#(I guess in the end I typed out a bit of the vent huh)
spiderh0rse · 3 months
shephard's mind notes part 4, e16-20
fish heads, fish heads, roly-poly fish heads~
thinks the Spore Launcher is an alien from Alien
guilted into picking it up anyways. Baby talks it
"This is my weird squid slime spitting alien gun thing. There are many like it. But this one is mine."
essentially starts treating it like a pet that doubles as heavy weaponry.
sees a floating light and thinks it's Tinkerbell. Will o' the wisps would have him MADE
cannot enter the lab without a labcoat. He tries. Doesn't work.
the hologram is basically an answering machine, huh. Adrian fiddles with it and plays around
doesn't want to call the Barnacles Barnacles
pronounces "parasitic" with a long first "i"
knows a mild amount about barnacles
wants a grappling hook.
Realizes he needs the barnacle. Unenthused.
chastises the barnacle for being a messy eater
picks up on it not liking dead things. Calls it picky.
could be batman! or spiderman! not Indiana Jones though.
thinks if a barnacle ate another barnacle it'd make a black hole. Wants to try that some time.
Slur count: six.
Thinks he's going to get a SECOND Sparky. But no it attacks him.
Is processing alien blood as equivalent to human blood.
names the Spore Launcher Gill!
freaks the fuck out at the Tentacle. May be about as panicked as he ever gets
thinks all this bullshit must be karma for a past life.
"it is really hard to aim with an alien mouth."
seems to enjoy riding the barnacle's path
poorly convinces himself that some dying guy will be fine without him
thinks he can get some tunes off a radio. Gets orders instead
cramped vent :( gets stuck. Calls time-out. He's in a compromising position right now
manuevering his way out of the vent. Falls!
gets NASTY shit all over him and maybe in his mouth
threatens gman. Apparently knew him from some base inspection back at base
thinks Gman may have been a spy for the aliens
DND nerd >:)
concludes gman is just messing with him. Says this fondly
knows almost all these dead HECU by name and is Bothered.
freaks out a bit about the Pit Worm
wishes he'd been deployed to Afghanistan. Blames Obama for his being here
"nobody likes centipedes" wrong. I do
misses human on human violence
guessing idle at aliens hating technology or doors or both. Compares them to Amish people
he HATES steam!
the laser doesn't hurt as much as he expected it to
hates the Pit Worm noises. Yells at it to go back to Dune
"okay running now running now lasers are bad and so are giant centipedes"
upset that he's the only one alive. doesnt want to do things alone and having every companion he takes die looks bad
familiar with Star Wars
can't think of last words before he gets crushed into a tiny cube
"the only way this could possibly be worse is if youtube cut off the end of my sentence." not cut off!
pretty sure this (bug) is the worst thing thats ever happened
HATES slightly overcooked pancakes. recounts an event that has clearly happened to him multiple times
gets his leg caught in the metal grate
gets so mad he breaks it
"that water looks deep enough to break my fall" it's opaque. Shephard it's opaque
touched some mushy thing at the bottom of the water,,,
always wanted to kick through glass
seems to be having a completely shitty time staying afloat
"you know what? I really don't want to be here!" He says this so GENUINELY wow
calls some corpses slackers
complains that the laser hurts
lampshades how much ammo he's able to carry. More than should be feasible for any one human being!
anticipates being paid millions by the military for killing the Pit Worm
thinks the Worm would be cooler as a cricket
screams that he should've been a tradesperson
"uncomplicated shit made complicated"
calls himself a "good little marine" it's kinda cute of him
witnesses the Worm's remains. "That's the power of Oxy-Clean!"
only wearing the gas mask because of the night vision goggles
feeling kinda down :( trying out the stolen antidepressants
four capsule type of day
struggles with the safety cap
his mouth is so dry :(
correctly assumes scientists are sneaking in their narcotics
oh yeah yeah should mention he's read the label on the plastic bag holding the pills. inside of the plastic bottle. It's Gordon's oxycodone! And Adrian just took four!
he's on a ten minute time limit until it kicks in now! Go go go!
could use more practice with his mp5
irritated by the Gene Worm's lights
proclaims this ladder is the best one he's ever climbed. wants to stay here climbing it forever. wants to hug the person who built this ladder
think the ladder is asking him to take his clothes off
confirms the black ops are after him
hes never been so quickly plagsrized in his life
enough of this childish nonsense! Pokemon reference!
does a very bad bugs bunny impression
familiar with medical shows
thinks the electrified corpses smell like hot dogs
shot twice by a .50 cal...
starts talking to other inanimate objects for a moment
"I'm everywhere."
he's fighting a bunch of Californians! Not too bad
pissy about some private giving orders "can I be in charge for a little bit?"
oh the oxy is kicking in
sings about walking on a box
super giggly right now
has lost the bullet button just keeps launching grenades
his arms are SHAKY now
talks about getting his dead pals a funeral. He won't cry he'll get. A cat
fullnames himself!
he needs a map. One that's easy to read. Wonders if they sell that
"hey, you're an ass... dick"
can't find his grenades!
falls off. Laughs it off
humming some song! doesn't know what he's doing right now
got up too fast :(
starts talking to some corpse. sticks his hand inside the bones.
took a remote detonater out of the corpse. Laughs at it having eaten a button
presses the button explosions happen and he is Worried wants to undo
he is faster than a FIRE TRUCK
he's NOT a police-fire-doctor
accidentally teleports to Xen.
likes xens colours!
tips over and falls into the healing water.
wakes up clear-headed! freaks out at a TENTACLE MONSTER in front of him and shoots it
promptly reprimands himself for that. It was just drinking.
Adrian remembers basically nothing from when he was high
the sights on his rifle are BLURRY
went spelunking at 13. Except it wasn't a cave it's the spot under the bridge gangs hang out
theorizes the pit drone stingers are like bee stingers
thinks opening a door will release hundreds of tons of water. tries to open it
he is Missing his teleporter gun. Interrogates his pets about it. They claim innocence
"oh, sweet black forest fuck-cakes!"
does not want to go through the dark and dirty tunnel
he is just listing actors right now
this is his LEAST favorite tunnel in black mesa
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ask-modern-demon · 1 year
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// Yo, so...long time no see huh? As you can tell by the format of this post, this is going to be another vent post type of deal. I feel bad that it's not something like "Yo! Guess who's back to rping with my inky modern boi again?!" but my spark to rp Modern has kind of just been...as dead and dormant as it's ever been, I apologize about that. I'm kind of just making this post for the sake of the fact that I kind of just want to write out these feelings I've had for quite awhile (a few months actually) that I've just never wrote out till now.
I was going to write out how I've been feeling since the last vent post I've made but decided against it as I was just like 'there's probably no point in speaking on it and yada yada yada" So I'm just gonna write it all out here so it can...maybe lift a lot of it off my shoulders? I don't know.
So, I've been on Tumblr for quite a long time, since 2014 to be exact. My first blog was kind of just a blog where a young me just liked and reblogged a bunch of random shit, nothing too spectacular. I then started getting into rping a bit after though, I was pretty shit at it at first but that was what helped me grow to be as good at writing as I am now (If I can even consider my rps up to this point 'good writing' lol)
After my first blog, I soon went on to create two more blogs, @ask-funfred-and-bon-blog/@ask-funtimefred-and-bon-blog and this blog that became the origins of my modern inky boi. I made a few more rp blogs after these but I feel like these two were the ones I enjoyed writing for the most and probably had the biggest impact on me.
Through these blogs, I had made a good amount of friends on here, I was never the real friend magnet irl so to have friends who enjoyed to have me around just as much as I enjoyed their own presence (even though we all lived miles away from each other) really made me happy. I had even made a whole Discord server just for me and a ton of my other Tumblr buds to just hang out.
However, irl shit started to catch up with me and it flipped my mental health into a loop. I never spoke about these specific things with them as I kind of had this mindset of: "Oh! They probably have a ton of shit they're going through too! Shouldn't burden them with my troubles! I'll just wait things out and things should work through!"
However, that was quite the opposite and it didn't really get no better, and due to these troubles my own spark for rping began to dwindle little by little, I even got this weird ass idea where I was like "I'm gonna make this really awesome storyline that brings every character from my blogs together and I'll end it off with a really awesome ending and then quit rping for good!" Which, news flash, it was shit, don't even try to look for it, I think I even deleted it due to how bad and cringe it was. Think that's just one of those moments where you look back at something you made and think...Damn, what was I thinking when I made this?
Eventually, things became too much and I kind of just...vanished from Tumblr. I deleted my old Discord that I had created so any contact I had with my old Tumblr friends had vanished and I just overall stopped posting. At that point I was like, this is it, I'll never touch this site again, I'm done rping for good.
After that, I kind of just went on with my life until a few years down the line I had felt that spark for rping chime back in me once again. I had made maybe like...one or two new blogs for characters I was interested in rping with and even came back here to write for Modern again. However, the spark soon faded out once more, and it was just a constant cycle of write and don't write and write and don't write.
There then became a point where I'd find myself looking back at old threads I'd wrote with some of my old Tumblr buds, people who I had long stopped talking to at that point since by the time I returned they had either deactivated by then or just left their blog to rot and moved on to another, some were even still active but it had been so long that I'm not even sure they would want to speak to me after so long.
I started to just be like...damn, if I had just talked about my issues back then, I would still have those people in my friend group, I wouldn't feel as alone as I've been feeling, I missed the way things used to be way back then, sometimes I wonder if that's a stupid thing to think.
A good chunk of these friends I had managed to get back in touch with due to me making another Discord, but not only was I too scared to just...send a message when I had them friended, but the friends I managed to have a convo with...didn't really seem too interested in talking to me (Which isn't their fault at all, they aren't obligated to talk to me as that would just make me feel bad ^^'')
And now I'm here...writing this whole thing out because I'm kind of just tired of thinking and feeling these things when I come back here so I just want to write them all out and be done with it.
If you read all the way to the end, you really didn't have to ^^'' but I appreciate it nonetheless. I hope you have a wonderful and blessed day and yeah...Yen signing out!
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gripes-withthesun · 9 months
So, I usually write poetry by hand in a notebook and only digitise it if I need to post it or submit somewhere. I was typing one out right now to try my luck once more with a magazine and I was really struck by how much that poem means to me. How intensely it captures a topic close to my heart that I'm never gonna get over. And I realised every time I "submit" one of these poems to a publication and get rejected it isn't just about "maybe I didn't match the style that they were going for", it's also like. Really hard. To put something that personal out there. And face rejection after rejection. Because when we make any art we really flay ourselves open, huh? We really put really very vulnerable parts of ourselves out there... and then wait for some stranger to inevitably tell us it wasn't good enough.
Idk what it is, but making submissions will always be an extremely harrowing process for me. No matter how many well-meaning advice posts I go through, it's always gonna be a process that leaves me with no energy left afterwards because of the amount of emotional and social labour it requires of me. And I hate that I have to keep doing it anyway, that if I let the rejections get to me "too much" I end up sounding spoiled or entitled but all I actually feel is tired and exhausted and spent.
I hate that if I cut out the middle man and self-publish I have to do a bunch of marketing or maintain a "social media presence" for it to amount to anything.
When you're a bright eyed poet in high school they never really warn you about the burnout of the process of trying to put yourself out there even a little bit. Every time I feel like I'm cutting chunks off of myself to send the best of my stuff out there and it's going down the drain. I guess you could argue that maybe I'm just not good enough and I could always just improve but tbh I actually genuinely, in a material Real sense, do not know how one is supposed to keep bouncing back from it. How one is supposed to have enough of themselves left at the end of it to keep going.
I do not believe that the system of publication we have arrived at is at all conducive to encouraging poetic talent. And somewhere, I do hold a lot of these same magazines and competitions and definitely the publishing houses (yes even the indie ones) responsible for how intimidating they make the whole process, especially so to neurodivergent poets.
Anyway, I'm gonna have to act like it doesn't actually matter all that much and keep trudging on lest I should come off as a spoiled brat so that's what I'm gonna do but. Well, it's my blog so I can vent here at least.
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minho-hoho · 2 years
Because I Love You
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❁ Pairing ⭆ Yandere!Riki × GN!Reader
❁ Genre ⇛ Angst, Yandere AU
❁ Warning ⇛ Murder, a bit cursing
❁ Requested ⇛Yes
❁ Word count ⇛ 1.6k
❁ A/N ⇛ Request will be closed on the 11th of April, but please request something special you'd like to see as a way for me to celebrate the 1 month anniversary of this account and the 152 followers! Yandere!ENHYPEN type of fics are closed. Hope you all have a fantastic day and thank you for being here~
As always you were walking through the hallways, hoping that you wouldn’t cross roads with your bullies. They've been bullying you for months now, you didn’t even know why. But you endured it as they threatened you multiple times to not report them or tell what they did to you to anyone. You wanted to tell everything to your sweet boyfriend so badly. You needed to vent, and you did, in a hidden journal of yours. You always made sure to hide it each time in different places just in case.
You reached your locker and started to open it. You heard voices from afar, despite the distance there was between you and the voices, you recognised immediately who they belonged to. Heeyoung and Joochan. They were dating and you despised them, you wished they were gone from this school, from the entire earth, even. Unfortunately, they were always here to bother you. The only reason why you kept going on was your lovely boyfriend, Nishimura Riki. You never told him why you were sad so often, you often found an excuse, but he always comforted you until you felt better. You were grateful to have him in your life, he was the one who kept you sane.
“Look who’s here” Joochan snickered. You sighed, and closed your locker quickly before turning around to try and get to your next class, but Heeyoung grabbed your arm making you stumble.
“Can’t walk properly, huh?” She chuckled. She turned you around to make you face her.
“Look at how pathetic you are. Do you have our homework?” She looked at you meanly. You nodded, not wanting to spend saliva on terrible persons.
“Good, now give it to us.” Joochan ordered. You obliged knowing how you’d end up if you didn’t do as told.
“Hm, I guess you’re not so useless.” HeeYoung smirked, while you just frowned knowing better than to fight back.
“Anyway, we need to go, we have other things to do than to see your disgusting and pathetic face” They both laughed before going on their own way.
You only sighed once they were out of sight. You were sort of used to the constant harassment, but it still pained you to be treated so differently from your peers for no reason.
But today you quickly forgot about the incident with your bullies as you were actively looking forward to having a sleepover at your house with your boyfriend. It was going to be the highlight of your week if not the entire month. Your mind was filled with thoughts about what you were going to do once you’ll both be at your house, you had been planning this for a while now but have never gotten around to do it as there wasn’t always the time. But finally, it was going to happen and you were more than happy to spend more time than usual with him.
Finally the bell rang, and you were greeted with a smiling Riki at the door of your classroom. You hugged him right away before you went to your house.
The whole night passed quickly and you both wished it lasted forever, but you were starting to get tired and you decided to go to bed. Riki wasn’t as tired as you, so he decided to stay up a little bit more on his phone before joining you.
After half an hour, Riki started to get a bit bored by his phone, nothing interested him. So he chose to take a closer look at your room and what it hid. He knew it wasn’t the best thing to do, but he was seriously bored and you didn’t need to know anyways.
He looked around in hopes of finding something interesting. He was about to give up after a few minutes when he caught a glimpse of a notebook he had never seen before. He took it in his hand and sat on the ground, with a devilish smile forming on his face, wondering what secrets were you hiding from him. He opened it expecting juicy things and hoping you weren’t cheating on him or something. What he didn’t expect was to find pages and pages just filled with pure sadness, anger and despair concerning your bullies. He wans’t sure how to react to what he just read. He felt so sad and angry at the fact that you had to suffer so much for so long and you coyodn’t even tell a soul about what you were living. He felt so angry at Joochan and Heeyoung for making you suffer. And he wanted to make them suffer 10 times as much as they did to you. He wanted them to be gone just as much as you did, expect that he would get rid of them for you. He knew you were too kind-hearted to kill anybody for anyone, but it wasn’t his case, he loved you too much and he was going to kill your bullies for you, it felt as if it was an obligation he had you. And plus, it wasn’t like it was his first time killing someone for you.
He went to sleep feeling rage, he wanted to talk to you about it first before taking action.
You woke up, feeling good but tired. Riki as more silent thank usual, and he looked concerned for reasons unknown to you at the moment. It was when you both finished eating breakfast that you decided to ask him what was up.
“Tell me, are you being bullied?” He asked, concern and worry oozing out of him. You were taken aback. How did he find out? But it didn’t take you long before realising that he probably found your journal and read what was inside.
“Did you.. Read my journal?” You asked feeling worried about what would happen with your bullies but still relieved that it wasn’t completely a secret anymore. He nodded, he reassured you and comforted you, he told you that he’ll always be by your side no matter what.
“Don’t worry about those bullies anymore, I will take care of them and you will ever have to worry about them anymore.” He said those words to you as you were crying out of relief.
You both went to school, and you were hopeful that soon, your hell was going to end.
Riki didn’t pay much attention to class, he instead scribbled plans to get rid of your bullies quickly and effectively without any trace left. By the end of the day he came up with a superb plan to get rid of them. He chose to invite them over to his house, they probably wouldn’t refuse as Riki was quite popular and from there, they’ll take a night walk and kill them in a near alley that he frequently used to kill other people.
As soon as the bell for lunch rang, he made his way onto your bullies before they could reach you and invited them over after school. They happily accepted, and he went on his day until it was finally time for him to go home. He brought them over to his home and he took them on a walk as planned. He cornered them in the dark and secluded alley before talking.
“So why did you think it was a good idea to bully my girlfriend, huh?” His eyes darkening as he spoke.
“Well I hope you regret ever laying your eyes on them, because even if you didn’t, I’m going to make you.” He chuckled before shooting them both in the head and in the chest. He always chose this specific place because there was a working incinerator that was previously used by an abandoned factory. He used it to burn the bodies, and so he did exactly just that, before going home happily.
3 days later, Riki happily skipped over to you, he announced that your bullies were now gone forever. You were happy not understanding how they were gone. You went to your class, and your happiness was quickly shut down when you heard that Joochan and Heeyoung were reported missing. You were now worried. How did Riki find out before anyone else? When school ended, you went and asked the questions that you had to Riki.
“How did you know that they were gone, forever?!” You asked worried, thinking about the worse.
“Don’t worry about it” He assured you, he didn’t feel remorse whatsoever, he felt as if what he did was necessary and you should feel thankful, but he knew that you might find it weird at first so he tried to keep it to himself a little.
“Did you kill them or something?” You joke with still an ounce of worry present in your voice.
“Well yeah, but it’s because they were bothering you” He said casually. You were bewildered by his confession.
“Whatー You did what? Are you serious?” You asked chuckling but getting seriously scared.
“I’m serious. I killed them 3 days ago, the next day I found out I took action. Now they won’t be here to bother you anymore!” He seemed so proud and happy, but you were absolutely mortified and you wanted to run away and tell the police. But you knew that it wasn’t a good idea, you knew he killed two people, what if he killed other people in the past? What if he killed you? He was crazy and it was better for you to accept whatever he was going say before doing anything risky. But Riki wasn’t dumb, he saw your face and knew what you were thinking about.
“I know what you’re thinking about. But just so you know, you better not tell anyone or do anything about it. It’s better for the both of us.” He came closer to you and hugged you.
“And plus, you should be grateful. I did it because I love you.”
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❁ Tag List ⇛@stacey-stonem
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ayuki-ikuya · 3 years
Dorms and Archons
Twisted Wonderland x Genshin Impact
Part 2 of 2
Part 1
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Dendro Archon
The Recluse Scholar
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𝓚𝓪𝓵𝓲𝓶 𝓐𝓵-𝓐𝓼𝓲𝓶
Kalim was excited to have a new friend! Oh the parties they'd have! The fun! The food!
When he met you, you were... distant. Did he do something wrong? Did he upset you?
He really did try to find out what he did wrong, and often sent you invitations (Malleus eyeing the invitations) you some of the parties he makes, but you don't show up nor reply, making him sadden.
Jamil low key face palming
During a normal sunny day at school, he and Jamil headed to the library to grab some books, and during the process, he found you, tucked in a corner with mountains, upon mountains of books around you, and you? You were reading.
"Ah? S/o??"
he startled you so badly that plants from outside grew. which of course caused a commotion.
Kalim apologised for startling you, but he asked a question about your attendance, your reply was to fiddle with your sleeves before answering with a small voice that you were afraid of people despite being a deity.
Kalim immedietly thought of Idia, but he crossed the line of no return, but Kalim smiled warmly, held your hand, making you choke, and said a more softer voice that he'd throw a smaller party, just the three of them. (Don't tell me you forgot Jamil, HE MAKES THE DANG FOOD)
You accepted.
Several parties later, you two were unsurprisingly in love with each other that the students of NRC were rolling their eyes at the moments the two shared. COULD YOU TWO DATE ALREADY!?!?
When you two started dating, Kalim made a celebration, but kept you in a more secluded section, that way you could be apart of it, but not near a large crowd of people. And you were thankful for it.
As a couple, Kalim practically adores you. And he's super affectionate too! Jalim is glad to have someone more tameable and it also makes it easier to locate Kalim if he ever goes off by himself.
𝓙𝓪𝓶𝓲𝓵 𝓥𝓲𝓹𝓮𝓻
He thought nothing of you at first.
Until you had full scores on everything.
He had requested you to help with Scarabia's studying, in offer of full meals, which you complied with due to living in a run down dorm and doesn't have a lot of money to support themselves with.
However, the study group went wrong due to the amount of people.
Jamil then figured that you didn't work too well with large numbers of people, and he found that you were slightly dependent on him when it comes to speaking.
He ended up planning smaller groups, working on those who had the worst grades then up.
And thanks to you, their dorm gradually got better.
Jamil spent time with you whenever he was free from following Kalim, and he was fairly fond of you.
You were soft, very soft, but highly reliable in terms of knowledge. So he'd often vent to you which is surprising.
But your presence and advice helped him grow better.
Jamil fell for you when he found you smiling at a Scarabia student showing you their improved grade, you looked like a warm hearted maternal parent, and his heart skipped at the sight.
When you two began dating, it was a bit rocky due to Jamil's family duty to serve the Al-Asim family. But Kalim was very kind to allow Jamil more free time, in exchange that he brings you over for more study parties!
You figured since Kalim wasn't fond of studying and more for partying, that you'd make a study party which improved Kalim's grade by ten folds. Jalim practically wept tears that the seven sent him this angel.
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Geo Archon
The Consultant
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𝓐𝔃𝓾𝓵 𝓐𝓼𝓱𝓮𝓷𝓰𝓻𝓸𝓽𝓽𝓸
Azul was greedy for the power you possibly possess. and your money.
Azul underestimated you since he witnessed your lack of brains in terms of money. You forget about having your wallet on you, and whenever someone offers to pay for you, you attempt to buy everything without a single thought.
This was going to be an easy contract, Azul thought. They're an idiot, Azul thought. They can't complete this contract, Azul thought.
"I've completed my end of the contract. Now you must do yours."
"Huh? Nani?"
Azul was stupefied by this, he whipped his head towards the Leech twins, both begrudgingly nodding their heads in confirmation at the archon completing their conditions of the contract.
Azul had tried to change the details of the contract, you of course allowed it the first time.
But when you returned with the conditions once again completed, Azul tried to add more.
However, you weren't having it.
You stood up and leaned down to Azul, towering over him. A sudden pressure weighed the three mercreatures, it was heavy and foreboding. Your eyes glowed a gold with the amber ombre in your hair glowing gold as well.
"I was lenient to allow you the first time. Either fulfill your end of the deal or break the contract. But if you break the contract, you will suffer the wrath of the rock."
Azul was terrified.
When Azul fell for you, he questioned himself. How in the seven did he fall for a person like YOU!? He will never remember how, but all he knows is that he's in waaay to deep.
When you two became a couple, you were far more charasmatic and charming than before, it was like it was turned up a notch. Or two. or more...
The contract loving couple have been making more money than ever thanks to the Geo Archon, the avatar of contracts. It's either fill the conditions or suffer the wrath of the rock. Or just, don't make a contract. Simple.
But then we got the one brain cell trio doing their dumb sh**.
𝓙𝓪𝓭𝓮 𝓛𝓮𝓮𝓬𝓱
What an intriguing being.
Jade was the first to be interested in you. But he couldn't exactly find you that well since you practically mixed with the crowd a little too well than he'd like. [Bro, Zhongli and Venti has statues of themselves around Liyue and Mondstaft, AND NO ONE MANAGES TO THINK "hmmm.. You know, he looks like one that statue there.. Wait a minute-" LIKE, SRSLY!!! Venti is more obvious, I can understand Zhongli since he wears more funeral consultant clothing, but he still somehow blends in with the crowd. Unlike a Lil wind spirit.]
But when the moment came where you made a contract, Jade was more than happy to hinder you, only for you to complete the conditions before he could figure out your plan.
"... What?"
After that fiasco with you giving a very large heavy warning, Jade was by your side whenever he wasn't with Floyd, questioning your knowledge, in which you were more than happy enough to comply.
Jade fell for you when you showed how competent you were unlike the other miserable guppies in school. Sure you had a few problems, but nothing with a little Jade there and everything is perfect. He also favored your knowledge, specially about fungi.
When you two became a couple, it was.. Strange to say, a air headed but scary consultant with a sadistically calm eelman? That's ringing bells for everyone.
𝓕𝓵𝓸𝔂𝓭𝓮 𝓛𝓮𝓮𝓬𝓱
Floyd had zero, zip, non, 100% no interest in you. Why? You looks, sound and seem boring. And he stand corrected.
it was later when you completed the conditions, which, not gonna lie, spooked Floyd.
Later, he began to go after you like he did with Goldfish (Riddle), and when he tried to squeeze you, he found himself squeezing a shield instead.
He found himself utterly thrilled and had did several attempts at you, which failed.
His interest in you and your abilities heightened.
Then your relationship bloomed.
It was hard to say if it was romantic or platonic, but either way, Floyd was perfectly happy. Happy to have a partner who continues to show things or tell him things about their world.
As long as Floyd kept out of trouble and/or content, Jade and Azul didn't say question their relationship.
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Pyro Archon
The Warlord
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𝓛𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓪 𝓚𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓵𝓪𝓻
Who are you? What are you? Why are you here? What are you doing? Get out.
Leona didn't care for you, not one single bit. Until you messed with his sleep schedule due to your chaoticness.
Whenever your around, you just bring trouble with you. And he doesn't like it one bit.
And when you bring trouble, you bring noise.
Which officially ruins his nap times.
However, Leona praises and respects your prowess in battle. You always gave it your all, which he liked. You weren't holding back, which allowed him to gauge how powerful you were as a deity with or without your element.
As it turns out, you're stronger than what you make yourself out to be, but what catches Leona's attention the most, was how calculating you were. It was as if you were analyzing him
To be honest, he felt violated.
