#to be fair we never see steve getting dicked down in any of the avengers movies
usuallydeepcoffee · 1 year
Hi! 😄 Love your blog! 😄
And I love violence, so for the ask game, could you please answer to: 2, 8, 10, 17, 22.
Hi! :D
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
Already answered that here. I'll add this tho: I'm kinda picky when it comes to Steve's characterization while getting dicked down, because sometimes it feels like he loses some of his personality.
(*taps sign* in want of good Steve Rogers content, and inevitably disappointed by fandom)
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
I hate how fandom treats Fury as an antagonist who exists just to exploit the heroes or steal their secrets and create "tension". Idk if it's still a trend, but I remember a ton of fics where Fury was either preying on Tony's tech, so it was okay to bash him, or he was manipulating Steve, uncaring of how depressed he was.
Such a lazy plot device. And also a disservice to the guy who actually wanted the Avengers to be a thing, and the one who had a connection to Steve well before any of the other Avengers. (and lol Steve and Fury obviously respect one another, they even banter together but god forbid Steve has any type of relationship with a non-white man)
10. worst part of fanon
Already answered that here, but ugh, I also hate the way fans treat Sam. Glad as I am that he seems a little more popular now since his show came out, because he has a more substantial relationship with fandom's favorite white boy I can't forget the days when Sam was always suspiciously missing from art and fics even though he and Steve always ended up side by side at the end of all the movies they were in. Or, when people used his and Steve's line for uh... other characters. I see all and remember all.
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
You know, for a fandom that loves to complain about Steve's ending being ooc and would rather imagine him stuck somewhere in time, why not take full advantage and imagine him time-hopping to your favorite events. Are you a fan of dinosaurs? Have him befriend a scary t-Rex (which uh... kinda canon in the comics?) You like Ancient Egypt? Have him take a bath in the Nile while the Pharaoh has a cartoon-esque reaction to the water glistening off his body! You like the Plague? Have him... beg everyone to please wash themselves?
(these are rhetorical questions, I know why fandom doesn't, but still)
I would also take more Avengers 2.0 content. Or even better, SteveSamNat on the run after cacw, I'm not picky 😉
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
This is probably really obscure, but I love those little glimpses of a relationship between Rhodey and Nebula in Endgame. Like when she warns him about Scott being on the compound, and she calls him Rhodey. Not War Machine, Rhodey. And then they have that nice moment during the time heist together. Idk, it makes me wonder what kind of relationship (even if it is just friends!) they might have developed between IW and EG. Plus, I think they deserve a little bit of happiness.
choose violence ask game
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takenbyheartstrings · 3 years
summary: Its the one bed trope, but you and peter don't like each other and the avengers are determined to change that, so they set you and peter up for what could be success or what could be failure.
pairing: peter parker x fem!reader.
warnings: angst (not really)???, fluff, swearing, mentions of sex, mentions of masturbation, and finally SMUT.
authors note: sorry if this is a little cringworthy, it's 12am and i am tired.
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Natasha walked into the kitchen of the Avengers Compound, heaving a large breath, letting out a sigh catching Tony, Bucky, Steve, Wanda and Bruce's attention.
"What was that for?" Steve questioned as he noticed Natasha's somewhat annoyed appearance.
She shrugs, "They hate each other, they hate each other and I wanna know why."
Bucky laughs, "Not this shit again."
"Yes this shit again, Y/n and Peter clearly like each other, but I don't know why they have it in for each other."
"Or maybe they just don't like each other, that's possible Nat." Bucky lets a little glare.
Tony's voice perks up, "Uhhhh, I don't know about that. They always catch second glances at each other, when the other's not looking. It's cute." Tony couldn't believe he was talking about two eighteen year olds, but you two clearly liked each other.
Bruce let out a hum, "How about, we force them into a situation where they can't escape each other. We have to go down to Washington in a few days for the new training facility, so it's the perfect cover anyway. Instead of bunking Peter with Sam and Bucky, maybe we can bunk him in with Y/n."
Natasha and Wanda nod, "That's not a totally bad idea," Wanda tries not to grin; she's seen the way the two of you pine over each other like lovesick puppies. It really was cute.
"So we're just gonna ignore the fact that this is against their will and they might hate each other more than before and you guys are willing to place on the fence based on a hunch." Bucky speaks rationally, "Besides, the kid scares easily, you'll just be taking away the fun from Sam and I."
Everyone in the room trades a glance and then looks back at him, "Yeah." They all spoke at once.
It was settled. This little side mission was happening.
You sighed as you made your way into the conference room, the mission in Washington was a big one for you - and for Peter. But you needed to be prepared for anything, but nothing could prepare you for the news you were about to hear.
"Alright, I've got our roommates for the trip ready." Tony stated as he started listing off names, you were confused as to why you weren't with Wanda like usual. "Okay and Y/N and Peter."
"WAIT WHAT?" You almost screamed standing up.
"I can't be that bad. Can I?" Peter's lip quirked into a smirk.
You rolled your eyes as they turned a shade of red at his annoyance, "Well you clearly can."
"Don't get all glitter eyes on me." Peter chuckles, as Bucky can't help but snicker, your head snaps toward him as he then backs off.
Steve puts a hand your arm and he beckons you to sit down. You do so trying to calm down.
"Hey look," Tony sighs, "Sorry kids, but that's just how it is. Two people per room and you guys just happened to be last pick."
Peter sighs, "Whatever, the sooner we get it over with the better." He rolls his eyes walking out of the room. You followed but before leaving, you used your powers to lift Tony's coffee cup and spill it on his lap.
"Real mature!" He calls after you.
"I'm eighteen, get over it!" You yelled back before going to your room and slamming the door behind you.
Everyone was right, you did have a crush on Peter. You really liked him. But you were also so jealous of him. You were jealous of his smarts, his looks. Practically everything about the boy.
So much so, that you fantasised about him. You touched yourself thinking about him - and so did he. You both liked each other, but it was so hard to admit it because you were both jealous of each other, for the same reasons. You honestly didn't know how you were going to get through the night with Peter in the same room as you. You didn't know if it was going to be a paradise or a nightmare.
The next night you got to the hotel, "All right guys, time to get settled in, we have a big day of training tomorrow. Go get rested, goodnight." He waves walking off with his key. Sam and Bucky take theirs, Bruce and Steve take theirs, Nat and Wanda take theirs and You and Peter are left standing there.
"Look I'm too tired to argue, so can we just... not?" You questioned Peter.
"That's fair," He gives an awkward smile, "Since you start them all," He mutters under his breath, quiet enough so that you don't hear it.
You both made it up to the room to be met with a sight, "Wow. One bed, like this could get any worse." You sighed.
"Really. Truely can't. I thought to myself 'Nothing's worse than having to share a room with you,' but now there's one bed and I'm not giving it up."
"Well neither am I, guess we'll share." You give a harsh glare. You set your duffle bag down next to the left side of the bed and grabbed your pyjamas and made your way to the bathroom, it was a pair of shorts and a tank top. You were so reluctant to wear a bra. But you were nervous considering that Peter was in the other room. You opted not to deciding it wasn't worth the pain.
You walked out of the bathroom and Peter met eyes with you, lingering over your body, he loved looking at every part of you, the way your nipples came through your shirt and how perfect your tits were. How perfect your thighs were. How beautiful you looked. He didn't say anything but the room was filled with a tense silence. Peter walked into the bathroom and changed, he walked out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a pair of plaid pants. Your eyes made contact with his biceps, his abs. You never realised how strong Peter actually was, you always fantasised about him like this but your fantasy was now a reality. You swore you could feel yourself getting a little wet, just thinking about what Peter could do to you.
You sighed getting into the covers at Peter did the same, the two of you were lying back to back with a large chunk of space between the two of you. You let out a little sigh, "I'm gonna go to the bathroom," you had announced.
"Alright," Peter said timidly, letting you know he was awake.
You looked at yourself in the mirror, splashing yourself with cold water. You knew you shouldn't feel this way. Not now. Why now? Why when he was here? You splashed yourself in the face one last time before opening the door and you met Peter's eyes.
"Peter I-," You started.
"I like you." Peter said nonchalantly.
"I-I like you too."
It was quick, but finally Peter's lips landed on yours and never left. You were actually the one to deepen the kiss. You felt Peters tongue slide into your mouth in one swift movement. His hands trailed up your shirt as you were pinned against a wall, he could feel your tits get hard as a chill went down your spine from the touch of his cold hands. Breaking the kiss for a moment - he lifted your shirt over your head as he started trailing kisses down your neck, you let out a heavy moan. Peter smirked against the kisses, as he trailed further down your body, licking and sucking on your nipples, his tongue making circles around them.
"Fuck, Peter." You groaned softly as the two of you then moved to the bed, you could see a bulge in Peter's pants. You slid them down as you were met with his dick, a smirk took place on your face as he sat back against the headboard.
You decided to have your way with Peter, kissing and sucking on his tip. Until you finally placed your whole mouth around it, bobbing your head up and down on his cock. You took your mouth off of it before wrapping your hand around it and slapping it onto your tongue. You could hear Peter groan heavily, "Fuck, Y/n, just like that." His words came out as hot flashes as you moved your hand up and down his dick, rubbing it.
You couldn't take it anymore, you wanted to feel Peter. You moved up to kiss him again, but before you could Peter looked at you, “Every time you made me angry I fantasised about the things I would do to you and now I finally get to do them," He smirked.
You couldn't say anything else, you just let the moment get a hold of you. You kissed him again and it was like you could feel the electricity sparking in the air between the two of you. His kisses were hungry and desperate and sweet. You were lucky to be in his arms tonight, you were lucky to be fucked by someone like him. Someone caring. Someone genuinely sweet. Even if you hadn't seen what that side of him was even like, you knew he was.
You felt your breath hitch against the air as Peter removed your shorts, and yet he could see the patch of wetness on your underwear. You swore you could hear him get hungry at the sight, Peter didn't say anything, but he removed the garment blocking him from all of you. You were naked in front of him and he was loving every minute of it. His tongue entered your pussy as he sucked and licked your clit, moving his tongue up and down your pussy. He was hungry for you and only you.
Peter finally looked up at you as you moaned softly, your back arching a little as he pleased you with his tongue, "Peter I want you, please." You said desperately.
"As you wish," Peter said huskily as he slid his dick into your wet hole and boy did that hit the spot. Sliding in and out of you, every single moan was like a godsend, like music to hears ears. You were shaking under him.
"Peter you can go rougher than that," You spoke through a strained moan and Peter could. Your bodies flowed together, the mattress moving underneath the two of you, slamming the headboard with every thrust. Each moan that came out of your mouth got higher and higher, letting Peter know you were almost at your edge. Peter continued to move in and out of you.
"Fuck Pete, I'm almost there," You whimpered softly, "Fuck!"
He smirked against you, pulling out his dick and replacing it with his mouth. His tongue moved in and out just like his whole body had and you finally reached your peak.
"FUCK PETE!" You moaned once more as your body finally relaxed.
You took a hold of Peter's dick and started rubbing it again, he moaned quietly, "Fuck, yeah, just like that, that's my girl." Peter murmured. You smirked before placing your mouth over his cock and moving your head up and down once more, wrapping your hand around it while you also moved your head.
"Fuck that's it, that's it." Peter groaned, "Fuck Y/n, I'm gonna cum." Peter said as you moved your head faster and faster, ready to take on his load and that's when you could finally feel it, the sticky, white liquid in your mouth as you let it dribble back onto his cock, before licking it off his tip and letting it fall again, tasting the excess that was left in your mouth.
You let yourself fall back next to Peter as you got back underneath the covers with him, your naked bodies lying together intertwined.
"You have no idea how much I've thought about doing that with you," You laughed quietly, "I always hated you because you're everything I'm not Peter, but I was too quick to judge. I was wrong, wrong about most of it, almost all of it."
"Me too, Y/n, me too. I always wanted to be like you, but I see now that we have our differences and that's okay, but now we can work on that. Together." Peter spoke.
"Does that mean," You smiled against his chest.
"Yeah, it does."
"Well in that case, I really liked it when you said I was your girl," You smiled up at him, "That was really hot."
The two of you ended up falling asleep, in each others arms, feeling nothing but happiness. The two of you knew now that there was no reason to hate each other. There was no reason you couldn't be with each other.
The next morning you slid on a training bra and tights, reading for the day of training Tony had told all of you to get rest for, "Well don't you look good." Peter said wrapping his arms around your waist placing a kiss on your lips.
"I could say the same for you," You said feeling the biceps that were exposed because of his muscle tee. You and Peter walked down to the lobby with his arm wrapped around you, the rest of the group looked at the two of you surprised.
"You two look cosy," Wanda smiled.
Bucky batted an eye for a moment surprised that the plan the group had set out actually worked, "Wow, yeah, you guys do, what happened?"
"Oh we just talked, and we just confessed our feelings and now we're together." Peter explained.
Natasha let a painful look shine through, "You sure you guys just talked, it's not like the walls are soundproof."
The two of you blushed, "I- we- you- heard- what?" You were flustered you didn't know what to say. Peter just stood there in shock.
The rest of the group laughed walking off, "C'mon guys, the facility is ready for us, might as well make the best of it," Tony chuckled walking off as the rest of you followed, Peter placing a kiss on your head as you did.
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widow-maximov · 3 years
I'll be your knight
Pairing: Natasha x Fem Reader
Warning: Language, fluff, angst, smut.
Summary: Dealing with sexism is a real struggle but eventually a line is crossed and anger is unleashed.
A/n: This is my first time writing smut so hopefully it's good enough :3
Word count: 3.5k
Being an Avenger isn't easy, especially for any women that join the life style of a hero. You had to put up with sexist comments all the time, most of the time it didn't really bother you but the more you heard random men talking about your best friend like she was some toy, the more it annoyed you.
The comments towards you stopped when you were recruited by Tony Stark, there was some level respect for you and you kind of liked it.
You had some issues with opening up to the team but when Wanda, showed you they are harmless, you slowly opened up more and more as you knew that they were going to be your new family from now on.
Everyone on the team warned you about the one particular redhead but you didn't listen, you wanted to be her friend, she looked scary but is an actual softie, but only around you.
It took time for the Russian to even greet you when she saw you but for you it was worth it, you respected her and always been there for her when she had no one to turn to.
She warmed up to you as she saw the security you were offering her, and you never backed down from your offer, she wasn't keen on your presence but had to learn to accept it.
Even if she didn't trust you fully, that was okay. You trusted her with everything because you knew she was a human just like you and no doubt needed someone to lean on.
You walked around, exploring the place that now it was your new home, you never saw anything more fancy than this place, the room you were staying in was more than enough for 4 people.
Your own tv along with your own big walk in closet and your own bathroom, literally a five star hotel, you didn't complain at all, you were just shocked at how spacious this all was.
Each room was bigger than the other and it was starting to get all confusing, when you left the room, you would get mixed up with the way you walked in.
You loved it but at the same time you hated it, you accidently bumped into the Russian, she looked sweaty in her work out clothes and you stared at her with awkwardness.
She eyed you and cleared her throat, attempting to walk past you and continue where she was going but you stopped her "I'm sorry to disturb you but I just want to know where I can find the gym"
You rubbed your neck awkwardly "I- um- I tried searching everywhere but I'm lost"
Usually when people stutter around Natasha, it meant they were obviously attracted to her but with how you stood and looked away from her just showed her that you were afraid of her.
She didn't smile or anything "Walk straight until you reach the end of the hall and turn left"
You looked at her but she was already on her way so you shouted "Thank you!"
You made your way with her instructions of where to go, she knew how to hide her emotions but it was totally shocking for you how she never had a smile across her lips.
This was your first real conversation, not the hello's or goodbye's. It was a proper conversation, well kind of a proper but it was a start and that's what made you happy.
Second encounter with the redhead was a lot better, the two of you actually had a normal conversation in the morning, you were barely awake so coffee was your way of helping with that.
Walking into the kitchen, not really expecting anyone up early this morning, but the sight of the yawning Russian met your eyes, you smiled at her the best you could as you turned to make yourself a coffee.
"You know there is a coffee maker here?" Her naturally raspy voice spoke which caused you to look at her.
"Yeah I seen it but I have no idea how to use it" You confessed, you weren't embarrassed, you just weren't that fancy to ever own one or even be around one.
She turned around without a word and pulled out a cup, placing it underneath the little nozzle and within seconds the coffee poured out, she took the cup and placed it down as she slid it towards you.
You looked at her and then back at the coffee "Thank you Natasha"
She nodded as she sipped on her own drink "Since you are the only person who is up right now, you mind taking a look at this report, I'm not really sure what it means"
You was taken back, she was asking you for help? Shouldn't she know all of the reports like the back of her hand? She noticed your silence "Or you don't have to, I'll probably figure-"
"No, no I have nothing to do today so I don't mind helping" You smiled and took the coffee with you as you followed her into the room where she had a loads of reports laid out.
You looked at all of them "You know you can work on two reports at a time?"
She nodded "I know but the more I do within a certain time, the less I have later on"
You nodded as you sipped your warm coffee, it was very different to what you were used to, but this was definitely easier to get used to. It was the first time Natasha spent more than 2 minutes with you and you were more than happy to accept that.
So from that time, the two of you worked every morning with each other on reports, you learnt so much from her and in some way she learnt more about you rather than from you, she was impressed by your calmness with her constant questions.
To be fair you wanted to open up to the Russian, she had that safety vibe coming of her and you knew that she would never betray you or your trust that you put in her.
The mornings spent on reports also turned into evenings and soon there was movies every other day, she loved horror movies but you on the other hand loved action movies, there was plenty of action as a hero of the world but it never was enough.
She started to show herself around you more often and you really liked how you could make her laugh with simply couple words. She loved how close she gotten to you and how you trusted her with everything.
She had some doubt but you were always to reassure her, she was thankful for it each time, so in return she would ask you questions about yourself and you never hesitated for a moment to tell her.
But the problem was that not everyone saw it like that, they saw her for her body but not for her heart which is one of many reasons to why she was slow at opening up.
It angered you that people didn't want to treat her like anyone else, just because she was gorgeous didn't automatically make her less of a human.
Today was one of those days where you were busy, like busy busy, overloaded with bunch of reports that needed to be sorted before the next day, so you spent your whole day in you room, you glared at the clock on the wall.
You was doing this for 6 hours straight, no breaks so you decided to just do that. You stood up and stretched out, walking out of your room without anyone around, it did ignite curiosity in you so you walked around cautiously to see what was the deal.
Three of your teammates with two random agents were placed on the couch in the living room, trapping Natasha in between them, from her body language she didn't want to be there.
Bruce and Bucky along with Steve seem to laugh at the agents jokes, you moved closer to the door as you listened to what they were saying.
"Come on Natasha, you should do that power pose and show off that body" One of the agents spoke up as they eyed the Russian.
The other agent tried to move closer to her but hesitated, knowing she could easily tackle him "You can't let that body go to waste"
The anger was raising as words spilled out of their mouths, why didn't Steve stop them? Did he really think that as well?
"I was near to tapping that ass but you know women" Bruce made a comment as he laughed along with the agents.
"If she dyed her hair blonde, the amount of jokes we could make then" Bucky smirked as he spoke loudly.
Natasha was just taking in all of the comments, you could see across her face that she didn't enjoy it at all, so she stood up and what they did next made you finally act.
They all looked at her ass and whistled "Romanoff, you should dance for us, show off those curves"
"I am a little hungry as well, you might as well move that pretty ass of yours and make us something to eat" One of the agents spoke up as he laughed.
You walked in as you raised your brows at the 5 men sitting and eyeing Natasha as a piece of meat, you pulled her into you causing her to jump a little but relax when she realised it was you.
They all looked at you and the other agent smirked "Are yous going to put on a lesbian show for us?"
Now you wasn't just unimpressed but also pissed, you pulled yourself away from the Russian as you stepped forwards in front of Natasha "Listen here you little dick, If I hear that you even looked at Natasha in any way, I will fucking haunt you and make sure you don't live to see tomorrow"
His friend was terrified, he gulped when you looked at him "As for you, I want you to go and make her a fucking five star meal and if it's not good, I swear to god you'll regret being born"
He shook his head so fast as he stood up but you stopped him with your powers "You want a show? I will fucking give you a show"
You gripped his face, squishing his cheeks very firmly, your hand started to glow blue as you made him hallucinate that he was in pain, from the fact that he couldn't move and he felt as if his skin was being peel off he only could scream.
You looked at the 4 men who looked very terrified of you, your eyes had flames and you wasn't going to go easy, on neither of them "If any of you ever comment anything sexist or inappropriate about any woman, including Natasha. I will make your life a living hell"
"Do yous understand?"
They shook their heads and scattered away from you as fast as they could, you let go of the dude in front of you, he looked weak but he gotten up so fast that you could swear he had powers as well.
You turned towards Natasha, worried "Are you okay? Did they touch you?"
You looked her up and down as you made your way towards her, she shook her head with a small smile. You pulled her into a hug as a single tear slid down Natasha's face.
You pulled away as you wiped that tear off with your thumb "Why didn't you act Nat?"
"What's the point? It wont stop them from saying what they want Y/n/n"
The pain in your heart was strong at the words, how could any woman not be scared of what could happen if they do protest against men.
You cupped her face as you looked into her eyes "Natasha Romanoff, I promise you that I will protect you from their filthy mouths"
She smiled, this time it met her eyes which caused you to smile. You crushed on Natasha for a long time and promised yourself that when the time was right you would tell her but each time it was harder to do so.
Her and Bruce at the time were something but when she decided to break it off, you were there for her you told her she didn't need to tell you the reason to why she decided that but reassured her that it was probably a good reason to do so.
Now you are holding her face as her eyes are locked with yours, you could feel those butterflies in your stomach raise up "I will be your knight in casual clothes because armour isn't my style"
She laughed with her whole heart, causing you to laugh as well "Gosh I love you.."
You froze at her words, and so did she, her eyes widen at her words but she knew there was no way out of this so she pulled her sleeve and started to fidget with it.
Your hands were on her face but dropped at those words, you stood still trying to understand what just happened, she continued as she looked down "I hope that's okay but I love you Y/n"
You couldn't believe your ears, the woman who always had trouble opening up, right now was vulnerable with her whole heart to you and you was stuck, frozen as you stared at her.
"I never had anyone stand up for me the way to did today, I started to realise that I had feelings that one day when you were near to death on that mission" She was still fidgeting with her sleeve.
"It's okay if you don't feel the same way but you just needed to know.." She confessed, she was standing in front of you holding her heart out in her hands, offering you to take it.
You smiled whole heartily as you looked into her eyes when you pulled her face by her chin "It's more than okay Tasha"
Your hands dropped to her hips as you pulled her in closer to you "Because I love you too"
That look in her eyes, you could see that she had those butterflies too, her eyes locked with yours, she tilted her head slightly to the side and crashed her lips against yours.
Her hands were placed on the back of your neck pulling you deeper into her kiss, you slowly backed her into the wall and when her back hit the wall, she gasped which you used the opportunity to slide your tongue inside her mouth.
The kiss became heated real quick, forgetting that the two of you were still in the public place, only when someone cleared their throat, make the two of you look where the sound came from.
Natasha hid her face in the crook of your neck as she quietly laughed at how awkward that is, you pulled yourself away from her as you looked in the direction of Tony, who looked at you with pure disgust.
"As if you never done this, but sorry you had to witness..." You rolled your eyes at him at first but looked over at Natasha who was still leaning on the wall "This"
She smiled as she intertwined her hand with yours and tugged it to pull you out of the living room, the two of you made it to her room but it wasn't long before you reclaimed her lips with your own.
This time it was a little bit more gentle, you backed her up to the bed as the back of her leg hit the bed frame, before you pushed her back and claimed on top of her.
The only light was the moonlight that was shining through the blinds, you kissed her passionately and redirected your kisses down to her neck, she moved her face to the side giving you more access to her neck.
You left marks as you slightly stank your teeth in but sucked the spot right after, earning a few small moans from the redhead beneath you, she was slowly turning into a mess but she managed to slightly pull you away.
"Don't you have a lot of work?" She asked a little worried but lust was more visible.
"It can wait" You declared as you looked into her eyes "Are you sure you want this?"
She smiled at you being caring and asking for consent "I want this детка (baby)"
You smirked as you placed a soft kiss on her lips and returned to her neck, giving it a couple more kisses and slowly moving down, the only thing that stopped you was the material of her clothes.
She slightly lifted herself off as you pulled her shirt off, exposing her upper body, you looked at her in admiration, her eyes had slight doubt across them but you were quick to reassure her.
"You are beautiful Tasha" You meant every word that came out of your mouth.
There was a blush across her cheeks as she smiled at you, your hand reached for the back of her bra as you unhooked it and pulled it off her.
You took couple of seconds to admire the view before attaching your mouth to her nipple, she bit her bottom lip to prevent her from moaning.
Your free hand glued itself to the other breast, giving it the same amount of attention as your mouth did, you moved your lips to her ear as your hand kept playing with her now hard nipple.
"I want to hear you Natty" You whispered into her ear and with that Natasha moaned into your ear causing a small smirk to settle on your lips.
You continued to kiss down her body until you reached the bottom of her stomach, you looked up at her to see if she was okay, she nodded to give you the confirmation.
You pulled her shorts off along with her underwear, exposing the bottom half of her body, you could smell her arousal which only fuel you on.
You teased her as you kissed her inner thigh, leaving marks there as well, you would from time to time lock eyes with her. You moved closer to her pussy, teasing her with your tongue causing some frustrated moans to escape her mouth.
Her hips would buck as you would teasingly lick her wet folds, she looked down at you as her eyes were consumed with lust "Please Y/n! Just fuck me already"
That's all you needed to hear before you attached your mouth to her dripping pussy, giving her clit the attention first as the more louder moans escaped her mouth.
You gripped her with your hands as your tongue worked it's magic against her hard clit, she was gripping the bed sheets as moans were spilling out of her lips, not caring if anyone heard.
You moved one of your hands as you slipped one of your fingers inside her and without letting her adjust you started to thrust into her, the feeling of pleasure was building up quickly in the bottom of her stomach with each thrust.
"Oh god" Those were the only words she managed to choke out, she was soaked which stoked up your own arousal along with her moans.
Her hips were quick to match your pace as you thrusted, bringing her closer and closer, you pushed the second finger inside and this time you curled the two fingers, hitting her spot all over again.
One of her hands gripped your arm as her nails dug into your skin, the other hand was still tightly gripping the bedsheet, her head was thrown back as you came up to her face.
Your pace of your fingers never slowing down but thrusting harder and fast "Let me show you how you should be treated instead darling.."
You kissed her lips as she moaned, you moved back down as you felt her walls tighten, knowing she was about to cum. You pushed your fingers even deeper into her, her breathing was heavy letting out low and loud moans.
You watched as the orgasm consumed Natasha with your name falling freely from her lips, you slowed down your thrusts to let her ride out her orgasm, holding her steady pulling your fingers out of her as you licked her clean, and moved back up to her lips.
Kissing her as she slightly moaned at the taste of herself into the kiss, you pulled away from her as she was still breathing heavily, staring into your eyes with a smile.
"Now it's your turn" She spoke in between breathes.
You shook your head "Not today darling, today's focus is you.."
You stripped yourself naked as you pressed your warm body against Natasha, glaring at the marks you left and holding her tight in your arms as she slowly calmed down from her high.
You were sure in this moment that you wanted to hear her moan your name till the rest of your life, it was the music to your ears and you didn't want it any other way.
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Tag-list: @diaryoflife,@wandanatblogs,@madamevirgo, @eilarch
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iwantutobehapppier · 4 years
Our Future
Pairing: Dark Steve Roger x reader
Summary: You left Steve after he did the unforgivable. But what lengths will he go to to make you forgive him? 
