#The Hooded Woman
anotherworldash · 11 months
What is your take on Kaname and THW ship if it isn't romantic? How does it compare to Yume?
hello i'm glad you asked! i've been thinking about thie series for a while! and to answer it:
(this is my personal take and you can agree to disagree but i will stand by my opinion. if you ship THWxKaname and aren't happy with my answer please just kindly leave my blog without trying to convince me)
i don't think kaname loves THW romantically although they were in romantic relationship. in the sense of... it's clear there's a panel where she kissed him on the lips so their relationship were romantic.
i think they were together because: at that time, both were looking for companion with same goal in mind. their action were quite controversial. so, they did bond overtime.
but he wasn't attracted to her that much. he didn't have the hots for her like he did to yuki. yeah i'm not even joking on this part. haven't we read enough how much kaname yearn for yuki physically? kaname is literally so horny when it comes to yuki. we've seen how they kiss or drink blood.
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(with this description, i'm pretty sure attraction is a big part of relationship for a man like kaname................ god i love him . taken from volume 10 btw)
so THW's kiss with kaname is a pale comparison. in my personal opinion, it's rather one-sided. (THW leaning in for a kiss and kaname's somberly touch her flowing braids... i feel like this could be any woman x kaname if she is the one giving him direction/power/companionship at that time., i think it's expected when two opposite gender that respect and doesn't hate each other spend a lot of time together. he's got his 'he's just a man' moments if you know what i mean when he take blood from ruka)
let's say he had a slight attraction to THW. still, it's already over once she's dead. he also had completely moved on from THW, yuki herself asked if kaname is looking for replacement for her and he said 'no one can be a replacement to anyone'. he didn't lie when he said this. there's literally no need for him to lie. he did regret losing THW but that's it.
(let me add some personal opinions/headcanon : i also don;t think THW and kaname had done anything more than a kiss. i long wondered how did kuran family has descendants if kaname didn't have a child himself back then with THW? if he had one then surely he would had a reason to live , or at least the child will appear in his memory. but, no that just doesn't exist. the more accurate guess would be : perhaps kuran family doesn't consist only ancestor kaname, but he had other siblings/family member who procreated and that is where yuki/rido/juri/haruka came from. the reason why they weren't in picture was because they didn't agree with kaname's goal to live alongside human. so they separated way) (ya know this could be provven wrong in the future VKM chapters as the series is still ongoing but i will stand by my opinion for now as it makes the most sense. if you think about it, someday ai's descendant will call rido as 'kuran ancestor' too.)
rather than in love, it's more appropriate to say kaname is still in the same page with THW when it comes to problem solving. because, they were doing the same quest together. and he actually agree that her plans to kill are purebloods and her decision to sacrifice herself were GOOD SOLUTIONS. when all plans failed, he remembered he could use her solutions.
this is the space where Yuki came in too late to save Kaname. it's not entirely Yuki's fault because Kaname deliberately keeps Yuki away from this problem because he knew how she'd sacrifice herself for him and he don't want that.
when it comes to yume, eventhough kaname sees yuuki as his lover and beloved, he was unable to see her as his equal. perhaps it's due to big age gap between them. therefore, kaname already has this mindset that decide yuki can't handle this much of a problem. and even if she can, he wouldn't let such a baby get involved in this problem.
the point in his struggle is he wants her to live and be free, just like he wanted himself to live and be free. kaname longs for the mortality and carefreeness that might set him free from his responsibility and burden (but he can't, so he try to at least give it to yuki. but OOPS, he turned yuki back into a vampire and now he's gotta keep those purebloods and opposing vampires in check...cause they're not endangerin only him, but yuki as well. not to mention the furnace and vampire hunter weapons are getting less effective.)
kaname meant it when he said yuki has became a hindrance for him. this is exactly why at the end of series, he wanted zero to be with yuki.
originally, that is not what he wanted, he wanted yuki for only himself. this is shown where he turned yuki back into vampire. although this was initiated by yuki. let's admit he partly agree so he could have her by himself. and show zero that yuki is HIS. that was not a part of his original plan.
but then he realized things have gotten too complicated and the price is too high to pay. (the price is yuki's safety and happiness that he fought for long and many times. he also saw that yuki wasn't as happy as she used to be in her new life as vampire and he felt guilty for it)
by the time he said she is a hindrance, he already hated himself. perhaps he already hated himself from a long time ago and now he got to see for himself how far his course of actions have gotten everyone in trouble. he didn't feel like he deserved yuki's warmth for a slightest. for him, it's already over. everything is over. his life is over. he wants nothing but redemption. i think this explains why he's so nonchalant when yuki held him tight. but, he still talked to her once he heard yuki erased zero's memories to chose him.