At most times, you're energetic, but when your quiet or serious, it's either pack your sh** and leave or get out of their way.
Because when your either if those, you will either send someone to the nurse with severe casualties or some of the schools property will be destroyed. And of course, there is a justified reason for this.
Other than to make Crowley very upset of course.
Leona fell for you with your strength. He loves a woman who can lead and he could just relax. Unless it comes to some other type of leadership, like in the bedroom, then that will change. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
These two are dangerous as a couple when Leona's awake and active. And when Leona's on the move, expect a gremlin to be tailing after him, and be sure to clear out of their way. Mercy didn't in their vocabulary.
𝓡𝓾𝓰𝓰𝓲𝓮 𝓑𝓾𝓬𝓬𝓱𝓲
Huh? Do I know you? No? Goodbye.
Ruggie, quite literally, didn't give a rats ass about you.
To him, you were like any other beast man, rowdy and rough, other than your form that is.
But thankfully, you knew how to take care of yourself. Less work for Ruggie. I guess.
Not only that you knew how to cook. That was a god sent gift to Ruggie. Sadly though, you only know how to make mostly meat dishes. If it contains vegetables, expect the veggies to be over seasoned.
Leona was scared when he saw you in the kitchen, only to calm down seeing you being calm and not rowdy.
Ruggie fell for your cooking. He is literally the term "To get to a mans heart, you go through their stomach". although you should work on cooking vegetables better for a more healthier lifestyle.
𝓙𝓪𝓬𝓴 𝓗𝓸𝔀𝓵
Strong? Strong.
You two are 100% besties.
You two are glued to the hip whenever you guys are free or share classes.
You both like to exercise and spar, so you two mostly go for each other.
To say the least, Jack mostly saw you as a sibling. Sorry, no romance.
Jack often scolds you for not eating more vegetables.
Which makes you pout and huff.
Cute lil tyke - Leona
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Hydro Archon
The Judge
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𝓡𝓲𝓭𝓭𝓵𝓮 𝓡𝓸𝓼𝓮𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓼
Nice, another rule setter like me. We're gonna be great friends.
"Explain why two cubes of sugar should be in a lemon tea? It's blasphemy."
I see you have chosen violence 😌
Riddle at first liked you, until you learned about the rules of the Queen of Hearts, did he start to hate you.
He loathed you.
He thought that since your a judge, you'd understand the rules, much like him. But no, you judged the rules as well, evaluating if they are fair or not.
Whenever you call out on the rules that appeared ridiculously stupid to have (like the two sugar cubes in lemon tea. That's bs to you.)
After the overblot, you were more nicer when he changed.
He stand corrected.
But he didn't mind it, he low key enjoyed arguing with you, without him screaming at you of course.
You two as a couple sends fear in everyone. A judge and a tyrant? That's a deadly combo.
𝓣𝓻𝓮𝔂 𝓒𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓻
Trey had taken a liking to you, seeing how similar you are to Riddle.
He enjoyed answering your questions about rules, but if there were rules he can't remember, he'd look at them with you to not only answer your question, but to commit them to memory in case.
What he's scared of is when you give trials regarding about incidents. Riddle would present his case then the 'innocent' or innocent would present theirs.
If the person is guilty, you ensure punishment, because like Riddle, you detest rule breakers unless in reason. You didn't mind them bending the rules as long as it doesn't break.
Trey is envious of your abilities, but you reassure him the his Doodle Suit is superior if you can use it against others magic.
You often praised him as well.
You admitted to thinking about a scenario of if Trey was born in Tevyat, he'd receive a hydro vision.
He flushed in response, secretly happy to have caught your attention.
You two as a couple puts everyone, minus Riddle because it's you, at ease.
𝓒𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓓𝓲𝓪𝓶𝓸𝓷𝓭
#ohmyseveniminlove #calltheambulance #loveatfirstsight #goddescendingfromheaven #pinchme #PLSNOTICEMEANDLOVEME #foryoupage
He practically fell for you.
To him, you were perfect.
"You have flaws? I only see perfection!"
He's a smooth talker, albeit feminine due to having a lot of sisters, but smooth nonetheless.
He's a simp for you, willing to use his unique magic to do anything and everything for you.
Literally fell at first sight of you.
As a couple, Cater often takes couple photos with you, at first you were content with the pictures, but at this point they kinda peeved her when he takes pictures on every occasion.
"Cater, I love you, but please, stop."
"If you give me a kiss I might~"
𝓓𝓮𝓾𝓬𝓮 𝓢𝓹𝓪𝓭𝓮
You're his role model.
Literally the Geno to your Saitama.
He carries a notebook with him to take notes on you since he strives to be like you. A model being.
Even if he looks smart, he still has a split braincell between Ace and Grim.
Don't hold it against him if he's trying to know almost EVERYTHING about you.
More platonic than romantic.
𝓐𝓬𝓮 𝓣𝓻𝓪𝓹𝓹𝓸𝓵𝓪
Complete opposites.
And completely disliked each other.
You rubbed him the wrong way, maybe it was because you were more justified than him, better at things than he was.
He didn't know what, it was just you being better than him. He understands he's not smart, because he foes dumb sh** with the other two.
But whenever you have to deal with their messes on their own, he feels irritated.
He often tries to get after you as well.
"Oh wow, such a god you are. Pathetic."
*cue angry archon noises with an 8 feet tall wave behind them, ready to flood Ace's ass.*
Yeah, your relationship is very... Rocky and slightly concerning.
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Here's part 2! I'm happy that you read this! I will have a link to the first part after connecting the links to certain parts. Feel free to request or refer to the main master list pinned on my blog if you wish to see other choices to make! Happy reading!
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hoaqins-funk-house · 4 years
Male Reader
You can read part 1 here 
You can read part 2 here
Part 3; Finale
Spinning your keys around your finger, you go to slip them into the backdoor's lock, finding that turning it was difficult. 
Far too difficult.
"Did someone break in?" You mutter, pulling the key out and beginning the walk around to the other entrance. "Well, if they did I doubt they'd stay long, not with William there."
Entering through the front, you look around the dark establishment, trying to spot if anything had been stolen or otherwise interacted with violently. With a sigh of relief at the sight of everything being normal, you fully step in, making your way through the building and wondering with a disgusted expression how William was able to walk through this place barefoot.
Turning the corner that allowed you to look into the window of your office, you see your golden-green companion looking at the door with his head tilted, an unrecognizable expression on his face.
"Yeah, the lock's broken for whatever reason." You say, his gaze shifting before his face does.
"Mhm." He walks towards you, stopping a few meters away. "Say, have you thought about me very much?"
Caught off guard by the question, you tilt your head. "Huh?"
"My existence. How I came to be trapped in a suit." He elaborates.
"Not really, to be honest… why?"
He looks into the office window, eyeing that tablet. "The suit, being an original model, incorporated these little devices known as springlocks."
Your brows furrow. You only knew of Springbonnie and Fredbear from random things online, so the inner workings of them was completely unknown to you. 
"The reason why they're called suits; the springlocks pushed back all the little bits of animatronic things that filled them, thus allowing them to be worn by employees. I, as you can tell, was one of them." His gaze shifts back to you. "However, I wasn't when I was subjected to my slow death."
He takes one small step towards you. "It was in a room known as the saferoom- ironic, isn't it- which was invisible to both cameras and the animatronics that walked around."
His lips twitch up. "I hid in there, waiting for them to come near me. When they did, I broke them. They all came, and all of their shells were destroyed."
Shells? Destroying the animatronics?
You watch as he takes another step forward, this one larger. 
"But, the ones inside those shells weren't so easily deterred."
Ones inside…? 
"They chased me. Forced me into hiding in the suit. They wanted revenge; wanted me dead."
He takes a few larger steps, now within arms length. You, however, grow uneasy, stepping back. His eyes stay locked with yours, a soft grin on his lips. 
You truly do look like his prey.
"I don't blame them. After all, who wouldn't want their murderer dead?" 
Your eyes widen as your suspicions are proven correct. When he takes a step forward, you do the same in reverse. If you look away for one moment, he'll catch you. You've seen his speed.
His eyes glow in the dim light, lips curling into a nightmarishly wide grin.
"Oh, it seems you've figured out my big secret. Does it change your view of me? Would you still wake up on top of me so calmly?" He laughs. "Would you still let me rest my head on your hand? Would you still so easily approach me?"
You were wrong last night. Dead wrong.
He's terrifyingly monstrous, even as a human.
"Well, I suppose my last question has already been answered." With a small chuckle, he jolts forward, you ducking to the side right before he could reach you and dashing off. He glances your way during his brief pause, expression horrifyingly giddy.
 His steps are loud behind you, and you only manage to reach cam 6 before arms cage you in against the wall, you turning to face the grinning man as you push yourself up against the wall as if trying to force yourself through it.
He lifts his hand, placing it on your chin and using his thumb to brush over your cheek. "You're too adorable. You really are like… my prey."
God, the fear in your eyes…
His grin widens a bit more, and his hand slips to the front of your chin. You clench your eyes shut, hearing a gruff laugh before his chapped lips connect with your own. You tense, feeling his other hand grip your wrist, applying more and more pressure until you let out a pained noise, him taking the chance to slip his tongue into your mouth.
Your eyes stay shut until he finally separates, where you reluctantly open them once more, finding a very satisfied-looking William and a small string of saliva temporarily connecting your tongues. "Don't worry. It's not the end of us after just that." He assures.
The hand previously on your chin shifts to your hip, where his fingers press somewhat harshly against the cloth, holding you in place further. Leaning in once more, he grins at the tiny whimper that escapes you. Redirecting himself, he instead aims for a much more sensitive area.
You let out a gasp as you feel his lips against your neck, quietly hissing as he harshly bites down, his sharp canines drawing blood. After he has his fill of that, he follows it up by sucking on the spots he had just bit, you feeling your heartrate pick up even more. 
The sound of your heavy, stuttering breaths in his ear certainly doesn’t discourage the man.
Still, he leans back, enjoying the sight of your reddened face as you reach up, covering your neck with your free hand. This, of course, wouldn’t be the end, but he needs to save the rest for later. 
He steps back.
His grip on your wrist, while looser than before, is still firm as he begins to walk you back to the hall in front of the office. "Now, I have a little game for us to play. We've done it before, so I won't explain the rules. If you make it to 6, I'll let you leave. But if you don't…" He pauses, glancing over his shoulder at your panicked face, which he responds to with a smile. "Well, I'm sure you can guess."
Standing in front of the entrance to the office, he waits for you to hesitantly enter. 
"As usual, I'll start in the back. Don't even try to escape, it's not gonna work. I broke the lock and that door isn't going to be breaking from anything but power tools."
You give a small nod, eyes shifting to the chair.
"Well, good luck. You'll most definitely need it." 
You don't react to his voice, walking towards the chair as he begins his walk back. 
You turn on your phone, checking the time and finding that fifteen minutes have already passed. 
You can't call for help, if anyone came in they'd be killed by him. If he lived through an endoskeleton being shoved into him, he'll live through pretty much anything.
Still, you text your brother quickly.
You put your phone down, not caring about the wave of notifications that came from him spamming trying to get you to respond.
Pulling the camera pad out, you switch to where he normally starts right as he walks in. He sends a chilling smile up at the camera, eyes eerily glowing within the shadows. 
"Let's begin!" He calls. 
Immediately, your eyes widen as he reaches up, ripping the camera right off of the wall.
You feel your breathing pick up again as your heart pounds out of your chest. 
You aren't going to make it. 
When he dashes into the next room, you lead him back. He snarls. Briefly, before cam 10 gets ripped off of the wall, you see him glance at the vent.
Thankfully, he ignores it, running into the next room before you hit him with the sound again, rebooting audio and cameras tight as they go out. 
"Fuck that guy for making this shit so 'authentic' it breaks down every two seconds!" You mumble to yourself. 
William tears cam 8 down, running out once more. When you manage to catch him, he's in cam 4, and you lead him back with more audio. 
"You won't keep this up, you know! You'll run out of cameras!" He laughs, the sound echoing in the building.
You frown as cam 5 goes out. You lead him back further, hearing the thumping of the vents and quickly switching your cameras to them, sealing off a vent thankfully just in time. His grin drops.
You check the time. 
It's 2. 
5 of 10 cameras have already been torn down, and you are unable to play audio from them.
He gets out of the vent surprisingly quickly, continuing his race to you. 
When he reaches another vent, you block it off before he reaches the end. He rips off a camera that you haven't even used yet upon getting out. As soon as he sees cam 3, he rips it off as well.
You see the first sparks.
You lead him back again, he charges again. 
The cameras start it.
You lead him back again, he charges again.
Soon enough the back half of the building is in flames, swallowing everything and coming for you faster than William could.
You have nowhere to lead him to but right outside your door, and he disappears. 
Not in any cameras, not in any vents, and not in your vision.
The smoke began to pile into your room, so you rip off a sleeve of an old jacket that was left and tie it around your nose and mouth, getting out of your chair to stay lower to the ground.
Frantically, you switch through everything again, continuing to look for him, but turning your head to the sound of a grate both thrown aside. 
He went through the break room.
There, you meet eyes with William, who seems to be doing just fine in the intense heat that fills the attraction.
You quietly gasp, grabbing your throat as smoke fills it even with the makeshift cover. You wince, ripping the cloth off, finding William about three meters from your office. Frantically, you reach towards the vent close button, but when you press it, you hear the sound of failing machinery.
It was broken. 
He broke it the first night, and now you would die because of it.
Blindly grasping for your phone, you send another message to your brother.
'Get fire help' is all you could type out before William pins you to the ground, you barely managing to send it. 
Grabbing your phone out of your hand, William carelessly throws it into the wall, you wincing at the crunching noise. 
"You know, back when I was alive, I did much research on souls. Every soul contains this little thing known as 'Remnant.' Now, Remnant is the only reason I'm alive. There's no way to destroy it, except for fire."
Your eyes widen. 
"This building won't get hot enough to completely destroy our Remnant, so don't worry about that. Still, think of it like a metal. When it gets hot enough, it melts. It can meld into other people's Remnant."
You clench your teeth.
"Of course, there's no way I am going to destroy you. So, instead, I think I'll go with another option." He smirks. 
You can feel your vision get hazy.
"Within this fire I will preserve your warmth, and we will be welded together."
Your lids droop as you feel your breaths become raspy. 
You're going to die to the smoke, not to the fire that roared outside of your office, slowly inching its way in. 
You let out a few more wheezes, feeling lips against your own before your vision goes black.
He gets the news less than an hour after he calls the fire department.
His brother, the only immediate family he had left, had died in the fire. 
It doesn't take much thinking to figure out who did it. 
That man, that murderer, is going to pay.
However long it takes.
i did not plan this out right this part is a lot shorter than it should be but ehh whatever
whoop whoop it is done… I mean I have a sequel planned but either way, this part of the story is done
See ya later :)
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markberries · 4 years
a l l  i  w a n t ┊draco malfoy
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anon requested: could you do a draco x reader imagine where it’s enemies to lovers but one day at a party draco gets drunk and confesses his feelings?
info: being tormented by draco was a normal thing for you, but one day everything changes when you find out his true thoughts.
warnings: blood, cursing
genre: slight angst, fluff, enemies to lovers, gryffindor!reader, fem reader
word count: 2700+
a/n: i decided to not make this a party scene because i feel like all my stories end up there, so it’s a little different. sorry if this ruined your request! also i stole hermione’s iconic scene lmao
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you rarely hated anyone. most of the time, you enjoyed another person’s company. you enjoyed hearing them talk about things they were excited about, how they did on their recent exam, and you let them vent their sorrows to you. it was like getting a peak into another person’s life, you got to view how it felt like to be them.
so no, you did not really hate anyone, except for one bleach blonde snob with daddy’s credit card; draco malfoy. his cologne hurt your nose, it reminded you of axe body spray, back in the muggle world. he always used his “pureblood status” as a valid excuse to verbally assault those who did not carry the same reputation as him.
you convinced yourself that you did not care for him, or that you hated him, but something in the back of your mind had your eyes drifting to his smooth looking skin in the middle of a class, or the thought of how his hair looked extra soft. you were the type of person to dust those thoughts off and continue with your day, but that did not stop you from thinking about him any other day.
so you gripped your wand in your hand, pointed at draco, who had just insulted hermione for the sake of shits and giggles. he looked at you, as if he were waiting for you to strike, as if he knew that you weren’t going to do it.
“what do we have here? a halfblood? trying to harm me?” an irritating snicker emits from him and his two goons. a surge of anger powers through you, and you’re at a point where you want to spew hurtful words and cast menacing spells, but you knew where that would get you. it would get you a one way ticket out of hogwarts.
your face is beginning to heat up; not from embarrassment, but from annoyance. people passing by the courtyard paid no attention, they continued to talk loudly and ignore the commotion surrounding you five.
“what are you gonna do, huh?”
“y/n, i appreciate the help, but it’s better to ignore him,” hermione assures you, setting a hand gently on your shoulder. you should have listened to her. you wished you had listened to her.
in that spur of ignorance and rage, for you hated draco that much, you launched your fist into malfoy’s face, making him fall to the ground and hold his nose in pain.
you see a tad bit of blood coming out of his nose, and you swore you heard a crack when your fist met his face. now realizing your wrong doings, your eyes widen as professor mcgonagall comes marching towards the scene. 
“what on earth happened?” she asks, concerned while picking up malfoy off the ground, who was still groaning, it was a bit dramatic in your opinion. you didn’t know how to start explaining yourself — you couldn’t just say “he was pissing me off”. no, definitely not.
“he was saying hurtful and offensive things, not only towards me, but towards hermione as well,” you say, hoping that your punishment wouldn’t be too severe.
“it should not have resulted in violence, ms. y/l/n,” mcgonagall lectures you, now dragging draco towards the school entrance. “we will decide on the proper punishment after mr. malfoy recovers in the infirmary, for now, i think it’s best you think of an apology to give him, yes?”
with that, professor mcgonagall walks away with malfoy, crabbe and goyle following behind her. you sigh, facepalming.
hermione stood in front of you, asking, “why did you do that?” it was obvious that she was trying to stifle her own laughter, but you are the one who ends up giggling in amusement.
“i had to! it was malfoy!” you reply, making her let out a small laugh as well. you two began walking towards your next class together, meeting up with harry and ron in the hallways.
“you what!?” ron asks in disbelief, looking at you as you all walked together. “bloody hell, you know that draco’s father isn’t going to be happy about this.” 
“i know,” you reply, almost carelessly. 
“are you not worried?” ron questions again, you simply shrug in response. ron makes a face, like he was thinking of how worried he would be if lucius malfoy would treat him after he punched draco.
“always thought draco fancied you,” harry mutters as you all enter the defence against the dark arts classroom, and you nearly choke on your own saliva.
“i’m sorry?” you manage to get out, making harry look at you.
“oh you know, i thought everyone was thinking the same thing,” he tells you, and you cannot believe what you’re hearing.
“you must be mistaken,” you laugh awkwardly, sitting down at your desk, beside hermione.
“you two are always at each other’s throats, you claim to hate each other, i wouldn’t be surprised if malfoy liked you, if i have to be honest.”
setting your books down on the carved wooden table, you tap your fingers on the desk. you fell deep into thought, resting your head among your hand, propping yourself up. 
it would be unexpected — no, odd, yes, it would be quite odd if draco malfoy fancied you. although it was not believable nor confirmed, it still had you thinking. would it be strange to date draco? it couldn’t be that bad, right? you could see who he was. who he really was, not that tough, and might i add, annoying front that he put up, no — you would be able to discover the reality behind draco malfoy.
his fears, his dreams, his hopes — the possibilities were endless. there may be some obstacles, his father for example, but every relationship had obstacles.
you shake off your odd thoughts, reminding yourself that this was draco malfoy. the pureblood who insulted you everyday, the boy who thought he was better than everyone else, the boy you had just punched, for god’s sake.
finally, you are broken out of your own trance by professor lupin, tapping on your desk.
“yes, professor?” you ask, looking up at him. he offers you a warm smile, saying, “professor mcgonagall wishes your presence in the infirmary.”
oh shit.
“ah,” mcgonagall says when you walk through the door. “well then, i’ll leave you to it.”
you scrunch your eyebrows in confusion, “i’m sorry? leave me to do what?”
“apologize. i’m sure you heard me tell you to make one, yes? although, we did have to cast a spell that makes mr. malfoy a bit disoriented so that we could repair his broken nose.” with that, the professor exits, leaving you with malfoy, who was laying in his bed, eyes boring into your own.
“i see you’re all fixed up, aren’t you?” you remark, glaring at him. he doesn’t respond, perhaps the spell’s side effects were the reason. after a pause, he begins to speak.
“mcgonagall said, you have to apologize.”
you didn’t want to apologize. who would want to? but you knew you had to, you didn’t want draco’s father to be on your ass for the rest of your hogwarts years. sitting down in the seat next to draco’s bed, you sigh to yourself.
“fine. i’m sorry, i guess.”
the room goes quiet; not an awkward silence, but a calm one. it washes over you unexpectedly, as you had never imagined what a calm silence would be like around draco malfoy. 
at this point, he’s still staring at your face. you’re trying your best to avoid his gaze, not wanting to look into his eyes. he smiles at you, drowsiness taking over him.
“you know, you’re quite pretty when you’re not bitching,” he says, but it seemed like he wasn’t directly saying it to you — it was as if he was talking to himself.
“what?” you say quietly, and draco turns to the side, the opposite direction of you.
“you heard me. i think you’re pretty.”
a million thoughts race through your mind, negative and positive. the only sound that you swore you could hear in the empty room was your own heartbeat, pounding out of your chest as you replayed malfoy’s words repeatedly in your head. before you could question malfoy longer, he was already fast asleep.
the next few days had you stumped. you forgot how to act around draco, you no longer made your smartass remarks, and he would constantly catch you glancing at him. after his odd confession, it was like something changed in you.
“what are you looking at, halfblood?” draco spits at you, you’re quick to look down at your feet and spew out an apology. draco, who was fully expecting you to throw some nasty words at him, was baffled. he had never seen you pass an opportunity to argue with him. yes, sometimes you would go quiet when you two fought, often when he took his insults too far; but not like this.
“cat got your tongue?” draco tried his best to provoke you, to get you to merely look at him, but you seemed far more interested in looking down at the ground. it irritated him, so he strutted up to you and grabbed your face with his left hand aggressively, earning a yelp from you. he lifted your chin swiftly, seeing a scared look on your face.
“look at me when i talk to you, halfblood,” he laughed, letting go of you. you still refused to speak, draco’s former words in the infirmary occupying all your thoughts. draco needed you to say something, anything.
“what are you? mute?” he carried on, heads turning at the scene unfolding before everyone in the courtyard, where you were previously holding a wand up to malfoy’s face. 
“leave me alone, draco,” you muttered, shoving him away. your voice wasn’t the same anymore. it was quiet, it almost sounded helpless, but not quite. as if you were unsure of what to do, or what to say.
when you pushed draco, he lost his own balance and landed straight on his arse, the ground making a light squish noise. giggles came from people passing by as draco stood back up, wet grass littering his robe.
he brushed himself off, before glaring back at you. “oh you’ll pay for that.”
“again, you two!?” a familiar voice shouted, once again, it had been professor mcgonagall. you were red with embarrassment, being caught fighting with draco once was a mistake, being caught twice was humiliating. both you and draco’s heads snapped to look at the upset professor.
“professor-” she cut you off, shaking her head in disappointment. “i’ve had enough of both of your shenanigans. both of you, detention.”
you had never gotten detention. then again, you also had never punched draco malfoy in the nose, nor have you ever considered dating him, so this week was full of unexpected events.
“this is your fault,” you hissed at draco, carefully reorganizing the books in the library. draco scoffed, flipping through pages of a random novel you had put aside to sort later. you had regained your sass from the shameful moment that you had been assigned to rearrange all the hardbacks and paperbacks hours ago.
“me? you’re the one who decided to send my ass to the ground,” he sneered, placing the book in the correct shelf, “or have you already forgotten about my broken nose?” draco added.
your cheeks began to heat up again, and you avoided malfoy’s gaze. you tried your best to shake off draco’s words,  but his flattering remark had not left your head since he said it.
“why do you keep doing that?” draco asked, and you froze. had he noticed?
“what do you mean, malfoy?”
“you keep doing that. i assume that you weren’t interested in arguing with me today, because most of the time, you never shut that big mouth of yours.”
“i’m never interested in arguing with you, malfoy,” you sighed, your back still facing him. you could feel his eyes burning into your backside, but you didn’t turn around. you didn’t want to turn around.
“not what i mean, halfblood. i’m saying you always have something to say.”
“okay, and i don’t see a problem here. i just didn’t have anything to say to you today.”
draco throws a book on the table next to you, forcing you to turn around to face him, annoyance written all over your face.
“today? don’t you mean the past few days? do you think i’m that dense?”
both of your voices had slighted raised a volume, but quiet enough so that professors wouldn’t come running in to check out the commotion.
“what is your problem malfoy? i just didn’t feel like arguing with you today. why are you acting like you’re offended or concerned?”
“i’m not. i just enjoy seeing how angry you can get when i call your little friend granger a mudblood.”
“don’t call her that.”
“so tell me then, halfblood. what changed? why are you so afraid to fight back?”
“you. you changed.”
the room went silent again. both you and draco stared at each other, a confused expression on his face, but a stoic one on yours. this wasn’t your ideal situation, you didn’t want to tell malfoy about what happened, and you weren’t going to, until now. 
you wished that draco hadn’t pushed, and you wished that draco stopped asking so many questions. you wished for a lot of things, but none came true. so many things were unplanned within your current state of affairs, like how you realized how attractive draco was, or how he always tried his best in classes, but he chose to play the “dumb rich boy”.
“you’re not making sense,” he said, taking a seat. you were fidgeting with your hands, looking at the ground. you were shifting your weight back and forth from your right foot to your left.
“you said something, when you were in the infirmary,” you rambled, looking back up at draco. he still had that same confused look on, and you were having second thoughts about this conversation, but it was too late.
“you called me pretty.”
it takes a moment for draco to process this — it’s like you can see what he’s thinking, judging from the flash of emotions on his face. first it’s embarrassment, the sudden pink tint rising as his eyes grow wide. next is a smile being held back, almost like he was thinking about how you might have reacted. lastly was deep thought, thinking about what to say next.
“well?” you ask, eagerly awaiting his response. you wished that he would yell and deny it, but like i said, you wished a lot of things.
“you are quite pretty.”
if draco had denied it, you would’ve continued living your life. you would have continued to argue with him and you would have continued to insult him whenever you got the chance. you wanted him to have said “you? you’re absolutely delusional”, so that you could cut off the thoughts about how much you wanted to feel draco’s hand on your own, go on dates with him, and rearrange his bland wardrobe.
that’s what you would have done if he denied it.
