#// He's adopting Allie and that's that lol
@storyofwhoiam || Continued from here
          “Cause somebody needs to.” He reached out, helping to steady Allie. She was just a kid, but even if she wasn’t, no one else seemingly cared about her and he couldn’t have her on his conscience if he chose to do nothing. “Ya see those dicks?” he asked, fear of her getting hurt coming out in anger as he pointed at the men who Allie had just been all over. “They’ll bash your fuckin’ teeth in and use you ‘til you’re beggin’ for them to kill ya.”
          He pulled Allie away and towards his car. “Get in the fuckin’ car, Kid.” He pulled open the passenger side door. “I’m not askin’.”
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accidentarisen · 2 years
The thing with knowing a John Doe alter is that you start to see eyes in almost everything.....
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slytherinshua · 5 months
genre. headcanons. avatar the last airbender au. warnings. none. featuring. ot13 seventeen. wc. 1.6k. (around 100 words each) request. no. a/n. obviously i've been on a svt atla kick since burnt promises, second chances. i'd be open to writing fics for any of these small headcanons if anyone is particularly interested :)
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Ugh, Cheol is really hard. I kinda see him as any nation and also none at the same time. For the lack of other Water Tribe on the list, I’ll give him Water Tribe, but I don’t even think he’s a bender. He’d be a passionate hunter of the Southern Water Tribe, and a very good one, but not a bender. He’d always be eager to help out and fit his role as a true leader. He’s looked up to because he protects his people without fail. He’s good at strategics and known for his bravery. I see him fitting a role like Sokka’s father, but I don’t see him as anything glamorous like Water Tribe Royalty. He’s down to Earth and humble and honest. He leads and the people follow.
Jeonghan is an airbender. He’s witty and intelligent, and a great asset to his nation. He’d be in an Air temple close to the Earth Kingdom, and he often helps out with strategics if they ever need it. Definitely a kind and angel baby, but if there’s anyone who needs dealing with, he will personally take the task up. He’s world renowned and has allies and friends in every single nation. When he’s not busy, he’ll spend his time travelling around and immersing himself in the different cultures of the nations. He’s beaten Water Tribe hunters at their own hunt, evaded earthbender attacks in the ring because of how light he is on his feet. And his agility and wit proves to be useful whenever he goes head to head with a firebender. He can often predict their next moves and avoid attacks before they’re even fired at him.
Joshua is Water Tribe!! Definitely a Water Tribe prince, or even a poor boy from the Northern Water Tribe whose parents couldn’t afford water bending lessons for him, so he would sneak around and watch lessons without getting caught. He’s mostly self taught, so he’s not exactly the best, but he can still hold his own. If he’s a Water Tribe prince, then he probably got bored with water bending very quickly as a child and started figuring out ways to skip his lessons lol. He knows clever ways to bribe or fool his masters into letting him slack off, but he also has to build enough skill to show at least a little improvement. He’s probably more interested in carving proposal necklaces to give to his future girlfriend than improving his bending skills.
Jun is Fire Nation, and he’s extremely talented at Fire Bending. He probably runs a tea shop with his family and takes lessons on the side; just a regular middle class kid. He’s not aiming for a military position or anything high up, but he uses his skills to help him in daily life. He might have friends from places higher up in the city, and because of that, he got to take a visit to Royal Fire Academy for Girls. Definitely turns some heads— practically the whole school is crushing on him by the end of the 2 hour visit, and he enjoys the attention that he wouldn’t usually get at home. It’s safe to say that he’s invited back given the significant improvement in attendance and performance after his initial visit. 
Another airbender, only because he’s so agile. Like the spider choreo really makes me see him as someone who just likes to swing around upside down for fun. He’ll play pranks on the older monks, or just anyone he can get his hands on. He’s a lot like Aang in that way. He definitely creates his own airbending moves, because he is a choreographer!!! Somehow takes a trip to the Earth Kingdom because it was his life goal to see a tigerdillo in real life. Once he meets one, he somehow adopts it, and settles down in the Earth Kingdom from there on! He’s perfectly happy, and can he even pose as an earthbender if he’s smart about it.
Anyone could probably guess that I see Wonwoo as Fire Nation. I wrote an entire 14.5k fic about it which is expecting a part 2, but I just think he fits it so much? Especially in a role like the Fire Lord or some notable higher up who is skilled at firebending and definitely owns a dragon (if we’re talking a time period before/during the dragon hunts). He’d be the type to just be a natural at it and reach a high mastery at an early age. He’s such a skilled fighter, and definitely knows how to control his flame. He prefers to study directly from dragons instead of old masters, whose teachings feel regurgitated and watered down, which sounds pretentious, but it’s one of the reasons why he got so good.
I see Jihoon as an Earth bender. He’s short and stout but HE'S SO BUFF. He definitely has the density in him to move some rocks, he’s practically built like The Boulder but without the height????? I definitely see him as part of the royal guard, but definitely not an Earth King. He might teach Earth Bending or get posted out on the coast near the Fire Nation or something— but he definitely has a military position. Somewhere where he can use his earthbending to its full potential. Not the most talkative, but definitely the most efficient, so he climbs the ranks like nobody's business and everyone knows to respect every word that comes out of his mouth. If you say even a word about his height, he’ll throw a rock at your head before you can finish the sentence.
It was hard to pick between Water Tribe and Fire Nation for Seokmin, but I think he’s ultimately Fire Nation. I see him as an actor for plays, and he definitely uses his firebending to win over the audience. It got to the point that even though he’s from a small town in the Fire Nation, he became a household name and got increasingly popular until he eventually found himself acting in front of the Fire Lord. Once he got rich enough from it, he got a spot in the most infamous acting troupe in the Fire Nation. His favourite role to play is, of course, the Dragon Emperor in Love Amongst the Dragons.
Just a bulky earthbender I don’t know what to say. He probably got recruited to some military position because he’s fit and can hold his own in a fight, but boy’s just really a sweetheart. He doesn’t enjoy smashing people with rocks, so he tries to get out of the military as soon as possible. He instead works as a carpenter of sorts? Builds elaborate structures with his earthbending, and has a surprisingly artistic touch to his creations. Popular with the older ladies because he is a gentleman.
I see him as an airbender, but I cannot imagine him with a bald head LIKE HELP. But let's say he is, and for aesthetic purposes, keep the long haired Minghao. He practically floats and flies through the air with his airbendings. He’s probably more of a lemur guy than a sky bison guy. I can imagine him having 1 or 2 lemurs who he spends most of his time with. Obviously very light on his feet and into meditation. He’s one of those star students in the class that the teacher picks as an example for the other students to watch and learn from.
A waterbender, and he’s good because he focused and studied the traditions of it. He knows the importance of the basics, and when he’s teaching, he can get mad pretty quick if he catches a novice waterbender doing a technique lazily. He teaches them the hard way, making the floor an ice rink or slapping in the face with a water tentacle if they make a silly mistake. But he’s a respected master. (Not to say that he’s old, but he holds the respect of an old master). Also a great healer for the Water Tribe. He thinks it’s important for the men to not just learn how to fight with spears and slices of water, but also to heal the tribe, and he offers his lessons to the women of the tribe as well.
