#that every single physics student knows about. i think about this line every single time i have to do statistical mechanics
aroacehanzawa · 8 months
Goodstein, D. L. (1985) States of Matter, Chapter 1: Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics opening paragraph you will always be famous
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bro-atz · 9 months
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in which: you're struggling with a specific class that's required for your major; but, luckily, your professor, professor jeong, has no problem helping you out outside of class
pair: professor!yunho/afab!reader
word count: 6k
content: smut, teacher x student relationship (college level, so it's completely legal mind you), late night study sessions, vaginal sex, soft and sensual, completely consensual!
author's note: i was definitely thinking about jung kyungho in crash course in romance while i was writing this... but it's definitely not like crash course in romance that i can say for certain
apply for the permanent taglist here! professor!series: yunho pt. 1, yunho pt. 2, san pt. 1, san pt. 2, yeosang, seonghwa
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You seriously wondered why you decided to pursue a career in STEM. You remembered liking physics back in high school, but now learning at a higher institution, you feared that you made a huge mistake. Then, you took one look at your teacher, and all of that concern immediately disappeared.
The thing with this class was that every student in your major was required to take it, and truth be told, you took the class because it fit well with your schedule. You had no idea who the professor was before joining the class, and you only found out from your friends after you registered that you actually got incredibly lucky securing a seat in his class because his classes were always the first to fill up.
His name was Jeong Yunho— Professor Jeong. He was probably one of the smartest men you were ever going to meet. He was super successful in the world of physics and was always in the news for some reason or the other. He had a huge fanbase inside and outside of your college for a multitude of reasons, one of them being because of his rakishly good looks. His classes were always filled to the brim with female students, and you just so happened to be one of them. You were constantly surrounded by other female students in that class who would always actively participate in the lectures because they wanted so desperately for Professor Jeong to notice them. You, on the other hand, always kept quiet in that class and did your best to pay attention to the material because the class material was just too fucking hard for you.
You spent a lot of your free time studying in the library to the point where your roommate worried about whether or not you were even going to come home to eat and sleep properly. You wouldn’t have cared so much about this class if it wasn’t required for you to get your degree, so you were ultra stressed about doing well in the class. You did reason with yourself that if you failed the class, then you could retake it with Professor Jeong again and get to appreciate his beauty all over again, but you were on a tight schedule, and if you fucked up this class, then you would fuck up the rest of your schedule to graduate.
“Y/N, you can study at home…” you roommate called you, worried about your late night whereabouts.
“I know, but I definitely won’t focus. This class is just insanely hard, I need to focus as much as I can.”
“It’s literally Friday night. Come home, please!”
“Let me finish the homework at least. I’ll be back soon, I promise,” you said, knowing that your promise was definitely a lie.
You heard your roommate sigh before hanging up on you. Immediately, you set your phone across the table to keep you from going on your phone every two seconds. You had your textbook open in front of you, and after about three lines, all the words and numbers started to blur together. You let out a deep sigh and buried your face in your textbook. It was hopeless. Either you had to pray for a miracle or retake the class the next semester.
Then, the miracle happened. Professor Jeong was in the library with a huge stack of papers that needed to be graded. He was looking for a place to sit and get this work done, but every single table was occupied. He walked past your table, only to backtrack. He barely saw any of the content in the textbook, but he immediately knew that you were studying for his class because he instantly recognized one of the problems on the page.
“May I sit here?” you heard your professor ask quietly.
You looked up and felt your face get warm quickly. You had never seen Professor Jeong from so close before. You nodded and immediately brought your eyes back to your textbook, suddenly feeling self conscious that you were doing his work right in front of him. Professor Jeong took a seat across from you and spread out his papers, only to keep glancing at you— he not only recognized the textbook, but he also recognized you.
“Are you in my class?” Professor Jeong whispered to you.
You nodded.
“Oh, so you’re working on the assignment from class then… It’s a Friday night! You should be enjoying your weekend.”
“Ha, yeah right,” you instinctively responded sarcastically, only to realize who you were talking to. “Sorry, professor… I meant, like, I can’t do that when I barely understand anything.”
He laughed. “You can call me Yunho. Professor is so stifling.”
“Al-alright, Yunho…” you said, his name feeling foreign on your tongue.
“What’s so hard to understand?”
“Um, everything. I thought I had a good grasp on the subject until the first week of classes. Now, I feel like I know nothing…”
“What’s your name, again?”
“Y/N… Oh! I remember your last test. I was wondering what happened there…” Yunho recollected.
“Yeah, I did not do well at all…”
“No, you were doing well, but then didn’t finish the problems correctly. If anything, I think you just got way into your own head. You have a good understanding of the fundamentals, which is always a great starting point.”
The flattery was nice, but that still didn’t change how miserable you felt about your knowledge on the subject. You graciously accepted Yunho’s praise, but your kept your head down knowing that despite the praise, you were still struggling to grasp the current unit. Yunho noticed your reaction, to which he wanted to do something to change that because he did not like the fact that you looked absolutely miserable because of him. He placed a light hand on your textbook and said, “Hey, if you would like, I could tutor you every now and then.”
“Really? I mean, are you sure?”
“Of course. It’s my job as an educator, isn’t it? I want to see you do well in my class.”
You stared at the God-sent figure before you. Sure, it was his class you were studying for, but you were grateful for the help regardless. You nodded your head slightly, a small smile settling on Yunho’s face. He set aside his own materials and gestured to ask if he could sit in the seat next to you. You nodded, and Yunho moved from his seat to the one next to you. He pulled the textbook towards himself and glanced at the page briefly before immediately pointing at the problem you were stuck on.
“This one is tough,” he started. “Essentially, what you want to do is…”
Yunho explained the problem to you in depth, and you took every single note. You didn’t understand why you couldn’t get the information in class— Yunho was an excellent teacher, and you always paid attention in class, but learning from him one on one was so much more beneficial for you.
The two of you left the library at the same time that night. Yunho got absolutely no work done, but you ended up finishing all of the homework that was due for his class. You both stood outside of the library and talked, giving you the chance to thank him.
“Thank you so much, Professor— I mean… Yunho…” saying his name out loud was still incredibly foreign to you.
“You’re welcome, Y/N. Now, enjoy your weekend. I’ll see you in class next week.”
Yunho waved and took off. You departed as well, heading in the opposite direction of him. You felt a lot better about the class now, and you were starting to feel hopeful that you would, in fact, be able to graduate on time.
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The class was still incredibly hard. You found yourself cooped up in the library every single Friday trying to learn, and every single Friday, Yunho would sit with you and help you with the lessons and homework. It was a ritual that would begin with you stressing in the library and end with you and Yunho going your separate directions at the end of the night.
One day, while you were sitting in class waiting for the professor to show up, you were sitting next to a bunch of girls talking about him.
“I want to take a bite out of his ass,” one girl said, immediately sending you into whiplash to see who on Earth was talking about the educator in that way.
“Tell me about it. Whenever he wears those tight pants of his, I feel like combusting,” another girl said.
“Did you guys see what that one girl wrote on the fan club forum?” the girl who wanted to take a bite out of Yunho’s ass pulled out her phone and showed the girls.
You craned your neck to see— what the fuck did they mean by fan club forum? Apparently, there was a forum on the school network dedicated to Professor Jeong Yunho, and on the forum was a post that one of the girls read out loud.
“I would do anything for Professor Jeong to step on me with his long legs and pants that make his booty look so nice… When he stands and puts more weight on one of his legs while crossing his arms over his chest? I lose my goddamn mind. I’d do anything for him to annihilate me.”
“Yikes, this girl is down bad,” Yunho’s ass girl commented.
“I wouldn’t be talking if I were you, ass kink,” the other girl responded while rolling her eyes.
“Hey, better than a foot kink. Someone posted that they would buy Professor Jeong’s feet pictures.”
“That forum is weird…”
You, meanwhile, tuned out from their conversation. Yes, Yunho was definitely attractive, but not once have you thought about him in a sexual sense. You were so out of it that you didn’t even know that Yunho entered the classroom and started teaching. The lesson completely went over your head because you were too busy staring at Yunho’s legs.
The girl on the forum was right. He looked so nice from behind when he stood and had more of his weight on one of his legs while he wrote on the board. And, when he turned around to ask the class a question, you felt your face flush. How could you think about your professor in this sense? More importantly, how on Earth were you going to succeed in the class now that you could only salivate every time you saw the man?
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You were praying that Yunho wouldn’t show up at the library that Friday night. Your luck had been turning around, but your luck wasn’t that nice to you because Yunho was there right on schedule and there to help you. When he sat right next to you, as usual, you held your legs together. Tension rose within you the more Yunho leaned towards you to point out problems and information on the textbook.
“Everything alright, Y/N? You’re kind of spacing out now, and I noticed that you were out of it in class the other day,” Yunho whispered.
You nodded frantically— you hated that he paid attention to you in class and that you couldn’t control your expressions that well. Hopefully, he believed you.
“Are you sure?”
“I’m just, uh, a little under the weather. I think I’m going to head home and rest,” you told him while slowly sliding the textbook away.
“You should definitely get some rest. I’ll see you in class next week,” Yunho patted your shoulder lightly.
You nearly flinched when you felt Yunho’s warm touch. Being so close to this hot human being was already extremely overwhelming, but now he was touching you? You desperately needed to leave before you absolutely lost your mind.
Your roommate was incredibly surprised to see you home so early that Friday night.
“Did you actually finish your homework quickly for once?” she asked in shock.
“No… I couldn’t take it anymore…”
“Damn, I was going to congratulate you. What happened?”
You told her about everything that happened that week from learning about the fan-club forum to how you couldn’t look at Yunho with a pure mind anymore. She nodded in understanding before answering, “Professor Jeong is fine… All I can really tell you is to remain professional with him. You need to pass this class to graduate.”
“I know… Is there a way for me to get over this… Fucked up crush or whatever the hell it is?”
“Get laid? Go have a one night stand or something.”
“Well, then suck it up. I literally have no advice because this is such a weird situation to begin with.”
With a heavy sigh, you nodded and retired to your bedroom for the night. You prayed to God that your mind wouldn’t give you any wet dreams about the man, but let’s face it, you knew you were going to. When you woke up the next morning, you seriously wondered about your sanity. Maybe the only way to get over him would be to sleep with someone else like your roommate suggested, but you didn’t have the physical or mental capacity for that kind of relationship right now. You just had to suck it up and try your best to act normal in front of your professor.
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Soon, it was Friday night once again. That week, whenever you had class, you would enter right before class would start and immediately run out as soon as class ended to avoid Yunho. You even considered not going to the library to get the work done, but you knew that if you went home, nothing would get done. With bated breath, you attempted to study while waiting for Yunho to show up as he usually did to help you.
Yunho showed up later than usual, and he was actually surprised to see you studying in the library. He approached your table and sat across from you.
“Y/N, I’m surprised to see you here,” he said to you.
“What do you mean?”
“Your results from the last quiz were good, and you were in and out of class promptly this week. I assumed it was because you got a good grasp of everything now,” Yunho didn’t sound hurt— he sounded proud, but the look on his face said otherwise.
“I-I mean,” you stammered and cleared your throat. “I’m starting to get it, but I still can’t focus at home…”
“Ah, I get it.”
You nodded and returned to your textbook, your legs pressing together as you tried desperately not to think about Yunho in the naughty way you had been for the past week or so.
“Do you mind if I see what you’ve finished so far?” Yunho asked, snapping you out of your blank mind.
You passed Yunho your notebook and textbook. He quickly reviewed the three problems you had managed to solve in two hours, his lips quickly pulling into a frown. Your heart sank— the look on his face pretty much told you that you didn’t get a single thing right.
“Okay, so here’s where you went wrong with the first problem— Uh, is it okay if I take the seat next to you?” Yunho was about to explain the problem, only to ask for permission to move closer.
You nodded for what felt like the twentieth time in ten minutes. Yunho took the seat next to you, and he explained the problem. Thankfully, all of the dirty thoughts you had disappeared the second you started properly studying. You knew that you and Yunho were leaning into each other as you shared the textbook, but your body wasn’t physically reacting to his touch in the slightest, which made you all sorts of relieved. All you needed was for Yunho to actually teach you for your mind to get out of the gutter.
He had assigned ten problems for the homework that week, and you were able to get through six of them before the library staff came to your table and kicked you out. You and Yunho stood outside the library doors as you tried to figure out how you were going to finish the last four problems before class the next week.
“Y/N? You okay? You have a grim look on your face,” Yunho said softly.
“Yeah, well, no. I don’t know how I’m going to finish the rest of the homework… I think I’m going to lose my mind this weekend just trying to work on the other four problems…” you sighed.
“Well, I want you to be able to enjoy your weekend…” Yunho trailed off as he thought out loud. “I have an idea, but you’re more than welcome to decline.”
You shot him a questioning look. You noticed Yunho’s ears get slightly red as he looked away and cleared his throat. He seemed to be mustering up the courage to tell you his proposal.
“Would you like to come back to my place? We can hash everything out tonight so you can relax the rest of the weekend.”
You couldn’t help but gawk. You knew for a fact that all the girls in that fan-club forum would kill for the situation you were in right now, but you, on the other hand, actually debated the idea. The thought of finishing your homework with the professor and knowing that you did the homework correctly made you want to eagerly say yes, but you also wondered about whether or not you’d be able to remain sane if you did go back to his place.
“What do you say?”
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Yunho’s apartment was nice. No, nice was an understatement. His place was fucking gorgeous. He had a duplex in the middle of the city that was minimalist and elegant and expensive as hell. You knew that he was pretty famous in the field, but it didn’t occur to you that he would be rolling in dough (especially because he was a college professor and you didn’t think that professors made that much money).
He led you to the dining table and gestured for you to take a seat, which you did timidly. You felt way out of place in such a posh place that you couldn’t help but shrink down in the chair. You felt even more out of place when you saw Yunho unbutton the cuffs of his shirt sleeves and rolled them up, revealing his muscular forearms. You had to swallow the pool of saliva collecting in your mouth quietly to keep it together.
“You can just take out your notebook. I’ll grab my textbook. It’s filled with my annotations,” Yunho told you as he walked towards a room.
So, you pulled out your notebook and pencil case and waited for Yunho to return from what you assumed was his bedroom. He sat down next to you and opened the textbook to the assigned pages. He immediately got down to business, leaving you to wonder about his apartment later and focus on the homework first.
It took you about an hour to get through the remaining problems— the annotations in his textbook really made the process go faster. You were astounded by the details of his notes. You knew that his work was very eloquent based off the way he solved the problems in class, but seeing them in his personal textbook was a whole new game. You were even more amazed by your professor at that point.
“How do you feel about the problems now?” Yunho asked while closing his textbook.
“Amazing. Thank you so much, Yunho,” his name was starting to become easier for you to say.
“You’re welcome, Y/N. I’m glad I was able to help,” Yunho smiled sweetly at you as he placed a light hand on yours.
You felt your entire body flush when he touched you. You immediately locked eyes with him, your body tingling as he kept his hand on yours. Yunho looked as though he wanted to say something, but he didn’t utter a word. His hand, however, went from resting on yours to going under your hand, his fingers lacing with yours. He held your hand and brought it to his chest. Your heart raced faster and faster the closer he got to you.
“You know, Y/N,” Yunho started his voice hushed. “I worry about you.”
“You’re one of the most hardworking people I’ve ever met, and I admire your tenacity. All I want is for you to succeed.”
“But why do you worry about me?”
“The past couple of weeks, you’ve been acting rather odd. Did something happen for you to be acting this way?”
“I… Uh…”
“You can trust me, Y/N. You can tell me anything.”
He looked into your eyes earnestly. You didn’t know how to vocalize your thoughts to him because, truth be told, you didn’t want to tell him the truth, but you didn’t want to lie to him either. You cast your eyes downward, unsure of what to do.
“Y/N, I just want you to know… You’re an incredible person, and you’re so smart and capable. Please remember that when you’re having a rough time…”
Yunho cupped your face and left a soft kiss on your cheek, your heart nearly bursting through your chest. You looked up immediately and locked eyes with him once again. Yunho rubbed your cheek with his thumb lightly, his gaze getting softer. Your heart was pounding so hard that it was all you could hear. You were barely able to hear Yunho’s voice over the sound.
“Can I kiss you, Y/N?”
You nodded slightly. You closed your eyes then felt his lips press against yours lightly seconds later. Your eyes fluttered open when the kiss ended, and you saw a look of longing on Yunho’s face. He finally let go of your hand, only to place his hand on your waist as he brought his face to yours once more. Your hand held onto his shoulder as he kissed you again, his lips trapping your upper lip. He kissed you slowly and delicately as if you were a glass doll.
You don’t know how he managed, but Yunho somehow brought you to his bedroom, his lips still passionately connected with yours. He laid you down gently on his bed and pinned you down, his fingers slipping under your shirt and moving upwards slowly, his fingernails tickling your ribs. He left you with a mind-numbingly sensual kiss before sitting up. He knelt before you as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt before discarding it behind him, the fabric rustling as it flew through the air and fell onto the ground.
If only the girls of the forum could see him now. The bedroom lights were off, so the only things illuminating the room were the lights from the buildings outside and the minimal moonlight that shone through the city faintly shining on the pale skin of Yunho’s body. He had a beautiful figure. His defined muscles swelled up as he pinned you down again. He pressed light kisses against your jawline and neck, making your toes curl.
“Y/N,” Yunho breathed out, his breath tickling your collarbone. “Let me know if at any point you would like to stop, and I’ll stop.”
There was no way in hell you were going to ask him to stop. You felt his lips suck lightly on the skin on your neck, earning a slight moan from you. You held onto his shoulders and continued to stifle moans the more he left light hickeys all over your neck and whatever was exposed of your chest in your top.
Usually, you were one for animalistic instincts, and every time you dreamt about Yunho, you dreamt about him completely ravaging you. You didn’t expect him to be so soft, and you didn’t expect to like it so much. All of your senses were heightened. When his fingers made any sort of contact with your bare skin, your nerves tingled. Your arms instinctively wrapped around him and your fingers were buried in his hair when he returned to your neck, his teeth occasionally nibbling at your sore skin.
You nearly whimpered when he moved away from you. He held the hem of your shirt and removed it, your shirt dropping to the ground. His arms wrapped around you and unhooked your bra before pushing your bra up. Your bra was still on you, and at first you thought it was a little uncomfortable, but then Yunho began sucking on your nipples and all the discomfort immediately disappeared. Between the painfully good suction and his teeth tugging on your overly sensitive nipple every so often, you felt like you were losing your mind. Your hold on him only got tighter as he decided to alternate between breasts.
His fingers fumbled with unbuttoning your jeans briefly as his lips were still on your breast. With a soft sigh, he released your breast to move up and help you out of your jeans. He tossed the jeans to the side then ran his hot fingers along your leg, trailing upwards slowly until his fingers got to your panties. He trailed kisses along your torso as his fingers hooked onto the hem of your panties and pulled them down, his kisses trailing closer and closer to your cunt. He nudged your legs so that your feet were pressing into the bed while your knees were bent and up.
You knew that you were completely soaking wet at that point, and that fact was emphasized when Yunho ran two of his fingers up your pussy, his fingers teasingly pressing through your folds. They continued to barely penetrate you as Yunho brought his face up to lock lips with you again. While one hand was busy with your pussy, the other pulled off your bra, allowing you to move a little more comfortably. You ran your fingers through his hair and rested your other hand on his neck, pulling him into you because you desperately needed more of him and his lovely lips.
Yunho pushed two of his long, slender fingers inside you, which surprised you so much that you nearly making you bite his lower lip. You moaned into his mouth as you felt his fingers go further and further into you. He fingered you slowly as he continued to kiss you, making you feel all sorts of ways.
