#It's just like hey you guys have dms or discord or something right. you guys have places to talk
sealsdaily · 1 month
Are you guys having fun talking about selkie AUs of your ocs or whatever characters you guys like in our notes
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incorrectbatfam · 8 months
How would the batfam respond to strangers DMs
Stranger: Is your name really Duck?
Dick: Can't even make fun of my name right smh
Stranger: Hey girl wyd?
Cass: *read at 4:03 PM*
Stranger: I have a theory that you're not actually dead. If I'm right, give me something that's not a canned PR response.
Jason: No
Stranger: I know you're not officially a Wayne but I think you're the most inspirational out of all of them.
Steph: You know that saying about never meeting your heroes?
Stranger: Save your SOUL today. Renounce your sins and come to the ONE and ONLY path of Jesus Christ.
Kate: Thank you for subscribing to Lesbian Daily, where we send you pictures of lesbians for the amazing low rate of just $99.99 per day. To stop, please reply STOP.
Stranger: Not to be creepy but I think I saw you on the street.
Tim: It was probably just a trash can
Stranger: Why is your hair blue?
Harper: My mom was a Smurf and my dad was a rejected member of Blue Man Group
Stranger: Lmao not you getting photobombed by some old guy XD
Barbara: That's my dad.
Stranger: Congarts Sir or Madam, you have been selected for our Grand Cash Prize of 1$ million. To claim your winnings, please verify your identity with your Socials Security number..
Alfred: 0
Stranger: How much time do you spend on that Mandalorian cosplay?
Duke: More than I'd like to admit
Stranger: Wanna join my Discord?
Cullen: Yeah sure why not
Stranger: Bruce Wayne is a billionaire but I just know he's ordering you pizza on a Friday night. Leave while you can because you deserve better.
Selina: I'd rather spend the night in sweatpants than an evening gown.
Stranger: You're the Ryan Gosling of men
Bruce: Pretty sure Ryan Gosling is the Ryan Gosling of men.
Stranger: Wanna see my axolotl?
Damian: Yes.
Damian: Show me.
*10 minutes later*
Damian: Hello?
Damian: Where is it?
*30 minutes later*
Damian: I can see you online.
Damian: I demand to see your axolotl.
*24 hours later*
Damian: I'm suing you.
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AITA for setting a boundary on a Minecraft server that I didn’t want to interact with one of the admins after he quit my partner’s dnd campaign?
I (20, nonbinary) was on a lgbtq+ discord and had become friends with a trans guy (henceforth referred to as A) who was a minor. This was easy to forget as he made raunchy jokes, got drunk and high on call, and I have horrible memory issues (so I often opt to just remember people’s names and topics I should avoid around them via making little notes.)
We would very often end up in a vc together with others from the server, including our respective partners, chilling, playing games, sharing fun things we found. (His partner will henceforth be referred to as B, and mine as C) (I had known his partner before from another server and was happy to see them getting along then eventually getting together)
(C especially would always give advice like “if you’re drinking, make sure to eat/get some carbs, drinking on an empty stomach is bad!” Because they love researching medical effects to make their writing and worldbuilding feel more realistic)
There were a handful of incidents where I believe I was the asshole
I loved showing off games and musicals to people, and this has the unfortunate effect of sometimes unintentionally saying words that anger people.
Incident 1) I was playing a game and mindlessly saying location names- and I got a dm- I pause to glance at it- and I got a message saying “hey remember [redacted] is A’s deadname and he’s uncomfortable that you keep saying it”. I pause, make a mental note of “but. It. Wasn’t directed at him?” Then continue playing, dodging saying the name for the rest of my time showing the game.
Incident 2) I was showing off a musical I like- and there’s a cute scene where a character suggests a name for another character, saying that they don’t need it anymore, and it just so happened to be A’s deadname again.
Incident 3) I was playing Sea of Thieves solo- and struggling. I’d been hit by lightning, and now was being attacked by a shark. A and B were making fun of the fact I had slipped into an accent out of sheer panic so I (enraged and not thinking at all) said “I’ll name the damn shark after you, fillet and gut it!” (A really likes sharks. I also like sharks but apparently not as much as him)
(I apologized for this on call later, saying that I was emotional and mad, and if I’d been thinking I wouldn’t have said that. I also apologized for the previous incident about the deadname)
A and B had also joined C’s dnd campaign alongside another one of our mutual friends, D (who did not leave the campaign, but that’s not important right now). I have reason to believe C told the others they couldn’t be either of the two classes I said my character thought they were, but I don’t know. Things went great (or so I thought) we got some plot trails (one connected to the race of my character, one being D’s character’s family) and everything seemed fine- A was flirting with a lot of the enemies and NPCS (C found the character arts via google images and unfortunately ‘attractive’ seems to be a main character design commonality)
Then one day, I woke up to check the campaign discord because of a ping and noticed both A and B had left the server and there was no new messages- confused, I hopped into call with C- who explained that A had dropped a long list of accusations about Myself and C, essentially insulting us and accusing us of things like ‘sending NSFW things to kids’, ‘acting like the victim’, ‘naming a character A’s deadname’, ‘DM favouritism’, and a whole bunch of other things. I was- shocked.
(A also apparently messaged D and said something like “sorry for ending the campaign like that, if you want to use your character you can always write with me!” And got angry when D said they didn’t leave the campaign.)
(C is also a generally sex-repulsed Asexual. They were forcing themself to become more comfortable with it because of A’s raunchy jokes)
This was followed by some harassment from A and B.
A tried publicly calling out C on social media (which C had only used to make a single post sharing something they had made for someone’s art/design) for “sending nsfw things to minors” and on another platform for “being a fake ass bitch”, as well as both of them heckling a new haircut I’d been nervous but excited to try and get for years and just figured out how to ask for (responses such as “omg no ew why would you do that”), as well as A saying “no I don’t” a picture I shared of C and I going to see a musical together with the caption “you wish you were here!” (All were shared and reacted to publicly on the discord server)
(To be fair about the haircut- the stylist had cut part of it a little too short and it made my face look especially chubby)
This is where I start to feel less like the asshole
So I went on the discord for the Minecraft server and said “hey, I don’t feel comfortable interacting with A after the allegations they’ve been making”. A immediately got defensive and angry about me saying “allegations” and kicked me from the discord before I could defend myself (and C).
I explained the situation to the admin of the server we’d met on, who also owned the Minecraft server, and apologized to them that they had to moderate. Both A and I lost our mod privileges on the discord, and I also found out A had been given multiple “cease and desist”s for… saying/sharing vulgar/nearly nsfw things on the discord before. And they did it again. The reason they were never banned or kicked was that the admin had made it in hopes that A would make friends.
Now. To a part that still horrifies me.
A legitimately found out C’s mom’s number, and called her to insist that C sent NSFW things to minors. (C suspects that they got it from a time C called the police out of genuine concern for A who hadn’t responded to any messages in around a day)
C also told me that the most they had sent A was like. Attractive anime guys from the first page of google images because C really liked big anime man chests. A apparently sent C full on p*rn once.
The problem is- I feel like I was the asshole- even though most of the “incidents” were accidents because I try to not remember someone’s deadname because- it’s? Not their name anymore? And it didn’t help that I genuinely do not remember being told it was their deadname until after incident 1.
Was I the Asshole?
What are these acronyms?
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idyllcy · 2 years
Gamer girl bathwater
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Word Count: 2.7k
Summary: It's just water for a video. Right?
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You grin at the camera. "Hey!! So, today I'm going to react to some streamers! It's been a long time request by the majority of you, and since I'm a decently sized account, I think it could be beneficial to both sides!"
The video plays, and you go through all of the footage.
You stare at the screen.
"So," You hum, watching yourself click onto Twitch. "I heard one of the really popular streamers was streaming right now, so I wanted to check it out."
Clicking into Komaeda's account, you blink at the chat. He's... really pretty.
"Hey... does he have merch?" You click around on his account, and you pause. "HE'S SELLING BATHWATER??? Wait."
The stream screams at you, and you grin evilly. "Okay. I am an adult who makes adult money, who makes reasonable adult purchases. Having said that, this is content for a video. I'm buying the bathwater."
The chat yells, and you tip a hundred dollars to Komaeda's stream. You lean on your face onto your palm on the facecam, and you press six zeros after the one.
jackielope: ?????? A MILLION???
"No." You retype the number. "I'll donate a million if he agrees to sell the gamer girl bathwater."
coffeeandsalt: They've done it. They've gone insane.
