#Regulate your sleep schedule
kennys-parka-jacket · 11 months
Me when the seasonal depression hits and the mask of enthusiastic positivity starts to slip
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thethingything · 6 months
we forgot how much the sunlight actually seems to help with us being able to do stuff because it's been pretty cloudy and now we have some sunlight and oh look we suddenly managed to catch up with a bunch of journaling we'd missed and we're like half way through getting for bed even though for the last few days we've gone to bed late because we kept struggling to get up and get ready
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canisonicscrewyou · 2 years
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ssahotchnerr · 5 months
i rlly wanna see how aaron would react to reader accidentally starting her period and leaking on his white sheets. i just know he would be so caring and conforming !!
he soooo would cw; fem!reader, period talk, blood mentions, language, fluff <33
Even on the weekends, Aaron doesn't tend to stray from routine.
Apart from setting an alarm - he presses a kiss to the first patch of your skin he can find, rolls out of bed, and then opens the blinds so the morning light can naturally assist in waking you. Trailing into the en-suite bathroom, he hears you let out a gentle squeak, stretching from your laid position in bed.
He preps his toothbrush, blinking once, twice, in attempt to rid the heavy sleep from his eyes. Brushing his teeth is number one on his morning agenda; not only because it was the hygienic thing to do, he simply could not stand having horrid breath.
Despite the brushing sounds echoing in his head, he doesn't miss your low,
"Honey?" His attempt to speak was muffled, as his toothbrush was in his mouth. He tilted back from the sink, just enough to allow him to peer into the room, to see you.
You were sat upright, a handful of sheets in hand, meeting his eyes guilt-stricken. "I'm sorry. It wasn't due for another three days and you know I'm typically always on schedule and always prepared-"
"Hm?" Freeing his mouth from the toothpaste, quickly flicking the water on/off to rid the residue and wiping his mouth with a washcloth, he re-entered his room.
As he came closer, your flushed cheeks were vividly noticeable, the remorse in your eyes even more intense. You clarified, "My period."
"Oh," his expression softened, before alternating to deep concern. "Are you alright?"
"Am I alright? Aaron your bed-"
"What about it?"
"It's stained - the sheets. Fuck," you scrambled up, not wanting to ruin them further, wincing in pain as you did so. You quickly padded past him to the bathroom, the plush carpet soft under your bare feet. He followed behind.
"And? Sweetheart if you think I care about that," he chuckled, sweetly shaking his head. "Do you have...?"
"In my bag."
Feminine products - Aaron redirected himself, finding your overnight duffle tossed hastily near the foot of his dresser. As he rummaged through it, he mentally cursed himself for not already having a supply waiting under his sink, and mentally added such to his future shopping list.
He grabbed the other necessities - an extra pair of underwear, t-shirt, opting to grab your favorite pair of shorts from his drawer. One he hadn't worn in quite a while as you had claimed sole ownership.
You sheepishly accepted the items from him, refraining from lifting your gaze. "Thank you."
"Hey," With a finger he lifted your chin, causing you to meet his soft, brown eyes. "It's okay."
You shook your head in shame, prompting his hand to fall.
"It's your body. It's natural. It's- this is not an inconvenience to me, it is for you. Plus, this is exactly what they invented stain remover for."
Despite yourself you laughed, wrapping your arms around your middle. "I suppose."
The ends of Aaron's lips itched upwards, successful in his goal to crack a smile. Although, his amusement sobered back to concern, "You never answered my question from before. Are you alright?"
You grimaced. "Crampy."
"Advil then?" Aaron asked and you nodded. He placed his hand on your lower abdomen soothingly, the warmth of it calming your tensed muscle. That was the thing about his touch, it never failed to relieve any aches or discomfort, physical and emotional. "And a bath? I recall you saying that helps, with easing the pain."
He quickly obtained the pain reliever, started the bath. "Don't worry about the sheets, I'll strip and get 'em in the wash. Hand me your clothes too." He ran his hand under the stream of water, regulating the temperature as you immediately began to protest, claiming, 'it was your mess, your doing,' but Aaron kindly shut you down, "Nope. Let me handle it, I insist."
"And if the stain doesn't come out?"
"I've been meaning to dispose of them anyway. They're getting old, they've fulfilled their job well." After flashing you a sympathetic smile Aaron stood, his age vaguely showing when his knees cracked as his legs straightened. He placed a kiss on your forehead, hoping to dissolve your current, growing pout. "Just relax."
You willingly met his eyes this time. You tousled his hair, still disheveled from sleep, paying extra attention to the short hairs behind his ears. Your nails scratched at his scalp, expressing your gratitude silently.
"And if it makes you feel any better, this isn't the first time I've had to soak blood from linens."
"It doesn't," you rolled your eyes at his injury-prone occupation, but he did however manage to pull yet another smile from you. A gentle laugh came from deep within his chest at your response. "But thank you."
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entity56 · 6 months
Tips for Cluster B Anger
~ coming from someone who has BPD and a psychology special interest Have you been feeling like your anger is completely uncontrollable and all encompassing? Do you feel like your anger controls you more than you control it? Me too! But here are some things I've found to be helpful: - Taking notes. Write down triggers for what causes your anger episodes (as well as other episodes e.g sadness or paranoia) once you come down from it and start looking for a pattern. Not only will this help you to slow down and self reflect, you can begin to either avoid those triggers or find ways to regulate the effects. - SLOW DOWN. If something is making you want to hurt someone else or yourself, slow the FUCK down. Push against the grain, step back and let yourself have a good cry or scream into a pillow. Do whatever you can to (healthily) process the emotions, no matter how long it takes, before making major decisions. - Avoid self harm, substances or unhealthy habits like disordered eating or emotional self harm. It's so tempting, believe me, but it will only serve to make things worse. You might feel like you want it to get worse now, but in the future, you WILL regret it. If you start feeling these urges, refer to the urge surfing diagram below this. - Get outside advice. Think you're splitting but you can't tell? Run the situation by a close friend or loved one and see how they feel about it. Try to relay it with as little bias as possible and see if they agree with the decision you're about to make or if you perhaps need to reevaluate some things. - Take care of your heart. I know this is cliche, but a good sleep schedule, hearty food consumption habits, hydration, exercise routine and mental health care go a long way in helping you succeed in the above tips. You are struggling with an illness, and ill people need as much care as possible. Become your own parent. This works for anger in all Cluster B personality disorders, as well as with autism spectrum disorders! Urge surfing:
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bloomzone · 6 months
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Becoming a morning person often involves gradually adjusting your routine and mindset. Here are some tips to help you become a morning person:
1. Establish a consistent sleep schedule: Aim to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends.
2. Create a calming bedtime routine: Wind down before bed with activities like reading, taking a warm bath, or practicing relaxation techniques.
3. Limit screen time before bed: Avoid screens such as smartphones, tablets, and computers at least an hour before bedtime, as the blue light can interfere with your sleep.
4. Avoid caffeine and heavy meals late in the day: Stimulants and large meals close to bedtime can disrupt your sleep patterns.
5. Get plenty of sunlight during the day: Exposure to natural light helps regulate your body's internal clock and can improve your sleep quality.
6. Exercise regularly: Engaging in regular physical activity can help you fall asleep faster and enjoy deeper sleep.
7. Gradually adjust your wake-up time: If you're used to waking up later, gradually set your alarm clock earlier by 15-30 minutes each day until you reach your desired wake-up time.
