#and then all i have to do is sew a letter on the front and i'm done :D
super-lovely-star · 3 months
Things to Do with Plushies that aren’t Traditional Pretend Play
If you regress/dream to an older age range, you might not play pretend as often, if at all. That said, there’s no reason why you still can’t enjoy your plushies’ company.
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Cuddle them as you go to sleep. This one is pretty obvious, but I think it deserves a place on this list.
Make them little Kandi collars with their name in letter beads. You can make a matching bracelet or necklace for yourself too!
On that note, sew clothes for them and dress them up. This one might require some supervision because of the pins and needles, but it’s usually worth it.
Set them up so that they look like they’re doing the same activity as you are. (Putting a controller in front of them if you’re gaming, pretending to feed them bits of your meal, setting them up in front of the TV so they can enjoy the programs with you, etc) This one veers into pretend play, but it’s not as involved so I figured I’d include it.
Put them into your purse/backpack/bag so they can keep you company on your errands or other trips you take.
Set them up in nature or around the house and take photos of them. You can even scrapbook with the photos.
If they are sturdy enough, give them a bubble bath and then either stick them in a pillowcase and put it in the dryer, or air dry them in the sun. This is good for bonding with them, and general maintenance to keep them clean.
Write about them. You can make little character profiles for them, or even full stories! This is good if you have a hard time playing pretend but you still want to feature them in imaginative contexts.
Draw/paint pictures of them and hang them on your wall!
Finally, if this is something you’re up for, set up a side blog for your favorite plushie and document their life online. Make blog posts from their perspective, have them take “selfies” etc!
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Have fun with your plushies 💕
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happy74827 · 1 month
One Call Away
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[Wade Wilson x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: During one of his "jobs," Deadpool gets a call from his favorite gal [GIF Creds: jdsheart]
WC: 1970
Category: Fluff, Major Comedy {TW: Deadpool’s Humor/Nonfiltered Personality}
This man is so hard to write. I’m always stressing the noggin when it comes to planning and plotting 😔
"And away we go..."
One neck crack and a couple of hip twists later, he was off like Aladdin and his fucktoy carpet, scaling the building similarly to a chameleon on LSD.
The only thing that was missing was some epic music.
He'd been chasing this baddie around the city for almost two days now. Some big-shot mob boss with ties to Hydra, or the Mafia, or the Yakuza, or some other three-letter-acronym organization. It was hard to keep track of them all at this point. They were all the same, except for the name.
They all had their own agenda.
Kill him, keep him prisoner, pay him off...
Wade never cared enough to listen because it was always the same. He just got hired to do the dirty work, and the pay was good.
The killing was better.
This one, however, was particularly good at eluding him. He'd been trying to get his hands on this man for a few days now. It wasn't as though he was trying to be stealthy or anything, either. He'd walked right up to his front door, knocked, and was greeted with a spray of machine gun bullets.
So, the usual.
But then the guy ran and didn't stop. It was like the fucking Roadrunner met Sonic the Hedgehog, and they decided to fuck around and find out.
Wade was getting real sick and tired of being a Roadrunner, too. He had a reputation to uphold. He wasn't known as the Merc with the Mouth for nothing. He was supposed to be the one doing the running and the killing.
Not the other way around.
Finally, finally, he managed to reach the roof where the guy was currently taking cover behind a small brick shack. The sun was rising, but it was still dark, and there were a couple of floodlights shining on the rooftop. It made him think of the night he'd had that heart-to-heart with Blind Al, even though all she really wanted was for him to bring her some of that special brownie mix.
What a night that had been.
But anyway, this monologue is starting to get too long, and we should probably move things along, eh?
So, the baddie.
His name was something long and non-English.
Salvatore, or Santino, or Salvation... Whatever the fuck it was, it didn't really matter. What mattered was that it was time to make him dead.
He stepped around the corner and was met with a spray of bullets, all of which lodged themselves into his Kevlar vest.
"Oh, come on!" he yelled over the sound of the gunfire. "This is real leather, you know. I'm tired of all the offscreen sewing and shit."
When the spray finally ended, he took a moment to catch his breath.
"…ow," he whispered to himself.
"You shouldn't have followed me here," the man said.
"Yeah, whatever," Deadpool replied. "Look, I'll make this easy for you. You drop down and give me fifty, and I'll let you keep that hideous mustache you're sporting."
The man's eyes widened in surprise.
"It's not that bad, is it?"
"Yes, yes it is," Deadpool assured him. "You got a squirrel living in it or something?"
"It's just a little bit of gray, you dick," the man argued. "What about you? What's with the mask? Are you hiding a mustache under there, too, or something? Maybe some acne scars?"
Deadpool shook his head and stepped forward, his guns drawn.
"Don't come any closer!"
"You know, this would be much more intimidating if you didn't look like a cartoon mouse."
"Stop it with the mustache!"
"Alright, alright," Deadpool said. "Enough with the mustache. But what is it about your hairline? I can't put my finger on it."
The man sighed in exasperation and pulled out his pistol, aiming it right at Deadpool's face.
"Hey now, don't point that at me," Deadpool scolded him. "That's not a very nice thing to do."
He ignored him and pulled the trigger, a loud boom ringing out as the bullet fired. It whizzed by him but missed its mark.
"You really are a dick," He grumbled before aiming his gun right between the man's eyes. And he was going to shoot, honest.
He really was.
But then his phone rang, and he was well-reminded of the current song playing through his head.
I'm a buff baby that can dance like a man. I can shake-ah my fanny, I can shake-ah my can!
Needless to say, he was distracted.
He lowered his gun and looked down at his pocket, where his phone was still ringing and still vibrating against his leg.
"Shit, hold that thought," He said to the guy, and he holstered his gun.
"Wh-what the hell are you doing?!"
Deadpool put his finger up to shush him before pulling his phone out of his pocket to answer it.
If you're an evil witch, I’ll punch you for fu��
"Heyyyy," he said in a sing-songy voice, "you've reached the phone sex hotline. For kinks and fetishes, press one. For booty calls, press two. For your favorite mercenary, press three."
"Ey, pendejo—" His opponent started, but he cut him off by snapping and raising his finger.
"Cut it, Tuco Salamanca. Breaking Bad called and wants its meth-cooking mustache back."
"Anyways, this is your favorite merc speaking. Who do I have the pleasure of speaking with?"
"Is this a bad time?"
Wade's eyes widened in shock, and his jaw dropped open when he heard her voice on the other end of the line.
"Baby girl! Is that you? Oh, how I've missed your voice. It's like hearing an angel, or an angelic chorus, or a whole bunch of angels, but you're the most important one. Like, the lead singer or something."
"I literally saw you last night." Your voice was always drenched with the most amazing kind of sarcasm, and he'd missed it.
"It's only been a few hours."
"That's a short amount of time."
You sighed, but he knew you weren't really annoyed.
"Anyways, you sounded busy," you continued, "so I'll just let you go."
"What?! No! Don't hang up!" He shouted into the receiver. "I've only fiddled with my pistols! Nothing interesting is happening right now!"
"Your pistols, huh?" You asked a hint of mischief in your voice.
"Well, yeah. They're the most important part of the mission, you know."
In the corner of his eye, he could see his target making his way towards the edge of the building. Quickly and efficiently, without dropping his attention from his conversation with you, he lifted his gun and fired a shot at the man's knee.
"Ah, fuck!" the man screamed in pain. "My knee!"
"Hey! Language!" Deadpool scolded him. "The lady of the house is listening!"
"Lady of the- what the fuck?!"
"I said language, you mustachioed rat!"
"Mustachioed rat?" You asked.
"Sorry, babe," he replied. "You know how excited I get when Downtown Abbey is on."
“There’s gunshots in Downtown Abbey?"
"Gunshots? Oh, no, no. That was… uh, a car alarm. Yeah, the neighbor's car alarm was going off."
"Uh-huh," you said, not sounding very convinced. And, of course, that was right around the time the guy's gun went off again, this time hitting him square in the shoulder. It made the phone fall out of his hand and clatter onto the ground, but the call was still connected.
"Dammit!" He yelled, looking at the fresh blood dripping down his arm. "That's gonna take forever to heal!"
"Who are you talking to?" The man demanded, his gun still aimed at Deadpool's face. "You're working with someone?"
"Hey, now, I don't remember giving you permission to talk," Deadpool told him, holding his bloody arm up to his face. "Look, I've gotta call you back, babe. I know it's been so heartbreakingly long—"
"Again, only a few hours," you said.
"—but duty calls. Love you, bye."
"Love you, bye."
With that, the line disconnected.
"Ugh," he groaned, his heart aching for the loss of your sweet voice. "I miss her already."
"Ey," his opponent growled, drawing his attention. He started speaking in rapid-fire Spanish, which Deadpool didn't really understand, but he didn't have to. The guy was just ranting and raving.
"Alright, alright, chill," Deadpool said. "Just calm down. It’ll all be over soon, little buddy."
"I am not little! I am a giant!" The guy protested, and Wade could practically see the steam coming out of his ears. "And I will not chill!"
"Well, can't argue with that, I guess," Deadpool said with a shrug, and he took aim. But before he could pull the trigger, the guy was running again.
"Hey, what did I tell you about running?!" He yelled, but his voice fell on deaf ears as the guy reached the ledge.
"I am a giant!"
"No, you're a giant asshat!"
"I will not be bested by some masked buffoon!"
"Buff? Me? Why, I never!"
"You're the biggest asshole I've ever met!"
"You know what? I am a big ass! A big, round, bubbly ass." He paused for a second. "Hey, what's your favorite flavor?"
"Fuck you, you red-clad imbecile!"
"You know, I'd ask you out to dinner first, but we're kinda past that now."
"Alright, enough stalling," Deadpool said. "It's time to end this."
"Yes," the guy said, turning his gun back on Deadpool. "It is."
Of course, Deadpool being the smart-ass he was, he'd already taken a step to the side. As the bullet whizzed past him, he reached for his gun.
"Now, where did I put that thing? Oh, there it is."
He aimed the gun and fired, and the man fell back onto the ground. The bullet hit him right in the middle of his forehead, his blood splattering all over the concrete.
"Ha ha! Fatality. Deadpool wins!" He said, his voice taking on the deep, grounded tone of the narrator from Mortal Kombat. "Flawless Victory."
He stood over the body for a few seconds, reveling in his victory, before he felt the presence of another.
The gun on his right side got ripped from its holster, and the barrel was aimed back into his face, as it always seems to be.
But, he already sensed it was coming, so his fingers wrapped around his other and aimed that right in the golden spot… and let’s just say, The Golden Girls was a little less golden and a lot more crimson.
"Wow, this has got to be a record," He said as he bent down to stare at the new one’s anguish. "Two dead ugly mustaches in the same day. You can call me Sweeney Todd because shit… I just shaved you the fuck up."
He didn’t give the poor bastard a chance to even whimper before he fired another two shots into the man's head. All in all, this had been the easiest payday he'd had in a while.
He picked up his cell phone and slipped it back into its pocket before bending down and scooping up the mustache man's pistol.
"Ooh, lookie here, a nice, shiny new pistol," he said to himself. "Just what I've always wanted. Well, I don't actually need it. It's not like I have any other holes in my body, but you know what they say. The more the merrier."
He stuffed the gun in his holster and turned around, heading back the way he'd come.
"Time to get back to the good stuff," he said. "I have a date with my favorite girl."
He hopped up onto the ledge and looked down, his eyes locking on the window to his apartment.
And when he arrived, bloody and battered, you could only smile while holding up little ole Mary Puppins in all her drooling glory.
God, how he missed his girls.
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strawberrypoundtown · 4 months
Orc x Halforc!Fem!Reader: Part 2
After returning to your tent, you attempt to sneak off to let off some steam. However, you get caught quickly and things escalate from there...
Contains: pregnancy risk, breeding kink, chasing, wrestling, pinning, physical restraining, degradation, spanking, biting
'Fuck, shit, god I can't do this. I have to think of something.'
You were more than a little embarrassed and flustered as you laid in your bed, pretending to be asleep. After finding out Gan was going to be the one watching over you, you had no idea what to think. You tried to play off your short circuit brain and after some small talk excusedyourself to go lay down, saying you had a headache. How were you supposed to find a mate when Gan is the one watching over you? Whenever he was around, you were a puddle. You couldn't think of any person you wanted as your mate other than him. He was the best option, surely. Your brother may not be keen on the idea, but the rest of your family would think he would be the best option for you.
