#also they keep fucking causing butterfly effects and he would like them to stop please
newpurpose-au · 11 months
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Another small snippet :) We've been hellishly busy the last 3 days so I didnt have much time to work on the chapter but I should be able to start working on everything more consistently now !
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Kaz Brekker x alkemi Reader - Strange Truths
A/n: This was so fun to do and me being an Alkemi really was happy with this request! Thank you! I'm so sorry it took so long though!
Warnings: None? Needles?
Request: ok ok so i have an idea- a kaz brekker x alkemi reader where kaz accidentally drinks one of the reader's newest chemical (prolly cause jesper slipped it into his drink) and it makes him super flustered and vv talkative and the reader has to keep him in their lab until they can finish the antidote and kaz tells the reader he likes them right after he takes the antidote so the reader realizes he's actually serious-
I do not own six of crows or shadow and bone or you!
Most people underestimated alkemi's but once they did it once they would not do it again. Kaz Brekker knew that alkemi's could just be as dangerous as a squaller all the way to a shadow or sun summoner if they were powerful enough. To be fair, very few were that powerful but most could kill you slowly and far worse than a heartrender so...
But you were a very powerful alkmei- one of the most powerful to ever live and that was why you are part of the crows. You can fight just fine, but the dregs had seemed to be getting very creative with their ways of killing to getting information and this was all thanks to you.
Though not all appreciated your talents.
Nina has grown up thinking that the alkemi's were weak was a part of those few, Inej just didn't understand you, Jesper understood but was still trying to come to terms with his own Grisha powers, Wylan thought you were amazing and Matthias was just flat out scared.
But that all changed when one day you poisoned a whole army.
Oh, Kaz was just... Happy? No one really knew, but sometimes he just seemed a bit more satisfied about how things were going with you around. Unfortunately for you, that meant he had to spend a bit more time around you trying to come up with more ideas. And that would have been just fine if it weren't for the fact that you were falling helplessly in love with Dirtyhands.
Ya, fuck.
Lately, you had been conjuring up something new in that lab of yours in the basement of the Slat. It was almost like a truth potion but not quite, it was to make it easier to get information out of its victims but not enough to notice.
Officially it was finished and you were going to go tell Kaz but you realized today everyone was going to be at the Crow Club. Just your luck that you hated socializing.
You sigh but you quickly grab the elixir and start running to the Club. Being late to a meeting was never really your foreté.
Finding finally the Crows even with the sea of people around you spot them when you meet Kaz's eyes. Of course, you had to meet his eyes. You go and sit down beside him as everyone had already decided on their drinks.
"Y/n's getting them this time since she's late!" Jesper grins in triumph as you just roll your eyes. It doesn't matter you guessed he was almost always going to be the one late so you figured it wouldn't matter if you had done it this one time. Besides, it would give the sharpshooter (and his boyfriend) a break for once.
Getting up from your seat you walk towards the bar and ask for everyone's drinks. He hands you them and you talk to the bartender as you walk back towards the group.
"I'm your waiter for one time only, don't get used to it."
Kaz just clears his throat and starts talking about a plan that's really in reality just a decoy because of Inej's intel there would be Dime Lion spies in the Crow Club today.
And why not take that to your advantage?
Suddenly Kaz stops talking and you lift an eyebrow at him. He just shakes his head and the others just shrug their shoulders and start a different conversation.
For a bit, you do engage in conversation with the other Crows but Kaz just seemed different? Like he was trying not to burst out talking or something?
"Dirtyhands, you good?"
Instantly his face flushed a bright pink and he stutters out;
"Ya-ya fine. Totally fine, everything's good. Go back to whatever I guess. Just leave me alone and do your work you shouldn't have even asked, so can you please-" He cut himself off and flushed (what you didn't even know was possible) red even brighter.
What the- You always called Kaz Dirtyhands as more as a nickname than a mean term almost like a term of endearment. Although he didn't know that he never had even blinked when you used the little nickname more than necessary so why was he now?
Also to add to that fact, was that you really never called him Kaz. It was mostly to keep yourself in check so you didn't get used to him too much. It was more like reminding yourself that you both weren't on a first-name basis even if you already were.
Narrowing your eyes, you can see that his pupils are slightly dilated and that he's bitting down on his tongue really hard to stop himself from talking. This wasn't just Kaz Brekker flustered, there was something else going on here. And you had to figure at fast before the Dime Lion spies did, or if they already had.
"Brekker, I need to you answer me honestly okay?" You lower your voice and you soften your tone like you would with your targets to get information out of them. You didn't like doing it, but it was the price to pay for his safety.
He just bobs his head up and down trying not to say anything.
"What have you ingested today?"
"Just the drink. Not anything else, being that I forg-" He cuts himself off from his whisper-rant covering his hand over his mouth.
"You haven't eaten today!" Accidently you raise your voice and the anger and concern shine through your usual stone-cold tone.
Kaz widens his eyes and gives you a look to shut the fuck up. He was still the Bastard of The Barrel after all.
Wait, now that you think about it...
You reach into your pocket for your newly brewed elixir and when you take it out it almost confirms it for you.
The lid is open.
Oh, fuck maybe it's better not to cure Kaz because you might just die after this.
It all made sense now though; talkative, flustered, overused & exaggerated facial expressions, looseness of the tongue. Those were all symptoms and you hadn't even noticed.
Well... At least you knew it worked and it was effective. Very effective... Fucking hell Kaz really is going to kill you now.
Grabbing onto his coat sleeve (being extra careful not to touch his skin) you drag him out of the crow club away from the prying eyes of everyone and the shouts of 'what the hell!' From your friends.
Quickly you drag him to the basement of the Slat where all your potions, bombs, machines, elixirs, poisons and most importantly supplies are.
"You can sit there." You point at a chair in the back of the room that basically had a view of everything.
"You better make me an antidote or I swear to-"
You cut him off before he says something he'll regret later. "Go sit your ass down Dirtyhands and let the real Grisha do their magic."
He flushes again and walks over to the chair but not without muttering under his breath how Grisha cannot do magic. And how their abilities work and etc.
By the saints! Now you really didn't want to reverse that chemical elixir, he just sounded really cute. But who the fuck are you kidding? This is Kaz Brekker we're talking about and you just thought of him as cute.
Welp, this is getting interesting.
Quickly you mix some ingredients together trying really hard to go as swift as you can. No one could see Brekker like this it would kill his reputation.
You look down at the antidote and you curse under your breath. This was going to need a needle. Oh fuck, you might as well just die right there.
Hurrying over to your cabinet you quickly go through the vials wondering what size you would need till you found the perfect one. It wasn't very big, and because it was fabrikator made he wouldn't even feel a pinch. But at the same time, it would hold your elixir even if it was a very tiny vial.
"Brekker, your gonna have to put your arm up for me."
You don't turn around knowing that this probably could be your death right here in your lab. At least Kaz Brekker will kill you so at least that's memorable. You sigh, Kaz Brekkers Alkemi was killed by Dirtyhands himself.
"Why?" Most of the time Kaz would just raise his eyebrow at you but because of the fun chemicals that he had in his body that was not the case.
"You might want to roll up your sleeve as well." You say nervously turning around so the needle was visible.
"Because I'm going to have to use a syringe."
"Are you fucking kidding me right now?!"
You slowly walk over and you shake your head.
"Sleeves up."
Kas just grumbles while putting his sleeves up you can tell he's uncomfortable. Now looking back at it you didn't really know how many barrel rats have had needles before, and if they did it probably wasn't good.
"What's your favourite colour?"
He snaps his eyes to meet yours and that's the moment you press the needle in his skin.
As you thought before he didn't flinch but he looked like he wanted to kill you with that stare but his eyes seem to soften with your worried stance.
"It didn't hurt did it?"
Kaz just shakes his head and you sigh in relief. "There shouldn't be any after-effects but I might just check in to see just in case."
He's almost out the door when he stops just at the entrance.
"Your eyes."
You whip your head around to meet his dark eyes.
Slowly he comes away from the door frame advancing on you and he shakily takes off a glove and presses his hand against your cheek.
"You asked me what my favourite colour was."
You have convinced yourself that at this moment you have stopped breathing. Nothing else matters but you two of you in this room. The feeling of his hand on your cheek sends butterflies everywhere in you. And you can't stop to think about how beautiful and terrifying those brown nearly black eyes are.
"Boss!" There's a shout from upstairs and he quickly pulls away putting his glove back on.
"So I'll be seeing you around Brekker?"
He rolls his eyes. "You know you can call me Kaz right?"
You laugh as you herd him through the door knowing that he has business to attend to.
"But I think you much prefer when I call you Dirtyhands."
The blush spreads across his cheeks albeit not as strong this time but at least you know it's not from one of your elixirs.
"Only you Y/n only you."
Words 1799
Shadow and bone taglist: @kaqua @rika90 @thefandomplace @musical-theatre-obsessed-dumbass @gallysonegoodlung @navs-bhat @sumsebien @dontjudgeabookbythecover
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genshin-no-simp · 3 years
Alpha!Kaeya x Omega!Reader (Smut)
Pairing: Kaeya x You/Reader (Female Reader)
Warnings: Sexual content starts below the cut.
Extra warnings: slight breeding kink and possessiveness.
Alpha's were too possessive.
Beta's were little bitches.
And Omega's were too needy.
Nobody could deny these statements, nor could they determine what you were. There were many disputes on this matter. Many claimed you are an Omega due to your small and petite stature common among all Omega's. Others called you an Alpha with your feisty and somewhat aggressive behaviour, a trait common to Alpha's, though anyone would be on edge having to hide their scent all the time. So often people determined you were a Beta and left it at that.
Of course not all of them dropped the issue, the matter of fact that you concealed your scent was suspicious, it was something that not many did. Some put it down to the fact that you were still unmated with so more often than not, many over confident Alpha's who were in their ruts, would approach you, their scents stronger and muskier, more alluring than usual, trying to draw out yours, for you to only turn your nose up in displeasure, calling them disgusting.
Which wasn't a lie, all the Alpha's you have met had an over powering scent which was quite unpleasant, you desired something more sweet and alluring, something smooth and soothing, you realized that you would not find that person in your hometown so you chose to move to Mondstadt where you soon would find it.
Now even after you moved away from your hometown to Mondstadt, Alpha's would hound you daily, most of them gave up on trying to figure out if you were an Alpha, Beta or an Omega, you were a gorgeous and mysterious woman, who wouldn't want to mate with someone like that?
And today was certainly no exception.
"Come now cutie, I don't mind what you are, just come play with me, I can show you a good time," an over eager Alpha smirked, confidence dripping with every word. You held your breath, refraining from inhaling his pungent scent that made your stomach recoil.
"Yes so you and every other Alpha in this town claim." You scoffed turning from him, hoping he'd get the hint that you are uninterested. Instead he grabbed your hand pulling you to face him again.
"Unlike them I'm experienced." His scent became muskier with arousal, which only turned your stomach more.
"I could hardly care about your experience, I doubt you're that great anyway," you rolled your eyes pulling your wrist out of his grasp.
Losing his temper the male forcefully pinned you to the wall with a snarl, "you ignorant, untamed, feral bitch, you don't have any idea how many women want my pups. You should be grateful that I'm choosing you." He said it as if it was something to be thankful for, if anything you thought him feral. Before you could retort, you caught whiff of a familiar scent, a scent that sent you into a frenzy, your stomach filled with butterflies but you maintained your composure as you watched a hand grip the males shoulder as they dug their nails in deeply, the male let out a pathetic yelp as he released you to clench his fist and swing at the unknown third party behind him. His fist was easily caught and the males face turned pale as if he saw a ghost.
"C-c-captain Kaeya," his voice trembled, his once self-assured scent filled with fear.
"Lawrence my fellow Knight, I am quite disappointed in you, this behaviour is unbefitting of a Knight of Favouius," the ever cool Cavalry Captain spoke with a low voice.
"I-I apologize, perhaps my rut got the better of me." The named knight Lawrence shook.
"Its not me you should apologise to," Kaeya narrowed his eyes, nails digging deeper into his shoulder, you were certain he drew blood. Lawrence swiftly turned to you and bowed deeply.
"Please miss (Y/N), accept my deepest of apologies," he didn't move from his bow.
"Fine, just go away," you didn't care at all for his apology you just wanted him gone.
"Yes of course! You won't see me again!" Kaeya removed his hand from the other knight and he ran for it. Leaving you and the blue haird captain alone. You sighed deeply slumping against the wall you were still leaning on.
Kaeya reached out but decided against the notion, for he feared of your rejection. Although it wasn't the first time he's interacted with you, and even if during those numerous times you never told him to go away, or to go fuck himself, he still kept his distance. He didn't know when your attitude might change.
"Are you okay?" Kaeya spoke softly with concern. Even his scent that smelled like sweet wine and snow pine was etched with concern. Your face flushed, trying to keep yourself concealed was getting harder, the fact that you were going into a heat cycle right now didn't help, his scent was quicken the process. Around any other male it was fine, since their over-bearing scents had the opposite effect on you.
"Yes I'm quite alright Sir Kaeya," you smiled softly. The Captain couldn't help but chuckle.
"Come now, just Kaeya is fine," he gave a smile, not one that he showed to other people, but a genuine one.
"Alright then...Kaeya." It felt nice saying his name like that. If you stayed with him any longer, you knew you would do something you'd regret. As if he read your mind he spoke.
"Here, allow me to walk you home." He tilt his head to the side motioning his hand in the direction of your house. You gave a curt nod and walked with him to your house. It wasn't a long trip to begin with but it ended far too quickly for your liking as you soon found yourself standing outside your door.
"Thank you for taking the time to walk me home." You unlocked the door and turned back to give him a grateful smile.
"It was my pleasure. Have a good night (Y/N)," he gave a small bow before turning on his heel walking away.
Quickly you entered the comfort of your home, letting out a small whine, finally able to stop restricting your scent, the strain on your body lifting as the hallway was quickly filled with your smell. Your body began to burn, a fever being brought on by your heat. Swiftly you made your way to the stairs, but stumbled on your way. You reached out with your arm to the dresser in the hallway, your body slamming roughly into it causing the vase to fall and shatter loudly. Too caught up by the burning in your body you curled onto the floor letting out deep breaths. All you could think about was Kaeya, which all it did was made things worse for you.
Outside Kaeya hadn't gotten even three feet away before his ears picked up on the commotion coming from inside. His body tensed, as he rushed to the door but stopped. He wasn't the type to just barge into a lady's house but this was you he was talking about, he would never forgive himself if something had happened and he could've done something to prevent it. He'd apologise later for entering unannounced. So he opened the door and before he could even take one step inside your scent hit him in the face like a ton of bricks, your sweet yet salty Omega scent. Gods, you were an Omega after all. He breathed it in deeply, his wild and primal Alpha instincts were telling him to take you there and then but he shoved those feelings down as he watched you lay on the floor hot, bothered and so very, very vulnerable. He's never seen you like this, he's certain nobody has ever seen you like this. In your haze you could smell him, it smelt so good, so comforting.
"Kaeya," you mewled softly. His body froze, did you just call for him? Snapping out of it he swiftly closed the door, locking it, he didn't want anyone else getting in the way, he also took his boots off placing them next to your shoes. Slowly and gently he made his way over.
"Yes, I'm here," he called out ever so softly. You were startled, in a daze you sat up leaning against the dresser you had previously tumbled against, you weren't expecting him to actaully be here, or perhaps it was your mind playing tricks on you. Yet his scent was too real, but you were still unsure so you spoke.
"Are you real?" Your face reddened from your fever your hand reached out towards him. Instantly he took your hand in his and pulled you to him, you were surprisingly light. He held you tight against his chest, as he sat against the wall.
"What do you think?" He whispered softly. He held you close, your face pressed into he crook of his neck, where his scent was strongest. You pressed your nose against his neck inhaling deeply as you gripped his clothes. Kaeya let out a shaky breath feeling your breath against his skin. He could feel his control slipping but he had to keep it together, he would let you lead tonight, or until given permission.
"Kaeya, it's too hot," despite your statement you pressed your body closer to his, your hands delving into his clothes.
"I know," he spoke softly, he used his cryo power to cool his hands sufficiently and touched the back of your neck to try and cool you a bit. You arched your back letting out a desperate moan.
"Kaeya please," you whined now pawing at his clothes. His eyes thinned his voice low and husky.
"I don't want you to regret this, if you let me do this, I'm claiming you, marking you as mine. I won't allow anyone else to touch you," his cool hand that was on your neck moved to your chin to lift your head up to look at him. Despite your hazy state you understood what that meant, if he claims you, he would be your mate for life and you didn't want it any other way. So in response you smashed your lips against his with need.
Kaeya let out a small groan gripping your hips tightly. His tongue slipping into your mouth, his tongue rubbed against yours, caressed the inside of your cheeks, delving deep into your cavern, tasting you, unable to get enough. You moaned into his mouth some saliva dripping down the corner of your mouth. Breaking the kiss, Kaeya removed his lips from yours, he smirked and licked up the saliva. You out a needy sigh leaning in to meet his lips again, for Kaeya to lean away putting his finger your lips.
"Come now darling, I don't think this is the place," he wanted to make sure you were comfortable, after all this was about you. You couldn't help but growl softly when he stopped but appreciated his consideration.
"My bedroom isn't far," you spoke softly against his finger giving it a quick lick before grabbing his wrist and pulling him up with you.
"My, someone is certainly eager," he teased as you practically dragged him up the stairs. Throwing the door open you made your way to your bed where you made your nest, where many pillows and blankets were built up. Kaeya felt a tingling sensation, you could've taken him to a different room but you took him here instead. Holding himself back was indeed a challenge and then some. You had let go of his wrist a few seconds ago now, you were sitting in the middle of your nest looking at him.
"Kaeya why are just standing there? Come here." You patted the space beside you. You were inviting him in, into your sanctuary, into the place where you spend most your time nurturing and raising your little ones. The tingling sensation inside him grew. He was becoming unsure so he asked again.
"(Y/N)...are you sure?" His voice low as he stood at the edge of the bed.
"Kaeya I may in heat and needy but I'm not incapable of choosing my mate," You held out your hand to him with a smile. Kaeya returned your smile and took your hand. The bed dipped as he leaned his body weight onto it. He crawled into the centre with you as he watched you lay down onto your back offering your submission to him.
And just like that, the last string of Kaeya's restraint snapped. Grabbing the hem of your blouse he ripped it from your body. You gasped lightly in surprise, it was unexpected. Kaeya did the same with your bra freeing your breasts. The moment your chest was bare his face was buried into your neck. His tongue lapped on your scent gland, your back arched pressing your chest against his. In response he pushed down against you pinning you to the bed. You let out a mewl wrapping your arms around his neck, a hand finding it's way into his luscious blue locks. You tilted your head to the side, giving him better access to your neck.
"Kaeya please." You pleaded rubbing your leg up his side, instantly you felt his teeth sink into your neck.
He has marked you.
He has claimed you.
You are his now.
And nobody can take you away.
"Kaeya~" you moaned loudly.
Your mind began to swim, you couldn't think straight. All you wanted was him. You needed him.
"Kaeya, my Kaeya, my Alpha, please," you panted softly, "please fill me, give me your pups, please." Your sincere desperation drove him insane.
Kaeya removed himself from your neck to make quick work of both your clothing. He watched as your pussy glistened with your slick. As much as he wanted to plow into you right now, he knew he should prepare you so it wouldn't hurt as much, so he slid two fingers into you. You gripped his hair slightly arching your back, a gasp type moan escaped your lips. His fingers easily entered and exited your pussy. He made a scissoring motion, stretching out your walls. Your legs twitched in anticipation. Being impatient Kaeya deemed that you were ready. With the fingers coated in your slick he stroked himself a few times before lining his dick up with your pussy.
"I'm going to fill you real good baby, so good you won't be able to think of anything else but me." With that he pushed himself deep inside you, until he was fully inside.
You let out a cry of ecstasy, throwing your head back, "yes Kaeya!" With your neck exposed to him once more he latched onto it, leaving multiple love marks all the while thrusting mercilessly into you. Endless moans escaped you lips as you gave yourself to pleasure and instinct. Kaeya lifted his head from your love bitten chest. His fingers dug into your hips as he watched your wither beneath him. The sight of your disheveled body aroused him greatly. Hooking your legs over his arms, he spread your legs further, this new angle allowed him to hit that delicious spot inside you. Your walls clenched around him with every thrust to your g-spot. Kaeya growled deeply feeling the knot form at the base of his dick. Once it swelled he wouldn't be able to pull out, releasing inside you would be inevitable. But you did ask for it and he won't disappoint. You could feel his knot start to form, your hand gripped the back of his neck pulling his face close to yours.
"Don't you dare stop Kaeya," you warned him. He couldn't help but chuckle.
"Wouldn't dream of it princess. I told you, I'm going to fill, I'll fill you with my pups and I won't stop until I do. Until your stomach is swollen with my pups," you moaned into his ear you before biting down on his scent gland, marking him as yours.
Claiming him as yours.
"Fuck," he groaned feeling his need for release approaching like a storm.
Kaeya captured your lips in his.
"I promise I'll take good care of you," he panted, sweat coating both your bodies. He gave you a small smile as you gave into your release. Spurred on by your release and the tightness of your walls, Kaeya came deep inside you. You felt his seed warm up your insides making it's way to your womb. You let out a satisfied moan.
Slowly and gently Kaeya put down your legs giving them a small rub. He caressed your hair as he waited for you to come down from your high. Once your breathing returned to normal you opened your eyes and met Kaeya's blue orb as he gazed down at you lovingly. Your heart fluttered.
"I won't be able to move for a few minutes so bare with me okay." He spoke softly moving into a more comfortable position for both of you, rather than staying on top of you. Instead he moved onto his back so you could lay on his chest. He held you close rubbing soothing circles into your back. You closed your eyes in content.
"Kaeya, did you mean what you said?" Your eyes opened to look up at him still resting your head on his chest.
"About what? I said a lot things." He chuckled softly. You blushed softly twirling his hair.
"Well about everything."
"Of course I did," he cups your cheek leaning in to kiss you on the lips sweetly, lingering long enough for you to want more before he pulls away ever so slightly, "I love you."
You blushed with a smile, "I love you too," you said capturing his lips with yours.
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tommyhardyx · 3 years
Mr Solomons - Chapter Five
** Updated Version **
Pairing: Modern!Alfie Solomons Word Count: 4.4K Summary: It's finally time for your date with Alfie. Warnings: smut, swearing Note: And here we go it's time for the first date! I hope you enjoy and please let me know if you do!
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Ever since you agreed to the date with Alfie you’ve struggled to keep the man out of your mind.
The days leading up to Saturday begin to drag, work becomes boring and repetitive as you spend your days researching an upcoming article, and you find yourself constantly checking the clock hoping it’s getting closer and closer to the weekend so you can finally put all your focus into Alfie.
At coffee, with friends, you tune out unintentionally, your mind always going back to him. You had spoken to him a couple of more times since he asked you out, trying to coax the meaning behind why you need a leather jacket to go out to dinner with him but he never breaks, never gives you anything more to go on than ‘just trust me, you’ll need it’.
When Saturday finally rolls around, the mixture of excitement and anxiety for the night ahead wakes you earlier than intended and after a morning spent pacing around the house with nothing better to do than think about what might come from tonight Nancy finally has enough, dragging you out to your favourite coffee shop to take your mind off Alfie, refusing to address any mention of him and for the first time since you said yes you find yourself distracted, Alfie banished from your mind finally.
By the time you get home it’s late enough to start getting ready, Nancy blasts loud music to get you in a good mood while she helps you decide on your outfit for the night, helping with your makeup and hair, keeping you smiling and laughing until it’s only a few minutes to 7. She gives you one last tight hug before sending you out the door, a smile of luck and an encouragement not to come home tonight.
Waiting on the pavement outside your building, butterflies flying up a storm in your stomach, a smile pushes its way onto your face as the reason for Alfie’s confusing text asking you to wear a leather jacket finally makes sense.
He pulls up to the curb right in front of you, the motorbike he sits on loud enough to drown out your thoughts of worry as he turns off the engine and pulls off his helmet grinning at you, his eyebrows lifting as he looks over you.
“You look incredible,” he says, taking a moment to look over your body. “You ever ridden one of these?”
You shake your head as he offers a second helmet to you, his smile a comfort as you reach out a hesitant hand to take the helmet.
“All you gotta do, yeah, is hold on tight.”
Slipping the helmet over your hair, praying it won’t mess it up too much after all the time you and Nancy spent on it, you ease yourself onto the bike behind Alfie, your arms immediately slipping around his waist as you push your body against his back.
“Good to go?” he asks, and you nod. He must notice your anxiety, his hand moving to squeeze one of your own gently “Don’t worry love, I won’t let you get hurt yeah?”
Nodding slightly you rest your head against his back and say quietly. “I trust you.”
Your hands grip each other as Alfie revs the engine, your stomach doing a little flip as he pulls out onto the road and you swear you hear him chuckle when your arms tighten around his body.
It’s surprisingly easy to distract yourself from your fear as you focus on the feel of Alfie’s body beneath your arms, feeling his muscled torso this close to you has you thinking less about the possibility of crashing and more about what he might look like without his shirt off.
You’re so distracted by your thoughts that you don’t realise at first that you’ve slowed to a stop, and that Alfie has cut the engine until he speaks.
“So, how was that?”
It takes a minute for the question to sink in, and you’re sure he knows what has got you so distracted by the smirk on his face. He swings himself off the bike, waiting for you to take your helmet off to hold a hand out to you.
“Not as bad as I thought,” you admit, taking his offered hand as he helps you off the bike. “Still terrifying though.”
“Told ya I wouldn’t let you get hurt,” he says with a wink.
You smile up at him, enjoying the feeling of his large hand holding yours so much that you squeeze it tight when he tries to pull away, his smile mirroring yours at the motion.
