#Water Intake For Weight Loss
healthyboom · 11 months
Unlocking Weight Loss: The Essential Role of Water
Discover the untapped potential of water in your weight loss journey with our comprehensive guide. In this enlightening resource, we delve into water's crucial role in shedding those unwanted pounds. As you explore the pages, you'll learn how water acts as a natural appetite suppressant, aids in boosting metabolism, and supports efficient digestion. Uncover the science behind why hydration is essential for effective weight loss and how it can help you achieve your goals faster. From practical tips on increasing water intake to understanding its detoxifying effects, this guide equips you with the knowledge to harness water's power in your weight loss endeavors. Embrace the potential of hydration and unlock your path to a healthier, slimmer you.
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glossary2 · 1 year
"7 Effective Strategies to Lose Belly Fat Quickly: Tips for a Slimmer and Healthier You"
Losing belly fat can be a challenging task, but it is not impossible. While it is not advisable to try and lose a significant amount of weight in a short period of time, there are some effective strategies that can help you lose belly fat quickly. Here are some tips to help you achieve your goal:
Reduce calorie intake: One of the most effective ways to lose belly fat quickly is to reduce your calorie intake. Aim to eat fewer calories than your body burns each day. This can be achieved by reducing portion sizes, avoiding high-calorie foods and drinks, and choosing low-calorie options instead.
Increase protein intake: Protein is an essential nutrient that can help you lose belly fat quickly. It helps to reduce hunger, increase satiety, and boost your metabolism. Aim to consume protein-rich foods such as lean meat, fish, eggs, and beans.
Cut back on carbs: Cutting back on carbs, especially refined carbs such as white bread and pasta, can help you lose belly fat quickly. Instead, choose complex carbs such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, which are nutrient-dense and can help you feel fuller for longer.
Exercise regularly: Exercise is crucial for losing belly fat quickly as it helps to burn calories and boost your metabolism. Aim to exercise for at least 30 minutes per day, five days a week. Incorporate a combination of cardio and strength training exercises for maximum benefits.
Drink plenty of water: Drinking water is essential for losing belly fat as it helps to flush out toxins, reduce hunger, and boost your metabolism. Aim to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water per day.
Get enough sleep: Sleep is essential for losing belly fat as it helps to regulate hormones that control hunger and metabolism. Aim to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night.
Reduce stress: High levels of stress can contribute to belly fat. Try to reduce stress by practicing relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation, or deep breathing.
In conclusion, losing belly fat quickly can be challenging, but it is possible by following these tips. Remember, consistency is key, and making small changes over time can lead to significant results. If you are struggling to lose belly fat, consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.
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juliafitnessuk · 2 years
1681 kcal
Breakfast: -
Lunch: chicken breast with italian herbs, 4 small sage and onion stuffing balls, vegetable gravy, homemade roast potatoes and mashed potato (617 kcal)
Snack 1: 2 pain au chocolat (500kcal)
Dinner: 1 bagel thin, soft cheese, 3 slices of salami milano (232 kcal)
Snack 2: 2 tbsp nutella (200 kcal)
8 cups of tea (132 kcal)
Water: 3.5L
12500 steps (-450 kcal)
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makemycitybreak · 3 months
I should lose weight again
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my-amethyst-world · 11 months
Hydration for Health: Exploring the Remarkable Benefits of Drinking Water
Discover the remarkable benefits of drinking water, promoting health, hydration, and overall well-being in your daily life.
Water is a fundamental element for sustaining life, and its importance cannot be overstated. The benefits of consuming water are vast and encompass various aspects of our well-being. From supporting bodily functions to promoting overall health, water plays a vital role in keeping our bodies functioning optimally. Staying hydrated by consuming an adequate amount of water offers numerous…
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advicetrust · 1 year
Easy Tips and Tricks for Weight Loss
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Introduction: Maintaining a healthy weight is essential for overall health and well-being. However, with so many unhealthy food options and sedentary lifestyles available, achieving and maintaining a healthy weight can be difficult. Being overweight or obese can put you at risk for a variety of health issues, including heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. It can also have an impact on self-esteem, mental health, and overall quality of life. Fortunately, there are many simple weight loss tips and tricks you can incorporate into your daily routine to help you shed those extra pounds and maintain a healthy weight.