You grin at the camera, and the stream watches as you donate a million dollars to the streamer.
Komaeda blinks at the number that flashes on his screen. What.
user 600613S donated four dollars to user K0M43D4.
"Thank you... user 600613S for the donation," Komaeda blinks, registering the number in his mind. "... Is this enough for an actual basin of gamer girl water?"
Komaeda purses his lips and smiles in amusement. "I don't think so. How much are you going to pay? You think 4 dollars is enough?"
You donate another four dollars with a message. "I'll wire you 1 mil if you ship it over to me."
Komaeda blinks wordlessly. "..."
Your stream yells at you in the chat, and you grin.
"And how do I know you're not lying?"
"I'll take you in pms right now. I'll message you on discord," You type in chat, and Komaeda pauses. "1 mil."
Your chat explodes as you actually manage to dm him successfully, and you hide your discord. You watch yourself log off of the stream quickly, and you watch yourself type through the chat with him. Nagito Komaeda had sold you his bathwater for 40 bucks.
You laugh as you edit the footage, and you finally finish after four long hours of sitting with your back hunched like snow white's stepmother. Opening the camera to record the last bit, you grin.
"So," You shake a bottle in your hand. "I finally got the bathwater. You guys watched me actually do this on stream earlier, but I did end up wiring him a lot of money and getting the bathwater. In the process, I also found his onlyfans, but that doesn't matter as much. What matters is that you all get a video in two to three weeks of me doing something with this."
You finish editing, and you upload the video, crashing into bed, ignoring how much shit you've just stirred up from a single video.
Komaeda sits in his room, cheeks red, fanning his face with his hand. There is no way you. you were buying his bathwater. What would you even be doing with it? His favorite streamer? The one who inspired him to stream? The Youtuber who seemed to have more fans than possible? You asked for his bathwater? God. What were you planning to do with it? He's kind of scared. He's also kind of turned on...
You wake up two days later, staring at your ceiling, completely out of it.
"Right. I need to make a video before the water goes bad." You pull yourself from bed, grabbing your camera. "We're going to make a cocktail."
You set up the camera, and you grin as it starts recording.
"Hi! So," You hold the package up, all of the addresses crossed off. "I got the water as stated in my last video. I did buy it. Yes. He didn't let me pay him a million dollars, but I did end up paying him much more than he requested. We're going to purify this water because I don't want a tapeworm, and then we're going to have a little fun with it."
You bring out a Brita, pour the water into the pitcher, and leave it out to filter. You flip through your phone, and you laugh at your comments. The malicious ones are amusing, but the idea of your entire fanbase losing their minds at you offering a million dollars for a random streamer's bathwater was funnier. The comments are losing their minds over you.
kisskiss69: You know, I thought they were already pretty cracked, but offering a million dollars to an egirl-based streamer is taking me out.
sonyar: ONLYFANS??? Don't be shy 👀 drop the link ♥
You laugh, closing your phone.
The Brita finishes filtering, and you turn the camera back on.
"Alright," You shake the pitcher. "We're making a beverage. I have a shot glass; I have half a pitcher of water; I am going to drink all of this like regular water. If you're new here and wondering if there's something wrong with me, please know there are a lot of issues. Please be more specific when asking. Alright, cheers."
You hold the shot glass up, and you grin. Placing it on the counter, you bite on it, throwing your head back to take it. Gotta give the fans what they want.
Pulling the glass from your lips, you swallow.
"There was no taste... However, I do NOT want any of you guys doing the stupid things I do. Do not drink bathwater. It's HIGHLY unsanitary, even if you filter it through like I did," You remind. "I'm going to drink the rest of this and then go on stream. Stream will not know I was drinking bathwater the entire time. They will notice it's a different mug from what I usually drink out of, though."
The stream runs smoothly, and you press the water to your lips.
blatantsing: What happened to the bathwater?
You purse your lips. "The video comes out in like three days! Ah, right. Since I remember, I'm going to Anicon this year. I'm cosplaying, so... if you want a pic, come hunt me down in the crowd like you always do."
fluffypillow69: Ooh! Who are you cosplaying as?
You grin. "You're going to have to guess. It's a new cosplay, so it's none of the one's I've previously done."
You finish the last of the water, and you grin at the chat. "I'm going to finish stream here. I have to edit, and you'll see the video soon."
When you post the video, the internet breaks. You gain 20k subscribers overnight, and suddenly Twitter is trying to cancel you. You aren't even bothered, laughing your ass off. You were free today. You wanted to watch the male stream. He's so pretty.
"So," Komaeda fiddles with his fingers on stream. "I'm going to be reacting to that one video where the Youtuber drank my bathwater. Please... do not come for me. I haven't watched it yet, and I wanted you all to watch me die on the inside. I'm a huge fan of theirs... so this was very conflicting."
The comments flood, asking why.
"I..." He hides his face in his hands. "Don't know whether to be disturbed or turned on."
You double over in laughter, watching Komaeda pull up the video and start it. He has a stuffed animal in his arms, and you laugh whenever he has to pause to laugh or hide his face in embarrassment. He's cute. He's adorable. You're literally in love with him. You don't expect him to like you, though. You did make a video of drinking his bathwater.
Komaeda finishes the video, and he places his hands together, leaning on his fingers. "I'm going to. That was one rollercoaster of a video, but that was way funnier than I thought it would be. I... do not know what possessed me to send them my bathwater, but it was a funny result. I hope none of you decide to buy my bathwater. That thing is already taken down from my website."
You fall off your chair in hysterics. That was hilarious.
You keep his stream running in the background as you style your wig. Komaeda plays Minecraft, the sounds of the rain and pigs filling your room. You'd usually style your wig on stream, but you suppose styling it while doing something else works too. You were excited to finally get to lie to everyone about your height. It was a joke. You had to stick to platforms to even want to achieve the character's height.
You wonder who Komaeda's going as.
Typing with your free hand, you ask him who he's going as.
"I'm going as Servant!" Komaeda smiles. "He already looks eerily similar to me, so I thought I might be able to pull it off."
You freeze in the adjustment of your wig.
The black wig in your hand suddenly feels so much heavier.
Oh, you're going to have the time of your life at Anicon.
The day of the convention itself arrives, and you've never been so glad to have not booked a table. It smells like shit here. The sweat and perfume coming from everyone's body is a whole mess. You almost want to throw up, yet you continue through the crowd. You were going to find Komaeda. You were going to find the gamer boy who sold you his bathwater and was in love with you. You were going to die on this hill if it's that what took you. You were going to hunt down servant even if it took you a lifetime.
You finally find him, head sticking out from the crowd, and you cough and get into character.
"I've been looking for you," You step next to him, reaching for his chain.
Komaeda's eyes glimmer as he sees you, and he smiles. "Kamukura-san!"
"Meshi," You hum flatly. "Did you get lost?"
Komaeda's fans crowd around the two of you, and they stare at you.
"They look kind of familiar."
"I don't know how, but they're... I'm jealous of their gender."
"Give it to me."
You stare at Komaeda, and you hum. "Alright, I'm breaking character. Can I get a photo?" You laugh, and Komaeda freezes, eyes wide. He recognizes that laugh. You were cosplaying as Kamukura? You were cosplaying as... his crush? His master? Oh. oh. That's surprising. You... did you plan it? Is his luck speaking? Did you plan this? No. There's no way you'd plan something as silly as matching with him for a cosplay.
"Hm? Komaeda?"
"Yes!" He stumbles over his words. "You can. I'm so sorry. I spaced out. Your cosplay is really nice."
"Thank you," You beam, and one of the fans takes a photo of the two of you.
"Can... I get them from you later? You can send them to me," He mumbles as he lowers himself to his knees, the chain still in your hand.
"Yeah," You get into character, dropping your expression and hardening your eyes. The fan has you step on Komaeda's crotch, and your eyes widen.
"Excuse me???" You stare at the fan, and they grin at you.
"I'll step on his thigh, but I don't know about... his crotch."
"I'm fine with it," Komaeda mumbles. "For the picture. The effect."
You furrow your brows at him, yet you don't argue with it. You're careful to not press too hard, and you tilt your head, mimicking a sneer. A larger crowd forms around the two of you, and you hear people whisper about the whole situation. You wonder if you're going to get canceled a second time. Komaeda stares at you with madness in his eyes, and the fan finishes, handing you your phone back.
"Thank you!" You grin. "Are you okay? I'm so sorry. Did it hurt? Please get off of your knees. I'm going to get flamed for having you kneel-"
"Please marry me," Komaeda mumbles as you help him up.
