#Honestly like the hidden version more than the regular?
kunfetti · 1 year
Alright.... So.... Oh NaNa did nothing for me. nOW BEFORE YOU SHOOT!!! Don’t Recall is a bop - very specifically the hidden version? Love that. Didn’t know what to expect when I saw there was a hidden version but I’m here for it.
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ghostadjacentfae · 2 years
Okay so I’ve got a bit of a kinda sorta really specific af idea that I am 90% I’ll never get to despite loving to bits so imma throw it to the wild and maybe some of you will like parts of it too. Okay? Okay. 
Basic version: DP x DC prompt where Danny’s gotten deaged as part of another bid for the power of Ghost King. The title that Danny now is heir to. Jazz takes the now like 4-to-8 year old Danny, who barely remembers anything besides Jazz Good and Vlad Bad, and flees to Gotham to find help from somebody that Vlad won’t expect them to seek out help from. To leave Danny with while she goes into the Ghost Zone herself to look for help/a solution.
Longer one where I’ve gone a little very insane: 
DP x DC prompt where Vlad’s deaged Danny as part of another bid for the power of Ghost King. The title that Danny now has/is heir to. Either reveal gone wrong when trying to explain because how do they hide this or no reveal at all, just Jazz grabbing her even-littler-than-usual brother and booking it because there’s no time to explain if they’re to keep Danny way from Vlad. Couldn't go into the zone bc for as many allies as Danny has there, there's also so many enemies that could intercept them before they could reach those allies to inform that help is needed (and who knows, maybe the parent's Fenton removed access to their portal from their kiddos for some reason). Danny is still halfa obvs but he doesn’t remember any details about anything. Jazz is Home. Creepy vampire man Bad. Furries in black with masks Do Good (and Jazzy tells him to trust them so he will). Clowns Very Bad. 
 In Gotham, Jazz doesn't try the keeping low thing. Well she does; not using anything besides cash and fake names, ancients what she wouldn’t do for a shower but places want credit cards goddamnit, to not bring attention on them from Vlad. Maybe she’s got a burner to get updates from Sam and Tucker on, about the status of Amity or if they’ve gotten anywhere on their end of the search for a solution, but they all know Vlad is watching them so they don’t know where she and Danny are or what she’s doing. Which is that she goes out at night looking for the bats and birds on purpose to get help for her brother, making waves in the rumour mill but staying hidden during the day. It takes a while; longer than they have time for really and she gets more stupidly desperate. Danny’s with her for every stupid stunt, usually hidden for safety but never so far that she can’t get to him if in seconds if it turns out they’ve gotten tracked down. She won’t run the risk of leaving him in their safe house of the day without her to come back and find him gone.
She decided on Bats rather than Supers or others bc an overshadowed superhero??? Bad. The bats and birds are either Entities not unlike she and Danny are (liminal!jazz agenda my beloved (honestly most of amity park but that’s not quite relevant here)) and thus immune, or they're very trained regular people. Those can still pack a punch but it's not something she can't fight against if they can’t actually be trusted. Not something she hasn't already fought against in the months she’s been in Team Phantom. Not something she hasn’t already fought against while making her escape with Danny.
Leaving Danny with them is going to take every ounce of trust she can muster.
She finds Red Robin or Nightwing first I think and gives the most bare bones of an explanation. Doesn't mention deaged, simply at-risk heir to The Throne Of Infinity and there's a bid for the crown right now by a man that’ll be another tyrant, and "by the ancients, you need to protect him. I'm the best he's got right now but I can't keep him safe and find our allies". That they aren’t metas but there’s too much to explain. "Maybe Danny will explain if he can but just. It'd be so much simpler if we had super powers. Wouldn't have to worry about enemies overshadowing anyone to get them to shoot us if we were all just metas." 
She’s got a bag of Tech, just whatever she and Danny could grab and Go. And a third of it lost when Jazz dropped half of hers in order to pick up Danny to run faster. Think nearly finished schematics, a blaster or two, one Specter Deflector, what may or may not just be a toaster, and crammed into his bug-bag. Or school backpack. A corner of the bag is green with dried ectoplasm from a broken vial that got shattered in the mad dash. 
(I’m a little attached to it being Tim she leaves Danny with. Maybe he tries to pawn him off on one of his brothers, but Danny's already like, imprinted on him. Very "YOU promised Jazz to keep me safe. Jazz left me with YOU >:C" y’know? Or cuz she stressed so very much that he cannot be left without someone guarding him, and bats don't exactly want identity reveal he can't really be left in the cave under the watch of Agent A since Alfred needs to do other things, he gets handed around a little bit between them as heroes only and it's just Timmy's bad luck that he really likes this clever snarky little bean 's the one stuck with Danny on the occasion that plot happens. I just like Tim & Danny time.)
I'm thinking plot tool of Jazz with one of Wulf's claws? As a thing that lets her get into the Zone without portal access or the speeder after finding a Bat to leave Danny with. But no control of where she'll show up, hence not using it when their parents portal wouldn’t work. It Works Like That™ because I Say So™, tho if you have a less mystery McGuffin reliant idea this is by no means obligatory. Just an excuse on a silver platter.
Also tiny Danny, barely awake, trying to grab Jazz and saying not to go cuz it's dangerous/he needs her, only for his hand to go intangible through her. Did I mention yet that he doesn’t have control of his powers?
And of course, Vlad tracks Danny down. 
And he’s big bad.
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Fluff alphabet: Christian Cage
Here’s my take on a fluff version of the NSFW alphabet I did a little while ago. It’s a bit all over the place but here’s my version of that!
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Affection (how do they show it):
He spends a lot of time touching you in some way: brushing your hair, caressing your body, leaving trails of kisses down your arms. There’s nothing he loves more than just feeling you in some way
Body (what part of your body is their favourite, whose clumsier):
He loves every part of you but if he had to choose, he’d definitely go for your legs. Seeing how strong and smoky they are just makes him swoon. In terms of clumsiness, it’s you! He finds himself kissing your bruises from when you’ve accidentally hit your body on corners or hurt yourself in some way
Cuddles (is that something they like):
Absolutely LOVES his cuddles. Cannot get enough of them. He will actively search you out to get one
Domestic (who’s better at cleaning/cooking, who tends to be the one who fixes things):
Cleaning? You. Not to say he’s unclean but he does enjoy not having to deal with keeping up with cleaning as often. Cooking? Him. It’s one of his hidden talents after all! He really enjoys cooking, especially with you as he can use you as his personal Guinea pig with taste testing. He loves seeing your happy face when you try his food. With fixing, he’s surprisingly good at fixing things! Though he will usually try pass the job onto you first…
Ending (how would they handle a break up or a rough time):
Not the best, he will try and get comfort from close friends as he’d prefer to not be alone during hard times. He feels more comfortable being around people during
Fast (do they like to take their time with things or experience things quickly):
Christian struggles with attention so, although he tries not to at times, he tends to go through things quicker. He’d prefer to take his time but sometimes it’s so hard to keep himself focused that he end up rushing through things
Gentle (are they a gentle kind of person or more serious/strict):
Leans more towards gentle but can be strict or serious when he needs to. As he’s usually a laidback person he prefers to be seen as the nice one rather than the “nasty” one. He hates being the bad guy when it comes to telling someone off. He can do it, but he’s not happy about it
Hugs (favourite way to hug):
He couldn’t choose, honestly! He loves hugging the normal way as he enjoys being able to kiss you and feel your smile against his chest
Irritate (do they like to playfully irritate you, how do they do it/how do you irritate them):
The. List. Is. Unending. He will do everything and anything to push your buttons. He’s particularly interested in tickling you as he gets to hear your laugh. Another favourite of his is to bite you at inopportune times as he knows it gets on your nerves
Jealousy (how jealous do they get):
He doesn’t admit it, but he gets VERY jealous. It’s not like he’s stupid and thinks you’re trying it on with anyone because he knows you love him and him alone, but he just always wants your attention that he gets jealous when it’s given to someone else. He’s very much like a puppy who’s attached to their owner
Kisses (favourite way to kiss):
Christian is a cheeky boy and enjoys kissing the French way. He loves hearing you moan as he kisses you passionately. But his favourite is definitely just a regular one. The romance of it makes him swoon, make him feel comfortable and happy
Love language (how do they show it):
His love language is touch, words of affirmation, and gift giving. He loves to spoil you in any way he can especially. It’s hard to sometimes accept his gifts as you feel bad that he spent so much but with a little encouragement, you do eventually take them as it makes him happy too
Mornings (who wakes up first, who makes breakfast, how are mornings spent with each other):
You usually always wake up before him. He enjoys his lie ins, usually laying in bed for an extra 30 minutes just playing on his phone. And trying to convince you to stay and have a cuddle with him which usually always works. When you both do eventually get up, he likes to make you breakfast (it’s mostly because he’s very specific with his eggs)
Nights (how are nights spent with each other, who tends to fall asleep first):
You wake up first because you fall asleep first, before him. Mornings and nights are usually spent the same with some phone time and a big cuddle. Sometimes you’ll watch a movie together if you can be bothered and if you think you’ll both stay awake long enough for it
Open (are they open minded about certain topics, how open are they to sharing feelings):
He’s very open minded with you! No topic is too far for him, he’ll talk about anything and everything with you as he has no filter. It took him a little while to share his feelings in the start but with some encouragement, he did open up. At this point in your relationship, you hear every little thing that goes on and it makes you smile to hear how comfortable he is with you
Patience (are they patient with other people/you, how much can they take before they snap):
Very patient with you, he’s used to all your little questions and quirky habits! With other people? Not so much. If he doesn’t know someone as well and they do something that’s either irritating or takes a bit longer to do something, he gets very annoyed. Even if he doesn’t verbally say it, you can see him get irritated
Quizzes (how good is their memory):
Not as good as it used to be. Since he suffered his concussions, his memory went south. He can remember quite a lot of things but his short term memory isn’t fantastic anymore. You are usually always asked questions like “where are we going again?” And “have you seen my glasses?” Or some form if that question
Remember (what’s one thing they always remember from when you first got together):
He’ll never forget how when you were both outside having lunch and a seagull stole your sandwich from your hand and he got to see your shocked, annoyed face at the realisation of what had just happened. It’s still something he pokes fun at you for years later, and still gives him a giggle when he needs it
Safety (how protective are they of you, how do they protect you in situations):
Christian is very protective of you. The second he hears or sees someone trying to step up to you, he’s there. Normally a quiet, kind man, if he feels someone’s trying to hurt you he switches up in a second and will do whatever he feels is necessary to protect you. It usually involves his fists though…
Try (how much effort do they put into things such as dates):
He puts a lot of effort into dates as, even though he knows you’ll love whatever he plans as you get to spend some romantic time with him, he still wants to completely blow you away with what he puts together
Ugly (do they have any bad habits or insecurities):
Some of his worst habits include: peeing with the door open, spending a lot of time on his phone playing games, refusing to move from the sofa while watching any Hockey game, not allowing someone to help with something he’s doing like fixing something. In terms of insecurities, he’s mostly pretty secure with himself. However his biggest issue is that he tends to not feel ‘good enough’. That there’s always someone better. Which is crazy to you as there’s nobody else who compares to how truly amazing he is as whatever he does
Vanity (how concerned are they about their looks):
He likes to be well kept, neat and tidy but he doesn’t obsess over them. It’s mostly his hair and facial beard that he’s most concerned with keeping top notch at all times
Whole (how do they feel when you’re not there with them, do they feel incomplete):
Due to the nature of his work, he has gotten used to not always being able to be with you. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t miss you terribly though. Every night he’s not with you, he feels your absence. It gets so bad to the point that he brings a bottle of your perfume and a top or jumper you’d wear around the home and pull it over a pillow so he can cuddle his pillow and imagine you’re there. It’s nowhere near as good as the real thing but it’s something that gets him by
Xtra (random headcanon):
It’s never been admitted by him but he 100% uses your toiletries in the shower as he loves the smell a lot more
Yuck (something that turns them off a person or just things that disgust them):
Seeing people spit or drool makes him want to vomit everywhere. Same as people with runny noses. He always turns away towards you for distraction so he doesn’t dry heave
Zzz (favourite way to sleep together):
Spooooooning. He’s always big spoon as he needs someone to hold on to during the night to help him sleep. A close second would be having you sleep on his chest as the warmth of your body helps him drift off
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a-random-fan4444 · 1 year
Hockey Stick brainrot is real. Have some ramblings! :D
(Also thank you so much to every single person whose rebloged, liked, or commented on my Hockey Stick stuff!!! 💕💕💕)
Part 1 | Part 2
Quick summary on “Hockey Stick”: Casey jr gets an emotional support animal, but the emotional support animal is Brother Kraang in disguise. Junior names his pet Hockey Stick.
