#and more connected to headcanons that I have about his neurotype
Batfamily (and other) Headcanons that will be canon in my DC timeline:
-Dick is Pansexual. Show me this man in romantic relationships with more than just woman. I also feel like he has potential to be a sex positive icon which I feel is important. Sex portrayed as something that can be fun and casual, not explicitly reserved for romantic partners and situations.
(edited to rephrase and remove offensive language towards the pan community)
-Jason is Asexual. Get some ace representation but also give him some healthy romantic relationships where sex is not the center or a necessity. (I’m partial to Jason/Roy but to each their own)
-Jon Kent is dyslexic. Insert Percy Jackson reference about his brain being wired for kryptonian, but no, the dyslexia comes from Lois.
-Jason was absolutely theater kid before his death who managed to get the lead role almost every time, and somehow maintained a healthy schedule of theater rehearsals, good grades, and patrols.
-building off of the last one, Jason is Bruce’s favorite allowing him to get away with pretty much anything, but no one notices this because Jason is convinced Bruce hates him, and everyone else (understandably) believes Cass is the favorite.
-Cass took up gardening after watching Alfred tend to the rose bushes out front, and is now responsible for the very impressive garden on the Wayne Estate. She loves being to create and nurture life instead of kill, like the was born and raised to. Jason also taught her the language of flowers and she has little flowerbeds for each member of the family. Only Jason knows what they mean (also Alfred but he knows everything)
-Tim isn’t a caffeine addict, but he does have severe insomnia and ADHD. Because of that, caffeine typically has the opposite effect on him, hence why he always seems to be drinking a cup. Either for the placebo effect to stay up and finish a case, or to make him tired enough to fall asleep.
-Damian struggles to connect with people and express gratitude, appreciation, and love. He asked Cass about her garden one day and very intently sat and listened while she taught him about the language of flowers. Each family member woke up the next morning to a drawing of a bouquet of flowers pinned to the door with a knife (Jason has his framed in a safehouse he is fairly sure none of his family knows about)
-The batcave has a secret vault of “bad ideas” which was started by Dick as a child with the original Robin suit Bruce designed (it had pants) along with videos of Dick wearing said costume and falling off of gymnastics bars. (Think of the video explaining why strippers don’t wear clothes with the person falling off the pole over and over)
-Bruce is autistic. He gives off tism vibes (you’re trying to tell me that a man who dresses up as a bat and fights crime as a trauma response to watching his parents be murdered in front of him is neurotypical?) and I also want to see more a positive autism representation in main characters in media.
-Dick’s use of made up words such as “aster” and “whelmed” come from the fact that he spoke very little English when he was first adopted by Bruce, and decided that using obviously made up words made his slip ups less noticeable, or people would assume he did it on purpose. Even after he mastered English, he continued using his made up words because they just made sense (the batcomputer and jl database have a hidden file called the “DICKtionary” unlinking all his words and their meanings)
-Jason can’t drive. He died when he was 15 (you have to be 16 in Jersey to get your permit), was revived in Nanda Parbat so there was no need to drive, and was too embarrassed to mention it by the time he returned to Gotham and the Batfamily. This is his deepest, darkest, secret.
-As a child, Dick was convinced Batman was a vampire (and still isn’t entirely convinced otherwise)
-Tim collects little trinkets. Dick noticed this early on, and made sure to get a little souvenir trinket for Tim every time he went on a trip. Bruce noticed and started doing the same thing, and so did his friends after a while. Tim proudly displays his collection, because to him, each trinket is a reminder that people are thinking about him and care about him. (Most of his possessions in Drake Manor were necessities like clothes, or things he had bought for himself. Barely anything was a gift)
-Jason has OCPD, and needs things to be an exact certain way, and struggles when they aren’t. It’s one of the biggest reasons why he is often so frustrated with Bruce, who tends to do things in a different, certain way.
-Cass is actually the most neurotypical in the family, though because she has learned how to be a person through observing, she has picked up on many neurodivergent traits, specifically stimming.
-Steph’s aesthetic is retro pastel pop, mixed with maximalism. She loves bright colors and loud designs (though purple is still her favorite by far)
-Alfred keeps guns stashed all over the house in case of emergencies. Bruce hates this and has tried to remove them, but has given up as he can never seem to find them all. Alfred also brought up the good point of “I am not a vigilante like you, Master Bruce, and I am not quite as young as I used to be. If there is ever an invasion of the manor, I would quite enjoy the security of being able to protect myself.”
-There is a list of who is banned from the kitchen. Bruce is at the top of the list, Tim isn’t allowed to make anything more complex than instant food, Cass and Damian aren’t very good, but at least make an effort to learn so are therefore allowed with supervision. Dick has a partial ban. He is an absolute disaster in the kitchen, except for soups, and sarma (his mother’s recipe was one of the few things he brought with him from the circus and was obsessed with perfecting it as a kid, leading it to be one of the only things he can actually make) Steph isn’t allowed to cook, but she is a proficient baker. Duke isn’t a horrible cook, but mainly avoids the kitchen, preferring to stay out of Alfred’s way. Jason is the only batfamily member who is not banned from the kitchen under any circumstances. He has a tendency to stress cook, and likes trying new fancy recipes, because on the streets he only ate what he could find. This gives him a sense of control.
-Superman wasn’t a great dad to Connor at first, opting to send him to the farm to stay with Ma and Pa, but after a stern talking to from Bruce, came around started making an effort. Connor is an excellent big brother to Jon.
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hyperfixatedbean · 5 months
Why I think Eddie Diaz is autistic !
(As an autistic individual)
- Struggle with emotional expression:
He often struggles to express emotions, particularly in his relationship with women, (look at the way he acted with Sharon, Ana and Marisol, never communicating clearly, or doing it VERY straightforwardly (-> “you should go”)
He struggle with articulating his feelings, to name his emotions and process them (seemingly alexithymia) and he close off a lot, even with his therapist !
- Literal Thinking:
He tend to interpret language literally, (interactions with his colleagues and fast problem-solving, keeping a cool head under very stressful situations, the way he react to jokes, the way he doesn’t believe and ‘judge’ the way they fear superstitions, only believing what he can prove)
It seems to me like he experiences challenges with understanding figurative language or sarcasm and only believe what is proven, he’s very closed off about the idea of superstition which can be seen in some autistic people who struggle with theses concept
And he can be really straightforward (see the “you should go home Ana” or the “last time he wore that was at his mom’s funeral”) -> stating facts straightforwardly without processing it first and without realizing how stating it like that can be ‘awkward’ to others
- Meltdowns and Coping Mechanisms:
He experiences moments of intense frustration and resorts to unhealthy coping mechanisms (-> fights and destroying his room, hurting himself and other in the process (as in a lot of autistic meltdown and the way a lot of us turn to violent coping mechanisms to fight against sensory overload and the complexity of understanding our own emotions -> resorting to violence)
He parallels experiences of sensory overload and regulation, also his panic attacks and the way he avoid addressing his trauma and feelings by brushing it off and ignoring his own mental health, struggling to understand his own feelings about what he’s experiencing
- Difficulty with Trauma and Normalcy:
His reluctance to address trauma and persistent efforts to appear "normal."
It reflects challenges faced by autistic ppl in processing traumatic experiences and blending in with neurotypical society (force conformism and such)
There’s something about the way he and his father approach emotions, keeping it hidden and close off, that resonates a lot with my own experiences as someone autistic raised by someone who’s (probably) autistic too ‼️
+ the way he quickly connect with Buck exemplifies the ‘neurodivergent link’ : ADHD and autism solidarity is a reality ! Neurodivergent people tend to feel more secure, comfortable and friendly with other neurodivergent individuals!!
