#wouldn’t be league of villains it would be university of villains they’d all be getting degrees
theloveinc · 2 years
honestly the wars in my hero are so fucking nonsense bc the first thing you learn in like. Any history class is that most war generals and war criminals are pretty much all educated to some degree.
AFO letting shigaraki do whatever the fuck he wants/wanted is just… well, first of all, not realistic, but more importantly… the first sign that he never actually cared about him.
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anicomicgeek · 2 years
Kevin Conroy and Jason David Frank
 I don’t look it, but I’m 37, soon to be 38, years old.  I’m a child of the 1990s and I’m a geek.  I grew up with the DCAU and Power Rangers – and the past couple of weeks, reality took a baseball bat to my childhood’s balls. First with the death of Kevin Conroy, then the death of Jason David Frank.
 Batman and Tommy Oliver are dead: By cancer and possibly suicide respectively.
 I didn’t even get the chance to meet either one – but it still hurts knowing they’re gone.  It’s taken a bit of time to compose my thoughts on these events, so I feel like I should share them.
 Everyone who’s known me for a long time knows I’m a massive DC fan. But Conroy, believe it or not, wasn’t really my first Batman.  Believe it or not, thanks to reruns, that’s Adam West.  I remember wanting a Batman action figure from the toyline based on the first Keaton Batman movie due to it color scheme matching the suit West wore (and the comics) and despite him not being in the film, being happy that Robin got a figure in the Batman Returns toyline. Speaking of the latter film, that’s where Batman: TAS comes in, since it was a tie-in for Returns.
 Like a lot of people my age, I watched Batman: TAS.  I wish I could say that even as a kid, I knew how special it’d be when I first saw it – but while I did like the show, my first impressions, due to familiarity with the West show and the Keaton films were “Why do Alfred and Commissioner Gordon look like this?” (unaware that’s how they looked in the comics) and “This doesn’t sound like what I was expecting.”  Of course, that went away after watching the show a bit more and the DCAU grew.
 Like most kids, I also grew up with Power Rangers, though thanks to the local channel airing the show in the morning, I missed out early on until they shifted it to the afternoon some months later, so I missed out on quite a bit, including Tommy’s introduction and wouldn’t learn his origin until reruns.  Still, he was part of the team when I really got into the series and I was saddened the first time Tommy left (imagine what’d happened if they’d actually had Tommy die like his first Sentai counterpart Burai), and then again during season 2 before the mysterious White Ranger kids were waiting all season for turned out to be him.  Unlike his costars, he lasted until midway through Turbo, but I kept up with the series until the end of In Space, leaving only with the start of Lost Galaxy.  In fact, the Wild Force episode “Forever Red” was the only time I made an effort to watch the show – and it was due to him, Jason, TJ, and Andros.
 Back to Batman, I didn’t really tune out of the DCAU, though I did most of Batman Beyond after season 1 and The Zeta Project and Static Shock, but that was due to wanting to sleep in as opposed to waking up in the morning.  Still, I did see most of the crossover episodes of Static Shock and I did tune in for Justice League.  In fact, my favorite DCAU show was JL due to seeing multiple heroes appearing, even after stupid mandates affected Batman’s supporting cast and villains’ appearances on the show (look up the term “Bat-Embargo if you’re interested in stupidity).  After the JLU finale “Destroyer”, that seemed to be it for Conroy as Batman himself; he appeared in the first episode of season 4 of 2004’s The Batman cartoon as Dick Grayson’s dad.
 Then came the animated film Batman: Gotham Knight, a tie in to The Dark Knight – supposedly set between Batman Begins and TDK.  Supposedly being set in that universe, Batman wasn’t voiced by Christian Bale like one would expect – but by Conroy.  Then came the Superman/Batman films, Justice League: Doom, the Arkham games, the Injustice games, the Killing Joke adaptation, Infinite Crisis, Justice League Action, LEGO DC Super Villains, Scooby-Doo and Guess Who, even the recent MultiVersus, all featuring Conroy as Bruce Wayne, along with a number of his DCAU co-stars (though it varied based on what we’re talking about) in tow including Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker himself) as the Joker, Tim Daly or George Newbern as Superman, Susan Eisenberg as Wonder Woman, Ed Asner as Granny Goodness, Clancy Brown as Lex Luthor, and Michael Ironside as Darkseid. Hell, even the DCAU itself did get revisited with a mobile VR game and two sequel films, Batman and Harley Quinn and Justice League Vs. the Fatal Five.  While I liked a lot of the other DC productions, a lot of the times, the DCAU, Arkham, and Injustice casts were the voices I heard.
 While I didn’t actively tune into Power Rangers anymore, I did occasionally watch it if it came on the TV and didn’t feel like changing channels.  That said, I did go out to see the remake movie in 2017, which featured Frank and Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly) in a cameo at the end.  The post-credits stinger even set up an appearance for Tommy in a sequel – one that, due to the film’s performance, would never come.  Even for all of the film’s issues (including the recurring problems of Power Rangers films barely featuring scenes of the heroes in costume), I liked it.
 One of my hobbies is fanfiction (fan-written stories) and another is fancasting (hypothetically “casting” actors in roles).  A fanfic idea I’d been kicking around, but never actually gotten around to writing, was something called “Multiversal War”, where different things I’d like would meet each other to stop threats from each other’s universe – ad as you can imagine, a lot of my “casting choices” for DC characters were DCAU voice actors, including, yes, Conroy as Batman.  Even had Frank “as” Tommy and the Emissary, a character from the Transformers: Prime Wars web series.
 Granted, a lot of deaths of other actors also affected my “choices”, but truth be told, Conroy’s passing is what made me tempted to just give up ever writing Multiversal War.  I could respond to the passing and retiring of others by sliding someone else in the role, but even trying it with Batman, maybe it’s due to me being the Spectrum, it didn’t feel “right”; it felt off.  Every time I think I got something workable, it didn’t feel right.
 Granted, I could work around the passing of Frank as well (just replace the Emissary with Spike Witwicky for Fortress Maximus as it was with the earlier Headmasters stuff and write out Tommy), I still grew up with Power Rangers for a long time and Tommy was still my favorite Ranger.
 There’s a lot of actors I thought whose passing we’d talk long before Conroy and Frank, including Peter Cullen (Optimus Prime from the original Transformers cartoon, the live-action movies and even some recent stuff), Peter Weller (the original RoboCop), Patrick Stewart, and even Arnold Schwarzenegger, but as of November 10 and 20 respectively, that’s no longer a thing.  There’s been speculation that Conroy was sick for years, but given it was years of speculation, I didn’t put much thought into it recently anymore than I did then.  And, as someone who suffers from depression myself, it’s still hard to accept that even famous people can also suffer from it and as I generally don’t keep up with actors’ daily lives, I didn’t know Frank lost a stepdaughter nor that he was going through a divorce.
 So, like a lot of people, their deaths took me by surprise and I was in a state of shock after reading about them when I woke up.
 So, how do I feel after writing all of this?
 Still hurting (after all two of my childhood heroes died), but feeling a little better writing it and sharing my thoughts.  Hopefully, this helps me and hopefully, I didn’t ramble too much.
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ao3feed-izch · 4 months
All About The Short Kings
by FanGuy2000
He's not worth it. He knows that - he's always known that. His father made sure he never forgot it after all. He's a sorry excuse for a human being and what many consider a waste of space. No one wanted him and no one could love him. Not before. Not ever. This was just a fact of his existence he had long since accepted. So, why? Why did fate have to be so cruel and give him not one, not two, but twenty-one soulmates? Hadn't he suffered enough? He already knew he wasn't worth anyone's love, he didn't need to reminded with what would no doubt be complete rejection from his soulmates. He wouldn't survive that. He wouldn't.
So, why? Why was fate so cruel to him? Hadn't he lost enough already?
Mineta thought going to U.A. would allow him to avoid all his soulmates. He was sure there was no way they'd be going to the same school as him, but he was wrong. Not only that, he ended up in a class with all of them. He was sure then, that fate truly hated him and resigned to a suffering existence until he graduated. Though, a pair of green eyes from his past may change all of that.
Words: 2, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Mineta Minoru, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Midoriya Inko, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Asui Tsuyu
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Mineta Minoru, Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Kaminari Denki/Midoriya Izuku, Asui Tsuyu/Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Ashido Mina/Midoriya Izuku, Hagakure Tooru/Midoriya Izuku, Jirou Kyouka/Yaoyorozu Momo, Jirou Kyouka/Kaminari Denki, Ashido Mina/Kirishima Eijirou, Ashido Mina/Hagakure Tooru, Asui Tsuyu/Mineta Minoru, Kaminari Denki/Mineta Minoru, Midoriya Izuku/Everyone, Mineta Minoru/Everyone
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Mineta Minoru-centric, Midoriya Izuku-centric, Mentioned League of Villains (My Hero Academia), Pervert Mineta Minoru, Mineta Minoru Needs a Hug, Mineta Minoru Gets Character Development, Mineta Minoru's Father is an asshole, Midoriya Izuku Needs A Hug, Protective Midoriya Inko
source: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53586091
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Okay so you have crossover aus (Marvel or DC) with danny phantom and everything
Well last night I was trying to find a post that talked about how Danny is his worlds first and last defender (there are others but they arent on the same level as Danny)
Then my tired brain kept thinking of the GIW and how in fandom (could be canon but idk) the ecto bill passes basically being anything that produces ectoplasm is non-human/sentiant
So I was like wondering how other heros would react
So how do you think other heros (you pick which one(s) to do) would react
(I mean Marvel has many comics talking about superpowers and things)
Have a great day and thanks for answering this ask!!!
ooooh okay so this is interesting because I'm different comic book universes have different laws varying between animated series, movie series and the actual comics themselves
I'm not inherently familiar with comics so I'll have to work primarily from movie-verse rules and maybe some animated series stuff
so my first thought about this was actually the X-Men, who would be not even remotely surprised by laws like that being passed since they've pretty much experienced the exact same kind of discrimination, they'd be too jaded to be horrified but they would definitely be hugely understanding and sympathetic
some may even give him some advice on how to fight the laws based on their own experiences
within the Justice League universe metahumans don't seem to face legal issues (I'm basing this entirely on the 90s Batman cartoon because I just finished watching it) the villains from that series who had some kind of meta ability weren't treated all that differently under the law than non-metas, there was an indication that there was social discrimination but like, nobody was hunting down and capturing meta humans unless they were criminals
so within that universe they would probably be pretty upset to hear about laws being passed that allowed that kind of discrimination
though I'm pretty sure other variations of the DC universe have very different rules and experiences, I wouldn't be surprised if there's been a whole thing about Superman being an illegal alien and having the government get all funny about it, so heroes like Superman and Martian Manhunter at least probably wouldn't be all that surprised about laws against 'non-humans'
the MCU would be interesting, they have organisations like Shield to contact any known meta-humans, and they generally prefer to work with them or keep them out of trouble/the public eye, unless they're using their abilities for crimes
but that universe also has experiences with foreign creatures coming through portals and fucking shit up, so a law being passed that allows people to hunt creatures like that wouldn't be surprising to them and, in fact, they may even defend it
they would likely be very upset about the idea of blatantly attacking willing allies tho, like yeah creatures who come through and attack people are fair game but if one shows up wanting to help? trying to capture and harm them wouldn't just be morally wrong, it would be strategically stupid
so overall, I think the general consensus would be that nobody is surprised about humans being discriminatory and attacking things they don't understand
they would all feel bad for this poor kid who's caught in the middle of it all, most of them would be horrified by the brutality of the laws (allowing needless violence and medical torture) and all of them would be pretty disgusted that these people are actively targeting a child
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a-sour-nectarine · 2 years
WIP Sunday!!!
Spoiler below the cut for "The Importance of Being Ernest. Err... Frank. Billy? Definitely Billy."
wow. that's a professional sounding title. anyway.
This is an (not the big one, though) identity reveal that may or may not make it into the story. I just liked the parallels and stuff.
Steph was actually really small, when he was big. He’d never realized that. When his was normal Billy, she was a solid four inches taller than him and had shoulders twice as broad as his. But now, her shoulders were small, smaller than the width of the chair back. He could have stretched his hand across them, if he spread his fingers apart.
Part of that was because the Captain was giant. Part of it was because she was a 5’4, 17 year old, only too human girl.
He didn’t fly too far, just past Bristol, and landed in a little clearing in the pine forest. He made quick work of her bindings, and she stood, rubbing her wrists and glaring up at him.
“Does Bruce know?”
Billy sighed. “Don’t tell him, please”
“Does Bruce know that there is a twelve-year-old on the League?”
He didn’t answer.
“Billy, this is a big deal! They’d want to know, so they could—”
“Could what, exactly?” He shouted. “SHAZAM!”
He was just Billy again.
“Could what? Kick me out? Lock me up? They’d have to, to make me stop! Should I tell them so they can all look at me, at the poor little orphan, cursed with a responsibility he never wanted, and pity me?”
“Bruce wouldn’t—”
“He would.”
Steph floundered for a second before her expression hardened. “Dick was out at nine, you know?”
“And he was sheltered! Hidden behind a big, black cape! I don’t need anyone to protect me! I am one of the most powerful people on the entire planet!”
He didn’t like the look in her eyes. He didn’t like the twist of her mouth, the scrunch of her nose, the worry and concern and pity and sadness in the lines of her face. It was exactly what he didn’t want.
“No. You’re twelve. You are a boy, not even a teenager, who has seen the worst the universe has to offer. Power doesn’t change that.”
Billy stared at a spot just over he head, refusing to meet her gaze. She didn’t understand. His age wasn’t important. It hadn’t been important to the wizard, it wasn’t important to any of the villains he fought, it wasn’t important to the rest of the planet. He was still the Champion of Magic, he had a job to do. He couldn’t let the JLA get in his way.
“If you say a word to anyone else, you will have made a very powerful enemy. I saved your life. You owe me that much.”
She didn’t respond to the threat. She just kept staring at him.
“You didn’t have a choice, did you?”
He knew what she meant, but he kept his mouth shut.
“Oh, Billy…”
Before he could register what was happening, he was being pulled into a hug, Steph was big again, shoulders wide, arms strong around his back. She tucked his head against her collar bone.
“I won’t tell anyone,” she whispered against his hair, “on one condition. You come to me. You talk to me. You let me help.”
He couldn’t keep the tears from escaping, couldn’t stop them from dripping onto her uniform, couldn’t keep himself from trembling.
He didn’t have control over his mouth when it rasped “okay,” but he didn’t take it back either.
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intheticklecloset · 3 years
The Great Academia Road Trip, Part 1 (My Hero Academia)
Primary Universe
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Summary: Class 1-A (plus Shinsou) is going on a road trip! In this first installment, Bakugou contemplates how he's going to get Deku back for cornering him before, having a little fun with the nerd along the way.
A/N: Welcome to the first official mini-series within the Primary Universe! I was hoping to do this more in the middle of summer than towards the end, but better late than never! I hope you enjoy taking a road trip with the students of Class 1-A - with plenty of tickling included! ^^
Shoutout to @ticklishscumbag for the "Bakugou loves strawberry milk" headcanon that is briefly referenced here.
Word Count: 1,796
**SPOILER ALERT:** This fic contains spoilers from Season 5 of the anime. (Below the cut.)
The door to Bakugou’s dorm room slammed open.
“Road trip!”
“What the—?!” Bakugou yelled, instinctively shoving his covers off and scrambling to his feet, heart racing from the anticipation of an oncoming battle. When he saw it was just Kirishima, he clutched his chest and yelled, “Kiri, you idiot! You gave me a heart attack!”
“Forget that,” Kiri replied easily, bounding inside with a huge grin on his face. “It’s road trip time! Where’s your bag? You packed it already, right?”
“Freakin’ – yeah, it’s over there.” The blonde gestured to his closet. “God dang, Kirishima.”
Kiri laughed, punching him lightly in the shoulder. “Sorry, dude. I’m just so excited, and we’re leaving in less than an hour! How could you still be asleep? Get dressed! Eat some breakfast! We’re gonna hit the rooooad!”
