#twst angst story
orginllazyblog · 1 year
The Only Sea Sepant: Leviathan
Mizuki Abyss Story
Warning: deaths, side characters u just meet leaves, negative parents
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Where should I start? I guess I'll start off my 1st life when I was the second eldest Imperial Princess. I was once adored by everyone by my natural beauty. One night, I was wandering around the Palace Garden until I encountered a terrifying demon. I thought those creatures don't exist. I remember like it was a never-ending nightmare.
"Your beauty is just like the moon. Skin so light, and your eyes shine like the stars. Won't you be my bride?~"
Of course, no! I have standards and my responsibilities as the princess. Eventually, the demon got so mad that I thought I was going to be a goner.
"You shall regret your decision. I place this powerful ancient curse upon you: You shall never receive love, and you'll die at a young age repeatedly."
The next morning, I was public executive by my envy elder sister. She was jealous not only by my beauty but that I had more love from the King and Queen and the people.
"She made a deal with a demon! I saw it with my own eyes!"
"The Eldest Princess is right! I saw it too!"
Well, she was right about me with a demon, but if she only witnessed me being cursed by the demon, then it was a misunderstanding. I wanted to yell, scream, and plead with my old parents that I would never do such a thing. All I saw was the disgusted face.
I died at the age of 15.
If I knew this was just a dream, then I wouldn't have rested. In my second life, I was reborn as an ordinary citizen. The parents... they were not very affection. With what's going on, a century has passed after I died as a princess, and a war has been going on for years. My secondary parents wanted a boy who would join the military, you know, all that wanting a boy because it's better than a girl cliché.
"If you were a boy, we could have a better life."
"I wanted a son, not a dumb girl. Who's going to take my place as the war general? Just get out of my sight!"
I wanted to cry, but that would make it worse. As I grew up a bit, maybe at the age of 10, I decided to take my old man's place. I cut my hair to disguise myself to be more masculine and work out to build muscles. I didn't tell them I was going to war, so when was 13, I took most of the food, clothes, boots, and lastly, old man's weapon. Did I leave a note? Nah! I learned that if I gave a little affection to them, I might die in the next minute. I wanted to live to at least above 15 years old.
I joined the army not only to end the war but to feel what it is like to be alive. I was then again the top and strong soilder the military has ever seen. I received jealous stares from the other soldiers, which I didn't care about. The only person who welcomed me was a guy who admired my strength. Terrance? Jeffery? I can't remember his name. I thought I got rid of this feeling, but I couldn't help but fall in love with him. He was cute, reliable, and honest. We were sometimes paired sometimes for quests, so we were able to hang out secretly.
What came to my mind was as long as I didn't confess this 'feeling' to him to remain friends. To twsit the curse. I was wrong.
Screams everywhere around the small town. People were running to the exit as the enemy was almost approaching. My crush was running the opposite, trying to find a lost child who was separated from their mother. I reached out to him to tell him we had to leave. This can't happen..why? Why do you have such a kind heart?
"####... you were a good friend. I just want to see my love who is waiting for me up there in the sky. Thank you, ####"
Not only I got friend-zone, I died again at the age of 15.
They say that a third time is the charm. But I was almost losing my mind of this never-ending nightmare.
In my third life, the time period is more modern than the previous lives. So I started off with a new mom and dad, but this time, a twin brother. I didn't know what to feel since I had a bad relationship with my older sister in my first life. This time, I'm the older one than him.
"Lisa! Can we go to the park?"
"Sure thing, Haneul. Let me ask mom first."
I had to remind myself that if I showed or had real love affection, then my death will come for me.
As I thought, there was another war, which led to another dispared.
"Big sister!"
My memory was blury as I can only recall my twin brother being taken away from me as soldiers were kidnapping us when we were just children. As for the parents, I believe they were already dead.
Years passed since that incident, I managed to sneek to a cruise ship to escape to a different country.
It wasn't because I didn't like my home country, it was because I was almost turning 15 years old. I was scared.
When I arrived to another country, I thought I could be safe this time, though this time I was a girl,again, which makes things worse.
If it weren't for the person who stood out for me, Esméralda, I would have been dead already by those men.
"Are you alright, child?"
"Um...yes, t-thank you."
"Hmm...do you have a family looking for you? I can help you find them."
"...I don't have a family...not anymore."
"Well, now you do. I can simply adopt you. I'm already at a age where I'm supposed to start a family of my own. Would that be alright with you?"
I didn't know how to tell them back then. Would they believe me if I was curse-
"I can help you lift off your curse."
So Esméralda took me to their house where its far away from cities. The house was indeed beautiful back to what I remember.
"What's your name, child?"
"I'm Lisa."
"Well then, Lisa. Can you tell me about your curse?"
I explain everything I can remember. I told them that a powerful demon placed this curse, which every time I felt true love either to family or lover, I die. I even told them I would die very soon by the time I aged to 15 years old.
"Lisa, remember this, I can only change a bit of this curse. Since this is a demon work, it would be difficult for me. Now, lay down on this couch."
I did what I was told. I lay down on the couch as 'she' did her 'magic'.
"Hac maledictione nova, antequam ad quadraginta annos perveneris, vives; Ut letalem hanc maledictionem frangas, te et socium verum amorem esse sentias. Si particeps tua idem sentiat, frangatur maledictio. Utrum corporis intimitas sit necne, libertatem senties."
("With this new curse, you shall thou live before you reach at the age of forty; To break this deadly curse, you and your partner must feel true love. If your partner feels the same way, the curse would be broken. Whether it's physical intimacy or ot, you shall feel freedom.")
Back to the present time
Mizuki: And that's how we both meet
Mizuki was explaining to the Ramshackle residents such as their old friend Esmeralda or Esme, now known as Yueme. The trio ghosts who were complete shock, and as for grim was holding back his tears.
Mizuki: I think my curse is gone as I would have been reborn to a human again.
Yueme: So what are now?
Mizuki: Hmm...
Mizuki: The current mom side of the family were the first generation of early sirens, and my old man is a literal demon.
Yueme: ???
Grim: ???
Trio Ghosts: ???
Mizuki: Yeah, I know. I'm some kind of hybrid. But as time went by, the noble demons noticed my abilities. Chernabog, the demon king, gave me the title of the new sin of envy; Prince of the Deep Abyss, Mizuki Abyss.
Grim: Myaah! That's so cool!
Trio Ghosts: This Chernabog person seems to be the chill guy
Yueme: So, does that mean?
Mizuki: Yes, I got the materials for the dorm uniform!
And that is how your twst oc's old bestie join you in Twisted Wonderland.
One thing I need to mention is that I used to be in Obey Me fandom way back in...2019 or 2020?
I left that fandom for one good reason: my phone broke, and I forgot the password of my obey me account. I HAD AT LEAST TWO OR THREE UR CARDS THAT WERE LIMITED
I was not going to redo the whole family drama story again.
Also, I'm going to redo Mizuki's design bc I realize the deep sea creatures are dull colors. I had them with white hair with light blue highlights, so it wasn't going to make sense.
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ambigrueity · 1 year
surprise i actually like my art sometimes
This might be the first and last time i post my art on this account but this was too good not to share.
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flmer · 2 years
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the lovers from different worlds.
character/s. kalim.
cw. none.
includes. gn!reader, angst.
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Kalim knew deep inside him that you'll leave him for your home, after all you weren't born on this world like him; you were from another world.. yet he still chose to foolishly stay by your side and love you with his whole being.
How could he not love you? You were the only one who understands him without telling him to ‘put up with it and stop whining’ or to ‘just suck it up’... No, you listened to him talk about how he truly felt about all the things that have been happening to him and you let him. You comforted him sincerely while others will just mock him or act like they care when they don't.
That's why he was grateful for you... For accepting his confession even if he was dubbed as the ‘dumb rich guy’.
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“My love.. when you're finally able to find a way back home... will you remember me?” kalim said as he stared at the beautiful starry night sky that was shining so bright like you.
You answered his question with silence as you leaned your head on his shoulder while you close your eyes and hum “How could I forget someone as bright as you? You have made me feel and experience things that I can only dream of and for that, I would always remember you and cherish our memories together kalim.”
Your head rose from his shoulder as you placed your hands on his face and gazed lovingly into his enchanting ruby-red eyes that were full of love; the same eyes that you've admired and fallen Inlove.
Kalim stared back at your eyes that were full of fondness and sincerity and even if he knew that he was hanging for the false hope that you're giving him but he did not care.
he would continue to live loving you even if it will bring him agonizing pain and crying his heart out every night... He will never regret being with you and loving you but until then...
“Prefect, I just wish we'd have more time left together...”
“I wish the same too, kalim.”
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He'll continue to turn a blind eye on your impending fate because after all it was his fault for letting his feelings control him and making him fall Inlove hopelessly with the magicless otherworldly prefect of the ramshackle dorm..