He basically just give such a autistic energy, like- I really connect with his struggle and the way he interact with the world around him, but please tell me what YOU think 🫶‼️
To have a better view of this part of him we would need more of his pov, sadly we rarely get it so I’m basing this of what I remember, what I personally see in him, what I connected with :’D
(Keep in mind that I probably projecting and it’s just an headcanon, not hate please <3 constructive criticism is welcome tho !!)
Credits it to @thisonemaniac that helped me make this post :D !! We talked about it a bit, I highlighted in orange what he remind me off ‼️
(Since you asked me about it you might want to read this :D !! I explained it better I think xD @lesbianphoebespengler )
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nightcolorz · 3 months
Hiii I wanna share some head-cannons I have about Armand’s autism :D
Here we go:
- I think he’d LOVE a good lava lamp
- Daniel and him are adhd + autism excellency
-I also think his powers with the mind gift definitely show how he uses nonverbal communication. Yet to add on, I always interpreted his powers as kinda a two way street if that makes sense?? Like using his powers to better understand the people around him, so he can better understand what they’re trying to communicate to him? Like being able to read someone’s mind without trying to figure out all the complicated 4d chess that is neurotypical social interaction. (Idk if that made sense)
-vocal stims !! I think he’d sometimes get echolalia with certain words that daniel says (I say this bc I’m the same way, except I just really like meowing with my cats 😭)
-speaking of cats, I think Armand would get along SO well with them!! He would have the magic touch.
Ahhh unrelated, but on the topic of Armand being autistic, do you think he’d know that he’s autistic? How do you think his process of realizing he is on the spectrum play out?
I love ur headcanons SO MUCH OMGG ur 100% correct anon I love u. The vocal stimming is practically canon!! In the vampire Armand’s narration Armand often repeats the same words multiple times in a row which I see as a form of vocal stimming. I think I’ve made the same lava lamp and devils minion adhd + autism duo commentary before when talking to friends, anon we might share a brain <33
And I looooveee ur question ehhehehehhe, I actually think about this a lot! I think Armand definitely knows that there is something different about his brain that separates him from others and is longing to understand what that is, which I think could easily lead him on the road of discovering that he is autistic since that is how I and many other ppl found out. But I don’t think the label is something he would be aware of or connect to himself if a third party didn’t explain it to him or point it out. I think he’d have a few barriers keeping him from coming to that realization, like having a person from the 1500’s understanding of mental health and disabilities and an anxiety of being studied, interviewed, questioned, etc. Armand finds analyzing himself very difficult and talking to people about himself also very difficult, so I think both self diagnosis and formal diagnosis would be a struggle for him. But, not an impossible struggle. Especially during post canon when Armand goes through an improvement arc and becomes a bit more healthier and self aware, I think his desire to improve combined with his desire to understand why he feels so alienated would cumulate in discovering he’s on the spectrum. I think that he is aware enough of his own symptoms that if he was given a label and an explanation he would accept it pretty easily and willingly, and as I said find it comforting to know the reason for his differences. The difficult part for Armand emotionally when he finds this out would be realizing the extent he was taken advantage of, hurt, and wronged by everyone in his life once he begins to understand that his vulnerabilities r due to a disability and not some ambiguous character flaw
thank u sm for the ask anon AHHHHH I could talk about autistic Armand forever bless u
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fancyfade · 3 months
Could you please explain what is ableist about Zur-En-Arrh? (Not trying to be a dick, I genuinely don’t know.)
Ok so this is my best explanation:
a lot of batman villains are neurodivergent or mentally ill in a way that has the mental illness or neurodivergence be responsible for their evil. like... two face is evil because his face got scarred and now he has two personalities*, one of which wants to hurt people and do bad things and the other of which is good harvey dent. the ventriloquist has schizophrenia and his 'evil side' is manifested in a puppet he uses to kill people. joker is crazy so he's evil**
now bruce is responsible for all of these awful things because he has an alternate personality. we have an equivalent of a real world neurodivergence and that is specifically responsible for bruce's evil acts. if he was neurotypical, he wouldn't have done that.
it creates a narrative that pathologizes evil (treats it as something as a result of a sickness) and stigmatizes people in the real world who may have the same neurodivergences or mental illnesses as the characters. like there are so many stereotypes about schizophrenia or psychosis or DID due to ableist tropes in fiction that people hear about it and automatically assume whoever has it must be dangerous, which often justifies bad treatment against them.
I see some fans say like "Oh well Bruce/batfam members are still mentally ill so its not bad" but often they mistake their headcanons for canon (like. AFAIK no batfam member has a diagnosed mental illness in main continuity comics, and many portrayals in terms of depression/trauma vary based on writer) or act as if all mental illnesses and neurodivergences are stigmatized equally. the characters being traumatized but still able to function in accordance with the demands of neurotypical society doesn't mean that the writers doesn't mean that the writers aren't portraying various more stigmatized mental illnesses or neurodivergences badly.
*yes i know there are stories re-telling it as 'he was always going to wind up as two face'/connecting it to childhood abuse and anger, and IIRC one tec story treated the big bad harv as someone who protected harvey... but like. i'm talking about the basic set up of his character and how he is used in many stories
**i'm a bigger fan of stuff where joker's not really treated as crazy but like.... many writers lean into that
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Autism as NCIS and Bones Characters
Autism can present in a lot of different ways and I’m using characters that I headcanon as autistic to show how differently autism can present in different people.
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Dr Temperance Brennan: The Cold Hearted Sweetheart
Brennan is a woman who is extremely intelligent but often comes off as rude and cold hearted but it is shown throughout the show that she is anything but- she just struggles to show her emotions and understand other people in a way that others understand.
Struggles to understand social cues and rules despite being an anthropologist and often says things that are insensitive and upset other people without meaning to
Struggled to make friends throughout school due to her morbid and odd interests and difficulty socializing
Very strong sense of justice and often has trouble understanding why certain things are the way they are when she believes things are unjust
Usually sticks to a rigid routine, she wants things done a certain way in a certain order and operates heavily on logic to make things go “correctly”
But she is still very capable of living on her own and does have a successful career but struggles in the “real world” to connect with people outside of her circle who don’t understand her demeanor. She is one of the characters that is more obviously autistic and may be viewed as the “good type” of autistic in media by neurotypical people.
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Dr Zach Addy- The Robot
Zach is another character from Bones, he is Dr Brennan’s first intern and is considered to be extremely intelligent but struggles severely with social interaction. He often frustrates Hodgins due to his inability to show interest in other people’s interests and Zach’s self inflated demeanor.
He, unlike Dr Brennan cannot make decisions that are not based on logic and proof. He becomes almost paralyzed when his routine of proof and testing is interrupted and he is asked to guess
He is sent back from Iraq due to not being able to integrate and is even told to consider why the only place he fits in is at the Jeffersonian
He comes off as very arrogant and rude due to his very blunt manner of viewing the world and does not understand how the way he presents himself upsets other people.
He is eventually manipulated by a serial killing cannibal due to his black and white logical thinking
Zach also struggles with living in the real world and would be considered to have higher support needs. He lived with Hodgins and chose not to learn to drive. Zach is often what people think of when they think of an autistic person.
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Daisy Wick: The Socially Unaware Barbie
Daisy is one of the characters that I strongly believe is autistic but is often overlooked when talking about autism on the show due to the fact she is different from Zach and Dr Brennan. Daisy struggles with social rules but does not usually offend as much as she makes people uncomfortable. She often says and does things that people find weird or annoying but she seems mostly unaware of these things.
Regularly makes people uncomfortable on the show with her overly friendly demeanor, often asking personal questions and overstepping boundaries.
Usually ends up making things worse because she may try to apologize but goes about it incorrectly and irritates those around her.