Another Fire Nation boy. He’s so skilled he can redirect lightning and all that jazz. He’s a worldwide guy too, so he’s definitely familiar with the other nations and their bending to a certain extent. (Like Iroh, studying the Water Tribe helped him with creating new techniques within firebending). He has a dragon because he’s hot like that, and would hold master firebending classes lol. Definitely has connections to the Royal Family and I could even see him serving as a personal guard or something of that sort. His skills aren’t to be wasted, so he can snag a high paying position practically anywhere he wants.  
Earth Kingdom kid from a poor family™, I mean it’s just so clear in my mind. I imagine his mom runs a corner store, and he likes to use his very limited earth bending skills to make the shop look prettier. If the wooden tables break down over time, he’ll earth bend a makeshift counter to display the trinkets for sale. He’s quite charming even though he doesn’t have much to say about himself. In the lower class of the Earth Kingdom, practically everyone knows him because he likes to go around and make new friends when he’s bored. He’ll help out the elderly if they need it, and flash a toothy grin to anyone he comes across.
↳ svt taglist: @kangtaehyunzzz,, @eternalgyu,, @ddeonudepressions,, @hannahsophie0103,, @minholing,, @shuabby1994,, @icyminghao,, @98-0603,, @weird-bookworm,, @candewlsy,, @wonwooz1,, @cyberpunksunwoo,, @haecien,, @amara-mars
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serialadoptersbracket · 3 months
Round 3, Match 1: Bruce Wayne vs. Pascal
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Submitted kids:
Bruce Wayne: Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian and Athanasia al Ghul, Cassandra Cain, Jarro, Stephanie Brown, Barbara Gordon, Terry and Matthew McGinnis, Helena Wayne, Harper and Cullen Row, Duke Thomas (Arguments promised)
Pascal: Village children
Propaganda under the cut!
Bruce Wayne:
1. “Man can't deal with empty nest syndrome and cannot look past an orphan child without adopting them. He takes in Dick when Dick is 12 (he eventually does adopt Dick after Dick is already an adult), after being one of many people to witness Dick's parents die. After Dick went off to do his own thing he met Jason who was living on the streets after his Mom died. After Jason died, Tim shoved his way into Bruce's life saying that Bruce needed a partner in crime solving after Jason's death (Tim still had parents who were alive at this point, they did eventually die and was taken in by Bruce). Cassandra's circumstances I'm not fully clear on but she was raised by her bio dad to be a living weapon and she ran away (from my understanding at least) and Bruce took her in. Duke was taken in after his parents were hospitalized due to a Joker attack and were/are unlikely to recover. Bruce also mentors other children heroes including Barbara Gordon and Stephanie Brown, both are close to his kids and are sometimes seen as under his wing as well, but neither see him as a parent.”
Link to the rest here!
“not putting all of his lore here be of the pg-13 rule but he's this robot who is the sweetest guy imaginable, he is pretty smart cares a lot for his kids (again, cant get TOO into that but he is v/ protective of them) and also is a pacifist who rlly just peace between the androids & machines even tho thats pretty fucking difficult (he even is an ally to the android resistance and trades w/ them frequently!)
from his unit data (because im Bad at describing things lol):
‘A pacifist machine lifeform that despises conflict and strives endlessly for peace with humanity.
This unit possesses incredible intelligence, as well as a deep interest in the history of both humans and machines.’”
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blaiddfailcam · 5 months
It just struck me, Blaidd's occupation with hunting traitors is kind of odd, given his primary goal is to assist Ranni in accomplishing her dream. But then again, his adoptive brother, Rykard, was once a royal adjudicator. During the Shattering, Rykard fed himself to the Eternal Serpent, abandoning his former duty and converting his manor into a pit of blasphemy.
Before Blaidd was tasked with dispatching deserters, perhaps these hunts were fulfilled by Rykard and his Gelmir knights? After his disappearance, the Gelmir knights abandoned their demigod, and were seemingly slaughtered either during an attempted revolt, or by the invading Leyndell forces, or perhaps even both.
Ranni was targeted by assassins in the past, some of which who disguised themselves as allies. I wonder if she would have normally employed Rykard's services to deal with them until he was no longer available, at which point the hunts were appointed to Blaidd? Regardless, he certainly expresses a sort of unnerving zeal for the job, lol.
...Hmm. Then maybe Darriwil was only ever pretending to serve Ranni before he was identified as a threat? Another Bloodhound Knight is found in Gelmir Hero's Tomb, as if standing guard over their late master's remains; another appears to have been imprisoned within the walls of the Volcano Manor. If they were loyal to the knights of Gelmir instead of Rykard himself, then I suppose they could perceive both Rykard and Ranni as traitors to the knights of Gelmir, and sought as such to bring them both down? Much like Blaidd, the Bloodhounds are said never to abandon their masters once they have chosen them. If Darriwil ever served Ranni, it must have only ever been tangentially so, unless he's truly the only Bloodhound to break this unspoken code...
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spicy-apple-pie · 1 year
Fuck it, Harry du Bois and co headcanons
- Harry naturally has rosacea but his alcoholism made it worse.
- when he was a PE teacher he would occasionally come wearing the worst clothes for physical activity. Full disco bell bottoms, his shirt unbuttoned to his belly button, and two inch heels.
- he coached girls rugby and la crosse and was so protective of his team. He would call them his girls in passing and if you didn’t know him, you would be concerned.
- Harry got Kim a disco Elysium equivalent to Lego model of a racing MC. Kim was like “👀 why did you get me this?” And Harry was just like “because you like cars :)”. And Kim externally was really cool and chill about it, but internally he was freaking out because he never actually got a meaningful toy from anyone as a kid. (He got gifts donated to a charity. Which included things like glue sticks and half used pencil crayons). He invited Harry over to help build it with him.
- when Kim was a teen, going through his “I’m so angry at everyone and everything around me.” He got semi adopted by a drag family. They drifted apart when he joined the RCM because most of them were old enough to remember the raids that would happen at gay bars. Kim was adamant that he was joining to actually make a difference in the community and he would be one of the good ones. He still visits occasionally, when he’s not bone tired from working.
- Kim and Judit instantly became allies to each other. Being two of the only visible minorities in the precinct, they instinctively gravitated towards each other. They’re not best friends, but fairly close. They back each other up if they notice the other is being talked over or disrespected.
- Harry has a ttrpg campaign with Kim, Cuno, and sometimes Jean. Kim has always wanted to play this long form of board game but has never had any close friends to play with (and yes, his close friends here are literally two of his coworkers and a 10 year old but whatever). Jean acts like he doesn’t like it, he’s really bad at role playing and understanding the rules. But he genuinely misses Harry sometimes and likes to know that he’s okay. Cuno on the other hand, LIVES for the game. He loves the storytelling, worldbuilding, and roleplaying. Harry’s helped him with a few one shots that he played with his school friends (they didn’t like it, called him lame. But him and his pig made it, so what do they know.) He’s working on writing their next campaign and he’s so excited about it and won’t like Harry know what it is.
- Harry adopted a stray cat outside his apartment and didn’t know that she was pregnant until she gave birth in his closet. There was 4 in total, 1 didn’t make it, Trant took one, and Harry couldn’t find homes for the two left so he kept them and mama. Even though mama loves Harry, her favourite person is Kim. Whenever Kim comes over, Harry calls for her “It’s Kim!!” He calls and she shoots up and cries at his feet. Kim won’t admit it, but he finds her adorable and loves her.
