#tw: fire mentions
griim · 1 year
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Even from her birth, Gemma's father made it clear that her mother was a nobody, much like she was. Gemma had believed that her mother was dead or something worse. Through paperwork, many years later, Gemma found she was alive but knew nothing of them because of the machine used by the Rossum Corporation. Meaning that to Alexandria, Gemma did not exist, something Gemma had become used to knowing. The young girl knew that she could never have a ‘normal’ family life. But Gemma made sure that Alexandria would not know of her or her Christian's existence, even if this would be possibly the only chance at having a family she would ever have.
During one of the many nights she began stockpiling evidence against her family, Gemma found a secret file. This file contained information about her and what they had been doing to her. Opening it, Gemma was horrified to find out that they had been experimenting on her, using the chair in hopes to remake it and break her in the process. They were hoping to make her a weapon, for the highest bidder. And reading through the files, each line got worse. These things done to Gemma should never happen to anyone. Let alone a child. That was when the voice started, ‘Take revenge, you know you want to.’ A voice that seemed to come from nowhere. However, the thought did cross her mind. Having enough, she would not be their test subject anymore. Grabbing what she could, Gemma stuffed it in her backpack and ran away at seventeen. 
Years passed, and Gemma joined the military, slowly amassing kills, almost as if something else lived within her. Something dark. Some soldiers even rumored she e n j o y e d the killing. Whispers began, calling her The Reaper. During this time, she met Jordan, someone who looked past this ‘darkness’ within her. Showed her the gentle touch she had wanted all along. However, that gentleness and peace ripped from her. 
Gemma remembers it as such; 
“We were out on a typical mission, going in when no one else could or would. You know, because we are the ballsy type. As we approached a small village, things seemed fine and quiet, but we were used to that. So, in that time, we made jokes and, you know, shoot the shit, as you do with people you consider family. That didn’t last long. Nicole, our unit's dog, alerted us to something. So, in typical fashion, we started to scope out the area. But it was too late. We had been ambushed.” Her heart began to race, even when she swore she felt nothing. Gulping, she remained stone-faced, not needing to show them any emotions. 
‘Take cover’, ‘coming from the east’, ‘hold your ground.’ The commands sounded clear as day in her mind. If she had done a better job at giving commands, Jordan would still have been here, or if she had not decided to go into the town, he'd be alive. 
“So, we took cover and began to return fire, something we were used to dealing with, most of us being seasoned members. Jordan, being my partner in the front. We had been behind cover together, taking turns shooting and reloading. Covering for the other. Stuff we both had done hundreds of times before,” this was where the guilt set in, a survivor who believed it should have been t h e m. “As I reloaded, it jammed for a split second, and that second cost Jordan his life…” Pausing, she struggled internally with speaking the words. “He had been shot. Pretty badly, you get used to seeing gunshot wounds. But because it was him, it felt different… After he fell behind cover,” once again, those screamed commands echoed in her mind.
‘Man down’, ‘Man fucking down’, ‘we need a medevac.’ However, now knowing that there never was one.
“I assessed the situation and called for help, but nothing came. Jordan was dying, and I had to hold off the enemy until my unit made its way to me. I could not cry. Because that would not have done shit at that moment. I was a soldier, damn it. One of our operatives told me we needed to move a bomb was set to go, it was all a trap. And, me being me, I wanted to save him, not just because I loved him, but because he was part of our unit, we do not leave men behind.” The tears fought desperately to fall from her eyes, but Gemma held them back. "Jordan knew he would not make it, so he told the team and me to go. I fought like hell to bring him with us, and when they attempted to grab me, that voice from my childhood. When I felt so much rage returned, telling me to fight back if he meant so much to you. Then something snapped in Gemma, she turned on her men, and in what seemed like a blur, she saw nothing but red, and then, she felt p e a c e. 
Blood soaked the ground around Gemma, and the bodies of her team littered the ground at her feet. A laugh escaped her lips as a voice from the darkness beckoned her from over Jordan's body, whispering. 'It is a very mean and nasty place, the world. And it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently. But not you. You became that mean and nasty thing.' Smiling, the woman stumbled over to her lover's body, laying herself over him, blood covering her. As the final ticks of the bomb sounded, she looked up. Face met with a blast of flame. The flame consumed nearly all of her face, and as Gemma thought it was over, something engulfed her, The Red Forest. 
