#todd and granny
itsshawtyfellas · 1 year
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I like them nerdy and submissive. That's it. That's the post.
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saliosis · 2 months
can someone send me some wordgirl screenshots because i may or may not redraw them
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bluejaysandblackbats · 3 months
I'm Working on the Winners from the Last Round of Ideas (Having a Tough Time Writing Two of Them) SOOOOO...
At The End Of The Hall: Short anthology fic where fathers are haunted by their sons in the literal sense. (Bruce Wayne & Jason Todd, Alan Scott & Todd Rice, Slade Wilson & Grant Wilson, etc.) (batfam, jsa; horror AU)
Bury Me Soon: AU where Jason suffers from Cotard delusion. (batfam; no powers AU)
Cyber Ghosts: Lonnie disappears from the hospital following Jason's return to Gotham. A string of cyber crimes and the distribution of ill-gotten wealth lead the family to believe Jason and Lonnie are working together. (batfam; Canon divergent au)
The Hand I Once Held: Judy Garrick was quick to adjust to her new boarding school until she started to lose time... And memories of her family. (flashfam, jsa; Dark academia AU, no powers AU)
Little Monte Cristo: AU where Jason isn't adopted by Bruce, and he still becomes a vigilante with a reputation for his decisive and brutal methods. (Jason is 12-19 in this fic probably) (batfam; Canon divergent AU)
In This Together: AU where Jason and Steph are foster siblings, and they team up to foil their father's heists. (batfam; Canon divergent AU)
After Midnight: While moonlighting as a bartender at a gay bar, Stephanie spots Jason. They cover for each other, keeping their chance meeting a secret and getting to know each other as friends as a result. (batfam)
Monet Blue, Dilly Dilly: AU where Don and Meloni meet as children in a museum and secretly continue to meet there over the years. (flashfam; No powers AU)
Demolition Derby: Scott Free falls for the toughest girl in the school after his father and nanny force him to take up wrestling. (new gods, fourth world; HS AU, wrestling AU, roller derby AU)
Dead Sons Club: Jason Todd and Grant Wilson walk into a bar... And they're both supposed to be dead. (batfam; Canon divergent AU, maybe a oneshot)
Tread Carefully: Bruce and Harvey struggle to hide their romantic relationship from the public during Harvey's campaign to become the new D.A. (batfam; No capes AU, secret relationship AU)
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Context not identifamied
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wordgirlexploration · 6 months
Now that we have two new ref line ups, allow me to share with y'all some headcanons for some of them!
Rex/Kid Math
Most of our Kid Math takes are based off of FountainPenguin's two Kid Math fics: Factor It In and AlgoRythym. We just love those fics <3
Last name is Pemdas.
Non-binary. Really I just imagine most of the aliens in the show are some flavor of non-binary and Kid Math is no exception.
Autistic and has synesthesia. Same as Becky :) Comes with the territory of being from a subject obsessed planet and gaining superpowers on another world that overstimulates the senses.
His birthday (equivalent on Earth) is Pi day
He is so, so small. 3'7" (or exactly 110 centimeters!) tall. He looks more like he should be in Kindergarten/1st grade than 3rd grade.
More of a Hexagon headcanon than a Kid Math specific one: Hexagon is a very logical planet and as a result, when they do superhero work it's always 1) track down villain 2) get rid of villain 3) day is saved! Wordgirl's way of being a superhero would baffle ANYONE from Hexagon. Kid Math is just a product of his environment.
Mr Big + Leslie
Mr Big is trans.
His orientation is queer because we can't quite pin down what it is but he's definitely not straight.
Stands at 6'5". He's not called "Mr Big " for nothing!
Sees Dr Two-Brains on the weekends ever since their team up in Invasion of the Bunny Lovers. >:3
Leslie is a lesbian. We think she and the Mayor's assistant should kiss but not sure if it's canon to Exploration.
She's only 5'5" but wears 2 inch heels so you can't immediately tell.
Leslie's last name is Little. She's Leslie Little.
Both are in their early/mid 30's. Mr Big is only a couple years older than Leslie.