Uh, yeah, I don’t think I’ll make it a habit of posting DE stuff but I’m bored lol.
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transmascswagpolls · 30 days
Transmasc Swag Polls- ROUND 1
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Propaganda and other info under the cut.
HENRY: Because I Said So JASON: Gender Tomfuckery
Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator and the Silver Eyes books, DC Comics
HENRY PROPAGANDA- he is a depressed old man so he is automatically trans to me. JASON PROPAGANDA- He's an orphan who was on the run from the foster system before he was adopted by batman and became robin. He also died at 15 and when he came back he was a whole ass man which could definitely be a metaphor for transition- especially because Robin is very often described as 'flamboyant' and had pretty feminine features and wears literal booty shorts, and when he came back he was built like a fridge and was super masculine. And like the dying thing, as a trans person people act like their little baby has died and you're reanimating their corpse y'know? Everyone treats you differently. Jason was treated as if he never came back at first, because batman couldn't accept his boy had come back different. He's the black sheep of his family because batman refuses to accept who he is now. He even once said that Jason coming back "doesn't change anything", because he's still grieving the kid Jason used to be. Also deadnames. Jason used to be Robin before he died, and when he came back he changed his vigilante name to Red Hood. He has hella ace-spec swag, which a VERY popular headcanon in fandom. All the other bats have had multiple love interests and Jason has none, except that one time a woman (Artemis) kissed him and in the comic all he was thinking was: "This is... ...Different." Jason is also canonically a queer ally and is a supporter of his younger brother who's canonically dating a boy right now. So it's not hard to imagine him being in the community himself.
He has these really really cool autopsy scars from when he died (I think it's mostly a fanon thing. It's in basically every fanart of him shirtless). I like to think of these scars as another metaphor for being trans lol. Because by transitioning from Robin to Red Hood he gained these scars, the same why transitioning gives you top scars.
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tanema123 · 2 months
is cat zestial and carmilla a couple?
Yes and no.
...I wrote a fanfic about how oblivious Zestial can be once...
I may implemented it here. Zestial cares for her, but in his mind, she is just a friend (summons the whole fandom) who he cares for and will do ANYTHING for... He also helps her with her territory, as well as raising her daughters. He also snuggles with her a lot.... Adoption business is a together business. He collects the boys, Carmilla gets the girls. Lol.
Here is something short to explain further in more detail...
How far can foolishness go?
Carmilla and Zestial were snuggling together like usual. Their bodies are pressed together as close as they can be. Zestial has leaned his head over her neck, her fur feeling like a nice comforting pillow. Zestial's cold body provided Carmilla, calmness in return. A peaceful time indeed... Carmilla turned a bit, so their faces were a few mm away. She grinned lovingly as she touched his nose with her own.
Carmilla: Zestial... I... I... love you. OwO
Zestial: I love you as well dear. OowoO
Zestial smiled like a fool he is. He is so happy that the person he cherished most in the world loves him. His closest ally, his partner in this hellish city, his favourite person in this whole world.
Tough, he is confused sometimes.... Why does she keep nuzzling herself against him like that? Rolling herself around the floor when he passes by... Those nose touches as well... She likes to wrap her tail around his while they walk as well. Must be nothing. Not like a queen like her can ever love him.... The fool he is.
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tamaiory · 1 year
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"Like this jewel, may my son's eyes never cloud with sadness"
(I don't think the fanart itself counts as a spoiler, since it's a headcanon, but said headcanon is based off events form episode 7 so please be careful if you are not up to date with the story)
I really like the headcanon (and theory, in a way) of Silver being the prince of a kingdom that was once an enemy of Briar Valley. Maybe something like Lilia himself being involved in Silver's biological parents' d*aths. You see, it seems that the relationship between humans and fae is still complicated, given Sebek's thoughts and what he tells about his mother's family still not approving the marriage between a human and a fae, so the fact there was a war not so long ago is not that impossible.
Lilia states he found Silver in the forest and then took care of him, but he may not be saying the whole truth. Yes, he may have found Silver in the forest, but why was a human baby there in the first place? More so in a forest of a fae kingdom. I don't think Lilia k*lled Silver's parents and then took the baby with him out of guilt, but maybe someone put Silver in the forest in hopes of (at least) a human soldier from Silver's kingdom finding and taking care of him, all of this in the middle of a war in which (most likely) Lilia participated (given it IS canon that Lilia was a war general).
In episode 7, when Silver finds the ring, he says it looks like something someone from royalty would have, and then Lilia explains it belongs to Silver. Also, Silver's character description states that he has a "princely aura" and some characters even comment the same. Most probably Silver is a prince, but we can't know if his kingdom has fallen or if it was an enemy of Briar Valley.
In any case, following the headcanon/theory, if Silver finds out about the truth he would be completely devastated (my poor child 😭). Imagine finding out your adoptive father was almost directly involved in your biological parents' d*ath and ALSO you're the prince of a kingdom DESTROYED by the country you grew up in and it's last hope to re-emerge. And that would make him (technically) get in another war against Malleus, Sebek and (if he's not d*ad lol) Lilia.
Then he has two (2) options:
1) Sacrificing his feelings and taking the responsibility of assuming the throne of his kingdom, to help the people left there, making him an enemy of Briar Valley, as much as it hurts him (the drawing at the beginning of the post).
2) Reject the throne to fight by Malleus' side, fulfilling the duty he was trained for alongside Sebek, protecting his friends and family, although he knows there's many people who need him in his kingdom.
I honestly can see him in both situations. See, he is described more as a hero but he still is a student in NRC. We've seen Kalim and Rook (both of them also have light magic and aren't based off villains) have questionable attitudes sometimes, and we will probably see Silver doing the same too.
We can also have a happy ending for everyone: Silver takes the throne but he manages to make a peace treaty between his kingdom and Briar Valley, and now both kingdoms are allies and everyone lives happily ever after. Which is probable since this is, after all, a Disney game. But I want angst so I drew the first route ✌🏻
—End of spoilers here—
I finished this almost a month ago, but I've been waiting to post it closer to Silver's birthday in case I didn't have anything else finished. It's been a while since I've posted something, and I couldn't make anything for many birthdays because of personal matters, but I found the inspiration to draw again and now I'm working on some stuff. Hopefully I'll finish what I'm working on right now for Silver's birthday, since he is one of my favorite characters.
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jasontoddsguns · 2 years
I really enjoy your interaction headcanons between characters as friends or as one adopting the other, but what are two characters you feel would profoundly hate each other or at least have one loathing the other?
John Constantine & Damian Wayne
Damian cannot go within ten-feet of that man without bitching. He’s shocked that a known ally of the JL would hold himself in such a manner. Not to mention- his crude manner of speech. The occasional joke is fine (welcomed even) , but this guy won’t shut up.
John just thinks Damian is a brat. Lol.
Nightwing & Shazam
Before the reveal, Nightwing always viewed Shazam as a rip-off Superman. For some reason the guy always rubbed him wrong. Don’t get him wrong, Nightwing appreciates a good joke- but this Shazam ‘character’ can’t ever seem to be serious. Like, come on! People’s lives are at stake!
Billy realized that Nightwing didn’t like him and decided to double down on the “you don’t like me? Well I hate you” attitude. Besides, he’s just another mean adult standing in his way.