A surviving Unit member swears he heard a laugh, something evil coming from her, and a mask. A skull mask shrouded in a cover, then she was gone.  Who knows, maybe you will find yourself facing The Reaper. 
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teaboot · 1 year
When I was a kid, I regularly lost reading privileges for "having an attitude" and "acting out".
It wasn't as simple as being told not to read during other activities- one of the first times it happened, I remember being six years old, watching my stepfather pull fistfuls of books off my bookshelf and throw them to the floor in a heaping mess while I cried and asked him to stop.
It was weird. Every other adult I knew described me as exceptionally well-behaved, but at home, it was the opposite, and it was blamed on "learning bad habits from that shit you're reading".
Because I couldn't read at home, I spent all my free time at school in the library, reading with my friends.
When I grew up and moved away, I realized that my family life was toxic and abusive, and the "attitudes" I was being punished for were standing up for myself, standing up for my younger siblings, and resisting actual, real-life psychological abuse. Because I'd learned from what I'd read that my family wasn't normal, not like my parents said it was, and in my stories, the heroes were the people who spoke out when it was hard to.
It is insane to me that there are students right now who can't access books. It is insane that books are being outlawed. It is perverse that we are stealing away an entire generation's ability to contextualize their lives, to learn about the world around them, to develop critical thinking skills and express themselves and feel connected to the world or escape from it, whatever and whenever and however they need.
That is not how you raise a compassionate, thoughtful, powerful society.
That's how you process cattle.
It's fucking disgusting.
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spookywaffledio · 7 months
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not too fond of nightwings
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incorrectbatfam · 6 months
Jason: Arson? Oh, you mean crime brûlée.
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[ CONSOLE ] or [ TIRED ] for Mary? I couldn't decide, sorry. xD Whichever's more painful, I guess lol.
[ TIRED ]  receiver cries themselves to sleep in sender’s arms. Burying her face in her hands, Mary did not even attempt to stem the tears flowing down her face. Just trying to wipe them away seemed to take up more energy than she thought she had at the moment. After everything she had lost… after everything that had been taken from her… how could she be asked to demurely accept this as well? Anything that resembled a life for her in Setauket was gone, vanished in another cloud of smoke and ashes. Only this time she had not arranged the inferno herself, to shied Abraham from the consequences of his own actions. She had been given several explanations for how the fire in White Hall had started, ranging from an improperly banked fire in the kitchen to the British setting it as a punishment or the Continentals lighting up the mansion because the magistrate was a Tory. The actual explanation meant nothing to her. All that mattered was that Richard had succumbed to the smoke and the house itself was a pile of rubble. Thomas’s future sat somewhere in that rubble… Hiccupping, Mary kept her fingertips pressed to her temples. She grieved for Richard, of course… but he had never been a truly kind man. He could be wonderfully amiable when he was getting his own way, but anyone who dared to cross him quickly found themselves on the receiving end of his sour temper. Still, he was the last real veneer of any family she had left, the final vestiges of protection she could make a passing familial claim on, for her son’s sake if nothing else. Now he was gone. White Hall… for all the time that she spent pushing Abraham to return to his family estate, she did not particularly mourn the physical construction. Houses could be rebuilt and filled with new possessions. The greater loss was what White Hall had stood for, the seat of the Woodhull family home, and a edifice that garnered respect. With Richard dead, and little Thomas stuck in the camp with her, the land would have to go unclaimed. If the Continentals won the war and if Mary made it back to Setauket, she might be able to open some kind of claim on her son’s behalf. It would be difficult however, since any needed paperwork that Richard kept had been lost as well. Just proving that Thomas was a Woodhull might end up being impossible….
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Hunching in against herself as deeply as her stays would allow, Mary could not bring herself to look at the Major. “I’m sorry.” Her weak voice was muffled against the heels of her hands. “This hard…hardly concerns you…Major. It’s just…” She broke off into another sob. This loss just felt like more then she could bear up under, when intertwined with everything else she had already endured…
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kyuhudraws · 7 months
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Strong bird prince!
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nainwoo · 5 months
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EXO | minimalist Pokemon cards
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 3 months
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gee wiz, it sure is cool that Gordon survived the resonance cascade, I sure hope he's doing well
Finally decided to give Gordon a ref for my au Aftermath (which i've talked about here. Once.)