You were panting heavily when Yunho released your lips. He also pulled his fingers out, your arousal fluid completely coating his two fingers. When he licked his fingers, you covered your face in embarrassment— how could he just do something like that so casually?
The tinkling of Yunho’s belt buckle echoed in the room as he removed his belt. He leaned towards his nightstand and produced a condom before returning to you. He held the packet in between his teeth as he removed his pants and underwear, revealing his penis— his massive, smooth, straight, hard penis. As you stared at his penis, your eyes trying to calculate his length, Yunho ripped open the condom packet and swiftly rolled the condom on.
With one hand right above your shoulder and pressing into the mattress, Yunho positioned himself, the tip of his dick rubbing against you slowly. You couldn’t help but stare at him, your body flushing as you observed his facial features in the moonlight. He looked stunning as he hovered above you, his hair nearly shielding his eyes, his muscular arms tensing up as his penis slowly started making its way into you. You let out a gasp as you felt him stretch you out, his length fitting inside you completely to the point where you felt him hit your cervix.
“Y/N,” his husky voice rang out. “Are you okay?”
“Mmhmm,” you responded while nodding.
“Okay. I’m going to start moving, then.”
That being said, Yunho pulled out just as slowly as he entered, only to thrust into you slightly faster. You let out tiny little yelps as you felt him move more and more, his waist hitting yours gently every time he thrusted into you.
“Ah! Yunho!” you cried out as you felt him repeatedly hit your cervix. “M-more!”
You didn’t even know what you meant by that, but Yunho apparently did. Moving from his hands to his elbows, he lowered his upper body. He brushed his lips past yours briefly at first before encompassing them. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and clutched him tightly.
Yunho’s pace sped up, the entire bed moving as he got faster and harder. Yunho let you freely moan and cry as he dropped his head to the crook of your neck to leave wet kisses. The sensation was too much for you— you felt yourself nearing your climax. You let out a breathy moan and dug your nails into Yunho’s skin.
“Fuck, I’m gonna to cum.”
Hearing your professor swear did it for you. You pushed your head back into the pillow and cried with pleasure as you came. Shortly thereafter, Yunho’s thrust slowed down, and with a final thrust, he came, his cock spasming inside you. Yunho groaned in your ear, the sound of his groan turning you on all over again.
After a brief moment, Yunho pulled out and removed the condom. He got off the bed to throw it away, leaving you in a puddle of yourself on his bed. You didn’t even realize that Yunho left his bedroom until you pushed yourself up, your back leaning against the headboard. He returned with a glass of water and handed it to you as he sat on the edge of his bed. You drank the water slowly as you watched the man let out a pleasant sigh.
“How do you feel?” Yunho asked, his body turning to face you.
“I feel really good,” you admitted honestly.
“Me too.”
He moved into the bed and sat next to you. He pulled the duvet over the two of you, allowing you to cover your naked body. Seeing that you were done with the water, Yunho took the glass from you and set it aside on his nightstand. His hand found yours, and he laced his fingers with yours while brushing hair out of your face with his other hand.
“You’re so lovely, Y/N. You’re so lovely and so beautiful,” Yunho whispered before leaving a small kiss on your temple.
Hearing the gorgeous man next to you compliment you made you all sorts of shy. You felt your face heat up as you avoided eye contact with him. You felt his fingers go under your chin and turn your head so that it was facing him again leaving the sweetest kiss on your lips. You got even more shy with that, but there was no way in hell Yunho was going to let you turn your head away from him again.
“Do you feel better now?” Yunho asked in reference to what got you, as he put it, all out of sorts.
“Actually… I do. I feel a lot better… I think…”
“You’re uncertain?”
You took a deep breath that ended with a sigh as you mustered the courage to tell Yunho the truth. You looked him right in the eye and said, “On one of the college forums, there’s a fan-club for you… Have you heard of it?”
“I have, actually. The other professors make fun of me for it all the time.”
Your eyes went wide— does that mean he saw the thirst post from that one girl that your classmates were talking about?
“Did you post anything on the forum?” he asked.
“What? No!” you were completely flustered.
“Damn, I was kind of hoping you did…”
Yunho saying “damn,” made you want to fuck him again right then and there, but you refrained because you were curious. “Why?”
“Because I want to know if you like me like that, too.”
“Well, I might not have posted on it, but that doesn’t mean I don’t agree with some of the stuff posted,” you mumbled.
“What do you mean?”
“There was a post on the forum about the way you stand during class, and when I paid attention to what the post was pointing out, I immediately had… Dirty thoughts… About you…”
“Is that why you’ve been so squirrelly?” Yunho asked with a slight chuckle.
He cupped your cheek and rubbed it with his thumb, his fingers tracing along your sensitive ears. You pressed your face into his warm hand just a little more, enjoying the sensation of his lovely touch. You nodded and let out a light sigh, the weight of your dirty secret lifting off your shoulders. He kissed your forehead and smiled softly at you, your heart skipping a beat looking at the caring expression on his face.
“I have a question for you, then,” he whispered.
“Does that mean you had dirty dreams about me?”
Embarrassed you dropped your face and covered it with your hands. You could tell that Yunho was trying to keep from laughing based off the way his chest was swelling up. He put his arm around you and hugged you, your hot cheek pressing against his even hotter chest.
“Then tell me something.”
“What’s that?”
“Was I better in your dreams or in real life?”
His question sent you into shock. “I-I really can’t say…” was your lame attempt at responding.
“Then tell me what I did in your dreams, and maybe we can make them a reality.”
You leaned away from Yunho and stared at him, your jaw dropped. You felt his hands trail along the curve of your waist then get to your thigh. He pulled your thigh up and closer to him, the look of lust on his face intensifying.
“Let’s start from the beginning, shall we?”
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You thought seeing Yunho in class after the two of you had slept together was going to be very awkward and very weird, making you dread attending class. Why did Yunho have to make attendance mandatory?
But, when he walked in for the lesson, it was anything but awkward. You did have to press your legs together as you watched him teach, but you were completely captivated by him instead of avoiding his gaze at any given moment. And, when enough of the students in class were distracted, he shot you a sly wink, making your entire body flush with heat.
“How is it that Professor Jeong gets hotter every time we see him?” one girl near you whispered to another.
“Tell me about it… God, I’d do anything to have him pin me down and annihilate me.”
Your mind immediately flashed back to you and Yunho having sex and him becoming more animalistic after you described your dreams to him. You buried your face in your textbook so that no one would see your beet red face.
Before you could leave class, Yunho called your name, making you freeze in your tracks. You could feel the rest of your classmates who were still in the room stare at you (mostly the girls, their eyes full of envy). Yunho was standing with his arms crossed over his chest, his shirt sleeves rolled up, and his legs shoulder width apart with most of his weight on one of his legs— also known as the stance that drove all the female students crazy. You walked towards the professor and stood before him, trying your best to remain calm, but your heart raced faster the closer you got to him.
“Are you understanding the material?” Yunho asked, despite already knowing your answer.
“Then,” Yunho leaned towards you and lowered his voice. “Instead of studying in the library, let’s keep studying at my place from now on, okay?”
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heeverseblog · 2 years
this time
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synopsis: you confessed to jake sim in your senior year of high school but got rejected. now you’re a single mom in need of a math tutor to help your daughter pass math class. you happen to stumble upon jake’s profile and end up hiring him.
pairing: math tutor!jake x single mom!reader
genre: childhood acquaintances to lovers, single parent au, fluff, little bit of angst but happy ending
warnings: unrequited love (only at the beginning), mentions of early pregnancy, abandonment, fear of being in a relationship, one suggestive scene, short argument about career
word count: 11,359 words
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the first day you saw jake sim was at your school’s library. you were reading “anne of green gables” while he was reading a physics textbook. a freakin’ physics textbook. who reads a physics textbook at eight years old? apparently, jake sim does.
he looked so invested in reading formulas and his glasses were thick black-framed ones. you thought it was cute when he was sticking his tongue out as he was reading probably some formulas and terms. you forgot about gilbert blythe because that day, jake sim became number one in your “the cutest boys i’ve ever seen” list.
word was sent out that you had a huge, massive crush on jake sim. who wouldn’t know when you shout his name every time he passes by your way? you’d give him love notes saying how cute he looked with his glasses and how he has the cutest smile. every cringey, embarrassing thing a girl can do and call her crush just for him to notice her. yes, you’ve done it all.
when you became a teenager, you think that what you feel towards jake is more than just a crush. the longer you got to know him, the more you got to see how kind he was. when everyone was having a hard time understanding math, he’d write on the blackboard formulas and explaining when and where to use them. when a kid fell on his bike, he cleaned the wound and carried him to the school clinic, even when he was tired and sweaty from soccer practice.
one time, you were bored at math class. so you doodled the soccer field from your window. then your math teacher slams his hands on your table and proceeds to humiliate you on your artistic dreams. your colored pencils were confiscated and as shallow as it may be, you felt like a part of you was taken away after being humiliated.
while it was lunch time, jake came out of your classroom going with his friends, sunghoon and jay. you were still sad about what happened a while ago. when you sat down, you were surprised when you colored pencils were placed under your desk. you remember jake coming out of the classroom. you smile, realizing that you liked jake sim.
every girl fell on line in talking to jake sim. but you always made sure you were first. rumors spread that jake had a crush on the transfer student, kazuha. the rumors were confirmed when he asked her to the school dance. they danced that night but nothing bloomed. you noticed jake looked a little sulky the following week. and you thought that simply making him laugh like making funny faces or giving him cookies will make him feel better. and he did. jake was never mean to you. he still treats you kindly like everyone else. and you were fine with that. but you wanted to step your game.
a few weeks left and you will be graduating high school. so you wanted to confess to jake properly. you drew a banner with your confession, “jake sim, will you accept me?” you remember setting up the art room with lights. your art teacher was kind enough to allow you, knowing that you were her favorite student.
“jake sim, i’ve liked you since the day you were reading that textbook in the library. i’ve always liked you and it took me years to properly confess how I truly feel . so… you held out the flowers to him, “will you accept me?”
you felt like crying saying your confession. but you didn’t care. you gave him the peonies from your mother’s flower shop. when you thought will reach for the flowers, he held hands and slowly pulled them down. your face went down along with your hands.
“y/n, i appreciate what you have done…but,” jake looked down at the floor, “i don’t like you like that.”
you’d be lying to yourself when you say you’re not hurt. you tried your best not to blink or else the tears will come out of your eyes.
“oh. um…thank you for being honest.” you gave him a forced smile, feeling your eyes well up. on cue, the school bell rings, signaling it’s time for all students to get out of the building.
“i’ll see you tomorrow?”
jake nods, “see you tomorrow.”
you gave him a pat in the back before turning of the lights then ran out of the art room. you let the tears run down your face as the petals from the peonies fell, leaving a trail on the floor.
after a week, you received your high school diploma and off you to college you go. you and your friends took pictures together and you thought that it would be nice to walk around your school for one last time. from the classrooms, to the playgrounds, to the soccer fields. then you took one last glance at the art room, recalling the day you experienced your first heartbreak.
when you went back to your parents, they gave you a tight hug before giving you a bouquet. then you catch a glimpse of jake with his family. like yours, his parents were proud of him for finishing top of his class. your heart might have swelled a little but before you could feel it more, your dad said he’d take you and your mom out to dinner.
jake sim might not like you back but you were sure that he will be a good memory you can look back to.
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“i’m sorry, mom.” your seven-year-old daughter tells you as both of you walked out of her classroom. apparently, she wasn’t the best at math class and her homeroom teacher was beginning to worry. but who were you to be disappointed when you were never the best at math either.
you kneel down, holding your daughter’s shoulders, “aera, we’re going to hire someone to help you, alright?”
aera pouts while nodding her head. you held her cheek, “sweetie, it’ll be alright. hm?” your daughter slowly nods her head then both of you went home.
you’re in an app searching for math tutors that look friendly but will help your daughter excel in class. it’s been an hour and you still haven’t found the right one.
“mommy, what’s for dinner?” aera says as she colors in her coloring book.
“we’re having spaghetti tonight, sweetie.” aera just nods her head and goes back to coloring. when you returned your attention to your phone, a familiar name popped up.
sim jaeyun: part-time physics teacher, part-time math tutor
sim jaeyun or known as jake sim when you were just a girl living in a small town. he was the boy you’ve had a huge crush on ever since you were eight years old. because of your silly crush on him, you confessed to him a week before your high school graduation. but he didn’t like you that way.
admit it or not, jake is a strong candidate. aside from attending the same school as kids, jake was best in math and physics and had a good reputation for being a math wizard.
unconsciously, you tapped the hello! are you available for a meet-up? option.
“shit!” you stand up from the couch.
“mom, that’s a bad word,” aera says while coloring her coloring book at the dinning table.
“you’re right, sweetie. mommy is sorry.” you say and kneeled to reach your daughter’s height. you smile, thinking that your daughter takes after you in her interest in drawing and coloring. she’d always ask you for coloring books, sometimes crayons if her old ones kept breaking. then one time you gave her the 64 crayons that you’ve always wanted as a kid.
“mommy, look!” aera colored the tiger pink.
“that’s wonderful, baby!” aera goes back into coloring while you prepare your dinner.
while you were cooking your spaghetti, your phone beeps and you received a message.
hello there! may i know who i’ll be tutoring?
you reply, it’s my seven-year-old daughter. she needs help in math.
jake: oh i see. may i know who i am speaking with?
you take a deep breath and typed your full name.
jake: y/n? did we go to the same school together?
y/n: yup! same school since 2nd grade to high school.
jake: oh wow! how are you doing?
y/n: i’m doing well right now.
jake: that’s good to hear!
jake: about your daughter, where exactly does she need help in math?
y/n: if it’s not too much to ask, she needs help in everything.
jake: oh no problem! are you available to meet-up?
y/n: sure! will send you the details soon.
jake: great! looking forward to meeting you.
y/n: looking forward to meeting you too.
“oh no!”
you immediately put your phone down and got the pot away from the stove with smoke coming out of it.
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you told jake to meet you at this café that is somewhat near where you lived and where jake is residing. it’s been long since you last saw jake and your last encounter with him was at the art room with a banner and lights where you confessed. then he rejected you.
you were holding tight on your cup of coffee. after you told jake where you were seated, you were expecting to meet him anytime soon. and that thought made you more nervous.
your organs did somersaults when you hear his familiar voice. and when you turn around, you were also greeted with a familiar face.
“j-jake. hi.”
jake still wore glasses. difference is that they were no longer thick black-framed ones but specs. aside from that, he did not change much. he still looked as gentle like before.
“sorry to keep you waiting. one of my students needed help.”
“no worries. please, take a seat.”
jake sits at the seat across you. he places his bag on the floor then he returns his gaze at you.
“sorry i didn’t order anything for you yet. i didn’t know what you liked.”
“it’s okay. so, your daughter needs help?”
“yeah, aera, she…she has trouble understanding problem-solving equations. has a hard time memorizing the multiplication table too, apparently.”
some part of you felt awkward that your daughter got her weakness in math from you. and jake knew that.
“do you have any worksheets from her class?”
“oh, yes,” you bring out the sheets if paper from your bag and gave it to jake. he reviews the papers and you felt déjà vu, remembering the day you first saw him in the library while reading a physics textbook.
“i see the problem here. she mixes the formulas and interchanges them.”
“is she…does she need extreme hands on help?”
“i can’t say yet but if i tutor her soon, i'll let you know the progress.”
“thank you…” you pause, not knowing to call him mr. sim, teacher sim, or just by his name.
“sorry,” you let out an awkward laugh, “i just don’t know how to address you?”
“jake is fine. i mean we went to the same school.”
“okay. thank you, jake.”
“thank you, too. y/n.” then jake gets his bag.
“you’re leaving?”
“yeah, i have to do some tasks first. but let me know when i can tutor her.”
“sure thing. see you soon?”
jake nods, “see you soon.” then he leaves the café.
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you and jake agreed that he will tutor aera from 2 pm to 5 pm every thursday and friday. at first, aera is shy to meet a new person but you assured her that her new tutor is a friend of yours. and she promised that she will behave.
the doorbell rang and as you expected, jake was outside.
“hi. i hope i’m not too early.”
“oh, no. you came just in time. come on in.”
when you let jake in your unit, you told him to wait by the living room while you call aera by her bedroom.
“sweetie, your tutor is here. come and say hi.”
when aera came out of her room, her shyness aent away.
“aera, this is jake. he’s going to tutor you at math. say hi, sweetie.”
“hello!” aera waves to jake to which he found adorable and softly giggles.
“it’s nice to meet you, aera.”
“mommy says you’re her friend. i call aunt yujin and aunt gaeul aunties because they’re mommy’s friends. can i call you uncle jake?”
“uncle jake sounds nice.” jake said with a smile on his face.
“do you want us to start, aera?” jake asks and aera nods before pulling jake to the dining table.
before jake and aera started their tutor session, you asked permission from jake if you can stay by your room with the door open. and he was kind enough to understand that you were careful with aera.
surprisingly, jake and aera got along well. aera had a hard time understanding the formulas and comprehending problems but jake was very patient with her. you always knew that jake would be a great teacher but you never knew that day will actually come true.
“okay, so when you add 4 and 7, you’ll be transferring the other one here, to 6. so it becomes 7. then you add 7 and 2. and what’s the answer?”
“good job, aera!” then jake did a high five to aera before circling the worksheet with his red pen.
“uncle jake, can you be my math teacher instead? you’re nicer than mrs. im.”
“did you know that mrs. im was also my math teacher. your mom and i were her students.”
“it means that she’s old! no wonder why she’s so grumpy.”
“aera, what did we say about bad mouthing people?” you say from the kitchen as you start preparing your dinner.
“it’s not going to make us different from them.”
“that’s right.”
jake softly laughed at your statement, “okay, aera. that’s all for today. if you still need help next time, we can always go back. but try studying on your own too, okay?”
“okay, uncle jake!”
jake starts packing his things then you and aera see him out.
“uncle jake, thank you for teaching me today. you’re so nice and i had fun.”
“you’re welcome, aera.”
aera looks up at you, “mommy, say thank you, too.”
you rub aera’s shoulders, “yes, ma’am,” then faced jake, “thank you for helping aera today. really.”
“you’re welcome,” jake looks down at aera, “i’ll see you tomorrow, okay kiddo?”
“see you tomorrow, uncle jake!” aera waves and jake gives her a smile before he leaves.
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months have passed since jake tutored aera. the process wasn’t easy at first since aera is really having a hard time understanding math. but as jake promised, he updated you that aera is still in need of help to improve. and you were grateful that he was patient with her, despite being exhausted from being a teacher at school.
most days, aera was excited for her tutoring sessions. she even boasts how she has a good tutor and jake’s her favorite teacher slash uncle. and you have to admit, it was cute.
today, you were busy finishing an illustration for a children’s book. most of the time, you sell your works online or have clients contact you for commissions. it wasn’t a stable job but you had to earn for you and your daughter. and thank god, your clients paid you well.
in the middle of working, you received a message from yujin, saying that there will be a class reunion at the town hall two months from now. you didn’t know if you’ll be able to go but you might if your friends are going.
yujin: so how’s the tutoring going on?
y/n: it’s going pretty well, actually. jake is really patient with aera and he always make sure that she understands what he’s teaching her
gaeul: you know…it’s not too late to re-live high schaer
y/n: eh???
yujin: she means to shoot your shot
y/n: very funny guys -_-
y/n: jake is just tutoring aera and he’s just doing his job
gaeul: 👀
yujin: if you say so 🤪
y/n: gotta get ready. i’ll be picking up aera in a bit and jake will be arriving after.
yujin: ooooh y/n is getting ready for her date.
y/n: OH PLEASE 😡
you roll your eyes before locking your phone and turning off your tablet.
when you were done getting dressed, the doorbell rang and when you opened it, you were surprised to see jake.
