#Jai Kane
klarieona · 2 years
The sky girl~Part 1
Lexa kom trikru x fem!OC!skikru
Warning: lots of blood, lesbians, smut, murder, alcohol, abuse, fluff
I’m not really good with English sorry for any spelling mistakes I make
“Your dads a dick wells” was the first thing I heard when I woke up, I was on a drop ship. “Your dad floated me after all” a boy said with a smug smile “get back in your seat” I yelled knowing the parachute will activate soon “she’s right stay in your seats” a blond girl said, then two boys tried to get out of there seats and that’s when the parachute activated “ahhhh” a bunch of people screamed “everything on this ship is a 100 year old we just need to give it a second” the same blond girl yelled, I think I was the only one who heard her because I was right beside her. I closed my eyes and just screamed then the humming noise I’ve heard my hole life stoped “no humming that’s a first” a boy said, I then opened my eyes “the doors on the first floor” a boy yelled, when I got down there I saw a girl and a boy hugging “that’s Octavia Blake the girl they found under the floor” a girl shouted, Octavia then tried to go to the girl but the boy stopped her “Octavia! Octavia no let give them something else to remember you by” the boy said “yea like what” Octavia said with a angry expression “like being the first person on the ground in the last 100 years” the boy said before opening the door. Octavia stepped out and jumped on to the ground “WERE BACK BITCHES” she yelled and then everyone ran out of the drop ship. “It’s beautiful” I said to myself kneeling down to Touch the grass with my hand “it is” a boy said from behind me “Murphy!” I said as I turned around and ran to him and jumped in his arms “hey Jai” Murphy said with a smile, he was my best friend back on the ark “god I missed you so much” I said with a smile “missed you too but I got know why they put you in solitary” he said with a small laugh “I snapped” I said with a evil grin “that’s my girl” he said with a smile as he puts his arm around my shoulder and starts to walk with me
“we’re on the ground isn’t that enough for you” a boy said “you heard what my father said we need to find mount whether” wells said “look at this the chancellor of earth” Murphy said coming up from behind him and pushing him. “Think that’s funny” wells said, then Murphy kicked the back of his ankle and he fell to the ground. “Wells” the blonde from before yelled “come on get him” I heard a boy yell. “No but that was” Murphy said with a smile, I couldn’t hold in my laughter. Wells got up and was ready to fight Murphy. Murphy teased him a bit coming up to him then backing up “come on, come on” he said motioning for him to come at him. People were shouting wanting some action. Then Finn jumped down from the drop ship. “The kids got one leg, how about you wait until it’s a fair fight” Finn said to Murphy “hey spacewalker rescue me next” Octavia said with a smile. Murphy grabbed me and the others and we walked away, I saw Octavia’s brother pull her away but I couldn’t hear what they were saying. “I’m going to explore” I said to Murphy “want me to come” Murphy said, he was always like my brother always protecting me “no just want some me time” I said really needing some me time. “Okay if you need help scream” Murphy said with a worried expression “okay I will love you” I said giving him a kiss on his cheek “love you too” he said before I walked off.
I was walking around the camp when a heard a twig snap “hello Murphy are you there” I said thinking he followed me “chon yu bliaik(who are you)” girl said as she put a sword to my throat. “What did you say” I said not knowing what she said. “Who are you” the girl said “Jai kane” I said trying not to snap because she is has a sword to my neck and she could kill me “your a sky person” the girl said with a shocked voice. “I told you my name you tell me yours” I said I was right I told her mine. “Lexa kom trikru” the girl said lowering her sword to my stomach “kom trikru what does that mean” I said curious “it tells others what clan I come from” lexa said lowering her sword completely but still holding it tight “well what clan would I go to” I said thinking she would said her own “Jai kom skikru” lexa said “what is skikru” I said wondering what that is. “Sky clan” lexa said putting her sword away. “Well lexa thank you for telling me, I do have one more question how are there humans here” I asked remember no one should be here “we survived” lexa said with a neutral face “how the planet should be covered in radiation” “I don’t know, Disha fucking gada(this fucking girl)” lexa looked annoyed. “Jai” Murphy yelled “get down” I said pushing lexa down “yeah” I yelled back “you talking to someone” “nope just myself” “okay come back to camp” “I’ll come back when I want to” “okay see you when you want to come back” with that Murphy walked away when he was out of my line of View I pulled lexa back up. “You didn’t let him see me why” “well you didn’t come out and say hi when we landed so Im guessing you don’t want to be seen” “mochof(thank you)” “what” “nothing” “what did you say” “come with me”
lexa took me to a village “can you heal” “like heal people, yes I can” lexa looked happy when I said that. “Lexa chon ste disha gada(who is this girl)” i woman said as she came up to me and lexa “Disha ste Jai kom skikru(this is Jai kom skikru)” “skikru” the woman looked shocked “I’m Jai Kane ” “I am Anya kom trikru” Anya said clearly unhappy “ai want kom teik her kom polis(I want to take her to polis)” lexa said with straight face “Heda you cant be serious” “yes I am” I just stared at them, what were they talking about. “Ready the horses” lexa yelled and as she did people ran to do such
