#Barry Chess
its-a-hare-pom-pom · 8 months
Julian Fawcett and Robin = Gary Goldstein and that man in a hurry
Thank you for listening have a good day
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glamnessaaumisc · 1 year
Discord Requests Pt. 8
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dozydawn · 1 year
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Portrait of Nigel Short by Barry Martin, 1993.
The artist Barry Martin playing chess in front of a live audience against the British Champion, Grandmaster Nigel Short, at the Savoy Theatre, 1993.
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relaxing-n-podcasting · 11 months
(For reference of this post, I'm on episode 47 of Dungeon and Daddies season 1)
Ya know, for all that Bill Close doesn't seem supernaturally evil. He's not super powerful like Willy or Barry. He isn't a master manipulator, he's mostly an absentee/neglectful father. Which is still really shitty and he passes the cycle onto Glenn. But compared to the other two, he's just kinda there.
Do you think Willy got annoyed with him not scheming for power and was just like "Look I don't care what you do, just get your goddamn grandson. Fuck... uh you've watched Judge Judy right? Do that. Get him via a child custody case. Don't care what happens as long as it works. Here's some purple magic powers."
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ironmanrecords · 2 months
Tour Management Services - A professional solution for touring artists
“Mark is the best tour manager I have worked with in the 50 years I have worked in the business – trustworthy, thorough and handles all challenges with professionalism I highly recommend him.” – Peter Conway, Peter Conway Management Iron Man offers Tour Management Services for Music, Film, TV and Theatre and is fully insured with Public Liability and Professional Indemnity Insurance. I work in…
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inbarfink · 8 months
It’s really fascinating to compare the way Agatha handles the Heterodyne Legacy compared to her father and uncle. Because these are the two known generations of ‘Heroic’ Heterodynes after a long, long legacy of the Heterodyne family being known primarily as Evil Bastards - but they have such a totally opposite relationship with that villainous legacy.
Bill and Barry grew up deep inside that Evil Heterodyne Legacy and know all about how truly rotten it really is. Their father was an Old Heterodyne to the bone and an Extremely Reprehensible Human Being. Like, not just Cartoon Evil Overlord stuff - according to the Novels, he forced Bill and Barry’s mom to marry him by threatening her family. And he tried to kill them because they weren’t evil enough to his tastes. 
And when their mom killed him to protect her sons, the Castle killed her in retaliation. The very manifestation of the Heterodyne Legacy has cost them their beloved mother who just saved their life. And all of this in addition to the fact a non-evil Heterodyne was really an unthinkable concept when the Boys started - meaning they had to work extra hard to distance themselves from their family if they wanted anyone outside of Mechanicsburg to trust them.
And Heterodyne Boys worked very very hard to prove to the world that they’re not monsters. Both to fight off against the constant suspicions that they were monsters, and because they most likely wanted as little to do with their father’s legacy as Spark-ly possible. For them the Heterodyne Legacy was mostly kind of a Curse, the thing that tormented their mother and killed her and almost killed them, the thing that makes people wary of them.
And as such, they distanced themselves from anything that’s even remotely to do with that old legacy of monsters, from anything evil or scary or messy or ugly. Much to the chagrin of the Castle, the House of Heterodyne’s many other monsters, the Jager Horde Mechanicsburg’s proud Evil Minion population and many others who felt abandoned by them for the sake of PR.
Then there’s Agatha Heterodyne. And it’s not just that Agatha grew up in a post-Heterodyne-Boys world where the general populace associates the family name less with evil barbarous mad kings and more with good-natured heroism. Where even those who remember the Old Heterodynes are at least willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. Where even those who would like her to be like the Old Heterodynes are at least willing to give her some wiggle room to express herself....
It is all of that, but more importantly Agatha didn’t grow up as a Heterodyne at all.
She grew up as Agatha Clay, with the Spark-Suppressing Locket that dulled her mind and made her a miserable klutzy mess who couldn’t do anything right. She grew up hating the constant feeling of being powerless.
And discovering that she’s a Heterodyne came up… pretty close to realizing she’s a Spark, and both of these revelations gave her a certain kind of Power that she never got to have before. She is now both a powerful Spark and a powerful political player in this grand Europa political chess board. 
And as much as she has the same heroic values and upbringing as the Boys did (courtesy of Barry and the Construct Duo), not growing up so up-close-and-personal with the worst consequences of the Old Heterodyne’s evil means she’s not as immediately repulsed by it like the Boys were. 
