#truthfully the first one is mostly a joke but i like it too much to not get rid of it
slaapkat · 2 years
another round of Daemon AU headcanons because im bored
Pete "Maverick" Mitchell - Field Mouse, “Dorothy”
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Nick "Goose" Bradshaw - Yellow Lab, “Polly”
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Tom "Iceman" Kazansky - Siberian Husky, “Matilda”
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Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw - American Mink, “Josephine” aka “Josie”
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Steve Savage / Balloon Buster - Red-Tailed Hawk, “Imogene”
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Hans von Hammer / Enemy Ace - Eurasian Wolf, name unknown
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Can go an unusually long distance from his daemon
unknown if wolf is truthfully his daemon, or if he has a daemon at all
shunned socially for this fact as further proof of his “inhuman” nature in the sky
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unholyhelbig · 4 months
Can't wait for part four oh my god
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Center picture Cred: Jadiakallisti
Title: The Beast You've Made of Me [Part 4/7]
Ship: Female!Reader x Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff
Wordcount: 3,545
Summary: When reader wakes up in her own grave, she's suddenly aware of a past that spans lifetimes, but she's not the only one. Two Avengers are tasked with keeping readers past a secret, or at the very least, controlled.
Warnings: Blood, night terrors, chains, mentions of things under the skin, mentions of torture, terrible grammar.
[a/n: This one may be shorter, but damn if it's not filled with plot. I promise, I don't hate Thor. ]
[ Part one | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven ]
Main Masterlist | Read my stuff on AO3 | Leave Requests
Wanda Maximoff stared at you while you slept. She hadn’t meant to do so; she was drawn to you. A blanket that was a soft baby blue was covering you and you’d tightened your grip around it until your knuckles were white. Soft breathes escaped you, and she selfishly thought about other quiet sounds she could draw with her presence.
They’d moved you from the initial containment unit when SHIELD was satisfied enough with your blood results, and your rate of regeneration. There were no more physical tests they could run on you, no more blood or vitals that needed to be taken. So, they’d moved you to a cell that was less like a hospital room and more like a condo.
No, Wanda wouldn’t quite call it that. It was mostly white, the walls honeycombed and equipped with sound proofing in need be. There was a bed, and a nightstand, even a television that was tacked the adjacent wall.
In the corner was a glass containment unit that reminded you that you were, in fact, a prisoner. They’d given you more clothes, simple sweatpants and shirts that had a large stretching logo on the front. You’d considered it a win that it didn’t have an inmate number just below the collar.
Wanda stood at the two-way glass. She didn’t have the heart to push through your reserves when they were lowered like this. And truthfully, her skin still tingled from the first time she had invaded your mind. There was so much there, yet, each time she tried to reach further it was like a rolodex of times and dates, and an immeasurable amount of death.
A calloused hand found its way to the small of her back. Wanda clocked the scent of birch and vanilla. It was familiar and calmed her nerves like a soothing balm. The witch bit down on her thumb nail and spared a worried glance to her wife.
“She looks so peaceful when she sleeps.”
“You wouldn’t believe how loud it is in there.”
Natasha hummed and wrapped her arms around Wanda, resting her chin on the other woman’s shoulder. They both watched you for a few minutes; the curve of your figure, and the rhythmic up and down of your chest. A small frown had etched itself onto your features, but it quickly vanished.
“Nat,” Wanda’s voice was nothing more than a whisper, but she’d turned her head, making it ring loud and clear. “I know we’ve been making jokes about this… toying with her. But, I don’t think I can let her go.”
Natasha squeezed Wanda tighter and made eye contact with her in the reflection of the window. That stare was so genuine that it made Natasha’s heart ache in the center of her chest. She didn’t want to admit it, but she found you quite charming too. Aloof, at times, but there was so much hidden under the surface.
“Yeah, baby. I know what you mean. You’ve always had a thing for the broken ones, and she’s convinced that she falls into that category.”
A sigh moved past Wanda’s lips. Your thoughts were so loud they almost penetrated her defenses. You were having a nightmare. According to Natasha, they all followed the same formula, and if it was anything like she had witnessed; the farmstead, the stretching bone-white rib cage that protruded from the center of a young girl. She wanted nothing of it.
“Can we keep her?” Wanda asked.  
A chuckle vibrated through Natasha. Wanda felt the sensation against her spine and leaned into the feeling, laying her hands over the ones encircling her. “Well, I suppose that’s up to her.”
A frown formed against your features, a pained expression that pulled at them both in ways that they weren’t expecting. Through they glass, they could hear small whimpers that seemed to catch in your throat. You burrowed further into the mattress. If Wanda squinted, she could see tears wet your rosy cheeks.
Then the screaming started. It was wracked with pain, and a second one didn’t’ escape you before both women burst through the door. They each had experience with night terrors, though, from the sound of it, nothing as visceral as yours.
“Solnechnyy svet,” Wanda’s low hum was accompanied by her soft touch. You writhed, effectively shoving the blankets away. You were in a pair of shorts and a tank-top. A growl pushed past your lips, something inhuman and startling.
It was Natasha who saw the darkness under your skin. She clenched her eyes tighter, trying to clear her vision. There were black veins that squirmed just beneath the surface in the form of chains. But no, they couldn’t be. That would irrational. Binds forming under your flesh and wrapped around your bones. It simply wasn’t possible.
Unconsciously, you clawed at your throat, at ghostly links that snaked around your neck. It was choking you, making it hard to breathe. A hiccup pushed past your lips and tears continued to dampen your pillow.
“Wanda, what do we do?”
Natasha had placed a hand firmly on your chest, pressing you into the mattress. She didn’t want you to thrash hard enough to injure yourself but she struggled against your strength. Another cry escaped you, and blinked again, trying to push the image of sharpened teeth from her mind.
“We have to wake her up, I think.”
“What if that hurts her more?”
“I think she’s going to hurt herself if we don’t pull her out of this. It’s so loud. God, her mind is like tar.”
Natasha didn’t wait for an explanation. She straddled your squirming form. She gripped both of your wrists and pinned them above your head. A cry escaped you, even in your sleep you tried fruitlessly to buck her off.
“Can you go in and pull her out?”
“I can try. Everything is so dark. Can you hold her still?”
Natasha grits, pushing all of her weight on you. “I’m trying. Jesus Christ she’s strong.”
Wanda’s eyes flashed a dark, and alarming red. Natasha huffed, knowing that it would be impossible to reach either of you in this moment. Her arms were starting to fail her, strands of copper hair falling into her gaze. The phantom binds seemed to tightened, you sputtered and pulled, but didn’t falter in your fight.
The witches shoulders started to tremble, her jaw clenched and whispered words not reaching Natasha’s ears. You bucked again, pushing into her. She tightened her thighs around your center, trying to lean all of her weight on your arms.
Small pin-pricks of pain erupted the tendons in hands. With fierce eyes, Natasha gawked at the pitch black that spread across your fingers. Your nails were elongating, ending in claws that were sharp enough to pierce her skin and even draw blood.
Wanda drew in a sharp and cloying breath before she wretched herself away from you and stumbled back from the bed. Her eyes were crimson and frantic for a few moments before she could blink the color away, chest heaving up and down. You were finally quiet, falling limp under Natasha.
Natasha panted, looking back at her wife “Are you okay?”
Wanda used the back of her hand to wipe moisture away from under her eyes. Her hands were shaking, her stare frantic. “I could taste blood. All I could taste was blood.”
Natasha made a small noise and looked down at you. The chains had vanished, your skin smooth, if not an irritated red from your scratching. She couldn’t’ glimpse your teeth, but prayed they weren’t pointed. Your nails had retracted and left nothing but small cuts behind.
“Mm, what the fuck,” you grumbled, eyes fluttering open, betraying your groggy state. You were fully pulled from unconsciousness when you realized the pressure against you. “What the fuck?!”
“Yeah, I’d like to ask you the same thing.”
Natasha let her own body go slack, she flopped down next to you to catch her breath. Wanda had lowered herself tentatively to the corner of the mattress. She audibly gulped, trying to quell the dryness in her throat.
“Shit, did I hurt you?” You glanced down at Wanda, raising yourself up onto your elbow. “I hurt both of you.”
“Not really, kitten. Just startled us, is all.”
Her words hung in the air. She was a good liar, possibly the best, but you could still detect the trepidation in her voice. Your entire body was buzzing, thrumming with a type of fear that you hadn’t felt in years. Not since the ice broke, and your brothers gurgled screams echoed in the air.
Wanda looked as if she’d seen a ghost. Her skin was pale and her eyes were borderline wild. You’d only ever seen the woman in pristine composure, and this frightened you more than the metallic scent of blood that wafted off Natasha.
She let out a shaky breathe that had her wife shooting up despites her exhaustion. She curled a finger under the woman’s chin and guided her soft stare. “Baby, what did you see?”
Wanda grabbed Natasha’s hand with her own, lowering it down to her lap, but not releasing her hold. Her eyes found yours. “What did you see?”
You drew your legs to your chest and hugged them close. There was mostly dark, but a deepening sense of dread clung to you throughout sleep. “I… was in Jennifer’s apartment but something was off. It didn’t’ feel right and it didn’t take me long to notice it. I excused myself to go to the bathroom and splash my face with water, but when I opened the door, it was, shit, it was this dense forest.”
Wanda nodded as if she agreed with your recall. It was an endless landscape of stretching evergreens. Through the gaps in the trees you could see a mountain range that was dusted with a powdering of snow. You knew you weren’t alone, but you couldn’t quite see who was with you.
“There were chains, dozens of them that I was meant to break. The people around me willed that I didn’t, that I couldn’t. But they were easy to snap, nothing for me to push through.”
“They made other chains, didn’t they?” Wanda asked gently.
You nodded. “I think they were afraid of me. I scared them with my size, with my strength. What does that mean?”
Wanda shook her head and gave you a sympathetic stare. If she had felt a fraction of the fear, the contempt, that you had, then you owed her an apology. It hit you like a stone but could break bones like a boulder if one wasn’t careful.
The glass shattered under the strength of the hit. A fierce ache shot down your spine, the pop of windowpane not registering until the pebble-sized shards reined down around your bare feet. Your breathe had effectively been knocked out of you, and kept out by the mans iron-tight grip on your throat, his other hand keeping you steady by wrapping around the fabric of your shirt.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
This man was huge and could easily toss you to the sun if he weren’t restraining himself. He smelled of citrus, of a kind of mint that tickled your throat. Your introduction to Thor, God of Thunder, was not at all what you had imagined.
There was a flicker of anger in his eyes before he launched himself at you. He’d shoved you into the glass pane and decided to choke the life out of you. Your hands clawed at his unwavering grip, lungs burning and legs kicking. Spots had started to form in your vision.
Natasha and Steve tried to pull him away, making little progress. You were losing consciousness, not able to fight back in your current state of shock. His arms were suddenly wrenched back. You fell to the floor, glass embedding itself in it’s skin.
You coughed and sputtered, not registering the phantom manes of red around his wrist, and arms. You curled into yourself, coughing as you greedily took in as much air as you could. Natasha was at your side in an instant. Steve’s aftershave coating your throat as he checked you over. Both disregarded the glass.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Natasha was on her feet, satisfied that you had turned away from death’s doorstep. She closed the distance between herself and the God of Thunder, shoving him with a strong hand. “You touch her again and I’ll put you through a wall. Understand?”
She was deterred by the fear in his eyes. She’d known this man for years, and had him backed into a corner with a protective fury in her bones. Thor was a gentle giant, never using his strength without a driving factor. There was apprehension in his stance, large hands dragging down his bearded face.
“Lady Romanoff, I assure you, you do not know what you are protecting.”
“I just watched you throw someone half your size through a glass window. Explain to me why I wouldn’t protect her.”
She glanced over at you, on your feet and with Steve’s arm around your middle, keeping you up. The hardness of his stare mirrored Natasha’s. Wanda’s eyes were neural, but magic whirred around her fingertips like worms, writhing for purchase.
“That is not a woman!” He laughed, boisterous, yet without humor, he pointed a finger at you. “That is the end of times, the catalyst for the fall of Valhalla and Asgard. My home! If you don’t destroy it, I will.”
“No one is destroying anything.” Wanda snarled, effectively placing herself between Thor and yourself. Her arms were crossed over her chest. “We called to you for answers, not this. You’re welcome to return to your galivanting around space.”
“You expect me to leave? Not until I have it in chains.”
This brought your own stare to his, hardening your stance. A low growl escaped your chest, one that had a dark rumble to it, silencing the entire room. It was inhuman, it pulled the air away and filled the area with tension.
“You see that? That’s just a fraction of power. You let it get in and manipulate you, then you’ll be responsible for the world crumbling. You hear me?”
“Hi, yes,” You raised a shaky hand, “Do I have a say in this?”
“I cannot talk to you!” He said, almost frantically, taking a step back, “I refuse to let you manipulate me.”
Steve cleared his throat, taking control of the room. He removed himself from you when he was certain that you weren’t going to topple over. The pain had turned into a dull hum, and then soon, nothing at all. Your own hair was standing up at the presence of Thor.
“We’re being rash here. You’re clearly bothered by y/n. Before we jump to conclusions, maybe we should talk about this.” He offered, earning a huff and an apprehensive stare. “Explain to us what has you so spooked.”
Yes, god please. You pleaded silently. There was the inherent fear in his stance, but that at least gave way to him knowing exactly what you were. The horror was more accepting than the confusion. He’d sited the end of worlds, and you certainly knew you didn’t’ have that in you, standing in a pair of blood-soaked sweatpants and awkwardly picking a shard of glass from your palm.
Thor’s shoulders had dropped. He’d deflated like a balloon and suddenly looked as pale as Wanda had earlier. He kept his distance from you, licking his dry lips and scratching the back of his head. “Captain, do you recall the struggle of going up against Loki? This deceit and his tricks, and his betrayal.”
He nodded, the room engulfed in quiet. It was their first encounter as a team and so much had happened since then. Natasha clenched and unclenched her jaw, recalling her turmoil with Clint, but keeping her thoughts to herself. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other.
“We scraped by in that war. Can you imagine the damage his daughter will do if unleashed on this world?”
Thor didn’t get an answer. All eyes had turned to you, finally dislodging the piece of glass from your hand. You let it fall to the floor, your mouth opening as if you wanted to say something, but it died before spoken.
“No,” You laughed, shaking your head “No, absolutely not. I have very normal parents who didn’t’ try to take over the world. My dad paints houses and my mom teaches biology and there is no way in hell I’m anyone else’s child!”
He looked at you with a form of pity now. Just like the rest of the Inhuman’s and heroes of the world, you hadn’t kept up with Loki. Of course, you recognized the sourness behind his name. The malice and the hundreds of lives that he took. But you also recognized the familiar feeling in your gut.
“I don’t’ understand,” Wanda spoke up, “We ran all of the background checks. FRIDAY didn’t’ find a single red flag in Y/n’s history. She was born and grew up in Hoboken. The only police report is from a busted house party and she was just in a holding cell until she sobered up. She is, by all accounts, normal aside from digging herself out of her own grave.”
“You were not supposed to die, so you didn’t.”
“I got hit by a taxi.”
“Okay,” Natasha soothed, placing a calming hand on your back. Nothing was connecting, and it all swirled around your mind viciously. Thor was your uncle? Your angry, blood thirsty uncle.
“Loki had three children that were all a threat to Asgard. And for centuries, the population struggled with their existence, feared them. They were unstoppable creatures that craved nothing but blood and carnage.”
Okay, ouch. The only thing you craved right now was normalcy. It seemed so far out of reach. If you could turn back time and go back to your desk job and your quiet comfort, you would be content for eternity.
“Jormungandr was trapped within the waters that surrounded Asgard, meant to float in a limbo for all eternity. And Hel, she was sent to the underworld to rule. Better the dead than the living be effected by her cruelness.” Thor grimaced, nearly shuddered at the thought of her. “And then there is you. Fenrir.”
“y/n,” You suggested quietly.
He pointed at you with a shaking finger “untamable. Feral. They attempted to chain you down twice before they realized that no metal was strong enough to hold you. They needed to trap you in a different way to stop the coming of Ragnarök.”
“What did you do?” Wanda asked, voice unsteady with anger.
“I didn’t’ do anything. The people of Asgard knew that if they were truly to be safe from its reign, then they’d have to banish it somewhere that didn’t’ offer much power. So, they crafted chains. Ones that would keep it’s animal nature restrained on Asgard, but it’s conscious in a constant state of torture.”
“Oh, nice, cool.” You let out a shaky breath. “That’s really comforting, thank you.”
He sneered at you, fueled by years of legend that had seeped into his brain. You couldn’t remember seeing this type of hatred in anyone before, and certainly not the Avenger that was voted the ‘most huggable’ in at least ten teen magazines.
“You tore Tyr’s hand from his body, ripped his tendons and filled your mouth with blood, you greedy animal.”