The only issue was that you didn't know if he would even hope to feel the same way about you. He always treated you with nothing but respect and kindness, but something about it felt much more withdrawn compared to when he would act similarly with other females in the clan. He would seem to be more playful, flirty even. He was already almost 26, just a couple years older than you. He never seemed to want anything serious from what you had heard. Oh no. Maybe he only saw you as a sister? Maybe he just wasn't the type to want a mate?
You rolled onto your back and let out a sigh. You needed to let off some steam. You had to get out of here. You rubbed your eyes before carefully sitting up. Gan was right outside your tent. He at least let you have that much privacy, but it was almost worse that he was right there. You wanted him to walk in and take you already. You wanted his strong hands to hold you down and give you his big, hard cock. You wanted him to fill you with his cum. To make you all his. That would definitely help you relax.
A gruff cough outside your tent broke you out of your horny daze, bringing you back to reality. You had to think of a way to get out of here. You needed to get away from Gan without him knowing. You can't think straight with him right there.
You could sneak out from behind your tent easily. You had a flap on your tent behind a chest, but someone might see you run off. You had to peak and see if anyone was there first, but Gan might hear you moving things and wonder what's going on. You sat on the edge of your bed as you pondered your options. You got up and snatched a smaller letter opener from your desk. You walk over to the chest and carefully using the sharp end to cut a small slit in the tent, just big enough to peak through.
You mentally pat yourself on the back for your creativity. You could sew it up if anyone noticed it anyways. At least that was one issue solved. You take a quick look out the small hole and didn't see anyone. Perfect. Time to try and move the chest in front of the escape spot as quietly as possible.
"(Y/n)?" You heard from outside your tent just ss you were about to stsrt moving the chest. The from entrance, thankfully. It was Gan. You loved it when he said your name. You sighed and figured it would be better to walk over the entrance. Maybe you could get him distracted with something else.
"Yes Gan?" You say as you opened the flaps of your tent, closing them behind you as you stepped out and stared up at Gan. He stared down at you and rolled his eyes.
"I was just going to ask how you were feeling. Were you thinking of going on a walk?" He said with a bit more sass in his voice than you were comfortable with. However, you face remained unfazed as you rolled your eyes yourself.
"No. I was actually going to ask if you could get me an apple. I'm a bit hungry and forgot to grab anything earlier." You asked him, genuinely a bit hungry, but you could easily find food outside of camp. You knew where the apple trees were. "Please?" You said, with a small pout. How could he say no to that face?
"Fine. Just don't go anywhere." He grumbled after a long pause. He avoided your gaze as he walked off towards the food tent. Now with Gan out of the way, you could slip out the back without anyone noticing. I mean, Gan would notice when he got back, but what was he gonna do? Tell your parents?
You quickly went back inside your tent, moving the chest out of the way before quickly peaking through the hole again. After making sure the path was clear, you lifted the flap and started to move through it. However, fate was not on your side.
"Hey (Y/n), I'm back with your app-" Gan freezes as he walks through the entrance of your tent, thrown off at first when he sees you halfway through a random hole in your tent. "What the-" you don't give him enough time to react, diving through the hole and bolting to the forrest. The advantage of being a bit smaller is that you were quick on your feet. "Ah fuck!" He yells in frustration, needing to go the long way around the tent.
You were already just a blurr in the distance by the time he got around the tent, but he could still see you. He chuckles to himself and takes off his armor and weapons, leaving them against your tent before running after you. He might not have been fast, but he was more known for his endurance... in more ways than one. He'd catch up to you eventually.
You were running as fast as you could, dodging and weaving between the trees. You were hoping you were losing him, but everytime you looked back, you kept seeing him in the distance. Why was he chasing you? He was always able to keep a pretty good pace with you, but in that moment you kinda hated him for it. Or did you love it? He could catch you so easily. Maybe he would claim you as his once he catches you. Or maybe he'd punish you? You couldn't tell which idea excited you more, but you couldn't focus on that right now!
You nearly trip on a tree root, jumping out of the way so you miss it, but not realizing the hill drop next to you. You yelp and stumble a bit, nearly falling, but you manage to catch yourself on a tree and pull yourself back. You use the second to catch your breath and stabilize yourself. You're about to start running again when you don't hear anyone behind you anymore... or see anyone for that matter. There was no way you lost hik that easily
For such a large man, he had managed to hide himself easily in the dense trees, his dark green skin helping him blend into the scenery as he moved between the foliage. He didn't understand why his heart was racing so much. Or why he felt himself getting excited as he got closer to catching you. He wanted to catch you and claim you. He wanted to make sure no other man would dare look at his mate. He wanted you as his mate. His one and only. He just had no clue how to do that. Maybe chasing you and getting you alone would help...
His footsteps quickened as he had heard you yelp, so he was fairly close to you, but he didn't see the edge of the hill. As your back was turned, he decided that tackling you would be the best way to capture you.
"Found you." He growled ominously before jumping out from around a tree. You screamed out and tried to dodge, but the attempt was futile. His arms wrapped around you, pulling you close to him as he waited for you guys to hit solid ground. But he quickly realized that he had made a mistake as you both started to tumble down the large hill. He had managed to keep you mostly protected throughout the fall, but had hit a tree and lost his grip on you, sending you tumbling your own way down the hill. You both landed at the bottom with a soft thud
He groaned in pain as he sat up, rubbing his head. He checked his body quickly, and other than a few scratches, he was fine. He looked around for you a bit panicked. He didn't know how far away you could have gotten. Thankfully, he spotted you only a few feet away, but noticed you were laying motionless on the ground. His blood ran cold as he rushed to your side, fearing the worst.
"Oh my god, (Y/n)!" He shouts as he turns you onto your back, only to be met by a swift, solid punch to his jaw from below. He groans in pain and turns away from you. After delivering the punch, you quickly get up and jump on his shoulders. You clamp your legs around his neck in a firm hold, causing him to fall backwards as he grabs at your thighs. It was like you were trying to kill him, but not because of lack of oxygen. If he didn't get out from between your thighs soon, he wouldn't be able to get away.
"Why were you following me?!" You yelled, not letting up on your grip. He could still breathe, but barely. He kept struggling, trying to get away from you before he got an erection. He had never had you do this to him like this before and he was enjoying it way more than he should. However, his struggling was causing his head to rub against your pussy through your clothes. You tighten your grip with your legs to try and get him to stop moving. "S-stop making this difficult and tell me why you followed me!" You yelled at him, letting out a soft sigh under your breath as he finally stopped struggling. You lightened your grip slightly to let him answer.
"I-I... don't... know... I... wanted... to.." He still struggled to speak because of her thighs, but she heard him. She let go of him, leaving him laying on the ground as he struggled to catch his breath. "I... didn't want you... to be alone out here..." He added between breaths, finally able to breathe normally for a few moments. However, he quickly couldn't breathe again as you jumped on his neck, your legs wrapping around his head once again, but from the front this time.
"I can take care of myself!" You yelled in frustration, your legs tight around his head, his face buried against your clothed pussy. He didn't dare move or breathe this time, hyper aware of every muscle in his body. You didn't think about what you did until after it was already done. You felt your core getting hot as you felt his tusks against your inner thighs, your face heating up. This felt like some sort of weird dream. Why did you do that?
He had to think of a way out of this before he passed out. His heart raced as he struggled to breathe once again, trying to get away from the sweet smell you just smothered him with. His erection grew and he was thankful you were facing away from it at least. Your pussy right in front of his face was all he could think about. He wanted to just rip your clothes off and make you ride his face, but it took all his willpower not to.
Instead, he wraps his arms around your thighs, keeping you in place with an iron like grip before swiftly turning, rolling the two of you so he was on his stomach. You had thought about this position too, but you were broken out of your thoughts as he quickly hoisted you up. He jumped up himself, your legs still around his head as he smacked you on a large smooth boulder. He was finally able to use his leverage to get out of your hold, gasping for air as he stood and braced himself on the boulder.
As he stood you finally saw it. His massive hard on was visible through his pants. He was huge. You knew he was big, but you weren't even sure if he was fully hard yet. He got that hard from all of that? You felt yourself getting even hotter and you were unable to close your legs yet. He had his hands firmly planted between your legs, keeping them spread open. He had to have known how you were feeling right now, right? He had to smell it when he was down there...
"What was that for?!" He shouts before groaning, reaching up with one hand to rub his jaw after the beating gave it. He looked down at your spread legs and stepped between them fully. He could see the wet spot between your legs and sighed deeply. He didn't think he'ddo this so quickly after being put in charge of taking care of you...
"Are you trying to kill me? Fucking brat..." He growls as he stares down at you, his arms pinning you under him as he leans over you. The sun shines through the trees and gives you both a beautiful glow. It really did feel like a dream, and both of you would agree. He just stared into your beautiful (e/c) eyes, only looking away to look down at your lips. Your faces were only a few inches away from each other's as you stared back at him. It looked like he was conflicted. Maybe you needed to encourage him a little?
You couldn't help yourself. You slowly reached your hands up and touched his chest gently. He was so warm and sweaty, and after the fall, dirty. You ran your hands up the sides of his neck and gently held his face. You felt him lean into your hands as he closed his eyes and sighed. You used your thumbs to gently caress his large tusks as he melted into your touch even further. You couldn't help but smile and giggle to yourself a little.
"I'd never thought the might Gan would be such a helpless little baby when it comes to being held." You snickered a little, his eyes shooting open before glaring at you. You gave him an evil smile before hooking your fingers on his tusks and tugging them towards you. He let out a groan in response before the look in his eyes turns into something more evil. He suddenly grabs both your wrists with one hand and pins them above your head
"You think that's funny? You fucking tease..." He growls at you. You haven't seen him like this before. You kinda like it. Without a word, he takes one of his hands and cups it under your head, lifting your head to meet his in a rough and passionate kiss. Your bodies rubbed together as he held you down and made out with you, not wanting to let you go Your tusks rubbed together as he loosened his grip on your wrists, pulling away slightly. Seizing the opportunity, you wrap your arms around his neck and brought your lips back to his. You'd been waiting too long for a chance like this. Your legs wrap around his waist as you press your body into his, scratching his back as you let out soft breathy moans whenever your lips manage to part for a moment.
He stumbles backwards a bit in surprise, his hands immediately grabbing your ass as he keeps you held close to him. He may not have expected this reaction, but he won't complain. He moans with you as he continues to kiss you, but slowly moves his hands up your body towards your shoulders.
As you start to grind your hips against him, he pushes you back onto the rock, your arms releasing, but your legs still locked firmly in place around his waist. Your back was arched as he pinned your shoulders. Both of you were panting from the kiss, both your lips puffy and almost raw. He has a moment of clarity and wants to make sure this isn't to try and trick him into not telling anyone about this.
"What's going on with you? You've been off since I was assigned to you. You've never given a guard this much trouble when you get caught outside camp. Why me?" He asked, determined for answers. Did you hate him that much that you wanted to run away? He was so confused as to why you were kissing him then.
"Because I want you..." You mumbled, bashful as you turned your head away from him. You let go of your grip around his waist with your
"What?" He asked, a bit thrown off by your answer.
"I want you! I have no interest in anyone else in the clan. I know you may not exactly feel the same way, but I needed to get away from you to even have a chance of finding someone else. I can't think of anyone but you when you're around..." You admit, sheepishly. Your face flushes and you avoid looking him in the eyes. "I just want you as my mate... if you'll have me."
He was staring at you dumbstruck as he tried to replay what he just heard in his head. Did you just confess? His head spun as he tried to find the words to speak, to reciprocate how you feel, but decided that actions would speak louder than words. His hands moved down to your hips and pulled you to the edge of the boulder. You were about to ask what he was doing, but he interrupted you by pulling your shorts up and exposing your ass for him. You didn't have time to react before he delivered a swift smack to your ass, earning a squeal from you.
"You had to take the moment didn't you? Spoilt brat. I wanted to ask you properly after showing you I can protect you. Couldn't even let me try and be a gentleman for you..." He said lowly, making your heart race as you froze and starred up at him. You didn't think you'd actually get this for, so you weren't sure how to react to any of this. All you knew was that you wanted him to keep going.
