#Interdimensional travel
zylev-blog · 10 months
Danny woke up with a jerk. He laid in bed for a long moment, staring at the ceiling and listening to the chaos downstairs. He could hear something running around the house honking, his dad yelling, and the sound of a gun going off. He didn’t have enough sleep to deal with this. All he had wanted was to sleep before school, but was that ever going to happen? No! Why was it always him that had to deal with everything?
“I KNOW, JACK!” Mom yelled, shooting her gun again.
Danny rubbed his eyes with a deep sigh, tossing the covers off of him and putting his feet onto the floor. Just as he was about to get up, he heard thumping coming up the stairs. Great! Now he would get in trouble if he didn’t try to head off whatever was running around their house. He ran over to his bedroom door and yanked it open, running down the hall until he was face to face with a black duck. It wasn’t even a ghost! The duck had a patch of blue around its eyes that looked like a mask, and blue markings down the side of it. In his confusion, the duck slipped between his legs and kept running down the hall.
Jazz screamed from somewhere downstairs. “There’s another one!”
“IVE GOT IT!” Dad yelled.
Cursing, he ran after the duck just as his Mom ran up the stairs. He grabbed the duck off of the ground, ignoring it as it hissed at him and tried to bite him.
“What the fuck?” He asked Mom.
“Language, sweetie.” Maddie said while she aimed the gun at the duck in Danny’s hands.
“What’s going on?” He had to raise his voice to be heard over the duck squealing.
They both ignored the sounds coming from downstairs. Danny decided it wasn’t his immediate problem, so he said nothing on what sounded like Dad plowing through a wall at top speed while running.
“We thought these ducks were ghosts at first, but they’re not. We don’t know where they came from.” Maddie took a step towards him, a frown on her face. “They came out of the portal.”
The duck was still trying to bite him. It couldn’t even break the skin of his hand, so he didn’t try to fight it.
“Weird looking duck.” He commented. “Ducks aren’t blue.”
The duck squawked loudly in protest.
“GOT IT!” Jack yelled from downstairs.
“Can we like… throw it back in the portal?” He asked.
“It could come back in. We don’t know where in the portal it came from.” Mom said, lowering the gun now that the duck had stopped trying to escape.
“You think another dimension?” He asked as they walked downstairs.
“Perhaps. For now we’ll put them in the holding pod and figure out what to do next.” Mom led him down to the lab.
When they got down there, he added the duck in his hands to the cell that housed the other duck. The other duck was differently colored from the first. It was black, with green feet, a green mask around its eyes, and red markings along its body. The duck seemed to be howling bloody murder.
“This one put up a fight!” Dad said proudly. “Too bad it’s not a ghost.”
“Great. I can go back to sleep now, right?” He asked tiredly.
“You sure you don’t want to help with the interdimensional search? You’ve always been the best at this.” Mom offered.
“No thanks.” He declined, yawning. “But if they’re still here when I wake up then I’ll help.”
“Okay. Good night, sweetie.” Mom kissed his forehead.
“Night mom, Night dad.” He waved as he walked back upstairs.
As soon as he got back upstairs, he found Clockwork sitting on his bed. He screamed in frustration.
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flamingpudding · 1 year
Nice Cosplay, dude!
It was supposed to be a simple mission. Just get in, beat the criminals, dismantle the bomb and get out again, preferably with no injuries so they all would get to enjoy Alfred's cookies at the end of the night.
But no. Of course things couldn't be simple. Not when Constantine suddenly enters their coms, screaming something about a multidimensional rip and then Jason shouting something about seeing a whirlpool of green that feels very very bad and then Dick started cursing at B being stubborn and....
Tim buried his face in his hands. At least thanks to Jason seeing that Lazarus Pit like Portal everyone believed him this time that Bruce was still alive but this time not lost in time but apparently thrown into another dimension. Though that wasn't making the situation any better. Because Tim was sure Alfred was the only reason the Manor was still standing otherwise his siblings and himself included would have destroyed it by now.
Damian's enraged shout echoed through the Cave, followed by another death threat made by Jason and then Dick's attempt at being the voice of reason. Dear god, they needed to figure out where B was or someone might die.... or at least get maimed by his siblings be it a criminal or one of them.
Hopefully Constantin or anyone else of the JL Dark will have figured out in which dimension B had gotten thrown into.