Casey Jr on the pet forums. His posting history is along the lines of:
“Is it normal for my pet to try to kill anyone who visits my apartment?”
“Is it normal for my pet to screech at midnight?”
“Do animals have a sense of morality?”
And respondes of:
“Yes, my own dog and cat have been acting similarly skittish since the alien invasion. Your pet just wants to protect you. I’d advice slowly introducing new friends to your pets, like through scent! Hope this helps.”
“Yes, all animals do this. I had a little mouse who was silent as well, a mouse, during the day but at night screeched like a banshee. The only insistence where this would be considering not normal is if your pet was a fish.”
“No, people may try and fool you into thinking it’s just cats that lack morality, BUT THEY’RE WRONG!!! My brother’s fish was planning to drown me, I don’t have proof BUT I KNOW I’M RIGHT!!!”
Hockey Stick being scared of the vacuum, Hockey Stick being afraid of the vacuum, Hockey Stick being afraid of the-NO WAIT! Both Casey Jr and HockeyStick being scared of the vacuum!!!
The sound the vacuum makes reminds them both too much of the sound the portal to the Prison Dimension made when it closed.
April has on more than one occupation vacuumed Casey Jr apartment while he and HockeyStick (hidden in Casey Jr’s hoodie as to not be spotted) hissed at her from the top of the fridge. Both have ear muffs on (HockeyStick’s mini earmuffs were provided by Mikey).
Both are discovering what it means to be “normal” by human standards.
Casey Jr adjusting to being in a world where he isn’t constantly on survival mode. Where his normal actions are now “paranoid activity”
Brother Kraang not existing in a dimension that’s nothing but vast emptiness and rubble. Pretending to be a normal part of a world that has a lot of biodiversity in comparison to the prison dimension.
Both are experiencing the beauty of planet Earth for the first time, and the joy of just being able to simply enjoy existing for the first time. (•,n,•) I’m making myself emotional.
AND both feel alone because their families are just out of reach!
Casey Jr’s family doesn’t exist anymore, the present version of them will never become the versions of the family who raised him.
Meanwhile Brother Kraang knows his siblings are alive and where they are, but he can’t do anything to free them.
Other Random Detail:
Casey Jr lives in the same apartment complex as Draxum and April.
The name “Hockey Stick” was a suggestion from Casey, she had a goldfish in her childhood named Hockey Puck.
Hockey Stick when first taken in by Junior was the size of a stuffed bear, but is slowly getting back to his regular size.
Brother Kraang despises all animals, they have very good intuition so they attack him on sight.
Little Plot Bunnies, Specifically the Kraang & EPS:
Prime Kraang and Sister Kraang know each other to be alive. They don’t know if Brother Kraang is alive.
Sister Kraang spends her time imprisoned thinking about how she’s gonna torture the turtles. Specifically how she’ll torture them in front of each other, making them give up any information of where her brother is. She misses her psychotic little brother.
Speaking of, the EPF (Earth Protection Force), is looking for “The Infector” (Kraang Brother). They have “The Destroyer” (Kraang Sister), and know that Kraang Prime has somehow been exiled from Earth.
Yes, the EPF can get Kraang Prime’s name right but not the other two. Sister Kraang doesn’t plan on correcting them anything soon.
Honestly I could do a whole spin off on Kraang Sister’s side of the story. While “HockeyStick” is getting belly rubs and napping, Sister Kraang is setting new records for how long a security guard can last before pleading with their superiors for a transfer.
And Finally, Art Time:
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Casey Jr with HockeyStick (What are they looking at? 👀)
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Brother Kraang shifting into his animal form for the first time.
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synergysilhouette · 8 months
This'll sound wild, but I kinda want Disney Animation to make their own Kingdom Hearts movie. HEAR ME OUT.
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It definitely felt like a good film to make to celebrate 100 years, but I've got several stipulations:
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Rather than relying on fanservice, I'd want to focus completely on the original aspects of this. I know it's ironic for Disney to make a film based on a video game series featuring many Disney movies and remove all of them, but it's better to focus on the original characters here, given that they already have A LOT going on. I don't mind Disney references, though! (Honestly, after KH2, the series relied mostly on it's own story while the Disney worlds felt like pit stops in the main plot, so in retrospect, it'd be better to stick to original content.)
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2. Sora, Riku, and Kairi would be the main characters in lieu of Sora with Donald and Goofy, while the villains would be Xehanort (who can change shape, allowing us to see him as younger versions of himself, and shapeshifting as other characters to mess with the group's minds), Marluxia, Terra, Vanitas, Xigbar, Larxene, Axel, Saix, Demyx and Luxord. The rest would simply be assistants/guards for Ansem the wise, as they were in the games before becoming nobodies. Regular monsters would not exist here, except for the Unversed, since Vanitas summons them himself, and the fact that most of O10 are nobodies. Xehanort would manipulate darkness, while the other O10 members would use their magical weapons as usual. The villain backgrounds outside of Xehanort's are explored, albeit briefly. This shouldn't be a problem; Axel/Saix, Larxene/Marluxia, Vanitas, and Terra's don't have an immense amount of details in their backstories that have to be explained. Xigbar, Demyx, and Luxord may need some extra time to explain, though. I'd also remove Namine and give Kairi her powers over memory; I'm kinda mixed about this since we have so many characters, but I did want to improve the female-to-male ratio.
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3. Have Terra join Ansem of his own volition after Xehanort sends Aqua into the realm of darkness and Vanitas "kills" Ventus (he's actually been hidden away by Aqua beforehand, but Terra doesn't know this). He joins Ansem the Wise as an apprentice, furthering his research into the nature of hearts without the latter realizing his malicious intentions.
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4. Give Ansem the Wise the role of Yen Sid, making him much more altruistic (and magical) than in the games. His investigation is tied with creating life and controlling others--moreso curiosity rather than actual plans to utilize it, largely encouraged by Terra in order for Xehanort to learn better how to control the hearts of others.
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5. Terra serves as a cautionary tale for Riku, but Xehanort manages to break his mind and enlist him into the ranks. Unlike Terra, who sadly obeys, Riku is much controlled, becoming cruel and condescending, similar to his arc in KH1 and Sasuke Uchiha.
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6. Flashbacks are given to the Wayfinder Trio, but nothing to take up too much time. Just give us the idea: they fought Xehanort, and they lost. I do like the idea that Ventus and Vanitas are his sons--well, Ventus is his son while Vanitas is the darkness taken from him and raised alongside him, until Xehanort abuses him once Xehanort kidnaps Ventus to get him away from Xehanort. It's better than expanding on the lore with the Foretellers (though I'd probably have them mentioned as the founders of the kingdom the film is set in without involving them too much), and we can still keep the reason why Vanitas looks like Sora. I'd also like their colors to be more apparent in their outfits (Ventus in green, Terra in red, and Aqua in a more vibrant blue). Plus explaining how Eraqus was Xehanort's childhood best friend until Xehanort was forced to kill him is a good way to explain how far our villain has fallen--I do want to nix Eraqus trying to kill Ven, though; instead he's the one trying to hide Ventus, before Vanitas and Xehanort intercept him. Xehanort kills Eraqus, and Aqua fends off Vanitas while she hides Ventus.
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7. Neither Roxas nor Xion exist. Axel just befriends Ventus and Kairi instead. I feel like it creates more confusion (Sora has to become a nobody for Roxas to exist, and Xemnas to capture Sora in order to get his memories of Kairi to make Xion) to include them. These friendships make him question working for the Organization, hurting Saix. In fact, Vanitas and Kairi's pure hearts of light is what makes them uniquely strong against Xehanort, which is why Xehanort wants to capture them (plus to prevent Axel's swaying allegiance). Ventus is also of pivotal importance once Xehanort corrupts Aqua, as he becomes concerned that seeing him will break his control/influence over them.
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8. Xehanort's goal is clear. I'm super confused in the game what he wants, and something that I'd love is his quest for equality with light and darkness; as Fairy Godmother said, "strong rays of light create long shadows." Perhaps his world is consumed in darkness, or his home was filled with light, creating disproportionate corruption in other parts of the world. Plus this is reflected in his sons, Ventus and Vanitas: Vanitas is the embodiment of darkness, while Vanitas is pure light. Plus he'd keep his ability to see into the hearts of others, explaining his interest in Ansem. I'd nix the time travel abilities, though.
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9. Make it a musical. No, I'm not kidding. I love Disney musicals, and I'd love for it to have amazing original songs to go with the score. Hikaru Utada co-writing the songs would be nice.
I know a lot of people will bash this, but I hope you at least indulge me! Lemme know if you have any questions. I may tweak this later.
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autumnworld19 · 1 year
Hi Autumn! This idea has been growing on me, so I'm gonna share it with you. I'm thinking that our reader works as like a pole dancer at a club, moderately popular with her regulars. She's been doing this for a long time to make money, it's all she knows. The yandere is friends with some old money rich guy, and he gets dragged along to the club in the city because it's his friend's birthday. He's a country guy, not used to big cities. He hates the club, it's loud, it's noisy, so he fully intends to get drunk sitting in a corner of the bar. But then the reader comes out to dance, and it's like magic, the whole club can't stop looking at her. The yandere's friend manages to get her for a private performance, and the yandere's a snarky little shit, so he's bantering with the reader. The reader's not taking any of it personally because this is her job and what she gets paid for, but he can't stop thinking about her. And it makes him burn inside to think of her dancing for other men that aren't him.
I apologize for responding late! But went you sent this to me yesterday, I literally laughed out loud. Because I was just imaging a Yandere customer getting obsessed over a pile dancing reader. Literally it was fated for you to send this to me. And I’m so happy you wanted to share it with me.
But let me raise the stakes, how about the Yandere is a stationed soldier in some made up country. Like he’s a traditional, country man. Like in his mind, women shouldn’t be out and about, they need to be in the house taking the kids and her husband, and if she is??? Wheww that dress/skirt better not be any higher above her knees. He probably envisioned himself with the girl next door type, or the library type. Of course he would want a hidden sexiness to them, that only they show to him. The “lady in the streets, freak in the sheets”.
