#Superhero Sibling Rivalry
dwampyversegifs · 9 months
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jonberry555 · 1 year
Hamster and Gretel Episode 3 - Superhero Sibling Rivalry / Close Shave REVIEW
My Review of Hamster and Gretel created by Dan Povenmire Episode 3A Superhero Sibling Rivalry and Episode 3B Close Shave.
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violetswritingg · 1 month
Main Masterlist
Coming soon!
Tyler Owens x OFC!
Description: When cowgirl meets cowboy after a year of no-contact and chaos ensues during storm season!
Rating: M (Mentions of blood and death in Tornadoes and storms alike, angst and loss of loved ones, car accidents, Tornado aftermath, and injury to characters, slight age gap (5 years))
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 (Coming soon)
Young Justice
Canary Cry
Robin/Nightwing (Dick Grayson) x OFC!
Description: Her violence was silent. Until it wasn't.
"I'm fine."
"Fine is just another word for drowning."
Rating T-M (mentions of blood, child abuse, mental health, cannon situations of violence and the like. Loss of parents, hard of hearing/deaf character, poorly written fight scenes lol)
0: Creation
1: He Left
2: Birthday's and Nightmares
3: Drop-Zone A
4: Drop-Zone B
5: Disappointment
6: School'd
7: Trash Go Boom
8: Home
9: Infiltrator
10: Outfiltrated
11: Truces and Text messages
12: Denial
13: Downtime
Act two
14: Bereft
15: Mortal Wounds
16: Home Invasion
17: Alpha Male pt.1
18: Alpha Male pt.2
19: Plant Subterfuge
20: Revelation
21: To be determined
22: To be determined
23: To be determined
24: To be determined
25: To be determined
Only in Darkness
Jason Todd x OFC!
"Only in Darkness can you see the stars."
Marlowe Knight stumbling upon a girl prophesied to end the world and going on the adventure of a life time.
Rating: M (Blood, cannon typical violence, sibling rivalry, scars, torture, trauma, angsttttt)
1: A New Chapter
2: Crime Scenes and Cafés
3: Dodged Calls
4: Cop Killer
5: To The Rescue
6: Blueberry Pancakes and Rooftop Memories
7: Phone Calls
8: Panic and Motel Conversations
9: Old Friends
10: Second Chances
11: Leaving
12: Nuclear Family Drama
13: On Edge
14: Different Places
15: On The Move
16: TBD
17: TBD
18: TBD
19: TBD
20: TBD
21: TBD
22: TBD
Adrian Chase x OFC!
Back in 1939 the Court of Owls set out to create the first Talon, they called this initiative the Ghost protocol. Their product? everything they ever wanted in a solider for their nefarious schemes to keep their power over Gotham City.
Roberta Harris, Bobbie if you don't want to get shot somewhere important, never wanted this life. A 'criminal' to the world and a legend in the world of spy shit and black ops project's. The bomb in her head keeps her compliant with Waller's demands until Project Starfish wins her her freedom. What will she do now?
A world in which an elderly lady moves to a small town in Washington state to get away from the superhero bullshit only to get pulled back in against her will. Growing along the way as a result.
Rating: M (For obvious reasons, it's Peacemaker)
1: Freedom
2: TBD
3: TBD
4: TBD
5: TBD
6: TBD
7: TBD
8: TBD
9: TBD
10: TBD
Mark Grayson x OFC!
Description: In which two superpowered teens meet and fall in love amongst blood, death, and betrayal
Rating: M (Canon typical violence, betrayal, mental health issues, abandonment issues, child neglect, angsttttt)
Too Good To Be True
Attacked From All Sides
Outer space
Burial Plot
Shit Show
Shit Show pt.2
More coming soon!
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puppetwoman17 · 2 months
Can I just vent for a minute guys? Like, I REALLY need to get this off my chest. Stay with me, okay? I know this sounds kinda bitchy, I just have to get this out.
I absolutely despise—DESPIZZZZE. DC putting Cap/Shazam related things in other comics and having him be a side/background character. It just…Yall, it GRINDS. My. Gears.
Like—the Trinity of Sin standalone issue. That one. Guys. It literally shows the entire council of wizards. It has the SEVEN. DEADLY. SINS. Say what you want about current canon, but the sins have been one of the only recurring points about Billy, Shazam, and the rock. Hell, half the issue happens in KHANDAQ.
Oh and ALSO, it’s literally Billy and his siblings’ job to capture and contain the sins. Main point of current lore. Smack dab in the movies and the comics and one of the consistencies for the rock that has stayed through TIME.
I get Diana. She’s a daughter of Zeus. But Pandora going to the rest of the JL? Who, yes, are importent heroes to us. But to magic as a whole they are inconsequential. Random people in random outfits with random powers who fight crime. The only person who would have an any sort of responsibility would be Fate, and wouldn’t ya know it, HES 👏 NOT 👏 THERE 👏 EITHER.
