#Sad :-(
sarathrwizard · 2 days
Out of the Blue... Part 12 (final)
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Well, that's it! Leo and Donnies bond is now stronger than before this whole situation.
Previous <×> ...There's no other part. 0_0
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credit: mikripkm on X
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alwaysisrael · 3 days
Things are bad right now.
Sometimes I feel it's hard to breathe.
We are watching in 2024 how the Holocaust gets started in our time.
Evil is being called good
Good is being called evil
Such heaviness in the air .
I am just so over it .
I just want our hostages back and for things to go back to normal like it was before Oct 7th .
Hamas has been killing Jews for years it just was never on this grand scale .
I am not the same person that I was before Oct 7th.
My illusions is gone .
We have learned nothing 😞
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recherchestetique · 3 days
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koriyokai · 2 days
he is lonely and I want to console him
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icycoldninja · 22 hours
Could you please make some headcanons about Vergil like; what he likes to hide from everybody? What his secret things that nobody knows and will never know.
Yes, angst time! Enjoy.
Vergil angst headcannons
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-Vergil still remembers the day Eva died, in perfect detail, like it just happened five minutes ago. That's why V was able to remember it, it's been burned into Vergil's mind.
-His body constantly hurts all over because of all the injuries he's sustained over the years, especially those at Mundus' hands. His bones ache, his joints hurt--everything hurts, even his mind, and no amount of painkillers will stop it from hurting.
-His abdomen is where the pain is concentrated most of all, since he's been stabbed and jabbed there so many times.
-Has deep scars right over where his heart should be; every time he looks at it, he's filled with shame and anger. This is what he gets for being so weak.
-The only reason he wanted power in the first place was so he'd never have to suffer, so the people he cared about never had to die again; so he could protect them.
-Gets violent night terrors nearly every time he tries to sleep, and for that reason, he stopped sleeping altogether. His is a miserable existence, in which there is next to no comfort.
-During nights like these, Vergil would trade anything, even all his power, for someone to give him a warm hug, a few soft kisses, and reassurance that he'll never have to be alone again.
-The real reason he doesn't get along with Dante is because he's jealous of him. Dante, despite all his imperfections and debt, managed to find great friends, opened up a business, and found his nephew who is really more like his son. Meanwhile, what did Vergil get? Years of hell, being brutally tortured, and when he got out, no one was waiting for him. Dante would have been well received if he escaped from hell, but Vergil had no one. He was forgotten; abandoned.
-Vergil hates being alone. He's no extrovert, but he'd like at least one companion, someone who understands him. Someone who'd never lie to him, someone who would never betray him, someone who would love him forever.
-There are days when Vergil has no motivation. They're rare, but they do happen, and when they do, Vergil locks himself in his room and cries into a pillow for hours on end, venting out all the sadness.
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chipsahoyforyaboi · 3 hours
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jewishjunkie · 2 days
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Life is really really hard right now
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ghost-bxrd · 2 days
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Hey love,
here’s a letter before I vanish, so hear me out…
(Sending you a call for help…)
— Call For Help by Pearly Drops
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ede917 · 1 day
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voidic3ntity · 13 hours
anger is the only emotion that exists in me anymore:
I am killing myself in order to free my own children,
& there are no more words to be written anymore;
only actions to be beheld as my form of revenge. 
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a--z--u--l · 2 months
En Tumblr la mitad quiere coger y la otra matarse.
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the-suicide-effect · 8 months
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somos-deseos · 11 months
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Yo en este momento
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pedazos-rotos-de-mi · 3 months
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Créditos a quien corresponda
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icycoldninja · 22 hours
What's keeping you up? (Dante x Reader angst)
You and Dante lay in bed, surrounded by darkness and thick blankets that formed a cocoon of warmth and safety. Despite this, neither of you could sleep. Dante just lay there on his back, arms behind his head, blue, bloodshot eyes staring up at the ceiling wearily. You could feel his unease; his tension. It made you worry about him, and that concern kept your mind from shutting off, thus keeping you awake. After an hour of pondering, you eventually gathered the courage to speak.
"Hey, Dante, what's keeping you up?" Dante let out a low groan and rolled over to face you, though you could barely see his face in the darkness of your room.
His voice sounded so tired, so done with life. You quickly realized that right now, you were getting to see a side of him no one else had ever seen before, a broken side that was more depressed than he let on. Exhaling softly, you shifted your position so you could reach over and cup his cheek, gently stroking the rough skin.
"Talk to me." Dante heaved a sigh, exhausted eyes blinking slowly a few times before he answered.
"Just...memories, you know? Bad memories...of Mom...of Vergil....of every shitty thing I've seen in my life. I've tried to forget, but I jus' can't. I can't get them out of my head. Then they come for me late at night when I'm tryna sleep..."
Dante's voice trailed off as he let out another, miserable sigh. You smiled encouragingly at him and gently pulled him closer so you could plant kisses on his forehead and run your fingers through his hair.
"It sucks," He mumbled into your shoulder, voice uncharacteristically brittle. "It...really...sucks. Sometimes I feel like I deserved all this, like I'm worthless. Sometimes I don't even wanna be here...sometimes I wanna die..."
"Don't say that," You said, tightening your hold around him. "Don't ever say that, Dante. You...you're perfect, you're amazing, you're legendary."
You felt Dante's arms snake around your waist, clutching at you like a scared child holds his teddy bear.
"Am I really, or are you just saying that to make me feel better?"
"You are!" You insisted, feverishly kissing the top of his head. "You're strong, smart, funny, charming, handsome as hell and the love of my life. You've been through a lot, but you never deserved it. You never deserved any of that trauma. You're not worthless, you're priceless. You're the dearest thing in the world to me, and that will never change."
You said all this while rubbing your palm up and down his back, occasionally tangling your fingers into his hair or gently squeezing his shaking shoulders. Seeing Dante like this broke your heart, but it also sparked a dormant urge to protect and care for him like no other. You just wanted to wrap him up in blankets, hide him away from the rest of the world, feed him pizza and just smother him with love and affection until the end of your days. That's how much he meant to you, and you weren't afraid to show it.
When he broke down and started sobbing in your arms, you were even more compelled to coddle him like he was your baby, regardless of the fact that he was a grown man. You pulled the covers up over his shoulders and covered his tear-stained face with kisses, all while assuring him everything was okay, and that he would always be loved and you would always care for him, no matter what.
It took a while, but eventually, Dante fell asleep in your arms, tears finally dried, a content, genuinely happy smile on his face.
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