#It's a Danny Phantom alternate universe
stars-obsession-pit · 1 month
Danny’s mostly gotten the hang of portals by now. Sure, it’s not perfect, but he’s pretty accurate for the most part. So when he was super tired after another late night ghost battle, he decided to just portal home instead of flying back.
And he screwed it up.
Instead of coming out into the lab at home, he landed in the workspace of an alternate universe version of his dad.
He didn’t immediately notice though. Sure, the T-rex statue is new, but it honestly might not be the weirdest thing he’s ever seen his parents work on. Plus, again, he’s exhausted. He doesn’t have the energy to deal with that right now. In fact, he was so out of it that he didn’t even bother to fully fly to his bedroom, just collapsing onto the first couch he found and immediately going to sleep.
Alfred frowned down at the boy he’d found sleeping on the couch. He knew the faces of all Bruce’s kids, and this wasn’t any of them.
Maybe he’d just brought in another one and forgot to tell him. The boy certainly fit the mold.
He sighed and shook his head fondly. He’d bring it to Bruce up in the morning. For now, he just laid a blanked over the sleeping figure. The boy looked like he needed his rest.
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dp x dc prompt or smth
Danny was lost. Yes, lost.
“Hey, can you point me in the direction of the bathroom?” He asked a random dude.
“Jeez no need to yell, I just want to find the bathroom man.”
Danny was lost again, damn he has bad luck.
“Hey man, do you know how to get to Crime Alley (or really any other street)?”
“My phone won’t work :(“ He says as he looks at his phone, which was not working.
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faeriekit · 2 months
I think Alfred needs his own prompt 👻(dp x dc)
Alfred had died.
(It was a bit of a waste of time— he'd been scheduled to get the boys to and from their suit fitting at this time. Now here he was; languishing. Murdered. Sulking, even.)
(How frivolous.)
As a busy man with children (an adult child) to care for, a house to maintain, and a budget to supervise, Alfred's main goal was to return to Earth, obviously. If he left Master Bruce in charge of the dusting, the man would absolutely let the unused parts of the house go into disrepair. Too impatient, his ex-ward was.
The only problem was that in this green, nebulous, and gravity-free afterlife, there seemed to be only one way out— navigating through the individual worlds that the denizens of this world have molded around themselves, until he finds a being willing to grant his wish to return.
Alfred sighed, checked for the pistol at his hip and the rifle on his back, and marched straight upwards. Or. Well. Downwards. Actually... Never mind.
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knifknightkorner · 4 months
Two Sentence DC x DP prompts
Ellie joins the Justice League, when there is an attack from an enemy that none of them can handle. Ellie uses her last resort and calls her dad.
Damian dies and his big brother knows. Danny finds Damian in hell and rescues him from the depths.
Jazz gets kidnapped by cultists who want to summon the Ghost King. The Bats are confused af when Jazz laughs in the cultists' faces.
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help-itrappedmyself · 7 months
Danny Punches a Clown Part 6
Danny, after many promises and assurances, lets Red Robin take him to the batcave. They travel by car, and as fancy as it was, Danny was almost scared to touch anything inside it. Red was a much better driver than his father though, so he just closed his eyes and focused on trying to keep his healing up.
The Batcave turned out to be an actual cave, underground, with actual bats in it. He was whisked to a medical area too quickly to see much of anything else besides some other vehicles and a giant computer set up. 
Someone was waiting in the medical space with a tray of tools and bandages ready next to the bed, Red introduced him as Agent A. They were quick to lie him down on a cot and set him up to a heart monitor and that had Red and the A frowning immediately.
“It’s a medical condition.” Danny blurted, and both pairs of eyes shot to him. “My heartrate is naturally very slow, temperature runs cold, pale skin, slow circulation so I can't have a lot of different medications." Not that any medications would really work, but better safe than sorry. Them not working would be suspicious, and Danny does not have the energy or focus for trying to keep straight any real explanations right now.  "It’s fine, I promise.”
Agent A nodded slowly. “Is there anything else we should know before we start treatment?”
“Just can't give me any medicines, I think that's the only relevant bit.”
