#a lot of cater as hes my goat
Twst x yeah
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kiame-sama · 13 days
wait, you already said what you think the twst cast is as monsters, but what do they look like?
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Warnings: my twst monster au, almost all characters with names (other than Yuu and Grim) in monster forms, mythical creatures, deer rack point system, measurements given in ft and cm, animal traits, various animal and plant species mentioned, usually I would say to use your imagination to think it up but I have thought about this way too much myself so I may as well share ideas of what they would look like, feel free to draw these monster men and if you do please share with me because I want to see these goobers drawn, some spoilers for Rollo's backstory,
Divus is a Harp Seal Selkie;
- Divus has a black and white fur coat of a Harp Seal with slight spotting pattern similar to Leopard Seals. His coat is always shiny, clean, and wrapped around his shoulders. Divus appears fairly humanoid and close to his canon appearance other than the sharper than normal canines that are closer to the cone teeth of seals. Selkies do not part with their coats lightly so it is very rare to see one without their pelts on their shoulders. His coat is more natural Harp Seal patterning than the clear black and white lines he has in canon.
Sam is a Shadow man;
- White skull markings along his face with burning purple eyes. He has several black tattoos on his skin that move and can even detach into actual shadow to ensnare his prey. There is constantly a darkness around him that seemed to repulse light, making him appear to be surrounded in constant shadow.
Vargas is a Texas-Longhorn Minotaur;
He has very long and large bull horns with the minotaur expression on his lower half making his upper body appear human other than his horns. His lower half is the same shade as his hair with white speckling on the left leg. His tail is often lazily swinging back and forth as he talks.
Trein is a Mountain Lion Sphinx;
- Lower-half is the body of a Mountain Lion with wings, upper half is Trein's usual upper body. He does have a lot of grey and white furs/feathers due to his age in his coat and it is clear he favors his right back leg as it usually sits at an angle. He can often be seen lounging with Lucius in a sunny spot in his classroom when not teaching.
Crowley is a Crow Fae;
- Similar to his appearance in canon TWST, but his large black wings are more prominent as are the iridescent colors in them and his hair. He actually has talons on his hands and not just the golden talons. He does wear golden caps on his talons however and has a medium length train of black tail-feathers.
Ace is a Saanen Satyr;
- He has short twisted horns and his orange hair is also the same color on his goat half- just a bit darker shade. His hooves are an off-white ivory. He does have the little billy-goat scruff of a goatee due to his Satyr heritage.
Deuce is a Rocky Mountain Faun;
- Deuce has large spiral horns and his blue hair is the same color on his goat half- just a shade darker as well with white speckles around his hooves and tail. His hooves are black. Deuce does not have the goatee often seen on Satyrs and Fauns.
Note; it is part of my AU that Satyrs usually have shorter horns and are closer to farm goats in their animal halves. Fauns are closer to mountain goats and therefore have longer more curved horns often seen on rocky mountain rams. Females of both Fauns and Satyrs grow the same large horns, but their horns are often thinner around than the males of their species.
Cater is a Lake Water Nymph;
- Cater is considered unusual among Water Nymphs because of his hair's coloration being a bright red instead of a more blue or green which is more common for Water Nymphs. Cater's hair is closer in color to a red Ludwigia as he is a lake Water Nymph and the flora of lakes tend to have a fair variation of green to red color hues. Cater's bright green eyes are closer to the usual colors of Water Nymphs and he accredits this to his mother who is a river Water Nymph. In the water Cater gets fins more adapted to lake swimming so he is not as strong in currents.
Che'nya is a Bakeneko;
- He is similar to his canon appearance, but the purple and pink of his hair is also visible on the skin of his arms, legs, and back. He also now has two fluffy tails similarly striped that are often seen waving mischievously behind him.
Trey is a Kelpie Centaur;
- When out of the water, Trey's Centaur half is that of a white horse with a long tail of the same green hair that Trey's human half has. His horse half is closer muscular build to Scottish Draft horses. When in the water, the white fur of his horse half becomes a lake green with fading blue hues. His tail hair becomes more stringy like lake reeds and his fur takes a more prickly quality. His back legs become a large fin when he is submerged completely in deep water, making him more of a Hippocampus in physiology while swimming.
Riddle is a Unicorn Centaur;
- His horse half has a pure white coat with a long tail closer to that of a lion than a horse, but long bright red hair for his tail. Riddle's hooves are a rather lovely golden color that shine like metal, same with the tight spiral horn that sits in the center of his forehead. There is a faded blue star shape at the base of his horn that seems to tattoo his fair skin, he often covers this up with his bangs. His horse half is similar in musculature to that of an Arabian Horse making him appear more dainty than Trey.
Note; Cater is often seen lounging on Trey's back while Trey swims in the Heartslabyul lake with Riddle laying in the grass on the shore. They often spend their afternoons doing this and Cater will frequently try to get Riddle to swim. Thus far, he has been unsuccessful.
Jack is a Gray Wolf Werewolf;
- Unlike his canon appearance, Jack constantly has that wolf-head and white fur all over his body. He can shift between being bipedal or a quadruped with little issue between the two forms of locomotion, meaning his limbs are closer in length than human limbs. He has fur similar in length to wolves and even has paw-like hands. His tail is frequently wagging whenever he is with friends or those he is fond of.
Ruggie is a Spotted Hyena Gnoll;
- Similar to Jack, Ruggie now has a Hyena head and pelt instead of just the ears and tail. He is still somewhat humanoid, but he is still shorter than Leona or Jack. His back legs are more like a Hyena and he has that same muscular ridge on his shoulders that Hyenas do. He still has his bright blue eyes despite how odd it is for Gnolls, but his coat is the same sandy light-brown as his hair usually is with dark brown spots.
Leona is a Nemean Lion;
- Nemean Lions are golden furred beasts much larger and stronger than any regular lion on top of being impervious to damage from mortal weapons. This translates into Leona's skin having a more golden sheen to it, always seeming to look like he has been dusted with fine powder gold sparkles. His dark hair has several bright gold strands woven in that makes it shiny as well. The fur on Leona's tail and ears is also that glittering golden color which only makes the tuft of fur at the end of his tail look darker. He is a little taller than in cannon and slightly more defined in musculature due to the natural strength of Nemean lions.
Azul is a Coconut Octopus Cecaelia;
- He is very similar to how he appears in canon, but now he has several black marks along his arms and body similar to how he looks in his merman form. Even in a human form, it is clear Azul is still not human due to these dark markings that wrap around his body. A few of these black tendrils frame his cheekbones and make those brightly colored eyes of his only seem brighter.
Jade and Floyd are Moray Eel Mermen;
- Similar to Azul, Floyd and Jade look similar to how they do in cannon, but their merman features are more visible even in their human forms. The fins they have alongside their faces are now present in their human forms as are the colorations of their merman forms on their shoulders and faintly around their faces. Their gills are still visible in their human forms.
Kalim is a Genie;
- Kalim is the closest out of everyone to his canon appearance as his identity as a Genie changes very little. He will likely wear clothes akin to his dorm clothes appearance but have the addition of golden bands around his wrists and ankles. He can form legs to walk on, but often chooses to fly instead, where his legs become more smoke-like in the typical Genie 'tail' that many Genies are often seen with. Kalim now has a golden aura around him that makes him glow slightly with a golden color due to his high-magic Genie nature.
Note; Kalim sleeps in his lamp and keeps many of his treasures in his lamp as his magic allows the lamp to be more like a hotel suite than a prison cell despite the size on the outside. Only Kalim and those he invites into his lamp can enter.
Jamil is a Sand Viper Naga;
- Jamil's upper half is similar to how it is in canon, but his lower half is that of a rather large snake. His shake half is 22ft (670cm) comprised of black and maroon scales. His maroon scales are closer to the color of dried blood and often get dark enough shades that they mix with the black diamond and striping patterns his black scales make. The scales on the stomach side of his snake body are a slightly more red tone than his skin tone. He does have golden scales that line his stomach scales and are in the center of the diamond patterns on his back.
Note; Jamil often sleeps with Kalim's lamp in the coils of his Naga tail. Having come from a long line of Naga that are usually the guards and guardians of the wealth and well-being Kalim's Genie family has amassed through the years. Wherever a Genie from Kalim's family lives, so too lives a Sand Viper Naga from Jamil's family to guard them.
Vil is a Peacock Harpy;
- Vil still has his flawless skin and purple ombre hair even as a peacock harpy, but he does have hair-like cobalt blue and emerald green feathers that often get woven into braids. He also has seven pristine head feathers that are the same 'eye' patterns as his tial feathers that often lay back against his hair unless he is feeling particularly proud, in which his crest will rise up like a crown atop his head. Vill has feathering along his shoulders, upper back and neck that are the bright cobalt blue of male Indian peacocks. Along his shoulder blades are his wings which have a full span of 8ft (244cm) but are often tucked neatly against his back and folded so the flight feathers don't drag when he walks. Vil has the full peacock train of tail-feathers and spends quite a bit of time preening and grooming them to maximum shine. He will only fully display his tail-feathers when being prideful or showing off to a prospective mate.
Rook is an Australian Golden Huntsman-Spider Drider;
- Rook's legs are a long spindly gold that are many times the length of his thorax and abdomen. The thorax of his spider body is larger than the abdomen of the body due to the typical shape of Huntsman-Spiders. The thorax area on Rook's spider body has a large black mark among the back hairs trailing down to where the abdomen part of his body is more narrow and the marks become black lines making their way down. His human half is attached at the top of the thorax where the spider's eyes are usually located. His spider legs are as thick as a Human's legs, his mandibles and pedipalps being similar in thickness. His fangs are to scale and are extremely long as well as being like blacked curved knives, he often keeps them tucked away to not unsettle others.
Note; Rook and Vil have a very mutually beneficial relationship just as they do in regular TWST. Rook helps Vil preen and take care of his feathers, often being the one getting the pin feathers Vil can't reach on his back and shoulders. Rook uses the silk he creates as a Drider to make fabrics for Vil as they are of high quality, and even higher thread count. Both are content to be the others boon companion and will often be seen working together outside of class as well.
Neige is a Mourning Dove Harpy;
- Neige has the same dark black hair and big brown doe eyes he does in cannon but he also has grey-brown feathers throughout his black hair. His cheeks, neck, shoulders, and upper back have the same gray-brown feathers with speckles of dark brown, white, black, and gray feathers throughout giving a light speckling pattern. His wings are that same gray brown color and are 6.5ft (200cm) in length. The ends of his flight feathers are often trailing over the ground beneath him when he is relaxed and he rarely opens his wings fully. Like most mourning doves, he has a lovely soothing voice and his unassuming species of Harpy makes him all the more charming.
Note: I was going to make Neige a Willow Grouse Harpy due to the coloration match with Neige and his RSA uniform, but I have a childhood fondness for the call of a mourning dove and Neige is supposed to have a beautiful voice, so I figured sweet Neige can be a mourning dove and not the goofy sounding Willow Grouse.
Epel is a Beliy Naliv Apple Wood Nymph;
- Epel has white tree bark as skin, occasionally having the slight dark mark or blemish where Epel had gotten into fights despite being a more peaceful species of Wood Nymph. His hair is made up of pale green leaves that are often covered in powder lavender blooms that are the same color as his canon hair color. Epel has the same large blue eyes as he does in canon. Occasionally the blooms on his head will grow into small apples that are white due to his species of Wood Nymph being the White Cloud Apple. His skin is rougher in texture and closer to the texture of bark.
Idia is a Shinigami;
- He still has his blue flaming hair and blue tinted lips and gold eyes. His skin is closer to a light gray in tone now, his nails a natural black. He now has these scraggly black wings that are kind of like bird wings but more haggard in appearance. The feathers are more slick and almost oily in texture and have some traces of blues in them similar to Idia's hair. He can use them to fly, but they make a very loud wooshing sound that he isn't overly fond of so he doesn't often use them. His limbs are just a bit longer than they are in canon giving him a more skeletal and gaunt appearance.
Ortho is also a Shinigami;
- Similar to Idia, Ortho still has his blue flaming hair and golden eyes. He will have the same light gray skin tone Idia does, but his wings are now cybernetic due to an unfortunate accident when Ortho was much younger that caused him to lose his Shinigami wings. Ortho also has several cybernetic limbs as a result of that same accident, making monster AU ortho closer in appearance to canon Ortho, but still able to eat/sleep/behave like a living being. Ortho is not AI but does have several augments to allow his brain to function with the aid of AI due to his unfortunate incident when he was younger.
Silver is a Reindeer Cervitaur;
- Silver is a leucistic deer cervitaur. This means his deer half has white fur as well with light gray spots along his back similar to the spots fawns have for camouflage purposes. His antlers are also an ivory white, and only have three points. From burr to tip of the beam, Silver has two points at the end of the beam and one point near the burr of his antlers. Lilia throws a party any time Silver gets another point on his antlers. Silver's deer half has the musculature type closer to reindeer than whitetail deer.