She encountered all of these old monstrous pieces of the Heterodyne Legacy - the Jagers, the Castle, Mechanicsburg, even just the fear her name can put into people’s hearts - not as the Evil Legacy Forced Upon Her. But stuff that was taken away from her, and she had to earn back. And in a world stacked so heavily against her, so determined to rob her of her agency and newfound sense of power, these things represent the assertion and security of her power.
For the Heterodyne Boys, the worst thing they could ever imagine being was monsters - like their father and the rest of their family was. For Agatha Heterodyne, the worst thing she could imagine is being powerless again. She would take being seen as a monster a thousand times over being condescended and ignored ever again. 
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Being seen as a monster isn’t actually all that bad at all, she discovered. 
All of these things together make Agatha not quite the second generation of Actually Heroic Heterodyne or just another link in the Old Heterodyne Legacy - but another new kind of Heterodyne altogether. One that can both retain a moral code and embrace the family’s monstreness at the same time. 
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jerreeeeeee · 5 months
Balance fic recs
some of my favorite balance fics. various ages, popularities, and lengths. i’ve been wanting to do a rec list for a while!
caramel by nevereverever
The first time Taako is left alone, it isn't pretty. But their lives are stuck in a loop and people come back and die again and again and he wonders if there will ever be a time when he doesn't have to fear being left alone.
2.7k, Taako & Lup Lup dies one cycle and then, years later, she dies again. But she always comes back. Hurt/comfort of the best kind.
Warmth by noxic
"It was a well-known fact among the residents of the Starblaster that Lup, Barry, and Taako slept in the same bed more often than not. It was one of those things that they just did without really talking about it."
2.1k, Barry & Lup & Taako The BLT fic of all time. Quality platonic adult sleepovers.
Taako the Matchmaker by @fantasysamsclub
In which Taako tries to set up his sister. Events take place during Stolen Century.
11.1k, Blupjeans & Taako Taako tries to set up blupjeans. Miscommunication ensues. Very sweet and funny.
red fishing line by @anistarrose
A routine performance of Sizzle it Up goes nightmarishly wrong, and at Lup’s bedside, Taako feels helpless. And when a red-robed guest appears before him, Taako doesn’t know how or what to feel at all.
3k, Barry & Lup & Taako Also the BLT fic of all time. Excellent subtle Taako characterization, and my favorite depiction of the familiarity-but-not of being voidfished. Warning for major character death.
Sunny-Side Up by @barry-j-blupjeans
And the world? The world loved Taako. For once in his gods-damned life, people loved him. They didn’t care about all the flaws, they didn’t care where he came from or who he was before. They loved his food and they loved him. No one would ever quite be at Taako’s level and that was something he thrived on. There would never be anyone who could measure up. Taako deserved this happiness. He worked for it. He wasted his fucking life away for it.
5.7k, Taako A wonderful character study, revolving around the role food plays in Taako's life. Fairly minor but impactful characters like Sazed and Taako's aunt are utilized in a very meaningful way. So well-written and warm. Warning for brief suicidal ideation.
On the Deck of the Starblaster by @papergardener
“What the… what are you all doing? We have work to do!” It’s a justified reaction, Lucretia thinks, to finding your entire crew literally lazing about on deck not an hour into this new cycle. “This one's on me,” Taako says. “It’s a new trend I like to call: taking a fucking break.” Cycle Nintey-Five. Everyone’s maybe not doing so good and could use a little warmth.
6.5k, Lucretia & Taako Near the end of the century, Lucretia is feeling rough. Taako pulls her out of her funk and initiates a much needed rest. Fantastic characterization, of Lucretia as a whole, and the loyal, warm side of Taako. Warning for mentions of a suicide attempt and suicidal ideation.
leaving, as an injustice by @anistarrose
When Mavis is eight, she starts finding her Dad asleep on the couch in the morning. Sometimes, he’s even all the way out on their tiny patio, with his head slumped onto a pillow atop the chess table, and bags beneath his eyes. In one of their following games, he tells her about tactical retreats.
4.7k, Mavis & Merle A study of Mavis and her relationship to Merle. Incredibly insightful into criminally underrated characters. Excellent Merle characterization.
Permission by vaguenotion
She’d been doing this on and off for the last hour, as if daring the men to catch up to them. Daring them to fight her. Every time seemed like a final stand. Here is where I will meet them, her shoulders said, hiked up around her ears. Here is where I’ll make them pay for what they’ve done. But then Taako would grab her hand, and she would turn and see the bruising on his throat, the blood drying on his brow, the tear in his shirt. And she would grip his hand in hers and together they would keep running.
