was expected to overachieve in his mother’s eyes. He did. He floats through the hordes like his feet don’t even need to touch the ground.
Damian Wayne moves with a born poise. He was to be the heir of the League of Assassins, after all. His movements are tight and controlled, but at the same time smooth and refined. He can run through creaky old hall without making a noise and announce his presence with only the fall of his heels on the floor. He was intended to lead and taught as such.
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
Chaotic family dinner
Cw: food, ask to tag
Ok to rb
Summary: thor, loki, starlord, pietro and dr strange go to a family dinner with Tony, pepper, Peter and jerico, Shenanigans ensue.
A/n: I cracked up so much writing this fic, enjoy!
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Strange stopped the car infront of tonys house.
-- now remeber-- he said-- behave, or jerico Will get in trouble
-- ah dont need to worry wizard-- thor said-- loki is taking all the mischief with him
Loki looks at his brother-- oh its on now
Meanwhile jerico waits in the porch with Peter.
-- what do you think they are talking about?--Spiderman asked putting an arm around his sister in reassurance.
-- probably stephe is lecturing them-- jer said-- god, I hope they behave, Last thing I need is them making a bad impression
Peter snorts-- hey the dinner with natasha and Carol went well
-- yeah because those two are the only civilized people on my relationshipp
-- ah Peter!-- pietro said lifting up jer--nice to see you Man whats up, didnt stay in the car, strange was getting boring--Jerico laughs as he kissed her-- I missed you
-- I missed you too
-- is the food ready?-- the sokovian Man said putting jerico back on the ground so she can say hi to the rest of her boyfriends
--almost-- Spiderman answered opening the door
Tony was happy to see most of them, but as soon as loki entered he scowls-- oh look who it is
Thor softly pats iromans back-- he'll behave
The god of mischief closes the door, pietro sets the table as jerico and both peters play videogames with Morgan.
--how was the dinner with natasha and Carol?-- dr strange asked serving the food-- jer dear the foods ready!
Everyone sits on the table Tony just shrugs-- fine, I never seen jerico that flustered
Jer sighs eating her food, pietro grins-- I did one time i--
Spiderman stomps on the speedsters foot looking at him with his eyes Open wide.
-- no no, let him finish-- ironman said.
-- Tony-- pepper said looking at her husband who grunts.
Thors food starts to Act up, he looks at loki who has a huge grin from ear to ear.
-- so, I know you all went to stay at the compound for a while-- Tony said-- anything interesting?
Jerico plays back in her mind all the chaotic Shenanigans that went on.
Loki, not missing one opportunity to rail thor up said-- thor Fell on the threadmill
Thor, already upset becuase hes been trying to eat his moving food who tried to scape his fork goes-- well, brother-- Spiderman takes jericos hand as both facepalm knowing whats Next-- If I remember correctly, I wasnt the one who got caught in the middle of--
Jerico and Peter Parker jump in-- lETS CHANGE THE SUBJECT!
Dr strange snorts eating his food enjoying the chaos before him
Starlord tries to help his girlfriend out-- me and jerico danced the night through to old 80s songs, we had such a Blast
-- oh you guys also saw footloose right?-- Peter P added.
-- you bet!
Pietro smiles mischeviously-- well you also slipped and fell flat on your ass
-- did you now Peter-- thor added.
Pepper looks at jerico who at this point is with her forehead against the table.
It quickly Turned in an argument between thor and starlord with loki putting more fuel to the Fire.
Jer looks at Tony, who in return just gives her a compassionate look--and you have to put up with this every day?-- he asked.
She nodds standing up.
Pepper leans in to Morgan-- remember when you told me you wanted to see your sister use her powers?well here you go-- Morgan smiles happily.
Jerico stands up, using her powers to knock out both Peter Q and thor.
She looks at loki-- you and I are gonna have a talk
-- you look so hot when you get angry-- pietro added winking at jer.
Stephen takes Jericos hand as she sits down again-- how long Will these two be out?
-- five more minutes I think-- she said eating her food.
Stephen nodds and keeps eating, the talking resuming into soft Adorable anecdotes and some more embarassing ones.
When both starlord and thor wake up jer pulls them outside with loki.
-- guys-- jer said putting her hands on her face-- you need to behave, two out of three of you have a bad record already okay? Just please...--she sighs leaning on the wall.
The three look at eachother and hug her tightly.
-- we're sorry dear-- thor said putting his chin ontop of jericos head-- we let our temper get the best of us
Starlord nodds-- yeah, ill just go back to making references with your brother, we Didnt mean to cause you any distress
-- we just want you to enjoy yourself, the most important people in your life getting togheter and we messed it up, we're sorry-- loki agreed.