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violent138 · 3 months
"#hey I have a serious headcanon that multiple of Gotham's elite were worried about or invested in Bruce's future#not even for court of owl reasons#but because he had the power and wealth to the alter the city the same way his parents did#falcone even tried killing him a bunch"
PLEASE talk more about this i'm begging. I want to hear all about this!!! Go into as much detail as you want but i'd absolutely read a 5k essay on this if you feel up to it
Though this isn't quite a 5K essay, you may come to regret asking lol. But I'm delighted to answer the question (thanks for asking):
Firstly, I guess to set up some Gotham lore, Gotham's a city of seemingly endless opportunity and is subject to constant power grabs. I think Black Mask once listed all the different factions that squabble over Gotham (street gangs, crime families et cetera). One of these groups is the Court of Owls (the society that secretly controls Gotham), made up of Gotham's oldest and wealthiest families.
And Batman comics make a point of repeatedly drawing attention to its key families, Kanes, Waynes, Elliots, Cobblepots (and the Arkhams too should you like to include them). There's an undue influence and importance they wield over the city.
But despite all the different forces that are competing to reshape Gotham in their image, it's the spectre of the Waynes that looms over it all.
This actually makes a lot of sense, since as some of the founders of the city, they were literally involved in creating the city's skyline and appearance. And then past that, there are so many instances and references to how Thomas and Martha (Kane or Arkham) were set on changing the city entirely (possibly a deviation from their more traditional ancestors).
This is the beginning of the loss of control for many others over the city (such as Gotham's wealthy and elite). Even smaller decisions, like Thomas' choice to save Carmine Falcone's life have major repercussions for the city.
The Waynes had a ton of power, buildings and institutions around Gotham hold their name. They were untouched by their potential criminal ties as they reconstructed the city, but it was clear that they were earning the hatred of a lot of powerful players. This includes the Court of Owls (historians still argue)/others, and if you're a fan of the TellTale game, it's clear that Bruce's family may have actually destroyed and usurped power from some of these other powerful families.
Regardless, Thomas and Martha's shocking deaths created a massive power vacuum that everyone would have jumped to take advantage of. And aside from gaining control over the city, all the old-money families would have wanted control over Bruce Wayne.
Because of the deaths of his parents, Bruce becomes a wildcard; he's the sole inheritor of Wayne Enterprises, all the money, power, and prestige his parents wielded. And in a way, it's almost like all the Waynes have some divine right/eldtrichy power over Gotham, by virtue of their fascinating blood line (or just their money).
So everyone would have been trying to control him/adopt him/use his access in the wake of trauma and exploit his age. When it didn't work, they likely all just settled into a stalemate of waiting for him to make moves so they could decide how much of a threat/ally he was.
In a comic I read (I'm sure there are other examples too, can't recall as I answer this), Carmine Falcone tries to kill Bruce Wayne via hired assassin, well after it's been established that nobody's even seen Bruce for a while. Carmine hears that Bruce could be at a party and sends an assassin with both a potent neurotoxin and a sword to ensure the job is done. So long after the deaths of his parents, these concerns of Gotham's warring factions continue.
And once Bruce starts acting on his vision for the city, one that aligns so well with Martha and Thomas' plans for Gotham, he likely cements himself as a threat yet again, and one that hasn't been schooled by his old-money parents in the games and underlying politics of Gotham.
So to continue on the line of thought that the tags came from: Regardless of what choices Bruce eventually makes -> I doubt that the Gotham elite wanted him making them without their influence
As a side note, because I'm kind of obsessed with the lineages that rule Gotham, if you look at Oswald Cobblepot, even as a crime lord descended from the Cobblepots, he's not just a street-level crook, but he also shapes the city.
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serialadoptersbracket · 4 months
Round 2, Match 1: Ogai Mori vs. Pascal
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Submitted kids:
Ogai Mori: Uhhhh let’s go with Dazai and Chuuya. It gets complicated to figure out the adoption status of everyone else
Pascal: Village children
Propaganda under the cut!
Ogai Mori:
"Alright so Mori is a shady criminal underworld doctor who’s out here treating /looking after the sick boss of the Port Mafia. During this time he runs into this kid who tried to kill himself and treats him (because he’s a doctor and that’s what he does). This kid (Dazai) is HIGHLY suicidal and will Not Stop trying to kill himself. So Mori’s like “ok stick with me real quick” and takes him to visit the mafia boss. While they’re there Mori kills the boss and tells Dazai that’s he’s the only witness and the story they’ll tell is that the boss died of natural causes and made Mori his heir.
So the plan works and now Mori’s the mafia boss, plus he’s looking after this very suicidal teen on the side. Meanwhile someone (Chuuya) is out there single-handedly destroying the entire mafia. So Mori looks into it on his own and goes “oh that’s a teenager! Around the same age as my boy! Imma capture him and force them to be friends! :)” So he does, but they (Chuuya and Dazai) HATE each other. Absolutely despise each other’s very existence. So Mori’s like “well if I force them to work together forever, then they’ll HAVE to get along!!”
Anyway his two boys become the most powerful duo in the canon lore of this animanga.
Eventually Dazai leaves the mafia because his friend dies while doing mafia work. Very tragic, Mori still talks to him like he’s his estranged son that he wants a relationship with. Mori and Chuuya don’t interact much in the main manga but in all the bonus material he’s definitely very parental to him. Specifically the aquarium side story from mayoi— sure that was a job but iirc he kept telling Chuuya to relax and just enjoy going on a fun aquarium trip."
"not putting all of his lore here bc of the pg-13 rule but he's this robot who is the sweetest guy imaginable, he is pretty smart cares a lot for his kids (again, cant get TOO into that but he is v/ protective of them) and also is a pacifist who rlly just peace between the androids & machines even tho thats pretty fucking difficult (he even is an ally to the android resistance and trades w/ them frequently!)
from his unit data (because im Bad at describing things lol):
""A pacifist machine lifeform that despises conflict and strives endlessly for peace with humanity. This unit possesses incredible intelligence, as well as a deep interest in the history of both humans and machines."""
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eloaholiveira · 3 months
Do you have character outline/overview for your StH TeenWolf Au? Been enjoying it regardless either way.
Yeah? If I understood correctly lol
Well, Sonic is based on Scott Mccall, main protag. After around season 3 he becomes Alpha and eventually turns Silver.
Tails is based on Stiles Stilinski, Scott's best friend. At some point (i forgot the exact season) he gets possessed by a nogitsune which is an evil kitsune spirit, but dw he gets freed.
Russell(OC) is based on Noah Stilinski, although instead of being Tails' biological father, he adopted him.
Bernadette, Sonic's mom, is based on Melissa Mccall (Scott's mom). She's a nurse and yes she does eventually figure out.
Jules, Sonic's father, is based on Agent Mccall (Rafael Mccall). Divorced from Bernadette and pretty much a ghost in Sonic's life, he's never present for him.
Amy is based on Alisson Argent, although in this AU, she doesn't die. She's a beast hunter, but eventually becomes an ally.
Shadow is based on Derek Hale, he's a werewolf and an ally. He helps Sonic gain control with the price of helping him find whatever Alpha bit Sonic.
Silver is based on Liam Dunber(?), frequented same school as Sonic and got bit by him kinda by accident.