There are many times in the show where she attempts to mimic Dr Brennan or “mask” in order to appear more put together and act in the way she feels she is “supposed to”
Struggles to pick up on jokes or sarcasm, often not understanding that she has offended someone by pointing out their mistake or boasting about her own success
I think that Daisy is a great example of how autism can present specifically in women. People claim they would never bully an autistic person but autistic people like Daisy are often targeted for being cringy or weird.
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Abby Scuito: The Teddybear
As an autistic woman I relate to Abby the most out of all of these characters. She is considered eccentric and weird and often shows her emotions in odd and even juvenile ways. She has very strong emotions and opinions and seems to struggle with relationships outside of NCIS headquarters.
Often shows her emotions and feelings in a way that appears more “juvenile”, not seeming to understand the different subtleties of workplace behavior vs friendly behavior. Usually choosing to hug or be “overly friendly” with her friends/coworkers
Seems to not be able to read between the lines or connect the dots like with the episode where the murderer using McGees book tries to kill her and she doesn’t connect that the characters are related to her and her friends
Struggles to interact with people outside the workplace. She rambles and talks about things that other people find weird or uninteresting
Struggles to function without things being the way she needs them to be (Her normal clothes, her music, her CafPow, and being alone) any time one of these is interrupted she loses balance.
Doesn’t fully understand other people’s emotions off the bat and may need to be told multiple times or be shown very clearly what they want from her.
I feel like Abby shows the struggles that more “juvenile” autistic people face. When we have more childish special interests or show affection or friendship in ways that are closer to kids. Despite her adult interests she still is treated a lot like a child despite being an adult. Neurotypical often see these types of autistic people and feel the need to talk down to them even though they can be and often are very intelligent like Abby, just not socially.
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Ellie Bishop: The Low Profile
This one may be controversial but I headcanon Bishop as autistic. She struggles learning to work as a team and often goes against Gibbs rules and the rules of the team because she feels things would work better. She also is very good with patterns.
Very good with patterns and statistics, often resorting to them when she becomes stressed or overwhelmed
Follows a routine when thinking (sitting on the floor, eating, connecting food items to thoughts)
Goes against the rules on many occasions and seems to struggle working as a team which imo is part of why she leaked the documents and got herself fired
Her personality could be described as being almost naive, seemingly unaware of the dangers of the world despite working for the NSA
She also seems to struggle a lot with who she is as a person, trying to understand her place in the world.
Once again I think some of my headcanoning her as autistic went a little against what the writers ended up doing with her but I feel like in the first seasons she was there she showed traits of a low support needs autistic woman that would probably usually be overlooked and just labeled as a “reclusive data freak” as one of her coworkers called her. The type that makes people go “but you don’t seem autistic.”
There are definitely more I can add but yeah- ta da
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genericflower · 7 months
Something took over and I need to rant about Steven Universe.
Mainly Peridot.
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I was thinking about how when a characters is canonically aromantic/asexual it's exciting and nice to see
But I don't feel that way about Peridot. I've now realized my problem is less about the character and more with how they handled it
Factor 1: They choose to represent her being aro/ace by having her not take part in fusion
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Implying that fusion is in some way sexual (or at the very least romantic) Meaning all of these are sexual or romantic acts:
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(Stevonnie is fine if it's only romantic) So what they're saying is fusion is not just a reflection of connection in their varied relationships or even just a magic space power holding no strong meaning
I think worse is that Peridot not wanting to fuse/not liking fusion could have been used to show how autistic individuals don't connect with people in the same ways as neurotypical do
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Factor 2: And this one is admittedly much more shallow but I think it help explain why her canon sexuality got ignored so hard by the fandom
Peridot is one of the only gems who gets screen time and gets to interact with other gems who isn't Steven's family/family coded
Like Garnet acts like a mom or aunt to Steven (and is technically spoken for) Pearl acts like a mom or aunt to Steven Amethyst acts more like a sister to Steven Lapis basically hates most of the cast Then most of the other gems are isolated/don't get enough screen time to develop much of a personality if any And almost every time a human shows interest in one of the gems they get shot down so there's that
Basically Peridot is set up to be the only strong character for shipping without splitting hairs on "is that actually okay?" - until they said 'actually she would never date anyone, not even smooch'
Like what was to stop them from making Amethyst the aro/ace character? They shot making Lapis one in the foot with the whole forced fusion plot point. They still could but with how asexuality gets associated with trauma it wouldn't look good OR make more than one main cast member display this sexuality - not everything has to be romantic driven (just seems weird that a show about relationships only show two romantic relationships develop)
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(all other romantic relationships were already happening/happen off screen: Sadie and Shep, Garnet (Ruby and Sapphire), Rose and Greg, Rhodonite and Fluorite)
My man problem is the crew tied Peridot's sexuality to fusion which for me makes it feel like I'm in the trolley problem with: A. accept Peridot as aro/ace and that Steven who is a child did a romantic/sexual with most the main cast who are his family (outside of Connie) or B. ignore Peridot's sexuality and see fusion as a non-romantic/non-sexual act that could be romantic (like an embrace) I know that I can see Peridot as aro/ace without seeing fusion as sexual but the hoops I have to jump through to reach that makes it feel more like a headcanon then actual canon so it's just frustrating
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THE ONLY REASON I FEEL THIS WAY IS THEY ACT LIKE HER NOT WANTING TO FUSE IS IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE THAT SHE'S AROMANTIC AND ASEXUAL (They 100% could have just said "Peridot is aro/ace because she is." Instead of linking it to fusion directly!)
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hchollym · 2 years
How do you feel about the 'locking Percy into a pyramid' "prank"? I dunno why, but that specific one has always pissed me off.
I recently saw a post on Screen Rant listing 5 of Fred and George's pranks that were funny & 5 that were cruel, and they listed shutting Percy in a pyramid as funny... I almost screamed. 😡
It's definitely crossing the line. I don't care if Percy could have used magic to escape (which is debatable) or if the twins wouldn't have left him in there for long (which I doubt anyway); it's still wrong.
Bill's entire job is breaking curses at these pyramids; ergo, the pyramids are dangerous. Even if they've checked that this specific pyramid was safe, you never know for sure. There could have been dormant curses that became active in an enclosed space (i.e. when the door was shut) that could have effected Percy.
Not to mention that there could have been spells to prevent the use of certain magic in the pyramids, so Percy may not have been able to get out. He could have run out of oxygen or a part of the ceiling could have collapsed from suddenly closing the door (that's not supposed to be closed), and Percy could have been seriously injured.
I also don't think they would have gotten him out quickly. I fully believe they would have left him there and made some excuse to their family that he went back to the room to study for NEWTs (which his family likely would have believed).
Plus, it would have been terrifying for anyone to be locked in a pyramid, and causing genuine fear is not what I would consider a funny joke.
That being said, I don't actually think the twins intended to hurt Percy or put him in danger (just to be clear, that still does not make it okay). This is an unpopular opinion, and I know it sounds strange, but hear me out: I think the twins literally have no concept of cause & effect.
They don't seem to recognize that behavior = consequences (I don't mean consequences as in a punishment; I mean the consequences to other people that are effected). They compartmentalize their actions as being one-and-done jokes that don't have any lasting effects, and part of that is because they are incapable of taking responsibility. They know it's not fun to get in trouble, but it's never their fault when it happens; it's Percy's for being too dramatic or Ron's for being too sensitive, etc.
I headcanon that Fred & George both have ADHD (though Fred's is slightly more severe), because they have many characteristics of it (and ones that I see commonly in my students). That is not to say that all people with ADHD act this way, but it can certainly be a symptom of it. Since people with ADHD struggle with executive functioning skills, this can manifest in ways such as having trouble connecting "right now" to the future or having difficulty understanding why they hurt somebody's feelings.