Lilia is a Vampire Bat Fae;
- Similar to his canon appearance, Lilia looks almost the same in his monster AU form, but his monster AU form has bat wings and a little tail. Most bats have tails and delicate wings, so I decided Lilia should also have bat wings and a little tail. His wings are sturdier than most bats and have several holes in them from past battles he has endured. He is still the Fae variation so he has the same pointed ears, sharp teeth, and slit pupils other Fae type have. His wings are black with Light pink highlights near the tips just like his hair.
Note; Lilia likes to sleep upsidedown in this AU and will often settle himself in the cafeteria chandeliers or even the rafters of various buildings to take naps throughout the downtimes of the day. Lilia is more nocturnal in this AU as well with increased sensitivity to sounds/lights.
Malleus is Dragon Fae.
- Malleus in the monster AU is similar to his canon appearance but has his dragon wings, tail, and various clusters of black scales along his body. His nails are decent length black talons and he has black scales along the backs of his hands and up his arms. His neck and upper back/shoulders have more black scales. His wings are the same deep black with a slight purple tint to them anywhere the skin is exposed. His tail is about as thick as a leg and tapers off to a wickedly sharp point that Malleus could use to impale someone if he wanted to. Black scales frame his eyes like their own kind of makeup and are more colorful around the eyes in purples and green sheens that highlight the obsidian base color of the scales.
Note; Malleus is more in touch with his dragon instincts in this AU due to being more outwardly dragon. He does make a nest out of his bed and is much more inclined to hoard things he is fond of, including but not limited to Gargoyles, unusual stones, and various creatures he takes interest in. Once he considers someone to be part of his hoard, he will be possessive of them and fiercely protective. Only creatures part of his hoard are allowed to enter his nest. Lilia, Silver, and Sebek are three of his living hoard.
Sebek is a Raiju Fae;
- His hair is a bit more wild and fur-like compared to his canon appearance with yellows mixed in to the sage green color. His teeth are much sharper and he actually has more dog-like qualities similar to Jack's canon appearance. Raiju are lightning dog mythical creatures, so Sebek's appearance will be similarly dog-like with the beastman ears and spiky furred tail that has a rougher texture compared to most fur. His tail and ear positioning will often be a dead giveaway for what emotions Sebek is feeling at the time.
Rollo is an Inferno Fire Nymph.
- Rollo's eyes are an ashen gray as is his skin and hair when he is not in his active inferno flame form. Much like a burned log, his flesh will bare the same ashen faded look to it. Rollo is usually in this form as he is not overly fond of the fire he creates and he can keep himself mostly calm despite the constant annoyance of others around him. When in his active inferno fire form, his ashen hair will ignite into flames, his gray eyes turning a bright fire red. Similarly, his skin will take a redder tone and embers will float off of his hair.
Note: Rollo's fire can burn others, but he can also consciously change the temperature of his flames to only warm and not harm if he felt so inclined. He would only willingly do this for someone he deeply loved and cared for as his full flame form reminds him far too much of his deceased brother, hence why he uses it sparingly. There are many types of Fire Nymphs, but Inferno Fire Nymphs are considered the most deadly as their flames get the hotest. Young Fire Nymphs cannot control their fire and can burn themselves out if they get too hot internally.
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carrot-felisidad · 4 months
Warning: I chose violence everyday and I'm your passive aggressive friend who cares for you.
I'm giving you White Head Ribbon because... My girl, my boy, my enby baby, my bothsie, treat this as a wake up call. You need restraint. You need to start creating a list of principles that you think would turn you into your dream self, and stop doing things based on short term pleasure. I know I can't stop you for most as you have ADHD and/or autism, but the more you cater to your short term whims, the more you hate yourself. You also need the silence and peace in the cloud recesses. You may not know it, but your soul has been craving for some alone time. Seclude yourself in Hanshi if you want, just let your soul rest for a while.
I'm giving you a clarity bell because... You've been empathizing with people for so long that I wish for you to get out of the muddy puddle that is other people's problem and get back to your own energy. My sad baby empath... it's okay to say no. You've been in the Empathy ritual for so long, and a lot of people have been telling you to get out of it, the friend that you have been empathizing with is long dead, just a walking corpse who only see you as a free therapist, nothing else. They don't even want to change. You need this bell, boo. Clang clang clang or whatever.
I'm giving you a Vermillion Mark because... I want you to be proud of yourself for once. Acknowledge your hard work and credentials, stop brushing them off as "only", because I need you to bag that promotion and/or RESPECT FROM EVERYBODY, as what you deserve. Oh, you think you're not actually that good? Your achievements are nothing?? Well, I want you to get over your imposter syndrome because Su She was out there creating his own sect by being a pretentious wannabe!!! He has no skills and is only a steve jobs fanatic! You?! You have real skills. Wear this vermillion mark and show them! Jin Ling was bullied all his life by mere nobodies but he knew from day one that he's the GOAT. And always remember that you have someone who will fight alongside you, who will break their legs if they hurt you.
I'm giving you a Fan with Paintings in it because... I want you to follow your dreams. You may be raised in a family or culture where you are assumed to follow a certain path. Be relentless that you are living your life. The point of life is to be enjoyed, not to be someone else's puppet, ain't no way! And don't worry about where your life will lead you. You are smart and scheming, you know your subject. You will lead a fruitful life wherever you go. Stop living your life to get someone else's validation. Actually do things that make you happy. You deserve a life worth living.
I'm giving you a Bamboo Flute because... You need to practice necromancy, lol. Use the dead for your own goals... Stop a war or plant some vegetbales... Haha i think, um, idk the agressiv spirit guide who was ghost writing through me just fled to get some pizza she ain't coming back haha. Research about shadow work (it's an actuall clinical thingy) and rise above the challenges. Come back with the coolest fashion statement. Stop being a people pleaser and start being an feared entity. OVERCOME YOUR MEASLY HUNAN CONDITIONS AND BECOME A DEMONIC CULTIVATIR! Wei Wuxian did not die and came back to life to orove nothing!
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shiny-jr · 2 years
Been playing the recent Pokemon game (i got violet because Ceruledge grabbed me by the throat), how is ur experience with the new game? Whaddya think of it??
- big hat anon, actively trying to avoid Nemona
Oh god, here we go. Very long reply of my personal thoughts. Remember, these are just my personal opinions and I tend to be a heavy critic. Also, spoilers ahead if you haven't finished the game.
Where do I even begin? First off, this gen's starters were kinda trash. Not as bad as last gen, this gen was actually cute in the beginning but the designs for their last stage evolutions are kinda horrid. I picked the duck, purely so I could name him Quatrina and teach him Hurricane. I originally wanted to go with Sprigatito, but then he stood up on two legs and I was out.
Secondly, my team changed a lot but three remained on there the entire time. Quatrina, a Charcadet I named Charla, and a Fidough I named Conchas. Charla and Conchas? Carried.
Thirdly, I did the order of the story routes kinda weird.
First I did the Team Star route just because I wanted to see the "villains." And let me say, I'm glad they're actually kinda good. Like, maybe they're not as great as Team Skull, but they aren't horrible like Team Yell. The leaders of Team Star are actually interesting, and I wish we saw more of them. In my opinion, I thought they were actually more difficult than the gym leaders. Anyways, they're fun. Penny is a decent character too. I predicted she was the main boss literally before I even raided the first base. Also Clive? He's such a caring headmaster? Love that?? And how he went out of his way to try and understand the troubled students.
Second I did the Victory Road route. I wanted to do that last but it got to the point where became overpowered while playing the Star route and I had no gym badges yet, so new high level pokemon I had would not listen. Which got annoying because my main three: Quatrina, Charla, and Conchas were all higher leveled but they still listened. Anyways, I wanted to like Nemona, and I tried, I really did, but she got on my nerves so bad. She is one of the worst rivals by far. All she cared about was battles. Battles this battles that. That's literally all she ever talks about, its her whole personality, and it got so annoying. Especially because after the Star route, since I was so overleveled and the gyms don't change their levels no matter where you are, I breezed through all eight gyms within a few hours. The Elite Four was too easy, and so was the Champion, and so was Nemona. Actually, the only one that gave me trouble was Mr. Hassel, the fourth Elite Four. He was stronger than the Champion and Nemona. But I still breezed through that too. Anyways, not a fan of Nemona.
And last, I did the titan route. Arven? He is the GOAT. I love him so much, and he had such an interesting story. At first I didn't like him, I kinda thought he was a jerk, but then you learn his backstory and I fell hard. A guy with fluffy hair, Mommy/Daddy issues, cooks for you, and will fight off titans to heal his childhood pet? Sign me the fuck up. He is borderline himbo and I am so here for it. He is my favorite rival in this game by far, and probably one of my favorites of the whole Pokemon series. 10/10. Anyways, the titans were easy too. I usually one shot them most of the time, lol.
Finally, the end story, which I completed literally less than an hour ago. My theory is the crater was made by the same blast thousands of years ago mentioned in X and Y. If you know, you know. Kalos DLC, maybe??? Please?? Okay, so I have Violet meaning I got Professor Turo. When he only showed up during the last route with Arven, I knew it was super suspicious. Like he was absent almost the entire game, and now he wants us to travel to the crater? Red flag. Literally once I entered the cater and heard that beautiful but sorta eerie music, I thought to myself, "watch him be the bad guy." And guess what? I was right, he ended up being the bad guy. Although the whole AI thing and him actually being dead was not what I expected, but it was super interesting when his AI decided to destroy the time machine by going to the future that Turo obsessed over. Still, Turo really was a shit dad for spending his days on a time machine he knew could cause more harm than good and kinda just pushing his son off to the side. Arven deserved so much better. Also, Penny and Arven had a lot of good banter during this but I feel like they tried to make Nemona the peace between the two but she was just more annoying, at least to me. The way I got mad when I would say no to something and she would insist, pretty much giving you no actual choice.
That's all I can think of right now.
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beowlet-spam · 2 years
Heloo, Eli!!! How're you doing today? I'm doing good; I'm trying to do this event for Enstars so I can get a free 10pull.
Why don't you tell me about your favorite Genshin characters and/or story quests/archon quest's. Or things about Genshin that you like in general.
I'd love to hear about any Genshin oc you have! I remember that picrew we did where you talked about them, but I'd like to hear more!
If you don't want to talk about Genshin, I'd love to hear about any of your ocs in general. I really like your art, and it's led me to wonder about your characters.
ARIESS!! HI HELLO I dont play Enstars but i am however gonna get into it soon probably- AND THANK YOU I ALSO LOVE YOUR ART💖🙌😭
My favorite genshin character? Hm.. Scaramouche and Tartaglia share the 1st place on my list🙌‼️ Honestly for me to like fictional characters I need to feel like some sort of kinship with them. It's like getting to know someone and slowly growing fond of them. Is that weird idk😭 Scaramouche I feel VERY comnected to him, like staring at him is staring at a mirror. I love his lore and how much potential he has. His story was AMAZING in every way. The redemption arc wasn't really a redemption arc, he just chose to be free and do whatever he wanted to after getting his memories back. His backstory I can understand and relate to A LOT but we dont have to go too deep into it. Childe/Tartaglia/Ajax (mf has so many fucking names) I think the reason I love him is because of his relationship with his siblings and how he is still more caring compared to other harbingers. He has a heart shortly. He loves his family and thats what I love about him.
I have a lot but their lores are still wip
You might've noticed how her story was short! THAT WAS ON PURPOSE!! You see Nami doesn't remember anything before she joined the fatui. Her oldest memory is waking up in her tent in a camp and having the feeling to need to go on patrol. She is a very succesful agent in the Fatui. Having worked under 2 harbingers. Ajax and Capitano. She never questioned it. She felt like it was her whole purpose. But if WE dig into her story she was taken by the fatui as a child. Nami is an Elf, having powerful magic and a long life. Her family was indebt to the Fatui. They said they were willing to do anything as they wanted to protect their precious child. Well, they in Nami's mother. Her father didn't care about her as much. The Fatui suggested they gave up Nami as they could train her at an early age and make her into a killing machine. Her parents would fight every night and day, arguing about the situation. Nami felt horrible. She hated how she was the reason her parents didn't get along. So one night she ran away from home to join the fatui herself. She started strict training at the age of 9. Was involved in Dottore's many experiments. And when the harbinger decided she was strong enough. He brainwashed her. She was turned into some kind of puppet. Following orders left and right without complaint.
Another oc of mine is Aasha. Not genshin. Sadly😭
A lil baby goat fae in diasomnia. Or more formally Aasha Kurayami. Aasha comes from a rich family. They grew up as a very stoic child surronded with narcissists. Basically a family who expected a pretty perfect girl. They got the pretty perfect part but the girl part? Nah we are going QUEER. Straight hair, straight A's, straight forward. Straight girl. LITTLE MISS PERFECTTT THAAAAATSSSS AASHAAAA‼️ ehem but ye! They were originally supposed to go to RSA but they admired NRC so much even as a child that they begged their parents to go. When Aasha joined NRC, they werent expecting to make any friends. A few students were interested in their apperance as goat fae's are very rare. One of them being Cater. Aasha was still very stoic and distant with anyone and everyone so their first interactions with people were awkward and stiff. But as time went by they got more comfortable with others. They felt weird. Sometimes a smile would creep its way up to their lips! Or a little giggle. They were getting shyer by day. They felt weird and insecure aswell. Did they look normal while smiling? Or do their teeth look weird? But with more time they were fully comfortable with everyone. They felt at peace. They felt loved. And then they lived happily ever after-
what about your oc's? I am also very curious about yours!