Another slap sounded on your other asscheek as he pushed your knees back against your chest. He directed your arms to wrap around your knees as he crouched down in front of your exposed pussy. His hot breath against your sensitive clit gave you goosebumps. He took a moment to appreciate the sight of you before he finally dove in, giving your pussy long, slow licks from your entrance to your clit. You moan out and squeeze your legs closer to you as you let him do what he wants. He toys with you like that for a while before using his mouth to focus on your clit.
One of his hands migrate to your pussy, one of his large fingers sliding into you and curling against your g-spot gently. You arch your back as you let out another moan, but cut it off by biting your lip. His free hand slaps your ass again as he continues to lap at your clit with his tongue and finger your pussy. His hand stays on your ass and gropes the soft flesh as his tusks rub and scratch against the back of your thighs.
You pussy trembled as you tried your best not to squirm. As much as his hand was nice, you wanted to cum on his dick. You wanted him to fill you up and give you his little orcling. Now that you knew he felt the same, your whole body felt hot. His hands in and on your body felt like fire.
"Fuck..." He stopped suddenly and pulled away, taking off your shorts completely and quickly taking his own clothes off as you slowly let go of your legs and spread them. "You're so fucking sexy. I can't believe you're so willing to be my cum slut already..." He held his cock and rubbed it against your pussy. He was worried about hurting you, but after your pussy juices coated his cock after only ruling against you for a few moments, he decided to just go ahead.
You were eager for him to finally thrust into you. Even just his warm cock rubbing along your pussy lips and clit was making you feral. You'd jump on him soon if he didn't get a move on.
He lines up his cock carefully with your slick hole before easing his cock into you. You both moan loudly as your pussy strains slightly to take him in the best way. Your arousal only increased, making it easier for him to get more of his cock into you by the second. When he's about halfway into your pussy, you're already nearly completely full and he pauses.
"W-why are you stopping?" You whimper, not wanting him to hold back. He gives you a wicked grin before grabbing your hips and lifting you. He flips you over onto your stomach while you're still half on his dick. The sensation made your body quiver in pleasure before you turn your head to look back at him. He leans over your body and braces himself on his elbows over you, one of his forearms positioned under your head for you to rest on.
"I wanna fuck you like the bitch you keep acting like. Maybe then my dirty slut will calm down and be a good girl for me." Gan groans in your ear before thrusting the last of his cock into you without warning. You screamed out a moan out of shock, biting down on his arm as your eyes rolled back for a moment. Your tight pussy quivered around his cock as he shuddered from the sensation of having your warm, wet pussy around him. He could live like that, minus your teeth, but his hips start to move on their own as he moans in your ear.
"F-fuck, you're so tight... you're gonna milk my cock and give me a kid... everyone is gonna know you're all mine soon." He said breathlessly. As much as he was trying to act tough, his heart was melting as he fucked your brain out. His thrusts got faster and rougher as he listened to you moan through your bite on his arm with every thrust.
You tried to thrust your hips back against his with each thrust, but there wasn't much you could do when your whole body was pinned down. You felt your climax building quickly as Gan finds his pace, rubbing perfectly against your g-spot and hitting your cervix in a way that made you feel dizzy. His large, full balls kept slapping your clit with each thrust. Your jaw slacked as you released your bite, moaning even louder.
"There we go. Good girl. You're gonna behave for me, right? You gonna cum for me? I want my slut to cum on my cock and milk me..." He grumts, you only able to weakly nod your head as he just kept fucking your pussy until you exploded. Your pussy squeezed his cock so hard he couldn't move for a moment and you screamed. Your orgasm felt like you got hit by lightning, but he just keeps fucking you. Your pussy shuddered around his cock as you keep cumming, each thrust making you more overstimulated than the last.
"Fuck yes. I'm gonna cum too, princess. Take it all, please." Thankfully, he doesn't last much longer than you. His thrusts get faster but more sloppy as he chases his orgasm. He moans and groans as you whimper and lick the bite mark you left on his arm. The sight makes him groan as he thrusts inside you one last time, burying his cock deep in your pussy as he cums. You finally stsrt to come down from your orgasm with a loud sigh. You feel his warm cum fill you, but whine as you feel some of it start to drip down your legs.
He was still so hard. He rocks his hips gently against yours as you moan. Your poor sensitive pussy kept being bullied and you loved it. He kisses your shoulder gently and sighs.
"I love you, (Y/n)... I'd love to be your mate..." He whispers in your ear as he wraps his arms around you, hugging you tenderly.
"I can tell..." You giggled breathlessly. Although you were exhausted, you didn't loose your sense of humor. "I love you too..." You whispered before turning your head and kissing him on the cheek. Due to how hard he was, and how he seemed to already be ready to go again, you two were going to be there for a long time...
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saksukei · 1 year
simon ‘ghost’ riley and his love languages
masterlist | i think i may have wrote too much??
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there’s one thing lieutenant simon ghost riley knew when he began dating you. he had to be the best version of himself or at least try. you were the only person he met that he ever wanted to try for.
i. words of affirmation
initially, simon has trouble adjusting to calling you any pet names and just calls you by your name. it isn’t until he gets comfortable enough to say, “love” which is his go to nickname. he says them only in private though.
and then it’s nicknames galore. he calls you his sunshine because he literally adores your smile so much!!! the type to say, “i brought flowers for you. they needed sunshine and you were the obvious choice.” and he also says things like, “my darling angel” when you get him a cup of tea.
most importantly, if you ever do something that’s like daunting or difficult for you or if you learn something he’s gonna say “that’s my girl, always so intelligent.” if the two of you ever hit the gym together and you hit more reps than your regular ones, he’s gonna be so happy for you. “atta girl,” he kisses your cheek as he pats your back.
ii. gifts
he wasn’t very heavy on gift giving. that was until he saw something that he knew you’d like and bought it. and the smile that graced your face with the stars in your eyes made him want to do it more often.
and he felt his heart jump when he saw you cherish the letters he’d written when he was deployed. ever since then, he’s been leaving cute little notes for you, making handmade things you’d like such as bracelets, necklaces. he knows how to sew and he sewed a cute little shirt for you. this also brings me to the fact that he likes knitting a lot and loves making mug warmers? it’s endearing really. he can also carve wood apparently? so he makes sweet little decoration pieces for your apartment. (but also lumber jack simon making me insane)
all in all, he loves giving gifts. he’s the type to make a special notebook for just you and put pressed flowers on each page. “got you something you liked, darling.”
iii. acts of service
simon’s strongest way of expressing love is through acts of service. he’s a military man and a firm believer of ‘actions speak louder than words.’ i’ve said it before that his eye for detail is insane and he uses it in the relationship as well. alongside with his ability to literally commit you to memory, he remembers everything. (except birthdays, but he’ll remember yours).
from bending down to tie your shoelaces, to refilling snacks that he knows you like, to picking up heavy stuff, to guiding you with a hand on your waist, everything really!!! can read your facial expressions like it’s the only thing he knows and can immediately figured out what you like and don’t like. “you okay?”
and god, he's also aware of the sidewalk rule! never lets you walk on the outer side. the type to place a hand on corners and edges so that you don’t get hurt. he’s always looking out for you, ensuring you don't have anything in your way. he’ll always stand behind you because he feels it gives him a better chance to protect you.
iv. quality time
such a sucker for spending time with you but that’s mainly because he knows his is limited. and he would never risk not spending another minute with you. from watching movies, to watching you do make up in front of the vanity, to reading books together, training together, having tea. he finds your presence alone to be comforting. it's like you deal with all of his inner thoughts and reservations without even knowing it.
he also enjoyed doing mundane domestic tasks with you like getting groceries, setting up ikea furniture, cooking and cleaning together, honestly he loves it all. especially if there’s some jazz music playing in the background. i can absolutely imagine rubbing a little flour on simon’s face and he’ll get so offended, chasing you around the entire house, pining you down, just to do the same to you.
v. physical touch
simon is hesitant to become physically affectionate. that's not to say that he doesn’t enjoy it, it's just that when you’ve been met with violence all your life, gentleness is hardly something you expect.
but god, did he want to melt into a puddle when you held his hand or when you pressed a sweet kiss to his cheek. he swears he forgot how to breathe. and little by little, he got comfortable. hands hesitant to be on your waist, until that's the only place you found them, his head always nuzzled in the crook of your neck. “this might just be the favorite part of my day,” he says softly.
from lacing fingers, to kissing you the first thing in the morning, once simon’s comfortable, he won’t go a day without being intimate. “c’mere give me a kiss” to “you’re my good luck charm, love.”
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haveihitanerve · 9 days
Dad How Do I but with Bruce Wayne.
Bruce who teaches life advice- showing kids how to tie a tie, how to tie their shoes, braid their hair, teaching young adults to do taxes, to surf, the best lawyers to hire when in trouble, how to avoid scams, he educates the less fortunate on the best places to get free food, where to go in Wayne Enterprises for a hot shower and some toiletries, how to eat at formal functions so the higher elite have one less thing to criticize them on. He teaches people how to do card tricks and make your niece laugh by pulling out a quarter from behind her ear, teaches moms how to rock their baby to sleep properly, teaches teens to do front flips and cartwheels and calculus, educates them on how to write job applications and two weeks notice letters. He teaches people to sew, to cook(alfred helps) to assemble an IKEA shelf, how to work a lawn mower, and all sorts of different things. And when his son dies… Bruce uses his account to share his grief, his story, shares everything about Jason, what a delight he was, how awesome he was, how much he loved to read and school… and then one day, he gets Batman to join a video. And the hero is stiff and everyone can see the exhaustion, the anger and sadness in his joints, his movements, radiating off him. But he sits down heavily into the chair Bruce Wayne had previously vacated… and begins to speak. He tells the story of Robin, his young child sidekick, who just like Jason Wayne, was murdered by the Joker. He tells everyone how his little boy tried to save Jason Todd, and how they both perished in the aftermath. He tells people about his grief, his anger, and why Batman is suddenly harsher and hurts more. “Because I hurt more.” he confesses quietly, and the people finally get to meet the man behind the mask (figuratively) and truly get to see who their hero really is. The account’s popularity skyrockets, and soon Batman is a lot more common to be seen, teaching people how to defend themselves and handle the Batarangs he knows they collect after he fights. Nightwing shows up too sometimes, teaching more elegant flips and tricks and they demonstrate their workout together, and a few months later, Batman shyly introduces his new Robin, same messy black hair as the one before, but slightly smaller, and theres something… more behind those lenses in his mask. But the kid is soon a fan favorite, making sarcastic comments and countering Nightwings witty remarks, and the people get to see a new side of Batman, get to watch as he rolls his eyes at them, as he uses them to teach people how to disguise themselves, ways to use clothes to stem blood, tie tourniquets. 
Then Red Hood returns. And a kid in Crime Alley catches him cursing at his jacket because a button fell off and he cant get it back on. “Um! Mr. Red Hood sir?” the kid pipes anxiously. Red Hood turns to him, angry, but the kid doesn't back down and just goes “You should watch ‘Mr. Wayne How Do I: Sewing’ it'll help.” and then he scampers off. And Jason is pissed and even more angry because of course while he was dead Bruce decides to become a father to everyone in Gotham. But he watches the video. And it helps. And… well, its one of the older videos. And Jason finds another old video. The one about… the one about his death. It shouldn't make his anger lessen, shouldn't make him cry, shouldn't bring him to Bruce’s doorstep where he reveals himself and they hug and cry and catch up and cry some more… but it does. 
Gothamites are a little surprised when their local Crime Lord appears on the channel, standing right next to Batman. Surprised, but pleased. Because Batman looks happy in a way he hasn't in a long time and well… Red Hood watched out for them too. And now their two protectors are working together.
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g0dwat3rwritings · 11 months
How's about head cannons for the bishops + the Lamb
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐌𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝
𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩: 𝐍𝐨𝐧𝐞, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜 (𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐥𝐥 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧)
𝐓𝐲𝐩𝐞: 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐦𝐛
The Lamb has a habit of making dirt balls and throwing them at Narinder for fun.
This is practically canon and no one can change my mind.
Also, depending on when you come in the picture, they will leave little love notes for you.
The funniest part about the letters is that they don't leave a signature, they just write 𝐁𝐚𝐚𝐚 and you know it's them.
Despite being a lamb, they have the ability to watch people like a hawk.
And by that, I mean they have an incredible attention span, as weird as it may seem.
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Shamura sews. A lot.
They could, and would, remake the entirety of all the bishops outfits by themself.
When they read, if you're in the picture, they prefer to have you sitting on their lap instead of at their side.