12.6k, Taako & Lup My favorite depiction of the twins as children, both in character and realistic. Beautifully atmospheric, with so many small details that make the setting feel so real. Warning for assault and harm to children.
Come Hell or High Water by @nillial
“Taako,” Hurley asks, “where’s your magic umbrella?” Taako looks behind him. He had tossed the Umbrastaff in the path of a neighboring vehicle, which was beginning to catch up to them. He sees them now, far in the distance, and he sees his Umbrastaff, too, lying dangerously close to its wheels. As if on cue, he watches the tires crush it to pieces. “Whoops,” he says. - Lup is trapped. And then she isn’t. --- In which Taako breaks his umbrella during the Petals to the Metal race, unknowingly freeing Lup, who is almost immediately captured by Kravitz. After becoming a member of the Raven Queen's retinue with Kravitz as her trainer, she has two missions: 1) find her family, and 2) ruin Kravitz's afterlife. A story about enemies becoming friends and lost families finding their way back to one another.
197k (currently), Lup & Kravitz Incredible characterization. I love the way Lup is written. Hilarious shenanigans, sweet friendship-building, and terribly sad sometimes, because it dives deep into the reality of Lup existing in a world that's forgotten her.
Very cold water on a very hot day by @keplercryptids
Sometimes a family is a nerd who can't swim and the crunchy-haired watersport inventor who teaches him how. Surfer lingo required.
3.1k, Barry & Taako Deep dive into the beach year. Excellently in character, well-written dialogue, and a beautiful depiction of their growing friendship.
Children of Atlas by @papergardener
They’ve survived the apocalypse and now as far as they know, they’re the only ones left. Perhaps it was inevitable that they’d consider… repopulation. Lucretia writes up a weekly schedule to try and address that. Absolutely no one is happy with this.
76k (currently), IPRE crew The premise for this one is incredibly offputting, but I'm so glad I gave it a chance. The characterization and quality of writing is absolutely wonderful. I also love the attention to detail of the realistic difficulty of just surviving. Fantastically atmospheric, this fic dives deep into the uncertainty and fear of the first cycle, when the crew are all strangers, and the love that turns them into a family. Warning for extensive discussion of sexual assault.
Emissary Davenport by DragonWrites
A series of stories where Captain Davenport is secretly an emissary of Garl Glittergold, Gnomish god of pranks. And when you're a serious-minded captain on a mission to save all of reality, having a cheerful trickster god as your unexpected patron can get a little strange...
300k, Davenport A series of four works set in an AU where Davenport is an emissary to the leader of the gnomish pantheon. My absolute favorite depiction of Davenport, ever. The first three works are explorations of Davenport as a character and the relationships between people and gods in a DnD world. The last, Lost Gods, is the best fanfiction I've ever read. I can't express how good it is. The attention to detail among myriad plot threads, the building of themes, the characterization across just about every single character in Balance, all come together to create 223k words of a genuine masterpiece.
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soapsoupy · 9 months
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And maybe that’s relevant somehow.
Lyrics are from November by Sparkbird!
[Image description: watercolor art of the Seven Birds from The Adventure Zone, all with solemnly frowning expressions. Magnus, a pale-skinned human, stands at the center, holding the Temporal Chalice. He's flanked by Davenport, a light-skinned gnome with graying hair, and Merle, a brown-skinned dwarf who's holding a white chess piece.
Behind them is Lucretia, a woman with dark brown skin who's holding the Bulwark Staff with her eyes closed, and Taako, an elf with light brown skin who's holding the Umbra Staff. He's facing away from Lucretia, but his eyes are pointed towards her.
Barry and Lup float behind the others in lich form, with text above the group reading: "not only is it thicker, blood is stickier than water". End ID.]
[Plain text: "And maybe that's relevant somehow." End description.]
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danothan · 10 months
drawing hal is like “this is a man and a woman” and drawing barry is like “this is a man or a woman” and honestly i think i should be applauded for the 4d gender chess that i’m playing in my brain
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Incoming intro°°°
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Hey, im Peter/ Pete.
