#and he would tell aang and aang would be super happy
evilkitten3 · 1 year
What would you think, if, after getting advice from Iroh, Zuko and the gang travel to the spirit world in order to find Aang’s people so that Aang can teach the air acolytes more about the air nomads? But Zuko gets attacked by a poisonous spirit and reverts back to pre Season 2 Zuko after losing some of his memories due to the poison fogging his mind. Zuko is confused and doesn’t know why he’s firelord. The gang try to explain things to him, but it only causes him to become even more confused. Aang and the gang then leave Zuko behind to spend more time with the air acolytes. While they’re gone, Zuko is very uncertain about what to do, but soon corrupt advisors convince him to restart the war. Zuko doesn’t remember his friendship with Aang, but he hears that he once joined Aang, so Zuko assumes that Aang once brainwashed him into joining team Avatar and turning against his Father. Zuko intends to be a much greater firelord than his father, and he and his army raid the air acolyte settlement in their airships in order to hunt down Aang once again, and end up burning down the settlement. Aang and the gang wonder why Zuko chose to hunt them down again. Aang eventually comes to the conclusion that Zuko backslid due to bad advice from his advisors and because he lost some of his memories. Aang then travels the nations looking for a cure to help restore Zuko’s memories.  
Azula escapes from the mental institute and Zuko sends bounty hunters after her to capture her. Soon, Azula gets bitten by a snake, so she finds help in the village of Jang Hui where she is healed by two waterbenders, who are taking refuge there. Jang Hui is the village Katara helped in The Painted Lady. And the villagers aren’t on good terms with the firelord. The villagers accept her and assume that she’s on their side because she’s made an enemy of the Firelord. The villagers teach Azula how to heal people using firebending techniques inspired by water bending, and she ends up becoming a fisherwoman because it’s a fishing town. She starts to warm up to the town, but one day she overhears the waterbenders talking about sneaking out to sabotage the smelting factory(which is currently undergoing reconstruction) in order to help the villagers. Azula offers to join their mission, and the three sneak out to destroy the factory, but she betrays the waterbenders over to the fire nation in hopes that she might bring glory to the fire nation. But now that the waterbenders are captured and eliminated, the town is defenseless. Zuko’s army burns the town down leaving few survivors. Zuko didn’t exactly authorize the attack, but he did give his generals permission to do whatever it takes to stop the villagers from trying to halt the rebuilding of the factory used for the war effort. A few survive and declare revenge on Azula for what she did.  
Azula starts to feel terrible about betraying the people who saved her life and indirectly causing the village to be destroyed, since she didn’t know it would be destroyed. And she holds Zuko partially responsible for destroying the village. After wandering around, Azula looks through a telescope and sees Aang try to save a fire nation village from a volcano, and she also sees Zuko. Zuko does nothing after his corrupt advisors tell him to leave the village, saying that Aang will probably die, so Zuko runs away. But Aang manages to save the village from the erupting volcano. Azula gets accepted into the gang when she uses her new healing abilities to heal Aang, who is wounded by the volcano. They reluctantly team up to stop Zuko.
After wandering around the Earth Kingdom to look for a cure for Zuko's memory loss, the gang sees a massive stream of fire pour down from a few fire nation airships hovering above a village. The stream of fire burns the village to the ground, leaving few survivors. It turns out that fire nation scientists developed a highly addictive serum that can increase the fire power of any fire Bender. The downside is that prolonged use of the serum results in loss of the senses, and eventually death. Senses such as taste, smell, sight, touch, and hearing. Zuko intends take the serum and lead a fleet of airships to finish what his Dad started by burning the Earth Kingdom to the ground. After learning what Zuko intends to do, even Aang feels tempted to give up on him.
it's an interesting concept, but i have a few critiques.
first, if the gaang knows zuko lost his memory, why would they leave him in the first place? and even if they did that, surely there'd be somebody in the palace who could say "hey firelord zuko maybe don't restart the war dude wtf" or at least alert the gaang or something.
second, i've seen a lot of people try to have azula's redemption involve learning some kind of healing, and i gotta say, it very very rarely does anything for me. for starters, it (probably unintentionally) reinforces the northern water tribe's ideology that healing is inherently for women (the show admittedly also did this bc the only named male waterbender who uses any kind of healing in any canon that i'm aware of is unalaq). moreover, it's not something i think azula would be particularly good at or have much interest in.
also, why are there waterbenders in jang hui? it's a fire nation village. you said they were taking refuge, but from what, and why there? on top of that, azula knows zuko is firelord and doesn't know he's lost his memories, so why would she assume betraying the waterbenders to the fire nation would bring it glory? if she just broke out of the asylum, then the last time she saw zuko was when he and katara fought her during the agni kai.
third, if zuko lost his memory to a "poisonous" (???) spirit in the spirit world, why are they searching the earth kingdom for a cure? shouldn't they be looking in the spirit world? aang's the avatar, and iroh's gotten in before, so it shouldn't be the hardest thing in the world.
fourth, if zuko lost all his memories of books 2 and 3, he shouldn't know about ozai's plan to burn everything to the ground, since that wasn't established until after he returned to the fire nation with azula, mai, and ty lee.
finally, even before book 1 began, zuko was deeply loyal to his people, balking at the mere idea of sacrificing newbie soldiers for the sake of a win, so i can't fathom a world where zuko is ok with burning down jang hui (a fire nation village) just cuz.
i'm not trying to say there's no potential here, you have some very interesting ideas, but there's a lot that doesn't really work for me.
(to be fair tho i'm not a huge fan of anything involving much of the air acolytes bc i frankly could not give less of a fuck about them. i don't hate them or anything they just don't mean anything to me)
#atla#it's an interesting concept#but honestly as described here it's more confusing than anything else#also the whole premise relies on the idea that zuko blindly listens to what people tell him to do#which is something he's never once managed ever in his life#also the whole ''let's burn everything to the ground'' was something zuko wasn't remotely ok with#bc unlike azula he hasn't been raised to believe that the right thing to say is whatever makes dad proud of you#he HAS been raised to believe that paternal love has to be earned through blood sweat and tears#but if he knew ozai was in prison then obviously the best way to get his favor would be to let him out and reinstate him as firelord#which would be. very confusing to ozai#imagine just sitting in prison and then your son storms in and tells you he's freed himself of brainwashing and you can be in charge again#then imagine having to explain that the avatar can take away bending now but you'd be happy to help him rule from the shadows#since clearly your daughter wasn't of any use#...actually i think you have the start of a really good toxic father-son bonding experience that absolutely nobody wanted#having said that my biggest piece of advice is to cut the serum idea entirely#it makes no sense in the established atla world#they haven't even got antibiotics over there yet#it'll be awhile before they're inventing super soldier serums to create captain fire nation or whatever#also i'm curious what advice iroh gave that prompted all of this#aang doesn't need to go into the spirit world he has all the previous air avatars on psychic speed dial#oh and why would jang hui hate zuko?#katara definitely would've pushed him to send them help#also they apparently became famous for their seafood after the war#so zuko would probably be pretty well liked by them#again it isn't a bad idea it just needs a lot of workshopping#bc right now it raises way more questions than it seems intent on answering
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the-badger-mole · 4 months
So due to friends who ship it, I often end up in KA spaces more than I would like. But I recently was told something I think you especially would find funny/ridiculous. Apparently Bryke has continued the revisionism of their show due to criticism. First it was the comics and Aang asking Katara if he can kiss her. Then it’s the freaking cookbook that tells us Aang cooks all the time for his friends and knows lots of air nomad vegetarian recipes. Now according to my KA shipping friends, Avatar Legends has talked about how Kya and Bumi were included and received a full air nomad cultural education just like Tenzin did. That Kya uses her father’s lessons on “philosophy, meditation, and balance” in her own life and teaches classes to the new air nomads. So now KA shippers are trying to claim that this shows that Aang was a good dad and did treat them fairly and wasn’t neglectful. I can only imagine what Bryke will come up with next for their new movie!
Fortunately thanks to you I have a solid argument for my friends whenever this kind of thing crops up, “If Bryke thought it was important they would have showed it on screen in the show.” So thank you!
I'm happy to help! I would add that them making these adjustments to Aang after everyone complained about them is too little too late. Especially since most of these have come well after LoK wrapped. Who are they even doing it for? Aang's stans are going to stan no matter what awful things he does. Those of us who don't like Aang aren't going to be fooled by such an embarrassingly transparent attempt. And unless they're going to George Lucas LoK and rewrite whole episodes and plot points, their original ideas still stand. All they're doing is proving the Zutara/anti Aang fans right. Aang was a terrible father/husband/friend, and now they're trying to retcon their boy. I don't follow the comics and other properties, but what I've heard about it all makes me feel vindicated. I can't wait until they reveal that Katara had a bigger statue than Aang in another part of Republic City the whole time, and the only reason she wasn't at Yakone's bloodbending trial is because she was singlehandedly delivering an entire maternity ward's worth of babies. In the middle of a blizzard. With her teeth. And the reason she's the only one who can stop Aang's Avatar Super Tantrums is because every Avatar has some sort of mystical counterpoint that's born to babysit their rage outs.
Bryke's writing is a joke.
