#I wanna plant flowers with u here
productivefairy · 3 months
your guide to build a morning routine:
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So, do u wanna build a morning routine because it can give your day a structure, boost productivity and just makes you feel better? Here is how :-
start your day atleast 2-1.5 hour before your work or school. so u are not in a rush.
your morning routine should be realistic so that u can stick to it. cause' lets not lie the morning routine u see your fav wellness influencer have is hard to do.
Consistency is the key. The more days you follow your routine the more it becomes as habit.
Dont use phone or social media during mornings There are four pillars essential to have a morning routine which is healthy for your body and mind.
1.Things that keeps your body healthy.
2.Things that keeps your mind healthy.
3.Things that keeps your surrounding healthy.
4.Things that you enjoy.
Lets talk about each one, one by one:-
Things that keep you healthy :-
i) Drink water first thing in morning. If you dont like the taste of water. Add lemon or lime in it or maybe citrus infused water. But please drink water it'll help you sm.
ii)Do stretching, yoga, cardio, pilates, hot girl walks. Basically anything that keeps your body moving. It boosts productivity and puts you in good mood.
iii) eat healthy. Well it doesnt mean count all your calories or drink nasty juices NO. This means eating a healthy breakfast that will keep you full.
iv) Do your skincare and take shower in mornings.
v) Brush and floss your teeth. Oral healths are often neglected but hot girl like you shouldnt do that.
2.Things that keep your mind healthy :-
i) Meditating. Meditate for atleast 5-10 mins before starting your work day. It just stops the rush going in your mind. you can do guided meditation.
ii) If you believe in this then you can do affirmations in front of mirror. universalitgirlblog2 has some amazing affirmations you should check it out.
iii) Journal. If you are someone who enjoys journal then do it as it can set the tone of your day.
iv) . Make to do lists in morning it helps you declutter your day.
3.Things that keeps your surrounding healthy.
i)If you happen to have windows in your room then open them up. Lets the wind and sun come through.
ii)Make your bed. Its a kind gesture toward yourself and a less messy bed can fasten up your productivity.
iii) wash your breakfast dishes. or atleast the plate you ate in. It helps you not have a pile of dishes.
iv) optional but take a dusting cloth and play a song as your timer and just clean the surfaces which seems to have dirt. Just 3-4 mins and you'll feel better.
4.Things that you enjoy:-
This part is super important cause' if you follow a morning routine you deserve a reward and if one someday when u are not your best even then you deserve pamper. I dont know you or your intrest but you do so just add what you like in your routine. You wanna read that book go ahead read it, grab a starbucks drink on your way home, cook yourself a beautiful breakfast, get dressed as main character, water your plants or maybe just stare at the sky admiring them.
What do you do when you are not in the mood or you are on your periods or feeling underweather?
i) Make an altearnate easy routine to do which mostly consist of things that you like.
ii)Do only first step of your regular routine like you dont wanna excercise then just play the video of routine that you follow.
Additional tips-
ROMANTICIZE. This is the key. Enjoying and being grateful for most mundane moments of your day. Buy yourself a flowers. Acts as you are on vogue while doing skincare. Blast your fav playlist in morning.
Dont overwhelm yourself. You cant change your life in a day but you can add habits each day one by one.
Remember why you are doing this. You are doing this cause you love yourself thats why you wanna give everything to your body and your mind to make it its best version.
I try my best to make these post as concise as I can but I just feel like everything is necessary and dont wanna miss out on anything. I hope this helps.
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kombuuuu · 1 year
Miles 42 headcanons?
no one asked but i’ll deliver !!
Miles!42 x Fem!Reader random headcanons
also a lot of snippets :)
You/Reader: Blue
Miles Morales: Purple
Mama Rio/Rio Morales: Pink
Uncle Aaron/Aaron Morales: Orange
Random/stranger: Black
gift giving love language duhhh
Will have you walk with him through malls and whatever you look at for a second too long he buys
You don’t catch on until you’re both eating at a nice restaurant, absentmindedly staring at some plant when a lull in conversation happens.
He purchases the plant.
“Fuck you mean I can’t buy it?”
“Sir, the plants aren’t for sale, this is a dining establishment.”
“Establish the fact I’m gettin’ that plant.”
50 bucks down and a plant 🆙
He will damn right die if you refuse him. He’ll get all grumpy and pouty when you say he should save for a house, not for you.
convinced you just get shy when bought things (you do).
is even more motivated to buy things
“Miles, baby, you need to save up. Not spend on me!”
“This would look so good on you, Ma.”
“Are you listening??”
“Fuck, and this.”
“Oh my god.”
gets so jealous it’s unbelievable
but only when someone goes too far with you
it’s like 1–100 real quick
he’s not usually the prowling type (ha)
but when someone pushes the line he loses his shit
other than that he’s a supportive bbg all the way
“Wanna go home with me, butterface?”
“Fuck you just say?”
“Nothing homie just get outta here.”
“Say that shit again ‘homie’.”
“Chill the fuck out. Let the lady speak for herself.”
“I’ll fucking speak for my girl all I want, homeboy.”
maybe got a liiiiittle bit of an anger issue
guy went home with a broken nose and a missing tooth
better hope he can afford fill ins
he would never get mad at you though
he gets frustrated you don’t listen sometimes, but it’s never to the point of anger
feel like he has the patience of a fucking SAINT
calm and collected baby u know the deal
“Mami, we gonna have a problem?”
“Didn’t think so.”
a SWEETHEART at times
stand by him being raised right
mama rio taught him to be a romantic
wanted him to take after his dad
so flowers and gifts and chocolates
followed by lovin of any kind
probably a baby for affection but doesn’t show it
so when you get all emotional about being gifted roses for the first time
and hug him and smother him
give him stupid little kisses all over
he’s fainting
poor boy doesn’t know love like u show him
“Baby, are these for me?”
“Yeah, Chiquita. They okay?”
“Wh… They’re perfect.”
“Are you cryin’? I can return ‘em.”
“No! No, no, don’t do that.
I love them, C’mere.”
when you guys get rlly comfortable, like a year and some dating, he ends up getting more chatty
willingly talking w you for hours
feels like you’re the only person he can rlly do that with
rambles so rarely that you kind of just sit in awe when it happens
doesn’t catch himself until he’s trying to name your future kids
“I’ll marry you one day, we’ll have like two, three kids. Get all nice an cozy.
You want a boy or girl? I kinda want both. Definitely not girl first, never having a girl without a brother to protect ‘er.
You’d be such a good Mami.
What’d you wan’ name ‘em? I have a few ideas—“
“But you could choose the girl cause I don’t know any pretty names. And i’ll choose—“
“You gon’ let me keep goin?”
“I love your voice.”
“Tranquila, mami.”
Takes you to every family event he ever has
sits you regularly with Rio and Aaron
they insist you call them uncle and ma
you do, obviously
miles doesn’t need to meet your family if you don’t want him to, but if he ever does he’s totally suave with them
like weirdly smooth
able to get on ur carers good side quick
when you meet his extended family they’re just as loving
his whole family is this bright dash of colour
and you fit right the fuck in
“¡Oh, hija estás preciosa!”
“Dice la estrella de la fiesta!”
“You flatter me, Hija.”
“Miles, come get your girl.”
“You look nice too, Uncle Aaron.”
“..Thanks, kid.”
“Hey Mami, havin’ fun?”
“Aight, I’m out.”
when you find out he’s the prowler you’re not really shocked
he’s hella nervous to tell you and kinda puts it off for a while
as long as you’re not in harms way, nothin matters, yeah?
the guilt eats him alive
he’s already lost so much, if he doesn’t do things right with you, then loses you too
he’d probably lose himself
so he tells you
“The Prowler?”
“The.. Panther guy I keep seeing on the news-?”
“Miles are you—
..—Are you killing people?”
“Mami, it’s not like that—“
“oh my god.”
“These men— I kill,”
“Oh my god, oh my god.”
“,They’re bad, you understand.”
“[Name]. Do you understand?”
“Yeah.. Yeah I understand.”
“You can’t tell anyone.”
“I won’t.”
“Are you mad.”
“I’m not happy.”
you’re kind of devastated he’s killing people
but you eventually get it
like it takes a while
say a month or so
but you forgive quick
i mean, who knows what those men are doing, right?
(ur delulu but it’s ok)
he lets you have your space but talking with mama rio when she realises your absence knocks some sense into him
mans is going to GROVEL
he will fucking beg on his damn knees
knocks on your door and is already kneeling
will plead with you to come back to him
like i said a whole ass romantic
you know what’s romantic? a man who can get on his knees
he will suffocate you in gifts and affection
oh you like (insert sanrio esc character) ? look over there at that lifesize plushie woahhhh wonder who that’s forrrrrr
“Mami, don’t close the door.”
“Miles, go home.”
“And please stop kneeling, the floor is dirty.”
“I’m not leaving ‘til you hear me out.”
looooong sigh
“Okay, fine— whatever, come inside. You have two minutes.”
“God, I missed you. You’re so beautiful Chiquita.”
“Three minutes.”
You talk it out easy, he’s a real smooth talker when he wants to be
“Okay Miles, I’ll see you tomorrow yeah?”
“Yeah, Ma. See you soon.”
“Wh—.. What is that?”
“Why the fuck is it so big?”
“It said “Life Size” on the site? I was thinking like two feet tall.”
“You bought that?”
“Yeah.. I was thinkin’ you wouldn’t let me in. Would have to bribe you.”
“…That’s really cute.”
Annnnnd that’s all i can come up with i’ll probably do more later :P
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honeytonedhottie · 6 months
honey's guide to spring⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🪷
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i've been preparing this post for a while bcuz i LOVE spring and for this spring i just wanna embody feminine, fairy, dream-like beauty in my day-to-day this spring, and just enjoy it fully.
THE MOOD FOR SPRING : planting new seeds, fresh fruit, and bouquets of flowers. tea parties and floral prints and perfumes. green grapes, hibiscus tea and waking up early to see the sunrise.