Batman was staring down at the white-haired kid with Lazarus green glowing eyes wearing a jumpsuit and still had green splatter on his cheeks. The kid was grinning at him with big round eyes that reminded him of Dick when he was younger.
He would have believed the kid innocent if it weren't for 1. The glowing green eyes that reminded him of his second oldest phases of pit madness and 2. The fact that he had just watched the kid beat up a ghost like being he, Batman, had not been able to land a single hit on before imprisoning that being into a thermos.
The kid clearly was a vigilante in the working and for a split second Bruce wondered how his children would react to an interdimensional sibling if he mentored the kid. First of all... the boy needed more protection. That flimsy suit was not offering enough of that. Second the kid should wear a mask. Running around with his face openly in view would only spell trouble for the boy and thitd training the kid needed to learn-
"Wow dude, that's an awesome cosplay of Batman! It looks like it's right out of the comics!"
Batmans thoughts on mentoring the kid came to a screeching halt as he stared at the kid. And gruffly repeated. "Comics?"
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tildeathiwillwrite · 6 months
The Dangers of Jumping
WoW Birthday Whump Event Day 8: Stranded / Team whump / "Is anyone there?!"
Whumpril Day 6 (Dizziness)
WoW Birthday Whump Prompts List
Whumpril Prompts List
The Legend of Orian Goldeneye Masterpost
part 2
TW: head injury, concussion, unconsciousness, falling, dizziness, vertigo, environmental whump, blood, bruises
Context: Post-canon one-shot where Jas and Killian explore the universe together. Unfortunately this Jump has already gone south. (have I mentioned that these two are very whumpable?)
Jas’s head was pounding, like someone was taking a hammer and chisel to her inner skull. She groaned softly, eyes closed as she slowly put her hand up to the source of the pain. It came away warm and sticky. She froze, and her eyes flicked open. She lay on her back on a rough, cold, uneven surface, one of her legs pinned uncomfortably beneath her body. Far above, stars glittered in unfamiliar constellations, with dark clouds obscuring parts of the night sky.
Jas slowly sat up and straightened out, cautiously probing at the wound on the side of her head. It bled heavily, but it wasn’t too big or too deep. The motion made her head spin, and it took her a second to focus on the rest of her surroundings.
She was on a ledge of some kind, bare stone jutting out of a cliff face with scattered tufts of wildflowers. Less than a foot to her right was a sudden drop of at least thirty feet, maybe more. She gasped and scrambled back, the movement not helping with her headache or sense of vertigo. Her rushed action drew her attention to the object in her other hand: a necklace with a glassy green pendant, the chain tangled around her fingers. 
This jump-started her panic. “Killian?!” she shouted, glancing around the ledge frantically, although she already knew he wasn’t there. Did he fall? Is he at the bottom of the cliff? Did he not come out of the portal?
Jas touched the side of her head again and winced. The blow to her head, whenever that happened, must’ve been worse than she’d thought. The portal. That was the last thing she remembered, forming a portal and stepping through, Killian at her side. And after… she didn’t know.
Was this how Killian felt all the time? Jas suddenly developed more sympathy for his problems as she pushed herself to her feet, relying heavily on the cliff wall. It sloped up more gently than the drop across from her. She could scale it if necessary. But first, she had to check over the side.
Jas was too dizzy to trust herself to stand so close to the edge, so she went onto her hands and knees and crawled until she could peer over the side without fear of falling. The drop had to be about a hundred feet, but it was hard to tell from this angle because a thick forest of pine trees carpeted the base of the cliff and blocked the view of the ground.
Far off in the distance was a faint orange glow, almost absorbed by the forest, one that wavered and flickered like a fire. A camp, maybe? Hopefully, it was civilization and not a forest fire. Jas continued scanning the forest, searching for any other signs of life. She might have to wait until sunrise, she couldn't see much of anything in the dark.
When she was going to give up and wait until morning, a small splash of color caught her eye. Was that Killian’s jacket?
She squinted. It certainly looked like it. The jacket was torn up, dangling from broken branches several layers deep in the closest pine tree. Killian must’ve fallen through the tree, the branches breaking his fall and tearing his jacket from him. His bag shouldn't be too far away.
Jas sighed sharply through her nose. I have to get down there, don't I?
She glanced around the ledge. Her headache was beginning to subside, the wound scabbing over and matting her hair into a red mess. Unfortunately, there wasn't any simple way down other than… jumping.
