#Arkham knight au
ghost-bxrd · 1 month
Jason didn’t think it could get any worse, but the universe just loves proving him wrong on that front.
Beaten within an inch of his life with a crowbar? Don’t worry buddy, I gotcha. How about we make it worse with some explosives?
Your alternate self got kidnapped and tortured by the Joker? Golly gee, really gotta step up my game now! How about we make him so fucking traumatized he will tell you which knife is best to torture him with?
Fuck. Fucking fuck. Jason wants a fucking refund on this whole dimension travel bullshit. Because this? This is some A-grade clusterfuck. He’d rather deal with goddamn Sionis than— whatever this is. Jesus.
— sneak peek of “It Is All True” (aka. the Arkham Knight Au continuation)
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
"What happened to the Robin before you?" Spoiler asked. She was sitting on the edge of the building, one of her legs  dangling over the nothingness, restless. She was often restless. Not the best quality to have at a stakeout but Tim couldn't avoid thinking it was cute, in the sense all things Stephanie were. 
"I'm not sure. "He admitted uncomfortably. He always wondered what exactly happened with Jason Todd, why he disappeared one day and Batman was suddenly so full of worry and rage. No one ever told him, not even Dick or Alfred and after a while he stopped asking. "I think he died but B never really talks much about him."
Steph looked disappointed with his answer and Tim couldn't blame her. He wished he had a better answer but he knew when to drop things, Bruce would not accept more questions then the ones he already refused to answer and he had spend too much time proving he could be a Robin, that he deserved the place even that he would be better than Jason (he didn't think it was fair he had to insult Jason to prove his value but he understood that it was what B wanted to hear - even if just as a way run from responsability - so he played his part) and he could not afford to lose it all wondering about a past that wasn't even his. Even when he wanted to. Even when he felt he needed to know. No, Tim was better than that. He had to be. He had to prove he deserved his place in at least one family.
"What a great detective you are." Stephanie mocked, not unkindly but merely with the sarcasm she used to fill the space more often than not. "Do you ever think about doing your own investigation?"
He had.
"Not really. B would never accept it."
"What he doesn't know can't hurt him." She said in a sing-song voice and he could feel her mischievous smile even if her mask stopped him from seeing it. He opened his mouth to retort. She was quicker. "C'mon, Boy Wonder, we won't be doing anything wrong. I just think this kid deserves closure, someone to know his story and mourn him."
"Okay."He said because once again she was right. And because maybe if he lost his place between Bruce, Dick and Alfred he would at least have her and not being completly alone was the final fuel for him to do what felt like the right thing. "Let's do this."
And that's how they discovered the boy hidden under Arkham. Bruce's biggest mistake. Jason Todd. 
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snowy-butterfly · 1 year
So in the arkhamverse it's hinted that Harley Quinn and Joker had a baby. Now obviously this idea was abandoned, but as I was working this morning I had an idea for a writing prompt/potential fic idea. The child was born but Harley thought it was stillborn and in her grief had one of the goons in the gang send it away. While in the middle of disposing the baby, it starts crying and the goon in a moment of panic or goodness (take your pick) drops the baby off at the orphanage. The babe is well taken care of, but the caretakers notice something is wrong with that child. The child tends to laugh at misfortunes that occur in the orphanage and is growing very rapidly, (think like the clones from stars wars).
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Mm. Pain.
Project R au where Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, and Tim Drake have a kinda sorta custody battle (more like argument) about who should take in Danny.
The twist? None of them want to take Danny in and are trying to force him onto the others. Each has valid reasons not to take Danny in, Jason is a crime lord, Dick has had paparazzi trailing him around lately, Tim is still a minor and can't take in anyone, ect. Theres a million reasons for each of them. Unfortunately no one realized Danny was overhearing all of this from another room.
Danny had spent so much time building his dads up in his mind, thinking that when he finally found them everything would be great. He never even considered his dads wouldn't want him. Heck, how was he supposed to know his dads were adopted brothers? He kinda understands how this was weird but...what about him? He didn't really have anywhere to go but...should he just leave?
Maybe that would be for the best...