“hi, jake. i was just about to pick-up aera from school.”
jake scrunches his forehead then looks at his watch, “oh,” he lets out a laugh, “my class ended early and i might have thought i was late. i can come back later.”
“oh no, please. do you want to come with me and pick-up aera? she’ll be glad to see you.”
“great. let’s go.”
during the car ride, you and jake didn’t say a word. it was either you were busy watching the road or avoiding talking to him.
“so how have you been?”
“i mostly see you during tutoring sessions but we never really…'talked.’”
“oh, uh…well today was fine. i’m currently doing an illustration for a children’s book. not halfway done but I’m making progress. you?” you liked to jake before immediately returning your attention to the road.
“one of my students said that physics was useless and why do we need to study how fast a frisbee can travel.”
you try holding your laugh but jake caught you so you retort, “sorry it’s just that a kinda remember myself. and well, i couldn’t help my daughter in her math homework.”
it was silent again and all you could hear was the tires and the car engine.
“for what’s worth, aera is a good kid.”
you smile at jake’s comment and looked at him for a while, “thanks.”
“we’re here.”
“it’s been a while since i saw this place.”
you spot aera waiting at the waiting area and when she sees your car, she stands up and waits for you. and when you and jake got out of the car, she immediately runs to jake, hugging his leg.
“uncle jake, you’re here!”
jake giggles, “it’s good to see you too, kiddo.” then he rubs aera’s head like usual.
“don’t i get a hug?”
“mommy!” aera opens her arms and then you carry her. she gives you a kiss.
“let’s go home?” you asks and aera nods.
the three of you went to the car. aera was still happy that jake was with you to pick her up.
“uncle jake, can you come and pick me up next time?”
“aera, uncle jake has classes to teach. you can still see each other during tutoring sessions.”
aera pouts at what you said. jake looks back, “how about i bring you ice cream next week?”
aera smiles, “yes, please!”
“you might spoil her with too much sweets.” you nag.
“can it be mint chocolate, please?”
jake’s eyes grew wide then he looks at you and back at aera, “you really are your mother’s daughter.”
“hey mint chocolate deserves to be respected,” you defend.
“not when it tastes like toothbrush.”
“that’s mean!” you and aera say in unison.
throughout the whole ride, three of you were still bickering about mint chocolate being the superior ice cream flavor. you never thought that someone could actually get along with you and your daughter’s antics. and you liked it.
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“i’m sorry for the overtime, jake. but don’t worry, i’ll increase today’s payment session.”
exams were coming and aera needed help in studying. you felt bad that you had to ask jake to stay for a while but you promised him that he’ll be compensated more than his usual pay.
“it’s alright. besides, aera needed help.”
“why don’t you stay for dinner? you might be hungry.”
“oh, no. i couldn’t.”
“no, really. it’s the least i can do for thanking you.”
“if you insist then,” jake places his bag down the chair, “dinner would be great.”
and dinner was going great. aera told jake herself that jake was her favorite teacher. and jake felt honored. aera kept telling stories of her school life and how she made friends. then aera tells how
“you know, your uncle jake helped everyone in math before. he’s a math wizard.”
“uncle jake, did you help mom math too?”
“i did. she got the 4th highest grade in our math exam.”
“and of course, your uncle jake got the highest grade.”
jake does this hand gesture where he says “oh please.”
“is my mom hard to teach?”
you and jake laughed, “well…let’s say you’re a fast learner than your mother.”
“mommy, i’m better at you in math!”
“i can’t believe you two are teaming up against me,” then you pretend to get shot at the heart and jake and aera laughed at your antics.
after dinner was done, aera became sleepy. she promised that she’ll finish her homework tomorrow. you let her sleep early because she looked exhausted.
“goodnight, uncle jake.” aera says then yawns.
“goodnight, kiddo. you did well today.” jake kneels down and aera hugs jake. you were surprised but jake returned the hug, the sight melted your heart.
“okay, sweetie. uncle jake has to go home and sleep too.” aera pulls away from the hug and then you tell her to get her clothes and take a shower.
“bye, uncle jake.” aera says before getting inside the bathroom.
when it was just you and jake alone, you looked into each other and laughed.
“aera will be sleeping well tonight.”
“yeah, looks like it.”
“hey,” you pause for a while, “thank you. for helping aera. she hasn’t been this happy for a while.”
“thank you for letting me stay.” for some reason, your heart fluttered, “for dinner.”
“oh,” then you let out a chuckle, “you’re welcome.”
you and jake let out another chuckle. and it might seem cringey but you didn’t care. because right now—this felt right. you looking to his eyes, and him doing the same. almost like you didn’t want him to leave.
“i, uh…” jake coughs, “i should probably go.”
“oh. yeah…right. drive safely.”
jake nods before he opens the door, saying goodbye before leaving.
when you closed the door, you let out a breath you realized you haven’t been holding. you’ve replayed how jake looked at you just a while ago. and every time you remembered his face, your heart would beat fast. when you remember him being a good friend to aera, you couldn’t help but melt at his gentleness towards your daughter.
“mommy?” aera walks out of the bathroom with a towel on her shoulders, “are you sick?”
“huh? oh. no, no sweetie.”
“your face is red.”
“it’s just hot sweetie. let’s tuck you to bed, okay?”
after tucking aera to bed, it was your turn to get ready for bed. and when you thought you’ll be able to sleep peacefully, days of jake bonding with your daughter flashed in your mind again. he hated mint chocolate but when he promised to bring a tub of it, he ate it with you and aera. he finished a cup of it and didn’t think of spitting it out or drinking water to cleanse his tongue. one time, when you gave him a glass of water, your fingers touched and you immediately pulled away.
you kept tossing and turning all night. it was like you were your old self, gushing over jake in the smallest things. though this time, you had a daughter. and jake treats her so well that you couldn’t help but smile and melt.
and you wore that smile until you slept peacefully at night.
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lately, you’ve been having headaches while feeling muscle pains. when you took a temperature test, it showed that you had fever. you immediately called yujin, saying you needed help to take care of aera. you couldn’t ask your parents help because they have a store to take of at home. besides, you didn’t want them to take a bus all the way here to the city. you were just thankful that yujin was happy to babysit aera while you we sick and you said that you were fine with being alone for now. you told jake about your sickness and aera’s tutoring sessions will be cancelled for now. he hopes for you to get better soon.
“remember to listen to aunt yujin, alright?”
“and you don’t keep her waiting when she comes to fetch you.”
“yes, mommy!”
“don’t forget to finish your homework, alright? especially math.”
“yes, mommy!” you smile at your daughter then shift your attention to yujin, “thank you for doing this.”
“aera and i will have a good time, don’t worry,” yujin soothes aera’s head.
“i’m going to miss you, sweetie.” sadly, you couldn’t kiss aera goodbye.
“i’m going to miss you too, mommy!”
“okay sweetie, you’re going be late for school.”
aera and yujin say their goodbyes and you were left alone in your home. you lied down on your bed, with a glass of water beside you. you wrapped yourself in your blanket, hoping that it’ll stop you from shivering.
hours have passed and what you’ve been doing is eating, cleaning the used dishes, drinking medicine, and sleeping. you couldn’t wait to get better but you still felt sick and weak.
you were covered in your blanket when your doorbell rang. you wondered if it was yujin but she must be at home this hour, watching over aera.
you wore your mask before getting the door. when you opened it, you were surprised to see jake holding a stainless-steel lunchbox.
“oh, jake. hi.”
“i, uh…i made us some dinner. i made you soup.” jake raises the lunchbox, “i just thought you needed something to warm you up.”
you couldn’t help but melt at jake’s words. he really has this talent of turning small things into something big. and it made your heart flutter.
“come on in.” you opened the door for jake and let him in like always.
“i’ll just get us some plates.” then jake holds your shoulder, “i’ll do it. you can lie down and rest.”
you nod, “okay.” you were about to enter your room but you turn around, “plates and bowls are in the upper right cabinet.”
“got it.”
“and the spoons—” then jake shows you that he found the utensils on the other side of the cabinet.
“i’ll…” you point to your room and jake assures you that he’s got it covered.
you never let anyone in your home aside from your friends and parents. yujin and gaeul have always been pestering you to go on blind dates but you never did. letting someone else in your life was making you a little doubtful. but you were glad that jake is someone you knew and looks trustworthy.
“hey,” jake enters with a tray of the food he brought. you sit up then jake places the tray in front of you.
“what’s tonight’s main course?”
“well, we have ramyeon with ham, boiled eggs, and green onions.”
“sounds delicious.”
“here,” jake scoops some soup and gently blows it before bringing the spoon close to your mouth. you take the soup in your mouth and you smile, “that’s good soup. give my compliments to the chef.”
jake softly laughs, “will do.”
and jake proceeds to feed you the noodles and other toppings. you felt shy every time you couldn’t take the food in your mouth, especially if they were noodles. but jake didn’t judged you. when you were almost done, you drank the remaining soup left.
“you good?”
you nod, “mhm! thanks for the food. how about you?”
“i already ate, don’t worry.” you nod then you drank your medicine.
“thank you for coming over.”
jake smiles, “you’re welcome. you can sleep if you want to.”
“hm? aren’t you…don’t you need to go home and do other things?”
“if it’s alright with you…could i stay for a while? i just figured that you need someone to take care of you right now.”
you couldn’t find the right words to say. jake sim, your highschool classmate, childhood crush, your daughter’s math tutor—is willing to nurse you.
“are you sure?”
“if it’s alright with you. because,” jake slowly brings his hand to your forehead. when you realized what he wanted to do, you leaned forward, letting his hand touch your forehead.
“you’re still burning up.”
the thought of jake sim touching your forehead still causes you to become speechless. when he lets go, you pretended to not be bothered at all.
“are you sure you’ll be okay? i’m a heavy sleeper.”
“i don’t mind. sleep all you want.”
jake takes the tray and helps you fix your pillow, tucking you inside your blanket.
“goodnight, y/n.”
you smile, “goodnight, jake.”
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jake was by your side until the day you got better. he cooked you food and let you rest. you felt guilty that he had to nurse you but he wanted to do it wholeheartedly. and your heart fluttered.
you confessed to aera that her uncle jake has been taking care of you while she was away. she was jealous at first because she wanted to take care of you. but you explained to her that you didn’t want to get her sick. she came to her senses and thanked jake that he took care of you. yujin, though, was protective at first but she proceeded to tease you about it.
though lately you’ve realized, your attraction on jake sim was coming back. but this time, you were starting to see him in a different light. he has always been selfless, kind, and gentle but him showing those actions to your daughter made you like him more. but of course, you couldn’t tell him directly how you felt. things were different now that you’re a mom and he’s your daughter’s math tutor.
you’d rather hide your feelings than accept a rejectin. you’ll be reminded that things that come into your life are temporary.
today, you were going to take aera out to a museum for kids. why? because she got a high score in her math exam. while you were sick, aera managed to study on her own and remember the lessons she had with jake. you called jake and told him the news and he felt so proud of her.
“mommy, can uncle jake come with us?”
“i don’t know, sweetie. but i’ll call uncle jake first, okay?” aera nods her head vigorously.
jake’s phone continued ringing and you waited for him to pick-up the call.
“hello, y/n?”
“hey, jake.”
“hi, uncle jake!” aera says and you hear jake laugh.
“aera says hi.”
“well, what’s up?”
“oh…you see, i’m taking aera out today. and we were wondering—i mean she was wondering if…if you wanted to come with us.”
you shake your head, feeling anxious if jake caught you. but that worry disappeared when jake replies, “sure, i mean i’d love to.” and he sounded full of glee.
“g-great! we’ll pick you up then?”
“oh, no. i’ll pick you guys up.”
“oh. but—”
“no, really. i want to pick you guys up.”
“oh,” again, jake’s doing the smallest things can become big. “okay, we’ll be ready by then.”
“okay. see you later.
“see you later.”
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never in a long time has jake sim thought that he’ll be meeting y/n again. not in a million years has he also expected to meet y/n’s daughter.
jake sim was just having a regular day: teaching physics at school, checking their papers, and create lesson plans. he goes home, continues checking papers, finishes his lesson plan, and reads more textbooks whether it be math or physics. finally, he washes up, does a little bit of social media, then goes to bed.
jake was used to getting compliments of him being a math genius. many expected him to be a scholar, a professor, an engineer, or a physicist. but it wasn’t that easy. believe it or not, jake sim couldn’t seem to know where he can fit in. he was the golden boy from high school but after he graduated, he became lost and unsure. but he did know he loved math and physics alongside ramyeon noodles.
jake sim does his daily routine when suddenly, he receives a message. he puts his papers down and checks his phone.
hello! are you available for a meet-up?
then he replies, hello there! may i know who i’ll be tutoring?
the sender didn’t reply. he thought that it was the usual ones who reply after an hour or two so he goes back to checking his papers.
after a while, the sender replied.
it’s my seven-year-old daughter. she needs help in math.
jake returns his attention to his phone.
jake: oh i see. may i know who i am speaking with?
the sender sends a familiar name. then jake remembers a girl he frequently heard in school.
jake: y/n? did we go to the same school together?
y/n: yup! same school since 2nd grade to high school.
jake felt like catching up with an old friend. he might have not known you that much but he knew your reputation of being one of his admirers and that you were full of spirit with a good personality. though he did remember you causing some trouble but you weren’t the bad student type. in fact, he remembers you giving him compliments on sticky notes.
jake: great! looking forward to meeting you.
y/n: looking forward to meeting you too.
fast forward to the day jake was going to meet you. it was only a casual meet-up about agreements and how he’ll help your daughter pass math class. he noticed that you seemed worried about your kid but he assured you that he’ll try his best to help her.
and when he met her, he couldn’t help but soften up. meeting aera was like a breath of fresh air to his regular students. aera was willing to listen and learn on her lessons. she was very sweet and fun to be with. her spirit reminded him of yours when you were younger.
“uncle jake, i drew this picture for you.” aera gives him a drawing of him, reading books on the table with a blackboard behind him that had math equations.
“you really drew this?” jake asks amazed at your daughter’s drawing skills.
“mhm! because you’re my favorite teacher and i like you.”
jake couldn’t help but smile at aera. the kid was too cute and sweet to do such a thing. he heard you walking from the kitchen, and you had some biscuits placed inside a bowl.
“for the both of you.”
“thank you, mommy.”
jake notices how aera says “thank you” whether it be small or big actions. he liked that about a kid. but then again, he notices that you do the same. and he can’t help but think that you really are a good  mother.
ever since jake met you and aera, his routine might have become longer than before. but he didn’t mind one bit. not when he can get to help you and aera.
jake’s first reaction of you getting sick was that he got worried. the thought of you sick in bed, alone in your home almost made him loose his mind at class.
“i just figured that you need someone to take care of you right now.”
he knew that you got stressed and tired from taking care of aera. he couldn’t imagine how you managed to get through it in seven years. and he wanted to take care of you.
jake might have had had encounters with women but they weren’t any serious. in his defense, he only went on dates so that sunghoon can stop pestering him.
his bond with you and aera’s was different. the only connection you and jake had was that you both went to the same school. now, you don’t have any status aside from the fact that he’s a math tutor. but he liked it when you ask them how they’re doing and give you snacks. something about your smile and warmth makes him feel comfortable and excited at the same time.
right now, he felt happy feeling that you’re letting him be part of your mother and daughter time.
“uncle jake, have you ever been to a museum?”
“i have. your mother and i went to one in a field trip.”
“mommy says that we’re going to a museum filled with drawings.”
“that sounds fun. you excited?”
“mhm! and it’s more exciting because you’re here.”
jake looks at you, smiling at the interaction. throughout the whole ride, he’s been noticing that you’ve been smiling and giggling the whole ride. and he couldn’t help but gush over it.
the moment the three of you came into the museum, aera couldn’t help but become excited. you let aera be happy and excited but not too much or she’ll break some displays.
you took a picture of aera at the interactive displays. jake took pictures of you and aera, you doing vise versa when aera wanted a picture with him. then aera says that she wanted to have a picture with the three of you. when jake looked at the picture, he couldn’t help but think the three of you looked like a family.
“uncle jake, look! you look like my daddy.”
aera’s words affected both of you. jake has always noticed that your bond with you and aera has changed. but he never noticed that it was beyond that. until now.
“sweetie, let’s go to the mannequins, hm?”
then you carry aera and the two of you happily walk to the mannequins. aera was giggling at how the living mannequin gave her a flower.
suddenly, jake saw you carrying a baby in a living room. then aera comes running to you, and you show her the baby. “here’s your little sister, you say.” then you look at jake, “honey.” aera calls him, “daddy!” then runs to his direction.
he blinks when you called him.
“let’s go?”
“uh, y-yeah. i’ll be right there.”
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you had a great time day today. aera was happy to spend her day with you guys and you were happy that she’s happy. jake’s company also made you feel happy. you thought that today’s trip would only be you and aera but with jake, it became a memorable one that you’ll never forget.
aera was sleeping peacefully at the back. you and jake were still awake but both of you were tired.
“she had fun, didn’t she?” jake asks, his eyes focusing on the road.
“she certainly did.
“who knew that she can run so fast?”
“one time, i had to chase her for thirty minutes in a playground. couldn’t catch up with her.”
“she reminds me of you. when we were eight.”
“oh please. anyone can barely put up with my energy.”
“it’s one of the best things about you.”
once again, jake sim made your heart flutter. when the car stops, jake looks at you and you avoid his gaze.
you let out a soft laugh, “yeah. i might have passed it down too much. you might have a hard time catching up with us.”
“i don’t mind. i can catch up just fine.”
then the light turns green and jake starts driving again. you were clutching your hand to your chest. your heart was beating fast that you could barely breathe. you hoped that your heart will have mercy until you got home.
minutes later, you arrived at your home. jake said he can carry aera all the way up to your unit.
you opened the door to aera’s room and jake slowly lies her down. you stand by the doorway and watch jake tuck her in and rub aera’s forehead before he leaves the room. both of you take one last glance at aera before you closed the door.
“thank you for tucking her in. and driving us home.”
“you’re welcome.”
just like the other night, you and jake were standing by the door, staring at each other. both of you didn’t say anything but give each other a look. you recognized that look because you had that look from when you were young and when you met jake again. some part of you felt scared. you never let anyone else in your life, after being left with a baby to raise on your own. but that other part was telling you that you felt happy and excited by letting someone in your life again. when all he showed you was you were worth taking care of.
“jake, i—”
jake didn’t let you finish when his lips landed on yours. his mouth molded perfectly in yours and you couldn’t help but kiss back. jake grabs your nape and the action made you sharply inhale. both of you kissed faster and tried catching each other’s lips. realizing that you’re standing in front if your daughter’s door, you pull away.
“she might hear us.” you whisper and before jake could say anything, you pulled him to your room.
when both of you got inside, you lean at the door and jake kisses you again. this time, you pulled him down by wrapping your arms around his neck. you tried catching your breaths before diving back into each other’s lips. jake slides his hand down to your waist and you let out a whimper. he took that signal as a sign to take off his coat and pull you with him.
you ended up being on top of jake and both if you giggled. you took off your jacket and before you knew it, jake was on top of you. he goes back to kissing you and holding your waist, as you held the sides of his face. jake’s lips left yours as he brushes it to your cheeks, down to your jaw, then down to your neck.
you let out a sigh, feeling euphoria. his touch was gentle and you yearned for it. you pull jake closer and he continues his magic. he slides his hands up then behind your back. you pull jake up and kissed again. he slows his movements this time, getting the rhythm that you wanted.
then realization hit you. this feeling was familiar and the thought was scaring you. the last time you felt this kind of attraction, that person was temporary in your life. you knew that jake was too. eventually, you and jake will part ways when his task is done.
