#this is the reason i wanna get a second instrument
chewwytwee · 5 months
The thing about AI is like, what if someone just doesn’t wanna be an artist? What if someone doesn’t wanna sink a bunch of time into learning how to draw?
The whole argument surrounding art’s accessibility kinda misses the point by assuming everyone wants to dedicate the time to learning how to draw and the only thing preventing them from drawing is their own sloth and entitlement. If you wanna criticize AI tools find a better point than reactionary pearl clutching about the sanctity of human art and the inherent importance of ‘effort’. Y’all sound like fucking Ben Shapiro when you decry anyone who would dare to create art in an easy way, they’re ruining our great ‘culture’ and are degrading ‘human nature’ by breaking from tradition (which is inherently good and should never be challenged) by using new ~Technology~ (which is inherently bad and needs to be STOPPED at ALL COSTS).
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lifemod17 · 1 month
thoughts on 'Unaired EP'
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below the cut in case you don't want spoilers <3
Nobody's Soldier
"Benzos and gasoline" line is WILD (it is so hot for no reason wtf Andrew)
the little break that happens at 1:43 with. i don't even know what that is? like a sort of distorted / reverbed guitar bend / riff? either way, LOVE THAT.
also lets give it up one time for the organ, that is SO GNARLY, YOU CANNOT DENY IT!!!
hearing the live version vs. this recorded one is different, I literally went "OMFG WHAT IS THIS PART" starting at 2:53 when he gets all whisper-y WHY IS IT SO HOT
Listen man, I am a sucker for a good pause, and that pause after the bridge has me UNWELL.
SLOWING IT DOWN for the ending will never not be iconic. you don't see that happening a lot!
the intake of breath on the outro??!! tumblr user lifemod17 is NOT FARING WELL
so full of hope and promise and really just about having that thing or that someone to look forward to. The definition of "postpone that funeral"
"JUST KNOWING THAT'S GETTING ME THROUGH"?!?!?!? I wanna throw up. that is a Tonee-ass line. yeah 'July' is DEFINITELY taking the crown. This is my favorite from the EP.
i WAS right! he says 'prada' because it just made so much sense with the 'wore me out' line.
the whole second half had me in SHAMBLES. the lyrics were already insane but also throw in his soft voice mixed with the FUNKY & GROOVY beat?? I fear it is so over for me (I was genuinely screaming into a pillow and needed to sit down even though I was already sat and also I didn't know what to do with my person so I was just laying there and looking up at the ceiling while fighting off tears. I was SHOOK.)
It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy and makes me want to roll downhill a field and pick flowers to give to strangers
Have I mentioned the pen game? Because it is on level 9000. His pen was on fire when he has writing this
That You Are
I was not expecting the lyrics to be "that I'd be anywhere that you are". im sorry but that is devastatingly beautiful and rips my heart out brb sobbing
my wig quietly and peacefully ascended from my head.
it's a lot more raw, production wise. the vocals aren't super clean, but I actually really like it this way!!! it makes the song that much more precious, gentle, intimate
Bedouine's vocals NEVER DISAPPOINTS!! She always has a way of transporting you with her music- makes you feel like you're floating above water
I needed to sautee the yearning for this one, its so pretty but hits you right in the feels
The fact that this is speculated to be the contender for the spot of 'I, Carrion (Icarian)' I'M GONNA CRY AGAIN Andrew please do an EP breakdown cuz I need to know!
that little instrumental interlude towards the bridge is so lovely and the entire song really! I think they did a good job of splitting the vibe 50/50 <- I say this because I listen to Bedouine a lot and the vibe of her songs is definitely here. it just really shows that they both wrote this together. its not a feature, its a collab
We're all gonna cry and then afterwards we're all gonna hug cuz this song just inflicted so much emotional damage upon all of us
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bearieio · 1 year
ellie w. hcs :3
bc im seeing them everywhere and i need to put in my 2¢. thank you. (also not proofread :P)
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⋆ biggest hayley kiyoko fan for like 3 years (the intro to ‘girls like girls’ was her ringtone when she was 14). would beg joel to take her to random record stores that they passed by just to see if they had any hayley kiyoko cds.
⋆ because of joel, she listens to a lot of 70s-90s dad rock. 
⋆ can’t drive for shit. like literally she’s not allowed to drive without her glasses
⋆ she needs glasses btw. she doesn’t wear them because she’s already too much of a loser. but when she does where them, you tease her endlessly about them. 
⋆ can and will sleep on the floor whenever prompted. no blankets, no pillows needed. just her and the floor.
⋆ isn’t allowed to drink any sort of energy drinks on account of a previous incident that had to do with about 3 cans of redbull and 2 large cans of the ‘Java Monster.’
⋆ isn’t allowed to own small pets (like gerbils, guinea pigs, hamsters, etc.) because she’d definitely forget about them. 
⋆ owns big dogs. great danes, newfoundlands, irish wolfhounds, mastiffs, st bernards, YOU NAME IT, SHE HAS IT (or has had it)
⋆ when she’s older, i feel like she’d be like one of those white people who has 192793999 dogs for no reason 
⋆ since her mannerisms are so much like joels, you guys argue playfully all the time about how things should be done, often bringing others into it too. 
“jesse, tell her!” he flips her phone screen around to reveal a very tired jesse, “it’s 1AM, ellie-“ 
⋆ i feel like at random times, she’ll just grab your boob(s). i don’t know why and you’ve never said anything about it, so she hasn’t stopped…… very handsy….
⋆ audibly goes “honk honk!” almost every time she gives ‘em a squeeze.
⋆ she’s a really sloppy kisser. not like boy-sloppy, but like the hot, messy, girl sloppy bc that sounds better and honestly i think her kisses would be the best.
⋆ she was one of those kids who’d eat dirt and find bugs all the time
because of this, she’s the designated bug killer/bug-getter-outter…. idk
⋆ she’s the worst drunk you know.
like literally sssoooooooooo messy oh my god. but you love her nonetheless :)
she’s soo clingy, and, touchy (like more than usual), but also much more emotional and sensitive than usual when she’s drunk or when she’s sick.
⋆ ellie tends to be quite difficult when she’s sick. BUT! you make it work bc you love her and she loves you :>
when you bring ellie her favorite drink from her favorite coffee shop, you literally have to fight her to be able to get out the front door. when you get up to serve her lunch, you’ve got to peel her off of you because she refuses to let you leave her side. when you go and get the medicine she says she doesn’t need…. you guessed it, she fights for you to stay in bed next to her.
“babe, what if i die right here, when you leave- like- BABE PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME-“ she bewails, crossing her arms and huffing at the sight of you leaving her.
⋆ when you catch her playing her guitar, she sometimes gets all shy and plays the wrong chords n stuff. 
“don’t LOOK! >:(” she says, gripping the body of her guitar, glaring in your direction.
“oh!- okay” you say, throwing your hands up in a playful manner, giggling. 
⋆ but the times where she’s not shy about playing in front of you, she’ll ask you if you want to play.
“do you uh- maybe wanna play? i could teach you” she suggests, gesturing toward the stringed instrument.
but then after, she’d tease you about your finger placement :(
“i said the fourth fret, girl, not the second, or, the third!” she says, in between laughs.
“well fourth from the top or the bottom?!” you scoffed, looking at her, still puzzled.
she knows your trying your best but it’s still fun to poke at you when she can >:)
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constructive criticism is appreciated !!!
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demigods-posts · 6 months
Reasons why Bring on the Monsters from The Lightning Theif musical is an amazing song:
1.) "There's gonna be a fight. There still might be a war. For a moment, we've got danger on the run." Talk about setting the tone. We're in the clear as of today, but something is coming. Something bad.
2.) "Feeling ready🌊" "Feeling stoked🦉" "Feeling quesy🐐". Love how they gave Annabeth the 'feeling stoked' line. Because, of course, she's waiting in the wings, ready to kick ass when need. But it's also hilarious that the actress playing Annabeth is Kristen Stokes. So, I just imagine the writers gave her that line to mess with her.
3.) "Bring on the monsters. Bring on the real world." Like, yeah. They physically spent the majority of this musical in the real world, but they were disconnected from it. The three of them singing this line is a declaration of unity between their human and godly side. They are neither here nor there, not bound to one world, but exist in both.
4.) "They'll be times when your faith is shaken." Yes, your faith in the gods will be on the brink of breaking at any given moment. But so will the faith in yourself. But sometimes, being a demigod means doing it scared. But you won't go it alone.
5.) "Gotta know where the real fight lies when it's time to rise and stand your ground." Annabeth and Clarisse singing about knowing which battles are worth fighting and when is utterly amazing. Because not only are they both children of war gods, but they also canonically struggled with being strong-willed and prideful. It's like even though were at odds at the beginning of the musical, they aren't as different as they first appear.
6.) "No, I'm never gonna once have it easy. I'll make mistakes, but my own, and it frees me." In TLT, Book!Sally says something along the lines of: 'If my life is going to mean anything, I have to live it myself.' This is as applicable to a demigod as it is to a mortal. And it's bittersweet because not every demigod gets the chance to choose. Or rather, they don't choose wisely because they're so spiteful when it comes time. But sometimes, you gotta let the anger fade and move forward.
