#yuu and grim shenanigans
simple-dark-eyes · 5 months
*In Ramshackle at 3:00 AM during one of Grim's zoomies.*
Yuu: You're very tiny and cute, but you're too dang rowdy!
Grim: I got the zoomies! I SHALL NEVER CEASE!!! *runs circles around the room and jumps on the bed* I'M GONNA- huh 💤.
Yuu: *smiles and tucks him in* 💤
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crystalrabbit246912 · 2 months
First-Year Camping Trip
Over Spring Break or like, a four-day weekend, the first-years decide to head out on a camping trip!
(I know that all of the first-years other than Ortho were at Camp Vargas 1, but we all know how that went and there were other people and no Ortho. This is just the first-years.)
So they get their permission (Ace and Deuce ask Trey, Jack doesn't need to really, because Leona and Ruggie are in charge there for some reason, Epel asks Rook, Idia would say yes to anything Ortho asked if he was persistent enough, Sebek would ask Lilia, and Yuu's in charge of themselves and Grim at Ramshackle) and head out via the Dark Mirror.
It took them a lot of arguing to pick their location and Yuu asked Jade because they were the only one willing to do so, for some advice, since he's camped out before on weekends for his club activities, and it took them entirely too long (like a whole week of afternoons full of arguments at Ramshackle), but eventually they decided on somewhere similar to Camp Vargas, which meant a forest with a lake nearby, but thankfully no mine with Overblot Phantoms inside.
So they find a nice clearing to set up their tents, which they borrowed off Coach Vargas by saying they were going to train while they were camping, and the arrangements are as follows: Jack with Epel and Sebek with Ortho, because the largest people need to be with the smallest, or else they would take up one tent individually, Ace and Deuce because Ace was lazy and decided that sharing with Deuce would be worth not having to put up his own tent, though he definitely provided commentary while watching him, and Yuu and Grim because they were the only ones left and also Yuu was the only one willing to put up with Grim's snoring.
Now, onto the shennanigans!
They brought food, like sausages to grill over their campfire, which Epel is especially enthused by, and supplies for s'mores, but Jack decided to do some fishing and Epel wanted to join in because fishing is a manly activity, apparently.
So they got some fish and Yuu, because they have to be capable of cooking if they're surviving in Ramshackle with Grim, who absolutely cannot cook, and the ghosts, who don't have physical forms, and Jack, maybe Epel if he was taught to in Harveston, cook it somehow, in a simple way, because none of them are that good that cooking, (also I don't know much about cooking, if you couldn't tell) and they want to relax.
Jack and Sebek somehow get into some kind of physical competition, like a push-up competition or tree/cliff climbing, or a race, and the others have no clue how it happened, so they're watching the two of the only members of the group with actual, functioning braincells doing crazy things. Epel and Deuce's eyes are sparkling at the 'manliness' while Ortho is inputting the data he's acquiring into his database while Yuu and Ace just stare in shock.
Ace and Deuce's tent collapse on them multiple times, but it's always put back up haphazardly. On the final day, it collapsed on them in their sleep, but they stay asleep and the others think that they've already woken up and collapsed their tent, so they're the last to wake up.
Vil and Rook forced Epel to bring his skincare stuff and makeup, but he utterly disregards their instructions for him to use it aside from the bug spray, so he just has a giant extra bag full of the stuff they gave him sitting in his tent that he refuses to touch. (He's in for a large scolding once he gets back)
Ace and Deuce also get into the kind of trouble that you'd normally only see on a comedy show or anime and the others have to bail them out of it, like they somehow anger a bear, fall into the lake and get stuck in the mud, trip and roll down a mountain into a pile of animal dung, etc.
Grim demands food and attention every time he speaks, which happens rather a lot, while Yuu just stands there like a tired parents, sometimes fulfilling his demands while other times smacking him on the nose with a stick that they picked up of the ground and kept on them for behavioral purposes.
Epel and Deuce ask Sebek to teach them how to mock-sword fight with sticks and he agrees while calling them humans and pretending like he doesn't care about them and at some time during the trip, the two clear an arena and duel while the others gather around them and shout tips, encouragement, or make fun of them (namely Ace and Grim for the last one)
Ortho charges via a solar powered charging port that he brought that he leaves out over the day and figured out how to charge while laying down in his sleeping bag so that he can feel like he's sleeping in a sleeping bag like everyone else.