Adopting healthy habits that are long-term is one of the keys to successful weight loss. Although crash dieting and extreme exercise routines can result in rapid weight loss, they are often difficult to maintain and can be harmful to your health. Instead, concentrate on implementing small changes to your daily routine that you can sustain over time. You can achieve and maintain a healthy weight while still doing the things you enjoy by making small, gradual changes to your lifestyle.
In this blog post, we will provide you with simple weight loss tips and tricks that you can incorporate into your daily routine. We will discuss topics such as mindful eating habits, healthy eating habits, exercise and physical activity, water and sleep, and other weight loss tips and tricks. By using these tips and tricks, you will be well on your way to achieving your weight loss goals in a healthy, long-term manner.
First, we'll go over the significance of mindful eating habits. Being conscious of what and how much you eat can help you control your calorie intake and reduce your chances of overeating. We will discuss how to eat slowly and mindfully, as well as how to reduce portion sizes.
The importance of healthy eating habits for weight loss will be discussed next. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats should all be included in a healthy diet. We will discuss how to incorporate more whole foods into your diet and offer advice on how to plan healthy meals and snacks.
Exercise and physical activity are also necessary for weight loss. Cardiovascular exercise can help burn calories and improve heart health, whereas strength-training exercises can help build muscle and boost metabolism. We will discuss how to incorporate physical activity into your daily routine and the benefits of both types of exercise.
Water and sleep are often overlooked but crucial components of weight loss. Drinking enough water can help you feel fuller and consume less food, whereas a lack of sleep can disrupt hormones that control hunger and metabolism, resulting in weight gain. We will offer advice on staying hydrated and getting enough sleep.
Finally, we will go over other weight loss tips and tricks, such as tracking progress, avoiding sugary drinks, and increasing protein intake. You can achieve and maintain a healthy weight in a sustainable manner by incorporating these simple tips and tricks into your daily routine.
In conclusion, reaching and maintaining a healthy weight is critical for overall health and well-being. You can achieve your weight loss goals in a healthy, sustainable way by adopting healthy habits such as mindful eating, healthy eating, exercise and physical activity, water and sleep, and other weight loss tips and tricks. So, let's get started and look at some simple weight loss tips and tricks!
Mindful Eating Habits: Mindful eating habits are critical for long-term weight management and healthy weight loss. Being conscious of what and how much you eat can help you control your calorie intake, reduce your chances of overeating, and develop a healthier relationship with food. Mindful eating entails paying attention to your food and your eating experience without judgement or distraction. You will be able to savour the flavours and textures of your food, recognise when you are full, and make more mindful choices about what and how much to eat as a result.
Eating slowly and mindfully is one of the key principles of mindful eating. This entails taking your time with each bite, chewing thoroughly, and enjoying the taste and texture of your food to the fullest. Slowing down your eating allows your body to register feelings of fullness and satisfaction, which can help you avoid overeating. It also allows you to be more present in the moment and fully enjoy the eating experience. Furthermore, eating slowly and mindfully allows you to be more in tune with your body's natural signals of hunger and fullness. This can help you make better choices about when and how much to eat.
Reduced portion sizes is another important aspect of mindful eating. Many people overeat simply because they are accustomed to eating larger portions than they require. You can still feel satisfied without consuming too many calories by reducing your portion sizes. Using smaller plates and bowls is one way to reduce portion sizes. This can help you visually adjust to smaller portion sizes and make sticking to your goals easier. Furthermore, avoid distractions while eating, such as watching TV or scrolling through your phone. These distractions can lead to overeating without you even realising it. Instead, concentrate on the taste and texture of your food, as well as the eating experience.
It is also important to be mindful of the foods you eat in addition to eating mindfully. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats should all be included in a healthy diet. You can feel fuller and more satisfied while consuming fewer calories if you choose whole foods over processed or high-calorie options. Furthermore, being aware of the foods you consume can help you make better choices when dining out or at social gatherings.
It can be difficult to incorporate mindful eating habits into your daily routine at first, but with practise, it can become a natural part of your lifestyle. You can achieve healthy weight loss and long-term weight maintenance by paying attention to your food and eating experience. Remember to be patient and kind to yourself, and to prioritise progress over perfection.
Healthy Eating Habits: Healthy eating habits are essential for losing weight and improving overall health. Eating a well-balanced diet rich in whole foods can help you lose weight while also providing your body with the nutrients it requires to function properly. Making wise choices about what you eat, how much you eat, and when you eat constitutes healthy eating habits.