Granny May
She's been a villain the longest. Being a petty pickpocket since her late teens. Her "career" as a supervillian really took off though when she met her future husband.
Her husband was a man named Walter, who she met after charming her way into some fancy event. She stole his heart and his wallet that night <3
Walter made most of her gadgets that she uses today. Her suit of armor was his wedding present to her.
They got married later than most people from their time. Granny May was very hesitant about marriage at first. Worried it would affect her crime career since she relied mostly on her charm, which works better on suckers men when they think you're single.
Note: I really could go on and on about Granny's past but I'll leave off here because we have a whole episode planned for exploring her past ;)
Granny May has always been very small. In her prime she only stood at 5'1". In her old age she's now only 4'11".
Victoria Best
Dyes her hair. She's a natural brunette but since the rest of her family is blonde it's for the best (heh) that she match her family.
Her eyes are naturally blue but have an unusual red tint to the pupils and iris.
As of Exploration, she's currently taller than Becky at 4'9".
On the aroace spectrum but hasn't figured it out yet. She's the best at ignoring her feelings <3
We have big plans for her :)
Beatrice Bixby/Lady Redundant Woman
In her mid 30's.
Beatrice herself is aroace. Her clones are not. It drives her insane when one of them develops a crush because she doesn't get it.
Her clones are not perfect copies of her. She's had to recall one or two because they refuse to help in her crime sprees.
All her clones are effectively vegetarian because they can only consume ink. Ever since she became Lady Redundant Woman, Beatrice has had to supplement her own diet with ink every now and then. She can just change out her ink cartridge, but it's surprisingly cheaper to just eat ink. Also less of a hassle.
Lady Redundant Woman herself might also just be vegetarian. We haven't figured that out yet.
Tall woman. She stands at 6'1" plus her boots make her appear a couple inches taller. She looks shorter as Beatrice because of her Customer Service Slouch(TM).
She's ambidextrous.
Todd "Scoops" Ming
Hitting him with the trans beam. Came about because of that one episode where, aside from Bob, he was the only boy in the scouts group. We think he joined before he transitioned, and then when he did come out as trans the group wanted him to stay <3 Now he's one of the exceptions because it'd be rude to kick him and also all the other scouts will defend his place with their dying breaths.
Aside from Eugene May (because no one is gonna catch up with him), he's the tallest kid in 7th grade right now at 4'11".
While currently dating Violet, Scoops is bi and has had a couple crushes before Violet. His type seems to be blondes with weird eyes...
ale: we gave him ugly shoes because his top half is the only thing that needs to look presentable.
we obviously also fixed his skintone and haircut. we love you wordgirl, you did this kid so incredibly dirty.
we made his shirt blue because he's a little older now and Raven thought he deserved to have a different shirt.
Violet Heaslip
Her eyes are an unusual pinkish-purple color. Becky and Scoops think it's really cool.
She's currently the same height as Victoria.
Back in 4th grade/beginning of 5th grade she had a crush on Becky. She outgrew it halfway through the school year.
ale: we really just gave her an all-new detailed outfit because, as we realized after we finished her, her outfit is so.... plain for an art kid!
her pockets full of flowers are inspired by a piece of fanart showing the worg kids as elementary schoolers. the doodles on her skirt are inspired by a Dear Evan Hansen lyric.
gets a beret because she's an artist <3
i gave her warmly rainbow socks because i thought they'd look like something i'd see in a Justice as a kid.
TJ Botsford
"TJ" is short for Tim Jr.
His birthday is May 4th.
He's gay but hasn't figured it out yet. Got more important things to worry about such as how to grow the WordGirl Fan Club.
ale: made his skin darker to match with his parents, and his hair darker to match with his skin. and gave him a fade because, like. look at him. he would.
Tim and Sally Botsford (Do not separate <3)
Both are in their late 30's but Sally is older by a couple years.
Tim is just a little taller than average at 5'10", while Sally is close to average height at 5'4", but wears 3 inch heels to give herself that extra height. Makes her a little more intimidating at her job.