“Alright, I will keep that in mind. Please lift your shirt so I can see the wound.”
Danny does, and they manage their expressions quite well on seeing it. Agent A goes immediately for creams and bandages.
“What burned you like that?” Red asked.
“Gun.” Danny was starting to slur. He did not want to sleep right now, with these people here.
“A gun? What kind of gun causes burns?”
“New blaster, parents made it special.”
“Your parents make guns?”
Danny shrugs, turning his head to look at Red instead of the far off ceiling of the cave. “My parents make lots of things. They're scientists, inventors." Danny waves his arm around vaguely. "The gun was new though, hadn’t been shot with that one before. The earlier versions were much less powerful.”
“Are you saying that your parents are the ones that shot you?” Red asked gently, taking a seat in the chair next to the bed. “It wasn’t just their gun that was used?”
Danny frowns. “Well yeah.”
Tim is very concerned at the tone he just used, like getting shot at by your parents was normal. “Do they shoot at you a lot?”
“Fair amount I suppose.” Red could see Danny thinking really hard about something. Dany’s head was really starting to hurt. His brain was fuzzy and he knew he should be concerned about something, but couldn’t figure out what. His parents shooting at him was nothing new, considering. “Like, they did it more than Vlad but I don’t see him as often, and they’ve done it longer than the GIW, but since the GIW has started they’ve been about equal I guess. I mean, sometimes all the defense systems in the house target me but that wasn’t technically intentional. Took forever for us to figure out how to get them to stop that.”
“Danny, when was the last time you slept?” Red asked gently.
Danny wasn’t sure if his blip earlier this morning counted. He didn’t think it lasted more than an hour, but the last time he slept before that was before his fight in Amity, escaping through the ghost zone and running around in this dimension.
“It’s been awhile.” Danny landed on. True enough for medical history he supposed.
“Right.” A finished the last of the bandages and tugged Danny’s shirt back down. “Well, why don’t you do that now, while we go and find you something to eat.”
“I’m too tired to fight food right now.”
Tim shared a look with Alfred before turning back to Danny. “Okay then. Maybe sleep first and then eat?”
“I will go start making something now that you’re all set up here Mister Danny.” Agent A states, walking past the medical curtains and shutting them behind him. Red pulled out a tablet and started tapping on it. He noticed Danny’s eyes on him after a moment.
“You going to sleep?”
“Strange place, strange people. Not sure that’s the best decision here.”
Red looked up from his tablet.
“You trusted me enough to come here. Trust me enough to sleep. I will make sure no one but me or A comes in before you’re ready.”
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obsessedwithstarwars · 2 months
Jazz makes a deal with Desiree after finding her brother in their parent’s basement. And it’s not a pretty sight.
Her deal: Desiree gets a slightly longer leash (in a matter of speaking) as long as Danny and Jazz are safe. (Or something like that. Point is, she made a deal)
I wish this never happened and that Danny and I were safe somewhere else!
There’s a snap of fingers, a bright flash, then she’s outside in an unfamiliar city with sirens blaring and people wailing as a scarecrow runs by with some sort of gas, chased by someone dressed like Vlad adjacent except all black with a weird looking bat symbol on his chest.
Not normal, but also not the weirdest thing she’s seen.
But there’s no sign of Danny.
Desiree looks at Jazz and smiles bitterly, “I never said you’d be safe together.” And disappears.
Meanwhile, Danny wakes up screaming in an alley until he realizes he is not in pain and somehow has no wounds from their parents. His screams attract the attention of a man walking by, who comes to investigate, Danny decides to go invisible right in front of him which was dumb but he was injured just a couple seconds ago so cut him some slack. It really should have freaked the guy out, but he just has an astonished look on his face before also turning invisible.
Or: Jazz is sent to Gotham and Danny is sent to Coast City. Jazz becomes an unwilling part of scarecrow’s scheme (could be any villain) and is saved by a bat (any bat, although I prefer Red Hood or Robin) and Danny accidentally showed Martian Manhunter his powers.