Yuu finally gets a break from being the school's unofficial therapist, although they do have to break up fights between Ace and Deuce every so often and watch over Grim like the overworked parent they are, so that's good.
The freshmen end up a lot closer due to this trip, and whenever they bring up something that happened during it while their upperclassmen are around, they get immensely confused because context is greatly needed for every single incident mentioned. (Like Ace and/or Deuce getting teased for their comedy show incidents when Riddle's approaching them to scold them, Jack and Sebek arguing over who won their fitness contest right as Lilia/Silver/Ruggie drops by to pick one of the two up, everyone as a whole talking about how cool the sword fight was as any of the upperclassmen approach them, etc.)
Yuu also kept the stick that they kept hitting Grim with to discipline him and keep doing that.
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twisted-fishbaiit · 1 year
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No more child labor for u
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eli-chris · 9 months
ok random thing i came up with while cleaning the kitchen
what if, and hear me out, Yuu is technically as old as Lilia.
Ok my explaination for this would be (please bear with me im still all over the place with it and im tired), time in "our world" moves alot slower than it does it twst. This kinda goes with one of the plots ive come up with. It goes along the lines of a "child of the Seven" au and Alice!Yuu mixed together.
Further explaining yuu has been to Twst before when they were younger (kinda like Alice) and then they randomly stopped coming until the incident with the magic mirror. Now Yuu has met the Seven when they were younger, actually in a way the Seven looked out for Yuu while they were there (basically adopting them somehow), and kinda like OM! Yuu can "harness" the power of the Seven, but not in a "im so powerful fear me" way more like a "im so powerful that i cant even use my magic" way (idk if that makes sense).
But anyway because of this time difference Yuu can be old af in the Twst world but still very much barely and adult in ours.
I hope this makes at least some kind of sense. Like i said it was random but i hope you like it
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hauntdoesthetwist · 1 year
thinking about: Vlogging Yuu
pretend yuu gets a phone when they start off in twisted wonderland
it starts off mostly for themselves and to show to friends when they get home, but they start making random magicam videos about their life at NRC. they did not expect people to find them, much less be so interested in them
part of the appeal is their unique situation: a magicless student in NRC is odd enough, not to mention the isekai, sharing a student slot with a cat weasel grim, and having to clean up nearly every mess on campus. a larger part tho is how nonchalant they are about all of this. y'know the dog in fire meme? that's them
just imagine their video about bedtime at ramshackle
Yuu: Goodnight Grim
Grim: *already out cold*
Yuu: Goodnight ghosts A thru C
Ghosts: Goodnight!
Yuu: Goodnight guy who just appears in my yard at random
*pan to empty yard*
Yuu: Ah, not tonight I guess. Goodnight giant mouse living in my mirror I can only talk to in my dreams
everyone either thinks they're either going insane or is massively concerned for their safety
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Dancing 'til the break of dawn - Pt4
(TWST zombie apocalypse au for all your crack-fic needs)
Deuce frowned at Ace. He did this a lot, but this time it was targeted. Ace was wearing socks, and they were tracking blood everywhere. It was pretty gross. No one likes wet socks, and bloody ones must be even worse. He should really change.
Of course, if either of them were sane they would be wearing shoes, it is the apocalypse and there is who knows what all over the ground, but fine, it was their funeral, Yuu supposes.
Either way, the barefoot Deuce was very annoyed by the bloodied floors.
“Dude, the floor is dirty enough without your bullsh –... help,” Deuce said.
Yuu wasn’t sure how to feel about this brewing argument. It was – probably – better than the ‘cannibalism is bad and here is why you should care’ vs ‘fuck you’ one that usually took place. But, really, he would prefer that they would both just stop fighting in general.
“Don’t be a fucking cop,” groaned Ace.
Deuce’s eyes lit up. “You think I’m like a cop?”
“That’s not a compliment.”
“Well, anything you think is bad is probably good,” Deuce sniffed.
Yuu had to give it to him, he had a point.
“Just take off your socks,” said Deuce.
“No. You should put on socks.”
“Yuu, do you want to weigh in on this?” Deuce asked.
While Yuu could appreciate the self-awareness Deuce was displaying by admitting that the argument was going nowhere, he absolutely did not want to be the tiebreaker. He hates being the tiebreaker.
“Yuu wears shoes in bed like a fucking psychopath, do you really want his opinion?”