Warnings: +18 only, smut, dark themes, sex pollen, dubious consent cause ya know, implied cheating, dark Steve Rogers, dark avengers. Please if any of this bothers you read no further.
Word Count: 2.924
A/N: Happy 7th night of Chanukah! It’s almost to the end! Can you believe it?! Thank you everyone who has read, and reblogged. It means the world to me! Hope you enjoy this nice Dark Steve Rogers fic. Shout out to the ever talented @imanuglywombat​ for helping bounce some ideas off on this one I didn’t know totally where to go and she helped me find my way.
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Trying best to hid your wince you hold your dislocated arm close to you to ease any jarring as you make your way up the ramp into the Quinjet. You’re fairly certain you’re bleeding somewhere if the wetness you feel in your suit is any indication. All you wanted to do was get back to the compound, see medical, then make your way to SHIELD Strike quarters with some good narcos.
“Let me see your arm,” you could break glass with the intensity your jaw clenches at the sound of his voice.
“I’d rather let it fall off,” Steve sighed at your clipped tone, he moves to reach to your arm to set it but you jerk away. Unable to hold in the grunt of pain. Steve frowns at your stubbornness
“I don’t want you touching me,” adamant to solidify your words you take a seat.
“Fine be in pain see if I care,” he stomps off not missing your muttering “You never did care.”
Steve could admit that gutted him. His steps faltered for a fraction. He cared for you more than his own life, more than stupid missions. Sometimes he was just a fucking idiot with women. He’d find a way to fix it though.
Squaring his shoulders he keeps walking to the pilot seat, sitting next to Bucky in the co-pilot seat who side-eyes him. “You gonna leave her like that?”
“She won’t let me touch her,” Buckling himself in he tries his best to keep the pain at bay. Was it really that bad that he couldn’t even set your shoulder back? You’d just sit there in pain than even have him touch you?
He knew you would be mad at him for a while but he figured after 3 months some of your ire would wane.
“Hm,” Bucky watches Steve start up the QuinJet controls, “well can you blame her?”
“Told you not to let her catch you,” he flicks Steve’s ear who tries to swat the hand away, “ever,” Bucky’s condescending tone the same he’d been hearing for months on end since the incident.
“Please don’t start too.” Bucky shrugs flipping switches in response to Steve’s prepping the Quinjet for take off.
Bucky turns his head back, catching your figure way in the back, head tilted down. Your slowed heart rate indicating you’d fallen asleep. He turns back to Steve.
“Now you’ve fucked it by letting her catch you with a side piece,” Steve can’t help but roll his eyes, if Bucky went on about this one more time he was liable to punch his best friend unconscious.
“I wouldn’t start if you’d not fucked this up,” Steve grunts wishing for this conversation to not start-up once more, “how long did I have to hear you going on and on about wanting her?”
“I offered my help,” Bucky bobbed his head back and forth in mock “But no the Great Steve Rogers had to woo her.” He scoffs, resituating himself in his seat.
“My side piece? The girl was yours after all.” Steve recalls for Bucky.
“Yeah well let’s be thankful she didn’t know that when she caught you balls deep in her.” there’s a soft snort from you and they both look back catching their breath. They were fairly certain you hadn’t heard anything, but still...
“All I’m saying is fix it,” Bucky grumbles in a whisper looking directly at his pal, “Cause if I have to hear you whine about not being with her one more time-”
“Yeah I get it, Buck,” Steve sighed looking back at you once more.
Once you’re all back at the compound Steve is hot on your tail following you toward medical. You wanted to scream at him but with your loss of blood, still not sure where from, and the pain in your shoulder you didn’t have any fight left in you.
Steve should have headed his buddy’s words of giving you more space but he was unwilling to be apart any longer. You just had to forgive him and let it go. Simple as that. He’d make sure you saw it that way too. It’s not like you knew about all the other times.
A nurse sees you before you can say anything and you’re ushered into a room the door shutting in Steve’s face. Your snide smile makes his hands ball up.
Pushing his thumb to the entry bad you stick your tongue out when it blares at him denied entry. Of course, you would have made sure FRIDAY knew to keep him away from you. He’d get in. He could see through the partially closed vertical blinds making out your figure removing your gear and uniform. Licking his lips at the outline of your breasts.
It had been too long since he’d had sex. None of the other girls did it for him anymore, knowing you weren’t at home waiting for him to go another round with. He had to get in.
Looking at the pad he types in the override code and smiles in triumph with the door slides open for him to come in, shutting after his entry.
Turning around after finally getting the gown on provided for you, you hiss at the sight of him “Why don’t you bother whatever whore’s bed you crawled out of today?”
“I am not sleeping-”
“I don’t really care Steven.” the resignation in your voice when you interrupt him leaves him speechless. You had been mad at him, that’s all he had seen since that night. Just your fire.
“I’m not the one who stepped out of our relationship,” You squeezed your eyes tight trying to will the overbearing oaf out of your life.
“That’s not fair, as far I knew you-” Eyes snapping open at his pathetic excuses you whipped around, finger-pointing. Steve couldn’t help but inhale the smell of your shampoo at the quick turn. God, he missed you.
“I what? Slept with some dude?” Your fingernail presses into his chest, not caring that he couldn’t feel it through his suit, “Well, I didn’t but you couldn’t listen to me so you went,” you jab your finger into his chest feeling the anger flash through you as if it was that night all over again “and got your dick wet with one of those SHIELD trainees.”
Saving you from this hell the nurse comes in with supplies to tend to your wound and reset your shoulder. You step away from Steve to fall onto the bed, the nurse starting on the gash across your abdomen.
”Go” The soft defeat in your voice, turning your to the side catching his gaze from the corner of your eyes.
“I want to be here,” he makes a step towards you, ignoring the way you hiss at the antiseptic being applied makes his stomach turn. He never did enjoy seeing you uncomfortable, it reminded him of his younger years feeling helpless.
“Please,” You whimper, “If you love or ever loved me you’ll leave me alone.” looking at the nurse you try to convey your apologies for the awkward situation you put her in
“I’ve always loved you,” you can barely find it in you to scoff in disbelief at his words, just so tired of this back and forth.
“Sure have a fucked up way of showing it.”
He knew he had to leave, the finality in your tone let him know there was no moving you. Just yet.
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Four weeks, he didn’t see you for four weeks. It was making him irritable, he doesn’t have to talk to you but to at least see your face even with the surly look you give him now would be enough. But nothing for four weeks.
“If you sigh one more time I’m gonna blast a hole through your chest,” Tony declared pointing the blaster cannon he’s tinkering with at Steve.
“I mean you can find another girl right?” Bruce offers before Bucky can stop him, scrambling in his chair. The four of them sitting in Tony’s lab relaxing, having guy time. Well, now it’s just friends’ time. It used to be guy time when he had you.
“No, don’t-” Bucky buries his face in his hands resting elbows on his knees after seeing Steve’s face scrunch up. 
“Find another girl?” Steve lamented. Oh if it was so simple.
“Well fuck now you started it.” Bucky groans into his hands. He had just gotten him to agree to getting out of the apartments and spending time with some people.
“What?” Bruce looks around confused at his suggestion. It seemed reasonable, there is plenty of fish in the sea as they say.
“I can’t just find another girl like her, she’s one of a kind. Full of fire and passion but nurturing. She’s everything I’ve ever wanted. But she won’t talk to me,” Steve cards his fingers through his hair messing up the perfectly comb style. “I know if I could get her just have an honest conversation we could work past this.”
“Maybe if you had some HYDRA truths serum you could get her to talk,” Bucky sits up straight sure Steve is done for now.
“Why not give her the serum?” Bruce offers nonchalantly.
“The serum?” Steve raises an eyebrow.
“Dude!” Tony reprimands Bruce who has the audacity to look confused by Tony’s displeasure
“It’s just this thing we made,” Tony opens his mouth before Bruce can start. “Nothing just gets someone to express their thoughts as they come to them and cannot stop.”
“A truth serum.” Bucky offered.
“Nooo,” Tony rolls his eyes, “it’s just a serum that makes them… talk.” Bruce looks at Tony in confusion.
“That’s not the one I meant,” Bruce looks at Tony not picking up on his eyes shifting and grimace to get Bruce to stop talking.
“The one you call ‘Sex Pollen’,” Bucky tried to hide his chuckle with a cough, but Tony catches it glaring at him.
Steve stands up and marches to stand in front of Bruce who looks up at him. “UUh,”
“Show me.” Bruce can only nod at the authority in Steve’s voice.
“What a pushover,” Tony mutters going back to tinkering with his hand blaster. Bruce scampers away to return quickly with a vial.
“It lowers the progesterone and raises estrogen, but the only caveat is the hormones don’t level out until, well,” Bruce stutters trying to explain.
“Until you cum in her, mouth, pussy, ass anywhere,” Tony supplies, Steve’s brow raise, and Bucky stands up in curiosity. They all surround Bruce’s hand holding out the vial.
“Just a little bit,” Tony instructs, “And she’ll be crying for your cock.” All four men stare at the vial with varied interests. More so pride on Tony’s part. “It also makes them fertile as fuck so if you don’t want a baby don’t finish where you can have one.”
Tony chuckled to himself recalling a memory he fails to share. “That’s kind of how we got Morgan.”
“If you don’t give her what she needs, though, her body temperature will climb and well,” Bruce flusters himself trying to explain without being so technical.
“Boiled brain,” Tony finishes watching Steve grab the vial.
“Only about 3 drops bud,” Tony calls out to Steve’s retreating figure.
Steve heard him but his mind was focused on a plan to get you back. Using this he’d easily seduce you, show you why the two of you were so good together and leave a little present in your body tying him to you forever.
Yeah, this would work just fine.
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Steve couldn’t believe his luck, you had left your quarters and he was able to slip in, put three drops in a water bottle on the kitchen he knew you’d finish soon.
Then he waited. It wasn’t 20 minutes later that he was knocking on your door upon your return. You were already flushed when you answered. He knew you had drunk the water, if not all of it.
“St-Steve?” You questioned, you had been doing so well not seeing him or knowing he even existed. It had helped so much in cooling your temper. However, it wasn’t to say you did miss him. You missed him something fierce when you were alone in bed using your toys. Toys that never compared to what Steve could do for you.
Eyeing his physique in front of you now was temping enough. The tight shirt showing his pecks and muscles hidden underneath, your eyes trailed down to the sweat pants sitting low on his hips. You had no shame licking your lips at the sight. Maybe you should have rubbed one out this morning?
Gripping the door frame tight you felt shivers run up and down your spine, centering in your underwear where you could feel growing dampness.
Steve,” you repeated, not failing to notice the way his eyes trail up and down your body. “What are you doing here?”
He smiles, pushing his way in, you stumble back giving him full entry into your living space. One part of you says to push him out but the other says to feel his pecs. Shaking your head you repeat yourself. “What are you doing here?”
Steve says your name, it’s deep, masculine, and soaking in desire. You teetered on your feet.
“You feeling okay baby girl?” he catches you in his grasp, though you weren’t really running. His arm around your back, the other holding your hip.
You try to speak but your throat feels suddenly too dry. Eyeing the water bottle on the counter Steve grabs it, keeping one arm behind your back, and hands it to you.
“Go on,” His eyes trained on your lips as you take the bottle to your mouth. You drink and Steve watches the way your throat moves with each swallow. Just as you’re about to take the bottle from your lips Steve tips the bottom of the bottle up making you swallow the remaining contents.
You keep eye contact even as he sets the bottle back down, his thumb running over your bottom lip collecting missed water. Without thinking your mouth opens and you twirl your tongue around his thumb. Collecting the remains.
“Such a good baby girl,” He purrs, your hands on their own accord trail up his shirt, nails dragging along the defined muscles.
“Yeah, you missed me huh?” You begin to nod your head but something shakes you from your stupor. Your eyes widen, hands on his chest begin to push trying to get him away but that only makes him pull you in against his chest.
Your head tilted up, looking at him with growing fear. “What-” you try to think clearly. “What did you do?”
“I only did what I had to,” His eyes shift to the side for a brief moment and when you look over you see the water bottle.
“Did you drug me?” Your words slur, and your hands that were once pushing him away began kneading his muscles under them.
Steve slides his hand down your back to cup your ass. Two fingers dipping between your butt cheeks and pushing you to your toes. When your body rocks against him you can feel his erection pressing into you.
“Its gonna be okay,” He coos, you fight the sensations pushing through, Your desire to rub up against him, the way his fingers feel so good pushing against your ass. A soft mewl pulls at your lips, feeling his chest rub against yours, nipples pebbling with arousal.
He flips you around holding your back to his chest, hands sliding down your sides to pull your shorts and underwear down. One hand cupping your mound, he groans at the dampness against your mound, You certainly had made a mess.
Tony wasn’t lying about this ‘sex pollen’.
“What did you do?” your voice softer than you want it to be. You should be screaming but your body is responding completely contradictory to how you want it to. When he pushes on your back sending your chest forward he doesn’t relieve the pressure until you’re bending in half.
“I’m reminding you how much you need me,” He pushes his sweats down to under his balls. He didn’t wear any boxers for this, no he wanted to be ready to enter you as soon as he could.
He leans back to groan at the sight of your pussy dripping with arousal. Oh, he may have to start giving you a drop of this every day if you were ready so quickly every time.
You moan when he drags his knuckles up and down your slit, admiring the way you rock on your tiptoes and back down pushing his cock against your ass. You knew you were asking him something but for the life of you, you couldn’t recall. All on your mind is how you can feel the heat of his fat cock behind you, the tip rubbing against your ass cheeks.
“What..?” You speak out, your subconscious trying to push through.
“I’m making sure you won’t leave me again baby,”
“No,” you mewl, upset at the thought of leaving him. Not when he makes you feel so good.
“It’s okay though,” he comforts you, gently caresses your sides before lining his cock to your entrance.
He pushes in grunting at the way you grip him, it had been so long since he’d be in you, and from the feel of your tightness it had been just as long for you to take anything inside.
“I’m securing our future.”
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hintofelation99 · 3 years
The Justice League Meets the Avengers Pt. 1
In an alternate reality where Steve and Tony mended their relationship and Thanos never came, the Avengers meet for a family game night. Peter Parker, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Thor, Stephen Strange, Bruce Banner, and surprisingly enough Loki all gather. The night is going well, everyone is getting along, though there is some tension. Clint and Natasha are still suspicious of Loki, but the tense atmosphere is broken by Peter asking Loki about magic. At first the conversation is nice, lighthearted. Loki's obvious excitement over magic is humanizing, so much so that Clint almost, almost, warms up to the trickster. However, when Peter starts asking about alternate dimensions things start going downhill. The following transcript outlines the events that take place that strange evening.
Peter, looking very excited: So alternate Dimensions are real?
Loki, with a bashful smile: Well of course, assuming that we are the only dimension in this infinite universe is rather close minded.
Peter: Thank you! That's what I said to Flash, we can not be the only reality, that'd be insane!
Tony: I'm not disagree with underoos or peppermint patty, but have we ever seen these dimensions?
Stephen: I've been to several.
Bruce Banner, with a spoon full of ice cream hanging out of his mouth: R'lly?!
Stephen, raises an eyebrow clearly unimpressed: I am the Sorcerer Supreme. Of course I've been to alternate realities.
Thor: Ha! You mortals are so easily impressed, are they not brother?
Loki, with a mischievous smile: They are. Thor and I have also visited several realities.
Clint: I call bullshit.
Wanda: Actually, while I have not been to any alternate dimensions, I can confirm their existence as well.
Sam: Ha, fine, then take us to one.
Loki's smile widens, Stephen looks like he wants to intervene, but Tony speaks up first.
Tony: Yeah, what tweety bird said.
Sam glares at Tony and Bucky chuckles.
Loki looks absolutely delighted, which Natasha and Clint find very concerning: As you wish.
Stephen: NO-
---- The Justice League Watchtower----
A gathering of the Justice League takes place. Batman is in a heated debate with Green Lantern about watchtower security. Wonder Woman, Superman, Aquaman, and Flash watch the debate. Wonder Woman looks amused, the others seem to pity Green Lantern.
Green Lantern: I'm just saying Batman is being way too paranoid! The watchtower is completely secure, there's no way anyone can get in.
A giant green portal opens and out of comes eleven strangers. Some of the strangers look confused, some annoyed, and one looks very smug.
Batman narrows his eyes at Green Lantern as the entire League leaps to their feet.
Green Lantern: Fine. You were right, happy now?
Batman: No.
Loki just shrugs
Steve: Who are these people?
Wonder Woman: I believe my team mates and myself have the same question.
Clint glances to Natasha and notices that she and Bucky are already in defensive positions. He follows their lead and shortly after all Avengers, except Peter, are in defensive positions.
Peter: Holy crap! Mr. Stark, Mr. Stark! We're in an alternate dimension!!
Tony: Uh, yeah, not the time kid.
Peter looks around, for the first time he realizes that he's the only one not in a fighting stance: Oh, uh sorry!
Batman: Who are you and what do you? Answer in the next five seconds and maybe we will allow you to leave.
Green Lantern: Yeah, what he said.
Batman glares at Green Lantern.
Steve: Maybe we should all just calm down. We meant no harm, this is all a big mistake. I-
Batman: Names. Now.
Peter: Wow Mr. Stark, that guys sorta scary.
Tony: My name is Tony Stark. The kid's name is Peter. Tall, dark, and cranky over their is Bucky. The peacemaker is Steve-
Batman steps forward to interrupt, Superman stops him.
Superman: If you do not mind, I think we were hoping for first and last names.
Tony: Fine, that's Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers. Don't worry about the kid's last name.
Flash: Alright, and the others?
Steve: Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Sam Wilson, Stephen Strange, and Bruce Banner. And those two are Thor and Loki Odinson. And you are?
Superman: We are the Justice League. You may call me Superman. That is Wonder Woman, then Green Lantern, Aquaman, Flash, and the angry looking one is Batman.
Batman glares at Superman.
Batman: Where are you from and what do you want?
Sam: Look man, I get that you don't want us here, but honestly this is all a big accident. We were asking about magic and alternate dimensions and that asshole decided to give us a demonstration. We can leave right now.
Loki makes a few odd hand gestures and mumbles some curses. Superman looks concerned, Batman looks unimpressed, Wonder Woman looks slightly amused.
Thor: Brother, I believe that was your cue to send us back.
Loki: Obviously, I'm not a complete moron. Just, just give me a moment.
Stephen: Did you take us to an alternate dimension with no escape plan?
Loki: ...no
Bruce: What the hell man?! God I knew that should have gone to Valkyrie's party.
Clint: Valkyrie had a party?
Bucky: Not the point Clint.
Batman: I'm contacting our magic users. Green Lantern, escort our guests to the holding cells.
Tony: Holding cells? That seems excessive.
Batman: You can go willingly or we can use force. Your decision.
Superman, glares at Batman: What my team mate is trying to say, is that we don't know if your story is true or not. We have many enemies and can't take any risks.
Green Lantern: Yeah, especially cause the kids are here today.
Batman glares at Green Lantern and takes a step towards him. Superman places a hand on Batman's shoulder to stop him.
Superman: Batman, please do not maim any team mates, you don't want to give Robin any ideas do you? Green Lantern, we will be discussing your conduct.
Peter: Wait, there are other kids here? Can I meet them!
Batman: No.
Seeing Peter's hurt look Batman softens.
Batman: At least, not now. Let us gather more information on the current situation first.
Aquaman: We could expedite this process if we bring in Martian Manhunter.
Wonder Woman: He is currently off world, but I do believe Miss Martian is here. I can have her meet us in holding.
Tony: I'm not letting you put my kid in a cell. Considering you seem to also have mentees I believe you would understand.
Batman: The kid has to wait in a cell too. We must look out for everyone's safety.
Green Lantern: Didn't one of your kids have a box of heads?
Batman looks absolutely murderous, but before he can respond a faint giggling echoes through the room. Everyone except Batman looks very confused.
Batman: Spoiler go back to the the training room right now. And take the others with you.
Spoiler: Dammit.
Robin: You imbecile, you got us caught.
Nightwing: C'mon baby bird be nice!
Red Hood: Shut it dick bag, you're the one who almost sneezed.
Batman: Language Red Hood!
The Avengers chuckle and look at Steve.
Red Hood: Fuck off Bats! Also, Green Night Light, it was a duffle bag. Easier to carry around.
Bruce: Oh my god a duffle bag of heads?
Green Lantern: THAT'S NOT BETTER
Natasha and Bucky shrug, while everyone else looks horrified.
Natasha: Honestly, that's fair.
Red Hood: Thank you! I told you she'd be the cool one, you owe me five bucks.
Arsenal: Seriously Hood? We have a joint bank account?
Batman: Hood we will be discussing your financial decisions.
Stephen: Not to question your leadership, but are those really the decisions that you should be questioning??
Flash: Yeah... no offense Bats but I got agree with weird robe guy.
Batman: Just take them to the holding cells. I'm contacting our magic users.
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thefallennightmare · 4 years
Vas Prizrak-Seventeen
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Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader. Slight Steve Rogers x Reader
Words: 1632
Warnings: swearing, some smut if I’m feeling frisky, tiny bits of fluff, and a whole lot of angst.
Summary:  Bucky and Reader’s life in Wakanda had been everything they ever wanted. But when they are told about the fight that was on it’s way to them, they fear that life would be dusted away for good.
A/N: There are only a few chapters left! I have also decided that the trilogy(Soldat, Dorogaya, and Vas Prizrak) will only be a trilogy! Once this series is finished, it’s done for these characters!  
TAGS: @mggpleasedontlookhere @grey-force-jedi @austynparksandpizza @lovelyladymayyy​
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A loud gasp escaped my throat as I sat up with a start, smacking whoever was in front of me. The last thing I had remembered was falling out of the sky. 
“Hey, take it easy doll. It’s me.” 
After a few deep breaths, I relaxed when I saw Bucky’s concerned eyes looking at me. 
“Are you okay?” He asked. 
I nodded and let him help me to my feet. “How am I alive?” 
Bucky motioned towards Sam and I gave him a quick nod of thanks. 
“What did I miss?” I questioned. 
Suddenly hearing loud screams, all of our attention fell onto Thanos, who was fighting Tony for the gauntlet. My eyes watched with horror, almost as if I was having a Deja vu moments, watching Thanos prepare his fingers for the dreaded snap. 
“I am inevitable,” He smirked. 
When he snapped, however, nothing happened. No one around us had dusted away like last time. Bucky and Sam were both in their spots beside me. 
“No,” I breathed when I realized why the snap didn’t work. 
Tony held up in hand, all six infinity stones shining bright. “I am Iron Man.” 
With Tony’s snap, Thanos’ army started disappearing around us, dusting with the wind. Everyone watched in confusion until they realized that Tony had worn the gauntlet, snapping away our enemies. 
Steve had joined us now and I could see the weight lift from his shoulders, knowing that we had won. However, I don’t think we all knew what it cost; or who. 
“Stevie,” I pulled on his hand so he could see what I saw. 
Tony laid against a rock, taking his final breaths. The snap had been too much for him, his body not being able to handle it. 
Tears fell from Steve’s eyes and I gave his hand a squeeze, letting him know that we all felt what he was feeling. 
Sadness, grief, despair, and a gut wrenching loss. 
We all loved Tony, he had been the one that brought the Avengers together all those years ago, and he knew in the end that someone needed to make the sacrifice call. 
“What do we do now?” Sam questioned when everything had settled. 
I looked between the three men and let out a very shaky, uncertain breath. “I don’t know.” 
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A heavy boot shut the door behind us, Bucky locking it while I sat down on the large bed with a deep groan. 
“Are you alright?” He wondered, kneeling in front of me. 
I started to nod but knew that it was a lie, everything post fight started to settle in on the way over to the hotel. No one could enjoy the victory or having their loved ones back, now knowing what it had cost. We had lost too many good people for this mission. Even though Tony and I hadn’t been close, it still broke my heart to see him take his final breath in front of all of us. 
We were also confused, the majority of us having nowhere to go, nowhere to turn. Our prior home had burned to the ground along with all of our belongings. 
Well, not everything. 
Steve thought it would be best for us to stay at a hotel for the night to recoup and prepare for tomorrow; Tony’s funeral and returning the stones. I wanted to give everyone more time to heal but knew the longer we waited for returning the stones, the worse effect it would have on our future. 
Sam and Steve were in the room across the hall from us, knowing that they needed to give Bucky and I some alone time. We had a lot to catch up on. 
“Hey,” Bucky lifted my chin with a gentle finger. “It’s okay.” 
I shook my head in his hand, tears starting to spill. “They didn’t deserve this ending, Buck. Tony and Nat should both be here. It’s not fair.” 
On the way to the hotel, Steve and I filled in Sam and Bucky on all of the important things they had missed the last five years. They were shocked to learn how long they had been gone for while Steve and I were shocked to hear that even though it was five years for us, it only felt like five minutes for them. 
“I know, doll,” Bucky hushed my cries with a kiss to the side of my forehead. 
Alongside the scar from the aftermath of me trying to kill myself the other night. So much had happened that it seemed so long ago.
“I have so much to tell you,” I sighed. 
Bucky nodded. “First, let’s get you cleaned up.” 
I agreed with an obnoxious groan of pleasure at the mere mention of a shower. Bucky slowly led me towards the bathroom and I hesitated once we crossed the threshold. 
“I know you’re probably expecting sex but my body is exhausted,” I fought. 
“Doll, all I want is to have your body next to mine. Sex can wait,” he admitted. 
Truthfully, I wanted to tell Bucky about Steve and I before we had sex. He deserved to know the truth; about everything. 
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Cool vibranium fingers traced the patterns down my left arm and over the star on my shoulder. Bucky’s breath warmed my bare shoulders as I laid in front of him, enjoying his touch. 
“I still can’t believe you got this tattooed,” he breathed against my neck. 
His lips left small kisses, causing shivers throughout my body. 
“It was a dark point in my life, Buck. We thought that we weren’t getting anyone back so I went on a murdering spree, killing Hydra members.” I admitted. 
Bucky rolled me onto my back and propped himself up on one hand, eyes looking down at me. His familiar scent had engulfed my nostrils, him lathering himself in my favorite body was; teakwood and mint. 
Our shower had been anything but sexy. The dirt and blood that we washed off ourselves stained the shower floor, turning the water black the instant we stepped inside. Bucky had washed my hair with a loving scalp massage and went on and on about how he couldn’t believe my hair turned to literal fire tonight. 
“I studied my powers, getting stronger”. I had informed him with a shrug as if it was no big deal. 
After our shower and after we had washed one another, I sat in front of him on the bed while Bucky braided my hair back. The small intimate moments between us had returned, almost as if he had never left. 
Thinking back to the present, I looked up at Bucky with a small smile. “What?” 
He let out a deep chuckle. “I asked if you wanted to get some sleep.”
The blueness of his eyes had made my heart skip a beat and jump into my throat. He looked at me with so much love and adoration which made the guilt eat away at me once more. I couldn’t hold it in any longer, Bucky needed to know the truth. 
“Actually, we really need to talk,” I stated while sitting up in bed. 
I wrapped the sheet around my naked body tighter. We still hadn’t had sex but wanted to feel each others skin on one another, which proved to be hard for him. His dick continued to press up against the back of my thigh. 
Bucky nodded with a sigh and sat in front of me. “About you and Steve?” 
I looked at him dumbfounded. He had found out?
“How did you?” I asked. 
“I was gone for five years, Y/N. I didn’t expect you to wait around for me and with the history between the two of you, it was bound to happen,” Bucky shrugged as if it hadn’t bothered him.
It hadn’t. 
I was expecting to feel jealousy, anger, or rage coming from him but all I felt was acceptance. 
“You’re not mad at me? You don’t want to punch a wall or storm out while calling me a slut?” I asked, shocked. 