"A-ah, I mean," Komaeda rambles and looks for an excuse, and you purse your lips. "I'm sorry. I blurted it out in character before I even had the chance to think."
"It's fine," You smile. "enjoy the rest of con!"
Komaeda watches you leave, hearts in his eyes. Ah. He likes you. A lot.
The two of you wake up to your cosplay photos trending the next morning.
"GOOD MORNING STREAM," You yawn, holding your head up with your hand. "I'm so tired. I did not sleep well yesterday at all. No, user 420tits, it was not because I slept with someone. It was because I couldn't get the stupid image of Meshi out of my brain."
K0M43D4 joined the stream.
You blink at the screen.
K0M43D4: We're trending on twitter
"Huh?" You click open your Twitter, scrolling through your feed. "Wait... this isn't. OH, shit. This is my stan account. Let's pretend that we didn't just see me try and find myself on my stan account."
jackielope: was that... a Komaeda stan account?
"No," You shoot the user down quickly, neck growing warm. "Ah, we are trending. Really hard. Why is there a twitter headline for us. HUh??"
K0M43D4: I'm sorry you have to trend with trash like me...
"Komaeda, in unfiltered honesty, I'd jump your bones if given the chance. Don't say that about yourself."
The stream chat spams, and you read Komaeda's live tweets about him panicking. You stare dead into the camera, forgetting that Komaeda's on stream. "I want to fuck that man so bad."
You stare into the camera, your heart visibly dropping, and you panic. "ALRIGHT!! I'm logging off for the day. I think I need to sleep before anything else. See you all when I recover from telling Komaeda I'd smash."
You toss your phone to the side. You need time to mentally recover from that. You don't want to see yourself get flamed for telling Komaeda you'd smash. You... you don't know. You'll sleep it off, hopefully.
You did not, in fact, sleep it off. You wake up to 30k more followers on Twitter, and you stare at your notifications, scrolling through. You pause at Komaeda tagging you in his tweet. Do... do you want to see this? Is this a smart decision?
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Holy shit, Komaeda wants to fuck you too.
You quote retweet it, joking when Komaeda was free. You never thought you'd live to the day that you get laid because you bought bathwater off of someone else.
Komaeda on the other hand? He's in stream when he receives the notification. It's already hard enough streaming with his face flushed from embarrassment. He pauses his game and hides his face in the plush in his hands. Half of your subs are logged on in his stream, and the chat goes wild.
"I'm getting laid because I sold my bathwater, oh my god." Komaeda's ears burn hard, and his eyes widen in realization.
cr2ssie: Komaeda, if you don't fuck them, I will.
"NO!" Komaeda yelps a little too loud. "I'll respond. I... I'll do it. I... oh my god. Do you think they'll let me post it on onlyfans if I give them half of the profits?"
The stream says yes.
"I'll... is that too quick? Oh, my. I'm going to. I'll figure it out. I promise." Komaeda stumbles over his words. "I can't believe they want to sleep with trash like me..."
Komaeda jumps on the opportunity to message you back. You're almost caught off guard at how quick Komaeda responds to you. You have to take a moment to breathe.
kmda: If the offer is still available..?
Fuck yes.
A new feeling of excitement bubbles in your throat, and you chew on your bottom lip.
600613S: Always.
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firstly, when you get this, you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) <3
Hey brother! I got two of these so I'm just gonna answer this one, but shout out to @skybluesocks for sending one too :)
Things I like about myself:
1. I've got a pretty damn great aesthetic sense, which means I've also got a pretty damn great sense of style
2. I'm very creative, and a good writer/storyteller
3. Legend says I'm a pretty funny guy
4. I'm braver than I give myself credit for the vast majority of the time. My particular issues make a lot of things extremely intense and scary, and I still buckle down and do them. Being scared of more doesn't make you a coward, it means you spend much more time facing up to your fear, and that's pretty damn brave.
5. I'm always working hard to get better at treating people well and doing the right thing according to my principles.
I don't have enough followers to actually send this to anybody, so instead I'll give each of you something I like about you:
Ms. Optimistic: I really admire how deeply and intensely you think about things. Your insights are always blowing me away and encouraging me to stretch to think more like you, and it's always so awesome to see the Discord essays you can write about the smallest details.
DM Bluesocks: you're SO charming when you get hyped up. I love how you express your enthusiasm so uniquely, intensely, and genuinely; it always gives me Bro Emotions to see you get Possessed by Creatures and make your trademark Stances and Expressions.
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lost-khione · 4 months
When We Met
Valentine’s Exchange Gift Discord Server Event
William x gn!reader, 1st POV
Summary: William was just being his usual William self when I happened to pass by that corridor. That was when we met for the first time - a mess of scratched hands and band-aids.
Word count: 870
For: noel
Note: This is my first time writing for a gn!reader so I tried to be as careful as I can on that end. This is also my first time writing a fic for another fandom other than ARR - and I even wrote one for an NPC first before doing one for my stan. I guess I thought it wouldn’t be right to write about my stan and think about it in my perspective when this is supposed to be a gift for someone which is why I braved writing about William - I also find his character cute!
The request said that they’d be happy with anything that has William in it so I went with a self-insert fic. I’m also a global player and don't like spoilers myself so I wrote this based on William’s character that I picked up through what I’ve seen of him from the prologue and the chronicles. I usually do an OC for self-inserts (by OC - I mean imagined fictional versions of my friends, they are the only OCs I made anyway) so it was a challenge to write a self-insert without much of an idea about my recipient. It’s also why the character might sound a little vague since I don’t want to characterize them too much - to make it easier to self-insert (is this how you do it? Self-insert really is a different world >.<)
Lastly, the story isn't exactly valentines-y bc truthfully I had a hard time imagining William in that setup... I hope it's okay >.<
To my recipient, if you liked it, I’m very much willing to talk to you again and write something that characterizes you better, my dms are open ^^
I was on my way to the dorms when I heard someone shout, "Ouch!"
I turned to spot a guy with pink hair and a bleeding hand. Then, a ginger kitten walked up to me and rubbed between my legs.
He sighed in exasperation and mumbled to himself, "I don't get why they hate me when I like them so much."
I approached him with the kitten at my heels. I always have some band-aids with me for emergencies. It came in handy for the situation. I crouched down to his level and offered him the band-aids after rummaging through my bag.
"Here, I think you could use them," I said while gesturing to his bloody hand.
He was about to reach for them but stopped himself midway. He seemed to have realized that he would have a hard time putting them on himself so he asked me, "Hey, I'll wash my hands first. Then, can you help me put it on later? Wait for me here. I'll be back in a flash. Please watch the kitty for me!"
He was gone just like that, dashing towards the restroom. I kept crouching and petted the kitten. Looking at it closely, I realized that it’s a he. Our family has a cat back home so I didn’t mind watching him. I noticed a cardboard box in front of the door where the pink-haired guy must have come from. On the box was a note that said, “Please adopt me!”
“Poor little kitty,” I murmured as I continued to pet the kitten.
“Well, it happens all the time here.”
I flinched in surprise. 
“Oops, I’m sorry if I surprised you. I’m William and I’m the president of this club,” he introduced himself while pointing to the door.
It was only then that I noticed the signage on the door that said “Purrfect Pals Association”
I stood up and took his hand to help him put on the band-aids. The kitten must have had a grudge against him for scratching him up like this.
“I’m Y/N. Nice to meet you, William.”
“Thanks a lot for your help. Hey, you seem like a natural around cats. This little one likes you. Do you also like cats?” he asked me with sparkling eyes.
“We have a cat at home so I know a thing or two. What do you do with the cats left here?” I asked as I looked down at the kitten who was rubbing himself on me.
“We have supplies on hand at the club so we can take care of them for a while. We put up an adoption notice at the bulletin board and wait until a kind soul decides to adopt them.”
He stopped talking and cleared his throat before suddenly asking, “Y/N, you seem like a kind soul, what do you think about adopting this little kitty?”
Instead of answering his question, I asked one of my own, “William, do you own a cat?”
He faltered for a moment before boldly declaring, “No. But I love them so much that I became the president of this club.”
I couldn’t help but laugh at his statement.
He furrowed his brow and asked, “Did I say something funny?”
“No.. but I just find it ironic that you like cats so much but they don’t seem to like you at all.” I pointed at his scratched hand to show my point.
William scratched his head awkwardly. “Well..” he trailed off, then he cleared his throat and said with a serious tone, “I believe that one day, I’ll meet a cat that will like me back.” 