Hey! His opinion was going to be so correct, but now they won’t hear it because they were mean.
Yuu huffed. “Sorry for being prepared in the case of an emergency.”
“Prepared to run, you mean?” Ace said.
He threw his hands up in frustration. “I’m sorry I’m not down to commit murder! But fine, ask Grim or something.”
“Grim is a cat! He can’t speak! And, even if he could, he can’t wear socks!”
Oooooh… Yuu desperately wanted to get Grim some little socks. Or maybe some booties. That would be so cute. But what color goes with dark green? Blue, maybe? He picked up Grim and hugged him to his chest, mulling over the possibilities.
“Damn. We’ve lost him,” said Ace.
Yuu’s mood could not be ruined. He is going to find the cutest little outfit for his darling baby –.
But, it turns out that his mood absolutely could be ruined.
The bell above the door rang, jolting them out of their conversation rather abruptly. And then it kept ringing, as if the person who had accidentally tripped the wire had decided that they really liked the bell sound and were now purposefully kicking the line over and over again.
There was a sigh (A woman! They still exist!), and the sound suddenly stopped, replaced by loud, stomping footsteps as the person was, seemingly, dragged away from the device.
“... door is broken, but there’s still so much stuff here?” a deep voice said.
Ace sent Yuu a glare that Yuu was conveniently looking the other way for.
“There’s probably a zombie or two somewhere nearby,” the woman answered. “Or some really territorial survivors, judging by the bell.”
“But it wasn’t claimed in any way.”
“It might be abandoned, or they could be dead, but… we should be careful.”
They were talking pretty loudly for people trying to be careful, but sure.
The ‘really territorial survivors’ exchanged glances. These people sounded old (like, at least twenty or so, they were basically on their deathbeds), and even if their little group of four outnumbered them, the adults would likely have the advantage, seeing as they were fully comfortable in their bodies, where Deuce tended to stub his toe on every other thing because he wasn’t yet used to his height (another thing that would be solved if he wore shoes).
Which meant… leaving was the best option.
Of course, because it was the best option, Yuu was sure that it wasn’t going to happen. Ace needed this place in order to lure in fellow survivors. Which meant that they were stuck defending it.
Ugh. What a pain.
Okay, so if they were going to stay and fight, what should they do?
Ace pointed at Grim.
Yuu frowned and hugged his cat closer. He had taken advantage of the fact that Grim was a zombie before, for sure, but he tried to reserve that for particularly perilous situations. Grim was tiny, after all, and a good kick would really hurt him – and that wasn’t even taking into consideration that most survivors had weapons.
Ace’s shoulders heaved in a silent sigh, as if he was so very put upon by all of this, and totally wasn’t down to murder these people in cold blood.
Yuu called bullshit. If you’re going to be a murderer, at least be honest about it.
He didn’t argue it, though. Not really because he was mature and willing to let things lay, he just didn’t want to alert the intruders to the fact that they were there.
After a particularly long and complicated game of charades, they split up into groups of two. Ace took Grim, and Deuce took Yuu. No one was particularly happy about these matchups – admittedly, there weren’t many matchups that would end with anyone being happy – but they were what they were going with.
So, Yuu waved to his darling baby as Grim and Ace snuck away.
Deuce heaved a silent sigh and grabbed him by the wrist, dragging him off towards the man, whose head was peeking above the aisle, which thankfully made him pretty easy to locate.
Right before they could get to the man’s aisle, Yuu grabbed a can of soda and looped around to the other side.
He let the can roll into the man’s aisle, and then pretended to stumble-walk after it, whispering curses. He caught it, starting to straighten back up, only to ‘flinch’ when his eyes finally landed on the stranger.
The stranger didn’t look immediately malicious, but his loose grip on his knife did tighten. He smiled at Yuu, but there was a slightly condescending edge to it. “Didn’t know there were still teenagers.”
Deuce tiptoed behind the man. It took everything in Yuu not to look at him.
Yuu rubbed the back of his neck, smiling nervously. “Yeah, uh, this is kinda. My store? So. Leave? Please?”
The man chuckled, which was not the greatest of signs.
“Let me stock up on some stuff first, then I’ll be out of your hair.”
Deuce readied his bat.
Yuu sighed. “Well. I tried.”
The man looked, understandably, confused, but he didn’t get much time to think about it.