Bakugou grumbled as he shoved Kirishima back out his door, barely registering that his friend had grabbed his bag on his way out. Still, he couldn’t help but smile once he was alone. Today was the day. Their entire class – along with Shinsou, who would be entering the hero course next year – were taking a month-long trip around the country as both part of their training and as a vacation. Officially, they were touring the different prefectures and meeting the top heroes across the nation, learning how things worked in different places and sometimes even helping out if needed. Unofficially, they were getting away from the stress of school and the League of Villains for a while, making stops at popular tourist locations and having some down time to balance out the work they’d still be doing.
No rest for the weary, but honestly, Bakugou was looking forward to this trip just as much as Kirishima and the rest of the class were. He couldn’t wait to meet pro heroes in other prefectures, beat up some bad guys, and take a dip in the pool at the end of their long days. It was going to be great.
But first, he had to get dressed.
Downstairs, the entire dorm was alive with activity. It seemed everyone was either finishing up breakfast or hauling their gear out to the bus that was already waiting outside. Bakugou made a mental note to ask Kiri if he’d actually gotten his luggage all the way out there before they left. In the meantime, he headed to the fridge, hoping Sato hadn’t taken the last strawberry milk.
It was still there. He grinned, grabbed it, and twisted open the cap.
Just beyond his hearing range in the living room stood Iida, Kaminari, Ojiro, Shinsou, and stupid Deku. Bakugou narrowed his eyes. He still hadn’t gotten the nerd back for tickling him to death while he was trapped under his bed last week. He was rather looking forward to finding ways to mess with him on this trip in retaliation.
“Baku-bro!” Sero said by way of greeting, slapping him on the back. “Good morning! Ready to go?”
“Yeah, sure.” Bakugou took a swig of strawberry milk, savoring the flavor, trying not to let it show how much he loved it. “Where’s Kiri?”
“Probably taking Mina’s bag out to the bus. He already grabbed mine and his own.”
“Mine, too.”
Sero laughed. “He’s pretty excited.”
“Yeah, well…” Bakugou shrugged. “It’s a good opportunity.”
“I take it that means you’re excited, too? Good! It wouldn’t be any fun if you were a grump the whole time. Though we have ways of making you cheer up nowadays, don’t we?” Sero winked, nudged him, and moved on to the next person, greeting them enthusiastically as he made his way to the front door.
Bakugou scowled. He supposed he would have been stupid to think he’d get a break from his own torture just because they were on a tour of the country. Oh, well. As long as no one else found out, he’d survive.
He took another drink just as Deku suddenly broke away from his group and hurried past him toward his own dorm room.
Must have left some All Might backpack or something, he thought, grunting. Stupid nerd.
Somehow, despite the fact that it was obvious the two of them didn’t get along, Bakugou wound up seated next to Shinsou right in the middle of the bus. Kaminari had practically shoved him into the taller boy’s lap, much to both of their annoyance.
“Bakugou,” Shinsou greeted coolly, polite but not much more than that.
The blonde bit his tongue to resist calling him a mind-reader again. “Shinsou.”
After that, the two lapsed into silence as the bus finished loading, pulled out of the school grounds, and made its way onto the highway.
It was a long, grueling twenty minutes before Bakugou finally sighed angrily and got up, turning on his heel to stride toward the back of the bus to where Kiri and Deku were sharing a seat.
He interrupted their conversation without an apology. “Deku, switch with me.”
Deku blinked. “What?”
“Swap seats with me. You’re friends with that freak from 1-C, right?”
“He’s not a freak. And yes, we’re friends.”
“Then swap with me. I don’t want to be near him.”
Kirishima gave him a withering look. “You’ll have to get used to having him around sooner or later. When he joins the hero course, there’s a fifty percent chance he’ll be in our class.”
“Doesn’t mean I have to like him.”
Deku poked his head up over the seat in front of him, glancing to where Shinsou now sat alone. He stood to do as Bakugou asked, but before he could even get a step down the aisle, Kirishima shot out in front of him, declaring, “I’ll sit with him! I never get to talk to the guy.”
“Wait – I don’t want to sit with stupid Deku, either!” Bakugou yelled. “What are you doing?”
Kiri turned back to him. “It’s Shinsou or Midoriya. Take your pick.”
Bakugou gritted his teeth, growled, and shoved Deku down into the seat he’d just vacated. “Fine. Move over, nerd.”
Deku smiled, scooting over to the window seat to allow the blonde to sit with him while Kiri moved up to join Shinsou.
More silence.
“You’re not going to make it, you know,” Bakugou said at last, crossing his arms.
Deku startled. “What?”
“To the end of the trip. You won’t make it back.”
“Because you declared war, idiot. And I’m not going to lose to you.”
The greenette was silent for a long moment, seeming lost. Then it clicked, and his face brightened. “Yeah? Well, I’m not losing to you, either. So where does that leave us?”
“With you begging me for mercy.”
“Or you begging me.”
Deku smirked, then glanced out the window at the passing scenery. Bakugou smirked, too. This was going to be an interesting road trip for the both of them.
Several hours later – after they’d arrived at their first destination, unloaded, trained, had dinner, and were wrapping up for the day – Bakugou stood just inside the door of the four-person room he was sharing with Kirishima, Tokoyami, and Shoji, waiting patiently. Any minute now, Deku would pop into the hall on his way to the shared bathroom to clean up before bed, and he’d pass Bakugou’s room on his way to do so. It was just a matter of time now.
There he was.
Bakugou reached into the hall, grabbing Deku by the back of his shirt and pulling him into the currently empty room, throwing him onto a bedroll. Then he pounced, climbing on top of him and digging his fingers into his sides, ribs, and underarms in rapid succession.
Deku burst into hysterical giggles, shocked and confused for just a moment before his brain caught up to what his body was feeling. “Ahahahahahahaha Kacchan! Nahahahahahahaha!”
“So about this tickle war you’ve so stupidly decided to start with me, nerd.” Bakugou spoke casually, though he smirked at his friend’s useless attempts to get away. “How do we know who’s won? Begging for mercy doesn’t seem like enough, since I get you to do that anyway during our normal tickle fights.”
“I-I mahahahahahake you beheheheheg, too!” Deku protested, earning a sharp jab into his hip bone for his trouble. He squealed and laughed. “NOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!”
“Like I was saying, I don’t think it’s enough to end a tickle war. What exactly was your plan going into this?”
“I dohohohohohohon’t knohohohohohow!” Deku writhed on the ground, smiling wide and pushing at Bakugou’s hands weakly. “I dihihihihidn’t thihihihihihihink about it!”
“Well, think now.”
“I cahahahahahahahan’t! Y-You’re distrahahahahacting me!”
Bakugou hummed, swinging a leg over to straddle Deku and reach up into his underarms, drawing out a fresh burst of laughter and kicking. “Better come up with some excuse.”
“Is it because you can never beat me on your own? You’ve got to use furniture to help you come out on top?” Bakugou half-mocked, half-teased. “Is that why you decided it was smart to challenge me like that?”
“IT WAS JUHUHUHUHUHUST – JUST AN OPP-P-PFFAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!” Deku tossed his head back and laughed freely, still trying to push Bakugou away with whatever strength he had left after the long day and the surprise tickle attack. “STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!”
“Opportunity? Is that what you were trying to say?”
“Interesting. An opportunity to come after me while I was completely helpless, right?” Bakugou left his underarms at last, trailing back down to his sides and belly. “Because that’s the only way you can really win against me.”
“P-Plehehehehehease,” Deku whined, looking up at him with mirthful but tired eyes. “Lehehehet me gohohohoho, Kacchan…”
Bakugou thought a moment, then relented entirely, grabbing Deku’s wrists and pinning them down by his head, looming over him. “I’ll let you go for now, nerd, since the others will be back soon. But you’d better start watching your back extra closely from now on, because when I catch you, I will not show mercy until you’re pleading for it.”
Deku’s eyes widened, but he nodded, and Bakugou released him and stood up just as Tokoyami returned from the bathroom.
“Midoriya,” he said, “I’m fairly certain sleepovers are not allowed.”
“Oh, n-no, I was just…” Deku trailed off, then laughed and got to his feet. “Ah, never mind. I’ve still got to get ready for bed. Night, guys!” And he hurried out of the room, waving as he went.
Tokoyami turned to Bakugou. “Why was Midoriya here?”
Bakugou scoffed. “Stupid nerd wanted to get his butt handed to him, that’s what.” The blonde flopped onto his own bedroll and turned toward the wall, facing away from Tokoyami and the door.
“All right, then…” Tokoyami muttered, then went blissfully silent.
Bakugou grinned at the wall.
This was going to be the best road trip ever.
Part 2
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kwonhoshi0 · 3 years
𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝
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navigation | requests : open | 2nd march 2021
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pairing : bakugou x fem!reader
genre : fluff, heavy angst
warnings : mutual pining, soulmate AU, !quirk world, heartbreak?, eating, vomit
themes : falling in love, unfair world, ‘it had to be us’, slow burns
desc : in a world where when you see your soulmate in their most vulnerable state your eyes change to the colour of the one you’re meant to be with, but sometimes soulmates aren’t allowed to be together, the way the universe was made is cruel it hurt.
a/n : i’m about to cause so much pain so i’m sorry in advance 🕴
listen to :
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this world was cruel, that much was clear.
one couple in a thousand are fated to be apart, the thought didn’t scare you much since people in love always find a way, right?
when you touch your soulmates hands for the first time you feel a little spark, like electricity but for 1 couple out of 1000 they’d get thrown apart, quite literally thrown apart. they’d repel like the opposite ends of a magnet.
reading people’s experience on the matter broke your heart, people fated to be together only for their wishes to become nothing but that, wishes.
the same happened to your aunt and uncle, they’re together but apart, not allowed to touch eachother without being repelled apart. you watched it firsthand and it hurt seeing them live so happily apart in this unfair world.
your other uncle was no other then pro-hero all might, he raised you from the age of 3, your parents died when you were young, in a villain attack. they died fighting and their last wish was for you, their daughter to grow up a happy child in the care of your fathers brother, all might.
your uncle is an amazing guardian, he was nervous but he taught you everything he knows, your wish is to be a pro-hero exactly like him, exactly like your parents and that’s what he wanted for you as well even if there were dangers who was he to say no to your dream?
he trained you carefully, your quirk was powerful and sometimes hard to manage when not in control of your emotions, your quirk is telekinesis, you can lift yourself into the air with enough power and your hands stabilise the quirk, your nose bleeds when you start overusing it and you get lightheaded but with the help of all might you slowly got better at handling the power.
‘y/n you’re up next’ you walked up to where your class teacher aizawa was standing, steadying your feet a little you flicked the ball into the air only above your hand and then using your mind and hand you shot it up into the sky, everyone watched in amazement as you got the best score by barely trying. your eyes locked with a blondes, his eyes stood out, they glistened gold and crimson in the sun dancing in the light hitting his face but you looked away feeling your face heat up at his looks. ‘hey y/n right? you did amazing out there my names mina ashido!’ you smiled at her friendliness, ‘hi, you did pretty great too’.
-> HIM
as the months went on you caught yourself staring more and more at a certain blonde, sometimes you caught him staring back. it was no secret that you’re attractive anyone with eyes could see that, someone had recorded you trying to regain your breath during the sports festival and it went viral. when you caught him staring at you from across the table, you simply smirked at him before going back to talking to denki and mina.
at first you thought your attraction to him was only because of his looks, until you started getting to know the boy underneath. he’s caring, he’s thoughtful, he would never say it but he is. you noticed when he would do things for others, when you all moved into the dorms after the USJ attack you started to notice his small gestures to show he cares, they may not be big but you noticed.
in his eyes you are incredible, he often thought about your strength, physically and mentally. everyone thinks that you’re lucky because you got to learn from all might but they never thought about the circumstances in which you got there, your parents died but you still fought on. at first you were closed off, until you became friends with mina who introduced you to the bakusquad, you all clicked immediately. your sarcastic humour paired with their loud and bakugous equally sarcastic humour fit like a puzzle.
-> love birds
‘hey idiot, come here’, it was 8pm and the dekusquad had sneaked out to watch the sunset along the beach. you hopped down from the railing and traced it with the tip of your fingers before reaching him, ‘what is it blasty’, you looked at him, the crimson sky faded along with pink, the sun only illuminating the colour onto his face making him look beautiful he looks pretty , she looks pretty. if only you could hear eachothers thoughts.
‘look at them’ you looked down from the perch to see denki kicking water at kirishima and sero as mina threw wet sand balls at them both, you giggled at the sight, even her laugh is pretty he thought.
‘hey love birds!! get down here!’ the pink haired girl yelled.
‘SHUT UP PINKIE’ neither of you denied it, maybe because that’s what you wanted.
you all sneaked back into the dorms when it got dark, you clicked your phone ‘12am’ you whispered to your friends, thankfully no one snitched on you. the wooden floors creaked a little as you made your way to your room, you grabbed your towel and slipped off your clothes before slipping into the shower, once you got out you threw on a large hoodie which almost went down to your knees. ‘y/nn bakugou is being annoying can you help’ denki pouted making grabby hands at you. after agreeing you skipped downstairs to see the boy nagging over the dishes, smiling a little you walked over to him.
you started cleaning up the dishes he was nagging about as he made you all food since you were all hungry from the beach. ‘thanks’ you grinned hearing those words leave his mouth, even if they were quiet ‘what was that blasty?’ he glared at you ‘i will deck you’ you stifled a laugh at his words as your eyes connecting with his crimson ones for a second, both of your eyes widened looking into the others before you quickly went back to the task at hand.
he just has pretty eyes.. that’s it fuck, no i don’t like her, fuck.
falling in love with katsuki bakugou was not in your plans, but the way the blonde haired boy fussed about cleaning and things that you’d think he’d give no care to struck you. the way he’d pick a stray fluff or hair off kirishimas clothes but not tell him, the way he’d use his anger to mask him affection. it all endeared you, but why?
maybe it was the night you went to the beach, when he looked down at your friends messing around like it’d be the last time he’s seeing them, or the way he looked at you when you sneezed with a grin on his face,
‘why are you smiling at that’
‘you sounded like a fuckin cat’,
was it because of his eyes, his stupid pretty crimson eyes telling you to come closer, telling you to kiss him. — or the night he looked after you when you got drunk in the dorms, you had drunk a little too much and felt yourself feeling sick, before you knew it you’d ran upstairs to your bathroom and started vomiting into the toilet, he followed you and lifted your hair out of your face, ‘idiot take these’ he handed you some medicine for the pain in your head. — and he stayed with you that night so you wouldn’t be sick by yourself.
it’s been almost two years since you caught feelings for him. two years since you fell dangerously in love with the angry blonde boy.
today you were attacked by the league of villains while training and everything was okay, you were fighting alongside him, while you were fighting back to back you hadn’t noticed the villain to the side of you, he was aiming for bakugou, you did what you could in the moment and took the hit for him. you didn’t know what the persons quirk did but it didn’t seem to affect to you at all. ‘IDIOT GRAB MY HAND’ you quickly shook your head to get rid of the dizzy feeling taking place and grabbed his hand.
as soon as you defeated everyone you gathered near the front of the facility and that’s when you felt it. feelings from your past, the pain of having zero to very little memories of your parents, the pain of everyone but you knowing them, most of all the anger. you screamed crouching to the ground throwing your hands over your ears trying to get rid of the emotions they were overwhelming and painful. bakugou told aizawa that you got hit with a quirk but it didn’t do anything, he ran over as soon as he heard you scream.
‘y/n!, can you hear me.. fuck what’s happening’ you squeezed your eyes shut yelling out again as the stabbing feeling covered your body like needles, aizawa tried erasing the quirk but it was no use.
you gasped for air as the pain finally stopped and opened your eyes, ‘FUCK YOU SCARED ME SO FUCKING MUCH’ you smiled weakly as you realised he’s cradling you, — your eyes change colour when you see your soulmate in their most vulnerable state — ‘wait what is-’ you looked up at his words to see his crimson eyes replaced by your [c] ones, your own eyes now crimson, in only 5 seconds his eyes turned back to crimson as yours turned back to [c].