“That’s enough.” Steve barked. “You’ve explained nothing. If she is some all-powerful world-ending child of a God, then how is she here?”
“Don’t you get it, Cap? This is it’s prison. Centuries of pain. Life after life watching it’s family die in the most horrific ways. It’s the same prison we’ve trapped Loki in for his sins and the same one it’s fated to live forever.”
The dreams you’d had for years flashed before you in a dizzying brigade. Thor looked much too satisfied for your liking but Natasha’s sudden grip on your arm stopped you. She gave you a knowing look, a warning telling you to stay in place, and against your better judgement, you listened.
“I think it’s time for you to leave.” Wanda said.
He laughed again, taking a few steps away from the three avengers and their charge. His boots crunched against the glass. He refused to turn his back to you, instead keeping a vicious glare on his features until he made it to the door. You fought off the chills that threatened to work their way through your body. If not for Natasha, you would have fallen back to the floor.
“Be warned, Lady Romanoff. When I return, I will not be alone. I cannot guarantee your safety in the event that you throw yourself between me and this beast again.”
“Go.” Wanda rumbled, “Now.”
Thor held up both hands, nodding his head at Steve before he finally willed himself to turn. The three of you watched helplessly as you walked with a purpose down the corridor. His footfalls echoed, and you swore that you could hear them even when he was out of view.
[Taglist💕: @dannipotatoo, @non-binary-frogking, @mysticalmoonlight7, @metanoiablxxm, @coxlong, @b3nzzzzz, @simpforlizzie, @delulu-bayolet-era, @dorabledewdroop, @crescentcrush, @roselockwood, @ellieromanov, @leenasayeed, @theowlappears, @pitifulbinx, @pepemyfantasy, @tekanparadiae, @skittlebum, @mariabeloskivismyoc, @natsbiggestfan1, @marvelwomen-simp, @cinffy23, @kyky-maximoff, @natalierushmansstuff, @bstvst, @lezzylover, @404-almostdone, @mishimrno, @maxidentbby, @shayarshucky, @merlinsouls, @neothepotato, @aliherreraaa, @olicity-boo, @tarathia, @thinking1bee, @shayarshucky, @bstvst]
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danikamariewrites · 10 months
i took a look at my room and started fantasizing ab azriel as usual. And it got me thinking ab his room aesthetic blended w his mate who is super girly. Like pink covers, satin pillows, baby pink everything. And imagine az with a mate who moves into his room and starts to bring in her own stuff, and he one day walks in and his dark room has pink bedsheets with the cutest stuffed animals. And to the right side of his bed are the weapons he uses to kill enemies. Like the sudden change in aesthetics is comical. He doesn’t even mind he just loves it, he’d ofc never let anyone else in his room, but his mate? yeah she can do whateverrr she wants in here. Could I please request this? Maybe the ic walk past his room and sees pink cutesy girly stuff and their jaw drop
Combined Aesthetics
Azriel x reader
A/n: I think this is so adorable. He would love the pink and all your stuff in his room and have heart eyes every time he sees you sitting on the bed that’s now the bed you share 😍
Warnings: none
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You and Azriel have two very different aesthetics as you lovingly pointed out at the start of your relationship. While he gravitated more towards darker and minimal decor you preferred colorful and cozy.
At the start of your relationship Azriel mostly stayed the night at your apartment. He said he was comfortable there, plus he liked all your little knick knacks and decor. Your place felt like home to him. It’s a safe space for him and he feels at peace with you. A warm feeling always rising in his chest when his with you.
Even though his home is with the IC and his permanent room is at the River House with everyone else he can’t help but think of you as home. The first time you stayed the night in his room was when you met the IC. Azriel invited you over to finally meet his family who you became instant friends with which made Azriel very happy to see his two worlds no longer be separated.
Cassian grilled you immediately about your relationship of course. You joke back and forth with him and Rhys making Azriel smile. You and Nesta clicked instantly as well. And you were planning on spending time with each of them already. And of course Nyx stole your heart. The little boy clung to you instantly, wanting you to play with him all night.
Once dessert wound down the two of you headed up to his room. Azriel stopped outside the door gripping the handle so hard his knuckles turned white. You rest your hand on his to get his attention. Az looks at you like he forgot you were there for a second.
He felt like a teenager bringing a female to his bedroom for the first time and mother above did it feel nerve wracking. Az wasn’t nervous for you to stay the night. Truthfully he was embarrassed by how bare and dark his room is compared to yours.
“Hey, you ok baby?” He nods, “Yeah it’s just…I want you to feel at home here.” You sweetly smile up at your boyfriend. “Of course I will Azzy. It’s your room how could I not?” He nods stiffly and pushes the door open. You walk in first, Az follows and turns on the lights.
You stop to take in your new surroundings. Your heart broke at how empty his room is. You knew Azriel was minimal about how much space he takes up, but even in his own room? His personal space? It felt a little cold like his shadows.
The floor was wood, no carpet anywhere. Just a large velvet arm chair and foot rest by the fireplace. A simple clock on the mantle. Thick black curtains cover the floor to ceiling windows and balcony doors. His bed was simple. A black duvet with two pillows resting against the headboard. You were positive that if you pulled the cover back you’d find black sheets as well.
Tears pricked your eyes. You know the reason why too. Which broke your heart even more. It was the same reason why it took you months to convince him to have a section of your closet and a drawer in your dresser. Azriel never wanted to be a burden and take up too much space.
It had been minutes since you moved. Azriel was starting to get concerned. He turned you by your shoulders, instantly becoming concerned by your tears. You answer the heartbreaking look on his face with your own question, your voice coming out small, “why don’t you have anything?”
Azriel just shrugged. You pulled him into a tight loving embrace. Az rubs small circles on your back. “It’s ok love. I have enough. I don’t need material things, not when I have you.” He gently brushes the pad of his thumb across your cheek to wipe away your tears.
You nod giving him a small smile. “I love you so much Az.” “I love you too sweetheart.” He kisses the top of your head, leading you to bed.
A year later Azriel asked if you would move in with him. The mating bond had snapped and been accepted and he couldn’t handle the distance from you. Besides, you wanted out of your tiny apartment. This was just a stepping stone until you got a house for yourselves.
“Make yourself at home love. This is your room too, put anything wherever you want.” Your eyes light up at the opportunity to make Azriel’s room homey.
You put your two snow globes from the Winter Court on the mantle next to some other souvenirs you picked up from your travels. You even found stuff Az got from missions in a closet, adding it next to your stuff. A marble vase now sat on a low laying table in front of the hearth. And your pink fluffy arm chair sits across from Azriel’s velvet one.
When he helped you move it in he asked if you wanted to buy matching chairs to which you said no. You love the vast difference in style and want to keep it that way. You said mismatched items made his room feel homey. You wouldn’t say no to buying a carpet though.
A month later Azriel came home from a mission before dinner. He wanted a bath and a nap. Opening the door he found you snuggled up in his large arm chair, wrapped up in a fuzzy blanket reading a book.
Out of the corner of his eye he noticed the ridiculous amount of decorative pillows on the bed along with a new duvet, the plush doll from your childhood and the stuffed animal he got you.
You stared at him apprehensively, not knowing if he’ll be happy with this drastic change of color. You never wanted to disturb his space but you couldn’t have the bed so bare. It made you sad.
Azriel walked over to the bed running a scared hand across the white fluffy duvet. His hazel eyes finally met yours and relief flooded your features. Azriel is smiling at the new change. “It’s like your apartment. I loved everything in there, it was homey. I’m glad you got this.” You clapped your hands in excitement, “Yay! Oh and you’re going to love the bathroom. I got new products and added a few candles. Oh! And new towels!”
He couldn’t help the smile that pulled at his lips as you led him into the bathroom to point out what you purchased.
While Azriel was in his meeting with Rhys you were cuddled up in your chair waiting for him to come back. You had been sitting in his lap while he worked and desperately wanted his warmth back. Now that winter had settled in you were constantly shivering.
Another chill runs down your spine as you unwrapped the blanket from your shoulders. Padding across the bedroom you head down to the kitchen for some hot chocolate, leaving the door ajar.
Cassian whistled while walking down the hall to his room. He glanced sideways into you and Azriel’s room, stepping a few more paces Cassian freezes quickly, turning around and rushing back to poke his head in. The Generals jaw drops as he takes in the brightness of his brother’s room.
He was never really allowed in Azriel’s room. His brother liked to keep his life private and Cassian respects that. However…the door is open and he isn’t going to miss his one opportunity to look around. After finding the pink sheets, the flowery soaps, and vanilla candles Cassian smirked to himself as he took one last look around before leaving.
Turning to face the doorway he jumped at the sight of Azriel. His shadows flowing angrily around his shoulders and an unpleasant look on his face. “What are you doing in here?” Az asks in a dark yet oddly calm tone. Cassian began to stumble over his words trying to come up with an answer that wouldn’t get Truthteller chucked at his head.
Azriel moved swiftly, grabbing Cassian by the collar of his leathers. “This is me and my mates room. So why are you in here?” He asked again with a more gruff voice. “I-“
“Az?” Your voice breaks him from his anger with Cassian. Your mate whips around to face you, letting go of Cass. “Hi my love. I was just asking Cass what he’s up to.” “Oh,” you say tilting your head curiously. “What do you think of the new room Cass?” You smile up at him hopeful.
“Uumm,” Azriel nudged him. A reminder that if he was rude Azriel would kill him. “I love it.” He says genuinely. “I always thought Az could use some more color and fluffy stuff in his life.” Cassian shoots Azriel a shit eating grin that you miss as you go to put down your mug on the table.
Still looking at Azriel, Cassian continues speaking, “I love the contrast between Azriel’s weapons just layin’ around and your pink sheets.” Azriel pushes Cassian out, slamming the door in his face. Cassian’s howling laughter reaches your ears through the thick wood.
You give Azriel a questioning look. “He had to leave, things to do and all that.” Az says. You nod and giggle seeing through his silly little lie.
“I’m still really cold, can I sit on your lap again?” You give him a small pout which Azriel melts at. “Always my love. I could never let you be cold.” Az sits in his arm chair holding up your fuzzy blanket, ready to wrap you in it. You settle into his embrace and he leaves small kisses across your forehead. If you two could stay like this all day you would be content.
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siddyyyyyyyy · 8 days
Only Friends
Tim Drake x Reader
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wc: 0.8 K summary: You both get flustered in an interview warnings: none, no y/n used a/n: got this silly idea while daydreaming (once more) even though i have three fics going on rn. (also, it would be better if you know the concept of 'World's most searched questions' from Wired) enjoy!
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It was like every other day, just getting ready for an interview, taking the interview before doing the other stuff you have to do by yourself. It's simple, not too stressful or overwhelming. And you are actually quite excited considering it's not an usual interview. It's actually on the 'The Web's Most Searched Questions', it feeling a little exciting to be in such a format for the first time. For preparation, you watched some interviews of other actors or different celebrities to make sure you got the concept, also making sure you got the times and location right with your co-star, Tim Drake. He's in most interviews with you because of the latest movie you both acted in together. This time, being enemies in the movie. Other movies or shows, you had either neutral or romantic relationships together. But in reality, you were nothing more but friends and colleagues. You considered yourself lucky with such a nice and funny colleague, having known him for a few years already. Besides the more romantic and heated scenes, you both remained close friends throughout your career.
Once you both are ready to take the interview, having the mics set and camera pointed at you, it's time to begin. The staff explained to you one last time of how it all works, having your big card of questions first. You both inteoduce yourselves to the audience, well, camera, and slide off the first tape to the first question. It reads your name, followed up with a question, if you played in a show from six years ago. Of course, you answer it truthfully, it going well for now, explaining briefly when that show aired and how it was playing that part. Moving on, the next question is just as normal as the other. A simple question about one of the films you once starred in, answering honestly again. The next one is a little bizzare, even to you. It reads your name, followed up with a rather random and personal question. "... am I, what? Do I gossip on set?" You read aloud, being mostly confuses on why that's the third most searched question on Google about you. Where did people get that idea from. You turn to Tim beside you, still confused. "Did you start that rumour?" He can barely contain a straight face at you, shaking his head while cracking up. "I think it's about the secret pictures of us 'gossiping'." Tim answers, putting air-cotation-marks with his hands at the last word. There were a few pictures the paparazzi took of you both whispering things to each other, but you never really thought too much about it. And you definitely were gossiping, it was just rude to be truthful about it. "Ah, right. These pictures still haunt me at night, but no. I do not gossip on set. I wait until I get home." You joke lightly as you look back to the camera, continuing with the next question on the board in your hands. The last four questions go on without any weird one's popping up, until you uncover the last one. "... and Tim Drake couple?" You read aloud again, your brain short circuiting at the question. You and him, a couple? Seriously? You knew people like gossip, but was that actually serious? Tim blushes slightly beside you, glancing over to you to see your reaction. You seem just as taken aback as him. There's not much to say, really. Finally, you shake your head and look back at the camera, trying to make it as casual as possible. Ignore the five seconds of silence before your answer. "Nope. Never been together." Tim nods in agreement, keeping his wyes anywhere but you. You really haven't expected this to go awkward, considering interviews bever get awkward. There's always someone talking, either the interviewer, you, or the staff. But this is genuinely awkward. Embarrassing even. You are sure you will get nightmares about this exact incident years later. Clearing your throat, you hand your board back to the staff, Tim getting his own now.
His first question is just as light as yours, the mood getting quickly back to the one before. It's light, fun and easy. You talk a little too and poke fun at Tim as he answers his question, eventually getting to the third one.
"Tim and Drake couple with..." He trails off, seeing your name at the end. This time, it's rather annoying than embarrassing. He sighs out and look towards you briefly before frowning at the camera. "Guys, we just had that question. It's embarrassing, really. We're not together, even if our roles say otherwise in some movies." Tim explains slightly annoyed, noticing how embarrassed you are at the question. You shouldn't be, considering it's definitely not your fault and people just like some gossip. However, you also feel some different kind of emotion stir up in you. The idea of being with someone, of people knowing you are together with someone is new and sounds way better than denying it all the time. Of course you won't say that on an interview, let alone to Tim, your long-time best friend of a couple years. You both know it won't get to something more than that, both being strict about that in your friendship. You've crosses the line of friendship in roles, qs actors, before but it never felt as good as actually being with someone.
Ignoring your thoughts as best as possible, you move on with Tim. His questions are rather more funny than yours, him messing around with his answers a little as well. There's a sloght difference you noticed, and it's that people seem to take you more seriously. Probably because of the roles you play, maybe because of the personality you put on for the media. Either way, it creates an interestjng dynamic between you and Tim overall. Fans seem to like it, and it seems to work great as usual on interviews. But you never thought they could think of you both in that way. The video is finished and you both return to your own cars, hugging goodbye as usual.
A few days have gone by after that interview, and you decide to check it out. The video has about four million views by now, considering the video got published about three days after you filmed it. You start to watch it, skipping through it a little before the weird question. You seem indeed confused and flustered bt the question, them having edited your moment in a funny way. A computer buffering sound on the background, zoomed in into your face with a loading icon at your forehead. It's actually funny, even if it wasn't funny when you were answering it at the moment. Tim seems just as confused for a moment, you both denying the question as politely and smart as possible, to avoid useless scandals or rumours. Okay, wasn't so bad. Tim's part was less humerus, actually nore straight to the point with hoe annoyed he answered the question. The video ends after you say your goodbyes to the camera, getting to the comment section. You read the first few one's, them being supportive and sweet. The longer you scroll down, the more you start to lose hope in your fans. They genuinely seem to ship you. It would've been funny, but now that you think of it... it doesn't sound too bad. You make your way to some fanfic websites you still know from your earlier teenage years, searching up your name with Tim. Indeed, thousands of suggestions pop up, not having expected more than hundreds of thousand people wrote some kind of romantic content between the two of you. You are really sure Tim would hate you for it, but you go ahead and read some of it. Most were just some silly short stories about the two of you being in love on set, but some were the most heart and gut-wrenching fluff you've ever read. You didn't touch the angst tag, being too scared of getting hurt over fictional problems.
You take a break from everything, deciding it's best to never touch anything like that ever again and ignore it overall. You and him were just friends. Nothing more, nothing less. You would sacrifice everything for him and make sure he stays happy, but never cross the line between friendship and partners, in fear of ruining anything. He would most definitely do the same, if not more for you, but there's no way you'll ever be more than what you are now. Drying off your few tears, it's time to get to the next set of filming, staying friends with Tim. 