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sylvemooniet · 6 months
Lil snippet of an AU I'm writing, which AK Jason ends up in Joker Junior Tim dimension in a very unfortunate moment.
“What's your name, kiddo?”
But not-Tim couldn't answer, he was just laughing, but he still sounded in despair, as his body was twitching, if it was still reacting to the constant shocks he was receiving before. The tall figure sighed, noticing the little boy wouldn't easily verbalize anything.
“You can't speak, but can you at least understand what I'm saying?”
He nodded repeatedly, still scared by the mysterious man, however, he didn't attack him yet, so he was safe for a while. The little clown couldn't stop smiling, and his sobbing was choked on his throat.
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zoraedits · 10 months
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Cassandra Cain aka The Orphan
By @zoraedits
⟨don't remove watermark & repost elsewhere⟩
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morverenmaybewrites · 4 months
Just wanted to share a small project I've been working on.
A dark (gothic?) fantasy version of Gotham City (and of course, Jason Todd) from the Arkham series, where Jason really did die after being shot by the Joker, and resurrected almost perfectly by the Lazarus Pit. Keyword: Almost Also, did I mention that it also involves Hanahaki disease?
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children-of-arkham · 3 months
No context, heres some Rubik/Riddler angst:
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oifaaa · 9 months
In the Jason raising baby Bruce AU, does Jason lore dump on Alfred too? I mean, does Jason still treat Alfred as his grandpa? I know you said Alfred might stay on as butler…
Jason still treats alfred as grandpa and alfred is probably the first person to figure out Jason is actually from the future - and yeah I've decided alfred would stick around to begin with bc hes worried about Bruce then slowly bc hes worried about Bruce and Jason bc that boy is a disaster
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ghost-bxrd · 30 days
I have found your tumblr!!
So now… can i please see some crumbs of your Arkhamverse AU?
Of course 💚
I only recently shared a little sneak peek for the next part, so here are a few over all little details for this verse in the meantime ✨
Ak!Jason is totally convinced that his “rescuer” is going to keep torturing him even worse than Joker… he’s fine with that as long as he doesn’t have to go back to Arkham
Og!Jason is in over his head with how to deal with Ak!Jason and consults several child psychology books on trauma and then decides to just… wing it (because there’s sadly no book on “what to do if your alternate self gets tortured by a psychopathic clown for months on end and your alternate family is seen gallivanting around town like nothing happened”)
Og!Jason draws many conclusions as to the forms of torture Ak!Jason had to go through, some of them wrong
Ak!Jason has a habit of suggesting torture methods to his “rescuer” (his one act of rebellion, because the methods he’s suggesting are less painful than the alternatives)
The rest you’ll have to find out as the story progresses hehe 💚
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thesandsofelsweyr · 2 days
What’s your AK!Jay reaction when a Good Dad! Bruce tried to reach out to him?
Since we’re talking AU here, I want Jay to open up his door one day and find Bruce waiting on his doorstep, hat in hand. Before Jay can say a word, Bruce takes him in his arms, apologizing for everything that happened to his boy, and Jay just goes limp in the man’s embrace, tears streaming down his scarred cheeks as he clutches at Bruce’s designer suit; the prodigal son sobbing against his father's chest 🥰
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Omg wanting to write an Arkham verse Jason Todd soulmate au fanfic where whatever you write on your wrist or forearm goes to your soulmate
While in the abandoned wing of Arkham, occasionally he’ll feel the soft tickles on his forearms underneath the Robin armor and that’s his only solace during the torture Joker put him through even though he can’t see it😭
Since most of the time he’s tied up or tied in a wheel chair he can’t read it or respond, so the reader just thinks he doesn’t care to respond and cue the angst 😭😭 eventual happy ending tho obv🥰
Edit! Omg to add further angst he used to think of the feeling of the writing showing on his skin as annoying but since being captured he’s like done a COMPLETE 180
Also if anyone writes something like this tag me!!😭 wanna read so bad
EDIT! This prompt has been posted!! Let me know if you liked it and want me to continue it❤️
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xysidhequeen · 1 year
I adored the new chapter I get the feeling that Dick fully approves of Danny as Jason's boyfriend. Like Saving Jason from a second death and helping him adjust to the powers that came with his revival gave him major brownie points in Dick's eyes. But being generally a good person and having a similar sense of humor to himself means that Dick will skip the shovel talk and get to teasing Jason about his crush.