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1dont-really-know · 6 months
A sort-of continuation to this! Set in the same day, about 8 hours apart :3
Tagging : @kitwasnothere @kdjmybeloved (feel free to tell me if you wanna be tagged :3)
Feat: Malva Draconia, Lilia Vanrouge, mentioned Malleus Draconia and Maleanor Draconia
Still nothing.
Lilia sighs. He has been standing in front of the princess’s door for a while now. Maybe ten, twenty minutes? Yet still, despite his efforts, not even a whisper has been heard in response. “Look, I know what I said was harsh, but can you please just come out here and talk to me? You're being incredibly childish.” Even worse yet, the door’s locked. Not just physically, but with an extra layer of magic as well. It’s flimsy, yes, but at the same time just so incredibly petty. 
He can’t believe he’s getting the silent treatment of all things. Lilia is used to temper tantrums; he’s used to Maleanor throwing her magic around to intimidate people into getting what she wants, and even though Malva had never been quite as bad as her sister was (as in, she refused to actually hurt people on purpose), she had had her fair share of tantrums as well.
That, Lilia suspects, is why it feels so foreboding.
Draconias know what they want and are not afraid to do what it takes to get it, often by destructive measures.
They are prideful.
They are demanding.
They are powerful. 
They are not silent. 
"Perhaps had you only used your Unique Magic, Maleanor wouldn't have died and neither of us would have had to go through this.” 
Guilt gnaws at Lilia, pushed down to the bottom of his heart by his pride. He knows what he says wasn’t true; that Malva would not have been able to stop Maleanor from sacrificing herself even if she had foreseen it happening. Yet still, she could have done more. 
He could have done more.
But the only thing they could do now is make the best out of what they have.
And… they have each other, don't they? 
She had stood up for him when the Senate had tried to take Malleus away from them, even if it changed little in the end. Even if their opinions differ on what they think is best for the little hatchling. Even if he’s pretty sure that she would have immediately ran off and left everything behind had Malleus not been a factor.
Lilia shook his head to rid himself of the thought. Malva has been nothing but a good aunt for Malleus. It was no use thinking of what could have been had he not been in the picture. He’s the only thing left that both Lilia and Malva have to protect together .
But it’s been getting to her. Even Lilia himself can tell. He’s noticed that the grief in Malva’s eyes has yet to fade even the slightest bit since the night Maleanor had died. He’s noticed the way she stares off into the distance when she thinks no one is looking. He’s noticed the way she’s been spending less and less time at the castle as Malleus ages.
He realized too late that the grief in her eyes that day was fresh.
It's part of what triggered their argument, really. With her demanding that he spend more time with Malleus while he actively watches her spend less and less time with him, Lilia had felt that Malva was nothing short of a hypocrite. Besides, he had a valid reason as to why he can't spend more time with him, as opposed to her, who's starting to distance herself out of her own free will.
Could he have stopped it? Was there a world where he could have saved her?
"Perhaps had you only used your Unique Magic, Maleanor wouldn't have died and neither of us would have had to go through this.” 
“I'm giving you until the count of three.”
Even if so, Lilia knew that he'd be lying to himself if he said that his words didn't cross a line.
And he saw firsthand how much Maleanor's death affected her.
He shouldn't have said what he did. That's why he's here now; to apologize to her. He just needs her to open the door and talk to him. Just that one tiny thing. 
No response.
Lilia pushes down the feeling of disappointment in his chest. He should have known that wouldn't work. 
“You're really not making it easy for either of us, are you?”
It only took a second; a mere moment for him to unlock the door and step inside.
He should've known something was wrong.
Malva’s room is dark when he enters. Lilia wonders briefly how the plants that reside inside could ever get the sunlight they needed with Malva’s schedule, but the said plants looked just fine. The vines that crawl around her windows are a vibrant green, and so are the ferns and bushes she keeps in pots near her bed. Well cared for, even with the things she apparently has to go through.
For a moment, there doesn't seem to be anyone inside, but then Lilia notices a shape on the floor. He rolls his eyes, approaching Malva where she lays on her side next to her desk. The remains of what must be her latest experiment lays on top of the oaken furniture, branches from a bush with some shiny black berries still attached, a piece of paper with her handwriting on it next to them. The leaves are gone, presumably to make a potion or another. Perhaps a stealth potion, to help her sneak out more? He can't really feel her magic right now, even from this distance. She's probably sulking because she wanted it to do more than just hide her magic.
Once he reaches her, Lilia kneels down and places his hand on her arm, mildly annoyed, “Malva, come on now. You can't just keep–”
Lilia freezes. The moment his hand made contact with hers, it felt like the air was being sucked right out of his lungs. A horrifying realization dawns upon him, creeping up his spine and suffocating him with dread.
Malva’s cold. Unnaturally cold.
This… this can't be real, right? It's probably just a side effect of whatever it was she was making. Yes, that has to be it. Lilia grabs Malva’s wrist and tries not to think too much about how hard it is to move it from its position, checking (searching) for a heartbeat, and when that doesn't work, he presses his fingers against her neck’s pulse point and hopes desperately to feel something there instead.
He doesn’t. It takes him a second to realize that. His hands are trembling so badly that he gave himself false hope more than once in the span of a single minute.
He squeezes her hand, using his other one to carefully try to shake her awake, his efforts quickly becoming more panicked and desperate as second after second passes by without a single shred of response. “Malva.” He calls her name, the tremble of his hands making its way to his voice, “Malva, this isn't funny. I know you're angry at me, but this isn't how to resolve this. Come on.”
Her eyes, half open and glazed over, just continue to stare forwards at nothing at all. There was no hint of life to be seen there. No emotion, no reaction; nothing. 
Lilia looks frantically around the room from where he kneels, trying to find something– anything that could help. Malva’s a healer, so she'd have things that would help in situations like these, right? But what had caused this? She couldn't have just dropped like this; there had to be a reason. She was fine just a few hours ago. She was fine before their argument. She was fine before…
The plant with the shiny black berries on the table. The missing leaves and bits of dug-up roots.
The note in her handwriting.
It felt like ice was coursing through Lilia’s veins. 
He can hear footsteps rapidly approaching, and with his vision starting to blur, Lilia looks down at Malva and gives her hand another squeeze, trying to sound as reassuring as possible, “just hold on, alright? Just hold on. Help is on their way, and you'll be–” alright? Fine? Safe? What word is there in any language that could make sense with her current condition?
He can't even get himself to finish his sentence.
He just needs her to be alright.
He never got a chance to apologize to her.
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revasserium · 1 year
requests are open (but slow); send me a prompt and a character
the trick and the trade
azul ashengrotto; 2,176 words; angst, one-sided love, i make some assumptions on how reader/yuu gets back to their world towards the end that's prob not gonna be "canon compliant" but whatever lol
one. the first time he hears your voice, he thinks he’s never wanted to steal something so much — to take it in his hands, to have it for himself. the first time he hears your voice, he wants to drown in it, and it’s a strange thing — for someone like him to wish for a drowning. the first time he hears your voice, he thinks he finally understands why sailors might toss themselves into the heartbreak sea for just one more note of that deathly siren song —
the first time he hears your voice, it’s in the courtyard, after lunch, in the heart of summer when it’s much too hot to sit inside and still too hot to sit outside, but at least out here, there might be the hint of a breeze to ease the thick, oppressive heat, and he thinks that your voice sounds like jumping into a pool or a lake or maybe diving headfirst into an entire ocean on a day like this — a day that is too much air and sun and not enough water —
he lets himself sink into it; he lets himself breathe.
later, in alchemy class, he almost musters up the courage to talk to you but he doesn’t. because you’re laughing with ace and deuce is leaning over to frown at something in your cauldron before reaching over to point at a line in a textbook and the way his arm brushes yours makes azul’s chest feel tight in ways he does not have words to describe.
“ne… whatcha staring at that little starfish for?” floyd’s voice is silken by azul’s ear, and even after all this time, it still catches him off guard.
“what? i — i’m not — i’ve no idea what you’re talking about.” azul adjusts his glasses and looks back down at his own cauldron, which is simmering in the precise shade of light blue that the textbook had described.
“hmmm…” jade’s grin is nothing short of predatory as he cocks his head, his eyes slingshotting from azul’s face to the trio across the room, blissful and oblivious and azul thinks that perhaps he needs to expand his friend group if these are his two best friends.
he adjusts his glasses and clear his throat before throwing himself back into the assignment, blatantly ignoring jade’s and floyd’s pointed jibes for the entire rest of alchemy class.
two. his luck runs out quick, however, and the next day, he finds himself paired up with you in flying class, with professor vargas blowing out your ears over “hover time” and “flying formations”. but you flash him a bright grin as you shuffle over with your broomstick, looking a little embarrassed.
“hi — sorry about this,” you say, motioning to the broom and then the space between you both.
azul blinks, uncomprehending, before he realizes what you mean. ah, but of course, you can’t do magic, and flying class is one of the few places that magic is absolutely necessary. still, he can’t help the heat that washes into his cheeks as he makes a point to sigh, shaking his head as nonchalantly as he can.