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ambriel-angstwitch · 6 months
Robins being Robin Commentary #5-6
Fourth and Final Part!
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Immediate Bald Damian Jump scare. Also kind of reminds me of Aang.
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Batmans been having an angsty night stroll. Found a picture of a girl that looks like Jenny Wren, I wish he was talking about Cass here but I know he’s talking about Jenny Wren
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Ok so Dick shining stuff in their eyes got them stuck in a simulation. They had to play it through to escape using Tim’s guidance. All of their seemingly perfect life’s that Bruce thought they might have lived without him fell apart (Steph leading a super team, Damian’s monk lifestyle, Jason’s race car driver dream, and Dicks super spy life. Tim being kidnapped wasn’t in the simulation but he did find out while hacking it that Bruce thought he’d be a video game designer.)
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Exactly! Not only does Batman need Robin and Robin need Batman. But the entire support structure is important
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On a continuation of Tim suffers hour. She is going to use headlight to make him look like the villain Batman blames. So at least Batman has a no kill rule
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Time for them to see gauntlet zero. But ahhh! Damian called Tom his brother! I know I already freaked out when Tim called Damian his baby brother but both are amazing occasions
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Ope! Well Robin ought to have been traumatic for Bruce. Not to mention that this means Jason isn’t even the first Jason. By the time Jason came around he’d already lost a kid, granted she wasn’t as much of his kid as the robins since his home never really became hers but still
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More Tim Suffering. The way it takes three of the Batkids to hold him off when he thought someone hurt his kids.
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Ahh yes my favorite mind control (or other situations where the mind is messed with) trope. Telling the person something only they would know as the other is hurting them. (Also little Dick is so cute I love him)
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Yay! A happy ending! Bruce is part of family talks now! (Please just add Babs, Cass and Duke too now! Maybe Kate sometimes)
< prev
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sweetsugarcakes · 2 months
Hi! How are you? I saw your requests are open and I couldn't let this chance pass.
So, I want to request an Azula x gn reader, where reader is originally on the Gaang's side, but in a fight against Azula and other fire nation people Azula gets wounded and gets unconscious. Reader sees her, but instead of taking her prisoner, they feel a strange kind of sympathy (✨️love on first sight✨️) for Azula and flee and hide with her. When Azula wakes up, things get a bit dramatic maybe but a happy ending would be nice.
I hope you like the request! Have a great day :)
hii im doing well ty for asking :)
this is so cute of course I’ll do it🩵
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Azula x gn! reader
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The Gaang was in your village as they were trying to hide from the Fire nation and their princess Azula. Obviously you didn’t like the Fire nation you couldn’t stand them one bit. So you helped the Avatar and the rest with their journey that they were going to set off. But before they could leave you saw the battleship coming to the village. Everyone had retreated and so did you. You watched the fight unfold seeing Aang and Azula going at it and occasionally Katara jumping in to save Aang. Toph and Sokka took care of the soldiers.
Eventually Aang did his air bending sending Azula a few yards as she hits a building making the rumble going down on her a bit. You saw she had a scrapes on her face and hands, she was clearly unconscious. The Gaang came up to you and gave you gratitude on taking great care of them. They got on the sky bison and flew away from view. Luckily your village seemed to not notice that the fire nations princess was still here and she was unconscious. Originally, you would take someone from the fire nation prisoner, but something in you screamed to help her. You went to the broken building seeing her laid out and senseless. You knew this was wrong and you’re practically helping the fire nation doing this. Without anyone looking, you picked up Azula and put her arm over your shoulder.
Moments later, you had taken her to your home where your father was on the shift of protecting the village from any Fire nation. Azula was sleeping on your bed meanwhile, you got your health supplies when she wakes up so you could heal her. While you were taking out the ointment you heard the bed creek and the blankets rustling. You saw Azula awaken rubbing her head and her hair fallen down. She immediately glared at you as she got off the bed and rushed to you putting her two fingers with her super long nails against the skin up to your neck. “Who are you?” She kept looking at you. “[Name]” You said as you looked down at Azula. “Hmm where’s the Avatar? I know you helped them. Where did he go?” She demanded as she then winced at her back. “I’ll tell you but please take it easy. You’re still hurt and injured.” You said calmly and smiled trying to ease her anger. She still had her suspicions about you but she saw your health supplies and sat down. “I’m a princess. I don’t need help from you!” She said in a stubborn tone. You chuckle “I know but I want to help you.” You got out some bandages and ointment for her.
You went up to her. “Hold still it’s going to sting.” You warned as you put the alcohol on a cloth and rubbed it on her skin to disinfect anything form hee opened wounds. You heard her gasp and glared down at you. “Not so harsh!” She yelled as you rolled your eyes. You kept treating her wounds. Under all the toughness of Azula she couldn’t help but find your kindness a bit weird. Usually from being in another nation, they would’ve locked her up or killed her when she was passed out. But she could help to find your compassion…nice.
As you were done with her face you moved to her fingers. They were a bit bloody as you cleaned them and wrapped them in some bandages. “Is that better?” You looked up as she gave a nod. You got up and went to your desk. “Why did a peasant like you help me?” Azula chuckled mockingly. “I don’t know something told me to help you.” You didn’t look at her but her face was a bit surprised, for some reason she felt her heart skip a beat. She also was intrigued that you didn’t get mad or offended at her calling you a peasant. “I’m grateful for your compassion but I’m going to go back to my ship.” Azula got up still a bit in pain as she went to your mirror trying to do her hair. You saw her struggle and fighting with her hair. “I’m guessing you never did your own hair?” You asked as she just grunted. You walked over to her. “Stop let me.” You stopped her by holding her wrists and pulling them away from her hair. She wanted to fight back and shout at you for touching her but then saw you do her hair. You put it in a high bun like how she had it before and put her hairpin in. “There…” you pulled away seeing her being pleased. “Thank you peasant.”
You rolled your eyes as she was about to leave but stopped herself. “Why don’t you join me on my journey? You could be quite useful” She grinned at you. You knew if you didn’t go with her it wouldn’t be good but you also wanted to. Somehow you found her captivating even if she was a fire nation royal. “Sure.” You say as you see her grin from ear to ear. “You’re a very interesting peasant. You won’t leave my side unless I say so. You’re like my assistant.”
You two snuck away from the village trying to get back to Azulas ship. You left a note for your father lying in the writing. You couldn’t tell him the truth. You arrived at her big ship as she walked and you followed. The soldiers got in line and bows at Azulas presence “Princess we were worried where were you?” The captain asked as she grins. “[Name] had helped me! Now they are my assistant and if anyone gives them trouble or talks poorly about them you’re going to be burned alive! Got it?!” She demanded in a strong voice as the soldiers bow. “Yes Princess!” Azula turned to you. “Like I said you don’t leave my side, you’re with me now.” You nod as you couldn’t help but feel warm at the possessiveness. “O-ok princess” you smiled gently as she grinned. “Good! Come with me and tell me where the Avatar went while you check on my wounds.” She demanded as she walked to her throne. You smile and nod while you followed her.“Maybe she isn’t so bad”
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this was so fun to write. I really hope you enjoyed it and wrote it the way you wanted. 🫶
have a great day also!! :)
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wilcze-kudly · 6 months
I know this is a Beifong blog, and you don't have all the answers, but...Whatever happened to Sokka, Suki, Azula, Ty Lee, and Mai? Why haven't we ever see them in ATLOK (Avatar: The Legend Of Korra)?
Well um, Sokka's dead for sure. We know he died before tlok, Katara mentions this in the first episode. The statue commemorating him also seems to be rather recent, as it is part of the Southern Water Tribe Cultural Centre, which was built by Varrick, I think. The fandom consensus is that he died in 158 AG, at the hands of the Red Lotus while defending baby Korra. However I couldn't find any canon confirmation of this other than hints.
We know he was a Conucilman in Republic City for a while, and later in life became known as Chief of the Southern Water tribe. My personal headcanon is that Katara was Chief until Aang died. After the death of the love of her life, I imagine Katara would withdraw more and share or hand over this particular responsibility to Sokka. I have more headcanons but this is meant to be objective soo..
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I've seen a lot of rumours on Suki having died young, however, I cannot find anything confirming or denying those. From what we know, she went on to lead the Kyoshi warriors, she also acted as Zuko's bodyguard.
My personal theory is that Suki eventually left the bodyguarding duties to Ty Lee and continued to travel, spreading Kyoshi's magnificanet bisexual teachings.
She appears to still be with Sokka at least up until 124 AG, so... just into her fourties if I'm doing the math right. I do find it hard to believe her and Sokka wouldn't have children, though her serving in the Fire Nation and him spending a lot of time in Republic City may explain why they hasn't settled down yet. I do have headcanons (*cough* Baatar Sr *cough*)
Aang also tell Tenzin that Suki had "skills Sokka could only dream of" so... our underrated queen stays winning.
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Azula, Azula... We have no idea what happened to Azula. My hopes are that she will get her redemption in some way or another, but she is not mentioned in tlok or any other media that I've found.
So... let me dream. I've always adored the theory that Azula eventually became the Bhanti Shaman we see in tlok. Now, there are rough edges to this theory and I don't actually believe it, however it makes me happy.