Focusing on fresh fruits and vegetables is one way to incorporate more whole foods into your diet. These foods are high in vitamins, minerals, and fibre, which can help you feel fuller for longer periods of time and reduce cravings for unhealthy snacks. Include a variety of colourful fruits and vegetables in your daily meals and snacks. Choose whole grains over refined grains, such as brown rice or whole-wheat bread. Whole grains contain more fibre and nutrients than refined grains, which can help you feel fuller longer and reduce your risk of overeating.
Another important aspect of healthy eating habits is meal and snack planning. You can ensure that you have healthy options available when hunger strikes by planning ahead of time. Make a grocery list before you go to the store to help you plan healthy meals and snacks. This can help you avoid buying unhealthy snacks on impulse and ensure that you have the ingredients you need to prepare healthy meals. Additionally, whenever possible, try to prep and cook meals ahead of time so that you always have healthy options available when you are pressed for time.
When attempting to establish healthy eating habits, it is also critical to pay attention to portion sizes. Many people consume more calories than they need simply because they eat larger than necessary portion sizes. To avoid overeating, use smaller plates and bowls to help you visually adjust to smaller portion sizes, and pay attention to your body's signals of fullness. Furthermore, try to eat slowly and mindfully to allow your body time to register feelings of fullness and satisfaction.
Healthy eating habits are critical for reaching weight loss goals and maintaining a healthy weight over time. You can make positive changes to your diet that will benefit your overall health and well-being by incorporating more whole foods into your diet, planning healthy meals and snacks, and paying attention to portion sizes. Remember that developing healthy eating habits takes time and patience, so be gentle with yourself and concentrate on progress rather than perfection.
Exercise and Physical Activity: Exercise is an essential component of any weight loss programme because it burns calories and boosts metabolism. Furthermore, regular exercise has numerous health benefits, including a lower risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer. In order to lose weight, it is beneficial to incorporate both cardiovascular and strength-training exercises into your routine.
Cardiovascular exercises like running, cycling, and swimming can help you burn calories and raise your heart rate, which can improve your cardiovascular health and aid in weight loss. Strength-training exercises, such as weight lifting or bodyweight exercises, can help to build muscle mass, which can boost metabolism and burn calories even when you're not doing anything. Including both types of exercise in your routine can help you lose weight and improve your overall health and fitness.
Finding activities that you enjoy is one key to incorporating physical activity into your daily routine. Going for a hike, dancing, or participating in a sport that you enjoy can help to make exercise feel less like a chore and more like a fun part of your day. Attempt to incorporate physical activity into your daily routine as well, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator or going for a walk during your lunch break.
When it comes to exercise and physical activity, it is also critical to set realistic goals. Begin by setting small, attainable goals, such as going for a daily 10-minute walk or completing a beginner's workout routine. Gradually increase the duration and intensity of your workouts as you become more comfortable with physical activity. Remember to listen to your body and take breaks when needed, as overexertion can result in injury or burnout.
Exercise and physical activity are essential components of any weight loss programme because they help burn calories, boost metabolism, and improve overall health and fitness. Incorporating both cardiovascular and strength-training exercises into your routine, as well as finding activities that you enjoy and setting realistic goals, can assist you in developing a sustainable exercise routine that will support your weight loss goals and improve your overall health and well-being.
Water and Sleep: Drinking plenty of water and getting enough sleep are two frequently overlooked but crucial components of any weight loss programme. While many people concentrate solely on diet and exercise, water consumption and sleep quality can have a significant impact on weight loss efforts.
Water is required for the basic functions of the body, such as digestion, circulation, and temperature regulation. However, it is frequently overlooked in weight loss programmes. Drinking enough water throughout the day aids in weight loss by flushing out toxins, reducing bloating, and increasing metabolism. It can also aid in the reduction of hunger, the promotion of feelings of fullness, and the prevention of overeating. People who drank 16 ounces of water before meals lost more weight than those who did not, according to a study. Consuming foods with high water content, such as fruits and vegetables, can help to increase hydration levels in addition to drinking water.
Getting enough quality sleep, on the other hand, is also essential for weight loss. While many people believe that working out at night will help them lose weight, the opposite is true. Sleep deprivation can disrupt hormone levels, increase appetite and cravings, and result in weight gain. Furthermore, a lack of sleep can cause fatigue and decreased energy levels, making it more difficult to stick to a regular exercise routine. As a result, it is critical that you get enough quality sleep each night. Set a regular sleep schedule and aim for at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night to help regulate your body's circadian rhythm. Limit screen time before bedtime, establish a relaxing bedtime routine, and make your sleeping environment comfortable and conducive to restful sleep.