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a/n: also, sorry for being dead in the last few days or weeks, idk, but there's a few things going on and i won't be able to reply or post as quickly as before, but I'll try!! hope you enjoyed it
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its-all-papaya · 1 month
Can I hear more about your clingy landoscar idea pls 🧡
Yes!! Bonus snippet!! RICHES!! (I couldn’t decide which to write so I picked both). this is like... not necessarily the same tone as the first thing at all... but... they fit on the same continuum if you imagine some progression in the middle, idk. like i said. the word doc is calling to me.
read the first part
After Monaco, after Oscar’s moved to Monaco, Lando finally convinces him to come out for a night. Oscar has drinks, of course, but he stays on the conservative side of sloppy. Mostly because the way Lando’s handling him is not something he wants to risk forgetting even a second of. 
Oscar knew Lando was tactile, but it’s ratcheted up a notch when he’s drunk. It’s much different, much more overwhelming, when Lando is everywhere, demanding every one of Oscar’s senses, instead of confined to only a voice and only sometimes a face on a phone screen. He starts out with a hand on Oscar’s back to keep him near in the flow of the crowd, but that evolves into an arm around Oscar’s waist after the first round of shots. Soon it’s fingers around Oscar’s hips while Lando waits behind him at the bar, then a leg tossed over Oscar’s when they’re squished into a booth with Charles and Max. After midnight, it’s Lando’s head tipped back on Oscar’s shoulder, throat exposed obscenely so Oscar’s got no choice but to watch his adam’s apple bob as he drains the last of whatever Charles had ordered for the table. Not long after, it’s Lando in Oscar’s lap (“just making room, not a problem, right, Osc?”) and Lando’s arm hooked around his neck, curls tickling Oscar’s chin, fingers brushing back and forth where his sleeve meets his bicep. Oscar can’t tell if Lando’s doing it on purpose, or just sensory seeking in his half-dazed, half-coherent drunk state. He can’t tell if any of it’s on purpose, truthfully, even when Lando’s mouth is against his ear, asking “d’you ever dance? would you wanna? with me?” and his teeth catch a little on the lobe on the last few words.
Oscar doesn’t dance, but what he does do is almost anything Lando asks him to, so it’s in the middle of a crush of sweaty bodies where he first notices something a little different in the direction of Lando’s touch. He’d been dragged by the wrist to the center of the mess, and he’s still planning to stay mostly sober, but he wishes he’d saved one of his drinks for now to help dull the itch of discomfort in his brain and his limbs. Lando’s plastered to his front, his own fresh drink in one hand, the back of Oscar’s shirt scrunched up in the other. Oscar’s seen Lando on the dance floor before, has seen Lando on the dance floor with men before (if some of it was through shitty watermarked fan videos on twitter, that was for him alone to feel any kind of way about), so he can tell the tension in Lando’s back isn’t an all-the-time thing. His grip on Oscar is just north of casual, even when he releases the shirt and goes back to Oscar’s hip, pinky dipping under the hem to rest warm against Oscar’s side.
“Dancing,” he says, like Oscar might have forgotten why they’re here.
Oscar hedges. “Think I’m too sober for that, mate.”
Lando grimaces briefly, but then he’s lifting his own drink up between their chests and backing up just enough to leave space for it there, an offering. When Oscar moves to take it, though, Lando shakes his head and draws him back in, knocking the rim of the glass against Oscar’s chin. He’s smirking like it’s a joke, but Oscar’s missing the punchline as Lando nudges the glass closer again, straw bumping up under Oscar’s cheekbone.
“What,” Oscar says.
“Drink,” Lando says. Like it’s obvious. His pinky dips lower, tracing the top of Oscar’s jeans.
Every part of Oscar feels too warm, sticky with sweat. There’s a reason he doesn’t do clubs. But there’s a reason he’d said yes tonight, and it comes back to him when Lando abandons pretenses and sneaks his whole hand under Oscar’s shirt. It’s too hot, Oscar’s blinking sweat out of his eyes every other time his eyes close.
The ice clinks impossibly loudly against the sides of the glass when Oscar’s fingers close around Lando’s wrist. Condensation is dripping steadily, sliding down the meat of Lando’s hand and pooling where Oscar’s fingers meet his skin. Their eyes stay locked as Oscar guides Lando’s hand back up. They stay locked even as his lips close around the straw and Lando’s part around nothing. His cheeks hollow as he drinks. Lando’s pupils are blown wide, and Oscar spares a second to consider whether Lando’s been out of his sight long enough to have taken anything without him noticing.
“Thanks,” he says when he’s had his fill. The glass is mostly empty and the liquor burns pleasantly all the way down, adding to the fire already smoldering in his stomach.
“Whatever helps.” Lando’s tone is different than Oscar’s ever heard it, but he doesn’t have time to figure that out, because then Lando’s turning around, pressing his back to Oscar’s front, and reaching back to catch Oscar’s hand in his free one - the one that had been on the bare skin of his side a second ago. Everything is still hot and close and overwhelming, but the space under his ribs feels cool with the memory of Lando’s palm.
It’s a blur for awhile. Half of Lando’s drink isn’t really enough to move the needle for Oscar, but he feels drunk instead on the feel of Lando’s abdomen under his palm, the subtle shift of muscle as Lando moves. His head spins with the press of Lando’s hips back into his own, thoughts nebulous in the blue-green light. He catches the eye of a girl across the floor at one point, and her smile sharpens when she sees him looking. He’s not even, really; it’s neither here nor there to him when she starts moving across the floor. Lando’s been like an extension of Oscar’s own body for a bit already, tuned half out for his own sanity, but everything barrels back into focus when Lando’s head tips back again. Oscar recalls his adam’s apple, Charles’ neon shots. A lifetime ago.
“Having fun?” Lando mumbles. His mouth brushes Oscar’s skin. Oscar’s half-convinced it’s an accident, but when he tips his head down to read the words off Lando’s lips, they press more firmly to his jaw. They’re wet and cooler than the ambient air, like he’s just drained the ice from the bottom of his glass. Oscar’s eyes flick back up to clock the woman’s progress, but she’s paused steps away. Oscar feels caught out and guilty even though he hasn’t done anything at all.
“Always, with you,” is what he says. It must be the correct answer, because Lando’s head turns in even further and his lips brush Oscar’s neck in little closed-mouth passes.
When Lando speaks again, Oscar can feel the words spelled out against his skin, drawing goosebumps: “Wanna get out of here?”
Oscar does. Has since the minute he walked in, really. His arm around Lando tightens, drawing him in closer for a final moment, bidding farewell for now to this version of them on the dance floor.
Lando turns back around in his arms, then, not a centimeter further away than he’d started.
“Walk me home?” he asks into Oscar’s cheek.
And Oscar does.
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just-someone-online · 6 months
Just had a fun idea for a filler ep. Basically, while the team are out on a job, they encounter a modified form of the Changeling spell that switches their magics instead of their bodies. Now, it's a race against the clock to figure out how to use each other's powers and defeat the guy that did this to them before the effects become permanent. And unlike the original Changeling, the swaps aren't paired together.
Gray ends up with Erza's Requip, mostly because I think it's funny that the accidental stripper ends up with a magic that lets him change into a million different armors. Speaking of which, Erza absolutely keeps an eye on him the whole time to make sure he doesn't lose anything.
Erza ends up with Wendy's Dragon Slayer magic. Truthfully, I don't have much of a reason for this one beyond liking the idea of Erza using dragon slaying magic. I feel like the first time she tries to roar, she takes in too much air and actively begins lowering the oxygen levels around her.
Wendy gets saddled with Lucy's Celestial Spirit magic. I'm going with this mostly because I remembered that girl from the Infinity Clock arc that Mest thought looked like Wendy and decided to sorta reference her. For the most part, I can see her doing pretty well with it, aside from maybe forgetting which key goes to which spirt.
Lucy winds up with Happy's Aera, mostly because I can see Happy teasing her about not being able to fly and I want to see her divebomb into a Lucy Kick.
Happy gets Carla's abilities, mainly because I can imagine there being a joke about him being bummed that he basically stayed the same until he has a vision or transforms.
Carla is stuck with Natsu's Dragon Slayer magic, purely because that kind of destructive power does not gel well with her. Like, she gets the hang of it, sure, but not before accidentally committing at least three acts of arson.
And last but not least, Natsu ends up with Gray's Ice Make and Devil Slayer magic. I imagine that at first he's pissed at how friggin' cold everything is now, but once he gets used to it he'd keep trying to Ice Make a dragon, only it for it to be the worst looking thing you've ever seen.
By the end of it, they've committed a record breaking amount of property damage for Fairy Tail.
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everydayyoulovemeless · 8 months
Hi! If it's ok, can I request the FNV companions + Vulpes with a fem courier who is strictly a top and won't accept a submissive role no matter what? I need more top fem courier in my life.
(Also, you can exclude Arcade since he's gay and I respect his sexuality).
FNV Companions (+Vulpes) With a Top F!Courier
➼ Word Count » 0.7k ➼ Warnings » Misogyny, MDNI ➼ Genre » NSFW, Romantic ➼ A/N » UGHH top fems give me life, Nonnie, thank you
Boone loves being with a top in bed and has no problem allowing someone to take control of him during sex. Just as he's not much of a talker, he's also not always much of a dom. So, when he finds someone who can naturally take the lead, he's about ready to fall head over heels for them. Boone considers himself a switch, but he turns to putty whenever he can find a woman willing to take the initiative and boss him around. He has no issue being able to sit back and do as you command and would almost beg you to do so. It just feels natural to him, considering he's a veteran. Taking orders is what's familiar to him, and he has no issue admitting it.
Raul doesn't take you seriously at first. He just chuckles and goes along with what you're doing in more of a joking way, but he very quickly begins to understand that you're being genuine when you continue to order him around. It's a nice change of pace for the ghoul. The other times he's slept with a woman, it's usually him on top, so having this switch in roles is new for him and very welcomed. He follows along with your instructions easily. Whatever you need him to do, wherever you want him to be, he'll obey without much thought at all. In fact, he finds that he likes being with someone a bit more dominant than he is. Mostly because it means he can probably just lay there while you have your way with him (he's old, give him a break).
Cass has mixed feelings on the matter. On the one hand, she loves that she's finally met someone who can match her more firey personality, but on the other, she wants to be the one in charge. You'll have to wrestle with her for a bit before either of you can take on the dominant role for that night. It's a bit hit or miss with her as she can be very determined when it comes to things like this, but if you manage to pin her down hard enough, you should be able to have your way with her. Another thing to note, Cass loves it rough and wouldn't mind if you decided you needed to put her in a couple feet of rope to keep her still. Just a thought.
Veronica doesn't mind. In fact, she kinda likes having a more dominant partner. Being in a submissive role makes her feel more feminine, and if you can get her while she's in a dress, she'll be even more excited and willing to obey. One thing about Veronica is that she's a talker, especially during sex, and she's never against a bit of teasing or gagging to get her to quiet down. In fact, they go a long way when trying to get her off. She's more than willing to be put in her place and would do whatever was commanded of her, especially if you called her pretty while you did so.
Vulpes hates it. He wants to be the one in control, especially during sexual encounters. So, when he has to fight you for dominance, he gets a little pissed off. Not only does he find it to be incredibly disrespectful, but he deems it to go against the 'natural order' of things. Vulpes is a strong believer in the idea that women should be subservient and obedient to the men in their lives and will make it very clear to you how he feels. He'll bite you and try to overpower you, but if you tug his hair hard enough, there's a chance you'll be able to gain the upper hand in the situation and finally get him to relax into a more submissive role. Truthfully, though, he doesn't mind it all that much. He just doesn't like allowing a woman to order a man around. He thinks it's wrong, but as long as you keep quiet about this interaction, he will too.
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sluttyten · 2 years
UNHOLY - Chapter Six
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full masterlist || UNHOLY chapter index
genre: supernatural au
characters: fem reader, yuta, ten, winwin, mark, others mentioned
tags: polyamory, smut!, threesome, demon sex, religious themes
length: 10,441 words
<-previous || next–>
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“Well, this is gonna be fucking awkward now, isn’t it?” Mark asks, looking back and forth between you and Ten and Yuta. 
Tonight you’re at another one of Mark’s deep underground labyrinthine clubs. This time in a private room overlooking the club below. They have a few more friends here, drinking and boisterously laughing and singing along to the music the DJ has got booming through the club, but you’re not paying too much attention to those guys. 
You’re leaning against Ten’s chest, his arm draped across your shoulders. You’re quite comfortable, your feet are in Yuta’s lap on the other side of the table. 
Mark and WinWin sit together on the same bench seat as Yuta, occasionally looking at your feet in his lap, sometimes just staring at the way that Ten’s fingertips brush the top of your tits in this very tight and low-cut top you’re wearing tonight. More than once Yuta has commented possessively to WinWin about the lusty way he’s staring at your tits. 
Mark wrinkles his nose slightly, looking around at the three of you. “You start fucking, and now WinWin and I have to feel like fourth and fifth wheels to your demonic tricycle?” 
You can’t hold back a laugh. 
It’s only been a few days since that night when you summoned your flames for the first time, and this is the first time since then that you’re seeing either Mark or WinWin. You’ve been focusing on your demon lessons, though admittedly those have been a little distracted and not very informational. More often than not over the last few days, any attempt at giving you a lesson in demon powers becomes one or both of your instructors fucking you.
After your mastering of the bursting-into-flame lesson, you’ve moved on to shapeshifting, which Ten had mentioned to you. It was certainly more difficult, and even now you’ve had no actual progress. Of course, the distraction provided by your two demons being entirely capable at shifting is likely partially to blame for that. 
For example, Ten had shapeshifted to have a dual penis, not quite the trident like you’d joked about finding when he first took his pants off, but close enough. Truthfully it had been funny at first to see Ten standing there with two penises, until your curiosity took over. You couldn’t help yourself from touching, from seeing that it’s not just an illusion, but a real flesh-and-blood functional penis. Naturally, you’d needed to take it further. Ten had happily let you experiment with him, settling onto the sofa with you between his legs to watch both cocks grow hard, and when you tried blowing both of his cocks, they’d just shifted back together in the tight heat of your mouth.
Ten’s instruction was rarely actually informational when it came to shape-shifting. He and you mostly had fun. There was the two dicks thing, but he’d also shifted to have tits, growing his hair out long until he looked like a gorgeous Renaissance muse. That day hadn’t turned into sex, but rather into him manifesting tubes and cans of paint and canvases, which the two of you had painted on before devolving into fingerpainting each other, and dragging Yuta into it too when he showed up.
Yuta was certainly the more serious of the two when it came to your lessons. 
Yuta actually taught you, instructing you in the history and methodology as well as the limitations of shape-shifting. Turning into most animals and creatures was fine—cats, bats, and rats were simplest, but he could transform into birds or fish or bugs, into any animal that existed in the natural world. The limitations existed when shifting into items for disguise—a tree or a plant was easier than, say, a car (which is too complex), a lamp post (unable to light up if you’re an electric lamp post, but if you’re an old gaslit lamp, you can summon your flame to help), or any object that wasn’t once a living thing.
“I once got stuck as an armchair for several days before someone realized and helped me,” Yuta had told you as he shook his head, leaves falling, replaced by his hair as his skin smooths out from the rough texture of bark. “Sometimes, if you listen closely, I still groan when I move like I have old springs in me.”
“There’s no way!” You laughed. 
Yuta nodded, his smile warming his face, and he wrapped his arms around you, drawing you against his chest. “But, truly, my love, shifting to look like a different person is both one of the easiest and most difficult things.” 
Yuta had evidenced this when he shifted his features smoothly right in front of you, and within seconds, you were staring at yourself like you were looking in a mirror. But when the other you opened its mouth, Yuta’s voice came out, its eyes gleamed demonic black, and the air hung heavy with the scent of sulfur. 
He’d shifted into several other people then. Celebrities that you requested, humans you’d met here in Hell City at Mark’s clubs or when you’d gone out with WinWin, but when you asked if he would shift into WinWin, Yuta shook his head no. 
“That’s the limit, my love. We can only shift into other demons and humans. When we attempt other supernatural beings, it never turns out right. Do you want to see?” Yuta asked. 
He’d transformed into Mark first, but he looked like Mark just with viciously red eyes, fangs fully engaged, and deep, bold hunger lines spreading away from his eyes, making him look truly monstrous. But it was when Yuta shifted into WinWin for you that you truly understood what he meant. 
You’d never seen WinWin in his wolf form. Never seen him as much more than just a slight bit of claw, his single hand turned into a furry paw, his canines becoming more prominent and his glowing eyes. But as Yuta stood before you as WinWin, he looked more wolf than man. Fur sprouted all over his body, on his arms and neck and chest, infringing on his face. His body grew, shoulders bulging with knots of muscle and hunching, his clothes ripping as his body transformed, and his hands twisted into clawed paw-like versions of hands, and his teeth sharp, his eyes the dangerous yellow of a monster. 
You’d cringed away, admittedly terrified to suddenly be faced with the beast. 
“That’s what happens,” Yuta had explained as he came back to himself. “If you attempt a supernatural being, you can only show them in a twisted form. But sometimes you can tweak it, manipulate individual pieces of yourself until you come close to resembling them. Like WinWin, for example. If I wanted to look like him, I would just manipulate little things about myself, which is more time consuming, not nearly as instantaneous, and there’s always something just a little off when it’s done.”