Back at camp “Has anyone seen Jai” Murphy said going around to everyone “nope” most people didn’t even know Jai except she was the one who tried to kill the Chancellor and ended up killing his wife. “Hey Bellamy have you seen Jai” “no I haven’t but I need you to help take off the wristbands” “okay on it”
back at the village “Jai are you ready to go” lexa said as she mounted her Horse “yea just never road one” “you will ride with me” lexa said holding her hand out for me to grab “thanks” I said taking it and mounting the horse. We road for hours and in that time Lexa started to teach me trig “ai laik Jai kom skikru(I am Jai kom skikru)” lexa had me repeating that a hundred times “ai laik Jai kom skikru” “again” “ai laik Jai kom skikru” “your getting better” “thanks” it was silent then the horse in front of us stoped “Heda were houm(Heda were home)” a Guard said with a smile “Heda were home” I said translating him, lexa looked very impressed
“Heda welcome houm” a bold man said as he bowled his head “it’s good to be back” lexa said with a smile “your speaking English” “yes you will too our Guest doesn’t know our language well” lexa said obviously talking about me “you brought a sky person here” the man said in raged “Titus stop” lexa ordered “teik her kom a guest room(take her to a guest room)” “sha heda(yes heda)” a Guard said as she bowed her head and walked over to me “follow me” the guard said “go” lexa said to me telling me to go
we got to my room and it was nice calm the guard left when I was in the room. I laid down and that’s when I realized what I just did, I left John my best friend. But he would understand I would run off and stop talking to him for weeks back on the ark so that’s what he must think, but that’s not what happened. I left him, I didn’t even realize I started to cry “what’s wrong” lexa said as she walked into my new bedroom “I left my only family, and I didn’t even say good bye” “what’s there name” “John Murphy but everyone calls him Murphy, we met in prison” “what did you too do to get there” “John killed the guards that killed his father and I tried to kill the man that killed my mother but killed his wife instead” lexa looked at me with soft eyes “I lost someone too, her name was costia, the ice nation took her because they thought she knew my weakness because she was mine they killed her and I promised myself I wouldn’t love anyone else” “you cut out your emotions I do that too” “your training begins tomorrow” “what training” “if your going to live here you have to learn to fight”
the next couple days all I could think about was John, how I left him and he probably hates me now “Jai focus” Titus said with a strict tone, I ended up joining the night bloods and there training because no one wanted to teach me “I’m trying” I really was but I got angry. “Don’t worry nun of us got that move in a couple of days it took weeks” a night blood child said with a smile, I learned his name is adin. I also became friends with another child her mother was the Guard that guards my Chambers the child’s name is linc, she has the most beautiful black hair and gorgeous gray eyes her skin is kinda tan but she Beautiful. She’ll come to my room after school and I’ll braid her hair. We go out to the market together and look around. She was the first person to actually like me after time everyone stared to like me they felt safe even Titus stared to like me. “Jai come ona ai found something gon yu kom give kom heda(Come on I found something for you to give to heda)” linc said running into my room, it had been months and I still haven’t found a way to repay lexa for not killing me “okay I’m coming” I said getting out of bed I went to my closet and put on
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And yeah I got tattoos I got them after I finished my training making me finally one of trikru. “Jai it’s good to see you” lexa said with a smile as I walked in, I had to say she’s hot. “Heda ai don a present gin yu(I got a present for you)” I said handing her a box “thank you Jai” she said as she opened the box, it was a necklace with a beautiful ring attached to it, the ring had a gem that was dark green so dark it almost looked black “I hope you like it Linc help me pick it out” “it’s beautiful thank you Jai, thank you linc” lexa put the necklace on and I couldn’t stop my heart for skipping a beat. “Linc beja bants osir(please leave us)” lexa said with a soft tone “sha heda(yes heda)” linc said before walking out the minute the door shut, she walked up to me and kissed me. Of course I kissed back when she pulled away she looked into my eyes “you have beautiful green eyes and your hair is a beautiful red” she said placing her hand on my cheek “you brown hair is gorgeous, your sea blue eyes make my heart skip a beat” I said leaning in and kissing her again. I stared to kiss her neck and that’s when there was a knock “why now” I said moving away from her neck and walking to her side “come in” “there has been a attack on tondc” Titus said coming into the throne room “sky people” “yes” “who was it” “two boys named Finn and and Murphy” when the last name left Titus mouth I froze “a village also captured two men” “who are the men” “one with dark skin the other with light skin both sky people” “do you know there names” “no” “I will see the men and then I will go to skikru” “yes heda I will ready the horses, Jai will be joining you” after Titus said that he walked out. “Are you okay” lexa said Turing to me “my brother murdered innocent people” “you said he had killed people before” “they executed his father, they were not innocent” I stared hyperventilating lexa saw this and just kissed me “breath my love”. When I calmed down I looked at her and said “Ai hod yu in lexa kom trikru(I love you)” “Ai hod yu in Jai kom trikru”