There are certain surface level similarities in appearance, but seeing Azula gain enlightenment and a sense of peace in an old age means a lot to me. I could ramble about this headcanon all day. Feel free to ask me about it.
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Ty Lee
We don't know much about Ty Lee other than her still being an active Kyoshi warrior in 124 AG. My assumption is that sh was a member of the organisation in some form to her death/ or till tlok. If she were, I'd imagine her organising whatever Kyoshi Warriors there are in the Fire Nation. I could also see her being an aunt figure to Izumi and still acting as a defender to the Firelord in some capacity.
We have no explicit mention of her death, so she could be alive and kicking, doing backflips at the tender age of 80 something, hey I believe in her.
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While Mai and Zuko did break up in the comics, I can see them getting back together later in life. She deserves to be firelady, and I think she'd be damn good at it too. Something about the girl who was always told to be quiet and obedient becoming queen makes me all guddy inside. Besides, the similarities between Michi (Mai's mom), Mai herself and Izumi are undeniable. Jawline as sharp as one of those throwing knives, goddamn.
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Whew! This took more than an hour of research and typing (mainly cause I'm slow as fuck and need to check my sources every 10 secs) so I hope you enjoyed, anon! While yes, I am a Beifong blog and asks about the Beifongs, particularly Suyin's children will always make me super giddy, I enjoy all asks. Sorry for injecting my personal headcanons and biases, but I did my best to be objective!
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natlacentral · 6 months
‘Avatar: The Last Airbender’ Crown Prince Dallas Liu Had Elliott Smith on his Zuko Playlist
With the Netflix show officially renewed for two more seasons, the actor talks to GQ about his personal style, his cult series PEN15, and bending lightning.
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Before he found his calling, Avatar: The Last Airbender star Dallas Liu considered becoming a stuntman. But when Liu was only 12 years old, his soon-to-be manager discovered his competition videos on YouTube and asked him if he'd ever thought about acting. The answer was yes: “Martial arts had definitely inspired me to become an actor, because of the performance aspect of it,” Liu tells GQ from his home in California.
Now, at 22, Liu’s credits include a Gen-Z cult comedy (PEN15) and a high-profile Marvel film (Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings.) He’s been able to channel his eclectic background to play the complicated villain at the center of the Avatar: The Last Airbender franchise, Fire Nation royal Prince Zuko.
A few weeks before Netflix announced that Avatar had been renewed for a second and third season, Liu talked to GQ about how playing Prince Zuko changed him, his love of A24 films, and the Pen15 renaissance.
Were there any Avatar scenes that you were really excited to film?
All of the flashbacks. All of episode six was super fun, but specifically the scene between Aang and Zuko in that shed after an escape. And then, when Zuko sort of blows up at Zhao, at the fight at the Northern Water tribe.
The writers had given me a lot of good stuff to work with, and so I was just happy that in our show Zuko gets a character arc. In the first season of the animated series, he’s sort of one-note and quite melodramatic in each scene—he's sort of being repetitive about his motives. [But] he was always my favorite character as a kid. I just loved Zuko. Being able to play him was a dream come true.
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I saw in another interview that you said that it was great to humanize him. Was there anything that you kind of discovered about yourself through playing Zuko, because he's such a complicated character?
Yeah, since he’s so complex, playing him opened up my heart while I was off-set. When I had originally arrived in Vancouver to work on the show, I was similar to Zuko in that I was very narrow-minded in what I wanted to do, in terms of how I wanted to be an actor on set. I thought this was my one opportunity in life to prove to the people that I have a spot in this industry.
I was like, I'm focused on my work, do my job, go home, rest, and just take care of myself. And throughout that process, that's what it feels like with Zuko and Iroh. Zuko is like, "I'm just going to capture the Avatar, and then return them to my father and then I get to go home." And we see that that's not the case.
There are so many things that are involved in this journey that Zuko and Iroh go on, and something that I felt was my relationship with the other cast members and with the crew members started to grow. I found myself wanting to open up my heart and share this experience with them, and share all the love that I had inside of me that I had been trying to hold back on.
If you were not playing a character from the Fire Nation, what powers would you want to have personally?
Oh, it still definitely would be fire. It’s the most aesthetically-pleasing one in my opinion. In the world of Avatar, you can start to manipulate other elements once you become a master of that base one, and I think lightning is something that I've always thought would be super cool to bend. I think fire represents me, my heart.
What's your Zodiac sign?
I'm a Leo.
That adds up.
Wait, why?
Leo is a fire sign!
Oh, yeah, that's true!
Have you seen the TikToks about the Pen15 renaissance?
During my time shooting it, Pen15 was still blowing up. It's been on this continuous rise, which I'm so happy because that show—now it's really, really popular. But at the time, it was so underrated. I was still tapping into a younger version of myself on that series. But [for Avatar] I took inspiration from watching Maya and Anna act out as kids, for Zuko being an innocent child himself in the war meetings, in that first scene with Uncle Iroh in episode six.
I mean, you were still a kid. You were 16. That's a child.
Yeah. Yeah. Well, I guess it's a lot closer to Zuko, and that he doesn't think he is.
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Did you really shave your head for this, or did you do a bald cap?
Given that we were trying to stay faithful to the original and what it represented in the show, I thought it was extremely important for me to shave my head. I had a choice. I won't get into what it represents so much, but you get to see a little bit in some of the Avatar lore that exists outside of our series. But it gets you into character so much because it pisses you off so badly every morning. Waking up on the weekends when I'm not working and I just want to go out, I have to throw on a beanie. But waking up and staring at myself—This is my life now, this is who I am—I think it certainly got me into character very easily.
I really liked your red velvet suit at the premiere. How has your style evolved from your younger years to now?
My mom has always been my biggest fashion influence. She's the one who sort of turned me into this picky critic when it comes to outfits and clothes. Even when I was younger, I wouldn't ever let her pick out my outfits. And because I didn't let that happen, I ended up looking really stupid and goofy a lot of the time.
But I think everyone starts in sneakers—very common, especially for guys. You start with basketball shoes, and then you transition into Jordans, and then you transition into some form of streetwear after that. And at that point, you could go, I think, either into this world of vintage or archive clothing, or obviously, people love designer clothing and mixing up that world of streetwear with that.
But for me, I think I just really elevated basics. My style has just become less about brands, obviously, and more about quality. I'm 22 now, so I'm paying for all of this stuff myself. So I'm like, is this worth it? Am I going to be fine without this? On carpets for the Avatar premiere, I wanted to go all out. When I'm in real life, I just stick to all black and different shades of gray.
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Did you make a playlist for Zuko, his character to get into character?
I did, but at some point, I stopped using it just because I sort of found my groove from the character. But some artists that were in there were Elliot Smith and Duster.
Which Elliot Smith songs did you put on there?
“Between the Bars.” And just all of his most popular stuff for sure, because especially “Between the Bars” relates to some part of Zuko's life, whether it was his actual scar banishment or catching the Avatar.
Are there any genres you want to dabble in next?
I honestly love drama so much. Obviously, the new Dune film just came out and I just love Denis [Villeneuve]. Every actor, I feel like can agree with me on [that]—and that we want to do an A24 film. But honestly, I'm still just trying to take any work that I can get, because I do want to show my range as an actor. I'd love to work with Willem Defoe on something, that'd be cool. So, just projects that are grounded, but have a stylistic element that separates it from Hollywood blockbusters.
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ssreeder · 3 months
I would say my thoughts about it but I have too many thoughts but I also don’t wanna fill your asks with 20 million anons so,
after I finished it I decided to re-read from LIAB and bro…
That shit broke me.
The way you perfectly constructed sokka’s arc, like I swear everything was intentional
He literally went from “it took years for him to get comfortable killing” to “he was always so good with people, that’s was before he started killing them” and from “if he felt a way about something he would most definitely share it” to literally hiding everything that happened to him from people he trusts. Wow.
Once again, absolutely amazed by your incredible writing skills, like actually impeccable.
Enough of me being philosophical,
YOU GAVE BATO A BF!!! HE CAN FINALLY GET OVER HIS HIGH SCHOOL CRUSH!!! AND JEE GETS TO BE HAPPY!!! AAAAHHH!! I’m so happy for them (ik they aren’t even an item yet but still, super happy for them)
Hooray for Ara!! She got her closure, and now she can start a new, healthier, happier lifestyle. Congratulations to my favorite violent dog!! May she get what she deserves (ominous)
But the way she just.. told Katara about zukka being together?? Like, no hesitation.
“Whoops, thought you were banging my brother. Sorry lol.”
“No lmao it’s okay. Zuko’s deff banging him though”
“Yeah lol. Toodles!!”
And then she just- LEAVES?? honestly mood though.
i liked how sweet and genuine she sounded when explaining zukka’s love story though, that was so good of her, she didn’t even talk them down or anything. It was actually so nice.
Can’t wait to see what you do for Jet, really really hope my little street rat gets better. on agni we gonna get you some will to live!!
So many exciting things happening I can’t wait!!
-suki closure!!
literally have said this a million times but actually super scared for sokka for the last bit (zhao tea talks usually didn’t go well)
But I also feel like ur gonna make that an iroh pov… (I’m an empath) so I’ll stay tuned!!