- he/ him
- I love hozier (if you couldn't already tell)
- straight/ ace
- recently become I plant dad ngl so I'll be posting plenty about plants on this blog
- I'm better at chess than you
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Er that's all I can think of right now. I'll add to it it later
But you should really check out these other blogs. (Warning they're my family insult them and I'll find you<3)
I'm warming up to you guys tho:
Not you tho @imbetteratdarkmagicthanallofyou
This is a rp blog don't like it don't interact
If you want to join dm @unhinged-as-hell
Here are the other rp blogs involved
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aneurinallday · 4 months
AneurinAllDay's content list
✨ List of all my Aneurin Barnard moodboards and fanfics so far ✨
fanfiction x 5
The Grey Man (Peaky Blinders)
Pygmalion (request from @rmelster)
Gibson and the Shivering Soldier (Dunkirk) (request from @lordbettany) teaser
The Tragedy of James Steerforth (David Copperfield) (request from @nealsneen) teaser
Green Eyes (Peaky Blinders)
moodboards x 88
Doctor Holford x Tommy Shelby
Medieval Artist
Fallen Angel
Mr Rochester
Renaissance: Botticelli Muse
Renaissance: Leonardo da Vinci Muse
Renaissance: Guido Reni Muse
Renaissance: Michelangelo Muse
Fashion Model
Pastry Chef
Gothic Romance
Gibson Survives
Romeo & Juliet
Prince Charming
Lancelot and the Lady of Shalott
Barry Lyndon Part I
Barry Lyndon Part II
St George and a pet dragon
Chess x 6
The White King VS The Black King
Three Welsh Romances x 3
The Mabinogion x 4
Prince Eric (The Little Mermaid) x 3
Sleepy Hollow
Tarot x 22
Prince Florian (Snow White)
Prince Adam (Beauty and the Beast)
Prince Henry (Cinderella)
Prince Phillip (Sleeping Beauty)
Silent Film
Jonathan Harker
Carmilla x 2
Black Phillip (The Witch)
Christian Daaé (Phantom of the Opera)
Sound of Music
Sons of Aphrodite: Eros
Sons of Aphrodite: Himeros
Sons of Aphrodite: Anteros
Sons of Aphrodite: Pothos
Lord Jacob Allenbrought (The Raven Volumes by R.M. Elster)
Lovecraft: Cthulhu
Lovecraft: Necronomicon
Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer
Itsaslamiak (Sea Lamia)
HR Giger
(updated September 15 2024)
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mintyimperiatrix · 8 months
a random headcanon for each of the Morbius Doctors because why not:
Barry Doctor: He's the Doctor who first beat Fenric and carved chess pieces out of bone
Banks Stewart Doctor: He met Jack Harkness during the Blitz once and they shared a bottle of wine. neither knew who the other really was nor will they ever know.
Baker Doctor: he used to sing the Zagreus rhyme to Cedric and Jilly when they were little. Jilly loved it, Cedric found it scary and unsettling
Hinchcliffe: he changes the colour scheme of his outfit and TARDIS interior whenever he gets a new companion. He wore blue with Rue (because it rhymes, you see) but with Swan he changes to red or green
Camfield: functioning alcoholic
Harper: she only wears the psychic beard to fuck with people and judge their personal prejudices, anyone who actually gets to know her will quickly discover that she vastly prefers feminine terminology
Holmes: he has a special interest in botany so his TARDIS has a lot of potted plants in it
Gallaccio: he loves indian food and always smells of spices. also Chuckaboo's remains were used to build the Sonic Cane in Let's Kill Hitler (this will sound horrific out of context)
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mugman64 · 1 year
Heroes of the DC universe but it’s only about fishing.
Aquaman- No, nope, not happening, he hates that shit.
Batman- Too rich for this, if it isn’t a Sherlock novel, chess, or one of his kid’s events he doesn’t do it
Superman- Grew up fishing with Pa, really wants to be good at it. Isn’t.
Green Arrow- Same as Superman but it’s doubly insulting because Dinah is so good at it
Black Canary- Insanely good, like made Diana think she was related to Poseidon good. Growing up around the retired JSA members wears off I guess.
Wonder Woman- Refuses to fish ever since she challenged someone to a fishing competition and lost
Doctor Fate- Expert angler, fishing was the common pastime of the JSA, taught Dinah how to bait a hook
Wildcat- Same thing as fate, but he taught Dinah better
Martian Manhunter- Enjoys fishing, finds it almost meditative, him and Dinah go out once a month
Hawkgirl- While she hates the waiting it’s all worth it when she finally gets the chance to reel in a big catch
Flash- Wally hates it, with a passion. Barry loves it and introduced J’onn to it. Bart doesn’t have the patience for it and was banned when he caused a hurricane to send all the fish on shore
Artemis of Bana-Mighdall- Won a fishing contest against Diana back in the 80’s when she was Wonder Woman and has never let her forget it. Takes Bizarro out fishing as often as she can, he enjoys it.