“Right, well we’re in here,” he explains, pointing to a Jewish restaurant in front of you. “Hope you don’t mind.”
“Not at all! You’ll have to tell me what’s good though, I haven’t eaten much Jewish food before,” you admit.
He nods, holding the door open for you. “I can do that.”
The inside of the restaurant is small, cozy even, setting you at ease as a waiter guides you to your table and Alfie holds your chair out for you.
Both of you hang your leather jackets over the back of your chairs, Alfie’s outfit underneath finally showing itself properly. The crisp white shirt, combined with the black slacks and vest is a good look for him. He has the sleeves rolled up to expose his forearms, giving you a glimpse at some of the tattoos that litter his skin.
Alfie helps as you read through the menu, pointing out some of his favourite dishes always with little anecdotes of his mother making them for him when he was young, his love for her clear every time he speaks about her.
As your food is placed in front of you, you give him a look.
“I’m putting my trust in you, if I don’t like this it’s your fault,” you tease and he gives you one of his wide grins.
“Then I guess I’ll just have to make it up to ya if you don’t,” he promises with a wink.
“I’m holding you to that,” you tell him, pointing your fork at him before taking your first bite.
The food is delicious, the slight moan you let out on purpose causing a smirk to spread onto Alfie’s face and you’re sure you notice his tongue flick across his lips.
“Alright then?”
“It’s incredible,” you mutter, digging into the dish once again and enjoying the way Alfie smiles at you as you eat.
The conversation flows as the meal goes on, your nerves disappear the more he asks about your life and your family,
As dinner comes to an end and the two of you make your way back outside to his bike you realise you don’t want the night to end quite yet, though to come out and just say you’d like to go back to his place might sound a little desperate. He hands your helmet to you, the question on his lips as he intently looks you over, looking for any sign you might want to get out of this now.
“Do you want to come back to my place for a bit? I’m sure Cyril would like to see you again,” he says, the offer of his dog making the offer sound a little less like all he wants is to get you into bed.
“Yeah, I’d like that,” you almost whisper, slipping the helmet back on.
When you reach Alfie’s building, you have to make an effort not to allow your jaw to hang open. The massive brick building looks to be an old factory that has been converted into flats, and approaching the large brown metal door, you wait a step behind Alfie as he types in the code for the door.
“This is where you live?” you ask, and Alife smirks as he opens the door for you.
“It is,” he says, following you inside and guiding you through the foyer to wait by the elevator with a hand resting on your lower back.
Built into the exposed brick wall beside the elevator is a bench lined with red velvet and you sink into it while looking around the room, glad to get off your feet for a moment.
“This place is incredible,” you tell him, looking around in an attempt to take everything in.
Alfie watches you, one hand in his pocket while he twists one of his rings around his finger.
“Used to be a piano factory in the 1800s, then a photography space, and now apartments. I was one of the first to buy ‘ere. It’s close to the distillery and big enough for Cyril not to feel cramped,” he explains.
The elevator door opens, and he holds out a hand that you happily take as he helps you off the bench and into the elevator, your feet still burning from your shoes.
“Oh well Cyril is of course the most important,” you say, grinning at the man.
Inside the apartment you can’t help but look around in wonder, the place is huge with a gorgeous open kitchen and massive curved sofa facing a wall of bookshelves with a large TV in the middle. Just like the foyer the apartment is filled with exposed brick walls, and metal, all to great effect.
You’re so preoccupied with the apartment you almost miss the thumping sound of heavy paws on the wooden floors.
“Hello Cyril,” you say as the dog comes running over, his tail wagging madly behind him and Alfie holds onto the dog’s collar to keep him from tackling you to the ground. You reach to scratch behind the dog’s ears, smiling at the way he leans into your touch.
“Think he missed ya,” Alfie says, squatting down to the dog’s level.
Watching Alfie with Cyril never fails to make you smile, the man’s face lighting up at the mere sight of his dog, his chuckle making your stomach flip in the best possible way as he scratches under the dog’s chin.
“How’re you doin’ mate?”
You make your way to a wall of framed photos, there’s one of a woman you assume is Alfie’s mother holding a young boy which could be no one but Alfie himself in her arms, another more recent photo of Alfie and Ollie outside the distillery, and another of Alfie with his arm around a girl that must be his sister.
“Is this Hannah?” you ask as Alfie comes to stand by your side.
“Hm? Yeah, that’s her, made me take that photo with her,” he admits, running a hand over his beard.
“What’s she like?”
“She’s brilliant. Fucking smart, don’t know where she got that from, she’s an engineer. She’s also a pain in my arse, but I love her,” he explains, shoving his hands into his pockets.
“I’d love to meet her someday,” you say as you turn to the photo of him and Ollie. “When was this taken?”
“Day we opened the distillery. Fuck, I was terrified that day, had no fucking clue if we would fail or succeed. Ollie kept me from panicking. Yeah, he kept me calm. He’s good at that,” he explains.
He rubs a hand over the back of his head, a move that almost seems like nerves as he keeps his gaze on the photo in front of him.
“He encouraged me to ask you out, so if this goes well expect him to never fucking shut up about it,” he mutters, making you laugh.
The two of you make your way to the couch, the conversation flowing long enough that Cyril gets bored with the lack of attention and goes off to occupy himself some other way and you find yourself moving closer to Alfie, his arm resting along the top of the couch just beside your head.
As the two of you continue to talk, your eyes move from his face down his toned body and you begin to wonder just what he looks like underneath those clothes.
Alfie’s hand settles on your hip, his face mere inches from your own so close you can feel his warm breath on your skin. His eyes search your face, moving from your eyes down to your lips and your heart pounds with anticipation as you wait for him to make his move.
“Are you going to kiss me or stare at me all night?” you whisper.
He grins, his free hand reaching to cup your cheek as he finally presses his plump lips against your own. Your hands move slowly up his chest, fingers grasping the material of his shirt.
“Finally,” you whisper, mouth breaking into a grin as he rests his forehead against yours.
Alfie matches your grin, his hands settling firmly on your hips as he lifts you with ease, settling you onto his lap as his lips find yours again his tongue slipping into your mouth tangling with your own.
Your hands move up his muscular arms, the feeling of them beneath your fingers making you groan into his mouth.
“Let’s move to the bedroom yeah?” he asks, voice gruff as his lips press along your jaw.
“Yes,” is your breathless response, your fingers tangling in his hair as he stands, your legs wrapping around his waist.
His hands find your backside, squeezing the skin as he carries you to his bedroom, kicking the door closed before Cyril can find you and follow you in.
Alfie sets you down on your feet and you immediately reach for the buttons on his vest, desperate to see the body you’d felt beneath his clothes on his bike. You manage to get the vest off, pushing it down his arms and immediately do the same to his shirt, grinning at the sight of his muscular, tattoo-covered chest.
“See something you like?”
“I do indeed,” you tell him, reaching up to kiss his lips as your hands find the buckle on his belt, easily getting it open before unbuttoning his trousers and shoving them down his hips.
“Right, your turn then,” he says.
His hands are rough as he pulls off your clothes, the outfit you’d painstakingly picked out for tonight mixing with his own discarded on the floor.
Alfie groans at the sight of you in just your black lace underwear, and when you reach to hook your fingers in the waistband his hand is quick to cover your own.
“Leave ‘em on,” he mutters, his lips finding yours once again as he pulls your body against his.
His hands roam over your back, moving down to your lace covered backside, fingers digging into the skin as he lifts you up and carries you over to the bed, dropping you onto your knees.
Alfie watches, hungry expression on his face as you lie back against the mattress, your legs opening to give him a view that makes his cock twitch, but he ignores it as he climbs onto the bed, hands reaching for your legs as he pulls you closer to him.
“Fuckin’ hell,” he breathes, hooking your legs onto his shoulders.
His lips press a trail of kisses down the inside of your thighs, his beard brushing softly against your skin as his fingers brush along the lace of your panties, hooking a finger along the strip of material hiding your slit from view.
A gasp leaves your lips as his tongue first runs along your slit, flicking against your clit. He clearly knows what he’s doing, he’s well practised and you both know it so you let your head fall back and enjoy it, his tongue feeling incredible against the most sensitive part of you.
Your grip in his hair tightens as you feel your orgasm impending, his tongue working you faster as you move your hips rubbing yourself against his face.
The moan that escapes your lips as your orgasm crashes over you is louder than any you’ve let out during sex, and your fingers grasp his hair tighter as you come down from your high.
“Fuck,” you mumble, head tipped back as Alfie pulls away, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand watching you with a grin your grasp on his hair finally relaxing.
“Alright, there love?”
You groan, looking down at him and rolling your eyes at the smug grin on his face as he takes hold of the black lace between his teeth and slowly pulls them down your legs.
Discarding them, Alfie kisses his way up your body and once he’s close enough, you take his face in your hands, pulling him closer so you can kiss him, tasting yourself on his lips as his hands find your waist.
“You have condoms?” you whisper against his lips.
“In the drawer,” he mutters, pulling away to reach over to fish a condom out of the drawer. He stiffens as you reach down to grasp his already hard cock in your hand swearing as you begin to slowly stroke him.
Alfie settles onto his knees, fumbling with the condom while trying to get it open as you continue you stroke him grinning at how distracted he is with just one hand on his cock.
“Need some help?” you ask, earning a glare from him as he finally tears open the packet.
“Got it,” he mutters, swatting your hand away so he can roll the condom on himself, stroking his cock a few times as you lie back against the pillows, smiling up at him as he watches you, mesmerised by your body.
He lines himself up with you, rubbing himself along your slit as you reach for him, your arms wrapping around his neck as you pull him down closer to you.
“Fuck,” Alfie groans at the same time you let out a gasp as he finally slides into you, his thickness filling you up. He pauses for a minute, his lips finding your own once again and your nails dig into his back as he starts to thrust.
He feels perfect inside of you, much better than previous lovers. The way he holds you as he thrusts into you, his lips kissing every inch of your skin he can reach, your nails scratch paths down his back as you wrap your legs around his waist.
You try to match his pace, moving your hips back into him as he trusts, but soon enough he takes over, and you do nothing but lie there and let him, the feeling of him making your fingers grip him as tight as you can, your toes curl, and your lips unable to say anything other than his name.
His thumb finds your clit, rubbing the sensitive ball of nerves as you find yourself getting closer to the edge again.
Your lips collide with his as you both find your climax, your tongues tangling together as you moan into his mouth. He continues to thrust until you’re both spent, finally pulling out as he pulls his lips away from yours.
Alfie rests his forehead on your chest as he catches his breath, his hands holding your waist as you run your fingers through his hair, feeling guilty for how hard you pulled on it earlier.
Soon enough he sits up, pressing his lips to yours.
“I’ll be back in just a minute,” he says, his lips brushing yours.
He gets up and you watch his bare arse as he makes his way into the en suite.
Left alone with your thoughts, you sigh as you sink back into the pillows, slipping beneath the blankets as the cool air makes a shiver run through your naked body. This isn’t how tonight was supposed to go, you never do this on the first date, never go this far so quickly. But somehow, with Alfie, it doesn’t feel wrong. It feels right.
Alfie makes his way back into the room and climbs into bed beside you, those big arms reaching towards you to hold you tight against his body and tucking your head in under his chin.
“So you’re a cuddler are you?” you tease, settling into his chest.
“You can’t tell me this ain’t fucking nice,” he says, lips pressing against the top of your head.
It is nice, so nice that you don’t want to leave. But this is only the first date, you never intended to have sex on the first date and now you’re on the verge of already spending the night with him when all you intended for tonight was to have dinner.
You can already imagine the look on Nancy’s face if you come home tomorrow morning, still wearing the outfit you’d worn tonight. The idea of that smug look alone is enough for you to shift so you can kiss him softly.
“I should go,” you whisper against his lips.
“Stay the night,” he mutters, his arms tightening around you as you attempt to pull away. “I’ll cook ya breakfast in the morning.”
“Oh well that changes things,” you tease.
“Just stay.” Alfie’s eyes are drifting shut, his face softening as he holds you a little tighter and while you’re telling yourself to take this slow, that you really should leave and give yourself time to process the night’s events, everything about him is telling you to stay.
Gently you press a kiss to his chest, your hand gently rubbing his side as you settle in against him. His fingers brush softly along your arm and a tired smile stretches across your face.
“Alright, I’ll stay.”
The first thing you notice the following morning is Alfie’s arms still wrapped around you.
It takes you a minute to work out what’s going on, where you are and why arms are holding you against a solid chest, but soon enough the night before comes back to you. Alfie’s promise of breakfast and his tired voice asking you to stay the night brings a smile to your face as you glance up at him.
“Good morning.”
He’s awake but just, his eyes half open, a deep frown on his face as he reaches to rub his eyes with one hand.
“Mornin’,” he mutters, voice deep from sleep.
You press a kiss to his chest, earning a grumble from him as he throws his arm over his eyes to block out the light breaking through the gaps around the edges of the blinds.
“Not a morning person?” you ask, fingers curling in his beard.
“Didn’t I fucking warn you ‘bout that?”
“Nope. It’s cute though,” you tell him, laughing when he grunts in response.
You sit up, pulling out of his grip and glance around the room looking for wherever your clothes ended up last night.
“Third drawer, grab a shirt if you want,” he mutters, pointing to the chest of drawers on the other side of the room.
“Thanks,” you say, leaning in to kiss his cheek before sliding out of the bed.
As you approach the drawers, you hear the sound of scratching on the bedroom door followed by a loud whine. Cyril.
“Fucking hell,” Alfie mutters.
“Where do you keep the dog food? I’ll feed him,” you offer, slipping a grey t-shirt over your head and your underwear back up your legs.
“It’s in the kitchen. Can make yourself a cup of coffee while you’re out there if you want.”
“You want one?”
“I’ll get it when I’m awake,” he mutters, turning over to bury his face in the pillow. When he speaks again, his voice is muffled. “Don’t go making any fucking breakfast, told ya I’d do it.”
Opening the bedroom door, you manage to slip out without letting Cyril in to disturb Alfie and lead the large dog out into the kitchen. You fill up both his food and water dishes before making a cup of coffee, sinking into the couch with it and smiling when Cyril comes to join you, his head resting on your lap.
The morning is quiet, peaceful, as you sip your coffee and gently brush your fingers through the dog’s fur.
Soon enough Alfie emerges from the bedroom, dressed in a matching shirt, his hair a mess atop his head.
“You awake now?” you ask, watching as he makes his way over to you, his frown hidden partially behind a pair of glasses you’ve never seen him wearing before.
“Partially,” he says, stopping to pat Cyril’s head.
“I didn’t know you wear glasses,” you point out, smiling as he leans in to press a kiss to your head.
“I wear contacts when I go out. Too fucking tired this early in the morning to put ‘em in,” he explains, swiping your cup of coffee from your hand and taking a sip.
He twists his face up in disgust, handing the mug back to you as you laugh.
“Fucking sugar. How do you drink it so sweet?”
“It’s because I’m so sweet,” you joke, earning another kiss to the top of your head.
“That’s true. Now, breakfast,” he says, clapping his hands together startling Cyril who quickly lifts his head to see what the noise was. “Relax mate, only me. Pancakes sound good?”
“Sounds perfect. Do you want help?”
“Nope. You keep that pretty arse of yours right there, yeah?”
You grin up at him, angling your chin just right before speaking. “Okay, now come give me a kiss.”
He happily obliges you, leaning down to press his soft lips to yours before heading off towards the kitchen. You watch over the back of the couch as he cooks, looking content as he cooks and you decide to join him.
“Thought I told you to stay over there,” he says as you pull yourself up onto the benchtop.
“I wanted to be a little closer to you,” you tell him.
Alfie grins as he comes to stand between your legs, your hands finding his hips as you bring his face down to yours.
“If they burn them cause you’re fucking distracting me you’re eating the burnt ones,” he mumbles against your lips.
“Worth it.”
He chuckles against you, his chest rumbling with laughter as he presses a kiss to your forehead. With ease he pulls himself from your grip, so he can flip the pancake in the pan.
“Too bad you put your shirt back on, should have left it off,” you comment, grinning at the glare he shoots at you.
“You think so aye?”
You nod, grin widening as he sighs and strips off his shirt, playfully throwing it at you.
“Much better.”
Watching Alfie, his hair a mess, bleary eyes hidden behind his glasses, mouth stretched open in a yawn as he cooks you breakfast, you find yourself yearning for more of this in the future.
Tags: @tommymcartney @misselsbells06 @lauren-raines-x @innerpaperexpertcloud @lizyshores
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elysianslove · 4 years
Hi! <3 I'm the roomate hc anon again (lol) and can I request best friends to lovers hc for iwaizumi, kuroo and oikawa? Also this blog is gonna blow up soon so remember me when you're famous bro 😌✊️❤️
OMG HI AGAIN! i’m so sorry this is late :( but oh my the excitement that flooded through me when i saw this request hsvhjsd. i really hope you enjoy this!! also vshdks i luv u bb THANK YOU.
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iwaizumi hajime
im making these as detailed as fuck so i apologize in advance <3
becoming best friends with hajime was a very out of the blue thing 
the two of you shared a lot of classes together, and since you were always seeing each other, you’d choose each other as partners a lot 
you’d sit next to him in all the classes that you could
you’d meet up a lot during school breaks and just hang out 
you two clicked very well honestly, like you found that it was so easy to talk to him, and it was so easy to lose yourself in the conversation 
most of your convos are v mature and sophisticated too like
it’s nice when you can talk to someone on the same brain wavelength as you yk 😼
anyways overtime you’d come to his practice sessions, and even if they were long you’d just stay and watch bc why not
if you had hw to do and he noticed you were a lil stressed about it, he’d tell u to come study while he practiced as a change of scenery and all 
he’d walk you home almost every night at this point
oikawa noticing and being jealous <3 
“they’re stealing you from me!” “they’re not— what is wrong with you oikawa.” 
okay so this best friend stuff has been going on for a long time
long enough for you to realize you wanted more from him
but this is iwaizumi hajime and it’s almost impossible to know what he’s thinking 
so you just keep it to yourself, thinking it’s just a small crush and it’s not worth ruining what the two of you have at this rate 
so all this had happened first year, and when you’re nearing the end of your second year
that’s when you realize that
it’s not just a crush
and when you have feelings for someone, every little thing they do expands a million times in your head
so a hug from him that you’d once never go over twice has you thinking about it as you go to sleep
the hoodies he’d lend you during practice while you stayed in the gym bc it was ungodly cold in there now send tingles down your spine at the lingering scent of him
the way he’d grab your hand to drag you somewhere now leave a heavy effect on your palm, forcing you to trace it once he’s gone 
his texts give you butterflies 
every time his name pops up on your phone screen you have a mini heart attack
and yeah
those are all symptoms of a crush
but is a crush meant to last this long? 
at the start of your third year, you greet him outside of the school gates after not seeing you all summer
he smiles so bright and hugs you so, so tightly 
you already are so hyperaware of how strong iwa is
but the feelings you have for him that won’t go away are so not helping your fixation on the feel of his biceps 
anyways before this becomes v nsfw 
you two catch up like u had met yesterday 
and then at the end of the day, after practice, which you stay for bc u missed ur vbc boys 🥺
he walks you home 
like always
and as he stands by your front door, in a burst of courage, he takes your hand in his and pulls you harshly towards him, pushing his body against yours and capturing your lips in a heated kiss
it’s so messy and harsh and you pretty much collided 
but holy shit
you were pretty sure fireworks erupted when you two kissed
years of pining and what had felt like unrequited love finally being resolved 
it’s the most satisfying feeling ever
you never want to stop kissing him
but alas </3 
when he pulls back, you’re both breathing so heavily 
you’re not sure if it’s the adrenaline or the kiss itself 
and he just looks at you and goes “did u tan while you’re away ur eyes look brighter” 
no sir i am in love with you
when you two officiate things 
he’s actually way shyer than he was as best friends??? 
like as best friends he wouldn’t feel slightly weird about hugging you in public or grabbing at your hand randomly or being seen alone with you
but now like
people know ??? and somehow that scares iwa 
or makes him uncomfortable 
idk he just feels iffy
but ur so understanding bless ur heart <3 
ur so careful with him and take it at his own pace 
zero pda at the start of the relationship 
like he won’t even wanna hug u in front of the seijoh team 
but slowly he warms up 
and he starts getting more comfortable with things like hand holding and occasional pecks on the cheek/lips 
your traditions as best friends don’t die as lovers 
if anything you believe in them even more 
now you watch more diligently during practice 
you proudly attend his games in his jersey, cheering the loudest for him (and for the rest of the boys bc they: best) 
walks home with you are so much more serene 
always gives you a kiss before he parts ways 
idk it’s like some sort of commemoration for your first kiss/confession 
unless you invite him inside 😏
this is so fucking long im so sorry i just love iwa 
anyways anybody want boyfriend!iwa headcanons i got a lot hehe 
to conclude, it was so gradual and inevitable with the two of you, and you’re forever glad it happened when it did and you hadn’t rushed anything <3333
oikawa tōru
unlike hajime, this wasn’t something that took one or two years
this bitch couldn’t admit he was in love with you for like 10 years okay 
you’ve known him for the majority of your life, because you’d always lived in close proximity to each other 
but you were never best friends yk? just acquaintances 
it was around the end of middle school when you two got close
cause you saw he was applying to aoba johsai for high school
and you were like !!! i’m going there too 
at first he was like stop copying me 😾 
you guys had a staring contest bc y’all are idiots and there were legit tears streaming down ur face but u were not about to lose to a pissbaby like him
he blinked 😁👍🏼
and he lost 
and then he decided “you’re my best friend now ” 
anyways aside iwa, he now had someone else he was going into high school with
like it’s a completely new environment but he had two people he very much liked going with him !!! 
when the time came around to like apply for/join clubs, you had been so clueless 
but toru stuck by you !! and he was so adamant on helping you !! 
he would sit with you after school as he practiced tossing with hajime and just brainstorm with you what you liked to do
it’s what brought you two closer together
cause you realized just how many things in common you had with him 
for a full week he tried to help you come up with something
for the sake of this hc let’s say u decide to join the newsletter club 
you’re very wary at first but then he’s like when ur part of it you’ll visit the vbc regularly so u can take pictures/observe to write essays 
the fact that toru would be there kinda set you at ease 
now you’ve never seen toru play properly 
he’s practiced in front of you before
plenty of times
but a proper match? or a practice one? 
so it’s safe to say u were in awe when you got assigned to go watch a practice match against (idk pick a school) 
it’s embarrassing to admit but your eyes were on him the entire time 
thank god he became the captain later on else it’d be so sus 
you really tried to pay attention to anybody else lmfao 
it’s kinda what drew you to him more
you still didn’t really have feelings
you only realized just how passionate he is about everything 
at some point you had an essay to write for your newsletter about the volleyball club
but you were having a hard time like really getting into it
so you immediately just called toru and were like “help 😃” 
he came over and you asked him a bunch of questions, and he would go on deadass 20 min rants for each of them
you were just 
so amazed 
like how could someone have so much passion for something like this?
you realize how but that’s for later
overtime you two got closer bc of how much your work was associated with him
he’s incredible as a best friend 
he’s the first one with the school’s weekly newsletter as soon as it’s out
granted it’s to read the section about him but yk, the sentiment’s there 
also love, love, loves lazy days with you 
he doesnt even care if the boys know that he worships the chick flicks you two watch 
i feel like oikawa would be an avid anime watcher
idk why i just do 
so he’d be blasting anime theme songs on a speaker as you’re in the shower and he’s in your room waiting for you and you’re both just singing w the sound of water rushing down 
actually it’s not just anime songs it’s all songs 
a l l songs 
so you two get really close, and then he has a super important match coming up 
let’s say it’s the spring interhigh one against karasuno
the one they won
idk im just choosing at random 
and the night before he’s like begging you on text to wear his jersey
you’re like bruh u have a cult following ????? 
but eventually u say yes
ur not really sure where it’s coming from but this is oikawa he’s an unpredictable as can be
when you show up in a jersey he so conveniently left at your house once
he’s so genuinely shocked even though he was the one that asked for this???
gives you the biggest hug like spins you around and just 
“you’re my lucky charm” 
when he wins 
after celebrating with his team
he runs over to you
and just
he kisses you
full on the mouth
it’s probably the rush and excitement of winning that gave him the courage to finally spill all his feelings out into this kiss
you’re in his jersey, in the stands and you genuinely feel like it’s only just the two of you
despite how sudden it was the kiss is so gentle, like he’d been planning it since forever 
“i told you you’re my lucky charm” he says as he rests his forehead against yours and kisses you gently again
oikawa had already been affectionate as your best friend
always displaying his love outwardly with like always calling out your name so loud whenever he sees you and giving you bone crushing hugs
deadass his 6’0 self will just jump on you 
but now it’s extra
makki always gags around the two of you but you just stick ur tongue out at him and go “ur just mad ur best friend’s getting some pussy/dick and ur not” 
makki then proceeds to shriek at you like a fucking banshee <3 
oikawa best friends to lovers excellence is so cute eeeekkk
and now u always wear his jersey at games 
(u couldnt make it to the game against karasuno where they lost for whatever reason and he held it against u for the longest time)
(“maybe if a certain someone were there we wouldn’t have lost”)
what a big baby you love him
kuroo tetsurō
kuroo as ur best friend 
im frothing 
i feel like you’d grow close after meeting at an event or something 
like you’re a friend of a friend of a friend 
i see kuroo as someone who’s so suave and cool and flirty with people he doesn’t have feelings for
but put the crush factor in and he’s a mess
like his brain just stops working
so when he first met you
he thought u were so fucking hot 
but that’s it
his lower body was doing all the thinking <3 
so he was so flirty 
and that’s essentially what your friendship is built off of 
and when friends are so flirty with each other, they generally grow close and trust each other really quickly 
ur not a nekoma student but ur in tokyo so you meet up often 
you just
it’s so nice to be around him
you find it so easy to just be yourself around him 
going out with him is super fun 
and a lot of the times you guys have study dates and you literally don’t talk except during the 10 min breaks you two take
it’s just hyper focus for the two of you which is great
he really channels the best student in you what a man ! 
i think during your third year of high school you two got insanely close
because you were highly unsure if you were gonna leave japan or stay 
so you wanted to make the most out of everything 
so you’d go out with him more often
he’d stay during the weekends and you two would like bake christmas goods all night even if it’s literally september lmfao
cuddling is so natural 
like you’re both so touchy with each other but not in a weird way just a super comfortable kind of way
like if you’re shorter than him, he’s always leaning his arm on you like you’re his arm rest 
it’s a win win bc he gets to touch you and tease you
wow the horny really jumped out in that one
you go to every single one of his games !!
cheer him on so!! fucking!! loud!!
you probably make a provocative sign and stand a chair and just wave it around and kuroo’s so heart eyes lmfao
the climb up to becoming lovers is so
i think kuroo first realizes that maybe, yk, he wants those flirtatious comments to mean something and those random touches to hold more romantic value to them, when you two are out together
it’s a completely chill day and it’s not really warm not really chilly. you’re just comfortable 
he takes you to a park after buying the both of you ice cream from the stand across the street and sits down at a bench with you
just people watching 
and then it kinda goes really silent
it’s not awkward??? like at all???
he’s not looking to fill the silence with any random words
he’s just
enjoying simply being with you
and he glances at you momentarily and it hits him like so hard just how pretty you are 
his eyes slightly widen like
holy fuck
what the f u ck
remember when i said he’s all cool until feelings come into play
yeah 😼
he literally freezes up and blurts out, without even meaning to, “i think i have feelings for you.” 
he really didnt even process he said that
you kinda
pause for a second
and then you realize what you said and you just smile and lean over towards him, lifting your thumb up to the corner of his lips and brushing away some ice cream
“you think?” you tease, and then at the spot where the ice cream was misplaced, you placed a gentle kiss
he kinda relaxes and then eyes you as he says, “i know.” 
it is just. heaven after that
i think the two of you would be less flirty around each other once becoming official 
like yeah he definitely comments once or twice every now and then and don’t get me wrong, so do you
but it’s just less frequent 
like a blanket has been lifted to uncover the true, hidden meanings behind the comments and you can now just breathe easier 
you two end up in the same uni on accident hevejsk
like you had a long ass talk about how it’s okay if you didn’t end up in the same uni you’d still make it work
and it would’ve worked tbh
fate just ships you two too much
when you told each other you were literally that spiderman meme of the two spidermen pointing at each other lmao
power couple of the uni
power couple of tokyo
power couple of japan
you’re literally so happy with him you wouldn’t trade him for the world 
and maybe you saw it coming 
but it still remains a shock whenever you wake up and he’s there laying next to you, smiling lazily at you before reaching over to give you a gentle kiss 
anyways happy early birthday king i love you kuroo hehe
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end note; i really had a lotta fun w this one omg!! thank you again for requesting, anon, and i hope everybody else enjoyed!! feel free to request, mwah <3
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thekillingjoke-haha · 3 years
Angel With A Shotgun
Summary: The Novak family was big talk,but not nearly as famous as the L/n’s. Togther they can be unstoppable,so what say family ties like guns,drugs,money,and murder?