“don’t worry,” he finds himself saying, “i’ve got enough magic for the both of us.”
you laugh then, and it’s a beautiful sound. and azul has to bite his lips to stop himself from asking if you’d be willing to trade it for something — anything that you wanted, really, because he’d be willing to make that trade. for the slightest bit of your voice, your laughter, the sound of it enchanting, the kind of magic that he has no name for, something as ancient as the flow of time or the gravity of the universe.
“great! then… i’ll be in your care,” you bow your head and azul feels his heart stumble in his chest. silently, he thanks the sea witch that he’s not in his octopus form because he’s certain he would’ve made a fool of himself by spilling in all over the place, but here on land, it’s much easier to keep a hold on himself.
and hold onto himself he does, because the next moment, you’re climbing onto the broom behind him and wrapping your arms around his middle.
“be sure to hold on tight!” professor vargas winks at you both, rather comically, from the edge of the field.
you let out another breathy laugh, much too close to his ear, sending shivers skittering up his spine as you gently hook your chin over his shoulder.
“don’t let me fall,” you say, and though your voice is teasing, he can feel it in the way you press yourself to him, in the way you grip him just a little bit too tight. because right, he thinks, there’s no way you’re not afraid. after all, your world doesn’t have magic, so flying must seem just as terrifying to you as he does to him.
and he’s never been great shakes at flying because creatures of the sea just aren’t meant to be up in the air like that but here and now, he finds himself bending over his broomstick, more determined than he’s ever been.
“scared?” you ask, your voice just another facet of the wind as he braces himself and takes a deep, steadying breath.
he chuckles, glancing over his shoulder at you with a smile that he hopes is somewhat reassuring.
“terrified,” he admits, “i — i’ve never been great at this.”
you shift your arms and hold him all the tighter.
“it’s okay, we’ll figure it out together.”
three. he invites you to the mostro lounge a week later, feeling more out of his depths than he’s ever felt in his own damn dorm, and the stupid eel twins are enjoying this way too much but —
azul sits, readjusting his glasses for the umpteenth time.
“it’s just a — a friendly drink! nothing more — nothing less.”
“ah… but i bet you’d like it to be more than that, hm?” floyd asks, grinning wide enough to split his cheeks, his eyes glimmering beneath a the rim of his hat like sunken treasure. jade is standing a bit further off, but looking no less smug and intrigued.
“to borrow floyd’s words… couldn’t you just… give her a squeeze?”
azul shoots them both a half-hearted glare.
“no! i can’t j-just give them a squeeze — it’s highly inappropriate to participate i-in that kind behavior without consulting the other party and —“
“hehhhh? but i mean… don’t you just want her voice in a bottle?” floyd asks, cocking his head to one side.
“or perhaps… a seashell?” jade adds, cocking his head to the other.
azul sputters as he looks between the two before deflating.
“w-well yes, but… i… i like it’s current vessel just as well. no… no reason to remove it from — and it’s not like i can give them magic… even the dark mirror said it couldn’t sense any magic from them so i doubt anything i could do would —“
“but there’s gotta be something else they want, right? maybe… we can help them find a way to go home?” jade offers, ever the sane entity.
azul scowls even harder, “hm… but if they were to leave then their voice would go with them… no?”
“heh…. not if you take it first…” floyd drapes himself across one of the plush loveseats in azul’s office even as azul heaves a deep sigh.
“no — no, i — i simply invited them because i thought they’d enjoy having a drink at our esteemed mostro lounge. their — their time here is limited, so i wanted to give them some good memories to bring with them when they…” but even as he trails off, he can taste the truth in his own words, bittersweet as they are.
“uwahhhh… you’re getting sentimental in your old age, dormleader,” floyd says, exchanging a look with his twin brother that is more weighted than either of them would like to admit.
“oh shut up and just come help me prepare for opening,” azul snaps, standing up and making for the door. the twins heave a single collective sigh before following after him, wondering just how difficult this is all going to be.
four. months later, when you do finally find a way home, azul is there to see you off. you’d grown closer since your first ever flying lesson together, and you’d spent many a night in the mostro lounge, chatting over drinks and snacks, bickering over theories about all the different universes that might be out there, all the different worlds that might exist — the ones with magic and the ones without.
why, you might actually consider him a friend now.
“i’m… really gonna miss you guys,” you say, looking around at everyone gathered around you in the entrance hall, your bag over your shoulder, grim trying to stifle his cries in ace’s pantleg. even malleus has shown up, towering above everyone else, keeping quiet but his presence felt nevertheless.
“we’ll miss you too,” deuce says, reaching out to pull you in for a long hug, followed by ace.
headmaster crowley gives you a wide, almost animatic sort of grin, his bird’s mask firm as ever, “please, my dear prefect, feel free to come back and visit any time. because i’m nothing if not magnanimous, you see. i shall allow it, nay — even recommend it! your presence has been integral to the growth of our students here at night raven college and —“
“thanks, headmaster, i’ll take you up on that,” you say, cutting him off before he can really get started, and eventually, azul find himself facing you, your smile so close and yet much too far away.
“it was really nice hanging out with you and the twins… tell them i say bye, okay?”
“of course! i’ll pass on your tidings. they wished to be here, but someone must look after the lounge — you understand.”
you laugh, nodding, “of course i do.”
azul allows himself a soft smile as you pull him into a hug, holding him for a beat longer than everyone else before letting him go. he tries his best to remind his body that he does indeed know how to breathe on land, because for a moment, he was afraid he might’ve forgotten.
“alright, i’ll see you all… when i see you!” you say, giving everyone one last wave before stepping through the glowing mirror propped up on a classroom chair. for a moment, the entire room is filled with a blinding light, and then — just like that — you’re gone.
five. that night, azul makes his way back to his own dorm in a strange kind of haze, the campus of night raven college somehow a strange, and unfamiliar landscape, the shape and scope of it changed by your absence.
in his office, he digs out a tiny silver shell held on a length of silk; he stares at it for four seconds before flipping it open. from inside, echoes out the looped sound of your faint laughter, and then the sound of ace’s voice, and then grim’s.
“ah… what did you give them for that little trinket, hm?” floyd asks, leaning over the length of the desk to peer at the shell in azul’s hand.
azul laughs, a soft, sad, hollow sort of sound, shaking his head.
“nothing. they… they gave it to me as a holiday gift…”
“hm… how generous of them,” jade muses, materializing on his other side.
“i — i don’t even know how they — well, one of them must’ve gotten idia to help them or something but…” azul opens the shell again; your voice rings out, laughing, laughing, laughing…
“ne… can i ask you something personal?” floyd says, blinking slowly at azul from over the table, no longer smiling.
azul shrugs, “i suppose. what do you want to know?”
“if you could trade something to get the back… what would you give?”
at this, azul looks up, and there’s something so deep and dark in the depths of his eyes that neither of the twins dares to say a single word. they’ve seen enough darkness from the unrelenting sea to know heartbreak when it’s laid at their feet.
azul bites his lips before looking away, clapping the shell shut in their palm, squeezing it tight, so tight that for a moment, they all think it’s going to break.
but then, azul just sighs, letting his head drop as he opens up the shell again to let your voice ring out through the room.
“i’d give… anything,” he says, swallowing hard.
“i’d give… everything."
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writingattemptsxx · 5 months
A Petty Rabbit
A rabbit is late to an unbirthday party and bumps into someone he hates along the way. Can’t he just have a break?
An OC I have for Twst based off the White Rabbit. His name is Ivory Era. His just one of the twst OCs I have and I might make more of him or any other characters I have.
Edit: This was made for an older version of his character. His appearance and most of his personality remain the same, but his reasoning/background and some smaller personality bits are changed.
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On top of the furthest cliff on the NRC campus, where no one went, the shore was absolutely beautiful. Smells of sea salt. Repetitive hits of waves. Sunlight reflecting on the water. On top of that, the cliff that Ivory was on still had grass covering it, not the grating sand. So the smell and feeling of grass also added to the pleasure of everything.
Today was another Unbirthday Party. Loud noises and overstimulating colors were everywhere. Not to mention the people. To Ivory, people were nothing but a nuisance. Self-serving. Manipulative. Cruel. And, just like the party, they were loud and irritating. Although, it’s not like he wasn’t most the above himself. All except for loud that is. And he likes to believe he’s not irritating. In his opinion, he’s just a person, but subtracting a few of the usual negative traits, so inherently better. Why would he ever want to be around other people? He’s fine in his own company.
Sadly for him, he had to be in the dorm known for its constant parties. The other dorms weren't exactly better options, but maybe Diasomnia or Ignihyde would be nice. They were both known for keeping to themselves. It would be nice not to have anyone expecting him to socialize much. At least he was able to make this cliffside a safe space where he doesn’t have to talk. Away from noises. Away from chaos. Away from people.
Sadly, it was probably time to get up. Ivory dug through his vest pocket and grabbed his pocket watch. He checked it and… Late. Late! LATE! How could he be late on such an important date? Well, to be completely truthful, today isn't incredibly important to him. But he’d rather not lose his head, so it's best to be at the Unbirthday Party. He was still in his school uniform and on the other side of campus. Why was his calm spot so far from the dorms?