“God, no!” Bucky shook his head. “Is that what people do?”
“Typically yes, when they found out their girlfriend cheated on them,” I replied while messing with my hands. 
He cupped them with his own to stop the nerves. 
“You thought I wasn’t coming back, doll. I won’t hold that against you. Can you just promise it won’t happen again?” He asked with pleading eyes. 
Immediately I shook my head while cupping his face. “Never.” 
We shared a passionate kiss, short but sweet, and when Bucky pulled away, he motioned to the bed. 
“Anything else you want to talk about or can we get some sleep?” He questioned. 
There was one more thing I had wanted to talk to him about but decided it would be better to surprise him with it so I shook my head. 
“I’m definitely ready for some sleep.” 
A very unattractive yawn slipped through my lips at the mention of sleep and Bucky couldn’t help but chuckle. 
“I’ve missed you doll but I sure as hell didn’t miss you stealing all the blankets.” 
I gasped at his confession while he pulled me into his chest, wrapping the blanket around us in our own private cocoon. 
“I do not steal the blanket, Mr. Snores so loud I want to smother him with a pillow!” I semi yelled. 
Bucky placed another kiss upon my lips. “I love you, Y/N. Sweet dreams.” 
Sniggling closer into his bare chest, I smiled into his warm skin. “I love you too, Buck.” 
That night was the first night in a very long time that I didn’t dream of dancing with his ghost. He finally was back where he belonged; in my arms.
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Stark Spangled Banner
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One Shot: April Fools (You Can’t Kid A Kiddo)
Intro: It’s April Fools’ Day and Tony is out to play. Avengers, beware!
Warnings: Bad language, very mild smut…no one gets naked but just in case- NSFW, 18+
Pairings: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark 
A/N: Happy April Fool’s Day! To celebrate I’m taking us WAY back into the SSB timeline, this takes place at some point just before the AOU timeline.
Word Count: 6k
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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 Steve’s hands were hot on Katie’s hips, gently gripping her bare skin just above her underwear, the top she was wearing riding up slightly. Her bare thighs were straddling his as he gripped her neck, pulling her down for a searing kiss, grinding up against her, the TV programme they had been watching was long forgotten.
“You know,” Steve pulled back slightly to look at her, one of his hands tangling in the hem of the plaid button down she’d stolen from him to sleep in, as usual, “Captain America doesn’t approve of theft.” “Captain America is an ass hole.” Katie grinned back. “Stevie is my favourite.”
He gave a chuckle and leaned back against the sofa cushions, simply taking in her appearance for a second. “How did I get so lucky?” He asked, reaching up to tuck her long hair behind her ears. She smiled at him, her cheeks slightly flushed.
“What’s brought this on?” Her hands slid up his chest, coming to a stop on his shoulders, fingers gently playing with the collar of his polo shirt.
“Nothing.” He shook his head. “Just seeing you now and then before with that reporter…reminds me about how fierce…” he pressed a kiss to her lips, “and loyal…”another kiss, “and downright sexy you are when you’re angry.”
“He was a dick.” She mumbled, against his lips, her eyes narrowing slightly as she pulled back to look at him, his fingers gently tracing the outside of her thighs. “I mean, it’s not like we haven’t already launched the publicity campaign for the book already.”
“Well its big news.”
“Of course it is, its Harlan Thrombey.” Katie shrugged. “His books are huge!”
“Did you ever get to the bottom of why he’s reached out to SIP to run the next one when he has his own publishing company?” Steve asked and she popped a shoulder in response. “Oh something to do with his Son annoying him and needing to be taught not to take things for granted. I can ask him that in October when I meet him to go over the final edit and discuss the covers and stuff…” She wrinkled her nose as her brow creased into a frown. “But that’s by the by. That ass-hat reporter should have been at the press launch like everyone else, not trying to accost us when we went out for lunch. And what the fuck has whether we’ve set a wedding date got to do with it anyway? Nosey bastard.”
Steve chuckled at her rant and looked at her, his eyes shining. “We haven’t set one though.”
“Yeah well, we’ve kinda had a bit going on.” She pondered. “I mean, there was my extended vacation in Canada…”
“Don’t.” Steve shook his head, swallowing. “It’s not funny. I hate it when you do that.”
Katie chuckled. “I’m sorry, baby.” She leaned over and gave him a soft kiss, he hated it when she made light of her HYDRA ordeal. She pulled away, her hands resting on his shoulders. “Maybe once all this business with the sceptre is sorted we can think about it.” Steve sighed. “It’s certainly taking a little longer than we hoped.”
“Well it’s only the end of March. I’ve always wanted a summer wedding so it’s not…” Katie trailed off and Steve saw her eyes widen and her mouth dropped open as she looked at him. “Oh shit.”
“What is it?” he frowned.
“It’s the 31st March.” She looked at him, swallowing and Steve felt the colour draining from his face.
“Crap.” The reason for their horror was simple. Because, forget Christmas or Thanksgiving, April Fools’ Day was Tony Stark’s favourite time of year, as his long suffering sister could testify. When she was a kid, Tony had done the usual stuff. Flour in her talc, washing up liquid in her shampoo, paper shapes of bugs (never spiders though, he wasn’t that cruel) in lampshades so when she turned the lights on she’d think she had a huge cockroach in there, that type of stuff. But, as she matured, so did the pranks. At one time whilst she had been at the tower for a meeting, JARVIS sent her an alert that someone had slashed her tyres in the carpark. She had sprinted outside to find photos of Slash from ‘Guns and Roses’ struck to the side of her wheels. Another year, Tony had hacked her StarkPhone and Laptop and changed the language to Chinese. Of course she couldn’t read fucking Chinese to change it back. When she found an agent in SHIELD who did and he reversed it for her, within thirty seconds it had flicked over to Russian. And when Natasha fixed that it became Swedish and so on and so on… Steve had also been the butt of a few pranks since he had known Tony. In 2013 he had fallen for the old toothpaste Oreo trick when a box had arrived for him allegedly from the cookie company themselves after Steve had been papped eating a packet. That had nearly made him sick. And then last year there had been the non-stop phone calls asking for Franklin. Every time it was someone different and Steve was getting more and more frustrated as to who exactly Franklin was and why people thought he was on his number. Then, as he and Katie had been on the sofa making out, he’d gotten one last call…
“Leave it…” she urged, her hands on his face turning him back to look at her. He kissed her again, hands sliding up the side of her torso, grinding his crotch down onto hers making her purr with delight as her hands strayed to the buckle of his belt, soft fingers gently skimming his abs as she made to undo it, his tongue tangling ferociously with hers as he gave a soft moan of pleasure… But his phone was going again. Katie sighed as he dropped his head to her chest, mumbling a curse. “Unless that’s a Code Red, you can tell whoever it is to fuck off.” She gave a frustrated growl, her head flopping back against the cushion as Steve reached over and answered it, still led over her. “Rogers.” He spoke sharply. It was another unknown number, but this time it wasn’t an unknown voice that spoke. “Hi this is Frankin!” Tony greeted him and Steve let out a growl of frustration as he realised he had been had. “Have there been,” there was a pause as the inventor laughed, “I’m sorry, have there been any calls for me?” “Tony, I swear to god!” He spat through gritted teeth as the inventor cackled and hung up. “Your brother is a dick.” He looked down at Katie, shaking his head. “Well yeah, I know that.” Katie looked up at her boyfriend. “What did he just do?” “You know those calls I’ve been getting all day, the ones asking for Franklin?” He looked at her and she nodded. “It was him.”
Katie paused and then let out a laugh. “To be fair, that’s a pretty good one.” “I hate him.” Steve mumbled, dropping his head back to her chest.
She chuckled again, and ran her fingers through his hair. “Hey, Stevie, wanna get him back?” “How?” Steve queried, propping himself up on his elbows, looking at her. “Call him,” she grinned, leaning up and nipping at his jaw line softly as he closed his eyes, “leave the phone on the table,” she bucked up under him, wriggling her hips, his trousers feeling uncomfortably tight again, “and let him listen to us make out”
Steve hadn’t done that, because, well frankly the thought of anyone listening to them wasn’t a great turn on in his books, let alone her brother, so Tony had gone another year of getting away with it.
Simply put, Tony was king of the pranks, and this year he had the entire team at the tower to torment. 
“We should warn the others.” Steve looked at Katie, and with a sigh she nodded. She untangled herself from him and straightened the legs on her denim shorts.
“JARVIS?” She asked.
“Yes Miss Stark.” “Where are the rest of the team?”
“Agent Romanoff and Agent Barton are in the Common Room. Thor is in his quarters as is Mr Stark and Dr Banner is in the Lab.”
“I’ll cover Nat, Clint and Banner.” Steve nodded. “You wanna go see Thor?”
Katie nodded. “Sure, I’ll pop down and see him now. Then we should probably go for a look around, see if we can spot if he’s set anything up.” Katie climbed off his lap and Steve straightened his pants slightly before giving her a quick kiss and heading towards the stairs whereas Katie made her towards the hidden elevator, selecting the right floor. Thor and Clint shared one of the highest floors in the tower, both preferring to be higher up, closer to the roof but it was still below theirs. Exiting the elevator, she turned left and knocked on the door.
“Little Stark?” Thor answered and stepped back. “To what do I owe this pleasure?” “It’s not strictly pleasure I’m afraid Thor…” Katie sighed “I’m here with a warning.” “A warning?” he frowned.
“Yeah, you got five minutes? It’s gonna take some explanation.”
***** Tony was giggling to himself as he put the final touches to the last of his pranks, before closing the door to the Lab and heading back to his floor. It was ridiculously early in the morning, but needs must. There was no way he could have set this all up the previous evening because Kiddo and Spangles would most likely have done some kind of recon mission before they went to bed.
So, as the saying goes, the bird catches the worm and all that. Fuck Killian and his second mouse bullshit.
“What have you been doing?” Pepper mumbled to him as he walked back into their dark bedroom.
“Nothing.” He answered, with a grin, leaning down to give her a peck.
“Bullshit.” Pepper mumbled against his lips. “It’s April Fools’ Day…” “Is it?” he said, innocently and she rolled her eyes. “JARVIS?”
“Yes Sir?”
“Hey buddy, I need you to set up an alert for me for today. If anyone goes into my office, or the garage, or anywhere in the tower messing with my equipment, I wanna know about it.”
“Of course Sir.”
Tony grinned as he headed into the bathroom for a shower. “Avengers, assemble!” 
Prank 1.
Steve was the first victim. He and Katie were making their way, cautiously, down to the large meeting room where they were all due to congregate to look over the plans of an abandoned British prison they suspected of being a HYDRA base. They made sure to check round each corner before they walked round it, checking up high, low, everywhere.
But there was no avoiding this prank.
Steve pressed his palm to the Biometric Pad on the meeting room door and the pair of them gave a loud yell and a jump as their ears were assaulted by a sudden chorus.
“Who’s strong and brave here to save the American Way? Who vows to fight like a man for what’s right, night and day?”
“Oh for fucks sake!” Steve groaned as he pulled open the door, the song echoing through the PA system.
“Who will campaign door to door for America? Carry the flag shore to shore for America? From Hoboken to Spokane? The Star Spangled Man with a plan!”
Clint and Natasha were stood, poised at the table, both wearing identical looks of astonishment on their faces. They turned to Katie and Steve as they walked into the room, the song still playing.
“We can’t ignore there’s a threat and a war we must win! Who’ll hang a noose on the goose-stepping goons from Berlin?”
“I’m assuming this means Cap is the first of us to fall victim to Stark?” Clint asked, his lips quirking into a smile.
“Who will indeed lead the call for America? Who’ll rise or fall, give his all, for America?”
“Please tell me it isn’t going to go through a full rendition.” Steve sighed, dropping into a chair.
“Who’s here to prove that we can? The Star Spangled Man with a plan!”
Silence. The four of them waited with bated breath, but thankfully it had stopped.
“Just the first two verses.” Katie flopped down next to him. “Suppose we should be grateful.” “Kiddo, you’re as much of a sneak as Tony.” Clint looked at her, as Thor walked into the room. “How come you’ve never managed to get him back?”
“He’s too smart.” She sighed. “I’ve tried and tried before. It doesn’t help that he has JARVIS either, watch this…JARVIS?”
“Yes Miss Stark?”
“Has my brother got an alert going for you to warn him if we try and prank him?” “I couldn’t possibly comment, Miss Stark, on whether or not your brother has an alert set up to warn him if any of you attempt to tamper with any of his equipment.”
Normally, Katie would chuckle at the AI’s tone but she was too frustrated with her brother and the seeming lack of loopholes in any of his instructions she could exploit. She leaned back in her chair and gave a huff “See?”
“I could just shock him with some lightning?” Thor suggested
“Think that’s a little harsh.” Steve shook his head. 
“See if you still think that by the end of the day when every time you open a door that song starts.” Natasha looked at him.
“What, you think…” Steve looked at her and then gave a groan. “Too much to hope that it would just be the one door isn’t it?”
Tony, watching the events unfold on the display in the safety of his office, cackled. “Of course it isn’t just one door, Spangles!” _______
Prank 2.
Bruce was sincerely hoping that whatever inevitable prank Tony was going to pull on him that the Billionaire had been sensible enough not to shock him so far that the Hulk erupted. Bruce had a pretty good hold on him, so he wasn’t too worried but still, you never know.
The mild mannered scientist made it to his lab in one piece, opened the door and then stopped dead.
In front of him on the floor, for about two metres square were cups of water. And they were positioned that close together it left no space for him to step over in any direction without them spilling all over the floor.
Which meant he couldn’t get into the room.
Had it been anyone else, they would probably have simply kicked the cups over, but not Bruce. He was always paranoid about the liquid seeping through the floors and down onto the machinery which looked after the Iron Legion. 
So if he was going to get into the lab, he was going to have to move them one cup at a time. 
“Damned you, Tony!” He gave a loud, exasperated sigh. “JARVIS? I need a bucket…”
Tony, watching the events unfold on the display in the safety of his office, cackled. “Good luck finding one, Brucey.”
Prank 3.
“I don’t think there’s much else to go on.” Steve sighed as the rest of the team finished looking over the plans “We need to get out there and do a recon really.”
“We prepping for another mission then, Cap?” Clint looked at him. Steve took a deep breath and nodded.
“I don’t think we have an alternative.” 
“Okay, well, if we get everything ready we can go at first light tomorrow.” Natasha suggested “I’ll get Hill onto the British Authorities, let them know we’re planning on coming.” With that an alert sounded on Katie’s phone and she looked down at it. “I gotta go take a conference call but I’ll be back as soon as I can.” Steve nodded to her as she stood up and left the room. She made it to her office, safely and swung the door open, pausing just to make sure nothing fell from the door frame. She darted through, took a look round and everything seemed to be in order.
Suspecting Tony of most likely sabotaging her computer or screen, Katie sat down on her chair and a loud horn sounded causing her to scream. Involuntarily, her entire body jumped, and her chair toppled backwards. She went with it, arms and legs flailing and hit the floor with a crash.
After taking a moment to sort herself out she stood up, and looked at the bottom of her chair. There was an air horn strapped to the main leg which mean as soon as she had sat down, it would push the handle causing it to sound.
“I know you’re watching this you fucker!” She yelled, spinning round to the CCTV camera and flicking it off. “I hate you!”
_____ Tony, watching the events unfold on the display in the safety of his office, cackled. “Feeling horny, Kiddo?”
Prank 4.
Given that there was nothing else to do, Natasha decided to head to the gym, as she did every weekday morning, to practice Pilates. It was a routine she tried not to break as it helped her keep supple and relax. Katie sometimes joined her, and surprisingly so did Steve. He said it helped keep his mind clear. 
She knew that the routine made her an easy target for one of Stark’s pranks, but she was damned if he was going to catch her out. She was one of the world’s best spies, no way was he going to get her with some stupid, childish trick.
She entered the room and glanced up and around, checking the corners, you name it. Satisfied that no one was going to jump out at her, and even if they did, she’d floor them- more fool you, Stark- she leaned up against the bench and stretched her legs out.
“Who’s strong and brave here to save the American Way? Who vows to fight like a man for what’s right, night and day?”
Natasha spun to see Steve shaking his head as he made his way into the room in his gym gear
“You joining me or hitting the bag?” She asked as they both tried to ignore the song as it continued ringing from the speakers.
“Joining you if that’s okay?” he said. “I went for a run this morning so…” “Sure.” She nodded, and as the song finally stopped they made their way to the store cupboards, picking out their mats. Natasha picked her favoured one, and lay it down on the floor.
As soon as she stepped on it there was a loud popping noise, like a gun going off, and she jumped backwards, dropping to the floor by instinct. 
“Nat,” Steve soothed, a smile tugging at his lips. “It’s okay, no one’s shooting.” Angrily, Natasha stood up and stalked over to the mat. With a furious movement, she reached down and pulled it up off the floor and set about examining it.
“Bastard!” She exclaimed, slipping her hand into a small, almost invisible hole on the underside. She pulled out a tiny little firecracker, the type that kids used to throw on the floor in front of someone to make a loud bag. “He’s filled my mat with these!” 
Tony, watching the events unfold on the display in the safety of his office cackled. “Even Super Spies get fooled, Romanoff.”
Prank 5 and 6.
Later that day the team met in the common room for lunch. Steve already had a headache from that damned song following him every time he opened a door, Katie was sporting quite a sore elbow after falling harshly on the floor, Bruce was pissed as it had taken him a good hour to get rid of the cups of water, and Natasha was seething at the fact she’d been caught out too.
“I don’t know how you’ve put up with it for your entire life.” Clint said to Katie as he opened the fridge, pulling out a can of his favoured Dr Pepper. He grabbed a glass and then went to the dispenser for some ice, the way he always liked his soda, but nothing happened when he pressed the button.
“What the...” Clint frowned as he opened the freezer compartment and reached into the dispenser tray. After rummaging a little he stopped, and pulled something out before he gave a huge bellow of laughter. He turned, holding up the item and Steve glanced over to see it was a Tupperware tub that was full of ice, in the middle of which was frozen a Captain America action figure. There was a pause before the rest of the team fell about laughing and Steve groaned, shaking his head.
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“Why has he picked on me two times?” he looked at Katie who gave a shrug.
“You know what he’s like, annoying you is his favourite pass-time.”
“You wanna go back in the freezer, Cap, or in the sink to deforst?” Clint asked and Steve rolled his eyes.
“I took a long enough nap in the cold, thanks.”
Clint tossed the offending item into the sink and then reached for some ice cubes before he walked over to where the rest of the team were sat on the sofas with various lunch items on the coffee table. He poured the soda into the glass and set it on the table, still chuckling.
“You can stop looking so smug.” Katie turned to him. “He’ll get you eventually, you too Thor, there’s no way he hasn’t set one up for you both.” “I am mighty, Little Stark.” Thor grinned, nursing a plate of his favoured chocolate and sugar covered strawberries he had snaffled from a tray in the fridge. “It will take more than…” “SHIT!” Clint exclaimed, and with a loud yell they all jumped back as the soda in his glass was exploding over the top with such veracity it was showering them all in the sticky drink. As Steve and Natasha headed to grab some paper towels, Katie marched over to the freezer and yanked out the ice dispenser tray.
“He’s put fucking Mentos in the ice cubes!” She groaned with a shake of her head. “Jesus Christ!” “You gotta hand it to him.” Bruce sighed, wiping his glasses off on his shirt. “This is maximum effort.”
“Oh, I’d like to hand it to him,” Katie mumbled, “with my fist closed.” Thor gave a chuckle and popped a strawberry in his mouth, before he gave a grimace, gagged and spat it back out onto the plate.
“That’s-” he stood up, nearly pushing the coffee table over in his attempt to get to the sink. 
Katie watched him as he grabbed a glass of water and filled it from the tap. 
“What…” Natasha looked at Bruce who was examining a piece of the fruit, holding it in front of his nose.
“Salt.” Thor mumbled as he rinsed his mouth out. “It isn’t sugar, its salt. He put salt on my Chocolate Sugar Fruit!”
Tony, watching the events unfold on the display in the safety of his office, cackled. “Ice Ice baby… no need to be so salty.”
“We have to get him back.” Natasha grumbled as they all sat in Katie and Steve’s apartment, having retreated to the relative safety as their living quarters were the one place there was no CCTV, and Katie had the authority to banish JARVIS from earwigging. (Tony had learnt that lesson one day after hearing something he really didn’t want to hear…)
“Believe me I’ve tried.” Katie sighed “And you heard J before, anyone tampers with his equipment and…” She stopped dead. That was it. That was the loophole. With a smirk she looked round the assembled faces. Steve arched an eyebrow at her, he knew that look very well.
“What you thinking?” He asked and she grinned at them all.
“I have an idea…”
They listened attentively, Clint and Natasha sharing a grin as she outlined her plan whilst Thor slapped his thigh with glee. Steve leaned back in his chair and looked at Banner who was also smiling ear to ear.
“That might just work.” Bruce nodded. “It’s a pretty good loophole, and we have the stuff in the lab so…” “I’ll need a distraction.” Katie mused, “something that’s gonna draw Tony out of his office for long enough for me to do it but…” “That’s easy.” Thor nodded. “I’m sure I can cause a good deal of noise in the Training Facility, break a few things with my hammer.”
“Fry something.” Steve looked around. “If you do that then JARVIS won’t be able to fix it remotely, Tony’s gonna have to get his hands dirty.”
“You all know what you’re doing?” Katie grinned as everyone nodded. “Okay, Avengers, let’s do this.“
Operation Payback.
Tony heard the bang seconds before JARVIS spoke
“Mr Stark.”
“What the hell was that?”
“There’s been an incident in the Training Suite.”
“Course there has.” Tony rolled his eyes in exasperation at how stupid they thought he was. He wasn’t falling for a distraction like that. “Where is everyone?” “Miss Stark, Agent Romanoff and Agent Barton are in the shooting range.” JARVIS informed him. Doctor Banner was in his lab, although it appears he is now making his way down to the Training Facility to find out what’s going on. Captain Rogers is already there as is Thor.”
“What’s the incident?”
“It appears Thor has struck the speakers and the access pad with a bolt of lightning.” JARVIS replied. “I’m currently assessing the damage but as a result he is locked in. And he isn’t happy.” Okay, so maybe this was serious….
Tony gave an exasperated groan and pushed his chair from his desk. “Suppose I best go see if I can help. Remember what I said, anyone comes in here and tampers with my equipment…” “Of course, Sir.”
When Tony arrived, Thor was kicking the door to the training facility, waving his hammer irately.
“Thor!” Steve was stood by the glass, attempting to calm him down. “Don’t buddy, we’ll get you out of there.” “I can get myself out.” Thor blazed, raising his hand and Tony blanched at the fact Thor was threatening to send his hammer straight through the wall. It wasn’t an uncommon occurrence for the walls and glass to get damaged but they’d only just had it replaced after Steve and Thor had been practicing using Steve’s shield and Mjolnir to cause an outwards blasting shockwave. It had taken down two walls and completely decimated a bank of computers in the lab on the other side of the floor.
“What’s going on?” Tony asked, and Steve spun to him shooting him a glare.
“I’ll tell you what’s going on!” Thor roared. “That infernal song!”
His hammer crackled ominously again and Tony looked back to Steve.
“He was fed up of hearing Star Spangled Man With A Plan ringing out every goddamned time I opened a door.” Steve folded his arms. “So he lost his temper. And I can’t say I blame him.” “We’ve talked about this.” Tony looked at Thor. “You need to use your words, buddy!” “Words, I’ll give you more than words, Stark!” Thor roared. “Now get me out of here!”
“JARVIS?” Tony asked, looking at the pad on the door. “Damage report?”
“The Circuit is completely fried, Sir.” JARVIS replied. “I cannot access or override, you will need to do it manually.”
“Great.” Tony mumbled. “Let me just go get my tools from the lab.” Mumbling to himself, he set off down the corridor and once he was gone, Thor grinned and tossed his hammer in the air as he gave Steve and Banner the thumbs up before he caught it expertly again in his right hand.
“Good job!” Steve nodded with a smile as he pulled his phone out and dialled Katie quickly. “You’re up.” 
It took Tony roughly thirty minutes to replace the wires and unlock the door. Thor stormed out, pushed him harshly in the chest before he left down the corridor.
“Guess they don’t have April Fools’ Day on Asgard.” Tony mumbled, rubbing at the front of his shirt.
“To be honest, Tony, it’s pretty annoying.” Bruce sighed. “Can you turn it off now? I mean its almost two in the afternoon.” “Yeah I suppose.” Tony sighed, before he grinned. “Tt was a pretty good one though, right.” “Hilarious.” Steve deadpanned, his hands falling to his belt buckle. Tony flashed him a grin and a shrug before he gathered up his tools and made his way back down the corridor.
“Yes Sir.”
“Turn off ‘Prank Spangles’ will you, before anyone else breaks more of my tower.”
“Right away, Sir.” “And I’m assuming from the lack of contact no one’s been in my office or anywhere else tampering with my equipment?” “That’s correct, Sir.” “Today has been a good day.” Tony grinned to himself.
Once he was back in his office he sat down at his chair, and went through his emails quickly. He absentmindedly scratched at his beard, which felt a little dry to be honest. But he hadn’t oiled it since that morning. Reaching into his drawer he grabbed the small bottle, tipped a good amount onto his hand and spread it across the expertly groomed whiskers before he continued with his work. It took him a few hours but he cleared his inbox and then decided it was time to face the music. Heading down to the common room he found the rest of the team lounging in front of the TV. They were watching Kitchen Nightmares. 
“S’up Kids?” he asked and none of them looked at him. “Okay, alright, I know, sorry if I pranked you but if I buy takeout will that make you forgive me?”
No answer.
“Oh come on!” Tony crossed the room, sinking into a spare arm chair. “I’ll get Thai.”
The team exchanged glances before Bruce gave a sigh. He was always the one to cave first, the mild mannered Scientist found it hard to stay outwardly angry, which was ironic when anyone thought about it.
“To be fair, that trick with the water was pretty clever.”
“Yeah, and I suppose the salt strawberries were a little amusing.” Thor looked at Katie.
She shrugged, her feet resting in Steve’s lap as he was gently running his fingers up and down her calf.
“Lighten up, Kiddo.”  Tony sighed, flopping onto an arm chair.  
“Payback’s a bitch, and so are you.”  She responded simply, still not looking at him.
“You’ve never managed to get me back yet.” Tony snorted.
At that point he noticed Natasha and Clint exchanging smirks. 
“Nothing.” Clint shook his head.
“I like your beard” Thor suddenly grinned. “I have always admired how you keep it so neat and groomed. Maybe I should trim mine the same way.” Tony frowned. “Oh is this the part where you pin me down and shave it?” He rolled his eyes. “You know I can call my suit to me in like five seconds flat.” “We know.” Steve replied, looking at him and Tony’s frown deepened. The way the Captain’s blue eyes were shining with mirth made him uncomfortable.
He looked round as six pairs of eyes were all completely focussed on him now before Katie cracked up laughing.
“I’m sorry, I can’t…I can’t hold…” her laughter grew more and more as she threw her head back against the arm of the sofa “You look ridiculous!” Tony frowned and without a word stood up from the chair and made his way to the bar to glance in the mirrored surface between the shelves.
Oh. Holy. Jesus.
His goatee. His beautiful goatee…was blonde.
He spun round and the rest of the guys in the room cracked up laughing. Steve had his head thrown back, right hand clutching at his chest as Katie wiped tears from her face whilst Natasha doubled over on her seat. Besides her Clint slapped his thigh, his chuckles loud.
“What…how…” Tony spluttered, looking again at his reflection, before he glared back at the group.
“Slipped a little peroxide in your beard oil.” Katie managed to stutter between laughs, Thor’s loud rumbles continued, punctuated every now and then by a snort from Banner.