7.) "I'll be back next summer. You'll see me again. I'll be back next summer. I'll survive 'till then." There's something about this line that makes me want to cry. Percy started this musical saying he didn't want to be a half-blood, essentially rejecting the idea of a demigod, but ends the musical declaring his eventual return. He isn't saying goodbye, but a see you later. Which just tugs at my heart strings knowing we'll never get a second musical, but it's okay because Percy's essence extends beyond the Broadway medium. Whether it be a book, musical, movie, or graphic novel, Percy will always be back.
8.) Also, if you listen to the instrumental of this song, the guitar riff at the very end is playing the same melody of 'I didn't wanna to be a half-blood' underneath Percy's declaration of unwavering loyalty to demigods. And it broke me like a bone.
You guys remember these? That's great because I didn't. It just occurred to me that I never finished my analysis of the TLT musical, and I thought I'd get on that. Anyway, this song is fucking incredible, and I want a SOM musical. But I digress.
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barbatusart · 1 year
PEOPLE INTERESTED IN MUSIC LISTEN UP: go to reaper.fm right now & get yourself a trial copy of Reaper, the trial period is indefinite & functions like winrar where once it’s up it just pings you on startup to suggest purchasing & then let’s you continue using it in full. Reaper is a DAW (digital audio workstation) which is a type of program that lets you manipulate sound the same way that sai CSP & photoshop are programs to manipulate images. Audacity is technically a DAW but an extremely basic one, you want something powerful to really get in there ie you want Reaper. also if you eventually wanna purchase it & support the guys behind it it’s extremely reasonably priced, it’s like $60 bucks or something
SECOND you need VSTs (virtual studio technology), these are the audio equivalent of your brushes, or more like they’re both your guitar and your guitar pedals. there are some for pay but infinitely more excellent ones that are free & make all sorts of wacky noises, check out labs.spitfire.audio for the LABS virtual instruments, some completely gorgeous stuff there. you can tweak the shape of the sound in each & chain VSTs on top of each other to infinity to mangle your sound to your liking & you’re really only limited by your computer’s ability to handle it lol. also check out what’s going on at freakshowindustries.com cus they’re doing demented stuff, their VSTs are pay but all give you the option to “steal” them ie get the license for them in full for completely free
im planning on eventually doing a stream getting more in-depth on the little i know about Reaper functionality, so i highly recommend you familiarize yourself with the super basics! the learning curve is a bit rough compared to other DAWs but once you have the AHAH! moment it gets significantly easy to handle
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eris-snow · 10 months
6. 𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐞?
Tags: bakugou x fem!reader, juxtaposition, angst, swearing, toaster shenanigans, bakusquad shenanigans
A yellow thread like a soulmate’s cord: So similar, but so different.
Katsuki hates people.
It doesn’t matter if he appreciates a small small small minority of them, he’s fully obligated to bring his thoughts to the grave because Mina and Denki had broken the toaster for the hundredth time, Kirishima’s way too positive for someone going for therapy and Izuku breathes too hard.
“Why do I have to buy the stupid toaster?” He lashes, sweat building dangerously in his hands. “I did nothing!”
“We haven’t hung out properly in a long while, man! Think of it as a…a get-together!” Eijiro told him, slinging an arm around his shoulder.
He’s testing his luck.
Ashido marches ahead of the both of them while playing thumb war with Denki. “And plus-hey!-you went feral when we got the previous previous toaster—Mina, stop it!” Denki chimes in, wrestling with Ashido.
“Mhm, uh-huh, yeah, yes, you see?” Ashido responds calmly. “This is why you’re needed.”
Behind them, Eijiro frowns. “I thought that was the 5th toaster, not the—”
“Finish that sentence,” He grits out. “I dare you.”
So yeah, borderline, Katsuki hates people.
He especially hates them when they start asking questions.
“You’ve been a ghost lately, disappearing right after class. What’s going on with you?” Eijiro changes the subject, and looks at him with curious red eyes.
Real, fuckin’ annoying questions.
Katsuki’s brain goes uhhh, and he shrugs off the red-haired’s shoulder to buy time.
“None of your business. If I’m busy, I’m busy. Deal with it.”
His friend gives him an inquisitive look, but Denki’s groan of defeat snaps both of them out of it, and Eijiro backs off. “Whatever you say, man.”
There’s an old street piano that lives right outside the mall. Katsuki’s surprised it’s still there, even after the plaza was stripped bare and renovated, the instrument sat there, creaking and lonely. What a contrast to the shiny, modern building it sat so innocently next to.
Out of nowhere, a splitting headache rips into his skull, and he has to grab the nearest thing (Eijiro) to keep himself from toppling. What the hell?
All he can see is that goddamn piano, multiplying and filling his vision. It flashes, disappears, and then reappears like it’s trying to decide whether it should be there or not. Someone calls his name, but it’s far away. Suddenly, he’s 7 again, showing off to all his admirers how wide his fingers could reach, how beautifully he could play the instrument.
All eyes are on him, and he feels like he’s a third person watching his younger self smile, shift aside to let someone else join him on the seat—
A blink, two blinks, and the image is wiped.
“Bakugou?” Eijiro’s hand is on his shoulder and all eyes are on him. It takes him a second to realise that he’s gripping Eijiro’s arm, and another to unclench his hand. He leans away, and grits out low. “I’m fine.”
“You’re a liar,” Denki refutes, expression worried. “You okay, Bakubro?”
“Headache,” He supplies, gaze cutting back to the piano. It’s still sitting there harmlessly, like it hadn’t given him an existential crisis 5 seconds ago. He filters through his memories, frowning when he grasps at straws. He can’t remember ever playing a duet with someone.
Stalking ahead, he shoots a scowl at the inanimate object and enters the mall. “I wanna be in and out. Let’s go.”
He knows his friends’ expressions. They’re all concerned, because for some reason, Katsuki’s word isn’t good enough for them.
Whatever, it’s not like he hasn’t had lapses like that before.
A store full of green catches Katsuki’s eyes, and suddenly, all he can see is ferns and flowers stuffing the entrance of the little shop greeting the visitors of the mall.
They come back to the dorms with a new, normal toaster, and Katsuki gets a desk cactus.
Katsuki’s going deaf. He knows the drill yadda yadda, he’ll be deaf by 35 yadda yadda his quirk is an ass and so is he. However, he prides himself in knowing his eyesight is perfect and better than average. So he really, really hates it when they try to fuck shit up for him by making him see things that aren’t there.
His jacket hanging on the edge of the couch when he was visiting his parents over winter break. (It’s in an old storage unit his parents rented out since he can’t fit it anymore)
A cherry blossom tree siting right outside his old middle school. (It’s in the dead of the winter.)
Random street pianos, showing up at every turn.
And every time he shakes his head and blinks, the objects disappear. He doesn’t even want to get started with his dreams. Scenes from the war have been ending abruptly, cutting off and throwing him into moments of his life he never knew he lived through.
It’s been all he can even think about lately, and his zone-out sessions have earned him a slap to the head by his mother and daily check-ups via text from the shit broccoli nerd and Shitty Hair. He thinks about it, because it’s the same feeling when he hangs out with you. Your presence is so difficult to detect sometimes, he has to steels himself from blasting your face off because he didn’t notice you sitting right in front of him.
He has an internship with Jeanist and 10 articles to write for Hero History. He cannot afford to go crazy now.
Katsuki’s eyes open. He spins around and finds a memory, ripped straight out from his life. It’s like watching a scene directly out of a play. His old, junior high classroom, with its rusted cabinets and creaky seats.
His younger self stops, and looks back, obviously annoyed. “What do you want, extra? Who the fuck are you?”
A girl stands there with her face blurred and clipped out, but for some reason, he knows her expression is one of shock and disbelief.
“Katsuki, don’t you remember me?”
Bakugou jolts awake. The sound of someone’s voice he can’t quite hear the words off ring in his mind, and he clenches his shirt as his heart pounds so loud it feels like it’s echoing throughout the entire room. Sweat is everywhere, clinging to his skin like a layer of dust, and a glance at his alarm clock shows 02:31. He lets out a loud groan, glaring at his empty ceiling. He’s definitely not going to sleep anytime soon. With sweat clinging to every part of his body, he swings his legs off and heads to the door. He needs a shower.
And coffee.
“Weird dreams? Seeing items not there?” Recovery Girl looks at him thoughtfully. “And you’re positive it’s not a Quirk?”
“That’s what I said,” Katsuki replied through gritted teeth. He’d have known if it was a Quirk. Even some Quirks weren’t touch-based, it was hard to be put under a quirk undetected. This was something else. “If it’s not doing you any physical harm, then my Quirk can’t help you with that. The best prescription I can give you is neuroleptic medications and sedatives for a good night's sleep. Other than that, try to take your mind off training for a while and take the rest of the day off. I suspect that you’re overworked.”
