#poor Bruce better run and hide
ghost-bxrd · 1 month
I have found your tumblr!!
So now… can i please see some crumbs of your Arkhamverse AU?
Of course 💚
I only recently shared a little sneak peek for the next part, so here are a few over all little details for this verse in the meantime ✨
Ak!Jason is totally convinced that his “rescuer” is going to keep torturing him even worse than Joker… he’s fine with that as long as he doesn’t have to go back to Arkham
Og!Jason is in over his head with how to deal with Ak!Jason and consults several child psychology books on trauma and then decides to just… wing it (because there’s sadly no book on “what to do if your alternate self gets tortured by a psychopathic clown for months on end and your alternate family is seen gallivanting around town like nothing happened”)
Og!Jason draws many conclusions as to the forms of torture Ak!Jason had to go through, some of them wrong
Ak!Jason has a habit of suggesting torture methods to his “rescuer” (his one act of rebellion, because the methods he’s suggesting are less painful than the alternatives)
The rest you’ll have to find out as the story progresses hehe 💚
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dcxdpdabbles · 27 days
DCxDP Fic Idea: New Management
It starts off small, in controlled, barely noticeable areas of Gotham.
Over days, the litter and trash vanish, the sidewalks are washed and cleaned, and even building yards long since abandoned are trimmed. No one notices at first because Gotham is so used to ignoring how dirty everything is until Poison Ivy makes a public announcement thanking the person who cleaned up Gotham's parks.
You know, while she was tearing up that one street with her vine monster.
After the Bats had her locked away pending a trial, they stopped to look around and realized, yes, someone had been cleaning house. No one really knows who, but things have started to change. Streetlights are replaced, graffiti is painted over, and cracked windows are fixed. It's a nice thought, but all this had the gangs up in arms, especially when their tagging disappeared.
To control the goodie-two-shoes, a few gangs burn down a few local parks- mostly the ones near or around Crime Alley- and they also loot the smaller businesses. It's a warning that the mystery housekeeper should be reminded of their station, but- well, it's all for nothing because, like magic, the following night, the damage is repaired and somehow better than before.
What's crazy is the water change. Everyone notices that right away.
Gotham's water system was just as corrupted and descriptive as its class system. If you were one of the elites- your water was clean and crisp- if you were one of the poor- your water was practically tar with how contaminated it was. Anyone in between got a fifty-fifty chance of drinkable water, depending on what side of the city they lived on.
It became an identifier, really. Depending on how often you were seen at stores buying bottled water, people could tell how well off your family was.
That's why, on a random Wednesday, Gotham lost their collective mind that the entire water system was fixed. Regardless of class, every household had clear, scent-free water from the tabs.
The few who wandered outside trying to figure out what in the world was happening were left stunned at the sight of Gotham's surrounding bodies of water.
They were clean.
All the rivers, the harbors, the silly little fountains found around Old Gotham- everything. It was safe to swim in them now. That was just wrong.
"What's happening?" Jason growls, crouching at one of Wayne Manor's main windows. His eyes are barely visible over the edge, allowing him to peek out into the yard, but he must not be fully visible, lest he become a target.
"I don't know," Tim hisses, taking a similar position on the second floor. He grips the communicator with a white-knuckle grip, trying his best to ground himself. "I just don't know. There are no witnesses, no evidence, no clues whatsoever on who's doing this to the city!"
"I don't like this!"
"No one does, Jason," Bruce intervenes; the accompanying sound of keys typing is familiar background noise. He's still in the cave, attempting to run through all reports of horrified Gothamites on social media, trying to find a pattern. "Babs? Do you have any new updates?"
"No!" She hisses, her typing sounding far more aggressive. "I can't find anything on those responsible. Nothing on the internet, nothing on public camera feeds, and nothing on rumors through dark web chats. It's like I'm trying to track a ghost!"
"This isn't natural, B," Steph cuts in. She's hiding in her bedroom closet, voice low in case her mom hears. After they realize some new lunatic is running loose in Gotham, her mom calls her back home to barricade them. If they had a bomb shelter, they would have been in it long ago.
"It's worse than we think," Duke huffs. He's somewhere near the top floor, having chosen a higher vantage point, hoping his meta powers would spot someone coming towards the manor. "I think I see glimpses of blue in the sky. If this continues at this rate, we'll have a clear blue sky in about two hours."
Multiple gasps of horror are heard throughout the communication lines. Bruce starts to type faster, barking orders for everyone to remain where they are and not go gather information. They had no idea what they were dealing with.
Damian stands with a confused Cass, Dick, and Alfred. The only bats not originated from Gotham, so while they can claim to have years in the city, none of them truly know. "I do not understand. Is this not beneficial to Gotham?"
"It may be too much at once, Master Damian." The Bulter tells him carefully. He only speaks that slowly when Alfred thinks of every word before saying it. "Whoever is behind this must not be from Gotham. If they were, they know that people would lose their collective minds upon the improvements."
"But who could be responsible?" Cass asks, watching Jason duck and army crawl to a new window once some sunlight manages to break through the clouds where he was originally hiding.
"I wish I knew Miss Cass."
Meanwhile, Danny Fenton leans back in his computer chair in a dimension of hope and a skip away. He laces his fingers together, bending them until satisfying cracks are heard. It was a productive hour of work, but he thinks now that his virtual city had cleaner water, his NPCs should start healing and developing better.
He was suspicious of Madam Gotham—a new ghost that appeared within his territory of the Ghost Zone—but after a quick conversation, he decided to befriend her. Danny is glad he did, seeing as she was in danger of fading away. Her core had suffered severe damage due to denying her obsession for so long.
Danny could do nothing for her. Madam Gotham needed professional help that only certain Yetis could offer. Although the Yetis usually turned away anyone not of their kind, with Danny backing her up, they had been willing to take in Madam Gotham.
She had been stubborn, though, refusing to get help because she was too busy playing her silly little game. The computer she played it on was unique to her realm and could not withstand the cold temeture of the Far Frozen. Danny was literally watching her melt—a horrific reminder of Dani and her siblings' disabling—before he could take it anymore.
Only after agreeing to watch her video game did she decide to be moved to the Far Frozen to receive medical treatment. Now, Danny never really liked those farming simulator games, but this was different in the sense that the city was already there.
His job was to further develop the city into a utopia. It was interesting to learn what modern issues the city had and how he could make decisions based on point costs on what to fix.
He gained points from making his citizens happier, supporting the Bats—the city's defenders—or choosing to develop options that significantly raised the value of his city.
It was rather addicting, really. He could see how Madam Gotham got so sucked in, even though it didn't really have much action for him to make. Mostly, he would let his citizens react to his new choices and use his points to delete trash and gunk.
There were some side quests he liked to work on, too, like helping certain citizens with drug addiction, depression, anxiety, or anger issues. Danny has no idea why Madam Gotham allowed so many to develop so badly, so every day, he would give them all one good luck point to brighten their days.
He had three full tabs of characters, a brief explanation of their lives, and whatever issues Danny could make them go through. He would tackle the number of homeless youth next by fixing up the city's affordable housing and infrastructure.
It was a bit narcissistic of Madam Gotham to name her game town "Gotham City," but it's better than any name Danny could have come up with.
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 months
Soft Dami is my favorite, especially when he has a partner or friemd and hides it from his family.
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This became a ‘Batfamily trying who Damian is hiding from them.’ Type fic.
Damian hates sharing. Absolutely loathes it.
He already bore a shared moniker with his older siblings who -for the most part- have moved on to bigger and better things, creating their own versions of justice as vigilantes, leading teams of their own.
He shared a lot with his siblings and has come to hate the phrase sharing is caring, to Damian it was nothing more then a phrase that was so overused and abused by the likes of Dick and Jason, so much so to the point that the word had lost it’s dictionary meaning.
So when he entered in a relationship with you, Damian vowed to keep your name out of his mouth within the presence of his family. Which at first was extremely hard as all poor Damian could think about was you and how blessed he was that you’ve given him a chance; He had to bite down on his tongue a most of the time whenever he was asked if there was anyone at school that he had taken a liking towards.
Of course he has someone he’s taken a likening to, you. However he couldn’t let himself falter so easily and only scoffed at the question as though it was beneath him, before then reminding everyone at the table that he was only at school for academics and honing his artist skills, nobody in that rathole of a school could ever hold his attention for longer then five minutes.
Luckily his family believed this excuse and let the dropped the topic not long after, much to his relief in knowing that he was spared another day from ever having to share the one person in his life -outside of his family- that he cared deeply for.
However luck tends to run out and the glaring fact that his family was sharp as knives- especially Tim- at detective stuff, so much so that in retrospect Damian knew he shouldn’t have been as surprised as he was the day his siblings eventually figured out everything…
‘He’s…smiling.’ Dick looked back at Jason, Tim, Duke and Steph before looking back at Damian who was subtly smiling down at his phone. ‘Oh my god he’s actually smiling.’ Dick repeats as Jason shoves him out of the way to get a better look.
‘He’s smiling alright, but what about.’ Jason said.
‘Or who.’ Steph piped up and the others looked at her.
‘Wanna elaborate on that Steph?’ Jason asked, raising his brow and she shrugged. ‘I’ve been noticing recently how Damian’s been more on his phone than he’s ever been since getting one.’ She begins. ‘He never engages in the group chat, not once but here he is, using his phone and smiling at whoever’s on the other side. Damian is actually talking to someone.’ She finishes, feeling happy at the fact that Damian had opened his heart to at least someone
‘Or he could be planning a murder.’ Tim said sarcastically and Steph playfully punches him in the arm. ‘But let’s go with the idea that he’s talking to someone for convenience sake.’ He adds on, rubbing his arm.
‘How do we prove it though?’ Duke pipes up, catching the other’s attention. ‘We’d have to somehow get Damian away from his phone long enough for us to check but the question is,’ Duke then looked at Jason, Steph, Tim and Dick, ‘who’s going to be the one to lure him out while the rest of us have a look?’
‘I think we should take a-‘ Dick was greeted with a face full everyone’s pointed fingers aimed in his direction like guns. ‘Vote.’ His face fell as his siblings gave him false sympathies before shoving him into the library with Damian and slamming the door behind him. Hard.
‘What do you want Grayson.’ Damian said, the smile upon his face now gone the moment he realised that he was no longer alone to freely text you, at least not without someone looking over his shoulder.
‘Oh hi Damian.’ Dick greets as he moves towards him, taking note of how he kept his phone close to his chest, almost as if he was hiding something he didn’t want anyone else to see. ‘I overheard Bruce this morning saying that he had something to talk to you about, something about implementing harder training modules for you?’ Damian practically perked up at this and Dick found his opening and honed in on it by shrugging his shoulders. ‘I’m not entirely certain that’s the case, so I’d double check with Bruce if I were you.’
Damian looked at his sibling for a long period of time and sighed. ‘Fine, I shall check in with father but Grayson I swear to god if this is a lie…’
Dick crossed his heart. ‘Scouts honour.’
‘Tt.’ Was all Damian uttered before leaving the room, not realising that he had left his phone on the plush couch in the library.
Bingo dick thought as Jason popped his head in through the doorway. ‘Is little Robin gone?’
‘Little Robin is gone.’ Dick confirmed and watched as Jason’s head disappeared as he, Steph, Tim and Duke came into the room, closing the door for extra measure in the instance Damian realised his fault and comes running back with his sword to skewer them all.
‘Now,’ Stephanie rubs her hands together maniacally, ‘let’s see who our Damian has been talking to.’ She then picks up the phone, expecting it to be locked but to her surprise, it wasn’t, she gasps.
‘What? What is it?’ Tim asked, trying to get a look at the phone screen.
‘He’s left his phone unlocked. Rookie mistake.’ She replied and Dick, Tim, Jason and Duke only stared at her, unamused.
‘Just…tell us who he’s been texting so we can put this to rest.’ Duke said as the others agreed, the anticipation was killing them at this point, but so would Damian if he comes back just when they were so close to discovering the truth.
‘Okay, okay sheesh, I’ll look.’ Steph said and looked away from her brothers and back down at the screen, looking intently before her face became one of confusion as he read the contact name aloud. ‘My treasure.’
Dick blinked. ‘What?’
‘Give it here.’ Jason snatched the phone from Stephanie and it wasn’t long for his face to be one of confusion as he looked towards his other siblings, holding up the phone. ‘The contact name is literally just my treasure. No photos of them, nothing.’ He tells them as Tim snatched the phone from him.
‘I could find us a name in under five minutes maximum but-‘
‘What’re you doing with my phone, Drake?’
Tim, Duke, Steph, Jason and Dick froze upon hearing Damian’s voice, followed by the unsheathing of a sword.
‘Should we run now or?’ Dick asked.
‘Running sounds good.’ Duke agreed.
‘Running sounds great.’ Steph joined in.
‘And it has beneficial effects on the body.’ Tim chimed.
‘Running it is by unanimous vote.’ Jason then said as all of them sprinted for their lives as Damian chased them out of the library, sword in hand, and eyes full of fury and other conflicting emotions.
He knew he made the right choice in changing your contact name on everything, but knew if they had been given just a bit more time and looked deep into his photo album, they would’ve saw a beautiful portrait of you that he drew a while back that would’ve gave everything away.
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mostly-marvel-musings · 2 months
So Inappropriate
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A/N: Alright, you guys wanted it, here it is. This little ficlet based off of the video that’s got our Stark Squad all riled up. Leave a comment, heart or reblog if you enjoyed it.
Pairing: Tony Stark x F! Reader
Warnings: 18+ smut-ish fluff. There is a significant age gap between the reader and Tony (say 20 years?) Also the reader is Bruce Banner’s assistant.
Word count: 1896
Tony Stark Masterlist
You were just about done arranging the equipment in the lab when you heard the door slide open.
“Dr. Banner, I’m done for the day unless you need me for anything else!” you called out without glancing up, not realizing the person who had walked in certainly wasn’t your boss.
“Dr. Banner has left the premises for the day, Miss Y/L/N. But I might need you for something.”
Tony Stark made an appearance, his signature smirk adorning his face as he traipsed in closer, his walk oozing all sorts of confidence and authority. Of course, your face did very little to hide the blush that creeped up, heating your cheeks in an instant.
Why did this man have such an influence on you? You’d never know.
Well, not exactly. It was pretty obvious. The genius, billionaire, playboy and philanthropist had this effect on most individuals. His natural charisma and intimidating presence was all wrapped in an impeccably trimmed-goatee-bearing handsome package. The guy was senior to you. Much senior. But there was something about him that always drew you in, an impish charm that was all too endearing, his commanding aura that compelled you to behave. Almost challenged you to confront your deepest, darkest desires.
“Earth to Y/N?” he snapped you out of your reverie, making you accidentally knock over a set of beakers kept on the platform.
Cursing under your breath, you bent to pick up the shattered glass as did Tony, resulting in your head banging against his, further adding to your embarrassment.
Just great!
“Careful, you’re gonna hurt yourself.” Tony murmured, taking the shards of glass from your hand as Dum-E, one of his bots zoomed in to sweep it all away.
“Thank you, Mr. Stark. I–I’m sorry.” you fumbled, wincing as you saw you an angry drop of red ooze out of your finger from where you had evidently cut yourself.
“Ah, you poor thing. C’mere.” not awaiting a response, Tony clutched your hand and brought it to his lips, gently sucking on your index finger all while his eyes bore into yours.