As odd as it may seem, kisses from Shamura are the best.
Shamura counts doors and windows when they're bored.
They'll go around their temple and count every door and every window.
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Kallamar loves to dance but is far too scared to perform in front of anyone, that includes his siblings.
He can draw, and well.
He'll sometimes wander into his siblings territories and draw what he sees.
Once you come into the picture, he has a habit of drawing you.
And pretty quickly, his sketchbooks become full of drawings of you.
Of course, he would only show you them if you asked, but besides that, you're never seeing them.
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𝐍𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫/𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐖𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐬
He bites The Lamb, a lot.
And it's not on purpose, it is a purely subconscious thing. And it's not a kinky thing either.
When you come into the picture, he is all over you.
Kisses and hugs galore. In private, of course.
He pouts when you have to leave, like. literally pouts.
Depending on how long you're gone, he'll be stubborn and pouty until he gets some sort of reassurance that you're not planning his demise.
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She needs help to change her bandages, she can't do it on her own.
There's been times when she's croaked and it hurt her throat badly to the point she didn't talk for the rest of the day.
Leshy also laughed at her for it and she beat his ass 🧍‍♂️
She has a habit of kissing your throat lightly.
Not your neck, under your chin where your throat is.
Cuddles are a must for her, obviously in private, but she's in need of a little love.
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Leshy, being the Bishop of Chaos, is.. well.. chaotic.
He will bite your ears out of nowhere and feel zero (0) shame.
His branches wiggle when he's happy.
If he gets extremely excited or extremely happy, there's a possibility they'll fall out.
And when they do, he'll just be dramatic and stare at the branch on the ground like someone's decapitated head just rolled toward him.
He will pick you up and you have no choice in the matter.
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I'm on a roll with AU these days, so. Cowboy AU ! Outlaw Dewdrop x Sheriff Swiss...with a twist.
It's been a long fucking day. Very fucking long. Swiss' back aches as he leans back into his seat, blinking when the lines of barely legible handwritting still swim in front of his eyes, even now that he's looked up from all the paperwork.
Yawning, he looks around his office, lazily blinking. A light breeze brushes his face, making him frown and glance at the half opened window. Hadn't he closed it ? Swiss tries to recall, hours blending together in his memory. Maybe he didn't, maybe he forgot.
Once he's locked it, Swiss snatches his hat, delibarating between popping to the saloon or just staying home.
"Be the sheriff, they said, it'll be fun, they said," he grumbles, making his way downstairs, "they just forgot to mention the fucking paperwork."
It's all fake complaints, though. No matter how much paperwork makes him want to hang himself sometimes, Swiss loves this town, loves taking care of it, protecting it, acting for the people that make it such a bright and homely place.
Plus, he rocks the hat he was gifted when he became sheriff. That thing is probably his most prized possession.
Once in the kitchen, Swiss makes a beeline for the nearest bottle, in dire need of a little something to clear the fog in his brain from answering letters, approving or denying demands and signing what needed to be signed for hours.
The bottle leaves the shelf too easily, snatched with too much strenght for its weight. Swiss frowns, looking down at the bottle. It's three quarters empty, which doesn't sit right with him. He's sure, absolutely certain he left it more full than this.
All at once, Swiss becomes keenly aware of his surroundings, his senses sharpening in an instant. Noticing things he hasn't prior.
The rim of the bottle is still wet, a stray drop clinging to the neck, not having had time to reach the bottom. A glass is missing on the shelf. The memory of the window he thought he had closed flashes back in Swiss' mind.
His hand flies to his holster just as the distinct sound of someone cocking their gun breaks the silent, followed by a voice.
"Touch that gun and i'll have to scrub your brains off the floor," it says.
Swiss freezes, slowly raising his hands on either sides of his head. He hears steps, then a hand relieves him of both the guns he carries, as well as the knife hidden in his boot - quite the predictable place to keep it, Swiss will admit.
"Turn around," the voice orders then.
Swiss does, half smiling.
"Very rude way of starting a conversation, don't you think ?"
"Who says I want to talk ?"
Swiss groans as he takes in the man facing him. Long hair, mismatched eyes, sharp features, a scar tugging the right corner of his mouth up in a perpetual smirk ; a familiar face, one plastered on every available wall of every town.
Dewdrop, wanted for a baffling amount of crimes Swiss can't be bothered to remember, dead or alive. Reward : Swiss can't remember that either, with how often it changes.
The outlaw amongst the outlaws.
Swiss raises an eyebrow.
"Well, you see, people love chatting with me, so I just assumed you were as dying to hear my voice as the others."
Dewdrop scoffs, though he's smiling, a thin, sharp thing that reminds him of a blade. The fucker is holding a glass of Swiss' liquor in the hand not gripping the gun.
"Sorry to disapoint, sheriff, but if i had the time to sew your mouth shut, I would."
Swiss tilts his head.
"Rude. Almost as much as drinking my stash away."
Dewdrop downs his glass, maintaining eye contact the whole time, carelessly setting it on the nerby table with a satisfied smack of lips.
"You have enough liquor to drown in it, I'm sure my share won't be missed."
Swiss almost doesn't catch the quick way Dewdrop's eyes rake over him, up and down and up again, pausing momentarily at the silver of belly exposed by his raised arms. Almost.
"What I do miss are my guns," Swiss huffs, eyeing where they've been unceremoniously shoved under Dewdrop's belt. The outlaw takes one out, examinating it with an approving hum : they're very nice guns, well-cared for. Then he puts it back, still at his own belt.
"You'll miss a lot more once i'm done."
Swiss' eyebrows climb up his forehead ; there is a vague innuendo to be made, he thinks, but between the tiredness still weighting on his shoulders and the way his eyes keep stubbornly falling on Dewdrop's lips, he can't find a way to phrase it. Instead, he props his hip against the end of the table opposite to the one Dewdrop stands at.
"So you, a famous outlaw, master of escapism, came to this...tiny town and decided to ransack the sheriff's house ? You won't find nearly as much as you're used to."
The look Dewdrop gives him then, feels like being flayed open, exposed raw to prying, piercing eyes. It takes all of Swiss' carefully crafted self-control not to flinch away from it. When Dewdrop takes a step toward him, he can't help but tense, smile less easy, more strained.
"Oh but you see, sheriff, i pride myself in being nosy. Some might say it's a flaw, I say it's a very useful thing. I have keen ears, you see. I hear a lot, and I love rumors."
The barel of Dewdrop's gun presses against Swiss' chest. The outlaw is fully grinning now.
"And, you see, people say the Multi-Faced Thief - you know the Multi-Faced Thief, don't you sheriff ?- didn't die in that trainwreck years ago. Some say he's still alive, mascarading as a simple civilian, maybe even a figure of authority, hoarding the goods he stole, or aquired thanks to his thievery. "
Swiss swallows, his smile widening. Dewdrop is clever, ruthless, ambitious. He can't help liking it. There's no point in bullshitting him, but Swiss decides he can't give in without fucking with him a bit.
"And why are you telling me that ?"
All the air leaves the room when Dewdrop leans forward, so close his nose almost brushes Swiss'. It's crooked, Swiss notices, the bridge a bit wonky, probably broken once or twice. His fingers twitch above his head with the sudden and irrational need to touch it.
Swiss can barely breath, waiting, Dewdrop's eyes flickering over his face, searching. Pausing on his plush lips for half a second too long.
"I think you know why. You've gone soft, Multi. It was easy sneaking in. Disarming you."
A chuckle escapes Swiss as he drops the act, entertained by this guy's audacity. His confidence. Instead of shying away from the gun, he weights against it, sure to leave a dent in his skin. His eyes darken in the dim light ; oxygen can barely find both their lungs in what tiny sliver of space there's left between their faces.
"I'll admit, I dropped my guard. Didn't expect a pretty thing like you to stumble into my house. Try to steal from me. If we'd met a few years ago, I would either have put a bullet between your eyes or taken you for a ride."
Up close, Swiss is at the front row to see Dewdrop's pupils expand, his chest rising and falling quickly. Despite that, he doesn't lose sight of his objective, something Swiss admires quietly as he's shoved a few inches back by the push of the gun.
"Yeah, well. Here you are today, distracted and gunless."
Swiss nochalently raises his, mirroring Dewdrop's position, barrel against his narrow ribcage.
"You were saying ? Looks like I'm not the only one who's losing focus, mmh ?"
He watches in amusement Dewdrop's cheeks clolouring with both anger and embarrassement, his mismatched eyes flicking down to his belt, where only one of Swiss' guns is left.
"So, we're in a bit of a dead end, but i'll make you a deal, yeah ? You leave, and you leave fast, without doing this town any damages. In exchange, i'll let you have this," Swiss drawls, slipping a hand under his collar to tug on a richly ornemented pendant, one that always stays concealed under layers.
Dewdrop's jaw falls open at the sight of the Multi-Faced Thief's most famous prize, the hold-up of the century. Swiss waits for his answer, grinning, watching rubies reflecting in wide eyes.
"Why...would you offer that ?" Dewdrop manages to choke out, stunned.
Swiss laughs lightly, slipping the jewlery off his neck and onto Dewdrop's, still not letting go of it, precious metal digging in his palm.
"I'm tired of carrying this old thing around, and i'm already plenty rich. Do we have a deal ?"
Greed is always a bad influence, Swiss would know. It's currently shining in Dewdrop's eyes, surely thrumming in his veins. But he's not stupid, either.
"Right. And the real reason....?"
Huffing, Swiss yanks on the pendant, grinning from ear to ear.
"The real reason, is that i'll have a good excuse to hunt you down. I'll get this back. I'll catch you. I've missed the thrill of the chase."
It's not much of deal, more like a threat, or maybe a promise, but it's clear by the look on Dewdrop's face that he's game. Incapable of resisting the challenge.
"If you think you're up to it, it'll be my pleasure to prove you wrong, sheriff. It's a deal."
Swiss let go. They're still holding each other at gunpoint.
"My weapons, or you're not walking through the door," he warns.
"Windows would do," Dewdrop snarks back, though he does toss Swiss' second gun and knife on the table. His eyes flick up to Swiss' hat, hand twitching.
"Unless you intend to take me up on the ridding offer, I suggest you don't take that. You know the rule," Swiss smirks, earning an eye roll.
"Not tonight," Dewdrop breathes, slowly backing up toward the window, still aiming at Swiss' chest.
He's halfway through it when Swiss calls back.
"I'll see you soon, Dew."
The outlaw throws him a daring look, scarred cheek pulling with how wide he smiles, and it's the last thing Swiss sees before he jumps off.
Alone in his kitchen, Swiss laughs.
This will be fun.
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Heyyy I absolutely love your work!! Could I request a drabble of Bucky being completely smitten with the reader or a headcanon when the reader is sick??? Merci beaucoup mademoiselle🫶💖
Two Floors
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PAIRINGS: 40's!James "Bucky" Barnes x Reader
WARNINGS: FLUFF, angst (if you squint), mentions of not haveing enough money
WORD COUNT: 1,759 (got carried away lol)
*not proof-read*
“Oh c’mon doll, can’t leave a poor man hangin’,” he says as he runs to catch up with you. You roll your eyes as he comes to walk along side you.
“Buchanan, I told you to go annoy Rogers instead. I have much more important things to do,” you bite in his direction as you make your way through the streets of Brooklyn.
Graduating high school, a month ago with your best friends, Bucky and Steve, was something your dreamed of when you met the two boys the first time your moved into the old apartment complex.
Since then, the three of you have become inseparable.
But something eats away at your heart, a painful piece of emotion that just slowly chews away at your peace.
“You got a job already?” Bucky asks as he slides his hands into his pockets. You adjust the strap of your purse on your shoulder and nod your head, “just a small secretary job at the library. Enough to earn something until I finally decided what I wanna do with my life.”
Bucky laughs and lets out a low whistle, “still that ‘always need to know whay my future is’ type o’ girl, yeah?” You shake your head and slap his arm, “quit it, Buchanan. Or I’m telling Winnie your being an ass.”
Bucky rubs his arm, a little sore from your slap. “My ma trusts you more than the Lord himself,” Bucky comments, the loosely swinging his arm over your shoulder.
You doesn’t push it away.
“That’s because I don’t go bring random girls back home and make them scream my name in the middle of the night,” you smirk as you reveal you know of his nightly activities.
Bucky stops, forcing her stop. The look on his face is horrific and you snort and slap his chest at his reaction. “How’d you-,” he starts, but you continue to laugh.