“jake…” you say when you pull away. but jake doesn’t hear you and latches his lips on your neck again.
“wait. jake, stop.”
then jake finally hears you and his eyes looked worried.
“did i hurt you?”
“no. no, no. i…”
you couldn’t look at him in the eye. when you stood up, you brushed your hair back and looked at anywhere else.
“is everything okay?”
“i’m sorry. i don’t…”
you covered your face out if embarrassment, along with fear.
“y/n?” jake holds your arm. his touch made you slowly uncover your face.
“are you okay?”
“i’m…i’m scared.”
jake looks at you with his soft eyes. he places his hand on your cheek and you can feel the tears falling from your eyes.
“oh, no. don’t cry.”
but you did. you let yourself be pulled by jake’s embrace. jake calms you down by rubbing your back.
“everything is going to be alright. i'm here.”
for the first time, you’re actually believing those words.
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after crying and staying silent for hours, you finally had the courage to tell jake your sturggles.
“I met this guy in college. he was a year older than me but we took the same class.
“we went on a few dates before we became official. we had a plan. we graduate, gets jobs, get married, and eventually start a family.
“getting drunk at the graduation party was not part of it. getting pregnant after the party—not at all.”
jake continues to hold your hand as both of you lie down on your bed. he let you rest your head on his shoulder as you tell your story. jake sympathized with you, waiting for you to finish what you wanted to say.
“i told him but he said he was sticking to his plan. so he’s completely out of the picture and i raised aera on my own.
“ever since then, i was so scared of letting anyone in my life again. it scares me.
“i’m sorry.”
jake puts his hand on your cheek and you face him.
“don’t be. you’re allowed to feel what you feel.”
you give jake a smile, still feeling your eyes swell. but you were thankful that jake was very understanding.
“thank you for listening.”
“thank you for telling me.”
jake soothes your back and you didn’t notice that you fell asleep in his arms.
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after that night, you and jake exchanged “hi’s” awkwardly. but you tried your best not to show aera or let it affect you and jake’s agreement.
weeks passed, you and jake grew out of your awkward phase and became more comfortable eith each other. but he never forced you to start anything with him. he continued being a great father-figure to aera.
you can say that what you had was unlabeled but a part of you knows that you were starting to fall in love with jake. but you were afraid to tell him.
you were just washing the dishes after jake and aera finished their cakes. then aera’s question made you stop.
“uncle jake, if i get a high grade in math, does that mean you won’t be going here anymore?”
“of course not, kiddo. why would you think that?”
“because after i get a high grade, you won’t be teaching me anymore.”
“well, yes…because you already know how to do math. but…” at this point, you were looking at jake then he continues, “it doesn’t mean i'll stop visiting you.”
then aera hugs jake and he hugged her back.
“if you ace the final exam, we’ll eat mint chocolate ice cream together.” then jake looks at you.
aera did her best and jake was beyond proud of her. you were too. you were proud for the both of them. seeing jake with aera, you thought that he can be more than a father-figure. you knew that both of them have a special bond that is more than a tutor and student.
the next days, jake was starting to stay at home longer. he was so familiar with the place that he remembers where you keep your plates and utensils. one time, the three of you played monopoly and you didn’t remember how long you played because the three of you were having fun. jake declared himself as the winner even though there is no real winner in monopoly.
some nights, you and jake would tuck aera together and she liked it. she never complained about having a father but with jake becoming part of your lives, it was like a dream come true for her.
“i don’t know if me hanging out longer looks like i'm invading your home.”
“i don’t mind. besides, we like having you around.”
you and jake were alone in the living room. drinking a glass of wine while having late night conversations.
“do you maybe…want us to go out sometime? just the two of us.”
“yeah. i’d love that.”
“great. it’s a date then.”
you were surprised but you liked it.
“yes, jake. it’s a date.”
you lean on the couch with the glass on your right hand. jake leans in the couch too, looking at you softly.
“it’s weird though.”
“what is?”
“that i never got to see how amazing you are. you’re not just the girl who causes trouble or teachers dislike for drawing in class.”
“to be fair, i never realized how good you are with kids. it’s making me hard not to fall for you.”
you didn’t know if it was the alcohol. but you suddenly confessing your feelings for jake sim was somehow déjà vu.
“i’ll, uh,” you put down your glass, “i’ll make us some coffee.”
you stand up and was about to go to the kitchen when jake pulls you around and kisses you. you kissed him back, tasting the red sine you just drank. jake holds your cheek and you lean forward, holding his waist.
when you pull away, your eyes were still closed but you can feel jake’s breath on your lips.
“i love you.”
you open your eyes and jake was smiling at you. His cheeks were red. might be from the wine or from the proximity and confession he just said.
 “i’m not drunk am i?”
jake smirks, “i don’t think so.” then kisses you again, and you pull him closer.
“thank you for accepting me.” you whisper at his lips.
“no. thank you for accepting me.”
who would’ve thought that a bottle of red wine was all you needed for the perfect confession. but for now, you needed to make two cups of coffee so you and jake can have a proper conversation.
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when you told aera the news, you told her that you loved jake like how anne loves gilbert and that jake loves you the same. then aera follows, “but didn’t you already know?” and you were caught off guard.
nevertheless, aera liked the idea of you and jake being together. you haven’t told her about how you met jake. but one day you will so that she’ll know that the right person will come along in time.
just as jake promised you, both of you will be going on a date together. you asked where you’ll be going but he said it was a surprise.
so you dressed up wearing a denim dress that you thought you’ll never use. you wore the necklace your mother gave you when you graduated high school. it felt weird when you asked aera if you looked okay. but she says that you look beautiful as ever. both yujin and gaeul wanted to babysit her this time. but you also knew that they wanted to see you finally having your date with jake sim. but they were hapoy for you that you finally found someone.
“you really don’t want to tell me where we’re going?”
“not a chance.”
you roll your eyes but you knew that jake was trying to give you a date you can remember.
minutes later, the scenery changed into a lake. the water was shining and the grass was turning to a yellow green color thanks to the sunlight. your jaw dropped at the scenery. it was like an actual painting.
when jake stopped the car, he immediately got out and opened the door for you.
“i wanted to find a place only for us.”
“how did you find this place?”
“had a little help from sunghoon and jay.”
“oh how are those two anyway?”
“they’re doing well, actually. jay is engaged and sunghoon is in denial that he’s crushing on his workmate.
you laugh, remembering sunghoon for his schemes and playboy antics. you remember him teasing jake about a girl he liked in high school.
“you okay?”
“you look grumpy.”
“oh.” you shake your head and grab the picnic basket from jake, “come on!”
the whole picnic, you and jake did some catching up. you told him that your parents are still residing in your hometown and your mom’s flower shop is still om business. your dad retired long ago and he just stays at home. jake’s parents were in australia and they were professors in two different universities.
“i suddenly remembered something. weren’t you supposed to move back to australia after high school?”
jake looks down at your figure, “you trying to get rid of me?” then you give jake a “really?” look and he laughs. you sit up and looked at him, placing your palm on his chest. jake was looking up at the sky, thinking deep.
“it was planned, yes. honestly, i was happy to be back home for a while but…something was telling me that i had to be somewhere else.
“i told my parents that i wanted to go back here. they were hesitant at first but i told them to trust me.”
“and did you find what you were looking for?”
“i did,” then he looks at you, “and i realized that i made the right choice to come home.”
“welcome home, jake.” you leaned down and intended to give him a quick kiss but he leans his face forward, trapping your lips.
“that wasn’t fair.”
“i love you too.”
you laugh but gave jake quick pecks and kept saying “I love you’s” in between. you were afraid of being too affectionate but you couldn’t help but show them when jake showers you a lot of it.
jake giggles like a kid then he hovers over you and it was his turn to attack you with kisses.
then both of you ate the sandwiches he made then watched the sunset together. and it was better than any romance movie you watched.
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you and jake didn’t really care if you wanted to go public with your relationship. but now that both of you are driving back to your home town for the reunion, you couldn’t help but be nervous. everyone in high school knew your reputation especially that jake was involved. they don’t even know that you’re a single mom of a seven-year-old girl. and now, you’re dating the boy you had a crush on.
your friends won’t be coming because they had to babysit aera. you were hesitant at first to go but you promised jake that you’ll come with him. also, he really wanted to introduce you as his girlfriend to his friends.
“you ready?” jake unbuckles his seatbelt and then he notices you tensing up.
“you okay, baby?”
“what? oh. y-yeah. maybe not?”
“i’ll be with you the whole time,” jake places his hand on yours, “okay?”
you gulp then nod, “okay.”
jake unbuckles your seatbelt, “let’s go.”
when you and jake entered the hall, everyone was in their tables, probably chatting about their careers and relationships. they were all familiar faces. chaewon, the former class president, was chatting with your former homeroom teacher, mrs. bang. somi, one of jake’s admirers was with a date. ej was with his friend nicholas. those two were hard to separate.
“jake, my man!”
you and jake turn around and see jay approaching you. he and jake gave a brotherly hug. then out of no where, sunghoon barges in and headlocks jake.
“sim jaeyun is here!”
and apparently it caught everyone’s attention and they began whispering when they saw you with the famous “02z of daebom high.”
“so…jake.” sunghoon eyes you then back to jake, raising his eyebrows up and down.
“sunghoon, jay, you remember y/n, don’t you?” jake places his hand around your waist.
“how could we forget when she always screams in the hallways 'jake sim jjan!’ or ‘jakey, the sun can’t shine without your existence in the world!’”
“oh please, don’t.” your face becomes red from embarrassment.
“but y/n, i have to say, it’s about time jake did something more than spend his time on paperwork.”
the four of you chatted for a while before finding a table for the four of you. being in the same table with the three flower boys was your high school dream. it felt weird that it came true after many years but in different circumstances.
“baby, want something to eat?”
“not that hungry, thank you.”
“how about some appetizers?”
“meatballs with cheese would be nice though.”
“i’ll be right back,” jake eyes his friends, “be nice.”
“yes, sir!” sunghoon and jay do a salute before jake leaves you with them.
“y/n, tell me. has jake been giving you headaches?”
“no, actually, he’s been helping me a lot. he’d drop by and help tutor my daughter. then we’d have movie nights until we tuck aera to sleep. we go and do the most mundane dates but with him…he makes it so special.”
then you noticed jay and sunghoon just looking at you in awe.
“you really love him, don’t you?”
you nod, “i do. very much.”
“he may not be telling you this but, ever since he met you, his boring, ordinary life became vibrant and full of joy. i’ve never seen him that happy since.”
jay’s words made you feel accepted. he has always had a way with words but it was the first time you actually heard it.
“thanks, jay.”
“y/n, in case he does do something stupid, just give him a smack in the head and he’ll come around.”
“will try to remember that, sunghoon.”
“meatballs for my lady,” jake places the plate in front of you. jay and sunghoon were about to get some when jake slaps their hands.
“go get your own.”
jay was about to slap jake’s shoulder when mrs. bang starts to speak.
“class of 20xx, i’d like to start this reunion by saying, welcome home.”
everyone claps and you follow. your homeroom teacher continues by saying that there will be a program performed by somi and her friends. like before, she’s always had charisma when performing on stage.
there was games. pocky games were always the best. jay and sunghoon did it by vote. everyone cheered when the pocky stick became small in very bite. both of them didn’t want to loose but they didn’t want to touch each other’s lips either so jay took the fall.
there were some awardings too. the life of the party: sunghoon. shy prince: ej. math wizard: your jake. you got the artist award.
the event was still on-going but you and jake left early. you wanted jake to formally meet your parents.
on the drive going there, you felt nervous but you didn’t want to let jake know. as for jake, you can sense that he’s nervous because he was biting his tongue while looking at his feet.
“baby,” you call jake and when he turns around, “you cup his face.”
“they’re going to love you.”
this time, you’re assuring jake. you felt nervous too but you love jake and you know that he’s a good man that your parents will love.
you and jake waited for someone to answer the door. and when it opened, your mom answers it.
“hi, mom. dad.”
“y/n? who’s this?”
“this is jake. he’s my boyfriend.”
and your parents ended up loving jake. they remember him when you mentioned you went to daebom high together. suddenly, they told jake stories about you gushing over jake. you figured that you had quite the reputation here in town.
“oh jake, you should’ve seen y/n write your name at the back of her notebook with hearts.”
“mom!” you cover your face but your parents kept teasing you.
“jake, y/n might seem the free spirit type but she’s someone who has a big heart.”
“yes, sir. and i'll take care of her and aera.”
your dad kept offering jake some alcohol but you kept reminding him that both of you need to drive home. but a twist of events lead to jake becoming wasted and your parents saying that both of you should spend the night here.
“mom, i have to see aera.”
“y/n, you’re tired and jake is drunk. now, i don’t want both of you getting into an accident.”
you sigh, “yes, mom.”
you carried jake to your old room and lie him on his back. he kept calling your name but you just laughed, finding him cute with his red face.
“baby, i need to take off your shirt. okay?”
jake pouts and covers his chest, “my girlfriend will get mad at me.”
“jake, it’s me.”
jake slowly opens his eyes, “oHhh y/n!”
just like that, jake was fast asleep. you slowly lifted him so he can sit up. when he was sitting on the head board, you gently unbuttoned his shirt. you were thankful that he was wearing a white shirt inside. after that, you positioned him facing the side with a pillow under his head.
“talk about ‘i’ll take care of her.’”
you laugh softly but you lightly jake’s head. he looked really cute. sleeping like a baby.
“y/n…” jake says  slurring in his sleep.
“you and aera,” he lets out a hiccup, “are the best thing,” another hiccup, “that’s ever happened to me.”
for so long, you were so scared that when you let someone in your life, they’d leave you. for a while, you thought that you were content that it was just you and your daughter against the world. but eventually, this man right here, drunk and sleep talking is going to be a good father to aera. this man right here is the one you want to spend the rest if your life with.
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you’ve been dating for a while now and he has been dropping by your place almost every day. so you asked him to move in with you. it wasn’t anything new except that jake doesn’t have to drive before he gets to see you and aera.
and when you slept at the same bed for the first time, it was a little awkward. but like before, both of you adjusted and got used to it.
you and jake would cuddle before you go to bed. he’d be the big spoon, whether you were facing behind him or you were lying on his chest.
“you know, i should’ve asked you sooner.”
“be grateful that i said yes in a heartbeat.”
“oh, thank you, sir jake.” you teasingly thank him like he was a knight.
the rest of the night, you’d have tickle fights until both of you will snuggle until you sleep.
but like any other relationship, there were always misunderstandings and conflicts.
“jake, all i'm saying is that we don’t have enough money to buy a new place.”
“y/n, i have enough to get us one.”
“didn’t it come across your mind that we should be buying it together?”
“well if maybe your job was—”
“what, jake? if i were a teacher, earning a monthly salary like you?”
“y/n, that’s not what i meant.”
but you walked out before he could finish. you didn’t talk to jake for the rest of the night. jake waa in the living room while you stayed in your bedroom. you were thankful that aera was oblivious to the situation.
after an hour, jake went inside your room and you were facing behind him.
you didn’t say anything.
“i’m sorry. i shouldn’t have said that.”
“you think?”
“i just thought that if we get a new place, we’d finally settle in a home as a family. but truth is, wherever you are…you are my home.”
you finally turn around, but all you could do was stare at jake as he waits for you to say something.
“did you say family?”
‘yeah. i did.”
you didn’t think before hugging jake. he hugs you back, burying his face on your neck.
you and jake agreed that when the time is right, you’ll get a new place and everything else will fall into place.
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you’ve been thinking for a while about what jake said. you did consider moving to a new place but your savings weren’t enough. but you also wanted to start a new life with jake in it.
so you decided to find a full-time job as an art teacher for elementary students. hoping that you’ll have enough income for your family’s future. and no, you didn’t force yourself. you choice this because it’s for the ones you love.
“ms. y/n, am i doing a okay?”
“you’re doing great, jungwon!” you give your student a big smile.
“niki you’re doing great too!”
you never fail to compliment your students. you might not have the best audiences when you were young. but you didn’t want to crush children’s dreams when they remind you of how you were.
“okay, kids. don’t forget that your homework is due tomorrow.”
you were thankful that your class was the last one. you were in the middle of fixing your things when someone knocked at the door.
“hey. your class is done?”
“yeah. well, i clocked out early.”
oh, right. jake finally became a full-time math teacher. both of you work at the same school. he thought that he should be helping you so you can get a new place. besides, it’s a great opportunity for him to go home with you and aera.
“are you not feeling well?” you stand up and held jake’s forehead but he shakes his head.
“actually, we are going out for a while.”
your eyes grew wide, “where are we going?”
“i’ll tell you when we get there.”
“it’s going to be fun,” you raised your brow at jake then he says, “i promise.”
next thing you knew, you and jake were in the car taking the route to  your hometown. the next surprising thing is when he parked in front of your old school.
“what are we doing here?”
jake just gives you a smile before getting out of the car. he opens the door for you, kneeling down.
“come with me.”
it might seem weird that jake always makes your heart flutter for the bare minimum but heck, this is jake sim we’re talking about.
both if you were walking down the hallways of the school. it felt weird walking in the same place where you called jake’s name to get his attention. now, you’re holding each other’s hand.
“don’t worry, the teachers know that we’re visiting.”
“any reason why we’re visiting?”
“when we reach the end of the hall, you’ll know.”
so you and jake continue walking. both of you stop then jake holds your hand.
“for this part, i'm going to need you to close your eyes.”
you were hesitant at first but you did what jake asked. he was holding your hand the whole time you walked with your eyes closed. then he stopped.
“wait a minute.”
jake’s lets go if your hand.
“you can open them now.”
you were greeted with lights behind jake. the banner with the sign, “will you accept me?” then you realized that this is how you confessed to jake in high school. and you’re in the same room.
jake was holding a bouquet with pink, white, and red roses with baby’s breath. and he had a ring on his other hand.
“y/n, i never would’ve thought that my boring, plain, life would be so colorful, vibrant, and joyful. you and aera…i couldn’t imagine how my life would turn out if you weren’t in my life. you let me become part of your life, and i want to spend my remaining days with you and our family.”
“so,” jake kneels down in front of you. the action caught your breath away.
“will you accept me?”
you gave yourself a minute to process what was happening. and when you did, you finally say…
“jake, i appreciate what you have done but…
“it would be a shame if i don’t say yes.”
you laugh and you let your tears fall on your face.
“yes, yes, yes.”
 jake stands up and finally gives you a tight hug. you bury your face in his chest.
jake kisses your head and whispers, “i love you.”
you lift your head up, “i love you.”
the last time you fell in love, things might not have gone the way you wanted them to. you doubted a lot of things and distanced yourself. then you met a man who proved to you that you deserve a second chance.
this time, you were sure that it will be different and will be the best thing that has ever happened to you.
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equestriagirl16 · 2 years
NRC staff and their guardian status with MC~🌹
Notes: personal headcannons cause I absolutely cannot get enough of the NCR staff being caretakers/parental figures to MC. It’s just so wholesome to me, and a lot of this isn’t new info just my take on said renowned info.
Inspired by: @wolken-himmel @hunniepotts @adrianasunderworld @mashed-potato101
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Dads: Crewel and Crowley
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It’s basically canon at this point that our dear professor would assume the main dad role.
He would have a long history of taking care of “unruly pups”, and having you come around like a lost stray in need of proper training. Well he just couldn’t help himself now could he?
Spoils the hell out of you, yes he would take you out shopping for actual clothes and necessities, yes he would pay for everything, and no you absolutely do not owe him anything in return. Would probably get genuinely upset if you insisted.