“i’m sorry?”
“odd, isn’t it? i thought it was a dream, truly i did. i thought i had made the entire thing in my head, i mean, i never expected you to ever apologize to me. guess i was wrong.”
you were dumbstruck, after all those offensive comments, after all those arguments and years of torment, draco malfoy had just admitted that he thought you were pretty.
“you’re lying,” you say.
“i’m not. you know what they say, bad attention is better than none at all, and you bet i wanted your attention.”
something he said made your heart swell, and you were staring into his eyes in awe. you smile, your eyes turning into crescents.
“malfoy,” you say.
“what is it, halfblood?”
“i want you to kiss me.”
draco stands up, walking towards you. bringing his lips to yours, your stomach explodes with butterflies as your hands wrap around his neck to bring him closer. you felt weightless, like you were floating. you expected his lips to be chapped, but they were quite soft, like your lips were on a cloud. there were no thoughts running through your head, it was like someone else had taken control over you.
when you two break apart for air, you rest your forehead on his, looking into his grey eyes. he was smirking, of course he was. you were smiling back at him, his hands wrapped around your waist.
“guess we have to go on a proper date other than detention then, am i right y/n?”
that was the first time he had ever used your real name instead of halfblood. finally, you realized, maybe draco wasn’t all that bad.
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A Place Like This 2
Warnings: this short series will include dark elements including noncon, possible violence, mentions of mental illness, and other explicit content. I’m not your mother, curate your own consumption.
This is dark!Lumberjack!Andy Barber and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You start asking questions but you might not like the answers.
Note: I’m a filthy liar and this is gonna be obv more than two parts and I dunno what I’m doing.
Thank you. Love you guys!
As always, if you can, please leave some feedback, like and reblog <3
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Your office was the room across the hall from Andy’s, just beside the bathroom and furthest from your mother’s.
You had a routine; it helped you keep on track. You woke up, had a coffee and a small breakfast, and climbed back upstairs to begin your work. At noon, you took a break, you went for a walk or just sat on the porch with your mother if she wasn’t in her room. You returned to work and later in the afternoon you came down to remind your mother about her pills. Then you started dinner as the day was in its final decline.
Andy only changed that slightly. He woke earlier than you did and was on his way out as you got up. He came home around dinner time and you left a plate for him in the oven if he was late. He was quiet, he ate, and went upstairs. The first week went by as such. You almost pitied him for living in what seemed a crowded isolation.
Then the weekend came. Like the other lumber workers, he had those two days to himself. It would be the first real test of your arrangement.
You woke at your usual time and went down to make your coffee. You only wrote for a couple hours on weekends. Breaks were good. You measured the grounds into the percolator and filled it with water. You turned on the decades old stove and turned as you heard the old stairs groan.
Andy appeared in the door. He wore jeans and a thick knitted sweater. His hair, overgrown and shaggy, was pushed away from his face, his beard a shade darker and starting to puff out from its length. You suspected that as a lawyer, he never looked so unkempt and yet even now, he still managed to look refined.
“Hate to be selfish but you think there’s enough for me?” He crossed to the table and sat. 
“Should be,” You rubbed your hands together. You wore an old sweatshirt with a grizzly on the front and your old faded jeans with the bleach stain on the knee. Unfashionable but warm. ‘“Cream, milk, sugar?”
“Black’s fine,” He said as he scratched his chin. “I was thinking today I could stock us up on wood for the fireplace. Since it’s snowing now, it’s better to get it done before the winter is really here.”
You squinted at him and played with the frayed cuff of your shirt. “So, you got a lot of snow in the city?”
“Not as much as here, I’m sure.” He let out a long breath and you saw the cloud in front of him. 
You paused and listened for the rattle of the furnace. “Fuck.” You pushed yourself away from the counter. “I gotta light the furnace.”
“Where is it? I’ll do it.” He offered. “Since you made the coffee.”
“You sure?”
“Think I can handle it,” He stood. “City boy and all.”
“Basement door’s outside. It’s a pain but this place is old and not very well put together.” You said. “There’s a lighter in the drawer.” You pointed at the counter. “Thanks. Oh, and the key too. Hanging by the door with the green tag.”
“Alright,” He crossed to the door. “Think I’ll figure it out.”
He disappeared down the hall and returned with his big boots. He put them on before the back door and unlocked it. He tramped down the steps as the door clattered behind him and you listened to his crisp footsteps. 
You wrung your hands as you thought. Nice enough, you surmised, but evasive. Maybe he wasn’t running from some heinous offense but he was trying to get away from something. You could tell by the way he always seemed to direct the conversation, especially when it turned on him.
You heard the sudden rumble of the furnace and the vents hissing. You turned as the percolator began to shake almost in tandem and the small glass knob bubbled with brown coffee. You took it off the burner as the basement door squeaked and the jingle of the key accompanied the snowy steps across the yard.
Andy kicked off his boots and slipped through the back door. He hung the key and he shook the snow from his hair and smoothed it back. He left his boots on the mat as you poured two mugs. He approached and you slid one to him. He took it with a soft thank you.
You added milk to yours and sat at the table as he did the same. You regretted it almost immediately. You should've taken it up with you and hid in your office. 
"Any plans today?" He asked. You blinked and he rested his palm against the hot mug. "Sorry, it's none of my business."
"Nah, nothing planned," You replied. "So you just plan on chopping wood on your day off?"
"Not much else to do up here. It's nice. Mindless." He shrugged.
"You have a lot you don't want to think about?" You wondered.
His jaw ticked as he eyed you and his lips curled slightly.
"Don't we all?"
"You'd have to to come all the way up here from wherever you're from." You commented. 
"Hmm," He chuckled under his breath. "You'd make a good prosecutor. You don't miss a lot."
"I'm a writer. I write about people, so I gotta study them closely."
"I thought you wrote about animals."
"That's what I'm paid to write about but… I have my own projects." You lifted your mug and tasted the rich brew.
He sucked his bottom lip in as his thoughts wrinkled on his forehead. "Uh huh," He uttered carefully. "Guess that's true then."
"So… is it too much to ask why you ditched being a lawyer?" You asked.
"You do anything long enough and you get bored."
"And you never did anything else? Never got married?" You prodded.
"Well, what about you?" He challenged as he hooked two finger through the handle of his mug. "Not many fish in this pond, huh."
"Touche," Your lips slanted, "You definitely are the lawyer type."
Later that day, after you gave your mother her second round of pills, you ventured out into the forest that skirt around the old property. The snow was only just past your ankles, the powder fell in spurts but didn’t seem to get much deeper. When you were met with a block or an impasse in your writing, you always came out to the trees to clear your mind. You were done for the day but you had a long week ahead of you.
You kicked the snow of a fallen tree by the river and listened to those critters not yet in hibernation in the blanket branches above. You thought about the man staying in the room next to yours and the answers he would give you; the questions you were too afraid to ask him. 
He wasn’t telling you everything, perhaps he didn’t owe you everything, but the lines in his forehead, the crinkles beside his eyes, the depth of his irises as they watched you. There were things you needed to know about a person and you feared you didn’t know enough about this stranger you’d invited in. You had been too intent on the money, on your own keeping.
Or maybe you were paranoid. You were starting to sound like your mother when she claimed the birds were listening to her and taking the messages back to the monsters of the forest. When she had barricaded herself in her room and refused to come out for fear you were one of them in disguise. The day it had all fallen apart.
Your nose was numb and tingling. You pulled your scarf up over your face and turned back. The snow was crisper now. The temperatures fell with the sun and that happened quickly in the winter. The sky was a dark grey as you came back to the house, the chimney billowed up toward the quarter moon and a soft amber light shone between the curtains of the front room.
You dusted your boots off before you stepped inside. The voice didn’t stop as you took off your coat, scarf, hat, and gloves. You slid your boots off and listened. The scene was unexpected as you peeked into the front room.
Your mother sat with her favourite blanket over her legs before the fire. A fresh stack of wood sat beside it, the basket full of split logs as well. Andy bent to poke at the embers and send up sparks as he got the fire going higher.
“So, this book you’re reading,” He said as he set the poker aside. “Did she get away yet?”
“I don’t think she’s gonna,” Your mother replied as Andy stood and brushed off his jeans. “I don’t think that’s what the story’s about.”
“That’s too bad.” He looked up and his eyes met yours. You moved so that you stood in the doorway. “But I guess that’s truer to life. Not everyone gets their happy ending.”
“Well, I’ve been taking my time because it doesn’t have an ending. Yet.” She explained. “I’m waiting for her to finish.”
Your blood went cold. You crossed your arms and cleared your throat.
“What book is this, ma?” You asked.
She looked around the chair at you and blanched. Andy sat on the sofa and you pushed yourself away from the door frame. Your mother shook her head. 
“I told you not to read my stuff.” You grimaced as you came closer. “It’s a first draft. Unfinished, unedited. It’s… personal.”
“From what she says, it’s pretty good regardless,” Andy offered. “Can’t blame her for her curiosity.”
You looked at him sharply and sighed as you dropped your arms.
“Whatever. Just don’t look at it again til I’m done.” You reprimanded. “Please. I’ll give you a look when I’m ready.”
“Dunno why it’s such a big deal. You write for the magazine all the time.” She grumbled.
“Because this isn’t an article on leaf fauna, ma,” You rubbed your cheek. “You already eat?”
“Just about to. Andy put a casserole in the oven.” She smiled. “Never knew a man who cooked. Your father, he couldn’t even salt his own eggs.”
“Mmm,” You sniffed as the smell of the burning wood melded with another more savoury scent. “Well, thank you, Andy. That was considerate. I’m sorry I waited so late, I was a bit distracted.”
“No problem,” He shrugged. “Really, the least I can do.”
You glanced between him and your mom. She hadn’t been this awake in ages. Her meds usually had her napping until dinnertime and asleep just as quickly after. She was vibrant and more friendly to this man than people she’d known for decades. You felt as if you’d walked in on something. 
“Well, let me know. I’ll be upstairs.” You backed up. “There’s some strudel left from yesterday we can have for dessert.”
You left them and stopped at the bottom of the stairs as you looked back into the front room. Andy’s voice droned as he spoke to your mom and as she chuckled his eyes found yours. They narrowed for just a moment before he turned back and smiled at the older woman. 
Nice enough, you presumed, but why didn’t you believe it?
The next day, you watched Andy through the window. The snow was thicker, a harbinger of the storm that had been brewing for over a week. He crossed to the trees, his boots barely higher than the blanket below. He sank down with each step. Only a fool would venture out as the windows billowed and flung the snow errantly.
You tore yourself away and pulled the curtain shut. You crept out into the hall and listened. Your mother slept late that day and when you gave her her pills, she’d just rolled over and fallen back to sleep. 
You neared the door of Andy’s room and your hand hesitated on the knob. You took a breath and twisted it. You entered and were struck by the man’s smell; of his sweat and the deodorant that always lingered around him. The bed was made and the room barely looked lived in. 
You walked slowly to the closet. Flannel shirts and jackets hung within above a single suitcase.
You felt a pang of guilt. Had you not just chided your mother for her snooping? You bent and unzipped the bag. It was empty. You checked the pockets; empty too. You stood and slid the door back into place. You went to the bed, the table next to it with the drawer that didn’t quite shut all the way and you wiggled it open.
The bible your mother left in there as if it were a hotel and pack of smokes. You’d never seen Andy smoke, never even smelled it on him. You took the carton and flipped open the top. Inside, a folded picture. You tiptoed to the window and looked out. His footprints faded into the trees.
You slid the photo out and opened it with shaky hands. It was Andy, shorter hair, trimmed beard, smiling, his arm around a dark-haired woman and a young boy in front of them. You folded it quickly and pushed it back behind the sticks in the pack. You placed it as you had found it and forced the drawer shut. 
Was he running from his own family? Or maybe, what had happened to them?
You fled his room and closed the door guiltily. You were only more confused than before. You descended the stairs and hastily pulled your coat from the hook. Your hat was pulled on carelessly and you tied your boots without thinking. You pushed your hands into your gloves and angled yourself out the door. It was fucking cold; the fleece lining of your coat made little difference.
You grunted as you forced your boots through the snow and followed Andy’s tracks as they filled with a new layer of powder. You weren’t sure what you were doing, why you were doing it. What could he be doing all the way out in the woods which would be incriminating?
You went on, even as the questions floated in your mind. You followed his large boot prints, placing your feet in them as you followed his path. You came to a stop before the river, the overturned tree showed where someone had brushed aside the snow. The tracks veered off away from the log and you looked around.
You were forced back into an upright trunk, the breath knocked out of you as Andy pinned you with his arm across your chest. His eyes seared into you as he leaned his weight into you and you gasped for air as you smacked his shoulder.
“Why are you following me?” He growled.
“What? Andy, let me--” You gasped, barely able to breathe, the snow clumping in your lashes. “And--”
“Hmm? I see you watching me. I see the way you look at me.” He hissed. “I help you, help your mother and what? What do you think I am?” He grabbed your chin, his hide glove rough against your skin. “Am I that villain you write about? Is that what you think?”
“No, I…” You smacked him again and again. “I was just---” He let off just a little as you gulped for air. “There’s a storm. You shouldn’t be out here--”
“You think I can’t handle a storm?” He snarled. “You’re not a very good liar and trust me, I’ve known a lot of liars.”
“Let go of me.” You pleaded. “Jesus Christ, I’m sorry. I’m sorry I followed you, okay? I was just… curious.”
“Uh huh,” He turned you and forced his arm around your neck as he bent you over. You kicked as he dragged you through the snow towards the river. “WHat do you think? I’m hiding some big secret like one of those books you read?”
“Let--go,” Your feet slid through the blanket below. “Stop! What are you--”
“You think I’m what? A criminal? A murderer!?” He pulled you up and spun you away from him. You stumbled backwards as you faced him. 
Your boots slid beneath you and you hearth the hard thunk of your sole against the the ice. Thick but not thick enough. You held out your hands as you looked down at the river coursing below the brittle surface. Your heart raced in your ears. You tried to take a step forward but he was at the bank, watching you.
“Ah ah,” He raised his hand. “You stay where you are.”
“What are you doing?” You pushed your feet apart. “Andy--”
“Terrible accident you falling through the ice like that. There’s just so much snow, you can’t really tell where the water begins.” He smiled and tucked his hands in his pocket as you heard the slow crack beneath you. “Your mother will be devastated.”
You swallowed as your eyes wetted and you looked between him and your feet. You lifted your boot and the snap below you had your heart in your throat. You plunged into the freezing water with a shrill shriek, your arms flying up to grab onto the ice. 
The frozen sheet broke as you tried to latch on and you kicked as the water soaked your coat and dragged you down into the depth further. You flapped helplessly and spun in circles in the waves. The water filled your lungs and you choked and you stared up through the frigid foam, the blurry shadow staring down at you.
The cold bit deep into your flesh and your limbs weakened the more you struggled. The water smothered you and your body spasmed in the thralls of finality. Your eyes rolled back and the dark water flowed around you in welcome.
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ashes-in-a-jar · 4 years
A Double Date at the End of the World
Melanie, Georgie, Jon and Martin have an interesting conversation in their journey through the tunnels.
Cw: second hand embarrassment and lots of teasing (I guess)
Melanie took the lead. Because of course she did. Martin made sure not to get in her way, still feeling awkward after offering help.
She was right. He didn't fare any better than her and most likely worse. The tunnels were darker and damper than he remembered, smelling faintly of earth and... Gas? He didn't dwell on it too much. He found it was better to file those bits of ominous details away until they inevitably come back up on their own.
On his fourth or fifth stumble around a corner Jon caught his arm to steady him. He was walking behind him and Martin was pretty sure he was clutching his backpack for support himself.
"You alright Martin?" He asked softly, his voice just below the level of echo.
"Y-yeah. Thanks Jon. How are you feeling?" Martin asked, his tone changing to worry. He noticed how Jon was during the conversation as they entered the tunnels. All of his worries from the last days in Salesa's home came back, along with the despair at finally having reprieve and knowing Jon won't remember it. Maybe this time it's different, he thought desperately. Maybe the effects will not be the same. God, he hoped so.
"I'm fine, I think. No different than before. It's not getting worse this time... Yet." Jon answered with a hopeful squeeze at Martin's bicept. It was a bit awkward, given they were practically going single file but Martin raised his hand backwards and gently stroked the hand that clutched him. It was dry and cold and all he wanted to do was turn around and warm it properly in his palms.
"Good. I'm glad to hear. Let me know if you start to feel any different."
"Okay. Thank you Martin." He murmured, and Martin could hear the fondness seeping into his name.
He recalled the frustrated argument they had right before Martin stormed away to cool off only to be found by the girls in the tunnels.
He recalled the quiet and uncertain way Jon said his name then before telling him he might be more focused after getting out a statement. It was a tone that made Martin stop his venting to really listen and look at Jon. God he looked so scared. It was the first time in a while he saw Jon like that. He instantly regreted his tirade and felt that same fear that he himself tried to suppress begin to make its way to the forefront of his mind. He realized that tampering it down by fantasizing of the violent ways they'd exact revenge on Jonah was doing exactly what he warned himself against while in his own domain. Sinking into his expectations instead of facing reality. So he went to cool off, get his head in order again and think realistically how to solve their problem instead of kicking walls and squishing sentient cameras (he shuddered at that memory).
He should apologize to Jon for his behavior. He knew Jon understood but still. Once they get a bit of privacy again he should make sure they talk it out. Clear the air so the bad feelings won't hang over them when they need to make a difficult decisions again together. Because that will come eventually and they cannot afford to falter because they weren't on the same page.
Having made that decision, Martin's reveries were interrupted by a noise of someone clearing their throat behind him.
He noticed that Georgie, who was bringing up the rear behind Jon, was trying to get their attention. He also noticed he had slowed down and had reached to fully grasp Jon's chilled hand in his.
"So," Georgie began and immediately Martin became worried. "You too, huh?"
Jon chuckled and as Martin started, reflexively pulling his hand back to quicken his pace. But Jon just held onto to him tighter.
"Yes Georgie, we are together now." He said and Martins heart soared the same way it did when Jon affirmed it in front of the Boneturner. It felt good that Jon wanted others to know. It felt so good to validate their relationship with an outside perspective when they have been alone for so long now.
"How long?" Georgie asked, a little too eagerly.
"Um, a couple of weeks before... all of this?" Jon said vaguely. Their time in the safehouse was interesting in regards to the buildup of officiating their relationship. The actual conversation about it took a while to happen even though they were already very much attached to each other from the moment they left the Lonely.
"Wait, what?" Melanie called out from the front, her voice echoing around them.
"Hah! I told you!" Georgie cheered.
"No way! I was so sure Jon would never have the guts. Surely not before the world ended."
"Wait. What's going on?" Martin was confused.
Georgie, still amused, explained. "Melanie and I had a... Wager when exactly you too would get together. She thought you both were too gutless to take the first step. I thought your unbelievably daft pining, at least from Jon's side of things would eventually become too much for him to handle."
"Georgie," Jon admonished, clearly flustered.
The explanation caught Martin off guard. He knew Jon had some semblance of feelings towards him after the coma. Some bits of chased conversation, vague massages in recordings, his offer to literally run off and become blind together. It wasn't blatantly obvious though it was far from subtle. But Martin never learned how much Jon actually wanted it during those months. Jon spoke about it more generally and didn't seem to want to go into specifics.
"What? You were so obvious about it even before your coma. And then you came over to try to pull us back in to help him... Well, I mean, come on!" Georgie said defensively. "It was pretty hard to miss."
"you should have seen him in the institute." Melanie jeered. "He brooded all day every day. You couldn't even say Martin's name without making him look like a kicked kitten. It was brutal."
Jon let go to cover his face while Martin started chuckling in hidden glee. "Melanie please. I wasn't brooding, I did not mope! Besides, we were all having a bad time."
"Yes but you were so melodramatic about it, like a heartbroken teenager. You should have seen the faces he made whenever Peter's name came up. Oh boy that was something."
"How do you mean?" Martin was struggling to keep his voice straight, every new morsel of information giving him more joy.
"It was the type of face you make when talking to a Tory. The type you want to strangle or punch and are debating which you should do first." Melanie was thoroughly enjoying herself.
"Jon was always good at faces." Georgie giggled.
Martin couldn't help but laugh at that out loud. I was true, Jon did not know how to school his expressions.
Jon groaned "Martin don't encourage them please."
Martin half turned around to grin at Jon "They're not wrong though, are they? It is pretty funny."
Jon grimaced at him "Shut up."
Martin let the Eye contact linger a moment and in the dark he mouthed 'I love you' to Jon, hoping he could see. Judging by the affectionate huff he heard, the message was received. He turned back smiling and quickened the pace to catch up to Melanie's confident strides.
"God you guys are sappy" Georgie sighed. "At least it's an improvement to the mess you two were before."
"Truer words have never been said" Melanie seconded. "I'm glad I was wrong about how assertive you two are. It seems I need to reevaluate my impression of Beholding's baby and his lover boy."
Martin and Jon sighed simultaneously. "Please stop" Jon muttered, mostly to himself.
"Um, how about we change subject, hm? Yes, we're finally together and so are you and this is basically a double date at the end of the world so let's just... Conclude it at that." Martin said, hoping this assertion will work.
"Alright, yeah let's change the subject, shall we?" Georgie said in a dangerously mischievous tone again. "Jon, is that my What the Ghost merch you're wearing? Have you been wearing that the entire time now? You know I'll be needing that back. Our wardrobe is wearing pretty thin."
The tunnels were filled with Jon's groans and Melanie's roaring laughter as they continued onwards towards the survivors' camp to meet the others, finally take a breather and regroup to plan for their fateful future.
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binunus · 4 years
college bf!mj
a/n AH !!!! THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE ASTRO COMEBACK ???? APRIL 5TH ??? WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE LOVES !! i genuinely...do not know if I will be able to survive this month bc of them. 
(also i tried to get this posted on mj’s birthday but I’m so sorry a lot of shit happened and I had a ~bad mental breakdown~ and it’s just been rough out here but that’s a story for another time if any of you lovely beings wanna know hehe)
→ genre: fluff, smut
→ tw: mentions of cheating (in past relationships)
→ word count: 4.9k ____________________________________
this is gonna be so cute i just !! love him so much???
has his own apartment, but he honestly stays over all of the boys’ places so much that...he barely sleeps at his apt
major: vocal performance
his voice is literally honey
can probably sing higher than some sopranos in his major
so friendly, everyone who meets him loves him
mj just has a way of attracting people and making people comfortable around him
in short, he is – of course – the moodmaker
can turn anyone’s frown upside down
he’s down?? for like everything
an adventurous spontaneous type
has...probably failed a ged ed class once or twice before...
he’s not stupid okay! he just doesn’t really care about the classes that has no connection to his major
like will he ever apply calculus in singing? probably not
oh but professors can’t hate him, even if he just messes around during class
he’s just so kind and likeable
loves his boys aka astro
will literally do anything to make them smile, even if he’s had a rough day
as long as his boys are happy :’) he’s happy :’)
now how do you meet myungjun??
he’s in an acapella group on campus
he just has to be alright
he was the only freshman that got in during his first year
that shows how good he is :*
a tenor in the highly competitive co-ed group
spoiler alert, he convinces sanha to join, but that’s for college bf!sanha
myungjun is what me and my friends like to call: the solo whore
and it’s not bc he’s greedy for solos, he’s a real team player
his voice just happens to sound the best for most solos your group has??
you’re also in the acapella group
im not giving a voice part bc then that would put you in a binary category
so soprano, alto, tenor, baritone, bass, you pick love
anyway, you and myungjun were chosen to sing a duet for one of your competition pieces
and it was the key emotional piece so you and him had to be on your A games
you and myungjun were friends ofc, you had to be some sort of friends with everyone in your acapella group
but you never really hung out with him outside of rehearsal
well until you got this duet together
and you weren’t worried about it, mj was so fun and nice and an amazing singer, you had no doubt these extra practices with him would be a good time
and you were right! besides singing, you actually got a chance to get to know him and how goofy he really was
you’re pretty sure you always had an ab workout whenever you hung out with him bc of how much he made you laugh
about a month away from competition, you and myungjun were like best buds
literally a chaotic, iconic duo
the chemistry you two had during your duet was spectacular, your voices highlighted and bounced off each other very well
but! your leader had a little critique
“y/n, myungjun, that was great but...can you guys pretend to look...like in love? I get we’re all friends here, but if you can’t convey the emotion of the song in our performance, what’s the point? This goes for everyone, this is a song about how much you love your partner and would give them the world, we need to show that in our eyes and movements, even if you’re just singing ooh and woah for like 10 measures.”
you and myungjun decide to stay after rehearsal and practice the emotions you guess...
your leader had a point, good singing could only go so far
and for the first time, myunjun was a bit...? awkward??
you: alright so how are we gonna pretend to be madly in love with each other
he chuckles and shrugs: honestly I don’t know, look at me like I’m your boyfriend or something??
you: well, I hate my last boyfriend so that probably wouldn’t be a good idea
myungjun offering you a high-five: I hate...well I think I hate...my last partner too so at least we have that
you: how do you think you hate your last partner? are you not dating anyone right now?
he gives you a smile and like you notice it’s forced?? it’s not genuine or bright like the one he usually gives
mj: no I’m not dating anyone...my last relationship sorta traumatized me I guess. 
you: ...how did it traumatize you...? you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to myungjun
mj: ah *awkward laughter* well...I was sorta going through it my senior year of high school, stress from graduating and what to do with my life and all that shit, you know? I dated this person since my freshman year and I guess my mental health got the best of me during that time and they couldn’t handle it. We were planning on staying together throughout college and do long distance but I found out in the summer before starting college that they fucked my high school best friend behind my back...when I confronted them about it, the answer they gave me was that I was too down and preoccupied with my worries to notice about my partner’s needs...pretty fucked up right?
your jaw dropped, your eyes were bulging out at his story
you: myungjun what the fuck??? what college do they go to? I’ll pull up right now and beat their asses, I don’t know scream in their face or something! That’s fucked!
he’s laughing a little: thanks y/n, but it’s alright. You know, maybe I was too caught up in my own problems that I ended up neglecting my partner’s needs...I guess that’s why I’m always just trying to be carefree and fun now.
you: that doesn’t justify the fact that what they did to you was wrong. you should have never gone through that myungjun, it’s not your fault that you were going through it mentally, your partner should have been there to support you and understand your struggles, not cheat on you with your best friend. ugh I’m pissed for you. 
mj: I appreciate it y/n, but yeah love’s sorta a hard subject for me.