Paring: Michael!Dean x Male!Reader
1900's Mafia/Gangsters AU
A/N: this is a Micheal fic,but its him in Dean's body so like...idk its the same snake different skin. Also Chuck is referred as Charles
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Warning:Blood,guns,knives,gore,torture,swearing. Homophobic comments like just a few. No proof reading
The Novak's that a family that was one of the most feared yet respected. The way people talk about them down south you'd think they were inspiration for the Bible itself. A man by Charles or Chuck Novak is the head honcho with five sons to help him run is kingdom.
The youngest is Castiel he was probably the nicest of all his siblings,but also the most protected with three other brothers, Gabriel is the definition of trouble and if he slipped up head could easily get lynched good thing he puts that silver tongue to work. Raphael was one of the more head strong,but sadly he was shot when several rivals attacked at on of their bars. Lucifer is the second oldest and the most hot headed with a temper to match the black sheep in his family if you will, then last,but not least Michael he was something else entirely the play boy,a demon is a flat cap and tailored suit.Now that the Novak's have been introduced the world's most feared gang the L/n's is one family not to be fucked with.
(Father's name) leading his kingdom no...empire with his wife (Mother's name) and togther they had only two sons. The second born William and the oldest M/n. William wasn't much involved with the criminal side of the business,but his big brother was the prime example of a gangster. No one besides the L/n gang has seen him he stays out of newspaper coverage and that only allows his terror to run ramped. A man with no face and a title of Satan himself made the oldest Novak just a little timid when he found out. "WHAT THE HELL!!!" Michael threw the newspaper on his fathers desk in anger the older man looked up after glancing at the paper. "I'm due to be wed to a L/n and none the less a man! I can be hanged for so much as saying I do and it IN THE FUCKING BULLETIN!!!" He was seething with hatred in every word. Michael will admit it hurt a lot finding out he was to be wed by the slight disgust look he got while grabbing the paper before getting coffee. "I wanted to tell you sooner,but you were handling something. There's no way out of this a deal was made before you were born me and (Father's name) have been waiting for his wife to bare a girl or your mother to do the same,but your mother's untimely passing and (Mother's name) having gone unfertial our oldest are due to wed." Chuck sighed taking off his thin wired glasses.
"You two were once friends,but I guess time got rid of those memories." Chuck sat down his spectacles down looking at his son. Michael turned to father with shock evident in his eyes. He was friends with M/n L/n the man with no face. Everything was too foggy. The shorter male stood up to a shelf in the office and grabbed a small match box opening it looking around before pulling out a picture. Handing it over to his son he sat back down. "He was one of the only people you'd go to when you were a baby. Heavens he was probably the only person you liked,but when he was five and you were three the fact that our business was centered around blood and there's on bonds it became a fight,mafia versus a gang, and you guys saw eachother less and less till around the time Luci was born not at all." Chuck sighed. The young man was in shock a little boy maybe two or three was cuddled up to a baby in a pale blanket that he remembered was blue fully awake and if the picture could come to life he's sure the boy was humming all while rubbing the infants back.
"No ones seen a picture of him in twenty six years and he was on his fathers hip with a match box car. He's in town and should be coming for dinner here by himself in three days time. So til then keep your brothers in check we don't need them to shoot the young man with a stray bullet." With that Charles dismissed his eldest son as the green eyed boy stormed off in a huff. Michael started to do digging. M/n L/n was in headlines weekly in every post known to man from shootings,assassination,and gangbanding to rumors of his love-life,what he wears,and people claiming to have met him. One thing caught his eye that made him falter. "Gangsters M/n L/n Captures Murderer" that when he started reading the full paper that crumbled a bit due to age. Maybe he's not so bad the guy he caught never saw a courtroom,but met a far worse end all because he caused problems with his people. It was admirable the brunette knew he'd do the same,but not just for anybody. Marriage wasn't settling well with him that didn't mean it felt completely wrong.
One day later
Looking in the mirror Michael watched as his maid adjusted his tie while another smoothed the wrinking in his white button up and vest of his three piece suit. As the oldest he had business to handle people to keep in line. When their hands left his body they scurried out of the room rushing to be down stairs before him. His dress shoes met the floor as he grew closer to the door his youngest sibling ran up next to him. "Can I come,please!" His raven head of hair and doe blue eyes almost made him cave,but with a firm look he gazed down at him. "Sorry little raven,but I have things to handle another time." The pout on Castiel lip didn't move as he held up his hand his pinky out. "Promise?" Interlocking with the ten year olds pinky. "Promise." With that he happily skipped away to play in the garden.
Out the door he went. His flat came on his head and coat thrown over his shoulder his effects tucked in his waistband. Screams caused him to smile as he stood before the butcher on payroll. He wore the man's leather apron having abandoned his tailored suit jacket in the front of the deil. "Were is my money?" He cut the man some more as he continued to scream in pain the white fire from the rusted meat hook in his shoulder flaring with each jerked motion. "Help please!" He yelled all of a sudden in the past hour he hasn't called for assistance. "No can do." A deep voice said behind the oldest Novak turning around sharply his green eyes clashed with e/c. The man looked like anyone off the street his shoes tattered and clothing dirty form labor no bet. "I came for my five notes." The didn't seem fazed at the torture. "Fuck you gypsy scum!!" The pig of a man responded as the tall s/c man crept closer gripping a knife Michael was using. "I just unloaded a load of meat in the summer heat that would give the devil a sweat and all I asked for my effort was five notes nothing more nor less so cough of the money that you clearly owe both of us or I'll carve it out of you and make you squeal like the piggy bank you are." His tone dropped further the blade under the man's fat chin and the Novak felt aroused at the threat. This guy meant every word when the hanging man spat in his face the off color of snuff and blood made the normally clear liquid seen and thick. Let's just say Michael sat back crossing his legs in a attempt to compose himself as the man hit pitches not even the girls in the church choir could master. The heavy weight man forked over the money then some I got my full and he ended up giving the mystery man a hundred notes if he made the pain stop after pocketing the money he shot the man.
He turned around and began to leave when the brunette stopped him. "Wait! I give you my thanks friend he was stubborn for a hour almost" The h/c man turned looking at him giving a smile tilting his head for the Novak to follow as he stepped out the deli. Scrambling he walked down the street next to the man their attire clashing a well tailored suit next to rags that looked more like a potato sack then cloth. "Glad I could help a fine looking fella like yourself." His flirtatious grin caused butterflies to run ramped in Michael's guts. As they walked down the street they slowly moved from the good side of the town to the slums. No cars drove on the gravel a fire hydrine spat out water for all the children playing around it,women hung up clothes on wire between tenements and men looked more like the mysterious gypsy next to the Novak. Speaking of the mystery man he went to each crowded tenements door and knocked the women or young men of the families came to the door and he handed over twenty notes each. The women cried and clung to his tall figure and the boys almost men looked at him in wonder like a hero before running off to tell the adults of the place. "Why did you do that?" Michael asked as they walked out of the town. "You worked for that money and gave it all away." He was confused he's never seen a man work for a family that wasn't his own.
"They need it more. Schools out the children don't get meals and the men work hard to feed them at least a meal a day. I'm alone here no lover or children with the energy and muscle to work." Novak wasn't sure before,but he was sure now this was love and it felt better then any harlot he could spend the night with. "Thats very admirable of you." Michael complmented which was not a normal accuracy. "It was truly nothing to admire,handsome. I'm not saying I'm amazing,but sometimes I'm decently above average. That's what people need someone decent enough go care."
Before he knew it they were back on his side of town and getting closer to the business. "It's been a pleasure,Mr. Novak." The man dripped his head as he turned to leave somewhere. "You know who I am and I don't even get a name." He turned back around and got closer to him his chest pushed up against his till he was pinned to the wall he leaned down his lips so close to his face just out of reach. "I'm N/n,but you can call me the man of your dreams." Michael almost leaned up to peak his lips when the warm body pulled away taking with it the lust filled tension. N/n turned and left out of sight that night was full of the man tossing and turning dreaming of the e/c man that made him feel high as the clouds above. N/n smiled as his men drank around him he finally saw his baby boy all grown up and he's taking what's his this time.
Two days later=Six Hours Before Family Dinner
The buzz of the New Yorker coming to Kansas was the rage. Any man that was new in town was watched like a hawk by commoners and the Novak's. Michael was no longer looking forward to this marriage he didn't want this man no matter who he was. N/n stole his heart like a petty thief and ran away from him. No one in Kansas knew who he was a s/c skinned,h/c haired,e/c eyed gypsy was all he had to go on no last name just a image that burned bright in his mind. Michael sighed as he left his office and went down to the bank he needed enough cash on hand to throw away on booze and maybe angel dust. People parted for him like the red sea and he easily got money when gun shots went off. The teller in front of him fell to the ground wounds ridding his body and Novak turned to see men...no boys with guns.
"Everyone get down on the ground. We've come only for the money we won't hesitate for blood as well." The group chuckled as the leader smirked people shook as they easied to the ground all except Michael who stood tall. "Ah! If it isn't Michael Novak no men to protect you now." A man he didn't realize came behind him hit him over the head with his gun causing him to fall to his knees. "Pathetic." The band of thugs leader grabbed the Mafia bosses chin looking and the blood coming from his brow. Someone stood from on their knees a flat cap covering their hair and a long trench coat that was only slightly open. "It would be in your best interest to leave,boys." They all train their guns at the man. "Why's that,you motherless bastered?" The man turned his gaze upward deadly sharp e/c orbs looked at him and Michael was in shock it was N/n. "Cause I have twelve guns ready to blow holes in you and your men." After his words ten men stood up all wearing the same clothing flat caps,overcoats,and suspenders with a Tommy on every man except the leader. The cowardly man looked frightened looking around keeping his gun on the s/c man. "I only count ten I still have the upper hand." N/n gave a devilish smile that made Michelle gaze on love struck and excited for what's to come. His gray trench coat hit the floor and two sawed-off shotguns in each hand. "Upper hand you say?" He pulled both triggers the left one killing the man sending himself flying back and the right killing the man behind Michael blowing his brains painting the tan walls this made the others fire as well. The bodies of the criminals and one civilian litter the floor.
N/n sent the men off to get the people out as he walked up to the bleeding Novak. "Thank you." His green eyes gleamed making the standing man give a grin as he held his hand out to help him up. "Consider it a gift from M/n L/n." The gleam disappeared from his eyes his soon to be husband was in town has been in town and set his men up to keep him safe. "Now if I'm not mistaken you have a dinner to get ready for,pretty boy." He takes the handkerchief out of his waist coat dabbing the blood away. "Will you be there?" Michael voice sounded weak so full of hope. "You can count on it. We'll be seeing eachother alot more." The man stood up and quickly left and not a moment later Mafia men came in running tending to the boss. Looking longingly at the piece of cloth (Your Initials) were sowed into the reddend white square of fabric.
Family Dinner was about to start the Novak's sat at the table Charles sitting at the end his three eldest sons to his right while his youngest sat to the left two spots were available one across from Michael and the other on the opposite end of Charles. A maid came in the dinning hall and cleared her throat. "The L/n's are here." Two young men came through the door one taller then the other the shorter of the two sat across from Michael while the other sat at the other end of the table closest to Michael and the other man. Charles smiled at them both and Michael was in a state of shock. "M/n been a long while hasn't it?" The oldest Novak looked at the man infront of him waiting for a response when the man he thought to be just a gangster working under the L/n's answered. "That it has Chuck. Sorry father couldn't come he had some other business to handle." N/n or M/n now to Michael's knowledge said before placing a hand on the man beside him. "This is Benjamin or Benny my right hand man don't mind him." The man gave a nod of acknowledgment his blue eyes piercing. "Heard about the blood bath at the bank quite impressive from what Michael has told me." A side smile and a teasing look was turned the mentioned Novak's way. "Saw low life scum trying to rob the place and touching what's mine,their little toys they call guns were child's play compared to my men." M/n sent a wink addressing the men hitting Michael from behind.
"Are you a knight that saves people?" The youngest asked his blue eyes wide in wonder. The s/c males eyes turned to the child a warm smile gracing his lips. "Sometimes when I want to be." A bubbly giggle rang out. "You saved Mikey making him your prince." Those words caused different reactions from all the men. Gabe covered his mouth trying not to laugh at his older brother,Lucifer grinned leaning over to his brother. "Did he have to kiss you sleeping beauty?" He chuckled lowly making kissing noises in his ear,Micheal was beet red as he couldn't bear to face any of them,Chuck smiled looking at his son and son-in-law,Benny nudged his boss sliding something to him while everyone was distracted. "Yeah and I'm gonna make him my king and take him to my castle." M/n leaned towards the boy and whispered in his ear. "We'll ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after." Castiel was gobsmacked as he gazed at his brother all giddy he was gonna live a fairy tale like in all the books their mother use to read. "Um if you'll excess me. I need some air." Micheal stood up and not long after M/n followed when given a reassuring nod from Charles.
The garden of the estate was beautiful in the moonlight and it wasn't hard to spot the oldest Novak on a bench on looking the pond that reflected the night sky. "You knew the whole time who I was." Micheal didn't look up at the man as he sighed. "Yes I knew who you were...we were once closer then the stars and the skies itself." The L/n sat next to him on the bench looking forward. "Chuck knew as well." Michelle turned in shock at that statement a goose chase for nothing. "He didn't know what I looked like now,but letters everyday asking about you seemed to do the trick." Those e/c eyes turned to look into those apple green ones. "Learning from a young age that in you grasp was the person you were due to wed was shocking I almost hated you,but the moment you grabbed my finger as if I'd slip away made me realize it can't be so bad." M/n held out his hand palm up so the younger male rested his hand in his grasp. "I was afraid at first you'd hate me. So I swore to protect you always. Some of my men live here with their families and they keep me posted. Just last year a rat was found on you door step admitting his faults."
Micheal remembered that the maids came rushing to get the family and a man bloody and beaten spilled his guts about planning to cross the family having been hired by a rival Mafia to get information to attack them at a weak state. "I know this won't mean munch to you know,but maybe at some point you'll be happy to carry my last name and call yourself my husband." In M/n hand that wasn't interlocked with Micheal's he opened a box revealing two wedding bands both were silver while one had a gold trim and the other had a f/c trim. "No matter what,Novak,I'll be there when yiu need me through it all most of the times guns blazing." M/n chuckled lightly taking in a deep breath. "Just ponder on it,pretty boy,I'llbe here waiting." as he slipped the ring on the silent man's finger before doing the same with himself he gently kissed the top of his head as he stood up and left wanting to give him space. Micheal smiled at the ring that perfectly fit his finger. The one man he felt attracted to was his guardian angel always there no matter what.
Lifting his hand up he kissed the metal band as a laugh left his lips. "My angel with a shotgun."
A/n: Second Male reader and I had to spell check for almost 50 she/her in her so I think I got them all lol.
Quote: "I'm not saying I'm amazing,but I'm decently above average."-Blacklist @spnquotebingo
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stardancerluv · 3 years
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Saturday Night at the Black Mask Club
Part 4
Summary: Roman and reader come together. She learns more of about who he is. He also comes to realize things about himself.
Warning: Consensual sex between the two. Consensual Breath!play. Daddy!Dommy!Roman. Roman is himself…it can be harsh! Very smutty. You’ve been warned!
A gloved hand slid over your ass and squeezed. You jumped and squeaked. Turning you saw happiness in his expression. Relief filled you seeing Roman standing there. The swagger he always had soon brought the butterflies to your stomach as you practically threw yourself at him. “Romy!” You winced when you felt his gun holster. His strong hands shifted you to a more comfortable position against him.
A deep chuckle came from him. “Sorry. Didn’t have time to take that off, baby.” He nestled close.
“I don’t care.” Tears of relief stung your eyes, you blinked them away. “I’m just so glad you’re here.” Pulling back, you looked into his eyes. You felt as if you could fall into them and never return. To be honest, at this moment that would be wonderful. You wanted to be just held and taken care of.
“You’re my brave girl.” He pressed a kiss on your shoulder. “I saw how you handled yourself.”
“You did?” Pulling back, you beamed at him.
He nodded. “Yes.”
As he pulled you close, he wanted to tell you how proud he was of you. But that wasn’t in him. The words got stuck in his mouth. Maybe he’d buy you something special. Yes, he’d spoil you. That is what he would do, and you deserved it, fuck you were braver than some of his men. But now he had other things in mind.
“Yes.” He finally replied, nodding. “Now be a good girl and give daddy a kiss.” Your body fit so well against his as he held you.
Your arms wrapped tightly around him as you went on your tiptoes to kiss him. He could still taste the sweet taste of your drink on your lips. He loved how you wilted against him as you kissed.
“Baby,” He whispered in your ear. “Daddy is going to be busy tonight but he needs you badly.”
“Whatever you want, daddy.”
He could hear how the timber in your voice rose. It made him smile.
A knot of his desire grew as he watched you open your legs in anticipation for him. “Is this how you want me, daddy?”
He nodded. “That is exactly where I want to be, ever since you walked into the club.”
You were his strong girl, his desire and affection shifted tonight. He promised to do his best by you.
“Yes daddy, I want you between my legs.” There was a tremble with how you desired him, he loved having that effect; it came from your depths.
Bending a knee, he just barely knelt between your shapely legs. He opened you wider before freeing himself of his suit jacket. Reaching up, his fingers laid on his holster when you spoke again.
He paused, “Hmm?” He made a soft questioning sound.
“Not yet.” You whispered. “You look so good with it on.”
He chuckled, shifting closer. “Since you’ve been such a good girl, I’ll keep it on a little longer.” Reaching out he grabbed your hips and pulled you against him.
He loved the gasp that came from you, when you felt exactly what you did to him. He braced himself on one hand. He drew close but didn’t kiss you just yet. “You look so good, baby.”
“I’m so glad you think so.” Your words came out breathy.
He kissed you then, your lips soft and giving. He deepened the kiss as he felt your fingers run through his goatee. Your touch felt incredibly good.
He broke the kiss, watching your eyes. “You really like that goatee, don’t you?”
You nodded.
He brought his hand up and let it drift over your face, gently cupping one of your cheeks. His thumb barely touching you, he remembered watching as you took the hits from Marino. Yet you did not flinch. You did not give him up. It pulled on him, especially when you leaned into his touch just now.
“Most of my life,” He began to admit, perhaps some of the words would come. “I have to look over my shoulder. Suspicion is a close and strong companion.” He let his thumb graze your cheek. “But tonight, I saw all that you endeared. I’m very pleased with you.”
“There isn’t anything that would pull me away from you.” You swallowed.
“That’s why you’re mine.”
He drew close once again, his lips barely touching yours as he stopped and paused with an idea that struck him. “Do you trust me?”
“I trust you.”
He drew his hand to your throat. It was all he needed. He squeezed. You gasped. Your eyes grew as you blinked. He loosened his hold but then he squeezed again, loving the feel of your breath as you gasped once again. Then he loosened his hold. He relished having this control over you.
This time he spoke against your lips as he squeezed again. “My breath for yours.” He kissed you and shared his breath with you. The kiss between the two of you deepened and he released his hold on your throat.
After some time, he smiled. “I want to see more of you.” He whispered. Your fingers went to the clasp. “Allow me.” You undid the clasp and your breasts soon bounded free.
He reached into his back pocket. He would use one of the knives he had chosen to bring downstairs with him. Pulling back, he would take delight in cutting off your undergarments that were in his way.
“Daddy?” You whimpered.
He opened the knife. “I could have stolen your breath forever and yet, you are stopping me from what?” He reached and tugged at your panties. “Cutting these from you.”
“But daddy, they’re new and so pretty.” You didn’t pout but a soft whimper came from you.
He chuckled. “Baby, when I want to do it so I’m going to.”
He tilted his head. “If it makes you happy, I will take you shopping for some more pretty things.”
“Yes, I would like that.”
He heard your reluctance. Girls before were greedy, damn the dancers were as well. You were the only one who was never demanding, it made him pleased that he could spoil you and you wouldn’t demand more.
“I will take you personally, it will be just us.”
“I would like that, daddy.”
He smiled. “I know you like it better when I’m around.”
“Because I can model for you.”
“That is my favorite bit.”
One time, when he had take you out to spoil you, the modeling you did got both your hearts racing. After just enough money, the shop girls stepped away so the two of you could have a moment alone.
It had been incredibly naughty but when he wanted you, he didn’t want to wait. Nor should he have to but he also didn’t want prying eyes. So the investment to keep them away had been very worth it.
You flushed, he knew you were remembering that time.
“So baby, lay still. I don’t want to nick you.”
“Yes, daddy.”
Your legs were wrapped around his waist. It wasn’t the first time, he took you fully clothed while you were naked. There was something incredibly sexy about it. Your moans came from deep within you. He had rescued you tonight. You could still see how he stepped out of the darkness.
You arched against him. As your eyes met his fiery ones, you felt even closer to cumming. “I’m- I’m so close.” You managed to say.
“Cum for me baby, daddy wants to feel it as he rides you.”
“Yes.” You held him closer to you as he moved even deeper. A moan louder than the rest came from as you felt his tongue and lips on your throat.
Shuddering, you closed your eyes and you came hard against him.
“That’s my girl.” His voice was strained but the command was there. “Now look at me. I want to watch you feel me cum deep inside of you.
“Yes, yes.” You were barely able to say since he had made you breathless.
“Baby.” He murmured and your lips met. It was hungry, as his breaths were as ragged as yours when he came hard.
He rested his forehead against your bare shoulder, his body shaking while he remained deep within you. A sigh poured from his lips as he felt your fingers run through his short strands.
Not wanting a mess on his slacks, he rolled off of you and in a few moves he was tucked back into his slacks. From the corner of his eye, he could see you react to the suddenness of him removing himself from you. Oddly, it pulled on him. He really was beginning to feel more and more for you. Especially after how brave you were tonight. He came back over to you.
He actually felt you shift ever so slightly away. It immediately annoyed him. You didn’t understand. Inhaling, he grabbed you and pulled you close.
He looked down at you as you didn’t exactly meet his gaze.
“Baby, daddy can’t have cum on his slacks when he goes back downstairs.” He simply told you.
You finally looked his way, your mouth opened and closed but no words came.
He rolled over and hovered over you. He tapped your mouth. “Listen, it’s not done down there. I have to go back down and make him pay for what he did to you.”
“Not Alfredo?” Your mouth was smart. Sometimes, it irked him. Especially when he was struggling with what it was like being with you. He wasn’t used to having a consistent person to actually fucking care for.
He grabbed your chin. Your eyes grew this time, not looking away from him. “Fuck him. I didn’t like seeing Marino smack you around, causing this.”