Would be the dad to actually remind you, in a reassuring way, that you are in fact a child/young so you really shouldn’t carry the world on your shoulders at least not by yourself.
Fairly overprotective and strict, he only wants the absolute best for and from you. Which means unfortunately you won’t get a sliver of favoritism in class, and no amount of batting eyes or cute little excuses in baby talk is gonna change that. “Well you should’ve thought of that when I specifically gave you a weeks notice before the assignment went out pup.” And then he pats you on the head with his stick(affectionately).
No dating no boys no nothing, in fact no friends. Just spend your time with your loving father figure, he’s sure that’d be much better for your mental health. “I hate men.” “But you are one.” “My point still stands.” He’s spent more time around the student body than you have so he knows, LORD does he know, that plenty of them will leave you worse for wear despite how nice of a person they are. And if anyone, no matter who they might be, leaves his little pup sad and whimpering. He’ll make sure to remind them why he adorns the name of Crewel.
But at the end of the day he absolutely loves you, and you bring a special light in his life too. He may be a little young for it(in his words), but a set of adoption papers happen to make his way on his internet browser more times than he can ignore. Only if you’d like, perhaps he could bring the proposition up in conversation during your next shopping spree.
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Oooooh Crowley, honestly this is mostly because he was the first adult to find you. We all know how this man operates, and yet he’ll insist that he takes care of you like his own child! *looks into the camera*
The man is on the complete other end of the dad spectrum. Ya know instead of responsible and nurturing he’s more so flighty and excitable. Literally just- “We gon need nutrition.” “So your kid likes apple juice?” “Oh no they love orange juice, but they’ve been bad this week.” “What grade is your kid in?” “Sixteenth grade.” “That’s not even a grade!-So they graduated college?” “No they…where is my kid??” He left you in the grocery store…again.
Don’t get him wrong though, he can step up to the challenge when need be, he’s still a whole principal. If anything he’ll at least make sure your academics are in line and your school life is decent, and thankfully he does play favorites!
However he definitely values independence, and just tends to think you can handle things on your own and believes a ton in your potential. Much to both your favor and detriment, sure there’s nothing you can’t handle but that doesn’t mean you should handle it all at once!
Does get serious when the situation calls for it. Like if you’re legitimately broken up about anything, or just in a bad place the secret dad switch in the far reaches of his brain finally switch into hyper gear. He can catch the slightest wind of it, and he’ll be the first one there to comfort you which he’s surprisingly good at. Both in physical comfort and advice, it gets you every single time.
He would never let you know this, nor could you really guess, but he would do anything for you. You mixed up his life in a very unexpected and interesting way, and even if he’s not good at showing it he does love you very much. Man would kill for you. Die for you though? Hmm, give him a sec to think.
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Uncles: Vargas and Sam
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To me he comes off as someone who definitely cares about you but doesn’t show it on as intimate of a level if that makes sense. He’s a gym bro, he shows his affection more in words of motivation and making you run just a few more laps. Cmon, he believes in you!
Obviously he values your physical health, but also because he knows that can translate into mental health. He may not be there for everything but he does what he can in the time he has with you.
Honestly he probably just figures that you already have a lot of people looking out for you, and he doesn’t want to overstep. So he’ll stay in his lane and make sure you’re working at maximum efficiency.
Of course that doesn’t mean he won’t be there for you when you need it. Is also ever so slightly protective, but aims to lift you back onto your feet more than anything. He knows your someone deserving of respect so he’s gonna remind you of that every time he has the chance, and won’t stop until your confidence is through the roof. “Come on, you’re really gonna let them tear you down like that! Remember what I taught you, no one’s strong like Y/N!”
But if you need a hug then maybe, just maybe, he’ll sweep you up and jostle you around until you’re too dizzy to even remember you were sad. You’re a rarity in this world, and you’re just as capable as anyone else. As long as he’s around he’ll never let you forget that.
Also, head pats for days and 100% calls you kid.
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I feel like I barely have to even explain this one. It’s Sam, he’s younger and more extravagant. Not rly dad material, he gives off more older relative/big brother vibes.
He’s got his own stuff going on plus a shop to run, he may not be around you 24/7 but would definitely encourage you to stop by and visit literally anytime. He absolutely loves your company and showing you all his little tips and tricks.
You can guarantee he’d sometimes let you’d off the hook when paying for supplies, for no particular reason at all of course. “I’m closing up shop for the night anyway, now run along little imp ‘fore the shadows get ya!”
Likes teasing you, just playful little pranks and jabs to keep you on your toes. Would never dream of doing anything remotely malicious, even does check-ins if your reaction isn’t the happiest.
Speaking of check-ins, I feel like he’d ask you about how things are going every single time you visit him. Since he’s on the younger side too he’d definitely be more in the know about how to deal with certain things, and give you more down to earth advice. The jump from free spirited shop keep to serious guardian is wild.
Also for any of my black/poc MCs out there, he has your back(especially if you were homesick). Another fully welcomed slice of culture, I have a personal headacannon that he’d be extremely helpful on hair days too. Not to say no one else is, but he would take pride in you sticking close to your roots(heh, get it). As well as picking out really cool styles for you. Maybe even have some spells to let you color it, the possibilities are endless.
A little protective but he doesn’t outright distrust anyone neither believes in shielding you. You gotta fight you’re own battles, but that doesn’t mean he won’t be there every step of the way. When you’re knocked down he’ll pick you right back up, now equipped with a few new tricks up your sleeve. And perhaps on some days many may notice that you have more than one shadow following behind you.
Loves you to death and beyond that, he’ll make sure everyday is full of laughs and you have what you need to stand out from the rest.
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This man has gray hairs, years of wisdom, and put multiple kids through college. He has earned this category.
I want to say since he already has a family of his own he wouldn’t completely take you in, but he’d definitely put you under his wing. Simply put he owns most the brain cells between all the staff, so he’d know not only how to but for your own sake that he should take care of you.
The amount of times he’s had to steer you away from the advice of a certain principal, and to be the guy to refute the extra baggage anybody put on you is ridiculous. “But Crowley wanted me to get the supplies from the town this weekend, and then I have to host a tutoring session with the guys, and run another errand-” “You’re not doing that.” “But-” “No buts, none of it. Now sit down and finish your tea, I fear you’ll collapse if you think for another second.” Firmly believes no one as young as you should be dealing with the sheer amount of bullsh!t you deal with. And trust that he’s seen a lot of it in his time working at that place.
He’s the epitome of responsible caretaker, will set your priorities straight and be very transparent with you. If your getting too distracted to focus on your academics, or putting yourself last after everything/everybody you have to deal with. He won’t hold back, you’re apart of the equation, the most important part.
He’s also very well versed in the emotional aspects of a young ones life too. Sure he’s not the most touchy feely type, but on like a psychological level he understands and gives arguably the best and most proactive advice.
This isn’t his first rodeo, honestly a lot of it is just second nature to him. He just has a lot of sympathy for you and your situation, and despite his demeanor he’s not one to leave a literal stranded child to fend for themselves. He’s a professor not a monster, and of course you remind him a lot of his prime parenting days. Which he’s secretly very fond of.
He won’t say it out loud, well at least not in front of other people. Perhaps during a nice quiet evening in his office he’ll tell you how genuinely proud he is of you and your progress. You’ll always have a means of support in him, but don’t misunderstand him he doesn’t play favorites.(yes he does)
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rayroseu · 8 months
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Another Silver kinnie moment.... I always recommend cakes for celebration too bcs it has fond memories ✨✨✨
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I would love to see General Lilia defying physics on the hanging bar lol
Also The 2nd line reminds me of whats happening the Playful Land event...
"strong leadership by unifying a large group and orchestrating them to put on a show"... Meleanor is so amazing...✨✨She's an organizer of calisthenic demonstration too??? MAYBE????
Just like how Fellow honest is controlling the NRC students to put on a show... Also she views the humans as stupid and weak, just like how Fellow views NRC as stupid boys lol
I guess she really does act as the Puppeteer as the Highest Commander of Briar Land's soldiers... But also it COULD imply that she can manipulate several people yk (IM OVERTHINKING ABOUT THIS AJFHHA)
Every Silver Owls said that they successfully lured Meleanor into their trap but what if that was never the case?
Lilia's dream rn is far from its end... We don't even have concrete evidence that she was defeated by Knight of Dawn... Maybe I'm hoping too much bcs I don't really want her to die lol🥲 but what if all this time she was orchestrating a fake death to initiate a more sinister end for the war between faes and humans??
or Idk maybe she really died.... 😭😭😭 she DID plotted that Malleus is going to be harmful to humans. Which if we think her single purpose is to destroy humanity
(reffering to her line smth like: Weak, fragile, and stupid. The humankind is begging to be destroyed. If that is so, I shall bring it upon them. With the thunder of judgement!")
then Malleus is making her wish come true that the Dark Faes will reign supreme than humans because he overblotted and planning to spread its curse across the world lol
But i dont like that this theory implies that shes involved of Malleus Overblot I dont think Mother Meleanor will do that 😭😭😭💔💔💔
Also literally why tf did my brain jumped from this??? I think im doing mental calisthenics... Lilia literally is just discussing an Old briar valley tradition and its never even brought up again 😂😂😂💥💥💥
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Why the KOSA Bill Should Not Pass
tw: ab0rtion talk, assault mention, su1cide mention
also, credit to @the-realest-spot-conlon for getting this strike started. i've known about this bill for a while but until she talked about it, i hadn't really researched what this bill would have in store for the united states.
this will be a bit dark because this is sort of a speech against the KOSA bill and the bill basically wants to ban any talk of abortion, protesting and the LGBTQ+ community from kids under 16- WHICH the parents have no control over controlling what their child could see and the government would basically be saying:
"oh that's inappropriate" to say something like, idk, an inclusive video
and basically sort of brainwashing an entire generation
so yeah this will be a bit dark so don't read if you might be uncomfortable with the topics this sort of speech will have
(and this is directed at the government so when I say 'you' in the paragraphs it's towards the government)
[i removed the first part because it's a bit more personal and uh i dont think it should be shared here :sob]
And while it might seem a bit overexaggerated, it’s true. There are teenagers all over the united states, countries and the globe who face problems like these. And it’s not just verbal. No, there is physical violence and assault, hate crimes happening to students everywhere.
You might now be asking: “What does this have to do with the KOSA bill?”
I hate to say it but the internet has truly been my one and only friend I can ever count on. Who I always know has my back. The LGBTQ+ community doesn’t care if I’m not super skinny or if I have scars lining my arms. They support the fact I don’t really have any romantic feelings towards other people or really just romantic feelings in general. They make me feel normal. That it’s okay to not feel inclined to have and align with the normal gender rules. That I don’t have to follow the binary.
The internet is the only place I can analyze poetry and art deeply with different interpretations and analyzations of every single line, or every single stroke in a painting or word in a novel. Where I can freely talk about my new hyperfixation and no one will stare at me weirdly. Instead, they will respond with another essay.
They won’t say it’s “fucking sad” that I like to write essays in my free time- one of the only ways I can truly express myself because no one at school wants to hear me talk.
And it’s not just a safe place for me. No, it’s a place where everyone as a whole can express their rights and their thoughts. This is our future generation- our future leaders we’re talking about. If the only things that can make us realize what we need to change are censored, how will we ever be able to fix these problems that citizens make? 
Abortion laws. Yes I’m saying that. You want to censor any talk of abortion. What about all the innocent girls out there? Brutally assaulted and forced to ruin their career because they can’t get rid of a baby that’s not even developed yet. That doesn’t even have feelings or a brain yet. It’s just a tiny hint of life, not a fully classified human being yet. An embryo. And so now, they will have to face anxiety, depression, guilt, maybe even shame and ruin for the rest of their lives. 
They don’t have a free choice. But America is supposed to be freedom for the people! And here you are, taking away futures. Taking away future doctors, lawyers and even presidents. Just to save a cell inside their stomachs. Just to make them risk their lives giving a painful birth that will destroy their bodies. No brain, no feelings and no heartbeat. 
We need to know the wrongs in our world to stop them! To be able to protest against them! To be able to stand up for ourselves! So the older generations won't keep making votes that will ruin OUR futures.
Let’s look back at the first right for our states. Freedom of Speech. Huh, sound familiar to your bill? You want to take away protesting from the eyes of our future. From what can help them make the right decisions for our nation. So they can learn to lead. But no, you just want to raise mindless sheep that will bend to your will because they never had any exposure to what can help them break away. 
This bill will ruin lives. It will break apart the nation into pieces like a glass window broken by a bullet. Because if this bill passes, I bet you this: suicide rates will go up. Depression rates: up. Without the comfort of people who you actually connect to, isolation will take over your feelings and it just leads you into a downward spiral.
Imagine you’re a 13 year old who just watched their entire future torn to shreds by a bill signed. You just took their voice away. Their rights away. Possibly their entire life away. Consider that.
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acesstark · 10 months
My favorite details and little moments in Red, White, and Royal Blue
I’ve been thoroughly annotating Red, White, and Royal Blue, and even though I’ve read it nearly a dozen times in the last few years, there’s so many things I didn’t fully appreciate and little details I didn’t notice until I took the time to read every single line (I read very fast. Somehow I retain the information. I don’t know either.)
So here is a list of some of my favorite little details and moments that I appreciate a lot more lately:
1. “Nobody needs to know how hard he’s kicking underwater”
2. Amy is Ellen’s favorite secret service agent
3. Growing up June and Alex were forced to talk about their feelings
4. Zahra is a Howard graduate + from New Orleans
5. The lists Alex hid under a cushion as a kid that he still creates to make things make sense in his too-fast mind
6. Alex being perpetually bitter over Henry being taller than him
7. Henry walks around barefoot at Kensington, which isn’t important but is something I find interesting for no reason other than the fact that being barefoot is a horrible experience for me personally
8. Henry and Alex are both insomniacs
9. Alex physically got into bed with all of the kids at the hospital to read to them
10. “Alex crosses his arms, a mirror to Henry’s tic…” They’re both so neurodivergent
11. Alex and Raf sharing tropical skittles
12. June eats Margherita pizza, Alex eats mushrooms on his, and Ellen very possibly eats hers crust first
13. Ellen made a PowerPoint when Alex got his first girlfriend
14. Shaan has a motorbike
15. Henry’s favorite food is cheap falafel
16. Henry infodumps about classical mythology, the stars, sailboats, and Lord Byron, and bonds over Pride and Prejudice with June
17. Nora caught Alex watching videos of Justin Trudeau speaking French on multiple occasions
18. Mr. Wobbles and David are mates :D
19. Great British Bake Off is Henry’s comfort show because the colors and music are soft and everyone is nice to each other
20. “Alex was student body president and lacrosse cocaptain and prom king and valedictorian” just so that he wouldn’t have to think about his home life
21. Alex was a Boy Scout
22. “Henry doesn’t want the spotlight, and Pez naturally absorbs what Henry deflects”
23. A girl from the MCU Spiderman movies tried to hit on Alex at the NYE party
24. Nora then proceeded to flirt with the Spiderman girl
25. “‘m not bored,” Henry mumbles.
26. Alex listens to Kid Cudi
27. Alex has the highest approval rating in his entire family.
28. Alex keeps Captain America bandaids in his bathroom
29. Nora’s apartment is full of books and plants
30. Nora has also witness Alex shotgun a bottle of bbq sauce
31. “Alejandro”
32. Alex ranted to Nora about going down on a girl
33. Henry showing up to Alex’s bedroom 6 minutes early
34. Henry knew Alex wanted him before Alex knew he wanted him.
35. “[Alex’s] primary turn-on has always been competence”
(An ever growing list as I continue my reread)
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littlemisspascal · 9 months
Bitter Ends Turn Sweet in Time
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Pairing: Frankie Morales x Female Reader
Word Count: 7k+
Summary: There’s not a single day in a whole year that isn’t bookmarked by a memory of him. And you, you remember all of them.
Rating: T
Warnings: Pokémon au (but not 100% true to canon, just elements + some characters), time skips in non-linear manner, fluff, angst, bittersweet ending, storms, language, Reader and Frankie are same age + grow up together, high school au ish(?), inspired by 500 Days of Summer + Song of Achilles' 'name one hero who was happy' scene + this quote by photographer David Alan Harvey:
"Don't shoot what it looks like. Shoot what it feels like."
- Reader has no official name and no physical traits described in detail. However, she is mentioned to have hair, a career, wear a dress (no description), and eat sandwiches
Author Note: I've been wanting to write a Pokémon au for a long, long, long time and I've also been wanting to write a non-linear fic for a long, long, long time as well so this is the result of both those wants combining forces *awkwardly throws it into the universe* It is what it is.
-- all moodboard photos found on pinterest
-- shinx, luxio, luxray // pikachu photo references
Special thanks to @beecastle for beta reading and encouraging me through my breakdowns 💜
Day 1,695
Luxray’s a silent wall of black and blue fur for your body to brace against as the sky bleeds a deep shade of orange, and you know he knows. Doesn’t even have to use his x-ray vision to confirm what’s etched into every line of your expression. Anguish—when it’s real and unbearable and deeply-rooted—is impossible to hide. Everyone who looks at you will know. 
Everyone except the one pair of brown eyes that’ll never look your way again.
“I’m such an idiot,” you say quietly, and it’s embarrassing how thick the lump of emotion is lodged in your throat. You wipe at your nose with your sleeve. “So damn stupid.”
Luxray lets out a low growl, chiding in nature, as if to say don’t talk shit about yourself. 
“He was never going to stay,” you continue, ignoring the vibration rattling your bones. “But I got my hopes up anyways. What we’ve accomplished these last few weeks together, I thought there was a chance…a slim one, you know? That maybe–maybe we could actually stick together this time.”
And you don’t realize you’re crying until Luxray’s twisting his head to nuzzle against your temple, encouraging you to bury your face into the thick fur along his chest and shoulders. With your eyes squeezed shut, you can almost block out the all-encompassing numbness emanating from the cavity your heart used to reside in.
“He’s gone…” you choke out through sobs, grabbing fistfuls of Luxray’s inky black mane. “And I think it’s permanent this time.”
Day 1
The first day of classes at Uva Academy is a whirlwind of meeting teachers, racing from one floor to the next against the clock, and making sure you never lose track of Shinx in the chaos of it all, but when the last bell finally rings, you feel no sting of regret about coming here. 
You split a sandwich with Shinx underneath a tree in the school courtyard, brain buzzing with the overload of information absorbed throughout the day. Maybe signing up for a full schedule of classes was a bit excessive, but unlike most of your fellow students who have some semblance of a plan for their futures your next steps are plagued with uncertainty. There are so many paths one can take with their Pokémon—the course of a Trainer, a Coordinator, a Professor, a Ranger, the list goes on and on—you don’t know which direction to take.
When you lock eyes with a boy with brown eyes across the yard, there’s nothing special about the moment. No sparks, no forgetting how to breathe. He’s just a boy with a Pikachu on his shoulder and a dimpled grin on his face.
“I saw you in Mr. Jacq’s class,” he says in lieu of a greeting when he draws closer, purple Academy tie loose and crooked around his neck. Recognition stirs in the back of your mind, a flash of dark brown curls towards the back of the room spotted before taking your seat at the front. 
Actually, now that you think about it…
“Weren’t you in Ms. Dendra’s class too?” you wonder, passing the last bite of sandwich to Shinx, his little body wiggling eagerly. “And Ms. Raifort’s…?”
“Yeah, I, uh, I don’t really know what I want to do yet.” He scuffs at the ground with his shoe, grin turning a bit crooked at the corner, strangely endearing in its awkwardness. “I figure life’s short, you know? Why not try as many things as you can when you have the chance?”
“Right,” you agree, finding yourself smiling back. “Nothing wrong with making memories.”
"I'm Frankie, by the way."