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PREPARATION FOR SPRING : stock up on your favorite fruits and teas. if u want fruits that are in season, the fruits in season during spring include strawberries, cherries, blueberries, kiwis, bananas and nectarines. my favorite spring time tea is hibiscus and i love a good matcha during all seasons but especially spring, and lastly a good citrus tea is always something that i enjoy.
if ur someone who experiences rly bad allergies during the spring make sure that u go to ur doctors for a check up, and make sure that u have everything that you'll need to combat allergies.
THE PLAYLIST : a good playlist is always essential so my spring playlist consists of : eternal sunshine - jhene aiko. はるなつあきふゆ - ichiko aoba. afterglow - luna li. pisces - yerin baek. fairy of shampoo - TXT. scenery - red velvet. hydrangea love - TXT. cool with you - newjeans. salad days - iiso. pov - ariana grande. lyricist - heize.
REFRESH : time for spring cleaning both mentally and physically. analyze what habits are nourishing u and which habits are drying you out. analyze ur space and do a deep cleaning, that way u can feel lighter both mentally and physically.
wash ur sheets, maybe even buy fresh sheets (floral printed sheets for spring ofc)
go thru ur closet and put the winter and autumn clothes towards the back and bring the spring clothes where they're more accessible and visible
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deep clean ur room and clean ur house -> get onto clean-tok for some cleaning motivation cuz watching videos of people cleaning and organizing always motivates me to do so too
create new pinterest boards and delete ones that u dont use, or if u want to, create a completely new pinterest account. i've grown attached to my pinterest account so i won't delete it, but i've made lots of other accounts on separate devices
oftentimes we forget to clean what we use the most, and that buildup can cause our tools to be counterproductive, and just carry a lot of unnecessary germs so here are some things not to forget to clean and organize ;
behind ur ears
ur earbuds or headphones
ur skincare tools and devices (gua shas, face rollers)
ur phone screen
ur folders, binders, and folders
create something - do some painting, start a sketchbook, start dabbling in some poetry, maybe write a short story, cultivate an elite playlist etc etc
connecting with nature - go and get some fresh air, wake up earlier than usual to watch and enjoy the sunrise. drink different teas that you've never tried before, go to a local crystal shop if ur into that, make urself an elaborate platter of ur favorite fruits. go for a walk in the park, pick flowers and speaking of flowers, go and buy urself a pretty bouquet.
create a spring-time mood board
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ofc i MUST talk about the mind in any of my posts bcuz its just so incredible. but what you think matters!! what u think manifests! the thoughts that u continue to water and entertain are what you will experience. therefore when u change ur thoughts and water the seeds of the new thought, you'll get a new flower.
its like gardening. your thought is the seed, and ur mind is the soil. when u entertain ur thoughts ur watering the seed, and you'll get a new flower, the flower is the new experience. so this spring, plant new thoughts and entertain those thoughts ✨
picking flowers -> buying yourself a bouquet
have a tea party by yourself or with friends (reference my tea party post if u need some inspo)
make a bracelet or anklet out of flowers
take a bath and infuse the bath with things like rose petals, rose scented bath milks etc
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crystal shopping (last year i added amethyst to my crystal collection, this year i'd love to add selenite into my collection)
watch a 90's anime (i've watched sailor moon about a MILLION times and im gonna rewatch it again this year bcuz its just the girliest, best anime i've watched and is one of my favorites)
so i hope that this post sparked some ideas on ways that u can enjoy your spring girlies ✨
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moonlightsolo · 1 year
Can you do one of neteyam and avatar reader you love art so he lets you paint on him and he’s really cute and interested in your passion <3
omg yes THANK U FOR THIS. i love to paint irl so i had so much fun writing this!
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your legs straddle neteyams hips, sitting atop of him as he lays down on his back against a bed of moss. it’s normal to sit on him like this when you’re simply having a conversation, especially when he comes back after a long day of hunting; he usually swoops you off of your feet and takes you somewhere private in the forest. mostly to catch up…
…and to do some other things you can’t usually do around camp. he knows you miss him when he’s away, so we wants to soak up as much of you during his free time.
your hands are currently busy illustrating your day as you talk, “so kiri and i made paints today, we went out and foraged for plants to create these super bright pigments!” you exclaim excitedly, “i have pinks, blues, reds, oranges, even whites!” you count on your fingers, “they’re all so beautiful. i just can’t wait to try them out.”
neteyam watches you in awe from his position, a permanent grin on his lips. he adores you so much, and hearing you passionately ramble about one of your hobbies fills his heart with joy.
“my love, you are sooooo beautiful.” he blurts out, his eyes sparkle under the sunlight that streaks through the trees towering above your bodies. he can’t help but let his hand knead at your thigh.
you can’t help but giggle at his compliment as you stare down at him, “did you hear anything i just said?”
the boy underneath you hums in response, the sound vibrates your body, “yeah… you made paints with kiri… blah, blah, blah, aaand now i wanna see you make somethin’ with them.”
your face brightens at his words, “wait really?!” you shriek softly from the pure excitement that fills you.
neteyam cackles and digs his head back into the ground, “yes, of course, ma syulang.” the little nickname makes your heart flutter in satisfaction. his flower.
“where? i can go back to camp real quick to grab some paper— or try to find something around here…” your eyes look around the expanse of the jungle around you, but the tightening grip on your hips makes you spin your head back to look down at him.
“no, i don’t want you to leave me.” he whines as his touchy hands slide up your sides. his fingers press into the flesh of your lower back to push you towards him, lowering your torso so your chests are flush again each other.
his lips ghost over yours teasingly, making you giggle into the very little space between your faces. “how about you just use me?” he mumbles.
“use you? what do you mean?” your face crinkles in confusion, slightly lifting up from his face by pushing your hands on his chest.
“to paint— ya know, on me.” his eyes flutter over your face with a sheepish grin.
“you want me to paint on you?” you almost gasp in shock, mouth falling open as you grin.
“i just said that.” neteyam rolls his eyes playfully with a cheeky smirk, which makes you swat at his chest. you finally fill the space between your faces by kissing him, giving him a long peck before sitting up.
neteyams lips chase after yours, following you up and leaning back on his elbows. you busy yourself looking through the bag that crosses over your chest and sits on your hip. you grab the containers of your paint, and push down on his shoulder to have him lay back down.
“fine..” he grumbles, giving up his advances to try and kiss you some more. you lay out the containers over the long expanse of his torso, using him as your easel.
you pluck a few brushes from the pocket inside your bag, smiling as your finger brushes over the soft bristles. “what do you want painted on you?” your voice is soft, almost nervous.
what if it turns out to be ugly and he has to walk around with an ugly painting on his body from his girlfriend?
“anything.” he lays back with his arms behind his head, slightly wiggling his hips under you to get comfortable. the subtle movement makes you blush from the heat that settles in your lower belly.
you pop open the bright fuschia color, dipping your brush inside of the container to soak the brush. your eyes dart over his smug face as you lean closer to his chest to focus.
the brush moves smoothly across the expanse of his upper body, swirling the paint over his collarbone and down his pectoral muscle, “ooh that tickles.” he jerks under the paintbrush, making you giggle and sit up to look at him with a joking scowl.
“sit still, you’re gonna mess up my art.” you slightly dip into the orange color to highlight the pink, flicking the paint to make little spikes around the swirl.
neteyam admires your face as you focus, almost cooing at you from your little tongue sticking out between your lips. he tilts his head to the side watch your tail sway in the air behind you. all he wants is to grab you and kiss all over your cute little face.
one of his hands unravel from behind his head to rest on top of your head, his thumb swipes across your forehead to smooth out the crinkle between your eyebrows.
you smile up at him bashfully while your hand continues to paint different colors across his striped blue skin. the pigments you picked out contrast greatly to the color of his skin, his chest slowly becoming a piece of art.
the brush pokes at his chest as you create random dots around the swirls, smiling when you sit back to admire your work. “i love it.” you mumble before hunching back down to continue with a different color.
neteyams eyes dart from between you and the blue sky that barely peeks through the canopy of the trees. he can look at all the beauty around him but all he can focus on is you. the girl who is straddling his chest and painting ever so softly across his skin.
he wouldn’t dare to tell you this though. he’s too scared to share his true feelings that he's falling for you faster than he thinks you're falling for him.
after about a few more minutes, and swipes of different colors you sit up to examine the painting that cascades down his chest. you add a few more dots with a triumphant smile, “i really outdid myself.” you laugh proudly as you pack away your painting supplies.
“oh did you?” neteyam chuckles, bringing his chin down to look over his colorful chest. his mouth drops dramatically once he sees it, “it’s amazing. seriously, you’re going to paint only me from now on. never will anybody else touch me with paint unless it’s from your hands.”
your hands cover your grin that seemingly seems like it will never falter, “stop it…” you breathe out, shaking your head from his silly words.
“no, you’re like magic. i’ve seen your other work, but i cannot grasp how your brilliant little mind works like this.” he sits up from his spot, now face-to-face with you; he’s careful to not crease the wet paint. one of his hands grip your wrists to pull them away from your face.
“‘teyam…” you sheepishly mumble, staring down at your lap with a shy smile. the feeling of heat travels from your lower belly to your upper extremities. it settles on your cheeks, and the tips of your ears with as a pink glow. he could praise you a million times, and you still wouldn’t be used to it.
“hhhmm? am i making you blush?” he teases you as his hand slides down from your cheek to your chin to angle your face up. his big round eyes look over your face, his smile mirroring yours.
“you aaarrrre.” you whine, leaning forward to press your forehead against his.
he continues to stare at you though his eyelashes, “good. i like making you blush.” he pecks your nose, “especially if it’s when i compliment my very talented girl.”
your hands swat at his chest playfully, “oh hush.” you grumble.
neteyam places his large hands onto your hips, his long fingers thrum against your lower back, “i think it’s time we go show off the beautiful art my gorgeous girl made. you'll make everyone in the clan jealous.” his knees angle up to press against your back, you're now sitting in the valley of his body.
neteyam stands to his full height, holding onto your hips as he rises from the ground. you let out a delighted cackle from the sudden movement, throwing your head back as you laugh.
neteyam's eyes dance over your face, unable to hold himself back from chuckling along with you; your laugh is contagious.