Could work with Superman too in Metropolis. He could pick up a dumpster and throw it at Clark and Clark would calmly catch it while Danny is babbling/apologizing for getting scared and throwing something that could have killed the man, then slowly everything clicks and he disappears, leaving Clark Kent to investigate.
(Also background: Danny has just been told he will be the future Ghost King in this and Jazz was told by Clockwork that she would have a difficult decision and a difficult future in store but that it will be good for them and for the realms. Jazz doesn’t believe in fortune tellers, especially vague ones and says so to Clockwork’s face which cracks a smile. I’d personally write it as a Hardcover ship, but honestly if anyone wants to yoink this and do something else with it, I’d be okay with that too!)
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erm-you-see · 1 year
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(Drawing Danny phantom as a creature bc I can and everything looks better creature-ified.)
Now presenting you with:
The After-Afterlife AU!
To preface this post, I’m currently about to rewatch Danny phantom for the first time since I was a kid. I am reading fics too, therefore please forgive me for not being too detailed with this au post!
This version of Danny comes from an alternate dimension, one where he is forced to reveal his identity to his parents earlier then he did in the show and it doesn’t go to plan. It may have been a misunderstanding, pure denial or outright rejection, Regardless, faced with the weight of his ruined relationship Danny moves into the ghost zone for a time in order to sort out what to do.
Meanwhile, in another alternate reality, Jack and Maddie are about to finish up the portal. In this particular reality, the portal acts weirdly compared to the ones in other dimensions. Maddie and Jack accidentally trip one another in the excitement of watching the portal finally open. When they touch it their DNA is un-intentionally used as a direct link with the closest biological entity to them, and he just so happens to exist in another dimension.
On his unwilling transport across dimensions Danny bumps his head on debris. when he finally turns up in his new dimension, he can’t remember a thing.
Jack and Maddie are immediately threatened by him, Raising their weapons. Danny flees but stays hidden in the walls of the house as he feels it is still somewhat familiar even with his loss of memory.
Danny now haunts his parents, as well as jazz as he tries to remember who he was. It doesn’t help that Danny Fenton was never born in this new universe.
A story in which Danny gets gradually adopted into his own family.
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strawhatyaa · 5 months
back again I really don’t know why I put so much effort into this
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noxcheshire · 5 months
But I like the idea of the phantom world being reincarnated into very unexpected people.
Like I still love the idea of Danny being Martha or Thomas.
Or Dani being another clone, or her being Damian, and Sam being Poison Ivy and or Martha, etc.
But I also like the unhinged nonsense of Sam being a clone in the dc world — ideally Kon, and Dani (or Dan) being Bruce, while Vlad is gasp Thomas Wayne.
I just think the idea of Danny finding out that in an alternate world he married a nicer and age appropriate Vlad and had the son the guy has been demanding for so long in their world is hilarious.
The absolute mental breakdown that boy will go through: this is my son, and I love him, look at him go being a hero and kicking ass, but holy fucking Ancients above I fucked VLAD —
And on the other hand, can you imagine Bruce’s reaction? To his alternate mom being a sassy teenage boy, his alternate dad being an older guy ‘preying’ on this kid that absolutely HATES the guy, and being an absolute creep while his alt self **gestures to your choosing** is either a tiny girl menace or the biggest and meanest growling ghost that is BARELY tolerating being in the same space as the living.
But they also hate his alternate dad and would punch him into next week with Mom! Danny.
This man will being going THROUGH IT.
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goingtoast · 6 months
Hehe my submission for the guess that artist game in the haunting heroes discord :> i love howls and thought anger management fit perfectly ^^ additional thoughts on who’s who under the cut, everyone did an incredible job and i had a ton of fun! Many thanks to @noir-renard for hosting/organizing!
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Ofc up to interpretation but witch of the wastes! Vlad cursing jazz and wanting to get danny (Calcifer) through Jason (howl) makes me >:)
Sorry to tim for making him turnip head but he also fit too well as the cursed missing prince (or billionaire ceo ;))
+ kind of antagonist Bruce (madame suliman) having a lot of miscommunication/ emotional constipation around Jason but they work it out in the end
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stars-obsession-pit · 4 months
Little Baby Man King
Batman had underestimated the cult. He’d been captured—as Bruce Wayne, no less—and been stripped of all the items on his person before being tied up in a strange device, half-technology and half–magic circle.