you nod in understanding
mj: well! that’s my traumatic breakup story, it’s only fair you share yours
you laugh: you’re right. Well I was dating this guy right when I entered college, met him at the freshman orientation, completely hit it off. I was so in love with him, we dated for about a year. And then last semester he broke up with me out of nowhere, said he wanted to focus on school and himself and that he needed a break from dating. I found out two days later that he started dating one of his suite mates and that on the night he broke up with me, they fucked. So love? also something hard for me.
mj: aww look at us both unable to find or relate to love because of past relationship traumas.
you hit his shoulder laughing: you’re such a headass
mj: I’m kidding! anyway, I’m sorry you went through that too y/n. it sucks and your ex is a dumbass for breaking up with you. Do you still have feelings for him? w-wait, you don’t have to answer that, was that insensitive?
you: you’re fine haha. Um...well...sometimes when I overthink things at night, I do miss him and I wonder what the hell I did wrong for it to end so abruptly because I was honestly really happy with him, but then I wake up in the morning and I hate him again. 
mj: you did nothing wrong y/n...and if you need to call me at 2 am when you’re overthinking and need some badass confidence knocked into you, I will be awake.
you smile and give him a hug: thanks myungjun...you know the same goes for you too?
mj: hm??? what do you mean??
you: you don’t always have to smile around me, especially if you don’t feel like it. Don’t repress your mental health, huh? It’s bad for the soul to bottle it in. I’m not gonna force you to share your darkest fears with me, I’m just saying that if you feel drained and wanna talk about it, I’m here to listen
myungjun pouts a little bit, he’s really touched?? it’s hard for him to share his troubles with others
like as much as he loves astro and is close to them, he doesn’t share his down sides with the boys as often as he should bc he never wants to burden them
myungjun just always thought it was easier to suppress the bad feelings and put on a happy act
but he couldn’t deny the weight lifted off his shoulders after telling you about his breakup
and maybe it was because your energies were on a different level lately, but he found it so?? easy?? to just vent to you after that
until competition, the two of you worked on faking like you were in love (basically imagining that each other was your favorite actor/actress or whatever, something like that)
it was good enough for the group to believe it lol
but what about the judges and audience hmmmmm
anyway, fast forward and it’s competition day!!
myungjun introduces you to his best friends aka the boysss aka astro
they come and support him for his competition ugh we love
you’re like smiling and hyper when you meet them
...has myungjun been rubbing off on you???
you: it’s so nice to meet you all! myungun always talks so highly of you
astro: huh?? you’re lying, myungjun hyung complimenting us???
and then they start messing and friendly bickering with each other and yes they’re teasing mj
you’re laughing bc it’s so cute?? you can see in their eyes and their smiles how much they really care about each other :’)
also astro, probably jin or eunwoo, maybe rocky: we’re sorry if m hyung has driven you to insanity these past few months of rehearsing
you just laugh as myungjun hits them: myungjun’s actually been like my partner in crime lately, so we’re all good :)
*cue the boys exchanging looks with each other*
you perform ah ha ha
alright, you were so used to thinking that myungjun was...idk kim soohyun or something bc mm chef’s kiss his acting...to get into the emotion of the song
but then during the actual performance you saw him as myungjun and like all the hard work and extra practices and late night talks came in full force and you were just...singing to him
and you notice how...handsome?? and charismatic?? myungjun really is...and the little sparkle in his eyes when he’s performing like...wow
and after your set, you’re just like shit, what the fuck was that??
your group doesn’t win though, you place second!
but you and myungjun get awarded best solo/duet of the entire competition
astro: ;)
your acapella group: ;)
the judges: ;)
alright so im a firm believer that if myungjun had feelings for someone, he would straight up tell them like balls to the wall full fucking send
after competition, the routine of school comes back. you occasionally hang out with myungjun outside of rehearsal
by occasionally, I mean once a week hangout with myungjun (and astro bc they started inviting you to their dinners)
and then one night – at midnight – he calls you like out of pocket and his tone is like completely serious
you’re a bit scared?? like: myungjun...is everything okay? did something happen?
mj: y/n...can I ask you something?
you: yeah, of course
mj: do you still think about your ex?
you: o_o um...honestly no, not really...why?
mj: well, if I’m being honest. y/n, I have feelings for you. And i’m not asking you to like me back or give me an answer straight away, but I just wanted to let you know. If you don’t think about your ex anymore, and if you think you’re ready...maybe you can consider thinking of me??
mmmmm kim myungjun you slick flirty dog grrr bark bark
and you know how he can just talk, and talk fast, so you’re still in the middle of processing this and he just goes on like
“sleep on it, y/n. I’ll see you soon for rehearsal, okay? good night”
like you don’t even have a chance to respond to him bc he just hangs up the phone
you think about it, of course you think about it, you’ve been thinking about it ever since competition
having feelings for myungjun has always been in the back of your mind since then
like did you notice that when you hung out with him, your heart would flutter if he said something sweet?? or if you two were a bit too close to each other?? 100%
but you didn’t know if either of you were ready for another relationship so it’s just been put on the back burner
at the next acapella practice, you find that your cheeks just flush whenever myungjun looks your way
the rehearsal went a bit??? weird?? like even your group noticed that there was a bit of a tension between you and myungjun
but of course, he goes up and talks to you after rehearsal ended and he’s like: hey...I’m sorry if my confession made you feel weird, I didn’t mean for that at all. If you want, we can just forget about what I said and stay friends! 
you just facepalm like: myungjun you idiot, I’m acting weird because I like you too. God, you know maybe the boys are right, maybe you need to shut your mouth for a little bit
and he whines like: hey!
but then he realizes what you said and he gives you the brightest smile: you mean it?? you like me back??
and you’re like shyly smiling now: yeah...I do...but do you want to take the next step?? I mean...do you think you’re ready for another relationship??
he gets like serious and he grabs your hand: not gonna lie, I don’t think I’ll ever be fully ready after my last one...but if there’s someone I wanna try it with, it’s you.
:’) kim !!! myung !!! jun !!!
dating myungjun?? the best thing ever
the cutest boy alive honestly
he has so much cute and goofy in him already with just friends and strangers
but with you, it’s increased tenfold
even you start to act cute and goofy after dating him
petnames?? bub and bubby
myungjun is not serious about a lot of things, but he is very serious about his feelings for you and your relationship
y’all take things at your own pace and he !! values !! consent !! even if it’s just like making out
he just doesn’t wanna mess things up with you :’)
the type of boyfriend to sing you to sleep ah !!! his voice is heaven alright
will be extra about pda in front of the guys to make them grossed out
and yes you get embarrassed, but myungjun’s too cute to scold
you get used to a lot of second-hand embarrassment dating him and being friends with the boys
but it’s just so endearing, you can’t even fight it
will swing your arms together when you’re out just walking
screams he’s so cute
you don’t really fight bc communicating with each other is one of the biggest things in your relationship
like if a disagreement or a situation comes up, you two are mature enough to talk it through and work things out bc you both already been knew what it’s like to be in a relationship that didn’t have full transparency
you do jokingly bicker about small things though (like think about how astro fights)
but he always ends fights by scooping you up in a hug and showering your face with kisses
loves kissing your nose
just imagine: you and myungjun cuddling and he just kisses your nose and you scrunch up your face and he just laughs and kisses you all over and you two end up giggling
will do anything to see a smile on your face, it’s the greatest sight to him
alright we been talking too much about how cute myungjun is
he’s also a hot motherfucker alright
the most attractive when he’s singing in your opinion
you know how charismatic he is, you’ve seen it first hand during rehearsal and performances
he’s very good at hiding his horniness, especially in public
but phew when you two are in private and myungjun’s in the mood
you can tell bc his eyes just get hazy and he immediately just starts kissing your neck
a very passionate lover, will prioritize your pleasure over his
sex with myungjun can go from being sweet and sensual, to fun and playful, to hot and exciting
by that...I mean that he is down to try every kink and position you can think of
as long as both of you are okay with it ofc
he’s one of the kinkiest members in astro im convinced
blindfolds? bondage? ice cubes? wax play?
you want it? you got it
he’s not into feet though, i apologize to my foot fetish lovers
his favorite position is actually missionary
myungjun loves being able to watch you and to see how good he’s making you feel
in missionary is when he feels the most connected to you, it’s just a passionate position
and yes he’s very vocal, so you betcha he encourages you to be vocal as well
will try to mess with you in a sense where say you two are hanging out with the guys, he’ll touch you and challenge you to not make a noise
and then he’ll snicker and wink at you if you even let out a peep
he’s a tease !!! like will edge you until you’re on the brink of cumming at least 3 times
myungjun has pretty good stroke game alright
very fluid with his hips, idk he just knows all the right spots to hit
praise...kink...that’s the tweet, need I say more
he’s into hair pulling !! both ways !! 
okay hear me out...myungjun fucking you and pulling your hair until your screaming and then after you both cum, he’s like: you hit a high f earlier bub! I almost wanted to harmonize with you but–
you: myungjun are you serious!
sex with him would always just be a fun time, like he’s hot and grrr it feels so good but there’s always a bit of laughing and joking around in the process
like he will tickle you before he puts his cock in you just to see the switch of you laughing to moaning
alright but shower sex?? he’s into that
and just the acoustics of both of your sounds in the bathroom?? it’s so filthy he loves it – and it’s easy to clean up afterwards
you bet that after any performance with your group, the two of you have sex, even if it’s just a quickie in an empty practice room or whatever
no shame, will kick the boys out or announce “we’re going to fuck bye!” if you or him get too horny in the middle of a hangout
im just gonna throw this out here...you and myungjun...mile high club
(your group competed in an acapella competition and the flight there...it just happened)
all in all, myungjun just wants to make you happy and feel good and smile, even if you two just finished an intense sex session
let’s get into the deep stuff though, you are the only person myungjun is comfortable with to not show a smile all the time
even with the boys, there’s always a small part of him that wants to just push through and be optimistic just so that they won’t worry
but with you, he knows that it’s okay to be sad and to be vulnerable :’)
when myungjun cries bc he’s upset :( fuck you cry too
he loves when you just hug him and stroke his hair when he’s stressed
very showy about your relationship, not bc he’s braggy, but bc he just wants to show the world how happy you make him and that he’s in love <3
the boys are so happy to see their eldest in love :’)
they don’t show it around each other, but they’ve come up to you in private and say sweet things like
“you make myungjun hyung so happy, he always brings joy to everyone but you bring joy to him, thank you”
im !! getting !! sentimental !!
the day you found out myungjun was in love with you was the day you met his parents
‘twas a bit spontaneous
his parents came to see one of your group performances and myungjun’s like holding your hand and leading you somewhere after you get off stage and he’s like “bub! these are my parents!”
you end up getting dinner with his family and yikes you were hella nervous, you were not expecting on meeting his parents right after your performance
not gonna lie, you thought he was leading you to the car for some post-performance sex
but they adored you, his parents could see how much you meant to their son ugh I cry
anyway, the L word
as you’re finishing dinner, myungjun’s all giddy and just like
“I’m so glad you came and watched mom and dad, the timing was perfect too! I wanted to introduce you to y/n for a while now and have you meet the person I love.”
and his parents are just smiling at you and saying how they’re so happy to finally meet you and how you have an amazing voice and to take care of myungjun and you’re !!! just !!! blushing !!!
as soon as you both got in the car after saying goodbye to his parents, he’s just like: hope I didn’t surprise you too much bubby, I didn’t know my parents were coming to watch until like an hour before we went on stage
you just give him a little smile: I was a bit caught off guard, but it’s okay. Your parents are so sweet, I see where you get it from bub.
myungjun: I can tell that they love you already! well of course not as much as I do, but with time I know they’ll come pretty close
and you’re blushing again, it’s the L word: do you mean it myungjun?
myungjun: that my parents love you?? of course–
you: no, bub...that you...love me?
myungjun: yeah...unless you don’t feel the same way–
you: myungjun! no, of course I do! I just wasn’t expecting the first time to hear it was with your parents
you two are laughing, ugh this man
after your giggles subside, he leans over from the driver’s seat and he just cups your cheek and pecks your nose: I love you y/n, thank you for reminding me what love feels like
you: I love you too myungjun
and then you two are just like sharing a sweet kiss in the parking lot of the restaurant before starting the drive back to his place
do you and myungjun make duets together for fun and post it?? yeah probably
you are the luckiest dating myungjun, the living breathing embodiment of serotonin and love
even when you two are older and out of college, he still gives you the same affection and attention and authenticity ugh he’s just amazing
im so sorry this was late but happy belated to our happy virus <3
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Another One?!, Part 5
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It turns out that people with access to military-grade equipment are not the type of people you want to dislike you.
Really, the only reason she was still alive was because being Ladybug made her marginally more lucky than the average person.
From people in holding randomly getting out from time to time and somehow managing to get their hands on a weapon, to getting shot by ‘malfunctioning’ firearms, to constant bomb threats, to the one time someone actually tried to drop an anvil on her head, things were just not looking good for Marinette.
And, it turns out, being a boss is just a hard thing in general. When they weren’t attempting to kill her, they were coming to her with questions. She spent most of her day in the office, scanning through manual after manual. She got basically zero breaks, because even when she had a sign on her door saying she was eating lunch they still came in to ask her things.
And then, at the end of the day, she’d get home… things weren’t great there, either.
Barbara had moved in after a year of dating Dick (Marinette had been stunned to learn that their relationship was actually real but that had quickly been dropped when she realized that Barbara was actually a responsible adult that could take care of herself). She had banned caffeine in the house when she’d seen Marinette and Tim’s coffee habits and, unfortunately, everyone else had been perfectly happy to enforce this for her.
This meant that she only had about four hours when she got home to patrol before her exhaustion caught up with her and she’d be forced to go home and collapse on the couch.
On top of that, tensions in the house were high. It turns out that one of the biggest problems with avoiding your problems for years is that emotions get pent up inside and it gets harder and harder to ignore. No one had completely snapped yet, but even the densest person in the world would have been able to recognize that it was coming.
It didn’t help that she no longer had time for baking, which was her normal way of relieving stress…
And let’s just say they were lucky none of them were going on patrols together, those kinds of high-stress situations do not help.
Adrien needed sleep.
He worked ten hours a day, which isn’t that much longer than average but was still emotionally taxing considering his job was teaching.
Then, he’d go on patrol for a few hours. He liked patrol, beating up random people is great for stress, but it was physically exhausting.
Then, he’d come home.
And he’d have two kids and an adult to keep alive.
(Barbara had the night shift, which meant that Adrien was alone for this. He swore it was on purpose.)
He’d go to his room and find Dick swinging around on the indoor gym they’d had installed (they were getting tired of him breaking light fixtures and had given in and put little hand and footholds on the ceiling for him to climb around on).
And then Dick would fall asleep, often hanging from the ceiling still, and Adrien would pick him up and take him to his room and tuck him in.
He’d rush back to his room, desperate to get there for just a second of sleep, only to find that, no matter how quick he was, Jason would already be on the bed. You would think that Adrien would be able to sleep. After all, Jason would be reading a book... that’s supposed to be a quiet thing…
Well, you see, the problem is that Jason reads books like people watch soap operas. He’d curse out characters and call them stupid, tell Adrien contextless jokes, and occasionally close his book to vent about what was going on.
And, eventually Jason would sleep. Adrien wouldn’t move him because a) it would wake him up and b) on the very small chance it didn’t wake him, Jason sometimes half-joked that when he woke up alone he feared that they’d left him behind…
So, yeah, Jason got to stay in the room.
Adrien would blink and then he’d find Tim in the door with his computer.
Tim, it seemed, would actually wait to see if Adrien was okay with it if he came in. He always stood in the door, hugging his laptop to his chest, and wouldn’t dare come inside until Adrien said he could.
Of course Adrien would sigh and nod his head yes, making a joke about how his kids were sleeping in shifts to annoy him, and move over on the bed a bit to let Tim on.
And then Tim would do homework or play games on his computer.
Adrien hated the sound of clicky keyboards. He’d had no clue he was alone in this until one day he complained about it and everyone in the room had stared at him like he was crazy.
But, yeah, the keyboard made him want to die. He just wanted to sleep...
And then Barbara would poke her head in after a long night’s work to tell Adrien that it was time for him to get ready for work.
Sprinkle in one or two probably life-threatening accidents and you’d have a typical night for him.
Now, you might be thinking, why doesn’t he just fall asleep on the couch?
Beyond the fact that the kids would just… follow him there, Adrien was also a rich kid growing up. He couldn’t sleep on couches. They’re uncomfortable.
No, now his only saving grace was the fact that Barbara didn’t have a way to monitor the coffee machine at his work.
… Oh kwami, he had become what he’d hated.
She dropped onto the bed -- she’d had enough energy to make it all the way there for once -- and glared at the mostly empty bulletin board on Antony Agoura. The man was smart, unfortunately, opting to keep his identity a secret as much as possible. He used a fake name. He wore gloves no matter what. He used solely cash…
And it wasn’t like she was going to be able to lure him out again. That had been an intimidation tactic, a way of saying ‘leave it alone or you’ll see exactly what I can do’.
And, as much as she hated to admit it even to herself, she was a little bit scared of him. For the first time since Zucco, the person she was facing knew who she was as a civilian, and she hated that she’d lost that advantage. Even if her family was better trained in self-defense than most, they weren’t invulnerable and they couldn’t be careful every second of the day.
Part of her was tempted to pack up and go on the run like they had done with Zucco… but the situations were different. With Zucco they knew they would eventually be able to catch him but with Agoura...
She closed her eyes, unable to look at it any longer.
Fuck. She was really screwed this time, huh?
She felt someone sink into the bed next to her and reached out for them. She didn’t really care who it was as she buried her face in their shoulder.
Less than a minute later, her phone buzzed to tell her that it was time to start cooking everyone’s meals for the day and she mumbled a curse before peeling herself away from the person. She squinted a little bit in the dark to see who it was. Tim.
She yawned and pressed a kiss to the top of his head. “Want to cook with me?”
“I’d burn the house down.”
“Probably. Want to stand nearby and make sure I don’t fall asleep while cooking so nothing burns?”
He shrugged a little bit. “Don’t see why not.”
They both crawled out of bed and she used him for support as they made their way down to the kitchen.
Adrien had been on patrol when she’d appeared.
And ‘appeared’ was definitely the way to describe it. He’d been relaxing on a rooftop, giving himself a few second break to just breathe in silence for once… and then he’d felt a hand shaking his shoulder.
He fought the urge to jump or lash out, his head whipping around to look at the person who was shaking him.
It was… a girl?
Actually, she looked about Jason’s age, so maybe a woman?
It didn’t matter. She looked terrified. Her eyes were so wide it looked almost exaggerated, her lips drawn into a deep frown.
The more he took in about her appearance the more concerned he was. Her stance was wide, which likely meant she fought often. Her clothes were ratty and torn. The little parts of her skin that weren’t caked in dirt were split with cuts that were either infected or about to be infected.
He rested a hand over hers as gently as he could and looked at her. “How are you up here? Actually, that doesn’t matter. What’s wrong? Are you okay? Are you hurt? Is your family hurt?”
She waved her free hand around frantically. Wordlessly.
He raised his eyebrows.
“Do you not speak English? Or are you mute? Deaf?”
He realized all these questions weren’t going to get answers and he sighed. Crap, what could he do?
He mulled it over for a second before snapping his fingers. He held up a finger for one minute, then held up his hands and made a tiny ‘stay’ motion with them just in case, and then ran to the nearest convenience store.
He didn’t care enough to detransform. It got him through the line quickly, at least.
He found a pen and a pad of paper and returned to the rooftop…
She wasn’t there anymore.
He sighed, a mix of frustration and concern coursing through him. He closed his eyes and shook his head. He should get back to patrol. Maybe he’d find her and/or whatever situation she was trying to get his attention for…
He opened his eyes and actually did jump this time. She was right in front of him. What? He hadn’t heard her…
He shook off his growing unease and handed her the notepad and pen.
She frowned, her face a little more than confused. Had she never seen a pen and paper before? Surely that couldn’t be right…
Still, he gently took the paper and pen back and wrote a tiny question mark.
He handed it over again and she looked at the mark like she’d never seen it before. Maybe her language didn’t have question marks…?
Then she started doodling.
Well, his plan had been for her to write whatever it was down and he would see if his phone would translate it, but he guessed this would work, too.
The first drawing explained some of the girl’s problems with communication. It was a little doodle where the mouth and ears had been X-ed out. She couldn’t speak or hear… or, at least, that’s what he’d figured.
He searched his memory for his old sign language lessons. Unfortunately, though, sign language is something that has to be practiced. All he could do is fingerspell “U O-K?”
She didn’t seem to understand.
Fair enough. He was pretty sure he was using LSF, anyways, and he didn’t exactly know for sure how close that was to ASL… or whatever other language she could have known. He couldn’t really tell much about where she was from, her skin was covered in dirt, okay?
She started doodling the rest of her life story and he nearly punched something. Probably would have if he hadn’t been scared he’d startle her or scare her off.
Whoever her dad was, he was committed to killing him if he wasn’t dead already.
He smiled at her and tried to think of a solution. He couldn’t take her to the police. Even with Marinette in charge, there was only so much she could do to keep the kid safe. An orphanage wouldn’t accept her because he doubted she was a legal US citizen.
He sighed. Marinette was going to kill him…
He reached out a hand to her to tell her to follow and blinked in surprise when she actually took it. Wow. He trusted her.
He tried not to feel proud as he led her home. He probably should have been scared that she was a spy or lying, but he found himself trusting her…
Weird, but he had bigger problems.
He detransformed a little bit outside the house and slowly walked to the door. He pushed it open and cringed when it creaked. Please don’t be home…
Marinette shifted under her blanket and opened an eye to look at him.
He quickly pushed the girl behind himself and smiled at his wife. “Wow, it’s you. You’re home. Wow.”
“Yeah, amazing, right?” She rubbed her eyes and gave him a tired smile. “How was patrols?”
“Great. Uneventful. Definitely good.”
Her smile dropped into a frown. “You’re acting weird.”
“What? Me? Acting weird?”
“Yeah… are you coming inside?”
“Uh… no. Actually, I think I’ll go back on patrols.”
She clicked her tongue. “You’re hiding something. I’m too tired for this, Adrien. Fess up.”
He cringed a little bit and slowly led the new adoptee inside.
The girl clutched Adrien’s shirt sleeve anxiously. He did not think this was a good thing.
Marinette stared at the girl in front of her for a while before a way too wide smile crossed her face. “Adrien…” She began slowly, before shaking her head. Her smile widened, somehow. She looked up, her voice sickly sweet: “Hey! Sweeties! Come down here.”
The reaction was instantaneous. There was a mad scrambling noise and they appeared in the doorway, expressions frazzled.
“Whatever happened, it was Dick!” Said Tim before anyone could speak.
Dick gasped. “No! It wasn’t!”
Marinette gave a pleasant laugh. “You’re not in trouble. Boys, could you help her get cleaned up for me, please?”
“Why is there another kid? Why does he have another one?” Said Jason incredulously.
When neither parent answered, they started ushering the girl away.
She grabbed Adrien’s arm when he tried to disappear through the door with them. “Not. You. Transform, we’re going out.”
He tried not to look too scared as they both transformed. She kept a way too tight grip on Adrien as they made their way through the town, as if she thought he was going to suddenly run away.
Fair enough. He was absolutely considering it.
But he didn’t. That would only make things worse.
They stopped at a relatively abandoned part of town and she turned to him, letting go to cross her arms over her chest.
Did she feel bad for the kid that Adrien had adopted? Sure. No one deserves that kind of life…
But that didn’t calm her down in the slightest.
She was trying to relax herself. Her lips pressed into a thin line as she heard him out to keep herself from yelling or interrupting, her nails dug into the skin of her palms to keep her grounded…
Adrien finished with a sigh and a “I don’t regret it, she was in trouble and it’s our job to protect civilians.”
She didn’t know why those words made her anger worsen. There was some sense in them, and yet she had to strain to keep her voice level when she spoke: “Just once, could you actually just own up to a mistake you make?”
“I’ll own up to a mistake when I actually think it’s a mistake!”
“Whatever.” She thrummed her foot on the floor. “We can’t keep adopting random kids, Chat, there’s only so much we can do!”
“They need our help!”
“Bullshit! You need them more than they need you! Newsflash! Helping a bunch of kids isn’t going to make your own childhood any better!”
Adrien flinched and she felt a twinge of guilt finally poke through the anger, but before she could apologize he was jabbing his finger in her chest.
“At least my terrible coping mechanism helps people! You want to pull trauma into this? What about the fact that we still can’t say Lila’s name? What about the fact that you refuse to make friends with people our age because you fear them leaving you?”
She winced and her face reddened. “Okay, but does that inconvenience you? No! At least mine is only self-destructive! Yours is going to drag the entire family down with you! We’ve already fucked up these kids for sure, but you just keep making it worse and worse by spreading our limited time thinner!”
“Shut up! What do you know? You hardly ever talk to them anyways! You’re always at work or asleep!”
“Really? And whose fault is that? If you’d just stuck to the actual plan B instead of going out and attacking all the cops in the GCPD there wouldn’t have been as much attention on what had happened!”
She groaned and fought to make herself relax enough to speak without yelling. They were in a relatively abandoned part of Gotham but that didn’t mean that there was no one around. The last thing they needed on top of everything going on was to have their fight end up in the papers.
Adrien was clearly doing the same, because he was quiet for a long time before he spoke in little more than a whisper:
“Do you not want to be a part of the family anymore?”
She opened her mouth to say ‘of course I want to be a part of the family’, but no sound came out. She wasn’t sure why she was even hesitating. She cared about them, obviously. She wouldn’t be working so hard if she didn’t…
But it was definitely a lot.
She could only handle so much at once. Beyond the powers she was just a human, and supporting that many other people is hard. Especially considering she essentially had two jobs to keep up with, as well…
The longer she went without answering the more tears spilled over his mask. Still, he was waiting for her answer. He was waiting for some kind of verbal confirmation that she couldn’t do it anymore.
She reached up and gently cupped his cheeks, wiping his tears away with her thumb.
“Chat, I…” She swallowed thickly. “I don’t know how much more we can do.”
He hesitantly brought his hands up to rest over hers. “I know. I just… I can’t just leave them. They always look so sad.”
She’d fallen in love with Adrien for his kindness and now it was the thing that was threatening to tear their marriage apart.
But he’d fallen for her because of her problem solving skills. And she was determined to not let this be the one problem she failed to solve.
The problem wasn’t exactly that he was getting more kids. Marinette loved kids.
The problem was that they didn’t know if they could raise kids without messing them up too badly.
Part of it was that everyone in the family had had one or more big events that had traumatized them, and it looked like it was finally time that they started getting past it.