Yue and La bless my favorite water tribe man Hakoda! He loves his kids so much I hope nothing bad happens to them (this is gonna be foreshadowing isn’t it?)
But anyways!!
I wanted to finally tell you about music!!
It’s gonna be a lot of mitski cus she’s one of my main artists I listen to but still,
I thought about “once more to see you” by mitski A LOT throughout RIA and a little bit now through ITF, it fits this part of the story perfectly (in my opinion). It’s literally just zukka through sokka’s pov.
Another one is “Christmas Kids” by ROAR, this one is more for LIAB, and a little bit of RIA, (can you tell I make the edits in my head?) But this time the choruses/verses change pov or can just be seen as multiple characters.
“First Love/Late Spring” by mitski fits zukka through zuko’s pov
And “I bet on loosing dogs” by mitski is Ara with zhao/shen
Now this one is very specific:
“Vampire Empire” by Big Thief
The first verse to the first chorus is LIAB-RIA kataang through aang’s thoughts about katara,
the second verse to the second chorus is zukka LIAB-RIA (and now more recently the current ITF situation) told as per sokka’s pov
And the third verse to the final chorus is how Ara feels about zhao. Like their entire history.
Okay that’s it sorry for bombarding you with my random ass disorganized ask 😭 I’ve been yapping too much, I know, I sound like Reho. Sorry if I said anything disrespectful!!
Anyway!! Can’t wait for the next update!! STAY SUPER DUPER AMAZING SSREEDER!!!
HI ANON WHO I ADORE & LOVE SO MUCH I AM SO SORRY FOR TAKING 10000 YEARS TO ANSWER THIS. (In my defense it’s a perfect 10/10 ask and I couldnt let it go right away<3)
I AM SO SO SO SO SO SOOOOOO happy you enjoyed sokkas arc because damn, I really dismantled him throughout the series and the way you highlighted some of the details about sokka pre prison and how he did a drastic 180 is *CHEFS KISS* yeahhhhhh it was a long process but I’m glad you noticed the intentional dedication I had to ruining our boy sokka <3 (i know I know he’s not ruined but he’s not in a great spot mentally but he’s getting better but hell regress and progress and regress and yeah sokkas just not the same I mean but we will love him and he’s still our SOKKA)
JEE DID GET HIMSELF A BOY FRAND… He is smitten with our boy Bato it’s cute.
Ara is hilarious that’s all I gotta say about her haha.
JET!!!!! I love him!!! He’s not the besttttt influence on Suki but FUCK IT JET IS AWESOME (don’t expect any life changing shit from him but I’m excited that he’ll stay a part of the story) sorry Jet haters he’s staying in LIAB till death does us part of the story ends haha.
oh shit you sent this ask before the last chapter was dropped so now you know ITS AN IROH AND ZUKO TEA TALK (& let me tell you HAAAAA… they’re wonderful in a room together haha)
I was trying to listen to all your songs before I answered your ask but I couldn’t get through all of them, but I will!! I love that you are so passionate about music and the scenes and characters I feel the same way and that’s why I always try to give you songs I’m vibing with lol.
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I always manage to miss your match ups so I'm here (and queer-) to request 😭😭😭
Not even going on anon bc I wanna know when you post.
I dunno if there's a fandom limit so I'll * the ones I want the most.
Fandom: Attack on Titan, ATLA/LOK, Blue Exorcist*, Hazbin Hotel*/Helluva Boss*, Mystic Messenger, Spy x Family*
Name: Kiana (Kiki for short)
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Demisexual & Demiromantic
Zodiac/MBTI/Ennaegram: Sagittarius, ISFJ, 2w3
Appearance: Pale as all hells, currently pink and purple dyed hair, natural blonde so a lot of my body hair is hard to see haha, chubby but makes a good pillow, overheats easily but makes for a good snuggle buddy in winter, 5'8", looks a lot younger than I am lol, have tattoos along the inner side of my arm (related to my kitties) and some paw prints on my shoulder
Personality: Overall sweet, caring, I try to help people when I can, I'm usually someone can talk to when they're having issues, I will fight people who hurt those I care about, huge love and cuddle bug, struggles with self worth, I can be a bit snarky at times, enjoys dark humor, surprises everyone with how unhinged I can be at times LOL
Likes: Animals, my cats (I have six of them-), writing, reading, watching tv/movies, video games, spending time with people I care about, snuggles, sleeping LOL, cold
Dislikes: summer, heat, people who hate on things for no reason, people who are rude to others for no reason, being told how to live my life >:(
Hobbies: reading, writing, video games, taking pictures, painting, drawing, playing with my kitties >:), cooking
Hi Kiki! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took a while. As a thank you for your patience, I decided to give you a matchup for all of the fandoms you requested. I hope you like your matchups!
In Attack on Titan, I match you with...
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This was a close call between Armin and Jean but I think you and Armin would get along a bit better.
Personality wise, you’re very similar. You both like helping people but you also have low self worth. Because of this, you can be each others supporters, helping the other out when things are getting to be a bit too much.
It’s no secret that Armin has a soft spot for animals. In a modern au, he would love cat cafes and going on walks around town to stop and say hello to every animal the two of you come across.
Disliking people telling you how to live your life is something Armin can definitely relate to. Since his dream is seeing the world beyond the walls, he really hopes you can each support the dreams of the other.
Armin loves reading and he’s so glad you share that interest. He would love reading to you from his favourite books and if you are willing to do the same, he will listen attentively to your every word.
In Avatar: The Last Airbender, I match you with...
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You and Aang are both good listeners and this is probably one of the things you bonded over at first. You’re both so used to people talking to you that it’s a nice change having someone willing to listen.
Definitely one of the biggest cuddle bugs in the entirety of the Avatar universe. He just likes expressing his affection that was and he’s super grateful you like that and are the same. No one’s going to be able to pry you two apart.
No need to worry about the heat when you’re around Aang. He can either freeze some water into ice for you or create a nice cool breeze. Just say the word. He’s more than happy to help.
Much like Korra, Aang is delighted that you like animals, especially since he has such a close relationship with Appa and Momo. A lot of your dates will have those two tagging along as third wheels.
In a modern au, Aang definitely plays video games. I see him as someone who would like Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley but I can also see him playing things like Undertale that have moral or ethical considerations built into them.
In Legend of Korra, I match you with...
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Asami is also a very protective person when it comes to those she cares about. There’s a sense of mutual care in your relationship which makes you both feel safe and loved.
Oh, you’re both so snarky and I love it! When the two of you gang up on someone, they don’t stand a chance, both of you bouncing off the other and constantly upping the sass in the room until your opponent has no choice but to yield.
Even though they’re still relatively new, I think Asami would love going to see the latest movers. She thinks they’re fascinating and is glad you enjoy watching them as well.
She’s a reasonably creative person so I think Asami would like painting with you. Setting up your work stations next to each other and painting what you each feel like makes for an enjoyable day spent in great company.
Taking pictures is a must in your relationship. Asami loves hanging up photos from all your dates in her bedroom so she has a nice collection of memories to look at every day as a reminder of you.
In Blue Exorcist, I match you with...
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You and Shiemi are probably the sweetest could anyone has ever seen. You’re both just so nice! It’s actually hard to believe sometimes.
She’s got a pretty strong protective streak herself so the protectiveness definitely goes both ways. She’s honoured you feel the same desire to keep her safe that she feels towards you.
Shiemi loves spending time with all of her friends but she especially loves spending time with you. I think one of her main love languages would be quality time (closely followed by acts of service) so whatever you two end up doing, she’s just happy to be with you.
Please give this girl as many cuddles as you can handle. She’s not touch starved but she’s not used to affection from people she’s not related to so it never fails to send pleasant butterflies through her stomach.
I definitely see Shiemi as someone who likes drawing, especially plants. She’d love to go on walks with you and a sketchpad so you can stop occasionally and make a sketch of what you see.
In Hazbin Hotel, I match you with...
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When it comes to caring, you’d be hard pushed to find someone who cares more in Hell than Charlie. Your own caring nature is what drew the princess of Hell to you in the first place.
One of her main love languages is definitely quality time so she loves spending time with you. She’s very busy with the hotel and her plans of redemption but she’ll always make time to be with you.
Oh, Charlie definitely gets your dislike of hateful or rude people. We all saw how she reacted to Katie Killjoy in the pilot and Susan in the actual show. She might not always react like that but if it’s someone you both dislike, the chances of her snapping double.
One of the cuddliest people you will ever meet. She loves snuggles and is so glad she’s found someone else in Hell who likes that and lets her get her daily dose of physical affection.
Charlie definitely lives life her own way and isn’t fond of being told how she should be living. Since she knows you don’t like that either, she’ll be super supportive of whatever you do so cancel it out. If you do the same for her, she will be super grateful.
In Helluva Boss, I match you with...
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Moxie definitely has a thing for slightly unhinged people. I mean, just look who he works with. The fact that you’re unhinged and also sweet and caring is just a win-win in his book.
He thinks it’s amazing that you can write. If you’re willing to share your work with him, he would love to read it. He’ll give lots of praise and gentle critique where it might be needed.