He shoved his watch back into his pocket and scrambled up, almost taking clumps of grass with him. He should have checked his watch before. Riddle will be MAD. Could Trey help him or at least pacify Riddle? The house warden had most of the power in the dorm. Ivory can’t get anyone like that mad at him. Also what about his grades? He needed his magic for those!
Ivory ran and ran. Trees and school buildings pass by him. Each foot pounded down, kicking up dirt and grass behind him. Now he probably even needs to shower with all the dirt covering him, and with how much he was probably sweating. He could still make it if he didn't stop, right? Ivory was a rabbit beastman. He was a fast runner.
After running for what felt like centuries, the trees stopped appearing, and he saw the statues of Main Street. The center of the campus! Half way! How much longer did he need? He dug back down into his pocket and looked down to check what he was grabbing, but the minute he couldn't see his surroundings, someone slammed into his side.
Ivory hit the hard stone, feeling some free pebbles dig into any exposed skin. What's worse, his watch flung out of his pocket, and if it weren't for its chain, it would have flown further.
“Owww.…” Ivory’s voice fell in both pain and a feeling of futility. He’s not making it to the party, is he? Would Riddle accept him being run into as an excuse? The stones were way too sharp, and he probably got cut too. More for the excuse hopefully.
There was one issue, his eyes betrayed him and tears pricked the corner of his eyes. He just wanted to lay there and cry. The jagged stones definitely did some digging into his skin. Could he just not exist peacefully for one day? Of course not the fated servant would never get his deserved break. He didn’t want to be here. He didn’t want to be at a party. Just exist as nothing. He would chew out everything in his way if he didn’t fear what would happen to his reputation. He just kept his eyes screwed shut.
Rustling a bit away from Ivory got his attention, but he couldn’t bring himself to look.“Is that you, rabbit? Can’t even get up? Shihihi.” That laugh. That stupid laugh. That got his eyes open. “You’re alive! Welcome back!”
“Hello, Ruggie. So nice to see you again. Sadly, I have a party I must get to.” As he spoke, he instantly shot up, trying to clean off the gravel. He stood over the hyena and gave a smile he hoped Ruggie could see was fake. Could see him clenching his jaw and the disdain in his eyes. This hyena can’t leave him alone. He can’t be afforded that simple luxury?
Truth be told, Ivory didn't have a reason to hate Ruggie. At least, not a reason he, himself, wasn't guilty of, but he can't help but view this hyena as nothing more than a rat. A suck-up to Leona. It would be a valid rebuttal to say Ivory was a suck-up to Riddle, just as intentionally as Ruggie was to Leona, but Ruggie seemed somehow proud of himself. Proud of serving another? Ridiculous. It was suffering you had to get through until you would be served. Who would be proud of the worst stage in their life? No matter how much you learn to persevere, scheme, or become a ‘hard worker’. Servants are worthless until they can get their own power.
Plus Ruggie had gotten in his way too many times to give any sort of mutual respect. Ivory would prefer to stay away from any struggle between powerful people, even if it was just two subordinates meeting.
“Another tea party? You guys have those every other day, don't you?” By now Ruggie was also standing. He spoke in the most jovial tone. It was nothing but maddening.
“Once a month.” He checked his watch as he started walking to Heartslabyul. He was certainly late. Even if he ran now, it would be of no use. “You should get back to whatever errand Leona sent you on. You were running just as I was.”
“You say that like he’d be mad I waited a few extra minutes to grab him his extra pen. He's probably sleeping now anyways. Mind me coming with you? I won't cause trouble, just grab some food and go. I could fix your hair as payment. Shihihi.”
His hair? His hair! As he reached back he couldn't find his usual tie. Instead with every stroke, he could feel some rubble. His hair is normally pristine, as ordered, and tied back into a braid. If he can't find his hair tie, the cheapskate hyena is paying him back, no matter how cheap it is and how many he has back at his dorm. Maybe even more for laughing at him.
Suddenly a hand with a red band is right in front of his face. His hair tie isn't gone luckily, but it would be nice to see Ruggie have to pay up, also he now has a small debt to him, even an ever so minor one.
Ivory snatches it back as his other hand combs through his hair. A ‘thank you’ sounds through gritted teeth. “Fine, you can come on my invite, but you must see the party through fully. You can't leave once you fill yourself with food. Rules numbered 136 and 243: All debts must be repaid and One must stay for a party for the full stated time unless there is an emergency. The full-time for Unbirthday parties is three hours. Also, don't bring any boxes or containers to store food, that's just improper without the party head.”
Ruggie made a very audible ‘yes!’ right before he immediately followed right between Ivory. Maybe the rat would mistakenly break some obscure rule. A collar for inviting him would even feel vindicating if he got to see the kindly invited guest be punished too.
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I was going to draw Ivory but didn’t find the time, so here are some picrew a of him for the moment and I’ll probably post a drawing of him at some point.
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avacodork · 2 years
I had a thought... you know how Malificent took an arrow for Arora in the movie? Yes. That.
This is angst. GN!Reader. Malleus x reader.
Tw: death, very sad malleus.
You blink awake, when had you fallen asleep? You shake yourself and sit up trying to remember what happened.
Malleus overblotted...
You look up at the sound of shouting, faces blurred as your tired mind tied to process what was happening.
You saw the arrow and you moved. Malleus was to focused on the person infront of him that his side was wide open, he was going to die, he was going to die, hewasgoingtodie!
Grabbing his shoulders you spun him and switched your places around, you felt the arrow hit... but everything faded the pain not noticeable as you saw Malleus' eyes soften.
"Child of man?" He asked softly. You could only cough in answer, blood coming through your lips. Malleus looked at you in growing horror.
Looking down you see the tip of the arrow had went through your back and now stuck out of your front. 'Huh- I thought I would die far sooner than this...' laughing lightly at your own thoughts as you fell into Malleus' arms, into the arms of your love.
"Hey... hey, your fine right?" You could hear the desperation in his voice, his tone pleading as it broke. "Prefect- My child of man? You're going to be fine right?"
You want to respond, tell him that you're okay, that everything is going to be okay.. but you can't, your throat filled with blood as you cough, your throat screaming in protest as you try to say something- ANYTHING!
You open your eyes, when had they closed, and see that Malleus is back to normal. His eyes shine with unshed tears as he begs for an answer, anything from you. Nothing comes, just more coughs and wheezes.
"Please, please!" He begs as your eyes begin to shut again. "No, no, nonononono NO!"
He sobs as your body starts to get cold. He promised to protect you but he can't do anything more then watch you die. And it's all his fault.
"I'm sorry." He whispers, his voice cracking. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! This wasn't supposed to happen!"
You can hear him sob but it's fading.
"Please!" You wish you could comply. "Come back! Don't leave me!" He gasps. His voice is quiet when he next speaks.
"I need you..."
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jul1ett-chan · 1 year
Do’s and Do Not’s.
Do’s :
-Character x Reader
-Long fanfic
-Short fanfic
Do Not(s) :
-Adult x Child
-Child x Child
-R@pe -Smut
I write for Twisted Wonderland and Genshin Impact
Feel free to request!!
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You'll be happy to know your Twisted Wonderland propaganda works. You and you alone got me to try it, and now I am Stuck Here.
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My scheme is complete. My job here is done.
Welcome, friend :D
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koffeevibes · 1 year
The Thorns and Roses Society (A teaser)
So I have been working on this for a little while and in the past month I have actually started writing the start of this and I am so excited to share with everyone a little snippet of the first chapter that covers the main character Calliope Chaulot's venture to Twisted Wonderland! Honestly I have fallen in love with this character, she is waaayyyy to fun to write about lol.
But here's a little sneak peek of what's to come!
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The day Calliope Chaulot’s father died was the day her life was thought to have ended. A fire had ripped through the centre of town. An area so unaccustomed to fire that it left a heightened sense of mortality that day. The cries of both the injured and their families filled the skies in synchronised pain. All longing for a different outcome, a better outcome. Yet none of their prayers were received, they all fell on deaf ears.
157. One hundred and fifty seven people perished that day, never to see the light again. Some bodies were never found as they had been eaten alive by the flames. Families were left grieving over a person that to the better knowledge of others never existed.
Those thorns of memories never ceased to stop pricking underneath the skin of Calliope. Her father was never found, all that remained was the small ring that herself with the help of her uncle made for him when she was six. 
It was gloomy days like this that she longed that he was still with them. But that wasn’t the problem at hand. Her mother sat in front of her at the dinning table reading the newspaper, as Calliope placed a slice of freshly baked bread with a generous spread of marmalade on top. The families around the town pitied them. Something that Calliope loathed. Without a man in the house it was, at least to the outside world that they couldn’t afford to live. Although that was the opposite. They lived comfortably, just enough money to survive but also live a little at the same time. Enough to enjoy the small things in life. 