A part of you wanted to run away from the scene like a scaredy cat but, the other part was completely rooted to the spot. Not daring to move an inch, as if if you did, your little daydream would break. Your cheeks probably burnt with the heat, and you could feel your pulse rush to the part of your finger that was currently in his mouth, smarting. His tongue soothed over the cut softly, sending tingles of desire down your back, the moistness between your legs increasing with his little action.
He is your boss. Not exactly but he built this place. He was your boss’s best friend. These thoughts were quite inappropriate.
Almost as quickly as it began, he let go of your hand, his touch still lingering strong as you cleared your throat, watching his bot whir away from the scene.
“Thank you, I think. Um. For your help.” you stared at your feet, unsure what to do next.
You grabbed your things and stuffed them in your bag, very aware of the fact that Tony and signature smirk were following your every move.
Why was this man allowed to have this effect on you?
You stopped right by the door, turning back to face the man who hadn’t moved from his spot.
“Uh, Mr. Stark? You said you wanted me for something?”
“Right! Well, we have a charity, inauguration, felicitation, something here at the Tower in two days. I wanted you to come.”
He shoved his hands in his pockets, looking at you intently as he waited for an answer.
“Oh! Are–are you sure?”
That was a surprise. You had been working with Dr. Banner for a better part of a year now however it had always been strictly professional. You were aware of the many, many galas and events that took place, you were just never a part of them. Until now.
“Yeah. I’ll have Big Green send you the details. You can bring a date. Or not.”
He winked cheekily, walking up the stairs right next to you before the doors slid open once again, gesturing you to go first.
Needless to say you were flabbergasted. A rush of excitement brought a pep in your step as you headed home, going through your wardrobe in detail and what could be a Stark-party-worthy outfit.
Tony’s eyes scanned the room, eager to find you in a sea of impeccably dressed people. He couldn’t shake you off from his thoughts. Not for a while now, if he would admit to himself.
His curiosity grew ever since he saw you for the first time, entering the lab and giving Bruce Banner a shy smile, eyes locking with him and holding his gaze, almost unable to look away. He sensed you were nervous, it was cute. It made his cock stir. He could not remember the last time he felt this way. You were a young, smart, vivacious thing that was too young for him, and yet he couldn’t resist you.
Not that he tried. You drew him in right from the start.
Tony had found you chatting animatedly to your boss some time later. You looked stunning in the floor-length number you had decided on. Your features were beautifully highlighted with the hair and make-up you’d chosen.
His wish to have you closer had been fulfilled as the party warmed up, people sat around in groups, drinks in their hands while conversation flowed. Of course, the Avengers had a favorite corner they had gathered at, the center of attention being the one and only, Iron Man. He was awarded a trophy for his philanthropic work earlier which now sat in his lap proudly, an almost phallic-shaped glass that had his name etched.
“I can’t be the only one thinking this.” Tony smirked, holding the award against his crotch and earning collective groans from the crowd around. The action brought warmth rushing to your cheeks, your wildly imaginative mind pictured him doing that to his member, letting out soft grunts.
“You alright, Miss Y/L/N?” Your attention was captured by someone standing next to you, pointing to your dress.
Unknown to your preoccupied self, the filled glass of wine you held had tilted enough to spill on your dress.
“Oh God! Shit!” you exclaimed, turning a few heads your way as you grabbed a few tissues to blot the spilled liquid as much as you could. The darker color of your dress masked the big stain that had probably formed.
It was hard to miss Tony’s piercing gaze as he gave you one of his lopsided grins, clearly giddy with the reaction he had hoped his stunt would achieve. If anything, one fact was becoming clearer by the day.
Your attraction towards this man was increasing and it seemed he was equally interested in you too.
It had been a hectic week, you sighed and leaned back against your chair, closing your eyes for a moment as your exhausted body relaxed momentarily. You couldn’t wait to get home and soak your butt in a hot bubble bath.
With the events of Ultron, there had been extra work load that you had volunteered to help out with at the Tower. You didn’t mind, of course. It meant spending a lot of time with the Avengers and a particular one at that too. Tony spent hours, sometimes days holed up in the lab, working with Bruce and yourself.
It was almost impossible not to be distracted or turned on by his presence there. To see him laser-focused at work, fingers gliding over keyboards and holograms in front of them as he paced about the space. It was all too hot.
Shutting your computer for the day, you grabbed your things and made your way out of the lab. Tony had retreated back to his floor some time ago and had promptly forgotten his phone on his work desk. It rang with a start, catching your attention and making you walk back in to grab it.
It wasn’t uncommon for you to bother the billionaire genius in his home since there had been multiple occasions where Dr. Banner asked you to summon the man whenever he got a lead on Ultron.
The elevator dinged to a stop, the doors opening to his grand living room that offered a view of New York people would kill for. His bedroom door seemed left ajar as you made your way over, stopping in your tracks as you heard a muffled groan.
Curiosity got the better of you as you sneaked a look inside his bedroom, not able to stop yourself as the sounds increased.
You felt your mouth go dry at the sight before you. Tony lay on his bed against the pillows, eyes scrunched up, pants undone., soft sighs leaving his lips as his hand moved up and down on his erect cock.
It felt so wrong to watch him pleasure himself in the privacy of his own home and yet so right, you felt yourself blush at the sight. It was like you were unable to look away, he had his fingers wrapped around his shaft, moving at a steady pace as you saw precum leak at the tip of his head. His pretty, thick lips were parted while his chest rose and fell, eyes shut in ecstasy.
You were about to peel your gaze away from the scene when you heard a faint whisper of what you thought was your name.
“Oh Y/N..” his breathy moan sent desire to pool right between your legs, a part of you still processing the whole thing while the other wanting to push that door open and join the man or perhaps help him finish.
His thumb swiped across his red tip before the pace of his strokes increased, his pants echoed in the room while you felt your entrance clench around nothing, desiring the very man who was masturbating while thinking of you.
You were sure your panties were ruined by the time Tony’s hips jerked and you saw him climax, ropes of cum spurting from his cock and spilling on his hand and lower abdomen. That had to be the hottest thing you’d seen in your life.
You definitely needed to take care of yourself after this, that bubble bath was going to be an elaborate one. His softened cock still lay open for your eyes to feast on, his cum scattered on his body begging you to be licked clean.
Your thoughts came to a standstill when the phone you held in your hand rang terribly loudly, interrupting the little moment. Your scramble to hide or run was rendered useless when Tony glanced outside and saw you.
“It is rude of you to just stand out there and watch, Miss Y/L/N. So inappropriate.”
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damianbugs · 2 years
dc might not like to address how they've unofficially retconned a lot of jasons original robin run to end up being absolutely classist, but i most certainly will bring it up whenever i can. while this is definitely narrative criticism, it is more of a study, as i am not expecting anyone, readers or dc, to really change how they view the todds.
jason goes from being a rather reserved, kind and genuinely friendly child to an angry and cruel boy who was contemplating murder at some point (batman: urban legends). not to mention willis going from an absent but well meaning man who turned to crime to support his family to now being an abusive father and husband. catherine todd was originally stated to have died from overdose, but was later confirmed in death in the family to pass away from cancer, so while the 'poor addict mother' stereotype still applies, it is more complicated in her case.
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it is no surprise that in modern tellings, all three of them represent very realistic forms of poverty. willis the abusive criminal, catherine the addict (her battle with cancer is always noticeably left out) and jason the violent child left to repeat the cycle.
dc simply couldn't allow the todd family to remain poor but an all in all good family (though i am careful to say they were perfect, past or present, since depending how you read him, willis can still be seen as a bad father and horrible husband), and instead had to dramatise negative stereotypes of poor people in order to really perpetuate the existence of jason being the "angry" robin. this mostly comes down to dc perhaps wanting to bury older comics featuring the original characterisation (since the only way to read them is through piracy), and there is no better way to do that than make his current characterisation nothing like his old one, at all.
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after all, how else can we ensure readers are aware of how angry, evil and emotionally unstable jason todd is, if not making his life the pinnacle of why poor people are terrible and should not have kids? dc is not trying to hide it at all, it's almost laughable.
while the blatant classism is very clearly the biggest issue, from a storytelling perspective it is also really disappointing. deconstructing catherine and willis todd to their morally reprehensible, abusive and neglectful 2d personalities in modern telling leaves a massive gap is what made jason so personable as robin. personally, i also think it takes away how homelessness and his own poverty seperate from his family might have affected jason's morals and opinions on certain topics — another aspect of his character that is very important but often undeveloped.
especially with jason; making him having always been this quick to rage and violent child/robin takes away the true devastation of his death and subsequent revival. he died an innocent, damaged and complicated but caring boy, and came back vengeful and spiteful. he is a boy who has suffered a lot in life, with a sick mother he had to provide for due to his absent father, who also died due to a life of crime — and yet jason broke free from the cycle and became something more.
he loved to learn, to go to school, to play sports and to help people. he loved being a hero, even when it got tough, and though sometimes it was hard to remember, he always tried to stay on the bright side of things.
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it's one of the main reasons bruce is so unable to process and accept his son's return, because to him, the person who came back is not the son he lost. though, that is another conversation entirely.
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on the one hand however, i can see why jason's current life story might be more appealing to certain readers (and depending on the work, fanon or canon, it can makes more sense). since now that he's broken out of the cycle of abuse, he can use his strength to protect other vulnerable people. the true 'people's hero' in a way batman and other adjacent vigilantes can not be.
it is just a little regrettable that to fulfill this, he and his family must adhere to classist stereotypes to make it more believable. after all, jason was very much the 'people's robin' even without all the retcons to his character. he has always stood up for people who couldn't do it themselves.
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thecruellestmonth · 1 year
Dick & Jason fic recs
Some of the best fics featuring bickering, bonding, and brotherhood between Dick Grayson and Jason Todd.
"Secrets, Siblings, and Cigarettes" by CrimeAlley1048 - A young Jason Todd finds an uninvited guest at Wayne Manor.
"drawing lines in the sand" by acrobats - When Batman is injured, Nightwing and Robin have to patrol together. The only problem is that they can't stand each other.
"Call Me Hopeless" by incogneat_oh - Dick is so very tired. Love is stored in the brotherhood.
The Art of Bird Metaphor by lowflyingfruit - Batman works alone. Everyone knows that. What Jason's learning is that he also has a penchant for picking up strays. And while Jason's just your common or garden Gotham street rat, Bruce's other stray, Richard, is an ex-assassin for the Court of Owls. An ex-assassin for the Court of Owls who hates Jason's guts. Adjusting to life in Wayne Manor was hard enough already.
"the long lost art of killing it dead" by dustorange - Red Hood is a criminal, so it doesn't make sense why he would bother dragging Nightwing back to Dick Grayson's apartment and bandaging his potentially deadly gunshot wounds. What makes even less sense is why Hood keeps coming back. (AKA another "Dick redeems Red Hood with the power of affection" fic but with even less mental stability.)
"catch and release" by hellsreluctantheir - Dick tries to catch Jason. [Whumptober with hurt Dick]
"Proper Procedures for Undercover Missions" by solomonara - Dick shows off his master detective skills, tracks down Jason, and runs a refresher course on the proper procedure for undercover missions.
"like falling water" by naheka - All Jason wanted to do was take a nap and pull one over on Bruce. Trust Dick to go ahead and ruin everything.
"see my other side" by deepestbluesky- Red Hood rebrands.
"fortune telling and speculative science" by knowsphere - Nightwing and Red Hood face uncertain doom.
"Bow to the Crown" by hauntedlittledoll - Dick is down for the count. Jason delivers a monologue to poor Damian.
"Upside Down" by withthekeyisking - Something that was not on Jason's agenda for the night, but somehow now is: take care of the de-aged version of his big brother, who is—in his tiny mind—apparently running away from juvie.
"Equivalent Exchange" by Lysical - Dick leaned over and pinched his cheek. Jason reached up and swiped at him, scowling. Dick calls in an old favor owed by Jason.
"Oh How the Turntables" by Lysical - Nearly drowning in Gotham Harbor means that it's Dick who is in the care of a concerned sibling. He's not prepared to go down without a fight, though.
"Always Someone Better" by lowflyingfruit - What Jason hadn't known when Batman scooped him off the streets was how much it sucked to be the second and second-best child. Five times Jason felt inferior to Dick, and a reversal he didn't savour like he thought he would.
"Home Intrusion" by daedalusdavinci - Dick feels overwhelmed by depression. Jason is a chaotic blend of unapologetically annoying and insufferably caring. ♡
"A little more heart and soul" by ruesyblues - Dick wants Damian to be happy. He just has no clue how to accomplish that.
Honorable mentions:
"scout's honour" by orphan_account - Jason meets his older brother for the first time. Alternatively: local children solve murders and hate their dad.
"One Bird, Two Bird, Red Bird, Dead Bird" by blacklettered - In which Jason Todd is dead, and Dick is fine.
"lonely town" by TheResurrectionist - Bruce doesn’t kill the Joker. But that was Dick’s little brother, damn it. Major character death, intense grief, death wishes, extreme peril, self-destructive behavior.
"haunt the blood" by wednesday - Hood walks into the warehouse and about a dozen feet in his steps falter. The helmet hides his face, but the way his muscles tense spell out danger in a way that makes Dick instantly wary. He’d rather not get handed over to any masked villains, Hood included.
"Convergence" by meaninglessblah - Dick volunteers to unmask the Red Hood rogue who's been meddling in Roman's business. The enigma Dick finds seems more intent on unmasking him. Villainous Red Hood.
"Pastrami on Rye" by sister_wolf - "You want a sandwich?" Jason Todd -- fucking Jason Todd -- asked off-handedly as he walked into the kitchenette of the small, dingy apartment. "Oh, right, you can't answer right now. Well, I want a sandwich, so you get one too." Hostility, bitterness, villainous Red Hood.
"Not A Brother Not A Friend" by kleine_aster - Nightwing helps the wanted villain Red Hood recover from fear toxin—though they are not brothers, and they are not friends.
"A Christmas Miracle" by Mithen - Damian and Dick go undercover to bust a child-kidnapping ring whose members dress up as Santa Claus.
"provisional kindred soul" - two guys sit on a roof and talk around their childhoods. Warning for crappy dad Bruce.
"New Life, New Leaf" by CrimeAlley1048 - Jason Todd gives the "no killing" rule a try.
"Like Father" by Wisetypewriter - Scarlet & Dick, Scarlet & Jason. Jason, Dick privately recalled, was ironically the one that took after Bruce's adoption addiction the most.
Two Dead Birds by InsaneTrollLogic - There's some lunatic in a red helmet running through Jason's territory. He wants to think it's a copy cat. He's wrong. "UtRH" time travel redux, Jason-centric.
"See No Evil" by cherrysour - Jason has never been great at feelings, and seeing strong, independent Nightwing blind and alone brings up too many of them. Jason never stopped idolizing Dick.
"occam's razor" by BeatriceEagle - An Internet community discusses the mysterious death of a billionaire's son.
"Joking" by CrimeAlley1048 - Dick has to put in entirely too much effort to wish his brother a happy birthday.
"It's Tomb Time" by FleetSparrow - Tiny vignette. When Dick and Jason have to investigate an old tomb, Jason doesn't like it one bit. And makes it known. Repeatedly.
"Save Me From Tears" by Shenanigans - Jason's gift isn't expensive; it's priceless.
"Through Me Tell the Story" by diefleder_tey - Jason takes Dick to his favorite bookstore and tasks him with finding a certain book; it doesn't end like he expects.