Knuckles is based on Jackson Whittemore, starts off as kind of a jerk, eventually becomes an ally. He's a kamina. Also dating Rouge.
Rouge is based on Lydia Martin, she's a banshee and frequented same school as Sonic also. Don't really have much to say about her, I didn't draw her out yet, even lol!
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padfootdaredmetoo · 2 years
Can you do a part two of Tommy and the girl he adopt from the orphanage I gotta see more of her relationship with Noah Solomon’s. And I beg an plead can you do a scene where the whole family goes to the fair and Noah’s there with Alfie. She’s riding on the Ferris wheel with like a friend or something she might be in a fight lol it’s Noah an please I beg you use the scene from the note book where Noah jumps up and hangs from the beg her to go forgive him. But she cheekily undoes his pants like Allie did and her whole family and alfie are watching it unfold !! Please
Dear Anon,
I wanted this so badly that I let this request jump the que. I've never seen the notebook and I had a different slightly more ridiculous scenario that popped into my head hopefully this is satisfactory!
Warnings: Angry dads, peaky typical violence, kissing, suggested sexual content, Aunt Polly loves you enough to stay up all night.
Part 1
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There were a lot of things your parents did right and knowing how to motivate you to do well was one of them. 
The fair was in town that weekend and if you got top marks on your finals, they would take you, and if you got okay marks Esme and John said they would take you behind their back. But you wanted to see your dad at the fair.
Lizzie always looked out of place because of how beautiful she looked. While Tommy always looked out of place because he looked like he was coming from a funeral or causing one. The thought of him taking you to the fair brought you a whole mix of feelings. Part of you thought it was funny, the other remembered how badly you’d wanted your dad to take you when you were little. 
When Noah called to let you know that he and his family were also planning on going you refused to acknowledge the looming possibility that it could go horrifically wrong. He’d called to ask if it would be better that they go on a different day, but you assured him that was ridiculous. In your eyes, they were business friends. But still friends, no reason to give each other a hard time or cause a scene. 
“Don’t worry about it Noah, I’m sure they will manage” You fought to get the words out in a reasonable tone. “If any problems come up, I’ll have us leave right away.” 
“Don’t worry about it love, If things kick up on our end we can leave. I know how much you wanted to go.” His voice was like honey, and you just wanted to drown in it forever. God and he cared so much.
“That’s really sweet of you. I- I think it will be fine.” You said with a smile you hoped he could hear. 
“I’ll call you before bed” There was a loud commotion behind him and you assumed he must be calling you from his dad’s work. 
“And I’ll answer.” You responded back. Since you were going steady he’d call you every night before bed. Sometimes to chat, other times just to tell you he hoped you slept well. The line went dead and you let out a triumphant squeal. 
Your dad flung open the study door scanning the room. Looking around the room and finding nothing out of place or alarming, his face fell and he let out a sigh. 
“What's he done this time eh? Bloody boy -” He continued to grumble but you cut him off with a big hug. Normally you kept your screams of excitement and any loud noises to an absolute minimum because you hated how it set him off. War flashed in his eyes every time, you never knew what to do so you just hugged him and hope it helped. 
“Nothing, nothing. Just excited to go to the fair.” 
“Nothing to do with the Solomons also going to the fair then?” He responded easily holding you back. Your eyes went wide and you pulled away enough to look up at him. “That’s right us dad’s talk you know.” You froze up even more. Did Noah talk about you? Did Alfie? 
“What do you talk about?” He looked at you for a long second holding you in suspense. 
“Business and now thanks to you coordinated trips to the fair.” He sighed. 
“Wait. Wait. Wait. He coordinate it? Like he, you know, he tried to get us all there at the same time?” 
“According to Alfie, he won’t shut up about it. Wants us all to get along or something started talking about family trips out to the beach house, proposing after graduation, moving you off to London,” He watched your face twist up in horror before tickling you. 
“DAD!” You shouted pushing his hands off you. He moved past you to put his briefcase on his desk. 
“Caught your mother listening in on the phone with Esme in the kitchen.” He smiled at you and it was enough that you stopped bothering him even though you wanted to. “Not my fault, your mother knows no boundaries, trust me.” 
“I’ll have to sort that out later.” You said sternly. You already knew that they listened in that’s why you had come up with codded phrases and words. 
“Can we go still go then?” You asked him hesitantly.
“I’m not going to cause a gang fight at a family fair,” He said giving you a look that made you feel bad for implying such things. “ I know how to behave myself, it's Alfie we need to watch out for.” 
You made a mental note to ask John what the history was between the two men next time he was drunk. 
“So that’s a yes?” You asked hopefully. 
“It’s not a no.” He answered back and you did a happy dance. “Now go bother your mother for invading your privacy, I have a lot to do” 
You ran out of his study and went right into the kitchen, opening the door suddenly, startling the women on the other side. It wasn't even dinner yet and you could see that their faces were already quite rosy. You stared at them for a moment like you felt Tommy would, and they sat there looking suspicious. 
“Noah’s going to be at the fair, with his family.” They both nodded and hummed, you watched Esme look out the window and Lizzie focus her attention on the napkin in front of her. “But I’m sure you already knew that” 
You laughed as they both started blaming each other and rambling excuses. Normally it would irritate you but nothing could dampen your mood today. 
“So naturally I’ll need help figuring out what to wear,” You said letting them off the hook. You watch the relief and Esme playfully smacked you on the bottom. 
“Don’t do that your Aunty. I’m an old woman now!” She scolded 
“If you're an old woman what does that make me eh?” Lizzie shot back. They continued on bantering and you claimed your usual spot at the table. Polly eventually showed up and joined in. 
Where ever the women were, the men were usually not far behind. No better way to spend a Friday night than drinking with your family till the sun comes up. It was loud and your ribs always hurt afterward from laughing and singing. As things were starting to come to an end you sat on Tommy’s lap and got awarded your one alcoholic drink of the night. 
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Getting to the fair was surprisingly easy. Everyone was going but they were taking their own cars, except you were picking up Polly. She slid into the back seat looking mighty hungover from the night before despite it being nearly 5 o’clock in the evening. 
She had her sunglasses on and before you said anything to her she held her hand up to silence you. She got settled and put her head on your shoulder tasking you with being a good pillow. 
After weeks of waiting and working hard, you were finally there. You followed your cousins leaving the parents to walk around at their own pace. 
You went along with whatever they wanted to do while you waited for Noah to get there. More than anything you wanted a kiss at the top of the Ferris wheel. Something your mind had cooked up in the many fantasies about how the day was going to go. Something that motivated you when you would start falling asleep on your textbook. 
You were determined to get that kiss at the top. 
Until you bumped into Roger. Why did gangsters think sending all their kids to the same school was a good idea? 
“Ah! There you are! Was hoping I’d bump into you.” He smile at you and your stomach turned into a knot. 
“Hi, Roger.” You said politely. “Was just about to go -” 
“Come with me on the Ferris wheel, Eh?” He cut you off making you even more annoyed. But the line was moving and he looped his arm into yours. The only way out of it would be to cause a big scene. His eyes narrowed and you got dragged towards the little, pink car. Once off this contraption you were going make this boy's life a living hell. Before all the way in you made one more scan of the crowd for your dad somehow thinking he’d be the answer to all of this. 