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lastfrontierh · 2 years
Helicopter Members
CMH operates some fairly spectacular areas up there. Lots of semi-heli entry for less expensive as well when you do it right . I'm doing Cambell Icefields in March - $850 for heli in/out, hut, food and 7 days lodging in a variety of the greatest skin-access terrain in history. One of the most effective elements of the trip was not the skiing, however the meals. The kitchen staff fattened you up every night time with the gourmand food and the guides helped burn it all off in the course of the day. During the heli-trip day, you ought to have the chance to hire a pair of high-performance powder ski/snowboard.
Drew ZieffMost heli-ski packages will shuttle you out to a lodge, and then fly you up into the encompassing peaks every day. With burning fuel being the most important financial factor on a heli trip, it’s no shock that the worth is as steep because the peaks you’ll ski. On a heli-accessed ski touring trip, nonetheless, you want only rely on the chopper to convey you to and from the lodge, whereas the skiing you do is totally human-powered, hence the minimized value. Still, Base Camp—which presents 6-night packages that embody a hundred,000 toes of vertical time for about $6,750 per person—promises plenty of respite after a protracted day of skiing. As the night grows darker, our camp’s geodesic dome glows like an enormous snow globe. Inside, we dine on albacore-tuna tataki and magret duck before dispersing to our non-public heated tents to break down onto log beds smothered with wool duvets.
It’s the fort within the Rockies and it’s like a Disney world of being in the Rocky Mountains. There’s one thing like eight or twelve eating places on-site there. There is wonderful Heli skiing BC food, great service, and just a spectacular vista there as properly. It looks as if there’s nothing you can’t do in Banff and it’s true.
The lowest settings typically final all day on a full cost, while the very best setting often drained the batteries inside a couple of hours throughout our exams. Heated gloves are capable of take our palms from numb to heat in a matter of minutes on the press of a button. Some of our testers most popular to blast the Black Diamond Solano on excessive for a couple of minutes and then turn them off to avoid wasting battery power. The resounding favorite amongst our testers, the Fission SV offers enough warmth for all but the coldest days within the mountains. After adjusting my goggles, I pointed my skis downhill and took off. Designed to drift through powder and crud, the skis simply negotiated the terrain.
In the spring of 2016, a crew of extremely educated athletes and filmmakers was guided by Yukon Heliski on an expedition to the fabled backbone lines 'Corrugated"; just over the Alaskan Border from our ordinary tenure. During the summer months Pete owns and operates a gold mine in the Cariboo Goldfields near Barkerville, BC. Activity in tiny town is predicated across the central saloon. With a full kitchen, wooden fire, and enormous eating area, it's match to function a friendly hangout spot, eating space, and group forum. Not to mention scrumptious meals catered by skilled chefs. Carry your ski and snowboard boots as hand baggage in your flight to ensure they arrive with you at your destination.
These animals have extra proper in this space than we do taking half in on skis, so we take our goat management very critically. Niko, from Carcross Tagish First Nation, is a master carpenter and constructed all the tiny city Heli skiing BC ski chalets! He has been with Yukon Heliski since 2014, constructing expertise and expertise as a ski and mountain information. Niko can additionally be a Chilkoot Park Ranger in the summers, working for Parks Canada and Parks USA, Alaskan.
With the airport in Calgary being just about an hour and a half shuttle away, you will get to Banff easily. One of the necessary thing things that I know as Banff grows in recognition, the destination in the area is attempting to encourage people, to remind them they don’t need to drive all over the place, that there’s public transport. Within town, there’s a whole bunch of bus networks.
While many gloves on our record function real-leather palms and Gore-Tex waterproofing, the Montana keeps costs low with an artificial palm and TNF’s in-house DryVent waterproofing. For a step up in heat, check out the Montana Inferno ($90), which options thicker 350-gram insulation on the again of the hand. The Montana Gloves from The North Face are a great way to remain warm on a finances. These extraordinarily in style gloves are surprisingly dexterous, featuring a lightweight exterior that’s fairly flexible and grips objects like zipper pulls or boot buckles fairly properly. Further, it’s straightforward to dial in the fit and seal out the chilly with the gauntlet cuff and ladder lock buckle across the again of the hand.
There are some providers that will shuttle you out to take you on scenic tours, go for short walks with them. There are all sorts of means to find a way to get out and discover the park. I saw too that you could even do heli-hikes the place they’ll transport you out into the backcountry and there’s a lodge or one thing out there Heli skiing BC as properly. The Banff National Park and the encompassing parks there are well-known for their wonderful preserve of habitat, which has allowed for species like grizzly bears and black bears to be able to flourish there. It is extraordinary that there are only a few places left which have that same density in North America.
If that's you, these are one of the best mittens we've ever tested. The Hestra Army Leather GTX is certainly one of our favorite all-around gloves for its above-average heat and very good durability all while preserving respectable dexterity. While it barely missed an award, it's still a unbelievable glove. Tyax Chalet in British Columbia, CanadaBreakfast every day was a flurry of pancakes, eggs, bacon, French toast, and hash browns accompanied by oatmeal, granola, breads and contemporary fruit. Prior to heading out every morning, we have been apprised of backcountry hazards, including avalanches.
0 notes
nikethestatue · 3 years
On Vegetables and Things of Common Men
Buckle up kids, this will be long
One of the most common, if not the most common, complaints that is thrown Elain’s (and Nesta’s) way is that while they lived in their hovel, they did nothing but spent money and Feyre hunted for 4 years. 
Let’s examine this further. There are 4 people in the house--3 sisters and the father. The father is not very ambulatory, so he doesn’t add much by way of physical labor. Feyre, we assume, spent much of her time out in the woods, maybe at the market, selling things like pelts. 
One of my main complains with SJM’s writing in general, is that not only does she not write domesticity, but also, she has very little respect for all things domestic. Things that we, as humans, spend most of our time on. In her books, domestic things...just happen. Someone cooks the food, Rhys snaps his fingers and it just appears -- green beans, and chicken, and beets and goat cheese, potatoes and dessert. Someone washes the clothes. Someone makes them. Someone cleans and tidies up and washes the dishes. There are the two wraiths who apparently do EVERYTHING from dressing the ladies, to cooking, to spying, to accompanying Rhys UTM? The ONLY other person who does any household chores is Elain. She cooks and bakes and serves, she gardens, not just for pleasure, but as a job, she goes out and does it for others in the city. The only other mention of anyone cooking was Cassian making stew in Illyria. 
In ACOSF, it was even more egregious! SJM came up with a freaking’ magic house that delivers EVERYTHING--it cooks and caters, because god forbid, the characters would dirty their delicate hands with such trivial things. They must fight and read and train and have sex. The house will cook and clean. 
Now, going back to the hovel. It wasn’t a magic house. So, for everyone who is blasting Elain and Nesta to hell for being ‘lazy’ and not contributing, 
Who, in the world, do you think kept house there? 
Who do you think carried water from the well (no running water, you know?), by buckets? 
Who do you think boiled it? For everything--washing dishes, and clothes, and surfaces, and bodies? Do you have any idea how many buckets it takes to fill a tub? Even if they shared it with each other?
Who do you think scrubbed the laundry, by hand? Or you think they had a washing machine? Who hung it out to dry?
Obviously, they couldn’t really afford new clothes--so who patched the old items that they did have? Who knitted hats and mittens and scarves? Who sewed the buttons? Who made new clothes, if need arose?
Going back to the food. Firstly, it’s never stated that they didn’t grow any vegetables. They might have. But you know what happens to vegetables? They wilt! They go bad. So what needs to be done? they have to be preserved. Pickles and cabbage, and peppers and zucchini. So, if ACOTAR takes place during the winter, then obviously there wouldnt be fresh vegetables anyway. Pickling of anything also requires ingredients, like vinegar, or lots of salt, and jars or some kind of storage space. Supposedly, they were so poor, they couldn’t afford jars and vessels. Growing vegetables, also requires...land. You need at least a bit of land to grow potatoes and cabbage. From what we understand, they had no land. 
Now, Feyre was in charge of the purse strings. If vegetables were of such concern, she could’ve bought Elain seeds to plant. I doubt that Elain would be like, no thanks! If, among the FOUR of them, no one thought to get vegetable seeds, then, should we really feel sorry for them? (cruel, but honestly). In addition, vegetables take time to grow. It’s not an overnight thing, and could be a multi-season thing. You don’t plant potatoes and they spring up in a week. It takes months. If the weather is bad, if there is a bad harvest, it all goes to shit and you get nothing. Is frost comes too late or too early, it affects everything. 
Now, we are made to believe that all they survived on was whatever Feyre hunted. WRONG. They’d be dead if all they ate was meat. They’d get scurvy and die. They’d die of constipation and/or lack of nutrients. Are you telling me that they didn’t go to the market, buy a bag of beans or lentils (cheap and nutritious), or a bag of flour to bake simple breads. Elain didn’t just ‘pick up’ baking out of nowhere. She did it before. She went back to something that she already knew. She clung to something familiar after her trauma.
We’ve been told that Feyre can’t cook--her own admission. Nesta never mentioned it, but sounds like she couldn’t. So, who do you think cooked for that family? Not dear old dad, who just sat there and did nothing (btw, totally agree with Nesta, he was a piece of shit). Yeah, Elain. 
Whatever was done in the house was done by the sisters--by Nesta and Elain. 
If SJM couldn’t have bothered to expand on their lives back then, then it’s on her. How about one less scene about cutting the ribbon, and a scene that would show Nesta is a new and different light? Not just as a dad-hater, who didn’t lift a finger, but someone who hated every moment of their struggle, but still did what needed to be done. Chopped wood (do you know how difficult it is to chop wood?? It looks pretty on TV, with brawny shirtless men cracking through a log with an axe without batting an eyelash. Nesta is like 96 lbs. You know what it takes to power through a log?!?!) 
But no, SJM is more interested in the ridiculous magic houses, instead of writing a compelling narrative about extreme poverty and struggles, especially of someone who came from great wealth and then was thrust into nothing. And even if she didn’t want to bother with these topics back in ACOTAR, she could’ve added so much richness and layers to their struggle throughout the books. 
These women’s lives were HARD. Hard. They had a a difficult upbringing in terms of social expectations, then they lost their mother young, then they saw everything that they knew disintegrate into nothingness, then they watched their father be maimed and someone had to care for him (who do you think did that?), then they literally lost everything and lived in abject poverty, handling every aspect of that life with their bare hands. Then they got involved in the Fae world, which hasn’t been exactly a walk in a park. It’s very nice to find true love, but not when you have to be tortured and killed for it, or your very essence and humanity stripped from you, and being remade into a different species. Only to be given horrible powers that you dont want and dont understand, and then promptly thrust in the middle of a World War. 
I don’t know...In conclusion, respect all the Archeron sisters. Respect their different, complex lives. They are not perfect, but they do what they can.
And I wish parts of this fandom and the author herself, understood the importance of ‘female’ work and house-keeping and didn’t just dismiss it in favour of sword fighting and dagger handling. Wars don’t last forever. In SJM’s world, usually about a month. Knowing how to peel potatoes and making soup will last everyone much longer. 
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Well everyone, welcome back! So while I’m still working on requests and the asks from the event, today I wanted to do a little something different. Especially since…well…
[…it’s okay. You can say it.]
…right. As you guys may have noticed, the ‘Phantom Muse’ ghost writer struck again and—understandably—a lot of the deities are a little spooked…especially Jamil. We thought it had been another person—another mortal like me—that had hacked my account to post these things, but the fact that they knew Jamil’s story? Something that only the other deities knew about…?
[That means someone in or out of the pantheons did it. That’s why Rook and Ortho hadn’t sniffed out the perp: they were looking for mortal hackers, not deity ones.]
“Funyaa…that’s pretty creepy, yanno?” Sniffle… “I can’t stop thinking about that story though…”
Same…that curse sounds awful…
[It is. Also…who does this troll think they are?! Claiming my disciple’s inspiration for the blog? Calling her a lorekeeper? Are you SRS right now?!]
“Eep! He’s scary when he’s mad…”
Hey, hey, hey, it’s okay! It’ll be okay, Cater. Let’s just…keep working on the blog. Okay?
Sigh… [Fine. Okay…so, whatcha got planned for today’s post?]
Well, since everyone has a tendency to drop in unannounced, I thought it would be fun to show the readers here a little glimpse into what life looks like with powerful deities visiting at all hours of the day!
[Oooh, that sounds totes fun! How should I tag it?]