His thumb grazed the small bruise that formed from Marino’s hand. You winced. You needed to be reminded. Perhaps it was cruel for him to do, but you needed to be reminded. He was about to go down there and make that man suffer for what he did.
“And when he grabbed you. No one does that to you.”
As your eyes softened, he dragged his hand away and let it lay on your chest. Your heart was racing under it.
“I’m sorry.” Your voice cracked. “It was just… So cold.”
“I told you, I can be a cold-hearted bastard. But I need to be that way to keep us safe and,” He smirked. “Gain more control over this fucking city.”
You kissed him then. At first he didn’t kiss back but then he did.
“Now I have to go downstairs and handle my little situation.”
You nodded. “I’ll see you soon.”
@spn-obsessed-dean @vintagemichelle91 @xxxeatyourh3artoutxxx @ewanfuckingmcgregor @zodiyack @angel98624 @frenchgirlinlondon @emyliabernstein @thepeachreads @itsknife2meetu @nebulastarr @omghappilyuniquebouquetlove @poe-kadot26 @babydoll97-blog1 @hazel-nuss @vcat55 @feelthemadnessinside @johallzy @foreverhockeytrash @frostypenguinoz @chogisss @xxinvisiblexx @shantellorraine @xxvisionsxx @blondekel77 @saphic-stories @drarrylov3r @i-cant-hear-you16 @deadlymistress24 @yesqueenofthelight @generallj @thebeckyjolene @mrskenobi19 @bdffkierenwalker @aviolentdaydream
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havin-a-wee · 4 years
can you make a frat boy harry x reader where the boys were at hazs stepdads house (yeah they are famous too) and youve been hazs gf for a while and you and harry went out to skinny dip around midnight while the boys were watching a movie and then like a um scene where the girl would get eaten and stuff please?? sorry if its a bit confusing lln
warnings: oral, female receiving 
word count: 1.4k
send me a request!
check out this new one shot i wrote, A Lifetime Of You
im so sorry this took so long! i changed it up slightly but i hope you like it!
also i would really really appreciate it if you checked out A Lifetime Of You (linked above) its my first one shot that isn’t a request!
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“There she is!” 
You were greeted by the sweet voice of your long-term boyfriend, Harry, and you bounded into the movie room, taking a seat beside him. The chairs were large and velvet, and it didn’t take much time to get comfy in your seat.
“So we can start the movie now?” Zayn peeked his head behind his chair, looking at you and Harry for approval. The two of you nodded simultaneously and he turned back to the large screen in front of him.
You always loved spending time at Harry’s stepdad’s house, mostly because he was absolutely loaded with money. The in-home theater you were situated in was only one of many amenities that his California mansion had to offer, and it was a nice change from the small off-campus flat you shared with your roommate. Harry, Niall, Liam, Louis, and Zayn all lived together in their frat house. It was great for Harry because he was living with his best mates, but both of you sort of wished you could live together. 
The familiar Disney intro played out on the screen and it slowly faded to the movie, which was Tangled tonight. 
The big chair was a lot comfier than you had remembered, and you found yourself dozing off within the first fifteen minutes of the movie. Harry adjusted himself to allow you to lean on him while you slept, his warm body providing a comfortable and safe feeling.
“Bubs? Y’awake?” 
You stirred slightly, your eyelids still heavy from the nap you had just been woken from. “Mhm” Your confirmation was muffled by the sweatshirt Harry was wearing that you had your face buried in. You let out a small whine of protest as Harry moved to stand up, towering over your curled-up body.
“Baby, the movies over, the boys already went t’bed.” You managed to lift your weary eyes at Harry’s words and gave him a meek smile. 
“Sorry I slept through it,” you whispered, just loud enough for Harry to hear.
“Nonsense, I love cuddlin’ with y’babe.” His reassurance gave you butterflies, your body fully awake now although your actions weren’t reflecting that. “M’actually thinkin’ we could go fo’ a swim, know how much y’love swimmin’ at night.” Your entire head perked up at his suggestion, especially because he was always too tired to go for late-night swims. 
You jumped up excitedly, causing Harry to step backward in shock. He chuckled at your quick change in mood and wrapped his arm around your waist, guiding you to the door. 
You ignored the tired aching of your muscles as Harry guided you to the pool. You turned to him in confusion, stopping his movement as well as yours. “Wait, we need swimsuits, Harry.” He just looked down at you and smirked, shaking his head before continuing to guide you outside. It took you a second to understand, but once you did a giddy feeling erupted in your tummy.
Soon enough the two of you were stripping naked beside the pool, leaving your clothes on a white lounge chair that sat by the pool. A loud splash made you whip your head around, only to see Harry’s face bobbing above the water at the deep end of the pool. You laughed as he smiled dopily at you, clearly very pleased with himself.
“Babe, c’mere, sit on the edge f’me.” He had swum to the edge of the pool, patting on the tile that bordered the edge of the water. 
You pouted slightly, wishing you could get in the water with him, but you obeyed nonetheless. You sat down on the smooth surface, the freezing tile causing goosebumps to cover your bum. Your knees were pulled up to your chest, and you peered over them to look at Harry in the pool in front of you.
His large hands grabbed your calves, the metal of his rings pressing into your skin. He moved your legs to hang over the edge and into the water, a small shiver wracking your body at the cold temperature. 
“Before y’swim w’me, will ye’ lemme get a taste of yeh? Been wantin’ this all day long.” His action finally made sense, and a wave of heat rolled through your body due to his dirty words. That heat was directed straight to your core, which was already quite wet from watching Harry undress earlier. 
“Yes, please Har,” you breathed out. He had this effect on you like no other man had ever had, and it was hitting you like a truck. 
His hands met your calves again, spreading your legs apart at an agonizingly slow pace. He was at a place in the water where he could stand perfectly well, and his head was at just the right level to put his mouth on you. He dipped his head in, starting by leaving small kisses on the sensitive flesh of the inside of your thighs. He sucked and bit over certain areas, ensuring that there would be a mark left there. “Love tasting yeh,” he spoke between each kiss he placed. “so much angel,” He breathed heavily before going back down, his kisses getting closer and closer to where you need him most. “Y’taste so sweet, y’know tha’?” 
“Harry, please,” your words were choppy and breathy, your lungs having trouble keeping air as pleasure rolled through you. 
“Please what love? Tell me what y’want bubs.”
“Want- I want your mouth..” Your words trailed off at the end because you were cut off by Harry’s harsh sucking on your clit. He had finally placed his mouth on your heat and you mewled at the feeling. Harry moaned in harmony with you, and you could feel the vibrations of his noises hitting your swollen button
“Fuck, just like that-” Your hand made its way to Harry’s chocolate brown curls, gripping down on them harshly. His hands rubbed on the outer portion of your thighs and you threw your head back in pleasure, placing your arms behind you to keep you from falling over.
His tongue moved from its place on your clit and dipped into you. He caressed your soft walls with his mouth, lapping up everything you had to offer. He lifted his head from you for a brief moment, sucking in a deep breath. “Y’always so good f’me, such a good girl.” His mouth found its place back on your core, his tongue dipping in and out of you as if he hadn’t eaten in a year.
His nose bumped your clit and you groaned loudly, prompting him to repeat the motion. Your legs were shaking around his head when he brought his attention back to your clit, sucking and nibbling on it softly. 
“H, I- I’m close, shit,” you whined, cursing when he applied a short burst of hard pressure onto your sensitive nub. You could tell your words encouraged him, his mouth working even faster than it had been. 
“Come for me Y/N, all over m’tongue.” It only took a few more seconds before you were sent tumbling over the edge, the knot in your stomach releasing and tingles ran through your body. Harry worked you down from your high, slowing his movement until coming to a complete stop. 
After a few minutes, his head was no longer between your thighs, and he rested his head on the tile next to you as both of you attempted to catch your breath. 
The tingling in your body had finally subsided enough that you could speak, so you turned to Harry and he did the same. “So that was your plan all along?” You smirked and pushed his shoulder playfully, eliciting a laugh from him.
“Well, it worked didn’t it?” You were the one to laugh this time, running your hands through his hair as he smiled up at you. You swiftly slipped yourself into the pool, giving your body a moment to adjust before turning to your boyfriend. He turned towards you as well, tucking some wet hair behind your ear to keep it out of your face. You leaned in for a kiss, but you were interrupted.
“You guys didn’t tell me you were going swimming!” Niall’s voice vibrated through your eardrums and your eyes widened in panic. Niall walked through the glass door and smiled at the two of you, unable to see anything but your faces. He turned his head and pointed towards the beach chair, his head tilting in confusion. “Hey, aren’t these the clothes.. oh.” His eyes opened wide and his cheeks flushed pink at the realization of what you were doing there. “I’ll just-” He pointed to the glass door behind him and ran in quickly, not allowing you or Harry to say anything. 
After you were sure that Niall was gone, you turned to each other at the exact same time and burst out in a fit of laughter. 
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claymotif · 2 years
spare wip essay pls??? i would LOVE to hear more about sasha + co and also relatedly what the tsh casts various perspectives on fate + free will are
YES oh my god thank u for asking <3 sorry it took me so long to answer again <3
first up the main trio's thoughts on fate/free will (more or less):
delwyn literally does not believe in fate. "he's the chosen one" yeah whatever. he understands in theory how prophets' magic and divination witchcraft works, but as far as he's concerned those magics show a very rough draft of the future which can be influenced and changed by any number of ppl and decisions a la the butterfly effect
for obvious reasons he starts to question this as the story progresses and they keep getting closer to the apocalypse despite their efforts to stop it. for him this presents as a lot of "maybe we're just making the wrong choices" (which. not a great feeling) but it eventually culminates in him accepting and embracing his foretold destiny
chan is a little more complex. he knows on an instinctual level that his visions are. like. the most probable set of events based on the choices that everyone's currently making/most likely to make. it's not necessarily set in stone, and chan's changed the outcome of his visions before, but he's never in his life had a vision about an event on such a large scale. usually his visions are like "you get an F on the next math exam" and he says oh shit and actually studies therefore changes the story and doesn't get an F. for an apocalypse-scale vision he's not even sure how that would work. how many ppl's choices would he have to change? how far in advance are the key choices made, if there are any at all? he's literally never done this before but he has to try!! he would never forgive himself if he had the ability to stop it and didn't
junhee is. to put it lightly. completely unhinged. he doesn't really believe in fate so much as he believes in magic. and, like, he can see magic. so magic is, according to him, sort of akin to a distant god. it's this all-powerful force that could completely sap humanity of its free will, but most of the time it doesn't care to. by and large, daily human lives go on unremarked and unimportant. but if the magic wants* something, all it has to do is pull, and humans are powerless to resist it.
( "want" is a very human feeling and magic as a force is very much not human, but we're approximating here )
tl;dr junhee believes in free will given to humanity by merit of an apathetic guardian. sort of. he doesn't really think magic is a guardian to humanity, because of, like, all the fucked up visions and stuff. but whatever.
this also leads to an interesting dynamic between the three of them b/c chan is digging in his heels, kicking and screaming and fighting the whole way down whereas junhee has accepted that all of this is inevitable. they fight a lot and delwyn is like "guys PLEASE i am trying not to cause an apocalypse over here"
on to sasha and co.:
except im actually starting w/kei first because i think that's simpler. kei is a divination witch, and as i mentioned before that means her magic is less precise than chan's. it's sort of the difference between chan seeing "a hurricane is coming" and kei seeing "a natural disaster is coming" or, worse, "something terrible is coming". a lot of the time it gets her the info she needs, but it's not an exact science. because of the imperfections of her system, she's never seen a prediction followed by an event that she couldn't rationalize as having been predicted, which means she is a firm believer in fate and has had several existential crises over the concept of free will. seriously don't mention it to her she'll start crying again
(aside from her weird obsession with divination magic in particular, kei is actually like a completely normal person. like she has friends and a social life and interests besides her magic and studies. it's weird)
sasha is a they/them from southern cali who is like insanely good at blood witchcraft. they spend like 50% of their time volunteering at hospitals and free health clinics and blood drives and such, but they can also put their magic to more sinister uses (including tracking rituals which they use multiple times to find delwyn's crew). sasha has Seen Some Shit, and that includes watching ppl make bad decisions that had some pretty dire consequences. thus they fully believe that delwyn will cause the apocalypse (although to start with kei's divinations aren't that precise) even if it's by accident, even if maybe he's the kind of person who would never normally cause an apocalypse. it's sort of like. good people make bad choices sometimes. that sort of philosophy.
hana is one of sasha's dearest friends; she doesn't actually have any magic of her own, which is part of the reason she ended up in socal despite originally hailing from georgia; when they realized she wasn't born a mage/seer, her parents tried to encourage her to study witchcraft in one form or another. she refused, cut all contact w/them the second she turned 18, and skipped town the moment she graduated and she got herself a nice degree in cs/ux design. she hasn't seen or heard from her family in 6 years lol
anyway she does not believe in fate (she hates the idea that some grand plan for the universe could be okay with individuals suffering so greatly for it) but she tags along anyway when sasha announces their plan to find the source of kei's divinations. the only reason she's okay with it at all is b/c sasha literally lies to her about their intentions lmao.
everything comes to a head when sasha reveals their plan to like actually kill delwyn around the same time that they. u know. find him. and hana learns that one of delwyn's "world-ending psycho friends" is her baby brother (chan), for whom she harbors incredibly complex eldest-daughter-trauma type feelings.
so the three of them are like. "sasha and co." they're the three who are in on the plan (insofar as sasha feels like letting on to them) and the ones traveling across the country for sasha.
so YES this has been "tsh cast's thoughts on fate" as well as a (relatively) quick and dirty intro to sasha and their friends!! thank u again for asking i love you <3
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thesunshinebunny · 4 years
Can you please do headcanons for what the twisted wonderland boys would do if their girlfriends ex showed up wanting her back?
Uh… .ALL OF THEM ???? Are you serious ?? Oh My God !!!! Ummmmmmmm, OK, I’LL DO MY BEST, but I think it’s about time I started putting character limits because this is going to be difficult.
IT WAS INSANEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE For obvious reasons I didn’t include Ortho, so I hope this is still to your liking
He tried to make the meeting as smooth and consistent as possible.
He is the dorm leader, he has to be the example of maturity and consistency in dealing with women.
He tried for more than half an hour to dispel the insults towards him and politely asked them to get out of Hearstlabyul, but when your ex started talking about you… oh boiiii
Our Queen is pisseeeeeeeeed.
Indispensably if your ex had magic or not, it’ll be OF WITH THEIR HEAD.
Had to ask not only to Trey and Cater but also the dynamic duo to escort them out.
Treat him with little sweetness and a cup of coffee, our redhead will thank you.
"I love you, and I will always be by your side as long as you want to have me with you"
The personified knight. Outside of joking, at no point did he get upset or ask them to leave in a rude manner.
He handled the situation calmly and when your ex finished speaking, that was when his face changed radically.
Yes, the knight in shining armor was quite a facade.
He gave your ex a gloomy look and in a low tone commented that they were not welcome at Heartslabyul, much less NRC and that they had to leave if they didn’t want to end up with a broken leg.
Both of you spent the night baking cakes and watching bad movies, even though what Trey really cared the most was spending the night with you, snuggled between his sheets.
"I may have reacted in a somewhat terrifying way, but believe me when I tell you that that look will never be directed at you"
Our dear orange haired man here didn't take it very well. It was one of the few moments in which his face or voice had not the hint of happiness and amusement that characterized him so much.
He may have used his unique magic to intimidate your ex… I mean, if a mildly angry Cater doesn't do any good, I guess five will work.
Indispensably whether it worked or not, you could always call in the dynamic duo to get your ex out of the way.
Spoiler alert: it wasn’t necessary the one neuron duo, with the five Caters it was more than enough.
Before they left the dorm, he took a selfie as not in a mockery mode and uploaded it to his social medias.
“Do you want to appear in the photo? So I can show the world how beautiful you are, how lucky I am to have you and how stupid your ex was to show up at school "
Another one who lost his temper, but just when the person in front of him said it was your ex.
Don't overthink it, he just made an angry face because he already knew what your ex was up to, and he didn't like it one bit.
Believe it or not, Ace didn't hold on to the punches with them. No, he simply told them that he had no intention of letting you go and immediately sent them flying with his magic.
For the last thing, he told them not to bother trying, turned around and went to where you were to give you a long, possessive kiss in front of your ex.
"I maaaay have been a bit possessive, but I don't want you to leave my side"
He threw a cauldron at their head ... jocking ... or not?
Nah, nah, I'm kidding, but he did come close to throwing his famous cauldron at them and leaving them squashed like a figurine.
Lowkey rogue mode activated.
It may have scared you a little, but it didn't have much of an effect.
Your ex didn't leave you alone until Deuce punched him across the face, screaming for them to leave you alone.
You have to get out of the crime scene before any teacher comes.
Ashamed of himself. Maybe the way of resolution he had was not the best, but it was effective and you were grateful for that.
You gave him a sweet kiss on the cheek and told him everything was fine, that he didn't have to worry about anything; he was your knight in shining armor.
“Sorry, anger washed over me again. I couldn't bear the idea of you being taken away from me "
Man, this one acted out of pure pride. A stranger grabbing his beloved herbivore? Ohhhh noooo, honey, you messed with the wrong lion and prince.
This is one of the few times he wouldn't send Ruggie in to fix it. No. He would stand tall and beat this motherfucker ass.
You'll have to stop him before he turns your ex to sand, and I'm not kidding this time.
The very thought of someone taking his girlfriend from him drove him wild.
With your ex out of reach, and scared for life, he will demand cuddles and a nap.
He won't admit it, but Leona was afraid for a moment of losing you. You are his, and no one else's.
“I will not let anyone take you from my arms. I will protect you no matter what”
Used Laught with me, no discussion.
And there was no discussion with your ex. He just saw them with you, heard snippets that they wanted you back, that they wanted a second chance, blah blah blah ... and that was it, unique magic in action.
You got disoriented for a moment when you saw your ex walking strangely towards the exit, but when you heard the famous giggle of your boyfriend you knew immediately what was happening.
Let's be honest, in all it was a pretty funny image.
Ruggie stayed by your side all afternoon in the Savanaclaw lounge room playing and splashing in the water.
"I may be a possessive and territorial hyena, but this hyena is at your complete mercy"
Nothing like a good roar to scare away any predator that intends to stick its nose into other's prey.
Just kidding, Jack would never consider you prey, you are his significant other and that means he must protect you from any danger.
Wolf mode activated to the surprise of your ex.
He growled until their figure could not be seen on the horizon… lowkey cute as fuck.
Give him cuddles in this form, he would really appreciate it… he really would love your hands caressing his soft fur.
Record a video of his tail wagging, just for science.
“I figured you were uncomfortable and couldn't think of anything else to get your ex off your back. Now come with me, I want to caress you correctly"
Believe me when I tell you that the appearance of your ex not only irritated Azul, but also brought him insecurities that he thought were already buried under the ground.
The fact that a stranger appeared at the doors of the Mostro Lounge with an air of melodrama was enough for our octopus to go out to meet them directly, thinking they was just another customer ... an annoying customer, to tell the truth.
But when they started yelling for your presence, demanding that you come back to them, oh ... Yeah, this so-called customer is now banned from entering.
He let Floyd and Jade take care of them.
Like Riddle, give him love and a few sweets, he needs it. He really needs affection.
He needs to hear your voice, to remind him that you are with him now. He wants to hear you say that he is the only person in your world right now and that you would not leave him for nothing.
“I'm a silly octopus who got tangled in your arms and not the other way around. Only you give me the comfort that I've been looking for so much "
Your ex must have some balls of steel to even be close to Jade and plan to face him to have you back ... this guy has a suicidal desire.
Jade's appearance was not only scary, but his way of talking and engaging in conversation with your ex was what made them run out of the Mostro Lounge.
But you were already more than used to his characterization as an intimidating person.
Bring him a basket full of multiple mushrooms from the botanical garden, he will appreciate it.
And maybe also a glass container to create a little mini environment for those mushrooms… both of you will have a nice time together, maybe the whole night putting it together.
"You are my favorite starfish and I cannot allow any sea thorn to monopolize your beauty"
Even having the same calm expression as Jade when he saw your ex, it didn't last long. The moment your name came out of their mouth, Floyd's face broke.
You remember in episode 3 when he asks Adeuce braincell to shut up, well… that same expression.
By this time, Floyd was no longer as calm as his brother; in fact, he went directly to squeeze them.
If you paid close attention you could hear how the ribs were cracking little by little. Good thing you were there to stop Floyd.
Your ex stalked to the exit as they was nearly squeezed alive and Floyd gave you a grin from ear to ear as if he had done nothing wrong.
"I protect what is mine, no one has the right to take my shrimpy from my side"
At first this ray of sunshine didn't even know what was happening, he thought they were just looking for you to chat, to keep up.
But when he heard this strange person exclaim that they wanted you back… he was still just as lost, but not in an innocent way.
He went to where you were to give you a big hug in front of your ex. He may have looked cute and adorable, but unconsciously Kalim was marking his territory.
Kindly asked your ex to leave the dorm and not make any more advances, they were making you uncomfortable, and if you were uncomfortable he was uncomfortable.
He gave you butterfly kisses when the situation calmed down. Give him kisses back, he needs them.
“You love me, right? Because I love you very much, and my love cannot be compared with anything in the world, and yours cannot be bought even with all the jewels I have in the treasure chamber "
This is simple. Jamil only asked your ex once to leave the dorm.
Not understanding reasons the first time, he simply used his unique magic causing them to go "on their own".
Problem solved. NOW, that doesn't mean Jamil was in a good mood.
Not at all. Anger can be seen rising from his ears like smoke, but his face expresses calm.
Help him in the kitchen, he may not say anything, but internally he will thank you.
Cuddling in the middle of the night, curled up in his bed? HELL YEAH.
"You are the most precious diamond I have in my life, I am not going to let you go so easily"
How dare this pathetic person to proclaim you back in front of his own nose?
Putting aside how impressed he was by such a daring act, Vil was once again furious.
Vil isn’t a person who defends his opponent in a violent way like Leona or Floyd, but he could attack the self-esteem and brain.
Even though… if the obscene words towards you kept bubbling out of their disgusting mouth, he would have to give him a poison apple.
It almost happened, thank goodness you were there to lower the fumes.
Vil was irritable all day and not even a beauty treatment could calm him… shit this was bad.
Give him a couple of hours to calm down and try talking to him during the night and if he doesn't want to, you can always do the routine for his face before going to sleep.
“I'll be honest, I liked your ex's audacity, but it didn't displease to see how mistreated they was and if I can correctly assume, the mistreatment they caused you. You are here with me and I am here with you, neither is going to be detach from the other "
When Rook saw how your ex was trying to convince you to come back… let's just say he didn't take it very well.
But his face said otherwise. He had the same grinning and somewhat creppy expression as ever, so it was difficult to determine in that tense moment whether he was really angry or not.
I think the arrow that passed between the two of you, best expressed between your two faces, made it pretty clear that Rook wasn't going to sit idly by.
A bit violent and shocking, but effective. Your ex shitted their pants and stormed out of the place, without even looking back.
"I'm sorry for the bad moment I put you on, but nobody touches my prey"
It may be that his action was with tenderness of support, but that doesn’t remove the shock from your face.
You slept with one eye open that night.
Let's say the conversation got off to a good start, until your ex had the brilliant idea of mistaking Epel for a girl.
Oh yeah, the truck driver's voice came out to our farmer.
Be prepared to hold him and prevent him from giving your ex a tremendous punch in the face. Even in that situation your damn ex had the decency to keep asking you to go back to them.
It even occurred to them to denigrate Epel for how short and his supposedly sweet voice was... now you can let him go.
With your ex out of your sight and a reprimanding of Vil towards Epel's ugly acting, you guys spent the night in your bedroom.
Simple caresses and a few small butterfly kisses to calm the atmosphere.
“Sorry, I lost control and gave you a hard time. Don't be mad at me, I don't even want to think about the possibility of losing you "
Oh… .emmm, embarrassed baby became even more embarrassed at having to come face to face with a complete stranger.
Talking to you is one thing, but talking about yourself with your supposed ex is another thing entirely; he even finds it difficult to talk about you with his own brother, so imagine the traumatic moment Idia had to go through.
In a stuttering manner, he asked them to please get away of hs face… and from school. If the shame towards his person was not enough to get your ex out of there, no problem ...
From somewhere he'd get a little machine that would run your ex's fucking ass outside the doors of NRC.
The machine would have a small camera embedded so you could see from its monitors how your ex ran like a baby with their butt burned thanks to Idia's invention.
He may have uploaded the file to the internet… who knows.
After this terrible and agonizing day, Idia doesn’t plan to leave his room until the end of the year.
Stay with him as long as necessary, hours, days, afternoons, nights, early mornings, whatever it is, just ... stay hugged him at all times.
“For a moment I thought you were going to leave with your ex. You know, Ortho loves you very much, and you leaving would make him very sad ... and me too"
They have to have balls to go straight to Malleus and tell at his face that they wants you back.
10 for the audacity, -1000 for their physical health.
 Malleus, like Vil, doesn’t need to destroy or attack your ex, just standing there and acting intimidating is enough.
If your ex still wants to hang around you after seeing that scene, then Malleus is going to have to put his horns on it.
Nothing like a spark of fingers to make him disappear from your side and send him flying out of school.
They are fine, at least that’s what Malleus said.
“Even being amazed at the audacity of that little creature, they should learn that the word no means no. You, little human, you are mine"
Big bear mama Lilia took the situation with great grace. If only your ex knew that the were talking to a fairy over five hundred years old I throw a number they would freeze.
He endured the boring and monotonous talk with your ex with a sarcastic smile and when they finished speaking he wished them a good way back. He then sent them flying towards the exit of Diasomnia.