“JARVIS!” Tony roared “I told you to tell me if anyone went into my office, or the garage, or anywhere in the tower messing with my stuff…” “I take zero responsibility for this, Sir” The AI responded. “And I believe your instruction was to alert you if anyone entered your office or the garage or anywhere in the tower and messed with your equipment. Technically Miss Stark didn’t touch your equipment, only your Male grooming product. I believe they exploited a loophole.” That made the group laugh even harder as Tony went bright red, spluttering obscenities at JARVIS. Eventually he calmed down and sighed, before he glanced at his sister.
“You know I’m almost proud…” he said, shaking his head. “Almost…”
Katie gave him a wink in response. “You know what they say…you can’t kid a kidder, or in this case Kiddo…”
Tony gave a groan which turned into a resigned chuckle. He could always dye it back. “Good job, I’m impressed.” He mused, before he reached for some ice from the bucket on the bar and sighed. “Empty.”
“Yeah, don’t bother with the stuff in the dispenser.” Clint scoffed and Tony grinned.
“Wasn’t gonna, Legolass.” He grabbed the metal ice bucket and stepped from behind the bar.
“Oh, that reminds me, nice touch with the ice block.” Steve rolled his eyes and Tony looked at him, frowning.
“The scale model Capsicle in the ice dispenser-“
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Old Man.” Tony shook his head. “Are you going senile?”
Steve took a deep breath and gave an exasperated sigh. “You don’t need to pretend anymore Tony.”
“Hey, I’m not.” Tony held his spare hand up. “That, as amusing as it was to watch, was not me. Although I’m kinda pissed I didn’t think of it.”
“It wasn’t you?” Steve frowned.
“Nope. I am not Spartacus.”
“Then who…” Steve started to ask but trailed off as he felt Katie’s legs shift a little in his lap. He turned to see her exchange a glance with Thor, biting her lip and then he realised exactly who was responsible. “Oh you are…”
“It was his idea!” Katie pointed at Thor as Steve glared at her.
“Yes, it was Captain.” Thor grinned and Steve turned his attention to the god. “When I found out what this whole Fools Day was about, I decided that I wanted to pull a prank of my own. Little Stark came up with that one. And, I must say, it was highly entertaining.”
Tony chuckled and clapped Steve on his shoulder from behind the couch as he headed off to find ice. “This has definitely been a good day.”
Steve continued to look at Katie, eyes narrowed as she stared back, her eyes twinkling. “Don’t look at me like that, Soldier.”
“Oh, and how am I looking at you?”
“Like you’re utterly and thoroughly disappointed in me.”
“I am utterly and thoroughly disappointed in you.” His eyes followed her as she shifted from where she’d been sprawled across the sofa, so she was sat upright. She sidled up closer to him, and leaned over.
“We’ll call it even for the plastic spider I found in the shower tray.” She whispered into his ear and Steve stiffened a little, before he swallowed and turned to look at her.
“Sorry?” He offered and she snorted, shaking her head. “To be honest, Doll, I didn’t think you’d noticed given your lack of reaction to it this morning.”
“Yeah, well, I grew up with Tony. You gotta try much harder than that to catch me out.”
“Message received, understood and duly noted for next year.” Steve muttered, his eyes flashing cheekily before he leaned down and brushed his lips against hers. “I’ll absolutely learn how to Kid a Kiddo.”
“Don’t count on it, Soldier.” She smirked as he pulled back, and he chuckled, wrapping his arm round her and pulling her close, pressing a kiss to her head.
All in all, Tony was right. It hadn’t been a bad day.
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Our Doll 9//find a way of coping
B.Barnes x S.Rogers, B.Barnes x Stark!Reader, S.Rogers x Stark!Reader
Series Synopsis | After the events of the horrific past, y/n Stark, Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes have finally admitted their feelings for each other. But is life as an avenger whilst dating two super soldiers any easier than anything y/n’s experienced in the past?
sequel Series to Their Doll
Series Warnings | smut, violence, torture, swearing, threesomes, drug usage/substance abuse
Chapter Summary | y/n is struggling to cope after Sokovia. Someone unexpected shows up
Warnings | swearing, drug use, violence, descriptions of dead bodies
A/n | This is a sequel book/series to my fic Their Doll! This book loosely follows the mcu timeline, starting in CAWS in book one and starting just before AOU in this book. Bucky had been recovered and is safe, and Peter was taken under Tony's wing when he was much younger.
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Y/n sighed, rolling the joint between her fingers as she sat back. Since being at the new compound, y/n had found a place to hide just past the treelike of the surrounding woods - a place that no one else had found so far.
She brought the joint to her lips, her thumb flicking it the lighter until the little flame danced, lighting the tip. She breathed in, taking a hit before lowering the joint from her mouth and breathing the smoke out. Her head rolled back, resting against the tree behind her.
Y/n let her eyes slip shut, being the joint back up and taking another hit of the weed. She could feel herself relaxing, muscles lax and stress leaving.
It was the first time in days that her mind was taken off of what she'd done, and she was relishing in it. She let the rolled up joint hang from her fingers, wrist loose as she rested her forearm on her knees, which were tucked into her chest.
"Y/n? What the fuck are you doing!?" Y/n groaned, her eyes fluttering open as she rubbed her eyes.
"Shit." She muttered, gasping when she felt Bucky's fingers curl around her jaw, tilting her head up to his as he leaned in close. He examined her reddened eyes, expression u telling of his emotions.
"Are you high?" He pushed after a moment, tone harsh, like a bite.
"No!" Y/n defended, bringing a hand up and slapping Bucky's arm away from her. She stood up, rolling her eyes at Bucky as he glared at her. "You interrupted me before I could get that far." She mumbled under her breath, and Bucky scoffed, placing his hands on his hip.
"Come on, doll. I okay ow you're struggling right now...but drugs? Seriously? I thought you were better than this." Bucky dismissed, shaking his head disapprovingly.
"Well I'm so sorry to disappoint you, asshole! You're not the one that killed a bunch of innocent people, Buck!" Y/n raised her voice, throwing her hands in the air. Bucky tilted his head with a frustrated look, pacing towards y/n so quickly that she backed up into the tree. Y/n let out a small oomph as her back collided with the bark, Bucky's body pressed against hers.
"I didn't kill a bunch of innocent people, hm? Did you forget who you're talking to, y/n? I'm the goddamn poster boy for killing innocents, doll!" Bucky shouted, his spit spraying her face as the veins in his neck and forehead protruded, face red. "But it doesn't mean I resorted to drugs, y/n! That shit messes you up, it's fuckin' dangerous!"
"At least you weren't lucid when you killed them." Y/n shot back in a barely audible mumble that had Bucky scoffing with a short, humourless laugh.
"Wasn't lucid? Doesn't make it any fuckin' better, y/n! I still killed them!" Bucky exclaimed, eyes wide as he pushed away from her. He sighed deeply, but y/n stayed in place, breathing heavy.
"Look, I'm sorry for shouting, okay? But jus- just please promise me you won't use that stuff again? I don't want you hurting yourself with that shit." Bucky said calmly now, a soft plea in his eyes that made y/n instinctively nod.
"I won't. I promise." Y/n murmured, and Bucky sighed again, throwing his arms out to the side. Y/n rushed forwards, leaping into his arms so hard that Bucky took a few steps back, encasing the girl into his warm embrace.
"I've got you doll, I've got you. You're okay." He mumbled, his nose buried in y/n's hair as he spoke.
The second I entered the room, I was spinning on my heal to leave again. Steve's hand wrapping a round my bicep stopped me in my tracks though, his face levelling with mine.
"Doll, please." He murmured, blue eyes soft. I rolled my eyes, but straightened up and turned around anyway. A fake smile occupied my lips as I crossed my arms over my test, tilting my head with a hum. Tony rolled his eyes, placing his hands on his hips and Sharon stepped forward, extending a hand.
"Hi, I'm Sharon Carter. I'm here to assistant with your training and trying to keep your powers under control." She said with a pitiful look. I eyes her hand but never took it, instead looking over the woman's shoulder at Tony.
"Her? Really? What's she gonna do; be some pointless victim for me?" I scoffed and my dad threw me a glare. I could practically feel the awkwardness radiating between Steve and Sharon, Steve's Adam's apple bobbing furiously as he swallowed thickly. Sharon's eyes darted between the two of us, skittish and almost scared; like I would hurt her if she looked at him too long.
"Y/n speak friendlier." Tony barked through gritted teeth, the embarrassment he felt clear in his tone. I scoffed again, letting my eyes roll obnoxiously.
"No, Mr Stark, it's okay." Sharon waved off, a tight smile that didn't quite reach her eyes spreading across her pink lips. "I know we got off on the, uh, wrong foot," she cleared her throat and I scoffed. "But I hope we can...start over. I think we could be good friends."
"Yeah, sure." I said nonchalantly, shaking my head and hitting my hip out.
"Y/n," Steve said, tone a little too harsh, "please, just give her a chance. She knows what's she's doing." That comment had my turning to face the super soldier, brow quirked.
"Oh yeah, Steve? I'm sure she really knew what she was doing when she fucked you. Did she bounce on it real good?" I mocked, but my words were no where near playful. Steve cleared his throat, avoiding my gaze as he spoke.
"Come on, y/n, that's not fair. We were broken up!" Steve exclaimed with a frown. Y/n just glared at him, a silence ensuing. After a moment Tony clapped his hands together turning to Sharon.
"Should I show you to your room?" He inquired and the blonde woman tilted her head in a smile.
"I think that's a great idea." As they walked out of the room, Sharon took one last glance at steve before the thud of the door was signalling their exit.
And that was it for y/n.
"Why were you looking at her?" Y/n mumbled, looking up at Steve, whose eyes were still trained on the door. The man smirked, baby blue eyes darting down to meet with y/n's as his pearly-white teeth flashed.
"You're jealous." He gloated, and y/n smacked his chest.
"Of course I'm fuckin' jealous! Why wouldn't I be?" Y/n snapped, and Steve drew the squirming girl into his arms.
"You have nothing to worry about. I was just..lost in thought, I guess." Steve sighed, placing a kiss into y/n's hair as she settled into his embrace. "Just try not to kill Sharon while she's helping you train, I'd never forgive myself." Steve mumbled and y/n giggled against his broad chest.
"I can't make any promises." She murmured back. Steve chest vibrates in a mumble as he chuckled, another kiss being dropped into her hair.
The last person I expected to show up was Peter. I hadn't spoken to him much since the night of the party, and I fully intended on walking straight passes him. But the stupid teenager had other plans.
I was already frustrated, on edge; Sharon had just finished my first training session and all I could think about the whole time were her fair hands all over steve, her perfectly pink lips on his, her naked body pressed to his-
I shook the thoughts off, blinking a couple times before looking up at Peter again.
"Can we talk?" The boy mumbled, eyes pleading as he looked hopefully at me. I sighed, heavy and long, before giving him a small nod. My day couldn't really get any worse anyway, so what was the harm in indulging him?
He led me to one of the common rooms, which was empty and barely even looked like it had been decorated yet. The sides were empty as well as the walls, a simple sofa sat in the middle of a lonely room. Peter led me over to it, the cushions dipping as we both perched on the seat.
"I wanted to apologise." Peter said after a moment, head hanging as he broke the awkward silence. I gulped, swallowing thickly at his words. "I wanted to apologise for how much of a dick I was. Before." He said he didn't receive a reply from me.
"Okay." I mumbled, fidgeting with the hem of my shirt. "Why?"
"Because it wasn't fair, how we rested you. How he treated you. How I treated you." Peter spoke with a tight, barely-there, smile. "I know I didn't do much, but I'm staring to thick that was the problem. I could feel done something; included you, talked to Mr Stark." Peter continued.
My fists clenched and unclenches at the memories, my jaw tightening as I listened to him speak. I could feel that bubbling urge, rising so high to the surface I was struggling to shove it back down again.
"Peter." I said sharply, harshly. The boy frowned, trying to look at me but my head was turned away. "Peter, I need to you leave. Get out of the room. Now." I grated through gritted teeth, closing my eyes tightly and willing the urges down. "Please." My voice cracked and Peter slowly stood, hands out in surrender as he babbled, confused. "Now!" I growled, but it was too late.
I opened my eyes to see the brown-haired boy crouched in the floor, hands grasping his head as he groaned in pain.
"Y/n...please...stop...you're hurting...me!" Peter stammered, words wheezed out through the pain as a scream clutched his throat. I gasped, I think. But the rage was burning; a horrid, contagious feeling that ate me from the inside out. "Y/n, please!" He screamed, falling forwards so his forehead resting against the floor.
I was vaguely aware of the click of the door opening, then slamming closed as footsteps piled into the room. Frantic worries as Tony crouched over Peter; barking orders into the room.
A softly murmured  'm'sorry' before a sharp pain in my head, vision knocked out as my body fell limply against the sordid wall of muscle besides me.
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Steve Rogers Series/mini Series | @buckysgirl101 @quxxnxfhxll @macylawz @zaphdekota @bval-1
Bucky Barnes Series/mini Series | @buckysgirl101 @quxxnxfhxll @marvelhoesworld @macylawz @zaphdekota
Steve Rogers One-shot, Drabbles and Headcannons | @buckysgirl101 @quxxnxfhxll @marvelhoesworld @macylawz @zaphdekota @bval-1 @anakinsslag
Bucky Barnes One-shot, Drabbles and Headcannons | @buckysgirl101 @quxxnxfhxll @macylawz @zaphdekota @anakinsslag
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buckybarnesdollface · 5 years
Body Shot
Warnings: Smut
Summary: Drinking games are never a good idea after a mission...Or are they?    
           “Whose brilliant idea was it to get drunk after a mission, anyway?” I groaned. I had just downed my fourth tequila shot of the night and was now trying desperately to get the taste out of my mouth with a beer. Sam laughed.
           “It was your idea, genius,” he replied. “You’re the one that was like ‘We should all get drunk tonight’ as soon as we stepped off the quinjet.”
           I groaned again and rolled my eyes. “Sober me is a real dick.”
           “Oh c’mon, (Y/N),” Nat teased. “We’re having fun! It’s not our fault you’re terrible at drinking games.”
           I glared at her, but it was true. I don’t know how it happened, but it seemed every game we played I lost, to the point where I was the most drunk out of all of us. Most of them I could understand – Steve and Bucky were supersoldiers, it would take a lethal amount of alcohol to get them drunk. Nat had a very high tolerance, as most Russians did. Sam and Wanda could handle about the same amount that I could, but yet they weren’t anywhere near as drunk as I was.
           “It’s not fair,” I grumbled. “These games are all rigged. I think you should let me pick the game.”
           Steve snorted. “You know very well these games aren’t rigged, (Y/N),” he said, “but if it makes you feel any better then alright, you can choose the next game.”
           I grinned wickedly. This was my time to shine.
           “Beer pong,” I stated. “That’s my choice. Somebody help me set it up.”
           “I’m down for beer pong,” Sam said, and Wanda nodded.
           “Me, too.”
           “How are you going to play beer pong, (Y/N)?” Nat teased. “You’re so drunk you likely can’t even stand up, let alone throw a ping pong ball into a cup.”
           Always a competitor, I glared at her. “I’ll have you know I won a championship in university for beer pong,” I said indignantly. “I’m a pro. You had all better be scared.”
           Wanda laughed, and Sam shook his head. “They’ll let anyone be an Avenger now, won’t they?” he said, and I reached over to elbow him in the gut.
           “Where did Bucky go, anyway?” Natasha asked. “Is it getting past the old man’s bedtime? Are we young ‘uns too much for him to handle?”
           “He went to put more beer in the fridge for you alcoholics,” Steve chuckled, “and I asked him to bring back some food for our drunker companions.”
           His eyes shot over to me, and my own eyes narrowed. “I’m not that drunk!” I argued. “Look, I’ll prove it.”
           I pushed myself up off the couch, and immediately regretted it. I hadn’t stood in awhile and all the blood rushed to my head, making me dizzy. I gave myself a couple of seconds to balance myself and then took a few steps forward.
           “See?” I said. “I’m completely fine.” As if to prove my point, I tried to do a twirl. However, I overestimated my ability to balance and stumbled, tripping over my own feet. Before I could fall, though, a strong arm was hooked around my waist to steady me.
           “Careful, doll,” Bucky murmured, and I felt my cheeks grow red. I straightened up and pulled away, mumbling an embarrassed “Thank you,” to him; I could hear Nat and Wanda snickering to my left and I shot them a dirty look before flopping back down onto the couch between them.
           “I think Steve meant for those nachos to be for (Y/N), Bucky,” Wanda said pointedly, and my blush deepened. Bucky turned to me with a small smile.
           “They’re fresh,” he said. “Eat up – You’ll feel better.”
           “Thanks,” I mumbled, completely mortified at this point. Bucky nodded and then turned to hand Steve the beer he’d brought him before cracking open his own and returning to his seat in the armchair.
           “So what are we gonna play, then?” Wanda asked. “Beer pong is out, and (Y/N) needs a break from taking shots, but I’m not ready to go to bed yet.”
           The rest of the group nodded their collective agreements, and Nat grinned wickedly. I knew that grin. It could only mean trouble.
           “Well why don’t we play truth or dare, then?” she suggested, waggling her eyebrows. “It’s fun, and the only reason you’d have to take a shot is if you refuse to answer the question or do the dare given to you.”
           Sam nodded eagerly. “I’m in,” he exclaimed. “I’m a pro at the dares.”
           “Me too,” Wanda agreed with a grin. Steve nodded too.
           “Sure, why not. I’ve got nothing to hide.”
           Bucky and I were the only two that hadn’t said anything. Bucky tended to keep to himself most of the time and was a very private person, so I was surprised when he finally nodded as well.
           “Could be fun,” he murmured, and Nat grinned.
           “Perfect,” she breathed. “(Y/N), how about you?”
           I wanted to say no. Nat was way too excited about this for it to just be an innocent game of truth or dare, and she knew too many of my weaknesses for it to be safe for me. Five pairs of eyes were looking at me expectantly, though, and finally I sighed.
           “Fine,” I said, and the triumphant look on her face made me wary.
           “So who goes first?” Steve asked.
           “You’re up, old man,” Sam said to him with a smirk. “Truth or dare?”
           Steve narrowed his eyes. “I don’t trust your dares,” he said, “so truth.”
           “Has a girl ever asked you to wear the Captain America outfit in bed?”
           Steve’s cheeks were pink, but he nodded. “Yes, once,” he admitted, and the room erupted into hoots of laughter.
           “Did you do it?” Nat asked, but Wanda shook her head.
           “Go easy on him. One question only,” she chuckled, and then she turned to Sam. “Truth or dare, Sam?”
           “Dare, obviously,” he said, as if offended that she’d even had to ask.
           “I dare you to replace Clint’s Cocoa Puffs with dog food,” she said, and the room all looked at her with wide eyes.
           “He’ll kill everyone when he finds out!” I breathed. “Clint lives off those things.”
           Wanda shrugged. “He ate the last cinnamon bun the other day. This is payback.”
           Sam, not being one to ever back down from a dare, dumped the cereal down the garbage disposal and refilled the box with the kibble that Peter had for the dog Tony had let him keep after he’d claimed it had “followed him home” one day. Sam came back to the common room with a mischievous grin on his face.
           “Done,” he said. “Your turn, Natasha. Truth or dare?”
           “Dare,” Nat replied boldly, one red eyebrow cocked as if challenging him to do his worst.
           “I dare you to hack into the compound’s database and change ‘Tony Stark’ to ‘Tony Stank’ so that’s what comes up on every last piece of paperwork and in every file.”
           I laughed. “Do it,” I urged. “Rhodey will lose it when he sees it.”
           Smirking, Nat pulled her laptop out from under the coffee table. For a few minutes she stared at the screen with her brows knitted together as she typed furiously, and then she looked up triumphantly. “Done,” she told us. “I even reprogrammed F.R.I.D.A.Y. to call him Mr. Stank.”
           “I love you,” Wanda breathed as we all tried to catch our breaths from laughing. Nat grinned.
           “Okay, my turn,” she giggled, and when her eyes met mine I froze. She opened her mouth to speak, but then turned instead to Bucky. “Truth or dare, Buck? You’re a little too quiet over there.”
           Bucky hesitated before he finally said, “Truth,” and even then he sounded unsure of himself.
           “Are you a guy that appreciates tits or an ass more?” Nat asked, and Steve nearly choked on his drink. Sam grinned from ear to ear, and I expected Bucky to look uncomfortable but he scrunched his nose before finally saying, “Definitely the latter.”
           “Smart man,” Sam said, and Bucky grinned ruefully before turning to Wanda.
           “Truth or dare, Wanda?”
           “Truth,” she replied.
           “Do you ever use your powers to get your own way?”
           Wanda had the decency to at least pretend to look offended, but the sparkle in her eyes gave away the truth before she even said anything. “Maybe…” she admitted, dragging out the word. “But in my defense, the woman at the DMV was a bitch.”
           “You used your powers to get your license?” I cried in disbelief. Steve shot her a stern look.
           “We’ll talk about this tomorrow,” he said, and Wanda rolled her eyes.
           “Oh, lighten up, Steve. Truth or dare?”
           “I dare you to drink some of Thor’s Asgardian liquor.”
           Steve shook his head. “That’s Thor’s, I can’t just take it –”
           “If he were here he’d insist you drink it,” Sam argued. “Besides, it’s the only thing that’ll get you and Frosty over there drunk. It’s about time you stop drinking beers like they’re water.”
           Bucky scowled at the nickname Sam so often liked to call him, but Steve sighed. “Fine, I’ll have one drink,” he said. “Buck, you want one?”
           “Is it really enough to get us drunk?” Bucky asked, and Nat grinned. She had already retrieved the bottle and poured them each a glass.
           “Find out for yourself.”
           The guys each took a sip. Steve had tried it before so he knew what to expect, but Bucky hadn’t and when it touched his tongue his face scrunched up. We all laughed and he shook his head.
           “It’s so bitter,” he choked, and Steve chuckled.
           “You get used to it. Just take it slow; that one glass is all you’ll need,” he explained before turning to Nat. “Truth or dare, Nat?”    
           “Ask me a question, Captain.”
           “Did you sleep with that pizza delivery guy the other night?”
           She grinned wickedly. “Yep. Wasn’t bad, either.”
           “You are incorrigible,” I chuckled quietly, and Nat turned to me.
           “What was that, drunkie?” she asked, and I cursed myself for drawing her attention to me. “You’ve somehow managed to stay out of the spotlight so far, (Y/N); we’ll have to fix that. Truth or dare?”
           I swallowed hard, weighing my options. If I answered with truth then she would most certainly make me reveal something that I didn’t want a certain someone in the room to know. If I chose dare, then god knows what she would make me do. But I couldn’t forfeit either, because I really didn’t think my stomach could handle another shot this early on.
           “Truth,” I finally said begrudgingly, knowing I could at least be creative with my answer if I had to be. She smirked, and I immediately regretted my choice.
           “When was the last time you got laid?”
           I blushed, but it could have been much worse. Glaring at her, I mumbled, “It’s been a year.”
           Of course, Nat had already known this – She was only stirring the pot. Wanda had known as well so she didn’t react. Sam’s eyes widened.
           “A year? Jesus, girl, how are you not more uptight than you are?” he cried. My blush deepened.
           “I’ve been busy, alright? Not all of us are naturally skilled in being a superhero. I have to train twice as much as all of you; it takes up a lot of time.” I frowned. “I answered Nat’s question, now let’s drop it. Sam, truth or dare?”
           I thought for a moment. “I dare you to pick a random number from the phone book and try to seduce whoever answers.”
           “It’s one in the morning on a Tuesday,” Steve said. “Who’s gonna pick up the phone?”
           “New York is the city that never sleeps, Steve,” Nat pointed out. “Someone will answer.”
           So Sam did it. He called a number, and an old man answered. We all had to stay quiet because he had it on speakerphone, but when the old man started getting unsettlingly into it and Sam’s face twisted in disgust Bucky snickered and we all burst into laughter. Nat quickly hung up the phone and Sam shook his head.
           “Nasty-ass man, Christ,” he groaned. “I vote we play something else now.”
           “Oh, c’mon, Sam, I thought you were the king of dares,” I taunted. “You said you would do anything.”
           “I draw the line at strange old men wanting to get in my pants.”
           We all chuckled, but Nat shook her head. “I have too many good ideas to stop playing now,” she said, and then she arched an eyebrow at Sam. His brow furrowed, but then his eyes widened as if he had just made a realization and he grinned.
           “Fine, we can keep playing, but it’s my turn to deal out some punishment.” His eyes scanned the room and landed on Bucky. “Frosty!” he exclaimed. “Truth or dare?”
           “How many times have I told you not to call me that?” he grumbled. “Dare, I guess.”
           Sam smirked. “Atta boy. I dare you to do a body shot.”
           “Off of you?” Bucky’s nose wrinkled. “Absolutely not.”
           “Off of (Y/N),” Nat offered, and my eyes widened. I looked at her in horror, but she was looking at Bucky expectantly. He won’t do it, I told myself. It amazed me that he had even put up with us for this long instead of going to bed. Surely this would be where he drew the line.
           “Alright,” he said with a shrug, “as long as (Y/N)’s alright with it.”
           I coughed, and Nat grinned. “Of course she is!”      
           “I don’t know…” I started, but Nat was already pouring tequila into a shot glass.
           “Lie flat on the table so it doesn’t spill,” she ordered, and she gave me a look that said if I didn’t cooperate, she would make me. Pursing my lips, I laid down on the table, and she set the shot glass on my belly button after sliding my shirt up some. Then she spread a line of lime juice on my stomach and sprinkled salt over top of it. I wanted to protest – It was way too close to the waistband of my leggings for comfort, but she was already motioning for Bucky to come over.
           “Hands behind your back,” she ordered. “Pick up the shot glass with your mouth and –”
           “I know how to do a body shot,” Bucky said indignantly, and Nat shrugged.
           “Just had to be sure. You never know with you old guys.”
           Bucky shot her a look of annoyance before coming to stand next to me. “You sure you’re alright with this, (Y/N)?” he murmured. My throat was too dry to say anything but I nodded, even though my heart felt like it was going to hammer right out of my chest. Shooting me a shy smile, Bucky clasped his hands behind his back and bent down to wrap his lips around the rim of the shot glass, downing the tequila in one gulp. Nat took the shot glass from him and then he leaned in to lick the salt and juice from my skin.
           His tongue was soft and warm, and as he dragged it across my stomach I could feel goosebumps prickle my skin. I had to bite my tongue to keep from whimpering, and then he was pulling away all too soon. He gave me an embarrassed smile as he straightened, and then offered a hand to help me off the table. I took it, though the dizziness I felt wasn’t from the alcohol in my bloodstream.
           “Steve, you’re up,” Bucky said as he sat back down in the armchair. “Truth or dare.”
           “I dare you to tell everyone what happened that night with Mandy White.”
           Steve’s face darkened as he glared at his best friend. “That’s not fair, jerk. We promised we’d never talk about that night again.”
           Bucky had a wicked grin on his face – A look I’d never seen on him before. I wondered if the Bucky that Steve knew from all those years ago was this Bucky now; carefree, light and mischievous.
           “Who’s Mandy White?” Wanda asked, and Bucky cocked an eyebrow.
           “Tell them, Stevie.”
           “She’s a prostitute,” he finally grumbled. “Buck and I were in high school and we snuck into a bar in Brooklyn. This dame – Mandy – took an interest in me right off the bat.” He shook his head in disgust. “That should have been the first clue, but I was a dumb kid. I didn’t clue in till she pulled me into the bathroom and told me she’d let me do whatever I wanted to her for the right price.”