The woman screamed, and the man’s head jerked over. Deuce took the moment of distraction to hit him in the arm. The man’s knife slipped from his hand, and Yuu was quick to kick it out of reach.
Now, if there had been anyone up there who liked Yuu, the two adults would realize they were outnumbered and leave. But there wasn’t, and the man immediately turned to tackle Deuce.
Yuu watched, numbly, as the bat clattered to the ground and started to roll away.
The man’s hands locked around Deuce’s throat.
He glanced behind himself, towards the door.
Deuce scrabbled at his neck, trying to loosen the stranger’s grip, to no avail.
Yuu grabbed the bat –.
Ace rounded the corner, clutching his arm. “Does anyone else need bandages –?”
He stopped still upon catching sight of the group. Deuce was curled into a tight ball, struggling to catch his breath.
The man wasn’t waking up. Yuu recalled that people are not supposed to stay unconscious for more than a few seconds, and that anything longer than that was a bad sign. His fingers ached where they gripped Deuce’s bat.
Ace’s lips twisted in a complicated expression.
He sighed and pulled out his knife, toying with it, looking awkward and unsure.
“Looks like we need more bandages than I thou – fuck!”
The knife slipped out of his hand, and found an unfortunate place in the man’s chest. Ace groaned, as if he found the blood that spurted over his already bloody knife incredibly inconvenient, and then tugged it right back out.
“Ah, that’s a fatal wound if I’ve ever seen one,” Ace said, mulling over the stab wound. He huffed. And then shrugged overexaggeratedly and slit the guy’s throat. “Oh well. Guess we’ve got a couple of big meals ahead of us, Yuu. Looks like you’re going to have to try out some new recipes, ‘cause we’re going to get sick of that one spice.”
Yuu looked up at Ace for a minute.
He managed a smile. “Haven’t you heard that beggars can’t be choosers?”
“Well, then, it’s a good thing I’m not begging. I’ve been thinking recently, you’re pretty good at bringing out the umami in what I give you, but maybe it could be cool to do something more spicy for once?”
“... I’ll see what I can do.”
Ace whooped and grabbed Deuce by the shoulder, dragging him up to stand. “C’mon, Deuce, celebrate with me! We are eating good tonight! The lady’s bag was full of supplies! I think I even saw a few vegetables in there!”
God, the Yuu from a year ago would be disgusted to learn he was getting excited over vegetables of all things. What had the apocalypse made him become?
Deuce, who had finally relearned breathing (good for him), snapped out of the contemplative look he had been sending Ace, in favor of a halfhearted grin.
“Fine, fine, but you can’t eat the eyes in front of me again, that’s gross.”
Ace huffed. “I’d say I was going to make a point to eat them tonight but, unfortunately, all of the eyes were destroyed, so I’ll have to wait for the next kill…”
Yuu’s nose scrunched. “I still don’t get how you can eat the eyes… wait, is it like eating crawfish eyes?”
Deuce and Ace paused, briefly.
Deuce’s nose scrunched up. “You eat crawfish eyes?”
“Yeah, they’re the best part,” Yuu defended himself, scowling. “Juicy, flavorful, all the good stuff.”
“No, that’s just gross,” Ace said.
“Oh, you shut up. You eat humans. You don’t get a say in this.”
“Eh, but you eat crawfish eyes, I think that’s weirder,” Deuce said.
Yuu crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m going to make the new spice so hot you’re both going to die immediately.”
Ace and Deuce laughed.
Until they watched Yuu empty an entire jar of cayenne onto a piece of meat later that night.
“Hey, did you guys move the lady’s body?” Ace called from somewhere in the store. “She’s not here anymore and I know she didn’t survive, so it’s not like she could have just up and walked… away… wait, where’s Grim?”
Yuu snickered. “Grim doesn’t like me being around women in particular, for some reason.”
“Why?” whined Ace, upset that he had gone to all that work and gotten nothing for it. He rounded the corner, located Yuu, and immediately started clinging to his side like a limpet, longing for comfort that Yuu just Would Not Give.
“I don’t know, actually,” said Yuu, frowning thoughtfully. He’d always thought that it was weird. It would have made more sense for Grim to prefer Yuu making friends with women – that might lead to a renewable food source – but instead he just… really hated them. “Maybe zombies are misogynists.”
Deuce raised his eyebrows. “What does Grim have to do with zombies?”