Right before your eyes you’d begun to see the little changes as Yuta grew a little taller, as his body shifted in bone structure and musculature, his features morphing into WinWin’s, or at least ones very similar to WinWin’s. 
And when at last he stood before you, you could sense the difference. There was just something… off about how he looked. Like WinWin, but not. 
So, although Yuta’s lessons were usually rather instructional when compared to Ten’s lessons, these also invariably would end in sex.
So, as Yuta stood in front of you looking so much like WinWin, there was one major difference. Unlike the WinWin you knew, this one was naked. 
Your eyes unavoidably drifted downward, a little bit of curiosity and also just the inability to simply not look at the cock staring back at you. 
Yuta had laughed when he realized where you were looking. 
“Is that an accurate representation, or are you making it up?” You couldn’t look away from the long, heavy cock he possessed, wondering if that was truly what WinWin was packing. It was like…. Ridiculous to look at. Probably close to a foot in length, thick all the way around, veiny, and pink at the tip. You’d never seen anything like it before. 
Again, Yuta had laughed, reaching a hand down to touch himself. “Wouldn’t you like to know, baby girl.”
You did want to know. Once upon a few months ago, you’d almost given into having sex with WinWin in that club, and if you’d taken his pants off to find that cock, you’d have been so underprepared. But since then you’d been with two demons, you’d had handfuls of filthy dreams about WinWin, so at the time of the lesson, you couldn’t seem to look away. You’d had your lusty thoughts about him, but if this is the cock that WinWin had, you would just write off your fantasies because there’s no way you could feasibly take this, even in your wildest dreams. 
You hadn’t yet mentioned the dreams to Yuta or Ten, but surely they had to have some suspicions. You still weren’t sure if they could read your thoughts or not, but it often seemed like they could. So, surely, if they possessed that ability, they had to know by now the way that you dreamed about the other two members of your found family. 
“Come on,” Yuta had said, still stroking the long cock he temporarily possessed. “Do you want to test it out?”
You’d given in to your base urges, the curiosity overwhelming your logic, and you dropped to your knees and reached for his cock. It was impossible to fit it all in your mouth, your hands worked what you couldn’t, and Yuta just raked his fingers through your hair and did his best to gag you on his cock. 
It had been a little startling when you looked up at him partway through, having forgotten what he looked like in the moment, to see WinWin looking down at you. But you didn’t mind too much. You found WinWin attractive. And it was becoming more and more clear that Yuta knew that too. He’d begun to play with you as you went further than just blowing him. He’d wanted to roleplay, have you call him WinWin and beg for him to knot you. 
You hadn’t truly understood the meaning of that, not to its full extent, in the moment, but you’d gone along with it, fucking Yuta as WinWin. He’d had to reduce the size of his showy cock for you to successfully take it, but even then he’d been big up until he let the whole illusion fall apart as his orgasm hit, and then he was your Yuta again with flames flickering on his back, and a normal-sized cock pumping into you. 
It was afterwards, the following day, when you’d visited the Hell on Earth Library of the Public, or HELP as it was better known. You’d located a book on werewolves, just overwhelmed by curiosity about if werewolves were normally so hung and what the hell knotting was about. That book, as well as one that was a general encyclopedia on the supernatural, were going to be your sources. After checking them out and bringing them back to your apartment, you’d learned quite a bit actually, but you’d tucked that information away as interesting but not completely relevant. 
Neither you nor Yuta mentioned the WinWin roleplay over the last few days, but there were times, such as tonight at this club, when you looked at WinWin and wondered if his cock could really be so magnificent as Yuta had made it seem. 
Mark’s still looking at the three of you, particularly at Yuta’s hand on your ankle as your toes press against Yuta’s thigh, inching higher toward the meeting of his thighs. WinWin stares at the tips of Ten’s fingers resting just beneath the top edge of your shirt, fingertips on your very soft cleavage. 
You notice. You notice both of them, and you settle more comfortably into Ten’s side, tossing a smile over at Yuta. 
“What can I say,” Yuta smugly says, “Our girl has truly shown us her demonic side, Mark.”
You roll your foot higher in his lap, toes brushing the bulge of his cock. Yuta grins and tightens his grip on your ankle. Mark’s eyes flash toward you. 
“Relax, Mark.” You draw your foot out of Yuta’s lap, and you sit up straighter so you’re not totally draped against Ten. “We’re not going to do it in front of you. I was just teasing.”
His face is stiff, concealing whatever thoughts are racing through his mind. “This just isn’t that kind of club, y’know?” 
WinWin snorts beside Mark, folding his arms across his chest. “Have you told the people down there about that?” He indicates the dance floor below. “I can see a couple having sex right now, but they at least think they’re being sneaky about it.” You look in the direction WinWin indicated, but you can’t see anyone in particular that stands out, but WinWin’s eyes have a particular glow to them, like his wolf side is a little closer to the surface than normal.
Mark must be able to see whatever you can’t because he swears and rocks onto his feet, calling over a club security vampire, whistling to him quickly and gesturing down at the crowd. 
“Buzzkill,” Ten hisses. “Let them have their fun.”
“This isn’t that kind of club!” Mark insists, “Go down the block if you want a sex club that allows that kind of stuff. Frozen Hell is right there!” He sinks back down, folding his arms across his chest. His gaze momentarily settles again on your tits before he’s looking away, glaring at Ten for a moment as Ten continues teasing him, and then he stares down into his drink. 
“You just need to get laid, Mark,” Yuta says affectionately, lifting a hand to lay it on Mark’s shoulder. “How long has it been since that girl?”
“He accidentally turned her,” Ten whispers to you, and you can hear the grin in his voice. Mark looks up to glare at Ten again, but Ten doesn’t stop. “Got a little too wild, drank all her blood, and three days later he swore it all off. No fresh human blood, no sex.” 
That’s odd. Not odd that he swore those things off, but odd because you remember how Mark behaved the night you met. The way he flirted with you, like he was fully attempting to seduce you, intending to have sex with you if the others hadn’t snapped you out of his little mind game. But now that you think about it, all the times you’ve gone out together to clubs or just around the city, Mark had never talked about sexual partners, he’d never engaged with anyone that was clearly flirting with him. Much about your perception of him has changed since that first night you met him. Long gone is his kingpin-esque vibe, replaced now with the casual young man he is beneath. 
Like right now, he’s blushing. The drink in his hand supplies the blood that rushes to his cheeks as Ten continues with his teasing. It’s cute and funny. 
You’re laughing along with the others as Ten says, “He took a vow of celibacy, like a vampire priest.”
And then Ten mockingly does the sign of the cross towards Mark.
That’s where you draw the line.
“Don’t fucking do that.” You lean away from Ten, punching him on the arm. “Don’t mock that.”
You still respect bits and pieces of the faith. And something about the sign of the cross still feels very important, like you should never desecrate that. You won’t disrespect the elements of the faith, even if you do feel that God has abandoned you, and even if you do sometimes still find yourself questioning if he’s even real when a place like this and people like all of these supernatural beings can exist. 
“What?” Ten laughs, his eyes crinkling with mirth even in the face of your clear annoyance. Yuta laughs too when Ten says, “Still a little saint after all, hmm?” 
Ten attempts to slide his arm back around you and draw you in, but you slide away, leaving the seat empty beside him. “I’m going to dance,” you announce, turning your back on the table. You can sense Ten moving as if to follow, so you turn back around, pointing a finger at him as you hiss, “Don’t follow me. I’m pissed at you right now.”
Ten, chastised, sinks back into his spot, picking up his drink to hide the flush on his cheeks. He mumbles, “It was just a joke.”
You don’t care if it was just a joke. It was something you were raised to believe in, and you’re still struggling to untangle yourself from all of that. Mark has been helping you with that a bit, but there are still those core things which just feel wrong to violate, such as crossing yourself in a situation that doesn’t call for it.
You leave the private room, descending a spiraling set of stairs to join the party on the dancefloor, to have some fun, to get away for a minute. You intentionally find a spot out of sight of the private room. You don’t want them to watch you – not Ten who you’re angry with, not Yuta who had laughed along with him. You dance like nothing else matters even as the heat of your anger or annoyance at Ten simmers like your flames just beneath the surface of your skin. You dance like no one can see you, especially not the men you left behind at your table.
But one of them finds you anyway.
You feel the energy of the crowd shifting around you, ramping up with excitement, and you only see the reason for that as Mark cuts his way through the crowd toward you. He holds his hand out, offering it to you, his eyes a subtle red-brown, eyebrows lifted in invitation. He doesn’t have to speak, it’s all in his expectant gaze, the question, “Come with me?”
You give him your hand, and Mark pulls you through the dancers, the tight press of bodies. You don’t know where he’s leading you, and for the moment you don’t really care. You just don’t want to go back to the table because you don’t want to look at Ten. Maybe you’re being unreasonable.
Mark’s hand is cool in yours, squeezing so tightly around your hand that you worry he might crush the small bones in your hand. But he’s holding tight, keeping you close behind him as he leads you behind the dazzling bar, squeezing behind the bartenders and all the illuminated glasses on the wall. 
When he brings you through a doorway behind the bar, it’s then that you finally ask him, “Where are we going?”
Mark glances back at you. “You needed to get out of there right? Since you were clearly pissed at Ten, I figured we could just leave.”
Your imagination takes off, spinning down a readily waiting rabbit hole of Mark deciding to challenge Ten and Yuta both telling him to get laid. What if he were to make his claim on you, to bring you into some private room in the warren of tunnels in Hell City’s underground? A thrill goes through you at the thought, followed quickly after by a surge of guilt. Even if you’re annoyed with Ten, that’s no reason to go off and have sex with one of their closest friends. You’re being silly with this line of filthy thought.
“What’s wrong?” Mark asks, turning his head to the side to look at you from over his shoulder. “Your heart is racing.”
You feel your face flush with heat. He can hear your heartbeat? “Nothing.”
“Sure.” His tone makes it clear he doesn’t believe you. “Try to calm yourself down at least a little. I’m taking you to hang out with my coven.”
“What?” If anything, that makes your heart beat even faster. You walk a little faster too, trying to catch up to Mark’s side instead of trailing behind him. “Your coven? Why?”
Mark’s smile is one again that makes you entirely forget that you’re not both just normal humans living normal human lives in a normal human city. A little crooked and spreading too easily, a loose expression that just seems to appear and make his eyes shine even in the dim light of these underground streets. “Are you nervous? You’ve met some of them before, you know.” You wiggle your fingers, and Mark’s hand loosens just a little bit around yours, but he doesn’t let go and neither do you. “I just thought you wanted to get away from them for a little bit, and I’ve never shown you Covenant really.”
The name rings a bell. A door at the end of an alley. An old sign with faded letters spelling Covenant. It’s the place where you’d first met Mark when he sat on that throne looking like the King of the Vampires. The place with all of that religious imagery and stolen artwork that had been defaced.
For the first time you look around at your surroundings, noticing that Mark is walking with you quickly by the doorways that lead into other loud clubs, underground restaurants that promise unique dining experiences, and a bar with roars of laughter blending on the ground with the pools of rainbow colored light that spill through the stained glass windows. He turns you sharply through the alleys, down stairs that squeeze down narrow passages, winding you ever farther beneath the surface of Hell City. Part of you wonders if he’s trying to get you turned around or if he’s maybe trying to lose someone behind you with as many twists and turns as he takes.
“Why are you taking me to Covenant?” You ask, panting just a little bit at the quick pace with which Mark is taking you down stairs and sloped streets. This underground city rises around you. Tall, dark walls stretch up into the darkness toward the underside of Hell City’s streets.
“When I’m not sleeping over at your apartment, the Covenant is where I stay. I want to show it to you.” Mark pulls you through an unlatched gate down another alley, and as you walk along, you hear the gate click shut behind you. You want to ask him why he’s taking you along this winding way, and why he wants to show you Covenant, but you’re already asking so many questions of him. 
Mark suddenly stops, and you bump into his back.
“Hold on,” is the only warning Mark gives before you feel his arm around your waist. He bends slightly at the knee, his arm growing tight around you, and then just like that the ground is no longer beneath your feet.
Everything is so fast, you’ve only the time to say “Fu–” before your feet are on a solid surface again. The “--ck!” comes as your chin bumps against Mark’s shoulder, his laugh vibrating his chest as he holds you against him. 
“Fuck!” You repeat the exclamation with a thump of your fist against Mark’s chest, pushing yourself away from him, but you can’t get far. He keeps his arm around your waist, and you’re glad for it. Mark has the pair of you perched precariously on the edge of  a rooftop several stories above the alley that you’d just been standing in. 
From up here you can see that the Underground of Hell City is just as much a city as the surface world. This city rolls ever deeper into the distance, endless with flickering lights illuminating the streets and the windows. It reminds you of a scene from a historic drama you might have watched, like looking into the past of old London or Paris, maybe looking out at ancient Rome or Alexandria, like an ancient city had been sunken just beneath the surface here.  
You wouldn’t know that behind the facades of these walls there are pieces of modernity in the nightclubs and everything else. From here, it looks just like you’ve slipped backwards in time. The only thing missing is the sight of the stars and the moon overhead, though you can see in the distance a tower that rises up like the Tower of Babel, circular and many-tiered, the tallest building you can see.
“That’s the entrance from the surface,” Mark tells you. 
That’s crazy, you think. The number of times you’ve been down here, going to different places that he or WinWin or Yuta and Ten had brought you, and you’d never really imagined this whole underground city looking like a legitimate city before. You’d always stayed on the one level pretty much, so you hadn’t really realized how far this city sloped downward, how far it stretched, how what you’d believed to be hallways and corridors were probably more like actual streets and alleyways. 
Admittedly, you were usually too distracted or even too intoxicated to really look up. Your demons or the other two held you enraptured every time that you were down here. Why would you even think to look up?
Mark laughs again, and he moves back from the edge, bringing you with him. “Are you so amazed? Have you never seen the city before?”
You shake your head, still clinging to Mark even though he’s put a few feet between you and the edge of the rooftop. There’s so much to look at. This underground city is so dark, but the streets and the buildings themselves have an orange glow, completely different to the constant orange glow of the city above. This is a city trapped forever in night, illuminated by street lamps, candles in windows, paper lanterns.
Something bright flashes through the night, like a shooting star as it falls from above. Your eyes immediately hone in on it, a shimmering trail of light that falls from the city above down and down and down before it vanishes.
“The river,” Mark explains. “It’s more of a waterfall to Hell down here, but the concept is still the same. You don’t want to get caught in it.” You remember the river above when Yuta and Ten showed it to you, the darker water that flickered with white souls as it ran along the riverwalk, how Yuta told you that it vanished underground at some point and never resurfaced. 
As you watch, another spark of white, which must surely be a soul on its descent, passes. 
“Do you want to come inside, or should we stand here and look at the city a little longer?” Mark finally starts to pull away from you, and the withdrawal of his touch pulls your attention around to him again. 
“I thought we were going to Covenant?” You let your hand slip away from Mark’s, watching as he walks towards a rooftop access door.
“We are.” Mark gestures at the roof beneath your feet. “The part you’ve been to before, that’s down there.” 
And why didn’t he take you through the front entrance? Or even the back entrance? What’s with this strange manner of entering the building through the roof? And the winding circuitous way he brought you here? 
Sensing your suspicion, or perhaps reading it plain on your face, Mark explains, “I don’t like to share this particular place with just anyone. When we first left the club, I almost felt like someone was watching us, so I took a roundabout way getting here.”
“It was probably Yuta or Ten. I’m sure we’ll get an earful from them when we get back,” you say. “They both like to keep a sometimes annoyingly close watch on me.” 
“Yeah,” Mark agrees. “They’re clearly really possessive over you. But, if they’re angry we ditched them when we get back, I’ll make sure to apologize. Now, I want to show you this.” Mark pushes the door open, and he steps inside without a single look back as he vanishes into the dark interior. 
You hesitate because although you trust Mark, there’s just something that doesn’t sit right about following a vampire into the darkness of a mystery room.
But then a match strikes. A small flame glows in the dark, throwing shadows against the walls of the room, and as you approach the door, you can see Mark’s hand caught in the light of the match, bringing the flame to first one candle, and then another. 
This isn’t a roof access door, as you’d originally thought. This is a room. A very small room situated here on the roof with not much more than a wooden bench, the two lit candles, a small stand with a book on it, and mounted on the wall of the room is an elegant cross that makes you think, to some degree, that this matches the theme of the other religious works in the Covenant – stolen, likely from a Church. It gleams in the candlelight, golden and covered in gems. 
You step inside, gazing at this small chapel in the middle of Hell City’s underground. This was the last thing you expected to find here, but right now, it feels like it’s exactly what you need.
A sense of clarity floods through you. 
