#Crisis Support
neuroticboyfriend · 2 months
After seeing this Mental Health Pain Scale a while ago, I realized that it doesn't really work well for people whose mental wellness changes frequently (ex: people with BPD or C-PTSD, addicts), and very extremely. So, I made some tweaks for myself, and hopefully it can help others:
Here's a version with a table :) Emotional Distress Scale
0 - I feel great! This is the best I’ve felt in a long time!
1 - I’m feeling really good! There’s no distress to address.
2 - I’m feeling good. If I start feeling bothered, I can be easily distracted or cheered up.
3 - I’m okay, but there are some things bothering me. I can easily cope with them, though.
4  - I could be better. There are a few things distressing me right now. It’s not exactly easy to deal with, but I still have the skills to get through it.
5 - I’m not okay. It’s getting harder to do the things I want to do, but I can do them. My coping skills aren’t working as well anymore, but enough of them work to get me through the day. I need some support.
6 - I’m feeling bad, and it’s very hard to do the things I need or want to do. Most of my coping skills aren’t effective right now, and it’s taking a lot of energy to stay stable. I need help.
7 - I’m feeling awful. It’s hard to focus on anything but my emotions, and/or I’m avoiding things that distress me. I can’t do much but try to take care of myself, which is already hard in itself. I’m running low on, or have run out of, effective coping skills. I need a lot of help right now.
8 - I’m feeling awful, and I can’t escape it anymore. How I feel is affecting every part of my day, and I’m reaching the point where I can’t function. It’s hard to sleep, eat, socialize, etc. I need help before I can’t handle anything.
9 - This is approaching the worst I could feel. I can’t function anymore. My emotions have totally consumed me. I may be a danger to myself or others, or I may be neglecting myself. I need urgent help.
10 - This is the worst I’ve felt ever/since [last time]. I can’t care for myself at all. My emotions are so intense, I’m at imminent risk of dangerously acting on them. I need crisis support immediately.
11 - I have acted on my emotions and hurt myself or someone else. Everything else in my life is impossible to comprehend. I need medical care and/or crisis support immediately.
Note that this doesn't really work well if your positive states end up being unhealthy (ex: mania, idealization, etc.), so it's geared towards negative emotions. This is also meant to be about how you feel NOW. The other scale works best for viewing your overall state.
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dromaeocore · 10 months
At risk of outing myself as a Reddit User (though I guess those are cool nowadays?), I have created a wiki page of US mental health resources that aren't, like, psych wards or suicide hotlines that will call the cops on you, lol. It's got support groups, warmlines, and (as far as I'm aware), the most updated list of peer respites in the US to date, along with states that are in the process of passing bills/getting funding to do so.
It is about half complete, and I plan to add a lot more information to the peer respite list, such as links, phone numbers, etc.
Also, feel free to join the subreddit. Anyone is welcome to post, I'm just currently the only active member lol :)
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A family is searching for answers after a 19-year-old man was fatally shot by Winnipeg police on Sunday. On New Year’s Eve, Winnipeg police were called to an apartment building on University Crescent for a report of an armed man who was acting erratically. Officers say they were confronted by an armed man at the suite and that during the encounter, an officer shot him. The man was taken to hospital in critical condition and later died of his injuries. Jean-René Dominique Kwilu, a lawyer for the family, has identified the man as 19-year-old Afolabi Stephen Opaso, an international student from Nigeria who was studying economics at the University of Manitoba.
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Tagging @politicsofcanada
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hazelfoureyes · 16 days
Not HH but still very important
sometimes the hardest part of talking is waiting for someone to bring up the topic
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moonlit-positivity · 2 months
Preparing for a Crisis Situation
[Disclaimer: I am not a therapist. I am just some rando on the internet with way too much time on her hands (😭). Contrary to what I've written, the advice in this post is not a substitute for real crisis support. If you are feeling actively suicidal and unsafe, please contact your local crisis unit and take your health & safety seriously.]
This is going to be a long post. Heads up for that.
So you're having a real bad panic attack & contemplating suicide. Your body is activated, your head is spinning, you're gonna reach for the knife. What can you do to make it better? Let's talk options outside of crisis support.
But first, let's talk about why there is a need to address options outside of crisis support in the first place, and why I feel the need to write something like this to begin with. Because yeah, ultimately, this is such a tricky topic to talk about and it's not something to be fooled around with. But for some of us who are actively fighting these types of thoughts on a daily basis, I hope this post can give you a sense of how to imitate a safety zone for when it goes from bad to worse and you feel like there's no one to call.
Suicide awareness is the issue of how to cope with stress. How to cope with the panic and anxiety and hopelessness of when it gets too big to handle by yourself.
The issue with crisis support, is that there is such a huge problem around institutionalization that forces people into a situation with unsafe mental health professionals and abusive staff. And it's incredibly dehumanizing to be forced into the equivalent of an adult time out in a facility that may or may not treat you like you're an actual human being in a safe, clean, and humane facility.
Lets not pretend that people arent still being forced into hospitalization as a form of control and punishment and abuse and subjected to abuse and unsanitary conditions. It still happens. Yes. Even in 2024, this is still an every day occurrence.