Ace and Yuu were silent for a moment. Yuu had honestly forgotten about that little subplot. Ace caught his gaze, a clear question in his eyes. Yuu couldn’t really bring himself to do more than shrug. Ace looked back at Deuce, trying to figure out whether his new friend was just joking.
But, no, Deuce was exceedingly earnest.
Ace snorted into his hand.
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dollyon-theshelf · 1 year
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I think they’d be besties idk. Just besties who rob Azul together
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yukimisouzou-kim · 1 month
The Shenanigan of MalleYuu #29 No Third Wheel
Yuu: *calling Malleus via Lilia’s phone* “Heya, wanna come over and study together?”📞☺️ Malleus: “… Study together… As in you, me, aaand Grim. Right?”📞😒 Yuu: “Uuh… No. Grim is at Heartslabyul right now-…” *Knock knock* Yuu: “Oh hang on. Someone’s here.” *get to the door* Yuu: “Yea-… Woah?!”😧 Malleus: ✨✨✨*right at the door* “Ahem. So… What do you want to study about?”☺️☺️☺️✨✨✨
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ranpire · 6 months
Yuuji (Yandere? TWST OC)
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HI GUYS UM HI IM BACK??! I THINK!! anyways here’s another Yuu. not a Yuusona per se, but just a guy™️. i’ll add some more doodles and headcanons below! :) (inspired by the works of shinyjr and other yandere yuu writers <3) CW: Slight Fourth Wall Breaking, Yandere Shenanigans
Yuuji lives and breathes to serve you, and only you. He didn’t feel anything until you. You gave him a purpose. To be yours.
Whenever the player (you) logs on, he has to drop whatever he’s doing (like eating, as shown above) and just go into “^_^” mode.
Those eyes have absolutely no thoughts behind them.
Will respect your wishes and your favorite character, and can change his personality to suit to your whims. Even if it is indeed, a facade. 
The characters themselves can look past his appearance and actually see you for who you are. The ‘Overseer’.
Actually doesn’t mind Grim & is strangely fond over him. (totally not projecting)
He absolutely hates physical contact from any of the characters but will bask in your praise and caresses if you ever did manage to touch him.
He is very very self aware, and sometimes tries to sabotage or help your gacha pulls/battles. Depending on how dedicated you are towards said character. Even sometimes twst-tunes. Oh, the game glitched out and didn’t register your touch? I wonder who did that…
All of it is to spend more time with him. To possess him for longer. You make him feel so warm, so needed. 
Spend more time with him, won’t you?
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writingseaslugs · 2 years
Random thought on my mind! Aight so imagine you go to Twisted Wonderland, a completely different world mind you, and you realize nobody speaks your native language. In fact, and language that exists in our world doesn’t exist there.
So it’s just the opening ceremony and things are going on, Crowley is asking you questions, you are so god damn confused and you say something in your language and everyone is just confused af. And then. AND THEN!
Grim just turns to you and is like “Hey…what language is that?” And it’s in your native tongue. You just find out that your native language is the language of beasts in a Twisted, an ancient tongue that nobody except some of true monsters still know today.
So this essentially means you can effectively communicate with any monster race no problemo and Grim is now your translator at school so you gotta rely on him some more. And ofc in typical Grim fashion if he has to translate something he doesn’t agree with, he twists your words.
Just the shenanigans that would ensue. Imagine Book 3 like:
Yuu: No, I refuse to make a contract with you.
Grim: I would adore making a contract with you and helping out my beloved friends.
And then Lilia discovers this and becomes teacher mode because he knows a gist of the ancient language. Just hmmmmmm I dunno why this is rent free in my head right now.
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simple-dark-eyes · 5 months
*Yuu waking up at 3:00 AM to Grim's zoomies*
Grim: I'm a Blast Cycle. I go vroom. VROOM! *zooms away*
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crystalrabbit246912 · 20 days
Group Dynamics in NRC
I think that Group Dynamics in Twisted Wonderland are the funniest things ever.
Spoilers for the Stitch Event, Glorious Masquerade, Book 5, and Book 6 under the cut.
There's the obvious ones, like the first-year crew and their friendship, with them constantly making quips and having fun at each other's expense, and the dorm groups, like Azul, Jade, and Floyd, who are hilarious to watch together, or Kalim and his tired babysitter Jamil.
But then you get to the events, which introduces dynamics that we haven't seen before simply because there's so many characters and each pairing has so much potential together.