Again. It is Billy’s. Job. Why are you going to a RANDOM SUPERHERO TEAM—
And you’re telling me the Shazam kids had no idea the sins were out in the world? None at all?
And then there’s….Yall, why is it Superman who is almost always the one fighting Black Adam. Why? What do you GAIIIIN DC? What goes through your mind that says “hey, Cap and Adam have a longstanding rivalry that dates back pre dc. That has a millennia long reason for existing. Both have gone through trials with and against each other. Both are ultimate enemies/friends/frenemies. Both understand each other in some way.
So you know what WERE gonna do? You know what great idea we have? LETS. HAVE ADAM FIGHT THE RANDOM ALIEN HE HAD NO IDEA EXISTED UNTIL NOW AND JUST PUSH CAP ASIDE. Because, it really would look sooooo weird if Superman didn’t win the big, final battle, wouldn’t it? It would totally make more sense than, you know, two mythical beings empowered with godly power duking it out on a truly equal level. Two people, who have suffered similar heartache.”
At this point, let’s disregard all the champion duties Billy canonically has, because that is what DC just loves to do. You wanna take away that? Let’s take away the champion title! Let’s do it! Let’s ERASE CAPTAIN MARVEL FROM EXISTENCE LIKE DC JUST LOVES TO DO—
Sorry. Didn’t mean to get so heated. My bad. I’m gonna go and uh, read all the issues with scraps of Cap/Shazam content like the bottom feeder I am.
This is the reality of a Captain Marvel fan. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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humblefryingpan · 4 months
I want to see an au where none of the batfam are superheros except for Bruce.
None of the backstories are different and they all act the same but they're just normal people who happen to be batman's kids. Bats is trying his hardest to stop them fighting crime but it is extremely difficult. The police and JLA don't know anything about the family and have absolutely no idea why Bruce Wayne's kids follow Batman around.
More details and scene ideas under the cut!
Batman tries to give reports to Gordon while kid Dick does flips behind him because he got bored and followed him.
Bruce having to lock all the doors and windows before he leaves to stop Dick trying to fight people (sometimes it works but only if Alfred is there to watch him)
B fights joker while little Jason sits in the batmobile waiting because he was sick and got sent home from school early.
(Jason would still die, because the storyline works pretty well even if he isn't Robin and he'd still come back bc Talia felt bad for her ex but he wasn't trained)
Jay coming back and instead of killing people, he's just really bitchy and throws stuff at Tim. He tries to make B kill joker the same way but he's less threatening because he isn't trained and is just wearing regular jeans and a shirt.
Tim making B adopt him because "you need someone to make sure you don't forget to look after yourself and so you have someone to use as a fill-in kid so that you don't go crazy from" which isn't different to the og but it's just some random kid this time, nothing to do with crime fighting.
Tim goes to a JLA meeting (Alfred wasn't able to babysit) and makes fun of other people's ideas. They are all very confused about who's kid this is and how he got there
Steph and Cass just moving into the manor because their families are shit and it was nice. Both have the same backstories but B stops them fighting anyone else. Idk enough about them to make scenes but imagine them.
Damian was raised the same way, when Talia gave him to Bruce he stopped Dami killing but also just stopped him fighting people fully.
Damian going to Kent farm and Superman trying his hardest to hide information from him, not knowing that Dami already knows it all.
Adult Dick and Jason stealing B's equipment so that their sibling fights are 'more fun' and both ending up in the hospital. They claim they found the equipment on the streets because Batman left it behind
Tim and Damian watching B through the security cameras and texting him their ideas. (They'd get along better because no one is Robin but there'd probably still be some sibling rivalry)
If this is a thing please send me fic recs!
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starversresource · 11 months
dynamic prompts, but with a few more-obscure ones
send in the corresponding number(s) (and verse if needed) if you are interested in plotting our muses in…
a friends-to-lovers dynamic
a “‘pretend to be my date’ but we develop feelings” dynamic
a queerplatonic dynamic
a joined-at-the-hip best friends dynamic
a friendship dynamic
an “we aren’t necessarily friends but we ride and die together” dynamic
a sibling-like dynamic
a parental dynamic
an “i occasionally come across you and you seem nice, we aren’t close but i would hate if something happened to you” dynamic
a coworker (affectionate) dynamic
a coworker (derogatory) dynamic
a boss-employee relationship dynamic
a patient and professional service provider dynamic
a teacher and student dynamic
a mentor and mentee dynamic
a therapeutic dynamic
a professional workplace relationship dynamic
an “i want to be your friend but you don’t want me around” dynamic
a “researcher and their test subject” dynamic
a “creator and their creature” dynamic
a “bodyguard and their charge” dynamic
a “you’re my next door neighbor” dynamic
a “hired hitman and their target who keeps escaping and it’s kind of funny actually” dynamic
a friends with benefits/being “friends” for one to take advantage of the other dynamic
an antagonistic (not necessarily hate each other) dynamic
a “we hate each other i hope you die” dynamic
an “i hate you but nobody else is allowed to hate you” dynamic
a rivalry dynamic
a casual, amicable superhero-and-supervillain-esque dynamic
an intense, serious superhero-and-supervillain-esque dynamic
keep in mind that these are just ideas for plots, and can develop into other dynamics as our muses progress! relationships of any kind can be layered.