‘bakugou’ you were afraid to look at his expression, he tilted your head up and he smiled at you ‘i’m glad it’s you, i’m so fuckin glad it’s you’ you beamed at him as tears welled up in the base of your eyes.
that night you were planning on going on a date together, just you and him. mina and denki were sat on your bed crying and screaming about what happened, ‘ugh the way you looked at eachother makes me want a relationship!!’ she sobbed as her lips formed a pout, you laughed at her antics as denki did your eyeliner for you. ‘is this okay?’ you went for very ‘you’ clothes and you were pretty satisifed with your outfit, smiling you turned to them. ‘now this isn’t fair how do you look good in everything’ you scoffed before booping the pink girl.
you had butterflies in your stomach before even meeting him, the way he made you feel nervous but ecstatic. ‘hey’ you turned at the voice, smiling when you noticed you accidentally matched, you wore a black jumper with a skull on it as he wore his black skull t-shirt. you both noticed this and smiled.
‘gonna keep staring at me dumbass, come on?’
you walked after him smiling at his eagerness, ‘where are we going blasty’ he quickly looked up at the stars before saying ‘to see some memories’. after 10 minutes of walking you noticed the beach, it was the same one you came to with your friends, the one where you watched the sunset together, when you were oblivious to the others feelings. you talked and laughed about how oblivious you both were,
‘i kinda knew it was you, i think, i don’t know it’s fuckin weird.. i saw you and i just, knew?’
your heart did backflips at his words, ‘when i first saw you, at the first day of UA, you caught my eye maybe it was the pretty red eyes or the angry face-’
‘I DONT HAVE AN ANGRY FACE’ even his anger made you fall for him.
you’re down bad, you both are.
after your walk along the beach you talked more and walked until you realise it had been hours and you should be getting back to the dorms, somehow this entire time you hadn’t touched hands, it’s not that you didn’t want to you were just so immersed in talking to him it felt like you could talk to him forever.
as you got back to the dorms you stood outside the door and edged closer to him, his eyes sparkled just like they did that day, he entwined his hands with yours.
but instead of feeling the spark you felt a jolt, like a pain and you both pushed apart like magnets.
‘wait.. What, no this isn’t happening i held you this morning, what fucking changed’ he looked at you hurt and in shock, you couldnt breath, it was happening, the one you love but never be able to touch.
‘y/n, don’t fucking cry i’m here, i’m still here’.
‘but you’re not, it’s like we have an invisible box around each other you’ll never be able to hold me, or kiss me’ it was like you couldn’t feel anything but you felt everything at the same time.
‘there’s gotta be a reason, i held you fucking hours ago y/n, maybe it’s that fuckers quirk’
‘bakugou this is what happened to my aunt and uncle, they were fine for the first couple hours until i-it happened’
‘you deserve someone you can hold’
‘but i want you, you’re my fucking soulmate don’t be stupid’
‘you cant even fucking touch me bakugou’
‘call me blasty again.’
his eyes were filling with tears, threatening to spill.
‘bakugou, i’m sorry, i love you’
‘then we’ll make this work’
‘we can’t blasty, you know we can’t’
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A/N :
🕴i am very sorry for the pain i have caused i made myself cry
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taglist :
@todoroki-shoto-is-life @blazedbakugou @luluwiie @blue-gold-demigod-clouds @gazelle-des-pres
140 notes · View notes
dontcallmecarrie · 3 years
Fwiw I think Justin has the bones to be a great villain, the overlooked EQ and logistics genius to Tony’s flashy revolutionary genius that pisses everyone off. The reason it’s not dark is that Justin doesn’t have a dark goal. I think it’s fun either way you want to write it tho.
That is... a very good point, thank you.
tbh, a good chunk of the appeal of why I formulated this AU is because I wanted something a bit lighter than what we got in canon, just tempered with the fact that well, the protagonist's a villain.
Originally, the idea was that having a recurring antagonist pulling at some of the strings would end making the Avengers a better team— since they have to work together much more often, and in between they'd learn to get along and whatnot. It wouldn't be intentional [in-universe, at least], but the team would go from 'ticking time bomb' to 'eh I guess we can talk once in a while :/' to 'okay, who the fuck introduced Loki to rickrolls? I just wanna talk—' and along the way, well, at least there's some bonding in shared suffering.
If only because Loki's attempts at pranking Thor also get his teammates caught in the crossfire, like the time all of Clint's socks turned neon green, or Steve's specially-made punching bags somehow sounded like whoopee cushions every time they were hit for a week.
Plus, there was a point where I thought there'd be some cosmic irony in the League of Supposed-to-be-Evil-but-mostly-Just-Vibing getting along better than the team of heroes for a while, there's that, too.
...and very good point on Justin Hammer's motivation for all of this: if any self-respecting villain got wind of it, they'd lose it. I mean...
No ambition for world domination, no desire to see the world burn— just, what, two idiots in the most high-stakes game of chicken there ever was? For crying out loud!
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mattzerella-sticks · 3 years
How I’d Fix Titans on HBO Max
So this is just a little post to release some pent-up steam about the Titans show because this is the third season, and this is the third time I’ve let myself be bamboozled into thinking I’d enjoy the major storyline. And I’ve got a lot of thoughts since the first season about things I’d’ve done differently if I were given creative control of the show.
DISCLAIMER: I’ll only be plotting out the season story beats, as this is what I believe is the worst crime of the show. I think the casting is fine, even if a few wouldn’t be my first choice (*cough* Iain Glen as Bruce Wayne *cough*). My only note for set design is BETTER LIGHTING. I’m not the most well-versed in cinematography; I do think they’ve improved over the seasons, but pinpointing all the little details will take too much time and that’s not what this is focused on.
Starting with SEASON 1:
Trigon should not have been our s1 big bad. The audience for Titans will mostly be made up of people who probably were introduced to comics and these characters from shows like Justice League and Teen Titans, the latter of which already handled the Trigon storyline very well with most of the heroes Titans decided to use. Besides that, the SFX for Trigon alone would - despite the massive budget HBO Max allowed for projects like this - ultimately disappoint (and we were... at least I was). It’s not like animation or comics where the depiction of the battle between a massive demon and a team of superheroes would be better resolved. Exploring Raven’s powers and origins, however, was the right choice for season 1 since - in George Perez’s Titans - Raven was the one who assembled them together. Yes, this was to battle Trigon in the end... but it doesn’t have to be that way.
The season 1 threat should have been Sebastian Blood and his cult. It seemed like they were the B-villains, but the followers of Trigon felt kind of generic and, like Trigon, disappointing. There’d be a lot more freedom to handle this because Brother Blood wasn’t as well explored in Titans media, the only incarnation being from the Teen Titans cartoon but stripped of his cult-and-demon origins. Infusing these elements back into the character would make it original and, if done correctly, timely. Like, a good representation of who Sebastian Blood could have been is a portrayal similar to James Wolk as Joe Keene, Jr. on Watchmen the series; someone who is viewed favorably with good press but ultimately runs a secret cabal with many followers a goal of world domination under the banner of ‘The Four-Eyed Demon’. And to do this, they need the Demon’s daughter.
Which brings us to Rachel. Having her be pursued still works as a great set-up, however instead of followers of Trigon they’re followers of Sebastian Blood. She needs help. Especially if we keep the scene of her foster mother being murdered. Instead of Dick, though, she runs into Starfire.
And our entry point into Starfire would be different, too. We find her on an alien spaceship, in its jail, but then she sees visions as the ship passes over Earth and invigorated by the machine’s malfunctioning (due to Raven’s spirit, as we’d find out), Starfire manages to escape and finds her way to Rachel. Saving Rachel ( “I believe we can help each other”). In this way the Starfire and Raven relationship replacing the Dick and Raven relationship as the crux of season 1.
I’d still include Dick, albeit in a different capacity and with a lot changed. When he finds Rachel and Starfire, it’s because he was investigating activity in the area (he’d been tracking the cult for a while). He’s working undercover but also as the Robin persona. He still believes in the mission while, at this point in the story, Batman has given up and retired. This is because Jason Todd had died a year ago, and because of this and thinking it’s his fault - Bruce gave up and abandoned Gotham for parts unknown to deal with his grief. Dick helps Starfire and Rachel, and together the trio leave for elsewhere - Dick aware of how the cult needs Rachel and haunted that he couldn’t look after Jason, he sees how he can protect Rachel and clings to tha, Rachel curious about why a cult would want her and what her origins are, and Starfire, free of her imprisonment and indebted to Rachel but also homesick as she didn’t leave of her own choice. Over the course of the series they’d grow closer as a family, especially when Gar joins them (I would keep the Doom Patrol episode because that episode served its purpose well, of being a backdoor pilot - maybe change a few things but those details are so minute it’s not worth mentioning).
A big change - no Hawk and Dove. I think Minka Kelly and Alan Ritchson were great choices and acted well with what was given to them, plus I enjoyed Hank’s backstory and think, if they wanted to, a Hawk and Dove miniseries would have been fantastic to explore that better (and allow for a better paced introduction between Dawn and Hank). That being said, my main reason for cutting out Hawk & Dove is two-fold. First, how they killed Dawn’s mom and Don Hall. That was so dirty and so badly conceived. Second, the weird love triangle between Dick, Dawn, and Hank. It just made no sense. 
Instead of Hawk and Dove, I think a better choice to introduce into live action would be Karen Beecher and Mal Duncan - Bumblebee and Herald. Especially after reading their issue of ‘Secret History of the DC Universe’. Have Mal want to be a hero, then meeting Karen, and not wanting him to go it alone she joins him with her tech. They are approached to join the Titans and do, only being superheroes begins to put a stressor on their relationship. And one night Karen and Dick, a little drunk, a little sad from events that will be explained in s2 hook up. Once this is found out Karen and Herald leave and this marks the end of the Titans. This will also tie into Dick’s feelings about how he felt he keeps losing his family, and the Titans breaking up was viewed as his fault, so instead of being against personal relationships he is the one trying to make this new team - Starfire, Raven, and Beast Boy - his third chance). Instead of Dawn being knocked into a coma, I say it should be Mal (because then we can get Karen trying to save him and giving him robotic vocal chords which will allow him to do more, like sonic screams or whatever a la Vox, his post-Infinite Crisis identity). This will also further shine a light on their issues, because while Mal gave up heroics altogether, Karen would suit up time to time and Mal feels like Karen used his coma as an opportunity to give him powers because she wants him to be someone he’s not.
Their adaptation of the Nuclear Family was iconic™ so that’d definitely stay in (especially because Nuclear Family - one of the values they in the group believe in lol). The convent episode, too, although instead of flashbacks to Dick’s past we should have Starfire and how she grew up being the prisoner of warlords and experimented on; which is why she’s uneasy leaving Rachel with the sisters and then explodes when she sees Rachel strapped down because it triggers her. We will also have some of these hallucinations in the asylum scene. The episode with Dick and Jason would be replaced by the aliens who captured Kory coming back to take her to their planet, the team coming together to rescue her.
The biggest diversion, I think, would be after the asylum episode. The group escapes, except there’s no Arella, and it’s believed that Rachel sacrificed herself to tear the organization down and without her the group goes their separate ways. Dick goes to Donna Troy because he wants to know why, no matter how hard he tries, he can’t keep anyone around. Starfire is stuck on Earth and unsure about what to do next after finding out, in the replaced Jason Todd episode, that her sister sold her to the enemy. Gar doesn’t believe Rachel is dead. The three of them (plus Karen and Mal) receive visions from Rachel and realize that she’s still in danger and go to help.
Rachel is being held by the Cult of Blood and are working on setting up the ritual. By the time the group arrives to where she is, she is a happy member, and she tells them that they should join and be saved. They’re confused by the dreams they have - it’s Raven’s soul self fighting against her chains.
This season would culminate with the Cult of Blood capturing the group after Dick, not knowing when to leave well enough alone, rushes in and gets ‘baptized’ into the Cult and is brainwashed like Raven (although not like in that dumb dream episode that was ridiculous). He, like the others, are in attendance for the wedding between Sebastian Blood and Raven (which would be creepy because he’s 32 she’s 14), but at the pleading of Starfire Dick is freed from his mind control and releases them and they fight to free Rachel. It’s too late, however, as the ritual is completed and the ‘kiss’ is Sebastian drinking Rachel’s blood. Doing this opens up a portal which sucks up Sebastian and his followers, and is only closed after Starfire breaks through to Rachel and she gets control and closes the portal herself. The group leaves, stronger than ever, and assured that being Titans means more than being a team.
We’d get after credits scenes of the cult learning of Sebastian’s demise and their next plans, saying that “Junior” will have to be prepared earlier tha expected. Then, the other after credits scene - because Raven’s portal caused disasters across the world (”Raven ‘cleansing’ the world for Trigon’s arrival) - is Superboy breaking free.
Also, goes without saying, RAVEN WOULD HAVE HAD A BETTER WIG!
Goes without saying that season 2 would explore themes from the 1st season. Dick Grayson defining himself by who he is surrounded by, a season long search for an identity that is his and not what’s given to him (by Batman) and settling into the role as a leader as Nightwing (also, by retiring Robin, he won’t let the past haunt him). Starfire settling on Earth, her choice, and making friendships and relationships that last and help her realize this is her home. Raven is struggling to control the darker aspects of her powers after them being awakened during the ritual while also allowing herself to be a teenage girl. Beast Boy trying to fit in with this group while also wanting to prove that he can do more than just ‘turn into a green tiger’. Karen and Mal’s relationship would definitely hit rough patches (especially when Mal leaves the team and Karen because he only stayed with the team because of Karen). Donna recovering from the trauma of the original incarnation of Teen Titans, which is brought to the forefront once we introduce Deathstroke as having returned.
The second season, however, would start out not with any of these characters but with the continuation of the second after credits scene that introduced Superboy. That was one of my biggest gripes with the second season, how DELAYED the introduction of Conner was. You don’t have that scene and then keep us waiting for five episodes. Second season we enter on Superboy from the JUMP. Do the entire ‘Conner’ episode but only changing the ending, where instead of him saving Jason (because remember, Jason’s ‘dead’ at this point). Instead of that, he and Krypto are stumbling around a non-descript city, lost, unsure of what to do with their power, until they see a broadcast of the Titans saving people and realize that’s where they should head. On the other side of this, Mercy - having failed in recapturing Superboy - hire Deathstroke to go and find him. He accepts, and begins on his trail. This will help tie the antagonists’ storylines together so it’s not as disjointed as it felt in season 2 (instead of competing for the narrative they share it).
Then, we have the Titans doing their thing - Robin, Bumblebee, Vox, and Wonder Girl back in their costumes while Gar, Raven, and Starfire are training and learning while also helping take down villains in the San Francisco base. There are memories there, sure, but the others are doing their best to make it look like it’s not bothering them, Donna especially. We can have Arthur Light break out and go on a warpath for the Titans, and this can be our lead-in to the backstory episode of how the Titans became the Titans (because ‘Aqualad’ was one of the worst episodes of anything I’ve ever seen, badly written, poorly edited, and so misplaced). We see Robin, Wonder Girl, Aqualad and Speedy - Mia Dearden - coming together to chase down Dr. Light after an alert came in to the League that went unanswered because the League was busy dealing with something else. While fighting him, they receive help from Mal (in his Guardian identity) and Karen, and together they decide being a team is great and it’s nice having peers instead of mentors working iwth, so they form the Titans.
