#we can even adopt every kid in the entire world
kindagayfish · 1 year
i am so deeply in love with wolfwood i need this man to be my wife NOW
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crossbackpoke-check · 2 years
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bring a friend home today! adopt, don’t shop 🐶@metroitdetroitanimals 6.28.2022
#vladislav namestnikov#dallas stars#be the red wings content you want to see in the world i guess#absolutely devastated by these thanks. it’s been like a week and i’m finally able to post this because i had such an unreasonable reaction 😭#we don’t need to talk about the fact that i liked this it’s fine just ignore it & instead we can not talk abt how i went 🥹🥹 vladdy came home#realized. that i typed be the ‘red wings’ content you want to see right when i needed to type the tags & move them so they show up &. he’s.#i was trying to be clever with the caption but my entire brain just kept wailing ‘BRING HIM HOMEEEEEEE’ but actually now that i look w/ the#draft coming up… adopt don’t shop bring vladdy home we can buy a new little defenseman at the store we already have centers at the shelter#all of the terrible articles i have been reading that are like ‘why the red wings should acquire claude giroux’ and i’m like actually yeah#we can adopt that one guys!! adopt don’t shop!!! also should mention i was reading an article about what free agents yzerman should sign &#it wasn’t even about vladdy for the main one but it was some dude & at the bottom of each profile they had like ‘other options’ and for one#of them one of the other options was just ‘vladislav namestnikov’ & i did screenshot it & highlight it & cry bc i love him & i still forget#that vladdy isn’t a red wing anymore. like my brain simply REFUSES to acknowledge it every time it hits me all over again he’s in dallas now#dallas stop taking the men i love & ruining my narratives i want you to put them back#detroit ride or die forever & always#vladdy with DOGSSSS have y’all SEEN his little frenchie he and fabs are frenchie besties please you need to bring them back together#just like how aspen & millie are girlfriends & if you won’t bring moe back for the team’s sake do it for the dogs like what about ellie????#vladdy coming back to support the charity he picked back when he was still a wing makes me (oozing pile of tears in the middle of the marsh)#vibes of pk STILL being one of the biggest supporters of the montreal children’s hospital except it’s not little kids it’s an animal shelter#to explain to you the extent that i have not stopped thinking about this post the other day when i was at work i was thinking about how mtl#did like a ‘tourists in mtl’ thing & was like okay but i want them to take the mojoe show around to show people detroit but then i went wait#do you remember connor’s farm workout like what hockeys do i want to see on a farm & i immediately went ‘VLADDY’ like can’t you just see it#he would just be absolutely delighted to be on a farm & he’d be so excited to see all the animals & i want them all to take a trip to belle#isle & go to the aquarium & the conservancy & i just think that vladdy would love hanging out w/goats & then i had to go ‘hE’S nOt On ThE-’#what i’m saying is: detroit bring vladdy home so that i can see him hang out with cool animals. i want to take vladdy to the zoo#he seems really nice & he would sit at one enclosure with me for four hours & we would just watch them chill out & he should come home pls
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scribblesofagoonerr · 2 months
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I got upset and cried, and then I decided to try and write something that I am currently relating too, right now.
Lifes' full of up and downs, and sometimes its' okay to admit that you're not okay.
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pairings: lotte wubben-moy x reader, alessia russo x reader
warnings: angst, meh.
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The morning sun painted streaks of gold across the training grounds as you took part in another intense training session ahead of the upcoming game at the weekend.
You had joined the team just shy of a few months ago with dreams as big as the stadium in which they were due to play in, but beneath the facade of determination, you carried a weight that threatened to crush your spirit.
With each day that passed, you felt like the pressure mounted even more. The expectation were high, the scrutiny, the relentless pursuit of perfection - It all bore down on your shoulders like a somewhat invisible burden.
You found it easy to smile for the cameras, laugh along with your team mates jokes but inside, you felt like you were drowning.
There were a few of your team mates who were quick to note your struggles, 2 familiar faces from your past club, Lotte and Alessia, who had sensed the change in your demeanor. Of course they knew you all too well to be fooled by any of the facade you worse so carefully, they were able to see the cracks forming beneath the surface, the fragile threads that held you together.
Lacing up her boots, Lotte exchanged a knowing glance with Alessia, they both understood that something was amiss, something that needed to be addressed before it was too late.
During a break in the training session, Lotte and Alessia decide to approach you, concern etched in their expressions. "Hey, kid. Are you okay?" Lotte asked gently, her voice filled with geninue worry.
Your facade faltered, just for a moment, before you hastily plastered on a smile, "Of course, I'm fine," you replied, your voice a practiced melody of reassurance.
However, your team mates didn't seem entirely all that convinced. You should have known they would see through you and be able to recongise the pain hidden behind your smile.
You failed to keep your act up.
Lotte and Alessia were like 2 big sisters, you weren't that much younger than them, but you adopted the nickname as the kid, they were both fiercely protective of you and fought anyone who vowed to say anything bad about you.
"You don't have to pretend with us," Alessia stepped closer to you, her eyes searching your face, "We know that you're struggling. It's okay to admit it,"
Tears welled up in your eyes straight away as they threatened to spill over, the dam that you had built around your emotions was crumbling and you could no longer hold back to the flood any longer.
With a shaky breath, you finally let go of the facade that you had been wearing for so long.
"I'm not... I'm not okay," You whispered, your voice barely above a whimper. "I'm just finding it hard to cope right now, you know? I guess its' hard to try and fake a smile, act happy and that, when I don't feel like I'm truly happy."
"Oh kid," Lotte murmered, enveloping you in her comforting embrace, that Alessia joined in as well, both of them offering silent support as you let your emotions flow freely.
"Listen, Y/N/N, we know that you're finding things difficult here, but it will be okay and eventually, you will get used to it," Alessia said softly. "You've got so much potential, you're going to take the world by storm. We believe in you and your not alone in this anymore."
Lotte nodded in agreement with the blonde, "Less is right there, kid. We're going to be here with you every single step of the way, you can always talk to us about anything at all, remember?" she paused and waited for your response of a nod before she continued. "Your like a sister to the two of us and we hate to see you struggling at all, we love you so much, kid."
As the embrace with the two older girls lingered, the weight on your shoulders slowly began to lift and felt like it was replaced with a sense of relief that you hadn't felt in a long time.
"Thank you," You whispered, pulling back slightly both of them, meeting their concerned gazes with newfound determination. "I promise I'll talk to you both and be more open about how I feel from now on. I don't want to keep pretending like everything is okay when its' not."
Lotte smiled softly while her eyes were filled with understanding, "We're here for you, always," she reminded you, her voice unwavering in its' support.
"Together, we'll help you get through this," Alessia rested her hand reassuringly on your shoulder, "You're not alone," she repeated, her voice filled with conviction.
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© scribblesofagoonerr
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spite-and-waffles · 1 year
I always wonder whether Batfam fans really get just how fucking rich the Waynes are. Like of course we shy away from thinking about the fact that we're talking Musk and Bezos money, and focus on how Bruce funds the freaking Watchtower and has what is functionally a high-tech military base and lab and the world's most expensive vehicles. But this is the one time you don't have to factor in the implications of wealth-hoarding, so there's nothing preventing y'all from understanding exactly how much money we're talking about here.
For instance, there doesn't seem to be any concept of how palatial Wayne Manor is, simply going by the outer facades of it that appear in the comics and movies. Or how decadent the lifestyles that accompany that kind of ancestral home. Alfred couldn't run that place on his own even if he had super powers, which is why even the movies occasionally show a rotating probably-temporary staff in the background. The house probably has like 3 hundred-foot pools. Their garden is a protected heritage park.
The Waynes are 10x richer than Crazy Rich Asians. They buy and wear the jewelry worth hundreds of millions that belonged to royalty. They own private islands. The art in the house alone is worth more than the GDP of a small country. They went to school with like every US President since Teddy Roosevelt and still think the Rockefellers are new money. They're personal friends with Beyonce and can get her to perform at private parties. They can rent out an entire three-star Michelin restaurant and fly out to one for every date. They have top-line penthouse apartments in every major city in the world. They can buy a luxury sportscar instead of hiring a vehicle anywhere they visit and then just toss the keys to the nearest person on their way out (Arab royalty is known for this appearently. There's been some very lucky parking valets in the UAE iirc).
Bruce is as rich as Ra's Al Ghul, regularly make social calls to heads of state and his family has a history of being king-makers. Every one of Bruce's children, from Dick to Jason to Cass, is poised to inherit one of the largest and most powerful empires in the world. That means every time Bruce adopts an orphan off god-knows-where, the entire global elite is thrown into consternation and horror. Even Tim is barely acceptable to these people because he doesn't have the pedigree. I don't follow the reboot comics so Idk if Duke is adopted, but it would be so fucking funny if he was because they'd react a lot like the British establishment did to Meghan Markle (except the family and WE would have Duke's back completely). As for Damian, the fact that he's not white would get him snubbed if everyone who's anyone didn't 100% know who Ra's Al Ghul is. And they're fucking terrified because, for maximum hilarity, they probably figure that Bruce doesn't.
I just find it incredibly fucking funny when I'm reading fics that the writers can only imagine Bruce and the kids's civilian privileges extend only to "big house", "a lot of cars" and "Gotham famous". Lol. Lmao even.