Jer smiles hugging them tightly-- come on, our food Will go cold
They all go back inside and the night goes on without much fuss.
Peter Q stands up raising his glass-- a toast, for our lovely jerico, who is always there for Us even if we drive her up the walls...
Pietro stands up-- for accepting us rejects, from the most with unstable powers to the misunderstood
Loki raises his glass getting up from his Seat-- because she sees past the walls we put up
Thor copies his brother-- because she stays through good and bad, and loves us no matter what
Sighing dr strange also stands up, looking at jerico with tender eyes--to the best girlfriend, for everything she does for us, even when shes tired, who keeps Us in mind even when she shouldnt, we love you dear
Jer starts to bawl her eyes out, Peter Q, pietro and thor panic slightly as Spiderman hugs his sister.
Morgan softly hits dr strange-- you made my sister cry!
Pepper and Tony chuckle-- its happy tears honey -- they add.
-- you all are the best-- jerico says drying her tears.
--no dear-- dr strange added-- youre the best
She giggles and pepper looks at her-- something tells me you might need that chocolate Icecream now
Jerico nodds-- please mom
After dessert jer says goodbye to all of her partners and goes upstairs to sleep.
Stephen stands on the porch with Tony-- you raised her well Tony, shes a great kid
Iroman smiles-- well, you guys do a great job at making her happy, just one more thing, before you go strange
-- Keep her safe for me Will you?
He nodds-- of course
As Stephen walks to the car Tony adds-- and I dont want one more pop culture reference or innuendos!there are kids here!
Pietro rolls down the window-- We'll Keep it in mind mr stark!-- he said before being yanked Back into the car.
As they drive off jerico gets into bed,texting both natasha and Carol.
Nat: so, howd it went?
Jer: not bad, we had a good time
Carol:Next week its date night ladies,dont forget that!
Nat: yes we know ms burnt popcorn
Carol: oh come on it happend once! Anyway, night jer!
Nat: uh-huh,anyway goodnight babe
Jer: night you two, dont get into trouble okay?, love ya♡
Jerico plugs her phone going to sleep,waiting for Next week to roll around to see all of her partners again.
Today was a good daym
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harperkent · 4 years
Time: Saturday, April 25th, 2020, early in the morning
Location: Rooftop
Harper was a morning person. She was the first one to wake up in their room and back at Georgetown with her roommates, she was the first one up. She would roll over, reach for her phone, and see the time staring back at her. 7:00 AM. Then she would do her morning routine and then start her day. But not today, today was different. Because she didn’t have her phone next to her to check the time, only knowing that it was way too early by how dark it still was. But no matter how many times Harper tried to close her eyes, she couldn’t go back to sleep. Too many things were running through her head, ready to jump out and cause her to burst. And she didn’t want to do that, not while Luce, Atty, and now Marlowe were in the room. 
Carefully and quietly as possible, Harper slid down from the top bunk, happy that nothing squeaked too loudly to catch the attention of the others. Once on ground level, she took the time to just stand there and look at her friends. Ever since the incident, Marlowe has decided to stay with them, not wanting to leave Luce’s side. Which was understandable and if it was Grace in that situation, Harper would’ve done the same in a heartbeat. For any of them honestly. It was just that her bond with Grace was deeper than the others. 
Picking up clothes to wear and other items, she got herself ready in the bathroom. Fifteen minutes later, she emerged, hair pulled up into a bun and a basic outfit on. There was no need for her to put effort into her appearance, not when it was still dark out and no one to impress. She actually gave up on trying to impress and flex on the Gallagher students, the desire leaving her body once the truth was revealed. 
With her key to get back inside, Harper was careful not to wake her roommates when closing the door. The halls were quiet, as everyone was still sleeping. It was a Saturday morning, she could understand why everyone was clocked out. And not only that, it was too early. It was a miracle that even Harper was up this early and without the need of an alarm clock to get her up at this hour. 
She made her way down the hallway, away from the room that has become her “home” this semester. Though, it sure didn’t feel like it. Not being able to buy decorations for it, lights, or anything because they didn’t have the chance to do so. Then again, they just witnessed a bombing and then were whisked away by Gallagher. So the idea of getting decorations wasn't on anyone's minds, their safety being the number one concern.
The destination in mind was the rooftop, an area that universally everyone went to when they were emotional. It was something about the aesthetic of being on a rooftop to clear your head that meant something to everyone. Some went up there to smoke, others to look at the world below them. For Harper, well, it was to get away and feel like she had some power. Power over Gallagher, to just look down on the school, ya know? That was what she wanted.