With Recovery Girl’s advice in mind, Katsuki comes out of the infirmary feeling less sane than he originally felt. Overworked? As if. The most eventful thing he experienced this month was him buying a fucking toaster.
With a heavy grunt, he opens the library door and ignores the hall just down the corridor. You’re probably on vacation, or visiting relatives. No point in going there.
If he’s barred from training the rest of today, then he could kill time by learning something new. If he wants to be a top hero, he’s got to be able to communicate. That means in both Japanese and English. If he can read more English books, he’d surely be more fluent in—
He stops short. In front of him, is a yellow thread. It curves and winds and leads him all the way to the back of the library, slung over seats and tables of the nearly isolated room. He’s heard about cringy soulmate manga from Mina, the one where the pinkies of two individuals are connected by a red string. This one, however, is yellow, and looks way thinner, like a spider’s skein.
That was your favourite colour.
Intrigued, he follows it all the way, and when he stops to see what’s at the end of it, he finds an essay shelved in the wrong way buried behind the dusty books that haven’t been borrowed in a long, long time. He almost misses it, but when he does find it, he takes it off the shelf and eyes the title wearily.
Phenomenon: Reset
It’s clearly not a published book, it’s bonded by stapler bullets and it’s written on the old U.A. foolscap that was outdated years ago. It’s more like a log then a book, a diary, even. Katsuki slaps himself mentally. What the fuck is he doing? Playing detective for his delusions? This could be a prank for all he knows, and the yellow skein his eyes playing tricks on him. This was—
‘Not a Quirk, causes people to become nearly invisible to the eye.’
Katsuki blinks rapidly.
‘Day 3: I tried to talk to him the other day. It’s like we never met. He asked me if I was a new transfer student. I’ve been in his class for over a year.’
‘Day 4: He forgot our conversation the previous day. The teacher missed my name during attendance and called my parents up today. What’s going on?’
Katsuki skims through the rest of the days, and with each passing page, the handwriting gets more and more illegible.
‘Day 7: I feel like a ghost. My parents still remember me, thank goodness. I don’t know if I could handle it if they didn’t.’
‘Day 16: If this is some sick joke, I hope it ends already. What the hell? It’s like it’s a reset for me every single day. Every time I try to tell someone about it the person straight up forgets me the next day. This isn’t funny anymore.’
‘Day 70: He sees me! I don’t know how this worked but he sees me! I tried probing for more, but I can’t believe it! I’m so glad…it’s been so long since someone looked at me in the eye.”
‘Day 71: He remembers! Honestly, I don’t care that everyone else isn’t noticing me anymore, just having one person is enough.”
‘Day 121: I told him about my situation, and thankfully he believed me. He said he had a feeling about it, something about a watch and the stupid tree in the forest we used to sleep under. He said it kept popping up everywhere and it was driving him crazy.’
‘Day 235: I found an article that’d tried to be covered up. One of the government’s mistakes, back when Quirks were new. It had something to do with a science experiment gone wrong. It might be a lead.’
It goes on and on, from red hairs to dead ends, but through it, Katsuki got a gist of the situation. A science experiment from 70 years ago was conducted to see if a Quirk could be transferred forcibly from one person to another. That Quirk was named Undetected, one of the less destructive Quirks of that time and among the few who agreed to proceed with this experiment.
It might be possible in the modern day, but humans back then were far too uneducated to be dealing with Quirks that were still relatively new. The experiment went wrong, obviously, and it resulted in a glitch of the person’s Quirk and the region the experiment was being carried out in. Victims ended up forgotten with a presence so low that they were basically invisible. Back when this article was still new, there had been questions raised about it, whether these Quirks were more of a curse than a blessing, but with time this phenomenon ‘faded out of existence’.
No one could prove it, and the victims were chalked up to accidents or lunatics. Not many were affected anyway, and almost as quickly as the rumour made headlines, it disappeared entirely from the internet.
Katsuki’s blood runs cold.
Is this what was going on with you?
He leafs through the paper and skips to the last day that was catalogued.
‘Day 435: He said that I looked really pale, and told me that he’d found a way to save me. I was really glad, I was really. I only wish that we could have done it before it was too late.’
Katsuki flips the page over to find nothing else written and almost crumples the paper up in frustration.
He needs to see you. Now.
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bidisasterevankinard · 6 months
Inspiration Saturday
tagged by my beloved @daffi-990 more from enemies to lovers au I really recommend to put the song on
He takes the guitar, starts the recording of the instruments he made before, and pours his heart into the lyrics, making sure he sings it all, keeping the contact of his blue eyes with deep brown, tracking any change in Eddie's face.
I'm just the boy inside the man, not exactly who you think I am
Trying to trace my steps back here again, so many times
I'm just a speck inside your head, you came and made me who I am
I remember where it all began, so clearly
The first part is ending and Eddie smiles at him with big eyes being so bright and literally glowing, and Buck gets more confident to continue. He hopes it means Eddie sees him. Sees him in his way to try to open his heart for Eddie.
I feel a million miles away, still you connect me in your way
And you create in me, something I would've never seen
When I can only see the floor, you made my window a door
So when they say they don't believe, I hope that they see you and me
After all the lights go down, I'm just the words you are the sound
A strange type of chemistry, how you've become a part of me
And when I sit alone at night, your thoughts burn through me like a fire
You're the only one who knows, who I really am
The familiar weight of guitar in his hands and soothing in its simplicity and familiarity movements on the strings, calm him even more as he continues to look at Eddie and smile with his eyes. He feels as if he plays on the strings of his own heart, soothing it to the rhythm of the song from the mad rhythm that it has been performing since the moment Buck messaged Eddie asking him to come to him.
We all wanna be somebody, we just need a taste of who we are
We all wanna be somebody, we're willing to go but not that far
He really loves this part because it shows the real him. Real Buck no one can see. The boy who just wants to be found and know who he is and be loved.
With Eddie he feels it all. 
And we're all see through, just like glass
And we can shatter just as fast
That light's been burned out for a while, I still see it every time I pass
It was lost in the coldness of my mind, behind a box of reasons why
I never doubted it was there, just took a little time to find
And even when
Eddie bites his lip after this part, but he still has light in his eyes and Buck lets him go deeper into his mind to analyze what this song means for him. About who he sings.
I feel a million miles away, still you connect me in your way
And you create in me, something I would've never seen
When I can only see the floor, you made my window a door
So when they say they don't believe I hope that they see you and me
After all the lights go down, I'm just the words you are the sound
A strange type of chemistry, and you've become a part of me
And when I sit alone at night, your thoughts burn through me like a fire
You're the only one who knows, who I really am
His most favorite part. Part where he talks about how important Eddie is for him. Eddie showed him so much about himself even before they were friends but after he let Buck see he can be real without fear.
Eddie is a part of Buck, one of the best parts and he loves it.
Eddie still bites his lip,and even for a second drops his eyes from him, but Buck just is not reading into it as he needs to look at his hands for a second anyway.
tagging @wikiangela @wildlife4life @watchyourbuck @elvensorceress @ebdaydreamer @eddiebabygirldiaz @evanbegins @rogerzsteven @the-likesofus @thewolvesof1998 @theotherbuckley @tizniz @buddieblr @icecreampotluck @puppyboybuckley @pirrusstuff @aspecbuddie @spaceprincessem @spotsandsocks @spagheddiediaz @devirnis @dangerpronebuddie @diazsdimples @fortheloveofbuddie @giddyupbuck @heartshapedvows @honestlyeddie @honestlydarkprincess @hoodie-buck @jesuisici33 @loserdiaz @cal-daisies-and-briars @bigfootsmom @bekkachaos @buck-coded @buddierights @monsterrae1 @mandzuking17 @sunshinediaz @steadfastsaturnsrings and anyone who wants to
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midnightkolrath · 11 months
Dante and his deeper layers I've noticed in the 2007 anime
I originally meant for this to be a WAY bigger dig/analysis, as I want to go episode by episode...but I decided to minimize it for now because this anime gives me brainworms so often, lmao.
So, lets get into this light dig of added bits for Dante's character from the anime and just how neat the anime is on what it covers.
Early on in the anime, there's parts of the anime where Patty unknowingly berates Dante about having a picture of his "girlfriend" on his desk, not knowing its actually his mother. Same episode, she talks to Dante about her own mother, and how much she wishes to meet her, after being orphaned for unknown reasons (We learn why later but you know).
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And BOTH times, Dante doesn't respond, save for a quiet distant stares off into space or seemingly ignoring her. For the first case, he very much likely excuses it with the fact that she's just not aware of the truth of the picture but not outright scolding her over it.
Like...he doesn't snap or correct her or anything. He just remains quiet. And we know how much Dante loved his mom (his color palette even matches hers for gods' sake) and how he got when facing Trish in DMC1 (which this takes place after). Shows just how those events really changed him afterwards. Especially since this is also after he thought he killed Vergil with his own hands...which the anime VERY MUCH shows the depression he has. He's in it deep for alot of it.