I literally can't wait for Dick to see Jason in Ghost mode. I get the feeling that Dick even though Jason hasn't told him his new name yet is going to recognize him immediately. I get the feeling that the magical rings of transformation that halfa's have are both going to be a great source of teasing and Evny. Teasing because doesn't the phrase magical girl transformation sequence ring any bells? Envy because Jason can now go from civilian to hero in less than the second.
Dick definitely approves of Danny as boyfriend material for Jason. Yeah he kinda chewed him out, but that just means he'll protect Jason. And Dick gets a brother in law who will indulge him in a pun off so Dick can't really lose here. I can't wait for Dick to show up again, he's already a favorite of mine to write and I didn't expect that at all. I'm actually going to have a minor new subplot added to the story where we deal with some stuff that apparently was happening to Dick around the time Jason came back (someone unfortunately informed me of Canon events. I asked for it. I just didn't expect them to be so awful, the events not the person)
Dick, meeting Phantom and Red Hood for the first time: my brother senses are tingling
Phantom: hey Di-
Red Hood, shooting Danny to shut him up: The fuck you want here hero?
Dick: >.> yo Jason you can stop pretending. There's like 5 people in spandex with a body type like yours and I know none of them would willingly come to Gotham
Red Hood: Well shit.
Dick will have so much new material to tease Jason with. He'll just start playing random magical girl show openers everytime he sees him. Even in costume. The goons are really confused because now they're getting beat up while the Sailor Moon intro plays in the background and WHY DOES IT FIT?!
A treat for giving me interaction which fuels me
"Mmm, time to play whack a clown," Dannt sung softly as he twirled the bat, rings of light covering him and shifting his form to a more comfortable one. Danny let invisibility wash over him as gravity ceased holding any command over his body.
Danny took to the air and flew off, heading unerringly in the direction of the Asylum, the feeling of fear and rage growing as he approached.
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awkwardknight · 9 months
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He's been expecting you (this is what Alfred sees every time Knight's Remaking!Jason has an issue to raise with Bruce)
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laxi0v0 · 2 years
I've been experimenting with 3d sculpting/modeling and thought it would be a good exercise for the question mark staff to be my first actual practice piece!
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Also. here’s some close up of some of my favourite details about the design.
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The blood on the head where he’d be bashing some heads in, I realised now that it might have made more sense if i put it on the back of the question mark in the bottom corner but as a design at the time I thought it would read better in the front, well, too lazy to change it now.
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The rust on the inner corners of the green painted metal were very fun to make as well as the chipped paint there and the metal bots.
Took some trial and error to make the bolts different material than the green surface, I had to insert a flat sheet (plane) inside the question mark right under the surface then use a stamp to pull the bolt shape out. There’s probably an easier method.
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The blood on the end of the staff is for when he jabs it in someone’s open wound, for torture purposes, should probably rough it up more.
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The green and red on the staff grip is when he has either paint or blood on his hand and picks his staff up, you should probably clean that up, Ed. it’s unsanitary.
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And lastly the ingraved “THE RIDDLER” on the back of the staff, as if the giant question mark head wasn’t on the nose enough.
Hope you enjoyed this, I can still modify the staff to a degree so if you have suggestions and fun ideas to add to it please tell me in the comments!!
You may use it for reference but it's not 100% authentic.
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linxrouge4life · 6 months
Heres something after Dread's traumatic event:
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The kid in the purple cowl is Dread after her traumatic event.
And of course the one in orange is Scarecrow.
What happened is that she was brainwashed by the court of owls into becoming one of them. Then Scarecrow looked for her and made her snap back when he found the poor kid.
Its kinda like Tim Drakes torture (Joker Junior).
(Also I found this art pose on Pinterest so I had to draw it like this.)
Lemme know if anyone has any questions. :]
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