Like in the Stitch Event, where we see Floyd and Lilia being chaos buddies together. I think that if they were left alone with Stitch, they could have blown up the whole island and laughed while doing it, and we hadn't seen that before because Floyd has had no reason to interact with Lilia prior.
In Glorious Masquerade, we first see a bunch of different groupings, such as Azul with Deuce and Epel, which is hilarious because we have the two innocent freshmen and Azul, who's trying to say things with subtext that goes completely over the duo's heads. Of course, we already know that Deuce and Epel are cute together, but seeing Azul frustrated at their naivety is something new.
The other groups contain Idia, Ruggie, Silver, and Rook for one, which means that Idia's always-fun dialogue paired with Ruggie's desire to get a good deal paired with two sunshine children, a.k.a two of the light magic users.
The third group is made up of Riddle, Jamil, Malleus, and Sebek. The first three possess a certain maturity that the other first-years, not counting Jack, don't have. Sebek being the shouty crocodile that we all love adds some excitement to them. We've already seen a bit of Riddle and Jamil interaction with Book 6 and Riddle and Malleus are both Housewardens even if the latter doesn't get invited to meetings much.
Yuu, Grim, and Rollo drift among the groups, which adds some extra spice as Grim is... Grim and Yuu is friendly with basically everyone so there's not much animosity there. The friendship is something that would be boring anywhere else, but the amount of animosity between most NRC students makes it refreshing instead.
Later, the group has to split up to deal with the firelotuses and get at least one of their members to the top of the tower to ring the Bell of Solace. They drop their members in groups of two, leaving fascinating pairings, with Idia, Malleus, and Azul making it to the top.
The first pair to drop is Riddle and Epel. The two of them are somewhat commonly shipped in this fandom, but we don't actually see them together much in the actual game. Riddle is immensely talented with magic and Epel has good flying skills, so the two of them act as a diversion so the rest of the group can make it past.
Riddle obviously wants to be a good upperclassman and protect his junior, Epel, but Epel also wants to protect Riddle, which leads to a spirited conversation between them, at the end of which Epel uses his UM on Riddle to protect him and manages to divert the firelotuses until the main group rings the Bell.
Next are Jamil and Ruggie, who get separated from the main group and are forced to be left behind so the Bell can be reached. The two of them share a common willingness to dirty their hands so they can survive, which means that they're willing to use other students as bait so they can survive the night. Their UMs make this possible, and Jamil states that he's glad that he ended up with Ruggie, since the hyena beastman was the only one he could pull the trick off with.
Beyond that, Deuce gets injured in the ballroom and Rook stays behind with him so the group can progress forwards without them. The two of them interacted a little in Book 5, but it was mainly Vil speaking and I don't think they had any individual interactions, though I may be forgetting something.
This is another upperclassman wants to protect their underclassman situation. There's a cute scene where Rook is on the verge of giving up, but Deuce keeps going and Rook says that Deuce's inspired him, in the classic Rook way.
Sebek and Silver clear the way so that Malleus, Idia, and Azul can make their way up the tower. These two are together a rather lot, both in the actual game and in the fandom, either as a sibling relationship or ship, but Silver feeds into the competitiveness between them, whereas it was previously assumed that it was a one-sided thing from Sebek.
Malleus, Idia, and Azul are hilarious together.
Malleus, despite being a Housewarden like the other two, isn't seen much with them. Idia and Azul are seen together often, as members of the Board Game Club, but Malleus not so much.
Malleus' manner of speech and unique quirks are new to the other two, though Azul is quite used to Idia's social anxiety and dialogue while Idia has had plenty of time to get used to Azul and his way of working. When both Rollo and Malleus think that Azul sacrificed himself, Idia is the one that knew that the Octavinelle Housewarden had something up his sleeve.
Idia and Azul both struggle with physical activity, so while the physically and magically powerful Malleus can climb the tower with ease, the other two are struggling immensely. There's a line of dialogue that says that he couldn't carry the two up the tower because there wasn't enough room for him to carry them under his arms, which I found really funny.
I think I derailed this post somewhat, but my conclusion is that group dynamics are funny here, and if you put two people who would never in normal circumstances be near each other in the same room, I think the result would be great.
(Example: Deuce and Idia. Idia is terrified of Deuce, as he is of most people, yet shocked by his determination and also a bit thankful towards him for being Ortho's friend. Deuce initially has a high impression of Idia because of Ortho's praise, though the impression just downrails into confusion.)