-but fun!
[Gotcha!] Click! [Okay: #disciplelife #noisyannoyingchimera #chaoticbutfundeities #smh. And…posted! So, when’re you gonna start this?]
From 3:00 yesterday.
[Really? Isn’t 3:00 pm a bit late in the day?]
No. 3:00 am.
[Eh?! Why so early?]
Because some of you seem to forget that we mortals need to sleep and don’t appreciate bright lights or loud noises.
You’ll see…anyway, hope ya’ll enjoy!
(Under a read more because long! No warnings other than Lilia's cooking.)
3:00 am—Accidental Sunrise
Faun: *peacefully sleeping under soft blankets before stirring when light starts filling the room* “Mmf…mornin’ alre’dy?” *looks up* “…hm? GAH!!?”
Leona: “Ugh…do you have to scream in my ear, mortal?”
Faun: “Wha-? How did-? Why are you in my bed?! How did you even get in here?”
Leona: “Magic. And you always have those really soft blankets we can’t get in our realm.”
Faun: “Seriously?...wait, what time is it?” *checks clock* “…it’s not even past three o’clock yet, why is it so brigh-? Oh, right. Your sun disk…”
Leona: “You figured it out. Good job—now let me sleep.”
Faun: “…are you avoiding your brother or your nephew.”
Leona: “Take a wild guess.”
Faun: “Both. Got it. Could you at least dim the brightness so I can sleep too?”
Leona: “Fine…”
Grim: “Hey! I’m gone for two minutes and he stole my spot! Wher’m I s’pposed to sleep?!”
7:00—Alarm Clocks are Overrated
All three are sleeping peacefully…
Sebek: *slams door open* “MORTAL!! Lilia-sama has summoned you for breakfast. Awaken!”
Faun: *on the ground clutching chest* “…I think my heart just stopped…”
Sebek: “Hmph—nonsense! You are alive and talking, are you not?”
Leona: *tangled in the comforter* “You need to get a refund on that alarm clock…”
Faun: “…I know you just said something snarky, Leona, but my ears are ringing from the talking thunder cloud.”
Grim: *fainting goat pose* “Funyaa…too loud…”
7:30—Breakfast is Served, Part One
 Lilia: “Good morning, my child~!”
Faun: “Good mor—ning? What ah…what is all this?”
Lilia: “Why, breakfast of course. I made all your favorites~! Eggs and bacon, waffles, toast, and freshly squeezed juice!”
The table has several dishes filled with purple, green, and black “food”.
Grim: “Fygah! Did that pile of sludge just move?!”
Lilia: “Ah yes, those would be the waffles. Here, why not start off with a bowl of cereal?”
Faun: “…why is the cereal on fire?”
Lilia: “I have no idea. The cereal simply caught fire the moment I poured the milk. Perhaps a new brand?”
Faun: “I’m starting to wonder if someone put a curse on you…”
8:30—Breakfast is Served, Part Two
 Trey: “Would you like another cinnamon bun?”
Faun: “Yes, please!”
Grim: “Me too!”
Faun: “Thanks for inviting us to breakfast and tea, Riddle, Trey.”
Riddle: “You’re very welcome any time.”
Grim: “I’ll take tea and sweets over a bowl of fire cereal and sludge!”
Riddle: “I beg your pardon?”
Faun: “Lilia tried to cook us breakfast and set a bowl of cereal on fire just pouring the milk in.”
Trey: “……how??”
9:30—It’ll be a breeze~!
 Faun: “Wow, it’s pretty windy today. You having a good day, Ace?”
Ace: “Sure am! Just gained a new follower and they left an offering to get my blessing.”
Deuce: “Oh, so that’s where you got the cherry pie from? I thought you swiped it from Trey when he wasn’t looking again.”
Ace: “Hey! That was an accident. How was I supposed to know that it was for the Unbirthday Party that day?”
Grim: “Accident or not, food grudges are no jo-oke!” *gets blown backwards into Faun’s legs*
Faun: “I gotcha-oop!”
Deuce: “Careful!” *uses shield and wing to block wind current* “Ace, you need to turn down the wind.”
Ace: “What’s the matter, Juice? Afraid they’ll get blown away?”
Deuce: “Oi! It’s not Juice, it’s Deuce! You’ve had eons to remember that! And of course I’m worried—you remember what happened the last time, don’t you? Faun got hurt rolling down the hill!”
Faun: “I mean…it was kinda fun, minus the broken arm.”
Ace: “Oh calm down, will ya? That was an accident, and she’s fine! Besides, mortals have the durability predictability of a phone: they’ve survived worst things than a little wind.”
Deuce: “Your idea of a ‘little wind’ involves whirlwinds and tornados.”
Ace: “Oh yeah? Well then, how’s this for a little wind?”
Deuce: “Gah!”
Faun & Grim: “Whaaaa-!!!”
Ace: “…oops…”
Deuce: “I got’em!”
11:30—Catch a Cold (Wolf) in the Rain
 Ruggie: “Whoa! What happened to you?”
Faun: *completely soaked to the bone and shivering* “F-Floyd thought t-that it’d be…f-funny to make it r-rain on J-J-Jack.”
Ruggie: “Oof…so you got hit with winter and rain magic at the same time, huh?”
Grim: *teeth chattering and looking like a wet cat* “W-w-whadda…jerk! Eh…a-a…achoo!!”
Ruggie: “Ah man, can’t have you two getting’ sick on me. Here, take a seat by the hearth. It’ll warm ya while I fix up some lunch, m’kay?”
Nana Bucchi: “Oh you poor dears. Here, a nice, warm quilt to warm you both.”
Faun & Grim: “Thank you, Nana Bucchi!”
Nana Bucchi: “You are most welcome, dears. Now, who would like a donut while we wait for the stew to finish?”
Faun, Grim, & Ruggie: “Me~!”
1:00—Eye of the Beholder
 Rook: “Bonjour~!”
Faun: “Oh, hi, Rook! What’re you doing here?”
Rook: “I heard from the Rose Chevalier how you and Monsieur Fuzzball were experiencing a chaos-filled morning, and so I wished to check on you both.”
Grim: “That’s puttin’ it lightly.”
Rook: “Oh?”
Faun: “Well, let’s see…I got woken up twice before my alarm clock was supposed to go off and nearly had a heart attack both times. Then Lilia tried to cook us breakfast. Ace sent us flying in a cyclone…again. Then we fell into Jade’s river, got saved by Jack, and then Floyd nearly caused Grim and I to get flash frozen by making it rain while we were standing next to Jack, so we were dropped off at Ruggie’s cottage to warm up and get some medicine—”
Grim: “And lunch!”
Faun: “And of course, lunch. Overall, an average Tuesday.”
Rook: “Oh my. Sounds like quite the adventure!”
Faun: “Yeah. Right now I just want to rela—”
Vil: “Ah, there you are, Rook. I need you to—” *stares* “…Faun. Have you been neglecting your skin care routine again?”
Faun: “……uhhhhh……”
Vil: “Unacceptable! It would seem I need to teach you proper care once more. Mortals must take care of their body and mind, and I will not accept laziness or lack of time as an excuse for not performing self-care. Now come—you as well, Grim. Your fur is in an appalling state.”
Faun: *groans* “Is it too much to ask for a little break?”
Vil: “Faun…”
Faun: “Eep! Moving!”
4:00—Party Over Here~!
 Grim: *groaning* “That took three. Whole. Hours! Is the day over yet?”
Faun: “Nope. Not even close…”
Grim: “Ugh…I just wanna take a nap…”
Faun: “Same.” *flops onto couch and lets Grim climb on before starting to set an alarm on phone* “An hour should do the trick.”
The two doze off, sleeping peacefully…
Kalim: *comes flying in on carpet* “Hey, there you guys are! I’ve been looking all over for you.”
Grim: *clinging to Faun’s face with fur puffed out* “Don’t any of you know how to knock?!”
Kalim: “Oops! Sorry…”
Faun: “…was…was that an elephant just now?”
Kalim: “Oh, yeah! There’s going to be festival tonight and there’s a parade happening, so I thought I’d bring my favorite elephant along to stretch her legs. Say hi!”
Faun: “Kalim…ugh, as much as I love your elephants, this is definitely going to be hard to explain. Do you guys even realize how difficult it’s getting to explain all the weird things and strange people appearing around my house to my neighbors? How am I supposed to explain what an elephant is doing in my yard?”
Kalim: “Hmm…well, you could tell them that the circus is in town?”
Faun: “…I-? Maybe??”
Grim: “Doesn’t that excuse only work on little kids though?”
Kalim: “Oh, right. You got a point there…well, I can take her somewhere else! I just wanted to know if you guys could come to the festival with me? There’s lots of food and games to play!”
Faun: *sighs* “You know what? Sure. Just promise to let us take a nap for an hour and we can go. Okay?”
Kalim: “Okay~!”
End Day
 So…yeah, we ended up spending the rest of the evening at a festival and Kalim let us stay in his realm for the night.
[Wow. So that’s why you were so tired this morning!]
“Well duh! You guys are so exhausting to deal with…”
[And this is what you go through every day?]
Well, some days are calmer than others, but generally speaking? Yeah. Though…to be honest, I’d be more worried if a day is too quiet. I’ve gotten so used to having you all stop by and visit me every day that…well, I just can’t imagine not having at least one of you visiting.
Yeah! It’s nice just knowing I have someone checking in on me either in person or via messaging…even if they’re not human, it’s nice knowing you guys care. So…thank you. For being here for me.
Sniffle… [Aww…you’re gonna make me cry. Of course! Even if you don’t always see us, it doesn’t mean we’re not there. In fact…come here!] Click! [Tagging: #heartfeltsincerity #wholesomevibesftw #lovemydisciples5evah aaand…posted and pinned~!]
Huh?! Pinned? You never pin anything to your Magicam.
[Well, I thought I’d make an exception. It’s the least I can do to show my disciples how much I love and care about them, even if I can’t always say it to them.]
“Bleh, when did it get so sappy?”
[Awww, does Grimmy want some hugs too~?]
“Ack! No, stay away! Only my disciples get to hold the Great Grim!! Nooooo-!!!”
Oop, there they go. Well folks, hope you guys enjoyed reading this! Until next ti…huh? Wait…where did this feather come from?
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avengerscompound · 3 years
Small Gods: Lazy Mornings - 7
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Lazy Mornings:  A Captain America Fanfic
Lazy Mornings Masterlist | More Small Gods PREVIOUS //
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Steve Rogers x F!Reader
Rating: E
Word Count:  1764
Warnings: mentions of drug use
Synopsis: Steve Rogers has trouble taking time for himself.  When his friends set him up with a person with a very unusual skill, perhaps he can learn that the quiet moments are just as important as everything else.
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Chapter 7
On the day of the dinner party, Steve was nervous.  The feeling seemed misplaced for a few reasons.  The first and most obvious reason was that most of the group had already met you.  Thor had even been the one to introduce you to Steve, so it wasn’t like he didn’t already know that at least half of the team would like you.  He knew for a fact that they did.  So there was no need to worry about them telling him that you weren’t good enough for him or of him having to decide if he was going to spend time with you or them because they refused to spend any time with you.  In that respect it was fine.
The other reason he was anxious was that it felt like he was bringing his girlfriend home to meet his parents.  It was a feeling that was absurd for many reasons, not least of which he was over a hundred years old and well past the ‘bringing home the prospective partner to meet the folks’ stage of his life.  Not to mention that the Avengers weren’t his parents anyway - they were all young enough to be his grandchildren.
There was something of an official feeling about the dinner.  Whether that was just in Steve’s head or not, it felt like he was choosing you.  This was his way of saying ‘this is the person I want in my life and I hope you can all welcome her into your lives because she’s part of mine’.
So he worried that you wouldn’t like them, or they wouldn’t like you.  Or that something disastrous would happen.  Or that it would go perfectly and everyone would love you and you would love them and a good time would be had, and soon Natasha and Wanda would be taking you out shopping or Clint and Tony would be meeting you out for brunch or Bruce and Sam would be inviting you around for movie night, and then Steve would realize that you and he were too different and you’d end up breaking up and then he’d take you away from people who cared about you.
He dressed up - well at least for him.  It wasn’t a tux or anything so grand but he did go for a nice button-up shirt in a soft blue that shimmered slightly in the light, and a pair of charcoal trousers.  He went downstairs to wait for you in the lobby and when he saw you, it felt like the air had been pulled from his lungs.
Breathtaking barely even covered how you looked to him.
You were wearing a floor-length gown in a floaty chiffon that was such a pale blue it was almost white.  It tapered in at the waist where a satin ribbon acted as a kind of belt, separating the loose chiffon skirt from the bunched chiffon bodice that was clipped together on your shoulders with what almost looked like silver buckles.  Each step you took made the skirts billow out like mist around your legs - legs which were clearly visible through the almost translucent fabric.
You looked ethereal.  Like something plucked straight from a dream.  Yet here you were, real and with a smile on your face that told him exactly how happy you were to see him.