“Becca tells me everything, Buchanan,” you wink at him before you start walking again. He breaks out of his reverie and jogs to catch up with you, “doll, it ain’t like that.”
You laugh and shake your head, “do I look like I care who you mess around with, Buchanan?” He pauses and shakes his head, it looks like to you he’s a bit upset, “no, you don’t”
You were about to say something else, but something caught your eye.
You stop and gasp as you walk towards the window of the shop.
The great glass pane with the large painted letters on it does not stop you from viewing the contents inside of the store.
The dainty little locket sits at the back of the display, hiding behind all the extravagant jewels. You know that the owner would’ve expected people to look at the jewels.
But the locket, it hangs lovingly from a thin gold chain. The oval case rests just in between the collarbone.
You think it’s the most beautiful piece you’ve ever seen.
Bucky see’s you view the locket and how in awe you are in as you frame a picture of it in your mind.
“Why don’t you get it,” Bucky suggests, nodding at the piece of jewellry. You let out a sad laugh, “because it costs more than our parents’ rent combined, Buchanan.”
You bite your lip while still looking at the necklace, “a girl could dream.”
You sigh and pull away, “let’s go.”
------- The Rogers’, the Barnes’ and your parents all stand in front of you as they sing ‘Happy Birthday’ for the eighteenth time in your life.
After they finish the song, out of key, you drag the simple knife down the cake, and they start cheering.
Your mother cuts up slices and hands it to everyone, you get up from the dining table and smooth out the wrinkles of the emerald green cotton dress your mother sewed for you.
The dad’s gather as they converse about the lastest sports, the mom’s are in the kitchen laughing as the cook dinner. Steve, Bucky, Rebecca and you sit in the living room.
You go against the opinions of Steve’s and Bucky’s as they complain about how high school was the worst time of their life.
“Look guys, you can’t say that,” you chastise them softly, “Becca, you’re in your junior year. It’s one of the best times you’ll ever experience.”
Becca nods, as Steve shakes his head to Bucky and Bucky mouths a ‘No’ in Becca’s direction.
“Buchanan,” you throw the couch pillow at him.
“Hey, can I come in?” Bucky knocks on the window of your bedroom.
The party was over, and you’re parents went out to have a quick little dinner. They were upset because they didn’t want to leave you on your special day, but you knew how hard they’ve been working, and they didn’t have time to themselves. So you pushed them out the door and yelled a ‘have a great time’.
Bucky crouches on metal ridges that is your fire escape, waiting for your permission to enter your room.
You jump out of bed and raise your window a bit higher so he can fit in. “Are you out of your mind, Buchanan?” You whisper-yell at him.
He shrugs, “what? I live two floors above your doll, nothing to be worried about.” The wink he throws you way, makes you roll your eyes.
But there’s a place in your heart where it instantly becomes warm.
Because, even if Bucky was a player at times, he still caught your heart.
You did roll your eyes at his antics. But your smile was true from how playful he is.
You’d say ‘Quit it, Buchanan’, but in your mind you’d always whisper a ‘Don’t ever stop’.
You knew you were falling for Bucky, but you always forced those feelings down.
Because you knew, he won’t feel the same.
“What needed my attention so badly, that you had climb down to get here,” you cross your arms and narrow you’re eyes at him.
He smirks and sits on your bed, “well, I haven’t given you my present yet.”
You freeze.
You’re also confused.
“What? Of course you did, your family gifted me the Aesop Fable set,” you say as you walk to stand in front of him.
You vividly remember getting the gift, because it was something you have been telling Becca about for so long. And you squealed when you opened their present
But Bucky shakes his head, “no doll. They gave you, their gift. I haven’t given you mine.”
You pause, and you swear your heart starts beating a little faster.
“What”? You whisper, because you know you voice will crack if you spoke louder.
He pats the space next to him, “sit down, doll.”
You gulp and go sit down next to him, you obediently place you hands on your thighs as you wait for the next part.
Bucky gives a smile. But it’s different, you have never seen this look on Bucky before. The softness of his eyes, the way his cheeks are slightly flushed, the little crinkles at the corners of his lips as he maintains that smile.
He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a tiny box.
The box looked like it was originally used to store a single chocolate ball, but the lettering on it worn out and the edges are a bit jagged.
You look at bucky with confusion, “what is thi-.”
He interrupts you, “just open it f’me, doll.”
And you do.
“Bucky, no.”
The locket stares back up at you, the gold glints under the light of your room.
“You-you can’t be serious, thi-this has to be a joke,” you turn to face him with tears lining your eyes. You heart has never beaten so fast in your entire life.
Bucky’s grin widens and nods, “got it this morning, just for you.” He says your name so softly that you think it might break if he said it to harshly.
You wrap your arms around his neck and push your head against his shoulder as you whisper your million ‘thank you’s’.
Bucky chuckles and rubs your back, “anything for you, doll.”
“Why, why me? Why this?” you shake your head against him.
“Because I gotta tell the girl, who lives two floors below me, that I’m in love with her,” Bucky pulls back and cups the back of your neck.
You gasp softly and furrow your brows at him, your shock so evident on your face.
“Gotta tell her that I’ve been after her since the day she moved into this building,” Bucky leans in and you follow.
How have you been so daft to not see this?
You close your eyes and stop until you’re a hair width’s away from Bucky’s lips.
“Gotta tell her how much I’ve been dreamin’ about her, and how she’s the only thing on my mind,” Bucky whispers, and you feel his breath hits your lips.
He softly places his lips on yours, and you move your hands to cup his face. You both move your lips in tandem to the other, as you try to feel more of one another.
He pulls away breathlessly and you follow suit.
“I’ve been meaning to do that for a long time, doll,” he chuckles and leans in to place soft kisses on your jaw.
You giggle and whisper a ‘me too’.
Bucky takes the locket from your hands and starts to put it on for you.
He soon as he done, he leans back and sees how beautifully the necklace sits just above the dip of your collarbone.
“Open it up,” he nods at the locket. You smile and follow his orders, you gasp as you see a picture of your seventeenth birthday, with the Rogers’ and Barnes’, at Coney Island. And the other side had a picture of you and Bucky at Prom.
You didn’t have a date, well you did but he stood you up. So Bucky stepped in and became your man for the night.
You look up at him and have no words to say.
“I-,” you start but can’t finish your sentence.
“I know, doll. I know,” he smiles. “Been saving those tiny pictures for a while, but it was worth it,” he leans in and presses his forehead against yours.
You close your eyes and relish this feeling that hangs in the air.
The feeling that you have been wanting to feel for so long now, it feels like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.
“Bucky?” you whisper.
“Hmm, doll,” he whispers back.
“I love you.”
“I love you, doll.”
Love this ask, I've always had this idea in mind, but never really knew how to write it.
I guess this is just a messy way of writing it lol.
I hope this is what you were looking for nonnie!!!
Lemme know what you lovelies think!!
Till' then,
Stay Coquette-y,
Anya 🫶🏽🕊️🎀
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monst · 9 days
Kakashi x Jonin! Reader 
Summary: Takes place after Shippuden during Kakashi’s term as Hokage. He asked you to house-sit for a few days. You're more than happy to help but you do end up snooping around. And to your delight, you find an unpublished book.  
Extra: Happy birthday Kakashi! Ahem… Sorry so.. F. Reader, Jonin reader, Reader is described as shorter than Kakashi. Nothing too salacious, very suggestive, but nothing really explicit. But just in case 18+ content (MDI)
Wc- 2.2k
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    You were rifling through Kakashi’s things when you first saw it. The book was a blush pink, with beautiful Kanji decorating the front in elegant swirls. When you looked it over to see the author you almost dropped it. Jiraiya!? You could have sworn you’ve read all of his work. Despite what people had said he was a surprisingly good author, his penmanship getting you through despreate lonely nights. Why hadn’t you seen this on shelves? Why was the cover starkly different from his other works? You were absolutely going to find out. 
   With the Hokage in Takigakure for a couple of days, you figured he wouldn’t miss the book. You placed the novel in one of the various pockets of your vest. It was an unorthodox use of the body flicker but it served you in finishing the tasks he’d ask of you. Plants were watered, trash was incinerated and his letters tidied. Anticipation burned underneath your skin. So much that you waved Genma off when you saw him on your way home through the market. Eager to get to your apartment and leaf through your find. 
    Once out of your uniform you plopped onto your couch and turned the cover. You were a page in when you met the main character—the son of a distinguished samurai family. “Is this a self-insert” You mumbled, turning the page as the boy’s snowy locks were described, his eyes the shade of charcoal. The first two chapters were brief, mostly about the young boy's formative years when he trained and studied rigorously. His only reprieve was when he could steal away to play with the hounds. 
    In the second chapter, he meets someone who the book only refers to as the seamstress’s daughter. A young girl his age, with a missing tooth, her small fingers covered in bandages. She didn’t know how to wield a tanto, didn’t know how to play shoji, and she didn’t know why her mother was so concerned when she bumped into the young lord. A clueless girl is what the samurai in training called her and he spent the entire summer trying to teach her what he knew. Whenever she wasn’t sewing buttons, she watched him train or squealed alongside him as they played with the pups. 
     Their summer came to a close in the third chapter, after a training session landed her in the river, a weeping gash on her leg that left her in hysterics. They weren’t allowed to play together for the remainder of her stay. But the young lord would always sneak away to find her. Days before her departure he rushed into the workroom, her threaded needle dropped to the ground, and a gap tooth smile beamed at him as he showed her his new puppy. “Is that Pakkun?” You mumbled as the small pug was described. But soon he waved off his friend, clutching a lock of her hair. 
      You jumped at the knock on your window. Your heartbeat settled when you noticed that it was Kurenai and her little girl. You had a bad habit of dropping your guard in Konoha, especially in your home. 
       “Did you forget?” She asked once you opened. 
       “Yeah, sorry” She looked down at your hand and you pulled up the book sheepishly. “Got distracted.” She rolled her eyes, a smile playing on her lips as she handed Mirai over. 
       “Well don’t get too distracted, she already ate but if she gets fussy there’s a food pouch in here. I’ll be back as soon as I can. It’s just an escort to Shukuba.” She hands you over a bag and wraps her arms around your shoulders in a hug, careful of Mirai. “Thanks again for watching her.”
    “Don’t even worry about it.” You smiled, bouncing the baby in your arms. “Take care!” You’re then left with the little Sarutobi, her tiny fingers hooked into the fabric of your shirt, as she blinks up at you, babbling incoherently “Eeeee you're so cute!”
    Your reading is put on hold as you watch the little one. And as the hours tick by you grow a bit impatient. You don’t know when Kakashi is due to come back, he said a couple of days, and you're heading into the fourth tomorrow. Will he notice his missing book if he comes back early? What if you don’t finish it in time? Maybe you could make a substitute? But if he picks it up? This time you sense Kurenai before she arrives, Mirai hadn't fallen asleep in the time it took for her to come back and you weren’t comfortable with taking your eyes off her while she was in your care. 
      “How was it?” You ask. 
      “Uneventful. Hello, my love.” Mirai laughs when you hand her over and after a bit of chatter and ‘thank yous’ they leave. You lean against the door after, wondering what it’d be like to be fully responsible for a child. You don’t think you want to be a mother but if…
     “And that’s enough of that!” You cut your thoughts off, not imagining a life where you are your Hokage’s wife. Nope! You're not thinking of him!  “Ugghh! So what?! Who doesn’t think Kakashi is hot.” You mutter, grabbing the pink book from your desk. ‘It’s not like I want him or anything!’ You head into the bathroom and prick your finger, summoning the smallest speaking snake of your summons kin. “Should have done this earlier. Can you read this for me?”
     “You know that’s not what we’re for.” He sighs.
     “I’ll give you Takoyaki.”
     That’s all you had to say. Your summon clears his throat as you peel off your clothes to shower. In the following chapter, after the girl’s departure, he fulfilled his duty by becoming a Samurai. He meets new people and fights great battles with her hair keeping him company throughout his travels. It's during an escort that he finds himself in her hometown. And while his comrades celebrate with drinks he slinks off to find his old friend. He finds her at the shop he remembers her telling him about. 
     She’s older he notes. “Obviously” You interrupt, lathering your hair with shampoo. Your summon frowns at you and you allow him to continue. The samurai is taken by her full smile, his heart racing when her arms bring him close. They reminisce about their childhood, trading stories he’s almost forgotten. He’s laughing, a bit embarrassed when she reminds him of when he jumped into a thorn bush to avoid being it. He had to meet the new Daimyo with torn trousers. 