Including these habits in your daily routine can have a significant impact on your weight loss efforts. Drinking plenty of water can help you feel full and reduce your chances of overeating. It can also improve digestion and metabolism, allowing you to burn more calories throughout the day. Adequate sleep can help regulate hormones, reduce stress, and boost energy levels, making it easier to stick to a regular exercise routine. It can also reduce the likelihood of cravings and overeating, which can help with weight loss.
While diet and exercise are important components of any weight loss programme, drinking enough water and getting enough sleep are often overlooked but important components that can have a significant impact on your weight loss efforts. Staying hydrated throughout the day and getting enough quality sleep can help you lose weight by regulating hormones, reducing stress, promoting feelings of fullness, and suppressing your appetite and cravings. Including these habits in your daily routine can help you lose weight and improve your overall health and well-being.
Other Tips and Tricks: In addition to the habits mentioned above, there are other weight loss tips and tricks. Tracking progress on a regular basis is one of the most effective methods. Keeping track of your weight loss journey can help you stay motivated and make necessary changes to your diet and exercise routine. This can be accomplished by weighing yourself on a scale or by keeping a journal or using an app to track your progress.
Another important weight loss tip is to avoid sugary drinks. Sugary drinks, such as soda, juice, and sports drinks, are high in calories and can quickly add up. Choose water or unsweetened beverages such as tea or coffee instead. These beverages can help you stay hydrated while also providing additional health benefits.
Increasing protein intake can also be an effective weight loss strategy. Protein is necessary for muscle growth and maintenance, which can help to boost metabolism and burn more calories throughout the day. Furthermore, protein can help to promote feelings of fullness and reduce hunger, which can lead to calorie reduction. Lean meats, eggs, dairy products, beans, and legumes are all high in protein.
Incorporating these additional tips and tricks into your weight loss programme can help you achieve long-term and sustainable results. Tracking your progress can help you stay motivated and on track, while avoiding sugary drinks can help you cut calories and stay hydrated. Increasing protein intake can help with muscle building and reduce hunger, resulting in lower calorie consumption. You can achieve your weight loss goals and improve your overall health and well-being by incorporating these habits into your daily routine and making small, sustainable changes.
Conclusion: Finally, we looked at some weight loss tips and tricks that are simple to incorporate into your daily routine. The road to weight loss and a healthier lifestyle can be difficult, but by implementing these habits, you can achieve long-term and sustainable results.
One of the main topics we covered was mindful eating. You can reduce overeating and make healthier choices by being aware of what and how much you eat. We also talked about how important healthy eating habits are, such as incorporating whole foods into your diet and planning healthy meals and snacks. A well-balanced diet can help you maintain energy levels and feel fuller for longer periods of time, reducing the desire to snack on unhealthy foods.
Exercise and physical activity are also necessary for weight loss. We discussed the advantages of both cardiovascular and strength-training exercises for burning calories and building muscle. Even small amounts of physical activity throughout the day can have a big impact on your weight loss journey.
We investigated the role of water and sleep in weight loss in addition to exercise. Staying hydrated can help you feel fuller and reduce cravings, while getting enough sleep can help you regulate the hormones that control your appetite and metabolism.
Finally, we discussed other weight loss tips and tricks, such as tracking progress, avoiding sugary drinks, and increasing protein intake. Tracking your progress can help you stay motivated and make changes to your routine, while avoiding sugary drinks can help you cut calories and stay hydrated. Increasing protein intake can help with muscle building and reduce hunger, resulting in lower calorie consumption. Overall, creating sustainable habits that work for you is the key to weight loss success. We encourage our readers to use these simple weight loss tips and tricks to start living a healthier lifestyle. Remember to be patient with yourself and to acknowledge your accomplishments along the way. You can achieve your weight loss goals and improve your overall health and well-being by being consistent and dedicated.
** This incredible fat-dissolving ice hack had been hidden for centuries in the Himalayas, try it for yourself here:
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sanin2022 · 1 year
will water help you lose weight?
Water is essential for many bodily functions, including weight loss. Drinking water can help with weight loss by increasing metabolism, reducing hunger, and flushing out toxins.