“Steve,” you said, kissing his cheek as he curled his arm around your waist.  “You didn’t have to wait for me.”
Already he was starting to get that soft, relaxed feeling he got when he was around you.  He knew by the end of the night he’d be in a deep soporific state and he’d end up sleeping the good restful sleep that used to elude him.
“I wanted to,” he said. “Besides, I didn’t want you to have to walk into that group alone.”
You laughed and let him lead you toward the elevators.  “That bad, huh?”
Steve’s laughter joined yours and he shook his head.  “No.  Well… I’m not sure.  I think Tony plans to interrogate you.”
“For them, I am an open book,” you assured him.
When you were both inside the elevator car, you leaned in against him and he pulled your body flush to his.  You leaned in, bringing your lips to his, and for the remainder of the ride up, the two of you kissed, slowly and deeply, pressed up against the elevator wall.
When the elevator stopped and the doors slid open, it took a moment for Steve to realize.  It wasn’t until a loud ‘woo’ and Clint yelling ‘get it, cap’ that startled him out of the moment.  He pulled back from you and looked around at the group of his friends who were all staring in at the two of you.
“So,” Tony teased, breaking the silence.  “Who’s your friend?”
Heat crept into Steve’s cheeks and he shook his head to clear it before introducing you to the others and stepping out of the elevator.  Just before Tony dragged you away from him, you leaned in, bringing your lips to Steve’s ear.  “I think that was my fault,” you whispered, before being whisked off to the bar.
Thor approached Steve as most of the others all seemed to surround you and start the interrogation.  The god clapped Steve on the shoulder as he stepped up beside him.  “I’m glad to see you so happy,” he said.
“I wasn’t unhappy,” Steve said.
“That’s not what I said,” Thor said.  “Do you think she might be the one?”
Steve took a moment to watch you with her friends.  He could already see the effect you had on people working on Wanda and Bruce who were both the most willing to allow it to happen.  “I love her,” he said, making Thor break out into a large smile.
“That is wonderful!”  Thor boomed.  “Have you told her as such?”
Steve shook his head.  “You know me,” he said.  “The king of waiting.”
“What is holding you back?”  Thor asked.  “Life is fleeting, you should take your moments when you can.  Trust me.”
“I know,” Steve sighed, shaking his head.  “Trust me, I know that from experience.  It’s just… I love being with her, and I love how I feel when I am with her.  I guess I worry that when the novelty of that calm feeling wears off, there might not be anything else.  And, I worry that I’m using her for a feeling I get rather than who she is.  And… I guess I worry about how this works long-term.  She’s a god.  I don’t know what it means to marry a god.”
Thor laughed loudly and squeezed Steve’s shoulder.  “The gods can marry and have happy lives.  As for the rest, you’re overthinking, she’s been around for a long time, do you think she can’t recognize when the connection isn’t true?”
Steve smiled.  “You’re right.  I need to trust my feelings - and hers.”
“I’m always right,” Thor joked.
“Alright everyone,” Tony announced.  “I paid a lot of money for caterers, and they said the food is ready so let's not let it go cold.”
Everyone took their seats, Steve making sure he was sitting next to you.  You pressed your leg against him and skimmed the back of your fingers up the outside of his leg.  The conversation at the table moved easily and Steve was happy that everyone was getting along with you so well.
When the soup was served (a cream of wild mushroom served with goat cheese crostini), Steve was beginning to see the soporific effects of being around you take effect on everyone.  Bruce had that same blissed-out look on his face that he was wearing the day Steve had first met you.  Clint looked slightly high, and Wanda was smiling and quietly watching everyone as she carefully ate her soup.  Everyone else was starting to slow down a little and the conversation had gone from loud and quick moving to slower and quieter.
When the main course came out (individual pot pies served with herb-roasted vegetables), Tony slowly shook his head.  “Does anyone else feel like they’ve been drugged?”
You and Steve laughed.
“That’s me,” you said.  “I’m sorry.”
“You drugged me?”  Tony asked, narrowing his eyes at you.
Steve laughed harder as you shook your head.  “No.  You know what I am though, correct?”
“We warned you,” Clint teased.  “She makes you all soft and sleepy.”
Tony looked at Steve dumbfounded.  “You’re okay with just feeling like this?  You?”
Steve laughed.  “When you get used to it, you can fight it more, and it doesn’t work quite as easily.  But it’s nice to give over to the feeling sometimes.”
Tony shook his head like he was trying to clear it.  “Ugh, I hate it.  I feel like I need to drink eight cups of coffee.”
“Can’t you just relax for a change?” Pepper teased.  “Maybe you’ll like not being a bundle of nervous energy.”
“You know I can’t,” he said and waved over one of the wait staff.  “Coffee, please.  Lots of it.”
Everyone laughed.  “You’re hopeless, you know?”  Pepper teased.
“Maybe so,” Tony said.  “So, you’re both serious about each other?  I’ll be expecting you here at the Tower more often.”
Both you and Steve looked at each other, scared about saying something that would scare the other off.  Steve was the one that spoke first.  “I certainly hope so.”
“I’d love that,” you said, and in a move that was completely out of character for Steve, he leaned in and kissed you.
It wasn’t lewd or graphic - just a gentle and chaste brush of his lips over yours.  It still made the whole group make a mixture of oohs, ahhs and, whoops in an attempt to make Steve blush.  You laughed softly and brushed your thumb over his cheek.
“You make a cute couple, Cap,” Sam said.
“Speed is still illegal right?”  Tony asked as the waiter came back with a pot of coffee.  “I think I’m going to have to start taking speed if you’re going to be coming around regularly.”
Pepper shook her head in resignation.  “You are ridiculous, you know that?”
Steve smiled as the conversation returned to the room a little more energetically than before, as people began to push through the effect you had on them.  It strangely made him relax a little more - if that was possible.  He needed to tell you how he really felt, and now he felt ready.  He loved you and he wanted you to be a more permanent feature in his life.
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louve-garoue · 3 years
I know we're all loosing our mind with the new update but who do you think is gonna patch up Twilight with a non-magical thread and needle (and maybe even fire to caterized the wound) and who is gonna watch them doing so horrified (maybe even try to stop them for a moment).
My bet is Warriors and Twilight being in the first category and Sky and Time being in the second.
I mean Warriors is in the army where it'll be hard to have enough potion and fairy for everybody to carry in case of emergency so everyone is taught other mean of first aid. Meanwhile Sky is from islands with few people and few threats, there's more than enough potion for everyone no need to learn more painful form of first-aid.
In ordon village there's no potion or fairies close at the beginning of the game (well there potion but you have to traverse a dangerous cave and it's expensive) so manual first aid is probably their only way of healing and giving that Twilight is a goat herder herding goats that escape and attack people every 2 minutes yoy'd bet he'd learnt some of it. Meanwhile Time had spend his life surrounded by fairies, protected by seemingly omnipotent woods and then started his quest with a lot of way to have potion and fairies. He probably doesn't even know there are other ways of patching up someone else and is being so scared right now.
Anyway that's the most probable thing but to those with a dark sense of humour, wouldn't it be funny if Twilight here was the only one in the first caategory and will have to wake up to perform first aid on himself ?
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relaxxattack · 3 years
This is just minecraft body language in general but I've started building my minecraft bases to cater to me just sprinting around the place and hopping up and down on shit. It actually helps a lot with my stimming since I play console and it gives both something for my hands and my eyes to do^^ (mm sensory processing)
Also some tubbo specific stuff is when he's doing what I just described sometimes he'll crouch every now and then and it's fun to catch that. He hops around on stuff like a mountain goat with favoring smaller jumps as well as platforms and sometimes just small platforms from a big distance. This is in contrast to Phil's bird-like tendencies where it's mostly long broader platforms. Ranboo also does a lot of spinning and roundabouts! There's actually irl reasoning for these as well! Tubbo playing a lot of modded where small platforms and block structures are pretty much essential, Phil always using his elytra, and Ranboo being a parkour nerd :D
that’s so cool slip :D ty for sharing!!
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scapegrace74-blog · 4 years
Ginger Snap
A/N  I was driving down the highway today and saw the license plate “I PieGuy”.  By the time I got home, this story was half-born in my head.  I have no idea where it might go, but it’s taking up valuable shelf space in there, so I’m birthing it onto paper.  Modern AU.  Silly fluff.  Claire POV.  First person, which I never write, so watch out for stray pronouns.
The shriek of the fire alarm was the final straw.  I’d just stepped out of the kitchen for a minute, but that was all it took for calamity to strike.  Opening the oven door in a panic, billows of smoke engulfed me before I slammed it shut again.
“Shit.  Shitshitshit.  Shit!”
Waving a damp dish towel back and forth like a flag of surrender above my head caused the head-splitting siren to finally desist.  I blew a rogue curl off my sweaty brow and gave myself a pep talk.
“Time to woman up,” I sighed before donning the oven gloves and cautiously cracking the door once again.  More smoke escaped, smelling of burnt pastry and ruined hopes.  Once it cleared I could see the charred carcasses of what were supposed to be vol au vent shells.  I carefully extracted them from the oven and dropped the cooking sheet with a clatter onto the quartz countertop.
“Dinner is D.O.A, Doctor Beauchamp.  Now what the fuck am I going to do?”
Thirty minutes were spent cleaning the evidence of yet another cooking fiasco and ventilating our flat by opening every available window to let in the moist Edinburgh breeze.  I now had less than four hours before Frank and three other members of the university faculty would be descending, expecting a home-cooked meal and polite chitchat.  I was in no position to offer either.
In a last-ditch effort to salvage the evening, I typed “sophisticated home catering in Edinburgh” and started dialing.  The first four numbers yielded either an answering machine or the news (unsurprising) that at least two days’ advanced notice were required to book their services.  Nearly resigned to ordering in Italian and facing Frank’s wrath, a woman’s voice with a thick Scottish brogue picked up at the fifth business I called.
“Ye’ve reached Ginger Snap, this is Jenny speaking.  How may I help ye t’day?”
I poured out my tale of culinary woe, laying it on a bit thick, but I was truly desperate by this point.
“Aye, we’ve a chef available this afternoon.  What sort of menu were ye planning?” she asked.
“Really?  Oh my god, you’re a lifesaver!”
I gave Jenny the number of guests and a broad idea of what I’d hoped to serve, although I was in no position to be choosy.
“Never ye fear, Ms. Beauchamp.  We’ll pick up the necessary items and our chef will be at yer flat by four.  Tha’ should leave jus’ enough time tae have everything ready fer six.”
Thanking her profusely and not even inquiring about the charge, I stood triumphant in the middle of my immaculate yet useless kitchen.  Why hadn’t I thought of this sooner?
The buzzer rang as I was re-arranging the decorative objects atop our sideboard.  I was aiming for the artless sophistication featured in Frank’s favourite design magazines, but instead I lined up each item in order of descending size, or grouped them by historical era.  A second buzz had me trotting to the intercom where a male voice crackled.
“This is James Fraser o’ Ginger Snap Catering.  Can ye let me in?”
I stuck my head into the hallway to find four organic cotton tote bags bursting with produce at my doorstep.  Footsteps pounded down the stairs, where I assumed the chef had retreated to collect more supplies.  I brought the first load into the kitchen where I began to unpack foodstuffs the likes of which I’d never seen.  Not knowing what else to do to be helpful, I began sorting them; green leafy things here, round crispy things there.
“Hallo?” the same voice called from where I’d left the door ajar.  Wiping my hands nervously against my slacks, I went to greet him.
Standing in the doorframe, almost filling it with his immense size, was a young man who seemed more suited to a stag hunt or a rugby pitch than haute cuisine.  He had loose tawny curls, two days’ worth of stubble and wore a faded grey henley, dark wash jeans that clung to his muscular legs and utilitarian workman’s boots.
“Claire Beauchamp?” he interrupted my visual inventory.
“Hmm? Oh, yes.  Sorry.  Pleased to meet you.”
Something funny happened when our hands met in a firm shake.  A tachycardic blip, my internal medicine professor would have called it.  There was no time to analyze this response, however, as he was already on the move.
“James Fraser, at yer service.  I’d normally spend more time getting to know ye and yer style of entertaining, but we’re short on time, so let’s get straight to it, aye?”
I gave the chef a hasty tour of our kitchen, stumbling over the names of various implements and opening the wrong cupboard when looking for my saucepans.  I blushed as he raised an expressive eyebrow, but shook it off.  I was paying for his cooking proficiency, not his opinion on my lack of domestic competence.
“I ken ye spoke tae Jenny about yer menu, but I took a few liberties at the market, based on what looked freshest.  I recommend starting with a simple salad o’ nettle and radish, garnished with a wee round of goat cheese and rye crumbs.  Loin o’ lamb with new potatoes and pancetta fer yer main.  An’ a simple rhubarb custard fer dessert.  There’s none with food allergies, aye?”
“Aye,” I replied, then corrected “umm, no, rather,” at his concerned look.  “Are you sure you can manage all that in only,” I glanced at my wristwatch “ninety minutes?   It seems like an awful lot of work.”