"for one more moment" by renecdote - Hurt/comfort, Dick is self-sacrificing, Jason is worried angry.
"Changes" by HoodEx - Dick copes with his depression in a certain way, much to the horror of his family. Jason helps him through it.
"Rumours Of My Death" by WordsAblaze - Dick and Jason end up sharing a messy but much-needed emotional moment in a graveyard. Set during the Spyral arc.
"Down to the Dregs" by firefright - The fallout of the Joker war and Dick getting his memory back is far messier than some in his family would like to acknowledge. But to the surprise of them both, Jason, out of all people, is willing to listen. Content warning: Ric arc, "City of Bane", "The Joker War", and other frustrating canon events referenced.
"the past doesn’t die" by Phidippus - Their lives have never been simple, but Dick and Jason come to find that some bonds last through death.
"Relax" by thebluemango - Dick is cold and bleeding. When he gets rescued, even in his disoriented brain he wants to stay strong for his littlest brothers. Little does he know, he can just relax.
"Fabric Softener" by ceruleon - As the title implies, this story is way soft. Feel-good fluff.
Red X by ilovelegendsalot - A rather painstakingly canon-compliant Teen Titans 2003 cartoon fic, in which Jason Todd steals the Red X suit from his older brother.
Bad Company by LilRedRobinHood - Deathstroke's son is dead and he demands an apprentice to pay off the blood debt--Robin, specifically. While the already-grieving Dark Knight's investigation devolves into a self-destructive spiral, Dick clings stubbornly to his ideals…and somewhere along the line he might end up accidentally befriending his dead brother. Work in progress, last updated in 2022.
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froot-batty · 9 months
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next batch of designs are done! gotham city sirens time >:) blurbs about them under the cut, along with explanations of flags and neurodivergencies!
Pamela Isley came from a rural flower farm a long ways from Gotham. Her parents let her run wild from a very young age, and one of her favorite places on their property to go was the pond, deep in the woods, where everything grew just a bit too tall and nothing looked quite as it should've. Pamela didn't know that this pond was actually highly polluted by the dumping of experimental chemicals from a nearby "research" laboratory. She thought being able to communicate with the plants - the Green, she called it - was completely normal.
...Until the people from that laboratory heard about the mysterious girl helping the plants grow stranger. They came to Pamela's parents to ask if it would be possible to study it, and they, not realizing what exactly that meant, agreed. They whisked it away to a facility in Gotham, where Pamela would end up never seeing it's parents again.
She was kept there for the rest of her childhood and into her adulthood, being experimented on until she twisted into the plant beast that she is today. When she escaped, it came after years of hiding the true strength of her powers, so she could build them up enough to turn the facility to rubble.
(It is AroAce, Agender, and Intersex)
Harleen Quinzel always had trouble controlling her impulses. Coming from a very wealthy, very upper-crust family, any step out of line was harshly corrected by either of her parents. As a child she didn't know any better, but after years and years of repression coming from her family, she eventually clammed up and tried to fit into their perfect little mold. This included going to medical school, though she did at least get to pick something she was genuinely passionate about - psychology.
Harley was finally living on their own by the time they started working at Arkham, though they'd not yet broken out of that mental control their parents still had over them. Being in Arkham was like being on an alien planet. They had come from a world where everyone was fake, and Arkham seemed so...real. Talking with their patients opened their mind up even further. Even if what they did was violent, or utterly nonsensical to everyone else, insanity seemed like it was a sort of freedom that Harley never had.
This was compounded by it meeting the Joker. He saw that piece of it that wanted, desperately, to get free, and through their sessions he was able to get into it's head and...push it over the edge, so to speak.
(Harley and the Joker are not explicitly romantically involved in this, I should mention. They've got a weird queerplatonic thing going on. Also they're not toxic they're BFFs forever)
(They are Pansexual, Genderfluid, and have ADHD and Borderline Personality Disorder)
Selina Kyle grew up like an alley cat on the streets of Gotham. With two addict parents in the Narrows who cared very little about her, she was virtually homeless, with how little time she spent at home and how much she spent wandering the dangerous streets. It was in the Narrows that she met one of her closest childhood friends, Harvey Dent, and through him, the elusive Bruce Wayne.
The three of them were thick as thieves all through her childhood, though began to drift away when college time came around. Bruce had up and left the moment he turned 18 without any real warning to the two of them, and Harvey was off to college to try and become a lawyer. This left Selina all alone, once again.
But she had made a pact to herself. She didn't want to live on the streets of Gotham forever. She had started pickpocketing from a very young age, so she would just expand her skills - become Gotham's cat burglar. It started out as only a way to pay her bills, but she found she grew addicted to the feeling of it; the freedom of being able to slip into wherever she wanted and make some poor, rich fool a million dollars short. It was a sort of revenge for her (and the regular cash flow didn't hurt).
She was surprised when Bruce came back to Gotham and tried to reconnect with her. They hadn't talked in over a decade, but they found themselves reconnecting with surprising ease. Their close friendship would drive Harvey mad with jealousy, but neither of them realized that until it was too late.
The scar on her face is from Harvey's attempt on her life, after he became Two-Face.
(She is a Lesbian)
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
ok so like I've just had horrible Tall!Jazz brainrot for the past 24 hours because of you and I need to share this. it's a lot too so buckle up
tall jazz is good and all but ya know what would make it even better? werewolf Jazz.
I can imagine Jason just falling all over himself cause this pretty tall lady not only is super strong, smart and bad ass. but she just also regularly shifts into this tall ass wolf creature to rip off people's faces when needed.
I can see Jason being dragged to some type of Ball/Gala thing by Bruce and him kinda lurking around the room to avoid his family and nosy rich people. This just isn't his scene and the only reason he's here is cause B thinks something big is gonna happen while they're there.
Him just casually bumping into Jazz, like they're both distracted and Jason just kinda slams into this brick wall of human being and getting knocked to the ground. Cue him looking up from the floor to this tall buff lady in a sparkly dress, all flustered about knocking him over and him just blue screening cause wow
She just picks him up and sets him on his feet too, like she's so worried she accidentally gave this poor man a concussion cause hes not responding and his soul just kinda leaves his body for a moment
he just kinda blurts out something about being able to die happy now or some other corny crap that makes him lose like all his bad boy edge with her (not that he had very much with how things are going) and she just looses it. it was probably some reference to a book or something they'd both have interest in
She's giggling and blushing, so Jason is like I still gotta chance with her time to pull out all the stops. like it just evolves into him spending the night trying to make her laugh and getting to know her, she starting making references and jokes back and forth with him too. A lot of them are dead jokes too, like while his family gets weird about his death jokes Jazz just starts making her own back.
One of them mentions a younger brother, either one starts first but once they get going it almost becomes a competition with the weirdest stories about their baby brothers, Jason's like yeah one of my brothers regularly climbs in the chandelier to try and get out of going to school and Jazz is like my brother once rode a vacuum, etc. Just going back and forth getting to know each other.
Jason can tell somethings a little off about Jazz, she steps too quietly, her teeth are sharper then they should be and she keeps watch of all the exits here. Jason probably assumes she's a meta of some kind once he notices it all.
While Jazz can just feel the ectoplasm/pit in him making him leminal, she catches his eyes flash green at least twice the entire time they're talking and she can tell he's hiding something. Jazz is just like, oh well not my place to ask this guy if he's died and came back or anything.
Then the thing Bruce was worried about does happen, cause of course it does. probably a fear gas attack in the middle of the ballroom.
Cue the BatFam kinda leaping into action, herding people away from the gas and Jason being with Jazz trying to get her out. Maybe something/someone keeps them stuck there and Jason has a respirator from B but Jazz doesn't so he's trying not to freak out.
Jazz is obviously panicking a bit as she's stuck in the gas, shoulders shaking, breathing a bit too quick and hard. But she just starts slowing her breathing and calming her self down before just growling in rage. just full on animalistic growl and snarl as she stands up straight and gets ready to beat up the bums keeping them locked in there.
Jason trying and failing to keep her from running further into the smoke, watching her as she suckered punches a henchman in the face breaking his nose, and Jason realizing he's so done for.
I could totally see Jazz just full on transforming on the dance floor mid fight or something too, just one moment things are getting a bit too close for comfort for one of the bats and this giant wolf lady in a sparkly dress just one hit K.O.s a guy to keep them safe.
as for why Jazz is a werewolf in the first place maybe she got bit by one, maybe Wulf turned her or maybe a accident in her parents lab infected her. however it did happen she just took it in stride and was like now I can protect my little half dead brother better this is fine by me.
I totally believe that everyone from Amity Park just isn't all that effected by fear gas, like sure it might send them into a panic attack but that's easy enough to work through after facing your own mortality almost every week for the past however many years. Like Amity Park natives have lived and breathed unimaginable fear and horrors for so long they just aren't all that scared of Joker or any other Gotham Rouge.
Anyways I think that's all of the brain rot out now, this was kinda more of a ramble then like an actual prompt so sorry about that lol.
Bro I don’t CARE that it’s a ramble this is fucking INCREDIBLE!!!
It’s wild I was just rambling about Vampire Jazz stuff with some pals and now there’s this. Perfect timing dude wow.
Jazz and Jason just tripping over each other but both are being sickeningly sweet. They’re just happily chatting and mentally fawning over each other.
Werewolf jazz in her cute battle dress taking out Scarecrow goons left and right? Oh man I mean I’d blue screen too Jason I don’t blame ya.
Oh yeah and the second Jason hears that growl he mentally shuts down. He didn’t know something like that could be that hot till now but damn is he gonna go with it cause fuck look at this girl just decimate the bad guys. That’s hot as hell. She winks at him while she dislocates a goons shoulder and Jason just falls even deeper in love
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dairy-farmer · 2 months
Oh? Ooooooooh~☆? What's THIS my mind has brought me?
You remember my Time Stop Au? My mind, genius that she is, has oft be asking! But what if The Reverse Tho? And isn't THAT a delightful question indeed??? >:Dc
Because everyone with EYES could tell you? That Batman? Desperately in need of some orgasms and a nap. Just in general. Always.
Would it fix him? No. But it WOULD probably help! Especially in Tim's early years.
And! Who has greater resistance to Magical Temptation? Batman... or Robin? If YOU were a Time Effecting Magical Device and trying hide from the Fuzz? Would you try and tempt BATMAN to sneak you into his pocket? Or wee baby Newbie Robin?
*sparkles in Innocent Time Piece* ~✨️ Thaaaaats right, kid. Pick them up. Promise not to lead you too THAT many poor life choices!
So Tim finds a neat watch. Looks like one of his parents antiques. Shiny.
Discovers LATER? Omg. He can FREEZE TIME? Gets SO much work done. Because he is a Nerd. But! He also gets super used to using it. For homework, naps, extra training. You name it. And it helps! He's doing a lot better as Robin.
But Bruce isn't getting better. Is in fact, in one of his Tough Case, self-destructive spirals. He needs to sleep. Eat. Rest for just ONE minute! But he won't. And it's BAD. Tim doesn't know what to do. It's not like he can FORCE him. But he knows Stress can kill.
He's franticly researching. Ways to bring down stress. Ways to get people to sleep. Anything! And... huh. "Jerking off" huh? Well he KNOWS there no way Bruce is going to go for it. It might feel good and God forbid THAT happen! No, we gotta punish ourself for days and worry all the people around us!
But... wait...
Looking at his Watch? Tim thinks... But what if I do it?
So he brings his watch to the cave. Goes to a changing stall with his uniform. Waits. Aaaand, there! Alfred bullying Bruce into a shower. Water starting. Give it a minute. Alfred's satisfied he's actually in, is leaving. Elevator opens. It closes.
Click. Time stops.
Slips out of his clothes so they won't get wet. Leaves everything in the stall. Pads over to the shower. And there is Bruce. Wet and miserable. Leaning forward against the wall with his eyes closed. Letting the water just run down his back. Half-hard but clearly intent on ignoring it.
Not on Tim's watch! He did RESEARCH. Using Pornography!
So, carefully, he rubs and strokes Bruce's cock. Doesn't REALIZE yet, that because time is frozen? It can't react to the teasing until time starts again. So obviously he must not be doing it right. Maybe if he rubs and teases the head? No... he's supposed to cups and roll the balls, right? Wait. That lady used her mouth.
He's pretty sure Bruce can't FIT.
But he CAN lick! And he's in the shower, so he's clean. Tim's licked weirder stuff for less. Does he do the whole thing? No reaction. Maybe try sucking on just the head? How though? He tries several ways on now seem to work. Darn. Maybe rub that and lick there? No, but what if he...
He tries for over an hour. Eventually concedes defeat. He just cant figure it out! Maybe hes just bad at this. He'll do more research and try again. Bruce needs this, he's sure of it. So, sighing, he let's go and pads over to his dressing stall. Honestly his hands are cramping and his tounge feels like he licked sandpaper. But he TRIED! What did he do wrong?
The sensations slam into Bruce like a semi-truck. His hips bucking back but being unable to escape the onslaught of pleasure. Hot stroking hands, inexperienced but worshipping, teasing EVERYTHING. Then a MOUTH? He chokes on the cries that want to rip out of him. TIM is here. He... he will NOT.
But after twenty minutes, when it at most takes him ten, and no sign of him? He doesn't much get a choice. Tim find him, hand pressed desperately over his own mouth, cumming AGAIN into the growing puddle on the shower floor. His whole body twitching, shameful, unable to stop as some unseen force keeps trying to suck him dry.
Tim looks so startled.
Helps him without judgement. He always seems to be doing that. Even though he's just found his Mentor utterly ruined, he doesn't even blink. Just helps. Bruce... Bruce doesn't deserve him. Clings anyway, as another orgasm rips through him.
Stops pushing him away, after that. Is alot closer.
Tim is THRILLED. It DID help! But inevitably, Bruce starts to spiral again. Not because of him. But does it matter? Stressed to the point of breaking down. Every other method exhausted. Time to MAKE Time.
He has to search a little, this time. But finds Bruce in his room. Already trying to De-stress. Good! Tim'll help. Has been working out how to do that himself. Doesn't think it will FIT, yet, but he can definitely do that thing the lady did! Where she rubs herself against the tip. And? He has been practicing fitting things in his mouth! He can do it this time.
Tim leaves, certain he did a good job. And Bruce? Who just wanted a quick jerk before bed? Gets slammed with sucking wet heat and eager hands. Another marathon he can't escape. Butt stuff! Cause Tim found his lube on the bed and remembered that article he read on prostate health.
He has such precise, clever little fingers. Bruce doesn't so much see stars as whole ass nebula. Has a drained, thousand yard stare and early morning sheets washing session the next day. Calmer though.
And it continues. Bruce gets Too Stressed? Tim brings out the watch. Bruce quickly figures out the link, but can't figure out the culprit. Is pretty damn sure he took their virginity. But is it really "taking" if they use you like a dildo? Regardless. Tim has been a rock. No prying question, no judgements, just support.
It brings them closer.
He can admit... he craves a warm body to hold. Feels like a monster, making up the excuse that Tim will be on gaurd for their mystery assailant. Bruce know he won't be able to stop them. It's a magic user. But... Tim is warm beside him. And maybe Bruce can pretend that it's Tim, depraved as that is, instead of some stanger. Hold him close after.