While in the midst of the big climactic battle with Dr. Light, where he’s firing on innocent civilians, he hits Superboy and nothing happens and Superboy helps them defeat Dr. Light. As they welcome Conner and he explains why he’s there, he’s struck in the back by a kryptonite bullet and we see Deathstroke watching from above telling Mercy it’s done. “So you’ll be bringing the subject back?” “Actually... there’s some business here I’ll need to settle first.” We’ll have another scene where, in an apartment, a young girl with white hair is watching footage from when Superboy was shot and recognizes a blur on the rooftop. She tells her brother, who tells her to leave it alone and if they lay low maybe Deathstroke will leave without realizing they’re here. She tells him that, despite what he or their mom thinks, she’s going to take care of him once and for all. This is Rose and Jericho.
Superboy is in a coma, the team trying to save him as the bullet didn’t fully kill him. Donna is shaken because it reminds her of what happened in the past, the last blow that spelled the end for the first generation of Titans. We get some more flashbacks. Showing Dick and Karen getting closer while Mal sort of stews silently, Aqualad getting into fights with everyone because he’s been trying their patience a lot (kind of like the friend you only hang out with because your dad is friends with his dad), and awkwardness between Donna and Mia since we learn they were interested in each other but never acted on it (because Donna is a lesbian and her and Aqualad were compulsory heterosexuality PLUS they could only mention Roy Harper but not actually show him). Soon we find out that Donna is being called back to Themyscria to finish her training, and the team throws a goodbye party. This is where Mal and Karen have a fight and she gets a bit too drunk, so does Dick because Donna is his best friend and he’s going to miss her, and they both have been feeling stress, so they hook up. Also, Mia leaves to tell Donna that she’s in love with her at the airport, and asks if it’s okay if she comes with (”It is an island full of women after all. I’m sure... this, us... would be more accepted than here.”) Before Donna can say yes Mia is shot dead by Deathstroke before her eyes. This, coupled with Mal finding Dick and Karen in bed together, leads to the Titans’ disolvement. We’ll see Kory comforting her while Dick searches for who shot the bullet with Karen and Mal, fearing that Donna might be right - and angry when she is.
They save Conner and he joins the Titans just in time to help them face Deathstroke, but also have to contend with Rose who isn’t on Deathstroke’s side but also isn’t friendly with them. It’s only when Jericho comes to them and explains his and Rose’s backstory, of being Slade’s kids, do they understand and work out an agreement to help take down Deathstroke and his backers (who turn out to be Cadmus).
Meanwhile, with Deathstroke taking too long, Mercy approaches Conner with an offer to let them help him and that the Titans are only pretending to be his friend, meanwhile they only care about his powers; but in the end they’re kids and don’t know what they’re doing. When this fails to work, they kidnap him and Krypto, replacing him with a version of Conner who is obedient to them to work as an infiltrator. Mercy then approaches Deathstroke, showing him she has a guy on the inside, and tells him that she’ll help him take down the Titans but they’re doing this her way.
Eve, imprisoned by CADMUS, helps Conner and Krypto escape (by sacrificing herself or not by sacrificing herself, dealer’s choice), and they hurry to the final battle between Deathstroke & Cadmus vs. the Titans. Just when it looks like they have Deathstroke beat, ‘Superboy’ turns and starts attacking the others. Conner hasn’t arrived, and it looks like everyone is down for the count. The fake Superboy (Match) has Kory in his grips and is attacking her, only for Donna to recover and tackle him. She batters him, punches him, and as she’s about to strike him again he uses his laser vision to strike Donna through the heart (a la Graduation Day - a much better way to ‘kill Donna’ then by electricity). Superboy arrives too late to save her, but he does take the other Superboy away before he explodes (Mercy’s final play - it would’ve killed Deathstroke too). Conner is still alive, and he’s saved everyone. In the confusion, Deathstroke slipped away.
We wind down, Rose and Jericho promise to hunt Deathstroke down and make him pay for his crimes. This will at least explain why they aren’t in s3 (which sucks, because Rose was GOOD). Raven still promises to bring Donna to Themyscira and work on bringing her back. Conner isn’t blamed for Donna’s death and they reassure him that they’re his family and welcome him back. Dick has taken on the Nightwing mantle and accepts the responsibility of being a leader, and that while he might not have been mature enough in the past, he can’t let that define him - only he can define who he is). Kory wants to go with Raven, but understands that she needs to stay with the team and only wishes Rachel luck, hoping Donna can return from the dead. Mal rejoins the team, he and Karen promising to be better to each other. Gar’s feelings of uselessness will continue because, as Conner’s best friend, he should have known something was off.(I don’t see this plot point ever being fully resolved until maybe later on).
Deathstroke wouldn’t die because you don’t WASTE Deathstroke! Killing Deathstroke cuts off so much potential in terms of storylines. I mean, there goes the Judas Contract which, despite us already having a varied animated retellings, would be beloved if done live-action and right.
Also, sorry to my DickKory fans but season 2 would lay the groundwork for some DonnaKory endgame - although the main romantic struggle would be between Dick, Donna, and Kory, with Kory at the middle and Dick and Donna the best friends who fight over her.
If we are working within the parameters of this season, and want to tackle Red Hood, there is a possibility that I’ve been thinking over and will expand upon here.
As I’ve mentioned before, Jason is dead. Because of this, Batman has abandoned his crusade against crime in Gotham because he feels there is no point to his battle and can’t continue. He’s been gone for a long time, however, this is the season where I would introduce him. He comes to visit San Francisco and Dick a very changed man, smiling, brightly-colored clothes, very into new age mysticism (”This is Batman?”). We find out that, after Jason’s death, Bruce went out on a new mission, to find a way to be at peace over the things he can’t control, and so through this journey he’s discovered inner peace and how to live despite all he’s lost. And he’s come back to Dick to share this knowledge with him, as a way to make up for indoctrinating him with these bad habits and instead lead a healthier life (crimefighting being like a drug). This will put Dick in a crossroads, questioning if he’s doing this (this being heroics) because he’s trying to use it to heal or if he really is meant to be a hero. This will be the season where the driving question is - Why Do We Don the Masks?
At the end of the first episode, however, we do the scene where the crime bosses meet up and Red Hood introduces himself, saying that he’s going to be taking control of all the criminal enterprises in Gotham.
This catches Barbara’s attention, and so she contacts Dick to fly back to Gotham and help contain this. After her appointment as Commissioner, she’s made great strides in helping clean up Gotham - especially in the tough months that followed once Batman retired (”Joker’s been imprisoned in the Slab, and he’s been abnormally quiet”). They still come up against costumed criminals but the police are better prepared to fight them, especially with help from Barbara, who knows the strategies, and Lucius Fox, CEO of Wayne, who helps develop non-lethal tech for the police to use in the battles. What’s also been helping is a small group of crimefighters who have taken to the streets, picking up the slack after Batman’s disappearance. (Barbara, “But this Red Hood... he might be too much for them to handle. We don’t want another me, or worse... another Jason.”) Dick promises to help, with both Red Hood and this group of kids - especially because one of them has taken to calling himself Robin.
That’s right! I’d introduce Young Justice in s3 - composed of Robin (Tim Drake), Spoilers (Stephanie Brown), Hawk and Dove (Hank Hall and Don Hall). Tim saw what was happening to his city after Batman quit, and decided enough was enough and became a vigilante to honor him and Jason, taking up the Robin mantle. He met up with Stephanie Brown, daughter of criminal Cluemaster, and brother Hank and Don Hall, who were working as vigilantes targeting molestors (very in-line with how Titans showed them, they’d just be younger). They’ll end up in a situation where they’re in over their heads, only to be saved by Nightwing who tells them with no uncertainty that they need to shut their operation down or else they’ll end up hurt (because they’re untrained).
Meanwhile, back in San Francisco, Starfire isn’t handling Donna’s death nor Rachel’s absence well, and is being inundated with strange visions that is making her act out of character. What’s not helping is that Bruce Wayne has decided to stay in San Francisco with them while Dick is in Gotham. Conner and Gar are enjoying this relaxed, free-spirited Bruce (he’s like the fun uncle), but it drives Kory crazy. These visions are from her sister, and even though she hates her for selling her, after finding out she’s on Earth and trapped somewhere, she goes to rescue her with Gar and Conner at her sides. They resuce her and bring her back, and Blackfire ‘apologizes’, telling Starfire that it was either Kory or their planet - and as the eldest she made the tough choice so their people wouldn’t suffer anymore harm. Starfire accepts this and welcomes her back. Also happening in San Francisco, Karen and Mal are at a crossroads because of a new development - she’s pregnant. This has put a stop on her hero journey, and while she is excited about being a mother she also wants to be a hero and we see more of them trying to work through their problems. Gar is also using Bruce to indulge himself so he doesn’t have to think about being the ‘useless’ member of the team, using his powers like a party trick to feel like he’s useful, which worries Conner.
In Themyscira, Raven pours through their texts to see how she can resurrect Donna. While there, she befriends and is aided by a young girl, Cassie Sandsmark, who is staying on the island with her mom while doing work (archaeology work); together, they find a way to reach Donna in the afterlife through an ancient ritual most of the Amazons are wary of. This doesn’t stop them, and together they perform the ritual. Raven journeys into the afterlife while Cassie is there to wake Raven if things look rough; while in the afterlife she hears the voices of Sebastian Blood and the ‘dark’ side of her, but is reminded of who she’s searching for by a soft, familiar woman’s voice and makes it to Elysium. There Rachel finds Donna and Mia, together. Donna is wary about going back, because she is happy with Mia; but Mia and Rachel remind her that there’s happiness down on Earth and there’s a lot left to live for. Donna agrees to follow Raven back, but not before saying goodbye to Mia who tells Donna she will find love again, only she shouldn’t be afraid this time to say something about it. I’d also love to see a way to involve Dark Angel somehow, maybe as a dark force approaching to prevent Donna from returning to life?
Nightwing is working with Barbara to shut down Red Hood’s operations, but it’s not going too well. It’s starting to feel like Nightwing is being taunted now, too, because a lot of what Red Hood is doing feels personal, like he knows Nightwing behind the mask. Ultimately, when Red Hood catches Young Justice and gives them a good beating, Dick stops him and it’s revealed that Jason is under the helmet. We then find out how he was brought back to life when, just as Dick has Nightwing beat, someone intervenes and saves Jason - Thalia al Ghul. We get an episode dedicated to Jason’s backstory, where he wasn’t killed, only badly beaten to the point of death. However, it was assumed he died because of the explosion. Bruce couldn’t find the body, he assumed it had been obliterated. Really, Jason had wandered away and was found by strangers and admitted to a hospital with severe brain damage. One day someone came to collect him, Talia al Ghul. She brought him to her home and used the Lazarus Pits to revive him, then trained him in assasinry so he could do the one thing Bruce never could - save Gotham.
Dick, while recovering in the Manor with the kids from Young Justice, calls up Bruce and tells him that Jason is alive. This will lead to Kory finally confronting Bruce and yelling at him that he hasn’t ‘found peace’ and instead switched coping mechanisms. This inspires Bruce to return to Gotham, the Titans following him (save Karen and Mal). Donna and Rachel meet them there, and we get the reunions plus Young Justice meeting the Titans.
We get reports that the Joker has escaped the Slab, and we find out Jason has kidnapped him. As the team investigates across Gotham, Dick goes on his own to where he knows Jason has Joker. They fight, with Jason threatening to blow them all up because as long as the Joker is dead it doesn’t matter. “He deserves it. He deserves it for all hat he’s done. For what he did to me! Please... why can’t you let me do this?” Bruce arrives, at that point, to tell him why. Because it won’t change things. Jason yells at Bruce, then, and Bruce accepts it. We also hear from Bruce about why he didn’t kill Joker, though he was close. Bruce admits that he snuck into Arkham with the decision to kill the Joker, but stopped just outside his cell. He realized that it wouldn’t bring Jason back, just as it wouldn’t bring his parents back, and he didn’t want to disappoint Jason by becoming a killer. Jason and Bruce make up, though Joker still dies - Thalia kills him. “If you won’t ensure a safer world, my Darling, I’ll do it for you.” She then detonates the explosives to escape and the three barely escape with their lives.
You’d think they’d get some rest, then, huh? WRONG! Because while searching for Jason, Blackfire betrays Kory and reveals she sold Kory so she could secure her position as ruler of Tamaran. A warship then appears in the sky where Blackfire takes Kory, announcing that Gotham will be the first city to fall during the invasion.
The s3 finale would then be the Titans vs. aliens as they drive off the alient threat, with Donna, Jason, and Dick working together to free Starfire from her sister. We’ll get a final battle between Starfire and Blackfire where Starfire asserts her status as the stronger sister, and that while she wishes Blackfire wanted a relationship between them, she won’t cry over it anymore. Blackfire takes her fleet and leaves Earth after facing humilation, and the group returns to Wayne Manor to celebrate.
Bruce has decided that, not only will he return to Gotham, but Batman will be coming back. He won’t be alone, as he’ll have a team with him. Jason decides to stay in Gotham and work on his relationship with Bruce, although knowing he will have to go out and find Thalia at some point. Hopefully by then, Tim and Steph will be well-prepared to stand on their own as Robin and Spoiler - inducted into the Batfamily. Hank and Don choose to go with the Titans back to San Francisco, especially since they were very impressed with their teamwork and Gar, who was able to transform past a tiger into something else.
We won’t be involving the Scarecrow in this. Scarecrow’s involvement wasn’t about the Titans and more of DC trying to tie him in elsewhere since Fear State will be starting soon. Plus *spoilers* Bruce killing Joker was the worst decision for Titans to do. It only served to do away with Bruce Wayne so he wouldn’t be involved in the show anymore which they could have easily solved if he wasn’t introduced too early. Keeping the Titans in Gotham for the entire season feels incongruent to who the team is and what the team is about, so if they divided the storyline between Gotham and San Francisco it’d probably play easier and allow for the characters to grow in their own way instead of being chained to the one prevailing storyline that is Under the Red Hood. And when they come back to San Francisco the Titans realize the benefits of training the youth of heroics and commit to teaching Rachel, Gar, Conner, Hank, and Don - and they introduce Cassie who joins them after getting the go-ahead from her mom and Diana. While Karen might not be able to delve into heroics for awhile because of her baby, she can still help by teaching. This will then lead into the next season which would be Titans vs. H.I.V.E. Academy, reintroduction of Slade, and bringing Terra into the fold while also having Rose and Jericho return, too.
Season three would sort of test everyone, give them the option to walk away from being a hero or choose being a hero, and strengthens their resolve to continue, comforted by how this is their choice and it’s what they’re good at.
If anyone from Titans reads this and wants me for s4 feel free to contact me
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fandom-writer642 · 4 years
Stone Skipping
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Summary: The Batfamily has always been so crazy that no one notices the silent sister. She’s made her way through college with no one else realizing, sometimes forgetting about her completely. How many times can she bounce back before sinking?
Warnings: Angst?
Request: No
Pairing?: Family; Batfamily x Sister! Reader
A smile dawned on the young women’s face as her friends cheerfully greeted her. (Y/n) Wayne was a popular girl at the University whether it be by her looks, brains, or money she was certainly no idiot. It was her college graduation, a huge day for so many people this year and even bigger for her as her family swore they'd attend. They hadn’t gone to anything related to her success since, well, ever! (Y/n) tried not to get bothered by it, brushing it off calmly. She knew her father and brothers were busy people, far to go to every little thing that revolved around her.
This time however, they promised they’d come. No playing hero, no meetings, no dates, just be a supportive family like she had seen them be. It was the only thing she wished to have, her family there for her and to spend time with her. They had gone to Tim’s high school graduation but not hers due to Poison Ivy. They couldn’t got to an orchestra concert that she was part of because of a meeting. They didn’t even bother to wonder what school (Y/n) had chosen to attend.
Yeah, she was ticked off by it but she understood. Their jobs were important, they saved people, she was part of that people. The world needed them both ways, civilian and hero. (Y/n) didn’t have a place in the hero department, she was just an average person that walked the streets and attended school. Her brothers chased villains at night and ran businesses and had jobs in the morning. The only thing (Y/n) had was her looks and her brains, mostly her brains. She would graduate to become better in the medical field, she was going somewhere in life and she was happy about it.