He probably regards himself as gentleman, and would be caught dare at a place like back at home, very small town and word gets around real quick, for you know what I mean. But it’s his superior’s bday or some kind of celebration, and he just hadddd to come 🙄. And when reader comes out. I dont have a description of what she’s wearing, because I honestly idk. So I’ll leave it up to you. She’s real sultry, And watching her do her VERY tame version of like a body roll/hip roll. But the crowd of uncultured men go crazy. But for him who never seen women in such an act in the first place, it knocked the wind out of his lungs. I imagine it was Like the 1960s (don’t ask I just love that time period). Like there’s no internet, no digital cameras. Pornhub dosen’t exist. The best he could hope for growing up as a teenage boy, was find some dirty magazines in his dad’s/uncle’s/grandfather’s stuff.
Other than that, you just don’t see stuff like this in the usual. So this is all new to him. He honesty dosen’t know how to act, but being the (like you said) snarky, machismos man he is, he puts up a tough act. He dosen’t want anyone noticing hes freaking out internally, both excitement and Anxiety.
And his friend is super drunk, and just offers a bunch of money to y/n just to give him a lap dance. With that amount of money? For just a simple lapdance? She’ll be a real idiot to refuse, she hurries to agree, before another girl can snatch up this great deal.
Y/N was going to perform this simple lapdance and then get the hell out. At first, he’s shell shocked. Like just frozen as a statue. She figured it might be his first time, thought he would be one of those shy types, you know the nice ones… so she starts talking to him and that’s when everything goes downhill. Her voice was enough for to break out of this hypnosis . He grabs her waist and starts dry grinding her. Of course she stops him, tells him “no touching unless you have more money to hand out”. He gives her money, but not only to do simple touches but to degrade her too. The whole time he just calls her names, this and that. And I can imagine our reader being a touch cookie with a even tougher and thick skin, so all his words just bounce off her. She just does what she needs to do and get out. So she completely silent with him. When it’s over, right in front of his face, one of her regulars (her favorite you can say), a soldier(could even be his army buddy), request a simple lapdance, and he watches her talk in this happy, upbeat, cheery tone/attitude while she walks this other customer to another room. And he’s angry as fuck. Like where was all this decent customer service when she was with him. His buddy explains he’s regular, and just encourages to come around move which is ultimately horrible for the reader of course 😂
And you’re right! I can see him be the insanely controlling and possessive type. Like he lays at night thinking about all the men she dance half naked for. He’s so angry, but yet, so hard. Because not only for her dignity but his too! How do you think he feels watching his girl dance for other men????
When he goes back home, after all these years. Guess who he sees again?
Seriously thank you for sending the ask in! Feel free to come and rant about whatever oc you have in mind!
~ Autumn
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empress-of-snark · 1 year
Tag game!
What book are you currently reading?
I recently found a book called Harry Potter and Philosophy at a thrift store a week or so back and though I’m only a few pages in, I’m interested to read more. It’s from a series where different writers examine philosophical questions and theories through the lens of pop culture. I’m no philosopher, but I am and always have been an HP fan, so I think this’ll be an informative read! Also on the docket is the second book in the Shadow and Bone series and A Discovery of Witches (another thrift store find).
What’s your favorite movie you saw in theaters this year?
It’s a very close tie between Spiderman: No Way Home and See How They Run. Spiderman was fun for a lot of nostalgic reasons (having grown up with Tobey Maguire’s version, it was very emotional seeing him wear the suit again), and I loved See How They Run as a fan of zany murder mysteries and Agatha Christie.
What do you usually wear?
I am a big believer in rompers (are they still in style??), sweaters, leggings, flannel shirts, and denim jackets. Not all at once, of course.
How tall are you?
5’ 5”
What’s your star sign?
Do you go by your name or your nickname?
Usually my name, but certain people have their own nicknames for me
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
Tough question.
Job-wise? No (but there’s always time)
Otherwise… I think I’m getting closer to the kind of person I wanted to be. I have a few good friends who love me, I dedicate a lot of time to different creative outlets that I enjoy, and I’m more comfortable with myself than I used to be.
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one?
I am single and honestly, I don’t really have a crush right now. Excluding celebrity crushes, of course.
Dogs or cats?
I like both, but my family’s always had dogs, so I’m more familiar with them.
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favorite picture/line/etc. from something you created this year?
I think my favorite line I wrote this year is from have you seen her dressed in blue? (chapter six): “He can feel the want filling his lungs, and he unconsciously licks his lips. Her eyes shift down at the movement, and her purple eyeshadow matches her dress, her headband, her shoes, and the bruises on his heart.”
When I wrote it, I thought it was extremely cheesy but I also loved it too much to cut it.
What’s something you would like to create content for?
I’m obviously planning on writing more Stranger Things fanfiction (excited to get to the Friends AU), but I’d also like to try my hand at a different show, maybe Only Murders in the Building. It’s one of my favorites, and I’d love to explore the characters a bit.
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
One of my Christmas gifts this year was a book of Halloween-themed cross stitch projects (never done cross stitch before). I started on one the other day and I’m having so much fun working on it. I’ll try to remember to post pictures when I’m done!
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
Season three of The Umbrella Academy was such a flop. I still can’t pinpoint exactly what it was (the lack of dynamic fight scenes/music definitely had something to do with it) but making myself finish it felt like a chore. Dunno if I’ll tune in for the final season or not.
What’s a hidden talent of yours?
I can list all the states in alphabetical order, say supercalifragalisticexpealidocius backwards, and there are several musical theater songs that I know by heart (including almost all of Into the Woods, thanks to my hyperfixation in middle school)
Are you religious?
Yes and no. I was raised Southern Baptist and, since I live with my parents, I still attend church on a fairly regular basis. But I also recognize the harm that’s been done (and is still being done) by Christianity. I think it’s more the fault of religious extremists rather than the religion itself, but I fully respect people who have been hurt and left the church as a result.
I do believe in God. But I try to let it show through my actions rather than my words.
What’s something you wish to have at this moment?
Honestly? Right now, I’m pretty content. I slept in this morning, I’m full from a big breakfast, and I’ve got two days off from work to relax. I’m good!
Thanks for the tag @virevoltantes ! I tag the usual suspects: @simplyshelbs16xoxo @televinita @finnskeeper @kateschechterxthorwasmyfirstotp and @loubuttons
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ultranos · 3 years
Not sure if u answered this already but how does the Fire Nation and other nations react when they find out the Fire Lord has been a not even double digits child for the last 3ish years?
(And if u feel like it, the tiny ryuujin too?)
Hm. It's a bit of a mixed bag!
The Earth Kingdom would very much wish to pretend this never happened. The fact that the Fire Nation had not been making any territory advances was not a dastardly plan to lure them into complacence is a little bit of a blow to more than one general's pride. Another thing they would appreciate never mentioning again is the utter failure of their intelligence service to figure it out.
The NWT would probably take great offense, seeing as the leader they'd been "fearing" is actually a child. Also the small fact that Zhao did take a fleet up to the North Pole to menace them. Sure, he had gone rogue and the fleet wasn't in the best state of repair at the time, but it's the principle of the thing.
Or, well, that's what their argument would be. Except in this version, Zhao doesn't get close to the Spirit Oasis and so Yue is very much not dead. But she's also found her footing as a young leader and has already mastered the "I'm Disappointed In You" Look. Which she will deploy if anybody starts yelling at a literal child.
The SWT in contrast is much more chill. Look, they were the ones who first met Avatar Aang coming out of an iceberg. They're pretty much expecting "children doing nonsense" at this point. Even more relevantly, Hakoda has met Zuko.
Honestly? Hakoda isn't even surprised. This is exactly the kind of bullshit he expects from the Fire Nation at this point.
In the Fire Nation itself, well, people aren't happy they weren't told that Fire Lord Ozai was dead. That seems like an important piece of information. But the fact that the royal left was his 5-year-old mitigates a lot, especially among the regular population. There are a lot of parents who have kids coming home, and that counts for something.
(There's also a bit of an underground propaganda campaign on Azula's behalf, started by the staff and the Sages. It paints an extremely sympathetic picture of a kid who lost everyone and is trying to hold the rest of them together with too-small hands, and who was still ready to do her job and fight for them.
It's incredibly effective.)
Tiny Ryuujin Edition:
EK is pretty much the same, only even moreso because what the actual fuck how the hell did our intelligence fail to notice that the Fire Lord is a dragon? NO, THAT'S NOT A METAPHOR.
In the NWT, Arnook dryly points out that dragons are far more spiritual than humans. And they themselves have kept the existence of Tui and La hidden deep in the heart of their Tribe, Yue must point out, so is it really that surprising the Fire Nation would do a similar thing?
(And if that doesn't work, Yue just casually not-threatens to make Zuko come up there with said Fire Lord and see if they can say it to Sad Dragon Face.)
SWT...yup, this is exactly the kind of absolute bullshit Hakoda expects from the Fire Nation at this point. Fire Lord's a dragon? Sure. Why not?
Still better than Azulon.
Fire Nation has the above, but also kind of ends up in a major crisis of faith? Because Sozin and Azulon ordered the dragon hunts and (supposedly) drove them to extinction. And then not only is Fire Lord Ozai struck down by a freak lightning bolt (while indoors), but that same incident turned the last heir to the throne into a dragon?
There are hints of spiritual displeasure, and then there's basically getting slammed upside the head with a clue-by-four.
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kyoshisimp · 3 years
Inspired by the Baby Mama AU by @aravas-writing.
Ah spring. The season that promises new beginnings and pleasant weather where the sun graces the world with a more pleasant heat compared to the summertime, being kept in check by the clouds which provides the occasional shade.
The perfect time for a picnic, something that our couple are taking full advantage of.
"Wow Jaune! This is incredible," said Tifa Lockhart. She was carrying a large blanket in her arms along with a large smile. "I didn't realize you guys live near place like this. How'd you manage to find it?"
Jaune rubs the back of his head and chuckles nervously, gripping a picnic basket in his other hand. "Well... let's just say my sisters got overexcited and I needed some space."
"I see," Tifa smirks, making Jaune's shoulders tense. "This wouldn't have been during one of those cute makeovers-"
"ANYWAYS!" Jaune stares ahead, his face red. "While I was escaping - I mean, having a leisurely hike, I ended up finding this place."
The place being a flower field hidden away within the woods. The flowers shed their icy coats and bloom proudly, coloring the once blank and drab canvas of the field, enough to make a rainbow envious.
Jaune and Tifa stop on a hill with a tree and dry patch of grass.
"Here should be good!" Jaune beams. They set the blanket on the ground and begin taking out the contents of the basket, which was an assortment of different foods and refreshments.
They settle down and begin chowing down.
"I hope you like it," Jaune says after biting into his tuna melt. "I had to keep it simple so it might not be up to par."
Tifa bites into a bagel with cream and smoked salmon and practically groans in delight. She then leveled a fierce glare at Jaune, making him freeze mid bite. "Jaune, honey. I like you. But if you ever say something so blasphemous again, I'm gonna have to help your sisters in another makeover session."
Jaune gulps. "N-noted. So is it really ok?"
Tifa smiles sweetly and leans on his side. "It's marvelous Jaune. Everything couldn't be more perfect. Thank you."
Jaune feels his heart flutter as he feels Tifa's soft yet firm body against him. "Anytime."
After finishing their meals, they settle in to enjoy the view. Tifa is between Jaune's legs resting her back against his front. Jaune wraps his arms around her body and rests his chin on top of her glossy black mane. Tifa rests her hands on top of his.
