#Speak Up
awesomecooperlove · 2 days
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lets-make-light-now · 2 months
To the Fucking USA.
First you kill us Palestinians by arming Israel.
Then you humiliate us by Veto the cease fire.
You create famine and starvation
And now you want to give humanitarian aid by building a port.
Go the fuck back to fairy tale land.
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always-coffee · 3 months
WV Libraries Are Under Attack: How to Help
News came out yesterday that West Virginia House passed House Bill 4654. This would remove “bona fide schools, public libraries, and museums from the list of exemptions from criminal liability relating to distribution and display to a minor of obscene matter. …”
Potentially criminalizing librarians is bad, and it’s straight out of the fascist playbook. “Opponents of the bill said that while the bill does not ban books, the bill would have unintended consequences for public and school libraries, resulting in increases in challenges to even classic books and attempts to criminally charge librarians over books not pornographic in nature, but books that include descriptions of sex. They also said it could result in improper criminal charges against library staff,” Steven Allen Adams writes.
So, the question is: now what? What do we do? Where do we go from here?
If you live in West Virginia, call you state senate reps. You can find them listed here.
It’s okay to keep your message short:
“Hi, I’m [full name] calling from [ZIP code], and I’m a constituent of [Senator Name]. I am calling to voice my opposition to Bill 4654, because this is a dangerous step toward book banning. It could potentially harm librarians and libraries, which is incredibly wrong. Do not back this dangerous bill.
You can also ask how many people have called to voice their opposition to this bill. This may annoy the person on the phone, but they technically have to answer you. They may be evasive anyway. But you can either give them your contact information and tell them you’d like a call back or you can call back again later and ask for the tally.
The thing is, people rarely call in. A handful of calls is considered a lot, and the best thing you can do right now is make yourself a nuisance. Good trouble, etc.
Only call if you live in West Virginia, because they do not count calls from those outside their constituency. I am obviously not an expert, but if you have additional questions, ask them and I’ll try to help. I learned way more about how politics work during the last presidency than I thought humanly possible.
Additional resources:
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smilesgoalongway · 2 months
Atleast I have a mother who can eat everyday.
Atleast I have a mother who can eat.
Atleast I have a mother who can.
Atleast I have a mother who.
Atleast I have a mother.
Atleast I have a.
Atleast I have.
Atleast I.
Atleast you are human.
At the very least.
You don't speak up.
You don't speak.
You don't.
It is easy to erase both of us when we don't resist.
There is no difference between you and me.
Except atleast you have a voice.
Atleast use it.
At the very least.
Prove you are a human.
At the very least.
Day 178 of the genocide. Children, Women, and Men killed relentlessly. Governments and International Organizations failing to take effective action. Speak up.
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Don't just see the number. That's how many stories you'll never get to hear.
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classycookiexo · 7 months
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copingchaos · 7 months
Can we get rid of the notion that "one post isnt gonna do much" or "my platform isnt big enough anyway" when it comes to sharing what's going on in Gaza?
Israel has been in control of the narrative for years. And with the rise of social media platforms, they are depending on you and me thinking "my voice doesnt mean anything anyway". They want us to give up.
At this point if you havent shared anything about it, even though you're an active member on a social media platform, you are giving israel exactly what they want. They want the world to forget or ignore what they're doing.
Of course you're still allowed to make fandom posts, post aesthetic pictures, talk about personal anecdotes or interests. But if you are active in doing the above while still maintaining silent on what's happening in Gaza after a whole ass month,,,you are essentially silencing the Gazan voice in a way you maybe hadn't considered:
Because by being an active member (posting unrelated things) yet still remaining silent on a humanitarian crisis, you're essentially normalising disinvolvement in a humanitarian crisis.
Remember, israel is counting on the world to forget/ignore what's happening. Your silence only helps them.
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nonagalleryart · 7 months
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In 2018 for 18 months every Friday Palestinians peacefully protested, some of these protests where done by preforming Dabke (an Arab folk dance). 266 of these peaceful protesters were killed, with over 13000 injured many struck by multiple bullets.
Do not look away from those who wish for nothing more than you do, to dance, to love and to live in peace.
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awesomecooperlove · 7 months
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lets-make-light-now · 2 months
Acting US president genocide Joe Biden started the Genocide.
Donald Trump already said that he will support Israel and sustain the genocide.