Moxie loves taking pictures, especially of you (if that’s something you’re comfortable with of course). He likes making photo albums of your dates and special moments so you can both look back on them in the years to come.
Oh my goodness, you can write and you can draw? Moxie thinks you must be one of the most creatively talented people in the world (no, he’s not biased, what do you mean?). He would be over the moon if you drew something for him but would never pressure you.
You can’t really escape hateful and rude people in Hell so Moxie can sympathise with your dislike of them. He’ll do his best to make sure you never feel that way about him or his friends though.
In Mystic Messenger, I match you with...
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You and Seven would be an unstoppable snarky duo. The rest of the RFA don’t stand a chance. They thought they only had to deal with one snarky person and now there are two? And they’re in a relationship? There’s no hope for them…
Loves your dark humour. Seven definitely has that sense of humour as well so there will always be a plethora of dark jokes when you’re together. He will make sure he doesn't cross any boundaries though.
I’m very sorry to say but when your cats are around, you come second to Seven. He loves them so much and almost shuts down when they’re all around him. He just doesn't know which one to show love first.
Oh, it’s a godsend that you can cook because this man lives off cup noodles and Honey Buddha Chips. He loves your cooking too so this might finally get him to have a balanced diet.
I don’t see Seven as being a huge fan of the heat either since he spends most of his time inside, likely in air conditioning. He’s more than willing to let you share the cool interior of his home though.
In Spy x Family, I match you with...
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If there’s one thing Loid admires, it’s those who make it their life mission to help people. It’s his own mission after all. So he definitely finds your desire to help others admirable.
To be in a relationship with a spy, whether you’re aware of it or not, you have to have an unhinged side. In Loid’s mind, this helps you keep up with the dangers of his work and, even though he’ll still worry about you being a target, he’ll feel a bit more comfortable.
Please share your writing with Loid. He’ll carefully read every word and give you really good feedback. He pairs his criticism with praise so it never feels harsh but you also get a really clear idea of how you can improve your writing.
Enjoys watching shows and movies with you. He doesn't get a lot of downtime with his work but when he does, it’s nice just turning his mind off and watching something with you next to him.
Loud is a great cook and he would love having you in the kitchen with you, especially since you like cooking. You get to spend quality time together and enjoy some amazing food at the end as well. It’s a win-win!
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piltover-sharpshooter · 7 months
//Ok I've watched the new live action avatar show twice now and I have...opinions.
First of all let me say I don't think the show is bad by any means, and in their own way I think they were trying to make the best show they could. However I am not sure I agree with a lot of the changes they made.
Like if I wanted to be charitable I'd say they thought the changes were improvements, but if I wanted to be mean I'd also say they point to a severe lack of understanding of the show this is supposedly a live action remake of.
If you enjoyed it that's fine, I'm happy you do, I was mostly left believing the show could be better. The acting is good, I like the sets, and even if I think it's a bit misguided, I can tell they are trying to make something good here.
Spoilers of some of the changes that just confused me under the read more.
The Air nomads were changed to badass monks instead of pacifists? Like just that alone in episode 1 started the alarms blaring in my head because that changes the whole final conflict Aang has in the original.
Aang can just fly??? So even if that wouldn't make Zaheer less important later, it's a really cheap way of showing 'Aang is super special' just to take away his iconic glider.
Sokka is indeed not sexist at the beginning so he has no arc at all. What's weird it's they kept a lot of a insecurity he has, but they don't extend that to it's logical horrible conclusion considering how the water tribe view women?
They seemingly flipped the relationship that Ozai has with Zuko and Azula, like he keeps demeaning her and saying 'you should be like him', and my god that is so not how Ozai would act.
Why on gods green earth would you think Zuko fighting back in the Agni Kai be better, like that cheapens so much.
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tuiyla · 7 months
Not sure if you spoke about this yet and if so, sorry for asking . I just really always enjoyed your thoughts on avatar. Would love to know your thoughts on all the sneak peaks that we’ve seen so far like the trailers and everything. Also your thoughts on the changes made to sokkas character. I don’t know if you heard but it apparently they want to get rid of some of his early Scenes because of his sexism. Also just recently they are changing some things about Katarina because I guess they don’t think some of her personality will translate well in live action.
Oh hey! Sorry it's been so long, sorry I've basically disappeared off tumblr. But I still love Avatar of course and warms my heart to hear people like it when I talk about it.
Sigh, the live action. I'm going to watch it when it comes out tomorrow, of course, and I remember being cautiously optimistic when it was first announced. But between Bryke leaving and the info we've been getting, idk. Visually, it looks really solid. The CGI is a bit too plasticky at times for how much it allegedly costs but the costumes are great, the cast seemed good from the beginning and bending itself, I have to say, looks sick.
But these are just aesthetics. Sure, the infamous movie didn't even get that right but being faithful to and respecting the source material is a lot more than just looking great in live action. Since you've sent this ask, more interviews have come out where they talk about changes made to not only Sokka's character but pretty much everyone's. Aang is less of a goofy kid escaping responsibility. I fear the larger presence of Ozai and Azula will make Zuko too sympathetic too early. Not to mention, apparently he's more so doing what he's doing to win the war not to regain his honour? A rumour I've heard.
I haven't heard much about changes made to Katara but, being Katara's no. 1 fan forever and always I'm sure I wouldn't be happy with any changes haha. With her my main fear is just making her less significant, missing the point of her being a sort of POV character and deuteragonist, and missing important beats such as Imprisoned and The Waterbending Scroll. Some variation of especially the latter may appear but come on, it's 8 episodes trying to tell the story of 20. Unfortunately, Book 1 Water is by faaaar the hardest Avatar book to adapt to modern and live action TV and even though the episode list seems solid, it's those quieter ch centric episodes that will suffer the consequences. That's where Katara thrives. Jet is included so I wonder how they'll handle that crucial storyline and it sets in motion a TON for Katara that all culminates, of course, in her magnum opus The Southern Raiders. I just don't see them doing it justice.
I'll inevitably be at least a little more active with the premier of this show and will share thoughts; idk about a proper review but might vent here or there. I'd love to share thoughts on particular topics people are interested in haha. But until then, on this last day before the Fire Nation attacks and everything changes, I will say this. I think the things they've said so far about character changes are misguided. Sokka's sexism isn't a bug storytelling-wise, it's a feature. It's called character development, look it up, Albert Kim. Now, I'll have to admit that his sexism and the larger gender politics of the Water Tribes is actually an aspect of the show, one of the very few aspects that I think could use quite a bit of improvement, so I wouldn't be against the Netflix show doing this differently. But if they do just omit it that's a grave error. Despite the flashy visuals it doesn't bode well so far, but we'll see. I'll watch it as soon as I get home from work and then probs rewatch the original then rewatch the Netflix one. Oh, the Avatar megafan in me awakens. Btw guys lol I never even updated y'all, I went to the London concert of the soundtrack and it was doooope.
Also Suki looks super cute I'm ready to simp.
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juniperhillpatient · 2 years
Sozin’s Comet Part 1 Re-Watch
This is a great start to the finale & a strong set up for Aang vs. Ozai. The beach party at the start provided a lot of great comedy - especially Sokka’s “sculpture” of Suki. Oh, & on the topic of comedy, shout out to Melon Lord Toph, she always cracks me up.
I’ve already said I think the overarching season could’ve done a stronger job building Ozai as the big bad but in terms of the final episodes the tension is built well. Zuko attacking Aang to “teach him a lesson” - yeah that seems about right. Very Zuko behavior. We love a dramatic bitch. I loved the Gaang coming together & agreeing to do this together. This group of found family means the world to me.
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For real though, the reveal about what was said during that war meeting is pretty chilling. Also, the way both Zuko & Azula were determined to get Ozai’s approval during that meeting was a super interesting glimpse at the dynamic between the three of them. I think that - in Azula’s mind - they were finally a happy family. Azula just builds off what Zuko is saying - she has no idea that he had a different perspective on the earth kingdom’s “hope” than her & Ozai, (how could she?) - she’s just building off Zuko’s points in a way that makes sense & would be expected of her. It’s sick & twisted, but Ozai is pleased. What I’m getting at is that this flashback shows what would seem like a war meeting gone well from Azula’s perspective. Zuko’s betrayal shortly after was clearly the first in a series of events that shocked Azula to her core.
Aang gets a lot of crap from the fandom for freaking out at the idea of killing Ozai. I do think though that while the others are 100% justified in advocating for Ozai’s death & I understand them & agree with them - I feel bad for Aang too. His culture was eradicated by the Fire Nation - his culture that is all about peace & forgiveness. The baby picture of Ozai is a nice touch to show that even 0zai is a human being, & taking his life would matter & should not be taken lightly.
Some people may not want to hear this but I think that if Aang had ended up killing Ozai, it would not be as satisfying as you think. It would have meant Aang going against his own culture, of which he is the last surviving member - & I just don’t think that ending would be as nice as it might seem on the surface. The first time I watched the show, I did really want Aang to kill Ozai but I’ve thought about it a lot more since then & I really do not think that ending would have been good at all.
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I also like that they first thought it was a baby picture of Zuko because while it’s “haha funny” it’s also significant. No one is born evil. Not Ozai, & not Zuko. And the person Ozai is now? That’s 100% what Zuko could have become if he had not made the right choice & decided to fight for peace & balance & to confront his violent past & work to be better.