And Tim KNOWS he should stop. Or come clean. But? It's HELPING. And they're so close now! And... and it feels so GOOD. Bruce's cock, grinding inside him. Lifting himself and rocking back down. Or sucking him and just relaxing into it, like maybe Bruce wanted him to warm his cock for hours. Or.. or fucking BRUCE, feeling the other end of the dildo rocking and moving inside him, every time he thrusts, wondering if he's hitting that good spot, gonna make Bruce cum.
Tim can't help it. He wants to be GOOD for him. Ride him and suck him and make him feel good. Let Bruce use him and fill him up. Keep him full. He's pretty sure he's turning into a pervert. And it's getting worse.
He's started to notice... well...
Dick looks REALLY stressed you know? Tim could probably help~
😍😍😍!!!! tim stopping time to fyck vruce and bruce latching onto tim because he doesn't "judge" while being phantom fucked. tim starting to escalate and setting his eyes on dick 👀👀!!!
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"Run Rabbit, Run!" pt.2 - E.N
Summary: After getting sent to Arkham, Edward requests to see Y/n Wayne. The visit is not what y/n expected at all...(this might not be entirely consistent with the first part, but just ignore those parts pls. I have exams soon so I'm balancing writing and college and running on like 5 hours of sleep each day 😭 I'm still rlly proud of this tho <3 I hope u like it)
Pt.1 here pt.3 here
Content Warning: 18+, explicit language, AFAB!Reader, she/her pronouns, egotistical!Edward, stalker!Edward, yandere!Edward, brief mention of suicide, mentions of rough sex, EXTREMELY graphic descriptions of sexual intercourse, sexual content, dirty talk, daddy issues, daddy kink, praising, degrading, choking, slapping, edward referring to himself as a fox and y/n a rabbit, mentions of blood, mentions of murder, mentions of guns, mentions of torture. (Edward is a freak in this. This is kinda like joker/harley dynamic except there is no abuse, it's just that Edward is so fucking charming that y/n is OBSESSED with him.)
Word Count: 7k+
Songs For Inspo:
YOU'RE TOO SLOW (Bonus) - Odetari
Freak Show - Punkinloveee, h3artcrush
I LOVE YOU HOE (W/ 9lives) -Odetari
She' So Nice - Pink Guy
Custer - Slipknot
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~Read Below Cut~
Y/n sat on her bed, head in her hands as she wept. Bruce put a hand on her back, rubbing comforting circles. It was a huge blow to her gut. She had fallen in love with Edward over the months they had been friends. The two of them had gotten so close. And now, she had found out that he was The Riddler. The real humiliating part? It was right under her nose. Though she had suspicions, she never wanted to believe them, so she ignored every red flag she saw.
"I'm really sorry." Bruce said.
"Bruce, is it bad that I still care about him?" She asked, tears forming in her eyes.
He sighed.
"No, I don't think so. He was your friend."
She nodded, wiping away the tears that spilled down her cheeks. Bruce frowned, pulling her in for a hug. After the whole incident happened, Bruce immediately went to y/n's apartment, outside of his armor of course. He knew she lived nearby and he wanted to make sure his sister was ok. Y/n had told him about the man she met in a bookstore, and from what she had shared with him, he was a good person. But, he should know better than anyone how easily one can hide their true self.
"I'm surprised he didn't try and hurt you. You're a Wayne and it seems like he has a grudge against our family."
"He has every right to hold a grudge against us!"
Bruce pulled away from the hug, confusion on his face. Y/n sighed, standing up and going to her nightstand. She opened it up and pulled out a file. Tossing it to Bruce, she crossed her arms over her chest. Inside was pictures of the old orphanage that was once Wayne Manor. Pictures of the living conditions, children, and even Edward were in there. Y/n had done some serious digging to get this information, though, it was easy if you were a Wayne of course.
"He lived in the orphanage, Bruce. His entire life. Our dad offered him a better life, told him that he could work for W.I."
"He did?" He asked, looking through the pictures.
"Yes, he did. Edward, he applied so many times to the Renewal project. But...dad and mom..." She trailed.
Bruce looked up at her, feeling his heart sink.
"...well, you and I were too young to take charge of anything. So, he was left to rot in that prison. He told me about the things he experienced there, Bruce. It haunts me that Wayne Enterprises let children suffer. We could have easily helped those poor children." She sniffled, holding back tears.
"You think we're sad orphans, Bruce? Look at those pictures. Look at how they lived..."
He did. He saw all of it. The rats. The horrible beds that they had to sleep in, if they even could. Bruce felt cold just looking at the pictures. He winced as he saw one picture of a child, bite marks on their hands and fingers.
"When I was older, I found out about this. That's why I live out here, Bruce. I want to live like everyone else does. I donate to the orphanages, I do check ups to make sure everything is good, I donate to hospitals, I do volunteering. But, it was Edward who showed me how truly terrible this city is. Yes, he murdered people...but they were bad people Bruce. You know this. That's why he didn't go after me..."
"It sounds like you're defending his actions..." He raised an eyebrow.
"I'm not! I'm just...he's not a bad person, Bruce. Sick in the head, sure. I'm just worried about him..." She mumbled.
"Y/n, he murdered people."
"And you go around beating people up in a bat costume! Maybe you belong in Arkham too." She spat.
"I don't kill people."
"Well, maybe if you did this city would be safer!"
"What the fuck are you talking about?"
"I-..I don't know. I'm sorry. I'm just shaken up. Frankly, I could give a shit about the people he killed, they were all scum. I'm just worried about Edward."
"Well, he's in Arkham, he's safe there. He can't hurt anyone and he can't hurt himself."
"I guess...not the most humane place though."
Y/n's phone rang, making both of them fall silent. Who could be calling this late at night? It had been an hour since Edward was apprehended, making it 1 A.M. She looked at Bruce before answering the phone.
"This is Y/n Wayne, who is this?"
'Ms. Wayne, this is Cap-...Commissioner Gordon.'
"Commissioner Gordon! Um, what's the matter?"
Bruce raised an eyebrow.
'It's 'The Riddler'. He's asked to see you in Arkham.'
"Oh, um...ok, I'll be there."
Y/n hung up the phone.
"It's Edward. He's requested to see me..."
"And you're going?" He asked.
"Well, of course I am. I need an explanation, some closure. He's still my friend, Bruce."
He sighed.
"I'm surprised he hasn't asked to see me. He seemed so obsessed with gaining my attention. Um, you're not going to tell him that I'm..."
"No, Bruce. I'm not an idiot. Can you drive me to Arkham, please? It'd be nice to have you there."
"Yeah, that's ok..."
When the Wayne siblings arrived, everyone practically worshipped them. Offering to open doors, constantly saying 'Ms. Wayne' and 'Mr. Wayne'. It annoyed the both of them a lot, though Bruce was the one who could hide the annoyance. Y/n, however, could not. Yes, she loved her family, but she didn't want to be seen as simply 'the Wayne daughter'. It put her on a high pedestal that she hated being on.
"Fuck, there he is." She mumbled, looking at him through the one way window.
"Are you sure you want to do this?"
"Yes. Um, I know there is camera in the room, but do they pick up audio too? I'd prefer for our conversation to be private."
Bruce looked at the security officer.
"Oh, um, no ma'am they do not pick up sound. They only serve as surveillance to make sure an inmate doesn't try and do something they shouldn't. Sometimes we hold therapy sessions in here too, so, legally we can't record sound."
"Ok, thank you. Alright, I'm going in."
"I love you, little sis."
"I love you too, big brother."
Y/n took a deep breath as she opened the door. Edward's gaze landed on her immediately, causing her to feel small. Yes, y/n had always been slightly intimidated by Edward, but even more so now. He did not look like a person who was capable of violence, and yet he murdered multiple people. It was startling. Swallowing a lump in her throat, she sat down in the chair on the other side of the glass.
"Mmm, I knew you'd come..." He hummed.
"You're still my friend, Edward. I care about you."
He chuckled, deciding he'd circle back to that topic later. Tilting his head to the side, he raised his hands up slowly so the guard didn't get jumpy. Edward pointed at the thing in their hands.
"What's that?" He asked.
Y/n opened up the slot underneath the glass. She slid the item into the box, closing the lid. It fell to Edward's side, and he picked it up. A small smile formed on his lips. It was y/n's copy of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'. Y/n watched as he flipped through the pages, immediately feeling himself grow warm with happiness.
"I was going to bring you a blanket, but they said that it was a safety hazard. They said you could hang yourself with it." She grumbled.
"Well, this is still a nice present."
It fell silent in the visiting room. The only sound was the flipping of the pages as Edward skimmed through the book. He looked so nonchalant, as if he didn't just snipe Falcone less than 2 hours ago. Though, to be fair, his death wasn't that distressing. Y/n was just startled by how calm he was, especially with where he was.
"Edward, why did you call me here?"
"Hm, I'm not entirely sure...I suppose I just wanted to see my 'friend' again." He smiled innocently.
Y/n huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. Edward smirked, humming to himself like he usually did. His fingers rapped against the book, creating small tap sounds. Eventually, y/n just rolled her eyes.
"Look, if you aren't going to talk to me then I'll just go."
"Oh, you will? Ok then, go ahead."
Y/n looked at him, cheeks tinted slightly pink. He had that smug grin on his face, y/n had seen it a lot. Edward had that look when he won a game they were playing or if he stumped y/n on a riddle. But, this time it was more sinister. It sent chills down her spine and she stayed put in the chair. Edward chuckled, nodding his head slowly. He didn't have to say anything, they both knew he called her out on her bluff. Sighing, he looked at her with kind eyes, but his tone of voice was the complete opposite. He was so good at pretending to be something he was not.
"Y/n Wayne, you knew who I was for a while. Why didn't you say anything?" He questioned.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about, Edward."
"Hm, so you never saw the mask in my pocket that one night? You never saw the tiny dots of blood on my face ? The riddles never raised a red flag?" He asked, continuing to flip through the book.
Y/n was silent, looking down at her hands shamefully. Edward tutted, shaking his head. Coolly, he read a small part of the page he was on before looking back up at y/n. She nodded, admitting that she saw them all.
"Uh huh, so why didn't you say anything? I'm dying to know the answer..."
"I-It was because you were my...friend, Edward. I was conflicted."
He kept his face neutral as he looked at her.
"Mmm, there's that word again. Friend. I know you're lying about your answer, so I'll make a deal with you. I'll tell you a secret I've been keeping for a while, and you in return will give me an honest answer. Sound fair?" He asked.
Before she could answer, he started to talk again.
"I've been stalking you for months, y/n. Long before I 'met' you in that bookstore. Did you know that?" He giggled.
"Did you really think I just happened to show up in your favorite bookstore? That I just happened to live directly across from you? I know everything about you, y/n. I've been watching you. Studying you. Like a predator stalks their prey."
"You're fucking with me, Edward. That's not funny." She scolded.
"Oh, I don't think it's funny either. I'm being very serious, y/n. Now, why don't you tell me the truth about why you never ratted me out?"
"What the fuck..." She mumbled.
"Well? I'm waiting for an answer."
She was taken aback by his secret, but it made sense the more she thought about it. Of course he had stalked her. She was just too fucking stupid to see it. The thought of Edward stalking her for months before they met scared the shit out of her. But, at the same time, it excited her.
"Y-You're a creep! I trusted you! I lov-..." She trailed.
"Aha, there's the answer I was looking for! Go on, say it." He cackled.
She sighed, looking at her hands again.
"I loved you, Edward. That's why I never said anything."
"Loved? Oh no, you still love me y/n. I know you do. Otherwise, you wouldn't be here."
"I do not love you! You're a psycho, a creep, and a murderer!" She spat.
"You knew all of those things before, yet you still were 'friends' with me. Isn't that right?" Edward smirked.
"And don't act like you hate the idea of me stalking you. I know who you are, y/n. You're so easy to read."
"I-I don't know what you're talking about..."
Edward sighed in annoyance, propping his forearms up on the metal ledge. He maintained his neutral facial expression as he looked at her. Y/n felt small under his gaze and he knew it. He knew he had power over her. He always would.
"Tell me, doesn't the thought of me watching you from my apartment excite you? Waiting all night for even the tiniest glimpse of you? I know how much you crave attention from others." Edward suavely said.
"I-I mean..."
"Oh, precious Y/n never got the attention she so desperately wanted growing up. No mommy and daddy to tell her 'I'm so proud of you, sweet girl!'. Isn't that right, rabbit?" He cooed.
Y/n felt a chill go down her spine. He was right. Fuck, he was good at reading people. Sniffling, y/n nodded her head. How the hell was he doing this to her?
"Oh, the poor thing. You have such a kind heart, always giving and giving and giving. When has anyone ever given you anything in return? When was the last time someone praised you?" He asked.
Y/n reached up, wiping a tear from her eye quickly.
"S-So long..."
"That just won't do, will it? No, I don't think it will."
She looked at him, lips quivering.
"You know who is proud of you? Eddie."
He watched as she smiled softly. Edward loved seeing her smile so much. If he could just capture a picture of it and keep it, he was sure he would never feel sadness ever again.
"Y-You are?" She sniffled.
"Of course I am, sweetheart. You make me so proud. There are so many things you're good at that deserve praise. Your art, your constant donations to charity, your kind heart, my oh my the list goes on!" He chuckled.
Y/n was blushing like a school girl. To be completely honest, she didn't care that Edward had stalked her. Sure, it was a little jarring, but he was the first person to show her genuine love in a long time. Y/n was head over heels for him and there was nothing she could do about it. The heart wants what it wants after all.
"Oh, there's that beautiful smile. Such a pretty girl. But, y/n, I do have one thing I'm not proud of at all."
"W-What dad-...Edward?"
He smiled to himself at her near 'slip up'. If she had called him it, he wouldn't have minded at all. Actually, he would have loved it...
"You see, you lie to me a lot. You think I never notice, but I do."
"I-I'm sorry..."
"Do not apologize, y/n. All will be forgiven if you just tell me the truth about one thing."
"That's my girl, now, the 'bad dream' you had earlier. I believe you didn't tell me the full story. Why don't you tell Eddie alllll about it?" He grinned.
"O-Oh...um, I-..." She trailed.
"You can tell me anything, rabbit. I'll keep it as a secret."
Swallowing a lump in her throat, she nodded softly. Edward kept his gaze on her. It was a good thing that the cameras didn't record audio, because he knew what was coming. Yes, he already knew what the dream centered around, but he wanted to hear her say it. He wanted to hear the filthy words leave her mouth.
"W-Well, I was honest about dreaming that you were the Riddler..."
"And you were right! You're so smart." He praised.
Y/n should have felt disgusted at how light hearted he was, but she wasn't. It was upsetting how in love she was with him. She was y/n Wayne and she was in love with The Riddler. But, the shame behind that brought excitement. It was a secret between the two of them, a forbidden love. Just like Romeo & Juliet.
"...but you um, you were frightening. A-And, I um...liked it." She mumbled.
He raised an eyebrow.
"Can you elaborate?"
"I th-thought it was hot...that you um, were making me scared. Um, you were being really um...rough." She stuttered.
Edward felt his dick slowly getting hard. He cursed the glass in his head and the cameras. If he could he'd reach right across and give y/n something to dream about for years to come. Groaning softly, he nodded his head. He wasn't going to be vague anymore. He was going to be blunt.
"Did I fuck you?"
"I-..no. I w-woke up before anything like that happened." She admitted.
"Mmm, so you got all worked up over a dream I didn't even fuck you in? You must have really loved what I was saying and doing in it, huh?" He teased.