8. Have a motivating reason to wake up early: Whether it's starting your day with a favorite activity or setting goals to accomplish in the morning, having something to look forward to can make waking up early more appealing (skincare,workout,walk...)
9. Practice gratitude: Start your day with a positive mindset by reflecting on things you're grateful for, which can help set a positive tone for the day ahead.
10. Be patient with yourself: It may take some time for your body to adjust to a new sleep schedule, so be patient and consistent with your efforts.
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tsukii0002 · 3 months
My demons' periods cycles. By Mc
Note: these are purely my headcanons at the moment, they are based on animal ethology and behaviours that I think would suit each character depending on their personality and Lore. I would love to read your headcanon in case you have them.
Warning: Long text. Possible grammatical errors. It's written as if Mc was writing for themself.
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Hey, it me Mc, the best human. Here is a compilation of the behaviours of my demons during their periods, cycles, for practical day to day use. It wasn't easy but I sat them down and got to talk to them, with a little effort I now know what they need. So now I am ready to assist them during these complicated times and be prepared in case I find a dead goat on the porch as a tribute.
Lucifer, Mammon & Levi || Satan, Asmo, & Beel || Belphie, Barbatos & Diavolo || Simeon & Raphael
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He is totally diurnal, so when he's in the Devildom is always sleepy and a bit disoriented. But with the help of artificial light (what a nice trick magic is) he can regulate his schedule.
Under normal conditions, during his period he spends most of his time awake and alert. But in hell he sleeps much more.
During his period Simeon feathers himself, with new feathers on his wings and fluff covering on other parts of his body such as his chest or lower back, sometimes with different coloured shine (iridescence)
He does not usually show them, but if he is relaxed he reveals his halo and celestial formations equivalent to eyes (among others) Sometimes those eyes watch you while his real eyes are looking elsewhere.
Simeon grooms himself constantly and will groom you with the same intensity. But you don't have feathers so be careful, he can hurt you, you can avoid this by helping him preen so he'll be. distracted.
Simeon's nest is small, cosy and compact, he usually nests in his bedroom. He spends a lot of time indoors, even more in the Devildom.
You won't be able to help him nest because he wants to surprise you. How do I tell him that I don't usually live in nests?
He needs things that give him comfort and remind him of the Celestial Realm.
Bring him lots of flowers and things that are brightly coloured and warm but not poisonous or dangerous, those thing are for Asmo.
Simeon is not territorial. But in his period he have a highly developed protective and paternal instinct.
That's because in the Celestial Realm the younger angels are mentored by the older ones and Simeon plays an important role in this.
That's why Simeon feels anxious without having "his chicks" around, which is why Luke cannot be around during his cycles in the Devildam because he would overwhelm the young angel.
Due to this he cries a lot, so to comfort him you have to let him cuddle and coo at you. (He won't say directly that he wants more chicks but with you, I'm not ready for that Simeon ).
Simeon has a couple of days of pre-heat. Can you tell? Yes, when he starts to eat more protein, to hide blankets in the corners, and when he is more vigilant and follows Luke everywhere, the cycle is approaching.
Although he eats a lot before the heat, he hardly eats at all during it. But being in a different place than usual, with a little insistence he will do it.
He thinks you can't eat without him, he has to make sure he provides for his mate.
Simeon is not non-verbal in his cycle, but prefers to communicate with cooing and chirping, after several days it is easy to identify them.
When he looks at you with his big eyes and makes a little chirp he has you in the bag, he is a master manipulator.
Simeon's pheromones are very strong, and harmful to low-ranking demons, but he only limits the marking to his mate and his nest. (Luke too but he usually goes with Barbatos or to the House of Lamentations)
During the cycle physical contact is a must, as he hardly ever leaves the nest, he is practically glued to you at all times.
Turtledoves are monogamous and spend many hours in pairs, Simeon is the same, he will treasure you as the most important thing in all three worlds.
Simeon's courtship consists of showing off, spreading his wings and puffing out his feathers, (angelic formations also play a part in this).
However, the most important part of his courtship is singing, cyclical melodies and with a wide vocal range ( you can't hear some notes with your human hearing range >:(), he can spend hours singing + make sure he is properly hydrated and rested.
Simeon's senses during his period are heightened, but especially his hearing, any sound will make him alert (soundproofing spells will be very helpful in calming him down).
Simeon's temperature rises. Snuggling next to him means instant warmth, especially in his chest (if he were a bird he would hatch his eggs with his chest, cero proof, cero doubt).
Simeon's purring is like continuous chirping (can it be called purring?), sometimes it produces no sound but you can feel the vibration in the chest and throat.
It is not common for him to purr, but he does it especially when you are about to sleep cuddled together he's so cute when he wraps you up in his wings
Simeon: *crying silently*
Mc: *worried * Hey what's wrong?
Simeon: *hugging them* Mc *sad chirp*
Mc: What's wrong Simeon?
Simeon: I miss the little ones...
Mc: *apprehensive* There, there, how can I make you feel better?
Simeon: *staring at them with tear-filled eyes* make a chick?
Mc: … *cheeks about to explode* maybe another time.
Simeon: *apparently sleeping while his angelic formations watch them*
Mc: … *waving their hand to see if they'll follow it*
Simeon: *the "eyes" follow Mc's movement*
Mc: Heh
Simeon: *smiling* If you're so entertained, I can show you my primal form….
Mc: … Sorry, *kissing his forehead' sweet dreams.
Mc: *wraps themself around Simeon's wings as they caresses them* I'm getting sleepy….
Simeon: *purring as he smiles* I'm going to take you to the Celestial realm.
Mc: *stunned* Won't that be a problem?
Simeon: *softly cooing at them* I don't think so.
Mc: *practically asleep* Hum?
Simeon: *hugging them with a big smile* No one will dare question the couple I've chosen.
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Raphael is also diurnal, but he tolerates the dark better than Simeon, and he sleeps much less than him, that doesn't mean that in Devildom he is not a little disoriented.
Like most angels, Raphael is feathered during his period, his wings acquire new feathers and parts of his body are filled with smaller feathers and fluff.
In his case he has no iridescence, his plumage blends in very well with his environment.
He lets his halo and celestial formations show normally (he also uses it as an intimidation technique) although he wasn't sure if he would continue to do so after seeing your first reaction to them. They're cool... but kind of disturbing.
He spends considerable time grooming, he is calm and independent, he won't need your help, but he likes you to be close by "as if you were grooming together".
He tries to hide it, but he constantly looks sideways at you to make sure you are still there.
Raphael nests high up, so in the Devildom he nests inside the roof of the purgatory hall (in the Celestial Realm he has several nests, to keep watch despite the period)
He doesn't expect you to be in the nest all the time, but when he rests he does like you to be together.
Raphael feels a bit guilty that you take care of him. Is that vulnerability?
He does not know how to express his feelings well and is very indipendent, although he worries that you'll think that you make he feel uncomfortable or that he does not like you to take care of him, he's kinda cute.
Always alert and vigilant. Raphael is very territorial, he has the perimeter constantly guarded, nothing and no one is allowed near the purgatory hall, several spears are seen around the building as a warning to demons passing by.
It is not sure if it can be considered pre-heat but... Raphael becomes elusive and leaves the house less, he hardly talks to other people outside his circle.