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Back to the second part of the Patty thing though, as much as he pretends he isn't listening or doesn't care, he very much WAS listening to her, as later in that episode, he easily figures out where she went (into a trap where a demon disguised itself as her mother to lure her) due to the poster she was gazing at which reminded her of her mother, and the discussion they had right before she ran off.
Like, this man may be the way he is and PRETEND he isn't paying attention to people sometimes, but like...no, when its important, he VERY MUCH is. Speaking of which...episode 3.
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This is one of the fun parallel episodes where the situation reflects a part of Dante's life...such as when a demon falls in love with a human, who was originally supposed to serve his master. Obviously, a parallel to Sparda and Eva's relationship, Dante's parents.
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Even when its found out that the guy is the target dante's supposed to be after, Dante literally takes time to hear him out and question him over his love for a human woman. Dante's the result of such a relationship, so it makes sense he'd stop to listen.
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In the end, he decides to go against killing this demon, despite what his client wanted. He sees firsthand and knows that this is actually a couple in love. Like...he gets it. For obvious reasons, but he also MADE SURE it was a true love relationship. Pretty wholesome actually.
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An obvious one if you've seen the instruments and jukebox in his office, but episode 6 adds on that Dante 'gets' music and how it can touch/relate to people. I think its a cute additional touch. :' )
I wanna dig into this episode more eventually, but its obviously music themed. And Dante hangs out as a bodyguard for some fellow music enjoyers. Just one of those nice further looks on the general work Dante does, which this anime does a great job in doing.
Episode 7 onward is where shit gets deep into more parallels and just the kind of guy Dante is, while going through it this whole series. Helping a spirit get laid to rest by pulling a prison break and rescuing her brother (Episode 7)...
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Having his status as the son of sparda ending up getting someone originally close to him (Supposedly anyway, its implied that Dante grew up with this guy and was raised by the same mother figure...which Dante denies, but we know how he can be, and he was likely trying to protect him in a way) hurt and said person thrusting hate on him for it as that was why a whole village got burned down...and the guy originally believed and had genuine faith that it wasn't Dante's fault (Episode 8)...
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Meeting students (who are brothers, one older and one younger) of his father, arguably bonding with one of them and having to put both down in the end (Episode 10), which can be seen as a cruel parallel to himself and Vergil...(And even going through the effort of respectfully setting a grave site together for them)
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And the final episodes, 11 and 12, are the conclusion of the whole arc that was built up in the background...but its also a show of Dante and Patty's relationship becoming so close as she goes to personally save him after he was impaled by the big bad. Its a pay off for the growing bits of them spending time together from episode 1, and later a neat easter egg nod in DMC5 where Patty calls to invite him to her birthday party, showing they still very much keep in touch. (And the novel Before the Nightmare goes more into why, exactly, he actually didn't want to go, but we'll dive more into that later one day).
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I'll likely more deeply elaborate about the anime one day, but like...there's a reason why its such a gem in the series. Short, but did great with the episodes it had. A treat for those who want to see more layers for Dante. Its so SO good.
Like you may or may not like the 'slice of life' parts, but its necessary for what they were going for, I think. I know I skipped a few things, but I hope I got the big highlights atleast. Go check out the first anime, its a pretty damn solid ride.
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dark-frosted-heart · 8 months
Aphrodisiac Event - Roger Barel (premium end)
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nsfw at the end, minors dni
As usual can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this.
I was startled when I felt a vial be placed in my hand.
(I wonder what will happen if I drink this)
Roger: Scared?
Kate: I’m not. Well, bottoms up.
I opened the bottle and poured the viscous liquid down my throat.
Kate: Nothing’s happening…
Roger: There won’t be a reaction ‘til your body’s absorbed it. It’s like alcohol. It’ll slowly and thoroughly travel through your body and dissolve reason.
I felt my body throbbing under Roger’s gaze.
(No, no, no, what am I becoming conscious of?)
Roger: I’m getting bored, so how ‘bout we have a chat.
Roger pulled out a chair with a clatter and sat down facing me.
Roger: Now then, what should we talk about? Ah, right. You asked what love meant to me. Now I wanna hear your thoughts. What’s love to you?
Kate: Are you actually curious about that?
Roger: Yeah. I’m rather interested in you. You know that, right?
(You said that so quickly…)
However, Roger was right about being bored, and in my mind, I traced the outline of love with my fingertips.
Kate: I don’t have much experience with love, so I’ll speak from what little experience I have?
Roger: Sure.
Kate: When I fall in love, I feel like the ordinary things in life sparkle. It’s like I want to wrap that moment in the palm of my hand and hold it close. It makes the ordinary world seem just a little bit more special. Maybe that’s what love is to me.
(I might’ve said too much)
I quietly looked at Roger and the tender look in his eyes took my breath away.
Roger: That’s nice. Your love looks fun. 
Roger and I have completely different thoughts when talking about love.
Why has that always been so irritating to me?
Kate: I can’t prove that love exists either. But I do think that there’s a special feeling behind it that isn’t a brain dysfunction or sexual desire.
Roger: Something that’s not a brain dysfunction or sexual desire?
Kate: That-
I was just about to say something when something tingling welling up from the core of my body clutched at me and swallowed my words.
(My body’s hot. And…)
Roger: Looks like it’s working. Look over here. Yep, your pupils are dilating. My ears are picking up your heartbeat, but just to be sure, let’s listen with a stethoscope. Your dress is in the way. Let’s take it off, Kate.
Kate: Eh…ah
The night dress is pulled down to my stomach, leaving me in my corset.
The cloth rubbed against my skin, and the core of my body felt hot.
Roger took out a stethoscope and slipped it under my corset with a practiced hand.
Roger: Breathe in and out. Haha, that’s a nice sound.
The cold instrument against my skin is the only thing making my body ache at the moment.
(Roger’s just examining me. Don’t think about it)
Roger: Finally, let’s take a blood sample. It’s gonna hurt a bit.
Kate: A-ah
I couldn’t help but gasp at the sensation of a needle piercing my skin, and the corner of Roger’s lips quirked up.
Roger: It hurts, but it feels good. You’re a hopeless little lady. Alright, the examination's over. Thanks, Kate.
Roger was saying something, but it sounded far away.
Seconds pass and the lewd heat builds up as if circulating through my body.
(I can’t…)
Kate: Roger…
But Roger just sat there in front of me and watched.
Roger: Kate, I’ll always have a proper excuse for you. You just have to go ahead with it. It’s not your fault for being timid, I just wanna take a little look. Where you want me is up to you.
Roger: Unless you ask for it, I won’t touch you. I’ll just sit here and watch.
Just like he said, Roger just stares at me.
Despite that, my body’s imagining his lips, eyes, fingers…
(I want Roger to touch me)
(I want something that feels good)
But Roger keeps staring at me and not spoiling me.
Kate: I hate it…
Roger: Hm?
Kate: If I let my sexual desires take over, it’ll be like I’m proving that love doesn’t exist, and that’s annoying. I want Roger to think that there is love, I think.
Roger: So that’s it.
Kate: Huh?
Roger: That’s one of those cute things that makes you cry for me every time, isn’t it?
The moment Roger’s large hand patted my head, all remaining sense of reason disappeared.
(I can’t…)
Kate: Roger…Please…touch me…In some way…or another
Roger: Sure. Come here, Kate.
Roger removed my corset in one go, exposing my once-bound breasts.
Roger: Ahh, look at how hard they are. The aphrodisiac’s effect is amazing.
I could feel how hard my nipples were, but I didn’t care. I just wanted to feel good right now.
I wanted him to touch me so badly that I forgot about covering myself up and stuck my chest out, making Roger smile.
Roger: You’re usually so shy and want to hide it, but not tonight?
Kate: Yes…
Roger: Oh~ How lewd~
Roger got up from his chair, knelt in front of me, and took a nipple in his mouth.
Roger’s rough tongue tickles the tip of my nipple and my knees almost give out.
As he sucks, nectar flows down between my legs.
Kate: Haaaa. Intense…
Roger: Since we both agreed on it, I’m not holding back today. Ah…I think I can make you cum just from your breasts. Cum for me, Kate.
Kate: Eh, ah. Stop talking.
Roger: Hmm, thought so. You prefer a little pain and embarrassment to being gentle. Come on…
He licks at one nipple while pinching the other.
Kate: Anh…Aaahhh
My vision goes white.
(I came once, but it’s not calming down)
Roger: Hey Kate, I have one more experiment I wanna do.
Kate: …?
Roger: Can love be born from sexual desire?
With a smirk, Roger removes his vest and undid his shirt.
His firm pecs and well-trained muscles were exposed, and a sound escaped from my throat.
Kate: B-but. Roger…
Roger: Yeah?
Kate: You said you didn’t like troublesome things, and if we do something like that…it’s over.
(What am I saying?)
Roger: Yeah, that’s right. But you’re different. It’s a pain, but I want to with you. I wonder what this is.
That wicked smile made the area between my legs slowly get wetter.
It’s as if it was saying it was happy to get “special treatment”.
Kate: I don’t know…
Roger: Hmm how cold. Is the aphrodisiac wearing off? In that case-
Roger took out a new bottle of the aphrodisiac and placed it against his lips.