"Yeah. I-I did."
"You say we're friends, y/n. But, do friends say they love each other in a romantic way? Do friends have wet dreams about each other?" He asked.
"N-No, they don't..."
"That's right. Mmm, I've had dreams of you too, rabbit. Filthy, filthy, dreams." Edward shivered.
Y/n shifted in her seat, arousal soaking through her panties. Edward could tell she was turned on. She couldn't keep still, thighs subtly rubbing together. He tutted and shook his head.
"Now, now, you better stop that. You don't want to get caught, do you? How embarrassing would that be to have your brother find out that The Riddler was making your pussy wet? I'd be mortified if I were you." He taunted.
She whimpered, ceasing the movement of her legs. Edward could see how much willpower it was taking her not to do it. Amused, he smiled and tilted his head. He was going to torment her, tease her until she was merely a puddle on the chair.
"Ever since I first saw you, I was fascinated. That fascination turned into love. And with most love, comes lust. And oh, my sweet rabbit, I have never wanted someone as badly as I want you."
"Believe me when I say that I want to ruin you, y/n."
Y/n whined, resisting the urge to dive her hands down her pants. Edward scoffed, resting his hands back in his lap. He grabbed his dick through his pants, adjusting it.
"I have much more to say, y/n. I suggest you do your best to keep your face neutral. But you can moan, just quietly. I would very much love to hear you moan. I've wondered what it might sound like."
She nodded, gaining her composure as much as she could. Sighing, Edward looked towards the ceiling. It looked as if he was collecting his thoughts. Y/n nearly trembled in anticipation.
"I've had so many dreams of you. Some of them are sweet. Those ones consist of us going on dates, maybe a park or a movie." He said.
"That sounds nice."
"It does, doesn't it?" He smiled.
"But the other ones, ohhh, they are filthy. They are so vulgar that I'm not sure I should let them fall upon your ears." He hummed playfully.
"N-No, I want to hear! Please daddy!" She blurted out, covering her mouth with her hand.
He smiled gently, his dick twitching underneath his pants. A soft groan left his lips. Edward was wishing a painful death the the guard watching their visit. He wished for the cameras to power down and for the glass to disappear.
"You sound just like you do in my dreams. I can't say no to how pathetic that sounded."
Y/n blushed, rubbing her thigh with her hand. It was out of view of the cameras and the window, so Edward allowed it.
"I've had dreams where you're on your knees, begging for me. You always look so desperate and needy every time. It's such a pitiful sight that I can't help but give you what you want. Do you know what you want in those dreams?" He asked flatly.
"W-What, da-" She paused.
"Oh rabbit, you can call me that if you'd like. It sounds so good rolling of your tongue..." Edward smirked.
"Ok, daddy...um, what do I want in your dreams?"
Leaning forward, he got closer to the glass. A cocky, toothy smile plastered over his face. His eyes were bright and happy, as if he was about to tell her a funny joke. Raising up his hands, slowly, he made a very subtle 'jerking' motion.
"To get fucked like a whore, obviously." He laughed.
Y/n whimpered. Her chest was tightening from how aroused she was. She took a deep breath, letting it out through pursed lips. Edward grinned, seeing how worked up he was making her.
"Oh, but you're not a whore. No, far from it. In my dreams I may fuck you like one, but you don't act like one. Once I'm done giving you a good dick down, you get so clingy. You're so dependent on me, never wanting to leave my side. It's so precious. I only hope that you're like that outside of my dreams too." He cooed.
"Y-Yes, I am! I-I'm here, after all. I missed you..."
"Oh, that's so sweet. I shoot and kill Carmine Falcone and the first thing you think of is 'I want Edward! Where's Eddie? I miss him so much!'. Is that right?"
"Well, not exactly."
"I cried first..."
Edward felt a pang in his chest. It genuinely hurt his heart to hear her say that. He never wanted to make her cry, unless it was from pleasure.
"You poor thing, I never though about how you'd feel. I never wanted to make you cry, I just wanted to get rid of the scum that pollutes Gotham." He frowned.
"I know, I may not agree with the murdering...but I'm not saying I miss Falcone either. It just scared me. I was just worried about what would happen to you..."
"You were worried about me, rabbit? You don't need to do that. I can take care of myself, y/n." He smiled.
She nodded. Edward could tell that she felt sad. He did not want her to be sad, not at all.
"You know I love you, y/n. Right?" He asked.
"Y-Yes, I do."
"I did it all for you. I had different plans for Gotham before. I was going to do something far worse, but you made me change my mind. I just want you to live in a city where you can be safe."
Y/n smiled. It was a messed up way to show he loved and cared for her, but she hadn't been loved before. She didn't care anymore, she just was warmed that he wanted her to be safe. Even if he did it through murdering crooked and corrupt people. She blushed, looking down at her hands.
"No, no, don't hide your face. I want to see it." He asked softly.
She looked back up, faint pink dusted on the tip of her nose and her cheeks. Edward loved that about her so much. He thought it made her look so happy and gentle. He chuckled, clapping his hands together as much as he could with the handcuffs on.
"There she is, the prettiest thing in Gotham." He smiled.
"You're making me blush, Edward..." She mumbled.
"I know and I love it. I love watching you get flustered, it's so precious. If only I could touch you..." He sighed.
"Why do you want to touch me?" She asked.
"Well, I want to hold you and kiss you, y/n. That the first thing I want to do." Edward hummed.
"First? Wh-what are the other things?"
"The things I dream of, rabbit." He grinned.
"Tell me more about the dreams!" Y/n said.
He tutted, wagging his finger back and forth. Eyes were squinted as he disapprovingly frowned. He rested his forearms back on the metal ledge, smiling cockily.
"Now, that sounded like a demand. You aren't telling me to do something without asking nicely, are you?"
"N-No, I'm sorry! P-Please, tell me more Eddie." She corrected herself.
"That sounds much better."
He looked her up and down, sighing happily.
"Tell you more, hm? But there are so many dreams, so many fantasies. Though, one thing stays the same in every single one." Edward stated.
"What is that?" Y/n asked curiously.
He planted his hands on the cold surface, leaning towards the glass. His face turned into a very sadistic and comical expression. Dramatically, he emphasized his words.
"You take my dick like a fucking champ..." He smirked.
Y/n moaned, letting out a breathy sigh. Edward stayed in his close position, not finished with what he was saying.
"I'd fuck you so perfectly that nobody else's dick could even make you feel a fraction as good. But before I'd do that, I'd make sure you're on the brink of tears in desperation. You don't get dicked unless I believe you've earned it. I'd want you on your knees, begging, whimpering, groveling at my feet in hopes that I'll fuck your needy pussy." He chuckled.
Y/n's mouth was slightly agape, startled by how blunt he was. He looked like such a shy person, yet he was a total freak. Again, he was so good at pretending to be someone he was not. Everything he was saying seemed so out of character for him, but in reality, it was his true self. Y/n was just the only one who could bring that side out of him. Edward groaned, pointing at her mouth. He seemed irritated or frustrated, either one really.
"That pretty mouth, it's practically asking me to fuck it. Those lips look so plump and soft. Oh rabbit, open up, let me see your tongue." He asked, on the verge of pleading.
She hesitated slightly, but did as he said. Of course she did. No matter what, she would listen to and do what he said. She was his property, and they both knew it. None of them had to even say it. It was obvious that y/n was Edward's girl. Titles weren't necessary. She was simply his, as much as he was hers. Y/n let her tongue roll out and let Edward look at it for a bit. She did it in a way so that the cameras didn't see, and if they did, it just looked like she was yawning in a way. He covered his mouth with his fingers, doing his best to not jerk off at the brief sight of her tongue.
"Ffffuu...it's a blessing that I can't touch you. Your throat would be raw after I finish with you..." He groaned.
Y/n whined, spreading her legs open subtly. Edward looked down, seeing the obvious damp spot over her pelvic region. His tongue darted out and swiped over his lips. Her eyes were silently screaming 'Please, I want you!' and he loved it. Once again, he cursed the glass between them. He just wanted to devour her, taste her, eat her alive like a fox eats a rabbit. She probably tasted so sweet...
"I wish you could see how you look right now. It's so pitiful. You look like you want to be fucked so bad. Do you want to be fucked?" He groaned.
"Y-Yes, I need it daddy..." She shivered.
"Need? You desperate thing, tell me why you need to get fucked by me."
"B-Because I'm so w-wet...it aches..." Y/n whined.
"Poor rabbit, if he could daddy would bend you over and fuck you against this glass." He said flatly.
Y/n moaned softly, making Edward grip his pants. The sound was nearly enough to make him bust all over the hospital uniform. Not wanting to draw attention, Edward looked at the book again. He pretended to read it.
"You said you dreamt I was rough with you, yet I didn't even fuck you? Well, I can promise you that I'd never hurt you without your permission, I want you to know that. I love you too much to do that to you. I believe that trust and safety is important when doing things like that. So, do you trust me, y/n?" He asked, looking up from the book.
"You believe I'll keep you safe?"
"Yes, I do."
"And you'd tell me if you were uncomfortable, yes?"
"Of course."
Edward looked back down at the book, once again pretending to read it. He was such an actor. It was almost sinful how easily he could hide his lust and vulgarity.
"So, if I shoved your face into your bed with my hand wrapped around your neck, would you like that? Would you like it if I made you choke and gasp for air?" He hummed.
"Do you want me to pull your hair and skull fuck you until you're crying on my dick? I bet your gags sound so vulgar and erotic." He asked nonchalantly.
"E-Edward, please..."
He held up the book and slumped into the chair. Edward looked like this was the most boring conversation he had ever had in his life. His eyes lazily ran over the words in the book, y/n was half convinced he was actually reading it while he spoke those filthy words to her.
"I bet you'd like to get slapped too. Not too hard, of course. I wouldn't want to bruise that pretty little face. But, firm enough the make sure you don't step out of line. You seem like you love to be put in your place." He yawned.
"E-Edward, I don't know if I can handle this anymore..."
"That's too bad, you wanted to hear all of this, right? Now you need to sit and listen."
"You're filthy, rabbit. Letting a criminal and a murderer make your pussy wet."
"I-I know."
"That's good that you know. You're self-aware about how dirty you are. You must want dick terribly bad if you've resorted to someone like me."
"N-No, I l-love you!"
"Hmm, that's right. That doesn't make it any better though, rabbit. In fact, it makes it worse. Not only do you want to get dicked down by me, but you love me. For shame."
"Oh, don't worry sweetheart. I'm not angry with you. I think it's lovely that you feel that way towards me, I feel the same to you. But, we better make sure no one else knows about this. Hm?"
Edward placed the book down, looking at y/n.
"Mmm, I wish I could just fuck the soul out of you. I want to make you writhe and squirm. I just know you'd feel so good around my dick."
She moaned a little louder, biting down on her tongue. Edward chuckled, leaning against the metal ledge again.
"You, rabbit, are going to scream my name." He smiled.
"Th-that's big talk f-from someone in A-Arkham." She stuttered.
Edward raised an eyebrow.
"Are you getting smart with me?"
"N-No...I was j-just..."
"No. I know what you were doing and I'm not amused. You don't think I'll find my way out of here? I will. And when I do, I'm coming for you."
Y/n blushed.
"When I get out of here, I'll be sure to rearrange those pathetic guts of yours. I'm all bark and bite."
"You can't even touch me, Edward. It sounds like a bunch of talk to me..." She huffed, getting annoyed with his cocky behavior.
"You want me to break the glass and fuck you right here? I could care less about being watched but I sincerely doubt you want the guards to see you get fucked stupid by me. Don't play with me." He spat.
"I'm n-not trying to play with you, daddy..." Y/n mumbled softly, looking down at her hands.
"Yes you are. You're mocking me and yet you sit before me, wet, pathetic, and needy. Isn't that right, rabbit?"
She nodded.
"You want me to protect you, hold you, love you, yes?" He smirked.
"My, my, you have terrible daddy issues, don't you? Hm. But, if you want that so bad, then why are you playing with me? Mocking me? Do you think I appreciate that? Do you think it makes me proud?" He scolded.
"No I don't, daddy." Y/n sniffled.
"Mhm, it was so rude of you to talk to me like that. Do you want to hurt daddy's feelings?" He frowned.
He was such a serpent. Oh, but he was so lovely, too. Y/n couldn't help it. It was as if she bit the apple from the tree of good and evil. Except, the serpent held the apple in his mouth after, taunting her as she begged for more. Edward was waving what she wanted in her face, just out of her reach. And he knew it. He was so sick that it was hypnotic. So dangerous yet so kind looking, a wolf in sheep's clothing. Y/n was getting too close to him, but she didn't care if she got bit.
"N-No! I don't want to!" She whined.
"Then what do we say when we hurt someone's feelings?" He hummed, cupping a hand over his ear.
Y/n swallowed a lump in her throat, practically choking on her desire. She placed her hands on the ledge, bottom lip quivering as she looked at Edward. He felt his heart skip a beat as he saw slight tears prick in her eyes. She looked so pretty when she cried, as demented as that sounded. A single tear trickled down her cheek before she wiped it away with her finger.
"M' sorry, daddy..." Y/n sighed.
"Oh, say it again, rabbit." Edward grinned.
She looked at him, blushing heavily. He raised and eyebrow, giving a sleazy smile. Y/n looked at the floor, feeling slightly humiliated. Why? She truly did not know. Maybe it was the way he was talking to her. He was so good at making her feel small.
"I-I'm sorry, daddy." She mumbled.
"An apology has never sounded so sweet..." He hummed.
Y/n figeted with her hands.
"You're just lucky I'm not able to get closer to you, rabbit. You'd be giving me more than just an apology." Edward stated flatly.
She whined, trying to picture what he was hinting at in her head. But, when she did that, she felt herself getting more turned on. That was the last thing she needed.
"I'd give you something too, but I don't know if you'd be able to handle it..." He laughed softly.
Oh, he was so demented. But, it was so hot to her. Y/n should not be so worked up over a murderer talking pure smut to her. Yet, she was. Her core ached and throbbed, pleading for her fingers, Edward's fingers, his dick, mouth, anything. She needed to be touched so bad. It was driving her crazy. She squeezed her thighs together, doing her best not to rub them together.
"That's it, back to being timid. You know you aren't the one in control here, y/n. I may be in chains in this hellhole, but don't think for one second that it makes me weak. I haven't touched you and yet I have you soaking wet, desperate to pleasure yourself while 2 cameras are pointed at you. I have you whimpering, whining, moaning, and begging for something that I can't even give you. Does that sound like someone with no power over you? No hold over you?"
"No, Edward. I-It doesn't."
"Exactly. And you love it."
She nodded and whined.
"I've got you eating out of the palm of my hand, y/n. Just like a rabbit. I wonder, if I give you a carrot, will you jump for me?" He snickered.
"I'm not a pet!" She spat.
"Then why are you so obedient to me? Why are you so dependent on me?" Edward asked, shrugging his shoulders.
He leaned forward, propping his elbows up. Looking at y/n, he spoke in a low tone.
"Admit it, I own you! My name is practically branded on your chest. If only...no, I don't want to scar that pretty skin of yours. But, maybe, I could just mark you...yes. Would you like that? My teeth digging into your neck? I swear I'll try to be gentle, but I'm afraid you might taste too good to be able to restrain myself...I bet your flesh and blood tastes like sugar..."
