#tw: Death mentions
bjorkncaddel · 1 month
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𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐀 𝐖𝐀𝐒 spending time with her loving niece, Maeve. She misses the girl. She helped her brother raise her since her sister-in-law passed away when she was born. The Swedish knew she had to rest, stay in bed… But she feels a bit hungry and doesn't want Maeve to be cooped up at home with her ( just because she is limited to doing activities doesn't mean her niece also should be limited ). Once her niece, got ready they went to Timeout. At first, the blonde wanted to eat Italian, but arriving there, she changed her mind and wanted to eat some steaks. She held the hand of her five-year-old niece, and she was jumping on her side excited for girls' out. And she stops Neva from her track to kiss her baby bump and talk with her future cousins. Once they arrived there, Maeve found a place for them, and she finally sat. Neva requested her Coke Zero, and a Sprite for Maeve, while they looked at the menu, but then she realized who was there. Rhys… They used to see a lot when she went clubbing… They remain in touch. ❛ Hey Rhys! What's up? ❜ She says with a kindly smile.
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sea-of-flxmes · 3 months
@lollipopsandgunshots     —    〚 cont. 〛 ;
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        ❝ Oh? Like what? ❞ Nywe asks as she raises an eyebrow in mild amusement. ❝ I'm sure people can get very creative with their gossip. ❞
Between striking a conversation with a co-worker who's practically a stranger and watching Players suffer in a Reaper's Game that has no end in sight, Nywe chooses the former option without thinking twice. She needs a distraction from all this massacre, from the fact that she, alone, can't do anything but watch how entire teams get wiped out when Day 7 arrives.
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elizabeaufort · 4 months
stop it. you're having a party. it's nonnegotiable.
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⏤ She didn't want to do anything, ever since her husband died… It had been months. Her birthday should be a happy day. The truth is, she wasn't happy. In reality, even if he husband hadn't died, she still didn't enjoy that much her birthday. Not many people knew the day anyway. ⏤ Damien certainly wouldn't allow her to have a blank birthday. ❛ Fiiiine. What are you gonna do? ❜ She inquired curiously, feeling half defeated.
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THE IDEA OF YOU (2024) PROMPTS + @dtoussaint
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dandeliicnsarchiived · 6 months
Update: I'm alive
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Hey guys, thought I'd give an update on my health for anyone who was worried or concerned. I'll get into detail under read more, but the short of it; my blood sugar was super high and my blood was basically poison. I got proper medication, i'm eating more and upping my water intake so something like this doesn't happen again.
So let's get into it; last week I wasn't eating a lot but I was drinking a lot of sugary drinks (Red Bulls, sodas etc ). When i have liquid sugars it overwhelms the pancreas and that effects my blood sugar. My blood sugar was 850 and lack of a better term, I was indeed dying. But me being me; I said fuck you, Death, not today bitch and I went to the ER and got everything sorted.
How I knew something was wrong, my vision was acting up, everything was blurry and I couldn't focus on anything, my forearms weren't working, it was difficult to move and I was using the bathroom A LOT and I was really fatigued. Finally, my dad checked my blood sugar and the little monitor just said high. So went to the ER, and they said my blood was acidic and it was killing me.
I'm currently on insulin and paying attention to what I eat and drink and I'm feeling helluva a lot better.
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allegraricci · 7 months
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FULL  NAME:  allegra stella ricci
NICKNAME(S): ' ella, stellar, el ' which is a diminutive of his middle name, stella. but alle, ally, allie and al is from her first name allegra.
BIRTH  PLACE:  Milan, Italy
AGE: 30
SEXUALITY: heterosexual
RELATIONSHIP  STATUS: Single, divorced.
tw: pregnancy, death, abuse, toxic relationship
Allegra was born in Italy, Milan. Her mother died when she was born, and her father never got married again, but always blamed Allegra for her mother's death.
She never had a good relationship with her father, in fact, he was abusive towards her. And always has a tad old-fashioned way he seeing things. Her family is a wealthy family very affluent in Italy, just as soon recognized in the US.
At the age of 15, she moved to the USA, and her father not only expanded his business but as soon as she arrived there, she was discovered by a scouter that gave her a job as a model.
Despite not being very approved by her father at first, he only allowed her to do whatever she wanted as long as she got a degree when she finished school. Less than 5 months after arriving in the 'new country', as a teenager, she was working as a model and then acting and slowly paved her way to fame.
