#and they trigger my ed
dietmineralwater · 5 months
Me pulling the weirdest positions near food so I can see the nutrition labels without looking suspicious
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thomasow · 4 months
Not logging your meals in the calorie tracker doesn't make all those calories go away.
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jamesblr · 11 months
the urge to weigh myself multiple times a day even though it won't change anything
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motylek-337 · 4 months
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slimdoll · 4 months
nothing better than browsing tumblr on an empty stomach.
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bluelric · 5 months
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You don’t understand how much I laughed
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icaruspendragon · 6 months
something the women in my family are absolutely flabbergasted by every time it comes up is the fact that i don’t own a scale.
“how do you know how much you weigh??” they cry.
“i don’t.” i simply respond.
“you look thinner, have you lost weight?” they ask at christmas.
“i dunno.” i say as i check on the turkey.
“you look bigger, have you gained weight?” they probe, as if my weight rests on their shoulders.
“i’m not sure, but it’s fine if i have.” i respond with a casualness they cannot comprehend.
“don’t you want to know if you’ve lost or gained?” they inquire over cups of coffee and a plate of untouched cookies.
“i do.” i take a sip. “which is why i don’t need to know.”
“we don’t understand.” they say.
“i’ll drive myself mad if i know. it’s been a question i’ve been looking for the answer to since i was in the seventh grade and my weight was the topic of conversation for the first time; the stretch marks on my calves puberty brought being questioned and condemned. and so i started weighing myself once a day. then twice a day. i gained weight as i grew and was told to stop. i got depressed when i was 16 and the weight i gained was more concerning than the scars on my thighs. the critiques turned to compliments during my first year of college when i’d started skipping meals and my body had to feed itself because i wouldn’t. everyday i stepped on the scale and smiled as i watched that number get smaller and smaller. hunger felt like victory. i started doing drugs that took away my appetite and then my strength. and started feeling guilt when my stomach felt full. and suddenly every time i looked in the mirror i hated what i saw. the more weight i lost, the better i was supposed to feel. each remark on another part of my body lost felt like a slap to the face. i was told i looked good but i knew i wasn’t good enough. and so i tried harder. and then i started to get dizzy when i stood. and i ignored it like i’d learned to ignore my hunger. and then one day at work i dropped like the weight that was never enough after i bending at the waist to grab a milk cap from the floor. and when the darkness faded, i was surrounded by panic as an ambulance was called. and then i was tested and prodded and poked because they thought something was wrong with my heart. and the problem persisted but they never found out why. but i’d known all along. and then i left home and its scale behind. and moved into a new home that was mine. so i bought plates and sheets and art for the walls. but i didn’t buy a scale. then every time i walked down an aisle i’d see the them and pause. and i’d think about the hunger i now kept at bay. and even though i didn’t know how much i weighed, i didn’t notice my body had changed. and i’d think about how i hadn’t been dizzy for months. and how i hadn’t fainted for longer. and then i’d keep on walking. and now most days i like how i look.”
“but don’t you want to be skinny?” comes their quiet response.
“i want to be myself in whatever body i have.”
they stare in disbelief. so i shrug my shoulders, and grab a cookie. and i smile at them as i swallow the first bite.
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a snack is better than a binge. a snack is better than a binge. a snack is better than a binge. a snack is better than a binge. a snack is better than a binge. a snack is better than a binge. a snack is better than a binge. a snack is better than a binge. a snack is better than a binge. a snack is better than a binge. a snack is better than a binge. a snack is better than a binge. a snack is better than a binge. a snack is better than a binge. a snack is better than a binge. a snack is better than a binge. a snack is better than a binge. a snack is better than a binge. a snack is better than a binge. a snack is better than a binge. a snack is better than a binge. a snack is better than a binge. a snack is better than a binge. a snack is better than a binge. a snack is better than a binge. a snack is better than a binge. a snack is better than a binge. a snack is better than a binge. a snack is better than a binge. a snack is better than a binge.
a snack is better than a binge.
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itsalrightsblog · 2 months
It’s literally disgusting how many old freak pedos slither their way into the ED community. Those types of people are literally as low as it can get.
Reblog if you do not welcome pedos anywhere near your page‼️
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multipearionare · 24 days
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I'm behind on the prompts </3 so yall r probably gonna get sketch-y stuff until the end of taka week sowrry </3333
August 29: L (Little!!!! little taka!!! he's a baby and he's going shopping w his dad!!!!)
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jade-moonchild · 9 months
Maintaining is better than gaining.
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frogb0nez · 9 months
Some facts/statements I use to remind myself that a day or two eating above your calorie limit is not going to reverse all your progress, even if it feels like it has 💕
-You would have to consume roughly 3500 cal above your bmr to put on 1 lbs/0.5kg. The extra few hundred won't have as drastic an effect as your brain believes.
-The weight you think you've put on so quickly is water retention and if you drink enough water it usually goes away.
-The extra calories sometimes help some people with keeping their metabolism high, meaning more weight loss in the long run.
-I know the extra weight in your stomach feels awful but it will pass eventually. Everything passes eventually.
-You can always exercise some/all of the extra calories off for peace of mind if you can't cope.
-Progress never looks like a straight line. Whether you've binged or not your body is still going to have ups and downs. This is just an up wave you need to try and ride.
-Do your best not to let it tear you apart. Try to distract yourself with something for the rest of the day to keep your head above water. If your head does sink under, on the plus side, crying burns a decent amount of calories.
-You are not a robot. Slip ups happen and they're probably happening because you're lacking vital nutrition. Allow your body a break sometimes even if your mind isn't happy about it. A few hundred extra calories may stop you from passing out and bashing your head on the wall.
-Tomorrow is a new day. If no coping mechanisms are helping, sleep it off the best you can. Sleep burns a surprising amount of calories and you can always start fresh the next day.
-You are not a failure. Just because your mind keeps telling you that you are doesn't mean it's true. It's your survival instincts bleeding through the disorder. It's a reminder that the you from before this is still in there somewhere and you'll find them one day. A reminder that deep down you're still capable of finding enjoyment and happiness in something other than watching numbers fall.
-If you've read this far tysm for taking the time to do so and I wish you the best in this crappy life. Stay safe and remember to be smart about your health through this journey💕
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porcelains-sk1nny · 3 months
hungry? look at your thighs and say no.
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emilkaa67motylek · 3 months
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we're getting bad again..
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anaeve1224 · 3 months
fruit m3alspö <3
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all from 📌terest dm for removal 🫶🫶
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