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Something that I have kind of been thinking about recently is Donnie’s Chess Code Names for his family.
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Donnie: This is Purple Knight is everyone in position
Raph: Red King is set
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Donnie: Orange Pawn please use your-
Mikey: What!? Why am I the pawn?
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Donnie: Cyber Bishop, Plan B
Leo: See that? That is a cool code name
During the episode Mind Meld we see that Donnie has given his family Chess Code Names revealing the Chess Code Names that Donnie has for himself, Raph, Mikey & Shelldon; revealing them to be Purple Knight, Red King, Orange Pawn & Cyber Bishop respectively.
Though we don’t really get to find out what Donnie’s Chess Code Names were for April & Leo a possible Chess Code Name for them that I have seen around the fandom is Yellow Queen & Blue Rook as those are the two chess positions that we don’t really see get used by another character.
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However since the episode Mind Meld more family members have joined the Hamato Clan & something I kind of thought about was what Chess Code Names would Donnie give the Casey’s. The is also Splinter & Barry’s Chess Code Names to consider as well as the two missing Turtle Siblings who were meant to be revealed in season 3 of Rise.
However with Donnie, Raph, Mikey, Shelldon, Leo & most likely April already kind of using most of the Chess positions it kind of made me wonder what Chess Code Names Donnie could really give to his other family members.
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However something that I was kind of thinking about was that in Chess there are usually 16 pieces per side meaning Donnie could possibly reuse a Chess Position name in order to represent one of the other pieces.
So even though Mikey already kind of has the Chess Code Name Orange Pawn, Donnie could possibly use the Pawn Title for seven other people. Donnie also could possibly have room for another knight, rook & bishop if he wanted to reuse those Chess Positions for the other members of his family.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
I was thinking and I got the conclusion that stalker!Tim works as an AU not because Tim is (while not a stalker) canonically a weirdo (he is) but because Bruce is canonically even more of a weirdo.
We know that just like his reaction to the fake uncle shit, after dealing with the shock that this kid figured out his identity and bonding more with his new Robin, Bruce would just compliment Tim stalker abilities and give him new ones.
And that's to say I need more of stalker Bruce creeping people up. We already have him knowing all JLA secret identities without them telling him. But we need more. I want him knowing Hal Jordan's favorite ice cream flavour or Diana's birthday or Dinah's food alergies without no one telling him. He figures Ollies favorite fucking arrow and Zatanna's favorite Barbie movie, he discovered Arthur favorite snack and how exactally Martha Kent made her fried chesse to give a perfect copy to Clark when he was missing Smallvile during a space mission. He discovered Barry's competitive pokemon team! Everyone on the JLA is freaked. They think he has a secret mind reading/guessing superpower he might not even know about but is just stalkish paranoia. The only person he can't figure things out (and it keeps he awake some nights) is Captain Marvel (he is still the first to discover Billy is a kid). Martian Manhunter is the only one that knows Bruce is just weird but he knows he has good intencions so he doesn't care.
And it isn't only with the League. He makes extensive background checks in all his kids friends. The Teen Titans (both Dick's and Damian's) are freaked out by it. The YJ is actually fine 'cause they are used to Tim and it makes sense Bruce would be like that. The Outsiders (both Jason's but also Cass and Duke's) make their personal quest to mislead him. Not to mention the civilian friends. He is less obvious about it but the kids know and it freaks them up. Steph has a serius discussion over bondaries the day Bruce asks about Crystal's dentist visit and Babs is annoyed af when he just knows things about Alysia. And not only the kids all the other batfam members! The Birds of Prey straight up told him to stop multiple times. Helena once asked Sage's help to trick Bruce, Kate just used Alfred to order him to stop. Barbara interceded in name of Montoya as if she wasn't even in the paranoid stalker game with Bruce and Tim (Babs is worse than Bruce actually). Jim Gordon thinks is cool actually. But Lucious Fox is just "kid, I love you, but Alfred needs to teach you bondaries" and "how did you know Tam's baby tooth was starting to fall before me??" (Yes Bruce does this stalker thing since he was a kid/teen)
He also does it with the Rogues. At first they don't notice it because it's normal that their oponent knows things about them but starts to get weird. Selina freaks out when Bruce tells her to say happy birthday for her cat n12 (Dollie, he called it by name) when she hadn't even introduced him to her cats yet. Riddler had a genuine breakdown when Bruce just gave him the exact perfect copy of his glasses prescrition and all to replace his broken ones during an interrogation (he needed Riddler's help against a copycat). Harley punched Bruce in the face after he correctly pointed out she had just started her period and offered heater packs for her cramps, a chocolate ice cream and some snacks while driving her to Arkham, Penguin stopped doing crime for a whole week after he had almost fainted (being a crime lord is hard) for not eating the whole day and having high blood pressure for stress reason and Bruce just gave him a snack, a bottle of water and his meds (except it wasn't his meds, Batman just had a pill of Penguin's prescription in hand and wtf), Scarecrow recomended him therapy when he somehow figure out Jon's favorite candy bar and tried to use it as a bargain for information, Joker felt very flaterred that Bruce not only knew that he made his own dye using two pre existing dye products and a mix of chemicals but had the formula including the recomended brands for everyhing.