"i am so lucky to have you..." his voice trails off, his eyes try to take in every detail of you-- how your braids flow down your back, and the paint that is smeared across your forehead and slightly on your cheekbone...
your hands rest on the sides of his neck, your face brightening from his words. "neteyam... i love you." you whisper into the space between your lips.
the biggest grin spreads across his face from hearing her say those words; the first time you've ever said it to each other. her response only make his heart beat faster, and his breathing more intense. "i love you." he whispers back as he leans forward to give you another soft kiss.
it feels as if he's falling into an abyss surrounded by you, unable to crawl out. it's not like he would want to anyway, his senses are clouded by your lips, and your scent, and how your legs are wrapped tightly around his hips right now. he smiles into the passionate kiss, now knowing that his only purpose in life is to be alongside you.
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this is what i used as inspo for the painting on him :p i found it on pinterest
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bloomzone · 3 months
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"Another day ahead, don't wanna leave the bed you're looking at the mirror, see the tears covered in redI know that you've been cold this whole time but now I'm here to make it end"
-straykids (track : youtiful)
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hi blossoms it's been so long since I posted. . . 🥹 miss you... Anyway I want to inform that I opened my study motivation/daily life account follow me there if u want ! ( @bloom-diary )
’-Finding Beauty in the Ordinary
© bloomzone
🍒: Boring days can feel endless and uninspiring, but they hold the potential for something special. By shifting your perspective, you can uncover the magic hidden in the mundane. Embrace the challenge of transforming those dull moments into opportunities for joy and creativity. Together, we'll explore simple ways to romanticize your daily life, turning the ordinary into the extraordinary. Remember, even the most uneventful days can become cherished memories with the right mindset. Let's make every day a little more magical!
u can take your journey of romanticizing life to the next level embracing meaningful practices that can transform your everyday experiences into moments of joy and inspiration(remember that no matter how life get bad u can start again:) ). Start by creating rituals that bring calm and intention to your daily routine—whether it’s a peaceful morning routine or a relaxing evening wind-down. Allow yourself to explore new places and embark on mini-adventures to break free from routine and discover the beauty around you. Connect with your creativity through personal projects and let your imagination flourish. Remember, nourishing your well-being with mindful eating and enjoyable activities can elevate your mood and bring satisfaction. Embrace the changing seasons by celebrating them with special activities and fresh décor. Build a cozy personal sanctuary where you can reflect and recharge, and deepen your connections with others through meaningful gatherings. Practice gratitude regularly, and seek out beauty in both the big and small moments of life. Embrace these practices with an open heart, knowing that each effort you make will enrich your life and help you find joy in the ordinary.
Romanticizing life involves finding beauty and joy in the everyday moments. Here’s a guide to help you embrace this mindset:
# 1.Slow Down and Be Present
- Mindfulness: Practice mindfulness by paying attention to the present moment without judgment.
- Savor Daily Routines:Turn mundane tasks into rituals. For example, enjoy making your morning coffee or tea,make ur bed in the morning..
# 2.Create a Cozy Atmosphere
- Decorate Your Space: Add personal touches to your living space, like lights, plants, or cozy blankets it will give u motivation to have a productive day
- Ambient Lighting: Use candles or soft lighting to create a warm and inviting environment
# 3.Indulge in Simple Pleasures
- Nature Walks: Take walks in nature, paying attention to the sights, sounds, and smells.
- Reading: Find a cozy spot to read books that inspire and transport you.
- Enjoy a Homemade Dessert: Bake cookies, brownies, or a cake and savor each bite try new recipes
# 4.Cultivate a Sense of Wonder
- Explore: Visit new places, even if they are in your local area.
- Learn: Pick up a new hobby or skill that excites you new languages....
# 5.Embrace Your Senses
- Music: Create playlists that uplift or calm you.
- Creating a Sensory Jar: Fill a jar with items like sea shells, dried flowers, or colored sand for a visual and tactile experience or just memories from break days..
# 6.Practice Gratitude
- Journaling: Keep a gratitude journal to note down things you’re thankful for each day.
- Appreciation: Take time to appreciate the little things, like a beautiful sunset or a delicious meal.
# 7. Dress for Joy
- Wear What You Love: Dress in clothes that make you feel good, even if you’re not going anywhere special. (Ikr wasting a good outfit in a boring day is suck 😔)
- Accessorize: Use accessories that add a touch of elegance or fun to your outfits.
#8. Nurture Relationships
- Quality Time: Spend meaningful time with friends and family.
- Thoughtful Gestures: Show appreciation through small, thoughtful gestures.
#9. Celebrate Yourself
- Self-Care: Regularly engage in self-care activities that rejuvenate you.
- Achievements: Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small.
# 10. Capture Memories
- Photography: Take photos of moments that make you happy.
- Scrapbooking: Create a scrapbook or digital album to look back on fond memories.
─ㅤ⊹ㅤ𓈒 May this guide inspire you to see the beauty in your daily life and cherish every moment.
© bloomzone
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lunasblunt · 1 month
𖦹 ׂ 𓈒 ⋆ ۪ 𖦹 ׂ 𓈒 ⋆ ۪ 𖦹 ׂ 𓈒 ⋆ ۪ 𖦹 ׂ 𓈒 ⋆ ۪ 𖦹 ׂ 𓈒 ⋆ ۪ 𖦹 ׂ 𓈒 ⋆ ۪ 𖦹 ׂ 𓈒 ⋆ ۪ 𖦹 ׂ 𓈒 ⋆ ۪ 𖦹 ׂ 𓈒 ⋆ ۪ 𖦹 ׂ 𓈒 ⋆ ۪
SFW!!!!! pt.1
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pairing: logan howlett x original female!mutant character
summary: terra, a mutant with the ability to manipulate earthly elements and grow plants/flowers from her palms, finds herself incredibly fed up with logan as they’re forced to to train together.
suggested song: barracuda by heart BASIC IK BUT IT JUST FITS SO WELL
CW: mention of blood, mention of hand to hand combat / fighting using their powers (i’m terrible at writing fight scenes so it won’t be graphic at all), logan is pretty aggressive towards her but dw it’s not gonna be like this for the entire fic it’s just his character arc….
A/N: pretty sure i saw a oneshot w the idea of these powers a while ago so just wanna let u guys know this idea did NOT come from me & i don’t claim to have come up w it :)) also this is part 1 so pls don't hate me for not making them make out straight away...... we need some tension first... HOPE U ENJOY <3
edited a/n: if anyone’s interested in being on a taglist for this fic pls reply/lmk i’d love to figure out how tumblr works and keep u all updated lolllll
𖦹 ׂ 𓈒 ⋆ ۪ 𖦹 ׂ 𓈒 ⋆ ۪ 𖦹 ׂ 𓈒 ⋆ ۪ 𖦹 ׂ 𓈒 ⋆ ۪ 𖦹 ׂ 𓈒 ⋆ ۪ 𖦹 ׂ 𓈒 ⋆ ۪ 𖦹 ׂ 𓈒 ⋆ ۪ 𖦹 ׂ 𓈒 ⋆ ۪ 𖦹 ׂ 𓈒 ⋆ ۪ 𖦹 ׂ 𓈒 ⋆ ۪
terra was never one to fuss over charles’s orders. the girl knew the man was incapable of making bad decisions, especially when it came to the team. but when charles had called both logan and terra into his office, asking the two of them to train as a combat duo, she felt her respect for his wisdom fly out the window.
logan… and her? a combat duo? she found the idea hilarious. her eyes scanned the office, waiting to see if this meeting was some sort of prank. as charles continued on, raving about how if the two could cooperate as a unit it could be greatly beneficial for the team, she had to face the reality of the situation. the professor was serious.
the idea of their gifts working well together caused her a great headache. if anything, their abilities, and personalities, were quite opposite. in what world would logan’s cocky, carefree skillset and her peaceful, nonviolent aura compliment each other?
as much as she wanted to put up a fight with the professor, she’d known there was nothing she could do. when charles had made his mind up, it was an unspoken rule to trust how it played out.
now here she was, a day later, taking a gulp of water unhappily as she waited for logan’s arrival.
the second logan stepped foot into training room, terra could feel the energy shift. his cold, stuck up demeanor practically deteriorated the calm, tranquil atmosphere she’d been building all morning.
"glad you decided to show up!" terra spits, setting the tone for their upcoming weeks of training. it'd been an hour past the time charles had set for them to meet.
this newfound attitude felt out of character to terra. usually, the girl found herself calm and collected, grounded and appreciative of the world around her. it was when she first met logan that she discovered the way it felt to actually hate someone.
terra thinks back to the two's first few encounters. the way he ignored her hand when she politely introduced herself, the way he made passive aggressive comments toward her in group settings, the way he completely ignored her presence in any scenario. a hot, tingly feeling started to fill the pit in her stomach.
logan scoffs to himself, finding her attitude amusing. he pinches the thick cigar resting between his lips, takes one last puff, then puts it out on the wall beside him.
"we'll start with hand to hand combat." is all that logan lets escapes his lips. he wasn't there to chat, he was there for a reason, and he wasn't going to let her waste anymore of his day. “no powers, no tricks, just raw sparring.”
terra shakes her head, returning the same petty scoff he’d given her in response. he was unbelievable.
as the two get into their fighting positions, terra refuses to acknowledge the way logan is quick to peel off his tank top, and she definitely refuses to acknowledge the strange way it left that fiery pit in her stomach lively and bothered.
for a while the two fight, logan’s experience giving him the upper hand. she’d never been the soldier, she was the distraction. making the ground shake or bending the trees around them into different shapes to buy the team some extra time; she was there to confuse the enemy, not hurt them.
eventually, their brawl tends to get more heated and logan can see how it’s affecting her. the girl was tired, her body practically crumbling beneath her, but she refused to give up.
logan sees this as the perfect opportunity to get under her skin.