Could they even get past it at this point? It had been over two decades since Marinette and Adrien had originally gotten their traumas, what if it was too late? What would happen if they somehow did get over it? It had been a part of them for such a long time, what would they be without it?
And then there was the kids. Could they even get them to go?
It was worth a shot, at least...
And the other change they needed to make was to make more time for their kids.
Neither of them were going to give up their day jobs (Adrien wouldn’t and Marinette, unfortunately, couldn’t just yet). That meant that they either needed to get caffeine in the house or give up vigilantism…
Well, cross of the giving up vigilantism thing automatically. On top of just not being able to give up on the city they were in when there was still so much to fix, they knew it would only be temporary. They’d already tried to give up vigilantism. They simply couldn’t bring themselves to.
So that left trying to get caffeine past Barbara. The kids (outside of Tim) were very much against caffeine and they worked very hard to make sure neither Marinette or Tim ever managed to get their hands on it. From purposefully making sure Marinette and Tim couldn’t go anywhere without one of them to monitoring the break room camera at her work to make sure she didn’t drink any, the kids were determined to make sure Marinette couldn’t get her hands on anything.
But Adrien could. No one would suspect him.
She bit her lip. This wasn’t going to go over well. Getting Adrien to therapy AND make him get caffeine? Man, this was going to suck.
“Chaton… I might have an idea… but you’re going to have to hear me out…”
He and Marinette were arguing again, though this was far more light-hearted.
“We are not opening another portal. We’re already lucky enough that this dimension hasn’t collapsed on us, we aren’t testing it.”
He rolled his eyes and stopped scratching runes into the wall to glare at her. “Would you rather we let a girl-woman-female-you-know-what-I-mean room with a guy?”
“What about we give her Jason’s room and let Jason sleep with us? He comes into our room to sleep either way.”
“Jason still uses his room to store things.”
“This is a bad idea, Chaton…”
He grinned. “Mhmm.”
“This is what I meant when you said you’re stupidly impulsive.”
“Would you rather do it?”
He rolled his eyes. “And that’s what I meant when I said you don’t care about your own health. It’ll be fine.”
She clicked her tongue and motioned for him to go on.
He finished scratching the last rune and sighed when he saw some weird tentacle monster slowly unfurling itself on the other side. He got to his feet quickly and raised his staff to fight it, only to cringe when he heard Dick and Jason scream downstairs.
“I’ll deal with that, do you have this taken care of?”
She winced. “Sure. Where exactly is the portal, to be sure?”
He pointed it out and then ran downstairs.
Jason was currently not having a good time, it seemed. The bottom half of his body had been swallowed by a hole in the floor and he was struggling to get a hold on the slick floors.
Dick was also there, screaming incoherently from one of the ceiling lights.
Adrien ran over and grabbed one of Jason’s arms and started slowly pulling him out of the portal. After a bit Dick snapped out of it and scrambled to help.
The three were panting by the time they managed to get him all the way out.
“What the heck what the heck what the heck what the heck --,” Dick mumbled, holding his heart.
Jason, though just as shaken, seemed to be getting over it quickly. “How do we fix that?”
“Don’t remember, ask your mom,” mumbled Adrien as he crawled over to the portal on the floor and peered down.
It was a tiny group of people crowded around a computer.
Wait, what the heck were they wearing? Were they cosplaying as vigilantes? They definitely had the tacky outfits down if they were but Adrien didn’t know who they could be. Well, it had been a long time since they’d visited the Justice League, maybe he just didn’t know them…
He cleared his throat awkwardly and flashed them a blinding smile.
“Um… sorry about this, we’ll fix it as quickly as possible.”
“Was that… was that Dick Grayson?” Said the tallest of them.
Was he dressed as a bat? Why was he dressed as a bat? Dressing up like animals wasn’t technically their thing but on the other hand it was absolutely their thing. Adrien was almost offended.
Wait, he’d said something. He tried not to go pale when his brain finally processed it. This wasn’t exactly how he’d wanted the world to find out their identities…
“What kind of name is Dick Grayson? Ha! Lame!”
Dick sent him an affronted look from where he was on the floor. Adrien gave him an apologetic smile and a shrug.
Jason came back down with a baking pan. “Mom said to drop something through, so…”
“What’s that?”
“You’re dropping our brownies down there? Are you trying to kill them?” Asked Dick.
Adrien blinked once then sighed. “It could have worked for once. Be nice.”
Jason scoffed. “It didn’t. She forgot sugar. That’s why we’ll give it to them.”
“Sorry about this!” Said Adrien as Jason dropped the pan through the portal.
As promised, it closed now that something had been sacrificed.
The three looked at each other for a few seconds before Dick looked away and said, “So… pretend this never happened?”
She cursed as she fell back on the couch, never mind the fact that Adrien was already laying there. Her husband made a quiet ‘oof’ sound as she dropped on top of him. She was hopped up on caffeine and ready to bond with her kids but the problem was that the kids, in fact, had lives.
The little time that Marinette and Adrien didn’t have work was taken up by patrols, by Jason’s homework, by Tim’s extracurriculars, by Dick’s job...
“There’s still not enough time.”
“We might have to stop being vigilantes for a bit…” He said, though he sounded reluctant. “Or rotate off by day…”
She didn’t like the idea either, but it didn’t seem like they had much choice in this if they wanted to be better for their kids. They’d already had to cut back on vigilantism because of their jobs and need for sleep, could they really cut it out of their lives entirely? Just like that?
No, there had to be something they could do. The city was still the most crime ridden city in the world. They couldn’t give up on it.
But then what to do…?
She watched Tim stumble in with a dislocated shoulder and squeaked, pushing herself off of her husband and rushing over.
“Shit! What happened?”
“I… might have messed up a boomerang-horseshoe-thingy catch and it might have hit me in the shoulder.”
She clicked her tongue. “Right. I’m going to reset it on three. One, two --.”
Tim gave a grunt of pain as she pushed his shoulder back into place.
“You should have told someone, how long were you fighting with a dislocated shoulder?”
“A little while…”
She shook her head and glanced at Adrien to give him the ‘kids, right?’ look, only to find him lost in thought.
He snapped out of it and flashed her a grin.
“I think I have an idea. How do you feel about going back on patrols with partners?”
He stretched across his family’s lap as they waited.
Adrien, Marinette, Dick, Jason, and Tim all sat in a therapist’s office for family counseling. They would have invited Cass but the whole ‘not speaking’ thing made therapy difficult. They actually had invited Barbara, only to get shut down because apparently she didn’t want to ‘deal with all that mess’.
So, it was just them.
Well, I say ‘just’ like five people isn’t a lot of people to have in a single therapy session. The poor therapist looked like she was going to have a heart attack when she saw all of them waiting for her.
Good thing they'd chosen the shortest session...
“Um… Agreste?”
“Yep!” Said Dick, far too brightly for a therapy session but whatever.
“Cool… right this way!”
His family glanced at each other before shrugging and pushing Adrien off of their laps in unison. He pouted up at them from his new place on the floor, but no one seemed all that guilty about it.
Marinette did reach out and pull him to his feet by the back of his shirt, though, so there was at least that.
They filed into the therapist’s room and took a seat on yet another couch.
Dr. Quinzel smiled at all of them. “Okay, does anyone have anything they’d like to start us off with?”
The family eyed each other warily. They were here as civilians, so they had to make sure not to slip up and talk too in depth about most things…
“Jason keeps calling me ‘Replacement’!” Said Tim, finally.
Marinette and Adrien frowned at Jason, who was attempting to sink into his hoodie.
“Well, we definitely didn’t know about that…” said Marinette.
“Of course you didn’t!” Said Jason. “You’re hardly ever around!”
Tim sighed. “They’re just busy.”
Adrien flinched. That was way too close to the excuse he used to make for his own father for his liking. Were they really that bad? Sure, he and Marinette were definitely not around as much as they’d like to be, but they were making an effort… did that really matter, though?
“No, Jay is right. We’ll try and do more. We’ve talked about how we’re going to free up time for you guys recently, actually. We’re hoping to include you more in our...” He glanced at Dr. Quinzel. “... hobby. Do more things with you in general, really.”
Marinette nodded her agreement.
She glanced at the boy’s faces and then clicked her tongue. “Anyone have problems they want to share?”
“No, our family is perfect how it is!” Said Dick brightly, his gaze fixed on the window.
Adrien followed his gaze to make sure nothing bad was going down on the streets and then sighed. “Dick, there has to be something. You’ve been just as tense as the rest of us recently.”
“Nope! Everything’s great!”
Everyone else exchanged skeptical looks but they couldn’t really feel comfortable pushing --.
Dr. Quinzel frowned a little bit. “Okay. We’ll come back to you when everyone else has had their say, then. Hopefully you’ll be more comfortable then.”
Dick gave a charming smile. Dr. Quinzel didn’t seem all that perturbed as she turned to look at Marinette.
His wife pursed her lips tightly as everyone else’s eyes went to her and she smoothed out the front of her dress. “We’ve already talked about this one-on-one, but… I think Adrien could maybe think a bit more before doing things. Or, at least, he should tell me when he makes major decisions like adopting kids.”
Dick’s smile dropped instantly. “Are you really complaining about not being told things? You guys tell me nothing! I have to figure everything out myself!”
Everyone startled a little at the sudden change of heart and gave each other wary glances before finding their way back to Dick.
The man in question had pushed himself to his feet (Adrien whined a little bit about losing the person to lean against) and started pacing. “You even ask Barbara things before me! It’s like you think I’m stupid!”
“Sweetie --.”
“Dont!” Dick sighed and came to a stop. He shoved his hands into his pockets. “It’s fine, it’s just… don’t you trust me?”
Marinette and Adrien looked at each other before nodding.
“Of course we do,” he said gently. “We’ll talk more about this at home, okay? When we’re not in the present company?” He looked at Tim and Jason, but he meant Dr. Quinzel. That was a hard subject to tiptoe around.
Dick took a seat on the armrest, likely so he could get up again without disturbing anyone.
Dr. Quinzel nodded. She looked at Adrien, and he fought the urge to try and hide behind Jason. She looked way too smart for his liking, it felt like she knew just by looking at him exactly what was wrong with him...
“I…” He struggled to find the words in French, let alone in English. “... think I try and get a lot of people in the house so I never have to be alone for long. I used to be alone all the time. I can’t do that again.”
Dr. Quinzel nodded thoughtfully. “It seems that all of you feel excluded or lonely in some way. Thankfully, that means all of you are the solution to each other’s problems. But, also, I suggest branching out some. Family is good, but so are friends. Everyone understand?”
They all gave each other wary looks, but they smiled all the same.
“Great, we can have a session again in a month or two to check your progress. That’ll be $7000 --.”
Marinette met her husband’s eyes and they exchanged nervous looks before walking into their room. As expected, Jason was already there. He was ready for bed, it seemed, with his pajamas on and his book out.
They took seats on either side of him and each took a hand.
“Jay…” Began Adrien. “We don’t love you any less because you’re not the newest kid anymore.”
“I know…”
Marinette bit her lip and pressed a tiny kiss to his forehead. “We’re not lying. And you don’t have to, either, just tell us why you think that.”
Jason looked at both of them warily before sinking into his shirt. It didn’t work as much as it did when he was wearing a hoodie or turtleneck, but it still worked surprisingly well.
She looked at Adrien nervously and he took the lead again:
“The reason we tend to focus on the newest the most is because they usually have the freshest problems. When we first got you we focused on you more than Dick because you were still struggling with old habits you picked up while homeless, and he was mostly over what had happened with his original parents.”
Marinette nodded. “And when Tim came in we focused on him because he was dealing with realizing his parents weren’t great and adjusting to a family who loved him. Now we have Cass, who…  will definitely need some extra care…”
Jason sniffled a little and nodded his understanding. “I know you have to, I just… it feels like you don’t want me as much anymore...”
“No way!” Marinette said, squeezing his hand tighter. “We love you, sweetie, you’re just as much our kid as any of the others.”
Adrien smiled. “Exactly. You’re stuck with us, whether you want to be or not.”
Jason gave a wobbly laugh before slowly drawing them in for a hug.
“I love you, too, guys.”
They hugged him back.
“... and I’ll go easier on Tim.”
“Thank kwami, I didn’t want to ruin the moment by bringing it up, but… yeah, be nicer to Tim, please,” said Adrien half jokingly.
Marinette grinned. “Maybe give him a nicer nickname, at least?”
“How about Timbers?”
She clicked her tongue. “How about just Timmy? Or Tim?”
“No, no, I think I’m on to something.”
Adrien stared in disbelief.
“You… you did what?”
Dick fiddled with a Rubix cube. Adrien wasn’t sure if that was just to help stay concentrated on the conversation or so he could more easily avoid eye contact.
“I joined the mob two years ago because I wanted to be more in the loop…”
Adrien and Marinette exchanged exhausted looks.
“Don’t be mad! I’ve been rising in the ranks for years now, eventually I’ll be close enough to Agoura to help you guys!”
Marinette sighed lightly and shook her head. “Sweetie, we aren’t mad.”
Adrien raised his eyebrows. “Yes we are.”
“You’re right. We’re mad. But we’re going to let this one slide.”
“No, we aren’t.”
“I can’t read minds!” She said, then she shook her head again. “Look, we just want you to be safe.”
Adrien nodded. “The reason we don’t tell you much isn’t because we don’t trust you, it’s because we don’t like involving you guys in dangerous things when we can avoid it.”
“But Barbara --!”
“We asked her about her opinion on one thing. She actually gave the same answer as you, and we turned her down, too. We’re sorry that you felt like we didn’t trust you, though, that wasn’t ever our intent.”
“And, besides,” added Marinette. “You have a tendency to snoop. We always figured you’d learn everything on your own.”
They took a seat on either side of Dick on the couch and wrapped him in a hug.
Dick beamed as he hugged back.
“... you’re still in trouble, though. That was stupid and dangerous and neither you nor your siblings can never do that again,” said Adrien.
Dick started whining.
Marinette bit her lip anxiously as she looked at her phone. All it would take was one click to call, but…
Adrien sighed beside her and reached over. He took the phone and pressed to call, then tossed it back at her.
She panicked, juggling the phone in her hands as it dialled. Nononononononono don’t pick up don’t pick up --
“Hello?” Said Nygma.
She looked at her husband anxiously.
“This or the Justice League,” mouthed Adrien.
She squeaked and brought the phone to her ear. “Nygma! Hi!”
“... Hello?”
“Hey! I’m a bit bored, so… I was just wondering if, um, you want to do something as…” she wheezed. “... as um… as…”
“I don’t really have anything prepared right now, I’m still waiting on that shipment of penguins...” The Riddler seemed confused, which was a first.
Was she a little concerned about whatever Riddler was doing with penguins? Sure. Then again, this is Riddler she was talking about. What was he going to do? Steal one of her ninja kids and then tell her exactly where they were? Whatever.
“No no! Like um…”
“Yes! That!”
Adrien rested his head in his hands with a deep sigh. She flipped him off despite knowing he couldn't see it.
“I guess my schedule is free until the penguins come in... Sure! Want to go try an escape room?”
“No, I do an escape room every time I see you. I’m making you a new outfit.”
Adrien and Riddler both groaned.
She smiled.
He hesitated, messing with the strap of the bag over his shoulder.
“The city might need me --.”
“The city will be fine for a week,” said Marinette.
“The kids might need me --,” he tried, only to get silenced by a kiss.
She pulled back a little bit later. “It’s one week. Besides, we’re all doing what Dr. Quinzel said, and you’ve stalled long enough.”
He sighed. “For good reason! It’s a week alone! I’m going to go insane.”
“Chaton, we’re murderers. I think we crossed over that line a while ago.”
He cracked a grin, weak as it was, and pressed another kiss to her lips. “Are you sure --?”
“Yes! Oh my kwami! Now go!” She gave him a playful shove.
He raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms over his chest. “It almost feels like you’re trying to get rid of me.”
“And it almost feels like you’re stalling.”
She waved down a taxi for him and he couldn’t help but cringe as they took the bags from him. It made it feel much more real…
“I love you, Chaton, I’ll see you in a week.”
“I love you, too, M’lady.”
He waved at the kids long after they had disappeared over the horizon and he sighed as he sunk back in his seat. He knew it was for the best, he needed to learn how to function as a person on his own, but…
It was only a week. Only a week.
He looked down at the coordinates of the last known location of David Cain (it was amazing what Tim, Barbrara, and Marinette could do when angry enough).
He wasn’t going to be bored, at least.
She turned away from the cake she’d been decorating and nearly screamed when her eyes landed on Cass. She hadn’t even noticed her walk in.
Marinette forced herself to relax.
She glanced over the tiny girl in front of her and bit her lip. She was wearing a mix of different shades of black which…
She suppressed a shudder. The outfit was okay, if she was being honest, but it definitely needed a splash of color.
“Right, that’s it, we’re finding you some new clothes.”
Cass looked at her blankly.
Right. She didn’t speak language. Marinette pursed her lips as she tried to think of some sort of movement that would convey what was going on, then settled for reaching out a hand for Cass.
She couldn’t help the smile that broke across her face when the girl took her hand. She trusted her! Score!
There was a few seconds’ pause before Jason poked his head in. He glanced at the two of them and frowned, sinking a little bit into his hoodie. “You noticed?”
“I… don’t even know how to respond to that. I’m a designer, of course I noticed. If you want to keep going for the grunge look that’s fine but you need to up your size.”
Jason nodded.
She rested her arm around his shoulders (something that was very hard for her to do now that he was both taller and wider than she was) and pulled the two kids out to the mall.
Jason was getting used to buying things for himself. He still resisted a little bit when people spent money on him or asked what he wanted, but he was making progress.
She pressed a kiss to his cheek and handed him a credit card. “Buy what you want. Remember the PIN?”
“Mhmm…” said Jason. He sent a wave over his shoulder as he made his way over to the men’s section.
She hummed lightly as she walked through the girl’s section to look for things for Cass. The girl was short and skinny for her age -- she was determined not to think about it for too long -- and she could easily fit in kid’s clothes…
But no kid of Marinette’s would have a shirt with the words ‘Girl Power!’ or ‘I love tacos!’ on it.
She helped pick out different shades of black shirts and jeans for the girl, mulling over the different colors she should give her. Yellow and red matched her skin tone but she doubted the kid wanted anything bright…
Marinette settled for giving Cass a blue scarf and some gold accessories.
She smiled and offered them to Cass, only to pale when the girl burst into tears. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck --
Cass hugged Marinette around the middle and buried her face in her chest and Marinette was just very confused.
Jason came back with two bags of new clothes and he blinked a few times as he took in the new situation.
“What the fuck happened?”
“I don’t know!” She hissed back, waving her hands vaguely. “She’s crying and I can’t even ask what’s wrong!”
“We need to teach her a language,” mumbled Jason.
“No shit, Sherlock!”
“Fuck off, Watson!”
She was getting judgemental looks from fellow shoppers now. Great. Amazing, even. She rested an arm around Cass and then used the other hand to flip them off. How dare they judge how she parented her kid she just met.
She waited until Cass was done to pull away and lean down to check her face. Even if she couldn’t really speak, her expression should be a good gauge of what was wrong --.
Cass gently took the items from Marinette and flashed her a blinding smile.
Damn it. Now Marinette was going to cry. This kid was so cute.
She leaned over and gently pressed a kiss to Cass’s forehead.
HER kid was so cute, she reminded herself as she led her along to .
She helped her wrap the scarf around her neck. Was it kind of hot out? Yes. Was Cass super cute with her mouth hidden behind the fabric? Also yes.
She glanced at Jason, who was also smiling a little bit despite not having all the attention.
His smile dropped at her next words, though:
“I know you still have my card. Hand it over.”
It turns out ASL is hard.
It also turns out that teaching ASL, while you’re still learning it yourself, to a person who doesn’t even comprehend language is even harder.
Weird how that works out.
They started with simpler things. Everyday objects, basic emotions, the first letters of their names so she could say who she was talking about. It was a slow process, especially because they often would take two days per lesson because of everyone’s conflicting schedules.
But it was a process.
And he thought the family was doing pretty well, too. It probably helped that Cass was, at least so far, the nicest person in the house and none of them wanted her to be sad or lonely.
Look at that. They were working on making her not feel excluded. Progress! Dr. Quinzel would be proud.
Marinette paused her walk to the kitchen when she saw blonde hair. Adrien had blond hair, but he was still out on patrols with Dick so…
She turned and looked at the person on the couch with Tim. “Please, kwami, tell me he didn’t get another one when we just started making progress.”
Tim barely even looked up from his computer. “No, just my friend, Steph. She’s here because she thinks I’m sad my parents died.”
“Oh, oka --.” Marinette took a step back. “Hold up, what?”
“Yeah, they were killed by this guy in Haiti. I was sad about it for a while but then I was like ‘wait a minute! I can just kill him back!’ Anyways, it’s all good now.”
Steph didn’t seem all that perturbed about the murder thing, so she brushed past worrying about their identities or, y’know, her kid getting prosecuted...
Marinette pulled out her phone. “Yeah, Dr. Quinzel? I’m going to need to schedule another appointment…”
Tim frowned. “I’m fine, Mari.”
“Oh! Yeah! This isn’t for you… but, Steph, he doesn’t have anything going on Friday night, right?”
“I’ll make sure he’s free.”
She nodded. “Thanks, sweetie. Want anything to eat?”
“Guys! I’m fine! I got my revenge! I feel great!”
“Of course, you do, Timmy. And… waffles?”
She continued her walk to the kitchen to finish up scheduling and make Steph waffles.
Listen, at this point Cass having a miraculous was a given.
He might as well make sure it was a good one that would come in useful. And, it kind of matched her fighting style of predicting people’s moves to have one that allowed her to go five minutes into the past. She’d be even better at predicting people’s movements if she’d seen them before!
Besides, she liked the color blue. Perfect fit.
Marinette had agreed to train her, but Adrien was the one to take her out on patrols with him.
It was good to have people with different fight styles together, it made solving problems easier. Adrien paired with Dick and Cass, Marinette tended to pair with Jason, and Tim would tag in on either side since he had no real consistent fight style (he liked to change based on his opponent).
Besides, with group patrols they got to spend more time with their kids! They were nothing if not efficient people.
He and Cass sat on the rooftop across from the building Agoura had asked to meet Dick in. There was a low chance it was going to get violent, there should be no way that he’d know anything was off (Marinette and Dick had been publicly fighting for the past year to make it seem like they were on opposite sides), but it was better safe than sorry.
He watched Dick wave to Agoura and head off. Adrien and Cass watched carefully for any sign that they were suspicious, that they were going to do something underhanded, but Agoura just turned and started heading off into the night.
When his oldest son came up to sit with them, he had a thought. He glanced at Cass and made a swiping motion on his wrist.
She nodded her understanding.
They waited for Dick to transform before following Agoura and his goons. Five people were with him, but that wasn’t actually that bad by Agoura standards, so...
“Y’know, if he gets suspicious of me because of this, I’m never going to forgive you,” said Dick.
He shrugged absently, then broke into a wide grin when Agoura turned down an alley. “Living hotel to hotel wasn’t that bad back in the day.”
“Hm. I disagree, but…” The three of them exchanged grins as Cass activated her power. “Let’s do this.”
Dick brought his flute to his lips and played a high-pitched note that made Agoura and his goons stop in their tracks. Duplicates of each vigilante slowly spread out over the rooftops, as well as a replica of Dick.
The vigilantes and their fakes dropped down to surround the group and Cass suddenly reached out and jerked Adrien’s hand. He almost complained but then a bullet soared past where his head had just been and he went pale.
He squeezed her hand once as thanks and then pulled away so he could activate his Cataclysm.
Doubles went after the goons while Cass went to work disarming people. It was kind of creepy how she disappeared into the shadows without any help from Dick, but no one said anything because it was useful. She would pop out of shadows and break arms and legs to put goons out of commission.
Dick was giving himself an alibi. The fake lawyer ran into the action, only to get taken out by a fake Cass.
Agoura was making a run for it. Too bad, really, that he couldn’t exactly see anything that was going on. The world in front of Agoura was a mess of dumpsters and trash bags that he was struggling to run around. Adrien, who knew for a fact that everything was either fake or light enough to brush away with his staff, followed after him at a calm pace.
He grabbed Agoura by the back of his tailored suit and smiled at him.
“Agoura! Buddy! Where are you going? I just want to chat!”
“Nice one!” Yelled Dick from somewhere in the chaos.
“Thanks, Robin!”
He tipped his head to the side and regarded the man in his grip. It was clear he didn’t really know that much self-defense, but he must have some kind of weapon hidden on him…
Cass seemingly materialized out of the wall nearby and threw herself at Agoura, a blur of blue and black, and the man was nearly knocked out of Adrien’s grip by the force. Then she pulled away with a gun and a few knives.
Adrien raised his eyebrows a little bit before sending her a smile. Yeah. It was definitely a good thing that he’d given her that specific miraculous...
He turned his attention back on the mobster, who was beginning to look a little pale.
“Don’t worry about it, I’m not here to kill you. You deserve way worse,” he said brightly.
He pressed his hand to the man’s wrist. He closed his eyes and forced himself to concentrate on just dissolving the wrist. It was kind of hard to do with the mobster screaming his head off. Kwami, you’d think he’d be quiet so Adrien wouldn’t dissolve him into nothing but apparently not…
The hand popped off and he let go instantly. He looked down and winced at the black webbing its way under the glove.
He glanced at the mobster nearby, who was still screaming, and rolled his eyes. He punched him as hard as he could and smiled when he fell to the ground in a heap by the hand. Good, now that that was dealt with...
He scrunched up his nose a little bit as he slowly peeled the glove off of the hand and then his face split into a wide smile. Thank kwami, he hadn’t ruined the prints.
He turned to his kids and found them waiting for him amidst a pile of bodies. He didn’t know if the henchmen were alive or not, but when he saw the tiny scrape on Cass’s cheek he decided he didn’t care.
He waved the hand at them.
“We got him!”
Listen, Marinette had considered staying commissioner…
For approximately two seconds.
The vigilantes had made their point in getting Agoura arrested (they gave him about four days before he ‘mysteriously committed suicide’ in jail thanks to either underpaid henchmen or old victims). They were done. It had been way too hard to even think about doing it consistently. No, murder was definitely the way to go.
She glanced over at Nygma. “Thanks for helping me pack up.”
“Well, I figured it would be nice to visit again.”
She nodded slowly and looked around her old office. Tomorrow there would be someone else in that chair, someone likely far more corrupt…
“Got a knife on you?”
“Obviously, but why?”
She shrugged and took it from his outstretched hand. She knelt down by the chair and sawed on one of the legs until she had taken off a tiny piece of it. She pushed on the chair and giggled a little when it wobbled. Yes. Perfect. That would be so annoying.