He started droning on about how you should go on some dates with him, get to know his family, leaving Noah behind. You felt your face get hot with anger, tears threatening to spill over on how such a terrible boy could cause such problems in your life. You should have started beating on him. Done something other than just go along with it. Your mind got worse and worse, as the thing started to move, you immediately regretted your decision of coming at all. 
You started to panic being in a space with this asshole, while also moving away from the ground. Your heart started to hammer and your hands got shaky. 
“You afraid, love?” He challenged, placing his hand on your knee suggestively. You pushed his hand away fighting the urge to start smacking him, it would only rock the car sending you into a fit. You tried desperately to focus on your breathing. After this was over you could run straight to your dad and leave. Go home to where it was safe. When suddenly the car made a horrid swinging motion. 
“What do you mean she’s on the Ferris wheel?” Shock washed over Noah as he looked up towards the contraption. All you had talked about was how badly you wished he could come so they could ride the bloody thing. 
“I thought she was up there with you,” Finn said coldly. Noah could tell Finn wasn't thrilled with the situation. He looked up and recognized Rodger’s navy blue cap. After his vile comments about her circulated to Noah he'd told her to stay as far away from him as possible. Realizing what he could be up to with her trapped in there all his sensibility disappeared.
Without thinking, or remembering his fear of heights, he was overcome with anger. 
“That fucking bastard!” The words were out of his mouth as he charged towards the ride. The thought of him putting his hands on you trapped in that stupid pink car was enough to send him over the fence and leaping up into the air. 
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“Pulling my boy away from his faith. That’s what your little harlot of a daughter is doing.” Alfie said making Tommy’s fists clench. He could tell that Alfie regretted his choice of words without him saying anything so he let it go. 
“Your dodgy son is going to drag her right back to the sewers.” He answered smoothly. And that's exactly what the boy was going to do. Drag her right back into the life he fought to pull the family out of. 
“Should have raised her better.” He quipped back. Lizzie came and took his arm. 
“Lovely girl you got there Mrs. Shelby,” Alfie said politely. “I haven't had the pleasure yet but I’ve heard a lot about her.” 
“Likewise! Noah seems to have made quite the impression on her.” Lizzie smiled politely. Tommy looked around for any type of distraction when he noticed a boy hanging from the Ferris wheel. A commotion of yelling was going on when he noticed that it was his kid in the fucking car. 
“Fuck!” Tommy took off towards the ride not able to do anything other than get to her as soon as possible. Dumb fucking kids were going to send her to her death fucking around like that. 
Once he got close he could hear the shouting match. Of course, it was that stupid boy - 
“What’s your girl done, that’s got my boy dangling 20ft in the air?!” Alfie demanded and it took everything in Tommy to avoid pulling his gun. 
“WHY IS YOUR SON TRYING TO KILL HER EH?” He screamed back. He heard her let out a yelp and their attention refocused on the commotion in the sky. 
“NOAH DON’T ITS NOT WORTH IT.” he hated seeing her in so much distress. He was either going to shoot someone or puke. Or both.
“WHO’S DEAD?” Lizzie screamed up causing him to jump. 
“ROGER” The two of them screamed down in unison. 
“YOU KILLED HIM THEN?” Alfie shouted and Tommy wondered how on earth his life decisions put him in such a ridiculous situation. 
“NOT YET” Noah called down. Tommy hated the boy, more than anything. But watching his daughter's hands hold on to the edge and the conviction in his eyes to keep her away from the Roger boy, he had to say it was something he thought only himself capable of at that age. 
The boy climbed into the car causing it to lurch. Tommy instinctively moved forward as if he could somehow catch her. Once the car steadied he didn't need to be there to know what was happening. 
The car moved to the top taking them out of view. 
Noah didn't waste any time. His fist mashed against Roger's face what felt like a hundred times. It was quick and the other boy didn't stand a chance. You looked at his hands, red knuckles split open, the way his arms looked with his sleeves rolled up. How he was out of breath, the fact that he did all of that for the worry that a boy might harm you. 
The violence was a part of life in the peaky blinders, and while it was still alarming to you, you knew that if anyone in your family had found out about it later, a story much the same as the one unfolding before you would have been written just the same. 
Same story, but this did something much different to you. You wanted nothing more than to kiss him. Not because you were at the top of a stupid Ferris Wheel, but because he was just so unbelievably hot. 
It was over in seconds and he looked at you causing your heart to stop.
“Fuck” he breathed pushing the hair from his face. “You alright?!” he moved to kneel in front of you, his hands running over you. “Are you hurt? Did he hurt you?” 
You could only sort of hear him as your eyes focused in on his mouth. You grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him close to you slotting your lips together.
You felt his hands grip onto you tightly, causing you to moan. You were happy to be out of view from the congregation of angry parents. Suddenly your mind was filled with all the sorts of things you needed from him, things you’d have to find a way to ask for. He broke the kiss as you realized the ride was coming back down. He sat down next to you, and quickly fixed your top and adjusted the pendant on your necklace. You were grateful that his mind was still functioning, you were in shock that people could make each other feel such things. 
Never in your life had you seen people kiss like that, you didn't know that’s what people felt when they looked at each other. Suddenly you wondered how anyone managed to get anything done. Why get out of bed when you could feel like this? 
“She’s going to be the death of him,” Alfie whispered. 
“If he - fuck - I swear -” Tommy was too upset to form words. 
“I know. He won’t” Alfie answered back and there was an honesty in his eyes that he trusted. 
“I’d destroy you.” Lizzie put her hand on his arm in warning.
“I know.” 
Tommy gave him a curt nod in response. Then they set in on getting the crowd to disperse. 
“RIDE CLOSED BY ORDER OF THE PEAKY BLINDERS” Arthur called out firing his gun in the air. It wasn't what Tommy would have done, drawing even more attention to the messy situation but once that pink car was down he was grateful everyone had fucked off. 
He assessed the situation carefully, his daughter looked fine, flushed, but okay. His arm was around her and that seemed to be where her focus was. The boy had an impressive red hand, hanging off of her shoulder. 
Once the door was open, he knew exactly who this Roger was, and his father was going to - 
“Drive by tomorrow morning at the paper shop?” Alfie said reading his mind. 
“Bit extreme isn't it? Surely we should go for something more personal?” Lizzie said casually. 
“I’ll call you later,” Tommy answered. He didn’t have to speak or move. She spoke to the boy with a look of affection and then ran to his side immediately. A look of apology was written on her face. 
“We’ll deal with this,” Alfie told him, before giving Noah a look of pride. He would thank him for it later. He put his arm around her and the family all moved out in a unit piling into black cars. 
Everyone had gone home, except Polly insisted on staying over. In some ways, you were grateful as your parents were in the study arguing. There was a knock at the door and Polly poked her head in. 
“Oh what’s that face for, got a boy who’s willing to fight for ya.” She gave you a soft smile.
“I feel terrible. I don’t know if he will forgive me.” Tears started to pool in your eyes.
“Noah? Hardly your fault -” 
“Dad.” You corrected her. He couldn't even look at you, the car ride home was spent in silence. He’d shut himself into the study as soon as he got home. After Lizzie knew you were alright she went in after him and they’d been shouting since. Polly snorted.