Before the sun set we left and went to the village when we got there I was brought in to see them when I did I froze “dad” when I said that lexa and all the guards looked at me “there asleep” lexa said looking at me “that’s the Chancellor” I said looking at Jaha “leave me here and bring lexa in later” “but Jai” “they know me not you” “fine” she said turning around I then started to take off the armer and weapons “Taim emo try anything kill em(if they try anything kill them)” lexa whispered to lincs mother, linc came with us she’s like my daughter “sha heda(yes heda)” lincs mother replied “lad guard the door” lad is lincs mothers name she looked just like linc but with light skin “sha kwin heda(yes queen heda)” lexa made them call me that, I wasn’t officially hers but she wanted me to be so I didn’t complain. “When they wake up come get me” lexa told a guard “and you don’t die” lexa said with a soft voice as she walked up to me and gave me a soft kiss one my lips “I won’t” I said after she pulled away
“good morning” I said as Jaha got up “you your dead Clark and Bellamy told us your dead” “I was kidnapped by the grounders” we sat there in silence before I got up and walked over to Kane “wake up daddy” I said shaking him awake “Jai” “JAI” he yelled as he got up and pulled me into a hug “I thought you were dead” “I thought you were dead” “hello friend” jaha said Joining into the conversation “Jaha{can’t spell his last name}” Marcus said as he got up and hugged him “I thought you were dead” “me too” I found it cute what I just saw, my dad sat down and tried to get the chain off his foot I just sat there looking at them “Kane stop” Jaha said with a very exhausted tone ““good morning” I said as Jaha got up “you your dead Clark and Bellamy told us your dead” “I was kidnapped by the grounders” we sat there in silence before I got up and walked over to Kane “wake up daddy” I said shaking him awake “Jai” “JAI” he yelled as he got up and pulled me into a hug “I thought you were dead” “I thought you were dead” “hello friend” jaha said Joining into the conversation “Jaha{can’t spell his last name}” Marcus said as he got up and hugged him “I thought you were dead” “me too” I found it cute what I just saw
it had been two days, my dad tried to get the chain off his foot I just sat there looking at them “Kane stop” Jaha said with a very exhausted tone “if they wanted to kiss us they would have done it already” Jaha said again “oh two days with out food or water” Kane sounded so full of frustration “come on how many times did we go two days with out food or water, this is not how our story ends Marcus. We wind up in the same train station on the ground just to die in it” Jaha said still very exhausted will he plays with a stick “you guys still got work to do” I said joining the conversation. “How can you be so sure” Kane asked as he scoffed “wells told me” I said very calmly “you’ve spoken to my son” “he was one of my best friends on the ark before I killed your wife he used to visit me in prison” I said with a tear. That’s when the ground we came in, Kane stood up Lexas guard cam in with her shoulder armer on, he signed for the guards to pick Jaha up and that’s when I stood up but instead of picking him up they started to beat him up “stop” Kane yelled “we came in peace” I yelled following along after they were done beating him up they picked him up, that’s when I noticed lexa behind her guard she looked like a servant he signed for her to walk over to him she was whimpering and walking slow like so was just beat “you speak of peace yet you send a assassin into our village” the man said with a ruff voice “what are you talking about” kane said with a very confused look “blood must have blood” he said looking at lexa he then pulled out her knife and pointed it and both of them “one of you will die here today by the others hand I will hear your terms of your surrender from the man who lives” he said before throwing lexas knife on the ground “fetch osir when it’s Odon(fetch us when it’s done)” he said turning to lexa who looked scared with that he walked out
I fell asleep and when I woke up lexa was shaking me awake “they’re making there decision” lexa said so only I could hear here “okay make sure my father kills Jaha” I said back keeping my eyes closed “I will my love” she said getting up and walking away, I heard yelling and gates opening when I heard lexa voice I got up and walked to her side “Jai what are you doing” “standing with my love daddy” both Jaha and Marcus looked confused “what did you do to my daughter” Marcus said as he looked at lexa in disgust “i Made her my queen” lexa said grabbing my hand “you killed my mother” I said to Jaha “I still love you father” I said to Kane “so I will spear you” lexa said with a blank face “Go to the horses” Lexa whispered to me “okay my love” I said before leaving
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junespriince · 3 months
Wally, pissed: B, what the hell. I called you last night for some help and you ignored my calls! I had to ask Rayner's bitch ass to help me, what was so important my calls weren't?