With their butt out, Lilia slammed the door in their face. You watched the scene from the top of the dorm lounge stairs.
At no time did our little fairy have a hair out of place. And with that same tranquility he disappeared from the door and magically appeared next to you with his characteristic smile and face down.
He gave you sweet kisses before he went out to babysit some freshmen who were about to set the kitchen on fire… as if Lilia hadn't done it before.
“Don't listen to them, they are part of your past. The best thing is to leave it behind, because now you have a present with me "
It happened in one of the few times when Silver was wide awake and with no intention of going to sleep in whatever corner he came across first.
Still, he literally didn't understand anything, he just wanted to spend time with you and that time was ruined.
Silver did nothing, just grabbed your hand and led you into the hall of mirrors, disappearing into Diasomnia's one.
Before going through the mirror, you turned your gaze over your shoulder, seeing how your ex was following both of you and with a handshake which happened to be raised the middle finger you disappeared into the mirror.
In the warm cold of the bedroom, you spent a long time in the arms of your loved one.
"There is no need to look into the past, I like living the present with you"
Don't hate me for what I'm going to say… but your ex didn't even have a chance to say hello, Sebek was already on his shoulders asking them to leave if he didn't want them to face a duel.
Just kidding, not a duel… but it would give him their lesson if they didn't immediately leave the dorm.
No one without the consent of his young master Malleus could enter the residence. And speaking of Malleus… he spent about half an hour talking about his master and how he would be able to turn them to ash if they approached Diasomnia again.
And by the way to you too.
"Incredible how a person thinks they had the right to appear like this out of nowhere, how could you be with a person like that?"
Oddly enough, the day passed like nothing, even at bedtime Sebek acted as if your ex had never shown up.
But… during the early morning, a heaviness on your stomach woke you up from your dreams. Sebek was huddled behind you, his head buried in your hair, his arms across your belly.
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lesbianlotties · 3 years
Sam Fraser Has a Good Day
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Fear Street Trilogy (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Samantha "Sam" Fraser/Deena Johnson Characters: Samantha "Sam" Fraser (Fear Street), Deena Johnson Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Not Canon Compliant, Everyone Is Alive, Nightmares, Breakfast, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Napping, Dancing, Late Night Conversations, Making Out, Kissing, Fluff without Plot, Domestic Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Fluff, literally what the title says Words: 2401
In the span of a couple of days, Sam Fraser was: in a car crash, chased by several undead killers, used as bait, almost overdosed, drowned, possessed, tied up in the trunk of a car, hit in the head several times... and somehow she survived.
She deserves a good day. She deserves to: stay in her girlfriend's house and steal her sweaters, sleep until noon, have a good breakfast, eat jello in peace, get clean bandages, play video games, eat ice cream, take a nap, dance to her favorite songs, go on a late-night drive for cheeseburgers, and cuddle and kiss her girlfriend the entire day.
Sam wakes up startled, as usual. She is gasping for air and sitting up hastily. Was she having a nightmare? Is she stepping into a nightmare now? Because she can tell she’s wearing one of Deena’s t-shirts. But what if her mom sees her? Is she going to catch her? Should she start running from something, or keep herself from running toward something?��
That soft voice is the one that breaks the spell.
“Deena,” Sam sighs. 
“Hey, it’s okay, you’re okay,” Deena whispers, tentatively wrapping her arms around her girlfriend. Instantly, she feels Sam relax in her embrace.
“Sorry,” Sam mumbles, tucking her face on the crook of Deena’s neck. “Just a nightmare.”
“I got you,” Deena says softly. She places a kiss on Sam’s forehead and carefully guides them to lay down again. “It’s early. Why don’t you go back to sleep?” Deena asks, realizing right after that Sam fell asleep before answering at all.
A couple of hours later, Sam wakes up again. This time there are no nightmares, no screams of terror caught in her throat, no reaching out blindly for air or a weapon. She wakes up slowly, clutching the heavy blanket that covers her body, yawning without restrain, and eventually opening her eyes slowly. The first thing she does is look for her girlfriend, and she finds her sitting at the foot of the bed, sketching on a notebook with an endearing frown of concentration on her face.
“Good morning,” Sam says through a new yawn.
“Well,” Deena smirks fondly at her, “it is closer to noon now, but good morning to you too, baby.”
“What? Noon?” Sam frowns and attempts to rub the sleep off her eyes. “Since when do I sleep longer than you?” Sam asks, and puts on a pout on her lips for her next question, “And why are you so far away?”
Deena chuckles affectionately at her and puts away her pencil and notebook. She crawls back to her girlfriend and playfully flops down beside her. “Hey,” Deena greets her with her signature raspy tone. She receives a dreamy “hi” and a soft peck on the lips in response. Afterward, she explains, “To answer your question, I just thought you deserved a day to sleep in.” When Sam gives her a look of pleased surprise, Deena adds, “In fact, I think you’ve earned a full day, just for you, to rest and enjoy.”
“Deena, you don’t have to do that,” Sam attempts to protest, right before her girlfriend interrupts her with a kiss that turns into two, and three, and four, and soon enough they simply lose count.
Deena’s plans encounter an obstacle as soon as they manage to leave the comfort of her room to go make breakfast. Sam was fresh out of the shower, wearing one of Deena’s t-shirts this time. Deena barely gets to open the fridge before Sam tries to intervene with a soft-spoken, “Let me.” It’s safe to say that Deena puts up quite a fight, though.
“I just wanted to take care of you for one day, okay?” She insists. “You fucking deserve it.”
“That’s sweet,” Sam replies, feeling absolutely endeared. She leans in and places a kiss on Deena’s forehead, and Deena tries and fails to keep up her frown. “Listen, I appreciate it, and I love you for it, okay?” Sam says, giving Deena’s lips a small kiss. “But consider this. One, you already took care of me at my worst. Two, a perfect day, for me, means that you get to enjoy it too, and I get to take care of you too, got it? And three… do you really want to burn my breakfast on my special day?”
Sam attempted to quickly kiss Deena’s cheek and run away, but the brunette was quick enough to reach out and take her in her arms, ticking her in revenge for the not-unfounded critique of her culinary skills.
After their meal, the two girls make their way to the living room’s couch, where they are free to cuddle and exchange lazy kisses for as long as they could possibly want. Eventually, though, Deena finds the strength to pull away long enough to have an actual conversation.
“So, while you were sleeping, Kate and Simon stopped by,” Deena says. “Everyone feels kind of bad about you, you know, getting possessed and shit.” Deena pauses with a grimace, not proud of her choice of words, but Sam quickly kisses her cheek to urge her to go on. Deena begrudgingly stands up from the couch, to look for a certain bag, and explains, “Josh, oh so generously, gave us the gift of privacy and he is staying the fuck away from home for the day. He’s sleeping at Simon’s house. Also, he says you can play his video games, if you want. And… Kate and Simon brought all this.”
Deena drops a bag from the Grab N’ Bag on the couch and Sam eagerly looks through its contents. She gasps, “Finally!” And pulls out one of many packets of jello. 
Deena’s love-sick laugh spills right out of her lips. “You’re adorable,” Deena says before kissing the top of Sam’s head and climbing back to the couch beside her. “There’s also popcorn, chips, ice cream is in the fridge, a couple of your favorite movies that I think were yours in the first place and they’re just returning, and a happy birthday card because they don’t exactly make cards for the shit we’ve lived,” Deena explains, content to watch her girlfriend smile and nod happily while enjoying her jello. Then she clears her throat and not so contentedly adds, “We also have a bunch of uh, fresh bandages and stuff.”
The two girls exchange a look and understand exactly what this means.
“This is not what I had in mind when I planned to give you a perfect day,” Deena says. She is sitting on the bathroom counter without a shirt on while Sam gives the final touches to the fresh bandage on Deena’s stomach. At the beginning, her hands were shaking with guilt, and fear, but she quickly got them under control and lovingly worked on the healing wound that a different version of herself caused.
“I told you,” Sam insists without looking away from her work. “I also want to take care of you, you know?” She is standing there without her shirt on, with an equally fresh bandage on her back.
When Sam iss done, Deena gently grabs her hands and moves them up to her lips to kiss them sweetly. “Thank you,” she whispers.
Sam turns breathless at the gesture. She feels butterflies in her stomach and decides to tell Deena how much she’s enjoying her day. Speechless as she is though, Sam only thinks to lean forward and connect their lips, determined to kiss her girlfriend until they lose track of time.
Some time later, Sam finds herself comfortably seated on her girlfriend’s lap, wearing her sweater again, and biting her lip in great concentration as she tries to succeed at one of Josh’s video games.
“You nerd, I can’t believe you’re into this,” Deena chuckles fondly behind her.
“Hush, I almost got it,” Sam mumbled.
As much as Deena wants Sam to win whatever game that is, she thinks it would be a crime to hold herself back in a position as convenient as this one. So she moves Sam’s blonde hair out of the way and starts placing feather-light kisses on her neck. At first, Sam tries to ignore her. Then, she squirms just a little. After a very effective bite from Deena, a small whimper escapes from Sam’s lips.
“Tell me,” Deena starts saying with a seductive whisper. “Do the other cheerleaders know you’re secretly a dork?”
That finally gets Sam to stop the game and turn around with a gasp. “Deena!” she protests, although she’s laughing. And she crashes her lips together. She would hate to let Deena win so easily, but she feels much more like a winner in this situation.
Sometime in the afternoon, Sam wakes up on the couch with her head on Deena’s chest. She’s so perfectly comfortable and warm and safe, that she starts to feel suspicious. She didn’t even have a bad dream at all. She starts to fearfully consider this might be nothing but a dream about to turn into a nightmare, but then she moves her head up to look at her girlfriend and her worries vanish all at once. Deena is still asleep, she’s frowning a little and her lips are slightly parted as she adorably mumbles in her sleep. The feeling of love and adoration in Sam’s chest is so strong and so real that she doesn’t have any doubt this has to be her reality. 
After all the pain, the fear, and the danger of it all, this is real, and they earned it. It’s not even just about those days of extreme violence when they ended the curse, it’s even bigger than that. It’s a moment of well-earned peace and happiness that’s been more than three hundred years in the making. They have been fighting for this moment their entire lives, and they were so close to losing hope forever, but they made it. Deena was right, they fucking deserve it.
So, Sam makes a couple of decisions. First, she decides it’s best if they go one day without watching a horror movie. As much as she loves them, they have had enough horror for a while. And two, she decides that continuing her nap is the perfect way to honor Deena’s wish of giving her a perfect day. She gets comfortable again on top of her girlfriend and drifts back to sleep.
Not too long later, Sam and Deena are in the middle of a tube of ice cream and halfway through watching Grease. Well, Deena is watching the movie. Sam is a little more focused on the extremely amusing sight of Deena trying to avoid smiling at the movie.
“Oh my God, you love it,” Sam keeps giggling whenever Deena slips up and grins at the movie on the television screen.
“No, I fucking don’t,” Deena rolls her eyes, makes no move to quit the movie, and adds through gritted teeth, “I just acknowledge that it’s a classic.”
Her words only make Sam smile even brighter as she continues to take spoonfuls of ice cream and marvel at the sight of her girlfriend.
A perfect day, of course, wouldn’t be complete without listening to the mixtape Deena made for Sam, and dancing in the middle of her bedroom without a care in the world.
Sam is the one that starts dancing, swinging her arms around, not very gracefully. And Deena shakes her head at her with extreme fondness. “You are a weirdo, Sam Fraser,” she says, making her girlfriend laugh, completely unaffected by the comment.
“Dance with me,” Sam replies with a carefree grin on her face. She steps forward and pulls on Deena’s arms until she convinces her to dance with her.
As usual, Deena tries to put up a fight that she loses as soon as she stares into precious blue eyes. There’s not a thing she wouldn’t do for Sam. They already had to do the most extreme things for each other. How could she refuse her girlfriend a dance?
It’s a perfect evening to a perfect day. The two of them dance to their favorite songs, laugh wholeheartedly, kiss without holding back, jump and spin and fall in each other's arms again and again, as if falling in love all over with every new song.
As comfortable as it would be to stay home for the last few hours of the day, the perfect dinner to complete the day means getting cheeseburgers. Not even Deena complains about the idea. After all, she always loved driving around town with Sam in the passenger seat, humming along to the songs on her mixtape, her blonde hair glowing under the streetlights they passed, completely comfortable silence between them, without a destination in mind. 
They park the car at a familiar spot. They eat their cheeseburgers, playfully feed fries to each other, and have a perfectly good time. Conversation flows easily between them, reminiscing of old memories or sharing dreams of a bright future that starts to feel more possible than ever before.
When Sam starts yawning, Deena is quick to point out, “You’re sleepy.”
“Am not,” Sam scoffs in that very particular way that tells Deena her girlfriend is blatantly lying.
“Don’t fall asleep on me, Fraser. How rude,” Deena teases her.
Sam giggles happily in response. She can’t deny she’s looking forward to returning home to Deena’s bed, but she genuinely loves to put up a fight against her girlfriend, no matter how often she ends up losing. 
“I’m very awake,” Sam insists, a knowing look on her face because she can easily predict Deena’s answer.
“Prove it,” Deena says.
Even before she’s done saying the words, Sam is leaning in to kiss her. They kiss, again and again, until Sam whispers against Deena’s lips, “Take me home.”
It’s well past midnight when Sam and Deena finally agree that even perfect days must come to an end. They lie in Deena’s bed, facing each other, legs tangled together, often exchanging kisses or sweet words that only exist in that vulnerable space between them.
“Thank you,” Sam whispers. She pushes a stray brown curl behind Deena’s ear, then her hand rests for a moment there on Deena’s cheek, her thumb lovingly caressing her skin.
“I told you,” Deena replies in an equally hushed tone even though they have the entire house for themselves. “You deserve it,” she adds, then she turns her head just enough to place a small kiss to the inside of Sam’s wrist, making the blonde smile timidly.
“I’m not talking about today,” Sam says. She considers explaining that she means she’s saying thank you for absolutely every moment they spent together since they met, but…
“I know,” Deena says. Her smile widens and she adds, “Just so you know, I also enjoyed today, a lot. So thank you too.”
Sam replies with a sweet kiss to Deena’s lips. Then the two of them cuddle closer and slowly, peacefully, happily drift off to a good and restful night of sleep.
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snake-habitat1 · 4 years
s3x pollen (fem reader)
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Summary: You and Peter were tasked with organizing powders from another planet. Something went wrong though :o!
Warnings: swearing, fingering, sex, angst
Word count: 1,874
Tony Stark charged you and Peter Parker with a “dangerous” task. You weren’t too sure what was so dangerous about organizing, but there you were on a Saturday, arranging color-filled test tubes with Spider-Man. 
    “Be extremely careful when handling these test tubes. They’re a sort of gas from planet Nimbus and if you happen to break one, you will feel like you’re dying.” Stark said to you and Peter earlier that day.
    Peter raised his hand, “Okay, but will we die?” 
    Tony rolled his eyes, “Technically no, you won’t die, but you don’t want to feel what this stuff is capable of.”
    You glanced over at Peter who gave Tony a skeptical look.
    “Look, just believe me. If one of you knuckleheads break something, press this red button,” Tony pointed to a red button near the door, “That button will seal this room shut, preventing the rest of the gas from leaking into the building.”
    It all seemed sort of sketchy, but who were you to say no to the man who gave you a job? You nodded at Tony’s words and prepared yourself for several hours of labor.
    Two hours later, you and Peter have only gotten through less than half of the test tubes. The tubes contained powders of all colors. Yellow, blue, green, red, and purple. You particularly liked inspecting the test tubes with the purple powder. 
    “This is so boring!” Peter groaned.
    You smiled, “I agree, but maybe this will go by faster if we play some music?” 
    Peter nodded, “Alright, but you have to DJ.”
    “Hey FRIDAY, connect to (y/n)’s phone.” You commanded.
    “Connected.” The AI voice stated.
    You clicked on a playlist entitled “Vibes” and placed your phone back into your back pocket. Peter began to sway his hips to the beat and you couldn’t help but giggle.
    “Is something funny, (y/n)?” Peter asked.
    You chuckled, “Nope, nothing at all. You’re a great dancer.”
    “I know,” Peter stated with a wink.
    You rolled your eyes. Peter picked up a test tube and continued to dance. You joined in and soon enough you two were having a dance party. The more you both danced, the closer together you became. Suddenly, Peter did a small spin but bumped into you, causing him to drop a test tube filled with the purple powder.
    “Shit!” You both exclaimed at the same time.
    You ran over to the door and slammed down on the red button. The windows and glass doors were soon shielded in a thick protection of vibranium. 
    Peter looked at you with a concerned expression.
    “(y/n), I am so sorry!” Peter said.
    “No, don’t apologize. It’s just as much my fault as it is yours.” 
    You both stood in silence as the powder began to rise into a gas. You tried to hold your breath, but soon enough you inhaled deeply, coughing and choking on the pastel gas. Peter also began to cough. He wheezed and wiped his eyes as they started to water. 
    “Do you feel anything yet?” Peter asked you.
    You shook your head, “What about you?”     “Nope, nothing.”
    Maybe Tony had been wrong about the gases. Perhaps not all of them had the same effect. But before long, you started to feel an ache coming from between your legs. You tried to ignore it but the more you resisted, the more powerful it became. Your core was longing to be touched. A wetness began to grow as your nipples were now erect. 
    “(y/n)?” Peter said.
    You looked at him and noticed a bulge growing in his tight jeans. Your eyes widened when you looked up at Parker and saw how red his cheeks were. 
    “Yeah?” You responded.
    “I-I think I know what that was.” Peter stuttered.
    A cramp coursed through your stomach causing you to hunch over a bit.
    “Fuck,” You moaned slightly.
    “I think we just inhaled a suh-s-sex pollen.” Peter tried to adjust his growing member.
    “A what?!” Your heart was racing. You crossed your legs, trying to relieve some of the tension  that was growing in your core.
    “A sex pollen. It h-helps...shit…the people of Nimbus reproduce. They don’t have hormones like we do so they use this gas in order to get stimulated.” Peter responded.
    You were used to Peter being a nerd, but something about his nerdy ways made you extremely horny in that very moment. A wave of pleasure caused you to collapse. Peter ran over to you to make sure you were alright. The feeling of his strong hand grabbing your upper arm made another shock wave to course through your body. 
    “I-I’m fine.” You managed.
    Peter decided it was best to back off of you. He’s always had a thing for you and this pollen was not helping. He just didn’t want to say or do anything he’d regret. He especially didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. Peter moved to the other side of the room and sat on the ground near the now sealed window.
    Little did Parker know, you also had a thing for him. You have for two years now. You were always sure he liked MJ, and you were still convinced of that, but who knows what’ll happen with this gas in the air.
    “How long does this last?” You asked Peter from the other side of the room.
    “I’m not entirely sure.” 
    You sighed but was startled when your phone began to ring. You answered, “Hello?”
    “Which test tube did you guys drop?” Tony asked.
    You furrowed your brows, “How did you know we dropped one?” You said.
    “I didn’t, but I do now.” Tony replied.
    “The purple one.” You said with a sigh.
    There was a pause followed by laughter, “Bruce! Bruce! You owe me twenty! I told you it would be the sex pollen!”
    You rolled your eyes, “Haha, very funny. How long does this feeling last?” 
    “Anywhere from a few hours to a few days.” Tony chuckled.
    Your heart dropped, “A few days?!” 
    “That all just depends on you two.” 
    With that, Tony hung up the phone and you were left to wonder what that could’ve meant. You looked down and realized you were involuntarily rubbing your heat through your jeans. Peter eyed you from across the room but didn’t say anything.”
“I have an idea but it’s well…” You began, but Peter cut you off.
“What is it? I’ll do anything to stop this!”
You bit your lower lip, “Masturbation?”
Peter became silent. You instantly regretted your words.
“That could work.” Peter finally said.
You grew wetter just thinking about Peter pleasing himself. Turning away from you, Peter unbuckled his pants. You did the same. Though you couldn’t see, you could imagine what was happening with the small sounds Peter were providing. 
“Fuck, (y/n)...” Peter moaned. 
Your eyes shot open when you heard your name. Is he thinking about you? While…  
“Peter?” You asked.
“Yuh-yes?” Peter said.
“Are you thinking about me?”
Peter let out a low sigh, “Yes.”
You turned around and began to crawl towards him. When you finally reached Peter, your breath was hitting his neck, causing goosebumps to rise on his warm skin. 
Peter gulped loudly, “wha-what are you doing?” 
You placed a soft kiss upon his neck. You were so hungry for the man in front of you, you were practically bursting out of your underwear. 
“I like you, Parker.” You finally confessed.
Peter slowly turned his head until his eyes met yours, “Really? Because I like you too.” 
His voice was so raspy and delicious, you wanted to taste every inch of him. Without warning, Peter’s lips crashed down on yours and you began to passionately kiss. Soon, you were on Peter’s lap, kissing him and grinding on his growing member. 
“Fuck, (y/n), I want you so badly.” Peter moaned against your lips.
The sound of his voice caused another cramp to form in your stomach. You pulled back and pulled your shirt off. Peter followed after you. You admired his perfectly sculpted chest and abs. He was beautiful. 
 “I need you inside me, Peter.” You whimpered.
Peter flipped you both over so he was now on top. He helped you shimmy out of your fitted jeans, your underwear being pulled down with them. Peter reached down and began to rub in small circles on your aching clit. Your breath hitched in your throat. Every nerve ending in your body was on fire and was begging for Peter’s touch. 
“Fuck, princess. You’re already so wet for me.” Peter mumbled. 
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head. Just his voice alone gave you butterflies. Peter slipped a finger inside of you and began to pump slowly.
“M-more!” You nearly shouted.
With a smirk, Parker slipped two more fingers inside. He moved quickly causing your back to arch. 
“My princess gonna cum for me?” Peter growled. 
That sent you overboard. A familiar but powerful feeling rushed over you, starting in the pit of your belly. As you climaxed, Peter moved and licked up your wet folds. You were over stimulated and at bliss, at least for a moment. When you finally came down from your high you realized how horny you still were.
“Lay down.” You demanded, pushing Peter by his chest. 
With him now laying on the cool ground, you straddled Peter, rubbing your heat on his jeans. 
“Take them off.” You said. Peter listened and now had his bare ass on the ground, his slick, hard cock resting against his belly. He was bigger than you expected, which only made you more aroused. 
You climbed back on top of Peter and grabbed his dick, making him hiss under his breath. You pumped his cock a few times before slowly sliding it into your wet pussy.
“Fuck me, princess! You’re so tight.” Peter groaned.
You moaned as you bounced up and down on Peter’s throbbing cock, your hands on his chest to stabilize yourself. You rocked your hips back and forth with Peter’s hands on your hips to guide you.
“Keep riding me like that and I’m gonna cum for you, baby girl.” Peter moaned.
“Cum for me, Peter.” You breathed out.
Peter lifted himself from the ground using his thighs so he could hammer into your tight cunt. The faster he went, the closer to your second high you got. 
“I’m coming, princess!” Peter moaned. 
With a few more hard thrusts, Peter finished inside of you. You slipped off of him, his cum dripping from your core. Laying down next to him, Peter wrapped an arm around you. You both were naked and panting.
“Do you still feel like you’re going to die?” You finally asked.
Peter giggled, “Not so much anymore. You?” 
You shook your head. In pure bliss, you realized your phone was ringing. 
“Hello?” You asked once you picked up.
“Yeah, just wanted to let you know whenever this uh, passes, the code to disarm the shields is 2001.” Tony stated.
“Sounds good!” You smiled.
“Wanna get out of here?” Peter asked.
“Yes, but we should probably get dressed.” You laughed. 
After getting dressed, you and Peter headed out, leaving that sweaty room. You knew things had changed for the better.
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dreamiesdotcom · 4 years
butterfly effect│nct dream
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Summary: You think of it as something caused by the butterfly effect — the great loves you had to leave, and the one that made you stay.
Pairing/s: 7dream x Reader
Word Count: 12k
Moon's note: since it's my birthday and I promised... it's not the best but I'd like to thank you guys for staying with me and wishing me a happy birthday! I hope you all have an awesome 2021!
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You weren't really thinking straight when you met him — instead, your mind was a mess of one thought and sidelines; the little things. Butterfly effect. The knowledge that ten minutes from now the train will board — you'll miss your ride to school, you'll miss school — so you run faster, faster, and there it goes. The butterfly effect — knowing that what little thing you did could've changed someone's life entirely.
If you have made it ten minutes earlier, maybe you'd be sitting in the spot where a child buzzes with excitement, knowing that she'll see her father sometime soon, and in exchange, she will be in another place — maybe she won't meet the girl sitting across who offers her one of her candies. Maybe she won't be riding the train at all — maybe she would have to wait six months again before she can go see her dad.
You sulkily take the path to one of the exits, thinking about catching the bus or something. The skies are dark and you're aware of its plan, also aware that you left your umbrella. Frustrated and too annoyed to even think about school, you crash to the empty bench, bags left to drop to the floor. Tough luck. 
The boy chuckles, "Missed the train too?"
"Yeah," you grumble, not even bothering that he's a total stranger. "Was caught in a daydream and got lost on the way. You?"
"Eh, my idiot of a best friend made me wait," he shrugs. He brings his book down and offers you a handshake, "I'm Huang Renjun — I see we study at the same place. May I know your name?"
You don't speak after a minute or two, but you shake his hand, to which he laughs at. You think it was you being overwhelmed. Maybe your soul just knew how much impact he was meant to throw at your life.
Huang Renjun doesn't become a one-time encounter, but instead, he becomes someone you take train rides with; be it you're late or not, to school or to the library. He stays constant occurrence, so much that Huang Renjun turns into Renjun, then Renjunnie — until you're free to call each other names like 'dumbass' and 'stupid' and everything crumbles down; formalities, facades, walls. You don't feel it then, but if you were to look back, you think it's that one dark-skied Monday with you two terribly late and finding yourselves back in the same bench, when everything the world laid down for you has shifted.