This has been a pattern with Fred & George, even at a very young age (i.e. when they turned Ron's teddy bear into a giant spider), and that's why I tend to think that they have ADHD, and unfortunately, some of their traits were exacerbated by Molly & Arthur's parenting. Molly & Arthur were never consistent with them; sometimes they were punished for behavior (by Molly), but other times they were rewarded with positive feedback such as laughter (by Arthur). When children aren't held accountable for their actions consistently, it makes it very difficult to create a connection between actions, consequences, and remorse. This becomes an even bigger problem when the child is not neurotypical.
Anyway, this turned into a bit of a rant (sorry), but the point is, this "joke" was completely out of line, regardless of their motives.
Thanks for the ask! 😊
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So, I've been staring at the wall for a while, then I had a bit of thoughts:
1- Did LQR, at any point (maybe even currently) dislike talking to people/socializing? This idea really stuck with me right now because I've been silently reviewing his childhood in mind (unconsciously, so now I think I need help) and I realized that he didn't really interact much with people as a kid. The most he did was with his teachers (which is, obviously, not much), or kids his age who I don't think really liked him much. In that case, socializing came to him as a change. I bet he really struggled with it. What age was he when he was forced out of his comfort zone and into the world of socializing? Was it just a while before his brother's seclusion, after he started doing his work; or was it even before? Or maybe when he took over the position?
2- Crazy how LQR had VITAL factors to be a troublemaker as child, namely the fact that he most likely (tell me if I'm wrong?) was running around the sect the way LWJ and LXC has been doing lately and the lack of attention which children typically seek so much. TERRIBLE lack of attention – the kind which leads kids to misbehaving just so they could get some. Yet went in the complete different direction. (And, love him as he is, I still can't help but feel that the Lans deserve to deal with a little hellion just so they can realize how trash their raising of a child is.)
3- I have this blurry memory of remembering something about baby LQR hiding somewhere near the ladies doing the laundry in the cloud recesses, and I thought: could this have something to do with his socializing? Was he curious about it and wanted to listen to the ladies as they conversed? Or did he just appreciate being close to people without being addressed/entering their field of attention?
4- Then I thought back to LQR's tendency to overwork, and wait – does it also have something to do with his childhood? Exerting himself and doing too much as a kid to earn a word of praise from his father? Til the point that it became a routine?
5- There's how LQR keeps on pointing out how similar he and LWJ are, it's hard to not forget that little LWJ and little LQR don't really have similar personalities. I feel like the reason why they seem (and are) so alike is the fact that they both are on the spectrum, and it's how the more unusual things that LQR does LWJ also does, so everyone would draw the connection pretty quickly. But – little LWJ is so confident, not very verbal most likely because he doesn't see the point, and has terribly solid foundations. Little LQR, on the other hand... I might even say insecure for obvious reasons, very shy and conservative and that's why he probably wasn't very talkative, and DEFINITELY had no one to give him that foundation.
6- LQR not liking to be the centre of attention might have also stemmed partly from the fact that it's a CHANGE. Nobody paid him any heed as a kid, so why should they now? Especially since when they DID pay some attention, they probably only judged his tendencies and demanded he cuts them off (moving a certain way, for example)?
7- AND Last but not least, moment of realization that LQR would most probably start considering Nightless city as his home after a while BECAUSE he did so DECADES ago as a child in an unhealthy environment mostly by his own!!
(Also, forgot to add this in the last comment. But LQR hurrying after WRH without even properly saluting the Wen wives is just so hilarious. Like, the man was so embarrassed he even forgot his manners.)
I love character analysis like this XDDD do send me any future staring at the wall thoughts! This is also what I randomly ponder :D
answers and more random LQR headcanons below the cut to save people's dashes:
1 – I certainly headcanon that LQR definitely does not like socializing. When you’re the Weird Kid (in LQR’s case, due to a mix of status, family isolation, and being non-neurotypical) and you don’t understand people very well, it’s really hard to connect with people, and socializing is a completely mystery. Why are they talking about what they talk about? Why do they not like what you’re talking about? Why are there unwritten rules for conversations you constantly seem to be messing up but no one will explain to you how or how to avoid doing it in the future? On the other hand, he was lonely and *wanted* to connect with others, but he felt like he was bad at it, so he was really self-conscious and reserved and had an unsteady temper that he couldn’t fully control. And despite all of that, because of the family he was born into, he was forced to be a politician – a job that requires and in part hinges on socializing. Not ideal!
Personally, my read on it is that he started getting pushed into doing more in his teens, when his teachers essentially gave up on him ever developing social skills naturally and started going “this guy is going to represent our sect whether he likes it or not, we need to start putting him into leadership positions”. Some of which were actually really good for LQR – for instance, I see him becoming an assistant teacher around age 15-16, responsible for modeling good behavior to his peers, mentoring those in need of help, and teaching junior class (a bit like I imagine LWJ to have been doing for LQR). He is actually a good leader, even though he’s not much for socializing, and having a formal position gave him comfort and confidence, so that helped a lot. From there, he started also doing more support work for sect leadership (again, a bit like what LXC would have been doing with LQR: talking about what the sect is doing with elders, hearing reports about visits to other sects, making suggestions and listening to guidance, making decisions in their absence, etc.), though in LQR’s case, the slow creep of increasing duties suddenly started to ramp up more rapidly than would have been normal because of the combination of his father stepping away from sect leadership and then, a little later, his brother getting distracted by HKX. He’s supposed to be the back-up sect leader, and for one reason or another he’s suddenly doing a lot more of that, getting overworked and stressed – and then suddenly he’s acting sect leader for real, and the workload goes even more insane.
It's a lot better than what NMJ had to go through, since LQR was an adult and had some experience doing sect leader things already (and, you know, was not at war with another sect or dealing with internal succession rivalries), but it was still came as a terrible shock.
2 – LQR absolutely had the lack of supervision necessary to be a troublemaker, and unfortunately for him, was probably sometimes seen as *being* a troublemaker in the way non-neurotypical kids often are. He was even more socially tone-deaf as a child: he’d start talking about one of his interests and not stop, he’d follow people around, he wouldn’t understand hints, he’d sometimes get overwhelmed and have meltdowns (often misread as temper tantrums)…luckily his main hyperfixation was with the Lan sect rules, which made his behavior more acceptable than it might have been otherwise, but it also gave him a reputation for being fussy. Like a little kid that yells “keep both hands on the wheel while driving” every single time you so much as scratch your nose – cute, but also annoying.
3 – LQR is totally one of those cats that likes to chill in the vicinity of people. No, don’t pet him or talk to him or pick him up, he just wants to sit and be *near* you.
4 – Hard work was probably one of the only ways LQR could get attention, so yeah, he definitely has some drive to work himself too hard that comes from childhood.
5 – yes, this!!! LWJ and LQR have similar mannerisms (including autistic traits), but their personalities are in fact completely different! LWJ is Precious Baby™, doted upon and allowed to get away with just about anything (right up until he commits actual literal crimes, and even then my headcanon is that his punishment was meant to keep him safe from *worse*). He had a lot more freedom to explore who he is and how he wants to behave, rather than LQR who is always trying to meet a particular standard, not always successfully, and who has a much more unsteady temper as a result.
6 – I do think that LQR had more of a steady shift to being more in the center of attention over time, but he’s used to prioritizing the sect over himself so it’s still weird for people to pay attention to him for *his* sake, rather than because of sect reasons.
7 – :D
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knickynoo · 11 months
Tell us your Jules and Verne Brown Hcs!
Hey! Sorry for the (very) late reply. I'm finally attempting to work my way through some of my asks.