Also bonus:
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legendary-cookies · 18 days
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edelweiss-maiden · 1 month
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‘‘how romantic it must be to be imprisoned in a castle and made to squeeze out heirs’’ (1x04)
til death do us part by edmund blair leighton (1878, detail) / zella day - jerome / susanna and the elders by bernardino luini (c. 1521-1525, detail) / halsey - the tradition (inspo) / the french lieutenant’s woman by john fowles (1969) / lear and cordelia by ford madox brown (c.1849-1854, detail) / the penitent magdalen by unknown follower of giacinto brandi (c.1623-1691, detail) / death and the maiden by hans schwarz (c.1520) / fire and blood by george r.r. martin / ganymede by jericho brown
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 3 months
Eclipse: Shit! Moon is going to kill us!
Jack: No he wont just follow my lead.
Moon: WHAT TH-
Jack: Sorry dad.
Eclipse: Yeah, sorry dad.
Moon: …
Moon, staring at the burning daycare: It's fine.
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puzzled-pegasus · 8 months
wof headcanons but theyre oddly food and substance related for some reason
Although I understand why Tui didn't include very much info abt alchohol or drugs in a kids book there is an extreme lack of culinary related world building so here are some ideas I had while on this train of thought :)
SeaWings tend to be foodies and are generally given cooking classes in school. Which if you think about it, is rather important, because like 60 percent of the creatures in the ocean are poisonous and the rest have parasites and nasty germs so they need to know whats up when it comes to food safety.
SeaWings use a lot of citrus in their food and drinks and they also use it for fragrances and stuff they just really like it
SeaWing nobles commonly eat fugu and there have been assassinations where a chef was bribed to not properly take out the poison so the dragon eating it would die
SeaWings drink to taste. SkyWings drink to forget what century it is.
SkyWings typically eat their meat raw but on special occasions they will barbecue it and put some spices n stuff on it. They don't eat much else besides meat but they do like spicy things like peppers and they also like strong onion or garlic flavors. The little masochists. Anyway,
SkyWings don't really like sweet things and many of them can't even taste them so they're like wtf is a dessert
man do they love them some olives tho. Olives everywhere. In their drink. Out of the jar. On their meat. Oil on their scales. Oil in their hygiene products. They started trading them from the Sand and SeaWings millennia ago but theyve selectively bred ones that grow in the mountains
This one's more drugs than food but SkyWings will sometimes take some kind of stimulant before battle like a beserker so they're all fired up heheh
MudWings are excellent meal preparers and sibs like to all cook together so they'll make a big pot of stew or something
They like bread and desserts, they have easy access to sugar cane being along the east coast and they also use a lot of honey. They're re into canning stuff too, they have a lot of raspberries and blackberries and strawberries in their temperate forest areas and they grow them to make jam and wine and they use honey to make mead
basically they are Cottagecore(TM) and I love them
They also eat lots of freshwater fish and crawfish and whatnot
And they also eat a lot of tatoes
Vanilla grows in the swamps, they use that in their cakes
MudWings deserve some appreciation goddamnit their kingdom is biologically diverse and beautiful
SandWings have tequila because. Yknow. Cactus.
They eat a lot of bugs and lizards, they don't really need to eat every day so it's not a huge deal
they do like coconuts tho and they use coconut oil in a lot of their hygiene products as well as in their cooking
They deep fry a lot of shit. Idk where i got this but trust me. They love things with lots of fat in it bc they need all they can get
Really sticky sweet desserts and candy; enjoyers of those one lollipops with the mealworms or whatever tf in them
also canning stuff like bone broth is very important
pickled cactus as well
rhey probably have a festival when cactus fruit goes in season
what even is IceWing cuisine.