Edit: Explanation for people justifiably skeptical that Bruce could be rich as Ra's (scroll down)
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livwritesstuff · 3 months
i’ve been very quiet so srry - my week started with my annual performance review (which went well) and ended with an emergency surgery (also went well) so…a lot going on to say the least
this is a deleted scene from the first chapter of plant a seed
When Robin called, Steve and Eddie were in the phase of newborn parenthood where they froze every single time the phone rang (because said newborn was napping more often than not and when she was, there was a 50% chance minimum the phone would wake her up).
So when Robin called and the ringing of the phone broke the otherwise peaceful silence, Steve froze and he waited. When the baby didn't wake up, Steve exhaled a sigh of relief and answered the call.
"This is Steve."
"Hey Steve-o!"
Steve immediately recognized the voice as Robin's – of course he did, even if he hadn't heard it since she and Nancy left for a work trip in Japan a little over a month ago.
“Oh shit,” Steve said, because this means that Robin and Nancy are finally home, finally back in their Boston apartment fifteen minutes away from his and Eddie's in Cambridge instead of the opposite side of the entire world, “You’re home!”
“Yep,” Robin replied, popping the P, “That plane was a million degrees, I’m pretty sure. No more August flights if I have any say in it. Anyways – wanted to let you know we made it back unscathed. What’s new with you guys?”
“Uh…” Steve began, not totally sure where to start, because Robin didn't know about the baby he and Eddie had been placed with two weeks ago and she certainly didn't know that they're going to adopt her (because they'd landed on that decision that very day – about two hours ago, to be specific), “Well–”
“Hey, do you still have those placements?" Robin interrupted, "The kids who like to read the Goosebumps books?”
“Oh,” Steve blinked, “No. They went back with their mom a couple days after you left.”
“Damn. Been a while. Forgot this trip was longer than usual – wait, so are you between placements now, then? Hey, we should finally make that trip to P-Town!”
"Might need a raincheck on that," Steve said with a laugh, because at the moment a trip to the goddamn grocery store required at least a day's worth of planning, "We've got another placement right now – a newborn. We've had her for, uh, for just under two weeks, pretty sure."
“Shit, a newborn?" Robin repeated.
Steve faintly heard Nancy's voice, though he couldn't make out exactly what she was saying. He listened as Robin recounted to her what he'd just said, then started to laugh.
"Nancy just said that if she misses out on a chance to hold a new baby, she'll kill you," Robin told him, "Any idea when she might move on?”
Steve paused for a second. He and Eddie had decided earlier that they wouldn’t be telling anyone about the baby until the adoption was finalized, but…it’s Robin. 
He doesn’t think he’s ever kept a secret from Robin before, certainly not something this big and certainly not for very long.
He has to tell her.
“We’re, uh, we’re actually adopting her.”
Robin was silent.
Then –
“Holy shit – Steve.”
And then –
“I’m coming over right now. Immediately. Wait–” Robin stopped, “Damn, I can’t be a dick and come over unannounced anymore, can I? Because you guys have a baby. A baby. And she’s gonna be yours? What the fuck? Wait, let me start over.”
Robin paused long enough to take a deep breath.
“Steve Harrington – my best friend who’s finally fulfilling a lifelong dream of becoming a dad – when will you allow us to come and be formally introduced to our niece?”
Truth be told, Steve wouldn’t say no to a visit from Robin and Nancy that day (especially after the our niece comment), but their case worker had just started faxing over all the paperwork to get the ball rolling on the adoption process and Steve has a feeling that he might catch Eddie trying to fill that shit out as it came out of the machine so tonight they might be a little occupied.
"Tomorrow?" he suggested.
"Morning?" Robin added.
Steve laughed, "Sure. Tomorrow morning."
"Bright and early, dad. Holy fuck, I can't believe you're a dad."
"You can't?"
"No, I totally can."
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bfpnola · 8 months
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ID 1: Screenshot from Let’s Talk Palestine’s Instagram text channel. Their most recent text reads:
“Hi everyone.
Gaza has officially run out of fuel and electricity. Here’s what this means:
Hospitals cannot operate without electricity. Emergency fuel will run out today.
Refrigerated food will now soon expire. As Israel has cut Gaza off of all food, this accelerates the threat of mass starvation looming over people, including more than 1 million kids. Children. Babies. Toddlers.
Media blackout: our access to information will become severely limited, as even foreign media outlets based in Gaza can no longer charge their equipment.
We have no words. Nothing can convey the horrors that will unfold unless the world forces Israel to stop. Nothing justified the deliberate starving and executing of children and civilians. SPEAK OUT.” Two red exclamation point emojis follow. At the time of the screenshot, 261 people had liked the message. End ID.
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ID 2: Screenshot of Let’s Talk Palestine’s most recent Instagram post. First slide reads, “Israel is Pushing 2 million Gazans to the Brink of Death.
Israel has completely cut off all food supplies from Gaza. If not reversed, this decision sets Gaza on the path to mass starvation for all 2.3 million people living there.
Israel has destroyed the only exit out of Gaza. The Rafah Crossing into Egypt is effectively closed now after a third Israeli bombing in the last 24 hours.
This means that Gazans are now completely trapped with no way out to escape the bombings.” End ID.
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ID 3: Continuing: “Israel has imposed a "total" siege on Gaza.
Cutting it off from electricity, water, and fuel. Without electricity, Gaza's already overflowing hospitals will no longer be able to save the lives of civilians attacked by Israel.
Israel is carpet bombing entire neighborhoods and cities - targeting residential buildings, hospitals, and UN schools.
An entire family has been wiped out in an Israeli airstrike, with all 19 members killed in their home, including children.” End ID.
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ID 4: The next slide reads: “Israel threatened Egypt that it would bomb humanitarian aid deliveries to Gaza, prompting Egypt to withdraw its aid convoys.
177,000 PEOPLE ARE SEEKING REFUGE IN 88 U.N. SCHOOLS THAT HAVE BEEN CONVERTED INTO EMERGENCY SHELTERS but these schools are no longer safe as Israeli airstrikes have been targeting them.” End ID.
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200,000 children, mothers, fathers, and elderly.” End ID.
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ID 6: The next slide reads: “50% OF GAZA'S POPULATION IS UNDER THE AGE OF 15.
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ID 7: The final Instagram slide reads: “THIS IS NOT WAR.
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ID 8: Screenshot of the caption for the aforementioned Instagram post. It reads: “This is not an exaggeration. This is not something we wrote lightly. Two million people are being dragged by Israel towards mass annihilation, and it's only escalating further every hour. The patterns are appearing, namely the policy of starvation.
And the thousands of people who adopted Israeli rhetoric in the last few days here on social media are complicit.
Before any mass atrocity is committed against a group of people, they are dehumanized. You called them terrorists, you called them barbaric. You naively played into Israelis' hands, having not at all learnt the lessons from the American so-called "War on Terror" where dehumanising rhetoric and accusations of terrOrism were used to justify and condition people to accept the mass murder of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis.
We are shocked, we are terrified, but most of all we are enraged that the world - especially privileged Westerners - never seem to ever learn their lesson. There are too many celebrities and even too many so-called "progressive activists" who are now complicit in these massacres.
This attack on Gaza it's different. It's different from all the previous attacks. People are saying goodbye to their loved ones abroad. Israel is planning annihilation.
Our people are being murdered. Our people are being slaughtered in their homes. Israeli pilots are targeting schools, hospitals and neighbourhoods. You care about civilians? SPEAK OUT. SHARE.”
33,917 people at the time of the screenshot had liked the post and 655 people had commented. End ID.
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orobaxis · 1 year
i love your ominis fic! it’s so well written. could i request him and #10 from the prompt list?
(so for once in my life) let me get what i want
ominis gaunt x reader (hogwarts legacy)
ominis tells you his plans for the future and adopts a new name
prompt: "please. please just listen to me."
word count: 2253
warnings: hogwarts legacy spoilers! some violence; gaunt family pureblood purity nonsense; seventh-year ominis and gang (sebastian redemption arc); timeskip & a surprise cameo/twist? :O ominis is a very powerful wizard because of his heritage, and he's even more powerful than his family because of his kind heart; occamies can speak parseltongue (source: trust me bro)
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when the impossible happened, when it turned out that you also reciprocated his feelings, ominis' world changed.
he always tells you, "we took the long way round, but we're here now." and every time, you would reach for his hand and squeeze. he can almost sense your smile every time.
ominis had been thinking about it. you were it for him, and he hopes you feel the same way. he was tired.
of hiding you.
so ominis made up his mind.
once you both graduate from hogwarts, he would not return to his family. the gaunts aren't his family--not anymore. it was his friends, and you.
"what are you doing outside, sulking here?"
he turns to the sound of your voice and the door opening, and you sit beside him. slowly, you reach for his hand and guide a steaming cup of tea. he mutters a 'thank you' and takes a sip.
you tell him that feldcroft looks nice at this time of the year, so not unlike the time it was ravaged by poachers and ranrok's loyalists. there is laughter in the air, children running around and playing in the snow. carolers singing every night by a bonfire. you always go to the carolers and hand out hot cocoa.
ominis and sebastian would usually sit there, outside the sallow house, listening as you and anne, now good as new, play with the kids, picking snowball fights with the enchanted snowman. you two make them help set up a giant christmas tree for the hamlet. he would fret whenever you climb up the ladder to place ornaments, insisting that using your wand "isn't as accurate". that entire day, while you and anne were busy decorating the tree, ominis would be standing guard by the ladder, making sure that not even the wind can shake it.
he likes it here. it's quiet, and while he enjoys holidays in the castle, being with his family here in feldcroft feels better.