With a lot of work trips and excellent professionalism, she managed to graduate in architecture. During this time of graduation, she met a guy that she thought would be the love of her life, and they got engaged, and shortly they married. At first, everything was perfect, until it wasn't.
Professionally, Allegra had a little decay, in the middle of her tumultuous marriage in which she was trapped. Her husband wasn't the person she thought he would be, he cheated on her didn't want to get a divorce, and threatened to ruin her career. After a lot of struggle she managed to get a divorce from her husband, what she did not know was that she was pregnant in the middle of the whole divorce process. She only knew this when she had a miscarriage, which was probably caused by the stress of all of it.
She packed her things and moved to a new city, wanting to have a quiet life. Allegra managed to turn around on her work, fortunately, everything now is well established, doing the things that she loves, which is her work, and figuring out what she wants for herself.
best friends:
girl gang (3/4):
party friends:
hook up:
friends w/ b:
neighbors(oak grove):
family's friends:
work out buddy:
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villanize · 2 years
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[ 🎈 ] does your muse have many regrets? what are they? for steffan…. 😳 ⠀⠀/ / ⠀⠀@nulltune
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spoiler for trigger warnings
mentions of death + murder, illness/poor health, and similar themes
the short answer: yes.
the longer answer:
being the sole survivor of his family is one thing but to have been the reason why his last sibling died is another.
it was not a malicious action or decision of his own but the request of a dying man who simply could not bear the pain and ailment that came from the sickness eating away at his life. steffan grew up around this. watching most go from completely healthy to weak & brittle, and eventually lifeless. he can't count the number of funerals in his life he's had to attend.
his brother reached his melting point and asked steffan to put him out of his misery before it came to him naturally.
maybe there was better ways to go about this. ways that didn't legally screw him up should it ever been revealed but when you remember the fact that death was so prevalent in the gray household. that none of them got to choose when it came & how— being asked by the last remaining family he had to do this much.
it felt like he was giving him the end he wanted. it felt like it would amend for being young enough to not understand in the past, for turning a blind eye to the reality that he's lost so much people. in a way, he's justified it being an act of love but with killing his brother came the weird realization that for some reason. it hurt him a lot but it also gave him something he hadn't felt in a really long time. it made him feel in general. it ultimately was the main driving force for why he'd become so addicted to the rush taking another life gave him. and slipping into that rabbit hole only forced his line of thinking with love to become skewered.
but, steffan vaguely is aware that this isn't right. that it's horribly wrong. that he has those brief moments of regret- if he never agreed, he probably could've lived a different life.
but it's usually where the thought ends & he moves on; as if it was never a thought in the first place. it's too late for him because he's addicted. he can't go without it. it's who he is and he isn't sure if he'll ever be able to escape it.
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[ CONSOLE ] or [ TIRED ] for Mary? I couldn't decide, sorry. xD Whichever's more painful, I guess lol.
[ TIRED ]  receiver cries themselves to sleep in sender’s arms. Burying her face in her hands, Mary did not even attempt to stem the tears flowing down her face. Just trying to wipe them away seemed to take up more energy than she thought she had at the moment. After everything she had lost… after everything that had been taken from her… how could she be asked to demurely accept this as well? Anything that resembled a life for her in Setauket was gone, vanished in another cloud of smoke and ashes. Only this time she had not arranged the inferno herself, to shied Abraham from the consequences of his own actions. She had been given several explanations for how the fire in White Hall had started, ranging from an improperly banked fire in the kitchen to the British setting it as a punishment or the Continentals lighting up the mansion because the magistrate was a Tory. The actual explanation meant nothing to her. All that mattered was that Richard had succumbed to the smoke and the house itself was a pile of rubble. Thomas’s future sat somewhere in that rubble… Hiccupping, Mary kept her fingertips pressed to her temples. She grieved for Richard, of course… but he had never been a truly kind man. He could be wonderfully amiable when he was getting his own way, but anyone who dared to cross him quickly found themselves on the receiving end of his sour temper. Still, he was the last real veneer of any family she had left, the final vestiges of protection she could make a passing familial claim on, for her son’s sake if nothing else. Now he was gone. White Hall… for all the time that she spent pushing Abraham to return to his family estate, she did not particularly mourn the physical construction. Houses could be rebuilt and filled with new possessions. The greater loss was what White Hall had stood for, the seat of the Woodhull family home, and a edifice that garnered respect. With Richard dead, and little Thomas stuck in the camp with her, the land would have to go unclaimed. If the Continentals won the war and if Mary made it back to Setauket, she might be able to open some kind of claim on her son’s behalf. It would be difficult however, since any needed paperwork that Richard kept had been lost as well. Just proving that Thomas was a Woodhull might end up being impossible….