“come on, that all you got?” he hisses through gritted teeth, poking the bear. terra can’t help but let the vines that had been begging to be freed shoot out of her palms. before he realizes what’s going on, logan can feel the plants slithering up his legs. they make their way to his forearms, then to his neck, curling around him tightly, pushing him away from the girl trapped beneath him.
logan lets out a low chuckle at the girl’s spectacle, the grip of the vines on his neck a feeling he didn't exactly mind. was that really the best she could do?
as terra gives a breathless smirk, thinking she’d done a number on him, logan lets the blades hidden in between his knuckles slide out. without a word, the man is instantly darting toward her... or more specifically the green nuisances growing from her hands.
logan slices the vines straight from where they came from, leaving terra no choice but to fall to the floor in agonizing pain.
he watches as her palms start to gush blood, her eyes widening in shock. bending down on his knee, getting to her level, logan lets his lips slide into a smirk. these next few weeks were going to be fun for him. "you're gonna keep getting yourself into trouble if you don't start paying attention." the man breathes, too careless to yell.
with that, logan turns on his heel, his back facing the injured girl. he thinks about lighting up the rest of his cigar, more hung up on the taste of it lingering in his mouth than the state he's left the oh so peaceful "mother nature" in.
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mikobeautifulheart · 7 months
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Megumi x reader 'first date'
TW: leave if you have gojo-phobia because he's going to be anoying in this one.
eh like maybe a 100 words at mosttt
Rblogs welcomed if u were wondering. JUST NO ITS NOT EDITED.
'I'll be at your dorm at 9:00, wear something comfortable' you read the text from Megumi over and over, your heart racing even faster ever time.
It was your first offical date with Megumi and he hasn't said anything about what it is. The only thing you knew was that Megumi was going to be here any minute.
You slipped out your uniform and into an outfit fit for a warm night like tonight. You and Megumi have spent hours the entire school day sending each other love sick gazes and awkward conversations. That's exactly why Gojo was sitting on top of the dormitory, waiting to catch somebody(s) sneaking out.
Gojo already knew something was up after the other night when he caught you guys in Megumis dorm, but he couldn't help but think something was up when Megumi turned red after looking at his phone.
You lied on your bed when you heard a knock at the door. It was Megumi, it had to be.
It was, you opened the door to a casual dressed Megumi holding a small handful of flowers. You could tell they were from the back of the school where plants were over grown and unkept.
It didn't bother you because the flowers were arranged and were wrapped with a blue ribbon tied into the prettiest bow. He must have looked and only picked out the flowers he thought he were the 'best'.
"Aww Megumi" you said taking the flowers he handed you and giving his cheek a quick peck.
His ears were red.
"When your done were going to need to sneak out" He said leaning in your door way as you willed a glass of water for the flowers.
"Okay" you said with a wide smile making his heart skip a bit.
When you looked at him you just realised he was holding two rolled up towels under his arm.
"Are we going to ues those" you said looking at the towels.
"Yeah." He said
You walked out the door and closed it behind you before linking your arm with Megumi's and walking down the doors hallway.
Megumi slowly opened the front door not letting it make a single creak. He held it open for you to walk through before shutting it gentely.
"So, where are we going" you whispered over the sound of crickets.
"You'll see" he said, a small smile growing
you both walked through the forest at the side of Jujutsu high and carefully stepped through bushes.
"I don't get it Megumi, where are we even going? There's nothing surrounding jujutsu high" you said looking down to try not trip over a fallen tree branch.
Just then a small gust of wind blew your hair back and you looked up to see a small beach infront of you.
You were astounded the sound of waves calmly leaving the shore made you feel like it was all a dream.
Megumi put the towels down near the forest and walked over to you holding a frisbee. You looked at it and started to walk backward with your arms up waiting for him to throw, but instead of catching a Frisbee, Megumi summoned his demon dogs that chased after you also waiting to catch the frisbee.
In the woods Gojo walked carefully hearing yours laugh and maybe most importantly, Megumi's laugh. Gojo was there for most of Megumi's life, he had been through alot, so hearing him laugh whole heartedly made him proud. Sure you weren't supposed to be out this late but he couldn't help but smile at the sound of Megumi laugh.
Fine, he'll let it slide, but not before getting a picture of you two and his dogs playing.
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AUTHORS NOTE: This is appart of my Meguimi growing up in Gojos eyes series. Don't worry most of the fics have little to no correlation, we build as we gooooo. If u have ideas or what u wanna read PLEASE REQUEST my inbox is so empty I'll die. Thanks for reading ig.
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alexa-fika · 7 months
Pls do more of Rayleigh and shakky those story u posted heal my childhood, they r like the type of parents I wish I had.
Thank you so much for ur work and ofc u don’t gotta do this if u don’t wanna or don’t do requests but thanks have a good one :)
Special Treasure (Rayleigh x gn!child!reader x Shakky)
A/N: YALL I HAVE COME BACK WITH A COOK AM I WRONG OR AM I RIGHT?? Toothroting, cavity inducing heart stopping cuteness ahead
Dividers by @/saradika
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“Reader, where were you? Rayleigh questions as he sees his grandchild coming into the bar on top of Millo, their usual Smiledon Companion covered in dirt and grass, his wife in front of him preparing drinks, glancing at the child questioningly
Rayleigh smiled softly as he approached the child, kneeling down slightly to meet them. Grabbing them from the large feline and putting them on their hip
“What were you doing outside?”
“Causing trouble, I bet?” pipes in Shakky
“We were exploring.”
“Mm, of course,” Rayleigh raises his brow at his wife, who nods along knowingly.
“Exploring, eh?” The white-haired man asks with a sly smirk
“Where were you exploring?”
They stay silent, playing with their grandfathers hair, trying to evade their gaze as they shrug
“Hm,” Rayleigh muttered
He then raises his eyebrows.
“You think I'm going to get mad?” his voice was light yet stern
“Yeah,” they say, hiding their face into their neck and continuing to play with his hair
Rayleigh chuckles, rubbing their head with one hand as he speaks to them.
“Well, I'm not...I know how it is. Being young and curious.”
“But you should never go off without telling someone where you're going.."
“But I went with Millo!” They exclaim, pulling their head out and gesturing at the large feline
“I mean a proper person,” Rayleigh chuckles,
“Millo, doesn’t count”
The toothed cat lets out a small indignant yowl at his comment, Reader reacting similarly with an offended gasp
Rayleigh scoffed at the cat's reaction, finding it amusing.
“There, there, Millo, you'll live.” Shakky Laughs.
“You're lucky you're adorable, isn't that right?” he said, looking at the cat.
“You're being mean to Millo Grandpa!”
“Now, Now both of you know I didn’t mean it like that,” Rayleigh says with a frown,
“but you need to understand it makes your gramps and gran worry, alright? You're our treasure, you know?”
“Im sorry,”
Shakky smiles, opening her arms for Rayleigh to pass them to her, he smiles obliging her silent request
“Come here” she says taking a hold of them
“We’re not mad, As we said, you are really important, and we simply worry, there are dangerous and gross people not far from here.”
“I just wanted to explore a little, but I didn’t mean to go far. “
Rayleigh scoffs and pulls the child into his arms, planting several kisses upon their cheek,
“It's fine... Just let me know next time where you are exploring; I know you're more than capable on your own, but still, I'd like to have an idea of where to look for you."
“Now that we got that out of the way, what were you doing that got you covered in dirt?”
They shuffle in their grandmother's arms, digging something from their small backpack
“I was getting you guys flowers!” They exclaim, pulling said plants out and handing two roughly arrays of flowers
Rayleigh’s face breaks out into a smile,
“For Us, you brought us flowers?”
They nod excitedly handing them the mix-match bouquet of flowers
The elderly couple exchange a look before embracing the child, who is now buried within the confines of their affection.
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What do we think? Originally I thought it was missing something but I re-read it and I really like it, what are our thoughts? Im going to try the Dokusha reader for a test run, btw it’s about a certain lazy ice lord 👀. Im editing it right now maybe even a second part today if yall like it?
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adirajackson · 5 months
hi can u pls write a book percy x daughter of persephone based on i hate it here by taylor swift. where the reader has a secret garden that percy finds pls
Secret gardens in my mind. ☻
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Percy Jackson x Persephone!reader
Ofc since you said pls I actually have only listened to ‘I hate it here’ a few times and had to listen to it a bit before writing this so sorry if it’s not perfect, ask me if you wanna redo it :P
Also, this I kinda short :/
Warning: fluff/angst?? and minor swearing
On the radio:
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Percy was just going on a walk in the woods. Nothing special. He was just going to clear his head after having to deal with 3 campers who were all arguing about 9/11— it’s a long story. It was late dusk and you could only see a few stars when you looked up at the sky. He walked a bit more, going deeper into the forest. Everything was going normal until he saw little stepping stones going into a path, candles lit the way.
“Hello?” He called out, wondering if anyone was there. Nothing. He followed the path into a beautiful garden. It had so many times of plants that it was like the dictionary for plants. In the middle of it all was a beautiful girl with a flower crown, singing to the plants as they magically grew. He just stared for a bit and listened to her angelic singing. She finally noticed him and practically jumped. “Gods! You…scared…me…!” She said, catching her breath. “Sorry, your voice is beautiful!” He said, smiling lopsidedly. “And what is this place anyway?” She smiled softly and handed him a flower, walking over to a tree and sitting under it. “My secret garden.” She said, looking him in the eye. “I’m a daughter of Persephone, this is my happy place, my escape.” Percy nodded, playing with the purple rose in his hand. “You- your garden is very gorgeous,” he said, smiling at you and looking around.
"Thanks. I come here when I get tired of the real world. It's sad, really, but I hate it out there. Why should demigods have to live like this because of the gods stupid mistakes?" she said, a flower slightly wilting before she instantly made it healthier. Gods, please no. Not her... Never again. Percy instantly got reminded of Luke. And he never wanted to go through that again, especially with a girl so gorgeous like her. "That's true, but instead of hating the gods for their mistakes, I would thank them. For letting me meet you." he sat down on a bench next to you. "That's...awful poetic. Child of Apollo?" she asked. Percy chuckled and sideways smirked, "Son of Poseidon at your service." she nodded. "So that's why you smell like seaweed and salt water." Percy shrugged. "Good or bad?"
Percy just stared into her eyes for a bit. "I get it though, the world's annoying. Bleh." he fake gagged. She giggled and all the nearby flowers instantly had an aura around them, healthy and happy. "I never caught your name," she observed. "I never threw it." he answered, smiling and kissing her hand, "Percy Jackson." "I'm Y/n," she blushed.