They met in college at the ice cream parlor from Whammer Anniversary <3 it was for some get together/study group and the two just clicked.
Their wedding anniversary is October 13th.
Tim is pan.
Tim's family specifically is of Ethiopian descent. It's why his spicier meals pack such a punch.
We mostly just like Sally the way she is <3
As we've mentioned before, Sally is Afro-Latina.
Shown in the episode That's Entertainment, Sally's hair actually becomes poofy and curly when not "blow-dried." Her hair is still like this (it's what inspired us to make her Afro-Latina), but we've decided that her hair becomes straightened through normal straightening means.
ale: made Tim's hair more afro-textured for obvious reasons. also it's canon that it used to look like that. also, he's graying more.
made Tim more brown because we couldn't live with keeping him orange.
i INSISTED that he keep his horrible outfit. everyone watching me draw him hated it, however, he is my "horrible fashion sense" king.
we mostly kept Sally the same, just made her skin more skin-tone like. also, we turned that weird line in her hair into a gray streak, because she's a little older now, and we couldn't figure out why it was there.
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wordup2007 · 1 month
Hey guys, I just finished watching 'The Rise of Miss Power', and I feel like this clip perfectly describes the movie:
It was one of the best movies I've watched! One of the few movies I've watched in a long time that managed to tug at my heartstrings and kept me engaged with the plot. I'll make some posts of the moments in this movie soon on the blog!
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do y’all remember when i did a poll to know people’s favorite wordgirl characters? well i’m doing it again with different characters
decided to include huggy again because he got no votes last time (he has atleast one fan right?)
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splooosh · 1 year
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“these Earth cattle”
Todd Nauck - Larry Stucker
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noodle-artist · 7 months
Opinions on the new look 👀
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Asthetically I love it… but thematically not so much…
Asthetically… I like how roughed up it looks. The stained helmet, converse and hoodie ❤️ kind of gives off skater boi vibes. Makes him look younger to me. I probably only like it cause it reminds me of all the clothes I have that are splattered with paint, holes and dirt.
Buuuuut even tho I like how it looks doesn’t mean it’s right. It’s kind of ooc cause Jason is a clean and organized kind of guy. Mr. I have all my weapons organized on the wall, my bed made, tea pot CLEAN, Knick knacks organized and displayed. He’d def keep his whole getup washed.
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I will say tho if they are just dressing him up like this to give him what DC considers a “thug look” then imma be upset.
It doesn’t really bother me but it looks like they’re trying to push the Jason was the “rough and feral Robin” agenda again. I like the ball of sunshine Robin Jason was! Like **strives for 1st place at the science fair, helps grannies cross the street, take me out to the ball game** kind of happy go lucky lookin kid.
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But I still love the Jason Todd that slapped Bruce with a tire iron and called him a big boob. They can be the same person.
As for the older Jason look, as always he looks older then he actually is. In a similar way to how I like the red hood suit… I like the idea of the white eyes and scars tho. But logically Jasons body prob had severe burns on top of all the lacerations from the crowbar and the pit prob healed up a lot of those burns and lacerations. So these scars are prob from his own late nights fighting crime… which are a lot considering he wears… a helmet 🤨
I’m prob being a bit over critical but consistency matters. If you have your character constantly changing it makes it harder for the audience to pin point who this character really is. And unfortunately for Jason, DC has him all over the place. It’s really sad. So yes aesthetically I personally like the look but I just don’t think it fits with Jason’s character.