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thottybrucewayne · 4 months
Hi, new follower who asked about Talia a few days ago here. I don't know if you want to talk about dc, so feel free to ignore this. But can I say just how blatantly racist it is that Damian being trained at all, even in the runs where he isn't abused/tortured, is so bad from the Al Ghul's, but Batman does the same shit.
Bruce took in a traumatized child and taught him how to fight, then had him fighting grown ass adults and murderers and the literal Joker. They're regularly shot at as Robins by people who fully intend to kill them, but the Al Ghuls are the ones going too far.
I definitely think you're onto something here. Like, Damian being trained at such a young age is out of character for Talia IMO. The Talia who lied to Bruce about miscarrying to stop him from putting his life on the line to protect her and the baby, then sent that baby to a safe place to protect him is not the same Talia who had Damian trained to fight at like 6. (racist ass character assassination and its consequences) and him being trained to fight at such a young age is meant to show us the "brutality of the Al Ghuls" in contrast to Robin training which is "safer" because...reasons, there a lot to unpack there that I feel like certain writers and editors would rather not address... Like on the very surface level we know the answer is "These are Batman books, Robin is a popular Batman character, we're meant to suspend our disbelief because it's comics and kid superheroes are fun for kids to read." But on a "These comics are written, drawn, colored, and edited by very real people with clear racist/xenophobic tendencies" level, I feel like there was an unconscious push to write these very...white man's burden-esque comparisons between the Al Ghuls and Bruce to show Bruce in a better light because, in any other context, Bruce would be the bad guy. Just thinking of the way earlier comics paint Damian's behavior as "feral" and "bloodthirsty" even when he and Tim were shown to be pretty much going back and forth with bullying each other in a way I would describe as an extreme depiction of sibling rivalry, there was always this unspoken feeling of "Damian is a wild child because he was raised by his backward, wrongminded mother and grandfather" which we don't get with Tim. After all, Tim is white so none of his behavior carries the same weight (which is why I think the fandom defaulted to painting Tim as some sort of poor wilting flower who can't defend himself against a 10-year-old even though we literally saw him going tit for tat with said 10 year old, just petty as he wanna be but I digress) TLDL; While I personally love Robin as a concept and like Damian as a character, until the very weird and racist double standard that exists in how his time with his mother is depicted and the time with his father is depicted is addressed (I don't mean in that weak ass Damian tells his parents they're equally fucked up way either because to me that feels like a cop-out that doesn't fully address why people have an issue with Damian's upbringing and how it paints Talia), Damian's time as Robin will always make me feel some type of way. Idk if any of that made sense, I'm still really tired. Thanks for the question tho <3
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lazlolullaby · 1 year
the Batfamily Bet
the running Gotham joke that Bruce Wayne and Batman have an adoption war going to see how many kids they can keep. But it's actually a cover.
Batman picks up the kids from crime fighting. And if they can't make the cut for sidekick, he sends them to Bruce. It's like witness protection, because if they're in the spotlight, they aren't dead.
More under the cut
Bruce comes from old money. He knows about networking, childhood friendships going into business deals and alliances. The guy may play dumb but he's got a tight hold on his company.
it starts with Richard Grayson. Both of them wanted custody. Batman because he doesn't particularly trust rich people, and Bruce because - hey it's a guy in a Batsuit that scares people. But they work together to bring Tony Zucco down and Dick settles in well after that.
And Batman shows up with a kid named Robin and Dick likes having a friend and Bruce goes "huh". Ok. We are parent friends now. It's why Bruce funds Batman and later the Justice League. Any kids that need vigilante level protection goes to Wayne.
If anyone actually asks, though. If he can prove that the "worst" (subjective) kids can be supported and become good, then Batman will have to pull his punches.
Did you notice that all of the Wayne kids get jumpy when you mention superheroes? That they always are aware of what the local vigilantes are doing, even if they deny it? Their eclectic knowledge? The frustrated looks when the Batfam is rescuing hostages? There's a low level sibling rivalry going on right under everyone's noses.
Bruce Wayne and Batman are co-parenting really well and no one is surprised when Damian Wayne crossed the family line and showed up as Robin.
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romancomicsnews · 5 months
5 Characters who should get an Invincible Special Origin Episode
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Invincible Season 2 has just wrapped up, and while some fans are a little disappointed with its ending, overall the general consensus has been positive. From excellent music, to phenomenal voice work and animation, along with X-Men '97 its been a great time to be a superhero fan AND an animation fan.
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This season also brought in a handful of new characters, as well brought some fan favorites to the forefront, including Allen the Alien, Rex Splode and Immortal.