"the kids are scaring the scarecrow again," he tells you with a smile, and you both turn in the direction of the children and the squawking of the poor scarecrow.
anne bursts out the door, smiling when she sees you two. "there you are!" she exclaims. a folded woolen blanket is hanging on her arms, "i knew ominis would be here sulking--"
"i am not sulking--"
"so i got you a blanket to keep you warm. i know y/n wouldn't leave you out here in the cold."
you gratefully take the blanket from her, thanking her before splaying it on yourself and ominis. "have you finished packing?"
"me?" anne points at herself, "of course not! sebastian and i don't pack until you start nagging for us to leave."
"because we need to return to hogwarts by tonight," you remind her.
anne rolls her eyes, waving you off, "we can pack everything quickly, don't worry. you and ominis enjoy the sun while it lasts."
you hum, and watch her enter the house again. turning to ominis, you watch him sip his tea quietly, "you ready?"
"hmm?" he asks behind the rim of the teacup.
"our final term," you sigh, "and then we're done with school."
ominis starts thinking about it again.
"i have to tell you something."
you don't say anything, but wait until he starts talking.
"i've decided...i've decided not to return to my family after graduation."
shocked, you open your mouth to say something, anything. but you know that he has made up his mind about this. "but, they'll start looking for you."
"i know." ominis is quiet for a bit, hands warming up around his cup, as he tries to collect his thoughts. some time ago, he knew that he eventually would have to go into hiding once he decided to leave the family. he just...well, he just needed to tell you about it. "we'll have to lay low for a while."
"we?" you aren't sure if you heard him right. did 'we' mean you and him? you, him, and the twins?
"my family will be looking for us. and if you're with me, i can protect you better."
so that's what he had been sulking about, you think to yourself. ever since you arrived to feldcroft to spend the holidays with the twins, you would always find ominis deep in thought. is this what he was thinking about?
it feels like a death sentence, ominis thinks. you deserve better than going into hiding so soon after graduating. you should be going out there, exploring the world, not being afraid that a family of dark wizards would find you. but he knows his family will not let him go, not with you. and if something happened to you, well, he would never forgive himself.
"i'm sorry," he blurts out. he is frustrated about this, and he knows you must be too. he is sure that you're already processing the fact that you'll be losing months, years of your life trying to hide from his family. he wouldn't blame you if you start despising him now. he would too. "i didn't mean for this to happen."
"wait...ominis," you gently take the cup from his hands to settle it on the ground, "it's alright."
ominis shakes his head, now becoming upset, "no, you don't understand...i don't understand. why aren't you mad at me? you should be!
because of who i am...the darkness in my family is never going to go away, and it will infect you...i'm sorry." ominis hears the crack in his voice and the tears started to flow.
immediately, you kneel into the dirt, cupping his face, "hey, ominis...please. please, just listen to me." you brush your thumbs against his cheeks, wiping his tears, tracing the beauty marks that you love.
"i'll be fine as long as i'm with you," you whisper to him. "i don't care if we have to hide, as long as i have you...everything will be alright."
he sniffs, raising his hands to cup yours resting on his cheeks. he turns and brushes his lips on your palm, "i love you," he tells you, "i would do anything for you, and i will keep you safe, i promise."
"i know, love," you tell him, tears threatening to spill down your cheeks, not from anguish, but from joy. of course you would follow him anywhere. "i love you too, and i will also keep you safe."
ominis says nothing, but nods before leaning forward, resting his head against yours.
let me keep her, please. he thinks. for once in my life, let me get what i want. lord knows it would be the first time.
he should have known that these rogue poachers were also looking for him. they accidentally came across the group, as you four were flying back to the castle. they intercepted you, and you had to land somewhere.
"i don't know if you 'eard," a poacher yells as he and his colleagues start to descend to your location, "but the gaunt family is looking to pay a hefty sum if we could get their son and his friends back to them!"
"all the galleons we could ever want!" exclaimed another, "we'll never have to poach for animals in this blasted forest again."
"ominis," you whisper, reaching frantically for him as he takes a step forward, wand out. sebastian stands beside him. you see anne pull her wand out and you do so anxiously, staring at the poachers and trying to keep yourself calm.
it is quiet for a bit, and then the curses and hexes start flying. incantations hurriedly leaving everyone's lips as you tried your best to see where the enemies are in the thick of the night. you worry for your friends, jumping by anne's side, pulling on her jumper as you conjure a shield for you both. as ominis and sebastian try to hold off a horde of poachers in front of you, you don't notice one disillusioned themselves until there was the tip of a wand pressing against your neck and a ragged, "STOP!" is shouted behind you, almost deafening your ear.
ominis turns to the side at the sound, wand still raised and his brows furrowed when he realizes that one slipped past him.
"let go of her."
"we don't want trouble with you, i know you gaunts are a powerful lot," the poacher who has wrapped his arm around your neck tightens it a little. "i just want missy here, and you to come with us back to mummy and daddy."
he raises his wand, ready to strike the man who has you captive.
"ominis..." you start, before the tip of the wand dig deeper into your neck and you shut yourself up with a whimper. ominis cringes at the sound.
"please--" ominis bares his teeth as he lowers his wand
"drop your wand and walk towards me."
"please just listen to me," ominis implores, but the man didn't want to listen to him.
"any sudden movements and she's gone," he pulls on your hair, "your parents want you alive, but didn't say that for her."
now seething in anger, ominis nods before dropping his wand. this appeases the poacher, who tells him to start walking towards him. then, he hears voices.
voices he haven't heard in some time. are you alright? do you need help?
masking it as a pained hiss, ominis answers, yes, get rid of the poacher. he threatens to hurt the beasts in this forest.
i am not from this forest. nor from this land. these poachers took me.
you're close now, ominis can hear your muffled whimpers. help me with the poacher, and we will help you return home.
in a flash, you are released from the poacher's grip and ominis takes a few strides before reaching you. he holds you close as you gasp at the sight before you: a large, winged serpentine beast grabs the poacher by the shoulders and they disappear.
"that was an occamy!" anne shouts, running to your side to embrace you and ominis, "thank goodness you're alright!" sebastian runs to you all, sighing in relief when he sees no one is hurt.
you turn to ominis, still in shock. "you saved me..."
"i promised i would," he tells you.
"but..." you turn back to the sky, where you see the occamy flying closer and closer. ominis says nothing, but waves his wand to materialize his suitcase and open it. the occamy flies into it and it shuts. "the occamy..."
"professor howin or ellie peck will make sure that she gets back to her home."
you nod at him, a smile slowly forming on your face before you rush in and plant a small kiss on his cheek. flushing, you start to walk back to where you dropped your broom, ignoring the teasing grin on anne's face.
"well, that was--"
"if you say one more thing sebastian, i will have the occamy choke you."
years later, anne and sebastian sallow find themselves in front of a tiny cottage by the sea. it has become tradition to spend the holidays here.
here to deliver the news, sebastian, now an auror, is excited to let them know. the gaunts have stopped looking for them.
you greet them at the door, throwing your arms around anne is joy. "happy christmas!" you tell her, "i'm so glad you made it here safely!"
"the only danger we encountered on the way here were the drunkards outside of feldcroft!" anne exclaims with a laugh, moving to take off her coat and hang it as you hug sebastian.
"any news?" you whisper against his ear.
sebastian pulls away from you with a grin, "yes. where is he?"
"in the studio," you nod to the direction of the room, "now off with your coat and let's move to the studio."
he has learned to enjoy it. at first, he huffed when you told him you bought him the wheel, but eventually, he realized how much he loved it. it was calming, and it certainly helped that you also appreciate the finished products he would gift you.
when sebastian tells him that the gaunts finally stopped searching, ominis couldn't really say he's relieved. he was relieved years ago, when he stopped feeling the dark shadow engulfing his being. despite that, he enjoys knowing that they didn't have to hide anymore.
he feels his wife's comforting hand on his shoulder, and he teasingly reaches for it with his own.
"ah, ominis, you're getting me dirty!" you complain, but he only laughs. "i have to go check on the food, and then we can all have dinner."
"how can you even move around with your condition?" sebastian asks, and you huff, rolling your eyes at him before cradling the swollen bump in front of you. "i don't think my child is as big-headed as you seb, that's why i'm still able to move around."
anne and ominis laugh at that. "i'll help," ominis announces, as he gets up from his potter wheel and makes his way towards the kitchen (where you proudly display the many potteries your husband made you).
the twins follow shortly, chortling at how domesticated you both look, especially after adopting a new name. this new name ominis is proud of, because not like the one he is born with, becoming a "potter" is his choice, and with you, he's all the better for it.
i was listening to please please please let me get what i want (idk if thats obvious)
i hope you all like this one ;A;
i popped out so many ominis fics today my thesis is jealous aaaaaaaa
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ennabear · 4 months
professor!abby hcs 😸
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as i’ve said before, if you have time to read this, you have time to help palestine in whatever ways are possible for you. do your daily click, sign a few petitions, boycott zionist companies, and donate if you can. there are so many amazing resources on tumblr, please please utilize them.