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goshiki-ng · 2 months
Choosing uk accents for the batfam and co but it’s accurate because im actually british:
Bruce wayne: 100% grew up in a posh ass place like Bath but lives in the countryside so only has a twinge of the accent
Dick grayson: scouse… no i will not elaborate
Jason Todd: that man grew up in Croydon and i will die on this hill he’s got a proper road man accent to
Tim drake: also Bath but with more of the accent still posh sounding but it comes out slightly more than Bruce’s
Stephanie brown: this woman gives off so much bristol energy she deffo shouts “alright me lover?” To random granny’s on the street
Damian Wayne: ok now here me out here but he would literally go so hard with a Manchester accent (YES I KNOW IT DOESNT MAKE SENSE LET ME DREAM)
Cassandra cain: she’s welsh her accents strong to
Barbra gordan: Birmingham don’t ask me why I just feel it in my bones
Duke thomas: Surrey (I went with a gut feeling)
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Death Warrant!Au
When the rejuvenating, life-extending effects of ectoplasm to the dead and dying was discovered by planets across the stars, it triggered mass conflicts that left several systems obliterated beyond repair. Hundreds of Billions had migrated to the Realms in numbers that were never seen before by the residence of the dead. They had various forms of damage and disfigurement on their new forms as a result of the ectoplasm being weaponized and used on them. Their very beings were corrupted beyond repair with their minds significantly altered with highly specified obsessions.
• Peoples from the destroyed worlds being so afraid that they lashed out, ripping anything that saw them to pieces out of fear of being attacked.
A serpentine creature of the Realms eagerly stalking them and fed upon their cores to grow stronger.
• Soldiers of these races were hell-bent on continuing to fight and proceeded to attempt subjugate this dimension that was new to them. Their rage guiding them blindly as they left paths of destruction throughout the realm.
A beast, wrongly slaughtered in the early madness of an delicate fledgling world that happened to be rich with ectoplasm followed the warpath and basked in the rage.
Eventually, more creatures like them came to prominence as a result of these strange new victims. Being aspects of emotion that were born from the masses in the war.
The Ghost King during this time period could not sit idly by and watch these newly born ghosts run rampant and terrorize his kingdom. With a heavy heart and a weapon in hand, a call to arms was called and the purge of these beings began. It tooks thousands of years, but when the last corrupted ghost was destroyed, the King took to the realm of living and wiped away all traces of the Realms from the minds of the survivors with all recollections of this terrible war for ectoplasm erased from history.
As his rested his eyes one final time, before the Tyrant would cowardly claim his life, made a major, sacred declaration that all citizens was made:
• If any hostile, mutant ghosts were to be found, they were to captured and examined by the king's council to await judgement. If they are too dangerous to restrain and seek bloody violence, they are to be destroyed.
• Any scientists trying to use ectoplasm for endangering life were to be have their memories erased and put to the sword for their crimes.
• Anyone foolish enough to Defy Death using ectoplasm, the greatest violation of the laws in the infinite Realms, they were to be put to death as and immediately given their Second End.
~•~ ~•~ ~•~ ~•~ ~•~
When Pariah Dark, the Cowardly Tyrant King, is defeated and Danny fianlly takes the throne after a few centuries of training, the Observers hand him a compiled a list of names who violated these sacred laws.
They have him start with Earth and Danny's jaw hits the floor with what the charges he was seeing. He can already hear the chaos in the meeting room.
• Amanda Waller, Vandal Savage, Darkseid, Granny Goodness, a court of owls(?)...the list is long, and that's just Earth alone!
• Jack "The Goddamn Joker" Napier and a few of the more violent Rouges of Gotham are charged with Veil Destabilization.
Even Jason Peter Todd Wayne...the Red Hood!? Danny can probably work something with Jason, force him into therapy sessions (along with the whole damn family) with Jazz and a couple cleansing sessions and supplements from Frostbite...the others had to go...
The continued slaughter of the innocent, combined with the suffering they endured and the misery felt by Shades who couldn't move on was making the veil deteriorate at dangerous speeds. New pits would form across the city eventually as a result.
Lady Gotham has done everything she can to keep the madness from happening but she can't hold it back any longer. Her core is ready to shatter under the stress and is constantly in agony, but she won't abandon her knights, despite Danny's pleas to save herself.
There's a certain brigade of furry's who may or may not like this news but said brigade had no choice but to take it on the chin. They have children who Defied Death in their ranks and the Realms are not afraid to destroy anyone foolish enough to stop them.
• Lex Luther is charged with crimes against humanity. And several other violations in regards to unethical experimentation.
One sticks out to Danny.