Metabolism is the process by which the body converts food into energy. When the body is dehydrated, metabolism slows down. Drinking water can increase metabolism by up to 30%, helping the body burn more calories. This means that by drinking water, you can increase the number of calories you burn throughout the day.
Hunger is often mistaken for thirst. Drinking water can help reduce hunger by making you feel full, which can help you eat less. When you feel thirsty, your body is already dehydrated, and your brain sends signals to eat. Drinking water can help reduce these signals and help you feel full, which can help you eat less.
lean more https://sanin2022.blogspot.com/p/will-water-help-you-lose-weight.html
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healthydietme · 2 years
Drinking water can help reduce appetite and make you burn more calories. Drinking more water will usually help you lose weight.
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prettieinpink · 8 months
HAPPY 1.2k+ TO PRETTIEINPINK! Thank you guys for the support, here’s a lil gift from me to you. 
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If you don’t want to read all of this, I created a hierarchy of everything you need to do to glow up, right at the end!!! But I recommend reading everything first <3
I’ve been trying to ‘glow up’ like forever, but there was no actual content out there that helped me glow up. Most people sugarcoated, or their lifestyles of glowing up just weren't sustainable for me. So, I created this post for everyone planning to glow up or maximise their prettiness! 
DISCLAIMER – THIS POST IS NOT DETAILED. I wanted to do a simple outline to give you guys an idea of what to do to maximise your pretty. A little help to plan, especially as we enter 2024, but I’ll expand on these individual topics in the future. 
Being healthy can make you SO pretty. Being healthy is the foundation. There are other ways to be physically healthy, but after doing these 4 the rest usually fall in place.  Here are some simple ways to become healthier, and then eventually prettier!
 I'm not going to go super deep into this, as no diet fits everyone + Please consult with your doctor before taking any extreme advice. Though, I'll tell you a bit of things that helped me !!
Stop drinking soda. Please, it's so unhealthy and it's full of so many sugars. Even the ones that are 0 cal, have weird chemicals that I don't trust. Many more alternatives taste just as good, like coconut water, herbal drinks, smoothies etc! Especially because nowadays most large calories and sugar intakes are from sugary drinks 
Stop restricting, moderate it. I am a big fan of dairy, yoghurt, milk, and cheese, I love it all. However I acknowledge that dairy isn’t the healthiest, so instead I always ensure I'm eating in moderation. E.g I put a tablespoon of shredded cheese in my omelettes instead of a handful. You will enjoy healthy eating so much, but only if you're not restricting. 
Have one serving of fruit, vegetables, or both with each meal. It provides so many good nutrients, makes you fuller and keeps you hydrated. Measure with your palm to ensure you’re eating enough. 
Know that just because one food has fewer calories than the other, does not mean it is the healthiest. I struggled so much with this, especially because many weight loss accounts will mention this, but it is so wrong. White bread has fewer calories than brown bread, but brown bread is higher in nutritional value. 
Plan snacks. Planning snacks for throughout the day, instead of spontaneously eating is so much better. I recommend this for anyone who gets hungry during the day but not enough for a meal (like me!)
Drink more water. Not 1L a day, because it is so much more ideal for you to have a glass of water with each meal + when you feel thirsty. 
Start educating yourself. This is as much as I can tell you, im not a nutritionist or a dietitian but if you plan to ensure that healthy eating becomes your lifestyle, educating yourself is essential!! 
Once again, I'm only going to go surface level with this because it is only based on my personal experience + Consult with your doctor before doing anything extreme. 
Start aiming for 5k+ steps. I see a lot of people advertise 10k+ steps as the standard, or what's active, but it's not sustainable If you're a busy person with a sedentary life or a beginner at exercise it is gonna be hard to sustain that. But walking is so good for you and simple too.
Join your local sports! Such a fun way to socialise while still exerting energy. 
If you can't do that for whatever reason, there are many ways to exercise at home. Research and pick a workout that you like and is sustainable. E.g. jump rope, pilates, home exercises, weightlifting, biking
Start standing more, it exerts energy. While very little, it still is very good. 
That's it, but remember to always start small with exercising, and RESEARCH!
To me, it doesn’t matter how much sleep a person is getting, but much more rather the quality of said sleep. So, here are some tricks and tips to get better at sleeping!!
Investing in a good quality pillow is so good for your sleep, the more comfortable you are, the better + it reduces the chances of poor posture or hump necks 
Research about different sleeping positions, as some positions at night promote back pain, difficulty breathing or poor posture. 