“I didn’t know we had marmalade.” Calliope’s head turned slightly at the sound of her mothers voice. These days she had become less vocal as her health decline. The death of her husband took a great toll on her mental health, something she had never recovered from. All the health issues she suffered from now were a result of the amount of stress she was under.
“You like marmalade don’t you?” A smile creeped along her face as she replied. Slowly walking back over to her mother with some hot tea. “And here’s your tea, with no milk and a teaspoon of honey” 
Her mother nodded, and looked back up from the newspaper. Her eyes finding Calliope’s. 
“You know me too well.” A cheeky grin appeared as she spoke. “The weather is getting colder again.” Her mother stated as she looked towards the window, the sky faintly resembling the colour of their grey carpet. 
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karolinevassalor · 2 years
Who want to read an a somewhat angsty Genshin impact story with a badass mc ft. traitorDiluc&Kaeya and saviour! Pantalone?
Kinda similar setup like the prev Twst stories ^^
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twistedroseytoesy · 2 years
If you'd like an idea for Idia with the song Blame by BB Cooper, there's this sad fanmade Poppy Playtime animation using the song (albeit not the full one due to the short animation)
Oh my gosh… that animatic was heart wrenching. I can try to do something with this if you would like. I just don’t know Idia that well and agian, book 6 is unavailable for English players so I have no idea what kind of character development or personality he has. I’m sorry. If you really want me to try though send in another ask and I will do so.
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cougheemedicine · 2 months
Blade x GN!Reader
Word count: 2465
Warnings: Reader works at a brothel as an escort, drinking, blood, Blade is injured, Blade gets half naked, Reader gets threatened for money, Reader gets called “pretty thing” and "bastard", Blade cuts a guy’s throat open, spoilers for Blade's story, ooc? Skimmed over it but not proof read
Contents: Slight(?) angst but mostly fluff, Reader is the stellaron hunter’s informant, Reader calls Blade “Bladie”, mutual pining, “I didn’t know where else to go”, Bladie gets protective, Kafka mentioned
Summary: In your line of work, trust was not something easily given. You could only really trust someone as far as you could throw them. You could never trust who you gave information to, even if they paid good. Maybe a certain someone can allow you to drop the facade very so often.
A/n: A little something to tide over the hsr fans while I work on my hsr au as well as my twst au
       “Hey, you,” You grinned, swirling your drink in its’ glass, the ice cubes clinking against the rim. You needn’t look back to know who walked into your private room unannounced, even if the air suddenly going cold and the smell of copper assaulting your nostrils weren’t already hints. Only one person could make it to the top floor of your building without being stopped.
       Blade knelt down next to you, minding the flowing silks of your robe that cascaded past your form and onto the wooden balcony. You offered him a glass, ice already prepared, that he completely ignored. You huffed but poured him a drink anyway, setting it next to his hand.
       “You’re early, you know,” You hummed, scrunching your nose at the flavour of the liquor. Bitter. “I had to rush my last client out when I smelled the blood. You lost me a good tip, Bladie.”
       Your tone is light, teasing, even as you narrow your eyes at him, looking at him through your lashes. There’s blood matted in his hair, and staining his clothes. You’d almost feel bad, if it wasn’t for the good chunk of money he cost you. That sorry old sod had was basically throwing credits at your feet. Blade meets your eye, devoid of any emotion, except the smallest spark of remorse, a spark so small even you can barely see it. He huffs.
       “I’ll pay you double for what you know,” Monotone as ever, he’s still honest with you. More or less. You let your brow ease, simply looking him in the eye instead of glaring at him. You huff out a laugh, though it’s not particularly humorous. 
       “Straight to business with you, as always,” You roll your eyes, scooting back to lean against the brick of the building. Fancy, fur-trimmed robe be damned. Blade follows, picking up both glasses and making his way next to you. He’s so much closer to you now, you can feel his shoulder brush against yours, and his hair tickled your finger tips as he sits next to you.
       You tell him what you know, whispers you’ve heard from the walls of your brother's and sister's rooms, things told to you in confidence by people who paid you to spend time with them, even some of the most devastating secrets you had been privy to while working your magic.
       Blade stares at you all the while, every ounce of his attention raptly captured by you. An icy shiver claws up your back, you’re suddenly glad the robe you're clad in is made of a thick material. You lean over, away from him, to refill your glass. After the night you've had, you need it. Once you turn back, fully intent on continuing your gossip session about some official Blade and his little group needed dead, you voice catches in your throat.
        He's still staring at you, as if he hasn't even blinked. His shoulder brushes yours again, and you almost stiffen. Swallowing the lump in your throat, and willing the heat in your face to cease, you snap your fingers in front of his face. "Hey you, still with me?"
        You tack your most dazzling grin onto your face, normally you'd tease him to hell and back for blinking dumbly, his stone-faced demeanor cracked, if only slightly. But you can't bring yourself to form the words, not when your heart is in your ears and you're barely reigning in the urge to giggle like a school girl.
        He huffs, leaning back against the wall and taking a long sip of his drink. His entire face scrunches, and he glares sharply at the contents of his glass. "Bitter. What is this?"
        "Gift from my last client, apparently I'm his favorite play thing," you down your drink with a groan, the ice having long melted. You could care less how it tasted, you just wanted something that could make your forget the entire night. You tilt your head back, letting your smile drop again as you lull your head against the brick. You can sense his eyes on you again, gazing at you in his peripherals, through his bangs. You hear him set his glass back down on the wood floor, and he leans over you, picking up the crystal bottle. He scans the label, and grimaces, but he pours more into his glass, then empties the rest into yours.
        Blade picks up his glass again, and you clink yours against his. He eyes you, you only raise your glass. He quirks a brow, pulling his knee up to rest his arm on his knee, before mirroring you. 
        "I'll bring you something better next time," He says with a sigh. 
        "I still expect the full price for my services," you reply, not as coyly as you could've hours ago.
        Blade hums, laying his free hand next to yours. Maybe the alcohol is clouding your sense, but you swear you can feel his hand against yours, your pinkies brushing. Neither of you acknowledge it, when you lay you lay your pinkie finger over his. Blade doesn't even pull away. For as gruff and rough around the edges as he may be, he's one of the many who just can't refuse you.
        Someone knocks on your door, almost making you drop your book in surprise. You spare a glance at the clock above your door. It's past 2am.
        The person knocks again, and you drag yourself from your bed to answer. Irritation growing with every step. "Look, I'm only open till midnight on week nights. If you want to be entertained, I suggest going back to the lower floors-"
        By the time you open your door, you actually drop the book.
        Blade leans on your doorframe. From the gap the chain lock provides, you can see his hair sticking to his forehead from sweat, and his eyes scrunched from what you can only assume is pain. The hand you can see is gripping his side, red blooming from under his gloved fingers.
        "Aeons, Blade! You-" You all but rip the door of its' hinges in your haste, hands ghosting over his side.
        "I," He rasps, "I didn't know where else to go..."
        His knees give out, and he slumps onto you. His head on your shoulder, and you can hear his ragged breathing. You can feel him trying to stifle it, the hiss he lets out when you kick the door closed and drag him into your room, and the groan he barely bites back as you drop him (rather clumsily) onto your chaise lounge.
        You hover over him, not really knowing what to do. You knew the basics of his curse, knitting his flash together as you spoke, but you didn’t know much past that.
        "Kafka's... done what she must," Blade heaves, trying to sit up, you push him down, "We were ambushed while we were recovering, and we had to split up,"
        You're quiet as you listen, making a mess of your drawers as you look for your first aide kit. When you turn back, he's sat up again, already shucking his coat off. His undershirt is stained dark red, and you can see his face twist as he grimaces in pain from moving too much.
        You kneel before him, a roll of bandages in your hand, a damp cloth in the other. A silent plea.
        Blade narrows his eyes at you, but he nods. You can touch him.
        The silence in the room is heavy as you ease closer to him. You shuffle between his legs, resting your arms on his knees, and you can't help but look him in the eyes. Blade almost looks sad, with his nose is wrinkled, and his brow furrowed. He brushes his hair from his face, and he tilts his head at you. You shift your gaze from his eyes down to his stained shirt, and back up to his eyes. Blade rolls his eyes, but he complies to your silent request.
        Slowly, Blade unbuttons his shirt, and he slowly tugs it off. Leaving him more bare than he's ever been around you. Tentatively, you reach out to wipe some of the blood with the cloth and, before you can even touch him, Blade jerks away. Breathing harshly as if you had just touched him with a red-hot pole.
        You almost retreat, to give him the space he clearly needs, to let him do it himself. You're clearly not doing him much good. But he catches your wrist before you can go too far. Ever so slowly, as if he'd lash out if you reacted too suddenly, you return to your place. You meet his gaze once more. His weary, exhausted gaze, hidden behind that hardness you've grown so accustomed to. He nods once, a sharp jerk of his chin, and lets you go.
        Tearing your eyes from Blade's is harder than you'd imagine it to be, even as you gently wipe the blood from his side. You tap his leg with your free hand, and he passes you the role of bandages.