Rapahel, unlike other angels, hunts during his period. So he usually feeds on raw prey, often wanting to share it with you like a hawk. Occasionally an evil imp has crept in and you have quickly released it, demons are friends not food
Raphael is totally non-verbal, his communication consists of small grunts and warning cries.
Ironically, he expresses a lot with his wings. It's funny because his wings make him much more expressive than when he's not on his period.
Raphael's pheromones are not as strong as Simeon's, but he marks much more, the whole Purgatory Hall is filled with his pheromones. Sometimes one of the brothers had been marked.
Raphael become more nervous than Simeon, he's less familiar with the Devildom, so to calm him down, cut off stimuli, cover his eyes while you talk to him and stroke his hair or wings.
Although he likes physical contact, you should always ask permission before doing so or he may become upset. He will do the same before cuddling next to you or stroking your hair.
Raphael's courtship is impressive, it involves Bridal Flights, which consist of acrobatic flights and all kinds of aerial pirouettes to get your attention. In an angel-angel situation the couple would accompany him in flight.
Then he also uses singing, (and it's true, Raphael's voice is out of this world) , you can't fly but you can sing so he'll expect you to reciprocate, if you hum along he'll be more than happy.
The sense that Raphael develops the most during his period is vision, he is able to see for miles this helps him not only to hunt but also to defend the fort.
His body temperature rises during his period this means that he is constantly ventilating the nest, so he wears warm clothes as a precaution.
Raphael's purring is deep and soft. It is impossible to catch him purring, he seems to wait until you are asleep to do it. But all in all it is an indicator that he is at ease and relaxed.
Raphael was the first one to talk to you about the periods of angels and demons, since he felt that as a human you would be the best person to help him in that kind of situation in a new place. Soooo unconsciously he is the one who clarified a lot of things for us... a lot of things, and the one who has triggered all this :D.
Raphael: *preening his wings*
Mc: *laying down next to him* This is rare…
Raphael: *watching them*
Mc: It's almost disturbing... so much independence, used to what I'm used to.
Raphael: *caressing their cheek with his own*
Mc: Thank you, I feel much better now.
Mc: Is it ok if I touch you?
Raphael: *blindfolded* … *nodding*
Mc: *caressing his back gently* You have to rest, as long as I'm here nothing dangerous will happen.
Raphael: *melting into the touch* …
Mc: Do you want me to keep talking? Or do you prefer to be silent?
Raphael: *cuddling up next to them*
Mc: *smiling* All right… today I went to the market…
Raphael: *singing as he stares at Mc*
Mc: *totally enraptured* Wow.
Raphael: *smiling in an angelic manner*
Mc: Damn, that's courtship and the rest is nonsense.
Raphael: *wrapping his wing around them and singing again*
Mc: *flustered* Wow....
If you haveade it this far thanks you 🩷 the angel's part is a little longer but they are only two so...
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mydearlybeloathed · 3 months
“brazen” ft. zoro
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Zoro rolled over when you were five feet away from his hammock, shrouded in the midday darkness he’d sought in the storage room. It’s no wonder he jerked up and nearly fell out. “Shit, don’t do that!”
Everyone else worked through various activities around the ship, the sweltering heat making some deck work miserable, but the whole crew contented themselves to a slow day at sea. Yet, you stood here, eyes slightly wide and stare greatly troubled. Zoro leaned up in his hammock, swaying it gently, and flitted his eyes all over you. You weren’t harmed by the look of you, so it had to be something different. 
Zoro was good at dealing with physical things. Like swords, wounds, and annoying cooks. You presented a challenge; you brought him immaterial emotions and ideas, rewriting the way he viewed the world till he was somehow visibly softer. Nami pointed it out to you one low-lit night, noticing how Zoro didn’t bite back at Sanji as much—he knew it upset you when he did.
So he parted his lips and closed them sharply, unsure what to do with you. From the way you stood frozen just out of arms reach, breathing carefully caught, he figured you were much the same. Zoro blinked away sleep and rubbed at his jaw. 
“Something wrong?”
Instantly, you recoiled, laughing. “Nah. Sorry I woke you, I didn’t see you’re asleep.”
Now he knew for certain you were lying. You and Zoro had been on that crew together long enough for you to know his shitty sleep schedule. He cocked his head. “Wanna try again?”
“No.” You rolled your eyes. “You’re very brazen, you know.”
“And you came here for a reason,” Zoro turned it around, not bothering to ask whatever brazen meant. Later he’d skim the dictionary he’d bought just to keep up with your vast vocabulary. “So, what is it?”
Cold closed off your expression from him, foot inching backward, tiny murmurs of stupid slipping between your lips. Zoro huffed and lunged out for you, his hand catching the cloth of your shirt and yanking you back to him. You yelped, teetering on your toes, twisting around to catch yourself—your right hand hit Zoro’s chest and your left dipped into the hammock, your legs crossed and twisty. Zoro still gripped your shirt, inhale sharp and touch featherlight. 
“I know I’m… brazen,” he grunted. “But you can talk to me. You always have talked to me, so what’s the matter now?”
Chest tight, a dull ache spread from your heart to your arms and legs, up your neck and welling in your eyes. You let slip a shallow breath, a single look enough to express yourself to him. Zoro’s arms reached around your torso, righting you before hooking a hand under your thigh and heaving you into the hammock with him. You couldn’t focus on the awkward position of being on his lap, not when Zoro’s specific kind of unspoken comfort met you readily.
You slipped into his embrace flawlessly, as though you’d lain clutching him in a hammock a thousand times. His hand drew circles on your back, his eyes wide and afraid—tears started to dampen his chest, and he didn’t care at all about that, but Zoro did care about you.
And right now you needed silent comfort, and that he could give you, if nothing else. Zoro never spoke a word, hearing how your labored breathing slowed to something akin to regulated. When you felt ready, you raised your head from being buried in his chest and told him what ailed you. Zoro hung on every single word. 
“It feels superficial to say,” Zoro whispered, reaching to swipe a strand of hair out of your face. “But I think it’ll be okay. Maybe not now, but eventually.”
Relaxed with your legs resting between both of his, your hands folded atop his chest and your chin settled there, you nodded softly. You met his gaze suddenly, gathering your nerve to lean up and press a tender, lingering kiss on the corner of his mouth. You pulled back enough to say, “Thank you.”
Zoro’s hand raked into your hair and drew you back in, capturing your lips against his in the hope that all his yearning, devotion, and appreciation could become tangible in your hands. He dealt with physical things, and you dealed in the unspoken; yet that stark divide felt bridged then and there in that little hammock.
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prettieinpink · 1 year
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This post is all about how to optimise your sleep and beauty at the same time <3 I hope everyone can use at least one tip today and apply it to their sleep routine.
Have a sleep schedule
it is ideal for us to sleep at the same time, and wake up at the same time everyday. This is so our bodies are producing what we need at given times, and healing us of any injuries without interruption + strengthening our circadian rhythm(regulates our alertness and sleepiness)
Create a good sleep environment
Before you go to sleep, make your room clean and wipe off any excess dust, a cluttered room makes for a cluttered mind. Turn off all lights and close curtains. Having a good sleep environment allows our body to shut down more easily.
Avoid caffeinated drinks and high sugar drinks before bed
Caffeinated drinks should not be consumed 4-6 hours before bedtime possible, which does include soft drinks. It keeps you alert, which causes trouble for your sleep. Sugary drinks before bed reduces the quality of your sleep.