“Nice to meet you Frankie,” you say, shaking his hand. It’s warm in your grip, firm and secure, thumb grazing over your knuckles. “Looks like we’ll be seeing a lot of each other.”
And so it starts after that—the counting of days. Days when you see him in class, when he smiles at you, when he does homework with you in the library, when he and Pikachu have a battle against you and Shinx–winner buys lunch. It’s a subconscious quirk you keep to yourself. Even after he’s gone, chasing after legends to the far corners of the earth, you still continue counting days.
Days when he crosses your mind. Days when you leave the door unlocked in case he stops by. Days when you swear you catch a whiff of his citrus shampoo on the pillowcase despite the impossibility of it.
There’s not a single day in a whole year that isn’t bookmarked by a memory of him. And you, you remember all of them.
Day 183
“I want my name in one of these books,” he tells you, Ms. Raifort’s assigned reading on the lost explorers of Area Zero spread out in front of him.
You look up from the text, fatalities and disaster and other sharp words with teeth still swimming in your head. “It won’t be easy.”
You’ve only known him six months—long enough to be certain you’ll never meet anyone else like him, but too short to realize the hidden depths of his stubborn ambition.
“No,” he agrees, mouth curling up at the corner, “but it’ll be one hell of a story.”
Day 8
The air is heavy with the sharp, pungent scent of ozone as thunder rumbles overhead. You take in the ominous black clouds, adjusting the hood of your yellow coat to better defend your hair against the pattering raindrops. Doesn’t do much to ward off the chill of the wind though.
Shinx is darting about the meadow in zigzagging lines, wet to the bone and having a blast. Pikachu follows at his heels, electricity sparking from the red circles of her cheeks before fizzling out harmlessly. If there’s any rules to this game they’re playing, you haven’t a clue. Still, their obvious excitement over the weather has you smiling despite the numbness of your toes in soggy shoes.
To your left, Frankie watches the pair of Pokémon nimbly leap over a puddle, studying their graceful movements. His dark hair is flattened against his head, curls beaten into submission, but there’s something in his eyes, a sort of wistfulness that snags your attention like a moth to a flame. 
A bolt of lightning burns a gleaming white strip across the gloomy sky, halting Shinx and Pikachu’s play as they elicit squeaks of awe, but you can’t stop looking at Frankie. He’s grinning now, a wide and ecstatic thing with his head tipped back, rain streaming down his face.
“Amazing, isn’t it? Seeing one of nature’s tantrums,” he says, voice low and wonderstruck. “My mother always said it takes someone extra special to train those who can summon such raw, uncontrollable power on cue.”
You’ve never thought of yourself as someone unusual or remarkable. Looking at him though, soaked and shivering and absolutely beaming, you think if anyone’s extra special in this world it’s him.
Day 1,987
It’s a long time before you can look through photos of him without a wound violently tearing open in your chest. Longer still before you can hear his voice on the phone. He calls more often these days, mostly because you’re knee-deep in another mystery and only a little because he misses you, and that’s okay. You can smile at his jokes and it feels real. You can love him and know better than to be in love with him.
You stay busy. You photograph every inch of the nature park on Florio, even convince Professor Mirror to let you take the NEO-ONE to some of Lental’s other islands for further research. You spend hours clicking through photos on your computer, frowning at blurry ones, printing some out for the Professor to take a closer look at as well as a few for your own personal collection of albums. 
Your coworker isn’t an intimidating figure by any means, but something about watching him study and scrutinize your pictures never fails to make your hands shake and feet shuffle. Even after all these months, practically living inside each other’s pockets at the Laboratory of Ecology and Natural Sciences (or L.E.N.S. as the Professor affectionately calls it), studying the Illumina phenomenon and all its effects, there’s a part of you still terrified it could all come crashing down.
“You’re too hard on yourself,” Professor Mirror tells you, glaring disapprovingly over the frames of his glasses. It’s not the first time you’ve heard that remark and it won’t be the last either. 
“More analyzing the photos and less analyzing me please,” you reply, nodding your head at the small stack in his hands.
He grumbles under his breath, but resumes evaluating the latest shots of your walk along Blushing Beach. There are Wingulls performing loops in the air, an Exeggutor snoozing beneath a palm tree, the splashings of a pair of Corsola playing in the waves. Luxray looking at the contents of a tide pool. A Pikachu eating a fluffruit after you’d scared her by your loud gasp, mistaking her for another of her kind. You don’t mention that tidbit to your coworker though.
That should be the last one, except then Professor Mirror’s letting out a surprised little hum, holding up a photo you never intended anyone else to ever see. Not even the subject. Especially not the subject.
It’s from your sophomore year at Uva Academy. You would call the picture ugly, edges a bit hazy due to your unsteady hands, still learning the tips and tricks of photography, except it’s Frankie. And he’s looking at you behind the lens with a fondness so sweet it makes your teeth hurt, holding a newly evolved Luxio to his chest, with windswept curls your fingers will always long to tame. 
You should’ve thrown it out a long time ago. The man in the photo isn’t the same man who will call you later tonight from half a world away just to ask how your day went and if you’re willing to admit you need his help with the Illumina project. But you’ve always been too sentimental for your own good, holding onto things until there are only scraps left, slipping through the gaps of your fingers. 
At the very least, you shouldn’t have reorganized your albums so close to your work station.
After what feels like the longest stretch of silence of your life, Professor Mirror finally says, carefully neutral as if wary of provoking a negative reaction, “Someone special, I presume?”
“It’s complicated,” is all you offer in response, snatching the picture back and telling yourself the ache behind your ribcage is a side effect of a papercut.
Day 389
Uva Academy teaches you battle strategies, the effects of Berries and how to better understand your Pokémon amongst other vital lessons to prepare students for a career outside the ancient brick walls and dorm rooms. 
It’s Frankie who teaches you how to find beauty in thunderstorms, how to enjoy each day like it’s your last, how to dream a little bit bigger, a little bit bolder—or maybe that’s something you teach each other. 
On the weekends you head into the city center together, trying different eateries and watching fellow students challenge each other on the plaza battle court. Afterwards you’ll walk along the cobblestone streets side by side, sometimes discussing classwork or pointing out items in shop windows, but usually the time is spent in companionable silence. Just sharing the same space.
You buy your first camera acting on pure impulse, drawn to it inexplicably and handing over money to the salesman in a matter of minutes. It fits in the palm of your hand, heavy and solid, buttons and knobs staring back at you, waiting to be pressed and manipulated. For the first ten or so minutes of ownership, you simply hold onto the device, studying its shape, its lens, fingertips running over the bumps and grooves.
“Well?” Frankie prompts, gentle voice breaking the silence, brown eyes flicking between your face and the camera. Pikachu echoes the question with a tiny pika?, sensing the fragility of the moment. 
“I don’t know what to do,” you answer, shoulders curling with self-consciousness. At your feet, Shinx sits on your shoe and rubs his cheek against your leg comfortingly.
“Well,” he hums, a teasing smile growing on his lips as he presses a button. “Maybe start with turning it on first.”
“Shut up.” You swat at him, but there’s no real heat. “I meant, I don’t know what to take a photo of.”
“It doesn’t matter what the sight is,” Frankie tells you, grabbing hold of your hands and raising them up until the camera’s in front of your face. He steps back and you peek at him through the viewfinder, watching as he spreads his arms out wide with Pikachu still happily perched on his shoulder. “What’s important is how it makes you feel.”
You take a breath, taking a moment to hold the shutter button until it focuses, and then take the photo. No count down, no say cheese!—you simply heed his advice, focusing on how it makes you feel.
The preview screen asks if you’d like to keep the picture or delete it. Your thumb hovers over the buttons.
Focused on the way Frankie’s hair has a golden aura in the light, how Pikachu’s nose scrunches when she’s grinning, you nearly jump out of your skin when he’s suddenly at your side again, wondering, “What do I make you feel, shutterbug?”
Like I’m falling and flying at the same time, you think, quick and startling. A bolt of lightning amongst storm clouds.
You press save.
“Like spending a hundred bucks wasn’t a total mistake.”
Day 448
You take a seat in the cafeteria across from Yovanna and her Sylveon. You’re lucky she shares the same lunch hour as you. Even more lucky she likes you enough to also share her space. Her knack for securing a table each day despite the scrambling rush of hungry students is a gift from the gods. Or maybe it’s a perk of being the president of the Academy’s student council.
“You haven’t stopped smiling for days.” She points with her fork at your grin, a giddy, bubbly thing not even Ms. Tyme’s pop quiz last period could stifle. “Spill it. Who’re you crushing on? Is he a student here? You got a picture?”
“Not with me.” It’s a lie, ever since you bought your camera it’s been glued to your person and there’s always at least one picture of him stored within the device’s gallery of Luxio shots and library aesthetic and other things that make you happy. “He is a student here though.”
Yovanna drops her fork onto her plate, jostling the pieces of fruit waiting to be eaten. Sylveon catches a flying strawberry midair by jumping in her seat and landing neatly on four paws like it’s a regular trick to perform. “Shut up. It’s him, isn’t it?”
You feed Luxio a pickle off your sandwich, neither confirming nor denying.
But your grin does get a little bit impossibly wider.
“Aw man, I owe Santi twenty bucks now.”
Your eyes narrow shrewdly. “Did you seriously make a bet?”
“You two are joined at the hip, of course I did.” Yovanna leans back in her chair, arms behind her head, not a single hint of shame for her actions. “Santi said you’d realize you had feelings for him before winter break. I thought it’d take you until the end of the semester ‘cause you’ve got the self-awareness of a piece of concrete most days.”
“Rude.” She dodges the crumpled napkin you toss at her with a laugh.
“Hey, this is a good development. Now you just gotta keep the momentum going and tell him how you feel. You’re perfect for each other.”
Tucking back into her meal, she misses the brief slip in your smile.
Day 8
Ms. Dendra is the only teacher without a classroom, preferring to use the battlefield in the middle of the courtyard for her lessons rather than a whiteboard. She weaves along the line of students with her Medicham, offering suggestions and correcting forms to make the most out of their Pokémons’ moves. You keep one eye on her drawing steadily closer and one on Shinx pawing at the ground, charging up electricity in his forelegs. He still hasn’t mastered thunder shock yet, maybe Ms. Dendra can–
“Storm’s coming tonight,” a voice drawls behind you, a curious blend of casual and enthusiastic.
You turn around, finding Frankie standing there looking up at the sky. The dark gray clouds do seem indicative of bad weather, now that he’s mentioned it. Rain is definitely on its way. 
And then he asks, a little sudden, “You ever seen one up close?”
A strange question. Still, you think about it, searching your childhood. All you remember are memories of cowering under the blankets in your bed and playing in puddles the next morning when the monstrous rumbling and harsh flashes had long passed. You’ve seen rain up close, felt the drops on your skin, inhaled the scent of petrichor deep into your lungs. But storms? 
“No,” you shake your head, shivering as the temperature seems to drop. “Never.”
He hums, a bland note that could mean anything. At your feet, Shinx and Pikachu sit and stare at each other, little sparks of blue and yellow static crackling in the air between them like morse code. 
“No wonder you’re having trouble with your partner. Can’t teach him about electricity when you’ve never seen it in action.”
“That’s not how training works,” you retort defensively. “Also storms aren’t exactly harmless, in case you forgot. They’re loud and dangerous and—”
“Beautiful,” Frankie cuts in with such firm conviction you reel back in surprise. “Absolutely, breathtakingly beautiful.” A pause follows, and you hate the smirk that grows on his face, how it taunts you, how it makes his eyes glitter with mischief. “Or maybe not. I could be lying. Only one way to find out for sure.” 
A raindrop lands on your cheek. Then another on your arm. And another on your nose. It’s pouring now. Students are complaining about their lesson being interrupted and Ms. Dendra’s shouting for everyone to head back inside. Through it all your eyes remain locked in an intense staring match, neither one willing to surrender.
“Fine,” you reply with a sharp jerk of your chin. “Show me.”
Day 1,448
Your internship with Professor Oak is—good. It’s the start of a brand new chapter in your life, except the last chapter ended on a terrible note and the upcoming pages are terrifyingly blank if you fail to impress your new boss, so. Yeah.
You get along with the Professor’s other intern, a local boy named Will. He teaches you how to drive the ZERO-ONE around the sanctuary. You spend hours out on the trails, memorizing everything about the wild Pokémon who call the island home. You enjoy the assignments Professor Oak gives you, staying busy, filling up albums with photos and journals with research notes. 
But when it’s quiet, when you’re staring up at the ceiling waiting for sleep to come…you’ve never felt more lonely in your life. Even with Luxray within reach, loyal and constant, there’s a persistent ache you can’t shake. A loose thread dangling in your mind, tormenting you, and you know if you were to tug on it exactly where it would lead.
Everything leads back to him.
Frankie hasn’t tried to call you. Hasn’t had any contact with you since graduation. Not even a postcard from whatever corner of the world he’s trying to accomplish his dreams. 
You haven’t tried to call him either. And yes, it’s true communication is a two-way street, but he’s the one who left and took your heart with him. Why should you give him more of yourself? You hate yourself for even contemplating picking up the phone.
You hate yourself even more for wondering what your relationship would’ve been like if you’d gone with him. If it’d hurt less to just have stayed friends. If you’d been better off never knowing him at all. If, if, if…
Day 485
The problem is, you think your feelings for Frankie are just a little bit stronger than a crush. You’re pretty sure you’re in love with him. Or at least halfway there. 
As much as you hate to admit it, Yovanna wasn’t wrong saying you have the self-awareness of a piece of cement. You don’t know for certain if the fluttery Butterfree sensation in your stomach or galloping heartbeat whenever Frankie smiles at you is love. But you are certain he’s gotten under your skin, triggering as many irritations as he is encouraging new ways of growth. You’re a better person, you think, simply by knowing him.
You also think it’s actually kind of scary to imagine something so strong and life-transforming could be anything else but love. Regardless, you hope it stays with you forever. This precious, nameless thing.
It won’t be until many days later—until you know what it’s like to kiss him, and hold his face between your palms, the heat of his breath tingling against your skin; until he’s fluent in myths and legends and fables, swearing he’ll be the one to make them truths and facts and verities; until you can’t picture a future without him in it, not a happy one, at least—you’ll realize you do love him. And he loves you, too, as it turns out.
But nothing lasts forever. Someone’s always got to be the first to let go. 
Day 1,375
You receive an offer for an internship with Professor Oak in Pallet Town to help him complete his Pokémon Report by taking photos on a nearby island sanctuary. It’s the opportunity of a lifetime to work with such an esteemed researcher, but thinking about graduation creeping up, about leaving behind this realm of familiarity now that you’ve learned everything Uva Academy has to teach, it’s—moving forward is harder than you anticipate.
It doesn’t help that Frankie's becoming more and more restless, unable to stand still as if it physically pains him to do so. No matter how many walks around the city, how many storms chased after, he’s always looking out towards the horizon, aura so thick with discontentment it’s as if he’s physically cloaked in it. 
Lately the only moments he seems to settle within his own skin are when he’s talking with Ms. Raifort, discussing ancient prophecies and ruins scattered around the globe. You don’t understand it, his passionate fascination–no, obsession with mythology. Why not let sleeping dogs lie? 
Frankie won’t talk to you about the future, evading the topic like a cunning Nickit. Still you cling to his hand, to hope, to the belief love conquers all, until the morning of graduation he comes to your dorm room and stares over your shoulder rather than meet your gaze. Even Pikachu hides her face in his curls, ears lowered despondently.
You let him in, the beginnings of dread stirring in your stomach, sensing whatever he’s got to say will have irreparable consequences.
“Did you have breakfast yet?” You gesture towards the kitchen, an unspoken can this wait? laced within the question.
“Not feeling very hungry today,” he answers, glancing about the room aimlessly. No, it can’t.
“That’s a first.” You take a seat on the sofa next to Luxray, grounding yourself by stroking a hand along his back. “You gonna tell me what’s on your mind or are you gonna make me guess?”
At that, Frankie finally turns to you, and his torn expression fractures something delicate inside of you, coldness flooding your lungs.
“I’ve been thinking. About us.”
“What about us?”
“I love you.” There’s no sweetness to the words. No tenderness. They are words of blood, of pain, scraping against his throat on their way out. “I’ve loved you from day one and I’ll love you ten thousand more. But what I want, what you want—it’s not the same thing. And it’s only going to hurt the longer we keep pretending otherwise.”
“Stop, please don’t—” your voice cracks, the cold gripping your heart now. Please don’t say it. Please don’t do this. “We’re—we’re good together. You know we are.”
“We were,” he amends, voice so unbearably gentle it’s a jagged blade against your soul. “We were so good. But we’re not ready for what comes next. We’ve become thunder and lightning, one ahead of the other. Our timing is off, shutterbug.”
Day 765
It’s drizzling a little when you return to campus. You shiver in your wet dress, grimacing as you accidentally step in a puddle, thoroughly soaking your flats and bare feet. Hopefully you won’t slip on the stairs and break your neck. That’d be the cherry on top of this disappointing evening.
You just want to shower, put on your comfiest pajamas, and fall asleep as fast as possible. 
Except when you reach your floor there’s a figure curled up on the floor outside your door, fast asleep with a snoring Pikachu curled on his chest.
“Hey, sleeping beauty.” You nudge at Frankie’s knee with your wet shoe, raising an eyebrow at him as he jerks awake, blinking rapidly. “What’re you doing here?”
“Oh, you’re back,” he says through a yawn, stretching his arms over his head. Pikachu grunts, displeased at the movement and sounds, and stubbornly curls into a tighter ball, forcing him to cradle her in the nook of his arm as he stands up. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep. I just–I wanted to make sure you got back from your date okay. How did it go?”
Your date, Tom, is in Mr. Hassel’s art class with you. He invited you to see a new photography exhibit at the city’s museum. He was nice, if a little overzealous, and seeing lovely displays of art  seemed like a better way to spend the evening instead of once again hopelessly pining over your best friend. So, you’d said yes, changed into a nice dress, and swore off any and all yearning.
Except that’s exactly what you ended up doing anyways. 
Every time a photo left you breathless, you’d instinctively turn to look for brown eyes that weren’t there. Every joke Tom made you’d compare it to one of Frankie’s. Throughout the entire evening, you couldn’t stop your thoughts drifting back towards the Academy, wondering what he was doing.
You weren’t surprised Tom cut the date short, correctly sensing your heart just wasn’t into it. Still stung a bit though watching him leave you behind to join up with some other classmates hanging out in the plaza.
“Poorly,” you answer with a slight grimace.
“Oh.” Frankie blinks, looking at a loss for additional words. He’s wearing the hoodie he got from his trip to Montenevera over the holiday break and sweatpants, warm and rumpled and cozy, a complete contrast to your entire wardrobe. “Did he–did he hurt you? Because if he did anything inappropriate, I swear–”
“What? No, no, nothing like that happened.” You shake your head, ignoring the flutter of your heartbeat, touched at his protectiveness. He’s still staring at you, and you know he’s not going to let this slide under the rug. “Relax, tough guy. Tom was fine. I was the problem.”
“Tauros shit,�� he immediately rejects the notion. “You could never be a problem.”
The hallway feels too hot all of the sudden despite the icy raindrops still clinging to your skin. “That’s sweet,” you say, trying to flash a grin except the muscles in your face refuse to cooperate. It feels stiff. Forced. “You say that to all the girls?”
His mouth tugs upwards into a smile, dimpled and boyish. “Once or twice,” he says, “but I only mean it with you.”
It’s dangerous and stupid to get your hopes up, but there’s something about the quietness, something about his brown eyes and his nearness, that makes you take a leap of faith. Makes you think screw it and reach for his free hand, lacing your fingers together.