Ahh, my favorite little guys, Jules and Verne! I love talking about them. And I know that I've made a headcanon post about them once or twice in the past, but since the Tumblr search function is useless, I can't locate them. So, I may be repeating or even contradicting myself with some of these headcanons, lol.
I base a good deal of their personalities off of their characters from the animated series, so Jules is a lot like a mini-Doc. He's very smart, thinks deeply, and is the "reaponsible" one.
Verne is the one who keeps Doc, Clara, and Jules all on their toes. He's carefree, wildly impulsive, fun-loving, and operates consistently at an 11 on a scale of 1 to 10.
Both boys are kind and good-hearted, but Verne expresses it more outwardly. He's like Marty in that way—feeling everything very deeply all the time. Jules, meanwhile, is more reserved with his emotions and expresses them in unconventional ways.
I headcanon Jules as autistic and Verne as having adhd. Let's face it, between Doc and Clara, there's little chance of them having a neurotypical child.
Like in the cartoon, Verne and Marty are extremely close. They're best buddies and get along well due to their very similar personalities. Marty gets Verne and serves as both a big brother and mentor to him.
Verne sometimes feels a little out of place in his family, but he is close with his parents. He enjoys tending to the farm and learning exploring the outdoors with Doc, and he likes exploring creative pursuits with Clara (writing stories, drawing, and such).
Jules connects best with Doc over intellectual topics. He helps out with scientific projects, assists with doing calculations, and enjoys talking about history as well. He bonds with Clara over astronomy and also likes to cook and bake with her.
Jules and Verne often squabble like typical siblings (especially with their different personalities) but they really do love and look out for each other.
Thanks for the ask!
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cressthebest · 7 months
out of all the marauders era/Slytherin skittles/valkeries characters, who do you relate to the most and why?? (idk why but this is always important to me, helps me figure someone out :D)
ahhhhh!! okay um this is going to be a longer explanation than you need, but i love to overshare:
wolfstar is my favorite ship for reasons i cannot describe, and out of it, i probably act more like remus, but i don’t outright relate to him. i, in fact, so desperately want to look like sirius black in the most gender way possible, and personally see him as gender-fluid, which may just be projection, but do not personally relate to him either. i have a mix of his fashion, marlene’s fashion, and mary’s fashion
i do relate to the family issues the black have, when dealing with their mother and everything revolving around that with queerness and expectations (don’t worry, i’m in a safe household unlike them)
but i don’t relate to regulus either except with the family issues and the fact that the fandom headcanons him to have autism. (fantastic hair and fashion sense tho)
the other skittles are too unhinged to be me, including dorcas and pandora.
so that leaves james, peter and the valkarkies.-
-marlene- doesn’t fit. just, straight up. all that matches is that we both like women
-mary- maybe? i like her fashion sense and i’m a huge jewelry type girly and love to dress up. but not enough to relate to her with all her struggles and personality, especially with her sexuality and the way she is viewed by others.
-james- oh sweet james. i’m definitely a gold jewelry person like him. and i’m very mom freind of the group, and i match him with the role i take in romantic relationships. (literally. it’s an issue. all the way down to sex life.. :/ )
but it’s still not quite matching.
that leaves… drumroll.. lily and peter. it’s a mix between the two.
lily- lily, oh my beloved lily. with the beautiful personality and everything so wonderful about her. i wish to be her and i try to be her. and of course, when trying to be like lily, i also come with her faults as well. i have her “will fuck you up if you hit the right nerve” personality. like, the way you know she’s badass. deadly, even, when you mess with her crew. she won’t even hex you, she’ll deck you the muggle way, like you fucking deserve. she’s also struggling with her family, which i relate too, the way her sister calls her a freak for being magic feels similar to the way my brother says gay people are gross. also, the fashion <3 i can’t tell if i am her or want to be her so badly that i’m hallucinating
then lastly, peter. my peter. i’m him in the way that isn’t fun. i’m him in the way that i’m the fourth member who will always be left out of things. the fourth member who tries to fit, and they love me, but the others will always connect better and connect more. and no matter how hard i try, i feel left out and don’t know what i did wrong other than exist. i feel for peter, i really do. god, i feel like him so much at times that it hurts. though i finally know that the reason i always felt like that was autism and it helped me out so much, cause then when i purposefully made freinds with other neurodivergents and realized i understood them better, i felt so much better. i have a great group of friends now- equal mix of neurodivergent and neurotypical. also, i want to encapsulate “just lovers” peter personality. that’s my favorite version of him.
thank you, goodnight, and i hope that wasn’t too much 😭😭 i promise i don’t normally ramble like this
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lilflowerpot · 1 year
i just saw your reply saying you wrote keith with your experience with autism in mind without realizing it! i just want to say that i love how personal this fic is for you, whether you intended it or not! like, looking back and realizing you connect even more with your character (bc you’ve developed keith so well he’s practically yours) is so cool!! and the autistic-coded-ness fits with the character so well, it fits with his foundations from the show and also the world you’ve built
anyways yeah just came to say i love that for you, as a huge fan of your work!
anonymous(2): Hello!! I recently read your little blade fanfic and I'm about to re read it as well, I love it sm! I saw that another person had said they related to Keith in relation to their autism and I'm so happy they did because I do as well!! I love seeing representation like that even if it's unintentional lol, and I was wondering if you had any autistic headcanons for Keith and or Lotor and if being galra effects that? If not that's totally chill! I hope you have an awesome day or night!
Thank you both! I'm honestly so happy to see so much love for autistic-coded Keith, he deserves it ♡
I don't explicitly have any autistic headcanons for either Keith or Lotor, because (as anon 1 said) it wasn't entirely intentional on my part. When writing Keith, I knew from the start that I wanted to explore his galra side and how that element of himself impacts his experiences, and obviously because he looks human this was always going to manifest in his instincts/behaviour; what with the galra being aliens, I wanted them to feel more nuanced than simply "tall purple humans" which lead to me playing around with the differences in how they might express themselves and the ways in which this might have caused Keith difficulties in the past.
Autism itself manifests in different ways to different degrees in different people, but broadly speaking it's a variation in how the brain works as opposed to the majority. According to the NHS, the key traits include:
difficulty communicating with / understanding the thoughts and feelings of others, unintentionally coming across as blunt / rude / uninterested, and misreading tone / intent in others
struggling with anxiety in unfamiliar situations / social settings, often preferring a set routine with clearly defined "rules", and difficulty making friends (and/or preferring solitude)
heightened pattern recognition, attention to detail, and senses
over-stimulation from things neurotypicals might consider mundane, such as bright lights / loud noises / strong smells / eye contact / physical proximity and/or touch
self-stimulating behaviours (stimming) often repetitive movements / sounds that can serve a variety of purposes
a keen or intense interest in a particular subject area / activity
These, obviously, are only the very broadest of strokes (and I comped together many of the bullet points for brevity's sake) but as you can see a lot of them are applicable to Keith—not only in LB, but in VLD too! As such, I don't think it's especially surprising that in dissecting his character so as to better understand and therefore write for him, I ended up creating a lot of overlap between autism and the galra, with the latter becoming a metaphor for how the former sees people (like Keith!) being "othered". With regard to Lotor, it's actually quite interesting because his galra/autistic traits are considered "normal" in Imperial society, whereas it's everything altean about him that has been met with reproach.
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cdragons · 1 year
MCU Eternals Romantic!Ikaris X Reader & Platonic!Druig X Reader AU Idea (AKA my ADHD/Neurodivergent brain is whipping my butt)
Ok so, I'm just going to spare y'all the misery and brain spiral I put both @valeskafics & @its-actually-minicika through, and give the most recent one. This is a really long post as it will go into a lot of detail about the character's personality and her interactions with other characters. Please read through it, and if you hate the idea. Don't be a jerk! Just move on, and ignore this post! But if this is something that you think would be interesting to read: like it and/or let me know in the comments, or send it to a friend you think will find this idea interesting!