Why democracy? USA is Israel's little Bitch. Israel comes before USA
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I never want to hear “influencers are powerless” ever again
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ibr860 · 3 months
Today he is a baby, tomorrow he is a fighter!
"Today he is a baby, tomorrow he is a fighter." — Rabbi Eliyahu Mali The head of the yeshiva school run by Israelis in occupied Jaffa, Rabbi Eliyahu Mali, encouraged his students who were fighting for Israel to murder everyone in Gaza, including babies.
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emzysimagines · 7 months
I refuse to stand aside while this happens...
All telecommunications and internet has been cut off in Gaza for almost an hour. The bombing got worse than it had been this week. Two hospitals have been threatened - that's what we knew BEFORE they lost connection.
Israel's isolated Gaza and is striking them from the sea, air and ground NOW. Ethnic cleansing/genocide is taking place NOW.
To all bloggers here on Tumblr, don't be on the side of genocide with your silence.
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imaplatypus-art · 2 months
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Keep talking about #palestine ! 🇵🇸
I lined this real quick for the strike today. Kinda regretting normal lining and should've done storybook style 🙃 Maybe if I make it a sticker(I can't atm 😭). I'd also put words under the flag(like ceasefire or free Palestine)
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sugas6thtooth · 7 months
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nothingelsetobe · 3 months
Palestinians recount details of torture and abuse by Israeli forces
Please watch this and reblog.
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mondodisco · 4 months
Hello. I know my platform is not big, but the more people this reaches, the better it is.
As you might have heard, in Italy there has just been the Sanremo music festival, which is the most famous Italian music festival and is watched live by millions and millions of people on the state tv channel, RAI.
this edition, two singers brought a song against genocide: Dargen D’amico and Ghali.
They both took time after their performance to share words against the war, words for peace, words against genocide without even MENTIONING Isr**l or Palestine. Of course, Rai, being handled by a government who openly supports Isr**l, tried to censor their words but with no success since Italians were quick to make them public, to post them everywhere and to make sure that their intervention wasn’t going to waste.
The worst thing happened just yesterday, during the program DomenicaIn with host Mara Vernier. When Ghali and Dargen went on stage journalists asked them questions about the political point of view of the songs, to which they were happy to answer. Mara Vernier interrupted them quickly as soon as politics were mentioned by saying that “the show was about music, not politics” and that “there wasn’t time to unfold the whole story”. Her mic, however, had been left open and while the singers exit, you can hear her say to the journalists “don’t embarrass me, stop asking questions because this is not the place to talk about this.”
Though apparently, when Mara ended the program by reading a zionist comunicate from RAI that stated how Italy was pro Isr**l. I’m gonna post it here so that you all can see what my shit government stands up for.
“I want to read a statement sent by CEO Roberto Sergio regarding a statement about Israel and Palestine made by an artist during the Sanremo Festival. CEO Roberto Sergio said this: Every day our news and programs tell and will continue to tell, the tragedy of the hostages in the hands of Hamas in addition to remembering the massacre of children, women and men on October 7. My solidarity with the people of Israel and the Jewish Community is heartfelt and convinced. Of course, we all agree with this comunicate.”
Like this, in two seconds they completely ignored what people have been trying to say, what musicians have tried to pass on using a platform as big as Sanremo.
Fortunately, people were not okay with this. You do NOT speak for us Mara, after reading that shameful comunicate, I STAND WITH PALESTINE.
Thank you Dargen D’Amico, for talking about the kids not being protected and how it’s sick that not even the children are shown mercy now. Thank you for your heartbreaking video that you posted along with your song. Thank you for speaking up about genocide for 6 days every time a camera was recording you.
Thank you Ghali, for not even listening to Mara Vernier as she tried to interrupt you during DomenicaIn and just continuing to talk. Thank you for your beautiful text, thank you for showing Italy your immense love despite all its flaws, thank you for risking it all by using the biggest stage you’ve ever been on to spread a message of peace.
Thank you Amadeus, host of the Sanremo music festival, for choosing these two songs and for always letting both of these singers talk about what they wanted, praising peace. I know you won’t host Sanremo anymore and it breaks my heart.
Thank you people who watched this happen in front of you and started to whistle at the words out government has tried to put in pur mouth. And thank you, random viewer who shouted “MENTION GAZA!” As the comunicate happened.
Thank you. And fuck you RAI.
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