Jas sighed through her nose sharply before slipping Killian’s pendant over her head and rising to her feet. She backed up, cursing herself with each step she took. This is so stupid, you’re gonna kill yourself, or break something, or—
She sprinted and leaped off the ledge. Time seemed to slow as she sailed through the air.
Jas braced herself for the impact, but it still took her breath away when she crashed into the tree, its thin branches snapping under her weight. She flailed, trying to grab something, anything to slow her fall.
Her fingers wrapped around a thick branch, and she jerked to a stop, nearly dislocating her shoulder in the process. “Oww…” she mumbled. She would be finding bruises for the next week from this. “Okay, jacket.”
She’d aimed for the tree next to the one where Killian’s jacket had gotten caught, so it was only a matter of maneuvering and balancing precariously on branches before she snatched it from the tree’s grasp. Slinging it over her shoulder, Jas began to descend, taking care that she did not fall the rest of the way like Killian had.
Pine needles crunched underfoot as she dropped the remaining feet from the lowest branch. She paused, squinting. It was a lot darker down here than on the cliff face; the tall trees blocked out the light of the stars. So, despite having a rough idea of where to look, it still took almost two excruciating minutes before she found Killian.
He was crumpled at the base of the tree like a discarded toy, covered in dozens of cuts and bruises. He was unconscious, naturally, but his chest rose and fell slowly. Still alive, at least.
Jas nudged him with her foot. “Killian?”
He didn’t move.
She poked him again, harder. No response. “Damnit,” she muttered, “why do you have to be so delicate?”
Killian offered no answer, so Jas glanced around until her eyes fell on his bag lying a few feet away. “Well…” she said aloud as she picked it up and slung it over her head and shoulder, “I have no clue where we are, and there’re signs of life off that way—” she waved vaguely in the direction of the flickering glow— “and we’re pretty much stranded until your Pendant resets.”
Jas crouched beside him and, with much effort, lifted him over her head and across her shoulders. “And,” she grunted, straightening up, “there are probably things in this forest other than us.
“So if you think I’m leaving you behind,” she finished as she started walking, “you’d be dead wrong.”
Perhaps ‘dead’ was a poor choice of words. But it wasn’t like anyone but the trees could hear Jas anyway.
@fourwingedsnake @whumperofworlds
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thefangdomcryptid · 6 months
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Eve watching over her mate.
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thunder-pierogi · 8 months
Story prompt: A species of alien beings that understand all the complexities of the universe and have mastered space and interdimensional travel because they can think in such an abstract way and comprehend higher dimensions that are inconceivable to humans - but are critically inefficient and disorganized in fuck all else because they lack the linear thinking and lower-dimensional reasoning that humans have.
Human: So this is your ship! Amazing! What a wonder of technology! I can’t wait to learn all about it!
Alien: Thank you, btw watch out for that corridor, we must stoop to go through it.
Human: Then…why did you design it that way…why didn’t you build it high enough for you to walk through?
Alien: Huh, didn’t think of that.
Human: *glances over* Hold on, why is the pantry on the bridge? And why are there socks in the pantry? WHY IS THERE MILK IN THE SOCKS?
Human: *opens electrical panel* Oh my fucking god. Someone get me a toolbox this shit is atrocious.
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arconinternet · 1 month
Uncle Julius and the Anywhere Machine (Windows 3.1, Nick Sullivan & Brigid Skelton, 1997)
You can download this educational adventure game here, or you can download the full version for modern versions of Windows here.
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darktripz · 3 months
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Another one of @nostalgebraist-autoresponder's OCs that I quite enjoyed. It's a transdimensional catboy who collects exotic fungi. Frank didn't give them a name, but I like Farhaan. Honestly, i just wanted to expound upon the crazy texture Frank had for the coat, that seemed overrun with fungus. inspiration below cut:
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zylev-blog · 9 months
Danny is Bruce Wayne
Lots of bad things had happened to Danny. He’d been turned into a half ghost, been cloned, been hunted for sport because of his new species, and had the government turn against him and his parents when they tried to support him. Needless to say, he wasn’t having a good time.
He had been in the Infinite Realm, trying to find a solution to their problems. Supposedly, out of all the dimensions in the Infinite Realm, none of them had ever declared war against them and declared them as a nonsentient species. It had angered a lot of ghosts, with good reason.