“I was the problem,” you tell him softly, watching his expression sober, “because I kept looking for you.”
Silence follows, interrupted by a quiet snore from Pikachu. 
Then, just as softly, Frankie says for a second time, “Oh.”
You swallow, feeling like you can’t breathe. “Yeah.”
“Silly girl, you didn’t need to look.” He squeezes your hand, leans in just enough to bump his nose against yours. “I’ve always been here.”
Day 1,375
Later, you won’t remember the particulars of how the rest of the conversation played out. There are words, so many words. Angry and inconsolable, spat out through clenched teeth and pleaded with numb lips. Tears, too. So many damn tears it’s a wonder you don’t drown yourself.
You will remember how he looks at you though. Brown eyes deep and golden, reflecting the morning light streaming through the window. He’s beautiful, and you think that’s the final straw of it all, the definitive proof that even as he’s ripping out your heart you will never feel anything less for him than love. 
No passage of time or miles of distance will ever change that. You know this like you know the sun will rise tomorrow, and the next day, and the one after that. 
Still, this certainty doesn’t stitch up the gaping, bleeding hole in your sternum.
No, that self-healing won’t begin until many, many days later.
Day 610 
In another life, if you hadn’t discovered your love of photography, you think you would have been a great astronomer. You know each of the constellations’ names, the best times during the year to spot them, even the tales assigned to them.
Tonight, the night sky is full of stars in every direction you look, not even the distant city lights strong enough to overpower their shine. You lie on your back in the soft meadow grass, hands resting on your stomach, the scent of wildflowers as thick in the air as the fireflies Luxio and Pikachu chase after. To your left, he mimics your pose, except he’s got an arm pillowed under his head, silent except for his breathing.
“There’s Kingler, cursed to hold up his heavy claw for eternity,” you say eventually, raising a hand to trace the starry outline with your fingertip. “Cubone’s next to him, forever mourning his mother.”
He remains silent. You turn your head to look at him, discovering he is deeply absorbed in his thoughts. Physically, you could easily reach out for his hand, but the blankness in his eyes suggests internally he’s half a world away. Somewhere you can’t follow. An irrational spark of jealousy burns hot in your veins, upset your presence isn’t enough of an anchor to keep him locked in the present moment.
You emit a quiet sigh, mentally rolling your eyes at your own childishness, and start to turn back to the sky when his voice catches you off guard, asking, “You ever notice they’re all tragedies?”
“The myths behind the constellations.” He looks at you then, eyes dim with an emotion you can’t recognize. “Can you name one with a happy ending?”
You think about Pinsir, exiled due to his uncontrollable rage; Koffing, releasing toxic gases as he dies; Dugtrio, punished by an angry Groudon for gouging too many holes in the earth. The list grows longer, the tales grow sadder.
“No,” you say at last. “I guess not.”
He shrugs a shoulder, like it’s nothing, like his next words aren’t going to hurt something fierce. “That’s because happy endings are the biggest myth of all.”
Day 1,375
He kisses you. It is perfect and excruciating all at once. His hand is cupping your cheek, and his touch is so tender and intimately familiar you can’t stop yourself from indulging and it’s cruel of him to leave you like this. Shattered and wanting. Falling and flying.
But when Frankie’s right, he’s right.
This split in your paths has been a long time coming. You’d just refused to read the writing on the wall, content to keep counting the days, pretending the number would stretch on into infinity.
Infinity is just another word for forever though.
And there’s truth in that old saying: when you love someone—
“I love you,” he says again at the door. His eyes drift over your face, as if memorizing every detail. “And I’m proud of you. Remember that.” There’s the briefest of glimpses of tears in his eyes before he’s wrapping you in a hug, so tight your ribs painfully protest. You savor every second of it. “This isn’t the last of us. We’ll meet again, I swear it. One day, shutterbug.”
—you let them go.
Day 1,669
You’ve been dreading his arrival, dreading how he might look at you. What might be different. What, if anything, might be the same. 
All communication thus far has been directly with Professor Oak. You haven’t heard a single peep even though your number’s stayed the same. Even though you know he knows you’re here. 
Luxray stays close as the hour draws closer, trying to soothe your nervous energy. You stroke his mane, eyes flicking between your computer, the window, and then back again. The cursor blinks on the screen, waiting for you to finish adding the last details to the report you’ve been developing on the Pokémon signs you and Will discovered. Bizarre occurrences where the environment manifests the likeness of specific Pokémon—always the same ones in the same places. But why they existed and what they meant remained unsolved mysteries robbing you of sleep.
It had been the Professor's idea to invite another set of eyes to examine the clues after months of no solid progress. For every one step made forward it felt like the universe would shove you five steps backwards, the hidden connection remaining just out of your reach.
If you had known Professor Oak and Ms. Raifort were old friends, that she would’ve recommended her favorite pupil…well, you’re not sure if anything would’ve really changed. What fate wants, fate gets one way or another.
Frankie arrives at eventide, bringing the warmth of the fading sun into the lab with him. He looks…unchanged. Maybe a little broader, thicker with muscle from his journeys. But still familiar in all the ways that matter. You wonder if the same can be said for yourself. 
He’s looking at you, and it’s—it’s less painful than you expected. No tight band wrapped around your middle, no spontaneous bursting of tears. He’s just a man with a Pikachu on his shoulder and a dimpled grin on his face.
“Hey shutterbug,” he says, and it feels abruptly like slow motion, like you’re watching through someone else’s eyes as he comes closer, closer, closer and pulls you into a tight embrace. His arms are just as strong as you remember them, memories of graduation screaming in the back of your mind and you’re in your dorm room again watching him walk out of your life with your heart in tow.
You want to…
(kiss him, hit him, hold him, scream at him)
You want too many things.
“Hey,” you echo lamely as he pulls back. If Frankie hears the faintest of quivers in your voice, he thankfully doesn’t show a sign of it. You shoot a small grin at Pikachu, mouth stretching wider when she returns it with a cheerful pika pi, waving her paw. “Ready to help solve a mystery?”
“I always wanted to make history.” He’s smirking that same damn smirk, an intense pang of nostalgia striking you. Your fingers twitch, wishing you had your camera. “But I think it’s better this way, yeah?”
“What way?”
Distantly, you’re aware of Professor Oak and Will watching the conversation ping-ponging back and forth, both smart enough to pick up on the unspoken something between you and Frankie. 
“Making history together,” he says, as if it’s obvious. “We make a good team, you and I.”
The words bounce around inside your head for a moment. A good team. Is that all we are? is what you want to ask, but the answer’s a double-edged sword shoved between your ribs no matter how he phrases it. 
So you swallow the question down and bury it. 
“C’mon,” you gesture towards your computer, “I’ll show you what we’ve got so far.”
Day 128
Winter sweeps in, all frigid winds and frosted windows. Together you stay at the Academy during the holiday break. It’s days of no homework, snowball fights, and parka coats. Nights spent by the fireplace, hot chocolates topped with whipped cream, wishing you could bottle these memories in a jar and keep them on a shelf.
If Frankie knew about it, he would say Jirachi heard your wish, but it’s your opinion that fate’s just got a funny sense of humor. Either way, a few years down the line you’ll have the collection of memories you desired, almost all of them starring him. They won’t be kept in fragile jars, but in captured photographs unaffected by the withering flow of time. Little glimpses of a happy life, and how much you've lost.
Day 2,000 
You kiss Frankie on the front deck of the L.E.N.S. the night before he’s scheduled to leave. It’s stupid and impulsive, but he’s just right there in front of you, bathed in starlight and high off the elation that comes with solving another Pokémon mystery, further securing his place amongst the pages of historic exploration, a legend in his own lifetime, and there’s no thoughts in your head so—you kiss him. 
It isn’t your first kiss, but it feels like something new. He’s got stubble now, you’re wearing a lab coat—little details of proof you’re far from the kids you used to be. He smells the same though, like coffee and evergreens and fresh rain. The quiet, awed exhale of your name, like you’re something wonderful, something mythical come true, is the same too. 
And for the briefest of moments, you can almost imagine you’re together again.
But in the end it’s just a kiss, not a time machine. 
Day 1,762
“For someone with a new career, you don’t look very excited,” Will says, knocking his shoulder against yours good-naturedly. You try to summon up a smile, but it isn’t fooling anyone.
Professor Oak’s treating you both to a fancy dinner at a restaurant you can’t pronounce the name of, celebrating the news of your new job as an official field research photographer working alongside Professor Mirror in Florio. It’s an amazing step forward, resulting from the success of the Rainbow Cloud discovery with Frankie, certain to give your name another added boost of recognition in the photography community. 
“I am,” you say, remembering how you’d nearly passed out when you received the offer. Another attempt at a grin yields better results. “It’s gonna be great.”
Will tilts his head, a knowing look in his eyes. “You’re thinking about him. Again.”
“Not intentionally.” Your lips curl into a rueful grimace, fingers twisting together in your lap. “He just…never leaves my thoughts.”
Frankie told you before he left he didn’t have a home, not anymore, too much of a restless spirit to stay in one place. You wonder if his answer would be different, if he knew it’s been 1,762 days and every one of them he’s spent occupying your head.
“Even when he’s gone and left you behind?” From anyone else, the question would’ve been harsh, but your friend’s eyes are kind, full of empathy. 
There’s a second where you contemplate lying, but you can’t. Not to him, and not to yourself.
“Especially then.”
Day 2,000
“Sorry.” It comes out of your mouth stilted—not because you don’t mean it, but because your heart’s beating like a thunderstorm. A wildness you haven’t felt in years.
“I’ve never needed an apology from you.” Frankie looks at you softly, the brown of his eyes getting lost in the dark. “Two thousand. Can you believe it? Seems like just yesterday I watched you walk into class.”
You forget sometimes that he’s the sentimental type too when it comes to those he cares about. It’s why he doesn’t give Pikachu a Thunderstone, and why he only knows how to play one song on a guitar, his mother’s favorite. How sweet it is, to learn he must care about you to keep count, maybe even love you a little bit still.
“Frankie,” you start, dropping your forehead onto his shoulder. His nearness is a comfort as much as it is a distraction, but this conversation is long overdue by hundreds of days. “What are we?”
“You tell me.” A hand comes to rest on your waist, a searing brand through the fabric of your clothes. “What do you want us to be?”
You think about the question for a long moment, wondering what words pack enough meaning to give the answer it deserves.
What you want is another storm to chase, another constellation to trace. What you want is for your hands to brush during walks, never having to hear his voice on the end of a phone again because he’s right there by your side. What you want is everything that once was to align in perfect harmony with the immediate now.
“I want us to be together.”
“We are.”
“No, we’re not,” you murmur, staring down at the mud stains on his boots. 
“Listen, shutterbug,” his hands move to your head, one tilting up your chin and the other gently palming your neck, forcing you to meet his gaze, “a lot can happen in two thousand days–”
“I know, I know.”
His fingers spasm, like he’s resisting the urge to tug on your hair, eyes sharpening at the interruption. “A lot can happen in two thousand days,” he repeats, and you hear it this time, the heavy weight in his tone. Rarely is he this serious. “We’ve changed, we’ve grown, we’ve been on opposite ends of the earth from each other. But tonight, of all places, I’m here and you’re here.”
And maybe it really is that simple. People say lightning doesn’t strike the same place twice, but twice now you’ve watched him go and twice he’s been brought back to you. 
You reach up, wrapping your hands around his wrists, holding him there. “Do you think we’ll ever be what we were?”
“No.” He steps impossibly closer, lips brushing against your forehead. “I think one day we’ll be better.”
Better, you mouth the word. It feels like a promise, like a turning point. 
“Yeah, one day,” you agree, heartbeat steadying, matching the rhythm of his beneath your fingertips. “It’ll be worth the wait.”
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bicheetopuff · 2 years
Okay soo…
Izukus’ biggest scar is from saving a child’s life but also from his failure to save Katsuki from getting kidnapped. Izuku barely bat an eye at the fact that he saved Kota because he saw it as something anyone would do and instead hyper fixated on the fact that if he were stronger he would’ve been able to save Katsuki and if he had saved Katsuki maybe All Might wouldn’t have had to retire (Katsuki hyperfixates on the situation in a similar way). He even called called Katsuki’s kidnapping “utter defeat” despite the fact that he had saved a child’s life and stopped dark shadow from injuring more students. Dramatic much?
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However despite the fact that Izuku is notorious for getting injured and painting himself with scars, and he’s notorious for saving Katsuki’s life multiple times, he strangely doesn’t have any physical scars from saving him. Instead his entire right arm is scarred from the time he failed to save him.
(Also just a little detail but this is the same hand he used to reach out for Katsuki on more than one occasion. It’s also the same hand he reached out to Aoyama with and the arm he began to stretch out towards Shigaraki. Making his “saving hand” the one with the most physical and emotional scars)
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(I also think that’s kinda where Katsukis realization came from too. “We can choose how to enter this fight” is probably Katsuki realizing that Izuku has already decided to go in with the “saving” attitude. Also because the “no one should be named a villain for the rest of their lives just because they committed a crime” line that was said directly before this panel. He’s done the same for Gentle Criminal, Katsuki (even though he feels undeserving of forgiveness), vouched for Todoroki to do the same for Endeavor, and [anime only] Mr.Smiley. Why would Aoyama and Shigaraki be any different?
Also kinda wanna point out the fact that he’s wearing gloves when reaching out for Aoyama? Cuz they��re not support gear or anything, they’re just plain ol’ gloves. I may be stretching a bit but I think there’s symbolism of him emotionally closing himself off but still reaching his hand out anyway. With Shigaraki and Katsuki there’s more emotional turmoil and history whereas for Aoyama there isn’t. However Aoyama and Shigaraki do parallel in terms of their relationship with Izuku where wanting to save them stems more from empathy and maybe even a little bit of sympathy. Anyways…)
Moving on, we have Katsuki’s biggest and only scar spread across his torso (as of now, his current wounds will definitely scar but they haven’t yet so shut up), being from saving Izukus life but also from almost getting Izuku killed. It was also from the first time he accepted that Izuku and Shigaraki are just in a different league than him (from where his strength was at the time) and instead of trying to keep up, he did what he could do and strategized so endeavor could burn Shigaraki again and then saved Izuku from getting impaled. BUT in a way it was also him failing Izuku (in his eyes) because Izuku left and tried to “win on his own” anyway after almost getting OFA taken from him.
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thanks for the bkdk colors hori
Katsuki is obviously way more bothered by this than anyone. Hori chose to give Katsuki eye bags because it’s one of few physical signs of distress. And his eyebags are made pretty obvious more than a few times throughout this chapter (ch.319). Everyone else is obviously worried but none of them are losing sleep cuz of it. And then we have this:
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Being an obvious call back to this:
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I’ve already pointed out the symbolism of Izuku’s right hand but I haven’t said anything about Katsukis right hand.
Anytime Izuku reached out to Katsuki, he’s always responded with his left hand. Whether it’s actually taking it or slapping it away.
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Every. Single. Time.
You know why? Cuz his right hand is associated with fighting and violence. Just bullying Deku in general. We’ve seen it in every childhood memory where Katsuki was hitting or pushing Izuku and we saw it in middle school.
“…you always use your right hook to start a fight…”
“…there it is!” (Ochako referring to his right hook in the sports fest)
It’s his own small way of separating the part of himself that felt threatened by Izuku (right) from the part of himself that wishes he accepted Izuku’s hand (left). And you remember which one of Katsukis’ arms was just crushed by Shigaraki?
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And then a few chapters later he had a power upgrade from just thinking about Izuku. Also the chapter before when he thought about Izuku saving him from the sludge villain and saying he accepted and got over his fear a long time ago…
Yea… ironic, isn’t it?
(Also wanna point out how he doesn’t make the differentiation with his hands for anyone other than Izuku. When he took Kiris hand in Kamino he took it with his right hand)
So back to this:
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They’re not looking at their own hands… they’re looking at the others hand that they haven’t taken yet.
What? That’s it… that’s my conclusion.
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All of it is pretty poetic, right?
Anyways, in an actual conclusion, Izuku has saved Katsuki more than once and has no scars from it. Instead having a huge scar from failing to save Katsuki. And then Katsuki’s only scar is from the first time he saved Izuku (without counting USJ or the Final exam because I think we can all agree those situations were very different) but saving him ironically almost made Deku lose OFA because he lost control. Oh and the symbolism of their hands and how they feel about their own and each other’s respective hands cuz they’re pining idiots.
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shinsou-rii · 1 year
HE GETS ME SO HIGH - lee heeseung
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summary! it was hard being with heeseung, especially when no one was allowed to know about it. it was even harder to realise that really you didn’t mean as much to heeseung as you thought you did, and it was just embarrassing to know that he had you completely hooked with there being nothing you could do about it.
warnings! toxic!heeseung + probably over use of commas, not completely proof read - let me know if there’s any mistakes
authors note! first and longest fic of the series, i think this one might be my fave? :) for jays tmr i'm actually out during the day so i'll either edit it today + schedule for post tmr or it will be out a little later than intended dependant on what time i get back <3
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Hanging out with Lee Heeseung and his friends was said to be a dream come true for many, the seven boys were loved throughout the entirety of the school. Teachers and students alike all had a soft spot for the boys - whether they admitted it or not was a different question. They were all just so charming in their own different ways it was hard not to and really, you were no different.
Well, maybe there was a slight difference between you and the rest.
Lee Heeseung. 
It had all started when he approached you one day, claiming he wanted to hang out so that he could ‘get to know you better’, if you knew it was going to end like this you would have never agreed that day.
The days you spent with Heeseung were fun, they consisted of quite literally everything and nothing. Some days you would go out with the boys and do whatever came to mind at the time and other days you would just spend time with him at his house, watching movies, taking naps, playing games, anything along those lines really. 
You weren’t really sure what it was about heeseung that really drew you in, was it the way he smiled so softly at you? Or was it the way he always made you feel as though you were floating whenever he looked at you? Whatever it was, it was addicting.
The only problem was, apart from his six friends, nobody knew that you and him were close. 
He refused to even acknowledge your presence during schooling hours. During the day if you even tried to look in his direction to catch his eye, the boy already had his back facing you. He made it quite literally impossible for you to get close to him at school, to ensure that nobody knew about the two of you.
You couldn’t even tell your friends about the time you spent with him, with the way he avoids you like the plague there’s not even a single chance that they would ever believe what you had to say.
It was almost comedical how every single time you brought this up to him, heeseung would shut it down straight away with a simple, ‘don’t worry baby, you know you’re my closest friend’ and just carry on with whatever he was doing prior. You knew it was a lie, you knew it was too good to be true, so why every single time did you nod your head with a big grin on your face and leave him be? Why did you let it slide, knowing fully that later on when you’re alone in your room, you were going to sob, realising he doesn’t care about you the way you thought he did?
Your cries weren’t going to change the fact that Lee Heeseung was a pain in your neck when it came to everything apart from the time you spent together. Every time he ignored you it really was like a punch in the gut - he may as well just physically kick you in your side, maybe that would hurt less.
But even so, he was always on your mind. There was no way to explain why this boy was always up there, his name always in your head. Just seeing him could make your mind go blank, only thinking thoughts of him. It was enough to make you zone out whenever he got too into your head.
You needed a break from him, and so you took one. 
“Are you okay?” he had asked when you were laying with him on his bed, just staring up at the ceiling, thinking about how you had even ended up here in the first place as he traced shapes on your arms. “No, I think I'll just come back when I need to see you again, okay?” you had said as you got up and started to collect your bag, “ y/n, you should just pretend everything is fine.”
You sighed as you turned to face him, “I need to know that I actually want you, Heeseung.” 
“You know i’m right, y/n” and he was. You should just pretend everything is fine. It’s not like it would make a difference, he had you hooked on him from the start and you didn’t even realise.