           Bucky was howling with laughter, as were Sam and Nat. Wanda was giggling, and I was biting my lip to keep from laughing because I knew Steve was already embarrassed enough.
           “Poor Stevie,” I breathed. “Look at it this way, though; you’re Captain America now. If you met her now, she’d probably pay to have sex with you.”
           Steve scowled at me. “Yes, (Y/N), because that makes me feel so much better,” he said. “Moving on. Truth or dare?”
           I bit my lip, but Steve wasn’t a threat. He was too sweet to play along with whatever Sam and Nat had going on.
           “Truth,” I said, and Steve grinned.
           “Have you ever had inappropriate thoughts about another member of the team?”
           Sam whooped and Nat was smirking. Cheeks hot, I narrowed my eyes. “Yes, right now,” I hissed. “Does contemplating kicking all your asses count as inappropriate?”
           “Easy, (Y/N),” Nat chuckled. “You know that’s not what Steve meant.”
           I scowled. “I’ll pass. Hand me the tequila.”
           Steve shook his head. “Uh-uh, no more shots for awhile,” he ordered. “I never asked you to tell us who. Just answer the question with a yes or no.”
           I sucked in a sharp breath, casting my eyes to my hands. “Yes,” I finally admitted, and I could practically feel the satisfaction rolling off of Natasha. Pursing my lips, I stood. “I’m gonna go get some water, I’ll be right back.”
           I left the common room, my cheeks burning. Just as I’d expected, Nat followed me out to the kitchen, and I turned on her.
           “What the hell are you doing?” I snapped. She gave me an innocent look.
           “I don’t know what you’re talking about, (Y/N).”
           “The fuck you don’t. I expected it from you and maybe Wanda, but Sam and even Steve?” I shook my head in disbelief. “When I told you I liked Bucky, that was in confidence, Nat. The last thing I needed was for you to tell his best friend!” I groaned and sat down at the island, burying my face in my hands. “Now everyone’s gonna know…”
           “I didn’t tell anyone, (Y/N), and I’m offended that you think I would,” Nat told me. “I wouldn’t have to tell anyone anyway. Everyone in the compound knows how you feel about Barnes.”
           My head shot up. “What?” I hissed, and Nat shrugged.
           “I mean, you are an excellent fighter, but when it comes to hiding your emotions you’re terrible,” she said. “Everyone can see it.”
           I felt as if I were going to be sick. “Does he know?” I whispered in a panic.
           “Nope.” Nat shook her head. “But he’s probably the only one. The guy has to be pretty clueless.”
           I shook my head. “So this whole game thing was just everyone trying to push us together?”
           “We’re all rooting for you, (Y/N),” Nat chuckled. “We want you to be happy, and we all want Barnes to stop being so antisocial, too.” She cocked her head to the side. “Although he’s a lot more fun tonight than he’s ever been before.”
           “He’s not antisocial, he’s just nervous to get close to people,” I defended, and Nat grinned.
           “Which is why we’re giving you both gentle nudges towards each other. Now come back out. I promise I won’t put you in any more awkward situations if you promise to loosen up and flirt a little with him.”
           “I wouldn’t know what to say –”
           “(Y/N), I’ve seen you charm even the most sour of people. Just be yourself and stop being so nervous.”
           So I followed her back out to the common room. I noticed that everyone had changed seats, and the only free space was the spot next to Bucky on the couch. I suspected Nat had something to do with this and I shot her a look but she was all of a sudden very interested in her drink. Biting my lip, I sat down next to Bucky.
           “Hope you’re recovered enough to play another drinking game,” Sam said to me, and I narrowed my eyes.
           “Never have I ever!” Wanda exclaimed. “I’ll start. Never have I ever been arrested.”
           Everyone but me drank, but even if I had meant to I couldn’t. I’d finished my last beer and hadn’t bothered to get another drink. After Bucky set down his own drink he reached over to the coffee table and grabbed a glass, handing it to me.
           “Vodka lime,” he said, and then he gave me a rueful smile. “Steve told me it was your favourite so I mixed you up one when I got myself a drink.”
           “Thank you,” I murmured, in shock that he’d even thought of me. He grinned.      
           “I would have given it to you a minute ago, but I figured you wouldn’t need to drink,” he chuckled. “You’re too new to the team to have ever been arrested before.”
           I ducked my head, blushing. Before I could say anything, though, Sam was speaking.
           “Never have I ever,” he said, “made out with an Olympic athlete.”
           No one drank but Sam, and we all groaned.
           “Sam, you gotta stop bringing that up,” Steve said. “We get it. You made out with Genie Bouchard in a bar in Montreal once. We’ve heard the story a hundred times.”
           Sam frowned. “Well sorry if y’all haven’t led as exciting a life as me.”
           Bucky rolled his eyes. “My turn,” he said. “Never have I ever thrown up on the Cyclone at Coney Island.”
           Steve was the only one to drink this time, and Bucky snickered when he shot him a dirty look. Natasha shook her head.
           “The point is to pick statements that more than one person can drink to, guys, c’mon,” she said. “Never have I ever had sex in a public place.”
           Everyone but Steve and Wanda drank this time. I was surprised when Bucky lifted his glass to his lips to take a drink, but then I remembered that Steve had told me that Bucky had been quite the ladies’ man back in their day. It was just so hard to picture the surly, quiet man beside me having ever been a big flirt.
           “Never have I ever stolen a car,” Steve offered, and everyone but Wanda and I drank. Nat narrowed her eyes at Steve.
           “That truck we stole to get to Jersey, you called it ‘borrowing’,” she said, using her hands to make air quotes around the last word. Steve shrugged.
           “It is what it is.”
           “Alright.” I clapped my hands together to draw everyone’s attention back to the game. “Never have I ever had sex on at least three different continents.”
           Nat, Wanda, Sam and I all drank. Bucky frowned.
           “Two,” he murmured. “So close.”
           Steve cocked an eyebrow at him and he grinned.
           “If you think there weren’t some European girls that didn’t want a night with an American sergeant then you’re crazy, Steve,” he teased, and Steve rolled his eyes. I pursed my lips, not wanting to think of Bucky with other girls. Nat must’ve seen my face because she quickly changed the subject.
           “Never have I ever,” she said, “fallen asleep during sex.”
           Only her and Sam drank, and I laughed. “Must have been pretty bad to have fallen asleep,” I remarked, and Nat rolled her eyes.
           “I hate vanilla sex,” she groaned, “and this guy was as boring as it gets.”
           “I was just really tired,” Sam explained. “The girl I was with got very offended, though. She left and wouldn’t answer any of my calls after that.”
           “I don’t blame her,” Bucky snorted. “You don’t leave a girl hanging like that, no matter how tired you are.”
           I bit my lip, feeling my cheeks warm at his words. Before him and Sam could get into one of their infamous disputes, however, Wanda spoke up.
           “Never have I ever had a sex dream about someone on the team.”
           Sam narrowed his eyes at her. “That’s not fair, you’re dating someone on the team,” he accused, referring to Vision. Wanda shrugged.
           “I stand by my statement,” she said as she took a drink.
           Begrudgingly, Sam took a drink, and then so did Nat and even Steve. I hesitated; of course, I’d had multiple, with the man sitting right next to me having starred in all of them. Cheeks burning, I finally lifted my glass to my lips to take a gulp while keeping my eyes downcast. Just when I thought I was the last one, out of the corner of my eye I saw Bucky take a drink. I tried not to overthink it, but my mind was racing. There were only so many women on the team, and I was going to drive myself mad wondering which one he had dreamt about.
           “Well, my drink is gone,” Wanda said, interrupting my thoughts, “and that’s probably it for me. I’m definitely feeling it now. If I want to get up at all tomorrow I should quit while I’m ahead.”
           Nat frowned. “Don’t go to bed yet!” she protested. “It’s still early.”
           “It’s two in the morning,” Steve snorted.
           “We could do something that doesn’t involve drinking, if y’all wanna stay up,” Sam suggested. “Poker?”
           Steve and Bucky agreed enthusiastically, as did Nat. Wanda shook her head.
           “Vis is probably waiting for me to go to bed. I should probably head upstairs.”
           We said goodnight to her, and then Steve looked at me. “(Y/N), you want to play?”
           “I don’t know how,” I admitted, and Steve shrugged.
           “We can teach you.”
           “No, you guys go ahead and play. I’ll stay up and watch, though. I’m not quite ready for bed yet.”
           So Nat found a deck of cards and the game started. I settled myself into the cushions of the couch with my legs crossed underneath me, nursing the rest of my vodka lime. Bucky looked over to me, a playful grin on his face.
           “Now don’t go tellin’ anyone what cards I’ve got, doll,” he teased, and with some of Thor’s liquor in him his Brooklyn accent was coming out. It was the first time I’d heard it and I smiled.
           “No worries,” I giggled, still feeling the effects of the alcohol myself. “I’ll keep my poker face on.”
           Steve snorted. “You’re in trouble then, Buck,” he warned. “(Y/N) has a terrible poker face.”
           I pouted at Steve, but Bucky shot me a warm smile. “I trust her,” he murmured, and my insides warmed. I gave him a shy smile in return, and he winked at me before turning his attention back to the game.
           For awhile I was enjoying watching them. There probably wasn’t a better group out there to watch – Each of them had perfected their poker faces. Years of military experience, and in Nat and Bucky’s cases years of being assassins and spies, would have trained them to know how to hold a blank face. They had also been drinking, though, and would slip up every once in awhile. I took note of each of their tells; Sam would scrunch his nose, Steve would rub the back of his neck, Nat’s eyes would dart quickly between the four of them, and the muscle in Bucky’s jaw would twitch.
           As hard as I tried to keep up, however, eventually it got too difficult. The lack of rest I’d gotten on the mission was finally catching up to me, and the liquor as well as just sitting there not doing anything wasn’t helping. I yawned, and Nat looked across the table at me.
           “Not you, too,” she said, and I shook my head.
           “I’m good,” I told her, even though I was having a hard time keeping my eyes open. Steve chuckled.
           “You’re stubborn as hell is what you are,” he taunted, and I stuck my tongue out at him.
           “I can go for hours.”
           But I could not. Not long after I could feel myself drifting, and I kept trying to force myself awake but my body wasn’t having it.
           “(Y/N), you really should go to bed,” Sam told me. “You look like you’re barely awake over there.”
           I wanted to argue, but I knew he was right so I just nodded instead. “Yeah, I think I’m gonna turn in for the night,” I murmured. I stretched out my legs and made to stand, but it had been a couple of hours since I’d been on my feet and with the liquor still running through my bloodstream, I was a little dizzy and stumbled a bit.
           The next thing I knew, Bucky was up and at my side, a hand on my back to steady me.
           “Easy, doll,” he murmured. “You alright?”
           I blushed. “Just tired,” I mumbled. “And I need some water, I think.”
           Bucky nodded, and then he slipped his arm around my waist. “Let’s get you some water and then make sure you get to bed, then,” he murmured, and he turned to look at the others. “I fold the next few rounds, I’m gonna take care of (Y/N) and then I’ll be back.”
           I’m pretty sure Nat was giving me a look but I didn’t turn around to check before Bucky was leading me out of the common room. When we got to the kitchen he sat me in a stool before going to pour me a glass of water. When he came back over, my eyes were half-lidded and he let out a soft chuckle before shaking his head.
           “We need to get you to bed,” he said. “You’ve had a long few days. D’you think you can make it to the elevator?”
           “Yeah,” I mumbled, sliding out of the stool onto my feet unsteadily. With my glass of water in one hand, Bucky set his other hand on my back and led me to the elevator.
           “(Y/N)’s floor please, F.R.I.D.A.Y.,” Bucky said to the AI.
           “Right away, Sergeant Barnes.”
           The elevator began to move, and I leaned heavily against Bucky. He was warm and he smelled like soap, and I could feel myself drifting.
           By the time the elevator stopped, I was barely awake. Without hesitating and without any difficulty, Bucky gathered me in his arms bridal-style and carried me down the hall to my room. I laid my head on his shoulder and my arms wound loosely around his neck, and all I could think was that I was comfortable enough to fall asleep right there.
           Bucky opened my door and carried me inside without switching on the lights. He set my water on the bedside table before gently lowering me to the bed, and then he reached for the water, handing it to me.
           “Drink some, doll,” he urged, “or you’ll regret it in the morning.”
           I gulped down a few mouthfuls before setting the glass back on the bedside table clumsily. “Thank you,” I mumbled, “for taking care of me.”
           Bucky gave me a warm smile that sent my heart fluttering. “No worries, doll. Now get some sleep, okay? You need it.”
           “So do you,” I said quietly, and when his brow furrowed I continued. “You barely slept ten hours the whole week we were on the mission.”
           He shook his head and chuckled. “You don’t miss much, do you?” he mused, and then he gave me another smile. “I promise to get some sleep if you do. Goodnight, (Y/N).”
           “Night,” I mumbled. He had turned and nearly made it to the door when something – most likely the liquor – drove me to do what I did next. “Bucky?” I said softly.
           He stopped dead in his tracks and turned back to me. “What is it, doll?”
           “Will you stay with me?”
           My voice had been barely above a whisper and for a minute I thought maybe he hadn’t heard me, but then I remembered that being a supersoldier there was no doubt that he had heard it. His eyes widened slightly, and then he pursed his lips.
           “(Y/N), I don’t know –”
           “Please?” I bit my lip. “I don’t want to sleep alone.”
           He looked torn, but finally he crossed the room and motioned for me to slide over. I did, and he pulled back the covers for me to crawl under before following me.
           “Come here, doll,” he murmured, stretching out his arm across the pillow, and I scooted closer to snuggle into his side. He tugged me close, and between the warmth of his body and the steady, even rise and fall of his chest with every breath he took, it wasn’t long before I started drifting. I vaguely remembered feeling something – his lips, maybe? – brush against my temple lightly, and then I was out.
           When I woke up the next morning, my whole body felt heavy and I regretted drinking so much right after a gruelling mission. I stretched, letting out a soft groan, but my movements disturbed the arm that had been draped loosely across my stomach. I froze – I had forgotten in my drunken state that I had asked Bucky to stay the night, and now I was panicking. Before I could even try to come up with a way out of this situation, though, Bucky was shifting and blinking his eyes open.
           “Hey, doll,” he murmured, his voice still thick with sleep. “How are you feelin’?”
           “Hungover,” I admitted in a small voice, and Bucky chuckled. He rolled onto his back and rubbed his eyes.
           “I actually think I might be, too,” he said. “I haven’t been hungover in decades. That Asgardian alcohol is killer.” He paused, and then looked over at me. His blue eyes were tired, but he looked more at ease than I think I’d ever seen him. “Did you sleep well?” he asked me.
           I bit my lip, then nodded. “I did,” I told him, blushing. “You?”
           Bucky’s smile was warm. “Better than I have in awhile,” he admitted.
           “I’m sorry if asking you to stay last night was weird,” I blurted out, and then ducked my head. “I was drunk and overtired and –”
           I didn’t get to finish my explanation, however, because all of a sudden Bucky was leaning in to close the distance between us. His lips pressed to mine and my body froze even though my mind was screaming at me to do something while my heart was nearly hammering out of my chest.
           Bucky pulled away, his cheeks tinted pink. “I’m sorry,” he murmured. “I wanted to do that all night last night but everyone was always around and then you were so tired…”
           I blinked. He was looking at me with increasingly worried eyes, and finally I found my voice.
           “Wait – You wanted to kiss me?”
           “That’s what I said,” he chuckled, and then he bit his lip. “Is that okay?”
           Instead of answering, I pulled his face back to mine. He caught on quickly, rolling his body so that he was overtop of me as our lips connected, his flesh hand coming up to cradle my head while he used his metal arm to support himself. His tongue probed at my lips until they yielded to him, and as our breaths mingled together my hands reached up to grip at Bucky’s waist.
           “You have no idea how hard it was holding myself back from taking you upstairs last night after that dare with the body shot and doing this then,” Bucky murmured, skimming his nose along my jaw and then kissing my throat lightly. My breath hitched and I felt him smile against my skin. “You like that, doll?”
           “Yes,” I whispered, my voice thick. Bucky pulled away enough to look at me, his blue irises nearly swallowed up by his lust-blown pupils, but there was a softness there as well as he smiled at me.
           “Good,” he murmured, “because I want to do this every day, doll, if you’ll let me.”
           I was temporarily snapped out of my haze, and I looked at him with my brow furrowed. “What are you saying?” I asked uncertainly, and Bucky’s smile was shy.
           “I like you, (Y/N),” he told me. “A lot. I have for awhile now, but I never knew how to tell you…”
           “So this wasn’t just brought on by the drinking games and the liquor and me asking you to stay last night?”
           Bucky chuckled as he shook his head. “Not at all, doll,” he assured me, and then he began to pepper kisses along my jaw. “I want you every day, if you’ll have me.”    
           His actions were confident but his eyes were nervous, and I reached up to cup his cheek in my hand. His skin was warm and the stubble on his face was rough, but he leaned into my touch as his eyes drifted shut and I knew in that moment that this beautiful man – this man that I had been pining over for months – really did feel for me the way I felt for him.
           “Show me just how much you want me, Sergeant,” I said in a husky voice as I looked up at him. “I’m yours.”
           Bucky made a quiet noise in the back of his throat, and then he crushed his lips to mine with feverish passion. My hands slid up under the hem of his t-shirt to slide along the muscles of his back, my fingernails grazing his skin lightly and drawing a growl from his throat. Disconnecting our kiss, he sat back on his knees and yanked the t-shirt over his head before tossing it carelessly to the floor. I sat up, tracing my fingertips over the planes of his abdomen, and when I looked up his eyes were blue fire, causing my stomach to flip in anticipation. Tugging lightly at my shirt, he stared at me as if waiting for my permission. I nodded and then the shirt was on the floor with his.
           Bucky’s lips latched onto one of my nipples and I let out a quiet moan, arching my back towards him. As his mouth alternated between my breasts his flesh hand toyed with the waistband of my leggings before slipping past it and underneath my panties. When his fingertips slid through my folds my moan was louder, and he pulled away from my breasts to smirk at me.
           “So wet, doll,” he murmured, his voice thick with desire. “This all for me?”
           “Mmm…” I managed to hum, and then Bucky was retracting his hand and I let out a soft whine at the loss of contact. He brought his fingers to his mouth to lick away my juices and a fresh wave of heat flooded to my core.
           “So fucking sweet,” he breathed. “I’m gonna have to get a better taste.”
           The next thing I knew, I was on my back and he had yanked the rest of my clothes off in one swift move, leaving me entirely naked under his hungry eyes. At this point I was practically aching to be touched and it must have showed on my face because Bucky flashed me a sinful grin before spreading my legs with his hands and diving in to swipe his tongue along the length of my folds.
           My hips bucked upward at the sudden contact and I let out a gasp. Bucky’s hands reached up to hold my hips in place as his mouth worked over me, drawing whimpers and moans from me. It didn’t take long for him to bring me to release, a panting and sweating mess tangled in the sheets.
           Bucky pressed a few light kisses to the inside of my thigh before he was sliding up my body and claiming my lips in a kiss. I could taste myself on his tongue, and it sent a fresh wave of arousal to my core.
           “Need you now,” I managed to huff out, grinding myself against his still-clothed erection, and Bucky grinned before quickly shedding the rest of his clothing. He slid his solid member through my folds slowly and I groaned, glaring up at him.
           “Stop teasing,” I hissed. “There’s plenty of time for that later, but if you don’t fuck me right now I honest to god might explode.”
           As I spoke my legs wrapped around his waist to pull him closer to me. His eyes were dark as pitch and he growled before lining up with my entrance and sliding in with one thrust. I hadn’t been prepared for his size and my eyes fluttered shut as I let out a breathless, “James…”
           He stilled inside of me, and when I opened my eyes, he was regarding me with a mixture of shock, desire and tenderness. “Say it again,” he murmured huskily.
           “James,” I whispered, and then he was crushing his lips to mine and rolling his hips into me. My nails dug into his back, wanting to pull him as close to me as possible, and he pressed his face against my neck to suck lightly at my throat. It didn’t take long before I could feel my second orgasm that morning coming on, and I knew Bucky was also nearing release because his thrusts were getting sloppier. I dug my heels into his back as my hands grasped at his arms, opening my eyes to find that he was already looking at me.
           “James…” I breathed. “I wanna feel you come inside me, James, please.”
           “Fuck, doll,” he groaned, and then with a couple more thrusts he was spilling inside me with a grunt. His orgasm brought on my own and I cried out, my head pushing back into the pillows as my back arched up into Bucky’s body. As we came down from our highs he cradled me in his arms as he rolled us over to our sides, his now-softened member slipping out of my tender heat. I let out a soft moan at the loss of his length, feeling a mixture of our juices dripping down my thigh. Bucky reached up to tuck a damp lock of hair behind my ear.
           “Was that okay?” he murmured, and I let out a breathless laugh.
           “Are you kidding me, Buck? That was a hell of a lot better than just okay. My only regret is that we haven’t been doing this all along.”
           Bucky chuckled, but he looked relieved. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you how I felt sooner.”
           I rolled on top of him, pressing my lips to his. “Guess that just means we’ll have to make up for all that lost time,” I teased, wiggling my hips against his and grinning delightedly in finding out he was already half-hard again. Bucky smirked as he lifted his hands to grasp my hips, but just before he could lift me up to pull me down onto him, a shout echoed through the compound, followed by laughter and then the sound of glass breaking. Bucky and I stilled.
           “I will kill you!” we heard Clint roar, and I giggled.
           “Guess Clint found the dog food. Should we go make sure Sam doesn’t get himself killed?”
           Bucky shook his head. “Nah, Wilson’s a grown man, he can take care of himself,” he murmured, sitting up to place kisses along my jaw. “Now, where were we?”
           I caught his lips with mine and was just about to line him up with my entrance when this time F.R.I.D.A.Y. interrupted us.
           “Sergeant Barnes, Ms. (Y/L/N), Mr. Stank requests that everyone meet him in the board room immediately.”
           Both Bucky and I burst out laughing, and when we finally calmed down enough to catch our breaths I said, “I suppose we should get dressed and get down there before Tony sends someone looking for us.”
           “Yes, because I have nothing better to do right this moment than deal with an angry Barton and an angry Stark.”
           I grinned and kissed him quickly before rolling off of him and pulling on a sweatshirt. “I promise I’ll make it up to you later,” I told him. “After all, we’ve got all the time in the world now.”
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peppersonironi · 4 years
Batfam/Avengers Crossover Chapter Six: Blooming Bromance
Tagging (Let me know if you want to be tagged): @the-fair-maiden-of-fandom
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Category: Gen
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types
Relationships: Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Natasha Romanov & Damian Wayne, Clint Barton & Cassandra Cain, Tim Drake & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Tim Drake & Duke Thomas, Pamela Isley/Harleen Quinzel, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Dick Grayson/Wally West, Roy Harper/Koriand'r/Jason Todd,
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Barbara Gordon, Justice League (DCU), Alfred Pennyworth, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Thor (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Peter Parker, Alfred the Cat (DCU), Bat-Cow (DCU), Goliath (DCU), Selina Kyle’s Cat Isis, Kate Kane (DCU), Duke Thomas,
Additional Tags: Batbrothers (DCU), Avengers Meet The Batfam, MCU/Batfam crossover, Crossover, no beta we die like robins, rated T for Jason’s language, I bleeped it out though. Just to be safe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, canon? What’s canon?, Deaf Clint Barton,Deaf Character, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Happy Batfamily (DCU), Birdflash and joyfire are implied/referenced,
Summary: Tim hangs out with the youngest Avenger. A bromance is blooming.
Tim sighed into his mug of coffee. Everyone in his family - minus Stephanie and Babs, since they didn’t live at the manor -  had been gathered in the cave to discuss the ongoing conversation between some of the interdimensional visitors. They - consisting of Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, and Tony Stark - seemed to have been really freaked out by some of Jason’s snide comments, and were now discussing if the bats were in fact trustworthy.
Tim blamed Jason for this whole mess. Jason couldn’t hold his stupid tounge, so now Bruce had called everyone - after Cass told him what was happening -  together to spy on their guests and work out a plan.
Their conversation wasn’t that interesting either. It was everyone going back and forth, never changing their own arguments. The most interesting thing that happened was when Stark hopped on a computer and started to do research on them. Not that they found much.
“No way in f*** are we amicable!” Jason exclaimed when the article was brought up and read aloud.
“Aw, you sure little wing?” Dick asked, elbowing Jason.
“T-t,” Damian said, rolling his eyes. “Will you two imbeciles shut up? I’m trying to listen.”
Turns out there wasn’t much more. As soon as the Avengers dispersed, Tim turned off the computer. “Now what?”
Cass frowned. “They need trust. Show them.”
Bruce nodded. “Yes, it would be best if they trust us, as we are the ones sending them home. Lack of trust might provoke unnecessary responses from them. It would be best if we can work well together.”
“Show them.” Cass repeated vehemitaly.
“I agree with Cass,” Tim replied. “We shouldn’t just tell them to trust us. That could be taken quite badly. We need to show them.”
“How?” Duke asked. “I don’t know if you guys have noticed, but you are definitely not good at showing your emotions well.”
Bruce sighed heavily. “Yes, Duke, you have made that abundantly clear in the past.” Duke smiled at that, looking rather sheepish. Bruce frowned in concentration. “Let them make the first move. If they try to question you, don’t hold anything back. Try to be friendly.” Tim noticed he directed that last part at Damian and Jason.
“Don’t hold anything back?” Jason asked, an evil smirk growing on his face. Tim shuddered inwardly at whatever gruesome tale Jason was planning on sharing.
“Within reason,” Bruce growled.
Duke stood up. “Well, that sounds good for you guys, but I have Gotham to patrol.” Duke strolled off with a decidedly self satisfied smile on his face. He clearly thought that he was getting out of sharing his life story.
Bruce sighed once more. “Very well, Duke. Good luck.”
Duke nodded his thanks as he made his way to the changing rooms to get ready for his patrol.
“Dude, this is incredible!” Peter had given Tim a chance to look at his web-shooters, and Tim was being a total fangirl over it.
“Thanks,” Peter replied, seeming quite proud. “The basic design is mine, Mr. Stark supplied some improvements though.”
Tim nodded as he continued to examine the device. “Are these veins turbine pumps?”
Peter grinned. “Yup! They compress the web fluid before shooting it out through the spinneret holes which cold-draws the solution and extrudes it through the air, where it solidifies.”
“And during the process the  nylon gains a four-fold increase in tensile strength?”
Tim shook his head at the brilliance. “Wow, this is utterly brilliant!”
“Thanks! Do you want to see the chemical formula?” Peter asked. He seemed really eager to talk about it with someone his own age.
“Of course!” Tim hit his forehead. “Gosh, I’m sorry! I completely forgot you came to me to see if we could make more.”
Peter shrugged, “no worries. I’m glad you like the devices.”
Tim reached over to one of the coffee tables in the sitting room they were occupying and handing it to Peter, who promptly began to write down the formula.
Upon seeing it, Tim gasped uncontrollably. “Oh my god, this is the greatest thing I have seen in a long time!” Peter had to be a genius to come up with this, Tim decided.
Peter grinned at Tim. “Really?”
“You guys done fangirling?” A voice came from the door. “ ‘cause we have some people to decimate!”
Tim looked over to find Jason leaning against the doorframe, two nerf guns in hand.
“Decimate?” Peter asked.
Jason rolled his eyes. “Capture the flag on the back lawn in five. Bring whatever non-lethal weapons you want. You can get ‘em approved before the game starts.” And with that, he strolled off.
“You guys play Capture The Flag?” Peter looked excited.
Tim stood up, organizing the notes, then setting them aside. “Yup! It can get pretty wild though. Think you can handle it?”
Peter grinned. “I think so.”
“Welcome to the 67th annual Bat Fa-”
“It's not annual and you know it Dick.”