“I’ll take it as no cat actually liked you before.”
“Haha.. we only met today but it feels like you’re seeing through me and my love for cats.”
At some point during our conversation, the kitten fell asleep by my right foot. 
He pointed at him and asked me, “I think this one really likes you, what do you say about adopting him?”
As I was contemplating it, he added, “I’ll help you raise him! After all, this is what this club is for. You should join us, are you a member of a club already?” He was looking at me with sparkly, pleading eyes.
“How about this, I’m not yet entirely sure about keeping a cat on my own but how about I try to help you find him an owner. I’ll also help look after him and swing by the club room. If we really can’t find anyone in a week, it would be enough time for me at least to get accustomed to taking care of him and that’s when I’ll take him home with me.”
“Deal,” he replied right away and shook my hand vigorously. “Welcome to the Purrfect Pals Association!”
Technically, I only agreed to helping out with taking care of the cat and not joining the club, I thought to myself. Oh well, I guess this is not so bad. I couldn’t help but smile as William looked so enthusiastic about this. This might just be what I needed to make my stay in this school more memorable, although, I admit that William’s pink hair is memorable enough.
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mikerooksi · 5 months
hey im redoing this !!! keep in mind i'll probably change this a lot grrr
---- basic info ----
hi, call me mikey! he/they im a minor trans (ftm) + pan my bday is march 25 i use tonetags.. sometimes... my typing style will change depending on my mood sometimes so! i use emoticons and emojis (some i use often are 😭,😨,😋, :3)
---- other accounts ----
i dont really use these a lot
undertale au rp: @a-glitchy-sans https://a-glitchy-sans.tumblr.com/ (it got like.. shadowbanned or sum idk.)
phighting account: @just-another-phighter regretervator rp: @silly-store-guy tmnt 2018/rottmnt: @a-mutant-turtle
i do have a discord, roblox, and minecraft accounts but i won't be linking those here. dm me if you want them!
---- silly ----
the 'interests' part is what im REALLY into currently/whats taking up my mind and the 'fandoms' part is just something im in. will still go crazy over whats in 'fandoms' though,.. maybe. (not in any specific order!!)
---- interests ---- (plz interact if u liek any of these,,,,, i need more friends.. sobs..)
LMK [lego monkie kid] (been HEAVYILY focusing on this)
ninjago (TEEHEE RUNS AROUND !!! im catching up on the seasons n stuff right now) (rot)tmnt
---- fandoms ----
nimona (movie) the last ronin the walking dead game undertale (+ au's) spiderverse sonic prime regretervator phighting studio ghibli sally face fran bow
uhh more that i cant think of..
---- thin ice ----
dsmp fans... only like... the chill ones r allowed.
---- dni list ----
basic dni stuff... (homophobes, transphobes, racists, etc..) proshippers zoophiles if ur mean ☹️
---- conclusion ----
umhmhm please interact with me im lonely 💔💔 /hj
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argreion · 21 days
I'm just going to not care too badly about posting on this account anymore after the way life is and just having talks with people about writing. Drained and don't want to write anymore (at least not right now.) I keep comparing myself and literally spinning the wheel of interaction and luck to see 'oh hey, are you going to feel good or feel shit about yourself!' I know, likes don't equal quality but sometimes... if you don't get enough likes you start getting demoralized and then look at others and their success. It sucks to think about, honestly. I wish I didn't have to think about it and could actually write for myself but I can't. I keep bitching about it but I mean it's the truth.
I'm also just depressed because of real life shit again. Hearing my mom say she wants to kill herself. Seeing my dad avoid his problems. Then dealing with people being happy when you're fucking sad? It's like kicking a crying puppy. You start to get envious and reasonable and it's just 'why?'
So I'm just saying I'm probably not gonna be on here a lot asides from DMs. I can't read, I can't write, and just tired of being that little happy ass person when honestly I have never wanted to commit suicide so badly. I'm fine, I know I won't, and I have people to live for. But at least understand that I'm not mentally or emotionally ok rn I should say. I don't want to worry people too much so taking the step back to just... Be myself? Just self-care to not really be on Tumblr rn and maybe just not Discord either. (I'll probably still be active on Discord, but I don't want to stress about answering DMs and being all positive. I love jokes but you can't make jokes when you're a kicked puppy.)
Probably the weirdest way to explain everything that's going on. I repeat myself a lot but at this point I don't fucking care. I'm just tired of life right now.
Love you guys for sticking with me or leaving and coming back. I hope you guys get a replacement for me or something soon. 😭
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//transcribed from a Discord RP with @vocaloid-voltage
[begin video log
Oppy had just barely made it to Lilycove in time for the latest Hatsune Miku concert. She wandered around a bit, looking for the venue, until she saw her friend waving at her
Miku! She runs over, stopping herself from tackle-hugging her Good to see you ^u^
“Hey Oppy! I heard you got the badge from Fortree! Congratulations!” She beamed, raising a hand for a high five.
they high five, then Oppy brings out her badge case 6 now! Plus all my team except Celsius and Strelka evolved! Oppy's pokemon - Serperior, Gyrados, Cryogonal, Ninjask, Shedinja, Litwick, Metang, and Type: Null had followed her
“Hey, nice! I always wanted to try raising a Cryogonal. Never really worked out, unfortunately.”
Celsius is great! He's been carrying me through the gyms and having him around's great for the heat 
Oppy then sees a familiar orange shape watching them at a distance. Considering the fact that Miku was not looking in that direction, the orange man did not appear in her view.
“I can imagine. That’s why I have Ice Voltage, to be honest.”
Oppy’s phone buzzes Hm? She opens it (over Twystcord): it’s Top Man
Opportunity was that you in the concert hall?
Yeah. Why?
...hey here's an idea. Why don't you take your friend and go check out the department store or the shrine by the sea and don't be near the concert hall for a while, k?
... >_>
She showed Miku Top Man’s conversation, and she opened her own DM with the Robot Master
Hey, uh. I saw that message. What’s going on exactly?
Well... Not sure if you saw the whole drama but I'm on slightly better terms with Opportunity now... the issue is, Dr. Wily now has someone in play who doesn't have that rapport, likes him a lot more than I do, and is a lot more dangerous in his practices... I don't want the kid getting hurt is all. I can't do anything to stop it, so I figured I'd at least warn her
Okay but like… I’ve got a concert tonight. Does it have to be tonight? Also you should totally come to one when you’re not working with a terrorist.
You have NO IDEA how much I want to be there and not with this bitter old fleabag and his drama. Also that was not up to me. I'm pretty sure Dr. Wily picked specifically tonight to make scene
Alright that makes things a lot more difficult because I can’t just. Not perform, I legally have to be there.
...good luck. Don't die :thisdoesnotpleaseme.png: (don't know if he'll do much more than cause a scrap ton of damage but you never know with this guy. He's a bit of a loose cannon)
Are you allowed to tell me who it is? I played a game or two when I was a kid I might recognize the name.
To be quite frank, Miku was just hoping that her being part Porygon didn’t ruin the whole First Law thing. Though it was the Second Law actually in this case (Wily had ordered this part of his operation be secret), but still, Top Man was able to manage something
Ninja- %(&(-&*% ^-^%-That's all I can say I guess
She looked to Oppy,  clasping her hands together. “Alright, what do you say we have a shopping trip distraction?”
! Sure! That sounds great!
but as fate would have it (of course) Miku's phone said that the concert was starting - the two girls had lost track of time - and she couldn't leave until it was over
Miku sighed slightly, but nodded at her phone. Her body pulsed, and her hair turned purple, her eyes a dark crimson. “Dagnabbit, time.” She shifted back to her normal appearance, looking back to Oppy. “Nevermind, we’ve got Bowling For Soup playing opener right now so I have to be ready in 10.”
Oh... I'll be on the lookout! Do I watch from here or in the crowd? I've never been to one of these "^^
“You watch in the crowd! I’ll ask someone to guide you there!” Almost as soon  as she said that, a green haired girl entered through the door. She didn’t say much, simply waving to Miku with a smile and waving to Oppy with a surprised face.  “Melody! Great timing! Do you think you could show Oppy to the crowd?” Melody nodded, making a gesture towards Oppy to follow her.
Oppy went back with the crowd (still toward the front though) as the concert began. As the opening bands finished their last songs, the curtains drew back, and Miku arrived onstage to raucous applause. 
“How’s everyone doing tonight!”