The only person who had no reaction was Clark. Clark sees Bruce being a weird stalker as just a fact of life and no one knows how to deal with it. (It's better than Tim "I wanna be like that" and Babs "cool but I'm better " aproaches at least). Talia Al Ghul used to consider it impressive and have a flirty competition to see if Batman could figure details about her. After they stopped being an item they respected each other enough that he just stalks Talia if is related to Ra, crimes, Damian or the League.
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hedgiwithapen · 6 months
This is an odd one but Cisco as The Flash for AU headcanons?👀
I think I've read a fic with that premise (I know I have, I just. cannot recall Details like. title or writer.) So if I Plagiarize that fic by mistake please no one yell at me ok? ok. 1. now this IS partially from the fic I think, i'm already being a criminal, but like. it was still Nora Allen who died, not Ms Ramon (who I have named Pilar and no comics contradict me so!) and Eobard is very like. well shit, gotta adjust the Plans. on the one hand, can kill barry whenever, don't need him, but on the other hand what if I do? what if he also becomes the flash at the correct time for him, and this thing with Cisco doesn't work out and then I am stuck? bro's playing 5d chess against himself and it's not helping. so barry lives, for now, and Dante sits in an ugly plastic chair waiting for cisco to wake up. 2 I think for Cisco to get struck by the lightning it goes like this. Ronnie and Cisco both go into the accelerator. Two of us can get the vents (or whatever Ronnie was doing faster than one.) and the thing is it almost works. it almost works. almost is never enough. someone-- maybe hartley, in this au, maybe a distraught caitlin, closes the door at the 2 minute mark. all that energy goes up and out-- and the lightning bolt strikes into the heart of star labs along that same path. when the fema crews etc go shifting through, they find no sign of Ronnie--firestorm-- and Cisco, lightning scars branching down his body, comatose. 3. Cisco picks his name right off the bat. Barry starts writing about him-- and not very positively (barry had the blog in e1 and the writers forgot but I did not) because he what if that's the guy who killed my mom?? Joe, Joe /look/. And Cisco is a little offended! goes to confront Barry (who tries and fails to hit him with the CCPD's second shittiest microscope) and goes hey, could you not?? first " the man in the lightning " is a damn mouthful, I'd rather something like, i dunno, Sonic Boom, or The Flash, and furthermore I was all of 8 years old when your mom died so uh stop it??? there is a very tense moment and then they're Friends Now. Cisco doesn't understand why Wells is so deeply against having a CCPD liason??? we need one? this guy already believes in the impossible and also someone killed his mom and we can help! what do you mean no ??? ok fiiiiine. 4. Eddie, not Joe, is the one who sees Cisco fight Mardon. Eddie is more than happy to be the new liason to star labs, this is Great!!! he can use this to win over Iris and Barry! (he has big crushes on them both. potentially he gets over these crushes and he dates Cisco, I think that'd be fun.) 5. Cisco obviously does not build the cold gun, so Snart never actually manages to steal anything in central city, but he sure does try! it really does not work out for him. kidnapping an engineer to build you a weapon would be one thing if you could. you know. hold on to said engineer. Cisco Simply Dips. 5, right? fuck it one more for funsies 6. while cisco's in the coma Caitlin keeps a tv going with every episode of Star Trek queued up. constant background noise. Dr. Wells can't decide if he's learned his lesson about fucking with time or if he's so sick of the music he's going to go back even further the second he gets a chance and make them compose something else.
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