       You can see his stomach dip and hitch with his every breath and hiss of pain. His hand, the one not holding the end of the bandage in place, moves from either hovering over your shoulder or gripping the edge of the chaise.
       You finish silently, staring at your sloppy handiwork. You knew the basics of his curse, but it didn’t make you feel any better about his suffering. Blade goes to stand as you put the first aide kit away, steadying himself on the arm of the furniture. The creaking of the wood as he shifts his weight is enough for you to whip around, kit still in your hands.
       “No, sit down,” You jab a finger at the chaise lounge, glaring daggers at him as he stretches, testing the flexibility of the fraying bandages.
       “I’ll be fine in the morning,” He grunts as you stride across the room, poking him on his -still very bare- chest. “You’re not fine now, are you? Lay down and rest for once or Aeons help me-“
       You place a firm hand on his chest, all but shoving back down onto the chaise. Blade narrows his eyes at you, you flash him your famous smile. You mentally cheer when he crosses his arms, averting his eyes as he finally leans back and relaxes against the many pillows you had arranged. You always win.
       The silver blade of the knife glinted in the low light of your room. Over the game table, the man across from you smirks. His one golden tooth peeking out from his lips, clashing against his greasy skin and complexion. He kept the knife pressed pretty against your neck. Just hard enough for a single drop of blood to slide down your neck, and over your collar bone.
       “Aw, come on, pretty thing. You scammed a buddy of mine out of quite a bit of credits a few weeks back. I think it’s only fair if you give us back a portion of what you owe,” he runs a hand over his greying beard. As if that would convince you.
       You feel a smile stretch over your lips, more vexed than anything else if you were to be honest. "Sir, I was simply doing my job. I don’t even keep the money,"
        The slimy man rolled his eyes, an ugly scowl forming on his face. "Oh please, like I'd believe that. I know your kind, pretty bastards. Think you can flash a smile and everyone will drop onto their knees before you,"
        The knife at your neck digs deeper, and you can feel sweat beading down the back of your neck. His eyes narrow, "Can't get out of this. Now give me what I want,"
       You rack your brain for anything, even the smallest thing that could somehow get you out of this situation. You have half a mind to take the bottle of expensive wine from the table in front of you and smash the sucker over his head. But it would be a race that you aren’t the most confident in winning, and a waste of good wine.
       You’re stuck. Wholly and uselessly stuck. 
       You open your mouth again. Your silver tongue has gotten you out of many tough calls, maybe you can work your magic like you’ve done so many times.
       “One more word out of you-“ Your captor interrupts, before you can even get a word in, “And I’ll cut that silver tongue of yours right out. You understand me-“
       The sound he makes is guttural, and just as ugly as the  man who’s making it. Crimson rains from him, splattering your table and getting on your face and clothes. He chokes, lurching forward in the way a hog does when scrounging in the dirt for food, and drops his head into your table. Dead.
       You look up gradually, taking in the sight, before making eye contact with your hero. “Hey, you,”
       Blade looms over your little scene, eyes pricing your own, blood still dripping from his broken sword. He makes no move to acknowledge your greeting, only flicking the blood off his sword and sheathing it. You huff, standing up to dust off your clothes. 
       “This was a nice table you know,” You hum, flicking a drop of blood from your cheek. Blade ignores your complaints still, side-stepping the table all together and standing in front of you. With his every inhale you can feel his chest brush yours, and you’re sure you can feel electric shocks rippling under your skin as Blade raises a hand, wiping the blood from your neck. 
       You can rarely read the man, the odd time you can is when he’s irate or some other synonym of the word ‘annoyed’, but you can read his eyes better than you’ve ever been able to. Maybe it’s the proximity, and you’re drunk on the air that is suddenly becoming much heavier than it was before, or maybe you’re more intoxicated than you thought you were, but you can see the sheer fury in his eyes.
       Blade lays his hand lightly on your neck, the other ghosting over the fingers of your hand down lax at your side. He leans forward, just slightly, and you can feel his chest against yours.
       But then it’s all over. Blade tears himself away, completely turning around to swipe your first aide kit from your desk. A feeling of smugness washes over you, the very tips of his ears are pink, and you can’t help the gentle smile on your face. Only you have seen him like this. Only you can pull such emotion from him. Only you.
work belongs to @cougheemedicine, all forms of plagiarism, modifying, translating, reposting are not allowed
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etheries1015 · 11 months
Character's revolving around the story will be highlighted in RED. NSFW section below the SFW one.
link back to OG masterlist
Link to Twisted wonderland Masterlist Pt. 2
A little more to love - Lilia x Reader HC
Happy Fathers day - Crowly shit post
Secret relationship and the wing man- Malleus X reader
Finding out your real name - Platonic Multi (seperate)
Beating the shit out of a student- Platonic Multi (Together) [TW: assault, but MC is a badass]
Rejection hurts- Lilia X reader [Angst, no comfort]
Rejection hurts pt2 - Lilia X reader [Angst, slight comfort?]
When you wish upon a star- Malleus X Reader
Magic Catastrophe- Twst X Obey me crossover
Magic Catastrophe pt2 - Twst X obey me crossover
Your first encounter - General Lilia x Reader shit post
An apology mug - Malleus X reader
How could you love that...?- Malleus X High energy/gremlin reader (lowkey shit post)
When he began to fall in love- Lilia x (slightly traumatized) reader [TW: Depiction of panic attacks, mentions of PTSD, reader does not like being startled by the mischievous vampiric fae :( ]
Domestic kitchen moments- Trey, Rook, Malleus, Lilia X Reader
What a shame- Bi Lilia X Bi Reader shit post
The school Therapist- Working Adult MC HC
The promises we made- Malleus X reader Angst/fluff rolled into one...
Our popular prefect! - Headcannon on MC's daily life as the ramshackle dorm prefect and their precious students.
Endless Marriage proposals- General Lilia X reader (angst no comfort)
Endless Marriage Proposals (ALT ENDING) - General Lilia x Reader (Fluff)
Glorious Masquerade- MC Solves the problem!
Glorious Masquerade- The... interesting dormmate... (answer)
A dragons infatuation - Malleus X reader HC
When they snore - Mallus, Rook, Azul, Riddle, Vil (Separate) X Reader
When you cuddle them like a Koala- Housewardens (separate) X reader
A fearful realization - Malleus X reader
A fearful realization pt. 2- Malleus X reader
Lonely together - Malleus X lonely reader
The swearing issue - Lilia HC
The dreaded reunion- shit post (king!Malleus, his spouse MC, and a few other special guests.)
The secret ingredient - Lilia X Reader (lowkey shit post)
A sacrifice worth making- Malleus X reader
A "normal" therapy session - Multi (shitpost HC)
When you cry- Malleus X reader
His first and last love- Lilia x reader
Boring lectures - Malleus X reader (pretty much platonic)
Finding out you're trans masc- Malleus, idia, kalim, Riddle X trans masc reader
Biting and accidental courtship - Lilia, Malleus, Leona, Ruggie, Jack, Rook X reader
Defending your lover- General Lilia x Reader
His unique magic- Jack x Reader
A different way of fighting- General Lilia and Gremlin reader HC
Dancing in the kitchen - Lilia X reader
Writing each other letters - Lilia X reader (2 scenarios)
His birthday present- Lilia X reader
Your dream and a wish- No ship, just your dream regarding Chapter 7.
Finding you sobbing - Malleus, Lilia X reader
Chaotic Prefect - Ask/Answer
Long lived/succubus (kind of) Yuu and their infatuation with humans- Ask/answer, platonic! Baul and General Lilia
Not particularly good at baking - Lilia X reader
Lilia shit post
Your importance - Lilia X reader (short)
Flower crowns- Meleanor X reader
A heavy farewell- Lilia X reader
An interesting fascination - Pomefiore X reader who is fascinated with scars (ask/answer)
A genius feat! - Technologically challenged reader X Idia Shroud
Learning human legs- Malleus learning to form a human body HC
Being allergic to them - Octavinelle and Savanaclaw
Sleep somewhere else!- MC allergic to cats and Grim headcannon
A messy confession - Floyd X reader
Half baked confession - Malleus X Flirty/shamelessish reader
Happy birthday, Malleus! - Malleus x reader
Happy birthday, reader! - General Lilia X reader
They throw you a birthday party - Diasomnia X reader
Prefects muse- Azul, Riddle, Idia X flirty reader
Prefects muse- Jack X flirty reader
The fae with a dream - General Lilia X Fae reader (angst) TW: death, emetophobia
your jealous lover- Lilia X reader
Raising a child and his interesting parenting style - Lilia X reader
when you're sick - short Silver X reader headcannon
Missing the "girly" things - Twst (Multi! Platonic!) X Fem! reader
Day dreaming - (Short) Lilia X reader headcannon
Oblivious old man- Lilia X reader HC
When he fell in love- Vil X reader
You're pregnant! their reaction? - Vil, Malleus, Azul, Lilia X Afab reader (no pronouns)
A flowers meaning- Lilia x reader
Cuddling his Tsum- Lilia X reader
Do you regret it? - Lilia X reader
A little bit of everything - Malleus Draconia relationship HC
Getting Drunk - Lilia X reader
Would they wait until marriage? - Multi (separate, lowkey shit post)
His little human toy- General Lilia X reader
Midnight dirty thoughts- About Dragon Malleus [tw monsterfucking]
Size kink HC - Malleus Draconia X reader [ tw monsterfucking]
A faes hidden desires- Malleus Draconia X reader
General Lilia Vanrouge thoughts - General Lilia x reader (short)
Pretty little pregnant you - Lilia X fem! Reader (tw: pregnancy)
Lilias praise - Lilia X reader (More suggestive than NSFW, but I placed it here anyway.)