More cheers. Miku grinned as she listened to the crowd.
“Sorry for the wait, a bit of a software issue! But I’m back now! Let’s get this started!”
We love you Miku!!!!! ^u^
While she couldn’t hear the specific call, she did hear it as part of the crowd. To be fair a lot of them were saying that exact same thing. “I love all of you too!” Music began, and she began her performance. She really seemed to be getting into it.
Right as one of her more popular numbers was reaching its head, the backup musicians began being attacked by... a Weavile?!
The music stopped almost instantly (to be fair, the backup musicians were for an acoustic cover of Hypocrite Justice they were going to do later), and Miku turned around in shock. She immediately rushed to the musician’s aid, changing to Fire Voltage as she ran.
“Get off of him!”
the Weavile's movements are strange, almost as if it was programmed to attack, and when it got close to Miku, she felt its surface was metallic. The Weavile tried to hit Miku with a Throat Chop, but it was parried by a large, thick, pink hand from behind her. Miku was… rather surprised to see the hand, looking back to see who owned it. How’d it get this far, she was on stage alone, wasn’t she? Looking next to her, she sees Oppy had somehow made her way onto the stage to protect her. She gives her a thumbs up with her non-shifted hand, then turns to the Weavile, who's still trying to cause as much damage as possible, this time attacking a fog machine, making it so the area is covered in mist and the audience has a hard time seeing what's going on. Miku, admittedly, was starting to panic a bit. She was a pop star, she was completely and utterly unqualified to handle this.
Wait hold on, fog machine! She could handle that at least.
She shifted to Flying Voltage, leaping across the stage before changing to Steel, making her much heavier in comparison. She may not have fancy attacks or anything, but she could protect her fans.
fortunately a Mystical Fire from Candela took out the Weavile
Phew... what was that? And who sent that thing?
“I don’t know…” Miku put her hand to her chin. The answer was incredibly obvious, but she wasn’t really made for thinking with Steel Voltage. She swapped to Psychic, and the answer hit her like a load of bricks. “Oh right yeah Wily.”
Almost as she realizes it, the other fog machine breaks, and a stage light almost falls on her. Oppy moves her out of the way, then the mist thins enough to see a strange, ninja-like robot put the metal Weavile in a pokeball - this was DWN-024, Shadow Man
“Aaaand this is exactly the guy I was expecting. Oppy? You might wanna run.”
Back to Steel Voltage she went. Oppy shifts a shield around herself but stays 
I'm gonna help too if you need it!
“That’s kind of the thing? I was also going to, I haven’t done anything like this before.”
Neither have I, really. The other guy didn't really want to be there so he didn't go all out like this guy, but I think we can beat him!
Shadow Man throws a Shadow Blade that strikes Oppy and she recoils, but isn't seriously hurt. Oh dear, oh no. He was attacking the kid. That wasn’t good. How was she supposed to take care of this guy!? 
Wait hold on… if she remembered right he wasn’t made with the others of that line… but he was still weak to Top Man’s weapon… which could only really mean…
And so, Hatsune Miku, the Cyber Songstress, threw her full body weight against a ninja.
Urgh- What are you doing?! He tries to launch a Shadow Blade, but misses by a longshot
“Good question!” She responded, charging forward more. Maybe Fighting Voltage would have been better, but she needed the extra weight considering the fact that her opponent was made of metal.
Miku then discovers she was pushing against a log - the real Shadow Man descended from above and struck her. To be fair, she was expecting something like that. Which is why she was in Steel Voltage. However, she did not remember that she was barely over 150 pounds with Steel Voltage active. Stupid pop star diets. She made her distaste for the situation known, extremely vocally even. “That was just cheating there.”
Shadow Man grunted, then a second Shadow Man then appeared next to him, and then the two scrambled themselves, making it hard to tell which was which
Huh?! There's two now?!
“It’s okay, it’s just Double Team. Got anything that can hit both of them?”
She almost wished Melody was here just for the extra help. But that would just be adding another person who had no idea how to fight in here.
I could make something! she shifted her hand into a long flail, and swung that at the two Shadow Mans, only for them both to disappear
Behind you Shadow Man knocked over Oppy with a hit from behind
“Hmm… there’s a bit of a problem here… wait, I’ve got it!”
She shifted to Psychic Voltage. That should give her a better view than Steel. If he’d just stay still she could enter his circuits, but she didn’t have that option. through Psychic Voltage, she's able to see Shadow Man attempting to sneak up on Oppy through the mist. Miku’s eyes widened, electing to — instead of being an idiot and punching the robot in the face — warn Oppy about the incoming stealth attack. hearing Miku's warning, Oppy instead makes her body larger, squishy, and slightly adhesive. Shadow Man gets stuck on her and Oppy traps him
Good job Oppy!” Miku clapped slightly. “Let’s see if I can’t do anything here…”
She approached the robot, looking for any sort of entry point to his system. She was hoping it would be simple, but things rarely were. Shadow Man's putting up a beast of a fight, and the systems are already hard to grasp, being not of earth...
Miku! Look! Oppy points out an interface port - likely where Dr. Wily would connect to for maintanence. She moves this closer to Miku for convenience
“Thanks!” She nodded, sticking a finger into the port and transferring herself into the droid. It looked like she was still there, but her eyes were lifeless.
Inside Shadow Man is a landscape that seems like Shadow Man's stage from Mega Man 3, complete with enemies. She gets the sense she'll be ejected if she gets defeated, so better make this count. She was so happy for this, she never thought that she would ever find a use for this. Immediately enemies begin approaching her - it does seem like she has some rudimentary equipment based her franchise. Aw heck yeah, she can do stuff. Apparently the question of “what would Miku do in a platformer?” was answered with “Whatever the hell made sense for the setting.” Miku eventually made her way to Shadow Man, in his mindscape, and he immediately began going on the offensive, jumping around and throwing Shadow Blades. Well. She was hoping that she’d be able to talk things out with him, but that did not seem to be the case. At the very least, this was a very familiar pattern. For Dr. Wily! though his attacks are relentless, she knows them, and in short order Shadow Man is defeated. Miku automatically ejects, but Shadow Man has gone slack
you entered my mind... I'm lucky I trained for that. You saw only what I allowed you to, but even still... I'm in no shape to fight anymore…
Being back out of his mind was. Definitely a shock. She expected to leave on her own.
“Normally this would be when we’d like. Blow you up and take the chip thingy but we want answers. What are you doing here?”
you're a fool if you think I'll tell you
at that moment an awful noise is heard and the Wily UFO flies overhead that descends a grabber claw that collects Shadow Man and startles Oppy into letting go 
Excellent work Shadow Man! We have what we needed from that lab now!
strangely, Strelka seems to notice the UFO and starts trying to chase it for some reason
Strelka what are you doing?!
“Huh? What’s going on?”
Miku attempted to chase after it, but as it turned out, being tackled by a ceratanium-adjacent-constructed robot when you yourself weigh 90 pounds normally really hurts, and she collapsed onto the ground.
Oppy doesn't notice at first, chasing Strelka until the Wily UFO flies out of sight and Strelka howls mournfully
Strelka what's wrong? Oppy then sees the guy from the Devon lab earlier
"Oh... it's you. Well if you want your dumb mutt you can keep it. Without the type memories it's useless to us, and given how much of a pain that project's been we're probably gonna cut funding for it. I won't bug you again about Type: Null"
Well... that's one thing down, now to deal with Wily. Wait where's Miku? 
realizing, she runs back to her friend and helps her back up 
Wily got away…
Miku was in. A lot of pain. Like… so much pain.
“It’s fine, we’ll get him later. Or. You will. I need to go to the hospital. I can message one of the others to help at least, I don’t wanna just leave you out on your own.”
I'll get you there, don't worry Oppy shapeshifts into a form that could fly her there and gets Miku to the hospital as fast as she can
end video log]
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captainimprobable · 7 months
Hey Furubacord, I don't know how many of you still follow me or don't have me blocked, but I wanted to talk about what's happening from my POV.