Lex used Danny's stolen DNA from a stray core shard from the Guys in White, who he was was funding in secret, even after they were disbanded, to create a clone comprised of the Earth's resident Kryptonian, the bald bastard, and himself to kill and replace said Kryptonian...the guy who literally helps save the earth time and time again from doom.
...Yeah, Lex is undoubtedly, fucked beyond total comprehension. Anyone defending him was risking all-out war with the Infinite Realms.
But hey, at least Danny was finally having child of his own! The little tyke is only a few years old in the tube, Ellie's visits are far and in-between and Danny's status as a Halfa made him sterile and develop an embarrassingly strong case of baby fever.
He's sure the ghosts from Krypton would love to help out in raising Conner in case Kal-El wasn't really planning on being around the boy. After all, being cloned himself, Danny knows the emotional baggage that comes with being violated to this degree by your enemy.
He just hopes the guy can come around and accept the little guy...
#dp x dc#dc x dp#dp x dc prompt#dp x dc crossover#justice league#danny phantom#my prompts#Death Warrant!Au#I've seen fics were Danny Time Travels to fix things#I've also read were he gains amnesia so he accidentally lives in the past until he remembers who he is#Lex Luthor is a bitch with a very slappable bald head that Danny is gonna smack the soul out of#Danny is gonna hook up Jason with therapy from Jazz and cleansing sessions with Frostbite#When Damien is finally born and with Bruce is the day everyone in the League of Assassins is gonna get wiped off the face the fucking Earth#You don't fuck with the abyss because it'll do more than simply look back#Eldritch Mama Bear!Danny#Conner is gonna be spoiled rotten#If Damien is also partially Danny's kid he wont wait and waste the League the second he can grab him#Being the 'Demon's Head' doesn't mean jackshit when the ectoplasm youve been uskng is the equivalent of used toilet water#Bruce Wayne x Danny Fenton x Clark Kent#Clark was worried his many times great grandfather was hitting on him#But Danny told him that he helped save krytpon and found the house kf El so there no blood relation#Due to amnesia inflicted during his time traveling Danny accidently created the embodiments lf Emotion from each Lantern Corps#Danny's first anniversary gift is bringing Bruce and Clark's parents to Earth to spend tkme with them#Bruce is afraid this will be the last time he gets to see them but Danny tells him he and Clark can tag along for Jason's treatment#Alfred is happy for his boy and is happy to see Thomas and Martha#Conner and Clark bonding with Jor-El and Lara Lor-Van about Krypton culture
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icarus-does-fall · 5 months
I wrote this in 45 minutes?
It's sickeningly sweet fluff cause sometimes ya just need that (I im writing so much angst in every other fic I needed some quick fluffy ones)
Jason Todd x reader (gender neutral, no pronouns used)
Uhhh it's a regression fic leave me alone, I'll throw hands if ya mean about it (Jason just has caregiver vibes okay???)
.𝆤࿙࿙࿚๋࿙࿚ ⊱♡⊰ ࿙࿚๋࿙࿚࿚𝆤..𝆤࿙࿙࿚๋࿙࿚ ⊱♡⊰ ࿙࿚๋࿙࿚࿚𝆤.
You and Jason had been dating for the better part of a year, and just recently had he trusted you enough to explain why he’d been coming home to you covered in bruises and even still occasionally bleeding. It took the whole night and into the morning but you got all your questions answered- Your boyfriend was the Red Hood. Damn how you should’ve figured that out on your own but you did have your own things going on too.
You owned and ran your own business- You made jewelry and clothes, selling online and through vendors on occasion, it was a lot to handle but it made good money and it was a job doing things you enjoyed. You made your own hours too as long as you kept up with the demand and kept everything stocked.
Everything was going smoothly between you two, long nights on occasion and sometimes it took actual planning to make a date night but neither of you minded too much. Jason was out saving the city whenever he was needed and you had a business to run, you both did so without issue as well. At least, until the next few months came and went.