Well way up north where there's nothing but ice it's pretty bad and the dragons have to eat just plain ass meat and seafood, but down into the tundras there's some pretty good stuff like cinnamon, pines for tea, honey berries, and other foraging as well as more diversity of meats
They would probably eat sushi
All the other tribes like to make fun of them and rightfully so bc their food is so plain
they make good honey berry wine tho
Maube that's why theyre so damn grumpy
RainWings are expert foragers ofc but they don't really feel the need to prepare their food in any way
They are, however, in constant dire need of sodium because they get absolutely none from their fruit
So anything salty is wow
Maybe rhey have a place near the mud kingdom border where they can grow some asparagus for salt
they are also the only tribe besides Night that can eat chocolate but forgor 💀 how to make it so the NightWings and them have to re figure it out together
Salted dark chocolate bing bang boom instant delicacy
NightWings used to be able to cook really well, especially desserts and pastry, but they forgor while they were trying to not die on the volcano
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some-pers0n · 9 months
You can just say it's a mistake. It's so much worse to try and excuse it
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beardeddetectivepaper · 2 months
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Break Through Au
Word Count: 1.6k
Summary: You go out ice skating on the lake with your brothers and Things don’t go as planned for you three
Warnings: CPR/Death, Falling through Ice, Hospitals, Yelling
You were on the ice with your brothers Will and Jay, even though you weren’t allowed to, you guys still went regardless.
It was 10pm, no one would be out here to get in your way or yell at you to get off the ice.
“Cmon Y/n/n, it's better out here” Jay said while attempting to slide farther out to the lake. 
“I don’t know Jay, I kinda wanna stay over here. That way I get off easier than struggling to get off if I'm way over there.” you shrugged.
“Alright then, me and will be over there if you need us' ' He pointed towards the middle of the lake.
“Alright, I’m just gonna slide around.” You shivered. Maybe I should work more layers. You thought to yourself.
After a while you got bored and decided to go over to Will and Jay who were “fighting” over who got the better hockey stick.
Will pulled out his phone and checked the time. “Guys it’s 11 o'clock, she should head home now, if we all get a cold moms gonna know that we went outside without asking her, especially if Y/n gets sick”
“But I'm getting good at hockey,” you whined.
Will and Jay just have you that look. “Alright alright let’s go” You caved.
Because your brothers were better on ice than you were, they went up ahead of you. 
“GUYS! I'M NOT AS FAST AS YOU SLOW DO-“ Before you could finish your sentence a loud Crack interrupted you.
That made the two Halstead brothers come to a halt and turn around to you. “No,” Jay whispered. “Y/n don’t move, just stay still we’ll come to you”
Before you could say anything the Ice broke.
Jays pov:
“Y/N, SHIT NO” I screamed, my little sister just fell through the ice.
Me and Will immediately slide over to where she fell in and I immediately throw my whole arm in the freezing water to see if I can feel Y/n
“Give me your other arm so I can pull you once you get her!” Will shouts.
“Once I touch something that feels semi to a human arm I pull. I can tell it’s Y/n because once I pull I feel a bit of weight. 
Once we were towards the edge of the Lake I pick y/n up bridal style and rushed over to land.
“Put her down here.” Will says. 
“What the hell do we do?” I cry
“She’s not breathing, Jay, you need to run back to the house and call someone” Wills is studying medicine so he knows a couple of things about what to do in a life or death situation.
“WHO DO I CALL?” I shout
My body moves into autopilot as I’m running through the forest making sure I don’t trip on any rocks or roots. 
My legs are burning and I can’t breathe but I can’t stop, if I stop Y/ns gonna die and it’ll be all my fault.
As I reach the house I punch in the code to the door and run upstairs to my bedroom. 
I basically almost threw my  phone into the air while trying to pick it up.
“9-1-1 what’s your emergency?”
“It’s -it’s my sister, she fell into the lake and I don’t know if she’s breathing”
“Check if she has a pulse”
“My older brother is with her at the lake, he-he's studying medicine so he knows what he’s doing”
“What’s your name sweetheart?”
“Uhh jay, my names Jay”
“Alright Jay, How old is your sister and how long was she under water for?”
“I don’t- 5 minutes maybe, and her name is Y/n, but we all call her Y/n/n. I don't know what I’m gonna tell my mom, that my littler sister died because we didn’t listen to her?” I’m panicking.
“Jay, I’m gonna need you to take a deep breath, I have help coming on the way right now”
How did she get my location? I didn’t even tell her.
The paramedics arrived and Jay led them to the lake where Will was with you. 
Will did successfully get you back but you were still unconscious. 
Why didn’t we just listen?
“15 Year old Female Y/n Halstead, Hypothermia after falling through ice, Was unconscious on site and Has a history of Heart issues.” The paramedic listed off all the things
(Ik that Grey's anatomy is in Seattle but because the show is so old let’s just pretend that this happened with them, it’s been awhile since I’ve watched it so if I make mistakes Woops)
“Alright,on my count if we move her. 1…2…3”Alex said.