What she did realize was how she rarely went to the rooftop when emotional. Not even at Georgetown, her crying destination was always her room. Because it was her safe space and she could freely cry without a bunch of people staring at her. It was difficult during her freshman year as she wasnt close to her roommate at the time. The two girls talked and went to one party together, but they werent close to the point where Harper could freely cry in front of her. It got a bit easier during her sophomore year and by her junior year, she got an apartment with friends and had a room of her own. It was in her room with the door locked that she could sit on her bed, tears rolling down her cheeks, snot that tried to break free, and Frank Ocean playing through her headphones. There was no screaming or noises that left her body, she was silent the entire time. None of her roommates ever aware that she was crying unless they were told.
There was a time that Harper did cry in public while with friends. It was during her sophomore year, finals week of their fall semester. Everyone decided to sit in Starbucks early on a Saturday morning and get work down together. It wasnt a massive group but there were more than four of them that could fit comfortably at a table so they had to do some rearranging. Pushing tables together, making sure everyone had enough space, and that they were ready to go. They could have easily gone to the school's library and done work there but decided against it. Because they wanted to chill in Starbucks. "It's for the aesthetic, Atty," Steph told their friend who brought up the school's library as another option.
The group was calm, working hard on preparing for exams and typing up papers. There were times that they would all break to get on their phones, to scroll through Twitter or to post on Snapchat, some more than others. For Harper, she seemed okay as she laughed with friends and posted on Snapchat. None of them realized either, as they were still feeling each other out as a solid group of friends. It wasnt until three hours in that she closed her textbook in frustration and a single tear gently hit the table with a plop. That was when they realized that she was frustrated and stressed out about her exam. It was Imogen who gently rubbed her back, Marlowe who talked to her calmly, Luce who showed her memes, and Hudson who bought her her favorite frappuccino. Everyone was trying to be there for her, showing that they cared and that they were there for her. It had been a while that she realized that maybe people did love her.
Of course, there were times that she cried over someone and was embarrassed by it. She cried over Michael, a lot this school year. But not as much as the day he broke up with her.
She could tell that something was off about her boyfriend at the time. He seemed distant, his text messages were dry and lackluster, and when they came back for school, it felt like he was avoiding her. The only time he talked to her was about their organization since they were president and vice president. She had a feeling that something bad was going to happen but pushed those thoughts away. Because she was always so pessimistic, thinking of the worst of a situation. Harper always hated that about herself. How she was always so wary of everything and just believer that things were going to go south at any minute. It was just for her relationship, that had been going strong for a year and a few months, that she didnt want to believe was going to end.
Until it did and in the worst way. Just three weeks into school year, Michael showed up to her apartment with a solemn expression and his head lowered. "I'm sorry, Mariah," his voice rang through her ears, as if he was walking beside her at that very moment. "I just can't do this anymore."
What happened next was a blur, as she repressed the memory because of how pathetic she was acting during that time. What she did remember was calling Grace, choking on her words as she asked the other to come to her apartment. And when she did arrive, Harper clung onto her friend, crying into her shoulder as information about the end of her relationship was revealed.
Michael had became someone who she always went to when things went wrong. He was her number one supporter and the person she called when she needed comfort. He would show up to her apartment, pull her into his chest, kiss her forehead, and call her by her middle name. It was something that she only granted him permission to call her, outside of her family. He would always call her that, causing her heart to flutter whenever she heard it. And it was very much appreciated when crying and needed someone to calm her.
Maybe that was why she still went back to him, since Michael knew what to say to keep her calm. His presence and touches were always sought for her, especially when she was drunk and just needed attention. It was only when she woke up the next day, head pounding and in bed with Michael that she realized her mistake.
And while her friends would tell her not to go back to him, Harper couldnt deny how much she wanted him right now. To have him hold her, tell her that it was going to be okay, to call her "Mariah". That was what she needed at this very moment, someone to just stop her and tell her to calm down.
Once on the roof, Harper could see the sun in the distance slowing starting to rise. Okay, that gave her smile explanation on what time it was. She walked over to the edge, looking over once to see people walking. It was the added protection, as President Sutton decided to add more walking around and be on the look out for suspicious people. But how would they know who was suspicious when the person looked, talked, and acted just like them? It was like that with Cecil who was brought in as a mentor, none of them realizing at all about his true intentions.
Looking back up, Harper sat down, staring in the direction of the sunrise. She took in the colors that could be seen, how they were slowly pushing away the darkness, claiming their dominance. She could hear a few bitds chirping, up and ready to get to work. The sounds and looks of nature should have been calming her and give her strength.