     Their time together was short as it always seemed to be. He promised to return the next day. But when he does he does not find her. Asking around he’s horrified to hear the news. He finds himself in the pleasure district a couple of towns over. The samurai is more than upset when he sees her painted face, climbing up the window to ask why she hadn’t told him of her financial troubles. His clueless friend. His secret love had just been sold to a brothel to pay off her father debt. His gambling addiction had almost cost them their store. She reassured him informing him that her contract was only for two years. 
      He wasn’t pleased. If he’d have known she could have avoided this. He could have paid it off. He wouldn’t have asked for anything in return. Except perhaps a kiss. 
      “Oh, now I get it.” You stepped out of the shower, strands still wet as your summon held the book open. “He commissioned it. That’s exactly the type of cheesy trope he’d like.” Still in your towel, you made good on your promise and heated some left-over Takoyaki. “They’re so much better fresh.”
        After the snack your summon left you and you settled into your bed to keep reading. The Samurai expressed his feelings letting his friend know the extent of his care. He would buy her contract, but she would not allow it, she would not burden her dear friend. She couldn’t fathom him spending so much for so little. And, he couldn’t understand why she was being so stubborn. He tells her she can pay him back if it’s too troublesome. ‘You don’t mean’ she stutters. You grin knowing where this is going. 
      “Leave it to Jiraiya to find a way to get them to-” The next paragraph steals your attention, that is the exact color of your lips, skimming over the dialogue, your prediction comes true but you're not focused on that. You’re focused on the descriptions. And when the courtesan's clothes come off your jaw drops. It was like ‘staring’ into a mirror. She has your exact proportions, the Samurai ‘Kakashi’ your mind supplies, kisses down the expanse of her torso, down every dip and curve. And every scar, freckle, and blemish matches. 
      You should’ve known since the beginning of the story. And your face burns when you keep reading, your teeth catching your bottom lip as you read about Kakashi ravishing you. You don’t hear your window open. 
      “Ma~ That doesn’t belong to you.” You shriek, chucking the book at him before getting into a defensive stance. Kakashi’s dark eyes curve in amusement when he catches it.  
       “Shit! Kakashi what the fuck!” The wind from the open window picks up the fabric of his white robes. “Fuck! I mean lord Hokage! Um, W-what brings you here?” 
        He doesn’t answer, instead, he leafs through the half-read novel. “How far did you get?” You try to collect yourself, your fingers dig into the material of your towel as you grip it shut. Eyes flickering across your room as your brain tries to come up with something. 
        “Um… K- T-the Samurai just got to Shukuba town.” You stutter. 
        “Hm. It’s not called Shukuba in the book.” 
        “Did I say that? I misspoke.” Your voice is strained, and the tips of your ears are on fire. 
        “Did you?” He asked, stepping toward you. You can’t seem to focus on his face, your eyes dancing across his striking form. He’s closer now, so much so that you can feel the heat coming off his body. ‘Was he always this tall? And when the hell did he pull down his mask!?' ’ His fingers are cool against your cheek. And his deep voice saying your name snaps you from your trance. “I asked you something.”
        “What?” You’re breathless, and you look up at him clearly flustered. “Oh, No? I mean yes? What did you ask?” You feel his breath ghost across your lips when he laughs. His thumb comes under your chin when you try to look away. The vertical scar dragging down his left eye takes your focus and you steady yourself. You breathe out allowing Kakashi to take you in. You don’t know why you never noticed him looking at you like that. “We never um… That never happened when you came to see me in Shukuba town.” 
       “No. No, It didn’t but I wanted it to.” He replies. “The disguise suited you. This suits you too.” 
       “What this towel?” You snort. 
       “I wasn’t talking about the towel.” Your brows furrow in question. “This expression.” You don’t get to reply, your words dying in your throat when his lips press to your forehead. You’re sure he could feel your temperature spike, and you gasp when his thigh slots in between your legs. “Suits you.” 
       “Hm?” You can’t seem to concentrate under his intense stare. 
       “So… You’ve liked me this whole time?” Your voice wavers.
        “This whole time.” He parrots, his cheeks dusted pink. “Sorry?” You can feel that he’s about to step back and your arms loop around his neck to keep him close. 
        “Don’t apologize. I like you too.” Your grin is a bit shy and your heart is racing when his nose bumps against yours. Your mind is reeling, you can’t believe this is real but your thoughts are swiftly silenced when his lips press against yours. He’s barely pulled away when your brining him back, tilting your head to deepen the kiss. Your gasping into his mouth when his tongue licks into your mouth. His fingers are at the back of your head pressing you closer, his other hand trailing down your side. His fingers squeeze your soft flesh, swallowing your soft moans. 
       You tug at the zipper on his vest, and he pulls back his face flushed, pupils dilated. He lets you zip down the zipper, his hands on the fold of your towel. “Can I?” You nod allowing him to pull the fabric, letting it slide down your body onto the floor. He’s on you in seconds, your back making contact with the sheets of your bed. You're helping him pull off his clothes between kisses and you can’t help but ask. “Can.. Can I finish the book later?” 
      “Why?” He hums against your jaw. 
      “Mmm What do you mean why?” You sigh, when his calloused palms massage your breasts. “I wanna know how it ends” You finish your sentence against his lips, His soft chuckle causes them to brush against his. 
       “It ends like this.” he smiles, and his fingers send shivers down your spine when he trails them down your sides. His bare skin sliding across yours almost makes you forget to ask. 
       “Like wha-” 
        His next kiss is sweet, unhurried, and devout. And he pulls back to gaze into your eyes. “You’re so clueless sometimes.” His eyes are two small crescents “It ends with me and you.” He presses another fiery kiss to your lips with a sigh. “Together.” 
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dandelionnfluff · 5 months
Hello friends!
I finally finished my bind of I'm on Fire by the lovely @bettyfrommars 🧡
This is my favourite Eddie fic. Waiting and reading a new chapter of it truly helped me with my mental health at the time. It was a perfect escape from reality.
I wanted to bind this to show Betty how much her words truly helped me. Betty is also the one who made me feel welcomed to this community🧡 always cheking if I'm still here. She is truly a great friend to have.
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To the bind:
Let me tell you that just about everything that can go wrong, did. This bind was a struggle! 😂 I'm trying to be more graceful to myself as this bind had a lot of firsts for me. First time using bookcloth, first time using Htv on the covers, first time foiling all of the chapter titles and first time sewing the headbands by hand.
I trim my pages with a knife and of course with this I fucked it up😅 had to do a lot of sanding and they're still kind of a mess. I burned some htv, had to individualy iron each letter on the front cover and spine..
That being said, even as everything is a bit wonky and all, I'm still ever so proud of it.
Fic by @bettyfrommars
Bind by me (@dandelionnfluff )
Typeset by me (@dandelionnfluff )
Beautiful artwork in the typeset of Eddie, Wayne, Steve & Astrid is by the talented: @dr-aculaaa
Edit. Ok, so I tagged the wrong dr-aculaaa🤦🏻‍♀️ it's fixed now!
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dark-frosted-heart · 3 months
The Fairytale Keeper’s Final Assessment (Epilogue) - Roger Barel
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This is the epilogue to his first anniversary story that I keep forgetting to put out 😅 I did a short summary when the event was going but imo this epilogue is so important!!!
As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this
“Kate, I have heard of your hard work. As always, thank you. 
Therefore, I’m placing trust in you to assess one thing.
Whether Roger, a cursed one, is worthy of being in Crown.”
(That means she wants me to assess Roger, right?)
As I followed Her Majesty’s elegant script, I understood what she was asking of me.
Perhaps because I recently had my own assessment, she was giving me the same chance to do the same. 
(Both Her Majesty and Victor are fairly impartial)
(Alright! I’ll just have to write a lot of good things about Roger)
(When it comes to Roger, his skills as a doctor are what comes to mind)
~~ Flashback ~~
Kate: Jude…that injury!
Jude: Quit your yappin’. Blood ain’t stoppin’ with all that racket.
Ellis: He’s alright, Kate. Getting stabbed’s a daily occurrence for Jude so he’s used to it. We’ll just have Roger sew him up like usual.
Kate: Liam…that injury!
Liam: Ah, this? Al and I were jumping across roofs while drunk and I slipped off.
Alfons: Don’t worry about it. This sort of thing is an everyday occurrence with the cat’s curse. Roger, can you hear me? Please treat him immediately!
~~ Flashback end ~~
(...Thinking back, it’s pretty absurd)
(If it weren’t for Roger, we’d have one or two dead by now)
They can only carry out their missions if they're alive, so having Roger around is really important.
It’s obvious that Roger’s a necessity to Crown.
I sat down in front of my typewriter and tried to write about Roger’s importance.
(Huh, what the…I’m feeling a little annoyed)
I ended up thinking about Roger’s wicked smile, how he’s always pushing me around, teasing me, and treating me like a dog.
And so, within my heart…a little evil sprouted in my mind.
(Maybe I’ll write something about Roger’s bullying for a bit)
I knew I was being petty, but I didn’t think I’d ever get another chance to get back at Roger.
I first typed out “about Roger’s bullying”. 
(Oh yeah, the other day…)
~~ Flashback ~~
Roger: Kate, got something for you. Here.
Kate: What’s this? A fluffy ball?
Roger: It’s a toy my corgi likes. Thought you’d like it too since you’re like him.
Kate: Wha…
Roger: He’ll happily wag his tail like an idiot when I throw it. If you want me to throw it for you, just let me know.
~~ Flashback end ~~
(Com-plete-ly messing with me)
(Ah, that’s right. That day too)
~~ Flashback ~~
Kate: Roger…Roger? Are you asleep?
(It’s rare to see Roger napping)
(Ah, his glasses are crooked…Removing them should be fine, right?)
Roger: …Caught you.
Kate: Please let me go. You were pretending to be asleep, weren’t you?
Roger: yeah. Wanted to catch and give you a little hug. Ahhh, you’re so warm…You’re running hot.
~~ Flashback end ~~
(U-um…that was weird)
(I was going to write about Roger’s bullying, but then—)
Roger: Oh, what’s this about “Roger’s bullying”?
Kate: ……Roger. W-when did you…
Roger: I called out to you, but you were too focused to notice. So, this is a letter from Her Majesty? …She wants you to do a reverse assessment. And you were in the middle of ranting and raving on me being a bully.
Kate: Well…that…
I can’t give an excuse when he’s seen everything.
Afraid that I angered him, I nervously looked up at Roger. I didn’t expect to see a wicked smile on his face.
Roger: Just like experiments are needed for research, real-life experiences are needed for reports, right?
Roger pinned both my hands down on the desk with one hand.
It was like putting me in handcuffs.
Roger: I’ll bully you some more so you can tell Her Majesty. Come on, remember this. “He grabbed my arms and I couldn’t move.”
Kate: Roger…
Roger: “Then he raised my chin with his other hand—”
Our lips were so close that they almost touched. Amber eyes pierced into mine.
Roger: And after that, you can write “he kissed me roughly”.
(Roger’s angry…)
(No, I can’t write off as something as simple as that)
When I stared closer into those amber eyes, there was a hint of sadness.
I realized that I had misled Roger into thinking he wasn’t needed in Crown.
(That’s not true)
Kate: I-it’s true that I wanted to write about you being a bully, but… The only reason I could do that was because everyone knows that you’re someone Crown needs. Besides…um…I need you too.
Roger: Even though I bully you so much that you want to tell on me?
Kate: …Originally it was just some petty mischief. But halfway in, I couldn’t bring myself to write it. I didn’t want Her Majesty to find out about how I…don’t hate the bullying…
Roger: …O_O
Kate: I’m sorry for the misunderstanding, Roger…
Roger’s lips cut off the rest of my words.
He stole a kiss.
Kate: Wha…?!
Roger: You like it when I bully you and your body ends up acting on its own.
Kate: I-I didn’t say that. I said that I “don’t hate” it.
Roger: Sure, sure. Just misheard you with my bad hearing.
(But I’m glad I cleared up the misunderstanding. I’m glad he’s smiling)
Pulling myself together, I returned to my typewriter and heard Roger’s gravelly voice.
Roger: …I’m glad you think I’m needed.
Kate: …
That voice vibrated against my eardrums and wouldn’t leave my mind.