That’s why the heartbroken feeling flowed through her as she got her diploma. No one but Alfred was there, she appreciated the fact that he came but the rest of the family had no excuse. She was updated on the news constantly, no attacks in Gotham or anywhere else in the world. The world was quiet and her heart shatttering was the only thing to be heard. A false but well practiced smile came along her face before she walked down the steps.
Alfred watched her sadly, he couldn’t believe he was the only one that had arrived. He was the only one to truly have seen the amazing young woman that she was now. Seeing her walk down the steps toward the rest of her class with a false smile made his anger grow. She had never complained about one thing in her whole life except for once, that one time when she complained that Bruce spent to much time doing work with her brothers rather than them all spending time as a family. (Y/n) had been 12 when that happened and her brothers only scowled at her for her words.
Dick was nicer about how he went about it, saying that the world needed them as both civilians and heroes so they didn’t have much free time. It was true but they weren’t the words that (Y/n) wanted to hear at that moment.
Tim was blunt about it, Alfred tried to blame it on the lack of sleep but neither parties had believed that. He said that she should’ve joined the group and worked for it rather than whine about it. (Y/n) almost smacked him for that but she kept her control on the situation.
Jason had been thought to be dead but when he heard about it he just gave her pitiful look and told her it was too dangerous and if Bruce wanted her in the tradition then he would have. (Y/n) frowned at him but she had known it was the truth, she told him to no longer pity her before she left the room.
Bruce had just sighed and said they’d talk about it at another time, they never did.
It was Damian that surprised him, he just nodded at her in understanding. Alfred had later heard two sounds of crying from (Y/n)’s room that night. He left it alone but he had at least hoped Damian would be there to congratulate her.
“Congratulations Miss Wayne,” Alfred said as he wrapped her in a hug as soon as he reunited with her. “I’m so proud of you.”
“Thank you, Alfred. I’m glad you could be here, do you know where the others are?”
The butler saw hope in her eyes, just a small spark but it killed his to extinguish it. “I’m afraid not. Master Bruce hasn’t come home from work and neither has Master Tim. Master Dick is at his home. Master Jason is who knows where.”
“And Damian?”
“I believe he got caught up at school.”
(Y/n) nodded, that made sense at the very least. Education was important and if Damian missed any of his own she’d never forgive herself. Yes, she was very aware that her little brother was a Senior and the best in his year who could probably afford to miss a few day but she’d never let him. It was her other brothers and father that disappointed her, she didn’t bother tell Steph about it, the girl was so forgetful at times. Cass was in China so there was no point in calling her from a case to see if she could come.
Alfred watched sadly as the young woman hugged her friends goodbye before they left. She had a family here and now she was leaving it. (Y/n) climbed into the passenger side of the car and looked out of the window as they drove toward Gotham.
When they got home Bruce stood there inside, waiting at the door. “Alfred! There you are! I was worried you might have been kidnapped.”
“I was fine Master Bruce,” Alfred responded, sending a cold look toward the man. “However, I have work to do and Miss (Y/n) is here now. Why don’t you catch up with her? Lot’s to talk about I’m sure.”
A small smile graced the female’s lips but was replaced by a frown as her father shook her head. “I can’t, I have work to do for the League.”
“Why do you never want to spend time with me?” (Y/n) blurted out loud. She was tired of brushing it off all the time because she herself was brushed off.
Bruce sighed, “It’s not like that. Besides we talk a lot don’t we? You know I’m a busy man, I can’t just drop everything because you wish to spend time with me.”
“So where were you today?”
“What? What happened today?”
The (h/c) haired woman rolled her eyes, “You claim you be there for the people when they need you. Well guess what dad? I needed you today, at my college graduation, the one you promised you’d go to when the only one that had come was Alfred? Well I’m sorry that I complain about not getting to spend time with my own damned family!
“I hoped that you wouldn’t forget or randomly come up as busy but I should’ve known to never get my hopes up when it comes to you and the rest of my brothers! The only reason why Damian is off the hook is because he had school, you have no excuse. You were never there. Never once. You know nothing but my name.”
“I know lots about you sweetheart.”
“Really? What’s my favorite color?”
“(Most hated color).”
(Y/n) shook her head, “It’s (Favorite color). Face it you know nothing about me. I made the mistake of coming back here. I’m leaving after all my stuff is packed and I say goodbye to Damian and Alfred. I’m done being brushed off to the side. And for the record, this is my second time complaining about this. Last time was ten years ago.”
With that the woman brushed past her father, taking her packed things from college behind her and toward the bedrooms. She was tired of being brushed off, she was leaving Gotham behind, for good. Now, she just had to see if her little brother wanted to come with her.
Notes: I may make a second part of requested. Tell me how you liked it. This is my first piece of work on tumblr for writing.
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antialiasis · 3 years
Worldbuilding June (Pokémon edition), Days 8-12
Whoops forgot to post these for a couple of days, too busy with a load of Things as always.
8. Who rules in your world?
TQftL never brings up government, but each region has its own human government, generally just standard representative democracies similar to what we have in the modern world. Ouen has an elected parliament and president. It's a fairly utopian world with little scarcity and politics play kind of a background role - they keep things running, they have some different parties, but there's low polarization and usually they work pretty smoothly together and have little conflict. The situation in other regions is similar - movement is very free and conflict between them is rare and minor in the grand scheme of things.
QftLverse Pokémon, once again, have their own societies and are not subject to human rule except in a limited way while they're with a trainer, as per the Agreement, an all-encompassing contract dictating how the relationship between humans and Pokémon should work. Different Pokémon species govern themselves differently, but their societies are generally based on smaller self-governing groups. The Scyther society has a single leader, who is meant to be the simply strongest in the swarm, and anyone can challenge them to a duel to the death to take their place at any time.
The Morphicverse is once again close to Earth, with different countries having different modes of government. The Poké-USA's politicical climate resembles the actual USA's political climate in ~2007, but if I ever wrote references to the current president I wouldn't make him an outright Bush expy or anything, beyond being from the conservative one of the two highly polarized parties.
9. What religions and myths/legends exist in your world?
The QftLverse's human society is basically post-religious. Legendary Pokémon are revered, but not worshipped - people don't pray to them, ascribe natural phenomena to them, expect them to watch over them personally, perform symbolic rituals associated with them, etc. That said, humans do have myths concerning them - not always accurate ones. The story describes the human myth behind one set of legendaries early on before the reality much later turns out to have been fairly different, for instance.
QftLverse Pokémon have their own myths, legends, religions and beliefs. The Scyther society explored in the spin-offs has a bit of a vague mythology going on explaining the sun, moon, stars and clouds, but it's not very important to them, more of a just-so story. Meanwhile, they live by a system of ethics known as the Code that they consider sacred and all-important, though it doesn't have a godly figure behind it as the source of it, only a philosophy. Other Pokémon might variously have straight-up religion (whether worshipping legendary Pokémon or something else), be entirely areligious, or something in between; most will have myths and legends in some form, though.
The Morphicverse has a form of Christianity, which is functionally a lot like ours; this also means they had a version of Judaism. Other specific religions don't come up, but they'd at the very least be as varied as real-world religions. Like in real life, there are many sects and variants, and as many individual interpretations of faiths as there are people. The villain cult in particular has fringe views that in no way resemble the mainstream. And like in real life, many people nominally believe but don't really practice their religion, and many are agnostic or atheist.
Legendary Pokémon in the Morphicverse are cryptids - there are myths and legends about them, and people think they're neat, write fiction and make movies about them all the time, but in the modern day, actually-for-real believing that they exist out there ranges from mildly eccentric to entirely unthinkable. Worship of legendary Pokémon exists, but in the way that modern neo-Paganism does. It's not remotely mainstream, generally seen as a weird hippie thing, and the notion of Arceus appearing in the flesh one day and declaring he created the universe is about as fantastical to most people as the notion of the Norse pantheon doing the same in our world.
10. What traditions are observed in your world?
QftLverse human traditions are mostly just secular holidays - commemorations of important days in the region's history, etc. It's tradition for most children to go out on a Pokémon journey the spring after they turn ten years old, and participate in a First-Timers' League in the autumn if they manage to stick it out for the whole journey and collect all the badges - there are kids who don't, but it's rare for them to not want to, and other kids may see them as no fun.
Every year in Green Town, there is a Pokémon Festival originally built around the legendary Pokémon Chaletwo's yearly brief visit to the outskirts of the city (which may or may not be ditched in the next revision); it hosts a number of Pokémon-themed events over several days. One of them is a starter Pokémon giveaway, where most kids go to get official starter Pokémon, who have specifically volunteered and been trained to work with beginning trainers - though many kids have had Pokémon as pets/partners since they were young and journey with them instead, or their parents otherwise get them a Pokémon who's up for a beginning trainer. (Many Pokémon kind of like the idea of journeying with a beginning trainer, in the way that many people like the idea of getting a kitten rather than an adult cat - just something special about having been with them from the start. Though getting a starter who's actually been trained to deal with kids is recommended over just finding any random enthusiastic Pokémon.)
Pokémon have all kinds of different traditions. The Scyther society as explored in the spin-offs has a number of traditions and rituals, including a sort of blood baptism of new hatchlings, the leader of the swarm teaching all the adolescent Scyther about the Code, and First Prey, where each of the adolescents is sent out to hunt prey on their own for the first time, with a male and female witness following, so they can prove their ability to kill and to feed themselves. Afterwards, they're expected to publicly offer a symbolic piece of the meat of their first prey to some members of the swarm, and doing so signals respect; you don't technically have to, but in practice everyone always offers it to the leader and not doing so would be taken as outright disrespect.
The Morphicverse is once again culturally similar to the real world and has mostly similar sorts of traditions. Pokémon training is less culturally ingrained there, but still a very common hobby for kids.
11. What are some ways people communicate with pokémon in your world, or pokémon with each other?
In the QftLverse, humans learn to understand Pokémon speech as a mandatory subject at school. Pokémon inherently understand human speech, but they speak anime-style, usually in syllables of their species' name (which is what the species are named after). They share one language, which is not based on exactly what the syllables are but the tone and the way they're combined, hence why it works regardless of the species.
In the current version of the fic, this is pure handwave worldbuilding: it's established that it happens at school at the beginning, and then we just move on to the story, where every human simply understands what Pokémon are saying at all times. In the next revision I'd give a bit more proper worldbuilding attention to it - let the language barrier be a little more present, humans vary in exactly how good they are at it (luckily it's already the main character's best subject at school), and otherwise treat it less like it's just an excuse to act like Pokémon speak English.
In the Morphicverse, Pokémon do communicate but they don't do complex communication - instead, it's closer to the sort of communication most animals do in the real world. They can express how they're feeling, draw attention to something interesting, sound the alarm about something scary, ask another Pokémon to follow, and can do this in a somewhat more efficient and intelligent way than most animals generally do. But one way or another, they don't communicate complicated abstract ideas, neither to humans nor to one another. Pokémon don't automatically understand human speech here, though they're very quick learners when it comes to commands, and they can pick up a fair amount just by being around humans, allowing them to get the gist of basic statements and requests without being explicitly taught them, though anything abstract would still be entirely lost on them. You could tell a Pokémon you've lived with for years "I lost my hat, can you help me find it" and they'll go look for your hat, but they'd be lost if you tried to ask them for anything much more complicated than that.
12. What is the gym circuit or adventuring organization like in your world?
In the QftLverse, gyms are meant to be taken on in a specific order and gym leaders are accordingly expected to keep their Pokémon below a certain level. To be officially sanctioned by the League, a gym needs to have a theme - usually a type, although Rick got away with a legendary theme because he gets away with everything because he is hypnotizing League officials with his Mewtwo super-clone I was twelve years old. Every year there's a First-Timers' League in the autumn in each region, where new trainers who have collected all eight badges of their region face off (except for the bit where I somehow made a guy who'd been training for years be part of it without thinking about it properly). There's also a global Old-Timers' League for more experienced trainers, which crowns a world champion; this doesn't involve badges and is just a tournament. Trainers are advised to stick to official routes, while Pokémon who want a trainer seek out the routes and others avoid them; going off-route has the potential to lead to run-ins with Pokémon who are more hostile to humans. It's not forbidden but it's drilled into kids' heads that you're not supposed to.
The Morphicverse's gym circuit is not too dissimilar to that, but gym leaders are expected to carry a variety of Pokémon teams to take on challengers of different skill levels, who can take on the gyms of their circuit in any order. Kid trainers are strictly meant to travel only along official routes, which are thoroughly monitored to be safe, and often take public trainer transportation; when they're eighteen they can get an adult trainer license with which they can take their Pokémon anywhere they like, at their own risk. Mostly kids do it as a hobby, and many young children dream of being professional trainers, but only a fraction are actually good enough to make money off it, so most either quit it after a few summers on realizing it's not for them (they might release their Pokémon or keep them as pets, depending on how high-maintenance they are), or continue to do it as a side hobby. There exist college-level training schools for those who really want to dedicate their lives to it, but by that point in time most people will have dropped their pro trainer dreams.
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So while we’re in this delay-induced downtime, just for fun, I’d like to make a few short term predictions for Hero Aca’s future; Namely I’d like to make some predictions about what I think the next 3-ish arcs will be after the Paranormal Liberation “War” arc.
(Small preface, I am making these predictions under the prediction that the current arc will end with at least 99.9% of the PLF getting away & society as a whole some form of devastated by this arc’s events. Both safe bets, I think.)
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Anyway yeah, here’s my predictions on what I think the next 3 arcs will be; the prison break arc, the start of the 2nd year arc, and the 2nd Sports Festival arc.
The Prison Break Arc (early April, in-universe)
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A long-expected arc, this is one that finally feels like everything’s in place for. The PLF finally have all their resources to fight against society, but the timing’s not right so they need to be productive between now & their real big attack (which we’ll get back to). But the villains do have a few personal issues to take care of, namely friends in need of rescuing and potato-heads in need of confronting. Also taking out a massive prison before major attack just seems like a smart move.
This arc’s got a lot going for it. First, people are thinking we could see PLF members (usually Dabi) getting captured and needing rescuing from Tartarus; and if that does happen, we could get some cool character interactions out of it.
But even without that, we’ll get reunions with Muscular, Moonfish, & especially Kurogiri. (Also maybe Mustard? It’s yet to be confirmed or denied if he’s in Tartarus, and one the one hand he’s a kid, but on the other we’re 5 for 5 for caught League members/associates going to Tartarus.) We’ve got the potential continuation of the Kurogiri/Shirakumo storyline. We’ve got Stain meeting some combination of Toga, Spinner, & Dabi. We’ve got Shigaraki meeting with AFO again, which could very likely end up rather ugly as he confronts him for his shenanigans, his weakness, & the actions of his vestige. I could honestly see Tomura vs AFO being the final boss fight of this arc.
But before all that, we also have the PLF fighting against Tartarus’ forces. It’s the perfect opportunity to see some action for PLF members that’ve been quiet this arc, like Trumpet or Redestro, and get to know some of the advisors better. And on the other hand we can see the defense systems in Tartarus, as well as meet new...well I’m not sure if they’d be classified as heroes, but I imagine the workers would be licensed to use their quirks. It’d be an interesting battle is what I’m saying.
The Start of 2nd Year Arc (late April, in-universe)
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Honestly, I’m not sure what this arc would actually entail, but I do think it would be necessary before the next big arc. A chance to see what the start of the new school year brings, a chance to see how everyone is handling the events of the failed PLF raid, and one last chance to set up another dark horse or 2 for the next arc, like how Jirou, Aoyama, & Mina have gotten some importance in the last few student-focused arcs.
Also it would be the final piece to Shinso’s current arc, with him actually getting into a hero class, and hopefully a chance to start up a new arc. While we’re at it, we could get other new students too, like new 1st years or maybe even a transfer student so 1a & 1b continue having even student body counts.
But what this arc would actually be, I don’t have a clue about. It could be some simple new training exercise for 2nd years to start out the new years. Or it could be something in response to the villains’ rise, perhaps some new extreme exercise mandated by the Hero Commission or even the government itself. It could also be either a decent length or quite short, since not a lot really needs to happen.