Dick pouted as he looked over at Tim. “Come on, Timbo, let me have this!”
“Drake is correct, Grayson. You are acting idiotically.”
Tim glanced over at Damian. “You’re admitting I’m right?”
Damian glowered at his brother. “Of course not.” “But you jus-”
“Are we playing or not?” Someone had managed to rope Bruce into the game, but he was being pretty snippy about it.
Dick sighed, looking defeated. “Fine. Capture the flag. You all know how to play?” Everyone nodded, except Thor.
“I am unfamiliar with this specific midgardian game.”
Dick nodded. “Ok, that’s fine. Good chance to go over the rules anyway. There are two teams, each take one side of the playing area. So each team has a flag, or item of some sort that they each place in a visible yet defendable position. Part of the team defends their flag, while the other part attempts to steal their opponents’. If you get caught on the opposite team's territory, they put you in jail. Only one of your teammates can get you out, by tapping you. Get it?”
Everyone nodded. “Good. A few extra rules that must be followed,” Dick looked pointedly at Jason and Damian as he continued, “ include: no maiming. Serious injuries of most kinds are off limits. Lethal weapons are also out, unless you know how to use them nonlethally. You are also not allowed to leave the playing area at any point. Nor are you allowed to use cookies as bait in any traps. Especially Alfred’s cookies.”
Dick looked pointedly at Tim during the last rule, much to Tim’s chagrin. It had been one time!
“And finally, no touching Alfred’s shrubbery.” Everyone with the exception of the Avengers cringed at that. “Everyone understand?”
There was a chorus of “Yups” “Yes’s” and “f*** yeah, b****!” Tim didn’t need to be the world’s second greatest detective to guess where that last one came from.
“Good,” Dick said, grinning. “We’ll have two teams. Captains are Bruce and me. Let’s get into a line and start dividing.”
Tim got in line, grumbling slightly. A few of the Avengers had also joined, specifically Peter, Thor, and Banner. Tim wasn’t sure how much of a help Banner could be without “Hulking out” as Peter put it, but the guy seemed smart. It seemed like it would be an interesting game.
“Lil’ D!” Dick called, quite predictably. Damian grumbled and walked over to Dick’s side.
Bruce took longer to choose. He examined the faces of each person, one by one. “Tim.” Tim smiled, he had been expecting Dick to choose him, but with Bruce, Tim didn’t have to deal with the demon brat.
Dick chose Thor next, then Bruce chose Jason. They continued back and forth till Dick’s team consisted of Damian, Thor, and Banner. Bruce had chosen Tim, Jason, and Peter. Cassandra had opted to Referee the game, much to everyone’s relief. They could play everyone against Cass, and his sister would still win.
“Flags?” Cass asked once everyone had assembled with their teams.
“I got these from Alfred!” Dick said as he grabbed two large banners from beside a tree. One was Green, the other Blue.
Cass nodded. “You get Blue. Bruce, green.” Once Dick had handed the other banner to Bruce, Cass continued. “Ten minutes to plan and hide flags. Then go.”
They split up, Tim following right behind Bruce. “Ideas?” he asked when they were all in the cover of the trees that they had chosen for their side.
“The flag will go up in the old oak tree, as high as you can get it, Peter. I want Jason on Guard Duty near the tree, I’ll be farther out doing a border patrol. Tim and Peter, you’re both on infiltration duty. Skirt the sides as much as possible. Dick will most likely be trying to cross over, avoid him if you can. Watch out for Damian, too. He'll be joining Dick. Thor will most likely be guarding their flag along with Banner. He won’t be able to resist the pun. They should be pretty easy to take down.” Bruce paused for a moment, thinking. “Dick will probably place his banner somewhere near the westward fountain. Use the ivy wall to the east as cover.”
Everyone nodded, and separated. Peter scrambled up the oak tree with ease, and placed the banner at the literal top. It’d be almost impossible for anyone to reach it, but Tim knew Dick would love the challenge.
A couple minutes later, the guard routes were established, and Tim had shown Peter the way to the flag by drawing a diagram in the dirt. Tim quickly wiped it away, however, when Cass sounded an Airhorn. Tim had no idea where she had gotten it, but didn’t bother trying to figure it out. Tim sprinted to the side almost immediately, Peter right behind them. They wove through the trees, keeping to the shadows. Peter wasn’t nearly as stealthy as Tim, but they both kept out of sight.
Right as they were about to cross over the border, Tim stopped them. “Let’s get an aerial view before we proceed.”
“Sounds good,” Peter replied as they started to climb a nearby tree. Turns out it was the right choice, because they were awarded front row seats to Bruce grabbing Damian by his collar.
“Not today, Damian. You’re going to jail.” Bruce smiled fondly as he carried his youngest son away from the border and off to the previously chosen prison.
“Grayson!” Damian shreeked. “How dare you abandon me! Unhand me this instant, Father! Grayson! You shall rue the day I make my escape! This insult has not gone unnoticed! I refuse to be kept against my will by plebeians! You had better drop everything to assist me Grayson, or -”
Damian’s outraged voice slowly faded away as he was hauled off.
“Oof,” Peter said. “Think Dick will get him out?”
Tim snorted before shaking his head. “Knowing Dick, he’ll be remorseful for a bit before completely forgetting about the kid.”
Peter nodded. “Well, one less person we have to deal with, right?”
Tim grinned. “Yup! We should probably get going.”
“Mmff! Mfffff-mmmf!”
“I think we did a good job, whattaya say, bug-boy?” Tim and Peter grinned down at a bound and gagged Thor and Banner. Both trying and failing to escape their bonds.
“I think we did quite well, bird-boy.” Peter replied. “But we should probably get going.”
Tim nodded as he plucked the banner from atop the fountain, right where Bruce said it would be.
“Let’s go!” they race off towards the border.
It didn’t take them long for them to reach the wide patch of grass marked with a hastily placed length of rope, but their path was blocked. Thor had managed to get out of Peter’s webs, and chased after them. He stood  facing them, his hammer out, pointing at their chests.
“Halt! I must not allow you any further.”
Tim grinned. “Bet I can take him down first.”
Peter grinned right back. “You’re on!”
Togather, they charged the norse god. Peter was flipped over Thor’s shoulder, shooting his webs out and pulling Thor’s helmet over his eyes, though he quickly pulled it up again. Tim unleashed a flurry of batarangs, which Thor dodged. This, however, set him off balance. Tim activated a smoke bomb, and expertly navigated the limited visuals to attack Thor, who was in the process of throwing Peter to the ground.
When the smoke cleared, Thor was once again on his back, taken down by Tim. Peter was also on his back.
“You okay there, Peter?”
Peter groaned and rolled over. “Yup. You won, though.”
Tim crowed. “Hah! Yeah, I did!” He offered his hand to his downed companion. You did a good job too though. We make a great team.”
Peter stood, and together they crossed over the border holding the banner just as Dick came out of the trees being chased by both Jason and Bruce.
“Aw, crap.” Dick said upon seeing Peter and Tim already back on their own territory.
Almost immediately, Cass appeared. A newly freed Banner also appeared. Well, he limped out of the trees.
“Team Grumpy Wins,” Cass says triumphantly. It took a moment for Tim to realise what she had said.
“Wait, I thought we didn’t use team names?”
Cass smiled and pointed at Bruce. “Grumpy.” She then turned to Dick. “Happy.”
Jason smirked. “That’s an accurate assessment.”
He and Cass high-fived.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Dick said good naturedly. “Good job guys. You up for another round?”
“Different teams this time,” Tim replied.
Dick smiled, “Sounds good! Maybe Dami should lead this time.” Dick’s eyes widened. “Crap! Damian!”
Everyone burst into laughter as Dick sprinted towards Team Grumpy’s jail.
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banashee · 4 years
Part 2/2 of Tony setting the kitchen on fire for @hopelessly-me :D ♥
Enjoy ♥
...Honey, it’s still fucking frozen.
 One day, Clint finally caves.
 “Tony. You know I love you, but       please     - let me show you how to cook. I can’t take it anymore.” he tells him over ice cold dinner. The archer pokes a piece of meat with his fork to prove his point.
 Tony nods slowly, but he also says,
 “Last time it was burned. So now I cooked it for less time.”
 Clint blinks at him, knocking on his plate with the meat, which results in a solid noise.
 “...Honey, it’s still fucking frozen.”
 “...Okay, yeah.” Tony sighs, shoving the plate away from himself.
 “Sorry, I know the last few months of my cooking haven’t been pleasant. At least I didn’t burn the house down yet.” he adds, with a small smile to lighten the mood, but it is clear he is not happy with his results.
 “The alarm didn’t go off in a while, that’s progress, right?” Clint shoots back a lopsided smile, before he continues,
 “Honestly though, I don’t mean to be condescending because that’s probably how I sound, and I’m really sorry for that, but… I know you’re trying, and I know you don’t like help with things… In general, and I get that. But don’t you think that it would be better in the long run?”
 Their hands meet over the table, warm and solid as they squeeze and hold on, thumbs caressing each other. Clint and Tony have been home to one another for a long time now, and they know with a bone deep certainty that they can talk about things without making a personal vendetta of it, no matter how small or big the issue is. It’s just not how they work - what they have is easy going and it always has been.
 A casual friendship with benefits quickly turned into more, and after months of pining and awkwardness, they finally got a move on and figured out their feelings for each other. That talk had been halting and even more awkward than the weeks before, but it led to mutual three-word-sentences and a future full of happiness.
 Tony smiles, squeezing the other man’s hand as he asks,
 “So, you don’t mind having to show me basic shit like cooking eggs without burning them to a crisp?”
 “No, of course not. I love you and I love cooking - there really is no downside here if you ask me.”
 “Alright, then. Thanks, Babe.” Tony leans forward for a kiss, which Clint is all too happy to give him. The cold dinner on the table is almost forgotten in the next few minutes, but as it turns out, it is the perfect opportunity to start.
 “Okay, so, let’s put this back into the pan and crank the heat up. You want this to be warm and cooked through entirely. Then you - Tony… Please put down the salt shaker.”
 “I have salt and I am not afraid to use it!”
 “Yes I know, and that’s a problem! No, go away with that!” Laughing, the two of them tackle each other through the kitchen, until they end up pushed against the counter, foreheads touching and giggling like lovesick teenagers.
 “Will you give up on any harsh decisions regarding the salt?” Clint asks, in a mock-serious tone that is actually a pretty good impression of what Phil Coulson sounds like, and Tony grins at him, his dark eyes sparkling with mischief.
 “I      am     small and salty. Never.” he tries to snatch back the salt shaker, attempting to distract Clint with more makeout opportunities. He leans in, pulling Tony close with one arm and holding the salt shaker up over his head with the other - it’s a dick move, but it works. His boyfriends sputtering at the offensive act only makes Clint  laugh more, but they need to flip the meat in the pan before their dinner burns once again, so their bickering is interrupted.
 A little while later, their dinner is actually warm and not only edible, but really, really good at that. Tony is still surprised that they managed to save it, especially since there have been instances where this would have been simply impossible. But then again, he is lucky enough to have a partner who knows how to save messed up food, given there is a way left to salvage it in the first place.
 “What’s the worst that ever happened to you while cooking?” Tony casually asks another night, while he is chopping vegetables into accurate cubes - they’re making stir fry, and the task at hand is easy and repetitive enough to chat away. Besides, he is used to handiwork, so this is totally doable.
 Clint shoots him a knowing, amused look.
 “...I almost set my kitchen in the SHIELD bunk on fire. It was like three in the morning and I couldn’t sleep, so I wanted to make a dessert with flambé bananas. Well, let’s just say it didn’t go as planned and my neighbours fucking hated my guts for setting off the fire alarm in the middle of the night… That was about 15 years ago, and goddammit, some people      still    bring it up.”
 Tony laughs, loudly.
 “Well, thank fuck you know what you’re doing now - imagine the two of us being Fire Hazards together, the tower would have burned to the ground ages ago. Imagine SHIELD on our asses for it. Or worse, Cap.”
 Slowly, he shakes his head. No one wants to see Steve’s “I am very disappointed in you”-face if they can help it. To be fair, when it doesn’t come to cooking, and more like, battles or developing weapons, the two of them combined are still a fire hazard. But that’s different, really.
 Clint, however, stops chopping with his knife mid air, head crooked to the side as he gently lowers it onto the cutting board. Then, he asks, completely straight faced,
 “...Did I ever tell you that Fury has backup-plans, just in case the two of us should be going rogue?”
 Putting down his knife as well, Tony fixes his partner in a suspicious stare. Despite everything, this is news to him, and he is about 90% sure that at least on this occasion, Clint isn’t fucking with him. Also, this is totally something he’d expect Fury to do. The man is paranoid, and Tony definitely wouldn’t put such a thing past him.
 “Wait what? No, you didn’t. Spill.”
 With a laugh, Clint tells him,
 “Ever since Nat went undercover as your PA and it was clear that both of us would be part of the Avengers, Fury put protocols in place - covered a lot of hypothetical situations, actually, it was quite funny to read. I think the short version is he knows both of us and our, dare I say, slightly chaotic tendencies…”
 With a snort of laughter, Tony collapses against the counter. This is putting it lightly and they both know it, but he enjoys hearing the story.
 Clint continues,
 “Technically I’m not supposed to know that, but Tasha told me about it. She laughed for like, 10 minutes straight. Me, too, by the way.”
 “I bet - heh, sorry i can’t” it takes a bit for Tony to calm down enough to say,
 “I bet he put a lot more protocols in place ever since he got wind of us being an item. Honestly I’d love to see that list.”
 The corners of his mouth are still twitching, and he wipes amused tears out of his eyes as he keeps cackling away.
 “Oh hey, we should do a dramatic reading of that form!” he says then, and Clint is laughing too hard to answer, but he nods, vegetables forgotten on the counter for several minutes.
 He only barely manages to stop Lucky from stealing the chicken right off of the counter, which only makes him laugh harder as he tries to hold his dog back by the collar. Once again, Lucky looks like he is judging his humans - even his one remaining eye is pretty expressive.  
 Once they have calmed down a bit, they continue. Tony is about to put the vegetables into the frying pan, but Clint stops him.
 “Wait. Put in the onions and garlic first, let them get glassy and then add the rest of it in. One after the other. Hardest stuff first, softest last. That way you have everything cooked through without having some parts mushy in the end.” he explains, which is met with a surprised noise from his boyfriend.
 “Huh, that makes sense. Cooking       is     logical, after all.” Tony says, as if that’s news to him - truth be told, it probably is.
 “Of course it’s logical. What did you think?” Clint asks, even though he already knows the answer.
 “Magic? I don’t fucking know” Tony shrugs, but he looks very much satisfied. Even more so once everything is done. The stir fry turned out perfect, and the pasta only boiled over once - the kitchen is a mess, but the food is amazing, so it comes to no surprise that one after one, the other Avengers show up in the kitchen like a bunch of hungry sharks. Food always brings them together, especially if the delicious smells are wafting through the tower.
 Apart from the obvious - having to eat, having to help out and later on, hating the SHIELD cafeteria with a burning passion - this is why Clint learned how to cook in the first place. Food brings people together, brings in company.
 As someone who spent most of his life either lonely or socially awkward or both, Clint learned early on that if he feeds people, they will stick around - at least for a bit.  It is a long standing habit, and although he genuinely loves cooking and baking, because it’s fun and relaxing, the people aspect is a big motivation as well.
 Feeding people keeps them around and Clint recognizes that this might be a little sad. But he can’t deny that he likes doing it, one of the reasons being that, making food for someone shows that you care. As much as his social skills suck sometimes, Clint likes to take care of the people around him, especially loved ones.
 Lucky for him, there is almost always someone around, here in the tower, to enjoy whatever he spent the day cooking or baking. Especially if either Steve or Thor are home, he knows nothing will stay untouched for long. While those two will eat anything and everything that isn’t nailed down, Clint knows that Tony is usually a bit of a picky eater, but he will try everything Clint makes, because he knows from experience that it’s always good. He does have a bit of a sweet tooth though. Bruce on the other hand prefers savory things, which is why he himself is cooking a lot of spicy, indian food, but he will also happily go to town on a loaf of bread fresh out of the oven.
 Natasha, much like Phil and Pepper whenever they’re around, has a huge sweet tooth - whenever there are cookies or cake or anything else, she is the first to creep into the kitchen. Oftentimes, she steals balls of cookie dough and bowls with batter remaining in them. It gets even worse when Phil is around, because the two of them will team up to get all the sweet things - It’s highly classified, but you can totally buy Agent Coulson with sweet things.
 Clint knows all of this, especially since he’s known Phil and Nat for many many years. Therefore, he counts in whatever they are likely going to steal whenever he is baking - he’s known their systematic approach for ages now, but he doesn’t mind it. Not at all.
 Later that same night, Clint is sprawled out in bed, legs tangled with Tony’s and one arm wrapped around him. His head is pillowed on the other man's shoulder, face pressed into his favourite spot - the crook of Tony’s neck.  Restless fingers are lightly scratching his scalp, and the even breathing of his dog by their feet are almost lulling him to sleep. His other hand is lazily tracing invisible patterns on Tony’s back, fingers creeping under his shirt and against warm, smooth skin. The happy hum he gets in response causes small vibrations to travel through his entire body, even when he can’t hear it.
 They drift off to sleep like this, and when they are in the kitchen the next morning, Clint asks, as Tony keeps an suspicious eye on the scrambled eggs,
 “Do you want to bake bread with me later? We can use it tomorrow for french toast.”
 “...I’ll have to touch wet dough, do I?”
 “...Ideally, yes. But it’s fun, I promise. Careful, your eggs.” he adds, and Tony jumps to flip them - just in time - no harm done. He lets out a sigh of relief.  As it turns out, having someone close to help him get a hang of this really helps. Besides, Clint is a good teacher, and the whole love thing helps a lot. Just spending time together, really - and the compliments from their other teammates for last night’s dinner for example. All of it makes him want to keep going.
 “Okay, let’s do it” Tony says, and the happy smile on his boyfriend's face is more than enough motivation to say “yes” again the next time he asks if he wants to bake.
 As it turns out, baking is a whole different thing than cooking, which takes him by surprise. Especially since he needs to be a lot more accurate for this, while with cooking, there is at least a little bit of freestyling allowed. With baking? Not so much.
 “It’s sticky. Ew. Babe, why? Why did you do this to me?” Tony complains, making a face as he holds up his hands that are covered in admittedly clingy bread dough - he’s not quite sure he actually likes doing this.
 “It needs more flour - hold on.” Clint scrapes off as much dough from his hands as he can, carefully grabs the paper bag with two fingers and sprinkles a little bit more flour in both mixing bowls.
 “Try again, it should work itself out. If it cleans out the bowl we’re good.”
 “You said this was fun… Oh hey, that’s actually better now!” Tony exclaims in surprise, relieved that his bread dough isn’t nearly as sticky anymore - now, he can knead it with his hands without thinking of hacking them off right after. Truth be told, he is starting to see the fun part of this whole thing now.
 “See? You’re doing great by the way.” Clint tells him, a warm and happy feeling spreading out in his chest. He is incredibly happy to be able to have this - to have Tony by his side in the first place. Words can’t express how much he loves this man, and he hopes that Tony knows nonetheless.
 “I’ve got a pretty good teacher - you should meet him some time. He’s got amazing arms and an even better ass.” Tony is grinning over at Clint, absolutely not checking out those very much appreciated body parts while he does so. They have been together for quite some time, but the attraction to one another has not died down - not at all.
 “Oh, does he now?”
 “Very much so.”
 Cheesy flirting and easy banter is what they do best, and by the time their dough is covered and resting, Clint and Tony disappear upstairs and into the bedroom. They lose their clothes on the way, leaving a trail through the entire apartment until they fall into bed, wrapped tightly around one another and laughing in between kisses and wandering hands.
 There is plenty of time to pass until the bread is ready to be baked, after all.
Prompt 10: Teaching
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sunlightdances · 5 years
Public Relations (Bucky x Reader Oneshot)
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader Prompt: “I’m a woman with a brain and reasonable ability” Author’s Note: Written for @captain-kelli​’s 500 Fam Writing Challenge! Congrats, Kelli, and thank you for hosting! Takes place post-Endgame, but with some adjustments to canon (Tony and Nat are alive, Steve stayed). This has a lot more dialogue than I initially planned! Hope it’s not too choppy. My love of commas is also evident in this piece. *shrug emoji* Disclaimer: I don’t own Bucky, Marvel, or any other related characters or events. The other details of the plot are mine, including the characterization of the “reader”. Please don’t post my work on any other sites without my permission! If you liked what you read, please consider reblogging to help my work be seen. I would love you forever!
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Let’s clear one thing up straight away: Bucky Barnes is not an asshole. He has a chip on his shoulder, sure, and it’s also true that he can be grumpy from time to time.
But can you blame him, really?
His life after age 26 has been one giant shit show that he’s just starting to get back on track, so he thinks the world at large could forgive him if he’s not super nice to the reporter hanging around outside the coffee shop or if his resting face sometimes looks like he wants to punch someone.
Still - he’s working on it. Trying to appear a little softer around the edges, trying to remember how to be the person he once was, not because he thinks it’s healthy to try to go back to that time, but because that’s the last time he actually remembers liking himself.
But, again, he’s not an asshole. Or, he tries really hard not to be. A fact he has to keep reminding his friends of (and he uses that word loosely, sometimes), especially when you’re around.
Everything just comes out of his mouth wrong when you’re there.
Probably because you’re around all the time, and you’re smart, and funny, and pretty, and-- nope. He’s not going there. Because reminding himself all the reasons why he likes you just makes him feel more guilty about the way he acts around you. He’s just too chickenshit to admit that he likes you, and ends up being a dick.
As soon as he walks into the Tower, you’re there.
After Thanos, the Avengers returned to New York City. There’s not much left of the Compound upstate to live in right now until the rebuild is done, and he’d been thinking about Brooklyn anyway. Manhattan is different, but he feels better in the city. He thinks the rest of the team likes it here too - it reminds them of the old days, or whatever.
“Sergeant Barnes,” you greet him coolly, matching his stride as he heads towards the elevator. “There’s a meeting in fifteen minutes in the main conference room.”
Bucky makes a noise of acknowledgement, stepping into the elevator and hitting the button for the tenth floor. “Do I have a choice to attend?”
“No you do not.”
He thinks you’re trying not to smile. He grinds his teeth.
“Good afternoon, Sergeant Barnes,” FRIDAY’s voice comes through the overhead speaker. “Captain Rogers requests that you, and I quote, don’t even think about it.”
You snort, and Bucky rolls his eyes. “Punk,” he whispers. “Thanks, FRIDAY. Tell Captain Rogers I said, and I quote, to shove it--”
“Thanks, FRIDAY,” you interrupt, “Thank you so much.”
The few remaining minutes in the elevator are in silence, and you push your way out of the elevator before he can even take a step when it stops. Bucky follows you reluctantly to the conference room where some of the rest of the team is waiting.
Nat looks barely awake (she has trouble sleeping after literally coming back from the dead when Steve returned the stones, what a shocker), Sam is spinning in his chair, and Steve is patiently listening to Peter prattle on about some project he’s working on for biology.
“We’re just waiting on Tony, Bruce, and Scott,” you say, heading towards the head of the table. “Wanda is on a mission with Clint, and Thor is off world. No word from Carol in a few days, either.”
Steve waves you off. “Don’t worry about it. We can fill them in later.”
Bucky’s brow furrows. “Wait, this is your meeting?” He asks you. “What was the point of the AI-assisted lecture from you--” he pointedly glares at Steve.
“Because I knew you’d try to get out of it, so I asked for some help.” You smile sweetly at him.
The rest of the team files in over the next few minutes, and Bucky watches as you shuffle through a few papers before turning on the overhead projector. He has to admit, while he absolutely despises public relations, he has a lot of respect for what you do.
He knows it’s not easy wrangling Tony’s ambitions plus whatever manic situations the team get themselves in on a daily basis. Trying to do press for the Avengers is probably akin to wrangling cats, he supposes.
“So,” you clap your hands together, “the event at Children’s Hospital is in two weeks. Can we please, please avoid any earth-threatening situations that might take precedence over this? We missed it the last few years, obviously, so we need to get out there and make some kids happy.”
A murmured agreement goes throughout the room, and Bucky tips back in his chair, counting down the minutes until he can go literally anywhere else. It’s not you, really. It’s the idea of public appearances. He hates them. People still think of him based on who he was, not who he is now. Despite the fact that Steve and the rest of the team have publicly vouched for him and are working on clearing his name, he sees how people look at him.
You’re tied to that feeling, even though he knows that isn’t fair. He has a hard time separating you from your job.
“The next thing -- and I don’t want to hear about it --” You look around, eyes landing on him meaningfully, “-- there’s a magazine feature for the anniversary of the Battle of New York.”
“Well, that’s me off the hook,” Bucky says flippantly, grinning smugly at Sam, who high fives him.
“No, it absolutely doesn’t,” you argue.
“I wasn’t there, in case you forgot.”
You glare. “Thank you for the reminder.”
“Guys--” Steve tries to interrupt.
“You have to participate, because this article is about the team and how it’s grown since the inception of the Avengers.” You say, almost sounding bored. Probably because you and Bucky have this argument at least once a week.
“Bucky, it’s an hour.” Steve says gently, trying to barter.
“Whatever.” Bucky grumbles, “You know what they’re going to ask,” he says, suddenly angry. “Where was the elusive Winter Soldier during the Battle of New York? Do I remember it happening, or was I in the middle of being frozen or wiped for the thousandth time?”
You shift your weight, looking down at the floor. He feels guilty for a half second. “I won’t let them ask.”
His heart thuds weirdly in his chest at how earnest you sound, but he just can’t help himself, apparently. “Because you’re so sure they’re going to listen to you.”
Hurt flashes across your face so quickly he thinks he’s imagined it, but he knows he hasn’t. Again - he’s not usually an asshole. He still hates himself for it, though.
“Alright, we’re done here.” You say quietly, gathering your paperwork. “I’ll email you all the details.”
Sam elbows him, and across the table, Steve is giving Bucky a look that he’s come to associate with a lecture.
He sighs and rolls his eyes before getting up and heading out of the room, his friends at his heels.
“Wow, a five minute meeting,” Sam is saying, sarcastically. “Gotta be a new record, don’t you think, Rogers?”
Bucky’s new plan is to ignore Sam at all costs. It’s not a plan he thinks is going to work out in his favor, but it’s what he’s sticking with.
“You can’t ignore me forever.”
“Are you a mind reader?” Bucky asks, hitting the button in the elevator for the residential floors.
“It’s two events, Buck.” Steve sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. “You can handle it.”
“Yeah? Why don’t I let you field the questions I normally get, and we’ll see how you like it.”
“I’m not doubting you. I just don’t understand why you always have to take it out on her.” Steve’s voice is so disappointed, Bucky almost wants to laugh. When his best friend turned into such a mother hen, he’ll never know.
“Don’t be late!” Sam calls as Bucky gets off on his floor, leaving the other men in the elevator.
Flipping him off over his shoulder, he hears Sam’s chuckle and Steve’s sigh before the doors close, and finally he’s alone with his thoughts.
Turns out the interview happens before the hospital visit.
Bucky is in an uncomfortable chair, a reporter across from him, and you behind the reporter, fidgeting slightly. He feels almost relieved that you seem to be as nervous as he is.
“Mr. Barnes,” the reporter begins, a smile Bucky already hates on his face.
“It’s Sergeant.” You say quietly from behind him, and Bucky meets your eyes briefly, seeing the resolve there.
“Of course.” The reporter says smoothly, offering another smile to Bucky. “Sergeant Barnes, you weren’t in New York for the Chitauri invasion, were you.”