The ending with Ozai telling Azula that he’s leaving her behind is heartbreaking. How anyone can watch her complete childlike hurt - the desperation to please her father - & not feel empathy for her is just… beyond me. Azula learning that she’s getting left behind breaks my heart every time.
This episode was a great start to the final arc! That’s all I have for now.
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theowritesfiction · 2 years
'The Chase'
I really enjoyed the conflict between Katara and Toph. These two have pretty clashing personalities, and  I feel that even with the Tales of BSS, they never become super close even if there's plenty of grudging respect and eventually real friendship. Obviously, I'm on Katara's side 100% in this conflict. Like, come on Toph, you need a dictionary definition on what it means to be a part of the group? Also, Katara does try to reach out with an apology. And sure, Katara's comment about Toph not being able to see the stars is pretty mean. 50 Jerk Points. To Toph. For provoking Katara into saying it. ;)
I love Toph immediately proving herself so useful to the group with her earthbending senses allowing her to detect danger. Without her, the dangerous ladies would have had an easy drop on the Gaang. I love how the chase itself tells us so much about Azula's ruthless and relentless personality. The dangerous ladies emerging from the tank while riding those lizards is just such an amazing and iconic sight.
Toph discounting Sokka as someone who can fight was pretty mean, though. But I'm happy with the Jerk Points Toph already has, so nothing for this.
The tensions driving Toph into leaving the group felt very realistic. Welcoming a new member into an adventuring party can be a challenge. You may end up with a lot of clashing alignments. ;) I'm not going to assign blame to anyone here. Katara started the argument, Toph made it worse by blaming Appa, and Aang finished it by lashing out at Toph. It just felt like a well set up conflict.  Another reason why I don't want to be harsh to anyone in this episode is that they are suffering from sleep deprivation. I know how horrible I can be when I don't get enough sleep. I won't blame these kids for not being at their best.
Sokka deserves the credit for coming up with the name of dangerous ladies. That's gotta be worth some iconic points, right @juniperhillpatient? :) Also, there's a lovely Mailee moment, and Azula being frighteningly intelligent and observant to notice Aang leading them on false trail.
Water siblings vs. Mailee was such a fun fight. Katara being way more cautious of Ty Lee, and Ty Lee disabling Sokka was hilarious. Why isn't Ty Lee/Sokka  a more popular ship? I feel like it should be.
Azula introducing herself to Aang is so iconic. We should take more time to appreciate the queen's sense of humor. :) Zuko intervening in Azula vs. Aang standoff was just rude - he deserved to be dismissed as 'Zuzu'. Azula handling both Aang and Zuko with ease is just pure queen shit. It literally took the whole Gaang, Zuko and Iroh to chase Azula off. Azula tricking everyone in thinking she's surrendering and cheap shotting Iroh - 100% fair. She deserved to do that after Iroh kicked her off the ship. Also, okay freak out Zuko and chase away the healer, but I thought you wanted your uncle to get better?
I think Iroh's conversation with Toph is the most I've liked Iroh in the show so far. He was certainly much better at giving advice to Toph than he is to Zuko.
All in all, an amazing episode, elevated by Azula and the dangerous ladies being so badass.
Jerk Points for Book 2:
Azulon - 300 Iroh - 210 Ursa, General Fong  - 200 Zuko - 120 Ozai - 100 Aang, Bumi, Lao Beifong, Toph Beifong - 50 Sokka - 40 Pakku - 30
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the-badger-mole · 1 year
What are your thoughts on Azula redemption. Like if it was done properly and she got all the help she needed. Because honestly it's hard to find good Azula redemption takes without them being stans or something
I've talked about this before (here for instance), but I don't really think Azula needs the kind of redemption people seem to want for her. I think a transformative arc would fit her better. Like, yeah, she changes, but she's not necessarily redeemed through it. First of all, I don't think she'd ever be completely sorry about what she did, and I think that's a baseline requirement for a redemption arc.
Second, in my opinion, too many of these "redemption" arcs for Azula focus on her reconciling with everyone, and I just don't think that's realistic. I see her reconciling with Zuko and maybe Iroh, but beyond that, I don't see Ty Lee coming back (I actually like to think that she found her happiness far, far away from Caldera and the messiness of court). I could see Azula not wanting Mai back. Zuko's friends don't owe Azula anything either, so it bothers me a bit when I see stories that start with Azula being best friends with everyone with no explanation or acknowledgement of how odd it is. Especially when the stories are within a year or two after the war ends. The problem here is focusing so much on the trauma Azula went through, there's no focus on the trauma she caused. And she caused a lot.
Like, A LOT.
She contributed to Zuko's years long abuse, she controls Ty Lee through intimidation and forces her into service, she pimps Mai out to get Zuko in line (although, it seemed like Mai was into it, so this might be iffy?). Then there's everything she did to the Gaang. All of this before you dig into what she was like before she joined the hunt for Aang. This is my own personal theory, and not one I necessarily expect to see in fics, but I'm 100% sure Azula did a lot of damage even before she left the Fire Nation. Intentionally or not (and tbh, it probably wasn't intentional), it's pretty heavily implied in the show that Azula has a body count off screen, and those bodies were friendly fire (i.e. Azula has killed and injured people from the Fire Nation). Beyond that, Azula seemed to enjoy what she did. I know she was victim of abuse, but she was also an abuser. Just like a bully being abused at home doesn't automatically absolve them of being a bully, Azula has a lot to answer for. None of the people she harmed are required to welcome her in with open arms.
How I would approach a transformative arc for Azula would be to tell the story over a span of years- well into her adulthood, and probably into middle age. The only one from the original show she would have a firm relationship with is Zuko, and mostly because he insists on seeing her every so often. Katara, who is obviously married to him, would tolerate Azula for Zuko's sake, but things would be cold between them, and Katara would understandably want to keep her children at a distance. Iroh would forgive her, but wouldn't be super inclined to force a connection between him and his niece. He would support Zuko's efforts, though. Azula wouldn't live in Caldera. If she doesn't end up imprisoned after the war, I think she would end up semi-exiled to one of the outer islands of the Fire Nation. There she would build a new life for herself, and rediscover her humanity. She might come to regret more of her actions, but I think ultimately she'd end up absolving herself and not really care about making amends to anyone outside of Zuko (and maybe Iroh. Maybe).
Personally, I'm not super interested in punishing Azula, but I want there to be heavy consequences for her actions. I want the validity of people not wanting her in their lives to be acknowledged. I want to see how she navigates her life post war after losing everyone and everything. I want to see her carving out a place for herself that doesn't have much, if anything, to do with her life in Caldera. If she can make amends to one or two people from her past, that's fine, but it needs to take into consideration that she hurt them, and not just be them accepting her back because she "wasn't herself", because she was herself when she hurt them. I want Azula's redemption arc to be messy and imperfect and incomplete.
Well, either that, or I want to see her go full power trip and try to take power from her brother in an epic and tragic final battle between the siblings, because who doesn't like Shakespearean drama with elemental magic, amirite?
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atla fandoms biggest flaw is applying reality to what a character deserves , im super happy fandom doesn't get to decide anything in regards to netflix/ the new atla movies . .it would be terrible.. simply terrible. this fandom sucks so much..
aang/iroh/mai would probably all be rotting in prison for crimes agianst les see for iroh not being nicerto azula go on and tell me its war crimes i know its about how he wasnt super nice to the girl who nearkly killed him. / and aang for ...well for getting in the way of zutara .. friendship? People changing for the better? That doesnt matter if its not the favorite character. the show not catering to our favs=bad show.
this fandom is such a pain to slog through, zero nuance, all b/w thinking boring american laws applying to characters. in real life a 14 year old would see a 12 year old as a baby... in real life iroh would be chraged with war crimes/ blahblahblah/ so much yap about who deserves worse/who has it worse who didn't suffer enough / aang is worse than ozai/iroh is worse than ozai/ and blah blah. blah. . hateithere.
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themoonandhersun · 4 years
thinking about.........
two years into zuko’s banishment, iroh decides: “i am going to teach this incredibly hurt child the truth about the fire nation and the harm that it’s done to the world.” because while he doesn’t want to break the news to zuko that his father sent him on a hopeless goose chase, he wants to teach zuko that the fire nation isn’t as great as he was taught to believe.
as first, zuko is angry at iroh—“this is treason, uncle!”—but then, weeks later, he slowly starts to ask questions... because while his teachers taught him that the air nomad genocide was justified, there was always doubt in his mind that the air nomad genocide was actually necessary like he was told it was.
so, zuko learns and grows—once he started to learn about the truth, he couldn’t stop.
uncle iroh takes him to places in the earth kingdom so zuko can see for himself how the fire nation is hated by the world (perhaps king bumi talks to zuko about life before the war and zuko learns from that—even though king bumi is crazy).
and somewhere, when he’s back on the ship, zuko realizes that his father never wanted him to come home. and he takes it, hard, but with uncle iroh by his side, it’s manageable, it’s easier. (he would realize it because king bumi would mention how his airbender friend was the avatar, and it would make him think about how th avatar hasn’t been seen for a literal century.)
a year of growing and learning later, he heads to the south pole after thinking about how, since he isn’t going back home, he should at least try to make nice with places hurt by the fire nation. (again—the fire nation would teach them that the raids were justified, that taking away the waterbenders from the south pole was the right thing for the fire nation to do.) he found scrolls about southern water tribe waterbending, cooking, hunting, and dancing from a pirate ship and bought them. he intends to give it to the tribe and give them supplies as well. (he feels as if it’s the least he can do, since he’s from the nation that caused the south so much pain.)