So when the panic hits, let's talk about what you can do to plan & prepare for a real crisis situation.
Preparing for Crisis: Safety Plan
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Ah yes, the grippy sock vacation ole' reliable. The safety plan.
It may feel dumb & stupid to fill this out, but the purpose is to become aware of what triggers your panic and anxiety, and also what helps vs what makes it worse. That way you can counteract it with your favorite soothing methods. This helps so you can also gauge it on a scale of "yeah I can coast this out by myself" vs "nah fam I need help".
Here is an example of mine:
I feel unsafe when: My alters are too loud, I'm being talked over, not being listened to, the neighbor is outside yelling, I'm having flashbacks, anxiety, triggered, being looked at by others, breathing too hard, breathing too fast, body feels heavy, body feels frozen, can't move, can't breathe, crying a lot, body convulsing, racing thoughts, paranoid thoughts, fearful, heart beating too fast, etc
My triggers are: talking too loud, talking too soft, talking at all (I am nonverbal sometimes), flashbacks, anxiety, yelling, emotional abuse, personal space, privacy, being told what to do, loud noises, can't control my environment, being looked at
What would help: space to be alone, throwing a tantrum, coloring, ripping up a cardboard box, puzzles, activities, video games, teddy bears, comfort items, talking w my therapist, looking out a window, daydreaming, singing, humming, music, warm blanket, juice box, snacks
What would not help: looking at me, direct eye contact, yelling, screaming, accusatory language, demeaning me, being mean to me, hurting me, physical touch, comfort
Who can I call: my therapist, my cat, my teddy bear, my case manager, my neighbors, warm line, etc. Talk to your favorite fictional characters. They are there for you.
Where can I go: outside, the park, local burger joint, my kitchen, the bathroom, the spare bedroom, etc.
Preparing for Crisis: Remove The Weapons
Quarantine any and all unsafe items. Knives, guns, medicines, needles, extension cords, etc. Throw them out, lock them up, or give them to someone safe to hold onto. Remove them from the house entirely.
We can go deeper with this. Kitchen knives got you feeling stabby? Replace them with plastic kitchenware. Razor blades & meds? Disposable razors & medisets.
Spend some time considering what changes you can make around the house. Make your home feel safe.
Warning Signs: Change Your Environment
The quickest way to ground and self soothe is to make an immediate change in your environment. If the room is dark, turn on the lights. Open the windows. Open the doors. Step outside. Step into a different room. If there's no sound, turn on the TV. Put on a podcast. YouTube white noise and soundscapes.
This can work in other ways too. Grab the headphones. Grab a peppermint or a lemon drop or something spicy/sour. Grab something to drink. Grab a stim. Slime, play doh, something with texture, something you can fidget.
Take some time to think about what you'd like to use. You can put together a lil box full of trinkets and odds and ends for quick access. Control your environment to simulate what you'd imagine your ideal safe space to look like.
Warning Signs: Reconnect with Reality
Stand outside. Seriously, just do it. It helps. Open a window. Get some fresh air. Just do it. 5 minutes. Just 5 minutes.
Take deep breaths and ground yourself. Focus on something around you. Anything. What is it? What color is it? How big or small is it? Can you touch it? Is it cold? Is it warm? Can you squeeze it?
Warning Signs: Disconnect From The Stress
Put the phone down and get into an activity. Play a video game. Make some art. Draw your feelings. Color. Crochet. Anything hands on. Step away from the situation and do something relaxing or fun or otherwise stimulating for ur hands and brain to focus on.
This sucks. Yeah. But you're gonna make it worse by continually interacting and engaging with whatever it is that's stressing you out so big and hard that you're spiraling.
Even just 5 minutes will help. But it's a good idea to try for longer. Do you ever really consider how much stress you take in from other people's bullshit on the internet? Think about it.
Crisis Mode: Shut Down & Nest
One way to coast through a massive panic attack is to bunker down somewhere safe and sweat it out. So make a nesting space for you to crawl to while your body cries it out.
This can look like crawling in bed with the lights ON so you can still see and ground yourself through it, or laying on the couch with the lights ON and other comforts around.
Nesting is also good for recovery as a whole. Nesting can give us that sense of safety, that sense of comfort we're missing out on. It's a good idea to consider what areas of your home feel safest for you, and how you can make a lil nesting hole for you to run to. Make it safe, make it private, make it all your own.
Crisis Mode: Human Interaction
It's important to know when you can't coast it out on your own. Seek a human interaction. Any human will do. Neighbors, friends, family, warm lines, support groups, etc. Call someone. Inbox someone. Talk it out. Take a walk. Look at humans. Be human and be around humans.
If none of those apply, here's a really niche thing to try: Podcasts, let's plays, and YouTube videos are seriously goated for the friendly and warm atmosphere of having a conversation with someone.
But please remember if that is not enough then you should really consider reaching out to someone who knows you exist.