So it goes without saying that the MCU Eternals' fandom has unanimously agreed that Druig is best boi/edgelord, and I have no disagreements with that. Hell I basically live on Tumblr's 'druig x reader' tag. BUT I too thirst after Ikaris (AKA Not-Mother's-Favorite)...look, it's Richard Madden, I'm only human.
If you are one of the maybe 10 followers I have, you will know that I am already writing 2 other fics (a Robb Stark x Yi Tish!OC, and an Ikaris X Water Elemental!Reader). But if you read this post's title...you will see that my ADHD brain refuses to listen to reason...and since starting to write fanfiction...it has only gone into overdrive. You will also know that I love drawing inspiration from mythology...and dragons but that's another discussion.
BACK TO THE POINT! So I have seen a lot of Nature Eternal!Reader x Druig fics, and I love all of them. But I read @spacetalbot's Druig x Reader x Ikaris fic where the reader is basically Persephone, AND @winterlves's Ikaris x reader fic where the reader is Thor and Loki's sister who controls nature. Needless to say...I became obsessed.
Basically, I wanted to explore the idea of an Eternal!Reader whose powers are like Persephone (Chlorokinesis, Geokinesis, Fertility Manipulation, etc.). And while Druig is like Hades, he serves more as this reader's overprotective older brother/guardian. Instead, her main love interest in this idea will be Ikaris.
Druig and Hades actually share a good amount of similarities to each other. Both are mostly disliked/not popular amongst the Pantheon/Eternals and humanity, both are secluded to their own domain/community, both are much more somber compared to their family members, and the list can go on. But the reason I wanted to use Ikaris as the main love interest is mostly to due with his attitude towards humanity and how he interacts with them. While life goes on for everyone else, it just sort of "stops" for him. He doesn't really make any effort to connect with them outside of being with Sersi, and when he leaves her, we don't see any further attempts. And this is where Persephone!Eternal kind of comes in.
Now, unlike my other Oc's/Reader fics, I actively plan on writing this reader to show neurotypical symptoms. For example, she will show signs of having trouble emotionally connecting/socially interacting with others. Her mind will wander in meetings and need a nudge to focus back. She might unintentionally put off someone by how she phrases her question/response. She will prefer to study the differing flora and fauna in the places they visit than interact with people. While she does hold some love and affection towards them, she knows that it's not her the humans love, but rather what she can provide for them. This last part is kind of what lays the foundation to Ikaris' and the Reader's connection.
One scene I intend to write that really shows how Persephone!Eternal's mind works is how she interacts with Phastos when he describes the steam engine to Ajak. Personally, I headcanon that Druig likes to be around when Phastos is inventing something, but more just to be his annoying little brother. Persephone!Reader is not at all tech-savvy, but it's how Phastos' thinks of his ideas that fascinates her. What materials would be needed to build it? Does the materials need to be first sourced by humans? Is the conversion of high pressure to low pressure like when an area with a lot of water flowing into an area with low amount of water? If I decide to write Ikaris seeing this, it will make him notice how Persephone!Reader's mind definitely works differently than his. As normally, he wouldn't question Phastos, just accept it and move on. But he would notice how you are the only one to really connect with him by how you don't outwardly mock him like Kingo or Sprite, and by being the only Eternal to act genuinely interested despite not technologically inclined.
Another scene would be how Persephone!Reader was supposed to be attending a feast for the harvest, and so Ajak sends Ikaris to look for her. He finds her in a secluded area of a forest, and with a cow and her calf. He is confused and so Reader explains that she noticed that the cow had been eating much more lately and been much more tired and unable to work. She overheard the humans wanting to kill it, but then she noticed that the cow was in fact pregnant. So while the feast was busy, she snuck away and made an area so that the cow could safely give birth in peace. Ikaris would notice that Persephone!Reader is smiling and much more at peace alone, than in a crowded area with tons of laughter and noise. You are worried that Ajak will find out and make you not see the animals anymore, but Ikaris promises you that he will keep your secret, and that he will just tell her that you weren't feeling well. This furthers your connection.
Another one is where there had been a big dispute amongst the humans, and some people are severely hurt. Druig and Ikaris get into a fight about it since it was under Ikaris' order that Druig not engage. Ikaris is impassive and stern and Druig calls him a coward. Persephone!Reader is seeing the fight and asks Ikaris why he wouldn't let Druig stop it, if he can do it, why not let him? Ikaris retorts stating that it isn't their place to settle their disputes, to which Reader states that he should care about the humans, and not be so cruel. Ikaris gets angry and tells reader that it is not his job to justify his reasonings to Druig or anyone else, much less her. So he storms away. A few hours pass, and Ikaris hasn't been seen by anyone, not even Ajak or Sersi. Reader finds him in a hidden area and notices that his face is very tired looking. Reader realizes that she has made a big misjudgement on her part in saying that Ikaris doesn't care, and is very careful in saying she is sorry. Ikaris is still upset and tells her to go away. But Reader just stands there and doesn't move, refusing to leave him alone. She eventually gives him a hug stating that she was wrong and she was sorry, and that she should have known better. This comforts him a lot as he allows the hug. Reader also makes him a wreath of flowers of her appreciation of him as her leader, but mostly as her friend.
I got a ton of scenes planned, so like and/or comment of what you think!
If you are still waiting for my Robb Stark x OC fic! The 3rd chapter will be out soon!
Edit: I reblogged this post to add on some headcanons of an additional Eternal!Reader who is Hecate. Check out the reboot part in Notes to see it!
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tiptapricot · 1 year
I was going to ask abt transfem marc too but they beat me to it lol
You said you had headcanons about the system and their relationship to gender? I'm listening,,,,,,,,,
YUSS!! I’ve talked ab stuff off and on in various other posts, like the ones I’ve done on clothing, Jake’s sense of self/home, and some of these, but I’d love to do a lil dedicated hc post just on my gender vibes for em :-)
Since I’ve just done the one on Marc I’ll do only Steven and Jake in this one, though Marc’s gender stuff can vary, again, based on the headcanons I work with (like sometimes he’s a cis man sometimes he’s a trans man sometimes he’s ?? sometimes he’s transfem, etc).
Some of this esp Jake’s stuff will get into heavy hc territory but I hope I can give my vibes for my thoughts in a cohesive way anyway. This will also ofc be an examination of their genders through the lense of western/American systems of gendering, as well as through English language understandings and descriptions of those experiences. There is so much that can also be filled out culturally and through the lens of different languages when it comes to concepts and connection to gender and the self. So while this is limited to a certain scope, I hope it can still spark some thoughts and ppl are welcome to add on their own ideas as well :-)
Let’s go!
Steven’s vibes to me are generally autigender man/cis+. He would use the label of man, he doesn’t necessarily feel outside of the binary or like he connects strongly with anything outside of being a man, but it’s different for him conceptually and in experience than it is for neurotypical cis men.
He doesn’t really think very strongly about the role he’s meant to play, the stereotypes he’s meant to fit. Gender isn’t really a concept on his mind as far as something to worry about or adhere to or live up to. He’s just… vibing. He’s soft spoken and friendly and snappy and awkward. His experience with others is more shaped by how they accept him for his behaviors than how they perceive him for his performance of masculinity. Because he doesn’t try very hard.