I think I speak for everyone when I say I love being in this universe, and would love to see more. And while I know Season 3 will be here sooner than Season 2 was, I've been thinking about all those incredible characters and the Atom Eve Special.
It went a long way in showing how good the animation got, expanding on Atom Eve, and evening building up threats like The Lizard League.
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I think theres alot of potential in expanding some of these characters, seeing their origins and helping build up their character development.
So I'm going to go through some, along with ideas as to how the episodes can play out. Spoiler Warning for Invincible Season 1 & 2 and mild spoilers from the comics.
5. Bulletproof
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Starting off with one of the newest members of the Guardians of the Globe, Zandale Randolph AKA Bulletproof is definitely a character you forgot was in this season.
While he is known for a few big things in the future, he didn't really get to do much this season. He wasn't very useful in the sequid invasion, didn't really help in any major fights, nor do we know anything about him. So why him?
His history in the comics is rather tragic, and I think is something we are going to explore. His twin brother, a mad genius, attempts experimenting on Zandale in order to give himself superpowers. Instead it gives Zandale superpowers, and kills his brother.
Due to this, and unable to tell his parents, he pretends to be both brothers to preserve his brothers legacy.
That tragedy is alot, and could make for an amazing episode, with his brother being the villain and explain why he is so guarded.
Plus, I love Jay Pharoah. More Jay Pharoah please.
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4. Dupli-Kate
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We got some hints at Dupli-Kates origin in her eulogy from Immortal. Her powers come from a curse upon her family, that led to both her and her brother gaining the ability to multiply.
What you don't know is they started off as a brother sister team before going their separate ways.
We actually see Kate's brother Multi-Paul in the cell when the Maulers escape again. Seeing a young version of Multi-Paul before their inevitable confrontation in a later season could give us more stakes.
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Yes, this is another sibling rivalry just like Bulletproof, but this could start way more fun than Bulletproofs.
And two multipliers who are children fighting it out in a dramatic finish? Also good television.
3. Monster Girl
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Talk about a tragedy.
Monster Girl's curse was given to her after falling in love with a man whose grandmother disapproved of her. That grandmother was a witch, who turned her into an ogre with extraordinary power.
We don't get much else from her origin, which could give us some wiggle room.
This could start as a love story turned horror story, unable to get out of her monster form, feeling trapped in her own body. We can have the witch be an Agatha Harkness type, and a physical threat in the episode too.
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Once she is defeated, Amanda is able to turn back and be with the man she loves, until she realizes months later, that she is getting younger, and he breaks her heart.
The beats are all there, and I'd love to see a magic based episode in the Invincible Universe mixed in with some Hulk style action. Plus, building up Amanda will be important as she is vital in the comics.
2. Thaedus The Great Betrayer
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You didn't think I was only picking Guardians did you?
Thaedus' episode could be by far the most interesting, showing us Viltrum from a first hand perspective, before he betrayed and before he formed the Coalition.
I don't want to get too heavy into spoilers, but he causes a brutal blow on the Viltrum Empire I'd love to see first hand. We can keep Peter Cullen, or get a younger voice actor, but either way, seeing a younger Viltrum Empire would be very intriguing and a bloodbath.
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1. Rex Splode
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Despite being one of the most annoying characters in Season 1, Rex is by far the standout of Season 2 in my eyes.
Another origin that was slightly teased, I can imagine Rex's episode can be his sad origin, meeting Atom Eve in act 2, and taking out his oppressors by the end in a good old fashioned team up.
This could be a direct sequel to the Atom Eve Special, giving us more Eve, and help us understand their relationship even better. Plus Rex being blind sided with a girl who can make anything? Sounds like a fun battle to me.
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Thank you so much for reading! Please consider following, and check out my socials and other sites here! And let me know: Who do you want to see get an Invincible Special Origin Episode?
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cannonsinmyhead · 3 days
ya so i just finished watching stranger things.
some things i didn’t reblog but feel STRONGLY about:
bob newby superhero
will and el as siblings
will being rObbed of his childhood
will in s3 just trying to move on from his trauma and be a kid while his friends are all out there actively seeking out his triggers
joyce being the mom ever esp with her decision to move from hawkins cause damn is will’s trauma tied to that place
nancy with a gun
steve with a bat
babysitter steve the hair harrington
the bad creative choice it was to bring back papa <- hated that
dr Owens’s redemption arc being nerfed
el’s legal name being jane hopper <3
steve and eddie’s little rivalry to be dustin’s big brother
the way the s4 finale kicked my ass i was bawling fresh tears no less than three separate times
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roselaughs · 7 months
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I had these guys for a long while, because surprise I have Ben 10 and Secret Saturdays OCs. I love Ben 10 and Secret Saturdays and one day I was like "hey why won't I make a sequel to both shows lol". So meet Secret Galaxy, the rag tag team of freelance superheroes consisting of Ben Tennyson's grandson, Zak Saturday's granddaughter, Vilgax's son, and Charmcaster's protege. Feel free to ask questions about them!