(by the way, when zuko loses his anger and his aggression, that’s when uncle iroh takes him to see the dragons, and zuko learns: fire is life. and then his firebending is stronger than ever.)
then he sees the blue light in the south pole and turns to his uncle, eyes wide.
uncle iroh isn’t sure what he should expect zuko to say, but—“uncle!” zuko turns to iroh, excited. “do you realizes what this means? we can teach the avatar how to firebend!” is definitely not what he expected to happen.
just... imagine the pride iroh would have in zuko. that all the learning, the growth he had, would not go to waste.
and then they go to the south pole, and zuko is wearing earth kingdom clothes mixed with his fire nation armor. (my headcanon is that the ship crew is just, like, down for whatever, they don’t care.)
and sokka, katara, and aang are confused because it’s a fire nation ship—yet the captain seems to be young, scarred, and a mix of fire and earth? and then... they have supplies for the tribe? the three of them are all apprehensive and reasonably so—then zuko gives them the southern water tribe scrolls he found on the pirate ship and while they’re still on guard, they don’t think zuko wants to hurt them.
then zuko goes on about how he’s a different person than he was before. how he decided to change his destiny (with the help of uncle iroh ofc) and help the avatar. he tells the tribe elders how, even though he’s banished and doesn’t have any connections to the fire nation, he wants to help them and make things right. and that that’s why he bought the supplies and scrolls and etc.
(also—zuko sees how excited katara is to have waterbending scrolls, and thinks she’s pretty. he’s still an awkward turtleduck, though, so he struggles to talk to her. and katara is still not ready to talk to the banished prince of the fire nation, but she thinks he’s cute. imagine “i’ll save you from the pirates,” in a completely different context. imagine “you rise with the moon, i rise with the sun,” in a completely different context. because they won’t be enemies. they will be friends..... or more?)
(also—imagine “growing up, we were taught that the fire nation is the greatest civilization in history, and somehow, the war was our way of sharing our greatness with the rest of the world. what an amazing lie that was!” except zuko doesn’t do it during the day of black sun. he confronts ozai when the sun is shining and redirects that lightning so fast and ozai is shook to his mf core.)
basically this au is just b1 zuko learning what he knew in b3 and being a different, better person because of it and he is just being a big ol’ sweetiepie and wanting to do right by the world by helping the gaang. and yes in this au zuko gets rid of the ponytail early. because he wants to cut ties from the fire nation and how it threw off balance in the world. woo.
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unfriedough · 2 years
hii! i have a request if that's ok .
for this request you can do either a modern au just just a regular avatarverse because i believe it works both ways (though i think its way better with modern)
basically the girls of the gaang out together for a little girls night out and the guys are just hanging out together. they talk about their girls a little bit but then a storm rolls in and its HEAVY. fiance!zuko (or husband) you know starts to panic a little bit because reader isn't really answering the phone (if chosen modern au), and theirs like a pretty ugly storm. reader DOES come back eventually soaking wet/sneezing and coughing, zuko is kind of like 😟😟, and the rest of the fic is just zu taking care of soaked and cold reader and its all fluff at the end!
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‘The common cold’- Modern!Zuko x female!reader
Masterlist <3
An: HIYA!  Literally, I love you. I LOVE MODERN AU’S IM SO HAPPY YOU REQUESTED!!!!!! 🫶 Side note: I’m aware it’s almost been like a month since I’ve posted, and I really don’t know what to say other than sorry! (Though, I can’t guarantee it won't happen again, school starts soon :’))
Read request :) SET IN MODERN AU!!!
Warnings: stressed zuko tbh, super duper cheesey, pet names ig
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“Last week, Suki took me bowling! It was sooo much fun!”
“Were you any good?” Aang replied, interested in Sokka’s most recent endeavours.
The boy huffed in return, hanging his head, “No, I flopped so hard, you don’t even know.” he paused, before looking back up, “What about you, what did you do?”
Aang grinned, “Katara and I spent the day indoors, bingeing her favourite show! To be completely honest, I didn’t really understand what was going on.” he frowned, before smiling as he recalled how she laughed at a joke he didn’t get, then looked at him in shock when she realised he didn’t laugh.
Aang turned to Zuko, tilting his head, waiting for him to add his own side of the story, Sokka doing the same. 
“What did you and Y/n do?” the brown haired one asked, an encouraging look on his features.
He looked between the two, getting a middle school boy sleepover vibe from the atmosphere. Alas, he didn’t mind sharing, “We had a picnic by the beach.”
“Was it romantic?” Aang asked.
Zuko blinked twice in his direction - what else would it be?
“What do you think?”
“I’ll take that as a yes…” he rubbed his neck sheepishly.
“Anything else?” Sokka asked, feeling like he ended the conversation too fast.
Well, there were plenty of other things you did! You baked a few recipes you’d seen online, struggling to follow the complex instructions, causing a messy end result, but two very proud individuals. Zuko recalls lecturing you after you had some of the raw batter, and you simply wiped some off of the spoon and onto his nose - your husband wasn't very amused. You also made him take a few quizzes online, ranging from which (Favourite game) character are you, to what’s your love language, to ‘create a desert and we’ll tell you what kind of spouse you’re looking for!’. He was highly sceptical of the last one. By the end of that session, you had established that zuko was an introverted-triple chocolate fudge cookie-alien with no favourite colour - he was 99% sure that was inaccurate. Although, his favourite was when you two dressed in your most fanciest outfits, and danced around the house, bodies rhythmic and in sync, despite no music playing. Only sounds coming from the gentle hums leaving your body, content from being held by your lover. He wished that moment never ended, he wasn’t exactly sure how to tell you that a thought you had on a whim is now his go-to romantic activity. Maybe it was the silliness of it all, every new day punctuated with weird games and jokes. He was a fan though.
Sokka nodded, deciding not to push the man’s limits, and turned on the large tv. The movie playing was nothing more than a low budget horror film - if you could even refer to it as that. The CGI was poorly conducted, and the story line was nonsensical. Aang and Sokka enjoyed it though, ‘the tackier, the better’ - their words, not his. Just as the three relaxed into their seats on the large sofa, a loud jumpscare came up, the villain flashing onto the screen along with a horrible screech. It wouldn't have been that scary, if it weren’t for the sudden bolt of lighting striking the nearby ground. The younger two jumped, screaming, grabbing onto anything close to them.
Sokka nodded, deciding not to push the man’s limits, and turned on the large tv. The movie playing was nothing more than a low budget horror film - if you could even refer to it as that. The CGI was poorly conducted, and the story line was nonsensical. Aang and Sokka enjoyed it though, ‘the tackier, the better’ - their words, not his. Just as the three relaxed into their seats on the large sofa, a loud jumpscare came up, the villain flashing onto the screen along with a horrible screech. It wouldn't have been that scary, if it weren’t for the sudden bolt of lighting striking the nearby ground. The younger two jumped, screaming, grabbing onto anything close to them.
Sokka nodded, deciding not to push the man’s limits, and turned on the large tv. The movie playing was nothing more than a low budget horror film - if you could even refer to it as that. The CGI was poorly conducted, and the story line was nonsensical. Aang and Sokka enjoyed it though, ‘the tackier, the better’ - their words, not his. Just as the three relaxed into their seats on the large sofa, a loud jumpscare came up, the villain flashing onto the screen along with a horrible screech. It wouldn't have been that scary, if it weren’t for the sudden bolt of lighting striking the nearby ground. The younger two jumped, screaming, grabbing onto anything close to them.
“What was that!” Aang yelled, looking out of the window.
“Talk about bad timing.” Sokka sighed, the storm becoming more prominent outside.
The rain stuck to the big window, the outside view becoming more blurry. Zuko’s breath hitched as he realised you were out, immediately tugging at his phone, unlocking it, and searching for your contact.
“What’re you doing?” 
“Calling Y/n.”
“Oh my god.” Sokka immediately rushed to get his cellphone, Aang just as fast.
Zuko walked into your shared bedroom, picking at his fingers anxiously as he awaited the calling screen to switch from ringing to the numbers. As soon as he heard your voice he put the phone up to his ear.
“Yn where are-”
“Hi! This is Yn’s voicemail, please leave a message after the beep!” 
His heart sank, and he suddenly felt light headed. Zuko didn’t cope well under stress, especially when he didn’t know where you were.
And so he called again. And again. And again... Only to get no response. On the 7th try, it stopped ringing, only calling - you had no service. He officially couldn’t reach you.
“Any luck?” the ponytailed guy said, leaning on the door frame, staring at Zuko’s back, who was now sitting on the far edge of your shared bed.
Zuko shook his head, dropping it into his hands.