Bruce: you didn't need me, your villains are childs play compared to mine, just needed to stop being lazy and relying on others to help you out.
Wally, eye twitches in my villains ain't child's play: okay, okay, so did you need help with your villains?
Bruce: psh, you wouldn't last a minute in Gotham against mine. I don't need someone I have to carry out of there.
Wally, slams fist on table that scared Clark: bullshit! You let children fight along side you, it can't be that hard.
Bruce: whatever, Allen never had an issue he couldn't solve.
Wally: because he had HAL! you moron!
Bruce: I'm not a mor—
Diana: enough! Settle this like adults or like men.
Wally: fine. I want to be a Gotham villain for a week, if you can defeat me I'll shut my mouth up and never complain about this again.
Bruce, has a file on how to defeat Barry: deal.
Two weeks later
Bruce, on a building with his head in his hands: how is he that good! I have a file on how to neutralize him!
Dick: that's on Barry... You do know speedster are different from one another.
Bruce: they are!? How!?
Dick: Wally can go through walls. Barry can. That's one difference.
Jason: and apparently he can make damn good pipe bombs, can I add him to the outlaws I need a good pipe bomber for the team.
Bruce: this is a nightmare!
Tim: could be worse, at least he's not destroying anything valuable and he's protecting citizens.
Stephanie: and his suit is serving cunt, get the penguin let him see what drip is.
Duke, yelling out: yo Walls! I'd love a hamburger!
Wally, zips in: here ya go bud. *Leaves*
Duke: god, can he stay, he so convenient.
Bruce: No!
Kate: boooo pussy baby man.
Damian: he can blow up stuff but I stab one person I'm ground for six weeks.
Dick: because stabbing the mailman because you think he's an intruder.
Damian: he looked sus! Chat defend me!
Barbara: chat says no stabbing.
Damian: tt.
Bruce, to Dick: how do I stop him! You have a file on him, tell me!
Dick: no, I won't. There's finally a hot redhead villain now, and I'm going to pull a you real quick and flirt with the sexy villain, bye! *Leaves*
Bruce: noooooo, you were my son! Diana gonna laugh at me!
Jason: auntie gonna laugh at you? Shit let me help make this more of a problem for ya.
Bruce: betrayal!!
Cass: betrayal, maybe but it funny.
Wally, on a megaphone: do you YIELD Batman.
Bruce, and his ego: NEVER!
Continue on for two years
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batsimsposts · 18 days
Ok yall, i've seen a lot of misinformation on who was the first *insert superhero here* so here are some common superheroes who passed on their mantle and in what order each character was this hero. This post is meant to be informative.
This post has Batgirl, Robin, Flamebird, and Flash.
- Bette Kane was Batgirl for seven years (1961-1967) and she was THE original batgirl. (Yup! Barbara was not the first!)
- Barbara Gordon was the most iconic Batgirl and most depictions of Batgirl in animation/live action are her. She was Batgirl from 1967-1988. (There are most recent depictions of her as batgirl but she was officially retired by DC editorial in 1988)
- Helena Bertinelli was Batgirl during the No Man's Land arc which ran through most of 1999. It happened for less than one year so if you don't want to count her that's fine. This list is more for educational purposes.