Y/n was shocked, completely thrown off by his sadistic words. Yes, she was trembling in fear. It was so disturbing to hear him talk about how he wanted to mark her, break the skin on her neck. But, yet again, y/n found herself drawn to him. It was sick, twisted, and vile. And her pussy throbbed.
"I-, b-but it'll hurt..." She whimpered.
"Well, I said I'd do my best to be gentle. All you have to do is tell me to stop! Though I so badly want to...rip you apart...I would never want to make you upset or uncomfortable, sweet rabbit." He smiled sadistically.
Y/n panted, feeling arousal seep onto her inner thighs. She felt so dirty...
"I already know the second you get home, you're going to play with yourself while thinking about me. Thinking about the things I could do to you. Thinking about how I could just..."
Edward banged his fists subtly on the table, maintaining a consistent rhythm. He kept eye contact the whole time, lips curling up into a sickly smile. He was a cocky little shit. He knew exactly what he was doing to her and he thrived in the actions he did. The sound of his fists banging rang in her ears and made her throb. Edward sped up the pace, watching as y/n's eyes closed, no doubt imagining the feeling and how it would look. Abruptly, he stopped, practically edging her in a way.
"...destroy you. Break you. Please you. Torture you." He smirked.
"E-Edward, you're a dick! You're tormenting me!" She cried softly.
"Yes I am, took you fucking long enough. I thought you were smart?" He mocked.
She shuddered, his cold gaze freezing her blood.
"It's a game to me, y/n. Yes, I love you, but I love making you crave me too. And you make it so easy..."
A knock on the glass startled y/n, making her turn around. It was most likely Bruce telling her that the visit was going on too long. She sighed, looking back to Edward. Y/n was upset, not wanting to leave, despite how torturous he was being to her. He too looked upset, his plaything was about to leave. His plaything. His. He'd have to make the last minute count. He lured the prey into security, and it was genuine security. But now, it was time for the mind games. It was time for him to strike fear and paranoia into her heart. He wanted to be in her mind for a long time to come.
"You said you loved how I intimidated and scared you in your dream, yes?" He asked.
"You'll never know when I get out of Arkham. Not until it hits the newspapers."
Y/n looked at him, unsure of what he was getting at.
"I wonder how long you'll be paranoid? How many times will you watch a dark corner, wondering if I'll walk out of it? How many times will you sleep with one eye open? How many times will you watch behind your back as you walk down the streets? I am still a criminal, after all." He smirked devilishly.
Y/n's eyes widened, feeling her skin turn to ice. It was then that she realized he truly was sick. But, why did she still love him? Oh, how conflicting a forbidden love must be. To want someone that should not be wanted. To seek approval from someone one should never seek approval from. His pupils looked dilated, staring deep into her soul. She felt exposed and violated just from his gaze. And she loved it...
"Lord, what fools these mortals be!" He shouted.
She shivered, standing up slowly from the chair. Edward picked up the book again, flipping to a certain page. He had memorized the entire book, as he had already read his own copy he bought at the bookstore. But, being Edward, he wanted to be theatric as he read quotes. He looked at y/n in the eyes, standing up abruptly, no doubt startling the guard, Bruce, and y/n herself. He placed his hands against the glass, a breathy laugh leaving his lips.
"I'll follow thee and make a heaven of hell..." He trailed.
Her pussy throbbed once again, thinking back to when they were in the bookstore. She had told Edward that she would never accept anyone's love unless they confessed or expressed it through Shakespeare. And, he was doing exactly that, Although, he was doing it in Edward fashion. Ominous, eerie, and disturbing.
"...to die upon the hand I love so well." She finished.
The door opened up and Bruce came in, grabbing y/n by the hand. Edward laughed hysterically, pacing back and forth behind the glass. His eyes were crazed behind his glasses as he kept his gaze on y/n the entire time. Y/n could tell that he was being dramatic, just wanting to get a rise out of everyone.
"Thus I die. Thus, thus, thus. Now I am dead, now I am fled, my soul is in the sky. Tongue, lose thy light. Moon take thy flight..." He paused, slowly walking back to the glass.
"...Now die, die, die, die!" He cackled.
He watched as Bruce dragged y/n out of the room. She looked back at him, still worked up from their 'discussion'. Edward blew a kiss to her, further making the scene more demented. Y/n attempted to reach up and grab it, but wanted to be discreet, so instead she smiled at him. It was odd though, as she was still terrified of his tangent that he went on. The sight of him laughing and quoting Shakespeare was not something she thought she would ever be scared of, but it was. But before she left, she heard him say one last thing. It sent chills down her spine.
"Run rabbit, run! For I linger in the shadows and you will never know when I might pounce..."
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Hey, who wants a really dark and morbid prompt filled with angst? Well buckle up or scroll away cause I'm about to hit yall with a hammer. You have been warned.
Danny had slowly come to hate his human side. Well, humanity in general usually left a poor taste in his mouth, so as the weeks passed and the end of his sophomore year inched closer he made a decision. He was going to live his afterlife in the ghost zone. Probably go so far as to fake his death.
Things go south when his bio-dad showed up and he would have been stoked to learn his bio-dad was Batman if it wasn't for his insistence on "fixing" him. He wanted to be less human not more. Geez.
Turns out his bio-mom was that one lady with the long dark hair and green eyes that would smile at him from the shadows while he was patrolling as Phantom. He liked her. Sometimes she waved at him. He liked her a little less for siccing Batman on him. She had called him in out of worry for thier "son"
As it turns out, the reason she did that was because the source of his power (he pointed out it was called a core) was absorbing too much power too quickly and was at risk of overheating and having a meltdown, something akin to a nuclear reactor. He didn't like where this was going. Frostbite had said everything was fine at his last check-up, but no one was listening to him (another thing he hated about being human. As a ghost he was respected, or at least listened to) "So, what? I'm going on vacation?"
The "adults" looked at eachother. "Something like that." Nightwing gave a reassuring smile that only seemed to unnerve Danny more. They were hiding something and Danny had a bad feeling that it was going to end up making him miserable in some way.
He made sure that his friends and sister (meeting his bio parents changed nothing. She would always be the best big sister he would ever have. The only big sister!) knew where he was going and for how long and to raise holy hell if he wasn't back on time. After that we went willingly with Batman onto the batjet.
This turned out to be a mistake as he woke up nearly two months later completely human. Well, ok. Not quite. His eyes still glowed green whenever he was angry or distressed, like now. But his core and all his powers were gone.
Batman had stolen his powers from him. He had stolen Phantom from him. Everything he ever worked for. All the treaties he had made and signed in preparation for his coronation to the Ghost Zones throne, all the grueling training Pandora and the others gave him to controlling his powers, every flunked class and detention from having to run out and deal with a ghost, his shattered dreams of being an astronaut, everything he had done and sacrificed since the accident now meant nothing.
All because of some rich megalomaniac billionaire wanting to control him. Figures. He had the audacity to act suprised when he blew up at him. His powers where such a huge part of him. It was one of the few parts of himself that he actually liked. And Bruce had the nerve to give him the "superpowers aren't everything" speech. How condescending could someone be?!
The insinuation that he could be one of his flightless birds (oh God he would never fly through the nights sky again would he?!) and should be greatful about it was frankly insulting.
So he did what he did best. Escape. Except they caught him. Every. Single. Time. Was this a mansion or a prison? Honestly he wasn't sure anymore. Where was Jazz and his friends?
He cursed aloud when he realized they didn't have any way of tracking him without him being a ghost. He really was on his own with his kidnappers huh. And they were trying really hard to inflict some Stockholm syndrome, but didn't like it when he made the insinuation out loud.
They tried everything in thier power to keep him there "until you're better" and he couldn't tell you how many times they've busted down the door to reach him before it was "too late". Many locks throughout mansion were removed because of this. Too bad for them there was a lot of ways a normal human could "Go Ghost". It was a reoccurring joke that was slowly driving Bruce insane. Good. Suffer.
He really wished Nightwing would stop coming into his room at night to hug him though. The hugs were long and uncomfortable and he kept trying to talk to him. Weird. He acted like death was something to fear.
Too bad he wasn't going to make it easy for them. He had managed to slip away from the purple girl long enough to set two of the libraries on fire (a fact the estranged Wayne child was later furious about when he found out) and make a run for it. He actually managed to steal the batmobile and get a few miles out of the city before he was caught and recaptured. Danny never gave up though. He always found a new way to raise hell and escape.
He was going to become a ghost again.
One way or another.
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theglidingbat · 1 year
There's a sever lack of ghostbat content and I need that to be fixed
Honestly I've been reading a lot of "bruce Wayne is not batman but his kids are still vigilantes and he's a doctor fic"
But like, what if he still went through all the training and shit like till about he gets that angsty ass break up with khoa and decides to call it quits. He goes to med school instead and becomes a doctor hiding away his trianing and shit.
I know damm well Minhkhoa went to his med school to convince him join the training being insanely disappointed that bruce chose to be a sane person.
Minhkhoa khan does not give up by the way
Finally they get into a big sparring match which bruce manges to barely win out of and they make the deal of khoa leaving gotham alone and bruce not meddling wherever his sets his camps bla bla bla
Years later minhkhoa gets the word that there's new vigilantes running around in Gotham and they're Bruce's childern
He comes to Gotham to check it out and baiscally annoys the shit out of the Gotham knights until the hero's of Gotham witness what they they was their "normal civilian doctor dad" beat the shit out of this vigilante pulling all sorts of moves while they just watch shocked.
Even better if khoa is back with bruce and the kids think that their poor father has no idea BUT NOPE
Bruce is well aware and he's more aware of his kids running around in spandex and kevlar [minhkhoa laughed at him as he a mental breakdown about it]
Bruce is also well aware that his childern are stubborn af and eventually stops trying to get them to give up without hinting he already knows.
Also the idea of batman or vigilante bruce only appearing once to save his kids or to beat khoa's ass is amazing.
The kids (escpically dick and Jason who only know the med school stuff) try to scare away minhkhoa and eventually tell their dad everything
Only to be led with a blank stare and a "is that all?" As Bruce sips his coffee in classic Tired dadtm fashion
I also just want doctor bruce patching up his vigilante boyfriend and scolding him for being care less only for khoa to scoff and go "you were and are much worse"
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fatalitysficbakery · 2 years
♡︎♥︎ How Familiar A Face. —
Selina Kyle x Black Fem!Y/n (Aka Dré’s Birthday Fic)
Genre: Angst???/Smut/Fluff
Warnings: childhood friends to lovers, pup!y/n, kitty!selina, sub!y/n, dom!selina, brat/brat tamer, sexual harassment, forced orgasm, orgasm denial, overstimulation, oral, degradation, praise, dumbification, size kink, yandere themes, slight noncon/dubcon, sadism/masochism, blood kink, knife kink, pain kink, tears of…well, you be the judge, oh and fingering :)
Synopsis: selina hates playing hero but she doesn’t mind it. what happens when she has to save a familiar face from a group of men?
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When midnight rolled around in Gotham City you could always find Selina Kyle on the prowl, the night is when she thrives, leather suit hugging her curves in just the right places and her hips swaying as she slinked through the nearly empty blocks of the city, looking for something to entertain her and satisfy her greed for the materialistic finer luxuries in life— namely jewels. Usually, if she wasn’t careful she’d run into Bats. He’d take her in and their love affair would thus ensue with him trying to change a cat that didn’t much care for being tamed; It’s why their scandalous affair had ended in tears, and they weren’t Selina’s. Poor Bruce never did listen to Dick when he told him Selina was bad news but the woman got what she wanted. She always did.
Besides, their relationship was jilted from the start. She led Bruce on like a puppy to its master but now that they had ended for good, he was no longer fun to run into and truthfully? Selina didn’t much care for the male gaze, much preferring the soft feminine touch of a woman. Luckily, she wouldn’t be long bored and without entertainment; she’d walked herself into a sticky situation.
A woman, much like her own, mouthy and strong-headed, pinned to a wall, a brute that seemed to need a class on hygiene towered over her, with two of his yes men on either side of the much smaller being in front of them who didn’t seem at all scared she could hear the little thing cussing the men out with a strong, new orleans made accent coming out thickly with each word. she hides behind a wall to listen closer, the situation getting heated.
“Did you not hear me? I’m not doin’ shit, kill me or leave me the fuck alone”. 
“Paul, this tramps feisty, huh? I’m getting bored wit it. Rip them, Will ya”? A ginger-haired male with a deep British accent and an unkempt beard speaks up to another with a black fedora and a disgusting smelling cigarette hanging from his lip— he passes him the knife and that’s when the woman they’ve got pinned stops her mouthing off. Selina wants to give it a moment, she liked her prey good and confident before she showed them just how cowardly they really were.
“Look who’s gone quiet, Boss”. The last man has a thick Italian accent, eyes boring into their victims which reflected defiance but intelligence enough to know being unarmed and mouthing off to three men with weapons was never a good idea.
“Shame, I liked her better when she was fighting. Cat got your tongue, Darlin”?
“Someone called”?
The men turn around at the sound of Selina’s voice, she smirks, nearing them with her whip dragging behind her.
“Get a load of this. Playing dress up, Princess”?
“Why? Don’t like my outfit”? She asked, her smirk dropping and eyes focusing in on the woman they had pinned to the wall, “Lady doesn’t look comfortable. Can’t pick on someone your own size”?
The woman’s eyes widened, a sense of familiarity washing over her. She tries to scoot her way out when their eyes are elsewhere but her shoulder is caught by the one the ringleader called ‘Paul’.
“Where do you think you’re going? Stay out of this, Trick or you’re next”.
“Am I now? Take. Your. Hands. Off. Of. Her”.
“C’mon Eddie, grab that bitch. Paul and I got this one”. The third male tells the leader and scoffs. Selina, however, is faster than them, swiftly moving behind Paul and tapping his shoulder, punching him square in the mouth when he turns around; All hell breaks loose. She’s genuinely surprised when the woman she’s protecting jumps into action, elbowing the third in the groin and then going after the leader; knocked down immediately when he hits her with his gun. That’s when Selina gets pissed off.
The woman is knocked out cold.
“Taking the coward's way out? Afraid she would’ve whooped you and your boys' asses? Pathetic”. Selina sighs, whipping the leader until he’s finally down on the ground and the third is the only one left, with Paul still trying to get back to his feet. Oh, this would be fun.
“Jerry! Get that whore”! Eddie yells at the third who now had a name, when he springs into action, Selina is quick to dodge his punch, using her leg to sweep his.
“Your names Jerry? No wonder you’re bitter”.
Sensing a body behind her, she sighs, men always had a way of underestimating her prowess. Her reflexes had gotten a lot more accurate the longer she had them. It was a shame she hadn’t gotten a chance to use them in a while until tonight. She quickly turns around, he socks her in the nose, keeling over, she nods.
“Okay. I’m done with this”. She whispers to herself, licking the blood from her lip, her laugh maniacal and filled with a hint that clearly meant “danger”. Standing up, she rushes at Paul, catching his leg with her whip and getting him down.
“Now be a good boy and stay there”.
When all 3 are down, she goes to the woman’s side. She’s still out cold, poor thing. Looking into her face, she senses something familiar about her. She couldn’t just leave her here but where the usual Selina would simply drop her off at a hospital and leave her there? She…She felt the need to take her home. Care for her, herself; scooping her into her arms, she leaves the three brutes behind and takes the runt in her arms home. It was like she needed to.