In January, I made a comment about how hard it is living with my parents. Everyone dogpiled on me, said it was my fault bc I'm not doing enough to move out, I should leave the state, I should get another job, and then getting mad when I said I couldn't do those things since I had just gotten out of a depressive episode. They insinuated they'd been talking about how annoying it is when I talked about that for awhile (that and my love life) and I said something rude to them. So I immediately messaged every single person and apologized. I was told it was fine. I was told this would not ruin our friendship. This was a lie. For the next eleven months I was COMPLETELY IGNORED by one person, and barely spoken to at all by a few others. I noticed this but stayed in the discord bc I really like a lot of you and wanted to stay friends with the ones who didn't inexplicably hate me. In September I stopped interacting as much with the Discord, and finally by November I decided to leave. I made a post saying I was leaving, and that I'd like to stay friends with people, and then things just. Got so bad. People IMMEDIATELY started shit talking me in the group, calling me a "colonizer apologist" for reasons I don't get but am assuming it's because I dared to say Israelis shouldn't be murdered either. I woke up the next day to almost every single person in the Discord unfollowing me on all social media, and someone who I had spoken to the night before, who told me they wanted to stay friends, had blocked me. Nobody spoke to me about this. Nobody told me what was going on. I can only assume a bunch of yall have been talking in DMs about what a bad person I am for awhile, and you convinced each other to drop me. Do you know how much it hurts to lose like ten people at once? People who you thought you were close to? For reasons they never explained? Do you know what a blow to self esteem it is to realize that your friends have been talking shit about you for possibly months, and were just waiting for you to leave so they could officially drop you? Idk if you dropped me bc of what happened in January or bc you assume I'm anti Palestinian (which I never once said???? And was pretty clear about???????) but either way it was hurtful and honestly immature, especially in the case of the people who promised we would stay friends. Idk if this will get back to yall and even if it does you'll probably talk amongst yourselves about how right you were to leave me, what a pain I am, and how much better you are than me bc your activism looks a little bit different from mine. Do you feel better now? Now that I'm no longer annoying you with my personality or pissing you off for caring about dead Jews? Thanks for four entire years of what turned out to be a complete lie. The only reason I don't think I wasted my time there is because I still have a few friends in the server who I love dearly and who didn't randomly drop me (thanks you guys). I figured out I was nonbinary and a lesbian in this server. I met a few of you in person. I gave a lot of you advice. I thought of some of you as my younger siblings. But message received. I'm out of your lives now. Thanks for doing it in the worst way possible. Hope you feel great about yourselves. Bye ig.
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musashi · 8 months
need to talk about this fucking thing that keeps happening to me because i am genuinely furious about it
so. anyone who has been following me in the past year knows that i have spent a huge amount of time venting about the "you are a tar pit" discourse and how it has been personally affecting me on a really notable level. on both sides, really.
on one side: i am an acts of service bitch. the way i show love is through being there for people. sometimes this means lending them an ear when they are hurting and sad. other times this means doing chores for them, beta reading their writing, making them dinner after a long day. either way, i like to do things for people.
on the other side: though completely independent, i am a human being. i am not so foolish as to believe that i can somehow survive without close social bonds. that has been proven time and time again to be an unrealistic goal for human beings to achieve.
the abridged version of what i am currently going through is: i am at a point in my life where making close friends and a network of support feels impossible. this is especially scary to me, because it was never hard before! i'm extroverted, im stubborn, i'm always trying new things and putting myself into new situations, and i am great at making friends in general. however, over the last half a decade or so, i have noticed that i have reached some invisible wall when it comes to crossing over "friends" into "support"
again, this has never been hard before. when i was a teenager my friends and i would sit beneath the stars and talk about all our deepest traumas. even just four years ago, i was in a discord server where more often than not, my friends and i would all wind up in the vent channel listening to one another and asking each other what we could do to help. deep social bonds have always been a thing that formed very naturally for me--you make friends. you offer support when they seem like they need a listening ear. they do the same to you. you guys do this for as long as you want or need.
something changed though. i do not think it's me, because i've been asking around and gathering data and trying to untangle if there is anything different about the way i approach friendships. this is the mystery. i do not know what changed. but i cannot make friends like this anymore, with VERY special exceptions.
tl;dr, when i need a friend to cry on, i don't have anyone besides my partner. this is not something that is feasible. your support system cannot be one person. you need at least two, ideally a few more. that way no one gets overwhelmed dealing with their own shit AND yours all the time.
i don't struggle to make friends. but whenever i let slip that i've felt pain in the past (for instance, talking about a rough thing i went through years back) i get long, uncomfortable silences. as if it's a social faux pas to have ever felt pain. or to bring it up. this is insane to me--when a friend is vulnerable with me like that, i just want to hug them and tell them how happy i am that they moved past it and found their way to me. when i do it, though, everyone just ignores it/me with the hopes that the topic will pass. it hurts pretty bad, the rejection of that vulnerability.
and if i can't feel pain in past tense, well. present tense is right out. countless cries for help are met with my DMs dead. i've tried reaching out in every way i know how. i've tried being direct. i've tried being subtle. i've tried going to multiple communities i'm in. i've tried being more general and public. i cannot get anyone in my life, no matter how close, to talk to me when i am sad. i can't even get them to send a message like 'hey, love you. dealing with too much of my own shit to be there for you right now, but you're in my heart.'
i get silence. horrible, horrible silence. or worse: performance in public ("sending hugs! love you, hope things get better!") and then complete silence in my DMs. everyone wants to pretend they are being a friend to me, no one wants to do it.
lots of preamble. let me tell you about the annoying fucking advice i keep getting:
"go to therapy."
are you fucking KIDDING me?
therapy is good. therapy is a powerful medical tool. many people need therapy, and at many points in my life, i have needed it too! i like to think i am pretty damn good at understanding when i might need to reach out for professional help, and i have absolutely no shame in doing so.
bestie, this is not a go to therapy situation.
a go to therapy situation was my early 20s, riddled with unhealthy coping mechanisms and undiagnosed personality disorders, where i had no idea how to get a handle on myself. therapy is a weekly session where you and someone who knows how to untangle you tackle that shit together, and then ideally you eventually stop therapy because you fix the problem. the ideal situation for a therapist is one day they say goodbye to their client and never see them again. therapy is for when you do not know the solution to your problem.
i know the solution to my problem. i need a friend. my problem is social and emotional isolation. the solution is having a friend. i am not paying someone hundreds of dollars i do not have to tell me to make friends.
i need the people who say this shit to understand that i am not an unhappy person. for what i am dealing with (PTSD, BPD, NPD, HPD, ADHD, autism, OCD, OCPD & addiction) i am pretty damn well adjusted! meltdowns and episodes are something i excel at. i have perfected the art of getting a handle on myself and i do it rawdog sober! no medication, no self medication, nothing except coping strategies i developed all by myself (without therapy, because i have never been able to afford it, and my parents did not want to send me there as a traumatized child)
when you see me melting down on here, here is what is actually happening:
sometime mundane probably got me down in the dumps. yesterday, i was frustrated with writing, and i needed someone to validate those feelings. it would have been, at most, a ten minute conversation. i would have been like 'IM SAD!' and the hypothetical friend would've been like 'FUCK THAT YOU'RE SAD! I UNDERSTAND WHY YOU'RE FEELING THIS WAY AND IT MUST SUCK! I LOVE YOU!' and then i wouldn've been like 'THANKS!' and gone back to doing payroll because my ass was at work.
what many people saw was my ensuing meltdown. because i didn't get that ten minute conversation. which made me think about how i can't even talk to a friend about the mundane annoyances in life and how they hurt. which made me think about how alone i am, despite all my best efforts to change that fact. which made me scream and cry and throw up even more, because that is not a little problem. that is a big problem i have been trying to make sense of and fight for half a year now, and i have made no progress. it's causing me to split for the first time in half a decade--i'd gotten such a handle on BPD, i thought i was done with splitting! i forgot what it even felt like. it's causing me to cancel all my plans because sitting in a room with my friends just makes me think about how, like, if i died i feel like none of them would really give a shit.
so what the 'go to therapy' crowd is suggesting is a combination of these two things:
pay 200 dollars to someone to tell them, every few weeks, that i'm sad because sometimes my creative hobby causes me some mild autistic frustration
pay 200 dollars to someone for them to tell me, unhelpfully, that i need friends.
i am sick and tired of the 'go to therapy' crowd. therapy is a medical resource! it is for people who need medical help. this anon (who i blocked, obv) also sent me a huge wall of text about "compassion fatigue" and how i cannot expect other human beings to want to be compassionate towards one another and it's just... fuck OFF, dude. everyone has days where they feel they can't be there for others, that's normal, and it's not the fucking problem. if that were the case, i'd be getting DMs that said stuff like 'hey, i love you, can't be a support friend right now but you're in my thoughts.' i do not get those. i never have.