Denny Tennyson - Dennis Lee Tennyson is the grandson of the famous Benjamin Kirby Tennyson. Unlike his grandfather when he was his age Denny is a quiet and reserved young boy, prefering to spend time only with himself and a select group of friends due to not trusting people's interest in him. Despite this he's sympathetic and will try to reach out to someone if he sees that they're in trouble or in need of help. Denny is also very creative and artistic, which extends to how he battles as well as him prefering to use his alien forms's powers to their fullest extent rather than just bruteforcing his way through everything. Originally during the summer he graduated elementary school Denny got his very own Omnitrix, which he was initially hesitant about but grew to appreciate and like his Omnitrix.
Sam Saturday - Samantha Saturday is the granddaughter of Zak Saturday. She is a spitting image of her grandfather even having the same cryptid controlling powers he did. Sam's a mischevious and tomboyish young girl that seeks adventure at any moment and likes to mess with people around her. However she does have a more caring side, as she deeply cares for and stands up for her family and friends. This more caring side also extends to her being willing to defend those she sees as in trouble, no matter how dangerous her opponent is. While she has inherited The Claw from her grandfather, on the same summer Denny got his Omnitrix she also found a mystrious Omnitrix-like device that she dubbed the Cryptrix, which allows her to turn into 10 cryptid like forms (and also allows her to channel her cryptid powers easier). Sam and Denny are best friends since childhood and are usually seen hanging out together, though a lot of people including their families say that they two kids sometimes feel like siblings.
Sytrax - Sytrax is the son of the feared conquerer Vilgax. He's a serious, honor bound chimera sui generis (ex) bounty hunter. He acts somewhat self centered and dislikes being underestimated or being looked down upon. However he does have a softer side that he does not like showing, and desires to have a group of people he can trust and feel safe around one day. On top of that his sense of honor makes him more fair in combat towards those he sees as weaker than him. Originally he was trying to find his own footing to carry on Vilgax's legacy, being raised to see his father as a noble but powerful ruler. But after encountering Denny and eventually learning the truth of his father's nature Sytrax started rejecting his father's legacy and went on to try to forge his own identity seperate from Vilgax, such as trying to become a plumber. Despite Ben's and Vilgax's rivalry, Denny and Sytrax end up becoming very close friends and even having a somewhat brotherly dynamic.
Curseslinger - Curseslinger is the (adopted) daughter and apprentice of Charmcaster, the Queen of the Legerdomain. She was chosen by Charmcaster for her reat magical abilities and cunning street smarts. However, Curseslinger feels that she's actually not good enough to be the student of the Queen of the Legerdomain, which results in her frequently performing on the streets and in talent shows to show off her magic powers to people and hopefully win over their approval as a substitute for her own internal approval. Although Curseslinger's very quirky and can come off as creepy to some people, she's friendlier than she appears, and is very loyal to her friends and those she likes even though she may not appear to at first glance. Curseslinger takes an interest in Sam and the Saturdays due to their connection to more mystical elements of the galaxy such as cryptids. Sam does in fact admire Curseslinger and her magical prowess, which gives the witch some confidence in her powers and have even more of a fondness towards Zak's successor. Curseslinger and Sytrax also end up as a couple, and tend to be very affectionate with one another.
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vendetta-if · 2 years
LoL i can't help but imagine Yvette, Luka and Takashi if MC romance Rin in a western cowboy style standoff fighting for supremacy in the place of being the coolest favorite Grandparent for MC children.
How rich is Yvette anyway? since it's Canon that she's already rich to begin with being a scion of one of the richest old money family in the city. Also how about Takashi wife how would she react/act in being a Grandma? Maybe even include Rin younger siblings in the reaction?
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MC’s grandchildren would be sooo spoiled… 😭😭 This doesn’t even include Grandpa, who would still love to tell stories to his great-grandkids and spoil them too… if he’s still around 😔
As for Yvette’s wealth. While her family is indeed one of the old money families of Elysium City, they were quite a bit far from the richest on the ladder of the elites of the city. They were still rich, of course, but they also haven’t done anything crazy or innovative that could’ve generated more wealth for their family.
But, ever since Yvette rose to become one of the most famous superheroes in the city, her wealth has grown a lot and she still has enough money for her and her grandchildren and their children to live comfortably.
As for Azami, Rin’s mother, she would be really pleased to finally have grandchildren. Whereas her husband, Takashi, is involved in a friendly rivalry and competition with Luka and Yvette, Azami sees that rivalry as childish and beneath her. Her actions would speak louder than their gifts… right? If any of MC’s and Rin’s children has interest in music, she would be more than happy to help them improve and cultivate it 🎵
As for the twins, Rin’s little siblings, they would be excited. I’m not really sure about the exact age difference because I don’t have access to my notes right now, but there’s probably around 9 to 10 years or more age difference between the twins and MC’s children (also depends on when MC and Rin decide to have kids). So, the twins are pretty excited to finally be able to become big siblings figure of some kind 😁 What do you mean they’re technically uncle and aunt now? They’re still too young! They’re gonna be the cool and fun big brother and sister! 😎
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fancyfade · 10 months
20 days of DC drawing (or writing)
Favorite hero
Favorite villain
Character with your favorite powers/ the best powers
Favorite locale
Favorite hero/villain dynamic (as in – how they interact with each other)
Family and Friends:
favorite friendship
Favorite civilian supporting character
Favorite ship
Favorite parents (who are parents to a superhero, not like, a superhero who is a parent)
Favorite siblings
Superhero dynamics:
Favorite superhero family – batfam, superfam, wonderfam, etc – doesn’t have to be actual family, just the superhero “brand” family.