Your business blew up, getting more attention than you’d ever been used to leaving you overworking yourself to try and keep up with every order, you had even unknowingly pushed Jason away. He knew you were stressed but he was still offended by the fact that you weren’t confiding in him or letting yourself take a break. So when you finally broke down, he was there in a moment's notice, even blowing off his patrol- sending out quick texts to his siblings to have someone cover for him so he could be there for you.
Tim responded first- while all of his brothers, and Cas and Stephine- adored you, Tim was of course the one willing to help out whenever Jason asked. Mostly because Jason almost never asked for anything.
So when you curled up on the couch, dressed in your pajamas with Bluey playing in the background, Jason took the spot at your side and threaded his hands through your hair as he softly kissed the top of your head.
“Hey little one, you doing okay?”
You looked up at Jason with a pout and you shook your head, there were dark circles under your eyes and unshed tears threatening to fall the moment he asked the question. “No- Jay theres just too much to do. I tried and and tried to keep on top of it all but ‘m squished.”
Jason chuckled softly and pulled you into his side, lightly ruffling your hair, which you huffed at and tried to swat his hand away. “Aw come on bat, you know you can always take breaks yeah? You're the one in charge, your customers are on your time.”
You laid your head on his chest, your eyes flickering towards the show- Grannies was the current episode, it always made you laugh and giggle but right now you were just too exhausted to feel much of anything. “But…-”
“No buts little bat, there's no reason for you to ever work yourself like this. I know I do it and so do my dad and brothers but you see how Alfred scowleds us for that whenever we nearly drop unconscious.”
You nestled into his chest with a sigh and fiddled with his free hand. “Jay?”
“Yeah bat?”
“We have chocolate milk?”
Jason grinned and laughed, placing another soft kiss on the top of your head before pulling you into a hug. “Yeah I think we still have some chocolate milk, want it in your dino cup little bat?”
“Mhmshmm yeah… And and! Strawberries! Please…”
Jason shook his head with a smile before standing and walking into the kitchen. As he got your drink and snack you wrapped up in a blanket holding one of the pillows on your lap much like a stuffed animal, but all of yours were currently still in your room.
It only took a couple of minutes before Jasoon walked back into the living room, chocolate milk in a dinosaur cup and strawberries cut up in a small bowl- He even went as far as to put whipped cream on them. “There ya go little bat.”
You stimmed happily, soft squeaks followed by flappy hands. You started to relax more, allowing yourself to forget about adulting and the struggles that came with it, the tension eased from your body. “Strawberries!”
Jason smiled and settled back onto the couch with you, letting you have your snack and sipy in peace. Nights like these weren’t necessarily rare but with the two of you constantly rushing about and you taking on more things at every moment they were infrequent and he loved it when things were just soft. No work, no sex, just cuddles and shows while you were being small.
“Feeling any better little bat?”
“Yeah… Chocolate milk and bluey makes everything better”
He chuckled, a teasing look filled his eyes as he poked your cheek, “aww and I didnt help contribute to the helping any?”
“Nono! Wait you did too! Always helpful Jay, silly bear.”
You smiled up at him brightly and then kissed his nose causing a laugh to escape his lip and a giggle from yours before you paused dramatically and pointed at him accusedly. “Wait a minute bubs- Youre usually out bangin heads n things, how you home?”
He shrugged casually and pulled you back into his side, you were wrapped up much like a little burrito and it didnt seem like he was planning on letting you go at any point. “Got Tim to help out, honestly little bat you worry about the weirdest things.”
You huffed with a slight pout and scrunched up your nose, “nuh uh! Is perfectly reasonable worry, you have responsibilities”
“And youre one of the things I have to take care of too little bat, don’t forget that”
“Thats so rude- 'm completely capable! Dont need help any help”
“Suuuuure and thats why you asked for me to get you chocolate milk and cutting up fruit instead of being all grown and getting it yourself~”
Your pout grew and you simply ignored Jaons teasing as you sipped on your drink while curled up next to him, finally turning your attention back to Bluey. “Mean bear-”
“Pouty bat~”
And thats how the rest of your night went for the most part, a few teasing remarks here and there, but mostly soft kisses and cuddles as Bluey played on the TV until you fell asleep nestled into Jasons side. He smiled down at you for a moment before picking you and carrying you off to bed- He knew you’d be back to your big job tomorrow and all the stress it came with but you got a night away from all that, and he’d do better at helping you manage things better too. The war criminal, the hardened killer that he was, hated seeing you cry.