She tossed the piece of chair leg in the air and then caught it, sending Nygma a wink. “The budget here is terrible, it’ll take at least a few months to get a new chair.”
Nygma rolled his eyes and took his knife back from her. “Hm. And they say I’m the evil one.”
They each grabbed a box. His was full of personal items, hers was full of files on every person currently in the GCPD and every mobster and goon she could think of the name of.
“You owe me one escape room.”
She groaned as they slipped out into the halls. “Why? Wasn’t it enough to spit on the floor?”
“Nope! Spitting on the floor was payment for me showing up, you’re making me do manual labor so I get one hour of escape rooms with you.”
“Don’t you know every solution already?”
“A new one opened up across town!”
She clicked her tongue irritably but shrugged. “Fine. But only because I owe you, not because we’re friends.”
He rolled his eyes and then looked down at the box he was carrying. “Wow, it sure would suck if all these pictures of your kids just… fell.”
Her eyes widened. “You ARE the evil one!”
He raised his eyebrows.
“And… you’re also my friend.” She made a retching noise. “Kwami, I’m going to die.”
“What?! No! Only one of my traps is allowed to kill you!”
“Too late! I’m dying. I’ll never recover…”
He raised an eyebrow at the girl on his couch. He was pretty sure she was Tim’s friend but… she was definitely around a lot…
Whatever, he might as well at this point.
“Hey, how many parents you got?”
Steph didn’t even glance up. “Zero, thanks to you.”
He went still. Wait, was she saying this in the ‘my parent(s) was evil and you killed them’ way or the ‘they were civilians and they got caught in the crossfire and I blame you’ way?
“Um… did you like them?”
“No, he was a dick.”
He allowed himself to breathe. Cool. Great. That would have made everything difficult…
“Want to be adopted?”
Steph laughed a little and shrugged. “Do I get to be a vigilante, too?”
“Yeah, sure.”
“Then... yeah, whatever.”
@i-am-ironic @nathleigh @mialuvscats @golden-promises @sassakitty @deathwishy @toodaloo-kangaroo @ladythugs @moonlightstar64 @dahjokester @jjmjjktth
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mirrorforevers · 4 years
the wrong side of the bed • damon albarn/reader
smut with feelings, i guess. sorry if is this is too long – this prompt excited me too much. i hope you guys like daft punk - though this is not a songfic, but you’ll get why - and i promise i’ll write something not involving sadness and alcohol someday. this is unbeta’ed, and english is not my first language, so have mercy
thank you so much for the music teacher prompt, anon! hope you enjoy it x also, just in case you haven’t read my graham/reader fic yet, here it is too.
tw: unprotected drunk sex
word count: 4.477
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Music has been a very important escape mechanism for you recently. Your job has been hellish, and getting your degree has also been a chore - in the midst of so many deadlines and professional disappointments what has been a light for you is Damon Albarn, your newly divorced music teacher who is old enough to be your dad.
You detail these little “buts” as a mantra whenever the subject is him, whether in internal monologues or when you talk about him with your close friends. You never really believed in relationships between two people of very different ages, and you felt like you needed to remember those details whenever you could to keep that completely carefree crush from becoming something you couldn't control.
You started taking classes with him every Saturday after you were cast on your city’s production of a musical. You knew it was a very small step for a career in the industry, but it was very significant for you. You were exhausted from any activity that involved learning given how tired you were from college, but learning music with Damon was definitely something that you didn't even place in the same mental category. It was with him that you vented about how your week was, how you missed your parents who lived absurdly far away from you, it was with him that you shared the small victories of the day-to-day that were too insignificant even to share with your longtime friends. Which is funny, since this symbolic relationship was built in a matter of 2 months. Damon, in the beginning, was very reserved and “gray”, and it was amazing how in a matter of such a short time he shown himself to be someone so energetic, observant and empathetic; although a little bit of a control freak sometimes. When the wild waves of life seemed to take you everywhere at the same time and left you lost, despite so little time in your life, Damon became a constant.
And it worries you.
What are you going to do when the money to pay for his classes runs out? Certainly, although significant, what you had seemed to be was, above all, a friendship of convenience. You were very different people, with very different aspirations, and especially at very different points in life. As much as you liked each other *as friends* and considered yourselves people you wanted close by, Damon had a well-lived life to sustain. He would not have time much less willpower to listen to your complaints and insecurities in a context that did not involve an exchange relationship. At least, that's what you thought.
Saturday was also one of the two days you could wake up late, so in addition to having a rare time for your leisure, you were able to rest at least a little more than normal. That particular morning, you noticed that there were two missed calls from Maggie on your cell phone. Maggie was one of the producers of the musical. She used to bring you very decisive and very good news. If she called you, you did whatever it took to answer her right away. An unbelievable wave of anxiety takes over you. “Hello, Mags, you called?” You say, excited, but very nervous. Dealing with people who have your dreams constantly in their hands is somewhat stressful. You bite your nails.
“Hey, Y/N, yes. Um. You okay?”
“Yeah, thanks for asking. What happened?” You notice that Maggie's tone is different. The funny thing is that everyone is always so apathetic in the artistic world, and Maggie was the only person you knew so far that showed any kind emotion.
“So… you were dropped.”
“I’m-I’m sorry?”
“You… were dropped. We made some changes here and there and you won’t be on our show anymore. If anything changes again, we’ll call. I promise.”
“Thank you. Bye.”
“Good luck, kid.”
Your stomach drops, and for a moment you feel like you've been punched. Maybe you've been wrong all along.
My God. My God. My God.
You feel like your entire world has collapsed around you. There aren't even reasons for you to keep going to class. All that effort and money spent... are now in the trash.
Artists spend a lot of time investing in themselves. You always have to become better. Faster. Learn techniques. Reinvent yourself. Stay beautiful. And you don't believe that in your first real experience in this world... that happened. Most likely a friend of the director took your place.
My God.
You swallow the tears, after all, you told everyone you knew that you knew how this world worked and you wouldn't be shaken if something like this happened. No one is watching you right now - but you still feel that you would disappoint them if you cried.
But you couldn’t smile anymore. Nothing could take away your expression of shock and uncertainty.
Not even funny posts on Reddit. Not even funny memes sent by your friends in the morning.
Nor the message from Damon confirming the class of the day.
I won't be able to go today ☹, you type, and you erase it.
Hey, I got dropped from the musical. you type, and you erase it.
How are you doing? Definitely not.
I’ll be there! 😅 You hit send.
Hope we finally figure out that bloody solo, he replies.
You do not answer.
You change your clothes, without your motivational playlist playing in the background this time. The beginning of a great plan going on in your life was no longer there. You didn't even pick up your headphones and the subway ride was completely silent, except for the ambient sound.
You arrive at school, and Damon welcomes you with the usual tight hug, and wide smile. You give a yellow smile in response, and he immediately realizes that something is out of place. “Is everything okay?” His expression quickly changes to one of concern. Your stomach drops even lower. Maybe it hit the ground by now.
You don't want it to end. Your dream ended, but not this, too. This cannot end. “Can we try another song today? One not from the musical?” You ask, exasperated.
“Uh… I mean-”
"Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed today?" He laughs nervously. “But... the musical’s why you’re here. I’m confused--”
“I know, but pretty please?” You insist, cringing by now to keep from crying.
“Um. Sure – but did something happen? Tell me. I’m-I’m here to help.”
“I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. Please.” You feel your voice weaken more and more. You don’t wanna cry, though your eyes are already burning. “Please, Damon.”
“Right. Okay.” He says, raising his hands in defeat. He starts collecting his material.
“What are you doing?”
“No class today. Something clearly happened and we need to talk it out.”
“I-I got sacked. But there’s no need to…”
“I got it. C’mon. I’m not a monster, I won’t charge you for talking it out. All we’ve worked for… fucking cunts.” There’s the visceral side of him. “You gotta tell me how it happened.”
He only leaves your two chairs in place.
After you two sit, he starts. “This happens quite a lot in this world. And every student reacts the same.” Though this sounds a little too insensitive, you imagine it’s the truth, and his tone does the job of conveying his compassion. “Did they call you? Or did you find out through somewhere else, like Patti LuPone?”
“Huh. At least they called me. They just straight up told me I’m no longer in the cast.” You say, totally not comforted by that. But it would be even worse if you found out by other means. “I don’t know what to do now.”
“Don’t let your spirit be broken by that – you’re really talented, and I don’t like paying compliments. You know that.”
“Talent is not enough sometimes. That’s also something you’ve said to me before.”
He goes silent, and you start apologizing in the same instant.
“No, no, you didn’t hurt my feelings.” He interrupts you. “That’s true. But you’re really young, I shouldn’t have said that to you. Shit like that happens all the time. We learn a lot from it and you have your entire life ahead of you. That was… limited of me.”
“I know I’m almost getting my degree, and there’s other things for me to do… but fuck. I-- I really wanted that. You know how much.”
“I do. I also know exactly how you’re feeling now. We’re always so excited when this kind of thing happens. We plan our entire lives based on that one fragile and uncertain plan, and then boom, it’s gone. We always count on the fact that we’ll eventually have to decide between our career and something else when the choice comes, but what do we do when it doesn’t come? I know how that feels. Also--”
He grabs his guitar. You roll your eyes. “Don’t tell me you have a song for that.”
“I don’t.” he answers. “But I do have a story to tell you.”
For the next two hours, he tells you all about a very ambitious audiovisual plan that he tried to engage in his early 30s. Among countless questions and answers, Damon Albarn showed you through his history how very determined he really was. He goes into the most minute details about the ideas he had for a film and several concept albums for a virtual band that, in your opinion, sounds like something very innovative and, at the same time, incredibly palatable to the mainstream. You thought that the band he was part of when he was even younger was already very wronged because, from what you heard from the demos, they were really incredible, but the fact that such a project didn't go ahead ... just proved to you more and more that talent sometimes really wasn’t enough. Just when you thought you couldn't admire that man more.
“So, believe me when I say I know how that feels.” Goddamn. He looks at his clock, and almost jumps at how the time flied. “Bloody hell, I have another student in like, 5 minutes.”
“God, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. This is a tale very few people know about. I’m glad I shared it with you.”
“…That had potential. Don’t give up on it.”
“Don’t give up on your plans either. I really mean it when I say you’re talented as fuck.”
You couldn’t help but smile through the dried tears and puffy eyes. You say your rushed goodbyes. But before can you leave the room, he holds your arm. “Wait. I know it’s hard, but don’t spend the rest of the day thinking about it. Do you want to do something tonight?”
“Uhhh—what you have in mind?” You can’t believe your ears.
“I don’t know. Do you drink?”
“More than I should.”
“Perfect. So I know a place we can go. Any preference of hours?”
“After 7 pm, I guess?”
“Works for me. I’ll send you the address soon then.” He says. You stand still, frozen, still processing what just happened. He’s blinking as if he just told you how’s the weather outside. “Now you can go.”
“O-kay. See you in a few hours then, Damon.”
“See you in a few hours, Y/N.”
You tried to hide your excitement, in vain. You smiled like an idiot.
This was one of the scenarios of your daydreams when you were walking around, talking quietly to yourself. Damon Albarn, your newly divorced music teacher who is old enough to be your father, just asked you out. You don't care if it was pity. After such disappointment, you allow yourself to create a little more of that stupid, inconsequential hope that your life would take an exciting turn for the first time.
He sends you the address a few hours after your class/conversation, when you were starting to get ready to meet him. It was a pub that you already knew well, and had visited with some friends in the past. You choose a dress that has become your “uniform” recently, for valuing your body type well and for translating your style in a way that is both stylish and very comfortable. When you finish getting ready, you take a deep breath. There is a world of difference between what you wanted to happen and what you think will happen. But you do not care.
The tragic call you received in the morning barely crosses your mind on your way to the pub.
Upon arriving, you find Damon - always so punctual - sitting in the corner of the lounge fiddling with his cell phone while he takes a few sips of a drink that you have no idea what it is made of. You never took him for a complex drink guy. He is really full of surprises. You feel slightly self-conscious out of a sudden, stomach churning in anticipation. He raises his eyes, and his gaze meets yours. His usual welcoming smile makes all your worries go away. You couldn’t help but smile wide too.
“Hello there. A stark contrast to this morning’s Y/N.” He notes, looking you up and down after you two share a tight hug, that smile still there.
“My plan tonight is to forget everything that happened before we talked, okay? Just let me forget about the call!” You answer, playfully, trying to pretend you weren't in the least ... affected ... by the way he received you.
And the time you spend together goes as usual. It’s amazing how there’s no space for awkward silences between you two. To one thing you tell him, he brings you three more things to tell, and vice-versa. You two just… click. You make each other laugh, and even if things don’t go the way you daydream about, which is totally okay, given that he’s twice your age and you’re not sure if you can handle the implications that age difference has, you’re glad to call him a good friend. He’s amazing, and you’re having a great time with him.
By your fourth beer and his fifth fancy drink, your conversation enters a territory that hasn’t been truly explored by you two yet. His romantic past. You only knew he was divorced because he mentioned it very vaguely one day, nothing else. You didn’t know why, who was her, or when. But apparently, he was about to tell you.
“We were both really… young… and didn’t have a clue of what we were doing with our lives. She was a musician too, Justine. Not anymore.”
“Because of what happened between you two?” You ask, the beers gradually taking the indiscretion filters out of you.
“Maybe. I don’t know. She seemed tired of everything. She wanted a life I’m not sure I would be able to live. I also pressured her a lot, I tried to create a version of her that somehow fitted all my expectations and, long story short, we weren’t right for each other. But I still think she’s incredible. I still admire her a lot. Not sure how she feels about me though.”
“Are you still in love with her?”
“Oh, no. There’s a big difference in admiring someone and being in love with them, kid.”
After that sentence of his, for the first time that night, an uncomfortable silence hangs between you - Instant Crush, by Daft Punk, almost ironically, starts playing on the pub's speakers. You feel like you're in a movie.
You're still a kid, aren't you?
“Definitely.” You finally answer him, finishing 70% of the bottle in a few gulps. You become a bit more lightheaded after that, and your eyes start to struggle to focus. You try to hide how slurred your voice wants to sound. “I confess I still don’t know how to really differentiate between the two.”
“Oh yeah?” His wistful tone gives place to one of amusement. “You never told me about your exes. Feel free to.”
“This is not about them.”
He turns to you, after a one-sided staring competition with his own cup. His voice is calm, and somehow even deeper, when he asks you: “Then who is this about?”
You gulp. The cramped space you were sitting on somehow feels even smaller. And hotter. You feel drops of sweat sliding on your belly. You’re sitting by his side, not in front of him, and that interaction feels almost… primal. You two are trapped by a huge table in a corner very few people can see.
“I think I need to go to the loo.”
He lets you, and you feel his eyes following you to the restroom.
My God. My God. My God.
You take a much longer time to do everything than you really need while reflecting on the dialogue you just had. You feel the ground is starting to spin, and the desire to sleep on literally any place grow. You’re drunk. And confused. And anxious.
You spend some good minutes staring at your own face in the mirror before you return to your table. He’s still in the moment, judging by the contemplative look on his face. This is the point of no return.
This is no movie – this is a fucking RPG.
“It was full,” you justify.
“Yeah, it’s always pretty crowded in there.”
That goddamn awkward silence again. You try to talk at the same time, but he wins.
“You still haven’t answered my question.”
“Yeah.” You clear your throat. “It’s… about a guy. He’s a…current… thing. Not from the past.”
“Right.” His tone is serious, more teacher-like than he has even acted while actually teaching you.
“I met him through an ad. I was looking for music teachers in my area and I found him. He had a fair price.” He was now smiling in disbelief, shaking his head. You’re both tipsy and you don’t care if your words are slurred anymore.
“I have classes with him every Saturday. It’s the event of the bloody week for me. I can’t believe I’m saying that now because at first he seemed quite intimidating and not open to any meaningful interaction. Like, all frowns and monosyllabic answers and all.” You steal his drink, and he’s not even bothered. “We talk a lot, and even though we talk every day I somehow always thought he didn’t give a fuck about me when we were out of class. That he only saw me as a student, not as a friend, you know? I think about that chap every single day too. He’s handsome--like. Fuck. And he pays attention to everything I say. He’s always so nice to me, he makes me feel welcome. A part of… something.” You take a few more sips, and he gently takes the drink out of your hand, mouthing an ‘enough’. “He’s old enough to be my dad and I feel guilty for thinking of him that way. He invited me for drinks when my world fell so I could get my mind out of the shambles my life’s in and I almost died because I’m madly in love with him for a while now, but I don’t want to ruin everything. I don’t know what to do now. People shouldn’t start things thinking of how they’re going to end, but, you know?”
“They should, though. He’s indeed too old for you. And your life isn’t in shambles.”
“Everything sounds pretty lovely in theory, but, he’s probably thinking that he’s going to slow you down in a way. You’ve got too much life to live. He’s probably really tired of everything he’s already lived.”
“But I love him. He makes me laugh! I don’t wanna have children.” You whine.
He muffles a laugh. “It’s not that-“
”Please take me home tonight.” You plead; your tone more serious now. “I know what I’m doing, I know where I am. Just please take me home.”
“Please, Damon. If you don’t feel the same then fine, call me an Uber and I’ll get over it.”
That triggers something in him, apparently, and he kisses you deeply and intensely. His hands caress your back and the whole kiss, though a little disjointed because of the state you’re both in, is full of affection and love. His lips taste of strawberry vodka, and your mind is spinning.
When your lips part, you stare at each other for a while, thousands upon thousands of thoughts per second, unsaid. “Are you sure you wanna come with me?” He asks, kissing your hand.
“Yes. I am.”
After he fumbles with his keys, you’re finally in his apartment – it’s surprisingly nice and tidy. Judging by how carefree he’s with his looks, you imagined that characteristic would overflow to other aspects of his life.
From the Uber drive home to his door, his hand never left yours.
He locks the door, and you stand staring intently at each other, sizing each other up like men before a fight. This time, you start the kiss, with a little less hurry than before. But the desire is still burning hot on both of you.
“Do you have any idea of what you’re doing to me?”, he murmurs, discarding his jacket while he does his best to not break the kiss. You take this as a signal to start taking off your clothes too, starting by kicking off your shoes. It has become a choreography of sorts - his hands grasp your buttocks and pulls you closer after you’re done with them, drawing a gasp from you.
“I wanted you for so long.” You reply, your hands exploring his body below the fine fabric of his shirt. You motion to take it away from him, and he lets you, completely entranced by how red your lips look from everything it went through. He guides you to his sofa, quickly adjusting it so it’s comfortable enough and serves as a bed for both of you.
He lies down first, eagerly waiting for you to stay on top of him. You finally do, and you feel like a goddess from the way he looks at your body. You take off your dress, and now you’re almost fully exposed to him. You have no bra on, and his hands immediately travel to your breasts, fingers running tantalizingly over your nipples to get them stiff and erect before he pinches them between his fingers, smiling at the whimper his actions elicit. You start bucking your hips on the rough fabric of his trousers, and you feel him harden below you. “God, you’re… something else.” he whispers, and you respond with another whimper, biting back a full on moan when your clit hits the perfect spot. You separate your legs a little further so you can feel him better, drawing a groan from him. He takes this a signal to take his jeans off, eyes not leaving your hips.
Now that a distance of an entire layer is shortened between you, the contact is even more intimate, and the bulge of his cock straining against his underwear is driving you mad. You’re aching for him. He brushes against you and your moan is higher than you expected, and you immediately cover your mouth in order not to wake up his neighbors. As he feels the wet heat of you around his painfully hard cock, he takes your hand out of your lips, grip then tightening on your hips as he pushes you down right on to him. Your moan is even louder. “Let them hear.”
“Fuck-Damon-I’m getting so close--” As if you just gave him a command, his hands now grab the flesh of your inner thighs, massaging them further and further up until he reaches the center of your arousal, and the sound you make when he pulls your panties to the side and runs his finger between your folds while still grinding against you is somewhere between a whine and a whimper. “Fuck, you’re so wet,” he says, voice rough from how excruciatingly aroused he is. “Come for me, baby.” Your clit was more exposed now, pressed more tightly against him and you whine in relief when your orgasm finally floods through your body.  
Before you could fully recover, he finally frees himself from his underwear and, with your help, effortlessly aligns himself with your (quite ready) entrance. You bury your head in his neck the moment he enters you in one swift motion and your moans are almost like cries by now - the overstimulation is driving you insane. You take his face on your hands and give him a passionate kiss while he gradually picks up a merciless pace inside of you, the more heated the kiss becomes the more shamelessly you ride his cock. “Shit,” he mutters, massaging your breasts in an almost desperate way. It’s too much - you’re almost becoming one.
You could tell by how frantically he fucked you now that he wasn’t going to last much longer. His thrusts were becoming irregular and you were so close once again. His head falls forward, buried in between your neck and shoulder - his cock twitches inside of you and his movements become staccato, his mouth curving into a beautiful ‘o’ shape as he comes inside of you. His movements stop before you could reach your second one, but the entire situation you were on was so arousing to you that just by touching yourself while still feeling him inside was enough. Not letting you alone in this, one of his hands focus on one of your nipples while the other one is below yours, providing pressure above your clit. And like that, you come undone a second time, head above his shoulders.
For a few minutes, your panting was the only thing that could be heard inside of the apartment.
“Thank you. You were amazing. ’s been quite a long time.” He notes with a tender kiss on your forehead. After a while, and with much reluctance, he slides out of you, and gets up to fetch a warm, wet cloth and carefully clean you both, finally collapsing next to you with a groan.
“It was everything I expected.” You confess, smiling.
“Did you… think about me like that when you…?”
“Of course. But let’s save this talk for another Saturday.”
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stupid-stew · 3 years
two vent fics in as many days? me? nooooo.
the answer is actually yes. i am in crisis all of the time. here take a gender one because why the heck not it's 4:30 am and i have nothing to lose. luz, toady you are me. there is also a little bit of parent eda because what do you take me for? a fool? (Pronouns? AO3 link if that floats ur boat)
Luz Noceda had a lot of problems.
Sure, she was stuck in a hell dimension with no way home in sight, where her best chance of surviving was reliant on her having magic, of which she had none, and was separated from her mom, and was currently blaming herself for her surrogate mom having lost her magic, but that wasn’t the point right now.
Right now, Luz was focused on herself. That’s usually how these nights ended up, with her so lost in thought that she circled back to the root of the problem, she didn’t know who she was.
That wasn’t entirely true, she was Luz Noceda, average teen, lover of Azura, daughter of Camila, professional witch in training, student at Hexside School of Magic and Demonics, foe to an unlucky few, friend to most, the girl who had managed to outsmart the emperor and get herself stuck so far from home she might as well just give up now. Luz knew what she was, she was what other people knew her for, but who was she? Anyone’s guess, suggestions much appreciated.
She had grown up in an environment that exposed her to many different people, the internet. Yeah, maybe she had seen a lot of stuff way before she should have, but she also had the whole world at her fingertips, many types of people and experiences just on the other side of her screen, and it had led to some amazing things. Her mom had also been a big help, allowing Luz to question and experiment any which way she pleased, as long as she was happy and safe. That had helped Luz figure out who she liked, she was comfortable telling her mom she liked girls confidently at the ripe age of 10, Camila had of course been nothing but accepting.
That was easy enough, right? She knew exactly what she was, who she liked, hell she could figure out most people just by looking at them, so why couldn’t she figure out herself?
And that was where Luz was at, laying on the floor in her makeshift bedroom in the owl house, once again wondering what in the hell was a gender.
Luz was no stranger to this internal battle, it sort of came with the whole territory of figuring out your sexuality, but for the life of her she didn’t even know where to start.
Ok, she thought to herself, let’s start from the top. I don’t know where the top is. What is the easiest way to go about this. Most people start with pronouns, maybe that’s a good place to start? Luz let out a groan, this was going nowhere. Back on track. she/her. Simple enough, good solid pronouns. That’s what most people have called me forever. I'm comfortable with it, other people are comfortable with it, no, what other people think doesn’t matter, this is about me. Focus, Luz. Ok, she/her, fine. Though not always, doesn’t always feel right, how can words feel right or wrong that doesn’t even make sense. Whatever, most of the time she/her equals a girl.
Luz shivered at that, girl, the word had never felt right to her, something about it was gross in her mind. She had always hated being referred to as girl or daughter, but never had the guts to speak up about it in the moment. Luz chuckled to herself, and look where we are now. she/her moved to the maybe pile for now.
Next on the list was he/him. Luz smiled at that. Being a somewhat androgynous child for most of her life with short hair, being called her mother’s son at the grocery store was a fairly common occurrence. She recalled one time she was out with a couple of friends and some sweet old lady had said to them “you ladies have a nice day.” and then looked at Luz and added “oh, my bad, and gentleman.” Luz had to leave the store at that, her friends had assumed she was upset that the lady had called her a gentleman, but that wasn’t the case. She was more upset about having been singled out than anything, in fact she hadn’t at all minded being called a gentleman. It didn’t feel completely right, but it didn’t feel completely wrong either.
Ok, so pronouns, this is Luz, he is my apprentice. Eh, feels about the same as she. That’s so lame I was hoping there would be some sort of difference. The only discomfort is that i’m used to she, god my head hurts just thinking about this. Luz rolled over to her other side and covered her head with her sleeping bag. How can I feel literally the same about the two, I haven’t even left the binary, there’s only two options, one should be right, the other should be wrong. This is the same idea as answering an either or question and both options are the same but both are neither right nor wrong. It doesn’t even make sense. If the binary isn’t going to give me my answers then I need to step it up.
They/Them was dangerous territory for Luz and she knew it. This wasn’t her first time around the block, she knew that she loved they/them pronouns for herself. “This is Luz, they’re my apprentice.” God it just felt so right. She could never figure out why, much less bring herself to even try, which was probably how she kept landing herself in this situation. Laying up at night, staring at the ceiling, running pronouns, of all things, through her head over and over. It probably would have been easier if she had someone to tell her how gender was supposed to feel. What it was supposed to identify, what it was supposed to offer for her identity, but alas. It had been easier with her sexuality, she knew from the moment someone had told her that liking girls was even an option that was who she was. She was confident in that, it was simple enough. So why was this still so hard?
Luz took her head out from under her sleeping bag and rubbed the heel of her palms over her eyes. I know I like they/them pronouns, they’re my favorite, they feel so correct, huh go figure I finally got my answer, words can feel right. Still not sure how… anyways, what the hell do I do about it? Ask people to just change the way they refer to me? That’s absurd. Luz knew it wasn’t absurd. Not in the slightest. She knew she had done it for plenty of people before, people she had known for years. It wasn’t hard, it was actually pretty easy and she was glad to switch around how she referred to them no matter how many times they asked. So why can’t I just do the same. Most people see me as a boy or a girl, it’s fine, it’s ok, well at the very least I can deal with it. What are they supposed to do? Just not?