"That's a gorgeous name."
"Thank you."
He smiled and ran a hand through her hair. "Why don't you come back to camp with me and we can hang out in my cabin?" he asked. "Sure, why not?" you replied. So you guys walked back to camp, not forgetting to blow out the candles before your departure.
Maybe the real world wasn't so bad. When your with someone you love, I mean.
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The Forgotten Maiden || Part 1
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Character: Zhongli
Type: Angst, and tragedy Content: You are the God of Light, you were once Zhongli’s beloved lover as he promised his full heart to you before his departure to the archon war, however, once he returned, he was injured and lost his memory of you. You figured out that he fought the god of memories and the impact of this fight affected his memories of you. 
[ Please don’t repost, this is my original story. ]
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You were standing alone on Starsnatched Clift, reminiscing events of the past. When you realized he hasn’t remembered you, you tried everything in your power to help him remember. Pictures, monuments, structures, even silly contracts that you and him made together as jokes. Nothing. Helplessness is all you felt now. You lost your home, your lover and your self in one day, without protest. The moment you saw he was happy in Liyue, seeing his friends, eating at restaurants, was the moment you decided, maybe it is for the best.  He as another life now, and you don’t have the right to intrude on that anymore. He is happy and that is all you want. Ever since then, it’s been about 1000 years since you’ve seen him. You avoided him. Him? No. You avoided heartbreak. You now wander Teyvat alone, helping Travelers, and using your powers in little ways. Bringing light onto struggling trees and plant, helping the sun shine brighter, Lighting up dark places, and helping in other small ways. I guess you can say you were a traveler yourself. Your light can help any flower grow despite the circumstances.  You were living a isolated and quiet life until you met Lumine and Paimon. You accompanied them in bounties, commission, and helped them collect certain plants. However, Lumine requested your help with something that makes you nervous.  “So, what do you say?” Lumine says with sparkling eyes.  “U-Um, I am not sure, I haven’t been in Liyue for a while, and for a reason at that.” You responded, nervously.  “What reason would that be? Paimon is curious.” Paimon pushed on the subject a little farther.  “Haha, that is a secret.” You smiled, saving yourself from your history being exposed. “Why do I need to go to Liyue to grow glaze lilies? I can just grow them here and harvest them for you, friend.”  Lumine continues to explain. “Well...I am helping Mr.Zhongli, He wants to collect these things. I tried to sing to them but not much luck. So was hoping you could have better luck.” You signed and looked towards the side. You thought about it a bit. Do you really wanna see Morax right now? However, it has been a 1000 years, you feel like you have given up and you won’t react to these situation the way you used to. Maybe, you can handle it... You were so wrong, you can’t handle it. Just as you arrived in Liyue harbor through Guili Plains, you felt so much emotions. Liyue was a place that hurts being in. However, you kept yourself together, for Lumine, a friend. You two continued to traveled through Liyue, looking at stores and restaurants. Liyue really has prosper, throughout the years. You made some mental notes on revisiting some areas for yourself later.  You were enjoying the view, until-
“Mr. Zhongli, I found someone who can help with the Glaze Lilies!” Lumine said happily and looked at you. 
You froze, his outfit was different but he still had the same face. However you sense him as a human now, rather then a god. You wanted to hide, and disappear. You hated this, you hated Liyue, you hated him. You sucked it up and gave it your best smile, despite the heavy heart of a face you used to kiss. A face you desire more affection and touch from. Seeing his hands, that hands that used to touch you, hold you, your face -- you desperately tried to hold back you desire to touch him familiarly. You really were touch starved. 
“Ah, you must be the proclaimed “Light Maiden” I have been hearing so much about, your adventures have seem to help people all around and about.” The tall brown gentlemen with formal attire greeted you through rumors heard. He had his arms crossed, and closed his eyes thinking about all the information he has heard about you. This happens to be enough to perk his interest in you and the powers you have. This made you feel knotted in your stomach, you wanted to avoid him in all cost. You want, no interest at all.  You smiled and tilt your head a bit.”L-Light Maiden?” 
“Yes, have you not been aware of your reputation?” He said with his hand to his chin, forever pondering your being.  You did a light hearted laugh. “Haha, no, not at all. I just offer assistance to whoever needs it.” 
Zhongli nodded.”Virtue is one of the best languages to be spoken, it brings only greatness to those who have it and those you gives it.”  Lumine smiled and redirected the conversation. “ Let’s head to the glaze lily field, we shouldn’t hold up on this any longer.”  “I agree, lets.” Zhongli agreed and began to lead the way. You followed quietly but tiredly due to this meeting. Or well “Reunion”. They lead you to a dead field, with only glass, but no glaze lilies.  “Here?” You asked and looked around. “ There are no Glaze lilies here.” You placed your hand on the ground.  “Yes, unfortunately, it’s rare to find them in the wild, humans grow them artificially, however, it’s been years since I’ve seen one grow outside of Liyue like this.” He explained, retaining his experience with the blue flower.  Lumine chimed in. “As you guys do that, Paimon and I will go get the Bell from Madam Ping!” She smiled and turned away, leaving you two alone.  You signed at this condition and circumstance you are in. You want to leave and want this to get over with. Despite it being night time, you looked around, seeing for spots to grow a batch of Glaze Lilies. You worked quietly trying to ignore Zhongli.  You placed your hands together and a bright sunlike hue glowed from it, it grew brighter like it was a mini sun. You held it over the dead dirt area as Glaze lilies started to grow to a full adult at a fast pace.  Zhongli all of a sudden spoken out curiosity and awe. “ You truly do have these powers.” 
You scoffed, “Did you think I was lying?” You said gently and continued your work.  Zhongli, “No, not at all, my apologies if I came off that way. I merely was just speaking my thoughts. These Glazed Lilies looks like the finest I have ever seen.”  You chose not to respond and kept on working. Zhongli continued to speak. “ This reminds me of the God of Light, it has been said that she was a kind god. However, she fell into depression once she lost her lover had lost memory of her and she went into hiding.” You froze as the light you were using went out in a second. “I see.” You checked the flowers and kept the back of your head to him. You tighten your fist. 2000 years of grief have been building up in you.  “It is still unknown who her lover i-”
“What do you know?” You instant cut him off and spoken to him harshly.  Zhongli stood and looked at you. “It seems I might’ve upset you with this topic.”  You turned your head to give him the coldest side glare you have ever given him. “You know nothing Morax and you will still continue to know nothing.”  Zhongli unfazed, standing still. “Seemingly you knowing my true name can signify that we have some history together, Though I can’t tell who yo-” “NO ONE! I was never anyone to you! You forgotten me 2,000 years ago, the one day in the centuries I come to see you, you start spouting nonsense about me to my face.” Despite it being 1000 years since you saw him, he forgotten you 2000 years ago, at the end of the archon war. You tried to help him remember you for 1000 years, but once it was no use, you left. Thus, not seeing him for the second half.
Zhongli widen his eyes in surprised at your sudden outburst and claim to being the god of light, even more, him being the lover that forgotten her.  You started to tear up, you were so angry, and spiteful. All these years and this is what you got? Of course, you knew better, he didn’t remember you, but that only makes it worse. It got even worse that he stood there unfazed with an unchanging expression, as if he is trying to assess the situation. Frustration. Years of Frustration quells upon your throat. All he could give was his silence. You weren’t expecting him to magically get his memory back but deep inside, you hoped for some flicker of recognition of you in his eyes.  You took a deep breathe and turned away. You lost your cool, and now very heated. You immediately walked away and disappeared, you’ve had enough, leaving half grown glazed lilies along with a seemingly uncaring man. 
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The only way i can imagine feng xin and mu qing admitting their feelings for each other is for them to show up for a mission or whatever together and for Hua Cheng to see them and bitchily go
"Here's the old bickering couple, always together."
And ofc they both get angry cause thats ridiculous wtf fuck you crimson rain sought flower you dont know what youre talking about
The seed was planted.
"Do we act like an old bickering couple???"
"No we dont........oh shit we do....."
"We arent even a couple wtf......"
"But.......would u wanna.....be one.....?"
Some time later the announcement of the new couple in the heavens is made and nobody can tell Hua Cheng shit because he was right
There is never a bet he loses
(He Xuan, Shi Qingxuan, Pei Ming and Lan Qianqiu owe him cause they all bet those two would never admit it. Xie Lian doesnt know whether to laugh or cry but he does take the cash as donations for the shrine)
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Yall im bored and i have dol brainrot. Here u go random mostly sfw headcanons. Most of them are just jokes btw don't take this seriously. Beware i am not dol master so If something is inaccurate pls dont crucify me. Request open btw
Includes: what kind of music they lisen, random stuff they do, ect.
I used they/them for both PC and love intrests so some of those sentences were a hell to write
Tw: me going crazy over Avery (i have issues, pls if what I wrote was weird, just close your eyes and idk explode irl idc)
Random DOL headcanons
IM FUCKING CONVINCED that this owl plushy that they give to PC has a camera inside. Im not sure if thats mensioned in game AND I didnt see anyone talk about this. But this dude litteraly says "make sure to put it somewhere high so it can protect you/watch you over" (im not 100% sure what they said but it was along those lines)
Wants to have matching black nails with PC
If their heart wouldnt beat so fast everytime PC gets close to them, Kylar acually would OFTEN fall asleep on PC's lap or shoulder (especially in school)
If s/o is afab, Kylar is defnitly into period sex
Had a huge zombie phase and has whole plan (in details) about how and what to do in case of zombie apocalypse acually happening (and they would acually lighten up if PC mensions anything about zombies, Kylar will talk about them whole night!)
Average phonk listener
Sometimes wakes up in middle of night after nighmares and wishes PC would be there
High purity sindey will nervously figet with cross-neckace everytime they have lewd thoughts about PC
Sometimes when they pray together he pretends to have eyes closed but they acually look at PC cuz omg love, you look stunning
Watched Barbie with PC (liked it very much)
Lisens to Mitski
Pure Sydney cried after lisening to cupcake songs
Great Hawk
Dude is a simp
Loves when PC has flowers in their hair, and please give them some too!