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one thing about professor!abby is that she goes crazyyy when it comes to buying more books. her ideal date is strolling around a bookstore together, however, these dates always end with her buying a hundred dollars worth of books.
every single time you let that woman walk into a book store, it’s like you have to keep her on a leash. yes, abby, you can get that one. no, abby, we don’t have bookshelf room for a whole series. she’s unstoppable, she’s like a fat kid in a candy store. but she’s so adorable!!!
her goodreads account is insaneee!!! some of her students follow her, of course. she writes entire in depth reviews about EVERY book she reads. in fact, her favorite part about finishing a book is writing a goodreads review. and you best believe she updates her reading progress every night.
and she’s never not reading a book. she doesn’t prefer to carry a purse or a bag, but she’ll gladly put her book in your bag whenever you go out. she reads EVERYWHERE. at a dinner party? she’s reading. her best friend’s birthday party? she’s reading. at the gay club? reading. and she claims that it’s not rude because “everybody knows i read a lot. if anyone has a problem with it, maybe they’re just not a real friend!!”
she’s a little bit of a coffee freak. a surprising amount of her money goes to buying the most expensive and exotic coffee grounds she can get. there’s nothing she loves more than waking up to you making her coffee before work. sometimes, if she’s feeling extra emotional, she’ll hold your face in her hands and tell you how much she loves you while tearing up. what a big baby she is!!
our girl definitely has anxiety problems. if she ever has to leave the house without you, she’ll text you every 10 minutes asking for advice and reassurance. she trusts you so much, though. your advice is all she’s ever needed.
adding on to the last one, she’s a teeny bit insecure too. her past relationships absolutely wrecked her twenties and she never bothered to start dating again after that. sometimes she thinks she’s too old and unloveable for you, but she’s just being silly. she’s our little kitten princess and she deserves the whole entire world!!!!
on a more positive note, she loves the outdoors. sometimes she’ll wake you up before sun rises and force you to go hiking with her. no matter how much you complain, she knows you still like spending time with her, and the sunrise is always beautiful from her favorite spot.
i think before she became a college professor, she had to student-teach for 3 years, starting with first grade. imagine miss abby with baby muscles going over the spelling bee words with her littles, or playing tag with them at recess. miss abby was definitely their favorite, and a few of her students cried on her last day.
but i don’t think she’d want her own kids, just a dog is fine. it’s too much of a responsibility for her and she wants to dedicate all of her time and energy to you. but she does have a few nieces and nephews from her adopted sister, yara. and she’d be more than happy to babysit.
as much as she loves reading, she likes it more when you read to her. especially because most of the time, she’s exhausted from being awake and grading assignments for so long. so she likes to lay her head on your chest while you read to her, even if you have no idea what’s going on in the book.
watching movies with her is an absolute nightmare. if there was a book version, she’ll keep whispering “god… that’s not what happened in the book.” and then afterwards, she’ll explain everything they changed (aka did wrong) and why the book was so much better.
she definitely has a pair of reading glasses. i don’t think she uses them all the time but sometimes when she’s tired and just wants to read, she’ll use them because they make it easier for her to see the words through her sleepy eyes.
sometimes she so sleepy that she falls asleep while reading. it’s your job to take her book out of her hands and place her bookmark in it before it falls on the floor. on more than one occasion, she’s woken up at 2am to her book face down on the floor, no bookmark, with your head snuggled into her neck. it makes her a little bit grumpy because now, poor poor sleepy abigail has to decide between searching through all of the pages to find the one she was reading last, or taking her girl to bed and tucking her in. such a tough decision!!!
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lincolndjarin · 7 months
my sister lives in the attic.
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joel miller x reader
warnings : angst, death, child loss, grieving, denial
a/n : i've never written something like this but i'm in a weird place and this idea has been following me for quite some time now so i decided to take a few minutes and write it, i'd love some feedback on it since this style is kinda new to me !!
He didn’t like to talk about his children. 
“Do you have kids?”
“Two daughters.” Was all he said.
That’s what he had told you on your first date. He was so abrupt about it that you didn’t ask about them again, instead opting to wait until he told you on his own terms. 
On your fifth date he told you that Ellie got in trouble for cursing in gym class that day. 
On your seventh date he told you Sarah was away at college, and that he missed her terribly and wished she would visit. 
On your eighth date he told you that Ellie made him a card for his birthday. He even brought it over to your house to show you. It was a drawing of the two of them floating through space. The inside said:
i love our family to the moon and back!
You didn’t ask why Sarah wasn’t included in the crayon family portrait. 
On your ninth date he showed you the photos in his wallet. A baby girl with her curly dark hair up in two little buns sitting in the sand. The one below it was a girl who looked to be about five, giving the camera a toothy grin, standing next to Joel in a courthouse, holding up her adoption papers. 
On your twelfth date he finally invited you over for dinner, you happily accepted. 
Joel introduced you to an extremely energetic seven year old. He gave you a tour of the house (only the first floor.) and you smiled at every family photo hung on the walls.
“I invited Sarah but she couldn’t make it, she’s got midterms but I’m sure you’ll meet her soon.” He tells you before leaving you with Ellie, going to pick up a pizza for the three of you. 
Ellie tells you about school, about her best friend Riley, and about playing soccer in the backyard with her father. 
And then she says the strangest thing. 
“My sister lives in the attic.”
“Excuse me?” You had given her a confused smile but she carried on as if it was the most normal thing in the world. 
“My sister, Sarah, lives in the attic.” She said it so plainly. Taking your hand and dragging you up the stairs, pointing up at a staircase on the second story that led to a singular door, pink paint peeling from it with little wooden letters spelling out SARAH, the sight of it put you on edge. 
“We shouldn’t go up there honey, let’s wait until your father gets back.” You had put up a bit of resistance but she ran ahead of you, you watched helplessly from the bottom of the stairs as Ellie pushed open the door and ran inside. 
“It’s okay, dad says I can talk to Sarah whenever I want as long as I don’t touch her stuff.” She had shouted, already inside. Despite every nerve in your body singing for you to go back downstairs and wait, you knew better than to leave a child alone so you climbed the steps and entered the room. 
Nothing strange, nothing frightening, no secret nightmare. 
When you look around all you see is a room, albeit a child's room but a room nonetheless. 
Ellie sits in a love seat, suddenly repeating everything she told you about her day to seemingly no one as she stares at Sarah’s bookshelf. You walk around, trying to recall when Joel said she left for college. Everything is covered in a thick layer of dust but strangest of all this is clearly not a teenager's room. 
This is a childs room, for a girl about Ellie’s age. Every photo on her desk doesn’t show her older than what looks to be twelve. 
“Ellie, honey, when you said your sister lived in the atti-'' She doesn’t stop talking from behind you, ignoring you entirely but her words stop you dead in your tracks. 
“Dad keeps saying you’re coming home for Christmas but he also said you’d be home for his birthday, he keeps telling me how much we’re gonna get along but I just tell him we already get along fine.” 
It sends a chill up your spine, you aren’t superstitious but in a moment of weakness when you turn a part of you almost expects to see a ghost.
Of course that isn’t the case.  
When you look Ellie remains in the loveseat, seemingly the only thing that isn’t covered in dust up here. Her eyes trained on the highest shelf, when you follow her line of sight all of it starts to make sense. The shelf is covered in books and toys and trinkets, all of which are showing signs of age and disuse but the top shelf is neat and tidy, it even looks recently dusted. 
Only two things are on the top shelf. 
A beer bottle with the label ripped off, a lilac sits within it, a few stray petals lay in a halo around the makeshift vase. 
And a dark purple urn. 
You struggle to swallow the lump in your throat, unable to tear your eyes from it. 
“One time Uncle Tommy told me she was an angel.” She whispers when you stare in silence for far too long. “Dad got so mad we didn’t see Tommy for like a month after that and when we did see him again everything went back to normal.”
“What happened to her?” You can’t stop yourself from asking, she only shrugs in response.
“It was before I lived here, I never ask, I’m worried he’ll send me to live with Uncle Tommy if I do.” 
“Oh, honey.” You crouch down beside her, she hugs her knees to her chest. “He wouldn’t do that.” 
“I’m still not gonna ask. He doesn’t talk about her that much, only when someone else brings it up or if I ask to come up here to see her.” You nod slowly before holding your arms out to her, she wraps herself around you and you carry her to the door, eager to leave the tomb you’ve stumbled upon. “Bye Sarah.” She mumbled against your shoulder as you closed the door, the sentiment sent shivers down your spine. 
When Joel returns with the food it’s as if you never were in the attic at all.
Ellie runs to him, wrapping herself around his leg as he laughs, trying to kick her loose. 
When the three of you sit down for dinner she never says a thing to him about any of it. 
She asks if she can go to her friends house after dinner, their mom is going to take them to the arcade, Joel grins at you, asking if she was good while he was gone and you put on a smile, nodding. 
“Then you can go.” He ruffled her hair before she ran off to get her backpack. When it was just the two of you he took your hand, mentioning something about catching a movie while she’s gone, you nodded absentmindedly when he gave your hand a gentle squeeze you finally looked him in the eye. 
You’d never noticed it before but there is a permanent sorrow behind the dark expanse of his irises, as if he’s never really happy, he’s sometimes just less sad. “Everything okay?” He asked. 
“Yeah, everything’s fine.” 
You don’t bring up the attic at the dinner table.
Or in the car.
Or at the movies. 
He just needs time, you tell yourself. Maybe he’ll tell you on your thirteenth date, maybe it won’t be until your hundredth date. Until then you won’t tell him that you know who lives in the attic and you’ll nod with faux disappointment when he says that his eldest won’t be home for the holidays this year. 