If the reporter thought he’d elaborate, he doesn’t let on. Bucky saw these questions coming a mile away, and isn’t going to give anyone the satisfaction of saying something he’ll regret. Well, he won’t regret it. But it’ll be a pain in the ass for everyone if he can’t keep his cool.
“This was the first official Avengers event. Do you remember hearing about it?”
Bucky wants to laugh. “Do I remember-- no. I don’t think I was awake for much of 2012.” You fidget again, shifting your weight, and Bucky sighs, grinding his teeth. “I’ve been fully briefed on the invasion and know that what the Avengers did that day saved the world.”
The reporter looks at him for a long moment before shifting the papers on his lap around a bit. “The Avengers have changed a lot in all those years since that first mission. Can you tell me a bit more about your role with the team?”
Bucky relaxes a bit. This is the part he prepped for, the part he could recite in his sleep if he had to. Whatever instinct he had back in the day that allowed him to lead a unit and report to his CO is still there, especially for questions like this. “I work mainly with Captain Rogers and Sam Wilson to coordinate missions and do strategic planning. Recon and research are my main areas of focus, but I go on missions too if needed as backup, or if it’s an all hands on deck situation.”
“So you’re not handling any weapons?”
Bucky blinks. Over the reporter’s shoulder, you frown.
“All Avengers team members undergo weapons training.”
“During the War, you were a sniper with the 107th, correct?”
“So you’d say that you’re pretty proficient with a gun?”
Your eyes are flashing now. “I’m sorry - none of this was on the list of pre-approved questions.” You interrupt, and the reporter holds up a hand to stop you, causing you to make an affronted face.
Bucky would laugh if he wasn’t feeling so sick at this turn of questioning. Every time. No matter who they vet, no matter how many times reporters insist they aren’t trying to catch him in a question he can’t or doesn’t want to answer… this is why he hates interviews.
“I’m just saying -- you’re one of the world’s most accomplished assassins. I guess I wanted to know why you’re doing research and recon when you could be on the front lines with the team? Are they worried you’ll have a setback?”
Bucky barks out a laugh.
You start, taking a few steps forward. “That’s enough. We’re done here.”
Bucky’s already standing, pulling out the chair from behind him as you come around to follow him out, until the reporter stops you, a hand firm on your elbow. You freeze, and Bucky’s eyes narrow on the point of contact, an unfamiliar feeling surging through him.
“Do you know who I work for?” The reporter hisses. “You told me I’d have a half hour.”
“That was before I knew you were going to ask questions that have nothing to do with your article.” You reply, face darkening when he still hasn’t let go.
Bucky waits, waits for one more sign that you’re uncomfortable before he steps in.
“If you ever want to get another high profile piece done on your team you’ll let me finish here.” He threatens, hand tightening.
You sigh, almost looking bored, and in one swift move, you’ve shifted enough of your weight to turn, pulled the elbow he was holding out of his grasp, and driven it into his ribs, simultaneously kneeing him in the groin.
Bucky’s eyebrows raise, and you look at him, rolling your eyes. “What?”
“Didn’t know you had it in you,” he says, letting a smile slip out so you know he’s kidding.
The reporter is doubled over, still making threats, but neither of you pay him much attention as you walk out the double doors of the conference room in the unfamiliar magazine office, heading towards the lobby.
In the car that’s waiting for you outside, Bucky watches you carefully as you roll your shoulders a bit, clearly smarting from the move you pulled back there.
“If I would have known you could do that, I would have been a little nicer,” he teases, but there’s an undercurrent of truth to his words. Not that he thought he’d ever piss you off enough for you to hurt him, but that he wishes he was nicer to you in general.
You glance at him, face neutral. “It wasn’t that hard. Everyone who works for the Avengers goes through basic self defense training, and I’m a woman with a brain and reasonable ability.”
Bucky nods. “Still. Thank you, by the way, for putting an end to that.”
You sigh, sitting back in your seat, all the fight leaving you. “It’s nothing.” You dig your phone out of your pocket and he watches as your thumbs fly across the screen before you hold it to your ear. “Hi, Steve.” A pause, “No, that’s cancelled. You’re not doing it. Tell Tony I’m cancelling the rest of the interviews. We’ll find some other place to get it published.”
He knows he’s staring and he knows he should stop before you notice, but he just… can’t take his eyes off you. The way you stood up for him, the way you promised him you would even when he was being a total asshole… he has no idea what he did to deserve it, but he’s damn grateful.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” You ask, your tone softer than he’s ever heard it.”
He shakes his head, looking down at his feet. “No reason. Just-- sorry I’m such a dick sometimes.”
You laugh, and he immediately wants to hear it again.
“I mean it,” he continues, “I don’t mean to be. You don’t deserve it.”
“Bucky.” Your voice is even softer, quiet, and he struggles to think if you’ve ever called him by his name before. You wait until he meets your eyes. “It’s fine. We’re all-- just trying to get through this.” You shrug. “I know it’s not easy for you. Just… Trust me sometimes, will you?”
“I do trust you.” He replies immediately, absolutely sure of himself for once.
It’s your turn to be a little surprised.
He rubs his hands together, a nervous tick he’s never gotten rid of. “I’ve been trying to distance myself because I like you. And that honestly scares the shit out of me. I don’t know--” He stops, frustrated. “I don’t know how to do this anymore. And all I keep thinking about is what could go wrong.” He takes a chance and glances up at you, and the look in your eyes… it’s more than he expected. He feels his heart take off in his chest.
“We’re both so stupid, Bucky.” You tell him, but your words are light. “You should have said something.”
He rolls his eyes. “People always say that. But when has a conversation like this one ever been one that someone wants to have?”
“Maybe when the other person feels the same way?”
Bucky can’t breathe. He never even considered it. It was always a forgone conclusion in his mind. He thinks you’re beautiful, and you never think about him at all. That was always the truth that he thought he knew. “Go out with me.” He blurts, and then feels his face redden. “I mean-- let me-- will you let me take you to dinner?”
The car stops in front of the tower and you’re opening the door before you say anything, making him panic a little. A look over your shoulder, “I’ll see if I can pencil you in somewhere.” You say, and then with a wink, you’re gone, leaving him scrambling to get out of the car to catch up to you.
Before you can, Steve is there, a shit-eating grin on his face.
“Not now--”
“Can’t help it. She called a meeting.”
Bucky stops in his tracks, and laughs. “Did she.”
“She must know how much you love them. Come on.”
Upstairs he finds his usual seat next to Sam and across from Steve, but when you gather your notes and meet his eyes, yours absolutely sparkling, he finds he’s not dreading this one at all. He still wants to take you to dinner though, so he might have to try to break his own record.
A 5 minute meeting so he can convince you to go on a date with him? He thinks he can swing it.
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samthemarvelfan · 5 years
Goodbyes: Chapter Nine
Summary: Ella Monroe is the Avengers newest recruit, handpicked by Steve Rogers himself. Indebted to him for reasons unknown, Cap pairs her up with Bucky Barnes. He is tasked with training her to relearn and hone the skills that have long since rusted. Bucky is cold and distant, and Ella can’t seem to break through the wall he’s built up for decades. He sees something in her though, and it scares him to death. Has the fate of these two strangers been sealed? …or will they always be longing…
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OFC
Warnings: A N G S T, Bucky is a dick, slow burn, alcohol, flirting, swearing...there was one more thing, now what was it...oh yeah SMUUUTTT.
A/N: Hey quarantine pals! I hadn’t planned to get this chapter up this early, but if it helps any of you escape the current situation we’re all in, then I’m all for it! Please enjoy! This chapter is a long one, but worth it, I promise! Sadly, this story will soon coming to an end, but I can’t wait to show you all my next work! As always, any feedback is so appreciated!
Taglist: @iheartsebastianstan @jjlizz @stuckysbabe @sk493494 @lefoutoir @nickangel13 @marvelismysafezone @lilulo-12 @warmvanillafeels @heartofagamotto @ravenesque @pinknerdpanda @wintersoldierissucharide (strikethrough means the tag didn’t work! I’m sorry!) Tags are OPEN! Just send an ask :)
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Your heels were abandoned before you hit the elevator.
Bucky was no where to be found. He has somehow managed to disappear in the 60 seconds it took you to make your way out of the party.
“Fucking super soldier...” You grumble under your breath.
You figure he’d probably gone back to his room like the petulant child he was being, so you jumped in the elevator, heading for your floor.
You were in the middle of rehearsing what to say to him when the doors opened. Peeking down the dimly lit hallway, your eyes landed on the body moving quickly in your direction.
You stepped out of the elevator, hearing the doors close slowly behind you before you took another step. You stealthily pressed the lower level button, sending the lift all the way to the bottom floor.
Bucky appeared before you, the anger and frustration obvious on his face; but you weren’t going to let him avoid you...not this time.
“Move.” He said harshly, his cerulean eyes glaring at you.
“No.” You reply confidently, standing your ground.
“For fucks sake, Ella...” he tried to step by you, but you grabbed his wrist.
That’s when you spotted the bottle of whiskey held firmly in his hand; already 3/4 of the way gone.
“When did you drink that?” You asked, worry coating your words.
He smirks and takes another swig. “Nabbed it from the bar on my way up.”
You’d scoff shaking your head, “You’re unbelievable.”
Bucky lets out a laugh, “Oh I’m unbelievable?” He takes a step closer to you, and you smell the alcohol on his breath.
Your face heats up from your own semi-drunken state, and you step back from him. “What’s that supposed to mean?” You ask.
“You know what the fuck it means, Ella.” He slurs. “Why are you here? Why did you follow me? Won’t Steve be missing you?”
There it is.
Your plan to make Bucky jealous had indeed worked, but now it seemed like it was backfiring.
He moves to walk past you back down the hallway towards his room, but you follow him.
“What about you? Won’t Nat wonder where her date went?” You ask, bitterness evident on your tongue.
Bucky stops abruptly and turns around, “What was that Els?” He asks, his tone dripping with sarcasm.
“Just...forget it. Give me the whiskey, Bucky.” You reach out to snatch it from him, but he quickly yanks his arm back, and chugs the rest of it.
“Do you have any idea how dangerous that is?!” You yell.
He laughs, stepping close to you, handing you the now bone-dry bottle, “Please, with my metabolism, I’ll burn it off in 20 minutes. Unlike those shots you were downing all night.”
Your frustration is at its peak now. “Why are you acting like this?”
“Like what?” He asks with disdain.
“This! You’re being an asshole for no reason!” You shout, the alcohol dissolving your inhibitions.
“You barely said two fucking words to me since you got back! And you didn’t even have the fucking decency to say goodbye to me when you left!” You shout at him.
He was quiet, if only for a moment. “Oh, so that’s why you’re snuggling up to Steve? You’re mad at me so you decided to move onto my best friend? The guy you’re ‘not fucking’ right?”
The regret on his face was evident the moment the words left his lips. You spotted the dilation in his pupils as he took in what he’d just said to you.
“Wow.” You say pushing past him. “Fuck you.”
You know he’s following you, but you don’t care. You push your door open praying it would latch shut before he could enter, but of course, it doesn’t.
You walked to your dresser, discarding the earrings and necklace you wore when Bucky appeared in the mirror behind you.
“I didn’t mean it that way. It’s just pretty fucking obvious you two have feelings for each other!” He said a bit louder than intended.
“Why, Bucky? What makes it obvious?” You ask, crossing your arms and facing him now.
He looked taken aback by your question, and you scoffed. “What is it Buck, the fact that we laugh together? Talk to each other? Trust one another? Care about each other?” You ask.
“Christ, I get it! Yes! All of that!” He shouts, throwing his hands up.
“Ya know what that’s called, James? A fucking friendship!” You shout at him.
He looks at you with confusion and concern.
You’ve never called him James.
You cross your arms once more, “You told me you were gonna earn my trust, and I believed you. But this guy,” you gesture to him, “You’re not acting like yourself.”
Bucky scoffed, “Right, because we know each other so well. We’re fucking strangers, Ella.” He quipped, resentment in his tone.
Those words hurt your heart. It wasn’t until this moment you felt the tears of frustration and sadness prickle your eyes.
“Yeah? And who’s fucking fault is that?” You ask with a trembling voice. “You pretended to hate me for months so I would leave you alone, all because you felt something for me, but you’re too afraid to let anyone in.”
You wipe your eyes quickly, “This push-and-pull thing? It’s not fair to me. I’ve tried to breakdown this fucking wall you built around yourself, and every time I think I’m getting close, you shut me out!”
His jaw clenched at your words and at the sight of the tears you were so desperately trying to hide.
“I wasn’t something to run from, Bucky.” You speak softly.
His hands fall to his sides as he takes a step forward, “Ella, I—“
“No, Buck. I’m done with...whatever this is. I can’t do it anymore—my heart can’t do it anymore.” You walk the few steps to your door and open it. “Please leave.”
He looks as if you’ve just knocked the wind out of him. He wants to protest, you can see it. The shift in his eye from anger to regret to sadness. He doesn’t fight you though, Bucky leaves without another word.
When the door latches, you let the tears finally fall as you slide down against the it.
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3 hours later and you’re sober and sleepless.
You’ve chugged water and taken some ibuprofen to prevent an early morning headache, but right now the only thing aching was your heart.
Bucky broke you, and you weren’t even his to break.
But he was what you wanted—Who you wanted, but you can’t force someone to want what they don’t.
You wonder if what Bucky said about his metabolism was true. He was so drunk when he left your room. Dangerously so.
You recall how he staggered out, and how strongly he smelled of whiskey, even 3 feet from you.
“Let it go, Ella. Let. It. Go.” You mutter to yourself. Tossing and turning in your bed for the 1000th time.
What if he’s passed out on his back and he throws up and chokes to death? What if he took a bath and fell asleep in the tub and drowned? What if he tripped and hit his head and—
Your brain kept repeating the most tragic of scenarios over and over until you couldn’t take it. You’d check on him quickly, confirm he’s still alive and an asshole, and hopefully come back and actually sleep this night off.
The soft padding of your feet was all you heard as you stepped down the hall, stopping in front of Bucky’s room.
Your hesitation was to be expected, but the 4 minutes you stood there doing nothing was a bit ridiculous.
“Shit...” you seethed, knocking on the door several times.
You waited for an answer. Nothing.
Another quick set of knocks.
Your heart began to race. Did something happen to him?
You twisted the knob, and to your surprise it opened.
“Bucky?” You called out.
His room was dim, the navy blue of the walls barely discernible from black in this light. The bed was mussed, and there was a notebook and pen on the nightstand.
“Bucky!” You shout, more panicked than you realized,
The bathroom door swings open suddenly, revealing a wet, shirtless Bucky just feet from you.
“Jesus, Doll. What’s the matter? You alright?” He asked, concerned.
A breath you weren’t aware you’d taken was released from your lungs.
“I-I got worried. You drank so much and I kept picturing you drowning in the bathtub or something, I don’t know.” You shake your head in embarrassment.
He smiled softly, the light casting the perfect shadow onto his strong features. It was obvious he’d just showered, and he smelled good.
“I sobered up ‘bout 15 minutes after I left your room. Told ya, perks of the serum.” He dried his hair quickly with a towel, before tossing it into the hamper.
You nod, relief flooding your chest. “Good.” You start to fidget with the drawstring if you’re red cotton shorts, “Since you’re alive, I’m just gonna—“
“You don’t have to go.” Bucky says suddenly.
He steps closer to you, his basketball shorts hanging low on his hips.
Focus, Ella. You think.
You sigh, “Yeah I do, Buck. I really do.”
You turn and head for the door. Your hand is on the knob when you hear him speak again.
“I couldn’t say goodbye to you, okay?” He says.
You’re breath gets caught in your throat, but you manage to turn to face him. “What?” You ask.
“If I had seen you before I left for that mission, I wouldn’t have gone. If I had to say the word ‘goodbye’ to you, there’s no way in hell I woulda got on that jet, Els.”
Bucky stands like a boy in trouble, waiting for you to scold him. When you don’t, he decides to keep going.
He lets out a puff of air, “I’m not good at this, Ella. I haven’t felt something—anything for a long time. Then you fall into my life and I can’t think straight. I open my eyes in the morning, and it’s you. Before I close them at night, it’s you. You’re it, Els.”
As he spoke you stepped closer to him, all thoughts of leaving, abandoned at this point.
“I had to leave before everyone else, or I swear to God I wouldn’t have gone at all. That mission...I knew it was important, but nothing is as important as you. I wrote you a letter and everything in case...”
“In case what, Bucky?” You ask nervously.
He shrugged, “I don’t know, Doll. In case something happened to me over there and I couldn’t come home to you.”
Your heart clenched at the thought of never seeing Bucky again.
“I’m not good with my words. I used to be, hell I could charm the pants off anyone back in my day, but now...you got me all outta sorts. Here...” he walked to his nightstand, you followed at his heels.
He opened the drawer, taking out an envelope and handing it to you. “You can read it if you’d like.”
Bucky and you sat on the edge of his bed, the gray comforter soft and inviting on your skin.
You opened the envelope with trembling hands and read it to yourself.
Hey Els,
I’m betting you’re pretty upset with me. Please don’t be. I couldn’t bear the thought of saying goodbye to you.
God I’m hoping we make it back. I’ve never had a reason to fight so hard before you, Els. Now, it’s like I’ll do everything and anything I can to come home to you.
If I don’t come home, please know you were the last thing on my mind. I’m kicking myself right now for not making you my girl when I had the chance.
That would be my biggest regret.
Actually, no. My biggest regret would be not kissing you. Jeez, Doll. I’ve thought about doing it so many times, but it never felt like the right moment. That’s the first thing I’m gonna do if I get outta here. I’m gonna love you and kiss you like there’s no tomorrow.
Keep smiling at the sunrise, Gorgeous. I’ll see you when I see you.
Your hand covered your mouth, as your eyes welled with tears. Bucky noticed and perked up immediately.
“Please don’t cry, Doll. I’ve made you cry so much already. I’m sorry.” He said wiping your tears away with his thumb.
This man. This wonderful, beautiful man had your heart, and you didn’t know it, but you’ve had his all along.
You turned your body towards him. “Why didn’t you tell me how you felt?” You ask with a sniffle.
Bucky’s hand stroked yours, “I couldn’t leave that kinda pressure on you. Beside if you didn’t feel the same, I don’t know what I woulda done.”
You folded the letter and gently put it back in the envelope before placing it on Bucky’s nightstand.
“Do you?” Bucky asked.
You smiled knowingly, “Do I what?”
Bucky’s hand found your face, his right palm warming your cheek. “Do you feel the same, Els?”
Your hand gripped his as his cool metal one pressed against your other cheek, creating an electrifying contrast.
You moved toward each other like magnets, as he held your face in his hands.
“Why don’t you kiss me and find out?”
Bucky didn’t need to be asked twice. In moments his lips were on yours, making your body feel weightless.
Senses buzzing, Bucky’s mouth on your own, feeling his stubble prickle the skin around your lips. This pent up frustration and want for him finally being released caused your mind to spin.
He tangled his fingers in your hair, nibbling at your bottom lip. Bucky quickly lifted you over his lap, so you were straddling him on the edge of the bed.
His hands moved slowly down your body, resting on your hips for a moment before finding the curve of your ass.
“Els, Ella wait...” he said, breaking your kiss.
You can feel the swelling of your lips, and notice his must be just as red as yours. “What’s wrong?” You ask.
He smiled, “Nothing, baby, nothing I just...” he stroked his hands back and forth over your hips as he spoke, “If we do this, there’s no going back. Not to what it was...I can’t. You gotta be my girl.”
You smile, kissing him once more. “I’ve been yours, Buck.”
His lip is drawn between his teeth as he tucks his head in the crook of your neck, peppering it with wet kisses until he stops at the spot below your ear.
This earns a soft moan from you and you feel Bucky smile against your skin. “Fuck, I could listen to that all day.” He groans.
With one hand on your back, Bucky flips you over, laying you on his bed. “Can I see you, Doll?” He asks playing with the hem of your shirt.
Your only response is sitting up slightly; enough for him to lift the shirt over your head. Bucky is back on you again, his shirtless torso resting on yours as he trails sloppy, wet kisses down your chest.
The cool metal of his left thumb brushes over your already peaked nipple, while his warm, wet tongue swirls and sucks around the other.
“Mmm, Bucky.” A barely coherent praise. His touch made your skin burn with want and between your legs drip with lust.
He moved to the center of your abdomen, kissing down the middle, stopping right above your shorts.
He looked up at you, lips still attached to your skin. His eyes had never looked this way, the lust and the want and the eagerness to please you. He was love-drunk and you loved it.
In a flash, he pulled your shorts down, tossing them into the darkness of his bedroom. You were laid out for him fully now, no where to hide; on display for his taking.
You suddenly are very aware of every flaw you’d ever noticed in yourself. As Bucky stands quickly to remove his shorts, your eyes lock with the ceiling and you cover what you can.
“Oh baby, no.” He coaxes you. His honey-smooth voice coating your ears in praise. “Please don’t hide from me. You’re—“ he pauses to move your hands to above your head.
His lips is drawn between his teeth a his eyes roam your curves. “Christ...you’re so fucking beautiful.” He breathes.
Bucky smoothly pulls your hips to the edge of the bed, “I’m gonna taste you, Doll. I’ve got too, that okay?”
You nod, feeling goosebumps prickle your skin as his rough fingertips trace patterns up your legs. You watch as he drops to his knees, and starts to pepper your inner thigh with sweet kisses.
Bucky pauses when he gets to your heat, inhaling you in your most intimate of places. He’s marking you, memorizing your scent.
He places a chaste kiss against your clit. Sending fireworks up your spine.
Another kiss.
You watch him as he starts to devour you, only a moment before you throw your head back in rapture.
“Oh my God, James...” You moan wildly.
A gruff laugh escaped Bucky, “James huh? Mmm, I like that.”
Bucky licks your heat with wild abandon, sucking your swollen clit skillfully, bringing you to the precipice of release.
Your fingers grip his hair, grinding your hips toward his magical tongue. All too quickly though, he pulls away. “Not yet, Gorgeous. Wanna make you cum with my cock our first time.”
You groan in frustration and anticipation. Bucky stands from the bed once more, and you sit up. Eyes locked on his face as you look up through your lashes. You scoot forward and hook your fingers into the band of his briefs, and pull them down.
The quiet gasp that passed your lips earned a chuckle from him. His cock is at full attention, long and thick as you knew it would be. Swollen pink tip coated in pre-cum.
Without thinking, you leaned forward, gripping his length, stroking him a few times.
“Shit, Doll...” he whispered.
You took his length in your mouth, and felt him shiver in your grasp. As you drop to your knees, his cock never leaves your mouth. You bob you head a few more times, feeling the tip touch your throat.
“Baby, I’m not gonna last if you keep doing that...need to be inside you, Sugar.”
You coat his member in a final lick before scooting yourself back on the bed. Bucky crawled over you, kissing your mouth gently. Lovingly.
He leaned back, hooking your legs up with his hands, and nudging them open. As he moved forward to kiss you again, he slowly filled your heat.
“Oh shit...” you moan. Soon he’s buried to the hilt, resting in you for a moment. While you definitely needed to adjust, it felt like Bucky was made for you.
“Fuck, so tight, Els.” He moaned into your neck.
You lift you legs a bit, allowing him more access to you as he starts to move. His full length giving you more pleasure than you thought possible.
Bucky’s lips find your own, as your hands grips his hair. His movements aren’t reckless, each thrust was designed to pleasure you.
Bucky brings himself up onto his knees while he fucks you. Your breasts bouncing wildly, and he chestnut locks swaying to the same rhythm.
There’s nothing else that matters to you. In this moment, you’re his.
Bucky dips his hand down to where the two of you meet. He coats his thumb in your slick before pressing it to you clit. “I want you to cum with me, Doll.” He breathes.
He draws quick circles with his thumb, and you feel the pleasure building below your stomach. His thrust are hard now, deliberate.
“Fuck. Bucky, I’m gonna...oh my God...” you moan as you feel yourself about to let go.
“Cum with me, Ella. I’ve got you...” he moaned.
And you did.
The fire spread through your veins in a flash as you came, feeling high on the love Bucky had just made to you.
He came with the most animalistic moan as you felt his hot release inside you. Lowering himself to you and repeating your name like a prayer on his lips.
Mess be damned. Bucky moves to the side of you, pulling you in close and face to face.
“I’ve wanted that—you for so long, Els.” He speaks, catching his breath.
You scoot up to capture his lips with yours. A reply he understands, you’ve wanted this as long as he has.
“I-I love you. Honest to God, Doll. I love you.” He says, voice full of emotion.
You rest your hand on his face, stroking his scruff gently. “I love you.”
Bucky smiles as his eyes close, and he rests his forehead against yours.
He holds you for what feels like hours, until you see the glow of a new day’s sun shining from the crack between his curtains.
Bucky is sleeping peacefully, deep and rhythmic breaths making his strong chest rise and fall.
You took this opportunity to clean yourself up. Using a washcloth you’d found in the linen closet to take care of the mess Bucky had made of you.
When you crawled back into his bed, his arms had found you once more.
“Mm, thought you left me, Sugar.” He groaned sleepily.
You chuckle to yourself, stroking his hair off of his face. “Never.”
A chaste kiss from you is planted on his forehead, and he pulls you close.
It’s quiet for a moment, before you hear him speak. “Thank you, Els...”
“For what?” You ask sincerely.
Bucky sighed, and stroked your hair gently. “For seeing me, when I tried so hard not to be seen.”
You smiled shyly. “I love you. Come on now, get some sleep. I have a feeling we won’t be getting any for the next few nights.”
You feel him smirk against your skin. “Babydoll, you have no idea.”
Chapter 10 (Finale): Be
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anika-ann · 5 years
Hands Too Cold, but Heart of Gold - Pt.1
The Recruitment
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader, Matt Murdock x reader (no SR x MM x r)
Word count: 2120
Summary: Avenger!reader AU, love triangle. Every hero has an origin story. Yours not soall that great. One more reason not to mention it during the first face to face meeting with DD. ...right.
Warnings: mention of death, mentions of violence, swearing, fluff, mild angst…?
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Story Mastelist
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“No, no way. I’m not doing it,” you exclaimed resolutely, spinning on your heels.
Heavy, yet somewhat gentle hand fell on your shoulder, turning you back. You bit your lip and looked up at your boss and the closest friend in one person.
His eyebrow was raised in challenge. “Are disobeying your orders?”
You could hear his light teasing just like the serious note in his tone. And of course, Captain America’s authoritative voice was unmistakable. You just gaped.
“It’s a waste of time, St— Captain,” you bit back wryly and he made a disapproving face.
“Don’t pull that out, you know I-“
“Yes, Captain?”
His expression turned annoyed at the interruption and your snarky tone.
You knew you were being cranky, but trying to convince Daredevil, freaking Daredevil, the patron not-exactly-saint of Hell’s Kitchen, was not on your I’d-love-to-do-this list. More like the opposite. That guy was very obviously a lone wolf who loved playing on his own playground and you were not judgemental of that – he was dedicated to his home and that was fine. His way of saying no to joining the Avengers might be a bit rude, but given how many people – well, people – had been trying to convince him to step up to the plate and think on a larger scale than ten blocks, you couldn’t really blame him.
Steve’s hands caressed your shoulders and you bit your lip harder. His baby blue eyes were staring at the bottom of your soul, making you shiver. He had beautiful eyes, serious most of the time, getting incredibly charming when a spark of mischief appeared in them; and make no mistake, Captain America had a lot of mischief in himself despite the righteousness radiating from him to miles.
You blinked, trying to escape his gaze; it was annoying how it always sent your heart racing.
“Just give it a try. No one will be angry with you if you fail. I won’t either. But I believe in you,” he pronounced softly, making you swallow embarrassingly loudly when his thumbs caressed your shoulders.