Luz sprawled out on her back and shut her eyes as tight as she could. She knew she had met plenty of people who were non binary, and somehow she had been able to erase the idea of them being either a boy or a girl out of her head almost completely. It’s just how it had worked, was it because she didn’t really see herself in that way either? Maybe I’m just making it up. Maybe it’s all in my head and I’m stopping myself from causing a lot of problems, what if I’m wrong, what if I make a mistake and have to ask people to change around again? I barely figured out what pronouns I prefer, ok well I’ve known for a while, but I still don’t have a label. Non binary? Maybe? I wish I knew what gender was supposed to feel like. She placed her hands behind her head and sighed. If you asked me what gender felt like to me I either wouldn’t have an answer and would start crying or would just scream shrilly at you for a few minutes. Pronouns don’t equal gender but what are either of those. If I use they/them pronouns do I have to identify as non binary? I don’t even like labeling my sexuality and I know what that is. God, I haven’t even scratched the surface of how I present mysel-
Her thoughts were muted by a knock at her door.
“Luz I know you’re awake.”
It was Eda, of course it was. Who else would be awake at this hour and hear her singular sigh from the hallway?
Luz pushed herself up from off the ground and slowly opened the door.
“Can’t sleep?” Eda asked.
Luz just shook her head. She didn’t have the energy for words at the moment.
Eda sighed and stretched out her arm to reach behind her head and pull out a clock from her hair. “Me neither, looks like it’s too late for either of us to be awake. Want some tea?”
Luz nodded and followed Eda down the creaky stairs and to the kitchen. Eda immediately found a kettle and started filling it with water to boil while Luz took a seat at the counter. They sat with just the sound of the running tap for a few uncomfortable seconds before Eda asked the question Luz had been dreading.
“What’s keeping you up?”
Shoot. Can I talk to her about this? It’s Eda, she doesn’t care, does she? Nobody here seems to mind anything, cool non binary witches. That’s so rad. I don’t want to bother her, what if she doesn’t understand, so I have the energy to explain? How would I even go about dropping this if it goes south?
“Hellooooo? Isles to Luz?”
She was snapped out of her thoughts by Eda waving her hands in her face, she looked… worried? Oh, I haven’t answered her question.
“Hm? Oh, it’s nothing.”
Eda didn’t believe her for a minute.
“It doesn’t seem like nothing.”
Luz just sort of turned her head away and shrugged. Eda knew she couldn’t pry it out of the kid. Instead, she just decided to finish making the tea. The two of them sat in silence while the tea bags steeped, which gave Luz a moment back to herself to question her next move.
Eda handed Luz the steaming mug. “You can talk about it if you want. I’ll listen.”
“I don’t know how to do this.”
Eda grinned. They were getting somewhere, whatever was keeping the kid awake this late at night was reaching the surface.
“Just go for it, what’s the worst that could happen?”
Sooo many things Eda.
Luz decided to just start out simple. “Do you know what pronouns are?”
Eda nodded. Ok, good.
“Ok, what are your pronouns?”
Eda was taken aback by this a little, nobody had asked her that in years. What was the kid dealing with? “Well, I use she/her pronouns, but I’ve never really felt attached to any of them, so whatever works just works I guess. Same for King, I don’t really think he cares much as long as you’re referring to him as royalty.” Eda snorted with laughter.
Luz was kind of in shock. Does she feel the same way I do? How did she pick? “How did you know?” the words just kind of fell out of her mouth in a mess.
“Know what?”
Eda looked at her with confusion.
“What pronouns you use?”
“I don’t know, here nobody really cared that much, why should I?”
Then Eda remembered.
“Ooooh yeah you humans use them for that whole gender identity thing. We kind of have that here but it’s not as big of a deal, you guys have all those labels, yeah?”
Luz swallowed deeply and nodded.
“Is that what’s keeping you up?”
Another nod.
“Do you wanna talk at me? I know you do better with your words than your mind, I can do the dishes while you talk if you don’t want my focus.”
Luz was now completely dumbfounded. In the last two minutes, Eda had told her that not only was gender a human thing, but that she was willing to let Luz process it the way that she needed, how had she known? Wait…. Just how similar are Eda and I? Luz couldn’t help but wonder.
Luz nodded and Eda got up without a word and headed straight for the sink.
“I don’t know. Back in the human world, people have a lot of words that they use to describe their genders. I don’t understand any of them, I know their definitions, but I don’t know how to relate to them.”
Luz paused and Eda gave her a gentle hum of interest as a signal to continue.
“They’ve just never made sense to me, I don’t know why and I don’t know how but it’s incredibly frustrating. I gave up on trying to get it and moved on to the things that I do get, which is limited to pronouns. You’ve got the binary pronouns like she and he, usually those fit the words girl and boy, not always, sometimes people use more than one set of pronouns, but the thing is I can’t pick. They feel the exact same to me. There are other ones, the most common being they/them, and I really like those, Eda I really really like them.”
Eda smiled at her, glad to see Luz’s face lighting up.
“But I don’t know. I don’t know if I should use one set, multiple. It’s really bothering that so many people back home understand, they just seem so sure of themselves, they know who they are, they know that they’re a boy or a girl or neither or even both, there’s even more genders to be a combination of, but I can’t. I think there has to be something wrong with me because I know it shouldn’t be this hard but it is, it’s always on my mind, and I can’t stop it or make it make sense. I haven’t even begun to entertain the idea of asking people to change the pronouns they use for me because I can’t tell myself what label even goes with what, and I feel stupid.”
Eda stopped what she was doing.
“You aren’t stupd Luz.”
“How can you say that when I don’t even know who I am, I can’t even figure out what words I want people to use when they refer to me.” Luz sounded exhausted.
Eda turned around and looked her in the face, dead serious. “You aren’t stupid, you just don’t know who you are,” she dried her hands on a towel and sat down across from Luz. “and that’s ok. I know it’s maddening not knowing, but you’re allowed to feel that way, if you don’t have all the answers, what’s gonna happen? Are you gonna die?”
Luz rolled her eyes “sometimes it really does feel like it.”
Eda stood up. “Well we can’t have that, no dead apprentices. You seem to have been thinking about this for a long time, you just need a little bit of a push. Pick some new pronouns.”
Luz stared at her, “what?”
“You can’t figure out how the feeling works, or if there even is one, that’s ok. But, you know that there are some words that fit better than others. You might not be able to tell me why, but you know what they are. What are they?”
Luz didn’t know what to do, she hadn’t prepared herself for this. She was ready for Eda not knowing what was going on, not this. She’s right, time to rip off the bandaid.
“I don’t know…”
“Yes you do.”
There really is no getting out of this one.
“I don’t know, I guess they/them feels ok? Better than the others?”
“And so it shall be.” Eda stated matter-of-factly.
Luz shifted uncomfortably in her seat, “but I don’t know, I’m really used to she/her, they don’t fit quite right but they’ve never really felt wrong enough to get rid of completely.”
Eda shrugged, “you don’t have to. You can use both if you want.”
Luz wasn’t sure, she knew Eda was right, but she couldn’t help but recall the time someone had told her that adding they/them to your pronouns was performative and accomplished nothing. Screw them.
“Ok.” It was simple, but it’s all she had.
“Anything else I should know?”
Luz took a deep breath, she was in this far, might as well keep it up.
“It really bothers me when I get referred to as a girl, I know that I don’t know what labels go where, but I know that one is wrong.”
“Good to know.”
This was going way better than Luz expected, but now all her thoughts were out and she had a little bit of a resolution, she was finally starting to feel how late it was. She yawned, “I think I’m done for the night.”
Eda put on a mock offended look, “But you didn’t even touch your tea? I worked so hard on that for you!”
Luz gave her a weak smile. “It was never about the tea, was it, you just wanted me to talk.”
Eda reached out and ruffled Luz’s hair, “It worked, huh?”
“Yeah I guess it did.”
They emptied their cups into the now pristine sink and went back up the stairs.
“Thanks Eda.”
“Don’t mention it.”
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m-y-fandoms · 4 years
Rantarou Amami x Ultimate Writer - FLUFF
Request: Hi! Your writing is incredible ^^ I was wondering if you could write Rantaro with an Ultimate Essay Writer s/o, maybe comforting them when they're up late writing? I hope that's okay, and thank you :D
Hey! Sure I can do this! But, I wanna make it just the Ultimate Writer. I’m an english writing major myself IRL, and I have to write essays, non-fiction, emails, resumes, letters, instructional guides, graphic novels, fiction, poetry etc. so they will definitely have essay-writing skills anyway. Ultimate Writer just makes it easier. I hope you don’t mind :) - Admin Kokichi
     "Nnnn!" You gritted your teeth in frustration, "NNNGGHH!" Your arm was stretched to its extent, reaching up with all your might. The shelf above was just out of reach. Your fingertips scraped against the spine of the thick brown book above you, but strain as you might, it wasn’t budging, firm and snug against the others on the shelf. "Gah!" You puffed in anger, clenching your fists. Why did the books you wanted from the basement library always have to be so high up? You needed this particular text as a reference for your next piece. 
     It was going to be a throwaway letter, a confession written to express your feelings then set them free by burning it later. It didn’t matter, really, what you wrote at this point. Anything to get your mind off of all of… this. In this killing game, your writing was the only thing that brought you comfort. You stayed up every night scrawling until your wrist cramped up. Your Monopad had a notes section to type in, but you much rather stick to the traditional ways. The lack of sleep and endless output of creative thought was starting to weigh on you, and now it looked like you weren’t even getting this damn book today, “Man, this blows…” You sighed deeply. "AH!" You jumped, startled when a large, ring-clad hand suddenly appeared in front of your face, bracelets jangling in your ear. Soon, you felt someone's broad chest against your back. The hand grabbed the book you wanted and brought it down. You turned around with your hand on your chest, still a little jumpy. "Oh, phew… Rantarou, it's just you."
      "Yeah,” he chuckled gently, “here ya go Y/N." There stood your crush, the rich playboy with a heart of gold. You felt your cheeks go warm. He was often in the library, and you relished every moment you got to spend glancing over your shoulder at him while we has up to his usual antics of planning traps or researching new ways to interrogate your classmates until someone was spooked into admitting their position as the mastermind. Once in a while, he would read for pleasure, and at first you felt like an asshole for being surprised by that. You judged him too early on, seeing a flawless face and a suave personality and assuming he would be the popular kid archetype you’d seen in many an awful young adult novel. The more you got to know him, the more he revealed himself to be highly intelligent, well-rounded, considerate, empathetic, and extremely attractive.
     "Thanks, Rantarou," you looked down, placing the book under your arm.
     "No problem… it's not everyday I get to do something useful for someone else here," he rubbed the back of his neck, laughing nervously. You laughed too, looking him up and down. 
      “That’s not true!” you countered. “You’re always helping us all out. You give great advice, too!”
      “Well, I try to help, but I’m sure it hasn’t escaped everyone’s notice that none of my plans have really... taken off,” he gestured, moving his hand in a soaring-upward motion. “Also, with me not rememberin’ my talent and all… I kinda have become the expendable background character, yeah?” His eyes crinkled closed with a kind smile.
      He laughed again to fill the silence of the dark, empty library. You giggled. You always thought it was cute how could be so humble, looking the way he did, sounding the way he did. He had been that way ever since you’d met him, and are far as you were concerned, it seemed genuine. You couldn’t really trust anyone in this killing game, but you trusted Rantarou. Even in the library past midnight, where no one would know if you ended up dead, you trusted Rantarou.
      "Sorry, I uh, I didn't mean to scare you," he leaned against the bookcase, arms crossed.
      "Nah, it's fine. You helped me out, so I forgive you..." You joked, playfully punching his shoulder. He smiled a bit sheepishly, an expression you didn’t see often in the confident male.
      "Yeah I… haha," He fiddled with a book nearby," I didn't think anyone would be here. I always come at night. Surprisingly, it's pretty boomin’ here during the day, so I come later on to avoid the hassle of a crowded space." You understood completely. Rantarou was always secretive about his plans.
      “I know, I see you here sometimes,” you mused.
      “Oh, really? I usually sit behind the back shelves, so I guess i didn’t notice you. You’re pretty quiet, huh? Maybe I should be watchin’ my back for you, huh?” He snickered
      "I was having the same thought, isn't that weird?" He looked at you with alarm. “I’m kidding!” To that, he relaxed a bit. "So, watcha reading?"
      "Oh, um," He gestured behind him to the aforementioned back shelf "I’m set up back there reading. It's just some old, boring, textbook information on one of the small countries I’ve visited. I thought it'd be interesting, but..."
      "Yeah, sounds like it," You looked at him with genuine interest, and he smiled in appreciation.
      "Wait, really?!"
      "Yeah, why wouldn't it be? I think it’s super cool that you’re well-traveled. I guess that’s why you and Korekiyo get along so well, huh?" His feet shuffled in silent excitement at your shared enthusiasm. He bit his lip playfully, and your eyes grew shiny in admiration. He was so adorable.
      He noticed your change in expression and coughed, frowning a little in embarrassment. You tried to change the subject, to make him comfortable again.
      "H-hey, Rantarou?"
      "Hmm?" He looked up from the ground eagerly.
      "You're gonna be up reading all night, right? Well.. I will be, too, and... it’s harder for someone to kill us with four eyes on the lookout..."
      "So, you wanna maybe sit with me here at my table? The vents reach this side of the library better so it’s a bit warmer... haha, it's... it's kinda cold in here," You pulled your uniform’s turtleneck tighter around yourself, shaking a little. Rantarou immediately accepted. He wasn’t about to pass up an invitation from his crush.
     “Hell yeah, sounds great! I’ll go grab my stuff, but, hey, I’ve noticed I hardly ever see you in the dorms… you know you gotta sleep, right?” He had a concerned look on his face, and your heart of course fluttered at his attention to detail and knowledge of your habits, but you didn’t want him worrying about you when he had his own safety to look out for.
      “Well, I appreciate the concern, but I’d much rather spend time with you than be in my dorm alone worrying.” He seemed to blush at your words, and you thought you’d maybe gone too far, until he agreed, and rushed over to grab his reading material.
      You sighed deeply, a yawn slipping out once or twice. At least two hours had passed since you and Rantarou set up your little corner and there he still sat, in the wooden chair across from yours, never looking up at you from his book. A peaceful, relaxed look glazed his face. He had been that way almost the whole time, but you could sense him becoming a bit antsy. Maybe he was just tired?
      You were both fast readers, so by now you had already read the best sections of your own books and switched. He now sat reading the yellowed pages of the book you selected: an eclectic compilation of 16th century romance literature, and you were now five chapters into his text on the different ethnic groups of some far-off land.
      “Hmm… heh,” he shook his head amusedly.
      “What?” Your head shot up anxiously, fearing he was judging your choice of genre.
       “It’s just... some of this is extremely cheesy and cliche. You’d think the old masters would have done a little better.” He lifted the book in a referencing gesture.
      “Ah, yes, I noticed that as well. I was hoping for a little inspiration, but… it seems Monokuma isn’t the best curator of quality literature.” He nodded in agreement, seemingly stuck on a thought. You could see him stare into space for a second before continuing.
      “Inspiration for what… may I ask?” He pressed, waiting with bated breath for your reply. You felt your feathers start to ruffle, the borders of your comfort zone being invaded by the enemy. You didn’t know if you should answer honestly. The letter was a throwaway for a reason…
      “I was going to write a letter…” it slipped out, and you quickly regretted it. Apparently, your brain had decided to take the lead for you. You never recalled yourself being so forward or brave.
      “Why do you need sonnets and romance novels to write a letter? Planning to sweet talk Monokuma into freeing us?” He chuckled somewhat teasingly, but his haughty words slowly faded to silence upon noticing the wet shine in your nervous eyes, the way your fingers played with the corner of the book as a distraction for your discomfort.
      “No…” You coughed, clearing your throat. Rantarou looked away, running a hand through his green shaggy locks. He knew what the letter was for, of course, who it was for. He was a bit nervous, too, eager to play off the tension in the room with humor, but it wasn’t working. He was wondering why you were so apprehensive, so sullen at his inquiry. You two flirted almost every day… did you seriously need to worry about his reaction? Did you think he didn’t like you back? “I-It’s… well it was going to be a um… a confession of sorts… just to get my feelings down on paper and off my chest. Then I was gonna burn it afterward to set those feelings free!” You smiled weakly, betraying your lack of confidence.
      “Nah, you should give it to him- them!” He corrected himself, dropping the most obvious hint he could. You still didn’t look convinced, a bit oblivious.
      “Y-you think so?”
      “For sure, no doubt. Whoever that letter is meant for,” he leaned in to you, clasping his calloused hands around yours. You felt your heart skip a beat at the contact, and you were left speechless, fearing any words spoken now would come out as idiotic babbling, “they are gonna love it. Trust me.” His eyebrows rose with emphasis, and he shot you one of his iconic, heart-melting smiles.
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the-resurrection-3d · 3 years
@bittersweet-optimism,  I decided to copy-paste your ask under the cut so I can respond to it section-by-section -- and, hilariously enough, I got your other ask right as I was wrapping up this response, so congrats on the timing! I’m still feeling pretty tired and there’s a lot to cover, so these answers aren’t as in-depth as I would normally go, but I hope they clear up some things! 
OKAY so I am still slightly struggling to form a single complex thought that’s anything but “oh okay I guess that’s happening now” so I might come back to this in the morning when I’m less tired. Also I’ve never had a hot take on something in my life so uh
So, the first thing that comes to mind is that that body horror truly was Something and I am Vaguely Confused. And daddy long dick is the correct interpretation of Luca’s character.
Yeah, I wrote that more as a vent piece when I was honestly kinda spiraling, so don’t worry to much about it—the body horror stuff is not “canon,” though everything about Nick teaching Alberto how to play tennis certainly is. Also thank you, lol.
So first actual thought: the whole thing with Nick’s… fixation on Alberto’s claws. Like. Huh. There were a lot of times where using them for Violence in bed was implied. And directly referenced. Which. Doesn’t necessarily confuse me, but it did surprise me. Didn’t really expect Nick to like being the one in pain. And Alberto always seemed so hesitant, too. Was Nick making him do that?
Yeah, Nick’s whole pain kink comes out very rarely – and yes, Nick is making him do it.
Also! The fact that it is unclear when nick is doing something out of genuine affection or to try and guilt trip Alberto into staying with him and doing what he wants. Gross.
Lol, true! Sometimes I forget that y’all’s perspective on Nick is different than mine insofar as I know when he’s being genuine, but obviously you guys don’t. Honestly, half the time Alberto can’t really get a good read on Nick, either. 
Alright, now we’re moving onto the big one.
I may understand both timelines, but I do not Understand both timelines. In other words, the logistics and actual order of events has been lost on me (although I would probably be able to clear some of that up if I went and reread some of your more recent actual published works but I am Too Tired). Like. Did anything happen in between the end of the movie and Nick,
Not really, beyond what “Ciao Alberto” already touched on—i.e., Alberto is trying very hard to fit into this new life, but there’s a lot of stuff he just doesn’t really know how to do. So he’s struggling to really make any new friends and, even though his relationship with Massimo is getting better, it doesn’t undo all The Trauma.
Honestly the way “Ciao Alberto” just reinforced how Alberto is totally the type of kid to get groomed. But we can talk about that later.
when/how did Alberto and Nick meet, 
I’m thinking that Nick comes around in the Spring after the movie’s end, because he’s taking a gap year off school (though why exactly he’s doing that will be better explained in the Berlin fic). Because Ercole’s dad and Nick’s uncle are kinda old friends/in the same business area, Ercole and Nick have met before, and so Nick hangs out  a bit with Ercole just kinda to have someone around while he gets his bearings in Portorosso again (he hasn’t been there since, like, the start of high school). Nick’s first encounter with Alberto would be him breaking up a fight between Alberto and Ercole, but his first real meeting with Alberto is when he asks Massimo for help supplying the fish for his upcoming birthday party. Nick invites Alberto to drive with him over to the venue since it’s too far away to reasonable bike with all that cargo.
I know I’m hedging my words more than usual, but that’s because I know myself well enough to also know that writing this all out as a story would probably force me to change my mind another 50 million times. Another reason I’m glad I’m not writing out the full Grooming Fic TM, lol. To be completely honest, I don’t have any real Nickberto Backstory Content planned beyond the Berlin fic. I dunno. Obviously things can change but. you know. 
was it immediately a sexual/romantic thing or did that take a minute,
Nick takes a little bit just to kinda observe Alberto and weigh his options, but yeah, he makes his actual intentions clear pretty early on.
how long were they together before nick left,
Most of a year </3
was there a moment when Alberto realized how not okay he was treated or was he always aware that this was unhealthy,
In my mind, Alberto always knew this wasn’t “right,” but there are a lot of reasons he still stays—such as how Nick is incredibly sweet and patient in the beginning, even if he still does stuff that make sirens go off in Alberto’s head, or how Alberto doesn’t really have friends his own age to reach out to—especially not ones who “get” his issues the way Nick does.
when you referred to “Nick Ruining Everything” do you mean just the entire time Alberto and Nick had any sort of relationship or was there a specific incident,
It’s a specific incident that really throws a wrench into Alberto and Luca’s blossoming relationship. The Berlin fic will touch on it more but. Yeah. It’s bad.
when did Alberto get together with Luca, etc etc.
In my mind, reg.! Alberto is obviously already in love with Luca by the time Nick rolls around, but he doesn’t really hook up with him until after Nick is gone.
I feel mostly the same slight confusion about modern timeline like, what’s the backstory for how Alberto got adopted by Massimo,
Massimo found him after Alberto got tangled up in a fishing net and almost got killed by hunters :P
how long between that and Nick,
Roughly the same amount of time as in Reg. Timeline, so let’s say about half a year.
how did Alberto and Nick meet, how does the timeline being modern affect their relationship while they are still in it,
A lot of things about Nick’s year in Portorosso are the same, with the exception being a) that Alberto is going to a regular high school while Giulia still goes away to Genova (as per Massimo’s custody agreement with her mother), and b) Massimo has encouraged him to keep being a sea monster a secret. (Of course Nick eventually finds out, but he’s really the only other person who knows.)
The fact that Alberto is actually in high school makes it more realistic in all the worst ways, such as how Nick helps him with homework and coaches him so he can get on the tennis team. As the body horror fic kinda touched on, Nick was the captain of his fancy private school’s varsity tennis team, so coaching Alberto is very exciting for him. I hate it.
were they officially broken up during bandingo or what,
you cant be officially broken up if you were never really dating! :’) Technically yes they were on one of their “off” seasons, but Nick refuses to actually let Alberto call them boyfriends, always keeping this relationship in this weird undefined zone that makes Alberto just feel more insecure. yes I'm your first love yes I’m your daddy yes I'm the only person you're allowed to rely on or fuck or even look at but no I'm not your boyfriend, get real. God I hate him.
how/when did Alberto and Luca find out about each other being sea monsters, yada yada.
Godddd I need to write this outttt. Right now I’m thinking their third or fourth date, but I do definitely want to write out how they find out because it’s very sweet <3 And that’s all I’ll say about it right now. 
And now thinking about bandingo has me thinking about Giulia and now I’m thinking about how while I kinda know what her deal is in modern timeline, I don’t think you’ve said anything on her place in regular timeline. What does she think. Does she know Nick exists.
Not really, at least not until Nick’s gone – and obviously it upsets her because she can tell it hurt Alberto deeply, but she’s doesn’t really know how to approach Alberto and comfort him, so she kind of shoves it onto Luca. She WANTS to help, certainly, but her and Alberto really haven’t had time yet to get to know each other without Luca there as a mediating factor.
This bit is a me thing and is therefore difficult to explain to someone that isn’t me but. You know that first piece that you put out on here? I’ve read it a few times (I said that I read the entirety of the nick tag but it would be more accurate to say that I reread most of it and got caught up on what I haven’t) but this time it completely broke my brain. Like. If i see horny or otherwise adult content, I will assume that the characters involved are adults. Like. logically I knew that I was reading a 20 yo grooming and abusing a 15 yo because you specifically reminded us but it never clicked until now and now those little jabs about being an adult feel like actual physical punches to my gut (specifically the 3/4 an adult one. That’s LITERAL, not just him being teasing. I know that’s the point and it’s my own fault it kept going over my head but Oh My Fucking God. Jesus Christ. 3/4 of 18 is 13.5 and What The Fuck. Oh my god.)
God, I was so fucking angry the day I wrote that, to the point where it was genuinely hard to even sit still. It’s not really my place to say what actually happened, but – yeah, I think you can feel some of that energy in the piece itself. Even when I’m writing now, there’ll be little things that highlight the age gap (even in the Berlin fic when Alberto is 18), and I’m just like Jeeeesus H. Christ, Nick. 
Kind of off-topic, but something I kinda funny about Nickberto is how, in comparison to a lot of other age-gap relationships in media, their age difference isn’t actually that bad. 5 years between adults is really nothing, especially when Oliver and Elio from CMBYN have a 7-year gap, and Brian and Justin from Queer as Folk have fucking twelve. (I think my own parents have nine years between them, though they didn’t meet until they were both already out of college.) 
But Elio and Justin are both 17 when the relationships start, old enough to either be technically legal in their home state or for people to try and justify it by playing the “well he’s almost 18”/”he’s mature for his age” cards. Alberto’s too young for all that—even in my state, where the age of consent (between minors!) is 16, Nick is still too old to be covered by our Romeo and Juliet clause. Obviously I’ve heard the whole “aoc in Italy Is 16” thing before, back during the heyday of Call Me By Your Discourse, but TBH I have not fact-checked that and I don’t care to.  
Also also, it was mildly funny to see my own asks that I’d lost track of because I’d been too much of a coward to go off anon again. Like yeah. That dumb ask about a nick death loop wad a good one. Good job, me.
I liked that one too c: As for your comment about Alberto playing tennis, Nick’s influence aside, I think he would really like it! He needs a good outlet for all his energy. 
I hope that cleared some things up! thanks for the asks <3 
4 notes · View notes
wonderwomanfantasy · 4 years
August 18th
So I am tentatively coming out of Hiatus, I’m still not accepting requests but I’m writing again, yay! I really have no idea if anyone will read this, it seems like every time I take a break I come back to fewer and fewer interaction on my posts but whatever. Also, I was talking to my friend about this fic and she informed me that this sounds suspiciously like the plot of Cars so I have that going for me.
Denki x Waitress!reader 
word count: 5,700(about)
warnings: mentions of gun violence and death, Mild angst (that makes it sound sad I promise this is really fluffy ;-;)
summary: You are just trying to take things one day at a time, Denki is trying to do the same, but he can’t seem to move past this one day... 