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fair-city-inquiries · 23 days
Roleplay Information
Randy here, hello!
Okay - this is also out of character but I figured this would be a neat way to introduce not just the roleplay but the character involved with it! So, let’s get right to it, shall we?
Wordgirl: What the Future Holds
The blog technically is an alternate universe nicknamed “What the Future Holds”. In reality, it’s a post-canon universe set after the series finale ‘Rhyme and Reason’. The blog follows title lead, Becky Botsford, who is now in high school as a freshman. The timeline is exactly how it happened in the show, though there might be some differences! Not that it’s entirely necessary to know, to be honest.
This blog is specifically for Becky Botsford, not Wordgirl. What the Future Holds will be focusing on both her time in high school, as well as silly nonsense with headcanons mixed in!
Now, onto information about the character/muse, Becky Botsford!
Becky Botsford
Name: Rebecca Botsford
Nicknames: Becky/Becks (used by friends and/or family), Beckface (coined by Victoria Best), any variant of Becky - Becky Doodles, Beckaroni, etc - (all coined by members of the Botsford family), kid/kiddo (by Dr. Two Brains), dearie/dear/my dear (used by Granny May)
Age: 14 years old!
Birthday: [404.EROR], May 15 (presumed birthday by the Botsford’s)
Allies/Friends: Violet Heaslip, Todd “Scoops” Ming, Rose Franklin, Bob Botsford
Acquaintances: Theodore “Tobey” McAllister III, Victoria Best, Eileen
Enemies: [REDACTED]
Friendly Rivals: Theodore “Tobey” McAllister III
Family Members: [REDACTED], Adoptive - Sally Botsford (Mom), Tim Botsford (Dad), TJ Botsford (Younger Brother), Bob (“pet” monkey)
Becky Botsford is the eldest child in the Botsford family. She was taken in and adopted by them when she’d still been a young girl after being found mysteriously in front of their house. An adept reader as she was somehow reading a newspaper while still being very little.
She grew up in Fair City which was rampant with super-villains, although most were stopped by super-heroine Wordgirl. Apparently Wordgirl and Becky have interacted before but of course - that’s as far as it goes. The audience knows otherwise. As a child, Becky attended Woodview Elementary School alongside her best friend, Violet Heaslip, and her first crush Todd “Scoops” Ming. Things were a bit trying with the supervillains in the city, but thankfully - Wordgirl managed to kick butt and send them to jail, and again and again every time they broke out.
Becky would eventually graduate from elementary and middle school. Now the school year has picked up again as she’s exploring her time as a freshman. She’s part of the Debate Team, as well as an honorary member of Book Club (though she also has her moments when she seems to have disappeared-).
Things of course, are about to get very interesting.
Headcanons & Additional Muse Information
⭐️ The Botsford’s are Afro-Latin Americans, much like Becky! Even if she is adopted - she is also Afro-Latina. She’s fluent in both English and Spanish, though who knows maybe she knows other languages~ ;))
⭐️ Becky is an avid reader. Canonically, she’s known for checking out ten books at once from the library! She has a soft spot for light romance-fantasy genres - though she also enjoys crime and mystery thrillers!
⭐️ Her fixation on PPMPPH never went away!
⭐️ Becky is autistic and ADHD, and you cannot convince me otherwise. This is canon now.
⭐️ She’s a bit nervous about juggling [REDACTED] and her high school classes but she’ll be fine. After all, she could handle it in the past… right?
⭐️ Becky and Violet’s friendship strengthened following “Rhyme and Reason”, but it also caused some unfortunate trauma, and that’s all you’re getting for now!
⭐️ She has freckles because I said so
More headcanons will be dropped soon!