“Och, tis no’ much.  Lamb cooks swiftly, ye ken.  Tis why I choose it over pork or poultry.”
My saviour rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, preparing to wash his hands and get down to work.  There was probably something else I should be doing elsewhere in the flat to prepare, but I didn’t want to appear completely useless to this unflappable man.
“Is there anything I can do to help?”
He looked dubious and seemed prepared to politely decline, but then his expression shifted.
“Aye.  Ye can wash the tatties an’ chop the rhubarb while I dress the lamb, if ye dinna mind,” he suggested.
“Scrubbing in and wielding a knife happen to be two of the only transferrable job skills I bring to cooking,” I joked, taking my turn in front of the massive Belfast sink.
He emitted a low Scottish grunt of amusement before we each settled into companionable silence, focusing on our respective duties.  I glanced over at him surreptitiously, envying the ease with which he moved from task to task, lean and nimble hands working alchemy where I only succeeded in producing dross.
“Ye’re a doctor, then?” he asked after my chopped rhubarb had been set on the stovetop to stew and the lamb was marinating in a bath of lemon and fresh herbs.
“Umm, well, I was.  My partner and I moved here from Boston, where I trained as a surgeon.  I haven’t yet obtained my license to practice here in the UK, so I’m afraid I’m just a culinary liability for the moment.”
It was a current source of strife in my relationship with Frank.  He liked the idea of me keeping house, entertaining and eventually settling down to raise a family.  I chaffed at this unfamiliar routine.  But until I passed my licensing exams, it was rather a moot point.
“I’m sure ye’re far more than that,” he replied solemnly, before breaking into a sneaky grin.  “I’ve ne’er seen stalks of rhubarb cut quite sae... uniform.  Ye’d have a fine career in quality control, if ye wished.”
I faked throwing a dish towel at him while we both laughed.
“What about you, Mr. Fraser?  How did you get into the catering business?”  It wasn’t polite conversation.  I was really quite curious to know more about him.
“I’ll tell ye, but only if ye call me Jamie.”  At my nod, he continued, “twas my Mam.  She was always a great cook, but then my Da passed suddenly and she with three bairns under the age of ten tae raise. She needed tae work.  We moved tae Edinburgh an’ she laboured day and night tae save enough tae start her own catering business.  Since I was a lad, when I wasna in school I was in her kitchen, watching and learning all the while.”
His striking face took on a faraway expression, and I knew he was remembering those days with a mixture of wistfulness and love.  I recognized the look from my own reflection, when I thought about my dead parents.  Without realizing it, I lay my palm over his forearm where it had stilled above my butcher’s block.  His eyes were the same hue as midsummer blueberries, and they regarded me with silent inquiry.
A timer made us both jump, my hand falling to my side.  What was I thinking, touching this stranger who I was paying to cook dinner for my boyfriend’s guests?  I really needed to find a hobby, so my mind didn’t latch onto any feeble excuse for stimulation.
Brushing my hands against my thighs, I quickly excused myself and left to get properly dressed for dinner.  Only thirty minutes remained before Frank and his colleagues were due to arrive.  
I spent more time than was strictly necessary away from the kitchen, afraid I’d made things awkward with Jamie.  By the time I finally returned, he was plating the lamb and putting the custard in the refrigerator to set.  I tried to think of something to say that would re-establish the fluent rapport from earlier on.
“I’ve opened the wine tae let it breathe,” Jamie said without looking at me.  I wished there was a similar process for blundering Englishwomen.
“Jamie, I really don’t know how to...”
The sound of the front door opening interrupted me and Frank’s nasal voice rang out from the entryway.
“Claire, we’re here!”
“Fuck!” I exclaimed.  Jamie tipped his head sideways in question.  “I never had time to explain to my partner that I hired your services.  That’s the dean of his faculty out there, and...”  I broke off, looking frantically around the room as though a trap door would suddenly materialize.  Quick on his feet, Jamie understood the situation immediately.   The kitchen windows were still open after my earlier catastrophe.  With surprising grace for one so large, he slid through the opening and onto the fire escape.  
“Bon appetit, Claire Beauchamp,” the ginger chef wished from outside, a mischievous smirk lighting his whole countenance.
I stood, mouth open in shock, as he gave an abbreviated bow before scampering down the metal ladder just as Frank entered the kitchen behind me.
“This smells delicious, darling.  We really are going to make a chef out of you yet.”
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sparkypantaloons · 2 years
As the Wayne's learn more about the Jurassic Park, Bruce meets an old friend on Isla Nublar and Tim has a surprise for Jason, though he's not sure Jason actually deserves it. Jason is still full of angst, following his kidnapping.
Chapter Three of my no-capes Batfam-Jurassic Park AU.
Chapter One Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Tim is giddy with excitement, his fingers tingling as he opens his group chat with Duke, Steph and Kon. Bruce had told them they were sworn to secrecy about the new theme park, but dinosaurs? Frickin’ dinosaurs!? If Tim didn’t tell someone he’d explode.
Bruce bumps his knee against Tim’s. They’re back in the jeeps. “Remember what I said.” He says in gentle admonishment.
Tim rolls his eyes, puts his phone away. “There’s not even any service.” He says, as the jeep trundles along the trail.
Dick twists round from the front seat, smirk on his lips. “John said he could have turned the cell towers on this weekend, but didn’t trust you not to livestream the whole thing.”
“Har har.” Tim deadpans, rolling his eyes. “Just because you have like nine followers.”
“All your fans are going to miss you visiting the petting zoo, how will anyone know you actually have fun?” Dick needles, twisting in his seat as Tim swipes at him.
“Boys.” Bruce says warningly.
“Why does a dinosaur park need a petting zoo anyway?” Tim asks, readjusting himself against Bruce.
Cass leans forwards from Bruce’s other side with an evil grin. “Lunch.” She says.
She’s not wrong. The petting zoo isn’t far from the visitor centre. It’s in the middle of a lush clearing, palm trees and long grasses surrounding the boundaries. It’s largely a collection of livestock, with a goat pen, lambs and a few cattle. Chickens running back and forth between the lot.
“We grow all the island catering fruit and veg onsite too.” John says genially, as he guides them past the goats. He’s only slightly impatient as Damian stops to pet a ram that has wandered over to the fence. Jason’s fingers are gripped in Damian’s small hand, the twenty-one year old feigning interest. “Come on boys,” he ruffles Damian’s hair. “There’s something much more exciting this way.”
He leads the group of them past the petting zoo, towards another compound with large, wooden gates. “We’re still debating whether or not to open this as a guest attraction.” He says, nodding at an employee to open the gate. He turns to face them, his attention largely on Damian. “So I’ll need some honest feedback.”
Through the gates there a more pens, but they’re much much larger than those of the petting zoo. And so are their inhabitants.
Dick’s eyes go wide. “Babies!” He coos, before he can stop himself.
Ahead of them, what must be a baby triceratops, trundles across the paddock, it’s flat stubby legs kicking at a small football.
“Do you want to go and say hello?” John asks. “He’s called Goliath and he’s loves chin scratches.”
“Me first.” Cass says, and for the first time since they arrived, Bruce sees the smile reach her eyes. She drags Tim and Dick along with her, pointedly avoiding Jason’s gaze as she goes.
Damian lets out a squeak of excitement, rushes forwards, before stopping himself. “Father, can I?” He asks.
Bruce turns to John, “Is it safe?”
“Of course it’s safe old man.” Jason grumbles, and he takes Damian by the hand again, pulls him along.
“Probably the safest animal in this place, Bruce. Or should I call you Mr. Wayne now you’re the boss?”
Bruce turns at the sound at a new, but familiar voice. “Oliver Queen? As I live and breathe.”
The blonde man holds out a hand, Bruce shakes it, quietly stunned. He hasn’t seen the man in front of him for near enough two decades now.
“Of course. I forgot you two were at school together.” John says. “Oliver is our game keeper, here on Isla Nublar.”
“A glorified baby-sitter, more like.” Oliver concedes. “How’re you doing Bruce, it’s been a while? You’ve got kids!”
“I mean, yeah!” Bruce says, still bewildered, “Where to start? But how are you? I’d heard you went missing, was it all a rouse so you could become the dinosaur whisperer?”
Oliver snorts derisively. “If only. You heard correctly, I’m afraid. The yacht capsized down in the South Pacific. I’m pretty sure Dad was more upset about the boat than me, you know what he was like. But five years trapped on a tropical island and I prefer the quiet life now. I didn’t want to make a big thing about coming back.”
Bruce raises an eyebrow. “Dinosaurs are the quiet life?” He asks.
Oliver shrugs. “Nobody’s gonna care about some reformed booze hound when there are dinosaurs about.” He says simply.
Bruce laughs, “Can’t argue with that.”
“Mr. Queen downplays his skills, but he’s an expert hunter, after his time… away.” John says, clapping Oliver on the back.
“Not that anything here needs hunting.” Ollie adds reassuringly. “But I’m conducting research on how the hunting behaviours of jurassic creatures compare to modern day.”
“So what’s with the petting zoo?” Bruce asks, gesturing over his shoulder with his thumb. “Surely dinosaurs aren’t hunting goats?”
Oliver laughs. “We use the livestock for the babies and the raptors. And the tourists of course.” He motions to Goliath, and they begin to wander over and join the children. “The animals in the larger habitats on the island have a variety of prey they can hunt naturally. The raptors are the only ones we actively prevent from hunting.”
“Oh really?” Bruce asks, one eye watching as John begins encouraging Damian to sit on Goliath’s back. “How do you track that?”
Oliver shrugs. “There’s CCTV all over this place. Camera traps. You name it. Big Brother himself couldn’t have dreamed it. And the raptors… well, personally I wouldn’t have bred them at all—”
“Now there’s a picture!” John says loudly, interrupting. Damian is sat atop the baby triceratops and looks so delighted he might burst, Dick watches carefully to make sure he doesn’t slip. Cass is scratching the baby’s chin, and it makes a pleased grunting, snuffling noise as she does so. Tim is gently running a hand over the tiny frill, still smooth around the edges.
“You wouldn’t have a safari without lions.” John says to Bruce and Oliver pointedly, under his breath. Then more loudly “Come now, come now,” and he herds an increasingly sour looking Jason towards the dinosaur. “This’ll be a great promotional shot.” He adds with a wink to Buce.
“Err, John—“ Bruce begins.
“Yes, yes, I’m only kidding.” He says, passing his phone to Oliver. “We can work it all out later.” He arranges the family around Damian. Dick, Cass and Tim to Damian’s left, behind the triceratops’ head. Bruce and Jason in front of its rump. He places himself next to Jason, puts an arm around the younger man’s waist.
“Now.” He says. “On the count of three, everyone say triceratops!”
Oliver joins them for lunch, along with a woman called Diana Prince. She’s tall, with long dark hair, and solid. Like she could withstand a storm.
“Dr. Prince is our resident GP.” He says, “Or she will be, when we’re up-and-running.” He gives her a warm smile as she joins them at the table. “Diana, Bruce has been single for far too long now. Perhaps you know someone you could introduce him to.” He says with a pointed wink at the pair of them.
Bruce gives Diana an apologetic look, not least because Damian has immediately started scowling at her. He’s still not quite given up on his parents getting back together.
Jason is sat next to John. The older man leans over as Bruce and Diana begin chatting. “She’s done a lot of work with veterans suffering PTSD.” He says softly.
Jason goes rigid. “So?” He says, but he can’t quite bring himself to be as surly with John as he is with his family.
John gives him a sad smile, gives his hand a clumsy squeeze. “I’m sure she’d be happy to chat with you about… things. If you wanted.”
Jason stares at his plate, tries to force away the rushing in his ears. “Thanks.” He says stiffly.
John nods and turns to Cass who is sat the other side of him. Jason can’t hear what they’re saying. The rushing in his head is so loud he feels dizzy, he can’t think, he can’t think about this here, now, he—
“Owe!” He hisses loudly, a fiendishly sharp pinch under his underarm breaks his spiral. Tim smirks where he sits beside him. “What did you do that for?” Jason snaps, rubbing at the flesh.
Tim shrugs, “It worked didn’t it.” He says, shoving a forkful of crab into his mouth. “You were doing that thing,” he waves his fork vaguely, “that you do.”
“What thing?” Jason snarls, angrily stabbing at his own food with the fork.
“The thing where something triggers your trauma and you start to dissociate or have a panic attack.” Tim says simply, as though the answer were written on Jason’s face.
“Whatever.” Jason responds.
“Come back to the villa with me before the tour this afternoon?” Tim asks, ignoring Jason’s bad mood. “I want to show you something.”
Jason narrows his eyes. “If it’s something weird or gross I’m not interested, you little freak.”
It’s a half-hearted attempt at their usual banter. But Tim we’ll take it. He grins. “You’ll like it. It’s good.”
The rest of lunch passes without incident, though Bruce finds himself torn between catching up with Ollie and trying to save Diana from Dick and Cass’s flirting attempts. Jason even relaxes enough to join in discussing which dinosaurs he’s most excited to see on that afternoons tour, even if he is still more subdued than the rest of them.