“I thought you might like this.” Mark sits down. “As I’ve told you, I’ve had a lot of my beliefs challenged since I was first turned. I’ve had my doubts about God and the greater purpose of human life, but I always come back to this.” He looks around the space, at the cross and the book beneath it. “I know that I have no hope of getting into Heaven, my soul is too black, I’m too deep into sin to ever have the hope of being lifted up from here and seeing Heaven, but I still pray. I still ask forgiveness, and I try hard to believe that there’s someone up there listening to my prayers and granting me forgiveness, still watching over me.”
You sink down beside him, and you reach over to take Mark’s hand. 
“I try not to let it bother me, like, when Ten and the others tease me like that. About being a celibate priest vampire,” he laughs quietly. “I’m not perfect. Far from it. He’s right that I swore off drinking fresh blood and also sex because, if I thought Heaven was unreachable before, after I turned that girl – killed her by accident and sat by her side until she changed into the same kind of monster that I am – I know that it’s beyond out of reach. I can’t tempt myself with that again and push Heaven even farther away.”
Mark sighs. “Sometimes I feel like no one else in this city really gets it. A lot of them weren’t raised with any aspect of religion. The rest pretty much abandoned religion after they experienced their supernatural awakening.” He swings his head around to look at you with his eyes like drops of liquid night, catching the flickering light of the candles. “You get it, don’t you?”
“I do.” You clasp Mark’s hand a little tighter. 
He looks back up at the cross. “I made this chapel above the den of unholiness that I built, thinking maybe it’ll help negate some of the chaos and sin of a vampire coven. I brought the vampires to me that were lost and in need of guidance. I gave them a home and a purpose other than just the senseless bloodlust. You can come here anytime you want, if you need a place to feel a little bit like… home. Like, a place to pray that I hope feels like it’s at least a good spot for it.”
Mark’s words are timid, hopeful. You nod. This little chapel on the rooftop does feel like a good spot for prayer, if that’s something you need to do. You can tell that there’s nothing truly hallowed about it. Nothing here in the room gives you the same tingle as you’d experienced when you’d gone to the Church in your town. There’s no holy water here, no Eucharist. Only the cross, unadorned with a Christ figure, and the book beneath, which you assume is a Bible. 
Mark twitches, as if he means to get up, but you hold tight to his hand, tugging him back down beside you.
“Can we stay for a little longer?” You swallow, nervous to pray for some reason. 
You don’t really know if there’s a God up there. But you also don’t know that there’s not a God. All you know is that praying feels familiar, it feels right sometimes, and you miss it. 
“We can stay,” Mark says quietly. His thumb rubs over your knuckles, and you see from the corner of your eye the way that he bows his head and closes his eyes. 
You do the same, slipping into the feeling of prayer like speaking to an old friend.
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Whether the others notice the disappearance of you and Mark, you don’t know.
You and Mark, after spending a decent amount of time together in the quiet solitude and tranquility of his rooftop chapel, descend into Covenant. 
Mark shows you through the upper floors of his establishment. He shows you briefly the apartment he possesses, which is just a bedroom and an office in what used to be the ensuite bathroom. There are more apartments, every floor bustling with vampires. Some closed doors hide the sounds of moans. Some rooms have the doors wide open. There are cats and bats. There’s a whole mini kitchen on the second floor that only has fridges stocked with blood bags, as well as a mini fridge that has human food and beverages. 
“For guests,” Mark explains. 
There’s a lounge room, kind of like a common area in a dorm, filled with sofas and armchairs, pool tables, dart boards, and a very old Pac-Man machine. Here, there are vampires ranging in ages. They all greet Mark warmly, eyeing you curiously. You haven’t met all of them, but you do recognize one. His name is Haechan, currently entertaining half of the accumulated vampires in the room as he belts out an obnoxious pop song into the microphone of a karaoke machine.
Mark has introduced you in the past to several members of his extensive coven. The otherworldly beautiful female vampires with their flawless skin and shiny hair, their looks that draw you in no matter sexuality. The male vampires are just as alluring, equally as graceful as the women. All of them are beautiful, even with blood red eyes. 
You know Mark has only turned one of them, just the girl that made him give up on drinking fresh blood. Everyone else in his coven he’s earned their loyalty, taken them in, shown them that they can trust him. There are other covens in Hell City, but none so powerful as Mark’s. 
Mark introduces you to a few more vampires on your way out. There’s Haechan who waves enthusiastically when he spots the pair of you. Mark tells you Haechan was the first to join his coven; he has always been just happy to have the safety of a coven, and Mark has always been glad that he joined with Haechan because after they met, it’s not likely that his eternal life would be the same without the ray of perpetual sunshine in the otherwise dark existence of vampires. Mark introduces you to a newer vampire named Jisung who moves too quickly for his lanky limbs, making him clumsy, though it adds to his charm. 
And when you finally make your exit through the front door of Covenant, Mark points out the straightest shot here from the Tower that you enter the underground from. It’s actually a lot easier to get to than you remember from your first visit, and you tuck that piece of information away, hoping that you’ll remember it correctly when you choose to come use his quiet little chapel on the roof.
The less straight and simple path from Covenant heads back to the club where you’d left Yuta, Ten, and WinWin. Mark doesn’t lead you on as winding of a path as he had before, but it still takes several minutes to reach the club again, and he sneaks you back in the same way that you’d exited. 
You feel better. More right in your own skin as you step back into the noise and crushing heat of the dancefloor. 
Mark slips away almost instantly, his attention caught by someone at the bar, and you dive back into the crowd of dancers, picking back up where you’d left off, but happier and freer now. 
WinWin appears while you’re dancing, bumping into your back while he’s dancing with a girl that you think must be some kind of aquatic supernatural being due to the way that her hair is still dripping wet, and (no offense) the slightly fishy or briny smell coming off her. She wears a silky gray dress, her round dark eyes looking you over when WinWin smiles at the sight of you.
The girl is instantly forgotten as he leans in to speak directly into your ear. “Are you still mad and want to be left alone? Or can I dance with you?” 
You weren’t even mad at him to begin with, so you let him stay, thinking that, if anything, the sight of you dancing with him might serve to make Ten or Yuta jealous.
The forgotten girl gets swallowed by the crowd, and for a while you forget everything too. Happy to just lose yourself in the feel of the music pulsing in your bones, the feel of WinWin dancing along with you, not necessarily all over you like he had been the last time you danced together on the night you first met, but close enough now to make sure no one separates you from him. Close enough that when at last you lift your head to look around for any sight of your two demons, WinWin catches on.
“How does it work?” He asks, leaning down to speak directly into your ear, but still shouting to be heard over the music. “The three of you?”
You’re not entirely sure how to answer that, not certain what kind of an answer he’s seeking. “What do you mean? Like details?”
WinWin straightens up to look you in the eye as he says, “I’m not a pervert. No, not details. Like, are you together? Are they your boyfriends or mates or, like, is it just sex? What kind of a family dynamic did I get brought into?”  
Now, that’s something that you haven’t really spoken about over the last few days. You know that Yuta said Ten’s a jealous guy, and they’ve both displayed jealousy when you’ve mentioned Hansol. But there’s no label on this. You don’t know what this is. Is it just fun and sex? Or is it more than that?
WinWin presses closer, fitting his body with yours as you dance, and you welcome the heat of it. Especially when he leans down, his lips against your ear again as he says, “I mean, I’m only asking because in case it’s not very obvious, I like you, and I want to know if I still stand a chance.”
He timed it perfectly, fitting the words into a total lull in the music, unless the buzzing silence is just your mind struggling to comprehend what he’s just said. 
“I like you,” WinWin repeats as the music begins to pick up again, and somewhere in the crowd a few people howl. He glances towards them, but when he looks back at you, you’re still staring up at him slack-jawed. He smiles, tapping his fingertips beneath your chin to get you to shut your mouth. “You don’t have to answer me or make any kind of decision right now. I just wanted to make my intentions known.”
You like WinWin, too. You’ve found him attractive since the first time you met, and since he became a friend, you’ve grown to actually like him. Since your return to Hell City, everything has just been so emotionally confusing, if you’re being honest. The dreams, the friendships, your powers being awakened, as well as the new sexual experiences you’ve found with Yuta and Ten. 
And it’s not like Ten and Yuta own you. They’re just your demons, your protectors, instructors, and friends, the ones you’ve been having regular sex with over the last few days, fucking like rabbits every chance you get. But there’s no label. And they clearly don’t mind sharing with each other, so would it really be so different if you gave WinWin a shot?
“I’ll give you time to think about it,” WinWin says, his hands skimming over your shoulders and down your arms, as he puts a little bit of distance between you and him. Not too far away though. He smiles, eyes flashing in the blazing lights of the club. “We don’t have to rush.”
You don’t rush it at all. 
You dance together with WinWin for a while longer before the density of the crowd, all the bodies hot and sweaty around you, grows to be too much, so you head back up to the private room together. 
Mark is still not back. Yuta had passed you on the stairs as he went to fetch a new round of drinks. Only Ten still sits at the table, watching WinWin over his glass with a bit of heat and bite behind the look as you choose to sit beside WinWin on the other side of the table. 
“You smell like him,” Ten says after a moment, his tone accusatory. 
You ignore him. 
Ten continues to watch you, consuming himself with jealousy, as you just chat with WinWin, as Mark returns to the table with Yuta, sliding a tray of drinks onto the surface. 
Ten’s jealousy turns into him pouting, drinking too many of his smoking beverages, and by the time you decide to call the night at an end, it takes both Yuta and WinWin to haul Ten back to your apartment. He grumpily snarks at WinWin the whole way, even bursting into flames at one point after you’ve resurfaced in Hell City. It’s a successful attempt to get WinWin to move away from him. 
“Would you stop?” You snap, planting yourself in front of him on the street as WinWin steps aside to pat down the smoking shoulders of his shirt. “We were just dancing, if that’s why you’re so bent out of shape, Ten. Stop being an ass.”
Ten looks at Yuta, who just raises his eyebrows in silent reply. 
“They weren’t just dancing,” Ten faux-whispers. “I know it. WinWin’s too into her for them to have just been dancing.”
Heat floods through you, a mixture of a blush and your own flames rising to your skin. Your mind instantly is swept back into a short while ago, WinWin’s confession replaying in your mind.
Yuta pinches Ten’s side, hauling Ten’s arm a little higher over Yuta’s shoulder. “Does it matter, Ten? She’s not ours. We can’t tell her what to do.”
Ten pouts, turning a baleful look on you. He looks more like a kicked puppy than a demon right now, and it’s melting your resolve to stay irritated with him. 
“We just danced, you jealous ass. Don’t look at me like that, Ten.” You fold your arms across your chest. “We talked, we danced, and what does it matter if anything happened? I don’t belong to you or to Yuta, do I?”
He’s pouting still. “I want you to be ours. I don’t want to share you with WinWin. I don’t want to be a stepfather to a bunch of werewolf cubs!”
“Oh my God,” Yuta groans. “Alright, I’m speeding this up. He’s too heavy to carry across half the city. Win, can you keep her safe the rest of the way?” And then to you, he says, “I’ll talk to Ten. He’s just drunk and possessive.”
WinWin nods and promises. “I’ll get her home safe, Yuta.”
What a change this is from the first night you met WinWin. The way Yuta nods, fully trusting WinWin now when the first night he’d nearly ripped WinWin’s head off for wanting to be alone with you. 
Yuta turns on the spot, vanishing into thin air with Ten, leaving nothing behind but some of the glitter from Ten’s shirt floating to the sidewalk. 
You reach over, taking WinWin’s hand. His fingers go stiff for a moment before he relaxes, squeezing his hand around yours. You smile and ask, “Walk me home?” 
WinWin keeps you tucked close to his side as you walk through the city. His hackles are raised, for lack of a better term, eyes glinting amber and his teeth are bared as someone catcalls you from down an alleyway. 
Although this hour looks nearly the same as every other in this city, the late hour has drawn out the true monsters who lurk in the shadows, and WinWin growls any time any of them come a little too close or seem to be speaking or even looking in your direction. 
“You have to be careful,” he tells you once you’ve reached the relative safety of the lift in your building. It creaks and begins to rise up through the building, and WinWin stands right beside you, your arms bumping each other as the lift sways slightly. “There’s all kinds of freaks in this city.”
“You know, I once included you in that number.” 
WinWin frowns. 
“But, at the time, everyone was. I didn’t consider myself at all in the number of people here who weren’t entirely human.” You tap the back of his hand. “I’d just seen you for the first time. Yuta hated you. I’d never met a werewolf before, and before you and Yuta started your dispute, I thought you were human, so I did look at you as a little freaky.”
Still, Winwin frowns a little. “And when did that change?”
You shrug as the lift finally sways to a stop at your floor. “Some time after you saved me from being exorcized.”
He steps around you to open the door of your apartment, and sighs a little in relief, saying, “I was worried you were going to say, like, yesterday.”
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You make no rush to tell Yuta or Ten about WinWin’s confession. If you’re not going to act on it, what does it matter? 
But you can’t deny that you think about WinWin’s words, that you fantasize about being with him just as much as you’d fantasized about him, Yuta, Ten, and Mark while you’d been with Hansol. 
Sometimes you think about it when you’re all hanging out together and you catch WinWin’s eye, or when you’re walking around the city together with just WinWin and his hand lingers just a little too long. Sometimes you think about it when you’re in the midst of having sex with one or the other of your demons, but you know that Ten might just burn up with envy if you mention WinWin while he’s the one you’re having sex with. 
So you hold your tongue. 
Things have been good between you and Ten since you kissed and made up for fighting over his jealousy and his disrespect to the faith. The last thing you need to do is create a spike in Ten or Yuta’s jealousy by bringing up WinWin. You don’t know what Yuta said to Ten that night, what words were exchanged at all before WinWin dropped you safely back at your door, but if Ten is still jealous, he hides it very well. 
Mostly he hides it by showering you with his affection. Plenty of cuddles, kissing, manifesting gifts he thinks you’ll like, and clinging to you so much that you can tell he’s making Yuta a little jealous. 
“Mine,” Ten murmurs, his face buried in your hair against your neck, his arms possessively around you. 
You may not need to sleep as much as you once did, but you do still require it from time to time, and you were just trying to sleep when Ten slid into bed with you, tangling his legs with yours and fitting himself behind you. He smells like brimstone and sweat, a strangely appealing combination, even in the circumstances. You’ve just been pulled out of your nap time dreams to be faced with all of this, and instead of startling and pushing Ten away, you lean back into him, welcoming his presence. You don’t know where Yuta’s gone off to, but he’d been in the apartment when you dozed off. Everything feels quiet and empty now, and if you do your best to attempt to sense your surroundings (a trick they’ve been trying to teach you over the last week), all you can find is you and Ten curled tightly together in this bed. 
Ten sighs a little, nuzzling against the back of your neck. You’re a little surprised, the more you wake up and remember that Ten had told you that he was going to be gone for a few days on a little mission for the Queen of the Night. Yuta hadn’t had to go, and he’d taken full advantage of having you to himself yesterday, which was probably part of the reason you’d felt tired enough to need sleep. 
“You’re back?” You ask after a moment. 
Ten hums. “I am.”
“You stink.” You let the words slip bluntly from your mouth. 
Ten almost always showers immediately after returning from whatever it is that he does when he goes to Hell or goes on special jobs. Ten’s very clean, that’s one thing you’ve certainly picked up on more since this more intimate part of the relationship began. So for him to climb into bed unshowered and smelling like the armpit of Hell, you wonder what’s wrong. 
“I know,” Ten agrees, voice barely above a whisper. “I just wanted to hold you, though.” His arms grow tighter around your waist. 
“If you hold me any tighter, I might just split in two,” you tease. Your first attempt at getting him to loosen his arms is unsuccessful, but after a moment Ten relents, and you’re able to twist around to face him.
His eyes are closed, eyebrows furrowed. You can see all the tiny veins in his eyelids, and when you extract a hand from where it’s trapped between your body and his, you lift your fingertips up to lightly touch Ten’s face. He’s beautiful, to an unreal degree. Of course, you’ve found him attractive and generally beautiful since your first meeting in the cemetery, but right now it’s really hitting you. His warm skin beneath your fingertips, the delicacy of his eyelashes and his semi-translucent eyelids makes you careful with your touch. His eyebrows relax slightly. The corners of his mouth twitch. 
Your fingertips move from his eyelids to his nose, to the wrinkled spot between his eyebrows, back down his nose to the bow of his lips. 
His eyes open, and you’re faced with a light brown color, caught somewhere between demon black and the yellow cat-eye. He watches you as you make a study of his face, memorizing every line and detail in dual perspective through your gaze and your touch. Ten’s eyes flutter half-closed and you swear he nearly purrs when your fingers drift to his hair and push along his scalp. His hair has grown out since you first met him. Nearly jaw-length and a little wavy. It’s soft, making him look pretty. 