But it only made her cry, a soft noise leaving her throat. The tears came down like a waterfall and the snot followed. Emotions about what had been happening hit her like a bulldozer. The thought of almost losing Luce, the truth about Gallagher, the safety of her friends, and the realization of how she ruined the few friendships that she formed here. How she called Grayson pathetic in the library, to seeing Jai cry in the middle of the hallway, to storming away from Caden and not caring to look back at him. Then there was Rafa and Grace, a relationship that she interfered in by calling out Rafa before talking to Grace about the situation. How she could tell how pissed off Rafa was and how Grace began to cry. God, what was wrong with her? Why was she like this?
She thought that after calling them out, that she would feel better. That all of her stress and worries would disappear right after. But it only made her feel worst. She was sure that they saw her some crazy bitch, probably happy that she was out of their lives. Who would want someone who was unstable and had bad anger issues like her as a friend? None of them, hell, not even Michael since he broke up with her.
That made her cry even more and become just a little louder. She needed to leave and go back home. Not to Gerorgetown but back to Washington. To be in the comfort of her childhood house. Sit inside of her room, listening to her uncle talking to friends, and her dad listening to R&B music in the kitchen. To be called Mariah again and told that she was loved. To have her family beside her and to have them hug her tightly. That was what she needed right and what she wanted.
But until then, she could only cry on a rooftop. Where the tears fell down like a waterfall, snot that ran loose like an escaped convict, no Frank Ocean being played, and no one to call her Mariah to keep her calm.
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misas-biggest-fan · 5 years
I wanted to know if you had any suggestions on good blogs to follow because im slightly new. Also I’m in a lot of fandoms so it doesn’t have to be limited to death note or anything:3
AH such a good question!
@theamazingpeterparkerr or @emmettmccartycullen is incredible and amazing, the first is her main and the second is her twilight blog, weve been best friends for years. @antifacowboy or @mellobitch the first is their main and the second is their dn blog, we’ve also been friends for a good long time! @thatoneweirddude21 is a GEM we’re all buddies and im so glad we are! @simplynothuman me and her have also been besties for a rly long time @kaelvas @spiderwebb93 matt is SO good and sweet and funny follow him!! @thatonekawaiigirl13 @se34r5 so friendly!! and ik a little bit abt their future projects ;D and im PSYCHED @toygowther me and her and sentinelai did this playlist project together that was SO fun !! @sentinelai of course, incredible playlists, i love when we chat! @kiranatrix SO funny?!?!?!? has some of the coolest edits and also manages to make my text posts ACTUALLY funny when they add things LOL @the-anon-artist (this isn’t their main and im p sure they use this blog to remain on anon, so idk how much theyre necessarily keeping their eye on their follower count there, BUT i had to include them anyway bc we’re friends and they are so sweet!! we did an art collab once too, way fun!! ) @puropoly AMAZING art SICK content also such a cool and funny person! @luckycharge BEAUTIFUL art i am so jealous!! and so much good content/opinions on the dn drama @thatshadowboy we chat in spanish and i love having buddies to speak spanish abt dn to! he rocks!! @lollipop-lawliet SO so sweet and SUCH funny memes a;lksdjf every time they post something im like in stitches @side-ho-ryuuzaki AH their FICS are so good and cute and they are also so fun to talk to  @lawliet-imagines ALSO good fics!! and way cute art!! 
and you know what chances are im also talking to a zillion other people rn but i am so so tired so if you see this and we chat and i didnt put you here its not that we arent friends its that my brain is working at 1/8th capacity rn LOL
also, youd think id have a ton of captain america blogs to rec too, you know, since that’s my main?? unfortunately not so. :( i have historically not been as outgoing on my main and haven’t made as many friends (which is why I’m trying especially hard to make an effort in the dn fandom to be rly friendly and reach out to people first to make friends). honestly there’s tons and tons of cool people in the marvel fandom and i wish i were closer to some of them. that said, ive been lucky that me and @loldinson have chatted, he’s super cool and has a rly rly good blog (hi, it’s me, aroace-steve-rogers!)
but anyway all these people have been super super good to me and have RAD AWESOME blogs and youll have a super fun dash if you follow them!!
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herteardrop · 7 years
Incorrect quotes: Batfamily + My favorite vines pt. 2
Jason: We all die you either kill yourselves or get killed
[Drums playing]
Jason: Whatchu gon' do?
[Drums playing]
Jason: Whatchu gon' do?