“Okay, so we can fit four in each car, so why don’t you do three and three.” John suggests, as lunch is cleared away.
“You’re not coming?” Bruce asks John.
“No, no, no.” John shakes his head. “You’re our first guests. I want you to have the real experience, not me nattering on in your ear.”
“Diana,” Dick says, his voice ridiculously suave. “Why don’t you join us?”
Jason barks a laugh at that, and Dick scowls at him whilst Diana politely declines.
“What time is the tour starting?” Tim asks. “Jason and I need to run back to the villa first.” He winks at Jason, over John’s shoulder.
John huffs a little, clearly excited for the family to get going. “Well hurry along, go and ask for Kevin down in reception to take you in one of the gas powered jeeps. Everyone else, follow me, we can take a peak at the lab whilst we wait for the middle children!”
There’s a bustle of activity as everyone leaves the table. Oliver pulls Jason aside. “Jason,” he says, and without missing a beat, adds “Look, I know a thing or two about being away from your family against your will. If you need to talk, I’m around all weekend.”
Jason stays very still, isn’t sure what to say. Then he catches Bruce’s eye over Oliver’s shoulder, and his temper begins to rise. “Thanks.” He all but snarls at Oliver before pushing past him. He squares up to Bruce. “Is this why you brought me here?” He growls, ignoring the way Bruce’s eyes widen in alarm, the way the room falls silent around them. “To try and force me to talk to someone?” His voice is rising, he cuts Bruce off before the older man can respond. “Twice in twenty minutes I’ve been offered therapy, Bruce. I have told you over and over again. I don’t need to fucking talk to to anyone.”
“Jason—“ Bruce begins, but Jason cuts him off again.
“You said this was just a nice, chill, family vacation. But it’s a fucking trick and you’re a fucking liar.” He spits. He doesn’t look round to the rest of the room. Just says “Tim let’s go.” And stalks out the door.
Tim finds him waiting in the back of one of the open-top jeeps. He climbs in beside him. "You’re an asshole, you know that?” Tim says, as the driver pulls away from the visitor centre.
“Bruce is the asshole, this whole weekend’s just a fucking ploy—“
“This weekend isn’t about you!” Tim snaps, voice louder than he anticipated, even above the rumble of the jeep through the trees. “Christ, Jason. You’re not the only one— dealing with stuff. You’re not the only one who needs a break.”
“Yeah? Well I’m the only one being ambushed by therapists.”
“What therapists? Oliver was stranded on an island for years and his Dad didn’t even try to look for him. I think he was just trying to be friendly.”
“Well I guess we have something in common then. Maybe he can come over and braid my hair and we can swap shit Dad stories.”
“Oh give it a rest, would you. Dad loves you, Jason, and he did everything he could to—“
“He’s not our Dad, Tim.” Jason snaps, though part of him, deep down beneath all the rage, regrets it already.
A cold anger crosses Tim’s eyes. “Willis would have sold you for half a pack of cigarettes and a lighter, Jason.” The car pulls up to the villa. Tim climbs out without another word.
Jason stares after him, feels a little sick as the adrenaline of their argument ebbs away. “Sorry.” He mumbles to the driver. “We’ll be back in five.”
Inside, Tim is fiddling with his laptop. He has a small, square machine, with a miniature satellite dish no bigger than a CD, attached to it.
“Desperate to get back online?” Jason tries for the lighthearted approach.
Tim turns, scowls at him. “It’s a satellite link.” He says, and he shoves a small USB stick at Jason. “I know not being able to reach anyone on your phone makes you anxious. So I brought it with us, so I could connect your phone for you.” His voice is cold, despite the warmth the gesture makes Jason feel. He nods at the USB stick in Jason’s hand. “It plugs into your cell. As long as there’s power to my laptop, you can connect to the Wayne Enterprises satellite network and call anyone in the world, from anywhere on the island.”
Jason stares at Tim dumbfounded, feels the heat of embarrassment and shame climb up his neck. “I— I— thanks, Timmy, I’m—“ He lets out a shaky sigh. “Sorry, about before I—“
“You’re an asshole.” Tim says for him. His voice is still hard, he’s not so forgiving. “It’s clear you don’t want to be here Jason. But if you’re just going to be a prick about it, cut us all a break and skip the tour. You’re not the only one going through it.”
He stalks past his brother without a second glance, then pauses at the door. “B would do anything for you, you know that? And he did. He paid more than the ransom ever was, trying to get you home safe. What would Willis have done?”
Jason doesn’t answer. Can’t answer. Just watches Tim as he shakes his head and leaves.
He hears the jeep pull away without him.
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cquackity · 3 years
HI!!!!!! my dsmp hot takes would probably be:
-i like c!ranboo, he was my first favorite character and cc, but ive lost so much investment in him overtime because of the sheer amount of unsolved mysteries about him that have never been answered and, with his lore having been shelved atm, probably never will :(. the mysteries were so intriguing and engrossing at first, but with time going on for him to only create more unanswered questions instead of solve any of them i think ultimately hinders his character a lot. seriously, it's been 8 months since his january lore and we still don't even know what his other half is nor what his and c!dreams relationship is 😭😭😭
(^ THAT IS NOT INTENDED TO BE CRIT AT ALL BTW!!!! i still 100% respect cc!ranboo and know he's always had trouble getting people involved with his lore but my qualms are still there.)
-stop telling artists how to draw characters. stop. dude. just stop. if you don't like a headcanon that's fine but that's all they are. Headcanons. just move on... one of the best parts about this fandom is the art and how much it all varies, just stop. please 😭 pig techno is awesome! anime techno is awesome! zombie wilbur is so cool! white streak tommy is super nice! goat horns tubbo is wonderful! cardigan and hair clips tommy is amazing! etc, etc!! Just Move On And Respect Headcanons!!!!!
sorry about dumping this Monster in your inbox man 😭😭 totally cool if you don't agree with me though btw - id love to hear your thoughts :D!!
HI CALLI !!!! WONDERFUL TAKES AS ALWAYS !!!!!!!! i agree with you about c!ranboo, i think he has the opportunity to tell a really compelling story. but that's just.... Not Happening right now. nor does it look like it will anytime soon 😔 having a dsmp interest way later than everyone else, i don't really have an attachment to c!ranboo tbh. i can only imagine how exciting it was watching his lore live, and i think missing out on that and how Stuck his character is just didnt make me all that much of an enthusiast. what i love most about c!ranboo is the fanart, tbh. artists who draw c!ranboo are SO fucking talented, and there are so many different phenomenal fan designs for him. but in the end though there are just. many puzzles about his character that can only be solved with more lore. most of all i really want to fucking know what's going on with him and c!dream, feeling SO normal about the unsolved mystery of who set the explosives up in the prison! i am personally convinced its c!ranboo. also not crit on my end, i still really do love c!ranboo!!!!! i just don't think abt him Nearly as much as my other dsmp faves 😭😭
on 2 ur second point.... the artist critique drives me nuts. something i love so much about dsmp artists is they all are so fucking CREATIVE!!!! like you said, headcanons are one of the best things about this fandom❗❗ you can tell artists put so much time + effort into their designs. it's fucking inspiring. i truly never get bored going through dsmp art !!!!!!! and tbh? vilbur is definitely not my Favorite thing to see. but im not going to tell people to stop drawing twisted freaking cycle path c!wilbur. not my place, its rude as fuck, and a lot of cool art vilbur art does exist 😳 unless the art is harmful and genuinely needs correcting (like poc informing white people on how to draw characters/ccs who are poc respectfully is for sure needed critique) just. Let People Have Fun. there's value in everything artists create, regardless of if it directly caters to me or not.
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Humans are Space Orcs, “Eating Everything.”
I am working my way through the list of suggestions that you guys left me, so this is the first installment from a Anon ask. I don’t know if this is what you wanted to read or where expecting to read, but this is what I came up with.
Intergalactic Journal of Biology and Medicine
Humans have one of the most resilient digestive tracts in the known universe. As an Omnivorous predatory species, humans are capable of digesting muscle , fat, carbohydrates (simple and complex), proteins and fibers taking many nutrients and extreme energy from them. Their use of carbs gives us an explanation as to why humans are so powerful because they require a lot of energy to use their bodies. Additionally, the stomach acid of a human is capable of digesting, non-food items though no nutrients can be pulled from it.
Generally speaking, the rule is that if you can eat it, a human can eat it, though, whether it is to their taste or not is questionable.
Furthermore, the human body reactivly ejects toxic substances once detected, so within reason, humans are capable of trying many foods without the negative consequences many of us would associate with sticking foreign substances in our mouth.
There GA intergalactic summit was held, on what was Earth time, November 5th, 4022. All members of the GA council were expected to attend, or at least a representative for every species in the known universe. At this time that would include the Rundi, Gibb, Tesraki, Bran, Vrul, Drev, etc. but worst of all, the humans. 
The Rundi steward, a class of government official who was specifically tasked with dealing with the drudgery of bureaucracy, was not pleased in the slightest. It was primarily his job to put everything together, and depending on how well he did, it could either make or break him in social hierarchy of his species. The Rundi were a primarily governmental planet, everything they did was based upon a structure of hierarchy and rule. Government was the greatest form of service, and Anarchy wasn’t even an afterthought in philosophical debate. The rundi were not capable of anarchy.
It was a planet of politicians in some form or another, every interaction had political underleanings, and their speech was always heavily guarded. For this reason, the Rundi had been the first in suggesting an intergalactic system of government. The terasaki had agreed only upon realizing they would be tasked with overseeing economics, but had benefited from the Rundi system of government seeing as they tended a bit towards social anarchy, a thought that the Rundi had seen as horribly barbaric, especially since their system was based primarily on the equal distribution of goods to support government structure. 
The Vrul had only agreed to join based on their own personal interest in survival. Generally they wanted nothing to do with intergalactic politics and would have been happy to maintain their own peaceful homeworld, but the introduction of other species into the galaxy had offered a great threat to them, and they had decided, out of necessity, to join the GA as being friends with the other species was in their own self interest. In turn that had meant sending their very, very skilled workers to help the rest of the galaxy, and that included their scientists and their doctors, and their mechanics.
And then of course there was the issue of the Drev and the humans, both scarily similar in social hierarchy and temperament. The Drev were warlike and honor bound, but once choosing a leader, they had been surprisingly willing to join in as long as they were given the opportunity to participate in any and all armed conflict that happened to take place across the galaxy. 
The humans….. The humans were another story. There was no one characteristic that helped to identify their motivations. The humans themselves were well versed in war, politics, economics, and science, but they did everything to the extreme. Where the Drev practiced war for honor,when humans waged war, they did it to kill, while the Rundi maintained government and played games within their own circles, the humans played against each other often mixing war and government into one. Their economic practices varied widely, but their current system played for keeps and focused on the greatest accumulation of wealth possible far beyond what the Tesraki did. Then when it came to science, they never considered WHETHER they should do something, but only if they COULD do something. 
And now here the steward was forced into the position of setting up this summit for all the different types of species. The catering alone had been a complete nightmare, and he had been forced to ship different sorts of food for thousands of miles in order to feed everyone in the proper manner. There were some species he did not have to worry about, like the Vrul, who were more plant based and so did not eat, but there were others, and that included the rundi and the Tesraki, who had every strict diet consisting of only very specific foods to eat. He found that he could tack the Drev onto some other species, seeing as their bodies were capable of metabolizing almost any plant as long as it retained a similar structure to human plants and fruit.
However, the humans themselves were the hardest part, because the range of food was so wide, he could hardly determine what was going to work and what was going to be a massive disaster. He honestly didn’t know, different sources said different things, and he couldn't bare to think about putting MEAT on the table…. That was just against his constitutions.
In fact, he was scrambling right up until the council had convened for the evening, and the mass tide of bodies came pouring into the room filling the vaulted ceiling with rockus chatter in dozens of different languages.
He could hear the humans coming a mile off.
The humans and the Rundi had a similar register when it came to hearing, and humans were known to be able to mimic Rundi vocalizations to some degree simply because they generally tended to communicate in deep grunts, hums and guttural vocalizations. The humans, wlel their language was just as varied as their culture clicking, hissing, snapping, humming and grunting filling the air with discordant and somehow, rhythmic quality..
Their presence turned heads.
They walked with the Drev delegation, which was no surprise to anyone. The humans had been unable to send their usual representative due to a social disagreement between earth and its neighboring sister, Mars. So who had they gone and sent….
The rundi Steward knew all about them….. Crewmembers of the UNSC Harbinger, the widest ranging vessel in the entire galaxy, and home to a crew that was indisputably certifiable. They were the most reckless, most dangerous, and most terrifying amalgamation of creatures in the galaxy somehow including one Drev, and a rather out of place Vrul whose behavior suggested he had caught whatever brain malady had overcome the humans, and was just as insane as they were.