Ten makes a little sound when you lift your head from the pillow to lean in, but he welcomes your slow tender kiss, the way you fold yourself against his chest, the way one of your legs slides over his hip to hook around his lower back. Ten places a hand on your waist, letting it slide down to your hip, and when he finds your bare thigh and the oversized shirt that you fell asleep in now riding up, he smiles and deepens the kiss, tipping you back onto your back. 
Ten’s thigh wedges between yours, and you start to move your hips in small circles against his thigh. 
“Did Yuta neglect you yesterday, or do you just miss me that much?” Ten teases, breaking away from your lips to sponge kisses along your throat instead. 
“You,” you sigh, “Missed you, Ten.”
“I missed you too, darling.” He sighs, breath feathering over your skin as he shifts the neck of your shirt to the side, exposing inches of your shoulder. His lips move like fire over your skin. “You’re the only Queen I want to serve anymore.”
You laugh, unable to help it, and you press at his shoulders. “You don’t mean that. I’m no Queen.”
Ten’s smile meets your shoulder, teeth nipping lightly. “Yes you are. To me. To Yuta. Queen of our hearts, mistress of our souls.”
“And what would your actual Queen say if she ever heard you say that?” You knit your fingers through his hair. 
Ten groans, hiding his face against your chest. “Honestly, darling, I don’t really give a damn. I’m serious.” He lifts his head, blazing gaze meeting yours. “It might sound cheesy and lame, but you’re the only Queen I want to acknowledge. I don’t belong to her, not the way I do to you. I’m tired of her missions, tired of it taking me away from you, tired of….” Ten trails off, hiding his face once again. “I’m tired of missing you.” 
“I’m right here.” You push your fingers through his hair until Ten tilts his head to look at your face. “You don’t have to miss me when I’m right here.”
His breath puffs against your shoulder. “I was thinking about you while I was away, you know. Daydreaming, you might say. About you all stretched out in your bed, right here like this, playing with yourself and waiting for me and Yuta. I daydreamt the feel of your cute bottom in my hands.” His hands slip beneath the shirt, around beneath your ass until he’s cupping the round cheeks. “The feel of pulling you into my lap, filling you with my cock when you’re so wet and tight around me. The way you ride me, your tits bouncing, all flushed and moaning. It was difficult to concentrate on the mission, anyway. I had to come home to you.”
You smile at him. “You spent your whole mission daydreaming about fucking me, but you’ve been home for how long now, and you’ve barely touched me.”
Ten sits up on his knees, his hands still on your ass, and he lifts your hips into his lap. “Let me remedy that.”
It’s easy enough for Ten to pull your panties to the side, baring your pussy to his hungry gaze. Easier still for him to tease your sensitive bits with his fingers, to fit two fingers perfectly inside you, curling them slightly to find that spongy spot inside you. 
You gasp his name, arching your back, and the shirt slides up to your tits. Ten lowers his head to your belly, kissing over your abdomen while he pumps his fingers inside you. His tongue swirls over your belly button, igniting a deeper heat in your belly. This is the closest you’ll get to Ten eating you out – his mouth on your belly while he fucks you on his fingers – and you’re perfectly fine with that because Yuta’s always eager to make up for Ten’s lack of oral sex. 
But today, Yuta’s not here, and Ten brings you crashing through your first orgasm on his fingers, his lips curling into a satisfied grin against your belly. His body between your thighs prevents them from closing around his hand, and he moves to kiss up your belly, pushing the shirt up with his free hand while he still strokes you through the orgasm, aftershocks shaking your limbs. Ten kisses your tits, over your heart, up your throat, and finally he reclaims your lips. 
His fingers leave you feeling empty, and you whine against his lips, wanting him to fill you again. 
Ten echoes the sound back to you, a little more breathy, definitely teasing. And when you feel his wrist nudge against your belly, you realize that he’s probably got his hand stuffed down his pants. The fingers that were just inside you are probably now wrapped around his cock. 
Your knees draw up a bit, affording Ten the room to press closer to you, now grinding against you and his hand in equal parts. You kiss him and twist your fingers in his hair, silently imploring him to just get his cock out and put it in you. Something of your message gets across to him, and Ten shuffles on his knees, and then you’re tipping your head back to moan his name as he rolls his hips and buries himself inside you. 
You bite your bottom lip as Ten pulls himself up, his hands sliding beneath your thighs to secure them around his hips. You like watching Ten like this, the way he moves so smoothly when he rolls his hips, hitting in deep. Ten likes watching you like this too, his warm brown eyes filled with lust and adoration as he watches one of your hands drift down between your legs to play with your clit.
“Just like that, darling,” he says, “Just like my daydreams.”
Ten is always so graceful, even when his composure begins to slip and his movements grow more determined, more intent with sparks lighting up his irises. He falls forward over you again, fists pressed to the mattress on either side of your head. His hair falls in front of his face, and you lift your hand to tuck one side of it back behind his ear. Ten turns his head to the side, brushing a kiss against your wrist, pushing even closer into you, readjusting your thighs and the tilt of your hips. 
“C’mon, little saint,” Ten teases, his teeth dragging lightly over your wrist. “Cum for me.”
You won’t be won that easily. 
Ten’s grin widens when you reach around to dig your nails into his muscled ass, when you lean up until your mouth touches his chest, lips around one of his nipples. Ten is so sensitive, that is one thing that you’ve learned since this started; he’s sensitive all over, so even just touching his chest like this and digging your nails in is going to drive him a little wild. 
His eyes flash from the subtle brown they’ve been to his favored yellow cat eyes. You can’t deny that although seeing that does in fact strike you as bizarre, you also kind of like how the different eyes change Ten. His entire aura shifts ever so slightly. There’s a slightly more animalistic way that he looks at you, the way he moves inside you, like he wants to have you fully and completely. 
And not that you would admit this aloud to him, but it vaguely makes you think of a different semi-animalistic man. A set of werewolf amber eyes. 
Sooner or later, you’re going to have to bring that up to your two demons, but for now you suppress those thoughts to your best ability, focusing only on Ten. 
You pull your lips away from his nipple, leaving kisses up his chest to his jaw, licking and sucking against a spot just beneath his jaw that makes Ten release a broken moan. His body presses impossibly closer as he sinks fully over you, hips twisting as he pushes your thighs open just a little more. 
You’re all skin to skin now, the heat between you bringing a dew of sweat. 
“Fucking perfect,” Ten praises you, his lips skimming your cheek. “Feel so tight around me, darling. And—“ You release one hand from his ass to run your fingers up the expanse of his back, just your fingertips on his skin, and Ten shivers against you. A soft moan and his eyes fluttering shut are big indicators that he’s enjoying it. 
“Are you gonna cum for me, Ten?” You lick beneath his jaw again. “Make me cum too.”
Your bodies are both slick with sweat now, skin sliding and sticking together in equal parts. Ten drives his cock inside you rapidly, all sense of his smooth grace gone in his rush to just achieve the bliss of orgasm. His fingers move into your hair, tightly pulling and guiding your mouth to his for a messy kiss. The angle that he’s hitting has you moaning desperately into the kiss, your nerves and every sense alight. 
Ten cums first, pulling out of you to cum over your belly, his cockhead blurting out cum against your clit as he pushes back down towards your entrance, pushing in deep to fuck you again. 
Your hands go to his sides, holding tight to his tiny waist as he presses his forehead to yours and fucks you breathless. Ten circles his hips, grinding his cock into you, his lips parted as you both pant and moan softly to each other. Your orgasm rocks through you, and you squeeze and clench and hold tighter to Ten through it. 
He collapses fully against you, every inch of your bodies pressed together, his forehead still against yours. 
You lie there in the blissful aftermath for a few moments before you catch another whiff of sulphur and sweat, and you know it’s not just him anymore.
“Now we both stink,” you complain, trying your best to push Ten off of you, or at least to squirm out from beneath him. You want to wash the stink off, to smell instead like your body wash that quite literally smells like a happy summer day. 
Ten, naturally, holds you even tighter, nuzzling his cheek against the top of your head. “Now you smell like me because you’re mine,” he practically purrs. “You always smell like Yuta after you’ve been with him. When you hang out with Mark or WinWin, you smell like them. I want you to smell like me, even if just for a little bit.”
“Gross,” you pout, but you cease your squirming, content to lie here in sweat-damp sheets, playing with Ten’s hair idly, letting all the hours of eternity pass by if that’s what is going to make him happy.
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<-previous || next–>
a/n: once again, I’m so sorry about the delay in getting this posted! I hope you enjoyed!!
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[DRV3 Postgame AU Masterpost]
Sorry it's taking me a bit to answer asks, I read every one and cherish them -! I'd figured I'd doodle a bit in the answers, but then ah. This one changed course from 'whats up with shuichi' to 'actually we're overdue for exposition'.
Oh, backstory?
Since Class 79 is at Hope's Peak For Real in this AU, Danganronpa can't very well be like canon. Our solution: infighting, sabotage, and plenty of Drama! Discussion under the cut.
I'd call it a non-Despair AU; the world's not over, and I'm currently thinking V3 is the only killing game at this point in the timeline, catalyzed by good old-fashioned envy (and, truthfully, indignation that strangers get to live out your fantasy while you and your friends are stuck in the building next door... the nerve!) Our mastermind isn't exactly a master hacker, but she's also not working alone. This Team Danganronpa isn't trying to physically harm anyone, but showing off their collective capacity to coordinate and maintain a takeover like this is bound to catch the administrator's eye. All press is good press, and there's a lot (of investor funding, mostly) riding on stories of TAPP's success, so HPA is incentivized to intervene ASAP. The team did not account for the aftershocks of making their peers virtually kill each other. Rantaro is having memory issues, Miu has to catch her breath (to her chagrin), Kiibo doesn't have a body, Kokichi has his cane... and that's just the beginning.
TAPP is kind of like "what if instead of synthetically pouring all of the talents into just the one dude, we experimented on some charity cases to see if we can just artificially build an Ultimate from the ground-up". The tech in the flashback-lights is definitely at play here, though HPA proper wasn't planning on a full memory wipe/personality override (but kept the theoretical capability in their back pocket in case things went south as Advanced Gaslighting) but uh. A bunch of highschoolers took hold of the controls, which is how you get a bunch of kids that sound like characters. They still are.
In this case, Team DR is like at least 3 at most 10 disgruntled teens in the Reserve Course tired of being overlooked. More looking for mischief than harm, but hey, if they can convince the interlopers being Ultimates isn't worth it and they should leave the school after all this and free up the floorspace? They won't argue. One of the things that strikes me about DR as a series is how its internal logic is less concerned with logistics than matching the emotional weight of what it can be like to be growing up and going through high school, so I'm trying to lean in that direction. I'm not completely sure what all this means for the THH and SDR2 crews, precisely, but we'll cross/burn that bridge when we get to it I guess!
This comic taught me a lot of new tools and techniques, hence it feels to me like it took forever but I am super stubborn and couldn't work on something else until the script in my head was actualized, which turned into 'the whole thing being done'.
There's a lot of easter eggs and little jokes in the first page in particular, should you seek them! Consider this another 'cut' in case you want to try and read the Small Handwriting on Rantaro and Miu's desks for yourself.
I already brought up some of them in the WIP so I'll try not to repeat too much and just link here
Kokichi could join the toast, but doesn't (and yet he still sits with everyone). Kiibo doesn't drink anything at all but does want to be in the toast, so he gets a bluetooth speaker. Surely he will blast some vocaloid shortly.
That's Kaito's notebook Kichi is doodling in; Kaito draws a bunch of stars, and I tried to sort-of-almost emulate the drawing on Kichis whiteboard and also get across that it lacks line confidence (sketch over and over the same lines) and he keeps creasing the paper because post-press it doesn't take much activity for his hands to hurt. Also kinda wanted to imply that Kaito not only knows Ouma has his notebook, but probably gave it to him because he's learned it's inevitable Kichi will tease him and draw in it and at least being upfront about it he won't manage to hurt himself trying to steal it (phantom thief or not!) Kokichi's pride is a little hurt at first, but it becomes another of their small routines they don't acknowledge out loud that nevertheless are a kind of familiar comfort for both of them.
Space debris at terminal velocity is no joke man even a paint chip won't just crack your helmet (which you'd only survive via cartoon logic and presumably-magic duct tape) but easily crack your skull at least. I did a project on it in high school once, I should really look for it tbh
Rantaro’s To Do
Set up weekly meeting
Check what is up w/ Kiyo
Make sure Kichi goes to therapy this week
Call Rillianne
Rantaro’s Reminders
Blue: Class
Red: Study
Cyan: ‘Council (or w/e)’
Green: ‘Travel Nerd Time >:P’
Purple: ‘Hang out w/ me ~!’
Orange: Group Project
Yellow: ‘Call ur family this week, srsly’
Miu’s Notes (“Polygraph Improvements”)
Before install into K1-B0’s new body, improve algorithm for fig. (figurative) speech.
Consult Ishimaru?
- Gonta can get in contact
I really did make some actual charts based on data from the character bios comparing things like height, birthdate, etc. vs. victim, killer, or survivor status (tho that is a gantt chart template and not filled in, oop). TL;DR the most interesting one to me is this:
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Where basically when you account for how many students across the games are stated to have each blood type and the proportion of those students in a certain role, things are pretty even (AB has so few students its bars arent really representative of a trend, I just included them anyway) the type Os are disproportionately likely to be killers. For the record, there's one confirmed type O victim, and it's Nagito. I have no idea what this means. But if I am blursed with this knowledge, now you are too!
The code in tsumugis glasses isnt an easter egg bc i was getting tired and frustrated but the pods are roughly (no kiibo shifts things a bit) in class trial configuration, and on the base layer before all the Rest Of The Panel got added you could kind of tell who's who. Not so much anymore, so: Saihara has his hat on, for the record, and Kokichi is on his side while everyone else is on their back. Might even be a little restless, the feeling of underlying unreality playing substitute for some of (only some of, they're still being monitored) the surveillance anxiety. Fun!
And hey, as always, and especially if you've gotten this far: Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed!
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kanmom51 · 1 year
What do you think about this? I know when the choreography happened everyone here were preaching a male and female dancing together doesn't means they are falling straight into bed. But this was so unprofessional from her side and it's not even an army edit, she did it herself. No army is going to edit her with him like this and it's not a repost too. According to theory, she was supposed to be his shadow right then why the same girl is crushing hard on him now ? Making their wedding edits ?
Or maybe, just maybe, they indeed got intimate with each other after rehearsals ? So she thought it's OK to do this ? Otherwise who's editing themselves with a celebrity they only danced with and met just 2 days ago ?
Are you a Jikooker? I can't help but wonder? Weren't you the one to send me the DM about how Like crazy is clearly JM having it on with the female and that he's clearly not queer? I wonder.
I was contemplating if to answer this ask of yours, I really did. But seriously, this was so ridiculous I just had to say something about it.
If it wasn't so very fucked up it would be actually be funny how people have a warped view of reality.
I'm sorry. I don't know just how much you understand JM (clearly you know nothing about this man) or the relationship between JM and JK, because if you did you would NEVER even toy with the idea.
One thing is for sure, 100% JM did not get nor is not getting 'intimate' with that dancer. That woman. Funny how you are all over this one because she's a woman, while the queer male dancer that wrote the heartfelt message about JM, he's not and never will be a 'threat' to you. Food for thought whoever you may be.
Not sure your ask really deserves this, but I will answer it seriously.
I went looking at her account. Did you? Actually go search it, see what she's all about?
The girl, a dancer, trying to make a name for herself, promote her own dancing career, had the opportunity of a lifetime. She got to dance with JM. The JM. The megastar. The first Korean to top Billboard (let's be real, we knew JM had the power to do this). I mean, really, can you imagine it? I won't call her a nobody dancer, cause she's not, but she is definitely unknown, and connecting herself with JM, that brings her clout. It did for those lovely ladies that have connected themselves with JK in the past. Saying that, I don't even think she's like those others. She actually danced with JM, she's proud of it, and is showing it off mostly.
And as far as she's concerned: no harm no fowl, because, let's be real here for a second. Who the hell would actually think she has one going on with JM because of an edit like this she's uploaded?
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Clearly it's a joke.
I guess she was hated for it, so she took it down.
She, for one, probably was unaware of the might of Army. How dare she associate herself with JM? Obviously people don't know how to take a joke. You, my dear friend who sent me this ask, are a clear example of that. "Making their wedding edit". Really? You really truly believe that's what it was? The LOL is kind of a giveaway.
Being on Jimmy Fallon, dancing with JM, that was a pivoting moment in her career, one she is utilising and, I'm not sure you'll agree with me, but rightfully so. This was her moment to shine for a whole world to see, and something to definitely add to her resume. Which she is - has it all over her IG account for good measure. Again, promoting herself, because that's what she needs to do really. Promote herself to get more jobs. And what better way than connecting herself again and again to JM's tailcoat?