"I have to say," Tifa says softly, still gazing at the beautiful field, "I was kind of surprised when you asked me out Jaune. You always seemed to nervous whenever it seemed you were going to ask before."
Jaune winced. "Was I that obvious?"
"Like the sky is blue!" Tifa chirped. "So what changed?"
Jaune sighs and squeezes her gently. "It's nothing. It's pretty ridiculous, honestly."
"Well," Tifa tips her head back far enough to see Jaune's face, "let me be the judge of that."
Jaune huffs and briefly looks away before resting his head back on her head. Then he began.
"You know I want to become a Huntsman, right?"
Tifa nods, "Pretty much. I know no regular person would enjoy me repeatedly tossing them on their ass for training unless they are working towards something."
Jaune snorts, "You'd be surprised."
"Hmhm. Maybe. But how does that relate?"
"Because I honestly was thinking of waiting til I became one to ask you out."
"What?!" Tifa turned around so fast Jaune thought she was going to give herself whiplash. Her eyes were as wide as dinner plates. "Why would you wait until then?!"
Jaune smiles sadly. "Teef. You're an amazing warrior and an even more amazing person. You deserve someone better than some scrawny kid with a dream."
"Wait." Jaune said, holding her hand. "Just let me get this out first. Please."
Tifa stares at Jaune with concern evident in her eyes before nodding for him to continue.
"I didn't feel worthy of you. Hell, I still don't. And I was ready to keep my feelings to myself until I felt that I was worthy. But then i had this feeling and..." Jaune's shoulders slump and he looks down.
Tifa leans down to catch his eyes and squeezes his hands gently. "And what, Jaune? What did you feel?"
Jaune takes a deep, shaky breath before slowly raising his head to look into her eyes. And when their eyes met...
Tifa would later attribute this to a trick of the light from the sun (or maybe even an unconscious manifestation of his Aura?), but for a brief moment, Jaune's rich blue eyes seemed to have swirls of seafoam green. His eyes looked more melancholic, resembling those of veterans who have seen and lost too much in this cruel world of theirs.
When Jaune spoke, his voice even took a slightly deeper timber.
"I felt that I would regret leaving without letting you know for the rest of my life. After all, how could I expect you to wait?"
Tifa kept looking at him, feeling tears sting the back of her eyes. She lifts her hands and cups his face. "Jaune, I like you. I want to be with you. That's always going to be true whether you decide to become a Huntsman or a farmer," Tifa takes a deep breath as she sees Jaune's eyes become glassy, knowing hers were the same. "And I will always wait so long as it's you."
Jaune tries hard to fight the tears threatening to come down with little success. Finally, he closes his eyes and takes a shaky breath before saying, "Thank you."
He presses his forehead against hers before opening them and asking, "Can I kiss you?"
Tifa gives a watery smile. "Dummy. That was my plan from the start." She closes the gap between them
Christ, that took a lot out of me.
So this is sort of my personal take of the AU. The original poster's version of this AU has Cloud and Jaune as separate people with their own partners. And while i enjoyed the every post, I kind of felt...bummed out, i guess because I definitely love the Cloud and Tifa pairing.
So after looking at both blond characters and seeing how strikingly similar they are even on a personality/narrative standpoint, i decided to merge them in my head. Essentially, Jaune is sort of an alternate version of Cloud, who he might've been had things been different (and if he made a different choice).
Big thanks again to @aravas-writing for letting me take a shot at this AU and for giving us fun stories from it!
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not-poignant · 3 years
Hi Pia, I don't mean to bother you, but I wanted to ask why serials and not novels? (Except Perth Shifters!) I realized that if you only published novels, you'd have 40-50 by now? You might be a really successful novelist! I love your serials, I'm not trying to get you to stop! You're one of my favorite writers, but novels have more mass appeal, serials are hard to recommend sometimes, so many people want actual books. So I was curious about your reasons? Why the serial? Thank you for writing!
Hi anon!
You're not bothering me at all. :)
This is actually a question I've asked myself before and will ask myself in the future, because from a career standpoint, 'original serials on AO3 where it's against their TOS for me to mention any kind of marketing' is - possibly - the stupidest way to do any kind of writing career ever.
I've not always had easy answers on this front, because even though I started out writing serials, there are hundreds of other authors who have started out this way and had zero issues transitioning to publishing novels. Or keeping all their original stuff in novels, and writing fanfiction on AO3 still (just look at astolat, lol).
But this year I was diagnosed with fairly significant ADHD, which is unmedicated, and I've realised that a lot of my life has been finding loopholes to exist in ways that allow me to work at all, and stay interested in the work I'm doing.
And guess what serials give me? Regular dopamine installments way more often than novels ever could! They also give me a chance to interact with readers in a different way than novels do. And I sort of realised in a moment of kind of shock and a little bit of sadness, that I think - right now - I'm locked into the serial format because it's the only way my manifestation of unmedicated ADHD allows me to write at all.
I find novels incredibly hard to write and I've never hidden that? Like, it's not the wordcounts at all (obviously), but the fact that I have to go so long without any kind of feedback, and then once I get that feedback, professionally it's just not a good idea to interact with it. At least to a degree. I can here and on Twitter! But I don't enjoy the novels I've written as much as my serials, and I think that's partly because I'm less inspired, because there's less ongoing dopamine input that I can get from novels.
So from a business, financial, 'standardised success' perspective, I'm doing everything completely wrong. Like I have honestly recommended writers not do anything I'm doing.
But from a personal ability to do this in the first place, I'm doing it right! And I'd rather be able to do some version of it, than nothing at all.
It has made me wonder if things would shift at all - or if I could do a more successful 50/50 hybrid split - if I was successfully medicated. But there are 6-12 month waiting lists just to see psychiatrists in Western Australia right now, and I don't know anyone who will take me for ADHD and CPTSD and be good at both. So that's on hold at least until 2022, and I still might not have found meds that work for me (and may never) until late 2022 or 2023, lol.
My ADHD is, in some ways, so good for my writing. It's so easy to come up with ideas, and worlds, and characters, and plotlines. But it's really bad for the 'success' side of things. It does sometimes make me a bit sad that like, I could have 40-50 novels, and probably be making close to - if not exceeding - a full-time wage right now. I might not even need to be dependent on disability welfare anymore. I think about that all the time. Like, could you imagine The Wildness Within as an original trilogy? Or the original worldbuilding of The Golden Age that Never Was published as novels? I do think about that! Sometimes my soul hurts that some of my best storylines are locked into spaces where very few people will see them.*
But...part of this whole journey came about because I'm disabled. I didn't dream of being a writer. I had so many other dreams. Writing came along because I was too disabled to work more 'standard' work hours, and because my brain is...well, the way that it is. But I made this into my dream. I love it now. Perhaps if I was well enough to have turned my 4.5 million words into 50 novels, I might not be a writer at all in the first place, actually. Who knows? :) I'd rather have written those words than not written them at all, and I'm pretty sure after 8 years of serials, I'm not about to become a full-time novelist!
I wish I would though, if only for the selfish reason that I want all of my stories on my bookshelf. Other authors get to have this, and I don't even have this with the novels I've actually published, lmao. Oh well. I have the most amazing other things instead to make up for it! See the next paragraph, lol.
* But then I also think about all the people I've met, and the community, and the Faedom, and the artists and other writers and the friends I've made. I think how lucky I am to be able to share these things at all. When I'm sad that I think some of my best writing is you know, in a format and in a place that just isn't marketable in a regular way, I remind myself that I'm fortunate I can do it at all.
I guess like you, I sometimes wonder why I'm not writing novels to be more successful, to make more money, to support my you know - my disabilities and my life - but then I also realise I do actually really love serials, and they give me (and my brain) things I love, and a world to love them in, and I'm so fortunate to have the Ko-Fi and the Patreon, and just...so grateful that even though this is a road I wouldn't recommend to anyone wanting to become a successful writer, it's a road I'm humbled enough to enjoy.
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What are some critiques on Hilda(the show) that you haven’t shared yet?
It's taken me a long time to answer this, because I thought I had shared all my critiques. Between all I've said about Johanna in Season 2, and my worst episodes list, I pretty much covered everything. The only thing I could think of that I had left to discuss was that I don't really like the vocal tracks on the Hilda soundtrack; they just don't tend to hit the right vibe for me.
But over the weekend, things changed. It's not directly about the show itself, but there is something major about Hilda that I need to critique, and that's the tie-in novels. I read the first three of these over the last few days, and I have plenty to say and very little of it is good. Sorry in advance, but this will be long and negative.
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First, just a brief explanation for those who aren't aware; Hilda has three different canons. The series began with Luke Pearson's graphic novels, or comics, and these got adapted into the TV show. The TV show was then in-turn adapted again into a series of regular novels written by Stephen Davies; each book combines a few episodes into one story (changing the order of events and moving things around as necessary), and they're in a separate canon to the show.
I'll be honest; I didn't go into these expecting to enjoy them. @remked has been uploading snippets for a while, and the general sense I got from those were that the novels were a bit stranger than the show, and that the novel version of Johanna was a lot worse of a parent compared to her show and even graphic novel counterparts.
I'll come back to the second point, but I was right about the first. The books seem to be based on very early show scripts, which would make sense, but that leads to a lot of weird moments. A good example is that the prime minister of the elves lives in a magical cave hidden by a riddle and three trials, despite the fact he's a middling bureaucrat and his staff presumably have to get there every day; another is that the forest giant Woodman loses Hilda to tries to rap, which is just bizarre and comes out of nowhere.
The illustrations are strange, too. I have nothing against whoever the artist is, but honestly their attempt to capture the show's style really doesn't work all that well, everything just looks a bit off, and they aren't always very consistent with the text. It's a little hard to describe the effect, so I'll just show you Trevor's gang throwing rocks because that's probably my least favourite illustration:
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But I could stomach that. I can look past janky artwork; it's still better than I could do, and strange doesn't necessarily mean bad. What I really didn't like about this canon is that the everything just seems more mean-spirited. It really feels like the entire world is against Hilda at times, a lot more than in the show. The main difference I noticed with Hilda herself is that she cries a lot more in this, and it's understandable why.
The first adventure Hilda shares with her friends is the Lost Clan in this timeline; it follows the events of the show pretty much exactly, but it ends with Frida and David both cutting Hilda out of their lives (even getting their parents to talk to Miss Hallgrim so she'll separate them in class) because they don't want to get dragged into adventures. They do make up, of course, but only when Hilda apologises as if she's entirely in the wrong, and Frida is cold with Hilda throughout the entire rest of the second and third book anyway. David gets one good moment, during the marra incident, but is otherwise similar.
And they're the ones who are supposed to be sympathetic. Nearly everyone else is affected, too; Trevor is established as the class bully, and deliberately tries to drown Raven out of pure spite. Raven Leader is just an exasperated authority figure who dislikes Hilda, and Miss Hallgrim is even worse. She's not just a reasonably strict teacher who doesn't understand Hilda; her introduction is her sending Hilda out of class for not paying attention, while Hilda is fighting back tears because the entire class is openly mocking her. At no point does Miss Hallgrim try and stop them, and unlike in canon she doesn't get a redemption arc; she just continues like this and then faints after the troll mother shows up. There's even a moment where the parents start mocking Hilda, and she still only drops the hammer on this hurt and embarassed child.