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twisted-fishbaiit · 2 years
First day of school conflicts
[ Click for better quality ]
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sleepyorchidmonster · 1 month
While I'm curious about the other's dreams in Book 7, a part of me is mostly looking forward to overall shenanigans with the Dream Team and their assigned overblot buddies!
Especially since it looks like we're revisiting past twstunes.
-Jamil and Octavinelle is always funny AND a recipe for disaster;
-I can already hear Azul complaining about Savanaclaw's weather, not to mention his overall lack of stamina and how Book 2's twstunes are all either chase sequences or Magift;
-Leona painting the roses. Or helping bake a tart. He can't even escape because then dream Riddle and Sebek will team up and yell at him.
(More rambling under the cut)
Really hoping the Heartslabyul dream sequence is just extra chaotic. Maybe everyone already knows it's a dream, maybe the blot becomes even more dangerous. Maybe Malleus makes an appearance.
Part of me wants Cater to get a new card. I love Trey, but people often forget that Cater is also an important friend of Riddle's, so getting him to be the one to snap Riddle out of the dream would be great!
Maybe we can get cards for Trey AND Cater (maybe Chen'ya too), since both Tweels are getting cards...
Also I need Deuce's sequence to be Rabbit Fest again. We already have outfits for both Silver, Ortho and Grim, so we only need ones for Leona, Sebek and Ace (and even then Sebek and Silver often wear matching outfits,so you really only have to think about Leona and Ace). Idia's tablet also gets a ribbon. There's also a gang fight.
I just need Leona to have the worst time possible in Heartslabyul dreams.
Ortho, after we finish Savanaclaw's dream sequence: Alright, now it's time for our next dream! And you know what that means!
Silver: Only one more dorm before we face Lord Malleus again?
Sebek: We have to deal with Ace now?
Idia: I can't handle Mr. Zero EQ (A.K.A Riddle), Extrovert Extraordinaire (A.K.A Cater) and TREY in the same dream?
Yuu and Grim, holding baseball bats: We can FINALLY punch Riddle's abusive mom in the face?
Everyone: ...
Jack: I'm sure she's not that bad...
Yuu: She is the OG Red Tyrant.
Grim: Who yelled at Trey's parents for 5 HOURS because they gave her kid a SLICE of a strawberry tart! WHO DOES THAT?!?!
Leona: Welp, that explains a LOT...
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mochinomnoms · 8 months
so there's been at least two times with a camp vargas in twst... imagine having mated and everything with the twins/one of the twins and then there's a camp to get to. don't know if you've played it but if not, feel free to delete the ask!
anyway so it's canon yuu gets scared easily (in twst at least, new world and new people) right? so what if the twins and yuu are at the camp at the same time and the "monster" appears? protective twins mode guard eels on 🫡 imagine the shenanigans LOL
It will highly depend on the timeline and which twins you are with, or if you're with both.
The sports club Camp Vargas takes place first, so assuming that you're mates with Floyd (and/or Jade) at this point, he's trying his best to get you to stick around the Basketball Club to show off how cool he is. it gets to the point that Vargas actually has to threaten to take away points from the club to get the others to shoo you away from a pouting Floyd. Afterwards, he's decided that it's no longer fun without his mate around, and kinda mopes around after catching the fish for food. So when the “monster” first appears near your camping spot, he's shifted into “moray protect shrimp” mode! It's cute, how he shifts from his more casual mannerisms and mood with the others and turns into a softer, more concerned person with you. Even the others take note of the behavior change. And when you get taken with the rest of the students later in the night, it's a rapid mood shift to an anxious, but angry Floyd. It takes Sebek, Jack, and Ruggie to hold him back from running off into the woods by himself to find you. Just you, though, he doesn't care about the other guppies. At the conclusion of the night, after the reveal, Floyd is clinging to you like a koala to a tree. He has half a mind to throw a rock at Vargas's big head, but doesn't feel like going to detention the next day.