If PC praises hawk when they give PC expensive objects (jewellery, wallets, purses ect) this harpy guy/gal will call them "little crow"😭 cuz from Hawks perspective thats how it looked like- they find wife, wife sad, they give shiny, wife happy.
(Alr guys this one is a 50/50 cuz im not sure if harpys have hands? Or just wings?) He discovered hand holding and now he wants to hold PC hand all the time!! But his claws sharp so be careful
Likes when PC has colorful hair
Sounds of Forest and other birds (and bird-people) are only sounds he music he needs 🦅
Got scared bcs there was a rock/metal music concert in city and it was loud and he was very upset
Dude wants to have kids so bad😭😭
Very tall!
If Pc is tiny/short, this guy/gal will pick them up with one hand and just carry PC back to their home
PLEASE kiss their old scars, and complement them! Eden doesnt really like how they look (they are not insecure but they just dont find time to pamper themselfs and look all fancy)
Sometimes wakes up in middle of night with cold sweat and checks if PC is still there
Conteplated if plant people are eatable
Hates deep water
Will say "I dont lisen to music" and then gets judged by PC and me. ( he enjoys some romantic old songs, i guess he likes Micheal Jackson? Maybe the ink spots??Idk)
Dude just wants to have good reputation😭😭 and nice looking PC
Tbh I would enjoy Avery-dad-figure content😭 like PC just doing all this stuff just to be accepted by some guy that could be their dad😭 their are fatherless afterall😭. Like hear me out PC just craving platonic love from this dude while he just wants to smash😓 (tbh he is not always doing sexuall stuff, sometimes he just vibes)
Pls dude is like 40 wtf is he doing with his life
*in car* "I swear PC if you say anything more about kpop im leaving you in forest"
Lisens to chrismas music😭
Dude ate a squirrel once
I wanna cuddle them
Pls they look wet and cold, give them a nice towel and later blanket
Definitely got scared by their own reflection in mirror once
Can talk to animals
Lisens to gothic music
Likes bugs (months, Beatles, bees)
Dude lisens to Pitbull while working at farm
Picks PC up and throws them on hay piles for fun
Alex and Remy should settle this beef for good, they both should do kahoot about farm animal knowlage and no more "no its my farm not yours!" Bullshit
Watches soap opera when bored
Wears cowboys hats
Rizzing up people twice younger than him (hes like 40 or something)
Enjoys board games and omg he loves card games
Hes probably married tbh
Has reddit account😔
The photos he takes in classes? He sells them
He and Bailey should kiss in meat grinder for beating PC ass for no reason🤩😍
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angelsnkisses · 1 year
haiii! i see ur requests r open again,, but im just curious to here ur thoughts on camboy!danny cuz its a concept that i absolutely adore n i need more people talkin abt it :3 (only if ur comfortable with it!!!!! u can ignore this completely if u'd liek 🫶)
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(some flowers 4 u btw, im givin everyone i send asks to flowers)
RAHHH I LOVE THIS SM. also, ty for the flowers lovey!
thinking about camboy!danny <3
💟 nsfw - mdni 💟
warnings: switch!danny, gn!reader, masturbation, use of vibrator, use of dildo, overstimulation.
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• camboy!danny, who is so shy when he first tries out a cam site. he's a blushing, whining mess the whole time, anxiously checking the chat every five minutes to see if everyone likes what he's doing. and trust me, they do, which helps him build more confidence on camera.
• camboy!danny, who starts out with relatively vanilla content like stripteases, rubbing himself through the fabric of his boxers, making soft little noises with the top of his face just out of frame.. agonizingly teasing actions that leave his audience wanting more.
• camboy!danny, who slowly starts to get more and more comfortable with himself as time goes on. as his devoted viewers grow larger in number, so does his variety of content. within the first few weeks, he decides to bring a little more flavor into his content. his poison of choice? vibrators.
• camboy!danny, who starts off with a small bullet vibrator, teasing his tip with it while he pumps his hand up and down his hardened cock. his noises increase the more he strokes himself, the vibrations multiplying his pleasure in a seemingly infinite way.
• camboy!danny, who loves seeing the chat absolutely blow up with people praising him, begging for more, begging for him. he gets cockier with every compliment, and how could he not? all that approval makes him want more, it makes him wanna give more. so, little by little, he gets more vocal. eventually, he even starts talking to his viewers, thanking them, teasing them, etc.
• camboy!danny, who whimpers. so much that it's a staple for his content. he can't help it, as soon as he starts feeling good his lips start spitting out the most vulgar, intoxicating sounds, pleasing the eyes on him even more.
• camboy!danny, who is constantly asked about dildos and such. at first, it's a hard no, but as time goes on and his content changes, he eventually starts to consider it. so, he'll give in and buy himself one. after a few private uses, he decides he might as well- he's already done so much, what's a little more? especially when his chat asks so politely..
• camboy!danny, who's genuinely surprised at how feral everyone goes as soon as he pulls out his new toy. he'll blush like crazy, insisting it's a one time thing and that they shouldn't get too excited (it's not, and they should). he'll take his time, laying back and teasing himself with the silicone object before finally beginning to fuck himself with it on camera. the amount of people watching him almost doubles, hundreds of eager viewers getting off to the perfect display. he'll push it in deep, his movements getting quicker, rougher, until he's practically cockdrunk.
• camboy!danny, who loves to overstimulate himself. sometimes he'll stream for hours, cumming over and over again until he can barely even process what's going on. whether it's with a dildo, another toy, or just his hands, he always manages to push himself to his own limits.
bonus <3:
• camboy!danny, who isn't always such a mess. some days he just needs stress relief, his mood low and his body tense. he'll touch himself with rough hands, groaning and huffing instead of his usual soft sounds. he'll sit with his thighs parted, leaned back against the wall, hair disheveled, feet planted firmly to the ground.. his large, veiny hands relentlessly moving up and down his length, hips occasionally shifting or raising slightly. lord, is it a sight to see.
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shogvnate · 1 year
Wicked and white, love me in spite. bela dimitrescu x f! reader
bela dimitrescu oneshot
slightly angsty, wholesome, yearning.
hi it's my first writing post pls treat me nicely :D, also feel free to send your requests! i write for the women (bc i'm sapphic) but if u wanna request the dudes it's alright too, just don't put too much hope on it being posted 😭
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━━ 🦇 ´ˎ˗
Bela Dimitrescu never felt this way towards anyone.
As the oldest out of her sisters and the heiress to her family's winery business, she would take over a lot more of the dirty work than them, leaving barely any time behind to focus on herself.
She was always overworked, always pressured to be the best.
Her mother always tells her,
"Bela, you are your sisters' role model," Alcina blew smoke from her lips, unamused at the way she lost her composure over a little squabble with her younger sister, Cassandra.
"Yes, mother." Bela kept her head low, rubbing her upper arm slightly.
"Don't disappoint me."
Bela aimed to be the perfect daughter, the perfect heiress but still, she was never enough. She knew she wasn't. But when she saw you and how accepting you were, her walls melted like an ice sculpture by the dawn of spring.
She'd like to believe you were foolish for saving her, but deep down she knew it wasn't true. She was thankful. Thankful that despite the villagers' harsh words for saving a potential murderer of their wives and daughters, you stayed and nursed her back to health.
You were like an angel, much more than Mother Miranda would ever be, that's for sure.
As you watered your garden, she wondered to herself, could you look at her with that expression? A soft smile gracing your angelic features and eyes gleaming with nothing but love. No wonder your garden was filled to the brim with colorful flowers, even Bela can tell they were happy with you.
Could she also feel that?
Dubbed as a monster, mad, and even heartless; could someone like that feel love?
Or was it just wistful thinking?
A vampire and a human never end well anyway.
It's depressing, it's... mortifying how none of them got their happy ending; or at least as far as she's aware of.
She sighed, and when she did, you finally noticed her watching you by the wooden fences.
Molten honeyed eyes burned the sight of the way your face lit up into the depth of her mind. If you could look at her like that everyday, she's sure to become the happiest woman alive.
You approached her, still holding your watering can. She could feel her dead heart hammering against her chest for a few seconds before returning to its silence as she smirked at you. Her heart ached for you, a pain that she was so used to that she grew numb to it.
"How have you been, Bela?"
Your voice, god, your voice.
Bela can just melt into your arms right then and there, but she must stop herself. She wasn't like Cassandra who will keep anyone she's interested in near. She was the opposite, she didn't want you near, she didn't like how you made her feel this way, and yet she always found herself watching you.
Hopeless that she can never tell you how she felt without making herself feel vulnerable.
"I've been faring well." She replied, "How… How have you been?"
"I'm doing good now that you're here." You smiled.
The two of you soon fell into silence as you started to water your plants, now with her company.
It was agonizing, being by your side. Knowing full well that there are countless men and women in the village that can easily snatch you away from her. You were kind and gentle, anyone can find that charming. Heck, her sisters could even steal you away from her easily.
Cassandra was silver-tongued and shameless, she can lure anyone into her grasp as easily as she can murder them.
Daniela was unpredictable and wild, but she was loving, and she was everything Bela was not.
You noticed how she spaced out, reaching a hand out to wipe the dried blood from her lips. Your touch was gentle and it dragged her down to reality.
The reality where you told her that you'll wait for her to be sure of her feelings. You'll wait for however long it takes for her to say those three words. The reality where you belonged to her and she belonged to you despite no other promises being spoken.
She leaned into your touch, her yellow eyes refusing to look at you directly.
But she knew you understood. You understood her better than anyone, better than herself.
You guided her back to your porch where she laid her head on your lap as you sat down, her hood coming off to reveal her long, albeit a little tangled blonde locks.
You thread your fingers through it, detangling it and removing the dried blood clinging to the beautiful strands.
"Bad day?" You asked, closing your eyes.
"..." She shifted on your lap, confirming that she indeed had a bad day. You didn't ask anymore, you knew she didn't like sharing about things that bothered her and that was okay. She needed time and time you will give.
One of her flies landed on your hand, and you noticed it. You chuckled lightly as another desperately pulled your free hand towards Bela, likely her consciousness acting without her control.