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<Additionally, it explains why he decided to leave after their night together. Things have gone wrong so many times. Why would it work this time? It's the state of a depressed mind.>
ultimately he just want to protect yuki and prevent her from perishing like THW. because, he might not 'love' THW romantically or passionately but her sacrifice showed him how regret feels. he learned from it and try his best to prevent it in the future.
this is also why he rushed to throw his heart into the furnace, he didn't want yuki to change his mind again knowing her safety is at stake. especially when he know yuuki is too empathetic and caring of others.
kaname has this mindset : "If you want to marry an Angel, you must first create Heaven for her. Angels don't live in Hell".
as her ancestor,brother,husband,lover, he feels responsible to yuki's wellbeing.
unironically, he's a simple logical man. he's got a goal in mind and no price is too high to create heaven for yuki, a safe place she can live in. even if the cost is his own life and happiness
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kanazero-vk · 2 years
Something had me wondering.
In volume 11 of Vampire Knight, we see the Hunter Association and the Vampire Council have a meeting.
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The hunters are probably cleaning up the mess after Kaname killed the senate.
Kaname refers to hunting being their speciality, though.
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The ancestors of the hunters killed the vampire progenitor (Kaname and The Hooded Woman were progenitors) to obtain power to hunt. Does power mean pureblood blood? Who did they kill? They couldn't kill Kaname. The Hooded Woman? She threw her heart into the forge. In order for humans to obtain power to fight, she had to do it.
So, The Hooded Woman it is. Back then even though purebloods helped humans, humans still despised them.
Please let me know your thoughts!
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newx-menfan · 1 year
I am still dying to know who the “Hooded Woman” was and what their connection was, since this seemed like such a cool concept!
Laura didn’t seem to recognize her scent…so a lot of the choices listed seem unlikely…
But the Hunter S. Thompson quote kind of eats at me…
“As you were, I was. As I am, you will be.”
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starspilli · 2 months
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dc cowboy doodles & wips !
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adreamfromnevermore · 2 months
AU Where the Justice League forms as usual except for one slight difference where Bruce just so happens to have been the one superheroing for the longest. (Excluding Diana, who got up to it in World War 1 and then mostly didn't while she learned about Man's World)
Bruce helps form the Justice League, ignoring all of the comments as they come to the sudden realization that Gotham's baby cryptid story is actually a man in a very intimidating armored suit who can and will break your arm if you cause problems for him. They are unaware that this is not the first team he's led, and actually he's used to teams full of mostly teenagers who also happen to be his children. This should be easier, this team is primarily adults.
He realizes rapidly that he doesn't understand these people.
His kids take bonding activities to mean learning a dozen different ways to break someones leg. That doesn't fly with these people. And that is most of Bruce's ideas, hell when he was a kid Alfred took every opportunity to get him out of his room and mostly that was with the agreement that Alfred would teach him how to defend himself. He's come by it honestly.
This team is not easier. They have more drama than when his house was actually full of kids. It's insane. He doesn't know what to do with it, usually he just sent the kids to their rooms or grounded them from patrol. That doesn't work here.
He comes to a strange crossroads. That falls apart when he forgets who he's working with and snaps at Hal with a full room of heroes that the next person to throw a punch or an insult without a reason too will be sparring with him.
A long standing rule in the batcave that worked two fold to prevent infighting between the kids and too ensure that they were well and truly trained.
It works wonders. No one says a word out of line for the rest of the debrief. Bruce becomes the unofficial mediator of the league over Clark because anytime he walked in on a fight it suddenly became 10 times more civil out of sheer terror of what he'd do to them in a sparring match.
Eventually they actually meet his kids. Well, one kid.
Half way through a mission (one of the rare ones in Gotham) the Bat comes to a complete stop at the edge of an alley. Every single league member on the team comes to a stop behind him. Slowly from the shadows of the alley a man in a red helmet stalks out to greet them.
"You don't call, you don't write"
"Red Hood."
"Don't Red Hood me! We've been worried sick!"
"I was at the cave last night."
"You didn't answer my texts B. You always answer my texts."
Somehow it ends with big and scary following them through the rest of the mission with a running commentary of how much Bats has let him down in his failure to respond in a timely manner to a text send less than an hour before he ran into them in the alley. It only ends when Red Robin shows up.
And even then it only ends because Hood can't keep himself from throwing a punch and Bruce has to snap at him that if he throws another one they're sparring when they get home.
And by god is Jason giving up the chance to punch his brothers.
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heyyallitssatan · 15 days
I like to think that Batman’s suit is really heavy
Like, the thing obviously Kevlar weave, with lots of armour reinforced bits, not to mention all of the gear and gadgets and tools he has on his person, I mean, anything he’s ever thought he may need, anything he’s been mid fight thinking that a particular tool would be useful, he has it somewhere, probably a few of them
And all the kids too, they’re equally equipped even if they don’t necessarily look it
So I like to imagine that some of the heroes decided they should do a costume switch for fun
The bats agreed, and the best part wasn’t them being weirded out like they thought they’d be, unmasked and all that, no, they couldn’t care less, instead everyone else is freaking out about how heavy the bats costumes are
How the hell do they do impossible feats of acrobatics wearing shit like this
Even the supers think it’s excessive, and they have super strength
The bats all take the opportunity to try some of their moves without the weight, given that they work out wearing even more weight
Turns out they can flip and jump and move in even more insane ways than anyone thought possible and everyone is more terrified than they were a few minutes ago
Everyone decides the bats are better with their gadgets
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jesterraconteuse · 28 days
Hal Jordan finding out about Nightwing: YOU. You have a *kid*?