He then lifts up my chin-
Kate: Nn…
He poured the aphrodisiac into my mouth, wiped his wet lips, and smiled wickedly. Roger: Tell me what that special feeling is that isn’t a brain dysfunction or sexual desire.
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smoothielenny · 1 year
ʟɪʟʏ ᴘᴀᴅ
Part Seven [Final]
Ao’nung x Human!Fem!Reader
Summary: Tulkuns have returned. Ao’nung wanted you to meet his spirit brother. Despite of not being a well diver, he guided you.
Note: it’s a short chapter so yeah, and a lil doodle of your clothing the whole time.
Tag list: @lili-flower03 @linlikesyou @myh3artttt @abbersreads @die4niyahhh @julievsworld @bananafruityawne @kitty-chan33 @lala1516-blog @rinsdesires @ok-boke @delaynew
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After the day of you and your mother reconcile, she let you out again without any supervision. You inhale the cold air that lightly brush on your body. Then exhale slowly. You can finally breathe again with freedom. You watched the waves of water hearing it too.
“You woke up early today.” Ao’nung hugs you from the back resting his chin on your head. You giggled feeling his warmth. He missed that from you. That giggle, that smile, that bubbly personality of yours. Now he can finally see it again.
“Today, the tulkun will return. I want you to meet my spirit brother. After that we will have a big celebration.” He said sweetly. You’ve heard about the tulkun when Lo’ak talk about this creature who saved him from the akula.
“I would love to meet him.” You look up and gave him a warm smile. He kiss your forehead and also smiled.
“I’m sure he will love you.”
“Everyone! Our sister and brothers are back!” Tsireya called. Everyone started diving through water excited to meet their spirit siblings. Your mother lend you the mask. You took it and put it on you. Ao’nung then called your name inviting you to ride on the ilu.
Ao’nung made the ilu dive underwater. It was the first time you saw what’s under it. Full of corals, fishes, and any other thing. Your smile is contagious, Ao’nung’s lips are also curled into a smile seeing you happy seeing the under water.
“He’s over there.” He signed. Though you didn’t understand, you just nodded. A second later, you both saw a medium tulkun waiting for someone and that is Ao’nung. The tulkun made a happy noise seeing Ao’nung. Both of you signed “I see you” to the tulkun and he made a noise. Despite not knowing what they are saying, you couldn’t help but to smile at their interactions. Ao’nung being happy talking to his spirit brother—you thought it was cute.
The night has come and everyone has been getting ready for the celebration. Your sister and brothers dressing up for the occasion. Earlier Tsireya gave you a beautiful top that is weaved with shells and pearls, she also gave you a skirt like bottom. You wore it feeling a bit exposed from the clothes. You usually wear a maxi dress to cover your whole body, but you didn’t wanna be rude to Tsireya so you kept it on you.
Your family gathered in the place where the celebration is held. Everyone is already dancing, singing, and playing instruments. It was a lively night. You saw Ao’nung chatting with his friends then his friends were pointing at you which he turned around to see your figure bejeweled with shells and pearls. He walked to slowly taking your beauty. You felt shy about your clothing making you blush. Him too is blush, but for a different reason.
“H-hello Ao’nung.” You twirled your hair lock feeling is intense stare at you. You couldn’t even look at his eyes because of you feeling embarrassed.
“Ma’(y/n). You look gorgeous.” He gets close to you, caressing your cheeks. Your soft smile showed and now looking at him. The gap between you has closed with a soft kiss. You can both finally show affection in from of everybody, not caring about what others think. Both of you all know is that you love each other and no one will stop that.
The end.
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noirandchocolate · 18 days
I said I would do a headcanon post about Yiga Clan wedding ceremonies, so Here! I! Go! (If you're interested but missed it, here's a post about proposal headcanons.) Time for so many details and a very long post. Also, just at the outset, I wanna say that the other reason I've been thinking about this stuff recently (in addition to real world reason of me and my girlfriend getting engaged), is that my Kohga and Sooga just got married in an RP. So I'll be using examples from their wedding alongside others, in this post!
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It should come as a surprise to no one that Master Kohga officiates all weddings. If a Master Kohga is getting married, their Right Hand will do it. If the Master is marrying their Right Hand (which is on the rare side but hey, Kohga's Nana also did it!), another high-ranking member of the Clan will do it. For Nana Kohga's wedding, it was the most senior historian, who had been friends with her father. For the recent nuptials, it was current Kohga's former Right Hand/sort-of-pseudo-uncle and Sooga's mentor, the very respected elder Blademaster Chisao.
Weddings are held outside, in the circular area by the chasm, like many of the Clan's festivals are. They start in the late afternoon (for whatever season they're happening in), so that afterward, a big dinner feast can be held indoors before the party commences back outside (after some of the seating is removed to allow room for dancing, etc).
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The outdoor area is hung with lanterns as well as the strings of protective noisemaker talismans, and a tower is placed and hung with even more lights. This structure is reminiscent of those used for the Japanese Obon festival ("Creating a Champion" states that some design elements for Master Kohga and the Clan were inspired by Bon Odori dance!), but with Yiga flair. A similar decorative piece can be seen in the hideout in the games (see above left). It serves a couple of purposes. First, masks of the couple's ancestors are brought from the Complex's shrine and carefully hung around the sides of it. Second, that's where the band is placed!
That's an excellent segue to say that music also plays an important role in wedding ceremonies. An ensemble traditionally consisting of taiko (also seen in the above left image), shamisen, shakuhachi and shinobue plays background music throughout the ceremony, with specific cues/phrases/flourishes accompanying specific events. (It may be noted that a similar combination of instruments is used in kabuki theater; several elements of the Clan were also inspired by this art form.)
The marrying couple wears their very best clothes, of course, and polish up their masks for the big day! Formal attire is, again, similar to Japanese garments but not exactly (since the Sheikah and Yiga are Japanese-inspired but not...literally Japanese). A wedding is cause to wear long furisode-like sleeves and fancy-patterned haori, kimono, and hakama combos. Oftentimes, because these garments require fine fabrics that would be harder for the Clan to come by, parts of a person's wedding outfit are passed down through their family and re-tailored to them. The Clan does of course have a whole group of people who make clothes, and their training includes embroidery and silk-painting for just such special occasions! If you didn't think Kohga had a haori with Dinraal embroidered in gold thread on the back and phoenixes and Inverted Eyes painted in patterns all over it, you would be WRONG. He also wore his father's black wedding hakama! And Mama Hotaru's long and gorgeous wedding robe was black with a pattern of softly painted insects on it, in an homage to her family's naming tradition; it originally belonged to her own great-grandmother, who shared her name.
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The ceremony begins with the officiant welcoming the Clan on this happy occasion and declaring that the date is "AUSPICIOUS!" I plan to do a post about Hyrule's calendar and associated "astrology"-type beliefs but for now suffice it to say that one could come up with a way that almost any day is auspicious (since nobody would want to say someone's wedding day is cursed or something), but couples do very often try to schedule their weddings for particularly positive dates (as I said in the last post, they have to wait at least six months--it doesn't have to be exact).
The couple is then called to approach from either side of the area. They are each accompanied by two family members--usually parents if possible. If not, more extended family or in the absence of any family, friends can do it. For example, Kohga's the last of his family lines aside from distant-er cousins, and Sooga wasn't born in the Clan, so Chisao's children (who both men are close with) stepped in. These four people act as assistants to the couple in various parts of the ceremony! It may be noted, that on each side, there is a group of three.
Yiga wedding ceremonies, like so much else they do, are meant to reinforce not only the joining of two individuals but the bonds that join the whole Clan together. For that reason, they involve several call-and-response-type declarations that all present participate in, and many references to the Clan's history.
The officiant recites the following: "Our Clan was born of conflict. May you weather any in your path. / Our Clan as ever weeps the blood of our fallen ancestors. May their spirits raise you up. / Our Clan has turned betrayal on its head. May you remain ever true." The last of these lines is accompanied by a gesture toward the speaker's mask, evoking the symbolism of the Inverted Eye.
There are two major sections of the ceremony that each require an exchange of three things, between the couple. The first of these sets involves three liquids: saké, water, and blood. The couple's assistants will pour them dishes of saké, which they then exchange and drink, and then the same is done with water. The saké represents the time, patience, and effort that must be put into a marriage, as preparation of the drink surely requires such care. The water represents life and replenishment--and it's not just any water, but some taken from the especially healthful spring at Satori Mountain (which I've said previously, the Clan has strong ties to)!
(NOTE: For this and one other notable part that involves eating/drinking, the partners lift their masks only enough to imbibe.)
For the blood, the couple are each handed a special knife with which they cut their palms. Carefully--it isn't meant to be a super deep cut, just enough to produce drops of blood. The couple then hold out their hands toward each other, palm down so those droplets fall to the sand. Their assistants then wrap the cuts with red bandages. The symbolism is multi-fold: to show the joining of blood/family, the willingness to endure pain and hardship for each other, and, since the blood is dropped to the ground, the Clan's connection to the land and its energy.