Renjun pout his lips, bored. He tears his bag from himself and lets it stay under the shed, but he stretches his hands out to the sky where his eyes are set, watching water fall in tiny drizzles before a full-blown rain, "Perhaps, dance under the rain with me?"
"When we should be at school?" you huff, more amused than questioning but it comes out as a scolding. He only nods his head, and you furrow your brows, "Renjun, you're crazy."
He doesn't reply, only answers with a deadpan gaze that asks Are you going or not? and it makes you tighten your expression further. 
"Hold me."
The boy grins in triumph — he cheekily smiles, immediately pulling you under the rain and laughs like a tiny kid. It's contagious, you figure out, his laughter; if not for his hand on your waist and the other entwined with yours, you would've fallen over laughing with him. It was less of a dance and more of a cuddle, swaying to the sound of the rain and his sweet hums. Renjun whispers to you the melody of a love song, and you couldn't help but ponder.
"I always wanted to do this, you know?" you feel silly even confessing, "To dance under the rain with someone, look into each other's eyes, exist as if the world doesn't and maybe give them a kiss. I wonder how that'd feel."
Renjun's serenity read ideas — those that never failed to get you two in trouble. He tilts his head, "Kiss me, then."
You feel like the world stops, and your heartbeat slows, as if the raindrops are little speckles of star-like lights littering the surroundings. Your eyes widen at his suggestion, shock ripping through your body, a confused sound escaping your throat, "What?"
"I guess you don't always need to have feelings for the person you're kissing," Renjun purses his lips. Of all people, you laugh in your head, those words you expected to come out of this one's mouth the least. He huffs, "And I don't have feelings for you."
There's just enough hesitation — uncertainty, unpredictability, skepticism — in his eyes that you find he can't be trusted as much as he normally would be. Renjun drops a half-smile, eyes unreadable, "But I sure do know I want to kiss you. A lot. Right now." 
Renjun smiles in victory the second time that day.
═ ∘❁∘ ═
You come across Donghyuck in the most inconvenient way possible; a few months after you started dating Renjun and there's a little too many mishaps with making schedules meet. He strides to your chair one sunny Friday, clothes too colorful for the shades of beige decorating the place. Donghyuck didn't know how to approach you; he just kind of winged it by showing you Renjun's texts that he asked him to pick you up because something came up and he can't make it anymore. You didn't really like that — the fact that he didn't even speak, the fact that Renjun stood you up. You thought Donghyuck was arrogant. The car ride home was silent.
He was far from that, you learn the one too many times the same scenario occurred. Renjun was too busy to even show up, more often in the library than in his own place. Donghyuck, being his best friend, never failed to be there for you, keep your relationship intact, make excuses for the other. He'll pick you up from where you were supposed to meet your boyfriend, grab food and spend the whole day playing video games that only he understands, and then half of the time he'll compliment you with little playful remarks. That day was supposed to be nothing so different from the others — it's just that it didn't take much longer for Donghyuck to fall.
How could he not? You smiled so lovingly and spoke so gently, always so understanding and patient and kind. How can he not, when he's already known what song makes your day the most? When he saw how ethereal you looked under the moonlight, as he danced with you by the shore? Sure, maybe most of these moments wouldn't have been if it wasn't for Renjun's absence, and truly most of the things he loves about you aren't for him; he fell in love anyway. Still, that day was supposed to be nothing so different from any others — you're stuck in the odd place quite between grateful and guilty.
"Something came up, he won't be here." The boy says firmly through gritted teeth, hands-on your wrist trying to make you get up, "Please. He doesn't have his phone. He's not coming anymore, let's go home."
"Let me wait for him, please," you say, eyes teary, "Please, Donghyuck."
"No." He simply mutters, and whether it was the sinking feeling of defeat or the determination in his voice, it doesn't matter. You let yourself get tugged away from that place, feeling weak and oddly empty. The car ride home was silent. 
"Thanks a lot, you know?" You shyly say later, once Donghyuck's lost enough in video games and he's run out of knock-knock jokes and witty statements. He couldn't stand the sight of you with your head hung low and eyes teary, "You're always there for me when Renjun is not and... just thank you."
"You're welcome," he sincerely replies. You try to look for it, the lilt in his voice or the smirk stretching his lips, but all you see is worry, and it concerns you. The bad butterflies in your stomach, the bad thoughts in your head; you feel like right now, with you so vulnerable, there should be someone by your side — someone that is totally not Donghyuck. He clears his throat, "You know he didn't mean to, right? He wants time with you too, a lot, you know?"
"I know what I have, Hyuck," you reply, a chuckle at the end of your tone. You lean your back to the couch, head tilted up and voice hoarse, "and I'm fucking scared I'll take him for granted."
Donghyuck's heartbeat slows down, but you don't need to know that. If you're thinking of a similar situation, a place in time back then as cruel winters and as harsh as summer sunlight in the afternoon, you figure he doesn't need to know that, too.
You let out a huff and a smile, "I don't want to know how painful it is to lose Huang Renjun."
Donghyuck thinks he knows why you said it; things normally go down the drain when you start realizing why someone fell for a certain person — at least, he thinks. If his experience is a reliable source, this is the point where you start falling for that person too. When you see how gentle they are, how caring, how understanding. Maybe Donghyuck is lonely — maybe he just wants to be someone who holds another person, singing them lullabies until they fall asleep, much like Renjun does for you. Maybe you're really just lovely — maybe there's an undiscovered force in the universe that places you in the center of his everything. He makes note of the rejection in your confession, and he accepts it, gracefully.
This is the point where he suppresses all the what-ifs in his head — what if you gave me a chance? What if I met you first? What if I didn't skip class that day, and I was with Renjun, and I met you at the same time as him? Do you think you would've ended up with me? — but these thoughts, despite being concealed, they leave a constant reminder that they're still there. It's a truth you both already know, the words that drip like honey from his lips, "I could love you better, so much better."
It'd be a lie to say you didn't think of it, considering his feelings. It would be an even bigger lie if you said that you don't think anyone can love you better than Renjun — you know someone can, and with how you two are handling this, it wouldn't be so hard to. Donghyuck is just so easy to fall for — the way he always knows the right thing to say, the compliments he throws at people, how confident he is, how clingy he gets. You would lie if you're asked, but you can't deny having feelings for Donghyuck, you can't deny how many times you've fallen in a reverie thinking of how good it must feel to be adored by him. Maybe you were lonely, maybe Donghyuck was just like that. Either way, no matter how great this love could be, you know it's wrong. 
"I know you could. I couldn't be any happier when I'm with you. Those instants, they're one of the most beautiful moments in my life, but —" you halt, eyes still staring up at the ceiling. The twist in your gut tightens as you proceed, "But in those moments, I was secretly hoping for things. I was hoping that he was the one doing all of that for me. I was hoping that the happiness I had with you, he was giving me instead."
Donghyuck remains silent for a while. He smiles wistfully, "I know."
It's a rather odd answer, but you figure it shouldn't shock you as much anymore. You sit up straight, confused. Donghyuck motions for you to stand as he does the same. Stars shine in his eyes still, but it's a different light — there's hope in them, but it's a difficult kind of hope. He's beautiful even under dull lighting, it's something hard to pronounce; unrestrained and raw, as if one look at him and you'll crumble.
"Please, for just a while, even just a little bit," He steps closer, eyes downcast, "hold me like you love me."
You figure you were right about thinking that there was always something wrongfully more with Donghyuck — also discover that no matter how much more this feeling is, whatever it is, it can never be love; at least not a healthy one. What love could possibly ruin relationships? Donghyuck and Renjun are practically soulmates — they were made to be best friends, and while they had their other friends, nobody is just like Renjun and nobody is like Donghyuck. You don't want them to fall apart; you of all people know how hard it is to lose someone special. 
Donghyuck's hug felt like fire, uninhibited and uncontrolled, given to someone so undeserving. You hold him like you love him the same way.
"I don't need you to love me back," but maybe he was hoping a bit. Yeah. Maybe. "There was never a chance for us, you know? Against my own best friend, I know I won't stand a chance. I just wanted to hear it from you."
A pause.
"Because I can dance with you under the moon, and I can walk on streets holding your hands, I can give you all the time in the world — I could spend a lifetime telling everyone I'm yours," Donghyuck locks gazes with you, and you wonder how he manages to be both heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time. He shakes his head a bit, "But that won't make you love me."
"Because I can only ever catch you," he says wistfully "whenever he fails to. I always do, don't I? Catch you, save you, love you. But you're not falling for me. You're not in need of my saving. You're not mine to adore."
He loosens his hug, looks at you like the sun bidding farewell to the moon. He's just as beautiful, if not more, he really is — gold dusting his eyelids and strawberry balm on his lips — he's ethereal. Donghyuck is beautiful in all ways manageable and not, but it's also a different kind of beauty — quite like love, adventurous but uncertain, poetic but tragic. There's a lot of pain in this beauty. He closes his eyes.
"There's not much of us, but I'm setting you free."
═ ∘❁∘ ═
You find yourself knocking at Renjun's door that night, for no particular reason — certain events made you forget that he stood you up. Renjun apologizes and repeats his reasons like a mantra, but words seemed to leave his mouth once he sees your eyes; tired and sore. You don't really need his apologies. You just need him.
Apologies, you see, they almost always never come when they're asked for. When they do, they're mostly unwanted and unnecessary from that point forward. You just feel odd, more restless than you actually are, the world is too loud — you just want to close your eyes and escape for a bit. Renjun holds you silently the whole night, his heartbeat calm, his arms holding you tight and secure.
Renjun knows, but he decides it's better for him not to. He shifts a bit, "If not because of me, why are you sad?"
A part of you knows that this is his way of telling you he understands, that he's aware of what somethings happened behind his back. Renjun always knows. The bigger part of you hoped he didn't — selfishly. You know it's the safest choice to keep your mouth shut. 
You're sad, for a million reasons or for just one, you don't bother keeping up with the numbers. Renjun looks at you like you're a treasure, though, like he means it — you think the only favor you could do him and for yourself as well is to lie. You grin, effectively hiding away the tears threatening to brim your eyes, "I forgot."
He doesn't really know what answer he expected, but his heart sinks at the reply nonetheless. Renjun decides, tomorrow.
Tomorrow comes quickly in a way Renjun wishes it wasn't. He wakes up tired — he was up all night singing lullabies to himself, whispering confessions that wouldn't change a thing and promises he'll never be able to fulfill, stuff that would never make you stay. Renjun didn't cry all night — there was a tear or two, there was three — he didn't just cry all night. He did so much more — relive the past, think that he's sorry, accept defeat and the fact that he's never gonna be enough for you; then he closes his eyes. The rain pours heavily outside and Renjun reaches a hand out to the sky.
"Perhaps, dance under the rain with me?" he says with tired eyes. "One time once more, baby."
You ignore the telltale signs of a heartache — maybe you were too numb, maybe you wanted to pretend it's all normal. Renjun tugs you outside and pulls you into a hug so tight, as if he didn't want to let go but he's losing you. Is he? 
Dancing with Renjun under the rain is oddly similar to the one you shared with Donghyuck under the moonlight, and you find yourself full of guilt as you sway together with him, humming love songs just right next to your ear. 
Renjun knows of that dance, of course he does. He was in front of the place you two were supposed to meet at, hoping that he could still make it. Because of this, he doesn't ask why you're entwining fingers with his while recalling memories of another. He doesn't mind — he thinks, as long as your eyes look at him so softly like that, he doesn't mind anything.
You think Renjun is beautiful like this — his everything an aesthetic you can endlessly write about. His eyes, though, his eyes look distant, wishful and longing. Renjun looks at you like he's letting you go and your heart drops, as gentle and as sweet as the poems he's written of you and the kiss he gifts your lips with.
"Just leave, darling," he whispers, "Stay a lovely memory to me."
It's just like any lovely excerpts you wrote, the last line with Renjun quite familiar and bittersweet. As if in any other circumstances, had he said only the second sentence and the second sentence only, it would have made your heart skip and your cheeks rise in temperature.
Real love is a little not like literature, though, at least the one you had with Renjun isn't. It wasn't almost being the same person. It wasn't sweet chaos. For both of you, it was doing what was the best for each other at the moment — whether it will make you cry, whether it will be painful before it becomes easy, knowing that it won't always be picture perfect but still wanting to give each other what you deserve. It was so much simpler than how he said it in his poetry, just as complicated but not any less romantic than that. Huang Renjun knew that you were aware of what was the best for the both of you — with neither of you ever wanting to force something to work and end up hating each other the more it fails, successfully trading the happy memories with more regrets, you walk away. Renjun doesn't follow just because love isn't always like the idea of it, but he does remember to never forget. You walk away, holding his love dear to your heart.
═ ∘❁∘ ═
Some people are just not meant to be alone, you think. Mark Lee comes just as quickly as Renjun was gone.
You don't even know why your paths crossed — Mark is literally the town's golden boy. He plays sports and aces exams and has a good set of friends; surely, he has more important matters to deal with, and definitely getting coffee at a dingy coffee shop isn't one of them. Not when it's three a.m in the morning, at least.
The shy barista at the counter sends you a gleeful smile as he hands out your order, one which you return with a curt nod and a quiet wish goodnight. He watches intently, subtle but focused — he really isn't one to gawk at people, but he couldn't help it. You held with you a smile that doesn't match the exhaustion in your eyes. You looked like hope. You looked like someone to look up and search for the stars even on a cloudy day. You seemed like a full-bloomed spring to trapped minds and sour hearts. You think Mark is a little too curious like Alice. Mark thinks you're even better than the Wonderland he'd always fall for.
He knows you saw him, he feels the hesitation in your stare. He knows you know him, he's shared a couple of classes with you and has done a couple of assignments as a team, so naturally, Mark couldn't help himself but ask, "Wanna sit down with me?"
You walk up to him with a nod, grateful. Mark tries to remain calm for the rest of the night — caffeine not helping — and he tries to look at his book instead of you, but he simply fails to. He tries his best to conceal himself, but he can't seem to tear away. He can't look at anywhere else when you're sitting there right in front of him — you know pain, you're familiar with sadness, have always been friends with enduring what you couldn't take; Mark sees in you a landscape that makes his heart hurt, a leafless tree he loves by itself but couldn't resist the urge to nurse back into life. Every now and then you'd look up from your cup and he would look away from this book that he's "reading" and your eyes would meet, and the both of you would shyly giggle and open up a small talk.
He walks you home that night, this one and the other and the many next times after that; it's just your thing by now, getting coffee at the most unreasonable hours of the day and staying up until it's too late for either of you to sleep because by this hour you should be blinking awake, walking down lifeless streets and past neon signs and holding hands. Mark would look at you with such awe and when he does, you have some things you forget, and your heart races. He's became a regular part of your day, a constant stranger. And then he becomes your friend. Then kind of more. You think, maybe, just maybe, he can become something more than more.
"I have many regrets in this life, you know? But I don't wanna be imprisoned by them," you shrug, too scared to look up at him and see that he wonders just what failures you've done. You continue your slow pace, both in walking and letting go of things much like words, "I don't want you to be one of them."
Mark stops walking, but he doesn't make you feel like you've said something wrong, so you finally glace up and meets his eyes; those that hold as much tiredness as yours, pressure, those that are glassy and brimming with tears. You smile, "And I like you, a lot, even if I'm in broken pieces. "
Mark looks at you and doesn't see majestic brokenness. Mark falls deeper in love that day, the next and all the others; you were deep like that. He fell and couldn't stop falling and he can't wait to fall even deeper into you, diving into unknown waters with blind fates and silent confessions of love. 
Your relationship was practical — literal and convenient, full of compromise but in a good way. You both were almost always on the same page of what should be done and how to do it, and if not, you two know that it's the best to give it a rest and understand. The balance, that kind of synchrony — it was something you both need, was something you liked about your dynamic; the fact that the partnership was there and you're certain of no taking more than you could give and no giving of less than you deserve. For once, you feel like you aren't pouring liquid into a leaking jar, and you feel content at the warmth he gives you with.
Renjun never made you feel this way; he didn't make enough accommodations for your relationship and you didn't voice out your expectations of him, you just wished he magically knew. Because he always knew that you would understand and other people wouldn't, he ended up giving you most of the weight of the relationship you both should've carried together. Mark was everything you hoped Renjun was; this is where the conflict begins.
When love is fueled by what the past wasn't able to give and what the present is willing to offer, you end up falling for the ideas and not the person. He makes up to what Renjun didn't, he filled to the brim what Renjun wasn't able to, he satiates what Renjun couldn't satisfy. You always saw the things Mark did as what you expected from someone else, so you weren't able to appreciate them as they are. You never truly saw him as Mark Lee who loves you, always as the boy who did everything the last didn't. 
Just as any relationship that revolves around somebody who's not involved, the conclusion was something you saw coming. It comes with tired eyes and worn out sighs, burned out hearts and linked fingers, sour hearts turning bitter. Mark doesn't look at you at all, and you keep your eyes set to the stars.
"The thing with me is I always long for consistency — for someone to understand me and stay understanding of me forever." He breathes out, voice raw. Did he scream? Was he screaming in those empty spaces you two gave each other? In any of those yells, did he call your name? You think you need to yell at the top of your lungs just to hear a sound louder than your heartbreak. He chuckles before continuing, "And I know that it doesn't exist and it never will. I knew that since childhood, but even if I continue disappointing myself, I never stopped hoping."
His shoulders drop — he feels that weak that time, even his knees buckle down and his eyes sting from holding back tears. "So baby, don't play with me," he whispers, more begging than warning and he falls apart, "I don't need a chase — I need someone to wait for the end with."
There's a whine at the back of your throat, but you settle with looking at his direction with an apologetic call of his name. He doesn't reply.
Mark never knew that he could fall in love with the same person all over again even during a break-up. You're just lovely like that — always dancing in your daydreams while you carry the world on your back. Mark feels his breath catch at his throat, he feels his palms go numb, he feels his heart going haywire and begging him so desperately because no, no, don't let go, please, don't let go! 
"There's a huge difference between how much I love you, and how much I can take." He finally spares you a glance, his everything so spent and lonely and blue in a way that isn't the calm of an ocean. "If you can't love me, then please let me go."
Mark knew your answer when you smiled.
────── ❁ ──────
The trip to the coffee shop was slow and empty and chilly, your hands trembling in need to get a hold of warm coffee and your feet taking little steps to such a familiar place. Honestly, you don't even know why you're letting yourself go there — why do you keep on doing this, torturing yourself? You don't even know — maybe you came here to reminisce the past, hold it close one last time before letting it go. Maybe you're here to remember how Mark was, how he was before he met you — oh, how you wish he didn't meet you. How badly you wish he never did, how you wish he never offered you a seat, his comfort, his love, a place in his heart. How you wish you didn't steal the sparkles in his eyes, and at that very moment, you feel the sudden urge to turn around. 
But you're already pushing the glass door wide open, causing the chimes to make that delightful sound.
"Good...!" the cheery voice fades, a concerned look adorning exhausted eyes, "...evening. The usual?"
You hum, nodding soullessly. The boy — Jeno, quietly works your order until he decides he's had enough of you rubbing your cheeks raw wiping down tears. He sighs and finishes your drink, hands it to you with a sympathizing smile, "Uh, you don't look fine, but are you okay?"
You suppress a giggle and a glare — why does he care? But you're lonely, too lonely, so lonely that you only manage a nod, "Rough time. I wish today didn't happen."
"Oh, but other people had the best day of their lives today. They wouldn't experience that day if today didn't happen," he smiles, flashes of child-like optimism and hopes hinting behind the sleepy glaze in his eyes. "You're on your way to yours."
And while on any other day, his reply would have made you annoyed, you find that he's right, and wish that he indeed is. You feel like it's the only right that didn't go wrong today.
Something warns you that you shouldn't be getting yourself caught in his strings and his ways, but you find yourself straying around his orbit. You were lonely. It was that bad — so bad that you found comfort in everything and everyone and Lee Jeno just happened to be convenient; It's just safe to be around each other, and that's what great friends are supposed to be, right? Jeno doesn't judge and he doesn't pry when you tell him not to push it, and he tries to understand without forcing you to make him if you're not ready. Lee Jeno had a soul like comfort and a smile like a piece of home. You insist that you had no interest in either, but with you so down and him the only thing pulling you up, you couldn't help but let him in.
You think some people are just like that — timeless souls stuck in mortal bodies, liquid gold; glowing and burning and bright and hopeful, stars. They're like stars — human stars.
He's always beside you, you see, Lee Jeno. He answers the dumbest questions and the deeper ones, he stays up listening to your heartaches and struggles. He knows a lot about you — never everything, but they're more than enough — and you know about him, too. It's a dangerous edge you two are leaning far too close to tipping over, and still, your gaze screams life and hope and energy, Jeno thinks he doesn't mind. He remembers earlier memories with him crumbling under your fingertips, tears in his eyes.
"Mark Lee... he's not replaceable and I'm not a replacement..." he shifts his eyes down, can't bring it to him to just look at you without breaking himself. He manages a heartwrenching smile, "but I think I'd rather be a replacement rather than a distraction, darling."
But you looked at him and cup his cheeks and kiss his forehead so mellowly, assuring him that he's neither. The storm in his heart stops and all his insecurities don't matter, and Jeno doesn't think he ever felt this good — so light, so dreamy. Your touch brings comfort, much like lullabies, and after years on insufferable insomnia, Jeno falls asleep.
Your gaze, too. If you continue looking at him that way, he doesn't think he'll mind anything.
"Thanks, Jen. For the coffee," you say with a smile, another night spent with him at the coffee shop. These days, you spend most of your free time waiting for his shift to end, watching him stutter and flush every time he realizes you've been watching him. There's a giddy feeling spreading inside your gut as you continue, "and for staying with me. That was so thoughtful of you — how much lovelier can you be?"
He laughs, shaking his head. He sighs, "Stop it. You're giving me hope."
Your heart skips a beat.
"Oh, but I want to," you quickly roll your eyes, an attempt to faux cool control, your expression immediately shifting to something welcoming and soft just enough that his chest tightens. Jeno feels kind of odd — a good kind of odd, a welcomed sensation. You beam up at him with glassy eyes. Jeno shifts his to his shoelaces.
"Don't do that."
"I love you," he confesses, shallow breaths coming in quick intervals. The floor seems to sway under his feet and the skies feel like they're swirls of dripping liquid, and it's hard to even breathe, let alone swallow the bitterness of his words, "But I would rather have you not say it back than hear you not mean it."
"I'm... I— Jen," you gasp out, fast to hold his hands to try to keep him down. For a reason or two, you feel like crying. Jeno feels lost. "I'm falling."
But you're not, and you don't know why you said it, but there's a galaxy in his eyes and the universe so beautifully laid down in his mind and he's pulling you close, tears in his eyes, this boy. Lee Jeno who's so in love with you, Lee Jeno who's hopelessly whipped, Lee Jeno — your sweet, sweet boy. You look up to him and shakily whispers, "Please catch me."
Jeno looks at the luminaries and wonders what it would feel like if one day he looks into the very same orbs only to find that the stars have fallen.
The wind blows gently, the coldness of the place prickling his skin, but Jeno doesn't think it's what caused the flush to rise on his cheeks. He stutters, curses a little, says again those little words and dives for a kiss — you feel like it's the best night ever; no nightmare, just pure bliss. 
You blindly walk the path inside your house, dropping your belongings on either of your sides. You try to keep your knees from buckling as you bring yourself to your bathroom, stripping off your clothes. You lean your back to the cold tile walls of your shower, feeling the rush of water that is supposed to drown your thoughts not doing anything to keep them at bay. What have I done?
Loving Jeno is easy, though, far too easy if you may. He's so full of love and in need of affection but never asks for them, and you're more than glad to give all of that to him without words needed. The days with him have been light-hearted, felt deeply nonetheless. In this little world, it's you and him, him and you, no one else. Right? Is that right? Do you promise?
Jeno knocks at your home one day, sullen and lethargic. He spreads his arms out for a hug, one you throw yourself into without hesitation. He leans into the touch, leaning down to burry his head on the crook of your neck, "Thank you, baby."
Your brows draw closer, "For what?"
"You were never mine, but you were always lonely." He suddenly says, He suddenly says, voice fading weak and unstable. There's warm tears dampening your shoulder, and he shakes ever so slightly that you panic and try to pull away, but he doesn't let you. Instead, he continues, "In my twisted logic, I made myself believe that it's the same."
"What are you saying, Jen?" You laugh, a bit confused and a lot afraid. "I love you."
"No, please, don't say that," his reply baffles you. When he lets you go, Jeno has a certain saddened look in his eyes, and it feels so familiar that you should be numb to it by now. You're not, though, and so you pretend to not know where this all would lead. He pulls you in again and hugs you tighter, "Let me tell you that I love you without you answering back, please."
The boy breathes out shakily, "I want us to have at least one memory that isn't a lie."
And then Lee Jeno says goodbye.
────── ❁ ──────
Park Jisung is the clumsy florist who keeps breaking vases in the flower shop his cousin owns, just several blocks away from the kindergarten both your nephews attended. You meet him one too many times you had to pick the little boy up, and talked to him finally one fine Tuesday when you decided flowers would be nice, out of random. You become friends from then on. 
This thing you have with Jisung is something lovely, child-like, and carefree. It doesn't put any pressure on you — there are expectations, but they're all voiced out and kept healthy. You're friends — great friends, not best friends — whose dynamic is not necessarily convenient. It's safe to say that some people think you have a complicated relationship.
You think, not really. Not to the two of you, at least — Jisung just knows when you're down and in need to be left alone or cuddled, while you know when he needs to cry or if he's pushing himself to his limits. He knows what flower you hold most dear, your treasured scent, your favorite shade of yellow. You know his most loved tracks, the beat he looks the happiest humming to, the color of his dreams. It's much more simple than that — it's just that you two have fun, even with your differences, and when you're together, everything else just fades away.