And you’ll take extra care of him on days when he comes home with fresh lilacs.
a/n : yeah so uhhhhhhhhhh tell me how y'all liked this haha idk if i'll write anything like this again it was just sort of something for me to vent with, hope everyones having a good day and thank y'all for reading <3
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 1 year
Sagau but the reader travels often to other worlds and often brings back with a kids and acolytes are like
Acolytes: your grace who is that kid?
Reader: well the world I visited the kid was treated like the trash by pepole so....I taken the kid and NUCKED the pepole of that world = )
Acolytes:oh........WAIT WHAT!?
something like this and that often happens to point of the reader creates orphanage for "mistreated kids of the multiverse" and like there are characters of other games anime or cartoons who were treated badly becose of bullshit reasons reader didn't like that of the took the one or more kids( sometimes reader takes even 100 kids onec) and nukes the places that were responsible for making those kids live miserable now image the archons reaction the first time that situation happens vs the situation where the archons gose with reader to stop them form radical decision but something happens that passes archons so much that they helps reader
Ooh, interesting...sure, let's give it a try! I'm not gonna mention who the other kids of the other universes and series are in this, so prepared for very vague descriptions of them. Sorry, Anon—I'm having a little bit of writer's block as I'm doing this.
I also hate to inform you but I also deleted your other request :') It's mainly because I don't have any motivation and I'm too lazy to look at my old posts LOL- But still, sorry :')
(Disclaimers: Might be OOC, Mentions of Violence, Kidnapping adopting children from other fandoms, implied other fandoms (though never mentioned) & Mentions of Nukes & Nuking)
You love Teyvat. You really do—but many times, it gets a boring. It feels like there's nothing to do.
But! Luckily, you had a good solution to this. You could travel the other fandoms/universes you like, just to see your favorite characters and enjoy the scenery around you!
So you did. It was pretty okay, all of the trips, honsetly.
Until it wasn't. Just who did these pesky idiots think they were? You were going to show them what they truly are.
Dead Meat! (no pun intended/not copying from Dehya's elemental burst now that I think about it-)
— — —
Your acolytes were surprised that you brought back an unknown child. A child that looks...unlike the Almighty Creator, and certainly not of Teyvat. How strange...
"Your Grace, who is this?" one of the acolytes speak. You look over at them blankly, before beaming with a smile.
"Oh, this little guy here?" You show the child. "I save them from people of another world that kept treating them like trash—so, naturally, I nuked the entire country and left."
Ah, so that's where the child came from....
Hold up a minute, WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!
While she certainly likes the fact that you were protecting others, she doesn't exactly like or even want to know what kind of arson you committed on behalf of the child...
Nevertheless, she'll help try to make the new friend welcome to Teyvat, so that everyone is happy!
She was certainly not expecting you to bring more children from other worlds here on Teyvat, to the point you even established the "Mistreated Kids of The Multiverse Centre" (MKOTMC for short), where every single child you kidnapped adopted would go to. Nevertheless, she'll still try to befriend all of them!
"Let's go and get some snacks after we play!" Really nice and welcoming to them all—after all, she's a child herself! Yet, despite this, she can't help but feel a little concerned of your methods of taking in children and even going as far as to destroy worlds for their sake...
Where those other worlds that bad?
Now, as much as this guy can cover his emotions, he cannot mask the shock he felt when he saw the amount of children at the MKOTMC for the very first time.
I'm starting off at this part because this man was not one of the acolytes that were informed of the Almighty Creator's return. And it ticked him off, he wasn't going to lie.
Nevertheless, he decides to take on the job and be the children's entertainer! He is a bard for a reason, you know~
"Haha, the same song again? Well, if you all insist, let this humble bard begin his song!" Other than Nahida, Venti is literally their favorite babysitter. This guy plays them music with a lyre and it's super good!
He wouldn't really care much about your "adopting" phase you're currently going through, but he is telling you to stop killing every world you despise.
Yes, he's getting flashbacks to Khean'riah because of it. That's why.
She would definitely be there the moment you "adopted" your first child from a different world. She is absolutely a) horrified of what the child has gone through (you put the effort to going into detail to what they've been put through without the child there, ofc) and b) pretty terrified of the fact that you would explode an entire world just because of it.
of course, she does try to justify your actions in her own head—she doesn't like the idea of putting blame on your image, even if it might be true.
She doesn't exactly know how to deal with children, but she does swear that she will protect them with all her power. She's trained heavily in the martial arts for a reason, and Ei is determined to not let it go to waste.
"Worry not, Your Grace—there will be no danger to the children you adopted so long as I shall stand to protect them." Literally makes it an oath, and you have to take it seriously or you will be shocked at the guard shifts the Electro Archon made.
She and the Puppet Shogun make sure that they manage both Inazuma and the grounds of MKOTMC.
Because you know there will be others that would take the job of guarding the children at the Centre, as well as Ei's guard shifts she established, you promoted her to "Head of Security Shifts" and, boy, she if you thought she was taking it seriously before, she is taking it BEYOND serious.
Really, if someone wanted to kidnap a child from the Centre they are facing the Musou no Hitotachi head on.
Old Grandpa was also there when the first child was brought to Teyvat. This guy makes it his mission to a) try to persuade you to not nuke an entire world just for the child and b) try to entertain the child with folktales of all the seven nations of Teyvat.
When MKOTMC was established, all the children basically knew this man as the Storyteller since he loves to indulge them in past times and old stuff.
Not only that, but most of them are pretty addicted to what he's gotta tell them.
"Ah, you wish to hear another story? Hm...very well. I have just the one." Would gladly indulge them ngl.
Joins the MKOTMC Security Squad once you established thanks to Ei's persistence. Though he tries to minimizes the amount of shifts he takes because he still wants to retire from being a War God and all that.
Also is traumatized of the Khean'riah incident and would also try to talk you out of destroying worlds you despise.
Alright, see you all around! :D
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Ghost Rebel Side Notes: Not even related to what I wrote but AZHDAHA MY BOY YESSS LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO—
Ahem, anyways, back onto topic. I tried to vaguely mention which fandoms the children are from because, let's be honest, there is way too many fandoms out there and I cannot even begin to imagine how much research I'll have to put in just to list a few for this fanfic. I would've died before I even get to write it lol.
I also mainly decided to focus on how the archons would take care of the children after the initial shock. You know—just for more tea and all that lol. I hope you all liked it :)
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ideas-4-stories · 3 months
Sfw omegaverse anon -
The "omega bestie" thing was smth Shanks probably told Luffy - ((Shanks sees a tiny unscented little pup all alone and went "Oh it's free real estate" /hj.)) In actuality, Makino raised Luffy for a good deal of time, but he is a rambunctious child, and I think he'd pester Shanks for stories and songs and all sorts of things. Shanks is a softie and so absolutely caved. Luffy learned a lot of the pirate's code from Shanks as a very small child and he treated it like GOSPEL, bc Shanks was, is and always will be his hero. So he definitely also got some very silly stories about Shanks' youth, and Buggy starred in more than a few, but never explicitly by name, it was always "my best friend" or "my packmate" or, on really sentimental evenings, "my baby brother".
When Luffy first met Buggy in Orangetown, the few braincells he has left sparked a connection - blue haired, sweet smelling, silly, greedy, trickster clown man? Blue haired, sweet smelling, silly, greedy, trickster omega packmate of his semi-adopted dad? Yes, that math is mathing. Small world. Anyway, gotta beat this clown. His hands are rated E for Everyone.
So yeah Luffy definitely knows Buggy is an omega, and when Buggy mentions "we served on the same crew", it just clicks. It's not really a big deal to him anyway, it feels stupid to care about that kind of stuff. You could not PAY him to care (but if you want to try, it's best to pay in food).
But yeah, Rayleigh and Crocus just both went "Ah, the kids will be fine" and then the kids went and were very much Not Fine At All. But that's a conversation for a different time.
Their parental instincts only kick in when Buggy gets flirted with or when Shanks gets hit on with complete seriousness for followup. It's both obnoxious and also funny.
Shanks gets a heart flutter, and by nightfall his denden is ringing bc Rayleigh is 🤏 close to swimming out there what is going on, red-?
When Crocodile and Mihawk finally get their shit straight and start the whole Courting Thing, the Dad Squad Of Remaining Rogers are in perfect synchrony detecting a Disturbance In The Sanctity Of Their Children.
Crocus calls Rayleigh. Rayleigh talks to Crocus. Neither have Buggy's number. How did that happen? Damn. If only Rayleigh lived with a woman who has an expansive information network where she can check for Buggy's contact information. If only Buggy was part of a widely known business with contact information for business needs. If only they considered this information and just how many options they DO have at hand.
Instead, they call Shanks - Shanks who is having a meltdown because "Bugs is growing up" and "two Alphas, really?!"
This does NOT bode well.
One prospective courtship is one thing. TWO simultaneous courtships are complicated. Those two Alphas enacting the courtship being former warlords, a mafia boss and the world's greatest swordsman, is something else entirely.
Crocus is sharpening his harpoon, debating his options. Rayleigh is seriously debating free swimming to the New World. Things are about to go DOWN and it's chaos all around.
Meanwhile, on Karai Bari, the Cross Guild Poly has finally hit the Holding Hands Stage, because they're stupid, silly and none of them are actually working with anything resembling game. Buggy blushes every time Mihawk pulls out his chair, he melts whenever Crocodile gets the door for him, and he's absolutely LOSING IT every time they ask him to spar.