He likes loose clothing for sensory reasons, big sweaters, comfortable pants and shoes, things with patterns that make him happy and relate to his interests. And that includes skirts sometimes, maybe occasionally dresses if they’re long sleeved. He doesn’t think “I’m a bloke I can’t wear a skirt” he just does. He talks to people and connects with them, he’s earnest and kind, he cries and loves his fish. He doesn’t have this same weight that can come with trying to fit within the bounds of gendered expectations.
I feel in some ways if he had to try and conceptualize his own gender it would be strange, a role that’s not exactly been strongly felt or enforced (he wasn’t a part of a lot of the hypermasculine parts of their life, doesn’t have the same input Marc or even Jake do), but he also feels comfortable in being a man, in that being his label and the space he occupies.
He likes suits, he likes being called someone’s boyfriend or husband, he likes being called Mr. Grant, he likes the memories of receiving his tallit on his bar mitzvah, and still leads blessings over wine and challah on Shabbat, but none of it feels like an obligation. He also thinks makeup can be really fun and expressive, he likes wearing earrings or bracelets if they add a pop to his outfit, and he lights the candles on Shabbat without feeling out of place (until he encourages Marc to start doing it, to heal through that reclamation of the motherly role [idea courtesy of @fdelopera ]). He’s just comfortable where he is, not feeling the need to do too much and not feeling a need to change.
His brain experience plays into that conceptualization of gender and self, something that can’t be separated when describing it and in some ways can’t be described. Gender is experienced differently when you do not meet the same social expectations/understand the same social cues for it to be taught to you, when the rules themselves don’t make sense, when you have a blended experience of life.
So Steven is Steven, and that’s all he needs to know, and all he needs to be :-)
Jake is more complicated. Again I’ve talked about it before, I think perhaps even in its own post, but I forget the things I’ve ranted about on discord or in various ppls dms versus actual posts. Most of the text I’ll give here is from a wonderful conversation with spicyboelives over on Instagram, as that’s one of the best times I’ve been able to express my thoughts on this, but the ideas themselves have grown from multiple conversations with multiple people.
Essentially though, Jake’s having a ball.
Gender is one of his ways to reclaim and take hold of his sense of self, of his personhood, and as such it is multifaceted and strange. It has pieces to it, distinct ways of experience. To delve into his gender I have to delve first into my thoughts on his existence, and how he feels about that existence, because they’re deeply related and hard to talk about separately.
Jake Lockley protects. In my headcanon of his role and actions he’s a gatekeeper, a physical protector, and an extractor. He handles things Marc can’t, and his goal is to get them away from the threat or neutralize the threat so they’re safe, whether that be a direct attack, or self harming tendencies Marc may be enacting.
When he’s not out—for fast moments, for adrenaline filled snapshots of an outer world—he keeps them steady on the inside, makes sure whoever’s in the front seat is who needs to be and that no memories are trying to backseat drive them into a car crash. With such limited time out, and such a specific purpose, I think personhood as a concept would be complicated. He doesn’t get to experience things the same way Steven and Marc do, and he’s got a lot of responsibility and awareness from the start on what to do and how to do it.
He’s their transport, their traffic coordinator. He’s not fully a person, and he doesn’t get a chance to Be someone for a long time. So he builds it on his own, finds what he likes, the things he can take and repurpose into his own meaning and use, make them his so he has something to keep and someone to be. He defines his own edges, his own boundaries. Jakob wrestled with G-d and Jake takes that for himself. He is the lock and key for memories and he takes that. He forms himself into a man, into an experience, into a tool and a vehicle and a weapon. He is himself, and he is nothing. He is a man, and he is no one.
Jumping forward, for a moment, there was a joke in fandom early on about Jake using she/her pronouns. This came from that scene at the end of episode two where Khonshu threatens Marc with making Layla his next avatar, but he says “you may not like my next candidate, near and dear as she is to you.”
And as Khonshu ended up always wanting Jake, some people were like “omg she/her Jake real.” And then as me and other people are wont to do, we took that seriously. I’ve seen a lot of transbian Jake headcanons and similar stuff, and I realized I really liked some kind of gnc aspect for him. It tracks. Gender is a part of identity and self definition, and queerness is contradictory and strange and powerful. So then I headcanon Jake with the following:
—he/him for the man, the boy, the cabbie, the smile
—it/its for the tool, the entity, the weapon, the space he displaces, the cracks in between
—she/her like how you reference a car or a boat, taking power from things he loves and the weight of painted nails pushing a flat cap up, or lipstick under a mustache; gender nonconformity is confusing and not stuck to the binary idea of people and men, and he is not wholly a person, not wholly a man
He is Jake, and his boundaries can’t be defined by anyone else but himself because they are his to control and his to grip with moon-shielded knuckles, to pull back beneath the suit and tie into the practiced Someone he’s chosen to be.
In line with this, through a semi-recent conversation, I realized something else for him. Cars get people from place to place, they’re an escape, the rumbling engine and headlights showing the way, and for the system Jake is their transport. He gets them out, gets them away, pushes them off-road when they have to dodge an obstacle.
And I think there’s something there that really connects, that feels right. Humans anthropomorphize vehicles of all types, see them as a friend and a companion, and isn’t that what he is? I feel like Jake really connects with cars on an identity level, just with what feels right, with what he does, with how he experiences the world and the ways his brain connects with things and people and himself.
So like… in more modern terms, I feel like he might be partly cargender/otherkin for cars as well. He’s not a fully human headmate, and vehicles are something he aligns with, connects to, and loves on a self level. Maybe he’d even be a car in headspace sometimes, stuff like that can happen, and I think it’s an interesting layer to explore for him and his actions and who he is (and can even add an interpretation to the Shiva memory scene of the cab in the background being Jake, being him watching over Marc at the time, hovering in the periphery).
With all of it, with all of him, it is complicated. But she knows, she gets himself. Jake doesn’t need others to understand it, to know why it is the way she is. He just is.
Just Jake.
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cookii-moon · 2 years
I'm here to spread my Ninjago neurodiversity headcanons
because this fandom does not have enough of it and I felt like it. Also because i missed neurodiversity week by one day.
uhh yeah. I wanted to have an art too but I didn't expect posting this so soon-
Zaneeee the classic yay.
He's definitely neurodivergent.
I don't think he'd identify as anything in particular, but he identifies as neurodivergent cuz he's a nindroid and because of that doesn't fit in or think like neurotypicals.
He's a bit of an outlier because of that tho, even in neurodiverse places.
He's decently public because he's too innocent to see how anything could go bad just because he shared it. Poor Zane, bless him :,) he definitely ended up being harassed at least once.
Cole because everybody overlooks him and I'm disappointed /hj
Okay this man is autistic. Tell me otherwise. Tell me otherwise right now. Like have you seen him.
He's very closed off about being autistic. I feel like Lou was definitely not very accommodating of it and encouraged him to mask n stuff, (which btw can lead to a huge number of anxiety and self worth issues later down the line, so do not force people to mask).
There's a lot of stigma associated with autistic people that I feel like Cole definitely wouldn't enjoy, so he keeps it pretty tight under wraps and tries to mask when he can.
He especially doesn't like telling people he knows because he doesn't want a close friend to potentially start treating him like an infant or helpless, or assume he has no emotions or starting to distance themselves from him.
He hid it from the Ninja for the first few seasons. Around after S4-5 when he and Jay had become close again he decided to tell him. I feel like he was jealous or impressed by how open Jay is in comparison (we'll get to him in a moment) and how accepting the others were. Jay's reaction is easily summed up as *HAPPY NEURODIVERGENT SOLIDARITY SCREAMING* but also "I feel stupid for not connecting the dots" and then they went from bffs to... also bffs. But now they get to make adhd and autism jokes together.