Sokka rounded the frame and sat next to him, rubbing his shoulder comfortingly,
“I’m sure she’s okay, her phone probably just died,” he smiled.
“Yeah but how about Suki or Katara or Toph? All of their phones died?”
“Suki never charges her phone before leaving the house, Katara’s phone probably got waterlogged, and Toph never answers anyways.” he shrugged, masking his anxiety with false coolness.
“I guess so,” they both knew that didn’t make Zuko feel better.
Just then, Aang ran into the room, heaving, “GUYS! KATARA’S CAR JUST PULLED INTO THE DRIVEWAY!” 
The boys immediately perked up, a bright smile on Sokka’s face. They sped to the door and opened it, finding you fumbling with your keys, with the three other girls behind you. Zuko’s face lit up, and he immediately engulfed you in probably the warmest hug you’ve ever felt.
“Hey,” you whispered, grinning. “I’m home,”
You knew he was probably anxious, judging by his shaky body, and furrowed brows. He had the tendency to project a face of anger when faced with fear and uncertainty. But you knew better. Zuko was just worried for you - and rightfully so.
He let you go afterwards, leaning back with his arms still on your elbows, examining the wetness on your clothes. 
“What took you so long?”
“It wasn’t long at all? The storm only got worse like 5 minutes ago?”
“It definitely didn’t feel like just 5 minutes, Yn” he said sternly, almost like that of a father to his kid who played in the mud. It was cute how worried he was.
Everyone stepped into the house, not forgetting to remove their shoes by the little shoe cabinet by the door, the one you decorated with stickers on a day much like this one, muddy and rainy. The stickers have since then chipped and faded, but the memory the hold within will always be sweet. You immediately went to your room, wincing at the feelings of your wet socks against the ground, a change of clothes being your objective. Zuko joined you in the room as you stripped down, throwing you a pile of fresh pj’s and socks. As you finally felt the warmth of the newly out of the laundry outfit, another, even stronger, warmth covered you. You leaned into him, the scent of his masculine perfume flooding your senses. It was one you picked out for him, seeing as though it smelt less like a scent and more like a feeling. Like the feeling of a cold winter day being ended with a cozy sleep under the soft sheets of a cabin, far in the woods. You loved it, and so did he. It’s been the one he’d dawned for ages now, refusing to swap it out no matter what. He sighed, kissing you softly. You pushed him away, shaking your head.
“Zuko, I think I’m sick. Don’t risk it.”
“Are you sure?” He said, eyes saddened, an irresistible pout on his face.
As if on cue, you sneezed. Not once, not twice but three times in a row, only slightly quieted by your sleeve. Your husband stared in shock, before snapping out of his trance and making his way to the medicine cabinet, passing you a pill for the common cold, mumbling things incoherently all the while. Whilst you took it, he gave suki, toph and katara some clothes you kept for sleepovers with your friends, he always loved your over the top preparations. Then, back to the room he went. He helped you under the soft, warm covers, pulling up the blankets to engulf your shaking body. Definitely a cold. Zuko’s hand was placed against your forehead, warm to the touch. Definitely a cold. Then he got the thermometer, it read 37 degrees Celsius. Yeah, definitely a cold. He sighed, shutting the lights as he left the room to let you rest, check in on the other couples + Toph in the guest bedrooms. Checking up on you again, he realised you fell asleep. Zuko neared your side of the bed cautiously, careful not to disturb your sleeping form. Gently, your lover neared his face to yours, planting an ever so gentle peck on your forehead, before moving back, standing up straight again. He sighed as he walked to the kitchen, already using his mobile phone to research different soup recipes, attempting to find one that actually seemed appetising.
The boy ended up settling on a classic, and began his cooking endeavour. Sure, he wasn’t the best at it, but the effort was there. As the mixture brewed, he moved on to making a drink. Hot chocolate. The brown mixture was being stirred by the spoon as he added sugar, before topping it with three marshmallows, soft and squishy - much like how he was acting, soft and- well maybe not squishy. Moving on from the beverage, he used a ladle to scoop some of the soup into a bowl, then put the bowl onto a tray, beside the drink. He texted the group chat to let the other boys know to grab some soup for the sick if they wanted, before shutting his phone. His sole attention needed to be on you and you only. He took off his home slippers, the cheap ones you bought him as a joke - but he’d grown to love, and stepped into the room, socked feet barely making a single noise. He carefully slotted the tray on his bedside table, and slowly got into the bed, staring at you all the while. Zuko’s arm carefully stroked your covered arms, his feather light touch calling you out of your sweet dreams and into your very lightheaded reality. You groaned, shaking a bit after gaining consciousness.
“Hey love, I made you some soup.” you turned over, Zuko’s eyes staring lovingly at you. 
You smiled, slowly sitting up so you could consume it. As you reached for the spoon, he pulled it back, looking at you with an eyebrow raised. “I don’t even want you to move a muscle.” you rolled your eyes, and he fed you a spoon full of the soup, the flavours actually quite nice to the taste.
“Hm, where’d you get this?”
“Why? You don't like it?”
“No, the opposite actually,” you laughed dryly, your throat hoarse.
“Oh” he blushed a little, “I made it.”
“You’ve improved!” you giggled, “They grow up so fast!” you wiped a mock tear from your eye.
He swatted your hand away from your face, a fake angry look on his face, “No moving,”
Although, nothing could disguise the blush from the compliments. He was always a sucker for your affection. Could you blame him though?
Zuko slotted the spoon of broth into your mouth again, the hot liquid running down your throat, helping to warm it momentarily. He then leaned back, passing you the cup of hot chocolate, which he had fit into your favourite cup warmer. Your hands gently brushed his as you took the drink, a grateful smile on your features, one that warmed his nerve wrecked heart. He couldn’t help but smile back.
“Mmm,” you mumbled into the mug, “It’s so good, thank you,”
He hummed in acknowledgment, placing the half finished soup aside after you signalled you don’t want any more, before going back to his original criss-cross sitting style. He watched you gulp the drink down intently.
“Careful, it’s hot.” his voice rang as you took the final sip of the concoction. 
“You’re hot,” you replied, lowering the cup from your face. 
He chuckled, hiding his bashfulness with his hands, “Shut up,”
Collecting the mug from your hands, the boy popped it onto the tray on the bedside table, turning his attention back to you. A sigh left his lips as he checked your temperature, you sniffling in the process. You grabbed his hand off of your forehead, lowering it to your cheek, and pressing a gentle kiss into it. 
“I’m fine Zuko, it’s just a cold,”
“Luckily. Could've been worse.”
“And how so?”
“I- uh,” he paused, “I don’t know. Just could’ve,”
“We’ll, it wasn’t. I’m here, I’m safe, and I’m with you. Nothing to worry about sweetie,” 
He shrugged, anything could happen after all. 
You cupped his cheeks, your cold hands causing him to scrunch his nose. You giggled at your husband’s reaction, kissing the top of his head lovingly. He stared at you with wide, adoring eyes, and you tucked a lock of his hair behind his ear. 
“Thank you zuko,” you whispered to him, a grin on your face.
He tilted his head sideways, thank you for what? You understood the implication of the motion.
“For taking care of me,”
“It’s the bare minimum.”
You laughed, “it’s still sweet”
He mumbled something against your palms, something about your standards being weirdly low, before kissing your hand - an act of physical love he learned from you. 
Slowly, zuko removed your arms from his face and laid you down again, pulling the blanket over your body once again. Your fever had gone down drastically now that you’ve eaten and had something warm for your throat. But you were still severely dehydrated. He pointed to the drink next to you - water obviously - and said the following: “If you get thirsty, please drink, it’s right there.”
And you nodded happily, eyes already droopy. A yawn left your mouth as you rolled over, going from a position on your back to a position facing him - on your side. You watched him through half lidded eyes get up and change out of the clothes he was in, in favor of putting on fresh pj’s. He rolled his eyes playfully as he noticed your stare, leaving the room as he tugged the shirt over his head. 
The man’s socked feet made a pitter patter type noise as he traversed the hall which housed the rooms your friends were staying in, making sure they were cozy and situated, and alerting them of the different toiletries and essentials you had stocked for this occasion. He gave the men some of his spare pajamas, before leaving to head back to you, a good night leaving his lips as he does. He yawned as he entered the room again, slipping under the sheets next to you. Zuko watched your chest rise and fall with each breath, reminding himself that you were here, and you were safe. Though, he couldn’t sleep. Not one bit. His body was tired, but sleep wasn’t coming to him. For the simple reason that you weren’t by his side, snuggled up against him. He knew you would yell at him if he cuddled up with you, he would get sick after all. But what’s a little cold gonna do? Careful not to wake you up, he scooted closer, wrapping an arm around you. Your body gladly accepted the invitation, spreading your arms over his waist, and your head onto his shoulder. Content, he sighed, a smile playing on his lips, knowing this is the calm before the storm - the storm being the lecture he was bound to hear first thing in the morning. ‘Zuko you could’ve gotten sick!’ He laughed at the thought, your angry face being far too cute for anyone to ever be threatened. His thoughts wandered, mostly circulating around you, before his eyes fell heavy, and his breathing got deeper, his mind lulling into a soft, sleepy trance.
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An: lol
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