Start sleeping in complete darkness. Remove all sources of light or invest in good light-blocking curtains OR binders. Though, binders seem to be much more effective but are more pricey. If you cannot do either of that, buy a good sleeping mask. 
Sleep in the cold. Your body easily falls asleep if your environment is cold, and you’re less likely to wake up in the middle of the night. 
It is ideal for you to stop using devices an hour or two before bed, but if it is not sustainable for you, wear red blue-light-blocking glasses instead of clear ones. Red ones are more effective. 
Avoid large physical or mental tasks before bed, use that time to unwind and tell your body it's time to go to sleep. 
Avoid napping for longer than 30 minutes, or it can disrupt the sleep you have at night. 
Go to sleep at similar times every day. If you go to sleep earlier or later than this, you will ruin your sleep schedule and feel groggy. 
I expand more here. 
This is a step many people will neglect, but the most important in my opinion. Your teeth are the only body part that fails to regenerate after a certain age. Here's how I take care of mine!
Brush your teeth for longer. Brushing your teeth should not be a sped-up process, put actual thought into it. 
Start flossing. Floss removes plaque, and reduces the chances of your teeth yellowing! Do this ideally after each meal.
Brush your teeth before you eat. Brushing my teeth is the first thing I do when I wake up because brushing your teeth is supposed to protect your teeth from the food, not wash away your food. 
If you have the means, buy an electric toothbrush, as this gets in the little nooks and crannies that a regular one cannot. 
Use a tongue scraper or your toothbrush to get rid of any bacteria on your tongue. 
Use straws to drink coffee or any heavily coloured drinks. This avoids the premature yellowing of teeth. Make sure you put the straw on the side of your mouth to avoid your teeth. 
Use good mouthwash. A total game-changer, makes your breath fresher and your gums healthier. 
If need be, definitely use a purple teeth serum as a whitening treatment.
I do not mean literal clothes and style, that's in grade 3. This is all about basic grooming and such. This is 2nd most important, especially if you're somebody who’s never been invested in beauty.
Get a basic skincare routine, cleanser and moisturiser.
If you have other skincare concerns e.g. dry skin, hyperpigmentation, acne, or blemishes, invest in a serum. 
Avoid touching your face frequently.
Wash makeup brushes & pillowcases often.
Dermaplaning to help skincare absorb better. 
Use sunscreen!
 Invest in a good shampoo and conditioner for your hair type.
Use a good hair oil, it doesn’t have to be for growth, but just for nourishing your scalp
Sleep with a good quality bonnet on.
Find which type of hairbrush works the best on you!
Use warm water to remove product build up and dirt, but use cool water to rinse.
Buy spray suncsreen to put on your scalp during hot weather.
Once again, research. Hair is just too much of a broad topic for me to thoroughly talk about.
Trim your eyebrows regularly to avoid too many stray hairs
Tint your eyebrows and lashes. If you already have dark eyelashes and brows, try a lighter look. I seem to prefer a dark brown look to a black 
Invest in a good lash & brow serum or use any oil
Don't use Vaseline on your eyelashes.
 Limit how much you wear mascara. 
I talk more about this here. 
Have a daily shower routine which consists of washing, exfoliating and moisturising your skin. 
Using scented products is such a game changer, smelling good is like being a magnet 
Doing manicures, my routine is a cuticle scrub, file, buff, polish, paint then cuticle oil. 
Shave on the areas you want to. Having smooth skin is nice, but to ensure your shave lasts longer, watch a video. 
I post about creating a good shower routine here. 
Invest in a good, portable lip balm. I prefer the ones that burn your lips to give it a more fuller effect
Make your lip scrub. Sugar, honey and turmeric are my go-to. Helps remove dead skin.
If you have hyperpigmentation around the lips, use glycolic acid, only a little.
My favourite grade, because it is so fun and focuses more on the aesthetic side of things. However, they're not essential, which makes it all the more fun!
 I have a post about wardrobe essentials here. 
Find out about what season colours you are. This helps with using colours in fashion to enhance. ( if you don't like your colours it is okay, it doesn’t change much if you do not wear them) 
Figuring out your undertone colours for jewellery. 
Figure out what works for your figure. Experiment with necklines, bottom length etc. 
Find out your general style too, what you feel confident in and more assured. 
Research and only watch tutorials of women who look like you (trust me). 
Dear Peachie has a bunch of videos of how makeup works, for beginners to more advanced artists!