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Hunching in against herself as deeply as her stays would allow, Mary could not bring herself to look at the Major. “I’m sorry.” Her weak voice was muffled against the heels of her hands. “This hard…hardly concerns you…Major. It’s just…” She broke off into another sob. This loss just felt like more then she could bear up under, when intertwined with everything else she had already endured…
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podcastwizard · 11 months
ideal ways for me to die
1. old age, peacefully in my sleep
2. after a long and illustrious career i am at a rooftop gala hosted in my honor. i am wearing a beautiful gown, holding a glass of red wine, standing by the railing. a scorned lover approaches and, after a passionate spat, they push me over the edge of the building. the wine glass goes flying, splattering their outfit in red as a visual metaphor for the blood on their hands. as i descend my gown flies around me like two beautiful wings, a bird in flight. a photographer on the street manages to take a photo before i hit the ground and that photo wins the pulitzer. a new york times think piece is released regarding whether or not it's moral to profit off a photo of someone's death. the think piece also wins a pulitzer.
3. sex accident.
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landrylovesmatcha · 1 year
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she’s everything 💕
tw: death mention
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hamsterdads · 2 months
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having a lot of toh thoughts tonight, so here's a few :] I think that king and the collector would be life partners ( probably platonically, but mostly just whatever keeps them together forever hehe)
i also think the collector would take luz's passing the hardest (given their history with it and all...) and i think she'd know this and do her best to prepare them for it. so here's me trying to deal with all that.
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incorrectbatfam · 8 days
Alfred gets sick of Bruce breaking and losing stuff on patrol so he gets a label maker and starts naming items after the kids
Alfred: I got you a new phone, just like you asked. Its name is Jason. Try not to let it die.
Bruce, tearing up: Why would you say that—
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bamsara · 7 months
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Part 2 to this comic
What happened in Darkwood in the meantime?? Dont worry about it
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elizabeaufort · 6 months
❛ this fear you feel? it won’t last. ❜
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⏤ Elizabeth wishes that fears could never exist. She is brave in certain things but weak in others. Everybody has their weakness. One of her biggest fears is to lose her family the way she did with her husband, all suddenly with no explanation. No nothing. As if destiny wanted to rip her happiness off any way. She went through a lot over the years, and yet none could tell what she had been through, except Damien… Her confident. Her grey-bluish hues was locked on the wedding ring of her husband she wore a necklace, hanging on her neck ( usually hidden in her shirt ) , wiping her own tears. She hardly cries in public nor allows people to see her vulnerability. The Aussie reaches for his hand and holds it. ❛ Merci for everything. ❜ She spoke in his mother tongue. She is grateful to have his support.
// @dtoussaint
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stars-bean · 3 months
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ꕥ The Addams Family ꕥ ➛ 2.14 - "Morticia's Dilemma"
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ciderjacks · 2 months
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dad issues
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(I think they were all fundamentally affected by what they saw and just collectively decided not to share the upsetting details)
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crxwnedbarbie · 1 year
Shop (Lavinia)
Shop — I’ll write a drabble of my character taking yours shopping.
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𝐁𝐀𝐑𝐁𝐀𝐑𝐀 𝐖𝐀𝐒 already well-dressed in a new shade of pink that she fell in love with. And she can't believe she finally convinced Lavinia to go out. That explains why it was raining outside. She made even a small basket of snacks to eat on the way. The small stroll to the store did not take so long. ❛ I took the liberty and made a reservation of the prettiest pink dress for you and Gigi. I think we should have a pink party, I'm sure Gigi agree with me.❜ Barbie simply went and talked to the seamstress who showed a silk and cotton dress pink, with all the details, golden. The Hungarian princess was well aware her eldest sister did not like pink, but she still had hope that she would use it. Just like the legend of Pandora's box, hope is the last that dies. ❛ What do you say? Yay for that dress right? Oh God, I would marry them if I were an object. ❜
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