You stopped threading your fingers through her locks and she had to stop herself physically from letting out a disappointed whine, you placed your hand on her waist instead and she froze.
"You can stay for however long you'd like, Bela."
You watched as she closed her eyes, another tender smile blooming across your lips, one with more affection than before. Her cold hand grabbed a hold of your warm one, squeezing it before her breathing slowed. Your fingers rubbed her knuckles silently, the contrast between your temperatures was like day and night, dead and alive; and yet you loved it.
You drifted into sleep along with her, perfectly comfortable and content now that she at least stayed and not ran off the second she showed you anything remotely close to physical touch.
Hours later you finally woke up, slowly opening your eyes and stretching your numb arms.
Your lap was absent from her cold body, but what you instead found was a stunning inflorescence of forget-me-not. Did she steal it from your garden? You chuckled.
The blues were easy on your eyes, and the meaning behind it in the flower language made you smile fondly.
"Oh, Bela."
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
Friend. F r I e N d. Your smol brother Razor hcs made my insides flippyflop. I beg, I plead...
My daughter QiQi? Holding onto my sleeve while we go picking herbs so she knows she can get home? Getting her a little bag with a notebook and pen so she always has memory?
Scolding Baizhu for letting her go herb picking when he knows she probably won't remember the way home?!?! Because Archons man like NO.
Hello!! Flippyflop??!! Over my writing ??!! 🥺🥺 <3
Also srry im rlly slow getting to yalls asks i promise it will come and i love u all for giving me asks <33
(*´▽)ノ✨️ NOW LETS GO ! ! ✨️
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(Now before yall come at me, I am aware Baizhu does care about her, but BUT, he still is studying her/canonically has ulterior motives, and lets her pick herbs when she may not be able to find her way back, also he doesnt strike me as the type to be super affectionate/parental, as cute as it is to write him that way)
What a b l e s s e d ask, this is so cute i love all the kids in genshin their adorable
So... im kinda a consistent Sagau writer, and i love requests like this! But also, im not sure if u guys want me to still apply Sagau/Isekai setting to these requests on top of what was initially asked??
So i will pretty much always make all requests will be SAGAU/ISEKAI Reader based, UNLESS YOU STATE OTHERWISE IN THE ASK!!
Oh Qiqi, another child product of ✨️traumatic events✨️
(Future me after finishing this: oh god what monster have I unleashed upon the world, upon the sagau tag, upon my innocent followers...)
Damn ur lucky u didnt land in Jueyun Karst or nothin
Or on one of the many mountains/cliffs all over Liyue
Its honestly more a shock u arent on a mountain bc theres so many,,
Ur pretty close to Liyue Harbor luckily, not in town, but sort of at the base of Mt Tianheng by the looks of it, almost behind it
Its about sunset too, WOW
Liyue Harbor is hella bigger than in game, holy fuck its actually a huge port city
Should u go into the city??
Ur not sure, do they speak English??
...Wait u dont got a single mora
U cant even get an inn rn RIP
?? Should u just? Find a cave?? To sleep in??
But what about monsters??!
(Call Xiao? Nah he'd freak tf out on u, Shenhe maybe? She is the only option u can think of that seems like she would possibly take in a random homeless traveler from another world, mostly bc she could beat ur ass no matter what)
So,, Shenhe? Maybe? Ur still not sold on the idea but maybe u could gather something out here to sell on a street corner?? Or to Wanmin maybe for fresh ingredients?
Yeah sure why not,
With that, u just wander around the area, checking out all the plants and animals
The fennec foxes are so adorable
Oh shit some mint and sweet flower, finally
Oh hell yeah a sunsettia, u got food now 💪
U hold onto some of it to sell (including a low violet grass hell yeah)
Crunchin and munchin ur way thru Liyue now, it isnt until u find a particularly wooded area that u hear ur first sign of human life
Stand corrected,
A soft hum, almost a lullaby, comes from Qiqi as she picks up other flowers youve never seen before (ooo new liyue plants)
Should u just leave? She seems busy and u dont wanna distract her bc she might forget to go back to her task..
Wait a minute.
On the other hand,
Now you can finally achieve one of your many goals in Genshin that you couldn't as a player.
Help Qiqi collect herbs and guide her back,
And scold Baizhu. >:)
(whats he gonna do?? call the milieth on you??? for some rude person who doesnt like the way he makes a child wander off, who has memory issues and cant find her way back??? thats what you thought)
Approaching the tiny zombie girl, you purposely step on a branch to let her know ur there
...she doesn't even flinch, instead she vvveerrryy slooowwwlllyyy lifts her head up from her bent position
Her big doe eyes 🥺
They dont look empty, or dead just kinda dreamy
She tilts her head, the adepti paper covering an eye
Qiqi: "...do I know you? ..you feel... familiar..."
Oh this is crazy, she sounds exactly like in game, but instead of in a screen, her voice is in front of you
You respond "Oh I don't think so?" You introduce yourself,
"Are you alone out here? The sun is setting..."
It didnt strike you until now, but the zombie girl is so... so... tiny
I mean, you knew the kids were small, but not 5-6 year old small!!!
Qiqi stands, and you see her holding a basket in the crook of her other arm, full of greenery
(some u recognize like violet grass, horsetails, but others are completely new, wow u gotta wander around Liyue after u find somewhere to sleep tonight to check out how much more fleshed out it is irl...)
The little cryo user is the picture perfect image of sweetness 💝✨️
The paper falls to the side, and both of her gentle pink eyes look up at you (💔)
Qiqi answers slowly, "...I messed up my routine, I forgot to get herbs this morning...so I couldn't make the medicine for today... I'm getting them now instead.."
She turns to the right, then left, and blinks a few times (💔💔💔)
She kinda looks like she forgot the way back,, you figure you might as well ask
"Do you want help getting back to town? The pharmacy right?"
Qiqi looks back at you, and nods, "Okay...thank you..."
She takes YOUR HANNNDDDD 😫😫😫💔💔💔
Her small fingers are cold, and they wrap around only two of your fingers
Trying to hold the squeal inside urself, you turn and begin to walk off together, following the path around Mt. Tianheng into town
After hearing about your homeless situation, Qiqi and Baizhu offer the guest room for the night, also partially as a thank you for helping Qiqi (thank fuck theyre that nice)
After talking on the way over,
Turns out that Baizhu lives just out of town of Liyue, (not found in the game, was is it with not showing characters houses...) that way he has some greenery around his house, and has a garden out back :D 🌱
Baizhu just gets this strange familiar feeling from you (it almost reminds him of,, seeing a regular customer that has been to see him hundreds of times...) that convinces him to offer you a job at the pharmacy, in exchange for living in the guest room for awhile ! ! WOO
Literally on the first day out ur like,, Baizhu.
My boss, my friend, my buddy, my homie, my guyyyyy
U gotta let me go with Qiqi from now on, she will literally get lost hoe. 😐
Tapping ur foot at him and everything,
He's a little intimidated tbh bc ur so upfront about it, and agrees
U lowkey shame his parenting (and he actually feels quilty wow)
"Since we first met, I have had a warm feeling inside. Not the kind of warmth that makes me feel rotten. The other kind of warm. The one that happens inside my heart. Thank you. I am happy. Sadly I only recognize the current you. If I forget you... No. I will order myself to remember you."
(Once again, if u read my Razor post, another person who can't quite articulate what you are as the Creator, but just has a feeling about you that ur cozy and safe :')
(U help her press flowers in it to both leave inside as a pleasent surprise when she forgets about them, and attach some to the front 💖)
In the morning, she goes herb picking, then makes medicine, and then does stretches at the end of the day before bed
(At least im pretty sure thats it, it was like 3 things so she could remember easily)
And she even says "...I started memory training exercises recently. So don't worry, I won't forget who you are." 🥲💘
Qiqi seemed excited to tell u all the plants u dont recognize and what they do in medicine,
U mostly think that bc she walked and talked a little faster,
her emotions arent super obvious bc apparently her facial muscles arent super flexible... :/
(she later on after she trusts you more, will sometimes let u rub her little cheeks and massage her face to let her have more range, she looks like a content kitten those times 😭😭)
But when ur not out and about Liyue's nature with Qiqi,
U do little odd jobs around Liyue, like dog walking, delivering peoples' medicine, and u even registered w/the Adventurer's Guild so u could take on small commissions :D
U used ur money to buy ingredients to cook food for urself and the household (bc Baizhu cant make anything besides soup and tea apparantly srsly how is this man alive)
And thru a series of trial and error (and consulting Xiangling..)
U made coconut milk!!! ✨️🥥🥛
Qiqi loved. It. Every. Time.
She's not tall enough to reach the kitchen counters w/o a stool, but she can peek her little head over it and put her fingers on the edge, which she does everytime u make it 😫😫🥺🥺
She has a 6th sense for everytime u make it, no matter where she is in the house/nearby lol
It was also one of the things she wrote down in her notebook that she didnt wanna forget LMAO
Next to a reminder that she knows you + other facts abt u, is "can make coconut milk"
You can bribe her with it too lol
Shes already Baizhu's assistant, so she is great at cutting, chopping, and prepping ingredients
She insists on helping u everytime, she'll even delay her morning routine for u to make breakfast <3
(U also make sure to remind her to eat and hydrate consistently, bc thatd be hard af to keep track of w/ memory issues, i would know 💀)
U also used ur money to buy clothes for urself and her!! <3
Also apparently u still have access to the character menu? And ur inventory?? And quests???
(Her outfits show up in her outfit screen!! theres just kinda a hologram button hovering over her chest at all times..)
She seems rlly fond of upgrading her, her weapon, and artifacts bc she likes to be a stronk 💪girl to protect ppl she loves aw <3
She also likes to help u out with commissions too, it brings her some variety in her day that shes become fond of!!
(Shes also become fond of you and all the exciting things ur doing)
Ur quests menu is rlly helpful for you but also her!! U just gently reroute her or remind her everytime she needs it :)
(she has slowly gone from asking you what she forgot/what she was supposed to be doing, to just... LOOKING UP AT YOUUUUU FOR THE ANSWERRRR W/O SAYING ANYTHINGGGGG 💔💔💔💔💔💔)
Bc u got jackshit all else to do in ur freetime, other than exploring, u started picking up some hobbies thatll benefit the both of you!