Then make your signature look for every using your knowledge. 
Invest in a good eau de parfum and eau de toilette. Cheap fragrances suck. 
Invest in a good-scented lotion. My favourite brand is Vaseline.
Using a good nice fabric softener for laundry makes you feel and smell fresh
Using an expensive scented body wash doesn’t matter, invest in a good body lotion. 
Hairstyles that enhance your face shape, not shield it. 
Having a simple signature look for everyday
Experimenting with your hair is ideal, but if you can't for whatever reason once again research.
The way you seem to others can make you so much prettier. Fake it till you make it as always~
Having good posture makes you stand out, makes you look prettier and is generally good for your health
Chin is parallel to the floor, shoulders are down and relaxed, rib cage is elevated, pelvis is tucked in, your knees straight and flexed, and the weight on your feet should be in the center.
You can stretch for good posture, there are many videos on this on YouTube.
Ensure your sleeping position is promoting good posture, not poor. 
Buy a back brace to reinforce good posture.
Learn how to move your body during conversations to seem more self-respected and confident.
Train your facial expressions for different situations, but especially for taking photos.
There are tons of books and videos on this, won’t expand because this is all about how you want others to perceive you. 
Improve the way you communicate with others. Be fluent and clear to understand 
Expand your vocabulary, know how to substitute words on the spot and make sentences. 
Knowing what to say in like any and every conversation makes people like you more, and the best way to be more eloquent is just practice. 
There are so many good books about this.. read.
Personally, having a good mindset does boost your self-perception of your prettiness + being happier in general makes you more inclined to take care of yourself = being more pretty!!!
Start journaling as a way to organise your thoughts and to truly analyse your emotions. There are a lot of journaling prompts on Pinterest and such!
Meditation as a way to clear the mind when needed is so good. There are a bunch more meditations for other purposes though like body image, productivity, focus or just general relaxation.
Go to therapy, or just have at least one person you can talk to when life becomes tough.
Cut back on social media. There's misinformation, trolls and a lot of content that isn't nourishing your mind. 
Get some sun! Simple and doable, but has a huge effect on the body. It can improve the current mood. Wear sunscreen. 
Start learning how to process situations, instead of bypassing the emotions that come with them. 
Start surrounding yourself with like-minded people. Seriously, being around people who are just too different is draining. 
Embrace growth and reject all forms of comfort. Being uncomfortable with something is growth. 
Don’t do things because you ‘have’ to do this, do them because they benefit you and see it in that way. E.g ‘I’m going to clean my room because I deserve a clean place to rest and work’ instead of ‘I have to clean my room’
Become detached. Stop letting everything that happens in your life affect you, start observing instead of consuming. 
Self validates yourself. Tam Kaur did a wonderful video on this that I think everyone should watch.
Stop believing that everything and everyone is out to get you. Your subconscious mind believes this, do not feed it, starve it.
There's a lot to say about mindset, but I recommend watching some mindset YouTubers who explain everything in depth.
and now,,,, here's a ANOTHER gift from lanny because u read her post. And liked it. And reblogged it. And followed her.. pleaseee
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How to Lose Weight Fast: Do It Right as Backed By Science
How to Lose Weight Fast: Do It Right as Backed By Science
Are you looking for ways how to lose weight fast and lose those extra pounds quickly without dieting or exercising? Then read on! According to Healthline, weight loss isn’t always the solution to every health issue. To lose weight effectively, you need to lose 1-2 pounds per week. You must have a healthy diet to have steady weight loss. A rapid weight loss diet should be incorporated with…
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ribsonrepeat · 3 months
ana tips to stay as safe and healthy as possible <3
**important to note that I’m not encouraging this behavior in any way but if you’re going to persue unhealthy wl then harm reduction is important**
1) take multivitamins EVERYDAY and stay hydrated
2) if you’re down with the flu or any other sickness please increase your cal intake to aid in the recovery process
3) if you notice negative side effects like hair loss, excessive bruising, joint pain, etc take more vitamins i.e. hair, skin, and nails, joint vitamins, iron supplements
4) if you’re feeling faint/dizzy/nauseous constantly please eat something and maybe consider raising your cal intake for at least a few days
5) avoid hot temperatures, hot showers, working out, etc if you think you may faint to avoid any injuries, embarrassment, etc
6) don’t stay at a super low cal intake for extended periods of time (under 500 cals)
7) if you’re fasting and start to experience heart palpitations, dizziness, nausea, spotted vision break your fast immediately it’s not worth it
8) never NEVER dry fast!!!!!