Batman: well... Technically he's my oldest and age of majority... But he's still my kid.
Hal Jordan: OLDEST? YOU HAVE MORE? 2? 3?
Batman visibly annoyed:... 6... Legally.
Hal Jordan: I'm going home. This has single handedly killed my willpower for a week, I need to process this.
Superman: Ah so you finally found out. I'm proud of him honestly, good to see he's willing to bond with others again.
Hal Jordan: You knew?
Superman: ...His kids basically call me Uncle Supes. I've babysat. I was around when he still just had Nightwing
WW: They're so cute! Children of such strength and bravery. Not to mention his dog, his cat, his cow... His son has animals even I've never seen before!
Hal Jordan: I've had enough.
And Hal hasn't even learned about his crime fighting cousin, batwing, Oracle, bluebird, Spoiler, and of course Jarro.
Note: everyone knows Supes is a father, he's the dad to talk your ear off about it but he's too nice with too much country charm for anyone to say anything about it. WW and Martian Manhunter are the only ones who listen absolutely intently.
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pinkiemachine · 1 month
No sleep. Only draw.
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snow-bees · 3 months
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Figuring out how to draw the batfam in my style 🦇🦇🦇
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soupinaboot · 3 months
In my opinion, Bruce should be above average height or at least average. But since he surrounds himself with demi-gods, aliens, meta humans, etc, he's just dwarfed next to them. Like maybe about 6'1 or 6'2, but that's NOTHING compared to Diana '7'3 feet tall' Prince. Or Clark '6'9' Kent.
All the tabloids claim he has to be at least 5 feet tall because the only photos they can get of him are when he's next to his giant ass friends.
It is also my personal headcannon that all the robins stay shorter than him, except Jason, who should be at least 4 inches taller.
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anotherworldash · 11 months
Loving Kaname Kuran is pain
If only i didn't love a man as beautiful and as messed up as him... i wouldn't know this pain
sometimes i wish i were a zeki or zero girl so i wouldn't feel this suffering..
but i am just like yuki... i'll follow this man everywhere and i'll give my life to him. even after he abandoned me and manipulated me.
it doesn't matter what his goal is or what truly lies in his heart is....
i couldn't even hate him after he used sex to redeem his LIES!!! (okay that's not what he meant,but seriously he slept with yuki after yuki confronted him of all his plots, that's just EVIL!!!! KANAME!!! NOW I WANT YOU TO STAY EVEN MORE )
but do you know what tortures me even more?
(Yes, ME, I'm not talking as Yuki, although... yes i do self insert as yuki this is something i will admit. So you can red paragraphs below as yuki's pov)
it TORTURES me that now you're walking the same path as that woman. i don't want you to go to the same place as that hooded woman. i want you to be the same place as me. yet you still made your decision without waiting for yuki. i'm not even sure you really want this.
i don't hate the hooded woman but i'll not lie every cell of my body is burning from jealousy. even if you don't love her romantically, i hate knowing how much you care for her. i hate how you tried to carry on her wishes. i'd rather have you abuse yuki, and watch you drink from ruka or shizuka instead of watching you care about her or her wish. even if the goal for yuki's safety!!!! can't we get another solution instead of you following the same path as her? is there really no other way?
i hate that you'd rather go down the same path as her and let yuki go with zero instead of staying with her.
i truly get yuki's idea to sacrifice herself for you to live as human and be happy. even when i know you DREAD to exist. i want to revive you and show you that I, TOO, CAN MAKE YOU HAPPY. I, TOO, CAN MAKE YOU FEEL FULFILLED. I, TOO, CAN MAKE YOU LIVE and I can be engraved in your memory. even if you don't know it...
i don't know about yuki but yeah, if i were her i'd totally do it... i want you to live... i want to make your wish come true... and deep inside i want to punish you because you had let me live without you. it's a cruel contradiction i find in my heart.
i'm a little obsessed ... you know i want you bad, kaname . if only you understand my own life does not mean anything compared to you
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image is yuki holding him as tightly as she can until he complained . yeah because that's exactly what i'm gonna do, kaname. you're mine, you're my man you're not going anywhere.... i'll look for you forever, till the end of the world and beyond.
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wocina · 5 months
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ashoss · 1 month
Hellooooooo I love your art so much, healing my soul from the stuff dc puts us through. 💛
I saw the art w Jason & Diana (beloved) and was wondering if perhaps sometime if you’re cool w it, if you could please do Robin Jason meeting Wonder Woman? :D
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how could i say no to another jaybin req
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foreverbaby25 · 3 months
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betterthanbatman1 · 2 months
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Reminder that Little!jason loved Superman
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pichichu-studio · 1 year
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Little Fans
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