You just... don't like being alone. Jisung doesn't like not having company — well, there are indeed people he doesn't want to be accompanied by, but he doesn't like being the only one walking alone in crowds of many. He doesn't make your heart skip, not really, instead it's just a warm feeling in your chest, much like home. He doesn't make you nervous — not at all, but he does make you feel safe. Comforted, even. It's the type of love you've always yearned for, the only kind of love he's comfortable with.
"You dance?" Your eyes widen in surprise, dropping your book on the table. Then you smile, "Oh? Aren't you full of surprises?" 
"Mhm, you'll see." He says with embarrassment hinting his voice, but then he stops arranging the flowers and looks at where you're sitting. "You? Aren't you full of surprises, too?"
You pick up your book, a sudden low, shrugging. "It won't be a surprise if I say now, wouldn't it?"
He just shakes his head, tries to lift the vase to the other side and accidentally knocks another one down. You laugh at him, curious at how much control he has over his body that he must be able to dance so fluidly, hit the beat like it's what he's born for, and yet he can't seem to hold a vase and not break it. Jisung giggles, taking it lightly. You wish he didn't. 
The days with Jisung are filled with your favorite bouquets and post-it notes. Each and every day, the words written inside changes from 'You did well', until it develops to 'I hope you smiled today,' 'I wish something good happened today,' and 'You're really, really pretty.' He'd take you to little uphills, asks you to teach him how to make floral crowns from wildflowers, dance with you barefoot under bright daylight. A little summer, a certain person, your most dreaded feeling of having someone mean so much that you let flowers bloom in your chest until it's so hard to breathe and you cough them up.
"My parents asked me to study dance in another country," he mumbles one day, a shaky breath leaving his lips, "Please give me a reason not to go."
"Chase your drive, Sungie," you whisper back. You lean your head further to his chest, safe and warm and fading, "I love you, so choose your dreams over me."
There's the slightest hint of betrayal in his voice, a tinge of rejection in his eyes, "If you love me, why would you make me choose?"
If you love me, why can't you choose me? You selfishly ask, the kid in you whining at the thought of being left alone. The greedy part of you begs to ask him to stay, the needy part of you wants to hug him until he's so full of you that he forgets even the bare thought of wanting anything else. The silent voice inside you, the one that learned and keeps learning, the one that could've saved you so many times if you listened to it, sighs sadly. Don't risk anyone's future for your present, it seems to say.
"Because I love myself too," you look directly to his eyes, cupping his cheeks in between your palms, "and we need to put ourselves before anybody else."
And yet again, you're starstruck by the almost golden swirls in his irises, a peek of his soul. You think his eyes are beautiful — astounding, art worthy, a sight to never get tired of. He thinks they're only beautiful because he's looking at you.
This thing with Jisung isn't something you should've let go. You shouldn't have let him go but you weren't ready and the last thing you wanted was to hurt someone who held you so close beautifully. He didn't mean to, though — it was just too hard not to go overboard, and the next thing he knew, he was in love. He didn't mean to, so he walks you home the last night, hand in hand with a certain something hidden underneath his mellow smile. Jisung stands in front of you, waiting for you to open your gates, but you don't move. You stay basking in the tenderness of his gaze.
You think the little problem is that he's even more breathtaking up close and in silence, when the night feels so dead that it thrives — you feel like if you weren't so broken, if you don't keep on seeing another person when you look at him in the eyes, if you let go of the past, Jisung would be everything your heart desired. It just so happened that you two are both too infinite for forever, too broken to fix anything for the latter. Jisung was too charming — his smile was one that doesn't ask for attention but still steals it, never content with just taking your breath away so he takes with him your mind and soul.
You can't handle losing any more of yourself, though, so you smile, "Thank you for waiting."
"I have always been waiting for you," he grins shyly. You make a mental note to remember him like this — dyed locks a mess on top of his head and glasses messily perched on his nose bridge, tall and too pretty to be real, eyes so loving and expressive. There's an obvious sorrow in his voice, "Without fail, consistently, inevitably, forevermore."
You smile, standing on your tiptoes to press a kiss on his cheeks, "Good night, Jisung."
The last note comes in between the pages of your notebook, a pretty pastel purple accompanied by pressed wildflowers. There, in his messy letters and colorful ink, reads a confession:
Maybe I couldn't stop myself from falling because it felt like flying with you.
You shake your head, sigh reading 'I told you not to do that'. Still, you feel a tug at your chest, a link between the two of you in the sense that you seem to be moving in synchrony with these words — Park Jisung is your last love, you swear. You shift your eyes, tired of the same chain all over again, flipping the note to read the words behind them. 
When you find the right love at the wrong time, what will you do to make it work? 
You sigh to yourself as you read the question, tracing the pristine paper with your pen, and finally, finally you smile;
Let it go. Set it free, because the greatest love of all is the one that lets you grow.
You tilt your head up, holding back the tears that threaten to spill from your eyes. 
────── ❁ ──────
Zhong Chenle invades your life like a hurricane of mixed emotions, a little like three months just in time when you finally decided you've had enough heartbreaks. You meet him from one of your friends, Qian Kun, and literally had to stop and wonder how in the world he managed to find this thing — you can't help it, alright? Chenle just stood silent and proud, clad in leather and rumors and reputations and reeking of expensive. He comes in the scene like thoughts as turbulent as unwanted flashbacks and as easily as finding trouble looking for the right answer when you're in a rush.
Quickly as he entered your life, he became a friend; you're too familiar with this scene, but you've had enough. You can't take any more. You've spent most of your life haunted by sugar smiles and breathy laughs and in exchange, had yourself break everything you wanted to keep intact. It doesn't matter that he's not at all what he's perceived to be, it doesn't matter that he makes your breath hitch. You don't even care what you're going against with, if it's fate or heavenly beings or the world — no more. You can't anymore.
The world is the ocean and the ocean is a God — people are mere sailors who think they're stronger than the tides, but they're not; once the waters have made their decision to kill you, there's no reason you should fear the phenomenons trying to do you harm. It seems like it's made that plan, that thing you hoped so much you wouldn't do. Chenle knows so he smiles at you brightly, "Don't you dare run away from what you're feeling."
"Else what, you gonna run after me?" You bite back just for the sake of it, laughter bubbling from your throat, "Gonna go chase me down?"
He shrugs, taking a challenge and a risk, "You better not regret."
"Absolutely fucking not." Kun hisses after you've told him what happened, months after you've started dating and you're tired of hiding it already. Your friends already tease you about getting together, anyway, so why should you even hide? Apparently, this. The profanities leaving his mouth should worry you, really, but it doesn't; not as much as his disagreement. Still, you couldn't even bother to ask him why because you see it in his eyes — you know him that much, you're familiar with that look — "You're not in love with Chenle, please, we both know this."
"I am in love with him!" You say, hurt. The look in his eyes softens, but the pain of his word doesn't, neither does his determination, "Kun, please. I didn't tell you just so you could lecture me, I told you because you're my friend! I do love him!"
"Are you, really? In love with him, you say? Completely?" Your eyes shift to the side after his statement, the lack of sarcasm and warmth in his tone both bothering you. You want to cry. When you look at Kun, you find he feels just as much. "You're not in love with him in the way he deserves."
There's a dry chuckle leaving your lips as you grab your bag, standing up with a tear slowly rolling down in your cheek. More than devastation, there's a certain withering look in your eyes. Kun tries to apologize, but you're already moving away from him. The betrayal in your voice is impossible to ignore and forget, "How dare you make accusations about how I'm feeling?"
Falling in love with Chenle wasn't in the plan; in fact, you hardly even had any plans to begin with. As another fact, the only plan was to not fall in love with anyone anymore. Plans are ever-changing things, you'd always counter, they depend on the situation. When Chenle came in your life, you figure there happened to be another shift — something significant had changed, a good change.
Maybe it is why you didn't even take Kun seriously. You've always hoped that all those lows would lead to this point, the part where there's content spreading on your chest, a feeling just as bright as the luminescent blanket of embedded diamonds and rubies, a sky full of stars. By your side, the boy looks at you with eyes shining just as much; Zhong Chenle, badly misunderstood, so truly loved. You couldn't help but pull him in a kiss — giggly and messy, chaste and ever so delicate. 
You think you could spend lifetimes just staring at him. You swore on it, really, to not be in love with him. More than anybody else, you hoped to fate that you'll never fall in love again. It's just that this person — Zhong Chenle, he has a tendency to be very addicting, and oh, how easily addicted you are. His kiss a lovely burn against your lips, his words a heavenly whisper to your ear, his existence a delightful surprise. You find it inevitable to fall because of the many similar nights before this, just weeks after you two met. Those days where you two were laughing way too hard for midnight and your heart blossomed with happiness it hasn't felt for long. It's the sweetest kind of doom.
It's doom, nonetheless. 
"With whom was your first relationship with?" Chenle suddenly asks, no hint of jealousy in his eyes, but there is, aside from pure curiosity, something else — lost, baffled, seeking an explanation for something he doesn't even think he should know. "I mean, you're mine. You're my first love, but I know I'm not yours, and I'm curious. "
"You don't even know him, Lele." You laugh, trying to hide your hesitation. The boy insists, says that he just needs a name. You roll your eyes affectionately, "Huang Renjun. He's a great guy, but timing kinda messed up."
Chenle hums appreciatively, but he stops trying to find constellations and making up shapes of his own; instead, he dives in a pool thoughts deeper than the dark. He thinks of what he doesn't know if he believes in, but he keeps his eyes up at the stars and hopes to God that his life wasn't such a movie; he stays quiet.
"Who's Jaemin, then?" The question comes, harmless but shocking nonetheless. Chenle breaks his stare from the dull-starred sky and looks at you with a smile brighter than daylight. His question makes your gut twist. "Jaemin who danced with you under the rain... Jaemin who made your day with corny jokes, with late-night talks, with coffee, with notes."
You don't reply, so he ponders some more. He thinks about walking the streets holding hands, he thinks of cheek kisses. He thinks of waking up tomorrow and doing all of that with you. He looks forward to a couple of years — maybe you'll move in together, maybe you'll share a place and clothes and everything. He thinks of counting down the memories, having lived most of his life satisfied. Chenle thinks of doing it all with you; someone who takes tragedies and turns them into masterpieces. Someone who sings sad songs with a saccharine smile.
"Jaemin with a reputation, known for all the wrong reasons..." his eyes cast down, dull and slowly piecing everything together, "Just like me."
He thinks of a vow, a promise — to the stars, till dawn do us part. He thinks of how near the sun is from rising, and he thinks of silhouette, of being hidden behind one. You don't answer until then, so he just takes it as your reply.
"You don't have to. I already know," he smiles, fingers entwining with yours. "Maybe I just hoped that I didn't have to find out from Kun."
Chenle is innocent, kind of naive. He wears his heart on his sleeves and gifts its pieces to anyone who dares to get to know him. He loves a lot — his friends, his family, stars. A person who grieves the loss of midnight too, when the stars start to fade; you. Because of that, he could forgive anything you did and would do.
It's one of his many ways of love, you see, this thing you have going on. Chenle's just like that — you never know just how much more he can give before he runs out; there's just so much of him and it's difficult to put it into words. He's shown you how he treasures relationships, how he adores everything around him in each and every time a different way and kind. He's shown you so much, all the ways he displays his affection with, this little magic trick. That's not all of it, though, and a little part of you sinks because of the fact that a lifetime will not be sufficient enough for you to know just what this love is, completely, because every passing moment, the boy falls for something; each fondness different from the lasts.
Chenle just loves like that; so much that he doesn't mind being loved for carrying pieces of another person — being adored simply because he made you remember what you didn't want to forget. He thinks, if he doesn't think it matters, it wouldn't; he prays that if he doesn't bring it up, you'd forget. He's loved you for so long but you know so little of his kind of love; ever so pure and limitless, impossible to define and dictate. 
When he holds your hands, though, you feel like it's enough — it's enough to have known slightly more than what you think you should.
"You give too much," are the only words that you were able to form. He looks at you as if to ask if you think so, and you feel the time stop for a bit when he leans his head on your shoulders, his dark locks tickling your skin. You laugh, humorless and sentimental, "Isn't it about time you'd learn to love within limits?"
"You're brilliant, you know?" He mumbles, albeit sleepily. "Kind of infinite. There are no restrictions in the love you deserve."
Something about brilliant just hits so different from beautiful — something so damning and sweet and you feel it again; just how much love you have in you, how much of it you are willing to give. Maybe boundaries really aren't your thing, maybe its the reason why you let Chenle adore you beyond what you know you can take, why you allowed him to give more than he should've given. Maybe it's why you poured affection after affection without conditions — maybe that's why you were selfish enough to love shadows. Maybe it's as most people say — you tend to burn too bright, to share too much of yourself, and not everybody can handle that. You're a bit too much for others. Maybe it's why you find yourself sitting down, pen roughly scribbling on paper.
Somewhere, there's a soul aching for your love... but no matter how much we try, we know it's not here, with me.
────── ❁ ──────
Kun doesn't knock at your door until a few weeks later, and whether it was him giving you space or him not being able to leave Chenle alone, you think of it as a blessing in disguise. It wasn't even after a week or two that you found it in you to get your life together — fake it till you make it, clean up your home, clean up your mess. You greet him with a smile on your face, tears prickling your eyes, "Come in."
Kun doesn't even say anything, he just puts the snacks he bought somewhere and crashes the sofa. He turns off the television, eyes the clearly was-messy place, and huffs at you, "It's just me. You don't have to play cool with me when you're feeling so broken."
"You're acting so much like Kim Dongyoung." You whisper just enough that he could hear before making your way to him and sobbing in his arms. Kun lets you stay like that, his hands threading your hair and affectionately patting your back, a soft 'I told you you're not ready yet' that's less scolding than it is loving. You stop crying then, just miserable sobs and sniffles, and he stands up to get you a cup of water. You look at him.
 "Thank you, Kun."
Suddenly, his not amused expression is back. He moves away a little, placing a strict space in between the two of you, and then directly looks into your eyes, "Were you ever gonna tell me?"
"Tell you what?"
"Were you ever gonna tell me, or was I just supposed to learn about it after you've left?"'
"Kun," you breathe deeply, "I need to."
"For who?" He asks, hoping that amongst the reasons read your name. Are you finally choosing yourself? Is it still because of other people? He wants to ask, but his voice keeps failing him and all he can whisper is words about how he's proud of you, how much you've endured, how badly he wishes to ease the pain. Kun doesn't look at you with disappointment, with hurt; he looks at you with pure utter understanding, and you find it in you, a reason to smile.
────── ❁ ──────
You can't help but reminisce things as you walk from your home to the train station, neither can you when you asked the person in charge for which train will get you out of the place the quickest. You didn't really have plans, you never did, and perhaps that's where everything starts to go wrong; you just forget things, or at least, you try to suppress them. You never tried to solve anything.
This town knew too much — there are memories of Renjun on the trail from here to the benches, flashes of Donghyuck's sly grin meeting your gaze in the reflection of the glass whenever you look at the vending machines. You feel like you've walked every street in here, hand in hand with Mark, like you've danced under all these blinking lights with Jisung, like you've been to everywhere with Chenle. There is so much to remember, and this place can't hold them all and it breaks your heart so much, knowing that many things are meant to be memories, but not all memories should be remembered. You close your eyes in silent hopes that no matter how painful, you never forget one second.
It was impossible, surely, but you think that the thought of being able to recall them completely will be enough to keep you company. Even until now, you don't really want to be alone — some people are just not meant to be by themselves, and sometimes those people aren't really good at settling down either — being one of them, you leap from one crumbling bridge to another, hoping to never feel the pain of a great fall. There was never an end where you didn't. 
Waiting for the train to board, you look back to a certain place in time. The one where you think everything began.
Your first love is something you remember vividly. It came in the form of childhood crushes, wildflowers, and ruined playgrounds. It's a coincidental meeting; you were running away from your house, tired of the yelling and the crashing and the constant fear in your little heart, while he was sneaking away from his house to play more because he's a 'rebel'. Your first heartbreak takes some years forward, years just a little far from now even if it feels like it's been forever standing here, waiting for an uncertain return.
Until now, you think that it was that night under a rusty slide and above dry leaves when your life started to change.
You meet again with Na Jaemin just minutes before your train arrives, a brief eye-contact and a skip of heart and it doesn't take so much for you to know; those eyes, that smile, the red string sitting too tightly on his wrist. You remember what promise that meant — you know that, right? The thing they say about red strings, how they connect people? — and what childish hope that strand held — if we wear this, we would always find our way to each other, because we have a red string connecting us now! You remember, you do, really — of course, you do; how you could you ever forget him? Surely, maybe he's grown a lot, and everything about him has changed, he even dyed his soft hair blue. You're certain, though, you knew that it's him — maybe the red string worked. Maybe it's the butterfly effect and the heartbreaks your heart and several others nursed. Maybe it's the look in his eyes that remained soft and sweet and honest.
You miss your train, but you can't help but feel like you're just in time.
"Jae—" you choke, eyes wide and shocked, "Jaemin!"
────── ❁ ──────
Na Jaemin meets you again on a busy train station, three years ago after he just came back in town for a visit. He remembers the punch in his gut at the sight of your face, the red string delicately wrapped on your wrist, far too small but still so beautiful. He remembers the sullen look on your face, the realization dawning on him that you're late for your class and he chuckles; you never really made it in time for school, even as a child. The rain pours and he has to fiddle his bag for his umbrella, opens it so that he could let you in. When he takes a step closer though, you were talking to another boy, and Jaemin thinks he's the one a little late.
He comes across you a lot of times next to that, too, but never when you're alone. He thinks, his timing is a mildly off as well. Every time he tries to come and talk to you — when you were sitting alone in the middle of a busy restaurant, inside the coffee shop, in front of his niece's kindergarten — there was always somebody else. It reminds him of back then, one of your conflicts as you started to grow up and apart; the many times you needed each other and the other person is too caught up needing someone else. Jaemin thinks that the beat you both are dancing to is a little too delayed.
Jaemin remembers meeting a boy just as blue as him, a face a little familiar, smiling longingly at the two dancing under the moon. He remembers eyes as regretful as his, he remembers a smile, "They look so happy, don't they?"
None of that matters, though, not when he's pulling you into a hug and dragging you to a rooftop, not when you're several floors off the ground and beside you is Na Jaemin, sitting side by side, with eyes that take you back to the past and makes you hope for an unbroken present.
When you two stand under the bright sky and you stare at him instead of gushing about flying, Jaemin realizes just how drastically different this present is. If the look in your eyes says anything, he's certain that you feel the same.
You have just always been waiting for this moment, you know? And you missed your train, but you were just in time to meet Jaemin, and the rush of affection cleared all the lines you had to cross and everything was light and filled with teary laughter before right now. You've had it planned, the both of you, multiple scenarios where you two could meet again — none of them are this way. It's awkward and tense and the other feels so far away; this wasn't how things were supposed to go.
Jaemin could leave. He should leave, he figures, thinking that it's always been what he's best at. It's not working, anyway; maybe it was him being gone and you going through so much, maybe it's life knocking some sense in the both of you, but none of that matters — it's not working. It's just like this, relationships — two people could start at the same point and still go separate ways. It's not meant to be. He could leave, forget, maybe he'd find enough courage that he marks this chapter closed and finally, finally stop thinking of childhood feelings and even the grown-up ones. He could find a new beginning in this chapter closed.
That's the way it goes, anyway, right? Some ends feel like new starting points. Jaemin could drop it here. He could make it easier for himself, he'd be able to say this isn't working and he'd be back to his normal self; the one that looks at you and looks for you in a way that he did before falling in love. He could be young and free, away from untold reasons and unsaid apologies and undelivered feelings. He could make it easier for himself.
But to hell with ease, he didn’t want to.
"Remember, back then, we would always sneak out to play in the rain?" Jaemin is the first to break the silence, "And we look at flowers... you used to cry at everything back then!"
You flick his arm at that, and he sits on the floor next to the railing because he couldn't hold himself up anymore, laughing. Even until now, this still feels like a very vivid dream. You spend the night trying to believe that this is reality — Jaemin does the same.
Fate has a tendency to bring people apart and put them back together again, so you can't really help it that Jaemin was months and weeks away from leaving the town again. There was a point where you cursed time — you just found him, and now, why is he being taken away from you? There was a time where Jaemin thought you weren't meant to be — if you are, then why do you keep on being forced apart?
He thinks he really should stop thinking this way. It's just something really odd, this love stuff, because it's never really just one thing but rather a couple of many nothings to make up an entirely different, supposedly magical occurrence. Love is never just love — it's oftentimes euphoria with even the slightest glimpse of devastation. Jaemin doesn't think he understands why the both of you try so hard to make it easy — no matter how difficult, he knows it's worth it, knows that he'll fight for it.
Jaemin spends his last day in this place smiling, cupping your cheeks as he stands in the middle of a busy train station yet again, this time, with you in his reach. The skies are dark but his smile is bright, and it burns brighter when you flush after asking him why he's staring at you so hard. The boy cooes, "Perfect should try to be you."
"If perfect was me, perfect would be a mess," you quickly counter even through you being too flustered. In your absolute anxiety, you think that everyone is looking and judging you. With the way Jaemin is staring at you, you don't think you'd mind even if they whisper things so mean.
"A lovable mess," he raspily whispers, sincerity in his gaze and honesty in his words. Jaemin smiles, "I can't make this up. I fall for you several times a day, repeatedly."
Jaemin lets go of your face and dips in to kiss your forehead, and then he giddily messes your hair. You can't even bring it in you to get mad — you have several minutes and you have so much to say and the time is too little, your words are so limited. Jaemin asks for your hands and leaves a red string, identical to the ones you gave each other as children but bigger and adorned with the tiniest butterfly charm. You look at him, confused, "What's this?"
"A farewell gift, and something I'll definitely come back for," he flicks your forehead as if to say it's so obvious, and you can't help but feel like time is running out all over again. You breathe, unsteady and ragged, a desperate call of his name, "Na Jaemin?"
He doesn't answer, but he wipes the tears streaming down your face and he hums.
"I'm so happy that the ending is me and you." You finally confess, taking him aback. You smile, sweet and cruelly beautiful, brutally emotional, and if there were no children around and Jaemin was a tad bit more shameless, he would pull you into a deep kiss. He couldn't, though, so he just gapes and stares and listens.
"I'm so happy that it's back to you."
As the train boards, you find yourself realizing how tough the world gets — the lovely, sinking feeling lingering in your chest as you recall the highs and the lows of life and fate.
You've had far too many great loves in your life, so much that using the term would probably not sound special anymore to other people — but they're different, each one of them, the way they loved distinct at least — and this one, just this one, Na Jaemin, by far, is the greatest.
The end is sweet and lovely, if a bit sour and bitter. The end is where you hopefully find yourself.
────── ❁ ──────
"Mom and dad keeps on fighting. " your nephew murmurs under his breath, one sunny Friday spent walking on streets that are cooling down, on the way to what must be the happiest place on Earth for a kid. "Do you think they don't love each other anymore?"
You nervously scratch your nape, thinking of easy ways to reply to the question. You think of your childhood, how you spent most of it dreaming of love. How until today, the thought of it still haunts you. You just shrug, "People just have some bad days, but look, they're still together, right?" he nods, and you feel a blossom of proudness in your chest, "They love each other, and that's why they had you."
The kid suddenly frowns, "Why do people get together, then?"
You halt your steps before continuing, on the verge of asking why he asked that question before you realize that it's your nephew, anyway. He loves holding mature conversations even if he doesn't understand anything, he likes asking away and being taken seriously, like an adult. You chuckle, "Uhm, because people make each other happy!"
"Why don't you have someone, then?" You don't know how to answer his question, and neither did you expect it. He looks too interested to be brushed off. "You said people make other people happy!"
"Hm, well, I do have someone," you think of sugar smiles and giggly kisses as you say those words. There's a comforted exhale leaving your lips as you look down on the kid, "But, he's not the only reason I'm happy... I'm happy with myself, without him."
"Do you not love him, then? Because you're happy without him?"
"I love him, I do, a lot! We went through a lot to find each other again," you smile kindly, patient. "But it's a different kind of love, just like how it is a different kind of happy with him."
His lips jut out, wondering about things not so completely disconnected from his first questions. He then sighs as if he's carrying the weight of the world, "If you had to find each other again, it means one of you left. Why did one of you leave if you love each other, then?"
"Well, you see, maybe..." there's no answer pouring from your lips, but emotions threaten to spill from your eyes and then down your cheeks. The child won't understand your tears, though, so you think of familiar faces and the one you entwined your fingers with, like home. You keep your head held high. "Maybe it's so that we could find each other again in a time where we would be better versions of ourselves."
It's not enough to sate his curious mind. "But if he's almost always never here, how are you supposed to know if he's the love you're supposed to have, then?"
"The love I'm meant to find has always been here, within me," you say genuinely, and the child, ever so confused but curious, remains silent to understand. You shake your head a bit, "but with him, this love grows bigger and bigger, and it helps us cross any kind of distance between us."
Finally satisfied, he stops asking questions at the sight of his most favorite place, muttering incomprehensible gibberish as he tugs you closer to the entrance. Then you think of how happy you are to be standing under this sky, above this ground — you think of the butterfly effect, all the little moments and major events, and everything that passed and will forever remain remembered. You think of all that lead you to this.
You look at the reflection of yourself from the glass walls of the candy shop, and you couldn't help a smile. The look in your eyes screams dreamy as you push open the door. This is it — you're on the way to loving yourself. 
Welcome home.