I couldn’t even look at Roger.
I think my report conveyed how special Roger’s become to me.
Roger poked my cheek while I looked down, feeling confused. 
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maidragoste · 2 years
I Care About You
Aegon II Targaryen x Reader (Daughter of Rhaenyra)
Summary: You remind Aegon that there are people who care about him.
First one shot of the 1k followers special. Thanks for all the support, it always makes me happy to answer your questions and comments. reblogs and likes are always appreciated 🥰🥰💕💕
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes. I'm also posting this while I'm half asleep.
This is part of the universe of "the queen and her husbands" but can be read independently
Masterlist Serie
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Aegon woke with a grunt. The sunlight hit him straight in the face. Surely the maid who took him to his room was new and he didn't know that he had to let the curtains open before leaving. Now he had to get up to draw the curtains… Or he could cover up to his head and continue sleeping. Clearly, that was the easier option so he chose that one.
"Good morning"
Aegon quickly got up from the bed at the sound of your voice. He instantly regretted it as he felt dizzy. He stood still for a few moments waiting for the dizziness to go away and took the opportunity to observe his surroundings. He was not in his chambers. The room was a bit smaller. The curtains were blue instead of green. The furniture didn't seem to be just for decoration, like hers, and it had a purpose. Your desk was full of scrolls, I supposed that you were answering your brothers' letters last night when he entered your chambers drunk. You could have kicked him out but instead, you let him sleep in your bed. Not only that, but you had also gotten him clean clothes because his clothes didn't smell of wine.
"You should break your fast," you said without looking at him. Your attention was on whatever you were sewing. You were sitting by the table, which was laden with Aegon's favorite fruits along with some slices of bread and cheese.
The prince sat in the chair that was at the end of the table, closer to you. You still weren't looking at him. Aegon knew you were angry. You weren't yelling at him or insulting him or hitting him like his grandfather and his mother did every time they found him drunk. But I could feel your anger. I didn't know he told you last night to get you upset. No matter how hard he tried to remember, the only thing that brought him back was a headache. He couldn't help but tense up. You're the only person who seems to tolerate it. And now he probably ruined the good relationship between you because of his big mouth. In the end, his mother is right, he always ruins everything.
You saw that Aegon wasn't eating anything so you left the new cloak you were sewing for Jacaerys leaning on another chair. You moved closer to the table to grab a slice of bread and spread some cheese on top. You repeated the procedure with more slices, then placed the plate in front of the prince.
It was just a small gesture but for some reason it made Aegon feel warm and at the same time a small lump rose in his throat. You were mad at him but you still worry about him eating. You ordered his favorite fruits. He wasn't even sure his own mother remembered it.
"You can eat. I swear it's not poisoned" you said making your uncle smile. You couldn't help but smile too when you noticed that he wasn't tense anymore. You didn't like seeing him tense around you. Reminded you of how he got when the hand of the king or queen was present in the same room.
"I apologize for last night," Aegon said even though he didn't remember anything.
Your smile disappeared. "Why?" you snorted as you saw the prince remain silent, confirming your suspicions. "You're apologizing for something you don't even remember. Do you want to know what you told me?" You didn't even wait for an answer from him and you kept talking because you needed to have this conversation with Aegon “You said you didn't mind ending up dead. I found you drowning in your vomit" you felt a lump begin to form in your throat remembering how scared you were when the first thing you saw when you returned to your room was him lying on the floor. For a moment you thought he was dead "I made my servants will help me, when we finished cleaning you I began to tell you that you were irresponsible and that you could have died." you hid your hands under the table to prevent him from seeing how they were shaking "Then you told me to stop pretending that I care about you and that you didn't care about ending up dead because you knew that nobody would miss you because nobody cares about you"
Silence. Aegon couldn't bear to see the heartbroken look on your face so he turned his attention to the plate of bread.
“Do you really think that?” you asked in a whisper, fearing you already knew the answer.
"You are wrong" Aegon's silence had been enough to know his answer so you decided to make him see how things really are"Daeron cares about you. If he didn't care then why does he keep writing you letters?"
You can't blame him for thinking that. It wasn't all in his head. He knew it was true. It was no secret that Viserys Targaryen didn't give a shit about any of his children other than Rhaenyra. For a man who had always wanted a son, the king hardly paid attention to him.
His grandfather and his mother didn't really care about him either, they only cared that he lived up to his expectations and prepared to occupy the throne. Always demanding that he should be more like Aemond. If he did turn up dead, he was sure they would feel relieved not to have to carry him anymore and now they would have the heir they wanted so much: Aemond. His brother wouldn't miss him either, he knows he thinks he's a drunken idiot good for nothing but trouble for his and Helaena's mother. His sister would be better off without him, she always seemed uncomfortable around him.
"For formality" your uncle answered without hesitation, surprising you because you didn't understand how he couldn't see what was more than clear to you.
"Daeron writes to you every week. He is interested in you, he misses you. If it were a matter of formality, he would bother to write to you every three months and his letters would be short. Do you know? When you take too long to answer his letters, he asks about you" you smiled to see the surprise in their eyes"Your children love you too. Maelor laughs more at your grimaces than at mine. You didn't hear it from me but Jaehaera likes it better when you sing to her and Jaehaerys would rather fly with you and Sunfyre than Dreamfyre "You released one of her hands so you could caress her face as you saw the tears start to well up in her eyes. "Your other siblings love you too. Helaena may not be as demonstrative but she does. Aemond cares for you too if she wasn't so then he wouldn't bother to come looking for you every time you're late coming back from your adventures in the city. Aegon, you really do have people who care about you and love you. So you have to start being more careful. Please, Aegon I couldn't stand to lose you" at the end you couldn't help but break your voice. He had been your greatest support along with Aemond after your father's death. The brothers had been the reason you stayed in King's Landing. They are your house.
You rose from your chair so that you could kneel in front of the prince and took his hands. You needed to be close to him.
Feeling your touch Aegon turned to see you. Your eyes were painted with pity. It felt strange to see that look in your eyes. He remembered when you were little and you used to look at him with nothing but admiration and adoration. Now he was so pathetic that you looked at him with pity.
Suddenly you found yourself with the prince clinging to you. His arms hugged you tightly and you could feel his tears wetting your dress but it didn't bother you. You cling to him with the same force. It broke your heart that he would think he was worth so little and no one would miss him if something happened to him. You hoped you wouldn't have another scare like the other last night. You really hoped that your uncle would change his behavior. You didn't want to wake up one day and find out that Aegon had been found dead somewhere.
"I care about you, Aegon" you stroked his hair lovingly "I love you. Never doubt that" you kissed his cheek "King's Landing would suck without you" Aegon's laugh made your chest vibrate.
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tag list: @hannaeditzs @multi-fandoms-stuff @zverea @m1tzifa1ry
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If you want to be part of my taglist
hotd masterlist
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instantfrost · 7 months
These herringbone pants are done enough to be a wearable tomorrow. Want to take a pants tour?
The buttonholes are hand stitched, which I look forward to doing better in the future. I will redo the top one because I ran out of thread and all I had left was embroidery thread.
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After expressing disappointment with my lack of ability to sew a straight line on my last pants, my friend made a crack about it being an optical illusion. I thought this was funny and put it on the back pocket of these pants which is even funnier because they are herringbone and do kind of bend the eye.
Good thing I laid out my letters with highlighter.
Good thing the highlighter didn’t wash out. 🙄
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I do not install rivets very well right now. Was trying to retrofix this with some pliers and unknowingly made many little holes all over the pants by hardware. I’ll have to patch them all later. Also, are you wondering what that mini belt loop looking thing is by the front pocket? Me too. I dunno, I’ll think of something to hang there later.
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And here is my beautiful pocket fabric. Closet Core bills this pattern as a “boyfriend jean” style but the pockets are suspiciously girl-clothes-shallow. I added three inches to get them this deep, and I’d still add more next time.
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mixelation · 6 months
(a)synchronicity - probably the very beginning
Tori was currently tied by the wrist to two other people, part of a chain of five civilians and one shinobi. They stood out in the rain, in a muddy field outside of Ame. Hanzo stalked back and forth in front of them. 
Needless to say, Tori’s day wasn’t going the way she had planned. 
“You are the absolute scum of the earth,” Hanzo wheezed out through the filter over his mouth. “You are traitors and usurpers. Did you really think we would let you get away?”
The Ame Tori knew– the one twenty or so years in the future– would have let civilians move out, if they could prove they needed to. She could have written herself a very compelling letter about having no familial or professional ties and no job prospects, laid out a plan for how she'd be so good at a job somewhere else in the country, and she would have gotten exit papers. 
Apparently in mid-Civil War Ame, even civilians were under suspicion of joining the rebels. Despite being homeless for the last month, despite not having a single thing to her name because she was not even from this time, despite not doing a single thing for Ame or its wars, Tori was meant to stay in Ame even if she starved. That was giving your life to a village, according to Hanzo’s ongoing mental breakdown. 
“I’d rather die here than live another day serving you,” the shinobi that was supposed to be guiding them out snarled. Then she spat into the mud. 
Why, Tori thought. There was no talking her way out of this, not with that attitude. 
“As you wish,” Hanzo answered. His hands rose towards his face. There was a shuffling around them as the Ame-nin holding their sad little group at sword-point pulled gas masks over their mouths and noses. 
Why would sewing a piece of salamander into yourself do that? Tori wondered as she watched purple fumes pour from Hanzo’s mouth. 
She didn’t have it in her to feel fear. She’d done nothing but squat in abandoned, cold buildings and beg for food for the past month. She probably hadn’t gotten properly dry the entire time. She didn’t even have the energy to feel angry. She was just annoyed and tired. 
The poison made all her neurons misfire. Pain shot through random parts of her body, and her legs convulsed and knocked her over. She dragged down both the people she was tied to– or maybe they dragged her down? It was hard to tell. They were one twitching mass of limbs and shrieks of pain at Hanzo’s feet. 
“Tell your filth friends when you see them,” Hanzo said, voice no longer distorted by the mask, “that I will not stop even when Hell is full.”
Tori knew she was properly dead by then, because the gnawing hunger of the Shinigami spread inside her, becoming a part of her, driving out her own feelings. If Hanzo was going to fill her stomach, why wasn’t he? Why was he wasting her time with this measly meal?
It almost felt good to be one with the Shinigami, who did not feel cold or tired, just hungry, always hungry. Except, today she also felt… 
What are you? The Shinigami wondered. But gods did not have to experience time strictly linearly like humans, and it puzzled it together quickly. Disgusting, Tori thought of her own soul, and then suddenly had the very human instinct to vomit. 
She could feel the souls of the five other people in her stomach. She could also feel arms cutting her hands free and then dragging her through the thick mud of the field. Her nerves twitched. This was probably just what corpses killed by Hanzo did, because the person dragging her didn’t react. 
This is a vile feeling, the Shinigami thought. Or perhaps it was what Tori thought. How dare a human touch me?
Tori had to fight to stay limp as repulsion filled her. Then she was being dumped down a hill along with the other bodies. 
Ah, the Shinigami-in-her-head thought. The carcasses after a meal. And yet I’m still hungry…
Tori had been dumped into a mass grave, on top of a pit of rotting human bodies half-submerged in mud. Bile rose in her mouth, but she fought it back down, flailing for the edge of the pit. She refused to look down or think too hard as the Shinigami faded from her brain. 
It took a long time and many failed attempts to crawl her way up the muddy slope. 
Tori allowed herself to splay out in the mud for a few minutes. The Ame-nin were long gone. She hated dying, but it was a convenient little trick. 
The poison still had lingering effects, and she stumbled over her own feet several times as she headed to the forest at the edge of the field. Her vision was spotted. But she was alive, and she was getting the hell out of Rain Country. 
Tori was still in Rain Country. Travel was… challenging. Rain Country was at war with itself and its neighboring countries. Ninja occupied towns and roads and would randomly show up and kill you for no reason, or perhaps confiscate your supplies if you were lucky. The ninja came from every country, having made Ame the stage for their stupid Third War. 
She had money now, though, at least. Ninja here weren’t any better at not getting tricked than they were in her timeline. 
“What do you mean, kill them?” the farmer’s wife said. “They’re ninja!”
“They’re not even conscious,” Tori countered. She pressed the knife at the woman again. “They’ll die like anyone.”
The farmer’s wife seemed doubtful, her eyes nervously flickering over to her dining room where three young men sat slumped over their seats. 