Jeez, you were such a sucker for his ‘I believe in you’.
Of course, you had a good reason. His speech had been the one that inspired you to join the team. To stop pitying yourself and woman up – yes, that was exactly the term he had used, because his love for strong women was infinite –, to use your accidently gained powers to do some good. He had been the one to find you almost five months ago in the completely frozen lab – your work, not that you had intended it –, shaking, but not from cold. You had been scared to death – you had killed people. You had killed the people who had been trying to help you-- and he had come to you, slowly, putting his shield away despite your warnings and offered you a literal helping hand, promising he hadn’t been there to harm you and he had believed you wouldn’t have hurt him. That he had believed in you.
You fought tears at the memory – you always had. You had hurt him in the end – just a little frostbite really, nothing his super-soldier’s body couldn’t handle – and yet, you had felt almost as sorry as for taking the other people’s lives. But Steve Rogers hadn’t been mad at you. He had stuck around, helped you to get a hold of your powers and the two of you had become colleagues slash friends. Very close friends, actually. Also, you had a bit of a crush on him, but who hadn’t.
“Goddammit, Steve,” you whined silently and his face lit up as he realized he had won. Not from his boss position, no; he had won the way he always had, as a friend of yours.
“I knew I could count on you, Frosty,” he whispered, enclosing you in a short gentle hug.
You rolled your eyes. “You know, Rogers, for someone who napped for about seventy years in ice, you really are pushing your luck.”
Secretly, you loved the nickname he gave you. People called you Frostbite, but Steve never had, aware what kind of a painful reminder of what you had done to him and everyone else the first time using your uncontrollable powers it was. No, he called you Frosty or Snowflake, because he was a sweetheart. Tony, on the other hand, was a dick, calling you Elsa. The others called you either your first name, or your last name. And then there was Thor, calling you the Lady of Ice. You loved your team. It was a delight to work with them. A very exhausting delight.
“Nah, you like me too much.”
You scoffed. He was perfectly on point of course. “I still don’t understand why it’s not you coming, Captain Righteousness. I’m sure you would have handled him better, oh Star Spangled Man with a Plan.”
He let go of you, ruffling your hair to show how much he was still cranky about Clint showing you the videos, both old and rather recent ones. To be fair, you deserved that; but you couldn’t help but tease him about it; some of them were cute, while the others were just hilarious.
“Careful, you still have a problem for saying a bad word.” You rolled your eyes. You had said ‘goddammit.’ Wuss. “And I do have a plan.”
You expectantly raised your eyebrows, curious. He winked.
“I have you.”
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‘This is ridiculous. I’m tracking a man in a Devil suit in, myself in an icily blue catsuit, Captain America’s voice in my ear. What is my life?’
“Still copy?”
“He’s around the Piers 42/44, heading North.”
“Rogers that,” you mumbled, not fighting the smirk that always found its way to your lips when talking to Steve via comms, saying ‘Rogers that’ instead of just ‘Roger’. It was just too funny and you needed funny in your life. Even if you could basically hear him rolling his eyes at that. Rude.
You created an ice slide, rising and falling to help you to move faster. Tony had designed special shoes for you to move easily on it, while not giving yourself a shiner – it had taken quite a lot of tries and lots of black-eyes plus one broken radius, but hell if it hadn’t been worth it. Ha, hell.
Never mind. You had a task to complete.
You saw him now, the Devil. He slowed down visibly, which surprised you. He had actually managed to disappear on Tony in the sewers once. He had walked away in the middle of Cap’s recruitment speech, ignorant. Sure, he hadn’t shaken Natasha off, but hadn’t agreed either. Thor and Clint hadn’t tried yet. You wondered what Devil’s strategy was this time.
He stopped completely then and you landed few steps from him, a bit wary. You had done your reading on the Devil; he was fast, efficient and didn’t hesitate to break a bone or two. Or six. To be fair, you read about why he did it, on what occasions, and you truly weren’t judgemental.
“Wasn’t expecting any black ice tonight. It’s only September,” he commented nonchalantly, his voice deep. Not necessarily hostile though – you took that as a win.
Perhaps Steve knew what he was doing, sending you – you weren’t as notoriously famous as the others who had actually been present during The Battle of New York were, so maybe the Devil found it refreshing or something.
You wordlessly let your icy toboggan-bridge disappear. “Daredevil.”
“Why are you here? Have your teammates not gotten the message yet? Did you draw the shortest straw today?”
“Something like that.”
“The answer is still no.”
“Why?” you asked, already guessing the answer.
Because he belonged in the Hell’s Kitchen. Because he was a vigilante, not a hero, not an Avenger.
“I don’t really feel like fighting aliens. And someone needs to take down drug rings and smaller things that escape your notice,” he replied wryly and you sighed.
“You think we don’t see that?”
“Press harder.”
“Sounds like you don’t, given what your friend is saying,” he noted and you closed your eyes in defeat.
Steve’s voice was quiet, for you only, but it wasn’t news the Devil had extraordinary hearing. You couldn’t quite blame him for not liking you coming alone and not alone at all. You reached to your ear, turning your communicator off.
Daredevil tilted his head, seemingly confused.
“You think they don’t see that?” you corrected yourself, letting out the doubts you had despite the warm (ha) welcome the Avengers gave you. “You’re needed here. What you do matters, which is why they are letting you.”
“Why are you saying ‘them’?”
“Do I look like an Avenger to you?”
“You sure call yourself that.”
“Well, I don’t feel like one. But I let them talk me down. I’m a destroyer, yet, they convinced me I can help. And maybe I found a calling. Maybe I found a way to possibly redeem myself,” you whispered, being sure the Devil would hear you. He heard everything.
“I am answering a calling. By doing what I do,” he replied, aiming for firm, but failing. Could he tell the emotion behind your voice, the way you opened unexpectedly (to your own surprise too)? Could he hear the regret? Did he imagine what had caused it? Did it move him?
“And I understand that. Actually, kudos for aiming for achievable goal of managing ten blocks of Manhattan and not letting your ego get in the way too much. I mean, these guys are trying to save the world, talk about unrealistic goals,” you noted, lightening up the mood a little.
You imagined the man behind the mask frowned. “I’m sorry, I’m confused now. Are you still trying to get me to join, or…?”
You chuckled. “Doesn’t look like it, huh? I guess that’s fair.”
The corner of his lips quirked in an approximation of a smile. Your heart skipped a beat. You bet neither of your Avenging friends managed to do that. Not that this was a competition or a manipulation – you were being completely honest. Painfully so.
“I… I’m gonna be honest with you. Steve wants you on this one. And frankly, I have no idea why-“ you paused, realizing how it sounded. “I mean— I know why, we can always use some help saving the world and stuff, but... yeah. So just once for now, let’s team up. No strings attached.”
“That was quite a direct strike. Didn’t see that coming,” he chuckled and you blinked, your eyelashes brushing your eye-mask.
Did he just chuckle? Did he laugh at you? Not that he didn’t have the right, but it was still a bit incredible. His face returned to the mask of seriousness. For some reason, it seemed softer now. “It was… Steve, wasn’t it? You say they convinced you, but you mean Steve Rogers.”
You escaped his gaze – or you thought so. Escaped the way the glassy eye-covers of his helmet burned through you. Whatever.
“Yes,” you whispered. He didn’t comment on that. But you would swear he relaxed.
“How did you get your powers?”
You froze almost literally at the direct question. Well, he sure wasn’t beating around the bush. What was it to him? Was it a test? Did he want to know you before saying no? Was he considering a yes? Did he trust you?
You licked your lips, fighting a shiver.
“Untested treatment. I had a rare liver disease and they tested a treatment with some chitauri crap on me. I always had troubles with thermoregulation. The meds messed it up on a completely different level.”
“I’m sorry.” And he genuinely sounded as if he was, his voice dropping.
“I didn’t ask for this. I hurt people. I’m paying my debt, because I think it’s the only thing I can do apart from creating icicles and toboggans for kids and do some cold-drying of fruit for missions,” you said seriously and his shoulders slightly shook with laughter. You found yourself smiling too. Dammit, how did you switch from misery to joking so fast in one sentence?
“No strings attached?” he asked slowly and your mouth literally fell open. Did he just-
“Did you just-?”
“Yeah. How bad it can be? Plus, your friend is approaching with the jet, I guess he didn’t like you turning your comms off.”
“Oh I’m gonna be on detention for like a week, okay. Or until they need another cold-drying, Tony’s addicted to his dried blueberries.”
The Devil chuckled once more before a cute smile settled on his lips. He took several steps closer to you. “I’m sure they’re delicious.”
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Part 2
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Tags:  @murdermornings​ @mermaidxatxheart​
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Heya, people :) I decided to share one of my older fics with the tumblr, I hope a few of you will like it O:-) Whenever you want to be (un)tagged in anything of mine, shoot me an ask or a message or something like that. 
Thank you for reading :-*
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parkersharthook · 4 years
Angel On Fire
Peter Stark-Rogers & Stark-Rogers!reader (twins)
warnings: weed smokage, family arguing, mentions of sex, insecurity of one’s self
2k+ words
series masterlist
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requested: can you write a one shot from the peter Stark Rogers and sibling!reader? Like what is it like when one of them brings a partner over?
Okay so kinda different than requested. y/n doesn’t bring anyone home but it’s talked about
You don’t know how it happened honestly. You had thought you were being sneaky and sly.
Apparently not. Your fathers had found out, and worse of all… they wanted to meet him.
Honestly, youre not sure you’ve heard an idea worse than bringing home the guy you’ve been talking to/hanging out with/maybe your boyfriend/idk you haven’t talked about it. You didn’t even have an actual label for it and you were already bringing him home?!
And of course when you disagreed with your parents about bringin said boy home, they instantly assumed the worst about him, about you, about the relationship.
They’re thought process went:
Don’t want us to meet him?
He’s hiding something.
Criminal record.
Sex offender.
Bad for our daughter.
Let’s kill him.
Let’s have Bucky kill him.
So now here you were, surrounded by your /entire/ family. And they all happened to be talking – read: interrogating – you at once.
It wasn’t until you felt a small tickle in the back of your head did you even lift your gaze from the table. You met eyes with Wanda and she just gave you a sympathetic smile. She was young, she understood this. She’s had more than one partner scared and threatened by Clint, which in turn means Bucky.
You okay?
Hang in there.
The conversation was short and sweet, and it left you feeling slightly better. But then Wanda ended the little connection and you were thrust back into the very loud and very out of control room. Your headache came back immediately.
You groaned and dropped your head back into your hands, letting yourself do what you were good at: ignoring your family’s constant disapproval.
I guess that wans’t fair. You did love your family and you knew they loved you, it was just always so much. And it usually felt like you couldn’t do anything right. There was a reason you spent most nights out and about rather than stuck at home. It was just… suffocating at times. And it wasn’t like you were out doing bad things, maybe a joint here and there, but nothing horrendous.
It wasn’t like your family was your villain origin story or anything. So yeah, you were fine.
You lifted your head slowly and raised a confused brow, “huh?”
“We were asking you questions.”
“right. Sorry, I was too busy ignoring you guys.”
Clint snorted and then promptly shut his mouth after a harsh glare from Steve. He shook his head stiffly, “not funny. Sorry.”
Tony rolled his eyes and then looked to his daughter. Thank god Morgan was still too young for all of this. “we were curious when we’re going to meet this boyfriend of yours.”
“thinking that he’s not my boyfriend… never. He’s just a guy I’ve been talking to.”
“and hanging out with.” Peter mumbled with obvious distate. You turned to glare at him
“do you want me to punch you in the face?”
“I’d like to see you try.” He countered. And in very you fashion, without warning, you landed a swift punch to Peter’s nose.
He tumbled backwards out of his chair, clutching the nose. Wimp, you had barely hit him.
Steve scrambled to help peter, but mostly everyone was just stunned that you were able to land something on him. Granted, Peter’s spidey sense never really worked around you due to the inexplicable trust he had with you.
You clutched your hand slightly and stood up, “thank you all for your concern. I am not bringing this boy here because he would ignore me the minute it was over and I’m done having things ruined because of my last name. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to make a McDonald’s run and get some all-day breakfast.”
You spun on your heel and walked out of the room, grabbing your hoodie and pushing your feet into your sneakers along the way. “also, please no one follow me. It really kills my mood. Okay thanks, bye!”
It was a few hours later and you found yourself on the roof of MJ’s apartment with the girl and a large bag of McDonald’s between the two of you. You had a chocolate shake on the other side of you and she had a sweet tea in her hand. Oh, there was also a joint dangling between her fingers. Pretty standard for the two of you.
You were watching the sun slowly lower in the sky, happy to see the colors beginning to turn pinkish.
MJ took a large sip of her drink before biting in her next hash brown, “you know that James and Sam are following you. They’re a few rooftops over.”
“yeah I know, I pretend to not notice them so I don’t hurt their egos.”
A distant “hey!” was heard and it caused both of you to laugh slightly. And sure enough, a few moments later Bucky and Sam appeared in front of you two, sitting down casually.
Bucky immediately grabbed for the bag of McDonald’s, searching through the napkins for any food. Sucks for him, you had already eaten everything.
Sam however reaches for the joint and quickly snubs it. MJ gives him an pretty impressive unimpressed look, “dude, there’s like half a joint left there. Can I have it back at least?”
“do you have a medical marijuana card?”
“that’s less than two ounces, worse you can do is fine me is fifty bucks.” Sam doesn’t budge. “dude I thought you were the cool avenger.”
Sam grumbles but concedes, handing the joint back. “put it away at least. I can’t be seen hanging around delinquents.”
You took another large sip of your milkshake and gave the duo a cocky grin, “then why do you hang out with Bucky?”
Bucky rolled his eyes, stretching out his leg and nudging you with his boot. You gave him a questioning look and he gestured to your milkshake and then made grabby hands.
“um no. I paid for this, it’s mine.”
Bucky grumbled, “don’t be stingy.”
Sam pushed Bucky roughly, causing the man to obnoxiously fall to his side. Bucky made a barely there effort to sit up before deciding to just stay on his back, his eyes tracing the clouds overhead.
“look, obviously you’re here because my dads asked you to tail me.”
Sam shrugged, “basically but we thought you might wanna talk to us.”
You rolled your eyes and smiled slightly as you saw MJ relight her j. She wordlessly handed it to you and you easily took a drag. “now why would I want to do that?”
Bucky knocked your shoe with a hard knuckle, “because we’re your favorite uncles.”
You snorted. Sam looked at you with obvious disapproval, “you know we don’t care if you smoke weed but can you at least not do it in front of us? That way we can at least pretend to be oblivious to all your teenage rebellion and angst.”
Both you and MJ laughed. She gestured between the two of you, “this isn’t rebellion. We could be at a NYU party right now with coke up our nose if we wanted to. This is chill.”
Bucky grimaced, “please don’t talk about putting cocaine up your noses. It makes me queasy.”
Sam quickly steered the topic of conversation away from drugs, “Look, I know your dads are overbearing and its obvious that Peter doesn’t like the kid so we get that this whole thing is a lot. But there’s got to be a reason you don’t want him to meet us.”
“because he’s only with me for you guys and the minute he meets you, I’ll go back to being friendless and alone.” The brutal honesty took the men by surprise. You felt a small nudge at your side causing you to smile, “minus MJ of course. She’ll always be my friend.”
“damn straight.” She smiled at you as she took her last drag before snubbing it.
You met Sam’s eye with a new amount of emotion he wasn’t used to seeing. You were good at avoiding and you didn’t often get super honest. However, you did have four or five hits earlier and you might be kinda high.
“it’s hard to find genuine people when you have Stark and Rogers as your last name. People want to get with me because they want to meet you guys or get a job at SI. Now I don’t pick people based on their geuninity because it’s not there, I pick people based off what they can do for me.”
“It’s selfish I know, but if they’re gonna use me might as well get something out of it. Ya know?” You sighed deeply, “his name is brad and he has an actual crush on MJ. So I think he’s not only using me to get into SI because he really wants a job there but he also wants to get closer to MJ.”
Bucky eyed you warily, “and the upside?”
You shrugged, “good kisser, better weed.”
MJ snorted as Sam groaned and dropped his head into his palm, “don’t need to hear that.”
You pulled a lazy smile, “so you don’t want me talking about his dick?”
This time Bucky groaned. “are you just never going to bring anyone home?”
You shrugged and picked at your nails, “maybe eventually. I tried to bring someone home last year. We had been dating for a few months, told Wanda about him and everything. Brought him into the lobby of the tower and he asked if he could get a job here because he knew me. I said ‘probably not’. He shrugged and walked out the door, didn’t talk to me again after that.”
Bucky frowned, “I could kill him for you.”
“MJ already offered.” Bucky gave MJ an approving smile, “he’s not worth it.”
“and this brad…?” Sam ventured carefully
“not worthy of her either.” MJ interjected smoothly, “at this point I’m just waiting for him to fuck up so I can punch him in the face.”
Bucky squinted at her, “why don’t you come over? y/n you need to bring this one home, I like her.”
“She doesn’t like superheroes. Or Dad.”
“yeah… he’s an acquired taste.” Sam said, “can I at least be an exception to the superhero thing?”
MJ tipped her head slightly, “I’ll think about it. Right now the only exceptions are Wanda, Natasha, and Clint.”
“I’m fucking Clint if that helps.”
“ew!” “gross Barnes.” “it actually does.”
There was a moment of silence between the group, and while it wasn’t awfully tense it definitely wasn’t comfortable either.
“you know they mean well.”
You exhaled loudly, “yeah I know and for the most part it isn’t them. But could you imagine if I brought home a boy who I’m literally with for drugs and sex? And then if they found out that guy was only with me because of who my family was? He would be dead in the hour.”
“more like the first 30 minutes.” Bucky snorted
“my dads need to learn to take a no as an answer. Especially about my personal life.”
“I’ll talk to them.” Sam said softly.
“thanks.” You smiled lightly at him, then you gestured at the area, “also… this? Stays between us. Everything.”
“are you kidding me? Steve would kill me if he knew I let you smoke.”
“c’mon kid let’s go back. It’s getting dark.” Bucky stood effortlessly and then extended a hand your way, pulling you to your feet. You did the same for MJ.
“I’ll see you on Monday?”
She nodded, “yeah. Thanks for the breakfast dinner, here I can take your trash.”
“thanks babe. Love you.”
“love you too, get home safe.”
You were walking between Sam and Bucky when Bucky nudged you slightly. “why did you punch peter?”
“he’s my brother and he was annoying me? Do I need any more reasons?”
Sam laughed, “guess not. But it was a pretty solid punch.”
You smiled, “He’ll heal in a few hours. Plus, I’m like the only person he trusts enough for me to do that, I gotta abuse it sometimes.”
Bucky clicked his tongue and shook his head in a mix of disappointment and humor, then he asked, “the reason peter doesn’t like brad is because he has a crush on MJ, right?”
“oh yeah.”
“knew it.”
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the--sad--hatter · 5 years
Mischief, Meet Your Match - Chapter Two (Loki x reader)
WARNINGS: Violence, Swearing, Smut, Loki
Sam would say your liking for bad boys has gone too far.
Tony would kill the God of Mischief with his bare hands.
Steve would lock you in your room and never let you out.
Natasha would probably just throw you off the roof.
But there's just something about Loki that draws you to him, and you couldn't help it even if you wanted to.
Read Part One Here
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The last time The Avengers had put Loki in a cage, it had been exactly where he had wanted to be. This time they were more careful. Loki was safely ensconced in a glass cube that had been enchanted by Dr Strange to contain the tricksters magic. The cube itself was in an empty, bland warehouse that was highly guarded and miles away from civilisation and the Avengers themselves.
 It was dull for the first few days until what he guessed was around mid afternoon on the fourth day when the camera’s in every corner of the room that were pointed at his cell all simultaneously beeped and switched off. He looked around the room with curiosity but for at least ten minutes nothing happened.
 “Hey Mischief.”
 Loki stilled before he finally, slowly craned his neck to see you casually perched on the top of his cell, wiggling your wingers as you waved happily at him.
 “Ever notice how they always put the attractive bad guys in glass prisons?” You asked, smirking down at the dark god who looked remarkably unimpressed by your presence.
“Have you come to gloat? To taunt me?” He asked coldly.
 “Nope, I’m here to entertain you.” You said jovially, hopping down to the ground gracefully and holding up a book for him to see before you carefully slid it into the slot where his meal trays were delivered.
 “Without the permission of your teammates I see.” He noted, looking pointedly at the camera’s and ignoring the novel.
 “Better tell them you do whatever the hell you want than ask permission.” You shrugged as you settled on the floor in front of his cell, ignoring the way he towered sinisterly over you through the glass.
 “Ah, a woman after my own heart.” He teased.
 “It’s not your heart I’m interested in Mischief.” You rebutted, winking at him.
 For a brief moment he looked kind of delighted by your quick response, even going so far as to shoot you a blinding smile.
 You pulled  a deck of cards from your pocket shuffled them.
 “What are you doing?” He asked and you looked up to see him frowning down at you.
 “Entertaining you… My options are limited what with you being in a cell and all.” You told him, dealing the cards and slotting his into the metal rim that ran along the edges of the cage, keeping the cube intact.
 The backs of the cards were facing you so he could see what they were but you couldn’t.
 “I could think of ways you could… entertain me.” He said in a low voice and you laughed.
 “Well beggars can’t be choosers. Ace cards can be one or eleven, it’s up to you. Face cards are ten. The goal is to make 21 without going over, go over and you’re bust, you lose. Hit or stick… Want another card or are you happy with what you got?” You gave him the most basic explanation.
 “I’m happy with what I have.” He said.
 You shrugged and checked your own cards, managing to make 19 with your Queen of Spades and 9 of diamonds. You turned your cards over first before checking his. King of Spades and Ace of Hearts.
 “Son of a… did you use your magic?” You demanded.
 “My magic is contained by this cell.” He reminded you.
 “Sure Jan.” You muttered under your breath.
 You got a mischievous smirk on your face and reshuffled the cards.
 “My magic is intact thankfully… wanna see?” You asked him.
 “By all means… Impress me.” He smirked down at you like you were a silly child he couldn’t even be bothered placating.
 “Pick a card, any card but don’t tell me which one you pick.” You ordered, splaying the deck for him to see.
 He nodded once curtly to show he’d made his decision. You theatrically shuffled the cards one last time before tapping them and revealing the card with a flourish.
 “Is this your card?” You asked smugly.
 Your grin faltered.
 “Ok fine, Is this… your card?”
 “No.” He sighed, looking less than impressed.
 “Come on! Are you lying?” You asked him with a disappointed look.
 “A fair assumption but again, no. I chose The King Of Hearts. You failed to produce my card twice, so you lose.” He taunted.
 “It’s your stupid cell, it’s playing havoc with my magic.” You huffed in annoyance and shoved the cards back into your pockets.
 “Then perhaps you should let me out? We could go somewhere with no interference and make some magic together.” He offered.
 “I’m not easy Mischief.” You scoffed.
 “My mistake, I can see how I should have known you were a lady of strong character and morals.” He sassed.
 The corners of your lips twitched and you leant back on your elbows, sizing him up through the glass.
 “Why did your friend call you Kitten?” He asked abruptly.
 “I was this adorable stray that was brought back from a mission and never left. The Avengers adopted me.” You explained with a fond smile.
 Loki cocked his head, obviously expecting more information so you sighed and gave it to him, remembering the life changing event that had led to you being an Avenger.
 “The serum that made you into a god amongst men is in your blood. This serum we have developed will allow a test subjects body to absorb the characteristics of your blood… if they survive.” The Doctor explained, his clear excitement for the subject bubbling through.
 It made Steve feel sick. He pulled at the restraints pinning him to the operating table but they were strong and he was weak from blood loss as his blood was currently being extracted. He shouldn’t have gotten pulled into this situation but he’d only been given half the information. What was supposed to be a simple rescue mission had blown up in their faces because of secrets he hadn’t been privy to.
 “Bring in Patient Zero.” The Doctor ordered.
 You were dragged in by two dark suited, burly agents, a third trailing behind you with his gun drawn. One of the agents had a split lip and the other had scratch marks on his cheek.
 “Unhand me you fiends!” Yu demanded.
 “The sedatives didn’t calm her down, they just made her loopier.” One of the agents snarled.
 “It matters little, she will likely be dead soon but her corpse will provide us with information about how the serum works when combined with the Captains blood.” The scientist said giddily.
 The second you’d been dragged in, Steve had redoubled his efforts to break free and at the mention of his name your attention was drawn to him.
 “Pleasure to meet you Cap, shame about the circumstances.” You crowed loudly as you were manhandled onto a table like his.
 “Let her go! You don’t have to kill innocents to do this!” Steve yelled.
 “We won’t be using this formula on our people until it’s safer so she should be honoured. Her death will pave the path to a brave new world.” The scientist.
 “Psst, Cap.” You stage whispered.
 Steve turned to look at you.
 “Do all bad guys really talk like B-Movie villains?” You asked.
 “Enough.” The scientist hissed, slapping you across the face.
 “Oh buddy, if I survive this I swear to god I’m going to use the super strength to punch you in the dick.” You vowed.
 “Don’t worr, it is far more likely you will die, this is only a first attempt after all.” He sneered.
 “Captain, if I die punch this guy in the dick for me.” You ordered, twisting your neck so you could look him in the eye.
 There was a tick in his clenched jaw as he regarded you with a stormy gaze before he looked at the tubes that were rapidly pulling his blood from his body. He nodded once, decisively.
 “Yes ma’am.” He agreed to your request.
 What else could he say, he couldn’t promise you would survive or tell you that it was all going to be ok. All he could do was promise that you would be Avenged. You appreciated the assurance.
 “You were made into the Captains image through experimental science?” Loki asked with a frown.
 “Not his image exactly, but internally… kinda. The blood in my veins is the same blood that runs through Steve Rogers veins. He still gets ruffled if I call him dad though.” You sniggered.
 Loki seemed to take the information in blankly, his face impassive but you could see the way his eyes were looking at you in a new light, reassessing you speculatively.
 “Of course evil scientists don’t really know their stuff because they failed, epically. I would have died but Dr Banner managed to manipulate the enhanced healing aspect of the serum before I died.  I can heal anything short of a life threatening injury pretty easily.” You explained.
 “So when I hit you hard enough to discombobulate you…” Loki trailed off.
 “You’d have to hit me a hell of a lot harder to keep me down.” You scoffed.
 “Noted.” He said dryly.
 “Aw Mischief, I thought we were getting along? After I brought you books and games and everything.” You pouted.
 “If we were truly friends you wouldn’t be keeping me in a cage.” He pointed out.
 You stood up and smirked at him, leaning into the glass.
 “I like you Mischief, doesn’t mean I trust you.”
 “Wise decision Kitten, I may like you more than most of your race but I will not hesitate to kill you when I escape.” He told you, his words venomous but his tone pleasant, friendly, almost respectful.
 The camera’s beeped and you backed away from the cell.
 “I suggest you kill me first Mischief, because if you don’t I will take you down again.” You vowed and with a short running start you leapt back onto the top of the cell with ease and disappeared through a panel in the ceiling, seconds before the camera’s came back on.
 It was hours after you left when he finally grew bored enough to flip open the novel you’d brought. Something fluttered from the pages and he caught it deftly, flipping it over in his hand with an awestruck expression. There hidden in the pages of the book you’d given him before you played your failed card trick was The King Of Hearts. He dropped the book on the ground, discarding it as he turned the playing card in his hands.
 “Well played Kitten.” He muttered to himself, his lips twitching in amusement.
A/N – Fun fact, In my story Asgard is still there, Odin’s alive (ugh) and Hela hasn’t been freed.Ragnarok, Infinty War and Endgame don’t apply to my Marvelverse!
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