But the elephant in the room, and the one thing that really ruined all of this for me, was Johanna. I went into these books with some idea of what she was like; I'd seen one snippet (from Hilda and the Nowhere Space, courtesy of @remked again) and @trolbergoraclecolumnist (who has also read these things) told me that he could make the case she's emotionally abusive. It didn't hit me just how serious that was until I actually read the things, and even then it took a while of me just feeling like things were wrong for it to fully set in, but he's absolutely right. I absolutely don't think it was Davies' intention, but the only way I can read it is that the version of Johanna we get in this AU is an abuser.
In the show, Johanna is clearly conflicted about moving away from the valley. She doesn't want to live in fear of the elves, and she thinks that Hilda needs to learn to socialise, but she also knows that it's going to hurt her daughter, at least in the short term. She's willing to let Hilda try with the elves (if Jorgen hadn't stepped on their house, I don't think they would have moved at all) and listens to her concerns. She's transparent about her decision; when she takes Hilda into town she doesn't commit to anything, telling her daughter this is where they could live, and tries to reassure Hilda that the city can be an adventure too and that she won't have to give up everything she loves.
In Hilda and the Hidden People, the novel version of Johanna not only doesn't do that, she does the opposite. It comes out that she's been planning this move for a while, and is already committed to it (whether this idea came to her before the elves started attacking is unclear); she knows Hilda won't like it, but she makes no attempt to reassure her, instead she straight-up resorts to lying. She tells Hilda that they're just going to look around in town in a horribly insincere way, when it's clear that she's already planning the move and is using this to finalise her plans, and when Hilda is inevitably upset by having her whole life ripped out from under her Johanna doesn't try and be understanding. She makes it about herself and how hard Hilda's making things for her. The line, specifically, is "please don't be difficult today".
Later on Hilda actually calls her out for lying, but she just bluntly tells Hilda not to argue with her. She plans and executes this entire move without ever thinking about how it's going to hurt Hilda, and then tells Hilda she's not allowed to be upset and that makes her in the wrong. And Hilda accepts it; when she falls off of Illus (Jorgen's girlfriend) she genuinely thinks she's about to die, and her main regret is "how mean she had been to Mum these past few days". This isn't a situation like The Beast of Cauldron Island/The Fifty Year Night where it's debatable who was in the wrong and I can see why people sympathise with Johanna; she's lied and manipulated her own child into believing it's all her fault.
In Hilda and the Great Parade, Johanna doesn't really do much either way. She makes no attempt to help Hilda adjust to the city, and laughs at her when Hilda is upset about it (it's fond, and Hilda is being overdramatic in that scene, but considering the circumstances it still rankled me). She has no concerns or remorse about giving the Raven to Trevor (which she is tricked into doing) and the most Hilda is able to convince her to do to help is give a note to Frida, which Johanna is reluctant to do. They do have a bonding moment at the end, watching the parade from the wall, but it's not nearly as earned or sweet.
In Hilda and the Nowhere Space, things continue. In this canon it's made clear that Hilda only joined the Sparrow Scouts because Johanna "loved the idea of Hilda following in her footsteps", and that since then, every time Hilda gets back from scouts, all Johanna asks her is if she's got any badges yet. Not how she's doing or how her adventures are, but if she's living up to the expectations her mum has set for her. Johanna seems fixated on this point, and Hilda's not just worried about disappointing her; it's shown more than once that she has genuinely started tying her sense of self-worth to getting badges and talking about how Johanna will "see how useless she is" at the badge ceremony.
Like in the show, this comes to pass; Hilda doesn't get any badges, and her mum is upset. But in this version Johanna doesn't just give her a concerned look; she goes over to Hilda and berates her to the point of tears:
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(Once again thanks to @remked for this). Johanna does ultimately apologise for this, but it's a single sentence where she makes no apologies for pressuring Hilda in the first place. She's spent the entire book trying to make Hilda just like her, pushing her around, and honestly it only feels like she apologises because she wants to assauge her own guilt. Especially after the whole move thing, it reeks to me of more of the same, of Johanna trivialising her own actions.
I genuinely find Johanna and Hilda's dynamic in this canon upsetting. A handful of bonding moments can't make up for legitimate emotional abuse and manipulation, and it hurts to see the best fictional parent I know portrayed as an abuser, even if it's not what the author intended. So if you want my critique; I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to say avoid the novels.
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meepmorpperaltiago · 3 years
Slipping Through My Fingers All The Time
I started a marvel binge about a month ago and I’ve been hyperfixating on spideychelle for a while now – so I started this fic and then realised the last prompt of @mjweek fit perfectly! This is a crazy long fic by my standards but I hope you like it!
The first time May hears Michelle Jones’ name is after the Washington Incident. She doesn’t particularly register it, not with everything else happening in their lives at that point. She’s just another one of his classmates, only just edging into the category of “friend”, if something like that can even be categorised at all.
She doesn’t hear the girls’ nickname for a while either.
Until one day, when Peter casually asks: “Would you mind if MJ slept over along with Ned?”
“MJ?”, she questions, turning towards him with a puzzled look.
“Michelle Jones... you know, the new Academic Decathlon Captain? Her friends call her MJ and now I guess Ned and I allowed to call her that since we’re her friends”.
She seems to bond to their group increasingly after Homecoming and then after the Blip. She’s not rude by any means, but she doesn’t really say a lot in comparison to her friends, so May doesn’t ever particularly chat to her in any depth beyond polite greetings and queries about being picked up after late night study -sessions-turned-sleepovers.
But as a platonic trio, the three of them seem to be on good ground.
Looking back, she’s not sure she could pinpoint when exactly when the true shift happened.
Slowly but steadily, Peter mentions her more and more in a way he’s never talked about any other friend before, even more than he used to mention Liz. It reaches a point where she expects to hear about the latest “badass” thing that MJ did whenever she asks him how school was that day, right alongside tales of their gang’s usual exploits and the regular gossip of Midtown. It’s not to an unhealthy or obsessive extent, but it’s enough for her to realise that something must be going on between them, even if it’s just a spark.
Not wanting to put pressure on Peter to talk about it, she waits patiently for her suspicions to be confirmed, because she becomes more and more certain every day that there’s something there.
A few weeks before the big school trip to Europe and what they’re both hoping will be a much deserved break, she comes home to Peter furiously scribbling something onto a scrappy frayed bit of paper, his entire face scrunched into fierce concentration.
“Are you designing a new suit or something?”, she casually asks, that being the only thing she can think of in spite of her nephews’ lack of artistic talent.
“Oh no”, is his slightly shy response. “It’s just... a plan...”
That confuses her even more and she sits down beside him, finally looking at what he’s been writing down whilst asking him: “a plan for what? World domination? Have you decided to go all angsty hero turned supervillain on us?”
He laughs at that and then explains himself. “I really like MJ. I wanna tell her how I feel in Europe and I thought it would be better to just write it down rather than winging it. I tried to just be honest with her earlier today and after I said that I had something I wanted to tell her I kind of froze... and ran... very fast... and elephant like... a lot of people stared, it was very noisy and embarrassing.”
She sits with him for about an hour after that, helping him to develop his pretty loose plan into something more concrete. She also had the sad thought that if Tony was still around he would’ve been all over this situation, helping Peter. It’s yet another figure in his life who will never be there for the big moments, but all she can do is try her best for him, like she has done since he was 4 years old and they all realised his parents’ weren’t coming back from that damn plane crash.
In the end, the trip of course gets derailed by (what else?) more superhero stuff and even before what follows a few weeks later, she feels awful that he can’t take a pause from stress and danger for even two weeks, at the age of just 16. He’s still just a kid, but the weight of the world never seems to lift from his shoulders.
But the one positive is that it looks like he didn’t need the plan. When they’re driving home from the airport, the first thing he talks and talks and talks about is everything that happened with him and MJ. Apparently she loved the necklace even though it was broken, they kissed 3 times on Tower Bridge (and a few more times on the way home) and now they’re going on a date soon. She questions if swinging around New York might be a bit intense, but he shrugs her off, saying that it’ll be fine.
She finds out later that it wasn’t fine, but everything that follows after their date completely crashes into everything and makes that detail anecdotal.
Everything changes after Mysterio’s video – at first he runs for far too long and she’s so worried and it breaks her heart to read all the awful, untrue things that damn Daily Bugle keeps on pumping out. The physical copy would be better off used as toilet paper in her opinion (she can’t think of anything as witty for the more popular digital version, but she’s trying). They all meet with him undercover, sporadically, supporting him in whatever way they can.
After an adventure involving Dr Strange (she’s proud of the fact that learnt his name properly now) and weirdest of all several other Spider-Men, he finally comes home and even though everything is still completely uprooted and unstable, at least she has him back now.
For everything that still comes afterward, for every run in with photographers and crazed fans and every time the danger they’re all in now that the world knows becomes apparent, she’s there to pick him back up. And MJ and Ned are too.
She notices that he comes back from patrols even later and when she talks to him about it he admits with a shy blush that he’s been stopping by MJ’s room every night for weeks now. It all seems very Romeo and Juliet. She also chuckles when it’s brought up in conversation with MJ’s mother, because of course she knows he’s there when they think they’re being so sneaky and secretive. How he managed to keep his identity hidden for so long, she’ll never know.
Over time, she gets to know MJ pretty well too: she learns that she’s smart and fierce and sarcastic and cynical in a way that balances Peter’s eternal sunshine perfectly. They really do fit together like pieces of an extremely adorable puzzle.
Her usually mended heart breaks a little when she realises how well she would’ve gotten along with Ben. But eventually she puts that thought away in a precious mental box, carefully kept and full of now bittersweet memories. She simply allows herself to share in her nephews’ new found and long overdue joy.
She truly realises the depth of their feelings for each other in unfortunate to say the least circumstances. A hammering from the Green Goblin puts him in hospital unconscious for a week even with his advanced healing abilities and MJ won’t leave his side for a second, holding onto the broken black dahlia necklace like it’s the only thing anchoring her to reality even after Ned has finally been persuaded to go home to bed. They sleep in plasticky, slightly sticky and hard hospital chairs right next to each other and when Peter finally wakes up the next afternoon he looks so happy to see the 3 people he loves most in the world carefully watching him.
She’s never seen him more scared than the first time a bad guy kidnaps MJ. They were aware that something like this was likely, the girl even prepared herself with self defence classes and her boyfriend is a literal freakin’ superhero. But still, when he finds her, May can see through the security footage that her and Ned are nervously watching, that he holds her with such relief, like she’s the most precious thing in the world.
They of course go to senior prom together and take the classic photos before they go — it’s incredibly corny but their radiant smiles put a bright grin on her face too.
They go long distance for college and although they’re both worried about growing apart, they seem to just get closer, moving into a cramped apartment in their second year.
She comes over for dinner (Peter has always been a disaster in the kitchen, but MJ’s competent enough to keep them from completely living off take out) and the three of them chat and laugh together and they’re not even out of college yet but MJ already feels like family.
What she doesn’t expect is for him to call her at 2am, in floods of tears, barely able to explain to her what happened except “I’ve fucked everything up, oh my god, I’ve fucked everything up...”
Eventually May gets a bigger picture through his tears (“it’s so stupid”, he hiccups down the phone). Essentially it all boils down to a lack of communication and small things boiling over into a blow out fight. Now she’s walking out in sheer anger and he’s frozen in panic. May feels panicked too, feeling the pressure of giving Peter the right advice when she’s honestly not sure how she would handle the situation. He might be all grown up, at college with a long term living together relationship, but sometimes she’s reminded of how young he still is.
She ends up telling him to run after MJ and apparently he does just that, rushing out into the pouring rain and kissing her through tearful apologies from both of them in what sounds like something straight out of a rom com. After that, they get better at sharing how they’re feeling and their relationship seems all the better for it.