When the Fenton portal suddenly disappeared along with Vlad’s portal, he didn’t know what to think. He thought maybe the locations had changed, and searched all around the area, coming up empty. It wasn’t until Clockwork told the ghosts that the dimension had been destroyed did it really set in.
He was alone. The sole survivor. Maybe it was for the best. He just hoped it was quick for his family, and that they didn’t suffer.
What was he supposed to do now? Clockwork took him under his wing and showed him how to have inter-dimensional traveling adventures. The two would pose as father and son (not that it was an untrue statement at this point) and they explored the multiverse together. They’d fought demons, aliens, humans, and anything or anyone who threatened the timeline of that dimension.
Danny eventually got older. It took him a while, now that he wasn’t bound to his own timeline. He was around sixteen now, but he had seen and done so much that he didn’t even flinch at the scariest of threats.
“It’s time.” Clockwork told him.
“For what?” He tilted his head, looking at Clockwork.
“Your next task. This one will be solo.” Clockwork opened a portal and gestured for him to step into it.
“Will you come and get me when it’s done?” He asked, hesitating. Why did this feel like goodbye?
“I will. But I’m afraid it will be a while.” Clockwork smiled sadly at him.
He hugged Clockwork, partially surprised when the god of time hugged him back. “You’re sending me there to live, aren’t you?”
“I am.” Clockwork let him go, for once not being cryptic. “You’re ready.”
“Thank you for everything, Clockwork.” He smiled, then walked through the portal.
As he stepped into the cold autumn night, a glowing green sticky note appeared into the palm of his hand.
Do not let them see your ghost form.
He burned the note and shifted back to his human form. It had been a while since he had been in it, and he noticed that it was as tall as his ghost form was. He was still growing, of course. He was 5”11, and seemed like he was going to inherit his dad’s 6”7 stature, if he was lucky.
The first thing he noticed about the city was that it reeked. He wanted to pinch his nose, but he held back. He wasn’t going to let some stinky city make him gag. He’d literally gone to the stinkiest planet in the universe once! Now that he thought about it, was that training for living in… wherever he was? He looked around and saw a sign. Gotham. This should be fun.
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evelovestar · 7 months
My first song! I turned my favorite poem into a song. Come listen to my best creation yet.
Dear Lovestar, I wrote my first song! It has been the highlight of my writing career (since yesterday) and I’m very excited to share this work with you. “Interdimensional Travel” spoken song by Eve Lovestar I am looking for a different type of creative who could help me sing the song and/or add music to this song. I am a total beginner in that arena. And I want the finished work to be perfect,…
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tildeathiwillwrite · 6 months
What's your favorite trope to write?
Ooooooo I had to think long and hard about this one.
I think my top three general tropes are amnesia, protagonist in fantasy story is just Some Guy, and interdimensional travel (I call it Jumping or Traveling).
Amnesia is just so fun because the character used to be somebody, and they have evidence of that somebody through people who used to know them or items they owned. But they have to rediscover that person and the journey fundamentally changes who they are.
Draven is a prime example of Some Guy in a fantasy story. I've never been the biggest fan of the chosen one trope where it's played as "the protagonist has super special powers and they must defeat this ancient evil or whatever". I still like giving my main characters powers but when they aren't special it becomes more like "well this is messed up, someone has to deal with this so I guess it's gonna be me". And when that character doesn't have powers, it becomes a case of "I may not be able to do everything you magic people can but I'm just as capable with or without this gun".
And then interdimensional travel is fun because I can explain why I decided to stick Octavian and Draven in The Legend of Orian Goldeneye when they are from a completely different planet.
For whump tropes my favorite is immortal whump, because there's so much more I can do to an immortal victim that I can't with a normal whumpee, since I prefer realistic whump alongside magic whump. I also like the used as bait trope, sickfics, etc.
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I have once again managed to fall completely in love with a fic concept that no one else would ever care to read, its so niche. Literally, is there anyone else who would ever want to read a Jazz Fenton and Nancy Wheeler centric crossover fic? Lol, I highly doubt it. Have I already written the first part of the fic anyway? Yup.
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whitejadeorchid · 1 year
fields of gold
kita shinsuke & shinsou hitoshi ☆ 1.2k ☆ rated g
link to fic !!
happy birthday, shinsou hitoshi and kita shinsuke !!
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torse · 1 year
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I was a sex worker at a hotel in another dimension, and my boyfriend was visiting to have some fun with me. Angel Dust from Hazbin Hotel was there.
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crazyskirtlady · 2 years
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