"compassion fatigue" go fuck yourself man. the compassion i feel for my fellow man never fucking dies. i have days where i need to look out for myself but that is normal and easy to communicate. the idea that one's compassion can run out is the stupidest shit i have ever heard.
maybe if you actually practiced compassion instead of screaming 'go to therapy' at all your hurting friends you would find more of a surplus of it in your life. maybe if you weren't such a coward foisting your relationships onto a medical professional because you're too scared and nonconfrontational to simply LISTEN to the people in your life, you wouldn't be exhausted. it must be tiring, running away all the time.
so, i will reiterate what i said earlier: eat shit and die. eat shit and die, and i hope in the afterlife when you are mourning all the friends of yours you hurt by not being there for them, you have a good therapist.
fuck off with this shit. "sometimes i have a bad day and i wish i had a friend or two to talk to when that happens." "LMAO ummmm maybe you should go to therapy instead <3"
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prpfs · 1 month
✨👽 Hey y'all. It's Aly again, a 25+ writer looking for other people 21+ to write with on discord. I do medium to long length lit rp in third person. Prefer at least a paragraph or two of writing with most replies. One or two liners don't do it for me. Right now I'm only looking to write female muses 'cuz I usually write guys and I gotta switch it up. I'm up for doubling up eventually if we hit it off well though. Here's some stuff I've been wanting.
-I'd like to write Rogue from Marvel X-Men against either a Gambit, Magneto, Cyclops, Wolverine, Morph, Captain America, Bucky Barnes, Human Torch, Shadow King, or even Mephisto, Sebastian Shaw, or Sinister in some 🕊️ content. Also up for writing with OCs if they catch my interest. Multiple partners totally welcome. Smut to plot ratio 70/30. Open to just about whatever the hell ya might have in mind (check my blog for likes and limits). It ain't gotta be some extravagant plot to get my seal of approval.
-I'm also wanting to write Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy 7 in a 🕊️ situation that'd have stuff like noncon or dubcon, kidnapping, multiple partners, breeding, maybe A/B/O, stuff like that. I was thinking she could get taken by Shinra agents or someone who finds out she's a Cetra and wants to ransom her off for $ and realizes she's good for more than that if they keep her for a while first. Could also include Hojo's "experimentations" with her and Red XIII or with someone or something else like Sephiroth. Could include any of the cast of characters or OCs or any mix of them. Smut to plot ratio can be closer to 80/20 for this bc I want a lot smut for her.
-Also wanna write a Star Wars oc female jedi in a 🕊️ situation who gets attacked, kidnapped, and possibly corrupted by a sith or a group of sith or maybe a sith lord (they can be oc or cc). Or a female oc kidnapped by a group of Mandalorians. Can include any combination of things from my list of stuff I'll write on my pinned post. Maybe she's a jedi and has a brother or former friend or something who went dark side and is trying to get her to join him.
-Also interested in a 🕊️ plot where I'd write an actress or female musician muse or something who has a run in with an obsessive fan or stalker. Give me the worst ya got.
-Always down for writing a younger inexperienced girl against an older guy like a family friend or something in any number of situations, too.
If you're interested in any of this or want to plan something else out, message me and I'll give ya my discord so we can get something going! Have your age on your profile somewhere or I won't message you. Hope to talk to you soon ✌️
DM @the-infernal-messenger if interested!
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stellaeviventem · 2 months
hey, u can block this anon acc (or whatever it is) after this, i’d prefer it and i’m sure you would as well. just going to also add i was told about this, i am NOT stalking, please don’t accuse me of such.
but um! i am one of the ppl u are telling to kms and “go to hell,” and kindly i’m asking these other anons to fuck off. they have no idea what happened and i cannot believe that i (one of the people ON the list and hurt you this bad) am getting defended by people who don’t even know the situation
no, i don’t think it’s good had it been anyone else, but it’s not. it’s about me. i said what i said and it was all wrong and i pushed you to the point of wanting to hurt yourself, and i am sorry but that’s not to be discussed in an anonymous ask that’s not even on the point
these anons need to actually mind their business and leave this fuckin girl alone! PLEASE!!!! i do not condone this, please stop acting like you know anything, because if you did, Mari telling me to go to hell literally pales in comparison to the ill bullshit i said. she said she wanted to stop talking about it apparently, so why the fuck won’t you let her. it’s her own dni. i cannot fucking believe i have to block evade to say this (and it won’t be happening again)
i’m sorry abt the harassment. i hope this does something at the least bc i want to respect your wishes and leave you alone, but this is just gross
im sorry whoever this is (cause i cant figure it out) dm me like right now?? cause wtf bro :sob: we need to chat my guy
ion wanna say anything in public and im kinda half sure of who u are so u can send another ask saying who u are and ill unblock u on discord or smth cause this shit is cray zee
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wibta for getting a man kicked out of a rp discord server?
ok so like. im a minor. im barely a teen. under 16 kind of minor. this comes into play, so remember that.
there's been problems in the server with me before (MAINLY not my fault but i didnt make them better) so people dont rlly trust me.
so anyway, new guy in the server. giving me and my friends a weird vibe and he's certainly doing weird things. (such AS! bomb jokes, not spoiling what you need to spoil, and just lording it over us that HE'S AN ADULT WITH A MAJOR IN COLLEGE!!!!) didnt know what to do so we let it slide. he continued being weird like that but nothing big. kept mentioning how we all gave off minor vibes, even the adults (he was an adult btw)
i wanted to show a silly little outfit! (Nothing sexual, not even showing my face. Just neck down. Hawaiin t-shirt, tanktop, and jeans.) For some reason he compliments my collarbones??? he KNOWS im a minor (they werent even prominent in the pic. neck muscles ig?) Adults and kids scold him, yknow. He INSISTS he didnt know it was weird, but cmon, how do you make constant fetish jokes and NOT know?? youre an adult.
stuff happens, my sister hears ab it and messes with his rp character. she was mad and decided to yknow. bully the character. he blames someone in the server and it all blows up. so i have to dm this guy.
i explain it all and apologize, and he apologizes too (and trauma dumps, bit whatever) , but for the wrong thing? so i correct him and say "ermm...NO. its bc you made comments on my body?" long convo ensues, of him trying to explain he really doesnt know that its sexual and trying to change the topic.
Finally, he says something like "your collarbones just reminded me of a roman sculpture" ...💀 sorry bro what. huh. ermm. so i tell him "Hey 😁 dont." and he says "I just meant they're like a beacon of pleasing aesthetic" or something. UHH... so i tell the server mod and the mod says theyll kick him out bc they fear for my safety ig?
i got.someone else kicked oit and i regret it. im worried people will say that i shouldve been more mature and explajned why it was bad, bc he didnt know! im more worried that theyd be right.
SO! WIBTA for getting a man kicked out!?
What are these acronyms?
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mcrcki · 1 year
♥ closed ♥
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closing this on 2/10/23 solely so i can be prepared for the event starting !! if we discuss writing any more starters , we totally can in dms , but for now any unplotted starter requests are closed !!
wednesday, bloody wednesday 💕 happy mini event, hidden!! super excited to get this one going with y’all, we know you will have a total blast!! i’m gonna throw together a quick combo plotting / starter call for the upcoming mini event here! just a heads up, i will be trying to focus on these plots / the pairings over my other threads. you’ll still get them, but i wanna get the mini event stuff moving at a decent pace once we start! i don’t plan on having any of my girls go unaware atm, but i am open to any and all injury plots (minor or major) and if you need someone to be unalived, hmu !! that said, y’all know my rules for the combo move here : LIKE for a plotting message on discord. RESPOND for starters. if you don’t specify who the starter is for, i’ll ignore you. and please do not request more than FOUR starters per writer, at the moment. wanna make sure i can write with everyone!! but without further ado, here’s what my babes are doing this valentine’s day
** crossed out means they are queued
                                                      𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂
chibiusa tsukino || sailor moon || unaffected - ( 1 / 4 )
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she/her pronouns. lowkey expected something Insane™ to happen while she’s been here, so this was honestly not that big of a shock. will be in full sailor chibimoon form, doing whatever she can to help. if you need assistance, she’s the senshi for you!
-- plots : major / minor injuries, protecting someone, offering a place to hide, stopping someone from attacking.
usagi tsukino ( swan )
daniela dimitrescu || resident evil 8 || paired w. viscount tewkesbury - ( 3 / 4 )
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she/they pronouns. decided to put themselves in the ring to get a free meal. had always intended to kill their date, but hey, this is just an added bonus, makes this that much more fun. will be going after anyone who looks like them, and anyone who stands in her way. 