Taking his virginity - Lilia X reader
Birthday head- Malleus x reader shit post
The unfortunate shower incident - Lilia X reader (only suggestive, not very NSFW)
living out a fantasy - Lilia X reader (TW hair pulling, slight mentions of blood)
General Lilias stress relief - Lilia x reader (TW slight non-con)
Hot spring mischief- Lilia & Malleus X reader
Guiding Malleus thru his heat- Malleus & Lilia X reader
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writingattemptsxx · 10 months
Finn in Twisted Wonderland
Chapter 1: Arriving Crying and Scared
A school full of teenagers and staff, but what happens if instead of a normal student being teleported, a five-year-old comes along? Along with Grim breaking in to join him of course.
This took forever to complete, and I've had the line out forever. I hope you like that, and feel free to mention feedback and/or what you want to see next (if anything at all).
Next chapter here
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Finally, he was in. Grim spent so long getting snubbed by some stupid black carriage, but he’s The Great Grim, he doesn’t need the carriage. He can just come in. That’s just how great he is.
Grim searches the room of floating coffins only for a few seconds before one catches his eye. It was only one and it was on the floor. The others were floating around the room except this one. Why? Grim couldn’t care less. He just needed the outfit, then he would be in.
He rushed over to the coffin and gripped the lid. Then he pulled. Then he pulled. Then he pulled. But, it wouldn’t open. “UGH! How dare you deny The Great Grim?! Come on! I need that outfit before someone spots me!” He pulled harder, but it still wouldn't budge. Finally, he decided to use every ounce of strength in him, including his magic. “Try this on for size! Mya-ha!”
The lid flew open! Awesome! But someone was sleeping in the coffin, only moving in discomfort from the heat of the flames. Less awesome. The first thing that struck Grim as odd was his size. He looked small like a child. Was he one? The robes he was wearing were even a bit too big. It looked way smaller than what would fit an average person, but it was still a bit too big. No. No way! He could just be a fey, right? Like a dwarf. Grim heard they were small, yeah? But when he looked closer at the sleeping thing, he looked nothing like fey. No pointed ears, no fangs, and no horns. Absolutely nothing. Fey usually had some distinctive features, so was he actually a kid?! All he had was light skin with small freckles on his cheeks and nose and fluffy and messy light-brown hair.
Grim was shocked and jumped back as the kid started to stir. “A little bit longer? Please?”
He snapped back to reality at the kid’s whining.
“No can do! Now give me those robes!”
There was some noise going around? Possibly someone talking, but it was incredibly muffled. Though they sounded angry. Finn got a bit anxious and curled up. His blanket felt odd. It felt silky and not fluffy. He didn’t want a new blanket! Could he have his back? And his pillow was gone too! He's been sleeping on his arm, and it was starting to feel fuzzy.
As he was thinking the voice suddenly became clear and everything became hot. “Try this on for size! Mya-ha!” Finn tried to shift away from the heat radiating from mainly at his feet and slightly above him while fighting for sleep. It was hot! Too hot!
Finn heard someone jump back. Was Nanny scared? Why? Then it felt like someone was burning a hole in his side. Finn tried to ignore it, but it felt like he ignored it for days, and it didn't stop. He only ignored it for a few minutes, but it felt like days, no years. Finn decided to say something, maybe then Nanny would let him sleep. None of the birds were singing. It couldn't be morning.
“A little bit longer? Please?” He was too tired. He wanted to sleep.
“No can do! Now give me those robes!” Wait. That didn't sound like Nanny. The voice was raspy but high-pitched. Nothing like his sweet and soft Nanny’s voice. Finn slightly opened his eyes only to find himself somewhere completely unknown. His eyes opened wider, and he sat up to marvel at the room as things had yet to set in. Things were floating! Floating! So cool!
“Hey! Over here! Don't cha dare ignore me!” Finn looked at the noise. It was the same voice as before. When he looked, he noticed it was a kitty!
“Kitty!” Finn hastily got on his knees and reached for the cat.
“Who’re you calling a “kitty”? I'm not a cat, much less a “kitty”! I'm The Great Grim and you better respect that!” Finn was in awe. The kitty could talk! On closer inspection, he had cool flamey ears and a cool pokey tail. He stood up, stepped out of the coffin, and just looked at ‘The Great Grim’ for a few seconds.
“Grim kitty.” Finn had no expression and said it so matter-of-factly.
“I told you I'm not a kitty!” As Grim yelled, fire spread across the room. Maybe it was the fire and the heat coming off it, or maybe it was the yelling and the loud anger emanating from it, or maybe it was something else, but something finally got everything to set in. Finn was somewhere unknown. He was alone. On top of that, there's a mad fire-y cat in front of him, who was only getting angrier by the minute. Tears started to prick in his eyes, and they were only getting harder to hold.
“That’s right! I'm Grim, The Great Grim, not some kitty! Be afraid and finally recognize my magnificence! Just give me that robe you're warrin’”
Tears started to fall, and Finn started to sob. Finn’s hands found his face trying to wipe away the tears pouring down. “I want Nanny! I wanna go home! Let me go home!”
“Just give me those robes!” Grim shot a fireball in Finn’s general direction, though far enough away that he obviously wasn't aiming. But, aiming or not, Finn was scared, and he ran out of the room.
Finn ran and ran. He didn't know where he was going other than away. He was scared. He wanted home. He wanted Nanny. His Nanny. It didn't help that the flaming Grim-cat was following him. Grim was shooting fireballs in Finn’s direction, though intentionally missing, and demanding Finn give up his robes. Suddenly, he noticed an open door, and sick of running, he bolted inside. The only issue is he never thought to close the door, and after running inside, he tripped over a rug and fell onto his stomach.
“Myah! Foolish human! You thought you could get away from me?! Now give me those robes!” Finn knew he was trapped. He knew he couldn't get up and out of this. He had nothing he could do, so he just cried. He couldn't even see Grim as Grim was behind him and Finn was only facing down at the floor.
Out of nowhere, a crack was heard only for Grim to respond a few seconds later. “Me-Yeouch! That hurts! What gives?!”
“Consider it tough love!” What was going on? Finn was too frozen in fear to get up and check, but who was this new voice? “Ah, I've found you at la-… Are you perchance fey?” The sudden acknowledgment unfroze Finn from his fear. He got up on his knees and turned around to face the unknown voice.
The voice came from a tall man holding both a whip in one hand and now Grim, who was struggling and demanding to be let go, in between his body and the elbow of his other arm. He had a top hat adorned with a blue ribbon, a mirror, and a black feather. He had fancy clothes, including a cape adorned with many more feathers. The man had green hair and was dressed in mostly black. He also had what looked to be a bird mask which hid his eyes in shadow except for his bright yellow irises.
Finn still had tears streaming down his face and could only ask one question, “Where is Nanny?”
“Nanny! Mother and Father had her take care of me! I want to go to her!”
“How old are you?” To this question, Finn removed one of the hands that was wiping away tears from his face and held it out, splaying out all five fingers. “Five?” Finn only nodded leaving the man speechless.
“That kid can't even be here! Let me in their place!” Grim was still being held by the man, and Finn finally brought his hands down to look at the cat speaking, though tears were still falling.
Completely ignoring Grim, the masked man kept his focus on Finn. “How did you even get a familiar at such a young age? No wonder it's so unruly.”
“I’m not a familiar! Much less to a kid! I'm The Great Grim!” He was still whining and struggling with all his might, but the man’s grip didn't loosen.
“All disobedient familiars will say that. Child, did someone give you this familiar?”
Finn’s tears had slightly slowed at this point, so he was able to get out a question. “What's a fa-mil-ler?”
“A familiar. You know. A beast or an animal that helps a mage.”
“I don't have a far-mil-ler.”
“Is he not yours?”
Grim shouts loud. Louder than you thought he could after how much he's been talking. “Myah! I told you I'm not a familiar! How hard is that to understand?!”
Finally, the man turned his attention to Grim. “Well then, you shouldn't be here! Once I settle the situation here, I will remove you from campus!”
“How dare you?! I got here fair and square! You're already down a student,” Grim gestured to Finn who, by now had stood up, and was just watching, “So let me in their place!”
“We can't just let someone who invades campus join this school! We have a selection process!”
“And your ‘selection process’ picked a random kid!”