- Cassandra Cain was Batgirl right after Helena Bertinelli near the end of No Man's Land in 1999. She stopped being Batgirl in 2009 and came back in late 2010 with her new alias Black Bat.
- Stephanie Brown was Batgirl from 2009 to 2011 when DC launched the New52 timeline where she was reverted back to Spoiler.
- Tiffany Fox was Batgirl in 2014 during the league of Batgirls arc.
- Dick Grayson was the original Robin, his first appearance was in 1940 and his last appearance as Robin was in 1984, he was Robin for 44 years.
- Lance Bruner was Robin during a 1969 run of The Brave And The Bold. He died as Robin.
- Jason Todd his first appearance as Robin was in 1983 and he officially took over the Robin mantle in 1984. He died in 1988, being Robin for only four years.
- Carrie Kelley was Robin in 1986 during a Batman comic run. She later adopted the Catgirl mantle. (Alternate universe)
- Tim Drake became Robin after Jason died, his first appearance was in 1989. He became Red Robin in 2009 but got put back into the Robin mantle in 2019, he currently fills in as Robin when Damian is out of town.
- Stephanie Brown was Robin for three months (71 days) in 2004. She was only in a few issues and got nerfed like right after.
- Damian Wayne has been Robin since 2009, and is currently holding the Robin Mantle.
- Jimmy Olsen was Flamebird Pre-crisis
- Bette Kane was Flamebird post-crisis
- Ak-Var was Flamebird for a little bit
- a Kryptonian hero was also called Flamebird
- Kara Zor-El was Flamebird for a tiny bit
- Lois Lane used the Flamebird alias once
(aka Bette Kane was the one to use the Flamebird alias the most but the alias itself is such a small role that i cant even tell you dates or anything...)
- Jay Garrick is the original Flash, his first appearance was in 1940. (Timelines are always messed up when referring to Flash so I'm only gonna out their first appearance.)
- Barry Allen was Flash after Jay Garrick, his first appearance was in 1956
- Wally West was originally Kid Flash, but became The Flash after some timeline shenanigans with Barry. His first appearance was in 1960
- Ivana Christina Molotova was experimented on and gained speed powers. She was Lady Flash for a while (1987) but changed her alias shortly before her death.
- John Fox is a Flash from the future (27th century) that went back in time to ask Jay Garrick for help. His appearance was in 1990
- Jesse Quick was The Flash after Wally West was integrated with the speed force. She had the powers of Liberty Belle as well as a connection to the speed force. Her first appearance was in 1992
- Bart Allen was first Impulse and then Kid Flash, he became The Flash after Wally West's disappearance. His first appearance was 1994 (as Impulse)
- Avery Ho became The Flash during DC's Rebirth era. She joined the Justice League Of China and was one of the best Flashes with Bart Allen and Wally West. Her first appearance was in 2016.
This is all for now, let me know if theres a superhero alias you want me to do <3
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cyanide-sippy-cup · 3 months
If I had to pick any Batman character to return after being forgotten it'd be Bette Kane. (Helena Wayne already has been replaced by Bertinelli and Lance is just like. What do you do with that concept)
Like I know she hasn't been forgotten forgotten but she's even less popular than Harper, and as much as I love Harper I have to admit being less popular than her is pretty much a death sentence for a character. Especially with the attempts to erase her and replace her in the past (killing Kathy and replacing her with Kate, creating Barbara, giving a Robin a sassy blonde love interest/rival vigilante). It's honestly a miracle that she's still here.
But like as I mentioned in a previous post, she was the first Batgirl with Dick Grayson's Robin. Then he became Nightwing and she became Flamebird (granted in the comic lore it was a whole set of events but yada yada). I could go on a tangent on her personality and reasons to love her but simply put: Nightwing and Flamebird are twin gods. Neither was ever meant to exist without the other. Give Nightwing his Flamebird. Make them buddies again PLEASE.
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nicoscheer · 25 days
I’d really like to know whether Miles had to fight and curse Ticketmaster today like all us common people or if Alex already told him in advance that the band were gonna get a few tickets and that Miles would obviously without question be his plus one
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valjeanzachary · 9 months
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Citizen Kane squeezing the final word.
Reimagined Jay Garrick, the first Flash comes about in the 1960s.
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timmurleyart · 9 months
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Hollis crew. 📻👟💵☝🏽🎤
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misskattylashes · 6 months
Did anyone see Jay Forrester's story the other day, a picture of a Mod holding up a sign saying 'Jay you are required as a Best Man'?
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nicoscheer · 3 months
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