As an aside before we move on, I’m not really sure if this would go before or after the Prison Break arc. I mean I say this would be late April and that one early, but they could easily set this arc over the break in order to reverse the order. The only important bits is they have have 2 arcs, one with the villains and one with the students, to see where everyone’s at.
The 2nd Sports Festival (early May, in-universe)
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This will be the next big arc. The Sports festival; the one time of year when hundreds of heroes are known to gather in a single location, a massive cultural event to Japan, a chance to see how far everyone’s really grown since the last Sports Festival, & coincidentally taking place 4 months after Toga said Tomura was going to destroy everything in 4 months. Except the entire point of this theory (and I mean the entire theory) is that that’s not a coincidence and I’ve never believed it was.
So put simple, I’m excepting things to go all Chunin Exams this year, so it would be divided into 2 sections...actually 3 since we need to establish why this is happening at all.
And the reason it would happen at all after Jaku is simple; good PR. The hero commission & hero society as a whole is currently running on good PR and the faith of the people, and I’ve long expected the higher ups to get desperate if that faith were called into question. People can do stupid stuff to save face so of course they’re still holding this big event in the aftermath of a major villain victory and the ruined reputation of at least the top 2 heroes; it’ll show how...unwavering they are...or something. Oh but don’t worry, they’ll up security; I mean they’re not idiots.
But yeah, then there’s the tournament itself, which would have a lot going on. Everyone would be affected by the PLF raid in lots of potential ways; maybe some are wondering why they’re bothering with this while others see it as a way to reassure people or to get stronger. We’ll get to see everyone’s growth and have a proper tourney where we know everyone, instead of being introduced to a lot of people’s competence level for the first time. Deku will get to try again to show off to the world, and might even got the the finals this time.
I’m not sure if he’ll win though, a) because this would probably be Bakugou’s last opportunity to fight Deku with even the remotest chance to win, b) there should be a 3rd festival in the 3rd year and we’ve got to keep up progression, and c) who can even say there’ll be a winner if I’m expecting things to go all Chunin Exams?
And yeah, that leads to the start of the war-for-real, the big shake up likely to shape the entire rest of the school year, the big attack where things go all Chunin Exams. I’m honestly not sure what it would entail, actually, since there’s so many options to make this a big status quo-shaking moment for the PLF to peruse. Off the top of my head:
They could launch a big attack on UA, with hundreds to thousands of heroes gathered in an attempt to kill them all and end heroics by default. It’s certainly an effective way to get the students involved, to the point that if this wasn’t the plan, I wouldn’t be surprised if the PLF pretended it was anyway as a diversion. One way or another, I think the students have to be involved in this fight.
They could attack some key target, like the Hero Commission building or whatever base of government japan has. I mean if so many of the heroes are in one place, that must mean there’s not a lot anywhere else, which means a lot of places should be relatively unprotected...in theory. In practice, I wouldn’t be surprised if top heroes met the PLF at where ever they’re going.
Lastly, they could just attack lots of cities at once like they said they would. I’m not sure if this would really be the focus, since this being the big attack implies they want to do it all in one day, where this felt to me more like a long term plan when I heard it; but I’m leaving it on the table anyway. Maybe they will try to physically collapse society in one day, who knows?
One last prediction before we close out: if Endeavor is still alive by this point, instead of dying fighting Touya in the current arc, this arc will be where he dies. This will be to force All Might to the spotlight, both as people reminisce to when he was no.1, and as he intentionally goes out to try & keep faith in heroes alive. As a result, the target on his back that was removed with his retirement will return to him, and his safety will once again be a concern.
And that about sums it up; I think we’ll have a villain arc, a hero arc, and then the next big conflict arc where things get shaken up once again. And then whatever the aftermath of these arcs are, they’ll be what really shapes the status quo and be what separates the students’ 2nd year from the 1st.
That’s the really safe version of my prediction anyway, but I’m prepared to be wrong regardless. And even so, I’m excited to see where the story will go after Jaku.
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hitsuackerman · 4 years
Unpredictable (Overhaul x Reader) pt.19
a/n: so... uhh... nothing much happens here but the last part is worth it :’) i guess? hope ya’ll like this nonetheless! 
warnings: this cannot be read solo
Links: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13, part 14, part 15, part 16, part 17, part 18, part 20
Masterlist to my other fics: here :)
Overhaul’s waiting list: @jjk-biased @infinite-universe-love @dirtypride @blackymomo03 @azzie @purple-rabanito​ @meximorrita @awesomeee19​​ @celestial-kanzakii​ @laure-lo​ @team-wang-puppy​ @aydience-world​ @choros-main-hoe​ @colorseeingchick​  @but-kairis-not-that-smart (i cant seem to tag again :( hope this lands in your timelines!)
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Two days since that fated encounter with Chronostasis, you were now left with a vacant rest day. And where better place to spend it than with Dr. Hanayaka. Setting an appointment with him, as he liked to call it, you were tasked to help with the blood pressure for each patient he had. Luckily, his schedule wasn’t that straining.
“So you mean to say, his henchman met with you in secret?” Gei asked and raised an eyebrow. With his stethoscope resting on his shoulder and white coat on, it was sometimes hard to believe that this flamboyant man was a well respected doctor. “And handed you trash man’s sim card?”
“Yeah. I’ve already checked the contents of the sim and there’s not a lot to go on.” Aside from your messages, the contents of his inbox were that of an average man’s. Expecting some tea about his trade or even important numbers of other villains, you had to think whether or not Chrono deleted some or not.
“And what about that plan of yours, hmm?” Gei fixed his eyelashes before staring back at you. “What if it backfires and Chrono takes the blame?”
“He won’t. My instructions were clear and I set a time frame as well. Just something to please the heroes for setting me up.”
“You movin over to the dark side, baby girl?”
“Just balancing things out.” You shrugged. “Levi made it clear that they shouldn’t interfere with my relationship with Overhaul. Even though I’m on justice’s side, I still want to tip the scales a bit due to personal reasons.”
“Wouldn’t your badge and title be removed if they found out? And why in Todrick’s name are you so chill with this topic?! Are you certain you don’t have a bug on you?” Your friend eyed you down so quickly. Worried that policemen might end up barging inside his office.
“Don’t worry. I’m wearing new clothes so there’s no way they can. Besides, I’m being as cautious as ever. Seriousness aside, I do have some information you might want to feast on.” You smirked at the mental image of a maskless Chrono.
“Spill…” Gei shifted in his seat and leaned in closer. The look on your face only meant one thing.
“Okay, so Overhaul’s right hand man was the one who met me right? Well~ He took off his mask and I will have to admit the man looked hella fine~”
“Describe! Describe!”
“For starters, he has bluish-gray eyes. Though he looks like he wants to kill a person right there and then, he probably could since his jaw was rather prominent. His voice without the mask is different too.” You watched as Gei listened with such focus. “But, if I were to be honest, describing him doesn’t do him good. He looks really handsome.”
“Why is it always the villains who look good?” Gei commented with a pout. “Hawks aside, because that man is something else, but they just hit different you know?”
“That’s true. Shame they have to wear those masks, though.”
“On the contrary, I think it’s good that they do. Otherwise they’d have to endure the wrath of fan girls.”
“Right. Also feels good when they trust you enough to show what’s behind the mask.” Nodding at your own statement, the memory of having lunch with Overhaul came back. With no given warning, he took off his mask and casually drank water. Realizing that he had done it on purpose, a tiny smile formed on your mouth.
“If you miss him that bad, just call him.”
“He changed numbers and I’m not that desperate to ask Chrono for it. Nao said in due time he’ll contact me but the chances of that are negative.”
“Honey, it’s the modern era. Women aren’t as shy as they were before. If you want something, go and get it. If it is a guy’s new number, then go ahead. It’s not just men who make the first move. And besides, I think Overhoe would be surprised if you just suddenly ring his doorbell.”
“You do realize, I do not have the same confidence as you.”
“Fake it till you make it, boo.” He snapped his fingers in a z-formation.
“You’ve been watching Soopernatural again, haven’t you?”
“Okay, first off, Jenred Padackles is a god and I would worship his feet. Second, that show has references to everything and you can’t deny that.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” Standing up from the sofa, you stretched your limbs. “Anyway, I gotta scram.”
“Where you headin’ off to missy?”
“I have to meet up with Nao regarding the Fukuo Kai case.”
“But it’s your day off. Get a life and do something else other than work, (n/n).” Gei threw a pen to your direction but you dodged it effortlessly. “Don’t make me tell your father.”
“It’s only for a few minutes. It’s in preparation for tomorrow.” Not bothering to wait, you exited the room and sofly closed the doors to his office. Time spent with Gei was always an eye opener. However, it still wasn’t enough for you to stoop so low and ring his doorbell.
Making your way out of the hospital, you took a quick stop to the vending machines and chose a cold cafe au lait. Perfect for the hot and humid weather Japan had to offer. Feeling the cold liquid running down your throat was amazing and within seconds, you downed the whole drink. Tossing the empty bottle to the recycle bin, a gust of wind caused you to lose balance.
“Oh no.”
“Oh yes.”
“I have a meeting to attend to Hawks.” Hawks took his visors off and ruffled his wings. Offering to buy him a drink, he chose a tetra pack of  apple juice. Walking to the vacant bench, you followed him and decided that perhaps his visit would be worth it. “So what did the bird hear today?”
“Twice and Toga Himiko.”
“League of-” Then it hit you. “I see. Since when?”
“Yesterday. One of my informants saw them entering the base and left late at night. They didn’t look too happy about it, though.” Lowering his headphones, he ruffled his hair and stared at the clear blue skies. “Do what you will with this information. Just thought I’d let you know.”
“How and why do you even bother?”
“I work for the HPSC dove. If I don’t want them getting in my head, I gotta kick their crotches first.”
“That’s not the best analogy.”
“Still works though.” He winked and put on his headphones and visors back. Standing up, he offered a hand and you accepted it. Tailing you, Hawks was now opening the door for your car. “And one more thing, another of my birdies caught the scent of the quirk erasing bullets nearing its completion stages. Probably 80% now.”
“That’s fast.” You had to admit.
“Heard he’s been pissed. Be careful baby bird.” Hawks closed your door and saluted before flying off.
80%? That was enough information to speed up the Shie Hassaikai raid. Reaching out for your bag, you took the burner phone you recently purchased and reread each message the both of you exchanged. With two League of Villains now part of the yakuza, the possibility of casualties was much higher now.
Within minutes, you were now on the road. Fingers tightly wrapping the steering wheel. Your thumb bouncing with growing guilt at choosing to hide what Hawks had just said. Of course this wasn’t to ensure his victory, it was to even the field, right? It was the pettiness taking over you and Nighteye going against his words. It had to be.
Turning towards the precinct, you saw your designated parking area. The basement parking was a bit crowded today.
Heading towards the meeting room Tsukauchi had prepared for the small info sharing, you greeted fellow coworkers and kept conversation till you disappeared around the corner. Not too long after, you were now fiddling with your fingers. Basking in the silence till the doors opened revealing your partner and Shinezu. Both men took their seats and commenced the meeting.
“So, Shinezu will be tagging along.” He nodded at your coworker who seemed to be trembling at the thought. “It’ll do you good, Shinez. Trust me.”
“I-I know, Tsukau-kun.” He adjusted his tie, loosening it a bit. “I just think I’m not cut out for this mission you know? I do better behind the scenes.”
“While I believe that’s true, the 4th division works best when you’re around.”
“That’s true.” You agreed. Shinezu may not be the most social cookie out there but his brain was close to Namase. He also had the knack of coming up with solutions when things went wrong. All he needed was to amp his social skills. “We all know the 4th division leader is weak for you.”
“Not t-true.”
“All too true. You’ll be fine, Shinez. Have I ever lied to you?”
When the raven-haired man finally nodded his head, Tsukauchi cleared his throat and relayed the plans for tomorrow. It was the standard undercover data gathering in your books.
“So, to recap, the 4th division will be handling the snooping and we’ll remain on guard should all else fail?” You repeated the information given. Tsukauchi scratched his chin and nodded. Confirming that you had fully understood his message. “All this should happen within 5 hours. Got it. That’s quite cramped but manageable.”
“5 hours was the only allotted time I could fit in.” He scratched his nape and looked away. “You were right when I had to take it slow with my cases.”
“I’m not one to comment~” Waving the conversation aside, you stood up and the others followed.
With the short meeting now over, Tsukauchi and you were now seated in the break room. Cups of coffee present as you exchanged more information about your days and current mission. For a brief moment, despite him not being a part of the Shie Hassaikai Raid, you wanted to pour every single information you had just gained from Hawks. The lingering guilt was much more present now.
“You’re spacing out.” He snapped his fingers in front of you. “You alright?”
“Aside from the growing problem of trashman, I’m fine. Just a lot on my mind.” Taking a sip from your coffee, the usual taste of bitterness was strong today. “Nothing to worry about~”
“You should go home, (n/n). I already took up a portion of your time. Any more and I might drown from embarrassment.”
“That’s gross. Even coming from you.” Kicking him from under the table, the two of you laughed before chugging the remaining drops of coffee. “I will take that offer though. Need me some beauty sleep before shit happens again. See ya!”
Hours had passed and you were now stuffing your face with chips. He was right when he said you had purchased too much but you weren’t complaining. The movie playing now was one of your favorites, Prisoner. Gake Jyllenhall was divine in this movie. It was always the twist of the movie that kept you watching it over and over again.
“I wonder if we had watched this… would the wall pinning  happen?” You thought out loud. Shaking your thoughts away from him, you stopped the movie and stored the chips.
Now that you were settled in bed, Overhaul’s jacket rested on top of you. By now, his scent had disappeared and was now replaced by yours. Grabbing your phone, you opened the messaging app and clicked on a certain conversation. Rereading his messages was not the best idea but at least you would be able to relive whatever memories you had created.
Glancing at your desk calendar, in just two months time, you would meet him again. Would things still be the same? Or would things go back to the way they were? Tucking your phone under the unused pillow, you willed yourself to sleep and surprisingly succeeded.
Waking up not so refreshed happened again. But, nothing out of the ordinary. Not being a morning person, you dragged your body away from the bed and began the necessary clothes. Deciding to just buy breakfast, it took you less than an hour to lock your doors and head over to the parking lot.
Making your way up the steps, you met up with Shinezu.
“You look like shit, Shinez.” You teased him. “Take a chill pill.”
“I already did. But it’s still not working. This would be the first case in a while where I’ll interact with others.” Leading the way, the both of you were now walking through the empty hallways. The sounds of your footsteps muffled by the cheap carpeted floors. “How do you guys even manage to survive situations like these?”
“By taking it one step at a time~” Not the best advice for someone who’s socially challenged but it is what it is.
Opening the doors for you, the both of you entered the room and took your designated seats. A bunch of people from the 4th division were now present. Tsukauchi had not yet arrived but it was still early so it was excusable. Exchanging a few small talk, you caught up with what the 4th division was up to till the doors finally opened.
“Good morning everyone.” Tsukauchi greeted. Feet glued to his spot. His eyesight focused on you. “Before we head out, we have a special guest joining us.”
“Holy shit.” Shinezu uttered under his breath.
- - - - -
a/n: shits bout to go down again! I would like to take this time to thank each one of you who take the time to read this! Unpredictable was supposedly a 10 chapter story but we bout to reach 20 now! i cant really respond to your comments as much but i read all of ‘em and they always make my day :’) my schedule has just been very hectic these days huhu and yeas that ends my rant~ see ya’ll next week! :* and yes, the waiting list is still open :)
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intheticklecloset · 3 years
Smile Like Crazy (My Hero Academia)
Primary Universe
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YES!! I love Shinsou! I’ve started reading the manga from where season four ends and I’m only a few chapters in, but I already love this quiet loner boy so much! He definitely deserves tickles! Enjoy! ^^
“So, what made you want to transfer into the hero course?” Denki asked Shinsou one afternoon. They’d run into each other on their way to their separate dorms, and after talking for a little bit had settled on a patch of grass to continue their conversation. For all his talk about not wanting to make friends, the new kid seemed willing to hang out when invited to. “I mean, don’t get me wrong! You’re really cool and you’ve definitely got what it takes to keep up with the rest of us. I just know that you started out in support. So what made you change your mind?”