9) avoid excessive caffeine intake it can cause headaches, nausea, heart palpitations, etc and it doesn’t curb your appetite enough to risk that
10) if you’re feeling dehydrated but feel like you cant drink more water try a hydration multiplier like liquid iv
11) make sure you’re using your cals for healthy choices at least try to eat a fruit or vegetable once a day
12) make sure you’re getting enough protein it will aid in wl while also keeping you healthy
13) don’t excessively purge or avoid it all together the health problems it causes are nothing to play around with
14) don’t abuse laxatives it fucks up your stomach badddd
15) don’t push yourself too hard the goal is to lose weight not death 😘
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originalpeachpatrol · 2 years
10 Effective Ways To Lose Your Excess Weight:   Fat burn for weight loss is a great high to help you lose weight. In this article, I'll s...
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zoneofblog · 2 years
Maybe you find it hard to lose weight despite trying exercise, pills, fad diets, and other ways. In the end, you feel frustrated. You could be affected by diseases like diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, or others.
Much as you exercise and take any other weight loss measures, you might remain confused if you don’t care about nutrition. Though you must cut carbs and fats from your diet, it’s wrong to eliminate them.
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weightgainworld · 3 months
Manipulating labels
I have a confession to make, I have been manipulating your calorie intake. Those healthy foods we bought were actually for helping people gain weight. I know things like the "diet soda", say 0 calories, but I switched them all out for normal soda and changed the labels. Those low-fat and sugar sweets are also extra fattening since I added extra sugar before putting them in their boxes. Even your water I have spiked with appetite stimulants to make your cravings worse. Also, you have gained 20 pounds in 2 weeks but lost 20. I tell you all this not cause I am sorry, but as a reminder. I won't let you lose a single pound. Weight loss is not an option for you. You were born to be an overweight food lover. You don't need to be dieting or eating less, you need to be stuffing your face and eating till you can't move. Who cares if the doctor says you are too obese for your age? You should show them what obesity really means. It's not like you plan to stop me either. The only thing you care about is eating good food that fills you up. Being healthy is just a trick to stop you from enjoying food. There is a reason fast food tastes so good, it's because it's good for you. Now let's get you some more diet sodas.
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murphyblogs · 2 years
20 Weight Loss Tips - Losing Weight Made Easy!
1. Drink 3+ liters of water daily.
2. Drink a glass of hot water with lemon and honey every morning on empty stomach.
3. Increase protein intake.
4. Get more fiber rich foods into your meals.
5. Switch to green tea instead of coffee.
6. Avoid junk foods.
7. Do cardio every single day.
8. Avoid the 3 white poisons: sugar, salt and rice.
9. Never skip your meals.
10. Reduce your food consumption.
11. Eat more watery and low calorie foods.
12. Choose sprouts as snacks
13. No more than 3 main meals per day.
14. Whenever possible, add honey, lemon, or cinnamon to your food.
15. Eat these fruits: watermelon, grapefruit, apples and blueberries.
16. Do some yoga.
17. Avoid crispy, creamy and cheesy foods.
18. Lift more weights.
19. Eat slowly and chew each bite of food.
20. Spend more time outdoors.
Follow few tips and stick with them and see the amazing results.
Thank you, Be fit and happy!
Read Next: Every Night 127,000 Women Use This Caribbean Flush To Burn Fat After Dark!
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healthy-liiviing · 2 months
Weight loss: 6 strategies for success
Calorie Countdown: Track your daily calorie needs and create a slight deficit (300-500 calories) to nudge your body towards burning more than it consumes.
Whole Food Focus: Fill your plate with fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean protein sources. These nutrient-rich options keep you fuller for longer and provide essential vitamins and minerals.
Processed Food Farewell: Limit or eliminate processed foods loaded with extra calories, unhealthy fats, and added sugar. Opt for whole, unprocessed options.
Portion Patrol: Use smaller plates and bowls to avoid overeating. Be mindful of serving sizes to ensure you stay within your calorie goals.
Hydration Hero: Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Water keeps you feeling full, reduces calorie intake, and supports overall health.
Move It or Lose It: Engage in moderate-intensity exercise most days. Aim for at least 30 minutes of activity like brisk walking, swimming, or biking. This helps you burn calories and build endurance.pen_spark
learn more in this article
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