Have time to wind down befor bed
Don’t do any high focus activity, or high intensity exercise before bed. Our body and minds need time to release the stresses and excess energy from the day. Reading, mindfulness, disconnecting from social media, journaling are some things we can do.
Avoid doing high focus activities, exercising and eating in your bed
Your brain should only associate your bed with sleeping or relaxing, or else it makes it harder for you to go to sleep easily.
Minimise naps during the day
This can contribute to any sleep complications, if you really do need to nap, keep it under an hour.
Sleep on your back
Sleeping on your side or stomach can cause asymmetry in your face. Plus, allowing your face to touch your pillowcase can cause acne because of bacteria.
Use a sleeping mask
Blocks out most of your sight, minimising the distractions in your sleep. Make sure it’s a comfortable one which you wash regularly, or it can cause acne.
Sleep using a silk pillowcase
Pure silk can be very beneficial for your skin and hair but also minimises the skin pulling on our faces.
Wash your face before snoozing
The excess residue and dirt on our face transfers to our pillowcase, which we use the next day and causes acne. + an unwashed face can lead to breakouts.
Sleep with a humidifier
For my dry skin girlies, a humidifier allows for your skin to stay moisturised during your sleep, to wake up to bright, glowing skin. This is really recommended, as we are getting into winter.
Brush your teeth before bed
This can help remove any prior food particles, protect from any bacteria and regularly doing this limits the ability for plaque to build up + bad breath is minimised in the morning
Use an overnight moisturiser
For my dry skin girlies, again, using a good overnight moisturiser can help keep your skin glowing throughout the night.
wearing a bonnet
Reduces having tangled, messy hair in the morning and protects your hair from too much friction. Silk/satin ones are recommended.
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signedkoko · 8 months
ahh this is kind of a specific request but could you do headcanons of vox with a reader who has a fucked up sleep schedule? like "go to bed at 11pm, wake up at 1am, stay awake until 4-6am" kind of fucked up
Vox X Reader [Romantic]
In which your sleep schedule is not only strange, but opposes his in its entirety.
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His schedule is extremely strict and extremely normative
He needs to be awake when people are networking, doing shows, and being visible to the public so they can worship him as the media god he is
Punctuality is easy when you have an accurate internal clock that can arrange your day according to the perfect schedule
And before he was with you, he figured everyone lived similarly, or at least those with a life
But, dear, what the fuck is that sleep schedule you've adopted?
Not only are you sleeping throughout most of the day, but you sleep in two periods of six hours
Twelve hours of sleep meant you missed half the day on rest alone, and to add to all that, you were up when he wasn't
He is mostly grumpy because he misses out on your attention
He might really hate it at first and try to get you to adapt to something like his, but eventually he gives up because it's just so impossible to fix
You do get a good two hours together before he goes to bed, and you are just waking up, at least
That way, he gets to fall asleep with you in his arms and enjoy your company while he winds down
He usually wakes up and finds out that you've just made him a plate of breakfast, and a bunch of things he didn't want to do are handled
In a way, it's almost as if he's working on a 24-hour schedule since you both work independently throughout the day
Vox hopes someday you might regulate things just for the sake of enjoying time with you, but he will let you do it in your time
Besides, if you're asleep in his bed, then you're safe while he's working
There is far less to worry about
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Author's Note - Specific isn't bad! Honestly specific but simple requests are a really nice break for me, less expectations because I know exactly what you need!
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aether-starlight · 8 months
Mending - Zayne
Pairing: Zayne x Reader
Warnings: None.
Word count: 1k
Summary: Grandma and Caleb’s absence is hard on you. When you find yourself in the emergency ward, Zayne shows up with a helping hand.
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Zayne was the one to break the news of Grandma and Caleb’s passing to you.
The memory was a blur, a concentration of words that blended one into the other until they became a whole different language.
You hated to admit that for a moment you had wished you had gone with them. Then you wouldn’t have to feel so alone.
Burying yourself in missions and textbooks had come as easy as breathing afterward. The less time you had to spare, the less you thought about them.
It gave you a sick kind of relief not to have to remember your Grandma’s voice or her delicious cooking. The scent of her home or the wrinkles from smiling that framed her eyes.
Forgetting Caleb’s easy laughter and the weight of his arm draped over your shoulders felt infinitely easier than knowing you wouldn’t have it ever again.
Until the day came when working wasn’t enough. Missing them had become a phantom pain you could not get rid of.
Your poor sleep schedule and foggy mind caught up to you, and it was a little surprise that you ended up in the emergency ward.
It was pure carelessness, the way you had disconnected yourself from your body, how you hadn’t felt the graze of claws until you were slammed into your back.
Now you were bandaged up — with a dislocated shoulder—, and trying to remain focused as a nurse asked you if you had consumed any kind of sedative or psychoactive substance.
“I didn’t.” Your voice managed to crack in between those two words.
The nurse eyed you doubtfully, tracing the dark circles beneath your eyes and the fisted hands tightly pressed to your lap.
“I can take it from here, thank you.” A familiar voice broke through before she could inquire further.
“Zayne,” you called, feeling some of the tension upon your shoulders wane.
He pushed the curtains to your section closed, stepping until his thighs were a breath away from your knees.
Your foolish heart sped up when he leaned down until your eyes were at the same level.
He smelled like usual, something fresh and light, a trace of soap and lavender beneath the hospital’s antiseptic.
“I think I recommended that you rest and maintain good sleep hygiene as you recover.” He paused, assessing your reaction. “I believe I also suggested for you to see a grief counselor before returning to the field.”
You cleared your throat, forcing your voice to not come out as weak as it felt.
“I did. Go to the counselor, that is.”
“What about sleeping?” It was a futile question, for you both knew the answer.
“I can’t help it if it’s hard for me.”
You closed your eyes, furious at how defeated you sounded.
Zayne’s voice became softer, his hand pressing into your uninjured shoulder.
You nodded.
“Look at me.”
When you opened your eyes there was no judgment in his face. You almost would dare say he seemed worried.
“You went through an extremely traumatic experience. No one would blame you for needing help.”
Your eyes stung.
“What help could you give me?” It wasn’t necessarily hostile, if anything, your tone was curious.
Zayne let out a slow breath, pulling back, face clouded with contemplation.
“My shift is over. Come with me.”
At your widened eyes, he hastened to add: “We’ll talk. Have a cup of tea. It will help you regulate your emotions and promote the release of serotonin, necessary for sleep.”
The ghost of a smile pulled at your lips. Zayne had a peculiar way of being sweet without meaning to.
“I can’t sleep.” You mumbled into the dark.
After hours of talking it had gotten quite late, and given your arm predicament, you were unfit to ride your motorcycle back home.
Zayne had kindly offered for you to sleep in his bed and was now on a futon beside it.
“What’s on your mind?” He asked, patient as usual.
“Things I don’t want to remember.”
The deafening sound of the explosion, the ringing in your ears afterward. Caleb’s last smile to you, and glimpses of your home blazed alight.
You closed your eyes as if that could stop the memories from pouring in.
“Can you come here, please?” You asked, feeling incredibly small. It wasn’t a feeling you cherished.
Zayne sighed lightly, but it wasn’t exactly annoyed.
He laid carefully beside you, leaving a proper space between your bodies.