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Truthfully, there is nothing wrong with it. It's like that one big gig you did with a super famous amazing artist. Sure she'd broadcast that over and over again.
How do I put this once again, just to be clear?
She's a professional dancer, who had the honour of working and performing with JM. The JM. Of course she'll ride that wave. Who wouldn't.
So, she or someone she knows (I'm thinking someone sent her this and she posted it with the LOL) did this. It's a joke. It's clearly a joke.
I actually feel for her.
She really had no idea who she's getting involved with.
The mighty hand of JM solos.
Here is how it should be treated:
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captainjacklyn · 2 years
Azul Ashengrotto x Great White Shark!reader AU
Pairing : Azul Ashengrotto x Shark!reader
Warning(s) : some curse words so if for some reason it bothers you, you are welcome to step away. Reader is gender neutral but you will mostly be referred to as..well you.
For those who wished to be tagged : @rosie-xeilia @buzzybeethings @multifandomsimpster @darkfaethedestroyer @ikemen-lover-story @kawasbaby @daily-average @o01101bean11010o @norispills @voidofthenight @angry-sheep @loverofanimeboyz @sakuram1nt @ichigorose @mauviii
The love story of a shark and an octopus Part 7 FINALE :
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Yes, another time skip. These last few months had been a blast. You and the trio did all kinds of crazy actives. Some were fun, exciting, messy or even difficult to get through and as well as risky. Others didn't always end well, but you had each other and that's that mattered.
But of course, all good things must come to an end. Such as the year rapidly reaching its end too. The idea was truthfully really gloomy, you didn't wanna leave, not yet at least, you still had so much to do with everyone !
And...Last year's catastrophic events took so much away. All the times you could've have spent alongside one another, all of that was wasted !
It felt frustrating, just knowing the fact was frustrating enough.
Nonetheless you were still grateful to have been able to see the boys again. Especially Azul, he'd gotten a lot smarter, tactful, stronger and...even more handsome than last time but he was always beautiful so...
Woah. Got carried away there. Remember. Your friendship is strictly platonic [Name] ! Although you do have this weird feeling in your stomach when you two interact...Azul often stutters when talking to you, he also averts his eyes away from yours...You and him blush too...a lot.
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You know what fuck it, you fell in love with him a long time ago no denying THE TRUTH !
Even so...He and the twins will be leaving for NRC next year. Pfft- the look on your face when they announced to you how they received a letter to be accepted. You smashed right back on all of them like your first reunion ! I mean, who wouldn't be happy for their best friends and crush ?
This was a huge opportunity !
Although it would mean you were gonna be separated from then on. But it's ok ! You can just contact them and keep in touch, this way you'll never really be apart ! Right...?
And there goes the doubtful thoughts again, they always keep coming back to you. Why won't they just stop ?! You have a solution so why are you doubting every single idea that pops in your mind ?!
"Ne~ Azul, when are you confessing to [Name]-chan ?" Floyd poked Azul's cheek in hopes to get a reaction out of him. "He's right, you've loved them for quite a while now. Don't you think it's time to do something about it ?"
The silver haired merman grumbled as he tried to ignore the tweels' teasing. Much to his dismay, they weren't done.
"Should we just tell them ourselves ?~" And with that, the octopus directly faced Floyd to protest on his idea as he grabbed ahold of his shoulders "Don't you dare tell them anything !"
"Oya oya Azul, no need to get so worked up." Jade continued to tease, "We were just joking~"
Floyd was laughing hysterically at his friend's flushed expression, Azul however, wasn't having any of it.
"You both aren't helping ! We'll be leaving in a few weeks and I don't want to go without at least telling [Name] how I feel about them !"
Jade's eyes widened as he was a bit surprised by the sudden declaration. Floyd was (despite being his identical twin) chuckling out of amusement until his mood did another 180 degree flip. "You better...It's becoming so boring to watch, I just wanna squeeze the truth out of the both of you for a change..."
The tako gulped moreover placed his hand on his shin, "I don't know if I should be upfront about it...or maybe- AGH FLOYD !!!"
"*sigh*" you tried to take your mind off things with a little swim outside. It didn't help as much as you wished it to but you did enjoy watching a couple seahorse float around.
Upon your little adventure to spotted a tall rock with light shining onto it, that looks like a nice place to relax ! You thought to yourself, you swam towards the pillar of strength and laid on top.
the ray of sunlight that radiated on your cold skin comforted you. It was nice to have some warmth, sharks are cold blooded after all...
Closing your eyes, you remained on this boulder for a couple minutes, until something was tickling your nose.
Algea ? really ? you bitterly opened your eyes to find that there was indeed sea weed in front of you. Oh come on. What a bother, especially when you were finally starting to relieve the damn stress. Groaning, you turned on your left side to ignore it. But then...
Should I ?
You flipped around and ripped the sea plant of the rock, humming as you started to cut off the leaves while you repeated the words in your mind : He loves me. He loves me not. He loves me. He loves me not...
It was stupid, the princesses and princes who did this in fairytales always had what they wished for in the end.
I mean, it was fairly obvious that you were both pinning on one another. But you can't stop the what ifs, they're always there.
A couple weeks turned into one, and a week turned into days. The both of you STILL hadn't confessed. Furthermore, you were a lot more distant with not only azul but the twins too. And Floyd was dying out of frustration. Was it because you were both too shy ? Were you nervous to say good bye ? Did you think that since they were going to study abroad you had to learn how to live without each other ? Or was it because you were busy with something ?
That was until a couple days turned into the last. This was going to be your final chance to confess to him before he went off, and for once, you were determined to get it right.
"Hey Azul !" you chirped right before he was about to swim back home. "O-oh what is it [Name] ?" he questioned, "Could you please meet me up up here in an hour ?" you handed him a small purple seashell with your writing on it. "Are those...directions ?" nodding, you continued "Yeah ! Just follow the instructions and meet me at the designed spot. 🎶I have a surprise~🎶"
And with that you started to swim away waving back at him, "don't forget ok !"
He looked confused as to why you would suddenly plan a surprise. Azul was hoping it wasn't a prank orchestrated by the pair of moray eels but since you asked he couldn't refuse.
An hour later, Azul was diving through the waters while stopping every few minutes to check where he was going. It's a good thing you're writing was legible, because there were so many specifications that he would instantly get lost !
Finally I should be...here ? Azul looked up from the small seashell you offered him to the big boulder you had previously spent your time on. The sun still glimmered through the cold ocean water as the sand reflected on the beautiful luminosity dancing as the waves crashed on each other creating an alluring sight to anyone passing by.
Colorful anemones, algae and corals adorned the tall mineral pillar. This was such a sight to behold, the merman couldn't resist the 'woah' that slipped from his mouth.
Mesmerized he didn't notice you hiding behind said boulder, your figure was hiding in the shadows, holding a small bouquet of sea flowers.
It's ok [Name] you can do this, so get out there- ! You took in a deep breath and slowly started to swim out of your hiding spot, bouquet behind your back.
The cecaelia immediately sensed your presence and watched as the light steadily beamed onto your huge tail. "[Name]...Did you do all of this ?" he asked, you then inclined eagerly and offered him one of your infamous grins "I thought it would be nice, you know- maybe we could use this as our anniversary spot ?"
"A-anniversary ? I don't remember us meeting here-whah ?!" you gut him halfway through his questions by pressing the sea flower bouquet in his arms. "Not that ! Our relationship anniversary !"
"I love you Azul ! I really do ! And if you would let me....could I ask you to be my partner ?" you spoke cheerfully and the octomaid couldn't help but stand there absolutely speechless. Now you were getting worried.
"I-I did- did I get the wrong signals...?" your expression was heartbreaking and he knew he messed up reacting the way he did. I mean his expression wasn't any better, he was really happy but really emotional about it. Anyone would think he was disappointed.
"No no ! I-you didn't ! I was just so stunned, I didn't expect it !" he rushed over to your side as he chuckled nervously trying to assure you that your feelings were reciprocated. "I love you too ! I sort of wanted to be the one confessing but it seems you still are a step ahead of me !"
and with that, you crashed into him giving Azul the biggest hug. Just lie when he accepted to once be friends with you, he accepted to be your significant other today.
Do you get deja vu yet ?
"I...think this happened before" still holding onto you, Azul stated something very true you couldn't help but laugh in return.
"haha..I guess it did." you continued to hold him for a little while until he pulled away. Holding your hands in his the boy who wad once bullied and hurt had evolved into someone so strong minded and graceful. He had been a stranger, a friend and he was know your partner.
"I'll be leaving tomorrow...But for now, how about we spend sometime together. Just the two of us ?" he smiled as you warmly looked back at him.
"That does sound nice..." you then began to tilt your head and look over his shoulder.
"DO YOU TWO PLAN ON COMING ALONG OR ARE YOU GONNA LEAVE ?" without even having to look back, the sound of a certain laughter immediately told Azul who was spying on you.
His smile dropped into a more 'I'm done with everything' face. "It's them, isn't it ?" he kept his voice low trying not to alert your surveilling pair.
"Mhm. It's them." keeping your loving smile, you kissed his cheek and swam towards the twins. "Now how much did you hear ?"
"PFAHAHAHAHAHA AZUL LOOKED SO STUPID BWAHAHAHA-" Floyd was rolling on the sand wheezing when Jade simply stood there smiling "congratulations !"
You could assume that they've seen most of it.
Placing your hands on your hips/sides you answered to the tako's counter, "Of course you didn't love, this eel just like messing with you." The random nickname made your octopus boy blush, now what was cuter then that ?
"Come on, let's get away from them." swimming back you grabbed ahold of your boyfriend's arm, giving him a teasing smile as you took him away.
"O-oh ok."
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thank you so much everyone I hope you enjoyed it, to all those that wished to be tagged you are tagged ! I hope you'll like this part as well !
Here is the series' Masterlist
Have a fun time reading it !
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mar64ds · 1 year
Can I know what's exactly sam and max and where should I start watching/play/reading it? Your posts make me feel curious and the energy of these two fill me with good vibes
Sam and Max is a comedy series about two guys solving strange crimes, they are married too, it's a lot of fun
It started with comics but then had a tv show and lots of videogames adaptations
-If you search 'sam and max comics' they are pretty easy to find
-The whole tv show you can find on youtube, there is even hd upscales
They have five videogames, you can either play them yourself or watch playthroughs on youtube, your choice
-The first game is Sam&Max Hit the road, an old pixel art game made by Lucasart. It's very short but this game is famous for having extremely difficult puzzles, unless you have a guide it's going to be almost impossible
-Then there is three seasons of Telltale games: Sam&Max Save the world, Sam&Max Beyond time and space, Sam&Max The devil's playhouse. They have remastered the first two seasons and they are working on the remaster of the last season right now, it's meant to come out this year apparently. My advice is to play the remasters, they look better and have removed a couple of bad 'jokes' from the original, as well as giving a black voice actor to a black character that used to be voiced by a white man
The first season starts slow but gets better as episodes go, it's a silly season, it has 6 episodes, the other two seasons have 5 episodes. The second season has a lot of highs and a lot of lows, when it's good it's good when it's bad it's bad, it feels like it has less of an idea of what they wanted the story to be but i suppose that doesn't matter much with sam&max. The third season............... oh, well, let's just say it gets a little less silly sometimes, there are high stakes here, there are tense emotionals moments, if you like these two characters you might cry. But truthfully, it's also a very dumb game with dumb adventures lol
-Then we have a VR game, I wouldn't buy a VR set for it, just go watch a playthrough. The gameplay is not that good and i'm pretty sure the devs are cryptobros, so just enjoy seeing sam and max talking to each other and to you for a couple of hours and then move on
I think it's important to warn that some stuff in this franchise hasn't aged well, some because it was the 80s/90s (comics, tv show, hit the road), others because some writers wanted to be edgy family guy writers i guess even though that's not the humor sam&max is supposed to have (the telltale games). No excuse for either of those though, it sucks that stuff is here at all and it would be bad that i talk about how much i enjoy these characters and not warn that there is bad stuff here from time to time. From the top of my head i remember the comics, show and Hit the road have racist caricatures of indigenous people (the comics have a one page comic long that includes this, hit the road has bigfoots that are kind of meant to be that as well and i would skip episode 3 of the cartoon altogether + edit: i forgot to add that there are characters in season 2 episode 2 of the telltale games that are also racist indigenous stereotypes), the telltale games have a bunch of fatphobia (mostly towards sam), ableism (mostly with a character named timmy, honestly skip the cutscenes once he shows up, you can skip dialogue in these games) and racist comments and stereotypes (like making max say a bunch of conservative stuff for no reason when he canonically kills n*zis and white supremacists in the comics. Caricatures of mexican people in s2 and romani people in s3, you could say the way they write black characters can be a bit stereotypical too but it's not my place to talk, but just a warning overall). There is more and if anyone wants to add more warnings go ahead
It's a fun franchise with fun characters, especially the main duo, when it's good it's really good, but when it's bad it's really bad, it's important to be critical about it. Wether you want to give it a try or skip this franchise altogether it's your choice, i'm always here to give the information necessary for newcomers of the franchise
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occasionaltouhou · 2 years
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updated refs for a character you guys have seen before (rumia but a big deal) and one i’ve drawn before but haven’t posted here (miss iwanagahime)
one of my goals for this year is to update some of my old ocs -- though technically speaking both of these are canon characters in one way or another -- and so, y’know, i thought i’d make a strong start
summaries under cut. if you want
Shinguro Ryumiya (新黒 竜宮)
Capable of manipulating darkness
Ryumiya was born from, well, the joke of Rumia. The idea that a youkai of darkness was meant to be intimidating, but ended up being just a weakling. But, you know, darkness used to be a lot scarier than it is now -- if anything, with all the electric light pollution, perhaps we don’t have enough darkness.
So that got me thinking; what if Rumia wasn’t always a weakling? What if she used to be really strong? What if -- and bear with me -- she used to be one of those really strong youkai who helped build the Barrier, but she did it too late, and ended up reduced to little more than a feral beast?
More than that, what if, by storing a little bit of her power in that charm in her hair, just enough to keep a bit of what she used to be around, and with a little bit of scheming, she could get it all back?
Then I turned those ideas into a very rough draft for a fangame with her as the final boss, got through about a route and a half, and got distracted. That’s the same game as those two fish I reblogged ages back without context, actually.
But she’s here now! The concept of Ryumiya is that she tied her idea of darkness to more unknown, abyssal darknesses, like deep space and the ocean floor and even stuff like eldritch gods and the like in order to make herself into something that humans still don’t understand and thus fear.
She’s much more powerful than she was even for a long time before raising the Barrier; in addition to her traditional powers of darkness manipulation, she gained the ability to create youkai from the ocean depths (there could be anything down there, after all) and she gained the ability to create pseudo-black holes from deep space (not that she can control them once she creates them, though, so they usually pop pretty quickly). Of course, having spent a full century as a weakling, she’s still kind of a loser, but that’s her charm point.
Iwanaga Yatsugi (岩長 弥継)
Capable of manipulating volcanic activity
Yatsugi comes from... I think specifically it was talking about a character belonging to someone in the occasional discord who was tied to Youkai Mountain that made me think about its other resident kami, but truthfully I’d been thinking about her since I first read that one chapter of CiLR. After that, it was really just a matter of, well, making my own claim of the identity of the Hakurei Kami.
Because like, despite only being mentioned twice, Iwanagahime is kind of important to Gensokyo, right? She’s the kami of eternity, so she’s who Akyuu prays to; and she’s the kami of Yatsugatake -- that is, Youkai Mountain -- so presumably she was involved in the negotiations surrounding Gensokyo’s location.
Probably? I mean, I don’t think ZUN really thinks about this bit of lore so much, but at the same time I wouldn’t be surprised if he dropped something in the next chapter of CoLA that totally contradicts this idea. But that’s why she looks like Reimu.
Until then, though: Iwanaga Yatsugi. Not a Sage (she’d honestly be amused to be regarded as such), but rather the foremost representative and the greatest beneficiary of the establishment of Gensokyo. Honestly, I feel like she’s probably not a hugely active character, unlikely to cause or resolve an incident, but probably shows up to parties a lot. Mostly acts like a retired old person who doesn’t have to work and spends all their time doing a relaxing hobby (in her case, using heat and pressure to create precious gems).
I drew her with Reimu as a point of comparison, but obviously canon says Reimu doesn’t know who the Hakurei Kami is -- but then again, Reimu’s never been the most observant...
Unlike Ryumiya, I never really had plans for Yatsugi beyond making her, but she exists now. They both exist. I might put them in a piece of writing at some point (sooner if anyone requests. wink wink) but until then. Please enjoy responsibly
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15 questions for 5 mutuals
Rule: You have to answer truthfully and you have to tag 5 mutuals in your post.