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You didn’t love your job, who did? but you didn’t hate it either. You were a waitress at a hole in the wall type Diner but it made ends meet and the place was nice enough. clean, comfortable, and small. Just like the rest of this town. you were terrified that one day you were going to look up and your whole life would be gone without ever stepping foot into the outside world just like your parents. 
you shook your head and sinched your apron, a cute frilly thing the did little to stop actual stains, around your waist before heading out onto the floor. You were only 20 this job wasn’t forever it was just for right now, you had all the time in the world to get out to bigger and better things. 
The restaurant was dead, one table of four, and one table of two both quietly enjoying their meals. Neither should need further assistance for quite some time.  A Carry Underwood song played over the speakers mixing with the clink of silverware. You had a good chunk of time before the dinner rush started so you busied yourself whipping down the empty tables and chairs. 
The familiar chemically smell fills your nose and your eyes begin to burn, you were just debating whether you should add more water to the solution when the bell above the door chimed. Your head shot up at the noise and a blonde boy you had never seen before entered the restaurant. 
He didn’t look at you as he crossed to the nearest booth and sat down. You took a moment to examine him and make sure that he was in fact a stranger. You saw new people so rarely, especially good looking guys like him. He had a streak of black running through his blonde hair and his eyes were a similar neon yellow color. He looked tired not just ‘had a rough day’ tired but withered in the way old men sometimes were.  like he had lived too long of a life. it was an odd look for someone your age to have. Despite this, he was still drop-dead gorgeous.
you hurried over to his table and gave the stranger and gave him your best smile.  “Good-”
“Good afternoon cutie what can I get you? Just coffee. Coffee this late in the? trust me I’ll need it. One coffee coming right up. You aren’t going to ask if I need cream or sugar? Sorry I get distracted by cute faces, cream, or sugar Sir? Don’t worry about it just put both on the side sweetie,”  He spoke the entire ramble while looking straight down at the table, modulating his voice up when he was mimicking you. 
“what?” you breathed stumbling back. He blinked and seemed to return to the real world. 
“Just a coffee, cream, and sugar on the side,” he mumbled and you were quick to scurry behind the breakfast bar back to safety. 
“you okay sweetie?” Donna, the other waitress in your section, asked she pressed the back of her hand to your forehead like she was checking your temperature. Donna was middle-aged and had taken on the role of “work mom” for almost every waitress on staff, she was good to have around even if she was a little overprotective at times. 
“I’m fine, that guy who just came in is just a little weird that’s all,” you said pouring the steaming coffee into a waiting mug. She huffed
“If he gives you any more trouble you have my full permission to drag him out back and make him eat that dumpster,” she huffed. you laughed and loaded the tray before sauntering back to the table. 
“I mean it (y/n)!” she hissed as you walked away.
He was laying down with his forehead to the table you gently unloaded the tray next to him and he didn’t even flinch. did he fall asleep?
“Uhm- Sir?”
“I am awake,” he groaned sitting up and rested against the booth. 
“are you okay?” you asked folding the tray awkwardly under your arm. He looked over you hitting you with the full intensity of his golden eyes. 
“I am in love with a girl who doesn’t even know who I am,” he sighed  “do you know what that’s like?” you looked around the restaurant but no one seemed to need you.
“I know what heartbreak is like if that’s what you're asking,” you said sympathetically, deciding that you had time to deal with him. 
“I’m sorry to hear that, you’re a nice girl,” he said. you smiled. 
“Is there anything else I can get you?” you asked 
“no just the coffee,” he turned to the coffee and started pouring in sugar and cream 
“let me know if you change your mind,” you said knocking your knuckle on the table before turning away. 
“(y/n)-” you turned, he licked his lips and dropped his gaze. 
“thank you,”
“no problem,”
you went back behind the counter before you realized he had spoken your name without you having provided it to him. you shook your head, he really was a weird guy. 
“My God,” you muttered to yourself 
“what is it?” Donna asked looking over at you. 
“That blonde guy from earlier tipped twenty bucks on a two-dollar coffee,’” you said disbelievingly looking at the bills. Donna whistled
“Damn he’s got money money huh?” 
“I guess so,” you muttered to yourself. What was a good looking guy with cash to burn doing in a town like this? Still,  you weren’t going to look a gift horse in a mouth you pocketed the 20 and you didn’t think about the blonde boy again until the end of your shift. 
The sky had been cloudless blue this afternoon when you had gotten to work, but now the sky was pitch black with storm clouds rain pouring down. It was one thing to walk in the dark, that was normal, but walking in the dark and the rain... 
You didn’t have a car and you always walked to work.  you hated walking home in the dark, you would hate it even more in the rain. You sighed and stepped out of the door under to the restaurant awning braving yourself for the horrid walk home when someone called out. 
“Hey! need a hand?” It was the blonde guy from before this time with an umbrella in hand. was he waiting for you?
“lucky timing huh?” he laughed seemingly reading your thoughts, He seemed to be in a better mood than this morning. 
“Let me walk with you,” he said, offering you half of his umbrella, you bit your lower lip, were you really stupid enough to lead a stranger to your house?
“oh right introductions, I’m Denki Kaminari,” He said with a beaming smile 
“Denki Kaminari,” you repeated trying the name out before introducing yourself
“so can I walk you home?” he pressed 
“sure,” what other choice did you have?  Something was kind about his face and besides the pepper spray in your purse landed you a small sense of comfort. You stood close to him as you both hurried through the rain. 
“Why haven’t I seen you around before?” you asked 
“I’m not from around here, today’s my first day in town,” He said, you noticed he was leaning the umbrella heavily over you and his shoulder was getting soaked without thinking you sidestepped closer to him so you were both squarely under the umbrella. His face erupted in a fiery blush. He caught you staring, and the blush darkened. 
“S-Sorry I get flustered around cute people like you,” he mumbled
“for someone who told me they were madly in love,  you’re quite the flirt,” you laughed
“Like I said she doesn’t even know I exist,” he mumbled. A crack of lightning split the sky followed shortly by a deafening clap of thunder making you jump about a foot in the air. 
“scared of thunder?” He asked, not unkindly. 
“N-Not usually it was just so close,” you gulped before turning  “This is my house,” you said and he walked with you to the door. 
“Glad you got home dry,” He said turning to leave, something made you stop him.  you reached out and caught him by the sleeve of his jacket 
“It’s late, why don’t you stay until the rain lets up?” you asked 
“u-unless you have to go,” you added second-guessing your brash decision. 
“No! I mean no- I don’t have anywhere else to be, I’d love to come inside,” He stammered as he fumbled with the umbrella trying to close. You fumbled with your key before opening the door and ushering him inside.  You flicked on the lights as you toed off your shoes and nervously started messing with your hair.
“Anything I can get you to drink?” you offered as the two of you went further into the house
“I’m alright, thanks,” 
“So what brings you all the way out here? we don’t get many visitors,” you asked sitting down on your couch and motioned for him to sit next to you. 
“I was only supposed to be passing through but my car broke down- and well some other stuff happened, So I’ll be in town for the next few days,” Denki explained running his rand through his wet hair. He had really gotten soaked in order to keep you dry. 
“I know a good mechanic, She can fix up whatever’s wrong with your car for cheap,”  you offered. 
“You’re talking about Hatsume? I already stopped by she’s taking care of it,” he hummed. you nodded Mei was a good friend, she could probably do something really great with her talent if she ever got out of this town. 
“that’s good she’ll have you up and running in no time, you’ll be out of here before you know it,” you laughed,  you sounded almost bitter even to your own ears, jealous that he could leave and you were stuck.  
“I doubt it like I said,  there are other things keeping me here,” he sighed.
“what do you mean?” you asked before tensing you hardly knew him he probably didn’t want to vent to some stranger. 
“would you believe me If I told you?” Denki asked that tired look that he’d worn this morning was back. 
“Why wouldn’t I believe you?”
“I don’t know it sounds crazy to me and- and I don’t want to scare you off again,” he sighed.  again? you gulped. you literally had no reason to trust him but you decided to do so.
“tell me,”  you pushed 
“you know what a time loop is? I’m stuck in one,” he asked 
“Like- Groundhog Day?” you squeaked.
“Exactly like Groundhog Day I’m stuck on the same day over and over again,” he looked thrilled that you had gotten it so quickly. you promised to believe him but you couldn’t help but look at him like he was crazy. 
“you don’t believe me,” he whispered the excitement gone from his voice. 
“No- Denki I didn’t stay that, just this is all-”
“This is all so hard for me to wrap my head around Denki. Well, I can’t expect you to be pretty and smart doll. oh, stop hitting on me will ya? what am I flustering you?” he sighed, ranting the same way he’d done this morning. It finally clicked. 
“we’ve had this conversation before?”
“five times, although this is the first time in your house so the variety is nice,” he said with a shrug 
“I’m sorry but do you have something more than just- I don’t know a movie title and a conversation we might have had?” you asked pinching the bridge of your nose. 
“your boyfriend dumped you three weeks ago to chase after someone named Stacy Holden. It really messed you up because she isn’t even prettier than you and she’s kind of a bitch, also your mom is sick and freaking out over it but you’re like 90% sure it’s just a cold and in three seconds the powers going to go out because of the storm-” there was another clap of thunder and the lights flickered and shut off. you shrieked. 
He had been right, about everything. You had no idea how he’d know all that personal stuff and predicted the future  
“how did-”
“This is the first time we’ve talked in your house, not the first time I’ve been here,” he mumbled. It was hard to make out his face in the darkness but you could tell he was looking at you. 
“and what about all that stuff about me? you spent time stalking me or what?”
“you told me,”
“why would I tell you?”
“so I could prove to you that it’s all real, are you okay?” warm fingers brushed your arm making you jump,
“Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you,” he murmured. 
“it’s fine, I just couldn’t see you,” you sucked in a sharp breath “this is all a lot- fuck you've probably heard that before too,”
“don’t worry about supprising me, sweetheart I’ve heard it all at this point,” you shifted uncomfortably on the couch it was so dark and the rain was still pouring. a tense silence fell, well it was only tense for you Denki probably knew what was coming next.  
“I’m sorry this is happening to you,” you whispered, 
“it’s not your fault, well it is but don’t worry about it- also watch your eyes the lights are coming back on,”  he sighed as if on cue the lights surged back on, you winced your eyes adjusting to the change. 
“what do you mean it’s my fault?” you snapped 
“The first day we met- I know that’s today but the first day for me, I was a real dick to you, and-and you died, then I got stuck in this time loop so I’m pretty sure that if I can make up for that I’ll be set free,” he explained. 
“wait I died?”
“just once don’t worry about it-”
“No, tell me how I died!”
“I locked you in the kitchen to keep you out of the way of a gunman, also technically my fault,  but you escaped with your little quirk and got shot,” he huffed. your head was racing 
“This is all too much,” you whined squeezing your eyes shut. 
“I know, trust me I know, why don’t you just stay here and I’ll make dinner,” He offered this all seemed so natural to him. then again he had probably done this a few times by now. 
You followed him into the kitchen and sat down watching him as he grabbed ingredients from your cupboard. 
“You know Bill Murry went on a killing spree in Ground Hog day and you’re here making dinner for me,” you laughed
“Well I’m a Hero so I guess murder sprees aren’t really my style,” he said starting on a pot of rice and cutting peppers and other vegetables. stirfry maybe?
“you’re a hero? you never told me that,”
“Chargebolt, the lightning hero,” he Smiled throwing vegetables and meat into a saucepan. 
“that’s amazing, I’ve never met a hero before,” you said awestruck. He smiled, almost proudly.
“Not a lot of crime around here huh?” he asked
“Small town, we all know how to keep the peace,” you said with a shrug. The small talk continued as he cooked, adding the rice, soy sauce, and some scrambled egg into the pot It was like talking to someone you’d known all your life. 
“thank you Kaminari this looks delicious!” you said as he set the plate down in front of you. you grabbed a fork and quickly shoveling some of it into your mouth, you hadn’t realized how hungry you were, but hey a double shift would do that to you.
“I’m glad you like it,” he said shyly sitting down across from you and digging in himself. you finished your plate in record time and even went back for seconds. He really was a good cook, you’d have to keep him around if you ever lived to remember him. 
you slumped back in your chair, satisfied if not a little sleepy, Denki was looking at you. 
“what?” you asked
“The rain stopped,” He said you turned to the nearest window and saw that he was right. while there were still fat drops of water slipping from the roof but that was the only rain that fell. 
you turned back to him scowling  “If you think I’m going to let you leave just cus the rain stopped think again, you have to help me clean the dishes,” you scolded, scooping up the dirty dishes and taking them to the sink
“Leave em,” Denki said getting up to follow you.
“Easy for you to say they aren’t your dishes,” he touched your arm again, his fingers curled around your wrist and this time you didn’t flinch away. 
“Trust me, princess, tomorrow morning you’ll wake up and you will remember none of today it will be August 18th again and those dishes will never be used,” your frown deepened. 
“and what if you’re wrong? and I wake up on the 19th with a sink full of dirty pots and pans?”
“I’ll clean them myself, promise,” his voice was soft, and his eyes were so pained. His thumb caressed your wrist almost subconsciously. Suddenly something he had said this morning jumped back at you. I’m in love with a girl who doesn’t even know who I am. He had meant you, hadn’t he?
“what do you suggest we do, since you’re so against washing dishes?” you teased. he smirked and flicked on the stereo next to your sink. Soft music filled the kitchen.
“Dance with me?”
 “what?” you blinked 
“Dance,” he repeated his other hand circled your waist pulling you away from the counter into the open ‘dance floor’ of your kitchen. the song was slow and sang of young love. He was an excellent lead. As the two of you danced together you couldn’t help but be transfixed by his eyes. even in the harsh unflattering light, he was still gorgeous, your heart gave a flutter. damn it. you were not going to fall for some stranger hours after meeting him. 
“Better than doing the dishes?” he asked you adverted your gaze. damn. 
“When does the day reset? you asked looking at the clock it was almost midnight already. 
“Six AM, don’t worry princess you get to dance with me a little longer,” he laughed. 
“that’s not what I meant,” you mumbled. Mercifully he didn’t press, if he had you would have been forced to admit you’d been lying. The song ended and the radio station cut to commercials. and so too your dance came to an end, his hands left your body and you instantly missed their heat. 
“I guess I should get going,” he said with a sigh,
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” you said with a tight smile. 
“I hope so,” he laughed. He left his umbrella with you, good If this all was bullshit then he would have to come back for his umbrella and you could make him wash your dishes. 
you went to bed easily that night and dreamed of Denki. 
You didn’t love your job, who did? but you didn’t hate it either. You were a waitress at a hole in the wall type diner but it made ends meet and the place was nice enough. clean, comfortable, and small. Just like the rest of this town. you were terrified that one day you were going to look up and your whole life would be gone without ever stepping foot into the outside world just like your parents.
you shook your head and sinched your apron, a cute frilly thing the did little to stop actual stains, around your waist before heading out onto the floor. You were only 20 this job wasn’t forever it was just for right now, you had all the time in the world to get out to bigger and better things.
The restaurant was dead, one table of four, and one table of two both quietly enjoying their meals. Neither should need further assistance for quite some time.  A Carry Underwood song played over the speakers mixing with the clink of silverware. You had a good chunk of time before the dinner rush started so you busied yourself whipping down the empty tables and chairs.
The familiar chemically smell fills your nose and your eyes begin to burn. You added more water to the solution and cleaned the empty tables humming softly along to the country music. 
The bell on the door chimed your head shot up and saw the town sheriff enter. 
“(Y/n)(L/n)?” he asked
“Sheriff Copland?” you asked with a gulp, the seriousness in voice frightened you.
“Someone just trashed Tucker Hayes’s truck right in his driveway, you wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you?” he asked hooking his thumbs through the loops on his belt. you winced at the mention of your ex-boyfriend's name. 
“I’m sorry sir but I’ve been here all day I don’t know anything about it,” you said.  Donna came up behind you protectively
“That’s right she’s been here since the morning she hasn’t done jack,” She defended. 
“And you don’t happen to know anyone who might have done something like this?”
“no,” you gulped, he nodded and tipped his hat
“let me know if you hear anything ladies,” he said before leaving the way he came. you let out a shaky breath as relief flooded you.
“pig,” Donna spat as the door shut behind him before turning her attention to you. 
“don’t worry sweetie, you didn’t do anything besides whoever did it is a hero,” She huffed clapping you once on the shoulder before sending you off. What a weird day. 
The sky had been cloudless blue this afternoon when you had gotten to work, but now the sky was black with storm clouds rain pouring down. It was one thing to walk in the dark, that was normal, but walking in the dark and the rain...
You didn’t have a car and you always walked to work.  you hated walking home in the dark, you would hate even more in the rain and dar. You sighed and stepped out of the door under to the restaurant awning braving yourself for the horrid walk home when you saw a small black package leaning up against the side of the wall. 
You laughed almost giddily seeing it was an umbrella, but the joy quickly vanished you snagged the umbrella by the handle and turned back into the restaurant. but no one claimed it, so you took it for yourself. Today really must have been your lucky day, first someone broke Tucker’s prised truck, and you didn’t have to walk home in the rain. you must have an angel watching over you or something. 
Denki had been convinced that he was going crazy around the 100th August 18th. Now he was convinced that it wasn’t some delusion; it was pure hell. He had died and this was his eternal punishment. 
He woke up at Six AM sharp to the same blaring alarm going off twenty minutes before he had set it. he picked his phone up and threw it against the far wall. both the phone and the drywall cracked. 
The phone buzzed, a text from Mei informing him his car would be good as new first thing tomorrow morning and that the engine just needed a little tuning. The fact that he was trapped in this impossibly small town was the least of his worries. 
Maybe he should spend the full day in bed. was there any point in actually participating in this day? he groaned and rolled out of bed. No, he wasn’t giving up just yet. He needed to see you again. 
It really was hell, being so infatuated with a girl who would still greet him with the same polite, tempered smile. the smile was nice, the lack of recognition behind the action killed him. 
Maybe he could go wreak your ex’s car again today, that had been fun. He shrugged on his clothes. what he wouldn’t give for a different start to the morning.
The first day here, he had been such a dick, to you, to everyone. it had ended with him provoking the wrong person. and you had died because of it. He hadn’t made that mistake again. Now, almost six months of Agust 18ths, he was in love with you.  
He left his hotel room and started the agonizing motions of the day. The girl running down the hall with her shirt inside out, he caught her and informed her of the mistake. The complimentary breakfast was burned so he skipped it altogether. The cat stuck in a tree that he helped down. Then he paused, and Tucker Hayes came around the corner sharply. The first day he had run straight into Denki and it had ended in a fistfight. It was the only part of the first day he really missed, Tucker was a jack ass and probably deserved a good beating, but he was trying to be better. He gave the son of a bitch a friendly wave and continued on his way. 
He crossed the street, avoiding the man who would shoot up the diner where you worked, if provoked and started walking through the park.  He retrieved a kite from a tree, and sat on a bench for a long time, talking to the man who had just lost his wife. the stranger left happier and Denki sat alone for a few moments feeling the sunshine on his skin. the rain would come in shortly.  Not that he minded, He had always liked the rain. 
His stoumach growled and he sighed. No breakfast meant he was in need of an early lunch or at least a cup of coffee. This was the time he was supposed to see you. 
Not yet, he wasn’t ready he would stay a little longer in the sunshine and see you a little later, He was sure that he couldn’t stay away long, he had a nasty habit of inserting himself in your life. 
Denki sighed and smacked himself right on his forehead. As if he could beat away the image burned into the back of his eyelids. “there are other restaurants, I can eat somewhere else!” he groaned to himself. besides, there were other acts of good he could do if he just ignored his hunger
Still, he had avoided you all day yesterday and it hadn’t been much better. so he’d have to do both then. Do some good now and see you a little later. 
The sky had been cloudless blue this afternoon when you had gotten to work, but now the sky was black with storm clouds rain pouring down. It was one thing to walk in the dark, that was normal, but walking in the dark and the rain...
You didn’t have a car and you always walked to work.  you hated walking home in the dark, you would hate even more in the rain and dar. You sighed and stepped out of the door under to the restaurant awning braving yourself for the horrid walk home when you saw someone approaching you in the rain. A handsome looking blonde man holding a black umbrella. 
“Need a hand?” he asked, you didn’t recognize the kind stranger but you decided instantly to trust him, what other choice did you have? Something was kind about his face and besides the pepper spray in your purse landed you a small sense of comfort. 
“Thank you so much!” you called ducking under the umbrella your shoulder bumping against his. 
“I’m Kaminari,” he introduced you followed his lead and told him your name. He smiled and repeated the name.
“Are you new in town Kaminari? I don’t think I’ve seen you around before,” you said above the rain. 
“that’s one way to put it, I’m just passing through I thought I’d do some good while I was here,” he responded. your heart melted and you felt a sudden rush of affection for this stranger. it sure didn’t hurt that he was so good looking. a New and Hot guy walking you home, you would have to brag about this later to the other girls. 
“Well, I sure appreciate the gesture,” you giggled a sudden flash of lightning caught you off guard and the accompanying clap of thunder made you jump. 
“scared of the thunder?” he asked sympathetically. 
“N-Not usually it was just so close you know?” you tried to laugh it off but you were still shaking. you looked back to the main road and realized you had walked right past the turn-off to your house, 
“oh, hey-”
“you had a long shift, right? do you want to stop for a bite to eat, my treat,” he offered. then quickly amended “ah that was totally creepy right? why don’t I just give you the umbrella-”
it was your turn to cut him off.  “actually dinner sounds nice,” you said and he relaxed “although It’s almost ten I don’t know any place that would be open- besides my dinner and I’m not going back there.”
 “I think I know a place that’s still serving people,” he said you nodded and let him lead the way. It was funny how someone new to town seemed to know this place better than you. Sure enough, Kaminari lead you to a small Mexican restaurant with the lights still on. 
“I used to come here all the time when I was a kid,” said softly remembering the times you would come here with your family. you were ushered out of the rain and to a table, Kaminari slid into the seat across from you.
“order anything you want, my treat,” he said not looking at the menu himself.
“you’re awfully generous,” you said blinking.  
“I’m just lucky enough to have the means to be generous,” he said with a shrug and then the waitress was there to take your order. 
Dinner was accompanied by and easy conversation, As it turned out Denki was a pro hero, just passing through and stuck here because of a broke down car. 
“I’m sorry to hear that, this isn’t a very good place to get stuck, I mean you must be bored half to death,” you said sympathetically. 
“Don’t get me wrong it’s no Villian attaching the city, but there is plenty to do around here, Lots of cats to save from trees,” He teased and you laughed politely. 
“And girls to offer umbrellas to,” you added. he smiled and agreed. it was a shame he was just passing through, you would have loved to spend more time with him. 
“Thank you for the meal,” you said after both plates had long been cleared and you were both on your way out the door. The rain had stopped but you still staid close to him. 
“do you mind if we take one more detour before I take you home?” he asked. in truth, you were exhausted but you agreed without hesitation. After all, it wasn’t every day you met a pro hero. 
Again he took you to a place from your childhood. A small play structure on the top of a hill. It would be unfair to call it a park it was so small. but it was nice to be back here, it made you feel like a child again. 
“Look at the stars,” Kaminari whispered his head already tilted to the sky.  you looked up and gasped. The clouds had parted revealing the inky black sky dotted with stars. they glimmered like bits of broken glass, or maybe diamonds were a better comparison. the longer you looked the more awestruck you became. 
“it’s beautiful,” you breathed, not wanting to shatter this perfect moment. 
“It is,” he whispered back before taking a step closer and pointing up at the sky. 
“you see that one right there, the one that’s not twinkling?” He asked, you followed his outstretched finger and saw what he was talking about. 
“that’s not actually a star, it’s Mars,” he said, dropping his arm. you were suddenly very aware of how close he was. the heat of his body radiating to yours.  
“do you want to see something really beautiful?” he asked
“I swear if you make me look at myself-”
“no, here,”  he laughed and spun you around by your shoulders so you were facing the opposite direction. you gasped at the sight. 
From the top of the hill, you could see everything. the whole town it seemed like. Soft multi-colored lights dotted the houses and storefronts, twinkling just like the stars. It was incredible, you had lived here your whole life but this was the first time you had seen it like this.
“It really is beautiful, and that’s saying a lot, I really hate it here you know?” you laughed, unable to take your eyes away from the scene in front of you. 
“you really shouldn’t, there are so many great things about this place,” he protested softly. 
“like you,”
“Can I kiss you?” you had no idea what compelled you to ask it, but the words seemed to hand in the air. He didn’t respond, instead, he cupped your jaw and pulled your face closer, your eyes fluttered shut and your lips connected to his. 
His lips were softer than you were expecting. you hummed against his lips unthinkingly as your lips moved against his. There was a well of untapped passion just under the surface of this kiss, you could feel it, maybe Denki was as attracted to you as you were to him. but you didn’t push it, I mean it would be too much to make out on the first date right?  you pulled away and licked your lips tasting the remnants of him on your mouth. 
The awkward silence fell lasted only for a few moments before Kaminari spoke. 
“it’s almost midnight, we should get you home.” You nodded and started the walk home. it all ended too quickly. it was only a few short minutes before you were at your front door. 
“thank you I had a great time tonight,” you said reaching around and opening your door. 
“I know you probably have to get going as soon as possible, but I’m working the morning shift tomorrow so if you want to stop by,” you trailed off not knowing what you were offering him. 
“I’ll be sure to say goodbye tomorrow, have a good night (y/n),” he said before leaving. once you were inside you couldn’t help but squeal. a date with a hero, How lucky were you?
Denki couldn’t help but smile as he walked home he had spent about six mouths reliving this day and this had been the first time he had kissed you. For the first time, he went to bed with a smile. 
Soft rays of sunshine poked through the curtain waking Denki slowly. Then he shot up reaching for his phone, The alarm was off. he fell out of bed and was quick to spring back up. it was the 19th. He laughed giddily, disbelievingly. Then he remembered his promise to you a promise you would actually remember.
Denki couldn’t stop himself from grinning while he stumbled around the room trying to get dressed before booking it out of the room. No girl running down the hall with her shirt inside out No burned breakfast. It was a new day full of new choices. 
He breathed in the morning air, it smelled like rain. He was like a kid on Christmas as he burst into the small Diner his eyes finding you at once. you were just jotting down someone's order but you still looked up and smiled when you saw him. 
He had just sat down when you appeared at his table looking flushed, “what can I get started for you?” you asked 
“Bacon and eggs,” he said without thinking. you nodded 
“I’ll have that right out for you, so what time are you planning on hitting the road?” you added the last bit casually but he could hear the anxiety in your voice. He chuckled, 
“Actually not anytime soon, I think I’m going to stay here for a while,” 
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