Your hand automatically reached forward, intertwining your fingers with his.
His hand was cold, but it felt nice, a break from the heated panic you found yourself in lately.
“Do you want to discuss it?”
“I don’t think I can.” You said honestly, then whispering: “I don’t want to break, Zayne.”
His hand tightened in yours.
“You’re not breaking. You are mending.”
A small smile cracked through your lips.
“Thanks. I hope so.”
A heartbeat passed before Zayne spoke again.
“What if…?”
He shifted in place, turning so he was looking at the ceiling instead of you.
“Forget it.”
He sighed, knowing you wouldn’t let it go.
“What if we do that mindfulness exercise your yoga teacher taught you? The one you showed me.”
You smiled lightly.
“I’d like that.”
“Alright,” he murmured. “Close your eyes.”
“You’re supposed to cover them with your hand, silly.”
He huffed a small laugh.
“So impatient.”
Any mirth vanished from the air when he shifted closer, until your side was pressed to his chest.
“Are you comfortable with this?” He asked.
You nodded, adding in a quiet: “yes,” for good measure.
Zayne’s lips hovered close to your ear, breath fresh and just a bit cold. The mint of his toothpaste sent a shiver down your spine.
He smelled more of lavender and less of antiseptic now, his pajamas’ shirt soft against your arm.
When his hand covered your eyes, you let out a soft breath.
“We are children and you are coming home from school. We run into each other,” he whispers. “I approach you and treat you to something sweet…”
That night no nightmares come for you.
When you wake up, Zayne’s hand is cradling your cheek.
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back2bluesidex · 1 year
Monitoring Duty - JJK
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Pairing: Idol!Jungkook X Managerial staff!Reader
Theme: Fluff, f2l (kinda), coworkers to lovers (kinda)
Summary: You are tasked with monitoring Jungkook's weverse live tonight, which starts with you trying to shove ramyeon down your throat and ends with Jungkook confessing that he likes you too.
Wordcount: 1.7k+
Warnings: None.
A/N: trust me, I had no plans of writing this one but couldn't really get this idea out of my head... so, please suffer with me. thank you very much. and it's really stupid so please forgive me.
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Weverse: 🌟JK started a LIVE  - I am tired..
Your phone dinged with the notification. You know what it can be and you are prepared but currently you are struggling to chew and swallow the last bit of cup ramyeon, so that you can finally get into your monitoring duty. 
Drinking the water in a breath and debunking choking possibilities, you reach for your work laptop. Opening the application while putting down the password doesn't take you more than 10 seconds. 
And finally you are in. Now all you have to do is to monitor Jungkook and take appropriate actions when there is an inappropriate situation such as, he falls asleep, or he spoils his upcoming schedule, or he gets repetitive calls from a sasaeng etc. 
You melt on the hotel couch. Your limbs feel like jelly due to all the workload you have been through since 4 am in the morning. Being a managerial staff of a Kpop idol is neither fancy nor pleasant. While thousands of fans dream of being at your place, you want nothing more than a year long break. But then again, the pay is good and you are in need of money as well as a strong professional profile. 
And another reason for you pursuing this gruesome job is, the man you are currently monitoring. 
It has been more than two years since you joined Hybe. For the first year you worked with the entire team and for the last one year, you have been appointed as one of the managerial staff of the maknae.
You don’t know when in this last one year, you started to grow and harbor some kind of fondness towards Jungkook. Not that you don’t know the rules and regulations of the company (most of which don’t apply in terms of BTS), you can recite those better than your phone number, but still… staying immune to Jungkook’s charms, and especially the way he treats you with all the kindness of the world (which makes you wonder at times whether feelings are mutual or not), wasn’t possible for you. 
You know it’s foolish, you know there will be no return to your affection but you still like to enjoy this feeling of liking him, adoring him from afar, praying for him in silence. You will move on someday, but as of now, your focus is trained on him and only on him. 
“Oh the festival? The festival was crazy! You know it’s the first time I have performed in a festival all alone without the members, so it was scary and I was nervous. But seeing the other artists enjoying themselves and watching you guys cheering for me helped me a lot. Hope you guys liked it.” Jungkook giggles. You mirror his actions while watching him through your laptop screen. 
If you put your ear on the wall, you could probably hear his mellow voice piercing through the thin cement of the overpriced hotel room. You are given the room beside him for handling emergencies quickly and he doesn’t even know that. He doesn’t even care, does he? 
You shake off your thoughts as you try to focus on the live.
Jungkook restlessly talks and tries to interact with the fans despite being dead tired. You have been with him all day long and you know how hectic things were. He has hardly got any sleep since the day he landed in the US. Interviews, performances, event invitations, everything was lined up one after another. It all ended with the Summerfest performance today. Just this one live and after that he will get to rest for a couple of days before catching a flight back to Korea.   
You roll your eyes as Jungkook starts to sing to comply with the request of a fan. 
“He just performed for an hour and twelve minutes! And you people still want him to sing? Even when he is clearly tired?” you groan at the screen. Most of the time you respect fans’ love for Bangtan but sometimes their nonchalant demands really piss you off.  
Jungkook finishes signing and starts coughing immediately. You follow the live stream as he leaves his chair and starts looking for water in the refrigerator. 
He coughs some more and then with a very choked voice, says, “ah! Guys! I’m running out of water. Should I drink water from the faucet then?” 
You grab two bottles from the nightstand as soon as possible and run towards his room. 
Within a few moments of ringing the bell, Jungkook appears at the door. At first his eyes go wide seeing you standing there wearing an oversized tshirt and a pair of sweats, then his eyes fall on the bottles you have in your hold. He coughs again and you hastily open the cap of one of the bottles and thrust it towards his lips. He grabs it immediately and drinks until he is satisfied.  
You try not to stare at the way his adam’s apple bobs when he chugs water down or the way he wipes his lips to get rid of the remnants of water, but fail miserably and you guess Jungkook notices that too, otherwise there is no apparent reason for him to smile sheepishly. 
“Thanks” he says, closing the bottle, “so… you are on monitoring duty tonight?” 
“Yeah. Are you okay though? You have been coughing since morning.” You reply, neglecting the way your skin heats up because of Jungkook’s intense stare at your smaller form. 
“I am fine, Y/N. Much better now that you are here…” Jungkook pauses, your eyes widen at his statement, “with the water I mean.” both of you chuckle nervously. 
“Umm.. I will wrap it up quickly okay? I don’t want to overwork you. Just give me ten more minutes.” 
“Jungkook, it’s alright. Take your time. I like to watch you doing silly stuff anyway.” you smile and he giggles. 
“It felt nice… hearing you say that.” Jungkook gives you one of his bunny smiles as his dark orbs find yours. You two stay there staring at each other, without giving a damn about the 10 million people that are currently staring at a chair, until reality finally seeps into your veins again. 
“Bye. Good night.” you murmur as Jungkook nods. 
He is already back at his seat when you come back to your room and sit on the couch. 
“Jungkook-ah, I wish I had a better word than love to explain how much I love you.”
Jungkook reads a comment. 
“Umm… better word than love? Is there anything like this?” He thinks for a moment, squirting his eyes, placing his index finger on his chin and pretending to think hard, “I watched a drama where the male lead confesses his love for the girl he likes saying something like ‘the moon is beautiful’ and I think that was really romantic. So, from now on if you want to say that you love me beyond explanation, use ‘the moon is beautiful’ and I will understand right away. Okay?” 