(NOTE: PLEASE DO NOT take this headcanon as some suggestion that I think the Clan is some kind of ~weird blood cult~. I absolutely do not think that. The Clan was born of a bloody conflict/betrayal. They have not forgotten this, nor will they forsake the blood, both in terms of family and in terms of bloodshed, that ties them together. I thus think it's reasonable to headcanon that the concept and symbolism of blood--as well as actual physical blood--are present in some of their rituals/traditions. There's nothing creepy or evil about it. It is meant to be a meaningful, loving exchange and promise. Please please do not willfully misunderstand me. Thank youuuu~ <3)
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The second set of exchanges is of three gifts. This section of the ceremony begins with everyone present reciting the following together: "Our strength is in our edges. Our might in what we take. Our bond is what defines us. All three, our family make." Each of these three concepts is represented by the gifts, which are brought forward to the couple in succession by further family members or friends. (As in, someone brings the gift to the giver, who then offers it to the receiver.) For example, Sooga's helpers for this section were three of his most recent Blademaster trainees, who had all recently passed their tests!
"Strength" is represented by a weapon. The Yiga have always been willing to fight for their beliefs, and more importantly to protect themselves/one another. They have a strong culture of martial arts and weapons training. So, each member of the couple offers the other a weapon of some significance to them. The exchange is typically symbolic; if a woman gives her intended the vicious sickle she uses on missions as her Strength gift, the idea is that when she uses it going forward, it's in his honor. However, if a man gives his intended a meaningful family heirloom weapon that isn't in use anymore, the couple will continue keeping it among their belongings together. See? Kohga's father gave Hotaru his eightfold longblade, and she gave him a (carefully sheathed) poisoned dagger. Sooga gave the longblade Kohga first presented to him, at the ceremony when he became a Blademaster years before. The words of exchange for this gift are: "I give you this, my strength. / Will your strength defend my body? / I will protect you with all my strength. / Then this I accept."
"Might" is represented by, you guessed it, mighty bananas. A bunch is brought to each person, who selects one and peels and feeds it to their intended. I know we Earth gamers think the bananas are kinda funny, but to the Clan, they're quite the opposite. Food is serious business when you're a marginalized community considered wanted criminals by the outside world. For the purpose of a wedding, the exchange means the couple are promising to provide for one another as well as possible. (To clarify, the Clan is very highly communal about resources, but the thought here is that one party would go without to allow the other to eat if necessary, and that regardless both will do their part within the Clan as a whole, etc.) It's not even just about food; it symbolizes caretaking in general. The words of exchange for this gift are: "I give you this, my might. / Will your might nourish my soul? / I will care for your with all my might. / Then this I accept."
"Bond" is the most personalized of the three, and the associated gift is something that represents the individual giver! It may be an item they crafted, or something else that shows off one of their skills or interests. The idea is that the giver is offering themself to the receiver--something that makes them, them! There are so many possibilities, too, as the gift may be an object to keep, or something more abstract or ephemeral. For example, a member who makes clothing for the Clan might weave a garment or blanket for their intended. A cook might offer his partner her favorite food, prepared fresh right before the ceremony, to eat a few bites of on the spot. Hotaru's Bond was her music, in the form of a shamisen song she composed. Her son followed in her footsteps and went a step further, with a poem too! The words of exchange for this gift are: "I give you this, my bond. / Will your bond shelter my heart? / I will hold your heart in mine forevermore. / Then this I accept."
Following this exchange, the couple recites: "We grow in strength. We grow in might. Our bond is unbreakable. All three we pledge, that we will grow in love."
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If the Master is a party to the ceremony, there's an additional section here. The other partner says, "I vow to serve you with my body, soul, and heart, and to follow where you lead forevermore." Then the Master says, "I vow to keep you with my body, soul, and heart, and to lead you ever with your joy in mind." And finally, they say in unison, "You are my guiding star, from now into eternity."
The final bit is a general vow recited together, as follows: I am with you through your joys and all your trials. I am with you by your side or over miles. I hold you as the sky holds sun and stars. Where my heart is, ever there you are. I pledge my life to you and to our Clan. To the future and our master plan. We join our souls together with our kin. Together may we all life's battles win!
AND THEN! As the couple JOINS HANDS for the first time as SPOUSES! The ENTIRE ASSEMBLY! Shouts with ALL THEIR MIGHT: "Glory to Master Kohga! Glory to the Yiga Clan! Long days and nights to the love of [name] and [name]!"
Well then it's feast time!
And then it's party time! Bring on the bonfires and bananas and saké and music and chatter and dancing and--
Speaking of which, during the after-party, the newly-married couple will start off the dancing by performing one together while holding on to a red silk cord between them. Symbolizing, again, the joining of their souls and fates, and also the need to work together carefully in walking the path of life.
Additionally, as I have brought up several times in previous headcanon posts of mine, following the wedding ceremony, couples are now considered family and can see each other's true, un-magicdisguised, -masked, or -veiled faces. This is a big deal! (I do find it quite romantic, that partners court each other without knowing for sure what the other looks like. As I have said before, if both grew up in the Clan they will likely recall things like hair and eye color, but Yiga start wearing veils around everyone but their close family quite young and get their masks at the start of the year they are to turn eleven. So, what your partner's face looks like as an adult, or at all if you've truly never seen/paid attention to them before...well, it's something to anticipate!) Couples are given leave from work to go have a brief honeymoon away from the Complex if they wish, to go unmask each other and spend some good time together. A traditional place to do this is Satori Mountain, since most other people keep away from it anyway. <3 <3 Those who don't want to leave, get to stay in a sleeping room set aside just for this private purpose, instead!
Final Notes
Just wanted to point out, if it wasn't obvious, the threes in the ceremony. Three people on each side of the rituals, three liquids, three gifts. While the Yiga's particular wedding traditions have grown and changed from Ancient Sheikah customs over the millennia, to the point where Yiga marriage ceremonies have only a little in common with the older ones (and are quite different from contemporary Kakariko Sheikah ways), one small detail is the presence of threes. I headcanon that the Ancient Sheikah often utilized the number three in their various rituals and customs, to reference the Triforce, the three Golden Goddesses, the three major Springs across the land where Hylia is worshipped and their three attendant dragon spirits, etc. Some Yiga traditions also involve threes, despite that they've renounced their service to Hylia and to any deity in general. After all, even apart from that, three is an auspicious and satisfying number.
Master Kohga loves officiating weddings, it's one of his favorite parts of being Master Kohga. <3 It just delights him to his core, to see two of his fellow Clan members in love and getting together, and he really helps everyone make it a special day. (Weddings are an occasion when he's most likely to join the band for the party, twanging away on his shamisen...or two. He can make a double of himself. And use it to play duets! How fitting!) He's done the ceremony so many times over the course of his (so far) twenty-five years as Master, that he knows all the words by heart.
Which are more, for the officiant to say, than I've written out here. There's more that accompanies each exchange, for example. But this post was already six million miles long. So I'm going to end it now.
Thank you for taking the time to read! Hope you enjoyed!
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saucyjothoughts · 2 months
Hei this is from a baby boy boo. Kris is my dream come true and all I want is to have him naked face down on crisp white sheets, spread his cheeks and bury my face there. I wanna eat him out all sloppy and slurpy while he moans and whimpers in pleasure. Do you think he’d like that? What about the other boys? How do you think they’d like their holes played with?
Those sheets will not be crisp white by the time you're done.
(nsfw under the cut)
He's been teasing you with that ass all night, with his naughty little hip pops in what surely can only be bespoke tailored pants. Now, back at the hotel, he's finally presented for you to enjoy, after revelling in having his clothes stripped away one by one, your hands finally on that creamy soft skin. He's hard; you can see his erection bouncing between his legs when he jerks and flinches under your touch, anticipating what's to come. He's on his knees, face down, and you smooth your hands over that plump butt, giving it a little spank or two just because you can.
Maybe you spread his cheeks yourself or maybe he reaches back to do it for you, his little pink hole puckering at you until you can't hold back any longer and need to get your tongue to it. Your nose presses hard against his skin but you'd gladly suffocate here, listening to him moan and feeling his hips roll, pushing back into your mouth, your chin tickling his balls. He's wet with your spit in no time as you play him like an instrument, pulling different notes from him by circling your tongue, pushing it inside, gripping into his thighs with your hands.
Maybe you'll stroke him while you're back here, get him unbearably sensitive or even make him come before you're ready to fuck him. He's gripping at the sheets, smothering his moans into a pillow, and soon he'll be desecrating the bed, humping against the mattress or into your fist until he dribbles his release all over it.
Maybe you'll even get a second taste, sucking your cum out of his asshole while he squirms.
As for the other guys, Bojan won't ever say no to a rimming if it's offered, despite how embarrassed he is about loving it. Discrete partners only.
Jure can take or leave anal play. Sometimes it's nice, sometimes he's too ticklish. He'd rather skip straight to fucking.
Jan likes to be tied up while you use his body. Be gentle to start if you want, but be prepared to make it hurt if you want him to really enjoy it.