“Fine, I’ll show you,” Tori said, turning on her heel and marching back into the room. 
It was nice of the farmer’s wife to let her stay with them, curled up in the dry hay of her barn. The ninja had been here since Tori had, because she’d stalked them here. 
The farmer’s wife had old medications prescribed to her husband, from before the supply shortages and before her husband had died resisting a ninja raid. It had taken very little convincing from Tori to get the woman to crush up pills into the food she served the ninja. And then it had worked, because ninja had a hard time believing non-ninja weren’t idiots. They hadn’t expected a young civilian like Tori asking a bunch of stupid questions to be a distraction for another civilian doing something dangerous. 
Of course, there was a period between being drugged and passing out where the ninja had realized something was wrong. There were several kunai in the walls and a huge scorch across the wooden dining table from them freaking out. This was probably why the farmer’s wife had refused to enter the room, despite being gungho about the plan just an hour ago. 
The drugs worked just as well as the warning label had promised, though. There were all out like alight, breath and limbs heavy
Tori hovered over the biggest of the three ninja with the knife. A Konoha headband glinted back up at her. It was funny. She’d always just assumed Konoha-nin would be kinder than everyone else, but they weren’t. They would barge into some lady’s house, scare the shit out of her kids, and demand free room and board, just like any other ninja. The farmer’s wife had no idea what village had killed her husband, and it didn’t matter. All ninja were ninja to someone like her. 
Tori fiddled with the knife. She wasn’t… she didn’t… well. She didn’t mind the idea of killing someone with a knife, but she had no idea how to do it cleanly. 
She ended up turning the knife on herself and making a little incision into the fatty part of her forearm for blood. It would take some extra time and finagling, but fuuinjutsu was almost always what she was most comfortable with. She patted the ninja down for a spare fuuinjutsu brush– a lot of them had them, even if all they knew how to do was re-ink storage scrolls– and set about making a seal that would disrupt the ninja’s chakra just long enough to kill them. 
It took long enough that the farmer’s wife regained the courage to creep into the kitchen.
“You’re one of them,” she gasped at the seal Tori had drawn in blood across the table. 
“Um,” Tori said, settling the third ninja’s hand into place on the seal. “No I’m not?”
She smeared the last character into place with her finger, to activate the seal. She’d drawn the seal imperfectly, as it was on a random table in blood rather than traditional methods, and a lot of very dramatic smoke escaped. 
The farmer’s wife made a lot of dramatic, outraged spitting noises. She didn’t even seem relieved when Tori confirmed all three men were dead now. 
She kicked Tori out, although she did nothing but stand around and accuse Tori of being a lying bitch while Tori patted down the corpses for useful things. Like more pocket change. Or travel supplies. Or– gasp!– sealing ink and a bunch of blank tags!
“Which village sent you?” the farmer’s wife demanded, waving around another knife she’d picked up at some point. “Don’t you dare send any more of your freak friends out here!”
“I suggest burning the bodies,” Tori told her and she packed up her new goodies to leave and wiped the table clean of evidence. She didn’t need any shinobi getting wind of her fuuinjutsu. “Or anything else to hide their identities.”
Of all the villages, Konoha was most likely to send people to investigate random disappearances. They liked tracking where their bloodline limits ended up. Or, at least, that’s what the Iwa-nin that Tori had failed to convince to go engage a Konoha team had said as his excuse.  
The temperature was dropping as she hiked away from the farm. Maybe there was a way to use fuuinjutsu to temperature-regulate her tent… no, that seemed like it needed a lot of testing to make sure she didn’t set it on fire in the night…
Tori’s hands balled into fists as she walked. Why was even finding a warm bed impossible? Or someone to just be nice to her, without suspicion and threats?
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monstersflashlight · 15 days
WIP Word Game
Rules: you will be given a word. share one sentence/excerpt from your wip(s) that start with each letter of that word.
I was tagged by @yesdangerpls with the word UPDATE. This was so hard to do omg.
U - Untilted
Under him you felt at home. Under him you felt better than ever.
P - Best. Night. Ever.
“Please…” Is all you could say before someone else’s dick was inside of you and you were being pounded into oblivion, a new cock being rubbed over your messy face as someone pinched your clit almost painfully.
D - Untilted
“Don’t,” he warned, motioning for me to turn around. "If you are going to wear slutty clothes, I will have to make sure how slutty you really are," he told you as he slowly lowered your dress to the ground. You had only a thin thong under it, leaving you vulnerable in front of him.
A - Untilted
“Ah,” he groaned. “Just keep reading, my love, I just need you so much" You ignore him as he takes down your panties and starts applying some lube, getting you wet for him as you keep reading your book.
T - The star of the day
The packge laveled "star of the day" looked exactly right. You clicked before you could overthink it, more than ready to be exposed and fucked by a bunch of stranger monsters.
E - Ab-sew-lutely (part 1)
“Excuse me, what?” You asked, not understanding what he just said.
No pressure tagging: @ozzgin @dragonsholygrail @bunnis-monsters @monster-mansion @dark-moonlust and @specsthesecond your word is THEME.
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spaceorphan18 · 2 months
The Lady Whistledown Papers : 1x03 - Art of the Swoon
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Welcome back, Gentle Readers, to The Lady Whistledown Papers, where I’m taking an in-depth look at Penelope Featherington and Colin Bridgerton’s character arcs and romance within the show Bridgerton!
For previous issues, follow tag : The Lady Whistledown Papers
So... are you guys excited for this one? Because there's so much I can't even contain myself. No, I'm kidding. This episode might win for most boring Polin episode, and yes, I'm including 2x01, which doesn't even have Colin in it.
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We open with Pen looking very anxiously out a window. What is she looking at? Is it Colin? Are the Bridgertons being bold in broad daylight again?? No, she's just waiting for the mail.
She is super cute when she finds there aren't any letters for Marina and she throws her little hands up in the air exasperated.
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Marina is growing depressed waiting to hear from her love, George. But Penelope is full of hope and optimism. She is so into what's going on with Marina. The romantic in her is thrilled with all this letter writing (hmmm, wonder if that'll come back) and she's encouraging Marina not to give up hope.
She is so smiley and engaged while talking to Marina. This is a real, live love story happening in front of her, that she gets to engage with, and she gets to help out with. It's fun for her, being on the outside of it, like reading one of her stories.
And, I mean, the fact that Colin is one of Marina's suitors just isn't even a factor yet. Pen genuinely cares for Marina, and cares for wanting this love story to play out into a happily ever after.
The romanticism really becomes apparent when she suggests that maybe the reason George isn't writing is that he's on his way back to her that very moment. It's sweet, and a little naive, but Pen really just wants Marina to be happy and in love. Just like Pen wants it for herself. But Pen saves only her cynicism for herself.
Portia barges in right then and scolds her for spending time with Marina. The way Nicola Coughlan stomps her foot and throws a tantrum like a child is really quite brilliant. It adds to the fact that Season 1 Penelope is very much still a child in a lot of ways.
Drawing Room
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Colin is looking for food -- take a shot!
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Okay, so this shot is really kind of cool when you look at it. And I mean, indulge me, there's barely any Colin in this episode...
I love the blocking of it, as you can see so much characterization of the family just from this single shot. Daphne is sitting tall and really center, as she is the main character. Violet is in her 'mother' chair doing sewing. Anthony is off to the side, reading the paper, drinking tea, being very much a father-ish figure. Benedict, seated low, carefree and more irresponsible than his somewhat more serious-minded brother. Eloise is there, reading indignantly. Hyacinth and Gregory are on the floor playing, much like Pen was in the first episode, signifying their youth and childishness.
And then there's Colin. Just... kind of there. Because it's a family scene. A blank slate ready to be written on. He's watching his younger siblings, but not really there with them anymore. But he's not yet fully in the adult world of Anthony, Benedict, or Daphne.
But it's interesting (and important?) that he's sitting next to Violet here. Because while Colin doesn't say a thing here, Violet's words Daphne are incredibly important. She tells Daphne that it's integral that she should marry her dearest friend. And that love is simple when you're in love with your dearest friend. And Colin is sitting right there! The message is one that I'm sure Violet hammers into her children all the time, though Colin is definitely going to be one to internalize it pretty deeply.
The Prince
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[Just an aside, the scene where Daphne snorts at the prince and where Daphne and Anthony have no idea how to heat up milk are really two nice moments in this episode.]
Just Portia Featherington whoring out her daughters to the Prince, and little Penelope falling behind and getting pushed out because who would take her seriously as a contender? But there's Lady Whistledown gossip narrating this moment, and while it's mostly expositional, it's also telling that while Pen can't be front and center, she's still very there and aware.
Somerset House
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Just in case you were wondering - Colin is in this scene! Being amused that Violet is trying to get Anthony to find a wife.
I love that he and Benedict have a good laugh over it (I have a mind to think that Colin and Benedict are always having a laugh about Anthony) -- until Violet literally pushes them out into society as well.
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Hey, they cut from Colin over to Penelope. Cute.
So, I'm always happy when we get a scene where Eloise and Penelope seem to be on the same page. And this small moment of them looking at the art, critiquing it in a modern way, is super fun. They do both share the viewpoint that women should be more than the objects men think of them as. And they laugh about it here, but it's really quite profound.
Pen's attention strays, though, when Marina calls out for her help.
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Portia is trying to set Marina up with some old bachelor, and Penelope swoops in to interrupt. See, and that's the thing. Penelope does have a big heart. She loves love and she wants Marina to be happy with George, and not stuck marrying some old guy where love wouldn't bloom. So she intervenes. And of course, Portia tries to push back against her. Penelope doesn't have much power (as herself) but just the act of cutting in is enough to disrupt the encounter.
Portia calls Penelope a 'meddlesome little wench'. Which is really quite horrible of a mother to call her daughter. But I will say there's truth the the meddlesome part. She does like to be meddlesome, and even the LW persona speaks to that.
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Some time later, Cressida is going to fake a swoon so the Prince can catch her. And look who has a front row seat to that. I love that Eloise is like - wtf, while Penelope is openly laughing at her. Should note that this won't be the only time Cressida pulls this kind of stunt.
Letters II
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Twenty minutes of screen time later, and Penelope's still waiting by the window, staving off suitors as she waits for her husband to come back from going to war and being lost at sea...
No. Sorry. That's the plot of The Odyssey. We will be coming back to that, though...
Penelope's still waiting for letters to bring up to Marina, but her enthusiasm waning.
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She's so excited when she sees the letter from George!
Which makes me wonder - does she always intercept the mail? I love that the servants mostly do not care. Also, no one knows she's writing to Colin between seasons, so she must be diligent about mail time.
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She is so ready to hear what George has written to Marina. It makes me wonder - has Marina let Pen read all her letters? Or has Marina only shared what was in them? And did Pen help Marina write him back? It's clear that Pen's living a little vicariously through Marina in this moment. And it's just as devastating to her when they find out that George (seemingly) has rejected Marina.
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This is really a key moment in that it sets up Marina's trajectory for the rest of the season. Her heartbreak and her fear (enhanced because earlier in the episode - Portia threatened Marina with living like a beggar on the streets) are what lead her to do what she feels is best and safest for her future.
But Penelope is just confused. This is not how romance stories work. He isn't supposed to reject her. He's supposed to come rescue her and her child and they all live happily ever after. It's like she can't quite comprehend what is going on.
Of course, we learn next that this is a fake letter brought on by Portia (and Varley) ever the villain.
The Diamond
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Back in the main plot, Daphne is bringing her a-game hotness as a way to get back at Simon for being a jerk. And... once again, Penelope has a front row seat to it. It's interesting how she manages to get into frame a bunch of times, to show that she is aware and paying attention to what's going on.
It is kind of funny that the LW narration kicks into gear, having lots of critiques over Daphne and Simon's love story -- when Penelope, never even speaks of it as herself. I'll have to keep notice as to whether or not Penelope ever brings up Daphne or Simon as herself.
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This moment I find a little interesting though. Everyone's attention is on Daphne and the Prince, but Penelope is watching Simon. It's another love story that Pen doesn't quite understand. They seemed so together just a short while ago, and not a sudden shift in events. And Pen is once again perplexed by love and all its confounding complexities.
Alright, on to more interesting things -- the next episode actually has a Polin scene in it. A thing rarer in this season than actual diamonds. (Maybe, idk. I'm not really counting.) ;)
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