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bluejaysandblackbats · 3 months
Ok kids, last one before bed
Blood Lines: Jade and Roy's pasts come back to haunt them (literally) when their curses collide. (arrowfam; horror/supernatural AU, no capes AU)
Before I Hurt You Too: Orion's deceased friend's brother begins to follow him despite his objections. (new gods, fourth world; boarding school AU)
Demolition Derby: Scott Free falls for the toughest girl in the school after his father and nanny force him to take up wrestling. (new gods, fourth world; hs AU, wrestling AU, roller derby AU, no powers AU)
The Houdini Clause: Scott Free's escape attempts from the highest security boarding school catches the attention of the valedictorian and children from their much more laid-back sister school across the bridge. (new gods, fourth world; boarding school AU, dark academia AU)
The War Inside: Runaway turned military school student, Grant Wilson, risks expulsion when he falls for a troublemaking classmate. (boarding school AU, no capes AU/no powers AU)
Dead Sons Club: Jason Todd and Grant Wilson walk into a bar... ANd they're both supposed to be dead. (batfam; canon divergent AU, maybe a oneshot)
The Outcry: Grant Wilson feels as if he's always lived in his brother, Joseph's shadow in this ageswap AU. (ageswap AU, no powers AU)
Chicken or Fish: Garth and Arthur age swap AU where tiny!Arthur becomes Garth's first friend/brother. (aquafam; ageswap AU)
I Bet You're Wondering: College AU where Ted Kord and Booster meet in the emergency room. (jli; college/university AU)
If Ever In My Nature: HS AU where Guy Gardner recalls the summer he fell in love with a boy named Taylor from his high school's buddy program. (jli, gl corps; hs AU)
orange: Guy Garner decides to foster a little girl in this no powers AU. (jli, gl corps; no powers AU)
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bigasschefbracket · 1 year
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Welcome to the Big Ass Chef Bracket 
We’re pitting every fictional chef we can think of against each other in one big bracket to find tumblrs favorite fictional chef
Inspired mostly from following the @thegreatbigdetectivepolll 
This is a single elimination poll, no losers bracket.
First round of polls is going to open on Thursday 4/20. Here are our matchups: 
Bracket One
Cooking Mama (Cooking Mama) v Tayce T (Paper Mario)
Sojiro Sakura (Persona 5) v Jeff Masters (Ace Attorney Investigations 2)
Julieta Madrigal (Encanto) v Sarah Hawkins (Treasure Planet)
Sabine Chang (Miraculous) v Tiana (Princess and the Frog)
Kirby (Kirby) v Barbie (Barbie)
Teruteru Hanamura (Danganronpa 2) v Arven (Pokemon Scarlet and Violet)
Kirio Hikifune (Bleach) v Tatsu (Way of the Househusband)
Soma Yukihira (Food Wars!) v Charmy Papittoson (Black Clover)
Carmy (The Bear) v Swedish Chef (Muppets)
Vianne Rocher (Chocolat) v Mrs Lovett (Sweeney Todd)
Po’s dad (Kung Fu Panda) v Chef Lois (Little Mermaid)
Marcell Toing (Ratatoing) v Franklin (Animal Crossing)
Bracket Two
Remy (Ratatouille) v Larz (Steven Universe)
Antonio Trussardi (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventures) v Vinsmoke Sanji (One Piece) 
Colette Tatou (Ratatouille) v Granny Puckett (Hoodwinked)
Bob Belcher (Bob’s Burgers) v Mung Dal (Chowder)
Spongebob Squarepants (Spongebob Squarepants) v Min Min (Arms)
Brock (Pokemon) v Menchi (Hunter x Hunter)
Chef Kawasaki (Kirby) v Cooking Cat (A Hat in Time)
Chef Saltbaker (Cuphead) v Master Oden (Yo Kai Watch)
Bunet (Fire Emblem Engage) v Yama (Okami)
Long John Silver (Treasure Planet) v Aunt Cass (Big Hero 6)
Peppino Spaghetti (Pizza Tower) v Pepper Roni (LEGO Island)
Najika Kazami (Kitchen Princess) v Zeke Baylor (High School Musical)
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