She gives him her old engagement ring just after their two year anniversary of living together, after he comes to her apartment with an excited grin, telling her that he wants to propose. An everlasting symbol of her old love, of the love her and Ben shared, that their child can now share with the love of his life.
“So what’s your big plan?” she asks him excitedly over coffee in the mug he bought her a few birthdays back.
“Well, she hates public proposals, so I can’t do that – I was thinking of doing something at home, something cosy...”
That’s exactly what he does.
May helps him with his plan, just as she did 5 years ago – except this time she’s a little bit more directly involved.
Luckily, May and MJ already have a regular rom com night every few weeks, so MJ isn’t too surprised or suspicious when she invites her ‘round for an afternoon of Bridget Jones. Just as the perpetually single heroine is giving birth to Colin Firth’s baby, she gets a thumbs up text from Peter, letting her know that he’s ready to go.
MJ took the bus here, so May suggests they go back to the apartment together, because she couldn’t bear the idea of not being around for what awaits MJ at home. MJ gives her a strange look but just rolls with it.
When MJ opens the apartment door after saying goodbye to May, the lights are dimmed, except for a glowing structure in the corner, which Peter comes out of grinning.
“I made you a fort!” he declares happily with his arms in the air. As MJ grins and laughs and kisses him as she jumps into his arms, she takes that as a cue to fully leave them alone.
She stands and waits and wonders what’s happening inside. She could see that he’d filled the inside of the fort with fairy lights and she knows that he was planning on ordering MJ’s favourite food (pepperoni pizza) and putting on a murder documentary she’d been talking about for weeks.
After what must’ve been the time for them to eat their pizza and watch the documentary, plus about 7 minutes give or take, they open the door. They both have tears in their eyes as MJ holds up her left hand to show May the newly placed ring on her finger.
They have placeholder seats in the ceremony, for everyone who’s not there, who would’ve been there. Who should’ve been there. Everyone lost isn’t forgotten and it’s as heartwarming as it is sad.
He goes back to May’s the night before the wedding out of superstition and tradition. She wakes him up pretty early and he complains until he realises what day it is. He shares a soft phone call with MJ as soon as he’s awake enough to hold a conversation, but May has no idea what’s being said, as she goes to the kitchen, wanting to give them both privacy.
She makes sure to tell Peter how proud she is of him when she’s helping him tie his tie like he’s back in high school and getting ready for Homecoming.
When he sees MJ walk down the aisle, they both look at each other like they’re being given the entire world.
Peter speaks first, nervously taking cue cards out of his pocket and saying: “MJ, I know that you hate clichés and corny lines, so I’m not going to use any. Instead, I’m just going to make a bunch of promises. I promise to support you and stand by your side, to have your back in the way that you always have mine. I promise to always be there to make you smile when you’re sad. I promise to watch scary horror movies with you, even if they really scare me. I promise not to spoil endings of things. I promise to love you forever.”
An already tearful MJ follows him with: “Peter, a long time ago, I told you that I don’t have much luck when it comes to getting close to people. But that’s not been true for a long time, thanks to you. Sorry to use clichés my vows after you cut them out of yours, but I feel so damn lucky to be marrying my best friend. I promise to stand by you and fight for you even when you’re being really stupid, I promise to support all of your nerdy stuff and most of all, I promise to always love you, dork”
May thinks back on everything her boy has suffered through, everything that has been put upon him for so long. Seeing him brimming with joy, gazing lovingly at his wife, surrounded by everyone who loves and supports them both, she bursts into tears herself.
It’s one of the happiest days of her life .It’s only matched by her both of her wedding days and the days that Benjamin Anthony Parker-Jones and Taylor-May Parker-Jones are born.
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darling-i-read-it · 4 years
Wedding Costumes
Charles Lee Ray x reader x Tiffany Valentine 
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: talks of murder, cuss words, insintuations to sex, profane suggestive religious costume mentions 
Author’s Note: Imma do one with just Tiff eventually but I love these two together and I wasn’t about to pass up this little idea. 
Summary: Tiffany comes home with a lot of decorations and costumes
Genre: fluff
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director 
(not my gif)
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“Halloween is a great chance to put yourself out there!” Tiffany yelled as she walked into the house. You glanced over at Chucky who let out an annoyed sigh at her presence. You were both sitting on the couch watching a movie. Well the movie was on in the background, you were doing your nails while he flipped through a magazine with a bunch of girls in it. 
“Why is that Tiff?” you asked, sitting up and looking behind the couch. She walked into the room holding bags upon bags of things. Chucky looked back at her and gave her a look.
“Where the fuck did you get all that?” 
“The store,” she said happily, putting the bags on the couch.
“No shit,” he muttered. You blew on your nails and Tiffany noticed that they were freshly painted. She could almost smell it from the second that she walked in, like it was her super power. She leaned forward and blew on your nails a bit. 
“No need to mess those up, I’ll show you,” she said. She started to open up the bags and take things out. There were decorations there that went pretty nicely with the house's regular macab meets prep decor. You had to give Chucky a whole room to himself so that he could let Tiffany put pink things all over the place. 
She even pulled out a few costumes that she had bought.
“Where did you get the money for this Tiff?” Chucky questioned, narrowing his eyes at her. She shrugged a bit, a small hidden smile on her face. 
“The cashier,” she said. 
“You’re going to need to specify if you took him to the back room and fucked him or if you took him in the back room and-” Chucky started but Tiffany cut him off. 
“I killed him, don’t worry,” she said innocently. “That’s why I have so much! There’s more in the car, can you help me?” Chucky shook his head.
“Y/N can do it.” 
“She has wet nails, silly.” She grabbed Chucky’s arm and pulled him up. He let out a sigh but followed her out of the door to the car. You picked up the costumes that she had brought and laughed. Sexy versions of everything she could find. She even found a priest costume she could probably get Chucky in if you promised to wear that nun costume which you weren’t quite inclined to do. But other than that there were sexy nurses, sexy cops (which didn’t make sense to you, you had been chased by enough cops to not want to get anywhere near them), a sexy movie characters. 
Tiffany had brought the things she thought you all might look good in, not things to share with the outside world. You tossed them aside and picked up the bits of decorations she had alsos got. You put them carefully on the shelves and such, careful to not mess up your nails as you did so. 
Chucky walked back inside and put the bags on the ground.
“What are the costumes she got?” he asked you. You shrugged.
“Something she expects to dance in I assume.” Chucky smiles cheekily, giving you a look as he started back to the front door.
“She does know us,” he called simply. Tiffany came in and passed Chucky as he left again to get more things.
“Did you like the stuff? I got plenty more.”
“It was all pretty cute Tiff,” you said honestly.
“Did you see the nurse one? I thought you might like that one,” she said, raising her eyebrow suggestively at you. You let out a small smile as Chucky came back in with the last of it.
“Yes I did. Geez Tiff did you steal the whole store?”
“I sure tried.” She started to take things out again as Chucky sat back down on the couch. He looked through the things she had left there and some things grabbed his attention but mostly he just went back to looking at a magazine. His day didn’t quite start until night and there was still an hour or two of daylight left. “Here you should try this one on!” Tiffany yelled, tossing one of the costumes to you. You caught a long white dress barely, just before it fell. 
You put it out in front of you and was surprised to find some sort of wedding dress.
“Are we going as the girl from Corpse Bride?” you questioned. 
“Tiffany!” Chucky yelled back. You looked at her and she had her hands clasped, a smile on her face.
“Let me have a bit of fun Chucky. I wanna see you in a wedding dress! I can spray fake blood on it later if you want,” she suggested. You laughed. The dress was definitely from the cheapest store that she could find but you liked it anyway.
“I’m going to put it on.” 
You went into a bathroom and put it on, admiring yourself in the mirror. You weren’t the marriage type, that was evident by your relationship with Tiffany and Chucky. But your little self might have liked it. You looked pretty.
You walked into the main room and Tiffany put her hand over her mouth before clapping. 
“You look amazing!” she yelled. Chucky turned around and looked you up and down. He tried not to show that he agreed but you could tell that he did.
“You look okay,” he said. Tiffany hit him. 
“You look like a superstar,” she stated simply and walked over to you, taking your hand before twirling you around. Tiffany squealed. “Ugh! I love Halloween.”
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It Was You All Along (Part 2)
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Part Two is here! I haven’t been this inspired to write in so long, and I promise I will get to all the Criminal Minds and Supernatural requests in my inbox. I was just so excited to get this out. This part is all fluff and realizations, with a sprinkle of pining thrown in. It was partially inspired by the scene in Tangled where Eugene and Rapunzel enter the town and start dancing. Enjoy and please leave feedback! 
Since we had come to a stop, I looked around to try and figure out why. Geralt never really says anything. He just does stuff. 
He got off Roach in a very not graceful manner, and began to walk towards the trees on the side of the path we stood on. I felt Jaskier shift behind me. 
“The hell is he doing?”
I shrugged. Then I wondered if he even knew what he was doing. The thought made me chuckle to myself. Until Geralt came out of the trees and stood impatiently on the side of the path. 
“The town is this way. It’s covered by the trees.”
Without waiting for our response, he turned and led Roach through the trees by her reins. I guess that meant it was our turn. 
Jaskier got off Lily first, then I followed suit. The two of us walked over to where Geralt went, Lily’s reins in my hand. Jaskier walked a few feet ahead of me, swatting branches and leaves out of his way as he went. Luckily, I didn’t quite reach them, so I could duck instead of doing that. As we walked, I watched Jaskier in front of me. The past few days had felt...different around him. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but I felt different when I was around him. He felt different. The air...everything was just different. Not bad, however. It made my head spin and my chest flutter just thinking about it. Only, I didn’t even really know what I was thinking about in the first place. I had never felt this way before. And I wasn’t even sure what had started it. Jaskier was the same person. I was the same person. Yet the feeling was beyond off. 
Jaskier humming drew me out of my thoughts, and honestly I really didn’t mind. There had been many a night where we sat up late, talking and singing around the fire when Geralt fell asleep or was off doing something violent somewhere. It was a way we bonded. It took forever for me to start feeling comfortable enough to sing or even hum around him. But it had become one of our favorite things to do together. 
It was then that I noticed he had started to hum a new song that I didn’t recognize. 
“Jaskier, what song is that? I don’t think I’ve heard that one before.”
His tune stopped abruptly, and he looked over his shoulder at me with a small smile. 
“A new piece I’ve been working on. What do you think?” 
I smiled back at him before saying, “I like it” a little too loudly. 
He laughed and it made my heart skip a beat. There’s that feeling again! What is it? 
“Good. I’m glad.”
“But what about the words, Jaskier? Are there any words yet?”
He laughed again, this time a bit nervously. 
“Th-those are a work in progress, my fair lady.”
My breath hitched in my throat. What in the world is wrong with me? Am I falling ill? He calls me names like that all the time. It’s what best friends do. Right?
We walked and walked for what seemed like forever. Then we finally reached a clearing past a large break in the trees. And it took my breath away. 
All sorts of small huts and shacks and buildings lined the field in front of us. Some were on small hills, others in the valleys that had been created between them. Cows, chickens, and every animal you could imagine grazed on the grass surrounding us. The greenest grass that I had ever seen. Each blade seemed to blow in the breeze to its own rhythm, but together they made a song. 
“Geralt, how did you know this town was hidden like this?” I asked him incredulously. 
“I heard it,” the Witcher said simply. 
He walked off with Roach, leaving us behind as he usually did. 