And they began to chant.
His hands worked at the bindings. They’d been tied well, and only had a tiny amount of give, but he’d escaped similar binds before. But it could take time. Time he didn’t have, if the increasing fervor of their words and thrumming of the circle gave any indication.
Still, he continued his work.
Suddenly, something seemed to crack and the temperature in the room plummeted. A fissure appeared in the ring, leaking Lazarus-green light. No, that was an understatement. Lazarus Water was just a sickly imitation of the glow emanating from the rift.
Bruce felt the ropes around his wrist finally come loose, but he worried it was too late as the crack expanded to fill the circle with swirling green.
A hand reached out from the depths.
A very small hand.
The figure that emerged was not some towering conqueror. It was a child.
A very cranky child.
“What the hell do you people wan— Dad?!”
what the fuck, did the cult forcibly make him adopt some otherworldly child-entity?
Danny could be forgiven for yelling and mistaking some guy for his father, alright?
He was exhausted! He’d been having a shitty day! Cut him some slack!
First he’d been physically de-aged into a toddler, he deserved to be pissed off about that. He was in college, damn it! How was he supposed to work like this? And to make things worse, some idiots had to go and tear a hole into the Ghost Zone. But not just that—nooo, that’d be too easy—they had to tear a hole right into the middle of Pariah’s Keep and nearly free him. Meaning that Danny, as the Zone’s own Designated Problem Solver Ghost King, has to go fix that.
The sooner he could get home and take a nap, the better.
At least now he has some fruitloops to take out his frustration on.
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furiarossa · 23 days
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Danny Runner is a fourteen-year-old boy with a normal family: mom, dad, a nerdy older sister... and a secret.
Because what kind of fourteen-year-old are you if you don't have a secret? Danny's, however, is terrible and scary: something happened to him, an accident, yes... an accident that is transforming him into something else, something inhuman.
Danny is scared. And alone. And he knows he can't ask his parents for help.
Until he meets someone who seems to have contracted the same strange condition: it is Vladislav Korolkrovi, a mysterious figure from his parents' past. Danny asks him for help... but it seems that this is the biggest mistake of his life.
And this is where the hunt begins.
Get ready to run, exploring a new world, among creatures never seen before and others that, familiar as a recurring dream, will tell you the mythological story... of ghosts!
Temporary cover (we'll make a better one later!) for a book inspired by Danny Phantom, a new story (a completely new rewriting, if you will) that you can both read as a fanfiction (if you know who are the characters to which we are referring) and as a new, original story, because we're gonna introduce everyone from the start :)
We're gonna slowly post the story here:
A03: [English][Italian]
Wattpad: [English][Italian]
★ Instagram|Facebook|FurAffinity|Deviantart|Commission prices★
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AU where Danny Phantom is a punk or goth and keeps on trying to tell his parents that he’s half ghost but they keep saying it’s a phase.
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help-itrappedmyself · 7 months
Danny punches a Clown Part 7
Danny wakes up some time later. Red and Agent A are there waiting for him in chairs on either side of his bed.
“Hey, how are you feeling?”
“Less tired at least.” Danny was well enough he could feel his wounds trying to heal. “Could probably use some food though.”
“I will go retrieve it for you now that you are awake.” Agent A walks out of the med area.
“You feel up to meeting a few people? They’re going to be around so you should know who they are.”
“I guess so.” Danny sits up on the bed, bringing his knees to his chest.
Red leans out past the curtain and waves some people over. When he takes his seat, a man in a blue and black suit with a mask on and someone in an all-black suit with a head covering that comes down over his eyes comes in behind him. They stay standing by the curtain.
“You met Nightwing earlier, and this is Batman.” Red introduces. Nightwing waves when Red says his name. “We all work together here.”
Danny nods.
“Hey, Danny!”Dick comes over to sit in the chair on the other side of Danny’s bed. “We have a few questions that we would like to ask you if you’re feeling up for it.”