For Nace, it's a major sign of trust if he lets you play with his hole. He loves the intimacy as well as the physical feeling, finally letting himself be taken care of for a change.
But there's a reason why Kris is your favourite. The attitude, the cheeks, the noises... He always has you coming back for more.
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badchoicesworld · 1 year
Hello hello :)
I hope you're having a good day!
May I request Hobie and Spider-Noir with a s/o who cries a lot?
Not only out of sadness, but out of everything. They're happy? They cry. They're frustrated? They cry. It's just their body's natural reaction to any intense emotion. Even like, if they're listening to a song that itches their brain just right, boom, tears (talking of personal experience, me? Absolutely.)
I'm just kinda insecure about my crying habits lol, I need reassurance. (I cried to System Of A Down and Slipknot, send help)
Thank you and sending lotsa love :)
hobie brown and spider-noir with an s/o that cries a lot !
ok, first i wanna stress that you should never feel insecure about your natural bodily functions- ever. crying is completely natural and a normal way to express any type of feeling, so i hope you gain a little confidence in your ability to feel so strongly :] it’s a beautiful thing
second, you should check out demon slayer in you haven’t, there’s this character that always cries at everything and he’s the strongest ! gyomei my love
third, these are kinda short and i’m very sorry, i struggled w noir
separate scenarios
warnings: crying ?? insecurity ?
pairing: hobie brown x gn!reader, spider-noir x gn!reader
requests: refer to this bad boy
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★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
i bet hobie’s one of them guys that gives out great advice about mental health or just in general and doesn’t take his own advice
he’s too cool to cry, he claims
but suddenly it’s not cool for everyone else to NOT cry
also uses common sense and figures that crying is a completely natural reaction when you feel any type of emotion, won’t be embarrassed by you if you start bawling your eyes out in public if you happen to feel happy to be spending time together
he just smiles and rubs your back, shaking his head but in a playful way since this is a common occurrence
does one of those side hug things where he hooks his arm around your neck and squeezes you to his side a few times, talking about “let it out”
it’s nice in a way, he knows that you’re crying cause you’re happy to be spending time with him
he’s close buddies with pav who i can also see crying at a lot of things, man’s not judgemental
and he can of course understand crying at sad things ! if you two are kicked back one day and you’re violently bawling at a movie that’s meant to be a tear jerker, he’s not gonna shame you
he’s probably thinking about how accomplished the movie directors must be/feel while simultaneously shaming the big company who produced it
it’s nothing new and he’d rather not address it directly by asking you each time if you’re okay when you cry, he imagined it would get irritating and make you feel like it’s wrong
so he probably does something to show he’s there, an arm around your shoulder, maybe he ruffles your hair or something if you’re excited crying (i do this w my special interests, there’s no shame)
overall, hobie just wants you to feel comfortable enough to cry at all- this stuff should be normalised after all, no reason to even justify it to begin with
he may even encourage you to cry, get it out your system
he definitely understands frustrated crying, i imagine he’s a man who’s had his fair share of frustrations and sometimes crying is the only way to cope
if it bothers you so much, he might try introducing you to other coping mechanisms that he personally does
encourages you to get into music, play an instrument, do something spontaneous with your appearance
if he ever catches you crying over one of his own creations, the man’s floored with this appreciation
the last fucking thing he’ll do is ever make you feel guilty for crying, he’s having none of that and he’ll silently scowl in such disgust at the people that do
it’s not cool to shame peoples emotions, no invalidation here
if he’s in the right mood and you’re crying for something, happily he might just hype you up honestly
go bestie go, cry your eyes out
someone else who sees nothing wrong with crying- he admittedly associates it most with grief so definitively panics the first few times he sees you crying at anything
but explain how crying is your response to everything and he’ll relax
he’s probably envious of your ability to feel so strongly about everything, since he struggles to feel a thing
the man literally lets matches burn to his fingertips out of hopes of feeling anything
that being said, he doesn’t want you to think like you now get to feel ungrateful for your tendencies to cry at everything since he envies it- crying is still taxing as fuck and you’re entitled to your own functions, he just wished he could take a page or two from your book
nine times outta ten he will probably assume each time that you’re crying out of sadness, he’s horrible at reading the room
it’s a pretty instant reaction from him to ask what’s wrong and assume the worst, man’s is instantly ready to start a fight if you’re crying for something bad that’s happened
makes a really big deal out of hugging you and dramatically wrapping his coat around you before suspiciously listing all of your enemies
he’s more of a “cheer up, sport” kinda guy and is a lot more insistent about talking to him about your feelings
partly because he want to understand the feelings, mostly because he wants to help you
probably cites some old 30’s techniques on how to make your face less puffy after crying if it bothers you- a really bizarre remedy
he’s also heard some more modern techniques, like chewing gum when cutting onions
he assumes that works for crying as a whole
happy crying takes him some time to wrap around his head, but he’ll get it
it’s a little surprising to him at first that you cry at every little thing, but that’s okay
he cant imagine that he’ll ever get over that initial surprise, seeing you cry at all immediately catches his attention - he’ll eventually stop assuming it’s bad, but he does attempt to comfort you each time without fail
you could be crying in such joy and he’ll fail to read the room, strokes your head while talking to you like you’re a dog that’s just had their paw stepped on
thinks he’s helping an incredible amount, has a small ego boost when he does successfully comfort you
he really does embrace it instead of trying to avoid it, which he imagined would be arrogant anyway
he’s envious, overall
good for you for being so in touch with your emotions
★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
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pikp0kcas3 · 11 months
I’ve been thinking about this nonstop since the episode came out so I wanna point it out in a long rant about it.
There’s a leitmotif in mammon’s musical episode! To clarify, a leitmotif is a recurring tune associated with a particular character or idea. This one in particular is an excellent musical representation of Fizz’s character growth, and I’d like to explain why, because I’ve been obsessed with this and I tear up every time I hear this theme. IT MAKES ME WANT TO CRY
The leitmotif plays thrice in the episode. The first two are the same track, while the third is a variation of it.
The first time:
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When Fizz is gushing about his passion and his dream to work with Mammon. There’s not much else going on, but Fizz is clearly in awe of his idol, as to be expected. He’s starstruck by the idea that he could have a chance to meet someone he admires so much. It’s a scene full of the wonder and excitement little Fizz encompasses.
And then the second:
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When Fizz is communicating with the deaf fan! Oh god, oh god. I cried at this part, as I know a lot of people did too, because this part is so sweet and it’s so so important.
This is the reason Fizz kept doing his job. Because I think he realized that this fan looked up to him the same way Fizz did to Mammon. And, looking at him— the little guy has broken horns too. Just like Fizz.
Fizz sees himself in that kid.
Fizz has always wanted to put a smile on people’s faces, has always wanted to be the person kids look up to. And when he sees that happen, it’s probably what inspires him to keep going.
Now, what do these two instances have in common for the exact same track to play? I think that it’s a good emphasis on the kindness Fizz has when he’s a kid, and then, as an adult, the quieter gentleness underneath his stage persona.
Fizz is a kind person by nature, but the image that he has to maintain for Mammon’s brand is like— horniness and innuendos and sneering bravado cranked up to 11. So his audience never really sees the real side of him. The only time he gets to be more like himself is probably when a younger fan approaches him, which likely doesn’t happen a lot, considering the boatload of money you have to pay to even meet the performers, which I assume is added to what you’d have to scrape together to attend the event in the first place.
Another thing I noticed these two scenes have in common: The creepy fan’s appearance.
If you listen, Fizz’s leitmotif is overturned by an ominous shift in tone when the same obsessive fan shows up. I think it’s saying that even though there are undoubtedly positive experiences, they can very easily be overcome by the negative ones. Our brains are essentially hardwired to fixate on the negative experiences because of the possibility of the threat to safety. It wouldn’t be surprising if that’s what happened to Fizz.
Okay. Now, for the third and final time Fizz’s leitmotif plays:
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Right after Fizz’s two minute notice. Right after he tells Mammon to go fuck himself.
This time, instead of the sweet and small melody with the subtle isolated instrumentation, it’s a fanfare. A full-force, fully orchestrated, trumpets blazing fanfare version of Fizz’s leitmotif. It’s kicking you right in the feels and it’s not hiding anymore.
It’s representing Fizz finally stepping into his own. Representing him standing up for himself. Representing his pride and his courage and him finally believing in his own self-worth.
And no one can tell me that it is pure coincidence that the music swells right at this moment.
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Another beautiful thing is that the music is indeed cut off, just like the prior two scenes mentioned, but it’s by Fizz himself.
It happens when he finally announces what he’s been wanting to do after so many years of being manipulated, abused, and controlled. And for once, the decision he makes is all of his own accord.
And that’s because of the sheer amount of self-confidence and the courage he’s built throughout this entire episode.
Isn’t that such a beautiful thing?
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diazsdimples · 10 months
Tease Tidbit Tuesday!