Crisis Mode: Where To Find Support
National suicide hotline: call or text 988
Reddit: r/adultsurvivors, r/C-PTSD, r/traumatoolbox
Discord: Trauma Survivors
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness)
Aftermath: Self Care
Look, nobody likes this okay and that's fine. Shower, or take a sink wash up. Baby wipes. No clean clothes? Go naked. There are no rules. You deserve to feel human again.
Do one good soul cleansing thing for yourself. This can be anything. Even just saying it out loud, "damn that was rough. I'm glad I made it." Self care is a mindset. It doesn't have to be big. Take some care for your self, however you need it.
Aftermath: Emotional Regulation
Take a deep breath. Soothe your nervous system. Roll your shoulders, wiggle your body, and breathe. Yes, there is actual science behind this shit. I have a longer & more in depth post about it here.
Final thoughts
Please remember that none of this is actually acredited or liscenced or anything at all. These are just things I've personally gone through that have helped me coast out massive panic attacks that had me spiraling into unsafe territory.
Hope this helps 🌸
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wecandoit · 4 months
guyssss one of the people on crisis support literally just said “i wish my therapist said stuff like this” im gonna cryyyyyyy
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Urgent Request For Help
Please donate and/or share to help a severely injured, autistic, multiply disabled single mother (whose child is also autistic and disabled) in dire need. They’re losing their housing and have nowhere to go. Anything helps and no amount of $ is too small.
[Music Credit: Lana Del Ray. All song rights retained by the artist.]
About Kelly Âû and Her Situation
Kelly (she/her) is a autistic advocate, disability activist, multidisciplinary artist, and musical performer. 
Over the past 2 years Kelly and her child, Little Âû (they/them), have been trying to survive a financial crisis after losing 2/3 of Kelly’s income due to the pandemic and having had multiple, expensive health crises befall them - including 2 long-term hospitalizations for Little Âû and Kelly sustaining several concussions as well as injuries that will likely require surgery. Due to the high cost of these unexpected emergencies, it’s resulted in them not having enough money for basic life necessities and losing their home. Applications for housing assistance are being processed but Kelly and her child are currently without a place to live. They desperately need a safe place to shelter for at least a week in order for Kelly to have time to scrap together enough resources to obtain secure long-term housing.
Donation Links
Venmo: @KBella-Bee-42 or https://account.venmo.com/u/KBella-Bee-42
CashApp: $KFT42
PayPal: @KBellekeau42 or https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/KBellekeau42
If using Venmo or PayPal, please mark as friends or family/personal and not a seller transaction so there are no fees.
Follow Kelly on Social Media
Facebook (updates and FB Live performances): 
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flango87 · 17 days
Hey y’all does anyone have options for mental health crisis support other than the hospital or 911? Specially in Canada
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pulseincorp · 2 months
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Happy Monday Everyone! Don't forget to do some affirmations, and smile today!
#mentalhealth #motovationalquotes #motovationalmonday ##motovation @beyonce #selfcare #depression #crisis #monday
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neuroticboyfriend · 9 months
hi. thank you for still following me during this chronic health crisis. i hope that if any of you are going thru anything similar that today, tomorrow, someday soon, someday eventually... it's at least a little easier. i hope you get some relief, no matter how small or transient. life is hard. we can only handle so much. but we try. we try our best, and our best doesnt = our healthiest. it's just what we're capable of given the support and resources and health status we have. but i hope your best becomes healthier, too - your life matters. even when you don't think it does.
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off-page-activities · 7 months
Shepherds Of Hope is dedicated to responding to disasters with unwavering compassion and resolve. Our mission is clear: when disaster strikes, we understand the urgency of the moment. We are committed to providing immediate relief and support to affected children and families. With a heartfelt commitment to emergency relief and rehabilitation, we aim to make a positive impact during times of crisis. Join us in our mission to bring hope and aid to those in need.
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livingwellnessblog · 8 months
Did you have a bad day?
We all have days when life seems to spiral out of control. On such days, managing our mental health can feel like an uphill battle. Panic attacks, paranoia, and delusional thoughts may overwhelm us. It's crucial to remember that these struggles are valid,
Did you have a bad day? Sometimes we all go through a bad day, and when we do it feels as if it is forever. Some individual have mental health issues that make these bad days happen more often and with more intensity. Weather it is just a rare occurrence for you, or something that happens often, hang in there. It’s incredibly challenging to deal with depression, anxiety, panic attacks, or…
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alwaysbewoke · 23 days
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random-krab · 1 month
Just a genuine reminder, simply liking and reblogging posts or just paying attention to what's happening in places like Palestine, The Congo, Sudan, Yemen, Syria, etc. Does help!
If you can't donate or boycott because you're a minor or in a situation where you can't afford to try signing petitions and spreading awareness so others who can afford to can have information
Edit: there are a lot of good suggestions for what to do in the reblogs that I forgot to mention
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remindertoclick · 13 days
Hiya! Here's your Daily Reminder to Click for Palestine!
Click for the other causes as well if you can!
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mykatzone · 7 months
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I've been trying to post another comic (30+ pages) I did today for my Ice King Identity Crisis AU but it's not showing up in the tags or on the dashboard no matter what I try :'D
So I figured out a solution! I'll post all the stuff I make for this AU on AO3 and post highlights here!
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