Fighting has become their love language somehow and every time Buggy lands a hit of some kind, the others damn near swoon, which makes HIM swoon, and the crew and mercenaries are just watching this like the weirdest slow burn soap opera ever conceived.
Anyway yee I'm sleepy so I'm off, byyyeee~~~~
Shanks definitely did a Roger, looking at Luffy asks around who's child this is and proceeds to pick him up to Benn’s dismay (That is not paid enough to deal with his captain’s bullshit) Good thing Makino raising Luffy for a good bit of time. Luffy pestering Shanks for all sorts of things too, that's so Buggy.
Shanks talking about talking about Buggy without saying his name, I wonder why he won't say Buggy’s name to Luffy. Maybe Shanks didn't want Luffy to go and find his packmate, but that didn't matter when Luffy met Buggy. Good thing Luffy has some braincells after all that training Garp put him through. And the ‘Yes, that math is mathing. Small world. Anyway, gotta beat this clown. His hands are rated E for Everyone’ Yeah that's so Luffy, like damn he don't spare anyone.
Not Rayleigh and Crocus thinking that Buggy and Shanks will be fine. Indeed that is a conversation for a different time. I understand that Crocus would of given the kids a few things they would need in life while Rayleigh probably like I taught shit, you are good. And dips into the night without saying goodbye to grieve his captain and be with Shakky (for some reason that seems like he would do that. Its a headcanon)
THEN not their parental instincts kicking when Buggy gets flirted with or when Shanks gets hit on with complete seriousness for fucking followup. OH NOOOOOOOOOOO, that’s not how parental instincts should be (I mean to be fair, neither were planning on having kids probably, but then Roger metting those two happened, but like… dudes that’s not how it’s supposed to work)-(Indeed it’s obnoxious and also kind of funny if you ignore that’s not parental instincts should work…) Shanks getting scolded by Rayleigh when his heart’s fluttering, I wonder who that person is, anyway Mihawk and Crocodile getting their shit together and start trying to court Buggy (you know he’ll first think that they are threahing him, so it takes sometime)
Started laughing at ‘the Dad Squad Of Remaining Rogers are in perfect synchrony detecting a Disturbance In The Sanctity Of Their Children’ I love that, you know it’s not only Rayleigh and Cronus because most of the veteran Roger Pirates helped raised them too (hc/)
Crocus and Rayleigh not having Buggy’s number is so them… but what if it’s the same number he always had and they think it’s the wrong number now? Have they bothered to check? Or if they had, Buggy had openly said it wasn’t Buggy’s number? There could be so much more drama, but anyway yeah if ony Rayleigh lived with a woman that can find people’s numbers because she got that information network, if only Rayleigh knows where his child’s business is, oh no it’s too sad that they can’t find anything…
THEY CALLED SHANKS! Oh no! That’s the last place to call to find Buggy and to check if he’s alright! That man is fucking drunk, crying, ranting and raving about this! Oh dear! RIP to Crocodile and Mihawk, even the littlest teasing bullying their clown will land them in bad graces if those men see it (dear gods what if they found out they beat the shit of Buggy one day, that’s when shit would it the fan. Buggy’s followers will have a fucking telenovela to watch, they just need to be a safe distance away because holy shit someone might fucking died in the crossfire) Truly things are about to go DOWN and it's chaos all around… “Big News” Morgan would having the time of his fucking life with this.
Meanwhile on Karai Bari Island, where nobody knows about what might happened later down the line! Awwwwwwwwww, they are now in the Hand Holding Stage!!! That’s so cute! It took awhile because of so many things, good thing they worked it out.
Mihawk and Crocodile being gentlemen to Buggy is amazing, and them asking to spar is like BIG invalidation for him. Fighting and bullying each other (affectionately) is definitely one of their love language. Truly is like the weirdest slow burn soap opera ever conceived.
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roseaesynstylae · 1 year
Here’s some random ideas about pets.
Mihawk: Owns a dog. Not just any dog, however, but a goofy Golden Retriever who doesn’t have a mean impulse in his body and almost certainly has no brain cells either.
Law: Also owns a dog. In his case, it’s a cute little puppy that came up to him on the street with the tail wagging and these floppy ears and a face that said “Henlo! We frens?!” Cue the adoption and Law’s heart growing a few sizes.
Akainu: Owns a dog of unknown gender that virulently loathes everyone who isn’t him. Recruits have learned to dread the sound of its toenails clicking. There are many who fantasize about throwing it overboard, even animal lovers.
Kid: The world’s worst-tempered cat has latched on to him. The only people it (no one has the courage to check its gender) likes are Kid and Killer. Everyone else shudders in terror when asked to pet sit.
Drake: Reptiles. There are dozens of snakes and lizards he keeps in his house. Mention them and he’ll keep you prisoner while he rants about every detail of their life lives. There have been a few unfortunate occurrences when people staying over with him have woken up to a snake on them.
Bege: Owns a pair of giant, mastiff-like dogs. They look intimidating but they’re total sweethearts in reality. The only time this wasn’t true was when Chiffon was pregnant. They became extremely protective, snarling at everyone, even him, when she was approached. Bege applauded this. Currently, they’re the world’s best babysitters to Pez.
Doflamingo: Has an entire aviary of birds that he dotes on and treats much better than he does everyone else. No one, and I mean no one, interrupts him when he’s with them.
Katakuri: While he has a dog (a big one, so he can keep track of her better), there’s an entire clowder of cats that lives with him. The story of how he acquired them is pretty sad, though: A few years back, he accidentally stepped on a mama-cat. Feeling really guilty, he decided to take care of the kittens. One thing lead to another and he ended up a cat dad.
King: Has a bunch of animals he rescued from experiments. He takes out all altruistic/paternal/“soft” feelings on them so they don’t get in the way of his job. At least, that’s his excuse for why he dotes on them.
Page One: Has several cats and looks forward to them eating his corpse when he dies.
Yamato: Has an entire pack of dogs that accompany him. They sleep together in a cuddle-puddle.
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pianocat939 · 1 year
Heyyy, I’ve seen your tumblr acc for a while I just never requested, also I do hope it’s not to late to request.
Anyway, can I have a platonic yan donnie, who finds a kid one day,who looks and acts exactly like him, the only problem is that the kid is a human, and you know what happens when a human (especially a kid) sees the turtles, so Donnie with his scientific geniuses create a way to mutate the kid, so he can swoop in and practically adopt them?
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Now usually I wouldn't accept requests, especially since in a very busy time but- I'll give a small blurb since I need to get something out.
Now I'm not entirely sure about the look part but I tried a few things. Also one more thing, Donnie is implied to be older, just an age where he's more mature to take care of a living child.
Tw: implied future forced mutation, perhaps slight self-glorification?
"Oh my future child, that family of yours isn't your true family. For they just hurt you, and never expand on your talents." Donatello hisses as he stares at the monitors before him, he grips the armrest of his chair. His eyes swirling with venom, a look of pure hate. "They may biologically be your parents, but I am your true parent. Your father." He then smiles lovingly, with deep pride. His eyes trace over the child who's reading a book about facts about marine animals. As if it was one cue, they were reading about the softshell turtles' page.
"I would never deny your passions...Absolutely not, I would envigorate them with all of my heart! We could do all the experiments and inventions you would like. Oh, and you could read all the books I have!" He rambles with exhilaration, his leg bouncing in joy. He was barely keeping himself to his seat, in fact, he wanted to fly over to "his" child immediately and take them to his lab. He wanted to show all the warmth of appreciation by him, unlike their sorrowful, garbage parents.
But...in no way would a child immediately trust a stranger, especially not a mutant one. Yet even then, he still longed to wake up every day and tell the child all the adventures they could go on in the world of science and knowledge. He wished he could just barge and take the child in a time of need, knowing that they have no protection from anyone else but him.
He sighed in despair and for a few minutes he glazed over and watched the lit-up screens in a daze. Then did he gasp and grin madly in revelation.
He just had to mutate the child into the same species as him! Then they have no other choice but to rely on him for assistance and defence! He only had to somehow capture a Spiny Softshell Turtle, make sure it was touching the child, and mutate them! Once they realize their vulnerability can he rescue them and bring them home!
Oh, what a genius he is!
"My little turtle, we will soon be united as father and child!" He then rushed off to start preparations.
Ok this is long enough for me to put it as a signed request-
- Celina
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duskyashe · 2 years
NaNoWriMo Day #19
[masterlist] [part one]
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There are some things, Alfred thought amused, that transcend even death. Bruce was far from the first Wayne to have a slight adoption problem, and his sons won't be the last. Though, he mused as he prepared the tea, this might just be the first time a Wayne has ever adopted a member of the living from beyond the grave. It's certainly the first time one has ever adopted the ghost king.
There was a sudden cry of, "Brucie! There you are!" Followed by a sharp yelp of, "Who the fu—udge are you!" Nice save, master Jason, Alfred thought with a smirk. He gathered everything together to the sounds of overlapping voices, and counted down in his head as he neared the room. 3, 2, 1— "Everyone, calm down! Young man, could you please explain who you are and what you're doing here?" —Right on time, as always, master Bruce. Alfred opened the door just in time to see the wide grin on master Danny's face and catch his eye with a small smile and a nod.