Her head is pounding like crazy, waking up with eyes adjusting to unfamiliar walls and smells. She can hear purring and a rough tongue grooming her skin.
“Alonzo, leave our guest alone. Go bother Azure”.
That voice. She suddenly remembers what happened and it all dawns on her the last few hours' events. She’d been walking home from work when those neanderthal’s cornered.
“What’s an innocent-looking thing like you doing walking home alone with a duffel bag containing lingerie in it? I’m curious”.
She searches around for the voice.
“Y/n Y/ln. Well, I’ll be”.
She knew it. She couldn’t be sure at first but now she knew it, sitting up, she looks into not so stranger eyes.
“Selina Kyle, As I live and breathe”.
“You almost didn’t, Honeybee”.
You and Selina Kyle used to be bestfriends. She used to be a shy but strong-willed girl, not quite knowing how to use her voice at the time but those moments when she chose to use her voice? Oh, you’d better believe she had everyone’s attention. This wasn’t the first time she’d protected you from a group of people, either. The first time being the day you met at the end of 5th grade, a group of girls decided to corner and make fun of you— When Selina was done with them, however? They never bothered you again.
“You disappeared”.
For the first time in a while, Selina feels bad, grimacing, she remembers the day she stopped talking to you. You were the first person Selina loved but you’d gotten her at the worst point in her life. She remembers the way your face dropped when she lied to you. When she told you she’d only used you for companionship— two things that couldn’t be farther from the truth. In fact, it was the quite opposite. Where others failed to capture her heart; you captured it like nothing, and that scared Selina. She wasn’t ready for the love and affection you were ready to happily give to her. That’s why she rejected your confession.
After that day, she slowly faded out of your life. After promising everything would be okay.
“I did. I’m sorry”.
You laugh, you actually laugh. This whole thing is so disbelieving, you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Well, I never thought I’d live to see the day Selina Kyle apologized to me. The rejection, that hurt but I respected your decision because you were more than a potential partner in my eyes but…you left me. After promising…You left me. Radio silence, after telling me you were just keeping me around for companionship after finding out I was in love with you. That? That hurt like a motherfucker”.
Her eyes are cast down, “I lied too. I lied”.
Your eyes widen a bit. Is she saying what you thought? Your heart is beating too fast, you’ve been waiting on this and yet you were woefully unprepared.
“Lied about what exactly”?
Selina swallows, ego was a helluva thing and she had a big one. To do this and admit her wrongdoings was hard, but she’s reminded of the nights spent regretting 2+ years ago and wishing she could rewind time. She knew she’d left you with a heavy heart, it was only fair she came clean.
“I loved you too, Y/n. I really did. I really…do. I wasn’t myself when we were younger, I was immature and didn’t know a thing about myself and I knew I couldn’t hurt you like that. You don’t know how badly I wanted to accept your confession”.
You’re stunned. With shaky hands and breath, you stand up and begin to get dressed, stammering out excuses to leave until a hand catches your arm and Selina’s eyes look into yours pleadingly.
“It’s too dangerous out there. Stay. I’ll walk you home tomorrow, I promise”.
You stay.
Selina did make good on her word and take you home the next day but she asked that you at least think of talking to her about this. Give her a chance to make this right.
You made no promises but you knew in your heart that you missed her, you just needed time.
And then one day, she comes into your club. You’re reminded of how she asked you why your duffel bag contained lingerie and how you never actually answered before jumping into such serious conversation of your checkered past with the cat. Feline. How fitting her new life was considering you called her Tiger as a nickname. You were almost sure she knew you worked there, yet when your eyes met, she seemed shocked until…A smirk falls onto her face. Your cheeks heat up. You’re just about to take the stage.
The red lace emboldened your dark brown skin, the lights illuminating the body glitter. Your voice carries through the room, sultry and low as you begin to sing.
“Unusual. They say strange fascination, infatuation. A lunatic. Call me what suits your taste, I just wanna taste and I’ve always heard it’s what’s inside that counts.”.
But…As you begin to sing, you cross the stage until your lingerie-clad body is right in the reach of those filthy patrons— Selina could barely stand how their eyes looked at you, their horny hands fidgeting close to their wrinkled old crotch as they battled with self-control, itching for a little touch, a little taste of the goddess before them. That’d be all well and good if it wasn’t you they were lusting over; Selina could feel her hands grip tightening around the glass of tequila she’d been nursing since you came out on stage.
It all gets worse when you kneel in front of a woman of the wannabe mob leader variety, eyes raking over you like the newest notch in their belt. Selina wasn’t going to let that happen. Over her dead body.
“Cause my insides are red and yours are too, and the blood on my face is matching you, and goodness you’re bleeding what a wonderful feeling! You’re down and you’re pleading, my head is just reeling”.
You glance her way, throwing her a teasing little wink before turning back to the patron.
“The red means I love you. The red means I. Loveee. You”. You lean in, booping her nose for emphasis on the last ‘I love you.’
It was late walking to your car, you weren’t scared, however. The night you were almost attacked had shaken you up so badly you decided to carry your own weapons. A gun, dagger, and some mace. Hyper-vigilant to the core but no match for Selina Kyle. Again, she always got what she wanted.
Someone covers your mouth with a cloth and soon? You’re out cold.
[1 hour later.]
When you come to, you recognize the walls of Selina’s bedroom from last time you’d been in there though under different circumstances. You try to move but your legs and hands are tied to the bed. This couldn’t be Selina’s doing, right? It couldn’t be.
“Stop that, Puppy. You’re gonna hurt yourself”.
You look to your left to find Selina sitting near the bed in a robe with a cup of tea in hand and that same cocky grin on her face. A grin you wanted to slap off when you realized what she’d done to you.
“What the fuck, Selina?! I said I needed space so you kidnap me? Chloroform me”?
You wanna be scared but instead it’s blurred the lines of fear into anger.
“I wouldn’t have had to do this, runt. This is your fault remember earlier? That wink? Teasing little nymph, you should’ve just told me you wished to play, I would’ve brought a game of monopoly out”.
You can hear the feigned pout in her voice, the frown on her face mocking your own. She chuckles, and drinks from her mug, “I bet you’re thirsty. Chamomile, just like you like it”.
You pull yourself away, making the Cat sigh in annoyance.
“Now why would I drink from a poisoned mug? Use your brain, Pup. If you still have one after all that chloroform, I do sometimes fuck up my dosages It’s a wonder you’re even still alive, Mutt”.
That nickname, that dreaded nickname from all those years ago; your body tenses at the reminder of the hold Selina Kyle had on you even in your younger years. She was always your kryptonite, from the moment she’d saved you from those girls, you regarded her as a God. You looked up to her. She was your soulmate. She notices this. God, she always noticed everything about you.
Leaning in inches from your face, she speaks, “That brought back memories, huh? Always been the runt of the litter since the day we met, little lamb. You wanted this, so you’re getting it”.
“Why are y-you doing this”? You asked meekly, catching your lip between your bottom teeth. You should be scared, shaking in your boots but despite being all of that, the closer she gets, the hotter your body gets. It was almost like a drought finally getting the rain it deserved, your body aching for Selina like it had those nights you fell asleep after cumming to thoughts of her between your legs. Selina can read you like an open book, that boisterous laughter of hers making another appearance that sent shivers down your spine.
“Oh my, How pathetic are you? You really can’t fucking hide it can you? Disgusting”.
She climbs on top of you and smiles, “I’ve been waiting so long for this. Don’t fight, okay? I don’t wanna have to hurt you”.
Don’t fight it? She had some audacity, you wanted to slap her, yell, scream that she couldn’t just control you like this— That’s just not what you do. Instead, you open your legs as ordered. Selina is pleased. She always gets what she wants and right now she was starving and prepared to lick her plate clean. The meal she was eating was a delicacy, after all.
Situating herself between your legs, she slides your panties down your thighs, not wasting any time; she’d been waiting to do this for so long. She wasn’t about to waste this opportunity. Though there’d be plenty more.
Staring shamelessly at your cunt, her tongue rolls over her lips, admiring how pretty your pussy was. She’d decided when you first walked back into her life that no one else deserved to see such art, just the thought of it made the feline growl, aggressively licking a stripe up your cunt to make a point— You? Were hers.
“Look at that, tasty little thing. Just as imagined”. She whispers to herself and the fact it was almost like you weren’t even there, just 3D porn for Selina to get off to, you whimper, wiggling your hips to urge her to go on. You didn’t understand why you were so susceptible to her advances, why it was so easy for you to give in and forget about the word ‘no’.
“I was thinking about prolonging this, denying you any pleasure for flirting with that bitch but you look so good, I think I need a new plan”.
The second lick is drawn out, her tongue flat on your cunt, slowly licking up until her lips are kissing up your body, doesn’t stay there for long; cats can be rather impatient, you know? Her mouth attaches to your clit, making your legs tremble uncontrollably. You look down at her, reminded of the exes who tried and failed to make you feel this good with much more and yet here she was; making you quiver from fucking oral. It angered you. It did.
She’d crushed you all those years ago and here she was, with you in the palm of her hand like nothing happened.
“You’re thinking too much. We’ll discuss later, Dog”. Selina growls, tired of your attention being elsewhere when it was supposed to be hers. She was done playing pity the fool, she wasn’t ready back then, she wasn’t mature enough, and didn’t speak up enough. She’s more than ready now.
You feel her tongue prod at your hole and just like that, she’s released you from those doubtful little thoughts, taking you to places no one but she knew how to— Your first moans are like music to her ears, your thighs moving to close over her head, attempting to be rid of the onslaught on your cunt; she only forces them back open.
Her moves are sloppy but effective, in that moment she didn’t care to take her time, like a kitten to a bowl of milk, she was absolutely ravenous; it was your turn to be jealous. Who’d gotten to experience this after she walked away from you? It was hypocritical you knew, you’d dated and hooked up long after her shocking exit from your life, you had a bit of a whore phase, maybe but it was all due to missing her. That’s forgivable, right?
Not. At. All. It’s much to the dismay of Selina, who adds two fingers to your hole unexpectedly, not bothering to wait for you to adjust to the feeling; she abuses your cunt with her mouth and her fingers.
Your back arches off the bed, trying to get away from her but unfortunately going the wrong way as you further position yourself deep onto her fingers and pressed harder against her tongue— She laughs, scoffing with a pointed glare in your direction, “Look at you…So stupid you ran the wrong fucking way, Bitch. GET. DOWN”.
Anger radiates off her body hot enough to scorch the earth and drain the oceans dry, you always knew her temper was something else, but this… This was pure unadulterated fury.
“Now I won’t be too hard on you for fucking other bitches given the fact I messed my chances up when you presented them to me but make no mistakes, Honeybun. That show you put on tonight? You looked sexy no doubt, but that glint in your eyes when you looked at me? I intend to dull. You remember how angry I could get, don’t ya Doll”?
With the way you’re positioned, cunt in the air and head in the mattress? It makes it easier for the sadist to violate your willing holes, her eyes hold a darkness in them that Y/n had never seen in Selina’s eyes before, she looked like a monster, evil and vile. sick and twisted. Just why did that arouse you? Why did you clench around her fingers like a sick whore? Allowing her to violate and degrade you until your mind went numb and your body collapses back to the bed; Selina refuses to give you a break, her fingers moving faster and her tongue licking sloppily. Your body can no longer take it and you feel yours cumming.
Worse, you start to squirt.
And that makes it all that more amusing to Selina, she doesn’t stop. She doesn’t slow down. She speeds UP!
“There we go. See, baby? I told you I wasn’t gonna deny you any orgasms, no, no…Instead”?
Grabbing a dildo and a knife from nearby, she leans back on her heels and starts to hum, sinking the dildo into your still quivering cunt and pressing at the bottom of it, making the dildo start to vibrate as she focuses on the dagger in her hands, the cold blade touching the skin of your thigh.
“I’m gonna make you cum so many times you forget your fucking name and all you can do is bark like the bitch you are. And while I do”?
She lets the dagger slice into your skin, in turn making you hiss, your chest still heaving from your orgasm and drool running down your lip from the overstimulation; the pain and pleasure slowly melting your mind as she begins to carve her name into your thigh letter by letter, her tongue licking up at blood that drips out.
The crimson coats her teeth as she grins at you, continuing to cut into your skin.
“I’m gonna make sure I cut deeper and deeper until everyone knows who you belong to and the scars are permanent on your skin. Get ready, Mutt. I’m going to make you think hell is paradise”.
All you can do is shudder.
A/N: Happy 20th Birthday to the best person I’ve encountered on this planet, you’re my favorite person and my safespace and it’ll always been Heaven and Dré against life. I hope you enjoy this, old lady, I know I’m a day late.
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themculibrary · 8 months
Fics With Titles That Start With Y Masterlist
Yellow Journalists & Rose Gold Hearts (ao3) - heyjupiter bruce/tony G, 3k
Summary: When the Daily Bugle slanders Spider-Man, Peter Parker's loved ones show support in their own ways.
Years in the making (ao3) - glittercake sam/bucky G, 7k
Summary: Bucky and Sam meet as two young soldiers, but the time is never quite right to make it anything more. Until it eventually is.
Sam refuses to let himself fall in love while he's deployed. Bucky pines endlessly for years about the prettiest bird he’s ever seen. Sam’s no better.
Ye merry gentlemen (ao3) - Just_Bill bucky/steve/tony T, 7k
Summary: Because the cold of New York City winter is triggering to both Steve and Bucky, they spend the cold months in the tropics. Lots of fluff ensues. Lots. Bring a toothbrush.
Yoda One For Me (ao3) - Sunshineshipper mj/peter G, 5k
Summary: There wasn't a chance in hell that she was going to give Peter a romantic and nerdy card and also sign it. That was never going to happen. Which means Peter and Ned spent the entire lunch period conversing about his new secret admirer.
you always stand up (ao3) - oldrival pepper/tony G, 4k
Summary: endgame fix-it !! with a happy ending for everyone
You bring me closer to God (ao3) - Late_to_party_81 bucky/joaquin E, 8k
Summary: Bucky’s pissed off, his blood boiling, but all he can think about is taking out his frustrations on a certain, newly-minted Falcon.
you came back as the underdog (ao3) - buries bucky/wanda E, 119k
Summary: After the events of Westview, Wanda’s content to isolate herself away from the rest of the world in Sokovia. Unfortunately for her, Bucky has other plans.
You'd Be So Nice To Come Home To (ao3) - EmilianaDarling steve/bucky E, 26k
Summary: “What about you, Barnes?” asks Dugan. The sound of his voice brings Bucky back to the present, dredges him out of memories of a beat-up little apartment with sunlight streaming in through the windows. “Got yourself a girl waiting for you back home?”
There’s an answer on the tip of his tongue, one that he’ll deliver with a cocky grin and a half-laugh and a little shake of his head. But Bucky is exhausted and hungry and so sore it hurts to move, and one of the guys in their platoon fucking died yesterday. His mouth tastes like iodine water and his feet hurt and none of it’s going to get better any time soon, and all at once Bucky misses Steve so badly he can barely see straight.
“Yeah,” Bucky declares abruptly, the word escaping from his mouth before he fully realizes what he’s saying. “Yeah, I do.”
you might be what i want, but you’re not what i need (ao3) - krystalpomme T, 30k
Summary: tony invites peter to meet pepper’s family in california. peter is ecstatic at the thought of having a set of grandparents, but they aren’t too keen on having a grandchild that isn’t biologically theirs. morgan is spoiled, peter gets left out, and tony is caught in the middle of trying to prove himself to his in-laws or standing up for his son.