You see as the comment section goes wild with “moon is beautiful” comments rapidly. Fans really love him a lot and he too, is so dedicated to his fans that sometimes you get jealous. 
Within five more minutes, Jungkook is saying bye and turning the live stream off. You leave a sigh of relief, nothing went wrong under your watch and now you can finally sleep. 
You hit the bed with a thud, wrap the duvet around your body and close your eyes only to be startled by the vibration of your phone that is kept on the nightstand. 
You grab your phone with an annoyed huff, which vanishes when you see it’s a text from Jungkook. 
“Do you wanna grab a beer? If you are not asleep yet?” 
And the next moment you are bolting towards Jungkook’s room, fucking your sleep and nighttime rest. 
You two settle comfortably at the balcony, talking about nothing and everything at the same time, while staring at the night sky. Gradually you forget that you are tired and you haven’t got any sleep for almost 20 hours now. But who cares. If having no sleep exchanges a bit of quality time alone with Jungkook then you would gladly stay awake night after night. 
“Jimin hyung texted me earlier, saying I did a great job.” Jungkook says, sipping on his beer. 
“See, you were panicking for nothing. You always do a great job.” You reply, he chuckles and then for a minute or so, you two fall into a comfortable silence. Until Jungkook decides to break it.
“The moon is beautiful.” Jungkook whispers and you hear it loud and clear. Your heart stops beating for a moment. You stare at the said moon blankly. You don’t know if it is what you think it is. Maybe you are wrong, the moon is really beautiful tonight and that pact he made, is between him and his fans, it has nothing to do with you. On the top of that there is no way he feels something for you. You are just a nobody, nothing in front of him and his grandiose life. 
So you reply, “yes, it is.” 
“Y/N… You have been watching the live and you know what I mean right?” Jungkook’s voice suddenly feels closer to your body. You don’t know if it’s really happening or is it just a fragment of your dream, so you stay silent. 
Jungkook grabs your arms and turns your body to face him. 
And then within a moment you are caged between his muscular body and the balcony railing. 
“Don’t I deserve an answer?” Jungkook breathes on your lips. 
“Do- do you really..?”
“Yes, I do. And I wonder why you didn't notice it when I am always giving you heart eyes, when I am trying to be as close to you as possible, when I am always looking for chances to converse with you, to spend a little bit of time with you.” 
“But- Jungkook..”
“What’s your answer, Y/N?” 
“Jungkook, my answer doesn’t matter. Not when I am one of your employees. It’s prohibited for me.” you try to make him understand. 
“You just need to say yes, Y/N. I can manage the rest.”
“I will get fired.” 
“You won’t. Don’t you trust me?” 
“I do.” “Then let me take care of things okay?”
“Okay.” You smile at him, as he connects his forehead with yours. You breathe in him, his scent, his warmth and his affection for you. You don’t know about the future, you don’t have a clue about the struggles you are about to face. But you know you love him and he loves you back. So maybe things will be alright. You will let Jungkook take care of things as he wants, as for now, when he reaches down to lock his lips with yours, you taste euphoria on him.  
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A/N: The idea of "Moon is beautiful" instead of "I love you" is derived from the KDrama "Romance is a bonus book.
@phenomenalgirl9 @soraviie @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @sukunabitch
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moonchild9350 · 2 months
Pockets of Peace
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Pairing: Minho x gn reader
Genre: pure fluff
Warnings: none
Note: wrote this in the morning hours as my mind drifted to soft moments with Minho. I hope you like it :)
Please do not copy, translate, use, or repost this work elsewhere without my permission. ©️moonchild9350 (2024)
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It’s the wee hours of the morning, a soft light bathes through the windows, the world not yet awake. There’s a chance of rain this morning, allowing it to be darker in the room than usual. The dorm is quiet, the other members still asleep, casting a peaceful atmosphere for once.
Minho has nothing on his schedule today, you don’t as well. He’s happy you slept over, getting to spend time with you in these busiest moments. He wakes, his body automatically going into autopilot until he realizes he doesn’t have to get up. Doesn’t have to prepare for the day and leave at hours of the morning where not even the birds are awake.
He relaxes once more into the pillows, letting out a sigh. Turning to you, he studies your sleeping face, your lips slightly parted, little breaths falling from them as you slumber. You look peaceful, your eyes fluttering every now and then reacting to whatever is occurring in your dreams. He notices your hair spread out, strands plastered all over your face. He smiles to himself at your beauty in this peaceful moment, thanking his lucky stars you’re his.
You startle slightly, maybe you subconsciously feel someone was watching you. Minho watches as your eyes flutter open, the beautiful brown orbs finding his in the morning light. He gives you a smile, reaching out to push your hair away from your eyes and cradle your cheek. You smile at him, inching closer into his open arms.
He pulls you to his chest, feeling your warm body next to his as you snuggle closer to him, letting out a sigh. Pulling the blankets up and around you, he creates a little cocoon, burying you in comfort and warmth. He gently runs his hands up and down your back, soothing you, willing you to relax and rest. Minho presses soft kisses to your hair, occasionally breathing in the scent of your shampoo, that fruity scent he loves so much. He’s here and he’s not going anywhere.
Minho notices your body relaxes, as you succumb to your dreamland once more, your breathing becoming more soft and regulated. Your grip on his shirt loosens, but remains, grounding yourself to him. He hopes your dreams are filled with happiness and love, allowing you to peacefully sleep.
Minho loves these moments of pocket of peace. He’s not Lee Know the idol, Minho the hyung. He’s Minho your boyfriend, the love of your life. He’s your stable ground in a tumultuous life. Your light at the end of the tunnel. He wishes he could stay like this forever, wrapped in a moment of peace, where nothing can touch both of you. Despite this wish, he’ll savor the moment, knowing it won't last forever, relishing in the fact that he loves you, loves you more than life itself.
As his eyes start to flutter close, your breathing and presence soothing him back to sleep, he hopes to dream of you infinitely, landing amongst your star each time in every lifetime, and grateful that he was able to in this crazy labyrinth we call life.
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Taglist: @jehhskz @jeonginsleftcheek @simpforleeknaur @armystay89 @palindrome969 @slut4hee @ivydoesit23 @amarecerasus @kaysungshine
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estellan0vella · 3 months
No Smoochie Kiss! Older Brother Sukuna AU HFBU
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Living with Sukuna and Yuji is never boring. Between Sukuna's raw intensity and Yuji's unfiltered energy, you often find yourself navigating a whirlwind of chaos and laughter. It's a household filled with love, but sometimes, that love comes with unexpected twists.
It all begins one sunny morning when you're sitting at the kitchen table, half asleep but awake at Sukuna's insistence that you keep a regulated sleep schedule. Sukuna, ever the morning person, is already bustling around, making sure Yuji's lunchbox is packed with all his favourites. Yuji, on the other hand, is sitting next to you, his legs swinging under the table as he munches on his cereal. 
You sip on your coffee as Yuji babbles happily. You nod along but if asked you wouldn't have been able to tell anyone what he'd been talking about. 
You watch as Sukuna, with his usual swagger, approaches you for his customary morning kiss. However, before he can even get close, a small hand plants itself firmly on his chest.
"No, Suku!" Yuji declares, his big brown eyes wide with determination. "No smoochie kiss for Y/N/N!"