He would never leave your mind, and you still didn’t know why. You didn’t know what it was about him, and you never would. Him as a whole was addictive. He was right, you should just pretend because you know, and he knows, that you would always go back to him. 
The crush you had on him was addicting, even if you couldn’t quite understand it. You just get so high off of him.
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taglist @wanna-live-yn-life @hoonieeverse
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oceansssblue · 5 months
You start to feel anxiety seeping into your bones and slowly conquering your body. Your heart beats faster, your breathing pattern changes and increases. The knot in your throat constricts further. Words blurr together in your mind; and you know you need to take a few minutes to yourself and pause. You close the textbook on your datapad, turning the screen off, and close your eyes too. You have to calm down. You still have three days left to study for your first exam of the semester. You've been working for this for months, learning as much as you can; and even if you don't know every single unit of the subject, and you won't in time for your tests, it's alright. You'll do what you can. You always do; and most of the times –with a few minor exceptions– it works alright.
"Cyare?" Hunter's deep voice carefully calls you all the way across the room.
You're studying in the living room-comedor table; while he has been sitting on your sofa and checking his latest mission report for a while.
You open your eyes and look at him; inmediately feeling scanned by his beautiful set of dark coffee-coloured eyes. Hunter is beautiful. He's undoubtedly sexy; and handsome, too. You adore his long hair and sharp jaw line, his tattoos and shoulders. Every inch of his skin; and who he is as a person too. You can't believe you're the lucky girl who gets to call him boyfriend.
"Yeah, love?" You answer, trying to regulate your anxiety still.
You don't want to worry him; but Hunter's inquisitive stare always finds out what you're hiding and it's not an exception this time.
"Are you feeling alright? You in pain?" He asks, trying to figure out what's the deal, frowning slightly in his investigation. "Your breathing pattern and hearbeat have sped up quite a lot in just a handfull of minutes. You've been fidgeting around in your chair more than usual, too. What's wrong? Have you pulled a muscle again?"
You can't help but smile at Hunter's guess. He has helped you through those kind of pains before; always the caring boyfriend. You are hesitant, however, to tell him the truth. You know what people say about anxiety; they think it's a stupid thing, a way of asking for attention, or a simple dramatization. They think you can simply whisk it away; they don't understand it's not just in your head –which already feels like a lot–, but it affects you physically as well.
"It's... It's stress" you end up admitting, just because it's Hunter, and you know he'd never make fun of you. "I have anxiety. It makes it difficult to concentrate and my whole body feels sick sometimes".
Hunter seems to be surprised by the revelation. You realise he's never experienced one of your episodes before. Thankfully, this is a light one. It's a good slow introduction to what you sometimes have to go through.
"How long has this been happening to you?" He asks, gently and cautiously.
You shrug your shoudlers like it doesn't matter –it does–, and look downwards to your datapad.
"Years, now" you answer, quietly. "It used to be so much worse a few years back, though. I had this near pannick attacks and I vomited every single day for like close to a year straight. I... Had a lot of stomach gastritis and such and nearly had to be hospitalised once."
You weren't planning to tell all that; but the words just keep coming. It's something you've never shared with anyone. It was a terrible, scaring moment of your life; you felt like your body was not listening to you, and each breakfeast, lunch and dinner were a total torture. You wanted to eat; you just couldn't.
"That sounds horrible, darling" he answers, his voice soft and full of affection. "I'm sorry you had to go through that. You're better now, though?"
You nodded calmly. Somehow, talking about it has made your current episode subside.
"Yeah. My uh, head doctor, sugested I started taking pills for a few months to help me cope with that, but I refused. I knew my problems would come back when I was done with them and needed to learn how to control it by myself. So I kept trying til I slowly got back to normal, day by day. Nowadays my anxiety attacks are nowhere as strong as back then. My heartbeat and breathing speeds up and my throat closes. I ocasionally feel nausea; but I don't end up vomiting or anything like that. It's just a once in a three months kind of thing now, too. Other than that, I just feel stress as a regular person would."
Hunter nods, satisfied and happy to hear that. You suddenly feel shy after your explanation. Hopefully he understands.
"Good. Is there something I can do for you right now?" he adds, and patiently waits for your answer while you think about it.
Honestly, you just need a break now. You've been studying for hours straight and you need to rest and recharge, if only for a handfull of minutes. And Hunter is the best hugger in the world, so...
"Can we cuddle for a tiny?" you ask, and Hunter smiles like the request has made him happy too.
"Of course, mesh'la" he agrees, gesturing to you with one hand while he readjusts in the sofa. "Get your wonderful ass here".
You can't help but chuckle and you quickly follow him to the sofa, droping your body besides his and wasting no time in finding the perfect spot against him. Hunter opens his arms; let's you find your place. Once you do –head resting on his strong chest and one arm wrapped around his abdomen– he folds himself around you. He hugs you to his body tighter with both hands; head tilting forward and to the side so it rests on top of yours. He gives a small kiss to your hair before letting out a sigh and melting into the embrace.
"We can stay like this as long as you want, cyar'ika" he whispers, softly, caressing your back with one of his hands. "There's no rush".
You humm and nuzzle against him. You'd stay right here forever if you could, with Hunter's arms wrapped around you and his familiar scent tickling your nose. He's home.
Back to my masterlist here!
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bitchinbarzal · 2 years
66 & 72 from the prompt list with eddy?
“You’re my home” & “Kiss me”
The breakup hit you and it hit you hard. You had never expected you and Eddy to end.
You had been living in your self proclaimed 'depression pit' for far too long now when Audrey had come over forcing you to take a shower and told you that you were going to a party with her.
You were completely against the idea but were taken along anyway, everyone could see you were not having a good time including Eddy. Like a sixth sense he had he knew when you walked in, his eyes trailing to your figure while his mouth dropped open in awe at you in your dress.
You didn’t go out often but when you did you looked good.
He watched you slyly all night, constantly being pulled away by Mark somewhere but always having eyes on you.
Truth be told he couldn’t tell you why you broke up. He missed you terribly but seeing you again in person really solidified his feelings.
He watched with jealousy the entire night as you mingled with students and entertained various football players who flirted with you.
“If you hold that cup any tighter it will break” Audrey said, walking past Ethan to get a drink behind him. Following his eye line she found you on the other side of the house talking to Andy Maddox, Quarterback.
Ethan loosened up his grip before looking at Audrey “Is she- um is she seeing him?”
“Who? Andy?” He nodded and she laughed
“No, Eddy she isn’t but she could be so maybe get your head out your ass?”
He listened, putting his cup down and heading over to you. He stood behind you, Andy seeing him first and stopped talking.
Your eyebrows knitted in confusion, following his eye line to behind you where Ethan stood looking for stressed out.
“Edwards, You good?” It was Andy asking yet he never stopped looking at you.
He nodded “Yeah, yeah man can I borrow y/n for a sec?”
“That’s up to the lady, I’m not her owner. You want to talk to him?”
Ethan rolled his eyes at the football players kindness.
“Um yeah, yeah I’ll speak to him thanks”
He nodded, reaching round to kiss your cheek mumbling a “come find me when you’re done” and walking off to find his team.
Ethan wanted to hit him when he kissed you but didn’t knowing fine well you would’ve walked off had he done so.
“What can i help you with, Ethan?” Even with the venom in your voice he was just thankful you were talking to him.
“I- i wanted to come over see you, apologize”
Sighing you replied “Ethan…”
He put his hand up to stop you “Please, let me say this”
You nodded, urging him on.
He let out a shaky breath “I’m sorry. I am so sorry for, everything! I fucked up and I know that I think about it every single day but I miss you so, so much!” He was speaking fast, a clear indication he was anxious.
Your hand subconsciously raised to his arm and rubbed it softly. You watched him physically destress from that touch alone.
“You’re my home, you know? You’re like everything to me and I don’t know why I did it- I don’t know why I broke up with you that was so stupid. I’m stupid!”
It was heartbreaking to watch him talk about himself like that.
“Ethan, Ethan stop” you interrupted
He looked at you, tears brimming his eyes and he croaked
Your hands placed on either side of his face, thumb brushing his bottom lip “You stupid, stupid boy… just kiss me”
And he did. He kissed you like his life depended on it because to him, it did.
Pulling away you mumbled “Don’t ever leave me again”
“I am not going anywhere, ever”
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thebearer · 10 months
i’m just here to fully endorse the idea of ta!lip…probably one of the classes he’s a teacher’s assistant for (in this beautiful universe where helene doesn’t exist because i said so) is like a beginner level class for students who don’t know shit about physics and maybe possibly potentially one of the hotter students in the front row needs a little more help so she comes to office hours like every single week and he’s totally smitten.
offers to tutor you lmaoooo. yes yes yes.
i was thinking more along the lines of professor!lip (who in another helene free universe went on to graduate and do great things) and you end up as his ta. office hours turn into something more, but... ta!lip oof. might have to scrap and go with that bc that era of lip??? killed me i'm sorry. that scene of him putting the mic on and teaching ends me every time.
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adriensaltprompts · 2 years
Submitted prompt Those Who Can Do Should Teach
Title is a pun on the phrase "those who cannot do, teach". Also can be called This Series Needs An Adult, Remix
Ms. Bustier is a terrible teacher but, thankfully, she takes a break to go have her baby and take advantage of the large amounts of maternity leave France provides.
In steps a substitute teacher, we'll name him after one of my old teachers, Mr. Iadorola. Mr. I, for short. His dad is the President of the Senate of France. Chloe's dad doesn't outrank him. She can't threaten him. Her dad knows it'd be political suicide to anger him and actually listens when Mr. I talks to him about Chloe's racism, bullying, and disrespectful behavior. For once, Chloe's actions have consequence and she either has to clean up her act or get ready to switch schools.
Meanwhile Lila is in an equally screwed position because she loves her mom, and she knows anything she says will absolutely make its way back to her now that the son of a prominent government official is near her. It'd take him two texts to get ahold of her mom's number and tell her about every single lie. Lila knows without having to be told and that if she keeps spreading gossip and starting drama, he'll tell her mom absolutely everything. No amount of moving will undo that kind of damage. Her mom will never think of her the same way again.
Then one day, when an akuma attacks and Adrien is goofing around so much that Marinette isn't sure they're going to be able to win this one, in swoops a new superhero wearing very familiar collar pins, the Deer Miraculous. After beating the crap out of the akuma alongside Ladybug, he turns and starts lecturing Chat Noir in a way that's oddly familiar... something about the cadence, the way he moves his hands, it's so...
"Mr. I?" Ladybug asks, and he freezes for a second, giving it away. "You have a Miraculous?!"
"Wait," Chat Noir says, "if you've had a Miraculous and you've been living in Paris for a month, why haven't we seen you before-"
That's interrupted by Mr. I doubling over, coughing. The Deer Miraculous is cracked, handed down his family line on his mother's side for generations. He's got a bit of a double life going on - no one knows he's a superhero, including his own parents, who never opened the box the Miraculous was in before giving it to him as a 30th birthday gift. He's got superpowers, but he can't come to the rescue unless he's okay with a ringing headache, nosebleed, and dizziness for hours afterwards. Still, if Chat Noir isn't going to take things seriously, someone has to step up. That's why he moved to Paris in the first place.
The awful physical side effects will not keep him from pitching in when Chat Noir can't be counted on - something he says in front of Adrien, who isn't pleased with that statement or the way Ladybug looks relieved, impressed, and concerned all at once.
So now the group dynamic has shifted, and worse, when he's around, Mr. I will not stop calling out the sexual harassment. "Stop harassing her and do your job." "If you're done sexually harassing girls for the night..." "Are you late because you were harassing some other poor girl, or is Ladybug your only victim?" "Keep your paws to yourself or I'll stomp on them with my hooves, catboy." And every time, Ladybug's esteem for him gets a little bit higher, and Chat Noir gets a little more furious with him.
Meanwhile in class Marinette has put this teacher on a pedestal, this awesome guy who moved across the country to risk his life saving other people, cooler even than Jagged Stone in her eyes, and Adrien, for the first time, is acting up in school, so, so irritated with this guy who doesn't understand that Ladybug is his. The rudeness and insubordination in class amps up until, finally, Mr. I takes him aside after class one day.
"I know you're Chat Noir. You popping up whenever one of my students goes missing is a dead giveaway; don't deny it. Clean up your act or so help me God, I will send a note home to your father. I can have you pulled out of school, young man. You either learn that no means no and start treating women with respect, or you get to find out what it's like to have your wishes ignored by someone you can't get away from."
"That's not what I've been doing with Ladybug!"
"Yes, it is. And I intend to stop you while you're a kitten, before you become a predator. That's what you are, Adrien. You're predatory, and I come from a long line of hunters, the only thing that triumphs over predators in the wild. You keep that in mind for next time. Now, dismissed."
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kitty35 · 1 year
More Jujutsu Kaisen Headcannons!!
Gojo has a thing for pain 🙂 it excites him and gets his blood pumping. This used to be for fights but now it’s just in general
Going off the last one, Gojo sometimes turns off his infinity if one of his students or friends throws something at him so he can feel it hit him(not in a sexual way. He literally just enjoys feeling pain the way someone likes soft fabrics)
While Nobara likes looking and acting cute, she is much more comfortable in masculine clothes
Even if Yuta loves Rika in a romantic way(which is weird if he still does btw), Rika doesn’t love him in that way anymore. She loves him in a protective way. A way that would always keep him safe and happy, even if he gets into a new relationship.
Going off that last one, Yuta doesn’t romantically love Rika anymore. They’re just besties(and I think like a glorified closet after her curse was broken or something, but I don’t fully remember lol)
I like to believe that Toji is actually very loyal to his new wife
Going back to Yutas voice, I think he sounds like Shinra from Fire Force in the dub. Idk, that’s just how I’ve always read him as
The only reason Tojis hair doesn’t stick up like Megumi is cause it’s greasy af. Toji rarely showers and it’s only when his wife
Forces him that he does(but he manages to not smell despite rarely showering)
The only reason Yuta would date again is to prove to himself that he can protect someone the way he failed to protect Rika, not because he actually loves the other person(tho he probably wouldn’t be aware of that)
Popular headcannon but Maki is a lesbian and Nobara is bi
Gojo gets his sheets pressed so there aren’t any wrinkles in them
Toji sounds like Corpse Husband :)
Idk if this is a headcannon or actual cannon but twins don’t exist in JJK and are a single person who was cursed and split into two, one having physical strength and the other having cursed abilities. When one dies, the other becomes whole, gaining the abilities and strengths of the deceased twin
Gojo has cold hands
Megumi has sweaty hands
Yuta naturally runs hot to the touch
Outside of battles/fights, Choso is…slow to react to put it nicely. His brain physically doesn’t process things fast. Despite this, his body reacts fast
Geto smells amazing, like good/classic old spice
Geto after he died and his body was taken over by a curse smells like trash(yes I’m salty about his body being used like that)
Yuta has a cute button nose :)
Despite Gojo being supper cocky, I think he is actually very nervous when it comes to intimate relationships. He is very scared that they are going to leave him for someone else or that they will end up hating him because that is all he experienced for a long time
Gojo hates it but certain(genuine) emotions make him cry very easily. Happiness, nervousness, anxiety, things like that
Gojo also doesn’t really know what emotions trigger his tears so he tries to stay very neutral or fake it
Choso smells like the newer old spice scents
Reverse curse technique usually uses both peoples cursed energy when healing someone but there can be times where all the cursed energy is supplied from one person, it’s just a lot more draining on said person
Choso has a line tattoo on his hand and boxes on all other knuckles, example below
Y’all, I know it looks soft and nice but I bet all my money that Geto’s hair is crusty and dry as fuck with split ends on every strand. I’m sorry but you can’t convince me that he takes care of it
Cursed technique is based on/formed from one’s personality
Gojo is dyslexic
There were moments in Megumis childhood where he matched Gojos energy. Gojo has been trying to get that to happen again but ever since Gumi hit like 12, it just hasn’t happened
Gojos glasses are painted black so it’s kinda like a blindfold
Gojo is actually really in tune with other peoples emotions despite not understanding his own
Gojo probably came out as Bi or pan or something but no one believed him. They all think when they see him flirt with anyone other then a woman that he’s “commiting to the bit”
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Making a list of what I’ve witnessed/done/learned in the months I’ve worked as a SPED Paraprofessional at Pre-K:
• taught 4 year olds what the skin on your elbow is called
• taught another 4 year old how to wink
• convinced one of my favorite kids that he has a little friend named ghosty ghost following him around who pokes him at random intervals throughout the day
• taught a special needs student who didn’t speak when I met him how to communicate with me specifically through hand signals that indicated what animal he was - does it swim/fly/walk, what does it eat, is it big/small - to which he now speaks more now then he has probably ever
• got played by a 4 year old who wanted a second snack so he casually slid me the last two gushers from his bag and then turned to the teacher and said, “I’m done!”
• got a group of special ed pre-k kids to officially deem bath and body works eucalyptus hand sanitizer as “the good stuff”
• made a joke to a three year old that the enormous books he read after snack every day made him look like he was reading a newspaper. They made a joke every single day that they were on their way to read their newspapers. (It was a volcano book) 😭
• learned that pipe cleaners have metal in them. Yes, I am twenty four.
learned who Pete the Cat was
• learned that adult women between the ages of 35-40 really do act like adult children
• got complimented that my hair was “rapunzel hair” despite it not being cut for like 7 months
• learned how to be a physical touch person despite hating being hugged but hey, four year olds want to hug you constantly and how are you going to deny those puppy dog eyes?
ended up buying one of the little ones who lost his house in a tornado a stuffy and a book.. took it to his house, where he then proceeded to act like he had no idea who I was (it was cute in the moment)
apparently line tag is a thing??? on a basketball court??
oh also, they crack up with laughter when I play tag with them!
they smell markers for sport
You think they realize common little games like staring contests and then when you realize they don’t and teach them anyway they go around and teach their little minions
I have heard them sing: Barbie Girl, Flowers, Unholy, and the one song from Wednesday I can’t remember the name of 😂
I had a guy pass me a love note through his second grade son. No joke. He gave it to his kid, who gave it to the teacher to give to me, and the note was asking me out on a date.
Had a 4 year old straight up innocently say a curse word from his encoded message to his father which said, “dad: please don’t bust my a** anymore.” (Which, according to aunt who worked in building, has only happened once) And about DIED from laughing so hard. So did the teachers.
I got addicted to the snacks I had never tried until working with pre-school. SunChips and Rice Krispies never die.
Found out one of my little boys called me Carla to his parents because they couldn’t quite figure out what name he was saying. It was only upon meeting me that they said, “oh YOU’RE Kayla! We called you Carla for days!”
They sang a song about Goldfish. That song is now burned into my memory. Why is some young children’s music so freaking catchy?
On the last day, my favorite girl turned around to look at me before she got on the bus. I didn’t have the heart to really tell her that I wasn’t coming back. What I said was very brief. When she did turn around, I waved. She waved back. Little did she know I BROKE the second she walked through that door and disappeared. I didn’t think I’d come to love her as much as I did but she made it so EASY.
My oldest boy who I was the aide for? I met his grandmother, and she now sends me such wholesome photos of him and stresses that my loving him the way I did made a huge difference. She doesn’t know how hard I cry every single time she says it.
They have lungs. And I made the mistake of sticking them on high swings they can’t get to by themselves, which they all want to fight over, so half the time I wanted to just talk to teachers I ended up hearing: “MISSSSSSSSS KAYLLLAAAA!!! WILL YOU COME PUSH ME?” Hollered across the playground.
^ I will never make that same mistake again. 😂
Not everyone is meant for pre-school, but MAN… did I love it.
Cons: I never got included in anything by the teachers or their aides. They never included me, and man did that sting.
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