U bought some fabric and whatnot to make Qiqi a backpack!! So she doesnt have to carry around the herb basket anymore
(the ones being sold were too expensive, and werent quite right for her anyway, but u did stab urself enough times that Baizhu gave u bandages..)
You give it to her on her birthday!! (she also remembered yours!! She gave u herbal medicine and a necklace of gemstones she handmade like noctilous jade and cor lapis cries)
It has lots of pockets, bc Qiqi also likes to get interesting rocks or non-medicinal flowers to give you while yall are outside <3
She loves the backpack, u saw her make the
Smile ever, which made it even cuter to see
(She also just, held it to her chest the whole day 😭)
ALSO BC SHE STRIKES ME AS A SLOW BURN TYPE OF PERSON TO LOVE SOMEONE (idk if u get that feeling but thats what it seems like to me esp with her memory needing time to remember a new person, she apparently canonically cant always remember Baizhu's face??)
Was that your soul leaving your body? Maybe 🤷‍♂️
But when yall r in a crowd of Liyueans and tourists, she straight up latches onto ur hand like a vice grip
She WILL NOT lose you, and ur holding back just as hard, you WILL NOT lose ur amnesiac child!!!
She likes to come into town with u when u go bc while shes not a fan of crowds, she can deal with them a lot better when ur there 🥺
Plus she wants to be able to look out for you!!
When u asked why she didnt like crowds the first time yall went SHE SAID
"Some people want to take advantage of me. Others are terrified of me. But you... You are not like any of those people."
Ok so she was already pretty strong before you, but now esp since u started upgrading her-
Qiqi is hella strong and has great stamina
U saw this in action in real time when Hu Tao was strolling down the path near where yall were herb picking off to the side
Hu Tao and Qiqi like... locked eyes-
U were looking down at plants but noticed Qiqi not moving, and looked up to see the most intense staring contest ever LMAO
it was kinda shocking to finally have ran into him (bc u figured there was no way he would come down to see some rando human, even if u had almond tofu)
Top ten most disturbing images: Xiao face first on the ground, out of it
And while ur like panicking "omfg how tf am i gonna carry this mf all the way back to the pharmacy, omg what happened, oh jesus this is insane its literally XIAO and he's PASSED OUT-"
Qiqi in the background like, "hup"
And just arranges him in a piggyback carry, his legs and arms sticking straight out in front of her, his ass almost touching the GROUNNNDDD😭😭😭
You: *shocked pikachu face meme LMAOOO
Bonus: Zhongli has been going in-fucking-sane trying to locate where u are lol, Hu Tao literally made him take a few days off bc he was pacing around the harbor so much 😭
He always seems to get to where you are, just as you leave the area (apparently Qiqi's deathlike presence throws off ur very full of life one)
Literally as soon as you landed (woke up?) On Liyue soil, he was hyper aware of you
The other adepti are searching the rest of Liyue just in case ur someone where else
Lol wonder how long it took him to realize u were just workin at Bubu Pharmacy LMAO
Tell me what to write! :) ♡
Reminder: A 100+ Followers celebration POLL!!
I hope u enjoyed this fucking monster anon sob-
oh my god im actually shocked you guys, i just scrolled up and down this thing-
I can't even like, flick it once and let it scroll really fast and reach the top u know what i mean?? 😟😰🙂🙃🥲
I just,, i had so many ideas, and as i typed and tried to get them all down i-
uh,, aNyWaY,,, enjoy yalls week guys...😟😃 distantsobbing
♡ the beloveds ♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza
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fruitsoxs · 1 year
hi socks just wanna let u know i have been thinking about those vashwood as roommates headcanons and i always come back to it cz it’s somehow??? so comforting??? 10/10 chef’s kiss thank u!
it's honestly my comfort au-- so here's a part two ! (here's part one)
Having Vash and Wolfwood as roommates would include(part two);;
warnings;; I included some nsfw headcanons this time. they're at the end and have a warning. This also has a bit of fighting/angst that ends in fluff notes: i have a couple of fics in the work for this au. let me know if there any big moments you would like to see written out into a full fic! (also possibly a knives spin off??)
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Their jobs/majors
I kind of feel like Vash is studying in the science department. Specifically something that has to do with plant science? Botany, Environmental science, maybe even biology? I know it’s a little on the nose but I really do think it would work perfectly for him
Maybe he even opens up his own little flower shop in the future??
No matter what he has a lot of labs and he is always tired after them.
He probably has a part-time job as a barista at a little cafe on campus
No thoughts just Vash in a cute little apron
He’s a fan favorite among the college kids. They say he makes the best coffee, and he sometimes gives people little freebies when they look sad
His manager Meryl actively yells at him for it, but she doesn’t actually care that much.
He ALWAYS will give you freebies if you come in to visit him. He gets a free drink as an employee, and he’ll save it for you just in case you come in. Sometimes he’ll even take it to go and drop it off for you
Wolfwood gives huge phycology vibes. Mans had a messed up childhood and wants nothing more than to help other people through that stuff
Either that or he’s an art student. I can see that too
He takes school very seriously, but he is horrible at math. He cannot divide to save his life. He’s had to retake his math class like three times
His job? Well nobody knows and at this point everyone is too scared to ask. (He’s a security guard lol)
Whatever it is, he hates it. He comes home grumpy and needs lots of hugs and kisses.
He’ll be all pouty and pissed off, and then you’ll give him a little kiss on the cheek and a small smile will break out 
Bonus; Knives is on the track to becoming a surgeon. I will die on the hill that he is going into the medical field. (he’d look so good in scrubs) and i know McDonalds knives is kind of funny, but I'm thinking he’s actually and EMT. Imagine getting hurt and having Knives be your first responder (id die on the spot)
First Date
It’s not really a date- well you don’t call it a date. Vash just walks in with a couple of free tickets to a haunted house event thing  and asks if you and Wolfwood want to come
You’re like hell yeah
The drive there is like the calm before the storm. You listen to some music, seated in front with wolfwood driving. He definitely has his hand on your thigh. Vash is super excited about finally doing something that isn’t getting high and playing games
You all thought it was gonna be some dumb little spooky house. They’re never that scary. It’s just fun to see all the decorations and actors
Oh boy were you wrong
It’s so well put together. The actors are really into it, and they have amazing make up. When you’re standing in line, some clown girl walks up to Vash and you watch the regret build up on his face. The guy is already terrified
The first hallway is pitch black, and you have to rely on a feeling your way through it. Vash is mumbling about how much he hates it the entire time
Wolfwood is like “Don’t worry guys I’ll protect you.” And then proceeds to let out the loudest scream when the lights come on and there’s a girl dressed up as a ghost standing there
Soon all three of you are huddled up, holding hands, and shaking
These things should not be that scary!!!
It’s Vash who gets you kicked out
He gets so spooked that he runs into a bunch of boxes and knocks one of the fake walls down. The entire thing has to stop to fix it
You’re all banned
After that you go eat pancakes and complain about how scary it was
When things get tense
Fights can happen sometimes
None of you are perfect, and those boys have gone through some shit
Vash tends to shut himself away from you when he’s upset. He doesn’t come out of his room, and when he does he pretends like he’s fine. 
He doesn’t like burdening other people with his problems.
Eventually it just starts to feel like he doesn’t trust you enough to let you in. SIt gets really bad when he tells you to go away one day, and you watch Wolfwood walk into his room 30 minutes later
It doesn’t really turn into a fight. You just get sad, and even a little insecure. So, you avoid him back. Not because you’re vengeful, just because you feel hurt
A few days of the two of you not talking and Vash is in tears by your door
He begs for forgiveness and explains why he’s like this
You tell him it’s okay, but what he does really hurt you. He promises to work on it, and he does
That night the two of you make up for loss time
Wolfwood and you fight a lot more
Most of the time it’s silly little arguments that you solve pretty fast
Wolfwood is bad at communicating in general. But especially when it comes to his feelings
He has really bad days sometimes, and he can get grumpy really fast these days, and one day you really piss him off
He won’t tell you what you did though, he just gives you the cold shoulder
That pisses you off because you’d so be willing to talk it out and apologize, but he won’t tell you what you did 
So you’re mad now too
Things are tense between you too, and it all comes to an end on movie night when you start arguing about what movie to watch
You want to watch one of your favorite movies from your childhood and he says that it’s a stupid movie
Things get heated fast, while Vash just disappears into the background. He that the two of you need to workout your problems on your own (but he really wants to intervene) 
When the tears start falling, Wolfwood immediately stops
He takes a breath, and the two of you sit down and just talk. 
You talk ALL night about what happened, and what the two of you could have done better. In the end, you fall asleep on his chest while he plays with your hair. 
You have movie night the next night to make up for it, and he puts the movie you wanted to watch in before you can even talk about it ( he ends up loving the movie and after that you two watch it all the time)
Id have to make an entire other thing for when Vash and Wolfwood fight because it’s no fun for anyone
NSFW stuff
After the three of you finally get past the awkward stages and start fucking, you find out these two are…horny
They’ll grab you and go to town any time
They really like to share you, but there’s no jealousy in the relationship so it’s okay for one on one time as well!
Wolfwood will pull you into steamy make out sessions whenever. He’ll do it out of nowhere. I imagine he just really likes you, and can’t get enough
He’s very handsy. He’ll constantly have his hand on your hips, or your thigh, and your waist. He likes touching you
He’s the type to sneak risqué touches in public. He like watching you struggle to not let anyone else know what he’s doing
Quickies everywhere with Wolfwood
Vash is a lot more loving (not that Wolfwood isn’t loving– he probably has cried during sex) 
Vash takes his time though. He wants every moment with you to be special. He likes to do stuff like rubbing your back, and peppering kisses down your shoulders. He’ll run his hand up your shirt, and kiss your neck softly. He builds up to it
He really likes shower/bath sex. It’s intimate and relaxing
He also like when you take control (i know he’s a whimperer)
He is so bad at any type of public sex though. He gets embarrassed way too easily (and i think Wolfwood has fun with that) 
When the three of you do it together it’s fucking electric 
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