"Master Bruce, I know I raised you better than that, surely you recognize your little brother?" Ahhh, the simple joy of watching an entire family of world class detectives "blue screen", as master Tim would say. Each and every one of them were trying to figure out how this teenager could be Bruce's younger brother, when they all knew what had happened to the elder's parents, and all of them were drawing the wrong conclusions. Alfred hadn't had to fight this hard not to grin since his adoptive son was pulling his hair out because master Richard was swinging from the chandelier. Last week.
"Since when did you adopt a kid?!" "Aww, Alfie, are we not enough for you?" "Now I know where B gets it from..." "Father, I had not realized Pennyworth was behind your serial adoption habits. You are forgiven."
Apparently, master Danny didn't have the same fortitude as Alfred, as he began laughing shortly after the accusations started flying. Alfred let his smile grow more fond at the sound. Thomas and Martha had shared their suspicions about master Danny's home life, and while he could see some of what they meant, it was heartening to know it wasn't as bad as he'd feared.
"No, no, goodness, no, Alfred didn't adopt me! Though," master Danny said, laughing eyes catching his own, "I'm sure if he got to me, first, he would have. No, mom and dad weren't able to make it legal on this side of things, so I don't have the name, but the family ties are just as strong. I am Bruce's little brother, and I am adopted, but the adoption was a little more," here, master Danny changed forms and started floating, "spiritual than normal."
In the silence that followed that proclamation, Alfred heard the whisper of a woman's laugh and a man's chuckle drift past his ears. A soft, "That's my boy," breezed through the air between Alfred and master Danny, causing the young man to brighten and Alfred to chuckle. Oh yes, master Bruce may have been too young to remember, but Thomas and Martha both had wicked senses of humor. The two of them had probably coached master Danny on exactly what to say, what to do, and how. Now, we just have to calm them down long enough to explain everything, he thought with a wry grin. Not the hardest thing I've done, that was most certainly raising master Bruce in the first place.
TADA! I finally had a prompt to continue this storyline with! Of course, it's not the longest I've written, but I've also been dealing with a headache most of the day. Again (⁠-⁠_⁠-⁠;⁠) buuuuut, knowing I can pop something of this quality out in just less than an hour, while dealing with a headache, is definitely something worth knowing, don't you think? (⁠^⁠~⁠^⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ yeaaaahhh, I'm trying to not make this a thing...
But! I hope this at least answered a few questions about how Alfred knew about Danny lol if I get around to part three, we'll get some more clarification, but for now, I hope this will do (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
@chaoticmistake and @ectoplasm024 both asked to be tagged if/when I wrote more, so here you go!
Have a good morning/day/night!
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parad-ice-lostandfound · 11 months
For You, I'd Paint the World Red
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Prompt: They hadn't meant to do it. They really hadn't meant to lose control of their magic. But they couldn't help it. And maybe, just maybe... they were glad they did it. Or the one where MC destroys an entire coven of witches and adopts a kid on the way.
Pairing: Mammon x GN!MC
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort
TW: Arson, implied child abuse, please let me know if there is anything else I should add.
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AN: Is it just me, or does anyone else get frighteningly vivid dreams that they turn into fanfics so they can share this weird cocktail of feelings and emotions with everyone who's interested? This is very self-indulgent, btw. I just want MC to be allowed to go crazy sometimes. Feral even. We believe in murderous MC supremacy in this house.
Elliot Crowe belongs to my absolute darling of a friend @doodlboy <3 thank you for letting me use your mc in this little thing. This will also be a series of sorts, so please look forward to that ^^
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"This is the last one MC."
(e/c) eyes looked up at the sorcerer. Elliot smiled, earning a sigh of relief in return from Solomon's prized apprentice. A very tired, ready-to-fall-asleep-standing apprentice.
"I'm glad," they yawned, stretching their arms over their head as they followed him to the transportation array. "I swear, once I'm done, I'm heading to back home and sleeping for the next three weeks."
"You've certainly earned it," the man hummed, offering his hand, like the gentleman he was. The two stepped onto the array, Elliot activating it with a simple incantation.
A few seconds later, the pair found themselves in front of the last coven's mansion. The massive structure was creeping into the nearby forest, where the younger of the two could make out glowing spectres darting through the trees.
"Tastefully decorated," Elliot remarked, drawing their attention back to the imposing building in front of them. It looked like a normal mansion, from what they could see; nothing particularly stood out a first glance. But there was a slight feeling of difference, something only those sensitive to magic would notice. They had been getting this feeling at nearly every coven they visited.
MC was glad that these visits to the supernatural were once every twenty years. The aim of these 'inspections' was to make sure that the other supernatural members of the world upheld their end of the various treaties and contracts signed by them with the Sorcerer's Society.
MC had met Elliot a few times before through Solomon. Elliot Crowe was the apprentice of one of Solomon's old friends, and almost like a son to the white-haired man. This meant that the sorcerer often checked up on him, resulting in the two young humans bonding over the woes of apprenticeship and making fun of Solomon's age, much to his chagrin.
This friendship was what lead to the two pairing up when the audits were announced. Elliot and MC were chosen to inspect the covens of witches who practised magic under the Sorcerers Society's careful supervision, both major and minor.
All those they had visited up till now were incredibly interested in helping humans at best, and wanting absolutely nothing to do with anyone outside their coven at worst. Either way, it was a somewhat ideal first time doing this for them, even if it was a bit tedious.
They weren't kidding about sleeping for 3 weeks. Belphies pact mark was glowing faintly, almost as if recognizing their wish to indulge in his sin.
Elliot cleared his throat. His eyes locked onto theirs, an uncharacteristic seriousness in them that startled MC enough to chase away their fatigue momentarily. A shiver went up their spine as they felt him put up a magical charm to avoid any eavesdroppers from hearing his next words.
"The coven we're inspecting now," he began, his tone low and firm, "is the one the Society is most wary of, MC. The witches here are known to have made and to look for ways to make, pacts with a large number of demons."
"While most of their pacts are lesser demons, they have a contract with someone rather important in the Devildom. Someone you know quite well."
They didn't have to ask whom. In all the their years of staying at the Devildom, they knew only one notable demon who had a pact- wait, contract?
Elliot seemed to have sensed their confusion as he clarified, "Despite what many think, Mammon didn't actually make a pact with the witches. He signed a contract, presumably one that acts almost like a pact and has nearly the same pull. For what, nobody knows."
They did. They knew exactly why Mammon signed such a disadvantageous contract. But it wasn't their place to spill his secrets. Instead they asked, "Does the Society know what are the conditions of the contract?"
"No," Elliot frowned, his displeasure on not knowing more showing clearly on his face. "No, they don't. The covens are entitled to privacy and secrecy when it comes to things like contracts with demons as long as they're not wreaking havoc on humans. As long as no humans are hurt, the Society mostly lets them be." His voice drops down to a whisper, even though there is no chance of anyone overhearing them because of the charm he'd cast earlier. "But recently, there has been a large number of missing human cases in this area. And well, this particular coven has always been a little shady."
"That's rich, coming from you," MC snorted, elbowing Elliot lightly in an attempt to relieve some of the tension. Elliot graced them with an exasperated smile. "Very funny, but that's not the point. Now listen carefully. Once we go inside, I will need you to distract them-"
"... Don't tell me I have to dress in drag and do the hula.."
"As funny as it would be, no. Make small talk, use some of your 'little human' charm on them," Elliot hummed. "Whatever you need to do to make sure that you are the only one they pay attention to. Make it seem like you are novice to all of this, as unthreatening as possible. Make them underestimate you."
"Hm. Sounds like something I can do."
"Good. I'll try to slip away unnoticed at a point to actually investigate, so don't worry if you can't see me."
"What do you want out of this Elliot? Or more accurately, what does the Society want?"
"Some proof that their suspicions are right about the coven." A reason to exterminate them went unsaid.
"Alright. I'll do my best."
"You always do."
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"And this, is our archives. Please come in, dearest sorcerers."
MC took a big breath and did as they were told, quickly stepping into the room. Their jaw was aching from the dopey smile they had plastered on ever since entering the premises. Just a little longer, they thought to themself, thinking back to how they had lost sight of Elliot halfway into their tour, the coven head not even realizing.
For a coven potentially doing shady things, they sure were lax with their security.
Melvara, the coven head, finally seemed to notice Solomon's absence. "Um, where is Sir Elliot, if I may ask?"
"Oh, he said he needed to use the restroom. He'll be here soon, but wow! This room is huge!" MC grinned, spinning lightly in place as if trying to take in everything. Truthfully speaking, it was not much. They lived in the Devildom with 7 very wealthy brothers, a demon prince who took pleasure in spoiling his friends, and a demon butler who was more attentive and observant than anyone they had ever known. Their mentor was arguably the best sorcerer alive, if a little eccentric, and they had endeared themself to even angels. Needless to say, they were spoiled rotten when it came to once in a lifetime experiences.
Thankfully, Melvara seemed to buy their act, giving them a proud smile. "I'm glad you think so. Now, how about we have some tea while we wait for Sir Elliot to come back? The archives are the last stop before the Forest of a Thousand Spectres, after all."
They hummed, sitting down at the seat offered to them, eyes still taking in everything down to the last detail. Elliot's words had assured them that this would be one report that would require them to go into heavy detail.
The door to the archives opened for the second time.
(E/c) eyes turned to the witch that entered the room, head respectfully bowed and voice reverent as she presented them with tea and snacks. They gave her a sweet smile, watching in carefully veiled amusement as she blushed and nearly spilled the hot beverage. It was cute how a simple smile was enough to put people at ease. After a few hurried apologies and not-so-subtle glances at them, the witch left the room. For a few minutes, there was blissful silence.