-- plots : unaliving someone, injuring other people, conflict outside of the dates, pretending to be helpless to turn on someone, all around menace.
bela dimitrescu ( kasey )
yoon chi woo ( atlas )
cassandra dimitrescu ( jodie )
emma vanity || harry potter : marauders era || paired w. nancy wheeler - ( 2 / 4 )
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she/her pronouns. was trying to get settled into the city and thought this would be an easy was to learn a little more about it, and if someone else was paying, who was she to say no to dinner? but now? this is way more fun. she thrives on this energy and will be having far too much fun with it. 
-- plots : unaliving someone, injuring other people, helping her friends/strangers with their attacks, offering shelter just to turn on them
rabastan lestrange ( alex )
alecto carrow ( cherry )
leia organa || star wars || paired w. han solo - ( 4 / 4 )
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she/her pronouns. if she kills her husband twice, they cancel each other out right? like no one can hold her accountable for it if she just.. rights the wrong from the halloween gala? that’s how it should work at least, in her mind. will be full sith vibes again, i’m so sorry to anyone who gets in her way. she’s gonna try to control it, but really, i don’t think that’ll last for long.
-- plots : major / minor injuries , offering help to anyone who needs it (good or bad), someone trying to talk her down from this, injuring someone who does stand in her way
han solo ( mario )
yennefer of vengerberg ( alex )
jacen solo ( moon )
luke skywalker ( cherry )
marlene mckinnon || harry potter : marauders era || unaffected - ( 2 / 4 )
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she/her pronouns. marlene is really having a full on ‘what the FUCK is happening!!!!!!!!!” moment. she really thought it was just fucking valentine’s day, already a bad holiday, and now she’s in full on order mode trying to stop people from committing a murder in the middle of the national mall. what was in the wine, my guys!!!
-- plots : major/minor injuries, offering people shelter, fighting against people trying to attack someone, penelope mitchell doppleganger attacks
emmeline vance ( mario )
sirius black ( jodie )
omega archeron || star wars : bad batch || paired w. renesmee cullen - ( 4 / 4 )
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she/they pronouns. omega honestly?? kinda loves this. they don’t get to really cut loose all that much and not for nothing, this is a nice break from having to always be the good guy. they’ll definitely be going a little wild once they realized their date can’t be hurt that badly, but big rip to any other jessie mei li fcs :)
-- plots : injuring others, major / minor injuries, helping other people look for their dates, convincing people that this isn’t that bad
jill roberts ( swan )
yuri plisetsky ( ollie )
amber ( sunny )
billy loomis ( alex )
pj halliwell || charmed ‘98 || paired w. oliver mckinnon - ( 1 / 4 )
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she/they pronouns. pj doesn’t have the active powers to actually kill someone, she’s definitely a maiming kind of person, but as much as she hates it, she kinda likes that they’re finally able to cut loose a little. they’ve always been The Good Kid, and getting to really let their powers shine now is really freeing. 
-- plots : injuring others, major / minor injuries, fighting people trying to stop them, someone to talk sense into her
oliver mckinnon ( sam )
rosemary winters || resident evil - shadows of rose || paired w. mob - ( 3 / 4 )
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she/they pronouns. my moldy gal, they are finally getting a real hang on their powers and then this happens. lowkey paired with someone else who is op so like, it’s fine, it’ll probably be fine. gonna definitely be testing out the upper limits of their powers, so, so sorry to anyone who gets in the way
-- plots : injuring others, major / minor injuries, attacking people who are in the way, helping other people find their dates/injure them, maybe someone to talk them down (doubtful it’ll work)
chu wanning ( ollie )
mob ( sunny )
charles xavier ( alex )
rowena ravenclaw || harry potter - founders era || paired w. hunter - ( 2 / 4 )
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she/her pronouns. rowena is a very good witch, not just morally but in skill as well. she will be struggling A Lot with this turn in her mind, and will be doing what she can to avoid hunter. will be turning to people to help keep her away, to keep him safe. she isn’t going to become something she hates. she has to fight it
-- plots : major/minor injuries, someone to lock her up, someone to try and talk sense into her, someone to corrupt her into just giving in
heron lyptus ( moon )
helena ravenclaw ( jodie )
sella palpatine || star wars || paired w. allana solo - ( 1 / 4 )
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she/her pronouns. was looking forward to one!! normal!! date!!!!!!! for the love of literally everything could she have one normal date with her girlfriend, PLEASE. very much on the run, knows that allana could hurt her faster than sella could ever land a punch on them. big ‘this isn’t you’ vibes. someone please help her out, she is not going to win that fight.
-- plots : major/minor injuries, someone to offer shelter, someone to help her fight, josephine langford doppleganger attacks
samara palpatine ( moon )
sophie hatter || howl’s moving castle || unaffected - ( 2 / 4 )
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she/they pronouns. they’re getting a much needed, much deserved Break. they are unaffected by this, having expected this day to be a giant rush for the shop she couldn’t take time off to go on any kind of date. real smart vibes in hindsight. will absolutely be offering help/shelter to those who may need it. if you seem dangerous, they’ll kick you out. they do not need that drama rn.
-- plots : minor / major injuries, offering shelter, offering help, trying to convince people to calm down, jessie mei li doppleganger attacks, someone to raid the shops?
lumine ( kasey )
juliet capulet ( atlas )
tatum riley || scream ‘96 || paired w. fred weasley - ( 3 / 4 )
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she/her pronouns. girl is reaching final girl status no matter what it takes at this point, she is not going to be someone’s victim. v much willing to kick peoples asses to succeed in that. will be using her self defense training to beat up her date and then booking it to the nearest shelter. any tom holland fcs will also be getting some kind of punch thrown at them if they get in the way. 
-- plots : major / minor injuries, someone to offer shelter, abigail cowen doppleganger attacks, other tom holland fcs that she can beat up, someone to run with her, final girl tag team vibes
buffy summers ( swan )
stu macher ( moon )
josh washington ( blue )
victoria sutherland || twilight || unaffected - ( 4 / 4 )
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she/her pronouns. best. valentine’s. day. ever. seriously, what more could she have asked for? the whole city is a total mess and she just gets to run around and grab a bite just to blame it on someone else? that’s so hot and please understand how annoying she and james are going to be about it. if you want someone to be unalived, she’s your gal. if you want a fight, she’s happy to oblige. this is victoria unaffected and just having a great time.
-- plots : unaliving someone, helping someone find their date, convincing people to just let go and have fun, being an all around terrible influence but at least she’s fun!
bree tanner ( swan )
riley biers ( mario )
mo ran ( kasey )
james witherdale ( kasey )
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gardenvarietychao · 8 months
Welcome to the Garden!
Hey! Name's Chao, but I also go by Noah. This blog is primarily done through mobile, so that's why nothing's fancy, but I figure my pin should be something other than a funny video.
About me:
He/They, but you can use any gendered wording if it's for a bit
Pansexual panromantic!
Taken by @sourghostsoda <3
I write sometimes! Not as often as I'd like to, but my writing blog is @chao-writes-stuff! I'll post there whenever I actually write things.
I will reblog things whenever I see them, expect sporadic posting in bursts LOL
Fandoms I Enjoy:
Kirby (probably my most consistent one!)
Chao stuff especially!
Xenoblade Chronicles
Steven Universe
A lot more. A LOT MORE but im listing the big ones.
Is it alright to talk?
Seriously if I follow you youre either funny, a good artist, or share my tastes. Talking to me would be a fucking amazing experience
While I am bad at initiating these things, I am. INCREDIBLY patient and will absolutely understand if things are awkward at first!
Ask box is always open if you guys have questions!
To reiterate: I am very social and would love to have more of a personal presence here. So don't be shy!
If we hit it off, I'll give you my Discord info in DMs!
What other blogs do you run?
@nanuass. :)
@the-dee-with-a-bandana was an old sideblog! It was a pseudo roleplay blog, but it's inactive now. :(
@i-hate-ridley was a gimmick blog! In truth, I wanna pick this one back up again LOL
I have others, but they'll be listed with time.
Homophobes. Racists. Anti-Semites. Pedophiles. Basically, if you're hateful, fuck off.
If my sources are right, I believe pro-ship blogs are also not welcome. Admittedly, I'm not super researched on this, but also PLEASE DON'T INVOLVE ME IN THIS WHOLE DEBACLE I WILL JUST DELETE ASKS THAT TRY
that's it!
Thank you for stopping by! Remember to smell the roses.
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