Alex looked you over and started telling Jo things to do. “I want a head Ct, Keep me updated on her temperature and get me Derek for a consult.” Jo nodded.
Jay and Will followed Dr. Karev outside. “Is she gonna be ok?” Jay asked.
“She’s not out of the woods yet, but we won’t know more until she wakes up which will be a couple of hours” 
“Jay Halstead and Will Halstead” A stern voice called to them that made them Gulp.
“What in the world happened, and why did the Atwater’s call me and say that something happened on the lake and I needed to come home?” Your Mom stoked with her hands on her hips.
Jay and Will glanced at each other and knew they had no way out of this so they just decided to tell the truth and get it over with.
“I have told you guys time and time again not to play on that lake during the winter,
If you want to go ice skating go to the bigger one. Y/n has been punished enough, and as for you too, just until we get home, me and your father Will real with you. Do you understand?”
“Yes mom,” The boys said together.
“Alright, either the Atwater’s or the Uptons are going to pick you guys up and take you home. I will stay here with your sister, your father should be at home by now”
“But mom-“ Jay said. “No buts, wait here”
It had been a couple of weeks since the incident and A lot had happened. 
You were on the News, people came to your school and spoke about Ice safety. Jay and Will were indeed grounded but only for two weeks. The lake was now closed off while they were still doing an investigation. Which you didn’t understand why because it’s not like anything else happened but it was whatever.
“Y/n hurry up you’re going to miss the bus!” Jay shouted from downstairs.
“HOLD ON IM COMING” You grabbed your backpack and ran down the stairs.
After getting all your stuff in your backpack you got all your stuff ready to walk to the bus stop.
“Alright, what’s the rules?” Will questioned you.
“No wandering off to the other lake, don’t take off my jackets unless I really need to and don’t get anything that will drop my body temperature” 
“Do you still have to put my hat and Jacket on for me? I’m 15 years old.”
“Because of recent events and mom being gone and I’m going to leave soon I need to make sure you're ok, plus your body temperature is still not to its normal temp yet so layers it is.” You rolled your eyes at what would be said.
“I will pick you up for your doctor's appointment maybe 30 minutes before school ends, and Jay will drop your lunch off at the front office” Will said as he started walking at the door. 
“Bye will see you later” 
Once Will was gone, you ate the last of your waffles and grabbed your hot chocolate or what Jays calls “Jay's famous Hot chocolate” but it tasted like any other drink.
“I miss having you out on the lake by the middle school” Your friend Ellie said.
“Me too, but ever since my mom died Will and Jay have been strict on what I can do since my dad won’t really do much and they're trying to get me to learn stuff before Will leaves for New York and Jay leaves to serve” You shrugged.
“But I did convince Jay to get you some fries and nuggets” You laughed 
“You are literally the best, I really didn’t feel like spending all my money in my account today” Yeah the school food was expensive but it’s because you guys had fast food restaurants in your cafeteria so I guess it made sense.
“Hey Nugget” Will greeted you as you got into the car.
“Hi Will, can we please get McDonald’s after my appointment?” 
“Sure, where’s Jay? I told him he could get out of school early since he has a free period this week.”
“He said he wanted to stay at school, so he’s probably just walking around the hallways or doing whatever Jay does” You shrugged.
You thought about it for a while, your life was somewhat falling apart. Will was leaving for New York. Jay was getting deployed so you weren’t gonna see him. And your mom was gone so all you had left was your Dad, and your dad wasn’t the best person now since your dad died.
“Hey Will?”You broke the silence 
“Yeah Nugget?” 
“I’m- I’m gonna miss you when you leave” Here comes the water works.
“Me too Y/n me too”
Life from now on was going to be way different for you , and everyone around you knew that. You were going to get through it and it was going to be Ok. Right?
Well that’s at least what you thought…
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morimementa · 4 months
Aquarium employees after realizing they accidentally let Mershark!Soap into Merorca!Ghost's enclosure:
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Aquarium employees when they realize Ghost is a lot livelier and really enjoying Soap's company:
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Aquarium employees calling the local merfolk researchers when Soap and Ghost start courting:
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Aquarium employees when it turns out Soap is pregnant:
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