Favorite mentor
Favorite team
Team up you wish you saw in canon
Favorite rivalry/beef of characters who are otherwise on the same side
Most bad-ass fight scene redrawn or re-written
Favorite emotional moment redrawn or re-written
Moment from your favorite plot-line redrawn or re-written
Favorite character death redrawn or re-written – the character death that affected you most or you think was most well-done
Most wholesome moment redrawn or re-written
This is something it will probably take me a while to do but I think I want to do it... if anyone else wants to do it feel free!!! i'd love to see arts
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hamstergomez · 8 months
Things I noticed when rewatching Hamster and Gretel.
Recipe for Disaster
Don’t Steal from the Banks instrumental is heard in the grocery store scene.
In the background, you can see a poster of “Balloon Man-Child” being put up in Eastside High but it’s never acknowledged. Funny background moment.
The pictures in the background of the Ropa Vieja are nice. The song is nice too.
Superhero Sibling Rivalry
The Destructress asking Gretel if she should be having a babysitter is hilarious in hindsight because she eventually does become her babysitter.
Cheer Cheer Bang Bang
Yuko Cheerleading Warrior Attack 7 lists the names of the magical girls like the Sailor Moon English theme.
The Opposite of Smart
Before Hamster takes off his costume, his head is on backwards and he turns it around.
I find it ironic how Dognapper stole Gretel and Kevin’s pet only to be defeated by another one of their pets.
Birthday Besties
When Bailey is opening her presents of boxes and more boxes, The Bouncy Castle blinks. Evidence that he’s alive.
The Aliens tried giving two kids powers before accidentally bestowing them to the Bouncy Castle. Were they going to turn them into villains?!
When Kevin asks a lady walking a dog if she seen Hamster, the dog shakes his head. Is he an O.W.C.A Agent?
For Whom the Belle Trolls
Belle lost all her followers but the screen shows 9 followers. I’m guessing she made alternate accounts.
An Arthouse Divided
There’s a Hamster and Gretel movie poster in the background. They are real popular.
Dognapper is in the audience in the positivity seminar.
Two Girls, A Guy and the Council of Düm
La Cebolla’s car is shaped like an onion. Man, she’s obsessed.
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lavapasta-vids · 2 years
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My Ben 10 redesigns, concept storyboards, and reboot ideas masterpost 
as seen in https://youtu.be/19MpY8dVvwk
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1. Ben Tennyson shouldn’t just grow over the course of each episode, he should grow over the course of the entire series. Here’s a chart of loose ideas I made to organize them & keep them from contradicting each other. If Avatar: The Last Airbender can do character arcs over the course of multiple seasons, then we can, too. 
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2. Ben Tennyson’s villains should be darker reflections of Ben’s own flaws and weaknesses. It is by recognizing these similarities that allows Ben to break free of them and become a better person. 
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Albedo is a fun example of this because he’s literally Ben’s doppelganger, not unlike Shadow the hedgehog from the Sonic franchise.
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regardless of who the episode’s villain is, we can always write parallels between them and Ben. Want to make a Zombozo episode? Make it about Ben making fun of Gwen’s phobias until Zombozo triggers Ben’s phobia of clowns, where Ben learns that scaring people isn't so fun once you know what it’s like to be scared. 
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3. The central emotion behind all of Ben’s growth should be empathy. The Omnitrix gives him the power to transform into a completely different alien species and view the universe from its eyes, which should lead to Ben seeing himself more in other people and thus becoming a kinder, more understanding person. He becomes a superhero not by simply having power, but by empathizing with people enough to rescue them. 
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Tetrax Shard and Ben teaming up.
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Ben comforts Manny/an original tetramand character
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It is the Omnitrix that helps Ben develop his empathy, to the point that he sees himself in aliens that he has previously transformed into. It is the Omnitrix that forces Ben to realize that there is more to the universe than just him.
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My ideal Ben 10 pilot would involve Ben spending the last day of school being a witness to bullying, but fantasize himself as a superhero instead of meaningfully intervening, needing to be told by Grandpa that superheroes are supposed to be about rescuing people (in the same vein as Kid Cosmic), Ben experiencing the realities of superpowers by almost burning down their campground as Heatblast, and fighting Vilgax’s robots as Feedback, followed by saving people as Feedback once everything finally starts to click for him.