I turned to Jaskier, the weird feeling from before completely dissipated in the present moment. He stared out towards the town as well, completely in awe. 
“Why would they want to hide something like this? Something so beautiful?” 
“Maybe...,” Jaskier said beside me, “maybe they want to keep it hidden. Until it’s ready to be seen.”
I glanced at him. He had an almost forlorn look on his face. But only for a split second. Then he was back to his regular smile. But his smile...it looked different now. Had it always looked like this? Maybe it was the lighting.
Upon walking into the town, we soon found the inn. Geralt and Jaskier got a room to share with two beds, and I got my own room with a single, small bed. I couldn’t help but laugh at the look on Geralt’s face when he found out that he had to share a room with Jaskier. 
“Come now Geralt, it won’t be all bad! I can sing you to sleep if you like,” Jaskier said grandly as we walked up the stairs to put our things away. 
“Try it and see what happens,” Geralt growled. 
A slightly terrified expression fell upon Jaskier’s features, and I couldn’t help laughing once more. 
Once our things were put away and Jaskier finished complaining, Geralt left us to our own devices with only these words as a parting gift: “Don’t fuck anything up while I’m gone.”
We watched him ride Roach away to the edge of the town, to wherever his contract took him. Then it was just me and Jaskier. 
“Well, what now?” I asked, turning to the bard. 
He put his hands on his hips and looked around. 
“What is there to do around here, I wonder?” 
I jumped in front of him excitedly before asking, “Want to find some trouble to get into?” 
He bent down to meet my height with a smile that I thought would split his face in two. 
The more we walked around, the more I didn’t understand how this beautiful, bustling town could fit into what seemed to be a small corner of the woods. All sorts of shops and stalls lined the street we were currently on, but one in particular caught my eye. 
“Jaskier, look!” I grabbed his arm and pointed in the direction of the stall I wanted to see. “There’s a woman selling flower crowns over there. They’re so pretty, I want to see them up close.”
I dragged him along behind me before he could say anything. 
He laughed and said, “We’ve gone into so many towns and seen so many things before, and yet I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this excited.”
“Well, today is different!”
There’s that word again...different. 
He smiled and my heart seemed to stop in my chest.
“Yeah, it is.” 
We finally approached the stall where the woman had her flower crowns laid out. There were so many different colors and flowers, I hardly knew where to look first. 
“Jaskier, which one would suit me? I don’t even know where to start, they’re all so lovely.” 
He looked around at the vast display in front of us, seemingly deep in thought. Then his eyes twinkled and he reached forward to a crown made out of small yellow buttercups and tiny clumps of white baby’s breath. 
Before I could say what I thought, he leaned down and placed it gently on my head, adjusting it so it would sit straight. 
“What do you think?” I asked, holding my skirts and spinning around in a circle dramatically. 
Jaskier thought for a moment, his finger pressed gently against his chin in concentration. 
“I think it was made for you, dear lady.”
I felt the heat rise in my cheeks and I hoped to the gods Jaskier didn’t see. In order to conceal it, I turned to the merchant who was watching us with an amused look on her face. 
“How much for this one?” I asked, pointing to the crown on my head. 
“Twelve marks,” she replied. 
I dug around in my pockets for the money, but stopped when I felt a hand on my arm. 
I turned and saw Jaskier was the one who had placed his hand on my arm, but his other hand was in the pocket of his trousers. 
“I’ve got it,” he said with a half-smile. 
Before I could protest, he handed the woman her money and thanked her. 
“Jaskier! What did you do that for? You know I don’t like people spending their own money on me.” 
He began to walk away, and I followed, almost jogging to keep up with his long strides. 
“Then pretend I didn’t do it,” he quipped over his shoulder at me. 
Finally I caught up to him and walked at his side. 
The bard smiled down at me. 
“If you feel that badly about it, then buy me something in return. We’re best friends, remember? Or have you forgotten that revelation we came to already?”
No witty response came to mind. So instead, I settled on thanking him. 
“It was my pleasure, (Y/N).” 
At some point, we made it to the town square. Some sort of celebration was going on, and everyone was dancing around while a group of musicians played an up beat song made for parties. 
“Eh, I’ve heard better versions of this song. One done by yours truly, of course,” Jaskier said as he wiggled his eyebrows at me. 
I pushed his arm lightly. 
“Jaskier, the only thing bigger than your ego is your head”
“There are some women out there who might disagree,” he said with a wink.
All of a sudden, someone roughly grabbed my arm and turned me around, pulling me further away from where I was standing with Jaskier. 
I shrieked in surprise and Jaskier yelled for me, reaching out with one hand, a startled look on his face. But before I was spun around again, I saw someone grab him too. 
Then I noticed who grabbed me. A breathless young man, probably about my age. He had his hands in mine and was twisting me about the square. I realized that I been pulled into the dance by accident. 
“You know, you should really ask permission from someone before you grab them for a dance!” I yelled over the music and commotion. 
“Do forgive me! Once you’re in the thick of this dance, you can’t help but become impulsive.”
Against my better judgement, I started actually performing the dance as well. I suppose the man had a point. At events like these with the music, the wine, and the people, you tend to get carried away. I must have looked like I was waiting for my turn in the throng of people. 
Once I let myself relax and the feeling of panic left me, I began laughing with the man in front of me. It was fun. I don’t remember the last time I had danced and celebrated something. Whatever it is the people in the square were celebrating seemed important. 
We stumbled and twirled about, passing other dancing couples. It was so unbelievably loud. But it was a good type of loudness. The kind that made me giddy and feeling as if I was floating. 
Part of this dance was to switch partners every few rounds in order to get everyone into it and to meet new people. Meeting new people wasn’t really my thing, and I slowly started to feel more and more drained and nervous as the dance went on. All good things must come to an end, I suppose.
I had been thrown into another man’s arms now, the first one I was dancing with long gone. But I just wanted to find Jaskier. Or even Geralt. Someone familiar. 
The song was coming to a close which meant this dance was also ending. But there was still no sign of Jaskier anywhere. In my defense though, there were so many people and it was hard to focus on a specific person when you were in the middle of something so chaotic. 
At the last second, I was shoved into someone else’s arms, right as the song came to an end. My hands gripped his forearms to steady myself, although my vision was still reeling. 
“I’m so sorry! I’m not used to these types of dances,” I mumbled before trying to focus on the man before me. 
Lo and behold, it was Jaskier himself, looking almost as unsteady as I felt.
“(Y/N),” he said, out of breath, “Thank the gods I finally found you. I thought you had been kidnapped.” 
My vision finally settled, and I looked up at his face to get a better look at the state he was in. 
His hair was disheveled and a bit of sweat made his face shine in the evening light. He was breathless, breathing through his lips with an exhausted smile. The shirt underneath his doublet had fallen to the side a bit, exposing the dark hair that decorated his chest. With each rise and fall of his chest, my pulse increased slightly. I caught myself wondering what his heartbeat sounded like. How it would feel to have my hand resting on his chest as he breathed and talked. What would it have been like to dance only with him? Then I felt myself become sad, and almost angry that I hadn’t been dancing with him. But more than anything, I realized that this isn’t how best friends think about each other. 
I blinked rapidly to get myself out of my thoughts. 
“Jaskier, let’s get out of here. I’m exhausted. Please.”
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sceptilemasterr · 2 years
ship questions!! hellooo, since you've done three of the sections for atlas/beckett, could you do the domestic life questions for them? ☺️
also side note, your account/work is honestly like my comfort thing. whenever i've had a bad day i come here to cheer myself up, it always works! (of course i always come here for the updates as well tho!!) ☺️💗
OMG, aww, that's so sweet to hear! I'm so glad my writings and other posts are able to cheer you up. That's honestly the greatest compliment a writer can hear, in my opinion!
And now, on to the ship questions:
1. If they get married, who proposes?
Beckett does. Atlas challenged him that he couldn't manage to surprise her with the proposal and he took that challenge head-on. Fiora was his accomplice in making sure it all went according to plan: she kept her sister busy all day for four days in a row, working on restoration projects on the Tuneless side of the mirror. After the first day, Atlas thought Beckett was going to surprise her, but everything was normal. By day four, she'd stopped being suspicious... just in time for Beckett to set up his surprise! In addition to Fiora, all of the other Pend Pals were present, along with Beckett's parents and his sister, all hidden out of sight. Atlas couldn't believe he'd managed to surprise her!
The ring was one that Beckett had custom-made out of infused steel with a Shapesculpt (a Metal-Att technique) stored within the gemstone. By twisting the ring in a certain pattern, the technique would activate and allow Atlas to use its metal in a pinch to turn into anything from a small dagger to a key to unlock any lock. Beautiful and practical, and Atlas adored it immensely!
2. What’s the wedding like? Who attends?
In contrast to Fiora and Shreya's wedding, theirs was very small and private, with only their immediate families and the other Pend Pals as witnesses. Fiora and Zeph were maid of honor and best man, respectively. Despite the small size of the wedding, everyone still enjoyed themselves plenty!
3. How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like?
Four children, in descending age order: Beckett III, Evelyn, Zephyr, and Relzhek. The three boys were given the last name Harrington while Evelyn's last name is Luxen. All four are Energy-Attuned like their mother, and having four Sourceborn children at varying ages under one roof is an adventure.
Since Sourceborn awaken around age two: Beckett III froze his father's fingers when he was being given a bath, Evie zapped a (not very bright) criminal who went after her while she and Atlas were in a park, Zeph froze a faucet into a massive pillar of ice, and as for Rel... well, I'll let this particular fic speak for itself (Short version: utter chaos.)
4. Do they have any pets?
Beckett's Grogue, now named "Mr. Saliir J. Farthington" (yes, the "Mr." is part of his name), was the only pet either of them owned for quite some time. Eventually, after countless requests from the children, they gave in and got an Arylu named Snowbound as well. Snowbound ended up becoming mostly little Zeph's pet, but all four children love her immensely!
5. Who’s the stricter parent?
Both are quite strict: Beckett is more strict on a regular basis; by contrast, it takes a lot more to make Atlas upset, but when she does... her fury is legendary.
6. Who worries the most?
Beckett, easily. Atlas's biggest worry is dying of boredom during a High Council meeting.
7. Who kills the bugs in the house?
Whoever is available! Either one is equally skilled. The one thing they can agree on is that the children are forbidden from attempting it after one too many flooded houses.
8. How do they celebrate holidays?
Left to their own devices, they'd prefer nothing more than to have a nice, small celebration at home just the six of them. However, the combined efforts of Fiora, Shreya, and Zeph is hard to resist, and they usually end up at Shreya's inevitable big holiday party.
9. Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
Atlas, mainly because Beckett is always awake at a very precise hour, even without any kind of alarm. Atlas doesn't appreciate it much since he tends to accidentally wake her up as well, whether she wants to be or not.
10. Who’s the better cook?
Beckett. Atlas can cook decently well, but most of her food is practical and incredibly bland: the type of thing she learned to make while on the run from Raife. Beckett is much better about including actual flavor in the meals he makes, which the kids certainly appreciate!
11. Who likes to dance?
Atlas says she doesn't like to dance, but it's actually a huge guilty pleasure of hers that she does when no one's watching (or if she's had a drink or two). Beckett doesn't much care either way.
Thanks for answering, and for that huge compliment!