Sukuna raises an eyebrow, his signature smirk appearing on his lips. "And why not, squirt?"
"Because," Yuji says with the absolute authority that only a four-year-old can muster, "Y/N/N is mine."
You can't help but laugh, the sound filling the kitchen. Sukuna glances at you, his smirk softening into something more affectionate. "Is that so?"
"Yes," Yuji insists, crossing his arms over his chest. "Mine."
Sukuna looks back at you, an amused glint in his eyes. "Looks like I've got some competition."
You smile, reaching out to ruffle Yuji's hair. "Well, I guess you'll have to work extra hard to win me back."
The week that follows is both hilarious and endearing. Yuji takes his self-appointed role as your protector very seriously. Every time Sukuna tries to steal a kiss, Yuji is there, blocking his path and repeating his stern proclamation: "No smoochie kiss for Y/N/N!"
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On Monday, Sukuna tries to catch you in the hallway. He corners you with that predatory grace of his, leaning in as his hand cups your cheek. But just as his lips are about to meet yours, Yuji appears seemingly out of nowhere, wedging himself between the two of you.
"Suku, no!" he says, pushing at Sukuna's legs. "Y/N/N is mine!"
You laugh again, the sound bubbling up uncontrollably. Sukuna sighs, but there's a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "You're relentless, aren't you?"
"Yup!" Yuji beams up at him, looking proud of his efforts.
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Tuesday morning finds you in the living room, sitting on the couch with a book in hand. Sukuna slides in beside you, his arm slipping around your shoulders. Before you can even think to lean into him, Yuji's head pops up from behind the couch.
"Mine!" he shouts, his little arms waving in the air as he clambers over the back of the couch to wedge himself between you and Sukuna.
You shake your head, trying to suppress your laughter. Sukuna, ever patient (well, as patient as Sukuna can be), simply sighs again, but this time he pulls you and Yuji into a group hug. "Fine. I'll share, for now."
Yuji snuggles in between you two, looking entirely too pleased with himself. "Good!"
"Why were you behind the couch?" You ask the boy. 
"Because I know Suku is sneaky," Yuji says, narrowing his eyes at his older brother. 
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Wednesday brings another challenge. Sukuna, determined to have his moment with you, tries to sneak a kiss while Yuji is distracted by his toys. You're in the kitchen, washing dishes, when Sukuna wraps his arms around your waist from behind. His lips brush against your ear, sending a shiver down your spine.
Just as he's about to press his lips to yours, Yuji's voice rings out from the doorway. "Suku! No smoochie kiss!"
Sukuna groans, dropping his forehead to your shoulder in defeat. "Does he have radar or something?"
You giggle, turning in his arms to face him. "Seems like it."
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Thursday is perhaps the funniest day of all. You're at the park, watching Yuji play on the swings. Sukuna sees this as his golden opportunity. He sidles up to you, his hand slipping into yours as he leans down, aiming for a kiss.
Yuji, who you thought was engrossed in his swinging, suddenly leaps off, running toward you with surprising speed for someone his age. "No, Suku! No smoochie kiss!"
Sukuna straightens up, shaking his head with a chuckle. "You're really not giving me any breaks, are you?"
"Nope!" Yuji grins, hugging your leg. "Mine."
By Friday, it's become a game. Sukuna tries to catch you alone, and Yuji always seems to thwart his plans at the last second. It's a dance of sorts, filled with laughter and playful banter. Despite his grumbling, you can tell Sukuna is secretly enjoying the challenge. There's a softness in his eyes whenever he looks at Yuji, a fondness that makes your heart swell.
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Saturday morning, you decide to take matters into your own hands. After all, a whole week without kissing your boyfriend is quite a stretch. You wait until Yuji is napping, his little body curled up on the couch with his favourite blanket. You find Sukuna in the kitchen, his back to you as he prepares lunch.
Silently, you creep up behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist. He tenses for a moment, then relaxes when he realizes it's you. Turning in your arms, he smirks down at you. "Sneaking up on me now, huh?"
"Desperate times call for desperate measures," you say with a smile.
Sukuna's hands cup your face, his thumbs gently brushing over your cheeks. "Well, in that case..."
He leans down, capturing your lips in a kiss that's been a week in the making. It's soft and tender, yet filled with the intensity that only Sukuna can bring. You melt into him, your fingers curling into his shirt as you deepen the kiss.
Just as you're getting lost in the moment, a sleepy voice pipes up from the doorway. "Suku... no smoochie kiss..."
You break apart, both of you turning to see Yuji rubbing his eyes, his blanket trailing behind him as he shuffles into the kitchen.
Sukuna chuckles, shaking his head. "This kid..."
You kneel down, opening your arms to Yuji. "Come here, sweetheart."
Yuji toddles over, crawling into your lap. He looks up at Sukuna with a pout. "No smoochie kiss, Suku."
Sukuna kneels beside you, his hand ruffling Yuji's hair. "Alright, alright. No smoochie kiss."
Yuji beams, satisfied with his victory. He snuggles into your arms, closing his eyes again.
You share a look with Sukuna over Yuji's head, a silent understanding passing between you. For all his grumbling, you know Sukuna wouldn't trade these moments for anything. Yuji's protectiveness is endearing, a testament to how much he loves you both.
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The rest of the weekend passes in much the same way, with Yuji constantly on guard, ensuring no "smoochie kisses" take place. It's a funny, adorable phase, one that you're sure will pass soon enough.
By Sunday night, as you're tucking Yuji into bed, he looks up at you with those big, innocent eyes. "Y/N/N?"
"Yes, Yuji?"
"Why do you and Suku like smoochie kisses so much?"
You smile, brushing a lock of hair from his forehead. "Because it's a way to show we love each other."
Yuji considers this for a moment, his little brow furrowing in thought. "Can I have a smoochie kiss?"
Your heart melts. "Of course you can, sweetheart."
You lean down, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. Yuji giggles, wrapping his arms around your neck. "I love you, Y/N/N."
"I love you too, Yuji. So, so much."
You finish tucking him in, making sure he's snug and comfortable. As you close his bedroom door and turn around, you find Sukuna leaning against the wall, watching you with a soft smile.
"Looks like I'm off the hook," he says, pushing off the wall to wrap his arms around you.
"For now," you tease, leaning into him.
He chuckles, his lips finding yours in a kiss that's been too long in coming. It's sweet and lingering, a promise of many more to come.
As the days turn into weeks, Yuji eventually eases up on his no "smoochie kiss" rule. He still likes to remind Sukuna every now and then, but it's more playful than serious. The three of you find a balance, a rhythm that works for your little family.
Sukuna still teases Yuji, calling him his little guardian, and Yuji proudly accepts the title. There are days when Sukuna's patience is tested, but the love he has for both you and Yuji shines through, even in the most chaotic moments.