Wasn't initially going to do this cause I'm up north with my husband while he gets surgery but then I decided fuck him! He'll survive without me for a second. (for legal reasons, I am joking)
This is another Musican AU snippet, set just before the last snippet and is just before their first kiss
Tagged by @thewolvesof1998 @hippolotamus thanks friends!
It's just as Eddie checks his watch, realising the time, that Buck suggests something. He’s holding his cello out in front of him by the neck, letting it twirl around on it’s spike like some kind of wooden ballerina and his eyes suddenly light up. Eddie can almost see the lightbulb flicker on in his brain.
“Hey, do you wanna try playing it? I can teach you?”
Eddie looks at it cautiously. “Are you sure? I won’t break it?”
Buck waves a hand dismissively. “Nah, they’re sturdy. Go on, I’ll show you what to do.”
Eddie sets his horn down and apprehensively takes the cello from Buck. It feels weird, too big and clunky for his liking. Buck gets up from his chair and kneels in front of Eddie.
“Spike’s too long for you” he mumbles as he fiddles with a knob at the base of the cello. Suddenly the instrument is shooting downwards and Eddie clamps his legs together to stop it from hitting the ground. “Ah, much better” Buck says, and he tightens the knob. The cello slots comfortably between Eddie’s legs and he lets the body rest against his chest, the scroll and tuning pegs lightly brushing his ear.
Buck hands him the bow and Eddie awkwardly closes his fist around it. It doesn’t look right, and Eddie knows he’s not holding it properly but he’s got no clue what else to do.
Buck lets out a small chuckle as he glances at Eddie’s grip and he moves again so he’s standing behind Eddie, leaning over his shoulder. “Here, let me”.
Suddenly, Buck’s hand is enveloping Eddie’s and he’s tugging at Eddie’s fingers, moving them into position. His hand is warm and firm as he guides Eddie’s fingers into the correct position. Eddie’s thumb is now tucked between the hair of the bow and the wood and his other fingers are curled around what he now knows is called the frog. Buck smooths Eddie’s fingers down so he’s not gripping the bow so hard.
“You gotta let it balance between your thumb, pointer and middle fingers. The others are just for support” he says and Eddie can feel the rumble of his chest against his back as he talks.
Eddie swallows thickly. “I think I’ve got it” he croaks but Buck doesn’t remove his hand. Instead, he directs Eddie to bring the bow against the strings, reaching around behind Eddie to curl his left hand around the finger board. With gentle precision, Buck guides Eddie to draw the bow along the bottom string. A low, haunting note is drawn forth from the cello and Eddie shivers. Buck presses his finger down on the string and the note changes. It’s like a throb in Eddie’s chest, humming through his body and making him feel like his veins are full of warm honey. He can feel Buck’s breath against his neck as he continues to guide Eddie’s hand, both his arms effectively wrapped around Eddie. It’s one of the most intimate things that’s ever happened in Eddie’s life. Buck’s so close to him that he can smell his cologne. It’s musky and woody, reminding Eddie of a forest.
Buck’s lips brush delicately against the shell of Eddie’s ear as he whispers, “you’re a natural”. Eddie lets out a shaky laugh and he lets his hand slip from Buck’s grip, transferring the bow into Buck’s hand.
“I’ve got an excellent teacher” Eddie breathes. He twists around in the seat, vaguely noticing the way Buck’s nose brushes through his hair as he turns, and he faces Buck. His chin is tilted upwards so he can look into Buck’s eyes, and he sees that Buck’s pupils are blown wide, giving his eyes a dark, almost hungry look to them. Buck very gently reaches around Eddie and guides the cello to the ground, placing the bow on its side and Eddie never takes his eyes off Buck, maintaining eye contact the whole time. Buck straightens up and rests his hands on the back of Eddie’s chair. His knuckles brush Eddie’s shoulders and Eddie shivers once again.
“Maybe I need to come over and give you another lesson sometime” Buck’s voice is husky and his eyes flicker to Eddie’s lips and back up again, so fast that Eddie would have missed it if he wasn’t drinking in Buck’s facial expressions.
“I-I’d like that” Eddie’s voice is quiet, and he watches as Buck begins to lean forward, closing the distance between their heads. He can feel Buck’s breath ghosting across his face and he closes his eyes briefly, letting his head fall forward until he feels Buck’s forehead against his.
(no pressure) tagging @theotherbuckley @smilingbuckley @fruitandbubbles @eddiebabygirldiaz @fortheloveofbuddie @monsterrae1 @housewifebuck @disasterbuckdiaz @watchyourbuck @fionaswhvre @evanbegins @malewifediaz @callmenewbie @cal-daisies-and-briars @spagheddiediaz @incorrect9-1-1 @wildlife4life @daffi-990 @wikiangela @loserdiaz
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l0vergirlatheart · 1 year
can I get a twst Dorm leaders headcanon with a student that wears their headphones a lot bc they're sensitive to loud noises?
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Have this image too
this is so me wtf (both the req and the image lmfaooo)
didnt do anyone esle because im lazy and tired and its nearly midnight AAAAAAAAAAA
anyways as always, start under cut
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he is old
im not a hater i swear
but when he sees you with things hanging out of your ears, he's slightly concerned.
whether it's normal headphones or earphones or earbuds, it just doesn't seem normal
so of course, he informs you of this
you stare at him for a second before you take an earbud out and stare at him again, with a following "what'd you say?"
he thinks it's harming your ears for a moment because you couldn't hear him
please reassure baby that it's not an infection or something
he'll be confused for a moment but he gets the hang of it rather quickly
he jus luvs any classical tunes but..
i actually honestly think he's also like hard metal... don't ask me why
overall 10/10 good boy
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he KNOWS what it's like to have sensitive ears
so believe it or not, he totally understands u wearing earbuds an (probably) won't rip on u for it
he might start talking to you w/o u knowing because you have your eyes closed and youre just vibin w ur music
and he knows that so he takes that chance to say some sappy shit w/o anyone hearing him at all
he could never say it to your face
so he opts for this instead
fuckin big ass ego mf /affectionate
he'll probably never ask to listen to the music w u no matter how much he wants too
so if you wanna have a silly lil romantic moment w him, you'll have to ask him first
he'll probably scoff an roll his eyes before he sees you pout and he just turns away as one of his ears flicker
that's your sign to put the earbud in
imo i think he'd really like MSI, POPPY, and for some reason Mac DeMarco
mindless self indulgence because their music jus slaps
POPPY because i think he'd like the guitar in the background and the solos and her voice
Mac DeMarco because he's nice to listen to when you wanna pass out fr
overall 8/10 good boy
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okay dont come at me but at first i have a feeling he might try to use it to rope u into some kind of contract...
but later on he just accepts it
he's sometimes annoyed when he's talking to you an u havent heard a thing he said
but one confused look from you makes his annoyed frown turn into a small, hard-to-keep pout
has to remind himself that your hearing is different from his
he tries his best to keep monstro lounge quiet at times and lets you stay after hours when it's all quiet and empty
it has a certain comforting charm
i swear the first time you asked him to listen to music with him
he turned into stew i swear his face was extremely red and he was just like
he accepted ofc, tried to play it off, (failed)
i have a feeling he'd like Ricky Montgomery, Steve Lacy, and girl in red
Ricky Montgomery because he's got a nice voice and his lyrics are really relateable,
Steve Lacy because the instrumentals are just so!!!
and girl in red because he finds it romantic listening to her w you
lean against him as you two listen to music i promise he'll explode
overall 9.5/10 good boy
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oh boy
this boy is super loud (/affectionate)
but once he learns about you and your sensitive hearing, he tries his best to keep it down
from lowering his voice a bit to trying to make "quiet times" at his dorm,
he tries his best to make sure you're as comfortable as possible and it's not too loud for you
he likes to talk to you even if you're not listening to him, he could ramble for hours
as long as you're next to him, he could talk until his voices dries out and withers away
he'll probably be the one to ask you to listen to music first
i think he'd also like Mac DeMarco, Alec Benjamin, and Conan Gray
all of them because of the instrumentals and vocals!
but he doesn't mind listening to anything as long as he's with you
he might fall asleep while listening though
he's smiling all the way through though :)
overall 15/10 good boy
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theres probably some bs rule about music n shit but like
lets pretend there isn't
he'll probably be trying to reprimand you for doing some stupid shit
and then you'll just take out an earbud and be like "huh??"
he'll just stare up at you, face slowly getting redder from slight anger but mostly embarrassment
like?? how dare you ignore him???
but either way, you're his favorite so you get a pass
he just sighs and shakes his head
but then you tell him why you wear your earbuds so often and he immediately gets it
he himself used to really sensitive to loud noises before he just got used to them (thanks to his mom)
so he does his best to go easy on you about it
hand him an earbud, he'll be confused for a moment or two
but he puts it in w a red face and vibes w u
i think he'd like Mitski, Tally Hall, and Pastel Ghost
they all are just so... soothing yet relatable
fall asleep listening to Liquid Smooth with him, hug him as you listen to Hidden In the Sand, just hold his hand as you two sit in the garden while listening to Silhouette...
he loves it sm
overall 9.3/10 good boy
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