“Don’t ever worry about Thomas. He worries about himself.” Polly said with an edge to her voice you didn’t like. You watched her face as she thought about it for a moment. “He loves us all the best way he knows how. He’s done things - that none of us should have forgiven him for. But we do because we are family. The same kindness will be shown to you.” She lit a cigarette as if it would chase the unwanted feelings away. “Not that you fucked up at all. You chose to not cause a public scene thinking he would probably just try to chat you up. But that’s the problem with these boys. They think the whole world is being handed to them from their fathers, so they can take as they please.” 
You thought about what she was saying, hoping that it didn’t apply to Noah. 
“Can I bring him over for tea? I want someone to meet him.” You wanted some advice or approval. Bringing him to Polly would be the least stressful, but if Lizzie found out she’d be hurt, Esme would also be pissed. You sighed. 
“Think he’s got you beat love.” You followed where her eyes were focused and saw him climbing up over the balcony railing fighting with the flowing green vines. 
“I’ll leave you two alone then.” She winked at you with a smile. “I’ll try to keep an eye out for your dad” She got up and left you making you feel a whole wave of nerves. You went over to the glass door and opened it. 
“Shit did your aunt see me?” 
“Yeah, she knows. Said she’d give us a bit of space.” You hoped that he wasn’t going to hurt you, that conversation with Polly was definitely unfinished, but she wouldn’t have left you with him if she wasn’t sure that it was alright. 
“Will you be in trouble?” He brushed the foliage off of his clothes giving you a look of concern that erased all of your worries. 
“She said she’d keep an eye for dad.” You shrugged and smiled at him. 
You motioned for him to come in and watched as he looked over your room. Its structure was fit for a princess but it was covered in pictures and postcards from family members as they traveled. Scarves and charms hung from the ceiling, most of them made at Polly’s house. A large brown stuffed bear beside your pillow that Tommy had gotten you for your first Christmas together, a charm that may include one of his stolen cufflinks, and one of Lizzie’s earrings hug directly above your bed watching over you. Most people said it looked like a jungle, but Polly assured you it was a temple worth being proud of. 
“It’s a bit much but erm” 
“It’s great.” He smile at you, and all you could think about was throwing yourself at him. What would you do after kissing? What had he done before you? Your stomach twisted unsure of what his expectations were of you. 
“I called, before I could get a word in he told me to fuck off, then hung up the phone. Wanted to make sure you were alright after everything.” You blushed in embarrassment and also resisted the urge to laugh. 
“It’s alright.” He stopped you before you could start apologizing. You pulled him down to sit on the bed and the two of you started talking about what happened, how his dad handled it, and what you were going to do about the parents. 
He was very considerate, trying to take on the bulk of the responsibility, always checking in for what you wanted from the situation. The more you talked the more you leaned into him. The more you settled against his shoulder the heavier your eyes got. 
Polly listened outside the door, for safety of course. Boys were unpredictable in the sense that they were very predictable. After watching the boys in this family cause unspeakable damage she was going to be sure that boy treated her right. 
Listening to his offer to come over tomorrow morning to talk to Tommy, and offering her every possibility under the sun to make things easier on her. He even suggested taking the whole family out for dinner. She responded kindly saying she’d ask her mother what was best. Then he started asking what she wanted out of a relationship with him. 
Polly’s heart gave a painful twitch, it was entirely too personal a conversation to be listening to, but curiosity kept her glued to the spot. There was an innocence that was only possible from young love, but they were handling it much better than she ever did. Talking about all sorts of things rather than running into trouble and heartbreak. After it got very quiet - she risked poking her head in to see them both passed out. She wished she could get a photo, just to keep stashed away. 
Shutting the door, she moved down the stairs to see if Thomas was done shouting his heart out. Putting her ear against the door she could just make out what they were saying.
“If anything happens to her it’s my fault. It’s always my fault.” His voice was thick with a heavy sadness she didn't think him capable of expressing. 
“Leaving her there would have been a life worse than death, I’ve walked both paths, this one is a million times better,” Lizze assured him quietly. 
“Promise me I haven't ruined her life?” He was just above begging, but not by much. Her heart went out to that little boy that wasn't too much younger than her. Sweeter than ever, determined to be better than his father. Realizations set in about him that took him in a different light. 
“Promise,” Lizzie said softly. Polly remembered the way they used to talk to each other and wondered how a mouthy teenager accomplished what saints couldn't. 
“And what if he knocks her up then?” An edge of panic in his voice confirmed that he was indeed thawed out to something close to the man he was before all the madness.
“He’d be no better than you,” Lizzie responded sharply, and Polly hoped they wouldn't start at it again.
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“I’m sorry.” He choked on the words. “For all of it, for John, Grace, for Ruby. All of it was me, and I -” He was cut off and a whole commotion of passionate sounds erupted. 
They were going to seek peace in each other in the best way they knew how. Polly moved back upstairs and settled into her room, keeping the door open for any problems. Pouring herself a whiskey she wondered if ever there would be a man for her. Picking up her book she hoped it would keep her own loneliness at bay. 
She stayed up making sure to wake the two of them up to say goodbye before Tommy woke up. The boy awkwardly apologising and stumbling over his thank yous. After he was out the balcony her attention set in on the girl.
“Thank you.” She said softly.
“Ah, what are Aunties for eh?” She smiled. “Tea or are we having a lie-in?” 
“Tea,” she said brightly. “We have lots to talk about.” 
Going down to the kitchens, Polly was not surprised to find the contents of Tommy’s office in shambles.
“What happened?!” 
Polly only gave her a look and laughed at the disgusted look her face twisted into. “I think it's best we let them sleep in.” 
More might be planned…. Any Ideas?  
Tags List: @kpopgirlbtssvt
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becauseimanicequeen · 2 months
I read your hilarious post on your bad taste and couldn't believe you mentioned Xena. That was my favorite show as a child too! We have similar taste in qls too.
What are your favorite ql characters though? I tend to like the darker kind. It would be interesting to read your thoughts.
Have a nice day.
Hi, Anon.
Glad to meet a fellow Xena lover.
When it comes to QL characters, my taste is similar to the QLs in that post you mentioned. I’m usually drawn to the bad bitches. So, here are the…
Bad bitches that have me in a chokehold.
My memory is a bit fucked, but these are the ones I can remember off the top of my head right now.
*spoilers ahead, so read at your own peril*
Tan/New (DFF)
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Everything started with his brother disappearing and ended with him torturing the people responsible with their worst fears and deepest secrets. All the while having a backup plan knowing his closest ally would turn on him. New is no dumbass. He's a determined, prepared, avenging manipulator. And this bad bitch was determined to avenge his brother (and his own suffering) even if it killed him. I don't know about you, but I love a man who knows what he wants.
Todd (Not Me)
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On the topic of manipulation... This prince charming put his lover (you can't convince me they weren't) into a coma while manipulating his lover's twin brother to join a gang whose mission is to take down the man who stands in the way of making Todd the king of Thailand's business world. Master manipulator at its finest (and he's fine as fuck). What's not to love?
Black (Not Me)
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He was put into a coma by his lover (again, you can't convince me they weren't) and paid back in the same coin because this bitch is petty as fuck. And I love him for it.
Ai Di (Kiseki: Dear to Me)
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This colorful and feisty little shit had me in a chokehold from the first moment I saw him. He runs head-first into fights, can kick ass (and do), and is often manhandled by his "adoptive" brother/best friend/crush while kicking and screaming. And let's not forget he's petty and admits it.