133 notes · View notes
4haechie · 4 years
right here, right now
pairing: lee donghyuck x reader
genre: fluff, idol au, established relationship au
words: 1,782
warnings: the usual swear words here n there
a/n: this was such a cute request, thank u so much! i hope u like it, anon <3 and sorry it took a while :(
come over
i miss you
you smile to yourself, reading the text your boyfriend sent you a billion times, before thinking of something to reply with.
babe we hung out just a couple of hours ago
or did u already forget about our 5yearaversary exclusive movie marathon
you sit up on your bed, phone clutched tightly in your hand, waiting for his answer.
gonna ignore the fact that u just said “5yearaversary”
and i know i know
but the members r all out
so it’s just me... and u 😉
you roll your eyes.
i think i’ll pass ❤️
you giggle when he replies almost immediately, his frustration and annoyance miraculously but perfectly being conveyed through his texts.
pretty please ☹️
alright, fine! i’ll be there in 10 minutes, you type and hit send, quickly getting ready before grabbing your bag and heading out the door.
“hi,” donghyuck greets you at his dorm’s front door with a big, dazzling smile and a wink.
you scoff at his flirtatious greeting, and step into the familiar living room, then turning around to face your boyfriend. “how is it possible that nobody’s home? not even doyoung?”
donghyuck shakes his head, “i told them to give us a few hours. they’re all out doing their own thing–but i think doyoung hyung went to hang out with renjun at the dreamies’ dorm. they’re practically best friends now.”
you laugh at his comment, walking over to the kitchen and leaning against their dining table. donghyuck follows you, gently holding you in his arms. you’re now pressed against him, chest to chest, breathing him in, savouring this intimate moment.
“why did you tell them to leave?” you ask.
donghyuck pulls away a little to look at you. “our anniversary isn’t over yet, baby,” he raises an eyebrow.
“it’s so weird. we’ve been together five whole years now, but the boys still tease us–doesn’t matter if we’re holding hands, looking at each other or making out, ” you say.
donghyuck laughs, “i know, right? but anyway, we have almost the entire evening to ourselves. what do you wanna do?”
you think for a moment before answering, “why don’t we just spend the rest of the day cuddling in bed? i barely see you these days,” you pause and tip-toe, giving his cute nose a small kiss, “and i miss you.”
donghyuck sighs sadly, “baby, i miss you too, more than you’ll ever know.” he suddenly pulls away completely, bending down slightly to lift you, an arm holding you firm just under your shoulder and the other hooked under your knees. you yelp as your feet get lifted off the ground without warning, so you cling onto his neck for dear life.
“donghyuck, what the fuck!” you exclaim as he leads you into his room, carefully placing you on his bed. he laughs as you huff out a breath, “give me a heads up next time.” donghyuck laughs again and climbs on top of the bed, hovering over you.
for a moment, it’s silent. you’re staring deep into donghyuck’s chocolate eyes and he’s staring into yours. he places his left hand on your waist while the other caresses your cheek, thumb softly tracing your skin. “i love you so much.”
you almost melt right then and there, but looking at your lover’s deep brown eyes keeps you grounded. “i love you so much...too.” you say with sparkly eyes and a dazzling smile. it’s his turn to try and not melt now.
donghyuck lets out a beautiful, melodious laugh and plops down right beside you, pulling you close and completely engulfing you in his embrace. “i’ve always wanted to spend the day with you, cuddling in bed while the members are out,” he says into your neck.
“oh, really? and why’s that?”
“because...the members never, ever, stop teasing me about you.”
you chuckle, turning your body and propping yourself up by your elbow. “i’m kinda hungry. do you have any food?”
donghyuck sits up on the bed, pulling you up as well. “we might have some chips? i’m not sure. wait here, i’ll be right back!” he kisses the top of your head and scurries off to get snacks.
he’s back minutes later, hands holding various food items. “alright, we’ve got chips–sour cream and onion, two soda cans and lollipops.” he proudly presents his findings to you and you chuckle fondly.
“better than nothing, right?” you tell him, gesturing at him to sit next to you.
“what’s wrong?”
donghyuck tosses the snacks and goodies on the bed, before rushing to his desk and bringing out a...camera? he walks back over to you and presents it to you. “i wanna record all of tonight–you know, for memories? i can make a copy and give it to you, so when i’m away you can watch it and so can i. so we’ll be together no matter what,” he laughs at the cheesiness of his words. “we’ll be taken back to today, right here, right now, whenever we want.”
you feel your heart swell at his beautiful words, and tears glisten at the corner of your eyes. you inhale, exhale, and stand up to walk over to him. you don’t say anything, just increase the proximity between the two of you by connecting your lips in a soft, slow kiss. donghyuck places the camera on his bed and pulls you closer by the waist. his hands travel up and down your back, causing the material of your shirt to ride up a little, sending a shiver down your spine. his hands feel warm, his lips are plump and sweet, his warmth is comforting and swallows you a whole.
you pull away, “i love you. i don’t deserve you.”
donghyuck looks at you with nothing but love in his eyes, his fingers brushing through your hair now, “why is it that you always say the words i’m thinking of? i love you so, so much. it’s me who doesn’t deserve you, y/n.”
your tears dare to spill any moment now, “god, i promised myself i wouldn’t cry on our anniversary. fuck you, donghyuck,” you say with a small laugh, but you intertwine your fingers and mirror his look of pure love and adoration. 
“i though you wanted to cuddle?” donghyuck gives you a quizzical look.
it takes you a second to realise what he meant. “shut up!” you say, punching his chest lightly. 
“smile for the camera, y/n,” donghyuck sing-songs, filming you.
you stick your tongue out playfully before eating a handful of chips. you lick your lips, “sing for me and then we’ll see.”
donghyuck bites the inside of his cheek, “what do you want me to sing?”
“hm...something cheesy.”
donghyuck thinks for a moment and hands you the camera. you’re filming him now, eagerly waiting to see what song he picked. he takes your free hand in his, brings it to his heart and gives it a light squeeze. the gesture makes your heart hammer against your chest rapidly.
five years and he still has the same effect on you as he did on your first ever date.
he takes a sip of water, clears his throat, and begins singing.
can you imagine?
what would happen?
if we could have any dream
i’d wish this moment
was ours to own it
and that it would never leave
then i would thank that star
that made our wish come true
‘cause he knows that
came true, oh yeah
where you are
is where i should be too
he sings from within, with his all; his eyes are closed, his hand is on his heart. there’s no music, it’s just his voice, him, you, and the camera. donghyuck’s voice is so beautiful, so mesmerising, it takes you someplace far, far away. it makes you feel like you’re casually drifting between fluffy clouds in the sky. it’s a blessing, a godsend. donghyuck’s voice is magical, capable of such brilliant things–things you’re still unaware of, even after five years of being with him. 
right here, right now
i’m looking at you
and my heart loves the view
‘cause you mean everything
right here, i’ll promise you somehow
that tomorrow can wait
for some other day to be, to be
but right now there’s you and me
he sings his heart out, sings like his life depends on it. donghyuck’s voice touches your heart, holds it close, tucks it into safety and comfort. it’s a warm blanket on a stormy night. it’s smooth like honey and soft like a feather. but it’s also powerful, confident.
donghyuck never sings off-key, never, ever gets off-pitch or sings off-tune. he’s a professional. right now, in front of you, when he’s singing to you and you only, he sings like there’s no tomorrow. the words seem to come straight from his heart. the camera isn’t designed to capture all of his emotions–sure, it records his voice and all of his facial expressions, but it’s not accustomed to film what he feels inside. that’s something only you–the witness–can do.
you don’t know what’s so intimate, so emotional and raw about him singing to you, but it strikes you. you wipe your eyes with your free hand, causing the camera to shake a little, just as he finishes singing.
donghyuck opens his eyes finally to look at you–not the camera lens. “baby, why are you crying?”
you let out a sound somewhere between a laugh and a sob, and meet his gaze. “i don’t know...there’s something about your voice, i guess.”
“you guess?”
you really laugh this time, which makes butterflies fly around in donghyuck’s stomach. “there it is,” he says with a smirk.
a bashful smile forms on your lips, and he takes the camera from you, pointing it at you again. “so, y/n, will you smile for the camera now?”
you push your hair back and playfully think for a moment. “why should i?”
“aw, c’mon! i sang for you like you wanted me to!” donghyuck protests.
you let out a chuckle and give the camera a toothy grin, even holding up a peace sign to satisfy donghyuck. his lips curl up in content and a hand reaches your face to stroke your cheek gingerly. you lean into his touch, feeling the same kind of warmth from before.
“happy anniversary, y/n.” donghyuck tucks a piece of hair behind your ear.
you smile again, but this time your grin is directed at the cameraman. “happy anniversary, donghyuck.”
( “what do you wanna do for our next anniversary?”
you ponder a little before replying, “we could go to the arcade?”
“this is why you’re the love of my life.” )
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victorianraccoon · 4 years
hello, welcome to my Ted talk.
Today we will be discussing "Tales from the SMP". But before I blow your minds with my theory/realization we must first talk about the butterfly effect.
So, have you heard of the butterfly effect?
The butterfly effect, is used to say the smallest of actions can lead to catastrophic events. Like, for example, a butterfly flapping it's wings causing a hurricane.
Now the important part of the butterfly effect here, is where it was first brought up.
The term was coined by meteorologist Edward Lorenz in 1960. He studying how small changes within his computer algorithm would lead to massive changes to the final outcome.
As cool as that is, Edward Lorenz wasn't the first one to really instill the idea.
Have you ever heard of "A Sound of Thunder"?
It was a short story written by Ray Bradbury, and first published in a magazine during 1952. To pretty much summarize the plot of the story, it is about a man going back in time to kill a dinosaur and then dooming humanity.
To be more specific about it, There is a company that holds onto a time machine, going by the name of "Time Safaris Inc.". Unsurprisingly, They use it for "Time Safaris", in which they let people go back into the past and shoot a dinosaur of their choosing.
The main character of the story is "Eckels", who shows up to Time Safaris Inc. and ends up requesting to shoot a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Before Eckels is brought to the past, the tour guide takes a minute to explain how they plan out the process. The guide says that the Tyrannosaurus Rex they will be shooting is about to be killed by a falling tree. So that upon killing that T. Rex, they will only be effecting the way that the T. Rex dies and don't end up effecting anything else. They even remove the bullets from the bodies as to not leave anything behind.
Time Safaris have also ended up setting precautions. They have set up a metal floating pathway above the ground so they don't touch the ground and end up crushing the plants and/or insects.
The Time Safari guides heavily stress how important it is to Eckels about how he cannot walk off the pathway.
"Don't stray from the path."
What ends up happening for the rest of the story is, once Eckels sees the Tyrannosaurus Rex, he ends up panicking. He steps off the pathway, and crushing a butterfly by mistake. This causes a change within the timeline so major that it greatly effects the human language. There are probably more changes to the present of that world, but we never got to see them.
Now, we are going to take a step back for a moment.
"Don't stray from the path."
Sounds... awfully familiar... doesn't it?
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I will rant as to how Time Travler Karl has probably doomed the future in a minute, but I gotta be serious about my theorizing.
We have only seen five episodes of tales of the smp, which is not a ton of sources of info to go off unfortunately. Episode two probably isn't even "cannon", but eh I can't really say.
But we have seen the future once.
Episode three.
The one where Ranboo apparently had a moment where he really liked the idea of bioshock, built a city underwater, then had kids who made false assumptions from screwed up historical documents of the events of the Dream Smp.
There is a problem with this though.
Episode one, he was in the past. Some peasant village that dealt with some murders, probably one of the beginning settlements of flordia.
The issue about this is because since we haven't seen a future without Karl meddling in someway, that means we do not have a untouched future to compare this touched future against. We cannot figure out the type of time traveling rules are in place. Time traveling rules differ from story to story, but they tend to be--
1) Time is set in stone. You change minor events but you cannot change major events.
2) Time is malleable to a point but crushing a bug won't kill the world.
3) Stomping a butterfly to death can somehow mess up the human languages. Sneezing will end the world you are fucked everything is fucked the sun is collapsing because you had to sneeze you bastard you
So, the events that are happening could either be completely time traveler Karl Jacob's fault, or they could always be happening no matter what Karl Jacob's does.
Also there is complete possibility that it's a time loop, which those are confusing as hell and im not even going to try to talk about that.
But if that's the case, that means he's losing his memories for nothing.
All three are quite bad.
Also? There is a complete other possibility on the fact that what is going on in the dream smp could be the "best" timeline. I am not saying Time Traveler Karl thinks that what has happened is the best timeline, but it might be the best it can get.
( The descendent into madness starts here)
Time travel is so fucking complicated in the way that technically speaking if it is happening now in the past, it has already happened here.
Time travel is a very genuinely interesting story telling method, I'm not going to lie about that. It allows for more interesting settings and characters, but holy shit. The part of my brain that enjoys understanding storylines and timelines starts having a conniption whenever its brought up.
But there are so many loopholes that are left behind. Like- Time travel in its self is a Paradox! If the problem has already been solved, then why go back to fix it? Then there is nothing to fix the problem in the first place!
I hope as CC!Karl keeps releasing more of the series it will fill in more holes and answer more questions, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's just me looking too deep into things when I should just enjoy it face value.
Also? I know I am going somewhat on a tangent here, but I have started and I cannot stop. But there legit biological consequences of time traveling! Do you know how much disease Time Traveler Karl has probably been spreading around???
Because here is the thing about time, as it marches on, so does evolution. Evolution is always happening and occurring, some instances more noticeable then others.
If you were to go back in time, not only would you be exposed to very old diseases that your body might not even be able to recognize since how different they appear, you are also bringing newer, more specialized and better adapted diseases into the past.
Where people's bodies are not trained against those diseases.
I lose my fucking mind over the possibility of there being a connection of the butterfly effect between "A Sound of Thunder" and tales of the smp.
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Soulmate September - Day 8
Day 8 - The temperature of your chest gets hotter when you are closer to your soulmate and colder when you move further away. (D&D AU)
Pairing(s): Romantic Roceit, Romantic Background Analogical
TWs: Swearing
“Oh I adore being made out to be the bad guy here.”
“You robbed the lair of the Dragon Witch! It’s literally your fault that we are mired in this bog of despair!”
Roman’s accusation rang loudly within the wagon as they made the long ride back to Amoresse to rest for the night. Janus rolled his serpentine eyes, 
“You, dear delusional knight, are totally not the one who went and killed said Dragon Witch, thus leaving her treasure for the taking.”, the half Yuan-Ti hissed, appropriately, “Besides, you can absolutely take the moral high ground here when you stole her crown at the first opportunity.”
The pristine elven knight gasped dramatically, clutching his figurative pearls at such an accusation! 
“This is an outrage-!”
“Both of you shut the fuck up or I’m driving this wagon off the nearest goddamn cliff!!”
Roman and Janus both immediately quietened down at the threat issued so casually by their wagon driver as the dhampir hissed curses under his breath. The two in the back glared at each other back and forth, avoiding looking towards the wrecked fabric of the canopy and the splintered wood. In Roman’s defense, he hadn’t known that grabbing the crown specifically would cause the Dragon Witch’s castle to fall to ruin around them. He’d realised his mistake almost immediately when he felt the dark magic radiating off of it. However, he couldn’t bring himself to admit that was the case. Especially not around Janus, the damn snake wouldn’t let him live it down. 
Being careful to pick his moment, Roman hazarded a glance over at the reptilian rapscallion eyeing up his spoils; Janus was an enigmatic entity to Roman, showing such sophistication and poise while also being prone to stumbling over his words or his own two feet in the same breath. Unabashedly, he displayed selfishness unrivalled by even the most aristocratic nobility, but in a pinch, was fully able to toss aside even the most valuable of artifacts to save a life. 
Roman had tried not to think about it. The noble and chivalrous knight, Roman of Sandaria, being saved from the jaws of death by a conman who, by all accounts, he had fully expected to leave him to die. The elven man wasn’t sure where his resentment lay; perhaps Roman thought he should’ve been able to save himself, perhaps he felt guilty for misjudging Janus but couldn’t find it in him to admit it, or perhaps it was an underlying prejudice from his training days. Yeah, he really  didn’t want to think about it.
Instead, Roman made his way to sit up front next to the moody wagon driver, making light conversation,
“I should be the one manning the wagon, your highness.”
“Roman, I’ve told you before, you can just call me by my name.”, the dhampir met Roman with piercing silver eyes, “Now, tell me what’s wrong.”
“I don’t understand my- Virgil,”, he corrected at the last second, “Nothing’s wrong. Aside from the fact you refuse to allow me to call you by your title-”
“That’s horseshit and you know it, Roman.”, Virgil kept his eyes on the road, anxious over the possibility of a crash if he kept his gaze averted too long, “I’ve known you since we were kids, I can tell when you’re lying. Besides, being called ‘your highness’ feels wrong as it is. Coming from you? It’s even fucking weirder than this whole marrying into royalty thing...”
Roman rolled his eyes but sat closer to offer Virgil a one-armed hug. The latter gave it a moment before accepting the gesture, “Virgil, you’ll be fine. If any one of us was suited to princedom, I cannot think of a better candidate. And your future husband is unreasonably attractive, so I don’t see what you have to complain about-”
“Oh my god, shut UP!”, Virgil chuckled and shoved Roman playfully. “I mean, you’re not wrong but the last thing I need is to think too hard about Logan and crash this stupid fucking shambles of a wagon!” 
The lighthearted banter did wonders to distract Roman until Virgil managed to get things back on track unfortunately, “Now, stop deflecting and tell me what’s got you so gloomy, Sir-Sing-A-Lot.”
Roman rolled his eyes at the old nickname, “I’m fine, Virge, really. I merely wish our cascading castle adventure had been a little less…ruinous.”
“.... Was that a fucking pun-”
“Ahem.”, Janus cleared his throat from behind the two of them, “I do so loathe to interrupt.... whatever this is,”, he gestured between the two of them, “But I believe that’s our stop up ahead. Wouldn’t want to go destroying that as well.”
With that, the serpentine rogue slunk back into the wagon. Roman muttered something under his breath, inaudible to Virgil, before reluctantly joining the scaled nuisance bagging up his wares. The elven knight made sure to keep his crown tucked into his rucksack, just in case thievery was something to be wary of in Amoresse. The town’s reputation, however, gave Roman hope that their visit would prove more helpful than hindering; the rumours told of a town renowned for helping wayward, lonely souls find their soulmates. As a single, disaster gay, Roman sure hoped the rumours were true. Truly he could think of nothing sadder than turning up alone to his best friend’s wedding.
Getting booked into their rooms at the tavern was a far easier ordeal than having to endure the overly chaotic gate guard to the city. The bizarre tiefling had spent so long rambling on and on about the most grotesque topics that by the time they had successfully secured a wagon bay, the moon now shone in all her celestial beauty. Virgil had suggested resting for the night, and despite Roman’s urging that they stay together, Janus had been insistent on checking out the nightlife. The knight had been content to let him do so while he guarded the prince, but the tired dhampir insisted he too take the night to enjoy himself. Roman would have argued further had Virgil not issued the suggestion as an order after his first protest.
And that was how Roman found himself sitting at a small outdoor bar tended by a rather friendly dwarf. Said dwarf, Patton as he came to learn, was quite the chatterbox while Roman was content to take in the night air in spite of his earlier worries. 
“Say kiddo,”, the dwarf broke from his pleasant rambling, “you’re looking a little lonely there. You got something on your mind?”
Roman hadn’t expected that. He pursed his lips in thought. 
“I suppose I may as well be honest with you. I’ve been wondering if-”
“If the rumours are true?”, Patton finished, “Well, luckily for you, they are!”
He ducked down behind the counter and pulled up an ornate crystal bottle that contained a marvellous prismatic liquid inside. Roman watched with great interest as the dwarf pulled out a goblet and began to mix a sweet, fruity smelling drink before dropping in three drops of the colourful elixir.
“Anima Venenum”, Patton informed him, “Our town’s alchemist created it by accident a couple of centuries back, and ever since, we offer some to tourists who look like they need a little guidance in the ol’ world of love!”
Roman was mesmerised, “Really? You mean, I needn’t pay you for it?”
“Nope! Our only rule is to never hand it out to anyone who doesn’t ask us for it. It’s up to you if you wanna accept this, so no pressure. I just figured you looked like you might be in need of it.”
The knight had so many questions swirling around in his brain, but by the time he had settled on a single one, his hand was holding the goblet to his lips. The taste was citrusy like sweet clementines, but with a mixed berry and almost floral taste that reminded him of a rose wine. As the last of it slid down his throat, Roman noted a soft honey-like taste as he thanked Patton, 
“That tastes wonderful! I’ve never had an elixir that tasted so good.”
Patton chuckled, “Actually, the elixir itself is tasteless. People just take better to it when it's mixed with a good drink, otherwise the texture weirds ‘em out.”
“Ah, I see.”, Roman let out a gentle chuckle. He didn’t feel all that different, truth be told, and so he asked, “How will I know it’s working?”
“The effects are instantaneous, don’t you worry! It might be hard to notice at first, but when you’re near your soulmate, your heart will feel really warm- In a good way! Not like heartburn, so don’t worry about it feeling unpleasant.”, Patton assured him.
Roman nodded, making a note of it as he got up to leave before quickly asking, “Oh! How long will it last?”
Patton waved him off, assuring him, “It’ll last for as long as you need to find your soulmate, guaranteed!”
With the night reaching its peak, Roman found himself strolling along the cobbled streets back to the tavern when he felt it; a flicker of warmth in his heart. Soft as the beating of a butterfly’s wing but very much there. He followed the feeling until he came upon a narrow street, hardly lit by the lamps stationed at it’s opening. The street itself was largely empty bar a silhouette in the dark leaning against the stone bridge that arched over the shimmering water running beneath it. 
His heart raced as Roman approached the figure, the flames licking at his heart until he arrived about a foot from the entrance of the bridge. The figure turned to Roman, smirking a familiar smirk,
“Come to join me, oh loyal guardian of our beloved prince?”
Janus. His soulmate was Janus?! Roman couldn’t believe it, yet no matter how thoroughly he scanned the immediate area, not a single other soul revealed itself. The half Yuan-Ti raised a bemused eyebrow at Roman, “Please, do keep ignoring my question so you may continue to look like a fool.”
Roman scowled. Maybe the kindly dwarf was just teasing him? No, he didn’t seem the type. But this conman? His soulmate? Perhaps Roman would indulge it, see where that led him. Worth a shot anyway. 
“My apologies.”, was all Roman offered as he took a spot on the bridge next to Janus, the flames of his heart undeniably soaring to life at the close proximity. Janus gave Roman a puzzled glance which let Roman take in his features; a half scaled face and body that, the more he watched the moonlight dance along the scales, made Roman want to gently reach out and touch them. In fact, he had subconsciously been doing just that when Janus had held his wrist in place, “It’s not completely rude to just touch someone’s scales without permission. What’s gotten into that underbaked brain of yours, Roman?”
Flustered and embarrassed by his lack of tact, Roman uttered quietly, “Soulmate cocktail.”
Roman panicked, “So many cocktails. Is what I said. Like, 14 whole cocktails.” 
Great. Excellent save.
“..... You’re expecting me to believe that? Did you forget that I’m rather adept at being able to tell when someone’s lying to my face, Roman?”
End him. Just end him now. Roman wished a stray lightning bolt would smite him where he stood so he wouldn’t have to face his own stupidity. Quick, say something to help ease the situation.
“Okay. I had 16 cocktails.”, he stammered with a laugh, “I’m absolutely drunk. You got me, you clever reptile you!”
Roman of Sandaria you are a certified idiot. 
“.... Alright then. Prove it.”, Janus goaded him, locking onto Roman’s crimson eyes with his own citrine snake-like eyes. 
“Let me smell your breath.”, Janus clarified, getting closer. Each inch set Roman’s heart aflame all too literally. “If you’re as inebriated as you claim to be, your breath will absolutely stink.”
“Uuuh, personal space-”, Roman began to move back, but Janus grasped the front of his tunic.
“Don’t give me that, Mister Personal-Space-Is-A-Societal-Construct, I’ve seen how often you get in your dear prince’s personal space...”, Roman could’ve sworn for a split second that Janus sounded resentful, or perhaps envious, before his tone took a more curious route, “... or perhaps could there be another reason you don’t want to be so close to me?”
The knight became aware of the burning within his chest threatening to rage out of control, the distance between them barely a couple of inches now. Roman wasn’t sure what to do, but the lure of Janus’ eyes and the way his ribcage radiated with a heat he’d never felt before spurred him to act; he leant forward and pressed his lips to the serpentine man before him.
It surprised Roman just how pleasant it felt, though he prepared himself for harsh retaliation from the half Yuan-Ti when he felt Janus take in a breath against his lips. However, Roman was pleasantly surprised to find that Janus, not only didn’t issue him a well-earned slap and spend the rest of the night cussing him out, but instead kissed him back even harder. Not that Roman was complaining. By the time they pulled back for air, Roman didn’t even notice the fire in his heart subsiding to be replaced with a more natural warmth as Janus’ hands softly caressed Roman’s cheeks. “I’ll be the first to admit, I totally saw the night heading that direction.”, Janus mused in surprise.
Roman let out a hearty chuckle, hardly even noticing that he’d subconsciously wrapped his arms around Janus.
“Care to tell me what brought this on, Roman of Sandaria?”
Just hearing his name spoken in such an enticing dulcet made his knees feel weak; how had Roman never noticed how beautiful Janus’ voice was? His mind was too busy latching onto every octave, every syllable, that he nearly forgot to answer him. He took Janus’ scaled hand and pressed his lips to it in a gentle gesture his soulmate clearly wasn’t used to if the flustered way he averted his eyes was anything to go by,
“I suppose you could say I did a little soul searching.”
Have some straight up Roceit fluff, this came out so cute.
Taglist: @somehow-i-got-an-account @cateye-glasses @lavender-mochi [I know you love your Roceit so I figured I’d tag you incase you needed this] @fandomsofrandom [I nearly missed the reblog where you asked to be added I’m so sorry]
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