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come-on-shitty-boys · 4 years
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//general dating headcannons//
Characters: Komori Motoya/Oikawa Tooru/Sakusa Kiyoomi/Miya Atsumu
Request: bby ;-; HCs or scenarios of Komori, Oikawa and OmiOmi please cause my knee and back are screaming murder and I just want some love :'C (+Atsumu but homegirl forgot)
Warnings: some swearing and I make one sex joke
Word Count: 2.4K (~600 a piece)
Notes: I PROMISE i’ll get back to doing fics I’m just a weenie with AWFUL time management skills
Komori Motoya
My bleppy eyebrow boy oml i love him so much
Smooch his motherfucking eyebrows and watch him become a flustered mess.  I swear, if you don’t, I will.  
He’s already an absolute sweetheart, but when it comes to you?  It’s a whole new level of soft.  I’m talking like he’s going to be buying you little gifts all the time.  He’s a really good listener, so you could mention your favorite book once and he’s going to scour the internet for a collector’s copy, or you maybe briefly mentioned that you thought orchids were really pretty and this boy? He’s bringing you a bouquet of them on your next date.  
Your beauty is so ethereal to him, so Komori calls you his angel
He is just genuinely so proud to have you as his girlfriend??  Like, the fact that someone as incredible as you??? Wanted to date him?? It’s still a shock to him, but he’s so happy that you did.
Komori is a sucker for physical contact, so whether you’re in the comfort of your own home or out in public, he will be touching you in some way.
If you’re in public?  It really depends on your comfort level.  He’s down to have his arm wrapped lovingly around your shoulders, or if you’re not super into PDA, he’ll just hold your hand or just intertwine his pinky with yours.  If you guys are at a restaurant, he’ll brush his knee against yours if you're across from him.  If you’re next to him, he’ll just press his shoulder against yours.  Anything to be in constant contact with you.
But if you’re in private, this baby just wants cuddles.  Please face him while you two cuddle, because he honestly wants to give you all the sweet kisses on your nose and he’ll just stroke your cheek while the two of you just chat or enjoy each other's company.
I already said this earlier, but it needs to be repeated: SMOOCH HIS EYEBROWS
Komori likes to pretend that he hates it, but he’s kinda obsessed with it?  And if he’s having a bad day, he’ll just hint at you that he wants eyebrow kisses
He’s going to call you just to make sure that you’ve eaten.
Honestly, he’s a caller instead of a texter, just because he wants to hear your voice.  Is it a little inconvenient? Yes, but he thinks it’s worth it.
The two of you have probably sat on the phone for HOURS with very minimal talking, just the two of you going about whatever you’re doing, but just enjoying knowing that the other is there.
He doesn’t really get jealous?  He’s pretty relaxed and doesn’t really feel threatened by other people?  On the rare occasion that he is jealous?  He will walk up to you, plant a short kiss to your lips, and ask if you’re ready to go.  
Call him a shortened version of his name and he’s putty in your hands.  His favorite is ‘toya.’ But he’s also a weenie for really cute pet names like “pumpkin” or “sweetheart”
Say it with me everyone: Husband material.
Sakusa Kiyoomi
Oh our stoic boy
I would love to tell you that he’s super sweet behind closed doors, but?? He’s just not.  He still has his calm, collected front.
Honestly?  It’s literally just because he’s never had a girlfriend before.  He’s still getting used to having someone that isn’t related to him tell him that they love him, so you’ll have to give him a little time to get used to this whole relationship thing.
There was definitely mutual pining going on on both sides.  You couldn’t tell if he liked you and he’s really prideful, so he didn’t want to be rejected, so there was a good three? Months of the two of you “talking” but even then it was really just him standing around in the hallway with his friends, and the two of you would always greet each other.  Maybe? MAYBE do a little small talk?
“Are you excited for your tournament this weekend?”
“I guess so.  Are you coming?”
Yeah.  That’s seriously his idea of flirting.
You’re inevitably the one who caves and just asks him on a date.  So, insert one (1) shocked Sakusa because he didn’t realize that you liked him too??
N E WAY.  He’s not a fan of PDA, but I’m sure that’s not a surprise to anyone.  The most he’ll do is drape his jacket over your shoulders as a sign that your his
But here is the surprise!  Once he gets a little more comfortable with you, he likes the physical contact.  If he thought you were germ-riddled, he wouldn’t date you, so it’s pretty easy for him to be okay with the contact.  Play with his hair?? Oh he’s in love.  That is his absolute favorite feeling.
Mask kisses? Mask kisses.  Speaking of masks, you two probably have a few matching ones that he got you for anniversaries or things like that.
He’s a big big fan of butterfly kisses or just nuzzling his nose against you?  It’s really sweet and intimate to him, so expect a lot of those if you two ever cuddle.
He’s a TALL mans, but he really doesn’t mind leaning down to kiss you.  If anything he thinks it’s even cuter that you’re smaller than him.
I would simply like to say beware of jealous Kiyoomi.  He’s not violent, but he’s really cold?  He’ll come up behind the guy who’s talking to you, likely towering over him.  Everything about Sakusa would be radiating this really dark aura.  He would probably just grab you by the wrist and pull you away from the encounter. 
But, he gets really soft afterwards?  Like he just wants to hold you and he’ll tell you over and over that he loves you just so he can hear you say it back.  
Kiyoomi usually has these soft moments when he feels threatened or if he’s just had a bad day.  He gets really, for lack of a better word, subby.  He wants to be cuddled and have his hair played with.  Be big spoon PLEASE and shower him with compliments.
He hates fighting with you, but the thing is.  He’s not really a scream-fighter?  He just gets really irritated, which is probably worse? Because then he really says the wrong thing and you’ll probably just leave.  There’s no use arguing with him when he’s like that.  He’s stubborn and doesn’t like to be wrong.
But he’s usually the first to apologize.  Especially if you’re genuinely upset.  It’ll be HOURS before he does say sorry, but if you’re not around, he’ll call you just to say that he’s sorry and that he didn’t mean it.
And then proceeds to ask you if you want ice cream, because he’s coming over to beg for cuddles.
Oikawa Tooru
I think I’ve said this before, but I’ll say it again.
Oikawa Tooru is one of the biggest shit talkers that you will ever meet
I’m sorry did you actually think he was a player? No.  He’d be texting you about how much he wants to make out with you or ahem hit it until it breaks ahem but the moment the time comes?
Like, he’s hiding his face in his hands so you can’t see just how red his cheeks are.  It’s not that he doesn’t want to, he’s just a pleaser and he’s nervous that you won’t like it.
Tooru is two completely different people when you’re out in public and when it’s just the two of you.
When he’s around others, he’s the cool, confident person that you first met.  He’ll have his arm around your waist, a smug smile on his lips, showing you off.  
But, alone?  Oh, this boy ;-; he makes me angsty so prepare yourselves
Tooru is super vulnerable when he’s just with you.  You’ll find him opening up a lot, especially if the two of you have been dating for a while or just have a really strong bond.  
He talks about his insecurities when it comes to volleyball and how he doesn’t feel like he’s good enough compared to Kageyama or some of the other incredible players on the court.
He’ll confide in you about he doesn’t feel like people see him. He thinks that people only care about him because he’s popular and attractive, not because of who he is as a person.
So, Oikawa likes to be the one being cuddled for sure.  He likes to lay on his bed with his head in your lap while you either play with his hair or just gently trace his features.
While he likes being told that he’s handsome, if you give him compliments on his personality, he’s a complete weenie.
Long drives with him are the BEST.  Especially night drives.  Those are his absolute favorite dates.  You two will go get fast food, drive out to the middle of nowhere, lay out a blanket to look at the stars, talking, eating chicken nuggets, sharing a Coke.  Yeah.  That’s the good shit right there.
Tooru. Likes. Podcasts. No, sorry.  He loves them.  
I think I mentioned this in a match-up, but he’s a horror/sci-fi junkie, so he really loves podcasts like “Welcome to Night Vale,” “Alice Isn’t Dead,” and “The Hidden Almanac.”
Watch horror films with him, please.  I promise, if you’re scared, he’ll let you bury your head in his chest.  He may laugh a little, but he will tell you that he thinks it’s cute.  If you don’t want to watch, that’s fine, but he’ll probably call you just to talk about it.
But, if you like that stuff too?  Movie marathons are a regular occasion for the two of you and you take turns sharing your favorites.
Oikawa is another one who just always wants to have contact with you.  He’ll kiss you in public, but he mainly likes to hold your hand.  He’ll swing them a little between the two of you as you walk and then bring your knuckles up to his lips just to give them a little kiss.  He kisses every knuckle bye
Every now and then his knee will get little sharp pains or just ache in general.  It can happen pretty randomly and he always feels guilty when it happens, because he needs to cut the date short, but he’s just in stupid amounts of pain and needs to lay down.
But, if you take care of him while he’s nursing his knee by bringing him water and painkillers, or pillows to prop his knee up, or even a heat pack to make it feel better?
He’s ready to wife you tf up.
Miya Atsumu
 I love Atsumu with my whole heart and I am so so sorry for hurting him
Unlike most people he’s around, Atsumu is a complete softie for you.  You’re his princess and he will treat you as such.  
He’ll bring you flowers ALL THE TIME.
Sometimes the notes attached will be really sweet.  Him telling you why he loves you or how happy he is to have you in his life.
Other times?  It’s probably some bullshit like “ur dumb” or some teasing remark about something ridiculous you said.  They’re all jokes and you get that, so they usually make you laugh.  You’ll probably give him a little “Hey!” of mock hurt and a little smack upside the head or on his chest, but you can’t hide the smile on your face, because despite the note, he did still get you flowers. 
Atsumu is a big big fan of PDA.  You know that thing from “To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before” where Peter puts his hand in Lara Jean’s back pocket?  Yeah.  He does that.  And he totally did not get it from that movie he did
He also likes to just have his arm around you so he can pull you into his side for maximum physical contact.
Wear his clothes and uhhhh atsumudotexe has stopped responding.  You just pull them off so well.  And if it’s a sweatshirt with his name on the back?  He will take a picture and it will be on his Snapchat/Instagram story and it will be his new lockscreen.
Call him ‘Mu.  He likes it so much more than any pet name you could ever give him.  Babe/baby is too common.  Sweetheart just doesn’t ft.  Honey/Hon isn’t really his vibe either.  He likes ‘Mu and you are the only person who’s allowed to call him that.  
He lets you wear his training jacket during games, just to kind of silently let everyone know that you’re his, but he’s so vocal about his relationship with you, that everyone already knows not to flirt with you
But on the off chance that they do?? Oh, dear.  He’s not even mean, he just has this really smug smile on his face when he approaches the guy talking to you.  He’ll step between the two of you and introduce himself, absolutely crushing the other guy's hand in a handshake, never letting his smile drop.  
Atsumu will ask what you’re talking about, inputting himself into the conversation, making some little snide comments to piss the other guy off.  He’s a slow burn kind of aggressive when he’s jealous.
He honestly isn’t super big into cuddling?  Like, if you want to, sure, but he’s never going to initiate cuddles.  
You’re more than welcome to sit in his lap facing him and bury your face in his chest or shoulder while rubs your back, though.  He’s a fan of that.  You just look really cute all snuggled against him.
Or if you want to lay between his legs on the couch?  Yeap.  He likes that too.  But those are really the only two ways he likes to cuddle.  
One of your favorite ways to spend your lazy days together is just listening to music, maybe dancing around, or singing, but mainly just laying around and just chatting or enjoying each other’s company
It’s because of this that he gave you a set of mix tapes for your six month anniversary.   And, yes.  There was one for each month you had been dating.  He’s really cheesy.  Don’t come for him.
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