He cringed horrifically at the sight of them.. Humans were a destructive force, and were known to cause chaos and mayhem wherever they went, even at the best of times, so this was bound to get interesting.
The delegates were seated, and the Steward welcomed them with gracious words of introduction he had spent months preparing. It was a very political thing for him to do, and included subtle compliments to all delegations involved, laid down some ground rules but made sure not to undermine the authority of the people he was speaking too..
However, to the humans, the attempt was obviously heavy handed brown nosing, though none of the other delegations seemed to notice.
He invited them in for refreshments and encouraged discussion between the parties.
Of course, the humans weren’t exactly ones to pass up the idea of food and were some of the first to the table examining the contents with great interest even the food that was not theirs. They seemed very amused watching the other delegations pick up their specific food and then move away to sit.
“What is this.” one of the humans commented holding up a rather stringy green tube that wriggled and squirmed in his hand, “Are these worms?”
One of the Tesraki looked over, “No, it’s a Cavestalk, a kind of plant. Probably not to your taste, they are known to be poisonous to other species. In other words, not human food.”
The human raised an eyebrow, “Buddy, humans are the sharks….. Or wait…. Maybe that's the goats of the universe, we can eat anything within reason, and even a couple of things outside of reason if given enough time.”
The Tesraki made a sort of shrug and wave with its large ears and then walked away. The steward watched the humans with a worried expression. It wouldn’t due to allow the humans to make themselves sick on his watch, but it seemed as if that idea was only becoming more and more likely as the humans poked and prodded at the leftovers of other species hardly bothering with the food that had been laid out for them…. Mostly strange fibrous plant materials.
And that is when it came, “I dare you to eat it.” 
The two humans locked eyes, one still holding the wriggling Cavestalk, “What.”
“I said, I dare you to eat it.” The human stuck out his chin at the other human in a primitive position of posturing, “How much do I get if I do.”
There was a moment of thought before, “Twenty credits. I’ll give you twenty credits to eat it.”
“What happens if it poisons me?”
There was a hand wave, “We have a doctor on board, he can just pump your stomach…. Chicken.”
A moment of silence passed between them, and the Rundi steward began moving towards them to stop something horrible he felt was about to happen. He wasn’t fast enough, and before he knew it, the human had thrown back his head and dropped the wriggly green thing into his mouth swallowing it whole like an alligator or a snake. 
People around looked on in somewhat fascinated disgust as the predator’s throat bobbed and he smacked his lips making a face, “Eh, I can still feel it moving…. Eh.” He paused, “Though, taste wise it isn’t so bad kind of like a wiggly asparagus.” After a moment his eyes narrowed, and he smacked his lips again, “Spicy asparagus, uh, that’s really really weird.” 
He reached the table just as the Vrul came running up shoulders squared in a very un-vrul way, “HE LITERALLY JUST SAID IT WAS POISONOUS TO OTHER SPECIES, AND NOW YOU’RE EATING IT! AND YOU OVER THERE.” A human looked up at him from where it had been prodding the Drev coiltree berries, “GET THOSE OUT OF YOUR MOUTH!”
They had attracted the attention of some of the closer tables now who were looking on in entertained confusion and worry.
A human waved a hand, “It’s alright Doc, we have you don’t we”
Another shrug, “Well it’s a good thing that I’ll throw up before anything really bad happens.” 
The rundi steward tried to intervene as the humans began prodding through the other food, “Drev can eat human fruit, so I bet these things are like fruit.” one of them pointed out popping the berries into his mouth and chewing with a contemplative look on his face, “Not bad.”
“Please, please, if you would remain within your own food groups.” The Rundi begged. HE was now realizing he should have written up some legal documents to avoid litigation if the humans were to be damaged on their property, but now was too late.
A human waved him off, “Don’t worry, everyone else is done eating, besides.” He Pointed towards the human food, “That's literally a pile of lettuce, I am a man, not a horse.”
“Horses don’t eat lettuce, also that’s not lettuce,it’s spinach.” Another human piped up prodding at a strange squishy red ball sloshing with a strange pink nectar, “This looks like candy.”
“Please don’t put that in your mouth.”
The humans swarmed away from the two dissenting voices. One of them picked up the strange pink orb and licked it. It’s eyes lit up and it bit into the piece wiping pink juice from it’s face as it did, “Ok, this, this is good 10/10 would try again.” And that only caused all the other humans to move over to try one.
“I SAID GET THAT OUT OF YOUR MOUTH!” The vrul demanded. 
The Rundi steward looked on in horror and worry. Vrul didn’t behave that way, everything here was just wrong. 
A Drev joined the party just then pointing to the pink orb, “I love those, but you should definitely try these too.” 
“No, no they should not.”
He was ignored, and the humans scooted over to look. It was a strange spiral plant in a light yellow color that made  a distinctive crunching sound as the humans bit down. They shrugged, “Sort of just like space celery if you ask me.”
Did these creatures have no sense of self preservation!
A group had gathered around the table strangely amused at the humans, who just ate…. Everything.
The Rundi steward almost keeled over watching his future go down the drain as other species began offering humans food. Whatever it was, they seemed unable to resist putting it in their mouths. A human made a face spitting something back out into his hand, “Ax bleh, tastes like Satan’s feet.” “Quick question. When was the last time you licked Satan’s feet.” “The last time I was at your mom’s house.” 
The humans made strange noises at each other as the Rundi stepped in and began grabbing things from the humans only to find the Vrul to be doing the same, “Stop it! Stop it all of you!.”
The human’s paused, as did the other delegates in surprise.
“STOP PUTTING THINGS IN YOUR MOUTH THAT YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT THEY ARE.”  The intervening silence was broken as one of the humans loudly crunched on one of the pink orbs. Everyone turned to look at her and she just glanced around the group.
“What?” She wondered past a mouth full of food.
A human waved a hand at him, “Keep your shorts on, we promise you won't get in trouble if one of us dies.” 
The Rundi stared on incredulous.
They were going to kill themselves, they were really going to kill themselves.
Maybe it was best if he resigned before being fired, at least he would be able to keep his dignity
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thotly-thoughts-101 · 3 years
I'm here to talk about a book
I, like many fanfiction addicted people, often wanted an escape. We all had our comfort cartoons, usually Disney, back before we knew what they did, before we knew about the racism, or the antisemitism, we sat on the floor, a VHS or DVD player playing our favorite Disney movie. (side note, if you are young and watched on a blue-ray, cool, I'm catering to my nostalgia...hell, my mom finally caved and got a blue-ray player this year. So yeah, that's a thing, I'm 18 and finally got a Blue-ray player.) Back to my main target. You're between the ages of five and ten, favorite Disney movie playing while you sit on the floor, holding your blanket close, or eating spaghetti, because hey, I didn't grow up well off, I was a kid in an apartment complex with a tired mom, gore addicted older sister, alcoholic father, and gangs had begun moving into the area.
All that to start the fact that my comfort Disney movie was Peter Pan. My mom hated that movie, gods, she hated it so much. But me? I loved it. A fantastical land of wonder and pirates. What child wouldn't want that. Of course, when I stated that as one of my favorite movies, My mom began to drill the lessons of the Fae into my head by the age of five. Etiquette, manners, the dos and don'ts of the realm of Faerie. Those lessons still stick with me, more than any lessons that the church had been trying to teach me since I was three.
I was about 13 when I was able to recognize the natives of the Peter Pan movie were so extremely racist. It was still my favorite kids movie, but I wasn't going to ignore that the movie had it's flaws.
I was 14 when I read the original book. The book felt more at home in a thriller section than the kids section. I found it baffling that no real answer was given to anything. The novel didn't clarify what Peter was, though deep in my heart, from years of burned in fairy tales, I knew he was in the branch of Changeling. I was now fascinated by this genre of media.
But that's not the book I want to talk about. Imagine if it was? Gosh that would be so dull. No, I want to talk about a reimagining of Peter Pan. It is called "The Child Thief" by Brom.
Some may recognize Brom as an artist for Magic the Gathering. But I am here to talk about his book. Well, one of them. His books are a bit more pricey, so I only have one.
That is "the Child Thief".
The story follows many characters, Peter, who is seen as a changeling, and is confirmed. But more importantly it speaks on how our fairy tales have been choked out by modern society, we replaced magic with science and machines.
(from here on forward, spoilers. you have been warned also lots of potential triggers)
This book opens with a really sensitive subject, rape (I did warn you). There is a lot of murder in the book, it's an adult novel so keep that in mind. We learn about Nick, a boy who is struggling with life, and trust me, life has been shit to Nick.
Peter finds Nick, and whisks him away to an island, Neverland, by technicality. There we learn of the species that is replacing the natives, elves, the children of the gods of the wild. (this is important) The current ruler is the son of the former god of the wild, a goat like man (I am not sure if this is a reference to Cernunnos or Pan, but as the mythology is very heavily tied to Celtic and Gaelic Myths, I'm inclined to vouch Cernunnos) and this Elf, fae, I can't recall, was expected to fill his father's (his father is the goat man) role. There is a lot going on in this story so I'm covering quite a few perspectives, so once I cover who has a perspective, I will break each story into sections. Next we have the Captain. A man who just wanted off of Neverland, as the island had turned him and all the adults around him into decaying monsters, all hellbent on the fact that peter was the anti Christ. We also follow Peter, who want's to rid the island of the rotting colonizers, but the pure Elves and fae hated him, as he was not seen as a pure member of the species. Nick spends his story grappling with the fact that he abandoned his mother to drug dealers, and the rage of her letting drug dealers into their life.
first, the easiest and least heartbreaking perspective, the Captain's.
The Captain's perspective is simple, he was in charge of the ship taking puritans to the new land, instead, the land on the island they would be trapped on when the lady of the lake casted a magical, protective mist around the island, effectively trapping the humans. From there the decay began, skin rotted on the bone, but they could not die. All the Captain wanted was to return home to his son, who by this time, is very much dead.
When the Lady of the Lake died, the mist was lifted, and upon his freedom, he took the nearest ship and left for England. The Captain was one of few who got a happy-ish ending. (below is cannon image of the captain)
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Now, we have a more...sad story, the Royal.
The prince went mad while fighting a three front war. He put his father's helm on and lost his mind, drunk on power he wasn't meant to have. He was killed in his madness, never truly meant to survive. It's sad that he lost himself to rage, and jealousy towards Peter, who was a favorite of the Lady. (the prince/king names are hard, but he is below)
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Nick, we have hit Nick, I really cried for Nick's story.
Nick went with Peter, battled so many emotions. He decides he wanted to return to his mom. He fought beside Peter, spent all this time with Peter and the Devils (the crew of young teens Peter has collected for his child army). So much happens to Nick, we watch him fight for the freedom of Avalon (the actual name of the island).
When the Lady dies, the battle moves to the New York streets, to the park. Peter promises Nick that when this is done, Nick will see his mom again, Nick will get to go home.
I genuinely cheered for Nick, I wanted him to live. I would be torn to shreds if he were to die...and he does, the battle is won, but Nick dies, drowning in a pond.
Rereading the novel, even though you know Nick won't make it, you still find yourself rooting for him. The knowledge of Nicks mortality will quickly dissipate as Brom drowns you in the story, and the thing is, it's the best kind of drowning, drowning in words, in the story of Nick, Peter, and the Captain. (This is Nick, a colorized image that isn't fanart doesn't exist, but there he is down below, bout to break glass with a bowling ball)
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And now, my favorite lad, whom my gay self simps for, Peter.
We start with Peter being a mystery of red hair and golden eyes, freckles and grins. He mesmerizes young children with food, safety, joy, to bring them to Avalon.
Peter was born the bastard son of a goat god, the same as the one mentioned with the royal. He found himself fighting a war, dedicated to the Lady of the Mist (sorry, I never liked her, but I never was supposed to. So I don't remember her name) He served her for so long, eventually she dies, as that is a common factor. He promises Nick that he will get to see his mother again.
Nick dies, as you know by now, and Peter wins the war, but Avalon is lost. Peter, finds that he is the true heir to the role as the god of the wild, and the wild boy goes off into the city, to go visit the drug dealers that ruined Nick's life, after all, a promise is a promise. And in this case Peter had more fatal games to play.
(And now, an image of Peter, for your consideration.)
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There is an important character that I didn't speak about, Seku, wonderful Seku. I don't want to ruin her story, but I will provide an image
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Remember, all this art is done by Brom, the author.
Now, in after math, I'm not entirely sure why, I, at 15 years old, picked up this book on Christmas break, said "This is the one." I gave it no thought until I was 17, 100% certain I was some flavor of Bi or pansexual. and barely aware that I wasn't cis. I knew by the time I read the book again, even in my fantasy world, I was too old to truly belong there, I qualified as one of the adults now, one of the rotting beings that couldn't survive in that magical world.
Some part of me wishes, wonders, dreams, that I could. That I could be accepted in that world. I know I can't now, at the age of 18. But the book lets me live that dream, through Peter, through Nick, through Seku, and even the Captain and the Royal. In some sense, I needed this book, and it came to me when I needed it too.
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