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If there is a story arc centered on Azmuth, the creator of the Omnitrix, it should end with Ben realizing that he should return it to its creator, but because Azmuth can see that his intentions for the Omnitrix have been fulfilled via Ben’s developed empathy, he allows Ben to keep it. 
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My Ben 10 OC: Cursebreaker, Since Charmcaster is Gwen’s nemesis, Charmcaster could have a little brother who can act as Ben’s magic-based nemesis, who can reflect Ben’s rambunctious id as well as his rivalry with his older sister figure. Ben & Gwen may be cousins, but their similarities to Charmcaster & Cursebreaker can show us that they're more like siblings. 
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Ben’s new anti-alien rhetoric deeply disturbs Grandpa.
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An early episode of the series could involve Ben watching so many alien invasion movies that he starts to develop prejudices against all aliens whatsoever, but when Ben gets captured by alien ICE while transformed into Fourarms and sent to alien prison, he learns that viewing aliens as evil invaders can be dehumanizing and helps free all the other alien prisoners once Grandpa arrives to rescue him.
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If we’re going to bring back the Plumbers, the super-secret police force that Grandpa Max used to be part of, my choice would be to make them corrupt and evil, signified by their re-branding into ‘the Rooters’ and led by a villainous eyepatch-wearing Phil Billings. 
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This change in writing would not only prevent the heroes from having a giant safety net to help them with their problems, it would give Grandpa a character arc where he has to confront his own blindness and work to dismantle the system he helped create. 
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I would write Kevin Levin to have a character arc where he goes from being a villain to an antihero, complete with his own ‘Zuko Alone’-style episode, to becoming a member of the main protagonists in the final season, because what Kevin really wants isn’t revenge against Ben, it’s to become friends with him again.
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Eon, the evil version of Ben Tennyson from an alternate future, should receive his own episode/arc in which a future Gwen time travels to prevent present-day Ben from becoming an evil tyrant who rules the world (in the same vein as Kamen Rider Zi-O or Kim Possible: A Sitch in Time). Either Eon has alternate selves he can summon, or can use the Omnitrix’s “command mode” to allow the Omnitrix aliens to fight on his behalf. Perhaps future Gwen believes that this is the catalyst for Ben’s villainy?
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When it seems that all is lost, it is Ben’s adult self Ben 10,000 who appears to save the day, stop Eon, and give our Ben a pep talk to restore his confidence, because the episode/arc was secretly a Ben 10,000 episode all along. Notice that the Omnitrix is on his belt instead of his wrist- maybe Ben actively takes off the Omnitrix to stop Eon’s future from taking hold, and this is what allows Ben 10,000 to exist? In any case, I want it to be a decision that our Ben actively makes that stops Eon, and the appearance of Ben 10.000 is the victory lap.
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Alien X, the all-powerful alien form introduced in the sequel series, deserves to play an actual role in the story of Ben’s growth as a character, and the perfect time to introduce him is when Ben is still selfish, bratty 10-year old. Instead of being annoying, ineffective know-it-alls that make teenage Ben seem more righteous, Alien X’s additional personalities Bellicus & Serena should be safeguards put in place to keep Alien X’s powers from being abused, antagonists who aren’t villains but still oppose Ben because they (correctly) don’t want him to use Alien X for nefarious purposes.
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Bellicus knows about that time you stole ice cream, Ben.
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This would force Ben to prove his righteousness and compassion for others in order to use Alien X, giving him a reason to avoid using the transformation without placing blame on Bellicus & Serena. When a world-ending meteor hurtles towards Earth, Ben tries everything he can to stop it and turns to Alien X as a last resort, tears streaming down his face as he tries to convince Bellicus & Serena to help him save his home as well as everyone living on it. Moved by Ben’s emotional breakdown, they oblige him.
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Alien X isn’t just an opportunity for Ben to demonstrate his growth as a character, it’s a opportunity to have multiple characters gain a better understanding of each other, where Ben learns that Bellicus & Serena aren’t some strict old fogeys and where they learn that Ben has the potential to become a noble, kind young man.
General miscellaneous ideas:
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Ben babysits the Incursean Princess Attea and gets a taste of his own rambunctious medicine. 
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Kevin has to work with a lovable but dim-witted Argit voiced by Matt Jones (Badger from Breaking Bad, Wedge from Final Fantasy VII Remake)
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The Vreedle Brothers are less like rednecks and more like cowboy parodies (Rhomboid being an expy of Jet Black from Cowboy Bebop)
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Since the original episode that featured Kai Green, Ben’s biggest crush, ended with her being in the wrong and Gwen telling her off, I want to see a plot where Kai and Ben are dating, but she’s only interested in Ben when he turns into an alien, where Ben needs to see that it’s not a healthy relationship and break up with Kai.
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Grandma Verdona and the Anodites deserve to be a running plot point, but instead of Gwen turning into a flying purple space alien, let’s have Ben’s DNA unlock an Anodite alien form (voiced by Tara Strong) for him to turn into. Maybe even have an ep where Ben has to spend a day locked inside a feminine body where he learns that girls don’t have as many ‘cooties’ as he thinks.