"Say, sorcerer MC?"
"Pardon my forwardness, but I had heard that you have pacts with all seven of the avatars of sin?"
MC hummed, a pleasant smile on their face. "I do," they said, noting the interest in her eyes. Melvara leaned slightly forward, her eyes gleaming with something that made them pause for a second. Right, don't underestimate the other party, they thought to themself chidingly.
"An admirable feat. May I be so bold as to.. offer you some advice?"
Did they really look that gullible?
"Of course, I would love to learn from my elders."
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They hadn't meant to do it.
They really hadn't meant to lose control of their magic.
But they couldn't have helped it.
Not when Elliot burst into the archive room, eyes filled with disdain and murderous intent; holding an unconscious girl in his arms. A very familiar child, one they had yet to meet face to face but had seen plenty of pictures of.
They watched with dark satisfaction as flames engulfed the accursed manor and the forest around it. Screams of the witches stuck inside echoed into the darkness, and MC instinctively covered the ear of the girl who now lay in their arms, still unconscious. The few who had no hand in any of the heinous crimes their brethren had committed cowered somewhere behind them.
The Forest of a Thousand Spectres never looked as hauntingly beautiful as it did now.
A hand on their shoulder had them instinctively cradle the girl closer to their chest. A side glance at Elliot, who had the same blank look on his face. "You can go home MC. I'll report this myself," he said, voice barely above a whisper but firm. Not a suggestion then.
MC nodded, the only indication that they had heard him. Elliot sighed. "What.. are you thinking of doing about her, MC?"
"I'm taking her home."
"She's is the only living witness to the atrocities this coven committed. The Society will wish to talk to her."
"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it."
Another sigh. "Very well. I'll see you after I've reported the incident and" -he looked over to the terrified witches, the innocent ones, who shrank away the moment his gaze was placed on them- "taken care of them."
"Sure," they said, tearing their eyes away from the flames for a just moment to watch Elliot teleport himself and the witches away, presumably to the Society's headquarters.
They did the same moments later, appearing in their room. MC carefully lowered the girl onto their bed, gentle hands adjusting the blankets to offer comfort and warmth. Satisfied with their work, they pulled a chair close to the bed and sat on it. A breathless chuckle escaped from their lips as they felt the slight trembling in their hands. Their eyes scanned the teenager, sleeping soundly under Elliot's recovery spell.
The fact that a simple recovery spell made her fall unconscious spoke volumes about the pain she had suffered.
MC brushed a strand of hair away from her face, vaguely thinking about Mammon's reaction when he finds out exactly what the sweet little girl had been through. They stole another glance at her, then picked up their DDD.
S.S Audit Stuff (Lucifer, Solomon, Elliot and you)
You: Lucifer. Solomon.
You: We need to talk.
You: Meet me in my room.
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tumblingxelian · 5 months
Wenclair - Fake Courting, Politics and Assassins Oh My!
This is just an outline of early chapters, I have not written anything yet, but needed to get this idea out of my head.
So to anyone interested in a story that seemingly starts as a standard fake dating post Season 1 story. Only reveal that is actually gonna get a helluva lot more complicated nd dangerous, here we go:
Post Crackstone but pre parents arrival, Wednesday is dreading an orb call with her parents cos of her injuries and the knowledge they will be smothering her soon. (Part of her is not bothered but she has her pride) So to distract herself and partially out of concern she asks why Enid seems stressed.
Cue the expected revelation that now Enid has not only transformed but shown she can do so without the full moon. (Something usually reserved for adult Werewolves) she expects her mother will try and force her into a relationship and is dreading the prospect of her Summer because of it.
So, Wednesday floats the idea of playing the role of Enid's paramour and potential mate cos of a myriad of reasons: Cares about Enid, is possessive, avoiding parents, low key paranoid about lots of things, thinks making Enid's mother miserable by being the worst daughter in law ever is funny ETC.
Enid is grateful but oddly concerned, both about Wednesday's injuries & touch aversion but also starts floating the idea that this might cause the Addams trouble with Wednesday's suitors.
A concern Wednesday dismisses as she has none and further dismisses when Enid wonders if she's really up for this challenge and if her family would be OK with her doing this, even if only for a while.
Cue a quickly call where Wednesday dances around the romance part a bit, but they seem fine with it. Promising to instead spend time hunting down and destroying every remnant of Crackstone.
So they are off.
Chapter 1:
Turns out most of the Lycan students are part of the West Coast Wolf Alliance which is nominally headed by the San Francisco Pack. (The SInclairs are basically the equivalent of peasants in this context) So there's a lot of Lycan, who know have no idea how to handle Enid, least of all her brothers, who are also low key awed and scared of Wednesday.
The eldest who picks them up is seemingly more chill but also seems a bit odd and is the one to reveal there will likely be celebrations when they return. Why?
Well because Wednesday, plus Enid and Bianca saved the entire student body, earning them a lot of respect in the Outcast community, they are now big deals.
Wednesday: Politics, how droll. Enid (Alarm bell starts ringing)
The airport has some more common stuff, Enid giving Wednesday some noise cancelling headphones. Revealing the coded system of jumper tugs to ask for and receive or deny different types of affection. (& Wednesday's own tap of "If you don't get me out of here I am going to start stabbing people." code)
Sleeping on the plane, plus microaggressions from the humans.
Chapter 2:
Finally arriving, lots of Lycan are picking up their kids including Esther who looks a lil different.
& rather than being put off by Wednesday being rude is more like, "I am glad my daughter found a mate with fangs, come, you two will ride with me."
Enid (The Alarm bells are getting louder)
We get some history on the migration of Outcasts to the "New World", alliances with fellow Outcasts and even indigenous rebel groups & grudging treaties with human governments.
Also revealed as they arrive at the mountain regions signed over in part to the Lycan Alliance, is that many of them adopt partially or even fully transformed states. Esther included.
Enid revealing they only present as fully human outside their territories cos even slightly too big fangs or nails can warrant arrest or assault or death by police.
Due to her injuries, Wednesday still needs sleep and gets a space in the Sinclair compound, specifically Enid's room with Esther none too subtly encouraging them to share a bed before inviting Enid to show off her new form and hunt.
Wednesday sticks around long enough to see Enid is larger than all but the biggest adult Werewolves and is pleased before heading to sleep.
Chapter 3:
This one is a bit more vague, but Wednesday wakes up, is generally treated well, low key given access to certain magical lore and tools by an elder sage and promised more as Enid's mate.
Enid (Alarm bells are now screaming in her head as she walks in on this.)
There's talk of the Pack Elders holding a celebration to honor the pair, some more politics and whisperings about Blood Moon and training ETC. But Enid seems subtly desperate to get Wednesday away from everyone.
Again Esther is fine with it, encouraging it even, which gives Enid the time to get Wednesday far from her family (& the Dire Wolves they & others raise and sell as guard dogs) to have a 'tour' together while most recover from the night before or prep for the celebration.
This is where the more traditional "Fake dating" wheels come off.
Enid basically ends up asking Wednesday how much she knows about Lycan politics and then Outcasts politics in general.
Wednesday: I don't make a habit of repeating myself. Enid, I find politics droll. Enid (The alarm is now broken)
Cos yeah, turns out that while the Outcast communities are very united, (Motivated by mutual defense pacts against humans) they are held together by factional and familial alliances, traded favors and marriages too.
The Addams are no exceptions, Gomez was obliged to marry Morticia's sister but fell for her and cos the families were chill the engagement shuffled.
Now, Morticia and Gomez were never going to force her to marry someone, but there's lots of steps and deals and concessions made to ensure arrangements are broke respectfully, which Wednesday has very much not done.
Wednesday isn't stupid, its just that she does not study subjects she finds dull. So she's a master fencer, botanist, chemist, ETC, but she has no idea who the fuck the President is or who her family is aligned with. Morticia and Gomez planned to tell her when she was more open to accepting their advice so things could be handled smoothly. This, was not smooth.
What Wednesday has done is basically flip off every prospective suitor, turn her back on every familial alliance and has thus also blatantly advertised herself as being super invested in the San Francisco Pack.
A Pack who really wants the heroes of Nevermore with them and also a Seer on their side, as it would elevate their status, give them powerful members and more.
Not everyone is mercenary about it but it is an undercurrent to why they are so OK with Wednesday's attitude, she's way too valuable to chase off due to rudeness.
Also some Lycan who were going to get big positions now fear their position and want to knock Enid down a peg so she'd have to be their guards, rather than a political figure in her own right.
So yeah, Wednesday accidentally stuck her foot in a massive political cluster fuck and trying to extricate herself too quickly will only make it worse.
Enid assumed Wednesday knew all this stuff though did allude to it earlier. So yeah, things just got a lot more complicated, especially as they are in a spotlight post Nevermore as well.
Made worse by many "Monster Hunters" wanting to take action and avenge the Crackstones/finish the job. Especially by targeting the Seer who felled him and to cull the Blood Moon Werewolf before she grows too powerful.
Sooo yeah, that's the premise but also as far as I have gotten with the outline XD
For anyone confused on Esther, she is very much in favor of Wenclair for her own political ambitions (Once ruined by her youthful indiscretions) Meanwhile Wednesday and Enid are navigating a political minefield and also falling in love, with assassins on their tails.
Thanks for reading!
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