“We’re working on figuring this out, and the kid probably isn't random! He probably has an immense magical ability, that messed with something. Speaking of you,” The man turned back to Finn, “What's your name and where are you from? We should get you back.”
“I’m Finn Lawson and I’m from Highfield, Andrila.” While talking, he turned to pay attention to his hand as he traced symbols into his palm. Then he looked back up and smiled.
“I've never heard of there before, also the name sounds quite unique. We should try to get you home. Follow me. The ceremony should be over and students in their dorms by the time we arrive.” The masked man then snapped his attention to the still-struggling Grim. “And you need to stop squirming and howling for me to put you down. I will hold you until I can remove you from campus.” he turned his attention back to Finn, “Shall we go?”
The man started walking and Finn followed. They ended up retracing the same path Finn took earlier. This time he was able to see things he missed as he was running. The stone of the walls and pavement. The small amounts of moss growing in the cracks of both. The scenic look of the outdoor hallways. It all looked pretty. Finn took some of his time looking for animals in the trees and bushes, though he found only a few birds and squirrels, and seeing what the shape cracks looked like to him. A worm. A dog. A tree. Another worm. A triangle. A square. More worms. Not a lot of things came to mind as the cracks were mostly single-lines, worm cracks, or simple shapes.
The man leading Finn suddenly stopped and as Finn was distracted, he kept walking until he bumped into the other. They had stopped right in front of the rod where this all started. Finn stepped more behind the man as he led them in.
“Here. Step in front of The Dark Mirror. I'll watch him.” Grim was muttering to himself at this point, not struggling the way he did before. Finn did as instructed. It was a large ornate mirror floating in the middle of the room. The glass reflected nothing, instead, it was pure black. Finn hadn't paid much attention to it before, being more preoccupied with the coffins, then with Grim, then with running. “O Dark Mirror! Return this soul to where it belongs!”
The mirror lit up with green flames on the inside of the glass revealing a mask that moved as if it were an alive face. It made no response.
The man behind Finn cleared his throat. “L-let us, er… try this again. O Dark Mirror! Return this soul-!”
“There is no such place.” A response from the mirror. A response that broke the man’s straight posture.
“There is no place in the world where this soul belongs. None.” Does that mean Finn can't go home? He won't see Nanny again? He's stuck here alone? The tears he thought he was done crying came back getting ready to fall again.
“This has never happened throughout my long tenure. I must confess that I am at something of a loss.” Not even the Mister knew what to do? What was going to happen? When could he go home? When could he see Nanny? The returning tears started to stream down his face again. “Kid- Uh, Finn. Don't cry it’ll… it'll be alright… I just gotta…”
With the man distracted Grim finally jumped out of his arms. “I got an idea! You gotta a job right, but this kid needs to be looked after because of your mess up, so let me do it! All ya have to do is let me inta the school!”
“What?! No! Of course not! You broke onto school property and demand not only a place in the school while insulting it but also to look after a child! If we were even to let you in as a student, you wouldn't even have time to look after a kid! Even someone as kind as I could never let that happen!”
“So what?! You're going to keep a kid with no one? Your teachers have jobs, and you just gotta give me a changed schedule, I'm The Great Grim! I'll have no issue keeping up. I mean look at him!” Grim turned to the crying Finn. “Come one kid, don't you wanna keep the ‘kitty’?” To this, he gave a small nod. “See! You're outnumbered here.”
The man looked to Finn, then to Grim, then back to Finn, then back to Grim. He kept doing this for a bit, then spoke again. “Fine, for I am ever so kind, but you will be under strict surveillance and the moment you fail any class or do anything wrong, you are out of here!”
“YES! I'm in!”
“Just barely! Now come with me. We should go to the library. I need to look some things up.”
Crowley had never had this happen to him. In all his years of being headmaster, this was new. A child here and a monster as a student and taking care of him. He didn't exactly have another option, or not one he could think of between the yelling cat and crying child.
Scanning through the books he found a few things that may be useful, so he picked them out and headed back to where Finn and Grim were told to stay put. As he turned the edge of the bookcase, he found the kid and cat sleeping at their table. He should probably get Finn somewhere comfortable. It was getting late. They also have a few teacher dorms free. Though he does need to read this… He can just check this all out, it's only about five books and he's a fast reader.
He checked them out and then used his magic to teleport them to his room. He then picked Finn up and placed him on one arm, putting his other hand on his shoulder to stabilize him. As he looked over, he saw Grim sleeping in the chair next to where the kid was. He had one job: watch the kid. Yet, there he was, asleep. Crowley should really move Grim somewhere comfortable, too. If he woke up alone, who knew what trouble he might have caused, ‘Although’, Crowley thinks, ‘maybe it would scare him into leaving’. No, even with the little he knows, that's not what that cat would do.
He moved his hand off Finn’s shoulder to shake Grim. “Get up. We need you to move.”
“Myah… Not now…” His tail was swatting at Crowley’s hand.
“Yes, now. If you don't get up now, we'll leave you.” That seemed to wake him up.
“Myah?! How dare you?! I'm up!”
“Shhh! The kid is sleeping! Now follow me.” He started leading them to the teacher dorms. They probably only needed one between them, and there was one close to him, so they should be good. They're only staying there for a bit until they can find a way for Finn to get home. That shouldn't be too long, right?Finally, he was in. Grim spent so long getting snubbed by some stupid black carriage, but he’s The Great Grim, he doesn’t need the carriage. He can just come in. That’s just how great he is.
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might be an unrelated ask with how things are going on right now, but the only way i ever see traitor ace theory coming into fruition is if he destroys yuu's way back home because of how his feelings will boil over (since he thinks being vulnerable is uncool). i've always tried to convince myself that his silly tsundere moments are yume bait, though i really can't deny the fact that yuu is literally everything that his ex-girlfriend is not. they've watched a horror movie together from idia's lab sr (and sending grim all alone to get snacks???) in playful stage, they ride a roller coaster, and if you tell him you like it, he suggests going again again (just the two of them without grim???) bro is not slick with how attached he is to mc.
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I have my own thoughts on Ace traitor theory (which you can read here)! To summarize, I don’t believe in it. If Ace betrays us at all, I think it will be in a trivial capacity (like he does something stupid that the rest of the group disagrees with, like taunting Malleus to attack him) and without malicious intent.
He may think being vulnerable is uncool, but I don’t think he’d take an action as drastic as destroying Yuu’s route home no matter how emotional he got. (That feels more like the stuff I see in angst and/or yandere fan works.) Ace gets mad and acts out, yes—but it tends to be in situations where he feels like being has been wronged, not to hinder the people he cares about. His character and his actions the entire story have done nothing but demonstrate that he values his friends and will be there for them until the bitter end, even if he whines about it the entire time.
And well 💦 when it comes to “is this platonic or romantic”, I always default to “it’s up to individual interpretation”. TWST will never give a “canon” ship for Yuu because that would impede the self-insert mass appeal design of the blank slate character. Not everyone wants to perceive X (in this case, Ace) as a love interest. Not everyone wants to perceive X (again, Ace in this case) as a friend. Therefore, there’s always going to baity lines to feed the yume crowd (Michard voice: give me your ur wallets) but lines are also kept plausibly deniable (framed as “jokes”/nor serious) or ambiguous enough to be interpreted either way.
In Ace’s Suitor Suit vignettes, he says this about his ex: “She said the thrill rides were too scary for her […] She vetoed all the action and horror flicks. Hanging out was just plain boring, so I stopped contacting her as time went on.” And indeed, Ace engages in the activities his ex refused with Yuu. They’re watching a horror movie together in Idia’s Labwear vignettes, as well as riding roller coasters and other thrill rides in Stage in Playful Land. Yes, you can interpret these as romantic since they sent Grim off by himself to get popcorn and want to ride again by themselves.
However, that’s not the only possible interpretation, and nor should it be. It could just as easily be argued that Ace and Yuu were just hanging out as friends in a “kicking back with your bros” kind of way (regardless of whatever gender Yuu identifies as). Watching horror movies and going on exciting rides are normal things that friends could do together. There is nothing inherently romantic about those acts by themselves. It could also be said that Ace is lazy and constantly trying to get out of work, so of course he’d pass off the job of getting more snacks onto someone else. The ride thing is innocuous too—maybe the others just aren’t feeling another round, while Ace and Yuu are still on that adrenaline high and want another hit of it. And again, it’s probably framed as wanting to do activities with Yuu specifically to help foster that parasocial relationship and create a sense of bonding with the player.
Of course Ace is attached to us and likes to hang out. We’re his friend, and that much has been established since the prologue. We are naturally a lot closer with him by default compared to several of the other guys (with maybe a few exceptions, like Deuce). Whether you see Ace and Yuu’s relationship as anything more than that is up to the individual!
That being said, I’d rather not talk in terms that imply one ship is “better”, “absolute”, or “more supported by canon” than others 😅 Not just for Ace x Yuu, but any ship, really. It unintentionally frames the discussion like a competition and leaves some people out of the talk if they don’t vibe with it or have different preferences, y’know?
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