Shinsou was silent for a bit, contemplating. Denki waited patiently for him to gather his thoughts. One thing he was learning about the quiet student from 1-C was that if he didn’t answer right away, it didn’t mean he hadn’t heard you. It just meant he was figuring out how best to reply.
“Truthfully, it’s more like I changed my mind about being in support.” Shinsou’s voice was low and soft. “I’ve wanted to be a hero my whole life. It’s just that people always saw my quirk as a threat, not a gift. Many have told me I have a villain’s quirk.”
Denki sat up, appalled on his friend’s behalf. “Dude, seriously? What the heck?”
“I joined the support class because I let them convince me they were right.” Shinsou frowned. “But the more the League of Villains acts up, the more I want to prove to everyone that I’m not one of them. I never have been and never will be. I want to join the hero course because it’s what I wanted to do in the first place.”
There was silence for a brief moment. Then Denki nudged Shinsou. “Good choice, man. I knew you were cool for a reason. That’s a great origin story.”
Shinsou’s lips tugged upward in the hint of a smile. “Origin story, huh?”
“Sure! All heroes have one. You included.”
Denki smoothly transitioned into his next question. “Do you have friends in the support class? What do they think of your wanting to transfer?”
The hint of a smile was gone. “No.”
“Wait…you don’t have any friends? At all? What about outside of school?”
“Not really.”
“And you don’t want to make any now? Why not?”
Shinsou looked away. “I’ve never needed them before.”
“Everyone needs friends. Even cool loner guys like you.” Denki nudged him again. “Looks to me like you’re making friends whether you want to or not, though, right? I mean, look at us hanging out right now.”
“I wasn’t trying to make friends,” Shinsou admitted, “but I’m not going to actively stop myself from it if it happens naturally. I wouldn’t mind friends. I’m just no good at getting people to want to be around me.”
“Well, you’re doing perfectly fine with me!”
“Midoriya seems insistent to become my friend as well. Everyone else appears content to leave me be until I’m officially in their league.”
Denki shook his head. “Nah, man, they just want to give you space. You said right off the bat you didn’t want to be friends with anyone, and you spend a lot of time alone. They just don’t want to force themselves on you, that’s all. But hey! You start hanging out with us all more, and soon you’ll get the complete Class 1-A initiation. It’ll be awesome!”
“Class 1-A initiation?” Shinsou glanced at him. “You have that? When has anyone else tried to join your class?”
“Maybe initiation wasn’t the right word.” Denki hummed thoughtfully. “Welcome package? Friendship sealer?”
“What are you talking about?”
“I’m not entirely sure myself.” The electric hero laughed. “But you’ll fit right in, trust me.”
“If you say so.”
Again, Denki transitioned smoothly. “So what kind of stuff do you like to do?”
Shinsou seemed caught off-guard. “Like, in my free time?”
“Of course.”
“Um.” The purple-haired boy hesitated. “I don’t know. I read a lot.”
“Because you spend a lot of time alone?”
Shinsou glanced away and shrugged.
Denki nudged him again. “Come on, dude! What’s something you really love? Something that makes you smile like crazy?”
Suddenly Shinsou seemed flustered. “I…don’t know. Why do you keep doing that?”
“Doing what?”
“You keep pushing me.”
“It’s a friendly push.” Denki did it again. “See? Like, ‘hey, I’m here for you,’ or ‘hey, I like hanging out with you.’ So out with it! There’s got to be something you’re passionate about.”
“I’m passionate about becoming a hero.”
Kaminari leaned forward. “What if we could find a way to get you some field work? Like the kind of stuff we do for class?” That got a reaction. Shinsou’s eyes lit up, though his expression didn’t change. Denki pointed at him. “Aha! There we go! We really should find a way to make that happen for you.”
“That would be awesome,” Shinsou admitted quietly, glancing away again.
Kaminari couldn’t help himself. He poked his friend’s side while he wasn’t looking, grinning when Shinsou jumped and whirled to face him head-on for the first time. “Uh-oh.”
“What?” Shinsou sounded nervous. “What was that for?”
“Are you ticklish at all, Shinsou?”
Dead silence.
Shinsou blinked, glancing at Denki’s hands, then back up at him. “I…um…”
“It’s a simple question.”
Denki reached forward and barely managed to scribble along Shinsou’s side before the taller boy was scrambling back, his eyes wide but – astonishingly to Denki – with a nervous smile on his face. He also noticed the usually quiet kid wasn’t trying to run while he had the chance. Something leapt in his chest.
“All right, then, next question.” Kaminari started to crawl forward. “Do you like being tickled?”
Shinsou’s face went hot pink. “K-Kaminari, h-hold on a s-second…”
“It’s a simple question.” Denki was practically looming over him now, and still Shinsou wasn’t moving away.
“W-Where is this coming from?” He sputtered.
“It’s habit at this point.”
“What do you mean?”
“It’s kind of a thing in our class.” Denki reached down and pinched his side, grinning at the single giggle he got in response.
“A thing? What…?” Shinsou giggled again, curling up when Kaminari kept at it this time. “Whahahahahat kind of thihihihing?”
“You know! A thing!” Denki replied just to mess with him, using both hands to scribble along his sides and stomach. “Like, we tickle each other a lot? Because we’re friends and we like making each other laugh? That kind of thing.”
“Ahahahahahall of you?”
“Most of us, yeah. And just think – if you start hanging out with us more you can be involved in all of the tickle fighting we do! Sound fun?”
“I…I dohohohohohon’t knohow…”
Denki moved up to his ribs, smirking when Shinsou yelped and started giggling more frantically. “Yeah, you do.”
“Kahahahaminari!” Shinsou squeaked, grinning uncontrollably. He squirmed but didn’t really try to push the electric hero away. “Wahahahahahait!”
“You do like being tickled, don’t you?” Denki teased, going a little harder. “I can see it in your eyes.”
“Don’t question my brilliance. Just accept it.” Kaminari then straddled his new friend and moved up to his underarms. “Tickle, tickle, tickle~”
“Gah! N-Nohohohohohoho, wahahahahahait!” Shinsou dissolved into hysterical giggles. He pushed weakly at Kami’s hands, squirming and blushing but smiling unabashedly all the while. “Wait, Kahahahahahaminari!”
“Wait for what, exactly? Are you planning to tell me your spot? That would be a nice change of pace.”
Denki laughed. “You know, your spot.” He moved even further up, trying Shinsou’s neck and ears, pleasantly surprised when the purple-haired boy squealed and scrunched up his shoulders. “The spot that makes you really, really laugh. The spot that tickles so bad you almost can’t stand it. You’ve got to have one.”
Shinsou finally reached up to pull Denki’s hands away from his neck, still giggling breathlessly. “This is…this is all happening so fast. I wasn’t prepared for this.”
Kaminari smiled, but took the opportunity to check in. “Is this okay? I got a little excited when you reacted so well, but I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“It’s okay,” Shinsou confirmed, seeming actually shy rather than just quiet for the first time. “I don’t mind. It’s just…I haven’t been tickled in years. I was kind of thinking I never would be again.”
“Think again, my friend!” Kaminari hooked his fingers into Shinsou’s hips. “You’re hanging with the Class 1-A tickle monsters now!”
“ACK!! NO!! NONONONO KAHAHAHAHAMINARI NOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!” Shinsou shrieked, tossing his head back with unrestrained laughter. It was, Denki had to admit, the best thing he’d ever heard in his life. Well, right after Bakugou’s laughter, anyway.
“Ooh, is this your spot?” Denki kneaded his thumbs into the hipbones, laughing along with his friend. “Seems like it to me! You share a death spot with Midoriya. That’s awesome!”
“STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP, PLEASE, KAHAHAHAHAMINARI!!” Shinsou writhed helplessly on the ground, his laughter completely genuine and uncontrollable. He tried to pry Denki’s hands from his hips, but being unable to do so only made it tickle more. “PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE!! NOT THEHEHEHEHEHEHERE!!”
Kaminari laughed again. “You even sound like him when you’re tickled here!”
For several moments, it seemed Shinsou was lost to his own hysterics, laughter spilling out of him in loud, frantic, mirthful waves. He dug his heels into the ground and tried to stifle himself out of habit, but found that Denki would relentlessly drill harder into his worst spot every time he tried, leaving him no choice but to be open about how much fun he was having.
Denki grinned widely at his friend. It was rewarding to help him loosen up and laugh like this. He hummed. “I wonder how you’d like my tickle-shocks?”
For a split second the intense sensations vanished, leaving Shinsou to process what Kami had said only seconds after the fact, when he felt fingers grazing his bare skin. “T-Tihihickle wha-AHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! AAAIIIEEEEEEEEEE!!” Suddenly the ticklish feeling was back, only far more intense than it had been the first time, and Shinsou very nearly lost his mind laughing so hard. “STOPSTOPSTOP PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE HAHAHAHAHAHAVE MEHEHERCY!! KAMINARIHIHIHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEEEEE!!!”
Denki laughed so hard at Shinsou’s reaction to his tickle-shocks that he had to stop just so he wouldn’t fall over and crush him on the ground. He rolled off of his friend and lay beside him in the grass, giggling words out as best he could. “T-Thahahahaht was the behehehest thing I’ve ehehehever heard, Shinsou!”
Shinsou, for his part, lay panting for breath, still giggling himself. “Thahaht was…the worst thihihihing…I’ve ever enduhuhured…in my life!” He turned his head to Denki, who was already beaming at him. “What was that?”
“My tickle-shocks!” Denki explained proudly, rolling onto his side and propping himself up on an elbow. “I tried it out on Kirishima once a while ago, and it worked so well I just started doing it to other people when I got into tickle fights. It’s an unbeatable attack! Nobody can ever stand it for more than a few seconds.”
Shinsou laughed – on his own this time – and then let out a huge sigh, glancing up at the clouds. “You know, when you asked me what I really liked – what made me smile like crazy – I was afraid to tell you it was this. Tickling.” He smiled. “But if the rest of you all are doing it, why not be part of it? Right?”
“Exactly!” Kaminari smiled back, feeling a warmth in his chest at this unexpected bonding with a new friend. “And don’t worry about the rest of the class. Plenty of us enjoy it to some degree or another. You’ll be in great company.”
Shinsou grinned at him, and Denki couldn’t help but think how refreshing it was to see such a genuinely happy reaction from someone who was usually so quiet and stoic. “I can’t wait.”
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batsupes-love · 4 years
My DC Fanfics
Ancient Age - Joker x Batman. Omegaverse.  WIP -  Rated: Explicit Summary: Memories of ancient days long since passed are triggered. Memories one man doesn't want to remember and that confuses another. Memories stir of long ago when monarchies did reign before that of a lovers woe his wrath unable to contain did the blood of enemies flow his anguished cry full of disdain for they'd dealt a fatal blow and so he grew beyond insane Shining in the Dark - Joker x Batman. Elseworld AU. Omegaverse. WIP -  Rated: Explicit   Summary: Bruce Wayne, too, has survived the world after a missile attack though he was buried alive - unknowingly - by one of his superfriends that doesn't stop him from his quest. Simply survive and learn all that he can about his new world despite the pain of loss. However, there is the little thing niggling at him. If there are no Omega's who survived, a protandrous individual like himself might just wind up in trouble he never imagined he would. His Unsettling Demands - Joker x Batman. WIP -  Rated: Explicit   Summary: Bruce Wayne gets a disturbing call from the new director of Arkham Asylum in regards to The Joker. When The Joker makes his demands known, what lengths is Bruce Wayne really willing to go to, to ensure The Joker does not escape? Voyeuristic Gals - Ivy x Harley. COMPLETE Rated: Explicit Summary: Poison Ivy and her lover Harley Quinn have stolen some very private videos featuring The Joker and Bruce Wayne|Batman. The two lovely ladies delight in each other's bodies while watching and commenting on the rather risque video footage. Unsettling Urges - Lex Luthor x Superman. WIP -  Rated: Explicit   Summary: Superman, after a minor argument with his friend Batman at Nightwing's twentieth birthday party he returns to Metropolis with Lex Luthor on his mind in a way which confounds him. Then overhearing a strange conversation he decides to pay his arch-nemesis a visit, and follow through on his Gotham friends out of the blue suggestion. Unsettling Riddle - Riddler x Nightwing. WIP -  Rated: Explicit   Summary: After helping out with renovations at Arkham Asylum, where The Riddler helped keep him from injury, he's decided to offer a hand in friendship, or... is it more? Unsettling Shores - Black Manta x Aquaman. WIP -  Rated: Explicit   Summary: After a late evening meeting with the Justice League and the 'strange' events that took place there, Aquaman decides to take refuge on a small deserted beach and give himself some time alone having been aroused thanks to the 'display' of a certain pair of couples that just didn't seem able to keep their hands off of each other. Though his interest isn't in them they did set off something. Unsettling Pursuit - Lobo x Kon-El. WIP Rated: Explicit   Summary: Conner goes for a flight after getting an eyeful of his friend Dick Grayson and The Riddler during one of their role-play sessions. He's feeling a bit embarrassed and just wondering about the Kryptonian side of his biology when the space traveling bounty hunter who rides a space-hog descends from the sky to speak with him. Is Lobo hitting on him!? Cruise Calamity Capers - Batman x Superman. COMPLETE -  Rated: Explicit   Summary: When a new owner purchased The Daily Planet, Clark Kent is sent on a five-day cruise. It wouldn't be so bad if an Alpha hadn't been booked into the same cabin as him while he's nearing his heat. And not just any Alpha, but a well-known playboy. But Clark finds he's not as terrible as he thought. Unfortunately, there happen to be trouble afoot and more secrets than that of hiding an omega status.