Jay helped him be more comfortable and feel more confident in himself and he finally told the other Ninja after DotD because he ended up experiencing several massive sensory overloads at some point, since being autistic made it so that the issues you'd have from finally being able to touch things after a year or two would've been amplified ten fold, so he kinda had to tell them because it stuck around for several weeks.
He still isn't very public about it towards strangers, but he's getting better about feeling comfortable with it himself and not, yknow, experiencing social anxiety 24/7 around his friends.
He's definitely on like the mild-mid end of the spectrum. He doesn't need too many accommodations, but he does experience sensory issues and might need alternative explanations for some things.
He's usually pretty closed off when he first gets to know somebody, but overtime when he does get to know them and becomes comfortable with them he gets pretty social and sarcastic with them, which doesn't always go well since he can't tell when someone gets legitimately hurt or offended or when it's just part of the joke, so being more public about it with his friends has made it so they can communicate better with that type of stuff :D
...You may notice that this one is substantially longer than the rest and the reason for that is because I'm autistic so I feel more confident about writing about an autistic character. And also because autistic Cole makes me feel represented because way too many autistic characters are either robots (which is fine, but one of my symptoms is I have difficult to relate to those types of characters) or very stereotypical. So.
I try to keep the others shorter because I don't trust myself as much with those LOL.
Also he may be colorblind, but he's not sure.
Uhh Jay
He has adhd, probably a comorbidity too like OCD or smthn. He's in the very hyperactive group, and he's pretty public about it because he feels comfortable with who he is and doesn't really care if some idiot takes issue with it (or well, pretends like he doesn't care, except he actually does)
And ye, that's uh, about all I have to say because I'm super hungry and tired sooo
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harbingerofwhump · 1 year
Your new tumblr name (title? pseudonym?) is terribly intriguing will you please share your wisdom/headcanon
Ahahaha, so, I have to be honest it came more from an inside joke with a couple friends than a specific "kaz is a femboy" headcanon. But also, I think it works well with Thoughts/headcanons that I've had about Kaz anyway so I stand by it lmao, so!
I've kind of always imagined Kaz as being very gnc (if not trans or enby). He presents himself however is convenient for him in the moment (for jobs, cons, etc.), or to make a statement (mocking the merchers), but when the way he presents doesn't really matter, that all goes out the window. Which doesn't have to be tied to Femboy Kaz but it can be, and I think he'd very much be the kind of person to say "fuck gender norms I do what I want" (insert tangent about autistic!kaz and social norms/expectations in general here) and at some point he realizes that what he wants is to wear pretty dresses and makeup thank you very much
And it can serve a purpose beyond personal feelings too! It's no 'mock the merchers and make them uncomfortable by dressing as one of them' but I think he still could (and would) use it to make a point and as a a sort of... act of rebellion? (since we have at least some indication that sexism/misogyny is prevalent at least to some extent in the grishaverse), especially if he found out any of his crew (crows or otherwise) had been having problems with it. Like just, him whole-heartedly embracing femininity and making it everyone else's problem, he knows it doesn't change anything, it isn't a weakness or something to hide/be ashamed of --- in him or anyone else --- etc., and he will gladly make other people uncomfortable with that and put them in the position of having to either face that or do mental gymnastics to hold on to their preconceived ideas
Also also also! I dunno I just generally have feelings about like…. As Kaz starts to heal, he has to open up not just to his friends but also to himself? If that makes sense? Like he has to figure out who he is as a person, just himself --- no 'I live to exact revenge in Jordie's name', no masks/personas, no Dregs, no Inej and Jesper & Co., just. Him.
(Which isn't to say these aren't still critical aspects of/don't have a critical role in who he is, but. Ya know. There's more to it, he has to figure out who he is beyond that, etc. I'm definitely not explaining this well but hopefully my point is getting across?)
Anyway, sorry, bit of a tangent there. Point is, I think his healing journey comes with its fair share of self exploration/discovery, and I imagine gender presentation/exploring femininity, especially as a man, being an unexpected but important part of that.
But I think one of the biggest things for me here is that like… disability (trauma, chronic pain, mental illness) can be really alienating, not just from society/people around you but also from yourself and your own body? And how you dress and generally present can be incredibly important regardless of identity and neurotype and physical capabilities and all that, but then to bring in those other aspects --- the way it impacts how others view and treat you, how you generally feel, your own connection to your body and personhood, etc (how many times can I use "etc." in this post, lol) --- as well... Idk maybe this isn't a common experience but at least to me that all really intensifies the role/importance of outward presentation?
Plus, between his reputation and his limp/cane and the gloves, Kaz is probably already so accustomed to people taking the very nature of his existence as an invitation to… be invasive, I guess? (There's definitely a better way to explain what I mean but.) But anyway, even if a lot of the time people know better than to actually push him or voice their speculations and invasiveness to his face, it does happen and he knows it, so what's one more thing to give them? * Cue fun femboy times *
Idk if I… actually made any sense here and I was definitely very brief/vague but. Just some of my thoughts. If I was better at putting said thoughts into coherent words for people not living inside my brain, I'd be writing a whole essay on this, but alas….
Sorry I feel like this is probably a disappointing answer since none of it is actually inherently about Kaz being a femboy, but it's also not a specific headcanon I have about him, just something that can fit well with ideas/thoughts/headcanons/what have you that I had already, so I don't have much to offer there.
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mp3minded · 6 months
okay, so. I've been stewin' on this thought for a hot minute now, but I think I'm ready to just come out and say it—I genuinely headcanon Marshall as autistic.
Now, I know what you may be thinking—Marshall? Yes, him.
I know when neurotypicals usually think of autistically-coded characters, they think of someone more nerdy like season 2's Carl. Not that there's no merit to that, but autism absolutely comes in more forms than that, and I think I've finally found my words for this, because I know most people would need more than just my deep intuition on this alone (speaking as someone who is autistic).
When you're high-functioning, the experience can feel like the equivalent of being in the uncanny valley when it comes to social integration. You'll never be as fluent socially as a neurotypical, and that can easily couple with self-awareness, when high-functioning. When you're on Marshall's route, you get a really good glimpse of how self-aware he is, and he's (refreshingly) honest about what he sees in himself.
More on his honesty—yes, he does lie at times, as most people do. But the moments where he is honest speak the loudest volumes for me. A HUGE example of this to me, was when he walked off on Amelia even when she stepped into an argument on his behalf, because as he said, he couldn't be bothered, to even play-pretend the role of Amelia's #2 anymore, because this was when MC was playing on his mind more, and that mattered to him more than anything.
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Okay, now the big one—his strained relationship with Ozzy before they reconciled things. Let's dig deep into the why, when it comes to his choice of going off on his own brother to MC in Casa Amor. He felt slighted by Ozzy (even if it was a misunderstanding) in such a way that, it didn't matter that he was family, he wanted to get his thoughts off his chest. I don't know if I'd have gone to the extent he did if I were in his shoes (I'd wait until I was back in the villa so Ozzy could defend himself) but, I've felt slighted by a family member like, numerous times, so I understand the place he's coming from. For neurotypicals, it can be seen as a more taboo thing, but I just don't agree with the notion that you should give family the benefit of the doubt, if they haven't given you a reason to, just because they're family, and I think Marshall would agree with this, by his actions. And, by his own words, Marshall felt absolutely betrayed by Ozzy.
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And again, before Ozzy cleared up the misunderstanding, Marshall was telling the/"his" truth, as much as he was left aware of. To quote @practicemyfall here,
"Feels like neurotypicals forgive that easily because their experience with family is way different to that of a neurodivergent person."
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And, I don't know how to end this post other than to say, this headcanon of mine is one reason why Marshall's one of my favs, if not the fav, because I feel connected to him on this level 🥺
(note: after I wrote all this out, he did become my fav-fav 🥺💗)
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