I was tagged by @zrspace, thank you! :)
1. Are you named after anyone?
Apparently, I was named after one of my mother's favourite students. I personally find that quite weird, but well, what can I do?
2. When was the last time you cried? Why?
One of our dogs was put to sleep a few weeks ago. Spent the whole weekend crying.
3. Do you believe in Soulmates? 
I believe that everything in this life is connected, and I believe that some people just gravitate towards each other and choose to want to have each other in their lives forever. So maybe you can say that I believe in gravity.
4. Do you drink liquor? 
No. I just find alcohol disgusting. I don't understand how people can drink it. Or coffee. I mean ... why?
5. What do you usually daydream about?
I'm not really a daydreaming kind of person. I'm a dayanalyser. I find patterns in anything. I pick everything apart mentally and try to find out how it fits into the grander scheme of things. That's what's fun to me.
6. First thing you notice about other people?
The eyes.
7. What's your favorite quote from a TV show/movie/book?
"Do you think I care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?" (from Doctor Who)
8. Some of your pet peeves?
Unemotive people. I don't know. My face is doing acrobatics all the time. Think of Jim Halpert pulling faces at the camera in The Office. That's me all day every day. Emoting is a kind of communication that I personally value greatly. It's like a language of its own, it's like a courtesy in a way, a form of respect if that makes sense. So when people talk to me and their face is completely still and gives me nothing, it always makes me feel like they hate me.
9. Where’s the next place on your travel bucket list and why?
I don't know. I mostly travel for work to get to conferences, so I don't get to see all that much as I'm stuck inside university buildings all day, but I'd like to go to Sweden at some point. And I'd like to return to Norway and have a proper look at it this time around. Scotland would be lovely, too.
10. Where were you born? 
In a neighbouring city of my home town in Germany.
11. What are your hobbies?
Oh, you know, the classics: meeting friends, reading, movies/tv shows. I like going on walks. I was always into photography, but lost sight of it a bit, unfortunately.
12. What's the best joke you've ever heard?
Honestly, I'm quite a fan of my own jokes. I mean, the one person who has to listen to every joke I ever tell in this life is me. Gotta keep my devoted audience satisfied somehow, you know? Too bad I don't remember my jokes though.
13. What’s your love language? 
One thing that I always think gets overlooked is that the love language you like to give and the love language you like to receive are not necessarily the same. I give a lot of words of affirmation and I like quality time. I like to receive physical touch, but hardly ever give it. Deeply despise receiving gifts or acts of service, though.
14. Topics you never get tired of to talk about.
Phonetics/phonology and people. Not in a gossipy kind of way, more like analysing people's cognition. The best conversations happen at 2am in a dark kitchen talking about how your mind works.
15. What would be the title if your life were a movie? 
And I'm tagging @museofnightmare, @findstenicht, @mutantenfisch, @livatoseus and @dreamatoria if you guys want to :)
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f-agagegea · 4 months
Finally, we’ve reached the end of the ranking—Here I Am! Truthfully, I actually like Nevermore a little bit more, but I wanted to end it with Here I Am as I think it would be a great note to end on. Also, in case someone might mention Set Me Free, I do think it is an entirely different era, but I consider the album itself to almost be the same as Here I Am. So I’m going to mostly talk about Here I Am and mention a little about Set Me Free. I also want to focus on the era rather than the songs, since I’m sure most of you guys are aware about this album.
To start things off, I’ll first go over the end of M2M and how it influenced the production of Here I Am. When M2M was abruptly sent back home during the summer of 2002, Marion was overwhelmed with the media. She recalled on her experiences with the paparazzi coming to her house uninvited. Her parents were on vacation, and there was no one else in the house. She was scared, so she called her brother to shoo them away. On top of that, there was a lot of misinformation that got spread by people who didn’t have Marion’s best interest, and she didn’t have any reliable people to tell her what to say or do. So she was basically left to try to navigate by herself, and she regretted going out doing these interviews. I want to mentioned that I’ve spent a lot of time searching for media content that covers 2002-2004, but it is hard to find them. But on the very little that I had found, there is ONE interview that I thought was very interesting, and this interviewer asked Marion, “It may be that you are launched now. It goes wrong, and then you come home to Norway and become the host of a TV show that will be closed after a fairly short time. And then it's all over. How will you take it?” And it was very eye-opening to me because she hadn’t even released an album yet, and the interviewer was already trying to bring misfortune on her. And interviewers tend to ask the same questions, so it wouldn’t surprise me if Marion got so many similar questions about her career failing. And it wouldn’t surprise me if she got fed up with these questions, which unfornately, it ended up backfiring on her. Older Norwegians who were there when it happen would know this better than I would, but Marion went on a show called Torsdagsklubben as a guest. And the hosts were very pushy about her having a twenty million contract, but Marion confirmed in 2014 that number was not right and wasn’t sure where that came from. Essentially, one of the hosts asked if Marion would work in the counter of a store once her career failed, and you can probably imagine she didn’t like this. And she joked, “No, with the twenty million I would never do that.” Unfortunately, people took that as face value and actually believed she had a twenty million contract. People were very hard on Marion, and she got booed. A few years ago, I managed to find a Norwegian forum where they talked about the incident, and all they basically didn’t had a positive impression on Marion (unfornately, I regret to inform that I can’t find it anymore, so take it as you will). But to emphasize this, I need people to understand that Marion was 18 during this time, and so many people were harping on her—saying that she didn’t contribute to the success of M2M and that she was not talented. People focus so much on the joke (whether or not you consider it a good one or not) that they don’t realized Marion was getting belittled and treated as though she had no talent. Marion has said that she felt like she had to prove herself and put on a brave face because that’s how the US music industry was like. I think because of these cultural differences too people in Norway were so quick to label her as the bitch.
So tying this back to how Here I Am was made, Marion fought with her label to make the music that she wanted to make, and it took her a really long time. I think the music video for her debut single, End of Me, was her trying so hard to prove her worth. The piano riff from 13 Days plays before the single starts, and I’m sure this is Marion trying to show that she is skilled artist and not just some pretty face. It is a shame that people dismiss this album. Someone has said that there were too many cooks in the kitchen, and I do agree with that. Some songs really shouldn’t have been on the album (*cough*AttheEndoftheDay*cough*), and I can see how a grown man who might like Heads Will Roll but not like the rest of the album. There are shortcomings, for sure, but it’s also sad how quickly people tend to brush off this album. If I had to describe Here I Am, it’s a mixture of 2000’s girl pop rock (e.g. Get Me Out of Here, Break You, Here I Am) and 90’s rock influences. I don’t think people brings this up enough, but there is definitely something 90’s about some of the songs—Here I Am’s Heads Will Roll is grungier than Set Me Free’s version. And there are also Gotta Be Kidding; Let Me Introduce Myself; and (my second favorite Marion song ever and I strongly recommend listening to it if you haven’t yet) Six Feet Under…there is a quality to these songs that remind me of the 90’s, and there are signs she took some inspiration from artists like Alanis Morissette and Fiona Apple.
To wrap things up, I hope the past couple of days show that Marion has always been a great artist. For sure there are things I don’t agree with and pointed them out, but she has shown her range and depth. And I appreciate her for trying different things and wanting to grow even back in 2002. Because being an artist has been something she has always wanted, she spent so much of her youth in a very difficult industry and sacrificed a lot. From moving to NY alone as a young adult and then moving to LA. And even putting her solo activities on pause to be on the Meatloaf duet and tour. In Nevermore, there’s two songs, Blackbird and After You, that talk about her feeling old and used, and it reminds me when Marit said she felt old too (and only felt like her age until recently). I’m glad more people are talking about it, but I still don’t think it gets emphasized enough how young artists go through such difficult schedules and how much that ages them. And that can be very traumatizing as well. She has said that she blocked out her memories from the M2M days, and she only has her diary from that time that she wished she wrote more.
But Marion has always been open minded to trying different activities and taking chances. Like people could very easily dunk on her for taking part as a judge on the X Factor or Idol Norge—that’s usually something people don’t think highly of when singers part take in, especially back at that time. However, she found it enjoyable and liked giving advice to young aspiring artists, which one of her advises was that you can’t expect to go on a show and think you’ll be famous. You have to keep pushing and work hard or else people will forget about you. And that’s exactly what Marion has done for herself, and now she’s very happy where she’s at. Thinking back to all those people who were telling Marion that her music career was going to fail versus her career today, what people can learn from this is this: Sometimes you don’t get the life you thought you wanted, but you can carve out a path to the life that you actually want. And that’s exactly what Marion did.
Thank you to everyone who has read up to that point! I really appreciate it, and I hope maybe when I’m not burnout I can create my own documentary to M2M as a love letter. I’ve said this so many times, but there is a lot that I really wanted to talk about but had to leave out.
See you guys in the top ten songs!
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mediocre-daydreams · 2 years
𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐧 | 𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐱 𝐠𝐧! 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
summary: after taking etiquette classes, sirius confesses his feelings for you in shakespearean.
w/c: 1.6k
notes: friends to lovers, fluff + jealous! emotionally incompetent!sirius, name puns, one swear?
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“your parents sent you to etiquette lessons?” james scoffed, leaning back in his seat. you and the other four marauders were once again riding the hogwarts express towards an exciting sixth year. as usual, your shared compartment was full of chatter. you and sirius took one side of the benched seats with james, remus, and peter in front of you.
“aye, mine own moth’r bethought i wast out of controleth,” sirius said straightfaced.
peter snorted. “you can’t be serious.”
“what art thee claiming? i am, at each moment-”
“you’re always sirius. yes, that was a clever one, good sir,” you finished, struggling to hide the mortifyingly huge grin that threatened to escape every time sirius was around.
it had been months since you’d seen him, which felt unfair, because james got to see him every day. and the four of them would always gather during the full moon to help remus with his transformations and you didn’t have an animagus form that would allow you to join.
“mine own loveth, thou art the only one who is’t und’rstands me,” sirius swooned, placing a hand around your shoulders and pulling you into his side.
you blushed and averted your eyes, an action which did not go unnoticed by the ever-perceptive remus lupin. 
“what are you on, pads?” james shook his head, amused. “c’mon, we all know you’re not being seri- for real.”
sirius sighed. “fine, i concede. i have no clue what that rat-faced bastard—sorry, wormtail—was talking about. it was mostly stuff like memorizing the ‘lineage of the noble house of black,’” sirius raised his voice mockingly, “and ‘gentlemanly manners for a young pureblood bachelor like yourself.’”
“you? a bachelor? do they know that you’re in a very loving, committed relationship?” you joked, poking his side which was like a jab to your own stomach.
“oh yes, they knoweth much about mine own womanizing ways,” sirius muttered sarcastically. what you, nor james or peter knew was that sirius hadn’t so much as talked to a girl in months (with the exception of family, but they were more like demon-spawn than human women). it wasn’t that he didn’t have the opportunity to—oh merlin, not at all; women were throwing themselves at his feet—but because he had no interest anymore.
remus cleared his throat. “and wouldst thee liketh to speak of courting such maidens in particular?” he raised his eyebrows at sirius. i’m giving you an opening.
“uh- sorry, i didn’t understand you,” sirius lied.
“won’t you tell us about your summer escapades?” remus rolled his eyes, knowing that sirius was going to chicken out of admitting his feelings towards you once more.
“there’s nothing to tell,” sirius said truthfully.
“oooh, pads doesn’t kiss and tell,” you smirked, nuzzling closer to him. “don’t worry, you can trust me. i’m good at keeping secrets,” you whispered into his ear seductively. shit, was that too far?
“cheeky girl!” sirius squished your nose teasingly, perhaps to hide the flush creeping up his neck and the new goosebumps littering his arms at your proximity and words. “trust me, if i had any romantic endeavors worth sharing, you’d be the first to know.”
remus wanted to bash sirius’ head in. he glared at sirius. you big fucking liar!
leave me alone! i’ll tell her! …someday!
you’ve been saying that for the past two years, romeo! maybe you should’ve paid more attention in your bachelor training lesson or whatnot, because you clearly have no idea what you’re doing!
“y’guys okay?” james narrowed his eyes at the intense silent exchange between remus and sirius. peter waved his hand in front of remus’ face.
“yes! totally fine,” sirius blurted loudly and unexpectedly, “terrific, actually! super good.”
you looked at him oddly, but your thoughts were interrupted by peter suddenly announcing his dire need for the bathroom (the poor boy always got motion sick) and the knock of the trolley witch on the compartment window.
“treats!” james exclaimed, jumping out of his seat immediately. you laughed and looped your arm around his on his way out the door, and he dragged you into the corridor.
sirius watched the two of you longingly, jealous of the way james would tousle your hair and the way you’d pretend to get upset with that stupid, adorable huff. he scowled when you’d push james’ glasses up his nose for him with such casual affection and how he’d pinch your cheek teasingly only to be rewarded with one of those brilliant smiles sirius wished could be for him. he glared when your hands brushed as you both reached for trolley treats, and when-
remus’ voice snapped sirius out of his daze.
“alright, i’m putting an end to this,” remus declared, slamming his fist into his open palm decisively. “if you don’t confess before we arrive at the castle, i am not letting you off this train.”
sirius looked at remus incredulously. “you can’t do that.”
“who says i can’t? i’ve gotten pretty good at the full-body bind curse, if i do say so myself. would you like to be my first test subject?” remus reached for his wand threateningly.
“right! okay, i’ll do it. i’ll try.” sirius was silent for a beat. “…how exactly would one go about doing that?”
the compartment door slid open and you and james breezed through with snack-laden hands. you practically jumped onto sirius’ lap, cozying up to his chest like you hadn’t been making his heart palpitate. you scrounged through your pile and held up a caldron cake for sirius triumphantly.
“for you!” you beamed, twisting your torso to stare up at him with such delight that the boy wanted to melt into the velvet cushion lining.
“t-thank you!” he stammered, unusually nervous. “that’s sweet. i mean, you’re sweet. you didn’t have to buy me anything, though. i’m not that hungry. but thanks.”
your face fell momentarily. “oh, sorry then. you don’t have to eat it, of course. no pressure.”
“no- no, i’ll eat it! it’s a gift from you. i- thank you.”
as you opened a chocolate frog box, lupin mouthed at sirius you’ve said that three times already.
sirius pinched the bridge of his nose. merlin save me, this is going to be the worst train ride of my life. he peeked out the window and to his horror, saw the thick forest that indicated the castle was less than 20 minutes away.
you munched on a leg of your chocolate frog contentedly, pressing yourself closer to sirius’ chest. as much as he loved the way his head nestled perfectly into the crook of your shoulder and the smell of your shampoo and the soft, sweet breaths that occasionally tickled his face, he hated how obviously his body was responding to your touch. he was genuinely surprised that you hadn’t picked up on his furious heartbeat.
“dove, can i talk to your for a second?” he murmured into your ear, looking straight at the carpet and refusing to make eye contact with anyone.
you looked confused but agreed. he never felt like he deserved someone like you, who was so easily trusting and loyal to someone like him.
the trolley witch had long finished her rounds at your corridor when sirius pulled you outside your compartment.
“siri, is everything okay?”
sirius’ hand snuck beneath his hair and scratched the back of his neck. “yeah, yeah. nothing’s wrong, necessarily, it’s just that i- er,”
you quirked your head stepping closer to him. sirius took a step back nervously.
“hey, you know i mean it when i say you can tell me anything, right? i’m not just joking in front of the other boys, i- i mean it with you.” you paused and then smiled slyly. “perhaps you could say that i’m sirius about it.”
sirius chuckled, looking to the side—anywhere but your face, really. you extended a hand, rising onto your toes to coax his gaze back at you. somehow, you’d ended up with sirius’ back pressed against the corridor wall, with you “boxing” him in. well, if boxing in was more like you standing in front of him as he metaphorically shrunk under your gaze.
“oh fuck it, i’ve just gotta- ilikeyou.”
“you need the loo? i’m sure peter should be done any moment now, you-”
sirius groaned, combing his fingers through his hair in frustration. “no, i’m- bloody hell, i like you. i like you… non-platonically. as in, i’m really in love with you and i can’t think straight so words are just falling out of my mouth right now and i’m sorry,” he gasped, catching his breath.
you stared at him with your mouth open. sirius winced at your wordlessness.
“thee liketh me? thee… loveth me?”
“um… thou art c’rrect.”
you blinked at him a few times before bursting into giggles, slapping your hand over your mouth to muffle them. sirius looked hurt.
“no- siri, i’m so sorry. i- i loveth thee too! i just hadn’t expected; well, i had made this big plan with lily to… bid thee how i hath felt the first week we did get backeth, but thee did beat me, i supposeth.”
sirius squinted his eyes at you in disbelief. “you are so annoying! i can’t believeth i loveth thee,” he complained, rubbing his eyes in frustration. “you’re so insufferable sometimes that i just want to kiss you stupid,” sirius grumbled.
“then kisseth me, thee coward!”
sirius didn’t need etiquette lessons to understand that one.
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