Caught by Surprise - Batman x Superman. COMPLETE - Rated: Explicit   Summary: Clark has been married for some years now. But his spouse doesn't know he's Superman and decides to punish him. Which makes things awkward at the Watchtower when it's just him and Batman's turn for Monitor duty. You’re My Destiny - Batman x Superman. Sequel to Loved You to the Last. WIP Rated: Summary: Clark Kent didn't have a soulmate, or at least he didn't think so, because he didn't have a soul mark. The humans of Earth were born with their soul marks. He hadn't been. None of his relationships lasted. Humans wanted their soulmates.Bruce Wayne was born without a soul mark. He thought it was because the Universe knew what would happen to his parents and so he didn't deserve one for not being able to save them. But then one day a mark appeared. Instead of being elated, he cursed the Universe for its bad joke. Loved You to the Last - Batman x Superman. COMPLETE - Rated: T Summary: Clark Kent loved Bruce Wayne. It was a Universal Truth. Except for as long as the Earth's Sun was Yellow, Clark could not die. But Bruce was never far from Clark's thoughts throughout the eons he lived until finally the sun turned Red. Take My Hand - Batman x Superman. COMPLETE - Rated: T Summary: Before the horrid evening in which Thomas and Martha Wayne lost their lives, their son Bruce was told of a decision his father had made which would change the course of part of his life. And so began his yearly summer vacation at a farm in Kansas. Brighter Than Gold - Batman x Superman. COMPLETE - Rated: T Summary:  Even though they're now engaged, Bruce still has some reservations. Clark isn't too happy about this and asks some difficult questions. To Dream Again - Batman x Superman. Omegaverse. WIP - Rated: Explicit Summary: Lois has just dropped a bombshell on Clark after five years of marriage and the miracle that is their son, Jon. Unable to stand the thought of going to their apartment even during his week off of work, he visits Wayne Manor where Jon is being babysat by the Wayne family and his elder adopted siblings. A Sky Full of Stars - Omegaverse. WIP - Rated:  Summary: The King of Krypton and his family find themselves in dire circumstances as one of their top Generals turns on them and orders an assassination. Only the King's brother may be able to help keep the young prince's safe by leaving the lands of Krypton for those outside the veil. Gotham, one of Earth's great kingdom's soon faces a tragedy of it's own and it's two young princes will have to learn how to deal with the nightmares the traumatic scene instilled in them. But can they let it go, or will the thirst for vengeance be all that keeps them going? Feel Again - Batman x Superman WIP - Rated: Summary: Superman is visited by his future self who asks him the impossible. Of course, he decides to go along with it, until he doesn't. His path takes a very different direction than that of his other self, or even what his other self had planned. Will he manage to befriend Batman, or just make things worse? Ultraman’s Dilemma - Owlman x Ultraman. WIP - Rated: Explicit   Summary: Ultraman had no idea what was happening, until he did, and then he was filled with rage. Not that he could do anything about that rage. Of course Owlman had to take advantage of his weakness. And there was only one way Ultraman could think of to get back at the bastard. Mine Tonight - Batman x Superman. COMPLETE - Rated: Explicit   Summary: Superman is tired of denying his feelings for Batman. It doesn't matter that they don't know each others identities. When he makes up his mind to confront Batman with his needs, he finds Batman has found some incriminating evidence. I’m in Love with an Angel - Batman x Superman. WIP - Summary: Clark can't believe that Bruce is being taken away from him. Again. However a chance is soon offered to him that will keep him in Bruce's life. But he learns some unexpected details along the way. Legend of Valors Echo - Batman x Superman. WIP - Summary: Clark Kent has entered the game, Legend of Valors Echo, and one of it's long time players who preferred to do just about everything alone needs help with a quest. Paranormal Phenomena Investigators - Bruce Wayne x Clark Kent. WIP - Summary: Bruce Wayne, a doctor who works for a government agency has just been assigned a new partner after years of not having one. Just, why did it have to be someone with eccentric beliefs?Clark Kent has no idea about who, or what he is. He's just a rookie at a government agency who just happens to be interested in all things not of the Earth. Potential Disaster Averted - Bruce Wayne x Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: M Summary:  Bruce wakes up and discovers he's not alone. But it's who is in his bed that has him wondering what happened. Invisible Chains - Bruce Wayne x Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: E for Explicit Summary: With Jonathan "Pa" Kent gone, they can't make the payments to the bank. But the bank is now owned by a notorious mafia family. The boss of which is visiting the Kent family farm household and when Clark walks in, things spiral out of control from there. Written for Superbat Week 2020 Day 7 Prompt, Mafia AU. Taking Chances - Bruce Wayne x Clark Kent. COMPLETE -  Rated:  Summary: One hero decides it's time to take another chance on love. Another hero is the target of his heart. Written for Superbat Week 2020 Day 6 Prompt, Blindfold All of You - Bruce Wayne x Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Explicit Summary: Co-written with Leo_Our_Queen. Clark has been hiding something and Bruce is determined to get to the bottom of it. But once Bruce learns what it is, he just can't help himself from invading Clark's privacy. The whole ordeal leads to serious confrontation but an understanding revelation. Written for Superbat Week 2020 Day 5 Prompt, Free Day.
Backward in Time - Bruce Wayne x Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: T Summary: Batman finds himself two years into the past. Before one awful eventful day. What will happen to his determination to put an end to the alien threat as new lessons are learned? Written for Superbat Week 2020 Day 4 Prompt, Time Travel.
Only For Master - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Explicit Summary: They do not fall to their knees for a villain, only for their master. Together he and Master thwart the villain and reassert their roles in the privacy of one of their lairs. Written for Superbat Week 2020 Day 3 Prompt, On your knees.
Cutting the Red Tape - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: T Summary: Bruce Wayne, in order to cut through some red tape is in need of a relationship, but no one he currently knows seems suitable. That is until he bumps into someone who may be just the ticket. Written for Superbat Week 2020, Day 2 Prompt - Fake Dating.
Nightbright Brothel - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Explicit Summary: One member of the Justice League thinks there's something shady with the latest brothel to popup on the outskirts of their city. What they learn is something unexpected and they're not sure if they like this new information or not. Day 1 of Superbat Week 2020 - Day 1 - A/B/O
For Your Sake - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Explicit Summary: I helped Leo write a portion of this. It was so fun working with them. Batman has discovered something affecting the health and wellbeing of Clark and seeks answers to help him. The knowledge he gains leads to him giving into instincts he may otherwise have tried to ignore. Got You in My Sights - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. WIP - Rated: Explicit Summary: Omega's have gone extinct upon the Earth, but one may wonder if that is truly the case and if it is, why? But no matter how one lonely Alpha tries to find a reason for it, and even a cure, he's got other responsibilities. His mission. And one of his missions is to see to it that a certain extra-terrestrial wasn't going to become a problem once it came to light that there was one among them. Close Enough to Kryptonian - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Explicit Summary: Kal-El was sent on a diplomatic mission to Earth. He hadn't expected to receive the call he had, or to go into heat while away from home. Written with JusticePlague who did the majority of the writing. Temptation at the Gala - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Explicit Summary: This was written for the Batsupes Secret Valentines Exchange event of 2021.1. Prompt: DCEU: BVS - Bruce and Clark bang in an empty room at Luthor's gala *Rating of Fic Preferred: * Explicit Up to Four Deal-Breakers: Bottom Bruce, choking, deepthroating I especially enjoy: Daddy kink, d/s dynamics, mirror sex, rough sex Reward for a Good Man - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Explicit Summary: Clark's day was horrific, but he hadn't expected to meet someone with some integrity at the place he'd wound up. Child From Another Universe - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Teen Summary: I was a Batsupes Secret Valentines Exchange pinch-hitter for the following prompt.12. Prompt: There‘s a child that looks suspiciously like them and the kid says they fled from a universe where their parents died and now need a new home???? Rating of Fic Preferred: any and all! I enjoy whatever! Up to Four Deal-Breakers: I especially enjoy: fluff, seeing my favourite characters cry, bruce and clark actually being able to show feelings..... (if you decide to go for smut, I do enjoy some of the more harmless/usual kinks. Bondage, spanking, daddy, stuff like that. Generally stuff that makes people feel /safe/ and /loved/, too, by giving them attention.)There is also the addition of the Bottom Clark 2021 prompt for Day 54 which is "Grief". Good End to a Bad Day - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Mature Summary: After a soul-wrenching search and rescue due to a natural disaster, Superman overhears something he wasn't meant to. One Dark Valentine Night - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Teen Summary: Clark wished he'd known at the beginning of Bruce's visit. When Idiots Give Flowers - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Explicit Summary: Clark just wanted revenge, how did it end up like this?Or:That time an idiot gives another idiot flowers in the most annoying way possible. So the other Idiot must get revenge and it blows up in his face. Written with JusticePlague. Concerned and Caring - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Teen Summary: Batman watched in horror as Superman plummeted from the sky, and is determined to help in regards to recovery. Not Really a Boyscout - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Explicit Summary: Clark flustered Bruce. Bruce couldn't ever let Arthur win. Really, they had Barry to thank. JusticePlague wrote the majority of this one. It Started as a Simple Netflix ‘n’ Chill Date - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Teen Summary: Batman watched in horror as Superman plummeted from the sky, and is determined to help in regards to recovery. Happy Ironing - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Teen Summary:  Bruce has a rather important reason to take a break from being Batman. He has to do something while hiding at home. At least Clark is there, when he's not called out on a mission himself. Romantic Date Plans Gone Wrong - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Explicit Summary:   Like it says on the tin, any romantic plans Bruce and Clark have had of late have just gone wrong for one reason, or another. That doesn't stop them from trying again of course. Hot Coffee Break - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Explicit Summary:   During Bruce Wayne's coffee break a surprise visitor drops on by and things get a bit out of hand. There's also the surprise news his visitor can't wait to tell him. Love at Second Attempted Murder - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Teen Summary:   Batman and Superman have a problem with each other. It takes an inopportune moment due to worrisome news for them to learn that neither is as bad as they seem. Consummation - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Explicit Summary:   Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent begin their new lives together. Shooting Stars - Jonathan ‘Pa’ Kent/Martha Kent COMPLETE - Rated: Gen Summary:  The night the Kent’s dream came true. Caw Rok - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Explicit Summary:   When Superman starts hearing strange things the closer Samhain approaches, he speaks with the league and Batman decides that the two of them should investigate. Little do they know what tests they'll be put through. If they fail they may forever be trapped, or worse, lose their very lives. What Has to be Done - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Explicit Summary:   When they meet a discovery is made that may just keep the people safe, though it is not without its cost. Gotham’s Lost Hope - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. WIP - Rated: Explicit Summary:    Gotham, a living entity decides to give their most favorite a gift, only for that gift to be lost and with it the hope of the city. Moonlight - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Mature Summary:   Underneath the Moonlight a pair of lovers meet. Trapped - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Mature Summary:   Superman is trapped by his arch-nemesis. It's up to someone else to save him from whatever plans said arch-nemesis has in mind. Proposal on Ice - Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent. COMPLETE - Rated: Mature Summary:   Clark is nervous at the ice rink, because he has an important question to ask, but that doesn't mean he'll get the answer he seeks, does it? After I Win - Darkseid/Suprman. WIP - Rated: Explicit Summary: Darkseid sets his eyes not on Earth, but on its mightiest guardian, Superman. A Superseid fic. Engulphed - Batman/Suprman. COMPLETE - Rated: Explicit Summary:  Clark tries to hide in the Fortress of Solitude when things get a bit strange, but they only get weirder. Luckily for him there's someone willing to stick it out with him despite any oddity he might find he has.
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aty-altiria · 4 years
The Need For Sleep.
No 23. WHAT’S A WHUMPEE GOTTA DO TO GET SOME SLEEP AROUND HERE? Exhaustion | Narcolepsy | Sleep Deprivation
Word count: 1309
Universe: Harry Potter, Boku No Hero Academia
Pairings: Fem!Harry/Keigo Takami (Hawks)
Themes: Exhaustion, burns, potential manga spoilers
Summary: Keigo had been on ‘that’ mission for weeks, so Holly was relatively surprised when he stumbled into their bedroom covered in brutal bloody wounds and missing half the feathers he usually carried around. Still, surprise wasn’t going to stop her from helping him. 
Holly had her knees up to her chest, phone resting on them, and her hands lose on the case when he walked in.
She had been relaxing at the time, winding down after her day. Holly had already eaten, had taken a bath, and was soon ready to sleep once she finished the latest chapter. Truthfully, if Holly was honest, she hadn't actually expected Keigo to return home that night at all.
Keigo had been working; he had warned her that it was undercover work. Though Holly didn't understand why a popular rescue hero like Keigo was doing undercover work instead of an underground hero. Still, regardless of her concerns, Keigo had followed orders and warned her he wouldn't be around for a while. He did this out of concern for her because Keigo would absolutely be followed around. He had no desire to bring villains anywhere near her.
So no, Holly wasn't expecting Keigo. Not until he staggered into their room.
Holly snapped her eyes up when the door opened. She tightened her grip on her magic even though her ward's hadn't been set off by the 'intruder.' As she looked up, she saw a hand slap down on her door; its owner staggered and put all his weight on the wood as if he couldn't hold himself up without it. Truthfully, Keigo couldn't.
Holly's magic released in a weak wheeze as she took in red feathers and Keigo's hero uniform, which was shredded.
Her phone was tossed to the side before she looked much further than that. As she crossed the room at a rush, Holly took in the severe burns haphazardly bandaged across Keigo's side, face, and back. She took in the lack of feathers, all of which Holly knew Keigo would have to regrow. Then the smeared makeup, his shattered glasses hanging at his neck, and the expression on his face.
Keigo looked like he'd been put through a shredder. He looked ready to drop. Looked a step away from bursting into tears because he was just that tired. He looked as though a strong wind could knock him on his ass. And he looked at her with a barely disguised plea for her to help. A moment later, Holly took his free arm and allowed Keigo to drop his weight onto her. Holly didn't buckle; she braced him without faltering.
"Have you seen a doctor?" was Holly's first question.
Keigo dropped his head in a shallow nod, which looked more like he'd just dropped as he couldn't lift his head afterwards, then he grunted, too tired to do much more as Holly escorted him to their bed.
"You ran from the hospital, didn't you?" Keigo turned with her promptly and fell onto the end of their bed. His upper body sagged as he took the weight off of it, and he dropped his head into Holly's stomach.
"Wanted to be home," Keigo mumbled into her pajama shirt, confirming her guess. Which meant he had probably fled the hospital the moment he was out of sight. He'd probably sent several doctors into a panicked rush when they'd realized, much like Holly had done to Pomfrey a time or two. Keigo had also probably flown the entire way home even with his wings in their current state, all to get home; Holly was flattered on top of annoyed. She could have saved him the journey if he'd just texted her.
"Let's get this off." She nudged at his undershirt, which was nothing but the crispy remains of whatever battle he'd been in. They'd have to toss it. Getting the thing over Keigo's wings and arms quickly proved to be too challenging. Holly decided to just skip the effort and brushed her fingers along the ends. From the bottom, Holly cut the shirt straight off with a small cutting charm, and Keigo released a sound of relief when he didn't have to hold up his arms. The shirt was tossed to the side, and Holly worked her way down to his pants. Keigo rested his head on her shoulder as she shifted and got his boots off. As she revealed more skin, Holly realized Keigo's burns were worse than she initially assumed. Holly also realized that Keigo likely shouldn't have left the hospital in his state. Still, she wasn't going to rat him out. Holly could handle burns just fine herself.
"Accio burn-paste."
A jar slapped into her palm as she maneuvered Keigo once more. "Come here, lay down."
It was a struggle. Keigo was all but unconscious by that point. He moved only because she was attempting to get him fully in their bed before applying the burn paste. The effort hurt her heart. Every shift made caused Keigo groan or whimper. His hands flexed on hers as he struggled into position. The remains of his wings were all but quivering from the pain he was in. Thankfully, they eventually managed, and Holly opened the burn paste.
Starting with Keigo's back, she got to work; she rubbed a liberal amount of the paste into his skin. Holly didn't know the cause of the brutal burns, but she could assume considering what the news had been screaming about for the last forty-eight hours. Holly could guess it was likely the villain Dabi that had done it, which meant Keigo had been undercover with the bloody league of villains.
It seemed she was going to have to have a word with the hero commission. This was not going to stand- Keigo reached up and brushed a hand along her brow. Holly's gaze snapped from the mess at his hip to his face, and she smiled despite herself at the utterly warm look in his eyes.
"I missed you... kid."
Holly smiled fondly at her pet name. A fond smile that grew when Keigo rubbed at the furrow in her brow. He was exhausted, nearly dead to the world, but he still gave her such a look of love that her heart was near about fit to burst.
"I missed you too." She shifted to get her hands closer to his shoulder when the burns spread out. "so much so that I think it's time for a proper vacation." Holly would get Keigo away from the country for a bit, to get him to stop and rest for once. "Molly has been wanting to meet you, and I haven't seen Teddy in a while."
Keigo smiled even as his eyes fluttered closed; Holly kept talking anyway. "unless you'd prefer going somewhere warm? I know birds like flying south for the winter." Not to mention Keigo had never once been out of Japan; the commission hadn't allowed it... well, they didn't need to know. They couldn't track a portkey after all.
"' Wanna meet Teddy," Keigo mumbled, "sounds nice..." and trailed off. Asleep then.
Holly leaned back, debating. She didn't want to leave Keigo alone even if her ward's would protect his sleeping form. But that hero commission... now would be the best time to 'talk' to them-
A hand wrapped around hers as Keigo shuffled toward her in his sleep. Even unconscious, he sought for her, reached for her, tried to hold her. They'd both been touch starved when they met, Holly less so, but they had been. So now, neither she nor Keigo resisted when the other was craving touch.
The commission could wait.
"I'm here." Holly soothed and ran her free hand through Keigo's hair. "I'm right here." and she always would be.
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