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hismourningflower · 7 months
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「 just breathe | kai's 2024 birthday special! 」 jing yuan & blade x gn!reader | hurt/comfort, nightmares | birthday fanfiction. ↳ additional tags. reader with ptsd (yet again, self indulgent for my bday!) but you can read it as reader with just nightmares in general!! ooc jing yuan & blade, kinda soppy/fluff with angsty themes. ↳ happy birthday to me part one! this is the honkai edition, there's a genshin special scheduled for later today!
data has been uploaded! - send an ask to join the taglist; specify genshin, honkai or both! @lovingluxury, @dumbificat, @starryshinyskies, @ryuryuryuyurboat, @ainescribe
the jade's guidelines | honkai masterlist | bday m.list | previous work
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you could never forget the silk sheets that line your shared bed with JING YUAN, an aspect of the luxuries that the xianzhou alliance bathe themselves quite fondly over the years of their long-life species' existence. you would tease jing yuan that perhaps it was the xianzhou natives' way of comforting themselves after what happened regarding their ancestors but the more you considered it, the more highly likely it felt to be true.
every night you'd fall asleep in these sheets without fail, drowning amongst their soft touch that brushes against your skin. it slides against your every limb, wrapping itself around your body for comfort whenever you're forced to go to bed without jing yuan at your side; there'd be numerous occasions, ones that he was always forced to deal with. you'd always see the way his eyes soften and shift away from you when he admits that he'd be late to bed. it was always work related, of course it was, he was the esteemed general of the cloud knights, the luofu's very own divine foresight.
you could never be mad at him, you were lucky enough to even be on the arm of the general. in your eyes, there was no way you could complain about his workload interrupting things except when it weighs down on him, dragging on his ankles and his shoulders to the point where all he can do is smile and keep napping - this is normal behaviour you've adjusted to but where's that small smirk that you love so much?
unfortunately, there's a nagging that weighs you down too. even though you don't explicitly mention it to jing yuan, he's more than aware. he's by no means stupid and he's actually incredibly observant, especially for you, his dearest partner. he's been awake on more than one occasion when your peaceful sleep is disrupted, your brows furrowed as you clutch at the sheets - naively unaware of his presence in the first place.
the silence will fill with struggled whimpers and gasps for breath, evolving into tears you might not even know slip from your closed eyes, squeezed shut as if trying to wake yourself up. these things haunt you, remind you of your struggles and where life has taken you. jing yuan has never been one for interrupting your rest, after all you've never once disturbed him but he knows he can't let you lay there, thrashing as you cry. not only for your sake but his own, when it breaks his heart to even witness it.
jing yuan will force himself to disturb you, strong arms wrapping around you and fighting against every thrash and struggle your emotionally weak body fights with until you calm against the comfort of his chest, breaking out into muffled sobs as your knuckles go white clutching onto him. he'll let out a breath, noting that you're awake when you choke out his name between gasps for breath.
"just breathe," he coos, a large hand smoothing down your back as his face buries into your hair. long, white hair drapes over his shoulders, tickling at your nose now that it's not tied up with a red ribbon, "it's okay, i'm here."
never once has jing yuan pressed into what your nightmare was about, simply listening as you follow his instructions and take a deep breath, trying to regulate as your body calms. there's a soft sniffle every now and then, his chest damp from where you've been sobbing but he'd rather it be like this instead of the bedsheets from where you've struggled alone.
every time it'll break his heart but he'll do it over and over again, knowing that his mere presence is what soothes you and keeps the tormenting demons at bay. maybe you'll never say it to him but all you need in those moments is him and he's more than happy to hold your shaking body until you fall back asleep.
BLADE isn't a fool, in fact he has his own fair share of nightmares from the mara within him and his past deeds. even if he denies it, you're no fool too and you've been present many times when it comes to blade panicking in his sleep. you do know however not to wake him, aware of his violent tendencies - you could be anyone to him when he wakes up and despite putting every inch of your trust into him, you know that's something you can't risk with him.
the next morning, he'll always avoid your gaze. dark hair will hang over ruby red eyes, concealing them from your view as he goes about his business, still closely knit to your side. he's aware that you know, that you was there and you witnessed it. there's no convincing him for a moment that he can trust you enough just to receive some form of comfort, even if it's hours later when dawn is breaking and in his eyes, just another day begins.
despite his avoidance of the topic when it revolves around him, blade doesn't shy away from your nightmares at all. in fact, considering how well acquainted he is with them - and dealing with them alone, - blade is way more comforting than many may suspect when it comes to your nightmares. it can be a surprising addition to the relationship at first when you experience the first night of having a harsh nightmare while the two of you share a bed.
blade isn't afraid to give you a snap back to reality in the moments you need it the most. in his eyes it's better than letting you lay there and struggle, your body thrashing on woven sheets that are soft from the fabric detergent you'd recently swapped to. when your relationship had started, he'd been against the idea of you staying with him at the stellaron hunters' headquarters but blade was observant enough to notice how often you had nightmares when he'd come to visit your home outside of work. he'll never admit it out loud but that's what changed his mind about where you slept at night.
there's a cold exterior that your boyfriend wears but deep inside, he can't bear the sight of seeing you go through it. he can't bear to hear the way you cry out his name, wrapping your arms around his neck as he gently shakes you awake to wake you up from the horrors you were witnessing. that's why he'll clutch your body into his, never letting go even after you've calmed down. his fingers dig slightly into your soft flesh, his face buried into your neck as he takes a moment for him too to calm down.
"blade? you can let go..." you mumble against his scarred shoulder, bandages decorating the flesh of his upper arm. he'll grunt in response, the cold tip of his nose pressing harder against your skin.
"just a little longer," he mutters in response, albeit a little stubbornly as his hug tightens for a moment, squeezing you reassuringly, "just... keep breathing for me."
you're okay, you're awake, your breathing is slowing down. he repeats these things to himself like a mantra, ruby eyes fluttering shut behind long, dark eyelashes as he presses chaste kisses to your shoulder. you personally never understood why he seemed so affected by your nightmares as the two of you curl back up, pressed together so intimately with the sheets draped over your bodies but blade knows he can't cope with the idea of seeing you in any form of pain, whether physical or mental.
if he could, he would take every inch and sliver of your pain for you. he'd carry the weight of your past and struggles, just to never see you sob from another nightmare ever again.
© thexianzhoujade 2024. | do not re-upload, copy, translate, etc. my works on any form of media.
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pianokantzart · 1 year
Do you think Luigi actually has anxiety? Like, I know people portray him as like anxiety riddled or a scaredy-cat and my least favourite, a "coward".
But do you think Luigi actually has anxiety, such as Generalised Anxiety Disorder? Him being scared of most things and maybe even sometimes overthinking a bit too much.
I'm a long time believer that Luigi has Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and one of the main pieces of evidence I point to is his sleepiness. Fatigue is known to be one of the main symptoms of GAD. Anxiety is exhausting, physically and mentally, and can completely mess up your sleep schedule.
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But Luigi also exhibits other symptoms, including…
Being easily startled
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Exhibiting strong physical reactions to fear (trembling, twitching, sweating, shortness of breath, etc)
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Difficulty regulating emotion
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Second-guessing and self doubt
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... And, sometimes, (particularly in the Mario and Luigi games), he is shown to be a little messy and inattentive, and you know what’s also a common symptom of GAD?
Difficulty concentrating (thanks in part to the fatigue)
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I think he has learned the coping mechanisms necessary to handle his GAD in day to day life, but when it comes to legitimately dangerous situations the triggers can be a little too intense for him, especially if he doesn't have his brother around to keep him grounded. But Luigi is definitely not a coward. Far from it. The fact that he goes out and faces his fears despite his anxiety makes him both insanely brave and highly admirable in my book. A true hero, through and through.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder Overview: X How To Recognize if You Have GAD: X Tiredness and Anxiety: X Evidence of Emotion-Related Deficits in GAD: X
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