On the other hand, with Jade it's a bit nicer. Of your you weren't allowed to tell Jade or any of the other Art/Science Club students about the “monster,” but even Floyd was happy to send Jade off to experience the same stress he had his night. Jade doesn't try to monopolize your time, at least not in a way that's obvious. He is however, coaxing you to come by with a promise of a pretty flower he found, or his catfish with he expertly seasoned and seared. It does work, and it flies under Vargas's nose. It starts to go a bit downhill when Vargas does his monster bit again, as you and Grim aren't the worse actors, but Jade is very perceptive. He's not concerned when the students first started going missing, as you and Grim seem to be rather relaxed about the whole ordeal. But when the second “creature” comes around and actually snatches you from his grasp, your terrified screams echoing in his head, Jade is desperate to get you back. This time it's Azul trying his best to calm a frantic Jade, Trey and Vil watching on in surprise as the usually calmer twin looks close to both murder and tears. Like the last time, the night ends with you wrapped in your eel's arms, Jade checking you over for any marks or bruises. Later, he returns to the dorm to strangle his brother. Tenfold if you're mated with both, as he's furious that Floyd didn't warn him about the “monsters” and your faux kidnapping. Please stop them before they wreck the dining room again.
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twstjam · 1 year
First Years Shenanigans at a Malleyuu Wedding
As much as I have Malleyuu Thoughts I'm also constantly thinking about First Years Gang so there's frequent overlap between the two, so have some Typical Wedding Goes Wrong Trope thoughts I had featuring the beloved First Years and many shenanigans.
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Malleyuu wedding centered around the First Years making sure the wedding is going to go smoothly. So much shit is going wrong and they're trying desperately to fix them all without Malleus or Yuu finding out.
Sebek is freaking out the whole time, Ace and Deuce are mixing up each other's jobs, Jack is the only sane one, and Epel who is helping Yuu get ready is trying his best to focus on distracting them instead of running out there (he's still a tough farm boy through and through but a lot of things have gotta stuck after all those years at Pomefiore and under Vil's tutelage). Ortho is the only one who is even marginally helpful (as long as his gear somehow doesn't break that is)
I've got this image of Malleus summoning Sebek in the middle of all the chaos to have a bit of a heart-to-heart with him, thanking him for his years of service and friendship with Yuu, but meanwhile, Sebek is trying desperately to keep his composure because the entire time Malleus is speaking all kinds of nonsense and shenanigans is happening behind him.
I can also see Epel working with the other hairdressers, makeup artists, etc. (Maybe Crewel is there too because heck yeah father figure!Crewel helping Yuu get dressed for their wedding) on Yuu and Ace suddenly smacking into the window.
Yuu: Did you hear something? Epel: *making sure Yuu doesn't turn around and see Ortho trying to unstick Ace from the window* Prob'ly just the wind.
There's also a subplot going on that makes keeping everything a secret exponentially harder where Malleus keeps trying to run off to go see Yuu because his Dragon Clinginess is acting up and Lilia if he's still alive along with Silver and other servants are doing their best to keep him in his room and also make sure he gets ready in time for the wedding (and also bcs of the bad luck abt seeing each other before the wedding thing)
Sort of like the Tangled wedding short, by the time all the problems are solved Yuu and Malleus look at their friends and are shocked by their various disheveled states.
I also think it'd be funny if Maleficia is also there and she's completely Aware of all the nonsense going on and is mildly amused by it. Though she's not exactly working together with the boys she's calmly helping them fix certain things with a wave of her hand behind her back and also helping distract Malleus.
None of them knew she was in on it until the end of the actual wedding where she casually mentions to the newlyweds about the "issues" with the preparations and the two of them exchange confused looks while Yuu's friends freeze and break out into a sweat.
Ngl I kind of forgot about Grim agshdgdj. I imagine that he's getting ready WITH Yuu, getting his coat all groomed and stuff, but it takes less time and he walks in on the others and the messes they're trying to fix and he's like "MYAH!! If Yuu and Tusnotarou find out about this they're gonna FREAK!!" "We KNOW! Instead of standing there and complaining why don't you help us out instead?!" (-Ace, probably)
Helps distract Malleus and Yuu by clinging to them, making demands, lying about things like his outfit feeling uncomfortable or his coat needing a better brushing. I've got this image of Ace picking him up and rubbing him all over the betrotheds' wedding outfits to get cat hair all over them.
Grim: UNHAND ME!!! Sebek: TRAPPOLA?! Wh-What are you doing?! Ace: Trust me, this is gonna buy us tons of time!
In the end, the wedding goes smoothly. Sebek cries ofc, so does Deuce, Jack denies getting emotional, Epel too but less insistently, Ortho is being all sweet and soft and mushy about it, and Ace is making fun of them all but very lightheartedly :)
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