Vegas (KinnPorsche)
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This bitch with daddy issues is a walking, talking toxic issue from start to finish in KinnPorsche. He drugged Porsche to assault him (and get under his cousin's skin), killed Tawan whom he only hooked up with to take down his cousin, captured and tortured Pete only to fuck him when the pet hedgehog died, not to forget he sat in Tankhun's seat at the dinner table (I mean, where are his fucking manners? lol)... And this is just a summary. But it's also because of all of this that Vegas is my favorite character in KinnPorsche.
Boston (Only Friends)
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He's a slut. That's it. He doesn't need more context. Give me a slut, and a toxic one at that, and I'll love them forever. I know, I've got issues... But so does Boston, which is why I love him.
And the most recent bad bitch to come into my life…
Ming (My Stand-In)
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It's too soon for me to say anything substantial about Ming (since only one episode is out and I haven't read the novel). BUT. It took less than an hour for this man to grab me by the throat... and I let him. It took him less than an hour to claim ownership of my soul... and I let him (I even begged him to during the scene in the gif above). This man is trouble. And I love trouble. I won't defend his actions, but I will love him.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again... I need this bad bitch to break Joe’s heart into a million little pieces (because we all know it’s happening anyway). I need him to be toxic. I need him to be a problem. I need him to the THE PROBLEM.
And when he realizes what he's done, I need him to pay for it by crawling through hell, only to beg on his knees for forgiveness when he realizes Joe is back, and then pay with his own blood when he tries his utmost to stitch Joe’s heart back together. Just give me the pain!
I love every single one of these characters. And I love that I love them.
I know, it’s a me-problem. But at least I'm aware of it.
I’m sure I’ll remember more characters that have me in a chokehold as soon as I hit publish on this. But, at least this is a start for now.
Thanks for your ask.
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cutekittenlady · 2 months
Planes, Trains, and Autobots
Summary Fic Part 2
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((Srsly I need a title for this thing. Willing to take suggestions.))
Opening up on the Maltos House where, after the end of the first season, Bumblebee and the other Autobots have started taking efforts to educate the Terrans about Cybertronian culture and history in more detail. Something Alex enthusiastically takes part in.
(Really this is just an excuse for me, as a fan, to import whatever aspects of the previous lore I find most appealing, as well as inserting some stuff of my own.)
While they are doing this who should finally appear?
Ratchet. Because Ratchet needs to be in Earthspark. I will take no arguments.
(Definitely prefer his characterization as an older more experienced cybertronian medic so kinda going off that here. Generally for this fan speculative Earthspark version of Ratchet I see him, as always, being the Autobots top combat medic as well as one of their most senior and experienced members with a long friendship with Optimus. LIke a lot of the other Autobots, hes accepted Megatrons change of heart but unlike the others he doesnt necessarily get along with him and is not above bringing up past grievances or criticizing Megs for current as well as past decisions hes made. Hes generally a good hearted if grmpy guy, and a highly ethical medical practitioner with strong views.)
Optimus had asked Ratchet to finally come and meet the Terrans both to further introduce them to more potential allies they could rely on and also because it was becoming increasingly important that they finally gain an understanding of how the Terrans health works so that they can best meet their needs if they're ever hurt or in need of any other kind of medical aide.
Cue some adorable moments of Ratchet putting the Terrans through various basic exercises and roping them in when they try to show off their abilities to him while he remains unfazed. The Terrans initially think this means Ratchet doesnt like them, but Bumblebee clarifies that Ratchet is just so used to the various powers and abilities of all the cybertronians hes treated over his millions of years of life that hes almost, quite literally, seen it all. Besides which hes far more concerned with figuring out areas of the Terrans health that might need his attention rather than anything else. Lol obviously cue Ratchet being grouchy and immediately undercutting whatever it is Bumblebees just said.
Eventually the subject of Conjunx Endura (Cybertronian concept like marriage which I believe was introduced in the IDW comics) somehow comes to the Terrans attention and they try asking the various Autobots (and maybe Megatron?) about it but the group gets flustered FAST and plays hot potato with the subject until it comes to Ratchet who takes up the subject while deriding the others for not being able to get ahold of themselves to actually explain one of their most important ceremonies to the kids.
((Note: As an inherently asexual species thats nonetheless capable of the full gauntlet of emotions while ALSO living for millions of years, I tend to h/c that to the cybertronians the concept of being in love and married is an incredibly intimate subject that, historically, most younger bots aren't taught about until they're considered experienced enough in other things to grasp the gravity of the subject. The Terrans are, at most, a year old or so. So them asking the various autobots about the subject is, socially speaking, like your toddler asking you where babies come from.))
Ratchet thinks if they're old enough to ask the question, they're old enough to get an answer. Still Dot and Alex insist on being present since a) despite his enthusiasm Alex has no idea what the Conjunx Endura is, b) the terrans are all their adopted children, and c) are themselves insanely curious about what could make the autobots and Megatron so flustered. Which is good, because Ratchet winds up needing their help as his explanation of the concept is incredibly dry and tends to reference a lot of aspects of Cybertronian culture the Terrans just dont know. Dot and Alex, as adults who happen to be married, are able to compare and contrast the concept to their own marriage to help the Terrans understand.
Ratchet does insist that the two are different in various ways though Dot is quick to hammer home that the important part is that its a special ceremony only to be launched with a special person you deeply love romantically. Something Ratchet agrees with and makes clear that while he wants the Terrans to understand what a Conjunx Endura IS, they're far far too young to pursue anything of the like and are definitely too young to learn about the Conjux Ritus, the set of rituals meant to tie two Conjux Endura together.
Alex and Dot thanks Ratchet for letting them learn about something so personal to the Cybertronians but do ask, out of curiosity, why the others were so flustered about it. Ratchet explains that because Conjunx are so personal many consider it an embarrassing subject to broach in mixed and professional company, and asking a bot you dont know really well about their conjunx or whether or not they have one is considered tactless and even rude. When asked why he isn't embarrassed about the subject, he explains carefully that he actually has a conjunx of his own and "after a million years together the embarrassment of the subject just sorta wears off" though he doesnt pursue the subject of his Conjunx any further.
Instead he changes subject and tell Dot and Alex to keep in mind that the Conjunx Endura can go wrong. On Cybertron there were bad actors who would lure unsuspcted bots into forming a Conjunx for favors, gain social standing, or other perks. At best they'd then abandon them allowing the victim to make an appeal and get the whole thing nullified, but at its worse it could trap bots into loveless onesided connections, or a toxic relationship.
Ratchet is surprised to find that Dot and Alex are shockingly accepting of this, saying that sadly marriage amongst humans can run much the same risk.
Alex even making a small comment like, "Just like my soap operas/stories!"
Again they thank Ratchet for telling them all this, and for looking after the kids by making sure they're informed.
Dot tries to prompt the kids to thank Ratchet only to discover most of the group had long since gotten distracted at some point in the conversation with only Nightshade and Jawbreaker really paying attention throughout the whole thing.
Alex tries to apologize but Ratchet responds with some dry humor that having at least 2/5 of young bots fully paying attention throughout the whole explanation is actually a pretty good turnout and that they can try explaining the whole thing to the others again "in due time."
They're then interrupted by the announcement that Breakdown has arrived at the Maltos house.
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