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Where the original series had a Gwen 10 au episode, I propose a Ben 10 x Gwen 10 multiverse crossover. What happens when our Gwen gets captured and Ben has to work with somebody who can use the Omnitrix better than he can?
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Grandpa give Ben advice.
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Ben stares out at the horizon.
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Miscellaneous images. 
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This is how I would write Ben 10.
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yanverse · 1 year
a/n: i couldn't remember if I'd posted this or not, so perhaps this is a repost with some tweaks--but here's a little snip of some background fic for those who like the character development ish! <3
(cws: kaito pov, non-reader insert, slutshaming violence, blood, mention of broken bones, a smidge of ooe siblings family history, the start of the kaito-ebbi rivalry)
word count: 1k
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Like I'd ever work with a whore like that.
The words had burned into him from their place on the screen the first time he read them. He didn't like to consider himself an angry person anymore, in fact he liked to think of himself as being rather laid back and relaxed for the most part, at least when his anxiety wasn't creeping up on him. He'd done plenty of work to get to that point.
But this was different. He couldn't fathom the idea of Umi being talked about in such a light, at least in a serious way that was aside from all the things they did on their live streams, which he remained blissfully ignorant of. And people had been agreeing with that twat of a photographer, comments and posts popping up nonstop to gossip about his sibling's questionable sexual history ad nauseam--the same person that had tucked him into bed and put food on the table since he was nine years old, the person who worked themselves to the bone to make sure he had everything he needed. Umi had even bought him his first sketchbook, his first set of paints, his first art lesson and all the ones after, and never asked for anything in return even when they had to humiliate themselves to get it for him. They sent him to college, scraped and saved and stole for years to give him the chance to go to art school of all things--a prospect his father had laughed at--and gave up everything he knew they wanted so that he'd get to live his dream.
After mom was gone, and after dad gave up on being their dad, Umi was mom and dad and not once did they ever let slip a complaint, a sigh, or even a scowl. They were still his best friend, and they still smiled even when they were dying inside just to make sure their little brother was safe and happy. Kaito knew how much they loved him even when he was the opposite of loveable, and for that he could never see his older sibling as anything less than a superhero. Anybody who didn't think the same just didn't know Umi–or they were just jealous of how incredible they are.
Nobody knew Umi like he did, and neither did that dickhead that was minding his own business as he looked at some seller's display, totally unaware of his victim standing six feet away and tugging on Kaito's sleeve to get him to walk in the opposite direction. How unfortunate that the one time Umi got him to leave his apartment to visit the farmer's market in the park, he honed in on the piece of shit that shamed his best friend and hurt the only person he's ever been able to rely on.
Well, unfortunate for him. Because Kaito's feet worked faster than his brain as they often did, and by the time he reared his arm back, a pair of mismatched green eyes had just turned to meet his own.
A sickening crack resounded in the soft chatter of the market, which only died down for a moment at the collective sight of the blond staggering back from the punch, his hands over his nose that had already started gushing blood. Kaito had never really hit anyone before, mostly had just broken stuff or punched walls, but evidently it didn't take much to break someone's nose when they were caught off guard. The favour was already being returned, however, when that pair of hands grabbed him by the collar and shoved him straight into solid ground below, knocking the wind right out of his lungs as his back hit the grass.
"Kaito-! Get off of him!"
Umi's shriek cut through the crowd just as they did, their footsteps pounding in his ears as they sprinted forwards to protect him--but their steps weren't the ones that were shaking the ground, and only managed to arrive after Ebbi had pinned him and laid a solid punch into his cheek while he gasped for air. In the swiftness of a moment, the weight had lifted off his body like it wasn't even there at all.
"Fick dich! Fuck off! Arschloch!" A stream of obscenities flew from his lips, the blond struggling and kicking frantically as he was grabbed and held back in a chokehold–by no less than a much bigger, much more intimidating farmer-type that narrowed his brown eyes at him over the German's shoulder. But despite that, his dark-haired saviour said very little, and only held him back long enough for Umi to grab him by the arm and help him off the ground. In retrospect, he was just lucky that the guy was a good head taller than both of them and built like a brick house, his grip strong as he turned and shoved Ebbi away, before warning both of them in a low rumble to fuck off.
"C'mon, get up–c'mon, we're going home, now! What the hell were you thinking?!"
Even despite their scolding that had only just begun, he could practically feel the terror radiating off of Umi as they hauled him up to his feet and led him away from the scene. He'd undoubtedly be babied and fussed over as Umi held an ice pack to his cheek and forced him to drink some water for once, all while giving him a lecture about taking the high road and not giving in to other people's blah blah blah.
Of course he would listen, and nod his head, and promise not to lose his temper next time. But on the inside he could be as smug as he wanted to be, knowing that the little shit on the other side of the screen would be nursing his nose for a good, long while.
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