Danny shrugs.
“Okay, well we know you haven’t been in Gotham long, where did you come from?”
Danny wonders if he tells them a different dimension if they would believe him. If they would try to send him back. “Illinois.”
Nightwing let out a short whistle. “That’s a long way Danny.”Danny snorts at that. “Did you come here by yourself?”
“Yeah.” Danny starts picking at the edges of the blankets, trying not to look anyone in the eye- not that he could, they all have some form of mask on.
“Okay. Well, we have some concerns. Don’t know if you remember what you were talking about before you went to sleep, but you said some things about being shot at a lot, by your parents and some other people.”
“What part of that is a question?” Danny leans forward and rests his cheek on his knees, watching himself pick at the blanket. He found a loose thread that he’s started twirling around his fingers. 
“Can you tell us more about the people who were shooting at you? We’d like to look into them.”
Something in the tone Nightwing is using makes him sound all clinical. Like a social worker. Or a cop. It shouldn’t matter really because the people that did this to him are inaccessible unless they have some way to dimension hop. 
“Doesn’t matter anymore, I’m here now.”
“What made you come here? Do you have a family member, or friends that you were meeting?”
“For real, are you a social worker? Psychologist, cop, what.” Danny looks up at him. “You brought me to a cave f and you’re all wearing masks, but you’re talking to me like I’m going to freak out or something. You can stop acting like I’m a child. I know what’s happened to me. Frankly, the fact that I’m trapped in a cave with people dressed the way you are is more concerning for me than being back on the street. So can we get on with you doing whatever you’re going to do?”
“We’re not going to do anything Danny.” Red leans towards him. “We just want to make sure you have somewhere to go.”
“I don’t.” Danny states plainly. He knows his circumstances and he can’t risk going back home for a while, shouldn’t go back at all except to grab his stuff and leave again. 
The three share a few glances back and forth, having quite an in-depth silent conversation. Danny rolls his eyes and goes to stand up, they all immediately try and stop him.
“Whoa, what are you doing?” Nightwing asks.
“Where are you trying to go?” Comes from Red.  
“You’re injured, you should stay in bed.” Comes from Batman.
Just then, Agent A pushes aside the curtain, walking in with a tray.
“I do hope you aren’t overwhelming the patient.” He brings the tray over, Danny straightens his legs and A situates the tray in his lap. “This boy needs to eat, and to rest. You don’t need to worry about where he’s going until he is fit to be out of bed. He’s not going anywhere until he’s improved.”
“Sir, I’m sure it’ll be fine-” Danny starts.
“Nonsense. I will not stand for it. You need proper treatment or your wounds will get infected. Now, eat or your body will not have the necessary fuel to heal.”
Danny bows his head and looks at the tray in front of him. A brought him chicken noodle soup, he starts to eat as A shepherds everyone back out and closes the curtain behind them.
“Now, I know this cannot be easy for you, being injured and alone.” A comes to sit in the chair that Red vacated. “I assure you that you have a place here at least until you are better. Even if you wish to leave now, you will not be able to get better on the streets.”
 “Thank you.” Danny says. “I didn’t mean to snap at them.”
“I’m sure they will forgive you for it, you are under a lot of stress right now.”
Danny nods. “Thank you for the food. It’s amazing.”
“Of course, Mister Danny. I will be making sure you are well nourished while you are with us. Please, let me know if you have any preferences.”
“Anything that’s not alive is good for me.”
Agent A just looks at him. “You did mention something about fighting your food last night. I had thought you were talking out of a bit of delirium.”
“Oh, no that used to happen. The chemicals my parents used reanimated the food sometimes. Had to fight some hot dogs. A chicken. Our kitchen was a hazard.”
“I dare say so.” A has a very scrunched up look on his face. “Rest assured nothing of the sort has ever happened in my kitchen.”
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DPxDC Prompt
Thinking back on it, Danny probably should have been more wary of being given the title ‘Ender Of Timelines’.
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rotten-werk · 1 year
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a spider, a ghost, and an alien walk into a generic burger joint
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