With newfound reluctance, he took Tony’s hand, preparing himself to be ignored for the rest of the trip.
That is—until Pepper’s mom turned around, looking Peter up and down before giving him a obviously fake smile,
“I’m sorry, who are you?”
young and full of running (ao3) - sharoncarters T, 5k
Summary: In which Sharon Carter and Bobbi Morse graduate from SHIELD Academy, search for the greatest burger in the country, learn how (not) to gamble, and live the American dream, among other things.
your braids like a pattern (love you to the moon & to saturn) (ao3) - archers_and_spies clint/natasha T, 17k
Summary: Natasha Romanoff meets Clint Barton in a salon in Iowa. He teaches her what trust means and she keeps coming back.
You're a Different Kind of Danger in the Daylight (ao3) - Siria bruce/natasha T, 7k
Summary: Poor little spider.
You’re Tuggin On Me (ao3) - MarvelsAssbutts sam/bucky M, 6k
Summary: Bucky manages to hide his feelings for Sam pretty well. Has been doing it for months with little to no problem or fantasy. Then Sam puts his hands in Bucky’s hair.
Your Faith Around My Neck (ao3) - Jo (jmathieson) clint/phil E, 72k
Summary: The collaring of Clint Barton.
Your Highness (ao3) - the_irish_mayhem jane/thor E, 6k
Summary: Jane wants something in bed and Thor is more than happy to oblige.
For the first day of Fosterson Week, post-TDW.
Your Latest Trick (ao3) - ChortlesOfDoom loki/tony, pepper/tony E, 273k
Summary: Following a violent, masterfully feigned death aboard the Statesman, Thor believes Loki's gone for good; more importantly, so does Thanos. Exhausted and hungry for revenge, Loki returns to Earth, but as he bides his strength, anonymously supplying the Avengers with inside knowledge between his own preparations, he begins to see the true cost of holding on.
your light guides me home (to you) (ao3) - bisexualbarry steve/tony M, 15k
Summary: Steve struggled with living for a long time. Even after escaping the New York Quarantine Zone, he doesn’t really know how to live.
Until he met Tony.
you should know me better than that (ao3) - napricot sam/bucky E, 32k
Summary: Sam and Bucky may be partners now, but they still have a lot of getting to know each other to do. For Sam, letting Bucky get to know him is proving to be a more difficult prospect than expected. At least, it is until an exposure to truth serum leads to some revelations about his and Bucky's relationship.
You've got a friend in me (ao3) - boleyn13 loki/tony, clint/natasha, pepper/tony M, 412k
Summary: After faking his death in the Dark World Loki is free to do what he wants. Instead of leaving everything behind Loki is driven by his thirst for revenge and won't find peace before he destroyed every single one of the Avengers. This time though he won't use violence, but the weapons of the God of Mischief: trickery, deceit and illusion. Loki decides to befriend the Avengers. However they won't know it's him. Not until he is close enough to strike. Unfortunately Loki didn't consider the possibility that he might get too close.
you were an army officer, and i just a rockette (ao3) - bisamwilson sam/bucky E, 11k
Summary: Bucky buys a USO uniform, and Sam learns there are merits to being late.
10/31/21: Sam gets a turn with the uniform.
10/30/22: Sam comes home to another surprise.
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jvstheworld · 7 months
My Ted Lasso Re-watch: S1E9 (part 5)
All Apologies
'She's just playing her game' Jane is playing chess while trying to make Beard jealous. Girl, don't mess with him like this.
The way Beard looks at Ted, it's like he's a wounded puppy. It's kind of heartbreaking.
As much as Ted doesn't want to hurt Roy by benching him, or measure the success of the team by wins and losses, he has to. That's his job. With college football the stakes were low. They weren't pro athletes getting paid a shit load of money and sponsorship deals. They were college kids getting their education. At Richmond, he is dealing with people's professional careers. This is their full time job. It matters to them, it matters to the whole club if they win or lose, and if they get relegated. It has massive repercussions. And that needs to be considered before doing what Roy wants. Ted needs to put the whole club first before Roy. To quote Star Trek: 'The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.'
Beard needed to give Ted this wake up call. It's nice that Ted doesn't want to hurt Roy and give him a chance after the season, but Ted needs to face that facts that his way of thinking is not necessarily the right way for this situation. If it was college football, he'd have better luck, but he's not in Kansas anymore (I hate myself for that) he needs to change to a new way of thinking to help the club survive.
Ted drink 4 pints of beer because he didn't want them going to waste, like with the curry in episode 3. Also because he just got yelled at by his best friend and needed to drown his sorrows.
Drunk Ted forgets to look the other way before crossing the road, but Roy's there, so he's fine. Also drunk Ted is kind of hot with his hair being a mess. Though I really just want to tuck him up in bed and let him sleep it off.
Does Ted regularly forget to eat and that's why he has a jar of peanut butter readily available? Unlike Roy I do have a nut allergy, so I am staying the hell away from him when he's doing that. I do not need another trip to the hospital, thank you. 2 allergic reactions is enough for me. They aren't bad reactions, like they won't kill me, but I do need steroid antihistamines for them because the over the counter ones do nothing to help.
Why does Ted have 2 day old pasta water sitting on his stove top? Does Ted have ADHD? Also why was he hot when gesturing to the pasta water?
Roy is good at hiding his anger? How angry is this man? He's like Bruce Banner in the first Avengers film. Dude is always angry, just let's it out when he needs to. What happened in Roy's life that made him so angry all the time? (Also I recognise that Brett will be playing Hercules in the MCU. And that was basically my introduction to him).
So, Rebecca calls Ted a little shit when she talks to Higgins about how he forgave her. And now Phoebe is a little shit for wanting to watch the match even if Roy isn't in it.
Ice cream is great. I have no opinion on Billy Joel, though I have heard that you're not supposed to besmirch him, lest I get run though and splattered across the ground by a super fast, superhero called A-Train. (I like The Boys, it's a good show and that first episode really sets the tone of what the rest of it will be like).
'I never know how to react when a grown man does the Carlton in front of me.' you either watch it happen or you join in, those are your two options. But Ted's hair just flopping about as he does it and the overwhelming need to run my hands through it. My poor friend is never going to hear the end of my thirst for this man. (Hi friend 👋, because I know you check to see if I have posted something for the day).
Ted really puts the manic in Manic Pixie Dream Boy. Because he is one.
Ted insults Roy like Henry would insult him.
Ted makes tea for both him and Roy so Roy doesn't drink alone. Brett hates tea and Jason likes it. To me, as a Yorkshire born person, I'm with Brett and Ted, tea is gross.
Higgins is back! Ted giving him biscuits is sweet, even if they were supposed to be for Trent Crimm - The Independent's daughter. Who really remembers their third birthday anyway. She'll be fine. It's cute that Ted did that for her anyway.
Nate apologising to Ted for for what happened in a dream. Been there. It was not a good dream, I had to message my friend and tell him what happened. I was on edge all day because of it. So, I get why Nate felt the need to apologise to real Ted, but, yeah, probably best to apologise to 'dream Ted' too.
Keeley should have hidden her vibrator better. And Roy being a good uncle, doing something nice for Phoebe in the hopes she will forget what she saw.
Hold on, Beard has been in a similar situation to Roy? I need a whole book about this man and his life.
The ending to this episode is probably my favourite of the show. Because if anything it shows that Ted got through to Roy. He believes. While he might not want other people to see it, he does. That's why he came back. There's no shame in saying he's injured and can't play or train with them, because he does have a legitimate reason to not play. But he came back for the team, as their captain. Ted had his back and now he has their's. Roy believes.
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peteyprecious616 · 2 years
Behind the mask
Pairing: Batman x reader
Summary: Somehow the man in the mask was your soulmate. You didn't know anything about him except for late night visits and whispers. But maybe you realized you meant more to him than just run-ins and phone calls.
Word count: ~1.7k
A/N: I saw the new Batman movie and let me just say...Robert Pattinson as Batman. That's all I need to say. But idk what this is but emo Bruce Wayne made me feel something. Also ive never really written a soulmate au so im not sure how it works in general. Also don't read this if you haven't seen the film obviously. It doesn't follow the movie really at all but it has some themes in it from the film. But let me know what you think.
Warnings: Nothing really; just small mentions of violence and late nights lol
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I’m trying to keep you safe
I need to stay away
Stay close
Don’t leave
I can’t lose you. I've already lost everyone else.
Small grunts sounded from the metals stairs above you as you cleaned the glass at the bar.
Your eyes hurt from the number of times they rolled at the same run-ins with him.
Your fingers grasped the cup tighter, making your fingers rush white from poor circulation. You couldn’t stand his poor choice of timing.
The small tattoo still stuck permanently to your wrist as you thought about that damn cape. He always knew where to find you.
Protecting you
Saving you
But here you were, still stuck in this god-forsaken city. Pure hatred ran through your veins as you heard Cobblepot's small pleads to the man in the mask to stop. Only looking out for his bar’s reputation.
You chose this job for many reasons.
Money, fun, to spite him.
You were angry at the man that promised you everything and nothing in the shadowed alleyways of your small apartment complex.
How he couldn’t be with you because it was too dangerous but he needed to keep you safe
You were his soulmate.
You barely knew him. Small checks that followed months of radio silence were aggravating. His job is his only priority. Hours of examining evidence given to him surprisingly by the commissioner himself.
He barely slept, only eating when Alfred brought it down to him. Even then it was only touched a few times before he went back to work.
He called you sometimes. To make sure you were doing well, and you were okay.
But the less you knew the better.
He sent you small, expensive gifts hoping it would keep you happy. He never asked you to live with him.
You’ve asked him numerous times about it. He always told you, you would be better off.
Crime controlled his life. When he was asleep, he was haunted by his need to fulfill his father’s legacy to keep Gotham running.
You saw him on dark rooftops when you walked home from work. You never told him where you worked, walking different streets and alleyways at night.
You knew that he would tell you to quit.
The iceberg lounge was a criminal hotspot. Surrounded by famous-named Gotham residents and secret mob members that no one knew the names of.
It was where criminals and "good people" were allowed to mingle together. Or to hide and confess their sins to someone to fix them.
So you heard about what kept Batman up at night. The new bad that kept everyone on edge.
He told riddles; that was all you knew.
But that was what his whole life revolved around.
He was so stupid. So ignorant towards his safety. To put his own life at risk constantly for a city that had already fallen to ash.
To sin.
He still puts on a mask to hide his identity from a city that has already ripped his body and soul bare. He was a broken man trying to piece together a broken city;
A ripped cape and scars were gifted to him; the pain that was given to him to keep this city from bleeding out.
Even though it had nothing left to save.
He didn’t care about saving himself or saving the joke of the government that keeps trying to push on the population.
It will get better.
Keep going. Believe in us.
But everyone was greedy for money, for lust.
Only looking out for themselves.
Him only looking out for you
He was too selfish. Surrounded by people filled with it just egged him on.
He just kept getting angrier. Enraged at what this city has become. His father believed in the best of Gotham. He believed the city had good in it.
But all the good that he saw was in you. And only you.
So he kept fighting, even though he already lost the ongoing battle between good and evil that ran through the streets of his beloved home.
His mind ramped with guilt and hatred for letting it fall so quickly. And let you live in it for so long.
Who cared about vengeance? Who cared about anything when it all could just be a lie that spilled from greedy lips. He knew that he could only do so much. Alfred told him many times to hang up the cape. To slow down or leave the city because he couldn’t do any more than he already has.
What his family already tried to do.
Even with money, people had a poor sense of change; To be better people.
Alfred accepted this fact long ago, but you kept him going.
So when he found out you worked under Penguin, he froze. He dropped everything to come to find you.
Your bed started to feel foreign as you lay there. Your phone rested upon your chest, almost waiting for it to ring.
You did not have any plans today or tonight. It was a rare occurrence to have time to yourself.
Especially when your life had to revolve around him.
Even though it was never really put together, Batman was like the invisible glue that silently held the city steady. Always taking care of others because it's what the city needed to survive.
Holding himself together, keeping above water was another story. But his disheveled hair that was scattered upon his pillow, while you cuddled up against his bruised body, his mumbling about saving this god-forsaken town for his family, and for you was enough for him.
Your small relief that you gave him at night that made him forget that the world was ending was enough to go back out the next day.
You knew it wasn’t going to last forever.
The way he sacrificed himself to Gotham every night, without a single care in the world. Bruises were hidden by long hair that covered his face when he hid it in the crook of your shoulder.
Hiding from the light that cursed his name, you held his weak body in your arms, waiting for him to crack.
But as he laid still, silent breathes that hit your neck you still held him close. Because even if you didn’t know him, he was still a part of you.
Kisses given to cleaned, shallow cuts; soft brushes over eternal scars were just a normal interaction.
But your soul is bound with his, even if his is lost and a bit dark just like the rest of the city.
He was still yours to have
The last interaction was over three months ago.
Now showing up in this overcrowded bar, looking for you was not something you could handle. You called a fellow worker over to fill your shift as you grabbed your coat from the back of the bar.
You pulled out the collar of your jacket, fixing your hair as you fish for your keys in your pockets. Praying he was busy elsewhere.
But you could feel his presence becoming more familiar. Your body was magnetic towards him. Your mind struggled to give in as you fumbled to find your keys that were sitting in your hand practically.
Eyes pulled to the ground as you turned to the back door, you felt him stand behind you. His black mask doing nothing to hide his worried stare aimed at your body.
You still felt his fingertips caressing your body that night he left. The whispers and promises that still entangled your mind and soul,
I will save this city. I will be back for you.
I need you.
I love you.
"you know you can't save everyone, right?" you muttered as your back facing him.
You always tried to reassure him. He held too much on his shoulders. Uprooting his whole life before his father died and locking it away. He needed to make his father proud. So all the guilt bled through his hands and chest as he fought crime day after day.
He was never good with words. His family; other news reporters; spoke for him. He never wanted to talk to anyone because words hurt. They didn't get the work done.
But you heard him murmur as your hand caught the doorknob,
"I only need to save you."
You sighed as your hand gripped the handle tightly. He couldn't do this to you now.
"You barely know me."
"You're still important to me. Even if I'm not important to you." He said as you felt his chest hovering behind your back.
You knew he was getting anxious. He needed you safe.
"Why should I care?" you questioned as your back hit the door as you turned to see his paint-covered eyes. Your hand shifting to hold the doorknob.
What did he want you to say when he looked you in the eyes and said,
"Because I love you."
"You don't mean that."
You never knew what he meant.
Hiding his emotions, his whole life behind a mask.
If he never told you he was your soulmate, you would never have figured it out. Sometimes you wish you never met him.
But that tattoo on your wrist said otherwise.
you heard the words,
"I can't lose you too," as his lips met your ear. An easy kiss was pressed against your forehead.
He opened the door behind you and got you to your car first.
Before anything
because he knew that even if he lost everyone he cared about; his family, Alfred,
you were still promised to him. You were made for each other. He would never be alone if he had someone that he was meant to spend eternity with.
So he'd fight anyone, go anywhere, get every bruise if it meant he still got you in the end.
So yes he did hide emotions from you, kept to himself these past few months.
Because if the Riddler knew how much he would sacrifice to save you. You would be the first one he'd lose.
Batman didn't have any weaknesses. But Bruce Wayne did.
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