Dick: so no head?
Dick: [Throws phone on ground]
Dick: [Breaks skateboard in half]
[Passes by road sign]
Stephanie: Road work ahead?
Stephanie: Yeah I sure hope it does.
Bruce: Okay you know what- you're ON TIME OUT. GET ON TOP OF THE FRIDGE. GET UP THERE
Jason: [climbing fridge] this house is a fUCKING NIGHTMAARE.
[Screaming in the background]
Barbara: Welcome to bible study we're all children of jesus
[Jason snorting white powder]
Bruce: Jason. Jason? Jason! Oh my fuckin gud he fuckin dead.
[A/N I’m sorRY LMAO]
Dick: [throws a Frisbee onto the highway]
Tim: What the fuck Richard
[Dick and Barbara doing a little PDA]
Jason: What. The. Fuck. Is this allowed? whatdafuck is that allowed??
Barbara: ....Stop.
Sleep deprived Tim: Alfred! The ceilings are collapsing!
Alfred: Master Drake, you're on the T.V stand.
Tim: [Terrified screaming]
Stephanie: Damian, you're speech was so good!
Damian: oh really because I didnt even try it was all improv and-
Stephanie: oh my god why can't you just take the friggin compliMEEEEE-
Cass: what the FUCK IS UP JASON
Cass: No what did you SAY dude
Cass: what the FUCK dude
Cass: step the FUCK UP kay
Dick: add bacon and-
Damian: Uhh, I'm not finished.
Damian: Let's get started.
Dick: we'll grab the toaster-
Damian: Oh my god can you let me do what I need to do.
Bruce: On all levels except physical, I am a bat
Bruce: [brooding in corner]
Jason: Hey loser! Say kid backwards
Dick: Dick?
Jason: HAAHHAHAHAHHAHA thats gay
Jason: [Fires a gun round in the house]
Dick: [Whips head around so fast he falls off the couch]
Cass: So you just gonna bring me a birthday gift on my birthday at my birthday party on my birthday with a birthday gift?
Tim: Happy Birthday?
Cass: [smashes the glass towards him]
Barbara: BAGH!
Dick: [high pitched scream]
Dick: (ಠ ∩ಠ)
Bruce: I do love working here, it's just we all have alot of laughs
[a little while later..]
Bruce: Fuck off Janet I'm not going to your fucking baby shower.
[Steph and Barbs as this vine which is best watched than read]
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audiovisualrecall · 7 years
the tv didn’t record steph’s show and i made the mistake of wondering if maybe recording mulan yesterday could’ve had an effect, but i said it didnt make sense bc nothing was taping before i hit record - the red light was not on on the cable box, i remember now. anyway, but since i speculated that possibly recording mulan made the machine freak out, because i thought hey maybe i did mess it up even though it doesn’t quite make sense...she decided that meant i definitely did something that screwed it up, i’m to blame for the problem, and i did it deliberately and have to be yelled at for possibly making a mistake, and when she kept saying i said i did something that screwed it up, and both me and dad insisted no, stop putting words in my mouth, i said maybe, not definitely, she had a fit and stormed out. like.... doesn’t spectrum let you catch up on shows on their website if u have an account? time warner did i think? and anyway, it’s a show, it’s not life or death, it’s not that big a deal to throw a fit over, not that you cant be upset or mad, but getting so...accusatory about it, and deciding that me speculating on the possibility of having screwed something up means i definitely did something to it that made it stop recording her show....is ridiculous.if she’d gotten upset and angry, and then asked me to please make sure to check what else is or will be recording in the next however long before i add something to the list, i would definitely be like yeah absolutely, sorry i might’ve screwed it up. and i still am not sure - after the movie was over, yeah, we noticed another of her shows was recording and that we had missed watching the other one that had been on, but.... maybe it went on halfway through mulan and decided nah im not gonna record? maybe? so yeah, i did forget to check to make sure it wouldn’t mess up anything else, and there’s a chance recording mulan did mess it up. but the cable box is still what screwed up bc it should be able to record like 6 things at the same time, and im p sure she didnt have 6 things recording at the same time??? idek. SO yeah, i guess it’s kinda my fault insofar as an accident is anyone’s fault, and i wouldn’t have a problem with that if she hadn’t gotten nasty about it. and i only yelled bc she yelled and kept insisting i said something i didnt. i had more of a problem w her insisting i said x word for word when i did not say that, she interpreted what i said and decided that’s what it meant and then forgot what i actually said ?? and while im insisting i said ‘maybe i did something’ she still hears ‘i did something’ SOMEHOW like wtf.
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